Re: what do i need in an rpg engine?

2020-06-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : camlorn via Audiogames-reflector


Re: what do i need in an rpg engine?

No. No. No. Don't use that. Don't.All of the Pickle variants hardcode your class names and modules in them.  If you use one, you lose the ability to rename files or classes and move code between files without breaking your saves.Also, from their docs, "Warning: jsonpickle can execute arbitrary Python code. Do not load jsonpickles from untrusted / unauthenticated sources.".  Which also applies to most (possibly all) pickle variants.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: what do i need in an rpg engine?

2020-06-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : amerikranian via Audiogames-reflector


Re: what do i need in an rpg engine?

Doing some researching on serialization librarys has brought me this. I am unsure as to whether this supports inheritance, if not I may have to look for something else, but I thought I would post this here in case somebody else is looking for something similar.  This seems easy and painless to use for the most part.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: what do i need in an rpg engine?

2020-06-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : camlorn via Audiogames-reflector


Re: what do i need in an rpg engine?

@17You want to google game serialization.  That's the magic phrase.The really basic version is you import json, you convert everything to a dict of dicts/whatever, you json.dump it to a file.The less basic version I did was: objects register what properties they have on them, the types of those properties, and the kinds of children they can have.  So for example (and with some work this can be valid Python, but this is some work by my standards, not yours):class Player(Serializable):
x = double_property()
y = double_property()
health = double_property(default = 100)
inventory = relationship(many = true)
weapon = relationship()Etc.  Then your serializer can be entirely generic, consume the metadata from the object type in question, and walk the graph, converting any relationship to a list of ids and serializing every object as a blob of json.And why do I say it's easy to go overboard...well, once you have that you can save the game at any instant in time and reload it to exactly the same state, and it's tempting to just do that as the player's save file, but at some point you have to write scripts to migrate the save file forward when the version of the game changes and your life is impossibly difficult if that script has to act on the whole world, rather than just a tiny bit of the world that happens to be in the player's save file.For things like quest flags etc, you just extend this with either support for Python dicts and lists (a json_pproperty type) or you let classes override the automatic serialization.My next project after Synthizer is done enough that I'm not getting it to some basic level of usableness was going to be physics, but perhaps I'll take a Saturday and write this for everyone because it's not that hard if you know how Python metaclasses work, and somehow no one else has written it for Python (though there are C++ versions to one degree or another).  All of Python serialization either doesn't actually finish it (it's up to you to walk the graph) or comes with a lot of overhead that you don't want in there for games (every ORM ever).


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Re: what do i need in an rpg engine?

2020-06-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : amerikranian via Audiogames-reflector


Re: what do i need in an rpg engine?

@camlorn, I tried looking up the information, but I haven't found anything promising in regards to item and saving states. I am probably over-complicating it... again. I will look into what you suggested with refs. Thanks.@magurp, I think the storing ids for events falls in line with what camlorn suggested in post 12. I would appreciate whatever resources you think may be helpful in this instance.


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Re: what do i need in an rpg engine?

2020-06-05 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : magurp244 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: what do i need in an rpg engine?

@13One method would be to have a map array and store object and trigger id's for events, like fights, switches, etc. Makes editing environments and scripting straightforward, that and you can potentially store event scripts externally for easier editing. I'd posted a script awhile ago where you could use BrushTone as a 2D map editor by restructuring exported image data into a 2D map array.I could also dig up a few RPG's with descriptions of mechanics if you like.


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Re: what do i need in an rpg engine?

2020-06-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : Hektor via Audiogames-reflector


Re: what do i need in an rpg engine?

