Re: [Callers] St. Paddy Day theme dances

2012-03-03 Thread kanara
well, who'd a thunk it... Irish Trot is another name for Virginia Reel

A1  Fwd n bk; Rt alle
A2  Left alle; Two hand turn
B1  Dsd; Top cpl: turn by rt elbow 1 ½; to next opp gender dancer below and
turn left elbow; to ptr rt elbow, etc to bottom
B2  Sashay/chasse up ctr; ‘peel the banana’; ALL loop back up to place,
then ones go to foot*

[*alt frm The Contra Dance Book, p.101-2: all make tunnel as top couple
goes down - - another alt, and the one I like: when ones peel down to
foot, they make a tunnel and others come through to top with new top

Karin Neils

Re: [Callers] St. Paddy Day theme dances

2012-03-03 Thread kanara

Ah, the Luck o the Irish to be on
such a beautiful Isle in the
Beginners Luck 
by Ed Bugel
Beginners Luck   
by Tom Lehmann
 WAVE THE OCEAN Ed Butenhof, 
Slaunch to Donegal by Herbie Gaudreau
to the Fiddler
By Tony Parkes
certain to recite Heres to the Fiddler of Dooney, a fine poem

of my favorite foods are loved by the Irish as well:
& Tea   by Ken Kernen
Jacobs Potato by Jacob Bloom
 And havent you
met such fine Irish folk as these?
O'Leary by David Zinkin

Meg's a Dancing Fool
Yarns    By Rick Mohr
Ellen   trad.   

[Portland Fancy  Traditional is also known as  Irish Washerwoman]

dances with cloverleaf moves:
Dishrag Dance

* Alternate
B1 and B2  beginning/intermediate
B1    Down the set four in
turn [1s, without releasing partners or
neighbors hand, turn back to back beneath their own hands to face
up, while 2s turn towards partner and join their free hands behind the 1s.
Return, and 2s lift their joined hands over 1s head to form a
Circle Left as a
Star Left
Symmetrical Force/Fourths By Fred Field
The Squeaking Wheel
Cary Ravitz  

 Perhaps half of
these titles are beginner dances. If  you are curious about some
dance titles and you search but are unable  to access them, contact me
individually and I'd be happy to send details  and sources.

Karin Neils
 kanara - at - triton DOT net

Re: [Callers] Fw: Re: Sharing Mixers

2012-03-03 Thread Perry Shafran
The "below" message didn't come apologies...just was saying how 
great it was to get all these mixer ideas and that I plan to use one tonight.


Sent from Yahoo! Mail on Android

[Callers] Fw: Re: Sharing Mixers

2012-03-03 Thread Perry Shafran
Hi all,

Meant to send the below message to the entire list but it went to only one 


Sent from Yahoo! Mail on Android

Re: [Callers] Sharing Mixers

2012-03-03 Thread Bill Baritompa

Hi Donna

I use mixers once or twice at my dances. I tell them it is a mixer, and 
don't ask people to take partners, but just join a large circle alternating man 
Can always use concentric circles if hall is too small for one. Scatter mixers 
are the most

fun when it is crowded.

Here are a few:

Based on Love and Kisses but a bit easier

A Grand Mixer   Circle Mixer

A1  Partner Promenade (Men back out to start a )
A2	Partner Sashay (i.e. the motion of a mad robin - lady starts sliding left in 
front of gent);

Corner Dosido(end facing the corner for a ..)   
B1	(starting with corner) Right and Left Grand (4 changes R,L,R,L [keep hold 
left hands] turn back, then 3 changes L,R,L - each bit 2 beats)			

B2  (back to corner) Dosido and Swing  (or Balance and Swing)(keep as new 

Marmaduke Mixer Allan BrozekCircle Mixer

A1  All go forward and back Repeat forward and back 
A2	Ladies Promenade single file Left (CW) inside circle while Gents Promenade 
single file Right (CCW) outside, Turn around and Promenade single file back to 

B1  All Gypsy with Partner step ahead to corner and Swing   
B2  All promenade the one you swung 

Comments: Variation for B1: Gypsy and swing partner, then take the corner and 

Although it uses CL, CR, F it's a different order that flows nicely

Cabot School Mixer Ted Sannella Circle Mixer

A1 Circle Right; Forward and Back
A2: Circle Left; Corner Right Allemand 1 (4 beats), Partner Left Allemand 1 (4 

