[CTRL] Ritalin becoming school yard hustlers' newest product

2000-10-31 Thread Steve Wingate

-Caveat Lector-

Ritalin becoming school yard hustlers' newest product

 Copyright © 2000 Nando Media
 Copyright © 2000 Christian Science Monitor Service

ALEXANDRA MARKS, Christian Science Monitor

NEW YORK (October 30, 2000 10:11 p.m. EST
http://www.nandotimes.com) - In the bathroom of a suburban elementary
school outside Peterborough, Ontario, a 13- year-old boy offers to sell a
quick high to some 10- and 12-year olds. His drug of choice: Ritalin, the
prescription drug widely used to treat hyperactivity in children.

In a small town outside Athens, Ga., 282 Ritalin pills suddenly disappear
from a medical cart kept in a locked closet of the middle school.

Outside Chicago, two teens report being regularly harassed and pressured
by classmates to hand over their daily dose of the drug. They've now
changed schools.

As use of the controversial stimulant skyrockets in the treatment of attention
deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) - it has increased by as much as 700
percent since 1990 - so has its abuse.

In public schools and private universities across North America, Ritalin is
increasingly the drug of choice for thousands of young people, from 10-
year-old grade-schoolers dabbling with a first illicit high to graduate
students in need of an all-night push to finish a term paper.

The extent of the abuse varies widely from community to community, but the
growing recognition of the problem comes at the same time as a heated
debate in the scientific community over whether a child's use of the drug
works as a gateway to future substance abuse, or protects them from it.

Also known as methylphenidate, Ritalin is in the Drug Enforcement
Administration's (DEA's) Top 10 list of most often stolen prescription
drugs. It's widely available on college campuses, as well as in high school
cafeterias. Kids are popping, snorting, even dissolving and injecting Ritalin,
putting it in the same drug class as cocaine.

"Virtually every data source available confirms ... the widespread theft,
diversion, and abuse of Ritalin, and drugs like it, within public schools
throughout the country," says Rep. Henry Hyde (R) of Illinois. "It seems clear
from the data that children are using these drugs illicitly, and that this use is

The extent of the abuse varies widely. One national study found that only 3
percent of high schoolers reported illicit Ritalin use in the last year. Another
found the number was as high as 7 percent.

At the same time, a DEA study of Wisconsin, South Carolina, and Indiana
found that about 30 to 50 percent of teens in drug-treatment centers said
they had used methylphenidate to get high, although not as their primary
drug of abuse.

As a result of the conflicting data, Hyde has called on the Government
Accounting Office to investigate the extent of the diversion and abuse. He's
also calling for legislation that would require states to have guidelines for
the handling of prescription drugs on school premises.

Lock those medicine cabinets

The DEA is currently putting together pamphlets that contain such
guidelines, along with educational materials about the drug. "Our concern
is that once that medication is given to children, it's actually taken by the
individual that it's prescribed for," says Gretchen Feussner, the DEA's
Ritalin expert. "And once it's in a school, it should be secured in a place
other than in a drawer or a teacher's desk."

In some schools, as many as 20 percent of the students take the
medication regularly during the school day. A 1996 survey by the DEA
found more methylphenidate is on hand in many of those schools, where it's
completely unregulated, than in the strictly controlled local pharmacy. Most
of those schools also don't have full-time nurses on hand to dispense the

That has helped make the drug more readily available to kids than some
illegal substances. And it's a key reason experts are particularly worried
about its abundance. Ritalin is interchangeable with amphetamine and
methamphetamine, and all of them produce much the same effect as

"Cocaine is shorter acting, so it has more of a punch: People tend to prefer
cocaine when they're sophisticated," says Dr. Peter Breggin, a leading
critic of the use of Ritalin. "But before they get to that stage, they'll use

The National Institutes of Mental Health (NIMH) estimates that as many as 6
million American children suffer from ADHD. That's between 3 and 5
percent. If untreated, NIMH says the disorder can lead to serious problems
later in life.

In the largest clinical study of its kind, researchers concluded that Ritalin
can help 82 to 85 percent of the children who receive the drug. But other
studies have raised questions about its long-term impact on substance

One family's story

In Newport Beach, Calif., Martha Fluor has first-hand experience with
Ritalin abuse. Her teenage son, who'd been diagnosed with ADHD and on
Ritalin since he was seven, suddenly started to lose 

[CTRL] WT: Report: U.S. special forces have entered Afghanistan

2000-10-31 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-


Report: U.S. special forces have entered Afghanistan

Monday, October 30, 2000

NICOSIA — Saudi billionaire Osama Bin Laden, suspected of
masterminding the suicide bombing on the USS Cole in Yemen, is
bracing for a U.S. military attack.

=Arab diplomatic sources said U.S. special forces have crossed
=into Afghanistan and are preparing for an attack on Bin Laden's
=hideout. Some of the sources said at least one suspected Bin
=Laden base has been rocketed, Middle East Newsline reported.

Egypt's official Middle East News Agency reported that five Bin
Laden bases have been attacked by the United States. Afghan's
ruling Taliban movement, which provides shelter to Bin Laden, has
denied the attacks.

"There has been no rocket attack in Kabul, Kandhar, Jalalabad or
any other part of Afghanistan," Taliban spokesman Abdul Hayee
Motameen told the Afghan Islamic Press agency. "Any report of
such attack is a lie."

Bin Laden is suspected of masterminding and financing the Oct. 12
attack on the USS Cole. FBI investigators are currently in Yemen
gathering evidence on the bombing and questioning suspects.

Earlier this year, Arab diplomatic sources reported that U.S.
security personnel had recruited a mercenary force to track down
Bin Laden. Pakistani Foreign Minister Abdul Sattar his government
would not allow a U.S. attack from its territory. Pakistan is one
of three countries that recognize the Taliban government.

Monday, October 30, 2000

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

 *Michael Spitzer*  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] SPIR: Stealth secrets feared stolen

2000-10-31 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

Stealth secrets feared stolen

U.S.  is investigating Russian mathematician employed by Bothell
software company

Monday, October 30, 2000


A Russian mathematician who was given access to an American
supercomputer loaded with stealth warplane design software is
under investigation for espionage.

Federal agents suspect that Aleksey Yeremin, who logged on to the
supercomputer from Moscow, took advantage of Lockheed Martin and
military security lapses to steal stealth technology secrets.

The 3 1/2-year investigation stretches from the heart of the old
Soviet empire to Lockheed's secretive Skunk Works plant in
Southern California to a quiet suburb north of Seattle.

Yeremin, vice president of a software company based in Bothell
that did work for Lockheed, was e-mailed part of Lockheed's
modeling program for designing stealth planes.  And, sources say,
it would have been easy for him to steal the rest of it.

The potential loss is staggering: the United States' global
monopoly on radar invisibility.

In spring 1997, the FBI and the Air Force Office of Special
Investigations, or OSI, began the investigation, code-named
Digital Demon.  A short time later, Lockheed pulled the plug on
its project with Yeremin: an ultra-high-speed, number-crunching
computer program that was supposed to greatly accelerate stealth
aircraft design work.

Federal criminal-justice sources say Yeremin, 46, has connections
to the Russian military and now-defunct KGB.

It is unknown whether Yeremin got his hands on any classified
information.  But sources told the Seattle Post-Intelligencer
that some of the unclassified information he did obtain should
have been classified top-secret.

A retired Air Force three-star general said he is concerned that
the apparent leak could help the Russians build their own stealth

"I don't think what is at risk here is making these (U.S.)
aircraft any more visible to radar," said George Muellner, who
played a key role in developing the nation's stealth fleet.

"But what is at risk is accelerating a country's ability to
develop and build these sorts of aircraft -- to produce something
that is a threat downstream," he said. "If they started building
and selling these things to the Iraqis, that would be a concern."

The joint FBI-Air Force probe has so far yielded no arrests, and
no one has been publicly charged with a crime.  Agents have
seized the home computer of a Lockheed employee who worked
closely with Yeremin.

That man told the P-I that he now realizes he was deftly
manipulated by Yeremin.

"I am not 100 percent sure, but I am highly sure he is a spy,"
said the 38-year-old computer expert, who no longer works for
Lockheed.  He asked that he not be identified for fear of
jeopardizing his current job.

He said he went beyond giving Yeremin portions of the MM3D
simulation software -- used to model highly complex interactions
between stealth aircraft and radar -- that the Russian needed to
do his job.  He said he also provided information that Yeremin
could have used to determine American stealth capabilities.

"I have to admit, I am very gullible, very naive, very trusting,"
he said.  "He asked very probing questions, but I pushed my
concerns away.

"Now I can look back and see how he gathered information from me.
He used textbook ways to win over someone; to recruit them as an
operative or agent. He would earn my trust by saying he was not
in any way .  .  .  loyal to the country he was from, but wanted
to come here."

The computer expert is befuddled by how Lockheed and the Air
Force could allow a Russian with KGB ties access to such a
sensitive program.

Lockheed refused to answer questions about whether security was
compromised.  The Air Force would not explain how it conducts
security oversight of the defense contractor.

Officials at Skunk Works, in Palmdale, Calif., where the U-2 spy
plane, the bat-winged F-117 and the F-22 were designed, first
became aware in 1997 "that an employee .  .  .  was not reporting
contacts with foreign nationals as required by governing security
regulations," Lockheed spokesman Sam Grizzle said in a prepared

The officials reported the violations to "appropriate U.S.
government agencies and followed their instructions in addressing
the situation. The employee in question no longer works for
Lockheed Martin," Grizzle said.

The FBI and the Air Force OSI declined to comment on the case,
and federal prosecutors did not return a call.  "What I can tell
you is it is an ongoing investigation," said Maj.  Mike Richmond,
an OSI spokesman at Andrews Air Force Base in Maryland.

There are strong parallels to the Wen Ho Lee case, which also
raised questions about digital transmission of technology to
foreign nationals, and the way in which the federal government
classifies its secrets.

The government feared that Lee, a scientist at Los Alamos
National Laboratory in New Mexico, had 

[CTRL] OT!: RUE: Zogby: Gore leads in Florida, Pennsylvania and Illinois

2000-10-31 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

[FLORIDA!?!?!?  --MS]

These are the complete state-by-state results for Monday:

  Bush Gore  NaderElectoral Votes
Florida40   51 425
Illinois   41   47 422
Michigan   44   45 418
Missouri   46   45 411
Ohio   48   43 321
Pennsylvania   43   46 323
Tennessee  49   45 211
Washington 44   45 611
Wisconsin  41   49 411

Monday October 30 6:47 PM ET

Bush Leads in Reuters Poll, But Gore Rises in Key States

By Alan Elsner, Political Correspondent

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republican George W. Bush kept his
three-point lead over Democrat Al Gore in Monday's Reuters/MSNBC
national daily tracking poll, but separate surveys of nine key
battleground states showed Gore making inroads.

The state polls showed Gore widening his lead in Florida,
overtaking Bush in Pennsylvania and closing the gap in his home
state of Tennessee.

The national survey of 1,213 likely voters in the Nov. 7
election, conducted Friday to Monday by pollster John Zogby,
found the Texas governor with 45 percent and the vice president
with 42 percent, unchanged from Sunday's results. Eight days
remain until the Nov. 7 election.

Green Party nominee Ralph Nader polled 5 percent; Reform Party
candidate Pat Buchanan stayed at 1 percent; Libertarian Harry
Browne had 1 percent, and the rest remained undecided.

The race remained well within the statistical margin of error of
plus or minus three percentage points. A candidate would have to
be more than six points in the lead to be outside that zone of
uncertainty -- something neither man has achieved since the poll
began on Sept. 29.

In the equally tight race for the House of Representatives,
voters preferred the Republicans by one point. The Democrats need
a net gain of seven seats to regain control from the Republicans
after six years in the minority.

In a race this close, national polls cannot predict a winner
because the election is likely to be decided in key swing states.
Reuters and MSNBC are conducting daily tracking polls in nine
such battleground states, polling around 600 likely voters in
each over three days. These state samples each have a margin of
error of plus or minus four percentage points.

The results showed Gore had expanded his lead in the key state of
Florida to 11 percentage points, outside the margin of error.
Many analysts believe that is a must-win state for Bush.

Gore also had an eight-point lead in Wisconsin and a six-point
lead in Illinois. He was ahead by a single point in Washington
state and Michigan and took a three-point lead in Pennsylvania,
reversing a Bush lead of three points the previous day.

Bush's lead in Gore's home state of Tennessee narrowed to four
points from seven. He led by five points in Ohio, and by a single
point in Missouri.

In total, 153 votes in the Electoral College are up for grabs in
those nine states. At the moment, Gore would win 110 and Bush
would take 43 of those votes.

These are the complete state-by-state results for Monday:

  Bush Gore  NaderElectoral Votes
Florida40   51 425
Illinois   41   47 422
Michigan   44   45 418
Missouri   46   45 411
Ohio   48   43 321
Pennsylvania   43   46 323
Tennessee  49   45 211
Washington 44   45 611
Wisconsin  41   49 411

A total of 270 electoral votes are needed to be elected
president. Most analysts believe both candidates have definitely
secured about 200, leaving some 138 to be fought over.

The state polls also measured five tough Senate races. It found
Republican Rick Lazio leading first lady Hillary Rodham Clinton
in New York, 48-43 percent.

In Missouri, the late Gov. Mel Carnahan, who died in a plane
crash on Oct. 16 but whose name still appears on the ballot, is
ahead of Republican incumbent Sen. John Ashcroft, 49-43 percent.
His widow said on Monday she would serve in his place if he were

In Florida, Democrat Bill Nelson was 11 points ahead of
Republican Bill McCollum and seemed poised to capture a
Republican-held seat.

In Michigan, Republican incumbent Spence Abraham trailed
Democratic challenger Debbie Stabenow by two points.

In Washington, Republican incumbent Slade Gorton held a
four-point lead over Democrat Maria Cantwell.

In the national poll, 83 percent said they were unlikely to
change their minds before Election Day. Forty-one percent have
ruled out voting for Bush and 43 percent for Gore.

Men backed Bush, 50-37 percent; women preferred Gore 

[CTRL] WT: Top Hill Republicans reject Albright offer

2000-10-31 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

October 31, 2000

Top Hill Republicans reject Albright offer
By Bill Gertz

 The House speaker and Senate majority leader yesterday
rejected an offer from Secretary of State Madeleine K. Albright
for limited access to classified government documents concerning
a secret arms deal between Vice President Al Gore and his Russian

 Mrs. Albright offered to let congressional leaders view ‹
but not copy ‹ some of the documents as part of a congressional
investigation into a 1995 pact between Mr. Gore and Viktor
Chernomyrdin, the Russian prime minister.

 "We categorically reject your proposal to allow solely the
four leaders of the House and Senate to read, but not retain, a
small fraction of the requested documents," Speaker J. Dennis
Hastert of Illinois and Senate Majority Leader Trent Lott of
Mississippi said in a letter sent yesterday.

