[CGUYS] price drop?

2009-08-11 Thread mike
Appleinsider is reporting that the 32gig zune could be as much as 100
dollars less then the 32gig touch.  This could be good news even for MS
haters like Tom.  Though the zune takes very little market share, this could
be enough to push apple into lowering the price of the touch..good news all

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[CGUYS] way way way off topic..guns, not for the feint of heart, don't click and complain! :) was: computer gadgets in cars

2009-08-11 Thread mike
You can pull one case to back your argument about anything.

If you really want to look at the issue try John Lott's book.


On Tue, Aug 11, 2009 at 1:38 PM, Constance Warner cawar...@his.com wrote:

 Shoot back?  SHOOT BACK?  If you're in a shooting match, regardless of the
 source of the guns or the justice of your cause, your chances of death or
 serious injury just went up by several thousand per cent.  Empowering
 citizens to shoot back at the bad guys might be justifiable if there were NO
 cops, NO law, and NO courts.  [Actually, we have cops, law, and courts;
 we're luckier in that respect than they are in many countries in the world
 today.]  But with a shoot back when warranted policy, you're postulating a
 situation in which amateur, untrained citizens are charge of individualized
 law enforcement, using lethal force.  This is, to put it mildly, a risk
 management nightmare.

 I don't know what places with strict gun control you are staying out of.
  Most parts of Washington, D.C., are safe, in part because there are so many
 cops--and so many different kinds of cops.  They're EVERYWHERE.  They even
 watch out for minor transgressions (like using a tripod without a permit),
 which is annoying; but at least they're there.  And I haven't noticed much
 gun crime in Montgomery County lately, either, so you could always come here
 to shop, dine, and enjoy our parks.  [In the one exception to this rule--the
 2002 snipers--guns carried by honest citizens would not have helped.  You
 can look up the details, if you want to verify this.]

 --Constance Warner

 On Aug 11, 2009, at 1:50 PM, Fred Holmes wrote:

  We should license good citizens to carry guns so that they could shoot
 back when warranted.  You can't take guns away from the criminals.  It just
 won't happen.  You can't take drugs away from those who want them.  They get
 them anyway from the black (street) market.  There are a lot more
 unintended consequences than the simplistic argument below would indicate.
  If you don't allow the good citizen to carry a gun, he won't, and the
 criminals will know that their victims will always be unarmed.  Knowing
 that, the criminals commit more crime.

 I stay out of places with strict gun control as much as I possibly can.
  The crime rate (risk of getting attacked) is much higher in those places.

 Fred Holmes

 At 12:21 PM 8/11/2009, phartz...@gmail.com wrote:

 On Tue, Aug 11, 2009 at 11:36 AM, TPiwowart...@tjpa.com wrote:

  Using Microsoft popularity-malware logic suggests that the more people
 are walking around with weapons the more often those weapons will be

  Microsoft logic or not, I would agree.  Just about every human is
 already armed with fists, yet fists rarely stop fist fights from
 happening, and in fact, they cause them to happen.

  I would have to think that if it came to pass where it was legal for
 just about everybody to be walking around with loaded guns, that big
 switch blades, machetes, blackjacks, brass knucks and all sorts of
 other weapons of destruction would also be legal.  After all, guns are
 more lethal and dangerous than those others, so if guns become okay to
 pack around, why not less lethal devices?  Otherwise, only allowing
 legal gun toting would be nothing but a sop to the gun lobby and
 enthusiasts.  Why not let the individual choose their own WMD?  Who
 would want government making such decisions for you?


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Re: [CGUYS] Computer gadgets in cars

2009-08-11 Thread mike
Cops aren't there to protect you, they are there to clean up the mess after.

On Tue, Aug 11, 2009 at 3:14 PM, Fred Holmes f...@his.com wrote:

 The potential for a citizen to shoot back is a _very big deterrent_.  Crime
 rates go down.

 Trained citizens will do very well shooting back.  Takes a lot of training.
  Some will do it.

 Cops, law and courts are all too late.  The bad guy has already taken your
 money and maybe your life.

 Don't license untrained individuals (I presume that's what you mean by
 amateurs).  But don't require a person to be a paid police officer in order
 to carry a gun.

 Fred Holmes

 At 04:38 PM 8/11/2009, Constance Warner wrote:
 Shoot back?  SHOOT BACK?  If you're in a shooting match, regardless
 of the source of the guns or the justice of your cause, your chances
 of death or serious injury just went up by several thousand per
 cent.  Empowering citizens to shoot back at the bad guys might be
 justifiable if there were NO cops, NO law, and NO courts.  [Actually,
 we have cops, law, and courts; we're luckier in that respect than
 they are in many countries in the world today.]  But with a shoot
 back when warranted policy, you're postulating a situation in which
 amateur, untrained citizens are charge of individualized law
 enforcement, using lethal force.  This is, to put it mildly, a risk
 management nightmare.

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Re: [CGUYS] Computer gadgets in cars

2009-08-10 Thread mike
Even better, I watch old episodes of the rifleman...he sometimes goes a
whole show just carrying the gun and doesn't even use it!

On Sun, Aug 9, 2009 at 7:08 PM, Robert Carroll carrollcompu...@gmail.comwrote:

 Since I got a DVR from Verizon Fios, I have recorded  watched old episodes
 of Maverick.   Everyone (except some females) carry guns on that program
 and use them profusely.  Seems to work for them, so why not for us today?
  Maybe every walk down a sidewalk -- better said, for today, a drive in my
 car -- ought to have a gun exchange.  Of course I will win since I am the
 good guy, and besides I need to go to work tomorrow unlike the delinquents
 who fire at me as on the TV show.

 Jeff Miles wrote:

I've always wondered why gun toting was disallowed in the first place.
 If I was a petty thief, the last person I'd try to mug is a gun toting
 person. On the other hand I have to think of the general common sense of the
 population. What happens when a person carries both a cell phone and a gun
 and the cell phone rings?

 Jeff M

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Re: [CGUYS] Turbo Tax help

2009-08-10 Thread Mike Sloane
I am hardly the most organized of people (a big understatement at best), 
but I am very careful with anything to do with taxes (US and state). 
When the first piece of paper comes in that has anything related to a 
year's taxes, I put it in a big manila envelope marked 200X Taxes. As 
the year progresses, that is where everything related to taxes goes 
immediately. Being retired, my tax returns aren't all that complicated, 
but I have been using TurboTax ever since it came out on a couple of 
floppy diskettes, and I have never had a problem either filing or being 
questioned by the IRS. (and, like the other posters, I do NOT file 
electronically and don't have direct deposit of my refund.) I am 
guessing that the IRS has a little more confidence in returns filed by 
TurboTax than they do returns filled out by hand - at least they know 
the math is right, even if some of the numbers might not be.

I think that, if I ever came in to large sums from the lottery or an 
inheritance or was involved in my own business (all highly unlikely!), I 
would seek professional advice (NOT from a storefront operation!), but 
so far I have not encountered any financial situations that were outside 
the application's capabilities. The big challenge will occur when we are 
forced to start redeeming IRA's that are very, very old. One of the best 
parts of TurboTax is being able to import data from the federal filing 
directly into the state return. I can usually do both in a couple of hours.


Wayne Dernoncourt wrote:


On Aug 9, 2009, at 2:08 PM, Wayne Dernoncourt wrote:

I'm thinking we should go to a tax person to deal
with this.

Yes you should. I found that fighting the software
distracted me from other important tax issues, causing
a mess. I filed and then had to hire a human to refile
a correct form.

We do our own taxes, small business and all. Tax software
isn't particularly efficient, but having everything in a
database/spreadsheet at the end is convenient. It often
takes more time to use software or an accountant than to
fill out forms yourself. Most of the work is gathering
all of the pieces of paper, records, notes, numbers,
statememts, forms. I use my own Excel spreadsheet, then
sometimes TurboTax.


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Re: [CGUYS] Computer gadgets in cars

2009-08-10 Thread mike
The big O is a neocon now?

On Mon, Aug 10, 2009 at 10:18 AM, TPiwowar t...@tjpa.com wrote:

  They manage the economy believing the money will never run out. They
 manage healthcare believing that illness and old age are things that only
 happen to other people.

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Re: [CGUYS] jason calacanis essay on apple

2009-08-09 Thread mike

On Sat, Aug 8, 2009 at 5:32 PM, TPiwowar t...@tjpa.com wrote:

   Do you think Apple's management isn't trying to find a way out of this
 crazy corner that their legal department has backed them into?

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Re: [CGUYS] jason calacanis essay on apple

2009-08-09 Thread mike
Once again Tom's reason wins out.  Child porn is why apple won't allow Opera
to put a web browser on the iPhone.

On Sun, Aug 9, 2009 at 9:10 AM, TPiwowar t...@tjpa.com wrote:

 On Aug 9, 2009, at 8:15 AM, phartz...@gmail.com wrote:

 The lawyers are either employees
 or consultants.  They do not run Apple Corp. unless something is rotten in

 I've written about imperial IT, many corps have the same problem with
 Legal. Management does not understand the law and gives Legal free reign.
 Many nutty things happen. Many people sue Apple over the most trivial
 things. I can see Apple erring on the side of safety. Legal won't be put in
 its place until it becomes very apparent that it is doing severe damage.
 Even then a compromise may be hard to find.

 Consider what would happen to Apple if an uncontrolled App Store started
 distributing apps that showed child porn.

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Re: [CGUYS] Brutal Zune Review..and on to winmo

2009-08-09 Thread mike
How often do you hear about viruses on winmo?

It's not a theory that OS X is as susceptible to viruses and trojans as
windows, it's proven.  It's only holdout MFBs that have a hard time with

On Sun, Aug 9, 2009 at 9:49 AM, TPiwowar t...@tjpa.com wrote:

 On Aug 9, 2009, at 11:03 AM, Wayne Dernoncourt wrote:

 Now it looks like places have switched WRT the phone markets.  In
 the desktop/laptop markets, MS had most of the headaches.  In the
 phone markets, it now looks like Apple has that role (the hack from
 BlackHat with SMS messages taking over your phone).  Someone else
 found a similiar vulnerability with WM phones, but it does seem
 like the iPhone market has become a big target for the bad guys.

 This is a good scientific experiment to test the claim that Windows has so
 many viruses infecting it only because it is so popular.

 My take is that Windows has so many viruses infecting it because it is
 poorly engineered.

 If you check the Wild List you will see that there are 100s of active,
 circulating viruses that can attack Windows and we have to add anti-virus
 software to watch for them.

 For the iPhone (which runs a variant of OS X) we have had a few
 vulnerabilities discovered which Apple has quickly fixed. There are no
 active viruses circulating in the wild. There never have been.

 So can we put the attacked due to popularity myth down now?

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Re: [CGUYS] Computer gadgets in cars

2009-08-09 Thread mike
About a week ago I was in a quicktrip getting gas and a drink before
work..it was probably 11.30 at night.  In front of me was a guy who clearly
was a biker, had the whole outfit on including what looked like a nice 9mm
at his side.  I felt decidedly safer with him there...who is going to rob
the quickie mart while he's around?

On Sun, Aug 9, 2009 at 9:49 AM, rleesimon rleesi...@gmail.com wrote:

 Tom, the gun is not a computer gadget, and a bus is not a car.  Also, was
 that kid the only one who was safe on that bus?  Third, were you safer on
 that bus or walking down the street?  Fourth, what kinda gun do you carry?
 Last, does the computerized aiming mechanism with facial recognition and
 wifi or wimax database updates from the FBI and Interpol databases run on
 or MAC or is it, as I suspect you are also concealing, a Linux device??
 you take the same bus to VA to get it at a gun show?  If I like what you
 report, I'll take 2, of course, if the price is right!!

 -Original Message-
 From: TPiwowar [mailto:t...@tjpa.com]
 Sent: Sunday, August 09, 2009 12:04 PM
 Subject: Re: Computer gadgets in cars

 On Aug 9, 2009, at 2:57 AM, Jeff Miles wrote:
  I've always wondered why gun toting was disallowed in the first
  place. If I was a petty thief, the last person I'd try to mug is a
  gun toting person. On the other hand I have to think of the general
  common sense of the population. What happens when a person carries
  both a cell phone and a gun and the cell phone rings?

