Re: Making Simple Concepts Unique

2019-09-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Honk via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Making Simple Concepts Unique

Hi Vazbol,great idea for a thread! Here my ideas I had about this problem:1. Change your controls. There is no need to stick to the three arrow keys approach. If you're using touchpad try some gestures instead, if you're using keyboard/controler what about some button sequences? The best game I've played with an unique control scheme was Audio Defense - Zombie Arena. You aimed with the gyroscope of your device which made that really intuitive, quick and satisfying.2. Give your opponents more character. Don't stick to the fly swatter approach where you just kill everything with one hit. Make every encounter special by letting your opponent react to your moves. Maybe let them move around you, give them movement patterns. This makes sure it is not just a one button reaction test.3. Think about your weaponry. Give every piece unique traits that sets them apart from eachother. Some ideas for different areas are fire speed, noise, ammunition, damaging power, range, spread, controls, effectiveness on different opponents. This I think is already quite well featured in a lot of games.4. Think about disturbing factors like ambience noise, random events, powerups, special opponent types etc. There is a lot that could spice up the normal flow of combat.I'm pretty sure there are lots more ideas you guys might come up with. I'm curious how far this gets and will keep an eye on this thread. This might be exactly what we need to bring some fresh new developments into the audio game market.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Making Simple Concepts Unique

2019-09-26 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : simba via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Making Simple Concepts Unique

Hi.Well, there are a number of additional features you could implement and keep the current system as the basic fighting system.for example you can attack enemys in different regions of the body, so head, torso, arms and legs. Enemys can be armord differently heavy in parts of their body, but leaving other parts exposed and not that heavily armored. So you would be able to attack the less armored body parts of the enemy to weaken it or rob it of abilitys like quick moving, or directly go for the heavy armored parts or mix up your attacks so blocking gets harder for the enemy.Timed paries also would be a good thing. currently, when an enemy moves to a position, you can simply hold the shield in the direction till the attack is finished, which could take around 3 to 5 seconds when the enemy just moves into position. In a real battle, the enemy would already have seen you holding your shield there and moved somewhere else. So, paries should be time based. You know where the enemy is, but you have to place your shield or sword into the attacks path when the attack actualy comes for you, and not seconds before the attack even starts.Greetings Moritz.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Making Simple Concepts Unique

2019-09-26 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Mishko via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Making Simple Concepts Unique

When it comes to Veil, I wouldn't like any magic in it, I would like it to be as realistically medieval as possible. So if we are limited, maybe we can have a possibility to fight on horseback and some special moves like swirling attacks with a whip or flale, so that it could hit in all 3 directions from left to right or vice versa depending on how you press the arrows. Then, a possibility to bash the oponent with the shield, or to have spear fighting mode, where you would use a, w and s keys to turn 90 degrees and up arrow to stab.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Making Simple Concepts Unique

2019-09-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : KenshiraTheTrinity via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Making Simple Concepts Unique

No iphone user seems to like talkback's l jestures but they really aren't difficult once you get used to it, and especially if it doesn't have to be a perfect l. I mention this because more inputs means more possibilities. For example, a regular slash might be a swipe in that direction, whereas, a special attack to the front or sides might be an l jesture ending in a given direction. Additionally, pinching and pulling in the opposite direction of a target before releasing could be used for projectile attacks like arrows and slings. I'm not even gonna judge a blind legend too hard because all he has was his sword and shield, but once you start introducing other types of weapons, attacks and magics, then it's just a matter of how many different types of input you want to use and who is willing to learn them. Then like the previous post mentioned, you could equip stuff out of battle for different effects. Enkwentro kinda did this, though due to the linear design of the game they couldn't take full advantage of it, but every weapon did have a unique sound.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Making Simple Concepts Unique

2019-09-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : CrystalD via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Making Simple Concepts Unique

The biggest thing that I find to be the problem with A Blind Legend and The Vail's Gameplay is that there's no variation to it.  Like if you learned how to do the basics, then perhaps you leveled up, got new items to use, new weapons, then it could make it far more fun and strategic to play.  Think of something like The Legend of Zelda's gameplay.  Also not having a directional pattern, but just making you have to pick what to do instead of having it be a reactionary system would be fun.  But yeah, those are the biggest reasons why I find that sort of battle system  boring.  The Vail does a slightly better job at trying to make it interesting, but without anything adding to the style, like using items to give yourself buffs or debuff the opponent, maybe use magic or something would be better as far as the systems not feeling like clones of themselves, or feeling boring to play as the game progresses.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Making Simple Concepts Unique

2019-09-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Vazbol via Audiogames-reflector


Making Simple Concepts Unique

So, I remembered some of the comments people had of "The Veil" at both points of the demo cycles. Some people seemed a bit put off on the fact the combat was similar to "A blind Legend" with a 3 directional combat screen. Then everyone was hoping for something more involved with movement and all these other bells and whistles...   However, I feel that's probably the wrong way of looking at this. Why not make the simple 3 directional combat a lot more unique and expanded? Ideas are usually built upon past models, and we have seen 3  directional combat used in varied ways. Heck, if 2d fighters are still popular after 20-30 years of the format, it's possible to keep an old gamestyle around.  So the question; If you were limited to a combat design like in the blind Legend, how would you make it unique? The combat must ultimately follow the same style, though I will allow actions and the like to be taken outside of combat that may affect combat once entered.


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