Re: Brain or mind, let them shine: a challenge of creativity

2019-11-20 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : redfox via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Brain or mind, let them shine: a challenge of creativity

@mata, I do see where you wouldn't have known it was a symbol because of how short it was and how you had no background information.Excited for the next prompt! Going to try to write a longer one next time, and one less sad, but that's most of what I can write, sad and gory.


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Re: Brain or mind, let them shine: a challenge of creativity

2019-11-20 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : mata via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Brain or mind, let them shine: a challenge of creativity

Actually yar, I had a go at it again (for the third time that is) and saw what I missed about Stockton's health condition. I probably forgot it by the time I wrote the comment or something. There's indeed no indication of emotional connection between Kelso and her subordinate. From how I see it, and from how you made the point clear, it wasn't supposed to be deep, because, of course, it wasn't deep. But there's something in this which I think is one of the strong points of the story. if the man verses woman head role is really the case, it's really a clear example of how females are viewed in little regard compared to men, as the little man subconsciously projected his leader to be a "sir" when he in fact was dealing with a mam, a bitchy one even, and admittedly a kind of bitch we don't want much in our current society. If you were to write a plot or an entire novel out of this, I'm more than certain there'll be billions of subplots in there, and more than 60% of it would involve bringing Kelso sense of superiority an entitlement to light, to combine with her shallow view and complete disregard of art. Her character, though flat, is pretty suitable for this kind of story. As someone once said to me, "The rich do feel, but the rich+the bitch don't". It was a joke we made way back in uni, and I really didn't give it much thought, until I read your story that was. Heck, I can see a whole story growing from this piece alone. It's bloody epic.


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Re: Brain or mind, let them shine: a challenge of creativity

2019-11-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Brain or mind, let them shine: a challenge of creativity

@Mata, glad you liked the story. I'm currently trying to write short stories with a view to publishing professionally, so this is a nice brain exercise for me.  regards the head of R's confusion about Kelso's gender, its not actually her gender he's confused about, its just what honourific to use, IE whether to call her "sir" or not. In the past, most top executives would be men, and so women in those sorts of positions would be regarded as exceptions, and likely their colleagues and immediate underlings would not be sure how to treat them (remember, we're never told the age of the head of R).I'm not sure exactly what you mean about "the relationship between her and that guy" In this context, the head of R is her employee who she views as simply a resource who should be doing his job properly, whilst Philip Stockton is a man she doesn't know as anything beyond an old court case, even though her company ruined his life, that is quite deliberate, she views him, as she views most everyone as just a resource to be exploited, and so brought her own downfall on herself. Yes, her  beliefs absolutely come from her father and the way she was brought up, she's lived a very privileged life, although like many rich and privileged people she obviously believes she fully deserves everything she gets and scawns anyone  is outside her little corporate world, that was one reason it was nice to see her get what she actually deserves for being such a total bitch. As regards Philip Stockton's medical care, I thought I'd left enough indication in the story that he'd got a serious life threatening illness, and one that was then used to take the very last thing he had, his imagination from him.I will freely admit, the story isn't  exactly free of political biases, or at least of my own beliefs of some of the unpleasant ways corporate culture treats people and their creative ideas, sort of what Bradberry feared an oppressive government might do in Fahrenheit 451, not that I'm ray bradberry of course .


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Re: Brain or mind, let them shine: a challenge of creativity

2019-11-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Brain or mind, let them shine: a challenge of creativity

@Mata, glad you liked the story. I'm currently trying to write short stories with a view to publishing professionally, so this is a nice brain exercise for me.  regards the head of R's confusion about Kelso's gender, its not actually her gender he's confused about, its just what honourific to use, IE whether to call her "sir" or not. In the past, most top executives would be men, and so women in those sorts of positions would be regarded as exceptions, and likely their colleagues and immediate underlings would not be sure how to treat them (remember, we're never told the age of the head of R).I'm not sure exactly what you mean about "the relationship between her and that guy" In this context, the head of R is her employee who she views as simply a resource who should be doing his job properly, whilst Philip Stockton is a man she doesn't know as anything beyond an old court case, even though her company ruined his life, that is quite deliberate, she views him, as she views most everyone as just a resource to be exploited, and so brought her own downfall on herself. Yes, her  beliefs absolutely come from her father and the way she was brought up, she's lived a very privileged life, although like many rich and privileged people she obviously believes she fully deserves everything she gets and scawns anyone  is outside her little corporate world, that was one reason it was nice to see her get what she actually deserves for being such a total bitch. As regards Philip Stockton's medical care, I thought I'd left enough indication in the story that he'd got a serious life threatening illness, and one that was then used to take the very last thing he had, his imagination from him.I will freely admit, the story isn't  exactly free of political biases, or at least of my own beliefs of some of the unpleasant ways corporate culture treats people and their ideas, sort of what Bradberry feared an oppressive government might do in Fahrenheit 451, not that I'm ray bradberry of course .


