Re: Monthly Chat February 2017

2017-02-26 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Sebby via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly  Chat February 2017

@Dark yes, I know what you meant, of course ... but your sentence left just enough ambiguity for some dark humour, and you know how I'm always a sucker for that sort of thing. As for keyboards, well the chief reason is simply that if your system already has a Bluetooth controller, and most do, then using it makes it easier on the keyboard itself, which can be smaller, as well as your computer, which of course doesn't need to accommodate extra ports for dongles. I'm really surprised all these weird cordless keyboards haven't died off yet. Anyway, of course, go with what makes you feel comfortable. I always keep a wired keyboard on hand, no matter what, just in case I get into a situation where my Bluetooth pairing isn't working and I need to intervene to put it right. However that is rare; usually it all just works and the keyboard can just switc
 h between devices.I agree that way too much is digital nowadays for no reason. Sometimes simple things should stay simple. Oral-B is now selling an Internet-connected toothbrush, so you can measure and track your tooth brushings ... needless to say, I turned it down. Good grief. I love technology and the Internet to bits, but sometimes it's just absurd and unnecessary. Not to speak of a potential security disaster.


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Re: Monthly Chat February 2017

2017-02-26 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Sebby via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly  Chat February 2017

@Dark yes, I know what you meant, of course ... but your sentence left just enough ambiguity for some dark humour, and you know how I'm always a sucker for that sort of thing. As for keyboards, well the chief reason is simply that if your system already has a Bluetooth controller, and most do, then using it makes it easier on the keyboard itself, which can be smaller, as well as your computer, which of course doesn't need to accommodate extra ports for dongles. I'm really surprised all these weird cordless keyboards haven't died off yet. Anyway, of course, go with what makes you feel comfortable. I always keep a wired keyboard on hand, no matter what, just in case I get into a situation where my Bluetooth pairing isn't working and I need to intervene o put it right. However that is rare; usually it all just works and the keyboard can just switch
  between devices.I agree that way too much is digital nowadays for no reason. Sometimes simple things should stay simple. Oral-B is now selling an Internet-connected toothbrush, so you can measure and track your tooth brushings ... needless to say, I turned it down. Good grief. I love technology and the Internet to bits, but sometimes it's just absurd and unnecessary. Not to speak of a potential security disaster.


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Re: Monthly Chat February 2017

2017-02-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Phil via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly  Chat February 2017

Dark,I listened to all three Back to the Future movies from Blind Mice and they are all stereo not mono.Do you have your settings on your Windows 10 computer set wrong?


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Re: Monthly Chat February 2017

2017-02-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly  Chat February 2017

I've got a Bluetooth keyboard for my phone, but in practical terms I don't really see the difference when your at the same desktop. The control key does seem to be behaving at the moment, or at least it was long enough for me to rather enjoy playing death on the road yesterday . Btw, Sebby, I meant the end of post graduate hood in my previous post not the end of marriage. I don't think according to our wedding vows we technically can! have an end of marriage, up to and including death. Of course we could disregard wedding vows etc, but we're about as likely to do that as we are to disregard breathing. Well the saga of the wandering washing machine seems to have come to a conclusion, though you'd be amazed how difficult finding a machine without! a inaccessible digital display swas. I did consider trying the "smart home" thing, a
 ccept that unfortunately for access you actually need to set the "smart home" function up on whatever device you want to use it on, which makes it sort of pointless if the very reason you want the dam thing is to avoid the stupid display in the first place. Sometimes I think the hole business of making everything with a mock phone interface just to look swish has gone way! too far, indeed I miss the days when devices used to have handy knobs, sliders, switches and dials which were far easier to learn or label, hell it's sort of amusing that as a child I could pretty much guarantee to be able to use most tvs I came across just by pressing shannel buttons and turning nobs, now, unless I use my pc and a website I'm pretty much stuck. Ditto in terms of tape recorders and sterrios as audio devices. Of course there are bennifits, I do love my victor and these days I'd not be without a pc, still when it gets to the point that a washing machine has
  to be digital I do wonder if someone lost the plot somewhere. either way, we have managed to find a usable machine, with dials, and it's now working! hurrah! you'd be amazed how much you can miss having a decent quilt when you've been without one for several days. As for other matters, annoyingly lst night we tried to watch back to the future from blindmice mart, only to find that A, it had the usual crappy balance and mono from blindmice, and B, and more seriously, it was amazingly! badly cut, and for a film like back to the future that relies on it's plot that is a major disappointment. I did try my copy of the film on dvd, but it has no audio description track, which is disappointing. Otherwise, I'm still playing with windows 10. I've got several db pages up for games that I've only just got chance to try, which have needed entires for some time, also I now have vipmud and mushZ installed, though the other day I was 
 reacquainting myself with Erion since I wanted something a bit more combatty and a bit less guess the verb style. I do also need to finish my review for Cell by steven king before its' impression fades in my brain as well.And this rambling mess has got wy too long so methinks I'd better post it pronto .


