Re: Qtopia coming for Neo1973

2007-09-30 Thread Andy Powell
On Tuesday 18 September 2007 20:47, Ted Lemon wrote:
> Also, announcements aside, I don't see a link to the source code on
> the Qtopia/Neo page, so not all promises have yet been kept.

Just because you haven't found the links to the source code doesn't mean that 
Trolltech haven't kept their promises. I've updated the Wiki linking to the 
preview and snapshots, it was an oversight on my part when setting up that 
page. I also do regular builds of the snapshots if you are interested :

My images have minor fixes like the addition of timezone files and the copying 
of gsmhandset.state to asound.state so calls work at boot. I've also made the 
background image for the default skin slightly orange to help identify my 



OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Qtopia coming for Neo1973

2007-09-29 Thread clare

On Wed, 26 Sep 2007, Lorn Potter wrote:
Not by the operating system, or the LGPL, but by the culture surrounding it. 
How many commercial closed source applications are available for Linux?

Hi Lorn,
Couldn't let that go, they are increasing rapidly  - here are just a
few that are used in the University where I work. Although there are
open source products in these areas, these commercial ones are big time:
Mathematica, Matlab, SAS statistical software, Ansys (Engineering design).
regards, clare

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Qtopia coming for Neo1973

2007-09-27 Thread john
I also prefer GTK+ and have invested some time developing an application 
on my Neo with it. I find it very easy to develop and test on my GNOME 
based desktop (Ubuntu) and re-compile for the Neo. I hope OpenMoko 
continues down the same route.

John (putting a vote in for GTK+)

Joshua Layne wrote:

Michael Schmidt wrote:

Hi, great news, but what does this mean?
We need a posting of the projekt management, will Neo s Menue switch 
to QT?

This means a GTK application will not work?
Or: Any QT-Applicaiton will work now automatically?
 We need this info, for a decision, to stick to the library either a
GTK-Gui or the existing QT-Gui. To not saddle on the wrong horse..
please send a notice

Applications for Neo, should have a GTK or QT gui?

Applications for the _Neo_ can have whatever gui the developer wants 
to build (or as many - there are several apps that support multiple 
rendering environments)

Applications for _*openmoko*_ should have a GTK+-2 gui.

openmoko isn't switching to QT.

there is just now another gui available.

for myself - I much prefer GTK interfaces. and will be sticking with 
GTK on the Neo (when I buy)



On 9/18/07, Mauro Iazzi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

before someone beats me to it. 


In short: Qtopia is going to be fully GPL'd (telephony applications
included, which weren't) and is being ported to Neo1973.

OpenMoko community mailing list

OpenMoko community mailing list

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Qtopia coming for Neo1973

2007-09-26 Thread Brad Midgley

Sharing contacts, dates, etc is complicated enough that you should
push for openmoko and qtopia to support a standards-based sync with an
external server. Then it becomes a more generic problem of
interoperability instead of an obscure feature request.


OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Qtopia coming for Neo1973

2007-09-26 Thread ian douglas

Jonathon Suggs wrote:

Tim Newsom wrote:
the data interfaces should be the same... If I open up qtopia phone 

>> edition and look at my contacts or maybe even edit them and then
>> close it down and open up my OM interface and look at them, they
>> should be the same. All edit are visible.. No double entry.

I don't know the answer to what he is asking, so if someone does,

> please speak.

It was asked maybe a month about having some sort of 'standard' for data 
storage, although I'm not sure that any of us knew about the Qtopia port 
at that time. I think it would be good to revisit that thread and 
discuss data storage, because I agree as well -- a standard way of 
storing data so it's 100% accessible and identical on multiple platforms 
will make it so much more enticing. Like someone else said about OSS in 
general, there are so many choices, no one way is the "right" ("only") 
way, but some will prefer one method over another.

As an example, I use my /home/ partition in multiple versions of Linux 
on my workstation, so having a /.thunderbird/ folder be 100% accessible 
no matter which OS I'm booted into is vital -- I need to have the same 
Email access in every OS I boot into while I work.

Someone else had mentioned sync'ing the Neo data with some online 
service so the data would be available everywhere, which isn't a bad 
idea either, but synchronization issues come into play when you have a 
locally-cached copy on the phone, detecting deltas, etc.

Just my $0.02.


OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Qtopia coming for Neo1973

2007-09-26 Thread Jonathon Suggs

Tim Newsom wrote:
I guess my only comment is that while I don't really care which 
interface people use on their phones, it seems like the data 
interfaces should be the same... If I open up qtopia phone edition and 
look at my contacts or maybe even edit them and then close it down and 
open up my OM interface and look at them, they should be the same.  
All edit are visible.. No double entry.

In general, I think that all of that should be possible regardless of 
which interface you use to view/interact with the phone.  Gives a 
little more isolation of the interface from the implementation of 
where everything is, and it gives people the option to switch at any 
time without fear that they need to copy / backup-restore their data 
when switching.  Especially with the relevation about being able to 
run them both at the same time. (Qt has x11 libraries/bindings 
right?)   So you could write qt apps which interact with GTK+ apps 
through the common data infrastructure.


I 100% agree and that is just about the only constructive thing I've 
heard said on this (somewhat) pointless thread.  I don't know the answer 
to what he is asking, so if someone does, please speak.  At least then 
we might actually make some type of progress and meaningful discussion.

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Qtopia coming for Neo1973

2007-09-26 Thread Tim Newsom

On Wed, 26 Sep 2007 8:57, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

As far as I'm concerned, this should have ended last week. The original 
question asked was "why continue with OpenMoko development when Qtopia 
is available, faster, more complete and stable?". It was debated and 
some pretty conclusive reasons came out (as posted last Thursday)

1) Redundency is good, if Qtopia fails for some reason, there's an 
2) A greater number existing applications can be ported easily to an X 
based framework. There is also precedent in the Maemo >project of 
where this has been very useful.

I'd like to add a 3rd: Competition breeds innovation. :-)

I guess a 4th reason that's come out now is "some people just prefer 
the GTK+ api" and maybe a 5th reason "some people prefer the LGPL over 
the GPL".

So there you go, there's the 5 reasons why OpenMoko development will 
continue.Agree or disagree those are the reasons. Perhaps these could 
be added to the wiki to avoid future debates running over the same 



PS: The "faster, more complete and stable" bit refers to the _current_ 
state of OpenMoko and not to what OpenMoko will obviously become.

I guess my only comment is that while I don't really care which 
interface people use on their phones, it seems like the data interfaces 
should be the same... If I open up qtopia phone edition and look at my 
contacts or maybe even edit them and then close it down and open up my 
OM interface and look at them, they should be the same.  All edit are 
visible.. No double entry.

In general, I think that all of that should be possible regardless of 
which interface you use to view/interact with the phone.  Gives a little 
more isolation of the interface from the implementation of where 
everything is, and it gives people the option to switch at any time 
without fear that they need to copy / backup-restore their data when 
switching.  Especially with the relevation about being able to run them 
both at the same time. (Qt has x11 libraries/bindings right?)   So you 
could write qt apps which interact with GTK+ apps through the common 
data infrastructure.


OpenMoko community mailing list

RE: Qtopia coming for Neo1973

2007-09-26 Thread thomas.cooksey
>Can we please end this back and forth C vs. C++, Qt vs. Gtk, X11 vs 
>no-X11, Openmoko vs Qtopia. I think most of us have seen plenty of these 
>debates over the years and nothing constructive ever comes of them.

As far as I'm concerned, this should have ended last week. The original 
question asked was "why continue with OpenMoko development when Qtopia is 
available, faster, more complete and stable?". It was debated and some pretty 
conclusive reasons came out (as posted last Thursday)

>1) Redundency is good, if Qtopia fails for some reason, there's an alternative.
>2) A greater number existing applications can be ported easily to an X based 
>framework. There is also precedent in the Maemo >project of where this has 
>been very useful.
>I'd like to add a 3rd: Competition breeds innovation. :-)

I guess a 4th reason that's come out now is "some people just prefer the GTK+ 
api" and maybe a 5th reason "some people prefer the LGPL over the GPL". 

So there you go, there's the 5 reasons why OpenMoko development will 
continue.Agree or disagree those are the reasons. Perhaps these could be added 
to the wiki to avoid future debates running over the same ground?



PS: The "faster, more complete and stable" bit refers to the _current_ state of 
OpenMoko and not to what OpenMoko will obviously become.

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Qtopia coming for Neo1973

2007-09-25 Thread Dr. H. Nikolaus Schaller
I think there is a place for both Openmoko and Qtopia. Useful  
features and possibly even entire applications can be cloned/ported  
back and forth between the platforms. Artwork, sounds, etc can  
easily be shared.

There is even place for more options to discuss.

E.g. Objective-C + GNUstep + X11.

A very similar technology (called iPhone...) has created a lot of  
hype recently because it is said to provide the best UI experience in  
mobile phones.

Can we please end this back and forth C vs. C++, Qt vs. Gtk, X11 vs  
no-X11, Openmoko vs Qtopia. I think most of us have seen plenty of  
these debates over the years and nothing constructive ever comes of  

But I agree that these dicsussion are not constructive - since there  
is no need for a community consensus. Everybody must decide him/ 
herself which platform best fits the needs. The community can only  
provide pros and cons.

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Qtopia coming for Neo1973

2007-09-25 Thread Casey Harkins

AVee wrote:
C++ compiler needs to be improved. You do realize that C++ was explicitly 
designed with embedded software in mind?

I'm curious where you got the idea that "C++ was explicitly designed 
with embedded software in mind"?


I don't know why the Qtopia vs. Openmoko thing has to continually 
pollute this list with rants. I don't see either going away, so why 
can't they both happily coexist. I've seen the argument that it splits 
the developers between two platforms, but that assumes all the 
developers would be willing to develop on one platform or the other. I 
don't see either Gnome or KDE dying anytime soon. Could Linux on the 
desktop have progressed quicker with a single prominent desktop 
environment over the past 10 years? Maybe, maybe not. One thing I think 
*is* certain is that competing software drives innovation. Sure, 
innovative features often are copied by the competition, but that 
benefits everyone in the end.

I think there is a place for both Openmoko and Qtopia. Useful features 
and possibly even entire applications can be cloned/ported back and 
forth between the platforms. Artwork, sounds, etc can easily be shared.

Can we please end this back and forth C vs. C++, Qt vs. Gtk, X11 vs 
no-X11, Openmoko vs Qtopia. I think most of us have seen plenty of these 
debates over the years and nothing constructive ever comes of them.


OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Qtopia coming for Neo1973

2007-09-25 Thread J F

On 25/9/07 4:41 pm, "john" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I have built an ipk of the Chicken Scheme system if anybody is tempted
> to the dark side?  ;)

Personally I'd like a fully reflective on-board IDE/squeak-like environment
(where there is no separation from applications and programming tools) based
on the io language ( using a totally new toolkit built
for the purpose but I realise that I'm a pervert... :D

On that subject it seems that someone is nearly as perverted as me and is
working on a squeak environment for the neo:

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Qtopia coming for Neo1973

2007-09-25 Thread Clinton Ebadi
john <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> I can echo these views.
> I personally like a C based framework as I develop on my Neo in
> Scheme. I use a Scheme-to-C compiler called Chicken which happens to
> work extremely nicely with GTK+. I can develop much more
> efficiently/easily in Scheme than I can in C. I would not have this
> choice if I wanted to continue with Chicken using with a C++
> framework. No doubt it is possible to integrate but what a pig it
> would be. Of course I am a very small minority taking this approach
> but at least I can if I want! It is good to have options. You could
> argue I am putting all my eggs in one basket (pardon the pun) but I
> have faith in GTK+.

You could use libsmoke from KDE to generate full bindings for the Qt
API dynamically with maybe a few hundred lines of C glue to wrap the
Smoke classes, and another few hundred lines of Scheme to make it feel

Corinne: rub a dub dub nekked in the tub

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Qtopia coming for Neo1973

2007-09-25 Thread Jano
AVee wrote:

> On Tuesday 25 September 2007 10:32, Dani Anon wrote:
>> On 9/25/07, Lorn Potter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> wrote:

>> I thing gp is right, c might be better than c++ for small devices and
>> certainly you need to code in c++ to take advantage of qtopia
>> components.
> Why whould plain C be better, what matters in the and is the binary that
> is spit out by the compiler. I don't see why a C++ compiler should produce
> a binary that is somehow less suitable for small devices.
> Theoretically two programs written it two totally different languages
> could still compile to identical binaries providing identical
> functionality. If your C program is indeed more suitable for small devices
> it just means your C++ compiler needs to be improved. You do realize that
> C++ was explicitly designed with embedded software in mind?

What I find surprising is that nobody has mentioned yet symbian s60. Its API
is C++, and loads of phones use it.

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Qtopia coming for Neo1973

2007-09-25 Thread Attila Csipa
On Tuesday 25 September 2007 20:36:53 Lorn Potter wrote:
> > Yep, but there's this undeniable fact that having 0 entry cost invites
> > a whole new class of developers that you wouldn't have otherwise. I
> > think we could perfectly choose QTopia and just handicap commercial
> > developers, either of the options is better than having two options.
> You are confusing 'commercial' with 'closed source'. No one says open
> source software cannot be sold commercially. You just have to offer and
> release your code to your customers should they want it.

From the sentiment on the list, it seems that the license model is wrong. 
Everybody is talking about free-to-do-whatever-I-want-to-do-with-it in a BSD 
style license. If the project really welcomes any kind of support and/or 
software, free and/or commercial, the type of license should have been BSD, 
because as it stands, it has very little to do with the GPL. I'm not implying 
GPL is a superior license but rather that from what I read on this list, 
people say GPL even though they mean BSD - both valid choices, as long as you 
don't confuse them, which happens quite regularly around here (like calling 
GPL-d software non-free).

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Qtopia coming for Neo1973

2007-09-25 Thread Ted Lemon

On Sep 25, 2007, at 11:14 AM, Carlo E. Prelz wrote:

N. I just say that Qt has no C api. And this makes it
unusable. For me. No mention of it being bad.

The personal reason you've given for why you prefer Gtk to Qt is  
valid, for you.   However, most of what you said had nothing to do  
with that - it was conjecture about the relative merits of GTK+X  
versus Qtopia.   And it was factually incorrect, which implies that  
you didn't know it to be true.   This is why I say that if you don't  
know something to be true, you shouldn't say it: you might be  
unknowingly repeating a falsehood.

It's perfectly fine for you to express your personal experience about  
C++, but you have to understand that your experience isn't  
predictive.   Just because it was that way for you doesn't mean it  
will be that way for me.   When you interject your personal  
experience into a discussion about the pros and cons of something,  
and you can't say why that thing didn't work for you, you are  
creating ignorance in the mind of any reader who doesn't already have  
knowledge of the topic on which you are speaking.   Which is why I'm  
trying to encourage you not to do so.

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Qtopia coming for Neo1973

2007-09-25 Thread Gabriel Ambuehl
On Tuesday 25 September 2007 20:14:36 Carlo E. Prelz wrote:

> properly express my mental patterns. C++ did not cut my cake. No need
> to repeat the experience. I already know how to write what little user
> interface code I need to write, either in C or in Ruby, with
> GTK. Luckily I do not need to meddle with micro$oftland.

If I'm not totally mistaken, Qt does have Ruby bindings. I know it has very 
good Python ones.

I suppose it's a matter of taste, but trying to shoehorn OO into C is a horror 
to *me*.

Description: This is a digitally signed message part.
OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Qtopia coming for Neo1973

2007-09-25 Thread Steven **
On 9/25/07, Lorn Potter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> How many commercial closed source applications are available for
> Linux? How many have you bought? Have you paid attention to what people
> say when someone releases closed source for Linux? How often have nvidia
> and ATI been harassed about their closed source? How many software have
> been released open source as a result of community pressure?

