Re: Best choice for ColdFusion Studio IDE...

2004-07-15 Thread Dick Applebaum
On Jul 14, 2004, at 8:54 PM, Spike wrote:

  Barney are the first people to say that Eclipse is slow on that

Sean C. also mentioned this.

Did he?

I thought he said cfeclipse was slow, or rather that it ate up his 
CPU. That
was an issue with the internal browser and has been fixed in the latest
code. Appologies if I mis-represented him.

He did say that CFEclipse was slow but didn't differentiate between the 
plugin  Eclipse in general.I can't speak for Sean (and wouldn't 
attempt to) but he prolly had an experience with Eclipse/CFeclipse 
similar to mine -- early versions of either/both were slow -- why waste 
the time, move on 'til later when things are more mature.

To compare, I have 2 Eclipse windows, side by side with no overlap 
both are visible.

I'm curious why you have 2 windows open side by side.

Pretty standard way of doing things on the Mac (at least for me).But, 

1) I am learning Java
2) I am fiddling with JAI
3) I am trying to learn Eclipse CFEclipse
4) I am writing Java classes that are called by CFCs that are invoked 
by a CFM Template
5) I have a 23 display and a 17 display

It is faster to switch windows than to switch perspectives

It is easier to copy/paste (I've only ever written 1 program -- 
everything else is a copy/paste derivitive of that of that)

In most Mac apps you can drag and drop files (or selected portions of 
files) between windows

In general, on the Mac, you pay little overhead for multiple windows in 
an application -- only the active window uses resources.

Seriously, I have 3 active browsers, (FireFox, Mozilla and Safari) each 
with several windowsSafari currently has 17 windows.

So, I am taking 3 different Java tutorials.I find an example in one 
that I want to try.

1) I select the Java Source in the browser window, then drag and drop 
it into a BBEdit window, save  run

I can do the same (drag and drop) CLI commands to a Terminal window, 

You can do this all with copy/paste, but DD is easier/quicker.

In Summary, (Mac) windows are resources, the more the better )at least 
for the way I do things).

 I don't think that's how Eclipse is intended to be used unless I've
 misunderstood you. Given that I've never used Eclipse on a mac that's
 entirely possible. I think Eclipse is supposed to be used as a single 
 instance inside which you perform all the tasks for any project.

Well, I am still learning.I usually have 3 Eclipse windows open:

1) CVS Repos
2) Java projects
3) CFML projects

2) typing/selecting/manipulation of content feels like you are 
mittens or have spilled a Diet Pepsi on the mouse keyboard

 Text selection does tend to be slow in Eclipse. I think that's partly
 because Java isn't the best language in the world when it comes to 
 with strings.

Jeeze... If Dave Winer taught me anything it is this:What people do 
is make lists (and lists are strings)

ergo, If Java can't do strings, Java can't do what people do!

Maybe String should have been a primitive type instead of an object?


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Re: Best choice for ColdFusion Studio IDE...

2004-07-15 Thread Sean Corfield
 Wrong. CFE has always had a cfml perspective.

That was pointed out in the comments on that blog entry (which is why
I specifically mentioned the comments were interesting). It isn't the
default perspective after installing CFE and, unless you're familiar
with the way Eclipse works, it isn't obvious how to change that at
first. Quoting from one of my posts in the comments:

OK, I found the CFML perspective in CFEclipse. Yes, that makes the
workspace much better since it surfaces the snip tree view and the CFC
methods view.

 That is just plain non-sense. First you can just close the view if you
 want - making it a cleaner (read less work put into it) interface.

Again, assuming you are familiar enough with how Eclipse works. It's
obvious how to minimize / maximize views but not obvious at first how
to makes views go away altogether (or how to restore them later). Yes,
I figured it out after a while but this all goes to how Eclipse + CFE
behaves out of the box vs how He3 behaves out of the box - CFE relies
on users knowing a fair bit about Eclipse, He3 doesn't (or at least
doesn't rely as much on it). A lot of CFers who've tried Eclipse say
they don't like how complex it is (or appears to be) - it definitely
takes some getting used to.

 CFEclipse has preferences - it always has.

Again, read the comments where Spike points out how to find the CFE
prefs and I respond Preferences. Thanx. I was looking for a dedicated
CFEclipse preference section (like He3 has) so I didn't notice that. I
can now set the insight delay to match what I have on He3!. It's
another Eclipse complexity that is just easier to find in He3.

 Again this is silly - it's one line of code - a good thing about cfe
 is that it does number coloring?! Do you even write cf code Sean?

Er, yeah, quite a bit actually... So even when I praise CFE (it's
color-coding is better than He3's) I still get flamed? The comparison
needs revisiting when He3 have fixed their color-coding of course but
right now it's much easier to read code in CFE.

 There are key bindings that go with those that, of course, but you
 didn't even look for them (because they are with all the other key
 bindings in Eclipse)

Right, so not knowing Eclipse, I wouldn't know where to look - if CFE
had all its prefs in one place in a separate prefs group, I'd probably
have found that and been happier. Having said that, I don't use
shortcuts for snippets anyway in DW (set it up, tried it, found I was
still usually quicker at just typing code instead of typing a mixture
of code and special keystrokes... years of writing code with 'vi' is
to blame for that I suspect).

 date inserter that inserts the date to where your cursor is in the file

Er, I never insert the date into a file... Why would I need to?

 Can anyone say re-invent the wheel? There are at least 2 other plug
 ins for eclipse that do just that.

Ease of use - He3 bundles a bunch of useful stuff that works well
together whereas you're recommending that I spend time locating
plugins and evaluating them to see which one suits me best. Again,
it's the Eclipse-is-complex-and-I-need-to-learn-it-to-be-productive
thing. If I can be productive without spending a lot of time and
effort 'building' my IDE, I'm going to be happier.

 So you advocate duplication of effort - grand.
 You really like that the *CFML* focused he3 authors spend their
 time making regex views - okey dokey.

I don't care if *they* have to duplicate effort if it helps me expend
less effort. I don't want my IDE to be a pain to set up right and I
don't want to have to go out to a bunch of sites and review endless
extensions etc just to get something that another IDE has already.

Even with DW, I only have two extensions installed - a TOC generator
and, more recently, a CFC bean wizard. I've been using DW for years
and only accrued those two. I guess I'm just not into customizing my
IDE like some folks.

 And again, should your CFML editor be good at CFML or
 Fusebox XML?

Obviously I'd prefer it be good at both :)

 While we are planning on framework support, don't you
 think it makes more sense to have a fusebox or mach-ii plug in?

No. I want it built-in. See above. I'm a lazy ass when it comes to my IDE! :)

 Some people don't care about fusebox or mach-ii, and
 architecturally it doesn't belong in the core of CFML tools - it goes
 a layer above it.

For me, Mach II support is *core* for my CFML IDE. HomeSite+ lets you
import a DTD and provides code assist against it. So does DW. He3 goes
a couple of steps beyond that and, for me, that's a very important

 However, I am more saddened that you seem so
 biased, and obviously didn't even give cfeclipse a real try.

I've given it several tries so far and will keep trying it. As I
pointed out in my response to Spike, it's really hard to use an IDE
for real when it eats up CPU and chokes your machine :( It's not
like I've uninstalled CFE or anything...

 I wouldn't mind if you didn't like it for real 

RE: Best choice for ColdFusion Studio IDE...

2004-07-15 Thread Guy Rish
...shades of vi vs. emacs...

At the risk of stirring up even more sh**, I would like to put forward that,
perhaps, if everyone (RichPalette and CFE both) were to put aside any
personal animosities and just stick to their respective work that everyone
might be happier.
I seem to have drawn a great deal of aggro from the CFE folks - with whom
I've had no direct contact or even email - just by virtue of being a
contributing member of the RichPalette venture.I cannot imagine what I
have *ever* said or done to inspire such venom.

If He3 sucks in comparison to CFE everyone will see that.If there are
viable features in He3, then people will see that as well.
Either way people will response according to their individual needs.

How about *friendly* competition?
Frankly, I find that just trying keeping up on the latest nasty-gram is
tiring.This doesn't have to be such a pissing match.

White flags everyone?

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RE: Best choice for ColdFusion Studio IDE...

2004-07-15 Thread Micha Schopman
There aren't much good IDE's on the market for ColdFusion. Macromedia
unfortunately f*cked up CF Studio, and came with a replacement in the
name of DWMX, which is kinda frustrating.

1: often crashes
2: treeview works only 60%, missing icons, bad reloads with copy paste,
3: reference in 150px by 150px, not being able to print or select the
text at all
4: collapsible code... erm.. not..
5: The welcoming screen often keeps hanging on 1400px resolutions. No
way you can get it to go away
6: minimize, maximize of the screen makes your cpu cry
7: The search is in 1 word, useless. Within the results no directory
path is shown, so the file you click in the search could be customer a
or customer b, when you do a folder search. Especially when you are
working with frameworks and overriding (which I do often)
8: Clicking un unregistered fileformat with DWMX from within the DWMX
treeview pops op u message Unsupported by Dreamweaver this also
happens with *.txt files. CF Studio never had the guts to tell me this
and just opened the file like I asked it to.
9: The context sensitive search is case sensitive, this is totally...
useless when you make a code selection and want to see the properties in
a blink.

I haven't tried CFEclipse yet, have it downloaded but I should give it a
try I suppose.
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RE: Tuning DB connections?

2004-07-15 Thread Micha Schopman
Preferebly yes, but my situation is a bit to dynamic to cache those sets
with application and server variables, sessions would be totally madness
with the amount of visitors I serve with the system. Maybe I should give
you some more background info: 
The system is a content management solution and we sell it on a ASP
basis, this is the 4th edition. Everybody using the system uses the same
files, in a shared file root, and has the ability to override those
files when files with the same name are found in their own custom
directories. Currently on the 4th edition, +/- 150 customers are using
this system. A change in the administration interface, or in the
framework is instantly available for all customers (unless the files are
overridden for a customer).
This means that queries executed in the framework are very dynamic,
because all customers use the same templates. Every customer has its own
application name defined in sessionmanagement, so It is an option to
cache the recordsets on a application.recordset basis, but not on a
server basis. You don't want the chance to mix up recordsets between
customers on the same system (for example WHERE pageid=1). 
The templates in the system (homepage.cfm, subpage.cfm , etc) consist
out of pre-specified stored procedures, all the same for all customers.
The stored procedures are like get child pages, get articles, etc. A
basic page consists out of 2 stored procedures, one to draw the page
navigation (get childnodes with objecttype page) and one to get the
content elements (get childnodes with objecttype
article/poll/snippet/etc on placeholder X).
But there are pages which have their content based on the childnodes
from another page, like showing a list of recent press articles. When
all combined, you would fire up an amount of about 10 stored procedures
(and the system currently handles +/- 250 req/sec). This is why I am
trying to minimize the delays to a minimum. One or two stored procedures
with a delay who cares, but  When the amount of stored procedures
rise, you also see a rise in the total delay, which seems unnecessary. I
could ofcourse return all stored procedures encapsulated in one stored
procedure and then use cfstoredproc icw resultset to pick one of the
many resultsets returned (and so minimize database round trips) but
those are last resorts. :-)
Caching recordsets could be an option, but that would be done in the
application scope. This is however very difficult, because the queries
are most of the time to dynamic. If you have a query which always
returns the same records based on a vast call, that would be very easy,
but I also must make the application variable name, variable
corresponding the sql code to determine what application variable
corresponds to what recordset. :-)
.. ok... coffee now.. :-)
Micha Schopman 
Software Engineer 
Modern Media, Databankweg 12 M, 3821 ALAmersfoort 
Tel 033-4535377, Fax 033-4535388 
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RE: Best choice for ColdFusion Studio IDE...

2004-07-15 Thread Hugo Ahlenius
| ...shades of vi vs. emacs...

That's where I vote VIM as my CF editor of choice... (still the only one
using that?)

A cool thing, that you can't do with any of the other editors mentioned
-- I can telnet/SSH into our servers (Solaris  Windows) and use the
same editor as on my desktop (with almost the same setup) to do the
urgent editing on any files...

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RE: CFCs - more smaller or fewer bigger ones?

2004-07-15 Thread Hugo Ahlenius
| -Original Message-
| From: Micha Schopman [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
| Sent: Wednesday, July 14, 2004 16:19
| But this means you have to document your CFC's carefully.
| When you modify a CFC later on, you want to make sure you are
| not breaking other code in the system, so it is a good
| behavior to document dependencies of the CFC in a document,
| so you can easily see CFC 2 and CFC 3 are used by CFC 1.

Sounds like a good case for unit testing:

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RE: CFForm, CFInput, etc not xhtml compatible!

2004-07-15 Thread Hugo Ahlenius
| Sent: Wednesday, July 14, 2004 16:31
|  Just curious, what's the big advantage of XHTML compatible?
| You can perform XSLT on xhtml pages... which according to the
| XSLT cookbook (O'Reilly) for more details on how this is
| going to be very handy in the future
| Some examples off the top of my head
| - XSL template to change specific XHTML elements
| - Prefilling XHTML forms without server side intervention
| - Will make future programming tasks easier

To add -- forces full separation of presentation/content (i.e. css and

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RE: CFMX is crashing daily with no hints in the log

2004-07-15 Thread Hugo Ahlenius
Two things to do:

* Capture all output from the executable (stdout/stderr)
* Consider trying an alternative JVM

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RE: Releasing client to do another process?

