Re: a topic

2017-02-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : tabutcu via Audiogames-reflector


Re: a topic



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Re: i need a free online game

2017-02-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : tabutcu via Audiogames-reflector


Re: i need a free online game

i kno, redspot is cool, but i m a bored for redspot


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: VIP Mud VS Mushclient

2017-02-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : tabutcu via Audiogames-reflector


Re: VIP Mud VS Mushclient

VIP mud


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Phone number varification in games

2017-02-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : jack via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Phone number varification in games

Sito, again, you're also not getting it. You say emails can be recreated, you're correct with that, but not the case with phone numbers? That's where you're wrong. Ever hear of services like Textnow, Talkatone, you name it? Yeah, there's your recreated phone number right there if someone got banned. Even beyond those services, there are sites that let you create disposable phone numbers for the sole purpose of receiving sms messages. Believe me, I've seen phone number verification fail, people who remember mobile speak's phone number registration system, *not encouraging this in any way* can be tripped simply by switching out your phone's sim card, and there's your extra 30 days like new. So before you go bashing on either side like it's black and white, why don't you program your own damn verification system, and see what happens when it gets into the hands of the public, and gauge its success that way. And might I remind you
  that we aren't, or at least I'm not, bashing Sam in particular about this. Just looking at the forum and Twitter will tell you his reputation as a dev around here, again not bashing him, but I'd be saying the same thing to any dev that hasn't done this before, any new dev, or even one who's under 18 and doing this. Say what you will, but personally I think handling that sensitive information as a minor is even more dangerous than it is not. You know why some older p2p chatting programs have the 3year age difference guideline for minors? Not exactly for this reason, but similar enough. I'm not saying people couldn't play it, but it's the internet, you'll never know who'll be playing your game, especially when it comes to the fact that there are definitely some people beyond this forum that could be playing. Sam's in no position to defend himself should someone decide to sue if a security breach exposes all the phone numbers. And
  you can't say it won't happen, because no matter how good the security is, no matter how many layers of encryption you apply, a skilled hacker with malicious intentions can eventually find a way to break it. It's the internet, and it's software. Just as how any software can be cracked offline, the same thing applies with server software. Even the Tore network, supposedly rapped in layers of encryption, got broken into. Long story short, the internet is anything but a safe haven for information. It's why I always use offline password managers, never ones that connect to the cloud. They claim to be secure, yeah, secure my ass. Once that server gets a security breach, which it may, then there will be tears in the morning as your passwords are exposed. I'm also not saying this because he's not a big company, because big companies have the same things to consider when dealing with phone number verification. And even that's not perfect either, once
  you see your number going right into the hands of marketing companies. You'd be amazed at how much they'll pay for something we take for granted like personal information.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: a topic

2017-02-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : tabutcu via Audiogames-reflector


Re: a topic

realy? i want to talk you, i like to turks.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: operation redspot. The final debriefing.

2017-02-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : arjan via Audiogames-reflector


Re: operation redspot. The final debriefing.

A few things here. Firstly, in response to the following posted by Sito:As about adding modes etc, that would require that the whole game needs to be redesign in order to make it balanced.Wait, so suddenly now we do care about balance? I thought we established that the balance was already nonexistent, but to make the game appealing to a wider variety of people, there suddenly needs to be balance? Get real, guys. If you're not willing to put in effort to balance your game, you are very obviously, and very blatantly doing something wrong.Next, I will voice an opinion which might not be very popular, but I'm going to say it nonetheless. I'm not even sure why the whole shareware versus freeware thing even came up, but think about this for a bit. I've lost track of the amount of times people say blind gamers act like they're entitled and expect everything to be handed to them for free and all that jazz. To an extent, I agree. But lately, it s
 eems that a few developers also seem to have some kind of entitlement mentality of their own. In my opinion, this topic is a pretty clear illustration. While not all of the points brought up in this topic have been constructive (and this goes for both sides, don't get me wrong), I also think that Sam misses some important points when comparing his game to the mainstream industry. Because mainstream gamers have so much to choose from, if your mainstream game sucks then very few people will even bother to play your game. I think this is true even if the design is decent but there are one or more very serious problems with your game. People will just play something else, which means you don't even get feedback on how to improve. And even if you do end up improving, by that time it's most likely too late because your game will have been marked off as just another insignificant game by a large portion of the community. My point is, consider yourself lucky that you are in a
  community where a lot of people are keen to try out something if the game's not complete garbage. Redspot is obviously decent enough, or it wouldn't have as many players as it does. Listen to those players. They are ultimately what keeps your game running. In other words, be glad you get this feedback even though not all of it is exactly friendly, because if your game was mainstream you most likely wouldn't have any feedback to work with at all. The entitlement mentality here is that you seem to expect everyone to appreciate your work, irrespective of whether said work actually improves the overall gameplay experience or sets it back. Remember that people have different perceptions of what they like in a game, so just because your beta testers and the rest of the RTU (who all very conveniently seem to be at least fairly good redspot players) like the direction the game is headed doesn't mean everyone else does. I'll repeat what someone else already brought 
 up before by saying that so far, it just seems to be RTU who responded positively to the changes.I'm also not certain what Sito is trying to achieve with his continuous emphasis on the opinion that no one complained for a while until Connor started it. For me, the problem isn't even that I can't defeat the RTU. , the problem is that almost indestructible groups of players like the RTU even exist to begin with. And please don't give me the whole how to defeat the RTU strategy again, we've already been through that. Spending hours grinding just to have all that progress lost again if you fail is simply not worth the trouble. I don't side with Connor for the sake of siding with Connor, in fact I will frely admit he did blur the line between his personal issues with the beta team and the actual problems with the game. Did it ever occur to you, Sito, that some people might wait before complaining to see if any changes will be made to RS which address t
 he problems that people are having? Well, since it's clear from the posts on this topic that those changes aren't being made because the developer and the testers appear to be having way too much fun dominating their own game, that might give people ample reason to step in and voice their displeasure. I'm not saying that the dev should not play his own game, on the contrary. It's awesome to be able to enjoy something which you created yourself. but if it leaves you unable to look at the bigger picture then there is a problem.Finally, and on a slightly unrelated note, I eagerly await the day some form of drama will break out amidst the RTU members and some of them will get kicked out. Considering the amount of drama that seems to be rampant amongst the most fervent RS players, that day will probably come sooner than later. I wonder if some of them will start singing a different tune when that happens. The members of the RTU might say there is no drama, and 
 perhaps this is true right now. But don't say I didn't warn you!


Re: Bk2 help

2017-02-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : david_solomon1 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Bk2 help

It's been a long time since I've played bk2 so my information may not be very accurate.If you're fighting one of the death robots, you'll want to make sure you have plenty of HP. I recommend grinding on the stage with about 30 slimes or another stage you're really good at until you can get your HP high enough to take at least one hit from the robot.It has several attacks, but the one that hits the hardest is a rocket of sorts. It also has a shotgun type attack and if it gets to the same space as you, it will fire a machine gun. You want to make sure you stay far enough away from it that it never machine guns you.Bring plenty of healing items and heal every time you get hit by a rocket. If you have access to the rocket launcher at this point, get it and load up with rockets and you'll be able to damage it consistently.You can also grind big grenades on the robots in stage 6 if you're good at defeating them. They don
 9;t work on the death robots, but they're useful for clearing out the other enemies and generators.


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Re: Orbs CCG

2017-02-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : death via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Orbs CCG

You have to go to the bottom of the screen after you select it. If it doesn't work the first time pressing enter on it and then going to the bottom again should work. Never tried it with crome. I use firefox.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Redspot, blood and paril. First public beta released!

