[cia-drugs] Fwd: [ctrl] Print Story: Investigators: Millions in Iraq contracts never finished on Yahoo! News

2008-04-28 Thread roadsend




-Original Message-
From: Alamaine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Mon, 28 Apr 2008 10:37 am
Subject: [ctrl] Print Story: Investigators: Millions in Iraq contracts never 
finished on Yahoo! News

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Investigators: Millions in Iraq contracts never finished

By HOPE YEN, Associated Press Writer

Sun Apr 27, 6:42 PM ET

Millions of dollars of lucrative Iraq reconstruction contracts were never  

finished because of excessive delays, poor performance or other factors,  

including failed projects that are being falsely described by the U.S.  

government as complete, federal investigators say.

The audit released Sunday by Stuart Bowen Jr., the special inspector  

general for Iraq reconstruction, provides the latest snapshot of an uneven  

reconstruction effort that has cost U.S. taxpayers more than $100 billion.  

It also comes as several lawmakers have said they want the Iraqis to pick  

up more of the cost of reconstruction.

The special IG's review of 47,321 reconstruction projects worth billions  

of dollars found that at least 855 contracts were terminated by U.S.  

officials before their completion, primarily because of unforeseen factors  

such as violence and excessive costs. About 112 of those agreements were  

ended specifically because of the contractors' actual or anticipated poor  


In addition, the audit said many reconstruction projects were being  

described as complete or otherwise successful when they were not. In one  

case, the U.S. Agency for International Development contracted with  

Bechtel Corp. in 2004 to construct a $50 million children's hospital in  

Basra, only to "essentially terminate" the project in 2006 because of  

monthslong delays.

But rather than terminate the project, U.S. officials modified the  

contract to change the scope of the work. As a result, a U.S. database of  

Iraq reconstruction contracts shows the project as complete "when in fact  

the hospital was only 35 percent complete when work was stopped," said  

investigators in describing the practice of "descoping" as frequent.

"Descoping is an appropriate process but does mask problem projects to the  

extent they occur," the audit states.

Responding, USAID in the report said it disagreed that its descoping of  

the hospital project was "effectively a contract termination," but that it  

had changed the work because of escalating costs and security problems.  

Mark Tokola, the director of the Iraq transition assistance office, also  

responded that the database the IG's office reviewed of Iraq  

reconstruction contracts was incomplete.

Bowen's office said its review was preliminary and that it planned  

follow-up reviews to investigate descoping more closely. Investigators  

said they were also looking into whether contractors whose projects were  

terminated by the U.S. government due to inadequate performance might have  

been awarded new contracts later despite their poor records.

Investigators said the database they reviewed lacked full data on projects  

such as those done by USAID, the State Department, and those completed  

before 2006. But they said the figures cited in the report offered a  

baseline in terms of unfinished Iraq reconstruction contracts.

"Adding contract terminations from these (other) sources would certainly  

raise the number of terminated projects," the report states.

The audit comes amid renewed focus in recent months on potential abuse in  

contracting government-wide, such as Iraq reconstruction. Last year,  

congressional investigators said as much as $10 billion — or one in six  

dollars — charged by U.S. contractors for Iraq reconstruction were  

questionable or unsupported, and warned that significantly more taxpayer  

money was at risk.

In recent weeks, Sen. Ben Nelson, D-Neb., has been working with Sen. Evan  

Bayh, D-Ind., and Susan Collins, R-Maine, on legislation that would  

restrict future reconstruction dollars to loans instead of grants; require  

that Baghdad pay for fuel used by American troops and take over U.S.  

payments to predominantly Sunni fighters in the Awakening movement.

Danielle Brian, executive director of the watchdog group Project on  

Government Oversight, said the latest audit report points to significant  

U.S. taxpayer waste in current reconstruction efforts.

"The report paints a depressing picture of money being poured into failed  

Iraq reconstruction projects — contractors are killed, projects are blown  

up just before being completed, or the contractor just stops doing the  

work," she said.

