Re: Irregulars question: Milky Way

2003-08-09 Thread Julia Thompson
  And the Milky part of it comes from a myth that it's the milk spilling
  out of a goddess's breast into the sky.
 Really? And I thought it was named after a candy bar...

No, you must be thinking of the *planet* named after a candy bar.


Re: Politics, was [L3] Re: fight the evil of price discrimination

2003-08-09 Thread Jan Coffey

--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  How about if we change Jan's statement to something like:
  C) everyone [who wants to own a gun and who has not been convicted of a
  violent crime or diagnosed with a serious mental or emotional illness]
  should [be allowed to choose to] have a gun.
  Can we all agree with that?
 No. I would want them to demonstrate that they know how to handle the gun

Ok why not.

 have them pledge to keep it safely locked up except when being used for 
 hunting, target practice, etc. 

So the only people you want carrying guns is criminals? You want everyone
else, every law abiding citizen to be at the mercy of gun toting criminals?

 I would also require them to purchase
 against any misuse of the gun - by them or by anyone else. And I would
 the penalties for misuse of guns, even accidental. You have to have
 insurance to 
 operate a car, and a license - surely we can and should require no less for

Please! Insurence is a scam. It's simply a way for people in power to take
money from other people. Don't get me started on insurence. They are running
good doctors out of buisness, steeling from every motorist..*sigh*

I would agree with non profit insurence. where no one can be turned down for
any reason -no fault- flat fee. But not what we have now. It's rediculous.
They take more from you in 2 years than what the polocy is even worth, and
they make so many clauses and rules that they never end up paying you anyway.

I had a perfectly good 1981 Fiat Turbo Special Eddition worth 16k. I had full
insurence (over 1k a year) did everything I could to take care of the car,
keep it legal, and pristeen. An guy in a Honda Civic ran a stopsign and
totaled it. I got 2k only. They wouldn't even let me keep the car. They gave
me 2k, fixed it up, and sold it for 16k. And the law backed them up on it
every step of the way. If that isn't THEFT then I don't know what is.

My friend is a doctor he had a patient (who was terminal anyway and he was
tring only to prolong the patience life) die on him in the OR.
The family suied for mal-practice and LOST. But never mind that they lost,
the insurence doubled. The next year his office partner had the same thing
happen, once again the insurence went up by more than double. So in 2 years
they pay more than 4 times the insurence. My friend quit and is no-longer a
doctor becouse to afford it he would have to take more patience than he
thinks 1 doctor can (or should) handle. His ex partner now refuses to operate
on anyone except those he is certain will survive the operation, even when
the patient will die without the operation.

Many middle class people would love to own a high end sportscar. It isn't
that they can not afford to BUY the car, it't that (becouse if insurence
etc.) they can no afford to OWN the car. The Elite see to it that they stay

Many middle class families in California would like to buy a home (not a
condo, a _home_). It's not that they can't afford the home, it's that they
can not afford the ~insurence~ they are required -by law- to have on the
home. So insted they are forced to own a townhome or condo.

Besides which insurence company is going to insure gun ownership? It's not
going to happen, and if it does, the cost would be preventative.

Another case of the elite resuving all power for themseleves? 

   Jan William Coffey

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RE: shrubCo's faith-based prison program an absolute failure

2003-08-09 Thread Nick Arnett
 -Original Message-

 To say that this person's position is no
 different from the
 Bush Administration totally ignores the fact that a person
 posting on a list
 most of the time has absolutely no responsibility to be anything
 more than
 opinionated. The Bush Administration has the responsibility to be
 truthful; a
 listee's failure to do so in no way is equal to or excuses the Bush
 Administration's failure in this regard.

Strange mixing of words there... he is taking the same type of position as
the administration.  Your words confuse the position with the degree of
responsibility and the statement's impact.  Did you mean to discourage
comparisons of list postings' positions with those held by people in power?



