Re: Monthly chat February 2020

2020-03-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Foxfire via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly chat February 2020

@Dark, That sim link was neat. And I hope you haven't gotten around to watching STP yet it is the worst Star trek I have ever seen next to II JJ Abrams film and I enjoyed all five of the TV series


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Re: Monthly chat February 2020

2020-02-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Wes Hollow via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly chat February 2020

He doesn't write books about magic, but more like hardcore murder history and detective, a couple sci-fi, and a couple about some hackers who run a smuggling ring. Did't mean to kill the topic, rather wanted to contribute.


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Re: Monthly chat February 2020

2020-02-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Wes Hollow via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly chat February 2020

You guys, your wives and children are in my prayers..I enjoy books by the author John Sandford.


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Re: Monthly chat February 2020

2020-02-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Nocturnus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly chat February 2020

Had a huge scare last night that continued through into the morning; my wife stopped talking. Flat out.  The pain in her face became so immense she couldn't say a word; she could hardly swallow her own saliva.  Got her out of here and to the hospital as quickly as I could; I wish I could thank the guys who dealt with my 911 call, the guys who came and took her to the hospital and even the doctors there themselves.  As I had kids to take care of I didn't get a chance to go.Alright, dealt with most of that before; bad as it was and all that the new twist was in her not being able to control the left side of her face enough to even talk to me.  but what made it worse was that her phone was in her purse and she was not given her purse until right before she left the hospital, meaning I didn't hear from her until roughly 7 hours after having sent her off when she was on her way home, and I was unable to track her so didn't even have a clue if they followed my cues and took her to the hospital I requested she be taken to in the event that I could convince anyone to go and check on her sometime later today if it came to that.  Thankfully she did come home early early this morning and now she's knocked out; not sure what they gave her and I didn't want to press too offal much.


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Re: Monthly chat February 2020

2020-02-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly chat February 2020

@Nocturnus, maybe post about that one in new releases, it looks potentially interesting, though I wish there was a bit more text in describing the stuff you build, though the expantion looks fun. We've got two more radio therapy appointments next week before my lady can ring the bell, a point we're looking forward to, though tomorrow I'm going to go and get some tinned emergency supplies just in case a 2-3 week quarantine is necessary. Remarkably I'm not worried about the quarantine thing, since having had to go to hospital every week day for the past six weeks  we were sort of looking forward to a week or two of doing our own thing anyway, and it's not as if in the 21st century not being able to go out is so bad, heck as my brother pointed out last night, half of the population do that anyhow since society is so crappy . I am however extremely worried about my lady for obvious reasons, hence the hand washing and willingness to quarantine if it becomes necessary rather than take risks. On the plus side, I have now ordered a new mini trampoline which should be arriving today. It's actually sad, I've not outrun any zombies since late December, first because of that bloody cold I got for a month, then because my lady was having radio therapy, and it's high time I got back to things, Zombies run even now has a db entry too :d.I'd also like to start picard, assuming I can sort out Amazon's video interface and audio description, though hopefully that shouldn't be too much of a problem. Doing without audio description wouldn't be too bad provided I can get the thing in full screen, though as Amazon has the option why not? I really wish I could get tng described, since I think my lady would love quite a few bits of it and several characters. Ds9 might be less her thing since she is less keen on super dark stuff and the less said about voyager the better, but she really would enjoy quite a few bits of tng I think. Games wise, I'm continuing with cosmic rage and a bit of erion, though I've also got my worldsmith save on my pc and am looking forward to getting back to that today. Actually, that's one I'd highly recommend, and that from someone who isn't crazy about parser based if, heck it's worth playing for the strategy game alone.


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Re: Monthly chat February 2020

2020-02-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Nocturnus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly chat February 2020

Good grief, Dark.  When trouble strikes I say it strikes hard!I honestly hate the fact that my wife has to go to all of her appointments for that same reason, as they are now saying that Corona will be spreading to the US with greater frequency in the coming weeks.  There are some we've canceled to try and minimise the possibility of picking it up along the way.  As for us nocturnal monkeyfaces, we're currently focused on building cities, because you know, building families isn't enough!  No sir it isn't!  We must build cities, I say!  Actually, this one came about because of this here topic, where one of our wonderful forumites decided to share a game we all felt was a bit t fastpaced and random.  We went on a hunt for micromanagement games that might, just might work a little more slowly and make a bit more sense and found that one.  We've been playing around with it for the past two hours or so.


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Re: Monthly chat February 2020

2020-02-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly chat February 2020

As I have noted before, I write book reviews which can be found Here. @Boo15mario, if you liked ready player one, I can suggest otherland by tad williams, far more of an epic than ready player one, and one with characters who are flawed and complex, plus some of the most evil takes on classic locations from wizard of oz to ancient egypt you've ever seen. I personally read constantly, and whilst I don't read the next big thing just  because it is! the next big thing, occasionally a recent publication will just grab my attention for one reason or another, not the least because I still write reviews, indeed I always try to maintain a good balance of reading books published more recently, and older books too. Most recently for example, I was well impressed with Becky Chambers wayfarers sf series, especially because she managed to do some interesting things in terms of gender and racial inclusion without getting all in your face preachy, or still worse, actively hating anyone who isn't that minority. The one issue I do have with a lot of modern books in contrast to nocturnus, is I really don't like books that read like screen plays with zero description at all. if your an author, remember your characters have five senses, and your not going to have a costume department fill everything in. then again, you can pretty much find out a lot of my thoughts by looking at the reviews I've done . Over here, the saga of the radio therapy continues. One thing that is a bit worrying, is the hospital where my lady is going for therapy each day is apparently going to be a corona virus testing centre. Yes, obviously they have to test people to see if they have it, but if people will permit me a bit of selfishness, why the hell do they have to do this in the same hospital where my decidedly unwell wife happens to be having her canser treated? We've already got some anticeptic hand jell by the door and will use it each time we come in just in case, but especially when coming back from hospital where you could potentially be touching the same surfaces as people who may have the virus. luckily, this is the final week and we'll be done next Tuesday, which we're both looking forward to, and now more than ever.


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Re: Monthly chat February 2020

2020-02-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly chat February 2020

As I have noted before, I write book reviews which can be found Here. @Boo15mario, if you liked ready player one, I can suggest otherland by tad williams, far more of an actual story than ready player one, and one with characters who are flawed and complex, plus some of the most evil takes on classic locations from wizard of oz to ancient egypt you've ever seen. I personally read constantly, and whilst I don't read the next big thing just  because it is! the next big thing, occasionally a recent publication will just grab my attention for one reason or another, not the least because I still write reviews, indeed I always try to maintain a good balance of reading books published more recently, and older books too. Most recently for example, I was well impressed with Becky Chambers wayfarers sf series, especially because she managed to do some interesting things in terms of gender and racial inclusion without getting all in your face preachy, or still worse, actively hating men, or white people or whatever the perceived "majority" is. The one issue I do have with a lot of modern books in contrast to nocturnus, is I really don't like books that read like screen plays with zero description at all. if your an author, remember your characters have five senses, and your not going to have a costume department fill everything in. then again, you can pretty much find out a lot of my thoughts by looking at the reviews I've done . Over here, the saga of the radio therapy continues. One thing that is a bit worrying, is the hospital where my lady is going for therapy each day is apparently going to be a corona virus testing centre. Yes, obviously they have to test people to see if they have it, but if people will permit me a bit of selfishness, why the hell do they have to do this in the same hospital where my decidedly unwell wife happens to be having her canser treated? We've already got some anticeptic hand jell by the door and will use it each time we come in just in case, but especially when coming back from hospital where you could potentially be touching the same surfaces as people who may have the virus. luckily, this is the final week and we'll be done next Tuesday, which we're both looking forward to, and now more than ever.


