[CTRL] Cele Castillo; cocaine, House of Rep.'s Committe on Intelligence

1999-09-15 Thread Dave

 -Caveat Lector-

found at: http://www.copvcia.com/contra~1.htm

Dave Hartley

Celerino "Cele" Castillo III
Author: "POWDERBURNS" Cocaine, Contras  The Drug War
2709 N. 28 1/2 St., McAllen,Texas 78501
Tele/Fax: 956-631-3818 Pager: 956-318-4913


April 27, 1998
For several years, I fought in the trenches of the front lines of Reagan's
"Drug War", trying to stamp out what I considered American's greatest
foreign threat. But, when I was posted, in Central and South America from
1984 through 1990, I knew we were playing the "Drug War Follies." While our
government shouted "Just Say No !", entire Central and South American
nations fell into what are now known as, "Cocaine democracies."
While with the DEA, I was able to keep journals of my assignments in Central
and South America. These journals include names, case file numbers and DEA
NADDIS (DEA Master Computer) information to back up my allegations. I have
pictures and original passports of the victims that were murdered by CIA
assets. These atrocities were done with the approval of the agencies.

We, ordinary Americans, cannot trust the C.I.A. Inspector General to conduct
a full investigation into the CIA or the DEA. Let me tell you why. When
President Clinton (June, 1996) ordered The Intelligence Oversight Board to
conduct an investigation into allegations that US Agents were involved in
atrocities in Guatemala, it failed to investigate several DEA and CIA
operations in which U.S. agents knew before hand that individuals (some
Americans) were going to be murdered.

I became so frustrated that I forced myself to respond to the I.O.B report
citing case file numbers, dates, and names of people who were murdered. In
one case (DEA file # TG-86-0005) several Colombians and Mexicans were raped,
tortured and murdered by CIA and DEA assets, with the approval of the CIA.
Among those victims identified was Jose Ramon Parra-Iniguez, Mexican
passport A-GUC-043 and his two daughters Maria Leticia Olivier-Dominguez,
Mexican passport A-GM-8381. Also included among the dead were several
Colombian nationals: Adolfo Leon Morales-Arcilia "a.k.a." Adolfo
Morales-Orestes, Carlos Alberto Ramirez, and Jiro Gilardo-Ocampo. Both a DEA
and a CIA agent were present, when these individuals were being interrogated
(tortured). The main target of that case was a Guatemalan Congressman,
(Carlos Ramiro Garcia de Paz) who took delivery of 2,404 kilos of cocaine in
Guatemala just before the interrogation. This case directly implicated the
Guatemalan Government in drug trafficking (The Guatemalan Congressman still
has his US visa and continues to travel at his pleasure into the US). To add
salt to the wound, in 1989 these murders were investigated by the U.S
Department of Justice, Office of Professional Responsibility. DEA S/I Tony
Recevuto determined that the Guatemalan Military Intelligence, G-2 (the
worst human rights violators in the Western Hemisphere) was responsible for
these murders. Yet, the U.S. government continued to order U.S. agents to
work hand-in-hand with the Guatemalan Military. This information was never
turned over to the I.O.B. investigation. (See attached response)

I have obtained a letter, dated May 28, 1996, from the DEA administrator, to
U.S. Congressman Lloyd Doggett (D), Texas. In this letter, the administrator
flatly lies, stating that DEA agents "have never engaged in any joint
narcotics programs with the Guatemalan Military".

I was there. I was the leading Agent in Guatemala. 99.9% of DEA operations
were conducted with the Guatemalan military. In 1990, the DEA invited a
Guatemalan military G-2 officer, Cpt. Fuentez, to attend a DEA narcotic
school, which is against DEA policy. I know this for a fact because I worked
with this officer for several years and was in Guatemala when he was getting
ready to travel to the States.

Facts of my investigation on CIA-Contras drug trafficking in El Salvador:

The key to understanding the "crack cocaine" epidemic, which exploded on our
streets in 1984, lies in understanding the effect of congressional oversight
on covert operations. In this case the Boland amendment(s) of the era, while
intending to restrict covert operations as intended by the will of the
People, only served to encourage C.I.A., the military and elements of the
national intelligence community to completely bypass the Congress and the
Constitution in an eager and often used covert policy of funding prohibited
operations with drug money.

As my friend and colleague Michael Ruppert has pointed out through his own
experience in the 1970s, CIA has often bypassed congressional intent by
resorting to the drug trade (Vietnam, Laos, Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan,

When the Boland Amendment(s) cut the Contras off from a continued U.S.

[CTRL] Anti-drug ads engender interest in drugs

1999-09-15 Thread Dave

 -Caveat Lector-

Dave Hartley

2600 Virginia Avenue, NW, Suite 100
Washington DC 20037
World Wide Web: http://www.lp.org/
For release: September 10, 1999
For additional information:
George Getz, Press Secretary
Phone: (202) 333-0008 Ext. 222

Study: Government's anti-drug commercials
make teenagers more curious about drugs

WASHINGTON, DC -- A new study has discovered that teenagers who
watch anti-drug TV commercials become more "curious" about illegal drugs.
So why, the Libertarian Party asked today, are taxpayers being forced to
pay for those ads?

"According to this study, the government is spending $195 million
a year of our money to tantalize teenagers about illegal drugs," said
Steve Dasbach, the party's national director. "Shouldn't Americans have a
choice about whether we want to fund what is essentially a 'Just Do It'
advertising campaign for drugs?"

In a study released earlier this year, two researchers found that
teenagers who viewed anti-drug Public Service Announcements (PSAs) "were
more curious about using illicit drugs" than participants who didn't see
the PSAs.

According to the authors of the study, assistant professor S.
Shyam Sundar at Penn State University and doctoral student Carson Wagner
at the University of Colorado (Boulder), students exposed to anti-drug
PSAs desired more "experimental knowledge" about drugs, not just
"knowledge about drug-related facts."

And the study found the "mere mention" of illegal drugs in PSAs
created an "everybody's doing it" effect in teenagers -- and caused them
to "increase estimations" of the prevalence of drug use among their peers.

These findings come at a crucial time, since the federal
government has sharply increased the amount of money it spends on
anti-drug commercials. Currently, the White House Office of National Drug
Control Policy and the Partnership for a Drug-Free America spend about
$195 million of taxpayers' money to broadcast anti-drug PSAs.

Wouldn't it be tragic then, asked Dasbach, if that $195 million is
making America's drug problem worse?

"According to this study, the government is effectively acting as
a tax-funded advertising agency for drug pushers," he said. "And,
unfortunately, there's nothing you can do about it. If a private anti-drug
organization was running these ads, you could threaten to withhold your
contributions. With the government, you don't have that option -- even if
politicians use your money to glamorize drugs to teenagers."

But if government anti-drug television ads don't work, what does?

Parents, said Dasbach. According to another recent study, children
who are warned about the potential dangers of drugs by their parents are
36% less likely to use marijuana than children whose parents don't discuss
the issue, and 56% less likely to use cocaine.

"One concerned parent is more effective than $195 million in
government-funded advertising," noted Dasbach. "Given that information,
what is the real solution to the problem of drugs -- the government or

Interestingly, even the government has figured out the answer to
that question, he said. A new government-funded newspaper advertisement
states: "The most effective deterrent to drug use among kids isn't the
police, or prison, or politicians. [It] is their parents."

That's an astonishing revelation from the government, said

"Let's see: The government admits police and prison are not an
effective deterrent. Does that mean politicians will promise to stop
arresting 700,000 people a year for marijuana crimes? And the government
admits politicians are not an effective deterrent. Does that mean we'll
get back the $195 million they wasted on anti-drug advertisements?" he

If not, it proves one thing, said Dasbach: "Not even the
government pays attention to its anti-drug ads. So why should we expect
teenagers to do so?"

ed more "experimental knowledge" about drugs, not
just "knowledge about drug-related facts."

And the study found the "mere mention" of illegal drugs in PSAs
created an "everybody's doing it" effect in teenagers -- and caused them
to "increase estimations" of the prevalence of drug use among their peers.

These findings come at a crucial time, since the federal
government has sharply increased the amount of money it spends on
anti-drug commercials. Currently, the White House Office of National Drug
Control Policy and the Partnership for a Drug-Free America spend about
$195 million of taxpayers' money to broadcast anti-drug PSAs.

Wouldn't it be tragic then, asked Dasbach, if that $195 million is
making America's drug problem worse?

[CTRL] Okla, Murrah building, DoD medical records

1999-09-15 Thread Dave

 -Caveat Lector-

Yes, that is interesting.
So are speculations on the coverup (McVeigh) bombing.

However- the REAL bombing was apparantly a military demolition.
What is MOST interesting here is a CLEAR MOTIVE.
Most of the medical records for Gulf War veterans were stored in that
The building was blown up to get rid of the medical records.
A high ranking retired military demolitions expert has characterized the
bombing as typical of a military operation. Eyewitnesses saw a pack of olive
drab cannisters ("dud" demolition charge) being removed from the rubble
immediately afterward.

Perhaps you have some inkling of Gulf War Syndrome, it's cover-up, and the
government's liablility for exposing all these vets  their families to
biowarfare testing?
Over 18,000 vets and their family members have died from GWS.
DoD tried VERY hard to pretend there was no such animal as GWS.
The "official" story now is that GWS was caused by a number of factors,
possibly including the experimental Anthrax inoculations
Which have now been mandated for ALL U.S. military personnel...
I will forward another post which shows how THIS directly ties in to the

Dave Hartley

-Original Message-
Sent: Wednesday, September 15, 1999 12:48 AM
Subject: Re: [CIA-DRUGS] Re: Waco's Little Rock connection


Hey Dave, did you hear the latest about the Murrah Bldg? According to
Reuters, et al, and Mike McNulty in particular, loads of evidence from the
Branch Davidian incident was stored there.

What I find particularly interesting, however, is this. One day, after I'd
given a radio interview about my last book, "Circle of Death: Clinton's
to the Presidency", on the "Mancow" show out of Chicago, a listener from
Columbus, Ohio, called me at my office and related the following:

"My uncle, Mickey Maroney, was a Secret Service agent. He
was at the White House for years, through the Reagan and
Bush admins. After Clinton took office, he was assigned to
the Oval Office. In Jan. 1995 he was suddenly transferred
to Okla. City. His office was in the Murrah Bldg. After he'd
been there a couple of weeks he sat his wife and kids down
at the dinner table and told them he'd just bought 2 new
term-life policies because he had a 'very bad feeling' about
the new position, and the building his office was in. He'd
heard about some truck driver in Phoenix raising hell about
a truckload of drugs and explosives, and a conversation be-
tween 'two foreigners' about bombing a federal building.
The driver wanted an audience with the U.S. Atty, but that
never happened. Maroney believed his life was in danger. It was."

I checked out the woman's story, and it's true. Mickey Maroney was Secret
Service, Oval Office crew, and was transferred to OKC shortly before the
bombing. Kind of makes you wonder, what he might have learned about El
Presidente, doesn't it.

Most interesting, n'est pas?


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Re: [CTRL] KGB Defector Tells of Soviet Bugging Operation in U.S.

1999-09-15 Thread Das GOAT

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 99-09-14 03:27:31 EDT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Mitrokhin ... defected to Britain in 1992 after being turned away by the CIA

Why?  As just another confabulating songbird seeking cushy asylum in the US,
I'd bet.
From what I've read so far of Mitrokhin's "revelations," he's a de facto
disinformation agent for the West, painting the CIA in terms tailor-made for
the CIA's own PR "spin."
He claims to be ex-KGB, but in the spy biz, he might actually have been a
double agent in place, a CIA mole in the Kremlin, just biding his time before
he could return "home."
Or, just as possibly, he's not old KGB but new "Russian Mafia," peddling
boogeyman stories calculated to make the US think the Russkis were/are
cleverer than we think  ...
Cui bono?  There's been a stampede of ex-Soviet officers lately whose
credibility is nil --as often the case with "defectors"-- and no surprise,
they all seem to line up behind has-been Cold Warriors, Fuehrer-wannabees
like Singlaub: the Bush Octopus crowd.

Save it for The Weekly World News, Vasili.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Godless Commie Rat!!!

1999-09-15 Thread Sean McDougal

 -Caveat Lector-

Original Message Follows
From: "M.A. Johnson" [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Wealth is created.
Wealth is harnessed and refined, as in raw materials and finished goods
To 'distribute' this created wealth 'equally' requires SOME
to produce at the expense of others.
How does that stand to reason?  You seem to be saying that in order for
everyone to have the same amount that some must have more and that sounds
like a glaring example of doublespeak.
How is this moral?
It is not nor is it true.

Marxism is only concerned with those who are charged with
overseeing its implementation.  Marx IGNORES thinking.
A cultist wrote a verbose Novel 35 years or so ago which
addresses this Utopia of Living off of others ... and
what happens when the Men of the Mind 'shrug'.
You sound precisely and exceedingly like someone who has not read Marx but
also like someone that would deny that even if true.

 Perhaps, but he's also 100% accurate.

About which part?  The author has little understanding of
Marx and Capitalism.
Llama puckey!

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screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Silicon chip could help us to feel others' pain

1999-09-15 Thread Das GOAT

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 99-09-14 15:07:17 EDT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Further in the future he envisages connecting the nervous systems of two
people using similar devices. "The long-term aim is to get communication
between people by means of thought alone," he said.

An intruiging question, he said, would be whether the two people connected
in this way would feel the same sensations, or even emotions.

Oh, great -- now we'll be telepathically spammed (a new cable channel,
Psi-SPAM?), and pestered by trolls masquerading as our own thoughts.  MPS via
the Internut ...

How long before Steve Case (AOL) sells commercial advertising space in your

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Godless Commie Rat!!!

1999-09-15 Thread Sean McDougal

 -Caveat Lector-

Original Message Follows
From: Ric Carter [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  The Dalai Lama is accurate about capitalism and Marxism...
  don't know about the 60's book that you cite...

Unfortunately, although Marxism may be *based* on "moral
precepts", it apparently can't be *implemented* morally.
Please define "moral implementation."

The mark of any system is, does it work - if so, and if
it works such that its participants benefit, it may be
adjudged to be 'moral'.  If it *doesn't* work, it don't
matter diddly-squat what its moral attributes may be -
it's dead.  And if the participants *don't* benefit, it
can hardly be considered 'moral'.
That is obvious.  I hope you are not making the case that marxism as an
experiment has been conducted already without serious and deliberate
monkeywrenching from capitalist powers.  It's simply not true.

And a socio-economic-political system needs to map-onto
the reality of human behavior  desire.
Human behavior has been observed to change according to will.  If it is
one's will to function as part of a whole and one is aware of how to do so
then it will be so and the resulting society will be a summation of all of
its parts [barring deliberate monkeywrenching from capitalist power brokers
and that percentage of the sheep that fear ANYTHING different] and this is
the ideaology that drives most socialistic thinking.  A truly representative
and fair social system is NEVER going to be a result of some ideaology laid
down on the people, no matter how carefully someone has designed this
ideaology to "map-onto the reality of human behavior  desire."  A highly
functional social system CAN RESULT from the collection of human behavior
PROVIDED that people have the understanding of how to relate to each other
on an equality oriented basis and understand the necessity for doing so.

If the truth can be told so that it is understood, it will be believed.

  People are both
competitive and cooperative, qualities that are readily
apparent in capitalism
Parakeet dung!  Do we live in the same country?  There is vastly more
competetiveness in our market economy than cooperation.

- but Marxism depends too much upon
cooperation, forced if necessary.
Please cite Marx's statement that forced unity is possible.

However 'moral' Marx's
intent may have been, most people just ain't gonna live
communally unless they're forced to.
fact: the only people living communally are doing so because they want to.

there are more people living communally all the time [the 90's has seen a
boom of communal living in the United States that exceeds that of the 60's -
see www.ic.org]

Without constant media yammering about the hero who stands alone or the
rugged individual - we would still be SOCIAL creatures just wanting to get
along.  Unfortunately, though, we have glorified alienation.

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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
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be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
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Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Russia: The New Turn (fwd)

1999-09-15 Thread Das GOAT

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 99-09-14 15:31:51 EDT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Republican Jim Leach, head of the US Congress committee
investigating allegations of Russian money laundering says the loot totals
more than $100 billion - "the greatest social robbery in human history".

Where was Leach during our own SL scandal in the '80s, operated by the CIA?

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] From Heads Up 9-12-99 (fwd)

1999-09-15 Thread Das GOAT

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 99-09-12 06:07:58 EDT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

... the social worker and police officer claimed they have
something called "qualified immunity" for what they did and
therefore are protected against any civil or criminal action --

"Sovereign immunity" for state governments, immunity for any agent of the
federal, state or local government in the course of doing his or her "duty,"
a "qualified immunity" for social workers, and Congressionally-legislated
immunity against civil litigation for the mega-corporations ... The beat goes
on, toward "immunity" (i.e., no legal accountability) for everyone EXCEPT
ordinary citizens, whose OTHER rights are being stripped away.

When redress for grievances no longer becomes possible under the "law," there
can be no justice for ordinary citizens unless they dare go BEYOND the "law,"
to thinking the unthinkable ...  Our so-called "government" is backing the
People into a corner from which they have no choice but to come out fighting,
marching on the Bastille ...

"First, we kill all the lawyers" (Shakespeare).

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Waco tear-gas data was disclosed in '95, Democrat says

1999-09-15 Thread Sean McDougal

 -Caveat Lector-

lovely...what could have been an issue uniting people behind the realization
that our government is corrupt beyond nausea is instead going to divide
people because democrats and republicans [good cop and bad cop] are going to
distract with a conservative vs. liberal media blitz.  most democrats are
going to flock to janet's rescue and most republicans are gonna light
torches and head out in mobs into the night.  divide and conquer: an art or
a science?

Original Message Follows

"It's unfortunate that Waxman has decided to turn what up to now has been a
nonpolitical issue into a partisan issue," said Mark Corallo, a spokesman
for Mr. Burton.

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screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] KGB Defector Tells of Soviet Bugging Operation in U.S.

1999-09-15 Thread Nicola Molloy

 -Caveat Lector-

Hi Das,

If I were a Russian spy still waiting to be paid and anticipating the y2k
unpreparedness, I think I'd be out of there as quickly as poss. Winter coming. It
wouldn't surprise me if there was an exodus of spies from Russia before Dec 99.
Money and security a big drawcard. They say even Yeltzin is bribed. Did I post
that one here? Even just to get away from the mafia is a good enough excuse to be
out of there.  I think Russia is decentralised now as apparently according to
Clare Sterling the Russian mafia has taken ove rall the mafias now and have made
their headquarters ther enow. They all meet and carve up the world in areas.
Supposed to be running US now. Clare wrote that they achieved more in 2 years in
US what the Italian mafia took 100 years to build - university educated.

But then again a disinformation agent could be an even better option, as they are
all apparently all in it together (NSA, KGB,Interpol, Brit military)  with the
L.U.C.I.D surveillence technology.

May be a case of all Freemasons around the world loyal to each other and the rest
non - aligned Freemasons. Maybe even Christians,  Jews, Nazi/Aryans (make that 6th
root race) . I think some people will be loyal to race or religion before country
easily, no matter where. Dr John Coleman says the ADL, actually run by a bigger
boss, recruits Jews around the world as unpaid spies. The Vatican would have the
Catholics. People of European royal origin could be spies for their ancestral
lines. etc So people could be double agents this way. Loyal to country officially
but passing on stuff to those who they believe should know also. How's that old
lady in UK photocopying nuclear papers for the Russians for 40 years. She
justified it by saying they should have a chance too.

A thought anyway,

Das GOAT wrote:

  -Caveat Lector-

 In a message dated 99-09-14 03:27:31 EDT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Mitrokhin ... defected to Britain in 1992 after being turned away by the CIA

 Why?  As just another confabulating songbird seeking cushy asylum in the US,
 I'd bet.
 From what I've read so far of Mitrokhin's "revelations," he's a de facto
 disinformation agent for the West, painting the CIA in terms tailor-made for
 the CIA's own PR "spin."
 He claims to be ex-KGB, but in the spy biz, he might actually have been a
 double agent in place, a CIA mole in the Kremlin, just biding his time before
 he could return "home."
 Or, just as possibly, he's not old KGB but new "Russian Mafia," peddling
 boogeyman stories calculated to make the US think the Russkis were/are
 cleverer than we think  ...
 Cui bono?  There's been a stampede of ex-Soviet officers lately whose
 credibility is nil --as often the case with "defectors"-- and no surprise,
 they all seem to line up behind has-been Cold Warriors, Fuehrer-wannabees
 like Singlaub: the Bush Octopus crowd.

 Save it for The Weekly World News, Vasili.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
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1999-09-15 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 09/12/1999 4:06:26 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

 I guess it is just one of those little coincidences we have grown
 to  during  the  Clinton Era. The medical examiner in whose office  someone
 accidentally  "pulled  the  plug"  on  the cooling in the room where the
 bodies of the Branch Davidians were being kept -- causing their bodies to
 liquefy and preventing  any sequent  autopsy -- is the same medical examiner
 who performed the autopsy of Whitewater witness Jim McDougal after his death
 in federal prison last year.

 The Washington  Weekly  had  difficulty  obtaining  the  McDougal autopsy
 report  from  Chief  Medical  Examiner  Nizam Peerwani's office at the time.
 At first we were told such reports take "four to  six  weeks" to complete.
 An April 30, 1998 press release from
 Chief Medical Examiner Nizam Peerwani actually  referred  to  "an autopsy
 report released yesterday in Fort Worth." The office did, in fact, not
 complete or  release  the  McDougal  autopsy  report until June 22, 1998,
 three and one half months after the death of
 McDougal. The report cleared  federal  officials  of  charges  by other
 inmates  of  wrongdoing  in  the  death, and attributed it instead to
 "hypertensive atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease." 

No, no, we've grown used to these little coincidences, but not just in the
Clinton era.  You must be very young and were not paying attention to
politics before l992.  These little coincidences have been happening since
Ike was in office at the very least.  Probably before, but it wasn't until
the Ike you all liked, that I began to really question every move out of
Washington.  Prudy

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

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Re: [CTRL] The glorious capitalist free market economic system.

1999-09-15 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 09/12/1999 6:09:16 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

 "Compassionate" hand wringing won't solve the problem The
 problem is that
 we live in a Fascistic/ Socialistic / Corporate State. Socialist
 Corporate Capitalism
 is not free market. 

Your Congress likes it the way it is.  The corporate elite like it the way it
is.  When are you all going to believe that those who have don't care at all
about the have nots?  They really don't.  They would hope that not all of
them die at one time, because the stench is annoying, but otherwise, they
don't care about the poor, the hungry, the children or the infirm.  They
really, really don't.  Prudy

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
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Re: [CTRL] Smyrna

1999-09-15 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 09/13/1999 3:15:17 AM Eastern Daylight Time,

 Re Ari Onasis- rather he fled the genocide(1922) that the Turks committed-
 so after killing the armenians, the finished off the greeks for dessert.
 Smyrna was a totally Greek city until that time.

 PS I love chinese, japanese food but the food in Izmir is among the worst I
 have evert tasted,
 but I was only there as a tourist
 The turks are now enjoying their cheese Kurds now. 

Ari Onassis was an interesting person.  If you remember he saved his father
by bargaining with one of the Turkish commanders.  I never thought much of
people who just made a lot of money, because if you are ruthless and lucky,
it's pretty much possible, but Onassis should be respected for the way he
saved his father.

To understand about the Greeks in Istanbul and Izmir, you must read a little
history.  Greeks and Orthodox they were, but they were considered citizens of
Turkey.  There is only one crime that the Turks truly cannot forgive.  That
is treason.  The British were advancing, and the Greeks were more than
pleased and were flying the British flag.  We all know the results.  As for
the Kurds.  They are a wonderful people (or at least the ones I knew were).
They want their own country.  Everyone understands that, and they will
struggle forever to get it.  But just for now they are Turks, and if you want
to see how Turkish they can become, scratch them with a Greek.

As for the food, those who do not like Greek/Turkish food are welcome to
their opinion.  I happen to like it very much.  I also like Chinese, Japanese
and Korean food.  In fact I can't think right off of a country that doesn't
have some food, I would love to have for dinner.  I also can't think right
off of a country that doesn't have some food I never want to eat again.  We
all have our prejudices.  Prudy

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screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
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[CTRL] [Fwd: Fed. Appeals Court Rules in Favor of CA Patients]

1999-09-15 Thread Bill

 -Caveat Lector-

"Colo. Hemp Init. Project" wrote:


 By BOB EGELKO, The Associated Press
 September 14, 1999

 SAN FRANCISCO (AP) - A federal appeals court Monday raised the possibility
 that clubs that provide medical marijuana might be reopened, saying
 "medical necessity" could make some patients exempt from laws against pot.