Re: The seven habits of highly ineffective list-subscribers

2003-08-09 Thread Erik Reuter
On Wed, Aug 06, 2003 at 03:47:01PM -0700, Jan Coffey wrote:

 By worthwile I assume you mean worth wile. (you left out a space.)

Actually, I left out an h, not a space. I should have written
worthwhile. And I see that the answer is, no.

 And talk about a lack of courage. You wouldn't dare kill-file me
 on-list because you know you might miss something that would make
 you look silly, and

I stopped reading here. I probably won't read much of what you write
from now on, Jan, since it is such a waste of time. I don't killfile
anyone (at least not yet), but I do tend to delete many posts from some
people without reading them as I scan subject and author lines. Feel
free to make me look silly.


Re: Scouted: Horse+Horse+Horse+...

2003-08-09 Thread Julia Thompson
Jon Gabriel wrote:
 Haven't these scientists seen that Star Wars movie?  Clones = bad!

Well, the good folks at Texas AM have been doing a lot of large animal
cloning, and, well, they're AGGIES, what do you expect?  ;)


Yes, I'm a Longhorn, why do you ask?

Statistics, was Re: Politics, was ...

2003-08-09 Thread David Hobby
Erik Reuter wrote:
 deaths per hundred
 thousand per yearcause
 870U.S. death rate (total for all causes)

So it would take 100,000 people alive today 
100,000/870 = 115 years to all die?  That's a good life

(Math Puzzle)

Re: _Politics,_was_[L3]_Re:_fight_the_evil_of _pricediscrimination

2003-08-09 Thread Jan Coffey

--- Jon Gabriel [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 From: Julia Thompson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reply-To: Killer Bs Discussion [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: Killer Bs Discussion [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Re: _Politics,_was_[L3]_Re:_fight_the_evil_of
 Date: Thu, 07 Aug 2003 09:13:49 -0500
 Jan Coffey wrote:
   --- Doug Pensinger [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Then there is the matter of accidents.
   Simple solution, teach a class in gun safty in school. Replace the 10th
   or 12th year of english those clases are a waste.
 1)  I didn't consider any of those classes I took those years to be a
 waste, personally.
 Neither do I.  In fact, the foundation of writing skills and language 
 analysis they established probably allow me to do my job effectively.
 An observation: Just because a required class may not help you personally 
 doesn't mean it's worthless.  For example, I may never use the trigonometry
 that I learned about in HS in my daily life, but it's essential to 
 everything from construction to chemistry.

I wasn't saying to do away with all 3 years, just one. Besides no one made
you take 12 years of triginomotry, or 12 years of art history. or 12 years of
colour theory. 

Why do you think that 12 years of english is necisary? Did you really learn
anything in 10th,11th or 12th grade you didn't already know in 9th?

The only difference in these classes was the publisher of the book, and the
words on the spelling tests. Granted for me, the spelling tests were like
automatic Fs due to my genetics, which I did find teribly unfair. But still,
for everyone else the rest of the information was 3 years of re-run. How many
times can you be tought to diagram a sentence before you just don't care
anymore. How many times can you go around a class reading shakespear aloud?
Is it really necisary to subject students to Beowofe 3 years in a row? How
many compare-contrast papers can one write?

The way we teach English in this country is akin to spending a smester a year
teaching 1st 2nd 3ed and 4th graders how to tie shoes.

   Jan William Coffey

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Re: Politics, was [L3] Re: fight the evil of price discrimination

2003-08-09 Thread Erik Reuter
On Fri, Aug 08, 2003 at 10:03:03AM -0400, Jon Gabriel wrote:

 I'm in complete agreement with this.

Me too. I first heard the idea of licensing guns similar to cars from a
post by David Brin here. Sounds like a good system to me.

