FW: Diane Harvey's Righteous Rant

2003-01-30 Thread Aurora Farm
Sometimes even the strongest language isn't enough...

Juggernaut Rising: Part Four

America the Hideous

By Diane Harvey


The United States of America is about to murder, in cold blood, a large
number of hungry, ragged and generally debilitated human beings. An enormous
army of Techno-Goliaths is being launched halfway across the world to
demolish a poverty-stricken population with a dazzling display of
overwhelmingly inescapable death and destruction. The revolting new policy
of instantaneous mass death is being referred to as Shock and Awe, but there
is nothing new about it. It’s called a Blitzkrieg and its pedigree is well
known.  And after as many mommies and daddies as possible are torn limb from
limb, and their children set on fire, we will steal their last remaining
natural resource. To prepare the way for outright theft, our courageous
military is sallying forth to make short work of the lame, the halt, and the

We are about to cruelly torture and destroy innumerable lives already
brought low by a coarse dictatorship, simply because we want what they have
and we have the firepower to take it. Ultimately, it is the citizens of this
nation who are collectively responsible for all of the unthinkable,
unimaginable agonies about to unfold. In our name, and with our tacit
consent, our nation is about to commit hideous atrocities so that We the
People can continue thoughtlessly to waste, for a short while longer, more
energy and resources than anyone else on earth ever has. It is easy to blame
the disgusting criminals in power, but nevertheless, the majority of
Americans has callously accepted this disastrous leadership. There was never
anything theoretically in the way of half the country marching on Washington
and demanding sanity Or Else.

And yet there never really was the slightest chance that this, the first of
the Lifestyle Wars, would be prevented. To deflect the American juggernaut
on a downhill roll, a significant percentage of citizens of this nation
would have had to show up bodily on the streets of Washington, and remove
the wheels by hand.  Sociopathic governments in search of sustenance can
only be stopped by overwhelming numbers of awakened citizens who recognize
the rankest form of brutalitarianism when it clubs them in the face. In our
case however, even the astonishing act of setting fire to the Bill of Rights
failed to register on the overall population. On the whole, Americans don’t
care about anything at all except being as comfortable as possible. We know
this because if we did care, none of this would be allowed to happen.

The raw greed and pathetically flimsy tissue of lies being offered as
justification for all this leaves a rational person stunned, in another form
of Shock and Awe. The architects of the new policy of Brutalitarian rule are
counting on the fact that most Americans are not rational, and have no
desire to think about the meaning of any of this. In this, the designers of
this new and deliberately terrifying Monstrous America are correct, so far.
As long as people sit in front of the perpetual hypnosis machines and choose
to pretend they don’t really know what is happening, then the Lifestyle Wars
and state-sanctioned genocide in our behalf will continue. The future of our
once-noble country is apparently to demand ever-larger piles of innocent
human bodies to burn as fuel for our standard of living. We will manage the
incredible feat of denial only by resolutely ignoring the obvious truth and
willingly believing the transparent lies of our despicable leaders. Doesn't
all this sound very familiar, historically speaking? Yes, in chilling Shock
and Awe, one must understand that it certainly does.

Re: not cabin fever!

2003-01-28 Thread Aurora Farm
Hello Flylo et al:
Here at Aurora yesterday we had 13 degrees Celcius for our January melt
which was about 7 plus degrees too uncanny. It felt a lot to me like
earthquake weather or, or, or might it be that long overdue polar shift?.
The geomagnetics are not quite the same as they used to be and it appears
they are changing all the time.
I used to keep a compass taped to the floor in a location that I passed by
regularly. Now I need to get it there again.
Things could get weird(er) and then again When the going gets rough, The
Weird turn Pro, eh?
Blessings and Peace
No more war, please,
Barbara and Woody
Aurora Farm. the only
family  farm in North America offering garden seeds
grown using Rudolf Steiner's methods
of spiritual agriculture.  http://www.kootenay.com/~aurora

-Original Message-
Date: Tuesday, January 28, 2003 10:10 AM
Subject: not cabin fever!

I don't know what it is. But it's everywhere. I was fired from my job
yesterday and for no really good reason. Granted, I was 'iffy' about
working in a deli - smokehouse. Wondering what all those nitrites,
high sodium foodstuffs, heavily preserved meats, etc., were doing
to myself just handling them, working around them. (Up to my
elbows in buffalo jerky for hours at a time.) So, I may not have
stayed very long anyhow.
But to be fired because one boss sent me up to the office to fill out
(another) W4 form, and her husband (owner of the place) came
down hopping mad because he had someone with him. said I made
him look like a fool. I told him he didn't need my help for that and
he said 'you have a bit of an attitude'. (No, I didn't but I was getting
one as I watched him hop up and down in front of me.) So I
admitted it and he said 'hit the clock, you're fired'.
Now it's funny, but at the time I was stunned.

Anyhow, seems like everyone is on a hair trigger these days. And
it's odd but the angrier everyone gets around me, the calmer it
makes me. Don't know why but I guess I see how ridiculous it all is
and maybe that's saving my sanity.

NYT Article

2003-01-27 Thread Aurora Farm
Dear Jane:

We are among those who appreciate your heads-up forwarding of news of
interest...but this and others you forward are heavily formatted and come
across as bloated bundles of KBytes...94KB in the case of the lady
journalist held captive.  We don't have, can't get ADSL service out here in
the boondocks, so that's quite a lot of time in downloading.  And I know
there are others out there with much slower and less reliable email servers
than ours.  Almost as bad as the attachments Allan has to rant about
occasionally.  Could you cut and paste from the net to your wordprocessor,
then send off in .txt format?  I just did that with the piece in question
and it went from 94K  to 41K.  Just a thought, from an admirer of your quest
for news of note...
Woody at
Aurora Farm. the only
family  farm in North America offering garden seeds
grown using Rudolf Steiner's methods
of spiritual agriculture.  http://www.kootenay.com/~aurora

Re: csa names

2003-01-25 Thread Aurora Farm

You wrote: the difficulty with the word CSA.  Yes and yes again.  On the
one hand, you say, CSA has meaning for the people in the niche you're
appealing to ... on the other hand, the term is difficult.  Consider
dropping it.  Let Fresh and Local become its own raison d'etre.  As you say,
it doesn't sound like a real CSA anyway, or you, the farmer, wouldn't be
choosing the name, drawing up the promotional materials, and all the rest;
the core group would be doing it during the winter while you're resting
[imagine that!].  I say, dump the term.  Requires too much explaining.  If
you have to explain, explain Fresh and explain Local ... the social
technology of getting the food to the people [the CSA concept] becomes more
appealing when we WANT the food for the food's sake.  Fresh and Local
decribes the qualities I want in my food supply...

Aurora Farm. the only
unsubsidized, family-run seed farm
in North America offering garden seeds
grown using Rudolf Steiner's methods
of spiritual agriculture.  http://www.kootenay.com/~aurora

-Original Message-
From: Allan Balliett [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Saturday, January 25, 2003 6:19 AM
Subject: Re: csa names

sounds like your local supermarket ! (I guess this should read convenience
store in Yankese.)

Actually, Gideon, 'local' is what separates it from 'supermarket.'

The phrase is one that has been picked like 'authentic food' as a way
of indicating that if you buy Fresh (picked this morning) and Local
(within 100 miles), you've pretty much moved to supporting small,
value-driven farms.

My gut feeling, though, is similar to your, or I would have embraced this

The blockage here is the difficulty with the word CSA Let's face
it, if this were 'really' CSA, there w.b. a core group pulling this
together while I keep working on the artichoke and the ginger
management plans. But, CSA has its meaning to people who want fresh
and locally grown food.

Good to hear from you, my man. I wish you'd find time to write more.


Re: Certification Story

2003-01-24 Thread Aurora Farm
Thanks Peter for a new good read. I like Dennis's writing.
And yes the skin and human touch is one of the oldest forms of
communication, eh. And what is the skin? An undeveloped optic nerve it would
seem to me. So the I(eye) is all over the body receiving and transmitting
one's spirit would you say? This sets up a certain vibration where one can
attract or repel other vibrations (i.e. other people). If one wants to have
their lineage carry on I would think the whole idea would be to connect with
another of like vibration so the gene pool can go forth and the meme can
move through the culture.
At Aurora Farm we definitely understand the importance of good seed and we
have been offering the same to the culture for some years now. Both in the
form of three sons and millions of high vibrational seeds which have
provided quality nutrition to the human family.
I am also aware that we are sitting ducks with pollutants, etc and they will
make one into an idiot with no sense of where they are going nor where they
have come from. Only there do seem to be many waking up in these times and
walking a new path including paying attention to what they eat.
Nor does it escape my viewshed that all these sexual dysfunctions and
illnesses are occurring at a time when we have a population on exponential.
No coincidence here. With all the memory loss maybe we will come to a time
where certain ones will not remember how to 'get it on'. Might be handy for
those eating the good food with the good memory who have all their lights on
to go forth and multiply.
I had a physiology prof. in the late 70's who was gay and he understood and
conveyed marvellously how the endocrine system worked. Very clear and very
concise he was.
And maybe some wont be into multiplying, just appreciating the love and
touch of another human being.
We are into some new times here, some say we wont need to eat anymore once
we attain a certain vibration. In the meantime we might just get to be the
midwives of a whole new order. That is quite a privelege, eh?
Yes good health and joy to all,
Barbara and Woody

Aurora Farm. the only
unsubsidized, family-run seed farm
in North America offering garden seeds
grown using Rudolf Steiner's methods
of spiritual agriculture.  http://www.kootenay.com/~aurora

-Original Message-
From: Peter Michael Bacchus [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Thursday, January 23, 2003 2:41 PM
Subject: Re: Certification Story

Hi Barbera and Woody,
 We all have many windows or view
through or from which we view life. There are many who look through the
window refered to by Hugh.
One of the definitions of fertility is the ability to produce healthy
decendents. This is becomming more of a challenge for many farmers not
wholistic methods of farming, of which the suggestions of Steiner are the
crowning glory. Part of the reproductive process is the will or desire to
reproduce which can come into the sensuality part of the process. This
brings us to the skin and possibly why it was recommended in the peppering
process for the inversion or reversal of the fertility process of small
animal 'pests'. Then there is the effect of the chemicals on the pituatry
gland which is the subject of a chapter in the book by Dennis Klocek,
SEEKING SPIRIT VISSION. This is no doubt what Hugh is refering to with
estrogen mimmicking. There are more and more chemicals that are being
discovered to be endocrine disrupters to a greater or lesser degree. These
come to us via the air in many instances. There has been relatively little
research on the effects of the volatile and aerosoled part of
In a poluted atmosphere who knows what we are ingesting.  What is retained
in food is better understood, then there is the ripening factor and the
diversity of essential sugars come into the equation. We are now standing
before a new challenge of how genetic modification will affect these
parameters and plant and insect pherenomes which is part of what we breeth
in and may have effect on our pituatry gland and consequently our whole
endocrine system.
Wishing all health and joy in life.
- Original Message -
From: Aurora Farm [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, January 24, 2003 2:57 AM
Subject: Re: Certification Story

 Dear Hugh, Peter et al:
 Gee I didn't quite realize that Woody and I were advocating for happier
 union for couples. You do have a point there except I feel it is more in
 realm of sensual rather than sexual. After all when we do our work, with
 consciousness, are we not making love with Mother Earth, Father Sky and
 Life Everywhere?
 And yes educating the public is something that we have been doing for
 and the best way to do that is to hold a certain vibration or
 as you speak the truth about the products you bring to the marketplace.
 one has to decipher what it is that each individual needs to hear

Re: Certification Story

2003-01-23 Thread Aurora Farm
Dear Hugh, Peter et al:
Gee I didn't quite realize that Woody and I were advocating for happier
union for couples. You do have a point there except I feel it is more in the
realm of sensual rather than sexual. After all when we do our work, with
consciousness, are we not making love with Mother Earth, Father Sky and All
Life Everywhere?
And yes educating the public is something that we have been doing for years
and the best way to do that is to hold a certain vibration or consciousness
as you speak the truth about the products you bring to the marketplace. And
one has to decipher what it is that each individual needs to hear for them
to become more conscious. How can they come to their senses? Big job, highly
underrated and underpaid.
A big problem for many is the lack of the wild and sacred in their lives.
Not enough contact and communion with Nature and all her gifts she bestows
on us. Forgot, with all those chemicals that do not allow memory to
function, how to be human. Took up a friendship with the culture instead
which doesn't provide one with a very good tool kit to do much besides buy
more crap and become more and more a servant to those and that which prevent
us from having the direct experiences we came here for in the first place.
When you get a direct hit from nature, that truly penetrates to the depth of
you, there is full time orgasm and less definitely becomes more.
There is no need for all these modern day sicknesses  so yes, let's go and
let's stay with the power that is rightfully ours to claim. Time is speeding
up and the 'times they are a changin.' And let's stay and share the good,
the true and the beautiful.
On another note Woody and I are initiating some new work which comes out of
a dream put on hold for many years now . It should be up on our website soon
and involves taking people to pristine wilderness areas for re-edification.
Blessings to all,
Barbara and Woody

Aurora Farm. the only
unsubsidized, family-run seed farm
in North America offering garden seeds
grown using Rudolf Steiner's methods
of spiritual agriculture.  http://www.kootenay.com/~aurora

-Original Message-
From: Hugh Lovel [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Wednesday, January 22, 2003 7:58 PM
Subject: Re: Certification Story

Dear Barbara and Woody, et. al.,

Your certification story is poignant and well-told. It's a HUGE slap in the
face to have to pay big bucks and jump through a lot of hoops to prove you
are growing food the way it ought to be grown when those who contaminate
and denature the food they grow are allowed carte blanche to poison and
water down what people must have for their survival.

USA Today had it on their front page today (referring to an article in an
inner section) how the balance has shifted to the point that many married
couples are not only not having sex, but that in the majority of these
cases it is the man who doesn't want it, not the woman who has headaches
and plays a pussy hostage game of maybe if you do this, this, this, and
this we'll have sex.

DDT and many other pesticide, herbicide chemicals have proven to be
estrogen mimetic (they mimic) chemicals. With the estrogen mimetic hormones
in beef and chicken and so forth, is it any wonder many men are not
masculine any more? The problem is so profound that it has affected the sex
of fish in Florida lakes, to say nothing of amphibian reproduction in the
US Southeast which has declined by roughly 80%.

I know many guys my age who are telling me they don't have any interest in
sex any more. All these I know are eating commercial foods. Myself, I
realized in my 20s that 10 times a day was my limit, but here I am at 55
and I still think in those terms. I don't think I could get it up for more
than 10 times in a day, and don't think I'd often be motivated for more
than 3 or 4, really. Mid-life crisis? Well, I'm single and have dropped
several women who tried the if you did this, this, and this then maybe
routine because I do sex out of spontaneous enthusiasm and not out of some
quid pro quo system. But I've heard women talk about their husbands and I
do know it is rare that the women in the suburbs eating conventional food
are sexually satisfied by their husbands. (No wonder the divorce rate.) But
most haven't any clue what to do about it outside of finding a young stud
to fill the bill.

Damn, women, feed your men clean, vital food! When I market vegetables I
run into it all the time that happy housewives will pay what I ask without
question because they know it works at their table and in their bedroom.

I know this is frank talk for this list, but let's get real. What we are
growing with our biodynamic methods is the very best in food. People who
eat it regularly have a different experience with life than those who eat
that other junk. It's time the story was told. And it's time the public got
a little more of an earful about what eating local, in-season and
biodynamic can do to raise things

Re: compost and certification

2003-01-23 Thread Aurora Farm
Hi Martha:
If I were you I would change your whole compost area so that it has no
plastic hoops, and no pallets. Completely open to the air and in a shaded
area if possible. Anything put around the pile encourages molds, etc and you
definitely don't want this. If you write to us personally I will send you
some pictures of good compost piles.
Blessings, Barbara and Woody
Aurora Farm. the only
unsubsidized, family-run seed farm
in North America offering garden seeds
grown using Rudolf Steiner's methods
of spiritual agriculture.  http://www.kootenay.com/~aurora

-Original Message-
Date: Thursday, January 23, 2003 7:11 AM
Subject: compost and certification

compost first: John brought home a large hoop. Plastic, about 4
feet diameter, 3 feet tall. He thought it'd make a good compost pit.
I'm currently using just pallets wired together. I like the air flow and
double wall system of pallets, but the front is open so I can haul
stable cleanings and just dump. It's easy access to both myself
and the chickens. They keep it scratched up (and often out) so
much of the household waste is eaten up before the compost can
activate it.
The ring would eliminate all the scratching and tossing, but I don't
know if it's a good choice for good compost. (Is it going to be too
airless or keep it too wet? ) OTOH, I can also just upend the ring
once a pit has been built and encircle somewhere else pretty easy
with this thing.

