Re: Fwd: [Shr-User] SHR-unstable got a facelift. And you a christmas present....

2009-11-23 Thread Gennady Kupava
В Чтв, 19/11/2009 в 17:01 +0100, Thomas Zimmermann пишет:
> --  Weitergeleitete Nachricht  --
> Betreff: [Shr-User] SHR-unstable got a facelift. And you a christmas 
> present
> Datum: Donnerstag 19 November 2009
> Von: Sebastian Spaeth 
> An: "SHR-devel" , "SHR-user">
> [Nov 19 2009, The Internets] It's been psychologically proven that the
> longer you wait for your presents, the more happy you will be when you
> finally get them. It seems, the SHR team wants to make you REALLY happy
> and has let you waiting for quite some time without updates to
> shr-unstable...
> ENOUGH WAITING. Christmas comes a bit early this year, and a new
> SHR-unstable image is out for public consumption. 

In Russia, we have Christmas at 7th of january, this does not mean that
God born that day, this means that we've changed our calendars 2,5
centuries later, i hope...

Now about shr. I've missed intone in Qtmoko! Want to say that new
graphics is really impressive, it's pleasure to look at it, despite of
thinking about 640*480*2=2 Mb memory for image ;). New gry theme is
really fast and nice, and this thing compensates well impossibility to
switch to x11_16 rendering.

New volume controls while call are nice thing, contacts look and feel
very good. I noticed even backup control in settings!

Of course, device is unusable without Thomas kernel patch. With that
patch it's really fast like a... like a usual device, except some things
like tangogps with large map, and main screen. I didn't notice if
someone post prebuild kernel with modules, so here is mine andy-tracking
with whole Thomas patch and all debug disabled: Btw, why kernel debug things are enabled
in kernels now for ordinary users in ordinary distributions? Without it
feels faster. Can't wait until 2.6.31 will be ready and in
distributions! Btw, I checked this with both shr and qtmoko - boost is
amazing. Only thing I don't know is how to transfer pint of best beer to
location of patches author. So far, I didn't notice any problems with

Now, list of bug I noticed so far, hope I can help at least as tester
having few time as developer:

First, I've updated it once after initial flash.

0. Scrolling in contacts! It thinks that release of finger is click,
really annying. How to fix that?

1. Double touchscreen hit problem. It is needed to tap 2 times to run
contacts or messages.

2. Update button in seettings for power consumption is fact don't

3. lockscreen things - correct name of calling person. Easy reset of
'unanswered calls' and 'new messages' - they keep on top even if I've
look at them.

4. It's impossible to add contact in easy way - you have to 'add field'.
Also, I've got a crash of whole telephony system adding new contact from
sms nubber.

5. Battery charge indicator sometimes crying that battery discharged. It
fix itself in minute, but annoying a bit.

6. Sometimes, it telephony stops working. In such cases I see speaker
volume as 0 while calling and can't hear other party even moving slider.

7. Midori is as always without proper fonts.

Big thanks from me as an openmoko user for new things. I am using it for
few days and it is real pleasure.

... so, for whoose who followed my mail to this point - i hope all bugs
will be fixed and all users of Openmoko will get their one more
Christmas presents :)


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Fwd: [Shr-User] SHR-unstable got a facelift. And you a christmas present....

2009-11-23 Thread Gennady Kupava
В Пнд, 23/11/2009 в 23:22 +0100, Martin Jansa пишет:

> If whole Thomas patch you mean drm-tracking branch from Thomas White
> then its built almost daily (sometimes even few times a day :)) here:
> This kernel is not in shr-unstable by default just because all shr devs
> get WSOD during resume with this one, but we like it a lot.

The whole patch is simple one-liner against andy-tracking, published by
Thomas to change some FIFO depth (as far as I understood). Everything
still working after that patch, keeping nice boost. Default image was
unusable because of speed issues.

> If you want to try 2.6.31 with all Thomas's patches again
> but expect some problems with ie sound/gsm/(W|B)SOD

Thanks for links, I'll hope i can try them in spare time, but
unfortunately for me, I need gsm/sound and feel no need in any sort of
SOD. With QtMoko i've found a solution for death - just always keep it
plugged, now trying it with shr. ;)

I've just followed Carsten suggestion and tested several kernels with
lmbench, I wanted to publish it for interested people with separate
letter, but we started with kernel, here is it, anyway I don't know
where to proceed:

Last time I've tried to measure memory bandwidth on om, n810 and old
Celeron 600. Now I've got interesting results with om kernel, but
unfortunately didn't get n810 to my grasp to run lmbench where.

Most interesting thing is following:

*Local* Communication bandwidths in MB/s - bigger is better
HostOS  Pipe AFTCP  File   Mmap  Bcopy  Bcopy  Mem
 UNIX  reread reread (libc) (hand) read
- -    -- -- -- -- 
neo   Linux 2.6.29- 19.8 18.1 18.9   36.7  108.0   59.1   59.2 108.
neo_patch Linux 2.6.29- 16.5 16.6 13.1   25.1   74.4   40.7   40.8 74.4
router2   Linux 2.6.26- 46.4 49.7 33.5  119.8  295.0   78.9   57.2 294.

yes, faster kernel is in middle :). the difference between two one is
kernel, both systems were tested with qtmoko bought down and top showing
0 load except top. interesting that on both kernels to showed different
load. As i've got similar results with my copy test (40mb/s), i think
that Thomas one-line patch (second kernel) is unrelated. So question is
open: in qtmoko, with brought down and no active processes except
top in top, which thing slows down whole device from 1/3 to 1/2? time I
was unable to run oprofile because of some problems between daemon and
kernel, next thing i plan is to investigate this. I attached whole
results for whoose who are interested.

Btw, I successfully resisted idea to buy N900 in favor of continue using
OM after reading this: :)
After that, OM is evolving computer for me, n900 is not.

 L M B E N C H  2 . 0   S U M M A R Y

Basic system parameters

Host OS Description  Mhz

- - --- 
neo   Linux 2.6.29-   armv4tl-linux-gnu  389
neo_patch Linux 2.6.29-   armv4tl-linux-gnu  389
router2   Linux 2.6.26-   i686-pc-linux-gnu  679

Processor, Processes - times in microseconds - smaller is better

Host OS  Mhz null null  open selct sig  sig  fork exec sh  
 call  I/O stat clos TCP   inst hndl proc proc proc
- -      -     
neo   Linux 2.6.29-  389 0.53 1.52 9.68 15.5  63.2 2.77 6.84 3335 10.K 25.K
neo_patch Linux 2.6.29-  389 0.70 3.31 18.6 35.6  89.7 5.77 16.8 4839 15.K 37.K
router2   Linux 2.6.26-  679 0.36 0.84 4.39 9.62  18.4 1.44 6.45 1136 3366 9409

Context switching - times in microseconds - smaller is better
Host OS 2p/0K 2p/16K 2p/64K 8p/16K 8p/64K 16p/16K 16p/64K
ctxsw  ctxsw  ctxsw ctxsw  ctxsw   ctxsw   ctxsw
- - - -- -- -- -- --- ---
neo   Linux 2.6.29- 168.5  367.4  714.1  368.5  731.5   376.5   732.3
neo_patch Linux 2.6.29- 305.4  615.1  881.1  463.2  966.6   497.8   987.3
router2   Linux 2.6.26-  10.8   41.3  186.0   95.2  265.1   107.8   268.1

*Local* Communication latencies in microseconds - smaller is better
Host OS 2p/0K  Pipe AF UDP  RPC/   TCP  RPC/ TCP
ctxsw   UNIX UDP TCP conn
- - - -  - - - 

Re: Quick e-mail poll: Still using your Freerunner?

2009-12-30 Thread Gennady Kupava
В Втр, 29/12/2009 в 22:30 +0200, Risto H. Kurppa пишет:
> Do you use FR as your daily/primary phone?


> Do you use FR as your primary PDA?

Yes. But in fact I've not use pda before, so not much from that

Most used non-phone functions is music player. Sound quality is nice for
phone, happy with upload method - just scp/mc, and with playing software
supporting any music formats. Intone in shr have own bugs and sometimes
annoyingly slow due to mmc speed, but exactly I want from player.
Mplayer in debian-based distributions (moved only soon).

> What distribution you run most of the time?

80% time were SHR-Unstable, QTmoko for some time, but recently switched
to H:1 for phone software, first flashed to test it, but found it better
that recent shr on my taste.

> If you don't use FR as your daily phone/PDA, what phone did you change
> over to, and why?

n/a. Problems with FR are not strong enough to switch.


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: New project openmokontrol

2010-01-04 Thread Gennady Kupava
В Пнд, 04/01/2010 в 21:35 +, hab keen oh ne пишет:
> Hi community,
> I just published a new project called openmokontrol. Im using a TCP/IP
> connection to any X server to control it with the fr's accelerometers,
> mainly for games ;). Maybe I will create a video for a short
> demonstration soon, let's see. It uses the X Test extension to send
> input events to the connected X server. Try playing Live for Speed
> ( with it, its awesome. Here some links:
> I didn't manage to install the ipk file on my SHR run freerunner, I
> always get the following error:
> *** glibc detected *** opkg: free(): invalid next size (normal):
> 0x00ba6500 ***
> Aborted
> I don't get the error when Im installing the package to my toolchain,
> so I think it is SHR's problem, not the problem of a corrupted ipk
> file, is that right? If not, Id appreciate hints how to get rid of
> this error.
> Greetings, Martin.

Hi, Martin.

I just wanted to do some similar experiment (in a bit other way than
NIDE and remoko), so I download your code to check it out. I compiled it
for debian, noticed several problems:

1. missing makefile, had to build it with g++ *cc -o kontrol -Iaux

2. missing #include  in

and finally, didn't understand how to use it in 'normal' mode. my server
connection is ok (I can run xterm on FR with DISPLAY set to host), but
nothing happens on host with mouse pointer then I am running application
on freerunner.


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: New project openmokontrol

2010-01-05 Thread Gennady Kupava

and mouse (touchpad or normal, accelerometer based 'moving' not

nide/nided look very close except you need to setup service, but not
exactly universal usb device.

interesting can it OM function as 'multipurpose device' - cdc-ether and
usb mouse/kbd?

interesting task, I'll start to investigate/do prototype.


В Втр, 05/01/2010 в 10:25 +0100, Yorick Moko пишет:
> I also didn't know about that application (time for the new
> but I also have a small off topic question:
> does anybody know of a way to make the FR act like a USB keyboard?
> I would very much like a small device which I can plug into any
> machine/host and that will be recognised as an USB keyboard
> thank you very much,
> y
> On Tue, Jan 5, 2010 at 6:30 AM, Denis Johnson
>  wrote:
> Sounds perfect !! you have me salivating, many thanks for the
> link and
> prompt response... something to play with tonight :-)
> cheers Denis
> On Tue, Jan 5, 2010 at 3:13 PM, Nicola Mfb
>  wrote:
> > On Tue, Jan 5, 2010 at 5:24 AM, Denis Johnson
>  wrote:
> >> Great work, thanks for this.
> >>
> >> At the risk of straying somewhat off topic, I would love to
> have an
> >> app on the FR to allow me to use the FR as a remote control
> for my
> >> MythTV front-end albeit accelerometers not really needed,
> although
> >> some gestures could be useful down the track.
> >>
> >> Does anyone know if there is something already available
> which I could
> >> get going on the FR ? The following thread
> >
> > [...]
> >
> > You may try
> >
> >
> >
> > Regards
> >
> >  Niko
> ___
> Openmoko community mailing list

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: New significant speedups coming to FreeRunner

2010-01-12 Thread Gennady Kupava
В Втр, 12/01/2010 в 20:49 +0100, Richy пишет:

> Anyways. Big speedup, really nicely done. - Maybe there are even more
> improvements to the kernel somewhere?

I am planning to check various other ideas, don't expect such big
difference anymore, but improvements are really possible.

have fun. Gennady.

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: New significant speedups coming to FreeRunner

2010-01-12 Thread Gennady Kupava
В Втр, 12/01/2010 в 13:51 +0100, Thomas HOCEDEZ пишет:
> Le 12/01/2010 12:42, David Garabana Barro a crit :
> > On Friday 08 January 2010 19:23:00 Timo Jyrinki wrote:
> >
> >> Hi,
> >>
> >> Just FYI to the community list, as slowness has been one of the
> >> biggest problems with Neo. Quite nice speedups are coming:
> >>
> >>
> >> l (performance testing by Gennady Kupava)
> >>  
> > WOW!
> > Its *REALLY* faster. You can feel it from the very first touch: SHR-Today :)
> >
> >
> >
> I can confirm, but some troubles on the SHRu (Jan 6th) :
> - Wifi is not available (can't turn on device)
> - No sound during phonecalls (can't hear nothing on both sides).
> Someone to confirm those bugs ? (this way I'll trac those points)

Please, triple check that you installed kernel and modules in right way
and report if you still have issue.


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: [debian/fso] how to enable wlan again?

2010-01-16 Thread Gennady Kupava
В Сбт, 16/01/2010 в 19:46 +0100, arne anka пишет:
> > Does that help at all?
> not really :-)
> looks, like the neither the modules nor the kernel itself do contain the  
> ar6000 driver necessary ...
> --

You have to load 2 modules to enable wifi  - s3cmci and ar6000.

I am currently working to fix . to workaroud before I'll
eventually get idea how to fix it do:


echo s3c2440-sdi > $P/bind; echo s3c2440-sdi > $P/unbind or reload
ar6000 module.


Openmoko community mailing list

spectrum emulator /

2010-01-16 Thread Gennady Kupava

You gamepad idea is just amazing and surprising, you should think about
giving it production shape and start selling add-on gamepads for phones
without keyboards :)


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: [Shr-User] Quick e-mail poll: Still using your Freerunner?

2010-02-06 Thread Gennady Kupava
В Втр, 29/12/2009 в 22:30 +0200, Risto H. Kurppa пишет:
> Do you use FR as your daily/primary phone?
No, I am understanding and experimenting with kernel, my latest
touchscreen/adc race understanding quest render it unusable for most of
recent time. Also I'm far from finishing userland setup.

> Do you use FR as your primary PDA?
No, same reason :(

> What distribution you run most of the time?
Debian/GNU linux

> If you don't use FR as your daily phone/PDA, what phone did you change
> over to, and why?
I am using spare phones around :) Openmoko is nice small computer which
can fit all mobile needs it's clear and have software and hardware
upgrade path, I think then I'll finally 'set it up', it will be just
best thing around.


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: OM future

2010-02-06 Thread Gennady Kupava
В Вск, 07/02/2010 в 05:29 +0900, Carsten Haitzler пишет:

> or get a nokia n900 (though my
> experience is that its a pile of junk - as i sit here now with my n900 having
> bricked itself spontaneously over a week ago, so i'm without a phone, 6000km
> from home, not to mention that windows 3.1 seems like a paragon of stability
> and solid performance compared to the n900 - the n900 would literally crash 
> and
> restart the whole ui very few minutes or sooner at times, but it'd do this at
> least 5-10 times per day at a minimum).


