Possible bug ?

2002-05-03 Thread Hunsberger, Peter

Just to follow up with this, it appears this a bit of a bug with C2.  I
don't know why the normal Cocoon sitemap wasn't working, but for my sitemap
it was a case of a little too much cutting when I cut and pasted the
sitemap:  I was missing the pipeline tags.  The questionable behavior is
that Cocoon happily parsed the sitemap giving no errors and also ran the
matchers reporting everything as normal in the logs...

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Detecting change on XML included with document() to reset cache?

2002-05-21 Thread Hunsberger, Peter

Using Cocoon 2.0.2 Tomcat 4.0.4b JBoss 2.4.4 JRE 1.4.0

I have a straight forward sub-site that invokes a simple 1 stage XML to HTML
pipeline.  The main xml target of the pipeline is just a list of the real
xml files that are to be processed, eg:


The style sheet uses the XSLT document() function to process these files.
The problem is that usually only the referenced files are updated, the main
xml and xsl are mostly static.  As a result Cocoon never sees the changes
and never clears the cache.  Is there a simple way to tell Cocoon to check
the referenced files?  

I realize I could restructure this to have a Cocoon pipeline aggregate the
files and process them.  However, that approach has two problems: 1) the
current method is portable to any XSLT engine; 2) the XML file that
determines the included files is visible to the users for when an occasional
update is required.  I don't want to expose the sitemap to the users due to
security/integrity and training issues.

Peter Hunsberger

Phone: 901-495-5252

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RE: Detecting change on XML included with document() to reset cache?

2002-05-21 Thread Hunsberger, Peter

 With care you may be able to do this in a portable way though not with the
 document function.  The problem I see with asking the file generator to
 check dependencies is the overhead of parsing the entire document on every

That's a reasonable idea; one could code the xsl to pick up a parameter from
cocoon to alternate behavior between using document() and cinclude.  Not
completely clean, but not too horrible.

It turns out that using an aggregate in a pipeline requires only two trivial
changes to the style sheet, so I can code the stylesheet in a portable
manner (ie; again an xsl:choose on a passed parameter when using Cocoon).
However, I still have the security/integrity of the sitemap issue. I could
get around this by building a application to maintain the sitemap but that's
obviously a tad bit of work. Alternately, if one could specify an external
file for an map:aggregate that would solve the security/integrity issue; eg:

map:aggregate element=list src=data/list.xml/

If I can't get that, what I'd like is a way to tell a caching generator to
check some other file list (or generator for that matter) for currency, eg:

   map:generate ...
map:cache-currency-listfile1, file2, .../cache-currency-list
map:cache-currency-generator type=generator-name/

In the first case a simple hash map of timestamps on the files would work,
in the 2nd case some timestamp passed back from some standard method in the
generator interface would do the trick, it wouldn't even have to be a
timestamp: if the returned string changes from call to call invalidate the
cache.  It seems to me that this might also help simplify implementation of
some of the other cache control mechanisms that have been floating around
the list in the last couple of weeks. (And, no, I'm sorry, I don't currently
have time to write the code.)  

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RE: pls confirm: cocoon won't work on OSX

2002-05-28 Thread Hunsberger, Peter

 I've tried the following:

 Tomcat 4.0.1 w/ cocoon 2.0
 Tomcat 4.0.1 w/ cocoon 2.0.2
 Tomcat 4.0.4b1 w/ cocoon 2.0
 Jetty 4 w/ cocoon 2.0
 Tomcat 4.0.4b1 w/ cocoon 1.8

Um, you might try Tomcat 4.0.4b1 with Cocoon 2.0.2 

We run it on Win 2K with the 1.4 JDK...

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RE: Cocoon vs J2ee performance

2002-06-04 Thread Hunsberger, Peter

 I needed the opinion of the house whether Cocoon is a fit for mission
 critical operations where speed is of top priority in comparison with
 JSP-Servlet-HTML architecture, using a servlet container only as in
 J2ee,(with or without ejb's).

You are going to have to qualify your requirements a little better than

Is a formula one race car faster than a school bus? Yes.  Will a formula one
race car transport 40 school children from point A to point B faster than a
school bus? Probably not...  

Will JSP-Servlet-HTML render a single simple HTML page faster than Cocoon?
Yes.  Will JSP-Servlet-HTML render 40 complex variations on a common theme
faster than Cocoon? Probably not... 

My guiding principle is to always remember that people costs go up year over
year and hardware costs go down year over year.  As a result I never attempt
to solve something with complex programming that can be solved just as well
by simple programming and throwing more hardware at it.  From my
experimentation I believe that if you need to deliver lots of variations on
something (a single page, different languages, output customized to a
particular device, in some cases different database results) then Cocoon
will probably have lower overall costs that a JSP-Servlet-HTML architecture
in the long run.  

Finally, remember that you can use EJBs with Cocoon.  They should not be
part of your comparison.

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RE: Logging and Form Validation

2002-06-07 Thread Hunsberger, Peter

 This is a major
 sticking point for my developers that like and are comfortable with jsp
 with javascript embedded.
 They want to keep it at the client and I am trying to build a case for the
 server through cocoon.

IMNSHO, the only way you can justify client side validation is if you are
running an Intranet and you have an organization that somehow restricts the
users capability to modify browsers settings so that you can ensure
JavaScript is enabled.  Otherwise, you can receive unvalidated data...  

If you're running over the Internet it's fine to use client side validation
in addition to server side if you want to have some extra performance
benefits for those who have JavaScript enabled.  However, who wants to
maintain both?  

Even if you have an Intranet and locked down browser settings, client side
validation can be a real pain to maintain over time.  In particular, there
is (usually) no good coupling between the validation and the rest of the
server side code.  The exception is if you generate your client side
validation code from server side templates.  That's quite possible, but I
suspect that once you developers jump through the hoops of embedding
JavaScript within  XML ( lot's of escaping and/or CDATA) they won't object
to server side validation nearly so much...

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RE: Logging and Form Validation

2002-06-07 Thread Hunsberger, Peter

 So how would I accomplish this with Cocoon.  Could I just create a
 component for doing that validation and treat it as a self contained pipe?

I suspect our case won't apply to you: we drive validation out of the
database through some EJB's using XML templates that describe what
validation rules to pick up.  We also have a requirement to ensure that our
validators can work with frameworks other than Cocoon without a lot of work.

However, if you look at the validation examples that come with Cocoon you
should probably get several ideas on ways to proceed.  

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RE: Logging and Form Validation

2002-06-07 Thread Hunsberger, Peter

 I beg to differ. The most part of validation is a trivial matter (minimum
 lenght of fields, bounds checking, ...) and this should, in my eyes, be
 on the client: max performance, min hassles for the user (errors are
 interactivaley corrected).

It's not the complexity of the validation that's at issue.  The real

Excuse the shouting, but unless you address this issue nothing else

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RE: Logging and Form Validation

2002-06-07 Thread Hunsberger, Peter

 (remember, you still must have validation on the backend)

Precisely my original point: since you have to write the server side
validation anyway, do you really want to write both client and server side
validation?  I only do so if there is a real performance penalty with the
page validation/regeneration on the server side...

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RE: Logging and Form Validation

2002-06-07 Thread Hunsberger, Peter

 How about
 input type=button onclick=submitTheForm() value=Go/

Guaranteed to produce lots and lots of calls to the help desk, or perhaps
just people that don't use your site (particularly attractive for someone
running an e-commerce site).  

The fact of the matter is that some of your average users have heard that
Javascript is dangerous and opens them up to viruses, worms, etc.  As a
result, for a web site that must work on the general Internet, it is not
only unfriendly, but down right myopic, to require that the end user have
JavaScript enabled.

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RE: Logging and Form Validation

2002-06-07 Thread Hunsberger, Peter

 wait: how many users out there are without JavaScript support ?
 Not many I think, and I have yet to find a customer of mine saying it has
 to work on *every* browser, usually they say IE 5.x, IE 6.x... maybe
 Netscape 6.x... possibly Opera 5 and that's it.

I've done three e-commerce sites.  The numbers vary for each site, but there
is always a trickle of users who do not have JavaScript.  I've never
bothered to check the numbers on other sites, but I'd guess the results to
be the same (many of the others don't have forms validation to worry about).

 I won't write both validations, I don't simply cater to people wihout
 Javascript... and I wonder how many developers pay attention to those
 unlucky fellows.

If you really care about your public then you pay attention to such

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RE: Logging and Form Validation

2002-06-07 Thread Hunsberger, Peter

 Well... you are making a very general statement.

Yes, the original start of this conversation qualified when you don't need
to worry about JavaScript being enabled...

I don't have a problem with people requiring JavaScript; they just need to
understand the consequences;  if they are writing for the general Internet
population they should always make sure the site works both ways...

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RE: Session transformer and namespaces

2002-06-13 Thread Hunsberger, Peter

 creates the following invalid XML output (there are multiple xmlns
attributes on the 'root' element):
 ?xml version=1.0 encoding=UTF-8?
   root xmlns=http://cocoon.apache.org/session/1.0;

Umm, the XML might not be what you want, but it's not illegal;  an element
can have multiple namespaces

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RE: Giving up! Cocoon too big, slow and confusing

2002-06-27 Thread Hunsberger, Peter

 After just a few hours of poking around I have decided that it will be 
 much simpler for me to simply hand-code a whole hat-full of servlets 
 than to try and pull any meaning out of Cocoon and it's documentation.


it took me almost 2 weeks to go from 0 to 60 using Tomcat, JBoss, and Cocoon
(with the 1.4 SDK complicating matters), our previous environment was IIS
and Websphere.  Having built many servlet based systems I can tell you that
the learning curve was worth it.  

The servlet based version of our current system took over 4 person years to
build and has about half as much functionality as what we are currently
aiming for with the Cocoon based system in about twice as much code.  A
complete rewrite using Cocoon was simpler than extending the current system.
Cocoon has already shaved probably 6 person months or more off of what would
otherwise have been a 2.5 person year project (4 people on the current
project, 6 on the original version).

Yes things are disorganized at the moment, but the solution is simple: don't
try and understand everything up front.  Instead, take it one step at a time
and research each gotcha with the multitude of resources that are available
(the mail list archive and Google are your friends).  Subscribe to the
mailing list and watch the messages go by.  By the time you get to the point
where you need a certain feature there will most likely have been enough
discussion on the mailing list that you already know what to look for.

Of course your mileage may vary, if you're trying to build a couple of
simple web pages with no requirement for reusability or multiple data
transforms then the learning curve may not save you anything (this time

But then again, I always preferred VM over MVS...:-)

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RE: SourceWritingTransformer sample (disregard previous post Serializer that writes to file)

2002-07-10 Thread Hunsberger, Peter

 Also, what if I don't want the final output sent over the wire.how
 would I stop output from going to the requesting browser?  

Writing a null (do nothing) serializer would be pretty easy... :-)

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RE: Java packages

2002-07-16 Thread Hunsberger, Peter

  Now, yes, I could create subdirs in cocoon/WEB-INF/classes or create
 separate jars for each in the libs, and have my apps each include their

The other possibility is deploying Cocoon multiple times as different EARs,
once for each application.  That way if one application needs some
features of a particular Cocoon release that breaks other things you're
still fine.

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RE: creating pipeline output for XML File viewable with IE browser

2002-07-16 Thread Hunsberger, Peter

 I was having difficulty constructing a map entry that will display XML 
 output within the IE browser.  

It sounds like you have two separate problems:

 In which I receive a cocoon error message 
 within Tomcat 4.0.1 web server.

What's the error message?

