Re: Could we please have a dedicated Developers forum?

2014-06-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : SLJ via Audiogames-reflector

Re: Could we please have a dedicated Developers forum?

Hi.[[wow]], just [[wow]].  I have just speed read this whole topic, and find it quite interesting how it changed from wanting a developer room to a mail and Apple product discussion. Im quite busy at the moment, so this is just a quick reply:regarding mails: I have two mac computers, virtual testing machines where Im testing mail programs for fun, my iPhone, a Windows tablet and an older windows laptop which I dont use anymore. Im using Imap, so i can check my mail quickly on my iPhone, very quickly delete the mails I dont need to reply on, and then later when I come home, open up my computer and write a longer reply. I love to use apps like MBraille on my phone to quickly type in a reply, or if Im on a trip for more than one d
 ay, either take my laptop with me or my bluetooth keyboard and type in some longer replies on my phone. I like the possibility of having an updated list of my mails on all my devices. I travel a lot and Im quite often traveling in trains or buses, so being able to check my mail and other things while on the go is a must for me.Regarding the Apple products:I just quickly read something where I got mentioned and which I might know about, but quite busy, so I didnt read what it was about. Ill come back to this topic next week to see if there is something I can reply to, but if you need any help, have any questions or thoughts, you are always welcome to send me a private mail (not private message cause I dont get notified about those,) and Ill do my best to answer and help where I can. I read mostly every topic here on the forum, but I might miss something from time to time. Have an awesome weekend! URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Could we please have a dedicated Developers forum?

2014-06-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : Dark via Audiogames-reflector

Re: Could we please have a dedicated Developers forum?

Begone foul supporter of the imperialist capitalist oppressors and fear the day of glorious revolution when you shall have an appointment with madam guillotine,  and be shot, and probably be interrogated by vodka drinking secret service agents with bad Rumanian accents and big moustaches as well . My issue with all of the “it’s more insert superlative” type of statements, eg it’s faster, it’s better is that to be honest I don’t see how that would bennifit me. There comes a point after all when extra speed is only really necessary for running very high load programs, most often ridiculously complex and processor heavy 3D graffical games or visual ars sweets. None of which I’ve ever particularly needed to run. As far as Im aware I open a program and it opens, or I play media and it plays and thats fast enough for me :d.I also dont really see your statement about convenience, youd probably need to explain that one. Security is an issue, but I dont particularly like the attitude of microsoft to whip up so much paranoyer people are afraid of going on the net without a bazillian patches and feel they must buy the latest windows irrispective of whether its any actual use. Ive checked security with avg on this and so long as the antivirus, firewall and antiroutkit are getting updated, and so long as my microsoft update service has been disabled, and so long as I dont actually do anything really stupid like write details of my bank account or open a bunch of dodgy mails things are pretty okay, indeed Avg told me they actually had a huge number of customers with xp for precisely this reason, that the threat of the security bogie man wasnt actually scary enough to make people go out and give microsoft more money for cruddier versions of windows with broken compatibility.I do like the idea of the mac keeping the same inteface, and I like what I know of several other elements, though I am a little concerned over the mac’s abilities with media handling given I am not a fan of Itunes, and hat one of the major things I do with my computer is lisen to music and audio and watch dvds, particularly things in crazy game music formats. I have tried Vlc on Windows but don’t know how comparable that would be to using it on mac. I could probably learn to live with it over Winamp, however again what is the bennifit to doing so? I also personally really dislike the id tag system apple forces people to use on Itunes, sinse I would much rather organize my audio files myself than have all this artist genre crap, for example I have my collection of Doctor who books not only organized by Doctor, but also when theyre novelizations of past episodes Ive named each folder with the correct story number, eg 75 Genesis of the Daleks so that when i listen to the novelizations I can get them in the right order. I also have some stuff with no data information at all, for example when my singing teacher reccords my lessons digitally. As you can tell i take file organization quite seriously :d.Also, while services like I maps are great on a portable device Im not sure how necessary they would be on a desktop, unless Im missing something.My really major concern with a mac is the need to constantly use virtual xp to play the massive corpus of games and other things I’ve collected over the years not to mention more things for windows in the future. Of course I could get a second xp machine instead of a mac (I already have a handy xp laptop), however then we’re back to the question of why, when I get up in the morning would I switch on the mac to browse the net, do writing, play media files or watch dvds when i could do all of those things on an xp machine As to online backups, well I do see the bennifit to that myself, although having my entire media collection backed up online would be quite a task even on my connection.I dont know exactly whether Im an ordinary user. On the one hand I do have my computer on for a significant proportion of time, on the other I can be doing a huge number of different things with it, from playign music while I wash up, to watching series on Dvd, to trying out new browser games, to writing the next part of my thesis or working on a new gamebook. I generaly know enough to be able to do those things fairly efficiently, its just that outside of doing those things Im slightly less interested in information technology for its own sake, nor do I particularly care about my computer other than its performance at doing those thinngs.URL:
Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Could we please have a dedicated Developers forum?

2014-06-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : Sebby via Audiogames-reflector

Re: Could we please have a dedicated Developers forum?

