[CTRL] Good Neighbour Sam

2001-01-22 Thread Euphorix

-Caveat Lector-


America, The Good Neighbor

Gordon Sinclair
Sunday, Jan. 21, 2001
Widespread but only partial news coverage was given
   recently to a remarkable editorial broadcast from Toronto by Gordon Sinclair, a
Canadian television
   commentator. What follows is the full text of his trenchant remarks as printed in
the Congressional
This Canadian thinks it is time to speak up for the
   Americans as the most generous and possibly the least appreciated people on all
the Earth.
Germany, Japan and, to a lesser extent, Britain and
  Italy were lifted out of the debris of war by the
  Americans, who poured in billions of dollars and
  forgave other billions in debts. None of these
  countries is today paying even the interest on its
  remaining debts to the United States.

When France was in danger of collapsing in 1956,
  it was the Americans who propped it up, and their
  reward was to be insulted and swindled on the streets
  of Paris. I was there. I saw it.
When earthquakes hit distant cities, it is the
  United States that hurries in to help. This spring, 59
  American communities were flattened by tornadoes.
  Nobody helped.
The Marshall Plan and the Truman Policy pumped
  billions of dollars into discouraged countries. Now newspapers in those countries
are writing about the
  decadent, warmongering Americans.
I'd like to see just one of those countries that
  is gloating over the erosion of the United States
  dollar build its own airplane. Does any other country
  in the world have a plane to equal the Boeing Jumbo
  Jet, the Lockheed Tri-Star, or the Douglas DC-10?
  If so, why don't they fly them? Why do all the
  international lines except Russia fly American planes?
Why does no other land on Earth even consider putting
  a man or woman on the moon? You talk about Japanese
  technocracy, and you get radios. You talk about German
  technocracy, and you get automobiles. You talk about American technocracy, and you
  men on the moon – not once, but several times –
  and safely home again.
You talk about scandals, and the Americans put theirs
  right in the store window for everybody to look at.
  Even their draft-dodgers are not pursued and hounded.
  They are here on our streets, and most of them, unless
  they are breaking Canadian laws, are getting American
  dollars from ma and pa at home to spend here.
When the railways of France, Germany and India
  were breaking down through age, it was the Americans
  who rebuilt them. When the Pennsylvania Railroad and
  the New York Central went broke, nobody loaned them an old caboose.  Both are
still broke.
I can name you 5,000 times when the Americans raced
  to the help of other people in trouble. Can you name me even one time when someone
else raced to the
  Americans in trouble?  I don't think there was outside
  help even during the San Francisco earthquake.
Our neighbors have faced it alone, and I'm one
  Canadian who is damned tired of hearing them get
  kicked around. They will come out of this thing with
  their flag high. And when they do, they are entitled
  to thumb their nose at the lands that are gloating
  over their present troubles. I hope Canada is not one of
Stand proud, America!
Wear it proudly!!
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The only real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking
new landscapes but in having new eyes. -Marcel Proust

The libertarian therefore considers one of his prime educational
tasks is to spread the demystification and desanctification of the
State among its hapless subjects.  His task is to demonstrate
repeatedly and in depth that not only the emperor but even the
"democratic" State has no clothes; that all governments subsist
by exploitive rule over the public; and that such rule is the reverse
of objective necessity.  He strives to show that the existence of
taxation and the State necessarily sets up a class division between
the exploiting rulers and the exploited ruled.  He seeks to show that
the task of the court intellectuals who have always supported the State
has ever been to weave mystification in order to induce the public to
accept State rule and that these intellectuals obtain, in return, a
share in the power and pelf extracted by the rulers from their deluded
[[For a New Liberty:  The Libertarian Manifesto, Murray N. Rothbard,

[CTRL] Military aid won't hurt Colombian civilians

2001-01-22 Thread radman

-Caveat Lector-

AP - January 18, 2001

U.S. general: Military aid won't hurt Colombian civilians

With the United States on the verge of sending helicopter gunships into
Colombia's war, a top U.S. military commander expressed faith that Colombian
troops would not harm civilians with the lethal hardware.

Marine Gen. Peter Pace, chief of the U.S. Southern Command, also said at a
press conference Thursday evening that U.S. policy toward Colombia was
unlikely to change radically after President-elect Bush takes office on

''Obviously the new administration will do its own assessment, but we'll
meet our obligations to your government,'' Pace told mostly Colombian
journalists at the Defense Ministry. He noted that Washington's $1.3 billion
aid package for Colombia received bipartisan support in the U.S. Congress.
Under the package, two U.S.-trained army battalions are poised to launch
operations in Colombia's southern cocaine-producing region, and U.S. special
forces troops will soon begin training a third battalion here. Addressing
concerns that the aid will lead to more civilian casualties, Pace said Gen.
Mario Montoya, who will command operations involving the U.S.-supplied
helicopters and U.S.-trained troops, is ''responsible'' and will use
intelligence data to carefully plan missions.

But with civilians suffering the most casualties in Colombia's war, Pace's
confidence was met by unease.

The helicopters, which United States will begin delivering to Colombia this
month, will be armed with weapons that can spew out as many as 50 bullets
per second.

U.S.-trained army battalions flying aboard the helicopters will try to seize
coca fields and laboratories from leftist rebels and right-wing paramilitary
gunmen — who earn millions of dollars by ''taxing'' the narcotics industry —
so unarmed planes can spray the coca with herbicide. Much of the coca, the
main ingredient of cocaine, is produced by peasant farmers.

Gen. Fernando Tapias, the commander of Colombia's armed forces, said farmers
and their families would not be caught in the cross fire. ''The army ground
troops have the task of protecting the people on the ground, not just to
prevent (rebels and paramilitaries) from shooting at the helicopters,''
Tapias said at the joint news conference. But Colombia's armed forces have a
spotty record on human rights and discipline.

Last August, troops opened fire on schoolchildren walking in the hills to a
picnic, mistaking them for rebels. Six children died. Some military officers
have also been charged with collaborating with paramilitary death squads.
U.S. officials say the aid is necessary to curb drug production and help
Colombia's military hit back at guerrillas who profit from the cocaine
trade. Pace said the first Huey helicopters would arrive later this month.
More sophisticated Black Hawk helicopters will arrive during the second half
of 2001, he said.

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Re: [CTRL] Good Neighbour Sam

2001-01-22 Thread BB

-Caveat Lector-

Just FYI, this is quite old, he wrote this at least 15 years ago.

Euphorix wrote:

 -Caveat Lector-


 America, The Good Neighbor

 Gordon Sinclair
 Sunday, Jan. 21, 2001

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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[CTRL] FW: Drug-company influence on medical education in USA(and UK??)

2001-01-22 Thread lloyd

-Caveat Lector-


From the New Paradigms Project [Not Necessarily Endorsed]
Note:  We store 100's of related "New Paradigms Posts" at:

From: "Alex Constantine" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: FW: "Drug-company influence on medical education in USA"(and UK??)
Date: Wednesday, September 13, 2000 6:17 PM

From: Betty Martini [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Tue, 12 Sep 2000 12:15:56 -0400
To: ilena rose [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Fwd: B-GE:"Drug-company influence on medical education in USA"(and

Date: Mon, 11 Sep 2000 15:25:41 EDT
X-Processed-By: HSKT 1.0 by Joshua Baer
Subject: B-GE:"Drug-company influence on medical education in USA" (and UK??)

The Lancet
Vol 356, No. 9232, p. 781
Sept. 2, 2000

"Drug-company influence on medical education in USA"

It begins on the first day of medical school and lasts through to retirement,
and it is the only reliable "cradle to grave" benefit that doctors can truly
count on any more. Even in this era of medical-ledger watching world wide,
there is little evidence to expect it will ever end. In fact, it may even be
growing. It starts slowly and insidiously, like an addiction, and can end up
influencing the very nature of medical decision-making and practice. It first
appears harmless enough: a textbook here, a penlight there, and progresses to
stethoscopes and black bags, until eventually come nights "on the town" at
academic conventions and all-expenses paid "educational symposia" in lovely

Attempts to influence the judgment of doctors by commercial interests serving
the medical-industrial complex are nothing if not thorough. Unfortunately,
they seem to work.  Studies have shown that prescribing patterns are
influenced by advertising and other marketing activities. If this were not
the case, why would industry spend hundreds of millions of dollars on
promotion? Advertising sustains industry, and no industry, not even the
medical one, can avoid its reach. So it is not the fact of marketing that is
in question here. It is the form in which it comes. Surely, no one would
mistake a pen with a corporate logo as anything but promotion. Nor would
anyone suggest that a stuffed animal with a brand-named drug stitched to its
fur is of great medical value. But when the line between medical education
and advertising or marketing is blurred, there is a problem.

A recent study completed by the US watchdog Public Citizen documents the
relation between medical education activities, the pharmaceutical industry,
and medical education services suppliers (MESS), which are private businesses
that provide medical education. The study stems from survey data published in
the December, 1999, issue of Medical Marketing  Media, an industry
periodical. MMM surveyed 123 MESS about their 1998 and 1999 operations. 80
returned questionnaires. In summary, the data suggest that supplying medical
education can, in this form, be a very lucrative exercise, whose most
consistent client is the pharmaceutical industry.

Of the 43 companies that answered questions on finances, total revenue
amounted to $643 million in 1999 alone, a 19% increase from 1998.
Extrapolating this to the entire industry, Public Citizen predicts that the
MESS industry is worth at least $1 billion annually. An astounding $115
million was billed by MESS to their clients on grand rounds alone; $114
million on symposia, $64 million on advisory boards, and another $60 million
on publications. 68% (85%) of MESSs provided data on their client mix. On
average 76% of respondents' clients were drug manufacturers. 26% of the MESS
reported that at least 90% of their clients were pharmaceutical companies.

It cannot be said that the quality of any of these educational activities was
compromised by the ultimate patronage of the pharmaceutical industry. Indeed,
43% of the 80 MESS respondents reported being accredited by the Accreditation
Council of Continuing Medical Education (ACCME) and an additional 5% said
their accreditation was pending. Of course, that also means that over half of
the MESS surveyed do not have ACCME accreditation. While one cannot be
certain that lack of accreditation necessarily connotes poor educational
quality, it does at least suggest the possibility that industry may be able
in these situations to exert even greater influence over what material is
presented and what is left out.

What is of most concern here is the fact that so much continuing medical
education comes through the filter of industry. To ensure the integrity, and
the appearance of integrity, of the process of learning in medicine,
physicians should do more to pay for CME themselves, just as many other
professionals have to do.


For instructions on 

Re: [CTRL] Bush Buddy To Profit From Calif. Energy Woes

2001-01-22 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 01/21/2001 3:40:49 PM Eastern Standard Time,

 Unfortunately, we still don't know everything about what the
 Chinese gained for *their* whopping illegal donations to Mr. Clinton. 

Don't worry about the Chinese.  Worry about what the Israeli did and will do
with all the information placed at their disposal by Mr. Deutch.  I could
scream when I think of Clinton pardoning that man for what was close to
treason, and leaving Peltier in jail.


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[CTRL] James Shelby Downard

2001-01-22 Thread PM Kansan1225

-Caveat Lector-

  JKR wrote:

Subject: Re: Free Conspiracy e-Book
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  (Rev. pH33r c0w)
Date: 1/21/01 2:46 PM Central Standard Time

On Sat, 20 Jan 2001 18:59:31 -0800, Conspire.com

It's the
70 Greatest Conspiracies of All Time

Six chapters from the classic paranoid's bible by Jonathan Vankin and John
Whalen, plus an all-new piece "The Internet: Tool of Satan," never-before

Download it at:



which number is the CLuM conspiracy?

  In my copy of Vankin and Whalen's "60 Greatest Conspiracies ...", the
CLuM conspiracy is No. 27.  The chapter is titled "The Sorcerers" and deals
with James Shelby Downard's writings.

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Re: [CTRL] In a First Act, Bush Blocks Clinton Orders

2001-01-22 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 01/21/2001 6:04:49 PM Eastern Standard Time,

 Then what you're saying is you have knowledge of the hidden history of the
 Whitehouse well enough to know which former Presidents indulged in the act
 of Oral Sex in the Oval Office. I'm also quite confident after reading some
 of your posts on this list that you would never make a statement as such
 unless you could name the parties involved. Could you give us a quick run
 down on these people? 
Well, for example, one of the funniest stories about the Johnson
administration was that Lady Bird entered the office one day and caught
Johnson and some secretary or other on the couch.  She, of course, flipped a
fit, and after she left, Johnson castigated the Secret Service for allowing
her to enter.  Apparently the Secret Service told him that "she was not their
problem."  So, Johnson had a buzzer installed, and whenever the first lady
left the quarters (for any reason), the buzzer was sounded to ensure  that
the first lady couldn't catch her husband in flagrante delicto (did I spell
that right?) again.  Johnson was famous for his sexual exploits.  He never
fired a favorite of the media, so they didn't tell us about them at the
time--at least not in a blow-by-blow manner (no pun intended).

Somewhere among my souvenirs, I have the names of the two women who were on
the White House staff during the Kennedy years, whose principal function was
to be on hand to remedy any unbidden sexual urges that might threaten the
concentration of whomever needed to think clear thoughts.  They had nicknames
I can't recall, and I'm sure not going to put their real  names on the net.
These women committed no crime, and I think they deserve privacy.  "I" have
pardoned them.  If you wish exact information, I'm sure you can find it


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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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Re: [CTRL] In a First Act, Bush Blocks Clinton Orders

2001-01-22 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 01/21/2001 6:37:01 PM Eastern Standard Time,

 People bitch yet everybody
 wants to drive that new SUV or 4x4 that keeps sucking up all that gas. 

I don't know who was waiting where, but my old Toyota gets 42 miles to the
gallon.  Prudy

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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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2001-01-22 Thread Dale Stonehouse

-Caveat Lector-

After years of digging into the alien question this group remains a puzzle
to me.

Try an experiment; instead of "aliens" being the group Majestic-12 (or the
5412 group, as it applies to the JFK assassination, they are probably the
same thing) is talking about, substitute one of the following:

The Third Reich
Inner Earth beings
Russians not controlled by western banks
Castro supporters worldwide
Any terrestrial group using advanced technology

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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Re: [CTRL] Who Are the Fringe People?

2001-01-22 Thread kl

-Caveat Lector-

On 21 Jan 2001, at 18:07, Marilyn Wright wrote:

 Who Are The Fringe People?:

Ruby Ridge

How's that for a start?

"We can't be so fixated on our desire to preserve the
rights of ordinary Americans ..."

Bill Clinton (USA TODAY, 11 March 1993, page 2A)

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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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Re: [CTRL] Fwd: Re: {slick-d} Fw: Taxpayer Funded Attacks on the Character of...

2001-01-22 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 01/22/2001 1:11:41 AM Eastern Standard Time,

  TAXPAYER FUNDED ATTACKS: According to the  New York Times, "a broad
  coalition of liberal public policy organizations" (the  London Times
  counted "more than 200 groups") are engaged in scurrilous attacks  on the
  character of John Ashcroft. Being liberals, they of course deem
  so much smarter than you, and so deem themselves entitled to use your
  money -- confiscated from you as taxes by the federal government --

 Anyone got the whole list? 

Where do I send my thank you note?  Beats giving my tax money to help some
giant corporation fund its advertising.  Prudy

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] Israeli Gets Community Service in Palestinian Death

2001-01-22 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

-Caveat Lector-

Did anyone else see this story in the NY Times, and was the child in question
ten as the NY Times says or eleven as my daily paper says?  Prudy

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] Government Is Evil

2001-01-22 Thread kl

-Caveat Lector-

Government Is Evil
by Bob Murphy

My New Year’s Resolution was to quit trying to be so cute all the
time and just say what I mean. Well, I can hardly cease being
cute, as the reader can well imagine, but at the very least I can
indulge myself in less subtlety at the innocent reader’s expense.
Consequently, no ambiguous title for this article; I will state the
truth without resort to my usual attempts at alliteration.

So some black woman journalist is on the O’Reilly Factor Friday
night, talking about Jesse Jackson’s "tragedy." Now this lady
is supposed to be representing minorities and women, right? She
is the self-declared champion of their cause. And what does she
do? Does she shake her head in shame, and lament that the
temptations of power and money have corrupted yet another noble

Of course not. She just stresses over and over that Jackson’s
lifetime record contains far more good than bad. Okay, at this point
I’m still not even listening to her. But then my ears perk up,
because she says something along the following lines:
"I’ve known the Jackson family for over 30 years, Mr. O’Reilly, and I
can tell you this: that child will be loved."

Now I don’t know this lady, but I’ll bet she whines about what awful
role models gangsta rappers are for the disadvantaged youths in
this wicked country. Yet she has no qualms condoning Jackson.
Isn’t she "sending a message" to kids that fathering a child
out of wedlock is acceptable, so long as you apologize and make
a speech showing how much you "care" about the latest
hot button issue?

I’ll bet she buys into the nauseating claim that Ronald Reagan
made us "comfortable with our greed." Isn’t Jackson making us
comfortable with our rate of illegitimacy? You think racism makes
a ghetto kid turn into a drug dealer? How about the fact that the
only person setting any standards in this kid’s life is a teenager
herself who believed some worthless unemployed sweet-talker
when he told her he loved her? Oh, no Bob, it’s all good; there’s no
need for mature parents. The ghetto kid’ll learn how to behave in
society at the lovely public schools that all of the "caring" people
provide for him.

Right now the conservative reader is guffawing. "So true! So true!
Those idiot liberals can’t see how hypocritical their leaders are.
Clinton didn’t even do anything for blacks; he just said
a bunch of nice stuff. And whenever Bill Clinton or some other icon
fails to deliver anything tangible, the dumb liberals make excuses
for him and blame it on the Republicans."