 In a rebuff to the Clinton administration, the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of
 Appeals told a judge who had issued an injunction against such groups to
 consider exempting patients and doctors who could show "medical necessity."
 The injunction against six medical marijuana clubs had been issued at the
 request of the Justice Department.

 The court did not order the exception but said there was evidence that
 would justify it.

 One of the six Northern California clubs, the Oakland Cannabis Buyers'
 Cooperative, "has identified a strong public interest in the availability
 of a doctor-prescribed treatment that would help ameliorate the condition
 and relieve the pain and suffering of a large group of persons with serious
 or fatal illnesses," the court said in a 3-0 ruling.

 The court noted that the"necessity" defense - showing that breaking the law
 was the only way to prevent a more serious harm - would be available if
 federal authorities prosecuted patients or club officials for violating
 federal drug laws.

 Because the government sought an injunction against future lawbreaking
 instead of prosecuting anyone, the order should be worded to exclude
 conduct that likely would be allowed if a person cited the necessity
 defense at trial, the court said.

 To be eligible for such an exemption, patients would have to show that they
 have tried legal alternatives to marijuana and found that they don't work
 or cause intolerable side effects, the court said.

 The ruling was applauded by Robert Raich, a lawyer for the Oakland
 cooperative, which served about 2,000 patients before being closed by court
 order last year. It later reopened as a center for hemp products and
 patient support, but not for marijuana distribution.

 "The 9th Circuit is correctly recognizing that cannabis has medical
 efficacy to a large class of patients and that it should be recognized
 under federal law under the medical necessity defense," Raich said.

 He said the ruling could lead to the reopening of the Oakland cooperative
 for the limited number of patients who could show medical necessity.

 No one was immediately available at the Justice Department to respond to
 the ruling, a spokesman said.

 Medical marijuana clubs sprang up around California after the November 1996
 approval of Proposition 215, which allowed patients with serious illnesses
 to obtain and use marijuana at their doctors' recommendation without being
 prosecuted under state law. The drug is used to relieve pain and other
 effects of AIDS, cancer and certain other diseases and their treatments.

 The Justice Department responded by suing six Northern California clubs,
 saying the absolute federal ban on marijuana distribution overrode
 Proposition 215.

 U.S. District Judge Charles Breyer agreed, issuing a contempt order last
 year that forced four of the clubs to stop distributing marijuana. Two of
 the clubs, in Fairfax and Ukiah remain open because the government failed
 to present evidence that they were distributing marijuana at the time.
 Other informal organizations scattered around the state also continue to
 supply medicinal marijuana.

 To read the 9th Circuit decision see:
   Re-distributed as a public service by the:
  Colorado Hemp Initiative Project
  P.O. Box 729, Nederland, CO 80466
  Vmail: (303) 448-5640
   Web: http://www.welcomehome.org/cohip.html
  "Fighting over 60 years of lies and dis-information
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be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence 

Re: [CTRL] Anti-drug ads engender interest in drugs

1999-09-15 Thread Sean McDougal

 -Caveat Lector-


Pharmacratic Inquisition nov. verb.- The Christian persecution of archaic
religions based on sacramental ingestion of entheogenic plants and the
consequent personal access to ecstatic states; whose first great victory was
the destruction of the Eleusinian Mysteries at the end of the fourth
century; which then reached a gruesome climax in the persecution of witches
in the Middle Ages; and which continues in today's Pharmacratic State in the
guise of a public health 'War on Drugs.'

1994 Ott Ayahuasca Analogues, 12. May the Entheogenic Reformation prevail
over the Pharmacratic Inquisition, leading to the spiritual rebirth of
humankind at Our Lady Gæa's breasts, from which may ever copiously flow the
amrta, the ambrosia, the ayahuasca of eternal life!

The Age of Entheogens  The Angel's Dictionary
by Jonathan Ott

In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. section 107, this
material is distributed without charge or profit to those
who have expressed a prior interest in receiving this type
of information for non-profit research and educational
purposes only.



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and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] What's wrong with this Nation that WE tolerate allthis?[Hell!]

1999-09-15 Thread Nurev Ind Research

 -Caveat Lector-

The answer is found in " Sarkar's Theory of Historical Cycles."



pennie hammons wrote:

  -Caveat Lector-


 Reply-To: Conspiracy Theory Research List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: [CTRL] What's wrong with this Nation that WE tolerate all
 Date: Fri, 10 Sep 1999 20:43:25 -0700
   -Caveat Lector-
 Brothers and Sisters,  The corruption, lies, deceits, whoring is so great
 no wonder the Parents of our children find it necessary to dope them up.
 We cannot continue this way!
 You know it and I know it.
 Are you Parents, who I assume vote, so far removed from what is happening,
 have no shame as to what is Right and what is Wrong.
 Your past voting records has brought this wrath upon us.
 Have you no moral, self-responsibility, for ensuring that your young
 develop into mature people with a sense of right and wrong;  their
 whole future is at stake.  And woe to you who have brought it all about.
 Major change MUST occur in 11/2000;  and I don't mean returning
 those thugs to public office (federal, state, country, and local).
 If the choice is Al Gore or George W., there is really no choice at all.
 first will take you to hell in the fast lane, the other will take you there
 in the slow lane. Either way, your destination is the same -- you're still
 on the highway to hell.
 CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting
 screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid
 and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and
 frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor
 spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
 gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to
 be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
 nazi's need not apply.
 Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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 and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
 frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
 spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
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 be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
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1999-09-15 Thread Sean McDougal

 -Caveat Lector-

Thank you, Prudy, for engaging in the serious taboo known as remembering.
It's nice to see that I am not alone in jumping on the bandwagon that it is
only the LATEST "president" that is to blame for everything.

I feel that one of the reasons that people do this is because to blame any
EX presidents is less likely to lead to a lynchin than going after who is
CURRENTLY in office.

Original Message Follows
From: "Prudence L. Kuhn" [EMAIL PROTECTED]

No, no, we've grown used to these little coincidences, but not just in the
Clinton era.  You must be very young and were not paying attention to
politics before l992.  These little coincidences have been happening since
Ike was in office at the very least.  Probably before, but it wasn't until
the Ike you all liked, that I began to really question every move out of
Washington.  Prudy

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screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Catholic church may cut money to homeless shelter over ...

1999-09-15 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 09/13/1999 1:54:11 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

 The Rev. Frank Chiodo of the Basilica of St. John, one of the churches that
 helped found the shelter eight years ago, said he had complained to the
 shelter's board about the condoms. "It's not an issue of birth control, per
 se," Chiodo told the paper. "I don't have the right to tell non-Catholics
 not to use birth control."  He said his objection to the condoms was that
 they are "the means to continue addictive, dysfunctional behavior." 

Until this moment, I was unaware that the Catholic Church considered sex to
be addictive, dysfunctional behavior.   No wonder they're losing members.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] OEN 9/15/99

1999-09-15 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

A HREF="http://www.aci.net/kalliste/"The Home Page of J. Orlin Grabbe/A

Today's Lesson from The International Narcotics Control Strategy Report

by U.S. Department of State

Operation Risky Business

In March of 1997, the FBI opened an investigation involving an advanced
fee scheme as a result of information received by its Atlanta Division
and developed through a racketeering enterprise investigation. The
investigation was conducted jointly with the U.S. Customs Service.
Numerous business people throughout the world were victims of this
scheme, including people located in Singapore, Israel, Turkey,
Australia, Greece, Germany, France, the British Virgin Islands, Canada,
Ireland, the United Kingdom, and the United States. The subjects of the
investigation advertised in periodicals and newspapers such as the Wall
Street Journal and the New York Times, touting themselves as being able
to provide large amounts of venture capital to businesses. The
applications for this venture capital required that the victim-client
provide a "working capital agreement" fee ranging from $50,000 to
$2,000,000 based upon the amount of venture capital requested. This fee
was initially sent to a bank in either Switzerland, Canada, England, or
Germany, and was eventually forwarded to the American International Bank
in Antigua. From there, the money was then transferred to the credit of
Caribbean American Bank (CAB), also located in Antigua. CAB was wholly
owned and chartered by the subjects of the investigation. After the
funds were forwarded, the subjects required the victim-client to provide
collateralized letters of credit up to the amount that they were
requesting in venture capital. When the victim-client could not provide
such a letter (virtually impossible to obtain), the subjects would
invoke a portion of the contract signed by the victim-client which
placed the contract in default. The "working capital agreement" fee and
any other fees paid by the victim-client were then forfeited. During
later portions of the scheme, the subjects required that the
victim-client incorporate an entity in Antigua and open an account at
CAB. This trick was used to give the false impression that no U.S.
entity was involved and that only Antiguan corporations were seeking
this venture capital. It is estimated that the scheme defrauded in
excess of 400 people or groups worldwide, and that the aggregate loss to
the victim-clients exceeded $100 million.

The indictment in this matter was sealed until May 7, 1998. As of
February 2, 1999, eleven subjects had been arrested, and four had
entered plea agreements with the government. The other seven subjects
are awaiting trial.

Guernsey International Financial Fraud

The FBI continues to investigate a company, registered with the
Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), which is suspected of being
involved in money laundering throughout the international financial
community, including offshore locations. This company was allegedly
engaged in the development and sale of image processing technology. The
company allegedly included false revenue, earnings and asset figures
into its annual and quarterly reports and in other statements
disseminated to the investing public and to stockbrokers. The president,
a vice president, the controller, one director and 5 other individuals
having business with the company were indicted on 17 counts of
security-related violations in August 1996. The case has not yet gone to
trial, however; the controller and 3 other individuals have plead

The company reported that it had received approximately $8 million in
revenue from ten foreign customers, purportedly from the alleged sale of
computer software and hardware. The customers were incorporated by a
company formation business in the United Kingdom at the direction of the
principals of the company. It is believed that the customers were
nothing more than "brass plate" entities, which had addresses in the
Isle of Man, Ireland and the United Kingdom and had nominee directors
from the Isle of Sark. The Sark directors acted on instructions from the
company formation business, which in turn acted on the instructions of
the principals of the company.

In order to create the appearance that the "customers" had paid for the
products and to avoid detection of the scheme, principals of the company
allegedly arranged for funds to be delivered to the company and
disguised them as payment for products sold. In fact, it is believed
that the vast majority of these funds were not bona fide payments for
goods sold. Rather, the source of the funds was either regular corporate
earnings or the proceeds of the sales of the company's securities.

The subject company issued over $20 million in unregistered shares of
stock. Pursuant to the Securities Act of 1933, companies are required to

Re: [CTRL] World horrified by Timor attack as Jakarta resists peace ...

1999-09-15 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 09/14/1999 1:32:18 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

 JAKARTA, Sept 12 (AFP) - Reports of a brutal attack by Indonesian soldiers
 on refugees in an East Timorese mission town horrified the world Sunday and
 intensified pressure on Indonesia to end the carnage.

 Indonesian troops and pro-Jakarta militia mounted an assault on 30,000
 unarmed and starving East Timorese in Dare, where they had fled after
 pro-Jakarta militias laid waste to the capital Dili, UN officials said. 

So what's new?  I've been wondering why noone has interviewed ex-Pres Ford
and Henry Kissinger to see what they think of the current goings on.  They
approved the stuff done to the East Timorese back in the 70's.  Maybe they
know something we don't know.  Maybe dead Timorese is still good business for
the United States and its corporate friends.  Prudy

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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1999-09-15 Thread Kris Millegan


Date:   9/15/1999 7:03:28 AM Pacific Daylight Time

PLANETNEWS broadcast...part 1 of 2...



The development of the technology of Genetic Modification (G.M.) stretches

back decades but most people have started to become aware of its

implications during the 90's.First in the mid 90's Monsanto introduced

rB.S.T. a G.M. growth hormone designed to increase milk yields in the U.S.

After some controversy the E.U. decided to ban its import into Europe, a

decision which is likely to be overturned by the World Trade Organisation

(W.T.O.) soon. Then in 1996 shipments of soyabeans genetically modified to

be resistant to Monsanto's herbicide Roundup started to arrive in this

country prompting the first major signs of public disquiet. More recently

the sacking of Dr Puzstai from the Rowett Institute for claiming that

consuming G.M. potatoes harmed rats provoked quite a food scare frenzy in

the capitalist media. Pictures of a green faced Tony Blair with bolts

through his neck under the headline "The Prime Monster" probably made all

but the hardest of us chuckle but the whole "Frankenstein Foods" paranoia

tended to obscure the environmental and social disasters which will follow

if the corporations carry out their plans to introduce G.M. on a large



G.M. is only the latest stage in the the industrialisation of food

production which has been going on throughout the whole post war period

under the control of the petro-chemical-pharmaceutical multinationals that

have come to dominate the global economy. More powerful than many nation

states (in 1995 of the 100 most powerful `economies' in the world 48 were

multinational corporations) they, along with the international financial

institutions (IMF, World Bank, W.T.O. etc) constitute the economic side of

the New World Order with N.A.T.O. taking on the role of political


The process of industrialising food production which they have been imposing

on us over the last few decades consists of destroying subsistence and

organic farming and replacing it with a system based on

*Massive inputs of petro-chemicals in the form of fuel for machinery,

artificial fertilisers and biocides (herbicides and pesticides).

*Production for a global market rather than for direct consumption

(subsistence) or local markets.

*More dependence on animal products and the intensification of animal

exploitation (factory farming).

*The concentration of land ownership into fewer hands.

*Dependence on multinational corporations for seed. Major chemical,

pharmaceutical and oil multinationals have taken over more than 120 seed

companies since the 60,s. The top 5 seed producers now control 75% of the

world market. Hybrid, so-called `High Yielding Varieties', have yields

20-40% lower in the second generation if replanted and are hence

economically sterile'.

*The replacement of mixed cropping systems suitable to local conditions with


The results of this process (sometimes known as the `Green Revolution') have

been landlessness, poverty  starvation for many in the so-called `Third

World' as well as massive degradation of the natural world through chemical

pollution and loss of biodiversity.

The high cost of chemical and mechanical inputs and expensive new seed

varieties favours large farmers over small who go bankrupt, lose their land

and end up either going to swell the already huge numbers of proletarians

inhabiting the shanty towns and slums that surround so many `Third World'

cities or become agricultural labourers on the big farms or plantations.

Here they may be unlucky enough to become one of the over 40,000 `Third

World' farmworkers who are killed each year as a result of over exposure to

agro-chemicals which often come with instructions not in the workers mother

tongue, which they may well be required to use without proper safety

equipment and which could well be banned substances dumped in the `Third

World' by the multinationals. (Figures from 1994 UN report, up to 1,000,000

are made ill as a result of over exposure to agro-chemicals).

Despite the fact that the world produces l.5 times as much food as is needed

to feed the human population starvation and famine are endemic to modern

capitalism. One reason people go hungry is because they do not have access

to land to grow food to feed themselves, in the mid 80's severe famines

occurred in the Sahel countries of Burkina, Faso, Mali, Niger, Senegal and

Chad yet during the same period record harvests of cotton were exported to

the industrial centres of the world economy. During the famine in Ethiopia

[CTRL] I cannot deny that these unpleasant --Nazi even-- books are on the web (fwd)

1999-09-15 Thread Yardbird

 -Caveat Lector-

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Tue, 14 Sep 1999 22:21:37 -0700
From: hansen [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: I cannot deny that these unpleasant --Nazi even-- books are on the web

I am not able to deny that the following are on the net:

( I don't know what these are. These may be comedies for all I know:)
Homer Eon Flint (1892-1924)
The Lord of Death (1919)
The Queen of Life (1919)
The Devolutionist (1921)

Carol Moore.
Her heart seems to be in the right place. See her home page.

Ebola book 1978 - SR Pattyn on internet
We are very happy to announce that we have managed to bring the
historical book
"Ebola Virus Haemorrhagic Fever", Editor: SR Pattyn, 1978,
containing the Proceedings of an International Colloquium on
Ebola Virus Infection and other Haemorrhagic Fevers held in Antwerp,
Belgium, 6-8 December 1977, to the internet.

This will allow Ebola freaks to get access to a lot of very
valuable information which is complementary to the more recent
proceedings of the Ebola 1996 Colloquium, organized at ITM,
Antwerp in 1996, which is accessible at the website:

The "Ebola Virus Haemorrhagic Fever", book of SR Pattyn is
available at the ITM website:
and the ENIVD website:

Prof. Dr. S.R. Pattyn, editor of the book entitled: "Ebola Virus
Haemorrhagic Fever", as well as one of his "Ebola hunter"
companions, Guido van der Groen, are indebted to Elsevier/North-
Holland for their authorization to make the book available through
internet. We highly appreciate the financial support of the
European Commission (Project n[degree] SOC 98 201054 05F04
(98CVVF4-025-0)). We are very grateful to Dr. Matthias Niedrig,
coordinator of the European Network of Imported Viral Diseases
(ENIVD) to have this book on the ENIVD website:

-  SNETNEWS  Mailing List

Whisker Militia Treatises going online.

With the gracious permission of the author, we are putting online
the Militia Treatises of James B. Whisker, Professor of Political
Science at West Virginia University. See

The first of these is a short treatise, _The Militia_, Lewiston,
NY: Mellen, 1992, and the second is a five-volume set, _The American
Colonial Militia, 1606-1785_, published in 1997.

So far we have put up at least the main text of four of the five
volumes of the second:

  Vol. 1 -- Introduction

  Vol. 2 -- New England States
  Vol. 3 -- Pennsylvania

  Vol. 5 -- Southern States

The first, and the fourth volume of the second, are awaiting the
author finding where he put the diskettes with the files on them.  :)

Whisker has also given permission to publish online his treatise,
_The Right to Hunt, updated 1999. He has recently come out with a
book on the American militia from colonial times to the present,
more information about which will be put on the above page when it
is available.

Anyone contemplating writing on the subject of militias should read
at least the first treatise and the first volume of the second,
which should be considered standard references on the legal,
political, and historical aspects of the subject.


Constitution Society, 1731 Howe Av #370, Sacramento, CA 95825
916/568-1022, 916/450-7941VM Date: 09/11/99  Time: 19:55:26
http://www.constitution.org/ mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

BIOWAR-L Biowar/Bioterrorism/Toxins Mailing List
The following documents are available for free in Chem-Bio.com's
Resource Center at


- SBCCOM - Compendium of Weapons of Mass Destruction Courses - July
1999 (PDF - 1MB)

- SBCCOM - Interim Summary Report for Law Enforcement and Emergency
Medical Services Protective Ensemble Testing - May 1999 (PDF - 995K)

- SBCCOM - Tests of Level B Suits - Protection Against Chemical and
Biological Warfare Agents and Simulants: Executive Summary - April
1999 (PDF - 36K)

- SBCCOM - Chemical Weapons Improved Response Program (CW IRP)
Summary Report - March 1999 (PDF - 1MB)

- SBCCOM - Testing of Commercially Available Detectors Against
Chemical Warfare Agents: Summary Report - February 1999 (PDF - 80K)

- GAO [NSIAD-99-157BR] - Combating Terrorism: Analysis of Federal
Counterterrorist Exercises - June 1999 (PDF - 344K)

- SBCCOM - DoD Standard Family of Tactical Shelters (PDF - 1.5MB)

- Commission to Assess the Organization of the Federal Government to
Combat the Proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction: Combating
Proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction - July 14, 1999 (PDF -

[dozens of others]
Voice (703) 370-2962
Fax (703) 370-1571
Web - 

[CTRL] AICS: Urgent situation in East Timor (fwd)

1999-09-15 Thread Yardbird

 -Caveat Lector-

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Wed, 15 Sep 1999 15:43:11 GMT
Subject: AICS: Urgent situation in East Timor

In response to the human rights crisis taking place in East
Timor, last week our international Secretary General, Pierre
San', moved Amnesty International's entire movement into
Crisis Mode. Amnesty sections and members around the world
are asked to focus resources towards the crisis.

In Canada, Amnesty members are mobilizing quickly. You can
help by joining our Electronic Emergency Response Team
(ELERT), which has been set up specifically to respond to the
crisis in East Timor. Members of ELERT are receiving by e-mail
emergency actions as events unfold, which provide members
with concrete ways of having an immediate impact. If you wish
to join ELERT and are able respond to such action appeals within
48 hours, please e-mail us at [EMAIL PROTECTED] and we will
add your name to the list.

You can learn more and keep up to date on the human rights
situation in East Timor by referring to our Web site at
www.amnesty.ca. There you will find current information, as
well as action opportunities. Since the situation is changing
rapidly, please check the site frequently.

Below we have included a call to action to which you may wish
to respond. If you require help in writing your letter, please refer
to Amnesty's letter-writing tips, linked to the East Timor section
of our Web page located at

Thank you for your attention to the situation in East Timor, and
for your concern for human rights.

Mona-Lynn Courteau  Andrew Bales
Member Services
Amnesty International Canadian Section (English Speaking)
(613) 744-7667 ext. 229 or 1-800-AMNESTY (266-3789)

*** Urgent Appeal to the Canadian Government ***

East Timor: No Time for Silence

Preparations are now underway for the deployment of a United
Nations peacekeeping force in East Timor. While Amnesty
International welcomes these developments, we remain
concerned that widespread violence is continuing against the
East Timorese, and that the gravity of the situation is now
largely hidden from the outside world. Killings, "disappearances"
and other violations continue in East Timor, while 113,000
people have been displaced to West Timor, where militias are
now carrying out abuses.

Amnesty believes that the failure of Indonesia's allies and
trading partners to condemn the violence carried out by
Indonesian forces and Indonesian-backed militias is a critical
factor in the continuation of this violence. Therefore, we are
calling on the Canadian government, as a member of the United
Nations Security Council and as a long time proponent of
diplomatic engagement with Indonesia, to speak out strongly
against the violence and the Indonesian government's role in it.

Amnesty is also asking that the Canadian government use its
influence to ensure that the Indonesian military does not
interfere with the United Nations as it fulfils its responsibilities
*ensure law and order and a peaceful transition in East Timor,
*provide humanitarian assistance to East Timorese refugees and
displaced people in East Timor, as well as West Timor and other
parts of Indonesia, and
*impartially investigate and document human rights abuses.


Amnesty members and all members of the public may send
faxes or e-mails to the government of Canada welcoming
Canada's commitment to a UN presence in East Timor, but
expressing grave concern over the continuing violence.

Please add your voice, and urge your friends, family, and
community to take action! Address all letters, e-mails and faxes

The Right Honourable Prime Minister Chrétien
House of Commons
Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0A2
Fax: (613) 941-6900

The Honourable Lloyd Axworthy
Minister of Foreign Affairs
House of Commons
Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0A6
Fax: (613) 947-4442

You may also contact you local member of parliament.

Thank you for responding to this appeal.


Amnesty uses this list every few months when we have news
to share with our Canadian membership. If you know any
members who did not receive this message, please suggest that
they send us their e-mail address at [EMAIL PROTECTED] and
we will keep them up to date. If you have friends who may be
interested in learning more about Amnesty or becoming
members, please e-mail us their name and mailing address and
we will send them a membership package.

If you'd like to have your name removed from this distribution
list, please send us a message at [EMAIL PROTECTED]
requesting removal and we will take care of it.  Use the same
address, or call 1-800-AMNESTY (266-3789), to renew your
membership, update your address, join our monthly giving
program, or request information on how you can become more
deeply involved with Amnesty's work (such as 

[CTRL] Fwd: [RuMills] The Unknown $19 Trillion Depository Trust Company

1999-09-15 Thread Kris Millegan


Message from Rumor Mill News: If you have stocks and bonds, you had better
study this very carefully. This is another article from Planet News. If you
want the second part, you have to contact them.

Subj:   The Unknown $19 Trillion Depository Trust Company
Date:   9/14/1999 10:29:57 PM Pacific Daylight Time

PLANETNEWS broadcast...

Tuesday, September 14, 1999 12:59:11 PM

In a message dated 9/13/1999 10:15:48 PM Pacific Daylight Time,

The Unknown $19 Trillion Depository Trust Company
by Anthony Wayne

Part I of II- This exclusive report is a compilation of interviews and
background research from October 1995 through April 1999.

