RE: array question

2003-09-23 Thread Tony Weeg
ok for some reason i have  an array, then another array that is the cart
items...? hmmm gotta make it one array with items, not an array with
arrays as items
thanks if any help comes this way :)

-Original Message-
From: Tony Weeg [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, September 23, 2003 12:32 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: array question

The array passed cannot contain more than one dimension.

what does this crap mean?  here is the code below ... thanks!































#session.cart[i][1]# (#session.cart[i][2]#)




		Please Click here to

Continue Shopping




	Please click here to continue

shopping.  There is nothing in your cart!


tony weeg


rEvOlUtIoN wEb DeSiGn


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RE: Data Visualization (OT?)

2003-09-23 Thread Jim Davis
>Yes, I came across Visual Thesaurus before, indeed very slick.  As far
as >patent
>is concerned as Sam mentioned, I don't think that would be an issue,
>copying others does not make much sense to me, the key is to "borrow"

Well - "borrowing" neat concepts that others have patented is a good way
to lose your house.  ;^)  However in this case I think that you're safe.

>but you should definitely
>be able to create mind-maps in Flash if you like.
>Is Flash a full-blown package while Flash Remote is a light version
when it
>comes to multimedia capability?  This is a lazy man's question.

I think you're confusing what they are.

Flash is the development tool - it's where you build all Flash content
(although there are now third party tools as well).

Flash remoting is strictly a server-side extension allowing your
application server (ColdFusion in our case) to communicate VERY easily
with Flash movies.

So while you still need Flash to build the content Flash remoting allows
you to easily integrate that content with your web application.

Jim Davis

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RE: Jrun4 and CFMX

2003-09-23 Thread Kwang Suh
> But a lot of 
> people don't know enough about CFML to consider it a viable alternative 
> to JSP and / or they believe the FUD - Fear, Uncertainty & Doubt - 
> spread by CF's detractors...

Well, if you ever used CF3.0, which had NO proper way to handle
multithreaded session requests, and had a lot of ridiculous restrictions on
the usage of tags, or the collosal POS that was CF4.0 (quite possibly the
WORST application web server ever made - I still can't believe that piece of
garbage made it to market), I can see how people don't exactly trust CF
these days...

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RE: [ OT] Special security Alert!

2003-09-23 Thread Jim Davis
It's easy, turn off the Auto Preview and then don't open messages that 

have titles like "RE: movie" from people you don't know that you didn't 

send a message titled "movie" to in the first place. :)

There are ways to disable HTML email in Outlook, although they may be 

above the general user's head a company's IT staff could at least take 
There seems to be little reason to disable HTML email if virus
protection is your goal.  Instead you should simply prevent active
content from running.  This is easily done (and is the default in later
versions) by adding outlook mail to the "Restricted" Internet Zone.  You
do this in the "Security" settings of Outlook.
This, of course, won't help those that open attachements or lack virus
protection - but it does prevent active content from running in HTML
Jim Davis

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RE: array question

2003-09-23 Thread Jim Davis
ArrayToList will only accept a single dimensional array, not a two
dimensional array as you have it.
This only makes sense: what would ArrayToList() return for
multidimensional arays?
I'm not sure why you're even doing this:
There's really no need considering the ArrayLen() function.  ;^)
Jim Davis

-Original Message-
From: Tony Weeg [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, September 23, 2003 12:32 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: array question

The array passed cannot contain more than one dimension.

what does this crap mean?  here is the code below ... thanks!































#session.cart[i][1]# (#session.cart[i][2]#)




		Please Click here to

Continue Shopping




	Please click here to continue

shopping.  There is nothing in your cart!


tony weeg


rEvOlUtIoN wEb DeSiGn


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RE: Previous/Next with Files

2003-09-23 Thread Brad Roberts
I like Jamie's method and think it's probably the best, but I thought I'd
just throw another idea into the mix.  I wrote a couple of (untested) UDF's
that will recursively look for the previous/next file until it finds it.
The "safetyCounter" is there to avoid an endless loop, so you can adjust the
number as you see fit.

Just a thought.


function getPreviousFile(fileDir,fileID) {
	var newID = fileID - 1;
	var filePath = fileDir & '\' & newID & '.cfm');

	var safetyCounter = 1;
	if (arrayLen(arguments GTE 3)) { safetyCounter = arguments[3] + 1;
	if (safetyCounter GTE 20) { return ""; }

	if (fileExists(filePath)) {
		return newID;
	} else {
		return getPreviousFile(fileDir, newID, safetyCounter);

function getNextFile(fileDir,fileID) {
	var newID = fileID + 1;
	var filePath = fileDir & '\' & newID & '.cfm');

	var safetyCounter = 1;
	if (arrayLen(arguments GTE 3)) { safetyCounter = arguments[3] + 1;
	if (safetyCounter GTE 20) { return ""; }

	if (fileExists(filePath)) {
		return newID;
	} else {
		return getNextFile(fileDir, newID, safetyCounter);

-Original Message-
From: Paul Giesenhagen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, September 22, 2003 4:02 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Previous/Next with Files

I have a directory that can have a small amount or possibly a large amount
of files (3,000) files.

Here would be an excerpt of the directory:

10445.cfm etc..

If someone is looking at 10440.cfm, I would like to have two links a link to
10336.cfm (previous) and a link to 10441.cfm (next).

I could do a CFdirectory and populate a list with all the file names and
then look to the before and after the selected file for the next/previous,
but that seems alittle intensive.

Does anyone have any suggestions on the most efficient way to get
next/previous files?

Any help would be appreciated!

Paul Giesenhagen

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cfhttp over ssl: X.509 not found

2003-09-23 Thread Stacy Young
Trying to use CFHTTP with one of our internal servers over SSL but are
getting the following exception:

I/O Exception: Default SSL context init failed: X.509 not found

I've imported the cert into the cacerts keystore but it's not helping...

Any ideas appreciated!


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Re: List email format

2003-09-23 Thread Michael Dinowitz
News to me as the mail is properly formatted to contain new lines. Critter is
using the bat and hasn't reported that problem. If you email me off list I'll
work with you to make sure it's all working ok.
In addition, as mentioned before, you can just change your settings to text
only. This will remove the html banner and formatting. I prefer it if people
don't do this as the new banner system will hopefully generate some corporate
support for the lists that can be channeled into features such as paid tech
articles and the like.

> Hey all,
> Is it just me, or have other people noticed that the last 10 or so
> posts from the list appear with no line breaks at all, just one long
> string of text.
> There was talk of emails going out in HTML format.. it looks like this
> has happened because my email program is now showing an HTML
> attachment to all emails, with the HTML properly formatted.
> Unfortunately, the text version seems to have a line break problem.
> The average size of the emails has jumped too, from 1 - 3 K to 7 - 12
> K.
> I am using The Bat! for my email.. and if you want me to change
> clients you'll have to pry it from my COLD DEAD HANDS!
> bye!

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Re: paypal and cf

2003-09-23 Thread Pete Freitag
Tony Weeg wrote:

> whats the best pay pal integration method with cf? is there a custom 
> tag that i flying colors above the rest? thanks for any input!


Use/Modify PayPal's code for add to cart, or Buy Now, then checkout 
Pablo's tutorial for an example of doing 
Instant Payment Notification (this verifys that the person actually 
payed for the item). Typically you will want to use the custom field to 
pass a customer id, or order number.

Pete Freitag
Author Of CFMX Developers Cookbook

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RE: Jrun4 and CFMX

2003-09-23 Thread Jim Davis
> But a lot of 

> people don't know enough about CFML to consider it a viable

> to JSP and / or they believe the FUD - Fear, Uncertainty & Doubt - 

> spread by CF's detractors...

Well, if you ever used CF3.0, which had NO proper way to handle

multithreaded session requests, and had a lot of ridiculous restrictions

the usage of tags, or the collosal POS that was CF4.0 (quite possibly

WORST application web server ever made - I still can't believe that
piece of

garbage made it to market), I can see how people don't exactly trust CF

these days...
Of course that was over 4 years ago... a lifetime in Internet terms.
CF 3 did have threading issues - but was otherwise a HUGE leap foreward:
intergrated Search engine, full mail support (albeit a bit broken),
custom tags, etc.  CF 4 also had problems of course and we might
consider CF 4.5 the first "modern" version of CF.
However it's riduculous to compare those versions to the modern
versions: remembe what ELSE was available then?  NOTHING was very good
at the time (well, except for Perl, I suppose). WebPlus a poor CF clone,
Java was so much in it's infancy you couldn't really build squat (except
for memory-leak-ridden applets), ASP was promising but had some SEVERE
problems of it's own.
Compared to what was available at the time CF 3 and 4 were actually
about evenly placed, I think.  We built some damn fine applications on
them (actually we built some damn fine applications on versions 1.5 and
2 as well).
I agree that people seem to be carrying outdated impressions of CF - but
why just CF?  You rarely hear people complaining about ASP's threading
model (which inversion 1.0 REALLY sucked) but I still hear people
spouting off that CF isn't multi-threaded (it is, of course and has been
for years) or that it can't handle any significant load (it's been able
to since 4) or that it lacks some other basic neccesity that it's
featured for years (like structured exception handling, recursion,
custom functions, etc).
I'm not sure why this is, but it definately is a problem.
Jim Davis

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Re: Jrun4 and CFMX

2003-09-23 Thread Nick de Voil
> Well, if you ever used CF3.0, which had NO proper way ...

What was the point of that post? POS, indeed.

My 2 cents worth: we've been using both CF and JRun for some time now. JSP,
on its own, has nothing to recommend it over CF, except that you can deploy
JSP apps on free standards-based software such as Tomcat (before anyone
mentions BlueDragon, I don't consider CFML a standard). CF's built-in
functionality is still way ahead of what you can do with easily/freely
available JSP taglibs. It's almost the most productive platform it's
possible to imagine. I would never dream of using JSP to develop a
small-to-medium sized application or website, if I could use CF instead.
However, if you're developing complex apps that have to integrate with
multiple pieces of Java-based software (and there are some good ones out
there), then imo it makes sense to minimise the number of technologies in
your bag by going with a completely Java-based approach. It streamlines your
source code base a little, which is always a good thing.


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Re: [ OT] Special security Alert!

2003-09-23 Thread Joshua Miller
Agreed, removing HTML email isn't the solution ... was just responding 
to the individual who said (to poorly paraphrase) "how do you turn it 
off if MS doesn't allow you to".

