Re: ANN: clojure.contrib.error-kit

2009-02-08 Thread David Nolen
So far this is fantastic! And I haven't even got around to playing with the
restart mechanism :) I'm using it in Spinoza to provide contextual errors
(malformed slot list, missing base class etc.).  I notice the contrib
libraries in general are very good at throwing exceptions so that consumers
have some idea of what is going on.  error-kit one ups this practice by
providing a standardized way to define your errors up front and presents a
definition system that removes the need to instantiate ugly Java Exceptions
inline with your code.
(defn protocol-fn [protocol-name fn-name]
  (let [protocol-keyword (symbol-to-keyword protocol-name)
dispatch (partial protocol-dispatch protocol-keyword)]
   (defmulti ~fn-name ~dispatch)
   (defmethod ~fn-name [:spinoza/object nil]
 (raise *missing-protocol-method-error*
 ~'obj ~(str protocol-name) ~(str fn-name))

Where the error is defined as you've described:

(deferror *missing-protocol-method-error* [*spinoza-error*]
  [obj protocol-name method-name]
  {:msg (str (:tag obj)
  class does not implement 
  from protocol 


That said I do have one minor annoyance and that is the need to leave an
empty bracket if you want to create a new error without inheriting from a
previously defined error.  Very minor.  Will provide feedback on restarts
when I get there.

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Re: Generic functions: things, models, and protocols revisited

2009-02-12 Thread David Nolen
Neat! You've removed the need to even define a dispatch-fn.  I'll need to
chew on this for a bit (I'm a little slow :) I'm still working on my attempt
at implementing protocols, but I'm not totally clear on where it will go or
how useful it will be.
Seems like this kind of dispatch and the Datalog project might meet up soon?
Or am I totally wrong?
On Thu, Feb 12, 2009 at 12:02 PM, mikel wrote:

 David Nolen and I were recently discussing CLOS and method dispatch. I
 implemented such a scheme for my own use. This post is an FYI for
 David and anyone else who might be interested in generic functions and
 predicate dispatch.

 Here's a transcript of a sample session in which I exercise the
 dispatch cases:

 (def $gf (make-generic-function))

 (add-gf-method $gf [nil] (fn [x] (str found value:  (.toString x) 
 of type:  (.toString (class x)

 (add-gf-method $gf [java.lang.Number] (fn [x] (+ x 1)))

 (add-gf-method $gf [java.lang.String] (fn [x] (str Found string: 

 (add-gf-method $gf [{:equals 5}] (fn [x] (str Found 5!)))

 (add-gf-method $gf [{:model {:name nil}}] (fn [x] (str Found a thing
 whose name is  (:name x

 (add-gf-method $gf [java.lang.Number java.lang.Number] (fn [x y] (+ x

 (add-gf-method $gf [java.lang.String java.lang.String] (fn [x y] (str
 x   y)))

 (add-gf-method $gf [java.lang.String java.lang.Integer] (fn [s i]
 (apply str (take i (cycle [s])

 (add-gf-method $gf [{:test (fn [x] (= x swordfish))}] (fn [s] (str
 You said the secret word, you win a hundred dollars!)))

 user ($gf hello world)
 hello world
 user ($gf 2 3)
 user ($gf {:name Barney})
 Found a thing whose name is Barney
 user ($gf 5)
 Found 5!
 user ($gf bananas)
 Found string: bananas
 user ($gf 100)
 user ($gf 'some-symbol)
 found value: some-symbol of type: class clojure.lang.Symbol
 user ($gf foo 5)
 user ($gf swordfish)
 You said the secret word, you win a hundred dollars!

 It works well enough to produce that transcript, but is very
 preliminary. I'm sure there are bugs I haven't noticed yet, and no
 doubt it's terribly slow. For one thing, I know it's doing a lot of
 redundant comparisons at the moment.

 It's missing a number of amenities and at least one important feature:
 next-method is not yet implemented.

 When called, a generic function matches the arguments it received
 against formal parameters in its dispatch table. Matching of a formal
 parameter works like so:

 nil: match any value passed in this position

 a Java class: match any value that is an instance of the class (or of
 a subclass of it)

 a Map of the form: {:model m}: match any value v for which (model? v
 m) returns true

 a Map of the form {:equals x}: match any value v for which (= v x)
 returns true

 a Map of the form {:test f}: match any value for which (f x) returns

 Calling  ($gf 2 3) or whatever works because the object in $gf is a

 (defn make-generic-function [ [dispatch-table]]
  (let [dt-ref (or dispatch-table (ref {}))]
(fn [ args] (apply-generic-function dt-ref args

 There's a little trickery with sentinel values and metadata to enable
 me to provide an API for adding and removing methods, which are stored
 in the dispatch-table created in make-generic-function. It would be
 nice to make that code a little less clever, but that would require a
 convenient way to create a new kind of callable object; I'd need to be
 able to define what happens when it's applied.

 Now we'll see if this thing is useful enough to make it better.

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Re: Newbie at macros: Manipulating a vector of bindings

2009-02-14 Thread David Nolen
You can pretty much call anything outside of the quote, in fact all runtime
information is available (you have access to anything that was previously
read).  The main thing to understand is that all parameters passed to your
macro are unevaluated.

On Sat, Feb 14, 2009 at 10:45 AM, samppi wrote:

 Thank you so much. I'm confused, however, about what functions you're
 allowed to call inside a macro outside of a quote. I read once that
 runtime information was unavailable during the macro phase. But it
 seems that one is still allowed to call array-map, apply, take-nth,
 and vec during the macro phase. What is the pattern for what is
 allowed or prohibited in macros?

 On Feb 13, 10:52 pm, Chouser wrote:
  On Fri, Feb 13, 2009 at 11:17 PM, samppi wrote:
   I'm trying to write a macro that expands from this:
   (product-context [n rule0, m rule1)]
(rule-maker2 (+ n m)) rule3))
   Into this (assume that conc-fn and conc-products are functions):
   (fn [tokens]
(if-let [[remainder# n m] (conc-products [rule0 rule1] tokens)]
  (conc-fn [(rule-maker2 (+ n m)) rule3] remainder#)))
   ...but I can't figure out how to change [n rule0 m rule1] to (if-let
   [[remainder# n m] (conc-products [rule0 rule1] tokens)] ...).
  Try working it out outside of the macro context.
  (def bindvec '[n rule0, m rule1])
  Now you've got something to work with.  There are plenty of acceptible
  answers.  Maybe you want to think of the vector as key/value pairs:
  (apply array-map bindvec)  == {n rule0, m rule1}
  (keys (apply array-map bindvec))  == (n m)
  (vals (apply array-map bindvec))  == (rule0 rule1)
  Or just use some seq function:
  (take-nth 2 bindvec)  == (n m)
  (take-nth 2 (rest bindvec))  == (rule0 rule1)
  Once you've got the pieces you need, try sticking them into a
  user= `(if-let [[r# ~(take-nth 2 bindvec)] (cp ~(take-nth 2 (rest
  bindvec)))] ...)
  (clojure.core/if-let [[r__215__auto__ (n m)] (user/cp (rule0 rule1))]
  Well, that's close by there are extra parens around (n m) and you want
  a vector not a list for the rules.  So play with it until it looks
  user= `(if-let [[r# ~@(take-nth 2 bindvec)] (cp ~(vec (take-nth 2
  (rest bindvec] ...)
  (clojure.core/if-let [[r__219__auto__ n m] (user/cp [rule0 rule1])] ...)
  Then you're ready to build the macro:
  (defmacro product-context [bindvec  body]
`(fn [tokens#]
   (if-let [[remainder# ~@(take-nth 2 bindvec)]
  (conc-products [~@(take-nth 2 (rest bindvec))] tokens#)]
 (conc-fn [...@body] remainder#

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Re: Newbie: Separating and grouping the elements in a bunch of vectors

2009-02-15 Thread David Nolen
(map (fn [ rest] (apply vector rest)) [1 2 3] ['a 'b 'c] [cat dog

On Sun, Feb 15, 2009 at 7:16 PM, samppi wrote:

 What would I do if I wanted this:

 [[a0 a1 a2] [b0 b1 b2] ...] - [[a0 b0 ...] [a1 b1 ...] [a2 b2 ...]]

 I could write a loop, I guess, but is there a nice, idiomatic,
 functional way of doing this? I didn't spot a way in
 clojure.contrib.seq-utils either.

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Re: Newbie: Separating and grouping the elements in a bunch of vectors

2009-02-15 Thread David Nolen
Actually something closer to your exact expression is this:

(apply (partial map (fn [ rest] (apply vector rest))) [[1 2 3] ['a 'b 'c]
[cat dog bird]])

On Sun, Feb 15, 2009 at 7:42 PM, David Nolen wrote:

 (map (fn [ rest] (apply vector rest)) [1 2 3] ['a 'b 'c] [cat dog

 On Sun, Feb 15, 2009 at 7:16 PM, samppi wrote:

 What would I do if I wanted this:

 [[a0 a1 a2] [b0 b1 b2] ...] - [[a0 b0 ...] [a1 b1 ...] [a2 b2 ...]]

 I could write a loop, I guess, but is there a nice, idiomatic,
 functional way of doing this? I didn't spot a way in
 clojure.contrib.seq-utils either.

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Re: ANN: clojure.contrib.error-kit

2009-02-15 Thread David Nolen
Would it be possible to make the arguments to handle be optional? Is this a
good or bad idea?

It seems to me, in the case of setting up test fixtures that check for
raised errors, often you don't care what arguments the error takes.


On Fri, Feb 6, 2009 at 9:10 PM, Chouser wrote:

(vec (map int-half [2 4 5 8]))
(kit/handle *odd-number-error* [n]
  (throw (Exception. (format Odd number %d in vector. n)

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Re: Newbie: Separating and grouping the elements in a bunch of vectors

2009-02-15 Thread David Nolen
 I'm sure it can be done, but it's not clear to me if you have a vector of
 how Stuart's solution would work:

 1:15 user= (map vector vecs)

([[:a0 :a1 :a2]] [[:b0 :b1 :b2]])

(apply (partial map vector) [[1 2 3] ['a 'b 'c] [cat dog bird]])

works on a vector of vectors. The OP wanted a vector of vectors as a result
where the subvector length is the same as the number of vectors originally
passed in.

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Re: error-kit + test-is

2009-02-15 Thread David Nolen
(defmethod assert-expr 'raised? [msg form]
  (let [error-type (second form)
error-meta (meta (find-var (qualify-sym error-type)))
error-str  (str (ns-name (:ns error-meta)) / (:name error-meta))
body   (rrest form)]
(report :fail ~msg '~form (str ~error-str  not raised.)))
  (handle ~error-type {:as err#}
(if (= (:tag err#) (symbol ~error-str))
  (report :pass ~msg '~form nil)
  (report :fail ~msg '~form (str ~error-str  was raised.
  (handle *error* {:as err#}
(report :fail ~msg '~form (:tag err#))

Here is the macro that seems to work, any improvements much appreciated ;)
This fails when no error is raised, when the wrong error type is raised, and
I believe it's captures errors which are derived but not the exact error (is
this a weird behavior?).  Your previous post about error-kit got me on the
right track. I can now define test cases like so:

(deftest test-verify-slots
  (is (verify-slots [[:origin [0 0]] :width :height]))
  (is (raised? *malformed-slots-error* (verify-slots [[:origin] :width
  (is (raised? *malformed-slots-error* (verify-slots [[:origin 0 0] :width

Much nicer than those ugly Java Exceptions, no? ;)

On a last note, I've found your qualify-sym fn quite handy and have been
using it elsewhere ;)

On Sun, Feb 15, 2009 at 11:52 PM, Chouser wrote:

 On Sun, Feb 15, 2009 at 10:06 PM, David Nolen
  I've been attempting to combine error-kit and test-is, but getting the
  relation between assert-expr form in test-is and the handle form in
  error-kit is a bit tricky. Looking at the test-is thrown? example and
  Chouser's error-kit post on the mailing list I tried something like the
  (defmethod assert-expr 'raised? [msg form]
(let [error-type (second form)
  body (rrest form)]
  (report :fail ~msg '~form nil))
(handle {:keys [ rest#]}
(let [tag# (last rest#)]
  (println raised! rest# ~error-type)
  (if (= ~error-type tag#)
(report :pass ~msg '~form nil)
(report :fail ~msg '~form nil)))
  The assert-expr seems OK, but I can't seem to get the error-type tag from
  So here's the promised feedback on handle Chouser ;)

 Thanks!  You're a brave man for trying such a thing, when error-kit
 has such thin documentation.

 I think there are a couple problems.  One is your attempt at using 
 in a :keys destructuring expression.  It amounts to something like:

 (let [{:keys [ etc]} {:a 1, :b 2}]
 - nil

 You may want to use {:as err-map#} instead, and then pick out the :tag
 from the err-map# later.  Or perhaps simply insert the ~error-type
 there directly.

 Another issue is that what is stored in the err-map's :tag value is
 the fully-qualified symbol of the error, not the value of that symbol
 (which happens to be the fn used to construct it) which is what your
 ~error-type would evaluate to.  I know it's confusing, but it's how it
 had to be, since I need the name and functions don't really have names.

 To make things worse, getting the fully-qualified name from the macro
 argument, which is likely a symbol with a nil namespace, is a bit of a
 trick.  error-kit/qualify-sym does this, but it's currently private.
 It may make sense to make that public for just the kind of shenanigans
 you're trying to pull.

 If this has been to dense or sketchy, let me know and I'll see if I
 can help you further.  This is exactly the kind of thing error-kit
 needs to be able to do.



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Re: error-kit + test-is

2009-02-15 Thread David Nolen
Heh not macro, I meant multimethod.

Here is the macro that seems to work, any improvements much appreciated ;)
 This fails when no error is raised, when the wrong error type is raised, and
 I believe it's captures errors which are derived but not the exact error (is
 this a weird behavior?).  Your previous post about error-kit got me on the
 right track. I can now define test cases like so:

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Re: error-kit + test-is

2009-02-15 Thread David Nolen
 I don't quite understand why you got through all that work to get
 error-str -- isn't it just (str (qualify-sym error-type))?

 ...and since you then use it only as an arg to 'symbol' or 'str', you
 could just use the symbol itself instead of converting it to a string
 and back.

If I bring the symbol back directly, it gets evaluated to the actual error
object and not the symbol.  I want to compare symbols. Or maybe I don't,
comparing symbols in general seems simpler for meta-hacky stuff like this.

  This fails when no error is raised, when the wrong error type is raised,
  I believe it's captures errors which are derived but not the exact error
  this a weird behavior?).

 I'm not sure, but I think you'd want to allow an implementation to
 change to a derived error type without breaking the tests.  But I
 could be wrong -- it should probably behave the same as the 'throws?'
 method, since Java Exceptions also do inheritance.

Good point. Easy enuf.

  Much nicer than those ugly Java Exceptions, no? ;)

 Sure, looks good to me.  Would it ever be useful to test that the
 error has a particular set of arguments?  I guess that may be more
 detailed than any test would want to get.

Possibly, but I can't think of a really goo reason for this yet.

 It would also be interesting to try to test for the existence and
 behavior of any 'continue' forms.

Very interesting, I haven't got to continue yet, baby steps here.

 Really!?  I'd never needed it before error-kit, and I'm pretty
 suspicious of needing it even there.  I think I'd rather just use Vars
 for error tags, but they're not currently allowed in the Clojure
 inheritance hierarchies.  If Vars were Named, I think it would work,
 and it's not at all clear to me why they aren't, since they have a
 namespace and a name just like symbols and keywords do.  Rich is
 probably too busy with lazier just now, but I intend to be annoying
 about this at some later date.

That's the proper solution. Until then for really wacky stuff, I don't know
how to do certain things without qualify-sym.

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Re: Fully lazy sequences are coming - feedback wanted!

2009-02-16 Thread David Nolen
 butlast, doall, dorun, doseq, dosync, dotimes, doto, fnseq, gensym,
 macroexpand, macroexpand-1, mapcat, nthrest


Because they are similar to other Lisps I assume.  The same reason for
println vs print-line. Changing these are a bad idea in IMHO.

Breaking the meaning of rest with Common Lisp is a consideration to take
seriously.  However as long as the documentation clearly states (highlights
in big bold colors ;) this difference (and the fact the operation is support
by next) then I think this is a change people can live with.

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Re: compiling a GUI app and also: interference of Java's built-in architechture

2009-02-16 Thread David Nolen
On Mon, Feb 16, 2009 at 10:27 AM, rob levy wrote:

 So if I am right about these two facts, it seems like Clojure should
 include a native way of making applets/applications that both enables the
 truly functional style that Clojure is built on, and doesn't require writing
 Java to call it (it seems like Clojure should replace Java, not perpetuate
 it, other than to build on its vast libraries, IMHO).  What do you think
 (and is there something I'm understanding wrong here)?

Someone correct me if I'm way off, but User Interfaces are by definition
very mutation heavy.  It has come up before that Clojure's emphasis on
immutability is a tool not a religious decree.  Mutation is fine, just don't
mindlessly sprinkle it all over your program.  Even a language like Haskell
(which I know very little about) needs special constructs for IO. But this
is exactly what your example illustrates! mouse - I, screen - O.
Mutability sneaks in ;)

Of course it would be interesting to see a UI framework that is more
functional, but having done a considerable amount of UI programming this
seems to me like mostly a waste of time.

Instead of dictating, Clojure simply encourages you to reflect on whether
you really need mutation. If you absolutely need mutation, Clojure isn't
going to stop you.  And that's a great thing.


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Re: error-kit + test-is

2009-02-16 Thread David Nolen
(defmethod assert-expr 'raised? [msg [_ error-type  body :as form]]
 (let [error-name (qualify-sym error-type)]
(report :fail ~msg '~form ~(str error-name  not raised.)))
  (handle ~error-type {:as err#}
  (report :pass ~msg '~form nil))
  (handle *error* {:as err#}
(report :fail ~msg '~form (:tag err#))

You're right I think the entire first handle statement was wrong.  I believe
handle does the isa? check on the error type, correct? If so then this will
allow inherited error types to pass the test.