The Depository Trust Company (DTC) is the best kept secret in America.
Headquartered at 55 Water Street in New York City, the average American has
no clue that this financial institution is the most powerful banking
corporation in the world. The general public has no knowledge of what the DTC
is or what they do. How can a private banking trust company hold assets of
over $19 trillion and be unknown? In a recent press release dated April 19,
1999, the Depository Trust Company stated:

  The Depository Trust Company (DTC) is the world's largest securities
depository, holding nearly $19 trillion in assets for its Participants and
their customers Last year, DTC processed over 164 million book-entry
deliveries valued at more than $77 trillion.

In dealing with the trust department of Midlantic Bank, N.A. in New Jersey
[now PNC Bank, N.A.], this writer was authorized, as trustee and power of
attorney, to transfer original trust assets comprising of common stocks and
bonds to a new trust set up in another jurisdiction. An Assistant Vice
President from the Trust  Financial Management Office of Midlantic Bank said
to me "it will take at least 6 weeks to do this as the majority of the stocks
and bonds are not held in the name of the trust". This same Midlantic Bank
Assistant V.P. also stated in a letter dated November 17, 1995, "Of the 11
municipal bonds, 8 are held in book entry only. This means they cannot be
physically re-registered with a certificate sent to the new trustees." (*
these are not the actual figures quoted in the letter in order to protect the
privacy of the account holder, at their request. Also, we were asked not to
name the Midlantic Assistant V.P. in order to protect her privacy Rights. We
respect these requests with full moral compliance). In disbelief, I brought
this matter to the attention of our research assistants at the Christian
Common Law Institute [formerly the North Bridge News] and we began our
lengthy investigation into the matter. After 3  years, the can of worms we've
opened up should frighten every American. With the advent of reported Y2K
computer glitches and the possible collapse of our 'paper asset' economy,
every person who has a stock or bond in their portfolio had better read this
report and act on the information we are disclosing here.

In November 1995, after encountering numerous "no comments" and a myriad of
"that's not my department" excuses via telephone, I eventually spoke with Mr.
Jim McNeff who told me his position was Director of Training for the DTC. He
said he'd been employed there for 19 years and was "very proud" of his
employer. During my initial telephone interview, either Jim's employer or
some other unknown person or persons were illegally listening or taping our
telephone conversation according to the electronic eavesdropping equipment we
have installed on our end. Why did anyone feel it was necessary to illegally
record our conversation without advising us? Was some federal alphabet agency
monitoring DTC calls to safeguard National Security? That in itself is
suspicious enough to warrant a big red warning flag.

Jim informed me back then (1995) that "the DTC is the largest limited trust
company in the world with assets of $ 9.1 trillion". In July 1998, I spoke
with Ms. Rose Barnabic of the DTC Finance Department who said that "DTC
assets are currently estimated at around $11 trillion". As of April 19, 1999,
the DTC itself has stated that their assets total "nearly $19 trillion" (see
above). Mr. McNeff had also stated "the DTC is a brokerage clearing firm and
transfer center. We're a private bank for securities. We handle the book
entry transactions for all banks and brokers. Every bank and brokerage firm
must secure their membership with us in case they become insolvent, so your
assets are secure with DTC". Yes, you read that correctly. The DTC is a
private bank that processes every stock and bond (paper securities) for all
U.S. banks and brokerage houses. The big question is this; Just who gave this
private bank and trust company such a broad range of financial power and

[CTRL] Pot and Anti-Psychotic Prescription Drugs

1999-09-15 Thread Involuntary

 -Caveat Lector-

Someone in usenet asked this question and my response turned into
something that I wanted to share here.

Someone asked:

 Does anyone know what the interactions are between pot and psychiatric
 drugs, such as Ritalin or Prozac?

I can't tell you how they react with each other, but I can tell you the
difference in how they make you feel.

When I was high everything *looked* different.  That's not to say I was
seeing different things, but my perception was different so that I could
see and perceive more details, noticing things I had never noticed
before.  Being high made me more comfortable in reality, as if
"everything is okay" which I think accounts for much of the feeling of
deeper friendship among friends.  My thinking was sharper.  Ideas came
more smoothly and with more clarity, though when I tried to express
them, sometimes I would get lost during the explanation and eventually
stop talking altogether.  :-)  That was part of the fun of it, too,
because even though you might get lost and trail off, you know that
you're not losing your mind.  Coming down from a high is like being
gently settled onto a pillow.  There's no withdrawal and there's no
craving for more weed unless you just want to do it.

As for antipsychotic drugs, I've never had Ritalin or Prozac, but I have
been given Risperdal and Chloropromazine (Thorazine).  The effects are
the exact opposite of what weed does.  Where weed takes you to a
peaceful and serene mode of existence, Risperdal, Chloropromazine and I
suspect other anti-psychotics take you into a black hole of existence,
where you're barely able to form thoughts, and even when you manage to,
there's no inner dialog.  It's like talking to someone, but getting no
response—just a blank stare that doesn't even acknowledge your

When I was doped up on Risperdal or Thorazine either one, I was so out
of it that I did anything I was told if for no other reason to avoid
conflict.  It seemed to make me weaker and at times I felt like I was in
one of those nightmares where you're threatened somehow and it drains
your very energy so that in a conflict you know you can't possibly offer
any resistance.  When you feel that way while on medication, and at
regular intervals someone is shoving a pill cup in your face to make you
take more, it is the lowest form of degradation there is, especially if
you know you don't need the stuff.  I wanted to think.  But the medicine
they wanted me to take prevented it.

What's more, the most embarrassing moment of my life came when I
literally could not talk within two days after they gave me Risperdal.
They upped my dose to about three milligrams and about an hour and a
half later I was called in to talk to the panel of psychiatrists.  It
started out okay, but I suddenly found that whenever I would try to
talk, the muscle in my tongue pushed upward and I couldn't get my tongue
off the roof of my mouth while I was talking.  When I stopped, it
dropped down.  As a person who has never had trouble talking, and who
always makes it a point to speak clearly to be understood, this was a
situation that just made me crumble with shame because I did not have
the power to bring myself under control.  The side-effects of the
medicine had me and I hated them all for giving it to me.

Another person who I had met at the mental hospital from which we had
been transferred was also given Risperdal.  The effect on him was more
horrid.  He was outside and suddenly he was bent over forward and his
neck went into a spasm that turned his head damned near all the way
around.  Nobody was touching him, yet he couldn't get out of that
position.  One of the staff members had to run in and get another pill
to nullify the side-effects.  Within 15 minutes he was okay.

So my experience is one that wonders what the reasoning is behind
keeping marijuana illegal.  Marijuana never did these things to me.
Marijuana never locked up my tongue.  It never caused me to lose control
of my muscles so that I was knotted up like a pretzel.  Yet it's
perfectly okay for psychiatrists to prescribe this garbage to people
which turns them into mindless zombies.

My roommate is a shining example.  He was given Zoloft along with a host
of other drugs when he was admitted to a mental hospital after having
several delusions about UFO's, Witch Mountain (from the movie _Escape to
Witch Mountain_), conspiracies, the secret government, God and Satan.
The result was a person who walked with his lower arms and hands out in
front of him at all times and he took little baby steps.

So when you go to Alcoholics Anonymous they talk about self-medicating.
In drug rehab I was forced to go to Alcoholics Anonymous meetings even
though I hated alcohol and I didn't even drink.  Even so, I knew where a
Narcotics Anonymous meeting was at so I went there whenever I could,
though mostly because it got me out of the place in which I was locked
up.  I only went into this place because it was either 

[CTRL] Fwd: Moving Gently on East Timor

1999-09-15 Thread Sean McDougal

 -Caveat Lector-

Original Message Follows
From: Robert Weissman [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: undisclosed-recipients:;
Subject: Moving Gently on East Timor
Date: Mon, 13 Sep 1999 23:56:56 -0500 (CDT)

Moving Gently on East Timor
By Russell Mokhiber and Robert Weissman

The Clinton administration's shamefully slow response to the savagery
unleashed by the Indonesian military and militia on the people of East
Timor allowed a vicious slaughter to take place. East Timor's capital,
Dili, now lies in ruins, hundreds or quite likely thousands of Timorese have
been killed since they voted overwhelmingly for independence on August 30,
and tens or hundreds of thousands of Timorese are now hiding in the
mountains facing starvation and fearing possible attacks by Indonesian armed

Under pressure from grassroots activists, Congress and foreign governments
and aroused by the sheer savagery of the Indonesian attack on the Timorese,
the administration has now ratcheted up its rhetoric of condemnation,
announced meaningful cuts in military aid, and watched approvingly as the
International Monetary Fund and World Bank suspended new loans. And as a
result of international pressure, Indonesia has agreed to allow a
peacekeeping force into East Timor.

For all this slow progress, until the Australian-led peacekeeping
operation lands in East Timor, there remains the substantial possibility of
a new round of bloodletting. Even stronger pressure from the United States,
as well as other international powers, will be needed to assure that
calamity does not occur.

Leaving aside the ghastly history of U.S. military and diplomatic support
for the brutal and illegal Indonesian occupation of East Timor -- a 24-year
occupation in which an estimated 200,000 Timorese were killed -- why has the
U.S. response to the unfolding butchery in East Timor been so laggardly?

The New York Times went a long way to answering this crucial question in a
September 9 front-page story titled, "With Other Goals in Indonesia, U.S.
Moves Gently on East Timor."

"We have myriad interests" in Indonesia, explained State Department
spokesperson Jaime Rubin in one of his daily briefings, "and what our job is
is to try to balance those various interests."

Others in the government and chattering class, such as Eleanor Clift of
Newsweek, echoed this basic sentiment. The United States should be
"realistic" in setting its policy on East Timor, they urged, noting the
multiple U.S. "interests" in Indonesia and the importance of promoting

Since the prescription was to balance these "interests" in "stability"
against the lives of the Timorese, it is worth identifying what they are.

"We have a business interest," said Rubin in identifying competing U.S.
interests in Indonesia. That is, the U.S. government wants to protect U.S.
investments in Indonesia -- Nike's subcontractor factories, the mines of
Freeport McMoRan, the oil drilling of Texaco, Chevron and Mobil. Strong
diplomatic pressure on Indonesia might conceivably have led to the
revocation of concessions and privileges for U.S. corporations, worried the
practitioners of realpolitik.

Worse, from this point of view, was the possibility that support for the
Timorese will somehow flare up Indonesian separatist movements in Aceh
(where Mobil is heavily invested) and Irian Jaya (where Freeport McMoRan
runs the world's largest gold mine).

A broader U.S. business interest was in maintaining the flow of IMF and
World Bank money to Indonesia, so the country maintains its commitment to
the "structural adjustment" policies which require it to remove restrictions
on foreign investment, further orient its economy to exports, privatize
government enterprises and cut subsidies to the poor.

Additionally, given the precarious state of the Indonesian economy, and the
success of the IMF in deepening Indonesian dependence on foreign money
flows, a sudden cut off of IMF and Bank monies might in fact send a harmful
shock to the economy (whatever the long-run benefits of severing ties with
the international financial institutions). The announced cut off of funds is
actually a suspension of future monies not yet allocated, and is only
temporary, so the feared effect on the international markets has been muted.

Of course, it would be misleading to say the U.S. government was slow to act
in Indonesia/East Timor only because it wanted to protect Nike and other
U.S. multinationals. In addition to the commercial and broader economic
stability issues, the U.S. foreign policy and military establishments attach
great geopolitical importance to maintaining good ties with the Indonesian
government and especially the Indonesian military (viewed as a counterweight
to China and a dependable regional ally).

Still, there is no doubt that the U.S. "business interest" played a
significant role in the decision to "move gently" on East Timor in the
early days of the post-election slaughter. Even the New York Times
acknowledged a 

Re: [CTRL] Pot and Anti-Psychotic Prescription Drugs

1999-09-15 Thread Tatman, Robert

 -Caveat Lector-

I don't know about Ritalin. I do know that Prozac has been a godsend for my
wife, who went through a major depression about five years ago. It took
several weeks on Haldol and a month of hospitalization to bring her out of
the depression, and Prozac has kept her from falling back. I'm not saying
that Prozac is any sort of panacea. It's not for everyone. It may work best
for people whose depression is associated with obsessive-compulsive
tendencies, as my wife's was. But it HAS worked for her. She is literally a
different person, and we are both amazed at the way she has emerged from her
depression, almost like a butterfly emerging from a chrysalis.

I *do* have some experience with marijuana, and have to say that it is
pointless to compare it with the psychiatric drugs. The effect, as far I can
tell, is utterly different; they seek different receptors in the brain. The
distinction might be expressed this way: psychoactive drugs change the
brain's activity by *adding* something that was not there before;
psychiatric drugs change the brain's activity by either adding something
that should have been there but wasn't, or by replacing something that was
there but should not have been. That, at least, is my educated layperson's
sense of what's going on.

 -Original Message-
 From: Involuntary [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Wednesday, September 15, 1999 2:04 PM
 Subject:  [CTRL] Pot and Anti-Psychotic Prescription Drugs

  -Caveat Lector-

 Someone in usenet asked this question and my response turned into
 something that I wanted to share here.

 Someone asked:

  Does anyone know what the interactions are between pot and psychiatric
  drugs, such as Ritalin or Prozac?


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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[CTRL] Zapatistas Demand Demilitarized Zone

1999-09-15 Thread Tatman, Robert

 -Caveat Lector-

Politics-Mexico: Zapatistas Demand Demilitarized Zone
MEXICO CITY, (Sep. 13) IPS - Four Zapatistas from the southern state of
Chiapas arrived in the capital yesterday to demand the demilitarization of
the conflict area, a point they say was sidestepped by the government peace
plan released last week.
The Zapatista representatives, who use the noms de guerre of Gabriel, Marin,
Luisa and Veronica, will go to the lower house of parliament to denounce the
consequences of military presence in the Chiapas, they said when they
arrived in Mexico City.
The Zapatista National Liberation Army (EZLN), which first took up arms on
Jan. 1, 1994 in defense of indigenous rights, has not yet acknowledged
receipt of the government's invitation for dialogue five days after it was
Unarmed and with their faces covered with bandannas, the indigenous EZLN
representatives arrived last night from the Amador Hernandez community,
epicenter of the most recent outbreak of strife in conflict-ridden Chiapas.
The community is located at the heart of the Zapatista territory, and was
the scene of confrontations that left seven soldiers and two indigenous
people injured two weeks ago.
The government had to suspend construction of a highway crossing Amador
Hernandez 15 days ago due to protests by indigenous peoples who accuse the
government of building roads in order to step up the military presence in
the area.
Without the publicity that has characterized previous Zapatista visits to
the nation's capital, the four will tell the chamber how the presence of
more than 50,000 government soldiers in Chiapas is affecting the area's
residents, stated Luisa.
The legislators will hear how women and children live in fear of the
soldiers and how the military has contaminated water supplies, destroyed
forests and illegally taken possession of land that is community property,
Luisa declared.
Mairead Maguire, 1977 Nobel Prize winner from Northern Ireland, said
yesterday that the removal of the military from Chiapas is a fundamental
requirement for achieving peace in the region.
At the end of her four-day visit to Zapatista communities, Maguire declared
that "a road cannot be built towards peace if the people are afraid."
In Chiapas, much like what occurred in Northern Ireland, according to
Maguire "nothing can be done until the weapons are removed from the area."
Maguire clarified that she did not travel to Mexico "to give lessons, but to
humbly listen, learn and share."
The peace activist affirmed, however, that the divergent points of view of
the EZLN and the Ernesto Zedillo government make international mediation
"That is how it occurred in Northern Ireland's conflicts, and in those of
the Middle East, for example," she said.
International organizations do not participate in order to impose
strategies, but to "demonstrate solidarity and to help discover new forms of
creativity and peaceful resistance," Maguire explained.
But the Zedillo government rejects foreign mediation, arguing that the
Mexican people are capable of resolving their own problems.
Maguire met with representatives from indigenous and religious
non-governmental organizations, but she was not received by the Chiapas
state government.
The activist announced that she will draft a report on Chiapas to be given
to the secretary-general of the United Nations, and she congratulated the
Mexican government on its most recent peace proposal given to the EZLN.
Three years after the Zapatistas abandoned negotiations with government
authorities, the government ministry called upon the rebel group to renew
The EZLN had suspended its contacts with the government after it rejected
their proposed bill on indigenous rights and culture, drafted by a
legislative commission, and based on the San Andres agreements that both
sides had signed.
The government proposed that the Zapatistas come up with a new intermediary
measure and take steps towards the release of Zapatistas prisoners who were
not involved in serious crimes, among other measures that would ease
Still without responding to the government's new proposal, the EZLN sent the
small delegation to Mexico City, which plans to participate in the 189th
anniversary celebration of the country's independence.
The Zapatistas will take part in the festival on Sept. 15 celebrating the
"grito" -- or shout -- with which Catholic priest Miguel Hidalgo called upon
the Mexican people to fight the Spanish conquistadores.
The commemoration will be held at the campus of Mexico's university, which
has been on strike for the last four months.
Robert F. Tatman
Computer Help Desk
Desktop  LAN Services
Systems Department
Philadelphia Newspapers, Inc.
The contents of this message represent the opinion only of the writer, and
may not be construed to indicate the endorsement of Knight-Ridder, Inc.;
Philadelphia Newspapers, Inc.; The Philadelphia 

[CTRL] Crime Can Be Addictive -- British Psychologist

1999-09-15 Thread Tatman, Robert

 -Caveat Lector-

NOW we begin to see why politicians keep running for re-election... Power
addicts, and absolute power addicts absolutely...
Crime Can Be Addictive -- British Psychologist
SHEFFIELD, England,  Sept 15 (Reuters) - Crime, just like
alcohol, cigarettes and cocaine can become addictive, a British
psychologist said on Wednesday.
Greed, revenge and jealousy are motives that can account for
some criminal activity but they don't explain why some people
continue their life of crime despite the high probability of
getting caught.
 "Addiction is an active psychological process for the
pursuit of happiness," psychologist John Hodge told a news
conference at a British science conference.
Hodge, the head of patient therapy at Rampton Hospital, a
secure psychiatric hospital in northern England, said repeat
offenders such as serial killers, rapists and arsonists may be
committing the same crimes again and again because of the
feeling that is produced by the act.
"The criminal activity can itself become an end in itself
with no other purpose than to help the perpetrator feel
better," he said.
Repeat offenders also have many of the characteristics of
addiction. They can't stop themselves from doing it. They
realise it is wrong. They think about it all the time and they
need more to get the same effect.
Hodge said the recognition that crime can be an addiction
could improve understanding of criminal behaviour and open up
new avenues for rehabilitation.
"When people are separated from their addictive behaviour
the addiction can be maintained through a fantasy life," he
said, adding that prisoners should not spend many hours of the
day in their cells.
Copyright 1999 Reuters http://cnn.com/interactive_legal.html.All rights
reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or

Robert F. Tatman
Computer Help Desk
Desktop  LAN Services
Systems Department
Philadelphia Newspapers, Inc.
The contents of this message represent the opinion only of the writer, and
may not be construed to indicate the endorsement of Knight-Ridder, Inc.;
Philadelphia Newspapers, Inc.; The Philadelphia Inquirer; or the
Philadelphia Daily News.
"Artificial intelligence is no match for natural stupidity."

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] New Boulder County grand jury unlikely to work on Ramsey case

1999-09-15 Thread Tatman, Robert

 -Caveat Lector-

New Boulder County grand jury unlikely to work on Ramsey case
September 15, 1999
Web posted at: 1:41 p.m. EDT (1741 GMT)
From staff and wire reports
BOULDER, Colorado (CNN) -- A new Boulder County grand jury will be seated
September 29, without prequalifying to work on the JonBenet Ramsey case,
according to the Boulder County District Attorney's office.
The new panel will replace a jury that has been considering the Ramsey
slaying and unrelated crimes for nearly 18 months. When that panel was
seated, its members were questioned extensively about the 1996 slaying.
"Unlike the 1998-1999 grand jury, these jurors will not ... be qualified to
investigate the homicide of JonBenet Ramsey," said Suzanne Laurion,
spokeswoman for District Attorney Alex Hunter .
Asked if the new grand jury could work on the JonBenet case, Laurion said,
"The possibility is there, but it is remote."
Last week, 140 summonses were sent to prospective jurors. Boulder County
Assistant District Attorney Phil Miller will be the prosecutor assigned to
the 1999-2000 grand jury.
Laurion said the appointment of a new grand jury was required by state
statute and has nothing to do with the current grand jury investigation into
the death of JonBenet Ramsey.
The former "Little Miss Colorado" was found beaten and strangled in the
basement of her family's million-dollar home in Boulder, Colorado.
The 6-year-old girl's parents, John and Patsy Ramsey -- who have since moved
to Atlanta -- insist they had no part in the death, but Hunter has said they
remain under an "umbrella of suspicion."
Nearly $2 million has been spent in the investigation into the girl's death
and no arrests have been made.
The first grand jury's term started last September and will expire October
20. It has been extended once, and, by law, cannot be extended again.
Producer Betty Anderson and The Associated Press contributed to this report.

Robert F. Tatman
Computer Help Desk
Desktop  LAN Services
Systems Department
Philadelphia Newspapers, Inc.
The contents of this message represent the opinion only of the writer, and
may not be construed to indicate the endorsement of Knight-Ridder, Inc.;
Philadelphia Newspapers, Inc.; The Philadelphia Inquirer; or the
Philadelphia Daily News.
"Artificial intelligence is no match for natural stupidity."

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Skeptic News - Wednesday #1

1999-09-15 Thread ric carter

 -Caveat Lector-

SkeptiNews 990915a - - - - - - - - - - - All The News That's Fit To Question

: Passages starting with ':' are editorial comments to provoke discussion.
: Nothing contained herein is ever endorsed for truth, accuracy or meaning.
: Some sites were mercilessly hacked during the production of this bulletin.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# Bug Bars Big Hit. GLEN AVON, Calif. (ABC) The big hit at the Jurupa Mtns
  Cultural Center are candy bars filled, not with chocolate and nuts, but
  with insects. That includes plump, juicy crickets, ants and mouth-watering
  mealworms. The bars, called "Amber InsectNside Candy," sell for US$3 each.
  A center official says they're already on their second case and it's their
  slow season. She says adults buy them as novelties, but the kids actually
  eat them. http://news.excite.com/news/r/990914/18/ca-state-news-11

: Does my nephew, who frequents JMCC, actually eat these? Would he admit it?
Do/would you? What's your favorite edible bug? What bugs eat you? Revenge??
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# CHIP LETS ME FEEL YOUR PAIN. SILICON chips implanted in the arm and linked
  to the nervous system could be used to control computers, or even allow 2
  people to share the same sensations and emotions. Researcher Kevin Warwick
  said that within 18 months he planned to try the experiment on himself.
  Last year he implanted a chip in his arm that could be used to open the
  door of his department at the university. Don't scratch your butt, Kev.

: Are you wired yet? Do you want to be? Can we kink-link? D'ya want control?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# Crime Can Be Addictive. SHEFFIELD, England (Reuters) - Crime, just like
  alcohol, cigarettes and cocaine can become addictive, a UK psychologist
  said. Greed, revenge and jealousy are motives that can account for some
  criminal activity but they don't explain why some people continue their
  life of crime despite the high probability of getting caught. "Addiction
  is an active psychological process for the pursuit of happiness." See

: Would you rather be addicted to sex, crime, love, candy, opium, light, me?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# Science Closing In On Dark Matter Mystery. SHEFFIELD, UK (Reuters)  Scien-
  tists could be closer to understanding the mysterious subatomic particles
  that may make up the dark side of the universe. Physicists say so-called
  Weakly Interactive Massive Particles (WIMPs) could account for the 90-99%
  of the universe's dark matter which can't be seen because it does not emit
  light. http://news.excite.com/news/r/990915/00/science-science-universe

: Are you mostly comprised of WIMPs or MACHOs? Do you glow? Are you visible?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# Thundergod's help - Panspermia. The idea that life originated elsewhere 
  drifted to Earth is an old one, but there's a new idea how it got here. A
  researcher suggests that if a star with life-bearing planets around it
  becomes a red giant, living matter might be ejected into an interstellar
  cloud and then trapped in comets, which would preserve it. When other
  planets formed  the comets hit them, the seeds of life would be planted.