2004-07-15 Thread Hugo Ahlenius
I think the Iframe solution is a bit clunky (if output is not necessary)
-- it seems unnecessary to do a round trip to the client to do this. I
would consider using cfhttp/curl/wget to call the desired template

Hugo Ahlenius

Hugo AhleniusE-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Project Officer Phone:+46 8 230460
UNEP GRID-ArendalFax:+46 8 230441
Stockholm OfficeMobile:+46 733 467111

| -Original Message-
| From: Jim Davis [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
| Sent: Wednesday, July 14, 2004 17:36
| To: CF-Talk
| Subject: RE: Releasing client to do another process?
| Actually your first option would, indeed, complete the
| process - it just couldn't return information to the browser
| when done.
| A CF Process keeps going until it ends or times out - only
| then does it return back to the web server which in turn
| tries to return to the browser.
| If the browser isn't waiting any longer then you get an error
| in your logs, but the process did complete.
| Jim Davis
| From: Micha Schopman [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
| Sent: Wednesday, July 14, 2004 3:27 AM
| To: CF-Talk
| Subject: RE: Releasing client to do another process?
| This is actually very simple,
| 1: Create a page, and within create an iframe 100% high and
| wide. Call,
| parent.doSomething() from the iframe to call the _javascript_
| function in the page where the iframe is.
| This does not complete the process if the user closes the
| window! Only if it browses to another place.
| 2: Create a scheduled task, and run this task immediately.
| When the task is finished remove it. This task is not
| dependant on the browser window clientside. If you need
| session vars etc. in your task, pass them to the task as
| parameters, or find a way to overcome this.
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RE: StructKeyExists() vs IsDefined()

2004-07-15 Thread Hugo Ahlenius
| From: Matt Robertson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
| Sent: Wednesday, July 14, 2004 18:52
| So whats the best thing to do when the same code has to run
| on both platforms?Sounds like I'm stuck with isdefined.

But the penalty of using isDefined would still not be that high, right?
Compared to queries etc

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RE: CFCs - more smaller or fewer bigger ones?

2004-07-15 Thread Micha Schopman
Correct, that is the main purpose of unit testing. Is the unit capable
of handling the input and output as documented, without puking over bad
calls :-) 

That is why it is so important to document. Especially when working with
other teams depending on your API. Unit testing is extremily important
when making an API.
Micha Schopman 
Software Engineer 
Modern Media, Databankweg 12 M, 3821 ALAmersfoort 
Tel 033-4535377, Fax 033-4535388 
KvK Amersfoort 39081679, Rabo
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Re: Best choice for ColdFusion Studio IDE...

2004-07-15 Thread Mark Drew
My 2 cents

I use textpad with added tools (Dreamweaver and CFStudio), I start out
the day editing in textpad as on this machine it pretty well flies and
when I get stuck on some code completion or my brain needs caffeine I
just hit the external too, (CFS first!) and do some editing. if there
are some CFC's that need fiddling with I hit the next button and open
up DWMX to do the editing (after waiting a while for it to load!)

I have eclipse but it does remind me of my *shiver* Java days, but I
thought I would use CFeclipse today to see what all the fuss is all

At the end of the day they are all text editors if you are in the
zone, that is.. when you dont need code complete and the code is
flowing. When I get a bit stuck I then turn to mr code complete by
hitting my escape (or CFS) button

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Re: Best choice for ColdFusion Studio IDE...

2004-07-15 Thread Rob
I said I wasn't going to post anymore about cfe and I wont after I
clear the air I promise...

(Please take everything I say about the project direction from a past
standpoint as I am not steering anymore)

On Wed, 14 Jul 2004 23:02:47 -0700, Sean Corfield
  Wrong. CFE has always had a cfml perspective.
 That was pointed out in the comments on that blog entry (which is why
 I specifically mentioned the comments were interesting). It isn't the
 default perspective after installing CFE and, unless you're familiar
  Again, assuming you are familiar enough with how Eclipse works. It's
 obvious how to minimize / maximize views but not obvious at first how
 to makes views go away altogether (or how to restore them later). Yes,
 I figured it out after a while but this all goes to how Eclipse + CFE
 behaves out of the box vs how He3 behaves out of the box - CFE relies
 on users knowing a fair bit about Eclipse, He3 doesn't (or at least
 doesn't rely as much on it). A lot of CFers who've tried Eclipse say
 they don't like how complex it is (or appears to be) - it definitely
 takes some getting used to.

I think the main disconnect is that he3 is a product by a company -
CFEclipse is a free plug-in for eclipse - nothing more.CFEclipse is
not a product with an installer and a group of plug ins to make things
easy for install.We try to help people out getting started with
eclipse, we show them where to find good plug ins, but its not a
product like he3 is attempting to be. So most of the bad points you
had in your blog were not even what the project is about. We have
talked about maybe bundling some plug ins and making a product, but
that's not what cfeclipse is about.

It would be like me comparing the windows os with a com object and
saying the com object wouldn't boot by it's self out of the box so it
sucks, but even though the windows os crashes it boots up by itself so
it wins.

I would've thought it more of a fair comparison to talk about the
general day to day tools usage stuff like spike and you discussed in a
previous post.

  CFEclipse has preferences - it always has.
 Again, read the comments where Spike points out how to find the CFE
 prefs and I respond Preferences. Thanx. I was looking for a dedicated
 CFEclipse preference section (like He3 has) so I didn't notice that. I
 can now set the insight delay to match what I have on He3!. It's
 another Eclipse complexity that is just easier to find in He3.

Integration vs branding - one of the my original goals (albeit
unspoken), was to try in our little way to help move cfml more into
the enterprise. Eclipse is big with larger shops (mostly because it's
forced on people under the name WASD) so it makes sense to integrate
it seamlessly with eclipse - not brand it and stand out - but we have
since changed directions.

  Again this is silly - it's one line of code - a good thing about cfe
  is that it does number coloring?! Do you even write cf code Sean?
 Er, yeah, quite a bit actually... 

I know you do I was beinga dick :)

 So even when I praise CFE (it's
 color-coding is better than He3's) I still get flamed? The comparison
 needs revisiting when He3 have fixed their color-coding of course but
 right now it's much easier to read code in CFE.

It just the fact thatwe have put many hours in this
and made feature that don't exist anywhere and the only ataboy we get
is the color coding which is not that hard. You roll up in you new car
and I say... nice bolt on the wheel there.

  date inserter that inserts the date to where your cursor is in the file
 Er, I never insert the date into a file... Why would I need to?

To mark when you did something - some people don'tuse cvs or vss
(though they should) -I now just do it out of habit (though I don't
when I write java... um... )

  Can anyone say re-invent the wheel? There are at least 2 other plug
  ins for eclipse that do just that.
 Ease of use - He3 bundles a bunch of useful stuff that works well

See above

  And again, should your CFML editor be good at CFML or
  Fusebox XML?
 Obviously I'd prefer it be good at both :)

What I mean is cfeclipse does cfml - fuseboxeclipse does fusebox3
specific stuff (vaporware) etc. You for example probably don't give a
rip if it does fusebox while I know you dig mach-ii So you wouldn't
install the fusebox plug in

  While we are planning on framework support, don't you
  think it makes more sense to have a fusebox or mach-ii plug in?
 No. I want it built-in. See above. I'm a lazy ass when it comes to my IDE! :)

hehehe, well built in could mean different plug ins in the same ide.
cfeclipse does... cfml. If we do bundle a product we'll bundle it with
any framework plug ins - so it'll look built in as far as you'll know

  Some people don't care about fusebox or mach-ii, and
  architecturally it doesn't belong in the core 

Array cell name as dynamic left-hand-side of an assignment

2004-07-15 Thread Nick de Voil
This works (assignment to an explicitly named array cell):

cfset ary = ArrayNew(3)
cfset ary[1][1][1] = 99

This works (assignment to a dynamically referenced scalar variable):

cfset scl = scalar
cfset #scl# = 99

This (assignment to a dynamically referenced array cell) throws an error:

cfset ary = ArrayNew(3)
cfset tst = ary[1][1][1]
cfset #tst# = 99

It says: The string ary[1][1][1] is not a valid ColdFusion variable name.

Well, clearly that's incorrect, because it works in the first example. I
guess array cells are a special case.

I'm trying to find a way of assigning values to arbitrary cells in an array
with an arbitrary number of dimensions. Is there a way round this or should
I just store the data in nested structs instead?


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Best choice for ColdFusion Studio IDE...

2004-07-15 Thread Oliver Tupman
Guy Rish wrote:
  ...shades of vi vs. emacs...

IDE wars are always fun, aren't they?

Guy, you get nothing but agreement from me - white flags between CFE  
He3 please (mainly CFE people though). Inevitable that we're gonna 
clash, but the truth is in the product not the posts. Those that have 
ranted on CFE's side, why not write more code? It must've taken a while 
to write the posts. How many lines of code could you have done?...

As CFE Project Leader I recommend that any user try JEdit, Homesite, 
Dreamweaver, Notepad, CFE, He3, etc. Play around, use what you like. If 
conveniently you like CFE that's cool, if not, that is also cool (though 
we'd love to know _why_ you don't like it).

To mention what I use, for projects I use CFEclipse (becuase I help 
write it), Textpad for random files, Notepad on Windows remote servers 
and emacs on *nix remote servers. Btw, I have to admit that PrimalScript 
was quite cool until the eval period ran out :D Btw, cheers to Dave for 
the mention of Notepad2 - I suspect it will be appearing on all of my 
Windows servers!

To quote a popular UK TV comedy sketch program from a while ago calm 
down now, calm down.

Oliver Tupman
CFEclipse Project Leader
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Re: Best choice for ColdFusion Studio IDE...

2004-07-15 Thread Rob
On Thu, 15 Jul 2004 01:36:45 -0500, Guy Rish [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

were to put aside any
 personal animosities and just stick to their respective work that everyone
 might be happier.

 I seem to have drawn a great deal of aggro from the CFE folks

To be fair the only person on the cfeclipse team that has ever bad
mouthed he3 or any of its participantswas me - Spike and Oliver have
never said a negative word about any project.

 - with whom
 I've had no direct contact or even email - just by virtue of being a
 contributing member of the RichPalette venture.I cannot imagine what I
 have *ever* said or done to inspire such venom.

I don't know you Guy so I can not attest to your character - I have
never met you nor had a conversionwith you before this moment. I
also haven't made a bad comment about you personally ever. I dislike
your business partner for many reasons - all of which are not
appropriate here.

 How about *friendly* competition?
 Frankly, I find that just trying keeping up on the latest nasty-gram is
 tiring.This doesn't have to be such a pissing match.

I gave up driving cfeclipse for a couple reasons, one of which is I
dislike your business parter so much being in directcompetition with
him was putting me in too close of quarters with him. I am sure with
Oliver at the wheel you'll see a steep drop off in the venom.

 White flags everyone?
I have no qualm with you (aside from the fact you are helping Matt) 

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RE: Best choice for ColdFusion Studio IDE...

2004-07-15 Thread Robertson-Ravo, Neil (RX)
Hey, sorry..coming in late to this one...damn timzones.

I started to use Eclipse 3.0 (with CF plugin) and must say that I haven't
opened up HS+ since.I installed and looked at He3 (strange choice of
name...dunno what it has to do with a Helium Isotope...) and was not
impressed for many reasons...firstly it will be a paid for install which
considering its just mainly Eclipse there is nothing to entice me their
It also doesn't have anywhere near the features that CFEclipse has (at

I find Eclipse works very well when you have tweaked a few things like
Memory management.I am not sure the whole He3 v CFEclipse is and argument
which should be geared toward the best IDE as they are both plugins to the
actual Eclipse project itself.and I think that no one can really argue
that at present the latter is the better choice - certainly from a feature


From: Spike [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 15 July 2004 00:05
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: Best choice for ColdFusion Studio IDE...

I've had a lot of people comment to me via email and MSN that you appear to
have set out to see He3 favourably and cfeclipse unfavourably.

Given that you don't even appear to have tried to use cfeclipse for day to
day coding I think that opinion is at least partly justified.

Most of the things in your blog relate only to initial impressions, not to
how good the tool is on a day to day basis for a developer.

IMO that would be a far more important comparison for the average person.

Then again, I'm hardly an impartial observer, so maybe I'm being unfair :)


Stephen Milligan
Code poet for hire

Do you cfeclipse? 

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Sean Corfield
Sent: Wednesday, July 14, 2004 2:54 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: Best choice for ColdFusion Studio IDE...

 I wasn't going to comment but...

*grin* Well, in that case I'll point folks to my blog post comparing
He3 and CFEclipse:

Lots of interesting comments on it too...

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RE: Best choice for ColdFusion Studio IDE...

2004-07-15 Thread Robertson-Ravo, Neil (RX)
Also, as Nick pointed out ...I clarify below...I mean that without doubt
CFEclipse is by far the better choice for CFML capability in Eclipse.

