[css-d] descenders disappearing in IE

2009-10-28 Thread Linda Quinn
I added a linked image to the left of an image on a page: 

I haven't been happy with the difference between the placement of the  
image  headline between Safari, FF, and IE — with IE being the problem.
After playing around with it, it looks a bit better in IE, but with  
some more fiddling I floated the image to the right and I liked it  
better. www.melvillekidsdentistry.com/index2.html

  BUT in the float right version, in IE the the headline descenders  
for the letters y  g appear to be covered up. I cannot figure out why  
— if anyone has an answer for I would appreciate it.

Linda Quinn

Photography takes an instant out of time, altering life by holding it  
still. Dorothea Lange

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[css-d] text align problem

2009-07-03 Thread Linda Quinn
I am working on a rather involved site — it started as a simple job  
that grew exponentially, and I guess I ended up repeating some of the  
css rules in subsequent files. The problem I am having is that I  
cannot get paragraph text that does not take up a full line to align  

If you look at this page:


you can see that the Q's are centered and the A's are left justified.  
Both a p tags in the same div, and set to text-align:left. I have  
looked through all the code, and cannot find the conflict, although  
there must be one. Any suggestions on where I can look?

Thanks, LindaQ

Linda Quinn

Photography takes an instant out of time, altering life by holding it  
still. Dorothea Lange

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[css-d] CSS color declaration not working!

2009-06-28 Thread Linda Quinn
CSS color declaration not working!

I have been using a CLASS tag as a method of highlighting a menu item  
to denote that the page being viewed. All of a sudden the color  
declaration in parts of the code is not working in Safari  Firefox.  
It appears to be working in IE 8 - haven't checked 7 or lower yet.

The CSS code:

#header ul#navbar a.top {

#header ul#navbar a.top:hover {

#header ul#navlist a.main {

#header ul#navlist a.main:hover {


#footer a.foot{

The page can be seen at: http://www.melvillekidsdentistry.com/beta2/index.html 
  (note that this is up as a sample and linked pages are not present).

The first two declaration blocks (#header ul#navbar) work, but are not  
active on the linked page. The last one (#footer) is at the bottom of  
the page and works.

The middle  two are the problem (#header ul#navlist). In a.main the  
color does not work, but the padding  font-size do. In a.main:hover  
the color works, but not the padding. I know I must have done  
something to cause this problem, but I have tried every combination  
and I cannot figure it out.

Thanks for any suggestions. LindaQ
Linda Quinn

Photography takes an instant out of time, altering life by holding it  
still. Dorothea Lange

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[css-d] A better way to show photos with a bio?

2007-05-30 Thread Linda Quinn
I have a page that lists instructors with their bios, and the bios  
are of varying lengths. I recently added photos for some of the  
instructors, and in the case of people with short bios, the spacing  
doesn't look very good.


The html for each bio is the same. pimg scr=photo filename /  
text of bio /p. The following html shows two listing that do not  
have enough space between them, because the first one is very short.

pimg src=../images/instructors/Dippel-JJ.jpg/spanJJ DIPPEL/ 
spanhellip;is a retired federal auditor, has been RVing for three  
years and fulltimed for the last ten months.nbsp; She as a personal  
interest in privacy issues and is the author of emRV Living and  
Privacy Protection/em article posted at PrivacyRights.org.  (Idaho) 
pimg src=../images/instructors/Ghylin-Clay.jpg /spanCLAY  
GHYLIN/spanhellip; is a Certified Composite Technician-Marine,  
with American Composites Manufacturers Association.nbsp; Clay is  
currently the foreman for the 'Polynesian Voyaging Society' in  
Honolulu Hawaii building the 'plug','mold', and hulls',from design to  
completed boats for 45 foot double sailing canoes.nbsp; Before  
Hawaii, Clay built and repaired private boats and historical vessels,  
(like the 'Virginia 5', a historic ferry), in and around the Seattle  
area.  (Idaho)/p

The css that manages the image and paragraph space is:

#infotext img {

After adding the photos I also added padding to the bottom of the  

#infotext p{

Any suggestions how I can create spacing that will look good even  
when there is very little bio text?

Thanks much. Linda Quinn
css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [css-d] A better way to show photos with a bio?