2017-02-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : dan_c via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Redspot, blood and paril. First public beta released!

I was just about to report this issue, but looks like it's a universal one.  good to know.  I'm looking forward to being able to try this game soon.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Idea for Yugioh Duel Monsters Audio Game

2017-02-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : ZK via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Idea for Yugioh Duel Monsters Audio Game

hope you feel better soon


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: operation redspot. The final debriefing.

2017-02-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : dd via Audiogames-reflector


Re: operation redspot. The final debriefing.

oh please... if you think this classifies as drama you haven't seen gamefaqs message boards... those you can call drama


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Re: The blind eye link broken

2017-02-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : aaron via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The blind eye link broken

Aah drat, I wish I still had this because I'd totally submit it to the archive. As it stands, I don't know where it is, probably on an external that might be dead!


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Blind Warcraft Atton Released!

2017-02-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Exodus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Blind Warcraft Atton Released!

Cloud OCR still works? I tried to use it a few times or so over the last couple of months and it would hang after OCRing. I assumed it was busted and uninstalled


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: For Honor?

2017-02-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Exodus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: For Honor?

eh. I'm not too concerned over the traps and stuff. We've played and got through games like that before. Now,  there seems to be a tactic of just rushing headlong at people and knocking them off cliffs that's proving highly unpopular witheveryone, so maybe the maps will see a reduction in these elements as it sort of defeats the entire purpose of a game centred around duels if you can just simpley knock you're oponent off a cliff in a couple of seconds.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Phone number varification in games

2017-02-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : jack via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Phone number varification in games

Sito, again, you're also not getting it. You say emails can be recreated, you're correct with that, but not the case with phone numbers? That's where you're wrong. Ever hear of services like Textnow, Talkatone, you name it? Yeah, there's your recreated phone number right there if someone got banned. Even beyond those services, there are sites that let you create disposable phone numbers for the sole purpose of receiving sms messages. Believe me, I've seen phone number verification fail, people who remember mobile speak's phone number registration system, *not encouraging this in any way* can be tripped simply by switching out your phone's sim card, and there's your extra 30 days like new. So before you go bashing on either side like it's black and white, why don't you program your own damn verification system, and see what happens when it gets into the hands of the public, and gauge its success that way. And might I remind you
  that we aren't, or at least I'm not, bashing Sam in particular about this. Just looking at the forum and Twitter will tell you his reputation as a dev around here, again not bashing him, but I'd be saying the same thing to any dev that hasn't done this before, any new dev, or even one who's under 18 and doing this. Say what you will, but personally I think handling that sensitive information as a minor is even more dangerous than it is not. You know why some older p2p chatting programs have the 3year age difference guideline for minors? Not exactly for this reason, but similar enough. I'm not saying people couldn't play it, but it's the internet, you'll never know who'll be playing your game, especially when it comes to the fact that there are definitely some people beyond this forum that could be playing. Sam's in no position to defend himself should someone decide to sue if a security breach exposes all the phone numbers. And
  you can't say it won't happen, because no matter how good the security is, no matter how many layers of encryption you apply, a skilled hacker with malicious intentions can eventually find a way to break it. It's the internet, and it's software. Just as how any software can be cracked offline, the same thing applies with server software. Even the Tore network, supposedly rapped in layers of encryption, got broken into. Long story short, the internet is anything but a safe haven for information. It's why I always use offline password managers, never ones that connect to the cloud. They claim to be secure, yeah, secure my ass. Once that server gets a security breach, which it may, then there will be tears in the morning as your passwords are exposed. I'm also not saying this because he's not a big company, because big companies have the same things to consider when dealing with phone number verification. And even that's not perfect either, once
  you see your number going right into the hands of marketing companies. You'd be amazed at how much they'll pay for something we take for granted like personal information. Slj, you're right in that it can be an optional feature. In fact, that would work better from a user's point of view, because there'd be other options that users could consider before surrendering their number. Of course, Sam could put on his site that people can make a disposable phone number if they're concerned about privacy, but that's like giving banned users the key if they take it, because they'd also be clearly aware that they too could trip the system by making another disposable number. There'd be no way to know. Most companies who use this, like Google, will require you to verify your number before you so much as continue with the registration, so it's not like an after the fact thing.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Idea for Yugioh Duel Monsters Audio Game

2017-02-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : nina0116 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Idea for Yugioh Duel Monsters Audio Game

Hay everyone. I just wanted to let you all know that I came down with somthing this week, and I have gotten nothing done. I will return to coding yu-gi-oh as soon as I can.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: What programming language using to develop the games?

2017-02-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : jonikster via Audiogames-reflector


Re: What programming language using to develop the games?

tabutcu, I can develop scripts for GTA 4 and 5 using C#, but I whant develop new GTA for blind.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Old text and Ascii RPG or roguelikes for dos

2017-02-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : firefly82 via Audiogames-reflector


Old text and Ascii RPG or roguelikes for dos

Hey to all!I wonder if there are some old dos text or ascii RPG-roguelike games wich are accessible enough for us?I am not sure but i think someone mentioned a game named Moria some time ago?I searched the internet and found a lot of text-RPG's developed in the late 1980 and the early 1990. Is there anything i should try?Its just a little question in my mind.Maybe cause i played a lot of or too much crawl stonesoup the last days!:-)


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Bk2 help

2017-02-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : mariaespino26 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Bk2 help

How high should my HPB it


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: operation redspot. The final debriefing.

2017-02-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : aaron via Audiogames-reflector


Re: operation redspot. The final debriefing.

That's not the way I see it. I think it's good to share opinions and stuff, and also, it actually got me to try out the new version of Redspot.Just to add a slightly different question in here hopefully something more positive, it's more a curiosity than anything else tbh: but I noticed, when I played the game when it first came out, items made a sound pretty much constantly. Has that now changed intentionally? It's interesting because they seem to beep with a slightly random timer, and only get picked up on the beep. It's a kind of interesting concept because it means people can't just charge at items, there's a slightly delay sometimes, so it's like the character is actually taking a bit of time to pick up the item. So that's quite clever.


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Re: Monthly Chat February 2017

2017-02-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Sebby via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly  Chat February 2017

Mmm, I think I'll refrain from further purchasing just now, in case I go bankrupt. Also, if I'm honest I think I need to diversify again a little bit (I got a couple of Big Finish's new Classics series which are looking up to be a lot of fun). Frankenstein and Dracula, since you ask. And Jekyll and Hyde, when it appears later.I don't think you want to be thinking too hard about the end of your marriage just yet. It's a little too soon for that kind of pessimism. Depends on the kind of keyboard you have. For security reasons and because they're generally more self-contained, I'd suggest Bluetooth keyboards, rather than these wireless affairs with dedicated dongles. But you should keep at least one wired keyboard on hand, to do your initial setups with.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: operation redspot. The final debriefing.

2017-02-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : sito via Audiogames-reflector


Re: operation redspot. The final debriefing.

as for the item beeping i'm pretty sure that's because that the vps sam ran the game on were lagging so that's why the beeps were slowed down, however, i think that's changed now when the game runs on the new server.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: operation redspot. The final debriefing.

2017-02-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Exodus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: operation redspot. The final debriefing.

you know, take out the hurr durr get gud scrub posts and this thread would be 1: about 3 pages shorter and 2: be about ideas for balancing a game. That's just the damndest thing!