 Have you ever ridden a bus and had a 14 year old get on with a pistol
 tucked in his belt? That moment has a lot to do with my opinion on
 guns. I got off at the next stop and walked the rest of the way home.

 Are  people routinely shot down in the streets of your town? Are
 people afraid to go out of their houses at night? Do stray shots
 shatter the windows of your homes while you cower behind the couch?
 Do you really think that is a good way to live?

 Do you really think being able to shoot back is going to improve the
 situation? The more lead we have flying the more innocent people will
 be killed.

 Why can't I carry a loaded gun into the Capitol? Pass that law first.
 Quit the hypocrisy.

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Re: [CGUYS] jason calacanis essay on apple

2009-08-09 Thread mike
Your believing it's apple's lawyers doing all the evil and apple's directors
and ceo are just trying to do what is right is a knee jerk reaction of a

Ridiculous to ban an app because it may display words to somone...um..out
there in the ether that might buy an iphone or ipod touch.  For consistency
sake I expect that first thing monday apple will ban safari...and any
twitter app.  I'll have to make a list, I bet there are hundreds apple is
going to HAVE to ban just in case a bad word shows up.

On Sun, Aug 9, 2009 at 11:26 AM, TPiwowar t...@tjpa.com wrote:

 On Aug 9, 2009, at 2:35 AM, mike wrote:


 Knee jerk WFB reaction.

 I bet a similar statement from Apple SVP Schiller won't make much of an
 impression either...

 Phil Schiller Responds Regarding Ninjawords and the App Store

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Re: [CGUYS] Brutal Zune Review..and on to winmo

2009-08-09 Thread mike
Just forget about that bothersome second part I listed...much easier if you
just cover your eyes and ears and drone to yourself.

On Sun, Aug 9, 2009 at 11:33 AM, TPiwowar t...@tjpa.com wrote:

 On Aug 9, 2009, at 1:01 PM, mike wrote:

 How often do you hear about viruses on winmo?

 How often do I see anyone using WINCE?

 You kind or reinforce my point.

 I didn't expect you guys would go for a scientific test. You just prattle

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Re: [CGUYS] Computer gadgets in cars

2009-08-09 Thread mike
There is an iphone app that tells you where the speed traps are...populated
by users I believe.  There is also a marker app that when you dump your car
in one of those IKEA like parking lots, you drop a marker from the ipod
app.  When you come out of the IKEA maze fifteen hours later, GPS and the
marker app guide you to your car.  Would also be handy for old ladies who
wander the parking lots of grocery stores and michaels.

On Sun, Aug 9, 2009 at 11:56 AM, rleesimon rleesi...@gmail.com wrote:

 An intelligent additional feature for the GPS would be 2 different timer

 1.  You go out for a ride and you tell it you hafta be home for dinner
 at 5pm and it will tell you, based on how far away you go, when you hafta
 turn around to make it home in time.

 2.  You get the traffic thing, and you tell it where you wanna go and
 when you hafta be there and it tells you by the load and time left how soon
 or late you're gonna be.

 And, a parking one:

 3.  Also, they could link the thing to one of those websites that does
 the parking lot thing and tell you where to park and if they're full or not
 before you get there and adjust your route accordingly so you don't waste
 time goin'round the block.

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Re: [CGUYS] Difference between a mailing list and a web forum

2009-08-09 Thread mike
I've got a friend who was a mod on a mac forum and not long ago one of the
higher up mods deleted forum posts they didn't favor.  Can't do that on an
email list.

On Sun, Aug 9, 2009 at 1:49 PM, b_s-wilk b1sun...@yahoo.es wrote:

 Often, messages/posts are worth saving. Saving emails is easy. Saving forum
 posts is not.

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Re: [CGUYS] Computer gadgets in cars

2009-08-09 Thread mike
Safer then if I was around you.  I know he doesn't want to take away any of
my rights.

On Sun, Aug 9, 2009 at 1:57 PM, b_s-wilk b1sun...@yahoo.es wrote:

 About a week ago I was in a quicktrip getting gas and a drink before
 work..it was probably 11.30 at night.  In front of me was a guy who
 was a biker, had the whole outfit on including what looked like a nice 9mm
 at his side.  I felt decidedly safer with him there...who is going to rob
 the quickie mart while he's around?

 He will. And then he'll rob you. Biker dude still makes you feel safe?

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Re: [CGUYS] Computer gadgets in cars

2009-08-08 Thread mike
How about little facts like areas with high gun control have higher crimes
committed with said weapon and areas with concealed carry laws have less
crime?  I know silly little facts bug you leftists...get in the way of
getting rid of that pesky constitution.

On Fri, Aug 7, 2009 at 10:51 PM, t.piwowar t...@tjpa.com wrote:

 On Aug 8, 2009, at 1:13 AM, Eric S. Sande wrote:

 If you want to debate the Second Amendment, I suggest that there are more
 appropriate forums.

 By order of the Supreme: Misinterpretations of the second amendment are off
 topic. Auto safety is marginally on topic. Autos festooned with technology
 is definitely on topic. Where to mount your gun rack is marginally on topic.
 Your right to shoot at peds and other varmints is off topic.

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Re: [CGUYS] Brutal Zune Review

2009-08-08 Thread mike
This is Tom saying 'no I can't, I'm just blowing it out my ass as usual'.

On Fri, Aug 7, 2009 at 9:57 PM, t.piwowar t...@tjpa.com wrote:

 On Aug 7, 2009, at 7:23 PM, Chris Dunford wrote:

 Since you have never seen or touched one, can you list all the reasons why
 it is vastly inferior for me? Thanks.

 You birthers are all the same. M$ has published the specs. Do you really
 think touching one is going to release some magical electro-magnetic flux
 that will make me fall madly in love? (You probably do.)

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Re: [CGUYS] Brutal Zune Review

2009-08-08 Thread mike
More in reference to the iphone.  Most of these references are in the middle
of reviews of phones such as the palm or the hero coming out in the US soon.

On Sat, Aug 8, 2009 at 9:10 AM, David K Watson davidkirkwat...@gmail.comwrote:

 I haven't read anything about how aged the iPod has become, can
 you point me to one of those blogs?  On the other hand, every day
 I see several articles about a new or updated iPhone/iPod app.
 And you CAN customize your iPhone home screen, that came with
 version 2 of the OS.

  From:mike xha...@gmail.com

  There is talk on the blogs about how aged the ipod has become of late,
 especially in reference between the iphone and palm pre.  How long till we
 can run more then one app on the iphone?  Zero customization on the home
 screen for the iphone is geting long in the tooth.  Android is going to
 getting better, and it will offer a wide variety of customizations for the
 entire device that will continue to entice all kinds of users.

 On Fri, Aug 7, 2009 at 4:50 PM, Jeff Wright jswri...@gmail.com wrote:

  I was thinking of asking myself but I'm sure we'll get more TomLogicT

 I believe 'logic' is spelled with a 'k' in that instance.


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Re: [CGUYS] Brutal Zune Review

2009-08-08 Thread mike
Often, all the time in fact.  Right now.  I'm lying right now.

On Sat, Aug 8, 2009 at 9:58 AM, TPiwowar t...@tjpa.com wrote:

 On Aug 8, 2009, at 12:10 PM, David K Watson wrote:

 I haven't read anything about how aged the iPod has become, can
 you point me to one of those blogs?  On the other hand, every day
 I see several articles about a new or updated iPhone/iPod app.
 And you CAN customize your iPhone home screen, that came with
 version 2 of the OS.

 Of course you didn't. Mike is engaging in the Big Lie Technique, as he
 often does.

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Re: [CGUYS] Brutal Zune Review..and on to winmo

2009-08-08 Thread mike
It's nice to know you've already decided to not believe any reviews of the
product, makes it so you won't have to read any...not that you would, or
even touch the device once it is out.  This makes life so easy on you I
imagine..no actual thought needed.  Fits your MO.

On Sat, Aug 8, 2009 at 10:22 AM, TPiwowar t...@tjpa.com wrote:

 I've read that M$ is giving away loads of Zune HDs to industry bloggers and
 writers. That will no doubt generate lots of sycophantic stories for you to
 quote. Proving nothing.

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Re: [CGUYS] Computer gadgets in cars

2009-08-08 Thread mike
Because if you were asked to use it you would have to admit you have no idea

On Sat, Aug 8, 2009 at 11:15 AM, TPiwowar t...@tjpa.com wrote:

 On Aug 8, 2009, at 2:50 AM, mike wrote:

 Why can't I walk into the Capitol with a Leatherman toolkit attached to my

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Re: [CGUYS] Brutal Zune Review

2009-08-08 Thread mike
Gimme a day or two..I'm not trying to avoid it, I've just looked at probably
50 youtube video reviews of iphone/pre/htc touch/htc diamond and a few
others along with reading about 50 blogs and review sites from the little
known to engadget about all the previously listed phones.  All I meant to
imply was that there are a few who think apple is lagging in such things as
being open and multitasking.  These views were from the hardcore of the
gadget world, not pc mag or such mainstream review sites.

I'll look and link.

On Sat, Aug 8, 2009 at 11:27 AM, David K Watson

 Any examples would be appreciated.  Google didn't really help
 me.  I suppose I should try Bing, in light of recent stories that it
 is slanting its searches to be anti-Apple, but I'd like to know
 some examples of what it is that you are reading.

 On Aug 8, 2009, at 1:58 PM, COMPUTERGUYS-L automatic digest system wrote:

  From:mike xha...@gmail.com

 More in reference to the iphone.  Most of these references are in the
 of reviews of phones such as the palm or the hero coming out in the US

 On Sat, Aug 8, 2009 at 9:10 AM, David K Watson davidkirkwat...@gmail.com

  I haven't read anything about how aged the iPod has become, can
 you point me to one of those blogs?  On the other hand, every day
 I see several articles about a new or updated iPhone/iPod app.
 And you CAN customize your iPhone home screen, that came with
 version 2 of the OS.

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Re: [CGUYS] Brutal Zune Review..and on to winmo

2009-08-08 Thread mike
It's easy...yer a birther..a pinhead, a neocon drone.  You lack any skills
of perception, you listen to rush, to hannity and oreilly.  You aren't worth
commenting on, the question itself lacks merit because YOU do.

Nevermind he can't back up a thing he says and that's why the name calling
starts.  You birther.

On Sat, Aug 8, 2009 at 12:52 PM, Chris Dunford seed...@gmail.com wrote:

  I beg you: Please, one of you make an actual point instead
  of going around in circles like this, or let it drop.

 I made a point. I asked for his reasons why Zune HD is vastly inferior.
 Three times. A pretty reasonable request, I thought. He responds, Birther.

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Re: [CGUYS] Brutal Zune Review..and on to winmo

2009-08-08 Thread mike
All those damn HDTV vendors!  LIARS!  They sell their so called HDTV's with
NO content and NO way to play HD unless you freakin BUY a blu ray player or
purchase sat/cable HD.  What liars!

On Sat, Aug 8, 2009 at 1:11 PM, TPiwowar t...@tjpa.com wrote:

 On Aug 8, 2009, at 2:48 PM, Chris Dunford wrote:

 The basic theme that I got from it was, At the very worst it matches iPod
 Touch, which you like, so what's your real beef?

 When did Apple introduce the iPod Touch that you are comparing the as yet
 unreleased Zune HD to?

 Reviewers are already commenting that HD is false advertising. To display
 HD it requires a dock (sold separately) and an HD TV (also sold separately).
 So typically M$ to launch a new product with a lie.

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Re: [CGUYS] Brutal Zune Review..and on to winmo

2009-08-08 Thread mike
I wasn't giving a review of the unit when I said that.  My point was that
the worst that could be said about it is, that it's just fine.  My point
being that only Tom in his hatred of MS could say the zune interface is an
abortion.  Anyone with an open mind and common sense could see the interface
and see that it has no glaring problems.  The zune has come far enough the
only thing keeping it down is the sheer power of the name brand ipod.