 In which I have the following in a sitemap file:

  map:match pattern=testXMLOutput
  map:generate src=test.xml/
  map:transform src=test.xsl/
  map:serialize type=html/

should be type=xml if you are outputting XML, but this should just cause
the results not to display as you expect and not cause a Cocoon error...


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return nodeset from action?

2002-07-18 Thread Hunsberger, Peter

Is it possible to return a parameter containing a NodeSet from a Cocoon
action?  If I was running an Xalan based servlet I could call a transform
with a parameter that was in fact an org.apache.xpath.NodeSet.  I'd like to
do the equivalent in Cocoon.  If I just do this directly Cocoon appears to
wrap the results as a String before passing it on to the transformer?

In my action I use code like:

map.put( msgs, (NodeSet)myobject.getMsgs() );

where the getMsgs method returns a nodeset of 1 or more nodes that I'd then
like to reference inside an XSLT.  When I reference the parameter in my XSLT
(using xsl:copy-of select=$msgs) I get 
indicating that the Nodeset has been converted to a String at some point
before I'm referencing it. The site map looks like:

map:act set=test
map:generate src=templates/test.xml/
map:transform src=stylesheets/resolve.xsl
   map:parameter name=msgs value={msgs}/
map:serialize type=xml/

I suspect the problem is passing the parameter back via the sitemap.
However, if I don't do this I don't see the parameter in the XSLT at all.
I'd guess there is some magic parameter that tells Cocoon to pass the
parameters from the action map back to the transform as parameters?  Testing
   map:parameter name=parameters value=true/
   map:parameter name=use-request-parameters value=true/
as parameters to the map:transform did not give the desired results...
Looking at the source doesn't reveal any particular magic to handle this.
My action just extends abstract action, but I don't see any other action
that would yield any other results?

Failing this capability, how else does one return structured data from an
action to a XSLT? (We do not want to use XSP's for this particular set of

I'm running Cocoon 2.0.3 (thanks for the many fixes and improvements :-)
with Tomcat 4.0.4 / JBoss 2.4.4 and JDK 1.4

Peter Hunsberger

Phone: 901-495-5252

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RE: return nodeset from action?

2002-07-18 Thread Hunsberger, Peter

 Is it possible to return a parameter containing a NodeSet from a

 Not via sitemap. Request or session attributes will do.

I was afraid of that.  


 I suspect the problem is passing the parameter back via the sitemap.

See http://nagoya.apache.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=9916

The bug has my vote (2 of them!)  I think choice #3 is probably the way to
go (either a or b).  I was somewhat expecting I might have to do this.  I'll
look at seeing if I can pop the necessary data into the request and then get
at it from the XSLT, but if it doesn't I may start to dig through this fix

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RE: Form validator action question

2002-08-01 Thread Hunsberger, Peter

 I can't process my xsl again (not the same request parameters returned by
 form validator action).

Umm, you can always arrange to pass the request parameters back for a 2nd
pass; there's no reason the validator can't return the original parameters
if there is a validation error...

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RE: sexy open source

2002-08-14 Thread Hunsberger, Peter
Title: Message

could certainly argue that DB2 is as sexy or sexier than Oracle; the fact that 
Oracle 8 lacks true outer joinmakes it down right ugly if you ask me... In 
any case, my real reason for responding is to say that I would consider jBoss 
"sexy" anyone that's had to do a manual EJB deploy using something other than 
JBoss is likely to agree...

  -Original Message-From: Argyn Kuketayev 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]Sent: Wednesday, August 14, 
  2002 8:11 AMTo: '[EMAIL PROTECTED]'Subject: 
  RE: sexy open source
  was "sexy open source". I don't think that there's "sexy open source" RDBMS 
  comparing to Oracle, or even MS SQL Server.
  Apache is sexy, comparing to IIS indeed. 
  business doesn't care about opennes as much as about performance and 
  Cocoon is sexy too, btw
  jBoss is not.
-Original Message-From: Manos Batsis 
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]Sent: Wednesday, August 14, 2002 9:09 
AMTo: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: RE: sexy 
open source

the subject says "open source".

I don't 
think there is a point in arguing about what sucks and what doesn't, so I 
just won't.


  -Original Message-From: Argyn 
  Kuketayev [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Sent: Wednesday, 
  August 14, 2002 4:05 PMTo: 
  '[EMAIL PROTECTED]'Subject: RE: sexy open 
  RDBMS must be Oracle. no other options, imho. 
  cost is not a problem. it's negligeable comparing to the 
  cost of one DBA. while at the same time performance and other features of 
  Oracle are far better than anything.
   4) Business Logic Persistence  Proposal: Firebird RDBMS as JBoss service 
  jBoss sucks, imho. 

RE: sexy open source

2002-08-14 Thread Hunsberger, Peter

 I don't care for JBoss that much but would like to
 have J2EE for business logic scalability. My BIG
 Please, give us your secrets!

Didn't I just answer this?  Nothing special is required: define your EJB's
to jBoss as normal. Deploy the EJBs along with the Cocoon servlet as part of
an ear through jBoss.  The Cocoon code can then see anything in the EJB jar.
We mostly use proxy code to wrap the EJB references, but you could call them
directly from your code.  

We do cache our EJB references using code like:

 Foo foo = (Foo)EJBUtil.getFooBLHome().create().getFoo(fData);

Where EJBUtil has code like:

public static FooBLHome getFooBLHome()
   throws BackEndException {
  try {
  } catch (NamingException e) {
 throw new BackEndException(e.getMessage());

and ResourceFactory is just a singleton that keeps a hash map of the
references.  No need to jump through these hoops if you're not pounding on
the EJB references a lot...

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RE: sexy open source

2002-08-14 Thread Hunsberger, Peter

 a) Did you ever try to migrate to JBoss 3x?

JBoss 3 was still alpha when we started this release cycle.  Jan./Feb. will
be our first chance to consider using it.

 b) Do you have to write the proxies for every EJB
 manually or is there automatized solution?

We manually write the code. 90% of the time it's just thin layer wrappers,
but every once in a while there is some other encapsulation.  In particular,
polymorphic methods that all populate the same data class for retrieval but
in different ways.  There are some philosophical differences on how pure a
proxy should be. Personally, I don't have a problem with a proxy
interpreting my intentions with a slightly different implementation then I
may be aware of.  For me, that's one of the benefits of using a proxy.

 b) Are you able to use load balancing and other
 administration of JBoss fully with no negatives on
 running system?

Pretty much so.  However, currently all production deployments are still on
Websphere with scheduled down time.  This will change once the current
release makes it to production, but so far there are no plans to build a hot
fail over environment.

 d) Do the efforts with J2EE pay off really better
 performance and manageability against simple Tomcat
 approach according your experience?

Architectures are based on business needs.  (If you'd like to pay me to
analyze your business requirements and determine the appropriate
architecture for your needs I might be open to offers...)  For our case the
business requirements don't necessarily dictate a J2EE architecture and the
learning curve was sufficiently long that knowing what we know now we might
not have done it.  However, having climbed the learning curve there is
definitely no reason to go back.

 e) Do you use JBoss in any custom or standarized means
 also for authentification and authorisation for Cocoon
 resources or would it be too complicated to implement?

We're doing custom authentication.  We've looked at realm based
authentication but we have a complex security model in a complex application
and so far there hasn't been a good fit.

 f) Would you be so nice to post some (almost out of
 the box) working demo illustrating your application

Sorry, I can't do that.  The application is a) proprietary, and b) still
under development.  There are over 500 Java classes, over 10 generic XSLT
and a highly abstracted, highly normalized schema covering some 50 tables.
The architecture document is over 200 pages and would barely get down to the
level of detail that you want...  There is no preset workflow within the
application (it's a generic application for capturing the results of
Clinical Trials), 

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RE: sexy open source

2002-08-14 Thread Hunsberger, Peter

 So far, every time I hear someone talk about using EJB's and cocoon, the
 topic gets bundled with deploying cocoon in the appserver itself, which
 you to one front end machine and causes all of your display logic (cocoon)
 to run on the same disks and cpus as your ejb logic.  Is no one using
 on a remote (conceptually remote, even if it's on the same machine for
 server from within cocoon?  Seems to me that a powerful set up is

Assuming you had your JNDI service running correctly the only issue would be
packaging up the data classes and the interfaces for Cocoon. That could be a
bit of a pain if you had a lot of EJB's and had to manually code the build
script to package up the right pieces, but if you're careful with your
naming conventions you could probably automate that pretty quickly (for
every class that has a Home or Bean suffix you know there's a
corresponding class that doesn't have the Home suffix that is the class
you want to bundle up for Cocoon). Haven't needed to do this yet, but could
be doing so sometime this fall.

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RE: sexy open source

2002-08-15 Thread Hunsberger, Peter

 Honestly, I went through stjude.org, nice idea, but if
 you'd decipher my nick, I'm quite uncomfortable with
 basic research exploiting animals with little or no
 actual use at all for all those unfortunate children -
 probably dictated by industry-driven NCI and others. I
 hope you work to catalogize only really valuable
 clinical research e.g. non-invasive statistical
 environment observation to help to discover most
 valuable prevention possibilities. Worth a quarrel
 between us...
 Moreover, I'm (fortunatelly) not the one giving money
 out here. Nevertheless, although miles away, you are
 looking like to be a suitable consultant for us with
 enough spare time. Wait till I discuss your possible
 involvement with those sitting on cash, then I'll
 contact you directly. Quick but informed expertise is

I realize this is very far off topic, but this is important so please bear
with me: I think you may have misinterpreted what St. Jude does.  It is the
leading institution in the world for research into Childhood diseases.
Everyone that is treated here is treated regardless of their ability to pay,
often for free.  If you ever get a chance to see a 3 year old kid with
operational scars all over their head, attached to an chemo IV drip looking
as happy as can be because they've had just one more month to live you will
never, ever, again feel sorry for the sacrifice of some animal in the name
of clinical research.  Most of these kids would not have a chance to live at
all if it where not for St. Jude; we are now tracking 30 year survivors.
Basic research is critical to the 1000's of children that we treat each
year.  Yes many animals may die in related experiments.  They will do so
painlessly and humanely.  Many children will also die because we have not
yet figured out how to save them. The clinical research is invasive, dirty,
hands on real life medical research; that's the way lives are saved.

 Going on 

Yes please... [snip]

 You mean J2EE was too big calibre for your
 requirements but after you got into it, you wanted not
 to give up on possible features? 

In this particular case we probably won't have to scale to the point that we
really need most J2EE features for another year or so.  We could have held
off on the J2EE learning curve until the rest of the application was more
mature and stable. In particular, when you realize that many of our
developers are contract and that they will have moved on by the time we
really need the J2EE features.  We paid to educate them on something we
didn't necessarily need at the time.  OTOH, we did get a core group of
developers up the learning curve and we now have a running J2EE system to
eliminate most of the learning curve for new developers.

 Accepted. Seems like solutions implemented in Cocoon
 are, at this stage of Cocoon in general, hardly
 universal enough to be taken over (even in part) by
 another business models. That's the deal, I think.
 Cocoon is easy to customize, but then it is hard to
 find reusable patterns, till some next evolution

I'm slowly starting to see a generalized architecture fall out of the work
we do.  It's rather different from what seems to be a main thrust of Cocoon
(XSP), and it may be worth outlining:

1) exploit the ability of Cocoon to chain transformations together and
separate transformations into separate passes of object assembly and output

2) separate and encapsulate the differing concerns of handling the
application work flow into well defined XML: request parameters; application
information (session level); object metadata specific to the current
context; object data specific to the current instance.  Use aggregation
(conceptually within a single generator, or explicitly within the sitemap,
exploiting caching) to combine these for the object assembly pass.

