Re: Awesome news and asking for your help

2016-11-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : ns-studios via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Awesome news and asking for your help

Hi guys,Happy late Thanksgiving; hope you had fun celebrating it.There are just a few days left until I count the votes and do what you guys voted for, so please if you haven't voted so far, it would mean a lot to me if you would.


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Re: Awesome news and asking for your help

2016-11-14 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : luiscarlosgm via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Awesome news and asking for your help

Well, I will contact you when I'm out of school.


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Re: Awesome news and asking for your help

2016-11-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : ns-studios via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Awesome news and asking for your help

I understand, however you should've contacted me and I would've given you the link again.


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Re: Awesome news and asking for your help

2016-11-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : luiscarlosgm via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Awesome news and asking for your help

For example I losted a copy of your previous sound livrery I don't know what it spelled, and I don't also, well...


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Re: Awesome news and asking for your help

2016-11-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : ns-studios via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Awesome news and asking for your help

@LukasOh, of course.I have had cases where people lost their copy and I would just send them the download link again.That would be no problem.


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Re: Awesome news and asking for your help

2016-11-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : lukas via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Awesome news and asking for your help

Nikola, the approach suggested in post 12 seems a pretty reasonable compromise to me. I see where you are coming from in your last post, and why that might be a problem, so if you do include gifts, digital gifts would certainly be a much more viable option. :-)However, Shaun is right in that a paying customer needs to have an option to at least redownload the library again in case their hard drive goes dead and they lose it or something.Lukas


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Re: Awesome news and asking for your help

2016-11-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : ns-studios via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Awesome news and asking for your help

These are some awesome ideas @crashmaster.However, I'd need to check my country's international shipping things.I'm all for what you suggested, except from what I heard, the international shipping from Serbia is very iffy.E.g., you can't be sure the parcel will arrive, it would probably cost a lot and take a long time if it is sent to USA or something...Offering the digital gifts wouldn't be a problem, though.I really appreciate you all voting, commenting, and above all else, providing very much the useful suggestions and throwing ideas around.


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Re: Awesome news and asking for your help

2016-11-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : crashmaster via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Awesome news and asking for your help

Hi.For me, there is still another way.1.  downloading the library is fine but what if its well rather large, maybe I don't have the space for 4gb or whatever.Hmmm maybe I want it on a dvd or usb stick.Hmmm maybe I pay for a usb stick or dvd backup.I do have the space but what if my drives go bad, maybe I pay 12 bucks for that backup disk via paypal and get it sent at me.You have loads of options.Maybe I pay to get a behind the scenes look at how bits of the pack were made etc maybe I pay for a nice case, or a bundle which includes a nice t shirt or something.You have a lot of options for support.Last month I got a new cd of a band for family, since it came out of the us I had to pay at least 40 nz dollars for it that included a 12 dollar shipment tax charge as well as extra taxes.For that I got the cd and a sampler disk.I recieved a digital coppy of the album and sampler, the first 5 singles for that album
 , a making of video for another album I have allready, and some bonus digital cd tracks not ever released that I never had before.I could have got a shirt and extras but I got the cheapist bundle I could get.I still got a lot of things.


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Re: Awesome news and asking for your help

2016-11-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : ns-studios via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Awesome news and asking for your help

Thanks, I have thought that the standard payment would be the most suitable.I will see what the votes say, though.I guess if people at the end wish for the campaign, I could put it up on Indiegogo or somewhere I get to keep the money even if it doesn't reach the goal, and in case it ends up ending with a long way to the goal, I could still sell it the standard way after that but for much lower price. Not sure what would you all think of that.


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Re: Awesome news and asking for your help

2016-11-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Awesome news and asking for your help

Well i can appreciate the problem of worrying you won't get the money, but being as most kickstarter and crowd funding campaigns basically run on an all or nothing approach where either you get all the money within a six weeks time frame, or none of the money and have to stop, I wouldn't recommend that. I'd suggest either a, simply selling the thing out right if it took so much work, or B, selling the library for a while and then making it free if you had enough money to justify it, whenever that was.


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Re: Awesome news and asking for your help

2016-11-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : ns-studios via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Awesome news and asking for your help

Thank you Dark for your feedback.I like your alternative option, although I'm scared to go forward with the optional donation plan.I'm just scared that people wouldn't donate at all, or not enough.I have invested a considerable amount of money, and considerable amount of time (>3 years) in order to make this library a thing, and I cannot risk not having at least the amount of money I have invested come back.With the standard payments I'm quite sure I would be able to even go over the invested amount because of the success of the previous library I sold, but donations would be different in that case. People wouldn't feel obliged to donate, and only those that have money that they don't know what to do with would donate.It is definitely a thing to think about, though.


