Re: My Road to rage server: How to handle the cheaters?

2017-07-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : braille0109 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: My Road to rage server: How to handle the cheaters?

oh yeah, make it paid, like it'll solve everything. quite possibly it will, but on the flip side, there will hardly be any players since: 1) some can't afford it. 2) some don't want to pay for games. 3) some have nothing to pay with.  at the time of posting, this guy didn't think of these points. this is exactly the reason why I will not try swamp,  BTW. I refuse to pay for something, that I can't try, and no, the off line version of it is not the same. so if paying is not optional, I'm out of the game,.


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Re: My Road to rage server: How to handle the cheaters?

2017-07-18 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : SLJ via Audiogames-reflector


Re: My Road to rage server: How to handle the cheaters?

Hi.@Orko: Since RTR originally is a free game, I won't charge for this. The server side is not build to handle accounts anyway, so if I would do that, it's currently not possible.@Dgleks: There is no Linux version of the server available, so I'm using Wine.


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Re: My Road to rage server: How to handle the cheaters?

2017-07-18 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dgleks via Audiogames-reflector


Re: My Road to rage server: How to handle the cheaters?

@SLJ, just wondering, how did you get a Linux copy of the server? That would be nice so I can always keep my server running.


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Re: My Road to rage server: How to handle the cheaters?

2017-07-18 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Orko via Audiogames-reflector


Re: My Road to rage server: How to handle the cheaters?

Here's an idea though it might not be very popular.Take a page from Aprone and charge for a server account. The idea being that if you have to pay for and the threat of a permanent ban may not be so appealing and thus deter cheating.Aprone's Swamp Readme wrote:When online games allow you to sign up with only a name or an email address, those games are very easy for hackers to destroy. Providing an email address is considered a weak identification, which has no weight, because people can easily create as many email accounts as they want. If a troublemaker is removed from one of these games, they can have a brand new email address within minutes, and fool the game into believing they are a brand new person. Gamer Accounts must be purchased with real money, so someone cannot easily make as many as they wish. This is a much stronger form of identification because the real life cost adds weight to it. If a troublema
 ker is removed from one of my games, they must pay real money to try to get back in. When cheaters and hackers have to pay real money each time they are caught, it discourages them from ever trying to return.


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Re: My Road to rage server: How to handle the cheaters?

2017-07-18 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : braille0109 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: My Road to rage server: How to handle the cheaters?

after sorting out the maps, the only issue that remained for me was susi. if you put up the server, it will be most welcomed, but it''s up to you, after all.


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Re: My Road to rage server: How to handle the cheaters?

2017-07-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : SLJ via Audiogames-reflector


Re: My Road to rage server: How to handle the cheaters?

Hi.@Ghorthalon:Thanks so much for the new version. Removing uncle susi will get rid of most problems for sure.For everyone: I'm thinking about putting up the server again because the uncle susi has been removed. I would like to ask if the uncle susi was the only issue, or were there other issues which I wasn't aware of?


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Re: My Road to rage server: How to handle the cheaters?

2017-07-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : GhorthalonTheDragon via Audiogames-reflector


Re: My Road to rage server: How to handle the cheaters?

there's a story behind that weapon.I just posted the link in the official RTR thread, but here is the new version. SAPI is broken, so if you need that then you might wanna use NVDA for now.


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Re: My Road to rage server: How to handle the cheaters?

2017-07-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Exodus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: My Road to rage server: How to handle the cheaters?

what on earth is a susi. Is their a story behind how this weapon got it's name? Or are people legitimately having issues spelling Suzie.


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Re: My Road to rage server: How to handle the cheaters?

2017-07-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : GhorthalonTheDragon via Audiogames-reflector


Re: My Road to rage server: How to handle the cheaters?

Hi,Yeah the banning system is very rudimentary and doesn't do a whole lot. I'm glad the game caused a lot of fun. I'm surprised how well it works, given again it was my first fps and my first multiplayer project.It is a new version. The weapons have changed, and I completely took out uncle susi, so I hope that will get rid of most of the problems.


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Re: My Road to rage server: How to handle the cheaters?

2017-07-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : braille0109 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: My Road to rage server: How to handle the cheaters?

can I please trouble you enough to send us a link when it's uploaded?


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Re: My Road to rage server: How to handle the cheaters?

2017-07-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : braille0109 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: My Road to rage server: How to handle the cheaters?

so: 1) since IP banning doesn't work, regardless of whether someone helps us or not, that still won't get us anywhere, kind of as I suggested. 2) Gorthalon, if that helps, it took 5 years for someone to create a game, that's worth playing in the FPS category, if that helps. considering it was your first game, it came far enough. and, since susi was the main issue, other than susi, the banning system may do for what we need it. so is this version you're uploading a whole new version, or is it just a version, without susi? thanks much for all the fun, that is coming up, and that we've had in the past.