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: a topic

2017-02-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Sebby via Audiogames-reflector


Re: a topic

@tabutcu I know some Turkish, but I'm not fluent in it. This is because I grew up in England. My name's Turkish because my parents are both Turkish. Hope that clears that up.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Phone number varification in games

2017-02-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : jack via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Phone number varification in games

Sito, again, you're also not getting it. You say emails can be recreated, you're correct with that, but not the case with phone numbers? That's where you're wrong. Ever hear of services like Textnow, Talkatone, you name it? Yeah, there's your recreated phone number right there if someone got banned. Even beyond those services, there are sites that let you create disposable phone numbers for the sole purpose of receiving sms messages. Believe me, I've seen phone number verification fail, people who remember mobile speak's phone number registration system, *not encouraging this in any way* can be tripped simply by switching out your phone's sim card, and there's your extra 30 days like new. So before you go bashing on either side like it's black and white, why don't you program your own damn verification system, and see what happens when it gets into the hands of the public, and gauge its success that way. And might I remind you
  that we aren't, or at least I'm not, bashing Sam in particular about this. Just looking at the forum and Twitter will tell you his reputation as a dev around here, again not bashing him, but I'd be saying the same thing to any dev that hasn't done this before, any new dev, or even one who's under 18 and doing this. Say what you will, but personally I think handling that sensitive information as a minor is even more dangerous than it is not. You know why some older p2p chatting programs have the 3year age difference guideline for minors? Not exactly for this reason, but similar enough. I'm not saying people couldn't play it, but it's the internet, you'll never know who'll be playing your game, especially when it comes to the fact that there are definitely some people beyond this forum that could be playing. Sam's in no position to defend himself should someone decide to sue if a security breach exposes all the phone numbers. And
  you can't say it won't happen, because no matter how good the security is, no matter how many layers of encryption you apply, a skilled hacker with malicious intentions can eventually find a way to break it. It's the internet, and it's software. Just as how any software can be cracked offline, the same thing applies with server software. Even the Tore network, supposedly rapped in layers of encryption, got broken into. Long story short, the internet is anything but a safe haven for information. It's why I always use offline password managers, never ones that connect to the cloud. They claim to be secure, yeah, secure my ass. Once that server gets a security breach, which it may, then there will be tears in the morning as your passwords are exposed. I'm also not saying this because he's not a big company, because big companies have the same things to consider when dealing with phone number verification. And even that's not perfect either, once
  you see your number going right into the hands of marketing companies. You'd be amazed at how much they'll pay for something we take for granted like personal information. It's just too bad that not enough people are aware of this, but what do I know? The digital illiteracy age is coming, considering everyone that's made nowadays is design to, quote unquote just work, as Apple puts it. Setting up an operating system used to take effort, and now a digital illiterate can setup windows 7 and above, and mac osx like it's nothing. You really wanna use an os that'll throw you into the real world as far as computers are concerned, get Linux with no desktop environment and install mate or any other desktop environment on your own. My point is basically that with the entire world practically moving to the cloud, and the transparency nearly gone, people really have no idea what to expect when it comes to security, and try to make it all black and white when you 
 really could, and should, be going on all night about it. Slj, you're right in that it can be an optional feature. In fact, that would work better from a user's point of view, because there'd be other options that users could consider before surrendering their number. Of course, Sam could put on his site that people can make a disposable phone number if they're concerned about privacy, but that's like giving banned users the key if they take it, because they'd also be clearly aware that they too could trip the system by making another disposable number. There'd be no way to know. Most companies who use this, like Google, will require you to verify your number before you so much as continue with the registration, so it's not like an after the fact thing.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: operation redspot. The final debriefing.

2017-02-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : vlad25 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: operation redspot. The final debriefing.

guys, i really appreciate steve's and sito's atitude. and that's why I said that  this topic would need to be closed. because sito is right here. connor does that to make some freaking drama and steve also is right in the post 83 because in 87 he didn't say too much.. we(sito's supporters) are ignored by those people who are just wining about this game.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Orbs CCG

2017-02-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : caio via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Orbs CCG

I'm using chrome with nvda it hasn' worked yet I have to select the mad barbarian card. I type enter on it but nothing happens.


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Re: Street Fighter V Official thread

2017-02-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Deng via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Street Fighter V Official thread

Maybe you can go and try to play with nash in training mode. Or, do his challenge combos. I know you can't finish them but, doing a few will let you figure out how nash kind of plays.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: What programming language using to develop the games?

2017-02-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : jonikster via Audiogames-reflector


Re: What programming language using to develop the games?

I want to develop a new game, which will be similar to the GTA.On the game, I want to develop singly. I have money For sound. For 3d sound, you can use the Bass or OpenAL, but I'm interested in the choice of programming language.I want to choose between C ++ and C #.C # allows more convenient and easier to develop applications for Windows, and C ++ allows you to create high-performance applications. But I do not know if the performance needed in a sound game.


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Re: Rock Band 4 discussion

2017-02-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : king gamer222 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Rock Band 4 discussion

I finished the tutorials. But I'm still stuck on how one actually plays; the tutorials was on solos and didn't explain much. Are there more, or are those tutorials all I get?


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: What audio information would help you in the real world?

2017-02-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : simba via Audiogames-reflector


Re: What audio information would help you in the real world?

Hi.At exodus, good point, but for example, if I would have a navigational aid with the system that I have a camera mounted on a pair of sunglasses, I would still use my cane, this is just an aid in the end, isnt it?for example the people wearing google glasses were not blind, and so they are not different from the other people, if someone walks there with a camera and a cane or a guide dog, people will surely notice what's going on there.Greetings Moritz.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Redspot, blood and paril. First public beta released!

2017-02-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : vlad25 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Redspot, blood and paril. First public beta released!

hi.well, it looks weird cause it didn't use to do that. but here's the thing. mayube sam made some changes while the server was backing up, which means maybe is working on an update. so guys, please be patient.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Bk2 help

2017-02-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : audiogame via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Bk2 help

At least 800 to 1000


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: operation redspot. The final debriefing.

2017-02-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Spiraling Wyvern via Audiogames-reflector


Re: operation redspot. The final debriefing.