Copyright © 2008 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. The  

information contained in the AP News report may not be published,  

broadcast, rewritten or redistributed withou

[cia-drugs] Fwd: It's the Underground Economy, Stupid

2008-04-28 Thread Kris Millegan




-Original Message-
Sent: Mon, 28 Apr 2008 7:54 pm
Subject: It's the Underground Economy, Stupid

Wachovia Is Under 
Scrutiny in Money-Laundering Probe, WSJ Says 

By Sylvia Wier


April 26 (Bloomberg) -- Wachovia Corp. is one 
of several U.S. banks under federal investigation as part of a probe of 
alleged drug-money laundering by Mexican and Colombian money- transfer 
companies, the Wall Street Journal reported, citing people familiar with the 

The bank is talking with the U.S. Justice Department about a 
deferred-prosecution agreement that would require federal 
oversight of the Charlotte, North Carolina-based company's compliance system, 
the Journal said. 

``Wachovia is not currently nor has it in the past engaged in those 
discussions,'' Wachovia spokeswoman Christy Phillips- Brown 
told Bloomberg News in a telephone interview. ``Wachovia doesn't comment on the 
status or existence of investigations. The bank is committed to a 
strong-anti-money-laundering program.'' 

The remittance industry transmits more than $50 billion from the U.S. to 
Latin America annually, the Journal said. Most of the money involves wages 
sent to relatives, although drug traffickers may use the system to move 
from their U.S. narcotics sales. 

A Justice Department spokesman didn't immediately return a call from 
Bloomberg News seeking comment.



[Israeli]?choppers in service of drug 

officials demand Israel provide explanations for how U.S.-made choppers sold to 
Israel ended up in service of Columbian drug cartel. Incident may cloud 
relations between countries



Another diplomatic incident threatens 
to taint U.S.-Israeli relations: The American government has recently 
demanded Israel clarify how five U.S.-made helicopters sold to Israel in the 
mid-70s found their way into the hands of a Columbian drug cartel. 




Relations Tainted







New confidence crisis with 
  U.S.?/ Hanan Greenberg 



U.S. halts supply of 
  electro-optical equipment to IDF after Israel did not report 
  loss of hundreds of night vision devices defined as 


Full Story


An U.S. embassy official met with an Israeli foreign ministry official in 
Jerusalem several days ago, where he informed him that the American Foreign 
Ministry has requested the embassy to launch an investigation into the matter. 


According to American sources, the military copters currently serve the drug 
mafia in the South American country. 


Top diplomatic sources fear that this incident will once again heat-up 
tensions between Israel and the U.S. and cloud the strategic dialogue between 
the two countries, which is scheduled to renew in November, after talks were 
suspended for more than a year-and-a-half. 


Kosher deal went sour 


The dubious affair, which was already investigated by the Israeli Defense 
Ministry, and later turned over to the hands of the police, was uncovered about 
two years ago. 


Investigators revealed that the Defense Ministry signed a deal with an 
Israeli company three years ago, contracting it to negotiate the sale of five 
IAF helicopters for a sum of USD 100,000 per aircraft. 


The ministry permitted the choppers, of a MD 500 Defender model, be sold 
either to the Mexican federal police, or to the Spain firefighters 
department.? However, contrary to the terms of the license, the copters 
ended up in Columbia, by way of Canadian mediators. 


A Defense Ministry spokeswoman said in response that "after suspicions were 
raised that an illicit exchange took place, the ministry launched an initial 
investigation into the matter last year." 


"According to instructions of the chief prosecutor, the case was handed over 
to the police in 2004," she added. 


Sources at the Defense Ministry refused to comment on the matter. 

