[monochrom] Will Biology Solve the Universe?

2007-03-09 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette
For years, scientists have tried to develop a universal theory of 
everything. Steven Hawking predicts that such a theory will be 
discovered in the next 20 years. A new theory asserts that biology, 
not physics, will be the key to unlocking the deepest mysteries of 
the universe, such as quantum mechanics.

Posted By johannes to 
at 3/09/2007 01:29:00 PM  ___
Bagasch mailing list

[monochrom] Early Christianity's Martyrdom Debate

2007-03-09 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette
Princeton University's Elaine Pagels is about the nearest thing there 
is to a superstar in the realm of Christian history scholarship. It 
is largely through her work that many understand the early 
non-Orthodox Christianity that she at one point dubbed (and later 
un-dubbed, finding the term imprecise) the Gnostic Gospels. She 
breaks new ground with the debut of Reading Judas: The Gospel of 
Judas and the Shaping of Christianity, her collaboration with Harvard 
Divinity scholar Karen King about the second-century Gospel of 
Judas that was made public last year.


Posted By johannes to 
at 3/09/2007 01:35:00 PM  ___
Bagasch mailing list

[monochrom] The Cracked Ambience: new and recommended sounds for your persona...

2007-03-09 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette
- solace from bare hands (Fat Cat)
http://www.monochrom.at/cracked/reviews/Rev%20ghost.htmGHOST - in 
stormy night(Drag City)
- s/t (Mute)
http://www.monochrom.at/cracked/reviews/Rev%20mormo.htmMORMO - 
wasting 500 sounds (low impedance)

Posted By Georg Cracked to 
at 3/09/2007 01:43:00 PM  ___
Bagasch mailing list

[monochrom] The sting in the bio-buzz

2007-03-08 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette
The EU's new targets for biofuel use will result in the destruction 
of forests and livelihoods in the global South without a clear 
environmental gain, writes Jutta Kill.


Posted By johannes to 
at 3/08/2007 01:13:00 PM  ___
Bagasch mailing list

[monochrom] The Intellectual in the Infosphere

2007-03-06 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette
Quote: What qualifies as intellectual authority today is changing 
fundamentally. People are much less prepared to defer to the 
acknowledged experts in various fields. At the same time, however, we 
are being swamped with data and information -- a glut that cries out 
for analysis and summary. So there is a dilemma: Whom do we turn to?

Posted By johannes to 
at 3/06/2007 12:31:00 PM  ___
Bagasch mailing list

[monochrom] Water Flows on Mars? Not So Fast...

2007-03-06 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette
Signs of recent liquid water on Mars may have instead been caused by 
mini-avalanches of dirt. In December, NASA released photos of Martian 
gullies that showed enigmatic tracks of material suddenly appearing 
in the last five years. Researchers interpreted the deposits as 
having possibly come from trickling water.
The problem with that theory is that such features can be reproduced 
in the lab by letting small particles slide away, says granular 
materials researcher Troy Shinbrot of Rutgers University. You find 
that every single thing that geologists say, 'Ah, that means there's 
water,' you can duplicate, says Shinbrot, who described his research 
on sliding grains at this week's meeting of the American Physical Society here.

Posted By johannes to 
at 3/06/2007 12:39:00 PM  ___
Bagasch mailing list

[monochrom] Intellectual seekers in the notorious Tenderloin, San Francisco

2007-03-05 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette

John-Ivan Palmer writes about the Tenderloin in SF.

Late one night in the Tenderloin, 1968, my girlfriend (if you could 
call her that) was talking to one of her topless-bottomless dancing 
friends at an unlicensed bottle club deceptively called Coffee Ron. I 
ignored the riffraff staring at me for reading a book. Suddenly three 
men pulled a gun on the manager, and beat up the bartender who tried 
to intervene. Panic, screaming. My two lady escorts rushed behind me 
for protection. I held the Encyclopedia of Stage Hypnotism (1947) 
over my chest in an equally absurd attempt to protect myself from bullets.

It was horrible what happened next. The manager, a naive ex-prize 
fighter named Gene Echols, was beaten almost to death. In the 
hospital for weeks. Of course no one called the police, and when they 
asked questions afterward, no one talked. This was a typical night in 
the Tenderloin shortly after the Summer of Love.

Around the time I was living in that black hole, a San Francisco 
journalist wrote, The Tenderloin seems overwhelming and eternal and 
no one can really say for sure what is happening within its sprawling 
reaches. As close as most people got was reading about it in the 
paper - salacious stories of sordid sex, thug wars, and murder. 
Having lived there, I can tell you it was indeed a horrific place. 
But the cost of living was cheap.


Posted By johannes to 
at 3/05/2007 01:44:00 PM  ___
Bagasch mailing list

[monochrom] Physicists reveal water's secrets in journal 'Science'

2007-03-05 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette
Equipped with high-speed computers and the laws of physics, 
scientists from the University of Delaware and Radboud University in 
the Netherlands have developed a new method to flush out the hidden 
properties of water--and without the need for painstaking laboratory 
experiments. Their new first-principle simulation of water 
molecules--based exclusively on quantum physics laws and utilizing no 
experimental data--will aid science and industry in a broad range of 
applications, from biological investigations of protein folding and 
other life processes, to the design of the next generation of power plants.


Posted By johannes to 
at 3/05/2007 01:52:00 PM  ___
Bagasch mailing list

[monochrom] monochrom @ Dorkbot SF pictures

2007-02-21 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette
Scott Beale posted excellent pictures of a great 
http://dorkbot.org/dorkbotsf/Dorkbot San Francisco gathering 
(February 19, 2007) where we presented a couple of our projects.


Posted By johannes to 
at 2/21/2007 07:12:00 PM  ___
Bagasch mailing list

Re: [monochrom] Roboexotica @ Wired Print

2007-02-01 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette
das ist der richtige:

At 16:35 01.02.2007, Magnus wrote:
On Thu, 01 Feb 2007 16:28:09 +0100, das ende der nahrungskette

  Almost forgot to blog it... http://www.wired.com/wired/Wired
  Magazine published a small but nice article by Liz Cole about
  http://www.roboexotica.orgRoboexotica, the festival for cocktail
  robotics we are hosting together with Shifz.
  You can find it in the January print issue of Wired.

der link geht irgendwie nicht -
ich hab hier ein foto des artikels:


  Posted by johannes to
  at 2/01/2007 03:54:00 PM

Bagasch mailing list

Bagasch mailing list

[monochrom] Dig Deeper To Find Martian Life

2007-02-01 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette
A UCL-led study has found that probes designed to 
find life on Mars do not drill deep enough to 
find the living cells that scientists believe may 
exist well below the surface. Although current 
drills may find essential tell-tale signs that 
life once existed on Mars, cellular life could 
not survive the radiation levels for long enough 
any closer to the surface of Mars than a few 
metres deep - beyond the reach of even state-of-the-art drills.
Lead author Mr Lewis Dartnell said: Finding 
hints that life once existed – proteins, DNA 
fragments or fossils - would be a major discovery 
in itself, but the Holy Grail for astrobiologists 
is finding a living cell that we can warm up, 
feed nutrients and reawaken for studying. It just 
isn't plausible that dormant life is still 
surviving in the near-subsurface of Mars - within 
the first couple of metres below the surface – in 
the facce of the ionizing radiation field. 
Finding life on Mars depends on liquid water 
surfacing on Mars, but the last time liquid water 
was widespread on Mars was billions of years ago. 
Even the hardiest cells we know of could not 
possibly survive the cosmic radiation levels near 
the surface of Mars for that long.


Posted by johannes to 
at 2/01/2007 04:45:00 PM  ___
Bagasch mailing list

[monochrom] ausstellungseroeffnung jacob appelbaum @ q21

2007-01-31 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette
unser monochrom-botschafter und artist in residence, jacob appelbaum, 
wir am 31. jaenner 2007 eine kleine fotoausstellung im q21 des wiener 
museumsquartiers prauml;sentieren. 20 uhr, show up.