On Sat, Aug 8, 2009 at 3:00 PM, David K Watson davidkirkwat...@gmail.comwrote:

 It is interesting that in your mind interface is at worst just fine
 translates into matches iPod touch.  To me though, it says that
 the interface is manageable with a connotation that it is not great,
 which matches the impressions I've gathered.  But you are right
 that I should've let Mike speak for himself, and state my own

 As for the points you made for the Zune HD, I could address
 them, but suffice it to say that it really does seem to me that while
 the Zune HD may have some points in its favor over the current
 generation of iPhones/Touch, they will not be nearly enough to be
 any kind of game changer (even assuming that Apple waits a while
 to update its line, which it won't).

  From:Chris Dunford seed...@gmail.com

  But consider the case Mike made for the Zune, a few posts back.
 If it was cited in an advertisement, it would read something like:
 Mike says: 'superior processor' . 'interface is at worst just fine'.
 'what is there to complain about except lateness issue?'  (Exact
 quotes, and I tried to not to change his meaning.)  Would that
 endorsement make you or anyone else want to go out and buy

 Of course not, but that wasn't the intent of Mike's message. If it had
 been, it would've listed HD radio, HD video, OLED screen, Marketplace/Xbox
 connectivity, full WiFi, lower price, etc. The message
 was responding to negative comments. The basic theme that I got from it
 was, At the very worst it matches iPod Touch, which you like, so what's
 your real beef?

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[CGUYS] jason calacanis essay on apple

2009-08-08 Thread mike
An interesting essay on what apple was, is and becoming.  One theme being
that apple has become even more the anti competitive villain then MS ever
was.  His example being that at it's worst, you could always install another
browser on windows, but with the iphone, apple forbids the use of any
browser but theirs.


That is a link to his listerv, you would have to subscribe to read the post,
you could unsub after if you like however his posts are few and far so it's
not a big deal.  I'd post the article here but he requests that any repost
be given permission first.

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Re: [CGUYS] big decisions VERIZON question

2009-08-07 Thread mike
I've been looking around online for an answer to this and it seems to be hit
and miss.

Does Verizon lock down GPS in their phones and force you to use their ten
dollar service if you want GPS?  I know Verizon has a history of doing such
things, this will be a deal breaker if so, looks like sprint is looking
better and better.


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Re: [CGUYS] big decisions VERIZON question

2009-08-07 Thread mike
I saw msgs on the net about verizon having some phones with unlocked gps and
others with locked gps so it was only good with verizon navigator and an
extra ten bux a month.

Looks like my choices are going to be down to the android hero or pre on

On Fri, Aug 7, 2009 at 9:27 AM, Rev. Stewart Marshall 
popoz...@earthlink.net wrote:



 At 11:22 AM 8/7/2009, you wrote:

 I've been looking around online for an answer to this and it seems to be
 and miss.

 Does Verizon lock down GPS in their phones and force you to use their ten
 dollar service if you want GPS?  I know Verizon has a history of doing
 things, this will be a deal breaker if so, looks like sprint is looking
 better and better.


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 Rev. Stewart A. Marshall
 Prince of Peace www.princeofpeaceozark.org
 Ozark, AL  SL 82

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Re: [CGUYS] Brutal Zune Review

2009-08-07 Thread mike
It can be fairly said MS was late to the party to be sure, but come they
have and ready to roll.  The zune's audio processor is considered to be
superior to the ipods, it's interface is at worst just fine.  What is there
to complain about except the lateness issue?

There is talk on the blogs about how aged the ipod has become of late,
especially in reference between the iphone and palm pre.  How long till we
can run more then one app on the iphone?  Zero customization on the home
screen for the iphone is geting long in the tooth.  Android is going to keep
getting better, and it will offer a wide variety of customizations for the
entire device that will continue to entice all kinds of users.

On Fri, Aug 7, 2009 at 4:50 PM, Jeff Wright jswri...@gmail.com wrote:

  I was thinking of asking myself but I'm sure we'll get more TomLogicT

 I believe 'logic' is spelled with a 'k' in that instance.

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Re: [CGUYS] big decisions VERIZON question

2009-08-07 Thread mike
I'll use google maps most likely, I'm not in that big of need for turn by
turn, just something to let me know where I need to be.   I probably won't
use GPS that much, but the fact that verizon locks you out unless you pay
extra just gets under my skin.  And really..I wasn't too keen on going back
to windows mobile anyway.

On Fri, Aug 7, 2009 at 7:47 PM, MrMike6by9 mrmike6...@gmail.com wrote:

 ATT has their own paid nav system for WM phones but when I was using
 my Q9h, I used Google Maps or Live Search since they both can use the
 phone's GPS chip. The only thing missing was turn-by-turn that would
 update automatically like the iPhone or a dedicated unit. I had to do
 manual updates for my current location; 2 or 3 key presses each time.
 One thing I miss on the iPhone is that it doesn't tell you how many
 satellites it sees. Both my Garmins and the Q9h told you the number it
 was using to fix my location. Even my car's factory unit doesn't do

 Can you use either app on your phone or the ones you are considering?
 See if you can find some forums dedicated to those phones or the
 carriers. I was using the one dedicated to the Moto Q9x but started
 visiting iPhones in November. I got my 3GS in mid-July.


 - - -
 No man is exempt from saying silly things; the mischief is to say them

  - Michel de Montaigne

  Subject: Re: big decisions VERIZON question
  I've been looking around online for an answer to this and it seems to be
  and miss.
  Does Verizon lock down GPS in their phones and force you to use their ten
  dollar service if you want GPS?  I know Verizon has a history of doing
  things, this will be a deal breaker if so, looks like sprint is looking
  better and better.

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Re: [CGUYS] big decisions

2009-08-06 Thread mike
Coverage isn't an issue where I live, not enough of one to force me into one
carrier.  I'm already with tmobile so obviously coverage is not my concern.
My concern are cost and the quality of access to the internet from the
handset and then coverage.  The touchscreen phones are the only ones with
above average browsing experience, right now it's iphone or the palm or
perhaps android.  Opera on WM on an HTC handset is a possibility.

On Wed, Aug 5, 2009 at 5:08 PM, b_s-wilk b1sun...@yahoo.es wrote:

 On Aug 4, 2009, at 2:21 PM, mike wrote:

 Ok, this coming October I was pretty much set on the iPhone..the apps,
 HTML browsing etc was worth going to AT$T.  At least from what I know.

 Which phone company has the best reception where you live and travel? That
 should determine your choice.

 I don't like any of those phones, including iPhone, but for $99 why not an
 HTC--T-Mobile has been using them successfully for a few years. Maybe you
 can haggle to get the price down like I did at T-Mo. If I had a choice, I'd
 get a Nokia with WiFi, but I doubt Verizon has them. WiFi is nice.
 Touchscreen is nice, but not a deal-breaker. Besides, I already have an iPod

 Does ATT cover better in AZ [aren't you in AZ?] than in SoCal? Coverage is
 most important, unless you plan to carry two phones.


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Re: [CGUYS] big decisions

2009-08-06 Thread Mike

My contract is up soon. The hero is going to sprint.

Sent from my iPod

On Aug 6, 2009, at 5:33 AM, Jeff Wright jswri...@gmail.com wrote:

I wouldn't mind an HTC Hero, but the last I read, it wasn't coming to

-Original Message-
Coverage isn't an issue where I live, not enough of one to force me  


carrier.  I'm already with tmobile so obviously coverage is not my

My concern are cost and the quality of access to the internet from  
handset and then coverage.  The touchscreen phones are the only  
ones with
above average browsing experience, right now it's iphone or the  
palm or

perhaps android.  Opera on WM on an HTC handset is a possibility.

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Re: [CGUYS] Computer gadgets in cars

2009-08-06 Thread Mike


Sent from my iPod

On Aug 6, 2009, at 10:03 AM, Chris Dunford seed...@gmail.com wrote:

Ninety percent of drivers claim to be above average and therefore
think they should be allowed to paste any junk they want on their

And how do you know that 90% of drivers AREN'T above average?

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Re: [CGUYS] Healthcare

2009-08-06 Thread mike
Do a google search for 'complete lives system' (no quotes please you bing
users), see what the big O's health care advisor believes.  There are two or
three in his admin who believe such things.  If you believe in it, shiny, if
not, it's a little scary.

On Thu, Aug 6, 2009 at 4:19 PM, Rev. Stewart Marshall 
popoz...@earthlink.net wrote:

 No it is true.

 Go to your doctor and usually he will give you options on what he can do.

 Occasionally the insurance company will come back and say we will not cover
 options b c or d.  It also tells me which doctors and hospitals I can use.
  I pay extra costs to use ones out of network.

 My prescription company rations me on which drugs I can take.  I had top
 change high blood pressure medications this year due to my prescription plan
 no longer offering the generic.  (It is still available but they do not deal
 with that drug company)

 They also ration by charging me co-pays and deductibles.

 All told I will pay out 3-4000 dollars this year in co-pays and deductibles
 (no one was hospitalized by the way)

 That includes the over 14K that is paid for my insurance.  (I have the
 cheapest option the best insurance which would leave me with less out of
 pocket costs well over 16K a year, my church chose the cheap option)

 We ration using various methods.  Most of them are financial.

 Basic health care without a lot of frills would not be overly expensive.

 It would take a lot of give on every ones part especially those making all
 the profits off of health care.

 Plus we would have to learn to not expect so much.

 Hospitals in Canada do not have TV's in every room.  You rent them!


 At 06:01 PM 8/6/2009, you wrote:

 That's a talking point, right? Didn't someone just publish several
 pages of those to use when responding to the mobs? Social media
 exploited in the Islamic Republic of Iran. Here to similarly by all
 parties moving forward, not just the Progressives?  Interesting.

 btw, OS choices are also rationed by the OS providing companies?

 Rev. Stewart A. Marshall
 Prince of Peace www.princeofpeaceozark.org
 Ozark, AL  SL 82

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Re: [CGUYS] Brutal Zune Review..and on to winmo

2009-08-06 Thread mike
Speaking of, MS is apparently zune-ifying windows mobile.  It can't be any
worse then the current os, I've seen a few vids online of the new OS, it
looks nice.  Basically the home screen is like zune's and the internal
screens are larger so you can toss the damn stylus and use that one your
were born with.  With the velocity of the iphone and the early adoption of
android, will this late comer make a dent in the mobile handset market?

On Thu, Aug 6, 2009 at 6:44 PM, Jeff Wright jswri...@gmail.com wrote:

  Zune HD Sounds Like a Winner - If it Had Been Announced in August 2007

 An iPod snob waving his hanky and sniffing at the riff-raff.

 Oh yeah, savage.

 Maybe he'll actually touch one, one day.

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Re: [CGUYS] BOGO [was: Finally an FCC that earns its keep]

2009-08-05 Thread Mike

How do you run windows programs without window on a mac?

That asked, I have the opposite experience with pc's, they continue to  
run with no issues.  Cheap hardware is cheap hardware, just because  
you can buy a cheap pc doesn't mean you should.

Sent from my iPod

On Aug 5, 2009, at 4:23 PM, b_s-wilk b1sun...@yahoo.es wrote:

  Kinda like all those Windows users who tell me that they would  

 to switch to Macs but for the fact that they have too much money
 already invested in Windows apps.

Sunk costs is a reasonable ...er... reason for not investing in a new
Unlike Uncle Moneybags Piwowar, some of us have budgets and limited
resources.  We have to live within our means.

We can run Windows on our Macs. We can run Windows programs without  
Windows. We can run Mac OS X on our Macs. We can run Linux on our  
Macs. Buy one, get two/three free. Macs have longer useful life than  
PCs. Buy one, get three/four free.

Living within our means includes planning ahead and getting the most  
useful and long-lived computer. A PC that costs $700 is more  
expensive than a Mac that costs $1200 due to installed hardware/ 
software, versatility and longevity of the Macs.

Plan ahead.

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Re: [CGUYS] Well-thought analysis of MSFT ...MORE

2009-08-04 Thread mike
Mac exploits are also not worth much on the open market.

On Mon, Aug 3, 2009 at 11:17 PM, John Duncan Yoyo

 I think part of the reason the Mac gets taken first in PWN to OWN is that
 is the only one worth the effort.