3) resolve (using XSLT) the combined application state data, session state
data, request state data, object meta-data and object data based on the
users current authorization into an abstract object tree populated with all
information required to generate any output.

4) render the object tree to the currently required output format.

This architecture exploits the functional programming model of XSLT and uses
meta-data to essentially create rules about how to resolve and render the
current object tree.  If you get functional programming you will see that
this keeps the basic processing model pretty simple and eliminates
non-standard processing extensions (read XSP) from the flow.  If you get
stuck on procedural approaches and can't see how you'd ever give up your
logic sheets you'll be missing much of the power of XML and XSLT in my

We didn't start out with architected XML for each of these concerns and so
hadn't thought about when and how to persist each of these pieces of
information in a standard way.  By instead 

RE: DOMStreamer oddity

2002-08-30 Thread Hunsberger, Peter

 Any ideas why things would act differently in these two scenarios, given 
 the fact that the input is apparently identical.

Namespaces on one version of the XML and not on the other? (Perhaps only on
the root element).

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RE: Pattern wildcards meaning

2002-09-02 Thread Hunsberger, Peter

 Samples provided with Cocoon dist. use path-like style to parameterize 
 patterns, e.g.
 map:match pattern=*/*
 where, for instance, in sitemap administrator mind, 1st * is meaning
 #1 and 2nd * source #2 (these wildcards beeing use to aggregate two 
 Why not use a more verbose pattern like:
 map:match pattern=aggregate[source1=*][source2=*]
 using an XPath predicate-like style?
 This way, you don't need to comment the pattern and everybody can
 understand it.

Having not looked at the source URL this, off hand, strikes me as a bad
idea; it exposes the (presumed) implementation of the URL to those calling
it.  What happens if the implementation changes from using an aggregation to
using a named source and a named stylesheet?  Does everyone have to go back
and change all the calling URLs (or do you just live with URLs that have
nothing to do with reality)?  

IMO, abstraction is a good idea when building web links.  A specific
implementation should be commented so those who need to know can understand
how the implementation works, but everyday users should have such details
hidden from them.  I suspect, in this case, some of my comments may not
apply, the calling URL may specifically name the source files as XML, but
even then, I wouldn't necessarily want to expose any more about the
implementation than I have to.

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Invoking Cocoon actions via JavaScript

2002-09-18 Thread Hunsberger, Peter

One of our developers has run into an issue that I can't see an easy
solution to.  However, I also can't believe that no one else has run into
the problem.

We have a form where we are using IE 5.5 (and above) DHTML to enable drop
and drag editing to reorder fields.  As the result of a drop, we determine
some positional values, place these values into the form and then attempt to
submit the form to the server where the values will be placed in a database.
In order to submit the form, the JavaScript code has to invoke the proper
HTML action for the form, which is named using the Cocoon standard
cocoon-action- format.  Since JavaScript attempts to resolve the
action name as an JavaScript object it eventually turns a string of this
format into three object names separated by  two minus signs and
subsequently blows up trying to subtract non-existent JavaScript objects
from each other.

One obvious fix would be to change Cocoon to not use - in the action
names. Given that this would break just about every Cocoon implementation in
the world I'm hoping that someone has run into this before and found a work
around on the JavaScript side of the world?

Peter Hunsberger

Phone: 901-495-5252

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RE: web app design

2002-09-20 Thread Hunsberger, Peter

 Related to cocoon it seems I need to do all this through generators or
 actions ( I think), but It not seems the proper way because all my
 process will occurs out of SAX streams or related process (or I don't
 understand how to do it). Only in the load process my components will need
 to read some specific xml data for their configuration and initialization

 Also I will need my components make use of session management, caching,
 scheduling DB access and i18n ... should it manage it directly with java?
 cocoon? and/or avalon components?


choosing a good application architecture even using just Cocoon can be
difficult, never mind adding Avalon components to the mix.  I think you need
to tell us some of the performance criteria: how many users max?  what kind
of data set sizes?  how many transactions per second, minute or hour
(whichever is relevant)?  The other thing that helps in this decision is
knowing how dynamic the data is and where it is sourced:  is every page
built dynamically, or are pages mostly static?  Is the data all XML, is some
of it relational DB, or does some come from other systems via EJBs?

If the answer is that performance scaling is not an issue and the data is
all XML and every page is dynamic then a pure Cocoon solution would make
sense.  If the answer is that performance is going to be a big problem, the
data comes from SJBs and everything is dynamic then pure Avalon components
might make sense.  If everything is static then just Apache might make

If you go with a pure Cocoon or mostly Cocoon implementation then I would
push for a design centered around implementing business rules via XML and
XSLT separated from data presentation (also based on XML and XSLT).  This
exploits the functional programming design of XSLT and minimizes procedural
logic coding.  This can be a hard thing to understand but is extremely
powerful and flexible if you take the time to learn how to do it (a
knowledge of LISP, Prologue and/or Haskell might help).  In such a design
you extract all business rules and all data as XML from various sources and
use the business rule data to first transform the data according to the
business rules (your interface contract) and then transform the data in a
second pass as needed for presentation.  If everything is dynamic you need
to also code metadata to determine what real data must be extracted. This
eliminates the need for logic-sheets and taglibs, using XSLT to filter the
XML instead.  You do end up coding Cocoon generators and actions to
implement such a design, but they are mostly trivial; they create the XML
and pass on or filter http response data as more XML for subsequent
processing steps.

If you're interested in pursuing this approach give me a reply back and I
can likely dig up some old threads in the archives on the topic.

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RE: web app design

2002-09-20 Thread Hunsberger, Peter

 My webapp is a vertical app on cocoon, specifically only oriented for
 Businesses who wants to base their e-comm-activity in CRM. 

You still didn't tell us your performance requirements, but this would
suggest that the user community is small, or can at least be physically
partitioned.  As such, a pure Cocoon architecture should be viable.

 In this sense, the result should be a Cocoon but with enhanced services
 the purposes mentioned, strongly based in cocoon but with developing
 future-jobs parallel to Cocoon because her high-specificity.

There are people creating web services on top of Cocoon.  There are also
people creating publishing frameworks on top of Cocoon. Again search the
mail list archives for these discussions. Neither of these areas are
particularly mature in Cocoon (but then again, where are they?), so you'll
likely run into some problems if you try to extend other initiatives. The
one thing that it sounds like you will need  is custom Cocoon serializers
and transformers.  A serializer or a transformer can grab the results of a
transformation and do with it as it pleases.  As such, they can, in a sense,
replace the requirement for components implemented directly on Avalon...

I'm not sure, but depending on your implementation time frame you might want
to consider the Cocoon 2.1 fork instead of the 2.0 versions of Cocoon.  Less
stable, but I think they might fit your requirements a little better (can
anyone validate this?).

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RE: web app design

2002-09-23 Thread Hunsberger, Peter

 This framework will be for small business or medium business and to
 construct and publish their corporative webs.

Just this constraint alone will get you a long way towards creating some
performance targets and usages numbers:  You can make an assumption about
the max. number of users in a company (possibly adding some users for
extranet type usage if applicable).  From there you can make some
assumptions about max. simultaneous users based on the application type.
Using the first number you can make some estimates on max data based on
application type times number of users.  Using the second number you can
make some assumptions about bandwidth requirements (max. users times data
sizes in play at any moment).  Now you've got some idea of your database
size, # of simultaneous users, amount of data being accessed and generated.
Next you need to make some assumptions about response time.  Again, you know
the application type (eg. generating credit card responses is way different
than generating seismic analysis result sets) and should be able to come up
with some reasonable numbers.  This will allow you to estimate transactions
per sec, page views per sec. etc. 

What you don't know is how Cocoon maps to any performance metrics; you can't
do that without some real load analysis software and hardware.  But at this
point, that isn't really the issue:  what you really want to estimate is
whether a processing heavy architecture can handle the transaction
requirements on some reasonable hardware (as defined what your company is
comfortable supporting).  If it starts to look like you've got a lot of
transactions per second or a lot of page views per second with a lot of data
per page view then maybe a pure Cocoon architecture isn't the best way to
go.  In my experience, apps targeted at small companies aren't generally an
issue.  App's targeted at 1000's of simultaneous users might start to get
questionable (although that's our ball park with a mostly pure Cocoon
architecture, albeit mixed with a good chunk of EJBs).  We're targeting a
single large database processor, a couple of EJB' servers and in the order
of 10 front end web/app servers as the largest possible hardware config we
will need (a couple of years out). However, our app splits nicely into small
user communities that can be easily mapped to individual app servers. (Note
that fail over hardware is a separate issue from the hardware needed for
performance reasons).

How to start?  Create a spread sheet and fill in some guesses for max users,
max. simultaneous users, largest data set sizes, required transaction
response times.  Validate the assumptions with as many people as you can.
Now figure out, disk space usage, bandwidth, transactions per sec. etc. If
these numbers are small, don't worry about the architecture much more.  If
they start to imply lot's of hardware invest some more time in validating
the numbers.  If you're still nervous after that you've got to start

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Passing unknown parameters through a site-map

2002-09-23 Thread Hunsberger, Peter

I've got a situation where I've got to pass a bunch of parameters with
unknown names from a (Cocoon generated) HTML form through an action to a
standard Cocoon pipeline.  There are certain parameters I don't want to pass
on to the stylesheet so I can't use 

   map:parameter name=use-request-parameters value=true/

However, I can, in my action selectively not copy the unwanted parameters
into the map (since they have well defined names).  The issue is, how do I
then pass these onto the transform from the from the sitemap? Normally, I'd
do something like:

  map:parameter name=gunk_data_id

to pass on individual parameters.  In this case, since I don't know all the
parameter names I can't do that.  I basically want to say, pass all the
parameters in the map returned from the action onto the transform (the
equivalent of use-action-parameters perhaps?)

Peter Hunsberger

Phone: 901-495-5252

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RE: Passing unknown parameters through a site-map

2002-09-23 Thread Hunsberger, Peter

 Is there some reason which forces you not to copy the
 parameters wholesale? Otherwise, use use-request-parameters
 and simply ignore the parameters you don't want. 

Should have made that clear; if I pass all parameters I can clobber
parameters where I don't want the values from the form.  Also, not being
able to filter out some specific parameters could potentially be a bit of a
security hole (we are running generic parameter driven templates).  I'd
definitely require some way of being able to detect that a parameter was
passed to me from the form and was also being set specifically by the

 You can
 also try to override the wholesale parameter import by
 passing an empty string for the unwanted parameters

That would cause problems when the value I really wanted was defaulted to
something else in the stylesheet: I'd then get the wrong value...  Since the
pipeline is generic at this point I'd have to parse the stylesheet to figure
out what the proper defaults are.

 You can use an internal pipeline with an request-generator
 and an XSLT to filter out unwanted parameters, and aggregate
 it to you main source:

That could work, but the problem is that the parameters names are mapped to
various meta-data and I don't know which ones I want and which ones I don't
want until I examine the meta-data.  Moving the management of the metadata
into an XSLT would in effect mean moving converting a chunk of my action
handler logic into an XSLT.  Now, (as you may know, if you've caught any of
my architectural discussions on the list) I am trying to head that direction
anyways, so that's a good long term solution.  However, short term this is a
problem since we have cases where the action handler is already running a
XSLT transform under the covers to evaluate rules on which metadata to pick
up (evaluation of metadata about metadata): I'd have to generate the XSLT on
the fly in order to filter the parameters properly and that doesn't seem
like a very efficient way to get parameters into a stylesheet when all I
really want to do is ignore some of them...  