If you want to write an RPG or any other kind of game, start by doing research on the web.  There are lots of articles and videos on coding all sorts of games.I wouldn't even necessarily limit the research to just articles and videos that use a language you know.  Read through those articles and watch those videos.  Look for concepts or ideas that are mentioned multiple times--those are likely things you will need to learn to be able to write that type of game.  When you come across something you don't understand and it seems it might be important, then research that topic on the web.Here is an idea for an RPG you might try writing that would be fairly simple--and comes from early computer games.The goal is for the hero to explore a multi-level dungeon to find a specific treasure.  Once the hero finds the treasure, they need to escape the dungeon to win.Each level of the dungeon is a grid--perhaps 10 by 10 or whatever you want.  No matter what cell in the grid you are at, the hero can always move north, south, east, or west.  If the hero is at the top of the grid, moving north would move the hero to the bottom.  If the hero is on the left side of the grid and moves west, they wrap around to the right side.  The Reverse is true as well.On the first level, the hero will start at the dungeon entrance.  Somewhere on the level will be a stairway down to the next level.  Each subsequent level will have one stairway up to the previous level and one stairway down to the next level.The bottom level will just have a stairway up to the previous level.Each cell on the grid for each level will have a monster, item, or trap in it.  Monsters don't move from the cell where they originate.  Items can be magical, mundane, or cursed.  traps might involve things like dropping the hero to the next level or causing damage or reorganizing the level, or teleporting the hero.Start with that as the basic game.  Add things like different classes or the ability to level up.  Maybe add merchants where the hero can spend whatever gold they find.  Try that as a place to start while you do your research on the game you eventually want to build.   Or come up with another idea.


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Re: what do i need in an rpg engine?

2020-06-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : camlorn via Audiogames-reflector


Re: what do i need in an rpg engine?

@13SO I don't have the time for the long version, but I've been giving a lot of thought to this lately.Firstly, as a blind programmer, coding your game in code isn't actually unreasonable.  In fact on my to prototype as a Synthizer test list is a map language that's basically just a bunch of Python classes.  If you go really far with this (and you shouldn't--it's hard enough that things like "Use C++ to embed V8 to..." come up) you can go so far as reloading the entire game while it's running with a keystroke.  You should have your levels be separate from your game in the sense of being decoupled, but there's nothing saying your levels can't be .py files that build the objects, and a bunch of helper methods to build the common things.  If we were sighted, dialogs and stuff would be nice, but I tried that.  It's a dead end for anything really complicated, no matter what you do there's just too many things to tab through.Being in code also lets you define your events right there in Python in the same file that says this is a sword that does 10 damage, then you .add_magical_effect(percent_chance, my_function) and done.Second, give your objects ids, I like strings, "the-magic-sword-5" "western-temple-orc-guard-7" etc.  Then you can look up any object from anywhere and you can have well-known ids somewhere, plus saving to disk/the network/etc are all pretty easy.Saving quest progress etc. usually happens through quest flags, which you can either save manually or, if you go the route of being able to just save object hierarchies, you let the object hierarchy saving thing do it and just give the player a bunch of quest flag child objects (but getting into how to write really good serialization is the long version I don't have time for).The solution I came up for with items on maps is this, but it comes with a disclaimer that the solution was invented because how I was doing it failed and I haven't coded it because Synthizer etc.  There are actually two kinds of items, not one kind of item.  The first kind of item is the magical sword of magicalness: a concrete description of something with some code attached, which you edit in the level editor and give a descriptive ID to.  The second kind of object is a reference to a weapon, which gets the id of the weapon, and holds any other state about the weapon that modifies itself while the player is playing.  Why do you do this?  Because then when you modify the sword as the level designer, the sword itself isn't in the player's save file, all that's in the player's save file is the ref, which records that the player has the sword.To actually deal with spawning them, it's the same thing as quests, if you want some items that don't respawn.  You just put whether or not the player got the object in the quest flags and don't spawn that ref into the map if they did.  Or you examine their inventory and see "do they have a copy of me" or etc.You're thinking one level too far down the chain of abstraction.  In actuality you don't retain a bunch of specific lists of things, you don't want to write this as some giant overarching algorithm that figures out spawning.  Let objects make decisions about themselves.  For example there is nothing wrong with always having objects on the map, but letting all the objects in the game disable themselves, and if an object is disabled it's still there but you never tick it, whenever you iterate you skip it, etc.  Then your refs on maps can just switch themselves off and on due to whatever.  And for object hierarchies, juist give every object children and then the map object knows how to simulate itself by looking at what it's immediate children are.And okay, so your next thought is going to be--but how do I spawn these things? Just make a spawner object that knows how to check a quest flag or whatever, and tell the spawner to invent a unique object id and spawn an instance of this other class over here in whatever it's parent is.But're thinking too much about data structures too.  Think backward from the end product some.  How does a level designer use it, if you're going to describe the levels in code what does a convenient level language look like, what specifically saves on the player's save file (hint: much, much less than you seem to think, I'd look up how sighted games do this).Maybe I'll explain serialization later when I have the time to write something that makes this look like a short post. I sort of want to write a library for it, but time and higher priorities.  Suffice it to say that you can knock together something that will save literally the entire game world as it is at any point during gameplay in a day if you know what you're doing, probably less, and that the actual problem once you have that isn't saving too little, it's not going overboard and saving too much and backing yourself into a corner with player save file migrat

