[CTRL] Zogby: "Her ads defining Lazio seem to be working"

2000-08-28 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

"Her ads defining Lazio seem to be working"

- John Zogby

Released: August 28, 2000

Hillary bounces back after Democratic Convention Now holds slight
lead over Lazio

New York Post/Fox 5 Zogby International Poll:

Democrat Hillary Rodham Clinton has taken the lead over
Republican candidate Rick Lazio in the race for the U.S.
Senate, a new Zogby International poll reveals.  The poll was
conducted for the New York Post and Fox 5.

The survey of 601 likely New York State voters conducted August
24th-25th, finds Hillary Clinton leading the Long Island
Congressman 47.1% to 44.7%.  Another 3.0% say they will vote for
other candidates, while 5.2% say they are still not sure who
they’ll vote for.  Following the Republican convention in July,
Lazio had the lead with 49.6% over Clinton’s 42.0% in a survey
released July 28th.

The new survey has a margin of error of +/- 4%.

Democratic groups are rallying around Clinton with strong
showings in New York City (69.8% Clinton, 23.8% Lazio), while
Lazio continues to hold Upstate (51.0% Lazio, 39.6% Clinton) and
the suburbs (55.1% Lazio, 36.7% Clinton).

Clinton also has very strong support among women, African
Americans, and Hispanic Americans.

While her favorability ratings are still not good (51.9%
favorable, 45.1% unfavorable), Lazio’s unfavorable rating - while
not as high as hers - is growing (56.5% favorable, 30.5%).

“Her ads defining Lazio seem to be working,” says John Zogby,
president of Zogby International.  “If he has thoughts of
winning, he’ll have to define himself more clearly.”

In a four-way race including Green party candidate, Al ‘Grandpa’
Lewis and Independence candidate Jeff Graham, Clinton continues
to hold the lead with 46.7%, while Lazio has 43.8%.  Lewis gets
1.4% of the vote while Graham gets 1.5%.  Another 6.7% say they
aren’t sure which candidate they will vote for in a four-way

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

  *Mike Spitzer* <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends
   Shalom, A Salaam Aleikum, and to all, A Good Day.

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[CTRL] Donaldson on Coast to Coast AM Wednesday Night

2000-08-28 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

Bill Donaldson will be on for a few hours with Mike Siegel's
Coast to Coast AM this Wednesday night.

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

  *Mike Spitzer* <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends
   Shalom, A Salaam Aleikum, and to all, A Good Day.

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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[CTRL] List--Kris, Moderators and Newbies, please read!

2000-08-28 Thread Birds

Thank you for this information. Now I see what the list is really about.

Private Mail Welcome

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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2000-08-28 Thread Birds

This was a great article.  Thanks.

Private Mail Welcome

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] Reply to Aleisha-Satanic Ritual Abuse The Evidence Surfaces

2000-08-28 Thread Birds

I am glad you liked the article Daniel Ryder sure is  most knowlegable in
this area because he too was a survivor.

Private Mail Welcome

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] Hiliary Clinton Reply to Michael Spitzer

2000-08-28 Thread Birds

Oh, this was a great laugh I needed what you wrote here.  My sentiments

Private Mail Welcome

> [This should be pretty entertaining. The only problem is that I
> cannot stand to look at her for more than a few seconds without
> going gagging.  --MS]

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Birds of a Feather

2000-08-28 Thread Sanders

That's beautiful, Marilyn! It's a breath of fresh air.

- Original Message -
From: "Marilyn Wright" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, August 28, 2000 7:46 PM
Subject: Re: [CTRL] Birds of a Feather

: Funny, on my "Bird Tree" the BIG birds-- blue jays, cardinals,
: grackles, and blackbirds-- all come in togther and tend to chase
: the little songbirds--the finches, warblers, wrens, sparrows, and
: chicakdees away. But the little ones seem to know the minute the
: bigger birds are gone and come flocking in to eat their fill.
: Seems to me the big birds--ALL the big birds--tend to be bullies.
: But the little birds are patient and quick and clever and find a way
: to get theirs. And the longer I keep the tree and the feeders filled,
: the more I notice, as time goes on,  they all seem to be there at
: once. I love it. I feel like God supplying the manna from heaven.
: What power  And what a different view of power. :))
: sno0wl
: On 28 Aug 00, at 19:43, Ynr Chyldz Wyld wrote:
: > From: "Aleisha Saba" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
: > > My grandson will go to private school, and I do not care if it is a
: > > school for Druids so long as he is around like people - civil,
: > > courteous, and white.   That is my choice.
: >
: > Well, well, well.  "Aleisha" shows "her" true feathers...
: >
: >
: > > So birds of feather flock together, and my red birds still prefer to
: > > eat alone as do my blue jays, and the black birds come in and hog
: > > all the food.
: >
: > And what is your final solution to the 'black problem' and the 'gay
: > problem', eh "Aleisha"?
: >
: >
: > June
: >
: > http://www.ctrl.org/">www.ctrl.org
: > ==
: > CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing
: > propagandic screeds are unwelcomed. Substance-not soap-boxing-please!
: > These are sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'-with its many
: > half-truths, mis- directions and outright frauds-is used politically
: > by different groups with major and minor effects spread throughout the
: > spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRLgives no
: > endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
: > be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial
: > and nazi's need not apply.
: >
: > Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
: > ==
: > == Archives Available at:
: > http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html
: >  http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html">Archives of
: >
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: >
: > Om
: sno0wl
: http://www.ctrl.org/">www.ctrl.org
: ==
: CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing
: screeds are unwelcomed. Substance-not soap-boxing-please!  These are
: sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'-with its many half-truths, mis-
: directions and outright frauds-is used politically by different groups
: major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and
: That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
: always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
: credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.
: Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
: Archives Available at:
: http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html
:  http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html">Archives of
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: Om

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be c

Re: [CTRL] Birds of a Feather

2000-08-28 Thread Marilyn Wright

Funny, on my "Bird Tree" the BIG birds-- blue jays, cardinals,
grackles, and blackbirds-- all come in togther and tend to chase
the little songbirds--the finches, warblers, wrens, sparrows, and
chicakdees away. But the little ones seem to know the minute the
bigger birds are gone and come flocking in to eat their fill.

Seems to me the big birds--ALL the big birds--tend to be bullies.
But the little birds are patient and quick and clever and find a way
to get theirs. And the longer I keep the tree and the feeders filled,
the more I notice, as time goes on,  they all seem to be there at
once. I love it. I feel like God supplying the manna from heaven.
What power  And what a different view of power. :))


On 28 Aug 00, at 19:43, Ynr Chyldz Wyld wrote:

> From: "Aleisha Saba" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > My grandson will go to private school, and I do not care if it is a
> > school for Druids so long as he is around like people - civil,
> > courteous, and white.   That is my choice.
> Well, well, well.  "Aleisha" shows "her" true feathers...
> > So birds of feather flock together, and my red birds still prefer to
> > eat alone as do my blue jays, and the black birds come in and hog
> > all the food.
> And what is your final solution to the 'black problem' and the 'gay
> problem', eh "Aleisha"?
> June
> http://www.ctrl.org/">www.ctrl.org
> ==
> CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing
> propagandic screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!
> These are sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many
> half-truths, mis- directions and outright frauds—is used politically
> by different groups with major and minor effects spread throughout the
> spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRLgives no
> endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
> be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial
> and nazi's need not apply.
> Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
> ==
> == Archives Available at:
> http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html
>  http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html">Archives of
>  http:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/">ctrl
> ==
> == To subscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:
> To UNsubscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:
> Om


CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Fwd: Report: Violent Entertainment Aimed At Young

2000-08-28 Thread William Shannon

In a message dated 8/28/00 6:46:15 PM Central Daylight Time,

<< And what is your final solution to the 'black problem' and the 'gay
problem', eh "Aleisha"? >>

Oh my
Are we sure we want the answer??
I suppose that indeed we do...I know I do!
So c'mon Aleisha\Colleen...spill the beans for our pleasure.


CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Whither Elian?

2000-08-28 Thread William Shannon

In a message dated 8/28/00 7:35:01 PM Central Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

<< I know. I know. The headline alone turns you off. You're sick of reading
 about Elian Gonzalez. >>



Actually it's wonderful that the kid is out of the limelight that his
"family" in Miami thrust him under...he was actually allowed to be a little
kid in private as soon as he was reunited with his father...I'm pretty sure
Elian is doing just fine in his homeland.




Anything could happen to just about anyone and we'd be powerless...why is
Elian's well being any more or less important than any other child in the 3rd


Why should he? Who exactly are you anyway???
If anything this whole stinking affair highlights the fact that we need to
end the embargo against this little island off the Florida coast and get on
with our domestic problems.


CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Clinton to Attend United Nations Millennium Summit

2000-08-28 Thread Bill Richer

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

   Clinton to Attend United Nations Millennium Summit

  Tuesday August 22 8:34 PM ET   Reuters/Yahoo

  By Mark Egan

  WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The White House said on Tuesday that
  President Clinton will attend next month's U.N. Millennium Summit
  in New York, an event billed as the largest-ever gathering of
  heads of state.

  The White House said Clinton will address the opening plenary
  session of the three-day Millennium Summit session of the General
  Assembly on Sept. 6 and will remain in New York until Sept. 8 to
  hold bilateral talks with foreign leaders.

  National Security Council spokesman P.J. Crowley said it was
  still unclear which leaders Clinton would meet in what will
  likely be his last major appearance as president at a U.N. forum.

  ``He will have an opportunity for a number of bilaterals,'' Crowley

  ``We have not finalized the list of those who he will meet.''

  Among those Clinton is expected to have talks with is Russian
  President Vladimir Putin. That would make for the third meeting
  of the two leaders so far this year and offer an opportunity to
  discuss a contentious, multi-billion-dollar U.S. plan for a
  national missile defense system.

  Clinton is expected to decide in September whether to proceed
  with the system, which aims to protect America from missile
  attacks by rogue nations that could have nuclear capabilities in
  the next few years.

  The system would require a modification of the 1972
  Anti-Ballistic Missile (ABM) treaty with Russia. While Clinton
  and Putin have signed a declaration to agree to resolve
  differences on how to best defend against missile attacks from
  rogue nations, Putin is against the Clinton administration's

  The summit is aimed at providing a forum for leaders to discuss
  the role of the United Nations in the 21st Century.

  The summit is expected to draw heads of state or government from
  most of the world body's 188 members. The tiny Pacific island
  nation of Tuvalu is likely to be admitted shortly as the 189th

  On each of the three days, there will be two daily sessions, with
  about 30 speakers addressing each session. To accommodate so many
  participants, each is being asked to speak for no more than five

  In addition to the sessions in the General Assembly hall, four
  so-called ``interactive round-table'' sessions will be held, also
  focusing on the role of the United Nations in the 21st Century
  and each chaired by a head of state or government.

  Those meetings will be closed to media and the public but
  accredited delegates will be able to follow the proceedings via
  closed-circuit television.

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A vote for Bush or Gore is a vote to continue Clinton policies!
A vote for Buchanan is a vote to continue America!
Therefore a vote for Gore or Bush is a wasted vote for America!
Don't waste your vote!  Vote for Patrick Buchanan!

Today, candor compels us to admit that our vaunted two-party system is a
snare and a delusion, a fraud upon the nation. Our two parties have become
nothing but two wings of the same bird of prey...
Patrick Buchanan

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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2000-08-28 Thread Bill Richer

>From The Idaho Observer - Email - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Ref:  U.N. Summit Document: Expand U.N. Power, by Martin Ruse (newsmax.com) -
Freedom Now Network on August 15, 2000 (FN000825a)

Pro-American groups all over the nation are pooling their resources to
coordinate THREE DAYS OF PROTESTS three days of protest over the gathering of
a "Millennium Assembly" September 6-10, 2000, at UN headquarters in New York
City. The assembly is expected to be the largest ever gathering of world
leaders under one roof. Leaders from all 188 UN member nations are expected
to attend. On the agenda for this historic event is the adoption of a revised
version of the UN Charter--the Charter for Global Democracy--which calls for
the massive restructuring and strengthening of UN authority worldwide.
Millennium Assembly organizers have also announced that the UN will unveil
plans intended to expedite the implementation of one-world governance.

Among the items the assembly intends to address is the creation of a global
IRS that would tax email communications and international money transfers and
place a worldwide tax on energy products.  The tax revenue will be used to
fund World Trade Organization control of international commerce through World
Bank influence over the global economy.

Former Soviet dictator-turned-environmentalist Mikhail Gorbechev of the Green
Cross Family is scheduled to open the Peoples' Millennium Assembly September
4 at the New York Hilton. The Peoples' Millennium Assembly is scheduled to
last until September 10 and will be used as a forum to convince people to
appreciate a world bank, participate in a world economy and espouse a world
religion. Assembly participants will also be told that it is in the best
interests of the world's
peoples that a standing UN army be empowered to enforce international law and
that people who violate international law should be prosecuted in the UN
International Criminal Court.

The Idaho Observer, The American Media Association, The American Policy
Center, The Restoring America Committee and Detroit talk show host Tom Wayne a
re just a few of the pro-American entities that are coordinating a massive,
nationwide protest of the UN agenda for global governance and U.S.
involvement in UN activities.  Schedule of protest events:

September 6: National protests will begin  all over the nation at high noon
local time in front of district offices for members of the U.S. Congress. The
purpose of these rallies will be to peacefully demand congressional support
for Rep. Ron Paul's (R-Texas)  American Sovereignty Restoration Act, HR 1146,
which, if passed, would effectively cease all American participation in UN
activities and remove all U.S. funding from the global socialist
organization.  Wayne is organizing demonstrations scheduled to take place in
front of the UN building in New York City beginning September 6.

September 7: There will be a national call-in to the Washington, D.C. capitol
switchboard. This will also begin at high noon local time.  The purpose of
this call-in will be to let everybody on Capitol Hill know that Americans are
opposed to trading national sovereignty for global governance. At this time,
the toll-free number for the Senate is: 1-800-962-3524; the toll-free number
for the House is: 1-800-972-3524. In the event that those numbers are
changed, Capitol Hill can be reached at: 202-224-3121.

September 8: Tom DeWeese of the American Policy Center plans to hold a press
conference that describes the events of the previous two days and to explain
to the American public why, "This is not your father's UN." A room on Capitol
Hill has already been secured for the press conference. Representatives Paul
and Helen Chenoweth-Hage have agreed to speak at the press conference.
DeWeese will deliver to Congress 250,000 petitions that support Rep. Paul's
HR 1146 in defiance of the UN's globalist intentions. Most Americans are
oblivious of the truly despotic intentions of the global elite who support
global governance through UN "peacekeeping" activities. The press conference
will concisely and eloquently inform the American public of our collective
peril if we continue to support the creation of one-world government through
the UN.


* Organize a group to converge on the district office of the U.S.
representative and senator closest to you at noon your time on September 6.
Make signs. Call your local media outlets and tell them what you intend to
do. Peacefully insist that your representative support HR 1146.

* Coordinate letters-to-the-editor writing campaigns among your fellow
activists over the several days before during and after the Millennium
Assembly. Make sure that you hit the same points several times so that the
local readers begin to understand the truth about the UN. Cont

[CTRL] Anger sweeps China over baby-killers

2000-08-28 Thread Bill Richer

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

 Anger sweeps China over baby-killers
By Damien McElroy

 State Family Planning Commission of China [in English]

 Family planning in China - OneWorld [information provided by Chinese Embassy
in the UK]

 Human rights in China - US State Department

 Inside China Today

  IN Caidian, a township in central China, the killing of a newborn baby boy
by local officials claiming to be upholding population policies has prompted
national revulsion and a murder inquiry.
"Family Planning Is Everybody's Responsibility" declares one of the many
slogans daubed on the walls of Caidian township, where an official
investigation has been launched into the murder of a newborn baby by a group
of government officials.

The slogans, painted in red characters by family planning officials, stress
how girls and boys must be loved equally, how having fewer children results
in better children, and how smaller families lead to prosperity.

What the high-minded slogans do not say, but what the residents of Caidian
know only too well, is that China's population-control policies allow petty
bureaucrats across the country a free hand to ruin people's lives as they
extort bribes and gifts and dispense life-or-death decisions.

Following the wave of anger that swept through the central Chinese town at
the news of the child's drowning - soon after family planning officials had
induced the pregnancy of his mentally sub-normal mother - a sullen resentment
has set in among residents. They fear retribution from local Communist Party
officials if they speak out.

As a result, few people in Caidian, in Hubei province, 800 miles south of
Beijing, were willing to talk openly about the murder, which happened over a
week ago, or to express their feelings about the officials who were

Employees of the local authority made clear that outside inquiries were not
welcome. Desperate to cover up what they had done, family planning officials
attempted to deny that the incident had taken place, even though it had been
reported in a state newspaper.

One local woman said no one wanted to be seen talking to journalists -
especially foreign journalists - about the incident. She said: "This is a
question of human rights. Only the local government can take these questions."

While local officials have been able to cow the residents of Caidian into
silence, they have not been able to suppress reaction on the internet, where
reports of the murder have caused outrage. Many Chinese users of one
electronic chatroom said the officials were no better than the Japanese
troops who bayoneted Chinese babies as they marched through the Yangtze delta
in the Thirties.

There is widespread revulsion over the officials' actions. First, they
injected the mother - who already had three children - with a saline solution
as her pregnancy neared full term. This is a standard procedure in China
intended to produce a stillbirth. The child somehow survived, and the
officials then ordered his father to dispose of his second son.

