Re: [BackupPC-users] Problems cropping up with backups

2024-04-21 Thread Brad Alexander
I am still beating my head against this issue. I first, migrated all of the
jails off of the jail server (i5-7500, 32GB RAM, 2GB swap), except the jail
running backuppc. It still ran the system out of memory *and* out of swap,
to the point that I had to physically power off and back on. So this
morning, I migrated the backuppc jail to a machine (my desktop) that is
much beefier than the jail server. It sports an i7 (though CPU is not a
problem), 64GB of RAM, and 8GB of swap. I don't understand whatever it is
(presumably on the backuppc jail) is going straight for swap. The desktop
machine had 93% of swap utilized, and still had 50GB of RAM free. It
actually caused my desktop to become unresponsive.

So I rebooted, and ended up manually starting a backup by hand. After
several minutes, swap had gone to zero, and the system still had about 42GB
of free RAM. I'm not sure where the problem lies, but it appears to be on
the jail side of the equation ratiher than the NAS side. Here is what my
desktop currently looks like from top:

22 processes:  1 running, 21 sleeping
CPU:  0.8% user,  0.0% nice,  0.3% system,  0.3% interrupt, 98.7% idle
Mem: 2032M Active, 4706M Inact, 359M Laundry, 4518M Wired, 121M Buf, 51G
ARC: 2104M Total, 1033M MFU, 968M MRU, 3476K Anon, 6837K Header, 92M Other
1774M Compressed, 2900M Uncompressed, 1.64:1 Ratio
Swap: 8192M Total, 4652M Used, 3539M Free, 56% Inuse, 48K In

And on the NAS, which has 32 GB of RAM and 4GB swap:

51 processes:  1 running, 50 sleeping
CPU:  0.0% user,  0.0% nice,  0.6% system,  0.0% interrupt, 99.4% idle
Mem: 149M Active, 1328M Inact, 28G Wired, 1435M Free
ARC: 24G Total, 15G MFU, 8421M MRU, 256K Anon, 203M Header, 817M Other
22G Compressed, 25G Uncompressed, 1.13:1 Ratio
Swap: 4096M Total, 4096M Free

The other side of the equation is the number of transfer errors that are
occurring on (scheduled) backups. The green ones are backups I ran
manually, to try to get the systems to misbehave. So one one side, I am
seeing transfer errors to the NAS (though a zfs scrub is showing zero
errors, but on the backuppc/jail side, the systems are running to at least
swap, and in many cases, memory starvation.

Does anyone have ideas? Is G.W. right and running backuppc over nfs is a
bad idea? Is there something in backuppc that is preferring swap to RAM?
I've been running backuppc for 20 years, and on FreeBSD for 10, and have
never seen this kind of behavior.

BackupPC-users mailing list

Re: [BackupPC-users] Problems cropping up with backups

2024-04-15 Thread Brad Alexander
On Mon, Apr 15, 2024 at 8:30 AM G.W. Haywood 

> Hi there,
> On Mon, 15 Apr 2024, Brad Alexander wrote:
> > I am having a bit of a problem with my backuppc install that just cropped
> > up recently.
> >
> > Most of my network runs the latest version of FreeBSD 14.0-RELEASE, and
> it
> > has been running on FreeBSD for years.
> Noted. [1]
> > So my backuppc server is in a FreeBSD jail on dedicated jails server
> > (i-5 7500, 32 GB RAM), with backing storage that is NFS mounted from
> > from my TrueNAS host.
> Noted. [2]
> > I am backing up a total of 8 jails, 3 hardware servers, my desktop, my
> > laptop, all running FreeBSD 14.0. I am also backing up my wife's desktop,
> > which is running linux. I'm using rsync. Everything has been backing up
> > properly, then one day about 2 weeks ago, backups on my laptop quit
> > working. I started receiving the error message
> >
> > backup failed (rsync error: error in rsync protocol data stream...)
> >
> > R bpc_read: read past EOF; readSize = 1024, posn = 356352, fileSize = 0,
> bufferSize = 8388608
> > R bpc_read: read past EOF; readSize = 17408, posn = 0, fileSize = 0,
> bufferSize = 8388608
> > ...
> > [ skipped some lines ]
> > ...
> > R bpc_poolWrite_updateMatches: can't open candidate file
> > ...
> > Since it is only occurring on these two hosts, but none of the other 14,
> > can someone explain what is going on here?
> Are you running the server from UPS?  Because to me that looks like
> filesystem damage.  If I'm right it could be a lost write at a power
> failure or something, or maybe it could be that a storage medium is on
> the way out.  I'd want to know ASAP.  To start with, can you run fsck
> or something like that on the TrueNAS host?
> [1] I note that this has been working for years, but all the same I
> feel the need to say that in my experience NFS has been truly awful
> for this kind of thing.  Performance, reliability, everything.
> [2] NAS hosts have a habit of getting compromised, however from all
> you've said I have to assume that you're on top of that.  But it might
> be worth considering the possibility.  I wouldn't touch them with a
> ten metre pole.  Putting TrueNAS and NFS in the same system seem to me
> like asking for it but I guess I have to keep coming back to [1]. :/
> Can't really fault you for putting BackupPC in a jail, but I'd be more
> concerned about things attacking BackupPC than I would that the backup
> server might attack the rest of the network.  My personal take on it
> is to run separate hardware for the backup server.

Hi G.W.,

The NAS (as well as the two jail servers) are on UPS. And TrueNAS generally
does not lose writes, as the underlying
filesystem is ZFS, which is copy-on-write, plus checksums every block on
read and write. The last scrub of the zpool (checking checksums against
saved ones, was completed Apr 7:

scan: scrub repaired 0B in 16:34:41 with 0 errors on Sun Apr  7 16:34:43

However,  I am running another one currently, just to be sure. Also came
back with zero errors:

scan: scrub repaired 0B in 09:24:41 with 0 errors on Mon Apr 15 20:34:02

As for the other notes:

[1] My previous configuration was I had the jail running on the NAS and the
dataset mounted via nullfs mount to the jail. The strange thing is that it
is only with these two particular hosts. All of the other systems being
backed up are working fine, both jails and hardware. And initially, the
desktop was backing up, only the laptop stopped working. Once I disabled
the laptop, the desktop stopped. Now I have both disabled, and everything
else is still working.

[2] The NAS is only reachable from the internal network. I do watch network
security closely. Having said that, I don't understand  what you meant
about putting TrueNAS and NFS on the same system. TrueNAS is a
FreeBSD-based appliance for network attached storage, and where else would
you run NFS from, if the data lives on the NAS box...

And the reason that I have backuppc in a jail is that TrueNAS is an
appliance, and thus installing software (like backuppc) on the  TrueNAS OS
is contraindicated.

In addition, I have seen over the years, dating back to 2005, of people
successfully running backuppc over NFS, plus my ZFS pool says things are
okay, so I'm at a loss...

BackupPC-users mailing list

[BackupPC-users] Problems cropping up with backups

2024-04-14 Thread Brad Alexander
I am having a bit of a problem with my backuppc install that just cropped
up recently.

Most of my network runs the latest version of FreeBSD 14.0-RELEASE, and it
has been running on FreeBSD for years. So my backuppc server is in a
FreeBSD jail on dedicated jails server (i-5 7500, 32 GB RAM), with backing
storage that is NFS mounted from from my TrueNAS host.

I am backing up a total of 8 jails, 3 hardware servers, my desktop, my
laptop, all running FreeBSD 14.0. I am also backing up my wife's desktop,
which is running linux. I'm using rsync. Everything has been backing up
properly, then one day about 2 weeks ago, backups on my laptop quit
working. I started receiving the error message

backup failed (rsync error: error in rsync protocol data stream...)

R bpc_read: read past EOF; readSize = 1024, posn = 356352, fileSize =
0, bufferSize = 8388608
R bpc_read: read past EOF; readSize = 17408, posn = 0, fileSize = 0,
bufferSize = 8388608
R bpc_read: read past EOF; readSize = 16384, posn = 17408, fileSize =
0, bufferSize = 8388608
R bpc_read: read past EOF; readSize = 16384, posn = 33792, fileSize =
0, bufferSize = 8388608
R bpc_read: read past EOF; readSize = 17408, posn = 0, fileSize = 0,
bufferSize = 8388608
[ skipped 10 lines ]
G bpc_read: read past EOF; readSize = 263168, posn = 0, fileSize = 0,
bufferSize = 8388608
G bpc_read: read past EOF; readSize = 93296, posn = 263168, fileSize =
0, bufferSize = 8388608
G bpc_read: read past EOF; readSize = 35476, posn = 0, fileSize = 0,
bufferSize = 8388608
G bpc_read: read past EOF; readSize = 10444, posn = 0, fileSize = 0,
bufferSize = 8388608
[ skipped 13 lines ]
R bpc_lockRangeFile: lock(/var/db/BackupPC/cpool/6c/LOCK) failed (errno = 77)
R bpc_lockRangeFile: lock(/var/db/BackupPC/cpool/6c/LOCK) failed (errno = 77)
R Couldn't unmark candidate matching file
(skipped; errno = 77)
R bpc_poolWrite_updateMatches: can't open candidate file
/var/db/BackupPC/cpool/2c/62/2c63d079017f8c341cc1320e27c1562001 for
R bpc_poolWrite_addToPool: can't stat

Since it is only occurring on these two hosts, but none of the other 14,
can someone explain what is going on here?

BackupPC-users mailing list

[BackupPC-users] Help freeing up space

2022-10-07 Thread Brad Alexander
Happy Friday!

I am having an issue with my backuppc install. I have a backuppc install on
a FreeBSD jail on my TrueNAS machine. The jail then uses a dataset on the
NAS for it's backend storage. Well, I have another jail as my plex server,
with a similar setup, as it is connecting to the media dataset to serve

Well, I rebuilt the plex jail, converting it from a TrueNAS plugin to a
jail with an installed plexmediaserver package. When I did, I moved the
media directory from /mnt to /usr/local/plexdata. However... (every one of
you reading this knows where it is headed) I forgot to update the backuppc
configs to exclude the plexdata directory, it was still blocking /mnt...So
it filled up the backuppc dataset:

NX80101/backuppc   989G  34.9G  989G  /mnt/NX80101/backuppc

I logged in to the backuppc server, and ran Backuppc_nightly 0 255 (twice),
because as I recall, in V3, that was what it took to clear out space.

Also, I saw three of the following messages 3 times during the
Backuppc_nightly. Is it a problem?:

__bpc_progress_fileCnt__ cntUpdate 44/127
BackupPC_refCountUpdate: ERROR pool file
/var/db/BackupPC/cpool/58/c6/58c7e72ee497f62c1332d5fdbc3a253f has digest
d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e instead of
__bpc_progress_fileCnt__ cntUpdate 45/127

So how can I clean up the dataset so that backups can continue?

BackupPC-users mailing list

Re: [BackupPC-users] are 2 backuppc hosts safe from each other's activity?

2022-05-16 Thread Brad Alexander
Yes, this is correct. I did this about a year ago. I had a backuppc3
installation from forever-ago that was still running. I stood up backuppc4
in a FeeBSD jail on my TrueNAS box. Both were running simultaneously until
I got backuppc4 dialed in, then retired the backuppc3 installation and


On Sat, May 14, 2022 at 10:17 PM gregrwm  wrote:

> i have brought up backuppc4 on a new kvm guest, and still also have
> backuppc3 on another kvm guest.  but is my assumption correct?  i assume
> that the backuppc hosts are where it is saved which backups were done last,
> and when.  i might be wrong tho, maybe these are stored on each client as
> they are backed up?  if i am right, there should be no problem while the
> two backuppc hosts take leapfrog backups from the same set of clients.  if
> i am wrong, neither backuppc host could be trusted to gather complete
> backups.  can someone confirm?
> tia,
> greg
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Re: [BackupPC-users] How to disable to backup a client PC

2022-02-21 Thread Brad Alexander
Mine live in $BACKUPPC/PC, where $BACKUPPC is whatever the config file path
is. In your case, /etc/BackupPC. In my case /usr/local/etc/backuppc (I'm on


On Mon, Feb 21, 2022 at 4:08 PM Chris Wu  wrote:

> Hi,
> As per the doc of BackupPC, it says below
> "To disable backups for a client $Conf{BackupsDisable}
>  can
> be set to two different values in that client's per-PC file:
>Don't do any regular backups on this machine. Manually requested
>backups (via the CGI interface) will still occur.
>Don't do any backups on this machine. Manually requested backups (via
>the CGI interface) will be ignored.
>   This will still allow the client's old backups to be browsable and
> restorable."
>Does anyone know where the "per-PC file" is? I can only find
> the file /etc/BackupPC/, but this file should be a global config
> file other than per-PC config file specific to the PC that will be disabled
> for backups.
>   Thanks.
> Kind regards,
> Chris
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Re: [BackupPC-users] Moving to 4.4.0, sudo on FreeBSD

2021-07-31 Thread Brad Alexander
I just wanted to follow up on this issue now that I have figured out the

I figured out why my per-host files weren't being used. It's always the
subtle things. :) I have been using backuppc since about 2004 or 2005. So
back then, I'm not sure whether it was in backuppc itself or in the Debian
package, /etc/backuppc/pc was a symlink to /etc/backuppc. So I had 15 years
of dropping the per-host files into /etc/backuppc. I manually set up a host
and realized that it was being put into pc, so I put my host files in pc,
and am now getting things dialed in.