*notices update*      *looks at new changes for the game*     *spots the bits on player bases, item storage, purchases, and a larger map*     *removes Red Spot from computer*      Really now, a common complaint of this game was that people spent time hording items and gathering item grabbers to turn into high hp/shield/gas masked tanks that took way too much effort to kill if just logging in for fun.  Many people have expressed this issue in game, and in the forums, and instead of the developer working on addressing this problem, he completely exacerbates it to one of the greatest extremes.  And cheerfully informs us that with 6 or so hours of work where anything could randomly go wrong, one can take out a base built up to the extreme (possibly)    I'm not going to get into the discussion about large player teams and invincible bases, I just fin
 d systems like that really stupid on games with limited populations on principle.  Instead, I'm going to reflect the _expression_ Key made earlier, and I think the OP tried to make before everything got derailed completely.      RS was fun as a casual kill kill game where one could log in and just enjoy blasting people (or getting blasted), and then coming back for more after logging on.  I still remember on the early days where some of us would form opposing groups, recently respawned, and have a simulated death match of last team standing within the battlezone.  And then run back for another round.     Now with the previous changes, and everyone deciding its more fun to horde items on mass to get a huge advantage (or people stocking up lots of antibiotic darts for friends who just logged in or respawned) I've notice the population has taken a hit, and there usually is less fighting at times as everyone 
 wants to stock up just in case a 10k hp player charges at them.  The game became less pick up and play, and more grindy.      And with comments I've seen, and the changes illustrated, the game is just busted for me.  Red Spot was great as a casual kill kill game to kill time and generally have a bit of mindless fun.  This base thing allowing for massive item buffs, and the stress of keeping a base defended at all times just ruins the entire fun.  And frankly, RS sucks as a serious FPS, and these new additions do not help its case either.  Instead of playing up to its strengths, its gone down a different route where it struggles to adapt and tries to be innovative with the completely wrong idea.  Yes base building and defending against players is a thing, but it's done in limited time frame matches where everything is reset on the next game, such as Gears of War Judgement's version of horde (and considering it wasn
 39;t brought back for GOW4, and the original players v npc survival stuff is back...).  And normally base building and defense battle stuff which persist over reboots are regulated to massive populations with limited membership space for the defending group.  So instead of 4 people on targeting the lone dude who made the effort to prepare for this assault, it would be your group of 20 working with/against many other groups in an all out war.      RS is not a game with thousands of players populating multiple servers.  It's a game that sometimes has 6 or 7 average before this update and will probably drop back down once the new release excitement drops down.  Not many of us takes this game seriously enough to actually care for our items or to grind 7 hours straight just to try to destroy the base of a team.  Like mainstream people, many of us just wanted a game we can sit down to and just kill people in battles or object
 ives.  We already have other games that involve grinding, or other activities which are a lot more fun.  No need to stress over if my team managed to keep a base defended after a long day of work or classes. TL-Dr:  Rs excelled better as a casual pick me up game that could of played on those strengths, but decided that it wanted to be more soul crushing, grindy, and require a lot more coordination with people I vaguely know more so than an actual job.   P.S:  Really now, barring Swamp as that was it's own type of game, why don't we have any FPS or 3d combat game with actual match structures and rounds like the mainstream people.  I'm getting a bit jealous hearing my brothers play Overwatch and For Honor, and frankly sick of this item hunting bullshit RTR and RS have settled on.  Let's just all coordinate charges and kill already.


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The wonderland

2017-02-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : hhurstseth405 via Audiogames-reflector


The wonderland

So there is a place I really want to visit. Its the wonderland.The largest model railway in the world, and one of the most successful permanent exhibitions in Northern Germany. It has over 40 push button actions and it also has a active airport with moving planes. It also has a working traffic system. It covers 8 sections with places like the US and hamburg. It features mini sin city, area 51, and even mount Rushmore. You can watch little push button stories from a couple making love to a guy trying to mess with his computer. You can also watch fire trucks put out fires. So has anyone been to this huge model before? I really want to go.


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Re: Discussion about Blind Accessibility - the next steps?

2017-02-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Discussion about Blind Accessibility - the next steps?

IIRC, Magurp is sighted. I'm not.Re: electromagnets, the trouble with this solution seems to be getting a narrow enough focus for the field to affect individual pins without interfering with the others. Maybe if it's set up in, say, two layers, in sort of a checkerboard pattern, to optimize the positioning of the magnets relative to their associated dots? That'd make it thicker and somewhat more costly to produce, but if it works for cheaper than the intricate maze of Piezoelectric levers that seemed to be the mainstream solution since last I checked, I guess I'd be OK with it being a little thicker than the slimmer models on the market.Another way to reduce the leaky field problem would be to have the pins themselves come in two or more types, but that ups the complexity and probably the cost.


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Re: death match project alpha update public beta

2017-02-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : DracoSelene89 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: death match project alpha update public beta

Okay. Here's what I did to get the errorj. Step by step so you can reproduce it Danny:1. Fired up the game after leaving my ship in a debris field overnight, got cargo after taking damange down into the 500s in hull strength down from the initial 1000Autopilot to Sol Station3. Docked, and got the docking complete message4. Waited a few moments5. Went to the menu from 5,5 and opened it and waited afew seconds in each case for the server to register my commands6.  Misc > Transfer cargo. "You must be docked at a place that'll accept cargo"7. Tried it again. Same deal. Which is why I made this post


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Re: VIP Mud VS Mushclient

2017-02-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : ironcross32 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: VIP Mud VS Mushclient

Ah yeah output functions is the right name ,my bad. I don't like that approach though, I'd rather just use NVDA objnav to review.As for how to connect, Control N, world name in first box, IP or host address in second box, port in third box, hit enter


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Re: Orbs CCG

2017-02-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : death via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Orbs CCG

If it doesn't work the first time you press enter, press enter again and it should work.


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Re: Survive the Wild!

2017-02-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : enes via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Survive the Wild!

hi,Currently survive the wild closes as soon as I log in. Is this due to the new server?


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Re: VIP Mud VS Mushclient

2017-02-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : aaron77 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: VIP Mud VS Mushclient

@Ironcross32: You are using the wrong plugin for your output notepad.  Capture Mud Output is a slightly useless (for us) output logger.  When you type cmo, it opens a new notepad window and logs all incoming text past that point into that notepad.  The plugin you are looking for is output functions.  That gives you a notepad window that's there unless you close it, and the control 1 through 10 keystrokes to quickly re-read, copy, or paste the last 10 lines of output, depending on how many times you use the keystroke.You should never have to use object nav or the jaws cursor with MushClient unless you have to, for some strange reason, look at the actual output window sighted people would use.  this may be because you turned on timestamps and you want to look at when you received a certain message, but if you enable logging, you can just look at the logs instead.Anyway, a few differences that haven't really been touched on:Vipmud
  uses a very limited, proprietary scripting language, whereas MushClient supports Lua, Python, Perl, PHP, _vbscript_, and a few others.VIPMud doesn't seem to support regular expressions, although I could be wrong.MushClient has a built in chat system that interfaces with other people's clients directly.  If you want to talk to other players without having to worry about being watched by admins, you don't have to worry if you're using the chat system.  Sure, you could just talk to people on skype, but the chat system does provide advantages, noteably the power to send commands to other people's clients (very useful when botting.)  Also, the chat feature works with other mud clients like ZMud.The one thing VipMud has over Mushclient is the way it handles SAPI voices.  If I remember correctly, you can make vipmud speak text through different SAPI voices, so you could have a different sapi voice track and alert you of differe
 nt things.  I'm sure there is a way to do this with Mush, but it would require scripting.To sum up, Vipmud is the client for inexperienced computer users that are willing to spend $30 for it, whereas Mushclient is designed for more advanced mudders and/or people who are willing to learn to control a very powerful piece of software.


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Re: RTR question

2017-02-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : cuddley via Audiogames-reflector


Re: RTR question

if you have created a server, you would have set up an s con password to do certain commands. the command to bann someone is /scon password bann client number


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Re: death match project alpha update public beta

2017-02-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : danny via Audiogames-reflector


Re: death match project alpha update public beta

Greetings all. Right now until this cpu usage is fixt i'm not worryed about implementing future features. I'll have a go now at fixing it, I think I might know where its at so the server may go up and down whildly.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: RTR question

2017-02-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : tabutcu via Audiogames-reflector


Re: RTR question

thx cuddley


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Re: How do I configure and install windows xp on an old laptop?

2017-02-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : roelvdwal via Audiogames-reflector


Re: How do I configure  and install windows xp on an old laptop?