I'm a fan of HTML email, it's the logical evolution ... can't wait for 
Rich Email via Flash :)

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New email format

2003-09-23 Thread Peter Tilbrook
  [Peter Tilbrook] Just noticed the new HTML format.

  Looks nice :)

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Re: New email format

2003-09-23 Thread Michael Dinowitz
Thanks. I'm doing my best to make it as painless as possible for subscribers.
My next 'trick' will be to devise a way to auto-clip long quoted messages. Some
people post a reply with the entire thread in it and then the next person does,
then the next, etc. This leads to huge messages for no reason. A response should

be the text that a person is responding to and their message.
I'm thinking that every post that has over 15 quoted lines in it will have the
16th quoted line on down till the message end removed. That should be safe and
cut down on the amount of data going around.

>   [Peter Tilbrook] Just noticed the new HTML format.
>   Looks nice :)

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Re: New email format

2003-09-23 Thread Hugo Ahlenius
Hi Mike,

Good work, I like the new "lean" HTML format... Wish: I would like to have
the indented reply-history (the | or > lines) colored differently...

Hugo Ahlenius  E-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Project OfficerPhone:+46 8 230460
UNEP GRID-Arendal  Fax:  +46 8 230441
Stockholm Office   Mobile: +46 733 467111

 Original Message 
From: "Michael Dinowitz" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, September 23, 2003 10:06
Subject: Re: New email format

| Thanks. I'm doing my best to make it as painless as possible for
| subscribers.
| My next 'trick' will be to devise a way to auto-clip long quoted
| messages. Some people post a reply with the entire thread in it and
| then the next person does, then the next, etc. This leads to huge
| messages for no reason. A response should be the text that a person
| is responding to and their message.
| I'm thinking that every post that has over 15 quoted lines in it will
| have the 16th quoted line on down till the message end removed. That
| should be safe and cut down on the amount of data going around.
||   [Peter Tilbrook] Just noticed the new HTML format.
||   Looks nice :)

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Re: New email format

2003-09-23 Thread Oliver Tupman
Peter Tilbrook wrote:

>   [Peter Tilbrook] Just noticed the new HTML format.
>   Looks nice :)

Egad, there's HTML in that thar e-mail.

And I didn't even notice it! Doh. Obviously not awake yet.

Having noticed it I've already right-clicked and selected 'Block images 
from server'.

But I agree, it does look nice. Or at least pretty much like the 
plain-text format!

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Re: New email format

2003-09-23 Thread Massimo Foti
> Egad, there's HTML in that thar e-mail. 
> And I didn't even notice it! Doh. Obviously not awake yet. 
Until you try to quote it... 
In my opinion it's a pain. I had to convert the email to plain text and 
manually quote it :-( 
Traditionally CF-Talk users have been know for very poor quoting, things 
will only get worst. 
Massimo Foti 
Certified Dreamweaver MX Developer 
Certified Advanced ColdFusion MX Developer 

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Re: New email format

2003-09-23 Thread Michael Dinowitz
Let me see what I can do about it. 
> Hi Mike, 
> Good work, I like the new "lean" HTML format... Wish: I would like to have 
> the indented reply-history (the | or > lines) colored differently... 

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RE: Internet Explorer 6.0 + Out of Memory / Stack Overflow

2003-09-23 Thread Robertson-Ravo, Neil (RX)
Hey Jochen, 
I have found some info on the fact IE and other browsers have a limit on the 
number of recursions allowed 
-Original Message- 
From: Jochem van Dieten [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 22 September 2003 21:06 
To: CF-Talk 
Subject: Re: Internet Explorer 6.0 + Out of Memory / Stack Overflow 
Robertson-Ravo, Neil (RX) wrote: 
> Anyone experienced an Out of Memory error with Internet Explorer with 
> Arrays?  I am pretty sure there are no limits on Array Size in JS but IE 
> freaking out big style with large ones... 
> Is there a buffer overflow fix or something?  I have IE 6.0 SP1 and whole 
> host of Patches so I am sure I am up to date. 
Call Microsoft. If you still have incidents for either Office or  
Windows you can use then for IE as well. 
Forget about asking for a bug or even an incident number though,  
they will at best offer to send you an email when the exciting  
new feature "does not crash on large arrays" has been implemented :-( 

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Re: New email format

2003-09-23 Thread Michael Dinowitz
What mail reader are you using? I have it set up to allow for auto quoting as 
> > Egad, there's HTML in that thar e-mail. 
> > 
> > And I didn't even notice it! Doh. Obviously not awake yet. 
> Until you try to quote it... 
> In my opinion it's a pain. I had to convert the email to plain text and 
> manually quote it :-( 
> Traditionally CF-Talk users have been know for very poor quoting, things 
> will only get worst. 

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Re: New email format

2003-09-23 Thread Massimo Foti
> What mail reader are you using? I have it set up to allow for auto quoting 
> normal. 
OE 6.00.2600 

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Re: New email format

2003-09-23 Thread Michael Dinowitz
Very strange. I'm using the same. Might be that I've got mine currently set to 
send all messages as plain text. On the other hand, when set to send in html 
format, it worked perfectly. I'll look into this more as well. 
> > What mail reader are you using? I have it set up to allow for auto quoting 
> as 
> > normal. 
> OE 6.00.2600 
> Massimo 

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Re: New email format

2003-09-23 Thread Stephen Moretti
Ah well there you go 
IE is pretty rubbish at quoting/editing in HTML (about the only thing  
its rubbish at) 
All works fine with Mozilla Thunderbird mind... ;o) 
Massimo Foti wrote: 
>> What mail reader are you using? I have it set up to allow for auto quoting  
> as  
>> normal.  
> OE 6.00.2600  
> Massimo  

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Re: New email format

2003-09-23 Thread Thomas Chiverton
On Tuesday 23 Sep 2003 08:27 am, Peter Tilbrook wrote: 
>   Looks nice :) 

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Re: New email format

2003-09-23 Thread Massimo Foti
> Very strange. I'm using the same. Might be that I've got mine currently 
set to 
> send all messages as plain text. 
I've set the options to send everything in plain text. 
Anyway, I see the vast majority is already happy with HTML, so I don't 

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Re: List email format

2003-09-23 Thread Thomas Chiverton
On Tuesday 23 Sep 2003 07:07 am, Michael Dinowitz wrote: 
> News to me as the mail is properly formatted to contain new lines. 
> Critter is 
> using the bat and hasn't reported that problem. If you email me off list 
> I'll 
Random blank lines are turning up in some posts... 
Tom Chiverton (sorry 'bout sig.) 
Advanced ColdFusion Programmer 
Tel: +44(0)1749 834997 
BlueFinger Limited 
Underwood Business Park 
Wookey Hole Road, WELLS. BA5 1AF 
Tel: +44 (0)1749 834900 
Fax: +44 (0)1749 834901 
Company Reg No: 4209395 Registered Office: 2 Temple Back East, Temple 
Quay, BRISTOL. BS1 6EG. 
*** This E-mail contains confidential information for the addressee 
only. If you are not the intended recipient, please notify us 
immediately. You should not use, disclose, distribute or copy this 
communication if received in error. No binding contract will result from 
this e-mail until such time as a written document is signed on behalf of 
the company. BlueFinger Limited cannot accept responsibility for the 
completeness or accuracy of this message as it has been transmitted over 
public networks.*** 

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Re: New email format

2003-09-23 Thread Massimo Foti
> IE is pretty rubbish at quoting/editing in HTML (about the only thing 
> its rubbish at) 
I never said OE is great :-) 
I also promise I am not going to complain anymore. The vast majority of the 
list seems happy with the choice. 
I will just reduce my post or avoid quoting at all (the list is pretty poor 
on quoting anyway) 
> All works fine with Mozilla Thunderbird mind... ;o) 
Tahnks, I've tried it out, it looks promising, just not ready for prime 
time, at least not for me 

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Re: New email format

2003-09-23 Thread Michael Dinowitz
There's always the text only option on the subscription page. :) 
I want everyone to be happy if possible. 
> > Very strange. I'm using the same. Might be that I've got mine currently 
> set to 
> > send all messages as plain text. 
> I've set the options to send everything in plain text. 
> Anyway, I see the vast majority is already happy with HTML, so I don't 
> complain. 
> Massimo 

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Re: List email format

2003-09-23 Thread Michael Dinowitz
I think I've dealt with that already. It has to do with the placement of new 
line characters. Not fun stuff at all. 
> On Tuesday 23 Sep 2003 07:07 am, Michael Dinowitz wrote: 
> > News to me as the mail is properly formatted to contain new lines. 
> > Critter is 
> > 
> > using the bat and hasn't reported that problem. If you email me off list 
> > I'll 
> Random blank lines are turning up in some posts... 
> --  
> Tom Chiverton (sorry 'bout sig.) 
> Advanced ColdFusion Programmer 
> Tel: +44(0)1749 834997 
> BlueFinger Limited 
> Underwood Business Park 
> Wookey Hole Road, WELLS. BA5 1AF 
> Tel: +44 (0)1749 834900 
> Fax: +44 (0)1749 834901 
> web: 
> Company Reg No: 4209395 Registered Office: 2 Temple Back East, Temple 
> Quay, BRISTOL. BS1 6EG. 
> *** This E-mail contains confidential information for the addressee 
> only. If you are not the intended recipient, please notify us 
> immediately. You should not use, disclose, distribute or copy this 
> communication if received in error. No binding contract will result from 
> this e-mail until such time as a written document is signed on behalf of 
> the company. BlueFinger Limited cannot accept responsibility for the 
> completeness or accuracy of this message as it has been transmitted over 
> public networks.*** 

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Re: New email format

2003-09-23 Thread Thomas Chiverton
On Tuesday 23 Sep 2003 10:11 am, Michael Dinowitz wrote: 
> There's always the text only option on the subscription page. :) 
I thought this was going to be on by default, at least for existing  
subscribers ? 
Could you clarify what is going on with HTML emails, or not, any preferences  
that have an effect, and any pre or post processing the mailing list software  
performs ? 
Tom Chiverton (sorry 'bout sig.) 
Advanced ColdFusion Programmer 
Tel: +44(0)1749 834997 
BlueFinger Limited 
Underwood Business Park 
Wookey Hole Road, WELLS. BA5 1AF 
Tel: +44 (0)1749 834900 
Fax: +44 (0)1749 834901 
Company Reg No: 4209395 Registered Office: 2 Temple Back East, Temple 
Quay, BRISTOL. BS1 6EG. 
*** This E-mail contains confidential information for the addressee 
only. If you are not the intended recipient, please notify us 
immediately. You should not use, disclose, distribute or copy this 
communication if received in error. No binding contract will result from 
this e-mail until such time as a written document is signed on behalf of 
the company. BlueFinger Limited cannot accept responsibility for the 
completeness or accuracy of this message as it has been transmitted over 
public networks.*** 