 I am not sure the whole He3 v CFEclipse is and argument which should 

 be geared toward the best IDE as they are both plugins to the actual 

 Eclipse project itself.and I think that no one can really argue 

 that at present the latter is the better choice - certainly from a 

 feature perspective.


From: Rob [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 15 July 2004 09:42
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: Best choice for ColdFusion Studio IDE...

On Thu, 15 Jul 2004 01:36:45 -0500, Guy Rish [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

were to put aside any
 personal animosities and just stick to their respective work that everyone
 might be happier.

 I seem to have drawn a great deal of aggro from the CFE folks

To be fair the only person on the cfeclipse team that has ever bad
mouthed he3 or any of its participantswas me - Spike and Oliver have
never said a negative word about any project.

 - with whom
 I've had no direct contact or even email - just by virtue of being a
 contributing member of the RichPalette venture.I cannot imagine what I
 have *ever* said or done to inspire such venom.

I don't know you Guy so I can not attest to your character - I have
never met you nor had a conversionwith you before this moment. I
also haven't made a bad comment about you personally ever. I dislike
your business partner for many reasons - all of which are not
appropriate here.

 How about *friendly* competition?
 Frankly, I find that just trying keeping up on the latest nasty-gram is
 tiring.This doesn't have to be such a pissing match.

I gave up driving cfeclipse for a couple reasons, one of which is I
dislike your business parter so much being in directcompetition with
him was putting me in too close of quarters with him. I am sure with
Oliver at the wheel you'll see a steep drop off in the venom.

 White flags everyone?
I have no qualm with you (aside from the fact you are helping Matt) 

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Re: counting clicks on links - search engines

2004-07-15 Thread Kay Smoljak
On Wed, 14 Jul 2004 18:41:17 -0400, Andrew Grosset [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 My question is: will the search engines follow that link to the final destination and 
 would cflocation be best used or a meta refresh in the link_counter.cfm page?

As I understand it, that won't work very well. Much of the benefit of
link directories lies in the search engines counting how many other
sites link to a particular site, to calculate the site's perceived
importance. Search engine spiders wouldn't see your example link as a
link to houseoffusion... they'd see it as a link to the same site. I
believe cflocation sends a 301 moved header (I could be wrong, I
always get 301 and 302 mixed up) so search engines might be hesitant
to consider it a permanent link. Ditto with meta refresh... most
spiders just won't bother following it.

Here's how I'm planning on building a link directory for a tourism
site I'm involved with:

a href="">
falseExample Site/a

(onclick can be a function or whatever counting method you want)

Spiders (and other _javascript_ disabled user agents) will follow the
href link... other users will use the script and count the hit. It
won't be perfect (ie, it won't count non-js agents) but I think it's a
good alternative and is search engine friendly.

Kay Smoljak
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Using RegEx to strip any character that isn't a number

2004-07-15 Thread James Smith
OK, I must be suffering a caffeine deficiency this morning as I just can't
seem to get the following to do it's job.

cfset QBarcode = rereplacenocase(QBarcode,[^0-9],,ALL)

Should this not take the QBarcode field and return it to me with numbers
only, ie: '1234567890123 becomes 1234567890123.The problem is mostly
caused by a leading ' character used by excel to stop it trimming leading
zeros from a barcode field, however the regex above is leaving the
apostrophe untouched.

Any ideas?

James Smith
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RE: BlueDragon .NET uninstall

2004-07-15 Thread Vince Bonfanti
BlueDragon hooks into IIS by mapping the .cfm extension to the Microsoft
.NET Framework:

- right-click on a web site and open the properties dialog (or open the
Master Properties dialog)

- go to the Home Directory tab

- click the Configuration button

- on the Mappings tab you'll see the extension mappings; it's the .cfm
mapping we're worried about here; for BlueDragon.NET you'll see the mappings
are to the .NET Framework

You can either manually delete the .cfm mapping, or just uninstall
BlueDragon.NET and it'll remove the mappings. Of course, in neither case
will it restore the mappings back to CFMX.

I'm not familiar enough with CFMX to tell you how to restore the .cfm
mappings; maybe someone else on the list can chime in. But that's all that
should be necessary to restore your CFMX server configuration (that's all
that BlueDragon.NET modified that would affect CFMX).

Apparently, you chose to install BlueDragon.NET on all web sites when
prompted by the installer. It would be better to set up a separate web site
for BlueDragon.NET testing and then install BD.NET only on that web site
(which the installer allows you to do). We'll try to make this more clear in
the future.


	From: Tony Weeg [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
	Sent: Wednesday, July 14, 2004 11:36 PM
	To: CF-Talk
	Subject: OT: BlueDragon .NET uninstall
	hey, i just installed the .NET tech preview of blue dragon, and now
	its parsing ALL of my .cfm requests, WTF, i didnt want that...
	how can i remove this?
	Tony Weeg
	email: tonyweeg [at] gmail [dot] com
	Check out to send websites to your friends.
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cfpop question

2004-07-15 Thread Chris Musial
does anyone know how to find out how many messages are on a mail server before actually using cfpop to access the email information?Im building a web based email system.If the email account has an massive amount of messages on the server (spam and what not), the cfpop cant handle it and it ends up crashing the mail server and locking the email account.I wanna be able to find out how many messages and how big the messages are in total before i actually pop them so i can prevent this from happening.Any help would be appreciated.Thanks
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RE: cfpop question

2004-07-15 Thread Paul Vernon
CFPOP doesn't support just doing a STAT function... CFX_POP3 does.

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RE: cfpop question

2004-07-15 Thread James Smith
You could try using the free tcpclient com object from intrafoundation
( to open a telnet session and
then issue the following commands...

USER userid
PASS password

And this will return something like

+OK 3 345910

Which tells you it is holding 3 messages and a total of 345910 bytes.

You can get other pop3 telnet command info here:


 -Original Message-
 From: Chris Musial [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: 15 July 2004 12:50
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: cfpop question
 does anyone know how to find out how many messages are on a 
 mail server before actually using cfpop to access the email 
 information?Im building a web based email system.If the 
 email account has an massive amount of messages on the server 
 (spam and what not), the cfpop cant handle it and it ends up 
 crashing the mail server and locking the email account.I 
 wanna be able to find out how many messages and how big the 
 messages are in total before i actually pop them so i can 
 prevent this from happening.Any help would be appreciated.Thanks

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RE: Using RegEx to strip any character that isn't a number

2004-07-15 Thread Pascal Peters
It shouldn't. The only thing I can think of is that you are in a
cfoutput/cfloop query and that QBarcode is one of your fields. If this
is the case, the problem should disappear if you use the proper prefixes
for your variables!


 -Original Message-
 From: James Smith [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: 15 July 2004 13:16
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: Using RegEx to strip any character that isn't a number
 OK, I must be suffering a caffeine deficiency this morning as I just
 seem to get the following to do it's job.
 cfset QBarcode = rereplacenocase(QBarcode,[^0-9],,ALL)
 Should this not take the QBarcode field and return it to me with
 only, ie: '1234567890123 becomes 1234567890123.The problem is mostly
 caused by a leading ' character used by excel to stop it trimming
 zeros from a barcode field, however the regex above is leaving the
 apostrophe untouched.
 Any ideas?
 James Smith

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ActivScan CFX Tag

2004-07-15 Thread S . Isaac Dealey
I wonder if anyone on the list is familiar with a CFX component called
ActivScan. The company I'm working for bought it and had it working on
CF5 and apparently the upgrade to CFMX caused it to stop working. The
company that produced ActivScan said CFMX didn't support some function
and they couldn't do anything about it and then subsequently stopped
producing or supporting ActiveScan. I've been asked to look at the C++
source they bought cheap when they discovered it wasn't being
supported anymore to see if it can be fixed. I'm hoping it wasn't
working due to something that's been changed between the initial
release of CFMX and Red Sky and we can just upgrade to Red Sky and
have it work.

Thanks all,

s. isaac dealey954.927.5117

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RE: Using RegEx to strip any character that isn't a number

2004-07-15 Thread James Smith
DOH: The Qbarcode field is a query field, the second instance of it was
correctly using the query scope but was then setting it in the variables
scope, how stupid do I feel!

Oh well, more caffeine then ;-)


 -Original Message-
 From: Pascal Peters [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: 15 July 2004 13:07
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: RE: Using RegEx to strip any character that isn't a number
 It shouldn't. The only thing I can think of is that you are 
 in a cfoutput/cfloop query and that QBarcode is one of your 
 fields. If this is the case, the problem should disappear if 
 you use the proper prefixes for your variables!
  -Original Message-
  From: James Smith [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: 15 July 2004 13:16
  To: CF-Talk
  Subject: Using RegEx to strip any character that isn't a number
  OK, I must be suffering a caffeine deficiency this morning as I just
  seem to get the following to do it's job.
  cfset QBarcode = rereplacenocase(QBarcode,[^0-9],,ALL)
  Should this not take the QBarcode field and return it to me with
  only, ie: '1234567890123 becomes 1234567890123.The 
 problem is mostly 
  caused by a leading ' character used by excel to stop it trimming
  zeros from a barcode field, however the regex above is leaving the 
  apostrophe untouched.
  Any ideas?
  James Smith

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Re: ActivScan CFX Tag

2004-07-15 Thread Joe Rinehart
what does it do, maybe someone knows of a substitute?


- Original Message -
From: S. Isaac Dealey [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Thu, 15 Jul 2004 08:09:45 -0400
Subject: ActivScan CFX Tag

I wonder if anyone on the list is familiar with a CFX component called

ActivScan. The company I'm working for bought it and had it working on

CF5 and apparently the upgrade to CFMX caused it to stop working. The

company that produced ActivScan said CFMX didn't support some function

and they couldn't do anything about it and then subsequently stopped

producing or supporting ActiveScan. I've been asked to look at the C++

source they bought cheap when they discovered it wasn't being

supported anymore to see if it can be fixed. I'm hoping it wasn't

working due to something that's been changed between the initial

release of CFMX and Red Sky and we can just upgrade to Red Sky and

have it work.

Thanks all,

s. isaac dealey954.927.5117

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Re: BlueDragon .NET uninstall

2004-07-15 Thread Tony Weeg
yeah, well now the server is completely hosed, reinstall of cfmx
doesnt even work, and this need to make that more clear to
people, really.

i shoulda get what you pay for.

On Thu, 15 Jul 2004 07:42:11 -0400, Vince Bonfanti [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 BlueDragon hooks into IIS by mapping the .cfm extension to the Microsoft
 .NET Framework:
- right-click on a web site and open the properties dialog (or open the
 Master Properties dialog)
- go to the Home Directory tab
- click the Configuration button
- on the Mappings tab you'll see the extension mappings; it's the .cfm
 mapping we're worried about here; for BlueDragon.NET you'll see the mappings
 are to the .NET Framework
 You can either manually delete the .cfm mapping, or just uninstall
 BlueDragon.NET and it'll remove the mappings. Of course, in neither case
 will it restore the mappings back to CFMX.
 I'm not familiar enough with CFMX to tell you how to restore the .cfm
 mappings; maybe someone else on the list can chime in. But that's all that
 should be necessary to restore your CFMX server configuration (that's all
 that BlueDragon.NET modified that would affect CFMX).
 Apparently, you chose to install BlueDragon.NET on all web sites when
 prompted by the installer. It would be better to set up a separate web site
 for BlueDragon.NET testing and then install BD.NET only on that web site
 (which the installer allows you to do). We'll try to make this more clear in
 the future.
From: Tony Weeg [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, July 14, 2004 11:36 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: OT: BlueDragon .NET uninstall
hey, i just installed the .NET tech preview of blue dragon, and now
its parsing ALL of my .cfm requests, WTF, i didnt want that...
how can i remove this?
Tony Weeg
email: tonyweeg [at] gmail [dot] com
Check out to send websites to your friends.

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Re: OT: BlueDragon .NET uninstall

2004-07-15 Thread Tony Weeg
heres what i did.
1. uninstall.
2. it removed the .cfm/.htm/.html mappings itself
3. i reinstalled cfmx to see if it would RESET the mappings, etcNO DICE

tonight, ill uninstall EVERYTHING, and start over.

i should have known this might happen.damn, this sucks.


On Thu, 15 Jul 2004 01:11:58 -0400, Dave Watts [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  now im really fu**ed, this uninstall, then i reinstalled cfmx, and
  now im getting 500 internal server i just have to de-install,
  then re-install??man this sucks...wish i knew before i installed.
 I haven't installed BlueDragon .NET yet, but I imagine that it's hooked to
 IIS the same way that ASP.NET is - by ISAPI extensions set up within IIS.
 You should be able to remove those extensions within the IIS management
 console, then reconfigure them to CFMX. You shouldn't have to uninstall or
 reinstall anything to do this. You may want to use the JRun web server
 configuration tool to reconfigure the extensions for you, if you're not
 comfortable doing it manually.
 Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software
 phone: 202-797-5496
 fax: 202-797-5444

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Refresh after an hour?

2004-07-15 Thread bob
I have a cf script that does a serious amount of data parsing... if the script runs for more than hour- actually after exactly one hour according to the timestamps on the records, the page seems to automatically refresh itself.

Does anyone have an ideas on whether it is MX that is doing this or is it a browser or webserver thing?