Ah, good old widnows xp. I have some experience in this area.1. mount the xp iso2. extract located in the support directory.3. run setupmgr.exe from the directory, you need a windows xp system for the best support.4. generate an answer file, auto partition might work, but not tested5. place the answer file in the i386 directory and name it winnt.sif.6. I reccomend creating a bootable cd, but you might be able to use a usb drive for this purpose. Advantages of cds are that they make noise when reading, and that they don't show up in the windows xp partition screen.7. make sure that the target harddrive is clean, you can use win 7 pe for this. You can also use the windows xp installer for this, with knfb reader or something.8. if you didn't boot the windows xp cd/usb to remove the partitions, do so now. Wait until you hear no cd activity for a few minutes, or just wait a while if you use usb.9. if the 
 drive is clean, just hit enter a couple of times to xp will now install. If you got an error during the setup having to do with your display, it might be trying to fix your screen resolution during setup. A hard powerdown will make the installer skip that screen.10. Now it can get tricky. If you are lucky, you've got an audio driver out of the box. If you are not, you will have to install it manually. You can install it on a windows xp vm and get the shortcuts from the installer.This is all I can remember, it's been a while since I did this. You might also need a SATA driver if it's a newer laptop.


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Re: Warsim, text based randomly generated stratogy

2017-02-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : arnold18 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Warsim, text based randomly generated stratogy

No, i just quitted when i opened the ancient plague, nearly  all of my troops was dead  In two years, and i didn't know if it will end or not.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: death match project alpha update public beta

2017-02-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : sito via Audiogames-reflector


Re: death match project alpha update public beta

yo, i've seen another strange problem, when you exit the game, you're still connected at the server, i took a look at the task manager and saw taht there are still 2 death matchesrunning in the backrounds tab which causes players to still be on the server even when they closed their game


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Re: fast food simulation games

2017-02-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: fast food simulation games

Well if your looking for business type games, I don't think we have anything fast food orientated, though there are several which involve business management, eg park boss, aprone's u mart, and I believe some browser games though I am not up on that sort of thing perfectly (I do remember hearing of a game called perfect competition, but I don't know a lot about it, try for details). Hth.


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Re: Browser games with most deep quest system?

2017-02-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Browser games with most deep quest system?

@Music097, as I remember dark grimoire had a pretty good  list on what to do at what level, for example sewers at level one, the planes and the gremlin tree at level 2 etc. I don't know how things are now, actually I probably ought to give dg a second go. I was actually checking out pelantas the other day again after recommending it, but again I was always putoff by the hole auto combat, sports management weekly matches thing. The questing looked cool, but actually getting to a point where you could send anyone out doing it seemed to be quite a pest and require lots of micro management, plus while the text on the quests was fairly good, you didn't seem to get as much choices about how things progressed. maybe if I came at the game a little more systemtically I could get to grips with it, though pvp really is not something that interests me much in most games.@David yep,I was playing an older gen character, however I've put so much time
  and adventurer tocans into her I didn't really want to restart, especially since at one time she had events in her journal that weren't around anymore. Maybe I'll try the game again at some point, I did used to enjoy all the adventures, and especially when interesting abilities and options came in like the phantom weapon or  shadow magic powers, Sryth was actually a game where you could grow from exploration, provided that the gm is actually  focusing on exploration and not creating one time only eventus and prizes only available to those who spend ridiculous amounts of money on the game.


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Re: operation redspot. The final debriefing.

2017-02-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : the player via Audiogames-reflector


Re: operation redspot. The final debriefing.

He doesn't necessarily need to build in different modes. Emplementing limits would be enough. Since the bases are so far apart from each other, I think, base defense and the usual killing can be on one map.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: operation redspot. The final debriefing.

2017-02-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : dan_c via Audiogames-reflector


Re: operation redspot. The final debriefing.

I'm gonna try logging in again, tried connecting last night but nothing happened at all.


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Re: operation redspot. The final debriefing.

2017-02-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : SLJ via Audiogames-reflector


Re: operation redspot. The final debriefing.

Hi.I don't have much experience with the game, and I am not good at it, at all.I like the fact that you need to learn and you need to get some skills to survive and be a good player. My question is: Have the game changed to be for the best skilled players only? Can newbies still enjoy the game, if the server is full of high skilled players who have their own base, close to unlimited stuff and when they get killed, well, they just grap a ton of new stuff from their base.Having read this topic, it seems like the game has changed to: Well, if you're a newbie and aren't skilled enough to build up your own base, you're screwed. I hope I'm wrong. It would be sad if things are much harder for newbies because of the bases.


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Re: nightmare productions!

2017-02-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : SLJ via Audiogames-reflector


Re: nightmare productions!

Hi.I don't see the point of making a 3D map, but only let the character walk in 2D.I'll wish you the best of luck with the project.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: operation redspot. The final debriefing.

2017-02-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : sito via Audiogames-reflector


Re: operation redspot. The final debriefing.

nope, there aren't that many bases on the server because you really need a team to defend one and most people can't defend their base. besides, there are so many players online now and there are several new ways to escape a fight so if someone very skilled atacks you you can actually escape him pretty easy if you know how the map is built since it's way larger now


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Re: Redspot, blood and paril. First public beta released!

2017-02-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : sito via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Redspot, blood and paril. First public beta released!

you don't get any messages at all, and no, the server changed last night so the server is not the reason that you can't log in


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Survive the Wild!

2017-02-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : sito via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Survive the Wild!

that's from the code i believe. as said above it's beeing worked on so i think we'll be able to properly connect when the new update is out


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Redspot, blood and paril. First public beta released!

2017-02-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : blindndangerous via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Redspot, blood and paril. First public beta released!

No message is given if you're banned, it just refuses to log you in.


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Re: the Helen Keller Conspiracy

2017-02-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : SLJ via Audiogames-reflector


Re: the Helen Keller Conspiracy

Def people in generel are trying to learn to write as good as possible, to make sure people understand them. Yes, it's indeed possible that a 9 years old girl can write all that.


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Re: death match project alpha update public beta

2017-02-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Luciana via Audiogames-reflector


Re: death match project alpha update public beta

Emm, can someone explane to a dumb me how can I exit my ship, this cargo something, model, if it keeps saying that my ship's airlock is still pressurised and stuff, but I didn't how ever try to fly anywhere, even didn't undock from this station. Maybe I am not getting how does it work though, I've just created my character there. And by the way I couldn't get to the cargo bay of this ship, due to the lag issue or something else, my steps work the way "2 instead 1 per click".The game looks pretty though, but I kinder agree with Connor, it needs a bit more of the time..


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Re: RTR question

2017-02-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : tabutcu via Audiogames-reflector


Re: RTR question

i don't kno lol!


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Re: death match project alpha update public beta

2017-02-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : abdullah_mohammad via Audiogames-reflector


Re: death match project alpha update public beta

cool game, keep up the good work bro 


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Re: Browser games with most deep quest system?

2017-02-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Browser games with most deep quest system?

@Music097, as I remember dark grimoire had a pretty good  list on what to do at what level, for example sewers at level one, the planes and the gremlin tree at level 2 etc. I don't know how things are now, actually I probably ought to give dg a second go. @David yep,I was playing an older gen character, however I've put so much time and adventurer tocans into her I didn't really want to restart, especially since at one time she had events in her journal that weren't around anymore. Maybe I'll try the game again at some point, I did used to enjoy all the adventures, and especially when interesting abilities and options came in like the phantom weapon or  shadow magic powers, Sryth was actually a game where you could grow from exploration, provided that the gm is actually  focusing on exploration and not creating one time only eventus and prizes only available to those who spend ridiculous amounts of money on the game.