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Re: Monthly Chat February 2017

2017-02-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Sebby via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly  Chat February 2017

Mmm, I think I'll refrain from further purchasing just now, in case I go bankrupt. Also, if I'm honest I think I need to diversify again a little bit (I got a couple of Big Finish's new Classics series which are looking up to be a lot of fun). Frankenstein and Dracula, since you ask. And Jekyll and Hyde, when it appears later.I don't think you want to be thinking too hard about the end of your marriage just yet. It's a little too soon for that kind of pessimism. Depends on the kind of keyboard you have. For security reasons and because they're generally more self-contained, I'd suggest Bluetooth keyboards, rather than these wireless affairs with dedicated dongles. But you should keep at least one wired keyboard on hand, to do your initial setups with.


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Re: Monthly Chat February 2017

2017-02-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly  Chat February 2017

Ah maria, I did wonder. @Sebby, Vienna I liked the first series, but after that it got a little too formula noire for my liking, also when in season 2 Vienna was given a random side kick with the most laughable new York accent it did make things pretty farsical. I actually enjoyed the metaphysical stuff in season 3 of graceless and the good ending, I particularly liked the ties back to the general and the creatures in the son, it's always nice to get callbacks to that sort of thing rather than them just   being weird for the sake of weird. I was actually moderately impressed at the riversong series, and to say I can't stand riversong in the tv series that is saying something. Season 1 was very well constructed, 2 had some great individual stories but a really messy over all plot. Actually I need to get back to some of the latest stuff from bf, though right now I'm rereading the mallorean by david eddings, a series I loved 
 as a teenager. I really enjoyed doing the belgariad recently and was surprised how much it had escaped  suck fairy, who you can read about here As to uni, well my original uni experience was fun, post graduate hood less so, at least until marriage. What I do when that finishes we'll see. Actually what happens with housing will be interesting given that my current flat is a little small for two people and two dogs, so we'll probably move soon enough. Hopefully the dread saga of the washing machine will resolve itself tomorrow, after which I an get back to worrying about windows 10 and which version of office I need, though unfortunately these logitech wireless keyboards we have are going very wonkey right now with annoyingly scuppered control keys. Any suggestions for good wireless keyboards? I've been quite disappointed in these, though I don
 39;t know the model number well enough to say what they are, yet both my wife's and mine have now got buggered left control keys, (so expect some odd messages until we can get things sorted out). aaMethinks they might need replacing rather sooner than expected.


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Re: Monthly Chat February 2017

2017-02-18 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : mariaespino26 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly  Chat February 2017

Dark, to answer your question about where I live I live in Texas. It's pretty warm now but tomorrow through around Monday it's going to rain a lot. Right now I was listening to the legend of Zelda  Twilight princess  English dub.


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Re: Monthly Chat February 2017

2017-02-18 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Sebby via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly  Chat February 2017

I like your spelling of Brexit. Perhaps "Bwrecksit" is better.  My brother is looking to live back at home, but since he's now got a job the council won't be supporting us and mother will probably fret about her share of the rent. I have hope yet that we will make this work, but London's property market is the perfect demonstration of the evils of neoliberalism in its purest form. Unless we start doing some serious building or else start radically demanding use out of all these empty properties it's going to be a disaster for a whole generation of young Londoners.And now to something more cheerful, Graceless 3 had a good ending and I was sure it would never been continued (even Worlds did not really touch the storyline by much, it merely relocated bits of it). If I'm honest, I didn't think it would continue because it didn't 
 hold up to the same level of devoted seriousness of other series, but I'm happy to be proven wrong on that score. I mean, yeah, amusing, but also really fun and action-packed stories. I think it really set the scene in the first series, but the second really worked especially well for me. The third got a bit, I dunno, metaphysical for my liking. Still, there are ways yet, eh?I'm not going near Summerfield, not yet anyway. There's just way too much nonsense, as you said a lot of continuity across mediums which always makes me annoyed. However since I really like what I've heard of Vienna so far and the fact that the stories are basically autonomous I've decided to plunk on that. Iris is completely new to me so I look forward to it--late, as ever, like I said.I shall leave you to your romantic (and, doubtless, very happy) thoughts. But I will say that I've not exactly mad about returning to my uni. This is not because I do not also cherish r
 omantic notions of studenthood once again, more that it was not an altogether happy story. But that can wait for another time, I think. Enjoy your weekend. 


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Re: Monthly Chat February 2017

2017-02-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly  Chat February 2017