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Re: Brain or mind, let them shine: a challenge of creativity

2019-11-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : mata via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Brain or mind, let them shine: a challenge of creativity

Ha, looks like some people want to move on to the second round already. Well then, before we do that.@Redfox: Hey, you did point out something me as reader didn't even think of before. Reading your scene again makes me see that point clearer. It's actually not something unrelated. It's a freaking symbol I myself failed to see. Nicely done! Symbolic meanings can be hard to detect sometimes, especially when it's a scene without any other obvious connection to the rest of the story. See, we learn from each other this time.Dark's comment:"Am I seriously reading a creepypasta?"I swear I took very long while to read this one, as the scene itself is both good and deep, possibly obviously without any unclear shade to comment about. And I didn't joke. It really could be a crazy good creepypasta if you submit it there. Your ability to bring emotions to combine with imagery is beyond fearful among writers, and within the scene itself, something I read a while back rang true in my head each line I read:"Your true villain isn't a mad scientist. At least that guy is upfront about his intention. But a manager who forces things to sell's not just an alarm, but a battlecry for you."(Rephrased from an article about INFP personality I can't remember which one).Of course, Kelso is a bitch...well, was.Your story combines this element with horror taste, and you did it perfectly too. You didn't just draw surface meaning of "Drawing". You made it way, way deeper. To be honest, these lines were from my latest novel plot draft. I didn't expect anyone to turn it into something new and whole like this. I'm impressed, very impressed, in fact.Now now, here's something you as writer and readers can think about. As I always said in each of the previous comment, unless you don't intend to make it a mystery, it's completely optional.Why does the little man keep confusing Kelso's gender? Does it have something to do with her appearance? How is the relationship between her and that guy? (Don't focus on especially the last one if you don't intend to focus on that man).Her father absolutely contributed to why Kelso is like this. He probably hated creative types as much to infuse his daughter the same believe. Or at least, if not so, Kelso was inspired by how he worked, and of course her view about business and market was either from him or inspired by him.Now, in the final paragraph, there's a very deep hidden meaning in it. Kelso's final moment comes brutal and fast, and she has a mere second to realize this. It was made obvious that Stockton didn't volunteer or even want to be test subject, but what health problem or what kind of medical care would he need to end up like this? Then again, this one is also optional if you intend for it to remain a mystery. You know, no one gives a dam about why he ends up there. He just fell for it and was taken. that's the main point.This is one of the hardest submission for me to comment on. You did it epically, and there's nothing off I can think about. The only few things I can think of are just questions as said above. And most, or even all of them aren't necessary. Keep up man. You got this good.Do you guys still want to stick and see more of round 1 or should we move on to round 2? Redfox seems to be thrilled already.:)


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Re: Brain or mind, let them shine: a challenge of creativity

2019-11-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : brad via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Brain or mind, let them shine: a challenge of creativity

Hi.@Ironcross, keep trying.I didn't think I was that good yet mata seamed to like my short story.Anyone can do this, just write how you feel and no matter how "good" or "bad" it is, you will have written it and felt the emotions at the time and that, in my oppinion is what matters the most.


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Re: Brain or mind, let them shine: a challenge of creativity

2019-11-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : ironcross32 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Brain or mind, let them shine: a challenge of creativity

I wish I could be a little more wordsmithy myself. But what can you expect out of a college dropout lol.


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Re: Brain or mind, let them shine: a challenge of creativity

2019-11-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : redfox via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Brain or mind, let them shine: a challenge of creativity

That's Mr. Dark for ya, I expected no less from you.One of my personal goals is to be as good at writing as him one day, lol.


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Re: Brain or mind, let them shine: a challenge of creativity

2019-11-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Brain or mind, let them shine: a challenge of creativity

I admit, this was rather good fun, particularly as my idea took off, became a bit longer than expected and sort of turned into a short horror type story. Hope people like, I haven't read anyone else's submissions on the topic because I wanted  be fair with mine and not risk any unconscious ideas from other people. I might well revise this later, but I thought it was only fair to post my first draught, as I read this topic just this morning, and have spent about an hour and a half putting this together, and having incredible fun doing it too, (nothing like a good old fashioned bit of horror): Drawing became something very deep for him, and his last wish was to draw something out of his own memory. “The results have been so good, I think you’ll agree.” Director Kelso looked distastefully on the little man’s irritatingly earnest _expression_. He wasn’t a little man of course, the head of R was actually quite tall, at least physically speaking. That didn’t matter though, the nervous hands, the eager eyes, and above all the fact that her last yearly bonus could’ve bought his entire home town made him a little man to her. “don’t tell me  what to do.” “No of course not sir,  I mean ma’am, I mean.” Kelso ignored the man’s confusion over gender pronouns and swept past him into the small, one seat auditorium, sinking her long gym sculpted body into the ergonomically perfect chair, reaching unseeingly for the cup of  Jamaican blue mountain  she knew would be resting on the chair’s arm. There were still stories about the unfortunate secretary who’d dared to offer her an inferior brew, a secretary who was no longer working for the company and, or so rumour had it, no longer in fit health either. With more profuse apologies, the little man dimmed the lights and Kelso sat, tapping  one nail loudly against the side of her coffee cup. She waited impatiently  as the usual promises and projections scrolled across the screen, the bright happy corporate backchat, blue sky thinking and outside the box paradigms that  were all part of accepted  management language. Such things were important of course, naturally the business world was not one for backsliders or mundane thinking, but she was a very busy woman.Then the true presentation began. First was outlined the plot for a new comic, a new film series, a new line of action figures. Something which frolicked; vivacious and vibrant, ideas flowing as gold and gorgeous as treasure. There was action, excitement, romance, characters that grew and danced and breathed, something which passed beyond mere image, mere word, mere sound and into the very essence of imagination, touching something deep and profound and infinitely wise.In the light of the glowing screen Kelso could see the little man smiling, a truly lovely smile and she suddenly understood his earnest _expression_ perfectly, she knew that all of this, the charm and the magic and wonder meant one thing, and one thing only. “It is an original idea.?” The little man ran quickly to stop the film and bring up the lights. “that’s the truly amazing thing about our new process.”Kelso didn’t’ take the proffered bate, asking  was a way to show ignorance, instead she simply gave the little man her best stone faced board room glower.“well you see Ma’am.” The man paused, once again lost in the swamp of respectful gender appellations. Kelso simply waited. “The idea for the new franchise is actually just a side line, though of course if you like the franchise suggestion.” The franchise looks promising, we’ll have to put it to the demographics market research board, but the research and development department is not paid to come up with new franchise ideas is it.” “No ma’am. I mean Yes Ma’am.”The little man suddenly straightened, obviously summoning whatever degree of backbone he possessed.“You will remember Ma’am, how the R department  was tasked with developing direct brain access? That we could output truly hands free devices?” “I am well aware what your original goal in R was supposed to be. Don’t tell me your department has been developing franchise ideas in your spare time. Creative development is not what your paid for.”“No ma’am” The little man looked honestly shocked. “We are well aware of our responsibilities. Perhaps Ma’am if you would accompany me, it would be easier to show you.” Maintaining her studded calm Kelso allowed the little man to precede her across the auditorium, down several sparse hallways to a set of solid doors which he opened with a combination lock. As the door swung open, the smell was the first thing that hit Kelso, that nasal accretion of antiseptic masking disease and faeces which she remembered so unpleasantly from her father’s decline. Then of course it had been doubly shocking, seeing the assured and powerful figure of her childhood, the year round Santa clause of presents and parties reduced to a quavering sack of old bones and 