Im afraid. Very, very afraid. I still miss my Intel Pentium (R) II 400 MHz Compaq box with 256 MB of RAM too, but ever since its been converted into a virtual machine and run on my 3.4 GHz Core I7, its been like, WTF did I wait this long? Sometimes its the little changes that set the bar higher. Of course you dont _have_ to move forward if you dont want to, and I respect you for that, it just seems like a more reasonable and pleasant route to take, is all. You can have better, why not take it?And trust me, once youve had an SSD, you wont want to go back. Thats a speed upgrade XP will not accommodate, unfortunately.Convenience is just a general observation but lets go with an example specific to me. While Id love to live inside XP forever, in practise if I want to do anything halfway modern, from virtual
 ising to using the latest web 2.0 apps, Im seriously hurting my chances if Im stuck in 4GB of RAM, without rebooting into multiple OSs. The solution is to run the modern apps on a modern OS, and do all the specific stuff in Linux or Windows VMs, often running one alongside the other. Now, in your case I appreciate that not having a need for Linux in the first place, XP really can do everything that you personally require, so this is less obviously useful, but for me its essential. I think 3 GB of RAM is fine for you in XP, BTW, but this particular desktop has 16 GB, and the minimum amount is climbing all the time (my sister-in-law has 32 GB in hers). The point is that OS constraints on memory size are an old-world problem. Why have less, when you can have more? Ironically, my Linux VM only requires 2 GB of RAM, and is thus a 32-bit OS.Security: I do agree that the XPocalypse has drawn way too much attention, but Im not sure I agree that this is a set-i
 t-and-forget-it sort of situation to deal with. Yes, patches do protect the OS, and I think you should at least make some effort to keep parts of the OS away from the network. Firewalls and AV are a kludge at best, although thankfully theyre holding tight for now because the only exploits have been droppers in the browser itself, as long as vendors keep pushing updates. However, since youre using both IE and Outlook Express, my guess is that you trust AVG exclusively. At least make sure youre backed up regularly. Ive no doubt that Microsoft would be very happy if you would give them more money, but then theres Apple, so its not like you have to do that, if you dont want to.  At this rate though, it seems almost inevitable that youll come back in five years and say, See? I ran XP, and nothing happened!  And, indeed, in some ways I hope you do, because that would say a lot for external threat mitigations. Still, I just think this is one of those better places that you could be in, but it is of course your choice. Needless to say, I will not be laughing if/when you _do_ get infected.You dont have to use iTunes if you dont want to, any more than on Windows. I wont deny though that your choice of media player is rather more limited on OS X, so youll have to make some compromises there; even so, VLC works, and absolutely nothing besides iOS requires you to change the way you organise and/or tag your media. Technically speaking, on iOS you dont have to either, but my guess is that youd prefer to play your music with official apps instead of from within disk-like apps. SLJ would know all about that, since he appears to do that all the time. DVD Player is a standalone
  application that comes with the OS; you shouldnt have any trouble there.I almost never use Maps on the Mac. Well, I almost never use it on iOS either. The only use for Maps on the Mac is to transfer a route from desktop to phone, and this is where the increasing iOSification of OS X gets on my nerves. Its best ignored. Same goes for iBooks; it was great until Mavericks, but then they buggered everything up, by making it a requirement that you use the inaccessible iBooks app on your desktop, instead of just pointing to a folder of books in iTunes like you do on Windows and OS X prior to Mavericks. I grit my teeth and put up with it, but I hope they make this better.I cant really answer to the question of Why virtualise?; I think youd have to try it for yourself and decide. However, especially on flash-based Macs, I personally think virtualisation is a highly non-destructive and natural process that you can easily get into the habit o
 f; for example you can have VMWare start a particular VM on startup, and then add Fusion to your startup items, so your XP machine boots as soon as you log in. Its an aspirational sort of environment, you know.  Whether, as a matter of fact, you find gaming in a VM a very enjoyable process is something that again Im not qualified to answer on your behalf, except to say that I and many others here appear to be doing it all the time, without incident. And of course we really ought to be advocating for cross

Re: Could we please have a dedicated Developers forum?

2014-06-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : Sebby via Audiogames-reflector

Re: Could we please have a dedicated Developers forum?