B1: Corner Dosido; Swing
B2: Promenade

Star Crazy   Scatter Mixer

A1  (3 couples) Circle Left, Circle Right (keep moving same way for …)  

A2  Left hands across for Left hand star, right hands across for Right hand 
B1  (starting with lowest hands), Gents pull ladies thru and swing  

B2  scatter promenade (and look for 2 more couples) 

note: the fun begins when accidentally get a different number than 3 couples 

Cheers, Bill

Re: [Callers] Mixers

2012-03-03 Thread David Millstone
At the Dare To Be Square weekend in November, we did several dances that started  
in a big circle, but the essence of the dance was a series of two-couple figures  
that took place anywhere on the floor.

This one was called by Larry Edelman. It started with couples dancing with other  
couples and moving on as a couple. Later during the dance, Larry changes the calls  
so that dancers swing the opposite person and keep that one for the next promenade.


This one, called by Phil Jamison, is related to:
Kentucky Reel


Borrowdale Exchange


This is another one called by Phil Jamison. It started in a big set, and it could  
have been two concentric circles because not much needs to happen in the circle.  
As you'll see in the video, starting around 1:00, couples are off on their own,  
moving at their own pace. No, it's not a mixer in the usual sense, but you and  
your partner get to interact in a fun way with lots of people and you certainly  
do a lot of swinging with others all over the hall.


This is a simple one in short lines, but you see in the video that after a while  
people find some pretty creaative ways of making things more interesting. No,  
this may not appeal to the dances Ralph Page termed "pickle faces," but that's  
where picking the right dance is the caller's responsibility.

Another fun dance, for the right people, is Julian's Jolly, which comes from the  
English ceilidh tradition:

Julian's Jolly   longways for 6-7 couples,
works well with bouncy jigs such as Off She Goes or Tenpenny Jigs
A1  Couples sashay down and back
A2  R shoulder do-si-do; L shoulder do-si-do
B1	Clap your own knees 2x, clap right hand with partner 2x; repeat with left hands  

	Clap: Knees, Right, Knees, Left; your own together, your own behind back, clap  
both with opposite
B2	Swing person on R diag., while bottom man races to top of set to swing 1st  
The woman don't progress; they get a new partner by the men coming to them for  
the swing.


If there's not enough room to make one big circle, sometimes doing a dance where  
people are in lines of three facing LOD around the hall is a way of packing more  
into the space.

Larry Edelman called one he titled "Silly Threesome"

Brian DeMarcus, now in Anchorage but with deep roots in southern dance traditions,  
has a composition that starts with folks in that same formation

3x3 Bow Knot Mixer (Brian DeMarcus)
Lines of 3 like Spokes of a Wheel Facing ccw

A1  Lines of 3 Walk Forward   (8)
RH High, LH Low, Reverse Direction of Line (8)

A2  Lines of 3 Walk Forward   (8)
RH High, LH Low, Reverse Direction of Line (8)

B1  LH High, Rt person duck under to center of set  (8)
and Circle Left with others.  Two that made arch swing on
the outside of set.  (8)

B2  Outside Two Promenade, while insides Circle Rt
Inside join up with any Twosome to reform Lines of 3

The transition from A2 to B1 is a continuous motion.

In a more New England vein:

Ted's Solo Mixer
Ted Sannella

Formation: individuals stand anywhere in the hall

A1 Find someone and promenade, anywhere

A2 LH turn, once and a half
Left shoulder dosido

B1  Balance and swing

B2  Two-hand turn
Dosido right shoulder, once and a half... and find someone new

Set a Crochet

A1	Promeande Quebecois style (gent on left with R arm around partner's waist,  
woman with L hand resting on his R shoulder)

A2	Gents hold on to partner, link L arms with another gent, all four wheel around  

B1  Ladies chain over and back

B2  Swing opposite, who becomes your new partner

GENERAL COMMENT: For anyone who gets this far, I'll just note that all of these  
don't take very long to teach, they shuffle people around in often unexpected  
ways, and that with cheerful music played at a good clip, they're lots of fun.  
No need to run 'em really long, certainly nowhere near as long as most contras  

David Millstone
Lebanon, NH

Re: [Callers] Request about requests

2012-03-03 Thread Brian Hamshar
Thanks to all who've weighed in on the "mixer requirement" sub-topic that's 
being introduced here in Charlottesville.