Many, many thanks for the feedback.

test-is + error-kit is a great combo.

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Re: Idiomatic Way to Write the Following:

2009-02-17 Thread David Nolen
Is using subvec for something like this a bad idea?

On Wed, Feb 18, 2009 at 12:38 AM, CuppoJava patrickli_2...@hotmail.comwrote:

 I'm wondering if there's a terser more idiomatic way to write the
 following. I want to get a new vector with the specified indexes
 removed. I found myself doing this often enough to warrant writing my
 own function for this but I would be much happier if there's some
 terse way of expressing this using the standard clojure functions.

 (defn remove_at [coll  indexes]
  (map second
   (remove #(some #{(first %)} indexes) (map vector (iterate inc
 0) coll

 Thanks a lot

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Re: Performance of (fn [] ...)?

2009-02-17 Thread David Nolen
new MBP 2.53ghz

(defn create-fn []
  (fn [] (println hi)))

(time (dotimes [x 4000]

 Elapsed time: 1034.409 msecs

Hopefully you don't need 40,000,000 functions in less than a second ;)

On Wed, Feb 18, 2009 at 1:16 AM, CuppoJava patrickli_2...@hotmail.comwrote:

 (defn create_fn []
  (fn [] (println hi)))

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Re: Idiomatic Way to Write the Following:

2009-02-17 Thread David Nolen
My point was that you could use subvec to do vector splicing and build your
remove function off of that.  I'm sure the more experienced Clojurians can
chime in on what is the most idiomatic form.

On Wed, Feb 18, 2009 at 1:10 AM, CuppoJava patrickli_2...@hotmail.comwrote:

 Mmm, subvec doesn't quite seem to do the same thing.

 I want a function that removes certain indexes of a vector:
 eg. (remove_at [1 2 3 4 5 6] 0 3) = [2 3 5 6]

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Re: how to learn clojure ?

2009-02-18 Thread David Nolen
Practical Common Lisp is also online and free. Though there are significant
differences between the two languages many of the strange and beautiful
concepts that Clojure embraces are covered there.  Especially dynamic
variables, macros, destructuring bind, and multiple dispatch.
On Wed, Feb 18, 2009 at 7:53 AM, MarisO wrote:

 All documentation I've seen about clojure assumes knowledge of lisp
 which I dont have.


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Re: bug affecting clojure.core/bean?

2009-02-18 Thread David Nolen
If I've been following things correct:
rest _used_ to force the seq, it does no longer.
next forces the seq

In my own mind i'm thinking next to mean (return the seq with the next value
computed), rest now means just give me the uncomputed remaining values of
the seq.

On Wed, Feb 18, 2009 at 12:00 PM, Laurent PETIT

 2009/2/18 Mark Volkmann

 On Wed, Feb 18, 2009 at 10:27 AM, Rich Hickey
  On Feb 18, 11:04 am, Chouser wrote:
  On Wed, Feb 18, 2009 at 12:35 AM, Rob wrote:
   I'm wondering if I found a bug.  I have the latest source from svn
   user= (bean 1)
   java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Wrong number of args passed to:
  You sure did.  The conversion to lazy-seq code appears to introduce a
  paren typo and an incorrect nil pun.  Patch attached.
  Patch applied, svn 1293 - thanks!
  Rich, I think it'd be pretty useful to have as you mentioned in IRC a
  variant of  destructuring that provided an unforced lazy-seq.  It
  seems pretty common to want, in the body of a lazy-seq, a destructured
  'first' but an unforced 'rest'.  This is already the third or fourth
  time I've wanted to be able to do something like:
(fn thisfn [plseq]
(when-let [[pkey rest etc] plseq]
  (cons (new clojure.lang.MapEntry pkey (v pkey))
(thisfn etc)
  Yes, sure. It just comes down to the name:

 Of those I prefer rest because its meaning is more explicit.

 Maybe I miss the point totally, but didn't the recent change give the
 function 'next the meaning of not forcing the seq ?

 So next instead of rest ? ... and maybe either rest or next , and not
 just  anymore ?

 R. Mark Volkmann
 Object Computing, Inc.


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Re: how to learn clojure ?

2009-02-19 Thread David Nolen
Of course I beg to differ.  The Stuart Halloway's book is fantastic of
course, I have it myself.  It's absolutely required reading.  Stuart does
his best to describe the ins and outs of the language while giving a crash
course on the Lisp philosophy.  And yes Clojure is syntactically different
from Scheme and Common Lisp, however many of the non-Clojure texts suggested
do a better job explaining the deeper why's of Lisp programming, concepts
that go beyond the particular implementation.  In fact I would probably
recommend the Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs as the
indispensable Lisp text above all others.
But thats just MHO.


On Thu, Feb 19, 2009 at 8:46 AM, Rayne wrote:

 Telling someone to read a book that isn't even focused on the language
 he's trying to learn isn't a great way to help them. Tell him to read
 Programming Clojure or something, anything but Common Lisp and Scheme
 books, he isn't learning those languages he's learning Clojure. There
 is enough information around on Clojure that someone shouldn't be
 forced to read a book on a completely different language.

 No offense guys.

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Re: how to learn clojure ?

2009-02-19 Thread David Nolen

 No offense here to Lispers but when I learn a new language, I try to learn
 it as it is and I make parallels
 and connections with what I know at the moment. Otherwise you end up
 learning more than one thing
 at the same time and it can get quite confusing.

 If your experience is made mostly of  conventional languages this path
 should be easier.
 After that if you are curious you can give a closer look to the Lisp


No arguments with most of what you say of course. However I'm not sure what
I used to know from conventional languages helps much with concepts like
macros or dynamic vars or multimethods.  In fact most of my time learning
Lisp has been like Holy ! If only I had this tool/concept 4 years ago!
I've been swindled! ;)


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Re: how to learn clojure ?

2009-02-19 Thread David Nolen
Great list.

On Thu, Feb 19, 2009 at 11:39 AM, Stuart Halloway

 Thanks for the kind words, David. I hope many people will like
 Programming Clojure and find it useful.

 Clojure has a *ton* of goodness in it. I think many of the chapters in
 Programming Clojure book could usefully be followed with an entire
 book. Here is a partial list of recommendations for companion reading:

 For Java Interop:
 * The JVM spec (free online). Know your platform. :-)

 For Functional Programming:
 * Real World Haskell (free online)

 For Concurrency:
 * Java Concurrency in Practice

 For Macros:
 * On Lisp (free online)

 For Lisp in General:
 * Practical Common Lisp (free online)
 * Paradigms of AI Programming

 For Multimethods:
 * The Art of the Metaobject Protocol

 Just Because:
 * Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs


  Of course I beg to differ.  The Stuart Halloway's book is fantastic
  of course, I have it myself.  It's absolutely required reading.
  Stuart does his best to describe the ins and outs of the language
  while giving a crash course on the Lisp philosophy.  And yes Clojure
  is syntactically different from Scheme and Common Lisp, however many
  of the non-Clojure texts suggested do a better job explaining the
  deeper why's of Lisp programming, concepts that go beyond the
  particular implementation.  In fact I would probably recommend the
  Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs as the
  indispensable Lisp text above all others.
  But thats just MHO.
  On Thu, Feb 19, 2009 at 8:46 AM, Rayne
  Telling someone to read a book that isn't even focused on the language
  he's trying to learn isn't a great way to help them. Tell him to read
  Programming Clojure or something, anything but Common Lisp and Scheme
  books, he isn't learning those languages he's learning Clojure. There
  is enough information around on Clojure that someone shouldn't be
  forced to read a book on a completely different language.
  No offense guys.


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Re: Error Handling paradigms in Clojure

2009-02-19 Thread David Nolen
Check out Chouser's error-kit in clojure-contrib. It borrows from the
condition/restart system of Common Lisp.

On Thu, Feb 19, 2009 at 5:25 PM, levand wrote:

 So, my project is reaching a sufficient level of complexity where I
 really need good error tracking - when something goes wrong, I need to
 know exactly what it was.

 I have programmed in Java for a long time, and my first instinct is to
 simply use the try and throw special forms more or less as I would in
 Java, even though the code in question is mostly pure Clojure without
 directly utilizing any Java classes. I would simply throw whenever I
 have an unexpected condition, and somewhere higher up the stack, where
 it is easy to deal with it, I would log it and either try to recover
 or present an error message.

 However, in most other areas, once I've finally grokked the functional
 practice for just about anything, I much prefer it to the Java way of

 So, I guess my question is, is using try/throw this way in Clojure
 considered good Clojure code, or are they there mostly for Java
 interop? Is there a more Lispy/functional way to do it?

 Many thanks,

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Re: structmap instance test

2009-02-21 Thread David Nolen
This not hard to implement. This exactly what Spinoza does. Feel free to
lift any of my code.

On Sat, Feb 21, 2009 at 9:08 AM, Mark Volkmann r.mark.volkm...@gmail.comwrote:

 Is there a way to test whether a given object is an instance of a
 given structmap?
 For example,

 (defstruct dog-struct :name :breed)

 (def my-dog (struct dog-struct Dasher whippet))

 (when (some-function my-dog dog-struct)
  (println It's a dog!))

 R. Mark Volkmann
 Object Computing, Inc.


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Re: structmap instance test

2009-02-21 Thread David Nolen
For example, with Spinoza:

(def my-circle (make-instance circle))
(instance-of? my-circle circle) ;  true

circle is just a struct.

On Sat, Feb 21, 2009 at 2:09 PM, David Nolen wrote:

 This not hard to implement. This exactly what Spinoza does. Feel free to
 lift any of my code.

 On Sat, Feb 21, 2009 at 9:08 AM, Mark Volkmann 

 Is there a way to test whether a given object is an instance of a
 given structmap?
 For example,

 (defstruct dog-struct :name :breed)

 (def my-dog (struct dog-struct Dasher whippet))

 (when (some-function my-dog dog-struct)
  (println It's a dog!))

 R. Mark Volkmann
 Object Computing, Inc.


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Re: generic functions update

2009-02-21 Thread David Nolen
I'm interested as well.
On Sat, Feb 21, 2009 at 3:03 PM, Dan Larkin wrote:

 On Feb 21, 2009, at 2:23 PM, mikel wrote:

 If there's interest in having models and generic functions in contrib,
 I'll get a contributor agreement to Rich.

 Aye there is, from me at least.


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Re: Clojure Naming Conventions

2009-02-21 Thread David Nolen
+name+ is also in line with Common Lisp patterns
On Sat, Feb 21, 2009 at 4:07 PM, Luc Prefontaine wrote:

  In our software, we use uppercase or +name+ as constant names.
 Both Java and RUBY use uppercase, I think it's more a matter of taste what
 you decide to use.
 Ideally it should be obvious by looking at the name that some name is a
 constant name.

 Both of the above satisfy this criteria.


 On Sat, 2009-02-21 at 12:47 -0800, Howard Lewis Ship wrote:

 I'm kind of used to Java nowadays, where CONSTANTS_ARE_UPPERCASE.  I'mtrying 
 to figure out if Clojure has equivalent conventions.
 What I've seen:
 names-with-dashes instead of CamelCase*global* for global variables 
 (?)Parameter name conventions (from Stu's book): val, coll, a, etc.
 What are the accepted conventions?


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Re: Clojure Naming Conventions

2009-02-21 Thread David Nolen
The fact that the Clojure data structures are immutable and that some of
those data structures might be used logically constants are two separate
concerns.  When reading Clojure code, we've already internalized the fact
that the data structures are immutable.  Using a naming convention for a
constant just simply marks clearly the intended use.
On Sat, Feb 21, 2009 at 4:29 PM, Phil Hagelberg wrote:

 Mark Volkmann writes:

  As best I can tell Clojure doesn't have a convention for constant names.

 Everything that's not expected to be rebound at runtime
 (*special-variables*) is by definition a constant (with the exception of
 refs, agents, and atoms). You don't need a special constant naming
 convention. Perhaps some kind of convention for naming non-constants
 would be more appropriate since they're the exception rather than the
 rule, but I don't know of any such convention. The fact that those
 identifiers are always prefixed with @ for deref'ing them may be enough.



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Re: dotimes suggestion

2009-02-21 Thread David Nolen
(defmacro again [n  body]
  `(dotimes [~'_ ~n] ~...@body))

(again 3 (println Ho))

On Sat, Feb 21, 2009 at 5:51 PM, samppi wrote:

 For now, I do:
 (dotimes [_ 3] (print Ho))

 But I also think it would be a nice, natural addition.

 On Feb 21, 3:07 pm, Timothy Pratley wrote:

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Re: arguments to dissoc and select-keys

2009-02-21 Thread David Nolen
dissoc is like assoc.
If you want to use collections with dissoc you can always use apply. It's
not too much to type:

(def my-map {:first Bob, :middle Joe, :last Smith})
(apply dissoc my-map [:first :middle])

On Sat, Feb 21, 2009 at 5:58 PM, samppi wrote:

 Allowing dissoc and select-keys to accept both keys as arguments and
 as a collection would be nice, and backwards compatible. In any case,
 ostensibly it should be consistent; otherwise, it's just an
 idiosyncrasy in the language that people will have to deal with. I
 wonder what the reasoning is behind it, or if it was completely

 On Feb 21, 1:28 pm, Mark Volkmann wrote:
  (def popsicle-map {:red :cherry, :green :apple, :purple :grape})
  ; Note how the keys passed to dissoc are individual arguments.
  (dissoc popsicle-map :green :blue) ; - {:red :cherry, :purple :grape}
  ; Note how the keys passed to select-keys are in a vector, not
  individual arguments.
  (select-keys popsicle-map [:red :green :blue]) ; - {:green :apple,
  :red :cherry}
  I wonder why these were implemented differently. Maybe both dissoc and
  select-keys should accept both individual key arguments and a sequence
  of keys.
  R. Mark Volkmann
  Object Computing, Inc.

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Re: arguments to dissoc and select-keys

2009-02-21 Thread David Nolen
Oops, sorry. It seems weird to me that a function called select-keys would
take a single parameter and not a vector. Also, as you said, this does seem
like it would require some kind of check which would probably not worth the
tradeoff. Why not write a function called select-key that does what you
On Sat, Feb 21, 2009 at 6:24 PM, Mark Volkmann r.mark.volkm...@gmail.comwrote:

 On Sat, Feb 21, 2009 at 5:07 PM, David Nolen
  dissoc is like assoc.
  If you want to use collections with dissoc you can always use apply. It's
  not too much to type:
  (def my-map {:first Bob, :middle Joe, :last Smith})
  (apply dissoc my-map [:first :middle])

 I think you misunderstood what I want. I want to be able to pass
 individual keys to select-keys. I'm not looking for a way to pass
 collections of keys to dissoc and assoc.

 My guess is that this inconsistency was purely accidental and could be
 fixed so select-keys also accepts individual key arguments.

  On Sat, Feb 21, 2009 at 5:58 PM, samppi wrote:
  Allowing dissoc and select-keys to accept both keys as arguments and
  as a collection would be nice, and backwards compatible. In any case,
  ostensibly it should be consistent; otherwise, it's just an
  idiosyncrasy in the language that people will have to deal with. I
  wonder what the reasoning is behind it, or if it was completely
  On Feb 21, 1:28 pm, Mark Volkmann wrote:
   (def popsicle-map {:red :cherry, :green :apple, :purple :grape})
   ; Note how the keys passed to dissoc are individual arguments.
   (dissoc popsicle-map :green :blue) ; - {:red :cherry, :purple :grape}
   ; Note how the keys passed to select-keys are in a vector, not
   individual arguments.
   (select-keys popsicle-map [:red :green :blue]) ; - {:green :apple,
   :red :cherry}
   I wonder why these were implemented differently. Maybe both dissoc and
   select-keys should accept both individual key arguments and a sequence
   of keys.

 R. Mark Volkmann
 Object Computing, Inc.


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Re: arguments to dissoc and select-keys

2009-02-21 Thread David Nolen

 On Feb 21, 5:58 pm, samppi wrote:
  Allowing dissoc and select-keys to accept both keys as arguments and
  as a collection would be nice, and backwards compatible.

 Nope - Collections can be keys.

Ah the power of Clojure ;) The fact that (almost?) anything can be a key is
a pretty liberating thing.


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Re: Clojure Naming Conventions

2009-02-21 Thread David Nolen
Thanks for the points.
What I was thinking, was that for things like π, in Clojure (as in CL),
perhaps it makes to sense to mark it like so:


On Sat, Feb 21, 2009 at 8:59 PM, Chouser wrote:

 On Sat, Feb 21, 2009 at 5:36 PM, David Nolen
  My point is simply that whether something is immutable or not has nothing
  do with how that data structure is being used in the program.
  Naming conventions signify usage.  You could write a pure Java
  program and make it pretty darn functional. You would still want to
  mark values that are logically treated as constants as such.

 Most named Vars are given a single value and this is never changed at
 all.  They are created with 'def' or some variation thereof, and then
 examined in various ways, but not given new values.  They are constant
 and they are named in the normal Clojure way: lowercase with dashes.

 Sometimes these Vars are changed later with another 'def', but this is
 meant to be a development or debugging technique, not something that
 should be incorporated into normal program logic.  Anticipating this
 kind of change (or not) shouldn't influence the name of the Var.

 Some named Vars are expected to be given a thread-local value with
 'binding', and in even more rare cases then adjusted using 'set!'.
 This usage is unusual enough that the names of such Vars warrant the

 Even less commonly than any of the above is changing a Var's root
 value with 'alter-var-root'.  This is perhaps unusual enough that it
 warrants a naming convention to indicate that this particular Var will
 actually be non-constant at its root.

 Is there some other distinction that needs to be made?  Does logically
 constant mean something different from what I've described above?



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Re: dotimes suggestion

2009-02-22 Thread David Nolen
In general, I find that multiple arguments types for a function confusing.
If dotimes is going to take multiple types it should be a multifn. That
seems to imply a performance hit.
I think Clojure wisely does not (or rarely does not?) allow for multiple
types to be passed into a function.