2007-05-30 Thread Linda Quinn
Maruricio -

Yes! Thank-you so much. I replaced the existing #infotext p code with  
your suggestion and it gave me just the spacing I wanted. Now I need  
to go through your code carefully to see that I really understand it.

Best regards, Linda Quinn

On May 30, 2007, at 11:22 AM, Mauricio Samy Silva wrote:

 From: Linda Quinn [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 I have a page that lists instructors with their bios, and the bios
 are of varying lengths. I recently added photos for some of the
 instructors, and in the case of people with short bios, the spacing
 doesn't look very good.

 Hi Linda,
 Clear the paragraph that encloses the image and bios text and set
 a bottom margin.

 Add the following to your CSS:

 #infotext p {
margin-bottom:5px;  /* or another value at your taste */


 Maurício Samy Silva

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[css-d] Problem in Firefox/Mac

2007-01-07 Thread Linda Quinn
I have a CSS based site that is working in IE7  FIrefox on the PC,  
and Safari/Mac, but it does not render correctly in Firefox/Mac.
All of the XHTML validates, as do all the CSS files.

The URL is www.lifeonwheels.com (the Links  Sponsors pages have not  
been updated from the old site, so they are not relevant)
The two primary css files can be viewed at www.lifeonwheels.com/pages/ 
all_pages.css.pdf and  www.lifeonwheels.com/pages/conf.css.pdf .
As its name states, the all_pages.css file, is used by all pages. The  
conf.css file is used by the Conference page and the Arizona,  
Kentucky, Idaho, Pennsylvania, Iowa information pages.

Initially I had a problem with some of columns displaying correctly  
in FF/PC, but it corrected when I changed a column width from  
percents to pixels.

I would appreciate any ideas I why the site does not render correct  
in FF/Mac. Thanks.

css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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[css-d] pseudo-class link problems - again

2006-10-30 Thread Linda Quinn
I am repeating my post from yesterday, because I had a typo in the  
link to the site. Thanks

I am using pseudo-classes on my links. They all work as they should,  
in all browsers, on text links, but I am having trouble with image  

The site is: www.lifeonwheels.com/beta2/index5.htm

Looking at the sponsor logos on the right side of the page, the  
images should not have a border in their normal state or if they have  
been visited. Hover should produce a blue border.

At the moment, the CSS is:

#rightcolumn #sponsorimages a {

#rightcolumn #sponsorimages a:link {

#rightcolumn #sponsorimages a:visited {

#rightcolumn #sponsorimages a:hover {
border:3px solid #009;

1. In Safari/Mac nothing at all happens - no borders at all, even on  
2. FF/Mac  Win  works.
3. Netscape/Win works.
4. IE6/Win the blue border appears in normal state and on Hover  
(therefore, no hover visual effect) AND visited links appear purple.

Obviously, my main concern is IE6/Win. Any ideas that will help me  
fix the code?

Thanks, LindaQ

css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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[css-d] pseudo-class link problems

2006-10-27 Thread Linda Quinn
I am using pseudo-classes on my links. They all work as they should,  
in all browsers, on text links, but I am having trouble with image  

The site is: www.lifeonwheels.com/beta2/index5.hml

Looking at the sponsor logos on the right side of the page, the  
images should not have a border in their normal state or if they have  
been visited. Hover should produce a blue border.

At the moment, the CSS is:

#rightcolumn #sponsorimages a {

#rightcolumn #sponsorimages a:link {

#rightcolumn #sponsorimages a:visited {

#rightcolumn #sponsorimages a:hover {
border:3px solid #009;

1. In Safari/Mac nothing at all happens - no borders at all, even on  
2. FF/Mac  Win  works.
3. Netscape/Win works.
4. IE6/Win the blue border appears in normal state and on Hover  
(therefore, no hover visual effect) AND visited links appear purple.

Obviously, my main concern is IE6/Win. Any ideas that will help me  
fix the code?

Thanks, LindaQ

css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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[css-d] missing margin on link image

2006-10-24 Thread Linda Quinn
Please help me understand what is happening. I have a column of  
images (actually the logos of an organization's sponsors) and each  
one will link to the sponsors' web sites. To make is obvious that  
they are links, I thought I would have a border appear on hover.  
Works in FF, but not in IE6/Win or Safari/Mac.