Well I'm not sure on brecksit, but as far as graceless goes, I have the series but haven't listened to it yet. Worlds indeed was a giant promo, but I was just downright disappointed  with the ending. To have three promising a huge confrontation with interstellar evil and basically to find their last spaceship with a flat tire was down right irritating! then again, this isn't the first time that doctor who has promised and not delivered in the epic department, though I do find it disappointing when it happens in the audios since generally I expect better writing quality than that. I enjoyed the first three series of graceless, so we'll see where four goes. I thought the principle of two ditsy ladies with nearly ultimate power having random sister bitching sessions about the same dude across all of space and time was both amusing and a good story, though I don't really know how their going to write themselves out of series three's good ending. summerfield isn't my favourite bf series, mostly because so much relies on continuity with the novels it's hard to get into or who half of the cast are, and things suddenly change for no reason. Iris Wildthyme is sort of hit and miss. When it's on it's really funny, when it's off it can be irritating as sand paper underpants. Sadly the first pilot series one they did was very much the latter, but seasons 2 nd 3 improved things no end. Four however basically retconned the near total destruction of the universe in season 3, and also had no pander dam it! I also have to say Iris, or rather pander  responsible for one of my favourite phrases, namely the idea of giving someone a punch up the hooter! .Well yessterdan I utterly failed to do the stuff I said I'd do, but on the plus side I did get to play a lot of crazy party and had a great evening with one of my friends, albeit both mrs. dark and I crashed rather early due to unexpectedly strong cocktails and a very large Mexican meal .I will say it seems odd going back to a place where they know meby name and where I've been roughly once a year or so for the last fourteen years where I first went as a student, now going with my wife of all things. Really, the thought of me having a wife still seems totally bizarre, bizarre! heck, the shear unlikeliness of us getting together and the amount of romantic clichés we went through, it feels like my life has become  an extremely! shlocky film .Well that's enough of that, especially at four in the morning.


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Re: Monthly Chat February 2017

2017-02-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Sebby via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly  Chat February 2017

Right. Following in from this post, I think you should know that Graceless 4 is out. No comment yet on the performance yet as I've yet to listen to it, but happily I had only just listened to Graceless series one to three (yes, finally!). In fact that's the story of my life in general: getting on board things just in time to see them change forever ...Worlds of Big Finish worked for me. Well, I mean it was coherent, anyway. But I had not yet collected all the series (I now have Iris Wildthyme newly on order, and will get to that shortly, Graceless of course, Sherlock, but not Summerfield or Vienna). In fact the money I'm throwing away on Big Finish series for which I do not even have adequate continuity is quite astonishing ... and worrying ... but at least it keeps me feeling upbeat when life turns blue ... as it often does when I am confronted with the dull routine of existence ...But I
  still think Worlds should have been free. I mean, really, it was just a gigantic promotion for the other series, right? Surely, you shouldn't pay for that, not when the series will pay for themselves.As an aside, the housing market in London is only very slightly improved; central areas are seeing slower growth. Good when you want to stay in the city but you're basically impoverished and your only real chances are half a room, let alone a shared flat. Bad if your a property speculator, but that's OK because property speculators are the world's leading arseholes. Bloody bankers! Oh and yes I have to say, this is about the only good thing about Brexit--the rest is an unmitigated disaster in waiting. But you knew that already, of course.[[wow]], that was probably the most random and informal post I've ever written on here ... still that's what this topic is for ...


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Monthly Chat February 2017

2017-02-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Sebby via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly  Chat February 2017

Right. Following in from this post, I think you should know that Graceless 4 is out. No comment yet on the performance yet as I've yet to listen to it, but happily I had only just listened to Graceless series one to three (yes, finally!). In fact that's the story of my life in general: getting on board things just in time to see them change forever ...Worlds of Big Finish worked for me. Well, I mean it was coherent, anyway. But I had not yet collected all the series (I now have Iris Wildthyme newly on order, and will get to that shortly, Graceless of course, Sherlock, but not Summerfield or Vienna). In fact with the money I'm throwing away on Big Finish series for which I do not even have adequate continuity is quite astonishing ... and worrying ... but at least it keeps me feeling upbeat when life turns blue ... as it often does when I am confronted with the dull routine of existence ...
 As an aside, the housing market in London is only very slightly improved; central areas are seeing slower growth. Good when you want to stay in the city. Bad if your a property speculator, but that's OK because property speculators are the world's leading arseholes. Oh and yes I have to say, this is about the only good thing about Brexit--the rest is an unmitigated disaster in waiting. But you knew that already, of course.[[wow]], that was probably the most random and informal post I've ever written on here ... still that's what this topic is for ...


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Monthly Chat February 2017

2017-02-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Sebby via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly  Chat February 2017

Right. Following in from this post, I think you should know that Graceless 4 is out. No comment yet on the permormance yet as I've yet to listen to it, but happily I had only just listened to Graceless series one to three (yes, finally!). In fact that's the story of my life in general: getting on board things just in time to see them change forever ...Worlds of Big Finish worked for me. Well, I mean it was coherent, anyway. But I had not yet collected all the series (I now have Iris Wildthyme newly on order, and will get to that shortly, Graceless of course, Sherlock, but not Summerfield or Vienna). In fact with the money I'm throwing away on Big Finish series for which I do not even have adequate continuity is quite astonishing ... and worrying ... but at least it keeps me feeling upbeat when life turns blue ... as it often does when I am confronted with the dull routine of existence ...