Hm, FR seems rock solid after such review.


Openmoko community mailing list

sd performance tests, bonnie++ with different filesystems.

2010-06-24 Thread Gennady Kupava
Hi, list.

Unexpectedly, seems it's time for me to repartition my sd card.

So i decided to find which filesystem is best for current kernels, and
to share my results as this topic should be interesting to everyone who
is using sd card as storage for data.

The participants - btrfs nilfs2 ext2 ext3 ext4 reiserfs jfs xfs.

The old well-know test is bonnie++.

Resulting html table, with 2 runs:

The test script:

Results are really hard to interpret, all filesystems has weak and
strong sides, but i'll try to do some summary now, for whoose who is

1. sequental io, this is quite rare now, so not really matter.
1.1 sequental output per char
reiser, btrfs is non-usable in this respect. ext3 is close to unusable,
xfs is almost ok. all others same. 
1.2. sequental input per char
all almost the same - latency +-25%, expect btrfs, which is 30% slower
and have extraoridinary latencies. xfs is not good at speed too.

2. block io, most important thing.
2.1 8k blocks write
here is most surprise - ext4 and ext2 are slowest. almost 50% slower
than xfs, jfs. ext3 have outstandingly bad latency.
2.2 most important thing for fs - block read.
they all the same, except btrfs, which is much slower.
2.3. rewrite
all almost same, expect btrfs and ext3.

3. random seeks.
it's seek+read or write. useful operation. only test where btrfs is
relatively good in performance.

4. create/delete tests
1. Create (random)
great difference here, ext2, ext4, xfs, are bad. ext3, btrfs, reiser
5-10 times better.
2. delete (random)
ext2,ext3,ext4,reiser,btrfs are good, jfs and xfs 10 times slower.

my conclusion here is that good filesystems:
ext2 and ext4 have same performance in this test.
reiserfs is best, despite of name of it's creator.
ext2 is good except file creation and remove.
xfs is good except file creation and remove.
ext3 is good _for_ file creation and remove.

so, my choise of fs will be:
/boot -> ext2 for compatibility
/, /usr -> xfs, need fast block r/w.
/home -> reiser, need fast file create/remove, and overall balance
/var -> reiser, 'append fs', need good overall balance.

i wanted to test nilfs2 (and use it for /var), but it didn't pass
testing - out of free space.

All tests were done on .34, yesterday git (with FIFO LCM patch). Short
tests algorithm: for each fs: create fs on same mmc partition, mount
(with noatime) and run bonnie in mounted directory, then umount. I did
two runs to ensure results are sane.

plain dd read speed of my sd card is 2.7Mb/s.


Openmoko community mailing list

sd performance tests, bonnie++ with different filesystems.

2010-06-26 Thread Gennady Kupava
Hi, list.

>It's good to see someone doing tests on this, but more info is needed
on what fs creation and mount options were applied by default.

all fses were created with default options, you can check published
script, which has mkfses line-by-line.

> Of particular interest would be whether btrfs used the 
ssd option by default.

i'll do next run with both ssd and non-ssd versions of btrfs.

> and how the compress option would affect the results - 
does the cpu overhead of compression outweigh the reduction of bus traffic 
between cpu and glamo?

hm, from my POV it depends now much it loads CPU, hm... need to add this on 
next run.

Al, thanks for suggestions, next run is not priority for me, as i already 
choosen filesystems for 
my freerunner, but a bit later i'll do it, as a minimum to check your 
suggestions about btrfs.

>Is it possible to tune these file systems to achieve better results?

If someone has suggestions about other filesystems, they are welcome. Sure, 
it's possible, but i didn't 
want to spend a week studiing all kinds of options for all kind of filesystems 
just to repartition my sd, 
just wanted to choose fs intelligently :)
but topic is interesting in general (we all have USB flashes not only sd in 

>What does "% CPU" field name stands for? Is it CPU load or idle?

this is standard table for bonnie++, it stands for cpu load of course.

>Interesting how bad results you got for brtfs (I guess that MeeGo people
also did some benchmarks, before selecting is as default fs). Maybe
because rather slow cpu in freerunner?

i didn't bury in detatils, to answer this question it's better try first to 
optimize btrfs. 
but all i read about btrfs were some bad details, like this
it's strange to choose something experimental, in development fs with unstable 
disk format for production system,
also it's entirely possible that MeeGo people choose it because 'it's cool', 
'it's cool for target audience',
 "our devs participate in btrfs development and they say ...", or something 
like this. also, by guess is that 
btrfs is more complex than others. anyway using significatly more cpu is bad 
for embedded, as it eats more power.


Openmoko community mailing list

sd performance tests, bonnie++ with different filesystems.

2010-06-26 Thread Gennady Kupava

> XFS is not prone to power failures anymore or it's not an issue on uSD
(without big cache as normal drives)?

i thought it is same to btrfs? i am using xfs on desktop for storing
data like films, audio and other big and non-critical data, have no
problems for 5 years. i've heard about 0 files, after power failure,
which were somehow intelligently described (and seem fixed
) i think this is only on writes. i took that into accout, using to
for / and /usr, which are changed only on system upgrades. why do you
think xfs is less proof to to power failures that others?

>> - flash dying

>no big problem on replacable uSD

yeah, it's much better to replace sd once in year for example but have +30% r/w 
speed during year.

>> - problem with bootloaders

>if you load kernel from different partition then I don't see any problem
with brtfs rootfs.

yeah, I used ext2 for /boot -> uboot is happy.

i even used GPT for fun, so finally my partitions numbered 1,2,3,4,... without 

so far, i didn't notice some significant difference except it only fsck /boot 
for a long time.


Openmoko community mailing list

cpu reclocking to 500Mhz, overclocking to 533Mhz, performance tests and bootloader images

2010-06-28 Thread Gennady Kupava
Hi, list.

This time i decided to try to look at performace from other side: check
clocking, sdram timing and other things, so here is my report. I already
"announced it" on IRC.

WARNING!!! Do it at your own risk nobody will be responsible in any case
of problems, Only thing i can say: all configurations were at least
tried here. Some were also tested. I will use something of 533/88/clk2
or 465/116, or finally 500/83/clk2 in case of any troubles. I'm not hw

Foreword 2:
I hope some hardware expert review my findings.

---> Theory:
1. CPU
Facts: In BOM, it is stated our CPU is stated as '500mhz 1.7v'.
Unfortunately I have only manual for 400Mhz version, so i can't tell for
sure which voltage range can be applied to it.

Voltage: according to schematic, voltage is used only to feed CPU.

So.. conclusion: 500mhz and 1.7 voltage is native for our cpu so this
never will hurt it, but board were not designed for 1.7V. may be some hw
expert may review this.

Facts: We have 2 sdram modules - 1 inside cpu and 1 outside. both have
same timings. both are clk3 at up to 133Mhz, and clk2 at up to 83mhz.

Idea: So, conclusion: at 100Mhz, memory not show all it's potential, as
we have to run it on clk3 and (according tests) 88mhz/clk2-2-2 is same
speed to 100mhz/clk3-3-3. Also it SDRAM itself should run up to 133Mhz
without troubles.

Bus: Memory is on same bus as: part of glamo, nand (internal), wifi.
sdram (internal), nor flash, and may be something else so it's generally
bad idea to increase it's voltage.

If we need to rise memory voltage it will not be really good idea, and i
in fact didn't checked all harware for compatibility, but here is what i
sdram in cpu -> up to 1.95 ok
sdram -> up to 1.95 ok
cpu -> up to 1.95 ok
glamo -> up to 1.9 ok
nand "voltage on any pin relative to Vss" -> -0.5-2.45 unsure, but
sounds ok ok.

3. USB
usb have separate clock, so forget it.

4. overall frequency
CPU freq may be to almost any value, but it is limited to rate 1:3:6 or
1:4:8 or 1:6:12. no 1:5. (ratings CPU/MEMORY/PERIPHERIAL).

---> Practice:

i saved different uboots which sets differents speed:

many of them are not working, all were tried here. once i even thought
my fr i dead, but at the end i found that it is just my AUX desoldered.
so i fixed AUX and continue tests bravely :)

if you not planning to dive deep in this topic i consider you be
interested in slightly overclocked:

you need nothing to test it. in case of troubles it will be useful to
try non-overclocked, in-spec version:

for whoose who like a bit more speed, risk to hardware and work, assume
your fr is fried before trying this, but this works here and is fastest
and in case of trouble a bit slower:

default u-boot is 400_100_1.5_1.8_CLK3.
in file name - it is default.

as you see last 2 configs use modified memory voltage. to use it you
need patch to the kernel. by default kernel will reset voltage to 1.8.
patched kernel allow 1.8-1.9 range, see patch and end of mail.

I tested all working configs to Xorg, on .34 kernel. decoded some videos
on both u-boot.udfu_465_116_1.7_1.9_sdmax and

---> u-boot setup help

for whoose who not familiar with u-boot setup i provided

flash it with:
dfu-util -D -a u-boot_env

use power -> wait 0.3s ->hold aux for nand uboot menu.

---> Power consumption:

sorry, no tests :( may be someone?

---> Performance testing:

i tested several working configurations with lmbench:

as you can see, 462/116 version seem best from kernel subsystem point of
view. of course, pure computation will be better with 533/500Mhz.

550Mhz is excluded as it requires 1.75V CPU, and CLK2 version also 1.9V
mem and were not 100% stable.

for whoose who not familiar with u-boot:
you may flash setting partition, use file u-boot_env and flash it with
-a u-boot_env. press power and and 0.5 sec aux for NAND uboot menu.

---> Patches
uboot clk2:
uboot frequency setting
kernel patch to allow 1.9v on memory/other peritherials

Hope you'll have fun with faster fr :)


Openmoko community mailing list

Profiling on openmoko (or ARM generally)

2010-06-30 Thread Gennady Kupava
Hi, mobi phil,

I am using oprifile. It is excellent profiled, even no need to recompile
anything. It is way better. You you want more details/help/examples you
can find me on irc. Currently i am planning some optimizations based on
profiling data.

Result is something like this (this is for mplayer):

  samples|  %|
 3782 48.7057 vmlinux_b13
 2316 29.8261 mplayer
  samples|  %|
 1136 49.0501
  682 29.4473
  168  7.2539
  109  4.7064 vmlinux_b13
   97  4.1883 mplayer
   93  4.0155
   11  0.4750
5  0.2159
4  0.1727
2  0.0864
2  0.0864
2  0.0864
2  0.0864
1  0.0432
1  0.0432
1  0.0432
 1419 18.2743 Xorg
  samples|  %|
 1376 96.9697
   31  2.1846 vmlinux_b13
7  0.4933
5  0.3524 Xorg
   99  1.2750 bash
  samples|  %|
   45 45.4545 vmlinux_b13
   38 38.3838 bash
   14 14.1414
1  1.0101 xfs
1  1.0101
   67  0.8628 oprofiled

3782 48.7371  (no location information)   vmlinux_b13
vmlinux_b13  /vmlinux_b13
1374 17.7062  memcpy.S:60
Xorg memcpy
1136 14.6392  (no location information)
mplayer  /usr/lib/
682   8.7887  (no location information)
mplayer  /usr/lib/
109   1.4046  (no location information)   vmlinux_b13
mplayer  /vmlinux_b13
108   1.3918  dl-lookup.c:82
mplayer  do_lookup_x
450.5799  (no location information)   vmlinux_b13
bash /vmlinux_b13
430.5541  memset.S:25
mplayer  memset
380.4897  (no location information)   bash
bash /bin/bash
370.4768  (no location information)   vmlinux_b13
310.3995  (no location information)   vmlinux_b13
Xorg /vmlinux_b13
220.2835  (no location information)   reiserfs
140.1804  strchr.c:46
mplayer  index
130.1675  dl-lookup.c:132
mplayer  check_match.8383
130.1675  vo_x11.c:525mplayer
mplayer  draw_slice
130.1675  m_config.c:185  mplayer
mplayer  m_config_add_option
130.1675  font_load_ft.c:958  mplayer
mplayer  read_font_desc_ft
130.1675  (no location information)   vmlinux_b13
grep /vmlinux_b13
110.1418  (no location information)
mplayer  /usr/lib/
9 0.1160  strcmp.c:38
mplayer  strcmp
9 0.1160  (no location information)   vmlinux_b13
cat  /vmlinux_b13
8 0.1031  dl-load.c:1958
mplayer  _dl_map_object
8 0.1031  skeleton.c:395
bash __gconv_transform_ascii_internal
8 0.1031  vd_ffmpeg.c:452 mplayer
mplayer  draw_slice
8 0.1031  input.c:1357mplayer
mplayer  mp_input_get_cmd
8 0.1031  (no location information)   vmlinux_b13
id   /vmlinux_b13
7 0.0902  (no location information)
Xorg /usr/lib/xorg/modules/drivers/
7 0.0902  malloc.c:4765
mplayer  _int_free
7 0.0902
mplayer  strncpy
7 0.0902  mplayer.c:2505  mplayer
mplayer  main


Openmoko community mailing list

Profiling on openmoko (or ARM generally)

2010-06-30 Thread Gennady Kupava
Hi, mobi phil,

heh, sent again occasionally :)

I am using oprofile. It is excellent profiler, even no need to recompile
anything. It is way better than grof. If you want more details/help/examples you
can find me on irc. Currently i am planning some optimizations based on
profiling data.

Result is something like this (this is for mplayer):

  samples|  %|
 3782 48.7057 vmlinux_b13
 2316 29.8261 mplayer
  samples|  %|
 1136 49.0501
  682 29.4473
  168  7.2539
  109  4.7064 vmlinux_b13
   97  4.1883 mplayer
   93  4.0155
   11  0.4750
5  0.2159
4  0.1727
2  0.0864
2  0.0864
2  0.0864
2  0.0864
1  0.0432
1  0.0432
1  0.0432
 1419 18.2743 Xorg
  samples|  %|
 1376 96.9697
   31  2.1846 vmlinux_b13
7  0.4933
5  0.3524 Xorg
   99  1.2750 bash
  samples|  %|
   45 45.4545 vmlinux_b13
   38 38.3838 bash
   14 14.1414
1  1.0101 xfs
1  1.0101
   67  0.8628 oprofiled


CPU: CPU with timer interrupt, speed 0 MHz (estimated)
Profiling through timer interrupt
samples  %linenr info image name   app name 
symbol name
3782 48.7371  (no location information)   vmlinux_b13  
vmlinux_b13  /vmlinux_b13
1374 17.7062  memcpy.S:60   Xorg 
1136 14.6392  (no location information)  
682   8.7887  (no location information)  mplayer  
109   1.4046  (no location information)   vmlinux_b13  mplayer  
108   1.3918  dl-lookup.c:82 mplayer  
450.5799  (no location information)   vmlinux_b13  bash 
430.5541  memset.S:25   mplayer  
380.4897  (no location information)   bash bash 
370.4768  (no location information)   vmlinux_b13  
310.3995  (no location information)   vmlinux_b13  Xorg 
220.2835  (no location information)   reiserfs 
140.1804  strchr.c:46 mplayer  
130.1675  dl-lookup.c:132 mplayer  
130.1675  vo_x11.c:525mplayer  mplayer  
130.1675  m_config.c:185  mplayer  mplayer  
130.1675  font_load_ft.c:958  mplayer  mplayer  
130.1675  (no location information)   vmlinux_b13  grep 
110.1418  (no location information)   mplayer  
9 0.1160  strcmp.c:38 mplayer  
9 0.1160  (no location information)   vmlinux_b13  cat  
8 0.1031  dl-load.c:1958 mplayer  
8 0.1031  skeleton.c:395   bash 
8 0.1031  vd_ffmpeg.c:452 mplayer  mplayer  
8 0.1031  input.c:1357mplayer  mplayer  
8 0.1031  (no location information)   vmlinux_b13  id   
7 0.0902  (no location information)

[qtmoko] v24 & importing contacts

2010-06-30 Thread Gennady Kupava

I noticed following bug in my qtmoko v22:

If user is too slow to input pin, it doesn't load contacts.