The man, Huang Qiusheng, a poor labourer, dumped the baby in a lavatory
behind the Caidian government finance bureau. His cries attracted the
attention of a retired woman doctor, Liu Juyu, who took him to a local
clinic. There the child was treated just like any other newborn infant.

Word leaked back to the local family planning committee that the child was
still alive, infuriating the officials. When Dr Liu returned home from the
clinic with the baby, she found five of them waiting on her doorstep,
demanding that she hand over the boy. After a tussle, in which the baby was
dropped, the officials wrested the child from Dr Liu's arms and, in full view
of local people, proceeded to drown him in a nearby rice field.

The elderly doctor was devastated. "How could they be so cruel?" she said.
"Yes, the child was born outside the family planning system, but it could
have been looked after in a children's welfare home. How could they do it?" A
week after the event, Dr Liu was still too traumatised to talk in detail
about the killing. As she sat in front of her daughter's small shop, she said
the incident had made her ill. "I've lost weight with the worry. My blood
pressure is very high. I can't talk about this again."

The victim did not live long enough to be given a name. Neighbours said his
parents relied on hand-me-downs from their friends to clothe their children,
and often went hungry. The couple had already earned official displeasure by
having two girls and a boy. Unlike many of his neighbours, Mr Huang was
unable to pay the fines that family planning officials levy on couples with
more than one child.

Although it is a rural town set among fields full of ripening wheat and rice,
Caidian is officially part of Wuhan city and, as such, is supposed to be
included in China's one-child-per-family policy. However, local family
planning officials have not followed 

[CTRL] Whither Elian?

2000-08-28 Thread Bill Richer

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Whither Elian?


© 2000 WorldNetDaily.com

Editor's note: Joseph Farah is on the road, slaying the dragons of government
waste, fraud, corruption and abuse at every turn. For the next week, his
column will appear as his schedule and Internet connection permit.


I know. I know. The headline alone turns you off. You're sick of reading
about Elian Gonzalez. You're happy he's back with his father in Cuba and out
of the news. Enough is enough. Right?

Isn't that interesting? Isn't it fascinating the way the U.S. media
establishment has lost all interest in this boy who dominated the news only a
few weeks ago now that he is back in Cuba? Isn't it a marvel the way Janet
Reno and her Gestapo Justice Department, so concerned about Elian's "best
interests" a few weeks ago, has lost all curiosity about the kid's fate now?

Have you wondered about Elian at all since he left? Have you given him a
moment's thought? Have you prayed for his safety and the well-being of other
kids like him living in totalitarian sinkholes like Cuba?

That's the trouble. Out of sight, out of mind. Once Elian was out of the news
and out of the limelight, he was out of consciousness. Anything could happen
to Elian now and there wouldn't be a thing any of us could do about it. We've
lost all leverage. We wouldn't even know if he was chained to a bed with
thumbscrews on him night and day.

Remember when we were assured that we had nothing to worry about with regard
to Elian's safety and well-being because of the high-profile nature of his
case? We were told over and over again by advocates of his return to Cuba
that the Fidel Castro regime wouldn't dare to harm a hair on his young head.

Well, well, well. How soon everyone forgets. What a short memory the U.S.
public has when its concerns are manipulated by a press establishment that
has virtually no presence in Castro's island prison.

Let's face it. Anything is possible in Cuba where television cameras are
forbidden -- or at least strictly controlled. People disappear in countries
run by dictatorial regimes all the time. It's a fact of life. It's an
everyday occurrence.

So what is happening to Elian in Cuba? There are lots of rumors flying around
the Internet. The most recent has him being beaten by his father and landing
in the hospital with a broken jaw.

Is there any truth to it? Who knows? Elian now lives in the netherworld. The
TV cameras are off. The reporters have no access. We will only hear what
Fidel Castro wants us to hear about his fate. And, right now, anyway, that is

And nothing is suspicious in and of itself. Why isn't Castro parading the boy
through the streets of Havana? Why isn't he showing his smiling face on the
state-controlled news? Why aren't there photos of him in Granma, the official
newspaper? Why aren't there interviews with him being broadcast on Radio

Anyone familiar with the Cuban regime and its history of propaganda would
have to conclude that something is wrong. Please don't tell me Castro cares
about the kid's privacy and is respecting his time alone with his Dad. That
doesn't wash. That's not the way things work in Cuba.

No, something is definitely awry.

What's worse is the fact that my voice is the only one even asking the
question in America. The rest of the media are silent. Elian's gone. He's is
assumed to be happy in his homeland. Nobody is asking questions -- not even
CNN, which maintains a nominal presence in Cuba.

It's a great illustration of just why it was such a phenomenally bad idea to
send this precious kid back to Castro's police state. Castro is a monster, a
fiend, a power-hungry tyrant who answers to no one. His main motivation in
life is contempt for the United States. Having Elian in his clutches is like
having a hostage near and dear to all of our hearts.

It's always a bad sign when you don't see any pictures of a hostage, when you
don't hear his voice.

I pray young Elian is living a life of simplicity and seclusion with his
father in Cuba. But wishing and hoping and praying doesn't make it so. The
world should, at the very least, demand to see and hear him periodically.

I'm ready, on a moment's notice, to meet with Elian and his father. Is Castro
ready to permit it? Will he, at least, allow the semi-official cameras of CNN
to see what's up with the child? With as much as we have invested emotionally
with this case, the world has a right to know.

*COPYRIGHT NOTICE** In accordance with Title 17 U. S. C. Section 107,
any copyrighted work in this message is distributed under fair use
without profit or payment to those who have expressed a prior interest
in receiving the included information for nonprofit research and educational
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[CTRL] Chinese military gets lesson in U.S. thinking

2000-08-28 Thread Bill Richer

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Chinese military gets lesson in U.S. thinking
By Bill Gertz

 Twenty-five senior Chinese military officers are in Boston to learn
details about U.S. decision-making that critics say will help China fight the
United States in a conflict over Taiwan. Related Articles
• Readiness is not improving

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• Readiness is not improving
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 The People's Liberation Army (PLA) officers arrived Saturday. They
include 24 senior colonels and one navy captain who will spend two weeks at
Harvard University's John F. Kennedy School of Government, according to
Clinton administration officials close to the program.
 The officers are there to hear lectures by current and former U.S.
national security officials who have discussed how the United States would
respond to a crisis over Taiwan.
 "Most of the officers are intelligence collectors or technology
collectors," said one knowledgeable official.
 Other visiting officers are from components of the Chinese military
involved in directing unconventional warfare against the United States, a key
element of China's emerging war-fighting strategy.
 "The Chinese plan to use this information to manipulate the U.S.
decision-making process and paralyze us during a crisis," said one official.
"And many of these visiting officers are involved in just that type of
 The group includes colonels from the Central Military Commission, the
top Communist Party organ that controls the military; the PLA general staff
department, and various regional military command headquarters units.
 It is the third group of colonels to attend Harvard as part of its
"China Initiative," which was set up in 1997 with a $1 million grant from
Nina Kung, a Hong Kong businesswomen who heads Chinachem, a chemical
manufacturer with extensive ties to mainland China.
 In the past three groups, the Chinese have questioned their lecturers on
U.S. decision-making in a crisis, the officials said.
 Another Chinese objective for what Harvard calls its executive program
for Chinese security affairs is to conduct "political influence operations" —
spreading propaganda aimed at influential academics and U.S. policy-makers
that China's military buildup poses no threat to the United States.
 A second propaganda theme of the colonels' is to discredit any U.S.
officials or Americans who view China as a potential enemy.
 Officials said China does not allow similar two-week exchange programs
for U.S. military officers at a major Chinese university. Visits to China by
U.S. military officers are severely restricted, the officials said.
 The colonels' visit coincides with a disputed military exchange program
underway that involves Pentagon-sponsored visits by Chinese officers to
sensitive U.S. military facilities.
 A group of Chinese officers, including three generals, was briefed last
week on U.S. joint war-fighting training and simulation, an area the Chinese
military is seeking to improve. They also are scheduled to visit the U.S.
Pacific Command, which would be in charge of all U.S. forces in the Pacific.
 That visit drew protests from Sen. Robert C. Smith, New Hampshire
Republican, and Rep. Tom DeLay, Texas Republican, who questioned whether the
visit violated a U.S. law passed last year that prohibits helping China
develop its war-fighting expertise.
 Officials said colonels who arrived at Harvard on Saturday are part of a
"loophole" in the legislation that set up the Smith-DeLay guidelines for U.S.
military exchanges. The Harvard program is not sponsored or funded by the
 It was set up in 1997 by Joseph Nye, a former Clinton administration
assistant defense secretary who is dean of the Kennedy School. Mr. Nye was
the official viewed as the author of the Pentagon's soft-line policy toward
China. He once stated that if China is treated like an enemy, it will become
an enemy.
 Since the accidental bombing of the China Embassy in Belgrade,
Yugoslavia, last year, China in official writings has stated that the United
States is its main enemy.
 Former Bush administration arms control official Robert Blackwill, who
at one time directed the China military program at Harvard, could not be
reached for comment. Mr. Blackwill was in charge of drafting the Republican
Party's platform during the presidential convention earlier this month.
 Other Harvard officials involved in the program did not return telephone
calls seeking comment on the colonels program.
 After the Smith-DeLay guidelines became law, Pentagon lawyers rejected
the arguments of critics who questioned the legality of the Harvard program,
the officials said. The lawyers said allow

Re: [CTRL] Wormwood

2000-08-28 Thread James Hayman

C. Ray Talania wrote:
> Greetings,
> My first post.
> Question : Does Wormwood in Revelations equate to
> Bitterroot National Forest?

  Chernobel = wormwood

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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 http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html">Archives of

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[CTRL] Week Ending: 26 August 2000/25 Av 5760

2000-08-28 Thread Bill Richer

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Tzemach News Service - http://www.tzemach.org/fyi

Tzemach News Service
A weekly update of news and events regarding the nation and the people of

Week Ending: 26 August 2000/25 Av 5760

** NOTE: If you have requested information on the conference, we will be
contacting you this week.

Please feel free to forward to a friend or colleague

"And the multitude of all the nations who wage war against Ariel
[Jerusalem], even all who wage war against her and her
stronghold, and who distress her, shall be like a dream, a vision of the
night" (Isaiah 29.7)


> ** NOTICE ** Redemption In The End-Times Prophecy Conference

PLO: JERUSALEM OR NO DEAL: The Palestinian leadership convened in
Ram'Allah Monday, and came up with a decision regarding east (Biblical)
Jerusalem. No final-status agreement will be reached with Israel, read the
decision, until the Jerusalem issue is resolved and until eastern
Jerusalem is transferred to Palestinian control. The decision emphasized
that the Palestinians negate any form of Israeli sovereignty over eastern
Jerusalem. Jordan's King Abdullah II reaffirmed his support for
Palestinian sovereignty over east Jerusalem at a meeting Tuesday with
Palestinian Authority ("PLO") Chairman Yasser Arafat in Ram'Allah,
Palestinian negotiator Saeb Erekat said. Egypt has also issued a statement
supporting Palestinian sovereignty over east Jerusalem. During a Friday
meeting with Norwegian Foreign Minister Thorbjoern Jagland in Jerusalem,
Prime Minister Ehud Barak stated that no prime minister of Israel would
agree to turning over sovereignty of Jerusalem's Temple Mount to a foreign

Meanwhile, two policemen and two Palestinians were injured Tuesday and
four protesters arrested as police dispersed several hundred demonstrators
in east Jerusalem who called for a new intifada. Witnesses said 200 to 400
Palestinians took to a police-approved route along Sultan Suleiman Street.
Some youths wore T-shirts inscribed with the words "Jerusalem is the
capital of the Palestinian state," chanted "We will sacrifice our blood
and souls for you, Jerusalem," and waved placards reading, "No peace
without Jerusalem." The demonstration was reportedly organized by Orient
House, the "unofficial" Palestinian headquarters in Jerusalem. After the
protest, police said a firebomb was thrown at an empty bus parked in
Pisgat Ze'ev, causing no damage or injuries. Several Palestinians have
been arrested in recent days for stoning and torching four Israeli buses
that mistakenly entered the Kalandiya refugee camp last month.

BARAK -- 'KEEPER OF THE ISLAMIC SHRINES': Barak assured Muslims this week
that no harm would ever come to the two major mosques in Jerusalem while
the city is under Israeli rule. Israel's top negotiator, acting Foreign
Minister Shlomo Ben-Ami, has placed the importance of the Old City to
Muslims on an equal footing with its holiness to Jews.

YESHA CONSTRUCTION UP 81%: The first quarter of 2000 saw a 81 percent
increase in construction in the settlements, according to the Central
Bureau of Statistics (CBS). The figures show that in the first three
months of this year, work began on 1,000 new buildings, compared to 550 in
the last quarter of 1999. The greatest increase came in private
construction, which rose by 141 percent (410 units in the first quarter of
2000, compared to 170 the previous quarter). Construction work on public
buildings increased by 55 percent (590 new buildings compared to 380 in
the previous quarter). The ascending numbers correspond to Ehud Barak's
rise to power -- in the months of May and July 1999, construction work
began on 720 new buildings in the settlements. Former Housing and
Construction Minister Yitzhak Levy (National Religious Party) seems to
have helped protect the interest of the settlers. However, construction
fell between the months of August and October 1999, with only 550 new
buildings. The upward trend however returned with the onset of the new
millennium. In contrast to the 1992 elections when prime minister Yitzhak
Rabin altered the national priority zones, Barak has left in place those
set by his predecessor, Benjamin Netanyahu. Under the current maps, most
settlements enjoy the status of 'Priority Zone A' and thus are entitled to
considerable housing and construction benefits, of which private
contractors reap most of the rewards.


Re: [CTRL] Fwd: Report: Violent Entertainment Aimed At Young

2000-08-28 Thread Ynr Chyldz Wyld

From: "Aleisha Saba" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> My grandson will go to private school, and I do not care if it is a
> school for Druids so long as he is around like people - civil,
> courteous, and white.   That is my choice.

Well, well, well.  "Aleisha" shows "her" true feathers...

> So birds of feather flock together, and my red birds still prefer to eat
> alone as do my blue jays, and the black birds come in and hog all the
> food.

And what is your final solution to the 'black problem' and the 'gay problem', eh 


CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:
 http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html">Archives of

 http:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/">ctrl

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[CTRL] Remember the Alamos

2000-08-28 Thread Alamaine



Publications of the Center for Security Policy
No. 00-D 76


28 August 2000

Lights Out at los Alamos?
(Washington, D.C.): On Sunday, the Washington Post gave unusual front-page,
above-the-fold treatment to an obituary. Well, technically the article would
not qualify as an obit since the subject -- the Los Alamos National
Laboratory's nuclear weapons program -- has not fully expired just yet. Perhaps
it would be more accurate to describe the report entitled "Dark Cloud Hangs
over Los Alamos" as a kind of ghoulish death watch or the print equivalent of
an electronic life-signs monitor, tracking the ebbing away of the expertise and
intellectual vitality that has for three generations made this laboratory a
national treasure.

Los Alamos' death throes should come as no surprise, though. They are the
inexorable result of a denuclearization agenda that has animated the Clinton-
Gore Administration's "stewardship" of the Department of Energy's nuclear
weapons complex.
What Really Ails the Lab
To be sure, the hemorrhage of the remaining handful of physicists with first-
hand experience in the design, testing and long-term maintenance of the U.S.
nuclear deterrent is partly a function of actuarial factors and attractive
early retirement packages.
Indisputably, it has been further exacerbated by the morale-crushing
environment at the Lab in the wake of investigations into security lapses that
have resulted in the incarceration and prosecution of one long-time Los Alamos
scientist, Wen Ho Lee, and that are causing others now under scrutiny in
connection with errant, highly classified hard drives to incur each week multi-
thousand-dollar lawyer's bills.

Then there is the lingering effect of a conflagration deliberately set by the
U.S. government that destroyed some 400 homes in the community and threatened
to immolate parts of the laboratory itself. Such considerations alone would
doubtless prompt at least some of the Nation's most brilliant scientists with
rarified computer skills much in demand in the private sector to seek
employment elsewhere.

'Erosion by Design'
The truth is, however, that -- as grim as the situation is at Los Alamos -- it
is but a microcosm of the ever-more-moribund condition of the nuclear weapons
complex as a whole. And the responsibility for that condition lies squarely
with a Clinton-Gore Administration that has deliberately appointed incompetents
and anti-nuclear ideologues to run the military part of the Department of
Energy into the ground.