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Re: ActivScan CFX Tag

2004-07-15 Thread S . Isaac Dealey

It lets people scan documents directly to the webserver from a scanner
attached to their desktop.

 what does it do, maybe someone knows of a substitute?


 - Original Message -
 From: S. Isaac Dealey [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: Thu, 15 Jul 2004 08:09:45 -0400
 Subject: ActivScan CFX Tag

 I wonder if anyone on the list is familiar with a CFX
 component called

 ActivScan. The company I'm working for bought it and had
 it working on

 CF5 and apparently the upgrade to CFMX caused it to stop
 working. The

 company that produced ActivScan said CFMX didn't support
 some function

 and they couldn't do anything about it and then
 subsequently stopped

 producing or supporting ActiveScan. I've been asked to
 look at the C++

 source they bought cheap when they discovered it wasn't

 supported anymore to see if it can be fixed. I'm hoping it

 working due to something that's been changed between the

 release of CFMX and Red Sky and we can just upgrade to Red
 Sky and

 have it work.

 Thanks all,

 s. isaac dealey954.927.5117

 new epoch : isn't it time for a change?

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Re: BlueDragon .NET uninstall

2004-07-15 Thread Rick Root
Tony Weeg wrote:
 yeah, well now the server is completely hosed, reinstall of cfmx
 doesnt even work, and this need to make that more clear to
 people, really.

Well, it *IS* a technology preview release, which means it's not even in 
the BETA stage yet.I hope you didn't install it on a production server.

- Rick
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RE: ActivScan CFX Tag

2004-07-15 Thread James Smith

$995 for code that doesn't work with no support and no refunds, are they
having a laugh!!!

 -Original Message-
 From: Joe Rinehart [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: 15 July 2004 13:33
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: Re: ActivScan CFX Tag
 what does it do, maybe someone knows of a substitute?
 - Original Message -
 From: S. Isaac Dealey [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: Thu, 15 Jul 2004 08:09:45 -0400
 Subject: ActivScan CFX Tag
 I wonder if anyone on the list is familiar with a CFX component called
 ActivScan. The company I'm working for bought it and had it working on
 CF5 and apparently the upgrade to CFMX caused it to stop working. The
 company that produced ActivScan said CFMX didn't support some function
 and they couldn't do anything about it and then subsequently stopped
 producing or supporting ActiveScan. I've been asked to look at the C++
 source they bought cheap when they discovered it wasn't being
 supported anymore to see if it can be fixed. I'm hoping it wasn't
 working due to something that's been changed between the initial
 release of CFMX and Red Sky and we can just upgrade to Red Sky and
 have it work.
 Thanks all,
 s. isaac dealey954.927.5117
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RE: Refresh after an hour?

2004-07-15 Thread Micha Schopman
Check your requesttimeout settings in CF as well as you Webserver :-)

Micha Schopman 
Software Engineer 
Modern Media, Databankweg 12 M, 3821 ALAmersfoort 
Tel 033-4535377, Fax 033-4535388 
KvK Amersfoort 39081679, Rabo
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Re: Refresh after an hour?

2004-07-15 Thread Joe Rinehart

AFAIK, it can't be the server or MX - they can't push a new page out
to your client.

There could be something set in your page via a meta tag that would
cause the page to refresh after an hour, but that would require the
output buffer to have flushed that portion of the source to your

If the process is taking an hour, maybe CF isn't the best way to run it?

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RE: OT: BlueDragon .NET uninstall

2004-07-15 Thread Burns, John D
Why not just do the manual configuration like people suggested.It
sounds like you're blowing up about something simple.To install
something that you'd like to test on a production server before even
testing on a dev server seems kinda crazy to me.Just go into IIS and
reset the .cfm mappings to use CFMX.


-Original Message-
From: Tony Weeg [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, July 15, 2004 8:38 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: OT: BlueDragon .NET uninstall

heres what i did.
1. uninstall.
2. it removed the .cfm/.htm/.html mappings itself 3. i reinstalled cfmx
to see if it would RESET the mappings, etcNO DICE

tonight, ill uninstall EVERYTHING, and start over.

i should have known this might happen.damn, this sucks.


On Thu, 15 Jul 2004 01:11:58 -0400, Dave Watts [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  now im really fu**ed, this uninstall, then i reinstalled cfmx, and 
  now im getting 500 internal server i just have to 
  de-install, then re-install??man this sucks...wish i knew before i
 I haven't installed BlueDragon .NET yet, but I imagine that it's 
 hooked to IIS the same way that ASP.NET is - by ISAPI extensions set
up within IIS.
 You should be able to remove those extensions within the IIS 
 management console, then reconfigure them to CFMX. You shouldn't have 
 to uninstall or reinstall anything to do this. You may want to use the

 JRun web server configuration tool to reconfigure the extensions for 
 you, if you're not comfortable doing it manually.
 Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software
 phone: 202-797-5496
 fax: 202-797-5444

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RE: ActivScan CFX Tag

2004-07-15 Thread Paul Vernon
I have to ask... 

If that is what it does why do you need an CFX tag to do it?? 

Surely, the source code is split into two separate parts, one the Active X
component that runs in the browser and secondly the code that runs on the
server. It seems to me that the browser will be doing all the hard work and
all the server side will be doing is handling the file upload part...

If that is the case then it shouldn't be too difficult to get the CFX part
re-worked or replaced with straight CFML

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RE: ActivScan CFX Tag

2004-07-15 Thread S . Isaac Dealey

Thanks James -- guess I should go look these things up before I ask.


 $995 for code that doesn't work with no support and no
 refunds, are they
 having a laugh!!!

 -Original Message-
 From: Joe Rinehart [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: 15 July 2004 13:33
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: Re: ActivScan CFX Tag

 what does it do, maybe someone knows of a substitute?


 - Original Message -
 From: S. Isaac Dealey [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: Thu, 15 Jul 2004 08:09:45 -0400
 Subject: ActivScan CFX Tag

 I wonder if anyone on the list is familiar with a CFX
 component called

 ActivScan. The company I'm working for bought it and had
 it working on

 CF5 and apparently the upgrade to CFMX caused it to stop
 working. The

 company that produced ActivScan said CFMX didn't support
 some function

 and they couldn't do anything about it and then
 subsequently stopped

 producing or supporting ActiveScan. I've been asked to
 look at the C++

 source they bought cheap when they discovered it wasn't

 supported anymore to see if it can be fixed. I'm hoping
 it wasn't

 working due to something that's been changed between the

 release of CFMX and Red Sky and we can just upgrade to
 Red Sky and

 have it work.

 Thanks all,

 s. isaac dealey954.927.5117

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Re: Best choice for ColdFusion Studio IDE...

2004-07-15 Thread G
This is really interesting. Do the majority of developers really spend precious time trying out dozens of different IDE's? I guess the subtle differences in IDE's never really seemed that important to me as they pertain to Cold Fusion, who's primary advantage still remains it's ease-of-use.

Wasn't until I began using Visual Studio .NET that i began to appreciate the power of an IDE, but i think that owes as much to the complexity of the platform as anything else.

- Original Message - 
From: Oliver Tupman 
To: CF-Talk 
Sent: Thursday, July 15, 2004 3:36 AM
Subject: Best choice for ColdFusion Studio IDE...

As CFE Project Leader I recommend that any user try JEdit, Homesite, 
Dreamweaver, Notepad, CFE, He3, etc. Play around, use what you like. If 
conveniently you like CFE that's cool, if not, that is also cool (though 
we'd love to know _why_ you don't like it).
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RE: Best choice for ColdFusion Studio IDE...

2004-07-15 Thread Robertson-Ravo, Neil (RX)
I think it's a case of workflow...for example with Eclipse, I successfully
worked through the day having only two applications open on my machine :
Eclipse and Outlook 2003!You cant get that with many other IDE's.I am
late on the scene with Eclipse and I cant see myself going back to anything


From: G [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 15 July 2004 14:02
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: Best choice for ColdFusion Studio IDE...

This is really interesting. Do the majority of developers really spend
precious time trying out dozens of different IDE's? I guess the subtle
differences in IDE's never really seemed that important to me as they
pertain to Cold Fusion, who's primary advantage still remains it's

Wasn't until I began using Visual Studio .NET that i began to appreciate the
power of an IDE, but i think that owes as much to the complexity of the
platform as anything else.

- Original Message - 
From: Oliver Tupman 
To: CF-Talk 
Sent: Thursday, July 15, 2004 3:36 AM
Subject: Best choice for ColdFusion Studio IDE...

As CFE Project Leader I recommend that any user try JEdit, Homesite, 
Dreamweaver, Notepad, CFE, He3, etc. Play around, use what you like. If 
conveniently you like CFE that's cool, if not, that is also cool (though 
we'd love to know _why_ you don't like it).

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RE: BlueDragon .NET uninstall

2004-07-15 Thread Vince Bonfanti
Yes, you're right. We'll add a warning in the next version of the installers
before overwriting any existing .cfm mappings.

My apologies.


	From: Tony Weeg [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
	Sent: Thursday, July 15, 2004 8:36 AM
	To: CF-Talk
	Subject: Re: BlueDragon .NET uninstall
	yeah, well now the server is completely hosed, reinstall of cfmx
	doesnt even work, and this need to make that more clear
	people, really.
	i shoulda get what you pay for.
	On Thu, 15 Jul 2004 07:42:11 -0400, Vince Bonfanti
	 BlueDragon hooks into IIS by mapping the .cfm extension to the
	 .NET Framework:
	- right-click on a web site and open the properties dialog (or
open the
	 Master Properties dialog)
	- go to the Home Directory tab
	- click the Configuration button
	- on the Mappings tab you'll see the extension mappings; it's the
	 mapping we're worried about here; for BlueDragon.NET you'll see
the mappings
	 are to the .NET Framework
	 You can either manually delete the .cfm mapping, or just
	 BlueDragon.NET and it'll remove the mappings. Of course, in
neither case
	 will it restore the mappings back to CFMX.
	 I'm not familiar enough with CFMX to tell you how to restore the
	 mappings; maybe someone else on the list can chime in. But that's
all that
	 should be necessary to restore your CFMX server configuration
(that's all
	 that BlueDragon.NET modified that would affect CFMX).
	 Apparently, you chose to install BlueDragon.NET on all web sites
	 prompted by the installer. It would be better to set up a separate
web site
	 for BlueDragon.NET testing and then install BD.NET only on that
web site
	 (which the installer allows you to do). We'll try to make this
more clear in
	 the future.
	From: Tony Weeg [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
	Sent: Wednesday, July 14, 2004 11:36 PM
	To: CF-Talk
	Subject: OT: BlueDragon .NET uninstall
	hey, i just installed the .NET tech preview of blue dragon,
and now
	its parsing ALL of my .cfm requests, WTF, i didnt want
	how can i remove this?
	Tony Weeg
	email: tonyweeg [at] gmail [dot] com
	Check out to send websites to your
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Re: BlueDragon .NET uninstall

2004-07-15 Thread Tony Weeg
nope, my dev box, but its still frustrating :( arggh


On Thu, 15 Jul 2004 08:43:28 -0400, Rick Root [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Tony Weeg wrote:
  yeah, well now the server is completely hosed, reinstall of cfmx
  doesnt even work, and this need to make that more clear to
  people, really.
 Well, it *IS* a technology preview release, which means it's not even in
 the BETA stage yet.I hope you didn't install it on a production server.
- Rick

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RAD (was RE: Best choice for ColdFusion Studio IDE...)

2004-07-15 Thread Matt Liotta
 This is really interesting. Do the majority of developers really spend
 precious time trying out dozens of different IDE's? I guess the subtle
 differences in IDE's never really seemed that important to me as they
 pertain to Cold Fusion, who's primary advantage still remains it's ease-
You bring up an interesting point that I don't think many people have
considered. Most people are comfortable with the notion that CFML is a RAD
platform, while Java and .NET are not. Interestingly, both Java and .NET
have great IDEs that seriously increase developer productivity. In other
words, the IDE itself gives those respective platforms their RAD

So I guess if the CFML community ends up with a RAD IDE to go with the RAD
language we will be really RAD! Sounds so 80's. ;)

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RE: Best choice for ColdFusion Studio IDE...

2004-07-15 Thread Matt Liotta
 I started to use Eclipse 3.0 (with CF plugin) and must say that I haven't
 opened up HS+ since.I installed and looked at He3 (strange choice of
 name...dunno what it has to do with a Helium Isotope...)"">

 and was not
 impressed for many reasons...firstly it will be a paid for install which
 considering its just mainly Eclipse there is nothing to entice me
He3 is not a paid for install; it is freely available from our web site,
while it is in beta. When it is released there will continue to be a free

 It also doesn't have anywhere near the features that CFEclipse has (at
At present, the public beta has less CFML-specific functionality than
CFEclipse. However, remember that the currently available version of He3 is
0.7.4, while CFEclipse is at 1.1.14. Those version numbers should imply the
difference in maturity. It's hard to compare something in beta to an actual
release, so I hope you will hold off your judgment until we are done.