A better possibility would be to create a custom request generator (moving
the metadata handling from the action handler to the generator).  This
complicates the stylesheet somewhat since you going from being able to use
global parameters to (at best) having to use XSLT keys to access the
equivalent values.  This strikes me as a good way to go except that it could
also have performance implications?

One of my long goals is, essentially, to replace the sitemap with an
XML/XSLT combination that implements mapping as a dynamic rules based
system.  I'd like to hold off on doing that until I see how the 2.1 flowmap
stuff shakes out...

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RE: Passing unknown parameters through a site-map

2002-09-23 Thread Hunsberger, Peter

 That could work, but the problem is that the parameters names are mapped
 various meta-data and I don't know which ones I want and which ones I
 want until I examine the meta-data.  Moving the management of the
 into an XSLT would in effect mean moving converting a chunk of my action
 handler logic into an XSLT.
 If your metadata is XML, you can aggregate it with the
 request parameters in order to filter them.

That would be too simple :-)  At this particular point in time the metadata
comes from a relational database, which is why this particular data mapping
problem is resolved using an action handler and not in an XML/XSLT in the
first place...

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RE: [C2.1-CVS] Problem using 2 pipelines

2002-09-25 Thread Hunsberger, Peter

  I saw that many people in thi maillist prefer make XSLT tranforms and few

 people use XSP. Why?

A couple of reasons why I avoid using XSP: 1) It's more or less proprietary
(though that is sort of changing). XSLT can be run with many different
application servers. 2) XSLT is functional programming and thus lends itself
well to rule based processing.  XSP is (mostly) procedural programming and
in some ways isn't as well suited for the job of sorting and merging tree

Putting point two differently: XSLT is designed specifically for
manipulating XML.  Java is a general programming language not at all
specialized for handling XML, XSP only partly bridges the gap.

My personal approach is to try and write generic XSLT for general tasks: eg.
filtering the contents of a XML tree based on the contents of a second tree;
merging the attributes of two XML trees with similar node names.  I then use
these as building blocks to create more specific tasks: filtering an XML
tree based on what a user is authorized to see; adding presentation
attributes to a nodeset based on the final use of the XML.  In this way, I
can write XSLT that is driven by XML rules that just about any one can
author (and maintain).  If I was writing XSP and the business rules changed
making similar changes would be (I believe) a much harder process.  

In our case we have (literally) 1000's of business rules to implement, any
of which can change on a weekly basis (such is the nature of clinical
trials).  So having an easy way to dynamically build up applications based
on business rules is important to us. If your application is more static and
processing speed is more of an issue then a different architecture may make
more sense for you.

Somewhat off topic, but a general rule at how to pick a particular way of
implementing systems:

With any large application it's always a good ideas to first build up a
conceptual systems architecture based on business requirements.  Then build
a logical architecture -- based on both the conceptual architecture, the
current state of your business and application specific requirements --
before you pick a physical architecture.  Only once you have a physical
architecture should you start to match up a physical implementation (detail
design) with the physical architecture.  I know this sounds like a lot of
analysis, but its been shown that if you can hit the target of 1/3 analysis,
1/3 development, 1/3 testing, your project life cycle will be much shorter
than if you have other proportions of analysis to development and testing...

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RE: [C2.1-CVS] About XSP

2002-09-25 Thread Hunsberger, Peter

 I know that XSP is not only attached to Java, there are implementation of
 using perl, for example AxKit. And into Cocoon there are impletations in 
 Java, Javascript and Python.
 The 2 question is hw about performance? What of both makes it faster?

Sorry, can't help you there.  I should have probably stated the issue more
like the procedural languages currently implemented for XSP are not
specialized for handling XML...

 Putting point two differently: XSLT is designed specifically for
 manipulating XML. Java is a general programming language not at all
 specialized for handling XML, XSP only partly bridges the gap.

 Maybe yes, but into the apache website there is writen they recomend the
 of XSP to create and update data in a database while the use XSLT to

That sounds like a good division of labor.  The alternative is to either use
XSLT extensions (again somewhat proprietary) or do everything in an action
handler, which necessitates Java in any case and has it's own
maintainability issues. In our case, all data is managed through EJBs and a
proxy layer already exists.  As such, doing database manipulation from an
action handler is relatively straight forward and transparent.  We do use
XML and XSLT to run validation rules on the data before forwarding it on to
the EJBs.  This is managed by the action handler running a transform under
the covers.  This is one area in which I consider Cocoon to be a little
weak: you really need to be able to run a transform as an action handler
directly from the pipeline.  I've been starting to look at what it would
take to make this happen; in general I keep coming back to making the whole
pipeline a transform that includes other transforms; the pipeline transform
being passed the current context as an XML nodeset. 

A third possibility exists which is the Castor transformer approach.
Haven't had time to explore it but it has some appeal from a theoretical
point of view.

 My approach is use the 2 techologies. I am not against XSLT since I use it

 after the XSP generator give to the pipeline the data. Mainly to make some

 changes with custom a XSL to prepare the aoutput before the serializer
 the endwork.

Again, that seems like a good way to separate concerns.  In particular you
might want to see if you can make your XSP/XSLT pipeline such that the XSLT
could, in theory, work with the same XML generated some other way (than the

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RE: Why is my cocoon app an IE6 killer?

2002-10-04 Thread Hunsberger, Peter

 When accessing a
 - servlet generated site
 - with (lots of) images
 - using a recent versions of Internet Explorer (i.e.6) on windows
 then IE stops loading images. And even better: from this moment on it 
 doesnÂ’t display images anymore, even from other sites until you restart 

I can confirm that you've still got the problem with IE 6 and SP1...

Though you don't explicitly state it, it sounds like if the same page is
servered as static HTML it renders properly?  If so, it's just a guess, but
one possibility would be that there's a difference in the HTTP handling.
Perhaps the servlet engines are negotiating HTTP 1.0 vs. 1.1 for static
pages or vice versa?  In such a case perhaps the servlet engine has a bug
and doesn't close the image streams exhausting some resource on IE?  Or
similarly, perhaps it's an IE bug of the same type.

It seems to me the first place to look would be to see what the HTTP headers
have to say, though you may have to get pretty low level to see what the
differences might be. 

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RE: Stuck on Hello World, with non-FAQ Problem

2002-10-07 Thread Hunsberger, Peter

 I also don't understand why the other Cocoon pages still come up after I
deleted ALL the other stuff  inside the map:pipelines tag other than my
map:pipeline for the Hello World example that 
 generates from helloworld.xml, transforms with helloworld2html.xsl and
serializes the output.

That tends to suggest that the copy of Cocoon you are modifying isn't the
same one that Tomcat is running...  How are you deploying Cocoon (expanding
the EAR manually and copying?)? 

BTW, to answer another question you had earlier, the reason you see
sitemap.xconf in multiple directories is that a parent sitemap can mount
sub-sitemaps.  It's a parent child relationship from the main sitemap...

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RE: Building a DOM Model with XMLForms

2002-10-11 Thread Hunsberger, Peter

 I'm working on a project prototype where I'm trying to implement a kind of
 wizard using XMLForms. The difference is that I'd like the XML docs
 written by the content people to define the resulting XML doc, without
 specifying it ahead of time. In other words, I'd like the elements 
 attributes to be built by the XPath commands that originate from the XForm
 ref attributes. I'm using 2.1-dev, a fairly fresh snapshot.

We've got a similar problem.  I'm not using XForms/XMLForms due to the fact
that I've got a historical code base and 2.1 isn't yet ready for production.
However, let me describe what we're doing, a similar approach might be
useful for you...

In our case new forms are added daily.  We have one group of people that
define the meta-data for the forms (from which a DTD can be generated).  We
have another group of people who utilize this metadata to generate the
actual forms (most screens/forms utilize only a subset of the possible
fields).  Given that this stuff changes daily we keep all metadata in a

We're currently working on a GUI generator that will let the forms builder
people build a skeleton XML description of a form using a (essentially)
dynamically created DTD (from the metadata in the database).  This XML is
again stored in the database (as essentially form instance specific metadata
specified as XML).

At run time we generate the complete metadata for a given form back from the
metadata and aggregate this with the stored XML form description to
completely describe the form.  In addition, at run we generate all relevant
data from the database (in the same pass as the metadata generation), so
that a complete metadata and data XML tree is available for each form
element used by the form designers.  An XSLT then merges these two trees to
generate a new set of nodes which is used by a separate presentation XSLT
pass to actually generate the form.

I think, in your case something similar would be possible: aggregate the GUI
designers XML description with a (possibly transformed) XForms DTD (which
you may have to create?) via an XSLT, then feed this to the actual XForm

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RE: [Q] Pipeline best practices

2002-10-14 Thread Hunsberger, Peter

 Or put the most likely pipelines to get hit first and the least likely

That can be problematic if your most used pipelines are the generic matches.
Eg, three special cases and 100 general cases:




match= fee.*

Probably ok with three special cases, but what about 20, or 50...???

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FAQ before posting. http://xml.apache.org/cocoon/faq/index.html

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RE: Cocoon Connection Pooling and Database Shutdown

2002-10-16 Thread Hunsberger, Peter

 Why should I use carriage returns in my messages, Berin?

 So that we don't have to scroll on forever in one direction, and it makes
 alot easier to interpose comments throughout your message--adding context
 other people's response.

Berin, what mail client are you using?  Most have a configurable setting to
tell them when to wrap long lines.  I for one only put in CR/LF when
starting new paragraphs; I've been using e-mail for some 20 years now
(showing my age! ;-) and never had anyone complain...

Please check that your question  has not already been answered in the
FAQ before posting. http://xml.apache.org/cocoon/faq/index.html

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For additional commands, e-mail:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

RE: Link Livesites:

2002-10-23 Thread Hunsberger, Peter

 I'm just setting up a new site 
which is dedicated to using Domino and Apache Cocoon. It's due to go live 
 the start of 
next week.

  Before you go live you may want to make sure that thepage 
  background is set to white for all pages. As it is, it defaults to the 
  browser background which may not be white. In that case looks rather like 
  someone pasted togethergraphics fragments into a scrap book... 

RE: ServerPageAction: XMLFragment reuse in XSL transformer

2002-10-18 Thread Hunsberger, Peter

There's probably about half a dozen ways to do this. Perhaps one of 
the simplest is just to create your own caching generator and use aggregation 
(with any other XML you may need)in the pipeline.

In the 
generator you'll need to implement the setup method to see the objectModel, 
something like the following:

private gunk mySessionData = null;

void setup( SourceResolver resolver, Map objectModel, String src, Parameters 
parms ) throws ProcessingException, 
SAXException, IOException {
 if (mySessionData == null ) 
resolver, objectModel, src, parms );
 Request request = 
Session session = 
if (session != null) {
save a pointer to your session data for use in the generate 
mySessionData =  
 } } 

Now in 
your generate method just pick up whatever data hangs off of "mySessionData" and 
away you go

-Original Message-From: 
Christian Kurz [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]Sent: Thursday, October 17, 2002 
11:26 AMTo: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: 
ServerPageAction: XMLFragment reuse in XSL transformerHello cocoon-users,

  I need to generate some tiny XML elements 
  (XMLFragment) within a ServerPageAction and I would like to use this 
  XMLFragment later on in an XSL transformer, that is fed by an xml generator. 
  The XMLFragment captured in the ServerPageAction is 
  basically saying, which nodes are to be returned from the big input 
  From some other message in this group I have 
  understood, that passing objects is only possible through session or request 
  objects, but not through sitemap variables. I don't like to use a request 
  generator as the starting point of the pipeline, as I'd loose cacheability at 
  a very early step in the pipeline.With a quite bigxml input 
  document,this does not seem a good idea to me.
  So I am currently struggling how to get a piece 
  of XML, that isattached to a session or request object, into the xsl 
  transformer. Has anybody tried this before e.g. using an XSL 
  Any help or hints appreciated!
  Thank you in advance,

RE: ServerPageAction: XMLFragment reuse in XSL transformer

2002-10-18 Thread Hunsberger, Peter

obviously, it something changes on every request then, by definition, it isn't 
cacheable. However, I believe, with aggregation, only the components that 
are marked as invalidated in the cache are rebuilt on a new request; the rest of 
the data stays in it's respective cache. This does mean that the 
aggregated document is rebuilt each time (I have no idea what the impact of that 
would be). But the "large" document source would stay not be retrieved 
from scratch.