Also, afair were button somewhere to import contacts from sim.


Openmoko community mailing list

cpu reclocking to 500Mhz, overclocking to 533Mhz, performance tests and bootloader images

2010-07-01 Thread Gennady Kupava

> have you been able to test for stability over a few days of normal

I am using mostly 533/88/clk2 now and over versions for may be 5 days.
So far i have no problems. I run tests on all recommended versions, also
run cpu-intensive video decoding without problems. But i'm on .34 and
can't test some features, like suspend, sound, gsm, but things i tested
works good (usb, glamo video and mmc, cpu). I tried qtmoko and it were
working for 450 version.

Freerunner feels warmer, so i measured temperature, but without opening
that shielding. While 100% cpu load shield temperature is 32C.

Also i noticed it can't stand overnight without usb and suspend due to
bigger power consumption, but with suspend this should be ok.

i know 3 people who tryed it. one were unable to run any clk2 versions,
so he tried 533/clk3. but he very able to run 465 version with default
1.8 on memory bus.

One man reported he is unable to suspend, may be kernel need some fixes
to suspend/resume properly, but currently my .34 can't suspend more than
once anyway, so i didn't test this.

So far no unrecoverable errors reported. No fried frs. One man reported
"flash error" but this turned out to be bad sector on NAND, and he begun
experiments on NAND after changing clock, and we were unable to
attribute this to overclocking.

>I will need to patch/recompile my kernel besides
flashing a new Uboot.

No, you need to recompile/patch kernel only for versions with modified memory 
bus voltage (forth number, if prefent in file name and != 1.8), 
so 533/88, 500/83 versions may be tried without patches.

If you not were familiar with u-boot, here is instruction:
1. flash u-boot environment:
from nor u-boot on fr:
sudo dfu-util -a u-boot_env -D
2. check if default u-boot can boot you system and become familiar with 
power off, boot with pressing power and in 0.5 sec holding aux for a while.
3. flash reclocked u-boot:
sudo dfu-util -a u-boot -D u-boot.udfu_533_88_1.7_1.8_CLK2
4. try to boot it in similar way.
if not boots, try u-boot.udfu_533_88_1.7 , you may try also with more risk
u-boot.udfu_465_116_1.65_1.9 this may work without kernel patch.


Openmoko community mailing list

cpu reclocking to 500Mhz, overclocking to 533Mhz, performance tests and bootloader images

2010-07-04 Thread Gennady Kupava

>I couldn't resist to do some more testing,

Thanks for testing :) 

> u-boot.udfu_450_112_1.65_1.9: won't boot (hangs on 'Starting
> u-boot.udfu_450_112_1.7_1.9_sdmax: won't boot (hangs on 'Starting

As i already told to use 450 or 465 you need kernel patch, and hang in
'Statring kernel ...' means exactly that you need kernel patch to test
this kernels. so, to test it you need to get andy-tracking kernel from
git and apply some similar patch on it (my patch is against .34).

>but my phone doesn't wake up after suspend with any of the
overclocked images;

currently i am trying completely other optimization idea. then i'll finish with 
it I return to overclocking and try to fix resume or other bugs, also push all 
this to wiki.

PS. Hm seem i were not right, as i didn't applied patchs to qtmoko
kernel- so seem I tested 500mhz (not 450) with qtmoko, but i tried so
many configs, that i can't recall which one exactly i tested with it.


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: My N900 experience compared to my FR experience

2010-07-08 Thread Gennady Kupava
Guys, thanks for your detailed reviews.


Openmoko community mailing list

cpu reclocking to 500Mhz, overclocking to 533Mhz, performance tests and bootloader images

2010-07-08 Thread Gennady Kupava

> Do you have the PLL divider values (not sure if that is the correct
term) for the other speeds?

Here is values i used:

450  142  21
465  147  21
480  152  21
500  117  11
533  125  11
549  175  21
564  133  11

Yeah, 549/CLK3 worked too, but it need a voltage of 1.75, and i have no idea is 
it in range.

You may use s3c manual, which has formula to calculate dividers for almost any 

I tried to find good rounded values for some key frequnces like 500 or 533 or 

Openmoko community mailing list

[qtmoko] build failed

2010-07-14 Thread Gennady Kupava
Hi, Vinzenz

I can say, that we were able to build qtmoko on Debian too. 

Only trouble i had once - inability to build in amd64 native env, but
attempts to build in 386 chroot were ok.

Also i were able to do more exotic build within amd64 env and debian
apt-cross utils.


Openmoko community mailing list

Glamo slowness question. Glamo transfer speed improvements (+33%). Video sofdecoding playing profile. Glamo dma transfer.

2010-07-17 Thread Gennady Kupava
Hi, list.

Here is my next rant to freerunner slowness :)

Today, topic of discussion is freerunner's most famous beast - glamo. I
want to show that it is much better than some people thinking about it.
Also i propose different significant optimizations: usage of DMA,
changing cpu<->glamo bus timings. Also you can find analysis of high
resolution software video decoding.

1. --->>> Glamo bus speed

The most famous problem about our beast is legendary mythical cpu <->
glamo bus slowness. Let's measure actual bus speed and fix it.

1.1. --->>> Current situation

The older statement is that glamo should have 7Mb/s transfer speed. It's
not easy to find out how this number were calculated. I hope someone who
did glamo speed measurement can comment this mail if i am wrong

1.2. --->>> Theory

Actually bus speed of glamo is limited by settings of memory controller
in our cpu. This speed can be calculated by formulae
(HCLK/TWORD)*WORDSIZE, where HCLK is frequency of memory bus == 100Mhz
(in normal conditions, without overclocking), WORDSIZE = 2 bytes, and
TWORD is waiting period, by default we have TWORD=4+4+4 bus clocks. So,
for default settings we have CPU<->glamo bus speed (100*10^6/(4+4
+4))*2/1024^2 Mb/s=15.8Mb/s. This speed may or may not be also
influenced by nwait state of cpu. We'll measure actual practical speed
in section 1.3.

So, together with Thomas White we did review of memory contoller
settings in s3c and found out that 4+4+4 setting seem not reasonable.
according to Thomas analysis of timings in glamo documentation it should
be 2+4+2, which is 33% less than default and gives us:

As you can see, both numbers are much more than 7mb/s.

1.3. --->>> Synthetic bus speed measurements.

So i used simple tool to measure actual cpu<->glamo bus transfer speed.
Tool opens framebuffer device and starts memcpy or memset session for
whole video frame. it's speed measurement +-1 frame. so i tried to find
how many frames may be displayed with each method (memcpy or memset) in
1 second for eash s3c memory controller settings (default 4+4+4 or
better 2+4+2), and use formulae (640*480*2)*nr_frame to get transfer
speed. Or course, memcpy is always slower than memset as cpu need first
fetch 4byte burst of data from main memory and only after that send it
to glamo, but memcpy is only most common operation with glamo (in both
video and mmc transfer).

So, after actual measurement i produced following table:

theory (see 1.2)  memsetmemcpy
4+4+4 speed: 15.8Mb/s 12Mb/s10.5mb/s
2+4+2 speed: 23.8Mb/s 17.5Mb/s  14.0mb/s

So, as you can see both default and new settings are very far from
7Mb/s. Also you can see that glamo can really do 14mb/s which is 22 full
screen 640*480 frames. Also one can notice that changing settings
increase throughtput by 33%.

1.4. --->>> Profiling real application: mpeg2 video decoding with

To check effect of changing timings settings, i did complex profiling
for different versions of mplayers, decoding 480x640 mpeg2 video at
5fps. Such frame rate used to avoid any case of overruns or framedrops.

I tested default(AKA slow) and fast timing settings for -vo x11 and -vo
fbdev. The settings with different vo's are not directly comparable, as
different libc used occasionally, so only (slow/x11 and fast/x11) and
(slow/fbdev and fast/fbdev) are comparable.

The profiling setup is opcontrol --start; mplayer ... ; opcontrol --stop

First, I recorded cpu usage values from mplayer:
slow 35/3140/35
fast 31/2242/26

So, here is comparison of slow/fast fbdev:

And comparison of slow/fast x11:

As you can see, libc memcpy call cpu usage decreased from 25.2% to 17.6%
for fbdev. (i think most of this memcpys are memcpy to glamo)
In x11 version, Xorg memcpy usage decreased from 19.1%->13.2%.

in both cases, memcpy function from glibc is most time-consuming

Generally speaking about software video decoding, next by cpu
consumption is yuv2rgb function. I checked mplayer code and found that
this function seem not optimized specifically for arm, so it might be
possible to do something with it.

In general, cpu usage in 5fps mpeg2 decoding is following: 17%
memcpy(probably to glamo)/9%(yuv2rbg)/3% mpeg_decode_slice/41% idle/11%
oprofile/1.6%io/ + others. others 100% is all cpu.

You may find full profile results at:

1.5. --->>> Open questions

Actually, out of glamo documentation, speed should be set to 1+4+2. But
this seem not working, and we didn't found why. So this question is open
for further unvestigation.

1.6. --->>> How to test/use it

I used this settings by default for several days with qtmokoV24 and with
debian on usd.

I prepared u-boot to set new timings by default:

Glamo bus speed, testing of GLAMO_REG_LCD_A_BASE2 FIFO settings.

2010-07-18 Thread Gennady Kupava
Hi list.

I decided to do and share some additional tests related to glamo bus

This tests related to change found by Thomas White early this year to
GLAMO_REG_LCD_A_BASE2 which change some kind of fifo.

Goal of this test is to find out how this change influence glamo speed
and how different different fifo settings.

So, i did 20 frames of memsets to 480x640 framebuffer, here is test

First i did tests with different FIFO settings and 2-4-2 timings, and go
absolutely same results in each tests. So here is only test results for
FIFO = 0 or FIFO = 1 (0x4000):

FIFO   0 1
2-4-2, 10Mb/s17.5Mb/s
4-4-4, 8.1Mb/s   12.2Mb/s

Also, please notice that with current settings, we still have huge diff
between theoretical and real thoughtput:
23.8Mb/s vs 17.5Mb/s. May be it's possible to avoid that somehow.


Openmoko community mailing list

Glamo bus speed, testing of GLAMO_REG_LCD_A_BASE2 FIFO settings

2010-07-18 Thread Gennady Kupava

> According to your previous mail  (Glamo slowness question...) it seems
it is 1, am I right?

Sure, by default we have 4-4-4 fifo 1 since beginning of 2010, this is
just testing which may be interesting to whoose who wonder about FIFO


Openmoko community mailing list

Glamo slowness question. Glamo transfer speed improvements (+33%). Video softdecoding playing profile. Glamo dma transfer.

2010-07-18 Thread Gennady Kupava
> When you get a WSOD (rotating screen)

Fixes exist to fix this (for both xrandr rotation, resolution switch and
screen blanking), this not related to timings.

>When you get a WSOD (rotating screen), if you just reboot, you obtain a
WSOD on every following reboot. You MUST halt device for getting it back
to normality. I suppose something is not correctly initialized in glamo
with modified uboot.

Ah, known problem! but this seem somehow related to some state
filesystem, not investigated to the final end. Not related to timing
thing too.

Here i have to just always reboot twice, or it reboots automatically on
X11 startup.

Solving this is in my todo list...


Openmoko community mailing list

Glamo slowness question. Glamo transfer speed improvements (+33%). Video sofdecoding playing profile. Glamo dma transfer.

2010-07-18 Thread Gennady Kupava
One more thing, if cpu load look like too high for some exprienced
mplayer users, this may be caused by my mplayer version - it is built
with -fno-omit-frame-pointer and with run in parallel with  _callgraph_
profiling, which seem adds some additional cpu load.

For pure timings, here is cpu load result from .29 kernel from qtmoko
for same 640x480 5fps mpeg2 movie:

old timings: 16% 35%
new timings: 16% 28% 


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Glamo slowness question. Glamo transfer speed improvements (+33%). Video softdecoding playing profile. Glamo dma transfer.

2010-07-19 Thread Gennady Kupava
Hi, David.

>I'm now getting WSOD after a 
>  _long_ 
>suspend. It's the very first time it happens to my FR (with any

Very interesting. 

>Do you know if is there any fix to this problem?

I din't face such problem. But we can try to investigate it. 
First, interesting, is it temperature-dependent stuff?

To test this, can you put suspended fr in fridge for 5 mins?

Second, can you try do you get same issue with default u-boot?


Openmoko community mailing list

Glamo slowness question. Glamo transfer speed improvements (+33%). Video sofdecoding playing profile. Glamo dma transfer.

2010-07-20 Thread Gennady Kupava
Hi, Thomas.

> I tried on SHR-u, booted on a beautiful "openmoko" logo, then nothing.
> When I tried to boot on u-boot, a single" nokernel found" message is
> shown ...

I don't know about qi provided, but you should setup u-boot properly to boot 
you distribution. To not blame glamo timings,
try first to setup usual u-boot (ensure your distribution works with it). If 
you need help in u-boot setup ping me (gena2x) at irc.

> So here's a question : Is it only for QTmoko ?

No it should work for any distribution. 
I am using debian and qtmoko, both work flawless. in qtmoko suspend/resume 
works well for me. I debian X11 with glamo driver working, but i didn't
test it much.
Other people reported android and qtmoko worked flawlessly. 
It works for shr also, but seem with some problems (unblanking and resume, not 
always). May be this problems are solvable and really cause by
some kind of kms issues.


Openmoko community mailing list

Flashing qi broke my freerunner

2010-07-20 Thread Gennady Kupava
Hi, Helge.

> On reboot, the screen went white, and nothing more happened.

Try to remove all power sources from your fr, wait for 10 minutes, and
boot device. i don't really know about qi, i can only tell about my
uboots, so flash u-boot to nand, remove all power (battery, usb and so),
and then try to boot.

If your nor u-boot works, all should be good with your device.