On Mon, Jul 26, 2021 at 3:05 AM Dave Sherohman 

> Per-host config files are working fine for me.  Maybe your RsyncClientCmd
> has the rsync path hardcoded in it instead of referencing $rsyncPath?
> My environment is mostly-linux with a few BSD-based hosts and, to just
> pick a .pl that contains "local" at random-ish, I have:
> $Conf{RsyncClientPath} = 'sudo /usr/local/bin/rsync';
> # $Conf{RsyncClientPath} = 'sudo /tmp/rsync';
> $Conf{RsyncClientCmd} = '$sshPath $host nice $rsyncPath $argList+';
> $Conf{RsyncClientRestoreCmd} = '$sshPath $host nice $rsyncPath $argList+';
> On 7/24/21 6:27 AM, Brad Alexander wrote:
> I ran across what appears to be the reason for the issue that I am having.
> I found the following issue in my console:
> /var/log/console.log:Jul 23 23:52:11 danube kernel: Jul 23 23:52:11 danube
> sudo[2
> 866]: backuppc : command not allowed ; PWD=/usr/home/backuppc ; USER=root
> ND=/usr/bin/rsync --server --sender -slHogDtprcxe.iLsfxC
> I don't quite understand it. It appears that
> $Conf{RsyncClientPath} = 'sudo /usr/bin/rsync';
> in my is overriding
> $Conf{RsyncClientPath} = 'sudo /usr/local/bin/rsync';
> in my freebsd hosts .pl files. Are per-host config files no longer
> supported? Is there another way to specify the path for the rsync command
> on a per-host or per-OS basis?
> Thanks,
> --b
> On Fri, Jul 23, 2021 at 4:28 PM Brad Alexander  wrote:
>> I have been running BackupPC 3.x for many years on a Debian Linux box. I
>> just expanded my TrueNAS box with larger drives, grew my pool, and am in
>> the process of converting from BackupPC 3.3.1 on the dedicated server (that
>> has gotten a bit snug on the drive space) to a 4.4.0 install in a FreeBSD
>> jail on my TrueNAS box, using the guide at
>> and another page for the changes needed for rsync. I am backing up both
>> FreeBSD and Linux boxes.
>> So at this point, the linux boxes are backing up on the 4.4 installation,
>> but the FreeBSD boxes are not. Both are working on the 3.3.1 machine. I
>> transferred all of my .pl files from the old backup box to the
>> 4.4.0 jail, and they are identical to the old configs. So does anyone have
>> any ideas about what could be happening? I have a log of an iteration of
>> the backup test at
>> It is stopping to ask for a password, which it shouldn't be doing, unless
>> it is looking for rsync_bpc on the client machines.
>> Thoughts?
>> Thanks,
>> --b
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Re: [BackupPC-users] Backups not backing up everything

2021-07-27 Thread Brad Alexander
Thank you, Craig.

Since I migrated my per-host configs over, I already had the exclusions in
place. Thank you for pointing out the one-file-system default setting.

On Tue, Jul 27, 2021 at 12:12 AM Craig Barratt via BackupPC-users <> wrote:

> The default rsync arguments in v4 include --one-file-system, which could
> be why it's not descending into those directories (ie, are the missing
> directories different file systems?).
> If so, you can either remove --one-file-system (in which case you'll need
> to explicitly exclude things like /proc), or add the list of mount points
> in the list of things to backup.
> Craig
> On Mon, Jul 26, 2021 at 7:26 PM Brad Alexander  wrote:
>> I've made quite a bit of headway on my issues deploying a BackupPC 4
>> server. I was having issues with the $Conf{RsyncClientPath} because the
>> client path on FreeBSD is /usr/local/bin/rsync, whereas on Linux, the path
>> os /usr/bin/rsync, and specifying it in the per-host config files did not
>> override the one in So I commented it out of, and
>> the per-host files seem to work correctly. So is that a change from 3 to 4
>> that the overrides the per-host config files?
>> Now having figured that piece of it out, I have a couple of other issues
>> that I would like to as about.
>> First, I am noticing that, while all of these are Unix and Linux boxes,
>> with their heirarchical filesystems layout, I am seeing directories not
>> being backed up, for instance, /home and /var/log that I have noticed so
>> far. I drill down in the dieplay and see things like
>> The directory /
>> <http://romaine/bpc/>
>> usr
>> <http://romaine/bpc/>
>> /home
>> <http://romaine/bpc/>
>> is empty
>> For comparison, my v3 installation for my workstation (FBSD) had 647808
>> files (81908.8 MiB) for the last full backup, while the v4 install has
>> 577488 files (74564.2 MiB). My wife's desktop (Linux) has  261948 files
>> (19657.6 MiB) in v3, and  17538 files (1146.9 MiB), so a ton of files seem
>> to be missing.
>> The other thing is that I have a device I want to turn off backups on, so
>> I set $Conf{BackupsDisable} = 1; but it is still trying to access the
>> device though it is offline.
>> Any ideas on these issues?
>> Thanks,
>> --b
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[BackupPC-users] Backups not backing up everything

2021-07-26 Thread Brad Alexander
I've made quite a bit of headway on my issues deploying a BackupPC 4
server. I was having issues with the $Conf{RsyncClientPath} because the
client path on FreeBSD is /usr/local/bin/rsync, whereas on Linux, the path
os /usr/bin/rsync, and specifying it in the per-host config files did not
override the one in So I commented it out of, and the
per-host files seem to work correctly. So is that a change from 3 to 4 that
the overrides the per-host config files?

Now having figured that piece of it out, I have a couple of other issues
that I would like to as about.

First, I am noticing that, while all of these are Unix and Linux boxes,
with their heirarchical filesystems layout, I am seeing directories not
being backed up, for instance, /home and /var/log that I have noticed so
far. I drill down in the dieplay and see things like

The directory /



is empty

For comparison, my v3 installation for my workstation (FBSD) had 647808
files (81908.8 MiB) for the last full backup, while the v4 install has
577488 files (74564.2 MiB). My wife's desktop (Linux) has  261948 files
(19657.6 MiB) in v3, and  17538 files (1146.9 MiB), so a ton of files seem
to be missing.

The other thing is that I have a device I want to turn off backups on, so I
set $Conf{BackupsDisable} = 1; but it is still trying to access the device
though it is offline.

Any ideas on these issues?
BackupPC-users mailing list

Re: [BackupPC-users] Moving to 4.4.0, sudo on FreeBSD

2021-07-24 Thread Brad Alexander
No Sir, No restrictions.

On Sat, Jul 24, 2021 at 12:59 AM Adam Goryachev via BackupPC-users <> wrote:

> Sounds to me that you might have restricted your source IP in the *bsd
> .ssh/authorized_keys file. Maybe double check on those restrictions.
> Regards,
> Adam
> On 24/7/21 14:27, Brad Alexander wrote:
> I ran across what appears to be the reason for the issue that I am having.
> I found the following issue in my console:
> /var/log/console.log:Jul 23 23:52:11 danube kernel: Jul 23 23:52:11 danube
> sudo[2
> 866]: backuppc : command not allowed ; PWD=/usr/home/backuppc ; USER=root
> ND=/usr/bin/rsync --server --sender -slHogDtprcxe.iLsfxC
> I don't quite understand it. It appears that
> $Conf{RsyncClientPath} = 'sudo /usr/bin/rsync';
> in my is overriding
> $Conf{RsyncClientPath} = 'sudo /usr/local/bin/rsync';
> in my freebsd hosts .pl files. Are per-host config files no longer
> supported? Is there another way to specify the path for the rsync command
> on a per-host or per-OS basis?
> Thanks,
> --b
> On Fri, Jul 23, 2021 at 4:28 PM Brad Alexander  wrote:
>> I have been running BackupPC 3.x for many years on a Debian Linux box. I
>> just expanded my TrueNAS box with larger drives, grew my pool, and am in
>> the process of converting from BackupPC 3.3.1 on the dedicated server (that
>> has gotten a bit snug on the drive space) to a 4.4.0 install in a FreeBSD
>> jail on my TrueNAS box, using the guide at
>> and another page for the changes needed for rsync. I am backing up both
>> FreeBSD and Linux boxes.
>> So at this point, the linux boxes are backing up on the 4.4 installation,
>> but the FreeBSD boxes are not. Both are working on the 3.3.1 machine. I
>> transferred all of my .pl files from the old backup box to the
>> 4.4.0 jail, and they are identical to the old configs. So does anyone have
>> any ideas about what could be happening? I have a log of an iteration of
>> the backup test at
>> It is stopping to ask for a password, which it shouldn't be doing, unless
>> it is looking for rsync_bpc on the client machines.
>> Thoughts?
>> Thanks,
>> --b
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Re: [BackupPC-users] Moving to 4.4.0, sudo on FreeBSD

2021-07-23 Thread Brad Alexander
I ran across what appears to be the reason for the issue that I am having.
I found the following issue in my console:

/var/log/console.log:Jul 23 23:52:11 danube kernel: Jul 23 23:52:11 danube
866]: backuppc : command not allowed ; PWD=/usr/home/backuppc ; USER=root ;
ND=/usr/bin/rsync --server --sender -slHogDtprcxe.iLsfxC

I don't quite understand it. It appears that

$Conf{RsyncClientPath} = 'sudo /usr/bin/rsync';

in my is overriding

$Conf{RsyncClientPath} = 'sudo /usr/local/bin/rsync';

in my freebsd hosts .pl files. Are per-host config files no longer
supported? Is there another way to specify the path for the rsync command
on a per-host or per-OS basis?


On Fri, Jul 23, 2021 at 4:28 PM Brad Alexander  wrote:

> I have been running BackupPC 3.x for many years on a Debian Linux box. I
> just expanded my TrueNAS box with larger drives, grew my pool, and am in
> the process of converting from BackupPC 3.3.1 on the dedicated server (that
> has gotten a bit snug on the drive space) to a 4.4.0 install in a FreeBSD
> jail on my TrueNAS box, using the guide at
> and another page for the changes needed for rsync. I am backing up both
> FreeBSD and Linux boxes.
> So at this point, the linux boxes are backing up on the 4.4 installation,
> but the FreeBSD boxes are not. Both are working on the 3.3.1 machine. I
> transferred all of my .pl files from the old backup box to the
> 4.4.0 jail, and they are identical to the old configs. So does anyone have
> any ideas about what could be happening? I have a log of an iteration of
> the backup test at
> It is stopping to ask for a password, which it shouldn't be doing, unless
> it is looking for rsync_bpc on the client machines.
> Thoughts?
> Thanks,
> --b
BackupPC-users mailing list

[BackupPC-users] Moving to 4.4.0, sudo on FreeBSD

2021-07-23 Thread Brad Alexander
I have been running BackupPC 3.x for many years on a Debian Linux box. I
just expanded my TrueNAS box with larger drives, grew my pool, and am in
the process of converting from BackupPC 3.3.1 on the dedicated server (that
has gotten a bit snug on the drive space) to a 4.4.0 install in a FreeBSD
jail on my TrueNAS box, using the guide at,
and another page for the changes needed for rsync. I am backing up both
FreeBSD and Linux boxes.

So at this point, the linux boxes are backing up on the 4.4 installation,
but the FreeBSD boxes are not. Both are working on the 3.3.1 machine. I
transferred all of my .pl files from the old backup box to the
4.4.0 jail, and they are identical to the old configs. So does anyone have
any ideas about what could be happening? I have a log of an iteration of
the backup test at
It is stopping to ask for a password, which it shouldn't be doing, unless
it is looking for rsync_bpc on the client machines.


BackupPC-users mailing list

[BackupPC-users] Backup speeds

2021-04-04 Thread Brad Alexander
Have a quick question. After I had the issues a couple of weeks ago with my
backuppc and started over again from scratch, I have seen relatively slow
backups, especially on my larger hosts. My laptop's full backup size is
26.53GB, and the backup speed was 8.76 MB/s. I did an rsync of my home
directory (7GB), and got 27,130,699 bytes/s. I also ran an iperf test
between the laptop and the backup server, and got 117GB/s on the interface.

So where is the perfomance bottleneck? From 117 GB/s straight on the
interface to  25 GB/s for an rsync down to 9 GB/s for backuppc? Is it the
creation of the hard links?

BackupPC-users mailing list

Re: [BackupPC-users] cruft buildup on a 3.x installation

2021-03-28 Thread Brad Alexander
For the record, I took a chance and ripped off the band-aid. Here is what I

* stopped backuppc;
* deleted all of the numbered backup directories and XferLOG files in
* deleted the entirety of cpool;

I then restarted backuppc and started making full backups.

I just wanted to post this in case someone else searches the list with a
similar problem.

On Sat, Mar 27, 2021 at 2:38 PM Brad Alexander  wrote:

> Hi all,
> I have been running backuppc 3.x for many years (I think I have been
> running backuppc itself since about 2003 or 2004, but this particular
> installation seems to be from late 2006 or early 2007). I am currently
> running 3.3.1-4 on a Debian sid box. I know some helpful soul will suggest
> upgrading to 4.x. That is in my plans, but I plan to run it on my FreeNAS
> box, and I am currently expanding the pool to accommodate it. So until that
> point, I am running on this box.
> A little background, this is my home backup solution. I have about 11
> boxes, a couple of desktops, a couple of laptops (for my wife and I), and a
> number of jails, containers, and VMs.
> Lately I have noticed a buildup of cruft in /var/lib/backuppc. I found
> that i could store fewer and fewer backups, and finally, yesterday, I wrote
> my latest backups off to the NAS, and deleted every backup. So now, I have
> zero backups on my server, I ran BackupPC_nightly, and my /var/lib/backuppc
> is still sitting at 90% capacity. I am trying to figure out where the cruft
> is living, and what is safe to get rid of.
> So with 0 backups on the system, /var/lib/backuppc is sitting at 90%
> utilization:
> /dev/mapper/vg00-backuppc  763G  653G   74G  90% /var/lib/backuppc
> I drilled down a bit further, and it appears most of the space is taken up
> by pc (452GB) and cpool (201GB). Can the cpool directory be deleted and
> backuppc recreate it later? I suspect this is the case. Because I have zero
> backups, the files in this directory structure seem to be some leftover of
> past days.
BackupPC-users mailing list

[BackupPC-users] cruft buildup on a 3.x installation

2021-03-27 Thread Brad Alexander
Hi all,

I have been running backuppc 3.x for many years (I think I have been
running backuppc itself since about 2003 or 2004, but this particular
installation seems to be from late 2006 or early 2007). I am currently
running 3.3.1-4 on a Debian sid box. I know some helpful soul will suggest
upgrading to 4.x. That is in my plans, but I plan to run it on my FreeNAS
box, and I am currently expanding the pool to accommodate it. So until that
point, I am running on this box.

A little background, this is my home backup solution. I have about 11
boxes, a couple of desktops, a couple of laptops (for my wife and I), and a
number of jails, containers, and VMs.

Lately I have noticed a buildup of cruft in /var/lib/backuppc. I found that
i could store fewer and fewer backups, and finally, yesterday, I wrote my
latest backups off to the NAS, and deleted every backup. So now, I have
zero backups on my server, I ran BackupPC_nightly, and my /var/lib/backuppc
is still sitting at 90% capacity. I am trying to figure out where the cruft
is living, and what is safe to get rid of.

So with 0 backups on the system, /var/lib/backuppc is sitting at 90%

/dev/mapper/vg00-backuppc  763G  653G   74G  90% /var/lib/backuppc

I drilled down a bit further, and it appears most of the space is taken up
by pc (452GB) and cpool (201GB). Can the cpool directory be deleted and
backuppc recreate it later? I suspect this is the case. Because I have zero
backups, the files in this directory structure seem to be some leftover of
past days.
BackupPC-users mailing list

Re: [BackupPC-users] What to do with a restore that's going on far too long?