Certification: I have always been uneasy with the process that
allows big farming corporations to put fertilizers and weed sprays
on our food, and NOT tell us about it, while anyone growing foods
without all the crap has to prove it. Something definitely wrong in
that scenario.
They say that a 'negative' is never a good advertising ploy, but
when I have extra produce to market I do use the negative. I just
tell them Not certified but NO CHEMICALS. Until we start having
to barcode carrots straight from the farm (and I see that day not too
far into the future), I intend to keep on using this 'double negative'.

And, if we all suddenly start getting junk mail from 99 Japanese
girls want to meet YOU, we can blame Hugh's certification post.
Hugh, was that intentional?

Re: Looking for a new CSA name

2003-01-23 Thread Aurora Farm

I think AUTHENTIC is great!  Makes the competition look like a fake--
Frankenfood, Fastfood, Phoneyfood.  The food your CSA offers, in contrast,
is Real, Fresh, Value dense stuff.


Aurora Farm. the only
unsubsidized, family-run seed farm
in North America offering garden seeds
grown using Rudolf Steiner's methods
of spiritual agriculture.  http://www.kootenay.com/~aurora

-Original Message-
From: Allan Balliett [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Thursday, January 23, 2003 11:27 AM
Subject: Looking for a new CSA name

Looking for a new name for my CSA, that is.

Guess I'm looking for a PORTABLE name, also.

Not because, yes it's true, like Jane I won't keep my mouth shut when
I see standards being lowered for the sake of the masses, but because
I'm waitin in line for a better farm site next year. Besides, if I
took a local name this year, 'Lost Corner CSA' would be the best
choice and, well, it don't have te ring...

Anyway, what say? It's got to appeal to DC professionals and metro
families with my marketing, my friends, so I can't be too esoteric!

I'm thinking 'Fresh and Local CSA,' but it sounds a lot like SUPER
FRESH, an area grocery chain. I'd like to think of 'Authentic Food
CSA,' but I don't think it speaks without explanation.

What about you? Do you have a good CSA name that you've  dreamed of
using and wouldn't mind sharing with a WV farmer?



Re: Looking for a new CSA name

2003-01-23 Thread Aurora Farm
Authentic Food, I think...with whatever organization name you wish...or
none at all. CSA takes a lot of convoluted explaining.  The big guys
[e.g., Whole Foods, Walnut Acres, Eden Foods, Wild Oats] don't necessarily
say they are health food stores or food purveyors.  You have to do the
explaining at some point, but shouldn't have to do it right up front in the
next breath after saying the name.

Aurora Farm. the only
unsubsidized, family-run seed farm
in North America offering garden seeds
grown using Rudolf Steiner's methods
of spiritual agriculture.  http://www.kootenay.com/~aurora

-Original Message-
From: Allan Balliett [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Thursday, January 23, 2003 3:43 PM
Subject: Re: Looking for a new CSA name


I think AUTHENTIC is great!  Makes the competition look like a fake--
Frankenfood, Fastfood, Phoneyfood.  The food your CSA offers, in contrast,
is Real, Fresh, Value dense stuff.


Authentic CSA? Authentic Food Authentic Food CSA? Thanks

Re: Seed-freeze period

2003-01-22 Thread Aurora Farm
Hello Manfred:
Seeds need to be kept cool and dry(no humidity) and they are best kept in
glass containers for storage(there is the silica again). We also keep the
seeds here at Aurora in dark glass containers.
There has always been the question here as whether to place all the seeds
into the ground(in their containers) for this crystallization period we are
now in. We have decided against that for several reasons the most important
one being the change in temperature and humidity which could possibly lead
to molds, etc.
So rather we keep them in the above ideal situation(cool and dry) in an area
which has held an ' intentional grid' for 12 plus years now. If we have any
concern that there is excess moisture around we keep horsetail around.
Germination trials on parsnip seed have resulted in their life expectancy to
be at least 7 years whereas one is told by many seed companies that they
will only last a year. Seeds ought to last and last if they are dealt with
in the correct manner.
Seed catalogs are now available from Aurora Farm and you may see the ad in
Harrowsmith Country Life which is just out.
Blessings All,
Barbara and Woody

Aurora Farm. the only
unsubsidized, family-run seed farm
in North America offering garden seeds
grown using Rudolf Steiner's methods
of spiritual agriculture.  http://www.kootenay.com/~aurora

-Original Message-
From: manfred [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Tuesday, January 21, 2003 7:28 PM
Subject: Seed-freeze period

Woody, anyone:

Are all seeds, if already dried, to be exposed to the deepfreeze of this
season, and till when?
Do all seed types survive in the ambient temperature and humidity?...say,
the garage?
I need to order some seed which i dont have from you in a few days.
thanks,... manfred...

Certification Story

2003-01-22 Thread Aurora Farm
Dear List
Hearing some of the Truth recently on this list with Greg's postings gives
me great hope that Steiner's teachings will not be lost in these
changing times, nor will they be used to fill the pocket
books of some to the exclusion of others. Since l989 Steiner's agricultural
methods have been utilized here at Aurora. Back then
we were doubly certified--with the local organic association and with the BD
Society of B.C. There was a 'bio-dynamic' certification at the time and my
mentor and teacher Otto Rothe came to the land, saw what we were doing and
certified us. Shortly after this the BD society hooked up internationally
and we automatically received Demeter status. Suddenly there was money
to be paid to the Society, not just for the travel expense of the farm
inspector.  All BD farms were required to pay a percentage of their GROSS
earnings to the Society. Nevermind if there had been a net profit for the
farm, or a living wage for the family farmer.
Christoph Altemeuller was top dog with that provincial BD society. Now he is
president of the board of the Biodynamic Association.  I have thanked him in
ceremony for making so clear to me the arrogance and greed in organizations
with pious mission statements about promoting biodynamics and supporting

I dumped
certification, realizing that I no longer needed to be snowed by authority.
I certified Aurora on my own terms and took her out into the marketplace.
Products grown utilizing Steiner's methods of Agriculture. The term
Biodynamics is mainly lost on storkeepers and customers anyway, and the
BDA/Demeter have a trademark on it; not allowed to use it unless we've paid
money into their system. Probably there never has been a net
profit here at Aurora and yet we are still here and we love and honour what

Think of it this way:  Woody and I have, combined, three or four decades of
experience with righteous agriculture.  We never have, would never have
DREAMED, of using chemicals, pesticides, GMOs, brutal methods of treating
farm animals…all these things that some of the public are finally becoming
exercised about.  It is an insult to us [and to many others on the List] to
ask that we prove ourselves to the marketplace by involving ourselves with
conventional certification.

Since l998 we have been certified by Agri-Synthesis and we are more than
happy with the quality and life-force of the products that are now going out
into the marketplace, providing good nutrition for the human family. We have
Greg to thank for putting the real story in front of our faces and for
been the innovator of Agri-Synthesis and the products under this trademark.
This has taken courage, insight and perseverance on his part and we are
deeply grateful for his work. I doubt if Greg has any monetary net profits
over this time either. More Good work being done by Good People.

So I would like to ask each and every one of you to come to your own
understanding of your BD stories and how you have been honoured and
acknowledged for the work you do in the world. Have your local associations
served you so you may truly experience your birthright and fulfill the
work(role) you came here to do and be. Mother Earth needs your assistance.
She's looking for a few good ones so recognize them when they are here in
your midst. And honour yourselves for having the courage to do so.
In the Spirit of the Good, True and Beautiful,
Barbara , Woody, William and Nathan at

Aurora Farm. the only
unsubsidized, family-run seed farm
in North America offering garden seeds
grown using Rudolf Steiner's methods
of spiritual agriculture. http://www.kootenay.com/~aurora

Re: Seed-freeze period

2003-01-22 Thread Aurora Farm
Hi Manfred:
Yes a pit dug in the ground, not freezing,so they would be subject to the
forces of the earth over the crystallization period (Jan l5-Feb15).
Similar to the horn remedies. Although the earth is warmer in the winter
than during the summer and seems to be warmer every year so what results one
would get here I am not sure.
As to which seeds would survive freezing it would likely be those that need
cold stratification(echinacea, flower seeds and some others that I don't
recall presently) and possibly those which are larger and not so subject to
freezer burn. Yes freezing does more closely follow the natural cycle(during
this time period) but anything which is either frozen or heated could lose
some of those forces inherent in nature. With grass seed the freezing would
no doubt have made it better as we are looking at seed which is closer to
the wild stock. I would guess that your friend used the fridge.
By intentional grid we have a place for the seeds which is under devic
guardianship and yes have asked the Seed Deva to hold and protect her
Black root Salsify grows in abundance here and we don't collect those seeds.
You will often find me out pulling that plant close to blooming time so I
don't end up with seeds in the window screens.! Guess I should be cooking it
and saving the seeds too? Judging by its numbers, even after my pulling, it
is a survivor with an incredible seed dispersal mechanism.
Short note on anything frozen or heated.. This would apply more to the
highly domesticated seeds and foods. The wild ones don't need any
Thanks for the good questions. We hear it is minus 44 in Ontario. True?
Major crystallization!
Barbara and Woody
Aurora Farm. the only
unsubsidized, family-run seed farm
in North America offering garden seeds
grown using Rudolf Steiner's methods
of spiritual agriculture.  http://www.kootenay.com/~aurora

-Original Message-
From: manfred [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Wednesday, January 22, 2003 12:44 PM
Subject: Re: Seed-freeze period

- Original Message -
From: Aurora Farm [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, January 22, 2003 5:58 AM
Subject: Re: Seed-freeze period

 Hello Manfred:
 Seeds need to be kept cool and dry(no humidity) and they are best kept in
 glass containers for storage(there is the silica again). We also keep the
 seeds here at Aurora in dark glass containers.
 There has always been the question here as whether to place all the seeds
 into the ground(in their containers) for this crystallization period we
 now in. We have decided against that for 

Thanks, Barbara/Woody:

When you say in the ground, i assume as in a pit or dug rootcellar, where
does not go below freezing.
What i was looking for is any knowledge/experience with exposure of any and
all seeds to below-freezing temperature for at least 2 weeks. Would they
survive? Does this not most closely imitate the natural process of
survival/selection given the additional control of pre-dried,
dark-glassed, non-condensing enclosed protection.
Which seeds will not survive that process? Any? Is there a list?
(I recall an older gardener who said that he always put his grass-seed in
the freezer before spring, because its better that way) ??
He's gone now, and i'm wondering if he said fridge, and not freezer.?
Can you remind me of how long the crystallization period is?
By intentional grid, do you mean a specifically charged area for the seed
haven... or an intuited site which you then assigned to that task with
Your parsnip results are impressive! Do you also have improved longevity
Thanks for your comments in this busy time for you.

Re: Personal Security / Insecurity

2003-01-21 Thread Aurora Farm
Dear List:
Oh good we are not going underground. I have been wanting out of there for
years myself. And if Steiner's teachings had not been so hard to access and
decipher the marketplace would have accepted them a little more readily.
Speaking one's truth really is important particularily in these times we
live in. Otherwise, the cosmic and earthly helpers really can get confused
with our double talk.
I no longer think or feel that I/we are weird (that was an ego trip for
awhile) we are definitely coming into 'our own' . I am, as one , delighted
to be a small part of the planetary change and see the human family
unfolding with the Good, the True and the Beautiful.
It has been fun listening to all the comments on this topic. Lloyd, I wasn't
offended by your comment on lurkers, have really taken the
advice from the Hopi's of not taking anything personally in these changing
It will be of great benefit to all for all of us to honour our own power and
really acknowledge where it comes from as Roger has in his shocking
situation at present.
On another note does anyone have a copy of Lili Kolisko's Agriculture...or
know where one is available? I would very much like to hear some talk of her
work on the list. And some comments on Greg's posts.
And what of the crystallization period we are now in? Anyone with some
direct experience /perception?
At Aurora Farm the ground is covered with snow and in December we finally
received enough moisture for the underground springs to run again. Now the
crystals are nourishing Mother Earth and radiating off into the atmosphere
as well. Feels to me that the drought has broken and some order is returning
through the Water Beings.
We would love to hear what others are experiencing in these realms.
Blessings to All, May the temps and winds moderate for you Roger and
moisture be on its way,
When the going gets rough, the weird turn pro.
Aurora Farm. the only
unsubsidized, family-run seed farm
in North America offering garden seeds
grown using Rudolf Steiner's methods
of spiritual agriculture.  http://www.kootenay.com/~aurora

-Original Message-
From: James Hedley [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Monday, January 20, 2003 9:47 PM
Subject: Re: Personal Security / Insecurity

Dear Lloyd,
This mail was not personally aimed at you. It derived from a sense of
frustration that sometimes the most trite of subjects can keep the list
going for weeks, yet when you mail on your techniques, which I think are
part of the cutting edge of farming you are scratching to get an answer.
somewhere along the line the farming of the future will take the best of
the technologies and synthesise them into a sustainable system.
It is interesting that MacDonald's has quite a large war chest to find a
sustainable system that is able to gain public confidence in their
yet still allow for the supply of consistent quality and quantity.
How do we as sustainable farmers develop systems that are able to supply
enough quantity for even McDonalds, without supplying enough quality food
for the general consumer.
I suppose it depends where you sit when you view what is going on in
farming. My aim is to develop systems that are able to produce quality food
with the minimum of input. I personally have gone down the path of putting
lot of faith in development of technology based on agricultural radionics,
as you have.
A quick back of the hand check on the statistics of compostable materials
world wide will show that if we were to rely on conventional organic
methods, the world would starve, if it was the only method used.
Biodynamics is one of many tools for soil fertility, not the only answer.
Steiner supported the work of Eugen and Lili Kolisko on the use of
homeopathy in Agriculture, yet when it comes to a discussion ofthe merits
otherwise of this research wer got bogged down in the protocol of how we
were to discuss this. End result was that we did not get anywhere.
It is not necessary for Agriculture of Tomorrow to be republished when
are many people on this list who have taken the work out of the realm of
research and into a practical system that could revolutionise the way that
we look at inputs into farming.
Where was the replies to the posts about our work with 501 to reinforce the
action of peppers? Where are the replies to Greg Willis's comments on the
use of homeopathic doses in the Agri-Synthesis system.
What about discussion of the implications of the claims by Steve Storch of
the different bacteria which develop in compost teas in different moon
signs. what are the implications, and what dos it indicate.
Let us look at the bigger picture of what we can do together with the
knowledge that we have as a group. As long as we consider ourselves weird
that is how people will see us. Maybe we can gain some lessons from George
Bush, he does not apologise for what he does, he just does it.
We don't need to apologise for what we do neither

Re: [globalnews] Jesus 'healed using cannabis'

2003-01-17 Thread Aurora Farm
And Madame Blavatsky indulged in hashish herself. Particularily before
seances . Plant medicine.
Aurora Farm. the only
unsubsidized, family-run seed farm
in North America offering garden seeds
grown using Rudolf Steiner's methods
of spiritual agriculture.  http://www.kootenay.com/~aurora

-Original Message-
From: Allan Balliett [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Friday, January 17, 2003 11:32 AM
Subject: Re: [globalnews] Jesus 'healed using cannabis'

Well, roll away the stone, eh?

Don't sound so pious, there, Falwell.  While they may
have blown their story out of proportions due to their
interests, there is definitely some truth to parts of
it.  Gnostics, for one, definitely would use heavily.
And there are many Sufi, Hindu, and Taoist who use.

Although it was commonly stated in the 60's that yoga and trantra
were ways ecstatic states that do not rely on drugs and drugs are not
mentioned in the common traditional texts, people I know who made the
actual pilgrimages to India say that hash is such an essential part
of the practices that noone ever thought there was any reason to
write it down. Everyone already knew to get loaded before they
started their exercises.