Re: Brain or mind, let them shine: a challenge of creativity

2019-11-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : ironcross32 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Brain or mind, let them shine: a challenge of creativity

Yeah that was really good.


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Re: Brain or mind, let them shine: a challenge of creativity

2019-11-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : brad via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Brain or mind, let them shine: a challenge of creativity

Hi.@dark, That was a great read.Let's see what Mata comes up with next for us to write about 


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Re: Brain or mind, let them shine: a challenge of creativity

2019-11-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Brain or mind, let them shine: a challenge of creativity

I admit, this was rather good fun, particularly as my idea took off, became a bit longer than expected and sort of turned into a short horror type story. Hope people like, I haven't read anyone else's submissions on the topic because I wanted  be fair with mine and not risk any unconscious ideas from other people. I might well revise this later, but I thought it was only fair to post my first draught, as I read this topic just this morning, and have spent about an hour and a half putting this together, and having incredible fun doing it too, (nothing like a good old fashioned bit of horror): Drawing became something very deep for him, and his last wish was to draw something out of his own memory. “The results have been so good, I think you’ll agree.” Director Kelso looked distastefully on the little man’s irritatingly earnest _expression_. He wasn’t a little man of course, the head of R was actually quite tall, at least physically speaking. That didn’t matter though, the nervous hands, the eager eyes, and above all the fact that her last yearly bonus could’ve bought his entire home town made him a little man to her. “don’t tell me  what to do.” “No of course not sir,  I mean ma’am, I mean.” Kelso ignored the man’s confusion over gender pronouns and swept past him into the small, one seat auditorium, sinking her long gym sculpted body into the ergonomically perfect chair, reaching unseeingly for the cup of  Jamaican blue mountain  she knew would be resting on the chair’s arm. There were still stories about the unfortunate secretary who’d dared to offer her an inferior brew, a secretary who was no longer working for the company and, or so rumour had it, no longer in fit health either. With more profuse apologies, the little man dimmed the lights and Kelso sat, tapping  one nail loudly against the side of her coffee cup. She waited impatiently  as the usual promises and projections scrolled across the screen, the bright happy corporate backchat, blue sky thinking and outside the box paradigms that  were all part of accepted  management language. Such things were important of course, naturally the business world was not one for backsliders or mundane thinking, but she was a very busy woman.Then the true presentation began. First was outlined the plot for a new comic, a new film series, a new line of action figures. Something which frolicked; vivacious and vibrant, ideas flowing as gold and gorgeous as treasure. There was action, excitement, romance, characters that grew and danced and breathed, something which passed beyond mere image, mere word, mere sound and into the very essence of imagination, touching something deep and profound and infinitely wise.In the light of the glowing screen Kelso could see the little man smiling, a truly lovely smile and she suddenly understood his earnest _expression_ perfectly, she knew that all of this, the charm and the magic and wonder meant one thing, and one thing only. “It is an original idea.?” The little man ran quickly to stop the film and bring up the lights. “that’s the truly amazing thing about our new process.”Kelso didn’t’ take the proffered bate, asking  was a way to show ignorance, instead she simply gave the little man her best stone faced board room glower.“well you see Ma’am.” The man paused, once again lost in the swamp of respectful gender appellations. Kelso simply waited. “The idea for the new franchise is actually just a side line, though of course if you like the franchise suggestion.” The franchise looks promising, we’ll have to put it to the demographics research board, but the research department is not paid to come up with new franchise ideas is it.” “No ma’am. I mean Yes Ma’am.”The little man suddenly straightened, obviously summoning whatever degree of backbone he possessed.“You will remember Ma’am, how the R department  was tasked with developing direct brain access? That we could output truly hands free devices?” “I am well aware what your original goal in R was supposed to be. Don’t tell me your department has been developing franchise ideas in your spare time. Creative development is not what your paid for.”“No ma’am” The little man looked honestly shocked. “We are well aware of our responsibilities. Perhaps Ma’am if you would accompany me, it would be easier to show you.” Maintaining her studded calm Kelso allowed the little man to precede her across the auditorium, down several sparse hallways to a set of solid doors which he opened with a combination lock. As the door swung open, the smell was the first thing that hit Kelso, that nasal accretion of antiseptic masking disease and faeces which she remembered so unpleasantly from her father’s decline. Then of course it had been doubly shocking, seeing the assured and powerful figure of her childhood, the year round Santa clause of presents and parties reduced to a quavering sack of old bones and flabby skin. Here 