 I find Eclipse works very well when you have tweaked a few things like
 Memory management.I am not sure the whole He3 v CFEclipse is and
 which should be geared toward the best IDE as they are both plugins to the
 actual Eclipse project itself.and I think that no one can really argue
 that at present the latter is the better choice - certainly from a feature

Just to clarify here, He3 is an IDE and not a plugin. Technically, He3 is
implemented as a set of plugins for Eclipse, but then again Eclipse itself
is implemented as a set of plugins for Eclipse. I mean you wouldn't call
CFMX a Java class just because it is implemented as a set of Java classes.

Anyway, the real point here is that CFEclipse --as I understand it-- aims to
provide CFML support for Eclipse. This is different than He3 in which we aim
to provide an IDE for CFML development. CFML development includes more than
just CFML; it also includes HTML, SQL, JS, CSS, XML, Fusebox, Mach-II, etc.

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Re: Best choice for ColdFusion Studio IDE...

2004-07-15 Thread Jason L. West, Sr.
Man I am loving this Flame War.I wanted to respond to this 
particular post because it seems Sean has caught the most heat for his 
opinion on the products whether they are bias or not.

I had some issues getting first setup with the He3, I had been forced to 
use the Eclipse plugin install method instead of the .exe install. 
(Which was not easy as well)Seems the installer is having issues 
finding the Java that I have installed on my Win XP.Oh well, all for 
the best.

With that said, I also have the latest version of CFEclipse installed. 
That's right, both He3 and CFEclipse are complimenting each other with 
different features.For instance I use the Perspectives and MachII 
editor of He3 while editing my CFC and CFM files in the CFE.The 
insight for the tags is pulled from CFE.

So if any one wants to download a zipped up version of what I got to use 
as their IDE please drop me an email and I will provide a way for you to 
download it.


Can't we all just get along?LOL


Jason L. West, Sr.
Internet Application Specialist, Sr.

Sean Corfield wrote on 7/15/2004, 02:02:

   Wrong. CFE has always had a cfml perspective.
  That was pointed out in the comments on that blog entry (which is why
  I specifically mentioned the comments were interesting). It isn't the
  default perspective after installing CFE and, unless you're familiar
  with the way Eclipse works, it isn't obvious how to change that at
  first. Quoting from one of my posts in the comments:
  OK, I found the CFML perspective in CFEclipse. Yes, that makes the
  workspace much better since it surfaces the snip tree view and the CFC
  methods view.
   That is just plain non-sense. First you can just close the view if you
   want - making it a cleaner (read less work put into it) interface.
  Again, assuming you are familiar enough with how Eclipse works. It's
  obvious how to minimize / maximize views but not obvious at first how
  to makes views go away altogether (or how to restore them later). Yes,
  I figured it out after a while but this all goes to how Eclipse + CFE
  behaves out of the box vs how He3 behaves out of the box - CFE relies
  on users knowing a fair bit about Eclipse, He3 doesn't (or at least
  doesn't rely as much on it). A lot of CFers who've tried Eclipse say
  they don't like how complex it is (or appears to be) - it definitely
  takes some getting used to.
   CFEclipse has preferences - it always has.
  Again, read the comments where Spike points out how to find the CFE
  prefs and I respond Preferences. Thanx. I was looking for a dedicated
  CFEclipse preference section (like He3 has) so I didn't notice that. I
  can now set the insight delay to match what I have on He3!. It's
  another Eclipse complexity that is just easier to find in He3.
   Again this is silly - it's one line of code - a good thing about cfe
   is that it does number coloring?! Do you even write cf code Sean?
  Er, yeah, quite a bit actually... So even when I praise CFE (it's
  color-coding is better than He3's) I still get flamed? The comparison
  needs revisiting when He3 have fixed their color-coding of course but
  right now it's much easier to read code in CFE.
   There are key bindings that go with those that, of course, but you
   didn't even look for them (because they are with all the other key
   bindings in Eclipse)
  Right, so not knowing Eclipse, I wouldn't know where to look - if CFE
  had all its prefs in one place in a separate prefs group, I'd probably
  have found that and been happier. Having said that, I don't use
  shortcuts for snippets anyway in DW (set it up, tried it, found I was
  still usually quicker at just typing code instead of typing a mixture
  of code and special keystrokes... years of writing code with 'vi' is
  to blame for that I suspect).
   date inserter that inserts the date to where your cursor is in the file
  Er, I never insert the date into a file... Why would I need to?
   Can anyone say re-invent the wheel? There are at least 2 other plug
   ins for eclipse that do just that.
  Ease of use - He3 bundles a bunch of useful stuff that works well
  together whereas you're recommending that I spend time locating
  plugins and evaluating them to see which one suits me best. Again,
  it's the Eclipse-is-complex-and-I-need-to-learn-it-to-be-productive
  thing. If I can be productive without spending a lot of time and
  effort 'building' my IDE, I'm going to be happier.
   So you advocate duplication of effort - grand.
   You really like that the *CFML* focused he3 authors spend their
   time making regex views - okey dokey.
  I don't care if *they* have to duplicate effort if it helps me expend
  less effort. I don't want my IDE to be a pain to set up right and I
  don't want to have to go out to a bunch of sites and review endless
  extensions etc just to get something that another IDE has already.
  Even with DW, I only have two extensions installed - a TOC 

RE: Best choice for ColdFusion Studio IDE...

2004-07-15 Thread Stacy Young
I'm more than willing to toss out a few bucks for solid all around support for CF in Eclipse. Will definitely be checking back when released!

Pls keep up the good work.

From: Matt Liotta [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, July 15, 2004 9:16 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: Best choice for ColdFusion Studio IDE...

 I started to use Eclipse 3.0 (with CF plugin) and must say that I haven't
 opened up HS+ since.I installed and looked at He3 (strange choice of
 name...dunno what it has to do with a Helium Isotope...)"">

and was not
 impressed for many reasons...firstly it will be a paid for install which
 considering its just mainly Eclipse there is nothing to entice me
He3 is not a paid for install; it is freely available from our web site,
while it is in beta. When it is released there will continue to be a free

 It also doesn't have anywhere near the features that CFEclipse has (at
At present, the public beta has less CFML-specific functionality than
CFEclipse. However, remember that the currently available version of He3 is
0.7.4, while CFEclipse is at 1.1.14. Those version numbers should imply the
difference in maturity. It's hard to compare something in beta to an actual
release, so I hope you will hold off your judgment until we are done.

 I find Eclipse works very well when you have tweaked a few things like
 Memory management.  I am not sure the whole He3 v CFEclipse is and
 which should be geared toward the best IDE as they are both plugins to the
 actual Eclipse project itself.and I think that no one can really argue
 that at present the latter is the better choice - certainly from a feature

Just to clarify here, He3 is an IDE and not a plugin. Technically, He3 is
implemented as a set of plugins for Eclipse, but then again Eclipse itself
is implemented as a set of plugins for Eclipse. I mean you wouldn't call
CFMX a Java class just because it is implemented as a set of Java classes.

Anyway, the real point here is that CFEclipse --as I understand it-- aims to
provide CFML support for Eclipse. This is different than He3 in which we aim
to provide an IDE for CFML development. CFML development includes more than
just CFML; it also includes HTML, SQL, JS, CSS, XML, Fusebox, Mach-II, etc.


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Re: Best choice for ColdFusion Studio IDE...

2004-07-15 Thread Dick Applebaum
Some more random comments to the many posts on this thread.

Rob pointed out that Eclipse is slow on the Mac (in comparison to other 
Mac Java apps) because IBM wrote Eclipse using its own SWT toolkit, 
rather than the standard stuff from Sun.Apple optimized much of Sun's 
Java GUI stuff for the Mac OS and Quartz display layer, then gave the 
modifications back to Sun. Eclipse doesn't use the optimized Java code.

Rob also pointed out in Eclipse on other platforms you can break off 
portions of the Eclipse window and have them appear in separate windows 
on the desktop -- can't do this in the Mac implementation.

The play-for-pay vs free issue re He3 vs CFEclipse is an interesting 
one -- In many large enterprises, perceived value is often equated with 

I wonder if many of the issues discussed are related to Eclipse, 
itself, rather than the plugins.

For example, here are 3 features that I really like from BBEdit that I 
haven't found in other editors, but likely should be implemented in the 
base Eclipse product.

1) Drag and drop a file or selection: within an Eclipse window; between 
Eclipse windows; From the file system to Eclipse; From another 
application to Eclipse; from Eclipse to another application.

For example, go to the file system tree display, select several files, 
DD them to Eclipse -- and have each opened in a separate tab/window.

2) Add remove line numbers.When referencing a snippet of code, say in 
a post to this list, it is useful to show line numbers so they can be 
referenced in the post.You can display Line numbers in most editors, 
but they are generated for display and not part of he text.BBEdit 
allows you to insert/remove line numbers in a selection of text.For 

93cffunction name=getQuery returnType=string output=yes 
94cfquery name=employeesSelect datasource=cfSnippets
95SELECT * FROM Employees
97cfset arguments.startRow=1 /
98cfset arguments.numberOFRows=-1 /
99cfset variables.thinArray= /
100cfinvoke component=cfBAM method=query2thinarray 
101 cfinvokeargument name=queryName 
value=#employeesSelect# /
102 cfinvokeargument name=columnList
103 cfinvokeargument name=separator value=| /
104 cfinvokeargument name=startRow
value=#arguments.startRow# /
105 cfinvokeargument name=numberOfRows 
value=#arguments.numberOfRows# /
107cfreturn variables.thinArray

3) Select/copy/paste/DD a rectangular area of text.for example, I 
can select the name parameter from lines 101 threw 105 and manipulate 
as a separate entity, as shown below:


This may appear to be something that you'd never use, but you'd be 
surprised, how handy it is when:

a) Using existing code snippets to create a new app.That's why my 
source code looks funny -- sure is easy to create, tho (you thought I 
was just anal).

b) Building CREATE TABLE/INSERT/UPDATE/SELECT statements for every 
column in a DB Table.

c) Building text files used to generate test data or Populate a db 
table.Example: a portion of the data used to populate a Classified Ad 
Category database:

* Category
Automotive,* Vehicle Type,,,
Automotive,Antique Cars,* Make,,
Automotive,Antique Cars,MG,* Model,
Automotive,Antique Cars,MG,TC,
Automotive,Antique Cars,MG,TD,
Automotive,Antique Cars,MG,TF,
Automotive,Antique Cars,Dusenberg,* Model,
Automotive,Antique Cars,Dusenberg,J,
Automotive,Antique Cars,Dusenberg,SJ,
Automotive,Auto Parts  Accessories,,,
Automotive,Boats-Motors  Supplies,,,
Automotive,Camper Shells,,,
Automotive,Campers  Travel Trailers,,,
Automotive,Cars, SUVs, Trucks, Vans...,* Make,,
Automotive,Cars, SUVs, Trucks, Vans...,Acura,* Model,
Automotive,Cars, SUVs, Trucks, Vans...,Acura,CL,
Automotive,Cars, SUVs, Trucks, Vans...,Acura,Integra,* 
Automotive,Cars, SUVs, Trucks, Vans...,Acura,Integra,GS
Automotive,Cars, SUVs, Trucks, Vans...,Acura,Integra,GSR
Automotive,Cars, SUVs, Trucks, Vans...,Acura,Integra,L
Automotive,Cars, SUVs, Trucks, Vans...,Acura,Integra,LS
Automotive,Cars, SUVs, Trucks, Vans...,Acura,Integra,RS
Automotive,Cars, SUVs, Trucks, Vans...,Acura,Integra,SE
Automotive,Cars, SUVs, Trucks, Vans...,Acura,Integra,Type-R
Automotive,Cars, SUVs, Trucks, Vans...,Acura,Legend,* SubModel
Automotive,Cars, SUVs, Trucks, Vans...,Acura,Legend,GS
Automotive,Cars, SUVs, Trucks, Vans...,Acura,Legend,L
Automotive,Cars, SUVs, Trucks, Vans...,Acura,Legend,LS
Automotive,Cars, SUVs, Trucks, Vans...,Acura,Legend,SE
Automotive,Cars, SUVs, Trucks, Vans...,Acura,RL,

d) illustrating an example, as I did in the above.


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XML/XSLT to write typical CF Form page

2004-07-15 Thread Jon Gunnip
I have an app with 100 forms that are all very similar in structure:
1) filter on some heirarchy of properies on the left: e.g. Year -
State - City to find a paricular record
2) edit, delete, or add a new record on the right

I want to streamline the maintenance of writing these CF self-posting
form processing pages since the structure seems pretty consistent but
each form is between 400 and 1000 lines of CF/HTML.

I was thinking I could describe the structure in XML and then use XSLT
to write my 400-1000 line CFM page.Then I could cfinclude the result. 
It would be great is someone out there has already defined a nice DTD
for doing this.

Anyone doing anything like this?

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Re: ActivScan CFX Tag

2004-07-15 Thread Claude Schneegans
It seems to me that the browser will be doing all the hard work

Exactly, and there shouldn't be any difference if it is sent to the browser by CF 5 or 6

all the server side will be doing is handling the file upload part...

Yes, and I don't see what could be not working anymore under CFMX.
For the least, it should not be that difficult to fix it.
REUSE CODE! Use custom tags;
(Please send any spam to this address: [EMAIL PROTECTED])
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Re: OT: BlueDragon .NET uninstall

2004-07-15 Thread Phill B
I had the same thing happen to me with an earlier version. I tried
every thing you did. Their tech support couldn't figure it out either.
I gave up and wrote off the purchase as lesson learned.