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Re: List email format

2003-09-23 Thread Thomas Chiverton
On Tuesday 23 Sep 2003 10:12 am, Michael Dinowitz wrote: 
> I think I've dealt with that already.  
I must have missed that one, or not got to it yet... 
> line characters. Not fun stuff at all. 
But you knew you would be opening a can of worms when you started this,  
right :-) ?  
Tom Chiverton (sorry 'bout sig.) 
Advanced ColdFusion Programmer 
Tel: +44(0)1749 834997 
BlueFinger Limited 
Underwood Business Park 
Wookey Hole Road, WELLS. BA5 1AF 
Tel: +44 (0)1749 834900 
Fax: +44 (0)1749 834901 
Company Reg No: 4209395 Registered Office: 2 Temple Back East, Temple 
Quay, BRISTOL. BS1 6EG. 
*** This E-mail contains confidential information for the addressee 
only. If you are not the intended recipient, please notify us 
immediately. You should not use, disclose, distribute or copy this 
communication if received in error. No binding contract will result from 
this e-mail until such time as a written document is signed on behalf of 
the company. BlueFinger Limited cannot accept responsibility for the 
completeness or accuracy of this message as it has been transmitted over 
public networks.*** 

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Re: New email format

2003-09-23 Thread Michael Dinowitz
1. Your accounts will not be altered by me in any way. To change to text only 
email, you'll have to change it by hand. As I'm trying to make the email as 

painless as possible and keep as many people on the HTML email, there's a reason
for not making text only the default (besides that it would affect other lists 
not on the system yet). 

2. Even though the email is sent by the list in a legal HTML format, the body of

the email is text only. Viruses, attachments, markup, scripts, etc. are stripped
out before being sent. 
3. The mail is formatted so that any system should be able to reply and quote 
properly. If a system has problems with quoting, please contact me off list and 
I'll work with you to find the issue. My goal is as close to perfect email as 
4. A minimum of 10% of the banners on the lists will be dedicated to non-profit 
CF resources. If you run such a resource, please contact me. 
5. Money from the banners (when the banners are actually for pay) will be used 
to pay for House of Fusion / Fusion Authority features to the benefit of the 
community. Many have used the "best of talk" and enjoyed it. Many have used 

articles from FA to their benefit. Our goal is to keep all of our resources free
for the community to use while paying people to add to those resources. 
Articles, features, code, etc. 
> On Tuesday 23 Sep 2003 10:11 am, Michael Dinowitz wrote: 
> > There's always the text only option on the subscription page. :) 
> I thought this was going to be on by default, at least for existing 
> subscribers ? 
> Could you clarify what is going on with HTML emails, or not, any preferences 
> that have an effect, and any pre or post processing the mailing list software 
> performs ? 

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Re: List email format

2003-09-23 Thread Michael Dinowitz
> On Tuesday 23 Sep 2003 10:12 am, Michael Dinowitz wrote: 
> > I think I've dealt with that already. 
> I must have missed that one, or not got to it yet... 
Dealing with the line spacing was done as posts were coming in. 
> > line characters. Not fun stuff at all. 
> But you knew you would be opening a can of worms when you started this, 
> right :-) ? 
Yes. Few actually go into the details of cross platform mail issues (I can name 
2 or 3 of the thousands I know). Unix only uses Chr(10) for new lines while 
windows uses chr(13)chr(10). Which should I use? How should I wrap it. 
Every wrap program that exists does something wrong with the wrapping, which 
means I have to write a wrap from scratch and then make sure it's 100% over all 
Anyway, end result will be solid mail and lots of potential experience for any 
email job I may get. :) 

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Re: New email format

2003-09-23 Thread Massimo Foti
> There's always the text only option on the subscription page. :) 
Just tried it out 
> I want everyone to be happy if possible. 
I appreciate all you do. You aren't supposed to keep me happy, you already 
do a lot for the whole community 

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Re: New email format

2003-09-23 Thread Massimo Foti
> > There's always the text only option on the subscription page. :) 
> Just tried it out 
It works great! 
Thanks a lot :-))) 
Massimo Foti 
Certified Dreamweaver MX Developer 
Certified Advanced ColdFusion MX Developer 

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Re: New email format

2003-09-23 Thread Thomas Chiverton
On Tuesday 23 Sep 2003 09:51 am, Thomas Chiverton wrote: 
> On Tuesday 23 Sep 2003 08:27 am, Peter Tilbrook wrote: 
> >   Looks nice :) 
Something swallowed the text of my reply, about how it doesn't look nice in a  
plain-text view, possibly due to the wrapping @79 chars. 
I hope this reply shows up... 
Tom Chiverton (sorry 'bout sig.) 
Advanced ColdFusion Programmer 
Tel: +44(0)1749 834997 
BlueFinger Limited 
Underwood Business Park 
Wookey Hole Road, WELLS. BA5 1AF 
Tel: +44 (0)1749 834900 
Fax: +44 (0)1749 834901 
Company Reg No: 4209395 Registered Office: 2 Temple Back East, Temple 
Quay, BRISTOL. BS1 6EG. 
*** This E-mail contains confidential information for the addressee 
only. If you are not the intended recipient, please notify us 
immediately. You should not use, disclose, distribute or copy this 
communication if received in error. No binding contract will result from 
this e-mail until such time as a written document is signed on behalf of 
the company. BlueFinger Limited cannot accept responsibility for the 
completeness or accuracy of this message as it has been transmitted over 
public networks.*** 

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copying from one datasource to another

2003-09-23 Thread Richard Meredith-Hardy
I have 2 datasources, AccessLocal and WeirdRemote, this latter is some 
sort of bespoke DB on a Unix box down a leased line somewhere the other 
side of London, but I can get at it from CF via ODBC, and for that 
matter from Access (on the server) via ODBC. 
What I want to do is copy various tables on WeirdRemote into 
AccessLocal, basically to get a local copy of various tables on 
WeirdRemote, but not all records (so there has to be a query of some 
Now I could do this by doing a query on WeirdRemote in CF and then 
looping over it with a load of Inserts into AccessLocal, but this would 
be rather complicated, and quite likely very slow. 
A better option seems to me to have a set of 'Make table queries' saved 
in my AccessLocal datasource and then I simply 'run' them from CF and 
the entire thing is then done in the background between WeirdRemote and 
AccessLocal, and in fact this can be done manually in Access, but 
because of WeirdRemote's licencing setup, only from the server. 
How to call the 'make table queries'?  I don't seem to be able to do it 
via CFQUERY but I expect this can be done via COM into AccessLocal... 
anyone have an example code? 
Richard Meredith-Hardy 
Tel: + 44 (0)1462 834776 FAX: + 44 (0)1462 732668

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Re: New email format

2003-09-23 Thread Thane Sherrington
At 05:11 AM 9/23/03 -0400, Michael Dinowitz wrote: 
>There's always the text only option on the subscription page. :) 
>I want everyone to be happy if possible. 
I can't find the text only option.  The new font isn't bad, but it isn't  
nearly as readable as the default font in Eudora, I find. 
Tired of your bookmarks/favourites being limited to one computer?  Move  
them to the Net! makes it easy to keep all your  
favourites in one place and 
access them from any computer that's attached to the Internet.  

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RE: New email format

2003-09-23 Thread Robertson-Ravo, Neil (RX)
I agree, its a tad unreadable 
-Original Message- 
From: Thane Sherrington [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 23 September 2003 11:20 
To: CF-Talk 
Subject: Re: New email format 
At 05:11 AM 9/23/03 -0400, Michael Dinowitz wrote:  
>There's always the text only option on the subscription page. :)  
>I want everyone to be happy if possible.  
I can't find the text only option.  The new font isn't bad, but it isn't   
nearly as readable as the default font in Eudora, I find.  
Tired of your bookmarks/favourites being limited to one computer?  Move   
them to the Net! makes it easy to keep all your   
favourites in one place and  
access them from any computer that's attached to the Internet.   

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RE: New email format

2003-09-23 Thread Mike Kear
Ok you've got me stumped.  I've looked around HouseofFusion for ages and 
can't find any settings I can modify except my password.   And yes, I did 
click on "User Settings" on the bottom of the emails.I see all the text 
on this list in courier, even though it's plainly coming in as HTML. 
Where are the rest of you setting things? 
Michael Kear 
Windsor, NSW, Australia 
AFP Webworks. 
-Original Message- 
From: Thane Sherrington [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]  
Sent: Tuesday, 23 September 2003 8:20 PM 
To: CF-Talk 
Subject: Re: New email format 
At 05:11 AM 9/23/03 -0400, Michael Dinowitz wrote:  
>There's always the text only option on the subscription page. :)  
>I want everyone to be happy if possible.  
I can't find the text only option.  The new font isn't bad, but it isn't   
nearly as readable as the default font in Eudora, I find.  

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Re: New email format

2003-09-23 Thread Thomas Chiverton
On Tuesday 23 Sep 2003 11:19 am, Thane Sherrington wrote: 
> At 05:11 AM 9/23/03 -0400, Michael Dinowitz wrote: 
> >There's always the text only option on the subscription page. :) 
> >I want everyone to be happy if possible. 
> I can't find the text only option.  The new font isn't bad, but it isn't 
> nearly as readable as the default font in Eudora, I find. 
It's towards the bottom of the drop down list on the 'subscribe' page, once  
you are loged in, and click on a mailing list on the left side in the  
'mailing list' area. 
I've just done it, and it improves things a lot. 
However, advert text appears appove the mailing list footer line of tildes :-( 
Tom Chiverton (sorry 'bout sig.) 
Advanced ColdFusion Programmer 
Tel: +44(0)1749 834997 
BlueFinger Limited 
Underwood Business Park 
Wookey Hole Road, WELLS. BA5 1AF 
Tel: +44 (0)1749 834900 
Fax: +44 (0)1749 834901 
Company Reg No: 4209395 Registered Office: 2 Temple Back East, Temple 
Quay, BRISTOL. BS1 6EG. 
*** This E-mail contains confidential information for the addressee 
only. If you are not the intended recipient, please notify us 
immediately. You should not use, disclose, distribute or copy this 
communication if received in error. No binding contract will result from 
this e-mail until such time as a written document is signed on behalf of 
the company. BlueFinger Limited cannot accept responsibility for the 
completeness or accuracy of this message as it has been transmitted over 
public networks.*** 

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Re: dates nightmare again!