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Re: Monthly chat February 2020

2020-02-26 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Jaidon Of the Caribbean via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly chat February 2020

If you want a funny, yet relatively short book, try the Wooing of Beppo Tait. Its set in rural Jamaica, in the 40's I think. Good read.


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Re: Monthly chat February 2020

2020-02-26 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Boo15mario via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly chat February 2020

Just so you all know I really like reading Ready Player One, and other books like it. I have read Ready Player One for maby five times.


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Re: Monthly chat February 2020

2020-02-26 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : an idiot via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly chat February 2020

For a wile I had the same mind set as 58. Then I realised that there were actually books coming out that I cared about. At this time where Inclusion is becoming a thing, new authors are writing works that put a twist on things that have remained the same for a long time now, such as say, a  native american navaho author puting a twist on to a fantasy book. That's just one of many examples though seeing as fantasy  what I seem to like most.


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Re: Monthly chat February 2020

2020-02-26 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Nocturnus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly chat February 2020

You know, for all the reading I've done in the past it really is kind of odd that I don't read many new titles anymore.  I don't think I've read a new book since roughly all of the twilight vampire teen stuff came out.  That's not to say I don't read  anymore, and that I haven't picked up a book that is new to me, simply that today's works of art don't seem to entice me.  I'm not exactly sure what happened or why that has discouraged my reading so drastically.  Today, most of the reading I do consists of research rather than pleasure, if I'm reading anything at all.  ON the occasion that I do pick something up for pleasure though, it's generally something I know I'm going to be hooked on, as was the case with the shadow children series not too, too long ago.I can think of hundreds of titles I read from about 1995 until 2009 or 2010 or there abouts, and then reading kind of sort of somewhat took a backseat for me for a few reasons.1.  If I start reading a good book, be it a new title or one I haven't read in awhile and have forgotten finer details about I have a ton of trouble putting it down.2.  That includes falling asleep, which is not good as I already have trouble sleeping when I should.3.  Far too many new authors make me mad with their predictability.4.  Of those that are not, far too many of them are exceptionally flowery and take forever just to get a single point across, burying it in descriptions that border on the abstractly philosophical.  I feel like if I want to philosophize I can do so on my own time without having to read a book to do it.And no, lest you think I'm some sort of hatemonger and whatnot, I do appreciate that today's authors are who they are and are pushing forth works for others to read.  Reading is absolutely important in the development of the mind.  I just can't get into much of what's being produced today, much like I can't really get into much of today's music.


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Re: Monthly chat February 2020

2020-02-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Boo15mario via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly chat February 2020

So today I just got my new player for audio books. I am about to put 184 books on it. I might just become a book worm today. What books do you all like to read, please give the names of the booksmy way.


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Re: Monthly chat February 2020

2020-02-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly chat February 2020

@Boo15mario hope your linux install went well. I confess I've never really understood the point of linux myself, but then again I my relationship with computers has always been based on the question of what they do rather than how they do it, and that isn't the same for everyone.I did do a bit of cosmic rage, though at the moment I've hit a dry spell where the newest activity, asteroid mining is a total waste of time and I need to level up through previous activities like volcano harvesting and pollution cleaning until I can try something else, still nearly there I think. What I have been doing today (other than continuing the very awesome Tad williams memory sorrow and thorn series with my lady), is playing worldsmith. I tried it this morning to check a few details for the db entry, got suckered in to reading the lore, then got suckered in to playing  the strategy part of the game to see if I could build worlds, then got suckered into trying the story that went with it,  which I'm guessing makes me a total sucker .Actually this is one I would highly recommend , and that from someone who largely fell out of love with classic parser based If. The world, the strategy game of world building, heck just a lot of the locations and the story are just so unique and well written, also thanks to hyperlinks play is a good bit faster, even if I do slightly wish NVDA's incoming reading of text on Chrome was a  more workable, or that the game was playable as a Blorb file, indeed I am tempted to ask the devs if there might be one kicking around, though I suspect not.I've dropped the developers a donation on, since it seemed only fare given the quality of the game, and indeed of the strategy spinoff game of worlds card game, which is also worth a play.Less happily, whilst Mrs. Dark is coming to the end of the radio therapy (only another 7 days to go), the effects are building up and she's not feeling great, that is another reason I'll be glad when all this is finally finished.


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Re: Monthly chat February 2020

2020-02-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Boo15mario via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly chat February 2020

@dark I will be on cosmic rage a lot this week end. I will be trying to install Linux for the 8th time. I hope I don't need to hop around for other distros.


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Re: Monthly chat February 2020

2020-02-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly chat February 2020

It's both odd, and somewhat disturbing that with with the corona virus currently rampent in several parts of the world, quite a lot of people seem to have got less major, but still very annoying bouts of virus around now too. I have just finished a six week stint, and my brother and father both now seem to have it, as well as a couple of my mum's friends, and it's apparently now in Americanland as well. Glad your daughter had a good birthday irrespective though Nocturnus.As of yesterday, we managed to get back home for the weekend, and yee gods, it's so nice to have a couple of days where we don't! need to go to hospital, and yes, when we're out of my parents house, since whilst it's both highly convenient to stay with them for travel purposes, and they're being as nice as humanly possible, at the same time, it's good to just be at home! We're both really looking forward to just being finished and having a solid week or so off! We did do something rather interesting on thursday though. As it's apparently science and curiosity week at Nottingham university, they were hosting an event called flight. This was a very disturbing mockup of a plane flight in total darkness, all told by bynoral sound and occasional hydraulic floor movements. The idea was to demonstrate the quantom physics Schrodinger's cat principle, with the entire audience being the cats, the box being a plane flight in total darkness, and the survival being whether the plane crashed or not. The audio was frankly amazing, to the point that you could literally hear people walking up and down the isle, and talking in your ear, which was very disturbing when for example you heard the stewardess whisper "your other half has already died, don't worry it'll be your turn soon," (not a thing you want to hear when holding your wife's hand). Actually the realism really was quite worrying, especially for my lady who is not keen on plane flights at the best of times, albeit once she realised it was intended as a surrealist horror, she relaxed and enjoyed it, though of course the total darkness aspect didn't make any difference to her, whilst to me it was atmospheric, but not especially disturbing the way I imagine it would be for most people. Still, the audio and the surreal horror of it, combined with the feeling of really being on a plane really did make for something quite awesome, if very disturbing. See A youtube trailor here, though I don't think that will quite give the full effect. Other than that, as I said, it's really nice to just be back, and plans for the weekend include reading, perhaps a bit of cosmic rage, maybe some light db editing, perhaps starting Picard on Amazon prime, and in general not a lot else. Heck I do want to start bulwark and the city of flesh for the db, but I'm feeling so shattered today I don't know if if I'm quite up for inervative control methods at this stage.


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Re: Monthly chat February 2020

2020-02-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : manamon_player via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly chat February 2020

hiin this month, I studied a lot


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Re: Monthly chat February 2020

2020-02-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Nocturnus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly chat February 2020



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Re: Monthly chat February 2020

2020-02-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Boo15mario via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly chat February 2020

Nocturnus, Where can I find the conection info for Miriani? I want to try that game. As for me i just got a 25000 Ml battery for chargeing my phone when i am not at my desk. I also have been looking at stuff on amazon. The kind of stuff I have been looking for are what I might need in the future. I hope everyone have a great last week of the month.