2020-11-16 Thread Brad Alexander
You could try zless or zmore, e.g. zless RestoreLOG.z


On Mon, Nov 16, 2020 at 2:19 PM Adam Hardy 

> Hi
> I'm using 3.3.0 on Linux Mint, to restore to a linux laptop.
> I'm trying to access the restore log for a restore that is now running
> for about 12 hours and surely should be done. I can see there's a
> substantial RestoreLOG.z but I can't tail it because it's compressed.
> Is there a way?
> I'd like to know what it's trying to do before I kill it.
> Assuming it is frozen, I'd also appreciate it if someone can tell me
> the best way to kill the job without losing the log.
> Thanks!
> Adam
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Re: [BackupPC-users] Filesystem Recommendation for 100 TB

2020-04-28 Thread Brad Alexander
I use ZFS for all of my FreeBSD boxes, and it is stable and robust. I am in
the process of preparing to convert my current backuppc 3.3.1 installation
to a backuppc 4 in a jail on my FreeNAS with the backuppc pool living on a
FreeNAS ZFS pool.

On Tue, Apr 28, 2020 at 12:32 PM Robert Trevellyan <> wrote:

> Any reason not to use ZFS?
> Robert Trevellyan
> On Tue, Apr 28, 2020 at 11:59 AM Andrew Maksymowsky <
>> wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I believe the last time this was asked was a few years ago and I was
>> wondering if anything has changed.
>> We’ve been running backuppc for a few years and now have new server for
>> it with 100 TB of space in hardware raid 6 array.
>> We’re wondering what the recommended filesystem for backuppc would be on
>> an array of this size ?
>> Our priority is stability over performance. We’ll be running ubuntu as
>> the operating system.
>> Most of the hosts we’re backing up are fairly small (under 1 TB) linux
>> servers. Right now we’re backing up about 100 servers for a total of around
>> 20 TB. (We’re expecting the new server to last a few years).
>> Thanks !
>> - Andrew
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>> originally intended is strictly prohibited. If you have received this
>> e-mail in error, please contact the sender and delete all copies.
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Re: [BackupPC-users] Freenas - HELP NEEDED

2020-03-19 Thread Brad Alexander
I haven't followed any of these, but:

I haven't yet set it up, but it is on the todo list. I am currently running

On Thu, Mar 19, 2020 at 9:32 AM Robert Kiss  wrote:

> Hi,
> I just installed the BackuPC plugin for FreeNAS and I am stuck.
> I have no idea how to access the Web GUI and the documentation is just too
> hard for me to swallow.
> Is there a step-by-step instruction how to get the Web GUI to work?
> Thanks.
> Robert
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Re: [BackupPC-users] What's the latest on migrating V3 to V4To:

2019-02-14 Thread Brad Alexander
Thanks for that, Christian. I'm in no rush, but I will be tracking that
bug. :)

On Thu, Feb 14, 2019 at 2:04 AM Christian Uhlmann 

> Hi,
> just for your Information regarding backuppc plugin for freenas: at this
> moment the plugin is not working -
> Regards Christian
> Brad Alexander  schrieb am Do. 14. Feb. 2019 um 04:33:
>> My plan is just to dump the final backup from v3 to tarballs, and overlap
>> starting with v4 on my FreeNAS box, since that is now a plugin on
>> 11.2...Just make a clean break of it.
>> On Wed, Feb 13, 2019 at 7:25 PM  wrote:
>>> That would be great but I had seen some email traffic suggesting that
>>> there was no solution.
>>> I will try it!
>>> Michael Stowe wrote at about 21:12:28 + on Wednesday, February 13,
>>> 2019:
>>>  >On 2019-02-13 05:57, wrote:
>>>  >
>>>  >  Looking to finally move to V4.
>>>  >
>>>  >  Would love to eat my cake-and-have-it-too by eliminating all
>>> those
>>>  >  nasty linked pool files while preserving all my old V3 backups.
>>>  >
>>>  >  In the past I have done quite a bit of utility hacking into the
>>> V3
>>>  >  pool and tree structures so I am aware of the complexities at
>>> least
>>>  >  in V3 but I have no experience or knowledge of how trees and
>>>  >  metadata are stored in V4.
>>>  >
>>>  >  Has anyone written a clean migration utility that copies all
>>> backups
>>>  >  over (not just the latest)?
>>>  >
>>>  >  In a sense I have written half of it in the past in my
>>>  > that allows one to copy over BackupPC
>>> V3
>>>  >  archives by creating a text file download of the backup trees and
>>>  >  then a simple copy of the pool.
>>>  >
>>>  >  But I am not sure I have the time to write a new utility that
>>> would
>>>  >  dump this back into V4 format while converting the pool
>>> structure to
>>>  >  md5sum titling and organization.
>>>  >
>>>  >Would you not just use this?
>>>  >
>>>  >usage: BackupPC_migrateV3toV4 -a [-m] [-p] [-v]
>>>  > BackupPC_migrateV3toV4 -h host [-n V3backupNum] [-m] [-p] [-v]
>>>  >Options:
>>>  >   -a  migrate all hosts and all backups
>>>  >   -h host migrate just a specific host
>>>  >   -n V3backupNum  migrate specific host backup; does all V3
>>> backups
>>>  > for that host if not specified
>>>  >   -m  don't migrate anything; just print what would be
>>>  >
>>>  >done
>>>  > -p  don't print progress information
>>>  > -v  verbose
>>> ___
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Re: [BackupPC-users] What's the latest on migrating V3 to V4To:

2019-02-13 Thread Brad Alexander
My plan is just to dump the final backup from v3 to tarballs, and overlap
starting with v4 on my FreeNAS box, since that is now a plugin on
11.2...Just make a clean break of it.

On Wed, Feb 13, 2019 at 7:25 PM  wrote:

> That would be great but I had seen some email traffic suggesting that
> there was no solution.
> I will try it!
> Michael Stowe wrote at about 21:12:28 + on Wednesday, February 13,
> 2019:
>  >On 2019-02-13 05:57, wrote:
>  >
>  >  Looking to finally move to V4.
>  >
>  >  Would love to eat my cake-and-have-it-too by eliminating all those
>  >  nasty linked pool files while preserving all my old V3 backups.
>  >
>  >  In the past I have done quite a bit of utility hacking into the V3
>  >  pool and tree structures so I am aware of the complexities at least
>  >  in V3 but I have no experience or knowledge of how trees and
>  >  metadata are stored in V4.
>  >
>  >  Has anyone written a clean migration utility that copies all
> backups
>  >  over (not just the latest)?
>  >
>  >  In a sense I have written half of it in the past in my
>  > that allows one to copy over BackupPC V3
>  >  archives by creating a text file download of the backup trees and
>  >  then a simple copy of the pool.
>  >
>  >  But I am not sure I have the time to write a new utility that would
>  >  dump this back into V4 format while converting the pool structure
> to
>  >  md5sum titling and organization.
>  >
>  >Would you not just use this?
>  >
>  >usage: BackupPC_migrateV3toV4 -a [-m] [-p] [-v]
>  > BackupPC_migrateV3toV4 -h host [-n V3backupNum] [-m] [-p] [-v]
>  >Options:
>  >   -a  migrate all hosts and all backups
>  >   -h host migrate just a specific host
>  >   -n V3backupNum  migrate specific host backup; does all V3 backups
>  > for that host if not specified
>  >   -m  don't migrate anything; just print what would be
>  >
>  >done
>  > -p  don't print progress information
>  > -v  verbose
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Re: [BackupPC-users] Encryption

2018-07-02 Thread Brad Alexander
And even over the local LAN, my setup is to use rsync over ssh. I also have
a separate user set up on each machine, so I don't hav to give my backup
machine root access to everything on the network.

On Mon, Jul 2, 2018 at 2:48 PM, Kbtest Testar  wrote:

> Hi...
> During the transport the data is transferred over a ipsec VPN tunnel.
> Thank you for your input!
> Den mån 2 juli 2018 15:30G.W. Haywood via BackupPC-users <
>> skrev:
>> Hi there,
>> On Mon, 2 Jul 2018, Kbtest Testar wrote:
>> > Any thoughts regarding my question about encryption?
>> You might want to consider whether using whole-disk encryption plus a
>> Web interface to the backup data makes the data more secure or less so.
>> You might want to consider encryption of the data during transport.
>> I've been using whole-disk encryption with BackupPC 3.x for some years
>> with no issues.  For remote machines data transport is encrypted using
>> OpenVPN, but over our LANs it usually isn't encrypted, just a password
>> for rsync, or access control via /etc/hosts.allow, etc.
>> --
>> 73,
>> Ged.
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Re: [BackupPC-users] Encryption

2018-07-01 Thread Brad Alexander
I have been using luks encryption on my backuppc server for years. Not sure
about 4.x, I have not yet upgraded, and am still running 3.3.1.

On Sun, Jul 1, 2018 at 3:08 PM, Kbtest Testar  wrote:

> Hi...
> Any thoughts regarding my question about encryption?
> Den mån 25 juni 2018 11:50Kbtest Testar  skrev:
>> Hi...
>> Just want to check a new installation I made. I have installed Centos 7
>> with LUKS encryption for the parttiton /var that holds the backuped data
>> for backuppc. Its there any thing regarding this encryption that could have
>> negative impact on the backed up data? We must encrypt according to GDPR
>> and the ISO we are follwing, Is this OK or is their any best practise we
>> should follow for ecrypting the backed up data?
> --
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Re: [BackupPC-users] Working on keeping this list on-topic

2017-05-19 Thread Brad Alexander
Hello Holger,

I tried to send this to you off-list, but it bounced.

On Mon, May 15, 2017 at 3:06 PM, Holger Parplies  wrote:

> Robert Katz wrote on 2017-05-13 11:33:57 -0300 [[BackupPC-users] Working
> on install of backuppc in fedora 26]:
> > running on Fedora 26 Congratulate me  :-)
> I'll congratulate you as soon as you realize that this list is not meant
> for
> *anything* concerning distribution packages, package management questions,
> or linux questions. This is the *BackupPC* *upstream* users mailing list,
> meant for questions relating to the BackupPC software as distributed by
> git or tarball. Or at least it used to be. I'm at the point of
> unsubscribing
> due to the large amount of noise here lately. This is not about mistakenly
> asking one question here instead of at the appropriate place, it's about
> repeatedly raising issues that are not even about BackupPC.

I can agree that completely off-topic posts probably shouldn't be allowed,
however, I have found this list, over the years, to be quite helpful. I was
able to ask questions regarding not only BackupPC, but also it's
interaction with the OS, with client OSes, and the various backup methods.

As an example, I am converting large portions of my network from Linux to
BSD. I have a FreeNAS and was considering whether it would be better to
slice off an iscsi  LUN and make it available to my backup server, or run
it directly in a jail on the NAS. I appreciate those users who may have
FreeBSD experience, and think that they may have good suggestions. In fact,
I remember years ago, that there was a question about possible interactions
between ZFS (the primary filesystem of some of the BSDs) and BackupPC.

> Whoever might be responsible, please kindly consider creating a
> backuppc-users
> list at Fedora, Redhat or whereever, and announcing creation of the list
> here,
> so whoever is interested can subscribe there, and we can point others
> toward
> it when appropriate. Thank you.

Personally, I think this is way too many mailing lists to keep track of.
You would have to subscribe to a backuppc list for every distro you run,
plus the main one? And then what about the errors that could creep in
having all of these different sources of truth? I think having the one list
with a varied group of people on various distros works out fairly well.
True off-topic? Sure I complain about that too...But I haven't seen many
truly off-topic posts, and I certainly don't think that posting about
distro X or os Y and it's interaction with backuppc is too far afoul of the
main topic of the list.

Just my 2 pfenning,

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BackupPC-users mailing list

Re: [BackupPC-users] localhost Can't cd to /root: Permission denied

2016-07-19 Thread Brad Alexander
It is. farragut is my backuppc host.

Is there anything of interest in the logs, specifically the error log?

And do you have your sudoers set up properly?

On Tue, Jul 19, 2016 at 10:22 AM, Bob of Donelson Trophy <> wrote:

> Thanks for the response, Brad.
> I need to clarify that I can backup other hosts just NOT the localhost and
> I am confused as to why I cannot.
> I see, by your "backup command" that your using rsync. Is this the command
> to backup your localhost?
> I just tried ssh-ing into the locahost (first time I can remember that
> experience) and it worked.
> Re-ran my test command "sudo -u backuppc
> /usr/share/backuppc/bin/BackupPC_dump -v -f localhost" and got the same
> "Backup aborted (No files dumped for share /)" and "Can't cd to /root:
> Permission denied".
> Scratching my head! What is it?
> ---
> ___
> Bob Wooden of Donelson Trophy
> "Everyone deserves an award!!"
> On 2016-07-19 07:22, Brad Alexander wrote:
> I am running backuppc-3.3.1-2 on a Debian/sid box, I am ssh-ing into the
> box and have a limited set of sudo commands that backuppc can execute. This
> is as opposed to ssh-ing in as root.
> I have the following in my /etc/sudoers.d/backuppc account:
> Cmnd_AliasBACKUP=/bin/tar, /usr/bin/rsync, /usr/bin/mysqldump,
> /usr/local/sbin/dbdump
> Then I am able to run backups.
> First step, can you ssh into the local host? Second step, can you simulate
> the backup command? In my case it is
> /usr/bin/ssh -q -x farragut sudo /usr/bin/rsync --server --sender
> --numeric-ids --perms --owner --group -D --links --hard-links --times
> --block-size=2048 --recursive --checksum-seed=32761 --ignore-times . /
> On Tue, Jul 19, 2016 at 7:18 AM, Robert Wooden <>
> wrote:
>> Is this backing up of the localhost functional for anyone? Surely?
>> --
>> *From: *"Robert Wooden" <>
>> *To: *"General list for user discussion, questions and support" <
>> *Sent: *Sunday, July 17, 2016 12:57:40 PM
>> *Subject: *[BackupPC-users] localhost Can't cd to /root: Permission
>> denied
>> I am in the process of rebuilding a Backuppc machine (hard drive died)
>> and never (even before hdd died) got backing up localhost (via tar) to
>> backup. As a result of the rebuild I have gotten into backing up the
>> localhost again.
>> I have made the adjustments to "TarClientCmd" and "TarClientRestoreCmd"
>> as instructed at (near the
>> end) as well as adjusted "visudo". (This use to work.)
>> When I run: "sudo -u backuppc /usr/share/backuppc/bin/BackupPC_dump -v -f
>> localhost" to troubleshoot the issue and the final lines returned are
>> "Backup aborted (No files dumped for share /)" and "Can't cd to /root:
>> Permission denied".
>> Much search engine searching the 'issue' returns next to nothing.
>> This use to work at some point (Ubuntu v14.04LTS and Backuppc 3.3.0, I
>> think) but, something changed and now building on v16.04LTS with Backuppc
>> v3.3.1 it does not.
>> What to do?
>> --
>> What NetFlow Analyzer can do for you? Monitors network bandwidth and
>> traffic
>> patterns at an interface-level. Reveals which users, apps, and protocols
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>> planning
>> reports.
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Re: [BackupPC-users] localhost Can't cd to /root: Permission denied

2016-07-19 Thread Brad Alexander
I am running backuppc-3.3.1-2 on a Debian/sid box, I am ssh-ing into the
box and have a limited set of sudo commands that backuppc can execute. This
is as opposed to ssh-ing in as root.