2003-09-23 Thread Richard Meredith-Hardy
To avoid this confusion I tend to always use a mmm month as in "25 Jul 
2003", I expect someone will tell me otherwise, but I have never come 
across a date in this format which isdate() recognizes wrongly.   
Users don't get confused either. 
Claude Schneegans wrote: 
> >>In CF4.5 
> In CF 5, CFMX too. 

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CFC Complex Data Return Types

2003-09-23 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
I've just been running through some of the flash tutorials from and 
found use of a StockTicker Web Service ( 
When I load this into flash 2004 pro I get a nice little description of the 
return being an Array of Objects which works well in Flash. 
I am trying to replicate something similar in CF for the purposes of 
learning data binding in Flash 2004 pro but am having a nightmare trying to 
figure it all out, mainly how they have managed to return an array of 
Does anyone know how to do this, or are there any closet flash gurus out 
there that know how this all works and is willing to give me some pointers? 

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RE: New email format

2003-09-23 Thread Scott Wilhelm
Bravo Mike!  This is a ton of work that we all appreciate. 

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Re: New email format

2003-09-23 Thread Thane Sherrington
At 11:27 AM 09/23/03 +0100, Thomas Chiverton wrote: 
>It's towards the bottom of the drop down list on the 'subscribe' page, once 
>you are loged in, and click on a mailing list on the left side in the 
>'mailing list' area. 
Found it.  It isn't in the most obvious place in the world. :) 
Tired of your bookmarks/favourites being limited to one computer?  Move  
them to the Net! makes it easy to keep all your  
favourites in one place and 
access them from any computer that's attached to the Internet.  

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re: Getting invalid exporession?

2003-09-23 Thread Bushy

I'm trying to check is the below is less than or equal to "3" and equal to "1" b
ut my syntax is not correct. 
What am I doind wrong? 
This works  but when I add the "1" it pukes. 
do this... 

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RE: copying from one datasource to another

2003-09-23 Thread Kola Oyedeji
You should be able to create linked tables in access containing all the 
data then run a sql statement along the lines of. 
Create table myCopy as  
select ...from ... etc. 
-Original Message- 
From: Richard Meredith-Hardy [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]  
Sent: 23 September 2003 10:40 
To: CF-Talk 
Subject: copying from one datasource to another 
I have 2 datasources, AccessLocal and WeirdRemote, this latter is some  
sort of bespoke DB on a Unix box down a leased line somewhere the other  
side of London, but I can get at it from CF via ODBC, and for that  
matter from Access (on the server) via ODBC.  
What I want to do is copy various tables on WeirdRemote into  
AccessLocal, basically to get a local copy of various tables on  
WeirdRemote, but not all records (so there has to be a query of some  
Now I could do this by doing a query on WeirdRemote in CF and then  
looping over it with a load of Inserts into AccessLocal, but this would  
be rather complicated, and quite likely very slow.  
A better option seems to me to have a set of 'Make table queries' saved  
in my AccessLocal datasource and then I simply 'run' them from CF and  
the entire thing is then done in the background between WeirdRemote and  
AccessLocal, and in fact this can be done manually in Access, but  
because of WeirdRemote's licencing setup, only from the server.  
How to call the 'make table queries'?  I don't seem to be able to do it  
via CFQUERY but I expect this can be done via COM into AccessLocal...  
anyone have an example code?  
Richard Meredith-Hardy  
Tel: + 44 (0)1462 834776 FAX: + 44 (0)1462 732668 

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Re: New email format

2003-09-23 Thread Kevin Graeme
Actually, I'm very unhappy with it. But I've been using it for a week on CF-Comm
unity now just to provide Mike with feedback. Now that he's gone live with it, I
think I'll be switching my preferences back to text-only. 
  - Original Message -  
  From: Massimo Foti  
  To: CF-Talk  
  Sent: Tuesday, September 23, 2003 3:54 AM 
  Subject: Re: New email format 
> Very strange. I'm using the same. Might be that I've got mine currently  
set to  
> send all messages as plain text.  
I've set the options to send everything in plain text.  
Anyway, I see the vast majority is already happy with HTML, so I don't  

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Re: [ OT] Special security Alert!

2003-09-23 Thread Claude Schneegans
>>MS has made this a priority and is doing a decent job: 

Yes, they've learned from their mistakes. Unfortunately, it will take years befo
re we can see the beneficts. 

Too many people do not take care of updating,  or setting parameters or options.

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RE: Jrun4 and CFMX

2003-09-23 Thread Kwang Suh
Point being that many companies put their faith into CF, only to find out 
that it bombed at higher loads, or that it was just generally unstable, even 
in low load situations, or that some of the integration features didn't 
quite work properly.  It was not a comparison between JSP (which is junk, 
BTW) and ColdFusion. 
-Original Message- 
From: Nick de Voil [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]  
Sent: September 23, 2003 12:40 AM 
To: CF-Talk 
Subject: Re: Jrun4 and CFMX 
> Well, if you ever used CF3.0, which had NO proper way ... 
What was the point of that post? POS, indeed. 
My 2 cents worth: we've been using both CF and JRun for some time now. JSP, 
on its own, has nothing to recommend it over CF, except that you can deploy 
JSP apps on free standards-based software such as Tomcat (before anyone 
mentions BlueDragon, I don't consider CFML a standard). CF's built-in 
functionality is still way ahead of what you can do with easily/freely 
available JSP taglibs. It's almost the most productive platform it's 
possible to imagine. I would never dream of using JSP to develop a 
small-to-medium sized application or website, if I could use CF instead. 
However, if you're developing complex apps that have to integrate with 
multiple pieces of Java-based software (and there are some good ones out 
there), then imo it makes sense to minimise the number of technologies in 
your bag by going with a completely Java-based approach. It streamlines your 
source code base a little, which is always a good thing. 

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Re: [ OT] Special security Alert!

2003-09-23 Thread Claude Schneegans
>>You would think that after 3, 4, 5, 20 virii make their way to your 
Outlook inbox and infect your machine that you would take the time 
necessary to learn how to protect yourself, 
First I don't use Outlook, second, I didn.t get infected. 

Again my problem is the volume of garbage I receive from others. It fills up my 
mail box. 18.5 meg just in 10 hours! 
>>It's somewhat unfair to blame Microsoft for the virii being passed 
around, although it's typical of society. 

The point is that the soft was delivered (I know it is not so now) with far too 
dangerous features all activated BY DEFAULT. 
1. the ability to execute scripts form mail. Who needs that? 

2. the ability to do almost everything from a script. MS definitely forgot about
elementary Intenet security rules. 

3. the ability to use functionalities like the SMTP functions or get the mail ad
dreses list in Outlook from any external program or script. 

THIS is the main reason why so many viruses are spread and the fact that they ha
ve corrected the situation 

does not eliminate their responsability for the effects that are still going on.

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RE: Jrun4 and CFMX

2003-09-23 Thread Kwang Suh
> However it's riduculous to compare those versions to the modern 
versions: remembe what ELSE was available then?  NOTHING was very good 
at the time (well, except for Perl, I suppose). WebPlus a poor CF clone, 
Java was so much in it's infancy you couldn't really build squat (except 
for memory-leak-ridden applets), ASP was promising but had some SEVERE 
problems of it's own. 
Of course it's ridiculous.  But it's still happening.  I know some people 
that still won't go near CF with a ten foot pole because of their 
experiences back in the 3-4 days. 
> Compared to what was available at the time CF 3 and 4 were actually 
about evenly placed, I think.  We built some damn fine applications on 
them (actually we built some damn fine applications on versions 1.5 and 
2 as well). 
Actually I thought CF3 was light years ahead of everything else at the time. 
CF 4 was unstable to the point of being unusable, CF4.0.1 solved a lot of 
those problems though.  CF4.5 finally fixed everything else, and CF5 was 
quite nice. 
> I agree that people seem to be carrying outdated impressions of CF - but 
why just CF?  You rarely hear people complaining about ASP's threading 
model (which inversion 1.0 REALLY sucked) but I still hear people 
spouting off that CF isn't multi-threaded (it is, of course and has been 
for years) or that it can't handle any significant load (it's been able 
to since 4) or that it lacks some other basic neccesity that it's 
featured for years (like structured exception handling, recursion, 
custom functions, etc). 
> I'm not sure why this is, but it definately is a problem. 
I think MM needs to do some better marketing around the better stability of 
CFMX.  As for the other features, I've never ever seen any sort of marketing 
around the better language features that later versions of CF had, even from 

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Re: [ OT] Special security Alert!

2003-09-23 Thread Claude Schneegans
>>are viruses targeting outlook because it's vulnerable or because it's popular?
Let's say it's both. then there is no more discussion ;-) 

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RE: New email format

2003-09-23 Thread Pascal Peters
I have a problem with code dissapearing when there are tags in it. Just 
posted something on cf-regexp and part of the regular _expression_ is gone 
because it is checking for tags! 

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Re: copying from one datasource to another

2003-09-23 Thread Richard Meredith-Hardy
hmmm.. too simple!  I will try it.  Thanks. 
Kola Oyedeji wrote: 
> Richard 
> You should be able to create linked tables in access containing all the 
> data then run a sql statement along the lines of. 
> Create table myCopy as 
> ( 
> select ...from ... etc. 
> ) 
> HTH 
> Kola 
> -Original Message- 
> From: Richard Meredith-Hardy [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: 23 September 2003 10:40 
> To: CF-Talk 
> Subject: copying from one datasource to another 
> I have 2 datasources, AccessLocal and WeirdRemote, this latter is some 
> sort of bespoke DB on a Unix box down a leased line somewhere the other 
> side of London, but I can get at it from CF via ODBC, and for that 
> matter from Access (on the server) via ODBC. 
> What I want to do is copy various tables on WeirdRemote into 
> AccessLocal, basically to get a local copy of various tables on 
> WeirdRemote, but not all records (so there has to be a query of some 
> sort). 
> Now I could do this by doing a query on WeirdRemote in CF and then 
> looping over it with a load of Inserts into AccessLocal, but this would 
> be rather complicated, and quite likely very slow. 
> A better option seems to me to have a set of 'Make table queries' saved 
> in my AccessLocal datasource and then I simply 'run' them from CF and 
> the entire thing is then done in the background between WeirdRemote and 
> AccessLocal, and in fact this can be done manually in Access, but 
> because of WeirdRemote's licencing setup, only from the server. 
> How to call the 'make table queries'?  I don't seem to be able to do it 
> via CFQUERY but I expect this can be done via COM into AccessLocal... 
> anyone have an example code? 
> -- 
> Regards; 
> Richard Meredith-Hardy 
> - 
> Tel: + 44 (0)1462 834776 FAX: + 44 (0)1462 732668 

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Re: [ OT] Special security Alert!