Yes, backup software, online and offline, is available to back up a subset of your files. This is how I do it.Dark, re your things generally: I think Ive got that youre an Ordinary user. I realise that life has quite a lot going for it besides computers.  Obviously, for people who like technology there are attractions above and beyond simply what you can do with them on a purely abstract or uncomplicated or (as Im sure you and many others would prefer to think of it) life-changing level, but its also really true that many advancements actually do make peoples lives much more enjoyable and efficient, and (to name a few mentioned so far) SSDs, IMAP, cloud backup and lots of memory all qualify, IMO. And Im fully in line with your philosophy that not everything that is broken needs fixing; my oldest computer, built in 1998, was only r
 etired in 2012 for lack of desk space for my shiny new iMac. This really is not to say that youre somehow wrong for staying behind, and as I said in many ways I find your approach to be refreshingly elegant, but I do think you should endeavour to tick as many boxes as you can. Its just better, you know. And faster. And more secure. And more convenient. Etc. The only reason you should be looking at a Mac is that it isnt Windows.  This having been said, I must regretfully conclude that Windows--even Windows 7--will be important on at least one of my main machines. I happen to think that a Mac would probably suit you better than it does me, because half the stuff I need Windows for is stuff Apple have helpfully tossed out as a matter of user convenience over th
 e years, which means less options but also less annoyance for typical users, which Apple presumably sees as priority even if I disagree. And Apple are not in the habit of changing the user interface every five minutes just so it has something to sell; each upgrade can rightfully be considered both an upgrade, and also a logical progression from the previous version. This would appear to be what you are looking for. You can visit your local Apple retail store to look at the things, though I advise you to check out Apple Accessibility before you go. Dont buy in-store; use the Apple Store app on your iPhone to buy, so you can customise it.As to Apples control tendencies, I dont defend Apples practise of holding you hostage. They are complicit, even if they believe its for the best--though I think anybody naive enough to believe that Apple are doing it just to make people happy are hopeless fanboys. Th
 eres always an opportunity for Apple to turn a feature into a money-making opportunity, but I would argue that this isnt more evident than on iOS--OS X simply doesnt have restrictions that make using alternatives impossible. Although you could argue that intentions count for a lot and that as a matter of practice you may not have choice, in fact, you do, in many cases.As for the gradation of socialism, Im aware of your position, but since everybody knows that commies are personally responsible for the mediocrity of existence and the downfall of civilisations, a commie you shall have to remain. URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Could we please have a dedicated Developers forum?

2014-06-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : Dark via Audiogames-reflector

Re: Could we please have a dedicated Developers forum?

Well regarding external drives for backup my usual practice would be to buy a new one when my current one goes caput or becomes too full. It has a defrag and antivirus run on it everytime I backup, so Im happy with how its working thus far. Even though I know there are technically better technologies out there for backups, well I dont see the point of changing when what I have still works anyway even if it would say break down in 10 years rather than 50 years :d. As to online backups, well I only need to backup specific things not the hole operating system, sinse Ive already changed xp machines several times and just stuck back in stuff like favourites, installed programs, audio etc rather than backup the hole system.Regarding things generally, to be perfectly honest Sebby the plane and simple fact is I am not! interested in computers at all in and of themselves. Ive got an xp machine with 3 gb ram, which (while pretty good on xp), is no
 w not a lot. Do i care? do I hell! My concern is not whether I have the latest this that and the other, the biggest numbers, or the most secure thingy (security is a concern but not a matter of absolute paranoyer), its what does my computer do in my life that I want.Would windows 7 do me any good? The answer seems to be no. Itd bugger up compatibility for several programs, require me to learn a new interface to the one Ive used and customized for the past 16 years, kick out several useful components like outlook express and the sensible windows explorer and generally be far more trouble than it was worth. If I could upgrade without losing out on anything the way I can when upgrading Ios versions, or if there was actually anything interesting or good windows 7 did that I cant do on xp like the many games and Aps I get on Ios, then! Id considder upgrading.On the same score I do wonder how useful a mac would be, but as I h
 avent tried one and dont know either A, how annoying the interface is or B, whether it actually does anything interesting xp doesnt I cant say at this point as Ive not tried one and investigated what they are capable of, though I will say the virtual machine thing is a little off putting. Bare in mind your talking to someone who still owns a fully working Snes and Sega megadrive as well as a gamecube with the gb playerr, still collects games for all of those systems when i can and still plays and enjoys them, simply because nintendo havent bought out any other consoles I could particularly use or that have enough games with good low vision access,  Im just having another bash at Mega man x right now,  and finding myself most out of practice! .Good to here that Apple are keeping their noses out of peoples files
 . Much as there is a lot I like in Ios it does seem Apple are rather too much in support of major companies and against information sharing, particularly in the way they restrict people to a lot of their own systems like Itunes. Btw, I am a marxist not a commy, for all people get them confused there are some fairly major differences, I also dont agree with marx on everything particularly as regard the centralized, authoritarian control by the state and the complete illimination of private enterprise but that is a very different matter, .URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Could we please have a dedicated Developers forum?

2014-06-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : Sebby via Audiogames-reflector

Re: Could we please have a dedicated Developers forum?

I dunno. Processing email, even without a keyboard, and while standing up or wandering about, is surprisingly therapeutic, as well as surprisingly productive.  Of course this works best when you are disposing email rather than replying to it, but I do that quite a bit, as it happens. To get started, go to Mail, Contacts and Calendars in settings, press Add Account, choose Other, choose mail, and then follow the steps.As to your email practices in general, cant say Im surprised to learn that youre still using POP3.  Id generally advise against using an ISP mailbox, but its really also the case that unless you want to run your own mail server youll have to trust somebody to host your mail, and if you are using POP3 then its going to be quite 
 hard to see the benefits of shared access to your email from multiple devices, unless you always delete the mail you receive. iOS fortunately starts with the assumption that you will wish to keep email, so if you only need exclusive access to an inbox, this is sufficient, otherwise youll have to upgrade to IMAP and break the world record for IMAP holdout. URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Could we please have a dedicated Developers forum?