Phillip B.

- Original Message -
From: Tony Weeg 

heres what i did.

1. uninstall.
2. it removed the .cfm/.htm/.html mappings itself
3. i reinstalled cfmx to see if it would RESET the mappings, etcNO DICE

tonight, ill uninstall EVERYTHING, and start over.

i should have known this might happen.damn, this sucks.

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Re: Best choice for ColdFusion Studio IDE...

2004-07-15 Thread Jason L. West, Sr.
To All:

Man I am loving this Flame War.I wanted to respond to this
particular post because it seems Sean has caught the most heat for his
opinion on the products whether they are bias or not.

I had some issues getting first setup with the He3, I had been forced to
use the Eclipse plugin install method instead of the .exe install.
(Which was not easy as well)Seems the installer is having issues
finding the Java that I have installed on my Win XP.Oh well, all for
the best.

With that said, I also have the latest version of CFEclipse installed.
That's right, both He3 and CFEclipse are complimenting each other with
different features.For instance I use the Perspectives and MachII
editor of He3 while editing my CFC and CFM files in the CFE.The
insight for the tags is pulled from CFE.

So if any one wants to download a zipped up version of what I got to use
as their IDE please drop me an email and I will provide a way for you to
download it.


Can't we all just get along?LOL


Jason L. West, Sr.
Internet Application Specialist, Sr.

Sean Corfield wrote on 7/15/2004, 02:02:

   Wrong. CFE has always had a cfml perspective.
  That was pointed out in the comments on that blog entry (which is why
  I specifically mentioned the comments were interesting). It isn't the
  default perspective after installing CFE and, unless you're familiar
  with the way Eclipse works, it isn't obvious how to change that at
  first. Quoting from one of my posts in the comments:
  OK, I found the CFML perspective in CFEclipse. Yes, that makes the
  workspace much better since it surfaces the snip tree view and the CFC
  methods view.
   That is just plain non-sense. First you can just close the view if you
   want - making it a cleaner (read less work put into it) interface.
  Again, assuming you are familiar enough with how Eclipse works. It's
  obvious how to minimize / maximize views but not obvious at first how
  to makes views go away altogether (or how to restore them later). Yes,
  I figured it out after a while but this all goes to how Eclipse + CFE
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jrunfilter in iPlanet/Sun One obj.conf

2004-07-15 Thread Mike Chabot
(My initial post did not seem to make it)

Does anyone know what the following line accomplishes in obj.conf in a Sun One/iPlanet Web server?

NameTrans fn=jrunfilter serverstore=C:/CFusionMX/runtime/lib/wsconfig/1/ bootstrap=

Here is what I am trying to do. I want both CFMX and CF5 to be running on the same server, using the same URL and port. I want CFMX to run for only a single directory on an existing iPlanet server, and CF5 to handle all other directories. Adding the following lines to obj.conf hand over control to CFMX for a single directory:

ObjectType fn=type-by-exp exp=D:/iPlanet/Servers/docs/cfmxtest/*.cf[m|c] type=jrun-internal/
Service method=(GET|POST) type=jrun-internal/ fn=jrunservice

This seems to work fine. However, the setup instruction indicate that the following are also needed in obj.conf

NameTrans fn=jrunfilter serverstore=C:/CFusionMX/runtime/lib/wsconfig/1/ bootstrap=

Object name=jrun
PathCheck fn=jrunfilter
Service fn=jrunservice

If the jrunfilter line is in obj.conf, CFMX takes over handling of all .cfm files on the entire server, regardless of the other settings in obj.conf. Without the jrunfilter line, the server seems to work the way I want it to.

The jrunfilter line seems to intercept all requests for .cfm, .cfc, .cfml, .jws, .jst, and .jsp files. The other lines in obj.conf related to CFMX seem to be completely unnecessary if the jrunfilter line is present. I was able to take out the lines:
ObjectType fn=type-by-exp exp=*.cfm type=jrun-internal/ and 
Service method=(GET|POST) type=jrun-internal/ fn=jrunservice
and the .cfm extension was handled fine by CFMX. I would guess that the jrunfilter line is slightly more efficient, since it is the first line in obj.conf. However, why would Macromedia say to include the ObjectType and Service lines in obj.conf if these are just going to be ignored? 

Does the combination of ObjectType and Service lines provide the same funcationality as the jrunfilter line? Does anyone know if this jrunfilter line is essential? Are there any other ways to do what I am trying to do?

Thank you,
Mike Chabot
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WOT but important

2004-07-15 Thread Bruce Sorge
Although I have not been a big contributor to this list, I have learned a lot from it. I will have to unsubscribe though for a while since I have just been told that I am going to Iraq with my national guard unit. I am heading out next month for training and then should be in country around January. Thanks to everyone who has helped answer my questions and I look forward to returning and getting more great tips and tricks from this list.

Bruce Sorge
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Re: WOT but important

2004-07-15 Thread Ray Champagne
good luck over there man, and we look forward to seeing you get back as 
soon as possible!


At 10:24 AM 7/15/2004, you wrote:
Although I have not been a big contributor to this list, I have learned a 
lot from it. I will have to unsubscribe though for a while since I have 
just been told that I am going to Iraq with my national guard unit. I am 
heading out next month for training and then should be in country around 
January. Thanks to everyone who has helped answer my questions and I look 
forward to returning and getting more great tips and tricks from this list.

Bruce Sorge

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Re: WOT but important

2004-07-15 Thread mavinson

May you a safe and secure round-trip. I'll try to do my part and push for 
regime-change here at home -- and hopefully the 'gates of hell' will close 
as our belligerent country moves towards an exit strategy.



07/15/2004 10:24 AM
Please respond to cf-talk

Subject:WOT but important

Although I have not been a big contributor to this list, I have learned a 
lot from it. I will have to unsubscribe though for a while since I have 
just been told that I am going to Iraq with my national guard unit. I am 
heading out next month for training and then should be in country around 
January. Thanks to everyone who has helped answer my questions and I look 
forward to returning and getting more great tips and tricks from this 

Bruce Sorge
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Re: WOT but important

2004-07-15 Thread Tony Weeg
good luck, thank you, and GODSPEED!


On Thu, 15 Jul 2004 09:24:04 -0500, Bruce Sorge [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Although I have not been a big contributor to this list, I have learned a lot from it. I will have to unsubscribe though for a while since I have just been told that I am going to Iraq with my national guard unit. I am heading out next month for training and then should be in country around January. Thanks to everyone who has helped answer my questions and I look forward to returning and getting more great tips and tricks from this list.
 Bruce Sorge

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Re: Best choice for ColdFusion Studio IDE...

2004-07-15 Thread Dick Applebaum
On Jul 15, 2004, at 6:15 AM, Matt Liotta wrote:

 This is different than He3 in which we aim
to provide an IDE for CFML development. CFML development includes
 more than
just CFML; it also includes HTML, SQL, JS, CSS, XML, Fusebox,
 Mach-II, etc.

Mmmm... How do you plan to handle the creation/interaction of Java
classes and CFCs, CFMs.

For example, consider your CF JAI tutorial/example. 

I experimented for a while, then finally set up 2 projects:

1) a Java Project with the source/class (.project) files being stored
in: /pathtoServer/cfusion/WEB-INF/classes/

2) The CFCs and CFMs in a CFE project folder at:

This seems kind of kludgey, but I don't need to fiddle with classpaths,
etc. and everything runs where Eclipse saves it.

Does He3 do anything to integrate this in a mor natural way?

Actually, what I (and prolly a lot of others) really want to do is have
all my CFM, CFC, java, class files (and PHP  HTML, for that matter, in
a directory structure totally isolated from Apache webroot or cfroot.

That way a single code set could be used from:

1) multiple instances of CFMX
2) mutiple instances of BD
3) Apache, where applicable

Any ideas for how to do that?


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Re: WOT but important

2004-07-15 Thread Jason L. West, Sr.
You are in my prayers and I wish you good luck.This comes from a 
veteran of the Persian Gulf War.

God Bless,

Jason L. West, Sr.

Bruce Sorge wrote on 7/15/2004, 10:24:

  Although I have not been a big contributor to this list, I have
  learned a lot from it. I will have to unsubscribe though for a while
  since I have just been told that I am going to Iraq with my national
  guard unit. I am heading out next month for training and then should
  be in country around January. Thanks to everyone who has helped answer
  my questions and I look forward to returning and getting more great
  tips and tricks from this list.
  Bruce Sorge
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RE: Best choice for ColdFusion Studio IDE...

2004-07-15 Thread Guy Rish

We would be happy to discuss your ideas for file management.
Though perhaps this line of discussion might be more appropriate on the He3
list (also hosted at HoF).


-Original Message-
From: Dick Applebaum [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, July 15, 2004 9:54 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: Best choice for ColdFusion Studio IDE...

On Jul 15, 2004, at 6:15 AM, Matt Liotta wrote:

 This is different than He3 in which we aim
to provide an IDE for CFML development. CFML development includes
 more than
just CFML; it also includes HTML, SQL, JS, CSS, XML, Fusebox,
 Mach-II, etc.

Mmmm... How do you plan to handle the creation/interaction of Java
classes and CFCs, CFMs.

For example, consider your CF JAI tutorial/example. 

I experimented for a while, then finally set up 2 projects:

1) a Java Project with the source/class (.project) files being stored
in: /pathtoServer/cfusion/WEB-INF/classes/

2) The CFCs and CFMs in a CFE project folder at:

This seems kind of kludgey, but I don't need to fiddle with classpaths,
etc. and everything runs where Eclipse saves it.

Does He3 do anything to integrate this in a mor natural way?

Actually, what I (and prolly a lot of others) really want to do is have
all my CFM, CFC, java, class files (and PHP  HTML, for that matter, in
a directory structure totally isolated from Apache webroot or cfroot.

That way a single code set could be used from:

1) multiple instances of CFMX
2) mutiple instances of BD
3) Apache, where applicable

Any ideas for how to do that?


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Re: WOT but important

2004-07-15 Thread Dick Applebaum

On Jul 15, 2004, at 7:27 AM, Ray Champagne wrote:

 good luck over there man, and we look forward to seeing you get back as
soon as possible!


At 10:24 AM 7/15/2004, you wrote:
Although I have not been a big contributor to this list, I have 
 learned a
lot from it. I will have to unsubscribe though for a while since I 
just been told that I am going to Iraq with my national guard unit. 
 I am
heading out next month for training and then should be in country 
January. Thanks to everyone who has helped answer my questions and I 
forward to returning and getting more great tips and tricks from 
 this list.

Bruce Sorge

Every person takes the limits of their own field of vision for the 
limits of the world.
- Arthur Schopenhauer -
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Re: WOT but important

2004-07-15 Thread Bruce Sorge
Speaking of that, this will be my second time there. I too was in the first war.
- Original Message - 
From: Jason L. West, Sr. 
To: CF-Talk 
Sent: Thursday, July 15, 2004 9:55 AM
Subject: Re: WOT but important

You are in my prayers and I wish you good luck.This comes from a 
veteran of the Persian Gulf War.

God Bless,

Jason L. West, Sr.

Bruce Sorge wrote on 7/15/2004, 10:24:

 Although I have not been a big contributor to this list, I have
 learned a lot from it. I will have to unsubscribe though for a while
 since I have just been told that I am going to Iraq with my national
 guard unit. I am heading out next month for training and then should
 be in country around January. Thanks to everyone who has helped answer
 my questions and I look forward to returning and getting more great
 tips and tricks from this list.

 Bruce Sorge
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Re: XML/XSLT to write typical CF Form page

2004-07-15 Thread Rob
On Thu, 15 Jul 2004 07:34:10 -0600, Jon Gunnip [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I was thinking I could describe the structure in XML and then use XSLT
 to write my 400-1000 line CFM page.Then I could cfinclude the result.
 It would be great is someone out there has already defined a nice DTD
 for doing this.
 Anyone doing anything like this?

Yeah, I am working on a project that does that. Actually it takes and
XML document makes an XSD out of it then uses the XSD+XSLT to make
form elements so what you are saying it totally possible.The only
code that I could share with you is XSD+XSLT-form elements though,
which I dont think is what you want. If you'd like to see the code let
me know and I'll send it to you.


~The cfml plug-in for eclipse~ 
~open source xslt IDE~
~open source XML database~
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Free Stuff: Tree, Tab, Accordian Pane Custom Tags

2004-07-15 Thread Joe Rinehart
Hi All,

I've been developing a series of custom tags (jComponents) that
provide tab navigation, trees, and accordian panes (plus a utility
box that shows/hides content).



Implementation is all CF - no CSS or _javascript_ required.They nest
and play well with others.

Currently released in a Beta' format.If anyone finds them useful,
please send feedback, as I'd like to move to a 1.0.

I plan to keep them forever free of charge for any type of use, but am
undecided as to open sourcing.


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RE: Best choice for ColdFusion Studio IDE...

2004-07-15 Thread Marlon Moyer
What's DWMX 2004 performance like compared to eclipse/bbedit?