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Re: Monthly Chat February 2017

2017-02-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly  Chat February 2017

Hi Maria. Btw, where in the world are you actually from? You don't have to fill in your location information, though I am wondering, since your Hispanic.I'm of course in the gloomy and desolate reaches of north England, not far from the Scottish boarder, though that being said yesterday actually started to look like spring with nice sunshine, flowers etc, something my lady is looking forward to since she's not enjoyed the winter .Well the washing machine saga continues. The guys turn up to install the machine,  extremely nice guys I have to say. they go through all the controls about what does what and how to set what, and indeed the machine has some very useful buttons.Then however they go to pull out the old one and find apparently there is a hotwater tap as well as a cold water one, so if they install the new one they'
 ll have to leave the hot tap open and we'll have another major flood! They said we needed a plumber to come and tap off the hot tap, and regretfully left the new washing machine looming in the corner of our living room! On the plus side, the housing association people are! willing to sort out the taps since it's part of the basic flat's fixtures that they own, and odds are the nice plumber will install the new machine while he's about it. On the down side, that can't happen until Monday.So, we've had to hang semi clean laundry until it's at least  enough to store, and hopefully it'll be fixed by Monday. I also got a lovely email the other day saying the re submission of my thesis has been delayed again. In fairness I think this is because one of the professors is ill, but it's still a major painus in the anus since it means I can't start anything else yet.So today continues to be busy, wit
 h more sorting out my windows 10 machine doing things like installing vipmud, maybe adding the gate to the database now I've played the thing, and of course writing my review of cell!


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Re: Monthly Chat February 2017

2017-02-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : mariaespino26 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly  Chat February 2017

Good luck with the washing machine search Dark. I just got out of work now I am going to go home to play some BK 2.


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Re: Monthly Chat February 2017

2017-02-14 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly  Chat February 2017

And to you Miriaespino, though I have to say yesterday was probably the least romantic occasion imaginable, even considering it's our first  valentine's  day married. Well Slender is correct since I'm back again at five in the morning, although yesterday I got a lot of things done. So, remember those towels I mentioned? well of course we put them in the washing machine, only to find said washer decided to immitate a British crickit match and go on strike due to flooding. Yes, the motor went crunk and we had water all over the flaw. So I ring the council, or at least the random housing association who are now my landlords in place of the council since the was originally given me by them, and very appropriately they washed their hands of the thing. Okay then, I ring curries, regular regional electronics place who have a shop and could deliver, provided we can find a washing machine that actualy has knobs not a none usable digital d
 isplay. On the down side, curries local isn't actually possible to get to without paying about ten quid per trip for a taxi, however in an era of instant communication where I can talk to anyone across the globe in secondds, talking to someone about 15 miles away should be absolutely fine right? wrong! they planely misunderstand the meaning of the word "local" since it's physically impossible to speak to anyone in the shop itself, I was put through to somewhere in India, and when I explained to said Indian lady that no, I didn't want to order a model I needed to talk to someone in the actual shop to physically ask about the controls, she said she understood, offered to put me through to their stock department, and finally stuck me on an answer machine that cut me off. I was therefore left with two choices, paying cash for a taxi and hoping to find a helpful shop assistant, or doing something I don't like doing, and asking my parents to go in to t
 heir local curries and find a usable washing machine. I took the latter option, much as I didn't like to. If people were wondering why I didn't just ask a friend to go with me, the simple answer is that this is pretty urgent. Our bath tub is full of semi clean laundry, including a cover, which we only have one of, (indeed I wonder if part of the reason I'm awake so early is due to the fact that my wife and I had to share a very small single quilt which can be rather chilly. To compound things, it seems Reever might be ill, which really isn't good either and is yet more things to deal with, particularly since my lady is a bit stuck due to not really having finished her cane training sufficiently to get into town yet. So, combine this with my Nvda experiments and need to get office, install things like Vipmud continue learning more about nvda, and I'm pretty busy at the moment. I also finished Cell by steven king and  will be wr
 iting a review, since fortunately now I do have an email program to send it, even if it'll have to be written in wordpad rather than ms word for the time being.To calm things down though, and because it's a book I've not read since the age of around 15, I am rereading david eddings mallorean, since sI reread the belgariad recently. Quite surprised how much I enjoyed those, since they're just so fun! also, since they have enough praise they're books I don't need to review.


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Re: Monthly Chat February 2017

2017-02-14 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : mariaespino26 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly  Chat February 2017

Happy valentines day to you all. 


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Re: Monthly Chat February 2017

2017-02-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : slender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly  Chat February 2017

Ah, sleep pattern mode. I'm always awake late at night too, indeed I think it's a common struggle many blind people share. However I think it is often misunderstood as, say, somebody using a computer too much and the misinformation spreads everywhere. however, yeah, definitely I can relate to being up at 4:00 AM and trying to get food.


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Re: Monthly Chat February 2017

2017-02-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly  Chat February 2017

Well if people don't mind the double post, things are now moderately disasterous. We had a really nice meal on Saturday and my friend setup the windows 10 machine which I'm trying to get to behave, indeed I'll need to ring dolphin today about a couple of things.However, in typical sleep pattern mode, I'm awake at four in the morning. I then trot to my kitchin to discover one of the worst cases of freezer ice ever! So bad that all my efforts with a knife and the first song from Frozen are rather failing and the only thing to be done seems to be to defrost the dam thing and start  again!So, it's four in the morning, the kitchin floor is covered with towels and I'm now sitting around for ice to melt, or at least get sufficiently melted that it'llyield to the  blade  of a carving knife .