Need a new ride? Check out the largest site for U.S. used car listings at AOL 


[cia-drugs] Rigorous Intuition's Review of My Duncan/Blake "Suicide" Investigation

2008-04-28 Thread Vigilius Haufniensis

*Duncan & Blake "Suicides" Solved: The Omaha/Des Moines Allegations, 
MediaBistro.Com Data Mining & the CIA 

By Alex Constantine

*Robert Wadman "Lawsuit" Update: The Franklin Cover-Up Continues* 

By Alex Constantine 

*A (Somewhat Neglected) CIA Connection to the Franklin Cover-Up: The 
Carmen Group PR & Lobbying Form 



 Rigorous Intuition's Review of My Duncan/Blake "Suicide"

After the research was posted, I didn't hear so much as a small sucking 
sound from the blogospheroids. Here is the first considered opinion I've 
found on the Duncan/Blake compilation - from someone who has followed it 
in the details, where God is, and has the research background to connect 
the roachlike dots. BTW, the third "suicide" that Jeff mentions is 
Hannah Wit - note the weird coincidence in the name. It's not the first. 
Revelation that I haven't explained yet: the killers of Dunan and Blake 
were involved in many other murders, inlcluding the Lexington Comair 
crash of two years ago and (I believe) the death of Heath Ledger, 
stories I've been following closely at this blog lately. (Two years ago, 
they tried to kill me, as well, and this is one reason I'm on this story 
like superglue.) Names have an important role in these operations, 
because there is a homicidal "game" afoot, and it involves "playing" 
with names. Some day, I will explain this in detail.

The latest update on the misguided, hopeless "libel" suit that Wells 
mentions is here 

From Jeff Wells' Rigorous Intuition website:

The Wit of the Staircase: Revisited

And I wanted to pass on a major thing: Alex Constantine seems to have 
done everyone a favor by linking pretty well the Duncan and Blake 
"suicidings" to murder motives since they were getting damn close to the 
Franklin Cover-up federal and Omaha level pedophilia, MKULTRA making, 
drug-muling elite once more.

It's where that story was leading before they were assuredly killed.

Constantine turns up a THIRD suspicious death as those who were tying up 
the loose ends wanted to remove all the witnesses.

The Cownie person that the "Wit of the Staircase" was investigating 
before said Wit turned up dead was actually PART of the federal 
investigation of the Franklin Cover-up in the first place, 20 years ago.

Other things at the link. It took about six hours for me to read it all.

And Constantine got an A+ on his research, because he was immediately 
sued to remove the Duncan/Blake information from the web. Strange world 
when research cross-checking and verification comes with a lawyer's 
email to threaten cease and desist. Come on, Jeff, document to your 
heart's content or it's sick or whatever! Don't you want to be sued for 
investigative reporting as a reward? Legal suits to censor are the 
Pulitzer Prize of the criminal state.

See who just sued him and who he was as well.

So download the page and save it, even though the legal case has no 
standing at all as Constantine explains. He's certainly a cousin of 
Eddie Constantine, a relative who patrolled a modern day Alphaville via 
a cyberworld of links and came up with the goods on our current 
pedo-technocratic dictatorship. (The opening thread deals with him 
exploring the 'data mining' theme among the Mockingbird press that spun 
the story of the "suicides" so well, and that soon gets into the 
pedophilia linked areas itself.)

It's a rather predictable theme: "round up the usual suspects" though 
rarely do you see so many in play all at once. Something novel to me was 
some background on some international legal firms that I wasn't aware of 
before as typical suspects for generations. Just watch these bagmen move 
around and you will see the fish below the ice sometimes. So, sorry 
Duncan and Blake this is all we got for you, another story of

priests and cannibals, prehistoric animals
everbody happy as the dead come home
big black nemesis
popular biogenesis
no one moves a muscle as the Wit of the Staircase comes home.