Openmoko community mailing list

Flashing qi broke my freerunner - SOLVED

2010-07-21 Thread Gennady Kupava
Hi, guys,

Glad to hear no FR fried :)

But you not really right that this timings are influence only to
graphic. They should influence (may be a bit, but still influence) to
usd access speed/cpu load too. I didn't measure that.

Here have one idea to check, may be it'll fix that WS and rotation
issues together, i'll report later if it'll be ok.


Openmoko community mailing list

My guess about the WSOD

2010-07-23 Thread Gennady Kupava
Hi, guys.

I can attribute WS on boot and blank to changing version of compiler
which builds kernel.

Here, i have testing re:
2.6.34 kernel, configured for fb   okWS on boot/unblank
2.6.32 shr kernel, configured for kms  okWS on boot/unblank

please, notice that something similar to unblank happens on
rotation/mode change.

but my kernels somehow lack of sound sound support (other kind of bug),
all both shrs and .34, so they are unusable for daily usage


Openmoko community mailing list

Mail Wrapping

2010-08-14 Thread Gennady Kupava
Hi, Nikolaus,

First, thanks for your work on next generation of free hardware, I hope
to use it one day. Didn't came to conclusion how my next device should
look like exactly, and i'm ok with fr so far.

But about line wrapping - i am using web interface to read community-ml,
so no way to control my 'client' parameters.

To get idea how your mail look like in web interface, try this link:

I think many people may find your letters this way, and it's really not
easy to read sometimes.

Just a note, all this wrapping topic is not really serious problem.


Openmoko community mailing list

QI Bootloader with overclocked settings

2010-08-18 Thread Gennady Kupava
Hi, Rashid

> Did I read right, when you use the "lower" overcloking images you dont
need to hack the kernel, you can just take an other bootloader, right?

Yes, only bootloader, where were qi somewhere, but, check answers to
that post.

But i recommend you to try bootloader with tuned glamo instead (from ), 
where were qi also somewhere in answers.


Openmoko community mailing list

Unable to boot with u-boot_glamo242.udfu

2010-08-19 Thread Gennady Kupava
Hi, Giacomo.

> At first I tried to flash it using the following commands:

> #flash_eraseall /dev/mtd1
> #nandwrite -p /dev/mtd1 u-boot_glamo242.udfu

As you already understood, nandwrite is highly not recommended, use

As i didn't fall to this pitfall, really can tell exactly how to go out
of it. I am always using any uboot & to change environment
and flash images. I think, this should work from scratch, and should be
easy for anything except android (which has different NAND layout). In
anroid case one should just tune that dynparts to match android layout.

> I tried again, again with dfu-util, u-boot_glamo242.udfu, but it still
> didn't work.

Define 'didn't work' please. Can you reach menu? Can you hear 'click' on
boot? To boot, hold power and then start holding aux, you should hold
aux longer than usual (this seem like some latest-svn uboot bug).

>If I edit u-boot_env (both with [5] and [6], which is a wrapper of [5] 
>I think) I can't get rid of some duplicated reboot/power off voices and 
>of the smile.   

Of course, you should edit and cut everything what you don't 
Mine current is not useful for anyone except me, so i'll not 
prove it (i am using xfs and ramconsole).

> Have you got any suggestion?

If you need a bit more help on topic, we can talk on IRC.


Openmoko community mailing list

QI Bootloader with overclocked settings

2010-08-19 Thread Gennady Kupava
Hi, Rashid

> Hi I already use the tuned glamo. But I would like to speed reclock
the cpu to 500 mhz too.

I didn't tried to combine 500 or 533 mhz clk2 or clk3 with glamo242. It
should work.

Sebastian (dos1) tried to build 465/116Mhz qi, but it didn't work for
him. Such things seem individual for each freerunner (unfortunately CLK2
seem not working for some people too), so i think it's possible to find
some better than default value (may be 450, or play with voltage), but
nobody did it ATM. May be i'll try to test it later. 

Currently, i am on 242 timings and it works perfect in all aspects - no
wsods, no problems with I/O while booting or booted, except one
annoyance - i have to boot it via menu because in 33% of cases uboot
seem loading kernel image in some wrong way, so it not passes crc
checking, so i have to select and boot kernel again in such cases.
sometimes it will not boot from second time too, which is actually
strange and quite annoying.


Openmoko community mailing list

QI Bootloader with overclocked settings

2010-08-19 Thread Gennady Kupava
Hi, Sebastian, 

Are this:


all glamo 2-4-2 qi's? According to patches, they are not. 

We talking now about combined 242 and changed clock settings.


Openmoko community mailing list

QtMoko v25 - experimental with 2.6.34 kernel

2010-08-21 Thread Gennady Kupava
Hi, Tha_Man,

> I have a question about the (any) new QtMoko release. Have you tested
> the new kernel(s) to support Gennady Kupava's overclocked settings [1]
> (both using uboot and Qi)?

Overclocking is not major thing really. I think only thing worth testing
and using without any compromises is glamo 2-4-2 timing settings. Which
is working without problems on .29 kernel with qtmoko V24, and works
flawless with .34 kernel here.

500mhz especially clk3 version is not really of big value and not worth
Radek time, as it increases power consumption significantly, but really
faster on some tasks but slower in other. Exact numbers for power
consumption are unknown, as nobody seem tested this so far. Whole
overclocking/reclocking is a bit marginal as tradeoffs are quite big.
May be useful only for heavy cpu-bound tasks, like compilation, which is
not target for qtmoko for sure. Use glamo 2-4-2 instead, it brings
noticeable graphic speed increase.


Openmoko community mailing list

QtMoko v25 - experimental with 2.6.34 kernel

2010-08-23 Thread Gennady Kupava

> Are there still WSOD with 2.6.32?

I asked Martin to add workaround for this problem to SHR today, 
so it should not WSOD anymore.


Openmoko community mailing list

QtMoko v25 - experimental with 2.6.34 kernel

2010-08-23 Thread Gennady Kupava
> so it should not WSOD anymore.

Of course, as soon as new kernel will hit shr repository.


Openmoko community mailing list

QtMoko v25 - experimental with 2.6.34 kernel

2010-08-26 Thread Gennady Kupava
Hi, David

> It have also solved "rotate WSOD", is it possible?

Yes. This patch _may_ also fix all kind of WSODs, in rotate, in
switching to qvga, and on resume of course. We wanted to test it, but
can't reliable reproduce that WSODs to see if they really fixed.


Openmoko community mailing list

please notice if any of your wsods gone with latest shr kernel upgrade [Was: QtMoko v25 - experimental with 2.6.34 kernel ]

2010-08-26 Thread Gennady Kupava
Hi, list

btw, i would be very interesting to hear if after this patch (which came
with latest kernel upgrade in shr) any kind of wsods disappeared on
4-4-4 (default) glamo settings too. please write down.

thanks, Gennady.

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: please notice if any of your wsods gone with latest shr kernel upgrade [Was: QtMoko v25 - experimental with 2.6.34 kernel ]

2010-08-26 Thread Gennady Kupava
Ah, i am a bit unclear.

I am about 'patch which fixes WSOD for 2-4-2 timing', which were added
few days ago.

Please, write down here or somewhere (2 more reports will be enought of
course) if it fixes some WSODs for you on usual timings too. I expected
this, but were unable to check this.


В Чтв, 26/08/2010 в 13:20 +0200, Sylvain Paré пишет:
> Is it in the feed right now ? 
> I don't see anything
> 2010/8/26 Gennady Kupava 
> Hi, list
> btw, i would be very interesting to hear if after this patch
> (which came
> with latest kernel upgrade in shr) any kind of wsods
> disappeared on
> 4-4-4 (default) glamo settings too. please write down.
> thanks, Gennady.
> ___
> Openmoko community mailing list
> ___
> Openmoko community mailing list

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: QtMoko Virtual Memory

2010-09-01 Thread Gennady Kupava
В Срд, 01/09/2010 в 10:50 +0200, Nashvin Gangaram пишет:

> trying to configure my Neo Freerunner with QtMoko v24

Update your system to v26 :)

>   * Is it possible for QtMoko to use a swap partition on the SD
> Card?
>   * How can this be done?
As qtmoko is usual debian system, you can enable swap in usual way, for
example by adding appropriate settings to /etc/fstab and dedicating
partition on uSD card.

>   * Does swap cause a significant performance increase with
> QtMoko?
No, i think it may cause significant performance decrease instead. But
this just educated guess and it would be better to do some testing to
prove this.


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: [Community Updates] 2010-09-01 is out

2010-09-01 Thread Gennady Kupava
Hi, list, 

Bit info about glamo timing settings. As for some people:

>* Glamo timing improvements (= more speed without caveats) can be
>done also in run time, and also pre-compiled Qi with settings set by
>Qi are available:

is someting new, i want to comment this a bit.

1. I beleive that default timings of 4-4-4 is a bug, which should be
fixed. Where is no reason to keep default timings.

2. Because of (1), it should just be fixed. Proper way to set video and
other memory timings is bootloader. So, bootloader should be fixed once
and what's all.

3. So, I hope nobody of distributors will include settings change in
runtime, as it will be maintaining one more hack and encouraging users
not to use proper solutions.

Keeping this things in mind i didn't publish this way to change settings
in my original mail, publishing only way to check bootloader settings,
not way to change them. Disadvantage is that i didn't allow people to
quick check things, but i just attempted to avoid one more from being


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: [Community Updates] 2010-09-01 is out

2010-09-01 Thread Gennady Kupava
В Срд, 01/09/2010 в 14:08 +0300, Maksim 'max_posedon' Melnikau пишет:
> Because of FR's NOR bootloader, better to have some hacks in kernel, imho.

FR NOR bootloader should not be used for anything expect flashing. It
has N other unfixed things.

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: QtMoko Virtual Memory

2010-09-01 Thread Gennady Kupava
В Срд, 01/09/2010 в 12:38 +0200, David Garabana Barro пишет:
> It's not true for me, and it's a common misunderstanding IMHO. 

This is not misunderstanding, this is just one of questions which can't
have only one answer. For some tasks swap is good, for others - bad. I
have strong (enough for me) arguments too. Yours are strong for you, so
this is just matter of situation.

> For testing, simply try to download tiles at zoom level 11, for the upper 6 
> zoom levels in tangoGPS. Better if you make it twice (moving on the map)
> Without swap, it will catch all available memory, and FR will get really 
> slow, to the limit of appearing to hang, and even sometimes oomkill will 
> start killing some random process.
> With swap, linux can swap unused pages (other daemon pages, not tangogps 
> ones) 
> and tangogps will continue running, and FR will be responsible. You only will 
> notice some 1-4 seconds slowdown from time to time, when pages are swapped out
> swap is not only for "creating" more memory. If FR starts to massively 
> trashing 
> pages to swap, it will really SLOW things a lot, for sure (the same is true 
> for 
> your PC)
> But it will help *a lot* to have more memory available for running apps.
> Think on swap as a place where put unused memory pages, and use real RAM for 
> currently used apps or caching files from slow uSD
> Swap will *ALLWAYS* help, but will help a lot more on a limited memory 
> device, 
> as FR
> Here [1] you can read more about what I'm saying.
> [1]

Thanks for description, now my position:

First of all, i do not use swap on any Linux system i am using with
amount of memory >=512Mb. I even do not use swap on desktop where i have
tmpfs mounted to /tmp.

Having something published on kerneltrap is not meant to be only
possible answer, i can provide an example. Few years ago Linus believed
that moving everything to userspace is good idea and this is way to go.
Now i see everything is included to kernel (devfs vs udev, evdev vs
tslib, kms vs userspace mode switching). But i am still at the point
that every possible thing should be in userspace. I think, both points
of view very extensivly published to mailing lists and both have strong
grounds :)

First, about swap in general. IMO, swap were introduced in absolutely
different context. In 80's memory situation were completely different. 

now, real situations.

1. main swap problem is in it's nature. it will push to disk
less-frequently used pages from memory but use 'freed memory'. But for
me it turned out that it is impossible to predict which page is useful
which is not _in future_, and it turns out that freed memory on all
modern systems used to keep relatively useless huge disk cache. it's
question (for me) is _huge_ disk cache is better than _meduim-sized_
disk cache in many situations. note that I found that using tmpfs is
times faster than using such 'buffer' (i tested qtmoko build). having
random process swapped-out also makes system very unpredictive. you may
never know how long some application will start, this annoying for me, i
like low latency.

1a. to apply (1) to FR. imagine you have phone app in background. it got
swapped out as you did last call 8 hours ago. now, you recieve call and
what? you should wait for your app to be paged back even to start
hearing ring! considering fr sd io speed is 2.6M/s, and your app is for
example 10M, this will take 4 seconds in best case. something have to be
also discarded from memory too free up that 10M before loading your
phone app.

2. situation (2) is described in [1] you pointed. i personally face it
tons of times - some program (last were firefox and midming commander)
just run out memory due to bug or other reasons and starts incrementally
requesting swap. if you unlicky (and do not kill app in 30 seconds), you
may get your terminal and most of X be unloaded to swap, and only thing
you can do after that is hard reset. introducing limits will kill only
really useful feature of swap - being able to load something larger than
memory (3)

3. about your favorite gps application. i think it should create file
and map it to memory instead of using extreme amounts of ram to store
all data. In older day of swap not all systems had such ability. It's
strange that sometimg became 'slow'. without swap it should never become
slow, it should be just oomkilled. in fact, i do not understand this
problem very well, as i think that just next malloc should return 0, or
new throw bad_alloc.

4. swap on nand is special story. recently i saw really interesting
article on this topic (by DocScrutinizer i think). as nand has block
size of >4kb, writing (and reading) scatter pages (4k) to it may be very
slow process.

5. if your distribution is on internal NAND, it may be several times
faster to reload application from internal flash than to swap from sd.

So, i can see that i only had problems with swap and never had real

Re: [Community Updates] 2010-09-01 is out

2010-09-01 Thread Gennady Kupava
В Срд, 01/09/2010 в 18:39 +0300, Timo Juhani Lindfors пишет:
> Gennady Kupava  writes:
> > 1. I beleive that default timings of 4-4-4 is a bug, which should be
> > fixed. Where is no reason to keep default timings.
> Hmm, wasn't there some WSOD problem that started to occur with 2-4-2?

No, where is no WSOD, only WS, so you can boot your device and fix
kernel in case of troubles.

2-4-2 just highlighted it, it existed for 4-4-4 too but visible only on
rotation, etc, workaround exist. 

> To support regression testing it would be nice to be able to boot
> older kernels. However, if the WSOD is rare enough then maybe hard
> coding could be ok. However, I don't see why u-boot couldn't just have
> an environment variable for the timings. At least for the time being.

You can boot .29 kernel (from qtmoko or debian) without problems. What
kind of old kernels you want to care of except this?

> I don't see why u-boot couldn't just have
> an environment variable for the timings. At least for the time being.

So far, i see no reason to keep old state, my p(1) is about this, yes?
What to do with qi?