 On Sat, Aug 1, 2009 at 11:10 AM, mike xha...@gmail.com wrote:

  Right...that's why OS X gets taken out every time first time at the pwn
  own.  I know actual results and facts and stuff confudle you, but keep
  On Sat, Aug 1, 2009 at 8:00 AM, TPiwowar t...@tjpa.com wrote:
   On Jul 31, 2009, at 4:41 PM, mike wrote:
   Too true.  Marketshare in itself does not imply security or lack of.
   logic does seem to dictate that those who go after the insecure OS's
   after the one with larger marketshare since they don't seem to go
   one with smaller marketshare which has been proven to be no more
   has been said time and time again, OS X is security by obscurity, not
   design.  But the end result for the user is more security just the
   1) Why go for the unlikely explanation and tortuous logic when there is
   direct and simple explanation?
   People find potential problems in all operating systems and
   issue patches all the time. Potential is not actual. If you can't tell
   difference you are living in fantasy land. Meanwhile, Windows gets
   compromised all the time and there are hundreds of real exploits in the
   wild. As I mentioned earlier, the I Love You virus was huge and it
   written by a student taking his first programming course. It takes not
   genius to do this. Windows is exploited a lot because it is so easy.
   2) You do your cause no credit by spouting untruths.
   Much of the Mac OS is open source UNIX. Apple's browser, Safari, is
   open-source WebKit. Apache is open source. MySQL is open source. Etc.
   Macs come loaded with open source software. It is not security by
   obscurity it is security by good engineering.
   I was just reading in Politico about the con/neocon birthers and I
   not help making the connection with the false debating tactics and
   obfuscations the WFBs spread in this List. Politico called it
   evasion and seeking shelter... behind rhetorical figments. I could
   have said it better.
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 John Duncan Yoyo

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[CGUYS] big decisions

2009-08-04 Thread mike
Ok, this coming October I was pretty much set on the iPhone..the apps, full
HTML browsing etc was worth going to AT$T.  At least from what I know.

Verizon just decided to combat the iPhone with HTC Diamond and Touch pro
each for 99 bux.

Anyone with experience with either of those phones have input?  I've used
winmo before, I can deal with the blood shooting from my eyes if I'm getting
a much better deal any other way.  Anyone use the newer version of
touchflo?  Thoughts?

I'm also in line for a 20% discount if I go with verizon..another point in
their favor.  Another contender that could be a possibility is the
blackberry storm although that is a laggert.

Any thoughts or rants welcome, TIA.


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Re: [CGUYS] big decisions

2009-08-04 Thread mike
Yes, I know, I've scratched my eyes out before when I had a WM phone...but
at 99 bux..and verizon...and no hope in sight for the iphone to be
released.  On top of the very closed system on iphone for their apps.  At
least the apps that matter.

On Tue, Aug 4, 2009 at 11:48 AM, TPiwowar t...@tjpa.com wrote:

 On Aug 4, 2009, at 2:21 PM, mike wrote:

 Ok, this coming October I was pretty much set on the iPhone..the apps,
 HTML browsing etc was worth going to AT$T.  At least from what I know.

 What!? Tell us that you are not going to hold out for the new Windows

 I don't believe it.

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Re: [CGUYS] big decisions

2009-08-04 Thread mike
I haven't read that particular article, but have been hearing the rumblings
from podcasters and bloggers.  Even if all the bad things that are said
about the hardware (not the ATT side), the iPhone is still head and
shoulders above anything else out there.  The app situation is causing me to
pause somewhat, but I don't think enough to jump into the horrors of WINMO.

Two things I found out since I started this thread.  One, I get a 22%
discount at Sprint.  Two, the hero is coming to Sprint in October.  I sense
a convergence...

On Tue, Aug 4, 2009 at 3:30 PM, John Settle john_j_set...@yahoo.com wrote:

 mike wrote:

 Ok, this coming October I was pretty much set on the iPhone..the apps,
 HTML browsing etc was worth going to AT$T.


 Have you seen this article in the W.P. ?



 Sous le ciel tout étoilé
 John Settle  Personal Webpage:  Urban Astro
 Images http://home.comcast.net/%7Ejjs-cts/

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Re: [CGUYS] Well-thought analysis of MSFT - Michael Crichton

2009-08-03 Thread mike
You mean of course like a longer timeline of static temps?

On Sun, Aug 2, 2009 at 7:35 PM, TPiwowar t...@tjpa.com wrote:

 On Aug 2, 2009, at 10:03 PM, Matthew Taylor wrote:

 To amplify my point:

 Reasonable and thoughtful. However, this speech was given over 4-1/2 years
 ago. Since then scientists have accumulated much additional evidence. If he
 were alive today I'm sure he would revise his position.

 Of course in lalaland we are invincible. Confident that Captain America
 will fix it using his super cooling breath or something like that.

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Re: [CGUYS] Gubmint computer grab

2009-08-03 Thread mike
Might want to read The Forgotten Man for another view that isn't about
attacking or defending, but simply listing out facts and letting conclusions
be drawn by the reader.

On Mon, Aug 3, 2009 at 3:59 AM, Chris Dunford seed...@gmail.com wrote:

 This is a truly exceptional post, Constance. I could not find a snippet to
 quote that was any less relevant or important than any other, so I am doing
 something I never do: quoting the whole thing.
 Well done.

  -Original Message-
  From: Computer Guys Discussion List [mailto:
 computerguy...@listserv.aol.com] On Behalf Of Constance
  Sent: Monday, August 03, 2009 1:55 AM
  Subject: Re: [CGUYS] Gubmint computer grab
  Oh, do get real.  In the 1930's, there was 25% unemployment [much
  higher in some places], starvation, ecological collapse, foreign wars
  on the horizon, large numbers of internally displaced people, native
  fascism, a growing U.S. communist party [partly supported by the
  Soviet Union], and an incipient class war.  Working conditions in
  some places in this country [like my home state] were basically Early
  Industrial Revolution--and, if you examine the history, it really was
  as bad as you think.  Things were going to hell very, very fast, and
  it took drastic action to drag the country back from the brink.
  Complete recovery took awhile, but the early measures did help.
  The New Deal saved the country from a lot worse situation than we
  have at present.  In fact, FDR's most notable achievement may have
  been saving capitalism; to a lot of people at the time, communism and
  similar systems were looking pretty good, compared to the mess that
  they blamed, rightly or wrongly, on laissez-faire capitalism and Wall
  Street speculators.  (And no cracks about communism is what we have
  now, please.  As an amateur Kremlinologist with a special interest
  in the satellite countries--remember them?--I know the difference,
  and so do you.)
  I'm a little chagrined that I let myself get baited into joining the
  fray.  I just have to believe that the statements about FDR ruining
  the economy are something in the matter of a joke, or at least an
  exaggeration.  But in my home state, the scars of the Great
  Depression are still visible, so I don't think it's particularly funny.
  And as for worship: I don't care who worships what, really.  I'm
  actually more concerned about exaggerations and outright lies about
  programs like the cash for clunkers program and other proposals of
  this administration.  I won't even speculate about the motives of
  people who lie and exaggerate, because they're sufficiently evident
  not to need further exposition here.  The economy may be in better
  shape than it was last fall, and some of the current programs seem to
  be having some effect.  But the chances are NOT ZERO that we could
  still have another Great Depression; and certain news [sic]
  reporters, by trying to tear down any Democratic program they see,
  and in particular by lying about those programs, seem to be pushing
  us toward the edge of the cliff.

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Re: [CGUYS] No browserless Win7 after all?

2009-08-03 Thread mike
Explorer is installed on the computer, basically IE is still in the code but
not reachable to the user till they decide to install IE or FF etc.

On Mon, Aug 3, 2009 at 3:10 PM, Stephen Brownfield

 It looks like you have a choice, but this ballot appears to be in an IE
 window.  Does that meant that Internet Explorer has already been installed
 on your computer?


 Chris Dunford wrote:

 Since the plan to ship Win7 in Europe without a browser apparently did not
 satisfy regulators, MS has proposed shipping it with IE8 but also allowing
 users to choose between IE8, Firefox, Safari,
 Chrome, or Opera during setup.


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Re: [CGUYS] CARS.GOV Technically A Joy [Was: Gubmint computer grab]

2009-08-02 Thread Mike
And spend millions for what should cost thousands. Their website  
should be a little more then pretty for what we paid.

Sent from my iPod

On Aug 2, 2009, at 12:05 PM, TPiwowar t...@tjpa.com wrote:

On Aug 1, 2009, at 10:02 PM, Tony B wrote:

Glenn claims you better not visit cars.gov (Cash for Clunkers)

I have already been there and spent some time reviewing the code.  
These new Obama web sires are really a joy technically.

Very sparse, clean, and well formatted code. Great use of CSS. Great  
to see the best open source frameworks, like JQuery, used to  
implement interactivity. A model for how web sites ought to be  
coded. Worth your time to study.

Shows us what can happen when you hire the very best.

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Re: [CGUYS] Gubmint computer grab

2009-08-02 Thread mike
That neocon label you toss around is really a moving target, I can't get a
lock on who manages to become one of those except those who you don't agree
with and you don't want to actually debate and just start calling names.

BTW, the other boob that was elected is doing the same thing, he's just
better at it.

On Sun, Aug 2, 2009 at 11:56 AM, TPiwowar t...@tjpa.com wrote:

 On Aug 1, 2009, at 10:02 PM, Tony B wrote:

 Glenn claims you better not visit cars.gov (Cash for Clunkers)
 website, or the feds will own your computer.

 Pretty typical con/neocon stuff. We see enough of that here. Some people
 just prefer to live in lalaland.

 Just imagine if John McCain had won the election boobs like this would be
 running the country and we would be facing the prospect of our grandchildren
 speaking Chinese instead of English.

 On Aug 1, 2009, at 10:02 PM, Tony B wrote:

 I am unable to reproduce his claims.

 You are suppose to take these things on faith. Anything that smells even a
 little bit like science is likely to get you broken on the wheel.

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Re: [CGUYS] Gubmint computer grab

2009-08-02 Thread mike
BTW, the warning that Beck describes does come up, and it does come from a
.gov website but it's the esc.gov website.  The page Beck was showing was
for dealers, LOGIN/PASS protected for dealers enrolled in the cash for
slaughtering pigs...I mean buying clunkers program.  I keep confusing this
president with the one who totaled our economy LAST time.

And for those left wing Che lovers who think the big O is Jesus...I got the
info for this from your bible.  DailyKos.

On Sun, Aug 2, 2009 at 12:10 PM, phartz...@gmail.com phartz...@gmail.comwrote:

 On Sat, Aug 1, 2009 at 10:02 PM, Tony Bton...@gmail.com wrote:

  Glenn claims you better not visit cars.gov (Cash for Clunkers)
  website, or the feds will own your computer. I am unable to reproduce
  his claims.
  (5 mins) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bWs12ccbOiE

   I also experimented by going to the CARS site.  Nothing at all as
 was described by Beck and his  shrilly shilling News Anchor who was
 hosting his diatribe took place.  No Warning dialog box was seen by
 me upon clicking on every link on the site that i could find

 . This News Anchor, some hottie brunette, was saying that the site
 was installing malware cookies on the computers of folks who were
 navigating to the site.  She is clearly an IT expert as well as having
 been a beauty queen prior to being hired up by Fox to be pimped to the
 viewing public.

  I saw that the computer Beck was using, one that he claims to have
 seen the dialog box on that said visitor's computers would be taken
 over by the government and become government property, was an HP
 running Windows.  My machine is a Mac.  Perhaps my test was therefore
 invalid, and the alleged government possession of one's computer is
 limited solely to Windows users.  At any rate, Beck could not get that
 alleged dialog box to appear while he was on the air, and he reverted
 instead to displaying some text on screen to simulate what he claims
 to have seen.  Too bad that outright lying on news programs is not
 illegal.  His ass is covered and he knows it.


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Re: [CGUYS] Just Imagine

2009-08-02 Thread mike
Come on, we're talking about Joe...he's far from silver tongued...