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Re: Monthly chat February 2020

2020-02-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : an idiot via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly chat February 2020

It seems almost every one I know or know of has been sick at one time or another over the last 2 months or so. Then again, I had my own tern, as can be seen with my 1 AM forum rant about allergies keeping me up all night a little over a month ago.


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Re: Monthly chat February 2020

2020-02-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : an idiot via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly chat February 2020

It seems almost every one I know or know of has been sick at one time or another over the last 2 months or so. Then again, I had my own tern, as can be seen with my 1 AM rant about allergies keeping me up all night a little over a month ago.


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Re: Monthly chat February 2020

2020-02-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Nocturnus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly chat February 2020

Been battling a cold for the past few days now... I'm not exactly sure how I'm managing to do anything, but manage it I do.  My head feels horrible, I've got skin pealing off my nose, my eyeballs are floating in vast oceans... I'd say even my ears are involved in this one though I can't quite hear what part they're playing.I wanted my daughter to have a wonderful birthday yesterday; she turned 3.  I'd say it wasn't exactly the worst either, but I'm sure it was not as good as it could have been if I had only felt a little better.  I suppose the best that can be said for it is that she got more or less what she wanted, chicken nuggets, fries and cupcakes for supper, a babydoll with all the necessities for a birthday gift, and she got to spend some time with one set of grandparents.


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Re: Monthly chat February 2020

2020-02-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : moaddye via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly chat February 2020

this month suckse quite a bit, because I had mid year tests which were very, very hard. We have 2 parts of each esson and we've only gone with a test of 1 part, and yeah, harde than it seems. gaming wise, I come from time to time on sbyw, but have stopped going on cr. I can't get a copy of manamon2, so yeah, finished it long time ago, the demo vers that is. I have no other game to play(sl kicked me out because I wasn't 18.


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Re: Monthly chat February 2020

2020-02-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Nocturnus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly chat February 2020

@Dark, I believe that you do, and it was the thought that counted more than the reply or any great words you could have used.  It seems kind of strange that we should both be in similar boats if not the same one altogether.  It's also comforting in a way, because while I wouldn't wish this on my worst enemy, let alone someone like you who has helped me many a time in the past, it helps to know I'm not entirely alone, even if the loneliness is there and feels as true and real and legitimate to me as the light of day and the darkness of the night.NOt much more I can say, particularly since I don't want you to focus on the negative; goodness only knows that's easy enough to do, so I'll just conclude with..."We must try not to sink beneath our anguish, but battle on!"


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Re: Monthly chat February 2020

2020-02-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly chat February 2020

@Nocturnus, it wasn't anything specific, more that the setup looked a little more complex than I was prepared to deal with at the end of last week. I'll give it a go when I have some free time and energy, and like as not it'll be fine, if it isn't I'll let you know. As to everything else, well i keep trying to compose a reply, but feel completely inadequate, so I'll just say that yes, I get it.


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Re: Monthly chat February 2020

2020-02-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Nocturnus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly chat February 2020

@Dark, what are you having trouble with on the Miriani setup?  Perhaps my wife and I can help a bit if you describe the issue.There are moments like yesterday, which marked five years of us being physically together, when she is able to have a practically normal day.  It was entirely fun, at her expense.  Now she's lying in bed again and feeling like a train smashed into her full speed.  At times it makes me feel so selfish, because even though I have never directly forced her out of bed she knows that trying to take care of four kids all on my own gets lonely and overwhelming and that I just wish I had a bit of her time, and she bravely gives it at any cost, and then she's down for the count the next day.  She said she was going to try not to sleep all day before she fell asleep last night, and when I went into the bedroom earlier just to check on her she was practically in tears because she felt guilty about not being able to keep to her word, and I felt stupid for not being able to say anything other than, it's ok.  I would never atempt to guilttrip her for not being able to, and I told her as much last night, that I wasn't going to hold her to it either way because I understood her condition as best I could, given I'm not exactly in it.I just wish it were me instead of her, but the worst thing that's happened to me recently is that I accidentally stubbed my toe and consequently my whole toenail pealed right back and off; that was painful as blazes and still hurts if I walk just the right way.  When I put my pain into perspective though and compare it against hers?  I feel like such a sissy.  I can't hold a candel to the marvelous woman I've been blessed with and fortunate enough to be married the rest of you, to whoever is still reading this stuff, I say this.  If you have someone in your life like that, someone you know would give their all for you, someone who would take it upon themselves to be with you no matter what the price they might have to pay, someone who puts themselves before you as often as they can, someone who gives to you and expects nothing in return, someone who has never truly demanded of you more than was absolutely necessary, someone who cared about you through thick and thin, someone who valued you in good times and bad, do me and them a favor today.   Tell them you love them.  Tell them what they mean to you.  Tell them they're beautiful, wonderful, precious and priceless.  Tell them you'll try harder for them and mean it from the bottom of your heart.  Recommit, rince and repeat.  Do this for them, and you'll be doing something great for me in the process too, even if you choose not to believe it.  I love my wife, but I fear things between us will never be as they once were.  There are things I wish had never happened the way they did, but they're all in the past now, and so I'm just living life one day at a time, hoping and praying with all my strength that somehow we can pull through and get back to where we were, but fully accepting that it may never be again.  Until then, I'm forever her's and she's forever mine, and if you have someone like that, I wish you and them the absolute best.  Don't let any negative, personal feelings get in the way of all the golden opportunities you may have to make them feel cherished and valued, because the next second of your life is never garunteed.


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Re: Monthly chat February 2020

2020-02-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly chat February 2020

@Dark eagle, personally I actually like the medeival stuff from time to time, or at least I like to change things around and look at different environments and peoples. that is one thing about none human races, since a good author can make them  interesting as alien races in a scifi setting, though with the added trouble of being a race that boring old humans have to share a planet with. That is one thing about Tad williams I really like. Even your standard evil as evil orcs, trolls etc I don't mind if the story is good enough and if there isa logical reason for them being that way within the worlds' cosmology, plus of course, though they've been stupidly overdone in the Peter Jackson films, fantasy battles can be fun, provided your invested enough in the characters and the battle itself isn't just an excuse to show how awesome the heroes are for no reason. Hope you like the Butcher series, they're sort of steam punk I believe, though thus far I've only ever read his dresden files. @Nocturnus, sorry to hear things are difficult. My lady and I didn't exactly have much of a valentine's day either mostly due to her being absolutely shattered. we usually go out somewhere nice for a meal at least, or at any rate that is what we've done for the past few years, we'll probably need to wait until the radiotherapy is finished to do that this time around. Wes Hollow, sorry to hear about the problems. Finding people who either A, get blindness or B, are at least empathic enough to understand without getting it is not easy, or at least it isn't in Britain, then again Britain is pretty crappy for disability generally and blindness in particular. That is one of the side bennifits of having a soulmate who is also blind; not that I'd advocate uniquely looking for someone blind either. In our case it just sort of happened that way. As people will gather, other than radiotherapy and reading, the other thing I've been doing most recently is working on the db, that and playing various games like cosmic rage and Dreamy train. I do have all the Miriani sounds downloded, but the setup looks pretty complex, plus with having to play db related titles, I'm rather taken up with planet saga at the second anyway.