Re: what do i need in an rpg engine?

2020-06-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : amerikranian via Audiogames-reflector


Re: what do i need in an rpg engine?

@camlorn, that's, urm, actually quite underwhelming. Now I really want to sit down and work on something like this... I'm assuming that the map will always have it's default events and override them as the player enters the area? Thinking of storing events in a dictionary with map name as the key and event list as the value. Also considering storing objectives in code, just once, to see the results (story will be stored externally, of course).I just thought of something: If there is an item on the map which is just there (think looting), won't I have to retain item lists as well?


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: what do i need in an rpg engine?

2020-06-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : amerikranian via Audiogames-reflector


Re: what do i need in an rpg engine?

@camlorn, that's, urm, actually quite underwhelming. Now I really want to sit down and work on something like this... I'm assuming that the map will always have it's default events and overrides them as the player enters the area? Thinking of storing events in a dictionary with map name as the key and event list as the value. Also considering storing objectives in code, just once, to see the results (story will be stored externally, of course).


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: what do i need in an rpg engine?

2020-06-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : camlorn via Audiogames-reflector


Re: what do i need in an rpg engine?

@11You don't save map changes, you save what the player has done (i.e. quests completed) and you figure out how to load those changes when the map is needed.This is vastly easier if you don't try to model doors and gates and etc. as tiles, but as proper game objects, though it wouldn't be unreasonable if those game objects modified the tilemap on load.  So:You have the boss door.  The tilemap leaves the boss arena path open. When the map loads the boss door goes "have I been unlocked yet" and if no it writes a square of tiles, or otherwise blocks the path.  if yes it doesn't.  When the player unlocks it it undoes whatever it did.  This is easier if your collision is good enough to handle large axis-aligned bounding boxes, because the boss door could just toggle off its collision in that case, but writing/removing tiles is perfectly adequate and lots of sighted games from the SNES era did it that way sometimes.


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Re: what do i need in an rpg engine?

2020-06-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : amerikranian via Audiogames-reflector


Re: what do i need in an rpg engine?

See, my main problem is storing and persisting data across maps. I got the observer pattern down (it was really really neat when it all clicked), but I just can't come up with a good system for storing objectives and map changes.I could save a copy of all map tiles whenever they're modified, but that seems wasteful. A better option would be to store the changes as events and apply them as the user enters and leaves the map, but again, that just seems off to me. I would have to storeeverythingthat changes throughout the game, and that seems a bit extreme, especially when the event will happen only once.I also am a bit mixed on storing data. I could store objectives in code - dedicating a file for storing all the objectives - but again, this seems off to me. People use XML, embed scripting languages into their games, and I wasn't really able to find any answer as to what option is better overall. Each comes with it's own pros and cons.I really need to sit down and try to build something on that scale... it will be an entertaining venture to say the least.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: what do i need in an rpg engine?