I don't claim to know how many callers might be put off by an unusual 
stipulation like this. Maybe it's a non-issue. I'm certainly not balking 
myself, even though it's not my style to include mixers except at weddings.

I've heard that some New England communities have a beloved tradition of 
dancing a certain chestnut in a given time slot - which sounds great to me, if 
that's what the community loves to do. Our board may have conceived the "mixer" 
idea out of a similar line of thinking. The board member who told me of this 
recently moved here from NH, in fact.

I'm not sure the "starting on time" concern really applies here. In Virginia my 
experience is we start dances on time as long as there are people to dance. 
This past fall we had kind of a general slump in attendance, a trend which 
thankfully may already be rebounding on its own. I've seen some nights here 
where the caller felt forced to wait 10 minutes to begin because there were 
literally 5 or fewer folks ready to dance until then (often they were beginners 
only). Wow!

That happened to me a time or two recently as the caller. Once I just waited 
til we could get 8 in a line, another time I think I started with a waltz so 
there was something to do. I suppose I could try a triplet (3 facing 3 
formation, with contra corners) or even, ahem, a mixer for as few as 6 dancers.

In most cases, a half hour into the dance on those night there would be at 
least 20-30 dancers. We consider our "norm" to be 50-75.

On a bit of a tangent (not so much a caller subject, sorry): Our board in 
C'ville has also just introduced a door prize drawing after the very first 
dance, as a way to encourage folks to feel like they're "really missing 
something" if they don't arrive by then. Has anyone done or seen that - and 
what are your thoughts?

Brian Hamshar

-Original Message-
Date: Saturday, March 03, 2012 12:04:00 pm
To: "Caller's discussion list" 
Cc: Brian Hamshar 
From: "Donald Perley" 
Subject: Re: [Callers] Request about requests

On Sat, Mar 3, 2012 at 3:19 AM, Greg McKenzie  wrote:
> .  If folks are arriving late it's probably because
> the callers are not starting on time.  That would be the best policy to
> address that problem--with or without a mixer.

Not really the norm around here.  One time a Burlington dance started
late and I heard about it at a Montpelier dance.  There was a good
storm and either the band or caller was coming a long distance.

Re: [Callers] Mixers: [was: Request about requests]

2012-03-03 Thread Brian Hamshar
David, thanks in particular for your comments. Mixers can indeed be 
interesting, and just like contras and squares, I know there is a variety 
within the genre that provides opportunity to select one that is optimal for 
the specific mix of experience levels present, as well as the intangible "mood" 
of the group.

Here's another thought that just occurred to me: At least around here in the 
mid-Atlantic, callers typically do not learn anything about mixers (why? when? 
which one?) in callers workshops. If anything, we pick them up as we go along 
especially if we do weddings and such. This clearly is a regional difference.

Another potential difficulty which could come up here is the built-in downside 
to circle type dances: you need more than 10-12 dancers, but not too many 
because the circle does not use space efficiently. Our hall is about 30' x 50' 
including chairs lining the walls. The circle formation creates dead space in 
the center, and we don't have the room for multiple circles.

We had our dance last night, and our guest caller did call a circle mixer. It 
was a well attended night. With the folks present the circle was right at the 
edge of discomfort. Only 4-6 more people in the circle would have made it next 
to impossible. I saw a fair number of people sitting out, and I don't know if 
their thinking was "it's just a mixer so I'll rest this one" or perhaps "it's 
already too crowded."

The rest of the night, the two contra sets accommodated all present with room 
to spare. I'm thinking this dance space may be only marginally suited to 
circles, and when I call there on 3/30 I'll most likely opt for a scatter 
instead unless the attendance is lighter. 

Thank you all for your input. I'm aiming to make the mixer in my program as 
pleasant as possible.

Brian Hamshar

-Original Message-
Date: Saturday, March 03, 2012 9:08:01 am
From: "David Millstone" 
Subject: [Callers] Mixers: [was: Request about requests]

I'm fascinated by this discussion about mixers. with most of the comments so 
indicating that a) the authors don't like 'em, b) they don't use them, c) they  
don't see the point, and d) dancers don't like 'em.