 Without the documents, the Republican leaders said, Congress
cannot properly investigate the matter.

 "The elected representatives of the American people are
certainly entitled to the requested documents in order to assess
the extent of damage inflicted on America's credibility and
security interests by the vice president's ill-conceived and
counterproductive foray into the world of secret diplomacy.

 "Madame Secretary, administration stonewalling and
obstructionism of legitimate requests for relevant documents must
stop," they wrote.

 A group of 10 senators, including senior members and
leaders, had imposed a deadline of noon yesterday for the
documents, threatening to subpoena them if they were not

 A spokesman for the Senate Foreign Relations Committee said
yesterday that senators were still discussing whether to issue
subpoenas. "This is totally unacceptable," Marc Thiessen, the
spokesman, said of Mrs. Albright's latest offer.

 The secret deal between Mr. Gore and Mr. Chernomyrdin was
intended to halt Russian conventional arms sales to Iran and in
exchange, the United State agreed not to impose penalties under
U.S. nonproliferation laws.

 Lawmakers are also investigating a second document, a 1995
letter from Mr. Chernomyrdin to Mr. Gore that outlines Russia's
nuclear transfers to Iran and calls on the vice president to keep
the arrangement secret from Congress. The documents were first
disclosed by The Washington Times and the New York Times.

 At closed House and Senate hearings last week, State
Department officials refused to provide the documents or discuss
their contents, angering members and prompting threats to
subpoena the material.

 The Clinton administration is refusing to provide the
documents and has dismissed lawmakers' requests for copies of the
documents and detailed explanations of their contents as
election-year politics.

 House and Senate members have said the secret dealings with
Russia appear to violate U.S. laws, including legislation on
conventional arms sales to Iran, nuclear transfers to Iran and
laws governing the submission of agreements to Congress.

 "We have offered to provide the leadership of the Senate
with access to the key documents at their convenience, and we'll
see how that materializes," State Department spokesman Richard
Boucher told reporters.

 Mr. Boucher said because the matters involve sensitive
diplomacy, the department is insisting on being "exceedingly
careful" about releasing the information to Congress.

 He said publicizing the documents could undermine U.S.
efforts to curb the spread of nuclear weapons.

 "We have an obligation to sustain a policy that has improved
the national security of the United States over the last six
years by limiting the number and quality of weapons that are gone
to Iran," Mr. Boucher said. "We are trying to meet the
congressional requests in a manner that doesn't simultaneously
destroy our policy, which would not be in our national interest."

 Mr. Hastert and Mr. Lott said in their letter that "it is
grossly inaccurate and misleading to assert, as your letter does,
that 'As a result [of the secret agreements], the security of
U.S. forces and those of our allies in the region has been
substantially enhanced.' "

 "In fact the record of the past eight years demonstrates a
dramatic increase in the threat posed to U.S. military forces and
interests, and those of our friends and allies in the Middle
East, as a result of Iran's burgeoning nuclear, missile, and
conventional weapons capabilities ‹ capabilities enhanced
primarily by Russian arms sales made in spirit of the
Gore-Chernomyrdin agreements."

 The leaders requested that the documents be furnished to the
House and Senate oversight committees "immediately."

 Portions of the 1995 Gore-Chernomyrdin agreement, called an
"aide memoire," were published by The Washington Times. A second
classified document, a letter from Mrs. Albright to the Russian
foreign minister sent in January, also was 


2000-10-31 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

X DRUDGE REPORT X MON OCT 30, 2000 22:01:39 ET X


**World Exclusive**

The nation's intelligence community is bracing for the release of
a new bombshell book that discloses and documents specific
Chinese threats against America, the DRUDGE REPORT has learned.

WASHINGTON TIMES reporter and BestSelling author Bill Gertz is
preparing to unleash top classified reports that detail Communist
China's vast efforts to undermine and destroy the United States.

Secret FBI, CIA and NSA reports are presented publicly for the
first time in CHINA THREAT -- a development that could land Gertz
in legal hotwater, according to sources.

Gertz's publisher REGNERY legally vetted the book, and several
super-secret CIA reports were withheld at the request of the
agency, but the leak is so large in scope, sources close to Gertz
fear he could ignite the first investigation after new
legislation criminalizing leaks of all "properly classified"
government information is signed into law.

["President Clinton may be inclined to sign the law after he sees
the documents published in THREAT.]

"This puts Gertz in a new league," says a government source.
"He's about to become Target Number One of the Spy World."

In CHINA THREAT, Gertz warns fellow Americans:

*How the FBI pursued six Chinese intelligence agents and never
found a senior Chinese mole inside the U.S. government code-named
"Ma" who had access to top secret intelligence.

*"The Hug": How spy suspect Wen Ho Lee was embraced by China's
top nuclear weapons scientist during a visit to the United
States. The nuclear scientist, Hu Side, was overheard by an FBI
informant at the time as saying Wen Ho Lee provided great
assistance to China's nuclear weapons program.

*How a classified Chinese government document, known as Document
65, reveals that China is willing to attack the United States
with nuclear weapons if U.S. forces intervene to defend Taiwan in
a regional conflict.

Gertz unleashes a Chinese spying manual, translated into English,
revealing a massive weapons technology collection effort
involving the gathering of data and covert espionage.

The timing of the book's release -- just days before the election
-- has raised eyebrows in official Washington.

Gertz reported in recent days: If Texas Gov. George W. Bush is
elected president, Republican national security officials are
planning a major house-cleaning for the CIA's China analysis
division. The Clinton-Gore administration has favored a dangerous
"benign view of China," claims Gertz.

In his new book, Gertz publishes a secret White House report by
NSC staff aide Gary Samore offering missile technology to China
if it agrees to join the Missile Technology Control Regime
limiting missile exports.

[The book CHINA THREAT was ranked #11,705 on AMAZON.COM's sales
list late Monday. Gertz's first book BETRAYAL was AMAZON's
top-seller for the month of May 1999.] Impacting.

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

 *Michael Spitzer*  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] NYT: Ship Attack Suspects Seemed Out of Place

2000-10-31 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

Ship Attack Suspects Seemed Out of Place


ADEN, Yemen, Oct.  30 — Neighbors of the two Arab strangers who
came quietly in June to the cinder- block apartment at 9, Jabal
al Sakhra, high above Aden's harbor, now say there were quite a
few things that made them stand out, even among the disparate
group of people who have settled in the cascade of ramshackle
homes that tumbles chaotically down the hillside.

There were the men's thick accents, for one, as well as the
Islamic-style beard of the man who signed his name on a 12-month
lease as Abdullah Ahmed Khaled al-Musawah, a thickset man of
about 30 with heavy spectacles, and the neatly trimmed goatee of
his still more taciturn companion, a slightly built,
darker-skinned man described as being between 25 and 28.

Beyond that, the neighbors say, there was the men's seeming
obsession with privacy, the frugality of the food they bought in
the local market and their curious comings and goings at the dead
of night.

Then there were the contradictions. Neighbors said the men
described themselves as fish merchants but recalled that nobody
working in the fish market in the port had ever seen the two

In addition, there was the apparent clash between the men's
seeming Islamic convictions — investigators found a well-thumbed
copy of the Koran in the apartment — and the fact that they were
never seen going to prayers in the new, whitewashed mosque that
is the pride of the neighborhood, only 100 paces further up the

Still, according to those living around the two-story apartment
with a panoramic view of Aden's harbor, none of that was so
incongruous that anybody imagined that the men might be using
their rented, $50-a-month apartment to plan the suicide bombing
attack on an American warship.

Only after the men disappeared suddenly, before dawn on Oct.  12
— the day when two suicide bombers rammed the destroyer Cole in
the harbor, killing 17 American sailors, wounding 39 others and
almost sinking the guided missile warship — did people begin to
think that they might have paid closer attention to the two

Now, with eyewitnesses' descriptions of the two men who boarded
the boat that rammed the Cole exactly matching the appearance,
accents and clothing of the two men who lived in the apartment,
neighbors are convinced that the apartment dwellers and the
suicide bombers were the same people.

According to Saleh Shayef, owner of the house immediately
overlooking No.  9, the strangers were hardly ever glimpsed in
daylight and limited themselves when addressed by others to
"marhaba" and "maa assalama," meaning hello and goodbye in the
Arabic used in Yemen.

But he said they were like many others living in the Jabal al
Sakhra, or Rock Hill, district: migrants from far away in Yemen's
north, non- Yemeni Arabs trading in fish and arms and other
contraband and scores of other ne'er-do-wells with compelling
reasons for avoiding engagements with strangers.

"What would I gain by asking them what they were doing and why
they were here?" said Mr.  Shayef, a father of six who lost his
government job in the turmoil of civil war in 1994.  "They would
have told me to mind my own business, and they would have been
right.  Anyway, everybody keeps to himself around here.  We go to
bed early, after the evening prayers, so there weren't many
chances to talk to them.  We'd hear them come home at 11 p.m.
or later, and if they went out at all they'd be gone by dawn."

Eighteen days after the Cole attack, a visit to the neighborhood
on Rock Hill provided important new pieces to the scant,
scattered jigsaw puzzle of information that the Federal Bureau of
Investigation and Yemeni investigators, citing a need not to
"chill leads" in the case with premature disclosures, have been
willing to divulge.

Accompanied by an Arabic-speaking companion and liberated briefly
by a lapse in the strict limits the Yemeni security police have
imposed on American journalists, the visit also afforded this
reporter, for the first time, telling glimpses of what may have
been the personal and religious journey the bombers took to their
deadly encounter with the Cole.

The visit, from midafternoon on Sunday until nightfall, offered
clues to some of the factors weighing on the bombers' minds as
they waited out the weeks and months before the attack.

The apartment on Rock Hill seems perfectly fashioned, in
hindsight, as a hideout for what they had in mind.  About a third
of the way up a 1,800-

foot-high volcanic mountain, Jebel Shamsan, that dominates Aden
and provides shelter for the harbor, the sparse, two-room
apartment has a spectacular, unimpeded view of the harbor.

Barely a mile away, the men could see the floating refueling
dock, known as a Dolphin, that had been used more two dozen times
since April 1999, when United States warships, for the first time
in the decades since Yemen fell into chaos and civil war, began
using Aden for brief refueling visits.

[CTRL] TWA800: ADA FAQ - Part II

2000-10-31 Thread Ian Goddard

-Caveat Lector-

Reply to: http://deja.com/[ST_rn=ps]/getdoc.xp?AN=685111440fmt=text


  The Alt.Disasters.Aviation FAQ  **DRAFT VERSION 2**

  2.1.5) What about the surface vessels on the RADAR tapes?
  Contributed by Dr. George O. Bizzigotti
  The Flight 800 Independent Researchers Organization (FIRO) argues that
  there were over 30 ships steaming at high speed in the area of the TWA
  800 crash. I did a little bit of work this past weekend, and provide
  here a few questions concerning that assertion; it will be interesting
  to see if FIRO addresses these questions at today's news conference.
  FIRO have posted a graphic:
  that shows the purported tracks of 35 surface vessels and aircraft;
  there's an inset showing another 4 tracks, for a total of 39, all
  identified as a result of radar data.
  FIRO has simply assigned certain tracks as "surface vessels," without
  explaining some interesting aspects of radar. It appears to be well
  established (see, for example, "Communications Standard Dictionary,
  2nd ed.," M. Weik, Van Nostrand Reinhold Co., New York, 1989) that one
  can readily calculate a "radio horizon," the distance beyond which
  radar cannot "see." In these calculations, one uses an effective earth
  radius, which is defined as the radius of a hypothetical earth for
  which the distance to the radio horizon, assuming rectilinear
  propagation, is the same as that for the actual Earth with an assumed
  uniform vertical gradient of atmospheric refractive index. For the
  standard atmosphere, the effective Earth radius is 1.33 times that of
  the actual Earth radius, or 5269.67 statute miles (4/3 x 3,952 miles).
  One can then calculate the distance to the radio horizon using the
  (distance to radio horizon) squared = (effective earth radius) squared
  + (effective earth radius + antenna elevation) squared
  In the case of the ISP data, the antenna elevation is the altitude of
  Long Island Mac Arthur Airport (ISP), ca. 100 ft MSL, plus the height
  of the antenna, approximately 30 ft AGL. Setting the total antenna
  height of 130 feet gives the radar horizon of the antenna, 14.0
  nautical miles (nm). Using a similar equation, one can calculate the
  radar horizon from the top of a ship's mast. adding the two radar
  horizon values together gives the maximum distance at which the ISP
  radar can possibly reach the ship.
  Let's begin with the largest warships in the world; the US Navy's
  Nimitz class aircraft carriers have a published keel to mast height of
  244 feet, approximately 210 feet of which is above the waterline.
  Thus, the radio horizon for a carrier is 17.8 nm, and it can be seen
  by a 110 foot high radar from no more than 31.8 nm away. Any further,
  and the radio waves cannot reach the ship. By my count, 21 of the
  objects identified as surface vessels (and one aircraft) on
  http://flight800.org/shp_ln.gif are further than 31.8 nm from ISP, the
  longest range at which ISP ought to be able to "see" even an aircraft
  Using readily available photographs, one can estimate that the Navy's
  Aegis cruisers are approximately 160 feet tall above the waterline.
  Thus, they have a radio horizon of 15.6 nm, and can be seen by 130
  foot high radar from no more than 29.6 nm away. Similarly, one can
  estimate that the Navy's Arleigh Burke class destroyers and Oliver
  Hazard Perry class frigates are approximately 140 feet tall above the
  waterline. These have a radio horizon of 15.6 nm, and can be seen by
  130 foot high radar from no more than 28.6 nm away.
  Three of the ships identified on http://flight800.org/shp_ln.gif are
  between 29.6 and 31.8 nm from ISP; to be seen on radar, they could
  only be Nimitz class carriers. Two of the ships identified on
  http://flight800.org/shp_ln.gif are between 28.6 and 29.6 nm from ISP;
  to be seen on radar, they could only be Aegis cruisers or Nimitz class
  carriers. This leaves 9 of the surface vessel radar tracks that could
  possibly be any Naval ship as big as or larger than a frigate.
  One should also note that these are the theoretical maximum ranges for
  detection. Three major effects will decrease the "real" radio
  - There are 20 foot sand dunes on Fire Island, which is between 9.5
  and 11 nm from ISP in the direction covered by
  http://flight800.org/shp_ln.gif. The radar's radio horizon is 14
  miles, meaning that in some directions the radar waves could be
  blocked by the dunes. This effectively reduces the antenna height by
  up to 20 feet, and could reduce the maximum detections distances to
  30.7 nm, 28.5 nm, and 27.5 nm.
  - Structures can block radar propagation. I've checked maps and seen the
  area from the air; there is a residential neighborhood along Lincoln,
  Coates, and Grundy Avenues to the southeast of ISP, so there are plenty of

[CTRL] Fwd: US Citizens in Palestine Have Their Say

2000-10-31 Thread Aleisha Saba

A. Saba
Dare To Call It Conspiracy

   ___      __
  /  |/  /  /___/  / /_ //M I D - E A S T   R E A L I T I E S
 / /|_/ /  /_/_   / /\\ Making Sense of the Middle East
/_/  /_/  /___/  /_/  \\   http://www.MiddleEast.Org

  News, Information,  Analysis That Governments, Interest Groups,
 and the Corporate Media Don't Want You To Know!
  *  *  *  *  *  *  *
 To receive MER regularly email to [EMAIL PROTECTED]


MID-EAST REALITIES - www.MiddleEast.Org - Washington - 10/30:
   Today in Ramallah on the West Bank in what certainly has to be called Occupied
and Besieged Palestine, a group of about 100 American citizens, most Arab Americans,
gathered to hold a kind of peoples's press conference.  Though some American
reporters were present, it's not likely this is going to be widely reported,
and the people involved are certainly not media professionals nor politically
   The following information was released at the press conference, including
a Statement from a 16-year old American from Toledo, Ohio, now living in Tulkarem,
Palestine, who was prevented from attending by the Israeli occupation forces.
   There's a lot of naivete here...including that the young American/Palestine
doesn't realize that the "Seeds of Peace" organization was in fact specifically
established by Zionist organizations and the Israeli/Jewish lobby precisely to
promote the Oslo peace formula that the Israelis and Americans have been working
so hard to force Arafat to sign.  But even so there is also a lot of sincerity
and heartfelt honesty here, and the following should be read and considered in
that context:



October 30 - Ramallah: In a press conference held today in Ramallah, approximately
100 U.S. citizens gathered at the Friends Boys School to express their deep concern
over the continuing carnage in Palestine and the failure of the U.S. government
to take a just stance in the Israel/Palestinian conflict.  The group called on
the United States to live up to its role as an "honest broker" in peace efforts
and to uphold the principles of justice, liberty and human rights that America
stands for.