Bagasch mailing list

[monochrom] Top Ten Signs That You're An Art World Token

2007-01-31 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette


Posted by johannes to 
at 1/31/2007 02:32:00 PM  ___
Bagasch mailing list

[monochrom] International Year Of Polytheism: Free Bariumnitrate!

2007-01-30 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette
International Year Of Polytheism
Powered by monochrom

--- http://www.monochrom.at/polytheism/
--- http://www.monochrom.at/free-bariumnitrate/


A fireball sacrifice, burning like 10.000 sparklers

The International Year Of Polytheism (powered by monochrom) wants 
to overcome the epoch of the monotheistic worldviews (and its 
derivatives such as The West and The Arab World) through the 
reconstruction of a polytheistic multiplicity in which countless gods 
and goddesses will eventually neutralize each other. Polytheism is 
democracy, Monotheism a dictatorship, even in its pseudo-secular form.

The symbolic liberation of Barium Nitrate signalled the opening of 
this International Year of Polytheism (January 26, 2007. Symposion 
Lindabrunn, Lindabrunn, Lower Austria). We ignited 10.000 bound 
sparklers, free of any judaeo-christian intent. Nothing but a 
wonderfully powerful fire signal, whose representational vacuity and 
lack of otherwise traditional symbolic meaning woke some of the 
ignoble gods exiled by monotheistic McKinseyism. We welcome the gods 
back from their second-class beyond(s).

Video documentation:

Photo album / Jacob Appelbaum:

Photo album / Nungee:

Bagasch mailing list

[monochrom] Iesu Matayoshi -- Japanese Politician, God and Jesus Christ

2007-01-29 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette
Mitsuo Matayoshi (also Iesu Matayoshi) is an eccentric Japanese 
politician, self-styled as The only God Mitsuo Matayoshi Jesus Christ 
or Matayoshi Jesus. He is the leader of the World Economic Community Party.
He was born in Ginowan on February 5, 1944. After graduating Chuo 
University in Tokyo in 1968, he moved back to Okinawa and ran a juku, 
a private school to which students went after their regular classes 
in official schools. He was also trained as a preacher of a 
Protestant sect, and did religious activity. After a life of preacher 
he has developed a particular concepts of Christianity, strongly 
influenced by Eschatology. In 1997 He established the World Economic 
Community Party based on his conviction that he is the God and Christ.


Posted by johannes to 
at 1/29/2007 05:50:00 PM  ___
Bagasch mailing list

[monochrom] Free Bariumnitrate: Video online

2007-01-29 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette
Finally, the video documentation of Free Bariumnitrate! -- the 
opening event of the 
http://www.monochrom.at/polytheism/International Year Of 
Polytheism -- is online. Watch us ignite 10.000 bound sparklers, 
free of any judaeo-christian intent.

to video (YouTube and Hi-Res)

http://www.monochrom.at/polytheism/Link to various photostreams

Posted by johannes to 
at 1/29/2007 10:56:00 PM  ___
Bagasch mailing list

[monochrom] How the Moon rules your life

2007-01-28 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette
At last, scientists claim to have found a link between our satellite 
and human behaviour - like how it governs the size of your dinner.

Posted by johannes to 
at 1/28/2007 01:42:00 AM  ___
Bagasch mailing list

[monochrom] falls ihr fotos vom free bariumnitrate...

2007-01-28 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette
...event habt, stellt sie doch bitte auf flickr oder sonstwo hin...

liebe gruesse und danke

Bagasch mailing list

[monochrom] The Forgotten American Dead: Rural America Pays the President's Price in Iraq

2007-01-28 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette
Quote: When we hear about the American dead in Iraq, we normally 
learn about the circumstances in which they died. Last Saturday, for 
instance, was, for American troops, the third bloodiest day since the 
Bush administration launched its invasion in March 2003 -- 27 of them 
died. Twelve went down in a Blackhawk helicopter over Diyala 
Province, probably hit by a shoulder-fired missile. Five died under 
somewhat surprising and mysterious circumstances. They were attacked 
in a supposedly secure facility in the Shiite city of Karbala by 
gunmen who, despite their telltale beards, were dressed to imitate 
American soldiers and managed to drive through city checkpoints in 
exceedingly official-looking armored SUVs. They could, of course, 
have been members of Muqtada al-Sadr's Mahdi Army, but were probably 
Sunni insurgents from a neighboring province. The rest of the 
Americans in that total died as a result of roadside bombs (IEDs) 
around Baghdad or fighting with Sunni insurgents, mainly in al-Anbar 
Province. The Pentagon announcements on which such news is based are 
usually terse in the extreme. The totals, 29 dead for the weekend (as 
well as hundreds of Iraqis), did, however, become major TV and 
front-page news around the country.


Posted by johannes to 
at 1/28/2007 11:20:00 PM  ___
Bagasch mailing list

[monochrom] free bariumnitrate / videos und foto

2007-01-27 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette

bitte stellt doch eure fotos und videos vom gestrigen opening online 
(flickr oder was auch immer) und schickt mir die links...


liebe gruesse

Bagasch mailing list

[monochrom] 10-year-old filmmaker sues for creative control

2007-01-27 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette
Budding filmmaker Dominic Scott Kay wants creative control, along 
with a shot at the Sundance Film Festival. And, as often happens in 
the entertainment business, to get what he wants he's headed to court 
with one of Hollywood's top litigators in tow.

Posted by grr to 
at 1/27/2007 09:58:00 PM  ___
Bagasch mailing list

[monochrom] G** bless you, airline movie censors

2007-01-26 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette
All mentions of God are bleeped out of a version of Oscar-nominated 
movie The Queen distributed to Delta and some other airlines.


Posted by johannes to 
at 1/26/2007 03:47:00 PM  ___
Bagasch mailing list

[monochrom] A Good Kill, A Humane Hangman?

2007-01-26 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette
Albert Pierrepoint hanged Nazis, common murderers, and more than a 
few American GIs. He also believed that a hanging should be done humanely.

Posted by johannes to 
at 1/26/2007 03:50:00 PM  ___
Bagasch mailing list

[monochrom] Crash Test Parking

2007-01-26 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette

Stupid and sexist comments, but an awesome video.

Posted by grr to 
at 1/26/2007 03:56:00 PM  ___
Bagasch mailing list

[monochrom] Pirating the 2007 Oscars

2007-01-24 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette

Waxy writes:
For the last few years, the movie industry's battles with Internet 
pirates offered an entertaining diversion during Oscar season. Their 
problem: they need to leak their films to Academy members for 
consideration, but don't want those official leaks to fall into the 
hands of pirates. [...]

Bagasch mailing list

[monochrom] No Consolation For Kalashnikov

2007-01-24 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette

John Forge considers the moral dilemma of the weapons designer.

Here is the dilemma: Weapons research produces 
in the first place not guns, bombs, bullets and 
planes and the various command, control and 
communications hardware and software needed to 
use these things, but plans, blueprints and 
designs – knowledge and know-how. Unless these 
useful plans are lost or destroyed, they can be 
implemented or instantiated many times over, and 
thus project unforeseen into the future.

The AK 47 design, as opposed to the individual 
weapons, won’t wear out; and providing the 
materials and skills are available, they can be 
made at any time in the future. The weapons 
design with the most longevity that I know of is 
the onager, the one-armed catapult used at the 
siege of Syracuse under the direction of 
Archimedes in 212 BCE and invented some centuries 
earlier. Aficionados still build onagers from the 
original plans. Now suppose that J, a weapons 
researcher, designs a weapon because her country 
is in dire threat from a wicked invader: there 
are many examples of this, from Archimedes to 
Watson-Watt the inventor of radar, and beyond. 
But when the emergency has passed and there is no 
longer just cause for using the weapon, J's 
invention is used in other circumstances which 
she does not condone, such as an unjust war. 
There is a moral dilemma here for the following 
reasons. I assume that J is a moral person and 
hence does not want to do harm unless she has 
sufficient justification. The imminent likelihood 
that an aggressor will destroy her family, 
country and way of life is surely sufficient 
justification. But the weapon design persists 
into the future, and once out of J's control can 
be used for unjustifiable harms. What should J 
do? And is this really a general problem, or one 
that only worries Kalashnikov?


posted by 
Tuesday, January 23, 2007
Bagasch mailing list

[monochrom] John Nichols Thom, the Cornish King of Jerusalem and Malta

2007-01-24 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette
John Nichols Thom (1799-1838) was a Cornish self-declared Messiah in 
the 19th century.