This began under President Clinton's first Energy Secretary, Hazel O'Leary -- a
woman whose lack of expertise in the nuclear weapons arena was matched by her
utter disdain for that part of her portfolio, and for those who had devoted
their professional lives to it. Her contempt became a matter of public
knowledge when in December 1993 she announced her determination to declassify
"miles" of secret documents she thought need no longer required safeguarding:
"I want it clear that I'm gonna be, as usual, the person pushing harder to get
it done [i.e., declassifying information] and someone else has the job of
looking more carefully at the national security interest."
Mrs. O'Leary used her four-year tenure as Secretary of Energy to undermine
public confidence in the U.S. nuclear weapons program even as she has
systematically acted -- through policy decisions, budgetary actions and
programmatic steps -- to jeopardize that program's ability over time to
maintain the safety, reliability and credibility of the Nation's nuclear

This sorry record was documented in a scathing assessment issued near the end
of the O'Leary era by the House National Security Committee. On the occasion of
its release in October 1996, Committee Chairman Floyd Spence, Republican of
South Carolina, declared:
The past four years have witnessed the dramatic decline of the U.S. nuclear
weapons complex and the uniquely skilled workforce that is responsible for
maintaining our nuclear deterrent. The Administration's laissez-faire approach
to stewardship of the nuclear stockpile, within the broader context of its
support for a Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty, is clearly threatening the
Nation's long-term ability to maintain a safe and reliable nuclear
stockpileIn my mind, it's no longer a question of the Administration's
'benign neglect' of our Nation's nuclear forces, but instead, a compelling case
can be made that it is a matter of "erosion by design." (Emphasis added).
Unfortunately, neither of Mrs. O'Leary's successors -- two politicians chosen
for their Hispanic-American heritage rather than the experience needed to
redress their predecessor's mis- and malfeasance -- have made appreciable
course corrections. To the contrary, under Federico Peña and Bill Richardson,
the wrecking operation has largely continued apace.
As a result, the United States today has no capability to manufacture

[CTRL] Down, But Not Out

2000-08-28 Thread Alamaine

>From Wash (DC) Times

The Washington Times

Readiness is not improving
Rowan Scarborough
THE WASHINGTON TIMES Published 8/28/00

U.S. military combat readiness, a hot debate in the presidential elections,
continues to suffer two years after the Pentagon acknowledged shortfalls.
The Navy is short on sailors and ships at sea. The Air Force lacks 1,200 pilots
and continues a downward trend in readiness. Army soldiers complain of reduced
training time and morale.

But the services have plugged holes in recruiting and retention of some
critically needed personnel after Congress and the White House increased pay
and benefits.

The root of the problem, analysts and soldiers say, stems from President
Clinton's decision in 1993 to double five-year Pentagon cuts, to $128 billion,
that had been put in place by President Bush and his defense secretary, Richard
B. Cheney. The post-Cold War reductions were followed by Mr. Clinton sending
troops on a record number of peacetime deployments in the 1990s, including
major conflicts against Iraq and Serbia.

Equipment wore out. Spare parts dried up. And personnel, weary of months
overseas, quit.

"You cut the force by more than a third, you cut the budget by 40 percent and
then you raise the number of deployments by 300 percent and that's a situation
that is going to make trouble inside the military," said retired Army Col.
Joseph Collins. Col. Collins spearheaded an expansive study by the Center for
Strategic and International Studies that concluded in January that morale and
readiness were down across the military.

Col. Collins said morale has been boosted by pay increases and better
retirement benefits, but the problem still exists.

"You have had the strange situation of a decline in perceived readiness
affecting morale," he said. "Everywhere we went we had people tell us we are
tired of doing more with less."

The two major presidential candidates made their cases last week in speeches
before the Veterans of Foreign Wars.

Republican George W. Bush and his running mate, Mr. Cheney, charge that the
Clinton-Gore administration let readiness slip to dangerously low levels.
"There is an enormous amount of evidence out there . . . that the question in
terms of readiness and morale, the problems with recruiting, problems with
retention, that the military is in trouble today," Mr. Cheney said yesterday on
NBC. "They've cut too far. They've cut too deep. They've also added
commitments. A big part of the difficulty . . . is the force is spread too

On ABC's "This Week," the former defense secretary said: "There are serious
problems out there in respect to the overall quality of the force. There's no
question that we've got a great military today, but it's headed in the wrong

Based on his discussions with military people, he said, "either Al Gore doesn't
know what's going on in the U.S. military, or he's chosen not to tell the truth
about it."

Vice President Al Gore and Democrats counter that the problem is more complex
than Mr. Cheney presents and the U.S. military is the world's finest, proving
itself once again in the 1999 air war over Serbia.

Sen. John Kerry of Massachusetts, who followed Mr. Cheney on NBC, said: "Dick
Cheney is flat wrong, and George Bush is flat wrong, about questions of
preparedness." He blamed the booming civilian economy for problems with
military recruiting and retention but said the Clinton administration is
working to change that with pay increases and other personnel moves.

Still, he said, "We have the best trained, most extraordinary military in the
history of humankind."

Both are right, analysts say, so the issue may settle on which man can make the
stronger case. The armed forces are less combat ready than eight years ago, but
still are top dog among all the world's armies.

Mr. Cheney acknowledged as much: "If you match our forces today up against any
others around the world, we've got the best force. The problem is it's in
decline, and this administration has done very little to reverse that decline."

Personnel in the field told The Washington Times their units are still hampered
by spare-parts shortages, old equipment, condensed training hours and, in some
cases, poorly trained technicians in a rapid turnover of personnel.

In addition to these soldiers' testimonies, other sources report similar
• The bipartisan Senate Armed Services Committee budget report this May states:
"Aging equipment, spare parts shortfalls, manning and experience gaps continue
to manifest themselves in terms of declining mission capable rates and
decreasing unit readiness ratings. . . . Most troubling are indications that
problems are emerging in the readiness of forward-deployed and first-to-fight
• The Army has set up a special panel to figure out why it is losing so many
captains — its future field commanders. Two recent surveys showed the captains
are disenchanted with peacekeeping missions and

[CTRL] Double DARE

2000-08-28 Thread Alamaine

>From Wash (DC) Times

The Washington Times

DARE's dying gasps?
James Bovard
Published 8/27/00

 The nation's most popular drug education program may be on the ropes. The
Drug Abuse Resistance Education (DARE) program is increasingly being tossed out
of school systems as the evidence becomes overwhelmingly of its failure to
deter drug use.
 DARE was the brainchild of Los Angeles Police Department chief Daryl
Gates, who launched the program in the early 1980s. More than 20 million
students receive DARE training each school day; DARE is taught in every state
and in three-quarters of the nation's school districts. The DARE curriculum is
taught by police primarily to fifth and sixth graders, though children in
kindergarten and in high school also receive DARE instruction. The police are
supposed to serve as role models and trusted confidants.
 America is deluged with DARE paraphernalia — including bears, bumper
stickers, buttons, hats, and jeeps. DARE has everything — except good results.
Many independent experts have found that DARE miserably fails students.
 • The federal Bureau of Justice Assistance paid $300,000 to the Research
Triangle Institute (RTI), a North Carolina research firm, to analyze DARE's
effectiveness. The RTI study found that DARE failed to significantly reduce
drug use. Researchers warned that "DARE could be taking the place of other,
more beneficial drug-use curricula."
 • Dennis Rosenbaum, professor of criminal justice studies at the
University of Illinois at Chicago, surveyed and tracked 1,800 kids who had DARE
training and concluded in 1998 that "suburban students who participated in DARE
reported significantly higher rates of drug use . . . than suburban students
who did not participate in the program."
 • A 1999 study by the California legislative analyst's office "concluded
that DARE didn't keep children from using drugs. In fact, it found that
suburban kids who took DARE were more likely than others to drink, smoke and
take drugs," the Los Angeles Times reported.
 • A 1999 University of Kentucky study, funded by the National Institutes
of Health, examined the effect of DARE on students' behavior over the
subsequent 10 years. The report concluded: "Our results are consistent in
documenting the absence of beneficial effects associated with the DARE program.
This was true whether the outcome consisted of actual drug use or merely
attitudes toward drug use." One Kentucky researcher observed: "The only
difference was that those who received DARE reported slightly lower levels of
self-esteem at age 20."
 Salt Lake City Mayor Rocky Anderson recently denounced DARE as "a fraud on
the people of America." Mr. Anderson, who yanked DARE from Salt Lake City
schools, complained: "For far too long, drug-prevention policies have been
driven by mindless adherence to a wasteful, ineffective, feel-good program.
DARE has been a huge public-relations success but a failure at accomplishing
the goal of long-term drug-abuse prevention."
 Dare America President Glenn Levant defends DARE by pointing to the
reported 13 percent decline in teen-age drug use in the most recent annual
survey. However, the percentage of eighth-graders who used marijuana, cocaine
and LSD tripled between 1991 and 1997. DARE cannot claim credit for the most
recent decline without accepting blame for the huge increase in the preceding
years — at a time when DARE already saturated the nation's public schools.
 DARE also suffered a stunning defeat in April that could cripple its
ability to muzzle criticism. Federal Judge Virginia Phillips, in a case
involving DARE America's libel suit against Rolling Stone magazine, ruled there
was "substantial truth" to the charges that DARE had sought to "suppress
scientific research" critical of DARE and "attempted to silence researchers at
the Research Triangle Institute, editors at the American Journal of Public
Health, and producers at 'Dateline: NBC.' "
 DARE's feel-good photo opportunities are no substitute for effective drug
education. American children deserve something more than a drug program that
fails to persuasively inform and warn them of the danger of narcotics.
Politicians, school officials and police need the courage to admit DARE is a

James Bovard is the author of the just-published "Feeling Your Pain: The
Explosion & Abuse of Government Power in the Clinton-Gore Years" (St. Martin's
Copyright © 2000 News World Communications, Inc. All rights reserved.


Integrity has no need of rules. -Albert Camus (1913-1960)
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
The only real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking
new landscapes but in having new eyes. -Marcel Proust

The libertarian therefore considers one of his prime educational
tasks is to spread the demystification and desanctification of the
State among its hapless subjects.  His task is to demons

[CTRL] Drats, It's Gnats

2000-08-28 Thread Alamaine

>From The New Republic

>>Same old garbage out of the Isles.  Reemember:  these are the folks who are
setting about to enlighten the world as to the error of its (which one? you
pick) ways.  A<>E<>R <<

FreeRepublic.com "A Conservative News Forum"

Disclaimer: Opinions posted on Free Republic are those of the individual
posters and do not necessarily represent the opinion of Free Republic or its
management. All materials posted herein are protected by copyright law and the
exemption for fair use of copyrighted works.

Mandelson orders in hundreds of extra troops
Foreign Affairs Opinion (Published)
Source: Daily Telegraph
Published: 08/27/00 Author: David Cracknell, Deputy Political Editor
Posted on 08/27/2000 09:10:55 PDT by Miss Antiwar

PETER MANDELSON has sent reinforcements of hundreds of troops to the Shankill
area of Belfast to prevent the volatile dispute between loyalist paramilitaries
escalating into open sectarian warfare.

Peter Mandelson: 'If any event demands it, I'll have no hesitation in
increasing the deployment'

The Northern Ireland Secretary drafted in No 3 Squadron of the Royal Air Force
Regiment this weekend, taking the number of servicemen available to patrol the
city's loyalist stronghold up to 600. It is feared that more violence will
erupt over the coming days and that behind-the-scenes talks to resolve the feud
between the leaderships of the Ulster Volunteer Force and the Ulster Freedom
Fighters will come to nothing.

The Ministry of Defence said yesterday that the additional troops will relieve
and supplement those from the Royal Green Jackets, who were called in on Monday
for an emergency duty in circumstances which RUC officers describe as
"horrendous". It was the first time in two years that the British Army had been
seen parolling Ulster's capital since troops were withdrawn to barracks in

Troop numbers throughout the whole Province currently stand at about 13,500.
The phased reduction from about 18,000 at the time of the first IRA ceasefire
in 1994 is expected to lead to an eventual level of between 6,000 and 8,000.
But it is now feared that Mr Mandelson's actions could herald a reversal of the
trend. The RAF Regiment, created to protect airfields, was drafted in to
bolster the "surgical" deployment in the Shankill area to put a lid on the
loyalist feud.

Other loyalists warned that they plan to shift their illegal activities away
from the now tightly policed Shankill area - the stronghold of loyalist
paramilitaries - to other parts of the province which are less heavily
patrolled and where they hope to settle a number of private scores which have
been festering for up to four years.

In an interview with The Telegraph, Mr Mandelson said that he would continue to
take a hard line, adding: "If any event demands it, I'll have no hesitation in
increasing the deployment for this reason: that the support of the Army allows
the police to get on with policing." Mr Mandelson admitted that the loyalist
feud, which has resulted in three murders in the past week, was in danger of
drawing in republican terrorists and threatening to derail the peace process.
He said: "It is always the risk in these sectarian situations that what starts
off as a loyalist feud, then spills over into sectarian conflict and violence,
is then taken from one side of the community to the other. That creates a much
more dangerous, explosive situation even than the one we've faced this week.
Tribal [conflict] could easily spiral into sectarian warfare."

Mr Mandelson disclosed his pessimism about the chances of any further moves
towards decommissioning of weapons by the Provisional IRA following last week's
violence, when loyalists openly waved guns on the streets of Belfast. He added:
"I never let the issue drop in any discussion that we have [with republicans],
but we have to be realistic with loyalist paramilitary organisations toting
guns, using them as extensively as they have been recently. That's hardly an
encouragement to republican decommissioning."
He said that loyalists should also address disarmament following the limited
opening of IRA arms dumps to inspectors, adding: "Loyalist paramilitaries who
originally went ahead of the republicans in their commitment to decommissioning
are now lagging behind." The minister revealed that he had considered ordering
the arrest of two other loyalist activists last week as well as Johnny "Mad
Dog" Adair, leader of the Ulster Freedom Fighters.

Huge crowds yesterday attended the funeral of the third victim of the loyalist
feud in Belfast's Shankill Road area. Sam Rocket, 22, was given a paramilitary
ceremony after a private service in his home. Meanwhile, a cache of bombs has
been found buried in a wood in Oxfordshire, just a few miles from the country
homes of Jack Straw, the Home Secretary, and Douglas Hurd, the former Northern
Ireland and Home Secretary, police said yesterday.

Anti-terrorist officers were examining eight home-made bombs describe

[CTRL] Diving Into An Empty Pool

2000-08-28 Thread Alamaine

>From www.wsws.org

WSWS : News & Analysis : North America : US Economy
Record US trade deficit a symptom of deeper economic problems
By Nick Beams
28 August 2000

Back to screen version

Earlier this month the Commerce Department reported that the US trade deficit
had hit yet another monthly record, reaching $30.62 billion for June.

The announcement attracted little or no comment in the mass media. It was
swamped by claims of unprecedented economic growth during the period of the
Clinton presidency and optimistic assertions that, after a series of interest
rate rises, the US Federal Reserve under the chairmanship of Alan Greenspan is
successfully engineering a “soft landing” for the US economy.

But the record trade deficit is not merely a dark cloud on an otherwise sunny
economic horizon. It is symptomatic of longer-term processes that could, quite
rapidly, have severe implications for the US and the world economy as a whole.
These tendencies, which include the increasing dependence of the US economy on
international capital inflows, inflated stock market values and rising
indebtedness, both personal and corporate, point to the fact that the US
economic boom may be resting on shaky foundations.

While the latest trade figure attracted little public comment, there are
indications that it is causing concern behind the scenes. An article entitled
“Will the Trade Gap Lower the Boom?” in the August 14 edition of the Wall
Street Journal, for example, posed the question as to what point investors
would decide that the trade deficit had grown too wide, lose confidence in the
US dollar, withdraw money and bring the boom to an end.

It pointed out that in the first three months of this year “the current account
deficit—the broadest measure of trade imbalance—surpassed 4 percent of gross
domestic product for the first time” and that according to projections by
Merrill Lynch “the gap will measure $411 billion for the year, 24 percent wider
than 1999's deficit and an unprecedented 4.2 percent of the overall economy.”
In most other countries such a trade gap would cause an economic crisis. But
the US is in a unique position. Because of the role of the dollar as a world
currency, it can finance its trade gap through the inflow of foreign
investment. This means that even as the trade gap widens, money may still flow
into the US, pushing up the dollar against other currencies, and attracting a
still greater inflow of foreign funds. But such a process cannot continue
indefinitely and at a certain point foreign investors may decide to withdraw
their money.

The WSJ cited recent comments by Deutsche Bank Research chief economist Norbert
Walter. “Confidence in the USA,” he warned the bank's clients, “could abruptly
collapse before the world is firmly back on its feet. It is, at any rate, not
out of the question that capital flows into the USA will dry up, and that the
dollar will take a dive—triggering a rise in US yields [interest rates] and a
stock market crisis.”

The scenario for such a crisis could take the following form: a sudden change
in market perceptions, perhaps caused by an unexpected interest rate rise,
convinces big investors that they need to shift out of dollars into euros or
some other currency, leading to a fall in the value of the dollar, triggering a
rapid exit from US markets by investors who do not want to hold dollar assets
when its value is dropping. This in turn could see a move by the Federal
Reserve Board to lift interest rates, resulting in a sharp decline in equity
and property markets, thereby provoking a crisis for those individuals and
corporations who have gone into debt to finance purchases on the basis that the
market will keep rising.

While the WSJ maintained that such a “disaster scenario” was a distant
possibility, it did acknowledge that it was becoming more likely with every
increase in the trade deficit and cited testimony given by Alan Greenspan last

“At some point,” Greenspan told the US House of Representatives, “something has
got to give, and we don't know what it's going to be. We don't know whether it
will be protracted over a very long period of time, in which case the
adjustments will occur in the normal manner without any significance, or
whether they will occur more abruptly.”

While Greenspan is holding out the hope that the US trade imbalance will be
resolved gradually, other analysts have warned that there could be a sharp
reversal. A study by economist Wynn Godley, issued by the James Levy Institute
in June, poured cold water on the idea that the so-called “new economy” could
continue to expand indefinitely. Entitled “Drowning in Debt” the basis of
Godley's analysis was that unprecedented levels of debt, at both a personal and
corporate level, have sustained the growth of expenditure in the US economy.
He pointed out that over a great many years income consistently exceeded
expenditure, with net saving averaging around 3 percent of national income.
However th

Re: [CTRL] Kosovo death toll may climb to be between 4,000 and 5,000

2000-08-28 Thread Nurev Ind Research

This article is totally worthless. But even if Stars & Stripes were
not a military propaganda rag, and the figures were correct, how does
anybody know who these bodies were? How does anybody know who killed
them? And how does anybody know that all of them ( if Albanians ) didn't
die in fire fights with the Yugoslav army?