Re: Brain or mind, let them shine: a challenge of creativity

2019-11-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Brain or mind, let them shine: a challenge of creativity

I admit, this was rather good fun, particularly as my idea took off, became a bit longer than expected and sort of turned into a short horror type story. Hope people like. I might well revise this later, but I thought it was only fair to post my first draught, as I read this topic just this morning, and have spent about an hour and a half putting this together, and having incredible fun doing it: Drawing became something very deep for him, and his last wish was to draw something out of his own memory. “The results have been so good, I think you’ll agree.” Director Kelso looked distastefully on the little man’s irritatingly earnest _expression_. He wasn’t a little man of course, the head of R was actually quite tall, at least physically speaking. That didn’t matter though, the nervous hands, the eager eyes, and above all the fact that her last yearly bonus could’ve bought his entire home town made him a little man to her. “don’t tell me  what to do.” “No of course not sir,  I mean ma’am, I mean.” Kelso ignored the man’s confusion over gender pronouns and swept past him into the small, one seat auditorium, sinking her long gym sculpted body into the ergonomically perfect chair, reaching unseeingly for the cup of  Jamaican blue mountain  she knew would be resting on the chair’s arm. There were still stories about the unfortunate secretary who’d dared to offer her an inferior brew, a secretary who was no longer working for the company and, or so rumour had it, no longer in fit health either. With more profuse apologies, the little man dimmed the lights and Kelso sat, tapping  one nail loudly against the side of her coffee cup. She waited impatiently  as the usual promises and projections scrolled across the screen, the bright happy corporate backchat, blue sky thinking and outside the box paradigms that  were all part of accepted  management language. Such things were important of course, naturally the business world was not one for backsliders or mundane thinking, but she was a very busy woman.Then the true presentation began. First was outlined the plot for a new comic, a new film series, a new line of action figures. Something which frolicked; vivacious and vibrant, ideas flowing as gold and gorgeous as treasure. There was action, excitement, romance, characters that grew and danced and breathed, something which passed beyond mere image, mere word, mere sound and into the very essence of imagination, touching something deep and profound and infinitely wise.In the light of the glowing screen Kelso could see the little man smiling, a truly lovely smile and she suddenly understood his earnest _expression_ perfectly, she knew that all of this, the charm and the magic and wonder meant one thing, and one thing only. “It is an original idea.?” The little man ran quickly to stop the film and bring up the lights. “that’s the truly amazing thing about our new process.”Kelso didn’t’ take the proffered bate, asking  was a way to show ignorance, instead she simply gave the little man her best stone faced board room glower.“well you see Ma’am.” The man paused, once again lost in the swamp of respectful gender appellations. Kelso simply waited. “The idea for the new franchise is actually just a side line, though of course if you like the franchise suggestion.” The franchise looks promising, we’ll have to put it to the demographics research board, but the research department is not paid to come up with new franchise ideas is it.” “No ma’am. I mean Yes Ma’am.”The little man suddenly straightened, obviously summoning whatever degree of backbone he possessed.“You will remember Ma’am, how the R department  was tasked with developing direct brain access? That we could output truly hands free devices?” “I am well aware what your original goal in R was supposed to be. Don’t tell me your department has been developing franchise ideas in your spare time. Creative development is not what your paid for.”“No ma’am” The little man looked honestly shocked. “We are well aware of our responsibilities. Perhaps Ma’am if you would accompany me, it would be easier to show you.” Maintaining her studded calm Kelso allowed the little man to precede her across the auditorium, down several sparse hallways to a set of solid doors which he opened with a combination lock. As the door swung open, the smell was the first thing that hit Kelso, that nasal accretion of antiseptic masking disease and faeces which she remembered so unpleasantly from her father’s decline. Then of course it had been doubly shocking, seeing the assured and powerful figure of her childhood, the year round Santa clause of presents and parties reduced to a quavering sack of old bones and flabby skin. Here however, it was simply unpleasant. She allowed her nose to wrinkle slightly, wishing that the ultra-modern suit she wore had space for  scented handkerchiefs like those carried by ladies of the past.Behind 

Re: Brain or mind, let them shine: a challenge of creativity

2019-11-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : redfox via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Brain or mind, let them shine: a challenge of creativity

@mata, thank you.I don't write much, so there is obvious flaws.My whole idea with the blade in his chest was that he was being blocked off from doing what he loved, which was living, and drawing. Thus, the sword was a block for him, an unpassable barier of things holding him back from his goals, a major one of which was on the other end of that blade...I didn't think it was all that good, but if you think so...Thanks.Also, how long do we stay on one topic?