Among the concerns that were raised by the participants at the press conference
include: the terrorization of Palestinian civilians and disregard for human rights
by the Israeli military, the lack of balance in U.S actions and statements, and
America's role in supporting the military occupation without insisting on compliance
with international law governing occupation.  Also brought to light was the failure
of the U.S. Consulate to be responsive to the needs of Arab Americans living
in the occupied territories.  One woman related that her son, a U.S. citizen
visiting in Palestine, was arrested and tortured by Israeli forces on his way
to the neighborhood grocery store.  "He has been held for over a month now without
charge."  Palestinian American school children sent a message to their peers
in the U.S., "while you're going to parties and preparing for homecoming, we're
hiding from missiles and bullets," said 16 year old Saed Atshan. Media bias and
general mischaracterization of the conflict and the current crises were also

"It is wrong for the United States to support continued military occupation and
the use of brutal force by Israel against Palestinian civilians. We call on our
government to take decisive steps towards ensuring compliance with international
and humanitarian law and to play a vital role in bringing an immediate end to
Israel's occupation of the Palestinian people" said spokesman Mohammad Abdrabbo.



October 30, 2000

We are U.S. citizens, living in occupied Jerusalem, West Bank and Gaza Strip,
outraged over the continuing carnage in Palestine, which so far has resulted
in the death of at least 130 Palestinians, 4 Palestinian security officers, one
Israeli civilian, and 6 Israeli soldiers.  No less than 6000 Palestinian civilians
lie injured.  30% of the Palestinian casualties are children 18 years of age
and under.

We deplore the failure of our government to condemn the use of lethal weaponry,
including missiles, helicopter gunships, rubber-coated steel bullets, live ammunition,
heavy machine gunfire, exploding dum-dum bullets, and linked 40mm grenade launchers
by Israeli troops, against Palestinian civilians.   Many of us have watched as
American-made attack helicopters have been used to bomb Palestinian residential
areas, including in our own neighborhoods.

We condemn the unilateral actions and 

[CTRL] Fwd: ABCNEWS.com : Study: Arabs, Jews Share Genetic Link

2000-10-31 Thread Aleisha Saba

A. Saba
Dare To Call It Conspiracy

A. Saba
Dare To Call It Conspiracy



2000-10-31 Thread Ynr Chyldz Wyld

-Caveat Lector-

From: "Prudence L. Kuhn" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Why would Vlad impale his own vassals? 

 I've no idea, but he sure did a lot of it.  PRudy

Could you verify this, Prudy?  Everything I've read on Vlad said that he impaled his 
political and military
enemies, not his own vassals, except in limited circumstances (usually for what he 
deemed treason)...


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That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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[CTRL] Mideast Residents Talk About War

2000-10-31 Thread Nurev Ind Research

-Caveat Lector-

Mideast Residents Talk About War

The Associated Press, Mon 23 Oct 2000

AMMAN, Jordan (AP) — With Middle East peace talks at a standstill,
frustrated Palestinians in exile said Monday that the only way forward is to

``I can sell my house and my belongings, have my 11 children fight and die
as martyrs in the war for the sake of liberating Palestine from the Jews,''
said Walid al-Khatib, a 62-year-old Palestinian.

``What's more precious than our homeland?'' asked al-Khatib, who took refuge
in Amman's Hussein Camp after fleeing the West Bank town of Hebron during
the 1967 Middle East war.

In the past three weeks, thousands of demonstrators in Egypt, Syria, Iran,
Jordan and elsewhere across the Arab world have called for jihad, or holy
war, against Israel. The calls came as frustration soared because of the
faltering Middle East peace process, a sense that Arab leaders lack the will
for firm action and Israel's call for a ``timeout'' in negotiations.

``The Jews never wanted peace,'' Karima Abdul-Rahim, 65, said with a sigh.

``We lived for 52 years without peace and we can live another 52 years
without it,'' Abdul-Rahim said as she picked olives from a tree in her back
yard. She originally was from Ramleh in what is now Israel proper.

Across the street, shopkeeper Jihad Abu el-Samen, 56, said Israeli Prime
Minister Ehud Barak ``is playing games'' with Palestinian leader Yasser
Arafat and other Arab leaders.

``Barak's 'timeout' means he doesn't want peace,'' he said. ``If he doesn't
want peace, then he wants war. And we tell him we want war, too, because the
Jews only understand the language of force.''

Barak told his Cabinet the continuation of violence that erupted Sept. 28
between Palestinian demonstrators and Israeli security forces made it
necessary for his government to take a ``timeout'' from the peace
negotiations to assess the situation.

An emergency Arab summit meeting Saturday and Sunday in Egypt held Israel
responsible for the deadly violence. Leaders urged international
intervention but did not require Arab governments that have made peace with
Israel to sever their relations with the Jewish state.

Foreign Minister Abdul-Illah Khatib said Jordan, which signed a peace treaty
with Israel in 1994, will not cut ties with its neighbor. ``The peace
doesn't need more blows,'' he said.

Prime Minister Ali Abu-Ragheb told reporters that Barak's timeout
declaration was ``unacceptable and lacks logic.'' Instead, Barak should
return to the negotiating table, he added.

At Hussein camp — one of 13 camps in Jordan sheltering more than 1.57
million Palestinian refugees — people blamed Arab leaders for what they
described as Barak's ``defiance.''

``It was a slap in the face of all Arab leaders, who have no guts to stand
up and tell the criminal Barak, 'We want to cut ties with you,''' said
Yousef Attallah, 26, from Lod in what is now Israel.

Nidal Zahrawi, 29, a construction worker from the West Bank town of Beit
Sahour, said ``Arab people should unite, defy their leaders and fight
Israel.'' Both men's families fled to Jordan during the 1967 war.

Zahrawi's co-worker, Mahmoud Taha, 32, from Hebron, nodded his head. But
when asked if he would fight Israel if war were declared soon, he said: ``It
doesn't have to be now.''

``The Muslims will prevail in a war against the Jews, but not now. Maybe in
the next generation or the one after,'' he said.

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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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Re: [CTRL] Poll finds young Brits 'dumber' than oldsters

2000-10-31 Thread Nurev Ind Research

-Caveat Lector-

Aleisha Saba wrote:

 -Caveat Lector-

 THIS ITEM is interesting - blacks are being taught that blacks invented
 the clock in the 1800 period, though my sister has original Grandfather
 Clock made in 1500 period purchased from old family in England

Must be a VERY old family. And if the clock was made in 1500, why isn't it
a great great great great great great great great great grandfather clock.

You're not bullshiting again are you sweetie?

 a masterpiece.

 The dumbing down of America?   So what else is new for the smelting pots
 - how can you teach someone from a foreign country who no longer speaks

What does this mean???

 How do you take a dull IQ and raise it?   Well, impossible
 IQ is something with which one is born.

Ah, the truth is finally out Saba. You ADMIT that your IQ is the same as
the one you were born with.

I knew it all along.

 Good example of modern day IQ refer to Joshua on this list  who believes
 the sailors on the USS Liberty should have been murdered in cold blood

How do you know this?

 No charges filed as war criminals against Israelies because somebody was
 so stupid they did not know their law?

 So many do not know about the USS Liberty because this ship they would
 like to bury forever and the history of same.

 Dumbing down of America comes with dumbing down of IQ/

 A. Saba

Dare To Call It Stupidity

 Dare To Call It Conspiracy


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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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Re: [CTRL] American Sailors Napalmed and Bombed while Wounded/Dying by

2000-10-31 Thread Nurev Ind Research

-Caveat Lector-

Aleisha Saba wrote:

 Israelie Planes - Remember the USS Liberty.

 Note Joshua, even the little motor boats that were used to torpedo the
 USS Liberty - but those animals napalmed and bombed that ship for 45
 minutes in International

How do you know that?

 and the Egyptians were to be blamed by the Israelie but they
 got caught.

 Further a lot of Navy people remember the Liberty and will remember the

Are you saying the Cole was blown up by Israelis? Just yes or no.
Yes is spelled Y_E_S and no is spelled N_O.

 and do not think their bodies some of which were burnt beyond
 recognition will be forgotten.

Really? Who were they?

 Saba and No I am not Arabic -

I know you are not Arabic. Arabic is a language.

 and you are no Jew Joshua unless Ashkenazi
 and that nazi fits you all fine.

No, no Einstein. Jews were not allowed to be nazis. Only Christians.

 Try another name Joshua and get to work now like  a good little mechanic
 but I would not want you working on my auto .. it is made in

PLEASE let me work on your big American auto. Please. Just the steering
and the brakes.


Are you sure you're not Irish? Not that there's anything wrong with that.


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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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Re: [CTRL] Nationhood and Jerusalem

2000-10-31 Thread Nurev Ind Research

-Caveat Lector-

"Prudence L. Kuhn" wrote:

 -Caveat Lector-

 In a message dated 10/26/2000 9:24:11 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

  What do Christians always complain about? 

 I don't know Joshua, I just recall that Palestinian Christians were
 complaining that they were not allowed to visit those shrines you mention.

When was that?

And if that is true, do you suppose it's because they are Christian or
because they are Palistinian?

We would know this answer if we knew that all other Chritians were also
prevented from visiting their shrines. And if so, why?

It seems to me that Israel would not intentionally destroy half of its
tourist industry.


A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] [Fwd: Nader-Gore: Rebutting Gloria Steinem]

2000-10-31 Thread Nurev Ind Research

-Caveat Lector-

 Original Message 
Subject: Nader-Gore: Rebutting Gloria Steinem
Date: Sat, 28 Oct 2000 23:48:26 -0500 (CDT)
Organization: ?
To: undisclosed-recipients:;

Date: Fri, 27 Oct 2000 12:31:28
From: Mitchel Cohen [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Rebutting Gloria Steinem

Here is an interesting rebuttal to Gloria Steinem's blast at Nader, in
support of Gore, by North Carolina Green Lisa Thurman.

To add my own two cents: While Lisa writes that she is "a long time admirer
of Gloria Steinem" and "this is the first time I have ever disagreed with
Gloria Steinem," those of us who have been around a while know that Gloria
Steinem has been, from the start of her career, a hatchet-person for the
Democratic Party leadership. Let us not forget that Steinem used to date
Henry Kissinger, and that she was a conduit for CIA funds in the 1950s to
student gatherings in Europe. The radical feminist group, Redstockings, has
systematically exposed phony-feminist Steinem's work on behalf of the US
ruling class, and has challenged Steinem to debate its members on this and
other issues -- a challenge Steinem has assiduously avoided.

- Mitchel Cohen
Brookyn Greens / Green Party of NY

A Green Party member's rebuttal to Gloria Steinem's, "Top Ten Reasons
Why I'm (Gloria) Not Voting For Nader"

10. Gloria: He's not running for president. He's running for federal
matching funds for the Green Party!

   Lisa: Wrong, Nader is not even a Green Party member. He chose the
Green Party because of it's values. He is seeking to create awareness
and to help support the progressive green social movement.

9. Gloria: He was able to take all those perfect progressive positions
of the past because he never had to build an electoral coalition, earn a
majority vote, or otherwise submit to democracy.

Lisa: Neither did you, and look what influence you had on society,
Ms. Steinem

8.  Gloria: By condemning Gore for ever having taken a different
position - for example, for voting against access to legal abortion when
he was Congressman from Tennessee - actually dissuades others from
changing their minds and joining us.

  Lisa: So, are you saying that Gore waffles on the position of
reproductive rights?

7.  Gloria: Nader is rightly obsessed with economic and corporate
control, yet he belittles the movements against a deeper form of control
- control of reproduction, the most intimate parts of our lives. For
example, he calls the women's movement and the gay and lesbian movements
"gondal politics, " and ridicules the use of the word "patriarchy," as
if it were somehow  more less important than the World Trade
Organization. As Congressman Barney Frank wrote Nader in an open letter,
"your assertion that there are not important issue differences between
Bush and Gore is either flat inaccurate or reflects your view that...
the issues are not important... since you have generally ignored these
issues in your career.

  Lisa: One of the Green Party's ten key values is feminism. Ralph
Nader has been a powerful and influential spokesperson for the Green
Party and the ten key values. And Gloria, what have you done for the

 Mitchel: And another thing -- Gay activist leader Scott McLarty and
many others have met with Nader on these issues and have convincingly
rebutted the lies put forth by Barney Frank, the leadership of the National
Organization for Women, and other apologists for Gore. You can find some of
this at www.counterpunch.org.

6. Gloria: The issues of corporate control can only be addressed by
voting for candidates who will pass campaign funding restrictions, and
conducting  grassroots boycotts and consumer campaigns against
sweatshops? not by voting for one man who will never become President

  Lisa: The issues of corporate control can only be addressed by
building local grassroots opposition to corporate control and to put
people in office, at the local level, who demonstrate green social
values. Nader is a powerful spokesperson for this grassroots movement.

7. Gloria: Toby Moffett, a longtime Nader Raider who also served in
Congress, wrote that Nader's "Tweeledum and Tweedledee assertion that
there is no important difference between the major presidential
candidates would be laughable if it weren't so unsafe". We've been
bamboozled by the media's practice of being evenhandedly negative. There
is a far greater gulf between Bush and Gore than between Nixon and
Kennedy and what they mean to history.

