Re: How the hell do I stop rocking?

2020-09-01 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : ignatriay via Audiogames-reflector


Re: How the hell do I stop rocking?

Agreed with @15, swinging can be a good substitution for physical stimulation. I do rock now and again, but its rare. I did however, when still a child, press my eyes; dunno why, but at some point I just grew out of said habit.


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Re: How the hell do I stop rocking?

2020-08-31 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : KenshiraTheTrinity via Audiogames-reflector


Re: How the hell do I stop rocking?

nope, can't stand glasses.


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Re: How the hell do I stop rocking?

2020-08-31 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : crashmaster via Audiogames-reflector


Re: How the hell do I stop rocking?

As for the pressing eyes thing.Finding why you do it is the best idea then making yourself stop.For me, it happens when I am almost about to be to tired to work anymore usually late at night.If I feel like pressing, then I am usually getting sleepy.And its usually time to sleep.If I suddenly have the urge to press then its time for bed.Some days like today where I have had to get up to hit the loo in the middle of the night, I may feel tired but its a different tired.Used to do this a lot, however my eyes are just not in good condition anymore.They itch a lot and other such things.I do take drops.Either I will wait for better implants or something.Or I'll get bored with them and just get them terminated.For obvious reasons I'd prefer not to bother about fake eyes that are just not doing much.I do use glasses most of the day but thats acceptable, a lot more these days since people think it looks like I am cool or smart or like a gangster or something.


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Re: How the hell do I stop rocking?

2020-08-31 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : crashmaster via Audiogames-reflector


Re: How the hell do I stop rocking?

Well, it depends why you like to rock.I enjoy rocking a lot to be honest.There are a few things you can do to acceptably rock.1.  get a rocking chair.2.  use a swing.3.  play nice dance or rocking music and rock to that.I do this a lot.If I feel like rocking a lot I load some 1960s rock, and turn it up and rock.Outside the home.Yeah, not sure about that.I used to play piano, no one minds if you rock to your own beats.Other than that, I'm not sure.The only time I do rock is if I am waiting for an important thing somewhere like a meeting, nerves I guess.But others have ways to handle those especially if the wait is lenghthy.I would personally not bother about it.The difference is if you don't dance or rock normally.Then if you actually like to rock it may annoy you.Then again, I have not got that many normal friends.My best one is autistic and he rocks all the time and other things much worse.Who cares if they say you are retarded, it can't be much worse than drumbing fingers or tapping feet at least its noiseless.


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Re: How the hell do I stop rocking?

2020-08-31 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Erick via Audiogames-reflector


Re: How the hell do I stop rocking?

I’m the same way as you, blind Jedi. I think about Jedi stuff And I rock a lot as well. that, and I also do some cinematic stuff, so yeah. However, when are usually do homework, I just think about homework and what to do. May the force guide you on how to stop this habit.


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Re: How the hell do I stop rocking?

2020-08-31 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : ironcross32 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: How the hell do I stop rocking?

I would highly advise stopping the eye pressing thing, If done too often, it'll sink your eyes back into your skull and make you look like a strung out zombie.


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Re: How the hell do I stop rocking?

2020-08-31 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dgleks via Audiogames-reflector


Re: How the hell do I stop rocking?

Moderation:While we typically frown upon thread necromancy, this particular case presents itself as a legitimate and insightful topic. Therefore, I've elected to keep it open for the time being, as creative (rather than destructive) discussion seems to be stemming from it.Nikole234: you're not in trouble in this case, given that your post and reason for revival were legitimate. However, please be mindful and exercise caution when reviving threads in the future, as excessive thread necromancy is against the forum guidelines.


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Re: How the hell do I stop rocking?

2020-08-31 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : chrisnorman7 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: How the hell do I stop rocking?