 Since someone had mentioned this, I thought I'd post it.
 Will give US accidental gun death statistics for years through 2000.
 For 2000
 Number of Deaths 776
 Population 275,264,999
 Crude Rate 0.28
 Age-Adjusted Rate** 0.28

Note that deaths are usually quoted as a number per 100,000 people,
which is the case above. For comparison, below I've listed some other
death rates (mostly from NSC's web page). Note that the rate for deaths
from falls is 20 times that quoted above for accidental gun death. I
don't have a number handy for homicide by gun, but that would be an
interesting addition to this table.

deaths per hundred
thousand per yearcause
870U.S. death rate (total for all causes)
200coronary heart disease
 16motor vehicles
  1.4  fire
  0.4  air or space transport
  0.3  struck by falling object (NOT meteorite!)
  0.02 lightning
  0.1  struck by small meteorite


Re: [Listref] Vitamin C and the Heart

2003-08-09 Thread Alberto Monteiro
Deborah Harrell wrote: 
 (...) found that those women who took 
 vitamin C supplements had lower risk of heart disease. 
So Linus Pauling was right, after all. Pity that's  
too late for his third [or fourth?] Nobel 
Alberto Monteiro 

Re: shrubCo's faith-based prison program an absolute failure

2003-08-09 Thread TomFODW
 Strange mixing of words there... he is taking the same type of position as
 the administration.  Your words confuse the position with the degree of
 responsibility and the statement's impact.  Did you mean to discourage
 comparisons of list postings' positions with those held by people in power?

No, but someone complained that a person was essentially being untruthful in 
criticizing the Bush Administration of being untruthful, and that therefore 
they were, apparently equivalent in being untruthful. My point is, if I am 
untruthful here on this list, that has relatively little consequence. When the Bush 
Administration is untruthful, it can - and does - have serious consequences. 
Any attempt to portray both untruthfulnesses as even remotely equivalent is, 
to me, cutting the Bush Administration enormous slack that it does not deserve. 

Tom Beck

I always knew I'd see the first man on the Moon. I never dreamed I'd see the 
last. - Dr Jerry Pournelle

Re: shoelaces, concetration, stingy reactionsandRe:dyslexiaandtintedlenses

2003-08-09 Thread Sonja van Baardwijk
Jon Gabriel wrote:

From: Sonja van Baardwijk [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Reply-To: Killer Bs Discussion [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Killer Bs Discussion [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: shoelaces, concetration, stingy reactions 
andRe:dyslexiaandtinted lenses
Date: Fri, 08 Aug 2003 10:48:22 +0200

I've suspected I might have Aspergers (or however you'd put it) since
Michael first mentioned it several years back, and I went to the
links he gave.

You wouldn't happen to have some of those for me, now would you?

I don't know what Michael posted, but here's what I researched for a 
friend a few months ago.  I don't know if all of these are still 
active and some of the info is probably redundant.
That'll keep me busy for a while then. Thanks.

Sonja :o)


Re: More Fiber

2003-08-09 Thread Deborah Harrell
--- Reggie Bautista [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Prune juice... a Warrior's drink.  from
 Yesterday's Enterprise.  :-)
 By the way, while trying to find the name of the
 episode, I ran across this 
 website of Martha Stewart meets Trek:
 The less said about this one, the better.

I'm passing this one on to several Trekker friends
(especially the two who quilt and garden!)

Imagine Picard's Horror As He Wakes From A Nightmare
Of Martha The Borg Queen In Pastel Pink Maru  :)

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Re: Politics, was [L3] Re: fight the evil of pricediscrimination

2003-08-09 Thread Julia Thompson
Ronn!Blankenship wrote:

 Just Shows What You Get By Choosing To Live Across The Street From The
 Comet Theatre Maru

What would you get for living across the street from the Orbit?

( )


hoping that Dan can snag me a copy of Lansdale's _Freezer Burn_ this
afternoon -- I'm missing ArmadilloCon, but I just don't have the energy
to go anywhere long enough to make going to the con worth my while, sigh

RE: Irregulars question: Milky Way

2003-08-09 Thread Ronn!Blankenship
At 11:38 AM 8/8/03 -0500, Horn, John wrote:
 From: Julia Thompson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

 No, you must be thinking of the *planet* named after a candy bar.
Which one would that be?  The planet Hershey's or Almond Joy?

