[cfaussie] Re: blogging for fun and profit (BlogCFC Vs Wordpress)

2008-01-19 Thread Scott Barnes
In my experience most of your reader share going to find you via other means
than mostly Google (curious to see what others have found in this btw). My
blog is in the top 5% of Microsoft blogs (fair whack of readers)
and majority of my readership simply find me, add me to their RSS Reading
agent of choice and leave it at that. The ones that don't are usually the
ones that come from external linking and usually to throw some abuse /
support my way on whatever today's topic is.
The key to it is to ensure your blog RSS serves up the complete post from
end to end. As you don't want to make them read to get more as that just
ticks them off further and not only that i've found if you do, it reduces
your chances of them sharing you around (sounds like a prison story).

It pays to give out a feedburner.com style RSS feed instead of your own, as
if you decide to switch in and out of blogging tools, it won't disrupt your
subscribed readers. This site also helps you ascertain how many readers
subscribe to you as well (not accurate but close enough). It gives you a
break down of how they are reading you as well (ie Surprisingly Outlook 2007
has majority 64% of the lion share but i'm stoked for Nick and Feedmon).

I'd also shop around for some analytics tools, probably slap two into the
code to keep a benchmark as not all are accurate. If you've got hands on
access to  your code or want to, also think about tracking those who comment
the most on your blog and more importantly keep an eye on your topics of
choice. In that for my blog anything Adobe Compete gets a spike from
new/old readers whilst talking RIA also brings them out. If i mention
anything personal related or left field, I get about a 10-15% read if that..

I find that comments aren't a good gauge to judge a blogs popularity by. I
at times used to get disenchanted that I hardly got comments (mostly the
pro-adobe-i'm-annoyed-at-you-barnes crowd) and thought I must not have a
readership that cares? yet every time I try and change it up in a different
route, i get complaints direct.. so understand your audience once they
settle in with you and make sure you talk about what you think is relevant
to you first, but also to those whom are reading as the purpose of a
corporate blog is really to drive home an insiders view of whats going on...
not so much my cat dipped his head in the water, it was so funny.. as
then  you're effectively talk by yourself ;)

Windows Live Writer is freakin awesome, iv'e not heard a bad thing about it
from any blogger yet and it's by far the easiest way I've ever encountered
to blog with, so make sure your solution can use that (not sure if BlogCFC
has one, I had intended to write one many moons ago but workload crumbled
over the top of me on it).

As my big chief (COO) would say ..Here are you Go Do's..

   - Use Feedburner.com to hand out your RSS, and stray away from given
   folks access to your direct RSS/XML feed.
   - Use more than 2 analytics services to track your audience.
   - Use a client tool like Windows Live Writer as it just makes life
   easier (whether you like/dislike Microsoft) - oh and J.J. Allaire's
   team wrote it, so it's kosher for you all ;)
   - Listen to your audience, monitor them and talk with them, not at
   them. Unless your blogging due to some therapeutic way of channeling your
   thoughts, in which case you blog for you, not readers.. I do both..
   - Your blog engine of choice matters little, so long as you give me
   the full post in your RSS feed.. don't make me click or else..
   - Watch for spam, it will ruin your day / blog and that also goes for
   aggregators. As what they do is aggregate your blog, make money off the ads
   and creep into Google / Live.com search rankings.. You can't stop them
   but don't link back to them via automated ping/trackbacks. Keep your
   comments clean as if people subscribe to them, and spam keeps rolling in, it
   alienates your audience.
   - Syndication (MXNA, FullAsAGoog etc) can help you reach new
   audiences, but don't use it as your main source of marketing, learn to go
   beyond them as it will teach you a whole new level of blogging ;)
   - Have fun and blog smart.. in that if you blog for a company, pay
   attention to legal / PR related issues... (ie 2wks in Ted and I had a dust
   up and Andrew's crew - builderAU - decided it was news worthy.. I didn't
   mind PR ringing me but Legal was a pain in the butt as they never share my
   sense of humour hehe).
   - Watch spelling and grammar but don't put to much emphasis on it,
   humans are great at skim reading and pattern recognition.. except Mark @
   Gruden will argue that point ;) .. than vs then.. ok ok.. I got it.. If you
   can spare the cash, check out a commercial writing course, i'm doing one
   this year focused on journalism style writing..(hints taken all)
   - Use mind mapping software to structure your posts. Last week I
   started this and have found it to be a useful tool as it will 

[cfaussie] Re: blogging for fun and profit (BlogCFC Vs Wordpress)

2008-01-19 Thread Raymond Camden

I definitely want to ditto FeedBurner. It is a great tool. They also
do 'generic' blog stats as well as feed stats, so you can do it all
with them, but as Scott says, it doesn't hrt to have multiple sources.
All together I have FB for feed stats, FB for web stats, and Google
Analytics for web stats.