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Re: Monthly chat February 2020

2020-02-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark Eagle via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly chat February 2020

@Dark:I don't know whether people do this or not, but really man, thank you for updating the database. it is a very important part of this site, right next to the forums. I also hope that the health of the Mrs. Dark is going well now.So, on to the books:I ended up dropping the spellmonger series, since at the end of the day, the magic was not enough for me to well, keep slogging through the medieval setting, with all those efforts to organize an army in that day and age, and various other things.On the other hand, I am at the fourth book in the laundry files, called apocalypse codex. I think I will pick up the codex alera by Jim Butcher, the series sounds interesting.Also, the date of my exams finally arrived, hurray for one more step to say goodbye to the formal education.Except that I can't seem to focus on the subjects, since programming consumes so much of my time, and truth to be told I really don't wish to study the subjects which I really don't like in the first place.In short, there is a lot of depressing time ahead of me, please forgive me if any of my future posts appeared to be nothing more than angry ranting about studies, and how much I hate formal education system of India.


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Re: Monthly chat February 2020

2020-02-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : wing of eternity via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly chat February 2020

@dark O captain my captain.I have found a potcast called existentialism and dead poet society, and i think it puts us alot of questions about our lifes and the way they work.probably you have seen how the english teatcher is inspired by Thorow, nietzsche and can see a reflection if it in nil that kills himself, after he is denyed his pasion, that being acting.and as the teenage boys go on they realise that there is more greatness and individuality to be found.well you can find the potcast on spotify if you are intrested.and i have sent you a pm.


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Re: Monthly chat February 2020

2020-02-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : wing of eternity via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly chat February 2020

daro O captain my captain.I have found a potcast called existentialism and dead poet society, and i think it puts us alot of questions about our lifes and the way they work.probably you have seen how the english teatcher is inspired by Thorow, nietzsche and can see a reflection if it in nil that kills himself, after he is denyed his pasion, that being acting.and as the teenage boys go on they realise that there is more greatness and individuality to be found.


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Re: Monthly chat February 2020

2020-02-14 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : NevEd via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly chat February 2020

Yeah. That's something I don't tolerate either. I don't know how you did, quite frankly, sorry you had to go through that. Hypocritical people I can't stand or tolerate. I also don't think it's necessary for everyone to "joke" about their disability like I do either I just find that it defuses a lot of the awkwardness with me and others, when they walk on eggshells. And honestly, it's kinda funny. Like, I'm blind, and have progressive hearing loss, and there are times where someone will suddenly say something rite next to me and I'll be like "huh?" And they'll be like "oh I wasn't talking to you, sorry" and I'll be like "oh, ok, sorry about that, see I'm blind and damn near half deaf." Or if I can't hear the guy in Subway behind the counter. I'm just sick of feeling like shit about stuff I can't help and that I didn't ask for. Although it's still difficult.


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Re: Monthly chat February 2020

2020-02-14 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Wes Hollow via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly chat February 2020

@38 I get where you're coming from up to a point. You do it and its cool, but its different when others do it too much, and when lines of taste are crossed.. I'm from a different place where we don't let people say too much about us, or it can become a problem. Her people have this mindset of they can say whatever about you, but when you start firing back than they start crying foul.. Thats hypocritical and it becomes the sighted think they should get special treatment.


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Re: Monthly chat February 2020

2020-02-14 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Wes Hollow via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly chat February 2020

@#37 no you are right in a nutshell.. I wouldn't tell you to shut it, or I wouldn't have vented here about it. I know I'm no favorite here, but I need some form of support, as the older I get, none of my sighted friends or family seem to get it.


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Re: Monthly chat February 2020

2020-02-14 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : NevEd via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly chat February 2020

I joke about myself all the time, I'm 50 shades of fucked up and i'm an oddball and I embrace it, makes me and everyone else more relaxed, but theirs definitely a point where stuff goes too far and I'm definitely used to chicks being overly-friendly with me because of who I am and then dropping the friendzone bomb on me after I give them my number. Shit is kinda wack, really. I dunno, whatever, rite? What can you do. I don't feel obligated to kiss someone's ass because they're willfully ignorant and "uncomfortable" around me like I have censory issues.. Personally I don't tolerate people that make stupid fucking assumptions about me just because I'm blind and get pissy when you tell them otherwise.


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Re: Monthly chat February 2020

2020-02-14 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Nocturnus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly chat February 2020

@Wes Hollow, am I understanding you correctly in saying you broke up with your girlfriend because she was being abusive on top of abuse you've already suffered?  BTW, tell me to shove it if I'm digging to far... I was just curious.


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Re: Monthly chat February 2020

2020-02-14 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Wes Hollow via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly chat February 2020

So I broke up with my girlfriend yesterday.. I don't think a visually impaired person who spent the greater part of their life being aggressively abused and bullied should have to withstand more tasteless and off color jokes about said disability to be excepted into a group of friends or a family. Regardless of the hardships said family has been through, and even more so if said family has no disabled people in it who can even relate to the pain.


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Re: Monthly chat February 2020

2020-02-14 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : wing of eternity via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly chat February 2020

Hello what do you all think of spenglars work the d of civilization?i will put an intresting link here.Who knows probably as the movements that once wer to  reshape creativity in the west like  avangard and hipi now are accepted for granted, we have to find other once that will take there place.else probably   will go towrds decline.any way here is the link. … page=0%2C1for example he belifes that feminism and created a megalithical glorifyed wimin can bring serious problems.this being a counter reaction to previews accepted views, .for one feminism ihas overreached it's boundary.Regardless of the subjects and fases of curents his work is very dens and i have problem understanding it in english.I would like to tell mme what you all think.


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Re: Monthly chat February 2020

2020-02-14 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : wing of eternity via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly chat February 2020

Hello what do you all think of spenglars work the d of civilization?i will put an intresting link here.Who knows probably as the movements that once wer to  reshape creativity in the west like  avangard and hipi now are accepted for granted, we have to find other once that will take there place.else probably   will go towrds decline.any way here is the link. … page=0%2C1for example he belifes that feminism and created a megalithical glorifyed wimin can bring serious problems.this being a counter reaction to previews accepted views, .


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Re: Monthly chat February 2020

2020-02-14 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Nocturnus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly chat February 2020

@Mirage, thank you for your kindness.  It looks like I'll be spending Valentine's day with the children for the most part, as my wife is hardly able to keep anything down at present and is weak with fatigue.  Interestingly enough?  Five years ago today she was heading for the hospital with pneumonia.  In some ways, it was that trip to the hospital that brought the two of us together so quickly to begin with, so I'm hoping that somehow today will, if nothing else, help me reflect on things and strengthon my resolve to work that much harder.


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Re: Monthly chat February 2020

2020-02-14 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark Eagle via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly chat February 2020

@Dark:I suppose you are right. actually, I just like the warm weather in general, since it keeps my mood up. which, naturally leads to me playing games, and doing any other thing which I want to do.So, I also picked up the warmage, second book of the spellmonger series. and well, it is interesting to see how the armies are organized in a medieval setting. also how the medieval politics would be during the time of war.But, I actually have another problem. why do so many fantasy series have the conflict against non-human races? I mean, aren't the humans bad enough, that you need some fictional race, in which you can embed the worse characteristics of the humans?


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Re: Monthly chat February 2020

2020-02-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Mirage via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly chat February 2020

@Nocturnus,I am so sorry. There are few, if any, things more painful than watching a loved one suffer.I understand the intent behind the restriction of opioids, but when you deny medicine to those who need it most, you have created a whole new crisis, and I am so sorry your wife is a victim of this.I will pray that our government will listen to us on the situation, and give relief to her by reducing the restrictions on doctors and pain meds.I know that it seems more than you can bear, but your faith is strong, and you will be a blessing to your wife and your children.I will keep your family in permanent prayer.