On Sun, Aug 2, 2009 at 2:26 PM, TPiwowar t...@tjpa.com wrote:

 On Aug 2, 2009, at 5:07 PM, phartz...@gmail.com wrote:

 We really don't need such a site, we just happen to have one.  Ain't
 America great?  I'll take a VP who merely says some dumb things as
 opposed to a VP, Cheney, who says and then actually does dumb things.

 Is being a truth teller really stupid? Would you really prefer a silver
 tongued liar?

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Re: [CGUYS] Gubmint computer grab

2009-08-02 Thread mike
I never said he was right.  I just said the site exists.

On Sun, Aug 2, 2009 at 2:36 PM, phartz...@gmail.com phartz...@gmail.comwrote:

 On Sun, Aug 2, 2009 at 4:54 PM, mikexha...@gmail.com wrote:

  BTW, the warning that Beck describes does come up, and it does come from
  .gov website but it's the esc.gov website.  The page Beck was showing
  for dealers, LOGIN/PASS protected for dealers enrolled in the cash for
  slaughtering pigs...I mean buying clunkers program.  I keep confusing
  president with the one who totaled our economy LAST time.

   Lets be clear about this.  Beck flat out says on that Fox News piece
 that the site is CARS.GOV and he warns all of America, clearly meaning
 we the people, not to log onto that site.  He makes no mention
 whatsoever about any other website, such as the one that you have
 pointed out.  He does say that dealers who log onto their area of the
 site, which is password protected and not available to the general
 public, are presented with this notice.

  However, with the help of the brunette ex-beauty queen News
 anchorette, both he and she then devolve into a rant about how
 ordinary Americans, seeking to take advantage of this CARS program,
 will find themselves mired in a morass of malware cookies and
 turning over their computers to the federal government.  Therein you
 find the lies and distortions.

  By the way, who was this last President who totaled our economy?


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Re: [CGUYS] CARS.GOV Technically A Joy [Was: Gubmint computer grab]

2009-08-02 Thread mike
AWESOME!  We're good then.  WOOHOO.

Actually you don't need the NSA to take over your system, just an iPhone and
a couple of texts..

On Sun, Aug 2, 2009 at 2:41 PM, phartz...@gmail.com phartz...@gmail.comwrote:

 On Sun, Aug 2, 2009 at 4:33 PM, Mikexha...@gmail.com wrote:

  And spend millions for what should cost thousands. Their website should
 be a
  little more then pretty for what we paid.

   Apparently their website is quite a bit more than just pretty for
 what we paid.  According to Beck and the anchorette, that website has
 capabilities similar to what one would find at the NSA, capable of
 taking over your computer and doing anything it wants with any and all
 of your data, even turning it over to foreign governments, such as
 Pakistan or Absurdistan.


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Re: [CGUYS] Gubmint computer grab

2009-08-02 Thread mike
Are you sure?  I think the FEMA camps are there...

On Sun, Aug 2, 2009 at 3:12 PM, TPiwowar t...@tjpa.com wrote:

 On Aug 2, 2009, at 5:51 PM, mike wrote:

 I never said he was right.  I just said the site exists.

 I tracked it down. It is here...

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Re: [CGUYS] CARS.GOV Technically A Joy [Was: Gubmint computer grab]

2009-08-02 Thread mike

Make sure you tell everyone that was at blackhat that it didn't happen.

On Sun, Aug 2, 2009 at 3:18 PM, TPiwowar t...@tjpa.com wrote:

 On Aug 2, 2009, at 5:53 PM, mike wrote:

 Actually you don't need the NSA to take over your system, just an iPhone
 a couple of texts..

 You keep insisting on things that never happened while ignoring things that
 happen all the time. You are definitely living in lalaland.

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Re: [CGUYS] Well-thought analysis of MSFT ...MORE

2009-08-02 Thread mike
It was never exploited out in the wild.  The patch was out weeks after Apple
knew about it, not the next day.   The patch was out the day after the
exploit was shown at the blackhat conference, Apple realized they couldn't
put it off anymore.

On Sun, Aug 2, 2009 at 3:29 PM, TPiwowar t...@tjpa.com wrote:

 On Aug 2, 2009, at 5:15 PM, Roy A. Ackerman, Ph.D., E.A. wrote:

 Absolutely NOT, Tom.  There just is no point in debating facts with one
 only wants to employ facts that either are invented (Gartner clearly
 contravenes Apple- and the penalties for lying- in spite of your coy,
 smart-aleck reply- require jail time of some sort or another) or invented
 out of thin air.

 You are out in lalaland. Apple always does this. It is well known. Stock
 bloggers complain about this all the time...

 But that picture, perfectly tells the story on AAPL's earnings tonight,
 and AAPL's phony guidance.
 Put a picture out for a billion Apps, when they've done 1.5 billion, and
 it's misleading.
 But purposely underestimate your earnings numbers, and it's not. It's just
 Wall Street.
 After all, isn't that how AAPL works?

 On Aug 2, 2009, at 5:15 PM, Roy A. Ackerman, Ph.D., E.A. wrote:

 And, the same experts that enunciated this exploits are the ones who
 enunciated them for M$ that M$ failed to act upon, leaving problems for
 Apple knew of at least some of these- and did not act- but one would hope
 now that they are more publically available- will respond. If not, guard
 your data and your mailing lists- and your phones.

 There you are in lalaland again. The patch was out the next day. Nothing
 was ever exploited. You keep fuming about things that never happened and
 then get all bent out of shape when I cite things that did happen. You live
 a fantasy.

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Re: [CGUYS] Gubmint computer grab

2009-08-02 Thread mike
I didn't answer, so you don't know who I meant.

On Sun, Aug 2, 2009 at 3:36 PM, phartz...@gmail.com phartz...@gmail.comwrote:

 On Sun, Aug 2, 2009 at 5:53 PM, Matthew Taylortaylorsmatt...@gmail.com


  That's who I thought you meant.  Hadda be a democrat, right?  I was
 thinkin' of someone else.


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Re: [CGUYS] Well-thought analysis of MSFT ...MORE

2009-08-02 Thread mike
That's true, I cling.  I note you can't dispute the facts however.

On Sun, Aug 2, 2009 at 3:49 PM, TPiwowar t...@tjpa.com wrote:

 On Aug 2, 2009, at 6:37 PM, mike wrote:

 It was never exploited out in the wild.  The patch was out weeks after
 knew about it, not the next day.   The patch was out the day after the
 exploit was shown at the blackhat conference, Apple realized they couldn't
 put it off anymore.

 It is amusing to watch you desperately cling to your lalaland passport.

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Re: [CGUYS] Wireless keyboard w. built-in mouse/ pointer for mac??

2009-08-02 Thread mike
I have a wireless mouse with no issues.  I don't game much...just URT URT.

On Sun, Aug 2, 2009 at 4:07 PM, phartz...@gmail.com phartz...@gmail.comwrote:

 On Sun, Aug 2, 2009 at 6:52 PM, TPiwowart...@tjpa.com wrote:

  Tony is correct.
  Connection tends to wander off and on at times too. Not so good for

   I also understand that the bluetooth connection, because it is
 pulsed as opposed to continuous, presents problems as well.


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Re: [CGUYS] Just Imagine

2009-08-02 Thread Mike

I knew you were browncoat!

On Aug 2, 2009, at 5:50 PM, Jeff Wright jswri...@gmail.com wrote:

Your grandchildren are going to be speaking Chinese no matter who gets
elected.  Shiny.

Gao yang jong duh goo yang!

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Re: [CGUYS] Google: 2nd hit. Bing: Not in 100 hits.

2009-08-01 Thread mike
1% pay...

Google's link was on the first page...Bing was 77.

On Fri, Jul 31, 2009 at 9:29 PM, Alvin Auerbach

 Google: 2nd hit was what I wanted.

 I checked the first 100 hits from Bing, and found nothing. I did a find on
 each Bing page for 1% None of the first 100 Bing hits had that term. I
 then stopped checking.

 Search term: 1% own

 Google's second hit: World's richest 1% own 40% of all wealth,  UN report
 discovers ...

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Re: [CGUYS] iPhone 3GS encryption useless

2009-08-01 Thread mike
You must have missed the part where apple was notified of this security
issue weeks ago...I know you wouldn't choose to ignore facts like that.

On Sat, Aug 1, 2009 at 8:01 AM, TPiwowar t...@tjpa.com wrote:

 On Jul 31, 2009, at 7:18 PM, mike wrote:

 Next day, six weeks...whatever...

 I accept your resignation.

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Re: [CGUYS] Well-thought analysis of MSFT ...MORE

2009-08-01 Thread mike
Right...that's why OS X gets taken out every time first time at the pwn to
own.  I know actual results and facts and stuff confudle you, but keep

On Sat, Aug 1, 2009 at 8:00 AM, TPiwowar t...@tjpa.com wrote:

 On Jul 31, 2009, at 4:41 PM, mike wrote:

 Too true.  Marketshare in itself does not imply security or lack of.  But
 logic does seem to dictate that those who go after the insecure OS's go
 after the one with larger marketshare since they don't seem to go after
 one with smaller marketshare which has been proven to be no more secure.
 has been said time and time again, OS X is security by obscurity, not by
 design.  But the end result for the user is more security just the same.

 1) Why go for the unlikely explanation and tortuous logic when there is a
 direct and simple explanation?

 People find potential problems in all operating systems and manufacturers
 issue patches all the time. Potential is not actual. If you can't tell the
 difference you are living in fantasy land. Meanwhile, Windows gets
 compromised all the time and there are hundreds of real exploits in the
 wild. As I mentioned earlier, the I Love You virus was huge and it was
 written by a student taking his first programming course. It takes not
 genius to do this. Windows is exploited a lot because it is so easy.

 2) You do your cause no credit by spouting untruths.

 Much of the Mac OS is open source UNIX. Apple's browser, Safari, is
 open-source WebKit. Apache is open source. MySQL is open source. Etc. Etc.
 Macs come loaded with open source software. It is not security by
 obscurity it is security by good engineering.

 I was just reading in Politico about the con/neocon birthers and I could
 not help making the connection with the false debating tactics and
 obfuscations the WFBs spread in this List. Politico called it no-nothing
 evasion and seeking shelter... behind rhetorical figments. I could not
 have said it better.

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Re: [CGUYS] Advertising for cell phones

2009-08-01 Thread mike
Specifically to the topic...what happened to highly subsidized android
phones?  They cost as much or more then other PDA phones.

I'm hoping and wishing the hero goes to verizon, but I can see the trend
that it will run at least 200 if not 300 considering it's quality compared
to the mytouch 200 dollar android phone on tmobile.

On Sat, Aug 1, 2009 at 7:27 AM, Paul Meyer paulj...@yahoo.com wrote:

 Parents who have enough money to spend thousands on their kids
 electronics are probably spending ungodly hours at work in the first
 place to be able to afford it.  Kids of successful parents typically
 feel ignored, or worse, don't realize what they've missed. Not a
 choice I would make personally.

 - Original Message 
 From: Jeff Wright jswri...@gmail.com
 Sent: Thursday, July 16, 2009 7:21:21 PM
 Subject: Re: [CGUYS] Advertising for cell phones

  These days a $1,600 computer
  for a nine year old is par for the course, along with the cellphone,
  the game machine. the digital camera and Lord knows what else.  And we
  wonder why so many seem to need special ed to know the difference
  betewwn work and play?

 Even then, there are levels of magnitude in kid-dom.

 My kids having been using computers since they were 2.  I feel it's
 important for them to have that skill.  They get my hand-built

 I bought an 4-year old Xbox from a cousin for $75.  My son used his
 allowance to buy a used Gamecube the other day.  It's probably 5 or 6 years
 old, but he loves playing Mario Bros Smash.  They have limits on playing
 time.  No gaming during the week while school's in and bad grades will make
 the games disappear altogether.

 TV is heavily controlled.  Good behavior is rewarded.  Bad behavior, not so

 My daughter has a 2 Gig Sansa Clip, that she got for Xmas and has a $50,
 bottom-of-the-line digital camera to encourage her creative side, which is
 quite creative.  She uses it all the time, making stop-motion movies with
 it.  I might give my son my old 1 Gig Sansa.

 They don't have cell phones, PSPs, Nintendo DSi's, a Wii nor an iPhone nor
 any of the other gold plated gadgets that all their friends seem to have.