This strikes me as another example of people liking  what they are accustomed  
to. One of my caller mentors was Ted Sannella, who usually programmed a mixer  
as the third dance of an evening; Tony Parkes, also, I believe, puts one there  
for similar reasons. By this time, the caller can assume that the bulk of the  
dancers have arrived, and a mixer gives everyone a chance to see everyone else  
who's there. Mixers come in all shapes-- Sicilian circle, big circle / big set, 
  scattered couples, lines of three... They are a systematic way of taking new  
couples clinging to each other and mixing them up. They give experienced 
dancers a chance to learn who's new, to note that person to ask later in the 
They add choreographic variety to a program.

I applaud the Charlottesville community for putting such an expectation in 
In a short time, dancers there will come to expect a mixer in the program as 
normal thing. Who knows? Perhaps we can look forward to other communities 
explicit instructions to callers: "We'd like the evening's program to contain  
a few dances that are not duple improper or Becket contras" or maybe "We'd like 
the caller to go onto the floor at least once in a night to illustrate a style  

As a caller who gets to work in a variety of venues, I love it when a community 
has formulated such guidelines. It lets me know that what I'm doing that night  
fits into an established pattern, that those local dancers are accustomed to 
variety in their program, or that they look forward to improving their dancing  

Larry Jennings coined the "zesty contras' moniker and worked hard to bring that 
ideal into reality. Among his most useful contributions to us all was stressing 
the importance of "vision" for a caller and for a dance series. At this fall's  
"Puttin' On the Dance" weekend conference that attracted 80 dance organizers 
the Northeast and beyond, the very first session for everyone focused on that  
key ingredient. The notes from that conference are here:

David Millstone
Lebanon, NH
Callers mailing list

Re: [Callers] Sharing Mixers

2012-03-03 Thread Dhuntdancer
I enjoy mixers as well.  But IMHO the majority of mixers don't  appeal to 
the MUC dancers mostly because nearly 1/2 of the  dance consist of into 
middle (repeat), circle R and L.
I love "Love and Kisses" by Ted Sannella but I find that it doesn't get  
the dancers "mixed up" enough around the circle.  Lucky Seven is  better for 
moving folks around the circle quickly and meeting new dancers.  
I wonder if any of you would like to share your favorite mixers and perhaps 
 we can build our repertoires?! 
Love and Kisses  Ted Sannella   Circle Mixer  
A1.  4,12   Partner balance, &  swing 
A2.  8Ladies to center and back 
8Gents  to center and return to form wavy ring 
(L hands with partner and R with corner) 
B1. 4,4 Balance, partner allem  L 
8Corner do-si-do – give R to corner (#1) 
B2.  16  #1 pull by R, #2  pull by L, #3 pull by R, #4 allemL,  
#3 pull by R, #2 pull by L 
Lucky 7   Greg Frock   Circle Mixer 
A1.  4,12   Partner balance, &  swing 
A2.  16  Partner  promenade 
B1. 8All  forward and back 
8Partner do-si-do – give R to partner (#1) 
B2.  16  Grand Right &  left passing six people and stopping at 7 

Donna Hunt
"Life may not be the party we hoped for, but while  we're here we should 
dance." -unknown  

In a message dated 3/3/2012 11:47:08 A.M. Eastern Standard Time, writes:

I love  mixers! I love dancing them and I always include a mixer when I call
a  dance, generally in about that position others have identified, third
dance  from the top. I have not noticed my community balking at dancing
them,  perhaps because it seems normal to us. Many of our home and  visiting
callers do these dances as part of the program. I also very much  appreciate
the points made by other callers in this thread on the  topic.


Maura, Ottawa,  Ontario
Callers mailing  list

Re: [Callers] Request about requests

2012-03-03 Thread Donald Perley
On Sat, Mar 3, 2012 at 3:19 AM, Greg McKenzie  wrote:
> .  If folks are arriving late it's probably because
> the callers are not starting on time.  That would be the best policy to
> address that problem--with or without a mixer.

Not really the norm around here.  One time a Burlington dance started
late and I heard about it at a Montpelier dance.  There was a good
storm and either the band or caller was coming a long distance.