  Lisa: Nixon and Kennedy were both more progressive and socially
liberal then either Bush or Gore

 Mitchel: Gloria WOULD cite Toby Moffett (hey, why not Henry Kissinger
too, while yer at it, Gloria?). Moffett, a former Congressman, was a
vice-president at Monsanto, and a leading advocate for the biotechnolgy /
genetic engineering industry. Gore is the pre-eminent shill for genetic
engineering. To rewrite Moffet's sordid 

[CTRL] [Fwd: Rejected posting to CTRL@LISTSERV.AOL.COM]

2000-10-31 Thread Nurev Ind Research

-Caveat Lector-

 Original Message 
Subject: Rejected posting to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Sun, 29 Oct 2000 21:39:44 -0500
From: "L-Soft list server at America Online (1.8d)"
To: Nurev Ind Research [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Other than the list owner, no one is allowed to post more than 7 messages per
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Aleisha Saba wrote:

 -Caveat Lector-

 Prudy more or less supported the USA.what do you have Joshua, Dual
 citizenshp -

Do you mean American and English dual citizenship? If anything I could
have American and German dual citizenship, but that would be like having
alcoholic parents.


No. Actually it was just your money. They didn't tell you because they
didn't want you to get upset.

  "Attack one American and you attack all Americans" was recently
 proclaimed by President Clinton. More recently, an Assistant Secretary
 for State proclaimed that the U. S. government always protects its
 citizens. These are damn lies and meaningless words. These words were
 not true in 1967 (when Israel deliberately attacked the USS LIBERTY,)
 and unfortunately, and in spite of these beautiful words, they are not
 even true today. Moreover, there is no such thing as justice.

Sad but true. You didn't write this did you? It's coherent.

 (To see a pilot's eye picture of the USS Liberty  CLICK HERE)
 (To see a bigger, beautiful picture of the Liberty  CLICK HERE)
 (Israel claims they thought it was an Egyptian horse transport.)
 On that June day in 1967, the weather was beautiful... Clear and sunny,
 visibility unlimited... the LIBERTY, an elaborate state-of-the art
 intelligence gathering platform, was in international waters off the
 Gaza strip and was flying the Stars and Stripes. Israeli reconnaissance
 planes flew overhead for hours. Pilots and ship's crew waved to each
 other. Then, inexplicably, unmarked Israeli aircraft began attacking the
 The defenseless LIBERTY radioed for help. Two aircraft carriers in the
 Med responded by launching fighter aircraft. Unbelievably, they were
 recalled by the White House. RADM Geis, then commanding the carriers in
 the Sixth Fleet, called Washington personally to confirm the order.
 SecDef McNamara came on the line, then President Johnson. Johnson
 indicated to Geis that the aircraft were to be returned, that he would
 not have his allies embarrassed, and that he didn't care who was killed
 or what was done to the ship. Geis, like any good sailor, recalled the

Why do you think this happened you retarded cow? It's because the US got
caught playing booth sides in a war, and it was betraying its ally. With
friends like this, who needs enemies?

The US could not afford this kind behavior to become known because it
was competing for influence in the world during the cold war. And if it
was known that the US was an unreliable ally for the smaller nations
to hook up with, then they could always go next door. To the Soviets.

That's why they covered up the Liberty incident. This was the same gang
that brought us the Gulf of Tonkin incident. Yet another part of the world
US forces had no business being in. The Gulf of Yemen is another place
they don't need to be. Are we getting the point yet? The US military has
no business being outside US borders. 

[CTRL] [Fwd: Rejected posting to CTRL@LISTSERV.AOL.COM]

2000-10-31 Thread Nurev Ind Research

-Caveat Lector-

 Original Message 
Subject: Rejected posting to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Sun, 29 Oct 2000 17:54:52 -0500
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Date: 29 October, 2000

Israel Radio correspondent Nissim Keinan reported this evening that
he observed the situation at the Carni checkpoint.  "At one point
Israeli forces shot straight up into the air to scare away the mob.
Now even though the soldiers shot straight up in the air, hitting no
one, four Palestinain ambulances came up to the crowd with sirens
wailing for the benefit of the cameras and proceeded to evacuate a
few fake wounded.  The only people who were actually wounded while I
was there were shot later as they were throwing fire bombs.  And they
were hit by sharp shooters."

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fwd: Political Commentary by Binyamin Zev Kahane

2000-10-31 Thread Aleisha Saba

Ralph Nader has right right idea - stop ALL funds to Israel and then let
them speak softly while carrying stones and rocks.

This article is an example of the State of Israel's true feeings towards
the United States of America - whle building memorials to the 6 million
our children have been taught to recognize only that 6 million jews died
in that war, and not 55 million or more - our men and boys were left on
battlefields all over the world for a handful of people - today the
unification of Europe, is what Adolph Hitler attempted to do, aided by
the AshkeNAZI jews and intrnational bankers who provided the means for
Hitler  to cause the deaths of 55 million people -

It is all too obvious to me that the bible calendar code that I have,
which was taken from the 7 men at Spandau by Rusian Guard, saying it was
coded - found in the GIDEON BIBLE, a very particular edition from 1952
also mentioned in Albert Speers Diara in Octoberit is all too
obvious this is the Jewish Mafia's Code for Murder - and behind JFK to
JRK Jr. the Mossad and the likes of a Meyer Lansky, who also caused or
murdered Sir Harry Oakes in the Bahams - who had a Hogarth Collection
(you should review his prints in the 16 and 1700 period) - it is all too
true that Zionism holds the key to the murders and mayhem in this

Gideon and his 300?   Barak is just anothre sleazy assassin who should
be tried as war criminal..von Braun got us to the moon - how close
to God can one get?


Keep thinking of othe one man who is alleged to have helped blow hole in
side of USS Cole - he wore glasses and they had a lot of books in their
possession, and I imagine before it is over the FBI will connect them to
little Buford?   Might do well to Remember Littleton..suicide kids
who murdered their little classmakes and maimed and crippled some for
life...remember, the press first called them neo nazis?Yet
Klebold was jewish and called April 20 Judgment Day ... who was his
teacher?  Who pushed for the destruction of the Christian Children in
this school?   Who was the teacher of this suicide mission?


The Root of All The Evils - What Will America Say (6/96)
Translated by Lenny Goldberg

Since the election of Netanyahu, all the analysts and "experts" warn us
that if "God forbid" the peace process does not continue, then "OY VEY"
from the American reaction...

If this was only the "experts" talking, we would be able to understand.
The real problem is that we hear the same "tunes" from so many religious
Jews: "Yes, it is our land, and we must treat the enemy according to how
Torah commands us, but...but what will America say?

And how will we manage without their aid?"

This is by no means an exaggeration. The underlying root and cause for
all our national sins is lack of faith in God. It is lack of belief that
God indeed gave us all that he gave us in this generation, including
victory after victory over cruel and massive enemies, and that He really
can defend us if we hearken to His voice and actualize the national
mitzvot He commanded of us - from settling the land to disinheriting the
gentiles from it!

But alas, apparently even those who resound the praises of God with
their lips, grip the sword of fear in their hands. The slightest threat
from America - and their knees start shaking!

It really is the sin of the Golden Calf renewed! "America is your god,
Oh Israel!" It is the sin of the spies all over again! "We are not able
to go up...for they are stronger than we". Not for nothing do the sages
tell us that "than we" is The Master of the Universe himself!

Is it not true that religious Jews says this? Do they not say that
America is stronger than us - than the Lord? WHAT HAS HAPPENED TO US!
Who brought us to the Land with wonderous miracles in the first place?
Who gave us the strength to win so many wars against such impossible
odds? Will we be blind and not see it? WHY DON'T WE BELIEVE IN GOD?

Jews! Let us know who we are! Let us know the source of our strength -
and say to America: If you stand at our side during our redemption - it
will be good for you. And if you try to bother us and steal from our
portion - than your fate will be a bitter one!



In memory of the great Bible commentator the holy "OHR HACHAAIM"
(Yohrtzeit is 15 of Tamuz), here is what he had to say about the
connection between isolation from the gentile and security:

"And Israel dwelleth in safety" - When? When she is isolated. And the
word "and dwelleth" is a continuation of what is written above it, that

'And said: Destroy', that God commanded Israel to wipe out all the
inhabitants of the land, and by so doing, 'Israel dwelled securely - in
isolation' (Deuteronomy 33:28)


Re: [CTRL] Poll finds young Brits 'dumber' than oldsters

2000-10-31 Thread Aleisha Saba

-Caveat Lector-

At the time the Grandfather's Clock was made Joshua, it was a
firstin England there are many old treasures that the English and
this includes some of the nobility, could not afford to keep.   This
clock is an original and worth a small fortune but it is part of the
family - also a suit of armor dating to crusades purchased of which I
have a picture.   My ancestors can be traced to the crusades - Christian

Have a picture of the grandfathers clock and yes Joshua your IQ
potential, is something with which you are born, but Joshua stupid is as
stupid does, and you would not know that would you.

Knowledge is something one acquires and without IQ an a good memory bank
- well some retain more than others.

I bet you have a pea size brain equivalent to that of a dinosaur.   It
is said if a wild tiger chomped on the tail of a dinosaur, by the time
its little brain got the message, his tale would be gone.

I can see you sitting there with your little pointed headcute maybe,
but not too bright - and for your information Henry Kissinger an
Ashkenazi jew is big time nazi.

But by the time you get that message, with your little brain, Kissinger
will have cornered the market on the food if he survives his latest
panic attack - and gained another 50 pounds of lard.

maybe you could go to a shrink and have your brain expanded someway?

Anway, goodbye Dino - May I call you Dino?
You said our ship had no business in Yemin?   Apparently the Israelies
so thought for it seems each time we try to make friends with say Egypt,
we lose a ship like USS Liberty or when Barak's PR Man wants to improve
his image, like a Clinton - we have a USS Cole and guess who will get
the blame if they succeed?

Why the Boogie Man, Osama bin Laden - a six foot six Arab whom they
cannot find -  well first murder at the World Trade Center - a body of a
contractor found in the basement, said victim was alleged to have been
murdered by John Gotti, who was Jewish Mafia and all the time I thought
he was Italian - why that guy even had a million dollar contract put on
OJ Simpson from his prison cell where he is held in "solitary
confinement"...all because Johnny Cochran hired 6 Black Moslems as
body guards perhaps?

A. Saba
Dare To Call It Conspiracy

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fwd: Nun, Priest Disciplined for Baptism

2000-10-31 Thread Carl Amedio

Nun, Priest Disciplined for Baptism

BOSTON (AP) - Roman Catholic church officials disciplined a priest and a popular nun 
because the nun helped perform two baptisms while the priest watched

For the full text of this story, A 
HREF="aol://4344:30.L100RTjJ.7239736.657472468"click here/A.

To edit your profile, go to keyword A HREF="aol://1722:NewsProfiles"NewsProfiles/A.
For all of today's news, go to keyword A HREF="aol://1722:News"News/A.

Re: [CTRL] The woman who undid the Mideast peace

2000-10-31 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 10/30/2000 4:51:40 PM Eastern Standard Time,

 Make no mistake. Hillary Rodham Clinton has been a staunch supporter of the
 Palestine Liberation Front since her "romantic radical" undergraduate days at
 Wellesley. Those radicals — most of them the indulged sons and daughters of
 America's upper class — viewed Arafat, a committed terrorist who has
 transformed the Palestinian territory into a thugocracy, as a "freedom

So to do them a favor she instigated a situation that would give the Israeli
an excuse to kill them by the dozen.  That figures.  Prudy

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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2000-10-31 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 10/31/2000 7:04:11 AM Eastern Standard Time,

 Could you verify this, Prudy?  Everything I've read on Vlad said that he
impaled his political and military
 enemies, not his own vassals, except in limited circumstances (usually for
what he deemed treason)... 

Look for a biography that was written about 20 years ago.  I remember reading
it, and shuddering, and also wondering about the Karma thing, because a
descendent of his was born without a skeleton.  He was on display and
according to what I read about him, he was in constant pain.  He died at
about the age of 42 or 43 (if I remember correctly).  That has nothing to do
with Vlad, but the book spoke of his impaling whole villages.   They were of
course his own people.  I don't remember the exact name of the book or the
author.  Maybe even 30 years ago.  Prudy

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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Re: [CTRL] American Sailors Napalmed and Bombed while Wounded/Dying by

2000-10-31 Thread nessie

-Caveat Lector-

[EMAIL PROTECTED],Internet writes:

Jews were not allowed to be nazis. Only Christians.

On the other hand, Jews were allowed, even encouraged,  to work for Nazis.
In the 30s, when Adolph Eichmann and Otto von Bolschwing were spies in
Jerusalem, they recruited many right wing Zionists. These included Fieval
Polkes, head of the Haganah, who was paid a regular salary by the SS. The
story is in Blowback by Christopher Simpson. Simpson draws from primary
sources, including letters and reports now at the Document Center in

The deal was, the Haganah would spy on the Brits and in return, Zionists
would be allowed to recruit in Germany. Remember this was before the
Holocaust, even before Crystal Night. They could go on speaking tours of
German synagogues and warn the Jews of the horrors that were coming and
encourage them to escape while they still could by emigrating to
Palestine. The Nazis fleeced them on the way out, of course, so they
showed up penniless. But at least they escaped.

There's a von Bolschwing report in which Polkes complains bitterly about
the "poor quality" of the Jews being sent from Germany lately. They're not
Zionists come to settle Israel, complains Polkes, all they want to do is
earn enough money to buy a ticket to America.

Then there was the Judenrat. But that's another story.

Then there was Gen. Milch. That's really another story.

The point is, Jews are like, Estonians, Fijians, carpenters, taxi drivers,
sports fans, red heads, left handed people and people in hats. They come
in all political persuasions. To evaluate all Jews (or anybody else, for
that matter) on the basis of what one knows, or thinks one knows,  about a
few of them, is the very height of folly.

Individuals are most accurately assessed as individuals, not as members of
a group. Nurev and Saba are prime examples. Read what they write and judge
for yourself. Do not, however, confuse what either writes with what they
forward. Forwards are a separate issue.

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Cabinet Member Possibilities in National Journal

2000-10-31 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

-Caveat Lector-

I just caught a glimpse of the list this morning.  C-SPAN was on, but I was
busy and couldn't just sit and watch.  I walked into the room and there was
this list on the screen.  It was gone in a second, but I happened to notice
that Slade Gorton was shown as No. 2 man for Dubya's Secretary of the
Interior.  Slade Gorton hates Indians, and anyone protesting or at least
protesting environmental matters.   It was in one of Slade Gorton's
Washington offices where the cops were holding those girls' eyes open and
swabbing them with pepper spray.  Gorton thought it was aces.  If that's an
example of the cabinet members Bush is considering, we better hope he doesn't
win.  Prudy

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] [2] The Good Ole' Guns and Drug War, Law 'n Order Madness Page !!