 They read quite a bit, play outside and play with Legos, too.  My daughter
 writes poetry, makes films, draws prodigiously and my son, well, he's not
 too creative, but he loves playing sports.  I believe that everything can
 done in moderation without them becoming complete slackers.

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Re: [CGUYS] Privacy [was: Gmail issue]

2009-08-01 Thread mike
I was thinking the same thing..I thought that's what IMAP was.

On Sat, Aug 1, 2009 at 8:27 AM, TPiwowar t...@tjpa.com wrote:

 On Aug 1, 2009, at 7:11 AM, betty wrote:

 I don't like IMAP except for my iPod Touch. It's a pain to clean up more
 than location for

 I don't understand. I use IMAP from multiple locations and even leave the
 client running all the time on multiple computers. It all synchs up just
 fine. I keep my rules on one computer and it sorts my incoming emails into
 folders I can see from any location. The only glitch is that there are
 usually a few unsorted emails in my inbox that don't get sorted until the
 rules get applied from that one computer. I wish I could run rules on the
 server, but that is not really a serious problem.

 What do you mean by pain to clean up?

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Re: [CGUYS] Well-thought analysis of MSFT ...MORE

2009-08-01 Thread mike
I think yer in the wrong class...phych 101 is down the hall.

On Sat, Aug 1, 2009 at 8:37 AM, TPiwowar t...@tjpa.com wrote:

 On Aug 1, 2009, at 11:10 AM, mike wrote:

 Right...that's why OS X gets taken out every time first time at the pwn to
 own.  I know actual results and facts and stuff confudle you, but keep

 PSYCH 101: The most wretched and oppressed are often the ones who cling
 tightest to the belief that this is the way the world is supposed to be.

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Re: [CGUYS] Well-thought analysis of MSFT ...

2009-08-01 Thread mike
Funny how all the mac fan boi press are keen observers.

On Sat, Aug 1, 2009 at 8:42 AM, TPiwowar t...@tjpa.com wrote:

 On Jul 31, 2009, at 8:39 AM, Business Her Way wrote:

 John Gruber is a keen observer. M$ can't seem to gets its brain around the
 concept of quality.

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Re: [CGUYS] Well-thought analysis of MSFT ... NOT

2009-08-01 Thread mike
MS hasn't thrown anyone out windows lately either.

On Sat, Aug 1, 2009 at 8:49 AM, TPiwowar t...@tjpa.com wrote:

 On Jul 31, 2009, at 9:16 AM, Roy A. Ackerman, Ph.D., E.A. wrote:

 In addition, Apple outsources the bulk of its production to China.  You
 do your own political calculations with that.

 The Macintosh is a Communist plot. I think I have heard that one before.

 And M$ has no dealings wit these Reds. Sure...

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Re: [CGUYS] Tony's Search [Was Google: 2nd hit. Bing: Not in 100 hits}

2009-08-01 Thread mike
I never use bing, but I couldn't resist on this one.  I searched for one
percent own wealth and all of the first 15 links given were germane.  All of


Perhaps we need to start a site 'let me bing that for you' since some can't
seem to use it.

On Sat, Aug 1, 2009 at 9:25 AM, Alvin Auerbach

 Tony, I tried your suggestion, one percent own wealth

 Google said:
 No results found for one percent own wealth.,
 Results for one percent own wealth (without quotes):

 Then all ten hits on the page were germane.
 Bing said:
 We did not find any results for one percent own wealth.
 Try one of these related suggestions
 One Percent Motorcycle Club
 One Percent Realty
 The One Percent Doctrine
 Jamie Johnson
 One Percent Movie
 1 Percent
 One Percent Pipes
 Other resources that may help you:
 Get additional search tips by visiting Web Search Help.
 If you cannot find a page that you know exists,  send the address to us.

 Bing had NO meaningful results!

 On Aug 1, 2009, at 9:27 AM, Tony B wrote:

  1% own is a really bad search, so let's not blame the search engine.
 First, it uses the % sign, which is often an operator. But worse, it's
 too short to get a meaningful response. That Google was able to get it
 on your first page probably has to do with you having browsed a story
 about it recently. Especially if you have Google Desktop installed.

 A much better search would be one percent own wealth, where pretty
 much any engine - Bing included - will put meaningful results on page

 On Sat, Aug 1, 2009 at 12:29 AM, Alvin
 Auerbachalvin.auerb...@verizon.net wrote:

 Google: 2nd hit was what I wanted.

 I checked the first 100 hits from Bing, and found nothing. I did a find
 each Bing page for 1% None of the first 100 Bing hits had that term. I
 then stopped checking.

 Search term: 1% own

 Google's second hit: World's richest 1% own 40% of all wealth,  UN report
 discovers ...

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Re: [CGUYS] Well-thought analysis of MSFT ... NOT

2009-08-01 Thread mike
Oh, so that's why Apple lowers prices, panic..

On Sat, Aug 1, 2009 at 9:32 AM, TPiwowar t...@tjpa.com wrote:

 M$ management in a panic starts fire sale...


 Microsoft has long enjoyed Olympian profit margins, using its monopoly
 power to maintain prices on its software even in tough times. But now, amid
 a terrible downturn and rising competition, CEO Steven A. Ballmer is
 shifting to a scrappier approach. He is cutting prices on a variety of
 fronts, from flagship Windows and Office products to newfangled Internet

 Microsoft has so many promotions for Office that its effective price is
 $100, down from $150, and even lower in such countries as Brazil and

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Re: [CGUYS] Well-thought analysis of MSFT ...MORE

2009-07-31 Thread mike
Too true.  Marketshare in itself does not imply security or lack of.  But
logic does seem to dictate that those who go after the insecure OS's go
after the one with larger marketshare since they don't seem to go after the
one with smaller marketshare which has been proven to be no more secure.  As
has been said time and time again, OS X is security by obscurity, not by
design.  But the end result for the user is more security just the same.

On Fri, Jul 31, 2009 at 12:51 PM, TPiwowar t...@tjpa.com wrote:

 What security failures. Should you truthfully be calling it discovery of
 potential flaws? It ain't a security failure if it hasn't been exploited
 and it hasn't. Just like you are potentially deceased, but I'm sure you
 don't want us to consider you dead. By your faulty logic we are all dead

  ...as Apple market share augments, its desirability as a target...

 This is more faulty logic. Products with large market shares do not have to
 be defective. You use one company, M$, as your model and come up with wild
 assertions. You are not thinking straight.

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Re: [CGUYS] iPhone 3GS encryption useless

2009-07-31 Thread mike
Next day, six weeks...whatever...

On Fri, Jul 31, 2009 at 4:00 PM, TPiwowar t...@tjpa.com wrote:

 On Jul 29, 2009, at 7:53 AM, Jeff Wright wrote:

 iPhone SMS attack to be unleashed at Black Hat

 Apple on Friday released iPhone Software Update 3.0.1, which fixes the SMS
 vulnerability demonstrated at the Black Hat security conference on

 Next-day service on security fixes. Hard to beat that!

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Re: [CGUYS] GMail issues

2009-07-30 Thread Mike

Golly... Two WHOLE hours???

Sent from my iPod

On Jul 30, 2009, at 8:45 AM, Steve Rigby phartz...@gmail.com wrote:

 Finally, a confirmation that GMail is, yet again, failing its  
users.  Of course, Google will not post any info on this new  
breakdown on their site so that users can ascertain why they are  
having problems.  At least now, thanks to a third party, I know why  
I cannot use my browser to connect to GMail.

Google’s Gmail email service suffers new problems


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Re: [CGUYS] InfoWorld on Win7 UI

2009-07-29 Thread Mike Sloane
As the owner/user of half a dozen networked XP machines that date back 
quite a few years and have half to one meg of ram and under 2 MHz 
processors, I have to ask myself what advantage there is of Win7 over 
XP. I am not a gamer or need to deal with video files; I don't watch TV 
on my PC (or even on the TV for that matter), and my main use for the 
computers is Email, Web surfing, some light document preparation and 
reading, as well as the handling of images from my digital camera. As a 
retiree, why should I be forced to upgrade from XP to Win7, especially 
if it means replacing some/all of my machines (that now work just fine) 
with brand news ones at considerable expense and time, plus the hassle 
of moving files over, buying upgrades to existing applications (if they 
are even available), replacing hardware that may not have new drivers, etc?

I am not on a crusade or anything, I am just curious as to the rationale 
for such an upgrade.


Chris Dunford wrote:

From the MS lapdogs over at InfoWorld:

Windows 7 drives a wedge of innovation into the heart of the Save XP

It's true: Windows 7 will drive the single biggest renaissance in
Windows application design since the debut of Windows 95 nearly 15
years ago. ... As I pored over the various examples of Jump List 
variations and animated Taskbar icon overlays, it struck me just how

much the Windows UI has evolved with Windows 7. For the first time in
recent memory, I'm actually excited at the prospect of seeing how
third-party developers exploit the myriad new conventions.


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Re: [CGUYS] InfoWorld on Win7 UI

2009-07-29 Thread Mike Sloane

Jeff Wright wrote:

As the owner/user of half a dozen networked XP machines


If XP is handling everything for you, then why upgrade?  XP SP3 is
being supported for 5 more years.

You don't run as admin on these machines, right?
No, of course not - I have user accounts on all of them and use them. 
For the machine that I use for a print server, I don't even log into it, 
except for occasionally checking for MS security updates.

As a retiree, why should I be
forced to upgrade from XP to Win7snip?

Who is forcing you to upgrade?
I guess forced was the wrong word and probably should have been 
omitted from the sentence. It just seems that there is considerable 
marketing pressure on people like me to upgrade. And I find that 
unfortunate. The reality is that, if these machines are still chugging 
along in 5 years but support becomes a problem, I will just move over 
to Linux, which seems to be improving daily. I have a couple of machines 
running the latest version of Ubuntu, and I am very happy with that. (By 
the way, none of these machines were purchased - they are all 
hand-me-downs or rescued from various dumpsters during town cleanup days 
that I run.)


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Re: [CGUYS] Healthcare

2009-07-29 Thread mike
Indeed, there are other words also that the left likes to toss around like
racist and homophobe.  These show you the conversation is over also.

On Wed, Jul 29, 2009 at 8:48 AM, Steve at Verizon stevet...@verizon.netwrote:

 This non-radical right Obama disagreer agrees with you. For those of you
 not aware of Godwin's Law,


 Part of the entry states:

 For example, there is a tradition in many newsgroups and other Internet
 discussion forums that once such a comparison is made, the thread is
 finished and whoever mentioned the Nazis has automatically lost whatever
 debate http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Debate was in progress.

 Jordan wrote:

 Andy Gallant wrote:

 I strongly object to paragraphs five and seven of your posting, and in
 particular, to your use of highly objectionable terms and comparisons.

 Radical right Obama hate media can't resist such disgusting crap.

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[CGUYS] Great earnings report doesn't stop apple from being stu...stu...stupid

2009-07-29 Thread mike
Apple is now claiming that jailbroken iPhones could crash cell networks here
and abroad.


On an unrelated note, I haven't heard much about that guy who leaked the 4g
iphone..you know the one that 'fell' out the window after corporate execs
kidnapped him and held him hostage for questioning.  If this were a
manufacturer of a zoon we'd hear how ballmer himself tossed the guy out the
window..I won't go that far, but clearly jobs made a phone call and got the
trash taken out.

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Re: [CGUYS] Healthcare

2009-07-29 Thread mike
Were these larouchies upset because obama's plan isn't left enough?

On Wed, Jul 29, 2009 at 11:03 AM, b_s-wilk b1sun...@yahoo.es wrote:

 Obama's health reform is an exact copy of Hitler's t-4 program where
 he stated  that lives not worth of life should be given a mercy death.

 There is a very nice  pamphlet which explains this more fully at
 http://www.larouchepac.com/files/media/Act_NowPOST.pdf so download

 No Nazi health care program in America!!

 I talked to a bunch of LaRouchies on Saturday about this. The propaganda
 they were handing out was full of lies and distortions--disguised racism,
 full of hate. The programs being discussed recently in Congress are more
 like the Dutch system. LaRouche took an aside comment that was a bad joke
 and is using it to slam Obama and Congress. BTW, is LaRouche still in jail?