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Using freerunner as webcam display

2010-09-03 Thread Gennady Kupava
В Птн, 03/09/2010 в 19:03 +0200, Alexander Lehner пишет:

> I think it's the CPU which is around 90% already at 2fps.
> Another problem is, that the mpeg stream sometimes seems to be corrupt 
> which crashess mplayer after some time.
> So I did a 'while true; do mplayer...; done' around and set codecs and 
> other parameters by hand to avoid the autodetection.

Hey, do not scarify this man with timings, theora, omhacks and etc. I
can play  640*480 mpeg2 at 12fps, glamo can update 640x480 fullscreen at
much higher fps ;)

2 fps is way too low, you should find what is missing.

What is resolution? what is codec, can you rstp service send in
different format (may be mpeg4 will be faster)? Do you sending sound
with your image? Which part of system eats 90% of CPU?

Caclulate your rate and find out why it is so slow, find out why it is
so slow!


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Using freerunner as webcam display

2010-09-06 Thread Gennady Kupava
В Пнд, 06/09/2010 в 12:54 +0200, Patryk Benderz пишет:

> I have seen a note on wiki that says:
> "The kernel is now (July 2010) configured to use kernel-mode switching
> (kms) for glamo. The glamo video driver has no direct control over glamo
> anymore and cannot use accelerated video playing until a new driver is
> written."

Only shr distribution at this moment using kms-kernel.


Openmoko community mailing list

[QTmoko] video of QTmoko v26

2010-09-07 Thread Gennady Kupava
Hi, list.

I did some video of qtmoko v26, if anyone interested how does it look
like now, with 2-4-2 settings and some description.

Ignore description, it is intended more developers not familiar with
QTmoko, but interested in finding something to hack.

I had to cut it down from 15 mins to 8 mins due to youtube restrictions,
so it has few glitches.


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: [Shr-User] uSD hosed, on every unstable.

2010-09-08 Thread Gennady Kupava
В Срд, 08/09/2010 в 10:17 -0700, jeremy jozwik пишет:

> GTA02v6 # mmcinit
> Card Type:  SD 2.0 SDHC
> Manufacturer:   0x02, OEM "TM"
> Product name:   "SD08G", revision 3.8
> Serial number:  3226732165
> Manufacturing date: 5/2009
> MMC/SD size:3MiB
> GTA02v6 #
> GTA02v6 # ext2ls mmc 0:1 /OSM
> cmd 0x10, arg 0x200 flags 0x15
> Error after cmd: 0xfffb
> bad MBR sector signature 0x
> did not copy full output, sorry.

SD initalisation in kernel look strange and fact that we need
different rootwait/rootdelay in kernel, while u-boot can read
SD card almost instantly seriously puzzles me.

Also i can notice fact that I have 50% probability of successfull mmc
read in u-boot wuth 2-4-2 timings, while 4-4-4 is 100% successfull, may
be only in extremly rare cases. This makes me think that some delay (or
proper sync) is needed in mmc sequence.


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: [Shr-User] uSD hosed, on every unstable.

2010-09-08 Thread Gennady Kupava
В Срд, 08/09/2010 в 20:48 +0100, Al Johnson пишет:
> On Wednesday 08 September 2010, jeremy jozwik wrote:
> > On Wed, Sep 8, 2010 at 9:50 AM, Gennady Kupava  wrote:
> > > SD initalisation in kernel look strange and fact that we need
> > > different rootwait/rootdelay in kernel, while u-boot can read
> > > SD card almost instantly seriously puzzles me.
> > > 
> > > Also i can notice fact that I have 50% probability of successfull mmc
> > > read in u-boot wuth 2-4-2 timings, while 4-4-4 is 100% successfull, may
> > > be only in extremly rare cases. This makes me think that some delay (or
> > > proper sync) is needed in mmc sequence.
> > 
> > are you eluding to u-boot accessing the SD card incorrectly? if so,
> > how is it that previously locally saved u-boot version used to work.
> > and i used to be able to read the SD card within shr.
> I think there are two separate issues here.
> I think Gennady is correct to say there is something wrong in the kernel 
> handling of mmc on the glamo, and probably also something wrong in u-boot. If 
> everything was correct we wouldn't need a list of compatible and incompatible 
> cards, or parameters to fiddle with delays and clock speeds. This may be z
> another case where some study of the glamo documentation and the existing 
> code 
> can help. I have a 4G Kingston card that's on the non-compatible list if 
> someone wants to try this.
> I don't think that is the cause of your issue because your cards used to 
> work, 
> but don't any more, with software that used to work for you and still does 
> for 
> other people.

I can say mean exactly, i know following bugs:

1. u-boot 2-4-2 need fix to read kernel from sd, but kernel works
perfect with this timings (never saw single read failure).
2. kernel can't access sd without large delay and this delay is
different in different versions. but u-boot can access data instantly!

Also, i know following things which is probably bugs:
3. sd card init in kernel look strange. some mess with voltage, some
delays. Need investigation.
4. sd card read speed is somehow 7 times slower than for same sd card on
host. glamo<->sd bus is 4 bit, same to host as far as i understand. no
idea why it should be so much slower. card read speed bottleneck is
_not_ cpu<-> glamo bus or glamo<->sd bus. Need more investigation, but
entirely possible it is just something wrong with driver/hardware setup.
5. yes. supported and unsupported look strange and i do not believe
glamo 'works' with some cards and do not with others. I never saw
devices with such selectivity. Need more inverstigation, look like
something wrong with hardware or may be glamo setup.


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: qtmoko apt sources.list configuration

2010-09-10 Thread Gennady Kupava
В Птн, 10/09/2010 в 16:09 +0200, Alfa21-mobile пишет:
> hi
> i think it's not a good thing to hardcode the german apt mirror for
> the standard configuration in the mass qtmoko distribution:
> - almost every user will not configure the sources.list
> - it's not always the best choice, eg if you are not in europe
> - we could weigh down the .de mirrors (ok, maybe one day everyone in
> the world will have a FR with qtmoko ;D )
> what about apt-spy?
> imho we should automatically run it before apt-update in R(apt)or...
> what do you think about this?

I think it is not so mass at this moment to cause any problems.

But proper solution may be just adding choise to installer.


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Contacts lost in QtMoko v26

2010-09-10 Thread Gennady Kupava
В Чтв, 09/09/2010 в 13:33 -0700, Brolin Empey пишет:
> Rashid wrote:
> > Hi guys,
> >
> > when i updated from v22 to v24 i lost my contacts but they showed up 
> > sometimes (when i called someone by number which was added before I flashed 
> > the device).
> > New contacts were there.
> >
> > At the first start after flashing all contacts were there. No are all gone. 
> > Someone knows a way to fix the problem?
> Have you continued restarting QtEI to see if your contacts reappear?
> Have you used another phone or a SIM card reader to verify your contacts 
> are still on your SIM?

Yes, i something like this in qtmoko. I have to wait ~30 seconds after
entering pin and after that contacts appear in list. Very rarely they do
not appear, and i have to restart qtmoko. Also, in some older release
(in june i think)  i noticed that if i wait too long and pin question
visible for may be 15 minutes, contacts always not loaded.

To workaround try to delete 1 contact (last) on other phone and see if
they reappear. (just guess)


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Boot selection

2010-09-12 Thread Gennady Kupava
В Вск, 12/09/2010 в 19:21 +0200, Ed Kapitein пишет:

> Is there a way to select where to boot from, nand or uSD?
> and i need a software choice, no the obvious boot select with the aux
> button, which requires physical access to the freerunner.
> So, given that i have no physical access to the freerunnner, how can i
> select where to boot from?

Hi, with u-boot you should change u-boot environment...


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: QtMoko v26

2010-09-14 Thread Gennady Kupava
В Втр, 14/09/2010 в 11:08 +0200, Christ van Willegen пишет:
> I, too, have experienced QtMoko. The one thing that annoys me, is that
> sometimes (well, more often than sometimes...) my FR turns on at
> night, and stays on until it wakes me from sleep indicating it's
> hungry... My wife doesn't approve :-(
> What could be wrong?


ThibG even had QTMoko booted then it were shut down! We found in IRC
that this is someone spirit. It comes almost exactly at 2:00.

But probably this is just alarm. And +2 seem just default timezone.


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: [GTA04] When is the next and more powerful openmoko releasing

2010-09-16 Thread Gennady Kupava
Hi, Nicolaus.

I have few ideas about about performance. Major bottleneck of freerunner
is amount of memory, so please can you push as much memory to new device
as possible. This will make device lightning fast. Second idea is
related to memory too, but i am much less sure about it. Can we have
some lightning fast sram on device? if bootloader will load kernel code
into it - this may bring huge speed benefit.

I hope i'll be able to buy successor of FR soon.


В Чтв, 16/09/2010 в 10:36 +0200, Dr. H. Nikolaus Schaller пишет:
> Am 16.09.2010 um 10:03 schrieb Sylvain Paré:
> > Hi,
> > Thanks for these news!
> > Some questions:
> > Does Openmoko Inc. is involved in this right now ?
> Not directly. We hope they can become more involved
> in the future, e.g. as a distributor for Asia (the project is
> run in Europe) or when we really reach mass production.
> For development and producing small quantities it is
> easier and less expensive to have all people in one place.
> > and which are the next steps between this and a real future GTA04
> > end-user phone?
> For the hardware, we have to test the PCB and see if it smokes or the
> Tux smiles on the screen. Then, we have to get RF certifications
> and get components for building more than some samples.
> It is still a long way to go.
> Software should be quite less challenging. We have Debian Lenny
> running on our demonstrator (i.e. with kernel drivers for display and
> touch screen). So distributions like SHR and QtMoko should be
> available right from day one (even before?).
> Nevertheless there are many areas for experimenting with software:
> * WLAN, Bluetooth
> * use the built in sensors (compass and GPS etc.)
> * make the audio subsystem work to allow phone calls
> * power management
> * etc.
> > Again thanks for your work!
> > BR
> > 
> > Sylvain (aka GarthPS)
> > 
> > 
> > 2010/9/16 Dr. H. Nikolaus Schaller 
> > Am 12.08.2010 um 14:12 schrieb RANJAN:
> > 
> > > Hi,
> > > 
> > > When is the next and more powerful openmoko (capable of
> > > seamless 3D video and faster processor) is going to be
> > > released???
> > > 
> > > Regards
> > > Sriranjan
> > 
> > 
> > I have good news to announce. We have again made progress
> > towards our goals.
> > 
> > 
> > The first step is that the Openmoko Beagle Hybrid [1] (which
> > is our
> > experimental and development prototype of such a new
> > Openmoko)
> > is now working on the BeagleBoard XM [2]. We had to find a
> > new
> > solution to solder the connectors (since the BB-XM already
> > has some). And to do some minor software changes to U-Boot.
> > But
> > now it works.
> > 
> > 
> > Here you can find some photos of the assembly process:
> > 
> > 
> > 
> >
> > 
> > 
> > We now have a 1 GHz ARM Cortex A8 with 3D Video behind
> > a Freerunner touch display!
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > And there is also good news for the GTA04 OMAP/UMTS upgrade
> > board. We have finalized the PCB layout and ordered (thanks
> > to a
> > bigger donation) 10 sample boards and a SMD stencil. They
> > will
> > arrive in 2-3 weeks. How it could look like is shown here
> > (showing
> > a 2-layer mockup board and some of the core components):
> > 
> > 
> >
> > 
> > 
> > Nikolaus
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > [1]:
> > 20Beagle
> >
> > [2]:
> > 
> > ___
> > Openmoko community mailing list
> >
> >
> > 
> > 
> > ___
> > Openmoko community mailing list
> >
> >
> ___
> Openmoko community mailing list

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: [GTA04] When is the next and more powerful openmoko releasing

2010-09-16 Thread Gennady Kupava
В Чтв, 16/09/2010 в 12:54 +0200, Dr. H. Nikolaus Schaller пишет:
> Am 16.09.2010 um 10:05 schrieb Gennady Kupava:
> > Hi, Nicolaus.
> > 
> > I have few ideas about about performance. Major bottleneck of freerunner
> > is amount of memory, so please can you push as much memory to new device
> > as possible. This will make device lightning fast. Second idea is
> The OMAP uses the Package-on-Package concept so we can install
> different memory modules depending on what we want, what is available
> and what it costs. There are chips with RAM only and chips with RAM/NAND
> flash to choose from.
> But we will have at least 256 MByte (I think there aren't any smaller chips).

512 would be excellent. only possible problem is increased power
consumption, but one may disable one chip if he case about consumption
too much.

> > related to memory too, but i am much less sure about it. Can we have
> > some lightning fast sram on device? if bootloader will load kernel code
> > into it - this may bring huge speed benefit.
> The OMAP CPU is much faster and many interface controllers are also improved.

'much faster' is enemy of 'fast', so if it is possible to make something
even better, why not.

But please consider my last idea with great care - i am not hw deleloper
just after learning memory subsystem i understood that such system may
bring really big benefits.

> And, we know that fast boot is possible. At least someone has done it for the 
> Beagle Board:
> They claim that they have achieved 3 seconds from power up to login: on
> the serial console. Well, running X11 also needs some time.

From my point of view, boot time especially if it is in 1 minute is not
really important. More important how fast it will run while usual usage,
how easy is boot system to understand and fix, and how much it deviates
from desktop systems. I do not want use busybox shell under any
conditions, but running all that services to boot up fully-functional
system will take much more time than 3 seconds. (authors use uclibc and
busybox, hack init scripts like disable log, disable u-boot menu,
disable logs, remove everything from kernel)

The way authors of paper archive such boot times influence later speed
of device. For example, they propose to use XIP, which will cetrainly
decrease kernel speed. Other example is that they 'compiling everything
with -Os', it may greatly decrease performance in favor of boot time.

PS. please notice your mailer producing doublicating mails (see )


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: QtMoko v26

2010-09-16 Thread Gennady Kupava
Hi, Ori,

> * GPS doesn't work. The longest I left it running to try and get lock
> was 20 minutes - no luck with that. What should I look at?

So far FPS worked in  100% of cases if you'll follow this procedure"

1. start nerongps.
2. cache maps
3. close nerogps
4. go to street (really)
5. start nerongps.
6. wait for 5(!) minutes (usually only 1-2minutes needed)
7. it should work.


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: dbus moving into kernel?

2010-09-16 Thread Gennady Kupava
В Чтв, 16/09/2010 в 17:23 +0100, Al Johnson пишет:
> kdbus is proof-of-concept at the moment, the idea being to reduce the number 
> of context switches needed for each dbus message. One synthetic benchmark 
> shows a 3x speed increase on the n900 but speedup in real world applications 
> seems much more modest.

Oh, no! Linux kernel with analogue of windows messaging subsystem, but
implemented in slower way... why not use Windows instead?

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: QtMoko v26

2010-09-16 Thread Gennady Kupava
В Чтв, 16/09/2010 в 10:52 -0600, Ori Pessach пишет:
> Seriously? I think you and I might have different ideas about what
> "works" mean. :)

Seriously? Even my Garmin can't get fix indoors. Have you tried other

GPS is FR is not best one, but it is open for fixes. on qtmoko it is not
less or more functional than in other distros.