Perhaps using the document function as Olivier would avoid this. At 
one point document did notcheck cache validity at all and you would only 
get a newer version of the data if the main data was invalidated in cache. I 
think this has been fixed in 2.0.3. The problem is how to get the URI 
resolve for the document function to fund the data in session. Someone 
else will have to tell you how to do that (and if it's even 

Message-From: Christian Kurz 
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]Sent: Friday, October 18, 2002 1:42 
ServerPageAction: XMLFragment reuse in XSL transformer

  Thank you very much for the quick feed-back! 
  The idea sounds great and is a lot cleaner, 
  than fiddling something in someXSL extension.
  I am not sure about the cachaebility: the 
  XMLFragment specifying, which nodes to filter from the big input document, 
  changes everytime, so Cocoon would need to parse the source file on every 
  request (, if my understanding is right).
  If I'd slidely change your approach to 
  implementing the same approach into a transformer component. This transformer 
  component will not be cacheable, but at least the generator in front of it 
  would be.
  Thanks again,
  BTW, thanks also for the code snippet. It helps a 
  lot, as soon as it comes to thinks like the ObjectModel, I start feeling 
  - Original Message - 
Hunsberger, Peter 

Sent: Thursday, October 17, 2002 6:46 
Subject: RE: ServerPageAction: 
XMLFragment reuse in XSL transformer

There's probably about half a dozen ways to do this. Perhaps 
one of the simplest is just to create your own caching generator and use 
aggregation (with any other XML you may need)in the 

the generator you'll need to implement the setup method to see the 
objectModel, something like the following:

private gunk mySessionData = null;

public void setup( SourceResolver resolver, Map objectModel, String 
src, Parameters parms ) throws 
ProcessingException, SAXException, 
IOException {
 if (mySessionData == null ) 
resolver, objectModel, src, parms );
request = 
Session session = 
 if (session != null) {
save a pointer to your session data for use in the generate 
mySessionData =  
 } } 

Now in your generate method just pick up whatever data hangs off of 
"mySessionData" and away you go

-Original Message-From: 
Christian Kurz [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]Sent: Thursday, October 17, 
2002 11:26 AMTo: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: 
ServerPageAction: XMLFragment reuse in XSL transformerHello cocoon-users,

  I need to generate some tiny XML elements 
  (XMLFragment) within a ServerPageAction and I would like to use this 
  XMLFragment later on in an XSL transformer, that is fed by an xml 
  generator. The XMLFragment captured in the 
  ServerPageAction is basically saying, which nodes are to be returned from 
  the big input document.
  From some other message in this group I have 
  understood, that passing objects is only possible through session or 
  request objects, but not through sitemap variables. I don't like to use a 
  request generator as the starting point of the pipeline, as I'd loose 
  cacheability at a very early step in the pipeline.With a quite 
  bigxml input document,this does not seem a good idea to 
  So I am currently struggling how to get a 
  piece of XML, that isattached to a session or request object, into 
  the xsl transformer. Has anybody tried this before e.g. using an XSL 
  Any help or hints appreciated!
  Thank you in advance,

RE: Cocoon and EJB

2002-10-25 Thread Hunsberger, Peter
  I have a doubt whether it is possible (and easy :) to
  fetch data from EJB (connected to a DB) and produce
  HTML pages from both XML/XSL documents and these data.

 Despite Michael Homeijer interesting answers, there were not
 many responses, and it seems to me there are never a lot when
 it comes to EJB and Cocoon. As I am also interested, is
 really nobody out there who knows much more about it...?
 Are there any resources available focusing on EJB and Cocoon?

Don't know about resources, but I also don't really see what the issue is?
In our case we use JBoss with Tomcat and Cocoon.  We define the EJB
resources through JBoss and don't worry about them in Cocoon.  We then
package up the Cocoon WAR with our EJB JAR into a EAR and deploy it under
JBoss.  With the proper JNDI definitions in JBoss all is done; your Cocoon
classes see the EJBs and away you go.  It took me perhaps a week of fiddling
to get this going, but the magic trick is to make sure you've got all the
classes in the proper places for the particular combination of Tomcat,
JBoss, JDK and Cocoon.  

Following is a summary of various messages I've found that I used to create
some basic instructions for our developers on how to get the whole thing up
and running.  Some of this is out of date, since new binaries are now
available that did not exist when I wrote this and life is now a bit

How to deploy Cocoon on JBoss and Tomcat

1. Deploy tomcat/jboss. Versions 4.0/2.4.3 are apparently known to work. We
use 4.0.4 and 2.4.4. 
   Note that according to the Cocoon2 homepage certain beta versions of
Tomcat dows not work with Cocoon2.

   To deploy Tomcat 4.0.4 use the integrated 2.4.4/4.0.1 Tomcat/Jboss then
copy a Tomcat 4.0.4 install over the
   catalina directory structure in the Jboss/Tomcat install. If you do
this, I'd rename the base directory to
   help keep things straight as to what is installed.

2. Add environment variable CATALINA_OPTS=-Xdebug -Xnoagent
   This is to be able to debug java run in Tomcat. For Netbeans 3.2.1 for
programming/debugging (remember to add port 7070 to debugging environment).

3. Delete in [your path]/JBoss-2.4.3_Tomcat-4.0/jboss/lib following:
  (xml.jar is not present in latest versions of JBoss.)

  If Tomcat 3.x is used the following files must be also be deleted: from
[your path]/JBoss-xxx_Tomcat-3.x/tomcat/lib:

4. new run.bat file in [your path]/JBoss-2.4.3_Tomcat-4.0/jboss/bin to:
   @echo off
   @if not %ECHO% ==  echo %ECHO%
   @if %OS% == Windows_NT setlocal


   REM Add all login modules for JAAS-based security
   REM and all libraries that are used by them here

   REM need one of the two following lines for xerces support
   set JBOSS_CLASSPATH=%JBOSS_CLASSPATH%;../lib/xerces.jar
   REM set JBOSS_CLASSPATH=$JBOSS_CLASSPATH:../lib/xml-apis.jar

   REM Add the XML parser jars and set the JAXP factory names
   REM Crimson parser JAXP setup(default)
   REM set JBOSS_CLASSPATH=%JBOSS_CLASSPATH%;../lib/crimson.jar
   REM set
men tBuilderFactoryImpl
   REM set JAXP=%JAXP%
yIm pl

   java %JAXP% -classpath %JBOSS_CLASSPATH% org.jboss.Main %1 %2 %3 %4 %5
%6 %7 %8 %9


5. If you want to be able to debug JBoss/Tomcat/Cocoon2 replace the last
line (before pause) with:

  java -Xint -Xdebug -Xnoagent -classpath %JBOSS_CLASSPATH%
org.jboss.Main %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9

   If you use Netbeans 3.2.1 for programming/debugging remember to add port
12999 to debugging environment.

6. copy xerces.jar to [your path]/JBoss-2.4.3_Tomcat-4.0/jboss/lib. We used
versions 1.4.3.
   Download xerces binary and use .jar file in the downloaded xerces_xxx.zip
   The Apache site suggests that you should copy xml-apis.jar from
cocoon/lib/core/ to jboss/lib.
   However, I did not have to do this.  If you think you need xml-apis.jar
you may also want to uncomment the
   line in run.bat that refers to it and comment the line that uses xerces.
Only one of these should be needed...

7. add environment variable TOMCAT_HOME=[your
   (if a Tomcat 3.x version is used catalina must be substituted with
   This is for use with Cocoon ant file: build.bat.

8. Test that JBoss/Tomcat starts up and responds on port 8080/jboss
   Contrary to some documentation the test application still works fine.

Cocoon and Java 1.4 configuration

Cocoon requires more recent versions of the Xerces and Xalan libraries than
those shipped with 

RE: Cocoon and EJB

2002-10-28 Thread Hunsberger, Peter
 Would you mind integrating it into the CocoonWiki
 (http://www.outerthought.net)? If no and it's easier for you I can do it

go ahead and add it if you wish; everything in the document is based on
stuff from the Cocoon-user archives, with some modifications.  As I said,
it's a bit out of date, anyone who is currently attempting this might be
able to bring it up to date as they work through it.  Also, I strongly
suspect that the section on working with Oracle isn't 100% accurate, but I
haven't spent anytime trying to determine if this is true.

 -Original Message-
 From: Hunsberger, Peter [mailto:Peter.Hunsberger;stjude.org]
 Sent: Friday, October 25, 2002 4:59 PM
 Subject: RE: Cocoon and EJB

   I have a doubt whether it is possible (and easy :) to
   fetch data from EJB (connected to a DB) and produce
   HTML pages from both XML/XSL documents and these data.
  Despite Michael Homeijer interesting answers, there were not
  many responses, and it seems to me there are never a lot when
  it comes to EJB and Cocoon. As I am also interested, is
  really nobody out there who knows much more about it...?
  Are there any resources available focusing on EJB and Cocoon?

 Don't know about resources, but I also don't really see what the issue is?
 In our case we use JBoss with Tomcat and Cocoon.  We define the EJB
 resources through JBoss and don't worry about them in Cocoon.  We then
 package up the Cocoon WAR with our EJB JAR into a EAR and deploy it under
 JBoss.  With the proper JNDI definitions in JBoss all is done; your Cocoon
 classes see the EJBs and away you go.  It took me perhaps a week
 of fiddling
 to get this going, but the magic trick is to make sure you've got all the
 classes in the proper places for the particular combination of Tomcat,
 JBoss, JDK and Cocoon.

 Following is a summary of various messages I've found that I used
 to create
 some basic instructions for our developers on how to get the
 whole thing up
 and running.  Some of this is out of date, since new binaries are now
 available that did not exist when I wrote this and life is now a bit

 How to deploy Cocoon on JBoss and Tomcat

 1. Deploy tomcat/jboss. Versions 4.0/2.4.3 are apparently known
 to work. We
 use 4.0.4 and 2.4.4.
Note that according to the Cocoon2 homepage certain beta versions of
 Tomcat dows not work with Cocoon2.

To deploy Tomcat 4.0.4 use the integrated 2.4.4/4.0.1 Tomcat/Jboss then
 copy a Tomcat 4.0.4 install over the
catalina directory structure in the Jboss/Tomcat install. If you do
 this, I'd rename the base directory to
help keep things straight as to what is installed.

 2. Add environment variable CATALINA_OPTS=-Xdebug -Xnoagent
This is to be able to debug java run in Tomcat. For Netbeans 3.2.1 for
 programming/debugging (remember to add port 7070 to debugging

 3. Delete in [your path]/JBoss-2.4.3_Tomcat-4.0/jboss/lib following:
   (xml.jar is not present in latest versions of JBoss.)