# PREBIOTIC CHEMISTRY - Life-Giving Chemical Found in Star-Forming Regions.
  Formic acid -- the colorless, pungent liquid found in ant bites, bee
  stings, and nettle bristles -- has been found in prodigious amounts in
  space, adding a prebiotic spice to areas of star and solar system forma-
  tion. Astronomers have detected formic acid toward the hot core of the
  Orion molecular cloud, as well as similar molecular clouds in Sagittarius
  B2 and W51. http://www2.astronomy.com/astro/News/news/0999Formic.html

: Do chemicals  structures of life rain down upon Earth? Manna from heaven?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# Test makes psychics flip. THE world's biggest experiment of whether people

  have psychic powers is taking place at shopping centres, exhibition halls
   the British Assn for the Advancement of Science's annual fest. The mind
  machine, a computer-controlled kiosk fitted with a touch-sensitive screen,
  aims to discover if people can use their minds to sway the toss of a coin.

: Are you psychic/psycho? Can you prove it? Do you keyboard hands-off? How?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# Cop Guilty Of NetSex. SAN DIEGO (ABC) A SD police officer was convicted of
  trying to commit lewd acts via telephone  Internet with what he thought
  was a 13-year-old girl. Instead, he was communicating with an undercover
  LAPD officer. A Los Angeles jury mulled for less than half a day before
  convicting Nathalio Caplan of 2 felony counts of an attempted lewd act on
  a child under 14. http://news.excite.com/news/r/990915/07/ca-state-news

[CTRL] New Kosovo Corps Is a Civilian Unit, Its Western Backers Say

1999-09-15 Thread Tatman, Robert

 -Caveat Lector-

New Kosovo Corps Is a Civilian Unit, Its Western Backers Say
PRISTINA, Yugoslavia (AP) -- Former Kosovo Liberation Army fighters and
others will be recruited to form a new force called the Kosovo Corps,
shortly after the ethnic Albanian rebel group is disbanded this weekend,
international officials said Wednesday
Western backers describe the Kosovo Corps as a civilian unit meant to help
rebuild the war-ravaged region and deal with natural disasters or other
emergencies. But Serbia and its ally, Russia, fear the group is simply a new
guise for the ethnic Albanian guerrilla army that fought to rid the province
of Serb forces.
The International Organization for Migration, which is helping in the
transformation of the KLA, said it will begin accepting applications for the
new "civilian emergency and humanitarian force" on Monday -- one day after
the deadline for the demilitarization of the KLA.
The organization has already registered 10,700 former KLA fighters for "a
reintegration program aimed at helping them to return to a normal civilian
life" and for possible membership in the Kosovo Corps, the IOM said in a
The Kosovo Corps will have 5,000 members, including 3,000 who will serve
full-time and the others as part-time reservists, the statement said.
Even after demilitarization, "the KLA has a chance to be a force for good,
to contribute to the rebuilding of Kosovo," NATO spokesman Ole Irgens said.
He urged Albanian community leaders and the KLA "to exercise real
leadership, to stop the killing, the burning of houses and the intimidation
of non-Albanian minorities," adding that such violence will be dealt with
Russia has made clear it insists on complete disbanding and demilitarization
of the rebel army. U.N. and NATO officials have stressed that the Kosovo
Corps will be civilian in nature, although members will wear uniforms.
Bernard Kouchner, the head of the U.N. mission in Kosovo, arrived in Moscow
on Wednesday to try to win Russia's support for the Kosovo Corps. But the
Russians have warned they may reconsider their peacekeeping role in Kosovo
because, they claim, the southern province is slipping away from
Yugoslavia's control.
In the newest reports of violence, the Serbian Orthodox Church said
Wednesday that a medieval church, part of Zociste monastery near Orahovac,
was blown up two days ago by unidentified ethnic Albanians. The monks had
been expelled from the church and the monastery in June when it was robbed
and damaged.
In other attacks Wednesday, NATO reported that five people were injured --
one seriously -- after a grenade was thrown at a cafe in a village south of
Pristina and that a 35-year-old Gypsy man was found shot to death in
Djakovica, to the southwest.
Since NATO peacekeepers arrived here June 12, Serbs, Montenegrins, Gypsies
-- also known as Roma -- and others have been targeted by ethnic Albanians
seeking revenge for Yugoslavia's bloody 18-month crackdown in Kosovo. The
crackdown ended when Yugoslav President Slobodan Milosevic accepted a peace
plan to halt NATO's bombing.
Meanwhile, peacekeepers on Wednesday reported seizing a large weapons stash
from a Serb home in the eastern city of Gnjilane and confiscating a Serbian
military police uniform and weapons from a man leaving Kosovo. The two
separate discoveries added to NATO concerns of an organized Serb effort to
disrupt Kosovo's peace process.
In a positive development, the first civil marriage service was conducted in
Pristina Wednesday, uniting Ramush Gashi of Pristina and Anna Maria Konet of
Germany. The couple were married at the local city hall in a short ceremony
performed by Enrique Aguilar, the regional U.N. administrator for Pristina.
For the first time in a decade, the bridal pair could exchange their vows in
Albanian. Since 1989 all official ceremonies were only in Serbian.
Copyright 1999 The Associated Press
http://cnn.com/interactive_legal.html.All rights reserved. This material
may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed

Robert F. Tatman
Computer Help Desk
Desktop  LAN Services
Systems Department
Philadelphia Newspapers, Inc.
The contents of this message represent the opinion only of the writer, and
may not be construed to indicate the endorsement of Knight-Ridder, Inc.;
Philadelphia Newspapers, Inc.; The Philadelphia Inquirer; or the
Philadelphia Daily News.
"Artificial intelligence is no match for natural stupidity."

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always 

[CTRL] Crisis in Tiny East Timor Weakens Giant Indonesia

1999-09-15 Thread Tatman, Robert

 -Caveat Lector-

As always, cui bono?
Crisis in Tiny East Timor Weakens Giant Indonesia
JAKARTA, Indonesia (AP) -- Years ago, Indonesia's foreign minister boldly
waved away the East Timor conflict as "a pebble in the shoe." Today, he may
rue those words.
With only 850,000 people and little strategic significance, the poor, rugged
land is a speck in Indonesia's vast sweep of tropical islands and water
lanes. Yet the chaos there has jarred the nation's tenuous transition to
democracy, jeopardized its economic recovery and tainted its image abroad.
More ominously, the Aug. 30 landslide vote for independence in East Timor,
and the deadly rampages by army-backed militias, raise questions about
Indonesia's ability to hold together its far-flung territories.
Foreign Minister Ali Alatas personifies how Indonesia has been humbled in
the eyes of the world.
Accustomed to scolding critics of Indonesia's occupation of East Timor, the
67-year-old veteran diplomat rushed this week to New York to help the United
Nations plan the deployment of peacekeepers this weekend.
Pro-Indonesia militia groups have killed hundreds, perhaps thousands, of
people since their call to remain part of Indonesia was defeated in the
U.N.-organized poll. As many as 200,000 refugees are at risk of starvation,
the U.N. said.
Indonesia invaded East Timor in 1975, but it was never able to win over the
population. Separatist rebels harassed its patrols from the hills for years.

A reluctant Indonesia accepted the U.N.-approved peacekeepers, largely
because of international threats to cut off financial aid.
Maintaining an economic equilibrium is vital for Indonesia. Financial
problems triggered social unrest that led to the downfall of authoritarian
President Suharto in May 1998. His successor, B.J. Habibie, is loath to let
it happen again.
But inviting peacekeepers into East Timor may not be enough to prevent
sanctions. Indonesian army units in East Timor are fomenting violence, not
quelling it, and have embarassed the government. Indonesia will likely be
punished economically if elements in the military disrupt the U.N.
The World Bank, the Asian Development Bank and the International Monetary
Fund have already deferred approval of new lending to Indonesia because of
alleged financial irregularities implicating Habibie supporters.
Despite democratic reforms, the government remains heavily influenced by the
armed forces. Opposition forces triumphed in June 7 parliamentary elections,
but they are fragmented and the military could play a big role in a special
assembly that meets in November to choose a new president.
"The political power of the military in this country is getting stronger,"
said Salim Said, an expert on the military. But he cautioned that Gen.
Wiranto, the military chief, is unlikely to defy Habibie because he may have
his own political ambitions and wants to maintain credibility.
What civilian and military leaders alike are unwilling to tolerate are
separatist movements in the resource-rich regions of Aceh and Irian Jaya.
Unlike East Timor, the two provinces share a history of Dutch colonial rule
with the rest of Indonesia.
But East Timor's vote on independence, along with the bloody response of
pro-Indonesia forces, might encourage separatists. Many provinces want
Jakarta to cede them more autonomy.
While there have been small nationalist protests opposing the U.N. mission
in East Timor, many Indonesians say it's time to let go of the troublesome
"They can decide their own future," said Harsono, a 34-year-old engineer.
"Indonesia already has many problems, so we should ignore East Timor for
Copyright 1999 The Associated Press
http://cnn.com/interactive_legal.html.All rights reserved. This material
may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.

Robert F. Tatman
Computer Help Desk
Desktop  LAN Services
Systems Department
Philadelphia Newspapers, Inc.
The contents of this message represent the opinion only of the writer, and
may not be construed to indicate the endorsement of Knight-Ridder, Inc.;
Philadelphia Newspapers, Inc.; The Philadelphia Inquirer; or the
Philadelphia Daily News.
"Artificial intelligence is no match for natural stupidity."

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat 

[CTRL] Church Not Apologetic to Quebec Orphans

1999-09-15 Thread Tatman, Robert

 -Caveat Lector-

Church Not Apologetic to Quebec Orphans

QUEBEC CITY (Reuters) - The Catholic Church said Wednesday there would be no
apology or compensation for the aging Quebec orphans who claim to have
suffered years of abuse decades ago while under the care of the church.
In a period from the 1930s to the 1950s, the church declared the children
mentally ill in the hopes of getting more funding from the Canadian
government, which paid more for the care of mentally handicapped children
than for orphans.
The orphans, numbering more than 3,000, have said many of them were abused,
sodomized and forced to provide sexual favors as children.
Pierre Morissette, president of the Quebec Assembly of Archbishops, said
Wednesday the matter was delicate because of legal considerations. But he
acknowledged the Church recognized some orphans went through "difficult
But a full apology would not be forthcoming.
"Such excuses would betray the works of those who dedicated all their lives
to the service of the most destitute," Morissette told a packed news
conference in Cap de la Madeleine, west of Quebec City.
The Orphans were outraged by the announcement.
"This is total hypocrisy. This is a campaign of disinformation. It is
horrible and contemptuous," said Bruno Roy, spokesman of the so-called
association of "Duplessis Orphans".
The "Duplessis Orphans" are named after Maurice Duplessis, the autocratic
premier of the mainly French-speaking province of Quebec at the time. The
Catholic Church has denied that it abused orphans and demanded proof from
the alleged victims.
Many of the children were born to unmarried parents who abandoned them on
the steps of Church-run orphanages out of fear of being ostracized by the
highly religious society of Quebec of the time.
Morissette said no direct financial compensation would be provided by the
Church, but stressed it was open to cooperating with the Quebec government,
which has already offered community aid to the orphans as well as a C$3
million compensation package. The offer was refused by the orphans, who want
a C$100 million compensation fund and a public inquiry.
"We estimate that the Church is already giving a lot and that it will
continue to give more," said Quebec Cardinal Jean-Claude Turcotte, who
stressed the fact the religious communities were the only ones taking care
of orphans in Quebec at the time.
($1-$1.47 Canadian).
Copyright 1999 Reuters . All rights reserved. This material may not be
published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.

Robert F. Tatman
Computer Help Desk
Desktop  LAN Services
Systems Department
Philadelphia Newspapers, Inc.
The contents of this message represent the opinion only of the writer, and
may not be construed to indicate the endorsement of Knight-Ridder, Inc.;
Philadelphia Newspapers, Inc.; The Philadelphia Inquirer; or the
Philadelphia Daily News.
"Artificial intelligence is no match for natural stupidity."

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Skeptic News - Wednesday #2

1999-09-15 Thread ric carter

 -Caveat Lector-

SkeptiNews 990915b - - - - - - - - - - - All The News That's Fit To Question

: Passages starting with ':' are editorial comments to provoke discussion.
: Nothing contained herein is ever endorsed for truth, accuracy or meaning.
: Some Antarctic Nazi bases were bombed during production of this bulletin.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# Christian Scientists suffer less - study. BOSTON(UPI) Christian Scientists
  apparently suffer fewer illnesses and have a greater satisfaction with
  life than a control group of non-Christian Scientists, a study shows.

: Do you suffer? Does your faith buoy you? Does your lifestyle save you? Do
your deities favor you? Are you satisfied with life? Is it all a cruel hoax?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

@ "Ecstatic process: any activity centering mind into body and perception in
  such a way as to bring all awareness into the present. This results in a
  concentric wave nesting of the "fractal attractor" of attention. This
  **phase locks** or brings to **focus at one point**, waves of increasing
  cascades of different length. In quantum or wave terms, this engages the
  principle of self-organization." http://danwinter.com/introduction/

: Are you ecstatic, centered, aware, concentric? D'ya wave, attract fractals
 organizations, focus, cascade? Is your mind within your body? Really? Why?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# Race Murder Defendant's Tattoos Show Racist Views. BRYAN, Texas (Reuters)
  L.R.Brewer, on trial for dragging a black man to death behind a pickup
  truck, was a deeply committed white supremacist who tattooed his body with
  burning crosses, Confederate flags and other symbols of racial hatred,
  reflecting the mentality that led him and two other white supremacists to
  commit murder. http://news.excite.com/news/r/990915/00/news-crime-race

: Are you tattooed, blued, screwed? Do your body decorations reflect/display
y'r belief system? Should everyone have their ideologies tattooed on? Where?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# Power Lines To Carry Data. A new technology that delivers data over elec-
  trical utility lines will be implemented this summer in the U.K. and, soon
  after, should pop up on electrical lines in northern Europe and Singapore.
  The technology is expected to hit the North American market next year.
# Power failure - Why the Internet isn't going electric...

: Will it work or not? Will electric power monopolize info power? RU zapped?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# USDA Sees Increased Threat Of Biological Warfare. WASHINGTON (Reuters)
  The threat of an attack on U.S. soil from biological warfare has increased
  in recent years as spy agencies have discovered organisms grown in foreign
  laboratories aimed at disrupting agriculture. "There is a continuing
  threat, both from the former Soviet Union and what remains in Russia."

: Do you prefer BioWar, NukeWar, ChemWar, CyberWar, SpaceWar, guns  knives?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

@ DRUG WAR. Pharmacratic Inquisition (verb) - The Christian persecution of
  archaic religions based on sacramental ingestion of entheogenic plants and
  the consequent personal access to ecstatic states; whose 1st great victory
  was the destruction of the Eleusinian Mysteries at the end of the fourth
  century; which then reached a gory climax in the persecution of witches
  in the Middle Ages; and which continues in today's Pharmacratic State in
  the guise of a public health 'War on Drugs.' http://deoxy.org/def/pi.htm

: Do you prefer DrugWar, PovertyWar, CultureWar, HolyWar, slings  arrows??
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# KGB Used Journalists As Spies And Dupes. WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The KGB
  worked in Europe by using French journalists, "Romeo spies"  "honeytraps"
  aimed at gaining secrets or influencing policy, a book by a Soviet ex-spy
  reveals. Surprise! http://news.excite.com/news/r/990914/13/spies-europe

: Do you prefer SpyWar, TechWar, BribeWar, ColdWar, HotWar, blood  guts??
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# Is Global Warming Behind the Current Swirl of Hurricanes? The earth is
  getting hotter, though scientists are still divided as to whether humans
  have caused it. And, yes - steamier oceans make for more intense storms.

: Do you like stormy weather? Do you promote global warming? Are you hot??
What's the correlation between global warming, hurricanes and crop circles?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# Clinton Releases Spy Satellite Photos Of Antarctica. CHRISTCHURCH, NZ.
  (Reuters) - President Clinton released Cold War spy satellite images of
  Antarctica Wednesday to help scientists gauge the effects of the depleted
  ozone layer  global warming on the polar cap. Ozone hole growing:

[CTRL] East Timor: supposed bad guys given the name Militias

1999-09-15 Thread VISION CUSTOMER

 -Caveat Lector-

Militias, not Gurellas

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Fwd: THE SCOOP: This Week In Stupidity

1999-09-15 Thread John Szocik

 -Caveat Lector-

G.W.Bush sending all those people to prison for cocaine possession is
comparable to J.Edgar Hoover condemning all homosexuals. By doing so, it
gives the "impression" that they would never stand for, nevermind partake in
such activity.

It's just a smokescreen for them to hide behind from the public's view. While
all along they are as "guilty" as the ones they persecute/prosecute. They
were and are the biggest of hypocrites; and neither deserved to be in any
elected or assigned office-ever!

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
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Re: [CTRL] Skeptic News - Wednesday #3

1999-09-15 Thread Hilary A. Thomas

 -Caveat Lector-

 From: "ric carter" [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 SkeptiNews 990915c - - - - - - - - - - - All The News That's Fit To
 @ Did A Nuclear Explosion Hit Michigan 10,000 Years Ago? Plutonium 239
   in Paleo-Indian artifacts  related sediments in conjunction with
   enriched 235U. Paleo-Indian artifacts (flakes) from the Gainey site in
   lower Michigan and the Taylor site in Illinois were inspected for the
   presence of particles and/or particle tracks and impact pits which have
   been observed in artifacts from these sites as well as other
   sites. http://topping.www-user.imagiware.com/Copy-PU.htm

How annoying!  The authors didn't suggest ANY possible explanation for this
other than to say that some "event" apparently occurred.  Well, gee, that
narrows it down!  I wonder if there is an impact crater in that area?


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] [CIA-DRUGS] Okla, Murrah building, DoD medical records

1999-09-15 Thread Dave

 -Caveat Lector-

No doubt that the key feature of the COVERUP was the anti-terrorist stuff
and the anti-Militia tarfeather act.

That takes care of the coverup.

Now- as to the choice of the TARGET  how would YOU propose to get rid of
400,000 military service records?  I can't think of any easier or more
feasible way.
A lot (most?) of the "important" building occupants just happened to have
not been in the building at the time. Not Alan G. Whicher though- who
oversaw Clinton's Secret Service detail. In October 1994 Whicher was
transferred to the Secret Service field office in the Murrah Building in
Oklahoma City. Whatever warning was given to the BATF agents in that
building did not reach Alan Whicher, who died in the bomb blast of April
19th 1995.

I believe that if you add your understanding of the terrorism issue- but
keep it CLEAR in your mind that this pertains ONLY to the COVERUP-

And then consider the motives for the selection of the TARGET-

You'll have a pretty good opportunity to view a big picture of what happened
and why.

I can't imagine what Waco stuff would have prompted such targeting.
The most damning Waco stuff seems to have been the FLIR film previously in
the FBI's possession, and the mountain of evidence in the Texas Ranger's
Evidence about CIA mind control stuff is just terribly unlikely to have been
somewhere where it needed a building blown up to hide it !!

400,000 military service records, though   that would need a damned big
paper shredder, yes?

Add to this the fact that the only company producing the ANTHRAX vaccine has
Clintoon Whitehouse staffer Admiral Crowe's company holding a good sized
equity position for peanut$--

I don't see how you could help seeing that this goes WAY beyond Clinton's

I also am frankly amazed that many conspiracy theorists fail to attempt to
view a "big picture"- hasn't anyone ever heard of PLANNING?  Careful,
methodical planning, a list of objectives; a plan to achieve them- you know,
like military strategizing, "war room" etc... only planned not just for

The bombing wasn't planned or carried out by single motive numbskulls ya

The more I read and learn of conspiracy theory, the more (what is a word
that means simultaneously "disgust" and "respect" ?) ...  I notice that
many, many events are carefully planned, often over very long time periods.
Just recently I read a list of early Cold War Russia's "objectives" for the
U.S. - a very large number of the items on that list are now reality.

There's no excuse for believing that persons in power are stupid or short
sighted. If it appears that way, carefully re-examine the basis for such odd

Dave Hartley

-Original Message-
Sent: Wednesday, September 15, 1999 12:30 PM
Subject: Re: [CIA-DRUGS] Okla, Murrah building, DoD medical records


Re:  The building was blown up to get rid of medical records.

The more I ponder the situation, the more convinced I am that both theories
are wrong.  Mine (that the Murrah bldg might've been bombed to destroy the
Branch Davidian evidence), and yours (that it was to destroy Gulf War vets'
medical records).

Why would the feds/military/CIA/men in black/Black Ops guys/whomever ...
up a bldg to destroy records? There are easier ways to do that. Just ask G.
Gordon Liddy (Does the name "Daniel Elsberg's psychiatrist" ring a bell?)

No, I'll tell you exactly why the Murrah bldg was blown up (admittedly the
destruction of potentially embarrassing and/or liability-creating documents
is an added perk): (1) Clinton's anti-terrorist bill had been tabled, and
in dire need of resurrection; and (2) He could emerge from the ashes of OKC
like the proverbial Phoenix, in an election year. (Please recall that his
popularity wasn't so great in late '95 and early '96). We conspiratorialist
lawyers who've perused the 1996 federal anti-terrorism law with a
scrutinizing eye, realize that it's a terrible piece of legislation. It
the Exec. Branch (and the US Atty Genl in particular) exclusive authority to
define who is and is not a "terrorist." Thus, you, me, our friends,
neighbors, and fellow travelers through cyber space are all potential
terrorists. The OKC bombing insured that Clinton's bill (no pun intended)
would be removed from the shelf and resurrected, and that he would be
re-elected. He even admitted to reporters on Air Force One -- the day after
the election -- that "If it hadn't been for Oklahoma City we wouldn't have
made it" ("it" being 4 more years in the Oral ... er ... Oval Office).

That's my theory anyway. Please feel free to pick it apart and show me where
I'm wrong.


--- ONElist Sponsor 

Tired of filling out 

[CTRL] US military intervention in Columbia ? (Cocaine Importing Agency...)

1999-09-15 Thread Dave

 -Caveat Lector-

Dave Hartley



General McCaffrey's secret talks: US discussed plans for Colombian

By Margaret Rees 15 September 1999

Following Barry McCaffrey's recent visit to South America, media
revelations in Peru and Argentina indicate the US general advanced
American plans to coordinate a military intervention to pacify Colombia
under the guise of an anti-drug crusade.

From August 23, McCaffrey, head of the US National Drug Policy Control
Office, visited Brazil, Bolivia, Peru and Argentina. On August 30,
Frecuencia Latina, a Peruvian television station with close links to the
Peruvian military intelligence service SIN, reported that McCaffrey
privately urged leaders of the four countries to participate in a
multinational military intervention against the largest Colombian
guerrilla group, the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC).

This is contrary to McCaffrey's public denials of any plans for direct US
intervention in Colombia, echoed strongly by top US State Department

Frecuencia Latina outlined the following scenario for the intervention:
Colombian President Andres Pastrana would try to reach an agreement with
FARC. If this failed by January 2000, he would declare a state of internal
war in Colombia and call on regional intervention from Peru, Ecuador and
Brazil. This force would join with five Colombian battalions currently
being trained by US advisors. US warships off Colombia's coasts would
support the intervention with missile attacks and air strikes.

The report noted that McCaffrey held private talks with Peruvian
presidential advisor Vladimiro Montesinos, the head of SIN and a powerful
figure in Alberto Fujimori's regime. Montesinos has frequently been linked
to human rights violations in Peru and some reports have tied him to
narcotics trafficking.

The television station did not report Peruvian president's attitude toward
the US intervention plan. It did add, however, that Peru had already
deployed 5,000 troops to the Colombian border, as well as four warships
with Peruvian Special Forces and Marine units. This report was in part
confirmed by a Lima newspaper report the same week that 2,000 Peruvian
soldiers had been deployed to the remote Colombian border.

McCaffrey's tour also prompted revelations in the Argentine media about
plans for closer military ties between the two countries. Argentine
President Carlos Menem had already declared in July that he would send
troops: "If Colombia requests it, Argentina, because of solidarity, will
be there." Given that elections take place in Argentina on October 24,
McCaffrey met with Peronist presidential candidate Eduardo Duhalde and
Alliance candidate Fernando de la Rua, as well as Menem.

At a Buenos Aires press conference attended by government ministers, the
heads of three security forces, SIDE secret service chief Hugo Anzorreguy
and local drug czar Eduardo Amadeo, McCaffrey was interrupted by Interior
Minister Carlos Corach. Corach announced that FARC guerrillas had their
own representative in Argentina named Javier Calderon, who had met in
Neuquen province with certain union leaders and continued to do so.