And, more close to this list, while they are not my
favorite bunch, the OTO (of whom RS was once a
secretary) heavily uses hash in their rituals.

Now the laughs on me. I never noticed this in the texts. Was it just
standard procedure, not worth mentioning, or was it codified, like
that 'spear in the chalice' talk?

Even if the High Times artice were true, wasn't the Christ in this
version still creating healings that hash-oils alone are not known to
accomplish??? Anyone who know, please tell me more.


Re: Personal Security vs National Security

2003-01-10 Thread Aurora Farm
Gee Lloyd I don't really describe myself or Jane Sherry or Woody as a
lurker. There is nowhere to hide and at a time when many boundaries are
dissolving why would we erect more only to have to erase them at some later
date with all the karmic consequences of that opening and closing?
One of the questions that we may all be asked when we move to the next plane
is Why weren't you truly (personal name)? So being true to our self, self,
self, selves holds much power. And the sooner we acknowledge and honour
those who hold the True Power rather than bleeding our energy off to
authority by way of fear and the like the sooner we will be able to
understand the meaning of vulnerability is the path to freedom.
And what might the Nature Spirits say of tucking away information that needs
to be available to all. The Archangels? God? Anyone able to do a channeling?
You can always sign Anon.
Allan, thought this website might be of use to you
We at Aurora Farm would be happy to pay a small fee per month for the list .
Wouldn't you be able to see who you are dealing with here and not have to
go outside for employment?
Happy 2003 All. Looks like we promise to be dynamic this year.
May All Beings be Gone from Danger and Be Who They Truly Are,

Aurora Farm. the only
unsubsidized, family-run seed farm
in North America offering garden seeds
grown using Rudolf Steiner's methods
of spiritual agriculture.  http://www.kootenay.com/~aurora

-Original Message-
From: Lloyd Charles [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Friday, January 10, 2003 12:01 AM
Subject: Re: Personal Security vs National Security

- Original Message -
From: Allan Balliett [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, January 10, 2003 12:12 AM
Subject: Re: Personal Security vs National Security

Hi Allan
 Have you noticed how the lurkers seem to be against your idea
and most of the active posters in favour ? ('cept Frank of course)
Lloyd Charles

Re: Personal Security vs National Security

2003-01-09 Thread Aurora Farm
Yes Merla Peace and there is a whole other segment of the populus on Turtle
Island holding the faith and praying peace.
Check out www.emissaryoflight.com which is James Twymann's site. Many
interesting activities happening there right now and even how to be at peace
with who we really are and what we came to this plane to do. No need to
Blessings and Peace,
Barbara and Woody
Aurora Farm. the only
unsubsidized, family-run seed farm
in North America offering garden seeds
grown using Rudolf Steiner's methods
of spiritual agriculture.  http://www.kootenay.com/~aurora

-Original Message-
From: Merla Barberie [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Thursday, January 09, 2003 8:48 AM
Subject: Re: Personal Security vs National Security

Yes, please record the early archives and made them available if you

The whole climate in our beloved country is distressing.  I just got a post
on CAFTA, an extension of NAFTA to Central America.  They were keeping the
terms of the treaty secret so that NGOs couldn't protest.  Democracy is
on free speech, yet we are so intimidated that things like this happen to
Allan.  9/11 really dumped these opportunities into the laps of the right
wing and US voters are buying it out of fear.

Many people I know are praying for peace and want no war in Iraq.  We must
continue to create with our wonderful agricultural insights for the good of
humanity and all creatures on earth and continue to meditate and have our
vision of peace.  The cult of secrecy about Bio-Dynamics is lifting.  Each
year that Stella Natura comes out, I perceive more openness.  Allan, you
mustn't be intimidated by the mincing, middle-of-the road organic people.
There has to be a place for someone who calls a spade a spade and who
the envelope.  That's the only way real insights come.  You didn't want
job anyway!

This list is very precious to a lot of people.  What ashamed to have to put
the archive underground.



Lloyd Charles wrote:

 From: Allan Balliett 
  I'm very not comfortable with YahooGroups, for reasons mentioned and
 I detest Yahool!! BDnow is THE BEST
  What I would like to do is keep the archives here and physically
  dispense them on a quarterly basis. The archives would not be
  available to lurkers, only to posters. CD-Rom is the appropriate way
  to go. These could be sent out at cost, etc. Each CD could be
  cumultive, and so on.
 That would be OK
  I'll also move to have the earlier archives expunged.
 I'd like to see these recorded there is a lot of good stuff on those

 Lloyd Charles

Re: Three Kings Prep

2003-01-02 Thread Aurora Farm
Yes you are calling for protection in doing the Three Kings Spray.
Do you not have the directions and kit from Hugh Courtenay at JPI on the
Three Kings? This will tell you all you need to know and the 2001 newsletter
that I mentioned to Allan.
And spraying over top of snow would not do it. Patience and timing mean much
in this situation. If you are not sure what to do re the Three Kings how
about asking your local Nature Spirits and spending some time with the
Overlighting Deva of the Sacred Ground you are on?
Barbara and Woody
Aurora Farm. the only
unsubsidized, family-run seed farm
in North America offering garden seeds
grown using Rudolf Steiner's methods
of spiritual agriculture.  http://www.kootenay.com/~aurora

-Original Message-
From: Merla Barberie [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Thursday, January 02, 2003 4:47 AM
Subject: Re: Three Kings Prep

Allan and Woody,

I didn't express myself well in the previous post.  I have used BD compost
many years, and BC and 500 sprayed every year on the vegetable garden.  I
always used compost, BC and 500, but only used 501 once last year in a
area (This is such an arid place especially during ripening time.) and 508
couple of times when I had a situation that needed it.  What I was
about is that I haven't sequentially sprayed 501 and 508 along with BC and
over our whole garden, orchard and woodland. I only used 501 in a small
area and
508 on a particular problem, not even over the whole garden.  (I am real
that I will have lots of BC and 500 in the 2003 season to spray all over
land and on the road right-of-way and to give to friends to get them

Our hill is covered with 3 feet of snow.  Our homestead is fenced with a NZ
fence around 3 1/2 acres with 21 1/2 acres of woodland outside that fence.
conceive of doing the Three Kings Prep ritual by donning snowshoes and
orienteering through woods around the whole 25 acres of woodland to protect
whole place.  Isn't that what we are doing--calling for protection for our

My question was if I have only sprayed 501 and 508 a little and put BD
only on my veggie and flower beds and a little in the orchard, is that
How can I spray BD preps in 3 feet of snow now?


Allan Balliett wrote:

 One way to get all the preps on the land is the way you've planned:
 make your own BD 500 and BC, make your own BD prepped compost, wait
 it's all ready, then spray.  THEN your intentions are manifested, the
 is enlivened, the Nature Spirits are happily fed, and you can apply the
 icing to the cake with Three Kings.  Not, by all accounts, before that.

 Thanks for this info, Woody.

 I don't know much about this prep, other than the write-ups that have
 been posted to here in the past few weeks.

 Is it appropriate to use this prep at times other than Epiphany?


Re: Three Kings Prep

2003-01-02 Thread Aurora Farm
Hi Allan:
Barbara writing here. No it is not appropriate to use the Three Kings at any
other time of the year. Allan could you possibly post the portion of the JPI
newsletter  (Fall 2001) that talks about what is necessary to have sprayed
biodynamically before applying the Three Kings Spray. It is very important
that one has brought the land to a certain place before applying the Three
Kings lest we betray the nature spirits again. This is the part of the
newsletter re the Three Kings that would be good to see in print on the
list. Thanks.
Aurora Farm. the only
unsubsidized, family-run seed farm
in North America offering garden seeds
grown using Rudolf Steiner's methods
of spiritual agriculture.  http://www.kootenay.com/~aurora

-Original Message-
From: Allan Balliett [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Wednesday, January 01, 2003 2:38 PM
Subject: Re: Three Kings Prep


One way to get all the preps on the land is the way you've planned:
make your own BD 500 and BC, make your own BD prepped compost, wait until
it's all ready, then spray.  THEN your intentions are manifested, the
is enlivened, the Nature Spirits are happily fed, and you can apply the
icing to the cake with Three Kings.  Not, by all accounts, before that.

Thanks for this info, Woody.

I don't know much about this prep, other than the write-ups that have
been posted to here in the past few weeks.

Is it appropriate to use this prep at times other than Epiphany?


Re: Three Kings Prep

2003-01-02 Thread Aurora Farm
Thanks Allan. That's the one. I was away from Aurora on the 22nd so missed
your post.
Blessings, B
Aurora Farm. the only
unsubsidized, family-run seed farm
in North America offering garden seeds
grown using Rudolf Steiner's methods
of spiritual agriculture.  http://www.kootenay.com/~aurora

-Original Message-
From: Allan Balliett [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Thursday, January 02, 2003 6:28 AM
Subject: Re: Three Kings Prep

Hi Allan:
Barbara writing here. No it is not appropriate to use the Three Kings at
other time of the year. Allan could you possibly post the portion of the
newsletter  (Fall 2001) that talks about what is necessary to have sprayed
biodynamically before applying the Three Kings Spray. It is very important
that one has brought the land to a certain place before applying the Three
Kings lest we betray the nature spirits again. This is the part of the
newsletter re the Three Kings that would be good to see in print on the
list. Thanks.
Aurora Farm. th

Barbara - I posted that information here on the 22nd. Here it is
again (If you literally mean an article from Applied Biodynamics,
that's something that, thanks to our recent move, I do not have
access to right now.):

 From JPI:

This info from the Three Kings Prep kit as provided by JPI. This is
scanned from colored paper and passed on unproofread. Please make the
most of the information here. It's not to late to order this prep!!
As we say here at ther ranch: GET IT ON!!!-AB)

The Three Kings Preparation

Please be aware - In light of the events in the world today, it is
increasingly important that more and more people must consciously
take up the use of the Three Kings Preparation and thereby express a
willingness to work with the elemental kingdom, whether we have a
direct awareness of them or not. Humanity has so frequently ignored
and betrayed the elemental beings by our desecration of nature. The
mere fact that these beings are invisible to the majority of human
beings does not mean they do not exist, and the sooner we take some
sort of positive action that provides a message to them that we wish
to work with them, the sooner we can counter much of the chaos so
apparent in the world. No other action on our part can send this
message to the elemental kingdom quite as well as our use of the
Three Kings Preparation. There is one quite fundamental warning that
must be issued to, those who would take up the use of this
preparation: under no circumstances should one use the Three Kings
Preparation unless one has first used all nine of the biodynamic
preparations on the area to -be treated. This is a necessity because
' the nine biodynamic preparations serve to balance as well as to
ground and enhance the existing forces, thereby establishing a
foundation for the elemental kingdom to build upon. Bear in mind that
the biodynamic preparations need to be regarded as forces, not
substances. To apply only the Three Kings Preparation is the
equivalent of placing a fence around livestock, thereby, securing
them from predators, but failing to ensure that the pasture or hay
supply is adequate in the area where they are enclosed. That is why
it is of utmost importance that one should make an additional
commitment to continue to use, in a diligent manner, Steiner's nine
basic biodynamic preparations on the area treated with the Three
Kings Preparation. When using the Three Kings Preparation, you are in
essence sending a message to the elemental kingdom that here within a
'magic circle, they will be provided a safe haven as well as the
profound spiritual nourishment of the biodynamic preparations.
However, failure to provide that nourishment both before and after
using the Three King's Preparation is tantamount to another betrayal
of the elemental world by humanity. We need not betray them again.

How It is Made and Applied

December 31st - At New Year's Eve beginning at 11:30 p.m., using a
porcelain mortar and pestle, grind together 0.175 ozs./5 gms. of
Aurum metallicum D2, 0.175 ozs./5 gms. of Frankincense and 0.175
ozs./5 gms. of Myrrh gum resin for one hour. To this powder add 0.29
ozs./5 gms of rainwater and 0.29 ozs./5 gms. of vegetable glycerin
and thoroughly mix for an additional five minutes. This emulsion can
be used immediately after preparation, but it also remains effective
for years if stored in an airtight, non-metallic container in a cool,
dry and dark area.

January 6th Three Kings Day also known as Epiphany - Add
approximately I teaspoon of the Three Kings Preparation (dissolve
this in a small portion of 140' F water before adding to the larger
quantity of water, otherwise it will remain a stiff paste) to
approximately 2 gallons plus 2 cups of warm rainwater, or sun soaked
pond water. Stir for one hour starting at 1:30 p.m. using a
non-metallic container, with a wooden keg or bucket being the first
choice as a stirring vessel. The method of stirring is the same as is

Re: Three Kings Prep

2003-01-02 Thread Aurora Farm
Sorry for the confusion Jane. What I was meaning was that it wouldn't be
appropriate to spray the BD preps over top of snow (Merla's post)
in order to be able to spray the Three Kings.
Aurora Farm. the only
unsubsidized, family-run seed farm
in North America offering garden seeds
grown using Rudolf Steiner's methods
of spiritual agriculture.  http://www.kootenay.com/~aurora

-Original Message-
From: Jane Sherry [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Thursday, January 02, 2003 9:37 AM
Subject: Re: Three Kings Prep

Well, now I am confused. It is January here in the NE. And there is snow.
That seems pretty predictable. How is it possible that we should NOT spray
if there's snow?

It does seem, having said that, that there wasn't snow last year when we
sprayed the Three Kings.


 From: Aurora Farm [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: Thu, 2 Jan 2003 06:09:22 -0700
 Subject: Re: Three Kings Prep

 And spraying over top of snow would not do it. Patience and timing mean
 in this situation.

Re: dowsing

2003-01-02 Thread Aurora Farm

You wrote: In other words, it works, but I don't know why! which is the
most intelligent thing anyone can say about dowsing, IMO.

Aurora Farm. the only
unsubsidized, family-run seed farm
in North America offering garden seeds
grown using Rudolf Steiner's methods
of spiritual agriculture.  http://www.kootenay.com/~aurora

-Original Message-
Date: Thursday, January 02, 2003 11:11 AM
Subject: dowsing

Can anyone direct me to some good sites on dowsing? Also,
another list, the topic came up of the art of dowsing for foal and calf
sex on the cow or mare. Is this widely done, and can anyone
explain how? I did a pendulum dowsing about 2 months before my
first foal was due. I had 2 mares I wasn't even sure were pregnant
yet the string 'told' me they'd have filly foals. The first one would
have a stud colt. They all came out the sex as predicted. But, I
hesitate to talk much about this to the horse group until I can
present it in a fairly intelligent way.
In other words, it works, but I don't know why!

MM/Mars Make 10 Worst Corporations List

2003-01-02 Thread Aurora Farm
MM/Mars, corporate owner of Seeds of Change, is on the list of10 Worst
Corporations of 2002 compiled by Russell Mokhiber and Robert Weissman,
co-authors of Corporate Predators: The Hunt for MegaProfits and the Attack
on Democracy.

MM/Mars, for responding tepidly to revelations about child slaves in
the West African fields where much of the world's cocoa is grown, and
refusing to commit to purchase a modest 5 percent of its product from Fair
Trade providers.

The full 10 Worst Corporations of 2002 list is available at

Woody and Barbara at
Aurora Farm. the only
unsubsidized, family-run seed farm
in North America offering garden seeds
grown using Rudolf Steiner's methods
of spiritual agriculture.  http://www.kootenay.com/~aurora

Re: Three Kings Prep

2003-01-01 Thread Aurora Farm

One way to get all the preps on the land is the way you've planned:
make your own BD 500 and BC, make your own BD prepped compost, wait until
it's all ready, then spray.  THEN your intentions are manifested, the ground
is enlivened, the Nature Spirits are happily fed, and you can apply the
icing to the cake with Three Kings.  Not, by all accounts, before that.
Aurora Farm. the only
unsubsidized, family-run seed farm
in North America offering garden seeds
grown using Rudolf Steiner's methods
of spiritual agriculture.  http://www.kootenay.com/~aurora

-Original Message-
From: Merla Barberie [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Wednesday, January 01, 2003 8:24 AM
Subject: Three Kings Prep

I have sprayed 501 once and used 508 a couple of times in the past year,
but never done sequential spraying of all the preps.  Should I wait
until next year to do the Three Kings spraying?