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Re: My Road to rage server: How to handle the cheaters?

2017-07-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : GhorthalonTheDragon via Audiogames-reflector


Re: My Road to rage server: How to handle the cheaters?

It's not much but I've taken uncle susi out of the game.I'm uploading this thing. It's huge and probably not very organized so I might have to do that at some point, but hey, let's give it a try. I should have posted this months ago when it was completed but never got around to it. This code makes me question a lot of things. It's bad. 2 hours left to upload. Good lordy...


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Re: My Road to rage server: How to handle the cheaters?

2017-07-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Sebby via Audiogames-reflector


Re: My Road to rage server: How to handle the cheaters?

Yeah, my thinking was a simple loop, just run it from cron or something: parse a log of IPs using the cheat, and invoke a program to ban. Obviously, if you need the client, you can't do it that way. You'd have to do it in the firewall (iptables) which would be less subtle but just as effective.And I've give a lot to watch a game in which a player's connection suddenly hangs mid-cheat because they used a naughty command. 


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Re: My Road to rage server: How to handle the cheaters?

2017-07-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : GhorthalonTheDragon via Audiogames-reflector


Re: My Road to rage server: How to handle the cheaters?

yeah, RTR's banning is super cheap. This is probably something I should have paid more attention to, but at the time it wasn't such a big deal.Honestly though, people can still play on personal servers. I don't know if it's right, but I feel my time is better spent working on a newer, better game where this thing is less likely to happen. RTR was my first FPS, and even my first multiplayer project ever. I've learned a lot and I think it came quite far, but those things were bound to happen eventually. I was too good hearted. Haha.


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Re: My Road to rage server: How to handle the cheaters?

2017-07-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Aprone via Audiogames-reflector


Re: My Road to rage server: How to handle the cheaters?

Unfortunately banning by IP only works for like 2 minutes on most trouble makers.


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Re: My Road to rage server: How to handle the cheaters?

2017-07-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : braille0109 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: My Road to rage server: How to handle the cheaters?

although the RTR server itself logs IP'S, so you wouldn't even need external help to ban.


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Re: My Road to rage server: How to handle the cheaters?

2017-07-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : SLJ via Audiogames-reflector


Re: My Road to rage server: How to handle the cheaters?

Yes, you need the client to send remote commands to the server. You just need to know the command and the admin password. That's all. No security involved.


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Re: My Road to rage server: How to handle the cheaters?

2017-07-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : SLJ via Audiogames-reflector


Re: My Road to rage server: How to handle the cheaters?

Hi all.Thanks a lot for all your comments.I have decided to close the server for the following reasons:1. Some people don't take siturations like this serious.2. I can only ban IP addresses which don't stop people.3. I can't do anything about the cheat, when it's that easy to cheat because of a bug.4. I don't have the experteese to log the network trafic and ban people in this way. I just have no clue on how that works or how that's done.5. Ghorthalon is working on a new game and will properly not care about this old game anymore.I'm glad to hear that a few people at leased enjoyed the server. It's sad to see yet again, that people who don't grow up destroys something which other people are enjoying. That's what people choose to do, and I can't do anything about it. So, to all of you who liked the server, I'm sorry, but I can't control what people are doing. I wrote in 
 the message of the day on the server that cheating wasn't allowed. People enjoyed to mess it up anyway, so there you have the result of this.I might host the new game Ghorthalon is working on, if there is no cheat or a better way to ban people. We'll see what happens in the future. I've moved on to other projects, where people aren't able to cheat. 


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Re: My Road to rage server: How to handle the cheaters?

2017-07-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Sebby via Audiogames-reflector


Re: My Road to rage server: How to handle the cheaters?

Forum mods can perform lookups by IP, so we could at least correlate. It might not be perfect though, agreed. But that still allows the server op to filter packets from the IP, and ban whatever player has that IP.How do you send remote commands to the server. Do you need the game client just to do that too? If so, it might be a little bit of a problem.


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Re: My Road to rage server: How to handle the cheaters?

2017-07-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : braille0109 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: My Road to rage server: How to handle the cheaters?

RTR already logs the IP, so he can just ban it. the issue is, we just have a nickname on RTR. so say, my user ID over here is braille0109. on RTR, I may go by stranger. the user ID could be entirely different from the actual nickname, not to mention that some may not be registered. I agree, though, the best would be is a fix, but, as the game is no longer maintained, I can't see that happening any time soon.