Bagasch mailing list

[monochrom] Minor Google Security Lapse Obscures Ongoing Online Data Risk

2007-01-24 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette
Finjan confirmed earlier reports that Google's anti-phishing 
blacklist, containing private user names and passwords, was 
accessible without protection on Google's servers.

Bagasch mailing list

[monochrom] Did the dinosaurs invent biplane technology?

2007-01-24 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette

All God's Creatures:

Microraptor gui, a little dinosaur with four feathered limbs, may 
have glided through the air like a biplane, with its wings paired in parallel.

Bagasch mailing list

[monochrom] Inside artzine #11

2007-01-24 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette

http://www.inside-artzine.deInside artzine #11 is out.

This time with MAXIMUM ARTSCUM from Europe, USA, 
Japan and Australia - Evil  Subversive 
Paintings, Drawings, Collages, Stories, Poems, 
Reports from Naoto Hattori (JAP), J.K. Potter 
(USA), Jan Off (GER), Marcel Ruijters (NL), 
Microbo (ITA), Karl Persson (AUS), Mike Bohatch 
(USA), Fabrice Lavolley (BEL), Urs Böke (GER)  many other weirdos

+ Are you still playing with dolls?! - Dolls  Sculptures,
+ R'leih Cthulhu - Interviewtrip with H.P. Hutter
+ Ink means eternity  - The tattoomummies from Riberalta
+ Reviews

http://www.inside-artzine.de/secret/_mediadungeon/INSIDEartzine11_72dpi.pdf(PDF) ___
Bagasch mailing list

[monochrom] public transport patterns

2007-01-24 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette

A beautiful flickr-set collecting patterns found in public transport.
Bagasch mailing list

[monochrom] monochrom in freie netze. freies wissen

2007-01-23 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette
interview mit mir ueber die informationgegenwart in freie netze. 
freies wissen.


Bagasch mailing list

[monochrom] autos auf es: arg!

2007-01-23 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette

Bagasch mailing list

Re: [monochrom] autos auf es: arg!

2007-01-23 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette
eis! natuerlich, nicht es

At 15:43 23.01.2007, you wrote:

Bagasch mailing list

Bagasch mailing list

[monochrom] FREE BARIUMNITRATE (26. Januar 2007)

2007-01-22 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette

Ein Opferfeuerball aus 10.000 Wunderkerzen

Opening Event des Internationalen Jahres des Polytheismus
(powered by monochrom)

26. Januar 2007
Symposion Lindabrunn


Die chemische Verbindung Bariumnitrat bildet die 
Grundlage für die so genannte Wunderkerze. Sie 
ist in verschiedenen monotheistischen Ritualen 
gebunden, gewissermaßen also unfrei. In 
Österreich zum Beispiel als fester Bestandteil 
des Weihnachtsfestes, an dem sich die Geburt des 
angeblichen Gottesohnes Jesus Christus jähren 
soll, weshalb man/frau meint Sternspritzer 
entzünden zu müssen. Desgleichen in 
Großbritannien, wo Wunderkerzen (sparklers) zur 
Guy Fawkes Night abbrennen, in der die 
Niederschlagung eines römisch-katholischen 
Komplotts gegen den König als obersten 
Repräsentanten der anglikanischen Kirche (1605) gefeiert wird.
In den USA wiederum gehören sie zum Ritualbestand 
des 4. Julis, bei dem sich die nur scheinbar 
säkulare Nation in religiöser Manier ihres 
metaphysischen Grundes in der 
christlich-abendländischen (Werte-)Gemeinschaft versichert.

Bariumnitrat steht damit stellvertretend für alle 
SignifikantInnen, die in den Sinndiktaturen der 
großen monotheistischen Weltreligionen ausgebeutet und versklavt werden.
Das internationale Jahr des Polytheismus 
(powered by monochrom) will die 
weltgeschichtliche Epoche des mit sich selbst 
konkurrierenden Monotheismus (und seiner Derivate 
wie der freie Westen oder die arabische Welt) 
überwinden durch die Wiedergewinnung einer 
polytheistischen Vielfalt, in dem sich die 
zahllosen Götter und Göttinnen selbst 
neutralisieren können bzw. den Überblick 
verlieren. Polytheismus ist Demokratie, 
Monotheismus bleibt Diktatur, selbst in seiner pseudo-säkularen Form.
Die symbolische Befreiung des Oxidationsmaterials 
soll dieses Jahr, das am 26. Januar 2007 beginnt, 
eröffnen. Wir wollen zu diesem Zweck mit Ihnen 
zusammen 10.000 gebündelte Wunderkerzen anzünden, 
und zwar ohne christliche und abendländische 
Hintergedanken (wie Lobpreis, Brauch, Demut oder 
André Heller). Es erwartet Sie ein wunderschönes, 
mächtiges Fanal, dessen repräsentationalistische 
Zweckleere und Sinnferne vielleicht einige der 
vom monotheistischen McKinseyismus vertriebenen 
heimatlosen und verwahrlosten Gottheiten aus 
ihrem Nahbereichsjenseitsexil anzulocken vermag, 
um den Eingotthimmel sinnvoll zu überfremden.

Aus der von Klassen-, Rassen- und 
Männerinteressen bestimmten Knechtschaft des 
Monotheismus und dem Bruderzwist seiner 
Dreifaltigkeit soll die Welt in die Vielfalt 
einer neuen Unübersichtlichkeit erlöst werden. 
Außerdem, so meinen wir: Polytheismus ist die 
Religionsform, die dem Lebensstil einer modernen, 
kosmopolitischen und vielfältig interessierten, 
jungen Kultur entspricht. Bereichern auch Sie 
Ihre Bewerbungsmappe durch Polytheismus. Stellen 
Sie sich Ihren Himmel individuell und auf Ihren 
Typ abgestimmt zusammen. Wir beraten Sie gerne. 
Beachten Sie hierzu auch unsere demnächst 
anlaufende Götter/Göttinen-Probeabo-Aktion.

Never forget: One is the number of the beast!

Mit dem Projekt Free Bariumnitrate! des 
Kollektivs monochrom startet das der Lichtkunst 
gewidmete Programm des Symposion Lindabrunn 2007.

Konzept und Darbietung: monochrom // 
Sachdienliche Vorträge: monochrom und Gäste // Regiekonzept: umraum

Anfahrt: A2 bis Leobersdorf, rechts nach Berndorf 
/ Hirtenberg, in Hirtenberg links nach Enzesfeld 
weiter bis Lindabrunn, nach Dorfkirche rechter 
Hand bei Wegweiser nach Aigen Hauptstraße 
verlassen und geradeaus den grünen Symposionsschildern folgen.

Adresse: Symposion Lindabrunn, Steinbruchstrasse 25, Enzesfeld/Lindabrunn

Labor experimenteller Kunst  Architektur: www.symposion-lindabrunn.at

Busshuttle ab 1010 Wien, Rathausstraße 5 neben 
Uni. Abfahrt am 26. Januar 2007, 18:00 Uhr; 
retour in Wien am 27.01.07, 2:00 Uhr morgens.

Bagasch mailing list

[monochrom] Shotgun Sequencing Slime And Life On Other Planets

2007-01-22 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette
Scientists have identified tiny nanoorganisms, which are virtually 
impossible to see beneath the microscope, in a Californian mine. The 
discovery may have important implications in the search for life on 
other planets.