Re: [Callers] Mixers

2012-03-03 Thread Maura Volante
I love mixers! I love dancing them and I always include a mixer when I call
a dance, generally in about that position others have identified, third
dance from the top. I have not noticed my community balking at dancing
them, perhaps because it seems normal to us. Many of our home and visiting
callers do these dances as part of the program. I also very much appreciate
the points made by other callers in this thread on the topic.


Maura, Ottawa, Ontario

Re: [Callers] Request about requests

2012-03-03 Thread Donald Primrose
When I am asked to call a dance.. I assume the organizer has an idea
what my deal is.  If I am asked at the dance for something specific
either from a dancer or the host I will accommodate them if I know the
material, feel it works with the energy in the night and that the band
knows the tune (if applicable).

Outside of a special event... It seems a slippery slope for a dance
committee or an underwriting org. to set rules as to the order of
dances on any given night.  If I have to call in a prescribed order..
the folk is gone.

I do believe in consistency in regards to time.  You will kill a dance
series if you do not respect the dancers who do show up on time.  This
being said.. 8:00 in the real world is 8:15 ish in Nelson.

Don Primrose
Nelson, NH
> On Mar 2, 2012, at 3:50 PM, Chris Page wrote:
>> I'm curious -- how do you handle requests?
>> That is, at an event when a dancer or an organizer comes up to the
>> stage and asks you to do a particular dance or type of dance?
>> -Chris Page
>> San Diego
>> ___
>> Callers mailing list
> ___
> Callers mailing list

Re: [Callers] St Paddy's Day theme dances

2012-03-03 Thread Martha Wild
I suggested to another caller here that she use a dance with a "Laddie's Chain" 

On Mar 2, 2012, at 7:20 AM, wrote:

> Send Callers mailing list submissions to
> To subscribe or unsubscribe via the World Wide Web, visit
> or, via email, send a message with subject or body 'help' to
> You can reach the person managing the list at
> When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific
> than "Re: Contents of Callers digest..."
> Today's Topics:
>  1. St. Paddy Day theme dances? (Dorcas Hand)
>  2. Re: St. Paddy Day theme dances? (Bob Green)
>  3. Re: St. Paddy Day theme dances? (Dorcas Hand)
>  4. Re: St. Paddy Day theme dances? (David Millstone)
>  5. Re: St. Paddy Day theme dances? (Linda Leslie)
>  6. Re: St. Paddy Day theme dances? (Dorcas Hand)
>  7. Re: St. Paddy Day theme dances? (Jack Mitchell)
>  8. Re: St. Paddy Day theme dances? (Grant Goodyear)
>  9. Re: St. Paddy Day theme dances? (Perry Shafran)
> --
> Message: 1
> Date: Thu, 1 Mar 2012 19:11:29 -0600
> From: Dorcas Hand 
> To: Caller's discussion list 
> Subject: [Callers] St. Paddy Day theme dances?
> Message-ID:
>   <68BE1BAE269CBC4B80BD58B034C86C9901D3E70C74A4@mx1.networkservice.local>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
> I'm calling a dance on March 17 - does anyone have a few - even one - dance 
> that would work to pick up the theme?  I guess I'll find a 
> come-back-cozy-to-cloverleaf to use - but I don't think or easily see any 
> with a GREEN or "luck of the Irish" or... in the title.  Heck - I guess I 
> could even use Snakes.
> I won't go overboard - but some acknowledgement seems in order.  Besides 
> wearing a green skirt!
> Dorcas Hand
> Houston TX
> --
> Message: 2
> Date: Thu, 1 Mar 2012 19:15:02 -0600
> From: Bob Green 
> To: "Caller's discussion list" 
> Subject: Re: [Callers] St. Paddy Day theme dances?
> Message-ID:

Re: [Callers] Request about requests

2012-03-03 Thread Jonathan Sivier

On 3/2/2012 5:50 PM, Chris Page wrote:

I'm curious -- how do you handle requests?

That is, at an event when a dancer or an organizer comes up to the
stage and asks you to do a particular dance or type of dance?

   I always take a request as being just that, a request and not a 
requirement.  If I know the dance, or have one of that type, and feel it 
is appropriate for the situation, then I'm willing to consider adding it 
to my program.  I feel that as a caller I should try to accommodate the 
desires of the dancers and organizers as much as possible, but have the 
final say on what is or isn't included in the program.