Hopefully this hasn't been said already, but here goes:You have 2 options as I see it:1. Work to stop completely. Wear a hat with a bell on, or - if you spend lots of time in one place - put something in front of you, so rocking means you slap yourself in the face.Ask people you trust to give you a signal when you're rocking, like a cough, an obvious sniff, or a touch on your shoulder or arm. Could be a word they inject into the conversation. Shouting at you is just going to make you feel worse I'm thinking.2. Carry on doing it, but in the right places.I have a friend who's adopted option 2, and he's quite happy with it. Rocking relaxes him, and obviously it's not actually hurting anyone, and in fact has given him a killer 6 pack (I guess if you're going to rock, make the rock work for you).If you're going with option 2, just make sure you know where you can and can't be seen (or heard, since it can be audible through floors), and rock to your heart's content.Remember that glass is at worst translucent (lets in light so your outline - if not your features - can be seen), and if you've got the light on you'll stand out like a saw thumb in the dark because the light in the room will illuminate you.Also, if you're behind something like a curtain, make sure that A: it's not sea-through, and B: the wind of your rocking won't disturb the fabric. According to my mum, it looks like the person on the other side is pleasuring themselves haha.Sighted people talk with their hands, or they flick their eyes around a room. How many places have you been where the TV's on, even though nobody's actively watching it? Everyone needs stimuli of some kind. If you're blind, you just can't check out your surroundings passively.I used to be all "rocking is awful". Now I think of it like scratching your arse: There's nothing overtly wrong with it, it's just not a great idea to do it in public.Whatever you decide, be happy with yourself.


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Re: How the hell do I stop rocking?

2020-08-31 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : chrisnorman7 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: How the hell do I stop rocking?

Hopefully this hasn't been said already, but here goes:You have 2 options as I see it:1. Work to stop completely. Wear a hat with a bell on, or - if you spend lots of time in one place - put something in front of you, so rocking means you slap yourself in the face.Ask people you trust to give you a signal when you're rocking, like a cough, an obvious sniff, or a touch on your shoulder or arm. Could be a word they inject into the conversation. Shouting at you is just going to make you feel worse I'm thinking.2. Carry on doing it, but in the right places.I have a friend who's adopted option 2, and he's quite happy with it. Rocking relaxes him, and obviously it's not actually hurting anyone, and in fact has given him a killer 6 pack (I guess if you're going to rock, make the rock work for you).If you're going with option 2, just make sure you know where you can and can't be seen (or heard, since it can be audible through floors), and rock to your heart's content.Remember that glass is at worst translucent (lets in light so your outline - if not your features - can be seen), and if you've got the light on you'll stand out like a saw thumb in the dark because the light in the room will illuminate you.Sighted people talk with their hands, or they flick their eyes around a room. How many places have you been where the TV's on, even though nobody's actively watching it? Everyone needs stimuli of some kind. If you're blind, you just can't check out your surroundings passively.I used to be all "rocking is awful". Now I think of it like scratching your arse: There's nothing overtly wrong with it, it's just not a great idea to do it in public.Whatever you decide, be happy with yourself.


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Re: How the hell do I stop rocking?

2020-08-31 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : KenshiraTheTrinity via Audiogames-reflector


Re: How the hell do I stop rocking?

I dont rock unless I'm on a rocky chair, and thats just for fun. I drum my fingers more than anything, but thats only when I'm in deep concentration. Terrible habit, though, so been working on that to some success.


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Re: How the hell do I stop rocking?

2020-08-31 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : JasonBlaze via Audiogames-reflector


Re: How the hell do I stop rocking?

man, I still have that pressing eyes habit sometimes lol, why it feels good though? specially when I am thinking hard, it's like pressing my eyes gives me idea 


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Re: How the hell do I stop rocking?

2020-08-31 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : ogomez92 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: How the hell do I stop rocking?

You rock because the force compels you to do it. Don't stop. the force is with you. Always.


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Re: How the hell do I stop rocking?

2020-08-31 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Nocturnus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: How the hell do I stop rocking?

So I guess the moral of the story is, rock on?


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Re: How the hell do I stop rocking?

2020-08-31 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : fatih via Audiogames-reflector


Re: How the hell do I stop rocking?

Hkjjkkhklhklh sooo funny…KenshiraTheTrinity wrote:forum threads may get old, but rocking never dies, and thats the truth!