About the only thing I'm not sure I agree with is the 'feeds with full
articles' thing. My feeds are a mix of full articles and article
previews. Any long article is normally syndicated in a short form. I
think this helps keep the feed size down, and I think it helps drive
more traffic. I do seem to notice more hits for articles like that.

On Jan 19, 2008 6:09 AM, Scott Barnes [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 In my experience most of your reader share going to find you via other means
 than mostly Google (curious to see what others have found in this btw). My
 blog is in the top 5% of Microsoft blogs (fair whack of readers) and
 majority of my readership simply find me, add me to their RSS Reading agent
 of choice and leave it at that. The ones that don't are usually the ones
 that come from external linking and usually to throw some abuse / support my
 way on whatever today's topic is.
 The key to it is to ensure your blog RSS serves up the complete post from
 end to end. As you don't want to make them read to get more as that just
 ticks them off further and not only that i've found if you do, it reduces
 your chances of them sharing you around (sounds like a prison story).

Raymond Camden, Camden Media

Blog  : www.coldfusionjedi.com
AOL IM : cfjedimaster

Keep up to date with the community: http://www.coldfusionbloggers.org

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[cfaussie] Re: blogging for fun and profit (BlogCFC Vs Wordpress)

2008-01-19 Thread Kay Smoljak

On Jan 20, 2008 2:12 AM, Raymond Camden [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
stuff about blogging

Heya peeps,

I've only just signed up to CFAUSSIE again after a while away - so hi
again guys!

Seeing as this thread is about blogs I thought I'd mention a couple of

There's a Google Group specifically for ColdFusion bloggers:

There's also a new forum that has been set up specifically for
Australian bloggers. It has a very, very general focus - most of the
people on there are not technical people at all - but there are topics
covering a lot of the basics, and current issues around spam
management, promotion, finding and keeping traffic, etc:
Again, they're NOT geeks over there, but they are passionate about
blogging and very helpful.

With the WordPress vs anything topic, like others have said there's no
magic thing that WordPress does that gets posts into Google quicker. I
am a huge fan of WordPress (all my blogs run off it, and many of my
client sites are powered or partially powered by WordPress) but any
blog engine can get results if it formats things in a search engine
friendly manner.

Google Sitemaps are designed for exposing content that is not
crawlable by Google. Your blog posts should NOT fall into that
category, so Google Sitemaps are unnecessary for blogs (and a bit
dangerous, because if you have one and something goes wrong with it,
or you don't monitor it or whatever, it can damage your Google
rankings). I have used sitemaps on sites that have useful content
hidden in Flex and Flash apps. The sitemap links to a html version of
that content, but every link on that HTML page points real visitors
back to the Flex or Flash version. That's what they're designed for.
Having a Google sitemap guarantees the links in it get crawled - it
does NOT guarantee they get indexed.

To get your posts picked up quickly by search engines, you should use
ping services. I don't know what services Blog CFC pings by default
but I ping about 60 on each of my WordPress blogs. I've just realised
my list is quite old so I'll be updating it soon.

Having good semantic HTML structure is also helpful - and making sure
your posts titles are well formatted (title first, not your blog name)
is important. Search engine friendly url structure also matter -
keywords in urls instead of id numbers or worse still, UUIDs. I use
the following format (the index.php is unfortunate, but a side-effect
of running php on iis on the same account as CF):

As for WordPress plugins, there are thousands, but I use the following:
add meta tags - to allow me to add custom or automated unique meta
descriptions to posts (good for seo)
akismet - awesome spam protection
code markup - for posting source code with formatting
comment timeout - to automatically close comments on posts after a
certain period of time (this cut down almost ALL the blog spam that
got through Askismet)
email immunizer - encodes email addresses to protect mailto links from
spam harvesters
maintenance mode - shows a custom splash screen during site maintenance
optimal title - for title element formatting (for seo)
related posts - automatically generates a list of related posts based
on keywords in the article
subscribe to comments - allow people to get an email when new comments
come in on a post they're following
rss footer - puts the full link back to your blog post in the rss feed
so if it gets scraped or used elsewhere you still benefit
database backup - emails me a mysql db backup at specified intervals
wp-polls - like it says, polls
theme test drive - lets you try out new themes that are only applied
for the logged in admin user

Like Scott said, it would be great to see more CFAussie peeps
contributing to the blog mass!