Jonathan Sivier
Caller of Contra, English and Early American Dances
jsivier AT illinois DOT edu
Dance Page:
Q: How many angels can dance on the head of a pin?
A: It depends on what dance you call!

Re: [Callers] Request about requests

2012-03-03 Thread Rich Goss
Generally requests come in the form if asking for a certain move.  "Can you 
call a dance with a hey in it?"  Those can generally be accommodated if it fits 
the program.
I was asked once to call a specific dance.  I called it, and it was a disaster. 
  It was a disaster because I wasn't familiar enough with the dance to teach it 
properly, but was eager to please.  Needless to say, the dancers were not 

Lesson for me was to accommodate requests only if I know it dead cold and it 

On Mar 2, 2012, at 3:50 PM, Chris Page wrote:

> I'm curious -- how do you handle requests?
> That is, at an event when a dancer or an organizer comes up to the
> stage and asks you to do a particular dance or type of dance?
> -Chris Page
> San Diego
> ___
> Callers mailing list

Re: [Callers] Mixers: [was: Request about requests]

2012-03-03 Thread Andrea Nettleton
I love mixers as a dancer and caller, but just had an instance of how they can 
go wrong.  There was a very large crowd with a huge group of new dancers.  
People had already begun to line up for a contra, with, as often happens, a 
bunch of experienced couples at the top of the hall. When we switched to circle 
formation, there was a wide swath of new dancers in the outer ring at the back 
of the hall.  The caller then walked us perfunctorily through a mixer with a 
wavy balance, N DSD, allemande, grand R, allemande, come back to N with 
another grande R  No one around me had a clue, the sound back there was bad, 
made worse by the hubbub of chatter created by confused dancers.  The caller 
may not have seen how bad it was or maybe assumed music would make it better.  
Given the crowd, I think something on the order of La Bastringue would have 
been a better choice, but the point I wanted to make was that it behooves the 
caller to make sure everyone can dance the mixer they call. Many in that corner 
gave up in frustration, and since the point of a mixer is to bring new and 
experienced dancers together as well as to do something everyone can enjoy 
together, it was very much a lost opportunity.  I felt powerless to help the 
many new dancers I encountered there trying to figure out what they were being 
asked to do.

Sent from my iPhone

On Mar 3, 2012, at 10:19 AM, "Bree Kalb"  wrote:

> David said this so much better than I can. I think mixers can be fun as a 
> dancer and I call them when I think they will add to the enjoyment and 
> cohesion of the group.  I sometimes call in Charlottesville and think the 
> board is wise to try something new.
> Bree Kalb
> Carrboro, NC
> -Original Message- From: David Millstone
> Sent: Saturday, March 03, 2012 8:24 AM
> To:
> Subject: [Callers] Mixers: [was: Request about requests]
> I'm fascinated by this discussion about mixers. with most of the comments so 
> far
> indicating that a) the authors don't like 'em, b) they don't use them, c) they
> don't see the point, and d) dancers don't like 'em.
> ___
> Callers mailing list

Re: [Callers] Mixers: [was: Request about requests]

2012-03-03 Thread Bree Kalb
David said this so much better than I can. I think mixers can be fun as a 
dancer and I call them when I think they will add to the enjoyment and 
cohesion of the group.  I sometimes call in Charlottesville and think the 
board is wise to try something new.

Bree Kalb
Carrboro, NC

-Original Message- 
From: David Millstone

Sent: Saturday, March 03, 2012 8:24 AM
Subject: [Callers] Mixers: [was: Request about requests]

I'm fascinated by this discussion about mixers. with most of the comments so 
indicating that a) the authors don't like 'em, b) they don't use them, c) 

don't see the point, and d) dancers don't like 'em.

Re: [Callers] Request about requests

2012-03-03 Thread Perry Shafran
I do believe that most if not all dance organizers, if they want a caller to do 
something, whether it be a mixer, a square, a style tip, whatever, then at 
least that should be communicated to the caller well ahead of time.  If I have 
a dance evening programmed, and the night I get there the organizer comes up to 
me and says I gotta do a square or a mixer that night, I think that's a poor 
idea.  Expectations need to be ironed out well ahead of the night of the dance, 
I think. 
That said, accomodating a request, say, call some easier dances, or 
shorten/lengthen the time of the dance, whatever, those are things I can do.  I 
also want to be flexible as a caller too and not too rigid.  My goal is to make 
the dancers happy.  However,  I know that as a caller, you won't make everyone 
happy 100% of the time as dancers have different tastes.  