Me personally, I've purchased Unreal Tournament 2004, Quake 4, and soon,
UT2007 and Quake Wars.  You'll note that the only closed-source software
I've purchased are games.  This applies to both Windows and Linux.   I'm
probably not your target market, but you asked.  :-P

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Qtopia coming for Neo1973

2007-09-25 Thread AVee
On Tuesday 25 September 2007 17:51, Dani Anon wrote:
> On 9/25/07, AVee <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > I'll use commercial app if they are worth the money. But i really don't
> > see how someone developing a non-free (both in speech as in beer) should
> > get their toolkit for free. When you expect people to pay for *your*
> > software you should not be suprised when you have to pay for a toolkit
> > yourself. The SDK appears to cost 146 euro, that should be an affordable
> > investment for any commercial developer.
> Yep, but there's this undeniable fact that having 0 entry cost invites
> a whole new class of developers that you wouldn't have otherwise. I
> think we could perfectly choose QTopia and just handicap commercial
> developers, either of the options is better than having two options.

I'm a profesional software developer, but I have never done any serious 
embedded development. I've seen a whole bunch of language, as such I will 
just use what comes along. Learning another yet another language or toolkit 
doesn't scare me, I do that all the time. 
However, I'll always pick the most clean, simple and well documented toolkit. 
If I'm to write software *for fun*, it better be fun. If the toolkit is too 
hard to use, badly designed, badly documented or simply taking too much time 
to learn I'll go and do someting else. There are dozens of projects out there 
and I've got enough ideas for about 5 livetimes of programming. As a 
developer, I'd pick Qtopia anytime.

As a user, I'd like to see the NEO1973 as the ultimate GPS handheld, the 
ultimate smartphone and the ultimate PDA. To that end it simply *must* run a 
lot of software with little or no effort. You can talk for hours 
about 'inefficient', 'free', 'overhead' and whatever, but I just want view 
the PDF file in my email, use a *proper* webbrowser and run VNC. Most Linux 
applications use X, so if thats what it takes, make the thing run X apps. As 
a user, I definately want X. And if I were porting existing applications, I'd 
want X as well.

So I think it is a good thing to have two options, isn't that what Open Source 
is about, the freedom to use what suits you best? 


Beware of low-flying butterflies.

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Qtopia coming for Neo1973

2007-09-25 Thread Lorn Potter

Dani Anon wrote:

On 9/25/07, Steven Le Roux <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On Tue, 25 Sep 2007 10:32:46 +0200, "Dani Anon" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On 9/25/07, Lorn Potter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Carlo E. Prelz wrote:

  Subject: Re: Qtopia coming for Neo1973
  Date: mar 25 set 07 08:18:31 +0200

Quoting Dani Anon ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):

- But QT is not free (as in beer) for commercial usage

This is not the only reason why Qtopia is sub-optimal.

It's not a reason at all. Neo is a "free" phone! If I wanted commercial
applications, I could easily use any other phone out there. The reason
why we are all here, is because the Neo is 'free software'. Would the
Neo interest you as much if it wasn't as 'free'?

Tell that to all the people using Wine under Linux.

I Don't think there are so much...  I fully agree with him to say Neo/OpenMoko goal is to 
become a *FREE* user friendly phone. Even if Qtopia could give bigger range, or bigger 
"celebrity", it will not change the OpenMoko/OpenEmbedded mission, to provide a 
free framework/os

People keep saying that but really, are you sure that openmoko goals
exclude proprietary software?

Of course they don't, because they are developing using the LGPL, which 
encourages commercial closed source.

Linux is a perfectly free operative system but support for proprietary
software isn't discouraged. 

Not by the operating system, or the LGPL, but by the culture surrounding 
it. How many commercial closed source applications are available for 
Linux? How many have you bought? Have you paid attention to what people 
say when someone releases closed source for Linux? How often have nvidia 
and ATI been harassed about their closed source? How many software have 
been released open source as a result of community pressure?

Think of Oracle, Opera, vmware to name a
few. In fact, one could argue that an open platform that makes
proprietary development expensive is less free than a closed platform
that makes proprietary development (as well as free development) free,
so I think you are very wrong about this.

Perhaps, but we aren't talking about closed platforms.
To most commercial entities, software licensing is not as much as 
development costs.

FIC is a company after all and I'm pretty sure that to them, the
non-free nature of qtopia for proprietary usage would be a concern but
that is good. 

FIC wants to sell hardware.

Lorn 'ljp' Potter
Software Engineer, Systems Group, MES, Trolltech

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Qtopia coming for Neo1973

2007-09-25 Thread Lorn Potter

Dr. H. Nikolaus Schaller wrote:

Am 25.09.2007 um 17:20 schrieb Dani Anon:

But hey I like how you conveniently left unanswered my comment about
how the FBUI and DirectFB projects exist solely to remove the X server
overhead. Can you explain to me and them why they are wrong and how
they have wasted all those months of development to solve a problem
that just doesn't exist?

It exists theoretically but the practical relevance depends on several 

I have done some experiments on the OpenMoko and I believe that the
framebuffer itself is the slowest part (don't know why). But X11 *is* 

quite fast.

I could achieve a lot of speed up in my GUI Framework (yes it is another 

by double buffering X11 (i.e. drawing offscreen first and then copying the
modified block in a single bitmap copy command).

In my GUI toolkit the main speed killer is the missing FPU in ARM 

which has to rely on FPU emulation.

So, why optimize something that already works sufficiently? It is like 
washing whiter
than white. But if there is someone who wants to optimize it further - 
why not?

So - IMHO - the X11-Overhead is a neglectable problem. And the benefits 
of X11

overweight any drawbacks.

There may not be very much performance differences, but there is one 
more drawback of using Xlibs. File size and memory.

Lorn 'ljp' Potter
Software Engineer, Systems Group, MES, Trolltech

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Qtopia coming for Neo1973

2007-09-25 Thread Lorn Potter

Dani Anon wrote:

Yep, but there's this undeniable fact that having 0 entry cost invites
a whole new class of developers that you wouldn't have otherwise. I
think we could perfectly choose QTopia and just handicap commercial
developers, either of the options is better than having two options.

You are confusing 'commercial' with 'closed source'. No one says open 
source software cannot be sold commercially. You just have to offer and 
release your code to your customers should they want it.

I don't see how charging a carpenter for a hammer is a handicap. To make 
his/her own hammer would cost more than it would to buy one from the 
local hardware store. You cannot hammer a nail very well without a 
hammer. A rock might work.

Lorn 'ljp' Potter
Software Engineer, Systems Group, MES, Trolltech

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Qtopia coming for Neo1973

2007-09-25 Thread Carlo E. Prelz
Subject: Re: Qtopia coming for Neo1973
Date: mar 25 set 07 09:42:36 -0700

Quoting Ted Lemon ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):

> So when you say Qt is bad because there's no C API, 

N. I just say that Qt has no C api. And this makes it
unusable. For me. No mention of it being bad.

This is the only statement I object about in your last mail. I have
been writing code for a living for longer than I would care to
remember, and the programming language is my main tool. I cannot
invest a sizeable chunk of arable brain land in a tool that does not
properly express my mental patterns. C++ did not cut my cake. No need
to repeat the experience. I already know how to write what little user
interface code I need to write, either in C or in Ruby, with
GTK. Luckily I do not need to meddle with micro$oftland.

I did even buy a C++ book long time ago. I still have it here with me:
C++: The Core Language, by Gregory Satir and Doug Brown, O'Reilly, 1st
edition, 1995. TWELVE YEARS AGO! I am getting old. 

> Sorry to be such a windbag.

I would never have written this 8-)


  * Se la Strada e la sua Virtu' non fossero state messe da parte,
* K * Carlo E. Prelz - [EMAIL PROTECTED] che bisogno ci sarebbe
  *   di parlare tanto di amore e di rettitudine? (Chuang-Tzu)

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Qtopia coming for Neo1973

2007-09-25 Thread Kero van Gelder
>> Also, Qtopia, by having no X server running in the background, makes
>> it much more difficult for the average developer to bring his/her own
>> window to the screen of the phone. 
>  not really. In fact, coding with Qt is much faster than gtk. Ask 
> people that have done both.

As much as I don't like C++, Qt is a breeze and the docs are great.
Porting from Linux to Windows required only some changes in a special
SDL thing we did. Porting the rest of our C++ code was a nightmare tho.

(and for the sggestion of using X11/Xlib, I've done that, too.
Don't go there, unless you work on matchbox or related stuff.)

So... as a teaser, programming the static stuff in glade and the dynamics
in Ruby (yes, a real Neo screenshot):

(packages and more info follow later this week or Sunday, when I have time)


OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Qtopia coming for Neo1973

2007-09-25 Thread Ted Lemon

On Sep 25, 2007, at 6:26 AM, Carlo E. Prelz wrote:

As far as I can perceive, making a c wrapper of a c++ library (and I
do not mean c-looking code that compiles under c++ - I mean a library
that makes heavy use of those ungodly quirks that c++ is burdened
with) is a task that no sane individual might desire to embark
into... But if/when such a wrapper becomes available, I will make sure
to carve out half a day to gain some experience with it.

I don't trust this statement.   You say that C++ is burdened with  
ungodly quirks.   I hated C++ for a long time.   I believed the  
received wisdom that it was quirky and evil.   I avoided it like the  
plague.   C++ was what Windows people programmed in, not Free  
Software people.   But at some point about two years back I really  
needed a decent cross-platform toolkit that actually looked good on  
all three platforms, and Qt was the only option.   So I was forced to  
learn C++.   It turns out that after I got over the learning curve,  
it was actually pretty cool.   Just because some people who use it  
abuse it doesn't mean that it's not useful.   I don't have a  
preference for C++ at this point, but I can use it if I need it, and  
have used it on a number of occasions where it made sense.
Personally I prefer LISP.

So when you say Qt is bad because there's no C API, I am able to look  
at your assertion from a position of knowledge.   And that's why I  
say it's pathetic.   It's not that you're a bad person.   It's that  
you're a blind person trying to tell sighted people why they should  
only walk close to the wall if they don't want to get lost.   You  
just shouldn't do that - if you don't know anything about something,  
don't speak as if you are an authority.   There'd be a lot less  
flaming on virtually every mailing list if people would just not  
speak when they don't know anything useful about what they are saying.

I still prefer the look of Gnome to that of KDE, but this is purely an
aesthetical judgment. I expect that with some effort I would be  
able to

use Gnome themes on KDE.

Again, this is a valid criticism, although I will say that I pretty  
much despise KDE, despite being quite fond of Qt.   OTOH, I despise  
gnome too.   Neither one works very well.   I agree that gnome looks  
better, but since my criterion for something being good is that it  
must work, the fact that gnome looks better doesn't help me.   When  
it starts working better, the fact that it looks better will be more  

Hrmpf. How many X applications can you find in sourceforge?

Who cares?   You're writing a new application, you said.   So what  
you care about is how quickly you can get from a design to an  
implementation.   This has *nothing* to do with whether you are using  
X or a raw framebuffer.   It has to do with how usable the toolkit  
is.   This is why your statement is nonsense.   True, if you want to  
get xterm working on Qtopia, that will be more work than getting it  
working on gnome, because it shares the same underlying windowing  
system, X.   But that's got nothing to do with developing.   If you  
want to develop something new, starting from the xterm source code  
would be suicidal.   There's already a KDE terminal emulator - if you  
decide to use Qt, you can start from that.   So which windowing  
system is underneath the many layers of the GUI toolkit really isn't  

Have you actually tried to develop an app for
Openmoko yet?

No, since I do not have an openmoko.

In other words, you are talking out your hat.

PS In your mail, you wrote 1) that I use pathetic excuses, 2) that I
have complete lack of knowledge on topics that I write my prose about,
3) that I say things that I don't know to be true, 4) that I make
multiple stunningly ignorant statements. Can you please keep these
personal observations out of the conversation? Just for the sake of
peace and harmony...

I'd like us to reach peace and harmony by not repeating prejudices.
I like the look of openmoko better than the look of qtopia - I'm  
totally rooting for openmoko to get to a place where it's usable.
But I find Qt to be very useable.   You've made a bunch of assertions  
about why it isn't useable, despite having no experience using it,  
and despite having no experience developing for openmoko.

I am criticizing your arguments, not you.   If you go off and spend a  
week learning enough C++ to use Qt, and then writing a real app in  
Qt, and then you come back and say "I like Gtk better, and here's  
why" then I'm interested in hearing what you have to say.   Until  
that time, you shouldn't go around telling people that Qt isn't a  
good choice, or that Gtk is better.   Because you don't know.

Sorry to be such a windbag.

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Qtopia coming for Neo1973

2007-09-25 Thread Ben Burdette
It may be worth mentioning that D also works well with straight C libs, 
but can't interface directly with C++.  Its in the same league as C++ in 
terms of speed, while arguably being more elegant. 

I haven't worked with scheme since the 80's, in my intro to programming 
course!  I'll have to check that out, I remember it being a very 
flexible and fun language.  IIRC the gimp uses it in its scripting system. 

john wrote:

I can echo these views.

I personally like a C based framework as I develop on my Neo in 
Scheme. I use a Scheme-to-C compiler called Chicken which happens to 
work extremely nicely with GTK+. I can develop much more 
efficiently/easily in Scheme than I can in C. I would not have this 
choice if I wanted to continue with Chicken using with a C++ 
framework. No doubt it is possible to integrate but what a pig it 
would be. Of course I am a very small minority taking this approach 
but at least I can if I want! It is good to have options. You could 
argue I am putting all my eggs in one basket (pardon the pun) but I 
have faith in GTK+.

Arguing which framework is technically superior may be a bit like 
arguing about VHS vs Betamax. In the long run it might not matter. 
Some of us with go down one route and will be looking hard to find 
people to trade films with :)

I have built an ipk of the Chicken Scheme system if anybody is tempted 
to the dark side?  ;)


Carlo E. Prelz wrote:

    Subject: Re: Qtopia coming for Neo1973

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Qtopia coming for Neo1973

2007-09-25 Thread Steven Le Roux
On Tue, 25 Sep 2007 14:48:21 +0200, Gabriel Ambuehl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Tuesday 25 September 2007 14:23:24 Steven Le Roux wrote:
>> Ok, I am not a developper, but, I think the accelorometer has the goal
> to
>> provide a good video rendering.
> Nitpick: An accelerometer measures physical acceleration and enables
> things 
> like the Wiimote. What you're thinking of is a (graphics) *accelerator*.

oops, language bug :)

As you said, I was talking about the SMedia 2D/3D accelerator :)

Steven Le Roux

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Qtopia coming for Neo1973

2007-09-25 Thread Dani Anon
On 9/25/07, AVee <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Tuesday 25 September 2007 10:32, Dani Anon wrote:
> > On 9/25/07, Lorn Potter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > Carlo E. Prelz wrote:
> > > > Quoting Dani Anon ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
> > > >> - But QT is not free (as in beer) for commercial usage
> > > >
> > > > This is not the only reason why Qtopia is sub-optimal.
> > >
> > > It's not a reason at all. Neo is a "free" phone! If I wanted commercial
> > > applications, I could easily use any other phone out there. The reason
> > > why we are all here, is because the Neo is 'free software'. Would the
> > > Neo interest you as much if it wasn't as 'free'?
> >
> > Tell that to all the people using Wine under Linux.
> I'll use commercial app if they are worth the money. But i really don't see
> how someone developing a non-free (both in speech as in beer) should get
> their toolkit for free. When you expect people to pay for *your* software you
> should not be suprised when you have to pay for a toolkit yourself.
> The SDK appears to cost 146 euro, that should be an affordable investment for
> any commercial developer.

Yep, but there's this undeniable fact that having 0 entry cost invites
a whole new class of developers that you wouldn't have otherwise. I
think we could perfectly choose QTopia and just handicap commercial
developers, either of the options is better than having two options.

> > I thing gp is right, c might be better than c++ for small devices and
> > certainly you need to code in c++ to take advantage of qtopia
> > components.
> Why whould plain C be better, what matters in the and is the binary that is
> spit out by the compiler. I don't see why a C++ compiler should produce a
> binary that is somehow less suitable for small devices.
> Theoretically two programs written it two totally different languages could
> still compile to identical binaries providing identical functionality. If
> your C program is indeed more suitable for small devices it just means your
> C++ compiler needs to be improved. You do realize that C++ was explicitly
> designed with embedded software in mind?

I've said a couple of times that I prefer QTopia technically, and I
personally prefer c++, I was just agreeing with GP on the language
choice being a possible concern, because there is a couple of cons to
requiring c++. But I agree with you on this.