What was special for me was the background into the main lawfirms 
organizing it a

[cia-drugs] LaRouche May 7 Webcast: `Tragedy and Hope'

2008-04-28 Thread Vigilius Haufniensis


 On the Day After the Indiana Primary

 LaRouche May 7 Webcast: `Tragedy and Hope'

 /*This release was issued on April 27, 2008 by the Lyndon LaRouche
 Political Action Committee (LPAC).*/

The post-Civil War conflict between Lincoln's republican United States, 
and the British Empire, which has defined world politics over the last 
140 years, is coming imminently to a head in the course of the current 
U.S. Presidential campaign. Can the United States, and the planet, come 
out the winner? The only hope to prevent the tragedy of a British 
victory for the agenda of globalized war and destruction, is the 
election of a President who will revive the tradition of Franklin Delano 
Roosevelt, with the commitment to working with Russia, China, and India 
to set the world on the path to recovery.

Former Democratic Presidential candidate and economist Lyndon LaRouche, 
who has just released a report on "The U.S.A. 2008 Election," will 
address the election campaign in this context, at an international 
webcast broadcast from Washington, D.C., at 1 pm. Eastern Daylight Time 
on May 7. The webcast will be available live at www.larouchepac.com.

As LaRouche noted recently, the centuries-long struggle between the 
British and their own competent rival, the United States, has now 
reached an endgame point. The British globalizers have bankrupted 
themselves and the world, and are now on an all-out offensive to try to 
maintain their power through launching a new set of wars, specifically 
against the major Eurasian powers. The British-launched attacks on China 
and Russia, in particular---not to mention their use of the maniac Dick 
Cheney to escalate confrontation in the Middle East---threaten to 
detonate a world war unparalleled in its destructiveness, through brutal 
asymmetric conflict.

Put on top of this the genocidal results of the British free trade 
policy in the food sector, in particular, and of British agent Al Gore's 
push for biofuels, and it's clear only the immediate reassertion of FDR 
policies can prevent mass murder globally.

LaRouche, as head of LPAC, has committed himself to forming a new U.S. 
Presidency which will prevent this barbarism. As the most reliable 
long-term forecaster over recent decades, LaRouche is uniquely situated 
to outlining the successful strategy to defeat the British. To learn and 
join in, tune in to the May 7 webcast. If you wish to attend, contact 
LPAC at 1-800-929-7566. Pre-registration is required.

[cia-drugs] Deja Vu Not New(Neo) Con

2008-04-28 Thread muckblit
"Why take the politically suicidal course of openly dismantling these
programmes, when such simply engineered bankruptcy will have the same
effect? In the meantime, the cash has been diverted to the
'military-industrial complex' – how VERY handy." -Joel Bowman

Author Naomi Klein calls it Disaster Capitalism, and associates it with
neocon neolib economics, Milton Friedman, Chicaco School, Hayek and
Montpelerin Society, Berkeley Mafia. She says we have seen it before:
Chile, Argentina, Indonesia, Hurricane Katrina, to name a few.

What has always been "handy", as Joel Bowman calls it, about diverting
state revenues into the military, is that Milton Friedman's ivory tower
utopian pseudo-economics can only live in a laboratory petri dish unless
it has the full backing of a dictatorship with its police and military
might. Even then, as CIA director William Colby said a few years ago to
CIA hall of fame super hero Ralph McGehee,"We always lose", when the CIA
puts a dictator in power like Generals Pinochet of Chile and Suharto in
Indonesia, or George Bush in Coup2K and 2004, to enforce neocon neolib
Milton Friedman pseudo-economics.

Friedman's economics have always only ever been a circle of propaganda
around a dot that could not motivate. The real economics are still a
form of pseudo-economic pseudo-science, but will show you who to hang
from the lamp posts, so to speak. The real economics of pseudo-Darwinist
looting are explained by George Herbert Walker Bush in the 1980's and
1990's as follows: "If the American people knew what we were doing, they
would chase us down the street and hang us from the lamp posts...what we
are doing is capital transfer to those who are higher, tighter, and
righter...the velvet glove is off the iron fist". Hanging is a reference
to Nuremburg, where George's father Prescott Bush ought to have been
hung for his role in neocon-style non-defensive war, and to English
history, where the goldsmiths were hung from the lamp posts when they
were caught in fractional-reserve banking. The oligarchy looting under
cover of feigned "disinterested", pseudo-scientific albeit hired
hierarchicalism, is the dot inside the circle of economic propagandists
known as neocons.