On top of that it's trivial to produce a macro on top of dotimes that does
what you want that doesn't spend time checking the type of it's argument.

On Sat, Feb 21, 2009 at 11:10 PM, Mark Volkmann

 On Sat, Feb 21, 2009 at 8:53 PM, André Thieme wrote:
  On 21 Feb., 18:24, Mark Volkmann wrote:
  Currently the dotimes macro requires its first argument to be a vector
  for binding a variable to the number of times the body should be
  executed. Inside the body, that variable is bound to the values from 0
  to that number minus 1. How about changing this macro to also accept
  an integer as the first argument instead of a binding vector for cases
  where the number isn't needed in the body.
  I don't find this very interesting.
  There several variants of how dotimes could be, but the one that we
  currently have is the one that is used since a few decades in Lisp,
  and it is the one that makes very much sense.
  For example,
  (print Santa says)
  (dotimes 3 (print Ho))
  (.flush *out*)
  (print Santa saysHoHoHo)
  How often do you really want to repeat the same side effect many times
  in a row?
  Why does it hurt to just say (dotimes [i 100] ...)?
  This will not reduce readability dramatically, but is a consistant
  use of dotimes. It also does not reduce productivity.
  Why make a breaking change for this?

 Why do you say it would be a breaking change? I just got the following
 to work with minimal changes to the dotimes macro.

 (dotimes 3 (println Ho))
 (dotimes [n 4] (println n))

 So both forms work with a single macro definition.

 Here's what I did.

 1) Wrap the body of the macro inside the following:

  (let [new-bindings (if (integer? bindings) ['n bindings] bindings)]

  This creates the required binding when only an integer is passed and
 using the supplied value for bindings otherwise.

 2) Change every occurrence of bindings in the body to new-bindings.

 3) Move the (defmacro dotimes ... ) to just before (defn make-array ...).
That's the first time it's used in core.clj and it will not be
 after the definition of integer?.

 Is there a reason to not make this change?

 R. Mark Volkmann
 Object Computing, Inc.


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Re: dotimes suggestion

2009-02-22 Thread David Nolen
I agree that this is initially confusion, but I think that if you spend more
than a couple of days with Clojure you will understand the ubiquitous and
liberal use of binding forms.

On Sun, Feb 22, 2009 at 2:42 PM, Mark Volkmann r.mark.volkm...@gmail.comwrote:

 On Sun, Feb 22, 2009 at 1:34 PM, David Nolen
  In general, I find that multiple arguments types for a function
  If dotimes is going to take multiple types it should be a multifn. That
  seems to imply a performance hit.
  I think Clojure wisely does not (or rarely does not?) allow for multiple
  types to be passed into a function.
  On top of that it's trivial to produce a macro on top of dotimes that
  what you want that doesn't spend time checking the type of it's argument.

 Really my main goal is to make Clojure code as easy to read as
 possible. In this particular case, I think code like this:

 (dotimes [n 3] (println knock))

 leaves the reader wondering What is the n for?.

 Someone suggested this:

 (dotimes [_ 3] (println knock))

 That still seems like too much to read for what I'm getting.

 OTOH, (dotimes 3 (println knock)) isn't likely to confuse anybody.

 Sure, I could get what I want by writing my own macro. The problem I
 have with that is that I don't want to litter my code with calls to
 custom macros that readers of my code have to figure out. I prefer to
 use functions that readers will already be familiar with unless
 introducing my own macros is going to significantly shorten the code.

  On Sat, Feb 21, 2009 at 11:10 PM, Mark Volkmann
  On Sat, Feb 21, 2009 at 8:53 PM, André Thieme wrote:
   On 21 Feb., 18:24, Mark Volkmann wrote:
   Currently the dotimes macro requires its first argument to be a
   for binding a variable to the number of times the body should be
   executed. Inside the body, that variable is bound to the values from
   to that number minus 1. How about changing this macro to also accept
   an integer as the first argument instead of a binding vector for
   where the number isn't needed in the body.
   I don't find this very interesting.
   There several variants of how dotimes could be, but the one that we
   currently have is the one that is used since a few decades in Lisp,
   and it is the one that makes very much sense.
   For example,
   (print Santa says)
   (dotimes 3 (print Ho))
   (.flush *out*)
   (print Santa saysHoHoHo)
   How often do you really want to repeat the same side effect many times
   in a row?
   Why does it hurt to just say (dotimes [i 100] ...)?
   This will not reduce readability dramatically, but is a consistant
   use of dotimes. It also does not reduce productivity.
   Why make a breaking change for this?
  Why do you say it would be a breaking change? I just got the following
  to work with minimal changes to the dotimes macro.
  (dotimes 3 (println Ho))
  (dotimes [n 4] (println n))
  So both forms work with a single macro definition.
  Here's what I did.
  1) Wrap the body of the macro inside the following:
   (let [new-bindings (if (integer? bindings) ['n bindings] bindings)]
   This creates the required binding when only an integer is passed and
  using the supplied value for bindings otherwise.
  2) Change every occurrence of bindings in the body to new-bindings.
  3) Move the (defmacro dotimes ... ) to just before (defn make-array
 That's the first time it's used in core.clj and it will not be
  after the definition of integer?.
  Is there a reason to not make this change?

 R. Mark Volkmann
 Object Computing, Inc.


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Re: alternate syntax

2009-02-23 Thread David Nolen
Interesting thread on LtU on this subject:

On Mon, Feb 23, 2009 at 10:42 AM, Mark Volkmann

 I have an idea I'd like to float to see if there are reasons why it's
 a bad idea.

 What if Clojure had an alternate surface syntax that was translated
 into standard Clojure syntax by a kind of preprocessor?

 Many people that don't like Lisp dialects don't like them because of
 the parentheses. I'm trying to address that.

 Here's a simple example of valid Clojure code.

 (defn pig-latin [word]
  (let [first-letter (first word)]
(if (.contains aeiou (str first-letter))
  (str word ay)
  (str (subs word 1) first-letter ay

 (println (pig-latin red))
 (println (pig-latin orange))

 Here's what that same code would look like in my alternate syntax.

 defn pig-latin [word]
  let [first-letter (first word)]
if .contains aeiou (str first-letter)
  str word ay
  str (subs word 1) first-letter ay

 println (pig-latin red)
 println (pig-latin orange)

 The rules for turning this into standard Clojure syntax are pretty simple.

 1) If a line is indented farther than the previous one, it is part of
 the previous line.
 2) If a line doesn't start with a (, then add one.
 3) If the next line is indented less than this one, add the
 appropriate number of )'s at the end.
 4) If the first token on a line is if and the first non-whitespace
 character after it is not (
then assume the rest of the line is the condition and wrap it in ( ).

 A translation from standard Clojure syntax to this alternate form
 should also be possible.

 Is this a bad idea?

 R. Mark Volkmann
 Object Computing, Inc.


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Clojure Slime, how to jump to a def/defn?

2009-02-23 Thread David Nolen
Is this supported yet? M-. is supposed to handle this, but I get an error
when I try.

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Re: Operating on multidimensional primitive arrays without reflection?

2009-02-23 Thread David Nolen
(time (let [arr  (make-array Float/TYPE 1 1)]
(dotimes [_ 10]
  (let [#^floats sub-arr (aget arr 0)]
(aset-float sub-arr 0 0.0)

Seems to work? Looks an eligible candidate for a macro.

On Mon, Feb 23, 2009 at 9:04 PM, Jason Wolfe wrote:

 I'm trying to call some third-party code that expects a two-
 dimensional double array, and I can't figure out how to create and
 fill this in Clojure without a huge perf hit (which profiling shows to
 be coming from reflection):

 user (time (let [arr  (make-array Double/TYPE 1)] (dotimes [_ 10]
 (aset-double arr 0 0.0
 Elapsed time: 28.408 msecs

 user (time (let [arr  (make-array Double/TYPE 1 1)] (dotimes [_
 10] (aset-double arr 0 0 0.0
 Elapsed time: 3634.136 msecs

 I've tried adding type hints like #^[[D to no avail.  What am I
 missing here?

 BTW, I'm still on the pre-lazy SVN, waiting for the dust to settle.



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Re: Clojure Slime, how to jump to a def/defn?

2009-02-23 Thread David Nolen
You're right, works perfectly on clojure sources, but not the instances
you've described.  It would be great if this would work again. I don't
understand swank/slime well enough to try it myself.
On Mon, Feb 23, 2009 at 9:23 PM, Alec Berryman wrote:

 David Nolen on 2009-02-23 16:58:40 -0500:

  Is this supported yet? M-. is supposed to handle this, but I get an error
  when I try.

 It works for me with Clojure sources (for example, M-. on rest), even if
 they're in jars, but not with applications I've compiled through
 load-file, slime-compile-defun, or slime-compile-region.  I think I
 remember this working a while ago.

 The backtrace I get is very reproducable:

  (swank:find-definitions-for-emacs bar)
  foo :repl-thread 19)
 (:debug 2 1
(java.lang.StringIndexOutOfBoundsException: String index out of
range: -1 (NO_SOURCE_FILE:0)   [Thrown class
clojure.lang.Compiler$CompilerException] nil)
((ABORT Return to SLIME's top level.)
 (CAUSE Throw cause of this exception))
((0 clojure.lang.Compiler.eval(
(:restartable nil))
 (1 clojure.core$eval__3894.invoke(core.clj:1711)
(:restartable nil))
 (2 swank.core$eval_in_emacs_package__275.invoke(core.clj:55)
(:restartable nil))
 (3 swank.core$eval_for_emacs__350.invoke(core.clj:123)
(:restartable nil))
 (4 clojure.lang.Var.invoke(
(:restartable nil))
 (5 clojure.lang.AFn.applyToHelper(
(:restartable nil))
 (6 clojure.lang.Var.applyTo(
(:restartable nil))
 (7 clojure.core$apply__3162.doInvoke(core.clj:408)
(:restartable nil))
 (8 clojure.lang.RestFn.invoke(
(:restartable nil))
 (9 swank.core$eval_from_control__278.invoke(core.clj:62)
(:restartable nil))
 (10 swank.core$eval_loop__281.invoke(core.clj:67)
 (:restartable nil))
 (:restartable nil))
 (12 clojure.lang.AFn.applyToHelper(
 (:restartable nil))
 (13 clojure.lang.AFn.applyTo(
 (:restartable nil))
 (14 clojure.core$apply__3162.doInvoke(core.clj:408)
 (:restartable nil))
 (15 clojure.lang.RestFn.invoke(
 (:restartable nil))
 (:restartable nil))
 (17 clojure.lang.RestFn.invoke(
 (:restartable nil))
 (:restartable nil))
 (:restartable nil)))
  nil 2 20)
 (:debug-activate 2 1 true)
 (:debug-return 2 1 nil)


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Re: Algebraic data types in clojure.contrib

2009-02-25 Thread David Nolen

 1) User-friendly printing.

 I implement the multimethods print-method and print-dup for my
 classes, which allows me to specify how objects are printed. print-
 method and print-dup dispatch on class, so my types need to be
 classes or at least derive from a class that is distinct from the
 standard Clojure data structures.

Should print and println be multimethods? It seems the ability to custom
print a data structure would be generally useful.

 2) Usability in multimethods

 The above argument illustrates a more general problem: multimethods
 meant for use with a wide range of data structures can in practice
 only use class as a selector, as that is the only one that will work
 for the built-in data structures. Look at fmap in
 clojure.contrib.types.examples, for instance. It would make sense to
 add an implementation for maps that applys f to the value of each map
 entry. But I can't have that plus a type system based on maps with
 special tags - it's one or the other.

Not totally following here, looking at your code... Pardon my slowness but
why not dispatch on :tag first, and class if no :tag?

 4) Modularity

 There are bound to be several type or class systems for Clojure, as
 for other Lisps. We already have Spinoza, for example. If all these
 systems use maps with type tags, there are bound to be tag conflicts
 sooner or later. For example, someone will create a Spinoza class
 with a slot whose name interferes with my special type tag. This
 can't happen with my closure-based implementation. It creates objects
 that are distinct by the very nature of their classes, so it doesn't
 interfere with whatever someone else may come up with.

Tags of course should be namespaced so is this really that much of an issue
in practice? Since tags are keywords they don't have the interning conflict
problem that symbols of the same name generally do, right?

I've been thinking about the slot conflict issue and am considering
namespacing a class's keys against the class name and providing macros
set-slot get-slot that transform into assoc and get respectively. If there
are multiple slots with the same name the slot furthest down the inheritance
chain is used. Perhaps also provide a function called prefer-slot which
controls the behavior of the set-slot and get-slot macros.

Dunno, starting to ramble, anyways, interesting stuff...

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Re: Multimethods in other namespaces

2009-02-25 Thread David Nolen
That should work fine as far as I can tell.

On Wed, Feb 25, 2009 at 3:36 PM, Jeffrey Straszheim wrote:

 If in namespace one I define
(defmulti fred dispatch-fred)

 and have imported that ns into another, can I just do

 (defmethod fred ::val [x] ),

 or do I need to scope the method name?


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Re: Algebraic data types in clojure.contrib

2009-02-25 Thread David Nolen
This is nothing short of amazing for those who want to build ad-hoc type
(defstruct #^{:type ::my-struct} my-struct :a :b)
(type #'my-struct) ; - :user/my-struct!

I have a lot of code fixing to do now :)

Also Konrad's point that using multimethods for dispatch-fns would be ugly,
but actually I think this actually works out well!

(defmulti multi-dispatch type)
(defmethod multi-dispatch ::my-type [x]
  (:tag x))
(defmethod multi-dispatch ::another-type [x]
  (:protocol x))

(defmulti my-multifn multi-dispatch)
(defmethod my-multifn ::some-tag
  (print An object!))
(defmethod my-multifn ::some-protocol
  (print A protocol))

(my-multifn #^{:type ::my-type} {:tag ::some-tag}) ; - An object!
(my-multifn #^{:type ::another-type} {:protocol ::some-protocol}) ; - A


On Wed, Feb 25, 2009 at 7:51 PM, Rich Hickey wrote:

 On Feb 25, 12:19 pm, Konrad Hinsen wrote:
  On Feb 25, 2009, at 17:40, David Nolen wrote:
   Should print and println be multimethods? It seems the ability to
   custom print a data structure would be generally useful.
  It's already there, just not documented as far as I know. All the
  printing routines end up calling clojure.core/print-method and
  clojure.core/print-dup, which are multimethods dispatching on class.
   Not totally following here, looking at your code... Pardon my
   slowness but why not dispatch on :tag first, and class if no :tag?
  That's possible, of course, but the result is a multimethod that
  works for (a) class-based types and (b) one specific type hierarchy
  hard-wired into the selector, such as your :tag. If I write some
  other type system, it won't fit in. That makes it impossible to
  define truly general interfaces that are open for anyone to implement.
  Take print-method in clojure.core as an example: How would you
  implement its selector, such that anyone could plug in their type
  system based on some tagging scheme? Perhaps one could come up with a
  scheme in which the selector function is itself a multimethod, but
  that would probably be quite messy.
   Tags of course should be namespaced so is this really that much of
   an issue in practice? Since tags are keywords they don't have the
   interning conflict problem that symbols of the same name generally
   do, right?
  Right. Namespaced tags go a long way to avoid name clashes. However,
  they are still not the private property of any one library module.
  Your namespaced tag is an object that can end up in any data
  structure, intentionally or by error. Only time will tell if this is
  a problem in practice.
  Anyway, my two main arguments in this issue are printing and open-to-
  anyone interfaces with multimethods. These are the problems that I
  had in my own code and that I wanted to solve. Printing is important
  for complex nested data structures and interactive use. Generic
  interfaces are a very nice feature to have. I came across this
  problem twice:
  1) In clojure.contrib.accumulators. Ideally, it should be possible to
  implement additional accumulator types elsewhere, using the same
  interface. With the current implementation based on meta-data, that
  is possible, but only for data types that allow meta-data. It is thus
  not possible to build accumulators based on Java classes, at least
  not without wrapping them in a map or vector. Moreover, the selector
  function, based on meta-data with a fallback to classes, is neither
  elegant nor efficient, and much of the code in the library deals with
  the meta-data tagging scheme rather than with its real job.
  2) In clojure.contrib.streams-utils. Again, I wanted to define a
  generic interface to data streams. At the moment, it uses a
  multimethod dispatching on class, but that doesn't leave much room to
  define different data stream sources. That was in fact what prompted
  me to write the types library.

 You raise interesting issues and I'd like to explore them further. I'm
 not sure the issues you have with type-tag-or-class dispatch are all
 that prohibitive. In any case, I've added a type function that returns
 the :type metadata or the class if none:

 user= (type #^{:type ::Fred} [1 2 3])

 user= (type foo)

 which should help people standardize.

 If you want to multiplex multimethods for your ADT type, you can just
 define a single :type ::ADT, and then sub-dispatch on e.g. :adt-type.

 I'm not sure the mechanism you are using (actual Class types) allows
 for any more overloading - Class is a single slot too, after all.
 Interfaces offer some mixin potential, but they can't be superimposed
 on existing classes. The same mixin capabilities of interfaces are
 available for type tags, just say;

 (derive ::my-type :freds/interface)
 (derive ::my-type :ethels/interface)


 The trick here is that you *can* superimpose such tags on existing

 (derive String :freds

Re: Mathy operations on non-numerics

2009-02-27 Thread David Nolen
What about something like:

(defn gt [str1 str2]
  (first (sort [str1 str2])))

(gt Zoe Bob) ; - Bob

On Fri, Feb 27, 2009 at 12:03 PM, Phil Hagelberg wrote:

 Christian Vest Hansen writes:

  Are you referring to using , , =, with objects that implement
  i.e. given x.compareTo(y) == -1
  ( x y)
  = true
  I would find that useful.
  I think having , , =, = be based on Comparable has been discussed
  And the conclusion was that it was a bad idea, because in Java:
  user= (.compareTo (Integer. 10) (Long. 10))
  java.lang.ClassCastException: java.lang.Long cannot be cast to
  java.lang.Integer (NO_SOURCE_FILE:0)
  user= (.equals (Integer. 10) (Long. 10))

 Curses, Java! Foiled again.