In any case 5,000 dead bodies are a far cry from the 250,000 dead and
missing Albanians we used as an excuse to destroy a country which saved
US military personnel from the Germans in WWII.

This is stupid NWO propaganda.


> Richard Sampson wrote:
> http://www.pstripes.com/ed082700c.html
>  Sunday, August 27, 2000
>   Kosovo death toll
>   climbs
>   as KFOR finds more
>   graves
>   By Gregory Piatt
>   Stars and Stripes
>PODUJEVO, Kosovo — Graves are still
>   being unearthed by investigators, scientists
>   and forensic experts sent to put the puzzle
>   together of how many people were killed
>   during last year’s ethnic cleansing of
>   Kosovo.
>Perhaps thousands of corpses remain in
>   graves scattered around the Yugoslav
>   province. Still others were reportedly
>   cremated in haste or carted back to Serbia
>   before the NATO-led KFOR peacekeeping
>   troops entered Kosovo.
>War crimes investigators and forensic
>   experts, who delicately strip inches of soil
>   from these graves with backhoes and garden
>   tools, may never find every body, but are
>   putting together evidence for war crimes
>   indictments.
>“It’s physically and emotionally
>   demanding work,” said Billy Fulton, the
>   crime scene coordinator for the British
>   forensic team working on behalf of the
>   tribunal  here. “Quite often we work in view
>   of the relatives.”
>Since forensic experts started last year,
>   they have found nearly 3,000 bodies in mass
>   graves, down wells and in shallow ponds.
>On Thursday, Fulton’s forensic team
>   unearthed eight bodies in the Podujevo
>   Cemetery as relatives watched. The seven
>   Muslim men and one woman whose
>   remains were exhumed allegedly were
>   killed during last year’s ethnic cleansing
>   campaign.
>Scientists are investigating the sites for the
>   International Criminal Tribunal for the
>   Former Yugoslavia. With only a few months
>   before the ground freezes and their work
>   halts until spring, they expect the body
>   count to grow.
>This year, forensic teams have examined
>   200 grave sites, found 700 bodies and know
>   of at least 400 more sites, said Paul Risley,
>   spokesman for the tribunal’s prosecutor,
>   Carla del Ponte.
>“Every week KFOR reports more grave
>   sites,” Risley said in a telephone interview
>   last week.
>Many of those found are ethnic Albanians,
>   who allegedly were killed by the Yugoslav
>   Army or Serbian paramilitaries. But the
>   tribunal is also investigating grave sites
>   where Serbs may have been killed by the
>   Kosovo Liberation Army, the disbanded
>   guerrilla group that fought against the Serbs
>   for independence.
>So far, the tribunal has publicly indicted
>   Yugoslav President Slobodan Milosevic,
>   Yugoslav Deputy Prime Minister Nikola
>   Sainovic, Yugoslav Interior Minister Vlajko
>   Siejiljkovic, former Yugoslav Army chief of
>   staff Ojdanic Dragoljub and Serb President
>   Milan Milatinovic on war crimes charges for
>   last year’s ethnic cleansing.
>As for the KLA, the tribunal is still
>   investigating what part the guerrilla
>   organization had in the deaths of Serbs. So
>   far, no indictments have been issued. But
>   del Ponte has said the tribunal’s
>   investigation is focusing on the KLA’s top
>   commanders.
>North Atlantic Treaty Organization
>   Secretary-General Lord George Robertson
>   said recently that when the indictments are
>   completed, alliance troops will arrest
>   wanted war criminals inside Kosovo.
>Graham Blewitt, deputy prosecutor at The
>   Hague Tribunal, said recently he expects the
>   final toll of confirmed killings to be between
>   4,000 and 5,000 bodies.
>NATO officials, notably former Supreme
>   Allied Commander Europe Gen. Wesley K.
>   Clark, put the figure of ethnic Albanians
>   killed by the Serbs at 10,000 after NATO
>   peacekeeping troops entered the Yugoslav
>   province. During last year’s Yugoslav
>   bombing campaign and the refugee crisis
>   that ensued, U.S. Secretary of Defense
>   William Cohen said the number could be as
>   high as 100,000 dead.
>Since then, NATO has been accused of
>   exaggerating the number of killings as part
>   of a propaganda campaign to justify the 78
>   days it bombed Yugoslavia.
>As for the fluctuating numbers during the
>   bombing campaign, KFOR spokesman U.S.
>   Army Maj. Scott Slaten said there was no
>   way NATO knew what was going on in
>   Kosovo during the bombing. Many people
>   were reported missing and were found alive
>   later, Slaten said.

[CTRL] MSNBC: 2 die in shooting at Arkansas college

2000-08-28 Thread Robert F. Tatman


2 die in shooting at Arkansas college

Murder-suicide casts pall over first day of classes at university

MSNBC News Services

FAYETTEVILLE, Ark., Aug. 28 - Two people died Monday in a murder-suicide at the
University of Arkansas on the first day of classes, school officials said. The
university's chancellor said the dead were believed to be a professor and a
graduate student.

  'We're trying to deal with a situation that seems horrific and trying to
control everything we can and bring this to resolution as quickly as possible.'
   Roger Williams
University spokesman

UNIVERSITY OFFICIALS did not identify the victims, both men, who died in the
shooting in a second-floor faculty office in the university's Kimpel Hall, a
seven-story building that also contains classrooms. There were no injuries, they

"We believe the two persons killed are a faculty member and a graduate student,
but that remains to be confirmed," Chancellor John White said in a statement.

A local television station identified one of the victims as John Locke, an
English professor at the school, and said he was killed by a gun-wielding

Callers reporting the shooting said they heard three gunshots.

Police rushed to the scene and surrounded the office as they evacuated students
from the building.

University police Lt. Gary Crane said later that the situation had been
"stabilized," and that no search was under way for a suspect or accomplice.

Few other details were immediately available.

"We're trying to deal with a situation that seems horrific and trying to control
everything we can and bring this to resolution as quickly as possible,"
spokesman Roger Williams said prior to the chancellor's brief statement.

Kimpel Hall houses faculty in a number of departments, including communication,
drama, English, foreign languages and journalism.

Journalism department Chairwoman Patsy Watkins said police arrived at the
building at 12:20 p.m. local time, when many of the 50- to 60-student classrooms
on the floor would have been filled.

Students left the building in an orderly fashion, saying they had been told to
leave, Watkins said.

"All we've been told is that shots have been fired," Watkins said.

Journalism faculty members Larry Foley and Robert Carey said police had asked
them to leave their first-floor offices. Kimpel Hall is shaped like a T, with
classrooms along the long end of the T and offices across the crossbar.

The 15,000-student campus is in the northwest part of the state. Both President
Bill Clinton and first lady Hillary Rodham Clinton taught law there in the

The Associated Press and Reuters contributed to this report.
  ©2000 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

Robert F. Tatman
Information Technology Consultant
Jenkintown, PA, USA
*Artificial intelligence is no match for natural stupidity.*

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Fwd: Report: Violent Entertainment Aimed At Young

2000-08-28 Thread Tenorlove

--- "Robert F. Tatman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
BUT we need to consider how much of  our problem
> with the
> entertainment industry is OUR problem, not our children's problem.

Absolutely. A considerable amount of said problem being letting the
entertainment industry raise our children instead of the parents. The
TV, the Nintendo, the computer, all have become surrogate parents. It
really is in the child's best interest to have involved parents. I know
it's hard to do when both parents have to work. We make a lot of
sacrifices so that we can raise our kids instead of babysitters. It's a
matter of priorities. We're being brainwashed, by the people running
the Conspiracy, to put our kids at the bottom of the list, or better
yet, not have any at all.

Do You Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Mail - Free email you can access from anywhere!

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] [endsecrecy] EM/RF Weather Control and Western Fires

2000-08-28 Thread lloyd


>From the New Paradigms Project [Not Necessarily Endorsed]
Note:  We store 100's of related "conspiracy posts" at:

From: "Remy C." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "endsecrecy list" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [endsecrecy] EM/RF Weather Control and Western Fires
Date: Monday, August 21, 2000 9:22 AM

Jeff Rense Weekly E-News

The Week Ahead
 8-20-00 thru 8-25-00


 EM/RF Weather Control and Western Fires
 By John Quinn/ NewsHawk(r) Inc.

We thank Joe Bowling for his interesting and timely observations
on this subject, reprinted below.

Joe describes phenomena he observed in Montana, in which phone
lines with no direct contact to the earth or other materials like
metal (structures) and unconnected to any source of electrical
power, were being powerfully charged up with electrical energy. A
number of others have noted this precise effect, and we have as
well, in Northern California and in Oregon.

There is in fact only one way this can happen--through
electromagnetic induction via EM/RF transmissions. According to a
HAARP consultant who has divulged other information to us, this
phenomenon noted by Joe is a direct result of extremely high-powered
HAARP transmissions targeting the western U.S.

To be sure, federal land management policies are to some degree a
factor in what is happening to western forest lands right now: as
Joe noted, the "let-it-burn" methods and recent reductions in
firefighting crews combining with excessive buildup of dead wood,
along with the usual summer heat and dryness.

The main "reason," however, is the massive, relentless and constant
weather control manipulation being implemented by covert (and OVERT)
factions of the federal government.

Readings taken over the past couple of days show that
weather-modification EM/RF transmissions are being driven at
previously-unrecorded high levels of power.

These transmissions are being pumped at such high gain levels at
this time that a clearly audible tone or audio "artifact" can
actually be heard across much of the northwest coast of North
America: somewhat similar it seems to the well-known "Taos hum."

Confidential sources have told NewsHawk that HAARP and other related
technologies are being used to manifest a "virtual Venturi device"
on a gigantic scale in the upper atmosphere. Science students will
remember that a Venturi device can separate warmer air from cooler
air and re-direct the different streams with great force. The whole
deal is being further intensified by chemtrail spraying of weather
modification substances. THIS is one of the primary tactics
currently being used in the tremendously extensive and severe
"weather war" being waged by federal forces which is causing the
western wildfires to become so extremely destructive. Again, "more
trees" due to minor reductions in logging in some few areas are a
VERY minor element of this entire mix.

Other sources have suggested to NewsHawk that, contrary to a
supposition we noted in an earlier article on this ever-more-crucial
subject, one of the probable hidden agendas behind burning up vast
tracts of forest lands is, in fact, to make these regions EASIER to
develop for mass human habitation in the future.

The supposed reasoning behind this, is that rising sea levels from
the now-irrefutable and steadily-intensifying global warming will
within several years destroy the habitat of a huge percentage of
humanity—by submerging the coastal plains of North America and the
rest of the world, whereupon such large percentages of the human
race now reside.

These western forest lands are at an elevation and inland location
which makes them relatively safe from the rising sea levels
engendered by global warming, and once "cleared" of forests will be
vastly easier to develop for mass human habitation.

Could this possible explanation of the agenda behind massive weather
control operations correct, and true? Unfortunately we cannot answer
that question at this point.

John Quinn/
NewsHawk(r) Inc.

Date: Wed, 16 Aug 2000 01:38:45 -0500
From: Joe Bowling
To: John Quinn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: electromagnetic energy and fires Possible observation
of an artificially produced electromagnetic phenomenon

You mention electromagnetic energy being used in weather
manipulation. I (and others) did note a phenomenon which can only be
explained by electromagnetic energy, while working in Eastern
Montana (Roosevelt County, to be specific).

A Little background:
I am a scientist (Geologist) with some background in physics and
chemistry. I also have four years experience as a firefighter. I
make my living by evalu

[CTRL] Fwd: [CIA-DRUGS] http://www.newsmakingnews.com/

2000-08-28 Thread Kris Millegan



AUGUST 28, 2000

  Mounties debugged spy software in '94: Ex-agent. But U.S., Israel drained secrets for a
  decade before discovery.
  (500,000 US troops landed in Saudi Arabia--one of the biggest tactical
  land invasions in history, yet Red China has just landed 700,000 troops in
  Sudan!  Canada--such a hostage to China's
THE USA v. FARC.WHY US AND COLUMBIAN KIDS WILL DIE IN A DIRTY WAR.FARC--is it a US front to provoke war profiteering and keep
America's drug-based-money-laundering economy flying high?

  did that happen without the US blinking?)
  Click. THE
  without the US blinking?)
(Desperate to aid Lockerbie prosecutors with its star witness, held by US
"witness protection"?)  Click.
Dan Russellwww.drugwar.comwww.kalyx.com

Re: [CTRL] List--Kris, Moderators and Newbies, please read!

2000-08-28 Thread Kris Millegan

In a message dated 8/28/00 11:38:29 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

>Hope this helps.  don't take it personally.  stick around and you will
>some interesting things.

All so very well, said.
Thank-you Amelia,


CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:
 http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html">Archives of

 http:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/">ctrl

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[CTRL] List--Kris, Moderators and Newbies, please read!

2000-08-28 Thread Amelia

I have been away most of the summer but wanted to speak up here so as to
help some of our newcomers better understand the list.  As always, it is
Kris' list, first and foremost.  I think of the list as like a lecture hall
with the posts being the speaker.  We old regulars are usually around but we
scan and delete a great deal.  Some days, many of us are so busy that we can
only pick and choose a few of the posts more pertinent to our own interests.

Many read every post but do not comment.  When I have time, I read as many
as possible.  Many I read just to know what another person is thinking. I
may completely disagree but be gathering information about what some people
think.  If you post something and no one replies, it does not mean anything
at all.  Look how many posts Kris does (and Mike) and if we all replied or
even one or two replied to everyone of those, the volume of posts would e

We are not a chatty nor "nice" list in that we seldom welcome each other.
Some of us are annoyed by cross-talk of any sort.  It is rather
straight-forward and business-like.  It is  a list for exchanging the
greatest amount of information possible as quickly as possible because there
is always more to be shared.  Most chatting is best taken off list to the
specific party.  It is sort of like talking in the lecture hall I referred
to above.  We are serious about getting our information and usually not
interested in personal opinions, etc.  Every time religion is discussed,
somebody gets booted off list or pissed off and leaves so we steer clear of
it in a personal context.  It is insulting to others to proselytize on list.

So, I suppose to stay on this list, one needs a pretty tough hide and a
sense of when they are wasting the time of those who are very busy on this
list.  one needs to understand the difference in religion in theory and in
practice and abstain from the latter or avoid it all together in a personal
context.  Do not expect comments on all posts.  From the size of the list
alone, chances are good that somebody read and appreciated it.  If not, so
what, on we go.  it is certainly never personal whether or not people are
interested in your topic.  In fact, the list is rather impersonal because
the whole thing functions much better that way.

We do not ever intend to be mean to new people but we will seldom chat with
you on list.  That is sort of like talking out loud in the movies--annoying
to most.  Most of us will answer you off list, however, unless they have
something demanding most of their time at the moment. I do not think there
was ever a plan or plot for the list to be this way.  It evolved over time
as the most functional way for it to operate.  We are all pretty opinionated
people and certainly think for ourselves.  that is why we are here.  We are
also mostly pressed for time and so have become rather curt and to the point
with no-frills.

I am writing this in the hope that it explains us to some of the newcomers
who may be wondering why we seem so abrupt and even unfriendly at times.
Hope this helps.  don't take it personally.  stick around and you will read
some interesting things.
- Original Message -
From: "nessie" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, August 28, 2000 11:24 AM
Subject: Re: [CTRL] Wormwood

> [EMAIL PROTECTED],Internet writes:
> >
> >Greetings,
> >
> >My first post.
> >
> >Question : Does Wormwood in Revelations equate to
> >Bitterroot National Forest?
> You should ask this on a list where it's on topic. This list is not about
> the interpretation of scripture. This list is about conspiracy theory.
> There are many, many lists, websites, and chat rooms devoted entirely to
> the interpretation of  the scriptures of every religion imaginable. Asking
> your question there would be much more productive than asking here. Asking
> it here is off topic and, as such, disruptive. Since you're new here, you
> wont get flamed immediately for being disruptive. But if you intend to
> keep it up, you'd better have a thick shell, because you will most
> definitely become both the subject and the object of criticisms that you
> probably don't want to hear.
> http://www.ctrl.org/">www.ctrl.org
> ==
> CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing
> screeds are unwelcomed. Substance-not soap-boxing-please!  These are
> sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'-with its many half-truths, mis-
> directions and outright frauds-is used politically by different groups
> major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and
> That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
> always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
> credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.
> Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Re: [CTRL] Alex Constantine v. David Horowitz

2000-08-28 Thread nessie

[EMAIL PROTECTED],Internet writes:
>Nazism and Bolshevism ARE forms of Statism. Both came to fruition
>in the 20th century, AKA the Mass Murder Century.