Guess what, fellas, you do the exact same thing. Oooh! George
W. is one of us! We’ve been waiting for eight years to rid
Washington of these clowns, and now we can get some work
done. Of course, Bush can’t implement anything really important;
it’s because he has to compromise with those damn Democrats!
That’s why most of his wonderful tax cuts are to be phased in down
the road. If Bush had his way, we’d get all of our money back right

Right, and I’m Cyndi Lauper. Does anyone think Bush doesn’t
know what happened at Waco, right next door to his ranch? Then
why isn’t he doing anything about it? "Oh, he is Bob! Why, look at
his support for gun rights. And besides, those damn Democrats
won’t let him prevent another federal massacre. Believe me, he
wants to dismantle the FBI and BATF."

Or how about the Linda Chavez debacle? The conservative spin
was that she was being attacked for her "compassion." No, she
was being attacked for the same reason the Republicans go nuts
whenever a Democratic nominee gets caught with a skeleton
in the closet.

My personal favorite is listening to Rush Limbaugh instruct us that
he knows George W. – hell, he shot a few rounds with the guy!
And Rush assures us that W. is a bona fide conservative; we
mustn’t waver in our trust simply because of W.’s apparent
concessions, which are merely strategic retreats. Well gee, I’m
sold, Rush. Where do I sign up?

You conservatives are baffled at how the liberals can support
a lying robot like Gore. Don’t you realize that the liberals are
just as baffled that you can support a silver spoon idiot
who did blow and drove drunk?

(Yes, I know – W. is no idiot. That is a faade just as phony as
Clinton’s. I’m not saying he intentionally mangles words, but you
don’t become the most powerful person in the world unless you are
cunning. And he certainly does not present himself as cunning.)

Harry Browne had a great commercial in which he compared big
government to an abusive man. (When I first saw it, I was pissed –
I had independently thought of the same analogy. Don’t you just
hate it when you come up with a good anarchist argument and
somebody scoops you?)

Politicians tell us how much they care about us, then inevitably get
caught lying or cheating or stealing. But they say they’re really
sorry. So we forgive them. Then they do it again. They apologize.
We forgive them. Sometimes they treat us so badly, that we dump
them for good. But 

[CTRL] Mind Control Programming In Prisons?

2001-01-22 Thread Martin F. Abernathy

-Caveat Lector-

What happened to Michael Bowers during the time that he was
incarcerated? Who caused him to beleive that he was a leader
of the "New World Order"?


Monday, January 22 , 2001

Driver who rammed California Capitol spent late life in and out of jail

SACRAMENTO, Calif. - He grew up with four siblings in a house with a
swimming pool and after dropping out of high school, he ended up living
a carefree life running a ski lift near Mammoth.

But by the time Mike Bowers crashed his semi truck into the state
Capitol Tuesday night, he had turned his life into a hellish existence
marred by repeated stays in jail, prison and state mental hospitals.

Authorities say Bowers, 37, acted alone when he drove his 80,000 pound
truck into the south entrance of the Capitol, incinerating himself and
forcing an evacuation of the building.

"He was living in his truck and hauling cross country," said his mother,
Sharon Bowers. "We assumed he was back East, and we were concerned about
the roads and the weather conditions and the blizzards. This is a

Bowers had worked for the Utah-based Dick Simon trucking company for
about 10 days before the crash, his second stint with the company. He
had worked for the company for about a month in early 2000.

Bowers' criminal history was lengthy, with authorities saying he was
sent to prison at least six times starting in the mid-1980s because of
convictions or repeated parole violations.

His criminal record began with a 1986 incident in which he was arrested
for battery on a police officer. In 1991, he was sentenced to six years
in prison for corporal punishment of a child, a charge that his mother
said stemmed from a live-in girlfriend claiming he was responsible for
bruising her small daughter.

He spent three years in prison before being shipped to Atascadero State
Hospital to serve out three years of probation. After his parole ended
in 1998, Bowers went to trial to win his freedom from the state mental
health system, but a jury committed him to Patton State Hospital in
Southern California for about two years.

In 1999, despite the urging of prosecutors and psychiatrists that he
remain hospitalized, a jury decided that he no longer posed a danger to
society and could be set free.

Bowers then went to live with his family in Perris, Calif., but he never
could adjust to life outside prison, for which he blamed the
correctional system.

Bowers stayed in prison even after he was given the opportunity for
parole twice, but refused to sign the papers, said state prisons
spokeswoman Margot Bach.

By the time he won his freedom in 1999, he was a psychological wreck,
his family said. Cars on the Southern California freeways made him
dizzy, and he ended up taking medication commonly prescribed to control

He obtained a trucking license in early 2000 and went to work for the
Simon trucking firm for about a month before he quit.

Bowers had suffered from drinking problems, and after spending time with
his mother, he decided to move in with his Alcoholics Anonymous sponsor
in nearby Lake Elsinore, his mother said.

At about that time, sources said, Bowers began trying to find an old
girlfriend he had known for 15 years. The woman was incarcerated on drug
charges and was due for release last November.

Bowers showed up at the prison on Nov. 26 for her release and proposed
to her in the parking lot. The next day, they married in Carson City,
Nev., then began the trip home toward Southern California.

But the couple began quarreling after Bowers started making odd
statements about the "New World Order."

"Mike got really weird," the woman told Riverside County sheriff's
deputies at the time. "Something about a 'New World Order.'"

Bowers dumped the woman in Bishop and she hitchhiked home. Once there,
however, she resumed their relationship. On Dec. 3, the couple had a
fight in which he allegedly punched her in the mouth because she did not
share his political views.

"I'm one of the leaders of the New World Order," Bowers told a sheriff's
deputy after his arrest on domestic violence charges. He had even gone
so far as to have the phrase "New World Order" tattooed on one of his

The New World Order typically is the name anti-government groups use to
label an alleged conspiracy among governments to coalesce under the
leadership of the United Nations.

He later pleaded guilty to a misdemeanor count of spousal abuse and
received a sentence of 45 days and the requirement that he take anger
management courses.

Bowers was released from jail Jan. 3 and called his mother to say he had
gotten his old job back with the Simon trucking firm.

She didn't hear from him again.

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[CTRL] The New Latin: English Dominates in Academe

2001-01-22 Thread lloyd

-Caveat Lector-


From the New Paradigms Project [Not Necessarily Endorsed]
Note:  We store 100's of related "New Paradigms Posts" at:

From: "J Taylor" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: "Miller, Lloyd" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: The New Latin: English Dominates in Academe
Date: Wednesday, September 13, 2000 2:44 PM

  Chronice of Higher Education
  From the issue dated September 8, 2000

  The New Latin: English Dominates in Academe


   In chemistry laboratories in Jordan, university libraries in
  Cambodia, and college classrooms in Sweden, an odd language is
  in use.

  The language is English, which is increasingly becoming the
  language of higher education and science around the world. The
  development is being stoked by the growing integration of the
  world economy, with the United States, the one remaining
  superpower and the world's economic locomotive, at its head.

  The trend is also being fueled by the spread of information
  technology, because a large amount of computer software is
  written in English, and by the explosive growth of the
  Internet, with more than 300 million users connecting to a
  resource largely composed in English. And as colleges in more
  and more countries compete for the tuition money that foreign
  students can bring, the colleges are teaching their courses in
  English, so the students won't have to learn Thai or Greek to
  go to class.

  The development is unprecedented. Not even Latin, the European
  scholarly language for almost two millennia, or Greek in the
  ancient world before it, had the same reach. For the first
  time, one language, English -- a bastard mixture of old French
  dialects and the tongues of several Germanic tribes living in
  what is now England -- is becoming the lingua franca of
  business, popular culture, and higher education across the

  The expansion of English is even more striking in the
  sciences. Ninety-five percent of the 925,000 scientific
  articles published in thousands of major periodicals in 1997
  were written in English, according to Eugene Garfield, founder
  of the Science Citation Index, which tracks science
  publications. But only half of the English articles originated
  in English-speaking countries. The trend toward publishing in
  English began after World War II and has accelerated over the
  past 20 years.

  Some find the dominance of English troubling. "Nobody
  questions the value of having a lingua franca in academia,"
  says Tove Bull, rector of the University of Tromso, located
  above the Arctic Circle in Norway. "But the university has the
  responsibility to develop terminology in academic disciplines
  in Norwegian."

  The Norwegian Language Council, a government body, was
  particularly upset three or four years ago, when a Ph.D.
  candidate wrote a doctoral thesis on Norwegian linguistics --
  in English. Ms. Bull, a former chairwoman of the council, says
  she doesn't foresee restrictions on English. But, she says,
  academics should be encouraged to write in Norwegian for the
  public and to keep developing terminology in Norwegian.

  "I think we overestimate our ability to think deeply in a
  foreign language," she says.

  The spread of English represents a serious cultural and
  psychological imposition, say many in countries where it isn't
  a native language. To get the same sense, Americans need only
  imagine having to learn their calculus in German, or their
  psychology in Chinese. "Every country loves its own culture
  and language," says Ruben Umaly, secretary general of the
  Association of Universities of Asia Pacific, which is based in
  Thailand and uses English as its official language. But
  English is increasingly the language of international business
  and communications, he says, and "we cannot avoid

  Some countries have tried. Flush with the national pride that
  accompanied the wave of decolonization after World War II,
  many new nations initially resisted the intrusion of English,
  seeing it as a threat to their own languages, long neglected
  under colonial rule. But in the last few years, with students
  and their parents clamoring for more English, which they
  regard as a passport to better careers, countries have
  increasingly opted for what some already call "the world

  Malaysia is a case in point. When Peter Chai Sen Tyng began
  working toward a master's degree in psychology last May, he
  knew that he would not be studying in the language he speaks
  at home, Mandarin Chinese. Nor would he use Malay, the
  language of his public-school education. His studies, like all
  graduate programs in Malaysia, are in English. Mr. Chai, 23,
  thinks it is worth the effort. "English has greater market
  value," he says.

  At independence from Britain, in 1957, Malaysia's university

[CTRL] Fw: Medgar Evers' Murderer, Byron De La Beckwith, 80

2001-01-22 Thread Ynr Chyldz Wyld

-Caveat Lector-


 JANUARY 22, 01:33 EST

 Assassin of Medgar Evers Dies

 JACKSON, Miss. (AP) - Byron De La Beckwith, convicted assassin of
 civil rights leader Medgar Evers in 1963, died Sunday night after he
 was transferred from his jail cell to a hospital. He was 80.

 Barbara Austin, a hospital spokeswoman, said Beckwith entered
 University Medical Center at 2:07 p.m. CDT. She could not elaborate on
 his ailment or the cause of death.

 ``It's a matter for the coroner's office to determine,'' she said.

 Evers, a 37-year-old NAACP field secretary who pushed for an end to
 segregation, had stepped out of his Oldsmobile when he was shot in the
 back on June 12, 1963. He was walking to his house with an armful of
 ``Jim Crow Must Go'' T-shirts.

 Beckwith was convicted at a third trial in 1994 after two mistrials
 three decades earlier. After his conviction, he was sentenced to life

 His fingerprint was found on a deer rifle used to kill Evers. It was
 abandoned in the lot across the street. But the former fertilizer
 salesman insisted he was 90 miles away in Greenwood when Evers was

 Two all-white juries deadlocked in trials in 1964. Twelve years ago,
 Evers' widow, Myrlie Evers Williams, asked for the case to be
 reopened, and Hinds County District Attorney Bobby DeLaughter agreed.

 ``At the very beginning ... we didn't have anything,'' DeLaughter
 said. ``The DA's file was nowhere to be found. We did not have the
 benefit of a trial transcript to know who the witnesses were. None of
 the evidence had been retained by the court.''

 But DeLaughter and his officers stumbled across new evidence,
 including negatives from the crime scene and new witnesses who
 testified Beckwith had bragged to them ``about beating the system.''

 Beckwith was arrested Dec. 17, 1990, and when he stood in front of a
 new jury in 1994, he was 74 years old.

 His prosecutors were armed with new evidence and a 127-page document
 claiming 21 errors were made in Beckwith's original trial. Also, eight
 of the 12 jurors were black.

 Beckwith, a white supremacist, wore a Confederate flag pin on his
 lapel throughout the 15 days of jury selection, testimony and

 He was found guilty of murder and the Mississippi Supreme Court upheld
 the decision in 1997.

 Beckwith is survived by his wife and a son.


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That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] Cannabis should be legal, Belgian cabinet decides

2001-01-22 Thread kl

-Caveat Lector-

Maybe we should replace the DEA with the Belgian cabinet.;-)


news | World  | Europe  | 2001-01
Cannabis should be legal, Belgian cabinet decides
By Stephen Castle in Brussels
20 January 2001
Belgium's cabinet has approved plans to legalise the use of
cannabis, while resisting calls for a drugs regime as liberal as that
of its neighbour, the Netherlands.
After a hot debate, Belgium's coalition government agreed on a
compromise making it legal to grow or smoke cannabis, but not to
buy or sell it.
Smoking openly in the Grand Place of Brussels or other public
places will still leave Belgians open to possible prosecution under
laws to prevent "social nuisances," commonly used for those who
urinate flagrantly in public (doing so discreetly is not considered a
The curious Belgian compromise over the weed has some logic,
even for a country which says it wants to reduce drug use. Surveys
shows that as many as 40 per cent of the country's 10 million
population has experience of cannabis and, with the Dutch border,
an hour away for most of the population, some liberalisation seems
inevitable. At present, possession of any cannabis is technically
punishable by a prison sentence.
Paul Geerts, a spokesman for the Consumer Affairs and Health
Ministry, said that plans to allow Dutch-style cafes, where
cannabis is legally available, had been judged to "go too far". For
people who want to obtain it there were two alternatives, he said:
"You can grow it yourself or most people in Belgium know where
you can buy it in the Netherlands".
There will, he said, be no formal limit placed on the amount that
people can possess for their own use because to do so "implies
that there is not a problem; we want to help people avoid drugs".
The new regulations treat cannabis on a par with alcohol and
nicotine in terms of the health risks it poses.
Prime Minister Guy Verhofstadt said a royal decree would be
issued instructing prosecutors not to pursue people for possession.
"This is a policy that is being followed in many of the countries in
the European Union," he said. "We are not penalising individual
users of cannabis, but we are concentrating on production,
distribution or problematic use."
Some other EU members take a tougher line on drugs, however.
France, in particular, has attacked Dutch laws for promoting drug
The Health Minister, Magda Alvoet, said the new measure was a
recognition that the judiciary should no longer intervene in the
personal use of cannabis.

 2001 Independent Digital (UK) Ltd.

"There's no way to rule innocent men. The only
power government has is the power to crack down on
criminals. When there aren't enough criminals, one
makes them. One declares so many things to be a
crime that it becomes impossible for men to live
without breaking laws."
-- Ayn Rand

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[CTRL] Environmental war: Plutonium Row Set to Rock Bush Debut with Europe

2001-01-22 Thread DIG alfred webre

-Caveat Lector-

Sunday January 21 10:42 AM ET
Plutonium Row Set to Rock Bush Debut with Europe

By Douglas Hamilton

BRUSSELS (Reuters) - Europe's relationship with the George W. Bush (news -
web sites) administration could kick off with an angry row on Monday over
charges that the United States failed to warn allies of plutonium
contamination in munitions.

EU foreign ministers meeting in Brussels to discuss a wave of public concern
about the alleged health risks of depleted uranium (DU) shells can expect to
hear complaints by Germany that Washington kept its European allies in the

Portugal and Spain were also unprepared when the United States finally
confirmed media reports and a Swiss laboratory finding that the ``low-risk''
material held minute traces of highly toxic plutonium and highly radioactive
uranium 236.

If other EU states which also belong to the 19-member NATO (news - web sites)
alliance feel they too were inadequately informed to deal with the furor over
DU, incoming Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld's dealings with the allies
may have a frosty start.

``It should be the damned duty of a friendly nation to inform their
partner,'' German Defense Minister Rudolf Scharping told journalists on a
weekend visit to Bosnia and Kosovo.

Plutonium Not Mentioned

NATO felt it was getting public ``hysteria'' over DU munitions under control
until the presence of plutonium was disclosed.

Top medical officers from all 19 armies met in Brussels last week to compare
data and announced a day later there was no ''Balkans syndrome'' and no
unseen health risk from DU.

The Pentagon (news - web sites) had twice sent U.S. Army medical experts to
NATO headquarters to help reassure the European media. But while they said DU
was even less radioactive than ubiquitous natural uranium, they never
mentioned plutonium.

On Thursday, Defense Department spokesman Kenneth Bacon said plutonium was
detected a year ago and a nuclear plant was shut for 90 days. ``As you know,
we discovered some stray elements... in depleted uranium...'' Bacon said.

``They consisted of plutonium, neptunium and americium. Now these are very,
very small amounts and as soon as they were discovered as indicating possibly
a flaw in the production process, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission suspended
the operation at this plant, which is in Paduhac, Kentucky.''

Despite a lack of evidence that DU has caused cancer among NATO peacekeepers
serving in the Balkans, public concern had already prompted calls by some
allies and by the European Parliament for a moratorium on the munitions.

Depleted uranium is prized as the best armor penetrator in anti-tank shells.
About 40,000 rounds were fired in Bosnia and Kosovo, all by U.S. ground
attack aircraft.

The U.S., Britain and France have dismissed demands that they give up a
military advantage on account of unfounded fears, and the Bush Administration
is unlikely to waver, although American anti-DU campaigners say it caused
Gulf war cancers.