Happy Solstice -- Greetings from Aurora Farm

2002-12-21 Thread Aurora Farm
Dear Friends:

May the blessings of the Landscape Devas, wherever you are, suffuse your
work on the land.  May the Nature Spirits acknowledge your stewardship and
thrive on your best intentions.  May the Light of the Etheric Web bring Joy
to your heart as you sow and harvest.  May the Life of Giaia flow through
your soil, your plants, your animals and yourselves.

Thank you for who you are becoming,

Woody and Barbara at
Aurora Farm. the only
unsubsidized, family-run seed farm
in North America offering garden seeds
grown using Rudolf Steiner's methods
of spiritual agriculture.  http://www.kootenay.com/~aurora

SOLSTICE OFFER:  Our printed catalog FREE today only.  Just send your
mailing address [offlist] to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Dormant Oil and Lime Sulfur vs. CT and Pfeiffer's clay/manure mixture

2002-12-18 Thread Aurora Farm

The short answer is that Dormant Oil and Lime Sulfur doesn't FEED the tree.
BD Tree Paste does.  Here's an excerpt from my article on trees at Aurora
Farm, which can be read in full at

In Lecture Seven of the Agriculture Course, Rudolf Steiner sails forth with
one of those astounding insights that makes the reader gasp: the only part
of the tree that is plant-like are the small branches that bear leaves,
flowers and fruit.  The great mass of trunk and large limbs is really
mounded-up soil, soil that is simply in a more living condition than the
soil in which our herbaceous plants and grains are growing. 2)

 The plant-like parts are rooted in the twigs and branches of the tree just
as other plants are rooted in the Earth.

 Thus, in Biodynamic practice, we fertilize and cultivate the tree trunk,
that mounded-up, much enlivened soil.

Ehrenfried Pfeiffer says:

  For the treatment of tree trunks, especially to keep
  the bark smooth, to protect it from splitting and to
  heal any injuries, the trees should have once a year,
  during winter, a coating of sticky fluid paste, up to
  the lightest branches.  This paste consists of equal
  parts of clay, cow manure, and sand.  Herr M. K
  Schwarz tells us that this coat prevents the sap from'
  rising too soon and thus wards off danger from frosts. 3)

Pfeiffer goes on to say that he has modified this recipe by adding BD#500
(horn manure) preparation and BD#508 (equisetum);  also, as remedies, he
an extract of oak bark (disinfection and preventing pests from breeding),
extract of nasturtium (American blight), extract of calendula (injuries).
He also suggests a routine washing and brushing of tree with BD#508 in
autumn or winter.

 Two other variations:

Hugh Courtney:

6-9 parts betonite
2-3 parts BD Compound preparation (Barrel Compost)
2-4 units BD#500
1 part rock dust
small amount of linseed or castor oil
BD#508, fermented, enough to make the paste liquid for brushing or spraying

Ferdinand Vondruska:

1/3 Clay, 1/3 Cow manure, 1/6 milk and 1/6 silica (or waterglass).

'The above  mix thinly applied (spring and fall) to fruit trees, bushes,
roses etc. does work wonders and rejuvenates them within two years
(Forest trees appear not to respond in the same way, I found) Perhaps
hazel, beech and similar trees may do so.

Aurora Farm. the only
unsubsidized, family-run seed farm
in North America offering garden seeds
grown using Rudolf Steiner's methods
of spiritual agriculture.  http://www.kootenay.com/~aurora

-Original Message-
From: Merla Barberie [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Wednesday, December 18, 2002 12:29 PM
Subject: Dormant Oil and Lime Sulfur vs. CT and Pfeiffer's clay/manure

I am trying to make our place more Bio-Dynamic and better in every way
that I can.  I could just ask the above question, but it's more fun to
tell it as a story...

My husband doesn't believe in Bio-Dynamics, but he has given in a lot
over the years and I try to involve him in every way I can.  He makes
the holes when I inoculate the compost pile with the preps and he dug
the holes for the horns.  Over the years he has conceded to do things by
the calendar.  He does everything in the orchard, but I want to upgrade
our orchard practice.

We are nature lovers.  We prefer nature rather than the look of a farm.
Our cabin is surrounded by the most beautiful stand of snowberries and
Oregon grape that have been outstanding through this long fall we have
had up to now.  When the heavy snow comes, they are mashed down under
the snow.

The orchard is on a wild meadow.  We did not plow the whole acre.  We
merely dug big holes and put compost in them.  We've had this orchard
for 15 years.  The orchard contains wild grasses, lots of St. Johnswort,
pearly everlasting, red clover, serviceberry, some wild shrubs that I
can't name and other wild plants.  Herb cuts down any softwood tree
seedlings that appear, but the two vine maple shrubs only gets bigger
when you cut them down.  We mow around the fruit trees and put straw
around them.  We've never fertilized.  I put tree paste on some trees
that had lichen on them.  We have 40 heritage apples--pears, plums,
cherries, buartnuts, walnuts, filberts, oaks (I wanted more walnuts, but
Herb wanted oaks and they are infinitesimal.)  We have 24 boxes of
apples in the root cellar now and they are delicious.  The heritage
apple trees bear every other year.  Really, our orchard needs help

I will have lots of BC and 500 this year.  I am planning to put some
around the drip line of the trees.  I also read with interest the BD Now
email about Pfeiffer clay/manure/sand...clay/manure spray...tree
paste...and asked on the compost_tea list/serve about CT sprays for tent
caterpillars and cedar apple rust rather than using dormant oil and lime
sulfur.  Elaine suggested Beauveria (Mycotrol) and SP-1 bacterial
inoculum from Agri-Energy

PLEASE, don't think that that is all you can do

2002-12-17 Thread Aurora Farm
Allan and the List:

With all the techno-jargon, acronyms and doublespeak, this issue of
seedstock contamination may seem a little abstractbut of course, it's
very basic.  As for what else we can do to take back our power from the
greed-obsessed, it's very simple and we were doing it for thousands of years
before this government and these corporations were ever thought of. WE NEED
TO SAVE OUR OWN SEEDS, in the backyard garden, at the CSA, on the righteous
homestead.  If hundreds of thousands of gardeners and farmers keep their own
foundation seedstocks, cherish and share them, we'll be OK while the
dinosaurs play out their final act.

My Manifesto for Seeds, published in ACRES USA, Permaculture Activist, and
many places on the Web, is on our website, below.

Woody at
Aurora Farm. the only
unsubsidized, family-run seed farm
in North America offering garden seeds
grown using Rudolf Steiner's methods
of spiritual agriculture.  http://www.kootenay.com/~aurora

It Takes a Community to Raise a Child--Compassion with Action in Support of Aurora Farm

2002-12-16 Thread Aurora Farm
Dear Friends and Family:
We are writing at this time to ask for your assistance in supporting Aurora
Farm. This is the time of year when seed sales count in determining how and
if we can continue the real work of producing open-pollinated, heirloom,
conscious seeds for the future.
Last week my son, Nathan and I were involved in a motor vehicle accident
enroute to Colorado where he is launching into his new life with his
brother, Sky. I was to continue the journey into New Mexico and on to
California, Oregon and Washington selling gift packets and taking orders for
seed displays. Some of the funds were to go to set Nathan up in his new
life. Others to fund Aurora Farm.
As some of you may know Nathan is an intuitive and has channelled the
Nature Spirits here at Aurora Farm from a young age. He also does land and
aura readings . These gifts are common in the Indigo Children.
We would very much appreciate your financial assistance(and no we are not
Nigerian) in purchasing either gift packets or individual seed orders. Our
catalog is now available . Please reply to us off list so we don't jam up
BDNow. Nathan's email (he is now in Colorado)  is [EMAIL PROTECTED]
One last request, if there is anyone on the list who would have a market and
be able to distribute 200 plus gift packets (with commission) please reply
to us again off list.
Looking for a more joyous and appropriate coming of age ceremony for Mother
and Child.
Blessings All
 May we All be Gone from Danger, and Have Gratitude for Life,
Barbara and Woody

Aurora Farm. the only
unsubsidized, family-run seed farm
in North America offering garden seeds
grown using Rudolf Steiner's methods
of spiritual agriculture.  http://www.kootenay.com/~aurora

-Original Message-
From: Nancy Geffken [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Sunday, December 15, 2002 3:33 AM
Subject: RE: December 11, 2002 Global Temperature Near Record for 2002

Barry Carter [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Please note that the IPCC projections mentioned below DO NOT take into
account the possibility that the earth's climate can transition abruptly
into one of many states. This is, increasingly, being viewed as a real
possibility given what we now know about the planet's climatic past.

I have been wondering how this may affect efforts to maintain and develop
open-pollinated seeds - can our varieties keep up with the pace of climate
change? The article in the last issue of Biodynamics Saving Seed Makes
Sense by Brett Grosgahl described how it can take years of dedicated
selection to get a variety well adapted to your individual growing
conditions. If those conditions are swinging from extreme to extreme 

I don't know if genetic engineering will offer any solution - maybe if we
move into periods of consistent drought or sub-normal temperatures, but can
the labs breed seeds that will grow through the unpredictable and rapid

It underlines the ever-pressing need for o-p seed trials, to find those
varieties which somehow manage to grow regardless of what nature may throw
at them - and/or the need to plant multiple varieties in anticipation of all
conditions. Go through the SSE Yearbook and look for the 100 year olds, the
Never Fails, the Champions, the Wonders as a starting point.
Biodynamics began with a need to revigorate seed stocks, and we still face
that need today.

Just wondering what the future may bring as I clean the last of the 2002
seed crops. Will these seeds make it through next year's conditions? Will
they still be growing here 10 years from now?

Nancy G.

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Re: Perfect Orchard - gelignite?

2002-12-16 Thread Aurora Farm
Sometimes the dictionary is just what we need:  Gelignite n. An explosive
mixture, comprised of nitroglycerine, guncotton, wood pulp, and potassium
nitrate. [GEL(atin) + Lat. ignis, fire + ITE.]

Would probably work nicely to loosen soil, eh?
Woody at
Aurora Farm. the only
unsubsidized, family-run seed farm
in North America offering garden seeds
grown using Rudolf Steiner's methods
of spiritual agriculture.  http://www.kootenay.com/~aurora

-Original Message-
From: Doug  Jay Stewart [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Monday, December 16, 2002 10:44 AM
Subject: Re: Perfect Orchard - gelignite?

What is gelignite?  How is it used? Where is it obtained?


From: Peter Michael Bacchus [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Sun, 15 Dec 2002 22:49:03 +1300

If you really do need to loosen the subsoil mechanically I suggest that
look at
I have seen it used to good effect under trees that were stunted by hard
pan. In this way the topsoil would remain on top.

STOP MORE SPAM with the new MSN 8 and get 2 months FREE*

Re: Ferdinand's clay coating

2002-12-16 Thread Aurora Farm
OK, Allan, Here's what I wrote to Lily, offline:  Lily:

You'll probably get contradictory answers to your question about a sealant
for the cut tree limb.  My gut feeling is that none is needed, especially
considering the season.  I might feel differently if it were Spring and the
sap was bleeding from the cut.

There are good reasons, even so, to think in terms of a
not-totally-waterproof sealing of cow manure, clay, or best of all
biodynamic Tree Paste.  Recipies for the latter can be found at our website.

Woody at

Aurora Farm. the only
unsubsidized, family-run seed farm
in North America offering garden seeds
grown using Rudolf Steiner's methods
of spiritual agriculture.  http://www.kootenay.com/~aurora

-Original Message-
From: Allan Balliett [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Monday, December 16, 2002 3:03 PM
Subject: Re: Ferdinand's clay coating

OK, Woody - Let's hope you are really there...or here! -Allan

Wasn't it Ferdinand who was coating his tree trunks in the
wintertime with a mixture of cow manure and clay? Is anyone else
doing this and if so, what are the benefits / results?

Re: Hugo Erbe

2002-12-09 Thread Aurora Farm
Thanks for this Mark and by the way and now that there is some talk of the
elementals did any of you who did the 3 Kings spray have any observations
and experiences or are you all too fully immersed in virtual reality?
Markess? Jane? Allan?
Blessings, Barbara and Woody
Aurora Farm. the only
unsubsidized, family-run seed farm
in North America offering garden seeds
grown using Rudolf Steiner's methods
of spiritual agriculture.  http://www.kootenay.com/~aurora

-Original Message-
From: Allan Balliett [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Monday, December 09, 2002 4:30 AM
Subject: Re: Hugo Erbe

Mark -

I'm certainly interested in a copy for myself.

You can contact Hugh Courtney at [EMAIL PROTECTED] to get an
order from JPI. Hugh's very into the elemental stuff and, as you
know, there are very few good books out.


PS Yes, I'd be happy buying my copy from JPI

Three Kings Spray Attn Patricia Smith

2002-12-03 Thread Aurora Farm
Greetings from Aurora, Patricia!

The detailed instructions that came with the kit and articles in the Winter
2001-2002 issue of Applied Biodynamics gave us the HOW, in exquisite detail;
the WHY was less apparent, and the WHAT THEN question not really asked.

It's one of those you had to have been there experiences, not easily put
into words.

We'll spare you the details of how we did the spray, except to note that on
Ephinany it was cold and clear as we stirred the preparation out back of the
house, to the north...we trudged the boundaries of Aurora Farm, in places
bushwacking seldom used routes in knee deep snow.  Barbara sprayed and Woody
carried a pail with more of the stirred, precious mixture.

So, what have we noticed?  What phenomena are there that we can ascribe to
the influence of the Three Kings spray?  Parricia asks: Even if those
experiences are of a subtle or ephemeral nature, please consider sharing
with us.  and calls Three Kings this interesting supplement to the
biodynamic preparations...

It's interesting, all right.

1] Doves have come to us this year, for the first time in our 14 year tenure
here.  Always there have been doves in the fir/cedar woods to the northwest
of the property, perhaps half a mile away, but never right here on the 31
acres.  This living, peaceful pair nested in a clump of snowberry and
saskatoon brush next to the small pond behind the workshop, visible from the
kitchen window command center.  There they'd be, swooping and
sailing...never far from that sacred spot that contains, besides the pond,
two round beds, one of St. John's Wort, the other valerian.

2] Other birds we'd not seen before arrived on the scene this spring,
summer, and fallrosey finches and others.

3] Away beyond, but right in line with pond and orchard, most of a mile away
is Mr. T's hay pile.  Mr T was an eccentric farmer, a neighbor who was known
for doing it his way or not at all.  He'd cut hay from his fields, and when
he couldn't get his asking price, rather than compromise, he'd just pile it
up, first in his huge hay barn, then outside.  This happened year after year
until last year when he died.
The pile that resulted was HUGE...perhaps 100 feet long, the equivalent of 8
bales high and 25 feet wide.  And there was another behind it, almost as
large.  Many thousands of bales.  We'd watched this pile build over the
years, watched the deer feed from the edges, wondered what danger there was
of spontaneous combustion...we could just picture [but didn't dare speak of
it, for fear of calling in the reality] that pile smouldering for months,
the prevalent southerly winds bringing it right to us.  We also wondered,
vaguely, about fungal pathogens or unwanted spores coming our way from the
damp recesses of those amazing piles.  When we heard that Mr. T had died and
that Mr. K, the farmer neighbor to the west, had bought the place, we
wondered if we could pinch a few intact bales for garden mulch, and Mr. K
allowed this.  He also told us he intended to deal with those
piles...unstring the bales, load the stuff into a spreader and repile,
aerating it in the process.  A massive job, but Mr. K figured he had a
market for it among the local organic growers.

Well, we brought in the mulch, probably 20 pickups full, and Lord knows that
the spores and microlife had every opportunity to drift our way as this
months-long process took place.

4) We have on the farm the Little House which has served over our l4 years
here as apprenticeship housing, workshop participant housing, and for short
periods has been rented. Not all of these arrangements have been totally
harmonious and we maintain that the land is speaking more loudly regarding
who comes and who lives here. The vibration between humans and land would
seem to be more balanced

5) With what we interpret as Mother Earth vibratiing at a higher level and
the resonance lowered we have noticed the animals and birds
coming much closer than they have previously and birds nesting much closer
to the ground. It would seem that it is now easier to access dimensions not
previously known.