Nazism is based not on physical borders but of a mystical concept of race.
It's more of a religion than it is a political movement. For a brief
period, Nazis held state power. They do not at present hold state power
anywhere on earth, at least not overtly. They are still a major world
power, though, in some ways more powerful now than ever. See:

Bolshevism is specifically internationalistic. Their very theme song is
called "the International." For a brief time Bolsheviks held state power
in a number of countries. It wasn't as brief as the Nazi's hold on state
power, but from a historical viewpoint it was a flash in the pan. Some
people say that Bolshevism is statist because it was contained in one
country (the USSR) from it's founding until the occupation of Eastern
Europe late in WWII. This is simply untrue. Bolshevism was everywhere. It
only held state power in the USSR, but that's only because (fortunately)
the rest of the world wouldn't let it expand. Also, the USSR was never one
country. It was an empire consisting of Russia and a number of subject
states. Part of it still is, but under a different name.

Both Bolsheviks and Nazis make use of state power whenever the rest of us
let them. That doesn't make them statists, nor does it make their
philosophies forms of statism. It just makes them politicians. A
politician is a politician is a politician. The most important thing about
them is not their philosophies, but that they lust for power.
>>Nazism = Socialism = Communism.

This is both sophomorically  simplistic and wholly untrue. There are forms
of socialism which are neither Nazi nor Bolshevik. This is not to say they
are either better or worse. That's a value judgement. That they exist is a
fact. Bolshevism does NOT equal communism. Bolsheviks say it does, but
they lie. Their actions prove otherwise. Acts 2:44 equals communism.

We must take care not to allow names to confuse us as to the nature of the
things that they signify. If I call a rose an onion, should you fry it in
a pan? By the same token, just because Constantine and Horowitz call each
other names doesn't mean that either of them is either right or wrong
about the other things they say. It just means they aren't the best of all
possible debaters. The other things they say should be judged on their own
merit. The skill of the debater and the validity of the resolution are two
different things.

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:
 http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html">Archives of

 http:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/">ctrl

To subscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:

To UNsubscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:


Re: [CTRL] Alex Constantine v. David Horowitz

2000-08-28 Thread flw

nessie writes in part:
>"Statism predates the 20th century. And murderous as it is, it's not as
>murderous as Nazism or Bolshevism. But it runs a very close third."


Nazism and Bolshevism ARE forms of Statism. Both came to fruition
in the 20th century, AKA the Mass Murder Century.

Nazism = Socialism = Communism.

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:
 http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html">Archives of

 http:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/">ctrl

To subscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:

To UNsubscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:


Re: [CTRL] Wormwood

2000-08-28 Thread nessie

[EMAIL PROTECTED],Internet writes:
>My first post.
>Question : Does Wormwood in Revelations equate to

>Bitterroot National Forest?

You should ask this on a list where it's on topic. This list is not about
the interpretation of scripture. This list is about conspiracy theory.
There are many, many lists, websites, and chat rooms devoted entirely to
the interpretation of  the scriptures of every religion imaginable. Asking
your question there would be much more productive than asking here. Asking
it here is off topic and, as such, disruptive. Since you're new here, you
wont get flamed immediately for being disruptive. But if you intend to
keep it up, you'd better have a thick shell, because you will most
definitely become both the subject and the object of criticisms that you
probably don't want to hear.

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:
 http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html">Archives of

 http:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/">ctrl

To subscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:

To UNsubscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:


[CTRL] Louis Freeh Spies on Bill Clinton; How to Exploit the Hole in PGP

2000-08-28 Thread Kris Millegan

Click Here: http://zolatimes.com/V4.35/pgp_hole.htm">Louis Freeh
Spies on Bill Clinton; How to Explo…
Louis Freeh Spies on Bill Clinton

How to Exploit the Hole in PGP

by J. Orlin Grabbe

You may have heard about the "hole" in PGP (which is the email privacy
encryption program called "Pretty Good Privacy"), the story of which broke
with a vengeance at the end of last week.
Well, it's true, there is a problem, and to help you understand it, I'm going
to show you how to doctor Bill Clinton's personal PGP key! Then, whenever
anyone uses this doctored key, and encrypts a message to Our President, who
is the Leader of the Free World, and the Imperial Warlord Guarding the Bridge
Entrance to the 21st Century, they will be forced to also encrypt the same
email to an key overseen by Louis Freeh, who is the Maximum Leader of the FBI
(except, of course, for Terry Nelson)! And in so doing we will not damage Mr.
Clinton's key (he will still be able to decrypt email just fine), nor will
the signature on it be corrupted (the signature will show the key is still

By showing you how to do this, I'm doing nothing naughty. After all, the word
about PGP is already out, and the PGP hole could be exploited by terrorist
nations like Great Britain and Israel! By educating you, American patriots
and protectors of liberty, I am serving the cause of national security for
America and the Free World. Beware the PGP hole. To protect yourself, you
have to understand the problem.

Moreover, Louis Freeh's being able to decrypt and read Bill Clinton's mail
cannot be said to be a bad thing, for Bill Clinton supports the use of
Carnivore, whereby the FBI would use ISP installed software to read all our
email. The FBI only wants to do this, of course, in order to make sure we are
not terrorists, child pornographers, or spies.

Weeding out the latter is a worthy goal, naturally, and also shows why it is
only right and proper that Louis Freeh keep an eye on Bill Clinton.

First of all, consider terrorism. We all know Our President is apt to bomb
someone whenever he has a bad hair day. Look at that aspirin factory he
Cruise-missiled in the Sudan (those guys got a headache for sure!), or those
bedouin tents he blew up in Afghanistan (memo to Osama bin Ladin: stop using
those cells phones; the Global Positioning System is not your friend!), or
those naughty anti-Nazis he pummeled in the former Yugoslavia (I'm not sure
what they did, but it apparently involved a Mata Hari named Monica). And to
think: the President didn't even get his bomb-making material from the
Internet; he just stole it from the military. Watch him carefully, Mr Freeh!

Next is child porn. Well, as Jim Peron shows in this issue of the Laissez
Faire City Times, the U.S. government is the biggest producer and distributor
of child porn in America! So this is another area for Mr. Freeh to keep track
of. No telling what's on those White House videos! Are they naughty or nice?
Only Louie, reading the email gossip, and inspecting the jpegs, will know for

Finally, there are spies. Spies are said to commit a perversion called
espionage. And that's bad! Some say Our President, the Imperial Warlord, gave
away secrets to China because it was good business! And then he covered it up
by having his lackeys, such as the fat-faced Energy Secretary Bill
Richardson, dump the blame on patsies like Wen Ho Lee! Is this what really
happened? I'm sure Louis Freeh can sort it all out!

Okay, now, let's get to it. I looked up Bill Clinton's public keys on the key
servers, such as the one at MIT. I found one for William Clinton
([EMAIL PROTECTED]). Of course, I can't be sure this is really the key
for Our President, but the email address is correct, and there is no reason to
 assume otherwise.

Next I thought: who would Louie appoint to monitor Bill Clinton's mail. One
likely candidate occurred to me: the FBI Bomb Data Center. So I found their
Now if I doctored Bill Clinton's key, and then sent it back out to the key
servers (I wouldn't send out the doctored key, of course, but hypothetically
speaking), many people might download this key, and send encrypted email to
Mr. Clinton. Whenever they did, they would have to also encrypt each email to
Mr. Freeh's FBI key. It would be up to Mr. Freeh to figure out how to get
hold of emails going to Mr. Clinton, but once he did, he could decrypt them
with no problem. He could read the emails at his leisure, to see if any
nastiness were afoot!

Here is the PGP key for the FBI Bomb Data Center:

Version: PGP Personal Privacy 6.5.1


[CTRL] On Wormwood, Methane, and Meteors

2000-08-28 Thread Robert F. Tatman

While recognizing that Revelation is so convoluted and extended an allegory 
that untangling its allusions is probably an impossible task, I might suggest 
that a very good candidate for Wormwood would be the combination of an oceanic 
meteorite strike combined with release of methane clathrate from the 
seabed.  The meteor is not required for a disaster, however--there's 
evidence of natural release of methane and other submarine gases, causing 
landslips, tsunamis, and climate changes in the gelogically recent past.  
AND the possibility of offshore oil and mineral exploration triggering a release 
of the clathrate is very real.  I'm going to post some more material on 
this shortly, but if anyone has any thoughts and/or information along these 
lines, I'd be glad to see them either on or off the list.  (Note: for a 
well-written and well-researched fictional account of possible effects of 
massive methane release, see John Barnes, *Mother of Storms* [1994].)
Robert F. TatmanInformation Technology Consultant[EMAIL PROTECTED]Jenkintown, 
PA, USA*Artificial intelligence is no match for natural 

[CTRL] OEN 8/28/00

2000-08-28 Thread Kris Millegan

Click Here: http://www.aci.net/kalliste/">The Home Page of J. Orlin


Software Open to Hackers Found in RCMP Computers

Rigged with trap doors: Investigators fear police, intelligence files

Illegally produced software suspected to have been vulnerable to hackers has
been found in RCMP computers, the National Post has learned -- a situation
that may have exposed Canadian intelligence files to theft by foreign spies.
Two sources confirmed yesterday that RCMP officers have interviewed them
about a software package called Promis, which is used to store information
and evidence compiled by police, prosecutors and intelligence agencies.
The Mounties told both men that illegal versions of the software had been
found in the RCMP's own databases -- despite the fact the licensed designers
of the package never sold it to them.
"[The investigators] have confirmed to me that they have Promis software in
the RCMP," said John Belton, a former Ontario stockbroker who has researched
the case as part of an unrelated lawsuit.
"They also told me that they have stolen computer software that was evidently
bugged to obtain access by foreign interests to sensitive police and security
related files."
A second source, requesting anonymity, said the RCMP has been looking into
the issue for more than a year, fearing that intelligence files in Canada may
have been compromised.
The case is potentially embarrassing for the Mounties, who routinely compile
intelligence on and evidence that could be of interest to other countries.
Their files include information on individuals who are considered threats to
national security and civil order, such as those linked to terrorist groups,
drug dealers and human smugglers.
Moreover, the RCMP also exchanges information with the country's civilian spy
agency, Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS), whose intelligence
would be of great interest to other countries.
The RCMP confirmed yesterday that it had launched an investigation but
refused to elaborate on its purpose or scope. Nor would it disclose whether
the RCMP had been using Promis or any variation of it.
"But we want to reassure Canadians that, to date, we've found nothing to
indicate that national security was ever compromised," said Staff Sergeant
Mike Gaudet, a spokesman at RCMP headquarters in Ottawa. "Because we're
conducting an investigation I can't tell you any more than that."
The revelations come on the heels of published reports that the RCMP has
launched an investigation into the origin of software found in Canada --
reports the police confirmed yesterday.
An article published yesterday in a Toronto newspaper suggests the program
used here was a pirated version, rigged with a "trap door" to allow American
and Israeli agents to dial in to eavesdrop. The reports did not, however, say
which agencies had made use of the software, only that Canadian intelligence
files were at risk.
CSIS representatives denied yesterday that that agency had ever used a
version of Promis, legal or illegal.
And the director of the agency that oversees CSIS noted that allegations U.S.
operatives had copied versions of Promis and rigged them with trap doors --
keys that would allow hackers who knew the code to access files undetected --
first surfaced in 1991. According to published reports at the time, the
copies were then sold to the governments of other countries, including
Canada, Britain and Australia.
"We did ask about it at the time and CSIS investigated," said Susan Pollak of
the Security Intelligence Review Committee in Ottawa. "They looked at all the
angles and reported back that they used no version of the software,
bootlegged or otherwise."
Other branches of the federal government cannot be so sure. The National Post
has obtained copies of a letter sent by Communications Canada to Inslaw Inc.,
the Washington-based makers of Promis.
In it, a bureaucrat says some branches of the government are using Promis,
and requests copies of training manuals to go with the program. Another
official with the communications department later told Inslaw by phone that
the RCMP was using the package in its field offices; altogether, the software
was at work in about 900 locations throughout the Canadian government.
When Bill Hamilton, the owner of Inslaw, called back to inform them he had no
record of software being sold to Canadian agencies, Ottawa began
backtracking. It later claimed that it had mixed Promis up with another
software package of the same name.
The National Post, August 26, 2000  Ä )Aà¿

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects sp


2000-08-28 Thread Kris Millegan

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Robert Sterling
Editor, The Konformist


(Do you REALLY want to know?)

Take a Dollar Bill--now hardly more than scrap paper--and look at it.
Carefully! On the front's an extract from the famous portrait of
Washington. At the top are the words "Federal Reserve Note."

What does that mean? Nothing actually! It's there so you won't confuse
it with, say, Monopoly Money. The important part is in tiny print right
under the ornately engraved The United States of America: "This note is
legal tender for all debts, public and private." Which means that one
must accept this "note" at face value in payment. What's it backed by?
Nothing! A concrete example that the federal government possess the
power to legally counterfeit. It wasn't always that way, but that's the
way it is now.

Turn it over. You'll see the backside is printed using green ink. That's
why the government's Funny-Money was dubbed "greenbacks" when it first
appearedduring Mr. Lincoln's war to crush the Confederacy: those states
who wanted out. After they'd been wasted and "reconstructed", a degree
of sanity returned: the federal government stopped counterfeiting--for a
while. Still the name"greenbacks" stuck. When the feds resumed
counterfeiting, big time under Roosevelt II, the green ink (on all
Federal Reserve Bunk Notes) stayed.

The "In God We Trust" was added during Eisenhower's administration.
Before that time, it was never seen on any U.S. currency or coin. It was
a sop to the Christian bigots, because The United States of America was
founded by men who had openly rejected Christianity and all other
"revealed" religions. The Great Seal of the United States depicted on
this near worthless "note" is a good starting point for relating how
very well educated men, who managed to keep their powdered wigs intact
during a July in Philadelphia, set out to recreate the Roman Republic,
the same way the Zionists recreated Israel, out of thirteen rebellious
British colonies.

Take a look at the Great Seal. The first thing you should notice is
there's not a single word in the English language on it. Not one! It's
entirely written in Latin--and rather arcane Latin at that. The obverse
(front) presents a heraldic eagle, the red-white-blue national colors
forming a shield covering its body. In its beak, the eagle holds a
scroll with the Latin motto e pluribus unum on it. In its right talon,
the direction the eagle is facing, it holds an olive branch; in it's,
left thirteen arrows bunched together. Above it are thirteen stars
radiating stars breaking through a cloud. (The obverse is also the
national Coat of Arms and utilized to form the Presidential shield,
along with representations of sovereignty.)

The reverse (back) presents a very arcane image: an unfinished pyramid
in the middle of a wasteland (scrubby weeds around the base indicating
it's a wasteland). There are thirteen levels to the pyramid, with "1776"
(in Roman numerals)carved in the base. Above the pyramid is a human eye
inside a triangle surrounded by what's called a "glory": a radiation. At
the top are the Latin words Annuit Coeptis; at the bottom a banderole
(or ribbon) with more Latin: Novus Ordo Seclorum.What's it mean? Who
designed it? When and where? How does it prove the U.S. was intended to
be the Roman Republic, reborn in the New World? And how does it affirm
the claim that the U.S. was founded by Secular Humanists? Read on!

The Great Seal of a country is more than merely a legal nicety. In lieu
of a crown, it is the Representation of Nationhood. The importance of a
seal cannot be overstated.That's the reason Congress, on the same day
Independence was proclaimed (July 4, 1776), appointed a committee to
design a Great Seal for this new nation. Whom did they appoint? Benjamin
Franklin, John Adams, and Thomas Jefferson: that's whom! The most
illustrious and world-famous American, along with the two men who were
to become the second and third presidents, the same men who had been
part of the select committee which presented Congress with the
Declaration of Independence (almost entirely written by Jefferson), and
none of whom were Christians! (Washington, no doubt, would have been
included, but he was "otherwise engaged": a huge British force was on
its way from Nova Scotia to New York. Washington wasn't a Christian

Well, what were these men, if they weren't Christians? They certainly
weren't Jews or Muslims! They were "Deists," which was the polite 18th
century term for Epicureans. Deists rejected all "revealed" r

[CTRL] Fwd: Egyptians in Britain in 700BC

2000-08-28 Thread Kris Millegan

Where the Hull have we landed, pharaoh?

EGYPTIANS were shipwrecked off the east coast of Britain some 2,700 years ago
and settled in Hull, it was claimed yesterday.

Three wooden boats found in mud on the banks of the Humber in 1937
- thought at first to be Viking - are now said to date from around 7OOBC
and be identical to ones which once navigated the Nile.

Egyptologist Lorraine Evans says her findings will revolutionise views
about our ancestors.

'The simple fact that many peoples of Britain are going about their daily
unaware of their Egyptian heritage is astounding.' she added.


 From The Daily Mail, Saturday, August 26th 2000

[CTRL] Fwd: [CIA-DRUGS] more secrecy in Europe.

2000-08-28 Thread Kris Millegan

More measures courtesy of the High Cabal.