2014-06-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : Dark via Audiogames-reflector

Re: Could we please have a dedicated Developers forum?

Well I actually do usually delete mail, as I said if I want to keep something I save it elsewhere, I also dont particularly see the multiple devices thing in my case sinse I only have one desktop and laptop anyway and its easy enough to transfer stuff I want. I did go through the other option and then various mail settings on the Iphone, but it didnt seem to like my friends serverr, though I dont particularly mind anyway sinse usually I have either my desktop or laptop with me both of which have keyboards and are better for handling mail. I confess I really dont get the modern obsession with constant access to stuff from multiple devices particularly in a world where physical storage systems are so small and easily portable, but then again I dont have many devices anyway. I suppose if you had a mac, an Ipod, an I pad, an I phone, an apple Tv, an I toaster, an I dustbin etc (ditto with windows whatever), it might be an idea, -
 --- or should that be I dear .URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Could we please have a dedicated Developers forum?

2014-06-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : Dark via Audiogames-reflector

Re: Could we please have a dedicated Developers forum?

Well I actually do usually delete mail, as I said if I want to keep something I save it elsewhere, I also dont particularly see the multiple devices thing in my case sinse I only have one desktop and laptop anyway and its easy enough to transfer stuff I want. I did go through the other option and then various mail settings on the Iphone, but it didnt seem to like my friends serverr, though I dont particularly mind anyway sinse usually I have either my desktop or laptop with me both of which have keyboards and are better for handling mail. I confess I really dont get the modern obsession with constant access to stuff from multiple devices particularly in a world where physical storage systems are so small and easily portable, but then again I dont have many devices anyway. I suppose if you had a mac, an Ipod, an I pad, an I phone, an apple Tv, an I toaster, an I dustbin etc (ditto with windows whatever), it might be an idea, -
 --- or should that be I dear .I will also confess that the Iphone file handling (or lack there of), has sort of put me off apples filing system and attempt to centralize everything generally, though Ive mentioned my dislike of Itunes before. It might be something Id think about again if I ever got a mac.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Could we please have a dedicated Developers forum?

2014-06-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : Sebby via Audiogames-reflector

Re: Could we please have a dedicated Developers forum?

Fair enough, if youre happy with it, I cant object. In fact, I almost envy you for it: you dont store your email on someone elses machine, and youve got faith in local storage, which means you get the best price deal and privacy and happiness to go with it. Of course this doesnt work very well when youre diligently trying to avoid doing more work than is actually required while protecting your data against disasters, which brings me to your question of why people insist on banking stuff in the cloud, and that is that while stuff is in the cloud there is only one master copy that needs to be changed and all the work of keeping that master copy safe is someone elses problem. Whether this is wise is left as an exercise to the reader.  It is true, as well, that you can access it with multiple devices, although properly this should be the fun
 ction of a peer-to-peer protocol, instead of relying on a server, as it now does.iOS treats POP3 folders much like IMAP ones, in that rather than downloading and deleting everything and storing it locally, it only downloads stuff on request, and only deletes it when you ask it to. This means that you can use iOS to check and delete unwanted mail, while still using one or other computer (but not both, as you observed) to reply to the remainder. You need to be aware though that POP3 mailboxes are usually locked, which means that you cant manipulate them from multiple devices simultaneously. This is not true of IMAP. Youre stretching POP3 if you go this way, is what Im saying.As to that Mac, wait for the next release of the OS and buy. It does sound like you need it. URL: http://fo

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Could we please have a dedicated Developers forum?

2014-06-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : Dark via Audiogames-reflector

Re: Could we please have a dedicated Developers forum?

I want to actually play with a mac at some point to explore the system and see if it does the stuff I want better than xp, sinse failing microsoft pulling a complete 180 I dont see any point in post xp wwindows. Regarding maintaining masters, well funnily enough I actually never find it a problem sinse I just am used to it, as I said with E-mail anything really important I want to keep I just save a copy onto the harddrive, otherwise if say Im going to visit my parents and want to take a mail with me I just forward it to myself, though this doesnt happen that often sinse I regularly delete any mail Im not immediately concerned with. Regarding master copies for other stuff, I have one copy of everything! on my pc, plus a full backup on an external drive which I update every two or three weeks. otherwise That drive sits in a box under my bed most of the time. I tend to treat both my Iphone and my laptop as satellites and just bang on them
  anything I immediately want, sinse after all I dont want my entire 800 gb of audio books all the time, just the ones I happen to be reading. Ditto with any games I want to play sinse its not exactly difficult to stick a few setup files on an 8 gb memory stick or on sendspace, though generally I dont use that for transfers though I do keep a few online backups of very crytical things like my phd thesis just in case I had a house fire and lost both my Pc and external backup drive . Regarding I cloud, well I am a little concerned over macs file handling given how clunky it is on Ios though that is another reason I want to try a mac for myself. I also worry slightly given Apples propensity for supporting drm and such whether having say my media collection on I cloud would be a good idea given Ive got cds Ive ripped myself
  and various other things which Apple probably wouldnt want me to have .URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Could we please have a dedicated Developers forum?