This is the page: www.lifeonwheels.com/beta2

The image links are contained in a div with an id of sponsorimages.
The CSS includes:

#sponsorimages a:link {

#sponsorimages a:hover {

In FF - bring the mouse over a logo and the a blue border appears -  
as it should.

In Safari/Mac - the links work, but the border never appears.

In IE6/Win - the borders are always there!

Thanks for any explanations - and better yet for a fix! LindaQ
css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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[css-d] IE border quirk

2006-10-22 Thread Linda Quinn
Something strange is happening in IE6 (as usual). I am creating a  
page, using Safari/Mac as my default browser - then every time I  
upload a change I check it on PC in IE6/Win. Everything was laid out  
in the correct position on both browsers - the page can be seen at:


Under the heading are two columns, followed by a footer. At this  
point the right column is complete, and I am still adding the left  
column content. To help in troubleshooting, I originally placed a  
border around the entire page and around the two columns. I removed  
both borders to see how things looked - and in IE6/Win the left  
column moved under the right column. Turned out that the border  
around the two columns is creating the problem. If I remove it (first  
line in #colunmwrapper, below) or, if I put in a column style of  
none, the problem occurs.

#columnwrapper {
border:0.1em solid white;
border-bottom:5px solid #c90;

Since my client was going to be viewing the page this weekend, I put  
in an invisible border, reflected in the CSS rule above. Note that  
the border-bottom (line 2) is part of the design.

Question - why would removing the border declaration cause the entire  
left column to move? It was my understanding that a border is not  
part of the actual container, only an outline. FYI, the initial CSS  
rule for the left column is:

#leftcolumn {

Any help in understanding why this is happening would be appreciated.  
Thanks, LindaQ
css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
IE7 information -- http://css-discuss.incutio.com/?page=IE7
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[css-d] centering images

2006-10-19 Thread Linda Quinn
I must be missing something in centering images. The following CSS is  
set up to contain the contents of a page, and center the contents  
regardless of the size the browser window is set.

#pagewrapper {
padding:5px 0 0 5px;
border:2px solid #cd9923;

This works in Safari (Mac)  FF, but in IE6/Win, the container grows  
when the browser window is made larger.

Thanks for any help. LindaQ
css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
IE7 information -- http://css-discuss.incutio.com/?page=IE7
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Re: [css-d] centering images

2006-10-19 Thread Linda Quinn
Thanks for the followup discussion on min/max width in IE. Daniel's  
suggestion of adding a width declaration above the min/max width  
declarations does make the page look better in IE. Thanks!
css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
IE7 information -- http://css-discuss.incutio.com/?page=IE7
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[css-d] background/menu missing in IE6

2006-10-18 Thread Linda Quinn
I laid out a page with the markup, and just started formatting with  
CSS. I have the page header positioned in CSS, and it looks fine in  
Safari and Firefox on the Mac. In both IE6  Firefox on the PC both  
the header background and the menu do not appear. (I was surprised  
that the problem exists in FF as well as IE). It has been a while  
since I worked in CSS. The page can be seen at www.lifeonwheels.com/ 
beta/. Help pointing me in the right direction will be much  
appreciated. The relevant CSS, is as follows:
/* CSS Document */

/*WRAPPER - encloses entire page*/
#pagewrapper {

/*logo positioning*/
img#logo {
/*page heading*/
#header {
/*topmenu - ul menu in heading*/
#header ul {
#header li {
padding:0 8px;

css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
IE7b2 testing hub -- http://css-discuss.incutio.com/?page=IE7
List wiki/FAQ -- http://css-discuss.incutio.com/
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[css-d] Help With Form Submission Response

2005-10-19 Thread Linda Quinn
My request for help may be beyond the scope of this list, but I  
thought I would post it and see if anyone could help.