> Paris, Saturday, August 26, 2000
> Political Uproar Expected Over New EU Secrecy Code
> http://www.iht.com/IHT/TODAY/SAT/FPAGE/rule.2.html
> By Barry James
> International Herald Tribune
> PARIS - European Union governments have quietly adopted new secrecy rules
> that limit the public's right to know what EU officials are doing on a
> range of military and civilian matters.
> The rules, adopted in an unpublicized written procedure in Brussels while
> the European Parliament was on vacation, are likely to cause a political
> uproar when the Parliament returns next month, political observers said,
> particularly because Parliament is currently attempting to increase rather
> than decrease openness on EU matters.
> The rules were adopted by European ambassadors to the EU in Brussels at
> request of Javier Solana, the EU's high representative for foreign and
> security affairs. They impose the same kind of secrecy on various European
> matters as the military secrecy directives employed by the North Atlantic
> Treaty Organization, where Mr. Solana was secretary-general until last
> According to the new rules, information may be withheld from Europeans on
> wide range of security issues, among them: ''public security, the security
> and defense of the Union or one of its member states, military or
> nonmilitary crisis management, international relations, monetary
> court proceedings, inspections and investigations.''
> The new rules are so restrictive that the fact that certain classified
> documents exist will not be revealed.
> A spokesman at the European Council Secretariat, which is headed by Mr.
> Solana, declined to speculate on how much information would actually be
> concealed but said that the restrictions would probably be limited to
> operational details about EU military or nonmilitary engagements in places
> like the Balkans.
> However, officials said that even low-level information would be
> if it concerned a non-EU country, and would be released only if that
> country's government gave written permission.
> Tony Bunyan, of a civil rights monitoring group called Statewatch, said
> secrecy rules would also apply to such issues as immigration and drugs.
> officials responsible for policies will also be responsible for
> them, he added.
> The European ombudsman, Jacob Sodeman, who has campaigned for greater
> transparency in the EU, attacked the new secrecy code as unnecessary,
> it was a mistake to bracket together military and nonmilitary issues. In
> interview this month with the newspaper Aamulehti in Tampere, Finland, he
> said that Mr. Solana's appointment had been a ''serious mistake.''
> Under a code of practice adopted in 1993, citizens of EU countries have
> able to request any EU document, and EU institutions were obliged to
> refusals on a case-by-case basis. This has now been amended.
> Last year, the EU received 6,700 requests for documents, mostly from
> lawyers, academics and journalists, and refused access on about 900
> occasions, many of which resulted in appeals to the ombudsman.
> In response to the new rules, Denmark, Sweden, Finland and the Netherlands
> issued a joint statement this month saying they believed that documents
> could be kept confidential without depriving citizens of the right to know
> what material is available.
> Hans Verploeg, general-secretary of the Netherlands Association of
> Journalists, described the adoption of the new secrecy code as a
> coup - so clever in the middle of summertime.'' He pointed out that the
> rules in Brussels contrasted with the situation in his country, which has
> U.S.-style Freedom of Information act.
> So far as confidential EU information is concerned, he said, the
> Netherlands, which boasts an open style of government like the Nordic
> countries, will now have to conform to the more closed standards of the
> of Europe.
> The new rules were a particular blow for Finland, which at the Helsinki
> summit meeting in December obtained the agreement of other countries to a
> public register of documents, including restricted information.
> All top-secret, secret and confidential EU documents will now be excluded
> from public records, along with any other material mentioning the
> of restricted documents.
> ''Just imagine we were putting together a strategy for an EU defense
> an attack by Libya,'' said an official at the EU Council Secretariat
> by Mr. Solana.
> ''You wouldn't want people even to know you were dealing with that kind of
> information,'' the official said. ''And you can imagine hundreds of
> situations like that.''
> EU sources said that Mr. Solana was seriously concerned about the level of
> security at the council secretariat in Brussels, which was not designed
> the EU's embryonic military a

Re: [CTRL] Wormwood - revelations

2000-08-28 Thread Mike Smith

Revelation 8 

  And the third angel sounded, and there fell a great star from heaven, 
  burning as it were a lamp, and it fell upon the third part of the rivers, and 
  upon the fountains of waters; 
  And the name of the star is called Wormwood: and the third part of the 
  waters became wormwood; and many men died of the waters, because they were 
  made bitter.
I think it might pertain more to Chernobyl than a national forrest. I saw a 
documentary some time ago that shot some film footage in and around
some of the evacuated zone surrounding Chernobyl. Not only does wormwood 
the plant grow there, but Chernobyl just happens to be named after it.
Wormwood translated into Ukrainian is in fact "Chernobyl".  
The Chernobyl power plant is still producing electricity to this day. Its 
sarcophagus built to contain radiation is crumbling to pieces.
I wonder if there will be a next time?
Mike Smith

  - Original Message - 
  C. Ray Talania 
  Sent: Monday, August 28, 2000 7:48 
  Subject: [CTRL] Wormwood
  My first post.
  Question : Does Wormwood in Revelations equate 
  Bitterroot National Forest?
  Just wondering...
  C. Ray 

[CTRL] Fwd: [CIA-DRUGS] Re: So, I suppose we will be sending in the troops??

2000-08-28 Thread Kris Millegan

This AP story is crap.

There were three, not two, massacres in recent
days and all clearly tied to paramilitaries.

Notice the Orwellian newspeak: It's only 
considered a paramilitary attack if the
same government that backs the paras says
it is.

We forced this story, for three days SCREAMING
about how nobody in the US press covered these
massacres, and what we get is the shoeshine:
the key stains glossed over.

Washington is working very hard to make sure
no US troop gets killed in Colombia (not since
Lori Odom anyway) UNTIL they want to provoke
an incident to move US public opinion. But
it will be difficult for them to do this. 
Colombia is not muslim, it's catholic. And
there are a ton of Latin Americans in the US
who vote and who know exactly what is happening
(except in Miami where the upper classes from
down here all land and turn to kidnapping Elians).

Clinton will arrive in Cartagena on Wednesday.

The 15 huey helicopters take off from Miami Southcom on

First week of September, the shooting starts, but
far from the location of US advisors, which is mainly
in the north of Colombia.

Tomorrow we publish some interesting and inconvenient
facts about the nature of what is happening. Stay tuned.

And it's perfectly okay to SCREAM.


--- In [EMAIL PROTECTED], "Dave Hinson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> If this sort of thing keeps up I suppose we'll be sending troops 
> soon... Comments anyone?  What's going on here? Note the last line 
> the story.
> The following is from the Associated Press.
> http://dailynews.yahoo.com/h/ap/2827/wl/colombia_violence_1.html
> Sunday August 27 7:18 PM ET
> Gunmen Kill at Least 17 in Colombia 
> BOGOTA, Colombia (AP) - Gunmen killed at least 17 people in two 
> separate massacres Sunday, one of which officials attributed to 
> wing paramilitary militias.
> The killings come three days before President Clinton is to visit 
> Colombia to discuss U.S. anti-narcotics aid to the drug-producing 
> nation.
> In one attack, gunmen seized, interrogated and then executed 10 
> residents of two poor neighborhoods in the Caribbean coastal town 
> Cienaga, Magadalena State police told The Associated Press. Police 
> were investigating whether the attack was carried out by 
> militias or rival left-wing guerrillas. Both groups are active in 
> region.
> Meanwhile, suspected rightist gunmen raided two barrios along a 
> mile stretch of highway outside the Pacific port of Buenaventura, 
> killing seven people and leaving their bodies along the road. The 
> killers painted nearby buildings with the initials AUC, the Spanish 
> initials for the paramilitary umbrella group calling itself the 
> United Self-defense Forces of Colombia.
> During his one-day stop in Colombia on Wednesday, Clinton will meet 
> President Andres Pastrana to discuss a $1.3 billion U.S. anti-
> narcotics aid package for Colombia and its Andean neighbors 
> approved in Washington.
> The aid is being provided despite objections by international human 
> rights organizations. The groups have urged Clinton to withhold 
> assistance until Pastrana takes firmer action to curb the 
> paramilitary forces, which have ties to the country's military. 
> --- In [EMAIL PROTECTED], "Alberto M. Giordano" 
> wrote:
> > Today's Press Briefing on Plan Colombia
> > 
> > August 26, 2000
> > 
> > http://www.narconews.com/pressbriefing.html
> > 
> > Today's Press Reports from: Cartagena, Medellín and Bogotá, 
> Colombia; Quito, 
> > Ecuador, Mexico City and Washington, DC
> > 
> > Three Massacres on Eve of Clinton Colombia Visit
> > 
> > (All by right-wing paramilitary squads)
> > 
> > Widespread public opposition: Marches and US Flag Burnings
> > in Cartagena, in defiance of official ban on protest
> > 
> > Today's Summary: President Bill Clinton's planned visit to 
> on 
> > Wednesday has provoked:
> > 
> > -- Complete impunity by the right-wing paramilitaries, who 
> conducted three 
> > different massacres in the past two days, with the smug knowledge 
> that Plan 
> > Colombia won't touch them. The paramilitaries are of fiesta. They 
> know that 
> > Plan Colombia will, instead, go after left-wing guerrillas and 
> peasant 
> > farmers. Not a word, so far, in the US press about the massacres.
> > 
> > -- Marches and US Flag Burnings continue in Cartagena, the city 
> that Clinton 
> > will visit on Wednesday; wide social rejection of his visit and 
> Plan 
> > Colombia. The Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) also 
> declared 
> > Clinton "persona non grata." Again, nothing in the US media.
> > 
> > -- Assistant US Secretary of State Thomas Pickering lost his cool 
> in 
> > response to critiques by neighbor countries and warned them to 
> silence their 
> > criticisms. His embarrassing statements were not published on the 
> US State 
> > Department web site.

[CTRL] Fwd: Cardinal Biffi, World Wildlife Fund & the Name of the Beast

2000-08-28 Thread Kris Millegan

Cardinal Biffi, the World Wildlife Fund
& the Name of the Beast
This is Plymouth (UK)

Satan 'is among us' claims top Cardinal
Who the Devil is it?

The Devil is already on earth and in the public eye, according to a top
Catholic churchman who is favourite to become the next Pope.
Cardinal Giacomo Biffi of Bologna in Italy says it's impossible to spot the
Anti-Christ, because he fools us with his charm and 'fascinating
And the 71-year-old says the sly old devil guards his identity further by
caring for the environment and giving cash to good causes.
Now the Daily Star is trying to work out just who the Cardinal could be
alluding to.
Hot favourites include Microsoft billionaire Bill Gates - because when his
name is turned into a number computer code, it adds up to 666 - the Number
of the Beast.
Prince Philip is also in the running because fundamentalist religious groups
say the World Wildlife Fund - of which he is president - has a 'satanic'
Chris Evans and Sir Richard Branson are both in the frame because of their
business power and because they both give away plenty of cash.
And Brazilian football star Ronaldo is also among the suspects - he was
depicted as Satan in India, when his performance in the 1998 World Cup
failed to live up to expectations. 

[CTRL] Fwd: "Happy" Food & Mass Mind Control

2000-08-28 Thread Kris Millegan

This is Plymouth

'Happiness' food that could help dieters lose weight
But critics say it may be used for future 'mind control'

Scientists are studying a 'happiness' drug which could help people lose
But one expert fears it may turn into a sci-fi style exercise in mass mind
Researchers believe that adding the chemical - tryptophan - to food would
help overweight people eat less.
Diets often fail because smaller meals contain less tryptophan, which makes
the mood-forming chemical serotonin. Too little serotonin and people become
depressed - leading them to abandon their diet.
But nutrition expert Professor Tim Lang, from Thames Valley University,
fears that adding the chemical to food could have sinister effects in years
to come.
He told the Daily Mail: 'This could be a slippery slope.
'Twenty or 30 years from now, states or companies could be using this
technique to exercise mass psychological control - and people will be asking
why they were not told in time.'
The Medical Research Council - which receives Government funding - is
leading the investigation into whether 'happy food' would help obese people
shed the pounds.
Unilever - which produces Wall's Ice Cream and Flora margarine - is also
backing the study.
A Unilever spokesman said: 'This particular research is very long term.
'I do stress that it will have no impact whatsoever on any of our current
But Professor Lang said other less scrupulous nations than Britain might see
mood-enhanced food as an opportunity to control their people.
He added: 'It could be used by totalitarian regimes which want to manipulate

[CTRL] Fwd: Cult turns singer Shania 'into a robot' claims brother

2000-08-28 Thread Kris Millegan

This is Plymouth (UK newspaper)

Cult turns singer Shania 'into a robot' claims brother

Chart-topper Shania Twain has reportedly joined a bizarre cult which bans
sex, drinking alcohol and eating meat.
The Man I Feel Like A Woman singer has reportedly joined the Sant Mat cult,
which demands that devotees mediate for hours every day.
The cult, headed by Thakar Singh, has compounds in Switzerland and Germany,
the Daily Star reported.
Shania, 36, lives in Switzerland with record producer husband 'Mutt' Lange.
Her brother Darryl, 26, blames him for involving the singer in the cult.
Darryl told the National Inquirer: 'Our family is deeply worried. We're
afraid she has become dominated by the cult and is acting like a robot as
she follows their extreme beliefs.'


2000-08-28 Thread lloyd


>From the New Paradigms Project [Not Necessarily Endorsed]
Note:  We store 100's of related "conspiracy posts" at:

From: "Alex Constantine" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Fox BGH Lawsuit ‹ VICTORY IN TAMPA!
Date: Tuesday, August 22, 2000 1:49 PM

From: Betty Martini <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Fri, 18 Aug 2000 13:10:03 -0400
To: Steve Wilson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Fwd: [foxBGHsuit] VICTORY IN TAMPA!
>This just in...
>A Tampa jury late this afternoon returned a verdict in favor of
>investigative reporter Jane Akre.  The six-member panel has awarded
>her $450,000 in damages, concluding she was fired from her job at
>WTVT in Tampa for threatening to report to the Federal
>Communications Commission that the station wanted her to broadcast a false
>misleading news report about Monsanto's synthethic bovine growth hormone
>The same jury decided Steve Wilson's resistence to distorting the
>news and his threat to report Fox's misconduct to the FCC was not
>"the" reason the station chose not to renew his contract.
>More details will be posted right after we finish the last of this
>To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to:

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Lloyd Miller, Research Director for A-albionic Research a ruling
class/conspiracy research resource for the entire political-ideological
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2000-08-28 Thread Aleisha Saba

Here is the biggest conspiracy since JFK; the movie JFK landed Stone in
limelight, yet the work from this movie Assassination Research members
had over 30 years ago and the movie was a bigger cover than anything

Look who latches on to the Presidents - Larry Flynt latched onto Carter
and Clinnton - changing of guard - for this is when they took over the
drug marketing setting it up..Arkansas big stop over for "Cubans"?
Tyson Chicken?   Wouldn't be surprised to see a lot of cocaine used for

Flynt was nearly murdered by Lansky's man in this area - down in Georgia
as I recall...Mark Lane got involved as usual, and like Jonestown he
alone escaped to tell the truth?

This is big time drug money now goingi legitimate into the
pharmaceutical companies.see how they prosper?

Larry Flynt actually thought he would take over Columbus and that which
was not his territory to take.even his "close" friendshp with the
Born Again Christian element, the President's sister and never forget
Billy Beer..even with that, the old Don Lansky ordered that hit with
a 45..

Most unusual gun at the time - a collector's item.

So we let garbage in our White House and Flynt would probably have
preferred to get out of the drug business.

That freedom of speech is a lot of crap - it was drugs that caught up
with Mr. Flynt.big head, no brain..remember then Oliver Stone
got picked up with hash..so guess that was okay?

A. Saba
Dare To Call It Conspiracy

A. Saba
Dare To Call It Conspiracy


Re: [CTRL] Fwd: Report: Violent Entertainment Aimed At Young

2000-08-28 Thread Aleisha Saba

We have a whole generation of kids grown up now and raised on violent
television and garbageLarry Flynt was made into a hero.   Do not
blame the kidsdrugs peddles by Mafia making big money, but kids
go to jail?

Ever try to send a nice kid to a school with vermin?   Well people
permitted bussing to lower the standards of the more affluent who now
have taken on attributes of the lower classes.

Anyone with a brain can get out of a ghetto if they really want to - and
it is the schools who should be teaching this, and not the wonder world
of homosexuality and AIDS.

My grandson will go to private school, and I do not care if it is a
school for Druids so long as he is around like people - civil,
courteous, and white.   That is my choice.

So birds of feather flock together, and my red birds still prefer to eat
alone as do my blue jays, and the black birds come in and hog all the

A. Saba
Dare To Call It Conspiracy

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
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That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] Fwd: Topical Words: Wormwood

2000-08-28 Thread Aleisha Saba

forgot to reproduce this for you for your convenience.

 Topical Words
Alcohol awareness campaigners were horrified to learn earlier this month
that a British company plans to import and sell absinthe, the original
version made with wormwood. There can hardly be an alcoholic drink with
a worse reputation, even after nearly a century of prohibition in many
Two things made absinthe such a terror. It was about twice the strength
of any other spirit (more than two-thirds alcohol). And the wormwood in
it not only provided part of its green colour and a characteristic
bitter taste, but also thujone, an hallucinogen that is a relative of
the active ingredients in cannabis. No wonder it drove people mad and it
was banned in many countries early this century.
But the story of wormwood goes back much further than the absinthe
manufactory set up by Henri-Louis Pernod in 1797. As a name for a native
European species it originates in an old Germanic language, and it came
into Old English as weremod or wermod. Its derivation is far from
certain, but it may have been formed as a combination of wer, "man" (as
in werewolf) and mut, "courage" (from which we get our mood). So it
could be that its mood-altering properties were known from an early
The name changed in medieval times, being thought by folk etymology to
be a combination of worm and wood (the plant is rather a woody shrub),
because it had been known since the time of the ancient Greeks to be an
effective worming agent. Its other benefits were lauded by John Pechey
in 1694: "It strengthens the Stomach and Liver, excites Appetite, opens
Obstructions, and cures Diseases that are occasion'd by them; as, the
Jaundice, Dropsie, and the like". That may sound like a snake-oil
advertisement, but the plant was genuinely useful and was a regular part
of the European herb garden.
Pechey said it also keeps away clothes moths. It was known to have the
same effect on fleas, so much so as to be celebrated in verse:
Where chamber is sweeped, and wormwood is strowne,
No flea for his life dare abide to be knowne.
We know of the plant also from the Bible and Shakespeare, often as gall
and wormwood, implying something acutely mortifying or vexing. The word
has long been employed figuratively for something bitter or unpleasant
to experience, reflecting its best known characteristic, its taste. It
was commonly used to flavour both ale and wine, a practice that went
back at least to Roman times, and in some rural areas it was used to
flavour and preserve ale for many years after hops had been introduced
to more prosperous places.
Today we actually have two names for drinks derived from the same word
in the English language, because the German name, which by then had
become Wermut, was taken into French and used as the name for another
drink that was at one time flavoured with wormwood, vermouth.