2014-06-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : Dark via Audiogames-reflector

Re: Could we please have a dedicated Developers forum?

I want to actually play with a mac at some point to explore the system and see if it does the stuff I want better than xp, sinse failing microsoft pulling a complete 180 I dont see any point in post xp wwindows. Regarding maintaining masters, well funnily enough I actually never find it a problem sinse I just am used to it, as I said with E-mail anything really important I want to keep I just save a copy onto the harddrive, otherwise if say Im going to visit my parents and want to take a mail with me I just forward it to myself, though this doesnt happen that often sinse I regularly delete any mail Im not immediately concerned with. Regarding master copies for other stuff, I have one copy of everything! on my pc, plus a full backup on an external drive which I update every two or three weeks. otherwise That drive sits in a box under my bed most of the time. I tend to treat both my Iphone and my laptop as satellites and just bang on them
  anything I immediately want, sinse after all I dont want my entire 700 gb of audio books and music all the time, just the ones I happen to be reading or listening to at the time, and usually Im not away from my desktop for more than three weeks at most. Ditto with any games I want to play sinse its not exactly difficult to stick a few setup files on an 8 gb memory stick or on sendspace, though generally I dont use that for transfers though I do keep a few online backups of very crytical things like my phd thesis just in case I had a house fire and lost both my Pc and external backup drive :D. Even if I did want! to carry everything constantly I could just buy a 1 or 2 tb passport drive though Ive not yet seen the need to do that.Regarding I cloud, well I am a little concerned over macs file handling given how clunky it is on Ios, though that is another reason I want to try a mac for myself. I also worry slightly given Apples p
 ropensity for supporting drm and such whether having say my media collection on I cloud would be a good idea given Ive got cds Ive ripped myself and various other things which Apple probably wouldnt want me to have :D.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Could we please have a dedicated Developers forum?

2014-06-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : Sebby via Audiogames-reflector

Re: Could we please have a dedicated Developers forum?

Well, Dark, youve certainly acquitted yourself well, much as the simple farmer in a world of industry does. You might like to *think* about putting a backup online, but make sure its encrypted. This is a bit more durable than a bi-weekly USB disk copy, in addition to occurring much more frequently, of course. It might also let you have access to your stuff on iOS. Theres now also the excellent BitTorrent Sync, for syncing data between computers on your network or over the net.You really hate Win7 that much? It is Windows, after all; it runs Windows apps. But yes, I reckon youd get on with a Mac, once youve climbed the initial curve. Its not like you cant use XP in a VM for the stuff you absolutely cant live without on that platform, and in fact thats arguably an advantage for your portability, because you can 
 use the same VM on two different computers.As to iCloud, right now its application-specific, though Apple are finally getting some sort of a clue and turning it into a drive for inter-app communication. Things are improving. Even so, I dont know how offline sync will work, and of course theres going to be the questions of data security and cost per GB. Dropbox will do much of that today, though Im not using Dropbox for other reasons. Of course, OS X is unlike iOS in that it has a local file system, as Windows does. Still, I think its safe to say that Id prefer something with no wires to a spinning 1TB disk, though thats also not much of an excuse once external SSDs become commonplace. For a good while I have been meaning to descend from the cloud a little, especially for email. Im not sure POP3 will do it, but Im also n
 ot sure how running my own server makes the data much safer. If the good guys want to break in, they still can. However, I stay my recommendation concerning backups: its cheap, convenient, up-to-date, and protects you all the time. Keep such a backup in addition to your external disk; OS X comes with Time Machine which backs up every hour.I dont think you have anything to fear from Apples control freakery. The music is now DRM-free, but even so theyre hardly going to root you out like the disgusting commie you are.  Apple are no doubt a wunch of bankers, but you can enjoy the products without having to like the company. Just be scrupulous in what you allow. I think privacy is one of the few things Apple is actually completely on your side about, and theyve long recognised that being pro-consumer benefits them more than it hurts then; in fact Id
  argue that DRM is a manifestation of that belief, even if it only applies to 95% of said consumers who Apple can rely on to either not know or not care that DRM is harmful. Without doubt, ordinary people is their target market.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Could we please have a dedicated Developers forum?

2014-06-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : Dark via Audiogames-reflector

Re: Could we please have a dedicated Developers forum?

One reason Im keeping windows xp is that outlook express is just the fast and simplest way Ive found Ive using mail. Ive tried thunderbird and the silly thing microsoft stuck in windows 7, but neither was quite as streight forward and quick to use as outlook express, both also relied on auto complete for new messages rather than having a handy contacts list. Frankly i wish people would realize a mail client just displays E-mail, has folders to store those E-mails, and manages contacts for sending mail to and stop loading them with a bunch of other crap. . I would use the one on Ios but for some reason Ios doesnt like my E-mail server, besides sinse I dont usually have my bluetooth keyboard with me I wouldnt particularly want to recieve E-mail and not be able to reply. Getting back to Frastlins original questi
 on however, As regards the forum, nope, if you want peoples replies E-mailed to you, use a mailing list!URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Could we please have a dedicated Developers forum?