Quote: For 11 years, Jill Banfield at the University of California, 
Berkeley, has collected and studied the microbes that slime the 
floors of mines and convert iron to acid, a common source of stream 
pollution around the world. Imagine her surprise, then, when research 
scientist Brett Baker discovered three new microbes living amidst the 
bacteria she thought she knew well. All three were so small - the 
size of large viruses - as to be virtually invisible under a 
microscope, and belonged to a totally new phylum of Archaea, 
microorganisms that have been around for billions of years.


Posted by johannes to 
at 1/22/2007 10:47:00 AM  ___
Bagasch mailing list

[monochrom] Stop wasting SETI money and resources

2007-01-22 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette
Seth Shostak, a senior associate with the SETI Institute is taking a 
noble effort at fending off the project's critics.


Posted by johannes to 
at 1/22/2007 10:55:00 AM  ___
Bagasch mailing list

[monochrom] monochrom interview mit sombunall

2007-01-22 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette
monochrom interview mit sombunall


Bagasch mailing list

[monochrom] max headroom, immer wieder respect

2007-01-22 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette

hab grad auf der max headroom wikipedia seite gestoebert...

die folge kannte ich noch gar nicht:

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki//wiki/May_5May 5, 
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki//wiki/19881988 13
Edison discovers that the automated censor system is sending metro 
cops to arrest 'blanks' who are pirating pay per view educational 
programs: the only source of education for ghetto children.


sie hatten schon verdammt gute ideen und waren ihrer zeit voraus...
Bagasch mailing list

[monochrom] Resurrection of the Greek Mythology

2007-01-22 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette
It has taken almost 2,000 years, but those who worship the 12 gods 
of ancient Greece have finally triumphed. An old religious community 
strikes back.


Posted by grr to 
at 1/22/2007 02:43:00 PM  ___
Bagasch mailing list


2007-01-22 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette


KARSTEN DANIELS - sharp teeth (Fat Cat)
 ZAVOLOKA - wag the swing (Kvitnu)
http://www.monochrom.at/cracked/reviews/Rev%20neon.htmNEON - au 
theatre de sons imaginaires (poeta negra)
- tensions w/Keith Rowe and Charlemagne Palestine (Nexsound)
ARTIFICIAL SEA - city island (Travelling Music)

Posted by Georg Cracked to 
at 1/22/2007 04:18:00 PM  attachment: 42836c8.jpg
Bagasch mailing list

[monochrom] Dorkbot in Second Live

2007-01-22 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette
Dorkbot SL is trying to establish dorkbot meetings in second life a 
internet-based virtual world. Dorkbot SL wants to explore the new 
possibilities of the metaverse and tries to establish a platform for 
a glocal way of creating new connections and collaborations. Meetings 
are held at rhizomatic, which is a place in Second Life.


Posted by johannes to 
at 1/22/2007 10:19:00 PM  ___
Bagasch mailing list

[monochrom] Teaching Science to Biblical Literalists

2007-01-21 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette

By Alvin M. Saperstein.

Intro: I have taught introductory astronomy and physical science 
for many years. I also teach courses on the application of science to 
world affairs: the impact of war and technology on the historical 
development of human society (and vice versa) as well as the war 
between man and nature. I explore the historical development of the 
sciences as well as the scientific view of the evolutionary nature of 
the universe and its inhabitants. In recent years, I have noted an 
increasing number of students who are uncomfortable with, or 
actually object to, such evolutionary paradigms. They state, or hint, 
that they accept the Bible literally as a historical and scientific 
text. They believe that fixed biological species were created, 
together with the earth and its universe, some six thousand years 
ago. How can I teach these biblical literalists while respecting them 
and others in my classes and remaining true to the requirements of 
scientific and educational professionalism and the needs of modern society?


Posted by johannes to 
at 1/21/2007 09:58:00 PM  ___
Bagasch mailing list

[monochrom] monochrom: FREE BARIuarUMNITRATE (26. Januar 2007)

2007-01-20 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette

Ein Opferfeuerball aus 10.000 Wunderkerzen

Opening Event des Internationalen Jahres des Polytheismus
(powered by monochrom)

26. Januar 2007
Symposion Lindabrunn

Die chemische Verbindung Bariumnitrat bildet die 
Grundlage für die so genannte Wunderkerze. Sie 
ist in verschiedenen monotheistischen Ritualen 
gebunden, gewissermaßen also unfrei. In 
Österreich zum Beispiel als fester Bestandteil 
des Weihnachtsfestes, an dem sich die Geburt des 
angeblichen Gottesohnes Jesus Christus jähren 
soll, weshalb man/frau meint Sternspritzer 
entzünden zu müssen. Desgleichen in 
Großbritannien, wo Wunderkerzen (sparklers) zur 
Guy Fawkes Night abbrennen, in der die 
Niederschlagung eines römisch-katholischen 
Komplotts gegen den König als obersten 
Repräsentanten der anglikanischen Kirche (1605) gefeiert wird.
In den USA wiederum gehören sie zum Ritualbestand 
des 4. Julis, ab dem sich die nur scheinbar 
säkulare Nation in religiöser Manier ihres 
metaphysischen Grundes in der 
christlich-abendländischen (Werte-)Gemeinschaft versichert.

Bariumnitrat steht damit stellvertretend für alle 
SignifikantInnen, die in den Sinndiktaturen der 
großen monotheistischen Weltreligionen ausgebeutet und versklavt werden.
Das internationale Jahr des Polytheismus 
(powered by monochrom) will die 
weltgeschichtliche Epoche des mit sich selbst 
konkurrierenden Monotheismus (und seiner Derivate 
wie der freie Westen oder die arabische Welt) 
überwinden durch die Wiedergewinnung einer 
polytheistischen Vielfalt, in dem sich die 
zahllosen Götter und Göttinnen selbst 
neutralisieren können bzw. den Überblick 
verlieren. Polytheismus ist Demokratie, 
Monotheismus bleibt Diktatur, selbst in seiner pseudo-säkularen Form.
Die symbolische Befreiung des Oxidationsmaterials 
soll dieses Jahr, das am 26. Januar 2007 beginnt, 
eröffnen. Wir wollen zu diesem Zweck mit Ihnen 
zusammen 10.000 gebündelte Wunderkerzen anzünden, 
und zwar ohne christliche und abendländische 
Hintergedanken (wie Lobpreis, Brauch, Demut oder 
André Heller). Es erwartet Sie ein wunderschönes, 
mächtiges Fanal, dessen repräsentationalistische 
Zweckleere und Sinnferne vielleicht einige der 
vom monotheistischen McKinseyismus vertriebenen 
heimatlosen und verwahrlosten Gottheiten aus 
ihrem Nahbereichsjenseitsexil anzulocken vermag, 
um den Eingotthimmel sinnvoll zu überfremden.

Aus der von Klassen-, Rassen- und 
Männerinteressen bestimmten Knechtschaft des 
Monotheismus und dem Bruderzwist seiner 
Dreifaltigkeit soll die Welt in die Vielfalt 
einer neuen Unübersichtlichkeit erlöst werden. 
Außerdem, so meinen wir: Polytheismus ist die 
Religionsform, die dem Lebensstil einer modernen, 
kosmopolitischen und vielfältig interessierten, 
jungen Kultur entspricht. Bereichern auch Sie 
Ihre Bewerbungsmappe durch Polytheismus. Stellen 
Sie sich ihren Himmel individuell und auf Ihren 
Typ abgestimmt zusammen. Wir beraten Sie gerne. 
Beachten Sie hierzu auch unsere demnächst 
anlaufende Götter/Göttinen-Probeabo-Aktion.

Never forget: One is the number of the beast!

Mit dem Projekt Free Bariumnitrate! des 
Kollektivs monochrom startet das der Lichtkunst 
gewidmete Programm des Symposion Lindabrunn 2007.

Konzept und Darbietung: monochrom // 
Sachdienliche Vorträge: monochrom und Gäste // Regiekonzept: umraum

Anfahrt: A2 bis Leobersdorf, rechts nach Berndorf 
/ Hirtenberg, in Hirtenberg links nach Enzesfeld 
weiter bis Lindabrunn, nach Dorfkirche rechter 
Hand bei Wegweiser nach Aigen Hauptstraße 
verlassen und geradeaus den grünen Symposionsschildern folgen.