> > > > Also, Qtopia, by having no X server running in the background, makes
> > > > it much more difficult for the average developer to bring his/her own
> > > > window to the screen of the phone.
> > >
> > >   not really. In fact, coding with Qt is much faster than gtk.
> > > Ask people that have done both.
> >
> > agree, anybody that has tried both knows it's like night and day, qt
> > is miles ahead in ease of development.
> And if I where developing a pure basic phone, I'd drop the X server right
> away. But for a device like the Neo 1973 i'm not that sure. There are quit
> some existing applications I'd like to run on that thing and most of them are
> X applications. Losing X is good thing,not being able to use all that code
> out there is not. I'm not totaly convinced of either approach yet, I guess
> both have their place.

Also agree with you there, there are pros and cons to having an X
server I was just answering to the people pretending that there are no
cons at all, which is untrue.


> AVee
> --
> When the only tool you have is a hammer, every problem starts to look
> like a nail.
> ___
> OpenMoko community mailing list

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Qtopia coming for Neo1973

2007-09-25 Thread Dr. H. Nikolaus Schaller

Am 25.09.2007 um 17:20 schrieb Dani Anon:

But hey I like how you conveniently left unanswered my comment about
how the FBUI and DirectFB projects exist solely to remove the X server
overhead. Can you explain to me and them why they are wrong and how
they have wasted all those months of development to solve a problem
that just doesn't exist?

It exists theoretically but the practical relevance depends on  
several factors.

I have done some experiments on the OpenMoko and I believe that the
framebuffer itself is the slowest part (don't know why). But X11 *is*  

quite fast.

I could achieve a lot of speed up in my GUI Framework (yes it is  
another choice!)
by double buffering X11 (i.e. drawing offscreen first and then  
copying the

modified block in a single bitmap copy command).

In my GUI toolkit the main speed killer is the missing FPU in ARM  

which has to rely on FPU emulation.

So, why optimize something that already works sufficiently? It is  
like washing whiter
than white. But if there is someone who wants to optimize it further  
- why not?

So - IMHO - the X11-Overhead is a neglectable problem. And the  
benefits of X11

overweight any drawbacks.

Summary: I am happy with X11 on OpenMoko (and other handhelds).

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Qtopia coming for Neo1973

2007-09-25 Thread john

I can echo these views.

I personally like a C based framework as I develop on my Neo in Scheme. 
I use a Scheme-to-C compiler called Chicken which happens to work 
extremely nicely with GTK+. I can develop much more efficiently/easily 
in Scheme than I can in C. I would not have this choice if I wanted to 
continue with Chicken using with a C++ framework. No doubt it is 
possible to integrate but what a pig it would be. Of course I am a very 
small minority taking this approach but at least I can if I want! It is 
good to have options. You could argue I am putting all my eggs in one 
basket (pardon the pun) but I have faith in GTK+.

Arguing which framework is technically superior may be a bit like 
arguing about VHS vs Betamax. In the long run it might not matter. Some 
of us with go down one route and will be looking hard to find people to 
trade films with :)

I have built an ipk of the Chicken Scheme system if anybody is tempted 
to the dark side?  ;)


Carlo E. Prelz wrote:

Subject: Re: Qtopia coming for Neo1973
Date: mar 25 set 07 01:23:37 -0700

Quoting Ted Lemon ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):

This is an utterly pathetic excuse not to try something.   

It would have been, had I never attempted to get familiar with that
language. But I have, a handful of times. And I concluded, many years
ago, that it is not a language for me.

I rest my case: if you want you can use c++ with GTK. But you cannot
use c with QT. 

As far as I can perceive, making a c wrapper of a c++ library (and I
do not mean c-looking code that compiles under c++ - I mean a library
that makes heavy use of those ungodly quirks that c++ is burdened
with) is a task that no sane individual might desire to embark
into... But if/when such a wrapper becomes available, I will make sure
to carve out half a day to gain some experience with it.

So it's kind of mind-boggling that you were able  
to come up with so much prose to document your complete lack of  
knowledge on the topic.

You are welcome to maintain your boggliness if it pleases you. I have
not stated an absolute judgment of value from the programmer's point
of view, of which I am not capable, since I have never programmed in
QT (and I have never programmed in QT because it requires c++ -
otherwise I would have given it a try by now, free or not free).

I still prefer the look of Gnome to that of KDE, but this is purely an
aesthetical judgment. I expect that with some effort I would be able to
use Gnome themes on KDE.


Also, Qtopia, by having no X server running in the background, makes
it much more difficult for the average developer to bring his/her own
window to the screen of the phone.
Case in point.   This simply isn't true.   You're saying things that  
you don't know to be true.   Why would you do that?

Hrmpf. How many X applications can you find in sourceforge? This
translates to how many programmers who already can make use of one of
the many tools that are available to generate an X-compatible
executable? And on the other hand, how many people are there who can
easily translate their ideas into a user interface that runs under
Qtopia's windowing system? 

I do mean this when I say that X is easier than Qtopia. I have never
programmed in Qtopia's environment, so I cannot state how easy or
complex it may be.


I see OpenMoko as a developer-oriented phone/system.
I haven't even been able to get a build working.   It only builds on  
one platform - the build is so brittle that if you don't have that  
platform, you can't get it to go.   It's early days, so I don't count  
that against the development team, but this is another stunningly  
ignorant statement.   Have you actually tried to develop an app for  
Openmoko yet?

No, since I do not have an openmoko. I might have bought one had they
not canceled the plan for a rebate for the second model.

But I have had a look at the code. And I understand that the X running
on OM will be basically the same X that currently runs on this laptop
of mine from which I am writing this message (minus opengl,
possibly. It will in any way be sensibly faster than the first X I
worked with, back in '93, on that old Tseng Labs video card...).

Once I correctly set up the cross-compiling chain of tools, I do
believe that the very well-known window manager that is used by OM
will not refuse to manage the windows of my humble executables, too.


PS In your mail, you wrote 1) that I use pathetic excuses, 2) that I
have complete lack of knowledge on topics that I write my prose about,
3) that I say things that I don't know to be true, 4) that I make
multiple stunningly ignorant statements. Can you please keep these
personal observations out of the conversation? Just for the sake of
peace and harmony...


OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Qtopia coming for Neo1973

2007-09-25 Thread Dani Anon
> I think you are misrepresenting the difference. I would write that as:
> 1. Application asks X to draw a line, then gets on with other stuff, or
> makes other calls while it waits. X calls the device driver which talks
> to the hardware GPU (using around 20 bytes of API call) which uses
> accelerated hardware to draw the line in the screen buffer. A few
> microseconds later X informs the application that the line has been
> drawn.
> 2. Application (via compiled in or dynamically linked libraries) talks
> directly to the memory mapped frame buffer. It does it's own geometry,
> area fill and transparency calculations, (wasting the perfectly good
> GPU that the hardware has) then directly updates several thousand
> memory locations to make the line appear on the screen. (flushing the
> CPU's cache in the process) While it is doing that it cannot do any
> other useful work.

Wow, do you actually think you can write that and stand uncorrected?

Why in your version of the second scenario there is no low level
graphic support and in the first scenario there is? Why in the second
scenario is there no hardware acceleration and in the first scenario
there is? Why on the second scenario you assume the application has to
do all the geometry instead of the operative system? I guess
handicapping the second hypothetical studio subject must be the only
way you can show the first scenario is less overhead but wow, I really
didn't expect that level of blatant manipulation in this list. The
second implementation can perfectly have gpu support, graphic
acceleration and OS assisted geometry and all the stuff you wrote
simply wouldn't happen; there's a pretty well known example of this,
how was it called? Oh yes, *Microsoft Windows*. In fact, there's
better support for everything you wrote on Windows than in Linux.
Also, do you really think that's an accurate representation of what's
happening in Openmoko vs any QTopia device for example?

Applications make other calls while they wait? Yeah, sure... if they
are not input dependant! In the time that stuff is drawn the component
may have been closed by the user (just to provide an example) so are
you sure you can get away with saying "Oh its OK, that stuff is
queued"? In the second scenario you only have to wait for the GPU, in
the first scenario you have to wait for the GPU and X. For a example
of an operation is only logical that we make it blocking but of course
it's more convenient for you that we make it non-blocking.

But hey I like how you conveniently left unanswered my comment about
how the FBUI and DirectFB projects exist solely to remove the X server
overhead. Can you explain to me and them why they are wrong and how
they have wasted all those months of development to solve a problem
that just doesn't exist?

> > Which one would you choose for performance? Apparently most of the
> > phones are using the second. The mind boggles...
> Interesting point. The advantage of the first (via X) is that it uses a
> standard API, and if the GPU device drivers are well written then most
> of the hard work can be offloaded, making screen updates very fast,
> even if the screen is very big (=lots of memory buffer to move around).
> The advantage of the second (direct frame buffer) is that it is much
> quicker to implement on new hardware, and uses slightly less memory.
> The way I see it, using a direct frame buffer system such as Qtopia is
> sensible in an early version before the GPU device drivers are working,
> but after that there is little benefit.
> --
> David Pottage
> Error compiling committee.c To many arguments to function.
> ___
> OpenMoko community mailing list

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Qtopia coming for Neo1973

2007-09-25 Thread AVee
On Tuesday 25 September 2007 10:32, Dani Anon wrote:
> On 9/25/07, Lorn Potter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Carlo E. Prelz wrote:
> > > Quoting Dani Anon ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
> > >> - But QT is not free (as in beer) for commercial usage
> > >
> > > This is not the only reason why Qtopia is sub-optimal.
> >
> > It's not a reason at all. Neo is a "free" phone! If I wanted commercial
> > applications, I could easily use any other phone out there. The reason
> > why we are all here, is because the Neo is 'free software'. Would the
> > Neo interest you as much if it wasn't as 'free'?
> Tell that to all the people using Wine under Linux.

I'll use commercial app if they are worth the money. But i really don't see 
how someone developing a non-free (both in speech as in beer) should get 
their toolkit for free. When you expect people to pay for *your* software you 
should not be suprised when you have to pay for a toolkit yourself. 
The SDK appears to cost 146 euro, that should be an affordable investment for 
any commercial developer. 

> I thing gp is right, c might be better than c++ for small devices and
> certainly you need to code in c++ to take advantage of qtopia
> components.

Why whould plain C be better, what matters in the and is the binary that is 
spit out by the compiler. I don't see why a C++ compiler should produce a 
binary that is somehow less suitable for small devices. 
Theoretically two programs written it two totally different languages could 
still compile to identical binaries providing identical functionality. If 
your C program is indeed more suitable for small devices it just means your 
C++ compiler needs to be improved. You do realize that C++ was explicitly 
designed with embedded software in mind?

> > > Also, Qtopia, by having no X server running in the background, makes
> > > it much more difficult for the average developer to bring his/her own
> > > window to the screen of the phone.
> >
> >   not really. In fact, coding with Qt is much faster than gtk.
> > Ask people that have done both.
> agree, anybody that has tried both knows it's like night and day, qt
> is miles ahead in ease of development.

And if I where developing a pure basic phone, I'd drop the X server right 
away. But for a device like the Neo 1973 i'm not that sure. There are quit 
some existing applications I'd like to run on that thing and most of them are 
X applications. Losing X is good thing,not being able to use all that code 
out there is not. I'm not totaly convinced of either approach yet, I guess 
both have their place.


When the only tool you have is a hammer, every problem starts to look
like a nail.

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Qtopia coming for Neo1973

2007-09-25 Thread David Pottage
On Tue, September 25, 2007 3:14 pm, Dani Anon wrote:

> It's either one of the following:
> 1) Application asks to draw a line and waits. X sees that request and
> uses a driver to draw the line, then sends confirmation. Now the
> application waits and when the confirmation is received it's ready
> for the next operation.
> 2) Application uses a driver to print the line.

I think you are misrepresenting the difference. I would write that as:

1. Application asks X to draw a line, then gets on with other stuff, or
makes other calls while it waits. X calls the device driver which talks
to the hardware GPU (using around 20 bytes of API call) which uses
accelerated hardware to draw the line in the screen buffer. A few
microseconds later X informs the application that the line has been

2. Application (via compiled in or dynamically linked libraries) talks
directly to the memory mapped frame buffer. It does it's own geometry,
area fill and transparency calculations, (wasting the perfectly good
GPU that the hardware has) then directly updates several thousand
memory locations to make the line appear on the screen. (flushing the
CPU's cache in the process) While it is doing that it cannot do any
other useful work.

> Which one would you choose for performance? Apparently most of the
> phones are using the second. The mind boggles...

Interesting point. The advantage of the first (via X) is that it uses a
standard API, and if the GPU device drivers are well written then most
of the hard work can be offloaded, making screen updates very fast,
even if the screen is very big (=lots of memory buffer to move around).

The advantage of the second (direct frame buffer) is that it is much
quicker to implement on new hardware, and uses slightly less memory.

The way I see it, using a direct frame buffer system such as Qtopia is
sensible in an early version before the GPU device drivers are working,
but after that there is little benefit.

David Pottage

Error compiling committee.c To many arguments to function.

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Qtopia coming for Neo1973

2007-09-25 Thread Dani Anon
On 9/25/07, Steven Le Roux <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Tue, 25 Sep 2007 10:32:46 +0200, "Dani Anon" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > On 9/25/07, Lorn Potter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >>
> >>
> >> Carlo E. Prelz wrote:
> >> >   Subject: Re: Qtopia coming for Neo1973
> >> >   Date: mar 25 set 07 08:18:31 +0200
> >> >
> >> > Quoting Dani Anon ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
> >> >
> >> >> - But QT is not free (as in beer) for commercial usage
> >> >
> >> > This is not the only reason why Qtopia is sub-optimal.
> >>
> >> It's not a reason at all. Neo is a "free" phone! If I wanted commercial
> >> applications, I could easily use any other phone out there. The reason
> >> why we are all here, is because the Neo is 'free software'. Would the
> >> Neo interest you as much if it wasn't as 'free'?
> >
> > Tell that to all the people using Wine under Linux.
> I Don't think there are so much...  I fully agree with him to say 
> Neo/OpenMoko goal is to become a *FREE* user friendly phone. Even if Qtopia 
> could give bigger range, or bigger "celebrity", it will not change the 
> OpenMoko/OpenEmbedded mission, to provide a free framework/os

People keep saying that but really, are you sure that openmoko goals
exclude proprietary software?

Linux is a perfectly free operative system but support for proprietary
software isn't discouraged. Think of Oracle, Opera, vmware to name a
few. In fact, one could argue that an open platform that makes
proprietary development expensive is less free than a closed platform
that makes proprietary development (as well as free development) free,
so I think you are very wrong about this.

FIC is a company after all and I'm pretty sure that to them, the
non-free nature of qtopia for proprietary usage would be a concern but
that is good. In fact I would prefer qtopia as a developer but I'm
willing to use openmoko, I really want.

> >
> >> They haven't progressed that much in the last 6 years. Slower cpu uses
> >> less power.
> >
> > strongly agree with all these points. With mobile devices, direct
> > access to the hardware is everything because it might mean an extra
> > hour of battery. the main problem right now is I'm not sure about the
> > future of openmoko if they keep using X. When I learnt openmoko was
> > using an X server it surprised me a lot, its a very weird decision.
> > Most of Linux powered extramobile devices that I know of (please
> > correct me if I'm wrong) have some kind of framebuffer environment in
> > which you can directly draw stuff on screen with little overhead.
> >
> > Dani
> Ok, I am not a developper, but, I think the accelorometer has the goal to 
> provide a good video rendering.
> If you see forward, the hardware will be improved, and I think there will be 
> some "eyeglasses" effect or any "eye candy" things that won't not be possible 
> with frame buffer...

I think you are confused about the framebuffer thing. A frame buffer
is always used, it's used by X too. (You are taking about the *Linux*
Framebuffer, a particular feature of linux). And yes, X adds an
overhead, that's why there are projects like FBUI or directFB. These
people aren't lunatic or morons, they started such efforts
specifically to remove the X overhead and have something as responsive
as Microsoft and Apple have. This is very well known, so stop
pretending that it's not an issue.

It's either one of the following:

1) Application asks to draw a line and waits. X sees that request and
uses a driver to draw the line, then sends confirmation. Now the
application waits and when the confirmation is received it's ready for
the next operation.
2) Application uses a driver to print the line.