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Re: How the hell do I stop rocking?

2020-08-31 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : KenshiraTheTrinity via Audiogames-reflector


Re: How the hell do I stop rocking?

forum threads may get old, but rocking never dies, and thats the truth!


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Re: How the hell do I stop rocking?

2020-08-31 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : mastodont via Audiogames-reflector


Re: How the hell do I stop rocking?

And what exactly is the point of reviving this topic? This necromancy is really getting on my nerves. Some people seem to have no real life outside this forum.


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Re: How the hell do I stop rocking?

2020-08-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Gaki_shonen via Audiogames-reflector


Re: How the hell do I stop rocking?

And now... Ladies and gentlemen... I am going to cast a spell...Topicos Nekromantis!!!this topic Has bin revived.


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Re: How the hell do I stop rocking?

2020-08-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : kjsisco via Audiogames-reflector


Re: How the hell do I stop rocking?

I used to rock around the clock and I just learned to be aware as many have said already and stop.  It started with my family saying "stop" and soon I told myself.  It is just a habbet.  If it makes you feel any better I have met sighted people who do such things as swinging around, flipping pens, and march in place quite loudly.


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Re: How the hell do I stop rocking?

2020-08-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Patrick via Audiogames-reflector


Re: How the hell do I stop rocking?

This is fair.I usually rock in chairs that I can actually rock in. I do this now and now I don't rock in other chairs that I am not supposed to.


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Re: How the hell do I stop rocking?

2020-08-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Nikole234 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: How the hell do I stop rocking?

A lot of people have this habit. Some of my classmates rocked in the chairs. Also I have several co-workers who do it. Moreover, my husband used to rock. It was so annoying that I bought a rocker recliner for him. You know, he likes it a lot, and I noticed that he almost stopped rocking in other chairs.


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Re: How the hell do I stop rocking?

2017-10-05 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : crashmaster via Audiogames-reflector


Re: How the hell do I stop rocking?

To be honest if used properly a blind school is  actually a usefull resource.In the pre mainstream days it was a bit of an institution however all blind people need to go to a blind school as well as mainstream, I think here in new zealand we call it blind resource centres now where you are trained.Its true there are blind schools here but there is a lot of mainstreaming the only reasons that the schools are used as they used to be is if you are far away but there is a main school for the blind and resource centres branching from it.So you may have a few years at blind school for training then you use a resource centre.Even when not in a blind school and mainstreaming you use resources on request or if you needed it but you need to just like a lot of things ask for your things.You get everything done at first for you but you are expected to know what to do when you know the skill.Thats how it works now in my day we were transitioning so it 
 was part of the old and part of the new.Its actually better than it was because the blind schools were better for the blind as the mainstream schools took all supossed funding and resources from disabled as a whole and transfered it to their own funding.Now though the main blind school where the blind go manages all this.Mainstreamed blind people are supported by resource centres as well as the main school which manages everything.We also have a wide ranging education network for the main school and a union which means in short if anyone tries anything we can jump on their balls really hard which evins it a bit.


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Re: How the hell do I stop rocking?

2017-10-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : joshknnd1982 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: How the hell do I stop rocking?

at post 43 mastodont yes you have a good point there. I'll just agree with you on that.


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Re: How the hell do I stop rocking?

2017-10-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : joshknnd1982 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: How the hell do I stop rocking?