I have the following in my /etc/sudoers.d/backuppc account:

Cmnd_AliasBACKUP=/bin/tar, /usr/bin/rsync, /usr/bin/mysqldump,

Then I am able to run backups.

First step, can you ssh into the local host? Second step, can you simulate
the backup command? In my case it is

/usr/bin/ssh -q -x farragut sudo /usr/bin/rsync --server --sender
--numeric-ids --perms --owner --group -D --links --hard-links --times
--block-size=2048 --recursive --checksum-seed=32761 --ignore-times . /

On Tue, Jul 19, 2016 at 7:18 AM, Robert Wooden  wrote:

> Is this backing up of the localhost functional for anyone? Surely?
> --
> *From: *"Robert Wooden" 
> *To: *"General list for user discussion, questions and support" <
> *Sent: *Sunday, July 17, 2016 12:57:40 PM
> *Subject: *[BackupPC-users] localhost Can't cd to /root: Permission denied
> I am in the process of rebuilding a Backuppc machine (hard drive died) and
> never (even before hdd died) got backing up localhost (via tar) to backup.
> As a result of the rebuild I have gotten into backing up the localhost
> again.
> I have made the adjustments to "TarClientCmd" and "TarClientRestoreCmd" as
> instructed at (near the end)
> as well as adjusted "visudo". (This use to work.)
> When I run: "sudo -u backuppc /usr/share/backuppc/bin/BackupPC_dump -v -f
> localhost" to troubleshoot the issue and the final lines returned are
> "Backup aborted (No files dumped for share /)" and "Can't cd to /root:
> Permission denied".
> Much search engine searching the 'issue' returns next to nothing.
> This use to work at some point (Ubuntu v14.04LTS and Backuppc 3.3.0, I
> think) but, something changed and now building on v16.04LTS with Backuppc
> v3.3.1 it does not.
> What to do?
> --
> What NetFlow Analyzer can do for you? Monitors network bandwidth and
> traffic
> patterns at an interface-level. Reveals which users, apps, and protocols
> are
> consuming the most bandwidth. Provides multi-vendor support for NetFlow,
> J-Flow, sFlow and other flows. Make informed decisions using capacity
> planning
> reports.
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> --
> What NetFlow Analyzer can do for you? Monitors network bandwidth and
> traffic
> patterns at an interface-level. Reveals which users, apps, and protocols
> are
> consuming the most bandwidth. Provides multi-vendor support for NetFlow,
> J-Flow, sFlow and other flows. Make informed decisions using capacity
> planning
> reports.
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What NetFlow Analyzer can do for you? Monitors network bandwidth and traffic
patterns at an interface-level. Reveals which users, apps, and protocols are 
consuming the most bandwidth. Provides multi-vendor support for NetFlow, 
J-Flow, sFlow and other flows. Make informed decisions using capacity planning
BackupPC-users mailing list

Re: [BackupPC-users] Rebuilding a backuppc installation

2016-03-14 Thread Brad Alexander
Hi Les,

Unfortunately, I'm running it on Debian, which has systemd. Also
unfortunately, when the box reboots, not only does systemd stop the boot
with some non-existent error (at least non-existent in the binary logs) and
then once it comes back up, it breaks the networking, so I have to manually
ifdown/ifup eth0, which I didn't have to do until networkd took over.

I figure I could reinstall  linux and things would be fine until the next
bright idea from the systemd team, or I do can a 1 and done rebuild with
FreeBSD or PC-BSD.

On Mon, Mar 14, 2016 at 5:46 PM, Les Mikesell <> wrote:

> On Sun, Mar 13, 2016 at 6:11 PM, Brad Alexander <> wrote:
> > I'm getting kinda frustrated with the entire systemd thing on linux,. So
> > what I'm wondering is what the procedure is (if it is possible) to
> convert
> > the OS from Linux to FreeBSD, and converting the base filesystem to ZFS,
> You don't have to rush into this.  CentOS 6 is expected to be
> supported with maintenance updates until November 2020.  And it
> doesn't use systemd and should work with your current linux
> filesystem.
> --
>Les Mikesell
> --
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Re: [BackupPC-users] Rebuilding a backuppc installation

2016-03-14 Thread Brad Alexander
Correct. I have a FreeNAS box that has 8GB of ECC RAM. I am not using
dedup. I don't plan on using ZFS dedup. rather I'll stick to BackupPC's


On Mon, Mar 14, 2016 at 1:48 PM, Dan Pritts <> wrote:

> for normal-ish filesystem usage, ZFS is ram-hungry but not ram-insane.
> Just don't turn on deduplication and you'll be fine with a few GB of RAM.
> More importantly though, it's unlikely that you'll be able to transfer
> your pool without (temporarily) having enough disk to store two copies.
> You might dork around with pulling out one of your raid5 disks as the start
> of your new zfs pool, but that is risky.  make sure to do a scrub on the
> raid5 before you do that.
> It sounds like an awful lot of hassle just to be rid of systemd.  I am not
> a fan either, but the "big four" linux distros all switched to it - unless
> you plan to give up on linux altogether you might as well get used to it.
> Pasi Koivisto <>
> March 14, 2016 at 8:48 AM
> It might be possible to setup Linux with ZFS, create a zpool (1 disk might
> be enough for the transfer) and copy over the bpc pool. Export that zpool,
> setup FreeBSD and import the zpool.
> Make sure you have plenty of ram as ZFS works better the more ram it has.
> /P
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> Brad Alexander <>
> March 13, 2016 at 9:11 PM
> I'm getting kinda frustrated with the entire systemd thing on linux,. So
> what I'm wondering is what the procedure is (if it is possible) to convert
> the OS from Linux to FreeBSD, and converting the base filesystem to ZFS,
> preferably without losing my pool. The hardware in question is a Dell
> PE1850. If I'm going to use ZFS, I will convert the RAID 5 array to JBOD.
> Any other sage advice from folks running backuppc on FreeBSD?
> As I type this, I suspect I am going to lose my pool, so I should probably
> archive the older backups. Is there any way to re-import them into the pool
> after the conversion is done?
> Thanks,
> --b
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[BackupPC-users] Rebuilding a backuppc installation

2016-03-13 Thread Brad Alexander
I'm getting kinda frustrated with the entire systemd thing on linux,. So
what I'm wondering is what the procedure is (if it is possible) to convert
the OS from Linux to FreeBSD, and converting the base filesystem to ZFS,
preferably without losing my pool. The hardware in question is a Dell
PE1850. If I'm going to use ZFS, I will convert the RAID 5 array to JBOD.
Any other sage advice from folks running backuppc on FreeBSD?

As I type this, I suspect I am going to lose my pool, so I should probably
archive the older backups. Is there any way to re-import them into the pool
after the conversion is done?

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Re: [BackupPC-users] New backup

2015-12-03 Thread Brad Alexander

That's exactly what it was. Forgot the path to rsync...


On Thu, Dec 3, 2015 at 11:59 AM, Bowie Bailey <> wrote:

> Double-check that /usr/local/bin/rsync is the correct path to rsync on
> that machine.  Also check that it is the same path that backuppc is trying
> to use.  I see /usr/bin/rsync in the command below, but I'm not sure
> offhand if that is referring to the local path or the remote path.
> Bowie
> On 12/2/2015 5:08 PM, Brad Alexander wrote:
> Hi Carl,
> My /usr/local/etc/sudoers.d/backuppc is identical to the one on my other
> freebsd box:
> cat /usr/local/etc/sudoers.d/backuppc
> Cmnd_AliasBACKUP=/usr/bin/tar, /usr/local/bin/rsync
> On Wed, Dec 2, 2015 at 4:35 PM, Carl Wilhelm Soderstrom <
> <>> wrote:
>> On 12/02 04:10 , Brad Alexander wrote:
>> > Okay, this is probably blindingly obvious, but I just changed my wife's
>> > machine over from linux to pc-bsd. I am seeing the following when I try
>> to
>> > run the backup:
>> >
>> > backuppc@farragut:~/tmp$ /usr/bin/ssh -q -x valiant sudo /usr/bin/rsync
>> > --server --sender --numeric-ids --perms --owner --group -D --links
>> > --hard-links --times --block-size=2048 --recursive --checksum-seed=32761
>> > --ignore-times . /
>> >
>> > We trust you have received the usual lecture from the local System
>> > Administrator. It usually boils down to these three things:
>> >
>> > #1) Respect the privacy of others.
>> > #2) Think before you type.
>> > #3) With great power comes great responsibility.
>> >
>> > sudo: no tty present and no askpass program specified
>> What does your /etc/sudoers file on the remote side look like?
>> I presume you're meaning to log in as the 'backuppc' user on the remote
>> side.
>> Your sudoers entry should look something like:
>> backuppc ALL= NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/rsync
>> (Obviously depenting on the path to rsync).
>> --
>> Carl Soderstrom
>> Systems Administrator
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Re: [BackupPC-users] New backup

2015-12-02 Thread Brad Alexander
Hi Carl,

My /usr/local/etc/sudoers.d/backuppc is identical to the one on my other
freebsd box:

cat /usr/local/etc/sudoers.d/backuppc
Cmnd_AliasBACKUP=/usr/bin/tar, /usr/local/bin/rsync

On Wed, Dec 2, 2015 at 4:35 PM, Carl Wilhelm Soderstrom <> wrote:

> On 12/02 04:10 , Brad Alexander wrote:
> > Okay, this is probably blindingly obvious, but I just changed my wife's
> > machine over from linux to pc-bsd. I am seeing the following when I try
> to
> > run the backup:
> >
> > backuppc@farragut:~/tmp$ /usr/bin/ssh -q -x valiant sudo /usr/bin/rsync
> > --server --sender --numeric-ids --perms --owner --group -D --links
> > --hard-links --times --block-size=2048 --recursive --checksum-seed=32761
> > --ignore-times . /
> >
> > We trust you have received the usual lecture from the local System
> > Administrator. It usually boils down to these three things:
> >
> > #1) Respect the privacy of others.
> > #2) Think before you type.
> > #3) With great power comes great responsibility.
> >
> > sudo: no tty present and no askpass program specified
> What does your /etc/sudoers file on the remote side look like?
> I presume you're meaning to log in as the 'backuppc' user on the remote
> side.
> Your sudoers entry should look something like:
> backuppc ALL= NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/rsync
> (Obviously depenting on the path to rsync).
> --
> Carl Soderstrom
> Systems Administrator
> Real-Time Enterprises
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[BackupPC-users] New backup

2015-12-02 Thread Brad Alexander
Okay, this is probably blindingly obvious, but I just changed my wife's
machine over from linux to pc-bsd. I am seeing the following when I try to
run the backup:

backuppc@farragut:~/tmp$ /usr/bin/ssh -q -x valiant sudo /usr/bin/rsync
--server --sender --numeric-ids --perms --owner --group -D --links
--hard-links --times --block-size=2048 --recursive --checksum-seed=32761
--ignore-times . /

We trust you have received the usual lecture from the local System
Administrator. It usually boils down to these three things:

#1) Respect the privacy of others.
#2) Think before you type.
#3) With great power comes great responsibility.

sudo: no tty present and no askpass program specified

Maybe I'm just tired, but what is it I'm missing here? Note that
OpenSSH-askpass is installed, and backups are working on my other pc-bsd

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Re: [BackupPC-users] Forbidden You don't have permission to access /BackupPC on this server.

2015-09-22 Thread Brad Alexander
On Tue, Sep 22, 2015 at 3:06 PM, Bob of Donelson Trophy <> wrote:

> And you may be correct. I remember reading somewhere that one of the
> issues Apache 2.4 handles differently than Apache 2.2 is external access.
> And I searched for that information again and could not find it. (Bottom
> line, C6.7 is running and I have moved on.)
I don't know that that is the case, since I have been running it on
debian/sid since before apache 2.4 came out: closed.
[storm@defiant ~]$ ssh root@farragut dpkg -l apache2
|/ Err?=(none)/Reinst-required (Status,Err: uppercase=bad)
||/ Name   Version  Architecture Description
ii  apache22.4.16-3 amd64Apache HTTP Server

>From my /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/default-ssl.conf:

ServerAdmin webmaster@localhost



Options Indexes FollowSymLinks
allow from
RedirectMatch ^/$

ScriptAlias /cgi-bin/

Options +ExecCGI -MultiViews
Allow from

SSLOptions +StdEnvVars

SSLOptions +StdEnvVars

> ---
> ___
> Bob Wooden of Donelson Trophy
> "Everyone deserves an award!!"
> On 2015-09-22 13:45, Les Mikesell wrote:
> On Mon, Sep 21, 2015 at 3:39 PM, Timothy Murphy  wrote:
> On Monday 21 September 2015 12:11:39 Bob of Donelson Trophy wrote:
> Regarding my permissions issue. I have really begun to think that CentOS 7
> is a little too new for this particular installation.
> I'm not sure what this means - you seem to have installed BackupPC OK.
> I think it is the difference between Apache 2.2 and 2.4.   The apache
> log said the configuration prevented the client from having access -
> and only the part of the config that applied to apache 2.2 was changed
> to allow access from remote clients.But, I don't have systems to
> test on anymore.
> --
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Re: [BackupPC-users] Forbidden You don't have permission to access /BackupPC on this server.

2015-09-20 Thread Brad Alexander
Not familiar with running backuppc on centos. Is there a backuppc group
that your user has to be a member of?