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Re: My Road to rage server: How to handle the cheaters?

2017-07-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Farhad Ali Bhatti via Audiogames-reflector


Re: My Road to rage server: How to handle the cheaters?

don't close your server slj, i hope you will fine solution.because you are honest man, and you hosted server for others fun and enjoyment, so don't be sad and dont be heart, you will be success to stop them.


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Re: My Road to rage server: How to handle the cheaters?

2017-07-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Sebby via Audiogames-reflector


Re: My Road to rage server: How to handle the cheaters?

Obviously a bugfix is the only real long-term solution.But, if it were me, I should try to outsmart the bastards in the meanwhile. You're on Linux, so you have iptables. You could log network packets that contain a particular payload, like the one that engages the cheat, perhaps containing "uncle susi". There's a good chance it'll work, since most traffic generated by audio-games is completely unprotected. Now you can use your logs to find the IP addresses of the offenders, which you can then automatically filter, again with iptables. You could contact us with the IP addresses, so we can identify forum posters. And you can use your server log to identify usernames, which you can then ban.If, after all that, the fear of God hasn't been put into them, nothing else will work.@GGF I disagree that central servers are an improvement. On the contrary they make juicy targets, and also add the extra latency penalty if you aren't in ea
 sy reach of the server. Moreover, almost without exception, the operator becomes disillusioned pretty quickly with all the sleaze-bags who slam the server, and it then becomes a matter of when, not if, the game will become paid. Of course, that's no bad thing, but it does speak to compromise. On the upside, your central server generally doesn't require all this NAT-traversing nonsense to work.


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Re: My Road to rage server: How to handle the cheaters?

2017-07-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Sebby via Audiogames-reflector


Re: My Road to rage server: How to handle the cheaters?

Obviously a bugfix is the only real long-term solution.But, if it were me, I should try to outsmart the bastards in the meanwhile. You're on Linux, so you have iptables. You could log network packets that contain a particular payload, like the one that engages the cheat, perhaps containing "uncle susi". There's a good chance it'll work, since most traffic generated by audio-games is completely unprotected. Now you can use your logs to find the IP addresses of the offenders, which you can then automatically filter, again with iptables. You could contact us with the IP addresses, so we can identify forum posters. And you can use your server log to identify usernames, which you can then ban.If, after all that, the fear of God hasn't been put into them, nothing else will work.


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Re: My Road to rage server: How to handle the cheaters?

2017-07-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : braille0109 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: My Road to rage server: How to handle the cheaters?

first, I'm dying of laughter after reading jimmy's post, and the response to it. second, there's pretty much no way you can stop /team uncle susi. some server owners tried banning, but eventually, it becomes tedious. you could try banning, but... wish there was a kick command, really. as for pissing off people, I only use it if you use it on me first, and only to teach you a lesson. honestly, /team uncle susi will work regardless of whether cheats are enabled or not. the best thing I can suggest is to put the server in team mode. for 2 reasons: 1) every time you type in the susi command, you will lose your team, 2) no team servers are currently alive.  or just enable cheats, to make it fair, since then everyone will see if you type in the susi command. hope this helps, somewhat.


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Re: My Road to rage server: How to handle the cheaters?

2017-07-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Viclious via Audiogames-reflector


Re: My Road to rage server: How to handle the cheaters?

Normaly, you are not supposed to be able to use the weapon if cheating is disabled, which of course makes sense, but that is a bug. /team uncle susi allows you to get it even when cheating is disabled. People have done that to me a lot. I remember one time I was fighting someone an they were about to die, and suddenly I die by a fiew uncle susi shots, but I don't remember their name.


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Re: My Road to rage server: How to handle the cheaters?

2017-07-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Green Gables Fan via Audiogames-reflector


Re: My Road to rage server: How to handle the cheaters?

In all seriousness, that's the problem when you have multiple servers, rather than a central or a lone server. People are going to make their own servers, and until that is fixed, people will cheat. I wonder why that command existed in the first place? You should be able to use Uncle Susi when the cheat in the server is on, even when in teams. If you try to use it when the cheat is off, something should happen.


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Re: My Road to rage server: How to handle the cheaters?

2017-07-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : SLJ via Audiogames-reflector


Re: My Road to rage server: How to handle the cheaters?

JimmyDub wrote:its so fun pissing people off with that thing.You are one of the people who dismotivate me to keep the server running. Thanks for letting me know. I think I'll automatically ban you from my future projects, because you simply don't understand the issue, and you seem to have 0 respect for other people.


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Re: My Road to rage server: How to handle the cheaters?

2017-07-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : tysonsylvester123 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: My Road to rage server: How to handle the cheaters?