 -Original Message-
 From: Dick Applebaum 
 Sent: Wednesday, July 14, 2004 10:35 PM
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: Re: Best choice for ColdFusion Studio IDE...
 So, because of what a Mac user is accustomed to, in Eclipse:
 1) switching windows is like switching pages in a book when the pages
 are stuck together
 2) typing/selecting/manipulation of content feels like you are wearing
 mittens or have spilled a Diet Pepsi on the mouse keyboard
 ... It just feels slow!

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Re: Free Stuff: Tree, Tab, Accordian Pane Custom Tags

2004-07-15 Thread Dick Applebaum
Looks good!

But nothing downloaded.

Such a tease


On Jul 15, 2004, at 8:19 AM, Joe Rinehart wrote:

 Hi All,

I've been developing a series of custom tags (jComponents) that
provide tab navigation, trees, and accordian panes (plus a utility
box that shows/hides content).



Implementation is all CF - no CSS or _javascript_ required.  They nest
and play well with others.

Currently released in a Beta' format.  If anyone finds them useful,
please send feedback, as I'd like to move to a 1.0.

I plan to keep them forever free of charge for any type of use, but am
undecided as to open sourcing.



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Re: WOT but important

2004-07-15 Thread Jerry Johnson
Then isn't it time for a Baghdad Cold Fusion Users Group? You are slow off the ball.

Good luck, come back safe and thank you.

Jerry Johnson

 [EMAIL PROTECTED] 07/15/04 11:02AM 
Speaking of that, this will be my second time there. I too was in the first war.
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RE: Best choice for ColdFusion Studio IDE...

2004-07-15 Thread Ray Champagne
I got curious and downloaded Eclipse this AM, and as far as speed, DW is 
beat down bad by CFEclipse.However, right now I find the whole thing 
rather cumbersome, and for about an hour now I have been trying to figure 
out an equivalent to F12 (preview page in browser in DW) in Eclipse.Of 
course, this cumbersomeness is really just me trying to get used to a new 


At 11:29 AM 7/15/2004, Marlon Moyer wrote:
What's DWMX 2004 performance like compared to eclipse/bbedit?

  -Original Message-
  From: Dick Applebaum
  Sent: Wednesday, July 14, 2004 10:35 PM
  To: CF-Talk
  Subject: Re: Best choice for ColdFusion Studio IDE...
  So, because of what a Mac user is accustomed to, in Eclipse:
  1) switching windows is like switching pages in a book when the pages
  are stuck together
  2) typing/selecting/manipulation of content feels like you are wearing
  mittens or have spilled a Diet Pepsi on the mouse keyboard
  ... It just feels slow!

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Re: Free Stuff: Tree, Tab, Accordian Pane Custom Tags

2004-07-15 Thread Ben Densmore
This is great Joe. I was just about to start rebuilding one of our
forms that has gotten unbelievably long and move it to a flash based
form so I can use the accordian for a multi step form. I will
definitely be playing around with this.


On Thu, 15 Jul 2004 11:19:28 -0400, Joe Rinehart [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi All,
 I've been developing a series of custom tags (jComponents) that
 provide tab navigation, trees, and accordian panes (plus a utility
 box that shows/hides content).
 Implementation is all CF - no CSS or _javascript_ required.They nest
 and play well with others.
 Currently released in a Beta' format.If anyone finds them useful,
 please send feedback, as I'd like to move to a 1.0.
 I plan to keep them forever free of charge for any type of use, but am
 undecided as to open sourcing.

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Paypal API

2004-07-15 Thread Scott Bennett
Has anyone ever used coldfusion to consume the paypal webservice/api? I am
having trouble figuring out how to pass the client cert Paypal provides
along with the request.

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Re: Free Stuff: Tree, Tab, Accordian Pane Custom Tags

2004-07-15 Thread Joe Rinehart
LOL - your attachment didn't come through?If anyone else has this
problem, please let me know.

I'll e-mail off-list with a link to get it directly.

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Re: Free Stuff: Tree, Tab, Accordian Pane Custom Tags

2004-07-15 Thread Joe Rinehart
Thanks Ben.Please keep me posted on how it works, and what needs improvement.
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RE: Best choice for ColdFusion Studio IDE...

2004-07-15 Thread Marlon Moyer
I really like both He3 and CFEclipse, but the biggest issue I have is with
uploading files to a staging/production server.I like being able to
highlight a file in DW and hit ctrl-shift-U and having it upload.Very,
very simple.Unfortunately, it sometimes takes 100% of the cpu though.If
He3 or CFEclipse could incorporate something like that, I'd probably use it
a lot more often.Oh, and I have checked out the FTP and WedDav plugin.
Besides being a bear to configure, I've still not been able to get it to do
exactly what I want.


 -Original Message-
 From: Ray Champagne [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Thursday, July 15, 2004 10:36 AM
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: RE: Best choice for ColdFusion Studio IDE...
 I got curious and downloaded Eclipse this AM, and as far as speed, DW is
 beat down bad by CFEclipse.However, right now I find the whole thing
 rather cumbersome, and for about an hour now I have been trying to
 out an equivalent to F12 (preview page in browser in DW) in Eclipse.Of
 course, this cumbersomeness is really just me trying to get used to a new
 At 11:29 AM 7/15/2004, Marlon Moyer wrote:
 What's DWMX 2004 performance like compared to eclipse/bbedit?
   -Original Message-
   From: Dick Applebaum
   Sent: Wednesday, July 14, 2004 10:35 PM
   To: CF-Talk
   Subject: Re: Best choice for ColdFusion Studio IDE...
   So, because of what a Mac user is accustomed to, in Eclipse:
   1) switching windows is like switching pages in a book when the
   are stuck together
   2) typing/selecting/manipulation of content feels like you are
   mittens or have spilled a Diet Pepsi on the mouse keyboard
   ... It just feels slow!

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Re: WOT but important

2004-07-15 Thread Joe Rinehart

Good luck, godspeed, and we all look forward to hearing from you on your return.


- Original Message -
From: Bruce Sorge [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Thu, 15 Jul 2004 09:24:04 -0500
Subject: WOT but important

Although I have not been a big contributor to this list, I have
learned a lot from it. I will have to unsubscribe though for a while
since I have just been told that I am going to Iraq with my national
guard unit. I am heading out next month for training and then should
be in country around January. Thanks to everyone who has helped answer
my questions and I look forward to returning and getting more great
tips and tricks from this list.

Bruce Sorge
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application data and jrun memory usage

2004-07-15 Thread Brook Davies
Yesterday, as a test I deleted a big chunk of data from the application 
scope of our app. This had no immediate effect on memory usage but about 
10-20 minutes later I noticed jrun's memory usage drop about 100 megs. Is 
this due to the garbage collection running? Does this seems correct? 
Basically, what I want to know, is if jrun does release that memory once 
data is deleted from the application scope.

Brook Davies
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Re: Free Stuff: Tree, Tab, Accordian Pane Custom Tags

2004-07-15 Thread Marco Antonio C. Santos
Great!! Looks very nice. Congratulations. Please keep me inside...

On Thu, 15 Jul 2004 11:49:54 -0400, Joe Rinehart [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Thanks Ben.Please keep me posted on how it works, and what needs improvement.

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Re: Coldfusion Web Image Editor

2004-07-15 Thread Doug Hughes
I wanted to say that two of my products, the Alagad Image Component
and the now deprecated MagicTag were mentioned here.Please let me
know if I can answer any questions on these products.

The site for both of these is can also be
reached via the contact us form on that site.


Doug Hughes
President, Alagad Inc

On Wed, 14 Jul 2004 13:25:48 -0400, Benjamin Wilson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 From: Ryan Mannion [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Tuesday, July 13, 2004 10:24 AM
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: Coldfusion Web Image Editor
 Doest anyone know of a image editor that can be used in a webpage,
 preferably not a java applet etc. It does not have to be the
 photoshop of web browsers, but resize, crop etc would be great. The
 cheapest, or free would be best like always!
 Thanks in advance.

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RE: Best choice for ColdFusion Studio IDE...

2004-07-15 Thread Spike
Hi Ray,

There are a few options depending on what you are trying to achieve...

First, you can set the root URL for a project by right-clicking on the
project, choosing properties and going to the cfeclipse section.

Once you've done that, the internal browser home button will always take you
to the root URL for the project of the file you currently have open in the
editor. The default project home URL is set to the Macromedia livedocs since
that's likely to be a useful place for a lot of people.

Once you've got the browser set to the right URL, you can reload the page in
the internal browser by hitting F5.

It would probably make sense to have a F12 shortcut to launch the current
file in the internal browser, but no-one has requested that in the Issue
Tracker as far as I'm aware.

For my part, the majority of projects I work with have a single entry point
such as index.cfm, so I only need to use the home button and F5.

If that doesn't get you going, it would probably be worth going over to the
cfeclipse site and joining the cfeclipse users list. That's probably a more
appropriate place for this type of discussion.

If you don't fancy joining yet another mailing list I'm happy to field
questions directly.


Stephen Milligan
Code poet for hire

Do you cfeclipse? 

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Ray Champagne
Sent: Thursday, July 15, 2004 7:36 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: Best choice for ColdFusion Studio IDE...

I got curious and downloaded Eclipse this AM, and as far as 
speed, DW is 
beat down bad by CFEclipse.However, right now I find the whole thing 
rather cumbersome, and for about an hour now I have been 
trying to figure 
out an equivalent to F12 (preview page in browser in DW) in 
course, this cumbersomeness is really just me trying to get 
used to a new 


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Re: Free Stuff: Tree, Tab, Accordian Pane Custom Tags

2004-07-15 Thread Damien McKenna
On Jul 15, 2004, at 11:19 AM, Joe Rinehart wrote:
 Implementation is all CF - no CSS or _javascript_ required.

Looking at the demos, they're all JS??
Damien McKenna - Web Developer - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
The Limu Company - - 407-804-1014
Nothing endures but change. - Heraclitus
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RE: jrunfilter in iPlanet/Sun One obj.conf

2004-07-15 Thread Dave Watts
 Does anyone know what the following line accomplishes in 
 obj.conf in a Sun One/iPlanet Web server?
 NameTrans fn=jrunfilter 
 ore bootstrap=

I'm no expert with iPlanet. However, I think that this enables an NSAPI
filter. It sounds to me like NSAPI behaves a bit like IIS's ISAPI. Within
ISAPI, you can have filters and extensions. Filters are run at the beginning
of the HTTP request processing pipeline, while extensions are run later on.
ISAPI extensions are mapped to specific file extensions, while filters are
processed for every request.

There's some CFMX functionality which requires this sort of filter - the
ability to run servlets and the Flash Remoting gateway. There may be other
functionality dependent on this, but I'm not aware of it.

 Here is what I am trying to do. I want both CFMX and CF5 to 
 be running on the same server, using the same URL and port. I 
 want CFMX to run for only a single directory on an existing 
 iPlanet server, and CF5 to handle all other directories. 


 If the jrunfilter line is in obj.conf, CFMX takes over 
 handling of all .cfm files on the entire server, regardless 
 of the other settings in obj.conf. Without the jrunfilter 
 line, the server seems to work the way I want it to.
 The jrunfilter line seems to intercept all requests for .cfm, 
 .cfc, .cfml, .jws, .jst, and .jsp files. The other lines in 
 obj.conf related to CFMX seem to be completely unnecessary if 
 the jrunfilter line is present.


 However, why would Macromedia say to include the ObjectType and 
 Service lines in obj.conf if these are just going to be ignored? 
 Does the combination of ObjectType and Service lines provide 
 the same funcationality as the jrunfilter line? Does anyone 
 know if this jrunfilter line is essential?

In my experience with IIS, I generally leave both the ISAPI filter and
extension enabled. However, it seems to work well enough with the filter
disabled and just the extension enabled, aside from the aforementioned
servlets and Flash Remoting stuff.

Honestly, I don't really know why (or whether) both are needed - the filter
seems like it would be sufficient. Perhaps it's just set up that way for

 Are there any other ways to do what I am trying to do?

Yes, there may be. One way you can configure CFMX is with a context root,
which basically limits the filter to only accepting requests that map to a
specific directory. When you install CFMX onto a J2EE server, you're asked
for a context root during the EAR/WAR creation process. You should be able
to specify the directory name as the context root, and CFMX should only then
process requests within that directory. I haven't specifically set CFMX up
this way with a CF 5 server, though, so this is conjecture on my part.

Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software
phone: 202-797-5496
fax: 202-797-5444
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Re: Best choice for ColdFusion Studio IDE...

2004-07-15 Thread Dick Applebaum
I had a trial DW, but it has expired.I tried it for a while but it 
was just too involved  slow compared to BBEdit.

I wasn't doing any Java programming at the time, so I saw no need to 
change IDEs.

When I decided to learn Java, I decided to look for an IDE to ease the 
pain.Eclipse looks like the best bet, so far.

BBEdit color-codes Java, and has a Glossary where you can get/write 
plugins (that's how CF is implemented).There is a jsp plugin  I may 
get that.

I wanted to avoid fiddling with classpath, javac, etc. -- Eclipse does 
a pretty good job of that (once you figure it out).

Also, I have observed that Java apps tend to have a lot more components 
than procedural-language apps -- Eclipse does a pretty good job of 
managing them.