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Re: Brain or mind, let them shine: a challenge of creativity

2019-11-18 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : mata via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Brain or mind, let them shine: a challenge of creativity

@ironcross, as much of an energy person as I am, I can never imagine you bringing the concept that deep to the floor. It left me confused at first, but after that it was kinda revealed, though still somewhat hard to grasp given the warped environment of the scene. Some writers intentionally add puzzle to the scene to thrill readers, or at least give them something to think about. If you didn't explain it in the previous post (which I tried to picture in my head to death), this could be a great example of that.Now now, on to Redfox's comment:Holy crap man, I didn't expect anything that heartbreaking in just one paragraph. This proves much that length never matters, as long as the content is well written, well thought out. And this is something that hides hidden questions and meaning too. However, the same thing has some holes in it that needs filling as well, and here's why.Mentioning sword as writer's block is, as the scene itself focuses on drawing, unless that is meant to tell readers what he did before he was stabbed. What does writer's block have to do with his final painting? Is it related to the reason why he's being stabbed? What did he come to do in that castle before he was stabbed? (This one you don't need to think about much if there's a scene explaining it before that)."What he drew is not fully remembered", this part is somewhat confusing. Remembered by who? By him or by the crowd in there? There's already a part that indicates the audiance and the painting, so there's that. But this remembered part is what I can't really tell who you meant to focus.The rest of the scene is pretty much what would be there to leave readers to question. I have to say this is another great scene to make a shortstory or even a novel out of. Imagine explaining the relationship between him and the assassin, and the reason why she killed him. Why did she have to suicide after? There's more than just this scene to tell the tale.Big thumbs up for you! You use your inspiration in a very creative way. If Jayd reads yours, I bet he'd be impressed  as well. He may have done that, who knows.Still up for more. Anyone wanna stimulate?


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Re: Brain or mind, let them shine: a challenge of creativity

2019-11-18 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : ironcross32 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Brain or mind, let them shine: a challenge of creativity

He was dying, yes, but upon death, what we might refer to as a soul was still alive, so his spirit continued. Normally, the spirit would wander off or be guided somewhere else, but these life forms from another dimension  have come to take his soul back with them. The Ascending and Descending are part of the process of making the transition between the dimension or domain that the man lived on and the one these creatures exist in. Someone with a body could not have gone to this other dimension, because only pure energy can go there; however, once the spirit had left the body, it could go there. There is a cost with making that transition for both sides. For the energy beings to Ascend to the planet's domain takes some adjustment. The same is true when energy forms such as spirits descend to the domain of the energy beings. What the energy beings didn't predict though, is that the Descending proved fatal for the spirit, because its energy pattern broke down into chaos before disbursing altogether. They had brought this form of energy, something completely foreign to their domain with them in order to cure a sickness that they could not cure altogether. Like it did with the spirit, the sickness attacked their energy itself and broke it down from the inside out. What they hoped to do was use this spirit to revitalize the great Consciousness, kind of like a fresh infusion of DNA. It didn't work though, because the spirit of the man died before he could complete his task. In the end, when he created that memory, he used the domain itself as a sort of canvas or backdrop and spun his own essence into it, weaving in and out and creating the scene. The first energy being, the one that was never named, fled the Consciousness when the sickness had attacked it. He had been too late though, because he was infected. Knowing that, however, he used the machine to Ascend back to the planet and found another of it's people. He possessed that person and used their body to write the journal entry, which is the only surviving relic of their entire race, since he died soon after.


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Re: Brain or mind, let them shine: a challenge of creativity

2019-11-18 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : brad via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Brain or mind, let them shine: a challenge of creativity

Hi.@mata, thanks, I think this is a great exersize.


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Re: Brain or mind, let them shine: a challenge of creativity

2019-11-18 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : redfox via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Brain or mind, let them shine: a challenge of creativity

@mata, I'm perfectly ok with you publically commenting, and I think you should just asume as much unless stated in the writer's post. Just my thoughts.


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Re: Brain or mind, let them shine: a challenge of creativity

2019-11-18 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : mata via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Brain or mind, let them shine: a challenge of creativity

@Jayd:The Charine part is exactly why I say is very optional. It's there for readers to imagine from how you made it in the scene. I just put it there to say that you can either make it obvious or leave it for speculation. Either way works, and you choose the first, which I myself personally like as it adds to the feel of the story.As to colors, I myself can imagine those, may be a bit hard with colors since I myself can't see at all since birth, but still doesn't mean I can't imagine. The wenberries part was there, but the explanation about him falling down the mountain isn't, unless I missed some part. You said art saves him, follow by art is what ends his life. There's a little gap in between which, if you don't answer, leaves reader puzzled as well. This mean further imagine depends on how one take it.@Brad:You somewhat contradict what you said in your latest post with how you narrated your story. I'm not gonna say I'm right or you're right. Other readers can see it differently. But for me personally, it's more of a narration. One point is correct, however, that you want to focus on the character. But the emotion part isn't yet clearly brought to life. I still say it's good though, not for novel but for shortstory.:)


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Re: Brain or mind, let them shine: a challenge of creativity

2019-11-18 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : brad via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Brain or mind, let them shine: a challenge of creativity

Hi.@Mata, thanks for the advice this time I wanted to focus on the flashback and the emotions you and the characters feel.


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Re: Brain or mind, let them shine: a challenge of creativity

2019-11-18 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Jayde via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Brain or mind, let them shine: a challenge of creativity

Okay, so answers to your questions, since virtually everything you asked was answered save one thing.1. Why is the character away from Charine? That I leave up to you on purpose. Maybe she's disabled and can't get around in the mountains. Maybe she's busy, working, ill, something. Imagination is key here.2. Wenberries...what do they have to do with his art? They have blue juice, and he wants to infuse some of his paint with a shade of blue he can only get from wenberries. They grow up in the mountain passes. He was off in search of them when he slipped and fell down a mountainside, smashed his legs, lost his pack somewhere, found a little cave, and that's where we encounter him.3. Blue and red. That dichotomy is deliberate. I wanted to use a warm colour and a cold colour, one from either end of the spectrum so to speak, as a means of contrast. Art within art, you might say. Even the vividness of the blood with which he paints will fade eventually.Now, to be fair, I know I could do better here. I wrote this in about seven minutes.