 Bringing up Nazis means you have nothing more to say. Internet rules.

 *Godwin's law*! [a.k.a. Godwin's Rule of Nazi Analogies]

 End of your comments! Bye, bye.

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Re: [CGUYS] OS X blackhat training

2009-07-29 Thread mike
Don't they sell those on late night cable tv?

On Wed, Jul 29, 2009 at 11:22 AM, Jeff Wright jswri...@gmail.com wrote:

 Never mind, I get it, it's just the patented Piwowar Hypocrisy Pump in
 action again.

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Re: [CGUYS] COMPUTERGUYS-L Digest - 29 Jul 2009 - Special issue (#2009-708)

2009-07-29 Thread mike
Why would a flash clone be similiar to an OS?

On Wed, Jul 29, 2009 at 3:25 PM, David K Watson

 Microsoft EOLed Office 2004 this year (i.e., after only 5 years),
 so your example isn't particularly strong one, especially since
 you are comparing an application to an entire OS.

 But if applications are fair game, MS released Internet Explorer
 5.2 for OS X in 2002, stopped updating it in 2003, and officially
 ended support for it in 2005.

 Moving to something somewhat more analogous to an OS, I'd be
 interested in knowing if Silverlight 1 is still being supported.  After
 I can imagine that there are people who would say that it works just
 fine for them and don't want the troubles of an upgrade, etc.

  From:Jeff Wright jswri...@gmail.com

  Apple supports the current and previous versions of the OS. They price
 OS upgrades very reasonably and they have a quality product (not Vista).
 is easy for their customers to keep up and they get lots of value with
 upgrade. It makes little sense to support X.3.

 I should add that the Microsoft Office updater on the same Macs is
 having no trouble finding and installing updates to Office 2004, which
 is roughly the same age as 10.3.

 I'm sure they're only doing it to make Apple look bad.  Apple rules
 and MS drools.  Everyone knows that.

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Re: [CGUYS] Wish m luck...

2009-07-28 Thread mike
very cool.

On Tue, Jul 28, 2009 at 7:46 AM, TPiwowar t...@tjpa.com wrote:

 Get an EFI-X card to handle multi-booting and enable installing of OS X
 too. Cool hardware.

 On Jul 27, 2009, at 11:42 AM, Marcio wrote:

  Time off to sudy this dual boot... I already have a boot C: and a Data
 D:... I am no sure if I can put a third HD and have he option to boot frm
 it...  Computers are fun...up to a pont...

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Re: [CGUYS] Healthcare

2009-07-28 Thread mike
 I heard recently that the UK is banning certain drugs.  In an environment
such as that, who will create the wonder drugs of the future?

On Tue, Jul 28, 2009 at 8:09 AM, TPiwowar t...@tjpa.com wrote:

 On Jul 26, 2009, at 11:34 PM, Fred Holmes wrote:

 Absolutely wrong.  There must always be choices.  The customer must always
 have somewhere else to go when the service he is currently receiving is
 unsatisfactory.  Single payer is tyranny.

 Single-payer systems typically include the opportunity for paying for care
 privately. Single-payer does not mean single provider. Why do the
 cons/neocons keep dragging in irrelevant boogeymen? It does not help the

 When I broke my eyeglasses in London, even though I was an American, I was
 offered National Health glasses or I could get a swanky pair. I had the
 means to get a swanky pair so I did. I was also grateful to have the choice
 of a pair for almost nothing should I have been in poorer financial

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Re: [CGUYS] Healthcare

2009-07-28 Thread mike
Who is advocating that and what exactly does it mean?

On Tue, Jul 28, 2009 at 8:02 AM, TPiwowar t...@tjpa.com wrote:

 Curiously, the same people who rail against fixing healthcare with weird
 tales of single payer systems will happily support the single-provider
 system when it comes to computer operating systems and software.

 Can somebody bring us back on topic and explain that to me?

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Re: [CGUYS] Healthcare

2009-07-28 Thread mike
I've wondered something along these lines...why are we creating yet another
system when there are already half a dozen?  Yet one more large bureaucracy
when we should consolidate the others.

On Tue, Jul 28, 2009 at 8:48 AM, Roy A. Ackerman, Ph.D., E.A. 
acker...@astrecg.com wrote:

 The debate is, as usual, between those who do (at least a little) research
 to discern the facts and those who determine the situation without having
 any basis.  That is the problem with American politics today.

 We need not even use any other example than our own country to determine
 health care can be improved in America.  That removes the differences
 between attitudes, incompetencies, and mores from the equation.

 Some of us are old enough to have fought the battle in 1976 to have the
 costs of dialysis treatment covered in the US. (Some of you may even recall
 the famous Life article depicting the life and death committees that
 determined who were entitled and who were refused the treatment.) The same
 BS complaints existed (from the same political spectrum).  Yes, there is a
 problem- it only covers one disease.  Yes, there is a problem, our
 government is so panicked that the practitioners will steal from the system
 that they spend almost $ 1 in oversight for every $ 1 in benefit.  (THAT
 REFORM!).  Yet, in some 30+ years, we have been able to treat Americans
 to about the best dialysis care found anywhere.  And, it is a single payer-
 Medicare (once you have been on dialysis for about 9 months or so, no
 private health insurance is involved).  And, it is multi-provider.

 Please study facts- not half-hearted (or fully bloviated) opinion pieces
 that have no clue how/why/where health care operates - here or elsewhere.

 Eschew Obfuscation

 This is a reply from:
 Roy A. Ackerman, Ph.D., E.A.
  Financial, Managerial, and Technical Services
 for the Professional, Non-Profit, and the Entrepreneurial Organization

  703.548.1343 voice
  703.783.1340 fax

 From thinking to doing, from sales to profits, from tax to investments- we
 are YOUR adjuvancy

 -Original Message-
 From: Computer Guys Discussion List [mailto:
 On Behalf Of TPiwowar
 Sent: 07/28/2009 11:10 AM
 Subject: Re: [CGUYS] Healthcare

 On Jul 26, 2009, at 11:34 PM, Fred Holmes wrote:
  Absolutely wrong.  There must always be choices.  The customer must
  always have somewhere else to go when the service he is currently
  receiving is unsatisfactory.  Single payer is tyranny.

 Single-payer systems typically include the opportunity for paying for
 care privately. Single-payer does not mean single provider. Why do
 the cons/neocons keep dragging in irrelevant boogeymen? It does not
 help the discussion.

 When I broke my eyeglasses in London, even though I was an American,
 I was offered National Health glasses or I could get a swanky pair.
 I had the means to get a swanky pair so I did. I was also grateful to
 have the choice of a pair for almost nothing should I have been in
 poorer financial circumstances.

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Re: [CGUYS] Healthcare

2009-07-28 Thread mike
And when will that happen?  It's not going to happen under the current
administration.  Unless we dump every member of congress and the senate and
stop putting up with these idiots getting rich on our backs, nothing is
going to change except for the worse.

On Tue, Jul 28, 2009 at 9:41 AM, b_s-wilk b1sun...@yahoo.es wrote:

 When we take back our government from the corporations, and remove
 corporate personhood, then we might creep up to being 20th or maybe 10th.
 With more people believing the corporate [insurance co., for-profit
 providers] disinformation as you do, it will be a long time for us to get
 into the top 10, if ever.

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Re: [CGUYS] Healthcare

2009-07-28 Thread mike
Right, your game playing continues no matter the subject.


On Tue, Jul 28, 2009 at 9:53 AM, TPiwowar t...@tjpa.com wrote:

 On Jul 28, 2009, at 11:39 AM, mike wrote:

 I heard recently that the UK is banning certain drugs.  In an environment
 such as that, who will create the wonder drugs of the future?

 And our FDA approves bunches of drugs that kill the patient. You prefer

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Re: [CGUYS] Evil Apple...

2009-07-28 Thread Mike
One more correction. He said the palm looks like an ipod under windows  
and macos.

Sent from my iPod

On Jul 28, 2009, at 2:58 PM, Rev. Stewart Marshall popoz...@earthlink.net 

Just a correction here.,

The Palm Pre does not run Windows.  It runs the newest Palm Software.


At 04:53 PM 7/28/2009, you wrote:

Just making cell phones free or independent of carriers likely won't
really improve things.  I point to the up and down ability of the  
pre to masquerade as an IPOD with Itunes under windows and on the  
Mac as

an example of what can be done even if phones could easily switch
networks and carriers.  I'm also cynical about the type of  
offered when said leglslators are willing to allow RIAA suits to  

with outrageous penalties for what amounts to a claim of copyright
infringement and unlawful distribution.  The legal penalties are
actually less for photocopying a book and distributing said photocopy
than downloading an MP3 and leaving it available to be distributed.

Rev. Stewart A. Marshall
Prince of Peace www.princeofpeaceozark.org
Ozark, AL  SL 82

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Re: [CGUYS] iTunes problem

2009-07-27 Thread Mike

Tagging would specifically fix your problem for good.

Sent from my iPod

On Jul 27, 2009, at 5:56 AM, Jordan jor17...@gmail.com wrote:

Except for the specific problem with the multitude of audio files I  
mentioned, which I have a great solution for, I'm pretty happy with  
my filing system. I have little need for another system.
That said, since a couple of these Mac apps insist on putting files  
in a big pile, and I'm starting to use these apps more, I've been  
thinking of delving into the tag stuff next winter when I have more  


Mike wrote:
Might want to learn about tagging, it would solve many of your  
issues with your library.

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Re: [CGUYS] itunes/ipod touch/remote/library

2009-07-27 Thread mike
Check out simplify media for pc/mac and ipod touch/iphone.  It can stream
over wifi/3g.

On Mon, Jul 27, 2009 at 7:09 AM, Brian Jones wjone...@carolina.rr.comwrote:

 From what I know of the iTouch, this application you envision has not yet
 been created.
 Based on the lack of response to your query since July 1st, I would presume
 this to be the case.
 Since iTunes will copy your library to your iTouch, I don't expect to see
 this niche application anytime soon.

  - Brian

 - Original Message - From: mike xha...@gmail.com
 Sent: Wednesday, July 01, 2009 1:59 PM

  I often use my ipod touch to play music on a computer I have connected to
 home stereo..I've been poking around wondering if it's possible to stream
 from the computer to an ipod touch?  I have sharing turned on but I don't
 get anything on the ipod touch.  Is this just not possible or am I missing

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Re: [CGUYS] iTunes problem

2009-07-27 Thread mike
This seems to be much harder then it should be.  Properly tagging your cds
upon import will correct any issues relating to order of the tracks.  Part
of the issue seems to be the reliance on iTunes to tag files.  It can do
basic tag editing but if your library is already imported and you want to
tag more then a few files, iTunes lags way behind.
http://www.mp3tag.de/download.html  MP3Tag is a great mass tag editor
allowing for wildcards among other things.

To make any mp3 recall where you left off...as podcasts do by default,
select the files you want and right click (on windows) and select get info.
Under options there is an area to select remember playback position.  This
will make it so when you go to replay the file, it starts where it last left
off even after sync.  You can select one file or multiple files to do this.

http://mpesch3.de1.cc/mp3dc.html  is a free mp3 audio editor...I believe it
merges.  Audacity may merge as well.

On Mon, Jul 27, 2009 at 8:52 AM, George Carr geo...@georgecarrstudio.comwrote:

 As Jordan and Steve described, I also join all the tracks before importing
 an audiobook CD, then make a playlist of all the CD's in the correct order.
 But I sometimes had a problem with regaining my place after stopping
 playback on my iPod. Somewhere on the web was a post explaining how to
 change the file extension of the audio files from .m4a to .m4b, in order to
 make the file completely bookmarkable, so this is the practise I now follow.
 Now the only time the iPod loses its place is after it has been connected to
 a computer (usually I recharge it from a wall socket), or if I connect the
 FM tuner. This may be different on a Mac, but when you change the file name
 a new file is created and you have to show iTunes where to find it. Kind of
 a PITA but preferable to have to fiddle with the iPod right when you are
 ready to drive somewhere, work out at the gym, etc. If anybody knows how to
 join all the individual CD files into a single monster file of the whole
 book, I would love !
  to know how to do that, since this is the way downloaded audiobooks are
 delivered and playback is almost completely trouble free.