(The name absinthe is from the French word for the plant, derived from
its former Latin name, absinthium.)

***my note:  Jean LaFitte and Absinthe House in New Orleans..his
great grandson in southern Mafia Kingdom.Never could figure out why
my mother liked Jean LaFitte.Saba*

It seems the planned reintroduction of absinthe is only possible because
Britain never got around to formally banning it - by the time we were
thinking of doing so, it had already gone off the market. This time
round, perhaps the authorities will act more quickly.

World Wide Words is copyright © Michael B Quinion, 1996-2000. All
rights reserved.
Click here to contact World Wide Words.
Page created 19 December 1998.

A. Saba
Dare To Call It Conspiracy

A. Saba
Dare To Call It Conspiracy


[CTRL] Fwd: Topical Words: Wormwood

2000-08-28 Thread Aleisha Saba

Hello C Ray:  First Wormwood means same as Cherynobyl where the first
really bad near meltdown happened killing many in Russia who still today
die from this accident.Wormwood falls into the WATER, and one third
of waters poisoned.think of Blue Danube with cyanide poisoning how
quiet they keep this now?   Maybe one way to keep out unwelcome guests?

Fire, Water, Air, Ice..would like to know more of which you
speak..for this Falling Tower in Russia looks to me like Tarot Card
Assassins?   Always thought they were KGB.

A. Saba
Dare To Call It Conspiracy

A. Saba
Dare To Call It Conspiracy


Re: [CTRL] Fwd: Report: Violent Entertainment Aimed At Young

2000-08-28 Thread Robert F. Tatman

I had an eye-opening discussion with my 18-year-old niece the other day about
*American Beauty*.  As regulars on this list will remember, my reaction to the
movie was that it was possibly the most perverse, not to say perverted, film I
had ever seen.  My niece's reaction was very different.  She said that the
experience of the kids in the movie spoke totally to her own experience and that
of her peers.  I'm wondering just how much of this culture clash between parents
and Hollywood/record industry/video game industry/etc. is generational--our kids
have different values than we do, which is after all only to be expected.  No,
I'm not ruling out mind control, subliminal manipulation, or the other games the
Oligarchs play...BUT we need to consider how much of  our problem with the
entertainment industry is OUR problem, not our children's problem.

(Please note, I DO NOT WANT to reopen the discussion of *American Beauty*.  If
anyone responds to my post, please focus on the broader issues.  I've said all
I'm going to say about that particular film.)

- Original Message -
From: "Tenorlove" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, August 28, 2000 8:13 AM
Subject: Re: [CTRL] Fwd: Report: Violent Entertainment Aimed At Young

> > A poll conducted by the FTC showed parents, understandably, wanted
> > more
> > information about the content of movies beyond what is now provided
> > by
> > the Motion Picture Association of America's rating system.
> >
> Even the so-called "G" rated movies contain way too much violence and
> sex. Both Pocahontas and The Little Mermaid had sex-goddess figures.
> Was that REALLY necessary in a children's movie? What does that tell
> our little girls? And children in fashion magazines and catalogs are
> seen in sexy poses, with way too much makeup, and glassy-eyed stares
> (drugs? Mind control?). It's really sad that the media sees this need
> to force children to grow up too fast. And people wonder why we have
> gangs, school shootings, and 13 year olds having babies, not to mention
> a total lack of civility in our society.

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[CTRL] Fwd: Answers sought in Moscow fire

2000-08-28 Thread Aleisha Saba

So this is Russia, where Madeline Albright ran to meet Putin to beg for
USA to build up our defenses?

A Falling Tower - this building or tower, for it was just a
communication town, was 33 years old.   But like the Russian submarine
Putin is interested only in the money.he needs money now to build a
bigger tower, and a better submarinebut, he wants us to pay for it?

Little thought given to the lives lost in either incidentbut that is

So KGB formed a KKK in USA...had lots of neo nazi literature and the
Walker spies stole secret data and made fast buck..but KGB is now
getting caught up in some of its old tricks..want to know what
happened to that Tower?   Ask KGB who now wants a free ride.

Putin is a little sleaze..KGB is about as stupid as they come -
wonder if they ever heard of insurance?   How many people burned out in
the West?  How many spacecraft did we have that were sabotaged ?

So we have lost the Voice of Russia?   Putin is not long for this
political arena - at least Yeltsin had personaliy...fun.Putin,
is Albatross on back of Russican people.

A. Saba
Dare To Call It Conspiracy

A. Saba
Dare To Call It Conspiracy


[CTRL] Wormwood

2000-08-28 Thread C. Ray Talania

My first post.
Question : Does Wormwood in Revelations equate 
Bitterroot National Forest?
Just wondering...
C. Ray Talania

Re: [CTRL] Sv: Re: [CTRL] The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion

2000-08-28 Thread Aleisha Saba


Seems Masonry and Zionism does walk in same path - got to take another
look at that dollar bill, or this one fiver I have with a certain date
visible in foliage?

Egyptians fed up with that pyramid stuff.someday they will discover
what happened to the Titanic, and many pieces of great puzzle will fall

So real question is, what is Zionism?Handfull of people with
Napoleanic Dreams?

Everthing is now ready for year 2001.unless fate
intercedessaw a picture of a falling tower and it looked like
the dome of the White House..more symbolism?

A. Saba
Dare To Call It Conspiracy

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Fwd: Report: Violent Entertainment Aimed At Young

2000-08-28 Thread nessie

[EMAIL PROTECTED],Internet writes:
>And people wonder why we have

>gangs, school shootings, and 13 year olds having babies, not to mention

>a total lack of civility in our society.

Thirteen year olds have been having babies since cave days. The prolonged
adolescence that Americans take for granted is a recent, and far from
universal, innovation. FWIW, my grandmother had my dad at age fourteen.
She raised him herself, put him through college (class of '36), and he
turned out just fine.

We have gangs because we have Prohibition and because we have poverty.

We have school shootings because the government drugs children and the
drugs drive them nuts. School itself drives them nuts.

We are not a civil society because we are a capitalist society and the
most basic tenets of capitalism are competition and exploitation. The more
we share and cooperate the more we civil we are.

Blaming these things on media is blaming the messenger. Art reflects life.
Besides, who are you to decide how much sex or violence or anything else
is "too much" in art? Are you an artist? If so, then it is up to you to
decide what does and does not go into your own art, and nobody else's. If
you are not an artist, it's none of your business what any artist does. If
you don't like somebody's art, don't look at it. If you don't think your
kids should see it, don't show it to them. If you think a different kind
of art should be produced, produce it yourself.  If you don't know how,

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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Re: [CTRL] OEN 8/27/00

2000-08-28 Thread Tenorlove

> Big Brother
> Come Back Soon (or Else)

Another possible explanation: American Airlines simply wanted Mr.
Grabbe to buy another ticket. They probably figure that people won't be
bothered to cancel the return portion and thus AA gets a windfall.

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Yahoo! Mail - Free email you can access from anywhere!

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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 http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html">Archives of

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Re: [CTRL] Fwd: Report: Violent Entertainment Aimed At Young

2000-08-28 Thread Tenorlove

> A poll conducted by the FTC showed parents, understandably, wanted
> more
> information about the content of movies beyond what is now provided
> by
> the Motion Picture Association of America's rating system.

Even the so-called "G" rated movies contain way too much violence and
sex. Both Pocahontas and The Little Mermaid had sex-goddess figures.
Was that REALLY necessary in a children's movie? What does that tell
our little girls? And children in fashion magazines and catalogs are
seen in sexy poses, with way too much makeup, and glassy-eyed stares
(drugs? Mind control?). It's really sad that the media sees this need
to force children to grow up too fast. And people wonder why we have
gangs, school shootings, and 13 year olds having babies, not to mention
a total lack of civility in our society.

Do You Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Mail - Free email you can access from anywhere!

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:
 http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html">Archives of

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[CTRL] Mitretek Systems

2000-08-28 Thread nessie

it's one of those days. here's yet another hot tip that showed up in my
box this morning:


Forwarded message from Dave Hartley

Found what very much looks like a HUGE, humongous, high-tech "cutout."
An infowar octopus, whose tentacles support the medicalization of the
populace, with work in the field which would support biowar R&D. A
non-profit, to boot. (I think this makes some of their records much more
easily accessible to researchers..)
General Edward C. Meyer (Ret.) Chairman
http://www.mitretek.org/ar99/report99a.html $93 Million in revenues for

Mitretek Systems
7525 Colshire Drive
McLean, VA 22102

http://www.mitretek.org/business_areas/justice/cci-training/ "there are
400 Million computers in the country. Each one a potential CRIME SCENE.
Are you ready to handle it?"

DEEPLY involved in criminal "justice," (criminalization) and the
on people.
DEEPLY involved in Internet infrastructure and the info-war on people.
http://www.mitretek.org/company/resources/labs/projects/ipv6.html and
promoting use of the 'net by companies
http://idf.mitretek.org:8080/about/whitepaper/ Transportation





The science of Poisoning people, and the slow degrees thereof
"a short history on NERVE GASES"
Chemical/Biological warfare
http://www.mitretek.org/mission/envene/chemical/detection.html Toxins
(CBW; "toxicology"

Biometrics (how to I.D. people by computer) (listed under CRIMINAL
Biowarfare adaptable research

FEMA friendly:


http://www.mitretek.org/press/bios/granato.html MILITARY, from Day One;
also on Board of Directors of "Life With Cancer" -which you can bet is a
infowar arm of the BIOWAR cancer industry. Think about how this
correlates with this guy's (and this company's) interests in this mix!!
-most of the other's "bio's" online indicate heavy involvement with
Military & other Federal establishments.

the list goes on..

anyone interested in further research is encouraged to do so  or
contact me for possible assistance.

Dave Hartley

Post to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Unsubscribe to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
List info: www.topica.com/lists/ewar

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:
 http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html">Archives of

 http:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/">ctrl

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[CTRL] DOD publications - where to get some of them (fwd)

2000-08-28 Thread nessie

A friend of mine is a rare book dealer. He just forwarded me this from a
list he subs to. It looks useful. Check it out.


>>Date: Sat, 19 Aug 2000 22:23:20 EDT

>>Subject: [BI] DOD publications - where to get some of them, and other



>>I have provided below a list of useful URLs for ordering military

>>publications for resale.  Some of you here might want to use the discount

>>(see below) for buying in bulk.


>>Re the Pentagon bookstore, that is the one CONCESSION bookstore in that

>>structure.  The DOD itself has always had several tiny cubby-hole sized

>>outlets - which is where one typically finds selections of the military

>>manuals and various other goodies.  That's what is meant by 'more than

>>bookstore'.  The Pentagon also has a very large libary which is

>>only available to DOD personnel but actually is often open to civilians,

>>researchers and other interested persons.  Re concessions in general, the

>>list is extremely long, too long to replicate here, but can be viewed at

>>of the links at the Pentagon official website.  Indeed some parts of the

>>Pentagon resemble a typical shopping mall - including places like the

>>concession bookstore.  It even offers public tours.  As I said earlier,
>it is

>>far more public-friendly today than it has been in past decades.  The

>>official Pentagon URL is -




>>I am beginning to think I am the only person on this Insider list who has

>>ever shopped for books inside the Pentagon, past or present and
>therefore the

>>only person with direct firsthand knowledge.  At least if others here

>>been there they aren't saying so.  It's a very interesting place with

>>exhibits of all kinds and is well worth the visit.  It is BIG though so

>>at least several hours to properly explore it.


>>Now where does one get those much talked about manuals online or via mail

>>order?  The Department of Defense publications, including many of the

>>military manuals / books discussed here, are printed for the DOD by the

>>Government Printing Office (which prints ALL government publications and

>>all departments) and are available for sale directly through their

>>The store offers all sorts of publications from all government

>>not just military.  The military-related URLs offering all kinds of

>>are separated below.  The military materials include books / manuals

>>clothbound and softback), CD-ROMs, microfilms, magazines, pamphlets, etc.

>>Some of it is pricey, but much of it is very inexpensive.  For bulk

>>discounts, see the 'discounts' section I tacked on at the bottom.  For

>>physical USPO bookstores, see the URL link below.


>>I think there are other source sites and as a matter of interest I will

>>continue to research this.  I might start carrying some of the more

>>DOD manuals myself.


>>US Government online bookstore general URL -



>>Air Force manuals



>>Armed Forces



>>Army Corps of Engineers



>>Coast Guard



>>Defense and Security



>>Marine Corps



>>Military History



>>Naval History



>>US Government bookstores in 24 US cities where these publications can be

>>purchased or ordered in person -



>>Ordering information -



>>Bestsellers -





>>A 25 percent discount on the domestic price of a product is extended to

>>customers who order one hundred or more copies of a single title for

>>to a single address.


>>Designated bookstores at educational institutions and book dealers may

>>receive a 25 percent discount on the domestic price of a product, when

>>product is delivered to the bookstorea__s or dealera__s normal business


>>The business discount applies to single, as well as multiple, copies of a

>>title. No discount is allowed for shipments delivered to a third party,

>>unless the quantity of a single title is equal to or greater than one



>>International customers who qualify for a discount should remit the

>>price for a product, as the discount exactly offsets the additional

>>for foreign orders.


>>These discounts do not apply to products that are labeled "no discount




[CTRL] Fwd: The Future Meets The Past In The Napster Case

2000-08-28 Thread Tenorlove

--- Eagle Forum <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Date: Sun, 27 Aug 2000 12:13:16 -0500
> From: Eagle Forum <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: The Future Meets The Past In The Napster Case
> The Future Meets The Past In The Napster Case
> August 23, 2000 by:  Phyllis Schlafly
> "This is a culture war, between the powers that were and that will
> be." Is he
> talking about abortion? Gay rights? Hollywood violence? Illegitimacy?
> No, the
> culture war is about ownership and regulation of the internet,
> according to
> John Perry Barlow, Grateful Dead lyricist and cyber rights activist.
> Barlow may be right. The influence of the internet may be overflowing
> into our
> culture as well as our politics.
> The current flashpoint of controversy about the internet is a case
> now in the
> Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals (RIAA v. Napster) where the five giant
> music
> companies are fighting a website called Napster for facilitating
> online music.
> The music cartel wants to stop listening to music on the internet.
> Most music CDs are stamped with a warning that unauthorized
> duplication is
> prohibited by law, but this is not true. It's the same claim
> Hollywood made
> when trying to stop individuals from taping TV shows with VCRs, but
> the
> Supreme Court in 1984 ruled that unauthorized copying for the purpose
> of
> time-shifting is legitimate "fair use."
> Furthermore, Congress specifically legalized the noncommercial
> consumer
> copying of digital music in the 1992 Audio Home Recording Act. The
> music
> cartel lobbied for this bill because its main purpose was to allow
> the
> cartel to
> control and impose a mandatory royalty on Digital Audio Tape (DAT).
> The political power of the music cartel in Washington was also
> demonstrated
> last year when it sneaked a law through Congress making music a "work
> for
> hire," i.e., the property of the recording companies rather than the
> musicians.
> Without any hearings or debate, this provision was buried in an
> unrelated bill
> as a "technical correction" and signed by President Clinton.
> Musicians were outraged that the law no longer considered them
> authors of
> their own music, and Sheryl Crow and other artists testified at a
> post-passage
> hearing of the House Intellectual Property Subcommittee. Subcommittee
> chairman Howard Coble (R-NC) was unsympathetic, grumbling that he
> hoped
> rock star Don Henley (of Eagles fame) "gets carpal tunnel syndrome"
> from
> counting his money.
> The recording cartel backed down and agreed to the repeal of this
> law. The
> music cartel usually gets what it wants: in recent years it has
> gotten
> Congress to pass a copyright term extension, draconian criminal
> penalties on
> small incidents of copyright infringement, and a law to criminalize
> "circumvention" of the wishes of a copyright owner.
> For years the music cartel was coercing retailers to sell CDs at the
> Manufacturers Suggested Retail Price (MSRP), a violation of antitrust
> law.
> The FTC stopped this price-fixing scheme and 28 states are now suing
> for
> hundreds of millions of dollars in damages.
> The music cartel desperately wants to shut down Napster and similar
> web
> sites that facilitate the noncommercial sharing of music. The big
> five labels
> are frightened that online music may upset their out-of-date business
> practices.
> The U.S. Constitution allows Congress to enact copyright protections
> for
> authors "to promote the progress of science and useful arts," not to
> protect
> the special interests of Hollywood or music executives. Copyright
> holders
> have certain temporary rights but so, under fair-use applications, do
> consumers, and that's what the music cartel and other powerful
> interests are
> trying to eliminate through internet regulation.
> The internet is a medium for peer-to-peer communication. The phone
> company doesn't regulate who we call or what we say on the phone, and
> the
> music industry should not be regulating internet connections.
> Nor should anyone be regulating information on how to use products in
> a
> manner that has been traditionally and legally considered fair use.
> Unfortunately, the 1998 Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) was
> intended, by Hollywood and others who lobbied for it, to give
> copyright owners
> a measure of control they never had before.
> A 16-year-old Norwegian kid figured out a code that allows people to
> view
> legitimately purchased DVD movies on Linux computers, even though
> Hollywood rigged these movies to be playable only on Windows
> computers
> and other machines. Now Hollywood is suing everyone who spreads the
> word
> about the DVD code, including a magazine called "2600" and one guy
> who
> put the code on a T-shirt.
> Despite scare stories, new technologies have nearly always expanded
> markets and created new opportunities for profits. Hollywood fought
> VC

Re: [CTRL] Court Rules Cross-Dresser Can Stay in the U.S. on Asylum Claim

2000-08-28 Thread Ynr Chyldz Wyld

From: "Aleisha Saba" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> June - I have been sitting here watching PBS and a man who is an alleged
> homosexual, and who played one in a movie, do a routine

Gee, for someone who claims to hate homosexuals and be disgusted by them, you sure do 
seem to go out of your
way to watch them.