  Given these consequences, I think the current behavior is the best

 Agreed. Am curious as to what the idiomatic way to check to see if one
 string is alphabetically greater than another is though.



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Re: Laziness madness

2009-03-01 Thread David Nolen
Remember that you can force lazy sequences if you need to as you are with
doseq with doall (retains head) and dorun (does not) as well.
You probably want

(dorun (map #(add-watch % watcher callback-fn) all-agents))

I think it's pretty clear here what's going on.  Your code needs
side-effects. In Clojure side-effect code tends to stands out.

I sympathize with your frustration, I remember getting excited about Lisp
macros but spending many many long hours trying to understand how to write
even a simple one.

Similarly I think lazy sequences are worth the initial frustration ;)

On Mon, Mar 2, 2009 at 12:06 AM, max3000 wrote:


 I find the laziness in clojure very hard to wrap my head around. I
 understand the idea and it's probably nice in theory. However, in real
 life it doesn't seem really useful beyond hardcore mathematical

 Case in point, I just spent 2 hours debugging a piece of code (shown
 below) that seemed simple enough. This is the 3rd time this week that
 I've lost substantial time to laziness. I'm pretty pissed to tell the
 truth and I find myself wrapping things in doseq more and more just to
 be sure. I rarely use 'for' anymore, what's the point?

 Here is the code that gave me trouble:

(map #(add-watch % watcher callback-fn) all-agents)

 This was not executing. I had to change it to the below expression:

(doseq [agent all-labor-agents]
  (add-watch agent total-labor-agent callback-fn))

 This second expression seems less elegant than the map above. Why
 doesn't clojure realize that an add-watch really should actually loop
 over all-agents? Why is it that Java calls are not made in similar

 Is laziness so useful that we should waste time investigating and
 fixing errors like this? Sure, there could be special constructs for
 laziness when we really need it. However, clojure shouldn't default to
 it IMO. At this point, laziness is a nice concept but it feels
 somewhat removed from reality to tell the truth. Of course I want to
 iterate over my collection when I'm doing an add-watch!

 What am I missing?




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Re: Question on names of errors in error-kit

2009-03-03 Thread David Nolen
I appreciate that they stand out.  Again, this is similar to the constants
conversation earlier, visually marking the intended use is a good habit,
IMHO.  Of course this doesn't mean that error-kit should define the base
error this way, but I intend to keep on wrapping my errors in earmuffs :)

On Tue, Mar 3, 2009 at 10:27 PM, Chouser wrote:

 On Tue, Mar 3, 2009 at 2:10 PM, samppi wrote:
  Small questions on error-kit—which I love and think that all clojure-
  contrib libraries should use—why do defined errors such as *error*,
  *number-error*, etc. have names surrounded by asterisks?

 Thanks for the endorsement!  Have you used continue or bind-continue
 yet?  These are the features I'm less certain about.

 Your question is a very good one.  Early versions actually rebound the
 error Vars, so I named them appropriately.  Of course that's not
 exactly how it works anymore, but I grew accustomed to how they look
 with earmuffs, and didn't change them.

 I'm hesitant to remove them because I like how they stand out in the
 code.  Perhaps it's not really necessary, or perhaps there's a better
 naming convention we could use?  Any thoughts?



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Re: Question on names of errors in error-kit

2009-03-03 Thread David Nolen
capitals seems pretty weird for a Lisp. Now that I think about it, perhaps
foo-error isn't so bad.

On Tue, Mar 3, 2009 at 10:54 PM, Chouser wrote:

 On Tue, Mar 3, 2009 at 10:36 PM, David Nolen
  I appreciate that they stand out.  Again, this is similar to the
  conversation earlier, visually marking the intended use is a good habit,
  IMHO.  Of course this doesn't mean that error-kit should define the base
  error this way, but I intend to keep on wrapping my errors in earmuffs :)

 Since earmuffs already mean something different, perhaps there's
 something else that would work?  Maybe capitals, because they're a
 kind of type name?  Error, Odd-Number-Error?



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Re: hash-map based on identity

2009-03-07 Thread David Nolen
Depending on what you are doing perhaps you could use (hash x). This might
not be very helpful if you need to update keys frequently.  However if
you're mostly doing lookups, then this would help quite a bit.
On Sat, Mar 7, 2009 at 3:44 PM, Mark Engelberg mark.engelb...@gmail.comwrote:

 Here's why it would be useful to have the option of hash maps that use

 Let's say my keys are rather long lists.  Equality comparison will be
 slow.  But if I know that the keys are always the exact same long
 lists (perhaps because I traversed the key sequence to find a key with
 a certain property, and then am updating with that precise key as one
 example), then I can save lots of time by using an identity

 FWIW, the Scheme I usually use (PLT Scheme) supports both eq? and
 equal? based hash tables, and I have found both to be useful (although
 I prefer equal? based hash tables as the default).

 On Sat, Mar 7, 2009 at 7:57 AM, David Powell
  What objects are you trying to store? The ideal in the Clojure world,
  is that most objects are immutable.
   Immutable objects will implement value equality in .equals() ('=' in
   Clojure), and you shouldn't care about whether two objects are
   identical? because it won't affect anything.

 It's an efficiency issue.


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Re: On the importance of recognizing and using maps

2009-03-08 Thread David Nolen
Structs are maps with shared keys and positional constructors as Rich
mentions in the original post.  I think Rich is saying that maps should
indeed be abused ;) By building all higher level structures on top of
them, consumers are guaranteed not only your custom functionality, but all
the functionality guaranteed by the language itself.
On Sun, Mar 8, 2009 at 3:47 PM, Dan wrote:

  I guess I want to advocate - don't merely replicate the things with
  which you are familiar. Try to do things in the Clojure way. If your
  logical structure is a mapping of names to values, please use a map.

 I tend to replace every instance of creating classes with creating
 structs which, if I understood correctly, are maps too. Good habit or
 should structs not be abused?


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Re: macros

2009-03-10 Thread David Nolen
It does. Also Practical Common Lisp and On Lisp cover this in depth as well,
though you'll need to convert commas into tildes as well as use ~' for each
level of backquote depth that you don't want Clojure to namespace free

On Tue, Mar 10, 2009 at 6:05 PM, .Bill Smith

 Does the Clojure book contain much conceptual material on macros?  I
 keep finding places where I think a macro might be useful, and then
 the macro doesn't work and it's hard to understand why.

 Bill Smith
 Austin, TX

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Re: macros

2009-03-10 Thread David Nolen
Practical Common Lisp and On Lisp are available online and free.

On Tue, Mar 10, 2009 at 6:16 PM, David Nolen wrote:

 It does. Also Practical Common Lisp and On Lisp cover this in depth as
 well, though you'll need to convert commas into tildes as well as use ~' for
 each level of backquote depth that you don't want Clojure to namespace free

 On Tue, Mar 10, 2009 at 6:05 PM, .Bill Smith

 Does the Clojure book contain much conceptual material on macros?  I
 keep finding places where I think a macro might be useful, and then
 the macro doesn't work and it's hard to understand why.

 Bill Smith
 Austin, TX

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Re: Question about throwing errors

2009-03-11 Thread David Nolen
Doesn't error-kit do this?

On Wed, Mar 11, 2009 at 10:15 PM, Mark Engelberg

 I'm thinking about implementing a backtracking mechanism that throws
 errors as a way to escape out of the current computation and try
 another possibility.  I'd want to create a specific error to escape,
 and the backtracking mechanism should only catch this very specific

 Now, I vaguely recall some thread on here a while ago about how this
 is very hard to do in Clojure, because Clojure wraps the errors inside
 of other errors as they work their way outwards, so you can't just
 catch a very specific error.  I think there was some sort of
 workaround involving catching every error, and looking deep inside the
 stack of errors to find the specific error, and if not found, pass it
 on up the chain.

 Am I remembering this gotcha correctly?  If so, can someone please
 spell out the workaround for me again?



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Re: ANN: A pretty printer for Clojure

2009-03-12 Thread David Nolen
Amazing stuff. In particular this finally makes debugging macros sane.
For those of you that are using swank-clojure you only need to make minor
modifications to swank-clojure to pretty-print your macro expansions to the
macro expansion buffer.  Even better you can move the cursor to subform
macros and expand those inline as well.

For example here is an example from Paul Graham's continuations chapter from
On Lisp that I expanded, I did not do this by hand promise ;)

 (clojure.core/defmacro dft2 [tree]
  (clojure.core/list '=dft2)
  (clojure.core/list '*cont*)
  (clojure.core/list tree
 (clojure.core/defn =dft2 [*cont* tree]
(reset! *saved* nil)
(clojure.core/let [*cont* (clojure.core/fn
 (= node 'done) (*cont* nil)
 :else (do (print node) (restart]
  (=dft-node *cont* tree

For you swank-clojure users, all you need to do to get this feature right
now is to include the cl-format library in basic.clj
(swank-clojure/swank/commands/basic.clj) and change apply-macroexpander to
look like the following:

(defn- apply-macro-expander [expander string]
  (let [astr (with-out-str
 (with-pprint-dispatch *code-dispatch*
   (pprint (expander (read-from-string string)]
(subs astr 0 (dec (count astr)

Of course once cl-format makes into clojure-contrib this should just be the
default behavior (or setq-able option) for swank-clojure ;)


On Thu, Mar 12, 2009 at 3:05 AM, Tom Faulhaber tomfaulha...@gmail.comwrote:

 I have now released the first version of my pretty printer as part
 of my cl-format library. It is released under the EPL.

 The pretty printer has two functions that you probably care about:

 (pprint obj) will pretty print the given object, and
 (pp) at the REPL will pretty print the last result output, i.e. the
 value in *1.

 The pretty printer currently supports two modes: simple and code.
 Simple mode prints structure in a standard way that's good for data.
 Code mode understands lots of Clojure forms (defn, binding vectors,
 condp, etc.) and attempts to print them in an idiomatic way.

 Cl-format is on github at
 There is a Readme there with instructions, examples, limitations and
 futures. I won't even try to put examples here, because google groups
 wreaks havoc on formatting.

 The simplest way to get some pretty printing happiness:
 1) Download the jar:
 2) Put it in your classpath.
 3) Fire up your REPL
 4) (use 'com.infolace.format)
 5) Use pprint and pp as described above.

 This is definitely a first release and there are sure to be bugs. And
 I know there are things missing. So let me know if you're having
 problems and I'll try to get things fixed up ASAP.



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Re: ANN: A pretty printer for Clojure

2009-03-12 Thread David Nolen
So that people can copy and paste the change in basic.clj

(defn- apply-macro-expander [expander string]
  (binding [*print-suppress-namespaces* true]
(let [astr (with-out-str
 (with-pprint-dispatch *code-dispatch*
   (pprint (expander (read-from-string string)]
  (subs astr 0 (dec (count astr))


On Thu, Mar 12, 2009 at 12:53 PM, Tom Faulhaber tomfaulha...@gmail.comwrote:

 Expanding on David's earlier example of pretty printing, we can set
 the dispatch to *code-dispatch* and bind *print-suppress-namespaces*
 to true and get the following (apologies for google messing up my

  (defmacro dft2 [tree]
(seq (concat (list '=dft2) (list '*cont*) (list tree
   (defn =dft2 [*cont* tree]
(reset! *saved* nil)
 (let [*cont* (fn
 (= node 'done) (*cont* nil)
 :else (do (print node) (restart]
  (=dft-node *cont* tree

 Which is not always what you want, since it loses the namespace info
 that backquote adds, but for me it's usually what I want because it
 looks like the code I would have written.

 A couple of notes for the detail-oriented: You can see the special
 code formats for  defmacro, defn, binding vectors, and cond in
 operation here. You can also see that fn needs special treatment and
 doesn't have it yet. (But it will, real soon now.)

 On Mar 12, 9:28 am, Tom Faulhaber wrote:
  I would be happy to make it a contribution (it's the least I can do!).
  I've had a CA sitting on my desk unread and unsigned for about 3
  weeks. It is now read, signed, and in an envelope. I'll send it off
  this morning.
  Thanks for the kind words. I'm glad you like it.
  David's use case in slime/swank was one of the motivators for me
  writing this. Thanks for showing us how to do the integration, David!
  I hope we see a lot of other use cases like that.
  Upcoming is the ability to create custom dispatch tables which will
  open the door to an even broader set of use cases.
  On Mar 12, 1:56 am, Rich Hickey wrote:
   On Mar 12, 2009, at 3:05 AM, Tom Faulhaber wrote:
I have now released the first version of my pretty printer as part
of my cl-format library. It is released under the EPL.
The pretty printer has two functions that you probably care about:
(pprint obj) will pretty print the given object, and
(pp) at the REPL will pretty print the last result output, i.e. the
value in *1.
The pretty printer currently supports two modes: simple and code.
Simple mode prints structure in a standard way that's good for data.
Code mode understands lots of Clojure forms (defn, binding vectors,
condp, etc.) and attempts to print them in an idiomatic way.
Cl-format is on github at
There is a Readme there with instructions, examples, limitations and
futures. I won't even try to put examples here, because google groups
wreaks havoc on formatting.
The simplest way to get some pretty printing happiness:
1) Download the jar:
2) Put it in your classpath.
3) Fire up your REPL
4) (use 'com.infolace.format)
5) Use pprint and pp as described above.
This is definitely a first release and there are sure to be bugs. And
I know there are things missing. So let me know if you're having
problems and I'll try to get things fixed up ASAP.
   This looks very useful Tom. Would you consider contributing it to

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Re: ANN: A pretty printer for Clojure

2009-03-12 Thread David Nolen
I suppose the following is more idiomatic:

(defn- apply-macro-expander [expander string]
  (let [astr (with-out-str
   (binding [*print-suppress-namespaces* true]
 (with-pprint-dispatch *code-dispatch*
   (pprint (expander (read-from-string string))]
  (subs astr 0 (dec (count astr)

 On Thu, Mar 12, 2009 at 12:53 PM, Tom Faulhaber tomfaulha...@gmail.comwrote:

 Expanding on David's earlier example of pretty printing, we can set
 the dispatch to *code-dispatch* and bind *print-suppress-namespaces*
 to true and get the following (apologies for google messing up my

  (defmacro dft2 [tree]
(seq (concat (list '=dft2) (list '*cont*) (list tree
   (defn =dft2 [*cont* tree]
(reset! *saved* nil)
 (let [*cont* (fn
 (= node 'done) (*cont* nil)
 :else (do (print node) (restart]
  (=dft-node *cont* tree

 Which is not always what you want, since it loses the namespace info
 that backquote adds, but for me it's usually what I want because it
 looks like the code I would have written.

 A couple of notes for the detail-oriented: You can see the special
 code formats for  defmacro, defn, binding vectors, and cond in
 operation here. You can also see that fn needs special treatment and
 doesn't have it yet. (But it will, real soon now.)

 On Mar 12, 9:28 am, Tom Faulhaber wrote:
  I would be happy to make it a contribution (it's the least I can do!).
  I've had a CA sitting on my desk unread and unsigned for about 3
  weeks. It is now read, signed, and in an envelope. I'll send it off
  this morning.
  Thanks for the kind words. I'm glad you like it.
  David's use case in slime/swank was one of the motivators for me
  writing this. Thanks for showing us how to do the integration, David!
  I hope we see a lot of other use cases like that.
  Upcoming is the ability to create custom dispatch tables which will
  open the door to an even broader set of use cases.
  On Mar 12, 1:56 am, Rich Hickey wrote:
   On Mar 12, 2009, at 3:05 AM, Tom Faulhaber wrote:
I have now released the first version of my pretty printer as part
of my cl-format library. It is released under the EPL.
The pretty printer has two functions that you probably care about:
(pprint obj) will pretty print the given object, and
(pp) at the REPL will pretty print the last result output, i.e. the
value in *1.
The pretty printer currently supports two modes: simple and code.
Simple mode prints structure in a standard way that's good for data.
Code mode understands lots of Clojure forms (defn, binding vectors,
condp, etc.) and attempts to print them in an idiomatic way.
Cl-format is on github at
There is a Readme there with instructions, examples, limitations and
futures. I won't even try to put examples here, because google
wreaks havoc on formatting.
The simplest way to get some pretty printing happiness:
1) Download the jar:
2) Put it in your classpath.
3) Fire up your REPL
4) (use 'com.infolace.format)
5) Use pprint and pp as described above.
This is definitely a first release and there are sure to be bugs.
I know there are things missing. So let me know if you're having
problems and I'll try to get things fixed up ASAP.
   This looks very useful Tom. Would you consider contributing it to

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Re: ANN: A pretty printer for Clojure

2009-03-12 Thread David Nolen
Works great.