I have a form, which submits to a file on the server. I've been told  
that once the server file receives a submission, it can send a  
response to the user stating that the form has been received - but I  
have no idea how to do that. I do have access to the file. Looking at  
the code for the file that receives the submission (listed below), it  
appears that it already has some messages that should be sent, but if  
I submitt the form without any inputs, I do not get a message from  
the server. The url for the form submission page is:  

Thanks for any help


Dim landing_page, host_url
Dim fso, outfile, filename, dirname, myFolder
Dim req_method, key, value
Dim bErr, errStr, bEmpty
On Error resume next
bErr = false
bEmpty = true
errStr = 
Set fso = Server.CreateObject(Scripting.FileSystemObject)
host_url = Request.ServerVariables(HTTP_HOST)
req_method = Request.ServerVariables(REQUEST_METHOD)
dtNow = Now()
filename = Server.MapPath(ssfm)
dirname = filename
filename = filename  /gdform_  DatePart(M, dtNow)  DatePart 
(D, dtNow)  DatePart(, dtNow)  DatePart(N, dtNow)   
DatePart(S, dtNow)

Function FormatVariableLine(byval var_name, byVal var_value)
Dim tmpStr
tmpStr = tmpStr  GDFORM_VARIABLE NAME=  var_name

tmpStr = tmpStr  var_value  vbCRLF
tmpStr = tmpStr  GDFORM_VARIABLE NAME=  var_name   END
FormatVariableLine = tmpStr
end function

Sub OutputLine(byVal line)
end sub

if err.number = 0 then
Set outfile = fso.CreateTextFile(filename, true, false)
if err.number  0 then
bErr = true
errStr = Error creating file! Directory may not be  
writable or may not exist.brUnable to process request.

if(req_method = GET) then
for each Item in request.QueryString
if item   then
bEmpty = false
key = item
value = Request.QueryString(item)
if(lcase(key) = redirect) then
landing_page = value
line = FormatVariableLine(key, value)
Call OutputLine(line)
end if
end if
elseif (req_method = POST) then
for each Item in request.form
if item   then
bEmpty = false
key = item
value = Request.form(item)
if(lcase(key) = redirect) then
landing_page = value
line = FormatVariableLine(key, value)
Call OutputLine(line)
end if
end if
end if
end if
if(bEmpty = true) AND errStr =  then
bErr = true
errStr = errStr  brNo variables sent to form! Unable to  
process request.

end if
if(bErr = false) then
if (landing_page  ) then
response.Redirect http://;  host_url  /  landing_page
response.Redirect http://;  host_url
end if
Response.Write errStr
end if
set fso = nothing
  Response.Write  An Error Occurred creating mail message. Unable  
to process form request at this time.

end if

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[css-d] IE6 Margin Problem

2005-10-04 Thread Linda Quinn
This is the link to a page that has a margin problem in IE6/Win -  

There are four columns of dates - (The dates are hidden until they  
are needed. I only have the first date in each column showing for  
test purposes). The columns are contained in a div contentarea and  
are floating columns. I am using the clearfix clearing method in the  
css code. The css for the columns is:

#contentarea {
position: relative;

#contentarea .column {

#contentarea .on {

#contentarea .off {

In IE6/Win the first several letters of each column are not showing.  
In all other browsers, the text shows correctly.

Help is much appreciated. Please copy replies to me, as I am on  
digest. Thanks, Linda

css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
List wiki/FAQ -- http://css-discuss.incutio.com/
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[css-d] Thanks for help

2005-09-28 Thread Linda Quinn
Just wanted to say thank-you for this list. The answer I received  
from Georgon post help with disappearing borders in IE6/Win was  
exactly the answer I needed. My borders are now appearing nicely. I'm  
sure I will have more questions as I go along, and it is good to know  
you are all here! Linda

css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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[css-d] help with disappearing borders in IE6/Win

2005-09-27 Thread Linda Quinn
Hello to everyone. I am new to this list - just found out about it  
today while doing some research on css problems. Thought I would give  
asking for help here a try.

I am building a site and on several pages I am using top and bottom  
borders to highlight section headings. All is well on Netscape  FF  
(Win) and Safari, FF, Netscape  Opera (Mac). However, in IE6/Win the  
borders do not appear. A link to one of the pages is:


the same problem occurs on the About Us page. The home page uses the  
borders, but they show up. The only difference between the two  
heading, is that on the Services  About Us page, I use a negative  
text-indent  a first-child, neither of which are used on the home  
page. The CSS that includes the border, negative text indent, and  
first-letter sizing is:

#holder h3 {
border-top:3px double #245397;
border-bottom:3px double #245397;

#holder h3:first-letter {

Any ideas on how I can get the borders to show in IE6? Can I change  
the CSS, or do I need a hack?

BTW, my XHTML and CSS validate (I do have a question on that, but I  
will wait on it).

Thanks for any help you can give me.

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