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Re: Monthly chat February 2020

2020-02-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : crescent via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly chat February 2020

Putting this at the top for those who want/need it. If any of you need someone to talk to, who is sarcastic, but good at pointing out little things that are better than they seem, i'm happy to read/listen to whatever you need to complain about. Even if you just want to know someone hears you, feel free to reach out. I'm pretty easy to get in contact with.For my month, it hasn't been bad so far. I've still been hanging around on second life, and that's been really good for me. It's helped me a lot actually, and I'm excited to see what it can do for me long term. Tomorrow is one of my favorite days of the year, Valentines day. We aren't doing anything all that special, but I still like knowing its a day about love. Other than that, I got a new kindle paperwhite a few days ago, and I'm loving it. It's no where near my first kindle, my third actually, but its my first one without a headphone jack or speakers. It's kind of nice to use that one during the day with a bluetooth headset, and my fire tablet around bedtime. I'm hoping it will let me read more books too, since I felt more limited to just audible books, but I've picked a bunch of free or cheap kindle books, not that I needed more of them, but still, its nice to have the choice.


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Re: Monthly chat February 2020

2020-02-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Wes Hollow via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly chat February 2020

@Dark, I hear ya, bro. As usual, I think about you and your lady, and prey for you even though I don't know you personally. My friend's husband is like a brother to me as we literally grew up together, fought like brothers, and lived on the same block as each other as kids.. We're family, and its thanks to him and his wife that I met my girlfriend. We didn't live in the same city for over ten years, and when I move back we pick up right where we left off. Thats a real friend, and I hate to see what losing her will do to him.


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Re: Monthly chat February 2020

2020-02-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : pool via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly chat February 2020

half a month is already gone but hey, I still have some things to tellI'm  nervous for my final term exams. one is already gone, it was maths on 10th of feb. but hey, I am excited as well, my birthday, guess what? it's almost there, on 15th of february. I stopped playing stw in january to focus on my studies.  I'm excited to get back when my exams will get over, 27th feb that is,I've also started following bsg streams, they are kind of cool. I think I'll be joining all there future streams.that's all for now.thanks,


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Re: Monthly chat February 2020

2020-02-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Nocturnus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly chat February 2020

@Dark, Sovs and Dark Eagle, I'm doing my best to keep it together if only because the children deserve that much.  Honestly, even in her state my wife helps so much.  Somehow she still finds it in herself to do all she does, from taking kids to appointments to taking care of our financial situation, to paperwork and all the phonecalls I don't like making.  When she's feeling super cheerful and active she'll even join me in whatever needs cleaning, but I do my absolute best never to hold her to it nor make her feel like she needs to do it.  It has meant more responsibility on my part, but I meant what I said when I said for better or for worse, in sickness and in health...I guess that's why games like Miriani are so good for us in a way, given how so many different things exist for us to do, from the stupid little minigames like skeball and assault exist, to riding around and looking for asteroids, to missioning with other people on occasion.  That she can even find it in herself to spend time with me is a miracle all on its own... I know she needs her rest, but she doggedly persists on doing her best to be with me at least once a day, every day, and she'll bring me to bed if she thinks it possible, meaning the kids are taken care of for awhile and nothing else needs doing.  Those moments are somewhat few and far between as there are four of them.  The oldest, thankfully, is already going to school, while the youngest is an 8 month old who has recently learned how to crawl and is starting to get into... well... just about everything she thinks isn't hers.  I wish the middle two would help pick up the slack and help watch the youngest since they can see when she's doing things she shouldn't be, but they're too busy playing with toys and trying to con me into giving them TV, iPads, snacks and candy all day long.  Sometimes I relent because I know this can't be any easier on them than it is on me, but I'm doing my best to hold firm and strong.  I know so many people who are parents and probably some who aren't would judge me for some of my decisions, but there ya are all the same.  If you 've read thus far, I thank you from the bottom of my heart.  It means a ton to know that someone's listening. if nothing else.


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Re: Monthly chat February 2020

2020-02-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Jaidon Of the Caribbean via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly chat February 2020

Yesterday was my birthday, but it was spoiled by my sister. She was like,, happy birthday! I love you! Then she told me to tell my brother, who i share a house with, a mother, we bare the same name, he is an ass, then said dont use such words. It was caused after he put up a post saying, for those of you who dont care or forgot, today was my birthday, however it was for other relatives who hasnt wished me a birthday. But other than that, my actual family and I had a great day


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Re: Monthly chat February 2020

2020-02-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly chat February 2020

@Nocturnuss, that sounds really quite aweful. I absolutely sympathise with watching someone you love in pain, and we at least don't have children in the equation. 'Wing of eternity: Oh captain my captain . That's an awesome film and one we really should watch again, indeed I've considered picking up the soundtrack as well.'?Dark eagle, seasonal effective gaming? ,. I actually need to get back to manamon 2 myself since I was liking the game, but maybe after playing through the entirety of Manamon one I had a little bit of an overload ;D.


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Re: Monthly chat February 2020

2020-02-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark Eagle via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly chat February 2020

@Nocturnus:I think that over all, you should try to hold yourself together, at least for her sake.Now, as for the reading, I am already half way to the fuller memorandum, the third book of the laundry files. which just goes to show how much I like the series.As for the gaming, I am sad to say that I don't find enough time to play, this has been like this for at least two months. but I am busy as well, since I am learning java, and exams of the second year college are about to begin. but I am sure that once all of this is over, I will get back to playing with vengence.Actually, there is a strange thing I have noticed in my behavior with gaming. I really play a lot during the time of May, to August. after that, my will to play any game just saps out of me. I don't no why it is that way.


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Re: Monthly chat February 2020

2020-02-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Sovs via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly chat February 2020

@nocturnusDam man. That sounds rough. Really sorry to hear that. All i can say is life is a total bitch sometimes.


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Re: Monthly chat February 2020

2020-02-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : mongoo_4044 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly chat February 2020

wel this month is a very important one because febuary 6th; my first sign of becoming a teen; is detectedwel I don't know why; but I feel something about this forum: it's; a little sadas for gaming; it's ok for me: I am still playing a lot of the games: bk3; manamon2; some small games; and a lot moreabout the teen stuff nowso I was listening to some epedemicsound musicspeaking of epedemicsound you can find there 3 royalty free music and 6 sound effects herehttps://www.epidemicsound.comwel I was listening to some smooth jaz on that day; and I fellt really weerd because as cwc said; smooth jaz makes peeple go crazywel I thought; lets aktualy try it out if that will amek me crazy: after 10 minits it got a noying and I turned it off: then I fellt very entence like something was going to explode inside of meI made a very loud sound: then I was like; wtf? lator; I was laying there on the floor: I also dropped the speaker on the floor: I was perplexed but wel; fuck it: maybe I will deel with it latorthen everything go normal now: but I sometimes get turned on by my classmates: wel; hope you enjoyd this persenal story


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Re: Monthly chat February 2020

2020-02-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Nocturnus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly chat February 2020

@Mirage, post 19... I sincerely thank you.  It'll have to be divine intervention at this point that does something, since I don't see her getting better anytime soon.  Her face constantly hurts, her back is not too far behind.  Sometimes her legs threaten to give out from under her.  She's had more than 90 surgical procedures done for different purposes, been given far too many steroidal and antibiotic medications and in this way had her immune system compromised.  A cold can keep her down for longer than a week; a stomach bug near about makes her a living dead girl, save for the moments when she's tossing her cookies.Somewhere in between all of that she's managed to birth four beautiful children, but I'm sure even that has had its consequences.  Doctors won't prescribe actual pain medication because of the whole opioid crisis and doctors being held responsible for it all.  This is one of those moments when I just have to shake my head... I understand that there are people who are abusing the stuff, but my wife is no substance abuser and should not be labeled as such or be made to suffer for what others are doing.  Sometimes I feel like I'm losing my will and my way, and that's about as much as I'm going to say about how I feel concerning this situation and how it's affected me because I don't want to turn this into a poor me pity party, even though I do wish I had people to talk to.