  -Original Message-
  From: Computer Guys Discussion List [mailto:COMPUTERGUYS-
  l...@listserv.aol.com] On Behalf Of b_s-wilk
  Sent: Monday, July 27, 2009 11:02 AM
  Subject: Re: [CGUYS] iTunes problem
   I have loaded books on CDs into iTunes. Many of them have dozens or
   even a hundred tracks on each CD, and a book might be 10 or 15 CDs
   long. These audio files typically have a name like Track 1, Track 2,
   and so on, there are no differentiating titles, up to 25 or 99. So
   when I first loaded up a book I'd have 15 tracks called track 1, and
   15 called track 2 and so on, and I quickly discovered that iTunes
   could get confused about the order of these apparently identical
  With audio books I generally have no problem listening to them in
  iTunes. On an iPod it's another story. I was listening to a collection
  by Neil Gaiman, with 70+ chapters. On my iPod they were out of order,
  but not in iTunes. I took the book and merged all of the chapters,
  adding chapter markers. It was easy, but, sorry, I don't remember which
  program I used, maybe QT pro, Garage Band, or Audacity. It played
  correctly on the iPod that way, and I could select chapters. It's
  possible, no, likely, that since I didn't RTFM for the iPod Touch, I
  might have set it on Shuffle by mistake.
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Re: [CGUYS] iTunes problem

2009-07-27 Thread mike
The file system is ok...till it's not, and now you are here wondering what
to do with all those files that you have no info on.  The fix you are
attempting is only going to make you work towards a solution that will cause
another problem down the line.

BTW, these files don't have metadata or they have useless metadata.

On Mon, Jul 27, 2009 at 9:50 AM, Jordan jor17...@gmail.com wrote:

 I haven't bothered to tag things on my computer. My file system works OK
 for now and I don't want to add another layer when files already have
 metadata embedded anyway.


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Re: [CGUYS] iTunes problem

2009-07-27 Thread mike
Is date/time for modification/creation system information or metadata? I
thought this info was held within the system, not in the metadata.  Would
this info be kept intact across os x or windows or linux?  It could be, but
never have I ever heard of the creation date/mod dates being referred to as

On Mon, Jul 27, 2009 at 11:30 AM, Reid Katan ka...@his.com wrote:

 Quoting mike xha...@gmail.com:

  Yes.  At this point he is missing the MD or it is wrong.

 On Mon, Jul 27, 2009 at 9:58 AM, Reid Katan ka...@his.com wrote:

  But isn't tagging just filling in the artist/title and all that other
 And isn't that the same as metadata? Or am I missing something?

 So, getting back to the original question: The date/time metadata may
 actually be there, but iTunes is not displaying it (I'm guessing that one of
 the programs that's already been mentioned will show it if it's there)?

 If that's the case, perhaps upgrading to the latest iTunes will help
 (assuming he's not already there).

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Re: [CGUYS] itunes/ipod touch/remote/library

2009-07-27 Thread mike
I just found this app, haven't used it.  I will wait for purchase most
likely till I get an iPhone.   A friend of mine on IRC recommended it.

On Mon, Jul 27, 2009 at 12:01 PM, Brian Jones wjone...@carolina.rr.comwrote:

 Oh!... that is VERY cool!
 Free server and $2.99 for the iTouch application.
 The user blog mentioned improved stability with V2... have you experienced
 any issues with your PC's stability?

  Check out simplify media for pc/mac and ipod touch/iphone.  It can stream
 over wifi/3g.

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Re: [CGUYS] iTunes problem

2009-07-27 Thread mike
Changing it in iTunes changes the metadata, changing in win explorer is just
the filename.  Filenames don't appear to show up in iTunes.  Of course, os x
has better metadata support across the board then windows I thinkso...

On Mon, Jul 27, 2009 at 1:23 PM, Reid Katan ka...@his.com wrote:

 Quoting mike xha...@gmail.com:

  Is date/time for modification/creation system information or metadata? I
 thought this info was held within the system, not in the metadata.  Would
 this info be kept intact across os x or windows or linux?  It could be,
 never have I ever heard of the creation date/mod dates being referred to

 Dunno. I'm no expert that's for sure. I just assumed that the time stamps
 that shows up in Get Info was put into the MD by iTunes (actually, iTunes
 doesn't show the date added in Get Info, that I can see), and would be what
 it was looking for in the list headings.

 I don't know if it means anything, but I just changed the name of a tune in
 Win Explorer to see if it changed the modified stamp. It didn't. Changed it
 in iTunes, and it did change the modified stamp in both iTunes and WinExp.

 If Jordan Gets Info on a track, does it show the Date Modified:?

 All this may be a moo point* since it sounds like maybe he's finding other


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Re: [CGUYS] iTunes problem

2009-07-26 Thread mike
Just wondering, why do you want to know added and mod dates?  I've never
shown either of these columns in itunes, but today I did.  Date added of
course is the date added to itunes..but date mod is the date my system
modified the file, not itunes.  Seems odd.

On Sun, Jul 26, 2009 at 6:37 AM, Jordan jor17...@gmail.com wrote:

 OK iTunes fans, I've got a question for you.
 I've got my audio tracks showing in a list and Date Added and Date Modified
 are headings in the list. But of the 11047 songs in the list, there is not
 1 date shown in those columns.  Some have been in iTunes for years, and some
 were added in recent months. The files in Finder show dates, so it's not
 like the info is not there.
 I found this question asked in the Apple discussions forum from Dec. 2008
 and there are no answers.
 OS X 10.5.7, iTunes 8.0.2
 Any suggestions?

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Re: [CGUYS] iTunes problem

2009-07-26 Thread Mike
There are mass mp3 tagging tools out there that makes all of this  
easier.  I'm surprised itunes didn't tag as you were ripping.

Sent from my iPod

On Jul 26, 2009, at 5:18 PM, Jordan jor17...@gmail.com wrote:

I have loaded books on CDs into iTunes. Many of them have dozens or  
even a hundred tracks on each CD, and a book might be 10 or 15 CDs  
long. These audio files typically have a name like Track 1, Track 2,  
and so on, there are no differentiating titles, up to 25 or 99. So  
when I first loaded up a book I'd have 15 tracks called track 1, and  
15 called track 2 and so on, and I quickly discovered that iTunes  
could get confused about the order of these apparently identical  
It becomes a long and convoluted story, but you get the picture that  
if iTunes can't order these files by time added, you'd have little  
chance of understanding the book.
And I'm not even going to get into what iTunes does to the  
organizing of these file if you look for them in Finder.
In case anyone finds this interesting, I've since learned that you  
can load a CD into iTunes and then make a single bookmarkable file  
of the whole disk, or disc. When you are loading the disc, select  
Advanced/Join CD Tracks.

I hope this makes sense.

mike wrote:
Just wondering, why do you want to know added and mod dates?  I've  
shown either of these columns in itunes, but today I did.  Date  
added of
course is the date added to itunes..but date mod is the date my  

modified the file, not itunes.  Seems odd.

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Re: [CGUYS] iTunes problem

2009-07-26 Thread Mike
Might want to learn about tagging, it would solve many of your issues  
with your library.

Sent from my iPod

On Jul 26, 2009, at 6:16 PM, Jordan jor17...@gmail.com wrote:

I have old fashioned filing habits on the computer. I do not use and  
know nothing of tags.

But I do know where stuff is.
Now that I know to join the tracks I'm pretty happy.

Except, I have messed with everything in all the iTunes files I can  
find this afternoon and still no dates.

Sent from my MacBook Pro

Mike wrote:
There are mass mp3 tagging tools out there that makes all of this  
easier.  I'm surprised itunes didn't tag as you were ripping.

Sent from my iPod

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Re: [CGUYS] Mac's True Market Share is 91%

2009-07-26 Thread Mike
The guru bar will be equipped with a large magnet embedded in the  
counter...your problems will be fixed as soon as you put your computer  

Sent from my iPod

On Jul 26, 2009, at 7:26 PM, phartz...@gmail.com  
phartz...@gmail.com wrote:

On Sun, Jul 26, 2009 at 1:49 PM, Jordanjor17...@gmail.com wrote:

Can you imagine the nightmare of an MS guru bar!?

 They'll likely fix most problems the way that so many other places
fix Windows problems.  Wipe the hard drive.  That oughta do it, right?
Quick and easy.  You did see that option on the work order you
signed, didn't you?


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Re: [CGUYS] iPhone 3GS encryption useless

2009-07-25 Thread Mike

But a correct belligerent ass.

Sent from my iPod

On Jul 25, 2009, at 6:59 AM, Jordan jor17...@gmail.com wrote:

Yet another belligerent ass!

t.piwowar wrote:
Also check out Zdziarski's website for a lengthy attack on health  
care reform...


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Re: [CGUYS] iPhone 3GS encryption useless

2009-07-25 Thread mike
Being an ass doesn't piss people off, it's when they are right they get
angry about it...see Jordan for details.  :)

On Sat, Jul 25, 2009 at 9:25 AM, Jordan jor17...@gmail.com wrote:

 Yet another belligerent ass!

 Mike wrote:

 But a correct belligerent ass.

 Sent from my iPod

 On Jul 25, 2009, at 6:59 AM, Jordan jor17...@gmail.com wrote:

  Yet another belligerent ass!

 t.piwowar wrote:

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Re: [CGUYS] iPhone 3GS encryption useless

2009-07-25 Thread mike
And you are left...it's not about right or left, the first question should
be, is the info correct?  The next is, do I care?  I've read many parts of
the bill, those things he lists are in it...so the question is, do you care?

On Sat, Jul 25, 2009 at 10:03 AM, t.piwowar t...@tjpa.com wrote:

 On Jul 25, 2009, at 12:35 PM, mike wrote:

 Being an ass doesn't piss people off, it's when they are right they get
 angry about it...see Jordan for details.  :)

 And this guy is definitely far right.

 To deserve our attention it takes a lot more than the ability to pull off a
 minor computer trick. We judge people by the whole of what they do.

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Re: [CGUYS] iPhone 3GS encryption useless

2009-07-25 Thread mike
Who uses IE?

On Sat, Jul 25, 2009 at 10:15 AM, t.piwowar t...@tjpa.com wrote:

 A more important story to be watching...
 Microsoft to fix critical hole in IE

 Note that M$ has admitted to a serious problem, but has not issued any fix.

 iPhone owners, of course, have nothing to worry about on these grounds.

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Re: [CGUYS] iPhone 3GS encryption useless

2009-07-25 Thread mike
As I said, you are far left and carrying the big O's water, move along don't
pay attention, we'll pass another 1000 page bill in hours before anyone can
read it.  Keeping it somewhat on our grounds, O was supposed to post bills
online for five days for public comment before passage...guess that's not

On Sat, Jul 25, 2009 at 10:39 AM, t.piwowar t...@tjpa.com wrote:

 On Jul 25, 2009, at 1:14 PM, mike wrote:

 I've read many parts of
 the bill, those things he lists are in it...so the question is, do you

 Propaganda. There is no bill at this point. There are at least 3 very
 different proposed bills circulating.

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Re: [CGUYS] iPhone 3GS encryption useless

2009-07-25 Thread mike
All these things are dynamic, but the website listed some details in the
bills that are proposed.  Keep the faith Rev, God knows I have none when it
comes to the rats in DC.

On Sat, Jul 25, 2009 at 10:49 AM, Rev. Stewart Marshall 
popoz...@earthlink.net wrote:

 Not only that the Senate has not passed anything yet and if it does it all
 goes to a conference committee, and you never know what will come out of one
 of those.

 I am just hoping they come up with something that will help us middle class
 folks whose insurance is higher than all get out.


 At 12:39 PM 7/25/2009, you wrote:

  Propaganda. There is no bill at this point. There are at least 3 very
 different proposed bills circulating.

 Rev. Stewart A. Marshall
 Prince of Peace www.princeofpeaceozark.org
 Ozark, AL  SL 82

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