Kay Smoljak
business: www.cleverstarfish.com
standards: kay.zombiecoder.com
coldfusion: kay.smoljak.com
personal: goatlady.wordpress.com

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[cfaussie] Re: blogging for fun and profit (BlogCFC Vs Wordpress)

2008-01-15 Thread Raymond Camden

Just in case you didn't know, BlogCFC has support for Google Sitemaps
built in. Has for a while. :)

On Jan 13, 2008 7:31 PM, Barry Beattie [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 many thanx Taco.

 this is exactly what I'm hearing from Marketing.

 but how does this happen and how can it be countered? Perhaps the
 Google sitemaps generator plugin for Wordpress helps there?

Raymond Camden, Camden Media

Blog  : www.coldfusionjedi.com
AOL IM : cfjedimaster

Keep up to date with the community: http://www.coldfusionbloggers.org

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[cfaussie] Re: blogging for fun and profit (BlogCFC Vs Wordpress)

2008-01-15 Thread Barry Beattie

I just noticed the Sitemaps generator project on RIAForge yesterday
and was going to look at adding it in today.

Thanks Ray, now I don't need to.

SEO is just SEO. Wordpress doesn't have a monopoly on it and any
tweeking to be Google friendly can be applied anywhere - if needed.
I'm facing bias to be sure, so I need to prove the worth of what I'm

now, to see about adding a RichText editor into it...

On Jan 16, 2008 6:48 AM, Raymond Camden [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Just in case you didn't know, BlogCFC has support for Google Sitemaps
 built in. Has for a while. :)

 On Jan 13, 2008 7:31 PM, Barry Beattie [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  many thanx Taco.
  this is exactly what I'm hearing from Marketing.
  but how does this happen and how can it be countered? Perhaps the
  Google sitemaps generator plugin for Wordpress helps there?

 Raymond Camden, Camden Media

 Blog  : www.coldfusionjedi.com
 AOL IM : cfjedimaster

 Keep up to date with the community: http://www.coldfusionbloggers.org


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[cfaussie] Re: blogging for fun and profit (BlogCFC Vs Wordpress)

2008-01-14 Thread Gary Barber

Chris Velevitch wrote:
 On Jan 14, 2008 12:08 PM, Taco Fleur [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I've noticed that with WordPress articles get picked up by google within a
 day. You can't beat that..!

 Are referring to posts to blogs that are hosted by wordpress.com or
 posts to any blog site that uses the wordpress code?

few days for a google pickup is SEO wise a little bad.   Best I have 
seen is posting within minutes of  a known spidering time for a site, 
resulting in being indexed in Google within 30 minutes of posting.  It's 
not a matter of the content or the code.  It's about being more SEO and 
google aware, and a bit of luck. :)

Gary Barber
UX / UI / IA / Usability 

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[cfaussie] Re: blogging for fun and profit (BlogCFC Vs Wordpress)

2008-01-13 Thread Mark Mandel

I'd be first to ask 'like what plugins?'


On Jan 14, 2008 11:36 AM, Barry Beattie [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 OK, the boss is finally seeing the light on how important public blogs
 can be to business presence.

 I've been looking at BlogCFC as not only for blogging software, but
 specifically because it's written in ColdFusion (the standard platform
 around here, but not for the parent company).

 I've now hit a problem with marketing throwing up:

 you can't beat Wordpress with all the plug-ins to get good Google page 

 huh? What has Wordpress got that Google takes notice of and that any
 other blogging solutions can't match?

 do I admit defeat?
 do I organise a BlogCFC-Wordpress shootout (whoever gets indexed by
 Google first, wins)?
 or can people suggest some arguments to counter this perception?



W: www.compoundtheory.com

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[cfaussie] Re: blogging for fun and profit (BlogCFC Vs Wordpress)

2008-01-13 Thread Dale Fraser

I find blogspot quite good.

I did use BlogCFC for a while and I use it still with learnCF, but the
editing is a bit to manual for my liking.

I like the WYSIWIG editor style. I know I could modify BlogCFC to do this,
but Blogspot makes it easy. You can also use your own domain / subdomain on
Blogspot now.

Dale Fraser

-Original Message-
From: cfaussie@googlegroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf
Of Mark Mandel
Sent: Monday, 14 January 2008 11:41 AM
To: cfaussie@googlegroups.com
Subject: [cfaussie] Re: blogging for fun and profit (BlogCFC Vs Wordpress)

I'd be first to ask 'like what plugins?'