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: QtMoko v26

2010-09-16 Thread Gennady Kupava
В Чтв, 16/09/2010 в 11:51 -0600, Ori Pessach пишет:
> I don't think I explained myself very clearly. I don't expect the GPS
> to get a fix indoors - only to get a fix outdoors without also being
> indoors so it can pick up a WiFi signal which is required in my case
> to go through the rest of the steps you listed. (caching the maps - is
> this really necessary for getting a fix?)

To get first fix, _stay at one position_ outdoor for a while (try 5
minutes, but you should get it 1-2 minutes). After you'll get a fix, it
will work without problems. If not, try restart your nerongps. To debug,
open GPS serial port in terminal but i don't know details.

And yes, really i just told you to download map before going outdoor :)


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: QtMoko v26

2010-09-16 Thread Gennady Kupava
В Чтв, 16/09/2010 в 11:51 -0600, Ori Pessach пишет:
> (caching the maps - is this really necessary for getting a fix?)

Of course not, just it is not fun to watch empty nerongps screen.

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: [GTA04] When is the next and more powerful openmoko releasing

2010-09-16 Thread Gennady Kupava

> Regarding memory we currently plan to use this memory chip:

2Gb @ 166MHz - nice!


Openmoko community mailing list

Testing freerunner's audio quality

2010-09-22 Thread Gennady Kupava
Hi, list, 

Many gossips flying around about bad fr's audio subsystem quality. I
promised to proove that FR audio subsystem is good, just default
headphones quality below anything.

As today finally i overcome my lazyness and soldered 2.5mm->3.5mm jack,
and i am almost content with high sound quality of my  Sennheiser CX300
II+FR, i decided to do some basic testing.

Test environment

I got 2 recodings - 60 seconds of white noise and 120 seconds of piano
+voice, audacity to do spectrum analisys, cable 3,5mm<->3,5mm to connect
my old m-audio revolution 7.1 card to line-in to freerunner.

White noise
1. White noise were generated by audacity original file:
2. Same noise recorded then audio-out were connected to audio-in of
sound card:
3. Same noise played on FR, connected to line-in of sound card:

Conclusion on white noise:
I see no frequency cut-offs. spectrograms look very well and close to
original file. Only exception is fall below 20Hz in fr case, but i am
unsure if any headset can reproduce such frequences very well.

Real song
1. Original piece of song (piano+voice):

2. Same file played on freerunner and captured on line-in of sound card

Conclusion on piano+voice:
I can't distingush difference in quality while replaying original file
or file recorded from freerunner. Spectrum show almost no difference.

Overall conclusion
Seem audio quality completely depends on quality of headphones. You may
try to distiguish original song and song from fr youself, only do not
forget to normalize volume before attempting to do this.


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: qtmoko v26 battery life

2010-09-23 Thread Gennady Kupava
В Чтв, 23/09/2010 в 17:54 +0200, Tony Berth пишет:
> when pressing the on/off button once and setting to suspend, the
> battery doesn't last more than 8h! Is that supposed to be like
> this?

Hi, Tony.

No, 8h is far from being normal. Be sure your phone is actually

#2349 should affect only .32 and .34 kernels.

Does your phone have #1024 fix? If yes, check that in NEOTool you turned
on deep sleep.

Try to turn on/off all devices like GPS, bluetooth and wifi.

Which bootloader you using? If u-boot, try qi.


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Testing freerunner's audio quality

2010-09-23 Thread Gennady Kupava
В Чтв, 23/09/2010 в 06:47 +0200, Dr. H. Nikolaus Schaller пишет:
> Hi,
> the problem is the bass. Initially, It was difficult to hear differences
> by playing two sounds one after the other. So until you have listened
> music on a bass fixed Freerunner, you would say it is quite ok.
> I was only able to hear the difference after taking one original Freerunner
> and one with Bass-Fix applied. After a while you get that there *is* a
> difference in low frequencies.
> What I have done is this test: create a sinus sweeping from 10 to 100 hz.
> Without bass fix you can't hear it before it comes to the 50 hz range.
> sox -n -t wav - synth 10 sine 10-100 >file.wav
> This can be seen on scope outputs as shown here:
> Can you please compare you device?
> One effect may also be the input impedance of your line card. Did you connect
> it in parallel to a headset?
> BR,
> Nikolaus

Yeah, big sorry - my freerunner has bass-fix made by Paul (many many
thanks to Paul). I wanted but seem just forgot to mention it in my
letter, as it took much longer than i expected and i had to finish it a
bit in hurry.

Re-thinking about it today, i found also few other flaws - white noise
is actually 10 seconds and white noice spectrum is really about little
bit different time interval for each sample. I had to cut white noise
samples to right offset and right lenght to compare them in right way.
But main test is perfectly correct - song output is of high quality.

But anyway, about your oscillograms (google translate is nice thing!) -
it seems that in unfixed case, you have 2 times voltage diff between
40hz and 100hz, this means 3dB. Yes, this will affect sound below 100Hz,
but this influence will be less than effect from earpieces. 

Btw, Wolfson has bass controls. interesting is it possible to compensate
bass-problem with it. Or is it possible to get frequency response and
feed to some alsa-plugin equaliser to correct it.

Common earpieces frequency response:

You can see that it should influence sound quality much more than FR
audio subsystem.


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: qtmoko v27

2010-09-25 Thread Gennady Kupava
Hi, Radek.

> I have been testing 2.6.34 kernel for one week now and to me it looks ok. 
> There can be issues with SD card [6],

> [6]

About this issue: here, recompiling shr-2.6.32 kernel, i can reproduce
problems with sd-card. For example i have to recheck my xfs filesystem
after _each_ time i mount it with shr's kernel. Contrary to this, my .34
which is very close to your version, never had any problems with sd card
- boot from sd, mounting my xfses, suspending and powering down/up cycle
is perfectly ok for last several months (from point of view of sd card).

My wild guess that SHR's sd-card problems somehow related to kms


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: dbus moving into kernel?

2010-09-25 Thread Gennady Kupava
В Птн, 24/09/2010 в 15:11 +0200, Marco Trevisan (Treviño) пишет:

> Some days ago I've tried to port this patch to the Openmoko kernel,
> after applying it to the SHR 2.6.32 kernel (patches at [1]), I got
> these results (in average):
> dbus-ping-pong test:
> Ping  dbus-daemon (s) kdbus (s)   speedup
> 500 ping  3.332.1336.2%
> 5000 ping 32.59   26.09   19.9%
> 5 ping313.56  176.35  43.8%
> Adrien Bustany’s ipc-performances tool with 6 random 10 char
> strings:
> dbus-daemon query (s) kdbus query (s) speedup
> 102.7574.71   27.29%

Interesting, how adding FCSE will influence this dbus test?


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: qtmoko v27

2010-09-25 Thread Gennady Kupava
В Сбт, 25/09/2010 в 21:38 +0200, Alex Samorukov пишет:

> 2) Syslogd replacement with debian`s busybox.  Its already works for me, 
> i will try to send patches tomorrow.



Openmoko community mailing list

Re: fifteen pieces...

2010-09-27 Thread Gennady Kupava
В Пнд, 27/09/2010 в 22:38 +0200, Radek Polak пишет:
> urodelo wrote:
> > Well, not a big problem...
> > After installing qtmoko v26, I've noted that the game fifteen pieces
> > doesn't work anymore. I simply can't move the tiles. Mixing tiles from
> > menu works. Resetting the game works too.
> I think it's because of touchscreen jitter which this game does not like. But 
> if you try touching it should be possible to play - at i least i was able to 
> do it.

Wait, v26? jitter? Or, if you speaking about v27,

> I believe that the jitter will be possible to solve - either in userspace or 
> maybe backporting touchscreen filters.

Or use my working idea to get jitterless input without filtering ;)


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: [Om2008.9] log of in/out SMS and calls

2010-09-28 Thread Gennady Kupava
В Втр, 28/09/2010 в 14:42 +0200, Matthias Apitz пишет:
> El día Tuesday, September 28, 2010 a las 02:15:26PM +0200, Patryk Benderz 
> escribió:
> Here is what I use of this brick:

From what only I know, since 2009, graphic subsystem got x2 speedup (or
x1.5 without 2-4-2), lost ability to WSOD on rotation, and overall
system response increased greatly due to removing debugging and all
major distros. Try some recent distro, like qtmoko v26 and you'll
debrick you device.


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Sandisk 16GB SDHC not mountable

2010-10-03 Thread Gennady Kupava
Hi, Christian,

В Вск, 03/10/2010 в 13:11 +0200, Christian Rüb пишет:

> [  244.995000] mmcblk0: error -110 sending read/write command, response 0x0, 
> card status 0x400b00
> [  244.995000] end_request: I/O error, dev mmcblk0, sector 170
> [  245.01] glamo-mci glamo-mci.0: Error after cmd: 0x8120

You can try to add something like glamo_mci.sd_max_clk=1500 to you
kernel options. Try different values until your card will start working.


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Sandisk 16GB SDHC not mountable

2010-10-03 Thread Gennady Kupava
В Вск, 03/10/2010 в 14:38 +0200, Christian Rüb пишет:

> > > [  244.995000] mmcblk0: error -110 sending read/write command, response 
> > > 0x0, card status 0x400b00
> > > [  244.995000] end_request: I/O error, dev mmcblk0, sector 170
> > > [  245.01] glamo-mci glamo-mci.0: Error after cmd: 0x8120
> > 
> > You can try to add something like glamo_mci.sd_max_clk=1500 to you
> > kernel options. Try different values until your card will start working.
> Tried these and also showing results:
> 1500 -> partition skipped (led + vib)
> 500 -> red led forever
> 16373000 -> red led forever

Strange. Are you booting from usd or NAND? if from nand how can it

Would be interesting to see kernel logs. 

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Sandisk 16GB SDHC not mountable

2010-10-03 Thread Gennady Kupava
Hi, Jeremy,

В Вск, 03/10/2010 в 08:18 -0700, jeremy jozwik пишет:
> On Sun, Oct 3, 2010 at 5:11 AM, Gennady Kupava  wrote:
> > Strange. Are you booting from usd or NAND? if from nand how can it
> > hang?
> >
> > Would be interesting to see kernel logs.
> and so begins the might fall of the freerunner sd card reader...

I think possible something just terrible wrong in kernel driver. From my
point of view it is worth to investigate, may be we can get x4 uSD

> life i bitter without one...

Every thing has it's proper usage. FR is for learn, hack and
experiments. Life depends on how you look to it ;)


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: community Digest, Vol 204, Issue 8

2010-10-06 Thread Gennady Kupava
Hey, Paul, disagree with your idea about impossibility of commercial
success of opensource device.

Declaimer: all things below is just my opinion, which is formed mostly
by reading community ml from time to time in past. It would be
interesting to read where and why i am wrong. :)

В Срд, 06/10/2010 в 22:31 +0400, Paul Fertser пишет:
> (Christoph Pulster) writes:
> > an intelligent marketing idea. My idea on the later is, to point the
> > finger in the Apple direction and naming the evil by name.

It already has at least 1 good idea, no other smartphones have - OS and
hardware separation.

> On a related note, i think there's no commercial future with such a
> device.

> Openmoko proved that. 

Sorry, but openmoko proved only that it is really possible to make open

> Too few interested people, really too few. 

Now imagine, linus tovalds wrote linux initially... alone. yeah. it
wrote it while big DOSes, Solarises, BSDs, MacOSes, mimixes,  already
existed and were fully functional. Yeah, OS he did lack of all features,
had no chances to compete with that big giants, it were complete crap.
Were this 'too much people'?

> Despite Freerunner still being the only one. 

Bwware, big portion of critics below: 

Why freerunner commercially failed (is it truth at all btw?), my

1. People got scarified with tons of grave software bugs (WSOD,
partition table corruption, sd card speed, graphical subsystem speed,
overall FR speed, events/0, debug kernel, that just _i_ know). All this
were fixable, What would happen if all this were fixed in a week after
FR release?

2. People scarified by core openmoko's own _developers_ who declare
various subsystems are 'outdated' (CPU) or 'wrong' (glamo), and did nice
PR. And all this were not really true. HW is good enought to do many

3. Community managment may be much better. I am usure if openmoko had
dedicated guy to spend all time managing community. I saw some mails
from people who offer help, unanswered. Yes, may be some offers were
funny, may be 50% of that people will do nothing, but other 50% may
easily build excellent community and greatly help project. I guess this
is main cause of 'few people'.

4. Team were too small to handle such huge innovative project as
freerunner (completely new software stack, adapt linux from almost 0 to
be usable on such multifunctional device) from almost 0 to commercial
success in reasonable time. One man did qt/x11. Other man did whole
kernel and bootloader. One more man did testing. Yeahhh. One more whole
graphical subsystem.

5. Tons of hardware bugs on initial release. And knowing that all them
were fixed... just proves that it were possible to fix that faster, with
bigger team.

6. Openmoko's team fixed problems is complete weird way. They did one
interface, found it has some problems and instead of fixing problems
they used qt interface, then instead of fixing problems of qt they
switched to fso&e17, which i bet, still has problems on it's own.
Instead of careful calculation why their device is slow and how fast it
should be, then solved boot speed problem with disabling logs. Instead
of fixing grave issues they draw fancy boot pictures. Instead of fixing
u-boot Qi were implemented. (just things _i_ noticed)

7. Raster need special mentioning. Being smart and very professional
man, he thought only about his own project, refusing to optimize latest
interface for FR, injecting myths about hw slowness (320x200, 16 bit
graphics, glamo bus speed, etc) and injecting that myths in _smart way_.
This scarified poor community even more.

All this bad PR were magnified greatly by openess of project
(_magnified_), open ML, open communications.

So, as you can see, not much in this list is related to word 'open' or
open source at all. And problems with community size are not related to
word 'open', i can say all this sounds more as problem of small team
attempting to do huge thing in commercial way.

And, as a conclusion - as it's possible to evade most of problems in
list, and do not create others: all depends on people who making
project, and bit of luck, and i think, it's perfectly possible to do
nice opensource device.

One may disagree and say that direct communication between developers
and customers created varous problems like (2) (man say something in
public, then should stand to death on his position), but this is only
small part of question and depends on personalities.

This mail look like hardcore rant to openmoko and FR, but in fact i
think that people did great job - now several opensource stacks exist
and very open phone exist, and community exist. This is great and very
hacky :)

> I'd tend to agree
> with Raster who says "Let's get an open enough consumer device that
> can be sold to the masses and hack on it".