2003-09-23 Thread Claude Schneegans

But you still RECEIVE them, don't you? This is what I started this thread, about
RECEIVING virus, not getting infected. 

You can have anything installed on your machine, Norton, McAfee, the FBI or the 
Salvation Army, they will definitely prevent your machine from being infected, b
ut they won't prevent ALL PCs in the world from sending you 40 megs of garbage p
er day! 

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Re: [ OT] Special security Alert!

2003-09-23 Thread Claude Schneegans
>>It is easy to turn off scripting support in Outlook. 
Sure it's easy, but I've got to believe it is still too hard for many people. 

This morning I opened my mail, 253 messages, among which 123 were the same &^%$ 
150k virus. 
18.5 meg of virus! 

The question is not that it is possible, easy or feasible to have a good protect

It just the fact that enough people don't do it and are sending me 18.5 meg of v
irus every night in my mail box. 
And this is due to poor programing from Microsoft, period. 

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Re: [ OT] Special security Alert!

2003-09-23 Thread Claude Schneegans
>>It's easy, turn off the Auto Preview and then don't open messages 
Please stop giving advice on "how not being infected", the problem is NOT here. 

I just wanted to know if others here are receiving about 250 copies a day of tha
t virus? 

If yes, it is probably that the virus is able to get our addresses in our mail (
those using Outlook of course). 
If not, it must be from another source. 

I called my ISP yesterday, and "No we don't filter messages for virus, because o
f the overhead it would represent on our servers, it is a management decision." 
I wonder if this "manager" ever considered that 18 meg of garbage in a mailbox c
ould also constitute some "overhead"? ;-)) 

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HTML format list

2003-09-23 Thread Robertson-Ravo, Neil (RX)
uurgh is it me, or is it harder to read? 

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RE: HTML format list

2003-09-23 Thread Scott Wilhelm
The only problem I have w/ the reading is the wrapping...I hate to have it wrap.
-Original Message- 
From: Robertson-Ravo, Neil (RX) [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, September 23, 2003 10:25 AM 
To: CF-Talk 
Subject: HTML format > list 
uurgh is it me, or is it harder to read?  

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RE: [ OT] Special security Alert!

2003-09-23 Thread Tony Weeg 
this is a screen cap of the top of my new outlook 2003 
check out how it prevents the auto-download of mikes banner :) 
kinda cool, maybe MSFT is learning! 
From: Claude Schneegans [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]  
Sent: Tuesday, September 23, 2003 10:18 AM 
To: CF-Talk 
Subject: Re: [ OT] Special security Alert! 
>>It's easy, turn off the Auto Preview and then don't open messages  
Please stop giving advice on "how not being infected", the problem is NOT 
I just wanted to know if others here are receiving about 250 copies a day of 
t virus?  
If yes, it is probably that the virus is able to get our addresses in our 
mail ( 
those using Outlook of course).  
If not, it must be from another source.  
I called my ISP yesterday, and "No we don't filter messages for virus, 
because o 
f the overhead it would represent on our servers, it is a management 
I wonder if this "manager" ever considered that 18 meg of garbage in a 
mailbox c 
ould also constitute some "overhead"? ;-))  

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RE: [ OT] Special security Alert!

2003-09-23 Thread ColdFusion Developer
I was one of the few who was getting slammed with those emails from 
the SWEN.A worm. Now today I am happy once again to say I am  
still using Microsoft Outlook 2002 and am no longer receiving them. 
What I did was the following: 
Updated Windows with all updates 
Updated Microsoft Office with all updates  
  ( ) 
Updates McAfee Virus scan with all updates. 
Make sure that you install all patches to MS Office to include 
Service Pack (SP3). 
-Original Message- 
From: Claude Schneegans [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]  
Sent: Tuesday, September 23, 2003 10:18 AM 
To: CF-Talk 
Subject: Re: [ OT] Special security Alert! 
>>It's easy, turn off the Auto Preview and then don't open messages  
Please stop giving advice on "how not being infected", the problem is NOT 
I just wanted to know if others here are receiving about 250 copies a day of 
t virus?  
If yes, it is probably that the virus is able to get our addresses in our 
mail ( 
those using Outlook of course).  
If not, it must be from another source.  
I called my ISP yesterday, and "No we don't filter messages for virus, 
because o 
f the overhead it would represent on our servers, it is a management 
I wonder if this "manager" ever considered that 18 meg of garbage in a 
mailbox c 
ould also constitute some "overhead"? ;-))  

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RE: HTML format list

2003-09-23 Thread Angel Stewart
It's you :) 
You can set your preferences back to Plain Text. 
I for one really like the new format though. 
-Original Message- 
From: Robertson-Ravo, Neil (RX) 
Sent: Tuesday, September 23, 2003 10:25 AM 
To: CF-Talk 
Subject: HTML format > list 
uurgh is it me, or is it harder to read?  

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Re: [ OT] Special security Alert!

2003-09-23 Thread Thomas Chiverton
On Tuesday 23 Sep 2003 15:09 pm, you said: 
> You can have anything 
> installed on your machine, Norton, McAfee, the FBI or the Salvation Army, 
> they will definitely prevent your machine from being infected 
It's so far from 'definitely' I can't begin to start. 
Running an (up to date) virus scanner reduces your risk, as does stoping  
*.exe|pif|scr|... at the mail server, or not running LookOut. Nothing will  
reduce that risk to zero, ie 'definitely prevent your machine from being  
Tom Chiverton (sorry 'bout sig.) 
Advanced ColdFusion Programmer 
Tel: +44(0)1749 834997 
BlueFinger Limited 
Underwood Business Park 
Wookey Hole Road, WELLS. BA5 1AF 
Tel: +44 (0)1749 834900 
Fax: +44 (0)1749 834901 
Company Reg No: 4209395 Registered Office: 2 Temple Back East, Temple 
Quay, BRISTOL. BS1 6EG. 
*** This E-mail contains confidential information for the addressee 
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communication if received in error. No binding contract will result from 
this e-mail until such time as a written document is signed on behalf of 
the company. BlueFinger Limited cannot accept responsibility for the 
completeness or accuracy of this message as it has been transmitted over 
public networks.*** 

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RE: HTML format list

2003-09-23 Thread Tony Weeg
i cant set them back, i can set them back for each message that i want to 
send, but even tho' 
i have my outlook set to use plain text, when replying to an email that 
comes in as html, it 
automatically makes the email i send back html. 
anyway, MIKE I LIKE IT, especially if it helps keep this list free :) 
From: Angel Stewart [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]  
Sent: Tuesday, September 23, 2003 10:32 AM 
To: CF-Talk 
Subject: RE: HTML format > list 
It's you :)  
You can set your preferences back to Plain Text.  
I for one really like the new format though.  
-Original Message-  
From: Robertson-Ravo, Neil (RX)  
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]   
Sent: Tuesday, September 23, 2003 10:25 AM  
To: CF-Talk  
Subject: HTML format > list  
uurgh is it me, or is it harder to read?   

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Re: HTML format list

2003-09-23 Thread Thane Sherrington
At 03:24 PM 09/23/03 +0100, Robertson-Ravo, Neil (RX) wrote: 
>uurgh is it me, or is it harder to read? 
It is harder to read.  Use the text only setting to fix it. 
Tired of your bookmarks/favourites being limited to one computer?  Move  
them to the Net! makes it easy to keep all your  
favourites in one place and 
access them from any computer that's attached to the Internet.  

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Re: dates nightmare again!

2003-09-23 Thread Claude Schneegans
>>To avoid this confusion I tend to always use a mmm month as in "25 Jul 
2003", I expect someone will tell me otherwise, but I have never come 
across a date in this format which isdate() recognizes wrongly. 

Fine, but how do you you make sure tha the date submitted is in that format? ;-)

The purpose of the function isDate() is supposed to check if a string represents
a valid date 

in the US format ("mm/dd/"). If it accepts any date in any format at any pri
ce, it is completely useless. 
To solve the problem, I made a new tag and function: CF_convertDate 
( free, see ) 

It will validates a date in any format, BUT the programer specifies the format! 
No guessing here. 
It will also convert the date into any other format, including ODBC. 
It is more general than ODBCdate I made earlier and it replaces it. 

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MAX 2003 - Hotels

2003-09-23 Thread Ricky Fritzsching
Alright CFTalkers - MAX is near. Where is everyone staying at? Hilton, 
Marriot, your parents cabin in the mountains? 
Never been to Salt Lake and I am wondering if someone can give me some 
ideas on what hotel is going to be hopping. 
Ricky Fritzsching 

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Re: [ OT] Special security Alert!

2003-09-23 Thread Claude Schneegans
>>this is a screen cap of the top of my new outlook 2003 
check out how it prevents the auto-download of mikes banner 

So what ? If you receive a message with a 150k virus in it, you can "block" it, 
but you've got to receive it first before you can block it. My problem is not wi
th blocking images, it is with NOT RECEIVING 150k from so many viruses. 

In your example, the image is an HTTP request to get the image. Sure, you can bl
ock the request and not download the image, fine, but in the virus I'm talking a
bout, the images, scripts etc are not HTTP requests, they are incorporated in th
e message as parts (multiparts). You cannot receive the text only and not the at
tachements. You get everything or noting. 

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Re: [ OT] Special security Alert!

2003-09-23 Thread Claude Schneegans
>>I am still using Microsoft Outlook 2002 and am no longer receiving them. 
Ingenuousness is another particularity of Outlook users ;-)) 
You "don't see them", because McAfee puts them "out of your look" ;-)) 

But you still RECEIVE them. If you had a modem you could still see it busy for h
ours receiving your mail ;-) 
The only way you could not receive them, would be that your ISP deletes them. 

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RE: [ OT] Special security Alert!