The birds, the hay compost, the renters...what general impulse is at work
here? What's going on?  We've begun to see it as boundary dissolution, a
fading of the protective/defensive barriers we'd erected with our
thoughts...and this lowering of boundaries allows outside influences to
suffuse the land and our work...influences previously barred.

And simultaneously our boundaries melt and we begin to trust in that ever
present help of the Spirit world

These are some of the things we have noticed since we applied the 3 Kings

In the Light,
Barbara and Woody


Aurora Farm. the only
unsubsidized, family-run seed farm
in North America offering garden seeds
grown using Rudolf Steiner's methods
of spiritual agriculture.  http://www.kootenay.com/~aurora

What Is Biodynamics?

2002-08-26 Thread Aurora Farm
 cosmic rhythms when working with various types of crops.]

And, if you've gotten this far with open mind intact , Life Force
Agriculture by Tom Meier at http://www.kootenay.com/~aurora/lifeforc.html
The Nature of Forces by Hugh Lovel at


Woody at
Aurora Farm. the only
unsubsidized, family-run seed farm
in North America offering garden seeds
grown using Rudolf Steiner's methods
of spiritual agriculture.  http://www.kootenay.com/~aurora

Fw: Biodynamic compost !

2002-08-26 Thread Aurora Farm


BB is not a list member, so please reply to him directly, as well as copying

-Original Message-
Date: Monday, August 26, 2002 1:54 PM
Subject: Biodynamic compost !

We're trying to make a home garden and need to now how to make and how to
used a silica horn, a manure horn and a clay one !
And how and when to mix the herbs !
Is there any where that we can get ready compost in Florida.
We live in Miami, FL., do you have any address of any local farms?

Thank You for your time and assistance

Best Regards
Bernard Ball

Let's Get On With It! [was: Kolisko's Work was Re: Viability of Homeopathic Potencies

2002-08-11 Thread Aurora Farm

You guys...why are you worrying about this.  A bunch of BD freaks on an
email list share a long out of date, obscure, long out of print
book...Fragments of it at a time.  Big deal!  Information wants to be
free...the slogan rings true here.  Let's get on with it and discuss it.
I've been curious about Koliskos' work for many years, with no way to find
out about it.  Hooray to Lloyd for having the guts to put it out there for

Aurora Farm. the only
unsubsidized, family-run seed farm
in North America offering garden seeds
grown using Rudolf Steiner's methods
of spiritual agriculture.  http://www.kootenay.com/~aurora

-Original Message-
From: Allan Balliett [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Sunday, August 11, 2002 10:53 AM
Subject: Re: Kolisko's Work was Re: Viability of Homeopathic Potencies

Should be a sunset clause on copyright - if they have not recouped
from 1978 to now its not our fault!

how can we find out about this?

Re: FW: [globalnews] Stop the Corporate Takeover of our Water

2002-07-28 Thread Aurora Farm


Why do you assume the DL [bless his occasionally meat=eating person] has to
DO something--not that he doesn't do things.  His BEING is enough, as guide,
inspiration and symbol of hope for many, including his countrymen.

Aurora Farm. the only
unsubsidized, family-run seed farm
in North America offering garden seeds
grown using Rudolf Steiner's methods
of spiritual agriculture.  http://www.kootenay.com/~aurora

-Original Message-
From: Allan Balliett [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Sunday, July 28, 2002 12:48 PM
Subject: Re: FW: [globalnews] Stop the Corporate Takeover of our Water

Gandhi and the Dalai Lama come to mind, two examples of human beings who

seem to be wise, joyful, positive and patient in the face of extreme

political and social adversity.

Let me risk being not being pc for a moment and ask, because I am
apparently ignorant, what the Dalai Llama - - this man who will only
eat meat if some else slaughters it for him = -  has achieved for
other Tibetans. -Allan

Re: Spores for mushrooms

2002-03-14 Thread Aurora Farm

Dear Roelof:


Can you tell us where you are writing from?  the ...be... at the end of your
email address isn't on my country suffix list...

Aurora Farm is the only
unsubsidized, family-run seed farm
in North America offering garden seeds
grown using Rudolf Steiner's methods
of spiritual agriculture.  http://www.kootenay.com/~aurora

-Original Message-
Date: Thursday, March 14, 2002 12:56 PM
Subject: Spores for mushrooms

Dear list members,

Can someone provide for addresses of where one could get spores for a
variety of mushroom species ?.


Re: Re[2]: Compost for Brewers

2002-03-14 Thread Aurora Farm

Allan writes: some sort of baseline for the substances
Well, yes...FWIW.  But let's never forget that it's FORCES we're working
with here, not just substances.  Brer Lovel's The Nature of Forces bears

Woody and Barbara
Aurora Farm is the only
unsubsidized, family-run seed farm
in North America offering garden seeds
grown using Rudolf Steiner's methods
of spiritual agriculture.  http://www.kootenay.com/~aurora

-Original Message-
From: Allan Balliett [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Thursday, March 14, 2002 6:02 PM
Subject: Re[2]: Compost for Brewers

  Hi  Allan,
  our budget is very tide this year but I would contribute to the
  expense provided it is within reason. It would be very interesting
  get it analysed by Elain
  Thank`s Tobias

Thanks, Tobias.

Does someone have the time to run the numbers across Elaine's
webpage? (i.e. what does it cost to run these tests on one sample)
Then we can go from there.

I think we owe it to ourselves to gather some sort of baseline for
the substances we are working with, particularly BC and the Pfeiffer



Dowsing and Intuition

2002-03-07 Thread Aurora Farm

Dear Ones:

I'd like to see some discussion about others' experience of intuition.  How
do we come to just know something.  The exchange below seems strong on the
sense of hearing, but there's a more general statement Try directly
receiving the answer  as well.  My intuition comes literally in flashes,
brief images, directing me to what needs attention.  Nanosecond brief, and
then it goes and I have the choice of ignoring it or acting in accordance
with it.  This happens for me dozens of times a day.  There's no need to
validate with dowsing, though I do use a pendulum for some other kinds of
choices, i.e., is this '68 Chev pickup we're thinking of buying a good one
for our needs???  The brief flashes of intuition that I experience as
images do not occupy the whole visual field, they're more like a window off
on the edge of the field.


Aurora Farm is the only
unsubsidized, family-run seed farm
in North America offering garden seeds
grown using Rudolf Steiner's methods
of spiritual agriculture.  http://www.kootenay.com/~aurora

-Original Message-
From: Wayne and Sharon McEachern [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Thursday, March 07, 2002 5:54 AM
Subject: Re: Agri-Synthesis® short-lived and overpriced? was Re:
Agri-Synthesis® Remedies Tested At UAI

Please read on.

Glen Atkinson wrote:

 It is not that dowsing is bad so much as a starting place and that one
 needs to progress thru to the personal experience of the awareness as
 quickly as one can.
 Today while talking with someone about the inner nature of the 8 pointed
 star, I said I can give you an experience of the answer in 3 minutes or
 I can tell you the answer immediately.* There is a world of difference
 in the knowingness of the person from this choice.
 This process is just another muscle we need to exercise to get
 functioning. However the first step on the journey must be taken.
 Try directly receiving the answer first and then check it with dowsing.
 I sure this will speed the process up.

That is great Glen!  I am not as fluid with this as Sharon is -- like you
she hears the answers and when working with checking for 300 or so
essences to make a custom essence solution -- she will have the process
in a matter of a couple minutes.

Being more a dowser myself -- and not so quick in the intuitive as perhaps
you and
Sharon -- I use the pendulum to back up what I am hearing.  I completely
relied on
the dowsing at first -- but now -- I find that I am hearing the answer
before the
pendulum swings -- just as you say.

I believe that it is still important for folks who do not trust their
(hearing) to use some type of tool for communication.  The tester may find
dowsing is good for them -- or maybe they will find that kinesiology is
better --
whatever  But these communication techniques are good for starting --
and with
practice, a person will  then begin hearing and trusting their intuition
But -- the main thing is to learn that this level of consciousness exists
and we
need to use it in order that we work much closer to the Source.




Sharon and Wayne McEachern



A Divine Program for Healing and Transformation


Expressing the Light

A Ministry Dedicated to the Divine Process


Re: Copper garden tools, ..still

2002-03-03 Thread Aurora Farm

Manfred and All:

Peaceful Valley Farm Supply www.groworganic.com carries a hook-type 
cultivator with copper rivet for about $24.

You mention Lee Valley Tools. Probably a lot of folks in 
the U.S. aren't familiar with this Canadian company, which carries high quality 
garden and woodworking tools at very reasonable prices, even more reasonable 
considering that the U.S. dollar is worth $1.60 Canadian these days.. 
Their classic reprint series of books, long out of print until they republished 
them, is very interesting. And, they have the ORIGINAL duct tape--twice as 
strong and twice as sticky!www.leevalley.com 

Aurora Farm is the onlyunsubsidized, family-run seed farm in North 
America offering garden seedsgrown using Rudolf Steiner's methods of 
spiritual agriculture. http://www.kootenay.com/~aurora

  -Original Message-From: 
  Manfred Palmer [EMAIL PROTECTED]To: 
  Saturday, March 02, 2002 8:24 PMSubject: Re: Copper garden 
  tools, ..still
  Folks :
  I checked with Lee Valley Tools, and apparently 
  they don't carry the copper-button Hoe anymore. I've requested info on their 
  old stock. I remember it more as a large copper rivet whose sloughing-off 
  would be much less imposing than sprinkling around filings of copper, 
  I did not purchase one at the time because i 
  could not reconcile Frank's similar concern with any copper in the ground 
  without a basis in existing presence , and the voluminous amount 
  --suggested by Schauberger-via -Steve --thru the use of 
  severalplowshares at a time. 
  Frank, Steve, : does it repulse worms/microlife, 
  orover-ridingly benefit in water-retention properties?
  Should we be that concerned as Schauberger 
  seemed to be?The proportion of copper in 
  bronze is obviously less than a "pure" copper contact.
  Incidentally, Lee Valley also sold longish copper 
  strips -1-inch wide for slugs in the garden forits electro/chemical 

Re: Sharp Sand for potting mix

2002-03-01 Thread Aurora Farm


Rambler writes: to which i add  worm pee

How _do_ you get those worms to pee in a cup for you?

Aurora Farm is the only
unsubsidized, family-run seed farm
in North America offering garden seeds
grown using Rudolf Steiner's methods
of spiritual agriculture.  http://www.kootenay.com/~aurora

-Original Message-
Date: Friday, March 01, 2002 3:28 PM
Subject: Re: Sharp Sand for potting mix

Allan Balliett wrote:

 I'm going a little nutty right now, trying to learn a jargon so I can
 speak with people who are quite a drive from me and who really don't
 have the time to spoon feed the ignorant.

 I'm looking to buy a few yards of 'crushed gravel sand' to use in a
 potting mix formulation recommended by Heinz Grotzke in Biodynamic
 Greenhouse Management.

 So far, I've been offered trap dust and 1/4inch (and lower) stuff
 from a realatively close-by quarry. If I can communicate screen size,
 I think I can buy what I need.

 AND, I would assume that it's cool to take basalt instead of granite, eh?

 Which is to say that I've found a source for basalt trap dust down
 here. My recollection is that it tests very highly on the Callahan
 scale (paramagnetics), but I'll have to have it tested again.



Hi Allan I use a basalt rock dust in my potting mixes . i also add about
10% fine clay dust from my own subsoil. This brings in a bit more
phosphate and the clay infuence to a potting mix . For sand i use about
10% any more then that and your seedling trays become too heavy to lift
and carry.
The best seed sowing/potting mix is made with leaf mould. Each year I
make up a ix to be used the following year.To a collection of 60%
softwood and 30% hard wood  leaves mixed with seed free grass or a green
crop. I add 10% fine sand 10% fine clay 10% chicken manure, 10% cow
manure, alight sprinkling of lime.Prep500,502-508. Each time i turn the
pile i add armfulls of comphrey and nettle, 20 litre bucket of worm
castings from the worm farm to kick start the process  and  sprinkle a
handful of Barrel Compost over the pile. I keep the heap covered with
weedmat that allows rain through but keeps out the birds and prevents
weed seed contamination. It also keeps the temperture more even and
bring the worms evenly through the whole heap. this make a very good
friable mix ready to use with out any screening except to cover the
seeds.I also use this as apotting mix by adding some fish and seaweed
meal about a month before use.All seedlings are then sprayed twice month
with a foliar tea. At planting time all plants are dipped into  Rooting
Compound  from Garuda Biodynamics to which i add  worm pee.

Cheers Tony Robinson
Rambler Flowers

Cheers Tony

Seeds key to rebuilding devastated farms.

2002-02-25 Thread Aurora Farm


Thank you very much for posting this.  The actual headline was: Seeds key
to rebuilding devastated farms.  Here at Aurora Farm we have been trying
for weeks to find a way to get some seeds to Afganistan, into the hands of
the smallholders.  Our offering would be a pittance alongside the 100s of
tons of seeds this article says is needed, but ours are grown by Rudolf
Steiner's methods and include healing herbs and food-for-the-soul flowers.
Even this very specific article does not give us much help in getting seeds
there.  We've contacted Abundant Life Seed Foundation's World Seed Fund, and
have had no response yet.  We contacted James Twyman, the Peace Trubador,
who was scheduled to go there, and received the reply that they couldn't
even get James into the country, much less our seeds.

Any ideas, anyone?  Seed Savers Exchange?

Woody and Barbara
Aurora Farm is the only
unsubsidized, family-run seed farm
in North America offering garden seeds
grown using Rudolf Steiner's methods
of spiritual agriculture.  http://www.kootenay.com/~aurora

-Original Message-
Date: Monday, February 25, 2002 8:26 AM
Subject: Restoring soil and dealing with drought in Afghanistan

I was so glad to see that BD is active in India.  Are there any BD farming
aid groups that
could help in Afghanistan? (see article below)   I would think that the
radionics people could
be very helpful in a drought.   Some good BD food might go a long way
toward easing all the
anger and anguish in that area of the world.  Are there organic projects
like the one in India
in developing and least developed countries?

 *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *

 Financial Times

 ASIA-PACIFIC: Seeds are key to rebuilding devastated farms: A massive
 to replace seeds lost to drought and war has been unveiled, writes John
 Financial Times; Feb 14, 2002

 The long-term recovery of Afghanistan's farming, devastated by three
 of extreme drought and 23 years of war culminating in the recent US
 campaign, depends on one thing above all else - seeds, say leading food

 Plans to launch the largest-ever programme to replace a region's lost and
 damaged seed stocks were announced yesterday by a consortium of respected
 international agricultural research institutes and others. The
 goal is to create the critical mass of seed needed for Afghan farmers to
 then produce their own seed supplies and so achieve food security. Some
 125,000 tonnes of seed are required, a target that could be reached
 three years, say scientists involved.

 Adel El-Beltagy, director-general of the Syrian-based International
 for Research in the Dry Areas (ICARDA), which is leading the effort,
 Right now, the seed situation in Afghanistan is critical. We believe the
 majority of the country's seeds were lost when farmers planted the 2001
 crop. When the rains failed for the third year in a row, it put an end to
 their ability to stay on the land.

 The trick the scientists are trying to pull off, under difficult
 circumstances, is to build the foundations for a long-term, sustainable
 recovery. What they hope to avoid are the short-term emergency responses
 some development agencies that often fail because they are technically

 If Afghanistan is going to get back on its feet, and if we are going to
 diminish dependency on food aid programmes, development programmes are
 going to have to make sure that they provide Afghan farmers with
 appropriate technology and policies, said Mr El-Beltagy.

 However, launching such a programme in the current climate in Afghanistan
 has risks, Mr El-Beltagy concedes. Uncertain political stability outside
 the capital of Kabul and minefields and other physical legacies of years
 war provide constraints. Mines are risks we are well aware of. After the
 temporary Afghan government, there will be a permanent government. We
 link up with them and try to have a proper dialogue. But there are risks,
 yes, he said. Although Dollars 12m has already been committed to the
 project, further funding will also be required, he said.

 Seeds will include those of traditional varieties of wheat, maize,
 chick peas and lentils, which have been used for centuries.