Scientists say that inhaling one millionth of an ounce of plutonium can cause
a fatal cancer. That scares many people and frightens governments, as
reaction to the latest developments indicates.

Calls For Proof Of Safety

Scharping took scientists with him to the Balkans to make on-the-spot tests
for plutonium. Spain ordered its medical experts to investigate. Switzerland
said it would call for a total ban on DU ammunition at the United Nations
(news - web sites) this year.

A World Health Organization (news - web sites) team was set to scour DU blast
sites in Kosovo for traces of plutonium, and NATO member Portugal said the
alliance must quickly back up assertions that the plutonium levels posed no
health threat.

In a letter to NATO Secretary-General George Robertson, Prime Minister
Antonio Guterres called for a full explanation of where and why such
ammunition was used.

Washington can rightly claim that the presence of plutonium was not a secret,
if allied military attaches cared to read the newspapers or look at relevant
Internet sites.

``The Internet is not the way to share information between governments,''
said Scharping as criticism mounted at home over his alleged failure to
inform German voters of the facts.

In a bitter comment, he said that after summoning the U.S. charge d'affaires
last week, he had been told of nine incidents possibly involving DU munitions
at U.S. bases in Germany.

``That's not in order. We can't accept that,'' he said. ``I'm quite certain
that I would not have been informed of this had I not created such
EcoNews Service - Always online for Ecology, Consciousness  Universe
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Re: [CTRL] Israeli Gets Community Service in Palestinian Death

2001-01-22 Thread Marilyn Wright

-Caveat Lector-

On 22 Jan 01, at 9:02, Prudence L. Kuhn wrote:

 Did anyone else see this story in the NY Times, and was the child in
 question ten as the NY Times says or eleven as my daily paper says?

Is it possible that some nations put their children out there in the
front lines, throwing stones, etc., and then when there are tragic
consequences, then the nation they're opposing gets the rotten
PR? Isn't that part of psychological warfare?


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sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] Mind Control: Torture - A modern day plague

2001-01-22 Thread DIG alfred webre

-Caveat Lector-

IThe USA - CIA is a major exporter of torture techniques and technology:

 * News Release Issued by the International Secretariat of Amnesty
 International *

 22 January 2001
 MDE 01/001/2000

 In the last three years people reportedly died as a result of
 torture in over 80 countries, torture or ill-treatment by state
 agents was reported in over 150 countries and was widespread in
 more than 70, Amnesty International said today in a new report
 launching a global campaign against torture.

  The organization's global survey strongly suggests that
 most victims of torture by state agents are criminal suspects
 from the poorest or most marginalised sectors of society.  Most
 of these torturers are police officers.

  "Despite entering a new millennium, thousands of men,
 women and children continue to suffer behind closed doors and in
 public. Amnesty International's survey into torture since 1997
 reveals an urgent need for torture to be put back on the
 international agenda," the organization said.

  "More shocking than the statistics on torture, is the
 fact that torture can be stopped but is allowed to persist.
 Governments continue to allow torture and ill-treatment to go on,
 often turning a blind eye or using it to hold on to power."

  Amnesty International's one million members, in
 conjunction with community groups, will be challenging
 governments to commit themselves to combat torture and create
 "Torture Free Zones" in their areas of responsibility.  Using
 email and SMS mobile phone text messaging, Amnesty International
 will take the campaign online enabling the public to send urgent
 appeals on behalf of those at immediate risk of torture.

  "Only public pressure can force governments to take
 action to stop torture. Our task is to turn public indifference
 into outrage and outrage into action," Amnesty International said
 urging the public to take a step to stamp out torture.

  Amnesty International calls on all the governments
 worldwide to ensure that no one is tortured or ill- treated and
 that his or her fundamental human rights are not violated. No one
 should be arrested or detained because of peacefully exercising
 his or her rights to freedom of expression or belief. All those
 arrested should have immediate access to the outside world,
 including legal counsel and their families.

  Governments must ensure that they do not impose judicial
 punishments which are inconsistent with international law and the
 standards set by the UN Convention Against Torture (UNCAT).
 Amnesty International calls on all the countries which have not
 ratified UNCAT and the other human rights treaties to do so
 immediately, without reservation, and to implement them in law
 and practice.

  Amnesty International's report issued today, brings to
 light new challenges in combating torture. Torture and
 ill-treatment is occurring in different settings, both in
 democracies and dictatorships, in places of detention, schools
 and homes.

  Methods of torture have expanded as the trade in torture
 equipment has become more globalized. In some cases, torture is
 now more high-tech with the manufacture, export and use of
 devices designed specifically for use on human beings.

  Amnesty International's report also highlights the role
 of discrimination in feeding torture.  It is easier for the
 torturer to inflict pain on someone who is seen as less than
 human -- someone from a despised social, ethnic or political
 group.  Discrimination paves the way for torture by allowing the
 victim to be seen not as human but as an object who can be
 treated inhumanely.

  Amnesty International points to the importance of raising
 awareness of human rights issues and human rights education. Both
 are important as long term strategies to prevent human rights
 violations such as torture.

  We hope that Amnesty International's regional office for
 the Middle East in Beirut, which is now beginning its work will
 contribute substantially to human rights education and awareness
 initiatives in the future.

  Worldwide there is a pattern of racially motivated
 torture and ill-treatment by state officials.  Many of the
 victims of police brutality in Europe and the US are black or
 members of ethnic minorities.

  Children have reportedly been tortured or ill-treated in
 more than 50 countries in the last three years proving that youth
 is no protection against torture. Children in police custody are
 particularly vulnerable to rape and sexual abuse. Governments
 have a duty to protect children from torture and ill-treatment in
 the community and the home, as well as in custody.

  Discrimination against women continues to take violent
 forms -- women are raped in custody or as "spoils of war", they
 are genitally mutilated in the name of tradition, flogged or
 killed in the name of honour

  Torture is illegal under international law and 119

[CTRL] FW: Microsoft will admit to Lewinsky affair too if lawsuit dropped

2001-01-22 Thread Nessie

-Caveat Lector-

-Original Message-
From:   Declan McCullagh
Sent:   Mon 1/22/2001 9:36 AM
Subject:FC: Microsoft will admit to Lewinsky affair too if
lawsuit dropped

[Humor, obviously. --DBM]


Date: Mon, 22 Jan 2001 08:39:25 -0800
From: "Jeffrey St. Clair" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Declan McCullagh [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: MS Will Admit Affair in Exchange for Dropping Case

Company, Like President, Indiscreet; Should Get Same Killer
Deal, Says Ballmer

Redmond, Wash. (SatireWire.com) _ Only hours after
President Clinton struck a deal to avoid prosecution by
admitting he lied in court about Monica Lewinsky, Microsoft
CEO Steve Ballmer announced the entire company will admit to
an affair with Lewinsky if the government will drop the case
against it, too.

In a prepared statement, Ballmer said people were "sick and
tired" of both the Clinton proceedings and the Microsoft
trial, and noted that both defendants should be given the
same settlement, "especially since we're both guilty of the
same thing."

"Microsoft did have an inappropriate relationship with that
woman, Miss Lewinsky, and it was wrong of us not to testify
to that in court," the statement said. "This has been
painful to the entire Microsoft family of products, and I
hope our actions today will help bring closure and finality
to the matters."

U.S. District Court Judge Thomas Penfield Jackson, however,
declared the confession "irrelevant" to the case, which is
awaiting a date in appeals court. "I don't care if they
admit cheating with Paul Jones and (Rev.) Jesse Jackson," he

In response, Ballmer said Microsoft was prepared to confess
to those as well, although he insisted a Rev. Jackson
disclosure would require "a little something" back, such as
the complete revocation of the Sherman Antitrust Act.

Ballmer refused to make public details of the alleged
affair, but according to an inside source, Lewinsky briefly
worked as an intern in Redmond in 1997, shortly after
leaving the White House. According to the source, Lewinsky
met several times with the company, usually at night, where
certain sexual acts were performed on the corporation.
Often, Microsoft would lean against a doorway, or sit on the
edge of a desk.

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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Re: [CTRL] Carla Binion Is George W. some kind of GOP joke or a CIA stooge?

2001-01-22 Thread Tenorlove

-Caveat Lector-

--- "Samantha L." [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   sn0owl asked for info about Carla.  I met Carla in a political AOL
 room a few years ago.  We ended up on the same informal AOL political
 list.  I always valued her input.  She's the only other person I've
 met who
 has read and valued Tim Weiner's book, "Blank Check: The Pentagon's
 Budget" like I do.  Carla left our list to devote more time to
 and writing.  She collects books on various political subjects, and
 mostly on the CIA, fascism, and Nazi integration into the American
 since WWII.
   I've asked Carla for more information I might share.  I'll pass it
 along if
 she sends some.  I forward most of the feedback fron the list to her.
 appreciates the support.
   I think Carla fills an important gap in our knowledge that is
 needed and
 very timely.  She is a very nice person, and devoted to her work.  As
 far as
 I know, she is earns no money from her research.Samantha

Interesting. According to archive messages 064898 through 064901 Ms.
Binion is not online. How does one explain this discrepancy?


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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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Re: [CTRL] Carla Binion Is George W. some kind of GOP joke or a CIA ...

2001-01-22 Thread DIG alfred webre

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 01-01-22 14:18:11 EST, you write:

 Interesting. According to archive messages 064898 through 064901 Ms.
 Binion is not online. How does one explain this discrepancy?

What discrepancy?

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Climate Change -- 5 biggest stories of 2000

2001-01-22 Thread radman

-Caveat Lector-

[See website for embedded links to referenced articles.]

This Just In ...


by Leonie Haimson
11 Jan 2001

For my annual wrap-up, here are the five biggest climate stories of 2000 --
in rough order of their occurrence and their impact on the popular
imagination. (I'd like to acknowledge to readers from
other parts of the globe that this is just one person's opinion, with an
admittedly U.S. bias. Most
likely, if I lived in Iceland or Micronesia or even in England, I would
have other stories to recount.)

1.  The vanishing Arctic ice. In a front-page story in August, the New
York Times reported that scientists on board a ship cruising through Arctic
waters saw almost no floating ice, and that at the North Pole, "an ice-free
patch of ocean about a mile wide has opened at the very top of the world,
something that has presumably never before been seen by humans. . . . The
last time scientists can be certain the pole was awash in water was more
than 50 million years ago" (New York Times, John Noble Wilford, 19 Aug 2000).
Though this striking intro was retracted 10 days later (there's no way to
know how often the North Pole may have been ice-free in previous years),
the point of the article was substantially correct and penetrated the
popular imagination in a way that no climate story had since the torrid
summer of 1988 (New York Times, John Noble Wilford, 29 Aug 2000).
Several scientific studies had earlier noted the vanishing ice cover
phenomenon in a more systematic but less dramatic way. Late in 1999, data
collected by submarines revealed that ice cover over a large part of the
Arctic had thinned during warmer months by about 40 percent over the last
four decades (New York Times, William K. Stevens, 17 Nov 1999). And in
another report, in July, Norwegian scientists predicted that in 50 years,
summer Arctic ice could entirely disappear (New York Times, Walter Gibbs,
11 July 1999).
But to hear it predicted and to see it actually happen are two very
different things, at least to most people, and this story moved the
zeitgeist so much that it soon became a recurring topic on the David
Letterman show, leading Letterman himself to grill presidential candidates
Gore and Bush on global warming when they later appeared on his show.

2.  A near-doubling of the predicted increase in global temperatures.
This story, which broke in late October, should have been front-page news
everywhere but wasn't. The New York Times concentrated on the
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change's increased certainty that the
warming occurring over the last century was "likely" caused by human
activities, in place of the panel's assessment five years ago that "the
balance of evidence" suggested influence by humans (New York Times, Andrew
C. Revkin, 26 Oct 1999). This is a subtle point, elusive to most people.
The bigger development was that the IPCC nearly doubled its predicted range
of increased global temperatures -- 2.7 to 10.8 degrees Fahrenheit, up from
the 1.8 to 6.3 degrees it had earlier predicted. If the upper end of this
prediction actually comes to pass, our planet will be transformed into
something nearly unrecognizable, it will be even warmer than when the
dinosaurs still roamed the Earth (for more on this story, see my November

3.  Deadlock at The Hague. Though there was some talk after the climate
negotiations collapsed in late November of bringing the parties together
again before the New Year to resolve their differences, the gaps between
the U.S. and European positions proved too formidable to be bridged. (For
more on the failure of the talks, see last month's column). The failure of
the negotiations was especially disappointing, given the other two major
developments of 2000, which should have provided the impetus for
negotiators to reach an agreement.

4.  U.S. business leaders get religion. The year began with Ford and
Daimler-Benz ditching the Global Climate Coalition, the main industry lobby
group opposing the Kyoto Protocol and mandatory reductions of emissions.
Soon after, Texaco followed, becoming the first major U.S. oil company to
leave the sinking GCC. In a letter, Texaco explained that the company
"shares society's concern over the issue of climate change," and that
"protracted debate about the adequacy of the science is something Texaco
wishes to move beyond."
A growing number of large U.S. corporations committed themselves to
substantial reductions in their greenhouse gas emissions, at a rate equal
to or faster than that required of the U.S. economy as a whole under the
Kyoto Protocol. IBM, Johnson  Johnson, and DuPont led the way, later
joined by many others. At a poll released at The Hague, 34 percent of
Fortune 5000 executives said they supported the climate treaty's
ratification, with only 26 percent opposed.
In 2000, Honda and Toyota introduced hybrid cars to the marketplace, and

[CTRL] Debunking False Memory Myths

2001-01-22 Thread lloyd

-Caveat Lector-


From the New Paradigms Project [Not Necessarily Endorsed]
Note:  We store 100's of related "New Paradigms Posts" at:

From: "Alex Constantine" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Debunking "False Memory" Myths
Date: Monday, September 11, 2000 9:00 PM

From: Trial
Journal of the Association of Trial Lawyers of America
November 1997

Debunking "false memory" myths in sexual abuse cases
by Wendy J. Murphy

An aggressive litigation strategy can head off defense claims that memories
of trauma are all in the victim's head.
For many years, adult survivors of child sexual abuse have been filing civil
claims for damages. In some cases, plaintiffs file their claims decades
after the abuse ends because the nature of the trauma renders them incapable
of filing earlier.
These cases can be broken down into two categories. In "recovered memory"
cases, victims had no memories of the abuse until years later. In
"appreciation" cases, victims remembered being abused but did not appreciate
the causal relationship between the childhood abuse and the psychological
and emotional injuries they suffer as adults. This article addresses an
issue that is likely to come up only in the former category of cases.
Recovered memory cases are facing new and substantial pre-trial hurdles,
sometimes leading to dismissal orders and summary judgment decisions that
deny victims their day in court. At the heart of the problem is the largely
contrived controversy around "false memory syndrome" and the alleged
unreliability of "repressed" memories.
While public debate about so-called false memories has been raging for
years, increasing numbers of trial and appellate court decisions involving
this issue are just now being issued. These decisions reflect significant
lack of uniformity among the courts, not only in the results but also in the
reasoning and even in the context within which the memory issues are
The typical defense strategy in these cases is to file pre-trial motions
challenging the reliability, and hence admissibility, of expert testimony
regarding recovered memories. In some cases, these motions are filed as
early as the preliminary injunction stage. Reliability issues are also
raised in motions to dismiss and for summary judgment.
Usually, the defense also seeks to offer its own "expert" testimony to
counter the plaintiff's scientific evidence that the mind can avoid or
repress traumatic information and then recall it years later.
The plaintiff's best approach is to anticipate this defense strategy and
take the first step by filing a motion to exclude the defendant's evidence.
Plaintiffs should file this motion early to persuade the court that the
defendant's assets should be attached because the claim has merit.
While there is not yet a reported court ruling on this type of motion, this
strategy will likely work as a preemptive strike against inevitable attacks
on the plaintiff's experts. It will also provide judges with accurate
information about the scientific reliability of traumatic memory evidence.
Defense use of Daubert
To support their efforts to exclude recovered memory evidence, defendants
generally rely on the U.S. Supreme Court decision in Daubert V. Merrell Dow
Pharmaceutical, inc.[1] Under Daubert, the proponent of an expert opinion
based on scientific knowledge must establish the opinion's reliability and
relevance before it may be admitted. Whether the proponent has satisfied
these requirements "entails a preliminary assessment of whether the
reasoning or methodology underlying the testimony is scientifically valid
and of whether that reasoning or methodology properly can be applied to the
facts in issue."[2]
The relevance prong is fairly straight-forward. As the Court noted, "Expert
testimony which does not relate to any issue in the case is not relevant
and, ergo, nonhelpful."[3] Defining "helpfulness" in Daubert, the Court said
there must be a "valid scientific connection to the pertinent inquiry as a
precondition to admissibility."[4]
The reliability prong is more problematic. Most courts properly read Daubert
to determine reliability by examining the integrity of the methodology
behind the opinion. However, Daubert's application has been awkward in
recovered memory cases because the decision discussed scientific reliability
in a toxic tort case involving objectively testable "hard" science.
Daubert's indicators of reliability have limited value when the testimony at
issue is rooted in behavioral or "soft" sciences.
It would be reasonable for a court to rule that classic scientific
principles cannot resolve the reliability question in recovered memory
cases. But, if an attempt is made to determine reliability, traumatic memory
research should be judged by standards different than those applied in
Daubert. For example, a 

Re: [CTRL] FW: Microsoft will admit to Lewinsky affair too if lawsuit dropped

2001-01-22 Thread Aleisha Saba

-Caveat Lector-

So much for equal protection of the law.it would seem the thing to
do would be to file civil rights cases.