2020-06-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : amerikranian via Audiogames-reflector


Re: what do i need in an rpg engine?

See, my main problem is storing and persisting data across maps. I got the observer pattern down (it was really really neat when it all clicked), but I just can't come up with a good system for storing objectives and map changes.I could save a copy of all map tiles whenever they're modified, but that seems wasteful. A better option would be to store the changes as events and apply them as the user enters and leaves the map, but again, that just seems off to me. I would have to storeeverythingthat changes throughout the game, and that seems a bit extreme, especially when the event will happen once.I also am a bit mixed on storing data. I could store objectives in code - dedicating a file for storing all the objectives - but again, this seems off to me. People use XML, embed scripting languages into their games, and I wasn't really able to find any answer as to what option is better overall. Each comes with it's own pros and cons.I really need to sit down and try to build something on that scale... it will be an entertaining venture to say the least.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: what do i need in an rpg engine?

2020-06-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector


Re: what do i need in an rpg engine?

I'm sure one of my early RPG attempts is still online somewhere. It had a weird system as regards turn-based Vs realtime (because it was made for IE6, mostly), and I did a very poor job of supporting new skills even though I knew I would need to from the beginning. What I did, though, was focus first and foremost on getting something playable, then rushing through major plot-points so a complete playthrough was technically possible (I think the only cheat I added was to let you set your inventory, but I might have forgotten something).Oh, and it's also the first time I did anything with positional audio, so that was fun. The enemy AI was pathetic but every now and then actually accomplished something. The item system was exceptionally silly, as I put items at fixed positions on the map, and picking one up removed it from the list, causing all the other items to teleport to different positions. And there were some poor design choices with the map that made navigating in certain areas confusing.Where was I going with this? Umm, the point is that this was about a year and a half after I'd really started learning programming, and I threw everything into arrays instead of classes, and it was a big mess, and it worked well enough to be playable anyway. I'm not sure what anyone else would learn from looking at the code, but I certainly learned things (like "don't move 80+ images in every frame if most of them are already off screen"  ).I'ma go try porting that to Python or something. It'd be nightmarish for BGT, but ... eh, maybe? I also "like" how porting it to Python feels more realistic than updating it to continue to work in _javascript_. 


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Re: what do i need in an rpg engine?

2020-06-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : ashleygrobler04 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: what do i need in an rpg engine?

Thanx all for the motivation. It just makes me feel a lot better, and makes me realise that we all have our starting points, we all need to learn, and the best of all is that i don't feel as if i am alone at this. thanx so much


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Re: what do i need in an rpg engine?

2020-06-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : amerikranian via Audiogames-reflector


Re: what do i need in an rpg engine?

I think that holds true only for a reasonable challenge.  I’m not saying that you shouldn’t do it, well, technically I am, but I’m not stopping you.  I just think that at your skill level you will hit a lot of walls and barriers before you get anything remotely close to what you envision. I would hate for you to get demotivated.  I do associate with the phrase, I’ve bitten off much more than I could chew with my very first project, but hey. It worked, for better or worse. I still need to rewrite that.  All I was trying to communicate is that should you choose to take on this right now, you will probably have to write, rewrite, scrap, polish, and repeat the steps above 100 or so times before you have anything worth publishing.  So would I, so would everyone here, but in your case it would happen a lot more often for a lot simpler reasons.  You are still learning how to structure code and write logic. So is everyone else here, but your learning is much more visible.


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Re: what do i need in an rpg engine?

2020-06-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : chrisnorman7 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: what do i need in an rpg engine?