at ironcross i edited some of my posts and deleted others. some were way too long. perhaps others should do the same removing references to stuff some parents may not want their kids to read. Then again when I was in first through 8th grade in school, I remember lots of kids watched the adult-rated beevis and buthead shows on mtv behind their parents backs. Ren and Stimpy was also another popular show geared for adults parents did not want kids watching, but kids found ways to watch it anyway. Some of those older shows are on youtube. I have to see if they're even still making new south park shows. I didn't watch that show in a year and a half or so now. Got into star trek, new audio games and stuff. Now that star trek discovery is out I've been into watching that show. I remember when I was a kid in the 80s and through mid 90s the paid for channels such as HBO, and the x-rated very very adult channels they scrambled the picture, but not the sound. So I was 12 or 13
  when one of my friends who is blind took me in his parents basement where one of the tvs the one with the super nintendo hooked up to it. We played some football, he showed me how to play the super nintendo though we both had no sight at all. Then after that he put on the very very adult x-rated tv channel and we sat and listened to it. The picture was scrambled but it didn't matter the sound or audio came through nice and clear. These days with the new digital tv you cannot listen to scrambled premium tv channels like you could 20 to 30 years ago. now you get a message bugging you about subscribing to watch the channel. He introduced me to the heaviest heavy metal with lots of curse words and x-rated adult stuff in it at 12 years old or so. At the time I wasn't into it too much but now I listen to it sometimes 20 or so years later in 2017 this year. And he got me into the chingching Chong sound tracks, the beetles and other stuff. Parents trying to protect their kids fro
 m stuf like that is a waste of the parents' time. Instead they should talk with their kids about such shows and things because lets face it... We live in the world and you'll run into this stuff sooner or later. Best kids have the skills to deal with it responsibly. I think those parents who choose to heavily shelter their kids from everything are doing them a huge disservice. I heard stories of some parents not even letting their blind child go to the mailbox to get mail. Blind people being afraid of using everyday things like toasters and stoves for cooking, and so on. That's just plain old bad bad parenting. I was sent to school at maybe 2 and a half to 3 years old to start learning braille and other things. My education really paid off. At seven years old in 1989 I watched some what would be now pg13 movies and r-rated movies at 7 years old. movies like raiders of the lost ark, with cigarrette smoking and stuff in them. I enjoyed the movies. I was not sheltered fr
 om anything. I could read and watch pretty much what I wanted. My parents were by no means perfect no parents are... But I had quite a good childhood watching Ren and stimpy, Freddy crueger, and other gory bloody movies. Now the r-rated resident evil movies and books or novels are some of my favorites these days. I may have to get some of the walking dead books and see if I like those. But the resident evil books are great because there's lots of graphic gory scenes in those. When my son is a bit older I may introduce him to those books when he is a teenager. Maybe he will like them.


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Re: How the hell do I stop rocking?

2017-10-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : TJT1234 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: How the hell do I stop rocking?

As I said in my previous post, blindisms come about from lack of stimulation. People who are blind engage in things such as rocking and paper-shredding because they cannot see what is around them. To use an example, you are probably likely (and I say probably because I have never rocked) to engage in rocking when waiting for your food to arrive at a restaurant when you are not listening to music, talking to someone or doing something else that requires a significant amount of attention; however, if you were having a conversation with someone, you would be less likely to rock because your brain is receiving stimulation from what the other person is saying to you. So the solution is to find sources of stimulation in public—things to which you should pay attention. However, scientists now believe that it is actually healthier to not always have things to keep yourself busy because your mind actually needs time to think on its own without external stimulation of any kind, just like some people here have said that they use their mind to contemplate things to pass the time. These habits of rocking and other such activities never develop in sighted people because the visual world provides a constant stream of information. Bored on a car trip? Just look out the window. Sighted people will never develop blindisms because their brain is always satisfied either by the world around them or their ability to just contemplate and reflect. Josh, I am struggling to understand your analogy of lack of OCR software and not having a webcam. (As a side note, if you do want books, couldn’t you just use services like NLS? This would also satisfy your want for braille, which, as you say, stimulates the brain in a way that print does and audio does not. This is because the process of reading braille and print is a direct connection between the reader and the text, whereas using audio is an indirect connection because the listener relies on the reader’s interpretation of the text.) Crashmaster, blindisms are different to stimming, the behaviour found in people with autism, and tics, the involuntary muscle movements and vocalisations that people with Tourette syndrome exhibit. Stimming is done as a response to calm oneself and to block external stimuli; some scientists also believe that it could be a way to combat anxiety; and tics are largely involuntary, and unlike the behaviours blind people exhibit, suppression of tics can only last for a finite amount of time, whereas blind people can be trained to not engage in blindisms.