2014-06-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : Dark via Audiogames-reflector

Re: Could we please have a dedicated Developers forum?

One reason Im keeping windows xp is that outlook express is just the fast and simplest way Ive found Ive using mail. Ive tried thunderbird and the silly thing microsoft stuck in windows 7, but neither was quite as streight forward and quick to use as outlook express, both also relied on auto complete for new messages rather than having a handy contacts list. Frankly i wish people would realize a mail client just displays E-mail, has folders to store those E-mails, and manages contacts for sending mail to and stop loading them with a bunch of other crap. . I would use the one on Ios but for some reason Ios doesnt like my E-mail server, besides sinse I dont usually have my bluetooth keyboard with me I wouldnt particularly want to recieve E-mail and not be able to reply. Getting back to Frastlins original questi
 on however, As regards the forum, nope, if you want peoples replies E-mailed to you use a mailing list. The advantage of a mailing list is instant replies and quick thread organization as Sebby ssaid, the disadvantage is you get everything! the advantage to a forum is that you stream your information, the disadvantage is you need to check the threads your interested in. There are various other factors of course, but that is precisely the point of having multiple methods for discussion.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Could we please have a dedicated Developers forum?

2014-06-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : frastlin via Audiogames-reflector

Re: Could we please have a dedicated Developers forum?

Thunderbird is basically just folders and contacts, you can install addons, but you dont need to!Sebbys comment was that he would like a mailing list type configuration and the reason why I wanted a forum was so I could quickly read through passed messages and threads as well as make fancy posts with BB code and not worry about making my posts too long.Facebooks comments is the only forum type configuration I have seen with a thread being both on email and with a forum type history.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Could we please have a dedicated Developers forum?

2014-06-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : Sebby via Audiogames-reflector

Re: Could we please have a dedicated Developers forum?

What about Discourse? That seems to be well-integrated with email, but I cant vouch for the web part.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Could we please have a dedicated Developers forum?

2014-06-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : Sebby via Audiogames-reflector

Re: Could we please have a dedicated Developers forum?

@Arq: good question!Yeah, iOS apps count as clients. I suppose that, on Doze at least, Thunderbird is the proper choice for email. Its accessible. Youll want to go to your Gmail IMAP settings and tweak a few settings--specifically, opt for manual purging, ask for deletion from the last visible folder to move to Trash, and then in the labels tab untick all the boxes for labels you dont want and in particular All Mail as shown in IMAP.Edit: Oops! I meant move to trash, not delete forever! Fixed.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Could we please have a dedicated Developers forum?

2014-06-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : Dark via Audiogames-reflector

Re: Could we please have a dedicated Developers forum?

Not sure on facebook as Ive never particularly cared to wade through the mire of random information, adds and and useless comments littering its pages to make it worth my while finding if there is any point to the thing. Regarding Thunderbird, when playing with Windows 7 I did find it a better alternative than microsofts cruddy live mail, but I missed the instant contacts list in outlook express sinse thunderbird still seemed to rely on auto complete or going through a really fat address book. There also seemed to be far more tabs in each mail message than actually were required, though it is entirely possible I missed off on some viewing customization options in the program as I was only having a play with it at the same time I was trying out windows 7, not making a serious use of the thing. Im still frankly amazed when nearly every xp user used Outlook express rather than microsoft outlook, Microsoft persisted in removing the thing from futu
 re windows! what the hell are they smoking?URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Could we please have a dedicated Developers forum?

2014-06-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : Sebby via Audiogames-reflector

Re: Could we please have a dedicated Developers forum?

Well, OE was certainly nice and minimal, but there are some aberrant behaviours that it was especially well-known for that we could all have done without, such as top-posting, storing mailboxes in impossible-to-back-up places, or not supporting SSL/TLS on any port other than 25 for SMTP. You could, I suppose, work around the first using a nice tool called QuoteFix, but ultimately I just switched to Pegasus Mail which worked real nice with Hal. Ah, now those were the happy days ...Youre right, on Win7 theres no competition to TB from Microsoft. Personally, I found it acceptably flexible out of the box, as after all it does come from the technical people, but if you are happy with OE then theres probably not much to gain from it.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Could we please have a dedicated Developers forum?

2014-06-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : Dark via Audiogames-reflector

Re: Could we please have a dedicated Developers forum?

Well I never ran into the last being an issue given that both my mail servers are pop 3, and as for the secondd, well export mail to save in another format usually worked, indeed if I had any mail messages important enough to save such as game unlock codes or crytical forms from my university Id tend to want them safely saved elsewhere anyway rather than in mail folders. I also like the way server password and authentication options are very easy to find and mess with. I suspect this is part of the problem Im having trying to setup my E-mail on ios, because it might surprise apple to know that none of my mail accounts are with Yahooo, gmail or other big commercial services, sinse my private account is a bt one and my public account is one setup by a friend on her own mail server, then again as I said, as I dont particularly have a keyboard with me much of the time I probably wouldnt want E-mail on Ios anyway.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Could we please have a dedicated Developers forum?