Note that in the second option we are already ready for the next operation.,,

Which one would you choose for performance? Apparently most of the
phones are using the second. The mind boggles...

> --
> Steven Le Roux
> ___
> OpenMoko community mailing list

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Qtopia coming for Neo1973

2007-09-25 Thread Carlo E. Prelz
Subject: Re: Qtopia coming for Neo1973
Date: mar 25 set 07 01:23:37 -0700

Quoting Ted Lemon ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):

> This is an utterly pathetic excuse not to try something.   

It would have been, had I never attempted to get familiar with that
language. But I have, a handful of times. And I concluded, many years
ago, that it is not a language for me.

I rest my case: if you want you can use c++ with GTK. But you cannot
use c with QT. 

As far as I can perceive, making a c wrapper of a c++ library (and I
do not mean c-looking code that compiles under c++ - I mean a library
that makes heavy use of those ungodly quirks that c++ is burdened
with) is a task that no sane individual might desire to embark
into... But if/when such a wrapper becomes available, I will make sure
to carve out half a day to gain some experience with it.

> So it's kind of mind-boggling that you were able  
> to come up with so much prose to document your complete lack of  
> knowledge on the topic.

You are welcome to maintain your boggliness if it pleases you. I have
not stated an absolute judgment of value from the programmer's point
of view, of which I am not capable, since I have never programmed in
QT (and I have never programmed in QT because it requires c++ -
otherwise I would have given it a try by now, free or not free).

I still prefer the look of Gnome to that of KDE, but this is purely an
aesthetical judgment. I expect that with some effort I would be able to
use Gnome themes on KDE.

> >Also, Qtopia, by having no X server running in the background, makes
> >it much more difficult for the average developer to bring his/her own
> >window to the screen of the phone.
> Case in point.   This simply isn't true.   You're saying things that  
> you don't know to be true.   Why would you do that?

Hrmpf. How many X applications can you find in sourceforge? This
translates to how many programmers who already can make use of one of
the many tools that are available to generate an X-compatible
executable? And on the other hand, how many people are there who can
easily translate their ideas into a user interface that runs under
Qtopia's windowing system? 

I do mean this when I say that X is easier than Qtopia. I have never
programmed in Qtopia's environment, so I cannot state how easy or
complex it may be.

> >I see OpenMoko as a developer-oriented phone/system.
> I haven't even been able to get a build working.   It only builds on  
> one platform - the build is so brittle that if you don't have that  
> platform, you can't get it to go.   It's early days, so I don't count  
> that against the development team, but this is another stunningly  
> ignorant statement.   Have you actually tried to develop an app for  
> Openmoko yet?

No, since I do not have an openmoko. I might have bought one had they
not canceled the plan for a rebate for the second model.

But I have had a look at the code. And I understand that the X running
on OM will be basically the same X that currently runs on this laptop
of mine from which I am writing this message (minus opengl,
possibly. It will in any way be sensibly faster than the first X I
worked with, back in '93, on that old Tseng Labs video card...).

Once I correctly set up the cross-compiling chain of tools, I do
believe that the very well-known window manager that is used by OM
will not refuse to manage the windows of my humble executables, too.


PS In your mail, you wrote 1) that I use pathetic excuses, 2) that I
have complete lack of knowledge on topics that I write my prose about,
3) that I say things that I don't know to be true, 4) that I make
multiple stunningly ignorant statements. Can you please keep these
personal observations out of the conversation? Just for the sake of
peace and harmony...

  * Se la Strada e la sua Virtu' non fossero state messe da parte,
* K * Carlo E. Prelz - [EMAIL PROTECTED] che bisogno ci sarebbe
  *   di parlare tanto di amore e di rettitudine? (Chuang-Tzu)

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Qtopia coming for Neo1973

2007-09-25 Thread Gabriel Ambuehl
On Tuesday 25 September 2007 14:23:24 Steven Le Roux wrote:

> Ok, I am not a developper, but, I think the accelorometer has the goal to
> provide a good video rendering.

Nitpick: An accelerometer measures physical acceleration and enables things 
like the Wiimote. What you're thinking of is a (graphics) *accelerator*.

Description: This is a digitally signed message part.
OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Qtopia coming for Neo1973

2007-09-25 Thread Steven Le Roux

On Tue, 25 Sep 2007 10:32:46 +0200, "Dani Anon" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 9/25/07, Lorn Potter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Carlo E. Prelz wrote:
>> >   Subject: Re: Qtopia coming for Neo1973
>> >   Date: mar 25 set 07 08:18:31 +0200
>> >
>> > Quoting Dani Anon ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
>> >
>> >> - But QT is not free (as in beer) for commercial usage
>> >
>> > This is not the only reason why Qtopia is sub-optimal.
>> It's not a reason at all. Neo is a "free" phone! If I wanted commercial
>> applications, I could easily use any other phone out there. The reason
>> why we are all here, is because the Neo is 'free software'. Would the
>> Neo interest you as much if it wasn't as 'free'?
> Tell that to all the people using Wine under Linux.

I Don't think there are so much...  I fully agree with him to say Neo/OpenMoko 
goal is to become a *FREE* user friendly phone. Even if Qtopia could give 
bigger range, or bigger "celebrity", it will not change the 
OpenMoko/OpenEmbedded mission, to provide a free framework/os 
>> They haven't progressed that much in the last 6 years. Slower cpu uses
>> less power.
> strongly agree with all these points. With mobile devices, direct
> access to the hardware is everything because it might mean an extra
> hour of battery. the main problem right now is I'm not sure about the
> future of openmoko if they keep using X. When I learnt openmoko was
> using an X server it surprised me a lot, its a very weird decision.
> Most of Linux powered extramobile devices that I know of (please
> correct me if I'm wrong) have some kind of framebuffer environment in
> which you can directly draw stuff on screen with little overhead.
> Dani

Ok, I am not a developper, but, I think the accelorometer has the goal to 
provide a good video rendering.
If you see forward, the hardware will be improved, and I think there will be 
some "eyeglasses" effect or any "eye candy" things that won't not be possible 
with frame buffer...

Steven Le Roux

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Qtopia coming for Neo1973

2007-09-25 Thread Gabriel Ambuehl
On Tuesday 25 September 2007 11:18:39 Dani Anon wrote:
> Just for the record, those are tablets, that weight more (i.e: they
> have more battery life thus power) that can take such overhead. N800
> doesn't even have phone functions! Do you know about any linuxphone
> with X?

According to Wikipedia, N770 has an ARM926TEJ @250MHz which should be about in 
the same ballpark as GTA02, so no, that's not faster. And in fact, they have 
to drive MORE pixels on their screen. 

The [EMAIL PROTECTED] in N800 is faster, I'll grant you that.

Description: This is a digitally signed message part.
OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Qtopia coming for Neo1973

2007-09-25 Thread Alexey Feldgendler

On Tue, 25 Sep 2007 11:18:39 +0200, Dani Anon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Most of Linux powered extramobile devices that I know of (please
correct me if I'm wrong) have some kind of framebuffer environment in
which you can directly draw stuff on screen with little overhead.

Just for the record, Nokia N770/N800 uses X.

Just for the record, those are tablets, that weight more (i.e: they
have more battery life thus power) that can take such overhead. N800
doesn't even have phone functions! Do you know about any linuxphone
with X?

Nokia N800 has a 1300 mAh battery, which is AFAIK less than Neo is going  
to have.

Alexey Feldgendler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
[ICQ: 115226275]

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Qtopia coming for Neo1973

2007-09-25 Thread Dr. H. Nikolaus Schaller

Just for the record, those are tablets, that weight more (i.e: they
have more battery life thus power) that can take such overhead. N800

Why do you assume that X is overhead that needs more weight and  
battery capacity?
X11 is also using the same framebuffer as others are using. It is  
just a different software


doesn't even have phone functions! Do you know about any linuxphone
with X?

The phone functionality (GSM) of the Neo comes from a separate  
module. So, adding
one to the N800 wouldn't change anything in the performance of the  

BTW just for the record, the first Linux wristwatch from IBM did also  
use X11...

IMHO it is a common misconception that X11 raises performance  
problems. It is
mostly how X11 is used. E.g. if you flush too often, performance goes  
down because

it cannot combine and buffer screen updates any more.

BTW: some of my experiments indicate that the framebuffer itself is  
the slowest part

in the game.

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Qtopia coming for Neo1973

2007-09-25 Thread Attila Csipa
On Tuesday 25 September 2007 10:32:46 Dani Anon wrote:
> I thing gp is right, c might be better than c++ for small devices and
> certainly you need to code in c++ to take advantage of qtopia
> components.

If we lived through Java on mobile devices (which actually is quite virile 
even today), and that's one language hasn't built it's reputation on speed, 
then I can't accept c++ as a language being stereotypically labeled 'slow' 
and 'bloated'. Yes, you can write inefficient code in c++ if you don't know 
what you're doing, but so can you in almost any other language. I really 
hated C, the pointer errors I had to correct (often in other peoples code) 
drove me mad, but again, one could argue if done properly, pointers and 
mallocs are no headache - well they were for me, I try to avoid even looking 
at such code if possible.

> >   not really. In fact, coding with Qt is much faster than gtk.
> > Ask people that have done both.
> agree, anybody that has tried both knows it's like night and day, qt
> is miles ahead in ease of development.

Agree2, did code with both Qt and GTK+ and I did find my way around in Qt much 
easier, but that certainly is a personal preference/experience. But please 
note that just because you already know a language, toolkit or framework it 
doesn't mean that the other alternatives are universally bad. It is simply 
outrageous that people here judge whole frameworks by their screenshots or 
preconceptions on a language they have not really spent much time working 

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Qtopia coming for Neo1973

2007-09-25 Thread Dani Anon
Just for the record, those are tablets, that weight more (i.e: they
have more battery life thus power) that can take such overhead. N800
doesn't even have phone functions! Do you know about any linuxphone
with X?

Consider that QT had a X port already, why waste time removing the X
dependence for QTopia if the overhead wasn't important? ;)


On 9/25/07, Alexey Feldgendler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Tue, 25 Sep 2007 10:32:46 +0200, Dani Anon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > strongly agree with all these points. With mobile devices, direct
> > access to the hardware is everything because it might mean an extra
> > hour of battery. the main problem right now is I'm not sure about the
> > future of openmoko if they keep using X. When I learnt openmoko was
> > using an X server it surprised me a lot, its a very weird decision.
> > Most of Linux powered extramobile devices that I know of (please
> > correct me if I'm wrong) have some kind of framebuffer environment in
> > which you can directly draw stuff on screen with little overhead.
> Just for the record, Nokia N770/N800 uses X.
> --
> Alexey Feldgendler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> [ICQ: 115226275]
> ___
> OpenMoko community mailing list

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Qtopia coming for Neo1973

2007-09-25 Thread Alexey Feldgendler

On Tue, 25 Sep 2007 10:32:46 +0200, Dani Anon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

strongly agree with all these points. With mobile devices, direct
access to the hardware is everything because it might mean an extra
hour of battery. the main problem right now is I'm not sure about the
future of openmoko if they keep using X. When I learnt openmoko was
using an X server it surprised me a lot, its a very weird decision.
Most of Linux powered extramobile devices that I know of (please
correct me if I'm wrong) have some kind of framebuffer environment in
which you can directly draw stuff on screen with little overhead.

Just for the record, Nokia N770/N800 uses X.

Alexey Feldgendler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
[ICQ: 115226275]

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Qtopia coming for Neo1973

2007-09-25 Thread Gabriel Ambuehl
On Tuesday 25 September 2007 09:51:42 Lorn Potter wrote:
> > but I have reasons to believe that a) I should have
> > to learn to code in a totally different environment, and b) that
> > environment would require coding in C++. Both things are not desirable
> > for me.
> fair enough reasons here.

Which leads to the question whether you can use PyQT or maybe Jambi with 

Description: This is a digitally signed message part.
OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Qtopia coming for Neo1973

2007-09-25 Thread Dani Anon
On 9/25/07, Lorn Potter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Carlo E. Prelz wrote:
> >   Subject: Re: Qtopia coming for Neo1973
> >   Date: mar 25 set 07 08:18:31 +0200
> >
> > Quoting Dani Anon ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
> >
> >> - But QT is not free (as in beer) for commercial usage
> >
> > This is not the only reason why Qtopia is sub-optimal.
> It's not a reason at all. Neo is a "free" phone! If I wanted commercial
> applications, I could easily use any other phone out there. The reason
> why we are all here, is because the Neo is 'free software'. Would the
> Neo interest you as much if it wasn't as 'free'?

Tell that to all the people using Wine under Linux.

> > QT is bound to C++. With GTK you can choose to program in C, or, if
> > you really want to, in C++. With QT there is no way you can write your
> > code in C.
> There is no way right now because no one has written a wrapper. It's not
> impossible.

I thing gp is right, c might be better than c++ for small devices and
certainly you need to code in c++ to take advantage of qtopia

> >
> > Also, Qtopia, by having no X server running in the background, makes
> > it much more difficult for the average developer to bring his/her own
> > window to the screen of the phone.
>   not really. In fact, coding with Qt is much faster than gtk.
> Ask people that have done both.

agree, anybody that has tried both knows it's like night and day, qt
is miles ahead in ease of development.

> > With X, there are dozens of ways to
> > paste an interactive window to the screen. They may be esthetically
> > discordant with the main theme of the phone, but your code can
> > communicate to the phone user and the phone hardware. I do not know
> > how easy it is for one's application to talk to the windowing system
> > underlying qtopia,
> Easier, IMHO, than with gtk/xlibs. X11 development is rather arcane.
> > but I have reasons to believe that a) I should have
> > to learn to code in a totally different environment, and b) that
> > environment would require coding in C++. Both things are not desirable
> > for me.
> fair enough reasons here.
> >
> > I see OpenMoko as a developer-oriented phone/system. Even if current
> > performance may be not that awe-generating, processor speeds are going
> > to increase, and optimizations will certainly be made.
> They haven't progressed that much in the last 6 years. Slower cpu uses
> less power.

strongly agree with all these points. With mobile devices, direct
access to the hardware is everything because it might mean an extra
hour of battery. the main problem right now is I'm not sure about the
future of openmoko if they keep using X. When I learnt openmoko was
using an X server it surprised me a lot, its a very weird decision.
Most of Linux powered extramobile devices that I know of (please
correct me if I'm wrong) have some kind of framebuffer environment in
which you can directly draw stuff on screen with little overhead.


> --
> Lorn 'ljp' Potter
> Software Engineer, Systems Group, MES, Trolltech
> ___
> OpenMoko community mailing list

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Qtopia coming for Neo1973

2007-09-25 Thread Ted Lemon

On Sep 24, 2007, at 11:58 PM, Carlo E. Prelz wrote:

QT is bound to C++. With GTK you can choose to program in C, or, if
you really want to, in C++. With QT there is no way you can write your
code in C.

This is an utterly pathetic excuse not to try something.   You don't  
have to become a C++ expert to try Qt.   Just take some existing Qt  
sample code, read it over, spend a half day reading a C++ book to  
figure out the stuff that doesn't make sense to you, and then code  
something up and see how it works.   If it really sucks, you'll  
know.   Without doing this, you simply aren't qualified to say  
anything about Qt.   So it's kind of mind-boggling that you were able  
to come up with so much prose to document your complete lack of  
knowledge on the topic.

Also, Qtopia, by having no X server running in the background, makes
it much more difficult for the average developer to bring his/her own
window to the screen of the phone.

Case in point.   This simply isn't true.   You're saying things that  
you don't know to be true.   Why would you do that?

I see OpenMoko as a developer-oriented phone/system.

I haven't even been able to get a build working.   It only builds on  
one platform - the build is so brittle that if you don't have that  
platform, you can't get it to go.   It's early days, so I don't count  
that against the development team, but this is another stunningly  
ignorant statement.   Have you actually tried to develop an app for  
Openmoko yet?

I've spent far more time trying to figure out the OpenMoko build  
system than I ever spent learning C++ so that I could write Qt code -  
I had my own Qt app, mostly written in C running under Qt in a matter  
of about a day and a half.

GTK may be better than Qt for some reason, but it's not because Qt is  
hard to use.

(I also do like much more the graphical look of the OM proposed
interface, but this is purely a matter of tastes)

Taste matters.   The OpenMoko UI in some places really does look  
better than the Qtopia UI.   There's no need to be bashful about  
preferring one design to the other because of the way it looks.