On Sun, Sep 20, 2015 at 3:23 PM, Bob of Donelson Trophy <> wrote:

> Yes, yes, and yes to all three questions.
> ---
> ___
> Bob Wooden of Donelson Trophy
> "Everyone deserves an award!!"
> On 2015-09-20 08:38, Timothy Murphy wrote:
> Bob of Donelson Trophy wrote:
> I have been using BackupPC for years on an Ubuntu/Debian OS. I am
> switching to CentOS 7 and cannot figure out why I am getting the following:
> FORBIDDEN You don't have permission to access /BackupPC on this server. . .
> . . when I "http://[ipaddress]/BackupPC; I have disabled selinux and
> firewalld to see if they are interfering with my access. They do not appear
> to be. (So, I re-enabled them.) I can access "http://[ipaddress]; and get
> the default CentOS webpage. To install BackupPC I enabled the EPEL
> repository. It appears to have included all the dependencies. I have
> checked and re-checked file permissions. Any ideas why I cannot access?
> Suggestions?
> 1. Did you edit /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf to have User backuppc
> and restart httpd ?
> 2. Did you run sudo htpasswd -c /etc/BackupPC/apache.users 
> 3. Does backuppc own all the files in /var/lib/BackupPC ?
> --
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Re: [BackupPC-users] destination directory and encrytion

2015-09-02 Thread Brad Alexander
You might be able to use something like stenc ( We use it at work to encrypt the
stream to LTO tapes. That said, I don't know if it will work with
backuppcand if you trust sourceforge...


On Wed, Sep 2, 2015 at 3:30 PM, Dr. Boris Neubert  wrote:

> Am 2. September 2015 16:15:34 schrieb Bowie
> >
> >> and how can be a backup encoded (because of unsecure cloud server or
> >> similar)?
> >
> > I believe the only way to do this is to have the data directory reside
> > on an encrypted filesystem.
> >
> I am also looking for a reasonable solution for encrypting remote backups.
> Encryption of the underlying filesystem on the remote end would not do the
> job because data are readily accessible as long as the filesystem is
> mounted.
> I would like encryption on the local end with a key that is kept local and
> a salt, e.g. the md5 checksum of the file. This ensures encryption already
> when file is in transit. For my setup, this would require getting in
> between reading the local file and transferring the then encrypted file via
> rsync (similar principle for restoring file).
> Could this be achieved with custom commands?
> Best regards
> Boris
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Re: [BackupPC-users] Setup of rsync via SSH with unprivileged user 'backuppc'

2015-03-14 Thread Brad Alexander

Great write up.  Mine is set up in a similar manner, though I need to find
time to switch out my dsa keys for rsa.

However, have the following stub for my /etc/sudoers.d:

Cmnd_AliasBACKUP=/bin/tar, /usr/bin/rsync, /usr/bin/mysqldump,


Cmnd_Alias  BACKUP=/usr/bin/tar,/usr/local/bin/rsync

on FreeBSD clients (in /usr/local/etc/sudoers.d)

This will accomodate the tar method as well as rsync, plus allow dbdump
script I wrote to run as a DumpPreUserCmd.


On Sat, Mar 14, 2015 at 7:08 AM, Angus Kerr wrote:


 I really struggled to get this working. I thought it might be a good idea
 to update the section.

 I've edited the ssh section to tailor it specifically to cater for an
 unprivileged user 'backuppc'

 I've included it below, it may be useful to some and hopefully it could be
 incorporated in the documentation to make it easier for users to set this
 up in future.

 The text follows below:

 *Rsync via OpenSSH using non-privileged user 'backuppc'*

 Depending upon your OpenSSH installation, many of these steps can be
 replaced by running the scripts ssh-user-config and ssh-host-config
 included with OpenSSH. You still need to manually exchange the public keys.
  *BackupPC Server key generatio**n** (Do this only once)* As the BackupPC
 user (__BACKUPPCUSER__), create a public ssh key on the server.

 ssh-keygen -t rsa

  As a password, you would type nothing (just enter) if you wish BackupPC
 to start automatically. This will save the public key in ~/.ssh/
 and the private key in ~/.ssh/id_rsa, (the home folder of backuppc) if
 you don't specify another location.

 Make a copy of the public key to avoid confusing it with the client keys
 on the client machines (see later) to make it recognizable, eg:

  cp ~/.ssh/ ~/.ssh/

  *See the ssh and sshd manual pages for extra configuration information.*

 *Client Non-privileged user Backuppc creation (Do this on each client PC)*

 As root on the client machine, create a user called 'backuppc'

 useradd backuppc

 As root, now make a home directory for backuppc

 mkdir /home/backuppc

 As root, make a directory for backuppc's ssh configuration

 mkdir /home/backuppc/.ssh

 As root use visudo to create a sudoers file for backuppc, but with
 permissions only to run rsync.

 visudo -f /etc/sudoers.d/backuppc

 Copy the following text in the file and save it

 #Sudoers file for backuppc user to run rsync

 backuppc ALL=NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/rsync
  *Client Key generation **(Do this on each Client PC)* As root on the
 client machine, use ssh-keygen to generate a public/private key pair:

ssh-keygen -t rsa

  This will save the public key in ~/.ssh/ and the private key
 in ~/.ssh/id_rsa, if you don't specify another location. As a password,
 you would type nothing (just enter) if you wish BackupPC to start

 Make a copy of the public key to avoid confusing it with other client keys
 on the backuppc server to make it recognizable, eg:

  cp ~/.ssh/ ~/.ssh/ (if the machine name is 

  Name each public key on each client uniquely, so that they are not
 confused with other client's keys when copied onto the server.

  *Key exchange*  *On Each Client:* To allow BackupPC to ssh to the client
 as the non-privileged user backuppc, you need to place the server
 BackupPC's public key into the backuppc user's authorized list on the
 client. As root, append BackupPC's public key ( to
 backuppc's /home/backuppc/.ssh/authorized_keys2 file on the client:

 touch /home/backuppc/.ssh/authorized_keys2
 cat  /home/backuppc/authorized_keys2

  You should edit /home/backuppc/.ssh/authorized_keys2 and add further
 specifiers, eg: from, to limit which hosts can login using this key. For
 example, if your BackupPC host is called, there should be
 one line in ~/.ssh/authorized_keys2 that looks like: ssh-rsa [base64 key, eg: ABwBCEAIIALyoqa8]

  *On BackupPC Server* You need to place each client's public key into
 backuppc's ~/.ssh/known_hosts file, otherwise you will get a

 Host key verification failed.

  error, and backuppc will not be able to log into the client. To place
 the client key into the ~/.ssh/known_hosts file, you need to do this
 (make sure ~/.ssh/ is the client's public key, which
 needs to be copied from the client): As user backuppc

 touch ~/.ssh/known_hosts
 cat ~/.ssh/  ~/.ssh/known_hosts

  Repeat this step to add each client's key i.e. and
 whatever the other keys are named. *Fix permissions*  You will probably
 need to make sure that all the files in ~/.ssh have 

Re: [BackupPC-users] FreeBSD backups?

2015-02-04 Thread Brad Alexander
Thank you both, gentelmen, for your recommendations. I did that under
debian, but wasn't sure how to proceed with pcbsd. For instance, I would
never have thought about /usr/ports or /var/db/portsnap.


On Wed, Feb 4, 2015 at 2:17 AM, Alexander Moisseev

 On 04.02.2015 2:44, Adam Goryachev wrote:
  My personal preference is to backup *everything*. Anything less than
  this, and you will eventually have the situation where the weird config
  file wasn't stored in the standard place, and you can't restore it, or
  someone wrote a custom script and saved it to /usr/bin instead of
  /usr/local/bin etc The size of the OS files is generally relatively
  small, compress well, and change rarely, therefore minimal cost to
  backup those files, even over a remote/slow connection.

 I am agree with Adam in general. Also as a bonus you can track changes in
 base system with BackupPC history.
 But you don't want to backup the ports tree, I guess.

 Additionally, I always store big volumes of data on separate file system
 and after significant changes in OS I make dumps of all file systems where
 OS resides. In case of disk failure bare metal restore from dump is fast
 and requires almost no efforts.

 For FreeBSD hosts I usually exclude that directories:

 $Conf{BackupFilesExclude} = {
'*' = [


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[BackupPC-users] FreeBSD backups?

2015-02-03 Thread Brad Alexander

Looking for best practice here. I have converted my workstation from Debian
to PCBSD. So I'm looking for ideas on what to back up. Since the system and
the userspace are separate, would it be prudent to back up /home and
/usr/local (plus the usual suspects like /etc)?

Any suggestions?

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[BackupPC-users] One more old backup question

2014-12-06 Thread Brad Alexander
I have been archiving and deleting old backups (using a combination of
BackupPC_deleteBackup and BackupPC_nightly. Things have gond pretty well,
except that one host now only has backup 0 from yesterday, and none of the
archived ones are listed in the wui. That's fine, since the machine does
not change that radically...However, the old backup directories are still
on-disk. So is there either a) a way to regenerate the backups file in
/var/backuppc/pc/hostname? Or is it safe just to rm -rf the directories
besides 0 from there?

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Re: [BackupPC-users] Archiving older backups

2014-12-04 Thread Brad Alexander

Thank you so much for your response. That sound you heard was me smacking
myself in the forehead. I had set up archives, and was so obsessed with
that that I didn't even think that a restore to a tarball *was* effectively
an archive.


On Wed, Dec 3, 2014 at 11:15 AM, Les Mikesell wrote:

 On Wed, Dec 3, 2014 at 8:39 AM, Brad Alexander wrote:
  I have a number of backups that are on my backuppc machine, and now that
  have a NAS in place, I figured I would archive off the oldest backups,
  the /var/lib/backuppc partition filled up on the backup machine.
  Is there a way to archive a specific backup so that I can back up some of
  the older fulls? I looked in the docs, and found that there is no way to
  specify a specific backup, even from the command line.
  Any suggestions?

 Note that deleting old backups is only going to release the space of
 files that were different or deleted.   You can use BackupPC_tarCreate
 to make a tar image for archive storage, specifying the host and
 backup number:

 Or simply select it in the web interface and download a tar copy
 through the browser, saving it on your mapped NAS - although at least
 some versions of IE may download to a temp location first instead of
 where you tell it to save the file and some versions of things may
 have size limitations.

Les Mikesell

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[BackupPC-users] Archiving older backups

2014-12-03 Thread Brad Alexander
I have a number of backups that are on my backuppc machine, and now that I
have a NAS in place, I figured I would archive off the oldest backups,
since the /var/lib/backuppc partition filled up on the backup machine.

Is there a way to archive a specific backup so that I can back up some of
the older fulls? I looked in the docs, and found that there is no way to
specify a specific backup, even from the command line.

Any suggestions?

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Re: [BackupPC-users] web GUI downloading BIN file Ubuntu 14.04

2014-11-06 Thread Brad Alexander
I'm not sure what exactly is the problem, but I thought I would throw this
out there. It's been a while, but I remember a while back having a problem
where it was downloading files instead of executing them. As I recall, it
was a cgi problem.

So having said that, I have the following installed on my backuppc server,
which is running Debian/sid:

ii  libcgi-fast-perl   1:2.04-1
all  CGI subclass for work with FCGI
ii  libcgi-pm-perl 4.09-1
all  module for Common Gateway Interface applications
ii  libfcgi-perl   0.77-1+b1
amd64helper module for FastCGI

Wish I could be more help.

On Thu, Nov 6, 2014 at 3:16 PM, Carl Wilhelm Soderstrom wrote:

 On 11/06 07:38 , Tom Fallon wrote:
  This is on a brand new install of Ubuntu 14.04

 I don't know if you're using SSL, but here's some package lists you may
 to compare to your system. Also a list of the modules I have enabled. This
 is an ubuntu 14.04 system, but has been upgraded from an earlier LTS.

 $ dpkg -l|grep -i apache
 ii  apache2  2.4.7-1ubuntu4.1
 amd64Apache HTTP Server
 ii  apache2-bin  2.4.7-1ubuntu4.1
 amd64Apache HTTP Server (binary files and modules)
 ii  apache2-data 2.4.7-1ubuntu4.1
 all  Apache HTTP Server (common files)
 ii  apache2-mpm-worker   2.4.7-1ubuntu4.1
 amd64transitional worker MPM package for apache2
 ii  apache2-utils2.4.7-1ubuntu4.1
 amd64Apache HTTP Server (utility programs for web servers)
 rc  apache2.2-common 2.2.22-1ubuntu1.7
 amd64Apache HTTP Server common files
 ii  libapr1:amd641.5.0-1
 amd64Apache Portable Runtime Library
 ii  libaprutil1:amd641.5.3-1
 amd64Apache Portable Runtime Utility Library
 ii  libaprutil1-dbd-sqlite3:amd641.5.3-1
 amd64Apache Portable Runtime Utility Library - SQLite3 Driver
 ii  libaprutil1-ldap:amd64   1.5.3-1
 amd64Apache Portable Runtime Utility Library - LDAP Driver

 $ dpkg -l|grep -i ssl
 ii  libgnutls-openssl27:amd642.12.23-12ubuntu2.1
 amd64GNU TLS library - OpenSSL wrapper
 ii  libio-socket-ssl-perl1.965-1ubuntu1
 all  Perl module implementing object oriented interface to SSL
 ii  libnet-smtp-ssl-perl 1.01-3
 all  Perl module providing SSL support to Net::SMTP
 ii  libnet-ssleay-perl   1.58-1
 amd64Perl module for Secure Sockets Layer (SSL)
 ii  libssl0.9.8:amd640.9.8o-7ubuntu3.
 amd64SSL shared libraries
 ii  libssl1.0.0:amd641.0.1f-1ubuntu2.7
 amd64Secure Sockets Layer toolkit - shared libraries
 ii  openssl  1.0.1f-1ubuntu2.7
 amd64Secure Sockets Layer toolkit - cryptographic utility
 ii  python-openssl   0.13-2ubuntu6
 amd64Python 2 wrapper around the OpenSSL library
 ii  ssl-cert

 /etc/apache2/mods-enabled$ dir
 total 8.0K
 drwxr-xr-x  2 root root 4.0K Aug  5 15:46 ./
 drwxr-xr-x 10 root root 4.0K Aug  5 15:46 ../
 lrwxrwxrwx  1 root root   36 Aug  5 15:46 access_compat.load -
 lrwxrwxrwx  1 root root   28 Aug  5 15:46 alias.conf -
 lrwxrwxrwx  1 root root   28 Nov 10  2011 alias.load -
 lrwxrwxrwx  1 root root   33 Nov 10  2011 auth_basic.load -
 lrwxrwxrwx  1 root root   33 Aug  5 15:46 authn_core.load -
 lrwxrwxrwx  1 root root   33 Nov 10  2011 authn_file.load -
 lrwxrwxrwx  1 root root   33 Aug  5 15:46 authz_core.load -
 lrwxrwxrwx  1 root root   38 Nov 10  2011 authz_groupfile.load -
 lrwxrwxrwx  1 root root   33 Nov 10  2011 authz_host.load -
 lrwxrwxrwx  1 root root   33 Nov 10  2011 authz_user.load -
 lrwxrwxrwx  1 root root   32 Aug  5 15:46 autoindex.conf -
 lrwxrwxrwx  1 root root   32 Nov 10  2011 autoindex.load -
 lrwxrwxrwx  1 root root   27 Nov 10  2011 cgid.conf -
 lrwxrwxrwx  1 root root   27 Nov 10  2011 cgid.load -
 lrwxrwxrwx  1 root root   26 Nov 10  2011 dir.conf -
 lrwxrwxrwx  1 root root   26 Nov 10  2011 dir.load -
 lrwxrwxrwx  1 root root   26 Nov 10  2011 env.load -
 lrwxrwxrwx  1 root root   29 Aug  5 15:46 filter.load -
 lrwxrwxrwx  1 root root   27 Aug  5 

Re: [BackupPC-users] Using external USB disk for BackupPC Data directory

2014-01-10 Thread Brad Alexander
On Fri, Jan 10, 2014 at 12:01 PM, Les Mikesell lesmikes...@gmail.comwrote:

 I think the top level directory has to exist (or the target of the
 symlink if you use one) for that to happen.   I'm not sure if that's
 the case for  devices that udev mounts by label names or not.  That
 is, if the mount point directory goes away with the device.