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Re: Monthly chat February 2020

2020-02-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : wing of eternity via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly chat February 2020

Well i  personaly am reading the ascendence trilogy by Jennifer A. Nielsen chek goodreads … nce-seriesit is sworth of royal fantasy book. And as i am to that does any of you know of a fantasy book that has alot of cort skymming and political ploting?And i am trying to write a short poem as well.If we are talking about movies i watched recently the dead poet's society.


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Re: Monthly chat February 2020

2020-02-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly chat February 2020

@Wes Hollow sorry to hear that, yee gods, it sounds like 2020 is going  be another one of those really aweful years when everything  goes wrong, or becomes wronger. I hope not. @Mirage thanks for the sympathy, we're trucking on with the radio therapy, but things are a little exhausting at the moment, indeed part of that  is staying at my parents, since whilst they're lovely, my mum does go through phases of suggesting an idea she thinks is for my, or sometimes my lady's  benefit, and if we're not absolutely behind the idea she proceeds  try and steam roller us into it with extreme  prejudice, something for which I confess does rather try my tolerance when it happense repeatedly.I'll say for both myself and my lady, not reading would be a little like not eating, possible to survive for a while, but damnably uncomfortable and likely to cause serious harm if prolonged . I always have a book on the go, though I can break this for audio dramas occasionally, and of course my lady and I are usually reading something together too. Right now we're doing Tad Williams memory sorrow and thorn, one of my absolute favourite fantasy series ever and one  read twice before, though for my lady it's the first go around. I've also just finished my last review, for the cold moons by Aeron Clement; think of a rather substandard watership down with Badgers. , This means I'm giving the Doctor who audios a break and back to a novel. I'm doing the night circus by Erin Morgenstern, a book which has been recommended to me several times by different people, about two magicians protege's who are supposed to duel each other  in a magical circus, but wind up falling in love instead. The writing style seems absolutely beautiful, but I can't say much else. gaming wise, I've gone back to Cosmic rage with occasionally dips into dreamy train. Actually Cosmic rage I'm enjoying very much at the moment since several of the issues I had previously have been fixed. I've not actually tried cursed lands yet. I believe that is the sister mud to lament. Lament seemed interesting, but what to actually do in the game or even basic things like how to  find resources was a trifle impenitrable.


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Re: Monthly chat February 2020

2020-02-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly chat February 2020

@Wes Hollow sorry to hear that, yee gods, it sounds like 2020 is going  be another one of those really aweful years when everything  goes wrong, or becomes wronger. I hope not. @Mirage thanks for the sympathy, we're trucking on with the radio therapy, but things are a little exhausting at the moment, indeed part of that  is staying at my parents, since whilst they're lovely, my mum does go through phases of suggesting an idea she thinks is for my, or sometimes my lady's  benefit, and if we're not absolutely behind the idea she proceeds  try and steam roller us into it with extreme  prejudice, something for which I confess does rather try my tolerance when it happense repeatedly.I'll say for both myself and my lady, not reading would be a little like not eating, possible to survive for a while, but damnably uncomfortable and likely to cause serious harm if prolonged . I always have a book on the go, though I can break this for audio dramas occasionally, and of course my lady and I are usually reading something together too. Right now we're doing Tad Williams memory sorrow and thorn, one of my absolute favourite fantasy series ever and one  read twice before, though for my lady it's the first go around. I've also just finished my last review, for the cold moons by Aeron Clement, which means I'm giving the Doctor who audios a break and back to a novel. I'm doing the night circus by Erin Morgenstern, a book which has been recommended to me several times by different people, about two magicians protege's who are supposed to duel each other  in a magical circus, but wind up falling in love instead. The writing style seems absolutely beautiful, but I can't say much else. gaming wise, I've gone back to Cosmic rage with occasionally dips into dreamy train. Actually Cosmic rage I'm enjoying very much at the moment since several of the issues I had previously have been fixed. I've not actually tried cursed lands yet. I believe that is the sister mud to lament. Lament seemed interesting, but what to actually do in the game or even basic things like how to  resources was a trifle impenitrable.Either way, even I can't play everything ;D.


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Re: Monthly chat February 2020

2020-02-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Wes Hollow via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly chat February 2020

Last month was one of the longest of my entire life..My girl's dad was found dead in his home on New Years eve, one of my best friends found out that she too has cancer, and I found out that the eye condition I thought I've had all my life is not the one I really have..There is more, but I'm not sure I can divulge it here. I'm trying to map out my next moves though, and figure out why no matter how good I take care of myself, I still never feel physically well.. Producing my chill-hop music keeps me going. I'm still looking for fun games for my iPad too..


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Re: Monthly chat February 2020

2020-02-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Mirage via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly chat February 2020

Dark and Nocturnus,Both of your wives are in my prayers as of now. I am so sorry you are all having to go through these challenges, and I pray things will get much better for all of you very soon.@Crescent,Thank you for letting me finally understand what Puppy Bowl is. I knew it was puppies, and cute music, but that as all I could figure out.I am reading a lot right now - the Bible daily, some history, and "Lock and Key" by Joe Hill. I hit a book slump last year, so it feels good to get interested in reading again. I just rejoined Audible and bought a 50-hour biography of Winston Churchill.I am still playing Accursed Lands as my main Mud.But I need to go back to Zombies Run, for health, but also because it's so much fun. I didn't know anything about these new adventures!


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Re: Monthly chat February 2020

2020-02-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark Eagle via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly chat February 2020

So, I finished the Jennifer Morg just two days ago, and I am surprised that I was able to finish it so quickly, specially since the Attrocity Archives took me entire month to finish.Guess I like the character Robert "Bob" Howerd


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Re: Monthly chat February 2020

2020-02-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : vablus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly chat February 2020

Hi there all,So, I've been in college for a while. I'm currently taking 4 classes with 1 lab and 1 recitation.  It's interesting, but damn do I hate the late night classes.Other than that, I've been playing CLok when I have the time, honestly it's becoming  a bit of a burn out for me since I play it every day. I've been playing Second Life when I'm not playing Clok, it's fun, but fishing is pretty much the only thing I  can do, so we'll see. I go to the events sometimes.So, there we are. My month is going pretty well.


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Re: Monthly chat February 2020

2020-02-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Nocturnus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly chat February 2020

@Dark Eagle, post 15, very clear indeed.  Actually, the interesting thing is that they say that second hand smoking, IE, breatheing in what others are exhaling from smoking themselves can be more dangerous than smoking directly.  Regardless, your point stands strong and we need to realize that fingerpointing without all the facts is a dangerous business.


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Re: Monthly chat February 2020

2020-02-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark Eagle via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly chat February 2020

Since Nocturnus raised the topic of lung cancer, I would like to point out some observations:Around 3 months ago, in Delli there was this kid who was diagnosed with the lung cancer, naturally he/she was not a smoker.At that same time, there was this woman in her late twenties, who never smoked in her life, yet she was diagnosed with the lung cancer as well.Naturally, the doctors revealed the cause: polution.At this point, I hope what I am trying to say is clear.