Oligarchy looters are the dot in a circle, flesh in hierarchicalist
apologist pot, the d*** in the b. Grocer store checkout journalism
has us looking at the celebrity b. Well we might, in order to at
least look in the right direction, but who is d* the b***? The
oligarchy, just as you can see from historical examples where the ivory
tower utopian  pseudo-economics of Milton Friedman, Chicago School,
Berkely Mafia, Hayek, Montpelerin Society have been implemented as Naomi
Klein's Disaster Capitalism.

Ask the people of Chile, Argentina, Indonesia, and Germany where Sam and
Prescott Bush picked Hitler in the 1920's to play Disaster Capitalism
with US Robber Barons diverting plunder to fund the same doomed utopia
for a few short years, same old same old,  if we should let the same
thing play out here which they have already been through, deja vu. What
could they say? Listen to William Colby on the utter futility of
propping up Milton Friedman: "We always lose". It's a fact proven
elsewhere many times over.

Another fact is that the people of victim countries will always
eventually win over any of four generations of  Bush looting and
Merchants of Death Bureau. We here in the US are tempted to think that
voting is hopeless and we can never beat the looters and vandals, but on
the contrary, our victory is inevitable. Look at Chile, Argentina,
Paraguay, Indonesia. We always win, Colby was really saying. Neocon
economics cannot survive outside of a petri dish.


20080428 Agora Financial newsletter (email)

Joel Bowman, reporting from Dubai in the Persian Gulf...

Plenty of grist for the Rude mill in today's edition. But first, you
have at most 2 hours to grab you spot at the Agora Financial Reserve
table. The doors to our most elite publication – a lifetime
subscription to all of our research letters and trading services,
including the high-enders like the Resource Trader Alert, Energy &
Scarcity Investor and The Strategic Short Report – closes at midday

Before you get into your regular Rude, take a moment to review this
report and decide if this lifetime opportunity is right for you. Here's
a link for all the info you need:
Agora Financial reserve Membership: Closes Midday .

"Mr. S of NY is correct," opines one Rude reader, replying to an astute
reader's guest Rude Endnote in yesterday's weekend edition.

"This administration could not have done a better job of destroying
American strength and leadership than if they had come into office with
that express purpose... or, did they actually intend this result?

"Their dogmatic perseverance at implementing pe

[cia-drugs] Fwd: Britain's biggest banks use astrology to play the markets

2008-04-28 Thread Kris Millegan




-Original Message-
Sent: Mon, 28 Apr 2008 8:45 am
Subject: Britain's biggest banks use astrology to play the markets   



  biggest banks use astrology to play the markets 







Written by Danny Penman    



Christeen Skinner blinks at the 
  screen of her computer and takes another slurp of coffee. It’s half past 
  seven in the morning and she’s preparing for a crucial meeting with the 
  chief executive of the High and Mighty fashion chain.

Apart from 
  the black cat dozing on her lap, the only clue to Christeen’s occupation 
  as a 21st century astrologer is a copy of an Ephemeris that lies open at 
  page marked “Mercury March 25th”. 

“The financial crisis has 
  ensured that I’m busier than ever,” says Christeen. “People in the City 
  need to know what is just around the corner. I can help with 

Christeen is one of a growing, albeit secretive, network of 
  astrologers who work for seemingly conservative British institutions such 
  as high street banks, City investment funds and retailers. Desperate to 
  avoid financial meltdown in the ongoing ‘credit crunch’ and to spot 
  fashions and consumer trends before they start, these institutions have 
  turned to the stars to divine the future.