The annual report of the United States DEA (Drug Enforcement Agency)
released in February stated that Argentina was becoming a preferred route
of transit for drugs from Bolivia, Peru and Colombia. McCaffrey endorsed
this, saying, "Clearly there is drug smuggling heading out of Buenos Aires
to the US and probably Europe too, all of it hidden among quantities of
legal commerce."

In August the El Clarin newspaper carried reports detailing US involvement
in Argentina that could open the way to the installation of ground bases
in the country. The report said that few functionaries wanted to talk
about it, and they reacted nervously as Miguel Angel Toma, secretary of
security, answered: "I discredit any claim which says there is a [North
American] plan to establish an operative base." But he confirmed the
existence of a combined US-Argentine operation under way in Salta that
could constitute the beginning of such a project.

For over a year, members of the Gendarmeria Nacional police and the DEA
have carried out an operation called "Operativo Area Frontera Norte,"
occupying a rented house in Calle Santiago del Estero in the provincial
capital, Salta. About 30 Argentine policemen work there independently of
their chain of command, under US supervision.

At his meeting with Argentine President Menem, McCaffrey talked about the
deployment of a US "army delegation." An intelligence source said that
McCaffrey prefers that term to "military base" because Argentine law
forbids the presence of foreign troops on national territory.

A source close to the governor of Salta, Juan Carlos Romero, admitted that
he knew about the operation but his opinion was never requested nor was he

[CTRL] Yours and mine

1999-09-15 Thread M.A. Johnson

 -Caveat Lector-

~~for educational purposes only~~

Yours and mine
by Walter Williams

TOM BETHELL, a visiting fellow at the Hoover
Institution and Washington correspondent for
"The American Spectator," has just penned an
excellent book titled ""The Noblest Triumph:
Property and Prosperity Through the Ages."

The book analyzes the history and principles
of private property, an institution held in
contempt by tyrants throughout history. In
pursuit of social objectives such as conservation,
environmentalism and income equality, Fifth
Amendment private property protections are
increasingly held in contempt by most Americans.

Bethell says that property plays a key role in
establishing justice in society and it is the
most peaceable of institutions: "In a society
of private property, goods must be either
voluntarily exchanged or laboriously created.
As long as such ownership is protected by the
state, goods cannot be easily taken by force."

That fact helps explain why private property is
held in such deep contempt by tyrants. They believe
they've been endowed with superior wisdom and they
have the right to use force of any kind to impose
that wisdom on the ordinary citizen. Part of that
"wisdom" is how what we produce shall be used.
The principles of private property stand in their

The federal income tax is perhaps the most
egregious example of contempt for private
property rights. Every American is duty-bound to
pay his share of constitutionally mandated
functions of the federal government as
enumerated in Article I, Section 8 of our
Constitution. But those functions account for less
than one-third of Washington's spending. Most
spending represents taking what one citizen earns
and giving it to another citizen to whom it does not
belong -- e.g., farm subsidies, food stamps,
Social Security, Medicaid, Medicare and welfare.

Bethell reminds us of an observation made by
Frederic Bastiat, a 19th century French
philosopher-economist: A man who produces
while others dispose of his product is a slave.
That's the essence of slavery: one person forcibly
used to serve the purposes of others.

Incidentally, if I had to list one of my greatest
disappointments, it would be that black Americans
who suffered through brutal slavery are one of the
major supporters of America's modern slavery.

You say, "Hey, Williams, encroachments on private
property rights that you rail against are a result of a
democratic process in pursuit of the public good."
Nonsense!  U.S. Supreme Court Justice Robert H.
Jackson reminded us in West Virginia Board of
Education vs. Barnette (1943): "The very purpose of
the Bill of Rights was to withdraw certain subjects
from the vicissitudes of political controversy, to
place them beyond the reach of majorities and officials
and to establish them as legal principles to be applied
by the courts. One's right to life, liberty and property,
to free speech, a free press, freedom of worship
and assembly, and other fundamental rights may
not be submitted to vote; they depend on the
outcomes of no elections."

The classical-liberal concept of rights is
discomforting to the ruling elite. Why? It subtracts
power from those who rule and distributes it
among the common people. It demarcates zones
where the government must keep out. In 1991,
during Justice Clarence Thomas' confirmation
hearings, Sen. Joseph Biden, D-Del., waving a
copy of Takings, written by Richard Epstein,
University of Chicago law professor, fretted about
what would happen to Congress' ability to control
our lives if it had to heed the Fifth Amendment.

An important side benefit of private property is
that it lays the foundation for wealth creation and
higher standards of living for the ordinary citizen.
The world's richest countries are those having
greater private property protections.

"The Noblest Triumph" is serious but not
complicated reading; it should be a part of any
home library.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Patent: Barcode/tattoo identifies customers prior to transaction

1999-09-15 Thread Dan S

 -Caveat Lector-

From the U.S. Patent  Trademark Office,
United States Patent  5,878,155
Heeter Mar. 2, 1999

Method for verifying human identity during electronic sale transactions

A method is presented for facilitating sales transactions by electronic
media. A bar code or a design is tattooed on an individual. Before the sales
transaction can be consummated, the tattoo is scanned with a scanner.
Characteristics about the scanned tattoo are compared to characteristics
about other tattoos stored on a computer database in order to verify the
identity of the buyer. Once verified, the seller may be authorized to debit
the buyer's electronic bank account in order to consummate the transaction.
The seller's electronic bank account may be similarly updated.

Inventors:  Heeter; Thomas W. (55 Lyerly, Houston, TX 77022).
Appl. No.:  709,471
Filed:  Sept. 5, 1996

Dan S

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and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
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1999-09-15 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

 -Caveat Lector-

SEPTEMBER 14, 1999 21:10:31 ET X


The Justice Department has decided to back down from its attempt
to stop a federal judge in Texas from gaining control of evidence
relating to the Branch Davidian siege at Waco in 1993, the DALLAS
MORNING NEWS is reporting on Wednesday.

Last month U.S. District Judge Walter Smith, who is overseeing a
wrongful death civil suit filed by surviving Branch Davidian
members, ordered all evidence to be turned over to his court in
Waco -- only to have the government challenge his order.

In a bold move, Judge Smith stated he would hold the government
in contempt if the evidence was not handed over!

On Tuesday, the Justice department announced that it would not
challenge Judge Smith's authority to gather all evidence.

The NEWS' Lee Hancock and David Jackson quote U.S. Attorney Mike
Bradford, who initially expressed the government's plan to
challenge Smith:

"Our intent is to comply with the order. We're working on that



 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

  *Mike Spitzer* [EMAIL PROTECTED]

   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends
   Shalom, A Salaam Aleikum, and to all, A Good Day.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
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[CTRL] Militias Counting On Y2K To Salvage Movement.

1999-09-15 Thread William Shannon

 -Caveat Lector-

Militias Fall on Hard Times as They Wait Out Millennium
Internal fights, talk of violence scares off many
William Claiborne, Washington Post
Wednesday, September 15, 1999
©1999 San Francisco Chronicle

URL: http://www.commondreams.org/index.html

These aren't easy times for Norman Olson and his splinter group of self-
described patriot guerrillas, the Northern Michigan Regional Militia.

Winter will settle in before long, and not far behind it the worldwide chaos
and lawlessness that Olson believes will be triggered by the Year 2000
computer bug. The statewide armed force of militant patriots he co-founded
five years ago is in disarray, riven by internal squabbling and defections
following the 1995 Oklahoma City bombing.

Now Olson -- whose gun-toting, camouflaged-bedecked image flashed on network
television in the days after the disclosure of tenuous links between his
movement and one of the Oklahoma City bombers -- finds himself unable to
organize an armed standoff between the remnants of his once 12,000-strong
militia and law enforcement.

``We're itching for a standoff someplace,'' said Olson, 51, in an interview
in his modest house in Alanson, on the mainland just southwest of this
idyllic Lake Huron tourist island. ``Any movement needs a good and noble
rallying point, an Alamo or a `Remember the Maine,' and this could be it.''

Olson's frustration underscores a situation faced by his own struggling
militia faction and militant armed wings of the patriot movement nationwide.
The groups often depend on publicized confrontations with law enforcement for
the legitimacy they crave among like- minded sympathizers, and they haven't
had one for several years.

Dressed in Army fatigues at Alanson Armory, his at-home gun shop, Olson mused
about the publicity opportunities of a police siege in northern Michigan.

``The FBI and state police show up, and hostage negotiators, a crisis
management team and television satellite trucks are all there. I'd have
militia people from Washington state and North Carolina, and you'd have
another Waco or Ruby Ridge,'' Olson said, referring to two of the most
infamous armed standoffs to stain the reputation of federal law enforcement.

``Right now is the time to strike, while . . . Janet Reno is in hot water
over Waco and all,'' Olson said, referring to the attorney general's
embarrassment over the FBI's and Justice Department's failure to disclose the
use of potentially incendiary devices in the 1993 siege of the Branch
Davidian compound near Waco, Texas.

But survivalists Mike and Chris Stitt aren't cooperating.

The Stitts and their six children moved to this 12-mile-long island near the
Straits of Mackinac 3 1/2 years ago to ride out the millennium apocalypse.
Three weeks ago, the Stitts invited Olson and 15 of his uniformed followers
to their farm for a barbecue to discuss how the militia could help them in
their fight against local officials, who they claim are hounding them off the
island because of their religious and survivalist lifestyle. But the couple
became frightened by the talk about Waco and Ruby Ridge.

``Now I'm thinking, `Wow, you guys are going to stand here on my property and
defend it with guns, with my 10-month-old baby and the lives of my children
at risk,' '' said Chris Stitt, 37. ``I thought, `Some publicity would be OK,
but Commander Olson, you've just been given your walking papers. Are you
willing to risk the lives of my children for media attention?' ''

Last week, the Stitts decided to sell their farm; put their horse, peacock,
three pigs, 150 chickens, four goats and three emus on the island ferry; and
get out of harm's way.

It was only the latest in a series of setbacks for the militia movement in
conservative northern Michigan, which, along with Montana and the Pacific
Northwest, traditionally has been home to anti-government paramilitary

Olson, a retired Air Force master sergeant, in 1994 co-founded the Michigan
Militia Corps in Wolverine, on the mainland about 40 miles south of here. In
the year he commanded it, he said, he organized 83 well-armed county brigades
comprising 12,000 active members and many more followers.

But after Oklahoma City bombing suspect Terry Nichols was reported to be
affiliated with the group, it began to fall apart. Defections snowballed,
even though Olson repeatedly insisted that Nichols had attended only one
meeting and was forced to leave because he was ``too radical.''

``There was so much fear. About a third of the members quit when they
realized this wasn't just shooting paintballs in the woods. Another third
went underground into leaderless resistance cells, and the rest became
extremely aggressive,'' Olson recalled.

He said Christian Identity white supremacists came into the militia and began
to criticize him for admitting members of all races and religions, leading to
a schism.

``I said the heck with it all and came up here to get away from it all and
form my own militia,'' 

[CTRL] ReStalin-isation of the Balkans

1999-09-15 Thread Alamaine Ratliff

 -Caveat Lector-

From antiwar.com/justin/justincol.html
(which is a division of the Centre for Libertarian Studies)

 By Justin Raimondo

 September 15, 1999


 All over the world, war clouds gather. On every continent, and by any measure,
 the portents are ominous indeed. From the Straits of Taiwan to the South China
 Sea, from the Balkans to the distant shores of the Caspian, flashpoints
 proliferate faster than we can keep up with here at Antiwar.com. And with the
 prospects for peace nil to nonexistent, the prospects for liberty are equally
 dark. One is a function of the other, and nothing dramatizes the indissoluble
 connection between peace and liberty more vividly than a recent op ed piece in
 the New York Times, "Battles After the War," by Richard Holbrooke, one of the
 architects of the Dayton Accord that supposedly "ended" the Bosnian civil war,
 and now the U.S. representative to the United Nations.


 Holbrooke, just back from a recent trip to Bosnia and Kosovo, avers that "our
 work isn't done in the Balkans." Addressed to those largely Republican lawmakers
 who are beginning to wonder if the US "investment" in Bosnia and the Balkans
 isn't an endless drain on our resources and patience, Holbrooke's piece is
 hardly reassuring: indeed, it seems to confirm the Republicans' worst fears of a
 quagmire. Holbrooke vows that we cannot leave Europe and specifically Bosnia and
 Kosovo "so long as war, ethnic hatred, and conflict exist within its space."
 Sure, we can leave Europe to its own devices one day – once war is forever
 abolished and universal brotherhood reigns supreme. What this means is that we
 can never leave the Balkans, or indeed any part of the world, since "conflict"
 is inherent in human nature.


 Without mentioning any of the specifics, Holbrooke writes that Kosovo "still
 lives in the heady but confusing aftermath of the war and the liberation from
 oppression." Well, that's one way to describe the execution of Serbs, the
 reverse ethnic cleansing, and the rampaging Kosovar mobs who have instituted a
 reign of terror in Kosovo. From the tone of Holbrooke's rhetoric, I am not at
 all surprised that he finds this bloody spectacle "heady." He who speaks of "the
 timelines of history and reconstruction" in the Balkans is not one to shy away
 from a grandiose vision. When you're busy "reconstructing" a continent, you
 don't have too much time or inclination to notice a few minor casualties on the


 But what is truly ominous about the Holbrookian vision is the strange sense of
 déjà vu that overcomes the reader as he reads the following: "Meanwhile, many of
 the forces of darkness – separatists, racists, war criminals and crooks – are
 still there, continuing their efforts to keep the people in the Dark Ages." In
 its stridence and inflexibility, this kind of language resembles nothing so much
 as the stylized and highly jargonized sloganeering of Communists and other
 Marxists, circa 1935. The cheap vulgarity of a phrase like "the forces of
 darkness" is a linguistic clue to the insincerity and indeed the ill intent of
 its author. And who, in this arena, are the Forces of Light? The Muslims, whose
 party is openly authoritarian, and whose government is stealing us blind? And
 certainly not the Croats, who have more than their share of defendants before
 the International Tribunal at The Hague.


 If anyone is taking Bosnia and Kosovo into the Dark Ages, it is Holbrooke,
 Madeleine Albright, and the architects of the war of "liberation." Their vast
 social engineering projects in Bosnia and Kosovo are literally taking the
 Balkans back to an earlier time, when Tito constructed the Socialist Republic of
 Yugoslavia out of a collection of ethnic enclaves. Like Tito, the NATO
 occupation army suppressed all opposition, closing down Serbian radio and
 television stations. As in the Communist era, "hate speech" in Bosnia was
 defined in explicitly political terms (anything that dissed NATO). In Kosovo,
 NATO and UN officials will monitor and regulate the media just as Tito's censors
 once did – in order to safeguard "democracy," of course. And now, in the Titoite
 tradition, Commissar Holbrooke wants to close down not one but two Serbian
 political parties in Bosnia.


 While praising a "new generation of leaders," left unnamed, Holbrooke does name
 those Forces of Darkness alluded to earlier, and furthermore proposes a blunt
 and pitiless strategy to defeat them:

 "But two major political parties in the Serb part of Bosnia continue to preach
 ethnic hatred and attack the very foundations of the Dayton agreement: the war
 criminal Radovan Karadzic's Serbian Democratic Party, and Vojislav Selselj's
 racist, fascistic Serbian Radical Party. These two parties should be
 disestablished by international order 


1999-09-15 Thread William Shannon

Sam Smith
September 15, 1999
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This issue is late because your editor was tied up in a six-hour voir dire for
a double-robbery case. In the end, I maintained my perfect record of having
never sat as a through a full trial. As a Coast Guard officer I was bounced
from two courts martial, and I have been dismissed from three jury panels. In
the one case in which I was seated, the first two witnesses -- US Park Police
officers -- identified the defense counsel as the defendant. The trial was
in 20 minutes.

In the most recent case, the judge's impressive if tedious effort to obtain a
fair jury resulted in a long series of bench conferences as citizens told of
their connections to crime and law enforcement. For my part I mentioned my
background, three house burglaries, one office break-in, one stolen car, being
detained at Washington National Airport as a suspected terrorist due to a
defective computer-screening machine, and the fact that one of my brother's
in-laws had been killed in a drug store robbery.

Then I explained to Judge Michael Rankin that, while I doubted it was relevant
in this case, I had been advised that I should reveal my long public advocacy
of the right of juries to judge both the law and the facts. I noted that this
view had upset some judges. Judge Rankin said it didn't bother him although he
didn't mind debating the issue and had done so with Paul Butler, the black
lawyer-scholar who has promoted nullification as a form of protest. I told the
judge that I didn't think Butler's arguments were effective because they were
based on ethnicity rather than history, which offered a much stronger case. I
then began a brief spiel the subject citing Learned Hand, Oliver Wendell
and Thomas Jefferson. While previous US Attorneys had expressed hostility
towards my views, this one merely asked whether there were any legal
that I would uphold. I asked for an example and Judge Rankin said, well, you
would support the presumption of innocence wouldn't you? I said, of course,
then -- brazenly rapping my hand on the judge's bench to punctuate the
point --
said my concern was that the jury remain our last defense against tyranny, the
final legislature deciding the law as it pertained to the case under
consideration. To my amazement, Judge Rankin said, well, you'll get no
from me. The judge and both attorneys agreed that the case under consideration
did not raise such issues and that was the end of the matter. I was later
dismissed on a peremptory challenge.

* * * * * *

The incident reminded me of another pleasant surprise I recently stumbled upon
in a DC courthouse. Twenty citizens, including myself, are suing the
Senate, House, and federal control board for the lack of DC self-government.
The day before our hearing before a special three-judge panel in US District
Court (in the very courtroom of Watergate, Iran-Contra, and Monica
called the US Marshals and warned that our group might be planning some
disruption. Sure enough, when I entered the courthouse with co-plaintiff and
black minister Graylan Hagler, there seemed an excess number of surly cops
standing outside. A US Marshal approached and asked if he could help us. Rev.
Hagler asked for directions to the cafeteria which the Marshal gave and
then he
looked at Hagler, and said, "I've been to your church, Reverend. In fact, one
of my men is on your board of trustees. Let's go and bless him." So the
and the reverend left me to find the cafeteria by myself and to recall again
something that is easy for activists to forget: not all your friends are
out of

THE RIGHTS OF JURIES http://www.prorev.com/juries.htm


"We did not rise up and become rebels because we believed ourselves stronger
and more powerful.  We rose up to demand democracy, freedom and justice
we have the reason and the dignity of history on our side." --Fifth
of the 

[CTRL] Feds Used Bogus Drug Charges to Raid (fwd)

1999-09-15 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

 -Caveat Lector-

Fox News

U.S. Probers: Feds Used Bogus Drug Charges to Push Waco Raid

5.00 p.m. ET (9.00 p.m. GMT) September 13, 1999

By Jonathan Broder

WASHINGTON — A congressional probe into the 1993 fatal assault on
the Branch Davidian compound is focusing on suspicions that
federal law enforcement officials trumped up drug manufacturing
charges to pave the way for their attack on the group.

A senior official with the House Committee on Government Reform
told Fox News Online that the military determined that the drug
charges were "bogus," and that investigators are now trying to
determine why the Army nevertheless became involved in the Waco
siege and assault, and to what extent soldiers participated.

 "The question is: Why were the military folks — who were pretty
strident against having any involvement — overruled? And who
overruled them?" said the committee official, who spoke on
condition of anonymity.

Official documents obtained by Fox News Online show a senior Army
Special Forces lawyer warned his commanders that the direct
involvement of soldiers in a civilian operation against the
cult’s Waco compound would violate the so-called posse comitatus
law, which bans the use of U.S. military forces in domestic

The lawyer, Maj. Philip W. Lindley, judge advocate for the
Pentagon’s Joint Special Operations Command, also questioned
whether an amendment to the law, which permits the use of
military personnel in domestic anti-drug operations, could be
cited to justify the deployment of forces from the Army’s Joint
Task Force (JTF) against the Branch Davidians.

 The JTF is a special Army unit that was created to assist law
enforcement in drug-related cases.

 "Since these are point targets with identified civilian
subjects, this falls outside the scope of JTF mission and cannot
be accomplished," Lindley wrote in a memo dated Feb. 3, 1993.
This was three weeks before the 51-day Branch Davidian siege

 Referring to the anti-drug amendment, Lindley warned that the
JTF could face both criminal and civil liability unless the
government had a strong drug case against the Branch Davidians.

 "The case law is clear and the burden is still upon the
government to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that the military’s
actions were permissible in order to convict the civilians in a
U.S. District Court," Lindley wrote. "No 'war on drugs' will be
won if the guilty cannot be convicted."

Nevertheless, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms (ATF)
later cited suspicions that the Branch Davidians were
manufacturing illegal methamphetamines.

 "The ATF came up with this bogus request (for military support),
where they said the Davidians had a meth lab in their compound,"
said the committee official.

The ATF cited suspicions of drug and weapons violations for their
initial armed raid on the compound, in which six Davidians and
four ATF agents were killed.

 The official said JTF personnel later determined "there was no
evidence" to support the ATF’s suspicions of drug involvement.
"They were pretty ticked off at the ATF for even trying it," the
official said.

 Further corroboration regarding the lack of evidence of drug
manufacturing came from Capt. Truman Simons of the McClennan
County, Texas, Sheriff’s Department, where Waco is located. He
said in a telephone interview that there had been a drug lab in
the Davidian compound during the 1980s, when the cult was led by
George Rhoden. But when David Koresh took over the cult and the
Waco compound in 1987, "Rhoden left and took all the drug lab
stuff with him, " Simons said, adding he had no evidence of any
drug manufacturing in the compound after 1987.

 Contacted in Tallahassee, where he now works for the Florida
State Prosecutor’s office, Lindley declined to comment further on
his memo, adding that he has been subpoenaed to testify in
Washington. A committee official said Chairman Dan Burton,
R-Indiana, had subpoenaed "all records relating to military
involvement" with the 1993 siege of Waco.

Burton opened his investigation after it was discovered that at
least three pyrotechnic tear gas canisters were fired at the
compound during the final assault, which ended with the compound
going up in flames. The Justice Department’s admission that such
devices were used has raised questions about its earlier
insistence that no incendiary military-style ordnance was used
against the Davidians.

Despite their admission, both the FBI and the Justice Department
insist there is no evidence that these canisters caused the April
19, 1993 fire that killed about 80 people. Federal officials say
Koresh and his followers deliberately set the fire to precipitate
the fiery end to the standoff.

The Pentagon also insists that only a handful of Special Forces
were on hand as observers during the 51-day siege and assault,
but had no operational involvement in either.

 Kadosh, Kadosh, 

Re: [CTRL] [Fwd: I too sent my Son]

1999-09-15 Thread Nurev Ind Research

 -Caveat Lector-

Wishful thinking boys:

1) I know lots of people who have sent their kids to Israel,
   and not one has come back a Christian.

2) I know two Christians, one a German, and one an Argentine
   who went for a summer and converted to Hasidic Judaism of
   all things.

3) Jesus was NEVER a Christian ( since it didn't exist in his
   lifetime), and was always a practicing Jew, as was his brother
   James the Just.

But hey guys, it's a helluva funny joke.

 Bill wrote:

  -Caveat Lector-

 Chris Page wrote:
A Jewish father was concerned about his son who was about a year away
from his Bar Mitzvah but was sorely lacking in his knowledge of the
  Jewish faith.
To remedy this he sent his son to Israel to experience his heritage.
   A year later the young man returned home.
   "Father, thank you for sending me to the land of our Fathers," the son
said. "It was wonderful and enlightening, however, I must confess that
  while in Israel I converted to Christianity."
"Oy vey," replied the father, "what have I done."
So in the tradition of the  patriarchs, he went to his best friend and
   sought his advice and solace.
"It is amazing that you should come to me," stated his friend, "I, too
sent my son to Israel and he returned a Christian."
So in the tradition of the patriarchs, they went to the Rabbi.  "It is
amazing  that you should come to me," stated the Rabbi, "I, too sent
  my son to Israel and he returned a Christian.  What is happening to our
  sons?  Brothers, we must take this to the Lord," said the Rabbi.
They fell to their knees and began to wail and pour out their hearts
  to the Almighty.  As they prayed the clouds above opened and a Mighty
  Voice stated,
   "Amazing that you should come to Me.  I, too, sent My Son to

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Godless Commie Rat!!!

1999-09-15 Thread Nurev Ind Research

 -Caveat Lector-

Ric Carter wrote:

  -Caveat Lector-

 - Original Message -
 From: William Shannon [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Perhaps, but he's also 100% accurate.
   About which part?  The author has little understanding of
   Marx and Capitalism.