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Re: Monthly chat February 2020

2020-02-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly chat February 2020

@Jaiden thanks, it hadn't ever occurred to  me to leave my lady with my parents in Nottingham whilst I stayed at home, that would be plane unthinkable, not the least because we've physically never spent a night apart since my lady came to Britain in January of 15, heck one night when we stayed in a twin bedded room in a hotel and couldn't  sleep together we were not happy.Being two introverts We certainly do spend time doing our own things, and occasionally go out separately (something we would probably do more if we actually had friends around here), but generally speaking unless there's a valid reason not to, we prefer to at least be physically together as much as possible.Good luck with the sports etc. Physical activity is a good thing, indeed another part of why I'm feeling a bit crappy at the moment is simply that since I've had a cold literally since Christmas I have had to stop my daily workouts with zombies run, though I'm hoping as I seem to be physically better that I can take that up again soon, particularly since they apparently have some pretty cool new adventures to try, like one where you play a roman soldier running along Hadrian's wall (especially interesting to me   seen the ruins), a dystopea sort of story, and even some sort of undersea expedition. @Nocturnus, again, the sympathy is appreciated, especially since I know your not in a great position yourself with Nightshade being unwell. With respect to my lady's cancer I said, "embarrassed," not "ashamed." It's not due to any beliefs about what caused the cancer, neither is it any sort of sexual shame issue (as I have said before my lady is very open about such things), it's simply, as you said, about respecting her privacy.Whilst I'm not too pleased about having to head back to my parents' in Nottingham and spend further time in hospital, on the plus side I've been doing some pretty awesome Doctor who of late. ctually I've had a bit of a break from the big finish audios recently, so it's nice to get back to them, especially Torchwood which is as fantastic as ever.


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Re: Monthly chat February 2020

2020-02-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : crescent via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly chat February 2020

It's been only a day, and I've done a lot actually. Today was the puppy bowl which is my favorite day of the year. For those that don't know, its a bunch of shelter puppies put into two teams, fluff and rough, and they are supposed to carry toys around a field, and if one ends up en the endzone, its a touchdown. It's just a fun superbowl alternative that brings awareness to shelters. I ended up doing some terrible recordings for the second life topic, and that actually got me to start using Reaper. I'm planning on at least learning the basics of editing with it, but so far, its not my favorite. I'm hoping that soon I'll be able to get back into writing, as I've had a lot of trouble with that lately, but hopefully some idea will show up at some point.


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Re: Monthly chat February 2020

2020-02-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Nocturnus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly chat February 2020

@Dark, I promise not to push, but honestly?  Cancer is not something anyone should be shamed for, regardless what kind it is.  Lung cancer may or may not come from smoking, but smoking is a bad but popular habbit a ton of people pick up in their early teens; hell I knew a girl who picked it up at age 9 because everyone around her did it.  Beyond that I can't think of any legitimate reason for anyone to feel ashamed of something they cannot entirely help.  My wife has a great risk of both ovarian and cervical cancer as women in her family have both dealt with and died from it.  If anyone thinks that has to do with sexual lifestyles and the like they're sadly mistaken.  My point, once again is not to push, but to let you both know, particularly if you decide to pass this on and or she is reading this, that there's no reason for her to be ashamed of it.  There may be things she could have done to reduce the possibility... Maybe, but there's no sense in beating one's self over the head constantly and wondering what if I, rather than just pushing through with what should I do now, particularly if you don't know for certain that this or that would have honestly done any good in the end.  I mean, just as I know people who have gone down the lung cancer department because of smoking, I know life long smokers who have never had any kind of alement in their lives.On the other hand, I totally understand where you're coming from and commend you for not disclosing the entirety of the situation.  Confidentiality on that level is absolutely vital to a relationship like yours and should be treated with respect, thus I'd take my hat off to ya if I were wearing one, but I've never worn a hat in my life.  I think the closest I can get to that would be shooting my eyeballs out of my sockets which I sheepishly admit is something I spent too much time practicing in an atempt to perfect as a kid, but which I obviously know would not get the point across any better.  Regardless, here's to the both of you and hoping for a better tomorrow I'll keep my ears, if not my eyes out for.


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Re: Monthly chat February 2020

2020-02-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Jaidon Of the Caribbean via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly chat February 2020

Ugh. This January sucked. As you can all tell from my topic. Its ben getting worse, and worse. I been hoping this month Improves. my birthday is in 9 days, and my mom planned a big barbecue, cake, and ice cream celebration. So some relief coming from there. I still try to remember my family at home when my life in school becomes shit. My brother, tries to train me, make me more tuff, but he doesn;t know how to go about it. He just makes me moree and more depressed everytime he tries. I decided to pursue writing for my school. They might start a school newspaper soon, so I may either write stories or columns about tech or something else. Trinidad is becoming more and more nose deep in Goalball, and I'm apart of it. I want to introduce power showdown to them as well. Dark, Dan, and Nocturnus, I hope you guys improve. I don't wanna sound like some generic person who says, I hope you feel better just for the sake of courtesy, but out of senseririty. I genuinely hope Misses Dark can at least find some sort of relief. Dark, I must say hats off to you. Many men would have just shipped off the wife up to Nottingham, which, my grandmother used to live in the 80's,  and stayed right where you were. Nocturnus, Nightshade reminds me of my mother. She has high blood pressure. She can be how sick, but everyday, she gets up at 4 AM, fix lunch for me and my little brother, she opens our store, and she gets my brother ready for school. And she doesn;t want anyone to feel simpathy for her. All she cares about is the people who matter to her the most. Her family. Dan, I had gastro antitis a couple months ago. Its not pretty. Just remember to drink lots of water, and avoid curry.Do you guys have much curry outside Trinidad, the Caribbean, and India?


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Re: Monthly chat February 2020

2020-02-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly chat February 2020

@Nocturnus, really sorry to hear about Nightshade's own issues, spinal problems I know can be incredibly painful, so I hope she's as alright as humanly possible in the circumstances, and thanks for the sympathy. @spiderman, as someone who grew up playing original sonic on the Sega Genesis (megadrive as it's known in the UK), in the nineties, I'm sort of dreading what sort of mess will be made of a sonic film . my lady is likely to need lots of MRI's after she finishes as well, though at this point that sounds like a cakewalk particularly being something she's sort of used to. Indeed, like Dark Eagle, she had Ocular cancer herself as a two year old, which might have made her more susceptible to this one. Oh, and btw, no, I haven't mentioned the specific type of cancer here quite deliberately since it involves some embarrassing lifestyle factors which are not really something my lady would want casually chatted about on the internet, suffice it to say, definitely not fun. Well I'm having a nice weekend, indeed considering that we're spending a couple of hours in hospital each week day, weekends really! feel like a break at the moment, especially since we're staying with my parents and it's our one opportunity to get away and be at home together, and get some peace and quiet into the bargain. Though I will say it's nice to have a couple of days just to relax, I have at least setup our spare echo dot this morning. Being as we're spending so much time at my parents in Nottingham I bought a second echo dot for there, but for some reason it didn't like the wireless network, so I've had to bring it back here to setup properly. When all this is over we may even get another one for downstairs in the house since they are handy, and I quite fancy that new rpg.As to my stories Dark eagle, thus far I've mostly written in third person, though I'm up to trying something else if it fits, indeed one I have in the planning stage at the moment is in the form of a blog article.