2000-10-31 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-

Click Here: A HREF="http://www.dopewar.org/"http://www.dopewar.org//A
Trilateralism: The Trilateral Commission and Elite Planning for World
Management Ed. by Holly Sklar (Boston MA.:South End Press(1980)) (SP,H,PS,Cr)
On the international corporate economic planning infrastructure.

Webs of Power; International Cartels and the World Economy Mirov  Maurer
(Boston,MA.:Houghton Mifflin(1982)) (SP,H,Cr) On how collusive oligopolistic
cartels eliminate the competition and limit economic and social possibilities
as a consequence.

The International Drug Trade Gary M; McCuen (Hudson,Wisc.:G.E.McCuen
Publ.(1989)) (H,PS,Cr)

Big Business in the Third Reich Arthur Schweitzer (Bloomington,Ind.: Indiana
Univ.Press(1964)) (SP,H,Cr) Details the fascistic centralization of the
German economy as an integral factor of the pre WW II nazi rise.

Fascism and Big Business Daniel Guerin (N.Y.,N.Y.:Monad Press,dist By
Pathfinder Press(1973)) (SP,H,Cr)

Mortgaging the Earth Bruce Rich (Boston,MA.:Beacon Press (1993))
(SP,PS,H,Ph,Cr) Great work on how development theory is destroying the
planet. Interesting look at the true character of the people responsible for
the intellectual foundations of the present economic paradigm.(see the
chapter; From Descartes to Chico Mendes.) Those who built the intellectual
foundations of modern scientific "objectivity" were actually just a bunch of
raving self-centered alchemists. I detest repressed emotionalism clothed as
"objectivity" and "impartiality".

The Debt Boomerang; How Third World Debt Harms Us All Susan George
(Boulder,Colo.:Westview Press(1992)) (PS,H,Ph,Cr) Great look at the
mechanisms of economic predation utilized by the IMF/World Bank and their
consequences. Also shows how 12-15 million people were killed (murdered,
starved, worked, diseased, etc.)in the US sphere of influence as a direct
consequence of CIA/State Dept.-orchestrated neo-colonial foreign
policymaking. Documents how one country laundered cocaine revenues into the
international financial mechanisms of the IMF/World Bank.

The Business of Drugs Mary Cooper (Washington,D.C.: Congressional
Quarterly(1990)) (SP,H,PS,Cr)

Public Debt and Private Wealth: Debt, Capital Flight, and the I.M.F. in the
Sudan Richard P. Brown (London, Eng.: MacMillan(1992)) (PS,H,Cr,Ph) Relates
irresponsible economic predation to the occurrence of famines in the Sudan;
also a form of political economic "enclosure" called exclusion.

The Myth of Marginality: Urban Poverty and Politics in Rio de Janeiro Janice
Perlman (Berleley,CA.:Univ. of California Press(1979)) (SP,H,PS,Ph) Reveals
how economic elites exploit the poor in the U.S. sphere of influence.

The Debt Squads: The U.S.,The Banks, and Latin America Branford  Kucinski
(London,Eng.;Atlantic Highlands,N.J.: Zed Books(1988)) (H,PS,Cr)

Dark Victory: The U.S., Structural Adjustment, and Global Poverty Bello,
Cunningham,  Rau (Oakland,CA.:Food First 398 60th St.,Oakland,CA.94618;
$12.95+$3.50 shpg.(1994)) (SP,H,PS,Cr)

Dragons in Distress: Asia's Miracle Economies in Crisis Walden Bello (San
Francisco, CA.: Institute for Food and Development Policy(1990)) (SP,H,PS)

The World Bank and the Poor Aart Van De Laar (Boston,MA.: M.Nijhoff (1980))
(H,PS,Cr) Shows how an autonomous dictatorial collective can ignore good
common sense advice and do whatever they please.

The Release of the Destruction of Life Devoid of Value: It's Measure and it's
Form K.Binding, A.Hoche,and R.Sassone (Santa Ana, CA.:Life
Quality(1920,1975)) (SP,P,H,PS,S,Cr)

The Unseen Revolution: The Rise of Pension Fund Socialism in America Peter
Drucker (N.Y.,N.Y.:Harper  Row(1976)) (SP,H,E,PS)

Creating Alternative Futures: The End of Economics Hazel Henderson
(N.Y.,N.Y.:Putnam(1980,1978) (PS,Ph) Great analysis of the true roots of
economic stagflation.

If Women Counted: A New Feminist Economics Marilyn Waring (San
Francisco,CA.:HarperRow(1988)) (SP,P,H,PS,S,Cr) Also originally titled
Counting for Nothing.

Hot Money and the Politics of Debt R.T.Naylor (N.Y.,N.Y.: Linden Press,dist
by Simon  Schuster(1987)) (H,PS,Cr) If one isn't careful, one will become
psychologically numbed by the huge quantity of corruption and lawlessness
detailed in this text.

In Banks We Trust Penny Lernoux (Garden City,N.J.:Anchor
Press/Doubleday(1984)) (H,PS,Cr)

The Merchant Bankers Joseph Wechsberg (N.Y.,N.Y.:Pocket
Books/SimonSchuster(1966)) (H,PS,Cr) Talks about two enterprising scotsmen
who got their venture capital through the opium trade. Gentlemen all.

Asia's Next Giant: South Korea and Late Industrialization Alice H. Amsden
(N.Y.,N.Y.: Oxford University Press(1989)) (PS,Ph) Tells how extensive
government intervention in the economy actually was much more successful at
managing South Korea's growth than the so-called "free market" bullcrap.

Executive Compensation in Large Industrial Organizations Wilbur Llewellen
(N.Y.,N.Y.: Columbia Univ Press(1968)) (SP,PS,Ph)

Secret Money Ingo 

[CTRL] [1] The Good Ole' Guns and Drug War, Law 'n Order Madness Page !!

2000-10-31 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-

Click Here: A HREF="http://www.dopewar.org/"http://www.dopewar.org//A
The Free Stuff Nice Pictures
You made it.

The Good Ole' Guns and Drug War, Law 'n Order Madness Page !!

"Psychological warfare employs all moral and physical means, other than
orthodox military operations, which tend to:
a.Destroy the will and the ability of the enemy to fight.
b.Deprive him of the support of his allies and neutrals.
c.Increase in our own troops and allies the will to victory"

Psychological warfare employs any weapon to influence the mind of the enemy.
The weapons are psychological only in the effect they produce and not because
of the nature of the weapons themselves. In this light, overt(white),
covert(black), and gray propaganda; subversion; sabotage; special operations;
guerrilla warfare; espionage; political, cultural, economic, and racial
pressures are all effective weapons. They are effective because they produce
dissension, distrust, fear, and hopelessness in the mind of the enemy, not
because they originate in the psyche of propaganda or psychological warfare

The Science of Coercion (pp.12,81,113)
by Christopher Simpson

"Real power begins where secrecy begins. The only rule of which everybody
in a totalitarian state may be sure."
Hannah Arendt

"Those who suffer from a power complex find the mechanization of man a simple
way to realize their ambitions."

Norbert Weiner

Keep on going...down the page

just a little bit more.

I had this really great picture of George H.W. Bush wrapped in the swastika
that someone gave me during the 80's, but someone stole it out of my room
recently. If someone has it, please send it to me and I'll be eternally

The policymaking of the "War on Drugs" can best be understood from the
perspective of the use of psychological operations in fascist revolution.
Wholistic mass manipulation may best be understood as a dynamic interrelated
process acting on a targetted population over time. The emphasis of the
program design will depend on the specific characteristics and
vulnerabilities of the population targetted for "conversion". Needless to
say, all the physical, mental, psychological, and spiritual factors acting on
the human bean can't be accounted for totally, much less analysed. Obviously,
though, some people have seen fit to use every means necessary to manipulate
others to achieve sometimes extremely antisocial and ultimately mass suicidal
goals founded in a fear borne of greed; the true philosophical underpinnings
of the pseudojustification of "national security". Paradoxically, this
policymaking has generated higher levels of chaos in our country than has
ever been seen before in U.S.history. Collective dictatorial totalitarianism
is the real threat to the self-determination of any truly free people. The
goundbreaking work of Caplan and Pantony on the Delusional Dominating
Personality Disorder (DDPD) ,detailed in Canadian Psychology Vol.32,#2, is a
great place to start exploring current ideas on authoritarianism (the
pathology of the criminal warlord). The purpose of my work is to stimulate
people to move towards the fuller self-determination that comes from being
more fully informed about history and the evils we are all capable of. One of
the biggest obstacles facing the democratic self-determination of the
American people are the ubiquitous presence of fear-based, self-serving,
non-responsive dictatorial collectives in the public and private sector
organizational landscape. These collectives are also known as boards of
directors, corporations, armies, security forces, city councils, governments,
secret societies, fraternities, etc. The CIA is one of the most sophisticated
and dangerous of these collectives, acting as it does to facilitate
large-scale criminal activities such as insurance and bank scams, large-scale
counterfeiting, smuggling, mass slaughter, economic deprivation, gun-running,
drug-running, real estate scams, etc, to finance fascist
revolution/conversions in cooperation with large sectors of the international
corporate financial infrastructure. These criminal interactions can be
considered the greatest threat to the integrity of constitutional democracy, t
he continuity of world economic systems, and the long-term viability of
planetary biological systems upon which all species depend for life. The best
defense against external manipulation are deeply held values and beliefs
which form the basis for constructive and coherent self-directed action.

I've sorted the references into nine subject areas. They are social
psychology (SP), psychology (P), history (H), economics (E), political
science (PS), spirituality(S), medicine (M), philosophy (Ph), and criminology
(Cr). The last section is for the individual addict/alcoholic who still
abuses and introduces a community based addiction reduction and
antiviolence/community stabilization 

[CTRL] Fwd: New book,other stuff...

2000-10-31 Thread Kris Millegan

Dear People,
   I am pleased finally to announce that the book Violent Politics,
Empowering Liberation; US Drug Wars in Cultural Perspective is finally
on-line at long last. The free bibliography, graphics, and chapters are at
http://www.dopewar.org, and the spendy stuff is at www.3mpub.com/Lyle
Courtsal (book is in PDF format for $10 a download). Tell your friends and
lets kick George Bush's butt.

[CTRL] Fwd: Bush-Nazi-CIA Connection ::: Fourth Reich Amerikan Style

2000-10-31 Thread Kris Millegan

Allies, Earthlings  Agents :::

   The following references will make the Nazi-Bush-CIA connection as 
glaringly apparent as a Skull  Bones pin on a Gestapo collar. We feel this 
issue is particularly important to EXPOSE at this time, before the U.S. 
Please pass this information on in any form that you can. The ghosts of a 
million Holocaust victims haunt these words. Never Again!

   White Rose Resistance Hawai'i 

The CIA  the Amerikan Police State ::: Allegiance to "Amorality"?

   "In the beginning, much of the machinery of national security was directed 
at adversaries abroad. The CIA, in particular, was given the mission of 
manipulating the internal affairs of other countries, from rigging elections 
to engineering coups. But it is not possible to create an invisible 
government, a world of secret agents and covert operators, without using 
those resources sooner or later against the American people. 
   "There were other reasons why the normal checks and balances of the 
American constitutional system failed to prevent the intelligence agencies 
from breaking the law and violating basic rights. In any democratic society 
there is a tension between liberty and order, between individual freedom and 
the requirements of society as a whole. Normally, however, such conflicts are 
resolved within the framework of law and the judicial system. But the 
intelligence operators believed in a higher morality. They peruaded 
themselves that they had the right to use any means in the pursuit of the 
ends of national security.

   "A 1954 report of the Hoover commission on government reorganization set 
the tone: 'It is now clear that we are facing an implacable enemy whose 
avowed objective is world domination by whatever means and at whatever cost. 
There are no rules in such a game. Hitherto acceptable norms of human conduct 
do not apply. If  the U.S. is to survive, long-standing American concepts of 
'fair play' must be reconsidered.'

   "William Sullivan told the Senate Intelligence committee, 'Never once did 
I hear anybody, including myself, raise the question: 'Is this course of 
action which we have agreed upon lawful, is it legal, is it ethical or 
moral?'... We never gave any thought to this line of reasoning, because we 
were just naturally pragmatists. The one thing we were concerned about was 
this: Will this course of action work, will it get us what we want? As far as 
legality is concerned, morals or ethics, it was never raised.  I think this 
suggests really in government that we are amoral. In government-I am not 
speaking for everybody-the general atmosphere is one of amorality.'

   "In a democracy, official amorality and lawbreaking take place in secret. 
The intelligence abuses have been able to flourish because of a pervasive 
system of official secrecy that has permitted the lawbreakers to conceal 
their illegal acts by stamping them 'Top Secret'. The government's 
classification system, which has existed for civilian agencies only since 
1951, has thus provided a vital cocoon of secrecy to mask the illegalities 
from the public, the press, and the Congress.

   "What is clear is that democracy has been diminished and individual 
freedom curtailed  without the nation's knowing what was happening. Even the 
victims of FBI harassment seldom suspected that the government was behind 
their difficulties. A police state, American style, has developed, not by the 
choice of the voters, or by the legislative process, but by erosion.

   "The trust between the people and the government, on which democracy 
depends, has also been eroded by the wide-ranging disclosures of improper 
activities and official lawbreaking. When that trust is weakened or 
destroyed, it is not easily restored.

   "Since technology has outpaced efforts at political control of the 
intelligence agencies-indeed until quite recently there were virtually no 
such efforts at all-the prospects for the future are not pleasant. The 
super-sophisticated techniques developed by the National Security Agency to 
intercept telephone or other conversations, or to tap, uninvited, into 
computers, may mean that in the not too distant future those who dissent from 
established policy may literally have no place to hide.

   "A government of laws requires a legal framework if there is any hope that 
powerful agencies are to be controlled, and the basic laws governing the CIA 
and FBI have been shockingly vague. The National Security Act of 1947 should 
be rewritten or replaced to prohibit the CIA from engaging in domestic 
spying. The CIA's entire network of shadowy domestic divisions should be shut 
down and the Agency confined to gathering intelligence overseas-which was 
Congress' intention when it created the intelligence agency.

   "CIA covert operations, from rigging elections abroad to 

[CTRL] Nessie returns

2000-10-31 Thread nessie

-Caveat Lector-


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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] RadTimes # 87

2000-10-31 Thread radman

-Caveat Lector-

RadTimes # 87 October, 2000

An informally produced compendium of vital irregularities.

"We're living in rad times!"
--Is direct action the new democracy?
--LAPD Homeless Sweeps Target Skid Row
--Ritalin becoming school yard hustlers' newest product
--Study Finds Resurgence in Corporate Tax Avoidance
Linked stories:
*New global role puts FBI in unsavory company
*Judge orders bookstore to turn over invoice
*Editorial: Give Drug Czar More Authority [humor?]
Begin stories:
Is direct action the new democracy?