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Re: Monthly Chat February 2017

2017-02-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly  Chat February 2017

Well interesting things happening today. We're meeting some friends for lunch, after which a friend of mine is going to give me a hand connecting up my new windows 10 machine. Assuming we don't suddenly find we need some extra wires, this should presumably mean I'll be at least starting the process of sorting things out this afternoon. I've checked the dolphin site and found out some useful info such as windows 10 keyboard shortcuts, they also have some basic tutorials for things like outlook 2013, office, etc which should be useful (albeit I'd like to avoid using outlook if I can), though I do wish dolphin had the sorts of generalized tutorials on the actual interface they used to have for xp which directly explained windows itself, what was where, what menu was for what etc, particularly since I imagine as i tend to be someone who likes to organize things I'll be doing a lot of messing around interface wise. At least since dolphin have 
 run the confiig options most of the major setup should already be done and I presumably can begin with things like installing what needs to be installed, sticking my favourites and documents back in,poking around the interface, installing some of the basic programs I like such as Vlc media player, vipmud and probably winamp, fixing up my preferde sapi voice,  trying different applications etc. I'm not sure about sn16, since some of the features, such as instant ocr sound really useful, others like an in built media tab with stuff like access to radio and podcasts I'm not sure about, but we'll see, as with anything it's going to be a case of use the useful bits and discard the none useful bits, and on the plus side compatibility with windows 10 sounds pretty good, other than with Edge.


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Re: Monthly Chat February 2017

2017-02-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly  Chat February 2017

Well interesting things happening today. We're meeting some friends for lunch, after which a friend of mine is going to give me a hand connecting up my new windows 10 machine. Assuming we don't suddenly find we need some extra wires, this should presumably mean I'll be at least starting the process of sorting things out this afternoon. I've checked the dolphin site and found out some useful info such as windows 10 shortcuts, though I do wish dolphin had the sorts of tutorials they used to have for xp which directly explained the interface itself. At least since dolphin have run the confiig options most of the major setup should already be done and I presumably can begin with things like installing what needs to be installed, sticking my favourites and documents back in,poking around the interface  etc.The thing that most worries me is email. I should be able to crowbar the interface into something I can work with, even if it means lots o
 f shortcuts and subfolders such, but I really! don't like outlook with it's cluttered interface and annoying config options, and hope the mail ap works correctly with my account since I do a lot of things with email, from game signups to book reviews. We'll also see how installation works since there are things I definitely want to check out that require windows 10.


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Re: Monthly Chat February 2017

2017-02-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly  Chat February 2017

@aaron, sorry to hear about the bug, there do seem to have been things going around, indeed the reason my friend couldn't help with my new desktop previously is he's had quite a bad bug himself. As to books about disability, obviously since it's my research interest I've read several. I saw a play last year "the strange affair of the dog in the night" which was about an autistic boy and was amazingly good, also I can highly recommend skallagrigg by William Horwood which is about both disability and computer games, my wife read it recently and was amazed. @nocturnus ouch! I'm wondering if you've offended any deities recently since it seems your cursed with floods. I hope things get sorted out this time too, I definitely know what a pest building maintenance and the like is. I went to Florida myself when I was 14 and did all the disney stuff, indeed I still have the cuddly Simba I bought back with me :d. Mrs. Dark woul
 d love to go at some point, and particularly go along with me, though time and money are a bit of a pest with that sort of thing right now, even for going to Euro disney in France, (which was nice but nott a patch on the real thing). Things here have been interesting. mrs. Dark has started her refresher training with a cane which is good, though she can't have lessons quite as often as necessary. I'm working on another book review, this one for a childhood favourite, Dianna Wynn Jones tale of time city, and I've started Cell by Steven King. I'm not sure so far, since there's been so much zombocalypse kicking around that the hole "shock! everyone in society has become violent killers!" just isn't that shocking, , but equally I'm only about an hour in and things are only just kicking off so we'll see. Mrs. Dark and I have also started Douglas Adams Last Chance to see, a documentary he made in 1990 where he wanders ar
 ound the world searching for endangered species. It's the sort of thing that is both extremely funny, and very poignant at the same time, especially since I first heard it when it was broadcast (with a new afterward detailing how the species mentioned are getting on now), following Douglas Adams death in 2001. Actually i listened to it on the bus my friend and I got down to London to protest the iraq war, particularly because I had very long hair at the time, the bus was extremely crowded, and I couldn't sleep because some over large oaf sitting next to me kept putting his elbow on it .


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Re: Monthly Chat February 2017

2017-02-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : LordLundin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly  Chat February 2017

yupp sounds like I found my vacation spot! 


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Re: Monthly Chat February 2017

2017-02-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : slender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly  Chat February 2017

When I was in Florida for a week, I got some old memories back. Mainly memories of swimming in the ocean, which I hadn't done in 8 years. Before then, the last time I wen in an ocean was when I lived in California. of course there were a few boring days but mostly I had fun, and I would happily go back there again. I didn't get to go to any theme parks, though.


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Re: Monthly Chat February 2017

2017-02-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : slender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly  Chat February 2017

When I was in Florida for a week, I got some old memories back. Mainly memories of swimming in the ocean, which I hadn't done in 8 years. Before then, the last time I wen in an ocean was when I lived in California. of course there were a few boring days but mostly I had fun, and I would happily go back there again.