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Qtopia coming for Neo1973

2007-09-25 Thread Lorn Potter

Carlo E. Prelz wrote:

Subject: Re: Qtopia coming for Neo1973
Date: mar 25 set 07 08:18:31 +0200

Quoting Dani Anon ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):

- But QT is not free (as in beer) for commercial usage

This is not the only reason why Qtopia is sub-optimal.

It's not a reason at all. Neo is a "free" phone! If I wanted commercial 
applications, I could easily use any other phone out there. The reason 
why we are all here, is because the Neo is 'free software'. Would the 
Neo interest you as much if it wasn't as 'free'?

QT is bound to C++. With GTK you can choose to program in C, or, if
you really want to, in C++. With QT there is no way you can write your
code in C. 

There is no way right now because no one has written a wrapper. It's not 

Also, Qtopia, by having no X server running in the background, makes
it much more difficult for the average developer to bring his/her own
window to the screen of the phone. 

 not really. In fact, coding with Qt is much faster than gtk. 
Ask people that have done both.

With X, there are dozens of ways to
paste an interactive window to the screen. They may be esthetically
discordant with the main theme of the phone, but your code can
communicate to the phone user and the phone hardware. I do not know
how easy it is for one's application to talk to the windowing system
underlying qtopia, 

Easier, IMHO, than with gtk/xlibs. X11 development is rather arcane.

but I have reasons to believe that a) I should have
to learn to code in a totally different environment, and b) that
environment would require coding in C++. Both things are not desirable
for me.

fair enough reasons here.

I see OpenMoko as a developer-oriented phone/system. Even if current
performance may be not that awe-generating, processor speeds are going
to increase, and optimizations will certainly be made. 

They haven't progressed that much in the last 6 years. Slower cpu uses 
less power.

Lorn 'ljp' Potter
Software Engineer, Systems Group, MES, Trolltech

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Qtopia coming for Neo1973

2007-09-25 Thread Lorn Potter

Dani Anon wrote:

thomas.cooksey at wrote:

Fantastic news! What works? Looking at the youtube videos, it appears

that the phone, SMS, bluetooth & power management are all working? Can
you actually place and recieve calls?

pm needs work.

- I've worked with QT and it's clearly superior and I'm willing to bet
it's energetically more efficient since it doesn't have the X overhead
(can anybody measure? this is very important).

Not really much difference in overhead of the two.

- But QT is not free (as in beer) for commercial usage and I'm sure
the openmoko leadership doesn't want to discourage people from
starting commercial ventures on openmoko, and neither should we,
because it's interesting that we have that kind of choice.

The Neo is free software, why encourage non free applications?

Lorn 'ljp' Potter
Software Engineer, Systems Group, MES, Trolltech

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Qtopia coming for Neo1973

2007-09-25 Thread Carlo E. Prelz
Subject: Re: Qtopia coming for Neo1973
Date: mar 25 set 07 08:18:31 +0200

Quoting Dani Anon ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):

> - But QT is not free (as in beer) for commercial usage

This is not the only reason why Qtopia is sub-optimal.

QT is bound to C++. With GTK you can choose to program in C, or, if
you really want to, in C++. With QT there is no way you can write your
code in C. 

Also, Qtopia, by having no X server running in the background, makes
it much more difficult for the average developer to bring his/her own
window to the screen of the phone. With X, there are dozens of ways to
paste an interactive window to the screen. They may be esthetically
discordant with the main theme of the phone, but your code can
communicate to the phone user and the phone hardware. I do not know
how easy it is for one's application to talk to the windowing system
underlying qtopia, but I have reasons to believe that a) I should have
to learn to code in a totally different environment, and b) that
environment would require coding in C++. Both things are not desirable
for me.

I see OpenMoko as a developer-oriented phone/system. Even if current
performance may be not that awe-generating, processor speeds are going
to increase, and optimizations will certainly be made. What I see as
the most important thing in this project is that I would have a
telephone that is equivalent, under as many points of view as
possible, to my main computer and laptop. For this, X is
indispensable, and the fact that the telephone and PIM applications
are coded in the same language of the underlying operating system is
an added value to the level of hackability of the OM platform.

(I also do like much more the graphical look of the OM proposed
interface, but this is purely a matter of tastes)


  * Se la Strada e la sua Virtu' non fossero state messe da parte,
* K * Carlo E. Prelz - [EMAIL PROTECTED] che bisogno ci sarebbe
  *   di parlare tanto di amore e di rettitudine? (Chuang-Tzu)

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Qtopia coming for Neo1973

2007-09-24 Thread Dani Anon
thomas.cooksey at wrote:
>Fantastic news! What works? Looking at the youtube videos, it appears
that the phone, SMS, bluetooth & power management are all working? Can
you actually place and recieve calls?
>I'm sure OpenMoko development will continue, but a good question is
why? I don't really want to start a flame war, but I do think the
question should raised. Why spend so much effort creating yet another
GTK+ based framework? What would happen if all the people working on
OpenMoko focused their efforts on improving Qtopia on the neo instead?
Surely we'd get a fast, stable and functional phone stack a lot

You are absolutely right, that question needs to be answered or I'm
starting to se the Linux on the desktop epic fail all over again. I
posted some design suggestions a couple of days ago, I was told to
check the new openmoko version and I was going to but now I've
discovered this issue about qtopia I'm gonna have to wait to see what
platform gets more traction. Just like the QT/GTK problem on the
desktop we are heading into a long term fragmentation that won't go

- I've worked with QT and it's clearly superior and I'm willing to bet
it's energetically more efficient since it doesn't have the X overhead
(can anybody measure? this is very important).
- But QT is not free (as in beer) for commercial usage and I'm sure
the openmoko leadership doesn't want to discourage people from
starting commercial ventures on openmoko, and neither should we,
because it's interesting that we have that kind of choice.

So, we really need a word from the openmoko leadership, please, step
in and tell us that you will focus on providing the same kind of
platform that qtopia provides, so we can bet on the more free (but
currently technically inferior) openmoko option, otherwise there's not
reason for us to use openmoko and then we'll have a platform
"locked-in" by qt (for commercial usage) or a fragmented scenario. And
this is very damaging, it means half of the developers are no working
in openmoko programs. And no, "choice is good" doesn't apply to
everything, that's why we have standards so stop repeating that
dangerous fallacy.

OpenMoko community mailing list

RE: Qtopia coming for Neo1973

2007-09-19 Thread thomas.cooksey
>After the docs come out, it should be possible to write a Mesa driver
>right?  My impression is OpenGL ES is just a subset of regular OpenGL;
>it's not so different that Mesa APIs would not work.  Then the whole
>X/GLX/Mesa/driver/DRI stack could be used.

Writing a 3D graphics driver is a big project, but I guess it is possible if 
the docs are avaliable. I spoke to Zack Ruskin a few weeks ago about adding 
OpenGL ES support into Mesa. From the very brief conversation we had he seemed 
to think that it wouldn't be too difficult. The main difference between OpenGL 
and OpenGL ES (apart from the greatly reduced set of operations) is that OpenGL 
ES only accepts fixed-point data types. Zack was saying that for speed reasons, 
large portions of the Mesa paths are implemented as fixed point already.

>I think XRender does take advantage of whatever acceleration the X
>driver implements.

>From what I've read, the XAA does a very bad job of allowing XRender to 
>be accelerated and was one of the reasons why X.Org has a new video driver 
>model. I assume KDrive uses it's own driver API which isn't hampered by 
>limitations of XAA?

>If there is offscreen memory, bitmap glyphs for the fonts that you are
>using can be cached

Surely offscreen pixmaps can also be accelerated, I.e. a pixmap based theme 
engine would be greatly accelerated?

>I'd like to see accelerated Bezier curves too, but not sure if that's possible.

XLib doesn't do Beizier curves, only arcs, so there's nothing to accelerate in 
the X server. Bezier curves have to be rendered client side (Unlike Qtopia).

>I think for the ultimate in eye candy, using OpenGL pretty directly
>with as few layers as possible between your OpenGL app and the
>hardware would be the way to go.  (I'm pretty sure that's what Apple
>does.)  But OpenGL doesn't do windowing, so you either have to write
>some new windowing code or depend on X to manage that part, or just
>run every app full-screen.  And almost every idea along these lines
>has some sort of implementation out there somewhere already... like
>Fresco, for example.

Qtopia already has a nice light-weight windowing system - QWS. What's more (as 
I've mentioned already) I believe all windows can be rendered into texture 
memory and composited just like Compiz/Beryl. I'm currently trying to get Mesa 
Solo working so I can have a go at writing an OpenGL driver for Qtopia (For 
Samsung Q1 type devices really).

>I'm having some fun working directly with /dev/fb0
>and making sure I understand what I'm writing from the bottom up.

I too like to understand how everything works from the bottom up. :-) I guess 
that's another reason I liked Qtopia - because the documentation is just so 
OpenMoko community mailing list

RE: Qtopia coming for Neo1973

2007-09-19 Thread thomas.cooksey
>And there are already plans for someone to do the necessary XRender
>coding to support GTA02.

That's fantastic news! Why on earth did Harold say that the fact that an 
accelerated kdrive was being written couldn't be disclosed? What's the problem 
in telling the community? Not that it matters really. 

If OpenMoko's going for an XLib based theme engine, why bother with XRender? 
What else uses it other than Cairo? Surely xvideo would be a more useful 
extension to focus on?

>Because coding simple gradients is trivial and I've already done it :-)

Great, but soon people will want to do ever more complex vector graphics. 
Perhaps if/when XRender is accelerated, the switch could be made to cairo?

>All in all, the great thing about OpenMoko and the Neo1973 is that
>you're free to choose whatever path you wish to take. If you want to use
>Qtopia on your Neo1973 then you are more than welcome to do so! There
>are many many different Linux distributions and probably almost as many
>graphical user interface projects. One of the great things about the
>Free Software philosophy is choice and the Neo1973 is one of the first
>phones that gives you that ability to choose every single bit of
>software that you use on it.

Sure, and I'm not disputing the fact that you can run whatever you want is a 
good thing. I just wanted to clarify why development of OpenMoko was continuing 
given that there is now a more complete and mature alternetive and I think this 
has been answered:

1) Redundency is good, if Qtopia fails for some reason, there's an alternative.
2) A greater number existing applications can be ported easily to an X based 
framework. There is also presedent in the Maemo project of where this has been 
very useful.

I'd like to add a 3rd: Competition breeds innovation. :-)



OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Qtopia coming for Neo1973

2007-09-19 Thread Shawn Rutledge
On 9/19/07, [EMAIL PROTECTED] <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote (with
the wrong kind of word-wrap, unfortunately):

> X is client server architecture which uses sockets. The server draws things 
> on behalf of the clients. Rather than clients having to understand the X 
> protocol, Xlib was developed to provide a drawing API. XLib is a very limited 
> API for drawing lines, rectangles and arcs.

It covers a bit more - window allocation and manipulation, and
rendering text with bitmap fonts come to mind.

> XLib also allows clients to send a pixmap to the server to render. As time 
> went on, line rectangles and arcs became a bit limiting so toolkits like GTK 
> started rendering vector graphics into pixmaps and just used XLib to send 
> those pixmaps to the server. Copying pixmaps over sockets was slow so shared 
> memory was used instead for local clients.

That's about right.  I agree that it is very inelegant.

I think XRender does take advantage of whatever acceleration the X
driver implements.

> The GTA02 will have an SMedia grapgics accelerator. As it's not been 
> disclosed how the SMedia chip is going to be used, I have to guess and my 
> guess is that a KDrive server will be written which will accelerate block 
> fills and block copies.

I sure hope they do more than that.

If there is offscreen memory, bitmap glyphs for the fonts that you are
using can be cached, and copied onto onscreen memory without much
intervention from the CPU, so even with just accelerated blitting, you
get accelerated text too.  (And the bitmaps are rendered initially by
freetype, so by using bitmaps in the cache you don't lose smoothness.)

Next I would hope they would accelerate line-drawing, and fills of
some kinds of primitives (polygons, and/or rectangles, triangles).
Bonus points for antialiasing those (but I'm sure the chip can do it,
so it shouldn't be hard).

I'd like to see accelerated Bezier curves too, but not sure if that's possible.

For OpenGL probably the most important things would be textures mapped
onto triangles, and Gouraud-shaded triangles.  If you use Mesa in
mostly-software mode and just accelerate those, it's already a big
help for many kinds of rendering.

> On the other hand, we have Qtopia. In Qtopia, an application defines QT 
> Widgets, which are drawn using a QPaintEngine into an off-screen buffer then 
> copied to the frame buffer using a QScreen. Writing an accelerated graphics 
> driver is as simple as inheriting from QPaintEngine & QScreen and 
> re-implementing the methods the hardware has acceleration for and leaving the 
> other methods alone for software fallback. The process of writing an 
> accelerated driver is also very well documented with some great examples to 
> use.

Yep.  It's more direct, and I don't quite understand the argument that
X can be just as fast if you hack it in just the right ways.  There
are still more layers in an X-based architecture.  But X has other
advantages like being old and venerable, and network transparency
(which embedded devices often don't support anyway), choice of window
managers, and being able to run apps that don't use the toolkit you
happen to have chosen, or use XLib directly.  Plain XLib apps tend to
be amazingly tiny and wicked fast (just because their rendering is
simple by definition).

I think they are going to continue coexisting for a long time, and
it's fine with me if OpenMoko mainstream keeps using GTK and X
(because it works well enough), but personally I prefer working on
something new rather than depending on X and all its warts.  But
that's just me - I'm having some fun working directly with /dev/fb0
and making sure I understand what I'm writing from the bottom up.  I
hope it will be faster and take less memory.  I would also hope after
the docs come out, I can understand the chip well enough to accelerate
some operations.

I think for the ultimate in eye candy, using OpenGL pretty directly
with as few layers as possible between your OpenGL app and the
hardware would be the way to go.  (I'm pretty sure that's what Apple
does.)  But OpenGL doesn't do windowing, so you either have to write
some new windowing code or depend on X to manage that part, or just
run every app full-screen.  And almost every idea along these lines
has some sort of implementation out there somewhere already... like
Fresco, for example.

Then again:  "Do not try this at home: This setup eats up the memory
of your Zaurus and it is so slow that you can hardly call it
interactive."  :-)

I haven't tried it myself.

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Qtopia coming for Neo1973

2007-09-19 Thread Shawn Rutledge
> X does not however provide an OpenGL ES API, neither does GDK. Qtopia on
> the other hand does allow OpenGL ES integration.
> I suspect this is a moot point anyway as I doubt we'll ever see an OpenGL ES
> library/driver for the SMedia. I really hope I'm wrong about this

After the docs come out, it should be possible to write a Mesa driver
right?  My impression is OpenGL ES is just a subset of regular OpenGL;
it's not so different that Mesa APIs would not work.  Then the whole
X/GLX/Mesa/driver/DRI stack could be used.

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Qtopia coming for Neo1973

2007-09-19 Thread Lorn Potter

Thomas Wood wrote:

All in all, the great thing about OpenMoko and the Neo1973 is that
you're free to choose whatever path you wish to take. If you want to use
Qtopia on your Neo1973 then you are more than welcome to do so! There
are many many different Linux distributions and probably almost as many
graphical user interface projects. One of the great things about the
Free Software philosophy is choice and the Neo1973 is one of the first
phones that gives you that ability to choose every single bit of
software that you use on it.

This is exactly correct, and I agree. So does Trolltech.
viva la Neo!

Lorn 'ljp' Potter
Software Engineer, Systems Group, MES, Trolltech

OpenMoko community mailing list

RE: Qtopia coming for Neo1973

2007-09-19 Thread Thomas Wood
On Wed, 2007-09-19 at 20:57 +0100, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> [...] I mentioned earlier that cairo uses Xrender to copy & compose
> rasterized graphics onto the screen. Some graphics hardware can
> accelerate some of the XRender operations, however, in it seems
> the current driver model makes that very difficult, resulting in
> limited acceleration and thus slowness (different drivers accelerate
> different XRender operations). To fix that, Glitz was created to allow
> cairo to render to a GL context and use the 3D hardware to accelerate
> the composition, sidestepping XRender completely.