--- On Fri, 3/2/12, Brian Hamshar  wrote:

From: Brian Hamshar 
Subject: Re: [Callers] Request about requests
Date: Friday, March 2, 2012, 7:03 PM

I'm not sure yet. The board of our Charlottesville Friday night dance just 
introduced a new policy requiring callers to program a mixer during the first 
quarter of every dance evening. I'm not sure of my opinion on that yet. At 
least I did manage to hear about this prior to my next gig at that series. If I 
got a request on the spot, I imagine it would depend on what request and my 
comfort level with that material.

Brian Hamshar
Central Virginia

-Original Message-
Date: Friday, March 02, 2012 6:50:41 pm
From: "Chris Page" 
Subject: [Callers] Request about requests

I'm curious -- how do you handle requests?

That is, at an event when a dancer or an organizer comes up to the
stage and asks you to do a particular dance or type of dance?

-Chris Page
San Diego
Callers mailing list

Callers mailing list

[Callers] Mixers: [was: Request about requests]

2012-03-03 Thread David Millstone
I'm fascinated by this discussion about mixers. with most of the comments so far  
indicating that a) the authors don't like 'em, b) they don't use them, c) they  
don't see the point, and d) dancers don't like 'em.

This strikes me as another example of people liking  what they are accustomed  
to. One of my caller mentors was Ted Sannella, who usually programmed a mixer  
as the third dance of an evening; Tony Parkes, also, I believe, puts one there  
for similar reasons. By this time, the caller can assume that the bulk of the  
dancers have arrived, and a mixer gives everyone a chance to see everyone else  
who's there. Mixers come in all shapes-- Sicilian circle, big circle / big set,  
 scattered couples, lines of three... They are a systematic way of taking new  
couples clinging to each other and mixing them up. They give experienced helpful  
dancers a chance to learn who's new, to note that person to ask later in the evening.  
They add choreographic variety to a program.

I applaud the Charlottesville community for putting such an expectation in place.  
In a short time, dancers there will come to expect a mixer in the program as the  
normal thing. Who knows? Perhaps we can look forward to other communities giving  
explicit instructions to callers: "We'd like the evening's program to contain  
a few dances that are not duple improper or Becket contras" or maybe "We'd like  
the caller to go onto the floor at least once in a night to illustrate a style  

As a caller who gets to work in a variety of venues, I love it when a community  
has formulated such guidelines. It lets me know that what I'm doing that night  
fits into an established pattern, that those local dancers are accustomed to some  
variety in their program, or that they look forward to improving their dancing  

Larry Jennings coined the "zesty contras' moniker and worked hard to bring that  
ideal into reality. Among his most useful contributions to us all was stressing  
the importance of "vision" for a caller and for a dance series. At this fall's  
"Puttin' On the Dance" weekend conference that attracted 80 dance organizers from  
the Northeast and beyond, the very first session for everyone focused on that  
key ingredient. The notes from that conference are here:

David Millstone
Lebanon, NH

Re: [Callers] Request about requests

2012-03-03 Thread Richard Mckeever
Greg - 

I think you have hit on an important point.  My experience has been that much 
of the objection to a mixer is you ask someone to dance and the don't get to 
keep them as a partner.  Announcing the mixer in advance (the dance after this 
one will be a mixer) would address this and, perhaps, make it more acceptable.  
This would then slot the mixer around the 2nd or 3rd dance of the evening - 
which I think is fine.  I don't want to start the evening with a mixer when we 
have so many experienced dancers eager to help the new ones during the first 

Mac McKeever

 From: Greg McKenzie 
To: Brian Hamshar ; Caller's discussion list 
Sent: Saturday, March 3, 2012 2:19 AM
Subject: Re: [Callers] Request about requests
There are two points I'd like to make here:

1. A lot of callers will get "rubbed the wrong way" if you give them any
guidelines or requirements whatsoever.  Callers getting "rubbed the wrong
way" is probably the only way to make sure that they are paying attention.
Look at the issue of squares at open, public, contra dances.  I have had
one caller who bristled when I informed him that our Board has an on-time
start policy.  It's good for callers to get "rubbed the wrong way."  It
builds character.