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Re: How the hell do I stop rocking?

2017-10-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : jesseleivo via Audiogames-reflector


Re: How the hell do I stop rocking?

I also have this stupid rocking problem, but when I am actively doing something, like do stuff on my Computer it doesn't happen that much.


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Re: How the hell do I stop rocking?

2017-10-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : joshknnd1982 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: How the hell do I stop rocking?

ok well you brought the topic up? But I know from experience that masturbation can also destroy relationships. or ruin them very badly. (See the ebook entitled   Holy Sex by Gregory Popcak", I recommend for people 14 or 15 and older). To summarise quickly. Yes masturbation is a form of neurostimulation. But it is also an incorrect use of human sexual bodyparts. The book I referenced above has lots of scientific data in it. I'll use a quick example not from the book but from what I think is a good analogy. example: Using a hammer, a tool to pound things, causes neurostimulation of multiple senses. Using a hammer to pound nails into wood and make a house is a good contstructive use of a hammer. It also causes neurostimulation and the end result is it gives someone a house to live in. contrasting example: Using a hammer to hit your fingers and fracture your bones causing lots of pain is also causing neurostimulation. At first you may not feel the pain 
 it may possibly? feel satisfying at first if you hit hard enough. But you feel the pain later on eventually. In edition, hitting yourself with the hammer just because you want to hit something with a hammer the end result is neither you nor anyone else gains anything from it unless you for some reason like lots of pain and doctor bills. human Sexual activity works similarly. Another good example:You give someone, a close friend or family member a hug. They also hug you so you receive a hug in return. That's the correct use of hugs and the kind of love given and received in a general friend or family relationship. contrasting example: A family member or friend you know wants to give you a hug. You push them away and tell them quite loudly. "I'm scared of getting hugs from anyone because I heard somewhere that I will get the flu and could die!" But you know hugs are a good thing. You just know. Its built into you to want to give hugs and receive them fr
 om others. So you are so desperate to hug someone but the culture for some reason scared you into thinking if you give or get a hug from someone you'll get the flu and die. But you want to give and receive hugs. So out of desperation you go outside and hug the nearest telephone pole or light pole. You think well its not a real human with whom I can communicate with and receive hugs in return but I guess it'll have to do. Masturbation is like hugging the light pole out of desperation. It's a form of neurostimulation And it can also be a blindism. Human sexuality is designed so that  one human male partnered/married to one human female for life. It can also be used to begin the making of new humans. And this method and order would work perfectly everytime that is, in an ideal perfect world. But well we don't live in an ideal world so various things human weaknesses and faults etcetera will crop up. This includes various blindisms and habbits. If human sex is v
 iewed as a tool to reach a certain goal then there has to be a correct use of the tool that yields or gives to others good results and helps people. and a bad selfish use that yields no results but pain and distruction in some way. same with any tool, hammers, knives, and so on.


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Re: How the hell do I stop rocking?

2017-10-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : joshknnd1982 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: How the hell do I stop rocking?

I also could sit outside for hours on swings. And also when I was bored in school I would pop pimples and pick myself up too. People made fun of me in class for picking my scabs off. For some reason I would pick the scabs then eat them. I do that a whole lot less often now though than I did when I was a kid in the 80s and 90s. Then when I would pick myself and get a little of the blood on my hands I would smell it, wonder why it smells like it does, then rub my hands together or fingers together until it turned into a powdery crumbly substance. These days if I pick myself too much I sanitise the picked open spot like if its a bugBite I scratched open I sanitise it with something like hand sanitizer that makes it burn a lot then I do my best to let it go and heal all the way and let it alone. But even today if I pick a pimple or something and it bleads I still sniff the blood and rub it between my fingers until it turns into a powdery dry substance. then i wash it off. I wonder why
  it becomes like a powder?


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Re: How the hell do I stop rocking?