 In 1992, Afghanistan's national agricultural gene-bank, which stored
 and other plant material, was destroyed during the civil war. However,
 samples of some, if not most, of these seeds will be replenished from
 gene-banks run by the consortium's members, such as the Mexico-based
 research institute.

 Restoring the seed supply is seen as so critical that 75 per cent of the
 consortium's budget will be spent in this area. Other money will go on
 improving goat and sheep herds, almost half of which have been lost,
 restoring soil and water management and reintroducing native fruit and


2002-02-25 Thread Aurora Farm

  ^   ^   ^   ^   ^

With what work are you occupied,
and for what purpose are you purchased?
What sort of bird are you,
and with what digestive are you eaten?
Pass up this shop of hagglers
and seek the shop of Abundance where God is the purchaser.*
There Compassion has bought
the shabby goods no one else would look at.
With that Purchaser no base coin is rejected,
for making a profit is not the point.

 -- Mathnawi VI:1264-1267
  Version by Camille and Kabir Helminski
  Rumi: Jewels of Remembrance
  Threshold Books, 1996

Mail Irridiation - Seeds

2002-02-20 Thread Aurora Farm

Dear Folks:

We've checked with several other seed companies to find out what they're
doing, and what their understanding is of the situation:

From Rico at Horizon Herbs in Oregon:

In short, USPS is irradiating at two places in the eastern US.  They have
bowed to the seed industry and assure us that they do not irradiate packages
stating LIVE SEEDS, DO NOT IRRADIATE.  Our postal shipments now are
labelled in this manner.  Regards,  Richo

From Deb at Abundant Life Seed Foundation in Washington State:

 We speak to our post office on a weekly basis - right now they are
irradiating those envelopes that are mailed to 6 specific zipcodes in
Wash DC ( we ups there) and envelopes out of New Jersey - they assure
us and because we have also checked with the postmaster general - who
says the same thing at this point we are trusting and still sending
the bulk of our seeds through the post office.  deb

No response yet from Johnny's or Turtle Tree...

Woody and Barbara
Aurora Farm is the only
unsubsidized, family-run seed farm
in North America offering garden seeds
grown using Rudolf Steiner's methods
of spiritual agriculture.  http://www.kootenay.com/~aurora

Re: Demeter Non-Profit - Not!

2002-02-19 Thread Aurora Farm

Hi Frank:
Yes war sucks bigtime. And there are other choices for the good of all.
Think it has to do with cooperation.
Blessings, Barbara
Aurora Farm is the only
unsubsidized, family-run seed farm
in North America offering garden seeds
grown using Rudolf Steiner's methods
of spiritual agriculture.  http://www.kootenay.com/~aurora

-Original Message-
From: Frank Teuton [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Tuesday, February 19, 2002 8:51 AM
Subject: Re: Demeter Non-Profit - Not!

Hi Jane,

Sorry but all I have for you is a chiding admonishment, eh? Please think of
it kindly

When reading these 'sturm und drang' posts please read carefully, to avoid
misunderstandings.  You see, Greg points out that the offices are in New
York further down in his post:

  When I inquired
whether or not they enjoyed tax exempt status in the State of New
York where their offices are located, again I was told that they do
not have tax exempt non-profit status.  And, when I checked with the
IRS, they told me that Demeter does not have federal tax exempt
non-profit status either.  That would be 401(c)(3) designation.

I expect your less than careful reading probably comes from some place
you feel the attacks are overly one sided and that there is good in these
people that is being denied by their attackers. Something in that old
Catholic tradition of 'hating the sin, loving the sinners' seems to be
missing, eh?

It seems to me that the BD community in the US is getting caught up in an
organizational dynamic similar to the struggles over defining organic for
the National Organic Program and defining composting, which is being
increasingly narrowly defined as thermophilic composting, (as in the NOP

Maybe there is some deep astrological reason for this, who knows?

But the businesses of Self-Other conflict on the one hand, and cooperation,
on the other, can certainly entail crimination and recrimination, before
they move to a more constructive level.

Rather than stay within the little world of BD I would like to make you
aware of the slightly large world of organics and composting. In both of
these worlds process standards, ie how something has to be done, rather
performance standards, ie what are  we trying to do, have become or are
becoming the rule, not only of a core group of practitioners but as a
of law (in the case of the NOP, Federal law.)

I think the people on this list are much more in tune with the concept of
multiple methods of accomplishing a goal rather than one orthodoxy. One
pitfall to avoid is excessive indulgence in demonizing the Other.

But it is hard to refrain from doing battle when the other side attacks
I was recently thrown off the US Composting Council list for coming to the
defense of vermicomposting, particularly vermicomposting in schools, which
Jim McNelly has made a hobby of attacking in a 'Dennis Avery' sort of way
over the last few years. I basically think he has an ax to grind against
Mary Appelhof and fearmongering against her life's work is how he does it,
for what that's worth.

It is hard to avoid angry feelings in these contexts, but it is important
keep some sort of perspective.

By and large, war sucks.

Frank Teuton

- Original Message -
From: jsherry [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, February 19, 2002 9:36 AM
Subject: Re: Demeter Non-Profit - Not!

 Perhaps you looked in the wrong place. Demeter to the best of my
 is in NY state, not Mass.

 - Original Message -
 From: bdnow [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Tuesday, February 19, 2002 8:19 AM
 Subject: Fwd: Demeter Non-Profit - Not!

 Date: Mon, 18 Feb 2002 13:13:06 -0800
 From: Greg Willis [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 X-Accept-Language: en
 To: Allan Balliett [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Demeter Non-Profit - Not!
 Dear Allan and All Listmembers,
 On Saturday, I received in the mail a copy of THE VOICE OF
 DEMETER, ISSUE NO. 15, WINTER 2002.  On the back cover is a plea
 for money under the title BECOME A FRIEND.

Re: Healing

2002-02-18 Thread Aurora Farm

Dear Wayne and Jane and Sharon et al:
Well the human body is the perfect alchemical vessel and any 
healing that is done to another is not for real. It is only when we commit to 
opening to our own alchemical process that we can take quantum leaps and let go 
of all the garbage that has prevented us from connecting up our own dots in this 
living/dying process we are all involved in.
For some, sitting and meditating is very healing and gets them 
on the Red Road, for others something different will apply and for the 
healer(not too many real ones out there) they need the discrimination and 
sensitivity to be empathic to the healees energy field. The healer need also not 
work directly on the "problem", but rather help the other to become and see(as a 
witness) their own energy blocks and begin to do their own healing. A kind of 
diffuse, lateral and cool energy is what is often called for and there is a 
necessity for both the healer and healee to create a safe container for the work 
to proceed. And most important of all we all need to step back and free up 
others for their own soul's lessons .
Our own true medicine or blueprint 
on what we came here to do is built into the DNA and it is 
readily accessible with a certain type of breathing , sound and movement. And 
that junk DNA is not peripheral to the process, it is part and parcel of what we 
are all about at this time on Mother Earth. It is all about listening and being 
guided by the ancestors who are only a breath away, our birthright and authentic 
baptism with the energy of the water molecule. All this other stuff is 
side-stuff, a major distraction from the heart of the matter which is love and 
the unconditional kind. 
Any arrogance stops the alchemical process which was promised 
to us to evolve into compassionate and humane beings.

A little aside here Jane "going with the flow " is great for 
part of the time and we also need not to be perfect flowing robots. Harnessing 
the energy along with the flow helps us to integrate and build from the root up. 
And yes work with the edge, the wave , the arc and all of those feminine shapes 
that help the blinders come off.


Aurora Farm is the onlyunsubsidized, family-run seed farm in North 
America offering garden seedsgrown using Rudolf Steiner's methods of 
spiritual agriculture. http://www.kootenay.com/~aurora

  -Original Message-From: 
  Wayne and Sharon McEachern [EMAIL PROTECTED]To: 
  Monday, February 18, 2002 8:37 AMSubject: Re: 
  HealingDear Jane and Barbara, 
  Jane wrote: 
  I do still
stand by the notion that the human is a perfect vessel and can self heal.
  This is a very interesting concept. And question would be -- 
  HOW? And -- through some process -- we will be healed -- or 
  I wish that there was an easy answer to this -- but I don't think that it 
  currently is "sit down and meditate and I will self heal or evolve 
  Here is what (as best as I can offer) Sharon has said many times in her 
  work. She works with a wide range of folks who have wide ranging 
  experience from doing no vibrational healing work -- to those who are 
  practitioners of various protocols in repatterning through performing various 
  energy work protocols. She works with people who have never done 
  anything (literally) -- Lots of folks. 
  What she has described about her experiences in sessions where she is doing 
  work on these various people is that once she has "entered their 
  consciousness" she experiences varying degrees of "wading through a 
  swamp". Some are more swampy than others -- and some folks will load her 
  down to where at times she has to struggle in order to maintain her energy 
  level through the session. Then there are about 4 people -- and only 
  about 4 that she works with that she refers to as clear -- open -- and whose 
  consciousness is available for her to work easily and quickly through in her 
  process of eliminating the out of balance thought patterns / conditions and 
  running the frequencies which are requested in order to do the release work 
  that the subject is wishing to have accomplished. Golly, I hope that 
  made sense to some.. 
  Anyway, the point is -- in order to heal yourself and evolve -- you still 
  need a method to follow in order to accomplish that end. 
  Sharon and Wayne McEachern 

  "A Divine Program for Healing and Transformation" 
  Expressing the Light 
  "A Ministry Dedicated to the Divine Process" 

Re: Healing + New Member

2002-02-18 Thread Aurora Farm

Hi JohnMichael:
Greetings and welcome and tell us who is the native-nutrition e-group?
The who or what I am referring to is our own DNA that holds each and every
individual blueprint for our creative creation process. The inside out
process that begins when we open ourselves to our cosmic earthbound journey,
listening to and witnessing our liquid light that emanates from every cell
of our being reminding us that a promise is a promise. And that promise
comes through the sensitive chaos that is at the cellular level and is
accessible through a certain type of non-linear movement, and sound which is
slightly irritating pushing us into that creative, moist, frog-like place
out of which ideas arise and something is created.
Make any sense?
Aurora Farm is the only
unsubsidized, family-run seed farm
in North America offering garden seeds
grown using Rudolf Steiner's methods
of spiritual agriculture.  http://www.kootenay.com/~aurora

-Original Message-
From: John- Michael [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Monday, February 18, 2002 12:48 PM
Subject: Re: Healing + New Member

Greetings Barbara and all,

This e-group is quite a find for me and I've been
enjoying the postings as of the last several days.

Barbara, would it be possible for you to say more
about what/(or who) you are referring to when you say
promised to us in your most recent message: ...the
alchemical process which was promised to us to evolve
into compassionate and humane beings.?

My recent joining to this list resulted from my
following up on a message concerning Shanti Yoga's raw
milk Notice. I read the news through the
native-nutrition e-group.

Looking forward to learning more!

Weston A. Price Foundation - Local Chapter
representative in Grass Valley, California

Do You Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Sports - Coverage of the 2002 Olympic Games

Re: Healing

2002-02-16 Thread Aurora Farm

Dear Paul and List:
I love to hear this kind of approach to healing methods. We all have been
blessed with the ability to heal ourselves and some of the healers amongst
us have only a little to offer.Mainly, they know that true healing can only
occur when there is no ego present rather a humility that allows one to
surrender to their own bullshit.
Getting oneself to the point of becoming the tool i.e. spiritual warriors,
would seem to be key for all human beings. I have heard, through the
grapevine, that it is very simple and comes with no bill of sale.
Blessings, Barbara
P.S. Do we all know the story of the Frog Prince?
Aurora Farm is the only
unsubsidized, family-run seed farm
in North America offering garden seeds
grown using Rudolf Steiner's methods
of spiritual agriculture.  http://www.kootenay.com/~aurora

-Original Message-
From: Paul Fieber [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Saturday, February 16, 2002 9:57 AM
Subject: RE: Healing

Dear Wayne and List.

At our conference there were over 50% of the people that received no benefit
from the healing method.  The security during the confernence made us all
feel very uncomfortable.  When you say pay the price I don't believe the
God I know requires me to pay any price he has already taken care of this
for us.  I simply say to everyone be very cautious as there are many healing
methods today that are very skeptical and this is one of them.

From: Wayne and Sharon McEachern[SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, February 15, 2002 5:11 AM
Subject: Re: Healing

File: ATT3.htm
Dear Paul and List..

please read on.

 Paul Fieber wrote:

My wife had a personal session and afterwards there was no healing
   of any kind.

Paul, I wish that you could have experienced something more positive in the
workshop that you attended.

Dr. Yuen openly admits that there are somewhere around 20% of those that he
works with that will state that they see no benefit from this protocol.
There are some reasons for these experiences -- and these are general:
Perhaps the subject's belief system will not support or allow this healing
event.  Perhaps there is a karmic issue behind the person's malady that
blocks the healing from taking place as the person
has yet to pay the price or they are yet to experience the benefit of the
illness.  I have seen people who have come to tremendous realizations that
people love and support them -- and this realization came about as a
result of the illness.  And, perhaps the most important realization in this
type of healing is we are layered (as an onion) with psychological baggage
which can be accumulated in this lifetime
-- past lifetimes -- think how dense life is in our existence here on
EarthFor many, believing in God is difficult.  We are separated
from the Divine through the veils of our various layers of consciousness and
being able to believe in something that is not 3D is so very difficult.
But, this is in fact the Earth challenge which is before us to overcome so
that we are then able to experience the

If folks will visit the Yuen Energetics website, as mentioned in previous
email, you will find wondrous lists of testimonies.  These are real

As we have been associated with various energetic healing modalities over
the years, it was easy for us to understand and work with Yuen Energetics.
And, as mentioned yesterday, this is only one aspect of the work which our
ministry supports.

I will close by saying that -- if we are experiencing any kind of challenge
whether it be a cold coming on, or we have an animal which has a
challenge, or anything -- the first line of defense will be this healing

There is one event that I will share from recent personal experience.  And,
I could share many from the experiences of ourselves and others -- but I
will not make health claims in this alternative area of healing -- Dr. Yuen
can offer his experiences with clients because of his credentials.  But, we
have a young dog, Maya, who is about 1.5 years old.  About two weeks ago,
she experienced a seizure.  She was running
in the kitchen and fell to her side and was writhing on the floor.  I called
to Sharon -- Sharon came over and quickly made a connection -- then, started
doing what she refers to as running numbers.  This is a quick version of
the basic class protocol which is learned in the intermediate class.  Once
Sharon started this process, Maya almost immediately started rising to a
standing  position -- still shaking
somewhat -- but conscious at this point.  Within a couple of minutes, the
effects of the seizure wore off.  You can see and witness the same results
with people.

We fully know that not everyone will come to use this healing modality.  How
many people can handle farming with throwing manure water on the ground and
expecting things to grow.

Peace be with you..


Re: The decision to farm organically was a statement of faith in thewisdom of the natural world. Eliot Coleman

2002-02-13 Thread Aurora Farm

Jane and all...

We like authentic, and if we were selling produce we'd consider that.
Since we sell seeds, we've been using the term sane seeds -- seeds grown
sanely, seeds not driven crazy by nefarious manipulations.  We no longer use
the term Biodynamic, either as part of our farm's name or to describe our
growing methods.  Let Demeter/BDA try to get a trademark on Rudolf Steiner's

Woody and Barbara
Aurora Farm is the only
unsubsidized, family-run seed farm
in North America offering garden seeds
grown using Rudolf Steiner's methods
of spiritual agriculture.  http://www.kootenay.com/~aurora

-Original Message-
From: jsherry [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Monday, February 11, 2002 5:22 PM
Subject: Re: The decision to farm organically was a statement of faith in
thewisdom of the natural world. Eliot Coleman

Thanks for posting this Allan. What do you think about authentic to
describe your food? Has anything else changed with regard to growers on
list using or refraining from using biodynamic in their name?