3 October, 2000
BBC News Online

The violent protests in Prague are just one example of a
phenomenon that has dominated the political scene in Europe
in recent weeks: direct action.

Fuel protests by farmers and truckers have swept the
continent, forcing concessions from many European

Protesters argue that this is often the only way to make
their voices heard against 'out of touch' governments or
'unrepresentative' global institutions.

But is direct action - which often tramples on the rights of
innocent bystanders - justified.

Is it the only way in which the powerless can make their
voices heard in the era of big business and globalisation?

Is this the new democracy or does it risk damaging the rule
of law on which the fabric of our societies are built?

In our Europewide debate, Europe Today's Johannes Dell
brought together from Paris the French journalist Catherine
Guilyardi and in London the British political columnist Mary

This debate is now closed. Read a selection of your comments

Your reaction:

John Stuart Mill said, "actions should reflect the greatest
number of people". However, the IMF/ World Bank has not and
never will represent "we the people". Need I remind people
that the IMF/ World Bank are non-elected officials engaging
in a Wall Street scam to line the pockets of the rich with
gold instead of wool. I champion people over profits and I
plan to continue protesting for a true democracy.
-- Anne Block, USA

What is so democratic about the World Bank/IMF both of which
are controlled by a handful of rich governments under the
one dollar one vote system? Did the people of Namada whose
livelihoods will be destroyed by the dam built with WB money
ever get a vote?
-- Kieran, Wales

There is nothing "new" about direct action. And calling it
"democratic" is relative.
-- Edward, UK

The people who undertake direct action have not been
democratically elected to speak on our behalf. They should
desist from unruly protests.
-- H. Bhadeshia, UK

Politicians complain all the time that people don't bother
to go out and vote any more. The reason is that people feel
voting doesn't change anything. And are they so wrong? All
the mainstream parties are in favour of the World Bank and
the IMF. The Czech police defend them as they once defended
Husak. Parliamentary politics is in the pocket of the big
corporations. Where do you expect the protest to go?
-- Tim Vanhoof, Germany

Peaceful protests used to be noticed. Now they are simply
ignored without comment or media coverage (until they turn
nasty). If we want peaceful protests to continue - we have
to start noticing them, otherwise Direct Action is the only
way to for protesters to get their message heard.
-- Mike, UK

"New democracy?" One well-publicised protest doesn't create
a "new" anything nor does it much threaten the rule of law -
the government has the guns after all and if they choose not
to engage the protestors then even violent protest does
little permanent damage. Of course the protestors are trying
to get headlines (and the attendant empty-headed commentary)
while the government must balance the value of liberty
against the profits of big business. I thought the
protestors were right in that fuel tax is much too high but
I certainly can't fault the UK government for their
restraint. It looks to me like this issue is a good example
of democracy working well.
-- Mickey Pallen, USA

Direct action is a consequence of the electorate feeling
that politicians do not listen to them through the normal
democratic channels and resorting to the only means left
available to them.
-- Gavin Pearson, USA

I disagree with such direct action. I wish the media would
not give these individuals a forum on which to display their
parochial views. Clearly, these individuals are out of the
mainstream. Their disenchantment with government should not
be the blame for the best system the world has known. Should
we return to the days of global separatism and the type
economic competition that causes war? Globalisation has its
problems. Give us a better 

Re: [CTRL] History of Health web page

2000-10-31 Thread Smart News

-Caveat Lector-

Dear List,

Below please find an excerpt from the History of Health web page.

Sincerely,  Neil Brick

excerpt from : http://www.health.microworld.com/html/history_2.html

This may be triggering for survivors of abuse. All accusations are alleged.

1977 Timothy Leary publishes "Exo-Psychology", in which he confides "there
are two aspects of this social conditioning regime which are not stressed by
Skinner. To make it work, the government psychologists must have total
control over the citizenry, and there mustbe total secrecy and censorship.

One dissident, freedom-oriented psychologist can totally disrupt a
psychological fascism by public exposure. Psychological control techniques
cannot be employed in a democracy where minority groups can campaign against
and publicly discuss the techniques being used. Thus, the proposals of B.F.
Skinner cannot be implemented except in a state where the government has
total control of communication."

1977 The US Army admits that it had carried out hundreds of biological
warfare tests in the United States over a period of decades since World War
II, including 25 major operations targeting the American public employing
known disease-causing agents. Crop disease substances were used 31 times.

1977 Stewart publishes a study evaluating 160 cases of adverse reactions
occurring after a DPT shot. Among the reactions were paralysis.

1977 Congressional Hearings on the cancer problem in the United States. A
report generated concluded that "the public has been misled by the major
cancer organizations for the past 25 years." It recommended that those
benefiting from "the system" not be allowed to dictate the choices available
to the American public.This Congressional study was ignored.

1977 CIA admits MKULTRA consisted of 149 sub-projects involving 44 colleges
and universities, 15 research foundations, 12 hospitals and 3 prisons.

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] HE: Secret Weapons Deals Only a Scandal

2000-10-31 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

Secret Weapons Deals Only a Scandal

When Republicans Make Them No Surprise: Media Ignore Goregate
By Tim Graham
Human Events

In the waning moments of presidential campaigns, political
junkies always look for potential "October Surprises"–last-minute
allegations, events, or decisions that could potentially sway the
race toward one party or the other.

In recent years, those surprises have often focused on foreign
policy controversies.  Unsurprisingly, America’s "objective"
national news media have shown a partisan variability in
reporting or even creating these occurrences.

This year’s October Surprise is the story of the dog that didn’t
bark. That’s because the big foreign policy scandal this October
is a story that could kill the chances of the Democratic, not the
Republican, presidential candidate.

For years, ABC’s Ted Koppel and PBS’s "Frontline" investigated
the discredited theory that the 1980 Reagan campaign conspired
with the Iranians to delay the release of the American hostages
until after the election.

But, then, in 1992, no ABC or PBS specials probed Iran-Contra
independent counsel Lawrence Walsh’s October Surprise: Four days
before the election, he re-indicted former Defense Secretary
Caspar Weinberger and asserted that then-Vice President George
Bush was "in the loop" on Iran-Contra essentials.  (In fact, ABC,
CBS, and NBC did not even mention Walsh by name in their reports,
characterizing Walsh’s extremely political maneuver as just the
unsuspicious emergence of "new material" or "new grand jury

Weapons to Iran

In October 1996, the Washington Post foreshadowed an Al Gore
scandal by reporting on the now-infamous fundraiser at the Hsi
Lai Buddhist Temple that would later lead to the conviction of
Gore fundraiser Maria Hsia for hiding contributions from the FEC.
But, this time, the networks stayed silent–not picking up the
story until the following March, after Clinton and Gore had been
safely reelected.

This October, the New York Times and the Washington Times have
uncovered another potentially damaging story concerning Gore.
First, in a 2,500-word front-page article in the October 13
edition of the New York Times, John Broder reported that in 1995
"Vice President Gore signed a secret agreement with Viktor S.
Chernomyrdin, then the Russian prime minister." The deal allowed
the Russians to continue selling conventional weapons to Iran
until 1999.  Among these weapons was a super quiet Kilo-class
submarine that could threaten U.S. warships in the Persian Gulf.
After the 1999 deadline passed, the Russian kept selling the
Iranians weapons despite Chernomyrdin’s secret deal with Gore.

Broder added that the secret deal undercut a 1992 law principally
sponsored by Sen.  John McCain (R.-Ariz.) and then-Sen.  Gore
himself that required the administration to impose sanctions on
governments discovered to be selling weapons to nations, such as
Iran, that are tagged by the State Department for sponsoring

McCain told Broder that he was unaware of the Gore-Chernomyrdin
deal and that a "strong case can be made" that Russian arms
deliveries to Iran, especially the hard-to-detect Kilo-class
submarine, should have triggered sanctions under the Gore-McCain
law.  "If the administration acquiesced in the sale," said
McCain, "then I believe they have violated both the intent and
the letter of the law."

Although he had been the darling of the media when he was
battling Bush in the primaries, McCain was not besieged by
interview requests from the major network to discuss Gore’s
illegal arms deal.

Four days after the New York Times story, Washington Times
reporter Bill Gertz uncovered another secret deal that Gore had
made with Chernomyrdin.  In a classified 1995 letter, the Russian
prime minister had informed the Vice President about Moscow’s
involvement in helping Iran build and fuel a nuclear reactor.
The letter referred to a prior agreement between Chernomyrdin and
Gore on the matter, and insisted that the information about the
Russian-Iranian nuclear cooperation was "not to be conveyed to
third parties, including the U.S. Congress."

"Sources on Capitol Hill," reported Gertz, "said Mr.  Gore
withheld the information from key senators who would normally be
told of such high-level security matters." He added that Gore’s
withholding of the information may have violated a provision of
the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Act, which requires the
administration to keep congressional oversight committees fully
informed on nuclear proliferation matters.

Senators began investigating the secret dealings, but their plans
to hold hearings spurred no advance stories at ABC, CBS, NBC, or
CNN.  Only Fox News Channel covered the issue on "Special Report
with Brit Hume."

When the Senate actually held the hearings on October 25, "The
Early Show" on CBS and ABC’s "World News Tonight" noted them in
passing.  CBS anchor Diana Olick reported: "Questions about a
secret arms deal and Vice 


2000-10-31 Thread William Shannon

Oct 31, 2000

Washington's most unofficial source
Editor: Sam Smith
1312 18th St. NW #502, Washington DC 20036
202-835-0770 Fax: 835-0779
WEB SITE: http://prorev.com
READERS FORUM: http://prorev.com/bb.htm


Unnumbered spirits round thee fly,
The light militia of the lower sky -- Alexander Pope


To give you an idea of how mercurial this election is, we began the morning
by posting the latest tracking poll results that showed Bush moving
significantly ahead. We accompanied them with a headline noting this shift.
Then we turned to recording the state by state polls and were amazed to find
that Gore was now in the lead (although only by 16 votes) based on the
latest available surveys. Admittedly, the electoral count lags the tracking
polls and in this election that could make all the difference, but it is a
warning not to count one's chickens (or lack thereof) for a while yet . . .

Also tightening up: the race between Lazio and Clinton in New York and this
just in from Scott Rasmussen re California: "Nader at 6... Gore up by 3...
most undecideds are Dems choosing between Gore and Nader... I still see this
as a Gore state... However, if it is clear to everyone that Bush has it
wrapped up, Nader vote could go up and Gore could lose... not likely, but
possible... Rasmussen's results also show Bush having pretty well locked up
the electoral college and says that Gore needs to win 70% or more of toss-up
electoral votes. Zogby, who is doing daily tracking polls in key states, is
coming back with results more favorable to Gore.


An anti-Nader scheme in which Nader supporters in tightly-fought states are
being urged to trade away their ballot to someone in a state with a large
Gore majority has been called illegal by the California Secretary of State.
The vote scam was absurd on its face since there was no way a Nader
supporter could assure that the Gore backer would actually vote for Nader.
Further, as the Review reported, Democrats were circulating e-mails in which
Gore backers were being urged to promise numerous Nader supporters their
same vote -- as presumably no one would ever find it out.

The dirty trick -- reminiscent of those used by Richard Nixon -- was
derailed when one of several web sites promoting it received a letter from
the California Secretary of State. As one site described it, "We have just
received word from the California Secretary of State that offering to
'broker the exchange of votes' is a violation of California state law.
Therefore we have turned our software off in order to be in compliance."

At least two web sites shut down and a third removed the links that made it
operable. The San Francisco Chronicle reported, "Secretary of State Bill
Jones said earlier yesterday that any "inducement" to vote a certain way is
considered illegal under California law . . . Representatives of the
secretary of state's offices in Missouri and Texas, two states where there
has been a lot of swapping activity, also said the trading is illegal under
their laws."

The dirty trick seems to have sprung from an article in Slate suggesting the
scheme. The article was by Washington Democratic operative Jamin Raskin, who
apparently wanted to get his resume in to Gore early. Ironically, Raskin is
a professor of constitutional law.



Another in a series of bizarre twists in the D.C. Democracy 7 Trial occurred
as the jury proclaimed what later turned out to be a non-unanimous guilty
verdict for disrupting Congress. Initially, after nearly 5 hours of
deliberation, the  jury foreperson had stated that a guilty verdict had been
reached for all six defendants.  When Judge Anna Blackburne-Rigsby polled
each juror individually at the request of defense counsel Kenneth Page,
however, one juror stated that he had found the defendants "guilty with
reservation." When the judge questioned the juror as to whether he had
concluded that the government's case had been proven "beyond a reasonable
doubt," the juror replied "not really."

After extended discussions at the bench, Judge Blackburne-Rigsby delayed a
decision as to whether a mistrial should be declared, or the jury sent back
for further deliberations. The trial began after two days of jury selection
and a decision by the US Attorney's office that the charge against a
defendant who is a Statehood Green party candidate for public office had
been dismissed.  The prosecutors gave no reason for dismissing the charge.
The defendants were arrested on July 26 in the House visitor's gallery after
they spoke out on the DC appropriations bill, which contains numerous riders
contrary to local popular will.  The riders include prohibitions on a
medical marijuana initiative and a domestic partnership law, restrictions on
the city's locally funded needle exchange 

[CTRL] Fwd: Esquire:Feature Story

2000-10-31 Thread Aleisha Saba

Esquire Story where Clinton demanded apology from Republicans and
Democrats who voted to impeach him..they say to "bring your barf
bag" when you read this one..cannot reproduce on this web tv
satisfactoryily but it is safe to open this subject store above.

Esquire is alleged to have LIED to our President (well he is not my
president) and said this story would be out after the election.\

Does anybody read Esquire anymore?

A. Saba
Dare To Call It Conspiracy

A. Saba
Dare To Call It Conspiracy



2000-10-31 Thread Mrs. Jela Jovanovic

-Caveat Lector-

- Original Message -
From: Miroslav Antic
Sent: Tuesday, October 31, 2000 2:23 AM


  MOSCOW. Oct  30 (Interfax) - A recent poll shows that more than one
 half of the Russian 'elite' is prone to believing that the United States
 poses a threat to Russia's security.
  A majority  53.2% of  the elite  said they  think that  the  United
 States is really a danger to Russia, 41.4% think otherwise, and 5.4% had
 difficulty answering  the question,  the All-Russia Independent Research
 Center -  Gallup International reported Monday, after having conducted a
 survey of 500 representatives of the country's elite.
  The poll  was conducted  in  ten  Russian  cities  at  the  end  of
 September. The  question was  asked of  representatives of the executive
 and legislative  authorities, business  and  state  enterprise  leaders,
 scientists and top mass media brass.