2017-10-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : joshknnd1982 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: How the hell do I stop rocking?

oh yes I have to mention that I was born blind. I could never see at all. This may account for more than one blindism habbit one or two of which if I have to engage in said habbit... I make sure I'm absolutely alone and no sighted person will see me. I tripple even check 4 or so times to ensure nobody is around first and that absolutely no sighted person whatsoever will see. I try my best to avoid such habbits but eventually they come back or I have some desire to engage in such habbits though I try my best to fight them and sometimes I'm successful for maybe a few weeks at a time. But they return eventually. Then I wait until I am alone or will be alone for a good amount of time, and I guess use the physical stimulation to try to replace the huge amount of visual data I should be able to get, but have not, and never could obtain... and never will get ahold of.


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Re: How the hell do I stop rocking?

2017-10-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : joshknnd1982 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: How the hell do I stop rocking?

I also used to when I was bored in class up till I was 16 years old or so, I used to rip up papers into tiny pieces and throw them on the floor around my desk. I liked the feel and sound of paper ripping. My teachers some of them yelled at me got mad at me for it. Most just ignored it. It took me a long while but I grew out of that finally at around age 17 or so.


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Re: How the hell do I stop rocking?

2017-10-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : shotgunshell via Audiogames-reflector


Re: How the hell do I stop rocking?

I have a lot of bad habits, but I suppose the worse 1 is the fact that I gain habits from  other people. Sometimes it's not a bad thing, for instance I hang around Chris a lot, and he has a clear northern US accent. I have 1 now, as opposed to my parents who have slight southern accents. But then I get other habits, for example I hang around people who say, "like," after every few words, so I do the same thing. Controlling your habits is easier said than done, but it is possible.


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Re: How the hell do I stop rocking?

2017-10-01 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Rory via Audiogames-reflector


Re: How the hell do I stop rocking?

@Ironcross, I have that same problem with my mind. I'm constantly thinking about being a jedi, or daredevil, or thinking about girls... Lol I can't actually set my mind on the task at hand like homework, I'm always thinking about something else. Usually when this happens if im imagining im a jedi or something and something epic like a fight is going on I rock faster because I get excited lol.


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Re: How the hell do I stop rocking?

2017-10-01 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : ironcross32 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: How the hell do I stop rocking?

I don't know but for me, I don't tend to rock much, and when I do I realize it right away and stop. Most of my stimulation comes from inside my own mind, which is where I live. It's hard to explain but most of my attention isn't focused on the task at hand, but instead running things in my mind like simulations of battles, fantasies, creating little stories, creating landscapes and running scenarios. When I do something, I only use the needed power to do the thing and the rest is used up in my mind doing these things. I cannot be idle of mined, nor have I ever been able to. It actually used to scare the crap out of me when I was younger because I couldn't control it, it was bad for me because it would force me to spin things out into all possible ends, looking at all branches of a thing, all possible solutions, probabilities, etc. I used to hate it because it was like I wasn't really even in control. I did manage to learn how to channel it though, and
  now its more of a tool than anything else. I'm able to solve problems by anticipating logical outcomes before anyone else does. The daydreams, fantasies, scenarios and whatever else you want to call it is just a way to keep the mind moving I guess. It's like a fish that always has to move and can't swim backwards because it wouldn't be able to use its gills to breathe. In that way, my mind is always in motion. The only thing that ever really stops it is to get dead blasted drunk. Drinking blurs the edgs of it, which is nice. I have trouble focusing on one thing for too long. I prefer to have split things that I can jump between than to focus a lot of attention on one thing for too long. Most of the day to day things I do like showering, cooking, washing dishes, laundry, etc. That's autopilot all the way, I don't think about it at all when I do it.So the point is maybe that's why I don't rock. I think a lot of people don't know this about
  me, and I doubt I could explain it in a way that wouldn't freak them out a little. Sometimes I feel like everyone else is a bit weird, and I'm the only normal one, and sometimes I feel like I'm on a different level than everyone else. There have been very few people I've known I feel on a level with, or who at least understand me to some extent.


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Re: How the hell do I stop rocking?

2017-10-01 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: How the hell do I stop rocking?

That is very cool Chris, sadly  I'm rather heavier than that so it probably  wouldn't work for me, which is a shame since I really miss  swimming.