Keyword is 'sold to masses'. All other words are not important, you may
rephrase Raster's idea "Let's do ... device that can be sold to the
masses ... ". I bet such device wil

Re: qtmoko v28

2010-10-20 Thread Gennady Kupava
В Срд, 20/10/2010 в 14:20 +0200, Radek Polak пишет:
> On Wednesday 20 October 2010 12:52:05 giacomo 'giotti' mariani wrote:
> > Thank you very much!
> > This new version looks very cool, but I have a small problem: I'd like
> > to keep using uboot (gena2x one).
> > Is there some way to boot ubifs with it?
> You would need patch or change u-boot environment like this commit [1]. Or i 
> can do also jffs2 image, but i would like to avoid it, since it's more work 
> and 
> testing.
> Regards
> Radek
> ___
> Openmoko community mailing list

Hi, Radek.

Thanks for new release! 

Always wanted to test ubifs, so joining experimental branch to test
this. Just installed it, working well so far.

- rootfstype=jffs2 root=/dev/mtdblock6
+ fstype=ubifs  ubi.mtd=6,2048  root=ubi0:om-gta02-rootfs

U-boot environment change above is working well.


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: qtmoko v28

2010-10-21 Thread Gennady Kupava
В Чтв, 21/10/2010 в 20:57 +0200, David Garabana Barro пишет:

> Gennady
> Is your "242-glamo-timings uboot" ubifs capable?
> I cannot boot qtmoko v28 with it, even after changing bootargs...

Hi, David.

Sure, it works ok here. Basically, u-boot's job on nand is only load
kernel from fsless partition, transfer boot params to it, and execute
kernel, so it is completely indefferent to kind of fs you have. glamo
timings has no relation to NAND at all too.

Recheck your env params and you downloaded everything in right way
(kernel, u-boot env). My updated u-boot env (xfs on sd card):



Openmoko community mailing list

Re: qtmoko v28

2010-10-21 Thread Gennady Kupava
Hi, Ed,

Ah, yesterday i were thinking 'interesting, where is my NAND/jffs2
option?' but forgot about it today :) Sure, typo. Updated. 

But beware, you should consider my env only as example - it boots sd
card by default, limits sd clock to values appropriate to my card.


В Чтв, 21/10/2010 в 21:37 +0200, Ed Kapitein пишет:
> Hi Grennady,
> I notice two times  "menu_1=" , is that intenional or just a typo?
> Kind regards,
> Ed
>  On 10/21/2010 08:21 PM, Gennady Kupava wrote:
> > В Чтв, 21/10/2010 в 20:57 +0200, David Garabana Barro пишет:
> >
> >> Gennady
> >>
> >> Is your "242-glamo-timings uboot" ubifs capable?
> >>
> >> I cannot boot qtmoko v28 with it, even after changing bootargs...
> >>
> > Hi, David.
> >
> > Sure, it works ok here. Basically, u-boot's job on nand is only load
> > kernel from fsless partition, transfer boot params to it, and execute
> > kernel, so it is completely indefferent to kind of fs you have. glamo
> > timings has no relation to NAND at all too.
> >
> > Recheck your env params and you downloaded everything in right way
> > (kernel, u-boot env). My updated u-boot env (xfs on sd card):
> >
> > Source:
> > Binary:
> >
> > Gennady
> >
> >
> > ___
> > Openmoko community mailing list
> >
> >
> ___
> Openmoko community mailing list

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: [GTA04] When is the next and more powerful openmoko releasing

2010-10-22 Thread Gennady Kupava
В Птн, 22/10/2010 в 05:36 -0700, RANJAN пишет:
> Hello,
> Recommendations for better hardware on Openmoko.
> 1)A 600 Mhz processor is minimally required to run the OS at usable
> speeds.An 800 Mhz processor would be good across all OSes.A 1Ghz
> processor would be too costly

Hi, Ranjan.

I just want to say that memory subsystem speed is much more important
for speed than cpu speed.

While testing freerunner, i've found that performance of system
primitives of 500/83 CPU is similar to 400/100. So, really it is much
more important to have fast memory subsystem. So, for example, 600/100
will be really not so far from to freerunner's at 440/110.

Memory subsystem speed become extremly important if CPU lack of L2
cache. What is cache(s) size(s) of GTA04's CPU?


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: qmoko v28 with jitterless kernel

2010-10-24 Thread Gennady Kupava
В Птн, 22/10/2010 в 22:45 +0100, giacomo mariani пишет:


> But, yes there is a but, I can't ssh to the mobile. 
> Looking, in qterminal, at the output of ifconfig everything looks as usual, 
> but demsg givs some strange error when the USB cable is attached:
> g_ether gadget: full speed config #2: RNDIS
> is followed by a groing (maybe one per second) list of 
> s3c24xx-ts s2c2440-ts: stylus_irq: count=1

Interesting problem!

First of all, both kernels work ok here in ssh and touchscreen aspects.

So, few questions to handle this:

1. Have you tried 2 kernels - with jitterless patch and without one and
found that jitterless one has not working usb ethernet and in other one
usb ethernet is working?

2. jitterless patch has no relation to ethernet and has no way to
activate expect touching touchscreen.

3. the "s3c24xx-ts s2c2440-ts: stylus_irq: count=1" means just that we
recieved expected touchsreen release event (ie you releasing you finger
from ts). Is this message appears without touching touchscreen? if yes,
this is very interesting. just debug message, It would be normal to just
remove it, but it's quite rare (once per release-touch), so nobody just
bothered to remove it.

Some problems with TS not really impossible, I got some strange
unexpected interrupts before. But despite of handling consequences of
such interrupts, causes are still unclean.

Would be good to see full kernel log also.

> g_ether gadget: full speed config #2: RNDIS

4. RNDIS is something related to windows network. Can you try to connect
FR to linux box?


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: qmoko v28 with jitterless kernel

2010-10-24 Thread Gennady Kupava
В Вск, 24/10/2010 в 18:46 +0100, giacomo mariani пишет:
> > > But, yes there is a but, I can't ssh to the mobile. 
> > > Looking, in qterminal, at the output of ifconfig
> > everything looks as usual, but demsg givs some strange error
> > when the USB cable is attached:
> > > g_ether gadget: full speed config #2: RNDIS
> > > is followed by a groing (maybe one per second) list of
> > 
> > > s3c24xx-ts s2c2440-ts: stylus_irq: count=1
> > 
> > Interesting problem!
> > 
> > First of all, both kernels work ok here in ssh and
> > touchscreen aspects.
> > 
> > So, few questions to handle this:
> > 
> > 1. Have you tried 2 kernels - with jitterless patch and
> > without one and
> > found that jitterless one has not working usb ethernet and
> > in other one
> > usb ethernet is working?
> > 
> I've only tried the patched one...

Ah, ok. I thought it is about problems specific to jitterless kernel
because of subject :)

> > 2. jitterless patch has no relation to ethernet and has no
> > way to
> > activate expect touching touchscreen.
> > 
> I trust you :-)
> > 3. the "s3c24xx-ts s2c2440-ts: stylus_irq: count=1" means
> > just that we
> > recieved expected touchsreen release event (ie you
> > releasing you finger
> > from ts). Is this message appears without touching
> > touchscreen?
> You are completely right, it appears only if I touch the screen but yesterday 
> I didn't argued it :-(

So, forget about touchscreen and jitter, both ts and are ok (i just
started thinking so because of 'one per second').

> > if yes, this is very interesting. just debug message, It would be
> > normal to just
> > remove it, but it's quite rare (once per release-touch), so
> > nobody just
> > bothered to remove it.
> > 
> I've a loglevel=4 variable in uboot-env, may I set it to 0?

Normally this should be changed in kernel code.

> > Some problems with TS not really impossible, I got some
> > strange
> > unexpected interrupts before. But despite of handling
> > consequences of
> > such interrupts, causes are still unclean.
> > 
> > Would be good to see full kernel log also.
> > 
> It's quite difficult with no connection...  will try with wi-fi as soon as I 
> can. 

No need, as your problem not related to touchscreen.

> > > g_ether gadget: full speed config #2: RNDIS
> > 
> > 4. RNDIS is something related to windows network. Can you
> > try to connect
> > FR to linux box?
> >
> I use freebsd (tried 6.x and 8.x). I will try linux  as soon as I can.

Probably this may help to identify problem.


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: backup battery and case screws questions

2010-10-25 Thread Gennady Kupava
В Пнд, 25/10/2010 в 11:14 -0400, Benjamin Deering пишет:
> It looks like I will be following your advice.  The hazmat shipping for 
> the lithium batteries was going to be 175% of the price.  I just ordered 
> some supercaps instead.
> Ben
> On 10/24/2010 12:51 PM, Martix wrote:
> > I suggest using double-layer super capacitor* intead of Lithium backup
> > battery. These capacitors stores energy for a long time, like a
> > battery and they have much longer lifetime. 0,2 F capacity should be
> > enough for RTC backup on several hours, maybe days.
> >
> > * 
> >
> >

I noticed in PCF manual:

"Save" [about power states]

In save state  is supplied from either system voltage ... 
or backup battery ... . Only ... and real-time click will 
be active. __The GPIOs will maintain their state__ . 

Can 'maintaining GPIO state' be cause of our poor backup battery

Please, do not forget to share results. I'm not hw engineer guy, but
read about this capacitors and they sound exactly what's needed!
Personally i desoldered backup battery long ago (easy btw), found it is
dead and still can't find any replacement.


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: qtmoko v28

2010-10-26 Thread Gennady Kupava
В Втр, 26/10/2010 в 17:06 +0200, Patryk Benderz пишет:
> [cut]
> > Yes, the package in debian lenny has stupid dependencies on python and i 
> > wanted to avoid it, so i am installing slighlty modified alsa-utils with 
> > dpkg 
> > to avoid this dependency.
> damn... I have a habit to upgrade everything just after installation...
> well, I assume I can live with that alsa-utils version?

Anyway nowhere to upgrade, anyway qtmoko based on stable debian.


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: [qtmoko] Strange display on v28 with jitterless kernel

2010-10-28 Thread Gennady Kupava
В Чтв, 28/10/2010 в 12:35 +0200, Vinzenz Hersche пишет:
> Hello all,
> i've got a strange problem which is descriped here: http://death-
> and-jitterless-kernel/ (with video)

Hm, this should not happen. 

This is just slow refresh, which means that glamo remain in slowed down
state. But problem seem that you touchscreen somehow hang, so ts driver
can't restore normal refresh rate. 

Hm, this may happen if suspend happens while you holding touchscreen.
Let me try YES. So. Ops, qtmoko has not xrandr.

> The problem seems to came up randomly.

So, did you suspend just before this issue?

I know how to fix suspend and rotation and will prepare patch soon.


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: [qtmoko] Strange display on v28 with jitterless kernel

2010-10-28 Thread Gennady Kupava
В Чтв, 28/10/2010 в 21:19 +0400, Gennady Kupava пишет:
> В Чтв, 28/10/2010 в 12:35 +0200, Vinzenz Hersche пишет:
> > Hello all,
> > 
> > i've got a strange problem which is descriped here: http://death-
> >
> > and-jitterless-kernel/ (with video)
> Hm, this should not happen. 
> This is just slow refresh, which means that glamo remain in slowed down
> state. But problem seem that you touchscreen somehow hang, so ts driver
> can't restore normal refresh rate. 
> Hm, this may happen if suspend happens while you holding touchscreen.
> Let me try YES. So. Ops, qtmoko has not xrandr.
> > The problem seems to came up randomly.
> So, did you suspend just before this issue?
> I know how to fix suspend and rotation and will prepare patch soon.
> Gennady

Hm, this seem more general problem with ts driver, not really related to
jitterless patch - if you suspend while holding ts, ts driver seem hang.


Openmoko community mailing list

RE: qtmoko lagging after 2nd boot - was: qtmoko v28

2010-10-28 Thread Gennady Kupava
В Срд, 27/10/2010 в 23:48 +0200, Ugo Raffaele Piemontese пишет:
> Thank you everyone for your tips!
> Here you are some logs taken via ssh during a slowdown:
> 1 (see attachments) - dmesg output
> 2 (see attachments) - interrupts output (only s3c24xx-adc is growing fast)
> - time frame between them: 1 second
> 3 - top screenshot:

top, and interrupts seem fine. s3c24xx-adc count is ok too.

I don't know what's this:
[  210.165000] AR6000 disconnected
[  220.17] AR6000 disconnected
[  230.165000] AR6000 disconnected

May be it is ok, but why not to try to disable wifi and check if problem


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Openmoko on Wikipedia

2010-10-29 Thread Gennady Kupava
В Птн, 29/10/2010 в 11:59 +0100, Al Johnson пишет:

> > I also wonder if it's the first commercial phone(or not) that permitted
> > the installation of native applications(I wonder if the app store for
> > the iphone came before or after the openmoko)
> It missed that one by a long way. WinCE/WinMo handsets had native 
> applications 
> from the start. They were possible with Symbian too, but less common.

I don't know about WinCE/WinMo, but once somewhere in 2006 i tried to
build small app for my former Symbian phone... Ok, using gcc.exe and
make.exe on Linux is special fun. But it turned out that you can use
full abilities of your device until you get developer sertificate and/or
sign your application. This is done to protect users from malware, but
in the end seem you just can't just write big set of apps for your
phone. So, vendor controlled which application you can install and which
can't. In case of uncontrolled environment you'll just be able to copy
commecial apps from root to other phone.

Here is example how to 'sign' app for particular phone:

My expierence with Symbian were one of reasons to buy Freerunner. Here i
can run and compile anything without any troubles.


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: [qtmoko] Strange display on v28 with jitterless kernel

2010-10-29 Thread Gennady Kupava
Hi, Vinzenz,

Ok, i updated jitterless patch, now it should handle rotation/qvga
properly and also fix this issue.

Can you please check if following kernel really fixes issue:

To test, 
0.boot qtmoko
1.copy modules to / on FR
2.on neo - cd /;tar xzvf modules-b2.tar.gz
3.depmod -a 2.6.34b2-v28
5.boot to u-boot dfu-util -a kernel -D uImage-b2.bin
7.check it

This kernel is from v29, with only change is ts issue, so you may stick
to it afterwards and help testing HZ100 kernel. It works well here so
far, but who knows.


В Птн, 29/10/2010 в 10:43 +0200, Vinzenz Hersche пишет:
> Mh, i'm not able to suspend my openmoko while use the ts. But if i do the 
> suspend-action and "use" the ts while it's go to suspend, this effect cames, 
> you're right :)
> Yes, it was always after wake up from suspend. But i didn't know that the 
> using of ts while suspending do this effect, so it was a random thing for me.
> Because of the jitterless-kernel: i just write this because i just used my 
> openmoko since v28 with this kernel. It's nice if this isn't the problem..
> Many thanks for the patch! :)
> ---
> Gennady schrieb am Donnerstag 28 Oktober 2010:
> В Чтв, 28/10/2010 в 12:35 +0200, Vinzenz Hersche пишет:
> > Hello all,
> > 
> > i've got a strange problem which is descriped here: http://death-
> >
> > and-jitterless-kernel/ (with video)
> Hm, this should not happen. 
> This is just slow refresh, which means that glamo remain in slowed down
> state. But problem seem that you touchscreen somehow hang, so ts driver
> can't restore normal refresh rate. 
> Hm, this may happen if suspend happens while you holding touchscreen.
> Let me try YES. So. Ops, qtmoko has not xrandr.
> > The problem seems to came up randomly.
> So, did you suspend just before this issue?
> I know how to fix suspend and rotation and will prepare patch soon.
> Gennady
> ___
> Openmoko community mailing list
> ___
> Openmoko community mailing list

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: [Android] Froyo (Android 2.2) on Freerunner????