Snickers.  Which happens to be the name the rest of the cosmos knows Earth 
by, because it's what they do whenever this planet and its inhabitants are 
mentioned . . .

-- Ronn!  :)


Re: Dubya with Kung Fu Grip

2003-08-09 Thread Ronn!Blankenship
At 01:24 PM 8/8/03 -0400, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Personally, I'm holding on to my money until they release the Heroes of
 Desert Storm Action Figures collection.

I'm waiting for the Pfc Jessica Lynch figure complete with Pentagon
Overstatement Accessories.

Which one?  The one with gunshot wounds, the one with stab wounds, or the 
one with nothing but broken bones from the accident?  Or do you plan to 
collect the whole set?

(BTW,  ;-)  )

-- Ronn!  :)


Re: Dubya with Kung Fu Grip

2003-08-09 Thread Jon Gabriel
From: Jose J. Ortiz-Carlo [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Reply-To: Killer Bs Discussion [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: Dubya with Kung Fu Grip
Date: Fri, 08 Aug 2003 16:58:48 +
From: Jon Gabriel [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Dubya with Kung Fu Grip
Date: Fri, 08 Aug 2003 10:51:59 -0400
And now... an action figure.

GSV Just Can't Make This Stuff Up
Personally, I'm holding on to my money until they release the Heroes of 
Desert Storm Action Figures collection.

Action Figures Rule! :-)
LOL.  Just what we need, a Gen. Tommy Franks action figure.

My bro-in-law posted this to me earlier:

Subject: Governor's too!
Future governors of very large states can also be purchased. What a shame 
it's not a talking doll - it could say I vil erase your budget deficit or 
Hasta la vista affirmative action!.


Le Blog:

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RE: irregulars: how to split c++ class between multiple files

2003-08-09 Thread Horn, John
 From: The Fool [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 I have a c++ class that is very large (90k lines) that I 
 need to split
 up between multiple files.

I'm not a c++ programmer.  But that seems to be a very, very large
class.  Wouldn't it be better (and/or possible) to split it up into
a main class and some helper classes?

Not that that answered the original question, of course...

  - jmh

Re: Dubya with Kung Fu Grip

2003-08-09 Thread Doug Pensinger
Jon Gabriel wrote:
And now... an action figure.

GSV Just Can't Make This Stuff Up

Wonder if it comes with drug paraphernalia, booze bottles and MPs in 
hot pursuit.



RE: Dubya with Kung Fu Grip

2003-08-09 Thread Jon Gabriel
 Behalf Of Adam C. Lipscomb
 Sent: Friday, August 08, 2003 3:47 PM
 To: Killer Bs Discussion
 Subject: Re: Dubya with Kung Fu Grip
 Jon wrote:
  Le Blog:
 Cool blog.  It's on my Check it every day list.

Thanks!   I've been enjoying yours, too.  (Along with a few others -- I
posted a 'short' list this evening.) 

*nudges Gautam in the hopes he'll update more frequently* :)


Le Blog:

Re: Politics, was [L3] Re: fight the evil of price discrimination

2003-08-09 Thread Ronn!Blankenship
At 05:57 PM 8/8/03 -0400, Erik Reuter wrote:
On Fri, Aug 08, 2003 at 04:40:27PM -0500, Ronn!Blankenship wrote:

 Given that the total number of known human¹ deaths due to being struck
 by a meteorite stands at zero, of what meaning is the figure they
A number of cars have been struck by small meteorites over the years,
according to car insurance companies. This (and the total number of
cars) gives an estimate of the rate of meteorite hits per area. Multiply
that by the area of all the people, and assume some fatality rate if you
are hit, and you get an estimate for the death rate.