2014-06-20 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : Sebby via Audiogames-reflector

Re: Could we please have a dedicated Developers forum?

Well, yes, quite so. This is why I invented the audiogames-reflector mailing list. Now you dont have to leave your email client just to catch up.Sadly it has the following limitations:It spools all forums, not just the developers forum. This can be fixed by either creating a new list, or getting you to filter in your email client.Its one-way. You cannot hit Reply.Necessarily, the email is in HTML with long lines, which limits compatibility.Necessarily, you will get not only original postings, but edits as well.Nevertheless, it solves the problem of having to visit to keep up all the time, and its way easier to filter it and catch up in your email client exclusively. Each mail has a link to the forum topic.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Could we please have a dedicated Developers forum?

2014-06-20 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : arqmeister via Audiogames-reflector

Re: Could we please have a dedicated Developers forum?

Ok, a little off topic but, an email client seems so, well, 90s to me lol. Forgive my ignorance, but i have a gmail account, so just check email through the site. What would be the benefit of having a client? Also, i think being subscribed to forum email would drive me crazy, just because of all of the incoming messages i would likely get.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Could we please have a dedicated Developers forum?

2014-06-20 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : frastlin via Audiogames-reflector

Re: Could we please have a dedicated Developers forum?

Hello,I get around 700-1000 emails a day and with Thunderbird Im able to quickly load and read what ever box I wish to read. I have something like 20 different folders and I have no extra links to arrow through. The Gmail cliant has a ton of headings and links one needs to go through. Also to check if I have new messages in any box I just arrow up to check once I switch to the thunderbird window.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Could we please have a dedicated Developers forum?

2014-06-20 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : Sebby via Audiogames-reflector

Re: Could we please have a dedicated Developers forum?

@Arqmeister: blimey!Do you use Twitter or Facebook? Could you honestly say that the experience of using the website is preferable to using a client there, either? You could? God save us all. A client is always going to be more responsive than a web 2.0 app. I think so, anyway. If youre using Gmail, though, its because Google really wants you to, and youre in the right place (as far as theyre concerned) when youre using a browser. Its also how they deliver their ads to you, mwa ha ha ha ha! Still, I do know of people who really do like Gmail, as a client; its pretty flexible, responsive and does everything most people really need it to.I can zip through this forum at lightning speed when Im in email, using I can spend less than a second on each subject, pressing the down arrow key on
 ce per subject and listening only to the subject line. Threads mean that all email on a thread is collected together, collapsed by default. And opening an email reveals every message on that thread. Its super. You should try it sometime. URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Could we please have a dedicated Developers forum?

2014-06-20 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : arqmeister via Audiogames-reflector

Re: Could we please have a dedicated Developers forum?

You know whats funny, i never use clients of any kind unless gasp, its an IOS app spasifically. What email client would you suggest? Outlook? Or is there something better and more accessible?URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Could we please have a dedicated Developers forum?

2014-06-20 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : Sebby via Audiogames-reflector

Re: Could we please have a dedicated Developers forum?

@Arq: good question!Yeah, iOS apps count as clients. I suppose that, on Doze at least, Thunderbird is the proper choice for email. Its accessible. Youll want to go to your Gmail IMAP settings and tweak a few settings--specifically, opt for manual purging, ask for deletion from the last visible folder to delete forever, and then in the labels tab untick all the boxes for labels you dont want and in particular All Mail as shown in IMAP.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Could we please have a dedicated Developers forum?

2014-06-20 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : arqmeister via Audiogames-reflector

Re: Could we please have a dedicated Developers forum?

Thanks for that, ill take a look.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Could we please have a dedicated Developers forum?

2014-06-20 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : frastlin via Audiogames-reflector

Re: Could we please have a dedicated Developers forum?

Thank you Dark!I wonder if there is a way for people to get emails when ever someone either:1. posts in a topic they are watching, no matter if they visited the topic or not2. posts in any topic in a room weather they have visited or not3. reply to topics by hitting reply on their email clientWould that be possible here on this forum?URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Could we please have a dedicated Developers forum?

2014-06-20 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : Dark via Audiogames-reflector

Re: Could we please have a dedicated Developers forum?

The answer is 1 most definitely yes, that is what the subscribe link in topics is for to E-mail you everytime there is a new reply. 2: not directly, but each forum has its own rss feed that you can bang into a podcatcher and so be notified when a new topic is posted. 3: nope! If you want to reply to topics by E-mail, youll have to use a mailing list not a forum. This is one reason I disagree with sebbys above comments about mailing lists being obsolete, I still run into them fairly often when wandering the net, sinse they do have their own advantages, such as quick replying to instant messages, just as forums and other methods of communication like twitter have their advantages and uses and people who prefer them. This is one reason why Im in favour of having multiple methods of discussion available depending upon what people want. For audio games we have the audeasy list and this forum, and for development there are several
  developer lists (like Toms), and now the development room on this forum.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Could we please have a dedicated Developers forum?

2014-06-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : Dark via Audiogames-reflector

Re: Could we please have a dedicated Developers forum?