On Thu, Mar 12, 2009 at 3:30 PM, Tom Faulhaber tomfaulha...@gmail.comwrote:

 Write can produce pretty output directly to a string and without the
 trailing newline, making this a little shorter:

 (defn- apply-macro-expander [expander string]
   (binding [*print-suppress-namespaces* true]
(with-pprint-dispatch *code-dispatch*
   (write (expander (read-from-string string)) :pretty true :stream

 Completely untested! :-)


 On Mar 12, 11:07 am, David Nolen wrote:
  I suppose the following is more idiomatic:
  (defn- apply-macro-expander [expander string]
(let [astr (with-out-str
 (binding [*print-suppress-namespaces* true]
   (with-pprint-dispatch *code-dispatch*
 (pprint (expander (read-from-string string))]
(subs astr 0 (dec (count astr)
   On Thu, Mar 12, 2009 at 12:53 PM, Tom Faulhaber 
   Expanding on David's earlier example of pretty printing, we can set
   the dispatch to *code-dispatch* and bind *print-suppress-namespaces*
   to true and get the following (apologies for google messing up my
(defmacro dft2 [tree]
  (seq (concat (list '=dft2) (list '*cont*) (list tree
 (defn =dft2 [*cont* tree]
  (reset! *saved* nil)
   (let [*cont* (fn
   (= node 'done) (*cont* nil)
   :else (do (print node) (restart]
(=dft-node *cont* tree
   Which is not always what you want, since it loses the namespace info
   that backquote adds, but for me it's usually what I want because it
   looks like the code I would have written.
   A couple of notes for the detail-oriented: You can see the special
   code formats for  defmacro, defn, binding vectors, and cond in
   operation here. You can also see that fn needs special treatment and
   doesn't have it yet. (But it will, real soon now.)
   On Mar 12, 9:28 am, Tom Faulhaber wrote:
I would be happy to make it a contribution (it's the least I can
I've had a CA sitting on my desk unread and unsigned for about 3
weeks. It is now read, signed, and in an envelope. I'll send it off
this morning.
Thanks for the kind words. I'm glad you like it.
David's use case in slime/swank was one of the motivators for me
writing this. Thanks for showing us how to do the integration,
I hope we see a lot of other use cases like that.
Upcoming is the ability to create custom dispatch tables which will
open the door to an even broader set of use cases.
On Mar 12, 1:56 am, Rich Hickey wrote:
 On Mar 12, 2009, at 3:05 AM, Tom Faulhaber wrote:
  I have now released the first version of my pretty printer as
  of my cl-format library. It is released under the EPL.
  The pretty printer has two functions that you probably care
  (pprint obj) will pretty print the given object, and
  (pp) at the REPL will pretty print the last result output, i.e.
  value in *1.
  The pretty printer currently supports two modes: simple and
  Simple mode prints structure in a standard way that's good for
  Code mode understands lots of Clojure forms (defn, binding
  condp, etc.) and attempts to print them in an idiomatic way.
  Cl-format is on github athttp://
  There is a Readme there with instructions, examples, limitations
  futures. I won't even try to put examples here, because google
  wreaks havoc on formatting.
  The simplest way to get some pretty printing happiness:
  1) Download the jar:
  2) Put it in your classpath.
  3) Fire up your REPL
  4) (use 'com.infolace.format)
  5) Use pprint and pp as described above.
  This is definitely a first release and there are sure to be
  I know there are things missing. So let me know if you're having
  problems and I'll try to get things fixed up ASAP.
 This looks very useful Tom. Would you consider contributing it to

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Re: swank-clojure: swank-clojure-init-files not used

2009-03-16 Thread David Nolen
On Mon, Mar 16, 2009 at 3:42 AM, Tassilo Horn tass...@member.fsf.orgwrote:

 When adding ~/.clojure/ to `swank-clojure-extra-classpaths' and starting
 SLIME, htop shows that this directory is not in the -cp java option.
 Sending a SIGINT kills the clojure process and doesn't interrupt the
 current Thread only...

I've noted that you cannot interactively change that variable.  If you
change it you must restart your emacs session for it to take effect. If you
haven't already checked this of course.


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Re: Symbols evaluated at compile time?

2009-03-16 Thread David Nolen
This has come up before. You can actually work around this (search the
mailing list for declare)
I think that when not hacking against the REPL that the default behavior is
a good one. Having to use declare bugged me a little at first, but I now
consider it a very minor annoyance compared to the advantages I get from
programming interactively with Clojure.
Should the REPL have an interactive mode where it won't fire an exception
on undefined symbols and instead issue compiler warnings? If compiler
warnings were issued this would be a nice hook for Emacs and other IDEs.

On Mon, Mar 16, 2009 at 3:32 PM, Elena wrote:

 On 16 Mar, 20:14, Jeffrey Straszheim

  It does effect humans reading the code, however.  Often when looking at
  unfamiliar Clojure code, I find myself scrolling to the bottom first.

 That's exactly my point: why should I scroll to the bottom? That's not
 the way I read a written page or report. Can you imagine a report
 which starts with the details instead of the more general picture? I
 think sometimes we warp ourselves to compensate for our tools
 deficiencies, whilst it should be the other way around. It is much
 easier for the compiler/interpreter to look ahead, isn't it?


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Re: Symbols evaluated at compile time?

2009-03-16 Thread David Nolen
On Mon, Mar 16, 2009 at 4:08 PM, Paul Stadig wrote:

 I may be missing something, but how does having to (declare) vars fix
 typos? I don't think anyone is suggesting *creating* a var that is
 referenced before it is defined. What people are asking for is that the
 compiler looks-ahead to verify that the var will eventually be defined, and
 then go on its merry way. Typos would still be discovered, and people
 wouldn't have to stop and (declare).

Yeah I wasn't suggesting that vars should be created, sorry if it sounded
like I was (I mentioned declare because this came up in another thread about
declare and someone had hacked the reader to not bail immediately on
undefined symbols).

In CL, if you have definitions out of order in the compiler will issue

 I'm not saying it's an easy change...


 On Mon, Mar 16, 2009 at 3:45 PM, David Nolen

 This has come up before. You can actually work around this (search the
 mailing list for declare)
 I think that when not hacking against the REPL that the default behavior
 is a good one. Having to use declare bugged me a little at first, but I now
 consider it a very minor annoyance compared to the advantages I get from
 programming interactively with Clojure.
 Should the REPL have an interactive mode where it won't fire an
 exception on undefined symbols and instead issue compiler warnings? If
 compiler warnings were issued this would be a nice hook for Emacs and other


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Re: Clojure Web Framework, what I want to add

2009-03-16 Thread David Nolen
I'm mostly a front-end UI person with crazy amounts of JS experience so most
of my input will be from that stand point.
1. I agree with Sean on this one. No need to bring in middleware that can't
be expressed in 10X-20X less code in pure Clojure.

2. The framework should allow for any backend (even if it means in memory).
I'm currently interested in CouchDB.

3. Sure.

4. Yup. Compojure handles this nicely. If I never have to look at an Apache
httpd.conf file again I won't shed a tear.

5.1 Hmm I hate templates pages, I think Enlive is a very good start to a
real future.  Template with CSS selectors.  Mixing language into HTML is an
atrocity which much be eliminated once and for all.  Good HTML fragment
manipulation is a must. I see pure HTML+CSS fragments created by a designer.
 The coder draws up a template which targets where values will go in the
HTML via CSS3 selectors. Voila! Synchronizing design and code becomes
trivial overnight.

5.2. Compojure

6. This is going to be big, it will demolish what other people are doing.

7. See below.

8. Yup.

9. Agreed.

I've been seriously investigating porting cl-cont which is the basis for
weblocks (working on it right now fingers crossed). The only truly serious
continuation based framework is Seaside and its developers have been able to
accomplish truly amazing things.  With continuations you can define
arbitrarily complex UIs.  However, I think Seaside overemphasizes the
continuation part.  The framework should allow for restful delivery as well
as stateful interactions.  Also, weblocks got it wrong by auto-generating
HTML- designers need to be be able create markup and CSS, not just CSS.
 Seaside also gets this wrong.

JS integration with existing JS Frameworks is a must.  The recently uploaded
parenscript clone looks like a good start for allowing developers to code JS
against widgets using such a continuation based framework. Calling JS
suddenly becomes like calling Java from Clojure code.

Clojure also has something going for which is BIG that you don't get from
many frameworks. You can ssh tunnel into the running application server and
debug a live instance. For example, currently I have compojure running on
the server, I connect to it from my local emacs and can manipulate the
server via the remote REPL. I can recompile functions on the server on the

Imagine this whole system hooked up with a Comet server (SymbolicWeb did
this first). As you modify the server, changes can be propagated back to the
client without refreshing (godsend for debugging).

Then imagine this entire UI system hooked up to a robust backend of your
choosing ;)

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Re: Can Clojure simulate Class?Lisp can do it!

2009-03-19 Thread David Nolen
Doesn't On Lisp talk about simulating CLOS with closures? It's free online.

I would like to add as the creator that I would not use Spinoza yet ;) And
I've put it on hold as I'm currently obsessed with trying to port cl-cont.
 Spinoza still needs quite a bit of work, I started on that before a few
things changed in Clojure.  I will get back to it.  Having now played with
Clojure for a bit I'm not sure how useful Spinoza will turn out to be for
anything beyond supporting widgets in a web framework.  With Clojure's
flexibility it's really tough to come up with reasons to resort to an object
That said, it at least shows that building a more traditional class system
is not very difficult in Clojure.

On Thu, Mar 19, 2009 at 8:01 AM, e wrote:

 On Thu, Mar 19, 2009 at 6:34 AM, Konrad Hinsen 

 On 19.03.2009, at 07:54, Edward Shen wrote:

  Can Clojure simulate Class?Lisp can do it!
  Anyone know it?

 Clojure can do it as well. Look here for a library that does it:


 That library looks very useful, but if this is intended to be a repeat of
 the question asked one message ago, maybe ... is the question, how do you
 use closures to simulate a class?  That library looks like it uses maps,
 which is nice, too.


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ANN: Delimited Continuations for Clojure

2009-03-19 Thread David Nolen
You can get it here:

So over the past week I've been porting cl-cont ( originally written by Slava
Akhmechet to Clojure. I've now ported most of the functionality that's
translatable from Common Lisp though it would be great to hear if something
blatant seems to be missing.  You can now do things like the following:

(let [cc (atom nil)]
  (letfn [(a [i j] (+ i j))
(b [i j] (* (a i j) 3))]
(+ (b 1 2) (let-cc k
(reset! cc k)
 (k 0)
(@cc 1)])

- [9 10]

Currently these forms are supported:


cl-cont also defines defn/cc (defn-cc) for creating functions to be used
from within a with-call/cc (with-call-cc) form.  It also has without-call/cc
(without-call-cc) to prevent CPS transformation.  These have also been

There are 61 tests as of now (all taken from cl-cont's test suite).  Again
this port only supports the shared functionality between Common Lisp and
Clojure, support for Clojure specific forms is mostly missing and this is
what people can help on if they like.  The big questions are which Clojure
special forms should be supported and how (if possible).  Clearly trying to
support lazy sequences isn't a goal, but supporting the STM forms (dosync,
commute) as well the forms that don't rely on side-effects is just a matter
of time.

forks and feedback appreciated.


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Re: New release 20090320

2009-03-20 Thread David Nolen
Congrats! It's been said many a time, but it bears being said again, Clojure
makes hacking fun again.  It's great working with a language that is very
production ready, yet still evolving at a quick clip. It's also fascinating
that a language supports so many different usage patterns- the diversity and
friendliness of the community is amazing.
All built on top of the JVM, whodathunk?


On Fri, Mar 20, 2009 at 10:15 AM, Rich Hickey wrote:

 New release 20090320 -

 Incorporates all the recent additions - fully lazy seqs, :let option
 for doseq/for, letfn for mutually recursive local fns, synchronous
 watches, multi-arg set/union/difference/intersection, counted?, per-
 defmulti hierarchies, #_ ignore form reader macro, future-calls,
 future and pcalls/pvalues, defmulti docstrings and metadata, methods/
 prefers for multimethod reflection, uniform metadata handling for
 atoms/refs/agents/vars/namespaces, condp, release-pending-sends, AOT
 tweaks to support applets and Android, etc. All this in addition to
 many fixes and enhancements.

 The API docs page is now current - changes to the rest of the site
 will come soon.

 This release includes many patches from contributors, and input and
 reports from many users - thanks all!



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Help with the dot operator special form

2009-03-21 Thread David Nolen
I'm wondering if it's possible to create a Clojure function that does what
the dot operator does. It seems like this would be possible with definline
but I'm unable to get this to work or figure it out.  For example I want to
be able write something like the following:
(dot Hello world (list 'substring 1 2))

Trying to use definline like this:

(definline dot
  [obj member-exp]
  `(. ~obj (~...@member-expr)))

Simply throws an error.

I don't need variable arity, I will always pass an instance or class
following by a list representing the member expression.

Is this impossible?

It seems like this would be generally useful to allow variable method
calling on Java objects. As to why I want it to implement this, it would be
far simpler to support Java interop from clj-cont if the dot operator could
be expressed as a Clojure function.


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Re: Help with the dot operator special form

2009-03-21 Thread David Nolen
On Sat, Mar 21, 2009 at 9:10 PM, Kevin Downey wrote:

 you want defmacro not definline. the result of a macro is a data
 structure. that data structure is then evaluated in place of the call
 to the macro. definline (I think?) behaves similar to a function, so
 if it returns a data structure, you just get that data structure (the
 data structure is not then evaluated)

You missed the part that it needs to be function not a macro.

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Re: Help with the dot operator special form

2009-03-21 Thread David Nolen
Or rather I did not express that requirement clearly enough.

On Sat, Mar 21, 2009 at 9:21 PM, David Nolen wrote:

 On Sat, Mar 21, 2009 at 9:10 PM, Kevin Downey wrote:

 you want defmacro not definline. the result of a macro is a data
 structure. that data structure is then evaluated in place of the call
 to the macro. definline (I think?) behaves similar to a function, so
 if it returns a data structure, you just get that data structure (the
 data structure is not then evaluated)

 You missed the part that it needs to be function not a macro.

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Re: Help with the dot operator special form

2009-03-22 Thread David Nolen
Thanks all for the pointers, this looks like a workable approach.  In my
case I'm not bothered by the performance hit from reflection (CPS
transformation creates an obscene number of anonymous functions anyway).
However I am running into an issue.  Here's my dot function:
(def not-seq? (comp not seq?))

(defn dot [obj member-expr]
  (let [member   (str (first member-expr))
arg-or-args(rest member-expr)
args (if (not-seq? arg-or-args)
(Reflector/invokeInstanceMethod obj
(to-array args

This works fine for:

(dot Hello (list 'substring 1 2))

But throws an exception for this:

(let [myref (ref {})]
   (list 'runInTransaction (fn [] (commute myref assoc :mykey :myval)

I'm getting a instance method not found exception which seems odd. I looked
at and I see that runInTransaction does in fact take
Callable, and fn's are Callable.  Any thoughts?

I knew I would have to really learn Java at some point ;)

On Sun, Mar 22, 2009 at 12:06 PM, Stuart Sierra

 On Mar 21, 10:23 pm, Timothy Pratley wrote:
  You may be able to achieve what you want by directly accessing
  Clojure's reflector class instead of using the special form:

 You could also call Java's reflection API directly.

 -Stuart Sierra

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Re: Help with the dot operator special form

2009-03-22 Thread David Nolen
That was it! At one point I knew these things. Thanks much.

On Sun, Mar 22, 2009 at 2:18 PM, Eric Tschetter wrote:

  (let [myref (ref {})]
 (list 'runInTransaction (fn [] (commute myref assoc :mykey :myval)
  I'm getting a instance method not found exception which seems odd. I
  at and I see that runInTransaction does in fact
  Callable, and fn's are Callable.  Any thoughts?

 I haven't double checked the clojure code, but it looks like you are
 trying to call a static method, not an instance method, and that is
 what is causing the exception.

 --Eric Tschetter


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Re: Help with the dot operator special form

2009-03-22 Thread David Nolen
Thanks again to all for the help, clj-cont now supports the new and dot
special forms.  This also means that dosync, doto, .. all work perfectly
fine from within a with-call-cc form.
You can now write things like this:
(let [cc (atom nil)]
  (. (let-cc k
   (reset! cc k)
   (k Hello))
(@cc Goodbye)])

- [llo odbye]

One caveat is that you can't use the let-cc form within a dosync block
that's embedded in a with-call-cc. This is probably for the best anyway.
Also since the dot and new forms are being transformed into a version that
relies on reflection you can't expect this code to be super performant.
 That may or may matter depending on your use case ;)

On Sun, Mar 22, 2009 at 5:28 PM, David Nolen wrote:

 That was it! At one point I knew these things. Thanks much.

 On Sun, Mar 22, 2009 at 2:18 PM, Eric Tschetter eched...@gmail.comwrote:

  (let [myref (ref {})]
 (list 'runInTransaction (fn [] (commute myref assoc :mykey
  I'm getting a instance method not found exception which seems odd. I
  at and I see that runInTransaction does in fact
  Callable, and fn's are Callable.  Any thoughts?

 I haven't double checked the clojure code, but it looks like you are
 trying to call a static method, not an instance method, and that is
 what is causing the exception.

 --Eric Tschetter


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Re: Information Hiding

2009-03-23 Thread David Nolen
You could always build something where setters/getters are auto-magically
created if specified by the constructor macro.  And with clojure.contrib.def
you could auto-magically generate private setters/getters.
On Mon, Mar 23, 2009 at 4:27 AM, Mark Engelberg mark.engelb...@gmail.comwrote:

 I've been thinking quite a bit about the OO side of Clojure the past
 couple of days, and trying to figure out how common OO design patterns
 would look when ported over to Clojure's way of doing things.

 The most obvious thing that others have noted is that you can
 effectively simulate a mutable object by having a ref that holds a
 hash map.  You can then write getters and setters, and other kinds of
 supporting functions that use and manipulate the ref, and the hash map
 contained therein.  But as far as I can tell, there's no way to stop a
 client from simply dereferencing the ref and extracting or
 manipulating the private information in the hash map and shoving it
 back into the ref.  Even if you trust a client to do the right thing,
 if the object is complex, it might be hard for other programmers to
 figure out which properties are meant to be manipulated, and which are

 I suspect that if you use double-colon keywords for the keys, you get
 a bit more privacy in the sense that these keys are slightly harder to
 accidentally manipulate from other namespaces, so perhaps that could
 at least be an informal convention for this is private.  Or perhaps
 it's better to keep as much private data in the metadata as possible
 (although I would think that in many cases, the private data would
 still be essential to the notion of equality).  Any other tricks or
 techniques for helping to hide or separate out the portions of a data
 structure that are meant to be accessed or altered from the portions
 that should only be accessed and changed by the existing support


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Re: Slime errors with clojure_20090320

2009-03-23 Thread David Nolen
You need to make sure all the different moving parts are based on the newest
version of Clojure as well. This includes swank-clojure, clojure-mode, and
any other libs you might be using.