Adresse: Symposion Lindabrunn, Steinbruchstrasse 25, Enzesfeld/Lindabrunn

Labor experimenteller Kunst  Architektur: www.symposion-lindabrunn.at

Busshuttle ab 1010 Wien, Rathausstraße 5 neben 
Uni. Abfahrt am 26. Januar 2007, 18:00 Uhr; 
retour in Wien am 27.01.07, 2:00 Uhr morgens.

Bagasch mailing list

[monochrom] The True Beauty Of The Parking Lot Of An Aamp;P

2007-01-20 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette

Learning From Miami: An Architectural Guide to Coping With Urban Sprawl

Quote: It was at Yale in 1968 that Venturi and a small group of 
professors and students first unleashed their ideas on the academic 
world. Theirs was a two-pronged aesthetic diatribe, both a scathing 
criticism of modern architecture and a promotion of roadside American 
architecture, specifically the commercial strip. It all began as a 
university lecture called A Significance For AP Parking Lots, in 
which Venturi calls the huge parking lot fronting any less 
significant building ...the greatest evolution of vast space since 
Versailles. Later, the lecture was expanded into a formal written 
manifesto, Venturi's infamous masterwork Learning From Las Vegas 
(1972). Venturi still designs architecture today: He recently 
proposed the addition of the largest clock face in the world to the 
top of the Staten Island Ferry Terminal.


Posted by johannes to 
at 1/20/2007 04:05:00 PM  ___
Bagasch mailing list

[monochrom] The 100 Worst Martial Arts Movie Names

2007-01-20 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette
Quote: Martial arts films have a proud history 
of unusual naming practices. For one thing, it's 
not uncommon for a film to have a ridiculous 
number of different titles. Take for example 
Jackie Chan's Police Story 4 –“ according to the 
IMDb it is also known (in English) as First 
Strike, Jackie Chan's First Strike, Police Story 
4: First Strike, Police Story 4: Piece of Cake, 
Police Story 4: Story of the CIA, and Story of 
the CIA. [...] After trawling through thousands 
of pages on IMDb, I have compiled what I believe 
to be the 100 worst martial arts movie names in 
existence. Some of these titles are just one of 
the many a film is known by. But that still means 
that somewhere at some time, these films were marketed under these names.


Posted by johannes to 
at 1/20/2007 03:59:00 PM  ___
Bagasch mailing list

[monochrom] China rejects new Scorsese film The Departed

2007-01-20 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette
The Departed will not be shown in China, after it was rejected by 
the country's state-run distributor. But China only imports about 20 
films a year, so it is not uncommon for the country to block Hollywood movies.


Posted by johannes to 
at 1/20/2007 04:13:00 PM  ___
Bagasch mailing list

[monochrom] Reservoir Dogs: Redemption in a Postmodern World

2007-01-20 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette

By Mark T. Conard.

Tarantino's characters find that their redemption depends on whether 
there is a meaning to the word. An excerpt from The Philosophy of Neo-Noir.

Intro: Reservoir Dogs (1992), Pulp Fiction (1994), and Kill Bill 
(both volumes: 2003, 2004) are arguably the most successful (and I 
would say important) of the four full-length feature films that 
Quentin Tarantino has directed. And each is more or less explicitly 
about redemption. Further, Tarantino is widely recognized as a 
quintessentially postmodern neo-noir filmmaker. His films are 
postmodern in the artistic sense, insofar as they are, for example, 
blends of genres and highly allusive. But they're also postmodern in 
terms of the underlying epistemology and the position on morality and 
values that they take. That is, they reflect a postmodern sensibility 
about our ability (or lack thereof) to know and understand the world 
and about the value and significance (or lack thereof) that our lives 
and actions have. I argue here that this postmodern sensibility 
undermines the characters' attempts at redemption in the films. That 
is to say, in a postmodern world, such as the one depicted in 
Tarantino's films, there can be no such thing as redemption. While I 
include discussions of Pulp Fiction and Kill Bill, the arguments 
below focus primarily on Reservoir Dogs.


Posted by johannes to 
at 1/20/2007 04:17:00 PM  ___
Bagasch mailing list

[monochrom] Dorkbot Vienna #2: Jacob Appelbaum's talk on anonymous communication is online

2007-01-19 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette
monochrom ambassador Jabob Appelbaum's 
talk about anonymous communication, pseudonymity and privacy is now 
online. (Thanx, Manfred Krejcik @ Radio Netwacher!)
Topics discussed include: Anonymous communication. Desires for 
communicating anonymously. Historical examples. Pragmatic methods for 
staying anonymous online with software recommendations. Threats are 
presented for someone trying to communicate anonymously. Techniques 
that are useful off of the internet. Risks involved in such 
communication. Ethical issues involved with anonymity. Ideas for the future.
Software to be discussed includes: Tor, JAP, mixmaster, mixminon, 
Freenet, pgp, gpg, Torpark, generic proxies.


Posted by johannes to 
at 1/19/2007 01:04:00 PM  ___
Bagasch mailing list

[monochrom] das letzte testament

2007-01-19 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette


Bagasch mailing list

[monochrom] How the Body Shapes the Way We Think

2007-01-19 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette

How the Body Shapes the Way We Think - A New View of Intelligence
By Rolf Pfeifer and Josh C. Bongard
Foreword by Rodney Brooks

How could the body influence our thinking when it seems obvious that 
the brain controls the body? In How the Body Shapes the Way We Think, 
Rolf Pfeifer and Josh Bongard demonstrate that thought is not 
independent of the body but is tightly constrained, and at the same 
time enabled, by it. They argue that the kinds of thoughts we are 
capable of have their foundation in our embodiment--in our morphology 
and the material properties of our bodies.

This crucial notion of embodiment underlies fundamental changes in 
the field of artificial intelligence over the past two decades, and 
Pfeifer and Bongard use the basic methodology of artificial 
intelligence--understanding by building--to describe their 
insights. If we understand how to design and build intelligent 
systems, they reason, we will better understand intelligence in 
general. In accessible, nontechnical language, and using many 
examples, they introduce the basic concepts by building on recent 
developments in robotics, biology, neuroscience, and psychology to 
outline a possible theory of intelligence. They illustrate 
applications of such a theory in ubiquitous computing, business and 
management, and the psychology of human memory. Embodied 
intelligence, as described by Pfeifer and Bongard, has important 
implications for our understanding of both natural and artificial intelligence.


Posted by johannes to 
at 1/19/2007 05:24:00 PM  ___
Bagasch mailing list

[monochrom] Spice Healer: Curry Vs. Alzheimer

2007-01-19 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette
An ingredient in curry shows promise for treating Alzheimer's, cancer 
and other diseases.

Posted by johannes to 
at 1/19/2007 05:17:00 PM  ___
Bagasch mailing list

[monochrom] Monty Python musical nominated for seven Olivier awards

2007-01-19 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette
Monty Python's creators will be eating their words today after 
Spamalot, the musical they had to be persuaded to put on, scooped 
seven Laurence Olivier nominations.


Posted by johannes to 
at 1/19/2007 05:10:00 PM  ___
Bagasch mailing list

[monochrom] e. wurm wird getuetet

2007-01-19 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette
e. wurm wird getuetet


Bagasch mailing list

[monochrom] Decomposition of a baby pig

2007-01-18 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette
Take a deep look at nature's workings. I don't recommend watching 
this before any kind of food intake or early in the morning.

Posted by nungee to 
at 1/18/2007 11:41:00 AM  ___
Bagasch mailing list

[monochrom] The Boiling, Surging, Churning and Corporatizing Economy of the United States

2007-01-18 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette

By Ralph Nader.

Quote: The boiling, surging, churning and corporatizing economy of 
the United States is racing far ahead of its being understood by 
political economists, economists, politicians and the polis itself. 
Tidbits from the past week add up to this view, to wit [...]