 In any case it might be worth setting a a cron job to stop backuppc
 and send a notification if the disk is not present when it is

What I had set up at one point, since my /var/lib/backuppc was on a
separate (larger) LVM vg, was I touched a file called .backuppc in
/var/lib/backuppc, then in the startup script, put a small check in like

if [ ! -f /var/lib/backuppc/.backuppc ] ; then
  echo Data partition not mounted
  exit 1

Worked pretty well, but you have to insure that it persists between
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Re: [BackupPC-users] Filesystem?

2013-12-02 Thread Brad Alexander
My original backuppc server, back in the day, used reiserfs3. The latest
incarnation uses ext4. Both have been reliable, though reiser3 is long in
the tooth...And doesn't play well with multicore machines. :)

On Mon, Dec 2, 2013 at 2:15 PM, Hans Kraus wrote:

 Am 02.12.2013 16:00, schrieb
  I'm using BackupPC 3.2.1-4 (official Debian 7 package).
  I'm going to configure an external storage (Coraid) in order to backup
  server (mostly Linux).
  What kind of file system do you suggest?
  Array is 7 TB large (raid6).
  Thank you very much

 I've chosen Ext4, standig before the same problem some months ago. The
 reason behind this decision was that Ext4 seemed the best 'general
 purpose' FS. Maybe one of the developers can shed more light on this.

 Regards, Hans

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[BackupPC-users] Viable .vhd files?

2013-09-19 Thread Brad Alexander
I am looking at backup solutions for my job. One of the things that the
windows admins want is the ability to back up their HyperV machines and
back up all of the virtual machines' VHD files, but the caveat is that the
backup application would have to leverage VSS. We are currently backing up
both Linux and Windows machines, but with the windows machines, we are
backing up just the files, and they cannot recreate a windows machine by
backing up all of the files on a machine.

We are currently backing up with bacula, but they cannot use VSS in this
manner. Since they recently dropped support for Windows, we are looking for
an alternative.

Can backuppc use VSS to back up live VMs on HyperV? Is this something that
is in the cards?

So far, I have only found zmanda that can do this, though I am still
researching this capability.

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Re: [BackupPC-users] security web server questions

2013-07-10 Thread Brad Alexander
The method I use is that I use rsync+ssh. I then create a regular backuppc
user and limit sudo access to the tools needed to perform the backup, plus
anything needed to be done as root in the pre/post backup scripts, such as
my dbdump script. Here is my /etc/sudoers.d/backuppc:

# This file is managed by puppet. Do not edit locally.
Cmnd_AliasBACKUP=/bin/tar, /usr/bin/rsync, /usr/bin/mysqldump,

This allows me access to all the files to be backed up/restored, and limits
the backuppc user to the specific tools needed to perform the task. An
attacker could get in and cause mischief, but that risk is far overshadowed
by missing backups in a DR type scenario.


On Sat, Jul 6, 2013 at 7:38 PM, Igor Sverkos igor.sver...@googlemail.comwrote:


 I can understand the question. If BackupPC will use root permission,
 your BackupPC will become No. 1 target. Because when the attacker
 controls your BackupPC, she can access every box within your network
 as root. Nothing you really want. And in business, you will have
 multiple sys-admins.. but as the VPN/Firewall admin you want your
 servers to be backed up, but you shouldn't trust your colleague which
 is running the backup server too much. Because it is your ass which
 will get kicked when someone compromises the systems under your

 Two ways we are using:
 1) If you really know what folder you want to be backed up, create a
 user backup and add an ACL which allows the user backup to read
 these folders.

 2) If you don't know what folders you want to be backed up or you want
 to backup everything, also create a user backup and lock it down.
 Now, create a copy of rsync. Make sure, only the user backup can
 execute this file. Set the CAP_DAC_READ_SEARCH capability for the
 private rsync copy. Now, the user backup can access all your data
 like root can, but if anybody will get access to that user on that
 box, he/she is very limited.


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[BackupPC-users] Seeing files in backups

2013-07-02 Thread Brad Alexander
I know that the web interface backfills backups from previous ones. But I'm
wondering...Is there a straightforward way to see which files were backed
up in an incremental from the web? If not, might this be a feature of 4.0?
I ran into a situation last week in which I needed to rebuild a machine (a
case of gratuitous foot-shooting). I knew it was done for, so I ran a full
backup. A few files got added to the filesystem after the back, so I did a
quick incremental. I would have liked to export the list of files that were
done in that incremental.

Just a thought,
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Re: [BackupPC-users] need upgrade to version 3.3.0 on Ubuntu 12.04.2

2013-05-06 Thread Brad Alexander
Hmm. What do you mean you couldn't configure a host? I was able to add one
through the web interface, at least using NEWHOST=OLDHOST. I generally
add hosts from the command line (old habits and all). What wouldn't it do?
And I presume you changed

my $useFHS = 1;

in /usr/share/backuppc/lib/BackupPC/ ? (I completely forgot to
mention which file in my original email, for this I apologize.) Having said
that, before I changed that setting, backuppc wouldn't even start.

Please give it another try and change the variable from 0 to 1 and see if
it works.


On Mon, May 6, 2013 at 10:38 AM, Marco Wolf [neokey]

  thanks brad,

 sadly this is not workingnow I´m using wheezy and your deb installs
 but after that i could not configure a I´m back for 3.2.1

 Mit freundlichen Grüßen
 Marco Wolf

 neokey GbR
 Neue IT Lösungen
 Zellerstr. 67
 70180 Stuttgart
 fon: +49 176 101 70889

  schrieb Brad Alexander:

   I built a deb on Debian/sid, which may or may not work on Ubuntu. I was
 able to upgrade from 3.2.1 on a test box (I haven't installed on my
 production backup box). Once I installed it, I had to change the my $useFHS
 from 0 to 1.  After that, it seemed to work on a subset of boxes on my

  I'm attaching the deb I built, feel free to test it out, with the
 standard disclaimers. :)


 On Sun, May 5, 2013 at 4:24 PM, Marco Wolf [neokey] 

 ...please could someone guide me...

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[BackupPC-users] Forcing time distribution of backups?

2013-03-13 Thread Brad Alexander
 I've been playing with this script from the other thread, which
showed visual evidence of something I already knew. Most of my backups fire
within about a 30 minute period. I already knew this, as I've also seen
load average complaints out of nagios because of all of the backups running
at once. I had it this way once, where I started backups by hand every 30
minutes or so...But then after a power failure, they all started at once.

So I'm wondering, is there a way to better force a better distribution of
backup jobs during the day?

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Re: [BackupPC-users] Forcing time distribution of backups?

2013-03-13 Thread Brad Alexander
You make a good and very valid point.

Having said that, MaxBackups is set to 3 and MaxUserBackups are 4. I will
leave it where it is, and monitor.

Thanks to all respondents,

On Wed, Mar 13, 2013 at 6:02 PM, wrote:

 Focus on solving the issue (if any) not on the symptoms or side
 effects. There is nothing intrinsically bad/good with how backups are
 distributed provided they fit the window you desire and are not
 causing load issues.

 As others have said, if load average is an *issue*, than the solution
 is to reduce the Max backups number. The distribution will then follow
 to meet the restriction. However, just because nagios complains, still
 doesn't mean it's an issue provided that the high load average isn't
 clobbering other critical processes...

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Re: [BackupPC-users] Forcing time distribution of backups?

2013-03-13 Thread Brad Alexander
I have 15 or 16 machines, and my backup machine is a Dell PE2850 with 5
300GB drives and 4GB of RAM, so it is plenty beefy enough for my tiny
network. :)


On Wed, Mar 13, 2013 at 4:37 PM, Carl Wilhelm Soderstrom wrote:

 On 03/13 04:20 , Brad Alexander wrote:
   I've been playing with this script from the other thread, which
  showed visual evidence of something I already knew. Most of my backups
  within about a 30 minute period.

 What is your $Conf{MaxBackups} value in

 If it's the default of $Conf{MaxBackups} = 4, try turning it down to 2 or 1
 so that you don't have 4 backups going off simultaneously. Really, even on
 big backup server with fast disk I don't set that number above 3, and 1 is
 more usual number if the number of machines to be backed up is small

 Carl Soderstrom
 Systems Administrator
 Real-Time Enterprises

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[BackupPC-users] Push vs. Pull backups

2013-01-21 Thread Brad Alexander
I am trying to set up backups to a DR site. Unfortunately, the way the
connection is with the DR site, the main can get to DR, but DR cannot
get back to the main site. Is there a way to make backuppc initiate
from the main site and push the data through to the DR site (to
fulfill the off-site storage requirements)? Maybe a master backuppc
installation on the main site pushing to a slave on the DR side?

Looking for ideas,

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[BackupPC-users] Mysterious install of backuppc

2012-06-05 Thread Brad Alexander
I had something wierd happen tonight. I have a Debian/sid vm (openvz)
that runs nagios and munin. I went to do a full-upgrade, and ine of
the packages it wanted to install was backuppc. Is anyone running
backuppc on Debian? Has anyone seen anything like this?


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Re: [BackupPC-users] Pool filesystem wierdness

2012-05-30 Thread Brad Alexander
I think I just found it. Ironically enough, it was my workstation. I
have an external drive that is normally plugged into my laptop for
files I need to transport I had plugged (and left plugged) this drive
into my desktop, which was being indexed and attempted to be backed
up. Apparently, this filled the filesystem, and the backup never
completed, but the files from the partial backup were apparently
stored somewhere. Once I umounted the portable hard drive, the backup
completed, and the drive space went back down to normal levels.

I have since commented out all of /media.


On Wed, May 30, 2012 at 6:59 AM, Tyler J. Wagner wrote:
 On 2012-05-30 00:27, Brad Alexander wrote:
 I know it is bad form to respond to one's own post, but I was digging
 around in my Munin graphs, and noticed that the filesystem skyrocked
 from about 70% to 100% late on the 26th or early on the 27th. I have
 included both the 4-week pool graph from the backup machine and the
 weekly graph from my munin server. Note that while the pool filesystem
 is smooth and even at around 300GB, the munin graph climbs sharply...

 This indicates the disk usage is outside the pool.

 Using du on these directories would be bad (take a long time, not be
 helpful due to hard links): cpool pool pc

 Everything else you can check. Please do so first.

 1. Do you have anything else in this filesystem, or is it mounted on

 2. Check a few backups made during the window that usage increased. Are
 they linked into the pool? For instance:

 root@backup:/var/lib/backuppc/pc/router07/547# stat f%2f/fvar/flog/fsyslog
  File: `f%2f/fvar/flog/fsyslog'
  Size: 20440           Blocks: 40         IO Block: 4096   regular file
 Device: fb00h/64256d    Inode: 105783860   Links: 2
 Access: (0640/-rw-r-)  Uid: (  106/backuppc)   Gid: (  116/backuppc)
 Access: 2012-05-24 00:08:56.727735552 +
 Modify: 2012-05-25 02:31:52.655574930 +
 Change: 2012-05-25 02:31:52.655574930 +

 This is a file that is unique on every host, but it has two links. Meaning
 it exists here in the pc directory, and in the pool. If this is 1, this
 backup is not linked into the pool and is contributing to this usage problem.


 A bad analogy is like a leaky screwdriver.

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BackupPC-users mailing list

Re: [BackupPC-users] Pool filesystem wierdness

2012-05-30 Thread Brad Alexander
I can't really do that, since I tend to segregate my filesystems
anyway. I used to have my non-standard stuff in /media/archive (which
was backed up), I just turned off /media/cdrom and an nfs mount there.
When I rebuilt, I decided /data was a better choice, but didn't think
to turn off /media.


On Wed, May 30, 2012 at 12:12 PM, Tim Fletcher wrote:
 On Wed, 2012-05-30 at 10:15 -0400, Brad Alexander wrote:
 I think I just found it. Ironically enough, it was my workstation. I
 have an external drive that is normally plugged into my laptop for
 files I need to transport I had plugged (and left plugged) this drive
 into my desktop, which was being indexed and attempted to be backed
 up. Apparently, this filled the filesystem, and the backup never
 completed, but the files from the partial backup were apparently
 stored somewhere. Once I umounted the portable hard drive, the backup
 completed, and the drive space went back down to normal levels.

 I have since commented out all of /media.

 Changing the rsync flags to include --one-file-system at the top level
 will stop this catching you out again, I think it should be a
 configuration default.