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Re: How the hell do I stop rocking?

2017-09-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Chris via Audiogames-reflector


Re: How the hell do I stop rocking?

The swing we have in the back yard holds my weight just fine. We've had it for about 16 years. I'm 20 and only weigh about 120 pounds.


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Re: How the hell do I stop rocking?

2017-09-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : gamesmaster via Audiogames-reflector


Re: How the hell do I stop rocking?

Just try to stay still and try not to rock. Then see how long you can go without rockingBestRory kfc


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Re: How the hell do I stop rocking?

2017-09-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : swigjr23 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: How the hell do I stop rocking?

Hello, My parents redirected my rocking when I was younger. They got me a rocking chair. Today, I have a recliner that rocks. I use it to rock when at home, and when I am out in public, I don't feel the urge to rock. In fact, I am sitting in my recliner and rocking while I am typing this.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: How the hell do I stop rocking?

2017-09-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : crashmaster via Audiogames-reflector


Re: How the hell do I stop rocking?

Well this brings back memmories.Any remember chatter rings.For those that don't back in the 90s after slinkeys became uncool we had chatter rings.About 12 washers on a welded metal ring.If you got them spinning fast enough they would make a continuous hiss.The trick was to keep it hissing for as long as possible.I still have a rusty set somewhere.Another thing I do is play bopitt, I have the bopit classic and the boppit xt which is like the extreme which I have clocked, that kept me entertained.I would often rock and bop and it would keep my brain engaged.Speaking of that I need to bring them out again and see if I still have the nack.Sadly those 2 were the only 2 that made it to new zealand.The tetris made it and beats but I never got it right and I never got shake or shout on the classic and xt right either.The ones I'd like would be the starwars one which is probably just a ripp off of classic, ho
 wever I'd really like the download where you could run around with endless soundpacks.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: How the hell do I stop rocking?

2017-09-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector


Re: How the hell do I stop rocking?

I've found that most swings that aren't explicitly the cheap low-to-the-ground plastic stuff can handle plenty of weight, but I'm not really sure where they max out and I might just be on the safe side of the limit. But mostly I'm thinking swings at parks and playgrounds, not something from Wal-mart or Toys Are Us.And if that doesn't work, might I suggest a pull-up bar? Not quite so low-effort, but they are explicitly meant to bear adult levels of weight.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: How the hell do I stop rocking?

2017-09-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Chris via Audiogames-reflector


Re: How the hell do I stop rocking?

My parents made me stop rocking early on. The only thing I can suggest is for you to try doing something else that stimulates your brain. I've found that swinging is an acceptable method of stimulation. I can sit outside for hours on a swing set. This is probably why I also love crazy amusement park rides that spin around and generally move all over the place.I'm not sure how effective music would be aside from giving your mind something else to focus on. Then again, I'm not a huge music person and only listen to a few songs every once in a while. I find myself spending most of my free time listening to books while on the swing set or talking to other people at length about anything. When ever I catch myself rocking now, I can quickly stop it. The good news is that it only happens very occasionally.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: How the hell do I stop rocking?

2017-09-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : LordLundin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: How the hell do I stop rocking?

heh my way of stimulation is scratching holes in myself. Like for acne etc. So I've got some beautiful scars to show for it. Fuck me.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: How the hell do I stop rocking?

2017-09-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : TJT1234 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: How the hell do I stop rocking?

Activities that people who are blind engage in such as rocking, eye poking, head shaking, etc. are called blindisms. People who are blind do them because they require stimulation of some kind. If you're blind, you miss out on all the visual stimulation in the world, which forces your body into trying to find another way to gain stimulation, which in your case, Rory, comes from the sensations that you feel when rocking.So, now you know that the reason you rock is because you require stimulation, you have to find another form of stimulation to replace the rocking. Rocking is an interesting blindism because it is a very physical one. Do you play sport or regularly engage in other physical activity? If not, it's something that you should look into because you will find that your body will become so fatigued from sport that you will lose the strength and the will to rock. I imagine that it will be a gradual process, but you will hopefully see that your rocking fades an
 d other blindisms do not replace it.It is very good that you are determined to find a job.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: How the hell do I stop rocking?