A developers room would be a good idea, though to be honest Ive always been confused why people post game development topics in the offtopic room when theyre about games. If there were a playable version, at least beta it probably should be in new releases, though for alpha versions and general development discussion it could be helpful.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Could we please have a dedicated Developers forum?

2014-06-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : Dark via Audiogames-reflector

Re: Could we please have a dedicated Developers forum?

Now it is done! hope people like.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Could we please have a dedicated Developers forum?

2014-06-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : Sebby via Audiogames-reflector

Re: Could we please have a dedicated Developers forum?

@tward: at the risk of going totally retro (and hence off the rails), thats what NNTP is especially good at. Im not a fan because I think its essentially dying out across the platforms, but then all the people who need an email interface can still have one without the difficulty of clicking a link to visit an email archive.I agree that deliverability is a problem for email, but not one that cant be solved. If getting it hosted and configured is all that youre worried about, Im more than happy to help. I spend most of my time handling email. Anyways, it looks like we now have the forum. URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Could we please have a dedicated Developers forum?

2014-06-18 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : hadi . gsf via Audiogames-reflector

Re: Could we please have a dedicated Developers forum?

In my opinion, the very best forum software is:IP.boardAccessible, fast, lots of add-ons, works with tapatalk, and go on.downside?: its not free.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Could we please have a dedicated Developers forum?

2014-06-18 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : tward via Audiogames-reflector

Re: Could we please have a dedicated Developers forum?

Sebby, I certainly havent forgotten about the benefits of mailing lists, but they do seem to becoming problematic of late. I have been having quite a bit of stress with the Audyssey List simply because most members are getting list mail and there is a handful that are not getting messages, and the server owners and I have been pulling our hair out trying to track down the cause of the missing messages. I would personally like to avoid future problems of this sort by possibly moving away from Mailman and probably to a forum type setup as I think it would be less stress on the server admins and myself tracking down issues with Mailman.In addition to that I think forums have something that lists do not have which is an easy way to go back and look up information that was posted days, weeks, and perhaps years before. With lists this can only be done by searching the archives where with forums I think clicking on the particular room or subject and then seeing all the topic
 s under that section is much simpler and straight forward.As far as Groupserver I havent heard of that one, but I can take a look at it. right now I have several things that requires my attention, but I will be looking at various forum software in case I decide to convert any of my lists over to forums.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Could we please have a dedicated Developers forum?

2014-06-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : Trenton Goldshark via Audiogames-reflector

Re: Could we please have a dedicated Developers forum?

Ah, similar to how XDA does it with their site. Definitely enjoy this idea!URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Could we please have a dedicated Developers forum?

2014-06-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : tward via Audiogames-reflector

Re: Could we please have a dedicated Developers forum?

Frastlin, I for one think this is an excellent idea. Ive been considering for quite some time of moving the developers list from the USA Games domain and server to Audyssey, and instead of the list I could setup a forum on Audyssey for developers. It would have all the advantages you pointed out, and I guess the only question is which forum software would be the best for what we want to do.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Could we please have a dedicated Developers forum?

2014-06-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : frastlin via Audiogames-reflector

Re: Could we please have a dedicated Developers forum?

Tward that is a great idea! But it would not have the same kind of publicity as a forum on these boards.If the admins dont wish to create this forum here I think it would be great if you did!URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Could we please have a dedicated Developers forum?

2014-06-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : tward via Audiogames-reflector

Re: Could we please have a dedicated Developers forum?

Frastlin, well, regardless of what the admins of do or dont do I was already planning on moving my tutorials, lists, and so on from USA Games to Audyssey so it is on the todo list anyway. When you brought up the possibility of a forum I considered it would be a good idea to replace the Developers list with a forum which would have the reasons you mentioned. Perhaps it would not have the publicity of this site, but there is nothing saying Dark or someone cant make a link to it wherever it ends up being hosted therefore having the same effect as being hosted here.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Could we please have a dedicated Developers forum?

2014-06-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : Sebby via Audiogames-reflector

Re: Could we please have a dedicated Developers forum?

Well I hope no-one minds if I spoil the fun a little bit and ask for developers please not to forget all the existing benefits of mailing lists that we mostly all enjoy.I do believe that this is a fantastic community and I wouldnt want to spoil that at all, but would ask that developers have a choice about medium. This is mostly because were often busy people and while wed love to help we cant always afford the time to hop over to a forum. I am already sucking down this forum as a mailing list, as a stopgap.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Could we please have a dedicated Developers forum?

2014-06-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : Sebby via Audiogames-reflector

Re: Could we please have a dedicated Developers forum?

Well I hope no-one minds if I spoil the fun a little bit and ask for developers please not to forget all the existing benefits of mailing lists that we mostly all enjoy.I do believe that this is a fantastic community and I wouldnt want to spoil that at all, but would ask that developers have a choice about medium. This is mostly because were often busy people and while wed love to help we cant always afford the time to hop over to a forum. I am already sucking down this forum as a mailing list, as a stopgap.Edit: @tward, have a look at GroupServer. Its a forum and mailing list server in one.URL:

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