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Re: Awesome news and asking for your help

2016-11-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Awesome news and asking for your help

@Ns studios, I'm afraid my own vote was based on the usual idea of a crowd funding campaign where something is funded, backers get their gifts and then the thing is sold out right.I voted to have a direct payment method since that seemed a more standard way around with the library and wouldn't have potential developers after the campaign had finish being in need of sounds that were only available to backers and unable to get them.However, i have an alternative suggestion, why not simply do as several devs such as Oriol have done in the past. Simply release the library for free but have a "suggested donation amount" That way there is no confusion about who gets what where, you can carry on distributing the library, and people who want to and can donate can do that.Believe me, it's not quite as loopy as it sounds (look at how well the Alteraeon pack has done).


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Re: Awesome news and asking for your help

2016-11-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : lukas via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Awesome news and asking for your help

Thanks for the explanation, Nikola. I see now, that makes good sense. Well, like I said, I'm not against a campaign or anything, so not too much of an issue for me either way. :-)Lukas


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Re: Awesome news and asking for your help

2016-11-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : kianoosh via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Awesome news and asking for your help

Hello. I'm a guy who livs in a country which pay pal has blocked it. Dollars are too expensiv, And having a credit card is almost impossible for me and for us. It'd be really great if you use the kick starter way. Most of the people in our country(At least the blind ones) cannot talk english very well, So i'm talking as their blind friend who knows english. We cannot buy any libraries. Cause of that, we have to use free sound effect which they has a very bad quality most of the time.Thanks,regards!


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Re: Awesome news and asking for your help

2016-11-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : ns-studios via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Awesome news and asking for your help

Hi,Thanks Lukas for a wonderful comment.The library is not completely done right now, but by the time I have to decide whether I am going for standard payment or campaign (december the 1st), it will be fully ready for the release.I was thinking of the crowdfunding campaign not because I want to ensure that I get a fixed amount or anything like that, but to make the library available to everybody, because after the campaign would've been over, I would have made the library free for everybody, and would've gave gifts to backers.The last library was really well received by people, and the purchases kept coming for a long time, I think the last one was at the start of this year.So I am not worried about not getting enough money, but just had a thought that maybe a campaign would be better because more people would have access to it, and people wouldn't need to pay a fixed amount but the amount they feel like donating.


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Re: Awesome news and asking for your help

2016-11-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : lukas via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Awesome news and asking for your help

Hi Nikola,congratulations on the new library. I'm glad to hear of it and will certainly be buying it when money permits, no matter the payment method, although I would prefer standard payment for this kind of project myself. Even the previous library was not bad but many particular sounds just were not suitable for the kind of audiogames that I've been making. So, a bigger library with more and better sounds is always good news. :-)Just to clarify the purpose, why exactly would you prefer a campaign? What else do you need to fund? Is the library not completely made yet, or you just want to make sure you are going to get a certain amount of money off it if not enough people bought it directly, or what?Like I said, I would prefer direct payment for this, but I'm not against a campaign either. I've supported several in the past and I do like the philosophy of campaigns as such, so no problem there. Haven't heard of Gofundme before, either,
  but that platform definitely sounds interesting, so I'll certainly check it out for possible campaigns to support.Another alternative to Kickstarter that you might want to consider is Indiegogo. I believe the site is just but you may want to Google it just to make sure.Just like Kickstarter, this is meant for creative work and similar projects, and it also seemed a bit more accessible, and less cluttered and thus easier to navigate, and also the website as such seemed to be much faster and more responsive to me, when I supported NVDA Remote on it. Unlike Kickstarter, however, you do get to keep the money here even if you don't fully meet the goal, so that could be an interesting option for you in this regard.By the way, I have also voted already, my vote was for direct payment but this message should explain my reasoning.Thanks for the good news, good luck with the library, and I'll certainly be buying it no matter what if you
  do provide a demo or preview of some sort and I find the quality improvement worth it. :-)Hope this helps,Lukas


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Re: Awesome news and asking for your help

2016-11-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : ns-studios via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Awesome news and asking for your help