On Jan 14, 2008 11:36 AM, Barry Beattie [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 OK, the boss is finally seeing the light on how important public blogs
 can be to business presence.

 I've been looking at BlogCFC as not only for blogging software, but
 specifically because it's written in ColdFusion (the standard platform
 around here, but not for the parent company).

 I've now hit a problem with marketing throwing up:

 you can't beat Wordpress with all the plug-ins to get good Google page

 huh? What has Wordpress got that Google takes notice of and that any
 other blogging solutions can't match?

 do I admit defeat?
 do I organise a BlogCFC-Wordpress shootout (whoever gets indexed by
 Google first, wins)?
 or can people suggest some arguments to counter this perception?



W: www.compoundtheory.com

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[cfaussie] Re: blogging for fun and profit (BlogCFC Vs Wordpress)

2008-01-13 Thread Taco Fleur
I've noticed that with WordPress articles get picked up by google within a
day. You can't beat that..!

WordPress is pretty good, I like it better than Blogger.

I'd say, go for WordPress, and if you want to do something that you can't do
with WordPress, import the RSS from WordPress into your CF blog... Thats
what I would do ;-)

PS. I'm using both blogger and WordPress, but prefer WordPress more and

On 1/14/08, Barry Beattie [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 OK, the boss is finally seeing the light on how important public blogs
 can be to business presence.

 I've been looking at BlogCFC as not only for blogging software, but
 specifically because it's written in ColdFusion (the standard platform
 around here, but not for the parent company).

 I've now hit a problem with marketing throwing up:

 you can't beat Wordpress with all the plug-ins to get good Google page

 huh? What has Wordpress got that Google takes notice of and that any
 other blogging solutions can't match?

 do I admit defeat?
 do I organise a BlogCFC-Wordpress shootout (whoever gets indexed by
 Google first, wins)?
 or can people suggest some arguments to counter this perception?



Looking for a business, product or service? Try the new Australian search
engine www.clickfind.com.au
blog: http://australian-search-engine.blogspot.com/

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[cfaussie] Re: blogging for fun and profit (BlogCFC Vs Wordpress)

2008-01-13 Thread Mark Mandel

 I've noticed that with WordPress articles get picked up by google within a
 day. You can't beat that..!

I wrote my blog software from scratch... and my articles have been
known to get picked up within the hour... so...? I don't think this is
a decent metric.

Most site changes get picked up within the day - especially on known
dynamic sites.


On Jan 14, 2008 12:08 PM, Taco Fleur [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 WordPress is pretty good, I like it better than Blogger.

 I'd say, go for WordPress, and if you want to do something that you can't do
 with WordPress, import the RSS from WordPress into your CF blog... Thats
 what I would do ;-)

 PS. I'm using both blogger and WordPress, but prefer WordPress more and

 On 1/14/08, Barry Beattie [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  OK, the boss is finally seeing the light on how important public blogs
  can be to business presence.
  I've been looking at BlogCFC as not only for blogging software, but
  specifically because it's written in ColdFusion (the standard platform
  around here, but not for the parent company).
  I've now hit a problem with marketing throwing up:
  you can't beat Wordpress with all the plug-ins to get good Google page
  huh? What has Wordpress got that Google takes notice of and that any
  other blogging solutions can't match?
  do I admit defeat?
  do I organise a BlogCFC-Wordpress shootout (whoever gets indexed by
  Google first, wins)?
  or can people suggest some arguments to counter this perception?
  Looking for a business, product or service? Try the new Australian search
 engine www.clickfind.com.au
  blog: http://australian-search-engine.blogspot.com/

W: www.compoundtheory.com

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[cfaussie] Re: blogging for fun and profit (BlogCFC Vs Wordpress)

2008-01-13 Thread Barry Beattie

many thanx Taco.

this is exactly what I'm hearing from Marketing.

but how does this happen and how can it be countered? Perhaps the
Google sitemaps generator plugin for Wordpress helps there?

but I'm not keen to follow the suggestions so far (from Marketing) on
external Wordpress hosting since we manage our own public servers
anyway, nor would I like to see us set up the support infrastructure
for Wordpress for our servers (for lots of reasons). One of the things
I'm trying to do is take advantage of Adobe technologies (inc CF), not
give PHP infrastructure a free kick...

On Jan 14, 2008 11:08 AM, Taco Fleur [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I've noticed that with WordPress articles get picked up by google within a
 day. You can't beat that..!

 WordPress is pretty good, I like it better than Blogger.