And there are already plans for someone to do the necessary XRender
coding to support GTA02.

> Lets look at OpenMoko's rendering path. Thomas Wood mentioned
> yesterday, OpenMoko currently uses a pixmap based theme engine. The
> pixmaps are (IMO) beautiful. They are all shiny and curved and have a
> nice orange-black gradient. While they look great, they are slow as
> the pixmaps need to be copied from off-screen buffers to the frame
> buffer. My guess is that's why the OpenMoko interface is a bit slugish
> (only a guess, I suspect others on this list know a lot more about
> this than I do!). Thomas mentioned yesterday that the new theme engine
> for OpenMoko used XLib (though GDK) rather than pixmaps or cairo.
> That's going to be much faster because there are no big copies
> involved. However, I don't understand how using XLib is going to
> produce the same graphical results. There's no facility for doing
> gradients or shadows or anything pretty? 

Because coding simple gradients is trivial and I've already done it :-)

The code for the Moko GTK+ engine is already available in SVN and once
it's more fully featured I will be posting screenshots on my blog.

All in all, the great thing about OpenMoko and the Neo1973 is that
you're free to choose whatever path you wish to take. If you want to use
Qtopia on your Neo1973 then you are more than welcome to do so! There
are many many different Linux distributions and probably almost as many
graphical user interface projects. One of the great things about the
Free Software philosophy is choice and the Neo1973 is one of the first
phones that gives you that ability to choose every single bit of
software that you use on it.



OpenedHand Ltd.

Unit R Homesdale Business Center / 216-218 Homesdale Road /
Bromley / BR1 2QZ / UK Tel: +44 (0)20 8819 6559

Expert Open Source For Consumer Devices -

OpenMoko community mailing list

RE: Qtopia coming for Neo1973

2007-09-19 Thread thomas.cooksey
>X provides an OpenGL API.   So if you want to do fancy stuff like  
>Compiz, you do it with OpenGL.

X does not however provide an OpenGL ES API, neither does GDK. Qtopia on the 
other hand does allow OpenGL ES integration. In fact Beryl/Compiz-type effects 
and composition is already avaliable on Qtopia (acording to their documentation 
- no screen shots). To do that on KDrive you'd have to implement the XComposite 
extension and write a complete compositing manager which knows how to speak 
OpenGL ES. A massive task.

I suspect this is a moot point anyway as I doubt we'll ever see an OpenGL ES 
library/driver for the SMedia. I really hope I'm wrong about this as the visual 
effects which could be achieved would be amazing, way better than the iPhone.

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Qtopia coming for Neo1973

2007-09-19 Thread Rod Whitby
> I've spent a lot of time trying to understand how Linux graphics
> stacks work. ... I will now try and explain how I understand it
> works and please, PLEASE correct me where I'm wrong! :-)

That is the most concise, clear and understandable explanation I have
ever seen about all these packages that keep slowing down the load-up
time of my shell or Emacs window in each new version of Linux ;-)

Thank you!

-- Rod

OpenMoko community mailing list

RE: Qtopia coming for Neo1973

2007-09-19 Thread thomas.cooksey
>> >Firstly, Sato is not a mobile phone framework in any sense at all. It
>> >does not include any applications or services that would make a mobile
>> >phone useful. Sato is simply a visual style.
>> Strange, the description on says:
>> "Sato is our experimental reference/example GTK+/Matchbox based 
>> PDA/smartphone like user interface environment aimed primarily at handheld 
>> devices with very high DPI VGA displays. It features a full suite of PIM 
>> applications, multimedia playback, web browsing, games and more."
>> Huh?? 

>"User interface environment" basically means the look and feel. It
>doesn't mean that it includes any sort of framework. It also says it is
>simply a PDA/smartphone *like* interface, not that it actually includes
>any usable phone software. I'll get this updated if it's causing

Yes, sorry, I mis-understood this. I'd get rid of the bit that says "It 
features a full suite of PIM applications, multimedia playback, web browsing, 
games and more." too if it doesn't actually contain any applications. ;-) 

I should have downloaded it and tried it out rather than assume things.
OpenMoko community mailing list

RE: Qtopia coming for Neo1973

2007-09-19 Thread Thomas Wood
On Wed, 2007-09-19 at 20:59 +0100, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> >Firstly, Sato is not a mobile phone framework in any sense at all. It
> >does not include any applications or services that would make a mobile
> >phone useful. Sato is simply a visual style.
> Strange, the description on says:
> "Sato is our experimental reference/example GTK+/Matchbox based 
> PDA/smartphone like user interface environment aimed primarily at handheld 
> devices with very high DPI VGA displays. It features a full suite of PIM 
> applications, multimedia playback, web browsing, games and more."
> Huh?? 

"User interface environment" basically means the look and feel. It
doesn't mean that it includes any sort of framework. It also says it is
simply a PDA/smartphone *like* interface, not that it actually includes
any usable phone software. I'll get this updated if it's causing



OpenedHand Ltd.

Unit R Homesdale Business Center / 216-218 Homesdale Road /
Bromley / BR1 2QZ / UK Tel: +44 (0)20 8819 6559

Expert Open Source For Consumer Devices -

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Qtopia coming for Neo1973

2007-09-19 Thread Ted Lemon
X provides an OpenGL API.   So if you want to do fancy stuff like  
Compiz, you do it with OpenGL.

The main advantage to X over a direct-to-framebuffer system is that  
you can connect over the network.   X also has a well-though-out  
virtualization of the framebuffer, which is a wheel you'd have to  
reinvent for your fb system (although I guess OpenGL would do).

Personally I'm pretty agnostic about it - back in the day, X was a  
huge boon, but nowadays the ability to have a network-extensible  
windowing system isn't that important.   So the infrastructure X  
provides is valuable, but its raison-d'être is mostly a historical  
curiosity, as well as a security hole.

OpenMoko community mailing list

RE: Qtopia coming for Neo1973

2007-09-19 Thread thomas.cooksey
>Firstly, Sato is not a mobile phone framework in any sense at all. It
>does not include any applications or services that would make a mobile
>phone useful. Sato is simply a visual style.

Strange, the description on says:

"Sato is our experimental reference/example GTK+/Matchbox based PDA/smartphone 
like user interface environment aimed primarily at handheld devices with very 
high DPI VGA displays. It features a full suite of PIM applications, multimedia 
playback, web browsing, games and more."


OpenMoko community mailing list

RE: Qtopia coming for Neo1973

2007-09-19 Thread thomas.cooksey
>As long as X11 renders to FB, that's true. However, with the GPU in GTA02 that 
>may not be true at all as in fact, Mickey mentioned on IRC yesterday that fb 
>operations may well be *slower* on GTA02 than on GTA01.
>I don't know enough about the differences between Qt and Qtopia (aside of the 
>fact that Qtopia draws to the fb directly), but if Qtopia app scan run on Qt, 
>we might well end up seeing that on GTA02 as Qt/X11 will get the GPU 
>acceleration for "free"? At that point, GTK and Qt(opia) could happily 
>coexist like they do on the desktop.

What acceleration? You don't get hardware acceleration for free. Just because 
there's hardware there to accelerate drawing operations doesn't mean it gets 
used. I have raised this question several times:

> > What kind of driver are you planning on?  (I don't think I saw that
> > answered yet, sorry if I missed it)  KDrive, DRI, etc...
> We don't disclose this information yet, sorry.  As soon as there is
> something working, it will be in our subversion, though.

That reply came from Harold of all people. Surely it goes against the ideals of 

I guess the main reason I'm for a Qtopia based framework over a GTK+/X 
framework is the technology and the ease of accelerating drawing operations. 
I've spent a lot of time trying to understand how Linux graphics stacks work. 
Now, Qtopia seems highly integrated (and much simpler as a result). It is also 
exceptionally well documented thanks to X on the other hand 
seems mind-blowingly complicated and I have really struggled to understand how 
it works. Documentation is apauling and I can't even find any decent books on 
how it works. But, I will now try and explain how I understand it works and 
please, PLEASE correct me where I'm wrong! :-)

X is client server architecture which uses sockets. The server draws things on 
behalf of the clients. Rather than clients having to understand the X protocol, 
Xlib was developed to provide a drawing API. XLib is a very limited API for 
drawing lines, rectangles and arcs. XLib also allows clients to send a pixmap 
to the server to render. As time went on, line rectangles and arcs became a bit 
limiting so toolkits like GTK started rendering vector graphics into pixmaps 
and just used XLib to send those pixmaps to the server. Copying pixmaps over 
sockets was slow so shared memory was used instead for local clients. Pretty 
soon a more advanced vector graphics API was needed and so Cairo was born. 
Cairo rasterizes vector graphics into a client-side pixmap which is then drawn 
onto the screen using XRender, allowing compositing. Soon, people wanted 
anti-aliased, scaleable text, which XLib couldn't provide and so Pango was 
born. Pango uses Cairo to render text allowing both vector graphics and text to 
appear together. Pango, Cairo & XLib are wrapped up in the GDK (The API of 
which is pretty well documented at GTK+ widgets are rendered using 
a theme engine, which uses the GDK to render widgets. I.e. An application 
defines a widget, a theme engine draws that widget via GDK. That could be 
rendered using GDK's wrappers for XLib or cairo (typically cairo for desktops).

So that's how I understand GTK/Cairo/Pango/X hangs together, but as I said 
before others know far more than I do. ;-)

Now, given that is how the graphics stack hangs together, where do you off-load 
operations to hardware? What operations _can_ you off load to hardware? From 
what I've read, the most computationally expensive operations are ones which 
involve accessing large blocks of memory, e.g. block fills & block copies. 
These typically can be performed by hardware. So, when you drag a window round 
the screen, hardware can be used to copy the window to it's new location. Block 
fills & block copies are the only operations (other than cursors) most hardware 
accelerated x servers implement, which is fine, because that's where most of 
the work is. I mentioned earlier that cairo uses Xrender to copy & compose 
rasterized graphics onto the screen. Some graphics hardware can accelerate some 
of the XRender operations, however, in it seems the current driver model 
makes that very difficult, resulting in limited acceleration and thus slowness 
(different drivers accelerate different XRender operations). To fix that, Glitz 
was created to allow cairo to render to a GL context and use the 3D hardware to 
accelerate the composition, sidestepping XRender completely.

Lets look at OpenMoko's rendering path. Thomas Wood mentioned yesterday, 
OpenMoko currently uses a pixmap based theme engine. The pixmaps are (IMO) 
beautiful. They are all shiny and curved and have a nice orange-black gradient. 
While they look great, they are slow as the pixmaps need to be copied from 
off-screen buffers to the frame buffer. My guess is that's why the OpenMoko 
interface is a bit slugish (only a guess, I suspect others on this list know a 

Re: Qtopia coming for Neo1973

2007-09-19 Thread Lorn Potter

Gabriel Ambuehl wrote:

On Tuesday 18 September 2007 22:58:00 Lorn Potter wrote:

Not X11 like all other systems. This has better performance and is in my
eyes the perfect solution for embedded devices.

There is no great performance difference between x11 and fb.

As long as X11 renders to FB, that's true. However, with the GPU in GTA02 that 
may not be true at all as in fact, Mickey mentioned on IRC yesterday that fb 
operations may well be *slower* on GTA02 than on GTA01.

For unaccelerated framebuffer vs. accelerated X11, yes. But we are 
planning on using those accel chips too.

I don't know enough about the differences between Qt and Qtopia (aside of the 
fact that Qtopia draws to the fb directly), but if Qtopia app scan run on Qt, 
we might well end up seeing that on GTA02 as Qt/X11 will get the GPU 
acceleration for "free"? At that point, GTK and Qt(opia) could happily 
coexist like they do on the desktop.

Lorn 'ljp' Potter
Software Engineer, Systems Group, MES, Trolltech

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Qtopia coming for Neo1973

2007-09-19 Thread Joshua Layne


This is something someone else touched on. If you're writing an application, 
abstract all the complicated stuff away from the UI code, then you can make 
whatever kind of UI you want. NetworkManager I think is a perfect example of this. 
It would be good to have a defined interface to access PIM info, make calls etc. I 
believe LiPS has been set up to do just that. So perhaps it would be better to make 
moth OpenMoko & Qtopia PE LiPS complient. I heard that the LiPS forum hired a 
load of GPE PE developers to develop a reference implementation. It might be worth 
looking at GPE PE and lifting some of the standardised bits. I don't know, perhaps 
this is happening already?
I asked this question on the G(PE)^2 listserv - both projects started 
very close in time to each other, have different backing and slightly 
different goals, but there is reasonable overlap and it is my 
understanding from one of the core G(PE)^2 members that they are working 
with the openmoko team to collaborate as much as possible.  I don't 
really have any detail beyond that.


OpenMoko community mailing list

RE: Qtopia coming for Neo1973

2007-09-19 Thread Thomas Wood
On Wed, 2007-09-19 at 14:03 +0100, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> This is something someone else touched on. If you're writing an
> application, abstract all the complicated stuff away from the UI code,
> then you can make whatever kind of UI you want. NetworkManager I think
> is a perfect example of this. It would be good to have a defined
> interface to access PIM info, make calls etc. I believe LiPS has been
> set up to do just that. So perhaps it would be better to make moth
> OpenMoko & Qtopia PE LiPS complient. I heard that the LiPS forum hired
> a load of GPE PE developers to develop a reference implementation. It
> might be worth looking at GPE PE and lifting some of the standardised
> bits. I don't know, perhaps this is happening already?

With regards to the contacts and calendar applications in OpenMoko, they
use Evolution Data Server to store their data, in the same way Evolution
does on the desktop. In turn, this stores the data in the vCard and iCal
formats, which are industry standard.

> One more thing on duplication of effort... It's nice to see OpenHand
> developers working on OpenMoko, are there any plans to merge Sato into
> OpenMoko? There's currently 4 GTK+ mobile phone frameworks I know of
> (GPE PE, Sato, OpenMoko & Hiker). Surely no one can claim that much
> duplicated effort is a good thing? I can see the argument for
> KDE/Gnome, GTK+/QT, but not 4 projects all relying on the same
> technology all doing exactly the same thing.

Firstly, Sato is not a mobile phone framework in any sense at all. It
does not include any applications or services that would make a mobile
phone useful. Sato is simply a visual style.

Secondly, the OpenMoko framework is different from projects such as
Hiker because it only contains functions and classes that actually give
benefit to the user and developer, rather than wrapping existing
technologies for the sake of it. This means OpenMoko contains much less
overhead than other frameworks and allows developers greater



OpenedHand Ltd.

Unit R Homesdale Business Center / 216-218 Homesdale Road /
Bromley / BR1 2QZ / UK Tel: +44 (0)20 8819 6559

Expert Open Source For Consumer Devices -

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Qtopia coming for Neo1973

2007-09-19 Thread Ian Darwin

On Tue, 2007-09-18 at 20:40 +0100, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Would you really say either gnome or is wasted effort and should be 
discontinued? Or vim/gnome,linux/bsd,gecko/webkit/mysql/postgres...

Yes, it's my personal belief that these projects all represent wasted effort 
>>and that if they cooperated they'd achieve more. I always get a nice 
>>fuzzy feeling whenever I see a forked project merge (Compiz Fusion, 

Maybe you should let Microsoft buy them all out and then there'd only be 
one way. :-) If that's not what you want, "be careful what you wish for".

Alternately, if you were appointed tzar for a day, do you believe you 
have sufficient wisdom to decide which one has the "right" approach?

"Choice is good."

OpenMoko community mailing list

RE: Qtopia coming for Neo1973

2007-09-19 Thread Christian Fredrik Kalager Schaller
Calls for more collaboration are quite common, but I can't help but feel
that people assume it is easier than it actually is. There is the GMAE
effort which tries do achieve exactly what is mentioned here, which is
further codesharing between all these efforts. 

Whats holding up collaboration is rarely ever ill will or lack of seeing
how collaboration is useful. I mean these people choose existing open
source technologies just because they could see such benefits. But in
reality a lot of issues makes it a slow process, like internal time
constraints, disputes about code quality, licensing challenges,
disagreement about technology choices and so on. 