Honestly, I don't think I'd have got to where I am right now (not that that's anywhere special to be fair) if it hadn't been for lofty dreams that were way harder to code than I was ready for.If RPG engines are what turn you on, then you think about it while doing all the other stuff that the more realistic members told you about.You'll probably rewrite it 500 times, but you know what Thomas Edison said? He said (I'm paraphrasing): "I haven't fucked up 500 light bulbs, I've found 500 ways to not make a light bulb".I love that _expression_! If you go after what you can achieve all the time, then you'll never find out what skills you're lacking. I'm not saying crank out an RPG engine tomorrow, but why not start coding it today? You'll soon realise what you don't know, then you and Google can live happily ever after, while you do 5 other things that aren't exactly what you want, but they're all about learning.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: what do i need in an rpg engine?

2020-06-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : amerikranian via Audiogames-reflector


Re: what do i need in an rpg engine?

It’s not just a matter of experience, you can make something much more simpler. Start out with a side scroll or with objectives and progressive storyline, that should be simple yet challenging at your level. You will learn a lot by doing this, and most of what you will learn can be transposed to a  larger area like RPGs.  Also? What’s wrong with menu based games? I can point out a few myself that are a lot more engaging than what we have in our new releases room right now. I’m not saying it’s easy to create an engaging game by using menus, but it is certainly possible and we are not past that age, we will never be.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: what do i need in an rpg engine?

2020-06-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : ashleygrobler04 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: what do i need in an rpg engine?

@2, ah i see what you meen. I just wanted to know what does the RPG engine need in order to make an rpg while testing the engine, but thanx for the advice though.@3, Thanx for the advice, maby i am not yet ready to do some thing this hard... i don't know how hard it might be, but as you said i will probably fail, and don't worry, i don't feel offended at all. you're just giving feedback after all.@4, about coffee shop: it is not going to be made, as i don't see any point at making that game, since it is all just going to be menu based after all, well that's what i had in mind. so yeah. once again, thanx all for the advice, maby when i have some more expierence, i should try this task?


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: what do i need in an rpg engine?

2020-06-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : Jaidon Of the Caribbean via Audiogames-reflector


Re: what do i need in an rpg engine?

I'm going to say something a bit harsh but,When I see the coffee shop game then I'll put faith in this.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: what do i need in an rpg engine?

2020-06-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : amerikranian via Audiogames-reflector


Re: what do i need in an rpg engine?

You’re going to need something which you can’t really get unless you work at it, a lot. You’re going to need experience.  Should you take on this project right now, you will fail. I’m sorry to be so harsh, but I would rather spare you the truth now then try to help and then have you realize this a couple months down the road.  Work on simpler stuff first, don’t bite off more than you can chew.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: what do i need in an rpg engine?

2020-06-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : camlorn via Audiogames-reflector


Re: what do i need in an rpg engine?

I'd strongly suggest writing an RPG first, if you have to ask this question.You're not going to get an engine via asking everyone to help design it.  All that will get you is a bunch of people pulling in different directions because they all want it to do something different.  In general if you're saying rpg engine, you actually mean a specific kind of rpg with specific sorts of gameplay, not a generic rpg engine.  You have to build assumptions in about the actual game itself.If you want to contribute open source stuff to the audiogames community, I'd suggest writing small libraries that do things instead.  For example I don't think anyone has actually good input handling in Python, most serialization stuff is a joke and doesn't even handle stuff like migrations, etc.  You can attack this problem in pieces and then later, once all the libraries exist, the engine is "install these 5 packages and use them together" and you write some sort of tutorial that shows someone how to make Shades of Doom.  This is what I'm personally working on, overall, the first piece of it of course being Synthizer.


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what do i need in an rpg engine?

2020-06-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : ashleygrobler04 via Audiogames-reflector


what do i need in an rpg engine?

Hi all, so for the RPG fans, what do you suggest is needed for the creation of an RPG engine? i don't want to make some kind of engine like sable, not at all, i just want to try and make some kind of free and open source RPG game engine for blind people to use while programming. I can't prommise to include every thing mentioned, but i can try though. thanx


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