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Re: Monthly Chat February 2017

2017-02-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : aaron via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly  Chat February 2017

I can't speak for living in Florida, but I absolutely loved my trip to Orlando in 2015. I made many, many memories. It blows the UK out of the water in terms of theme park stuff, everything has a story. In the UK you just get on a ride and go round. No pre-shows or audio that much. While we were in Orlando as well, there was a friend who had a house so we got to go there a couple of times as well, outside the theme park bubble.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Monthly Chat February 2017

2017-02-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Nocturnus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly  Chat February 2017

Florida... I'm trying to get out of here!  Everything's expensive, living here is close to impossible if you have nonfunctioning eyeballs, and the drastic weather patterns are kicking my butt!I got hit with an outstanding water bill of well over a hundred dollars, which even the plumbers say is ridiculous, then our AC broke because nothing bad enough had happened yet.  To further illustrate this concept, I also submit to you that my washer took a leak, literally, all over the laundry room floor, which leaves us dreading the next water bill.  The leak rapidly spread, and while it devoured nothing massive in its path save a few feet of carpet and lent itself to walls and cabinets, we'll also have to have someone come in and conduct a mold inspection because, the landlord and agent responsible for maintenance of this place, not wanting to shell out more money than they have to, decided to wait an extra long time in sending in people to clean up and
  air the carpets out, which left them smelling rather interesting to say the least.But here's the real kicker!  they're trying to slap us with the bills!  Woohoo!Honestly, I hate sounding like I'm complaining, so I probably shouldn't post on these topics for awhile.  lol


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Monthly Chat February 2017

2017-02-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : slender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly  Chat February 2017

As for me, not much has been happening after the trip to Florida.  However, I did find a very interesting NSF. For those who don't know, NSF is a chip format mostly used on the NES, Nintendo Entertainment System. Basically, on the FDS chip,, one of several that the NSF format supports, there is a feature that can be enabled called FDS Write Protect, which protects certain memory addresses from being written to. Interestingly, the writer of this particular NSF checks if FDS Write Protection is enabled, and, if it is not, will use the chip itself to tell you to enable it. Yes, the actual FDS will talk, in a very strange voice but you can understand it. That's very innovative because usually, NSF'S will usually just play, and having something that checks like that is very rare. As far as I know, the author would have had to code this on their own, in assembly. And, when FDS Wr
 ite Protection is enabled, an entire song plays, and that song is interesting as well. Well, that's all for now turtles I mean folks.  In other news, as I was posting that, the forum asked me a stop bots question. I won't post the question or answer here, lest the bots check and find out the answer 


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Monthly Chat February 2017

2017-02-05 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : slender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly  Chat February 2017

As for me, not much has been happening after the trip to Florida.  However, I did find a very interesting NSF. For those who don't know, NSF is a chip format mostly used on the NES, Nintendo Entertainment System. Basically, on the FDS chip,, there is a feature that can be enabled called FDS Write Protect, which protects certain memory addresses from being written to. Interestingly, the writer of this particular NSF checks if FDS Write Protection is enabled, and, if it is not, will use the chip itself to tell you to enable it. Yes, the actual FDS will talk, in a very strange voice but you can understand it. That's very innovative because usually, NSF'S will usually just play, and having something that checks like that is very rare. As far as I know, the author would have had to code this on their own, in assembly. And, when FDS Write Protection is enabled, an entire song pla
 ys, and that song is interesting as well. Well, that's all for now turtles I mean folks.  In other news, as I was posting that, the forum asked me a stop bots question. I won't post the question or answer here, lest the bots check and find out the answer 


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Monthly Chat February 2017

2017-02-05 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : slender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly  Chat February 2017

As for me, not much has been happening after the trip to Florida.  However, I did find a very interesting NSF. For those who don't know, NSF is a chip format mostly used on the NES, Nintendo Entertainment System. Basically, on the FDS chip,, there is a feature that can be enabled called FDS Write Protect, which protects certain memory addresses from being written to. Interestingly, the writer of this particular NSF checks if FDS Write Protection is enabled, and, if it is not, will use the chip itself to tell you to enable it. Yes, the actual FDS will talk, in a very strange voice but you can understand it. That's very innovative because usually, NSF'S will usually just play, and having something that checks like that is very rare. As far as I know, the author would have had to code this on their own, in assembly. And, when FDS Write Protection is enabled, an entire song pla
 ys, and that song is interesting as well. Well, that's all for now turtles I mean folks.  In other news, as I was posting that, the forum asked me a stop bots question. I won't post the question or answer here, lest the bots check out the forum and find out 


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Monthly Chat February 2017

2017-02-05 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : slender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly  Chat February 2017

As for me, not much has been happening after the trip to Florida.  However, I did find a very interesting NSF. For those who don't know, NSF is a chip format mostly used on the NES, Nintendo Entertainment System. Basically, on the FDS chip,, there is a feature that can be enabled called FDS Write Protect, which protects certain memory addresses from being written to. Interestingly, the writer of this particular NSF checks if FDS Write Protection is enabled, and, if it is not, will use the chip itself to tell you to enable it. Yes, the actual FDS will talk, in a very strange voice but you can understand it. That's very innovative because usually, NSF'S will usually just play, and having something that checks like that is very rare. As far as I know, the author would have had to code this on their own, in assembly. And, when FDS Write Protection is enabled, an entire song pla
 ys, and that song is interesting as well. Well, that's all for now turtles I mean folks. 