Yes.  My point is that the weak link in that chain is the assume 
part.  Had the meteorite in question (I've seen it as well as talked to 
some who investigated the incident at the time¹) hit Mrs. Hodges directly 
instead of losing kinetic energy by bouncing off the radio first, she might 
well have been killed, particularly had it hit her in the head or other 
vital spot.  As it was, despite the fact that she was covered with two 
heavy quilts at the time (it can get cold even here in Alabama in 
November), she had a bruise the size of a dinner plate on her flank where 
it hit (I have a BW photograph of her taken in the hospital which shows a 
black mark above her left hip bone that is at least a foot long by about 
half that wide).  Similarly, had the man in Spain (sorry, I forgot his 
name) lost control of his car and been killed in the wreck, he could have 
been counted as a person killed by a meteorite.  So with such a small 
sample size, and dumb luck being a factor in both incidents, istm that it's 
hard to come up with any hard numbers.

¹I was indeed alive at the time, but, although precocious in various ways, 
I was not yet old enough to travel from Birmingham to Sylacauga and ask 
questions, or for that matter walk across the room or construct complete 
sentences . . .  ;-)

Just Shows What You Get By Choosing To Live Across The Street From The 
Comet Theatre Maru

-- Ronn!  :)


RE: Irregulars question: Milky Way

2003-08-09 Thread Horn, John
 From: Julia Thompson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 No, you must be thinking of the *planet* named after a candy bar.

Which one would that be?  The planet Hershey's or Almond Joy?

 - jmh

Re: A dead end for the Democrats

2003-08-09 Thread Erik Reuter
On Tue, Aug 05, 2003 at 08:19:15PM -0700, Doug Pensinger wrote:

 I agree with the gist of the article, but what he doesn't seem to
 realize is that if it wasn't for the WMD hype, Bush never would have
 had enough support for the war no matter how many other good reasons
 there were.  That _is_ an issue for me, and I think it will become
 an issue for more and more people as the casualties and costs of the
 occupation mount.

That is a really depressing thought. I hope you are wrong about
Americans. I find Dean almost as repugnant as Bush for President. I hope
Lieberman makes a comeback.


Re: cost of living, food and clothes

2003-08-09 Thread Deborah Harrell
--- Kevin Tarr [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 This will hardly be an easy thing to think of but I
 have to ask. How much 
 money would you need a week if you only had to pay
 for food and non-food 
 personal items like paper supplies, cleaners; the
 basic stuff. There are 
 many factors that would influence your number, but
 think of someone who 
 knows they have to stretch their money; they aren't
 going to be buying 
 filet mignon and lobster tails for every meal, but
 also not getting day old 
 bread and items from the dented/broken table.

Roughly $50/week for groceries and personal care
items, a little less if coupons/store specials are
used judiciously.  I've spread the cost of toiletries
like toothpaste and deodorant etc. out over a month+
b/c those items last for many weeks, and I used meat
more as a condiment than main course.  Also, I didn't
factor in for prepared foods other than bread, or
stuff like spices/herbs.  I'd guess closer to $70 if
you have meat entrees.

I make a lot of legume+grain+vegetable dishes, and you
get a lot more beans for the buck if you buy dried
ones that you cook yourself, rather than canned.  I
make a huge batch then portion-and-freeze most; you
can add more fresh herbsveggies when you reheat it,
for flavor.  (Having a pot of fresh herbs for cooking
is great - basil, oregano and dill are my favorites,
and they're forgiving if you forget to water a day or
two.  As long as you have a sunny window, and bring
them away from the cold in winter, they'll grow for a
season at least - my current batch was planted last
fall, and I'm still harvesting.)