On Mon, Mar 23, 2009 at 9:51 AM, Dan Pomohaci dan.pomoh...@gmail.comwrote:


 When I start slime with the new clojure_20090320 in classpath I get the
 user= user= java.lang.Exception: Unable to resolve symbol: lazy-cons in
 this context (core.clj:70)
 user= user= java.lang.Exception: No such var:
 swank.swank/ignore-protocol-version (NO_SOURCE_FILE:5)
 user= user= java.lang.Exception: No such var: swank.swank/start-server

 The error is connected to swank because the same script works ok in
 command line.

 The same configuration with old clojure jar works ok in slime.

 Dan Pomohaci


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Re: Problem with CLASSPATH

2009-03-24 Thread David Nolen
The latest version of Clojure incorporated lazy sequences which broke many
libraries early on.  Most of these problems have been worked out. In my
experience you should use the cutting edge version of everything including
SLIME.  I clone everything from GitHub (clojure, clojure-contrib,
swank-clojure, clojure-mode, slime).  This has worked for me for the past 6
months with very few problems (except the original transition to lazy

On Tue, Mar 24, 2009 at 5:03 AM, Rich wrote:

 Has anyone gotten 20090320 to work on a new MacBook Pro running

 With further investigation, it looks like any call to (use...) either
 explicitly or as part of an (ns...) function call causes clojure to
 crash since the upgrade. I've fiddled around with the class path, and
 nothing seems to work.

 Interestingly enough, my Structure.clj file sets the namespace, but
 doesn't use any other files. So, I can launch it from the command line
 like this:

 java clojure.lang.Script Structure.clj

 And I don't get any errors.

 When I open up the REPL, however and try (use 'Structure), It crashes.

 I would go back to the older version, but I cannot get duck-streams
 from clojure.contrib to work on that version. Clojure.contrib seems to
 build without errors, but it just doesn't work.

 Previously, I'd built both clojure and clojure.contrib from source,
 and everything worked fine. However, I have no clue which revision
 that was, so I don't know how to go back to that version. So, I'm
 stuck between two non-working versions. Which is frustrating, because
 I'm in the middle of a project, and I need to get things moving again

 Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated.


 On Mar 23, 11:12 am, Rich wrote:
  Let me clarify my last post. In both cases, the directory was on the
  class path (either implicitly as ., or explicitly given the absolute
  However, in both cases I got the same FileNotFound exception.
  On Mar 23, 6:39 am, Rich wrote:
   . should be set by default. I verified that it was set using (.
   System getProperties). I also tried explicitly setting the absolute
   path using -cp. No luck on either count.
   On Mar 23, 5:14 am, revoltingdevelopment wrote:
I also had the NO_SOURCE_FILE error when using contrib packages, upon
upgrade to 20090320.  My CLASSPATH included ..  I had to revert to
starting clojure with an explicit -cp.  I'm new to both Java and
Clojure, but this led me to think my CLASSPATH was being ignored.  I
chalked it up to my misunderstanding or not really keeping track of
how I had things set up before, but it seemed different.
On Mar 23, 9:24 am, Mark Volkmann wrote:
 On Mon, Mar 23, 2009 at 7:34 AM, Rich wrote:
  Structure.clj does call ns as shown below:
  (ns Structure)
  So, as far as I can tell, Clojure should look for Structure.clj
 in the
  class path. At least, that's what it used to do. I guess I could
  all the code into a sub-directory, and rename all the
  I'd rather keep it organized the way it is, if possible.
 Do you have . or the current directory in CLASSPATH?
  On Mar 23, 1:33 am, Mark Volkmann
  On Mon, Mar 23, 2009 at 4:59 AM, Rich
   I'd been using the 20081217 release. The following code
 worked, as
   long as Structure was in the working directory:
   user= (use 'Structure)
   However, after I updated to 20090320, I get the following
   user= (use 'Structure) Could not locate
   or Structure.clj on classpath:  (NO_SOURCE_FILE:0)
   In both cases, I'm launching Clojure from the directory that
   Structure.clj as follows:
   java clojure.lang.Repl
   What am I doing wrong?
  Does Structure.clj contain a call to the ns macro? If so, I
 think you
  need to move Structure.clj to a subdirectory that matches its
  namespace. For example, if the namespace is a.b.c then you need
  directory in the classpath that contains an a directory that
  contains a b directory that conains c.clj, not
 R. Mark Volkmann
 Object Computing, Inc.

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Re: Suggestion for Java Clojure code, use of checkstyle or code formatter

2009-03-24 Thread David Nolen
Javadoc would be nice, but I do note that Rich's Java code is pretty darn
clear ;)
I also note the indentation style is similar to Whitesmith's according to
Wikipedia  I've always preferred
the BSD curly brace level matching convention over the KR derivatives.

That said aren't we all hacking on Clojure because we're done with this
convention thing? ;)


On Tue, Mar 24, 2009 at 8:05 AM, Laurent PETIT

 Why you guys want to suppress all the fun from clojure ? ;-) :-p

 2009/3/24 Mark Volkmann

 +1 for running all the code under src/jvm through some code formatter
 that uses something at least similar to the Sun Java conventions.

 On Mon, Mar 23, 2009 at 11:59 PM, BerlinBrown
  I was curious about how some of the clojure code worked and observed
  that the coding style is a little bit non idiomatic from typical Java
  coding conventions.  E.g. there aren't any javadoc comments on methods
  or classes, non standard indents.
  Something like checkstyle might prove useful.
  While, every programmer balks at conventions, I am sure there is a
  mountain of evidence for increased overall maintenance and other
  I know, I will get suggestions for clojure/lisp coding style.

 R. Mark Volkmann
 Object Computing, Inc.


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Re: Is Clojure's lack of support for forward referencing a feature or a bug?

2009-03-25 Thread David Nolen
For what it's worth I'm a big fan of the wishful thinking programming style.
I write some functions how I think they should look, declare the functions I
haven't defined yet. Then I implement the lower level functions, write some
tests- then usually the higher level stuff works without too much tweaking.
In a non-functional programming language this doesn't work so well, but it's
a good fit for something like Clojure.

On Thu, Mar 26, 2009 at 1:42 AM, Timothy Pratley

 Hi Mark,

 A fuller discussion can be found here:
 Which has links to the simple patch I tried, and discusses the more
 advanced technique Laurent experimented with.
 Elena subsequently developed an emacs plugin which looks interesting
 (I'm a VI ninja though so haven't used it)

 My own experience FWIW was that it was great for two weeks coding with
 autodef, then for about a week I became frustrated with my typos and
 disabled it. More promising solutions might come from an external tool
 (such as Knuth's literate programming noweb) or IDE support like Elena

 For now my work flow is write the code backwards (ie: manually move
 the cursor up) and/or chopping and pasting. Then when I'm happy with
 it, I re-chop it all in my 'preferred' order and put a declare at the
 top. That sounds quite inefficient, but VI is really great for re-
 organizing text blocks so it is not too strenuous. That said, I'm
 really interested in ways that literate programming style can be
 followed with the least external support.


 On Mar 26, 4:15 pm, Mark Engelberg wrote:
  On Wed, Mar 11, 2009 at 5:18 PM, Timothy Pratley wrote:
   It is also quite trivial to patch the compiler to auto-def symbols as
   it finds them instead of throwing an error.
  I would be interested in knowing how to do such a patch.  When I work
  on code, I like to organize my functions in a way that makes it easy
  to read and understand what is going on.  As I work on longer chunks
  of Clojure code, I'm finding that shuffling around the functions to
  avoid a lot of forward declarations is destroying the readability of
  my code.

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Re: oo

2009-03-28 Thread David Nolen
On Sat, Mar 28, 2009 at 4:40 PM, mikel wrote:

 So, at minimum, to make a solid port, you need to add a function that
 can return a sensible type value for any input

Enjoying the thread. Out of curiosity for which Clojure values is the return
value of the type function undefined?


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Possible Solution for Left-Right Precedence and More when using Multimethods? (was re: oo)

2009-03-28 Thread David Nolen
Having thought a little about multiple inheritance when implementing Spinoza
I also ran into this problem. However at the time I wasn't hindered by
multifn dispatch as much as the fact that parents cannot be ordered (because
calling parents on a tag returns a set) as pointed out by Mark. I understand
Rich's point that hierarchies probably shouldn't be directional, but for the
sake of practicality why not allow the programmer to specify that a tag (or
even the whole hierarchy) should in fact have its relationships be ordered?
In general prefer-method seemed to me (I could be wrong) to be a last
attempt solution- when there is just no other way to resolve an ambiguity,
and this ambiguity is not of the hierarchy, but of multimethod dispatch. As
pointed out by Konrad  Rich, you can work around the limitation of
hierarchies right now with a lot of prefer-methods.  But as Mikel points
out, with current state of prefer-method you have to hunt through code to
find out where these prefers were made and for what reason and they assume
that you've already written your methods (this for me is the deal breaker).

In anycase my general feeling (in agreement with Mark) is that the problem
isn't with multifns but rather with how hierarchies are constructed.

So the achilles heel of hierarchies seems to be that when you call parents
(and related fns) on a tag you get a set - it has no order.  For single
inheritance hierarchies this is fine, but for multiple inheritance I think
this becomes a problem a very fast. Working on Spinoza, I realized I would
have to keep my own ordered list of parents in order to support left-right
precedence, basically keeping an ordered copy of the whole hierarchy. Again
prefer-method is only useful for fixing method-level ambiguities.  There's
no general way to say, type A always precedes type B without writing quite a
bit of explicit code (or hiding the problem away with macros).

Here's something that might kick of a dicussion to a proper solution (I am
sure there are some gaps in my logic), why not allow something like the

;; allow control of how tags get introduced into the hierarchy
(def h (make-hierarchy :parents-fn fn1 :ancestors-fn fn2 :descendants-fn

;; add a new parent insertion fn to a hierarchy
(add-parents-fn h fn4) ;; - returns a new hierarchy with the parents fn
set, all parents sets are converted into vectors

;; add a new parent insertion fn to a hierarchy for a specific key, only the
parents of ::my-tag are converted into a vector
(add-parents-fn h fn4 ::my-tag)

;; a hierarchy fn might look something like the following
(defn my-parents-fn [parents new-key]
   (conj parents new-key))

If my thinking is correct this is pretty flexible. This doesn't break the
meaning of hierarchy for any existing code.  It doesn't change the signature
of multimethods.  Yet now a user can provide fns that sorts a hierarchy
anyway they please, and it doesn't even have to be the entire hierarchy.
 This code will probably live in one spot where anyone could look to
understand how the hierarchy is being constructed.  All high-level
precedence ambiguities can now be resolved by looking at the hierarchy.
 prefer-method does only what it was intended to do- resolve method level


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Re: new in contrib.test-is: fixtures

2009-03-28 Thread David Nolen

very cool :)

On 3/28/09, Stuart Sierra wrote:

 Hi folks,
 I finally came up with fixtures for clojure.contrib.test-is.  Now you
 can do before/after setup for each test case.  Here's the
 documentation, let me know what you think.
 -Stuart Sierra

   ;; FIXTURES (new)
   ;; Fixtures allow you to run code before and after tests, to set up
   ;; the context in which tests should be run.
   ;; A fixture is just a function that calls another function passed
   ;; an argument.  It looks like this:
   (defn my-fixture [f]
 ;; Perform setup, establish bindings, whatever.
 (f) ;; Then call the function we were passed.
 ;; Tear-down / clean-up code here.

   ;; Fixtures are attached to namespaces in one of two ways.  each
   ;; fixtures are run repeatedly, once for each test function created
   ;; with deftest or with-test.  each fixtures are useful for
   ;; establishing a consistent before/after state for each test, like
   ;; clearing out database tables.
   ;; each fixtures can be attached to the current namespace like
   (use-fixtures :each fixture1 fixture2 ...)
   ;; The fixture1, fixture2 are just functions like the example above.
   ;; They can also be anonymous functions, like this:
   (use-fixtures :each (fn [f] setup... (f) cleanup...))
   ;; The other kind of fixture, a once fixture, is only run once,
   ;; around ALL the tests in the namespace.  once fixtures are
   ;; for tasks that only need to be performed once, like establishing
   ;; database connections, or for time-consuming tasks.
   ;; Attach once fixtures to the current namespace like this:
   (use-fixtures :once fixture1 fixture2 ...)


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Re: oo

2009-03-29 Thread David Nolen
On Sun, Mar 29, 2009 at 1:25 AM, mikel wrote:

 (type (proxy [clojure.lang.IMeta clojure.lang.IRef][]))

 java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: meta (NO_SOURCE_FILE:0)
  [Thrown class clojure.lang.Compiler$CompilerException]

 No doubt someone is going to point out that the proxy object I created
 there is useless; that's true, but beside the point. The point is that
 it's straightforward to create some value v for which (type v) is
 undefined. In order to make a Clojure-friendly version of CLOS, you
 need some concept of object type such that you can define a function
 that returns a sensible type for any value.

Not totally following you here as:

(proxy [clojure.lang.IMeta clojure.lang.IRef][])

immediately throws an error. I can't think of a situation in Clojure where
the type function does not return a usable value. Let me know if I'm wrong,
but your example is not a case as far as I can tell.

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Re: What's a convenient way of calling super.method()?

2009-03-29 Thread David Nolen
Glad to be of help. To be totally honest I hadn't really tested it too much,
so I don't know ;) One obvious limitation here is that it doesn't work with
multiple inheritance (it only looks at the first item in the parents set).
 As long you're sticking with a Java-style single inheritance model this
doesn't really present much of a problem. I'll clean it up when I have some
extra time and add some test cases, provide a small readme listing
limitations, and host it on GitHub for anyone else that needs this behavior.

On Sun, Mar 29, 2009 at 8:20 AM, CuppoJava patrickli_2...@hotmail.comwrote:

 Thanks a lot for that David,
 It works perfectly for me.

 Are there any circumstances where it doesn't work? I haven't run into
 any yet, but if there are, I'll design my program around it.

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Re: Please suggest a way to learn just enough Java for Clojure

2009-03-30 Thread David Nolen
There's a few posts on the mailing list suggesting some good starting
points.  You can get far in Clojure without resorting to Java but it
definitely helps to know some if you really want to advance your knowledge
of Clojure's inner workings as well as get it to interoperate with Java

On Mon, Mar 30, 2009 at 12:41 PM, Santanu wrote:

 Hi Everybody,

 (Sorry if this post appears twice, but the first post seems to have

 I have recently downloaded Clojure and am learning it.

 As of now, I feel that to do anything substantial with Clojure, I have
 be able to know how to access the Java libraries from within Clojure.

 But the problem is, I don't know Java. I know C, some Scheme, little
 Haskell, etc. but no Java. I am not interested in Java anyway. I
 Java documentation and am trying to go through interesting looking
 functions to try and use from within Clojure. But with no knowledge of
 Java, I am having problems exploring the various functions in the Java

 Could you please suggest any Java book (and the relevant chapters)
 will teach me _just_enough_ Java so that I can understand how to use
 the Java
 library documentation effectively.

 Thanks in advance.

 Santanu Chatterjee


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Re: I need help tracking down a performance problem.

2009-03-31 Thread David Nolen
Did you try using aset-int instead of aset?

On Tue, Mar 31, 2009 at 8:25 AM, Vincent Foley wrote:

 For those interested, I managed to improve the performance of my
 original program from 2 minutes 40 seconds to decode 1000+ files down
 to 2 minutes.  I'm still far from my goal, but it's an improvement,
 especially since the code is shorter and (IMO) cleaner.  You can see
 it here:

 And here's another question, running the program with -Xprof shows
 that nearly 20% of my execution time is spent calling
 java.lang.reflect.Array.set.  Is there something wrong with the way I
 type hint my array in make-reader?



 On Mar 19, 8:12 pm, Vincent Foley wrote:
  For the past few days, I've been trying, unsuccessfully, to make an
  application I wrote faster.  A Java program that performs, more or
  less, the same task takes 12 seconds (on my machine) to parse 1000
  files; my Clojure program takes nearly 3 minutes.  This more than an
  order of magnitude slower!  Using the profiling tools available with
  the JVM, I quickly determined which function was the costliest.  I
  copied it into a simple script file to profile it in isolation.  I
  have made the script and the profile results (long!) available at this
  I'm finding the results puzzling: is dereferencing a var *that*
  expensive?  Can anyone tell me if they see something fundamentally
  wrong with my approach that would explain this abysmal performance?
  Thank you,
  P.S.: I am using Sun's JVM 1.6.0_10 as shipped in Ubuntu Ibex.  My
  machine is an Athlon 64 X2 4200+ with 3 GB of RAM.

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Re: I need help tracking down a performance problem.

2009-03-31 Thread David Nolen
Thanks to cl-format:

 [buf__2572__auto__ len__2573__auto__]
 (if (= len__2573__auto__ 1)
 (mask8 (. buf__2572__auto__ (get)))
 (let [arr__2574__auto__ (int-array len__2573__auto__)]
   [i__2575__auto__ len__2573__auto__]
  (mask8 (. buf__2572__auto__ (get)

This is the expansion for (make-reader get mask8), where were you attempting
putting the int coercion to to the mask-fn?


On Tue, Mar 31, 2009 at 11:38 AM, Vincent Foley wrote:

 I tried using aset-int and I tried using int to coerce the result of
 mask-fn, the input argument to mask-fn and few other things, but none
 of that seems to make a difference so far.  Mind you, this is an
 aspect of Clojure that I find a little confusing, so I'm just putting
 int calls here and there and looking at what happens.