So Jesse Jackson and Clinton are birds of a feather; wait till the
Rainbow Coalition comes down on him for Jesse it seems, used funds in a
somewhat improper manner and a complete audit should be done.

Any federal funds or UA money involved here?  Any violations with regard
to non profit status?  What was it he used $40,000 to move the mother of
his lust child?My my, lots of poor little blacks could eat a lot of
food now being paid to this one illegitimate - say it for what it is -
this legal bastard - $10,000 a month and it is said this money may have
been expended by Rainbow coalition monies?

What is going on there - grand theft?  Is this why in Jesse's latter
days he seemed almost desperate that Gore be elected to the point of
sedition - inciting people to riotweairng $500 dollar suits, some
say more like $1,200 suits but regardless the cost, a bum is a bum - a
thief is a thief and liar is still a liar - Clinton and Jesse made good
pair didn't they.

So Cheers - $10,000 blackmail maybe?   And did Jackson pay for the DNA

Does anybody really care  and now, they should go after Al Sharpton and
see how much he has stolen, for he too wears $1,200 suits and lives off
the "kindness" of othres.

Yet look what they are diong to the little church in
Indianapolis...now if that isn't a case for a civil rights case and

But then, that is a little white Church - Christians, and if Jesse
Jackson is a Christian, then I am a Zen Buddist.


So no longer Jackson 5 - it is now the Jackson 6.imagine Jesse with
5 kids and them not knowing they had a little sister who receives
$10,000 a month from Rainbow funds some said.

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sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] It's Government by and for U.S. Corporations and Their Values

2001-01-22 Thread radman

-Caveat Lector-

The International Herald Tribune | www.iht.com

It's Government by and for U.S. Corporations and Their Values

William Pfaff International Herald Tribune
Thursday, January 18, 2001

PARIS The inauguration of George W. Bush as 43d president of the United
States confirms a fundamental change in the nature of U.S. government.
Government has become the instrument of a segment of American society:
corporate business. It has become, as others than myself have already
recognized, "America Inc."

This change has taken place in full sight and with general consent of the
U.S. electorate. A minority has expressed concern; a small minority has
anxiously protested that this is not the way it was meant to be; but the
overwhelming majority has been content to see this happen.

One might argue from history - the 19th century Populist movement, the 20th
century progressives and the New Deal - that the government's takeover by
business interests is normal and cyclical, with a "progressive" or liberal
reform counteraction foreseeable in 2004 or 2008. After all, Al Gore won
the popular vote, and in the opinion of many he should have won the
Electoral College vote as well.

However, Mr. Gore was a corporate candidate, too. That is what is new.
There is no alternative. A Gore administration would have been different
from a Bush administration in its handling of the so-called cultural issues
- race, gays, feminism, abortion. It would have been friendlier to labor,
but not so friendly as to alienate business.

It probably would have been more enthusiastic about globalization and free
trade than Mr. Bush may actually prove to be. Its foreign and economic
policies would have been those of the business interests that supported the
Clinton administration and profited from having done so, and which largely
financed the Gore campaign.

Pat Buchanan and Ralph Nader said the two main candidates were Tweedledum
and Tweedledee (who "agreed to have a battle," to continue the quotation).
We know what happened to candidates Buchanan and Nader. If a candidate
today is not acceptable to the corporate mainstream, he is unelectable.
Corporate money determines national policy, and even foreign policy. Under
Mr. Clinton, industry successfully promoted the U.S. intervention with
helicopters and arms into the struggle in Colombia.

A national missile defense system, to which the Bush administration is
committed, is an aerospace industry program, not a national security
program. Most foreign policy specialists and independent systems analysts
regard it as a technologically misconceived response to a vastly
exaggerated threat.

Mr. Bush's supporters are already promoting a new threat, which promises to
be as costly to counter as building a shield against rogue missiles. A
congressionally appointed commission led by Mr. Bush's pick for secretary
of defense, Donald H. Rumsfeld, calls for measures against the
hostile-nation menace to U.S. satellites.

It calls for "doctrine, concepts of operations and capabilities for space,
including weapons systems that operate in space and that can defend assets
in orbit and augment air, land and sea forces." This would put American
industry in profitable competition with itself, since the countermeasures
to be developed deal with a threat that no other high-tech country has any
interest in posing.

In the past, weapons development has tended to be driven by military
definitions of threat. Today the tendency is for industry to promote
advanced weapons systems by marketing novel threats. Corporate lobbyists
drove trade policy during the Clinton administration. The banana war with
Europe concerns bananas neither produced in nor shipped from the United States.

The disabused citizen may ask what is new about all this. From the 1920s on
the U.S. Marine Corps enforced the Central American interests of the United
Fruit Company. The sober Calvin Coolidge's observation that "the chief
business of the American people is business" is incontrovertible.

What is new about the situation today is that a seemingly irreversible
mutation in the American system has occurred. At some point, quantitative
change does becomes qualitative change. The point when that change took
place was probably 1976, when the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that money spent
in support of a political candidate is a form of constitutionally protected
free speech. Moneyed interests now finance not only the winners of national
elections but also most of the losers.

This is part of the enlarging domination of American life by business
corporations and their values, which are those of material aggrandizement,
a phenomenon accompanied and promoted by the circuses and gladiatorial
contests provided by the most important U.S. industry of all,
entertainment, which now showcases elections and even wars as entertainments.

This is a curious outcome for the United States, whose most powerful
cultural source was Calvinist dissident religion, whose members 

[CTRL] Fwd: 01-20-01: Bringing down Jesse Jackson: Vain attempt at high tech lynching

2001-01-22 Thread radman

-Caveat Lector-

Date: 20 Jan 2001
From: "Online Journal" [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Online Journal - http://www.onlinejournal.com

01-20-01: Bringing down Jesse Jackson: Vain attempt at high tech lynching

By Larry Chin

January 18, 2001 | One month after the most racist election in modern
history, and two days before nationwide protests of the Bush inaugural,
National Enquirer headlines are blaring the news that the Reverend Jesse
Jackson fathered a child out of wedlock.

The timing of this "lurid" revelation, which mainstream journalists are
calling "the last bookend of the Clinton era" is no coincidence. It is
also not a coincidence that right wing hacks such as Matt Drudge and those
at the New York Post were privy to the information weeks before other
journalists were. Finally, it is no coincidence that the Enquirer, which
originally broke the Gennifer Flowers scandal, was the source, and Jerry
Falwell is gloating.

Obviously, the same pitiful Republicans who tried to bring down the
Clintons with sex scandals are using the same tactics to humiliate a man
they consider to be the symbol of African American politics, and even the
Democratic Party. And in so doing, derail the furious and massive African
American backlash aimed at the incoming George W. Bush presidency, and
shame dissenters into silence.

It won't work.

Jackson was not the sole leader of some monolithic "black thing." Only the
ignorant and uninformed would leap to this assumption.

It is common knowledge among African American political leaders that Jesse
Jackson had his own agenda, his own well-financed political machine, and
his own skeletons. In fact, Jackson has frequently clashed with leaders of
other African American groups such as the Congressional Black Caucus and
the NAACP. Many African Americans considered Jackson to be a grandstander,
an opportunist, and even an obstructionist. Some have even speculated that
Jackson was a spy for the intelligence community, who did as much to
dismantle the civil rights movement as assist in it.

A fact that is hardly mentioned in the media is that Jesse Jackson is a
member of the Council on Foreign Relations. Membership in that elite cabal
of globalists, intelligence agents and CEOs is impossible without the
selling of one's soul. Jackson has numerous Wall Street connections. His
work as an insider in the Clinton administration-not exactly a hotbed of
ethical, progressive change-speaks volumes about his true stripes.

More interestingly, in the midst of the furor over the Florida election,
Jackson was the first to make a conciliatory call on George W.
Bush-without the approval or consent of other African American leaders who
were attempting to present a unified front of opposition. In essence, for
all of his appropriate verbal protest over Florida, he already tripped up
the cause big time.

Now, Jackson is caught with a love child, and has been forced to
"immediately withdraw from the political scene" to repair his personal

How convenient. How sad. And how irrelevant.

Irrelevant to the fact that there is a war being waged by the Republican
right wing against people of color. Irrelevant to the fact that the 2000
election and its racism remains to be investigated and exposed. Irrelevant
to the coming assault on civil rights if John Ashcroft becomes attorney
general. Irrelevant to the powerful voices of Kweisi Mfume, Sheila Jackson
Lee, Alcee Hastings, John Conyers, Maxine Waters and many, many others.

Justice will not be stopped by idiotic scandals, media distortions or
well-financed smear campaigns.

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fwd: Pentaguard defaces multiple government Web sites in US, UK and AU

2001-01-22 Thread radman

-Caveat Lector-

Date: Sat, 20 Jan 2001
Subject: [defaced-commentary] Pentaguard defaces multiple government Web
sites in US, UK and

Tonight the Attrition.org staff has mirrored one of the largest, most
systematic defacements of worldwide government servers on the Web. The
defacers, known as Pentaguard, took out various government Web sites from
3 countries - the United Kingdom, Australia, and the United States.

While the message was the same on all Web sites targeted, we are intrigued
by the fact that this was not a mass defacement of a series of government
Web sites within an agency or even within a country - but 3 different
nations in different time zones all at the same time with all sites
remaining defaced for a period longer than 15 minutes.

Some of the US sites defaced were interesting due to the current issues
within the country - the Republican Caucus for the California Legislature
Web site was shutdown in the wake of a power crisis. The Alaskan Office
for the Department of Interior Web site was defaced as the country waits
to find out if Bush Nominee Gale Norton will be confirmed for Secretary of
the Interior (especially when one of the issues at the core of the
controversial appointment is her views on oil prospecting in the Arctic
National Wildlife Refuge.)

The UK defacements consisted of a series of small municipalities as well
as city and county governments - the most interesting being a Web site set
up by the UK government to disseminate information regarding Bovine
Spongiform Encephalopathy otherwise known as "Mad Cow Disease."

Australian targets were similar to those in the UK with one notable
exception - Pentaguard took down a legislative search application for the
entire Commonwealth of Australia, similar to the US Library of Congress'
Thomas archive.

Pentaguard is no stranger to government and military Web site defacements.
A breakout page containing 48 of their previous defacements
(http://www.attrition.org/mirror/attrition/pentaguard.html) includes a
plethora of US government and military Web sites from the Army, Navy and
Air Force to the National Institute of Health, Department of Treasury, the
US Court system and both NASA and Department of Energy Web sites. The US
wasn't the only country  - they've  defaced sites of the governments of
China, Kuwait, Romania, Georgia, and even Vietnam.

gov/mil group

  34 pentaguard
  32 hv2k
  28 gforce pakistan
  25 forpaxe
  21 fuqrag

Pentaguard is the largest defacer of government and military Web sites
based on our mirror.

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] A Question.....

2001-01-22 Thread Marilyn Wright

-Caveat Lector-

Can Bush just cut off funds to international family planning
agencies? Doesn't this kind of thing need approvalneed to go
through committees? Require congressional approval? Is he some
kind of emperor or Czar who can just say "This is how it's gonna
be."  ?


A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] A Question.....

2001-01-22 Thread BB

-Caveat Lector-


Do you recall Clinton ever signing, during any of his 8 years,
any such things as EXECUTIVE ORDERS??

They numbered into the thousands.
So now you've got a NEW czar, and you don't like the name of
his party?  It's the same old game - nothing has changed.
This is how it WAS.

Marilyn Wright wrote:

 -Caveat Lector-

 Can Bush just cut off funds to international family planning
 agencies? Doesn't this kind of thing need approvalneed to go
 through committees? Require congressional approval? Is he some
 kind of emperor or Czar who can just say "This is how it's gonna
 be."  ?

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] Electric Scam Exposed - Demand lower in 4 of past 6 months than in 1999

2001-01-22 Thread radman

-Caveat Lector-

Electric Scam Exposed - Demand lower in 4 of  past 6 months than in 1999

JANUARY 19, 2001
10:59 AM
CONTACT:  Public Citizen
Angela Bradbery (202) 588-7742 or (202) 588-7741

The Facts Are In: Electricity Demand in California Was Lower
  in Four of Past Six Months Than in 1999

Data Casts Doubt on Power Producers' Claims
That Demand Has Fueled Higher Prices

- January 19 - Power demand during four of the past six months in
California was lower than during the same period in 1999, indicating
that California's power producers are misrepresenting the facts
about energy demand to justify gouging the state's utilities, Public
Citizen has concluded.

Public Citizen analyzed system hourly load data compiled by the
California Independent System Operator (CAISO). CAISO uses this
data to find out how much energy must come from various plants to
meet California demand and records the highest amounts of
demand by hour within the state of California.  The data shows that
while demand did soar in May, in four out of the past six months --
July, August, October and December -- California saw a
  lower peak demand than during the same months in 1999.
"The facts are in, and they prove that power producers have been
misrepresenting the energy crisis as caused by increased consumer demand,"
said Wenonah Hauter, director of Public Citizen's Critical Mass Energy and
nment Program. "Power producers want Californians to believe that consumers
need to pay higher rates to encourage the construction of new power plants
to meet the alleged higher demand. Our analysis reveals their ploy to
soak consumers."
With no increase in energy demand, a major contributor to the
current crisis is that plants servicing California with 11,000
megawatts of capacity have been taken out of service for a variety
of reasons, most undisclosed.
Now, power producers are inappropriately citing increased demand
to justify building new plants, and they are hoping to speed the
process by suspending California's environment-friendly standards
and blocking the ability of communities to oppose new plants.
"The fact that demand in California is on par with previous years
highlights power producers' attempts to circumvent environmental
rules and local input on energy policy," Hauter said.
While power producers acknowledge that many other factors are
affecting prices, including demand in the entire western U.S., they
have focused on California energy demand when justifying their high

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Mind Control: Torture - A modern day plague

2001-01-22 Thread Joe Gillaspie

-Caveat Lector-


DIG alfred webre wrote:

 -Caveat Lector-

 IThe USA - CIA is a major exporter of torture techniques and technology:

  * News Release Issued by the International Secretariat of Amnesty
  International *

  22 January 2001
  MDE 01/001/2000

  In the last three years people reportedly died as a result of
  torture in over 80 countries, torture or ill-treatment by state
  agents was reported in over 150 countries and was widespread in
  more than 70, Amnesty International said today in a new report
  launching a global campaign against torture.

   The organization's global survey strongly suggests that
  most victims of torture by state agents are criminal suspects
  from the poorest or most marginalised sectors of society.  Most
  of these torturers are police officers.

   "Despite entering a new millennium, thousands of men,
  women and children continue to suffer behind closed doors and in
  public. Amnesty International's survey into torture since 1997
  reveals an urgent need for torture to be put back on the
  international agenda," the organization said.

   "More shocking than the statistics on torture, is the
  fact that torture can be stopped but is allowed to persist.
  Governments continue to allow torture and ill-treatment to go on,
  often turning a blind eye or using it to hold on to power."

   Amnesty International's one million members, in
  conjunction with community groups, will be challenging
  governments to commit themselves to combat torture and create
  "Torture Free Zones" in their areas of responsibility.  Using
  email and SMS mobile phone text messaging, Amnesty International
  will take the campaign online enabling the public to send urgent
  appeals on behalf of those at immediate risk of torture.

   "Only public pressure can force governments to take
  action to stop torture. Our task is to turn public indifference
  into outrage and outrage into action," Amnesty International said
  urging the public to take a step to stamp out torture.

   Amnesty International calls on all the governments
  worldwide to ensure that no one is tortured or ill- treated and
  that his or her fundamental human rights are not violated. No one
  should be arrested or detained because of peacefully exercising
  his or her rights to freedom of expression or belief. All those
  arrested should have immediate access to the outside world,
  including legal counsel and their families.

   Governments must ensure that they do not impose judicial
  punishments which are inconsistent with international law and the
  standards set by the UN Convention Against Torture (UNCAT).
  Amnesty International calls on all the countries which have not
  ratified UNCAT and the other human rights treaties to do so
  immediately, without reservation, and to implement them in law
  and practice.

   Amnesty International's report issued today, brings to
  light new challenges in combating torture. Torture and
  ill-treatment is occurring in different settings, both in
  democracies and dictatorships, in places of detention, schools
  and homes.

   Methods of torture have expanded as the trade in torture
  equipment has become more globalized. In some cases, torture is
  now more high-tech with the manufacture, export and use of
  devices designed specifically for use on human beings.

   Amnesty International's report also highlights the role
  of discrimination in feeding torture.  It is easier for the
  torturer to inflict pain on someone who is seen as less than
  human -- someone from a despised social, ethnic or political
  group.  Discrimination paves the way for torture by allowing the
  victim to be seen not as human but as an object who can be
  treated inhumanely.

   Amnesty International points to the importance of raising
  awareness of human rights issues and human rights education. Both
  are important as long term strategies to prevent human rights
  violations such as torture.

   We hope that Amnesty International's regional office for
  the Middle East in Beirut, which is now beginning its work will
  contribute substantially to human rights education and awareness
  initiatives in the future.

   Worldwide there is a pattern of racially motivated
  torture and ill-treatment by state officials.  Many of the
  victims of police brutality in Europe and the US are black or
  members of ethnic minorities.

   Children have reportedly been tortured or ill-treated in
  more than 50 countries in the last three years proving that youth
  is no protection against torture. Children in police custody are
  particularly vulnerable to rape and sexual abuse. Governments
  have a duty to protect children from torture and ill-treatment in
  the community and the home, as well as in custody.