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Re: Brain or mind, let them shine: a challenge of creativity

2019-11-18 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : mata via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Brain or mind, let them shine: a challenge of creativity

Alright then, @brad:This is a simple yet emotional scene that, though may not be much for novel, is very good for shortstory. Since shortstories focus on keeping things short within the range of the story and the mumber of pages, keeping it contained is key. However...You can make it somewhat more emotional than just "he remembers..."Let's see if I can come up with something of mine to give you an example of how:"As Steven put raisor to flesh, a flash of memory pops up in his head, sudden and painful, way more painful than the cut of red on him. A face, embraced by and drawn from deep within the slower and slower pulse in his heart, such happiness like cool water in heat, now appears to be a sword, yet its target isn't his flesh...Of course you can come with your own and don't have to make it long like mine. I just made it long because I'm more of a novelist and am use to detailed narration. There're plenty of ideas out there. Your scene is brilliant, bbut it sure can always have more.


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Re: Brain or mind, let them shine: a challenge of creativity

2019-11-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : brad via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Brain or mind, let them shine: a challenge of creativity

Hi.Feel free to comment here when it comes to my post.


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Re: Brain or mind, let them shine: a challenge of creativity

2019-11-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : mata via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Brain or mind, let them shine: a challenge of creativity

Alright then, I'm gonna go with those who don't mind public comments first. If any of the rest of you have different opinion of where I should comment, feel free to tell me. Those who want private comment, I'll pm you instead.@Jayd:I have to admit, your scene is deep and sad within its own. Your atempt to bring imagery in to combine with emotions is far beyond good. You have quite a potential to be a great writer.This is the hard one for me to look for something off in it, since the whole thing is well emotionalized, well described. It even gives reader further speculation of what the character actually did that brought him to that final point. To say it is something without flaws is more than correct. However, there are things that may enhance the details of the scene itself. These are not necessary at all. It's just there to make stuff a bit clearer for readers:Does the end of his life have something to do with Sharine? Is he away from Charine because he has to be far from her, or are they separated by any other means? (This is very much unnecessary if you want to leave it for readers to speculate). What does wenberries have to do with his final moment, his art and his relationship with Charine? How is blue related to red? (This blue and red thing really, really makes my imagination spin, like there's something hidden behind it).So far, you're awesome at creating a whole scene out of it. Heck, you can even write a shortstory or even a novel out of this scene alone.@Ironcross32:I remember you saying a while back that you believe in the energy, the existece and the depth of what contains in the multiverses, far beyond the universe. Your writing proves that believe. Besides the otherworldly feeling it gives, it's tied to your inner self, what you have and are ready to let lose. Impressive is little for me to describe those, three scenes, in your entire writing.I admit though, it took me a bit to discover how you tied "drawing" to the form of art at the near end of the story. It's impressive too that you came up with the whole ancestor thing and even have a language for it. You changed the perspective, the narration of "him" to "I" in an interesting way, which makes your writing unique and deep There are billions of speculations and questions in it. However, because of that too that makes something unclear.At first, he was dying. Then he, in what form exactly was he? Would it be a form of energy he used to show, or in this case, draw, "us" that recollection? Is he part of the domain? What exactly does he have to do with it? Why were "we" there in the first place. It sounds to me like "we" were waiting for him to die, and then "we" would take him to "our" domain. But then further reading gives me questions. It wasn't that. Then what was it?These aren't only questions for the writer himself, but questions for readers as well, provided you see something hidden in this story and have your own way to connect it. It's deep, very deep, and there seems to be a lot of hidden meanings and unrevealed details in it. Ironcross, you are absolutely good at bringing out emotions without having to tie it much to physical details.There's still one more person I haven't yet commented. I'm waiting for your answer whether I should comment here or privately to you. And for those who wish to join in this brain stimulation, feel free. It's still up as long as you guys keep submiting. And don't worry about not getting comments. You will, for certain.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Brain or mind, let them shine: a challenge of creativity

2019-11-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Jayde via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Brain or mind, let them shine: a challenge of creativity

Yeah, you can go ahead and post comments publicly as far as I'm concerned. I put this out here in the public eye, so I'm willing to have feedback from the public as well. I'm pretty thick-skinned.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Brain or mind, let them shine: a challenge of creativity

2019-11-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : rory-games via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Brain or mind, let them shine: a challenge of creativity

oh my god this stuff is so deep!My own, which I was just about to write, appears similarly to a meadow with butterflies compared to these.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Brain or mind, let them shine: a challenge of creativity

2019-11-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : ironcross32 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Brain or mind, let them shine: a challenge of creativity

ehh, public forum, public comments is my opinion.