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Re: BrogueSpeak, an accessible roguelike

2017-02-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: BrogueSpeak, an accessible roguelike

Hmmm,  is rather odd. I sort of assumed that the version in the first post on source forge would be the latest one. the wiki also doesn't list speak keys for checking what is around you with the screen reading system, which is rather strange, indeed at the I'm a little confused since Ill find something with the arrow keys, hit enter to look at it then can't actually walk to it, or I'll hit tab to examine something, to be told where it is, only for it to be some distance away. This actually seems to be the general problem with roguelikes, that nobody has yet found a good way of actually explaining the terrain, unless there are other keys that I am missing.


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Re: Redspot, blood and paril. First public beta released!

2017-02-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : chrisfaelnar via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Redspot, blood and paril. First public beta released!

[[wow]]. The server is up! But for some reason, it automatically exits after it views the message of the day. So i can't play. Hihi


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Re: operation redspot. The final debriefing.

2017-02-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : aaron via Audiogames-reflector


Re: operation redspot. The final debriefing.

@ironcross32: your original post, in response to mine, seemed to sum up the points a bit better than I could. I'm definitely not against Sam playing the game, because that's part of the fun. In fact I actually like this a lot, I've noticed with devs like Pragma and Sam, they are joining in a bit more with us, playing their games, and whenever I see a dev on it gives me a good feeling. Hay, I'm playing against the dev here, this is cool, kind of thing.I just worry that others don't, which is a shame to be honest, as it adds a bit of a layer of fun to the proceedings. Oh, and also, during my time with Redspot, I haven't even seen the bass yet, but have taken part in a few battles. Right now though, I hear people talk about ledges and towers, and I wonder how to find those on the map.


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Re: Redspot, blood and paril. First public beta released!

2017-02-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : sito via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Redspot, blood and paril. First public beta released!

yeah i said it before, a client update will be released soon and that'll probably fix it


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: operation redspot. The final debriefing.

2017-02-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : sito via Audiogames-reflector


Re: operation redspot. The final debriefing.

yo, guys, sam said before that he's isn't going to let people host servers cause that will make it harder for him to release new updaytes etc. the game is fun as it is. if you want sam to change modes etc that would require a change of the game's structure etc which means that sam basicly have to code a new game in order for it to work as ya guys want. at arron, there are towers at 260 260, 460 260, 460 460, 60 260, 260 60, 60 60, 60 460 and  460 60. think i got it all heh.


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Re: Street Fighter V Official thread

2017-02-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : dd via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Street Fighter V Official thread

does anyone have tips for the second story mode? lol I can't even finish the first fight... shadow bison kicks my ass... I do not play as nash very oftenanything at all would be very much appreciated


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Re: Phone number varification in games

2017-02-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : SLJ via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Phone number varification in games

Hi.So here we go again. Full of complains, bad security and bla bla bla. This is the reason for I said optional. If people wanna give their phone numbers out for easier identification, then fine, go ahead and do it. If they won't, then fine. Then you just need an other way to identify yourself.Giving your phone number to Facebook is even optional, so what's the issue? If you give Facebook your phone number, you can hide it from your friends.You mention that Sam's server and website has been hacked. Seriously, guys. So many companies has been hacked. Microsoft, Sony, Apple and a million of other companies has been hacked. If you are that paranoid, it's time to stop using the internet. Everything you put on the internet can be hacked, no matter how much protection and security systems.So, Sam, I'll say it should still be an optional  thing, which will make anyone happy... 


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Re: death match project alpha update public beta

2017-02-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : DracoSelene89 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: death match project alpha update public beta

Here's some observations about the server issues Danny, I hope this helps:1. It seems doesn't seem at least from what I have noticed  to be tied to the number fof people online, instead it seems to be as you said earlier tied to CPU usageInitially  messages seem to work then as the lag gets worse and worse everything seems to slow down the messages flood back and I have noticed messages from the top of the buffer repeating themselves as new messagesAlso, it may just be bad timing but I have noticed the cargo bay seems, at least on both my machines, to cause lag when entering it as it seems, at least from a few incidents, to cause everything to just lg when going into the cargo bay, which is  a shame.Next up is an issue I saw Cuddly getting heated about yesterday, that is currently anyone can access ships and completely and utterly screw up somebody's game no matter if they are online or offline. This needs to be loo
 ked at as it is all too easy to dock with somebody, or walk onto somebody's ship at a station and be able to dump it -250,000,000 -243,, -2890,000,000 coords away for instance, rending them helpless and unable to play the game without a fairly decent travel time, which could very well drive people away from the game. I totally and utterly get how people would get frustrated with it. So..yes, lockable/ownable ships absolutely need to be a thing, because people are assholes.Next up, the docking issue. Either there needs to be more stations or the docking ports at Sol station need to be made bigger to accomadate more ships. I counted over 60 ships sat there doing nothing at all and taking up space in the station yesterday. Aditionally, maybe those docked ships could be moved from sensor contacts to a hidden category, as it doesn't make much sense that a ship that is docked should show up on sensors if it's inside a space station. Plus, it clutters up t
 he display and makes it hard to find what you want in a sensor or autopilot list.Next thingshortcut keys. I was hoping this'd be a thing in the menus already, but it isn't yet. I was hoping that there'd be a shortcut key so I didn't have to keep going down, down down enter down enter and then down and enter again, as an example, it may well get people killed in the heat of battle once weapons are in the game.Lastly, I like the game overall, it's actually oddly relaxing once the lag isn't there but holy shitballs it is frustrating when the lag hits, especially for somethiung as active as salvaging, I mean, it's fun and relaxing, but it is alpha/beta so I'm not expecting it to be perfect, honestly I'd even syay it's not out of alpha yet but I do like it, as betas are (usually) mostly done and this game is still being worked on. Either way I like it. Just want the issues sorted out honestly...Also a
  way to turn off that beeping in the cockpit of a ship too ya knowDraco


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Re: Warsim, text based randomly generated stratogy

2017-02-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Wastelander via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Warsim, text based randomly generated stratogy

Heh, if you can survive the ancient plague I commend you, its a game changer Also what do you mean? is that the locations with the three questionmarks after them, in which case that just means I haven't thought of what goes there yet, the game is still far in developement 


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Re: operation redspot. The final debriefing.

2017-02-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : smoothgunner via Audiogames-reflector


Re: operation redspot. The final debriefing.

sam here is a easy fix to your problem that will make all players, newbys and vets happy.come out with different modes for the game, that you pick from the main menu, for examplefree for allin this mode X amount of players are on a map, seeing who can rack up the most kills in a set time limit from 2, 4, 6, 8 to 10 minutes. everyone starts off with the same amount of health, weapons, and ammo. characters respawn, and loot is dropped frequently throughout the map. this mode will be based on nothing but fps skillteam modein this mode there will be teams constructed of 2, 4, or 6 players, that all start off with the same health, weapons, and ammo, and the teams will try and capture a flag and bring it back to base, or the team will work on racking up more kills than the other, while being able to trade ammo weapons and health packs with there teammate. this mode will be based on fps skill, and how well you work and communicate with others.tower 
 defendin this mode players will grind for hours trying to make there base stronger than the other base.  you can set a 24hr or 48 hr time limit for everything to reset. everytime a base is destroyed, the other team is rewarded with a medal and all of that bases loot. this mode will have two teams. new players that join the mode can pick which ever team they want to be on. this mode will be based on, fps skill, your will and want to grind for hours finding loot, and working well with your team.these modes allow players to pick how they want to play the game, instead of forcing them to play the game one type of way. hence making all parties involved, newbys and grinders all satisfied. me personally i am a free for all capture the flag type of guy, i loved the capture the flag mode is swamp. i found myself playing that more than the main game that requires you to grind and quest. but others i know didn't care for the capture the flag mode, they preferred to grind
 . moral of that story sam is every gamer is different, and likes to play the game a certain way, so give your project options. don't limit it. that will turn off a lot of gamers that will feel  stuck to play the game one type of way with no variety


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Re: Any party-leading turn-based strategy?