   Discrimination against women continues to take violent
  forms -- women are raped in custody or as "spoils of war", they
  are genitally 

[CTRL] Appeal

2001-01-22 Thread Mrs. Jela Jovanovic

Citizens' association "The Committee for National 
Solidarity", Tolstojeva 34, Yu-11000 Belgrade, Yugoslavia

Distinguished Sir, 

The citizens' association "The Committee for 
National Solidarity" addresses to you with an appeal that you urge your 
Government, the Parliament, the relevant institutions, organizations and media, 
for the permission that Mr. Radislav Krstic, the general of the Army of the 
Republic of Srpska, be trasferred to the Military-Medical Academy in Belgrade. 
An urgent re-amputation of his right leg, above the knee, is demanded, that is 
expected to be followed by a precarious post-operative 

Regarding the previous experiences with the medical 
services provided by the Hague Tribunal, and in particular

- the death of general Djukic immediately after his 
release from the imprisonment in Hague, - the sudden death of Dr. Kovacevic 
(later investigations revealed that he vas not given the necessary emergency 
medical aid), - the alleged suicide of Mr. Slavko Dokmanovic in his cell, 
- his personal experience (from the beginning of his stay in the Hague 
prison he was deprived of the proper medical treatment), 

general Krstic refuses to be subjected to the 
necessary operation if it is performed by the medical services of the Hague 
Tribunal. This may lead to a tragic outcome. 

Last month, a member of our Committee visited 
general Krstic in the prison, and was shocked by his overall physical condition, 
as well as with the conducts of the prison's medical department. We fear that, 
if an immediate action is not undertaken, the consequences for the health and 
life of Mr. Krstic may be tragic. 

Today, we have received a stirring plea from his 
only daughter, Tamara Krstic, and decided to turn to you for help. 

Jela Jovanovic, Secretary general of the 
Committee for National Solidarity


Please, help my daddy.

My daddy, Radislav Krstic, the general of the Army 
of the Republic of Srpska, has been in the United Nation's confinement in 
Sheweningen for the past twenty six months. Right now, his health is in a very 
bad condition. He is an invalid, since his lower leg has been amputated, and the 
stump was additionally wounded in the course of his arrest. Due to the 
inadequate and inefficient medical treatment in the prison, the infection of the 
bone has developed, with the high risk of gangrene, and the above-the-knee 
amputation has been recommended. 

My daddy justifiably fears the operation, as well 
as the post-operative treatment, that would take place in the environment that 
he is at now. A plead to all the good people, throughout the globe, to help my 
daddy by raising their voice. 

I plead to the United Nations, to the International 
Red Cross, to the Helsinki Committee for Human Rights Please, help that my 
daddy does not die in Sheweningen. I addess the Board of Judges of the Hague 
Tribunal, and to the prosecutors in my daddy's process

- do not say that he 'refuses to use the 
prothesis'- no, he can not wear it, it hurts, - do not say that he 'does not 
want to drink your medicines'- no, you have overdosed him so that he fainted, 
- do not tell him to flush his wounds by water - no, there is no such thing 
in the world. And so much more. 

That is why I appeal to you to let my daddy to try 
to get his cure in his country. As a guarantee, I offer to stay in his cell 
until he returns to Sheweningen to prove his innocence.

Belgrade, 22. 01. 2001.

His only daughter, Tamara 

Re: [CTRL] Carla Binion Is George W. some kind of GOP joke or a CIA ...

2001-01-22 Thread Samantha L.

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 1/22/01 1:18:11 PM Central Standard Time,

 Interesting. According to archive messages 064898 through 064901 Ms.
  Binion is not online. How does one explain this discrepancy?


  I don't understand the question.  Not online?


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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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[CTRL] Capitalism ubber alles: The California electric SCAM!!!

2001-01-22 Thread Nurev Ind Research

-Caveat Lector-

If citizens are stupid enough to trust businessmen to deliver
vital necessities at low cost, then they deserve to get screwed.

There is NO SUCH THING AS A FREE MARKET. All human transactions
are manipulations based on someone's decisions. There is no
" invisible hand." Nor is there a Santa Claus, or Leprechauns, or
even Unicorns. Those with economic power use it to get more
power and more money.

Vital necessities of life like energy, water, food, transportation,
health care, education, defense, and a viable economic system SHOULD
NEVER BE IN THE HANDS OF BUSINESSMEN whose essential job is to get
money from YOUR pocket into THEIR pockets.

Not very complicated.


 Electric Scam Exposed - Demand lower in 4 of  past
   6 months than in 1999

 JANUARY 19, 2001
 10:59 AM
 CONTACT:  Public Citizen
 Angela Bradbery (202) 588-7742 or (202) 588-7741

 The Facts Are In: Electricity Demand in California Was Lower
   in Four of Past Six Months Than in 1999

 Data Casts Doubt on Power Producers' Claims
 That Demand Has Fueled Higher Prices

 - January 19 - Power demand during four of the past six months in
 California was lower than during the same period in 1999, indicating
 that California's power producers are misrepresenting the facts
 about energy demand to justify gouging the state's utilities, Public
 Citizen has concluded.

 Public Citizen analyzed system hourly load data compiled by the
 California Independent System Operator (CAISO). CAISO uses this
 data to find out how much energy must come from various plants to
 meet California demand and records the highest amounts of
 demand by hour within the state of California.  The data shows that
 while demand did soar in May, in four out of the past six months --
 July, August, October and December -- California saw a
   lower peak demand than during the same months in 1999.
 "The facts are in, and they prove that power producers have been
 misrepresenting the energy crisis as caused by increased consumer demand,"
 said Wenonah Hauter, director of Public Citizen's Critical Mass Energy and
 nment Program. "Power producers want Californians to believe that consumers
 need to pay higher rates to encourage the construction of new power plants
 to meet the alleged higher demand. Our analysis reveals their ploy to
 soak consumers."
 With no increase in energy demand, a major contributor to the
 current crisis is that plants servicing California with 11,000
 megawatts of capacity have been taken out of service for a variety
 of reasons, most undisclosed.
 Now, power producers are inappropriately citing increased demand
 to justify building new plants, and they are hoping to speed the
 process by suspending California's environment-friendly standards
 and blocking the ability of communities to oppose new plants.
 "The fact that demand in California is on par with previous years
 highlights power producers' attempts to circumvent environmental
 rules and local input on energy policy," Hauter said.
 While power producers acknowledge that many other factors are
 affecting prices, including demand in the entire western U.S., they
 have focused on California energy demand when justifying their high

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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Re: [CTRL] A Question.....

2001-01-22 Thread Jeff Russo

-Caveat Lector-

Of course it needs approval, but nobody cares. All the executive orders Clinton
passed in the last few days also should have approval. Although few people seem
to notice, Presidents (and Congress, and everyone else) have been ignoring the
constitution when convenient for over 200 years.


--- Marilyn Wright [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 -Caveat Lector-

 Can Bush just cut off funds to international family planning
 agencies? Doesn't this kind of thing need approvalneed to go
 through committees? Require congressional approval? Is he some
 kind of emperor or Czar who can just say "This is how it's gonna
 be."  ?


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 directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
 major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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 always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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Re: [CTRL] Fwd: 01-20-01: Bringing down Jesse Jackson: Vain attemptat hightech lynching

2001-01-22 Thread Nurev Ind Research

-Caveat Lector-

None of this is really the point. None of these people took Jackson's
weenie and placed it in his subordinate coworker. Jackson screwed himself
out of what ever little respect he deserved.

He is a PROFESSIONAL MORALIZER. That's the point of his being a " Reverend."
Otherwise he would just be another jive huckster living off of white liberal
guilt. He blew it. ( She probably did too.)

This stuff below is just diversionary spin.

radman wrote:

 -Caveat Lector-

 Date: 20 Jan 2001
 From: "Online Journal" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Online Journal - http://www.onlinejournal.com
 01-20-01: Bringing down Jesse Jackson: Vain attempt at high tech lynching
 By Larry Chin
 January 18, 2001 | One month after the most racist election in modern
 history, and two days before nationwide protests of the Bush inaugural,
 National Enquirer headlines are blaring the news that the Reverend Jesse
 Jackson fathered a child out of wedlock.
 The timing of this "lurid" revelation, which mainstream journalists are
 calling "the last bookend of the Clinton era" is no coincidence. It is
 also not a coincidence that right wing hacks such as Matt Drudge and those
 at the New York Post were privy to the information weeks before other
 journalists were. Finally, it is no coincidence that the Enquirer, which
 originally broke the Gennifer Flowers scandal, was the source, and Jerry
 Falwell is gloating.
 Obviously, the same pitiful Republicans who tried to bring down the
 Clintons with sex scandals are using the same tactics to humiliate a man
 they consider to be the symbol of African American politics, and even the
 Democratic Party. And in so doing, derail the furious and massive African
 American backlash aimed at the incoming George W. Bush presidency, and
 shame dissenters into silence.
 It won't work.
 Jackson was not the sole leader of some monolithic "black thing." Only the
 ignorant and uninformed would leap to this assumption.
 It is common knowledge among African American political leaders that Jesse
 Jackson had his own agenda, his own well-financed political machine, and
 his own skeletons. In fact, Jackson has frequently clashed with leaders of
 other African American groups such as the Congressional Black Caucus and
 the NAACP. Many African Americans considered Jackson to be a grandstander,
 an opportunist, and even an obstructionist. Some have even speculated that
 Jackson was a spy for the intelligence community, who did as much to
 dismantle the civil rights movement as assist in it.
 A fact that is hardly mentioned in the media is that Jesse Jackson is a
 member of the Council on Foreign Relations. Membership in that elite cabal
 of globalists, intelligence agents and CEOs is impossible without the
 selling of one's soul. Jackson has numerous Wall Street connections. His
 work as an insider in the Clinton administration-not exactly a hotbed of
 ethical, progressive change-speaks volumes about his true stripes.
 More interestingly, in the midst of the furor over the Florida election,
 Jackson was the first to make a conciliatory call on George W.
 Bush-without the approval or consent of other African American leaders who
 were attempting to present a unified front of opposition. In essence, for
 all of his appropriate verbal protest over Florida, he already tripped up
 the cause big time.
 Now, Jackson is caught with a love child, and has been forced to
 "immediately withdraw from the political scene" to repair his personal
 How convenient. How sad. And how irrelevant.
 Irrelevant to the fact that there is a war being waged by the Republican
 right wing against people of color. Irrelevant to the fact that the 2000
 election and its racism remains to be investigated and exposed. Irrelevant
 to the coming assault on civil rights if John Ashcroft becomes attorney
 general. Irrelevant to the powerful voices of Kweisi Mfume, Sheila Jackson
 Lee, Alcee Hastings, John Conyers, Maxine Waters and many, many others.
 Justice will not be stopped by idiotic scandals, media distortions or
 well-financed smear campaigns.

 A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
 CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
 screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
 sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
 directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
 major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
 That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
 always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
 credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

 Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
 Archives Available at:

Re: [CTRL] Fw: Please help support John Ashcroft!

2001-01-22 Thread William Shannon
No thanks!


[CTRL] Fwd: Barak Buckling? Reaping What They Have Sown

2001-01-22 Thread William Shannon

   ___      __
  /  |/  /  /___/  / /_ //M I D - E A S T   R E A L I T I E S
 / /|_/ /  /_/_   / /\\ Making Sense of the Middle East
/_/  /_/  /___/  /_/  \\http://www.MiddleEast.Org

  News, Information,  Analysis That Governments, Interest Groups,
 and the Corporate Media Don't Want You To Know!
  *  *  *  *  *  *  *
 To receive MER regularly email to [EMAIL PROTECTED]


  "Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak abruptly cut short
  a radio interview on Sunday after being asked about
  his poor showing in opinion polls, prompting speculation
  he was buckling under pressure of a February 6 election."

MID-EAST REALITIES  - www.MiddleEast.Org - Washington - 1/22:
   Clinton departed Washington Saturday after giving Israel Presidential statements
for still more billions in the next eight years as well as a new high-tech 
never yet provided to any other country.  Literally as Bush took the oath of
office American jets bombed Iraq, killing six more -- the new President having
noted that "we will deal with Iraq" in a pre-inaugural interview.  And at the
same time Clinton was going and Bush was coming the Barak government announced
round-the-clock negotiations with the Arafat regime desperately looking for any
possible way to head off the sweeping Sharon victory expected in just a few weeks
   Barak and the Labor party are now reeping what they themselves have sown.
 Whatever the merits of the current arguments, whatever the realities and dangers
of Sharon, there's not much credibility left for those who have for so long practiced
the art of gross political deception and chicanery -- both with their own people
as well as with the Palestinians.
   And down the road the Americans may well face a similar fate as they too will
eventually have to pay a price for their many duplicitous, repressive, and 
deeds.  They too will one day reap what they have sown.  What the CIA and the
American military have been able to get away with in past decades has set the
stage for ongoing regional turmoil, growing disallusionment, violence, and bloodshed.


  "If a deal is somehow reached before the election,
  the entire dynamic of the campaign could change."

JERUSALEM (AP - Jan 20) - Running out of options fast, embattled Israeli Prime
Minister Ehud Barak now hopes the ``painful truth'' will get him re-elected.

Trying a new, blunt, go-for-broke approach, Barak has been telling Israelis this
week that it's time to discard illusions - that for peace, Israel must give up
more than 90 percent of the West Bank and parts of Jerusalem, dismantle settlements,
and negotiate with the Palestinians even under fire.

``I have decided to end once and forever the reality in which (Israel's) leaders
mislead the public,'' Barak told TV viewers. ``The truth hurts, but the public
is mature and will be able to handle the painful truth.''

Maybe not, suggest the polls, where Barak trails hawkish challenger Ariel Sharon
by some 20 percent - unprecedented this close to an election and doubly surprising
given Sharon's controversial past.

In the past decade, the complexities of the peace process and its accompanying
violence have managed in one way or another to fell four successive Israeli prime
ministers, from Yitzhak Shamir to Benjamin Netanyahu, regardless of whether they
are hawks or doves.

Now Israelis look set to turn hawkish again by electing the Likud Party's Sharon.

Barak's key problem ahead of the Feb. 6 vote is that what many Israelis perceive
as his generous offers to date not only were rejected but also met with a four-month
Palestinian uprising that has killed hundreds of people and left the security
and economic cooperation of the 1990s interim accords in ruin.

``The last months have not increased Israelis' belief that the Palestinians will
keep their commitments in a peace agreement,'' said Barry Rubin, an Israeli analyst.

Since July, Barak has agreed to a Palestinian state in most of the West Bank
and Gaza, and a Palestinian capital in the Arab part of Jerusalem. He also agreed
to dismantle many Jewish settlements deep in Palestinian territory while annexing
blocs of others close to Israel - giving the Palestinians a swath of Israeli
desert in return. And he has dropped Israel's demand to hold onto the strategic
Jordan River Valley.

These are breathtaking concessions by Israel's standards, but they leave two
huge issues unresolved: control of Jerusalem's holy sites and the Palestinian
demand for the right to return to homes they lost when Israel came into being
in 1948. Barak refuses even to discuss the latter demand, believing like most
Israelis that millions of returning Palestinians would 

[CTRL] Forget race -- Ashcroft's drug position is terrifying

2001-01-22 Thread William Shannon

Forget race -- Ashcroft's drug position is terrifying

Gregory Kane

Originally published Jan 21 2000

WE'RE ONLY 21 DAYS into the year 2001, and already Americans have gotten off
to a robust start in our favorite game: the Knee-Jerk Follies. One John
Ashcroft, opponent of abortion, affirmative action and gratuitous
gun-banning, among other things, has been nominated by President George W.
Bush to the influential post of U.S. attorney general.

 Liberals reacted in knee-jerk fashion, swearing that this anti-abortion,
anti-affirmative action gun nut will be attorney general over their dead
bodies. Liberal, black, civil rights leaders got in on the act.

 Ashcroft accepted an honorary degree from Bob Jones University, a college
which at the time had a ban on interracial dating and which regularly
lambasted Catholics.

 He also did an interview with a magazine called Southern Partisan, in which
he called Confederate leaders "patriots." Liberal black leadership accused
Ashcroft of lacking the fawning sensitivity on racial matters some of us
colored folks have come to feel is our due.

 Conservatives were equally knee-jerkish. They didn't exactly compare
Ashcroft's elevation to attorney general with the second coming of Christ,
but the suspicion is that, deep down, they had a hankering to.

 They countered liberal objections by claiming that Ashcroft would enforce
the law as is; that he's well-qualified; that the nominee's torpedoing of the
confirmation of Missouri Judge Ron White, an African-American, to the federal
bench was not racially motivated but highly principled, and that Ashcroft is
not a racist.

 The Senate Judiciary Committee went over all these charges. But neither
Republicans nor Democrats, the liberal media or the conservative media paid
much attention to the press releases of an organization that is nonpartisan
and has two board chairmen, one Democrat and one Republican.

 The group is called Common Sense for Drug Policy. Its Legislative Group
issued several statements in the past week that paint a different picture of
Ashcroft than the one presented by Democrats or Republicans on the Senate
Judiciary Committee.

 That no one brought these up proves that both Democrats and Republicans on
the committee and in the Senate know the fix is in for Ashcroft to be
confirmed and that both parties were engaged in a dog-and-pony show to
hoodwink American conservatives and liberals alike. Here, according to the
Common Sense for Drug Policy Legislative Group, are the facts on Ashcroft:

 1) He favors cutting funds for drug treatment and prevention and putting
them into yet more law enforcement efforts. In other words, Ashcroft favors
the "lock 'em up" approach to the drug war - an approach whose adherents
figure that if we simply jail enough inner-city, street-level, black drug
dealers, we'll win the war on drugs.