  The Dalai Lama is accurate about capitalism and Marxism...
  don't know about the 60's book that you cite...

 Unfortunately, although Marxism may be *based* on "moral
 precepts", it apparently can't be *implemented* morally.
 The mark of any system is, does it work - if so, and if
 it works such that its participants benefit, it may be
 adjudged to be 'moral'.

  If it *doesn't* work, it don't
 matter diddly-squat what its moral attributes may be -
 it's dead.  And if the participants *don't* benefit, it
 can hardly be considered 'moral'.

Not really. Something doesn't have to work to be moral.
What His Royal Godship implies is correct when measured against
capitalism. Marxism was born as a reaction to the misery caused
by Capitalism. Therefor its original intent was to be a moral
solution for an immoral exploitative system.

 And a socio-economic-political system needs to map-onto
 the reality of human behavior  desire.  People are both
 competitive and cooperative, qualities that are readily
 apparent in capitalism - but Marxism depends too much upon
 cooperation, forced if necessary.  However 'moral' Marx's
 intent may have been, most people just ain't gonna live
 communally unless they're forced to.  Bother.

You really have no idea what you are talking about. I personally
have lived communally, and know many people who live communally
and quite happily at that.

I wouldn't be Pontificating about these issues if I were you.
You sound like Johnson instead of your more usual rational self.


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Fw: 666 and mark of the beast-is no mystery to christiansorjewish.

1999-09-15 Thread Nurev Ind Research

 -Caveat Lector-

OH! MY! GOD! Here is incontrovertible proof that religion causes
insanity. There is nothing right about this lunatic's post below.

Ric Carter wrote:

  -Caveat Lector-

 - Original Message -
 From: Anthony Brown [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Thursday, September 09, 1999 12:33 AM
 Subject: 666 and mark of the beast-is no mystery to christians or jewish.

 we recieved the new testament from the Jewish people way back-The Jewish
 alphabet is numerical-
 hence-666=www-think-www.what www? The web
 is a modern day Babal-tower of Babal-ya know-
 one world system ya know-one world gov-ya know
 etc..What happened to the tower of Babal in the
 scriptures-and why-they were creating a one world
 gov.-why-to defraud the people-keep them stupid
 and take their wealth-just like -it will soon-also have
 you ever studied the book of Revelation? Alot of people say they don't
 understand it-every parable
 that is a parable in Revelation or the entire Bible is
 allways explained just right after your done with whole parable-and that way
 you know that you know
 and people just don't read on-it tell's it like it is today
 we now have the technology to match up to Revelation's sign's of the
 times-and the web is part of it! By the way study some Hebrew-and the
 that are assigned to it-it will totally blow your mind!

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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[CTRL] Fwd: RE: [CIA-DRUGS] Okla, Murrah building, DoD medical records

1999-09-15 Thread Kris Millegan

From: "Mike Ruppert" [EMAIL PROTECTED]

This process is exactly what Gerry Patrick Hemming told me took place in the
assassination of JFK.

-Original Message-
From:   Catherine Austin Fitts [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent:   Wednesday, September 15, 1999 11:21 AM
Subject:RE: [CIA-DRUGS] Okla, Murrah building, DoD medical records

From: "Catherine Austin Fitts" [EMAIL PROTECTED]

When multiple factions who are at war with each other and do not trust each
other have to collaborate to do something, the process works by swarm.

I need these records blow up, you need these three guys to be history, he
needs those records gone, we all have a budget problem, and so forth.
Everyone has to get something and do so sufficiently so that I can trust you
to not rat on me, cause then I will rat on you. Shared evil.

Then we decide this is a winner for all of us. It is like syndicate
formation amoung competitors on Wall Street. Then we need a fall
guyOK...well who will the people buy and the media play on? Well lets
ask the media which fall guy can generate the most attention and profits for
the least work for them...

Of, now with that list, who do we think we can pin it on...who is the most
isolated and believable for the guy in the street and profitable for us

As the guy said in Shakespeare in LoveI don't know how to comes
together, but it does. It's a mystery.

Think of swarms of insects or wolf packs in a complex world making a market
with multivariate agendas and needs.

At Solari, we call it SWARMING

Don't forget what was in the HUD officefiles from the Iran Contra period
that tie back to Frank Keating--current OK governor now and then---who was
moved from DOJ to HUD in 1989 to help Kemp and D'Amato's guy Delli Bovi keep
a lid on the Iran Contra period financial fraud.

And Frank got great press for his handling of the bombing.amazingly well
prepared in a crisis, I thought.

 -Original Message-
 Sent: Wednesday, September 15, 1999 12:30 PM
 Subject: Re: [CIA-DRUGS] Okla, Murrah building, DoD medical records


 Re:  The building was blown up to get rid of medical records.

 The more I ponder the situation, the more convinced I am that
 both theories
 are wrong.  Mine (that the Murrah bldg might've been bombed to
 destroy the
 Branch Davidian evidence), and yours (that it was to destroy Gulf
 War vets'
 medical records).

 Why would the feds/military/CIA/men in black/Black Ops
 guys/whomever ... blow
 up a bldg to destroy records? There are easier ways to do that.
 Just ask G.
 Gordon Liddy (Does the name "Daniel Elsberg's psychiatrist" ring a bell?)

 No, I'll tell you exactly why the Murrah bldg was blown up
 (admittedly the
 destruction of potentially embarrassing and/or liability-creating
 is an added perk): (1) Clinton's anti-terrorist bill had been
 tabled, and was
 in dire need of resurrection; and (2) He could emerge from the
 ashes of OKC
 like the proverbial Phoenix, in an election year. (Please recall that his
 popularity wasn't so great in late '95 and early '96). We
 lawyers who've perused the 1996 federal anti-terrorism law with a
 scrutinizing eye, realize that it's a terrible piece of
 legislation. It gives
 the Exec. Branch (and the US Atty Genl in particular) exclusive
 authority to
 define who is and is not a "terrorist." Thus, you, me, our friends,
 neighbors, and fellow travelers through cyber space are all potential
 terrorists. The OKC bombing insured that Clinton's bill (no pun intended)
 would be removed from the shelf and resurrected, and that he would be
 re-elected. He even admitted to reporters on Air Force One -- the
 day after
 the election -- that "If it hadn't been for Oklahoma City we
 wouldn't have
 made it" ("it" being 4 more years in the Oral ... er ... Oval Office).

 That's my theory anyway. Please feel free to pick it apart and
 show me where
 I'm wrong.


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1999-09-15 Thread Dave

 -Caveat Lector-

Dave Hartley

-Original Message-
From: Deuce [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, September 15, 1999 8:34 PM
Subject: [chemical-trails] NATIONWIDE CHEMTRAILS PROTEST

NATIONWIDE CHEMTRAILS PROTEST Saturday, November 20, 1999 New York City

--At the Offices of The New York Times
209 West 43rd St.  (Times Square) New York City
12noon to 3pm
--Los Angeles (TBD)
--Your Home Town November 20, 1999

As increasing numbers of Americans are discovering, widespread aerial
spraying over what appears to be all major populated areas of the United
States has been going on since approximately December of 1998.  The federal
government, who appears to be responsible for the spraying in this country,
will not publicly address the issue.

This information has been confirmed by thousands of Americans, among them
highly competent professional journalists, doctors and pilots with decades
of flight experience.  Numerous witnesses have reported a "cobweb-like
substance seen falling from the sky," while lab-analysis of the fallout has
revealed the presence of biological-agents: Pseudomonas Fluorescens,
Streptomyces, and a restriction enzyme used to create viruses.  .  .  ." As
a result of the spraying, seemingly countless numbers of Americans have
reported "flu-like"
symptoms, as well as serious respiratory infections which do not respond
well, if at all, to antibiotics.  The spraying has also been reported in
portions of Canada, England and Australia.  In England, 8100 deaths were
reported by the BBC due to spraying that occurred between 12/98 and 1/99.

How serious is this crisis?  Please read the following testimony [from the
Strange Haze web site, http://strangehaze.freeservers.com/index.html].

"We live close to Everett, WA.  I've been noticing the chemtrails for awhile
now since the subject came up on Art Bell.  My 8-year old daughter has been
sick this week with a bad upper respiratory infection and her asthma has
flared up.  My 18-year old son came home sick about three weeks ago with
fever, bronchitis and incredible dizziness.  Took him to the doctor a couple
of days later and all the staff (except the doctor and his wife) were out
very sick with the same thing.  One of the office girls fell over from
dizziness at the office nearly hitting her head on the filing cabinet!  They
had to drive her home because she was too sick to drive.  They had to hire
outside temporary help just to run the office!  They were extremely busy
with patients coming in all week very sick with the same symptoms.  Same
thing with my son - his girlfriend had to drive him home because he was too
dizzy and sick.

Also - and this really scares me - one of my son's friend's sister who is
about 22-years old showed up at her parent's house sprawled out on their
couch very sick with 104 fever.  The next day she had open sores all inside
her mouth with bleeding gums!  I asked her mother what the doctor said that
she had and she said the doctor just told them that she had gotten some kind
of viral infection in her mouth.  I don't think the doctor's know WHAT
people are getting!!  They took her to the doctor who put her on antibiotics
of some kind and she is better now - went back to work this week, but it is
still painful to eat.  This girl lives close to Marysville, WA and she works
in Everett.  Our church has been wiped out with people being very sick - our
church is in Marysville.  Our pastor's wife is finally feeling better - she
had been sick since Christmas with pneumonia and on all kinds of antibiotics
and she has horrible asthma.  WHAT AWFUL THINGS ARE THEY SPRAYING ON US AND

At the very least, what this amounts to is the most widespread, brutal and
flagrant human rights violation Americans have ever been subject to.
Whatever goal the government is ultimately trying to achieve with the
spraying, it is nothing less than biowarfare being conducted on an entire
innocent populace from coast to coast, an attack on literally millions upon

This extraordinarily serious and disturbing phenomenon has been almost
completely ignored by the major media organizations, despite a plethora of
photographic and lab evidence.  If you are not aware of this story, I
encourage you to read an excellent introductory article by independent
researcher Richard Malinowski, found here
(http://home.att.net/~malrm/CT01.html ).
The story is also discussed in this WorldNetDaily article
ml After a respite of roughly eight weeks--apparently due to a report on the
chemtrails matter I posted on The Christian Intelligence Advisory on June
1999--the spraying resumed in earnest in the Boston area (although
immediately after posting the announcement of this protest on 9/6, the
spraying has again dropped off to 

[CTRL] Seti clone bank

1999-09-15 Thread earthman

 -Caveat Lector-

Hmmm I realise seti is a con but this much of a con?

For years I believed that SETI was a fraud. Because alien communications
use fourth and fifth dimensional energy, where time and space is not a
barrier. Other, aliens would have to wait a few million years to receive
a response from their counterparts, across the Universe. And it is
proven that our government is familiar with this type of energy because
it is the same energy that is used in the UFOs flying in the skies, half
of which are government. This allows the UFOs to travel almost
instantly. Those who have studied Kirilian Photography research are
familiar with its character- istics. So the government must know that
SETI will not contact ETs. So for the last two years, I have been
looking for information that would tell what is the real purpose of
SETI. Enjoy. David
set-@home, or SETI Makes Clones?!?
NavBar | Home
Recently, in the news and on the internet, there have been reports of a
new computer program that
people have been using. No, it's not some new Y2K debugger, or a site to
lock porn away from the
prying eyes of children or husbands. Nor is it an invention of Bill
Gates' Microsoft and his legions of evil henchmen. No, this is something
that seems innocent on the surface of things, but is in reality, far
more insidious.
The initiative of which I speak is something known as the set-@home
This project, initiated by the government patsies who call themselves
"scientists," supposedly allows these "researchers" to use unused
computer space on PC's that are logged into the internet. But, a careful
source close to the project has come forward to A3 to tell her story
about her work in the project. I interviewed Dr. Jan Perry, a computer
scientist close to the SETI project, who told me of the dastardly plans
connected to this seemingly innocent initiative. Here now is Dr. Perry's
"When I first started working on the SETI program, I was a naïve young
student, right out of my doctoral program. One of the first jobs that I
was given was to design a screen saver that could be used to help
process data on people's computers that are scattered over a large area
of space. I thought it was a neat idea, so I got to work on it right
"However, I soon found different subroutines and programs being inserted
into the screensaver I was designing. Asking some of the other
programmers assigned to the program about this, they feigned ignorance.
But, I knew that something, something had to be going on, and I wanted
to get to the bottom of this.
"The code that was inserted was of a type that I had never seen before,
and that was totally alien to me. I had no idea what the purpose of it
was, so I started to do some snooping around the labs. We all had
prototypes of the screensaver on our computer, so I decided to check out
the mainframe, that was doing the actual processing of date from our
"This is where it gets shocking.
"I found my way to the building on campus where the mainframe was kept,
and weaseled my way into
the computer room. What I found there actually resembled a hospital
ward, with computer monitors at the head of the beds. And in the beds
were growing. CLONES! Clones of all of us in our lab! It was the most
shocking sight of my life.
"Running out of the room, I bumped into one of the programmers from my
lab. He looked at me, and
asked what I was doing there. Regaining my composure, I said I was
simply checking on the status of the clones, and nothing more. Because
of the secrecy involved in the program, I was taking a risk in betting
that he didn't know who was really involved in the program, and who
wasn't. My bet paid off. He let me pass without another word. "I got out
of there as fast as I could, and I came here, to talk to you. I know
that A3 is the only safe place to tell my story, where I have a chance
to be heard. If you've downloaded this screensaver, please, disconnect
it now! There's a replica of you growing out there, and if you don't
stop now, you might be REPLACED! If you turn off the screensaver, you
will stop the clone from reaching maturity. I only hope that I turned
mine off in time."
A shocking story indeed. The truth once again is revealed to be even
stranger than the possible fictions that people may invent for their
Saturday afternoon amusement. Please take the time now to save yourself,
and remove this accursed pawn of the alien overlords from your computer
Delete with extreme prejudice.
Report problems and oddities to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

We are about to go on a Journey. All Aboard

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its 

[CTRL] Don't stop at Waco, Asa

1999-09-15 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

A HREF="http://www.arktimes.com/mara/090399mara.html"Opinion Mara Leveritt
September 03, 1999/A

Don't stop at Waco, Asa

 By Mara Leveritt
September 03, 1999

n Good for Asa Hutchinson. This week the Arkansas congressman called for
a bipartisan inquiry into the federal government's use of incendiary
tear gas canisters during the final hours of the siege at Waco.

Among other things, Hutchinson wants to know why it took the Justice
Department six years to acknowledge the FBI's use of the devices, and
why, when the information was released, it directly contradicted what
the FBI had previously claimed.

Hutchinson is right to be demanding answers. Congress should be
concerned. Its members were lied to by the Justice Department during
hearings in the aftermath of the debacle at Waco. And the nation was
lied to, as well. The result is that the FBI, having fired the
incendiary devices, followed by round after round of denials, is now in
the painful position of having shot itself in the foot.

So, way to go, Congressman. Pursue those questions about who consulted
with whom, to what extent the Army's Delta Force was involved, why the
attorney general was kept (as she claims) completely in the dark, and
whatever other dark secrets whose answers ought to come to light.

But, please, don't stop there. You're right that what happened at Waco
cries out for investigation. But don't forget that there are federal
secrets concerning a town in Arkansas that have been even more deeply

I refer, of course, to Mena, my favorite (and perhaps your least
favorite) topic. As you may remember, I contacted you, asking your help
in persuading the FBI to honor a Freedom of Information request about
Mena that I'd had on file with them for years. You promised your
assistance, but Rep. Vic Snyder, to whom I'd also written, actually went
to work.

The FBI stalled, but Snyder's staff persisted. Finally, their efforts
paid off -- at least partly. Two weeks ago, I received 488 pages of FBI
records pertaining to Barry Seal, the cocaine smuggler who, as you know,
moved his billion-dollar drug business from Baton Rouge, Louisiana to
the airport at Mena, Arkansas in 1982. You were the U.S. attorney for
Arkansas's western district at the time, and, according to at least one
former agent, you called a meeting soon after Seal arrived to advise
federal investigators in the state that the smuggler was setting up

But, though he was constantly watched, Seal was never stopped. He
operated from Mena, apparently unimpeded, until 1986, when he was
murdered by Colombian operatives.

Unlike the situation at Waco, the situation that had developed at Mena
wasn't known until after Seal's death. But, as details about it slowly
emerged, they gave rise to some serious questions.

•Why, for instance, had Seal, who, by the government's own estimate, had
imported between $3 billion and $5 billion worth of drugs, never spent
more than four months inside an American prison?

•Why, after he reportedly became an informant, working for the DEA in
Miami, were investigators in Arkansas and Louisiana not notified of the

•What happened to the drugs that Seal testified he brought into the
United States -- and to the millions of dollars he said he earned --
during the time he was supposedly cooperating with the DEA?

•And, since this is a story with roots in Arkansas, why did neither you,
the Republican U.S. attorney when Seal arrived, nor the Democratic
governor, Bill Clinton, ever take any known action to see that he was

Opening the box from the FBI, I hoped that the documents inside would
answer some of these questions. Unfortunately, they did not. Instead,
they raised several even more intriguing questions. For example,
according to one document, the Justice Department kept tight control of
the investigation into Seal's murder, "since," as an assistant attorney
general explained, "this is a case with apparent national and organized
crime dimensions…"

But many of the pages sent were heavily blacked out. And almost 300 were
missing entirely. A cover letter explained that some of these deletions
had been made to protect privacy or confidentiality, or for law
enforcement reasons.

But this is what I found most interesting. Notes explaining several of
the deletions said that they had been made under provisions of the
National Security Act of 1947 and the CIA Act of 1949. So it's quite a
mess, you see, these jumbled references to organized crime and national
security, to Colombian drug cartels and the CIA -- all within the
heavily censored file of a smuggler who found safe haven in Arkansas
during the last four years of his life.

So here's something else I'd like you to call for, if you wouldn't mind,
while you're calling for investigations into Waco:

•What was the relationship between Barry Seal and the CIA? And what did
this smuggler have to do with national 

[CTRL] Several shot in church sanctuary

1999-09-15 Thread Dan S

 -Caveat Lector-

From http://www.startext.net/news/doc/1047/1:TOPSTORY/1:TOPSTORY091599.html
Updated: Wednesday, Sep. 15, 1999 at 19:53 CDT

Several shot in church sanctuary
By The Associated Press

FORT WORTH, Texas -- Several people were shot Wednesday night during a
prayer service in the sanctuary of Wedgwood Baptist Church, police said.

The number of victims was not immediately determined, but police said the
shooter was among those wounded, and is believed to be dead.

No other fatalities were immediately reported.

Five ambulances were sent to the church, located in the southwest corner of
Fort Worth. Medical helicopters also went to the scene.

A recording that answered the telephone at the church said a
regularly-scheduled prayer service began at 6:30 p.m.

However, Wednesday night's service was heavily attended by teen-agers
because of the annual "See You at the Pole" ceremony.

The shooting was reported shortly after 7 p.m.

Witnesses said the shooter was a tall man dressed in black. He had long hair
and a mustache, they said.

"He was very calm and looked normal and was smoking a cigarette," Christy
Martin, 17, told KDFW-TV.

He walked into the sanctuary, pulled a gun and began firing, she said.

"I just saw him point the gun and shoot," she said.

Ms. Martin said she thought about 15 people had been hit.

A Fort Worth police spokesman, who did not want his name used, said there
were several victims and he believed some had died.

Ambulances were taking the victims to John Peter Smith and Harris Methodist

Miss Martin said everybody in the church began running as soon as the first
shot rang out.

"He just kept shooting and that's when I just ran," she said. "I'm fine, I'm
just a little shook up."

Chris Applegate, a 7th grader, said he was in choir practice when the gunman
burst into the room.

"We were singing a song and then in the middle of the song this guy opened
the door and fired one shot," he told KXAS-TV.

"He just kept telling is to stay still," Chris said.

The man reloaded several times during the rampage, which some first thought
was a skit or prank.

"I was wondering . . . whether it was real or not," Chris said.

A 14-year-old student at Heath High School in West Paducah, Ky., opened fire
on Dec. 1, 1997. Three students were killed and five others were hurt.

Distributed by The Associated Press (AP)

Dan S

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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
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be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
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Re: [CTRL] Godless Commie Rat!!!

1999-09-15 Thread M.A. Johnson

 -Caveat Lector-

Ric Carter:
If it *doesn't* work, it don't
matter diddly-squat what its moral attributes may be -
it's dead.  And if the participants *don't* benefit, it
can hardly be considered 'moral'.
   Not really. Something doesn't have to work to be moral.
   What His Royal Godship implies is correct when measured against
   capitalism. Marxism was born as a reaction to the misery caused
   by Capitalism. Therefor its original intent was to be a moral
   solution for an immoral exploitative system.

Capitalism has NEVER existed.
Please explain how forcibly taking from SOME and giving
this to others is moral.

   You sound like Johnson instead of your more usual rational self.

If you cannot address reality, call names.


From the fact that people are very different it follows that, if
we treat them equally, the result must be inequality in their actual
position, and that the only way to place them in an equal position
would be to treat them differently.  Equality before the law and
material equality are therefore not only different but are in
conflict which each other; and we can achieve either one or the
other, but not both at the same time.  -- F.A. Hayek

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Waco: Who Watches The Watchers?

1999-09-15 Thread William Shannon

 -Caveat Lector-

From www.rouze.com

Political Outsider
Waco cover-up: Who’s watching the watchers?
By Robert White

All right class, let's review:
Q: What was the foremost political lesson of Watergate? (Aside from, Don't
try to steal an election you're destined to win in a landslide.)
A: It's not the initial crime, it's the cover-up that gets you.
Very good. Next question:
Q: What is the overriding political lesson from Whitewater?
A: It's not the initial crime, it's the cover-up that gets you... eventually,
thanks to a poorly written independent counsel law, a zealous prosecutor and
a complete lack of self-discipline on behalf of the president.

No need for sarcasm. But correct. Final question:
Q: Do you know where I'm going with this?
A: Of course. But I have no idea why Janet Reno, Louis Freeh and the FBI
didn't learn those lessons in Waco.

It is sort of hard to grasp, isn't it? More than six years after 80 cult
members died in a fiery blaze at the Branch Davidian compound outside Waco,
Texas, the FBI has finally acknowledged that, yes, we actually did fire a
potentially flammable tear gas into the house a few hours before it went up
in flames. Whoops!

It reminds me of a Doonesbury cartoon from the summer of 1995, in which a
White House aide is detailing to President Clinton (shown as a levitating
waffle, of course) all the "contradictions, denials and obfuscations" of the
Clintonites during the Whitewater hearings. The staff member then pauses. "In
that regard, the staff has pressed me to ask you something, sir...what
exactly are we covering up?"

"Depends," Clinton the pastry replies. "What are the options?"

This would be a lot funnier if it weren't so serious--so damn dangerous, in
fact. It is becoming easier and easier to come to the conclusion that the
Justice Department and/or the FBI felt the need to cover up the true events
of April 19, 1993.

I don't think any reasonable person believes--at least not yet, barring
further evidence that may be hidden elsewhere in the J. Edgar Hoover
Building--that the FBI or ATF agents were responsible for igniting the fire
that day. The tear gas was shot into the building about six hours before the
flames appeared. No one can doubt Koresh was on a suicide mission. He or his
henchmen started that fire. They killed the Davidians.

Then why the six years of denials that tear gas was used on the siege's last
day? Why not just get that minor point out of the way and clear the air?

I was one of several dozen reporters covering the House's Waco hearings four
years ago; we sat there day after day as top government officials, including
Reno, swore that no such gas was used. But someone had to know. A 49-page
memo on the siege was prepared within the Justice Department shortly after
the fire.

On page 49, it was revealed that one round of tear gas was shot into the
compound. Through a miraculous error, page 49 never made it to the
congressional investigators. That is not just a third-rate Xeroxing job.
That's a conspiracy.

Reno, and perhaps FBI Director Freeh, might lose their jobs over this one.
But the problem runs deeper. The Justice Department is effectively the
world's largest police-and-prosecution force, with more than 20,000
employees, a number that has grown in recent years despite cutbacks in other
federal agencies.

At the same time, Clinton and Congress have imbued the FBI with more
power--expanded wire tapping abilities, including on cell phones, and a
virtual gutting of the habeas corpus laws so crucial to death penalty
defendants, to name just two. A federal appeals court based in Richmond this
year struck down part of the Miranda rules ("You have the right to remain
silent...) on its continued assault on the 4th Amendment.