2017-02-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Any party-leading turn-based strategy?

There is only one settlement in entombed, though you will find special shops in the dungeon with good equipment to sell. Also as a rule of thumbmixing magic and technique based jobs like barbarian healer is generally not a good idea, since you earn stat advances each level from both jobs, and so you'll find a point where your magic abilities and physical abilities are half as weak as they should be compared to the enemies.This happened to me once, I took a monk healer right through to the 25th floor, got to the final boss, and couldn't actually do enough damage to overcome the boss's regeneration so had to abandon the game.Btw, there are also a few unlockable jobs and races you might want to look at. Some involve random drops, one unlockable race needs buying in the bizarre, however two unlockable jobs (including a very awesome one), involved playing specific combinations of other jobs. Let me know if you'd like a hint as to what
  combinations of other jobs work for the unlockables.Glad your liking entombed, I actually need to install it on this machine myself.


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Re: death match project alpha update public beta

2017-02-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : SLJ via Audiogames-reflector


Re: death match project alpha update public beta

Hi.I look forward to check this out when the server is more stable. Keep up the great job Danny.


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Re: Keyboard Controls for action/adventure games

2017-02-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Keyboard Controls for action/adventure games

The last time will have been before online gaming and broad-reaching joypad APIs were common. So... MK4 and emulators. Then Emulators fell off because the game companies release their own on modern consoles.Meh, I still feel weird about ASWD instead of ASWZ. The former is like PC arrows, the latter is more like a traditional D-pad, and if I'm playing a game with lots of multidirectional commands (so... fighting games, mostly), ASWZ feels much more intuitive, to me. I do think ASWZ would be weird for, say, Swamp.And the idea of swapping movement / action hands feels weird to me, too, but apparently it's less troublesome than it sounds, based on how popular it is.FTR, the above has been my general rule in projects since starting this thread--the more fast-paced multidirectional stuff, the more likely we're using ASWZ. Otherwise, ASDW. And the arrow keys are always an option. Naturally, if beta testers strongly recommend changing up the defaults, I&
 #039;ll change the defaults and keep my configuration for my personal copies.(The troublesome thing about input more complicated than directions + spacebar is that it makes one-handed input much harder, which makes braille output less practical, which makes me a sad panda. If I could get BGT to treat the Focus14 as a joystick, that would be the awesomes.)(... I mean, I've beaten people at Mortal Kombat Deceptions one-handed while eating a cookie with the other. But it is not something I'd like to make a habit of. ... WAIT! Why aren't DDR pads more popular for fighting games? I mean, before the Wii and Kinect. Someone once told me he got a Grey Parrot to do OK at Soul Callibur via DDR pad (after the parrot complained that the controller wasn't fair  ). Umm, if BGT recognizes the PS4 D-pad as buttons instead of an axis, maybe I can imagine using a PS4 con
 troller one-handed for some of these, but... umm... ... What is it about braille that gets me rambling for several kilobytes?)


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Re: operation redspot. The final debriefing.

2017-02-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : ironcross32 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: operation redspot. The final debriefing.

I don't think there's anything wrong with a game such as this where you have to strategize to get somewhere. I also see where just a quick deathmatch where you go in and just kill peeps. Maybe Sam could release RS Classic where the game was as it used to be. Throw caps on health and stuff and add a clock, then pull it from the main server, create a dedicated server program and let people host their own servers like RTR. Even better if you could get mini UPnP working too so people don't have to port forward. I honestly don't see like its a big deal to port forward, but many people seem to think its quantum level shit going on there.


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Re: death match project alpha update public beta

2017-02-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : DracoSelene89 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: death match project alpha update public beta

I think something got screwed up.RIght now, I landed on Sol Station, and I'm there right now,  12:53pm GMT.I get the following errorYou need to be docked at a place that'll accept cargo.Thing is, I'm docked to Sol Station. It let me dock first time, so I'm not entirely sure what's going on, it's acting as if I'm not docked to anything at all. I'll try undocking and see what happens...Drako


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Re: RTR question

2017-02-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : SLJ via Audiogames-reflector


Re: RTR question

Hi.Have you considered reading the instructions for the game? They are there, just to be read.  If you have set up a RTR server, you already know the bann command.


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Re: Keyboard Controls for action/adventure games

2017-02-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Sightless Kombat via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Keyboard Controls for action/adventure games

@DarkWhilst I agree having a hand for movement and a hand for buttons is a sound idea, given that I'm more accustomed to a controller, I'm normally better equipped to use my left for movement and my right for actions.  That and if you want to be more in-line with modern trends, WSAD/WASD and U I O J K L would be a better idea imho.I mean maybe, if you want the best of both worlds, just have the two schemes as presets and then allow for extended mapping outside of that?You are right though, I can't remember the last time (for an action game) that two local players used the same keyboard, though I guess theoretically it might happen, regardless of how unlikely it is.


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Re: Phone number varification in games

2017-02-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : sito via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Phone number varification in games

tell me, if it was optional, how would you be able to ban people  read post one, this system is here to prevent spammers and to make it harder to brake bans. now you would say that emails should be used to identify yourself but emails can be recreated and the spammers will still be there, that's not the case with phone numbers


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Re: For Honor?

2017-02-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Lirin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: For Honor?

Quick update on the game:Sadly, as I talked with my friend yesterday He said this is DEFINITELY not like a Bushido blade series in any way.The fighting system is much much more complex and the maps contains a lot of traps, pits where you can fall or drop your enemies.


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Re: Monthly Chat February 2017

2017-02-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly  Chat February 2017

Ah maria, I did wonder. @Sebby, Vienna I liked the first series, but after that it got a little too formula noire for my liking, also when in season 2 Vienna was given a random side kick with the most laughable new York accent it did make things pretty farsical. I actually enjoyed the metaphysical stuff in season 3 of graceless and the good ending, I particularly liked the ties back to the general and the creatures in the son, it's always nice to get callbacks to that sort of thing rather than them just   being weird for the sake of weird. I was actually moderately impressed at the riversong series, and to say I can't stand riversong in the tv series that is saying something. Season 1 was very well constructed, 2 had some great individual stories but a really messy over all plot. Actually I need to get back to some of the latest stuff from bf, though right now I'm rereading the mallorean by david eddings, a series I loved 
 as a teenager. I really enjoyed doing the belgariad recently and was surprised how much it had escaped  suck fairy, who you can read about here As to uni, well my original uni experience was fun, post graduate hood less so, at least until marriage. What I do when that finishes we'll see. Actually what happens with housing will be interesting given that my current flat is a little small for two people and two dogs, so we'll probably move soon enough. Hopefully the dread saga of the washing machine will resolve itself tomorrow, after which I an get back to worrying about windows 10 and which version of office I need, though unfortunately these logitech wireless keyboards we have are going very wonkey right now with annoyingly scuppered control keys. Any suggestions for good wireless keyboards? I've been quite disappointed in these, though I don
 39;t know the model number well enough to say what they are, yet both my wife's and mine have now got buggered left control keys, (so expect some odd messages until we can get things sorted out). aaMethinks they might need replacing rather sooner than expected.