 Tim Fletcher

 Live Security Virtual Conference
 Exclusive live event will cover all the ways today's security and
 threat landscape has changed and how IT managers can respond. Discussions
 will include endpoint security, mobile security and the latest in malware
 BackupPC-users mailing list

Live Security Virtual Conference
Exclusive live event will cover all the ways today's security and 
threat landscape has changed and how IT managers can respond. Discussions 
will include endpoint security, mobile security and the latest in malware 
BackupPC-users mailing list

[BackupPC-users] Pool filesystem wierdness

2012-05-29 Thread Brad Alexander
I ran into an issue with backuppc (Debian/sid, last upgraded 4/27/12),
and I'm trying to figure out what the problem is. Nagios alerted today
that the /var/lib/backuppc (500GB) filesystem was critical. I logged
in and found the following:

/dev/mapper/vg00-backuppc ext4 523733076 496248972   1269704 100%

However, I can't reconcile those numbers with the numbers backuppc is
showing. My 4-week graph shows the following for the cpool:

Current 331.94GB Average 328.61GB Max 337.15GB

The stats also say

Nightly cleanup removed 0 files of size 0.00GB (around 5/29 01:00),

I have not added any machines or had any huge additions of files, but
also notice that backups haven't run in 2 days, presumably because of
the full filesystem.

I added 100GB to that filesystem, but would really like to reconcile
where the space went, and at some point, would like to stick that
spare 100GB back in reserve until I need it. (I know, some would say
I need it now, but I can think of no reason for the filesystem to
mushroom like that.)

So where might the space have gone (given that the backup landscape
hasn't changed)? Could something have kept the nightlies from running
and deleting old backups, which then accumulated?


Live Security Virtual Conference
Exclusive live event will cover all the ways today's security and 
threat landscape has changed and how IT managers can respond. Discussions 
will include endpoint security, mobile security and the latest in malware 
BackupPC-users mailing list

Re: [BackupPC-users] Pool filesystem wierdness

2012-05-29 Thread Brad Alexander
I know it is bad form to respond to one's own post, but I was digging
around in my Munin graphs, and noticed that the filesystem skyrocked
from about 70% to 100% late on the 26th or early on the 27th. I have
included both the 4-week pool graph from the backup machine and the
weekly graph from my munin server. Note that while the pool filesystem
is smooth and even at around 300GB, the munin graph climbs sharply...I
wasn't able to find anything that might have caused it, though doing
df on the pc directory, with all it's hard links, seems to be a Bad


On Tue, May 29, 2012 at 7:16 PM, Brad Alexander wrote:
 I ran into an issue with backuppc (Debian/sid, last upgraded 4/27/12),
 and I'm trying to figure out what the problem is. Nagios alerted today
 that the /var/lib/backuppc (500GB) filesystem was critical. I logged
 in and found the following:

 /dev/mapper/vg00-backuppc ext4 523733076 496248972   1269704 100%

 However, I can't reconcile those numbers with the numbers backuppc is
 showing. My 4-week graph shows the following for the cpool:

 Current 331.94GB Average 328.61GB Max 337.15GB

 The stats also say

 Nightly cleanup removed 0 files of size 0.00GB (around 5/29 01:00),

 I have not added any machines or had any huge additions of files, but
 also notice that backups haven't run in 2 days, presumably because of
 the full filesystem.

 I added 100GB to that filesystem, but would really like to reconcile
 where the space went, and at some point, would like to stick that
 spare 100GB back in reserve until I need it. (I know, some would say
 I need it now, but I can think of no reason for the filesystem to
 mushroom like that.)

 So where might the space have gone (given that the backup landscape
 hasn't changed)? Could something have kept the nightlies from running
 and deleting old backups, which then accumulated?


Live Security Virtual Conference
Exclusive live event will cover all the ways today's security and 
threat landscape has changed and how IT managers can respond. Discussions 
will include endpoint security, mobile security and the latest in malware 
BackupPC-users mailing list

[BackupPC-users] Bare metal restores

2012-04-27 Thread Brad Alexander

I'm on the horns of a dilemma, as they say. I upgraded my workstation,
and got this bright idea to downsize my hard drive, since I had to
reinstall from scratch anyway...Well, it didn't work out so well,
because I went from a (silent) Samsung to a (noisy) Maxtor. In any
case, I can no longer deal with the crunchies that the Maxtor makes,
and I want to go back to the Samsung drive.

So I decided the best approach was to do a Debian/squeeze build (the
machine runs sid), then restore from backups. The problem I had with
this approach is that grub and LVM and cryptsetup all seem to have the
UUIDs from the Maxtor drive embedded in their setups, and when I try
to restore from backups, they don't match the ones generated for the
Samsung drive. I booted on the grml live cd, mounted all filesystems:

/dev/mapper/vg00-root972332581840341752  63% /mnt/external
/dev/sda2  496446 92894378552  20%
/dev/mapper/vg00-home  38973576  31241272   5779332  85% /mnt/external/home
/dev/mapper/vg00-opt2921604   1320676   1454496  48% /mnt/external/opt
/dev/mapper/vg00-usr   14597932   7501052   6364516  55% /mnt/external/usr
/dev/mapper/vg00-usrlocal   2921604178336   2596836   7%
/dev/mapper/vg00-var4867772   1728268   2895384  38% /mnt/external/var
/dev/mapper/vg00-archive   41332128  17949584  21285868  46% /media/archive

I then did a mount --bind from the grml cd of /dev, /proc, /sys and
/run and did a chroot onto the filesystem of the drive, and tried to
reinstall grub. It reinstalled, but at the end it said

grub-probe: error: no such disk.

And sure enough, grub couldn't find anything to boot.

So my question at this juncture is what is the best way to restore
everything to the Samsung drive? Since the drive is encrypted, I used
the Debian installer to encrypt the filesystem. I'm wondering what my
best approach would be. I figure my options are:

* go in and find every occurrence of every UUID on the system and change them;
* somehow nuke everything on the Samsung and restore from backups, but
I think the UUIDs are generated from the drive itself (since I am
mounting /dev, and therefore, /dev/disk/by-uuid from the live CD), so
I suspect that I would end up in the same situation anyway;
* do it the old school way, install Debian, upgrade to sid, reinstall
all of the packages, and then spend time configuring everything, which
is what I was trying to avoid in the first place. Admittedly, I have a
lot of it configured in puppet, but there are still things that aren't
yet. And besides, I think I'm overlooking something fairly important
here, that there should be an easy way to sort out the UUID issues.

Anyone got any ideas or suggestions?


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Re: [BackupPC-users] Bare metal restores

2012-04-27 Thread Brad Alexander
Grub uses them too...But I changed them in grub.cfg and fstab (and
/etc/cryptab), and grub was still having issues...I tried both
update-grub /dev/sda and dpkg-reconfigure linux-image-3.2.0-2-amd64
(to rebuild the initramfs) and both gave me disk not found.


On Fri, Apr 27, 2012 at 12:09 PM, Les Mikesell wrote:
 On Fri, Apr 27, 2012 at 10:53 AM, Till Hofmann wrote:

 You can change the UUIDs of your new drive so they match the ones of the old
 see man tune2fs .

 Just make sure you don't mix up the two drives since they will have
 identical UUIDs (which defeats the purpose of unique IDs).

 Or, boot with a live CD and edit the places where they are used -
 probably just /etc/fstab unless grub uses them too.

 If you are looking for a painless way to back up and restore a whole
 linux sustem, look at clonezilla-live which will do partition-image
 copies  or ReaR which will will do a traditional tar backup but will
 also build a boot ISO with a script to reconstruct your filesystem
 layout and restore it.  With a little fiddling you can adjust the
 destination sizes.   I'm not sure how either will mesh with encrypted
 disks, though.   I think ReaR could be tuned to do the parts of a bare
 metal restore that backuppc needs fairly easily since it is just a
 bunch of shell scripts.

   Les Mikesell

 Live Security Virtual Conference
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 threat landscape has changed and how IT managers can respond. Discussions
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Live Security Virtual Conference
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threat landscape has changed and how IT managers can respond. Discussions 
will include endpoint security, mobile security and the latest in malware 
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Re: [BackupPC-users] Bare metal restores

2012-04-27 Thread Brad Alexander
I tried both, and both gave me the error, Tim.


On Fri, Apr 27, 2012 at 1:25 PM, Tim Fletcher wrote:
 Try update-grub there is also a grub config generator but the name escapes me 
 check the list of binaries in the grub package.


 Sent from a mobile device

 Tim Fletcher

 On 27 Apr 2012, at 17:16, Brad Alexander wrote:

 Grub uses them too...But I changed them in grub.cfg and fstab (and
 /etc/cryptab), and grub was still having issues...I tried both
 update-grub /dev/sda and dpkg-reconfigure linux-image-3.2.0-2-amd64
 (to rebuild the initramfs) and both gave me disk not found.


 On Fri, Apr 27, 2012 at 12:09 PM, Les Mikesell wrote:
 On Fri, Apr 27, 2012 at 10:53 AM, Till Hofmann wrote:

 You can change the UUIDs of your new drive so they match the ones of the 
 see man tune2fs .

 Just make sure you don't mix up the two drives since they will have
 identical UUIDs (which defeats the purpose of unique IDs).

 Or, boot with a live CD and edit the places where they are used -
 probably just /etc/fstab unless grub uses them too.

 If you are looking for a painless way to back up and restore a whole
 linux sustem, look at clonezilla-live which will do partition-image
 copies  or ReaR which will will do a traditional tar backup but will
 also build a boot ISO with a script to reconstruct your filesystem
 layout and restore it.  With a little fiddling you can adjust the
 destination sizes.   I'm not sure how either will mesh with encrypted
 disks, though.   I think ReaR could be tuned to do the parts of a bare
 metal restore that backuppc needs fairly easily since it is just a
 bunch of shell scripts.

   Les Mikesell

 Live Security Virtual Conference
 Exclusive live event will cover all the ways today's security and
 threat landscape has changed and how IT managers can respond. Discussions
 will include endpoint security, mobile security and the latest in malware
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 Live Security Virtual Conference
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 threat landscape has changed and how IT managers can respond. Discussions
 will include endpoint security, mobile security and the latest in malware
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 Live Security Virtual Conference
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Re: [BackupPC-users] Migrating backuppc (yes, that again...:)

2012-02-26 Thread Brad Alexander
Well, in spite of the advice here (which I refer to as Plan B, I
went ahead and tried transferring the pc directory. I *think* it
worked. Everything seems to have transferred to
/var/lib/backuppc/pc/host (I watched the transfers from a screen
session). But now I'm getting constant

Can't extract TopDir (/var/lib/backuppc) from

Which, I am hoping is leftover hard links from files in various
deleted or aged backups, since it was transferring files with great
success for the first several hours, and the pc directories seem to be
populated. For as many years as I have been running backuppc, I would
be surprised if there wasn't some amount of cruft in the system, but
has anyone seen this before?



On Fri, Feb 24, 2012 at 4:12 PM, Les Mikesell wrote:
 On Fri, Feb 24, 2012 at 3:00 PM, Brad Alexander wrote:

 The problem with this approach is that the old backup server is still
 running reiser3 (built before it got long in the tooth) and the new
 one is running ext4...So I have to do it the hard way...

 The even easier approach is to disable backups on the old one but keep
 it around for restores for as long as you might want anything from it
 - and let the new one start from scratch.

   Les Mikesell

 Virtualization  Cloud Management Using Capacity Planning
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Virtualization  Cloud Management Using Capacity Planning
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Re: [BackupPC-users] Migrating backuppc (yes, that again...:)

2012-02-26 Thread Brad Alexander
It was. I executed a /etc/init.d/backuppc stop prior to doing so. It
has been stopped since Thursday.


On Sun, Feb 26, 2012 at 3:53 PM, Les Mikesell wrote:
 On Sun, Feb 26, 2012 at 2:39 PM, Brad Alexander wrote:
 Well, in spite of the advice here (which I refer to as Plan B, I
 went ahead and tried transferring the pc directory. I *think* it
 worked. Everything seems to have transferred to
 /var/lib/backuppc/pc/host (I watched the transfers from a screen
 session). But now I'm getting constant

 Can't extract TopDir (/var/lib/backuppc) from

 Was backuppc server stopped for the duration of the rsync and
 BackupPC_tarPCCopy runs (including the nightly run/cleanup, etc.)?

  Les Mikesell

 Virtualization  Cloud Management Using Capacity Planning
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Virtualization  Cloud Management Using Capacity Planning
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[BackupPC-users] Migrating backuppc (yes, that again...:)

2012-02-24 Thread Brad Alexander
Hey all,

I'm running into a problem migrating my /var/lib/backuppc pc
directory. I got cpool, log, pool, tmp, and trash migrated via rsync,
and I am attempting to migrate the pc directory.

When I tried it using

sudo -u backuppc /usr/share/backuppc/bin/BackupPC_tarPCCopy
/var/lib/backuppc/pc/ |ssh farragut 'tar -C /var/lib/backuppc/ -xvf -'

it seems to work...*except*... that it untars each machine's directory
into /var/backuppc, so in addition to the standard cpool, log, pool,
etc, I end up with host1, host2, etc.

So I tried changing the command to be

sudo -u backuppc /usr/share/backuppc/bin/BackupPC_tarPCCopy
/var/lib/backuppc/pc/ |ssh farragut 'tar -C /var/lib/backuppc/pc -xvf

I see errors where I

tar: ./host1/1118/f%2f/fetc/fssl/fcerts/f1dcd6f4c.0: Cannot hard link
to `cpool/d/3/e/d3e5d7c57fdc87285bbe4a93a2af9c94': No such file or
tar: ./host1/1118/f%2f/fetc/fssl/fcerts/f9b353c9a.0: Cannot hard link
to `cpool/f/5/6/f56df0fad7ad54970b7d54acd92cf481': No such file or

What am I missing here? Why can I not get the hard links to be created
in the right place?


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Re: [BackupPC-users] Migrating backuppc (yes, that again...:)

2012-02-24 Thread Brad Alexander
Thanks, Tim,

The problem with this approach is that the old backup server is still
running reiser3 (built before it got long in the tooth) and the new
one is running ext4...So I have to do it the hard way...


On Fri, Feb 24, 2012 at 3:49 PM, Tim Fletcher wrote:
 On Fri, 2012-02-24 at 14:57 -0500, Brad Alexander wrote:
 Hey all,

 I'm running into a problem migrating my /var/lib/backuppc pc
 directory. I got cpool, log, pool, tmp, and trash migrated via rsync,
 and I am attempting to migrate the pc directory.

 It's seriously much easier to copy the raw filesystem, with dd and ssh
 or netcat.

 something like:

 dd if=/dev/filesystem bs=1M | ssh -C farragut dd of=/dev/newfilesystem

 If you are on the same network it might well be faster to use netcat.

 Tim Fletcher

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Virtualization  Cloud Management Using Capacity Planning
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[BackupPC-users] Archiving older backups

2012-01-11 Thread Brad Alexander
Is there a way to archive an older backup? I upgraded my machine for
Christmas, and decided to nuke and pave and install Debian amd64. Prior to
doing so, I did a full backup, and have restored piecemeal...However, I
have been finding one-off files over the last day or so (like various
corner case config files) that I wanted to restore, so I thought it would
be a good to capture an archive of that final backup, just in case. That
backup is about to go away, and i wanted to capture it in an archive. I
went to the web gui, but it seems only to want to backup the latest backup.
Is there a way to do this?