 Democrats couldn't nail Ashcroft on this, of course, since their attorney
general of the past eight years, Janet Reno, pursues precisely the same
policy. Had they brought it up, Republicans might well have countered that
Democrats couldn't honestly deny Ashcroft confirmation because the country
now has an attorney general who is Ashcroft in a skirt.

 Kevin Zeese, executive director of Common Sense's Legislative Group, said
it's important that legislators scrutinize Ashcroft more closely on drug

 "The attorney general is really the most powerful person when it comes to
drug policy. He generally prosecutes all the cases. The Drug Enforcement
Administration is under him."

 2) When he was U.S. senator from Missouri, Ashcroft sponsored Senate Bill
486, the Methamphetamine Anti-Proliferation Act. The Legislative Group claims
Ashcroft's proposal "would have empowered federal, state and local law
enforcement agencies to enter your house, your office, your computer or your
car without a warrant and without any obligation to inform you that a search
or seizure had been conducted."

 Had the law passed, Zeese said, "it would have been counter-revolutionary to
what Jefferson and Madison meant for Fourth Amendment rights." Regrettable,
but not surprising since the "war on drugs" is turning more into a war on
privacy and civil liberties every day. Most conservatives are too rigid to
admit that, but the four or five conservatives remaining in the country who
still value privacy and individual liberty had better give Ashcroft a second

 3) As governor of Missouri, Ashcroft flagrantly violated the state
constitution by refusing to pass money from forfeited drug assets on to
public schools. Instead, he let his state police keep the dollars, even after
the Missouri Supreme Court ruled it was a violation of that state's
constitution. That was in 1990. In 1998, the U.S. Court of Appeals ruled that
- because Missouri state police passed on drug asset dollars to the Drug

[CTRL] McVeigh's execution date

2001-01-22 Thread PM Kansan1225

-Caveat Lector-

  The CLuM secret behind May 16, the date selected for Timothy McVeigh's
phony execution, is revealed in the January 2001 issue of the newsletter
"Contemporary Indications of a Conspiracy".

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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[CTRL] Fwd: EyeWitness Gaza

2001-01-22 Thread Aleisha Saba

   ___      __
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 / /|_/ /  /_/_   / /\\ Making Sense of the Middle East
/_/  /_/  /___/  /_/  \\http://www.MiddleEast.Org

  News, Information,  Analysis That Governments, Interest Groups,
 and the Corporate Media Don't Want You To Know!
  *  *  *  *  *  *  *
 To receive MER regularly email to [EMAIL PROTECTED]


The following from an Israeli who recently visited Gaza:

18 January
"A year or so ago, I visited the Mouwasi area in Gaza. It was a green paradise,
on top, and in the midst, of white sand dunes. I particularly remember this Guava
grove, where the guavas hanging from the trees were the
size of large oranges; I hadn't seen anything like that ever before.  Next to
the guava grove, on land where many other guava trees had grown previously but
were uprooted, settlers had put empty hothouses as an act of claiming the land.
 The day before yesterday, (probably) the (same) settlers went on a rampage,
burning, demolishing, uprooting anything in their sight with the army standing
by and doing nothing to stop them.  Yesterday the
army bulldozed and leveled the whole area.  Tomorrow?"

And the following from Dr. Mona al-Farra in Gaza:

17 January
"Best wishes from Gaza,

I woke up this morning to hear the shocking news of my mother's house demolition.
The Israeli Bulldozers demolished the water well adjacent to the house, as well
as tens of houses in the area. They also uprooted
vast areas of bountiful agricultural land, that includes orange, olive and guava
groves. Many families in the area are homeless, with the Red Cross just recently
supplying them with tents.

I cannot explain to you how bad I feel; all my childhood memories, our family's
proud moments of when water was pumped from that well for the first time are
damaged also by this act. I still remember my late father's rare photos, the
minute I drank that water out of his hands.  I still remember the joy of the
relatives, friends and neighbors coming to celebrate this moment with us.

The olive, orange and Guafa trees, and many other trees do not carry symbolic
value only, but also they have great economic value. They are the lifelines for
many families in the area. To these people, agriculture is their only income.
 The Israelis aim to decimate our already annihilated economy, to uproot us,
to destroy our culture and to deny our very existence on this land for thousands
of years.

It is of worth to tell you that the Israeli army did not give any warning to
us, or to the rest of the families, prior to the house demolitions. The houses
were demolished with furniture inside.  As you know my mother lives in that house,
but recently I invited her to live temporally with me to be able to take care
of her during this
difficult time.

My mother feels so bad about what happened. Our thoughts are with our neighbors
who are very poor and have no alternative homes.  Beside all what I mentioned,
these demolitions are huge blow to the environment. Some of the trees, especially
what we call "Jummaiz" trees, are very rare species.

What is happening is a major violation of human rights, economy environment and
peace. I feel angry, helpless, devastated and abandoned. The sad fact is that
despite all these crimes against humanity, most Israelis do not care.

They know that they will, once again go unpunished by the international community.
The support for the Palestinians is extremely fragile. The world is always willing
to blame the victim, the Palestinians. However, I
will not lose faith. During these difficult moments, I remember a very touching
poem, written by the most gifted Palestinian poet, Mahmoud Darwish,

I came back from the dead,
To live
I represent an uncompromising wound,
The brutality of my executor has taught me,
To bite the bullet,
And carry on,
And sing,
I will sing,
I will resist,
I will resist.

I can assure you, that one day, we will replant these trees, rebuild our houses
and water will flow again, even stronger than before, hopefully washing away
the horrific memories of decades long Israeli aggression.
We may be weak, but justice is on our side and one-day it will prevail."

All my love,
Dr. Mona El - Farra
Union of Health Work Committees - Gaza

MiD-EasT RealitieS  -  www.MiddleEast.Org
Phone:  202 362-5266Fax:  815 366-0800

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[CTRL] Forbes: God, Stephen Wolfram, and Everything Else

2001-01-22 Thread Amelia

-Caveat Lector-

Good article for those interested in "IT."

God, Stephen Wolfram, and Everything Else

THE TASK IS SIMPLE but impossible. You are standing on the
50-yard line inside the Louisiana Superdome in New Orleans,
and your job is to tile the field with 1-inch-square
bathroom floor tiles, half of them black, the other half

Billions of tiles await you on wooden pallets in each end

And so you begin. One tile. Fifty tiles. Ten thousand tiles
barely cover the insignia at the center of the field. So far
to go. It hits you that if you are ever going to finish with
your sanity intact, you'd better start making this job more
interesting. So you start devising rules-say, that no two
black tiles can touch another unless they are on a diagonal
or are surrounded by six white tiles; or that white tiles
can line up to make an L shape but not a T. You come up with
a half dozen of these arbitrary rules, and because the work
is otherwise so relentlessly boring, you stick with them.

The work lasts for years. Then one day you find yourself
putting the last tiles down in a small patch by the
groundskeeper's entrance. Three tiles. Two. One. Catching
your breath, you kneel at the last open spot. There, it is
done. Four billion tiles. A life's work.

Stiffly, on worn-out knees, you shuffle toward the exit
ramp. Passing the locker rooms, you decide to look at your
work one more time but from a different vantage point.
Slowly, you make the long climb up the ramp, from field
seats to upper deck, and finally to the top of the dome. You
look down, expecting a sight like sand on a beach, or the
surface of polished marble...

Instead, you see a flower.

Not just the shape of a flower. Not just the idea of a
flower. But the very embodiment of a flower: a rose in
bloom, every feather of its petals, the odd twists of its
pistil, all as perfect as if you were kneeling down beside
it in the sunny corner of a garden. That it is black and
white and two-dimensional and 100 yards long doesn't
diminish the flower that displays itself beneath you. Nor
does it keep the hairs on the back of your neck from
standing up.

Your work suddenly has meaning. Your life has meaning. In
some inexplicable way, the universe has meaning.

The secret of how simple tiles could create a rose has
hidden in plain sight for 5,000 years. The Egyptians, while
stacking more than 2 million giant stone blocks to build the
Great Pyramid, almost looked it in the eye. The Arabs, great
pattern makers and mathematicians that they were, should
have seen the secret. Mandated by the strictures of their
faith, discouraged from using anything but abstract,
repeating forms in their decoration, the clues were right
before them every day on tile walls and copper trays and in
the backgrounds of their miniatures. But their eyes were on
Allah, as the eyes of Irish monks were on God the Father, as
they painted intricate repeating patterns to illuminate the
Book of Kells.

Then, in the Middle Ages, Roman mosaicists, whose art is
known as "cosmatesque," found the pattern within a pattern.
They left their designs in floors, stairs, columns, and
porticos all over Italy, and in two marble floors in
London's Westminster Abbey. But they were craftsmen, not
scientists or mathematicians. So for generations, they
pieced together large designs made up of identical, smaller
designs and saw only the beauty of the resulting symmetry,
not a window to a new world. For 800 or 900 years, millions
passed by these designs, marveled at their complex
beauty-and walked on.

On a blistering night in late May, I find myself lost on the
gritty streets of South Side Chicago. A young man named Ben
is driving me to the man who claims to understand how
billions of tiles could make the image of a rose on the
floor of a football stadium. In fact, how simple rules such
as those represented by the tiles might create the whole
universe-and along the way, change how we think about
everything from physics to philosophy, from stock markets to
weather prediction.

The rental car lurches from one stoplight to the next. "I
think we missed the turnoff," Ben says, looking over his
shoulder at a street sign. He pulls into a crumbling
driveway to turn around. Driven out by the heat, families
slump on front porches as shopkeepers clang iron gates
together in front of their stores.

As we pull away in a new direction, I consider how strange
it is that after two years of chasing this story, only to be
denied access again and again, I've now suddenly been
summoned by this mysterious man. What happened to instigate
this change? And what role am I playing in this man's
calculated plan to explain to the world how the world works?

My first contact with Stephen Wolfram came 12 years ago. I
was living by my wits as a freelance writer when a friend of
my parents, a senior editor at Addison-Wesley, asked if I
could write press releases to help promote one of his new

[CTRL] Russia's blue water blues

2001-01-22 Thread William Shannon

Russia's blue water blues
By Cristina Chuen  Michael Jasinski

On August 12, 2000, the Russian nuclear submarine Kursk sank with all hands
lost. Since then the incident has been swirled in controversy. Did the Kursk
collide with another submarine, as some in the Russian military claim, or was
it an explosion onboard that sealed the boat's fate? Some reports claim that
sailors may have survived for several hours or even days in the crippled
submarine. Could they have been rescued?

What is certain is that while Russia continues to mourn the loss of 118
sailors, the world's attention is focused on the circumstances surrounding
the tragedy. It was only chance that the Kursk tragedy did not involve a
nuclear missile. The world may not be so lucky next time. Despite Russian
boasts of a leaner, meaner navy, the reality is a bloated and unsafe force,
with lower funding per ship and sailor than in other nuclear navies. Russian
sailors and officers receive only $50 and $150 a month, respectively, much
less than the $350 the average Russian is estimated to take home each month.1

 Many sailors and officers take outside jobs, undermining the military's
vertical command structure. Inadequate and irregular federal funding has led
to insufficient crew training and maintenance of Russia's sophisticated
weapons; external funding creates the potential for divided loyalties.
Disruptive administrative reforms also take a toll on efficiency and safety,
while traditional levels of secrecy make it difficult to spot deficiencies,
theft, and corruption.

 Critics in Russia and abroad have noted the dangers of underfunding, but
they fail to examine the problems with how the navy is funded, and how this
affects safety. The present situation will not improve unless there are
radical changes in how Russia allocates its scarce resources.

Technical hazards

Russian submarines are armed with many types of sophisticated weapons that
require careful handling. These weapons are not only carried on Oscar
II-class nuclear-powered cruise missile submarines like the Kursk, but also
on attack and ballistic missile submarines. If the Kursk was sunk by a
catastrophic malfunction of a faulty or improperly handled weapon, then all
of Russia's submarines risk sharing its fate.

 A military service that operates complex weapons is at risk of disaster if
its financing is erratic. Even conventional weapons used on submarines
require skilled handling. There has been much speculation since the disaster
about a catastrophic malfunction of one of the Kursk's weapons. Although the
navy has not released detailed information on the submarine's weapon load, it
is possible to analyze the dangers faced by the crew.

 Russian submarines can carry several types of rocket-propelled weapons,
including the 200-knot Shkval torpedo and the SS-N-15/16 anti-submarine
missile. Both use solid fuel, which while safer to handle than liquid fuel,
is not risk free. Solid rocket fuel decomposes and may become unstable over
time. In 1974, the Black Sea Fleet lost a Kashin-class guided missile
destroyer when the solid fuel in one of the ship's surface-to-air missiles
spontaneously ignited. While no Russian submarine is known to have suffered
such an accident, a rocket-fuel fire on board a submarine would have dire

 Russia's navy also uses several torpedo types fueled by kerosene and either
liquid oxygen or peroxide, both of which are unstable and require careful
handling. There are no known cases of major malfunctions involving these
weapons, but in the 1950s the Soviets suffered a series of fatal accidents
during experiments with submarine propulsion systems using liquid oxygen.

 The navy's electric torpedoes are less prone to fire or explosion, but they
have hazards of their own. According to one theory, a secondary explosion
aboard the Kursk may have been caused by a chemical reaction between damaged
torpedo batteries and seawater.2

 Finally, the latest Russian torpedoes, such as the UGST, use a new type of
liquid monopropellant containing its own oxidizer, similar to the Otto fuel
used by U.S. Mk 48 and British Spearfish torpedoes. This type of fuel offers
increased performance, but it is toxic and potentially explosive. According
to the Johns Hopkins Chemical Propulsion Information Agency, in certain
conditions, the fuel poses "blast and fragment hazards" similar to high
explosives. And the Scottish Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament notes that
British ships have reportedly suffered two fatalities as a result of
improperly handled Otto fuel.3 Since the UGST is either still in testing or
has only recently entered service, the dangers associated with its fuel may
not be well understood by Russian torpedo-handling crews, particularly given
current training problems.

 Finally, most Russian ballistic missile submarines use liquid-fueled
missiles. In 1986 this caused the loss of the K-219, a 

[CTRL] Germany in secret talks with Russia to take back Konigsberg

2001-01-22 Thread William Shannon

Germany in secret talks with Russia to take back Konigsberg

GERMANY has launched a secret initiative to acquire economic domination over 
the former East Prussian capital of Konigsberg in return for waiving part of 
Moscow's £22 billion debts to Berlin.

Russia's Baltic enclave was captured by the Red Army and renamed Kaliningrad 
in 1945. German officials confirmed last week that the idea of a trade deal 
with the European Union, a proposal that would effectively return the 
territory to Berlin's sphere of influence, was "floated" during a private 
visit to Moscow earlier this month by Chancellor Gerhard Schroder.

It came up as he discussed the contentious issue of Russia's debt to Germany 
with President Vladimir Putin. As part of a deal aimed at persuading Moscow 
to break the deadlock over repayments, Mr Schroder has agreed to provide 
German help in securing an "association agreement" between the EU and the 
economically crippled enclave.

Moscow has made it clear that its faltering economy means that it is in no 
position to repay all its debt to Berlin. Instead, it has offered Germany 
equity stakes in Russian companies - a development which, if fully 
implemented, could give Germany unprecedented influence over Russian economic 

If realised, the proposals for Kaliningrad would make Germany the dominant 
economic player in its former Baltic stronghold which, until now, had been 
considered irrevocably consigned to Russia.

East Prussia, with its capital Konigsberg, was captured by the Red Army in 
the spring of 1945 The area, which is about the size of Northern Ireland, is 
on the Baltic coast, bordered by Lithuania and Poland and without direct 
access to Russia. 

Any suggestion publicly that Germany may be attempting to reclaim "East 
Prussia" continues to be politically and diplomatically taboo, particularly 
as Germany has officially declared 2001 "Prussian Year" and is involved in a 
comprehensive reappraisal of the former German state that was disbanded by 
the Second World War victors in 1946.

Chancellor Schroder has therefore passed on the idea of an association 
agreement for Kaliningrad to the EU's current Swedish Presidency. At a recent 
meeting in Hanover he suggested to the Swedish prime minister Goeran Persson 
that Sweden rather than Germany, should promote the initiative.Sweden has 
already indicated that it wants to make Kaliningrad a priority during its 

Mr Persson was last week reported to be giving the Schroder initiative 
favourable consideration. "The idea will be discussed at the next 
Russian-German summit in April and later at the EU-Russian summit in May," a 
German spokesman said last week.

Sweden has no illusions about the worsening economic and social conditions in 
Kaliningrad since the break-up of the former Soviet Union and of their 
potential to ignite civil unrest. Russian hopes of turning the enclave into a 
"Hong Kong of the Baltic" have proved hopelessly optimistic.

Mr Persson said in an interview last week, "The region is heavily polluted. 
There are diseases such as Aids and tuberculosis and there is nuclear waste. 
Almost every problem imaginable can be found in Kaliningrad." 

An estimated 30 per cent of Kaliningrad's one million Russian inhabitants are 
living below the minimum existence level according to recent EU reports. The 
region's development has gone into reverse, since the Russian parliament 
bowed to the military in 1993 and refused to open the strategically important 
area to economic reform.

 The European Union is concerned by the difficulties that are bound to arise 
for Kaliningrad through European enlargement. The inclusion of its immediate 
neighbours, Lithuania and Poland, into the Union over the next decade will 
leave the region effectively cut off from its hinterland. Poland and 
Lithuania will insist on visas from Kaliningrad citizens wishing to enter 
their territory.