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Re: Basketball manager

2017-02-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : vojvoda via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Basketball manager

hello guys, I found one  quite good,


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Re: the Helen Keller Conspiracy

2017-02-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector


Re: the Helen Keller Conspiracy

Low Expectations™ are bad for everyone. That is something out of one of the NFB's main slogans (paraphrased heavily, of course  ), but it didn't stick with me because of their repeating it every chance they get. What really made it sink in was reading someone's account of living with low expectations for being female.And, well, low expectations for children have bugged me since Y2K, only because I didn't really catch on before then.I was hoping I'd saved the woman's story in my big file of quotes, but but while I was looking for it I found these instead:5:42 AM 11/10/2016:[–]nonoforreal 4 points 11 hours ago I just want to chip in that I think that TK17 is closer to the truth here than many people realize.Jared Diamond, who has spent a lot of time among tribal peoples, has expressed some amazement at the children of many tribal cultures. (He is far from the only one.)In one of his books, he relates a bit about a 10-year old boy named Talu, who hired himself out as a porter and guide to Diamond. His parents had no say - they had not been in the village for some days at the time Talu took the job - and everyone treated this as normal. The boy went with him for several days, helping when the trail was blocked by a flood, among other things, and then hired himself out longer as an assistant at his camp - he stayed with Diamond for a month until the work was done, collected his pay, and then walked home on his own. That level of independence was taken completely for granted among his tribesmen, with him just relaying messages to his family about what he planned to be up to using people who would be heading to the village.Similarly, among the Piraha, children are basically treated as smaller, weaker adults. Parents deal with them by reasoning with them rather than appealing to authority or punishing - in fact, the apparently quite culturally egalitarian Piraha don't see children as being fundamentally that different than adults. They are allowed to play with sharp knives from when they are toddlers. This does result in some injuries, but many more children cope just fine.Aka Pygmies trust their 10-year olds to travel and take care of themselves in the rainforest, defending against leopards and the like, and event trust them with 4-year olds while doing so.Human children are capable of a great deal of intelligence and independence, and can be quite successful at it. Western civilization has generally agreed that the rate of attrition that comes with that is unacceptable, and chooses to have more surviving children rather than more capable children. This doesn't change the fact that, presented with the opportunity, children can deal with a lot of intellectually demanding things pretty well compared to an adult with a similar level of ignorance of the task at hand."My tagline, as a teacher and as a person-who-wants-to-force-multiply-good-people: I treat everyone like children, because I treat children like humans."


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Re: Basketball manager

2017-02-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : vojvoda via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Basketball manager

hello guys, I found one  quite good,


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Re: death match project alpha update public beta

2017-02-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Valmorian via Audiogames-reflector


Re: death match project alpha update public beta

I had that same issue I waited a few seconds and tried it again and it worked fine


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Re: Orbs CCG

2017-02-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : caio via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Orbs CCG

How can I click in a card to play it?


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Re: BG Twenty20 Cricket

2017-02-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Markp via Audiogames-reflector


Re: BG Twenty20 Cricket

I have asked the dev of BGT20 for a possible world cup version but sadly, he is not interested.  However, myself and the testers are very keen to start a new improved cricket game.  I am studying a discontinued cricket board game that has inner and outer rings for the fielding positions.  This will bring in the power play and much more.If anyone can suggest a developer that may want to take on an advanced game please do let us know.


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Re: operation redspot. The final debriefing.

2017-02-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : severestormsteve1 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: operation redspot. The final debriefing.

Oh, and another thing I wonder is why someone has to be against Sam to publish a topic like this? I dunno, but this gives a way for people to express their subsequent interest or disinterest in the original poster's point of view. Whether or not he has something personal against Sam literally has ZERO meaning here. If it's really that much of a threat to Sam for someone or a group of people to disagree with him enough to post a forum topic gathering the opinions of others rather than hammering messages out to him over Skype hoping in vane that he'll respond one day, I don't know what to tell ya. Whoever brought up the point about game developers being lucky because they get so much feedback, I must say I agree with them. There are upsides and downsides to that, but one upside is that you don't end up with a seemingly good game, scratching your head at the 1 player, which is you by the way, logged on the server and wondering, where did I go wrong?But 
 I will say. Personal drama and conflict between Sam and Seto? Who gives a single crap? I don't, that's for sure. All I know and care about is the fact that there is a topic here, with suggestions that people would like to see Sam implement, and all I know is that if he cares enough about his players, he'll give it a look and at least some, consideration.


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Re: Browser games with most deep quest system?

2017-02-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : david_solomon1 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Browser games with most deep quest system?

This makes me almost want to create a sryth reminiscing topic. In particular, I'm very disappointed that equipment and abilities really aren't earned through adventures anymore but instead through raffels and donation packages. I miss the days when the cape of the griffin was useful darn it!And just to keep this on topic. Uh. Bent Space Chronicles? Oh wait, it looks like that's dead. 12 Sands? Oops that one's gone too. um. I'll think of another game with quests, really I will.Oh hey, there's always Alter Ego. While it doesn't have quests exactly, it definitely has a playable storyline. Apparently there's an iPhone app too:


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Re: VGStorm Presents Manamon, a new fully featured RPG!

2017-02-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : enes via Audiogames-reflector


Re: VGStorm Presents Manamon, a new fully featured RPG!

hi,what manamon do you need. Also, you can trade between saves.


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Re: death match project alpha update public beta

2017-02-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : DracoSelene89 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: death match project alpha update public beta the lag's fixed, this game is actually very, very playable and very decent.Come on guys, give it a whirl. It's freeandit's actually fun doing cargo runs for the moment and saving up for stuff...


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Re: What programming language using to develop the games?

2017-02-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : Ethin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: What programming language using to develop the games?

@jonikster, I would open yourself up to other programming languages, not just C# and C++. C++ I am quite sure you will have an extremely difficult time with, whereas with C# you will have less of a difficult time with it. Still, that still will be very difficult for you. I'd advise you to shelve this project for now and try something a lot simpler.


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Re: Bk2 help

2017-02-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : mariaespino26 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Bk2 help

Guess I better start grinding then


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Re: What programming language using to develop the games?

2017-02-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : jonikster via Audiogames-reflector


Re: What programming language using to develop the games?

Of course, I'll start with a simple. First, sound reproduction, after the creation of the player, his movement and so on. The game is similar to GTA ultimate goal.


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Re: Old text and Ascii RPG or roguelikes for dos

2017-02-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : david_solomon1 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Old text and Ascii RPG or roguelikes for dos

The only one I can remember being any good was Fallthru. It's played more like a mud though, not a roguelike. That is, it does have stats and RPG things to raise, but it's not displayed with ascii characters.I don't really remember sticking with or liking any of the others. There's a game I've always wanted to try called Beyond Zork that's an RPG set in the zork universe, but it's for Mac only and probably only the really old macs.


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Re: Street Fighter V Official thread

2017-02-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Xoren via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Street Fighter V Official thread

The default story mode should really be a walk in the park. So much so that, in general, you should be able to get a lot of jump ins to win. Jump in with a firce punch or hard kick, then do lp, mp, sonic scythe. Spam it all day, every day.


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Re: Browser games with most deep quest system?

2017-02-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : music097 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Browser games with most deep quest system?

i'm now level#d.i  want to find swamp viper.where is it?


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Re: Sound libraries

2017-02-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : magurp244 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sound libraries

Try the [Big List of Free Sounds] on


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Re: Redspot, blood and paril. First public beta released!

2017-02-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : krishna via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Redspot, blood and paril. First public beta released!

for me, it still says connecting, logging in and then does nothing.It's been doing that for the last few days which is why I'm trying to find out if I have been banned or not.


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