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Monthly Chat February 2017

2017-02-05 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : aaron via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly  Chat February 2017

This month has been ok so far.Unfortunately, on Wednesday I was fine until around 2:30 and then came down, for some reason, with a stomach bug. I ended up shutting down the pc and just having a no tec day watching tv.Luckily the next day I was ok. Or so I thought.Then on Friday the bug strikes again but luckily it's downgraded itself, as it's a cold. I'm still fighting through it, and I don't mind as much because with a cold at least I can still do stuff!I've actually been reading too! For Kindle, I got a book called 3500 by Ron Miles, it costs $1, or in the uk £0.99. Now, the full title is 3500: an autistic boy's ten-year romance with Snow White, and this has been quite an interesting, true, story. It's about a parent who has an autistic child, and they moved to Florida because it was helping him a bit. There's a ride in Florida called Snow White's Scary Adventures, and, he rode it 3500 times before it closed. However, it's the journey that this book is about, because the author fills it with a lot of stories about raising an autistic son and the Disney bits are just icing on the cake for me. It's fascinating how it's helped this person and I'm really enjoying it so far. I've never known myself to blaze through 10 chapters in two hours and there's a bit more to go still!We also got a new car recently, I like it. I'm not sure of the exact model number but it's a bmw and it's got a computery type interface inside, I like the way that you start it. YOu put the key in and just press a button, which has a nice satisfying click to it, and the thing just comes to life.We also just had a nice catch up with our neighbours last night, it was a fun social get together.I just realized the amount of alsos I keep typing. That's a word I use a lot.I'm happy about the Hero's Call campaign raising over $1! That's a really awesome amount to end on, and I'm excited about what this game will bring.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Monthly Chat February 2017

2017-02-05 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly  Chat February 2017

Lol Lord Lundin, no problem with the meladrama, at least about missing friends and dogs, ironically my first dog was a bull terrier called Jessy who was with me for 14 years. Mrs. Dark's dog died on boxing day unexpectedly so we very much know what you mean. As to sandman slim, well I did read the first four but I found the series simply annoying, very much trying to hard to be grim and cool and not really filling in the plot. Okay if you want an action fest but personally I like a little more behind the action to actually give me a reason to care about whether the protagonist gets squished or not, in sandman slim, half of the time I was rooting for the badguys to do in James Stark just because I found him so dam annoying! .As to me, well we're back at our flat now, and both feeling a bit shattered as last night was my godmother's birthday which was
  worth going to support my godmother, but bloody annoying because there was a kaly band who weren't bad, but whoever did their sound needed shooting because the vocalists' mike was turned up so high it rattled my ear bones! not the instruments oddly enough, just the guys mike, which makes me think someone did a booboo with the sound. Still, three hours of sitting around unable to converse with anyone and not willing to attempt dances that are only demonstrated visually, (besides I can't stand dancing anyway), was not a fun evening. Either way in better news, I submitted a review for Lear's daughters, which was a really! awesome sf and should be turning up soon on I've also arranged for my friend to come and assist with connecting up my new windows 10 machine, which will definitely be worth doing I think. Game wise, I confess I'm feeling a little lazy right now so haven't gone back to any of the muds I
 39;ve been trying, then again it's nice to have a miner gaming break for a while, and ssince I tend to checkout the gate and  restart manamon once my pc is setup (I won't have to pinch my wife's machine for that), I'l be very busy with games soon.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Monthly Chat February 2017

2017-02-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : LordLundin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly  Chat February 2017

haha I've been also recommended Sandman Slim --- I guess you and I have different taste in books. You guys totally need to check out this awesome Young vocalist, hold on let me get a link or two.The Ballroom Blitz - SWEET cover by Motion Device - YouTube Device covers Sweet's rock classic!! 13 year old Sara and her band bandmates Josh, Andrea, Alex and David, cover the iconic 70's rock hit 'The Ballroom Blitz'. This video is dedicated to Kevin Petley and his family, who are huge supporters of the band from Ireland. Thank you to Sweet's Brian Connolly, Steve Priest, Andy Scott and Mick Turner for giving us the kind of music that stands the test of time… LONG LIVE ROCK & ROLL!!This girl is my godiss. Alright let me finish listening to her spine-tingling voice then find some more excellent covers.Wind of Change - SCORPIONS cover by Motion Device - YouTube Device covers 'Wind of Change' by Scorpions!! 14 year old vocalist Sara Menoudakis is accompanied by her 18 year old sister Andrea on the piano for this classic cover of the Scorpions 'Wind of Change' from their album 'Crazy World'. The video is dedicated to Pratiksha Panta. We would like to thank Klause Meine and the rest of the Scorpions for this beautiful song that means so much to so many across the globe.Why did I just shed a tear?The Last In Line - Dio cover by Motion Device - YouTube Device covers Ronnie James Dio's 'The Last In Line' and 'Stand Up and Shout'!!! It's been more than a year since 11 year old Sara (she's 12 now) and her band covered Black Sabbath's 'Heaven and Hell' in 2013. Dio's fans seem to like Motion Device quite a bit so the band decided to cover two of Dio's classics. One of the covers, 'The Last In Line', is dedicated to Dewey Paylor who helped fund the band's debut EP through Kickstarter. The other cover, 'Stand Up and Shout', is a bonus track the band wanted to throw in for your viewing pleasure.I have nothing but worship for these extremely tallanted kids.You've Got Another Thing Comin' - Judas Priest cover by Motion Device - YouTube Device members include Josh Marrocco and Alex DeFrancesco on guitars, David Menoudakis on drums, Andrea Menoudakis on bass and 12 year old Sara Menoudakis on vocals.This one made me actually scream out in pure fucking extacy at one Point.These kids create a longing in my heart, a longing to go back to something I might've had but which I forsake. It makes me happy, because there's  still hope for humanity, but at the same time I'm saddened because this could've been me but it wasn't.Also these rock covers reminds me of a friend who I yesterday found out has passed away. It wasn't unexpected, but still tragic none the less, he was only 22.Alright time to go make some coffee so I can properly Wake up and be rid of my temporary sorrows, I apologize for the melodramatic  tone in here I must be happy, right? An 90 kg leonberger will be making his way to our  house so we can look after him for a while while the other family is across the country.Fuck this makes me miss my old dog, Jesse ... oh well this morning started up happy and nice didn't it? 