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Re: _Politics,_was_[L3]_Re:_fight_the_evil_ofÂ_price_discrimination

2003-08-09 Thread Jan Coffey

--- Doug Pensinger [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Jan Coffey wrote:
  C) everyone should have a gun.
 I don't want one and neither do a substantial number of people in 
 the country, possibly approaching a majority.  Are we all relegated 
 to second class status because we refuse to carry a gun?
 Sorry Jan, but that's just loony fringe stuff.

Admittedly. So now that you understand the concept, maybe you can suggest a
solution. I don't have one other than requiring the guns to remain hidden so
that no one knows who has one and who doesn't.

   Jan William Coffey

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Re: Irregulars question: Milky Way

2003-08-09 Thread Reggie Bautista
Alberto wrote:
if I am Latin American then I speak Latin
At least according to Dan Quayle... ;-)

Reggie Bautista

The new MSN 8: smart spam protection and 2 months FREE*


Re: [Listref] Vitamin C and the Heart

2003-08-09 Thread Deborah Harrell
--- Reggie Bautista [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Alberto wrote:

  So Linus Pauling was right, after all. Pity
   too late for his third [or fourth?] Nobel
 Debbi replied:
 But he advised 'megadoses' on the order of 6-7
 *grams*/day; this study used ~ 500-700
   Megadosing can promote renal stones and a type of
 'crystal arthritis' - I don't advise over a gram a
 day, except for during colds/flu when 2g is OK as
 long as you stay properly hydrated.
 Even 500 milligrams per day seems like a lot.  Isn't
 the RDA about 60 milligrams?  

Yes, 60 or 70mg IIRC; that's the minimum to keep from
scurvy etc.  I think that there is an argument for
increasing the RDA for Vit C, to improve health,
rather than the 'stave off disease' current level.  I
don't recall the proposed 'new' RDA, but it might well
be the dose in your MVI.

 The daily multivitamin I take has something like 120

 milligrams.  An orange has about 70 milligrams, and
 I've always heard that is an excellent source of C.
 By way of comparison, like humans, guinea pigs don't
 manufacture their own 
 vitamin C and they typically need 10 to 15
 milligrams per day (typical 
 weight of an adult male is 1 to 1.5 kg).

grin  And while horses do make their own, some feel
that they need more for optimal health, and feed
supplements.  I like to let them graze on dandilions
for this (and other) nutrient(s).

Guinea Pigs And Horses Are Good For The Soul! Maru  :D

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Re: Politics, was [L3] Re: fight the evil of price discrimination

2003-08-09 Thread Ronn!Blankenship
At 12:28 PM 8/8/03 -0400, Erik Reuter wrote:

Note that deaths are usually quoted as a number per 100,000 people,
which is the case above. For comparison, below I've listed some other
death rates (mostly from NSC's web page). Note that the rate for deaths
from falls is 20 times that quoted above for accidental gun death. I
don't have a number handy for homicide by gun, but that would be an
interesting addition to this table.
deaths per hundred
thousand per yearcause
  0.3  struck by falling object (NOT meteorite!)
  0.1  struck by small meteorite

Given that the total number of known human¹ deaths due to being struck by a 
meteorite stands at zero, of what meaning is the figure they quote?

¹The meteorite which fell in Nakht, Egypt in 1911 — which later analysis 
showed came from Mars — killed a dog when it hit.  I am aware of two people 
who were hit and injured by meteorites:  Mrs. H. Hodges of Sylacauga, AL, 
who in November of 1954 was bruised by a meteorite which came through the 
roof of her home, struck a large console radio, and ricocheted to hit her 
in the side, and a man who in 1994 was driving near Toledo, Spain, when a 
rock that turned out to be a meteorite came through the windshield of his 
car and struck his hand where he was holding the steering wheel, breaking 
his little finger.

-- Ronn! :)

Ronn Blankenship
Instructor of Astronomy/Planetary Science
University of Montevallo
Montevallo, AL
Disclaimer:  Unless specifically stated otherwise, any opinions contained 
herein are the personal opinions of the author and do not represent the 
official position of the University of Montevallo.