“Most academics distrust 
  astrology and regard it as mumbo-jumbo,” she says. “The thing is, it 
  works. Nobody’s sure how it works but it does. Most of my clients are 
  businesspeople who are very canny. If it didn’t work for them, then why 
  would they use it?” 


One of Christeen’s clients is 
  Judith Levy, chief executive of the High and Mighty retail 

“I’m fairly pragmatic,” says Judith. “I will only spend 
  money on an astrologer if the decision I have to take is very important - 
  the kind of decision which will cost me a lot of money if I get it 

“When we launched our Kayak brand a few years ago we used 
  astrology to decide the launch date. Since then, it has gone from 
  to strength. It’s one of our best selling brands.”




Astrology is generally seen as just a bit of harmless fun with no 
  predictive power at all. After all, how can a star have any influence 
  our lives when it is so distant that its light takes hundreds of millions 
  of years just to reach us? The answer to that is simple: it doesn’t. 

For believers in heliocentric astrology, the branch of the 
  discipline currently in vogue with business folk and fashion designers 
  alike, it is the planets that appear to have an influence over us not the 
  stars. They maintain that each planet has a subtly different effect on 
  behaviour, which varies as it sweeps through the zodiac during its 
  around the sun.
Mercury, for instance, can be generally 
  positive apart from when it turns ‘retrograde’. This happens when it 
  appears to reverse direction and travel backwards through the zodiac. 
  this happens, roughly three times a year, communication begins to break 
  down and travel plans may go awry. It’s seen as a celestial spanner in 

It’s Mercury’s potential to wreak havoc that has led many 
  world leaders and military figures to plan their lives and campaigns to 
  avoid its influence. Ronald Reagan and Boris Yeltsin would only travel 
  hold press conferences when the planets, specifically Mercury, dictated. 

Hitler, a keen user of astrology, notably failed to take into 
  account Mercury’s influence. He launched the Battle of Britain and 
  operation Sealion – the invasion of the UK – just as Mercury turned 
  retrograde. Both mistakes dealt serious blows to his plans for world 
Mars seems to have an uncanny correlation with 
  over-achievement for those lucky enough to be born with the planet at 
  certain critical astrological positions. The French statistician Michel 
  Gauquelin discovered that the upper echelons of numerous sports, as well 
  as the medical profession and the military, are stuffed full of people 
  with Mars in these locations. For example, Nick Faldo, OJ Simpson and 
  Muhammad Ali were all born with Mars in the requisite position. 

And so far at least, nobody has managed to rubbish Gauquelin’s 

But the effects of the planets pale into insignificance when 
  compared to the influence of the moon, claim astrologers. When the moon 
  full, a pow

[cia-drugs] Israel Gaza raids kill mother, four children (with graphic video)

2008-04-28 Thread MA PA
Full article with video: http://www.wakeupfromyourslumber.com/node/6593 Israel 
Gaza raids kill mother, four children (with graphic video) Related

Children killed in Israeli shelling - 28 Apr 08

  Added:  April 28, 2008 

Four siblings and their mother have been killed in an Israeli 
raid in Beit Hanoun, northern Gaza.

An Israeli rocket came through the ceiling. The oldest child was just years old.

Two other people were killed in the strike on the house. One was a boy passing 
by, on his way to school.

The seventh person killed was a member of Islamic Jihad.

David Chater's report for Al Jazeera contains distressing images.   

Mon Apr 28, 3:48 AM ET

Four children, aged one to five, their mother and a Palestinian gunman were 
killed during Israeli military operations in the Gaza Strip on Monday, 
Palestinian emergency services said.

Mussab Abu Maateq, one, Hana Abu Maateq, three, Rudeina Abu Maateq, four, and 
Saleh Abu Maateq, five, were killed along with their mother when a tank shell 
hit their home in Beit Hanun, doctors at the Kamal Radwan hospital said.

An armed man was killed in an exchange of fire with Israeli troops in the same 
area, the medics added.