Thank you all for providing the votes and giving your opinion on this,I'd be happy if you could keep it up, I'd like to hear more of you and to see more of you vote, because the votes are really mixed right now.I should probably mention that it doesn't have to be strictly Kickstarter, so if you have a better platform to suggest, feel free.I haven't done a campaign before, and I have seen people doing the campaigns for their libraries on Kickstarter, so I have assumed that would be the best platform.I have considered the Go fund me as well, but that platform seems more of a necessity campaign platform, where people make campaigns to raze money for their burnt down house, or for the medicines, etc. so it didn't really seem fitting, and probably wouldn't have got much attention because when you see a campaign for someone to raze money for the essencials, and the creative work campaign what would you choose? Kickstarter is more of 
 a platform for the creative work, although from what I've seen, you get to keep the money even if you don't reach the goal on Go fund me.I was worried about not reaching the goal as well, and although I wouldn't have set it too high, it is still a possibility not enough people would choose to back.In case by the end of November the votes are still pretty much mixed, what would you guys say I should do with the people who wanted the campaign?I'm afraid those people wouldn't buy it the standard way, so do you have an  idea what could I do to satisfy both sides if the voting ends up being pretty much mixed like it is now?I really appreciate your feedback on this; it means a lot to me.Thank you guys and keep it up!I will keep looking at the voting and suggestions/comments until December the 1st, when I will act.


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Re: Awesome news and asking for your help

2016-11-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : ns-studios via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Awesome news and asking for your help

Thank you all for providing the votes and giving your opinion on this, I'd be happy if you could keep it up more, I'd like to hear more of you and to see more of you vote, because the votes are really mixed right now.I should probably mention that it doesn't have to be strictly Kickstarter, so if you have a better platform to suggest, feel free.I haven't done a campaign never before, and I have seen people doing the campaigns for their libraries on Kickstarter, so I have assumed that would be the best.I have considered the go fund me as well, but that platform seems more of a necessity campaign platform, where people make campaigns to raze money for their burnt down house, or to raze money for the medicines, etc. so it didn't really seem fitting, and probably wouldn't get much attention because when you see a campaign for someone to raze money for the essencials, and the creative work campaign what would you chose? Kickstarter is mor
 e of a platform for the creative work, although from what I've seen, you get to keep the money even if you don't reach the goal on go fund me.I was worried about not reaching the goal as well, although I wouldn't set it too high, it is still a possibility not enough people would choose to back.In case by the end of November the votes are still pretty much mixed, what would you guys say I should do with the people who wanted the campaign?I'm afraid those people wouldn't buy it the standard way, so do you have an  idea what could I do to satisfy both sides if the voting ends up being pretty much mixed like it is now?I really appreciate your feedback on this; it means a lot to me.Thank you guys and keep it up!I will keep looking at the voting and suggestions until December the 1st, when I will act.


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Re: Awesome news and asking for your help

2016-11-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : ns-studios via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Awesome news and asking for your help

Thank you all for providing the votes and giving your opinion on this, I'd be happy if you could keep it up more, I'd like to hear more of you and to see more of you vote, because the votes are really close right now.I should probably mention that it doesn't have to be strictly Kickstarter, but that you have a better platform to suggest, feel free.I haven't done a campaign never before, and I have seen people doing the campaigns for their libraries on Kickstarter, so I have assumed that would be the best.Yeah, I was worried about not reaching the goal as well, although I wouldn't set it too high, it is still a possibility not enough people would back.In case by the end of November the votes are still pretty much mixed, what would you guys say I should do with the people who wanted the campaign?I'm afraid those people wouldn't buy it the standard way, so do you have an  idea what could I do to satisfy both sides 
 if the voting ends up being pretty much mixed like it is now?I really appreciate your feedback on this; it means a lot to me.Thank you guys and keep it up!I will keep looking at the voting and suggestions until December the 1st, when I will act.


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Re: Awesome news and asking for your help

2016-11-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Ishan Dhami via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Awesome news and asking for your help

Hi NS studios! I prefer a direct payment. because maybe in kickstarter you do not get the amount according to your expectation then what you will do? In standard payment at least you have the assurance that the customer will pay the right amount ThanksIshan


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Re: Awesome news and asking for your help

2016-11-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : jack via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Awesome news and asking for your help

I think a crowdfunding campaign with incentives gives people the opportunity to evaluate the library then pay to support future development and get gifts for backers. However, Go Fund Me is a lot more accessible than kickstarter. I don't know for sure if Go Fund Me lets you include gifts for backers, or if you have to do those manually.


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Awesome news and asking for your help

2016-11-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : ns-studios via Audiogames-reflector


Awesome news and asking for your help

Hi all,I have some awesome news.I am about ready to release my new sound library, which is much higher quality than the one I offer at the moment.I am only wondering what would you prefer guys I did.Put it up on Kickstarter and make it free for everybody (with the special gifts for backers), or have it sold just like the first one, with a single payment?Right now as we speak, the sound library is ~4 GB (2669 files) big.This time, the sounds have been recorded with a much better equipment, and have underwent the editing and post-production.I want to share this library with you, but please let me know what would you choose. Kickstarter or standard direct payment.


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