For instance I wouldn't be surprised if OpenMoko face the challenge of
needing most of their components to be LGPL/BSD licensed instead of GPL,
which puts a lot of code out of their reach. Cause even if the OpenMoko
phones will be shipping with all free software there might be further
stuff getting integrated downstream for which a demand for GPL licensing
would be unacceptable. Like Vodafone or some other network operator
putting some branded special software on phones distributed through them
as one example.

Another good example is that a 'competing' project might have a piece of
code which supposedly do what you need, but your engineers when looking
at it decides that its coded in a shoddy fashion and thus will risk
getting your project bogged down in trying to bugfix it. Or the code is
Java based and your platform doesn't ship with Java etc.

So please be aware that 'duplication' of effort isn't just because
people are stupid or selfcentered, its often happens due slightly
different needs or things which can't be easily publicized. 

So as someone who have been to multiple GMAE meetings I know that people
like OpenMoko, Maemo, Sato, Hiker and so on are trying to increase code
sharing, but it does take time.

> This is something someone else touched on. If you're writing an application, 
> abstract all the complicated stuff away from the UI code, then you can make 
> whatever kind of UI you want. NetworkManager I think is a perfect example of 
> this. It would be good to have a defined interface to access PIM info, make 
> calls etc. I believe LiPS has been set up to do just that. So perhaps it 
> would be better to make moth OpenMoko & Qtopia PE LiPS complient. I heard 
> that the LiPS forum hired a load of GPE PE developers to develop a reference 
> implementation. It might be worth looking at GPE PE and lifting some of the 
> standardised bits. I don't know, perhaps this is happening already?
> One more thing on duplication of effort... It's nice to see OpenHand 
> developers working on OpenMoko, are there any plans to merge Sato into 
> OpenMoko? There's currently 4 GTK+ mobile phone frameworks I know of (GPE PE, 
> Sato, OpenMoko & Hiker). Surely no one can claim that much duplicated effort 
> is a good thing? I can see the argument for KDE/Gnome, GTK+/QT, but not 4 
> projects all relying on the same technology all doing exactly the same thing.
> ___
> OpenMoko community mailing list

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Qtopia coming for Neo1973

2007-09-19 Thread Gabriel Ambuehl
On Tuesday 18 September 2007 22:58:00 Lorn Potter wrote:
> > Not X11 like all other systems. This has better performance and is in my
> > eyes the perfect solution for embedded devices.
> There is no great performance difference between x11 and fb.
As long as X11 renders to FB, that's true. However, with the GPU in GTA02 that 
may not be true at all as in fact, Mickey mentioned on IRC yesterday that fb 
operations may well be *slower* on GTA02 than on GTA01.

I don't know enough about the differences between Qt and Qtopia (aside of the 
fact that Qtopia draws to the fb directly), but if Qtopia app scan run on Qt, 
we might well end up seeing that on GTA02 as Qt/X11 will get the GPU 
acceleration for "free"? At that point, GTK and Qt(opia) could happily 
coexist like they do on the desktop.

Description: This is a digitally signed message part.
OpenMoko community mailing list

RE: Qtopia coming for Neo1973

2007-09-19 Thread thomas.cooksey
>My thoughts that competition has it's advantages and both of the
>technologies will find their fans. But Trolltech and Openmoko should
>cooperate with each other first of all in terms of integration of PIM
>data. Do you really need dual-booting (or other possibility to start
>either Qtopia or Openmoko) without possibility to synchronize address book
>etc between them? Of course, the best case from my point of view is to
>have the same low-level infrastructure (I mean API's to GSM-part, to
>PIM-part, etc.) for both Qtopia and Openmoko, but differ in the GUI part.
>But it is too late to talk about this as I can see :).

This is something someone else touched on. If you're writing an application, 
abstract all the complicated stuff away from the UI code, then you can make 
whatever kind of UI you want. NetworkManager I think is a perfect example of 
this. It would be good to have a defined interface to access PIM info, make 
calls etc. I believe LiPS has been set up to do just that. So perhaps it would 
be better to make moth OpenMoko & Qtopia PE LiPS complient. I heard that the 
LiPS forum hired a load of GPE PE developers to develop a reference 
implementation. It might be worth looking at GPE PE and lifting some of the 
standardised bits. I don't know, perhaps this is happening already?

One more thing on duplication of effort... It's nice to see OpenHand developers 
working on OpenMoko, are there any plans to merge Sato into OpenMoko? There's 
currently 4 GTK+ mobile phone frameworks I know of (GPE PE, Sato, OpenMoko & 
Hiker). Surely no one can claim that much duplicated effort is a good thing? I 
can see the argument for KDE/Gnome, GTK+/QT, but not 4 projects all relying on 
the same technology all doing exactly the same thing.

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Qtopia coming for Neo1973

2007-09-19 Thread Victor Chernyshev

Thomas Wood wrote:

  On Tue, 2007-09-18 at 20:40 +0100, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Would you really say either gnome or is wasted effort and should be 
discontinued? Or vim/gnome,linux/bsd,gecko/webkit/mysql/postgres...

Yes, it's my personal belief that these projects all represent wasted effort and that if they cooperated they'd achieve more. I always get a nice warm fuzzy feeling whenever I see a forked project merge (Compiz Fusion, Webkit/KHTML)


You don't think competition has it's advantages? A bigger project
doesn't necessarily equal better results. There are significant
differences between (for example) KDE and GNOME that make it useful to
have a choice. They are tackling the same problem but in different ways.
It is very important people can experiment and try different things.
Anything else would be to stifle innovation and progress.




My thoughts that competition has it's advantages and both of the
technologies will find their fans. But Trolltech and Openmoko should
cooperate with each other first of all in terms of integration of PIM
data. Do you really need dual-booting (or other possibility to start
either Qtopia or Openmoko) without possibility to synchronize address
book etc between them? Of course, the best case from my point of view
is to have the same low-level infrastructure (I mean API's to GSM-part,
to PIM-part, etc.) for both Qtopia and Openmoko, but differ in the GUI
part. But it is too late to talk about this as I can see :).

Anyway, I'm glad to have a possibility to choose an open software for


OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Qtopia coming for Neo1973

2007-09-19 Thread Gabriel Ambuehl
On Wednesday 19 September 2007 10:28:55 Jonathan Spooner wrote:
> I didn't realise Qtopia was */proprietary/*

It's no longer, it's fully GPL now.

>  comments on preferring QT for the quality docs and IDE.  I'd rather
> plug away at developing in GTK than that.

Well if you want X11, Qt should run on the Neo just fine...

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OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Qtopia coming for Neo1973

2007-09-19 Thread Attila Csipa
On Tuesday 18 September 2007 18:00:51 Giles Jones wrote:
> Typically the argument for QT is ease of programming, there's a good IDE
> called KDevelop. GTK's argument typically is that it's GPL and faster.

Except Qt nowadays actually is GPL (GTK+ being only LGPL), to be more 
precise :)

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Qtopia coming for Neo1973

2007-09-19 Thread Jonathan Spooner

Thomas Wood wrote:

On Tue, 2007-09-18 at 20:40 +0100, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Would you really say either gnome or is wasted effort and should be 
discontinued? Or vim/gnome,linux/bsd,gecko/webkit/mysql/postgres...

Yes, it's my personal belief that these projects all represent wasted effort 
and that if they cooperated they'd achieve more. I always get a nice warm fuzzy 
feeling whenever I see a forked project merge (Compiz Fusion, Webkit/KHTML)

You don't think competition has it's advantages? A bigger project
doesn't necessarily equal better results. There are significant
differences between (for example) KDE and GNOME that make it useful to
have a choice. They are tackling the same problem but in different ways.
It is very important people can experiment and try different things.
Anything else would be to stifle innovation and progress.



I didn't realise Qtopia was */proprietary/* 
IE no X server.  Given that I retract my earlier comments on preferring 
QT for the quality docs and IDE.  I'd rather plug away at developing 
in GTK than that.

Jonathan Spooner
Nationwilcox Systems Ltd
Tel: 0121 3544345

OpenMoko community mailing list

RE: Qtopia coming for Neo1973

2007-09-19 Thread Thomas Wood
On Tue, 2007-09-18 at 20:40 +0100, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> >Would you really say either gnome or is wasted effort and should be 
> >discontinued? Or vim/gnome,linux/bsd,gecko/webkit/mysql/postgres...
> Yes, it's my personal belief that these projects all represent wasted effort 
> and that if they cooperated they'd achieve more. I always get a nice warm 
> fuzzy feeling whenever I see a forked project merge (Compiz Fusion, 
> Webkit/KHTML)

You don't think competition has it's advantages? A bigger project
doesn't necessarily equal better results. There are significant
differences between (for example) KDE and GNOME that make it useful to
have a choice. They are tackling the same problem but in different ways.
It is very important people can experiment and try different things.
Anything else would be to stifle innovation and progress.



OpenedHand Ltd.

Unit R Homesdale Business Center / 216-218 Homesdale Road /
Bromley / BR1 2QZ / UK Tel: +44 (0)20 8819 6559

Expert Open Source For Consumer Devices -

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Qtopia coming for Neo1973 (third, not second, Linux GPL'd phone stack).

2007-09-18 Thread Ian Darwin
Please remember that this is the third, not the second, Linux-based 
phone stack for the Neo1973.

Sun, at JavaOne in May, showed a working prototype of a Linux-based Java 
phone stack running on the Neo1973. There are many pictures of this on 
the web (look in the Press page on the OpenMoko wiki). The Java stack is 
based on "JavaFX Mobile" about which there are not many details- it is 
based on Sun's acquisition of Savaje technology -  but there is a 
promise that it, too, will be GPL'd in good time.

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Qtopia coming for Neo1973

2007-09-18 Thread Ted Lemon

On Sep 18, 2007, at 1:48 PM, Lorn Potter wrote:


Sweet, thanks!

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Qtopia coming for Neo1973

2007-09-18 Thread Mauro Iazzi
On 18/09/2007, [EMAIL PROTECTED] <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Has anyone seen these benchmarks: 
> It compares Cairo (what GTK+ uses) against QT. When it comes to rendering, I
> believe Qtopia & QT use the same code. So ignoring X,
> "Qt was respectively 7, 5 and 6 times faster. Than Cairo in those plain 
> tests."
> Now factor in the fact that QWS has a lot less overhead than X and a smaller
> memory footprint.
> Can someone _please_ give me a technical reason why they believe GTK+ is
> "better"? The only arguments I've seen on this list are philosophical ones. 
> The
> only technical argument has been that you can run applications on the phone 
> and
> have them appear on your desktop thanks to X. Surely there is a better reason?
> I hate to say it, but I'm beginning to feel that the OpenMoko developer's ego
> is a big driving force behind developing the OpenMoko stack.

You are shifting to the dark side... I'm all for KDE over Gnome, Qt
ove Gtk, Vim over Emacs, but not at the level of saying there is no
reason for others to exist.

I would be lost if I were foced to use Emacs, I suppose the same is
valid for an experienced Emacs user with Vim. The fact that Emacs is
an inferior solution in every respect does not change that someone
_needs_ it.

I suggest you read this post over redundancy written by a prominent
member of KDE community

He just says what many people already said. Redundancy is good. For
innovation and choice, and because what X and Y want may be different.

OpenMoko was designed. There surely were reasons for it to chose Gtk
over Qt. While I don't know exactly, one of those may have been that a
phone software based on Qt was already there, and it was not fully
Open Source. If they chose Qt, what to do now that Qtopia is fully
open (trust: Trolltech behaving badly is _inconceivable_). You can
develop and install the one or the other freely.

Redundancy is good. I don't think switching to Qt is an option for
OpenMoko, because there is Qtopia for that. The choice has been done,
and in my opinion, has been wise. You can chose which distro to
support, or both if you can.

> ___
> OpenMoko community mailing list

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Qtopia coming for Neo1973

2007-09-18 Thread Lorn Potter

Tilman Baumann wrote:

Alexey Feldgendler wrote:
On Tue, 18 Sep 2007 17:45:51 +0200, Mauro Iazzi 

I hate to say it but in my experience at least, its a dream developing
apps using QT esp given the nice IDE in comparison to using GTK.  QT
just has the docs and organised feel which makes it easy.

with the drawback that _everything_ will need to be Qt based

Why is that?

Qtopia is a complete application stack which is not based on the 
traditional technologies used in unix. Especially problematic is that 
they have a gui-server which works directly on the framebuffer.

sort of like X11 on these devices.. You could also say that X11 doesn't 
play fair with direct fb access either.

Not X11 like all other systems. This has better performance and is in my 
eyes the perfect solution for embedded devices. 

There is no great performance difference between x11 and fb.

But that is the reason 
why you can not just compile any X11 application for the phone and run it.
But this issue is more or less a non-issue, because there is a x-server 
for qtopia avaiblable.
But if you want to have native applications which fit right in the 
framework you have to use Qt and C++.

And the other problem is that QT has different views about things like 
PIM storage (addressbook, calendar ...), phone systems (gsmd vs. the 
qtopia phone-driver system) and so on.

Both systems just don't fit very well together.
And i like both concepts...

Then dual boot. :) The Neo has an SD card and open uboot bootloader just 
waiting for a dual boot.

But thats how it is. Opensource is just about freedom to choose. The 
more choices the better...


Lorn 'ljp' Potter
Software Engineer, Systems Group, MES, Trolltech

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Qtopia coming for Neo1973

2007-09-18 Thread Giles Jones

On 18 Sep 2007, at 21:39, Lorn Potter wrote:

That greenphone guy was me. and if you read that actual post, I  
made no 'slagging' remarks about OpenMoko or their project. Some of  
my friends and colleagues, whom are very great engineers work for  
OpenMoko. The point I was making about that post is that the Neo  
was not the first open phone...

It just seems odd that you were suggesting OpenMoko wasn't that open,  
yet Qtopia was? yet it's all happy families now?

I don't mind, it's just a very surprising move and IMHO a very  
welcome one. The mobile market is a hard one to succeed in, almost as  
bad as the games console market.

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Qtopia coming for Neo1973

2007-09-18 Thread Lorn Potter
I think that the GTK front end for the Neo has a lot of potential that 
the Qtopia front end may miss, so a strategy that borrows from both 
systems would be good for us early adopters.

Er, the dev kit appears to be missing openssl, which could be a problem.

Also, announcements aside, I don't see a link to the source code on the 
Qtopia/Neo page, so not all promises have yet been kept.   Trolltech has 
been really good about releasing source code in the past, so I'm not 
worried about this, but without source, developing will be more painful.


Lorn 'ljp' Potter
Software Engineer, Systems Group, MES, Trolltech

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Qtopia coming for Neo1973

2007-09-18 Thread Lorn Potter

Michael Schmidt wrote:


but why is the Neo phone not a small laptop? that all can be
installed, at least for the needed libraries.
So a GTK gui still makes sense...
Greenphone then can as well join OPENMOKO platform, and if greenphone
uses only QT, is then the GTK application working? -> no, if the
GTK-Library is not installed.
So we need a software/library proove at the startup and a path to the
extending memory card with the proove of the installed libraries..
And that for every phone...

Why is this announcement done now, and the code of QTopia 4.3 released
in late Oktober?

This is a technical preview.

This should be speeded up from the project management, as the
applications cannot wait weeks with no coding...

Thats why we released  this as a tech preview, so people could start 
now... because Qtopia 4.3 is so much better than 4.2

And I guess in the later all will be QT... then the GTK is an old
fashion as maybe laptop applicaitons  as well switch from GTK to QT.

This should be decided soon,
a) if NEO gets enough RAM to run both
b) if the operating system can have both libraries by default
c) if there is a direction from the project management, wanting this
or that for the new development..
d) why Qtopia is released so late.. as well the preview FTP of it is
not working.. what is this for an annoucement???

server might be having problems.

Lorn 'ljp' Potter
Software Engineer, Systems Group, MES, Trolltech

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Qtopia coming for Neo1973

2007-09-18 Thread Lorn Potter

Giles Jones wrote:

Mauro Iazzi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote :

before someone beats me to it.

Ironic given one of their Greenphone guys was slagging the OpenMoko project a 
while back.

That greenphone guy was me. and if you read that actual post, I made no 
'slagging' remarks about OpenMoko or their project. Some of my friends 
and colleagues, whom are very great engineers work for OpenMoko. The 
point I was making about that post is that the Neo was not the first 
open phone...