But, I am still learning Eclipse and have only scratched the surface.
Since it is Java-oriented it should help guide me (gently prod or 
strong-arm) to good Java development habits,

That said, I haven't seen anything yet that Eclipse can do that BBEdit 

Once I learn how to do Java in Eclipse, I may revert to BBEdit.

BBEdit has built-in hooks for adding code completion, snippets, 
compile/execute scripts.So It shouldn't be too difficult to make 
BBEdit do whatever the Eclipse IDE is doing (that I need to do.

As, I've mentioned previously, BBEdit, as an editor, is superior to the 
one(s) in Eclipse (or elsewhere, for that matter).


On Jul 15, 2004, at 8:36 AM, Ray Champagne wrote:

 I got curious and downloaded Eclipse this AM, and as far as speed, DW 
beat down bad by CFEclipse.  However, right now I find the whole thing
rather cumbersome, and for about an hour now I have been trying to 
out an equivalent to F12 (preview page in browser in DW) in 
 Eclipse.  Of
course, this cumbersomeness is really just me trying to get used to a 


At 11:29 AM 7/15/2004, Marlon Moyer wrote:
What's DWMX 2004 performance like compared to eclipse/bbedit?

  -Original Message-
  From: Dick Applebaum
  Sent: Wednesday, July 14, 2004 10:35 PM
  To: CF-Talk
  Subject: Re: Best choice for ColdFusion Studio IDE...
  So, because of what a Mac user is accustomed to, in Eclipse:
  1) switching windows is like switching pages in a book when the 
  are stuck together
  2) typing/selecting/manipulation of content feels like you are 
  mittens or have spilled a Diet Pepsi on the mouse keyboard
  ... It just feels slow!
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RE: OT: BlueDragon .NET uninstall

2004-07-15 Thread Dave Watts
 heres what i did.
 1. uninstall.
 2. it removed the .cfm/.htm/.html mappings itself 3. i 
 reinstalled cfmx to see if it would RESET the mappings, 
 tonight, ill uninstall EVERYTHING, and start over.

Did you run the CFMX web server configuration utility?

Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software
phone: 202-797-5496
fax: 202-797-5444
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Re: XML/XSLT to write typical CF Form page

2004-07-15 Thread Jon Gunnip

Could you explain why you are creating an XSD from XML?I thought
XSD's were for validation (like a DTD, but more powerful).Are you
using the XSD to validate a form submission?

I would like to use XML/XSLT as a .cfm page builder.The XSLT will
write my cfquery's, cfif's, and forms.Is that what you are doing,

I guess another option is to use cfm to build an XML doc that describes
the state of the request (Filter, Save, Delete, ..) and the data in
the form and use XSLT just to do the form display.

The tricky part is that I want the same XSLT to work for lots of
different forms, and I'm not sure if all of the possibilities of the
different forms would make an XML doc that is way more complex than my
current problem.


 [EMAIL PROTECTED] 7/15/2004 9:11:54 AM 

Yeah, I am working on a project that does that. Actually it takes and
XML document makes an XSD out of it then uses the XSD+XSLT to make
form elements so what you are saying it totally possible.


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RE: RAD (was RE: Best choice for ColdFusion Studio IDE...)

2004-07-15 Thread Dave Watts
 Most people are comfortable with the notion that CFML is a 
 RAD platform, while Java and .NET are not.

I suspect many .NET developers would not be comfortable with this notion,

Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software
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Re: BlueDragon.NET Technology Preview Release

2004-07-15 Thread Damien McKenna
On Jul 14, 2004, at 8:50 PM, Vince Bonfanti wrote:
 New Atlanta is pleased to announce the Technology Preview release of
 BlueDragon for the Microsoft .NET Framework,

Congrats Vince.

A (fairly rhetorical) question I have is whether BD.NET goes through 
the dotNET database drivers before hitting the ODBC system or go 
straight to ODBC?

BTW, for those who don't already know, .NET is Microsoft's continuance 
of their Java fork.Their license precludes them from calling it Java, 
but that's where it comes from.Heck, early releases of the .NET 
classes could be ran on a JVM.
Damien McKenna - Web Developer - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: OT: BlueDragon .NET uninstall

2004-07-15 Thread Tony Weeg
wont load.i get a popup box, asking what to do with a .cfm file. and
yes, the mappings are there, and yes the xml file knows the .cfm files
are to be parsed by the cf servlet



On Thu, 15 Jul 2004 12:35:05 -0400, Dave Watts [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  heres what i did.
  1. uninstall.
  2. it removed the .cfm/.htm/.html mappings itself 3. i
  reinstalled cfmx to see if it would RESET the mappings,
  etcNO DICE
  tonight, ill uninstall EVERYTHING, and start over.
 Did you run the CFMX web server configuration utility?
 Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software
 phone: 202-797-5496
 fax: 202-797-5444

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RE: OT: BlueDragon .NET uninstall

2004-07-15 Thread Dave Watts
  Did you run the CFMX web server configuration utility?

 wont load.i get a popup box, asking what to do with a .cfm 
 file. and yes, the mappings are there, and yes the xml file 
 knows the .cfm files are to be parsed by the cf servlet

When you say it won't load, what exactly happens? Do you get an error
message about not being able to find a JVM or something like that?

If so, you can just run it from the command prompt like this:

cd \cfusionmx\lib
c:\cfusionmx\runtime\jre\bin\java.exe -jar wsconfig.jar

The file paths may be slightly off, but you should be able to figure out the
correct paths on your system.

Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software
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RE: BlueDragon.NET Technology Preview Release

2004-07-15 Thread Dave Watts
 BTW, for those who don't already know, .NET is Microsoft's 
 continuance of their Java fork. Their license precludes them 
 from calling it Java, but that's where it comes from.

While there's some merit to what you say, I think it's a bit too much of an
oversimpification. A lot of the ideas implemented by the .NET Framework are
similar to those in Java, but they couldn't call it Java no matter what
their license says. It's not Java. It's not a continuance of a Java fork.
Instead, it's a completely separate implementation of many of the best ideas
in Java.

 Heck, early releases of the .NET classes could be ran on a JVM.

I've never seen or heard of that, actually, but I suppose anything's
possible! However, while the .NET Framework and Java both have VMs, they're
different VMs.

Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software
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RE: application data and jrun memory usage

2004-07-15 Thread Dave Watts
 Yesterday, as a test I deleted a big chunk of data from the 
 application scope of our app. This had no immediate effect on 
 memory usage but about 10-20 minutes later I noticed jrun's 
 memory usage drop about 100 megs. Is this due to the garbage 
 collection running? Does this seems correct? 
 Basically, what I want to know, is if jrun does release that 
 memory once data is deleted from the application scope.

Yes, this seems to match my experience with Java application servers on

Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software
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Re: Free Stuff: Tree, Tab, Accordian Pane Custom Tags

2004-07-15 Thread Joe Rinehart

Sorry, should've been more clear - meaning your implementation doesn't
require you to do any CSS or _javascript_.They're all powered by
various uses of _javascript_, with functions being kept local to each
instance to not avoid conflicts.


- Original Message -
From: Damien McKenna [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Thu, 15 Jul 2004 12:20:03 -0400
Subject: Re: Free Stuff: Tree, Tab, Accordian Pane Custom Tags

On Jul 15, 2004, at 11:19 AM, Joe Rinehart wrote:

 Implementation is all CF - no CSS or _javascript_ required.

Looking at the demos, they're all JS??


Damien McKenna - Web Developer - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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HELP! Forgot cfadmin password

2004-07-15 Thread Eric Creese
I forgot the password for the cfadmin. How can I change it or logon?
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Re: Free Stuff: Tree, Tab, Accordian Pane Custom Tags

2004-07-15 Thread S . Isaac Dealey
 On Jul 15, 2004, at 11:19 AM, Joe Rinehart wrote:
 Implementation is all CF - no CSS or _javascript_ required.

 Looking at the demos, they're all JS??

He means _you_ can implement them without needing to know the CSS or
JS involved. But the tag then runs off and creates all the necessary
JS for you.

I've had all these widgets, and some others in the onTap framework's
html library for some months now... Pros and cons - sure... Joe's are
easier to understand when you're just looking at the code.

The onTap framework's are more versatile, and along with that comes a
bit of added complexity. The onTap framework features use a series of
functions to generate the meta-data behind the widgets, so that you
can edit the widgets, their content, their style and their behavior
(dhtml events) after they've been created (and before they're
displayed). Thus, you can create wrapper functions for common tasks
to maintain a consistent UI or just to cut down on keystrokes. Plus if
you want to add features, you don't have to add attributes to do that,
you can add new features just by combining different html library
function calls.

More info at:

s. isaac dealey954.927.5117

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RE: HELP! Forgot cfadmin password

2004-07-15 Thread Dave Watts
 I forgot the password for the cfadmin. How can I change 
 it or logon?

You can disable the password, then run CF Administrator and reset it.
Disabling the password will require access to either the registry if you're
using CF 5 or earlier, or the neo-security.xml file if you're using CFMX.

If you're using CF 5, the registry value you'll be interested in is
HKLM\SOFTWARE\Allaire\ColdFusion\CurrentVersion\Server\UseAdminPassword, I
think. Change the value from 1 to 0. If you're using CFMX, change true
to false in lib\neo-security.xml:

var name=''boolean value='false'//var

Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software
phone: 202-797-5496
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RE: BlueDragon.NET Technology Preview Release

2004-07-15 Thread Vince Bonfanti
BD.NET uses ADO.NET for all database access. I'm not sure what you mean by
going straight to ODBC.


	From: Damien McKenna [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
	Sent: Thursday, July 15, 2004 12:29 PM
	To: CF-Talk
	Subject: Re: BlueDragon.NET Technology Preview Release
	On Jul 14, 2004, at 8:50 PM, Vince Bonfanti wrote:
	 New Atlanta is pleased to announce the Technology Preview release
	 BlueDragon for the Microsoft .NET Framework,
	Congrats Vince.
	A (fairly rhetorical) question I have is whether BD.NET goes through

	the dotNET database drivers before hitting the ODBC system or go 
	straight to ODBC?
	BTW, for those who don't already know, .NET is Microsoft's
	of their Java fork.Their license precludes them from calling it
	but that's where it comes from.Heck, early releases of the .NET 
	classes could be ran on a JVM.
	Damien McKenna - Web Developer - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
	The Limu Company - - 407-804-1014
	Nothing endures but change. - Heraclitus
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Re: OT: BlueDragon .NET uninstall

2004-07-15 Thread Tony Weeg
ill try tonight, thanks dave.

but, wont load, i mean, like when you click on a link that is for a
.csv file, and ie prompts to download/open/save, whatever, thats what
happens, with .cfm files...

ill try this tonight, tho...thnaks.


On Thu, 15 Jul 2004 12:49:26 -0400, Dave Watts [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Did you run the CFMX web server configuration utility?
  wont load.i get a popup box, asking what to do with a .cfm
  file. and yes, the mappings are there, and yes the xml file
  knows the .cfm files are to be parsed by the cf servlet
 When you say it won't load, what exactly happens? Do you get an error
 message about not being able to find a JVM or something like that?
 If so, you can just run it from the command prompt like this:
 cd \cfusionmx\lib
 c:\cfusionmx\runtime\jre\bin\java.exe -jar wsconfig.jar
 The file paths may be slightly off, but you should be able to figure out the
 correct paths on your system.
 Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software
 phone: 202-797-5496
 fax: 202-797-5444

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Re: Best choice for ColdFusion Studio IDE...

2004-07-15 Thread Claude Schneegans
for about an hour now I have been trying to figure
out an equivalent to F12 (preview page in browser in DW)

Isn't that the most useless feature ?
I mean it is so much easier to open your browser on the test page, and just click on refresh every time your page is updated.
Anyway, most of the time, a CF template cannot be accessed directly and must be called from another one containing a form or defining session variables, or whatsoever?

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RE: OT: BlueDragon .NET uninstall

2004-07-15 Thread Dave Watts
 but, wont load, i mean, like when you click on a link that is 
 for a .csv file, and ie prompts to download/open/save, 
 whatever, thats what happens, with .cfm files...

Well, ok, you need to run the web server configuration utility then. It's
actually pretty easy to configure individual or multiple IIS instances to
work with individual or clustered CFMX instances using this utility.

Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software
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Re: Free Stuff: Tree, Tab, Accordian Pane Custom Tags

2004-07-15 Thread S . Isaac Dealey
 Hi All,

 I've been developing a series of custom tags
 (jComponents) that
 provide tab navigation, trees, and accordian panes (plus a
 box that shows/hides content).


Hey Joe -- sorry if it seems like I was trying to steal your
limelight, I wasn't... quick question - I was looking at the output
and it looks like you're using createuuid() to generate the id's for
the various widget elements. Is that correct? If so, you might want to
think about trying to use something else because CreateUUID() can
cause Windows system clocks to accelerate due to an underlying bug in
the JVM.

Fairly annoying -- I had to deal with the same issue at one point and
created a couple of alternative functions to deal with it.

Anyway, I thought you'd like to know.

s. isaac dealey954.927.5117

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Re: HELP! Forgot cfadmin password

2004-07-15 Thread Eric Creese
cfmx. so what do I need to do?
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