 On Mar 31, 10:46 am, Christophe Grand wrote:
  Did you try to coerce the result of (~mask-fn ...) with int?
  (or use aset-int as suggested by David)
  On Tue, Mar 31, 2009 at 4:17 PM, Vincent Foley wrote:
   No, but in my defense I did not know such a function existed :)  I'll
   give it a whirl and report back!
   On Mar 31, 9:57 am, David Nolen wrote:
Did you try using aset-int instead of aset?
On Tue, Mar 31, 2009 at 8:25 AM, Vincent Foley
 For those interested, I managed to improve the performance of my
 original program from 2 minutes 40 seconds to decode 1000+ files
 to 2 minutes.  I'm still far from my goal, but it's an improvement,
 especially since the code is shorter and (IMO) cleaner.  You can
 it here:
 And here's another question, running the program with -Xprof shows
 that nearly 20% of my execution time is spent calling
 java.lang.reflect.Array.set.  Is there something wrong with the way
 type hint my array in make-reader?
 On Mar 19, 8:12 pm, Vincent Foley wrote:
  For the past few days, I've been trying, unsuccessfully, to make
  application I wrote faster.  A Java program that performs, more
  less, the same task takes 12 seconds (on my machine) to parse
  files; my Clojure program takes nearly 3 minutes.  This more than
  order of magnitude slower!  Using the profiling tools available
  the JVM, I quickly determined which function was the costliest.
  copied it into a simple script file to profile it in isolation.
  have made the script and the profile results (long!) available at
  I'm finding the results puzzling: is dereferencing a var *that*
  expensive?  Can anyone tell me if they see something
  wrong with my approach that would explain this abysmal
  Thank you,
  P.S.: I am using Sun's JVM 1.6.0_10 as shipped in Ubuntu Ibex.
  machine is an Athlon 64 X2 4200+ with 3 GB of RAM.

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Re: I need help tracking down a performance problem.

2009-03-31 Thread David Nolen
  2.1%   246 Received GC ticks
  4.3%   495 Compilation
  0.0% 2 Other VM operations
  0.0% 1 Class loader
  0.0% 2 Unknown code
 176.257 secs

 On Mar 31, 8:57 pm, David Nolen wrote:
  Thanks to cl-format:
   [buf__2572__auto__ len__2573__auto__]
   (if (= len__2573__auto__ 1)
   (mask8 (. buf__2572__auto__ (get)))
   (let [arr__2574__auto__ (int-array len__2573__auto__)]
 [i__2575__auto__ len__2573__auto__]
(mask8 (. buf__2572__auto__ (get)
  This is the expansion for (make-reader get mask8), where were you
  putting the int coercion to to the mask-fn?
  On Tue, Mar 31, 2009 at 11:38 AM, Vincent Foley
   I tried using aset-int and I tried using int to coerce the result of
   mask-fn, the input argument to mask-fn and few other things, but none
   of that seems to make a difference so far.  Mind you, this is an
   aspect of Clojure that I find a little confusing, so I'm just putting
   int calls here and there and looking at what happens.
   On Mar 31, 10:46 am, Christophe Grand wrote:
Did you try to coerce the result of (~mask-fn ...) with int?
(or use aset-int as suggested by David)
On Tue, Mar 31, 2009 at 4:17 PM, Vincent Foley
 No, but in my defense I did not know such a function existed :)
 give it a whirl and report back!
 On Mar 31, 9:57 am, David Nolen wrote:
  Did you try using aset-int instead of aset?
  On Tue, Mar 31, 2009 at 8:25 AM, Vincent Foley
   For those interested, I managed to improve the performance of
   original program from 2 minutes 40 seconds to decode 1000+
   to 2 minutes.  I'm still far from my goal, but it's an
   especially since the code is shorter and (IMO) cleaner.  You
   it here:
   And here's another question, running the program with -Xprof
   that nearly 20% of my execution time is spent calling
   java.lang.reflect.Array.set.  Is there something wrong with the
   type hint my array in make-reader?
   On Mar 19, 8:12 pm, Vincent Foley wrote:
For the past few days, I've been trying, unsuccessfully, to
application I wrote faster.  A Java program that performs,
less, the same task takes 12 seconds (on my machine) to parse
files; my Clojure program takes nearly 3 minutes.  This more
order of magnitude slower!  Using the profiling tools
the JVM, I quickly determined which function was the
copied it into a simple script file to profile it in
have made the script and the profile results (long!)
 available at
I'm finding the results puzzling: is dereferencing a var
expensive?  Can anyone tell me if they see something
wrong with my approach that would explain this abysmal
Thank you,
P.S.: I am using Sun's JVM 1.6.0_10 as shipped in Ubuntu
machine is an Athlon 64 X2 4200+ with 3 GB of RAM.

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Re: I need help tracking down a performance problem.

2009-03-31 Thread David Nolen
 15.1% 0  +  1711java.lang.reflect.Array.setInt
Is definitely pointing at the aset-int as being the time gobbler, I think
the expression in the macro should be this

(aset-int (ints arr#) i# (int (~mask-fn (. buf# (~get-fn)

to be extra safe.

On Tue, Mar 31, 2009 at 10:00 PM, Vincent Foley wrote:

 I tried it just now; it made no difference.  Nevertheless, thank you
 for you help and time!

 On Mar 31, 9:38 pm, David Nolen wrote:
  Did you try
  (int (mask8 (. buf__2572__auto__ (get
  Your macro should like this:
  (defmacro make-reader
[get-fn mask-fn]
`(fn [#^ByteBuffer buf# len#]
   (if (= len# 1)
 (~mask-fn (. buf# (~get-fn)))
 (let [#^[I arr# (int-array len#)]
   (dotimes [i# len#]
 (aset-int arr# i# (int (~mask-fn (. buf# (~get-fn))
  On Tue, Mar 31, 2009 at 9:09 PM, Vincent Foley wrote:
   I tried surrounding the call to the (. buf# (get)) method and putting
   the coercion directly inside the mask8 and mask16 functions.  Neither
   worked.  I want to mention at this point that I have *warn-on-
   reflection* set to true for the little script that uses the library
   and it doesn't report any call to methods that it can't resolve.
   Here's the complete -Xprof output, if it helps.
   Flat profile of 176.10 secs (11351 total ticks): main
Interpreted + native   Method
4.5%   511  + 0java.lang.Integer.hashCode
1.4%   160  + 0java.lang.Integer.intValue
0.8%91  + 0starcraft.replay.unpack
0.7%80  + 0clojure.lang.Numbers.int_array
0.2%25  + 0clojure.lang.PersistentVector.pushTail
0.1%15  + 2java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass1
0.1%16  + 0
0.1% 4  +11clojure.core__init.load
0.1%10  + 0clojure.lang.PersistentVector.cons
0.1% 8  + 0starcraft.replay.actions$fn__71.invoke
0.1% 8  + 0
0.1% 0  + 7java.lang.reflect.Array.setInt
0.1% 7  + 0clojure.lang.PersistentHashMap
0.1% 7  + 0clojure.lang.RestFn.invoke
0.1% 7  + 0clojure.lang.RestFn.invoke
0.1% 7  + 0starcraft.replay.unpack
0.1% 7  + 0starcraft.replay.parse
0.1% 6  + 0clojure.lang.AFn.applyToHelper
0.1% 6  + 0clojure.lang.PersistentArrayMap.assoc
0.1% 6  + 0clojure.lang.PersistentHashMap
0.0% 0  + 5java.lang.reflect.Array.newArray
0.0% 0  + 5java.lang.Class.forName0
0.0% 0  +
0.0% 5  + 0java.lang.AbstractStringBuilder.init
0.0% 5  + 0java.util.Arrays.copyOfRange
10.9%  1157  +76Total interpreted (including elided)
   Compiled + native   Method
10.4%  1183  + 1starcraft.replay.parse$fn__23$fn__49.invoke
10.0%  1123  +17starcraft.replay.unpack
9.2%  1043  + 0clojure.core$next__3096.invoke
8.9%  1014  + 0starcraft.replay.parse
5.5%   626  + 0clojure.lang.PersistentArrayMap.assoc
4.3%   474  +17clojure.lang.PersistentArrayMap.assoc
4.1%   464  + 7clojure.lang.RestFn.invoke
2.9%   333  +
2.5%   288  + 0clojure.lang.RT.seq
2.4%   269  + 0clojure.lang.AFn.applyToHelper
2.2%   249  + 0
1.8%   202  + 0clojure.core$seq__3112.invoke
1.6%   174  + 3clojure.lang.RestFn.applyTo
1.3%   140  + 2clojure.lang.APersistentMap.cons
1.2%   130  + 1clojure.core$spread__3225.invoke
1.1%   127  + 0clojure.lang.PersistentStructMap.valAt
0.8%93  + 0clojure.core$reduce__3304.invoke
0.6%66  + 2starcraft.replay.unpack
0.6%63  + 0clojure.lang.PersistentArrayMap.valAt
0.1%13  + 1clojure.core$conj__3100.invoke
0.1% 9  + 0clojure.lang.APersistentMap.invoke
0.1% 3  + 6starcraft.replay.parse
0.1% 8  + 0clojure.core$nthnext__4405.invoke
0.1% 0  +
0.0% 0  + 5clojure.lang.APersistentVector.assoc
72.3%  8126  +76Total compiled (including elided)
   Stub + native   Method
15.1% 0  +  1711

Re: - vs. comp

2009-03-31 Thread David Nolen
comp creates a new function that you can store.
- threads a value through a series of expressions.

On Wed, Apr 1, 2009 at 12:52 AM, kkw wrote:

 Hi folks,

I have some code where I wanted to:
 - take a list of stuff (which includes another list inside)
 - use 'seq-utils/flatten' to flatten the list
 - use 'interpose' to add comma-delimiting strings between the elements
 - print out the results, thereby creating comma-delimited output

I may choose between:

  (fn [x] (apply println x))
  (fn [x] (interpose ,  x))


  (- mr
((fn [x] (interpose ,  x)))
((fn [x] (apply println x

And I found the - notation marginally easier to interpret and
 understand. Apart from appearance, are there any benefits to using -
 instead of the comp function? I happily concede that there exist nicer
 ways to achieve this goal, but the question I wanted to raise
 concerned the benefits of using - vs comp or vice-versa.



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Re: Possible Solution for Left-Right Precedence and More when using Multimethods? (was re: oo)

2009-04-01 Thread David Nolen
Very cool.

On Wed, Apr 1, 2009 at 8:47 AM, Rich Hickey wrote:

 I've added get-method (SVN 1338).

 (derive ::Circle ::Shape)
 (derive ::Rect ::Shape)

 (defmulti area :Shape)

 ;note - you can name methods
 (defmethod area ::Shape area-shape [x] nil)

 (get-method area ::Rect)
 #user$area_shape__43 user$area_shape_...@674a93a6

 (defmethod area ::Rect area-rect [r]
(* (:wd r) (:ht r)))
 (defmethod area ::Circle area-circ [c]
(* (. Math PI) (* (:radius c) (:radius c

 (get-method area ::Rect)
 #user$area_rect__18 user$area_rect_...@4e42751f

 (get-method area ::Circ) ;not there

 (get-method area ::Circle)
 #user$area_circ__20 user$area_circ_...@74da0c91

 ;if you don't think squares are rectangles, you can still reuse
 implementation (silly example)
 (defmethod area ::Square area-square [sqr]
  ((get-method area ::Rect) {:wd (:dim sqr) :ht (:dim sqr)}))

 (area {:Shape ::Square :dim 20})

 Note how you can name methods for diagnostic purposes. This doesn't
 introduce names into the namespace, just puts a name on the fn object.



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Re: Array of primitives

2009-04-02 Thread David Nolen
you should look into float-array and friends.

On Fri, Apr 3, 2009 at 12:04 AM, Sean wrote:

 I'm working with AWT, and there is a method that requires a float[]
 (The java.awt.BasicStroke constructor).  Is it possible to directly
 create an array of primitives directly in Clojure, or do I need to
 create a utility class in Java?

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Re: Simple dosync/alter question

2009-04-06 Thread David Nolen
I think what you want is:
(def foo (ref 0))
(defn square [x] (* x x))
(defn square-ref [x] (dosync (ref-set foo (square x
(square-ref 2)

On Mon, Apr 6, 2009 at 3:02 PM, bgray wrote:

 I have a some what (I believe) easy question.  Could someone let me
 know what I'm doing wrong?  A simplified version of what I'm trying to
 do looks like this:

 user= (def foo (ref 0))
 user= (defn square [x] (* x x))
 user= (defn square-ref [x] (dosync (alter foo square x)))
 user= (square-ref 2)
 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Wrong number of args passed to:
 user$square (NO_SOURCE_FILE:0)
 user= (doc square)


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Re: A large Clojure deployment

2009-04-07 Thread David Nolen
Perhaps soon there should be a Projects Using Clojure section on the main

Good way to get the word out that people are using Clojure in the real


On Tue, Apr 7, 2009 at 10:47 AM, Sean wrote:

 Okay wow...  it'll take some time to fully appreciate this.

 Can you comment on your hardware stack?  How many servers are you
 using?  Is there an RDBMS in there somewhere?

 How was deployment?

 Looks awesome, thanks for sharing!

 On Apr 7, 10:41 am, Stuart Sierra wrote:
  About 4000 lines of Clojure code, 2500 of Java, powering a web site
  with well over a million pages, averaging around 10,000 visitors a
  Some of what I'm using:
  Apache Java Commons
  Most of the code is online, GPL'd, at
  -Stuart Sierra

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Re: Clojure on Google AppEngine

2009-04-07 Thread David Nolen
Very exciting, thanks for the excellent and informative writeup.

On Wed, Apr 8, 2009 at 12:41 AM, John D. Hume duelin.mark...@gmail.comwrote:

 As predicted, Google has now released Java support for AppEngine. I
 was lucky enough to get an early look, which I dedicated entirely to

 Here's a writeup:

 Have fun!


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Re: Enlive questions

2009-04-10 Thread David Nolen
This is great.  I had thought that supporting some kind of partial template
thing would be interesting, but that's actually just my poor logic at work
It seems like with the new version of Enlive I could do something like this:

(deftemplate pageA-template path
  [[:div (attr? :tiptree:replace)]] (fn [xml-node]

(deftemplate pageB-template path
  [[:div (attr? :tiptree:replace)]] (fn [xml-node]

(def pageAPartial (pageA-template))
(def pageBPartial (pageB-template))

;; the following would work only if templates allowed passing html as
strings and not just as files

(deftemplate widgetsPageA pageAPartial
  [[:div (attr? :tiptree:widget)]] (fn [xml]

(deftemplate widgetsPageB pageBPartial
  [[:div (attr? :tiptree:widget)]] (fn [xml]

(def pageA (widgetsPageA someMap))
(def pageB (widgetsPageA someMap))

Considering the above, I'm left wondering if it's possible to further
eliminate these redundancies and make templates more reusable. I'm not sure
if this is what you had in mind for Enlive, but allowing templates to be
created without references to files would make it possible to build very,
very composable interfaces.

Of course it's quite possible that you can already do this with Enlive and
I'm just unclear about how to accomplish it.


On Wed, Apr 8, 2009 at 8:06 PM, Christophe Grand christo...@cgrand.netwrote:

 Hi Tom,

 I'm sorry for this misfeature and, rejoice, it's gone from the ongoing
 redesign, there's now an explicit 'content function.
 The tildes are gone too!


 Tom Hickey a écrit :
  Hi Christophe,
  I keep running into the same problem with elements getting replaced.
  I'm trying to set the content of an element with raw html (from a
  snippet) and  unable to avoid both 1) the html getting escaped and 2)
  the element getting replaced. I can avoid one or the other, via
  escaped or text, just not both.
  I'm looking forward to see what you've got planned for the redesign,
  as I'd really like to see this feature go away.
  On Mar 20, 3:59 am, Christophe Grand wrote:
  Phil Hagelberg a écrit :
  But I did notice you have the use test-is line commented out in the
  implementation; it seems a bit unfortunate to have to uncomment that to
  run the tests and hope you remember to re-comment it before you commit.
  The last commit was during the transition to lazy-seq and test-is was
  I'll fix that.
  On Clojure:

 Professional: (fr)
 On Clojure: (en)


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Re: Enlive questions

2009-04-10 Thread David Nolen
Real quick thought:
(deftemplate-generator template-generator
  rule-vector transform-fn)

Would produce a template generator.

(def template-name (template-generator path-to-xml-or-file-or-xml-string))

Would produce a real template.

(apply str (template-name arg1 arg2 arg3))

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Re: Amb operator

2009-04-13 Thread David Nolen
Using try-catch for control flow is probably not a good idea. Shameless
plug, do you think you could get this to work with clj-cont? clj-cont is a
port I did of cl-cont. It has some limitations, but because Clojure has so
few special forms (compared to Common Lisp), it has the chance to achieve
pretty good coverage.
I'm trying to get it working with compojure and enlive for web development a
la Seaside and Weblocks- it would be interesting to see what other uses it
might have.

2009/4/10 André Ferreira

 So, I was wondering if anyone had implemented the amb operator in
 Clojure, so I decided to give it a try. This is my first Clojure
 program bigger then 5 lines, the code still needs ALOT of work, it is
 ugly as hell atm, but I think it kind of works. (Yes, I know, it's
 very easy to bug it, its just a sketch). Notice that unlike most
 continuation based amb operators, the amount of backtracking this
 implementation has to do depends on the order of the requires, not the
 amb assignments.
 If anyone wants to clear or improve the code, go ahead.
 I also would like to know how to be able to write @baker instead of
 the current (myderef baker), I tried using a proxy and implementing
 IDeref, but then I couldn't acess the amb-struct private data. Since
 Clojure doesn't have continuations I had to use a try catch block to
 do the stack unwinding, and some redundant calculations might be done
 because of it.