2. A policy of one mixer is not going to drive people to arrive late.  The
point is to make the first dances lively and fun with little or no
walk-through.  That can work with mixers or without.  It is up to the
caller to make it fun.  If folks are arriving late it's probably because
the callers are not starting on time.  That would be the best policy to
address that problem--with or without a mixer.

As some of you know I don't see the point of using mixers at open public
contra dances.  The way I do it most of the evening is structured as a
"mixer," even though it's all contras.  I would call a mixer if that's how
they want to do it, but I would be sure to announce it in advance to alert
the regulars.  I would also try to keep it short, lively, and lots of fun.
I don't think it would cramp my style much.

Just a thought,

- Greg McKenzie


On Fri, Mar 2, 2012 at 9:44 PM, Brian Hamshar  wrote:

> Reportedly it was the feeling of the board that mixers are the best way to
> integrate beginners and thereby improve retention. Thus they feel it's a
> good enough tool for potentially increasing attendance over time that they
> felt they should codify it. I've never heard of a requirement like this
> being enacted, although I understand that certain New England communities
> tend to have one or more mixers at every dance. I'm afraid it'll rub a lot
> of callers the wrong way. I'm rather certain it'll exacerbate the ongoing
> problem here of experienced dancers showing up a half hour or more after
> the dance begins (they're not popular with the regular dancers). What do
> others think?
> Brian Hamshar
>  From: Michael Fuerst 
> To: Caller's discussion list 
> Sent: Friday, March 2, 2012 7:16 PM
> Subject: Re: [Callers] Request about requests
> "...
>  new policy requiring callers to program a mixer "    What was the
> reasoning for this ?
> Michael Fuerst      802 N Broadway      Urbana IL 61801       217-239-5844
> ___
> Callers mailing list
> ___
> Callers mailing list
Callers mailing list

Re: [Callers] Request about requests

2012-03-03 Thread Michael Fuerst
The Board's feelings are totally speculative, and likely ineffective, although 
innocuous.  Has the board set up some mechanism to very the efficacy of their 

Michael Fuerst      802 N Broadway      Urbana IL 61801   217-239-5844

--- On Fri, 3/2/12, Brian Hamshar  wrote:

From: Brian Hamshar 
Subject: Re: [Callers] Request about requests
To: "Caller's discussion list" 
Date: Friday, March 2, 2012, 11:44 PM

Reportedly it was the feeling of the board that mixers are the best way to 
integrate beginners and thereby improve retention. Thus they feel it's a good 
enough tool for potentially increasing attendance over time that they felt they 
should codify it. I've never heard of a requirement like this being enacted, 
although I understand that certain New England communities tend to have one or 
more mixers at every dance. I'm afraid it'll rub a lot of callers the wrong 
way. I'm rather certain it'll exacerbate the ongoing problem here of 
experienced dancers showing up a half hour or more after the dance begins 
(they're not popular with the regular dancers). What do others think?

Brian Hamshar

 From: Michael Fuerst 
To: Caller's discussion list  
Sent: Friday, March 2, 2012 7:16 PM
Subject: Re: [Callers] Request about requests
 new policy requiring callers to program a mixer "    What was the reasoning 
for this ?

Michael Fuerst      802 N Broadway      Urbana IL 61801   217-239-5844
Callers mailing list
Callers mailing list

Re: [Callers] Request about requests

2012-03-03 Thread Brian Hamshar
Reportedly it was the feeling of the board that mixers are the best way to 
integrate beginners and thereby improve retention. Thus they feel it's a good 
enough tool for potentially increasing attendance over time that they felt they 
should codify it. I've never heard of a requirement like this being enacted, 
although I understand that certain New England communities tend to have one or 
more mixers at every dance. I'm afraid it'll rub a lot of callers the wrong 
way. I'm rather certain it'll exacerbate the ongoing problem here of 
experienced dancers showing up a half hour or more after the dance begins 
(they're not popular with the regular dancers). What do others think?

Brian Hamshar

 From: Michael Fuerst 
To: Caller's discussion list  
Sent: Friday, March 2, 2012 7:16 PM
Subject: Re: [Callers] Request about requests
 new policy requiring callers to program a mixer "    What was the reasoning 
for this ?

Michael Fuerst      802 N Broadway      Urbana IL 61801   217-239-5844
Callers mailing list