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] {slick-d} Fwd: Political Commentary by Binyamin Zev Kahanen

2000-10-31 Thread Aleisha Saba

-Caveat Lector-

Baby Bush is going to win this one - they do not like to mention the
fact he received endorsement from all the FOPs, etc., according to once
source, and no doubt he will get parents of the Boy Scouts, the Mormons,
the Catholics, Jerry Falwell and Pat Robertson voters, disgruntled
disgraced democrats who are now ashamed to be democrats, all
republicans, and it will be by a nose - Naders?

Well Nader said take the State of Israel off our welfare
list...there goes the jewish vote.

Nader is Lebanese - but he does not have nose like Tower of Lebanon - in
fact, I do not remember what his nose looks like or even his face...

So Bush said as long as he was President no US soldier would ever wear
UN uniform...UN is out,  WTO is outrioters are in..

Hill and Bill get homosexual and pervert votes.
Hill and Bill get lost souls votes.
Hill and Bill get psycho votes.
Hill and Bill get depraved votes.
HIll and Bill get portion of democrat vote.
Hill and Bill get all the stupid vote (and Joshua's vote, no doubt)

So it will be the Burning Bush, the Great I am that I am, super Mason
and CIA for all Bushes are CIAthe great Skull and Bones while not
pick of the litter, I like him for he is a gentleman and is blood
relation to meand I can prove my pedigreee.

So like father, like sonlike his Moo Moo too.

Beats the hell out of Gore.

At least that is what I think and I have never picked a loser .

Clintons speak out of three sides of their mouths and together, six
sides - one side for jews, one side for arabs, one side for whites and
one side for coloreds, one side for queers and one side for
non-perverts...but the kids whom they have killed from Waco to Ruby
Ridge to the Balkans - well have they ever apologized to the boy scouts
for attempting to blackmail them into admitting sodomists to this group
of children who have always been straight arrows - at least they try?

Hard for me to believe anyone other than political hack or pornographer
amd drug runner for mob like Flynt would support him.

So who the hell wants perverts in our white house sleeping in Lincoln's
bedroom - but so long as they stay away from General Lees Memorial, what
the hell do I care - never liked Lincoln anyway - hope bumps in night
keep him awake.

High Priestess of Temple of Bush

A. Saba
Dare To Call It Conspiracy

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fallout widens from Arizona's backfired alternative-fuel plan

2000-10-31 Thread Steve Wingate

-Caveat Lector-

Fallout widens from Arizona's backfired alternative-fuel plan

By PAUL DAVENPORT, Associated Press

PHOENIX (October 31, 2000 7:00 a.m. EST http://www.nandotimes.com) -
Gary King suspects he knows just how the state will recoup the runaway
costs from its botched subsidy program for alternative-fuel vehicles: his

"We're all going to have to pay for this one," said the planning consultant
from suburban Chandler as he stood in an absentee voting line Monday.

Instead of cleaning Arizona's air, the program has backfired, sullying the
state's Republican party, blemishing the governor's record and leaving
many residents fuming.

The expanded program, approved this year by the Legislature, offered
people large incentives to use cars that run on so-called clean fuels, such
as natural gas or propane.

It proved unexpectedly popular: So many residents rushed to take
advantage of the tax breaks offered by the state that the program's costs
have spiraled nearly out of control.

Thousands of Arizonans poured into dealerships to buy or convert an
estimated 22,000 vehicles, pushing the cost of the program to an
estimated $483 million. It was supposed to cost about $3 million when
legislators passed it earlier this year.

It has left people like Phoenix school teacher Evangeline Rivera shaking
her head.

"I can't believe they didn't run a projection - a well thought-out projection -
before they started this," she said.

The fallout could be more than just public disgust, judging by the near-daily
rounds of criticism on radio talk shows and newspaper editorial pages.

"This is an embarrassment to the whole Republican Party," Sen. David
Petersen said. "Not only do we have the speaker involved, we have a
number of legislators who voted for it and a governor who didn't catch this
early on."

State Attorney General Janet Napolitano launched a criminal investigation
that could involve allegations of fraud, bribery and conflict of interest. She
declined to identify potential targets.

House Speaker Jeff Groscost, the program's chief architect, faces ethics
scrutiny because he has purchased and leased several vehicles from a
conversion company whose president was involved with drafting the law.

Groscost has denied that he personally profited from his work on the issue
and said his only motives were to reduce air pollution and dependence on
foreign oil.

While Republicans have a comfortable 40-20 lead in the House, they only
have a 16-to-14 margin in the Senate. Understandably, the GOP has tried
to widen the blame beyond their party.

"The votes were across party lines," said Senate President Brenda Burns,
a Republican. "Everyone regrets that the costs were phenomenal and no
one could have ever imagined that. That lays at the feet of everyone

Over the summer, Democrat Jay Blanchard, an Arizona State University
professor and former Marine pilot, admitted that he would need a miracle
to beat Groscost on Nov. 7.

"Things have changed dramatically," Blanchard said last week. "Sadly,
we've got the miracle and the miracle is a half-billion theft from the state

Gov. Jane Hull, who requested and got legislators to approve a moratorium
on the program during a special session earlier this month, is looking for
ways to rein in the costs.

Hull, who acknowledged Monday that the responsibility is ultimately hers
because she signed the bill into law, said the unexpected price of the
legislation has been dwarfed by bigger toll.

"In this case the loss of public confidence and trust is ultimately the highest
cost," she said.

}}} ANOMALOUS RADIO {{{ - Techno, Ambient, Talk (33k+)

}}} RADIO ANOMALY {{{ - Techno, Ambient, Jazz (Cable, DSL)

Anomalous Images and UFO Files

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Re: [CTRL] ect info page

2000-10-31 Thread Smart News

-Caveat Lector-

Dear List,

Below please find a page with info on ect.

Sincerely,  Neil Brick

PS This may be triggering for survivors.


Introduction The Shocking truth about ECT

Damaging Minds
Creating Harm The history of Electroshock

Perpetuating Cruelty
Electroshock Machine
Brain damage from ELECTRIC SHOCK
Brain damage from Electroshock destroys memories

Betraying Trust
It could Happen to you

Legacy of Horror
The Nazi Heritage

Controlling Minds
Captive brains
Therapy or Torture?
Apartheid and ECT
Pain as Punishment

Harmful Results
Unsafe and ineffective
ECT Promotes breast Cancer

Ruinning Lives
Shock from Birth to Grave

Psychiatric Lies
What Psychiatrists say about Electroshock

Fraud  Waste
Creating Pain for Profit

Return to Proper Medical Care — Ban ECT

The Citizens Commission On Human Rights

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[CTRL] Clinton furious about Esquire 'Leak'

2000-10-31 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

Clinton Complains about Esquire 'Leak'

By Susan Jones CNS Morning Editor October 31, 2000

(CNSNews.com) - President Clinton says Esquire magazine 'promised
faithfully' that it would not release its interview with Clinton until
after the election.  "And I believed it," he snapped Monday in response
to a reporter's question.

Both Clinton and Vice President Al Gore reportedly are furious
that Clinton's comments to Esquire - and a provocative cover
photo of Clinton sitting with his legs spread -- were released
over the weekend.  The Gore campaign fears the reminder of
Clinton scandals could turn off swing voters at a time when Gore
is desperately reaching out to them.

In the interview scheduled to run in the December Esquire,
Clinton discusses his impeachment - and reportedly demands an
apology from Republicans.

"Unlike them [the Republicans], I've apologized to the American
people for what I did wrong, and most Americans think I paid a
pretty high price ...  They never apologized to the country for
impeachment. They've never apologized for all the things they've
done ...  But, folks, I think that they haven't necessarily put
their abuse of power behind them," Clinton is quoted as saying.

The Washington Times reports that Clinton took offense when a
reporter asked him why congressional Republicans should apologize
for impeaching him.  Clinton responded, "I doubt if you've read
the whole interview, or you wouldn't have asked the question in
that way."

Clinton said, "I would just urge the American people, if they're
hearing all this talk, to read exactly what was said." The
magazine won't come out until after the election, however.  In
the meantime, Clinton said Americans should focus on the

When asked about Clinton's comments on the impeachment issue,
Senator Majority Leader Trent Lott (R-MS) said, "That's
absolutely bizarre, but it shows you something about his thinking
and the judgment that he has. Look, he disgraced the office.  He
did things in the Oval Office that just absolutely are still
incredible, and then he lied about it."

Earlier, on a Sunday talk show, Lott said, "If there is any
apology to be made, he owes it over and over again for what he
put the country through."

Esquire Editor-in-Chief David Granger is quoted in the Washington
Times as saying that Esquire "violated no (embargo) agreement
with the White House."

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

 *Michael Spitzer*  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

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[CTRL] BG: Questions remain on Bush's service as Guard pilot

2000-10-31 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

[Sen. Bob Kerrey pushed this news story on Hardball tonight.]


Boston Globe

Questions remain on Bush's service as Guard pilot

By Walter V. Robinson, Globe Staff

''The responsibility to show up and do your job.''

- Texas Governor George W. Bush, reflecting on the values he
learned as a Texas Air National Guard pilot during the Vietnam
War era, in a 1998 interview with the National Guard Review.

For Vice President Al Gore, the character issue is like chewing
gum stuck to the sole of his shoe: Hardly a day passes without
Republicans challenging Gore's character, especially his storied
tendency to embellish facts.

But Democrats are crying foul, saying that Bush has overstated
his own record and with far less political consequence.
Belatedly, they are calling attention to misleading claims Bush
and his campaign have made about his Vietnam-era service as a
fighter pilot with the Texas Air National Guard, and to documents
that contradict Bush's insistence that he attended required
drills in Alabama and Texas in 1972 and 1973.

Five months after the Globe first reported those discrepancies,
Bush's biography on his presidential campaign Web site remains
unchanged, stating that he served as a pilot in the Texas Guard
from 1968 to 1973.

In fact, Bush only flew with the 111th Fighter-Interceptor
Squadron at Ellington Field in Houston from June 1970 until April
1972. That month he ceased flying altogether, two years before
his military commitment ended, an unusual step that has left some
veteran fighter pilots puzzled.

In Alabama, a group of Vietnam veterans recently offered a $1,000
reward for anyone who can verify Bush's claim that he performed
service at a Montgomery air guard unit in 1972, when Bush was
temporarily in Alabama working on a political campaign.

So far, no one has come forward. The reward is now $3,500.

What's more, a Bush campaign spokesman acknowledged last week
that he knows of no witnesses who can attest to Bush's attendance
at drills after he returned to Houston in late 1972 and before
his early release from the Guard in September 1973.

There is strong evidence that Bush performed no military service,
as was required, when he moved from Houston to Alabama to work on
a US Senate campaign from May to November 1972. There are no
records of any service and the commanding officer of the unit
Bush was assigned to said he never saw him.

During Bush's Alabama sojourn, he was suspended from flight duty
for not taking his annual flight physical. The Bush campaign's
initial explanation for the lapse, it now admits, was wrong.

Dan Bartlett, a Bush campaign spokesman, pointed to incomplete
records - one a torn page without Bush's name or any discernible
dates - as evidence that he did enough drills in Houston in the
closing months of his service to satisfy military obligations.

Major Thomas A. Deall, a spokesman for the Air Reserve Personnel
Center in Denver, said last week that officials there now believe
that after looking at Bush's records, he met minimum drill
requirements before his discharge.

Still, as the Globe reported in May, two documents and the
recollections of officers who said they believe that Bush did not
return to his Houston base after leaving for Alabama raise
questions about whether Bush performed any duty between April
1972 and September 1973, the month Bush entered Harvard Business

The result is that Bush's discharge was ''honorable.'' But, for
understandable reasons, it is not a period of Bush's life he has
called attention to.

Other current and retired Air Force officers said Bush's military
records are much like those of countless other Guardsmen at the
time, when the federal government was reducing its force as the
Vietnam War came to a close: guardsmen who lost interest in their
units, and commanders who found it easier to muster them out than
hold them to a commitment many made to avoid Vietnam.

Jesse Brown, the former Veterans Affairs secretary who was
seriously wounded while serving as a Marine in Vietnam, said he
is irritated that Bush's military service lapses have not become
part of the campaign debate.

''It goes right to the heart of the character issue,'' Brown
said. ''If you served on active duty during that time, you knew
that people went into the Guard and Reserves so they wouldn't
have to put their asses on the line. But once they made that
decision, they should honor the obligation, do their duty and do
it well. Bush did not.''

Retorted Bartlett, Bush's spokesman: ''Jesse Brown served
honorably, but you mean to tell me he has no problem with Bill
Clinton's avoidance of military service?''

If Bush's lackadaisical approach to his six-year obligation has
attracted scant attention, it could be for that reason: He is
running to succeed a president who actively and successfully
sought to avoid military service.



2000-10-31 Thread Jenny Decker

-Caveat Lector-

 X DRUDGE REPORT X MON OCT 30, 2000 22:01:39 ET X


 **World Exclusive**

 [The book CHINA THREAT was ranked #11,705 on AMAZON.COM's sales
 list late Monday. Gertz's first book BETRAYAL was AMAZON's
 top-seller for the month of May 1999.] Impacting.

News travels fast:  I just looked at this book on the Amazon.com website (as
of 4 p.m. Tuesday, Oct. 31) and it is now ranked as the number ONE seller on
all of Amazon, the day before the book is actually released.
Jenny Decker

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[CTRL] Kids Say The Darnedest Things

2000-10-31 Thread Mark McHugh

-Caveat Lector-

I knew there was a joke somewhere in Al Gore. ;)

Mark McHugh

via Undernews, 31OCT00


MTV asked young Americans who Al Gore reminds them most of. For 11-12%
the answers were my high school guidance counselor, my dad, and the
of my school's debate team. Top response (54%): A traveling salesman.

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[CTRL] AF News 1 Nov 00

2000-10-31 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

001637.  Clinton signs authorization act; pay, TRICARE affected
by Jim Garamone
American Forces Press Service

WASHINGTON (AFPN) -- A 3.7 percent military pay raise, TRICARE changes,
military modernization and lifetime medical benefits are just some of the
aspects of the Floyd D. Spence National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal
Year 2001 that President Clinton signed into law Oct. 30.

The act gives DOD permission to spend an authorized overall budget of $309.9
billion.  The fiscal 2001 appropriations act signed in August actually
provided the money.

The authorization act set total military fiscal 2001 end strength at
1,382,242.  The Air Force's end strength is 357,000; the Army's, 480,000;
the Navy's, 372,642; and the Marines', 172,600.

The Selected Reserve end strength is 874,664 with the Air National Guard's
set at 108,022 and the Air Force Reserve at 74,358.  The Army National
Guard's end strength is set at 350,526, the Army Reserve's 205,300 and the
Naval Reserve's at 88,900. The Marine Corps Reserve will have 39,558 members
and the Coast Guard Reserve, 8,000.

End strength is down 3,190 from fiscal 2000 for the active force and up by
4,366 for the Selected Reserve.

In addition to the 3.7 percent across-the-board pay raise that goes into
effect Jan. 1, service members in pay grades E-5 to E-7 will receive a
targeted, one-time monthly raise of $32 to $59 starting July 1.