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[BackupPC-users] Suggestions for the new version

2012-01-03 Thread Brad Alexander
Hi gang,

Hope everyone had a great Christmas, Hanukkah, or whatever you celebrate,
and look forward to a good and prosperous new year.

One of my Christmas presents this year was an upgrade for my desktop. Since
it had been 4 or 5 years, and I had accumulated a kind of frankenbox, I
decided to do a nuke and pave. (actually, I decided to downsize the drive
and put more stuff on the file server)

So...I ran a full backup of the machine, rebuilt over the new year, and
started restoring. The following are a few observations and suggestions for
the next version of backuppc based on my experiences:

1. I would like to see better feedback of status of restores, similar to
what we have with backups. It seems to me that there is very little logging
of restores (unless I am looking in the wrong place). For instance, I
started a restore of my home directory, and while I could see a limited
amount of increase in the used in df, however, after running overnigth, it
did not apparently complete...Since there are still things missing,
including .ssh and several other config files. So there was no indication
of the status of the backup. The only thing in the log file is:

2012-01-02 19:59:18 restore started below directory /home to host defiant

but no indication if it completed. I had also queued other restores, and
they did not complete either. Since I can't get any kind of indication, I
am doing the restore to a tar file on the laptop and then scp'ing and
restoring by hand.

I was thinking that perhaps a status bar color change in the hosts summary
(we already have green for system backing up, yellow for no ping, gray for
manual/disabled backups...perhaps blue for restore in progress?)

Perhaps a  status of queued restores, a little more logging, maybe a flow
indicator? I know I can use tcpdump, but perhaps backuppc could include a
restore percentage indicator? The final suggestion would be to have a way
to stop a restore, similar to the stop/dequeue backup button.

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Re: [BackupPC-users] Can BackupPC email me a summary of system status?

2011-09-22 Thread Brad Alexander
Another option would be, if you have to have that positive affirmation, and
if you are running Nagios on your network, there is a plugin/check called
check_backuppc, which will issue an alert in Nagios if any monitored host
does not get backed up. From the help file:

$ check_backuppc -h
check_backuppc - 1.1.0
A Nagios plugin to check on BackupPC backup status.

  --hostname,-H  only check the specified host
  --exclude,-x   do not check the specified host
  --archive-only,-a  only check the archive hosts
  --backup-only,-b   only check the backup hosts
  --status-only,-s   only check backup status, omit connection failures that
 less than $Conf{FullPeriod} old
  --warning,-w   days old an errored host must be to cause a warning
  --critical,-c  number of days old an errored backup must be to be
  --reduce,-rmaximum number of failed hosts for severity reduction
  --verbose,-v   increase verbosity
  --version,-V   display plugin version
  --help,-h  display this message


On Tue, Sep 20, 2011 at 6:42 PM, Aleksey Tsalolikhin wrote:

 Hi.  I'm running BackupPC 3.1.0 for about 3 years now and love it.  It
 just works.

 I go into the Web admin UI once a week or so and check the host
 summary to make sure backups are chugging along.

 Is it possible for BackupPC to email me that summary?

 I looked at /usr/bin/BackupPC_sendEmail but it looks like it will only
 email if BackupPC is down.


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Re: [BackupPC-users] Feature request

2011-08-26 Thread Brad Alexander
On Thu, Aug 25, 2011 at 2:40 PM, Carl Wilhelm Soderstrom wrote:

 The suggestion of not using a sharename for restores starting from the
 perhaps could be restated as something like  '/' characters shall be
 converted to '_' characters except for the leftmost one, which shall be
 omitted. this would end up omitting the sharename (or path or whatever it
 ends up being) if it's just '/'.

  hostname_20110824_Full.tar or (assuming
  restore is /etc and /home)...The only problem with that is the name can
  long and tedious. Suggestions on that?

 This may be a case where empirical testing serves better than theoretical
 wrangling. Let's see if long filenames actually occur and cause problems;
 and how drastic the solutions to them need to be.

Good point. I was thinking about a box I rebuilt this week. Before I rebuilt
it, I saved /root, /home and /etc. So my potential filename would have been
akagi_20110823_etc_home_root.tar, which would be manageable, but you could
see how it could get out of hand rather quickly...especially if you are
preserving, say, /usr/local/bin versus /usr/bin...

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Re: [BackupPC-users] DumpPreUserCmd commands only on full backups?

2011-08-06 Thread Brad Alexander
Actually, at work we are. I was just curious if this was available in

On Fri, Aug 5, 2011 at 10:51 PM, Michael Stowe

  As the subject posits, is it possible to issue a dump pre- or
  only on certain types of backups? For instance, we run bacula at work,
  apparently the director states what kind of backup is running, either
  or Incr. So in your scripts, you can do something like
  if [ $1 != Full ] ; then
exit 0
  ...Rest of script...
  We use it to clear some specialized logs after they have been backed up
  Full. Is something like this possible in backuppc?

 Why would it matter if the logs are being backed up in both an incremental
 and a full?  It's not like you're saving them to tape.

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[BackupPC-users] DumpPreUserCmd commands only on full backups?

2011-08-05 Thread Brad Alexander
As the subject posits, is it possible to issue a dump pre- or post-command
only on certain types of backups? For instance, we run bacula at work, and
apparently the director states what kind of backup is running, either Full
or Incr. So in your scripts, you can do something like

if [ $1 != Full ] ; then
  exit 0

...Rest of script...

We use it to clear some specialized logs after they have been backed up in a
Full. Is something like this possible in backuppc?

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Re: [BackupPC-users] Remote Site Backup though Backuppc

2011-06-03 Thread Brad Alexander
I regularly back up my daughter's netbook from across the US. I use rsync,
and the only change to the configuration file was that I had to adjust the


On Fri, Jun 3, 2011 at 3:05 AM, Pravakar Kumar pravakar.ku...@rjcorp.inwrote:


 We are using BackupPC to backup Local Site desktops. It is working gr8. Now
 we want to backup desktop of remote sites connected via Internet VPN. What
 is the best procedure to backup desktops files (user’s folders) of remote
 site though BackupPC.


 Pravakar Kumar

 Varun Beverages Limited


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[BackupPC-users] Keeping 1 golden backup for a year

2011-03-25 Thread Brad Alexander
Okay, this kind of confuses me. I would like to have the following backup

6 incrementals (*2)
1 weekly (*2)
1 yearly (*1)


$Conf{FullKeepCnt} = [ 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1 ];

I know this isn't right, but it's not what I would anticipate seeing. For
instance, one of my backup targets has:

Backup# Type Filled Level Start Date
 626 full yes 02/21 23:00
 645 full yes 03/15 01:02
 649 incr  no 13/19 01:00
 650 incr  no 13/20 01:00
 651 incr  no 13/21 01:00
 652 full yes 03/22 01:00
 653 incr  no 13/23 01:00
 654 incr  no 13/24 01:00
 655 incr  no 13/25 01:00

incrs between 3/16 and 3/18 are missing because of a power outage and the
backuppc filesystem not mounting correctly.

So how should I set up my FullKeepCnt to keep one backup for a year and two
sets of fulls/incrementals for the past two weeks?

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Re: [BackupPC-users] backuppc and empty directories!

2011-03-04 Thread Brad Alexander
Thats a good point, Les. I also thought that with backuppc 4.0 on the way,
I'd mention maybe having some test options within backuppc itself. I was
more thinking out loud, and this thread kind of gelled the need in my mind.


On Fri, Mar 4, 2011 at 8:51 AM, Les Mikesell wrote:

 On 3/4/11 3:56 AM, Tyler J. Wagner wrote:
  On Thu, 2011-03-03 at 21:35 -0500, Brad Alexander wrote:
  I had noticed this a while back, because of a misconfiguration on my
  part. However, that brings a thought to mind, a feature request.
  I guess the best way to describe it would be a dry run restore mode.
  Something where I could run a full or partial restore  and exercise
  the mechanism on the backuppc server, while not actually moving the
  files. Have it go through all the motions, including putting a list of
  files in the final report.
  That can be done now. Just add -n to RsyncRestoreArgs. Presumably
  something similiar can be done for SMB, Tar, etc.

 It's probably even better to do a real test of the file content even if you
 do a small random sampling.  You can do a browser download of some
 tree, restore it in a different place, then diff against the original - or
 can use rsync with the -avn options to compare and list files with
 but not do a copy.

Les Mikesell

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What You Don't Know About Data Connectivity CAN Hurt You
This paper provides an overview of data connectivity, details
its effect on application quality, and explores various alternative
BackupPC-users mailing list

Re: [BackupPC-users] backuppc and empty directories!

2011-03-03 Thread Brad Alexander
I had noticed this a while back, because of a misconfiguration on my part.
However, that brings a thought to mind, a feature request.

I guess the best way to describe it would be a dry run restore mode.
Something where I could run a full or partial restore  and exercise the
mechanism on the backuppc server, while not actually moving the files. Have
it go through all the motions, including putting a list of files in the
final report.


On Thu, Mar 3, 2011 at 11:23 AM, Les Mikesell wrote:

 On 3/3/2011 9:57 AM, Michael Stowe wrote:
  Guys i need your help all,  i am relying on backuppc for long time now,
  recently someone lost a directory and i started to recover its files
  backuppc and i shocked when i found the directories empty, even in the
  full backup the directories are empty i am backup using SMB, and there
  no errors at all, any ideas?!
  There are a lot of reasons this can happen with SMB:  permissions, open
  files, moved directories (incrementals), or with later versions of
  Windows, symbolic links (for example, I'd expect to find Documents and
  Settings empty on Windows 7, since it's just a link to a different
  With more information, you might get better guesses, but that's what
  to mind.

 Be sure you are looking for errors in the logs of the full backup runs.
  The incrementals probably won't mention any files with earlier
 timestamps even if they weren't included in the prior full due to an error.

Les Mikesell

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Re: [BackupPC-users] Wierd backup problem

2010-12-18 Thread Brad Alexander
Okay, here we go, Tyler. I'm going to basically start converting hosts
over to your full-machine backup. Wish me luck...:)

Obviously there are a few boxes (like my Nokia devices) that I'll
still either not change or wait till the end.


On Fri, Nov 12, 2010 at 5:21 PM, Tyler J. Wagner wrote:

 You are doing two things differently from my own config:

 1. You're using lots of RsyncShareNames, rather than just / and using
 BackupFilesOnly and BackupFilesExclude. In fact, I've never used more
 than one RsyncShareName. Do you use this on your other hosts too? Aside
 from having BackupsDisable set, does it differ from any other host?

 2. You're using sudo instead of root login. Your call. I prefer SSH keys
 with root not allowed to SSH by password.

 Attached is a sample of my backup host's configuration. This is a merge
 of important global variables for clarity, and those specific to the
 backup host. My backup host gets backed up daily just like any other


 On Fri, 2010-11-12 at 10:53 -0500, B. Alexander wrote:
 Here is the config for that host:

 $Conf{PartialAgeMax} = '0'; # Added per Craig's recommendation
 $Conf{BackupsDisable} = '1';
 $Conf{RsyncClientCmd} = 'sudo $rsyncPath $argList+';
 $Conf{RsyncClientRestoreCmd} = 'sudo $rsyncPath $argList+';
 $Conf{RsyncShareName} = [ '/boot', '/lib/modules', '/home', '/etc',
 '/var/backups', '/var/cache/apt', '/var/lib/apt', '/var/log', '/root',
 '/usr/local', '/var/lib/dpkg' ];

 In the main config, I am using  --checksum-seed=32761 in RsyncArgs,
 which enables it for everything.


 On Fri, Nov 12, 2010 at 3:10 AM, Tyler J. Wagner wrote:
  On Thu, 2010-11-11 at 17:26 -0500, B. Alexander wrote:
  I don't think so, Les. I have been watching the backup as it runs (as
  Tyler suggested earlier in the thread), and if I change the order of
  the directories in RsyncShareName, the last file that gets backed up
  changes, but it is the same file, whether during an incremental or
  Could you post more of your config for that host? Are you using multiple
  RsyncShareName entries? Or one (/) with a few directories in
  BackupFilesOnly and BackupFilesExclude? Are you using
  --checksum-seed=32761 in RsyncArgs?
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[BackupPC-users] blackout periods

2010-12-03 Thread Brad Alexander
Can you set the blackout periods on a per-host basis? Since I have my
N900 with me all day, by the time I get home, the battery is, while
not drained, not full either. The first full backup drained the
remaining juice from the battery, so I had the backup set so that it
would kick off sometime between 11pm and 12am. Sometime this week, the
backup started as soon as the wireless connected, which isn't what I
want. So I added the following to the n900's backup script:

$Conf{BlackoutPeriods} = [
hourBegin =  4.0,
hourEnd   = 21.0,
weekDays  = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7],

...and restarted backuppc. When I got home tonight, it did the same
thing, backed up as soon as I hit the door. Will this work or does the
blackout period in override individual periods in the
per-host config files?


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Re: [BackupPC-users] Wierd backup problem

2010-11-16 Thread Brad Alexander
I finally got this working...

I wound up clearing out the backup list and starting one directory at
a time. Everything worked but /root. I ended up getting rid of some
really ancient and innocuous-looking files from there, and now it all
seems to work.

I got rid of a dump.log from 2008, some df and fdisk information, a
few old package lists (I have a script that backs them up to
/var/backups now and not a problem backing those up, a
vmware-any-any-update and a vmmon-only directory. That's it. I also
changed up the order (as a result of doing one directory at a time).
Search me why it works...

Thanks for everyone's help. I wish I could come up with a causative
factor, but I can't.

On Sat, Nov 13, 2010 at 6:31 PM, Jeffrey J. Kosowsky wrote:
 Tyler J. Wagner wrote at about 22:21:16 + on Friday, November 12, 2010:
   You are doing two things differently from my own config:
   1. You're using lots of RsyncShareNames, rather than just / and using
   BackupFilesOnly and BackupFilesExclude. In fact, I've never used more
   than one RsyncShareName. Do you use this on your other hosts too? Aside
   from having BackupsDisable set, does it differ from any other host?

 Interesting but shouldn't be the cause of his problem...
   2. You're using sudo instead of root login. Your call. I prefer SSH keys
   with root not allowed to SSH by password.

 Interesting but shouldn't be the cause of his problem

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