   If Tomcat 3.x is used the following files must be also be deleted: from
 [your path]/JBoss-xxx_Tomcat-3.x/tomcat/lib:

 4. new run.bat file in [your path]/JBoss-2.4.3_Tomcat-4.0/jboss/bin to:
@echo off
@if not %ECHO% ==  echo %ECHO%
@if %OS% == Windows_NT setlocal


REM Add all login modules for JAAS-based security
REM and all libraries that are used by them here

REM need one of the two following lines for xerces support

REM Add the XML parser jars and set the JAXP factory names
REM Crimson parser JAXP setup(default)
REM set
 men tBuilderFactoryImpl
 yIm pl

java %JAXP% -classpath %JBOSS_CLASSPATH% org.jboss.Main %1
 %2 %3 %4 %5
 %6 %7 %8 %9


 5. If you want to be able to debug JBoss/Tomcat/Cocoon2 replace the last
 line (before pause) with:

   java -Xint -Xdebug -Xnoagent -classpath %JBOSS_CLASSPATH%
 org.jboss.Main %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9

If you use Netbeans 3.2.1 for programming/debugging remember
 to add port
 12999 to debugging environment.

 6. copy xerces.jar to [your
 path]/JBoss-2.4.3_Tomcat-4.0/jboss/lib. We used
 versions 1.4.3.
Download xerces binary and use .jar file in the downloaded

RE: Empty anchor tags

2002-10-29 Thread Hunsberger, Peter
 Thanks, it works now. Should follow the specs. Wasn't a name=foo valid
 in HTML 4.0, though? Id is better anyway, it's more generic.

It's still valid, from the same document:


You can use either name or id, but the name has to be unique.

  a name=foo

 Whooa, that would be a spec violation, IIRC... :-)

  Called with:
  a href=#foolink to foo/a
  This doesn't work with IE:
  a name=foo/a

Unless I missed something I don't think there is an obvious reason one
should work and the other not work...

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FAQ before posting. http://xml.apache.org/cocoon/faq/index.html

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RE: Cocoon and EJB

2002-10-30 Thread Hunsberger, Peter

  Would you mind integrating it into the CocoonWiki
  (http://www.outerthought.net)? If no and it's easier for you I can do
  for you.

 go ahead and add it if you wish; everything in the document is based on
 stuff from the Cocoon-user archives, with some modifications.  As I said,
 it's a bit out of date, anyone who is currently attempting this might be
 able to bring it up to date as they work through it.  Also, I strongly
 suspect that the section on working with Oracle isn't 100% accurate, but
 haven't spent anytime trying to determine if this is true.



The pre tags used for the sample code doesn't wrap (sensibly enough).
Since some of the sample lines are extremely long the result is that the
rest of the content runs off the right hand side of the browser as it flows
to the logical line length.  I guess there are two ways to fix this: 1)
break the sample code in some logical spot, 2) use a CSS rule that causes
the rest of the information to have some sensible right hand boundary
(should be percentage based, but can't be 100% since the left hand menus
take up some room).

This problem seems common across the Cocoon Wiki (at least with IE 6.1) so
solution 2 is probably the best since then all pages using the CSS will
format reasonably without the requirement to manually format every piece of
sample code.

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FAQ before posting. http://xml.apache.org/cocoon/faq/index.html

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RE: XMLForms vs Struts

2002-10-30 Thread Hunsberger, Peter
 I'm beginning to design a small system for my company and I
 need some forms to input/output data.

How small?  Given that you are posting on Cocoon-users I assume you are
considering using Cocoon though you don't specifically mention it.  The
general consensus seems to be that Cocoon isn't really suited for small
sites/systems.  However, if you have a lot of dynamic rendering, or multiple
browser issues (egg. graceful degradation of multimedia), or multiple output
format requirements it still might make sense.

 I wanto to use open software for the project. I read about 
 frameworks like struts, xmlforms and perhaps others.
 However, I don't know how to decide the technology to use.

Since XMLForms and Struts aren't directly comparable (they work at very
different levels and do very different things) we really need to know more
about your requirements:  How many users?  How many pages? How many forms?
If you can't give us high level requirements how about low level
requirements: Do you need database support?  Do you need EJB support?  Do
you need XML support? Do you need Web services support? Do you need LDAP

Recommending a particular web technology implementation without having
specific requirements is sort of like recommending a vehicle without knowing
whether the person really has requirements for a car, truck, train, airplane
or boat...  

Please check that your question  has not already been answered in the
FAQ before posting. http://xml.apache.org/cocoon/faq/index.html

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RE: XMLForms vs Struts

2002-10-30 Thread Hunsberger, Peter
 I'm sorry. It's a kind of help desk in our intranet where the users can:
 1) Request technical assistance (input)
 2) Query the status of their previous requests
 3) Query a DB where any user can look at common problems/solutions
 We have 500 total users. I think there could be 10/20 users (max) using
 the app simultaneously. We are not planning to use EJB, WS or LDAP.
 We have been considering to use a relational DB (Oracle).

There are commercial applications for this very purpose, so I'm not sure why
you're looking at building this yourself?  However, given that you are, I'd
guess you have no need for multiple language support, no need for eventually
scaling the thing to support a lot of users, and no need for multiple
browser support.  As such, Cocoon is likely overkill.  It's not even clear
that you need much of a flexible controller structure (any dynamic work
flow?), but Struts won't do you any harm.  Otherwise this could just be a
simple JSP site or just HTML with Servlets...  

If you have control over the browser you might want to look at DHTML or
client side XML/XSLT with CSS just to keep presentation separated a little
better.  Personally, I'd likely go with a client side XML/XSLT and Servlet
implementation, but I don't know if your shop can handle the XSLT authoring
(it's a bit of a paradigm shift from Java coding)?  I also don't know what
other infrastructure I'd add to the mix without knowing the requirements

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RE: java.lang.OutOfMemoryError

2002-11-01 Thread Hunsberger, Peter

 After I've made the changes, I don't seem to get the
 OutOfMemory exception anymore, but the site still runs
 extremely slow.  The TaskManager shows CPU usage at
 100%, which I suspect is due to memory to disk swaps.

Can't help you, but if it's swapping then almost certainly you won't peg CPU
at 100% (unless you've got some kind of supernatural disk subsystem).

If you really only have 96M of Ram on your box it's time to upgrade.  That
won't even support Win2K decently...  I'd start at 512M and go up if you can
afford it!

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FAQ before posting. http://xml.apache.org/cocoon/faq/index.html

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RE: inserting doctype from xsl

2002-11-18 Thread Hunsberger, Peter
 There's more than one doctype you could have for HTML.  Some folks may 
 want to send HTML 3.2 with the appropriate header.
 It would be possible to have all of the doctypes ready to go out of the 
 box.  It would also mean a html32 serializer, a html4 serializer, a 
 html401 serializer, etc. and that's not counting the 
 transitional/strict/frameset qualifiers.
 Seems a lot to have in the default sitemap when most people would only 
 use one or two at the most.

It would probably be reasonable to include a commented out example in the
default sitemap?

 map:serializer logger=sitemap.serializer.html mime-type=text/html
 name=html pool-grow=4 pool-max=32 pool-min=4 
  doctype-public-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 

 shouldn't it be inserted by default in a default sitemap from the
 cocoon installations? should we write this to the developers mailing 

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RE: starting cocoon with windows 2000

2002-11-27 Thread Hunsberger, Peter
 You should use 2.0.3 instead - it is the easiest version to install so 
 far. Personally, I'd go with JDK 1.3.1, however, 'cause you'll have to 
 recompile some jars for JDK 1.4.

2.0.3 works just fine with JDK 1.4 with no recompilation of jars required.
Just make sure you get the version that has been compiled for 1.4!

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FAQ before posting. http://xml.apache.org/cocoon/faq/index.html

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RE: Pipeline problem

2002-12-12 Thread Hunsberger, Peter
 How solve my problem ?
 How trace data between two transformers : 
   - between ldap and xslt
   - between xslt and annuaire...

You can always comment out part of the pipeline temporarily and view the
output directly.  Eg:

map:match pattern=hub/integration/*
map:generate src=hub/integration/{1}.xml/
map:transform type=ldap/
map:transform src=hub/LDAP2Group.xslt type=xslt/
map:transform type=annuaire
  map:parameter name=use-connection value=annuaire_datasource/ 
map:serialize type=xml/

Note that the serialize is now told that it's sending XML to the browser...
You can then capture the output XML from the browser and cut and paste into
your favorite XSLT debugging tool (assuming you have a standard XSLT), or
just use it as a reference while editing the XSLT.  As you get each
transform working you move the comment down:

map:match pattern=hub/integration/*
map:generate src=hub/integration/{1}.xml/
map:transform type=ldap/
map:transform src=hub/LDAP2Group.xslt type=xslt/
map:transform type=annuaire
  map:parameter name=use-connection value=annuaire_datasource/ 
map:serialize type=xml/

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FAQ before posting. http://xml.apache.org/cocoon/faq/index.html

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RE: Confused about xsl:include

2002-12-12 Thread Hunsberger, Peter
 Not 100% sure, but in my (humble) opinion, you can only call included 
 templates and no longer use apply.

Nonsense...  Apply-templates works just fine with included templates.
What's missing from the included code is the place that the apply is invoked
so we can't tell if it's being done correctly.  It's also possible that some
other template with higher precedence is matching first.

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RE: Confused about xsl:include

2002-12-12 Thread Hunsberger, Peter
 The above template match=title works fine if I paste it into the main
xsl file.  But if 
 instead, right there in it's place, in the main xsl, I put this:
 xsl:include href=stylesheets/other.xsl/
 to include the above file, the match is no longer applied in the output.
I'm perfectly open to  other ways of doing this.  I'm just getting started.

So in-other-words there is no main matching template in the XSL doing the
include?  It sounds like the default template in the primary is being picked
up and it of course is not ever going to apply your included template.  

This isn't a Cocoon problem, you can test your code in any XSLT
debugger/editor (Xslerator for example).  Spend some time at
http://www.mulberrytech.com/xsl/ and check out the list archive there
(search on default templates)...

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RE: EJBs and Cocoon (hmm, again ;-)

2002-12-19 Thread Hunsberger, Peter
 So the question is: does anybody already have a decent solution for the
EJB-Cocoon problem? Or isn't there any problem at all...

Umm, what problem?  If you want EJB's you go ahead and use them...

What's your environment?  We use JBoss and create an EAR with Cocoon as a
WAR inside it and the EJB's in a JAR inside the EAR.  Jboss auto deploys
everything -- the EJB's according to our deployment descriptors -- and we
then use the remote interfaces as normal from the code running on the Cocoon
side of things.

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FAQ before posting. http://xml.apache.org/cocoon/faq/index.html

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RE: [HELP]indent can not be multiply defined at the same import level! Old value = no; New value = yes

2003-01-06 Thread Hunsberger, Peter
Title: Message

guess that you have an "include" in one of your XSLTs andthat you have the 
"indent" attribute set to "no" in the base, and "yes" in the included 
stylesheet. It's not a Cocoon problem, but the parser chokes on 

Description:org.apache.cocoon.ProcessingException: Exception in 
creating Transform Handler:
javax.xml.transform.TransformerException: indent can not be 
multiply defined at the same import level! Old
value = no; New value = yes

  I see that there's something wrong, but that's 
  all. I don't have any idea what this message is talking about. I don't 
  knowwhat it is talking about and WHY, and, more important, what i must 
  DO to correct this error.
  Hmmm., I wonder wheter it's a good idea to 
  tell people what's wrong instead of telling them what to do to get it up and 
  running ;-).
  Please help. Thanx.

RE: 10 basic survival tips for cocoon users (was: Logicsheet problems - global XSLT variables)

2003-01-21 Thread Hunsberger, Peter
4.) Proceed in baby steps when changing things in your cocoon app

 But it really slows up development

Doing incremental development will ultimately save you many many, days of
lost productivity.  The biggest roadblock is having sufficiently powerful
hardware that doing many compiles and redeploying Cocoon doesn't cost you a
lot of time. Splurging for the best hardware you can afford will likely pay
itself back very quickly in time savings...