Re: Dreamtime

2002-02-08 Thread Aurora Farm

Hi Gil:
Thankyou for the humour last night and I know how weird and difficult it is
to pull the bigger picture together I'm not sure that I have a larger view
of the cosmos and my place in it so much as I do not collude to the big lie
i.e. that as human beings we don't make a difference. Now we all came in
with original medicine (gifts and talents) and disseminating that medicine
on Planet Earth is an acknowledgement and honouring of what we were blessed
with from Creator so...
Yes I know about all the ones not just trying to Get a Life but forcing to
Get a Past Life. I lived at Esalen Institute for too long not to notice all
the bullshit of the New Age and the sometimes total lack of discrimination
in life choices. And I am not talking about individual past lives,- I am
talking about what we experience in the same way. You know when we were in
utero and ontogeny was recapitulating phylogeny with the gill slits, fins
and fish to philosopher in the amniotic fluid. I can claim all that to be my
own and that is my Birthright.
Nor do I remember being an ameoba - being out of water, multicellular and in
a limited case scenario(life on Earth) and not understanding the orders of
the universe I live in doesn't render me likely for that recall. But if I
begin to go for levity as opposed to density(gravity) through the use of
sound and non-linear movement my memory just might serve me well.
Now this is something that has no bill of sale attached and doesn't
require belief in anything. Rather than stirring externally one is being
stirred internally and being ever sensitive to the chaos.
Many Blessings,
Aurora Farm is the only
unsubsidized, family-run seed farm
in North America offering garden seeds
grown using Rudolf Steiner's methods
of spiritual agriculture.  http://www.kootenay.com/~aurora

-Original Message-
From: Gil Robertson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Thursday, February 07, 2002 8:04 PM
Subject: Re: Dreamtime

Hi! Barbara,
I think you have a larger view of the cosmos and you place in it than I

I have had a few glimpses of what I assume ot be past lives, but always
human. I
can not remember being an amoeba, let alone a crystal.

I find the things that have caught my interest during my life are largely
related to my past life experiences that have only started to be remembered
the last decade. Thus I think we tend to reincarnate in one or more

But there is another factor. Do you notice the number of people who feel
strongly that they were on the Titanic, after seeing the film? If the
number of
people I know, who have an absolute belief that there is no doubt that they
some particular person on that vessel, it must have carried millions of

Just because we feel drawn to something (culturally) or think we had a past
life, does not necessarily give us the right claim that as our own.


Aurora Farm wrote:

 Hi Gil:
 Not strip mining anyone or anything here, in fact, adding to the great
 circle of life if you hadn't already noticed.
 What was meant by bringing the ancestral inheritance forward and
 ourselves with it  is through the water element, breath and sound we can
 reclaim and honour all the wisdom of our lineage(beginning in the ocean)
 have our decisions come from that wealth that is available to us would we
 just get a little more lateral , wave like, and sensitive to the chaos
 is our only true birthright.
 Now are you a cosmic citizen Gil? I consider myself one, and the children
 and the mothers and the fathers and on through the descendents and
 Now if we could have those amongst us stop stripmining our spirits...
 Many Blessings,
 Aurora Farm is the only
 unsubsidized, family-run seed farm
 in North America offering garden seeds
 grown using Rudolf Steiner's methods
 of spiritual agriculture.  http://www.kootenay.com/~aurora

 -Original Message-
 From: Gil Robertson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: Wednesday, February 06, 2002 7:32 PM
 Subject: Re: Dreamtime

 Hi! Barbara and Woody
 You wrote And , well, we can't go back but we can bring that ancestral
 inheritance forward and baptize ourselves with it.
 We as non Aboriginals should not try and strip mine their culture or any
 else's for that matter.
 What does happen at times, is that those who still carry the stories,
 share some of them with a few of us. They teach that to know the story
 become part of it. This includes the obligation to protect the story and
 related sites. Insight into these matters gives a new understanding of
 landscape and that which moves within it.

Re: Any news on the Dalai Lama's Condition?

2002-02-07 Thread Aurora Farm

Greetings List:
That is the information I received also from a friend. A lot of
responsibility and much globetrotting . Pretty difficult to digest all the
crap going on in the universe as all the ick hits the fan.
Blessings, Barbara
Aurora Farm is the only
unsubsidized, family-run seed farm
in North America offering garden seeds
grown using Rudolf Steiner's methods
of spiritual agriculture.  http://www.kootenay.com/~aurora

-Original Message-
From: Steven McFadden [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Thursday, February 07, 2002 8:31 AM
Subject: Re: Any news on the Dalai Lama's Condition?

 Dalai Lama's condition sense he
 went into the hospital. Has anyone else?

He's out now, and feeling much better according to the news reports i have
seen.  - Steven

Re: Dreamtime

2002-02-07 Thread Aurora Farm

Hi Gil:
Not strip mining anyone or anything here, in fact, adding to the great
circle of life if you hadn't already noticed.
What was meant by bringing the ancestral inheritance forward and baptizing
ourselves with it  is through the water element, breath and sound we can
reclaim and honour all the wisdom of our lineage(beginning in the ocean) and
have our decisions come from that wealth that is available to us would we
just get a little more lateral , wave like, and sensitive to the chaos that
is our only true birthright.
Now are you a cosmic citizen Gil? I consider myself one, and the children
and the mothers and the fathers and on through the descendents and
Now if we could have those amongst us stop stripmining our spirits...
Many Blessings,
Aurora Farm is the only
unsubsidized, family-run seed farm
in North America offering garden seeds
grown using Rudolf Steiner's methods
of spiritual agriculture.  http://www.kootenay.com/~aurora

-Original Message-
From: Gil Robertson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Wednesday, February 06, 2002 7:32 PM
Subject: Re: Dreamtime

Hi! Barbara and Woody

You wrote And , well, we can't go back but we can bring that ancestral
inheritance forward and baptize ourselves with it.

We as non Aboriginals should not try and strip mine their culture or any
else's for that matter.

What does happen at times, is that those who still carry the stories,
share some of them with a few of us. They teach that to know the story is
become part of it. This includes the obligation to protect the story and
related sites. Insight into these matters gives a new understanding of the
landscape and that which moves within it.


Re: Dreamtime

2002-02-06 Thread Aurora Farm

Thankyou Steven and Robert for the aboriginal dreamtime info. They are the
original medicine here. A book you both may like is Voices of the First Day
by Robert Lawlor. There is much to make one cry in that book.
And , well, we can't go back but we can bring that ancestral inheritance
forward and baptize ourselves with it.
Number 3 on the Don'ts Robert- Don't Believe.
Barbara and Woody
Aurora Farm is the only
unsubsidized, family-run seed farm
in North America offering garden seeds
grown using Rudolf Steiner's methods
of spiritual agriculture.  http://www.kootenay.com/~aurora

-Original Message-
From: Robert Farr [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Wednesday, February 06, 2002 10:55 AM
Subject: Dreamtime

Thanks very much for sharing that story, Steven.

Here's something you might like:

“Tribal Aborigines live in a world where their belief system has been
handed down generation through generation, without change, for thousands
of years.  From father to son, mother to daughter, tribal laws have
remained intact and precise, governing all areas of their lives.

True Aboriginal life is an unending quest for knowledge about culture,
land, and spirituality.  Mythical legends and ancestral spirits can
continuously appear to the conscious mind through symbolic occurrences,
which emanate from all aspects of daily life.  Eventually, perhaps
during a tribal corroboree (a ceremony), these symbols can fit together
with others, as in a metaphorical puzzle, leading to a better
understanding of one’s role within the tribe.

The Dreamtime was a creation era long ago, when flourishing ancestral
spirits developed all laws and patterns of life to come for everything.
The laws created and events from that ancient time are integral to the
tribal Aborigine, as they dictate how to live while keeping spiritual
union with the land and animals.  Often these events are re-enacted in
ceremonies, guided by didgeridoo and song, which help call forth magic
from the supernatural powers in the cosmos.

Spiritual Aborigines believe in two distinct forms of what we call time;
two parallel currents of activity.  The first is somewhat basic and
easily tangible; it is the everyday series of events which guides our
lives and keeps us ‘busy’.  For example:  an 11:00 appointment, stopping
at a red light, eating a meal, making a phone call, etc.  Much of our
modern society stays somewhat confined in this singular mode and
ventures no further, which can be routine and rather barren, yet
comfortable and reassuring.

However, for the Aborigine, there is another form of activity which
rides parallel to the daily objective.  It is an endless spiritual cycle
which constantly renews itself.  It is called the Dreaming:  the
continuum of the Dreamtime.  Paradoxically, it is more real than reality
itself.  It is what evokes all that is seen, heard, felt, and
experienced into being.  For the Aborigine, whatever happens in the
Dreaming cycle establishes all laws, customs and values, goals, totemic
symbology, and provides wisdom for daily life.

Just as our bodies require food as fuel to propel us through our lives,
the Dreamtime is the fuel which propels all of what is seen and
experienced by a tribal Aborigine living a traditional way of life.  It
is the nucleus of everything, the driving force of the wind, fire,
water, land, trees, animals, and ultimately…the Universe.

(The philosophy of Socrates spoke of another world, an invisible realm,
which propels our sphere and worldly events into being.   He stated that
all facets of our lives are merely the products of events coming into
manifestation from that unseen world.  This idea is very similar in
nature to the Aboriginal Dreamtime belief.  His concept of an ‘unseen
force’ was not shared by the general consensus in his place and time; he
was considered obscure and radical.  Inflamed with his other outspoken
and ‘bizarre’ antics, the constables forced him to drink the hemlock.
Little did he know an entire continent elsewhere shared his opinion.)”

– Patrick Walsh, Dreamtime Journal (a CD featuring the band Dreamtime
and aboriginal accompaniment and stories; www.dreamtimedidgeridoos.com)

Robert Farr
(540) 668-7160
Check out http://www.thechileman.com
for Hot Sauces, Salsas, Mustards  More!

Re: Richard K. Smith: Do you still believe in the tooth fairy?

2002-02-01 Thread Aurora Farm


I believe that must be Richard K. MOORE...

Aurora Farm is the only
unsubsidized, family-run seed farm 
in North America offering garden seeds
grown using Rudolf Steiner's methods 
of spiritual agriculture.  http://www.kootenay.com/~aurora

Re: FWD: Richard K. Smith: Do you still believe in the tooth fairy?

2002-02-01 Thread Aurora Farm

Thanks Robert for your great questions. What to do when we think we have
done everything we can through our work and words, etc.
I feel that we need to embody and be the change we would like to see around
us. And perseverance would appear to be at the top of the Do's and Feel's.
So keeping on , keeping on with the good, true and beautiful not because we
are right and someone else is wrong but more like Out Beyond Ideas of Right
Doing and Wrong Doing there's a Field, I'll meet you There. Rumi. And once
we do all Show Up on the playing field then let's turn to the person beside
us with a sense of discovery and heartfulness so we can then begin to Pay
Attention to what has heart and meaning for one another. Having been in the
first two directions of the four fold way we can then move to the East which
is the place where we tell the Truth with no blame and no judgement and then
we move on to the west(home of the ancestor spirits) where we remain open to
outcome not attached to outcome. One can't proceed on to the next part of
the wheel until they have truly arrived at each of those places . Indigenous
peoples of the Planet say life will be very easy if we but follow the
fourfold way.
Perhaps the good news is that no one really is running the show except
Mother Earth, Father Sky and All Life Everywhere and how we play into that
rhythm in a non separating way , holding our own power, and being a channel
for the Divine will ultimately be what will make the difference. And having
enough Love for ourselves so there is plenty left over to send to George Jr.
and Osama and all the so called evil ones. The people are not evil, the acts
are evil and they come out of fear so it is up to us , who see at least
partially thru the illusion, to send Love and Be Love.
At a time when the angels are so close and available let's write a good
story for the good of all.

If you were looking for a list of Dont's or Things Not to Do at this time I
know of a great list.
The first on that list is Don't Watch.
Blessings, Barbara

Aurora Farm is the only
unsubsidized, family-run seed farm
in North America offering garden seeds
grown using Rudolf Steiner's methods
of spiritual agriculture.  http://www.kootenay.com/~aurora

-Original Message-
From: Robert Farr [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Friday, February 01, 2002 6:46 AM
Subject: Re: FWD: Richard K. Smith: Do you still believe in the tooth fairy?


Thank you for forwarding that note from Richard K. Smith.  He is spot

I just finished reading Howard Zinn's book, A People's History of the
United States.  For all thinking people, it is a MUST READ.

Zinn documents the things Smith talked about.  It certainly added fuel
to my fire.  One of the most stark revelations (to me) is that the
constitution has nothing to do with protecting *my* liberties (esp. as a
black man).  It was written by the wealthy white elite to protect the
interests of the wealthy white elite.  And, of course, its tenets are
still regularly violated by a court system grown more and more
conservative and protectionist over the years.

The question I'm left with, after reading Zinn's book Smith's words just
now, is:  what can WE - those who can see through the illusion - do
about all of this?  Doing our work is one part of the answer.  Telling
people about what we are doing (and converting some of them) is another
part.  There's more - much more.  But what is it???

How do we break through the ignorance - the willful ignorance (Smith's
references to the Matrix are perfect) - of most people and start
spreading the truth?  And how do we get most folks to accept that truth,
and to act on it?

More than that, how can we use this truth to change our institutions -
especially as the guardians of those institutions don't want them to

Let's discuss that - who's first?

Robert Farr
(540) 668-7160
Check out http://www.thechileman.com
for Hot Sauces, Salsas, Mustards  More!

Re: 'Visions' while meditating

2002-01-16 Thread Aurora Farm

Jane, Tony, and all:

Sorry for the busted link.  The whole website, from Robin Murphy ND, is shut
down due to financial considerations.

I do have a printed-out copy of the Kahuna Eye Exercises, but my OCR doesn't
seem to be saving stuff to my word processor. :-(  Give me a little time and
I'll keyboard the page and send it off to you two and any others who tell me
they're interested...

Aurora Farm is the only
unsubsidized, family-run seed farm
in North America offering garden seeds
grown using Rudolf Steiner's methods
of spiritual agriculture.  http://www.kootenay.com/~aurora

-Original Message-
From: jsherry [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Wednesday, January 16, 2002 6:48 AM
Subject: Re: 'Visions' while meditating

woody, this link is dead unfortunately, could you describe the exercises? I
don't recall them from the Art of Seeing, but it's been about 30 years or
more since I've read it!

- Original Message -
From: Aurora Farm [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, January 15, 2002 11:48 AM
Subject: Re: 'Visions' while meditating

Dear Tony and all:

See http://www.alchemilla.com/martial/kahunaeye.html  for the

Re: 'Visions' while meditating

2002-01-15 Thread Aurora Farm

Dear Tony and all:

See http://www.alchemilla.com/martial/kahunaeye.html 
for the somewhat plausible explanation that these 'visions' are the remnants of 
'yesterday's light' in retinal cells, and for eye exercises designed to relax 
the eyes and get rid of these afterimages.
The exercises involve sun gazing orbathing of the eyes 
with sunlight. We've been indoctrinated that looking at the sun will blind 
us, but the technique does not involved direct viewing of the sun or staring at 
it. Similar exercises are recommended by Aldous Huxley in *The Art of 


Aurora Farm is the onlyunsubsidized, family-run seed farm in North 
America offering garden seedsgrown using Rudolf Steiner's methods of 
spiritual agriculture. http://www.kootenay.com/~aurora

  -Original Message-From: 
  Tuesday, January 15, 2002 9:50 AMSubject: OFF: 'Visions' while 
  Several subscribers made helpful comments when I 
  last mentioned meditation problems, awhile ago, so I'm not too apologetic to 
  come back for more...
  Often, after relaxing into meditation mode, I can 
  see behind my closed eyelids a duller version of the effect 
  oneexperiences when pressure is applied to the eyeballs: a series 
  of indefinite shapes in either a greenish pale purple or a dull orange against 
  the dark, purplish black background. These either swirl away in a spiral 
  or expand from the lower edge of my vision in a semicircle, like a ripple in a 
  pond. Their movement doesn't closely match any movements which my 
  eyeballs might make, nor do they pulse to match my heartbeat. I believe 
  that I might be in alpha mode by the time they appear. Can anyone 
  suggest how these 'visions' arise?
  I often have problems suppressing extraneous 
  thoughts (what my t'ai chi master calls 'your mind out shopping') but these 
  'visions' either appear when my mind is fairly blank or, perhaps, even 
  override such thoughts.
  I'm still pretty much a novice so far as 
  productive meditation is concerned, so I'd be grateful for comments from such 
  masters of the art who, I'm sure, are out there somewhere!
  Tony N-S.