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Monthly Chat February 2017

2017-02-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly  Chat February 2017

@Lord Lundin, I confess my life troubles at the moment are more that I'm waiting for my second viva to see how my phd submission goes, and wondering what next when I've finally finished with all the messing around that gets me the thing. Actually i suppose they are relatively similar, albeit defferred over a good few years since once I'm officially a doctor I've gone pretty much as far as it's possible to go academically, but I don't really see myself teaching or researching though I might write some academic papers in the future. Combine this with the fact that I'm also trying to work out what Mrs. Dark and I are going to do post mariage, about a house (being as my flat is a trifle small for two people and two dogs), and things are a little up in the air at the moment. As regards series similar to dresden etc, urban fantasy I confess isn't as much my thing, or at least I've not really read much by way of urban fantasy that has r
 eally grabbed my attention, despite the fact that I am enjoying watching through buffy the vampire slayer at the moment (I'll be starting series 2 of Angel next week). I have recently enjoyed Seanon mcguires october day series, about a half fae private i, which I've read the first two books of and reviewed. The first was pretty good, the second a little standard, albeit I suspect things will kick off in the third. You can find the reviews over on Btw, they also have a system where if you look up a book on there it'll offer you similar titles, which is a good way to find recommendations, though i'd suggest steering clear of Richard Cadry's Sandman slim series, a brainless action fest with an absolute arse hole as a main character which worked wy too hard at trying to be dark and trendy for my liking.@Cae, I'll be interested to get your thoughts on the nf
 b. Well as for me, yesterday we went to a pub for a rather huge pub meal in honour of one of my mum's friends' birthdays. It was pretty fun, albeit not exactly the sort of social occasion my lady and I find particularly easy to deal with. Still, after we've wished my godmother happy birthday today we'll be back at my flat tomorrow which will be nice since while it's good to see my parents, it's nice to get home. @cae, I'll be interested to see your thoughts on the lcb when you write them up.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Monthly Chat February 2017

2017-02-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly  Chat February 2017

Today is my last day at LCB. Umm. I dunno what else to say about that. I'm definitely NOT! joining the NFB, if that's what you're thinking. I suppose I can write up a full retrospective review when I'm less tired / frantically trying to pack and finish a computer project and not go insane.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Monthly Chat February 2017

2017-02-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : LordLundin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly  Chat February 2017

I hear  you Dark regarding the quiet part... it's been about 8 months now since I graduated and nothing really has happened except playing games (I'm actually going to get fsx, flight simulator soon whenever I get my thumb out my ass to deal with steam)My internet data finally reset, after dealing with about 25 Days of agonisingly slow internet the new month has finally arrived giving me Another 40 gb of data which I shall try to consume less greedily than last month... I did a rather huge download at the start of january about 20 gb of stuff ... then I thought let's use my data sparingly ... but nope. Three Days later, it was gone and I could only play redspot and browse the forum (and  hardly that)It drove me nearly insane without having Music and Another kind of ... Entertainment *cough cough I know*And  Aircraft documentaries of course Fortunately I had some 100 gb or so of Music on my hard drive but I'm Always out looking for new Music so that was kinda boring not being able to do that.I've started rereading the iron druid cronacles, I guess the Drezden files are next ... but it was the best I could do in  between redspot and ... redspot lol.Do you have any recommendation for other series in the same light as those mentioned previously?Oh and I've got to finish the hunger game series, read 50 shades of Grey (so I can put that aside and be done with "shitty literature" for now) and Marley and me, love and Life with the world's worst dog, recommended to me by a former friend of mine (the story is long as to why this person isn't my friend anymore)hmm, what else? Life goes on I guess. I'm now saving up to go on a vacation with someone, though I don't know who and I don't know where but preferably someone hot, to
  some Place hot 


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