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Re: Brain or mind, let them shine: a challenge of creativity

2019-11-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : aaron via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Brain or mind, let them shine: a challenge of creativity

I personally think post them here, as I think it could stimulate discussion.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Brain or mind, let them shine: a challenge of creativity

2019-11-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : mata via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Brain or mind, let them shine: a challenge of creativity

Oh god!I came back to! Just wow!@Zarvox, I don't know why you really call this assignment. As I said in the first post, it's not just "I give you this and you come up with anything out of this". I just think it's a fun game for those who feel artsy/creative out there. I just wanna see what people can make out of these few sentences of mind. It's been what art students like me cherish, just so we can keep our stimulation going. It's never an assignment, because it's purely your choice whether to do it or not. Did I tell you to? No. So please, keep this topic for those who feel like doing it, if you have nothing to say or do to it yourself.And @others: for the sake of privacy, do you guys think I should pm you my comments or just post them here? Submission can still come. I'm always up for more and more comments of my own as well.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Brain or mind, let them shine: a challenge of creativity

2019-11-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : brad via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Brain or mind, let them shine: a challenge of creativity

Oh wow!I'd not read any of these before writing and feel that my atempt pales in comparison but I did my best.These posts have honestly made me feel emotions and I wasn't expecting that.I'd just like to say, well done everyone, well done for poring your hearts into these stories.This game is awesome!


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Brain or mind, let them shine: a challenge of creativity

2019-11-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : brad via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Brain or mind, let them shine: a challenge of creativity

original line: "Drawing became something very deep for him, and his last wish was to draw something out of his own memory."As Steven put raiser to flesh, he remembered..."Hi, my names' Sarah! What's yours?""Steven.""Hi steven!"Sarah sits, unsure, shy but determined on the rock. She gazes down upon Stevens' paper with a look of awe."Oh... wow... that's, that's beautiful..."Steven, shy himself and never good with people, looks at the woman who, although he didn't know it yet, would be a great friend and smiles."Thank you," he says quietly.That day,so long ago...Sarah died 3 years ago, the doctors weren't sure what was wrong but at least she left this world peacefully.As the drip drip drip of his blood hit the cold tiled floor, he picked up his sketchbook and began to draw... A rock... A young girl, and a shy innocent artest.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Brain or mind, let them shine: a challenge of creativity

2019-11-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : ironcross32 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Brain or mind, let them shine: a challenge of creativity

Drawing became something very deep for him, and his last wish was to draw something out of his own memory. He found himself in a supine position on the cold, hard ground. Looking down on him, one might observe the chapped lips turning blue in the frigid winter air. He was covered in a light dusting of snow, which had been falling intermittently since he had arrived here.It is difficult to be here, we are not like him. It costs us to be here like he is, but he will join us soon enough. He will need time to adapt to our domain, but soon enough, he will feel at home there. His kind experience sensations we do not, and in fact can not understand. We exist in the same space and time that he does, only because our energy forms survived the Ascending.There had been many other trials before this one, and we experienced fluctuations in our great Consciousness; however, like we have done and will continue to do, our link with the others always helps us to attain homeostasis. We waited for the perfect time to come here, and now we will guide him back to our domain.The wind was blowing through the trees, the great leafless boughs being moved to and fro. he was still there, but we couldn't say for how long. What he may call minutes, hours, or perhaps time immorial, who is to be certain when we barely understand the many facets and intricacies of this domain. His breathing was becoming more difficult for him, and our predictions were confirmed. This was indeed the right moment.His limbs were spread out, and his eyelids had fluttered a few times, then closed. he was still - hmm, what is it called in this language? - Oh yes, alive, but his Zhaka, a word in our ancestor's tongue meaning his life force, was growing weaker.His lips began to tremble, and were quite blue-tinged now. His entire body had stopped the shaking that had earlier set in after his stay here. The snow picked up, falling faster, but still quite fine, and it began to cover him.A colleague of mine approached me. They experienced the man's condition as is customary for them. We did learn soon after the Ascending that some of our members were attuned to the emotions of others, in a word, empathic. This was what Aelujka was experiencing now."He is very cold and terrified now. Can we not end this for him?" They thought to me."You feel what he feels. Your entire being resonates to the frequencies he emits. I know this is not easy for you, but you know the protocol is very specific on how this is to be handled", I replied in a gentle mind touch."Yes, I know. It hurts me when he hurts though. He is barely aware though. He does know he is dying, but all that is washed away in his mind's unique images."I couldn't feel the man's presence, but Aelujka could. I could feel their presence though. They darkened their pattern, which we think is similar to the man's type of emotion known as sadness. I had to ignore it, for I could not do my duty if I allowed myself to be swayed by Aelujka's plight.Now he is breathing shallowly, and raggedly. I wait, standing a bit back from him, though of course, he cannot see me. Soon, he takes one final rattling breath, and I feel the organ in his chest grow still.Aelujka and I move forward, our pace synchronous as we close the distance between us the him. His Zhaka began to slowly rise from the core of his body. We perceived it together. It felt so warm despite the cold and frozen earth his former body rested on. We encompassed him into our being and moved off with him. In the time when we reached the cavern where our Ascendance took place, he related his life to us. The Aklavonator was still there, or at least, the opening to it, which was the only thing behind the rock walls of the large cavern. We flowed into it and began to Descend.We arrived back in our domain, flowing gracefully back out of the machine. Something was different though, and not in a good way. His Zhaka was faded and the patterns of force in it grew chaotic. He wasn't going to survive the Descending. My perception was related to the Consciousness and for the first time, possibly ever, panic erupted from it."You will not survive this transition, as we hoped you would, my friend", I pathed."I had hoped that death would not be the end for me, but I'm sad for you most of all. I had prepared myself for the possibility that death might mean I would simply cease to be. Of course, it was not a comfortable thought, but still I was prepared for that outcome. You, on the other hand, your kind had always existed, and your Consciousness firmly believed that it always would." Waves of grief and sadness were interlaced in his imagery as he thought to and with me, then, to the entire Consciousness.I couldn't continue, the pressure around me was intense. From what his former body would experience, it was like we were packed inside a tiny space with a large amount of people all feeling panic simultaneously."Before 