For XSLT changes it's usually simple to proceed in baby steps since you can
usually edit the live sheets and resubmit the page and immediately see the
results.  In addition you can break your pipelines into pieces so that you
can capture the output XML and feed it into something like XML Spy or
Xselerator and debug your XSLT that way.

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RE: Hello and question

2003-01-22 Thread Hunsberger, Peter
 Here's the context: We have several hundred thousand time series, but 
 they will, for the foreseeable future, remain in their present 
 repository (the Fame time series database application.)
 However, there are a few hundred series which our staff use 
 regularly, and which they need to query, graph, plug into reports, 
 save as PDFs, import into spreadsheets, etc. By and large, the Cocoon 
 framework seems like a promising way of providing these multiple 
 views of the data.

 At this early stage in our planning, we're considering a mechanism 
 whereby these few hundred series are dumped from Fame into XML, one 
 file per time series. We explicitly don't want to dump the data into 
 some intermediate format (e.g, Oracle or whatever), because Fame will 
 remain the core database.

I suppose that you can't hit Fame (whatever that might be) directly? Or
that you are afraid of the load that hitting Fame directly would put on
the system?

I don't really see why dumping the data into Oracle or whatever is any
different from creating an intermediate XML file?  They are both data
stores... You need to determine what the functional requirements are in
terms of performance and querying and let that determine the technical
architecture and not just pick operating system managed XML files
arbitrarily.  However, either way Cocoon still may be a good fit; it can
handle output from an relational database (with JDBC) almost as easily as
handling an XML file directly and if you have to create the XML from scratch
it probably makes more sense to do that with Cocoon instead of using some
other external tool to do the job.

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RE: Cocoon is complex, but worth it! Some Answers to your dilemma

2003-01-27 Thread Hunsberger, Peter
 Thanks for the reply. I still, however, cant figure out how to get a
hello world working on a 
 clean war without all of the other crap in the cocoon war. 


It seems you really have two requirements for Cocoon:

1) learning how to create a simple Cocoon app;

2) learning how to build a minimal Cocoon distribution that doesn't require
all the JARs for deployment in order that you can deploy Cocoon multiple
times without duplicating the libraries each time.

It's not clear why you want to combine these two steps?  We ran Cocoon here
for almost 8 months before we worried about getting a minimal Cocoon image
(when we finally cleaned things up we went from a 12MB EAR to a 5 MB EAR,
much of which is our own code).  In the mean time we wasted some disk space
but no development time...

You are right that Cocoon is not easy to pick up and use for deploying a
simple application.  That's not what it was designed for.  Cocoon is
designed for making it easy to manage complex data sets and/or complex web
based user interfaces.  If all you want is a simple front end then likely
you don't have a requirement to use Cocoon

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RE: Single JAR with all the libs?

2003-01-27 Thread Hunsberger, Peter

Don't know the answer to your problem, but I also am not sure why you need

In any case, I've noticed that at no point has anyone suggested deploying an
EAR under JBoss/Cocoon instead of a WAR? Given that you want to hot deploy
single classes that's probably not an option for you, but for integrated
EJB/Cocoon deployment it works pretty well.  

Following is a Ant build that gives a pretty minimal Cocoon combined with an
EJB Jar.  It's specific to one of our projects, but should be pretty easy to
modify.  Note that it builds Cocoon and does a hot deploy to Jboss all in
one shot, that would also be easy to change

Also note, This version is for JBoss 2.4.4. we've also got a version that
deploys to JBoss 3 but I don't have a version at hand, but I think the only
change is the location of the deploy directory relative to the JBoss root...

project name=gunk default=deploy basedir=/

   property name=rootDir value=/projects/

   property name=deploy  value=/Jboss-2_Tomcat-4/jboss/deploy/

   property name=ctHome  value=${rootDir}/gunk/
  property name=build   value=${ctHome}/build/main/
  property name=cocoon  value=${ctHome}/Cocoon/
  property name=distvalue=${ctHome}/dist/
  property name=ear value=${ctHome}/ear/
  property name=ejbbuildvalue=${ctHome}/build/ejb/
  property name=ejbsrc  value=${ctHome}/ejbsrc/
  property name=script  value=${ctHome}/buildscript/
  property name=src value=${ctHome}/src/
  property name=srcmain value=${ctHome}/src/
  property name=web value=${ctHome}/web/

   property name=libHome value=${ctHome}/lib/
  property name=avalon
  property name=cocoonlib   value=${libHome}/cocoon-2.0.4.jar/
  property name=datasource
  property name=jdomvalue=${libHome}/jdom.jar/
  property name=junit   value=${libHome}/junit.jar/
  property name=log value=${libHome}/logkit-20020529.jar/
  property name=oracle  value=${libHome}/classes12.zip/
  property name=pool
  property name=servlet value=${libHome}/servlet.jar/
  property name=ujc value=${libHome}/ujc.jar/
  property name=xalan   value=${libHome}/xalan-2.4.1.jar/
  property name=xerces  value=${libHome}/xercesImpl-2.1.1.jar/

   property name=debugmodevalue=off/

   target name=init
  mkdir dir=${build}/
  mkdir dir=${dist}/
  mkdir dir=${ejbbuild}/
  mkdir dir=${ejbbuild}/META-INF/
  copy todir=${ejbbuild}/META-INF
 fileset dir=${script}
   include name=ejb-jar.xml/
  mkdir dir=${ear}/

   target name=compileEjb depends=init
  property name=build.compiler value=jikes/
  javac srcdir=${ejbsrc}
pathelement path=${ujc}/
pathelement path=${oracle}/
pathelement path=${srcmain}/
pathelement path=${servlet}/

pathelement path=${avalon}/
pathelement path=${cocoonlib}/
pathelement path=${xalan}/
pathelement path=${xerces}/
pathelement path=${log}/
pathelement path=${datasource}/
pathelement path=${pool}/
pathelement path=${junit}/
  copy todir=${ejbbuild}/org/stjude
 fileset dir=${src}/org/stjude
   include name=ct/ct.properties/

   target name=compileMain depends=compileEjb
  javac srcdir=${src} destdir=${build} debug=${debugmode}

pathelement path=${ejbbuild}/
pathelement path=${ujc}/
pathelement path=${servlet}/
pathelement path=${oracle}/
pathelement path=${jdom}/
pathelement path=${avalon}/
pathelement path=${cocoonlib}/
pathelement path=${xalan}/
pathelement path=${xerces}/
pathelement path=${log}/
pathelement path=${datasource}/
pathelement path=${pool}/
pathelement path=${junit}/
  copy todir=${build}
 fileset dir=${src}
   include name=**/*.properties/
   include name=**/*.xsl/
   include name=**/*.xml/

   target name=deploy depends=compileMain
  !-- jar main EJB files --
  jar jarfile=${ear}/gunk.jar
 fileset dir=${ejbbuild}/
  !-- war main Web files --

RE: Cocoon is complex, but worth it! Some Answers to your dilemma

2003-01-27 Thread Hunsberger, Peter
 For what it's worth, I walked through the steps for building the minimal
war he was looking for on  Saturday, sent him the binary war (5 meg) and
posted the steps on the wiki.  He's already written a  first custom
generator that connects to his ejbs and seems much happier now.  He's
started to refer  to cocoon as we! :)  Some of that happened off list, so
I thought it worth sending in a quick 

Yes, I saw that.  I'm only now catching up with the 280 e-mails I had this
morning: that's what I get for being off-line all weekend; new baby girl at
home, who has time for computers :-)

 I do agree, Peter that many people will not see a need right away to strip
things out, but a great  point that Robert made is that the flip side of
keeping the expanse of possibilities visible to a 
 new user is that it's quite difficult to figure out what's essential and
what's not: especially for  the ejb world where logic and data access are
already well encapsulated.

Really the biggest issue for me as a new Cocoon users was the sitemap; you
get told to look at the sitemap since everything is controlled by the
sitemap.  Then, once you look at the sitemap you wonder what the heck is ALL
this stuff?  A WAR packed full of tons of JARS I can ignore, but Cocoon
isn't going to do me much good unless I can comprehend the sitemap. 

The flip side top this is that if you have a minimal sitemap then there is
no good way to learn the features of Cocoon incrementally.  Once you've got
things working with Cocoon what is going to make you look at other Coccon
components to see if you can extend things with Cocoon instead of
re-inventing the wheel?  You spend a bit of time looking, but there is so
much to look at it's often easier to just incrementally add to your own code
one bit at a time.  Next thing you know you've reinvented the Castor
transformer (or whatever)...

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RE: proposal: The Newbies Competence Center

2003-01-27 Thread Hunsberger, Peter
 Hrmm... this gives me an idea, tell me if you follow along:
 Cocoon was developed with SoC in mind.  You have the content separated
from the 
 style, and you have the logic of the site separated from the content.

 So, instead of trying to define what a user is and what a developer is, we
 define the different roles that a person would have when using or
developing with

Yes please, this sounds like a very good idea.  

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RE: proposal: The Newbies Competence Center

2003-01-27 Thread Hunsberger, Peter
Ideally, all of these roles work together in order to get things done, 
but they only have to worry about their specific role.

 I have come to believe this is a fairy tale.  No individual in a 
 development group, in my opinion, can *ever* worry about just their 
 role.  They can specialize on their role, but you can't make a rigid 
 wall here.  Maybe as Cocoon (and more specifically, Cocoon's best 
 practices) matures, this may get better.

Ahh, but that's the beauty of role based documentation: you're not forcing
people into a particular role.  You're just saying when performing this
role, here's where you find the information about how to do it.  If people
switch roles or don't fit into a particular role they still have a clue
where to look in the docs...


 I think this is a bad idea for the reasons stated above.

 Since it's Super Bowl season here in the U.S., I'll use a (American) 
 football analogy.  Before Cocoon, in the heady days of just JSP, ASP, 
 and PHP, it was a pickup game at the park.  The role of quarterback is 
 constantly changing who it applies to and everyone's scrambling in all 
 different directions.  People generally enjoy themselves and are hostile 
 to the idea that people should be assigned roles and stick with them.  

So, who is assigning roles?  No one, it's just the docs tell you how to
perform a given role...

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RE: proposal: The Newbies Competence Center (XSP?)

2003-01-28 Thread Hunsberger, Peter
Title: Message

 Hmm? Well 
isn't that like saying that sitemaps are "proprietary"

Well yes, but there's a big difference 
between coding your business logic in a proprietary non-portable solution and 
configuringa pipeline. By staying away from XSP I can switch 
away from Cocoon to a servlet environment with a couple of days worth of coding 
(although I'll loose a lot of flexibility).

 to Cocoon. XSP, to 
me, provide a valid and useful function. They
 allow me to develop 
generators with a *minimal* amount of Java
knowledge (which, sadly, is 
my situation); as far as possible I
 avoid using it (except for 
simple if/then statements and the odd
 calculation) but it makes a very 
useful wrapper for ESQL which,
if you are working with 
databases, is a *must have* (IMO)

That's all very good. You just need to 
be aware of the trade off you are making: lower learning code in Java for 
reduced portability. If that's not an issue for you then full speed 

None of this changes the fact that it's very 
possible to code a complex Cocoon app without touching a line of 

RE: proposal: The Newbies Competence Center (XSP?)

2003-01-29 Thread Hunsberger, Peter
Title: Message

 Well, you carefully 
(or not?) snipped out my point that, in the
 end, the XSPs are converted to 

That's irrelevant; you're still writing 
proprietary code...