My advice would be this, contact the developer, as was previously stated, I do not have the answer to this question, just giving out what I know


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Re: My Road to rage server: How to handle the cheaters?

2017-07-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : JimmyDub via Audiogames-reflector


Re: My Road to rage server: How to handle the cheaters?

its so fun pissing people off with that thing.


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Re: My Road to rage server: How to handle the cheaters?

2017-07-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : SLJ via Audiogames-reflector


Re: My Road to rage server: How to handle the cheaters?

Some people have already been banned from the server because they cheated.


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Re: My Road to rage server: How to handle the cheaters?

2017-07-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Orko via Audiogames-reflector


Re: My Road to rage server: How to handle the cheaters?

I believe that the only real way to deal with the cheaters is to try to get the game's developer to fix the bug that the cheaters are exploiting.Beyond that, treat the cheaters the same way Steam does, if you are caught cheating, you are immediately and permanently banned from the server, no excuses, no exceptions.


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Re: My Road to rage server: How to handle the cheaters?

2017-07-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : SLJ via Audiogames-reflector


Re: My Road to rage server: How to handle the cheaters?

tysonsylvester123 wrote:yes it is this Personally I do not, nor do I endorse this, but I know what they are doing.  They are doing this in the chat box type this.    /team uncle susi is the original command to get the cheat.  But you have to prefix it with the team, just giving this information out to help people that may be using this method, please, figure out a way to stop it.  Thank youThanks for your comment.So, does the chat command still work when the cheat is disabled on the server? I have seen people automatically being kicked from the server by using it.You are telling me to figure out a way to stop this. What should I do? Telling me to figure out how to stop this without telling me how to do it is kind of pointless, when reading the first post in the topic... 


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Re: My Road to rage server: How to handle the cheaters?

2017-07-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : tysonsylvester123 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: My Road to rage server: How to handle the cheaters?

yes it is this Personally I do not, nor do I endorse this, but I know what they are doing.  They are doing this in the chat box type this.    /team uncle susi is the original command to get the cheat.  But you have to prefix it with the team, just giving this information out to help people that may be using this method, please, figure out a way to stop it.  Thank you


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Re: My Road to rage server: How to handle the cheaters?

2017-07-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : SLJ via Audiogames-reflector


Re: My Road to rage server: How to handle the cheaters?

Hi.Thanks for your comments so far.@jesseleivo: I don't know if people are using a cheat engine or program, but I don't think so. Someone mentioned it's easy to cheat if you know how to do it, so I think people are using a bug in the game to cheat.@Aprone: Thanks a lot for your comment and question. Yes, there is a logging system in the game which works quite well. But, it don't logs which weapons people are using. So I'm not sure on what to do, or if it's really worth doing something about it.


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Re: My Road to rage server: How to handle the cheaters?

2017-07-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Aprone via Audiogames-reflector


Re: My Road to rage server: How to handle the cheaters?

I wish I knew something to say that would help you SLJ.  Figuring out how they are cheating, and know if there is a way to prevent it, all depend on how Road to Rage is coded.Does the server produce a log of what is going on?  For example, could an automated program constantly read the log and automatically send the ban command whenever it sees that someone has used that banned weapon?  Just tossing out ideas randomly.


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Re: My Road to rage server: How to handle the cheaters?

2017-07-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : jesseleivo via Audiogames-reflector


Re: My Road to rage server: How to handle the cheaters?

Maybe they are using cheat engine or some sort of exploit?


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My Road to rage server: How to handle the cheaters?

2017-07-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : SLJ via Audiogames-reflector


My Road to rage server: How to handle the cheaters?

Hi all.So, as some of you know, I'm hosting a Road to Rage server. I've run into a quite sad situration, which I need your opinions on how to solve.People are cheating by using the uncle soosy weapon, even when I've disabled the cheat from the server. I don't even know how people manage to do that.Because of this unfair gameplay, people stop playing the game. I have thought about keeping an eye on the server, and ban the people who are cheating. But I have better things to do in my life.My hope was that people would have contacted me through the forum if such issues was going to happen, but no. They only start to complain when they see me on the server, and a few have contacted me privately about this.So, I really need your advice on what to do. How should I stop people from cheating when they find a workaround for the cheat even when I disable it on the server? Do you enjoy playing so much so I should keep the server running, or s
 hould I just shut it down and wait for the new game? I see no point of keeping the server running if people don't play because of the cheaters, who I can't control anyway.If I choose to shut down the server, then blame the cheaters... I wanna make a nice and fair place for everyone. If I can't stop the cheaters, then I'll shut down the server...


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