 Here is the code:

 (defstruct amb-struct :instance :orig :possible)

 (def amb-stack nil)
 (defn amb [choices]
  (struct-map amb-struct :instance false :orig choices  :possible

 (defn myderef [a]
  (if (:instance @a)
(:value @a)
  (set! amb-stack (cons a amb-stack))
  [oldpos (:possible @a)]
(var-set a (assoc @a
 :value (first oldpos)
 :instance true
 :possible (rest oldpos
  (:value @a

 (defn amb-require [condition]
  (if condition
  (throw (.Exception nothing)

 (defn bindnext []
  (if (empty? amb-stack)
(let [lastbind (first amb-stack)
  oldpos (:possible @lastbind)]
  (if (empty? oldpos)
  (var-set lastbind (assoc @lastbind :instance false :possible
  (set! amb-stack (rest amb-stack))
  (var-set lastbind (assoc @lastbind :value (first oldpos) :possible
 (rest oldpos)))

 (defmacro amb-let [declarations  body]
  (binding [amb-stack nil]
(loop []
  (let [retvalue#
 (do ~...@body)
 (catch Exception ~'except
  (= retvalue# 'recur) (recur)
  true retvalue#))

 (defn distinct-seq? [s]
(empty? (rest s)) true
(= (first s) (second s)) false
true (and (distinct-seq? (cons (first s) (rest (rest s
  (distinct-seq? (rest s)

 (amb-let [baker (amb [1 2 3 4 5])
  cooper (amb [1 2 3 4 5])
  fletcher (amb [1 2 3 4 5])
  miller (amb [1 2 3 4 5])
  smith (amb [1 2 3 4 5])]
  (amb-require (distinct-seq? (map myderef (list baker cooper fletcher
 miller smith
  (amb-require (not (= (myderef baker) 5)))
  (amb-require (not (= (myderef cooper) 1)))
  (amb-require (not (= (myderef fletcher) 1)))
  (amb-require (not (= (myderef fletcher) 5)))
  (amb-require ( (myderef miller) (myderef cooper)))
  (amb-require (not (= 1 (. java.lang.Math abs (- (myderef smith)
 (myderef fletcher))
  (amb-require (not (= 1 (. java.lang.Math abs (- (myderef fletcher)
 (myderef cooper))
  [['baker (myderef baker)]
   ['cooper (myderef cooper)]
   ['fletcher (myderef fletcher)]
   ['miller (myderef miller)]
   ['smith (myderef smith)]])

 Running it returns [[baker 3] [cooper 2] [fletcher 4] [miller 5]
 [smith 1]]


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Re: Amb operator

2009-04-13 Thread David Nolen
One caveat is that because this works by transforming the code into
Continuation Passing Style, it's dog slow, like 2 orders of magnitude for
regular Clojure code. This is not really much of an issue for user interface
related code (which is what I'm using it for), but unrealistic for pretty
much anything else.
However, with some quick testing I note that using Exceptions for flow
control might be even 2x slower than clj-cont.

On Mon, Apr 13, 2009 at 1:54 PM, David Nolen wrote:

 Using try-catch for control flow is probably not a good idea. Shameless
 plug, do you think you could get this to work with clj-cont? clj-cont is a
 port I did of cl-cont. It has some limitations, but because Clojure has so
 few special forms (compared to Common Lisp), it has the chance to achieve
 pretty good coverage.
 I'm trying to get it working with compojure and enlive for web development
 a la Seaside and Weblocks- it would be interesting to see what other uses it
 might have.

 2009/4/10 André Ferreira

 So, I was wondering if anyone had implemented the amb operator in
 Clojure, so I decided to give it a try. This is my first Clojure
 program bigger then 5 lines, the code still needs ALOT of work, it is
 ugly as hell atm, but I think it kind of works. (Yes, I know, it's
 very easy to bug it, its just a sketch). Notice that unlike most
 continuation based amb operators, the amount of backtracking this
 implementation has to do depends on the order of the requires, not the
 amb assignments.
 If anyone wants to clear or improve the code, go ahead.
 I also would like to know how to be able to write @baker instead of
 the current (myderef baker), I tried using a proxy and implementing
 IDeref, but then I couldn't acess the amb-struct private data. Since
 Clojure doesn't have continuations I had to use a try catch block to
 do the stack unwinding, and some redundant calculations might be done
 because of it.

 Here is the code:

 (defstruct amb-struct :instance :orig :possible)

 (def amb-stack nil)
 (defn amb [choices]
  (struct-map amb-struct :instance false :orig choices  :possible

 (defn myderef [a]
  (if (:instance @a)
(:value @a)
  (set! amb-stack (cons a amb-stack))
  [oldpos (:possible @a)]
(var-set a (assoc @a
 :value (first oldpos)
 :instance true
 :possible (rest oldpos
  (:value @a

 (defn amb-require [condition]
  (if condition
  (throw (.Exception nothing)

 (defn bindnext []
  (if (empty? amb-stack)
(let [lastbind (first amb-stack)
  oldpos (:possible @lastbind)]
  (if (empty? oldpos)
  (var-set lastbind (assoc @lastbind :instance false :possible
  (set! amb-stack (rest amb-stack))
  (var-set lastbind (assoc @lastbind :value (first oldpos)
 (rest oldpos)))

 (defmacro amb-let [declarations  body]
  (binding [amb-stack nil]
(loop []
  (let [retvalue#
 (do ~...@body)
 (catch Exception ~'except
  (= retvalue# 'recur) (recur)
  true retvalue#))

 (defn distinct-seq? [s]
(empty? (rest s)) true
(= (first s) (second s)) false
true (and (distinct-seq? (cons (first s) (rest (rest s
  (distinct-seq? (rest s)

 (amb-let [baker (amb [1 2 3 4 5])
  cooper (amb [1 2 3 4 5])
  fletcher (amb [1 2 3 4 5])
  miller (amb [1 2 3 4 5])
  smith (amb [1 2 3 4 5])]
  (amb-require (distinct-seq? (map myderef (list baker cooper fletcher
 miller smith
  (amb-require (not (= (myderef baker) 5)))
  (amb-require (not (= (myderef cooper) 1)))
  (amb-require (not (= (myderef fletcher) 1)))
  (amb-require (not (= (myderef fletcher) 5)))
  (amb-require ( (myderef miller) (myderef cooper)))
  (amb-require (not (= 1 (. java.lang.Math abs (- (myderef smith)
 (myderef fletcher))
  (amb-require (not (= 1 (. java.lang.Math abs (- (myderef fletcher)
 (myderef cooper))
  [['baker (myderef baker)]
   ['cooper (myderef cooper)]
   ['fletcher (myderef fletcher)]
   ['miller (myderef miller)]
   ['smith (myderef smith)]])

 Running it returns [[baker 3] [cooper 2] [fletcher 4] [miller 5]
 [smith 1]]


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Re: Amb operator

2009-04-13 Thread David Nolen
Wow, this is very interesting, on a MBP 2.53 JDK 1.6
;; ~2.5 seconds
(time (dotimes [_ 100]
(new Exception)))

;; ~40ms or 62X faster
 (let [exc (new Exception)]
   (dotimes [_ 100]
  (throw exc)
  (catch Exception _)

However does also means that you're throwing away the away stack trace
making debugging more difficult? It got me thinking about arbitrary flow
control, on the nested loop thread I've added my findings...

On Mon, Apr 13, 2009 at 4:24 PM, Victor Rodriguez wrote:

 On Mon, Apr 13, 2009 at 2:13 PM, David Nolen
  One caveat is that because this works by transforming the code into
  Continuation Passing Style, it's dog slow, like 2 orders of magnitude for
  regular Clojure code. This is not really much of an issue for user
  related code (which is what I'm using it for), but unrealistic for pretty
  much anything else.
  However, with some quick testing I note that using Exceptions for flow
  control might be even 2x slower than clj-cont.

 Although I have never verified this myself, reputedly it is
 constructing exceptions what is slow, not throwing or catching them.

 In other words, for the amb implementation above, it might be worth
 defining a constant exception and throwing that.  (Although I'm
 confused, I see in the code (.Exception something), shouldn't that
 be (Exception. something) instead?)


 Victor Rodrigeuz.

  On Mon, Apr 13, 2009 at 1:54 PM, David Nolen
  Using try-catch for control flow is probably not a good idea. Shameless
  plug, do you think you could get this to work with clj-cont? clj-cont is
  port I did of cl-cont. It has some limitations, but because Clojure has
  few special forms (compared to Common Lisp), it has the chance to
  pretty good coverage.
  I'm trying to get it working with compojure and enlive for web
  a la Seaside and Weblocks- it would be interesting to see what other
 uses it
  might have.
  2009/4/10 André Ferreira
  So, I was wondering if anyone had implemented the amb operator in
  Clojure, so I decided to give it a try. This is my first Clojure
  program bigger then 5 lines, the code still needs ALOT of work, it is
  ugly as hell atm, but I think it kind of works. (Yes, I know, it's
  very easy to bug it, its just a sketch). Notice that unlike most
  continuation based amb operators, the amount of backtracking this
  implementation has to do depends on the order of the requires, not the
  amb assignments.
  If anyone wants to clear or improve the code, go ahead.
  I also would like to know how to be able to write @baker instead of
  the current (myderef baker), I tried using a proxy and implementing
  IDeref, but then I couldn't acess the amb-struct private data. Since
  Clojure doesn't have continuations I had to use a try catch block to
  do the stack unwinding, and some redundant calculations might be done
  because of it.
  Here is the code:
  (defstruct amb-struct :instance :orig :possible)
  (def amb-stack nil)
  (defn amb [choices]
   (struct-map amb-struct :instance false :orig choices  :possible
  (defn myderef [a]
   (if (:instance @a)
 (:value @a)
   (set! amb-stack (cons a amb-stack))
   [oldpos (:possible @a)]
 (var-set a (assoc @a
  :value (first oldpos)
  :instance true
  :possible (rest oldpos
   (:value @a
  (defn amb-require [condition]
   (if condition
   (throw (.Exception nothing)
  (defn bindnext []
   (if (empty? amb-stack)
 (let [lastbind (first amb-stack)
   oldpos (:possible @lastbind)]
   (if (empty? oldpos)
   (var-set lastbind (assoc @lastbind :instance false :possible
   (set! amb-stack (rest amb-stack))
   (var-set lastbind (assoc @lastbind :value (first oldpos)
  (rest oldpos)))
  (defmacro amb-let [declarations  body]
   (binding [amb-stack nil]
 (loop []
   (let [retvalue#
  (do ~...@body)
  (catch Exception ~'except
   (= retvalue# 'recur) (recur)
   true retvalue#))
  (defn distinct-seq? [s]
 (empty? (rest s)) true
 (= (first s) (second s)) false
 true (and (distinct-seq? (cons (first s) (rest (rest s
   (distinct-seq? (rest s)
  (amb-let [baker (amb [1 2 3 4 5])
   cooper (amb [1 2 3 4 5])
   fletcher (amb [1 2 3 4 5])
   miller (amb [1 2 3 4 5])
   smith (amb [1 2 3 4 5])]
   (amb-require (distinct-seq? (map

Re: Nested loops

2009-04-13 Thread David Nolen
Out of simple curiosity I wondered how hard it would be to implement flow
control using proxy. I know Rich isn't hot on non-structured programming,
but there may be times where this might be useful:
(ns flow.return-from
  (:import (flow IReturnFrom)))

(defn create-return-from
  (proxy [Throwable IReturnFrom] []
(value [ args] value)))

(defmacro allow-return-from [form]
(catch ~'$IReturnFrom e#
  (.value e#

(defmacro return [value]
  `(throw (create-return-from ~value)))

(defn my-loop [count]
  (dotimes [x count]
(if (= x 5)
  (return x

;; examples

(allow-return-from (my-loop 10)) ; - 5

(dotimes [x 5]
   (dotimes [y 5]
 (if (= y 2)
   (return y)
   (println x y)

In order for the above to work you'll need to compile an interface:

;; compile with the following
;; (binding [*compile-path* /path/to/classes]
;;   (compile 'flow.return-from-interface))

(ns flow.return-from-interface)

 :methods [[value [] Object]])

Pretty cool.

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Re: Javascript generator

2009-04-13 Thread David Nolen
Do you have any plans for continuing to support this? If so are you against
putting this on GitHub or Google Code so that people can follow it's
Thanks for contributing it to the community.

On Wed, Feb 25, 2009 at 7:49 PM, jim wrote:

 I've just uploaded a javascript generator ala Parenscript.  It's
 pretty half-baked, so be cautious using it until we get the bugs
 ironed out.

 The code for the generator is about 250 lines.  It depends on the mini-
 kanren implementation I just uploaded.  The file also includes a bunch
 of unit tests of the various functions.  At the bottom, there are some
 examples of javascript functions being generated.

 Bug reports very much appreciated.


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Re: Javascript generator

2009-04-13 Thread David Nolen
One thing, there are several assertions in js-gen like the following:
(assert (= '(obj = {prop2:\str-val\,prop1:3})
   (run out-str
(js-assignment '(= obj {prop1 3, prop2 str-val}) out-str

This assertion statement might fail (and did for me) since maps are not

On Tue, Apr 14, 2009 at 1:19 AM, David Nolen wrote:

 Do you have any plans for continuing to support this? If so are you against
 putting this on GitHub or Google Code so that people can follow it's
 Thanks for contributing it to the community.

 On Wed, Feb 25, 2009 at 7:49 PM, jim wrote:

 I've just uploaded a javascript generator ala Parenscript.  It's
 pretty half-baked, so be cautious using it until we get the bugs
 ironed out.

 The code for the generator is about 250 lines.  It depends on the mini-
 kanren implementation I just uploaded.  The file also includes a bunch
 of unit tests of the various functions.  At the bottom, there are some
 examples of javascript functions being generated.

 Bug reports very much appreciated.


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Re: Javascript generator

2009-04-14 Thread David Nolen
Cool! Rather then waiting, you could host it in the interim on GitHub or
Google Code so people like myself can submit patches (which I'm more than
willing to do) ;) Just a thought...
A couple of things:

 (javascript (var x)))

I would expect this to convert to:

var x;

It does not.

 (javascript (new Object {prop1 a prop2 b})))
 var MyClass = new(ClassGenerator, {prop1:a,prop2:b});

Instead of ,

var MyClass = new ClassGenerator({prop1:a, prop2:b});

This idiom is essential to MooTools, a JS library I use quite a bit.

The other thought that I had was how to use macros with js-gen? The
javascript macro pretty much captures everything and doesn't allow macros to
be embedded. Seems like this would be quite handy.

I've been contemplating writing a system which generates tagged javascript
so that it can be sanely debugged if generated server side via Clojure.

On Tue, Apr 14, 2009 at 9:07 AM, jim wrote:

 I'll be glad to support it if people choose to use it and report
 issues. My plans to use are still on my todo list, things just keep
 getting put on top of them. One of which is to get my own server set
 up to host this and some other projects.

 I'll check out those asserts and make them so they're not dependent on
 order.  Have you seen anything else that needs to be fixed?


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Re: Javascript generator

2009-04-14 Thread David Nolen
Cool! Rather then waiting, you could host it in the interim on GitHub or
Google Code so people like myself can submit patches (which I'm more than
willing to do) ;) Just a thought...
A couple of things:

 (javascript (var x)))

I would expect this to convert to:

var x;

It does not.

 (javascript (new Object {prop1 a prop2 b})))
 var MyClass = new(ClassGenerator, {prop1:a,prop2:b});

Instead of ,

var MyClass = new ClassGenerator({prop1:a, prop2:b});

This idiom is essential to MooTools, a JS library I use quite a bit.

The other thought that I had was how to use macros with js-gen? The
javascript macro pretty much captures everything and doesn't allow macros to
be embedded. Seems like this would be quite handy.

I've been contemplating writing a system which generates tagged javascript
so that it can be sanely debugged if generated server side via Clojure.

On Tue, Apr 14, 2009 at 9:07 AM, jim wrote:

 I'll be glad to support it if people choose to use it and report
 issues. My plans to use are still on my todo list, things just keep
 getting put on top of them. One of which is to get my own server set
 up to host this and some other projects.

 I'll check out those asserts and make them so they're not dependent on
 order.  Have you seen anything else that needs to be fixed?


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Re: [Discuss] Contribs with dependencies

2009-04-14 Thread David Nolen
Joda Time, Colt, Fork/Join seem like projects that truly add something to
Clojure. These are projects which solve problems that developers have come
to expect from their respective language.
Joda Time - sane date/time (really useful when building web services).
Colt - enough people want to do graphics related projects (and have done)
that built in support for matrix math would be really great.
fork/join - not my expertise, but again a lot of posts about parallel

On Tue, Apr 14, 2009 at 8:19 AM, Rich Hickey wrote:

 I've been thinking recently about contribs with dependencies.

 I think it's very important to have layers - e.g. core depends only on
 JDK 1.5, contrib only on core. Lately there have been some ideas
 centering around Joda Time, [Parallel]Colt, AWS, JFreeChart, Fork/Join

 I'd like to start a discussion about how best to support the
 contributions of libraries that depend on things not in the JDK.

 Obviously, without care and rules it could get crazy quickly, and I
 want to avoid the kitchen-sink effect. It is very important that
 things remain [truly, not just apparently] simple.

 Looking for suggestions,



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Re: [Discuss] Contribs with dependencies

2009-04-14 Thread David Nolen
Ooops didn't finish that thought. But my point was that I think some of the
libraries in consideration stand apart in terms of convenience vs. actual
Not so sure about how to deploy this stuff ;) Stuart's ideas seems
reasonable, though again, Clojure already includes some external source
(compiler stuff), perhaps some of these things should be included in core if

Some of the libraries really save development resources by not reinventing
the wheel, and having them delivered in some way with Clojure means that
newcomers don't have to make the same mistakes over and over again (writing
matrix math Clojure apps on top of Clojure vectors...)

On Tue, Apr 14, 2009 at 11:01 AM, David Nolen

 Joda Time, Colt, Fork/Join seem like projects that truly add something to
 Clojure. These are projects which solve problems that developers have come
 to expect from their respective language.
 Joda Time - sane date/time (really useful when building web services).
 Colt - enough people want to do graphics related projects (and have done)
 that built in support for matrix math would be really great.
 fork/join - not my expertise, but again a lot of posts about parallel

 On Tue, Apr 14, 2009 at 8:19 AM, Rich Hickey wrote:

 I've been thinking recently about contribs with dependencies.

 I think it's very important to have layers - e.g. core depends only on
 JDK 1.5, contrib only on core. Lately there have been some ideas
 centering around Joda Time, [Parallel]Colt, AWS, JFreeChart, Fork/Join

 I'd like to start a discussion about how best to support the
 contributions of libraries that depend on things not in the JDK.

 Obviously, without care and rules it could get crazy quickly, and I
 want to avoid the kitchen-sink effect. It is very important that
 things remain [truly, not just apparently] simple.

 Looking for suggestions,



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