More power, less oversight.

If they are willing to lie about a small piece of the Waco puzzle, what other
rules are they willing to bend in the name of public safety? Who watches the
watchers? Who will protect us from our protectors?

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Dorthy Kilgallen's Sucide Information Wanted

1999-09-15 Thread Fred Saluga

 -Caveat Lector-

I would appreciate any information that any one can forward me on Dorthy
Kilgallen's alleged suicide, and any other information on her alleged
involvement with Marlyn Monroe, Jack Ruby, etc. It is also alleged that she
was going to break some real news the next day after she committed suicide,
does anyone know what the news way.


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] The Iraqi quagmire by Joseph Farah

1999-09-15 Thread Nicky Molloy

 -Caveat Lector-

There could be a few reasons why US is still bombing Iraq. Either he won't
go along with the NWO and they hope he will be replaced by their stooge,
more depopulation, they want the ancient country where the Freemason
goddesses resided devastated so they can take over it, they want the Islamic
nations to get revenge so martial law can be brought about quickly in US, or
they are trying to use up y2k non compliant missiles - the latter has been
given by military analyists. Can anyone else think of any other reasons?


The Iraqi quagmire by Joseph Farah

They are little stories. For those of you who still read conventional
newspapers, they don't even make the international briefings any more. But
the Associated Press and a few other news agencies continue to file reports
based largely on press releases from the Pentagon, or, more likely, from an
entity called "the U.S. European Command."
I'm talking about the nearly daily bombing of Iraq by U.S. and British
aircraft. It's been going on at a rather intense level for nearly a year.
But it has continued intermittently since 1991 and the Persian Gulf War.

Here's a typical AP report from earlier this week:

"U.S. warplanes bombed two Iraqi air defense sites Monday in response to
Iraqi anti-aircraft fire, the U.S. military said.

"The planes bombed an air-defense warning site south of the city of Mosul,
about 250 miles north of Baghdad, the military said in a statement released
from the Germany-based U.S. European Command. They also bombed an
anti-aircraft artillery site northwest of Mosul.

"The air-defense warning site was part of a wider Iraqi air-defense system
that had regularly targeted planes patrolling the no-fly zone over northern
Iraq, the statement said. The same site was bombed during routine patrols
Friday in response to Iraqi fire.

"All aircraft returned safely to Incirlik air base in southern Turkey.
Damage to Iraqi installations was being assessed, the statement said.

"U.S. and British planes have patrolled no-fly zones over north and south
Iraq since the 1991 Persian Gulf War, to protect Kurdish and Shiite
minorities from the forces of Iraqi President Saddam Hussein.

"Iraq regards the zones as violations to international law and has
challenged the allied planes since December."

Now, I'm no fan of Saddam Hussein. He is certainly one of the most brutal
dictators in the world today. But, the questions must be asked: "What are we
doing in Iraq today? What are we hoping to accomplish? When will we be able
to stop dropping bombs? How will we know when our objectives have been
achieved? What are our objectives?"

There is a silent war taking place. Most Americans are oblivious to it
because the war has long been forgotten by the headline writers. I suspect
our leaders in Washington like it that way.

Americans don't seem to mind protracted wars of this kind so long as there
are few U.S. casualties involved. We don't see the bombs dropping on the
nightly news programs. We seldom hear about them or read about them, so our
consciences are clear.

I think America is playing a very dangerous game. We are accomplishing
nothing with our bomb raids on Iraq. If we were actually hitting militarily
significant targets, why would this war be going into its ninth year? These
bombing runs must be like many of those the U.S. conducted on North
Vietnam -- you know, don't hit any real targets, just let them know we're
still here.

It may not be meaningful militarily, but it is meaningful to the people on
the ground being bombed on a daily basis. It's also meaningful to their
friends in other neighboring countries who already perceive the U.S. as the
Great Satan.

Just look at what has been happening in Russia in the last week if you want
to know how dangerous it is to play the imperial role with the Islamic
world. Hundreds of people have been killed in terrorist bombings -- people
who thought they were far from the war zone in Dagestan, people who thought
they were living safely and securely, people who may not have been aware of
the fighting taking place in a foreign land.

Frankly, I'm surprised America has not experienced a heavier cost for such
misguided policies already. The U.S. has no business bombing Iraq. The
excuses are running thin. Does anyone in Washington really care about the
Kurds and the Shiite minorities in Iraq? Is anyone monitoring their
situation? Has the bombing improved their plight? What strategic objectives
have been accomplished through this mad bombing? And, most importantly, when
will it end?

A daily radio broadcast adaptation of Joseph Farah's commentaries can be
heard at http://www.ktkz.com/

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange 

Re: [CTRL] books about RA, MC, etc.

1999-09-15 Thread Smart News

 -Caveat Lector-

Hi !

Below please find books about several topics of interest. I cannot personally
vouch for many of these books or the company, but it looks like it may be a
valuable resource.

Sincerely,  Neil Brick

This may be triggering for survivors of abuse.


Ritual Abuse Bookstore
Thanks to Trout and Sons, Inc. An Amazon.com Associate
the Trademark: AMAZON.COM is the registered trademark of Amazon.com, Inc.
Trout and Sons, Inc., 1504 #8-00292 Main Street, Gardnerville, Nevada 89410

These books are listed on linked pages:
(under mind control)

Psychic Dictatorship in the U.S.A.
Author: Alex Constantine

A readable book, frightening in its implications, on government mind control,
the CIA's domestic program, Satanism, how the government fakes alien
abductions, and more.

Virtual Government: CIA Mind Control Operations and the Swastika
Author: Alex Constantine

On the secret CIA programs, the funding trail, and government dissemination
of misinformation about the CIA's activities.

Secret Agenda:
The United States Government, Nazi Scientists, and Project Paperclip, 1945 to
Author: Linda Hunt

A CNN reporter describes how the US illegally recruited Nazi scientists and
successfully prevented their prosecution for war crimes. Some participated in
CIA-funded mind control experiments on US citizens.

The Search for the Manchurian Candidate: The CIA and Mind Control Author:
John Marks

The classic 1979 work on projects ARTICHOKE, BLUEBIRD, CASTIGATE, CHATTER,
AND MK-ULTRA. Marks concludes that these expeiments failed, and that it was
all a waste of tiume and money. Other have built on Marks' research, but have
come to the opposite conclusion.

The Mind Manipulators: A Non-Fiction Account
Authors: Alan W. Scheflin and Edward M. Opton

Well documented and well written. Every aspect is covered in a thorough
manner, from covert mind control, to subtle overt society changes, to
chemical and biological warfare.

Angels Don't Play This HAARP:
Advances in Tesla Technology
Authors: Nick Begich and Jeanne Manning

Begich and Manning thoroughly explain electromagnetic waves and their
military uses.Questions are raised about the impact of microwaves, not only
on the environment, but also on the inhabitants. Well documented, with patent
numbers and references.

Journey into Madness: The True Story of Secret CIA Mind Control and Medical
Abuse  Author: B Gordon Thomas

Psychiatry and the CIA: Victims of Mind Control Author: Harvey Weinstein

Dr. Weinstein's account of his father's abuse at the hands of Dr. Ewen
Cameron, (who directed mind-control experiments funded by the CIA and the
Canadian government) and the successful fight to win judgments against the
Canadian government.

(under healing)

The Courage to Heal:
A Guide for Women Survivors of Sexual Abuse
Authors: Ellen Bass and Laura Davis

The classic self-help book for survivors of sexual abuse. Every suggestion
applies to ritual abuse survivors as well. There is also a companion workbook
by Laura Davis for use in journaling.

Satanic Ritual Abuse: A Therapist's Handbook Author: Dee Brown

A warm, encouraging introduction to the treatment of adult survivors written
for therapists beginning work in this area.

Allies in Healing: When the Person You Love Was Sexually Abused as a Child
Author: Laura Davis

For partners of sexual abuse and ritual abuse survivors, written in the same
format as "Courage to Heal." This books covers everything from the defiition
of sexual abuse to intimacy, crises, and sex.

The Courage to Heal Workbook Author: Laura Davis

A companion workbook to "The Courage to Heal" for use in journaling.

Resolving Sexual Abuse:
Solution-Focused Therapy and Ericksonian Hypnosis for Adult Survivors
Author: Yvonne M. Dolan

Clear, simple, practical instructions for working with different parts of the
mind -- equally valuable to multiples and non-multiples. This book can be
used both in therapy and at home.

Ritual Child Abuse Discovery, Diagnosis and Treatment Author: Pamela Hudson

A survey of symptoms of child survivors of extra-familial ritual abuse and a
discussion of therapy with both agitated and 'frozen' children. Kind,
respectful, and well written.

Satan's Children: Case Studies in Multiple Personality Author: Robert S. Mayer

Dr. Mayer writes from his perspective, using many case examples. He describes
his reactions, techniques, successes, and mistakes.

The Psychology of Adolescent Satanism: A Guide for Parents, Counselors,
Clergy, and Teachers Author: Anthony Moriarty

Moriarty discusses the developmental dynamics that underlie four different
types of teens involved in (as opposed to born into) Satanism and provides an
analysis of risk factors. He also evaluates how communication patterns and
parenting styles impact on a young person's vulnerability to become involved
in Satanism

Safe Passage to Healing: A Guide for Survivors of Ritual Abuse
Author: Chrystine Oksana

The first book to be published on 

[CTRL] Gunman Opens Fire At Texas Church, Seven Dead

1999-09-15 Thread Steve Wingate

 -Caveat Lector-

Wednesday September 15 10:54 PM ET

Gunman Opens Fire At Texas Church, Seven Dead

By Marcus Kabel

FORT WORTH, Tex. (Reuters) - A gunman shouting anti-religious curses
and ordering his victims to ``stay still'' opened fire on teenage worshippers
in a Baptist church Wednesday, killing six people before killing himself,
officials said.

Witnesses said the gunman, described as a tall bearded white man with
long dark hair and dressed in black, brought the carnage to a stop when he
turned his gun on himself as police closed in.

One report from the scene said the man calmly sat down in a back pew and
shot himself in the head after firing dozens of bullets at his victims.

It was the latest in a string of gun rampages in the United States over the
last six months that began last April when two teenage students killed 15
people including themselves in an attack on their high school in Littleton,

Witnesses also said that besides firing up to 40 shots the gunman also
hurled a pipe bomb into the congregation. It was not immediately clear how
much damage the bomb caused.

``At first we thought it was part of a skit because we were supposed to
have a skit after our concert,'' said Terri Ramirez, one of about 150 people,
mostly teenagers, who had packed the Wedgwood Baptist Church for a
youth rally.

Other witnesses said the gunman yelled ``What you believe is all bullshit''
as he fired into the backs of people in the crowd. He also yelled ``stay still''
while he fired at people.

Panic broke out as people dived under pews. ``That is what they taught us
in college -- if you hear shots dive down,'' said Laura Watson, a survivor of
the attack.

She said a young man next to her was hit by a bullet and lay bleeding and

Local TV reported that eight people were injured and rushed to three area
hospitals for treatment. At John Peter Smith Hospital, a spokeswoman said
two teenage girls, two teenage boys and two adults were brought in with
gunshot wounds. A hospital spokeswoman, Drenda Witt said several
people were in critical condition.

Among those shot were at least one child and two Sunday school teachers,
witnesses said.

About 150 teenagers were attending a prayer service and concert for youth
when the shooting broke out. Laura Watson said congregants were just
about to start singing a religious song.

Fran King, another witness, said, ``It is unreal. You hear about Littleton,
Atlanta but you don't think it can happen here.''

Steve Wingate

California Director

Anomalous Images and UFO Files

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Sensuality vs Calvinism; What Can A Woman Can Do to Delete the Shadow Government?

1999-09-15 Thread Dave

 -Caveat Lector-

This is forwarded to you by Catherine's request.
I know her from an online discussion group focussed on our government's
complicity in drug importing  (CIA/Contra/Crack connection, etc...)

Dave Hartley

-Original Message-
From: catherine Fitts [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, September 15, 1999 9:38 PM
Subject: Sensuality vs Calvinism; What Can A Woman Can Do to
Delete the Shadow Government?

From: "catherine Fitts" [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I am thinking tonight about the things that each one of us can do in our
lives day to day that will make a small but concrete difference in
transforming us to a civilization which enjoys real democracy and markets.
Tonight I would like to write as a woman to the women...or if you are a guy,
the women in your life if you care to pass this on. When I am still
grappling with an issue, I need to just put out what I feel. I need to swarm
on it and see where the swarm takes it. Please forgive me if I give offense.
Our feelings always lead us into areas that are so sensitive for all of us.
So help me out and here goes.

Dan Russell's new book on the Drug Wars is so wonderful it is hard to
describe. One of the reasons it gave me so much energy was it really
reconnected me emotionally with the critical importance of criminalization
of essential hungers (drugs, sex, money) to increase profit margins and
create franchise control for those who control the enforcement mechanisms
within a society. It is a way to turn over control to the most evil; the
most violent.

Every one of us has a dream. Every one of us wants or hungers for beauty,
truth, attention, admiration, pleasure, knowledge, connection, procreation.
We have intentions, we have desires. We have myths in our head that speak to
what gives us energy. Each of us is totally unique but we all enjoy having
lots of energy. We just get it and give it in an endless variety of ways.
That is why markets, democracy and other swarm systems are so wonderful
where they have the rule of law and the rule of performance protecting their
integritythey let us move around in the dance. They offer us the freedom
to take it or leave it or vote or not on thousands of questions a day.

In terms of a community or society's management of resources there are two
essential models. The first is based on the assumption that using markets
and democracy that we can optimize our meaning and our energy (whether our
space, our knowledge, our money, our health, our time, etc) best by letting
every man and woman pursue their dream, even help them get it. The other
model assumes that other parties are evil, that the system can not work on a
self organizing basis, and that I need to rig it for my team.

Let me say it another way using Solari's Popsicle Index. Again, the Popsicle
Index is a performance measurement for the performance of community
investment. The Popsicle Index is the % of people in a community who believe
that a child can leave their home, go to the nearest place to get a popsicle
and come home alone safely. So, for example, when I was five, the Popsicle
Index in West Philadelphia was 100%. Ten years later after CIA and HUD had
moved in, the Popsicle Index was 50% and falling. There was and always is a
direct correlation between the Popsicle Index and the value of the homes and
real estate and other assets in a community. So the homeowners got killed,
but could get rich reversing it too. In essence a few guys get rich with CIA
and HUD, but it is much less wealth than the wealth destroyed. That is what
is powerful about reversing the process. Undoing the harm creates much more
wealth, much more broadly distributed.

All enterprise --whether government or business--can be divided up between
things that make the Popsicle Index go up and things that make the Popsicle
Index go down. I think e-bay and my cousin Jane help the Popsicle Index go
up. I think CIA drug dealing and Katherine Graham cause it to go down.

I get my thrills out of making money or teaching other people how to make
money making the Popsicle Index go up. I also get thrills making money
deleting people who make the Popsicle Index go down. So the idea of the CIA
Drugs class action suit building into a tobacco suit settlement has me
pretty jazzed. If the legal industry can see a way to make money on draining
the folks who make the Popsicle Index go down with drugs, we can get a whole
lot done. Meantime, my dream has more to do with a guy and being safe than
with money.

In my family, if you ask a Northern woman how to get anything done, she will
dial into Amazon, get the books, and figure out how to build a nuclear
reactor in the back yard or whatever. If you ask a Southern woman, she will
simply figure out who knows a nuclear engineer and then she will figure out
how to get him to want to build one in her back yard. She thinks in terms of

The issue of whether the 

[CTRL] Skeptic News - Wednesday #4

1999-09-15 Thread ric carter

 -Caveat Lector-

SkeptiNews 990915d - - - - - - - - - - - All The News That's Fit To Question

: Passages starting with ':' are editorial comments to provoke discussion.
: Nothing contained herein is ever endorsed for truth, accuracy or meaning.
: No ancient Greek gods were abducted during production of this bulletin.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# Greek Gods In Florida. (BBC) Miami police find a hoard of priceless
  ancient artefacts stolen from a museum in Greece nine years ago.

: Have you found or stolen any Greek gods lately? Are you a Greek god? Were
you ever stolen? Are you bitter about that? Have you blasted humanity yet?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

@ The Hundredth Monkey. You've often heard references to the "Hundredth
  Monkey" phenomena, but did you really know what it was? It is shown to
  exist scientifically, yet the cause can only be something outside of our
  normal reality. http://www.spiritual-endeavors.org/free/100monk-all.htm

: Do you believe in magic? Does it work for you? Can anything but magic ex-
plain the 100th Monkey effect? Have you ever read THE FRINGES OF REASON??
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# Cyberpower to the people - Forget demos, "hactivism" is the new political
  weapon. East Timorese human rights campaigners threatened to mobilise an
  army of a hundred teenagers around the world to wreak havoc in Indonesia.
  By hacking into government computers, they would disrupt vital communica-
  tions, drain bank accounts, alter flight bookings and redirect military
  strikes. This threat is the latest to have sprung from a new union of
  pressure groups and computer hackers. And while many activists welcome the
  novel weapon in their armoury, it is still illegal and, some fear, open to
  abuse. http://www.newscientist.com/ns/19990918/newsstory10.html

: Have you waged cyberwar lately? Who have you attacked? Who's attacked you?
Who won? Were your battles decided in real or virtual space? How many died?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# Room to let; easy access; all utilities. Space station glovebox ready for
  scientists to start designing experiments. A versatile experiment facility
  for the International Space Station moved closer to flight recently with
  delivery of the ground-test model to NASA's MSFC. The Microgravity Science
  Glovebox Ground Unit will be used to test hardware and procedures for the
  flight model of the glovebox aboard the ISS's U.S. Laboratory Module,
  Destiny. http://science.nasa.gov/newhome/headlines/msad14sep99_1.htm

: Have you designed any microgravity experiments lately? Do they work? What
did you learn? Do you barf in microgravity? Can gene.mods fix that? How??
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# Asteroids and tsunami: Big asteroids are extra deadly when they strike the
  ocean, carving aquatic craters, sending huge waves in all directions. Such
  tsunami can devastate shores thousands of miles away. Bad news for people
  living in coast zones, but it'd be a lucky break for the rest of mankind:
  The same impact on land would toss dust high into the atmosphere, blocking
  sunlight for many months, possibly causing global starvation  mass extin-
  ctions. http://explorezone.com/columns/space/1999/september_tsunami.htm

: What steps have you taken to prevent asteroid strikes? Do you pray to gods
or demons or aliens; or design meteor-killer missiles; or are you useless??
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# A big bathroom break: Spaceships may run on their crew's organic waste.
  Engage dark matter! "I'M TRYING AS HARD AS I CAN, Captain," exclaims
  Scotty, the strain etching lines in his forehead. "I can't give you any
  more!" But unlike Star Trek's Enterprise, future spacecraft might use
  a less savoury energy supply than Scotty's beloved dilithium crystals:
  human waste. http://www.newscientist.com/ns/19990918/newsstory6.html

: Is spaceflight a shitty bizness? Are you naturally endowed for starfaring?
Should cosmonauts be selected for their digestive attributes? Do you exude?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# UK Astronomer: Belief in UFOs 'damaging'. NO EVIDENCE exists that Earth
  has been visited by aliens, said Jacqueline Mitton of the Royal Astronom-
  ical Society, who appeared with an inflatable alien. She thinks obsession
  with UFOs has delayed legitimate research into intelligent life elsewhere.

: Do you need evidence? Do you believe whatever the hell you want to believe
regardless of evidence? Do you have a blow-up alien sex toy? Is it sacred??
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

  This is an area from ab104205, processed directly from the raw image
  and deconvoluted using Max Ent. Holger found this one. He has an eye
  for pyramids ;^)  Have been to Chitzen Itza and this one is very similar.
  Were the Annunaki the gods of the Martians, Egyptians, Mayans, etc...?

[CTRL] Fwd: 3 of 4 Deltas Just Killed In Training Acidents Were at Waco!

1999-09-15 Thread Kris Millegan

3 of 4 Deltas Just Killed In "Training Acidents" Were at Waco!

 Original Message 
Subject: Jones: 3 of 4 Dead Deltas Were at Waco
Date: Wed, 15 Sep 1999 14:27:08 -0500






Radio talk show host Alex Jones asserted today that
he has confirmed that at least 3 of the 4 Delta Force members
killed in training accidents  on 2 successive days last week
were at Waco during the siege  that killed 86 Branch Davidians.

The 3 dead Delta Force soldiers confirmed to have been at Waco
were Lt. Col. Timothy A. Boyles, Sgt. Eric Ellingson,
and Master Sgt. Gaetano Cutino. Cutino was the brother of Judge
Fran Gull of Fort Wayne, Indiana.

The presence at Waco of the 4th dead Delta Force member, Sgt.
Jamey Dimase, 3rd Battalion, 75th Ranger Regiment, Fort Benning,
Ga., has yet to be confirmed or denied.

Alex Jones can be heard daily on shortwave radio at 9.400 MHz from
1pm 2pm. Jones also has a web page at http://www.inforwars.com.
David Feustel


[CTRL] Skeptic News - Wednesday #5

1999-09-15 Thread ric carter

 -Caveat Lector-

SkeptiNews 990915e - - - - - - - - - - - All The News That's Fit To Question

: Passages starting with ':' are editorial comments to provoke discussion.
: Nothing contained herein is ever endorsed for truth, accuracy or meaning.
: No hysterical amnesiacs were harmed during production of this bulletin.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

@ SETI@Home, or SETI Makes Clones?!? If you've downloaded this screensaver,
  please, disconnect it now! There's a replica of you growing out there, and
  if you don't stop now, you might be REPLACED! If you turn off the screen-
  saver, you will stop the clone from reaching maturity. I only hope that I
  turned mine off in time...

: Do you run SETI@Home? Have you been cloned? Have you been replaced yet? Do
you like being cloned? Are the rest of us being cloned? Am I a clone? Woops!
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# Minister: "soulless" wealthy-living to blame for vandalism. PHILADELPHIA.
  44 young people - most of them teens and all from what police described as
  affluent families - were criminally charged in connection with a beer bash
  in which partygoers trashed a $1 million luxury home that was under const-
  ruction in Solebury, Penn. Pastor Rev. Stuart Spencer said the community's
  wealth may well have contributed to the crime. "Affluence can be a wonder-
  ful thing but it can also create a souless kind of living." Satan laughed.

: Are you wealthy  soulless? Are you poor  soulful? Are the rich damned?
Is that why they have all the fun while they're alive? Are you damned? Why?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# MEET THE DISNEY-OBSESSED: Just about every Disney weirdo showed up at the
  ConventionEars bash in Florida. There was the man who has been divorced 5
  times because of his "single-minded devotion" to Disney; the guy with 927
  Disney tattoos on his body; and the couple who call themselves Mickey and
  Minnie Baus. One word: Frightening!  Another word: merchandising.

: Are you obsessed? Do cartoon characters fill your consciousness, dominate
your life, chart your destiny? Is your alien implant misfiring? How badly??
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# Artist plans Jerusalem ice wall. SEATTLE (AP) An artist who creates fanta-
  stically colored works of glass  plastic is sending 64 tons of ice blocks
  from an Alaskan well to Jerusalem, where they will be stacked into a 60-
  foot-long wall just outside the Old City. Dale Chihuly's vision is that
  tensions in the MidEast someday will melt like his ice wall in the desert
  sun. The wall, of course, will come down much faster than barriers between
  Jews and Arabs in Israel - it should only last about a week. B...

# Sculpture invades Champs Elysees. One of Earth's most famous roads turns
  into an art gallery as a contemporary sculpture fest opens in Paris.

: Are you inspired to sculpt? Should your art melt? Are you eagerly awaiting
the solar explosion that will melt all our art, all our cares, all our joys?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# US multi-births increasing. WASHINGTON (AP) The number of babies arriving
  in twins, triplets  more has increased markedly in the last two decades
  as fertility drugs soar in popularity and women wait longer to have their
  children. The increase is particularly striking among older women.  Yow.