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Re: Monthly chat February 2020

2020-02-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark Eagle via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly chat February 2020

@Dark:I don't remember whether I have said this before or not, but as someone who lost his eyes to the cancer, (And really beautiful curly hare to the treetment according to my mother,) I feel your pain man. I don't think that I can say anything more on that topic, people have already said what I can say to you much better way than I ever could.As for your stories, I want to know, what sort of format do you prefer to right? you know, the first person, or the third person.So, my learning of java, continues, and lets just wait for it to complete before I give you my thoughts on that.On the other hand, I picked up the second books of the spellmonger series, and the laundry files. my mother wasn't pleased about it, since the exams are dew in april, but I could get care less about them.the jokes on the laundry files however, I feel that they are quite programmer oriented. you need the deep knowledge of computers to appreciate them. for example, in the second book there was a joke about how handing a c++ compiler to the students would not end well.Also, there was  mention of the java applets, which died a harrific death just five years ago, yet in those books they are presented as something really good.Anyway, I hope you have a nice febuary, since it is longer this year.


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Re: Monthly chat February 2020

2020-02-01 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : SpiderMan via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly chat February 2020

Henlo.This month has been a hard one for me. January, that is. I had to deal with a mentally abusive mother, who, unknowingly, set off my first anxiety attack on Wednesday that I'm still feeling slight aftershocks from. My girlfriend came for most of the month, and we were searching for apartments, but none were found, so we're back to square one in that regard.On the bright side, though, this month will see the incoming of two of my most anticipated statues. Juggernaut and Spider-Man from Sideshow. So those will be two very cool statues to add to my collelction. I'm not sure what this month will bring, as it's all school and work, but it should be fun. I'm going to see Sonic The Hedgehog on the 13th, so that's something to look forward to.Dark, I had cancer myself. So I know what it's like to go through it on a personal level, being the patient. I still get periodic MRI's from time to time to check on it, as it was never fully stopped, just subdued. Best of luck, and excelsior.


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Re: Monthly chat February 2020

2020-02-01 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : crescent via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly chat February 2020

Well, I'm still dealing with a cold, and as usual for me, it takes forever to go away. I haven't been interested in Cosmic Rage lately, but I'll leave that alone for now at least. Recently, I've really gotten into second life, and am having a lot of fun being able to interact with a visual world without being able to see it. It actually makes me excited for what we can do in the future. Other than that, my pets have been doing pretty good lately, and I really want to get another dog, even though I know I can't right now. Good luck to everyone with their medical things going on. There never fun.


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Re: Monthly chat February 2020

2020-02-01 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Nocturnus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly chat February 2020

@Dark, I don't know if I've taken the time elsewhere to say it, but I probably should have if I haven't given you and I are in similar situations.  I sincerely hope your wife gets better soon and that you all can get on with enjoying your lives without the gloom and doom of medical complications in the way.  I've heard it was cancer of some description but I obviously don't know much about it so will only say that whatever it is I am truly sorry you all are going through it.My wife suffers from something called trigeminal neuralgia, a condition that causes her face to hurt at random times and for random reasons all associated with the trigeminal nerve located at the base of one's brain which is stimulated in a negative way.  They say it can be associated with blood vesels, a messed up artery, possibly multiple sclerosis.  I have my own suspicions but am no doctor to push further with my speculations to do anything about it even if I am right.  She had an MRI done on her back in 17 and a tumor was found in her spine, which I personally believe is compressing the nerve in question owing to the possibility that it has grown in the past two years as it was not removed as it should have been back then.  Once again, that last bit is hypothetical and I know very little about the medical field so can not honestly say for sure.What I can say is that I've seen what it has done to her in just the past year.  Somedays she's as young and vibrant as she's ever been.  ON others she can barely get up out of bed but still fights valiantly to do so because she has four children to take care of and does her best to assist me with anything else that needs doing.  Regardless, before it seems like I"m writing out a post seeking sympathy which I am not, I can't stress the point enough that while I may not know precisely what you're going through, I do know that it has to hurt to some degree and has more than likely caused greater stress and perhaps confusion than any of us can imagine.  I sincerely hope things get better for the pair of you quickly.


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Re: Monthly chat February 2020

2020-02-01 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dan_Gero via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly chat February 2020

I myself had a wake up call towards the end of January. I ended up having really bad stomach pain which landed me in the hospital, and we all think it’s because of how bad I slipped on my diet. I’ve never been a very good eater, and I think it’s finally starting to catch up with me after all these years. Looks like this month is going to be the month where I’m going to start eating more and eating better. This is going to be both very difficult and very stressful for me given how many years I’ve not been eating well, so any prayers/good vibes/whatever would definitely be appreciated. Dark, I hope things get better for both you and your lady; cancer is a very stressful thing to deal with. I’ve lost friends and family to cancer before, so I can sort of feel that stress, and it’s probably a lot harder when it’s your own wife. Good luck to you guys.


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Re: Monthly chat February 2020

2020-02-01 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly chat February 2020

@Boo15mario, good job on creating the topic, glad the tradition is continuing since I do enjoy these monthly chat topics as people might have gathered. I actually need to get back to cosmic rage. My new muteriansi character was doing quite well up until I had my ship distroyed, and I really enjoyed the new take on asteroid mining, even if I was a little irritated at the lack of solo space combat anymore.@Aaron thanks. Yes, we've just had week two of radio therapy, and are starting week 3 on Monday and February is probably going to comprise weeks 4-6. You wouldn't believe how tiring sitting around in hospital for two hours each week day is, and that's just talking about me, never mind my lady who's getting repeatedly lasered each time.We#re also having to start my assessment to go on the guide dog list because Reever is retiring. This has been quite a tortuous affair for various reasons I won't go into, and has been far harder than it should've done, but hopefully from this point things should work out, even if Reever is going to have to retire when my lady's radio therapy is finished, though we've put in a request that she continues going until that's done since trying to do hospital with a cane, especially in some of the chemo wards with drip stands and such could be difficult. Gaming wise, I've been having fun with dreamy train, the pace of the game is about as relaxing as I need right now, indeed Manamon 2 and a couple of other higher tension games like the tempest season mud have had to go slightly on hold since I've  been a bit too tired for majorly complex stuff right now, though maybe I'll see about getting back to cosmic rage and trying some of the more relaxing activities.I have also just finished the war master series from big finish, and yee gods season 4 was amazing! seeing the master actually win by taking Davros' place and becoming creator of the daleks, then finding that victory wasn't all he planned, one of the best Bf stories I've heard for some considerable time I think. I also hope to get to the 13th doctor's second season too, though as watching tv with vision is always a little more tiring, and there is no audio description I've not been quite as up for that. The one thing I have done is submit a couple of my stories for publication in some magazines. No luck so far, but we'll see.


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Re: Monthly chat February 2020

2020-02-01 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : aaron via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly chat February 2020

@Boo15mario thanks for starting the topic, and thanks to whoever made it sticky, which would have been one of the other staff. I know that Dark's going to be spending a while in Hospital with his lady, so I am sure he'd appreciate this. I just am not sure if it started today or not. Dark, if you're reading this I wish you both the best of luck.


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Re: Monthly chat February 2020

2020-02-01 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Juliantheaudiogamer via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly chat February 2020

Hi,I hope February goes better for me as well, both for School and for social stuff.Gaming-wise, I am still tryinhg to complete Manamon, which is difficult because I don't have as much time as I would like to have at the moment.


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Monthly chat February 2020

2020-01-31 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Boo15mario via Audiogames-reflector


Monthly chat February 2020

Hello, I hope this month goes a lot better for some on here. This month I plan to get a new phone because, my current phone is eventually going to not work with bluetooth or wi-fi as I am starting to have problems with both chips. I am going to play Cosmic Rage now.


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