2017-09-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : crashmaster via Audiogames-reflector


Re: How the hell do I stop rocking?

I must admit thats never been my issue.I have rested my hands in my eyes and pushed them.I have also because of having once had blocked  airs have a habbit of trying to unblock them mainly because I didn't bother reporting it till it became a big issue.I now know what that was.Twice that was infection, once it was that I was full of wax.Now I find out that my ears just like to not clear right so every year I need my ears serviced just like a car does.Alergies are part of it to.But by the end of the first year I do loose some hearing in the right side, and if I leave it another it will spread then it all blocks completely.I know autistic people rock, I have never rocked but while  in a rocking chair at someone's place I enjoyed rocking and in fact went to sleep in one but lately with my training and trying to keep my back straight I try to sit in a straight backed chair.The only habbit that 
 is left over from my childhood is that I like to bite my nails and pick myself all to bits and fiddle with myself to.And while all that itself is not mirrored anywhere else in my family, my dad and his family do like to procrastinate so that is my theory.I struggle to simply not waste time.So If I don't watch myself I will sit and have a fiddle and a sleep just to waste a bit of time then find I have wasted a lot of my time doing absolutely squat.I am at least better than dad that seems to put to much on his plate and can take time to do things so who knows.We all have bad habbits.Some are worse than others.My grandpa from when I knew him to when he died liked to sniff al the time for no reason and just say he needed to.Its probably to do with brain needing to idol.I have been told I should use worry beads or something but I have never bothered.I have to really prepair for things else what I tend to do is not be ready 
 in time.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: How the hell do I stop rocking?

2017-09-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Angel via Audiogames-reflector


Re: How the hell do I stop rocking?

I was puting microphones of headphones in my mouth when I was doing something, something like rocking for you.So, I got a spinner, I used it for 2 weeks and now, no microphones or other parts of headphones in my mouth!


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: How the hell do I stop rocking?

2017-09-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Cinnamon via Audiogames-reflector


Re: How the hell do I stop rocking?

This might look a little weird, but is there maybe a phone case with a clip on the back for a lanyard you could wear around your neck? Then, the vibrating app may be better able to detect movement. Might also work with a necklace with a heavy pendant. It might swing out and hit against your chest as you rock, giving you an outside reminder to stop. I have a rocking recliner chair at home, and that's my chair. I sometimes swing slightly back and forth in my swivel chair while I'm deep in thought at work. I think most people have some kind of physical outlet for stimulation. I move my hands more while talking when I'm nervous. I apparently also pat my thighs when I'm nervous and talking, though I don't remember doing it.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: How the hell do I stop rocking?

2017-09-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Jeffb via Audiogames-reflector


Re: How the hell do I stop rocking?

I always have to do something with my hands. Sometimes I don't even realize I'm doing it right away. If it's playing with a strap or just sliding my phone between my fingers little things like that. I never rocked though I'm guessing it was either because I could see when I was 3 or I just never gained the habit. I have friends that rock though one friend instead of rocking will do this thing where he spins from side to side. Usually just from his waste up though. I think though they have some control over these habits and they do them less while in public.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: How the hell do I stop rocking?

2017-09-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Phil via Audiogames-reflector


Re: How the hell do I stop rocking?

Rory,First of all rocking is what mothers did for their babies when they want to get them to sleep, so blame your mom for starting it.Have you ever heard of rocking chairs? People used to rock in a chair all the time and on one minded. Just stay on a front porch on a rocking chair and you'll be fine.Seriously as rocking is a nervous thing, if you transfer your nervousness to something like squeezing a rubber ball or breathing deeper than you usually do that might work.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: How the hell do I stop rocking?

2017-09-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: How the hell do I stop rocking?

With music it's not as much an issue, though if your trying to kick the habit you should probably try to avoid it even then. As I said, finding an alternative and less intrusive source of stimulation is likely a good idea, eg, finger tapping, pacing etc.


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