 - and at least one of 
theCocoon books I read 
suggests this as a perfectly vaild way
 to start off doing your 
own coding for custom generators.

Absolutely, justunderstand the 
tradeoffs you're making in terms of performance and 

 So... I am not sure what you 
mean by "loss of portability" -

It may not be anissue for you. 
For us, we have some requirements torun our code outside of Cocoon. 
They haven't forced us away from Cocoon yet, but they could in the 

 All that said, I would be very 
happy to "upgrade my skills"
 (and design approach) to learn 
how to develop Cocoon-based
 systems that are both complex 
and XSP-free.

1st learnJava. 2nd learn 

 If you (or anyone else) 
would care to share your approach
and methodology in the form 
of tutorials and/or examples,
 I am sure I am not the only one 
who would benefit from it.

The way we do things won't make a lot of 
sense to you untilyou have a lot of Java and XSLT 

RE: Cocoon Competence Center Updates

2003-01-30 Thread Hunsberger, Peter

 my question is how other people can even use cocoon with this bug in it. 
 Certainly if you are just doing SQL to a little database, it will work
 fine but has none before tried to integrate it with an enterprise

It's real simple: don't use XSP...  You where going along fine with Cocoon,
you have a working Generator.  For some reason you decided to convert it to
an XSP and you found a bug.  So why not go back to using the Java code?

Or as a temporary work around dump the EJB interfaces into an EAR and deploy
them with Cocoon

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RE: proposal: The Newbies Competence Center (XSP?)

2003-01-31 Thread Hunsberger, Peter
 I think we are agreeing (?) on the issue of proprietary : in essence, any
code that
 you do not write yourself is 'proprietary' in some way - it belongs to

Uh, no, but it's not worth worrying about...

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RE: Cocoon use worldwide

2003-01-31 Thread Hunsberger, Peter
 We're using Cocoon on health care projects that need to
 protect XML content at a fine-grain level based on a user's role, context,
and state  of the data.  Rather than embedding this logic completely in the
persistence layer 
 or code (a DB or EJBs), we're doing it within transforms and actions.  

Hi Jack (John?),

This sounds an awful lot like what we are working on here at St. Jude
Children's Research Hospital...  I've posted about it some here on users and
some on dev.  Mostly architectural concerns: one area I'd like to see Cocoon
go is to make it possible to write all business and presentation logic as
XSLT rules triggered from XML templates.

 This allows us to audit various transactions to ensure they meet HIPAA
guidelines at 
 a very detailed level and express those data security policies as
constraints on
 XPath expressions - which non-programmers like physicians can actually
read and
 understand! :-)  

That's a bit different than our approach.  The security and audit rules are
written in  XSLT/Xpath, but they aren't implemented in such a way that I'd
expect anyone but a programmer to understand (though they are not to
opaque).  Eg:

  xsl:if test=$auth != 'None' and $auth != ''  !-- can user see
object at all? --

  xsl:if test=contains(@authorization,'Update')

 We've also been able to more easily cast their web applications as web
 VoiceXML services, and as AvantGo sources (e.g., a directory of regional

Haven't had to go their yet...

 Finally, the development and deployment of Cocoon
 solutions are very cost effective (TCD and TCO). 

Very important for a non-profit like us...


 I'm giving a tutorial on Cocoon next month ( http://www.eccnet.com/xmlug/
) here 
 in D.C.  I also noticed that Ivelin Ivanov is giving a talk in Austin, TX
USA next
 month too ( http://www.xmlaustin.org/_html_out/main/events.html )

If you ever make it near Memphis I think it would be worth getting together.
I used to get to the DC area every spring for the HCFA conferences but don't
have time for those these days...

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RE: cocoon portability

2003-01-31 Thread Hunsberger, Peter
 Also they want to know how much of the effort of setting up a cocoon can
 reused if we decide not to go with cocoon. I suppose the business logic
 be reused and possible the stylesheets but I am not sure.

If you stay away from XSP then much of what you do can be reused.  If you're
careful all your XSLT are portable.  Similarly, Cocoon is a big servlet: if
you're careful (extend a common base class that of your own) actions and
generators can be maybe 80% reusable, though you'll have to write a lot of
code to move them anywhere:  Basically, you'd have to implement your own
servlet that probably made hard coded assumptions about resource names. It
would call your generators to pass the output on to an XML transform.  From
there you'd call your actions, again with a bunch of stuff hard coded. I
can't imagine actually wanting to ever do this, but much of our code has
been written with this possibility in mind.  Now that Cocoon is more
accepted here this requirement may go away for us in the future :-)

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OT: Capital (Was RE: Cocoon use worldwide)

2003-02-05 Thread Hunsberger, Peter
 Anyone know any VCs with money left? :-).
 AN interesting aspect of Capitalism is that money never disappears. Anyone
 claims this doesn't know how to look at the big picture.

Ah, but capital does disappear: much of the dot com boom was financed not
with money but with inflated expectations converted into inflated stock

But yes, you are correct, you still can find money if you can write a decent
business plan.  But beware, you can also still find over valued stock if
you're not careful.

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RE: Simple example / XML / XSLT In production

2003-02-05 Thread Hunsberger, Peter
 I was debating xml, xslt versus jsp with a colleague. He noted that
although xml, xslt works well in a
 divided graphics/analyst/developer big team, it eventually was scrapped
for JSP. The lack of object 
 hierarchy and polymorphism made changes very difficult. Can anyone provide
tales of xml, xslt in a 
 major production? (sans company name, of course)

We're certainly heading towards having a lot of xml and xslt in production.
Can't imagine doing what we are doing with JSP: we need 100's of customized
variations of any given screen.  

My reason for replying however is the comment on lack of object hierarchy
and polymorphism.  I'm confused by this: although it's certainly true that
XSLT is not an OO language that doesn't mean it cannot map constructs to OO
languages.  In particular, XML can map OO isomorphically and XSLT can then
traverse this mapping.  Moreover, XSLT  does allow for some many different
types of hierarchy (include, import, modes and priorities) that, although
different than OO aggregation and inheritance can be used in similar ways.
Finally, much XSLT is run without schema/DTD validation which allows it in a
way to support the ultimate in polymorphism: your data can dynamically
change type.  This last is a bit of a straw man, but let me put it this
way; XSLT is Turing complete, anything you can program in any other language
can be done with XSLT. It's not always easy, but then again, sometimes it's
a lot easier than using JSP...

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RE: XML / XSLT In production

2003-02-05 Thread Hunsberger, Peter
 True true, and thank you Peter. I should have clarified, not lack of
object hierarchy and polymorphism,
 but lack of perfect or ...traditional. Some deny a comparison between xslt
and oop languages. My 
 discussion with the colleague was brief; I cannot interpret his experience
perfectly. The serious
 problem apparently was synching xml, xslt with changes in the underlying
object model. 

There are ways to do this automatically as well, both at run time and at
design time.  Perhaps they need to look at something like Castor?  Or, if
your careful your underlying model can be generated from a design that
should be capable of generating XML as much as it is Java stubs...  In such
a model the XSLT is independent of the OO model (running over it, as it

 I drew a parallel with OODBMS, a solution which still defies popularity. 

Yes, we're doing an OO to relational mapping (sigh/shrug).  But there are
reasons for it in spite of what the OODBMS people might try to sell you.

 Meanwhile, Jsp and struts continue to preside over cocoon, much to my
disappointment. It's a hard sell,  while they are an easy sell. No one gets
fired over choosing Oracle, Weblogic, jsp followed by 
 MacDonald's for lunch.

The sell shouldn't be as much Cocoon as it is dynamic UI and/or dynamic data
models...  If you don't expect to _ever_ change your UI and you only have
one of them then JSP makes sense, otherwise you need something else

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RE: Using the results of an aggregate part.

2003-02-06 Thread Hunsberger, Peter
 Now the question raises, how i can gather an xml-fragment,
 put it into some temporary place (ideally in memory) and
 refer to this fragement from another part of the pipeline.

Any reason why you don't trust Cocoon caching to do this for you?  From the
looks of what you've shown us there are no request or client side parameters
going into the fragment generation and it should therefore be possible to
have it always cached once it has been created the first time? 

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RE: A note about the best(?) (cocoon-) development environment ...

2003-02-10 Thread Hunsberger, Peter

 Ones you didnt talk about:
 13) Together control center. If you can afford it, it 
 absolutely kills any other IDE on the planet.

Hmm, I use it, but I wouldn't quite say that: it's got it's share of bugs
that make it sometimes quite painful to use.  However, we're getting good
support and I expect these to eventually be solved.

 14) eXcelon Stylus Studio. A great XML editor. It has a bonus 
 of being easy to use and allot less confusing than XML Spy.

This is probably a personal preference kind of thing: I prefer Xslerator
over either Stylus or XML Spy, but my main focus is writing and debugging
XSLT.  If your main focus is XSLT to HTML transformation or XML authoring
then Stylus is probably the best choice.  If you need something sort of half
way in between then XML Spy does a reasonable job.


  * I also managed to setup eclipse with Cocoon in less than 10
 minutes. OK, i did a lousy trick, but for debugging and
 learning how cocoon internals  work it's absolutley
 Shouldnt be tough, just run tomcat (or JBoss) in debug mode 
 with a socket attach. Then you can remote attach to the 
 socket and you are on your way!

Yes it works, but get some powerful hardware if you're using Together on the
other side of the debug socket!

more snip

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RE: ideal hardware for cocoon?

2003-02-12 Thread Hunsberger, Peter
 We are going to be setting up a dedicated cocoon server soon 
 and I am trying to spec out the hardware. The operating 
 system will be redhat (8
 probably) and tomcat will be the servlet engine.
 Does anyone have any experiences of what hardware balance is 
 right for cocoon? 

As much as you can afford... :-)

I know this is stupid question with no 
 concrete answer as it depends on what the server will be 
 doing, loading, etc. etc. etc.
 The cocoon server is mainly going to be serving FOP based 
 transformations, xml (xhtml) to PDF and xml to svg to png.  

Given that it sounds like as much memory as you can afford will help...

 As much static content as possible will be served from a 
 dedicated apache http server so this machine will only be 
 doing dynamic xml transformations. Some of these might get 
 quite large, our present record is xhmtl to 206 pages of pdf.

Yep, definitely going to need memory.

As you've stated there is no answer to this question.

Here we have Cocoon serving a lot of very dynamic content.  Dev development
is 2 Dell 2650's: dual Xeon processors, RAID 5, 1GB memory.  One runs Oracle
DB other runs Jboss/Tomcat/Cocoon.  Production will be Quad Xeon processor
with 4GB memory for DB and multiple 2650's (or similar) for JBoss and Tomcat
with more memory.  We expect to support a couple 100 users. Lots' of
hardware for a small user base, but the problem is hard to solve and
hardware is cheaper than people time for this particular problem...

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RE: jboss and cocoon

2003-02-18 Thread Hunsberger, Peter
arnaud asked:

 does anybody used cocoon with jboss ?

Yes, we deploy Cocoon as an EAR under Jboss.  The EJB classes are packaged
as a JAR within the EAR and Cocoon is packaged as WAR inside the EAR. The
EJB remote interfaces are included in the Cocoon lib.  You can of course
deploy separately if you'd like...

 i would like to use mey ejb method : toXML()
 who transform ejb data in xml

Just call your remote interfaces from any Cocoon classes as normal. As long
as you've got the remote interfaces available to Cocoon there is no issue.

 what kind of generator may i use ?

Any kind you'd like :-)

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FAQ before posting. http://xml.apache.org/cocoon/faq/index.html

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