2003-09-23 Thread Tony Weeg
no broadband internet service in your area claude? 
still on a modem, i supps?  i would be pissed too! 
From: Claude Schneegans [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]  
Sent: Tuesday, September 23, 2003 10:51 AM 
To: CF-Talk 
Subject: Re: [ OT] Special security Alert! 
>>I am still using Microsoft Outlook 2002 and am no longer receiving them.  
Ingenuousness is another particularity of Outlook users ;-))  
You "don't see them", because McAfee puts them "out of your look" ;-))  
But you still RECEIVE them. If you had a modem you could still see it busy 
for h 
ours receiving your mail ;-)  
The only way you could not receive them, would be that your ISP deletes 

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RE: MAX 2003 - Hotels

2003-09-23 Thread Tony Weeg
there is a hilton next door, nice rates! 
From: Ricky Fritzsching [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]  
Sent: Tuesday, September 23, 2003 10:52 AM 
To: CF-Talk 
Subject: MAX 2003 - Hotels 
Alright CFTalkers - MAX is near. Where is everyone staying at? Hilton,  
Marriot, your parents cabin in the mountains?  
Never been to Salt Lake and I am wondering if someone can give me some  
ideas on what hotel is going to be hopping.  
Ricky Fritzsching  

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Re: [ OT] Special security Alert!

2003-09-23 Thread Jim Campbell
 >>  The only way you could not receive them, would be that your ISP  
deletes them. 
Or, your ISP comes out of the stone age and offers IMAP servers instead  
of just POP3 accounts.  Then, you have a much faster mail interface  
(only headers are downloaded initially), and you can send spam and  
virus-laden junk to File 13 before you download it to your machine. 
- Jim 
Claude Schneegans wrote: 
>>>I am still using Microsoft Outlook 2002 and am no longer receiving them.  
>Ingenuousness is another particularity of Outlook users ;-))  
>You "don't see them", because McAfee puts them "out of your look" ;-))  

>But you still RECEIVE them. If you had a modem you could still see it busy for 
>ours receiving your mail ;-)  
>The only way you could not receive them, would be that your ISP deletes them.  

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Re: MAX 2003 - Hotels

2003-09-23 Thread Kevin Pompei
The Downtown Marriott is pretty nice.  Most of the hotels in convention  
area are all about on par with each other.  Most (all?) of them were  
redone for the  Olympics. 
Ricky Fritzsching wrote: 
>Alright CFTalkers - MAX is near. Where is everyone staying at? Hilton,  
>Marriot, your parents cabin in the mountains?  
>Never been to Salt Lake and I am wondering if someone can give me some  
>ideas on what hotel is going to be hopping.  
>Ricky Fritzsching  

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Re: [ OT] Special security Alert!

2003-09-23 Thread Thomas Chiverton
On Tuesday 23 Sep 2003 15:18 pm, you said: 
> I just wanted to know if others here are receiving about 250 copies a day 
> of that virus? 
Maybe 5 or 10. 
I've just set up a rule to bin 'em. 
Tom Chiverton (sorry 'bout sig.) 
Advanced ColdFusion Programmer 
Tel: +44(0)1749 834997 
BlueFinger Limited 
Underwood Business Park 
Wookey Hole Road, WELLS. BA5 1AF 
Tel: +44 (0)1749 834900 
Fax: +44 (0)1749 834901 
Company Reg No: 4209395 Registered Office: 2 Temple Back East, Temple 
Quay, BRISTOL. BS1 6EG. 
*** This E-mail contains confidential information for the addressee 
only. If you are not the intended recipient, please notify us 
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communication if received in error. No binding contract will result from 
this e-mail until such time as a written document is signed on behalf of 
the company. BlueFinger Limited cannot accept responsibility for the 
completeness or accuracy of this message as it has been transmitted over 
public networks.*** 

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Re: HTML format list

2003-09-23 Thread Thomas Chiverton
On Tuesday 23 Sep 2003 15:31 pm, Angel Stewart wrote: 
> I for one really like the new format though. 
:waits for slew of messages from new subscribers asking how to get rid of all  
the blank lines 
Tom Chiverton (sorry 'bout sig.) 
Advanced ColdFusion Programmer 
Tel: +44(0)1749 834997 
BlueFinger Limited 
Underwood Business Park 
Wookey Hole Road, WELLS. BA5 1AF 
Tel: +44 (0)1749 834900 
Fax: +44 (0)1749 834901 
Company Reg No: 4209395 Registered Office: 2 Temple Back East, Temple 
Quay, BRISTOL. BS1 6EG. 
*** This E-mail contains confidential information for the addressee 
only. If you are not the intended recipient, please notify us 
immediately. You should not use, disclose, distribute or copy this 
communication if received in error. No binding contract will result from 
this e-mail until such time as a written document is signed on behalf of 
the company. BlueFinger Limited cannot accept responsibility for the 
completeness or accuracy of this message as it has been transmitted over 
public networks.*** 

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RE: MAX 2003 - Hotels

2003-09-23 Thread Ricky Fritzsching
Thx  - Kevin & Tony 
I guess the after conference activity will be at all hotels, but I would 
like somewhere where I can meet and greet!  
Heck if you find me I might buy you a beer! 
From: Kevin Pompei [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]  
Sent: Tuesday, September 23, 2003 10:02 AM 
To: CF-Talk 
The Downtown Marriott is pretty nice.  Most of the hotels in convention 
area are all about on par with each other.  Most (all?) of them were   
redone for the  Olympics.  
Ricky Fritzsching wrote:  
>Alright CFTalkers - MAX is near. Where is everyone staying at? Hilton, 
>Marriot, your parents cabin in the mountains?   
>Never been to Salt Lake and I am wondering if someone can give me some 
>ideas on what hotel is going to be hopping.   
>Ricky Fritzsching   

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Re: [ OT] Special security Alert!

2003-09-23 Thread cf
well i wish aunt jamamima would personally come cover my pancakes with her 
maple goodness too but it aint gunna happen. 
So is it your isp's responsibility to filter all of your emails? Your the 
one in ppls address books, so I hardly see why its now their problem. 
Welcome to the web:) 
anyways, i Know y'all never listen to me but listen this time. 
I use a program called epropter. Its a mail checker that sits in my tray & 
I can open it up at anytime and check & read my emails (text format) 
without opening outlook and having to download all that crap. You only get 
text no attatchments, so its safe to open just about anything. Then I 
delete all the ones I dont want without actually opening my email client. 
May sound stupid but i get rid of all my junk mail, virus', read all my 
messages, blah blah blah without ever opening outlook, until i want to get 
whats there that i want. You dont know how much time that saves me alone 
going through the messages from this list:) 

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Re: HTML format list

2003-09-23 Thread Thomas Chiverton
On Tuesday 23 Sep 2003 15:36 pm, Tony Weeg wrote: 
> i have my outlook set to use plain text, when replying to an email that 
> comes in as html, it 
> automatically makes the email i send back html. 
ISTR there is an option somewhere to 'always use plain text', or maybe it's  
'reply in HTML if message is in HTML'. 
There is definetly an 'always use plain text for this contact' option in the  
Address Book though. 
Tom Chiverton (sorry 'bout sig.) 
Advanced ColdFusion Programmer 
Tel: +44(0)1749 834997 
BlueFinger Limited 
Underwood Business Park 
Wookey Hole Road, WELLS. BA5 1AF 
Tel: +44 (0)1749 834900 
Fax: +44 (0)1749 834901 
Company Reg No: 4209395 Registered Office: 2 Temple Back East, Temple 
Quay, BRISTOL. BS1 6EG. 
*** This E-mail contains confidential information for the addressee 
only. If you are not the intended recipient, please notify us 
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communication if received in error. No binding contract will result from 
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completeness or accuracy of this message as it has been transmitted over 
public networks.*** 

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RE: MAX 2003 - Hotels

2003-09-23 Thread Tony Weeg
no doubt, ill be the one sippin the frothy guinness! 
:) tw 
From: Ricky Fritzsching [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]  
Sent: Tuesday, September 23, 2003 11:07 AM 
To: CF-Talk 
Subject: RE: MAX 2003 - Hotels 
Thx  - Kevin & Tony  
I guess the after conference activity will be at all hotels, but I would  
like somewhere where I can meet and greet!   
Heck if you find me I might buy you a beer!  
From: Kevin Pompei [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]   
Sent: Tuesday, September 23, 2003 10:02 AM  
To: CF-Talk  
The Downtown Marriott is pretty nice.  Most of the hotels in convention  
area are all about on par with each other.  Most (all?) of them were
redone for the  Olympics.   
Ricky Fritzsching wrote:   
>Alright CFTalkers - MAX is near. Where is everyone staying at? Hilton,  
>Marriot, your parents cabin in the mountains?
>Never been to Salt Lake and I am wondering if someone can give me some  
>ideas on what hotel is going to be hopping.
>Ricky Fritzsching

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Re: [ OT] Special security Alert! [rebuttal]

2003-09-23 Thread Doug White
1. Not all outlook or Microsoft users are connected to the internet and thus are
not susceptible to miscreants taking advantage of built-in capabilities of the 
2. Scripting features have been around for quite awhile, and what may well be 
considered as dangerous of some, under certain circumstances, for others 
scripting support has been a "gee-whiz" feature, that is relatively simple to 
implement, and assists software in doing great things. 
3. Even of the software publisher delivers software with all these "features" 
defaulted of OFF, there will always be the potential for error by those who 
choose to turn them on.  For instance in the latest versions of MS software 
(Win2k, Win2003, etc). scripting support must be proactively selected to even 
install the capability. 
4.  A greet deal of damage has been done, and is still being done with 
"features" such as _javascript_, Java, Active-X and VBScript.   Which one do you 
wish to pick on?  I have added VBScript applets to my Outlook program to gather 
complete header information in one pass, (spamsource), and scripting to prevent 
html rendering and simple sender blocking, (Cloudmark) , as well as much more. 
Incidentally, VBScript is being used all across the MS product line, especially 

Office, which enables the user to do many automated procedures.   Of course, all
code, no matter what the name it is marketed under, can be used to do harm, and 
to blame the publisher for supporting the features and capability is not making 
good sense.  Is active-x good because it will launch Flash player to entertain, 

or bad because it also can be used to install a high toll auto dialer to connect
you to a filthy Porn web site?. 