Full article with video: http://www.wakeupfromyourslumber.com/node/6593---
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MARC PARENT, mparent, mparent, 



Ask a question on any topic and get answers from real people. Go to Yahoo! 

[cia-drugs] Fwd: [ctrl] Bush Reaffirms North American Union Agenda At Leaders' Summit

2008-04-28 Thread roadsend




-Original Message-
From: Skinny <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sun, 27 Apr 2008 7:30 pm
Subject: [ctrl] Bush Reaffirms North American Union Agenda At Leaders' Summit

Bush Reaffirms North American Union Agenda At Leaders' Summit

Opposition to 'Security and Prosperity Partnership' intensifies 



Steve Watson
Wednesday, April 23, 2008









President Bush yesterday reaffirmed a commitment to progress the much maligned
 Security and Prosperity Partnership agenda, amid intensified opposition from 
commentators and critics concerned that the plan constitutes an undermining of 
national sovereignty. 
At a private party to open the fourth North American Leaders' Summit in New 
Orleans, Bush referred to recently encountered "setbacks" and told bureaucrats 
and business leaders "the meeting gives three friends the chance to come 
together to discuss our commitment to security and prosperity, to reconfirm the 
need for the three of us to work in harmony together for the good of our 
peoples. It's a chance to talk about how we can best protect our people and 
extend prosperity."   
Bush told leaders from Canada and Mexico "Tomorrow, we will be
 meeting with the business leaders of the North American Competitiveness 
Council to listen to their specific recommendations... The United States has an 
opportunity to continue the trading agenda."   
The North American Competitiveness Council (NACC) is an advisory Council 
Comprised of 30 senior private sector representatives of North American 
corporations that were selected by the American, Canadian and Mexican 
governments at the June 2006 trilateral meeting in Cancun, Mexico.   
 uncovered documents detailed how these corporate representatives have been 
urged to "humanize" North American integration, promote NAFTA success stories 
to employees and unions and evolve the harmonization agenda "without fueling 
The documentation consists of internal memos from Canada's Foreign Affairs and 
Internal Trade ministry, which were obtained by the World Net Daily reporter 
Jerome Corsi under an Access to Information Act request.   
Business leaders have been beseeched by bureaucratic working groups to launch 
public relations campaigns in order to counter critics of the secretive 
Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America (SPP) and to report back 
to senior government officials with advice on an ongoing basis.   
The memo highlighted how those advancing the North American integration agenda 
are concerned about the exposure and subsequent public backlash they have 
encountered recently.   

Meanwhile one prominent critic of the SPP agenda, Congressman Ron Paul has 
vowed to
 intensify opposition towards the alliance and the intrinsically linked 
Trans-Texas Corridor and proposed NAFTA ¡°Super Highway.¡±   
¡°As we all know, there have been significant moves recently to expand the 
Security and Prosperity Partnership initiated by President Bush and his Mexican 
and Canadian counterparts in 2005. One such plan is to construct a so-called 
¡°NAFTA Superhighway¡± running from Mexico, through Texas, and up eventually 
into Canada,¡± Paul said yesterday.   
Click to join catapultthepropaganda   

Click to join openmindopencodenews 

¡°I have opposed this project from the beginning, signing on as a co-sponsor of 
House Concurrent Resolution 40 expressing Congressional disapproval of
 the NAFTA
 Superhighway and any moves toward a North American Union.¡±


¡°More recently, I introduced an even stronger piece of legislation, H.R.5191, 
which would prohibit the use of federal funds to carry out this highway 
project. The federal government has no business being partner to this 
outrageous plan, according to which countless landowners would have their 
private property confiscated under eminent domain,¡± Paul said. 

¡°This prohibition of funds, if passed, would go a long way toward derailing 
this ill-conceived project and would send a clear message that further attempts 
to undermine U.S. sovereignty would not be unchallenged in Congress. It is long 
past time the United S