 I'd say, go for WordPress, and if you want to do something that you can't do
 with WordPress, import the RSS from WordPress into your CF blog... Thats
 what I would do ;-)

 PS. I'm using both blogger and WordPress, but prefer WordPress more and

 On 1/14/08, Barry Beattie [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  OK, the boss is finally seeing the light on how important public blogs
  can be to business presence.
  I've been looking at BlogCFC as not only for blogging software, but
  specifically because it's written in ColdFusion (the standard platform
  around here, but not for the parent company).
  I've now hit a problem with marketing throwing up:
  you can't beat Wordpress with all the plug-ins to get good Google page
  huh? What has Wordpress got that Google takes notice of and that any
  other blogging solutions can't match?
  do I admit defeat?
  do I organise a BlogCFC-Wordpress shootout (whoever gets indexed by
  Google first, wins)?
  or can people suggest some arguments to counter this perception?
  Looking for a business, product or service? Try the new Australian search
 engine www.clickfind.com.au
  blog: http://australian-search-engine.blogspot.com/

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cfaussie group.
To post to this group, send email to cfaussie@googlegroups.com
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[cfaussie] Re: blogging for fun and profit (BlogCFC Vs Wordpress)

2008-01-13 Thread Taco Fleur
I can only tell you what I've experienced. Who knows how Google works???
I know the other blog doesn't get picked up that quick, if at all. And I
also know that I don't have any websites out there that get picked up that
Maybe you're just lucky with your domain! ;-)

On 1/14/08, Mark Mandel [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  I've noticed that with WordPress articles get picked up by google within
  day. You can't beat that..!

 I wrote my blog software from scratch... and my articles have been
 known to get picked up within the hour... so...? I don't think this is
 a decent metric.

 Most site changes get picked up within the day - especially on known
 dynamic sites.


 On Jan 14, 2008 12:08 PM, Taco Fleur [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  WordPress is pretty good, I like it better than Blogger.
  I'd say, go for WordPress, and if you want to do something that you
 can't do
  with WordPress, import the RSS from WordPress into your CF blog... Thats
  what I would do ;-)
  PS. I'm using both blogger and WordPress, but prefer WordPress more and
  On 1/14/08, Barry Beattie [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   OK, the boss is finally seeing the light on how important public blogs
   can be to business presence.
   I've been looking at BlogCFC as not only for blogging software, but
   specifically because it's written in ColdFusion (the standard platform
   around here, but not for the parent company).
   I've now hit a problem with marketing throwing up:
   you can't beat Wordpress with all the plug-ins to get good Google
   huh? What has Wordpress got that Google takes notice of and that any
   other blogging solutions can't match?
   do I admit defeat?
   do I organise a BlogCFC-Wordpress shootout (whoever gets indexed by
   Google first, wins)?
   or can people suggest some arguments to counter this perception?
   Looking for a business, product or service? Try the new Australian
  engine www.clickfind.com.au
   blog: http://australian-search-engine.blogspot.com/


 W: www.compoundtheory.com


Looking for a business, product or service? Try the new Australian search
engine www.clickfind.com.au
blog: http://australian-search-engine.blogspot.com/

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[cfaussie] Re: blogging for fun and profit (BlogCFC Vs Wordpress)

2008-01-13 Thread Barry Beattie

in theory, the same SEO techniques can be applied to any website.
Also, the same helpers (code/tools/plug-ins) can be written for any
blogging platform.

in theory.

In practice, Wordpress (it seems) has a suite of plugins for SEO, the
Google sitemaps generator, easily adding posts to social bookmarking
sites, customised pinging (eg: on article edits), duplicate content,
optimised templates, etc...

I know our CFJedi (Mr Camden) had done a ton of work on things like
RSS feeds and at the moment I'm looking at seeing just what Wordpress
features are already built-in to BlogCFC.

but Wordpress, it seems, is the standard that everything else is judged by...

(anyone know of software that will automatically evaluate the SEO
worth of a site, give a report of what could be improved? or that
still something that people charge a premium for?)

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[cfaussie] Re: blogging for fun and profit (BlogCFC Vs Wordpress)

2008-01-13 Thread Chris Velevitch

On Jan 14, 2008 12:08 PM, Taco Fleur [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I've noticed that with WordPress articles get picked up by google within a
 day. You can't beat that..!

Are referring to posts to blogs that are hosted by wordpress.com or
posts to any blog site that uses the wordpress code?

Chris Velevitch
Manager - Sydney Flash Platform Developers Group
m: 0415 469 095

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