Posted by johannes to 
at 1/18/2007 11:53:00 AM  ___
Bagasch mailing list

[monochrom] Crasis

2007-01-16 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette
In association with the Philosophy Research Base at 
http://www.erraticimpact.com/erraticimpact.com, this website aims 
to combine the best textual and visual resources with the best online 
resources in Critical Theory, Cultural Theory, Literary Theory, 
Feminist Theory, Post-Feminist Theory, Gender Theory, Music Theory, 
Queer Theory, Postmodernism, and related subjects.


Posted by johannes to 
http://www.monochrom.at/english/2007/01/crasis.htmmonochrom at 
1/16/2007 11:07:00 AM  ___
Bagasch mailing list

[monochrom] Aeroplastics Sculptures

2007-01-16 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette

John Isaac's disturbing and fascinating sculptures.

Posted by johannes to 
at 1/16/2007 11:26:00 AM  ___
Bagasch mailing list

[monochrom] Lewin teaching electromagnetism

2007-01-16 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette
The great http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Walter_LewinWalter Lewin 
talks about electric shock treatment, electrocardiograms, pacemakers, 
superconductivity, magnetic trains, aurora borealis and tries to 
levitate a woman.
(Real Video)
You can find more of his wonderful lectures 

Posted by johannes to 
at 1/16/2007 03:23:00 PM  ___
Bagasch mailing list

[monochrom] questions about life

2007-01-16 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette
A movie made out of the beautiful diagrams at 

Le Grand Content examines the omnipresent Powerpoint-culture in 
search for its philosophical potential. Intersections and diagrams 
are assembled to form a grand 'association-chain-massacre'. [...]

http://www.clemenskogler.net/grandcontentLink (via 

Posted by nungee to 
at 1/16/2007 04:31:00 PM  ___
Bagasch mailing list

[monochrom] Dorkbot Vienna #2: Jacob Appelbaum: The future of free communication

2007-01-16 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette
Dorkbot Vienna #2 ( http://dorkbot.org/dorkbotvienna/ )

The future of free communication - Techniques, ideas and pitfalls for 
communicating (semi)anonymously.
Talk by Jacob Appelbaum

@ www.werkzeugh.at
Wednesday - January 17, 2007 - 8 PM

Bagasch mailing list

[monochrom] Dorkbot Vienna #2: Jacob Appelbaum: The future of free communication

2007-01-16 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette
Dorkbot Vienna #2 ( http://dorkbot.org/dorkbotvienna/ )

The future of free communication - Techniques, ideas and pitfalls for 
communicating (semi)anonymously.
Talk by Jacob Appelbaum
Anonymous communication: A discussion about anonymity, pseudonymity 
and privacy. Primarily a technical talk, historical and ethical 
background will also be presented. Pragmatic techniques for 
communicating anonymously both on the internet and off.
# Topics to be discussed include but are not limited to: 
Anonymous communication. Desires for communicating anonymously. 
Historical examples. Pragmatic methods for staying anonymous online. 
Threats are present for someone trying to communicate anonymously. 
Techniques are useful off of the internet. Risks involved in such 
communication. Ethical issues involved with anonymity. Ideas for the future.
# Software to be discussed includes: Tor, JAP, mixmaster, 
mixminon, Freenet, pgp, gpg, Torpark, generic proxies.

@ www.werkzeugh.at
Wednesday - January 17, 2007 - 8 PM

Bagasch mailing list

[monochrom] Rogues Gallery / Mugshots

2007-01-14 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette
The British Transport Police have a small Rogues Gallery which 
contain some fascinating mugshots and details of their crimes and convictions.

Gordon MARR
Private 11446580 of the 16th Battalion Canadian Scottish Regiment 
(British Expeditionary Force - France) was sentenced to 10 days 
imprisonment for theft of a box of fish from Edinburgh Waverley 
Station on 22nd January 1918. On 8th August 1918 Gordon took part in 
a battle to re-capture the French town of Demuin on the Somme. 
Tragically he was killed during this engagement.


Posted by johannes to 
at 1/14/2007 08:03:00 PM  ___
Bagasch mailing list

[monochrom] Chavez Announces Nationalizations, Constitutional Reform for Socialism in Venezuela

2007-01-12 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette
During the swearing-in ceremony of his new 
cabinet, Venezuela’s President Chavez announced 
a series of dramatic new measures for moving 
ahead in establishing 21st century socialism in 
Venezuela. Among these new measures are the 
convocation of a new constitutional assembly and 
the re-nationalization of key industries.


Posted by johannes to 
at 1/12/2007 01:29:00 PM  ___
Bagasch mailing list

[monochrom] Disturbing Dog Technologies

2007-01-12 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette

Doggy bag and more.

Posted by johannes to 
at 1/12/2007 01:34:00 PM  ___
Bagasch mailing list

[monochrom] Reading 'Lolita in Tehran' in Connecticut

2007-01-12 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette

Review of Lolita in Tehran by Simon Hay.

Intro: Azar Nafisi's bestselling Reading Lolita 
in Tehran: A Memoir in Books (Random House, 2003) 
has become a popular choice for required summer 
reading for incoming students at many colleges 
and universities across the USA, including my 
own. It has also been immensely popular with book 
clubs, library organizations and the like. 
Translated into thirty-two languages, it has 
remained on the New York Times bestseller list 
for over two years. Clearly, it offers a message 
that 'resonates' for a significant portion of the 
US – and world – reading publics. As a choice for 
incoming first-year studentts, Nafisi's book 
seems compelling because, as a reviewer from the 
New York Times is quoted on the cover as saying, 
it is an 'eloquent brief on the transformative 
powers of fiction'. But what kind of reading 
practices is the book describing and encouraging, 
and what reading practices are being declared 
significant intellectual engagements with 
literature, and with Iran, in this positioning of Nafisi's book?


Posted by johannes to 
at 1/12/2007 01:40:00 PM  ___
Bagasch mailing list

[monochrom] Canadian coins bugged, U.S. security agency says

2007-01-11 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette
Quote: Canadian coins containing tiny transmitters have mysteriously 
turnned up in the pockets of at least three American contractors who 
visited Canada, says a branch of the U.S. Department of Defence. 
Security experts believe the miniature devices could be used to track 
the movements of defence industry personnel dealing in sensitive 
military technology. [...] You might want to know where the 
individual is going, what meetings the individual might be having 
and, above all, with whom, said David Harris, a former CSIS officer 
who consults on security matters.


Posted by johannes to 
at 1/11/2007 10:15:00 AM  ___
Bagasch mailing list

[monochrom] monochrom @ kaisermühlner werkl

2007-01-11 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette
ja... es gibt einen monochrom-potpourri-abend im 
transdanubischen kaisermühlner werkl. das 
befindet sich in der schüttausstraße 1-39, 1220 wien (nahe u1).

performance am 12. jänner 2007 um 20 uhr.

so wies aussieht der letzte monochrom-mix-auftritt in wien für längere zeit.
Bagasch mailing list

[monochrom] Shrinking Higgs brings optimism to US lab

2007-01-10 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette
Tevatron gains renewed hope of bagging the particle that endows mass. 
Quote: Physicists shooting to find the Higgs boson -- the particle 
thought to endow all others with mass -- have seen their target move, 
again. A new measurement of the mass of another subatomic particle, 
the W boson, has lowered the predicted mass of the Higgs.


Posted by johannes to 
at 1/10/2007 03:16:00 PM  ___
Bagasch mailing list

[monochrom] Sound: Not as Simple as It Sounds

2007-01-10 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette

An Interview with Joshua Fineberg.

A child of psychoacoustics and the computer revolution, the spectral 
music movement is turning Western art music on it ear (by turning it 
on to its ear).


Posted by johannes to 
at 1/10/2007 03:24:00 PM  ___
Bagasch mailing list

Re: [monochrom] drachentöter teil 2

2007-01-09 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette
interessante deutung... kann ich was abgewinn!