Of course system attacks by miscreants are inconvenient, as well as very costly,
but the blame rightfully belongs to the miscreant, and not the publisher.  As 
long at it remains common to point the finger at the publisher, instead of the 
offender, little will be accomplished to reduce or prevent the misuse of 
computer capabilities, or the use of its advanced features. 
I must actually laud software publishers who have raised the level of security 

on their radar screens, and are implementing new security features just about as

fast as they can, but at the same time trying to keep their products usable, and

to make the "gee-whiz" features available to those who would ethically implement
them.  This provides value to the end-user, and is not necessarily product 
dependent.   In order to implement security, they have the consideration of not 
having the implementation break their software, or to limit its use by 
legitimate and ethical users. 
Computer and communication technology has come a long way in the past 15 years, 
and is continuing to move ahead at an ever increasing pace.  This requires 

administrators to not only constantly improve their skills, but to actually make
up for the ignorance of "appliance users" that are part of the community.  You 
have the inherent obligation to not only stay sharp, but to continually educate 
less skilled users. 
A few years back I could innocently send out to a large number of recipients, 
electronic holiday greeting email, with embedded animations, music, and other 
nifty "tricks" that were enjoyed and entertaining.  I likewise received many of 
these, and liked the features which make computing so enjoyable.  Due to the 
miscreants, I can no longer send these, and am afraid to open the ones that I 
receive.  Whose fault is this?  Excuse me if I do not point  finger at software 
Stop spam on your domain, use our gateway! 
For hosting solutions 
Featuring Win2003 Enterprise, RedHat Linux, CFMX 6.1 and all databases. 
ISP rated: 
Suggested corporate Anti-virus policy: 
If you are not satisfied with my service, my job isn't done! 
  - Original Message -  
  From: Claude Schneegans 
  To: CF-Talk 
  Sent: Tuesday, September 23, 2003 9:02 AM 
  Subject: Re: [ OT] Special security Alert! 
>>You would think that after 3, 4, 5, 20 virii make their way to your 
Outlook inbox and infect your machine that you would take the time 
necessary to learn how to protect yourself, 
First I don't use Outlook, second, I didn.t get infected. 
Again my problem is the volume of garbage I receive from others. It fills up my 
mail box. 18.5 meg just in 10 hours! 
>>It's somewhat unfair to blame Microsoft for the virii being passed 
around, although it's typical of society. 
The point is that the soft was delivered (I know it is not so now) with far too 
dangerous features all activated BY DEFAULT. 
1. the ability to execute scripts form mail. Who needs that? 

2. the ability to do almost everything from a script. MS definitely forgot about
elementary Intenet 

Re: [ OT] Special security Alert!

2003-09-23 Thread Doug White
I am getting around 40 per hour -   Pattern filtering is now auto-deleting all 
of them as they arrive. 
Stop spam on your domain, use our gateway! 
For hosting solutions 
Featuring Win2003 Enterprise, RedHat Linux, CFMX 6.1 and all databases. 
ISP rated: 
Suggested corporate Anti-virus policy: 
If you are not satisfied with my service, my job isn't done! 
  - Original Message -  
  From: Claude Schneegans 
  To: CF-Talk 
  Sent: Tuesday, September 23, 2003 9:18 AM 
  Subject: Re: [ OT] Special security Alert! 
>>It's easy, turn off the Auto Preview and then don't open messages 
Please stop giving advice on "how not being infected", the problem is NOT here. 

I just wanted to know if others here are receiving about 250 copies a day of tha
t virus? 

If yes, it is probably that the virus is able to get our addresses in our mail (
those using Outlook of course). 
If not, it must be from another source. 

I called my ISP yesterday, and "No we don't filter messages for virus, because o
f the overhead it would represent on our servers, it is a management decision." 

I wonder if this "manager" ever considered that 18 meg of garbage in a mailbox c
ould also constitute some "overhead"? ;-)) 

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Re: [ OT] Special security Alert!

2003-09-23 Thread Claude Schneegans
>>I use a program called epropter. 

I use an equivelent service on Internet now. But it still takes the time to chec
k hundreds of messages to be deleted. 

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RE: HTML format list

2003-09-23 Thread Mosh Teitelbaum
Thomas Chiverton wrote: 
> waits for slew of messages from new subscribers asking how to get rid of 
> all the blank lines 
How do I get rid of all the blank lines?  [blink] [blink] 
Mosh Teitelbaum 
evoch, LLC 
Tel: (301) 942-5378 
Fax: (301) 933-3651 

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Re: New email format

2003-09-23 Thread Calvin Ward
I like it, but I do wish that you could specify the font, something sans-serif l
ike verdana or arial would be really nice... I find reading serif fonts unpleasa
- Calvin 
  - Original Message -  
  From: Kevin Graeme  
  To: CF-Talk  
  Sent: Tuesday, September 23, 2003 9:50 AM 
  Subject: Re: New email format 

Actually, I'm very unhappy with it. But I've been using it for a week on CF-Comm

unity now just to provide Mike with feedback. Now that he's gone live with it, I
think I'll be switching my preferences back to text-only.  
  - Original Message -   
  From: Massimo Foti   
  To: CF-Talk   
  Sent: Tuesday, September 23, 2003 3:54 AM  
  Subject: Re: New email format  
> Very strange. I'm using the same. Might be that I've got mine currently   
set to   
> send all messages as plain text.   
I've set the options to send everything in plain text.   
Anyway, I see the vast majority is already happy with HTML, so I don't   

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RE: [ OT] Special security Alert!

2003-09-23 Thread Kola Oyedeji
Out of interest what criteria did you use to trap this virus 
-Original Message- 
From: Thomas Chiverton [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]  
Sent: 23 September 2003 15:35 
To: CF-Talk 
Subject: Re: [ OT] Special security Alert! 
On Tuesday 23 Sep 2003 15:18 pm, you said:  
> I just wanted to know if others here are receiving about 250 copies a 
> of that virus?  
Maybe 5 or 10.  
I've just set up a rule to bin 'em.  
Tom Chiverton (sorry 'bout sig.)  
Advanced ColdFusion Programmer  
Tel: +44(0)1749 834997  
BlueFinger Limited  
Underwood Business Park  
Wookey Hole Road, WELLS. BA5 1AF  
Tel: +44 (0)1749 834900  
Fax: +44 (0)1749 834901  
Company Reg No: 4209395 Registered Office: 2 Temple Back East, Temple  
Quay, BRISTOL. BS1 6EG.  
*** This E-mail contains confidential information for the addressee  
only. If you are not the intended recipient, please notify us  
immediately. You should not use, disclose, distribute or copy this  
communication if received in error. No binding contract will result from 
this e-mail until such time as a written document is signed on behalf of 
the company. BlueFinger Limited cannot accept responsibility for the  
completeness or accuracy of this message as it has been transmitted over 
public networks.***  

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Re: [ OT] Special security Alert!

2003-09-23 Thread Claude Schneegans
>>so I hardly see why its now their problem. 

Not only many of them do it, but even some of them filter the outgoing messages.

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Re: HTML format list

2003-09-23 Thread Doug White
There is an option in Outlook, as well as OE that when checked tells the system 
to reply to email in the format in which it was received.  Uncheck this and you 
can make all outgoing replies in plain text. 
Stop spam on your domain, use our gateway! 
For hosting solutions 
Featuring Win2003 Enterprise, RedHat Linux, CFMX 6.1 and all databases. 
ISP rated: 
Suggested corporate Anti-virus policy: 
If you are not satisfied with my service, my job isn't done! 
- Original Message -  
From: "Thomas Chiverton" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
Sent: Tuesday, September 23, 2003 9:45 AM 
Subject: Re: HTML format > list 
| On Tuesday 23 Sep 2003 15:36 pm, Tony Weeg wrote: 
| > i have my outlook set to use plain text, when replying to an email that 
| > comes in as html, it 
| > automatically makes the email i send back html. 
| ISTR there is an option somewhere to 'always use plain text', or maybe it's 
| 'reply in HTML if message is in HTML'. 
| There is definetly an 'always use plain text for this contact' option in the 
| Address Book though. 
| --  
| Tom Chiverton (sorry 'bout sig.) 
| Advanced ColdFusion Programmer 
| Tel: +44(0)1749 834997 
| BlueFinger Limited 
| Underwood Business Park 
| Wookey Hole Road, WELLS. BA5 1AF 
| Tel: +44 (0)1749 834900 
| Fax: +44 (0)1749 834901 
| web: 
| Company Reg No: 4209395 Registered Office: 2 Temple Back East, Temple 
| Quay, BRISTOL. BS1 6EG. 
| *** This E-mail contains confidential information for the addressee 
| only. If you are not the intended recipient, please notify us 
| immediately. You should not use, disclose, distribute or copy this 
| communication if received in error. No binding contract will result from 
| this e-mail until such time as a written document is signed on behalf of 
| the company. BlueFinger Limited cannot accept responsibility for the 
| completeness or accuracy of this message as it has been transmitted over 
| public networks.*** 

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OT: ICANN asks VeriSign to pull redirect service

2003-09-23 Thread Scott Wilhelm
It's about time! 
Scott Wilhelm 
Computer Technician/Web Developer   / (digital desktop) 
Canton (Mon/Tue) 
St. Lawrence-Lewis BOCES 
PO Box 231, 139 State Street Road 
Canton, NY 13617 
P.   315-386-4504 x 164 
F.   315-386-3395 
Heuvelton (Wed/Thu) 
Heuvelton Central School 
PO Box 375, 87 Washington Street 
Heuvelton, NY 13654 
P.   315-344-2414 x 3651 
Massena (Fri) 
Massena Central School 
Massena, NY  

P.   315-769-3700 x 3049 

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Re: [ OT] Special security Alert!