Re: Brain or mind, let them shine: a challenge of creativity

2019-11-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : redfox via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Brain or mind, let them shine: a challenge of creativity

The Challenger, Mata wrote:"Drawing became something very deep for him, and his last wish was to draw something out of his own memory."Beyond the veil, that shifting, fluttering veil, was his heart. But not just his heart, it was his life, his dreams, and his struggles. But the long, dark blade protruding from his chest was his writer's block, and no amount of thought could will it away.But as his lifeblood drained onto the flagstones, something did happen. His knees collapsed, his body slammed into the ground, but he had clarity. Clarity, and determination to make his final thoughts known.With these thoughts, knowing he had very little time, he began to draw with his fingers, reaching up to his chest where splatterings of sticky, red blood pooled and dropped, like little fireflys across the ground.What he drew is not fully remembered, but the meaning is still engrained into the memories of everyone who saw, for this was in front of a large audience, in the courtyard of the great Castle Lenia. For what they saw was blood-curdling, bone shivvering, heart breakingly sad.What he drew, was so simple, but yet so complex that it brought a thousand images in place of what it truly was, a plea for somebody to understand, understand all the pain, all the insanity and brokenness, but nobody would truly understand. The only one who truly understood, was Lia, the assassin who had stabbed him, "the Veiled Hand." And this realization was the end of her, for she through herself off the tallest tower, with that man's family crest flying behind her.And that, my child, is the tale of that great man, who turned so many heads, and caused the most powerful woman in history to kill herself.The End?I don't know what that was. Some times I just start writing with no clue where it is going and then this happens.This idea came before I read Jade's, so it wasn't trying to copy it.I'm also half asleep and bored so I started typing. Thoughts?


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Re: Brain or mind, let them shine: a challenge of creativity

2019-11-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Jayde via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Brain or mind, let them shine: a challenge of creativity

Okay, here's my submission.Drawing became something very deep for him, and his last wish was to draw something out of his own memory.It was cool and dry in the little cave he had found. There was that much, at least. He'd lost his pack in the fall, and he would never have been able to drag it behind him anyway, given the state of his legs, but that was all right. It had to be all right. There was nothing else to be done.He lay there, cheek pressed against the unyielding rock, gritting his teeth against the constant screaming pain below his waist. Once that frantic, frightening tumble had stopped, he had mustered the courage to glance at the ruin of his lower body; one look was all he could stomach. Little slivers of bone peppered the ripped flesh below his knees, and he thought it a wonder that he hadn't yet bled to death. So he lay there, trying not to think about his coming death, and thinking about it anyway. Tears squeezed from beneath his eyelids.His mind started to float away, bobbing from thought to thought like flotsam on a restless ocean. the pain was drifting further and further away with each passing moment. He could hear her voice now, soothing him, telling him that everything would be all right. He spoke her name, heard the cold echoes from the stone all around him, jerked in surprise, shrieked as the agony in his legs awakened once more. He knew that the end was close, then; she was not here, of course, and if his mind was already beginning to tease him with wishful delusion, it would not be long before he lost whatever was left to him.So he began to draw. It was what had enticed her in the first place, caused her to take notice of him when she might not have before. His Charine had always had an eye for art, though she possessed no great talent for it. In her way, Charine had been the reason that his artistry had become so meaningful for him, for both of them. It was because of his art, in fact, that he was here, languishing in this cave. Wenberries grew only in these high mountain passes, and he had wished to infuse his paints with their vivid blue juice to create new and interesting shades. It was his art that had saved him, bringing him from a mindless, humdrum existence into the orbit of his Charine, his beloved. But it was his art, too, which would bring an early end to his life.Calling up the image of her form from memory, he began to draw, using the only tools available to him. His love would be painted in red. Later, he knew, the blood would age, would seep into the rock and turn it a rusty brown. It would not be pretty then, but it was all he could do. It was all he had. It would have to be enough.He worked quickly, touching fingertips to the wounds in his legs and then stretching forward to draw lines, curves and perspective on the barren cave floor. She came to life there, in the dim light and the cold. And as Charine's countenance and shape became recognizable, he fancied that she really was there with him. His body grew numb. His thoughts slowed. His hands first faltered, then fell away before Charine's feet were drawn. She floated there, red on the rock, and he subsided into his final sleep.Outside, the wind hooted in the cave mouth. It cared nothing for art, for death, for tragedy. It only went on mindlessly moaning.


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Re: Brain or mind, let them shine: a challenge of creativity

2019-11-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dan_Gero via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Brain or mind, let them shine: a challenge of creativity

I like this game idea. I can't really come up with anything right now, but I'll sit down sometime and try to do this. This sounds like a lot of fun!


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Brain or mind, let them shine: a challenge of creativity

2019-11-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Zarvox via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Brain or mind, let them shine: a challenge of creativity

In summary, you are giving us an assignment and you want to be our english teacher and make us suffer through school again. Yeah, no thanks


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Brain or mind, let them shine: a challenge of creativity

2019-11-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Zarvox via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Brain or mind, let them shine: a challenge of creativity

In summaary, you are giving us an assignment and you want to be our english teacher and make us suffer throuh school again. Yeah, no thanks


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