The collapse of the Soviet Union during the early 1990s that led to 
Lithuania's independence turned Kaliningrad into a Baltic exclave, 
geographically separated from Russia but still controlled by Moscow.

For Germans, Kaliningrad is still important from an emotional standpoint. 
German cash has been raised to reconstruct the ruined Konigsberg cathedral 
and thousands of Germans make pilgrimages to the city each summer in an 
attempt to rediscover their lost roots.

Re: [CTRL] Electric Scam Exposed - Demand lower in 4 of past 6months thanin 1999

2001-01-22 Thread BB

-Caveat Lector-

Of course.  How is is possible that a scant 5 months ago, in the heat of the
and the maximum load of air conditioning, they had no problems and power enough
for all, but NOW, all of a sudden, it's all gone ???

radman wrote:

 -Caveat Lector-

 Electric Scam Exposed - Demand lower in 4 of  past 6 months than in 1999

 JANUARY 19, 2001
 10:59 AM
 CONTACT:  Public Citizen
 Angela Bradbery (202) 588-7742 or (202) 588-7741

 The Facts Are In: Electricity Demand in California Was Lower
   in Four of Past Six Months Than in 1999

 Data Casts Doubt on Power Producers' Claims
 That Demand Has Fueled Higher Prices

 - January 19 - Power demand during four of the past six months in
 California was lower than during the same period in 1999, indicating
 that California's power producers are misrepresenting the facts
 about energy demand to justify gouging the state's utilities, Public
 Citizen has concluded.

 Public Citizen analyzed system hourly load data compiled by the
 California Independent System Operator (CAISO). CAISO uses this
 data to find out how much energy must come from various plants to
 meet California demand and records the highest amounts of
 demand by hour within the state of California.  The data shows that
 while demand did soar in May, in four out of the past six months --
 July, August, October and December -- California saw a
   lower peak demand than during the same months in 1999.
 "The facts are in, and they prove that power producers have been
 misrepresenting the energy crisis as caused by increased consumer demand,"
 said Wenonah Hauter, director of Public Citizen's Critical Mass Energy and
 nment Program. "Power producers want Californians to believe that consumers
 need to pay higher rates to encourage the construction of new power plants
 to meet the alleged higher demand. Our analysis reveals their ploy to
 soak consumers."
 With no increase in energy demand, a major contributor to the
 current crisis is that plants servicing California with 11,000
 megawatts of capacity have been taken out of service for a variety
 of reasons, most undisclosed.
 Now, power producers are inappropriately citing increased demand
 to justify building new plants, and they are hoping to speed the
 process by suspending California's environment-friendly standards
 and blocking the ability of communities to oppose new plants.
 "The fact that demand in California is on par with previous years
 highlights power producers' attempts to circumvent environmental
 rules and local input on energy policy," Hauter said.
 While power producers acknowledge that many other factors are
 affecting prices, including demand in the entire western U.S., they
 have focused on California energy demand when justifying their high

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 major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] 'Prince of intrigue' and the oil firm scandal that mired French elite in a slick

2001-01-22 Thread William Shannon
'Prince of intrigue' and the oil firm scandal that mired French elite in a 
slick of sleaze 

Jon Henley in Paris 
Monday January 22, 2001 

A former French foreign minister and intimate of the late president François 
Mitterrand appears in the dock today as a Paris court begins long-awaited 
hearings into France's biggest postwar sleaze scandal. Roland Dumas, who 
resigned last year as France's highest legal authority, is charged, along 
with his former mistress Christine Deviers-Joncour; the one-time boss of the 
oil giant Elf-Aquitaine, Loik le Floch Prigent and four others, with 
complicity in the misuse of Elf funds. Alfred Sirven, a former director of 
Elf Aquitaine International and allegedly Mr Le Floch Prigent's chief fixer 
and bagman, is believed to be in hiding in the Philippines and will be tried 
in his absence. Like the others, he risks a £250,000 fine and up to five 
years in prison. The trial of Mr Dumas, which coincides with an investigation 
into illicit Mitterrand-era arms-trafficking in Africa allegedly involving 
the late president's son, will throw a cruel new light on the shadowy, 
semi-legal dealings and institutionalised corruption that flourished under 
France's first Socialist president. 

Dubbed by one newspaper "the prince of intrigue in François Mitterrand's 
palace", Mr Dumas - the highest-ranking figure to be tried for such offences 
in France - is accused of benefiting from the staggering £250m Elf spent in 
the early 1990s on furthering its own interests and those of the late 
president at home and abroad. The trial, which is expected to last four 
weeks, will revolve around the sums paid by Elf to Ms Deviers-Joncour in 
expenses, salary and commissions - an alleged total of £6.45m - between 1989 
and 1993, in exchange for what the prosecution claims was a non-existent job. 
Mr Dumas, 78, is accused of using his position as foreign minister to ensure 
his mistress was hired by Elf, and subsequently, of profiting from the money 
the company gave her to lobby him over the controversial sale of six frigates 
to Taiwan by another state-controlled firm, Thompson, in 1991. Elf allegedly 
promised Thompson, in exchange for a share of the profits, to use its 
influence as an unofficial arm of government to help push through the sale, 
which was opposed by China and, to begin with, by Mr Dumas himself - before 
he inexplicably changed his mind. The affaire des fregates is currently the 
focus of an altogether separate investigation, one of six probes under way 
into the many-tentacled Elf scandal that have so far seen more than 20 people 
placed under formal investigation. Among the cast of characters accused or 
suspected of benefiting from Elf's largesse in varying aspects of the case 
are Mitterand's golf partner and doctor Laurent Raillard, the former Gaullist 
interior minister Charles Pasqua, Françoise Sagan, the author of Bonjour 
Tristesse, and up to a dozen former Elf employees. To help her in her 
lobbying, Elf allegedly furnished Ms Deviers-Joncour with a company credit 
line of £20,000 a month and £1.7m flat on the exclusive Left Bank rue de 
Lille, which witnesses say Mr Dumas routinely used for lavish parties. 
According to the investigating magistrates, Eva Joly and Laurence 
Vichnievsky, she bought her lover Mr Dumas extravagant gifts with Elf's cash, 
including a pair of bespoke Italian shoes costing £1,110 and five antique 
statues for £26,400. Mr Dumas has been unable to explain the millions of 
francs that appeared on his bank balance during the early 1990s, but he has 
repeatedly denied any wrongdoing, insisting that he was unaware where the 
money or gifts came from - a claim investigators argue simply cannot be true. 
"It is easier to crush me than to investigate the role of France itself, 
which benefited greatly from this subtle game of shadows and light, which I 
inherited but did not start or gain from," Mr Dumas said in one interview. 

Three main players in the Elf corruption saga
Roland Dumas

 Now 78, Mr Dumas was twice foreign minister and, until 1999, president of 
the constitutional council, the highest legal body in the land. He was one of 
François Mitterrand's oldest, most loyal companions; theirs was a friendship 
that began in the early postwar years. Silver-haired, dapper, brilliant, 
charming and cultured, as a lawyer he was for 20 years one of the stars of 
the Paris bar, representing the likes of Matisse and Giacometti. He was also 
the executor of Picasso's will, and played a prominent role in returning the 
painter's masterpiece, Guernica, to Spain. His main defence is that he is 
being used to bury all that remains of Mitterrandism. 

Christine Deviers-Joncour

 The former mistress of Roland Dumas is alleged to have been paid more than 
£6m to lobby her lover on behalf of Elf. The former lingerie model is now a 
regular figure on television talkshows and has published three books telling 
her side of the story, one 

[CTRL] FYI--The Real Story of Rosa Parks

2001-01-22 Thread Kindred Spirit

-Caveat Lector-


I am not saying this is true or not true. Just

The Real Story of Rosa Parks
   "Civil Rights Hero," Rosa Parks: USA
 Today reports that NEA
  teachers have seen to it that every public school
 child in America
  their version of "The Rosa Parks' Story." It goes
 something like this;
  poor tired black seamstress took a seat in the
 front of a Montgomery,
  Alabama buss on December 1, 1955. The driver asked
 her to move to the
  under the state's Segregation law. For refusing g
 Parks was arrested.
  days later Martin Luther (Coon) King arrive in
 town and launched the
  Montgomery Buss Boycott. After 381 days, the
 Supreme Court ordered the

  buses integrated.
   The True Parks' Story: the
 behind-the-scene true story is
  Parks was the secretary of the local NAACP. The
 book, "Speak Now," a
  left-wing history of the civil rights movement,
 states that in August
  1955, (four months before the bus incident) Parks
 attended the
  Folk School in Mount Eagle, Tennessee. The
 "school" was started in
  Myles Horton and James Dombrowski, both members of
 the Communist
  FBI - Freedom of Information Act - Highlander Folk
   "Speak Now" states that the schools'
 original purpose was to
  Communist activists on how to promote textile
 strikes, hold protest
  marches, picket lines and learn "socialist songs."
   The Textile Workers Union was completely
 controlled by the
  Communist Party. "Speak Now," page 529 reads as:
   "FBI surveillance of the Highlander Folk
 School and the
  Conference Educational Fund, (SCEF) intensified.
 In 1952 Myles Horton
  invest their energy and resources in the historic
 Southern struggle
  desegregation of the public schools."
   "Speak Now," says that Parks attended
 summer training at the
  Highlander Folk school in 1955, 1956 and 1957. She
 is pictured with
  Luther King sitting on the front row in a
 Highlander training class on

  September 2, 1957. Thus, the liberals' story that
 she was just a "poor

  tired black seamstress" when she sat in the front
 of the bus is a
   On December 1, the black Troy State
 College in Montgomery
  $10 million Rosa Parks Library and monument.
 Attending the dedication
  included the state's first Jewish governor, Dan
 Siegelman, who praised

  Parks, Coretta Scott King said that this incident
 launched her
  civil rights career and added:
   "By the sheer force of her will, she set
 in motion a
  that continues to this day." (Note: She could have
 and should have
  thanked the Communist Party school which trained
   Parks is called, "The mother of the civil
 rights movement."
  NAACP head Kweisis Mfume, (who has five children
 by five different
  and never married to any of them) and Jesse
 Jackson (who is also the
  of an illegitimate child) attended. Earlier,
 Clinton presented Miss
  with the Congressional Gold Medal of Honor.
   An old city bus, like the one Parks road
 on, is on display in

  museum. Children are now brought on the bus and a
 harsh recorded voice

  tells all blacks to move to the back. This is
 deliberately designed to

  instill feelings of guilt and self-hate in White
  (The Truth at Last, P.O. Box 1211, Marietta,
 Georgia, p. 4)

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That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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Re: [CTRL] Forget race -- Ashcroft's drug position is terrifying

2001-01-22 Thread Kelly

-Caveat Lector-

Hi Bill  CTRL,

Is it just me, or does anyone else have problems with Bill's posts?  In
this case, some of what Bill posted is too tiny for me to read, in other
cases the font is so large that three words take up the whole width of
the screen - I find that I have to delete a lot of what you send Bill.
I simply can't read it.


William Shannon wrote:


 Forget race -- Ashcroft's drug position is terrifying

 Gregory Kane

 Originally published Jan 21 2000 [Image]

 WE'RE ONLY 21 DAYS into the year 2001, and already Americans have
 gotten off
 to a robust start in our favorite game: the Knee-Jerk Follies. One
 Ashcroft, opponent of abortion, affirmative action and gratuitous
 gun-banning, among other things, has been nominated by President
 George W.
 Bush to the influential post of U.S. attorney general.

 Liberals reacted in knee-jerk fashion, swearing that this
 anti-affirmative action gun nut will be attorney general over their
 bodies. Liberal, black, civil rights leaders got in on the act.

 Ashcroft accepted an honorary degree from Bob Jones University, a
 which at the time had a ban on interracial dating and which regularly
 lambasted Catholics.

 He also did an interview with a magazine called Southern Partisan, in
 he called Confederate leaders "patriots." Liberal black leadership
 Ashcroft of lacking the fawning sensitivity on racial matters some of
 colored folks have come to feel is our due.

 Conservatives were equally knee-jerkish. They didn't exactly compare
 Ashcroft's elevation to attorney general with the second coming of
 but the suspicion is that, deep down, they had a hankering to.

 They countered liberal objections by claiming that Ashcroft would
 the law as is; that he's well-qualified; that the nominee's torpedoing
 of the
 confirmation of Missouri Judge Ron White, an African-American, to the
 bench was not racially motivated but highly principled, and that
 Ashcroft is
 not a racist.

 The Senate Judiciary Committee went over all these charges. But
 Republicans nor Democrats, the liberal media or the conservative media
 much attention to the press releases of an organization that is
 and has two board chairmen, one Democrat and one Republican.

 The group is called Common Sense for Drug Policy. Its Legislative
 issued several statements in the past week that paint a different
 picture of
 Ashcroft than the one presented by Democrats or Republicans on the
 Judiciary Committee.

 That no one brought these up proves that both Democrats and
 Republicans on
 the committee and in the Senate know the fix is in for Ashcroft to be
 confirmed and that both parties were engaged in a dog-and-pony show to

 hoodwink American conservatives and liberals alike. Here, according to
 Common Sense for Drug Policy Legislative Group, are the facts on

 1) He favors cutting funds for drug treatment and prevention and
 them into yet more law enforcement efforts. In other words, Ashcroft
 the "lock 'em up" approach to the drug war - an approach whose
 figure that if we simply jail enough inner-city, street-level, black
 dealers, we'll win the war on drugs.

 Democrats couldn't nail Ashcroft on this, of course, since their
 general of the past eight years, Janet Reno, pursues precisely the
 policy. Had they brought it up, Republicans might well have countered
 Democrats couldn't honestly deny Ashcroft confirmation because the
 now has an attorney general who is Ashcroft in a skirt.

 Kevin Zeese, executive director of Common Sense's Legislative Group,
 it's important that legislators scrutinize Ashcroft more closely on

 "The attorney general is really the most powerful person when it comes
 drug policy. He generally prosecutes all the cases. The Drug
 Administration is under him."

 2) When he was U.S. senator from Missouri, Ashcroft sponsored Senate
 486, the Methamphetamine Anti-Proliferation Act. The Legislative Group
 Ashcroft's proposal "would have empowered federal, state and local law

 enforcement agencies to enter your house, your office, your computer
 or your
 car without a warrant and without any obligation to inform you that a
 or seizure had been conducted."

 Had the law passed, Zeese said, "it would have been
 counter-revolutionary to
 what Jefferson and Madison meant for Fourth Amendment rights."
 but not surprising since the "war on drugs" is turning more into a war
 privacy and civil liberties every day. Most conservatives are too
 rigid to
 admit that, but the four or five conservatives remaining in the
 country who
 still value privacy and individual liberty had better give 

[CTRL] Fwd: Re: [CTRL] None Dare Call It Treason

2001-01-22 Thread Kindred Spirit

-Caveat Lector-

LOL!  No, BB, not FOREVER.  Just until they had time
to poke enough chads out to give us four more years of
the "most ethical administration in history."  They
must have desperately needed to keep another
administration out of their tracks and it will be
interesting to see what turns up especially in DOJ.

The attempt to pretend everybody is into Clinton's
"personal sex life" is lame.  If it was so personal,
he should have kept it that way, NOT bringing it into
PUBLIC offices.

 Date: Mon, 22 Jan 2001 00:58:22 -0700
 Reply-to: Conspiracy Theory Research List
 Subject:  Re: [CTRL] None Dare Call It Treason

 -Caveat Lector-

 1.  Just HOW LONG was the counting supposed to

 2.  It was NOT the consensual sex and the lying,

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Cool Site-The Commissar Vanishes

2001-01-22 Thread William Shannon

Photographs can lie. They certainly do in the Soviet Union from 1929 to 1953,
the years of Joseph Stalin's dictatorial rule. Stalin's agents routinely
arrest and kill as "enemies of the people" anyone who disagrees with his
politics. Communist Party workers then try to remove any trace of these
people from the photographic archives, and so from the media.

The Commissar Vanishes exhibition explores this censored history. By the
1930s Communist "truth" circulates worldwide in party approved books. With
airbrush or ink spot, the photo censors work quietly. But despite their
power, they ultimately fail. The images expose decades of photographic lies.
It's a stark visual tour through a society where freedom is not an option --
the culture of control that goes on to create the Berlin Wall. 


Re: [CTRL] Forbes: God, Stephen Wolfram, and Everything Else

2001-01-22 Thread Kelly

-Caveat Lector-

Hi Amelia,

Do you have a URL or source for this?



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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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[CTRL] Fwd: Re: [CTRL] In a First Act, Bush Blocks Clinton Orders

2001-01-22 Thread Kindred Spirit

-Caveat Lector-

Why do we compare something Bush did when very young,
a 25-30 year old event to Clinton's recent
administration?  Driving while drinking at that time
was not taken as seriously as it should have been but
we should compare Clinton's youth to Bush's youth and
NOT Clinton as an adult to Bush as a youth.  Of
course, Clinton did not grow up and mature very much
so maybe that is why this is done.  Bush, on the other
hand seems to have outgrown this particular problem.
Yet those wanting to detract from him act as though
this just happened the way Clinton's sexcapades did.
Rape is not serious?  Selling nuclear secrets to China
is not serious?  But what Bush did 25 years ago, AHA!
Now that is relevant!