: Have you had any multiple births lately? Are they fun? Do you breed like a
weasel? Did you use fertility drugs? Will your litter be abducted by aliens?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# Hormonal recall - Oestrogen gives women's memories a real boost. WOMEN DE-
  PRIVED OF OESTROGEN suffer from memory lapses that vanish when the hormone
  is replaced. The findings are a convincing demonstration that oestrogen
  has a beneficial effect on cognitive circuits in the female brain. Are
  males crippled? http://www.newscientist.com/ns/19990918/newsstory7.html

: Do you remember more  think better when your hormones are flowing? Do you
have enough hormones? Have aliens/demons/Illuminati/robots sucked you dry?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# We're On the Eve of Destruction, U.N. Warns. Environmental chaos is just
  around the corner, but our leaders may lack the will to stop the slide.

# Hurricane Floyd and the Fed: Happy Together. (Time) A big hurricane
  may be just the thing to calm Greenspan's inflation worries. Really?

: Are you in a position to benefit from environmental disaster? How will you
profit from chaos? Is global warming good for the economy? Are ETs happy??
_ _ _ 


1999-09-15 Thread Kris Millegan


Copyright © 1998
John A. Quinn/NewsHawk Inc
All rights reserved

All text within this document not quoted from other sources
is the sole property of John A. Quinn/Newshawk Inc.
No reproduction without permission.

Part 3



The readers' interest and intelligence, as evidenced by their
willingness to look beyond the nearly worthless disinformational slop
and tripe doled out by the major news and information media on almost
every subject of any importance whatsoever, is greatly appreciated. At
this point in time the owners and operators of the major news
organizations, to a very large degree, are thoroughly connected to the
"powers that be" behind the scenes of our society; they are part of the
overarching "mind-controlling" structure now in place and many of the
employees of such organizations are themselves "mind controlled" for the
most part and avoid or ignore stories and information which wouldn't
further the aims of the "controllers"; employees controlled in their
thinking through the threat of job/income loss if nothing else. The mass
media corporations support and further the aims and practices of our
covert government--disseminating disinformation which aids the coverups
of some of the most grievous wrongs committed against us by our (secret) government.

By controlling the general information which is in fact made public, the
plan to (further) manipulate the consciousness and awareness of humanity
is already in progress--in fact well under way.
The real story is definitely not on CBS or anywhere else like that!

It has crossed my mind more than few times lately that with the
astonishing array of mind-, mood-, thought-, body-, and environment- (as
in HAARP) -altering technologies at the disposal of the covert
government and it's New World Order/Big Brother/1984 objectives, it
would be extremely easy, and undoubtedly quite tempting for these
"devotees of evil" to attempt to manipulate much of the world's
population, in accordance with the "religious" beliefs of a good
percentage of humanity, into believing that the entire life supporting
framework on Earth is crumbling, (which to some extent it may well be
due to rapacious and devastating environmental policies and agendas set
by the covert government), and/or that we are under attack from some
thoroughly evil, possibly cannibalistic aliens hell-bent on enslaving,
raping, pillaging and in general destroying humanity and maybe our
planet as well. (Funny how that's exactly what the covert government is doing!!)

There are innumerable adherents worldwide to the plethora of
"apocalyptic" false religions fostered and propagated by the malignant
secret, cultic "brotherhoods" underlying so much of the world's power
genuine structure. Among these false religions I would include at least
the institutionalized and popularized versions of most of the world's
primary organized religions. The concepts, precepts and beliefs
instilled in the followers of these religions create within them fertile
ground for both general social control, more overt forms of manipulation
and blind obedience to "authority", in addition to creating a
fundamental psychological framework or mindset within great numbers of
human beings which greatly increases their susceptibility to the more
brutal, intensive and destructive types of advanced mind control
programming we find being implemented in such projects as MK-ULTRA,
Phoenix, and of course Montauk.

What's further distressing is that even a social "movement" such as
what's known as the "New Age" philosophy, which has some undeniably
positive aspects including a sensitivity and openness to the fundamental
connection within each of us to all life and to higher realms of
understanding, wisdom and awareness, as well as an enhanced sense of
respect for and desire to coexist with all facets of nature on this
planet, can be "infiltrated", subverted and manipulated by the some of
the many tentacles of the beast that is the worldwide covert control
system or government.

I believe that more than a few fundamental "New Age" tenets and theories
such as an impending pole shift, dimensional shift, or other galactic or
planetary realignments of a potentially massive, even catastrophic
nature, including the "end of time" scenario as per the Mayan Calendar
and other schools of esoteric knowledge, could be getting played upon
through the implementation of some very subversive social manipulation
by some very devious people and agencies, using any and all available
means of influencing and shaping human consciousness--including certain
highly advanced technologies like those EM/RF systems perfected in the
Montauk Project, and now HAARP.

It would be pretty easy to make it seem like the poles, magnetic fields
and everything else are shifting if the ionosphere is being whipped into
a veritable frenzy with HAARP's EM/RF 

Re: [CTRL] Dorthy Kilgallen's Sucide Information Wanted

1999-09-15 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 9/15/99 6:44:18 PM, you wrote:

I would appreciate any information that any one can forward me on Dorthy
Kilgallen's alleged suicide, and any other information on her alleged
involvement with Marlyn Monroe, Jack Ruby, etc. It is also alleged that she
was going to break some real news the next day after she committed suicide,
does anyone know what the news way.


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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To UNsubscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:


Re: [CTRL] Seti clone bank

1999-09-15 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

 -Caveat Lector-

On Thu, 16 Sep 1999, earthman wrote:

 looking for information that would tell what is the real purpose of
 SETI. Enjoy. David

Seems pretty obvious that the only valid possibility/real reason
for SETI is intra-solar system communications.  All other
explanations are ludicrous.

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

  *Mike Spitzer* [EMAIL PROTECTED]

   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends
   Shalom, A Salaam Aleikum, and to all, A Good Day.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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[CTRL] MOB POLITICS: Three Decads of Political Racketeering

1999-09-15 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

A HREF="http://prorev.com/mobpol.htm"MOB POLITICS: Three Decads of
Political Rackete /A

Mob Politics

Three decades of political racketeering
From "Sam Smith's Great American Political RepairManual" WW Norton 1997
Copyright 1997



John F. Kennedy

The 1960 election

Castro assassination attempt

The Bay of Pigs

JFK assassination
A mob payoff may have helped to rig the crucial Illinois election
results. The Kennedy administration approached mobsters for help in an
unconsummated assassination attempt against Castro. The Bay of Pigs was
an off-the-shelf and off-the wall idea of CIA adventurists aided by
right-wing Cubans. Major questions remain concerning the JFK

Lyndon B. Johnson

ML King assassination

RFK assassination

SE Asian heroin trade
Many investigators are still dissatisfied with official conclusions
concerning the King and RFK assassinations. During the LBJ
administration, the CIA allowed the SE Asian heroin trade to flourish in
return for loyalty of tribes involved -- a sort of hook-a
n-American-for-peace policy.
Richard Nixon




CHAOS was a massive covert program of spying on, and disruption of,
progressive groups. Nixon conducted a secret illegal war in Cambodia and
planned the demise of democracy in Chile along with the assassination of
its president. Watergate was the biggest presidential scandal yet in
American history.
Gerald Ford
A quiet period
Jimmy Carter

October Surprise

Carter was a target of covert activities. Congressional findings
notwithstanding, Russian intelligence files and other foreign sources
support the notion that the Reagan campaign made a secret deal with the
Iranians to hold the American hostages until after the 1980 election.
During the same campaign, Carter's debate briefing books were stolen and
turned over to the GOP. Carter may have unwittingly contributed to
future illicit activity by ordering major layoffs at the CIA. These
forced out hundreds of agents -- some of whom began freelancing and
later became involved in Iran-Contra.

Ronald Reagan

Wall street scandals

SL scandal

BCCI scandal


Latin American drug trade

Domestic spying

"Continuity in government" scheme
Laissez-faire economics and lack of enforcement encouraged two of the
biggest financial scandals in American history. The SL and BCCI
scandals had deep and high-level bipartisan involvement. Reagan pressed
a secret and illegal war against Nicaragua. Two way trade develops with
arms going south to the Contras and drugs coming north to the US. CIA
during this period was supporting Panamanian president and drug lord
Manuel Noriega. Meanwhile, the FBI was spying on over 130 progressive
groups opposed to the Central American war and there were at least 85
unexplained and uninvestigated break-ins. The Reagan administration
began a war on drugs with disastrous results including the corruption of
police and government officials. There was also a bizarre scheme for "co
ntinuity in government" that proposed the unconstitutional takeover of
government in time of crisis.
George Bush

Iran-Contra cover-up

BCCI cover-up

SL cover-up
George Bush, the first ex-CIA operative and director to be elected
president, presided during an extensive cover-up of the Iran-Contra
affair. Also under Bush, the lid was kept on the more embarrassing
aspects of the BCCI scandal. Most of those involved in the SL scandals
also went unpunished. Other individuals and corporations picked up
distressed property at fire sale prices while the taxpayers footed the
Bill Clinton

Administration officials and close friends of Clinton involved in
complex and sprawling scandals growing out of Arkansas mob politics.
Allegations included financial misdeeds, drug running, abuse of FBI
files and obstruction of justice.

Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
Omnia Bona Bonis,
All My Relations.
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


[CTRL] The Successes and Failures of George Bush's War on Drugs

1999-09-15 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

A HREF="http://turnpike.net/~jnr/bushwar.htm"The Successes and Failures of
George Bush's War /A
The Successes and Failures of George Bush's War on Drugs

By Dan Check

United States President George Bush officially began his "war on drugs"
on September 5, 1989, when he gave the first prime time address of his
presidency, in which he outlined the federal government's strategy for
eradicating drug use. The plan called for $7.9 billion from Congress, a
$2.2 billion increase from the previous budget.1 Of the $7.9 billion
that Bush asked for, 70% would go to law enforcement, which included
$1.6 billion for jails. However, only 30% went to prevention, education,
and treatment.2 The Bush administration sought to wage its war by
primarily focusing on demand in the United States, which, to Bush, meant
attacking and arresting the drug user, rather than focusing on
prevention, education and treatment, or interdiction (Trying to reduce
 the supply of drugs). Since the federal government has very limited
police power, it would have to wage this war through the coercion of
states. States that did not comply with the Bush plan would be penalized
with a reduction in funding from the federal government.
Every president since Eisenhower had created new measures to decrease
drug use in the United States, but, until 1979, none had actually
succeeded. In 1989, the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) released
a report stating that there was a 37% drop in casual (non addicted) use
from 1979 to 1989.3

Despite this trend, drug abuse and addiction had become a serious and
dangerous problem in the 1980's, due to a rise in the popularity of
casual cocaine use among the middle and upper class, and the invention
of crack cocaine, a smokable, more potent form of cocaine, used
primarily by poorer, drug addicted people.4 Before long, cocaine became
the main export of Colombia, and a major product of Bolivia and Peru.5
 Crack became so prevalent that by 1990 it cost only 35 cents to import
and manufacture a vial (a common quantity) of it.6 Moreover, despite the
interdiction efforts of President Ronald Reagan, the wholesale price of
cocaine dropped from $60,000 per kilo in 1980 to $10,000 per kilo in
1988.7 All of this drug use amounted to immense profits; drug lords were
getting $80 billion in tax free profits every year.8

President Reagan's "war on drugs," which was the basis for President
Bush's war on drugs, began with First Lady Nancy Reagan's "Just Say No"
campaign in the 1980's, which focused on teaching children to do just
that: Say no. Ms. Reagan felt that there were more important reasons for
curbing drug use than the fact that drug kingpins were reaping such high
profits; she felt that the most important reasons for fighting drugs
were the destructiveness to the family, the cost to business, and the
connection with crime.9 The Bureau of Labor estimated that 9% of
employees show up to work with drugs in their system, which costs
businesses an estimated $60 billion every year.10 There was, and still
is, a lot of controversy over the links between drugs and crime, but no
one denies that they are in some way related.11 In 1985, the United
States Department of Justice released a report revealing that of the
132,620 people convicted of crimes in 1983, 48% were under the influence
of alcohol at the time that they committed their crimes.12 Clearly,
drugs were taking their toll on American society. It was important both
to the present and future of America that the destructive effects of
drug use be curbed.

Despite the efforts of Ms. Reagan and the Reagan administration, drug
usage did not stop. The biggest improvement was the reduction in casual
drug use, but despite this improvement, 20 to 40 million people still
used drugs,13 a problem that Bush would most certainly have to deal
Bush's Plan
Between Bush's inauguration and his speech that September, Bush and the
head of the Office of National Drug Control Policy, William J. Bennett
(frequently referred to as the "drug czar"), tried to find a viable plan
that would meet their primary goal: The end to casual drug use.14 Bush
and Bennett felt that the best way to get casual use to end was to put
the primary focus on demand here in America, rather than putting the
major focus on the supply from other nations.15

In his inaugural address, Bush announced that "this scourge will stop,"
16 and he was committed to the idea. Although Bush called for a complete
stoppage of drug use, the rest of his administration set more reasonable
goals; they were working towards a 10% decrease in casual drug use over
the next two years, and a 50% reduction over the next ten years.17
Bush's war on drugs did produce results. The biggest success was the 22%
decrease in cocaine use.18 This was a definite victory for the
government. However, it is not entirely clear that the government was
responsible. The middle class 

[CTRL] ANDREW OF AMERICA: Knock Knock! Who's There?

1999-09-15 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

ANDREW OF AMERICA: Knock Knock!  Who's There? Facis... uh Pat!

Facism is at the door.  As the Presidential election heats up, candidates
of BOTH parties tilt so far to the right, their words are *italicized.*

PAT BUCHANAN: 198_-Present: Foreigners and illegal aliens are undermining
our nation.  ADOLF HITLER 192_-1945: Gypsies, Jews and
"Niggerization" (Verniggerung) are undermining our Nation.

PAT BUCHANAN: 1996  I will eliminate the National Endowment for the arts
for promoting godless, Anti-American filth and pronography.
HITLER: 1930s.  Eliminated (destroyed) thousands of artworks and
photography following "Reich's Exhibit of Decadent Artists."
Decadence = nudity, anti-WW I art, anti-nazi, sexual content,
Jewish artists or *STYLISTICALLY unaesthetic* by Hitler's tastes.

PAT BUCHANAN: 1996 we will put prayer back in schools.  "Mussolini has
brought God back to Italy and Italy back to God."

SENATORS: Advocate "non-sectarian prayers" t be composed
for classroom use.  GERMANY 1930s: Third Reich institutes
"non-sectarian prayers" in public schools.

BILL CLINTON, JANET RENO order storming of BRANCH DAVIDIAN compound.
Dozens killed in conflagration.  NAZI GERMANY: Jehovah's
Witnesses, Jews, and eventually dissident Catholics and
Protestants are arrested, jailed, and/or martyred, their
property confiscated or destroyed.  Private citizens disarmed
for everyone's "protection."

government agents engaged in illegal, unconstitutional
activities against its citizens and foreign powers in
name of protecting populace.  Members of their immediate
families and cabinets take the fall.  STALIN, MUSSOLINI,
the same.

PAT BUCHANAN: Vows to eliminate the Department of Education to save
kids from anti-family brainwashing.  HITLER purges public
schools and German Universities of instructors of anti-
family, anti-German, Bolshevik "indoctrination" of children.

PAT BUCHANAN will free America from big business. ADOLF HITLER
"freed" Germany from big business.

PAT BUCHANAN calls for a bloodless coup at the polls in November.
HITLER called his election the most bloodless revolution
in history.

PAST SEVEN ADMINISTRATIONS wage war on drugs, creating vast bureaucracies
were SUBSTANCE ABUSERS.  Nazis criminalized Marihuana, waged
war on drugs while party elites like GOERING and their families
abused Opium, Cocaine, Speed, Barbituates, Painkillers,
and pot.

FACISM... more to come.
Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
Omnia Bona Bonis,
All My Relations.
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Blue beam holographic images

1999-09-15 Thread Nicola Molloy

 -Caveat Lector-

 Original Message 
Subject: FW: FW: [Fwd: Re Bl. Be.]
Date: Thu, 16 Sep 1999 00:05:45 -0500
From: "watchman" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: "Nicola Molloy" [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hi Nicky:

I just got this from Ron.  Sounds like a good offer;  go for it.


-Original Message-
Sent:   Wednesday, September 15, 1999 11:18 PM
Subject:Re: FW: [Fwd: Re Bl. Be.]

Hey Watchman!
I have rec'd a 90 min audio tape the Serge made about Blue Beam. I will
and send it to any corner of the earth, no charge. It has the 4 points
Blue Beam.
What I will need,is the address of who wishes it. This is my way of
my friend Serge
(Canadian Journalist who was investigating)
for giving his life for us. He states on the tape he will be
You have my permission to give out the below my friend...
Ron W. Wheeler
875 NW 55 th St.
Redmond, Oregon 97756
Ph. Voice/fax 1-541-923-4192

Take care friend,

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fwd: [RuMills] The Controlled Media Finally Catches Up With Rumor Mill News

1999-09-15 Thread Kris Millegan


September 16, 1999

From Rumor Mill News:

Several months ago, RMNews published an article stating that the Serbian
Province of Montenegro will soon demand autonomy. In the article we stated
that Montenegro had been a province of the Austro Hungarian empire and had
been ruled by a King or a Prince. The article stated that part of the real
reason behind the Kosovo war as well as Bosnia Herzegovina was to break the
old Austrian provinces away from Serbia and away from the Communist influence
left over from the Old Soviet Union. RMNews speculated that the Soviet Union
would rise from its ashes and the Iron Curtain would return.

The old Austro Hungarian Empire and its Monarchists want to return to power
in all their old kingdoms. Herzegovina and Montenegro are two of them. Keep
your eye on what happens to these two provinces and you will have an idea of
who is winning the war for world control.

The old monarchs of the Austro Hungarian Empire make up Faction 2. For the
last 100 years, they were the only opposition that Faction 1, the New World
Order had. If it hadn't been for Faction 2, we would already be Slaves of the
New World Order.

Why do the Hapsburgs and other monarchs from the Austro Hungarian Empire hate
the NWO? The NWO destroyed their empire. They were the first to be destroyed.
And they carry a grudge which states: "Don't get mad, get even. Take back
what is ours." And that is what they are doing with Montenegro and
Herzegovina (which translates as Duchy of Vienna.)

Many things that appear in newspapers are only staged explanations of
conclusions and/or plans that were made years before. The so called
Montenegro "seccession" was already on the books in 1994 when I was in
Austria meeting with the men who plan things like this.

It is now time for the break with SErbia, therefore, the establishment media
can finally tell us the truth.


From UPI:
Djukanovic: Montenegro may go own way
Wednesday, 15 September 1999 17:42 (GMT)

(UPI Focus)
Djukanovic: Montenegro may go own way
   BELGRADE, Yugoslavia, Sept. 15 (UPI) - Montenegrin President Milo
Djukanovic has accused the Serbian leadership of trying to destabilize
Montenegro and expressed support for what he called pro-democratic
forces in Serbia, Belgrade Beta news agency reported.
   Djukanovic was speaking to reporters in Budapest after talks with
Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban and Foreign Minister Janos
   He said Montenegro would go ahead with economic reforms and introduce
its own currency if Serbia rejected reforms and a currency board for the
creation of a common convertible currency.
   He said he had told Martonyi that while he thought Yugoslav President
Slobodan Milosevic belonged to the past, not all problem would be solved
with his departure from the political scene. Serbian citizens themselves
should be instrumental in democratizing Serbia, Djukanovic told
   Asked about his relations with the Yugoslav president, Djukanovic
said, "There is no cooperation between Milosevic and me, we have not
met in 1999."
   He said Milosevic is the man who convenes sessions of the supreme
defense council, where the two of them and the Serbian president should
meet to map out Yugoslavia's military strategy, and the ball is now in
Milosevic's court.
   "He didn't find it necessary to call a meeting of this body even
during the NATO bombing, assessing that the situation was quite all
right and there was no need to consult with anybody," Djukanovic
   In remarks on what has come to be known as "tribal rallies" of
people traditionally belonging to Montenegro's numerous tribes,
Djukanovic said Milosevic's repertoire of actions was exhausted.
   "These are the same channels, which were used in the (Croatian)
Krajina and in Bosnia and which everywhere met with a complete fiasco,"
he said.
   "Milosevic obviously has no other method but to attempt the
territorial dismemberment of Montenegro and to jeopardize civilian peace
in Montenegro by way of tribal rallies."
   At these rallies, loyalty has been expressed to Milosevic and Serbia
and threats made to separate tribal territory and join it to Serbia. The
Montenegrin authorities claim that the rallies have been stage-managed
from Serbia.
   "Milosevic believed Montenegro is still at the end of the 18th
century when it had tribal conflicts. But as the (last year's
parliamentary) elections demonstrated, Montenegro has chosen a different
road, despite Milosevic, one of economic reform and democracy on which I
think Montenegro is stable." Djukanovic said.
   Copyright 1999 by United Press International.
   All rights reserved.

Copyright 1999 by United Press International

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[CTRL] Fwd: [newshawk] PHOENIX UNDEAD/Pt.4

1999-09-15 Thread Kris Millegan


Copyright © 1998
John A. Quinn/NewsHawk Inc
All rights reserved

All text within this document not quoted from other sources
is the sole property of John A. Quinn/Newshawk Inc.
No reproduction without permission.

Part 4

On Site At Montauk--Summer 1998


On June 24, 1998, I visited the Camp Hero location. As has so often been
the case, strangeness and peculiarities awaited me literally the instant
I arrived in the area.

My first order of business was to check out the so-called "senior
center" directly adjacent to the restricted portion of the old Air Force
Station, which was completed about two years ago and is ostensibly
operated by the Town of East Hampton. My knowledge of the demographics
of the region leads me to seriously question the necessity of
constructing this facility at the furthest eastern extremity of East
Hampton Township. The number of seniors who are full time residents of
the Town and who live in reasonable proximity to the location would have
to number very few. What would be the point of incurring the excessive
transportation costs of bussing folks from other areas of the Township
to this remote location, when a facility could very easily have been
constructed in a much more central location? No one I've had contact
with has ever seen this facility being used for it's intended purpose,
nor any purpose whatsoever.
Not surprisingly, it was dead as can be, in midafternoon on a weekday. I
spent about ten minutes "casing out" the place. After two years of even
intermittent use one would expect to see some indications of wear and
tear regarding things like paint, carpets, windows, doorknobs, doorsills
(especially) and so on. Such is not the case with this "senior center".
The building is literally spotless and appears virtually untouched since
the completion of construction. These must be the neatest seniors on the
face of the earth, and are apparently invisible to boot.

Earlier this year Preston Nichols visited the Camp Hero location with a
British film crew that was filming a documentary on the Montauk Project.
As Nichols has previously been specifically warned by a judge that if
found on the restricted portion of Camp Hero he will be jailed, Nichols
waited for the film crew off to the side of the main entrance road in
visual proximity to the new senior center, while the crew went to the
then-demolished main entrance gate and beyond, into the restricted
portion. (The senior center is just east of this entrance road, in a
field at the western border of the neighborhood which used to be base
housing immediately north of the inner perimeter [restricted portion] of
Camp Hero/Montauk Air Force Station. This housing was later deeded over
to the town of East Hampton in 1984 and the properties sold via lottery
to supposedly lower income families).

Nichols noted that, as usual, there was no indication of any activity
whatsoever at the senior center and no vehicles parked there. Imagine
his surprise then, when the exterior cellar door of the building opened
up and a man came out, walked over to the entrance road, and looked down
the road towards the main gate where the film crew was, clearly
attempting to figure out who they were and what they were doing. One
would have to wonder how this fellow could have been at all aware that
anyone was at the base's main entrance--as he was in the basement of the
senior center which is several hundred feet from the entrance road and
several hundred yards from the entrance gate; also questionable is why
this person would even be the least bit interested in the presence of
people at the base entrance, as he would supposedly have been an East
Hampton Town employee.

Things became even stranger when this fellow realized Nichols was
sitting at the side of the road watching the entire proceedings--he did
a noticeable double take and retreated back into the basement of the
"senior center"! Okay...

During my brief visit to the facility after having been there for about
six or seven minutes, I observed a red pickup cruise rapidly past the
senior center in the direction of the small neighborhood just east. It's
undeniable that some of the residents of this neighborhood are in fact
base employees, as was elaborated on in my first report on the Montauk
project. Less that a minute later, the pickup scooted back in the
opposite direction. The driver was going at a noticeably fast speed both
times. Such maneuvers could possibly be explained as someone having left
somewhere (such as home), realizing they had forgotten something and
quickly returning. The problem with that explanation is that the vehicle
was going the wrong way--that is, first towards the residences and then
away. There was no chance the driver had time to go to any of the houses
in the area--also, there are few places of employment nearby