At 19:29 09.01.2007, peter hauser wrote:
schüssel entschuldigend, wurde immer behauptet er hätte haider gezähmt.

ich behaupte hiermit: gusenbauer hat durch sein 
strategie schüssel in grasserfalle tappen 
lassen und dadurch schüssel als parteiobman der 
ÖVP entmachtet. der eher eine ländliche und 
ältere zielgruppe ansprechende molterer wird der 
SPÖ bei der nächsten wahl weniger probleme 
bereiten als ein spitzenkandidat grasser.

gusenbauer hat die CSUisierung österreichs verhindert!
Der GMX SmartSurfer hilft bis zu 70% Ihrer Onlinekosten zu sparen!
Ideal für Modem und ISDN: http://www.gmx.net/de/go/smartsurfer
Bagasch mailing list

Bagasch mailing list

[monochrom] Georgia Man Kills 11-hundred-pound Hog WFMJ

2007-01-08 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette
A wild hog even bigger than the near-mythical Hogzilla caught in 
rural south Georgia a few years ago has been been shot and killed in 
a suburban neighborhood.


Posted by johannes to 
at 1/08/2007 11:27:00 AM  ___
Bagasch mailing list

[monochrom] Underwater Restaurant

2007-01-08 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette
The world's first underwater restaurant opened in the Hilton Maldives 
Resort  Spa.


Posted by johannes to 
at 1/08/2007 11:30:00 AM  ___
Bagasch mailing list

[monochrom] Soldiers of misfortune

2007-01-08 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette
Manet's paintings of the execution of emperor Maximilian of Mexico, a 
subject to which he returned repeatedly between 1867 and 1869, have 
striking contemporary parallels. This is political art at its most 
powerful and timeless, argues John Elderfield.


Posted by johannes to 
at 1/08/2007 11:25:00 AM  ___
Bagasch mailing list

[monochrom] Prisons of Stateless: The Derelictions of UNHCR

2007-01-08 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette
Charged in 1951 with defending rights of asylum, the UN High 
Commissioner for Refugees has been recast for an age of humanitarian 
warfare. From Operation Provide Comfort to Bosnia and the Rwandan 
massacres--a compliant advocate of repatriation at any cost.


Posted by johannes to 
at 1/08/2007 11:41:00 AM  ___
Bagasch mailing list

[monochrom] die grosse koalition

2007-01-08 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette
jesus christus...


Bagasch mailing list

[monochrom] tokio hotel fan

2007-01-08 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette

Bagasch mailing list

[monochrom] wow... bruce sterling und boing boing bloggen rfid-song

2007-01-08 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette

sehr nett...

the beyond / link
boing / link  ___
Bagasch mailing list

[monochrom] Rockformation Diskokugel

2007-01-08 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette
kenn das wer?
ist das echt so gut?

Brandneu: Rockformation Diskokugel Anarchie und Montag

Das Jahr 2007 faengt fuer uns gleich mit einem Paukenschlag an:
Das brandneue Album der Rockformation Diskokugel. Nach zwei dicht 
aufeinanderfolgenden EPs kommt nun der finale Schlag der 
Darmstaedter:Anarchie und Montag, dazu noch gleich als Doppel-CD. 
Kann ein Jahr besser beginnen?

Die FAZ trifft ins Schwarze:
Die nach ihr benannte Rockformation spielt hochtourigen ironischen 
Powerpop mit intelligenten deutschen Texten, die sich hinter ihren 
Vorbildern wie den Fehlfarben, den Aerzten oder auch Superpunk nicht 
verstecken muessen.

Emotionaler das OX-Fanzine:
Tanzt, ihr verrueckten jungen Leute, tanzt! Und tanzt nackt, denn 
es gibt kein Morgen! Kein Scheiss. Und keine bessere Platte weit und breit.

Bagasch mailing list

[monochrom] Overhead Cumshot on YouPorn

2007-01-07 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette
http://www.monochrom.at/ocs/Overhead Cumshot ended up on 
http://www.youporn.com/YouPorn. Why not? It's for a good cause!


Posted by johannes to 
at 1/07/2007 11:30:00 AM  ___
Bagasch mailing list

[monochrom] New Sucker-footed Bat Discovered In Madagascar

2007-01-06 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette
Scientists have discovered a new species of bat that has large flat 
adhesive organs, or suckers, attached to its thumbs and hind feet. 
This is a remarkable find because the new bat belongs to a Family of 
bats endemic to Madagascar--and one that was previously considered to 
include only one rare species.


Posted by johannes to 
at 1/06/2007 01:38:00 PM  ___
Bagasch mailing list

[monochrom] Europe: The Doubts Of Empire

2007-01-04 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette
Quote: As it grows to 27 countries, the European Union is the most 
successful example of peaceful regime change in our time. More than 
half its member states were dictatorships well within living memory. 
Their advance towards liberal democracy has gone hand in hand with 
their advance towards membership of what is now the European Union. 
In every corner of the continent most people are better off and more 
free than they were half a century ago. Yet everyone knows that, 
beneath the surface, political Europe is not in party mood about itself.


Posted by johannes to 
at 1/04/2007 03:08:00 PM  ___
Bagasch mailing list

[monochrom] The Cracked Ambience

2007-01-02 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette

The Cracked Ambience: new and recommended sounds for your personal space

LIFE, A SONG, A CIGARETTE - fresh kills landfill (siluh)
ERRANTE - migrations (chapitre)
http://www.monochrom.at/cracked/reviews/Rev%20hegre3.htmJOHN HEGRE 
- colours don't clash (dekorder)
- for the middle class (rune gramofon)
- I.M. Wagner (12rec)
MINSTRELS - our cruel demise (klem north)
 JASON LESCALLEET - love me two times (intransitive)
PORTER - die wandaland (Greyday)
SIOUX - we are not the scared people (fettkakao)

Posted by Georg Cracked to 
at 1/02/2007 07:49:00 AM  ___
Bagasch mailing list

Re: [monochrom] It's fun to hack the RFID

2007-01-01 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette
und sound und bild sind nicht synchron, aber das 
ist ein altes youtube problem...

danke jedenfalls!

At 03:46 01.01.2007, Frank Lachmann wrote:
On 31.12.2006 (16:51), das ende der nahrungskette wrote:

  But if you know about any other recordings, please send us the links.

na, fuer euch meld' ich mich doch glatt bei youtube an.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d1gBXNZO6yM = der mitschnitt vom
letzten tag, nach der lecture. nur 2m13s lang wegen akutem platzmangel
auf der telefon-speicherkarte, aber .. immerhin.


|  frank lachmann · argh.de · o1773o58616 · icq 83271428  |

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Bagasch mailing list

[monochrom] monochrom's proto-melodic comment squad @ 23c3

2007-01-01 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette
monochrom's proto-melodic comment squad @ chaos communication congress

--- http://www.monochrom.at/protomelodiccommentsquad/

Bagasch mailing list

[monochrom] Darwin's cheque found in portrait frame

2006-12-21 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette
Darwin's cheque found in portrait frame: Signed document could 
provide insight to Darwin's character.


Posted by johannes to 
at 12/20/2006 11:50:00 AM  ___
Bagasch mailing list

[monochrom] A Book About Language, With No Phoneme Unturne

2006-12-18 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette
A Book About Language, With No Phoneme Unturne: How Language Works... 
The established view has been that these languages evolve 
independently and each is unique, whether they are based on English 
or Danish. But Mr. Crystal says that modern research strongly 
suggests that all these languages derive from a 15th-century 
Portuguese pidgin. As the Portuguese explored Asia, Africa and the 
Americas, this prototypical pidgin spread, and the syntax remained in 
place as words changed to adapt to other languages. But there is 
still evidence of that old Portuguese pidgin.

Posted by johannes to 
at 12/18/2006 02:47:00 PM  ___
Bagasch mailing list

[monochrom] String theory seems to unravel

2006-12-18 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette
String theory seems to unravel: Two new books seriously question 
whether the once-lauded string theory has been good for the field of physics.