2010-11-07 Thread Gennady Kupava
With usual linux, i can say 'do profiling, find out what is really so
slow and optimize critical places'. And I know what tools to use to each

But with android... Same, but how to profile? how to compile? how to
communicate, etc.


В Вск, 07/11/2010 в 20:15 +0100, Atilla Filiz пишет:
> My gf runs Froyo on her Geeksphone. It has definitely more powerful
> hardware than FR but it is defeinitely /not/ 1GHz. It is around
> ~500MHz, and no 3d acceleration because the hardware vendor refused to
> deploy 3d firmware in an open device. 
> On Fri, Sep 3, 2010 at 5:59 PM, Serdar Dere 
> wrote:
>  Who asked my images are not real?? ;)
> The problem is, that Froyo ARMv5 optimized but not for ARMv4,
> that makes
> it hard for us.
> The other problem is, that Jim Ancona is our only developer.
> We are looking for developers. Everybody is welcomed to help
> (contribute, test etc.)
> MfG Serdar
> Am 03.09.10 11:12, schrieb Steven Le Roux:
> > On Fri, Sep 3, 2010 at 12:48 AM, Leonty
> Belskiy  wrote:
> >> Is'n Froyo supposed to be super-fast?
> > It's fast on a 1GHz processor with at least 512MB RAM and
> hardware
> > acceleration of OpenGL, etc...
> >
> > V8 is embedded, but if you can't even run webkit... ;)
> >
> >
> >> I it faster than Cupcake?
> > It's relative to the device. If a device have capabilities
> to run
> > froyo, so yes it will be faster. But froyo won't run on the
> most
> > lightweigh devices. And android 3 will run on devices with
> at least
> > 2Ghz processor, etc...
> >
> >
> >> --
> >> Leonty
> >>
> >> On Wed, Sep 1, 2010 at 5:55 PM, Thomas
> HOCEDEZ  wrote:
> >>> Le 01/09/2010 14:31, Atilla Filiz a écrit :
> >>>
> >>> AFAIK Serdar Dere is actively developing Android for FR,
> so I am sure the
> >>> images are real. How (close to being)usable they are, that
> is to wonder.
> >>>
> >>> On Thu, Aug 5, 2010 at 5:06 PM, David Garabana
> Barro
> >>> wrote:
>  On Thursday 05 August 2010 16:52:24 Jan Girlich wrote:
> > Am Donnerstag, den 05.08.2010, 16:42 +0200 schrieb David
> Garabana Barro:
> >>
> >>
> >> Are these images real?
> >>
> >> Are there Android 2.2 images for Freeruner?
> > I doubt these images are of any use (yet). Look at the
> filesizes.
> > They're just about 7MB, way too small for a real image.
>  Yes, but first one size is 67 MB.
>  On the thread Nelson posted minutes ago, you can see they
> are real, but
>  they
>  only compile and boot. Not useful by the moment
>  :)
> >>> Hi !
> >>>
> >>> Of course the images are real (those>  7Mo!). I flashed my
> FR with it, it
> >>> boots, starts, and ... Worked !  Ok you have to be Really
> patient because of
> >>> the slowlyness of the interface, but everything works !
> >>> --
> >>>
> >>> Thomas HOCEDEZ / Asthro,
> >>>
> >>> ___
> >>> Openmoko community mailing list
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >> ___
> >> Openmoko community mailing list
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >
> >
> ___
> Openmoko community mailing list
> -- 
> -
> Atilla Filiz
> Eindhoven University of Technology
> Embedded Systems, Master's Programme
> ___
> Openmoko community mailing list

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Backup "batteries" installed

2010-11-08 Thread Gennady Kupava
Hi, Benjamin and list

Yesterday i followed suggestion about capacitors and installed them.
Huge thanks for suggestion - one big annoyance fixed for me too! Now my
time is kept while i am replacing battery without any troubles, for far
i tested only few minutes of life without battery.

I did some measurements, that according to our pcf setup (qtmoko v28,
uboot), charge current is 200uA. According to my measurements with
multimeter capacitor were fully charged after 6 minutes. Also it may be
useful to note that self-discharge of capacitor is much higher than
li-ion battery and actually it is chaged only than our PMU is in Active
state (FR turned on or suspended). So it may discharge if it were laying
for a while _with_ main battery installed and then main battery removed
without turning on device.

I think also my story of finding capacitors may be helpful. Given that
digikey delivery for my country costs $120, i tryed some nearby shops
and internet in attempt to find this part without any luck. But it
turned out (from forums) that such capacitors are common in other phones
(like N70 and btw common reason to problems). So, i finally just walk to
nearby mobile repair service on nearby cheapest marketplace and bought 2
used capacitors from broken phones for $3. I left with feeling i payed
too much :)

Soldering were not really easy especially that after reading docs i
understood that part should be heated with extreme care, but i followed
suggestions, put it upside-down and cut some outputs.

Thanks and regards,

В Чтв, 04/11/2010 в 21:23 -0400, Benjamin Deering пишет:
> I have had the capacitors installed for a few days now and they are 
> still working well.  I left the FR with a dead battery overnight and 
> when I plugged it in in the following day, it had the correct time.
> The digikey part number is: 728-1037-1-ND and the manufacturer's number 
> (seiko) is: XH414H-II06E.  I would recommend looking around on the site 
> to see if you can find one with the correct bracket.
> Ben
> On 10/30/2010 03:03 AM, Dr. H. Nikolaus Schaller wrote:
> > Am 29.10.2010 um 19:05 schrieb Benjamin Deering:
> >
> >
> >> Hello,
> >>
> >> I finished installing capacitors as replacements for the dead backup
> >> batteries in my Freerunners today at lunch.  They seem to be working,
> >> though I've only tried removing the main battery for under a minute so
> >> far.  Someone on the GTA-02-core list said a 220uf capacitor would power
> >> the RTC for 2 minutes.  If that is correct, the .07f caps I used should
> >> work for about 10 hours.
> >>  
> > Please report some test results.
> >
> >
> >> The parts I got from digikey weren't an exact fit, but I was able to
> >> make them work.
> >>  
> > Looks interesting. Do you have the exact order num...@digikey?
> >
> >
> >> Be sure to wear safety glasses if you try this, I had one of the old
> >> batteries explode when I was removing it.
> >>  
> > Oops! So it was not really dead an had enough energy inside. Maybe,
> > just the voltage was too low to run the RTC?
> >
> >
> >> Pictures:
> >>  
> > Good work!
> >
> > Nikolaus
> >
> > ___
> > Openmoko community mailing list
> >
> >
> >
> >
> ___
> Openmoko community mailing list

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: [qtmoko] Strange display on v28 with jitterless kernel

2010-11-18 Thread Gennady Kupava
Hi Radek, Vinzenz,

Vinzenz, thank you for verifing a bit late, but anyway confirmed that
problem fixed. 

Also, i want to clarify a bit of disorder here, Radek, you seem working
really hard as you recommend to use 28.1, but Vinzenz reported bug
against v28.1 kernel you recommend, and proposed to replace 28.1 with
new file.

We have: 

1. kernel git  (look into this log while reading my letter)
( )

2. v28 kernel (in sourceforge:
this kernel is compiled with last patch 2010-10-15 ("
Enable leds and vibrator ") 

3. v28.1 kernel (with ts patch version 1 against which you reported bug:
Last commit is version 1 of ts patch which had problem you describe,
from 2010-10-20
"s3c2410_ts: jitter less version for glamo" 

4. Kernel i posted for you to confirm this bug is fixed (with ts patch version 
 ( + modules in my mail) 
this is all branch up to 2010-10-25 (+HZ +guid) + updated jitterless patch

5. Now we have this patch committed to git (see 2010-11-08 commit) (ts patch 
version 4, no user-visible diff to version 2)

So, 28.1 is actually different from kernel i asked to test and
difference is in bug fix for bug which you reported. So, you still have
to use my kernel to have fixed kernel and this is only kernel in qtmoko
which has this bug fixed :)

urghhh, i'll try to produce less versions next time, 

В Чтв, 18/11/2010 в 17:08 +0100, Vinzenz Hersche пишет:
> oh, damn, my fault.. thanks !
> ---
> Radek schrieb am Donnerstag 18 November 2010:
> Vinzenz Hersche wrote:
> > wouldn't be it a good idea to upload this patched version as v28.1 or so on
> > sourceforge?
> I think it's nice idea. I already did it like 4 weeks ago ;-)
> Regards
> Radek
> [1]
> v28.1.bin/download
> ___
> Openmoko community mailing list
> ___
> Openmoko community mailing list

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: [qtmoko] Strange display on v28 with jitterless kernel

2010-11-18 Thread Gennady Kupava
one more thing

В Чтв, 18/11/2010 в 14:56 +0100, Vinzenz Hersche пишет:
> Hi Gennady,
> i'm sorry, i've seen your mail just now.. a bit late.. :s
> i try it for now, and have done everything of your instructions, except the 
> dfu-util-part, because it's on sd.. so i just replaced /boot/uImage-GTA02 by 
> your kernel..
> i tried to reproduce the bug but it doesn't appear.. :)
> if you upload the hz100-kernel anywhere, i will help to test..

ah, i am very unclean. kernel i posted is WITH 100HZ patch, so using it
you testing 100HZ kernel :)


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: qtmoko v28

2010-11-19 Thread Gennady Kupava
В Птн, 19/11/2010 в 17:12 +0100, David Garabana Barro пишет:
> O Mércores, 20 de Outubro de 2010, Radek Polak escribiu:
> > Hi,
> > there is now new v28 release of qtmoko ready for downloading
> flashing and
> > testing. You can download it from our sourceforge page under
> "Experimental"
> > folder [1].
> Is it possible to boot this version from uSD with u-boot?
> I can boot it with qi, but no matter what I try, couln'd boot from uSD
> v28 with uboot
> -- 

Hi, David,

Known (by me at least) bug - something wrong with u-boot, glamo242 and
booting from SD. Here, it refuse to boot ~1/2 of times. I am aware of
this and even did 1 attempt to fix it. Hope i'll squash it sooner or
later. Please, try non-242 u-boot to test if this issue related to your
problem. Overwise, i can boot from sd (debian) with u-boot without
problems. Nothing special in qtmoko. Provide details - any errors, logs,
place it stops booting.


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: [Debian] aplay/mplayer broken with pkg-fso linux-image-2.6.34-openmoko-gta02?

2010-11-19 Thread Gennady Kupava
В Птн, 19/11/2010 в 17:48 +0200, Timo Jyrinki пишет:
> 2010/11/19 Paul Wise :
> > Is anyone else having broken audio on Debian with pkg-fso
> > linux-image-2.6.34-openmoko-gta02? Timo Jyrinki can reproduce it with
> > one GTA02 but not with another one. Here are some symptoms:
> And the one I can reproduce it with is up-to-date sid, while the one
> where I have no problem is mostly pure Debian squeeze (only E17 and
> Zhone from sid and kernel from pkg-fso) with 127 unupgraded packages
> (ALSA among else). Paul mentioned he mostly has squeeze as well, so it
> might be even something in testing, just recently migrated?
> Same kernel is used on each device, and same modules loaded (audio
> support built-in).
> Mostly it would be good to hear from other Debian users if they are
> seeing the problem, or if they are not seeing it. Maybe we could then
> pinpoint what's causing the problem. My guess so far is that it
> wouldn't be kernel related, since I at least have audio perfectly
> functional on one device. I wouldn't have even noticed the problem if
> I hadn't tested audio on my playground Neo after Paul mentioned it...
> I will try to upgrade my working Neo to latest squeeze a few packages
> at a time at some point, but right now I don't have time and need that
> phone to be working :)

Hi, Timo & list

I've noticed problem with alsa too. Guess that this may be related to
100hz patch, probably need to review neo-specific code in kernel. 

I noticed arecord is not working here (in both debian and qtmoko v28
with same kernel based on qtmoko v29 sources), also aplay somehow is
working in qtmoko v28(which is debian stable i think) but does not with
debian unstable (all with same kernel). i can't really say then this
stopped working - i didn't tried arecord for a while and didn't tried
aplay on debian/unstable for a while too.

Hope that 100hz patch will help us to fix some well-hidden bugs :)


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: [Debian] aplay/mplayer broken with pkg-fso linux-image-2.6.34-openmoko-gta02?

2010-11-20 Thread Gennady Kupava
Hi, Timo & list,

It turned out that aplay problem is due to sound card controls
misconfiguration, not some problem with kernel.

Whoose who have this problem, please try following state file:

(with alsactl restore -f aplay34_working.state)

arecord still not investigated.

Best regards, 

В Сбт, 20/11/2010 в 10:50 +0200, Timo Jyrinki пишет:
> 2010/11/19 Gennady Kupava :
> > I've noticed problem with alsa too. Guess that this may be related to
> > 100hz patch, probably need to review neo-specific code in kernel.
> Ok, if that's it, even though it seemingly depends on other factors as
> well, please Debian users notice the following:
> *
> has also all the previous kernels
> * If you hit this audio playback problem, install the previous kernel

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: qtmoko v28

2010-11-24 Thread Gennady Kupava
В Втр, 23/11/2010 в 20:41 +0100, David Garabana Barro пишет:

> But this open an interesting question.
> Why is uSD partition card recognised with Qi and not with uboot?
> Maybe my I/O problems are also related to uboot?
> Will try to boot SHR from NAND with Qi, and see if my card stops givin
> I/O errors...

Ah, kernel not recognise partition table, not u-boot fail to boot
kernel... Then answer is simple, - cat /proc/cmdline for both qi and
u-boot and check difference.


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: qtmoko v28

2010-11-24 Thread Gennady Kupava
В Срд, 24/11/2010 в 20:11 +0300, Gennady Kupava пишет:
> В Втр, 23/11/2010 в 20:41 +0100, David Garabana Barro пишет:
> > But this open an interesting question.
> > Why is uSD partition card recognised with Qi and not with uboot?
> > Maybe my I/O problems are also related to uboot?
> > Will try to boot SHR from NAND with Qi, and see if my card stops givin
> > I/O errors...
> Ah, kernel not recognise partition table, not u-boot fail to boot
> kernel... Then answer is simple, - cat /proc/cmdline for both qi and
> u-boot and check difference.

And you can't do cat /proc/cmdline as you can't boot, ok. So, check your
u-boot environment for right cmdline. Example of environment (mine):

it can be flashed with dfu-util -a u-boot_env -D u-boot_env.in4, 
or recompiled by ./ -c 262144 -f >

you have to change it to match your qi command line and it should work.


Openmoko community mailing list

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