2003-09-23 Thread Marlon Moyer
With Thunderbird, I checked the option "Do not download attachments over  
[]k" and filled it in with 50.  Now, I get the message header, and in  
the body it tells me that the message is bigger than 50k and I can click  
a link to download it.  Since I'm still on dialup at home, this option  
let me take care of the Sobig virus without very much wasted time, even  
though I was receiving them at a rate of about 175 a day.  I just delete  
the message since it tells me what the attachment name is also.  To me,  
this is a much better option than having to download all of the message  
just to have the virus scanner quarantine it. 
ColdFusion Developer wrote: 
>I was one of the few who was getting slammed with those emails from  
>the SWEN.A worm. Now today I am happy once again to say I am   
>still using Microsoft Outlook 2002 and am no longer receiving them.  
>What I did was the following:  
>Updated Windows with all updates  
>   (  
>  )  
>Updated Microsoft Office with all updates   
>  ( )  
>Updates McAfee Virus scan with all updates.  
>Make sure that you install all patches to MS Office to include  
>Service Pack (SP3).  
>-Original Message-  
>From: Claude Schneegans [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]   
>Sent: Tuesday, September 23, 2003 10:18 AM  
>To: CF-Talk  
>Subject: Re: [ OT] Special security Alert!  
>>>It's easy, turn off the Auto Preview and then don't open messages   
>Please stop giving advice on "how not being infected", the problem is NOT  
>I just wanted to know if others here are receiving about 250 copies a day of  
>t virus?   
>If yes, it is probably that the virus is able to get our addresses in our  
>mail (  
>those using Outlook of course).   
>If not, it must be from another source.   
>I called my ISP yesterday, and "No we don't filter messages for virus,  
>because o  
>f the overhead it would represent on our servers, it is a management  
>I wonder if this "manager" ever considered that 18 meg of garbage in a  
>mailbox c  
>ould also constitute some "overhead"? ;-))   

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RE: HTML format list

2003-09-23 Thread Tony Weeg
From: Doug White [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]  
Sent: Tuesday, September 23, 2003 11:56 AM 
To: CF-Talk 
Subject: Re: HTML format > list 
There is an option in Outlook, as well as OE that when checked tells the 
to reply to email in the format in which it was received.  Uncheck this and 
can make all outgoing replies in plain text.  
Stop spam on your domain, use our gateway!  
For hosting solutions  
Featuring Win2003 Enterprise, RedHat Linux, CFMX 6.1 and all databases.  
ISP rated:  
Suggested corporate Anti-virus policy:  
If you are not satisfied with my service, my job isn't done!  
- Original Message -   
From: "Thomas Chiverton"   
To: "CF-Talk"   
Sent: Tuesday, September 23, 2003 9:45 AM  
Subject: Re: HTML format > list  
| On Tuesday 23 Sep 2003 15:36 pm, Tony Weeg wrote:  
| > i have my outlook set to use plain text, when replying to an email that  
| > comes in as html, it  
| > automatically makes the email i send back html.  
| ISTR there is an option somewhere to 'always use plain text', or maybe 
| 'reply in HTML if message is in HTML'.  
| There is definetly an 'always use plain text for this contact' option in 
| Address Book though.  
| --   
| Tom Chiverton (sorry 'bout sig.)  
| Advanced ColdFusion Programmer  
| Tel: +44(0)1749 834997  
| email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  
| BlueFinger Limited  
| Underwood Business Park  
| Wookey Hole Road, WELLS. BA5 1AF  
| Tel: +44 (0)1749 834900  
| Fax: +44 (0)1749 834901  
| web:  
| Company Reg No: 4209395 Registered Office: 2 Temple Back East, Temple  
| Quay, BRISTOL. BS1 6EG.  
| *** This E-mail contains confidential information for the addressee  
| only. If you are not the intended recipient, please notify us  
| immediately. You should not use, disclose, distribute or copy this  
| communication if received in error. No binding contract will result from  
| this e-mail until such time as a written document is signed on behalf of  
| the company. BlueFinger Limited cannot accept responsibility for the  
| completeness or accuracy of this message as it has been transmitted over  
| public networks.***  

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RE: ICANN asks VeriSign to pull redirect service

2003-09-23 Thread Mosh Teitelbaum
Scott Wilhelm wrote: 
> It's about time! 
That was yesterday.  Verisign has already responded to the request with a 
resounding "we'll look into it" [read: "no"]. 
Mosh Teitelbaum 
evoch, LLC 
Tel: (301) 942-5378 
Fax: (301) 933-3651 

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RE: ICANN asks VeriSign to pull redirect service

2003-09-23 Thread Scott Wilhelm
Whoa...where was I?  
Sorry about that. 
-Original Message- 
From: Mosh Teitelbaum [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, September 23, 2003 12:10 PM 
To: CF-Talk 
Subject: RE: ICANN asks VeriSign to pull redirect service 
Scott Wilhelm wrote:  
> It's about time!  
That was yesterday.  Verisign has already responded to the request with a  
resounding "we'll look into it" [read: "no"].  
Mosh Teitelbaum  
evoch, LLC  
Tel: (301) 942-5378  
Fax: (301) 933-3651  

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RE: HTML format list

2003-09-23 Thread Tony Weeg
I got it! 
nice. :) 
read all message in plain text...therefore when you reply, PLAIN TEXT!! :) 
-Original Message- 
From: Tony Weeg [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]  
Sent: Tuesday, September 23, 2003 12:09 PM 
To: CF-Talk 
Subject: RE: HTML format > list 
From: Doug White [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, September 23, 2003 11:56 AM 
To: CF-Talk 
Subject: Re: HTML format > list  
There is an option in Outlook, as well as OE that when checked tells the 
to reply to email in the format in which it was received.  Uncheck this and 
can make all outgoing replies in plain text.   
Stop spam on your domain, use our gateway!   
For hosting solutions   
Featuring Win2003 Enterprise, RedHat Linux, CFMX 6.1 and all databases.   
ISP rated:   
Suggested corporate Anti-virus policy: 
If you are not satisfied with my service, my job isn't done!   
- Original Message -
From: "Thomas Chiverton"
To: "CF-Talk"
Sent: Tuesday, September 23, 2003 9:45 AM   
Subject: Re: HTML format > list   
| On Tuesday 23 Sep 2003 15:36 pm, Tony Weeg wrote:   
| > i have my outlook set to use plain text, when replying to an email  
| > that 
| > comes in as html, it 
| > automatically makes the email i send back html.   
| ISTR there is an option somewhere to 'always use plain text', or maybe 
| 'reply in HTML if message is in HTML'.   
| There is definetly an 'always use plain text for this contact' option  
| in 
| Address Book though.   
| --
| Tom Chiverton (sorry 'bout sig.) 
| Advanced ColdFusion Programmer 
| Tel: +44(0)1749 834997 
| BlueFinger Limited 
| Underwood Business Park 
| Wookey Hole Road, WELLS. BA5 1AF 
| Tel: +44 (0)1749 834900 
| Fax: +44 (0)1749 834901 
| web: 
| Company Reg No: 4209395 Registered Office: 2 Temple Back East, Temple 
| Quay, BRISTOL. BS1 6EG.   
| *** This E-mail contains confidential information for the addressee 
| only. If you are not the intended recipient, please notify us 
| immediately. You should not use, disclose, distribute or copy this 
| communication if received in error. No binding contract will result  
| from 
| this e-mail until such time as a written document is signed on behalf  
| of 
| the company. BlueFinger Limited cannot accept responsibility for the 
| completeness or accuracy of this message as it has been transmitted  
| over 
| public networks.*** 

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RE: [ OT] Special security Alert!

2003-09-23 Thread Matt Robertson
Claude wrote: 
>Not only many of them do it, but even some of them filter the outgoing 
And its mighty simple to do, I might add, at least for the tools I use. 
I added outbound scanning to inbound not too long ago, as I have the 
processing power to spare and these days its better safe than sorry. 
Since I set it up maybe 18 months ago, email-borne virii are something 
other people have to worry about.  It's a whole different a/v threat 
picture when you take your email client off the front lines. 
'Course you can't do this if you are on a shared host.  I would argue 
that in this day and age an ISP that doesn't provide this service is 
substandard.  Between a/v and anti-spam service its certainly helped me 
attract and retain customers. 
 Matt Robertson   [EMAIL PROTECTED]  
 MSB Designs, Inc. 

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Editing Files In-Line

2003-09-23 Thread Richard Crawford
Is there a way in Cold Fusion to make changes to a text file without  
actually opening that file? 
Suppose, for example, that I have a file "myfile.html" which contains  
the string "***REPLACE_THIS***".  How can I have Cold Fusion replace  
that string in the file? 

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Problems with large arrays

2003-09-23 Thread Mark Kecko
Was this question below, off topic?  not technical enough?  Just wondering  
why it didn't spark ANY replies or conversation. 
> I'm using three arrays to handele 34,000 items each.  Two of the  
> arrays are ints and the third is HTML code.  I add each array to a  
> query so I can access them later in my cfoutput statement.  After  
> I'm done with these arrays I clear them using arrayClear and resize  
> them to 1 element.  However each time I run the page it eats up 3%  
> of the memory on my machine and never releases it.  I'm using CF 5.0  
> on Windows 2000.  Is there any way to stop these arrays from eating  
> up memory?  TIA. 
> Mark Kecko 
> Technology 
> MediaPost Communications 

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RE: ICANN asks VeriSign to pull redirect service

2003-09-23 Thread Matt Robertson
Mosh Teitelbaum wrote: 
>That was yesterday.  Verisign has already responded to the request with 
>resounding "we'll look into it" [read: "no"].   
The SiteFinder isn't working on my web connection anymore.  Not in IE6, 
NN7 or Opera 6.  ''cannot find server or dns error'' just like normal. 
I have SBC DSL.  I wonder if they're doing it.  There was some talk 
(over my head) about some ISPs blocking this. 
 Matt Robertson   [EMAIL PROTECTED]  
 MSB Designs, Inc. 

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Re: Editing Files In-Line

2003-09-23 Thread Paul Giesenhagen
It will have to open it up. 


That should getcha! 
Paul Giesenhagen 
  - Original Message -  
  From: Richard Crawford  
  To: CF-Talk  
  Sent: Tuesday, September 23, 2003 11:29 AM 
  Subject: Editing Files In-Line 
Is there a way in Cold Fusion to make changes to a text file without   
actually opening that file?  
Suppose, for example, that I have a file "myfile.html" which contains   
the string "***REPLACE_THIS***".  How can I have Cold Fusion replace   
that string in the file?  

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Re: ICANN asks VeriSign to pull redirect service

2003-09-23 Thread Richard Crawford
Matt Robertson wrote:

 I have SBC DSL.  I wonder if they're doing it.  There was some talk 
 (over my head) about some ISPs blocking this. 

Many ISP's were updating the BIND software on the DNS routers to route 
mistyped URL's to nonexistent domains, bypassing Verisign's hijack.  To 
my knowledge, though, SBC DSL hasn't done that yet.

Verisign's antics don't affect all of the root servers, only a few; so 
it's still kind of hap-hazard as to whether you'll get to their 
sitefinder page or not.  On my SBC DSL connection, I get to it about 
half the time.  At UC Davis, where I work, I never get it (the 
University has updated their DNS servers).

In my opinion, the antics of major corporations like Verisign, 
Microsoft, SCO, and Oracle are all the best arguments possible for the 
existence of the open-source community. ;-)


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