Posted by johannes to 
at 12/18/2006 02:53:00 PM  ___
Bagasch mailing list

[monochrom] monochrom mention in Pranks 2 review

2006-12-14 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette
monochrom mention in Pranks 2 review: V. Vale's 
http://researchpubs.com/RE/Search Publications will soon release 
Pranks 2, the follow-up to their legendary Pranks book (published 
1988). monochrom is featured with 
http://www.monochrom.at/thomann/index-english.htmGeorg Paul 
Thomann. LA Weekly mention monochrom and Thomann in their review.
Pranks 2 can be 
http://www.amazon.com/Pranks-2-V-Vale/dp/1889307084ordered online.

http://www.laweekly.com/art+books/art/kid-stuff/15186/LA Weekly / Link

Posted by johannes to 
at 12/14/2006 09:52:00 AM  ___
Bagasch mailing list

[monochrom] Geek Entertainment Television, Roboexotica Interview #2

2006-12-14 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette
Geek Entertainment Television, Roboexotica Interview #2: This time 
featuring David Calkins, Jonathan Moore, the WERP_bot guys and 
monochrom's own Daniel Fabry and Anika Kronberger.

Posted by johannes to 
at 12/14/2006 10:34:00 PM  ___
Bagasch mailing list

[monochrom] Freud's Will to Power

2006-12-01 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette
Freud's Will to Power: Intro: Legend has it 
that Freud, although educated in the philosophies 
of his day, studiously avoided the work of 
Nietzsche to preserve the originality of his 
ideas against external influence. Nietzsche's 
analysis of the human psyche, how values were 
supposedly projections of people's unspoken 
jealousies and fears, ran dangerously close to 
Freud's idea (still a work in progress at the end 
of the 19th century) that the roots of conscious 
behavior lay in unconscious desires. But after 
reading Dr. Peter Kramer's outstanding new 
biography of Freud (HarperCollins, 213 pages, 
$21.95), one wonders if Freud feared something 
else, not influence but self-knowledge, for Dr. 
Kramer's Freud is practically the living 
embodiment of Nietzsche's will to power. It's not 
simply that Freud was incredibly ambitious. (At 
age four, after soiling a chair, he reassured his 
mother that he would grow up to be a great man 
and buy her another.) Rather, it was Freud's 
determination to systematize the world, to bring 
order to chaos, and to impose his theory of life 
on life itself — a determination sso intense that 
one of Freud's colleagues called it a psychical need.


Posted by johannes to 
at 12/01/2006 11:58:00 PM  ___
Bagasch mailing list

[monochrom] The Cracked Ambience

2006-11-30 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette

The Cracked Ambience: new and recommended sounds for your personal space


APPLEQVIST - naima (Häpna)
- cataclysm (basement apes ind)
- the peel sessions (Fat Cat)
BEAR - bros (Fat Cat)
/ SUPERSTATIC REVOLUTION - split (basement apes ind)
- another thousand days, out of this world (emolution)

Posted by Georg Cracked to 
at 11/30/2006 07:46:00 AM  attachment: 1331fb9d.jpg
Bagasch mailing list

[monochrom] Burma: a 24th province for China

2006-11-29 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette
Burma: a 24th province for China: Burma's military junta announced in 
October that it would resume drafting a new constitution. A few days 
later it arrested many of its opponents, particularly from the 
National League for Democracy, whose leader Aung San Suu Kyi remains 
under house arrest. The junta has relocated the capital and continues 
to run Burma for its own profit.


Posted by johannes to 
at 11/29/2006 10:39:00 AM  ___
Bagasch mailing list

[monochrom] Everybody's doing it...

2006-11-28 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette
Everybody's doing it... Explicit sex in films and books used to be 
shocking but there are signs of a new liberalism gaining ground. This 
autumn John Cameron Mitchell's film Shortbus - which shows 
unsimulated sexual relationships in all their fun and intimacy - 
opened in America without a peep from anyone. Are we growing up at last?


Posted by johannes to 
at 11/28/2006 12:16:00 AM  ___
Bagasch mailing list

[monochrom] Get ready for 24-hour living

2006-11-28 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette
Get ready for 24-hour living: Quote: So Much to do, so little time. 
Between a hectic work schedule and a thriving social life, Yves (not 
his real name), a 31- year-old software developer from Seattle, often 
doesn't have time for a full night's sleep. So he swallows something 
to make sure he doesn't need one. If I take a dose just before I go 
to bed, I can wake up after 4 or 5 hours and feel refreshed, he 
says. The alarm goes off and I'm like, let's go! Yves is talking 
about modafinil, a stimulant that since its launch seven years ago 
has acquired a near-mythical reputation for wiring you awake without 
the jitters, euphoria and eventual crash that come after caffeine or 
amphetamines. Yves has been popping modafinil on and off for the past 
three years and says it is tremendously useful. I find I can be 
very productive at work, he says. I'm more organised and more 
motivated. And it means I can go out partying on a Friday night and 
still go skiing early on Saturday morning.

Posted by johannes to 
at 11/28/2006 12:11:00 AM  ___
Bagasch mailing list

[monochrom] 'Jaws' Record-breaking Catfish Caught in Spain

2006-11-26 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette
'Jaws' Record-breaking Catfish Caught in Spain: Its not the only one 
out there. An animal like this could easily be mistaken for a sea 
serpent or lake monster if sighted near the surface.

Posted by johannes to 
at 11/26/2006 10:39:00 AM  ___
Bagasch mailing list

[monochrom] Laughing Squid reports about Roböxot ica 2006

2006-11-26 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette

Laughing Squid reports about Roböxotica 2006

Posted by johannes to 
at 11/26/2006 01:30:00 PM  ___
Bagasch mailing list

[monochrom] Teen creates nuclear fusion in basement

2006-11-24 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette

Teen creates nuclear fusion in basement

Posted by johannes to 
at 11/24/2006 06:56:00 PM  ___
Bagasch mailing list

[monochrom] My God Problem

2006-11-22 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette
My God Problem: By Natalie Angier. Intro: So, 
on the issue of mainstream monotheistic religions 
and the irrationality behind many of religion's 
core tenets, scientists often set aside their 
skewers, their snark, and their impatient demand 
for proof, and instead don the calming cardigan 
of a a kiddie-show host on public television. 
They reassure the public that religion and 
science are not at odds with one another, but 
rather that they represent separate magisteria, 
in the words of the formerly alive and even more 
formerly scrappy Stephen Jay Gould. Nobody is 
going to ask people to give up their faith, their 
belief in an everlasting soul accompanied by an 
immortal memory of every soccer game their kids 
won, every moment they spent playing fetch with 
the dog. Nobody is going to mock you for your 
religious beliefs. Well, we might if you base 
your life decisions on the advice of a Ouija 
board; but if you want to believe that someday 
you'll be seated at a celestial banquet with your 
long-dead father to your right and Jane Austen to 
your left-and that she'll want to talk to you for 
another hundred million years or more—that's your 
private reliquary, and we're not here to jimmy the lock.


Posted by johannes to 
at 11/22/2006 12:15:00 PM  ___
Bagasch mailing list

[monochrom] Ideology Has Consequences: Bush rejects the politics of prudence

2006-11-19 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette
Ideology Has Consequences: Bush rejects the politics of prudence: 
Quote: Many Republicans must feel like that legendary man at the 
bar on the Titanic. Watching the iceberg slide by outside a porthole, 
he remarked, I asked for ice. But this is too much. Republicans 
voted for a Republican and got George W. Bush, but his Republican 
Party is unrecognizable as the party we have known. Recall the 
Eisenhower Republican Party. Eisenhower, a thoroughgoing realist, was 
one of the most successful presidents of the 20th century. So was the 
prudential Reagan, wary of using military force. Nixon would have 
been a good secretary of state, but emotionally wounded and 
suspicious, he was not suited to the presidency. Yet he, too, with 
Henry Kissinger, was a realist. George W. Bush represents a huge 
swing away from such traditional conservative Republicanism.


Posted by johannes to 
at 11/19/2006 01:22:00 PM  ___
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