Time to come out of the closet, little 'Aleisha'...

And find out that real life is NOT what you watch on TV.

> This cross dresser that stabbed this youg girl (and she married into a
> family of famous movie star who is still around - her father was a
> friend of mine)this cross dresser, tried to kill her for one reason
> - this sicko dressed like a woman wearing slimey lipstick hated her
> because she was a woman.

If true -- and anything from you is highly questionable -- then that is just one 
person's hangup.  Most
crossdressers are heterosexual and don't go around stabbing people.

Most people who go around stabbing or shooting others are heterosexual and dress as 

With such statistics, I think most people would feel safer in the company of 
crossdressers than
non-crossdressers.   ;-)

The tale you recount may be true...one often sees the counterpart of this supposed mad 
crossdressing stabber
on the internet, masquerading under a feminine ID...

Something you know all about, eh 'Aleisha'?  ;-)

> Queers usually do play role models.one plays mommy and the other
> daddy...now they want little kids to play with like Barbie dolls.

Again, pedophilia has no more to do with adult homosexuality than it does with adult 

We're still waiting to see your answer to whether you view the male abusers of little 
girls as being
representative of all adult heterosexual males.  If you believe they are not, then how 
can you equate the male
abusers of little boys to the whole of the adult male homosexual population?

> So you think queers are cute and cross dressers acceptable?

I've never used the word 'cute'.  I do accept the right of any adult to freely 
practice whatever sexual
practice turns them on, as long as the activity involves consenting adults or the 
practioner alone.  I do not
believe it is my, yours, or anyone else's business.

Because again I point out that there is absolutely no sexual practice engaged in by 
homosexuals that isn't
also engaged in by heterosexuals.

> Perhaps you think it is alright for a pedophile/homosexual, playing the
> role of the mother, molests 3 little kids?

I do not think it is alright for ANYONE to molest children.  But once again, for all 
your 3 years of college
psychology (which it would seem you hardly passed), you fail to see that pedophilia is 
separate and distinct
from normal adult sexuality, whether that sexuality be gay or straight.

You continue to falsely equate an adult male molesting a minor male with 
homosexuality.  Do you also equate an
adult male molesting a minor female with heterosexuality?

How many times do you have to be asked that question before you give us an answer?

> I do not and I judge this man as I would the others...

"Judge not, lest ye be judged..."


CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:
 http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html">Archives of

 http:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/">ctrl

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Re: [CTRL] Sv: Re: [CTRL] The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion

2000-08-28 Thread Ole Gerstrøm

Dear NSA,

This is the fourth or fifth time you send the same mail. Are you a mason?

Love, Ole Gerstrom, Denmark

- Original Message -
Sent: Monday, August 28, 2000 10:58 AM
Subject: Re: [CTRL] Sv: Re: [CTRL] The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion

> The Protocols of the Elders of Zion
> More than once in the course of the last two centuries, anti-Masonry has
> been fused with an older hatred, hatred of the Jews, that is to say
> anti-Semitism. Probably, the irrational nature of both phobias facilitates
> their juxtaposition. Be that as it may, from the middle of the 19th Century,
> we are witnessing an increasing wave of simultaneously anti-Semitic and
> anti-Masonic propaganda. Possibly, the paradigmatic work of this class of
> "literature" is an opuscule entitled "The Protocols of the Wise Men of Zion"
> sometimes also known as "The Protocols of the Elders of Zion."
> This is one of the most well-known literary falsifications in history, based
> on plagiarism and fraud from the very beginning of its gestation.
> Nevertheless, this swindle has captivated the imagination of many people who
> are sensible in other respects, and it has been transformed into the "source
> of indispensable information" in the baggage of all the anti-Semites and
> anti-Masons.
> In this work, we will examine the history of this fraud, will demonstrate
> its absolute falsification and we will take a look at the lamentable
> consequences that it has had in modern history, as much of the point of view
> of the Jewish people, as of Freemasonry.
> Sources of information
> In the preparation of this work, I depended mainly on the works of three
> investigators: Professor Jose Antonio Ferrer Benimeli, who in his book "The
> Judeo-Masonic-Communist Conspiracy"1 dedicates a long chapter to the subject
> that occupies us (pp. 135-210); Norman Cohn, author of "Justification for
> Genocide"2, where it makes a history of the antecedents of the Protocols,
> its evolution and its consequences; and Herman Bernstein, author of "The
> truth on the 'Protocols of Zion'"3, where it not only relates the history of
> the mystification, but reproduces the complete text of the book of Joly (pp.
> 75-258), the text of the news articles that appeared in the London Times
> (pp. 259-264), the complete text of the Protocols (pp. 295-359), and other
> authentic documents.
> Also, I consulted other works to clarify or to add certain details, as the
> book "Must men hate?" of the North-American lawyer Sigmund Livingston4, who
> was the first President of the Anti-Defamation League of B'nai-B'rith, and
> who in his book adds an interesting personal testimony (pp. 39-49) to the
> meticulous relation presented by the authors mentioned before. All these
> works are included in detail in the notes at the end of this work.
> Antecedents
> The connection of anti-Masonry and anti-Semitism does not begin with the
> Protocols. Already on the occasion of the Dreyfus affair, that began in 1894
> and continued intermittently until 1906, the French press and also that of
> other countries5 connected the Judaism of Dreyfus with the Freemasonry of
> many of his more loyal defenders. Still earlier, Father Agustin Barruel in
> his "Memory to serve the History of Jacobinism,"6 blamed Freemasonry
> (confusing it with the Illuminati of Bavaria) of being instrumental of the
> French Revolution (and also of being the heirs of the Templars). Although
> Barruel did not find historical data to allow him to extend his attack
> including the Jews (between the famous French revolutionaries there were no
> Jews), other later authors were not so punctilious, and did not have
> scruples in inventing what did not exist in reality.
> Numerous books published before and after the Protocols maintain that
> Judaism is at the origin of Freemasonry. We will mention Monsignor Leon
> Meurin, Archbishop of Port-Louis, Mauritius, who published in 1893 a book
> entitled "La Franc-Maçonnerie, Synagogue de Satan." The author says on page
> 260: "Everything in Freemasonry is fundamentally Jewish, exclusively Jewish,
> enthusiastically Jewish, from the beginning to the end."7
> The historical truth, that can be found in any serious work on the history
> of Freemasonry, is that lodges were exclusively Christian in their origin,
> and only with the creation of the Grand Lodge of London (1717) began the
> process of de-Christianization, that culminated in 1813. At the time of the
> union of the two rival Grand Lodges of England, when the United Grand Lodge
> of England and Wales was created and rituals were again revised, eliminating
> from them the last remaining Christian symbolisms, the institution
> transformed into the universal vocation that we now know.
> It is worthwhile, as a side commentary, to remember that until today some
> Grand Lodges (especially in the Scandinavian countries that practice the
> Swedis

[CTRL] TWA800 Expert Panel Blackout

2000-08-28 Thread lloyd


>From the New Paradigms Project [Not Necessarily Endorsed]
Note:  We store 100's of related "conspiracy posts" at:

From: "Ian Goddard" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: TWA800 Expert Panel Blackout
Date: Tuesday, August 22, 2000 12:24 PM

  While the U.S. media faithfully blacked out the
  press conference of a panel of independent experts
  who disagree with the official investigation of the
  TWA Flight 800 crash, Agence France Presse cites it.
  Of particular note is that the flight data recorder
  (FDR) expert who examined the black boxes claims
  that four seconds were removed from the FDR data.

  Indeed, one FDR second found in the NTSB's 1997
  report was suddenly erased from that report at
  the NTSB's website shortly after former Navy
  crash investigator William Donaldson presented
  an analysis about that erased FDR second which
  concluded that it indicates a missile strike:

Agence France Presse

Tuesday, August 22 5:29 AM SGT

Independent panel criticizes TWA Flight 800 crash report


An independent panel of experts on Monday lambasted the
results of an official investigation into the 1996 fatal
TWA Flight 800 crash, and maintained its theory the plane
was downed by a missile.

According to the Flight 800 Independent Research Organization
(FIRO), the official investigators had concealed crucial
pieces of information from a final report to be presented
Tuesday and Wednesday.

The National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) report is
expected to argue that the crash which killed 230 people
off Long Island, New York, was most likely caused by an
explosion in the plane's central fuel tank.

Many former investigators, military experts, and airline
pilots continue to insist the Boeing was shot down by a missile.

"Thirteen witnesses have seen an object strike the plane,"
FIRO president Tom Stalcup said in a press conference here.

Stalcup also argued against the investigators' theory that
the plane had gained altitude following an initial explosion.

"The magic climb theory contradicts the laws of physics,
the radar data which recorded the flight path, and the
witnesses accounts," he said.

Moreover, Stalcup continued, there were numerous ships
within five kilometers (3.6 miles) of the area, but only
one that had never been identified and which continued on
its path as if nothing had happened.

Aviation consultant engineer Glen Schulze, who analyzed the
so-called "black boxes," also claimed that information was missing.

"Four seconds of data has been removed from the Flight Data
Recorder when the FBI was in charge of the investigation," he said.

Lending his weight to the argument of possible foul play,
retired United Airlines pilot Richard Russell claimed he had
received a copy of radar data showing a small object flying
next to the plane that indicated a possible missile.

"An (air traffic) controller has identified the target as
potentially being a missile," Russell said, declining to
identify his source of information.

NTSB investigators have explained that bystanders may have
been looking at an arc of fire in the sky that occurred after
the airplane broke in two and a part of the fuselage was briefly
hurtled into the sky in flames.

The FBI initially tried to probe the missile theory, but later
abandoned it and withdrew from the investigation altogether in
the fall of 1997.

Six months after the catastrophe, the NTSB concluded that
chemical analyses of metal from the fuselage showed no proof
of damage caused by a bomb or missile.

Nevertheless, after four years of recovering debris from the
ocean floor and partially reconstructing the plane in a huge
hangar, investigators are preparing to close this most mysterious
chapter in aviation history -- but without giving a definitive answer.

"It's a mystery, but a manufactured mystery," insisted Graeme
Sephton, a projects engineer at the University of Massachusetts
office of Information Technologies.


GODDARD'S JOURNAL: http://www.erols.com/igoddard/journal.htm

Asking the "wrong questions," challenging the Official Story

Forwarded for info and discussion from the New Paradigms Discussion List,
not necessarily endorsed by:

Lloyd Miller, Research Director for A-albionic Research a ruling

Re: [CTRL] Sv: Re: [CTRL] The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion

2000-08-28 Thread NSA

The Protocols of the Elders of Zion

More than once in the course of the last two centuries, anti-Masonry has
been fused with an older hatred, hatred of the Jews, that is to say
anti-Semitism. Probably, the irrational nature of both phobias facilitates
their juxtaposition. Be that as it may, from the middle of the 19th Century,
we are witnessing an increasing wave of simultaneously anti-Semitic and
anti-Masonic propaganda. Possibly, the paradigmatic work of this class of
"literature" is an opuscule entitled "The Protocols of the Wise Men of Zion"
sometimes also known as "The Protocols of the Elders of Zion."

This is one of the most well-known literary falsifications in history, based
on plagiarism and fraud from the very beginning of its gestation.
Nevertheless, this swindle has captivated the imagination of many people who
are sensible in other respects, and it has been transformed into the "source
of indispensable information" in the baggage of all the anti-Semites and

In this work, we will examine the history of this fraud, will demonstrate
its absolute falsification and we will take a look at the lamentable
consequences that it has had in modern history, as much of the point of view
of the Jewish people, as of Freemasonry.

Sources of information

In the preparation of this work, I depended mainly on the works of three
investigators: Professor Jose Antonio Ferrer Benimeli, who in his book "The
Judeo-Masonic-Communist Conspiracy"1 dedicates a long chapter to the subject
that occupies us (pp. 135-210); Norman Cohn, author of "Justification for
Genocide"2, where it makes a history of the antecedents of the Protocols,
its evolution and its consequences; and Herman Bernstein, author of "The
truth on the 'Protocols of Zion'"3, where it not only relates the history of
the mystification, but reproduces the complete text of the book of Joly (pp.
75-258), the text of the news articles that appeared in the London Times
(pp. 259-264), the complete text of the Protocols (pp. 295-359), and other
authentic documents.

Also, I consulted other works to clarify or to add certain details, as the
book "Must men hate?" of the North-American lawyer Sigmund Livingston4, who
was the first President of the Anti-Defamation League of B'nai-B'rith, and
who in his book adds an interesting personal testimony (pp. 39-49) to the
meticulous relation presented by the authors mentioned before. All these
works are included in detail in the notes at the end of this work.


The connection of anti-Masonry and anti-Semitism does not begin with the
Protocols. Already on the occasion of the Dreyfus affair, that began in 1894
and continued intermittently until 1906, the French press and also that of
other countries5 connected the Judaism of Dreyfus with the Freemasonry of
many of his more loyal defenders. Still earlier, Father Agustin Barruel in
his "Memory to serve the History of Jacobinism,"6 blamed Freemasonry
(confusing it with the Illuminati of Bavaria) of being instrumental of the
French Revolution (and also of being the heirs of the Templars). Although
Barruel did not find historical data to allow him to extend his attack
including the Jews (between the famous French revolutionaries there were no
Jews), other later authors were not so punctilious, and did not have
scruples in inventing what did not exist in reality.

Numerous books published before and after the Protocols maintain that
Judaism is at the origin of Freemasonry. We will mention Monsignor Leon
Meurin, Archbishop of Port-Louis, Mauritius, who published in 1893 a book
entitled "La Franc-Maçonnerie, Synagogue de Satan." The author says on page
260: "Everything in Freemasonry is fundamentally Jewish, exclusively Jewish,
enthusiastically Jewish, from the beginning to the end."7

The historical truth, that can be found in any serious work on the history
of Freemasonry, is that lodges were exclusively Christian in their origin,
and only with the creation of the Grand Lodge of London (1717) began the
process of de-Christianization, that culminated in 1813. At the time of the
union of the two rival Grand Lodges of England, when the United Grand Lodge
of England and Wales was created and rituals were again revised, eliminating
from them the last remaining Christian symbolisms, the institution
transformed into the universal vocation that we now know.

It is worthwhile, as a side commentary, to remember that until today some
Grand Lodges (especially in the Scandinavian countries that practice the
Swedish Rite) do not allow to admit people who do not profess the Christian

Furthermore, even in those countries where Jews and members of other
religions are welcome in Masonic lodges, other Masonic bodies are closed
before them, exclusively reserved to Christian Masons. As examples (there
are many others), I will mention the "high degrees" of the York rite, such
as the Red Cross of Constantine, the Knights of Malta and the Knights

Some Supreme

[CTRL] Sv: Re: [CTRL] The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion

2000-08-28 Thread Ole Gerstrøm

Dear Tenorlove,

So, The Protocols are written by Rosicrusian. But then again I recall having read a 
claim by David Icke, that The Rosicrusians are a part of the Brotherhood and thus 
closely related to the Illuminati, if not just a branch of The Illuminati.This makes 
The Protocols a work of the Illuminati, and "the jewish connection," is simply a way 
to confuse the public.

Love, Ole Gerstrom, Copenhagen, Denmark

- Original Message -
From: Tenorlove <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, August 27, 2000 4:53 PM
Subject: Re: [CTRL] The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion

> --- Ole_Gerstrøm <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Some have argued, that it really is the plan of the Illuminati,
> Not Illuminati. Rosicrucian. They were based on a satirical attack on
> Napoleon III, called Dialog in Hell between Machiavelli and
> Montesquieu, by Maurice Joly. Joly was imprisoned for this tract. It
> was later picked up by people intent on discrediting the esoteric
> enclave which surrounded Tsar Nicholas II. When that didn't work, one
> Sergei Nilus re-wrote the piece into its current form. The original
> upon which the PLEZ was based was first published in 1884, thirteen
> years before the Zionist Congress in Basle from which the Protocols
> allegedly issued. And the original satire was written in French. The
> Basle conference did not include any French delegates. Why Rosicrucian?
> Joly was allegedly a Rosicrucian. He was also a close friend of Victor
> Hugo. Hugo exhibited Rosicrucian tendencies in his writings, and was
> allegedly a Grand Master of the Priory of Sion, a Rosicrucian-type
> secret society. Even AMORC, the modern Rosicrucian organization based
> in California, lists Hugo as a "Rosicrucian." Questions? Let me know,
> time to leave for work.
> __
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