Re: ashing

2002-01-09 Thread Aurora Farm

Cow shit or fish guts and breath deeply.
Barbara and Woody

Aurora Farm is the only
unsubsidized, family-run seed farm 
in North America offering garden seeds
grown using Rudolf Steiner's methods 
of spiritual agriculture.

-Original Message-
Date: Tuesday, January 08, 2002 6:25 PM
Subject: Re: ashing

In a message dated 1/8/02 10:26:30 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:


That was Barbara and Woody advice, and in fact Barbara's initiative.



well dip me in shit...sstorch

Re: A comment on the 3 kings

2002-01-05 Thread Aurora Farm

Dear List:
I vote for the way of grace and ease in allowing us to continue to share
non-physical data.
I do hope the anonymous ones don't feel pressured to hide in all aspects of
their lives. That takes a lot of energy which might be spent in a more
relaxed and harmonious way. I , too, used to be concerned about what others
thought or would do with some of my weirdness.  Until, I realized that it
makes absolutely no difference what others think of you. The difference is
made with how and what one thinks and feels of their selves.
And then there is the aspect of sharing one's views and how are others to
become aware of other dimensions if it isn't for human sharing of other
worldly ideas,particularly with scientific and the ivory tower humans?
Understandably one does have to choose wisely who one discusses alternative
views with. Or seek freedom?
I spent many years in Science and when the theses titles were no longer
understandable, the office and building keys became too heavy, and
competition and lack of real human values were rampant I walked and have
never regretted that about face. Spirit and Science go hand in hand and the
sooner that connection is made the sooner the Good, True and Beautiful will
be available for All.
Blessings on Spiritual Science and Sharing of Ideas,
-Original Message-
From: Allan Balliett [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Friday, January 04, 2002 9:11 AM
Subject: A comment on the 3 kings

Note from moderator: This is an anonymous post. I'm forwarding it
because is beneficial to many to read it and because I have yet to
set up the  website for bd now members to record 'non-physical data.'
(Many people work under circumstances where they may not be
comfortable letting their co-workers know that they have a much
larger view of creation or possibility than the typical American has.
For that reason, I want to create an environment where people can
share their non-physical experiences without associating these
experiences with their name/address/etc.)  Comments are encouraged

The 3Kings thread has been interesting... Markess said that the blending
went quicker this year. It sure did! In past years it has taken at least
half hour of mashing and crunching to reach the brown sugar stage with
Gold Frankincense and Myrrh. It happened within five or ten minutes this
year. We (in our group) were all very intrigued.
 Also, what happened in the past when the glycerine and H20 was added,
was that everything went into a beautiful creamy solution (like brown sugar
and milk), before beginning to come unstirred and clumpy. This year upon
adding glycerine and H20, the clumpiness never went away.  We were not able
to get the creamy paste of years past... interesting.

 In all of the talk of welcoming elementals, let us remember that first
and foremost here, we are joining in with the 3Kings themselves and
the gifts of ourselves and humanity before the Christ. (the door)
 It seems to me that when one comes to the personal place in their life
where they consciously come before the Christ with both mystical/symbolic
gifts,(non-material) and very real, material gifts (Gold, Frankincense and
Myrrh), benificent elementals are sure to want to hang out with you!

Re: BD system

2002-01-03 Thread Aurora Farm

Greetings Geneva:
You sayhuman knowledge is so limited anything is a possibility then go on
to the 'uh uh's', and weird beliefs of some on this list, Art Bell, etc. So
isn.t anything a possibility?
Good for you for blowing your mind - an empty mind can often create the
blank slate needed for the possibilities to show up.
Let me quote a friend who was an artist and visionary of the weird(other
dimensions sometimes available through mind blowing).
Life is not only stranger than we suppose, it is stranger than we can
suppose. Terence McKenna
Barbara and Woody

-Original Message-
From: pepper [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Thursday, January 03, 2002 1:13 AM
Subject: Re: BD system

Thanks for the overview Dave!

I haven't the time to peruse Steiner or a new sub right now.  I skimmed
your site.  Burying a horn - or spraying very dilute (energy??) preps -
homeopathy for the land ?  I don't know!  People believe some
very strange things!  I've listened to Bell (with tongue in cheek) and
realize how seriously some take their odd views!  I enjoy speculation
but never take wishful thinking seriously - I need evidence and facts..
However our human knowledge is so limited that anything is a

Philosophically I *suspect* that this planet is a living entity of which
we are but a small part (as are the soil microorganisms) - and I like to
view each living being as an entire universe of living cells, each with
it's own life force and agenda!  But belief, knowing?? - uh uh!  One
perspective among millions of possibilities!  We are like ants, trying
to understand the vast grain fields they find themselves in - let alone
the world!  Some of the posts I've seen here blow my mind - with their
convictions of deities (even to their names!) elementals, fields, forces
and rituals!  How can you actually believe such things?  Just curious!

Best I remain silent for awhile - till I get a better handle on this
boards perspectives! grin


Dave Robison wrote:

 Yeah, me too. Recognize that BD is one aspect (the agricultural part)
 of a very complete conceptual model developed by Steiner. Other
 aspects relate to Waldorf education, Eurythmy dance/music therapy,
 medical treatments, etc.

 You can take the system as an alternative conceptual model -- a way to
 explain our observations about the natural world. In that sense, it is
 neither to be proved or disproved -- the question is whether it is
 useful. Does it explain things? Is conceptual system consistent? Does
 it lead to new understandings of how plants behave? Does it lead to
 remedies when you observe something off? And BD does all that, once
 you learn the system. In that system elementals or nature spirits can
 be thought of a poetic means for us to imagine how life is

But elementals,
  prayers to the deities, moon phases?  Tho I try to be
  open minded,
  my base line is skepticism!

 The next part of is more difficult to believe and that is that any of
 this stuff actually works. For that, there is a body of documented
 I tried to cover this stuff in a rational way on the BD Intro at

 Dave Robison


Visit the Best Mall on the net!

Re: Soil Powdered Rock

2002-01-03 Thread Aurora Farm

Hello Dan:
Woody and I have a little familiarity with Azomite which is 
available through Peaceful Valley Farm Supply. 
As the fields and plants haven't showed a lacking in 
minerals we have instead used them for our own health and well being and for 
that of the animals,- cow, chickens, dog, cat, fish and birds.
I understand that it is applied directly to the soil 
surrounding the plants in question. Several articles are in Secrets of the Soil 
on the mineral powders.
Blessings, Barbara and Woody

  -Original Message-From: 
  Thursday, January 03, 2002 5:11 AMSubject: Soil  Powdered 
  RockA lot of good 
  discussion on soil recently and powdered rock seems to be "in vogue" now. 
  Some "rock dust" examples I've seen are Planters II, Volcanite, 
  Azomite, glacial rock dust, Summa minerals, etc. I'd like to get 
  some feedback from some who have used and the soil/plant responses. Did 
  you put them in compost or use directly on the field? Did they have an 
  analysis with them? Dan Lynch, Long Mountain Vineyard 

Re: Was 3 Kings -- now Elementals

2002-01-01 Thread Aurora Farm

Dear Fellow Travellers:
Woody and I enjoyed ourselves thoroughly mixing and preparing The Three
Kings Prep last evening. The scent was exquisite , we sampled some
internally and of course got some on our clothing. We drank some warm milk
with spices and enjoyed some Christmas chocolates and extended our gratitude
to Hugo Erbe for initiating this inner/outer methodology and practice. We
felt truly blessed and baptized with a new set of forces. And knowing there
were many others doing the same brought a sense of community with heart.
So..thankyou All and thankyou Jane for posting On the Three Magi. Nice to
see how our time fits into the bigger picture.
Markess, did you receive any information pertinent to your co-creation?
Thanks for asking all those good questions regarding the Nature Spirits. I
know Woody replied to your post already and I would like to add my
experience in these realms.
In working with the Three Kingdoms I was most able to access Knowledge of
Higher Worlds(by Steiner *) through the Animal Kingdom specifically the
Cow. While working in the fields and as the cow grazed or chewed her cud
closeby I began to listen and observe. I noticed that when the monkey mind
shut down(all the work that needed doing, todays lunch, etc) there was a
bigger story going on and as I focussed with intent the answers to my
questions came through. Who was the Overlighting Deva of Aurora, the
atmospheric Deva, the Spirit of the Water and Fire? And my purpose here?
There were a lot of How Now Brown Cow questions and although the answers
didn't all come through at once eventually they came. I didn't know how I
knew them to be the Truth, just trusted the process ,came to see that I was
the process and that through this listening ,observing , trusting,getting
down and dirty, and letting go of old ways of doing and being there was an
alchemy taking place. An alchemy of the land and all the Spirits within and
So the co-creative process in place here at Aurora did not arise as a
belief, rather as a believe -nothing -and -entertain -possibilities while
holding to  positive outcome for the good of all.

It did help to have children who were very much in touch with these realms
and one, Nathan, began to see auras, talk chicken language and then begin to
channel the Nature Spirits. One night , as the dinner was being cooked,
Nathan brought through the name and information from the Overlighting Deva
of Aurora. William, the older son, heard voices and wrote poetry. And so it
went kind of like this, once we opened and got into timeless time the
information came through.
It did help to have Devic names as a starting point. And getting enough of
your self, self, self and any other interlopers out of the way to provide a
clear channel to that pure and everflowing Divine Light of the Beloved.
Many Blessings to all in this mirror image 2002.
Barbara, Woody and Indigo Young Men, William and Nathan

-Original Message-
From: Wayne and Sharon McEachern [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Tuesday, January 01, 2002 7:10 AM
Subject: Was 3 Kings -- now Elementals

Dear Peter, Markess and List, please read on..

Peter Michael Bacchus wrote:

 Dear List compatriots and Markess, I believe that what you are asking is
 gradual process of growth by you. It is a process where you become more
 concious, where belief becomes knowledge.

If you can believe, then, you can know...  and, in order to experience
informational input from that consciousness, you will only need some basic
intuitive tools...

Most of you know our story..  Here at Light Expression Farm, we do work
and will work with more farming and gardening protocols -- but the first
consideration is to work with the guidance which is offered from the
Divine --
the Devic (or Angelic) realm.  I do not know if I have specifically said
before or not, but because of experiences which Sharon and I have had in
first years here at the Farm with Nature, I consecrated my life to sharing
existence of the Devic Kingdom and to share however I can processes as to
how to
work with this consciousness.

If you can dowse, do kinesiology -- or use any such intuitive tool, you are
to develop a yes / no format for the asking of questions regarding your
soil, plants, layout, timing, anything.  And, my findings are that this
information is very best that can be obtained for use in working with
protocols.  Because it is difficult to educate someone from scratch on how
work with this consciousness, I will always suggest that one purchase the
Perelandra Garden Workbooks and READ them.  Through this developed protocol
Machaelle Wright, you can develop your own way of working with Nature and
will realize the benefits for yourself.  After one has read the books,
questions on specifics is easier from our perspective.

We are now just before working out of mostly 

Re: Milking the Home-based Compost machine

2001-12-28 Thread Aurora Farm

Dear Frank and All:

Frank wrote: Woody, have some compassion on your land poor, cow deprived
urban and
suburban brethren, eh? If biodynamics is ever going to be mainstreamed, it
will have to address the situations in which the family cow is just not a
So what do you suggest?
Frank Teuton---noting that to err is human, to moo, bovine.:-)

What I said was that cow-based compost is the gold standard, to which every
other form of compost can be compared.  I've made plant-based compost,
hundreds of tons of it with the RS preparations, that was pretty darn good.
Earthworm digestion is a wonderful second-best to the bovine version.  So
that's what I suggest.  Brought in manure from a commercial dairy or
feedlot is not a good option, nor is brought in horse manure...not only
because of the various wormers, antibiotics, hormones, etc. that may be in
there, but also because of the potentially damaged animal astrality from
less-than-humanely treated animals that comes along with it.  Shep Ogden's
is a curiously derived criticism of cow manure, as he is thinking in terms
of what the cow extracts from the plant material, but not what she adds  on
the subtle end of the scale.  We must always remember that we're dealing
with FORCES here as much as we are substances.

Anyway it's perfectly possible to make very acceptable soil-building compost
from all plant material.  And it's possible to enhance it with the Steiner
compost preparations and with homeopathic amounts of starter compost from
a farm that makes the real thing with cow manure.

Divine Regards,

Woody, Aurora Farm
-Original Message-
From: Frank Teuton [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Friday, December 21, 2001 5:45 AM
Subject: Re: Milking the Home-based Compost machine Re: Soil building with
plant matter compost


 Woody [PS-for all the folderol about plant-based vs. animal-based compost
 material, no one has mentioned the obvious: that the cow manure IS plant
 material, run through the most awesome digestive system in the known

Too obvious, even, eh? Sam Ogden once wrote that a vegetative compost has
everything in it that manure does, plus what the animal didn't take out of
itI think we all know that cows eat plants, plus a few microarthropods
and yer occasional cow parasite

Someone writing within the biodynamic paradigm who nevertheless
distinguishes between composts made from cow manure and those made directly
from plants, is Heinz Grotzke:


And, like Coleman and Steve Moore who Allan mentioned earlier in this
thread, Grotzke recommends veganic compost in the greenhouse, where he
suggests a manure based compost can cause problems.

Woody, have some compassion on your land poor, cow deprived urban and
suburban brethren, eh? If biodynamics is ever going to be mainstreamed, it
will have to address the situations in which the family cow is just not a

So what do you suggest?

Frank Teuton---noting that to err is human, to moo, bovine.:-)

Blessings to All, Sophia, Isis and Three Kings Preparation

2001-12-26 Thread Aurora Farm

Dear ListFolk:
Many Blessings from Aurora and All Her Conscious Beings. May your days be
filled with Joy, Peace and Ease.
Thank you Jane and Markess for your wonderful posts concerning
Woody and I would love to hear if some of the list humans are applying The
Three Kings Prep on Epiphany? If so we would welcome a little information as
to where you are located and what conditions you are experiencing during the
Hugh Courtenay reminds us all that this prep need only be given to  land
which has already received the 9 preps, recommended by R. Steiner, and will
continue to be treated so.
Looking forward to hearing and working with the 3 Kings Prep.
Barbara and Woody
Peace on Earth, Goodwill To Us All

Re: the Home-based Compost machine

2001-12-20 Thread Aurora Farm

Hello Ed and Karen and List:
Great you will have cows. What is a guinea Jersey? A Brown Swiss is a good
choice and so is a Jersey cross. Also , if you are looking for milk and
meat, the dual purpose Shorthorn is a beauty.
Good book is The Family Cow by Dirk van Loon.
Once you get those cows with that good manure I would say that will
transform your other treated compost.
Have fun with those cows,- it is always an adventure when they get out of
their fields- they lead one to the most amazing places and people.

-Original Message-
From: karen  ed sherwood [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Thursday, December 20, 2001 4:22 AM
Subject: Re: the Home-based Compost machine

. A milk cow will bring so much
 to your life, I highly recommend it!!

The fences are just about all up, and a gate or two left to go but I've got
60 days to get the cows, need a herd of 10 to make it worthwhile (for the
taxman). Would really like to get a guinea Jersey cow, been looking into
that. Also been talking with some people about the (american-selected)
Swiss. Milk fat, milk solids it all kinda new for me. As far a milking
I'm sure we'll give it a try and see.(Having neighbors who are willing to
milk in our absence makes the proposition a little less scary)  Seems to be
the thing the inner wind is pushing me towards. One thing is for sure, I
cant wait to have all that manure (my sand here in Florida can use it).

Its seems to me that Biodynamics is based on, revolves around - the cow.
(can't do it without it). Although there is talk about much great stuff on
the list, I rarely see information about cows. I guess it's easier to buy

My  questions.

Does anyone have any references that might help a total novice (never owned
a cow before) raise and keep biodynamic bovine??

Also does anyone know the half life of Ivomec?  With my raw manure
experiment some time ago, we built a wonderful dark soil, crumbly and
spongy, but NO worms (I guess that dairy I hauled from didn't like em). I
hope to be getting younger heifers that hopefully haven't been wormed yet,
but finding cattle owners who don't use chemical wormers is (let's just
hard. Is a cow treated with chemical wormers not 'usable'. Chemical wormers
don't 'compost out' do they?

Thanks in advance