Lorn 'ljp' Potter
Software Engineer, Systems Group, MES, Trolltech

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Qtopia coming for Neo1973

2007-09-18 Thread Lorn Potter

A couple other differences, QT is C++ based, whereas GTK is C based,
so depending on what your preferences are... Also, isn't GTK licenesed
as LGPL, whereas QT is GPL?  So commercial developers will need to pay
for a seperate license for QT if they make non-GPL apps, whereas GTK's
license is more commercial app friendly.

Except why would someone want to put a closed source commercial 
application on your free software Neo?


Lorn 'ljp' Potter
Software Engineer, Systems Group, MES, Trolltech

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Qtopia coming for Neo1973

2007-09-18 Thread Ted Lemon

On Sep 18, 2007, at 9:28 AM, Scott Rushforth wrote:
Phone calling works, for both incoming and outgoing calls, the only  
hitch was that I had to manually set the alsa levels using  

That's a helpful hint.   It appears to be the case that audio doesn't  
work for other apps as well - e.g., the alarm clock doesn't make any  

I've also noticed that when I try to use bluetooth from Qtopia, my  
bluetooth daemon on my Mac hangs hard - it takes a reboot to get it  
back.   Obviously a Mac bug, but it makes using the software a little  
painful, since I need my Mac to make it work.   :'}

Having played around with Qtopia now, I have a couple of  
observations.   The UI is tight - it looks good, and generally does  
what you expect it to do.   It's a lot more complete than the  
OpenMoko UI, so even people who love gtk might want to take a look at  
it for ideas.

The dev kit appears to be linux-686 only for now, but it would be  
easy to build a set of gnu cross tools on OS X, so this would be an  
easy platform to target for people who are running OSX.   The  
libraries in the current dev kit should work with the cross-compiler  
no matter what host is used.

Someone said that they have invested a lot of work in GTK and  
wouldn't want to switch.   I'd just like to point out that in general  
it's bad practice to deeply marry your back end and UI code,  
precisely because it leads you to this kind of thinking.   You should  
try to keep them as separate as possible.   It's a little extra work  
up front, but it pays off in a big way on the back end.

Someone who wants to ultimately target OpenMoko/GTK, but wants a  
working phone now, might want to consider using Qtopia for now and  
then swapping out the Qtopia front-end for a GTK front-end later.
Particularly if you're already familiar with GTK programming, this  
shouldn't be difficult.

I think that the GTK front end for the Neo has a lot of potential  
that the Qtopia front end may miss, so a strategy that borrows from  
both systems would be good for us early adopters.

Er, the dev kit appears to be missing openssl, which could be a problem.

Also, announcements aside, I don't see a link to the source code on  
the Qtopia/Neo page, so not all promises have yet been kept.
Trolltech has been really good about releasing source code in the  
past, so I'm not worried about this, but without source, developing  
will be more painful.

OpenMoko community mailing list

RE: Qtopia coming for Neo1973

2007-09-18 Thread thomas.cooksey
>Would you really say either gnome or is wasted effort and should be 
>discontinued? Or vim/gnome,linux/bsd,gecko/webkit/mysql/postgres...

Yes, it's my personal belief that these projects all represent wasted effort 
and that if they cooperated they'd achieve more. I always get a nice warm fuzzy 
feeling whenever I see a forked project merge (Compiz Fusion, Webkit/KHTML)

PS: Thanks for the examples. It's by far the most convincing argument I've seen 
yet. :-)

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Qtopia coming for Neo1973

2007-09-18 Thread Gabriel Ambuehl
On Tuesday 18 September 2007 18:00:51 Giles Jones wrote:
> Typically the argument for QT is ease of programming, there's a good IDE
> called KDevelop. GTK's argument typically is that it's GPL and faster.

Actually. GTK's argument is that it is LGPL and thus free for use by 
commercial apps whereas Qt is GPL and closed source, so commercial developers 
need to license the SDK.

Description: This is a digitally signed message part.
OpenMoko community mailing list

RE: Qtopia coming for Neo1973

2007-09-18 Thread Thomas Wood
On Tue, 2007-09-18 at 19:13 +0100, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Has anyone seen these benchmarks: 
> It compares Cairo (what GTK+ uses) against QT. When it comes to rendering, I
> believe Qtopia & QT use the same code. So ignoring X, 
> "Qt was respectively 7, 5 and 6 times faster. Than Cairo in those plain 
> tests."


I'd just like to mention that OpenMoko is not using Cairo for rendering,
so this comparison is not relevant to OpenMoko. We are currently using a
temporary pixmap based theme.

In fact, just this morning I started writing the replacement theme
engine for OpenMoko that uses direct X rendering (that is, it uses GDK
rather than Cairo). Since I was also testing Qtopia on the Neo1973 this
morning, I can say that the speed of Qtopia rendering and the new GDK
based engine I wrote are very similar.



OpenedHand Ltd.

Unit R Homesdale Business Center / 216-218 Homesdale Road /
Bromley / BR1 2QZ / UK Tel: +44 (0)20 8819 6559

Expert Open Source For Consumer Devices -

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Qtopia coming for Neo1973

2007-09-18 Thread Tilman Baumann


Very simple, i would think it is about compatibility of code.  With
openmoko, it is a small difficulty to port a normal linux application
to openmoko.  With Qtopia, it would probably involve a rewrite of
major sections of the code.

Also, one possible solution to this would be to run an x server which outputed 
to a QWS window. I seem to remember something like this being developed for 
OpenZaurus years ago. I would have thought something like Xvfb or Xephyr could 
be modified to display output into a QWS window?

If you don't like it? Ignore it. Make it better. Whatever.
No one made a decision for _you_.

True. Who am I to challenge the decisions of others? 

Because it is too late. :)

I understand that, but I just can't bare to see duplication of effort in 
community projects, it's such a waste of such talented people.

No it's not. Its the reason why opensource is so diverse and successful.

Would you really say either gnome or is wasted effort and should be 

Or vim/gnome,linux/bsd,gecko/webkit/mysql/postgres...

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Qtopia coming for Neo1973

2007-09-18 Thread Vincent
On 18/09/2007, [EMAIL PROTECTED] <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >Very simple, i would think it is about compatibility of code.  With
> >openmoko, it is a small difficulty to port a normal linux application
> >to openmoko.  With Qtopia, it would probably involve a rewrite of
> >major sections of the code.
> Also, one possible solution to this would be to run an x server which
> outputed to a QWS window. I seem to remember something like this being
> developed for OpenZaurus years ago. I would have thought something like Xvfb
> or Xephyr could be modified to display output into a QWS window?
> > If you don't like it? Ignore it. Make it better. Whatever.
> > No one made a decision for _you_.
> True. Who am I to challenge the decisions of others? I understand that,
> but I just can't bare to see duplication of effort in community projects,
> it's such a waste of such talented people.

But you can't please everyone; that's why there are different projects to
fill different needs/requests.

> OpenMoko community mailing list

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Qtopia coming for Neo1973

2007-09-18 Thread Tilman Baumann


Very simple, i would think it is about compatibility of code.  With
openmoko, it is a small difficulty to port a normal linux application
to openmoko.  With Qtopia, it would probably involve a rewrite of
major sections of the code.

So you're saying Qtopia makes it harder to port desktop applications designed to be used 
with a 17"+ monitor, keyboard and mouse to a device with no buttons and a 2.8" 
touch screen. I'd argue that the problems with porting desktop applications are far 
greater than the underlying framework. Are there any instances of a desktop application 
being ported to the OpenMoko which is usable? The only one I've seen is gpaint on 
OpenHand's Poky Linux, and that looked fiddly at best.

claws for maemo. Full grown mailer. Little redesign on the GUI (Theme!) 
and suddenly the best mailer for maemo was born. Some fine tuning later 
and it felt just right on that platform.

maemo-mapper. Best app for maemo. Was based on GPSDrive.

pidgin and xchat where also made into mobile maemo apps with quite 
acceptable interfaces.

And many other good examples are on

Graned, this are examples for the Nokia770 which has a bigger screen 
than the Neo. But i would say tit proves the point


OpenMoko community mailing list

RE: Qtopia coming for Neo1973

2007-09-18 Thread thomas.cooksey
>Very simple, i would think it is about compatibility of code.  With
>openmoko, it is a small difficulty to port a normal linux application
>to openmoko.  With Qtopia, it would probably involve a rewrite of
>major sections of the code.

Also, one possible solution to this would be to run an x server which outputed 
to a QWS window. I seem to remember something like this being developed for 
OpenZaurus years ago. I would have thought something like Xvfb or Xephyr could 
be modified to display output into a QWS window?

> If you don't like it? Ignore it. Make it better. Whatever.
> No one made a decision for _you_.

True. Who am I to challenge the decisions of others? I understand that, but I 
just can't bare to see duplication of effort in community projects, it's such a 
waste of such talented people.

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Qtopia coming for Neo1973

2007-09-18 Thread Tilman Baumann


Has anyone seen these benchmarks:

It compares Cairo (what GTK+ uses) against QT. When it comes to rendering, I
believe Qtopia & QT use the same code. So ignoring X, 

"Qt was respectively 7, 5 and 6 times faster. Than Cairo in those plain tests."

Now factor in the fact that QWS has a lot less overhead than X and a smaller
memory footprint.

Can someone _please_ give me a technical reason why they believe GTK+ is 
"better"? The only arguments I've seen on this list are philosophical ones. The

only technical argument has been that you can run applications on the phone and
have them appear on your desktop thanks to X. Surely there is a better reason?

Portability would be the main reason. I guess.

But hey. Philosophical reasons are damn good reasons if you have to work 
with that stuff!

Many people just cant stand the pain using C++. ;-)

Someone had to make that choice. And it was made. I bet for good reasons.

If you don't like it? Ignore it. Make it better. Whatever.

No one made a decision for _you_.

My first thought when Nokia released Maemeo was they are stupid. But 
success proves them right. When OpenMoKo started, these experience where 
already made. I would do the same today.

 Tilman Baumann

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Qtopia coming for Neo1973

2007-09-18 Thread Simon
> Can someone _please_ give me a technical reason why they believe GTK+ is
> "better"? The only arguments I've seen on this list are philosophical ones. 
> The
> only technical argument has been that you can run applications on the phone 
> and
> have them appear on your desktop thanks to X. Surely there is a better reason?

Very simple, i would think it is about compatibility of code.  With
openmoko, it is a small difficulty to port a normal linux application
to openmoko.  With Qtopia, it would probably involve a rewrite of
major sections of the code.


OpenMoko community mailing list

RE: Qtopia coming for Neo1973

2007-09-18 Thread thomas.cooksey
>Very simple, i would think it is about compatibility of code.  With
>openmoko, it is a small difficulty to port a normal linux application
>to openmoko.  With Qtopia, it would probably involve a rewrite of
>major sections of the code.

So you're saying Qtopia makes it harder to port desktop applications designed 
to be used with a 17"+ monitor, keyboard and mouse to a device with no buttons 
and a 2.8" touch screen. I'd argue that the problems with porting desktop 
applications are far greater than the underlying framework. Are there any 
instances of a desktop application being ported to the OpenMoko which is 
usable? The only one I've seen is gpaint on OpenHand's Poky Linux, and that 
looked fiddly at best.

OpenMoko community mailing list

RE: Qtopia coming for Neo1973

2007-09-18 Thread thomas.cooksey
Has anyone seen these benchmarks:

It compares Cairo (what GTK+ uses) against QT. When it comes to rendering, I
believe Qtopia & QT use the same code. So ignoring X, 

"Qt was respectively 7, 5 and 6 times faster. Than Cairo in those plain tests."

Now factor in the fact that QWS has a lot less overhead than X and a smaller
memory footprint.

Can someone _please_ give me a technical reason why they believe GTK+ is 
"better"? The only arguments I've seen on this list are philosophical ones. The
only technical argument has been that you can run applications on the phone and
have them appear on your desktop thanks to X. Surely there is a better reason?

I hate to say it, but I'm beginning to feel that the OpenMoko developer's ego
is a big driving force behind developing the OpenMoko stack.

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Qtopia coming for Neo1973

2007-09-18 Thread Federico Lorenzi
On 9/18/07, john <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I also prefer GTK+ and have invested some time developing an application
> on my Neo with it. I find it very easy to develop and test on my GNOME
> based desktop (Ubuntu) and re-compile for the Neo. I hope OpenMoko
> continues down the same route.
> John (putting a vote in for GTK+)

+1 for that vote... however...
I eventually see my neo with a nice menu in uboot, asking me if I want to boot
into Openmoko, QTopia or FreeBSD (eventually :)

With freedom comes choice, and choice generally brings cool things with it.

My 2c

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Qtopia coming for Neo1973

2007-09-18 Thread Ted Lemon

On Sep 18, 2007, at 9:48 AM, Tilman Baumann wrote:
But thats how it is. Opensource is just about freedom to choose.  
The more choices the better...

My big question about Qtopia for Neo is whether or not Trolltech will  
be willing to take back changes.   I've had some challenges in the  
past getting them to believe bug reports that I sent in, although  
they were extremely professional about it - I probably just needed to  
be more persistent.

So I think that having the two projects competing is probably good in  
terms of keeping people honest.   However, if I can cross-develop for  
Qtopia from my Mac, that's going to make a huge difference for me.   :'}

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Dual-boot? (was Re: Qtopia coming for Neo1973)

2007-09-18 Thread Michael Schmidt
please not another gnome/kde parallel world system
both libraries ( and I guess GTK embedded into QT) should be installed and work.
and for the Main window: I guess soon it is QT.

But please not a double boot option! read the QT-Experience report
from one user on the list. QT is great ! that does not mean GTK is
But I experienced KDE much better than Gnome.. think users will / want use QT...

On 9/18/07, Derek Pressnall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 9/18/07, Ryan Prior <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Is there a bootloader option for the Neo that could let developers decide
> > whether to boot into OpenMoko or QTopia? If so, it could provide a
> > convenient fallback option in case tinkering with one of the systems caused
> > it to stop working. You could boot into QTopia to surf the net and debug the
> > OpenMoko partition, and vice versa.
> They both should use the same kernel, so the only difference would be
> which init scripts get started at boot time.  So just have the startup
> scripts display a selection menu for which environment to fire up at
> boot (and possibly add an icon to each environment to re-launch the
> alternate interface).  But anyhow, no boot loader option is needed if
> you stick with the same kernel.
> ___
> OpenMoko community mailing list

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Qtopia coming for Neo1973

2007-09-18 Thread Tilman Baumann

Alexey Feldgendler wrote:
On Tue, 18 Sep 2007 17:45:51 +0200, Mauro Iazzi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

I hate to say it but in my experience at least, its a dream developing
apps using QT esp given the nice IDE in comparison to using GTK.  QT
just has the docs and organised feel which makes it easy.

with the drawback that _everything_ will need to be Qt based

Why is that?

Qtopia is a complete application stack which is not based on the 
traditional technologies used in unix. Especially problematic is that 
they have a gui-server which works directly on the framebuffer.
Not X11 like all other systems. This has better performance and is in my 
eyes the perfect solution for embedded devices. But that is the reason 
why you can not just compile any X11 application for the phone and run it.
But this issue is more or less a non-issue, because there is a x-server 
for qtopia avaiblable.
But if you want to have native applications which fit right in the 
framework you have to use Qt and C++.

And the other problem is that QT has different views about things like 
PIM storage (addressbook, calendar ...), phone systems (gsmd vs. the 
qtopia phone-driver system) and so on.

Both systems just don't fit very well together.
And i like both concepts...

But thats how it is. Opensource is just about freedom to choose. The 
more choices the better...

 Tilman Baumann

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Dual-boot? (was Re: Qtopia coming for Neo1973)

2007-09-18 Thread Derek Pressnall
On 9/18/07, Ryan Prior <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Is there a bootloader option for the Neo that could let developers decide
> whether to boot into OpenMoko or QTopia? If so, it could provide a
> convenient fallback option in case tinkering with one of the systems caused
> it to stop working. You could boot into QTopia to surf the net and debug the
> OpenMoko partition, and vice versa.

They both should use the same kernel, so the only difference would be
which init scripts get started at boot time.  So just have the startup
scripts display a selection menu for which environment to fire up at
boot (and possibly add an icon to each environment to re-launch the
alternate interface).  But anyhow, no boot loader option is needed if
you stick with the same kernel.

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