Congress has added funds to the basic allowance for housing to reduce
out-of-pocket expenses service members must pay if they live off base.
Currently, service members living off base pay an average of 19 percent of
their housing costs out-of-pocket.  The money will bring that average to 15
percent in fiscal 2001.  The legislation authorizes the defense secretary to
raise BAH rates to eliminate out-of-pocket expenses by fiscal 2005.

The act extends the military housing privatization program.  The program
allows commercial firms to build and run military family housing areas.

Another pay action calls for active and reserve military personnel to be
able to use the Thrift Savings Plan.  The plan, long a part of the Federal
Employees Retirement System, would allow military personnel to invest a
percentage of their pre-tax pay toward retirement.  Taxes on participants'
investments and earnings are deferred while in the plan.  Details remain to
be worked out, but the act calls for the system to be up and running 360
days after the president signs the legislation.

The budget changes the TRICARE military medical system in several ways.  For
active-duty personnel, TRICARE Prime Remote now covers family members as
well as active-duty personnel.  The act also eliminates co-payments for
active-duty family members enrolled in TRICARE Prime.  It also allows travel
reimbursements to those who must go more than 100 miles to see a TRICARE
health-care provider.

The biggest TRICARE change, however, covers Medicare-eligible retirees.  The
act restructures TRICARE to allow Medicare-eligible military retirees and
their family members to continue their coverage beginning in fiscal 2002.
Under the plan, Medicare-eligible beneficiaries would pay no co-pays,
deductibles or TRICARE enrollment fees or premiums.  Retirees can receive
care under Medicare; also, any medical expense not covered by Medicare will
be paid by TRICARE.

The act also expands the mail-order pharmacy service to cover all
beneficiaries, including Medicare-eligible retirees.

The act authorizes $63.2 billion in procurement.  The account, also called
modernization, hits the $60 billion number Defense Secretary William S.
Cohen called for in 1997.

Big ticket items in procurement include 16 MV-22 Osprey tilt-rotor aircraft,
12 C-17 strategic airlifters and 10 F-22 Raptor stealth aircraft.  The act
also funds $4 billion for a Nimitz-class carrier, $2.7 billion for three
Arleigh Burke-class destroyers, $1.2 billion for a Virginia-class attack
submarine and $1.5 billion for two San Antonio-class amphibious ships.

The act funds Army transformation efforts to the tune of $1.3 billion in
fiscal 2001.  These efforts will result in a more mobile and more lethal
force able to cover the range of operations the Army may face in the future.
The act calls on the Army secretary to report to the Senate and House armed
services committees with a "road map" charting the progress of the Army
through 2012.  The act authorizes the Army to procure medium-weight armored
vehicles to test them against the transformation concept.

The act provides $2.1 billion for the National Missile Defense program and
$2.7 billion for Theater Missile Defense.  TMD breaks down to $550 million
for the Theater High-Altitude Missile Defense program, $462.7 million for
the Navy Theater-Wide program, $274.2 million for the Navy Area Defense
program, and $365.5 million to procure additional Patriot-3 missiles.

The Joint Strike 


2000-10-31 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

FREEDOM NOW NETWORK  - October 31, 2000
By Nelson "Skip" Foley ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
Editor of the RP (Reform Party) Monthly News Magazine - October 30, 2000

Bush is leading by 6% on Tuesday.  On Wednesday Gore is up by 13% and on
Thursday Bush is now up by 5%.  The Week before Bush was down by 8% and the
week before that Bush and Gore were in a virtual tie.  And so on and so on
and so on.  So why would there be a plan for a tight race?  It will do two
things.  Neither of them for the good of the country, just the good of the
two parties and for that there needs to be just a bit of background.

In 1992 there were 80+ million who watched the Presidential Debates where
Perot was included.  In 1996 without Perot there was more than half or around
45 million tuned in.  As a result, in the 1996 race the number of people who
voted of eligible voters almost hit the 50 million mark.  And of the total
vote 49.4 million by one TV news show, Perot had about 8% of the vote.  Take
that away from the 49.4 and you have around 45 million left.  Clinton beat
Dole by a 51%-49% margin or about 23 million votes.  Not a very large amount
for a president.  Actually less than 24% of total voter registry.  Neither
excited the people.  Perot got Reform party ballot access as a result.  Oh!
I almost forgot.  This year it was down to around 35 million.  Just a tad
better than a sitcom ratings.

Now, in the year 2000, the presidential race is plagued with a new side bar.
The NEW WORLD ORDER is fast approaching.  To some, it's already here and to
others it has been here and its just about too late to do much about it.

Enter Buchanan and the Reform Party.

Although the actual 1996 exit polling didn't get much TV air time as it would
blow the Republican "Wasted Vote" campaign, Perot drew about equally from
both the R's and the D's and a good portion of the independent vote.
Buchanan, representing the conservative segment of the population has drawn
many people to his banner.  Many of whom, I might add, would have not made
the "likely voter" criteria in 1996 or 1992.  As a result, the polling done
has fairly well shown Buchanan with 1% or less across the nation.  Contrary
to these results, state polls are finding strong support for the America
first message.  He was successfully kept out of the debates and the
convention, though smooth running, was reported by the press to be a 51%-49%
split of the Reform Party, very far from the truth.  It was very misleading
and the stage was set for the close vote mentality of the Presidential

Any math whiz who sees the results each day and the fluctuations know the
public is not swaying to this degree but in fact the samples used are of very
poor quality.  Then again, the samples may be of the highest quality but what
is released is not.  And that means they know that Buchanan has about enough
votes to put the presidential decision into the hands of the congress.  The
purpose of the "close" race is to avoid this situation because if this
happens, the mandate each president tries to extoll on is not there and the
ability to ship bad legislation to congress to act on or veto good
legislation because it hasn't got some bad legislation with it becomes more
precarious to pass and the fear is if the mandate isn't there and the
president to be tries to cram laws down our throats the American Public just
might wake up.

So a close race is what they need and want for the following two reasons.

1.  By announcing a "close " race, they are placing doubt in both
marginal Buchanan as well as marginal Nader voters.  The idea of neither one
being able to win will hopefully play on their minds and as a result, many
will decide they can't risk their vote on either Buchanan or Nader.  They are
simply going against their core beliefs of who will be best and will cast a
vote for the lesser of the two evils.  Thus, they will, through this strategy
take away from the third and fourth parties to keep them low on the totem

2.  As importantly, they are conditioning the American public to not be
surprised with the low turnout for Buchanan and Nader.  This is due the fact
the local polls don't lie but at least the vote count can be manipulated.
Ask yourself a question.  Why is NH in the undecided category?  Why can't
they do an investment to determine just what will happen on election day?
Why is NH so different than the other 49 states?  It is simply because NH
counts their votes by hand.  They don't rely on high tech equipment like
computers and they have witnesses when the votes are counted leaving little
doubt who wins in a given election location and no chance to lie to the
public about it.  But what about the other 49 states?  They use computers in
most cases.  In Maine, it is against the law at this point in time to hand
count ballots unless a recount is called.  In order to call a recount, the
differences between the winner and loser must 

[CTRL] Fw: Y chromosome nearly decoded

2000-10-31 Thread Amelia

-Caveat Lector-


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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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2000-10-31 Thread Amelia

-Caveat Lector-

This is yet another disease carried by mosquitoes.  Speaking of insects,
this region is sprayed with an orange variety of ladybugs to kill aphids.
Now it is proposed to spray "tiny flies" to eradicate fire ants.  I suppose
this is better than pesticide but I am beginning to wonder how many bugs can
be tolerated.  The ladybugs form colonies of thousands in some homes,
garages, etc.  Wouldn't these "friendly" insects be a perfect medium if
someone wished to spread disease!  Had eight ladybugs walking across my
ceiling when I awoke this morning.

 Today's Top Stories

   AP Wire News
 Associated Press Texas Wire News

  U.S. Gulf Coast cities at risk for
  dengue fever epidemic,

  researcher says


  Eds: AMs.

  By MARY LEE GRANT= Associated Press Writer=

  HOUSTON (AP) - Thanks to a damp climate and
  proximity to the Caribbean and Mexico, the Gulf
  Coast states are threatened with an epidemic of
  dengue fever, a potentially deadly mosquito-borne
  illness common in many developing countries, a public
  health researcher said Monday.

  ``It has become a problem in all the Gulf Coast states,

  particularly in warm, wet urban areas like Houston,
  Miami and New Orleans,'' said Frank Cortez-Flores,
  a researcher at California's Loma Linda University
  School of Public Health.

  There are four varieties of the dengue fever virus, and

  no vaccine for any of them, Cortez-Flores said
  Monday at the American Society of Tropical
  Medicine and Hygiene annual meeting in Houston. The
  mildest form is characterized by flu-like symptoms and
  a rash on the feet or legs. About half die who contract

  the most serious form, dengue hemorrhagic fever, he

  The disease is among the leading causes of childhood
  death in Thailand, Indonesia, Bangladesh, the
  Philippines and India, he said.

  Cortez-Flores said Texas, where several outbreaks
  were reported in the 1990s, has the most cases in the
  nation in part because of poor hygiene, sewer systems
  and water drainage in its 1,500 colonias, substandard
  settlements along the border where about 400,000
  people live.

  He said many people have had a mild form of dengue
  fever but are unaware of it, mistaking it for the flu.
  They remain carriers for life and if bit by a mosquito
  can spread the disease.

  ``Mosquitos are flying syringes, and mosquito control
  measures are the backbone of dengue prevention and
  control,'' he said.

  One Texas man died in July of dengue hemorrhagic
  fever, the first in the state to die this year from the

  disease. He is thought to have contracted the disease
  in Bangladesh. Last December, a South Texas girl
  died from the fever, which state health officials
  she contracted in Mexico.

  Last year, there were 51 cases confirmed by the state
  health department, 16 in South Texas. Other cases are
  believed to have been contracted in Brazil or Mexico,
  where about 7,000 dengue cases were reported in
  northern Mexico in 1999.

  The last major epidemic in Florida was in 1935, when
  15,000 Miami-area residents were infected. Since
  then, fewer than 100 cases have been reported
  because of mosquito eradication programs. Florida
  public health officials, however, have said they fear
  increase in cases because the disease is prevalent in
  the Caribbean and because of a large influx of
  international travelers to the state.

  Although nearly eradicated in the 1960s, the Aedes
  aegypti mosquito that carries the disease is now
  abundant in North and South America and the
  Caribbean and lives year-round in South Texas,
  Cortez-Flores said.

  Increased air travel to tropical countries,
  global warming and more tropical storms in recent
  years led to a rise in the number outbreaks in the
  Western Hemisphere, he said.

Re: [CTRL] Infallible Sectarianism

2000-10-31 Thread Jenny Decker

-Caveat Lector-

Yeah. Religious intolerance--right. Now let me see, what is the religious
"tolerance" record of these poor victimized Protestants? I believe George
Dubya Bush--a God fearing Prostestant (How do I know? Why, I've heard him
say so ad nauseum!!)--has IN THIS CAMPAIGN called Wicca, which is a religion
officially acknowledged and sanctioned within the United States and its
military (they even have Wiccan chaplains) to be an "abomination" that
should be "eradicated."

 Those dear Protestants under their wonderful first head, Henry VIII,
continued the Inquisitional practices of the Catholic Church (which they
professed to abhore) by using "witchcraft" as a bandaid charge for rounding
up perceived political enemies and burning them at the stake. The German
Lutheran Church encouraged the incarceration and destruction of the Jews in
Nazi Germany. So did the Catholic Church, but the Catholic Church has
publically apologized and atoned for this stance, whereas the Lutheran
Church silently ignores their own connivance in the Holocaust. It was
PROTESTANTS in New England who, having loftily pronounced their own
victimization in England, merrily proceeded to imprison, torture and execute
all suspected dissidents to its own religious mandates. Check any history on
the Puritans' treatment of Quakers,  Anglicans, and Catholics.  And
perceived political agitators, of course (preserving the practices of Dear
Olde England which they had spat upon when they left)--just think of the
religious tolerance exhibited by that pious and benevolent Protestant, Rev.
Cotton Mather! Yeah--call them a witch and then torture them for the good of
their soul!!! Also consult the Puritan treatment and murder of Native
Americans under the pretext that native American religion was "Devil
worship." Of course this is what they still say about Wicca--the more things
change, the more they remain the same.

Let's not leave out the Christian fundamentalists (Prostestants all!) in
this country who, although a small minority, have worked to seize control of
the Republican Party and to attempt to dictate BY LAW the behavior of
Americans according to their own narrow, zealous ideas of what is "godly,"
which includes belligerently unrestrained human reproduction but obviously
does not include respect or preservation for the planet they expect those
children to live on. The Pope just controls the Church--the Fundies are
working hard to seize control of the biggest secular government in the
It's about time that Protestants learned to stopped their judgemental
condemnations of gay people, Jewish people, pagans, Buddhists, and anyone
else whose spirituality is individual and real. The mote in their own eye is
pretty damned obvious, don'tcha think?--and needs all of their attention.
The Protestant Church in general can only benefit from a healthy dose of
"religious discrimination" directed against itself, since it's apparently
unable to learn what's "wrong" with dishing it out, except by being a target
of it.
Jenny Decker
- Original Message -
Sent: Monday, October 30, 2000 4:34 PM
Subject: [CTRL] Infallible Sectarianism

 -Caveat Lector-

 Infallible Sectarianism

 "There is no mistake so great as that of being always right." – Samuel
 Butler (1835-1902): Notebooks.
 Professor Arthur Noble

 The Pope's ecumenical dupes got a rude shock on September 5 when his
 self-styled 'infallible Holiness', in an official document called Dominus
 Iesus, questioned the validity of Protestant Churches and instructed his
 bishops not to use the term 'sister churches' with reference to them. The
 Vatican's Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith has now arrogantly
 pronounced that henceforth non-Roman-Catholics are to be designated as
 "ecclesial communities" with "defects". It declares that churches that
 a "valid Episcopate [bishops] and the genuine and integral substance of
 Eucharistic mystery are not churches in the proper sense"; and a Vatican
 letter to bishops, released the same week, calls for Protestants to be

 The American Crosswalk News site summed it up in the headline:
 are not our equals, says the Vatican." It was on a par with Hitler's
 comments about the Jews.

 The chief ingredient of this latest outrageous pronouncement by the Roman
 impostor is nothing short of blatant sectarianism – a predictable
 to the flagrant racism of his beatification of Pius IX. Once again, the
 congenital religious intolerance behind the mask of the Church of Rome's
 smiling ecumenism has been exposed: her doctrinal fascism renders her
 hypocritically guilty of the very accusation that she is so fond of
 levelling against those who refuse to bow the knee to her theological

 George Carey, the spiritual leader of the world's 70 million Anglicans and
 hitherto a loud and pathetic parrot of the Pope, has expressed his