--- T Nohava [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Date: Sun, 21 Jan 2001 18:36:33 -0500
 Reply-to: Conspiracy Theory Research List
 Subject:  Re: [CTRL] In a First Act, Bush Blocks
 Clinton Orders

 -Caveat Lector-

 Get your priorities straight.
 I've seen your posts here and your opinions...you
 should get your morals
 straight! I quite agree on the alcohol abuse issue
 as a problem in this
 country being a serious one, my question is after
 all this time why are
 alcoholic beverages not made illegal? I believe  I
 read a post on this list
 a few years ago that stated one of Clinton's
 encounters with Monica occurred
 while Yasir Arafat was waiting patiently in the Rose
 Garden. I would also
 say the problems in the Middle East are still not
 taken care of and are
 considerably worse than they've been in years. As
 far as his Job Impairment
 is concerned, it seemed to be a perpetuating event.
 Granted sex isn't evil,
 your just changing the context of my message. It's
 called morality, the same
 morality Clinton professed during his first
 campaign, remember Family
 Values? Oil Company profits...not so much profits as
 the citizenry
 complaining about high energy prices and shortages,
 or the Environmentalists
 wanting oil exploration stopped in certain areas.
 People bitch yet everybody
 wants to drive that new SUV or 4x4 that keeps
 sucking up all that gas.

  -Original Message-
  From: Conspiracy Theory Research List
  Behalf Of Nessie
  Sent: Sunday, January 21, 2001 1:37 PM
  Subject: Re: [CTRL] In a First Act, Bush Blocks
 Clinton Orders
  -Caveat Lector-
  Correct me if I'm wrong, I don't think he lied
 about it, he never
  brought it
  to the forefront, much like Clinton and his sexual
 escapades (legacy). I
  wonder if he'll keep with recently created
 tradition in the Whitehouse
  having dignitaries wait while he has oral sex in
 the most powerful
  office on
  the planet?
  He lied about it. It came out in the final weeks
 of the campaign.
  Drunk driving and oral sex, or any kind of sex,
 are equivalent only to a
  deranged mind. Drunk driving is like standing in a
 crowded room,
  covering your eyes with one hand while firing a
 pistol randomly around
  the room with the other hand. Even if, through
 sheer luck, nobody gets
  hurt, it's still a heinous crime for which there
 is no excuse.
  Sex, on the other hand, is nobody’s business
 except for the persons
  actually involved. A case could be made that if
 doing it in the office
  somehow impaired Clinton’s ability to do his job,
 that he shouldn’t have
  done it there. This case has not been made. If
 anything, it seems to
  have made him do his job more efficiently. What
 impaired his ability to
  do his job was having to spend time defending
 himself from this
  ridiculous charge.
  What’s more, Clinton killed at least a half a
 million Iraqis, almost all
  of them women and children. Anybody who ignores
 that and gets upset
  instead about his having had sex, is morally
 skewed. What’s wrong with
  you, anyway? Can’t you see evil when you look at
 it?  Sex isn't evil.
  Sex is Nature's WAY. Sex is a GOOD thing. If it
 weren't for sex, you
  wouldn't even BE here. Killing women and children
 so the oil companies
  can make greater profits is evil. Get your
 priorities straight.

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Re: [CTRL] Date: 19 January 2001 Federalist #01-03.dgst Part 1

2001-01-22 Thread Nurev Ind Research

-Caveat Lector-

Bill Richer wrote:

 -Caveat Lector-

 Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

 * Veritas Vos Liberabit *
 The Conservative e-Journal of Record

 Date: 19 January 2001
 Federalist #01-03.dgst

 Retrieve today's Digest as HTML printer-friendly text or PDF -- it's
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 Link to: http://www.Federalist.com/current2001.asp

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 Federalist Perspective
 Editorial Exegesis
 Second Opinion
 Village Idiots
 Short Cuts


 "I hope I shall always possess firmness and virtue enough to maintain
 what I consider the most enviable of all titles, the character of an
 'Honest Man'."  --George Washington


Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha. You clowns are too much. Old George was
the biggest land speculator and thief of his day.

He stole land from the soldiers who fought and won the war for
Washington and the other Founding Finaglers.

With that land, he was the richest man in America.

There's no bullshit " patriots " are unwilling to buy as long
as it's wrapped in a flag.


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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Date: 19 January 2001 Federalist #01-03.dgst Part 1

2001-01-22 Thread Bob Stokes

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 1/22/01 5:56:38 PM Mountain Standard Time,

 Old George was
 the biggest land speculator and thief of his day.

 He stole land from the soldiers who fought and won the war for
 Washington and the other Founding Finaglers.

 With that land, he was the richest man in America. 

I'm curious.  What proof do you have of this?

Bob Stokes

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fwd: ALERT: All Call against the FTAA - THURSDAY

2001-01-22 Thread Bob Stokes

U.S. based Fair Trade activists are encouraged to call
the Congress this Thursday to proclaim our opposition
to the latest multilateral trade scam: NAFTA for the
Americas.  The Action Alert is set forth below; and
liberal cross-posting is further encouraged.

Several of our recent victories against the
multinational 'free trade' lobby -- including "Fast
Track" ('97-98), the MAI ('98) and the WTO Ministerial
(Seattle '99) -- resulted directly from the
application of such coordinated grassroots pressure.

Working together, we will win again.
Please post widely!

All-Call Day to Congress Thursday, January 25th: "NO
NAFTA for the Americas - NO FTAA"!

Capitol Switchboard:  202-224-3121

Thanks to the good work of fair trade advocates, a
Congressional majority rejected so-called "Fast Track"
trade negotiating authority a few years ago, which
President Clinton requested to expand NAFTA.  Well,
the White House decided to ignore the will of Congress
and the public.  The U.S. Trade Representative's
office has spent the last several years working behind
closed doors to create "NAFTA for the Americas" -- a
hemisphere-wide NAFTA expansion formally called the
Free Trade Area of the Americas (FTAA), including 34

The fact that these talks are going on is an insult to
democratic decision-making, but the likely effects are
a horror.  And now President-Elect Bush has named FTAA
a top priority of his new Administration!  Based on
the seven-year legacy of NAFTA, here's what we can
expect from this proposed agreement:

* Challenges before free-trade panels on laws and
regulations that protect public and workplace health
and safety, and the environment.

* A push for privatization and corporate control of
education, water utilities and other essential
services on which we all depend.

* Continuing the "race-to-the-bottom" where
multinational corporations cut living-wage union jobs
in the U.S. and relocate in Latin America, where they
can avoid labor laws and unions, and exploit sweatshop
workers instead.

* More "investor-to-state" disputes, allowing big
business to sue governments directly if they feel that
their profits are being limited by regulations that
protect workers, citizens and the environment.

gotten Congressional approval to enter into
negotiations that will eventually bind the U.S. to
this agreement.  For the most part, Members of
Congress don't even know it's going on. Since the USTR
isn't exactly knocking on Congressional doors to
reveal what it's up to, it is our job to make
sure that our elected officials and our communities
get informed about these outrageous negotiations that
are now taking place! A summit meeting between all the
countries in the hemisphere is coming up in Quebec
City, Canada in April.  There, concrete negotiations
will start around a draft text of the FTAA! These
negotiations will include MAI-like investment issues,
services, food and farm policy, privatization,
deregulation, and investor-to-state disputes. Thousand
of activists will gather in Quebec and there will be
dozens of Solidarity Actions around the hemisphere in
opposition to the FTAA negotiations (stay tuned for
more information about creating or joining a local
solidarity action in your community).

On Thursday, January 25th, government officials and
corporate fat-cats from around the world will meet in
Davos, Switzerland to work out ways to keep the
profits-over-people system going.  That same day,
thousands of civil society representatives will meet
in Porto Alegre, Brazil to organize resistance to
corporate rule and the FTAA.  Here in the U.S.,
let's use the 25th to deliver a
first-of-the-new-Congress wake-up call to our
representatives! Let's flood their offices and make
sure that they get a loud and clear message from the
people that got them elected:

NO "NAFTA for the Americas" - NO FTAA!

Call the Capitol Switchboard (202-224-3121) and ask
the trade staffers for your Representative and

* Do they know that NAFTA expansion negotiations are
going on?
* Will they ask USTR to make the FTAA draft text and
related U.S. documents public?
* Will they commit to oppose the "NAFTA for the

For more information on "NAFTA for the Americas" and
how YOU can be part of the Campaign of Inquiry to
uncover the truth about these negotiations, visit
www.tradewatch.org or call Public Citizen's Global
Trade Watch at 202-546-4996.

/s/ Mike Dolan
Global Trade Watch West
415-934-1142 (new number!)

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[CTRL] Clinton related deaths mentioned on CNN (fwd)

2001-01-22 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Sun, 21 Jan 2001 13:29:42 -0800 (PST)
From: Chris Kevlahan [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Clinton related deaths mentioned on CNN


From Capitol Gang 1/20/01


NOVAK: Just say one thing, that I think the president, President
Clinton has lived on the edge all his life. All the scandals that
they had, including the Whitewater scandals, people have died;
witnesses that they had thought were going to be star witnesses
were put in a position where they couldn't testify. You had the
travel office question. The Monica Lewinsky question was maybe
the least important. The idea that this president has avoided all
of these scandals, but he didn't avoid the program of history
which he got.

SHIELDS: Just clear up one thing. You're not suggesting that
there was foul play in the death of people?.

NOVAK: No, I'm not. I'm just saying...


Anybody watch Capitol Gang?  I usually just read the transcripts and
refuse to watch capitol gang.  My reason is because of all the Pot Shots
that are taken at Bob Novak from Al Hunt and Margaret Carlson and
sometimes Mark Shields.  If you watch the show and or read the transcripts
you will see that each of them get at least a one line ad hominem attack
against Bob Novak each.  Yet Bob Novak is always the gentleman and I've
yet to ever see recipricate.

Chris K.

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

 *Michael Spitzer*  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] TM: TIME Reconstructs Clinton's Deal With Rob Ray (Doc #33)

2001-01-22 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

For Immediate Release
Sunday, January 21, 2000

NATION: TIME Reconstructs Clinton's Deal With Rob Ray (Doc #33)

Deal Clinton Made With the Independent Counsel Was More Than A
Year In the Making; Clinton Helped Shape 'Every Clause, Every
Word and Every Comma'

"The underbrush had to be cleared away," Ray told TIME

New York -- Friday's deal President Clinton made with Independent
Counsel Robert Ray to avoid prosecution was more than a year in
the making, TIME reports.  It involved clandestine negotiations
between the warring parties in which Clinton helped shape "every
clause, every word and every comma," as one source describes it.
The agreement required compromises from both the President, who
until now had insisted that he never lied under oath, and the
prosecutor who had vowed to uphold the rule of law.  The initial
crucial meeting took place in the Map Room at the White House.

Within days of Ray's swearing-in as Ken Starr's successor in
October 1999, he received a call from the President's private
lawyer, David Kendall, who'd spent six years battling Starr.
Ray and Kendall began a series of regular talks, and Ray tried to
build faith in his fairness, TIME reports in the current issue
(on newsstands Monday, Jan.  22nd). Over the next 11 months, he
closed investigations that Starr had let drag on for years: the
Whitewater land deal, the firing of the White House travel office
and alleged misuse of FBI personnel files.  Ray issued press
releases clearing the President and First Lady of criminal
wrongdoing--and made sure he finished several weeks before
Election Day in Hillary Clinton's run for the Senate.  "The
underbrush had to be cleared away," Ray told TIME.

However, his actions only made Clinton cockier, TIME's Michael
Weisskopf reports.  The President had suffered the ignominy of
impeachment and a contempt of court finding, but now he was
spinning hard, bragging in interviews that he had defended the
Constitution by standing up to overzealous prosecutors.  Ray knew
he had to get Clinton's attention. In July, he empaneled a new
grand jury, and after the November election, called in Lewinsky
for questioning, increasing pressure on Clinton to cut a deal.
If there was going to be a settlement, he wanted it before
Clinton left office.

About three weeks ago, he asked Kendall for a meeting with the
President, according to sources outside Ray's office.  He agreed
to participate in the first negotiation of criminal matters
between a President and prosecutor.  Kendall set up the meeting
and joined the discussion.  Clinton agreed to acknowledge some
form of wrongdoing; the issue was what.  Ray wanted him to admit
that he had lied under oath when he denied having had sexual
relations with Lewinsky; at the meeting, Clinton wouldn't budge.

The lawyers worked on language over the next two weeks, arriving
at a formula in which Clinton admitted for the first time to
giving false testimony under oath.  By avoiding the word
"knowingly," the President skirted the legal definition of
perjury.  With that breakthrough, the deal came together.

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

 *Michael Spitzer*  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] NYT: Correspondence and Agreed Order in the Settlement of Clinton's Case

2001-01-22 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

January 20, 2001

Correspondence and Agreed Order in the Settlement of Clinton's Case

Following are the texts of letters exchanged yesterday between
David E. Kendall, a lawyer for President Clinton, and Robert W.
Ray, the independent counsel, in which they agreed to a
settlement.  The passages in italics were underlined in the
original.  Also included is the order that the Circuit Court of
Pulaski County, Ark., issued yesterday, suspending for five years
the president's right to practice law in Arkansas.

From Mr.  Kendall

Dear Mr.  Ray:

We have had many discussions in recent days, both in person and
by telephone.  As you know, we are taking steps to bring this
matter to a timely and appropriate conclusion, which the
president believes is in the best interest of the country and his
family.  We know that you, too, seek to do what you believe is
best for the country, and we appreciate the way in which you are
discharging your responsibilities under the Independent Counsel

In order to conclude this matter, we have met with the Arkansas
Committee on Professional Conduct to settle the lawsuit arising
out of the president's deposition testimony in the Paula Jones
case.  I am attaching to this letter a copy of the Agreed Order
of Discipline which we have been able to negotiate with the
committee.  The offer stated in this order remains open to us
until Friday, Jan.  19, 2001.

The president is prepared to sign this order to settle the
committee's suit.  As you can see, this would mean accepting a
five-year suspension, paying a $25,000 fine (as legal fees for
the committee's outside counsel), and formally acknowledging a
violation of one of the Arkansas Rules of Professional Conduct.
The president is willing to sign this order, notwithstanding that
a five-year suspension is far harsher than appropriate under the
Arkansas precedents for this type of conduct (not having occurred
during the practice of law and not involving a criminal
conviction).  Typically, the committee has issued a reprimand in
these circumstances.  As you can see from the recent cases
decided by the Arkansas Supreme Court, which we provided to your
office, five-year suspensions have been imposed on lawyers who
had pleaded guilty to several criminal charges and served several
months in the federal penitentiary.  While we therefore disagree
with the terms the committee is seeking, the president has
decided he would be willing to accept this harsh settlement to do
whatever he can to achieve closure before he leaves office.

In that same vein, the president has decided he will not seek any
legal fees to which he might otherwise become entitled under the
Independent Counsel Act as a result of the Lewinsky
investigation.  Thus, we will not file an application with the
Special Division for reimbursement of those fees.

As we have discussed, the president described to the grand jury
on Aug. 17, 1998, what he had attempted to do in his deposition.
He stated that when he was deposed, "I was doing my best to be
truthful," "I wanted to be legal without being particularly
helpful," "my goal in this deposition was to be truthful but I
did not wish to do the work of the Jones lawyers," and "I was
determined to walk through the mine field of this deposition
without violating the law, and I believe I did." Reasonable
people may conclude he crossed over that line he was trying to
walk, and walking that line was plainly a dangerous and risky
exercise.  But when it comes to stating now what the president's
intent was then in the deposition, all he can in conscience do is
say what he told the earlier grand jury: he tried to avoid
testifying falsely.  When it comes to what his subjective
motivation was, what the president actually believed, however
successful he ultimately might have been in walking that line,
all he can do is to state what that was.

We respect and agree with the goal you have articulated of
bringing this matter to closure in the best interests of the
country.  We have attempted to do all we can to achieve that end.
I believe that our mutual communications have been professional,
candid and, as appropriate, confidential.  I think both sides
have discharged our respective duties and responsibilities in a
fair and honorable way.

Given the steps the president is prepared to take, we know he
might be legally prejudiced, as you have acknowledged in our
discussions, if he signed the order prior to having an assurance
there would be no prosecution.  I am confident that, were you in
our shoes, you would show the same prudence.  For that reason, we
would need to hear from you prior to proceeding to sign the
order, which the president is prepared to do immediately.

In the public statement you made on the day you took office 15
months ago, you quoted Justice Sutherland's words in Berer v.
United States, written over 65 years ago, that "the government's
interest in a matter entrusted to a prosecutor is to act fairly

Re: [CTRL] FYI--The Real Story of Rosa Parks

2001-01-22 Thread Nessie

-Caveat Lector-

FBI - Freedom of Information Act - Highlander Folk

So this is what the FBI says, and you believe it!?! This is the FBI
we're talking about. Wake up! The FBI is a known terrorist organization.
No member of the FBI can ever be trusted to tell the truth or to do the
right thing. A member of the FBI is a person who, as a conscious act of
personal will, refused to resign in disgust from an organization that
murders innocent women and children in cold blood. And you BELIEVE
them!?! What ARE you, stupid? 

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ÝÝÝCTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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[CTRL] Fw: [afalert] Bush Promotes Sanctity of Life Sets Standards for Staff

2001-01-22 Thread Arthur Hickman

-Caveat Lector-

-Original Message-
From: AFA Action Alert [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Monday, January 22, 2001 6:50 PM
Subject: [afalert] Bush Promotes Sanctity of Life  Sets Standards for Staff

AFA Action Alert
American Family Association
Dr. Donald E. Wildmon, President
Tim Wildmon, Vice President
Buddy Smith, Editor
P.O. Drawer 2440
Tupelo, MS 38803
Phone (662) 844-5036
Fax (662) 842-7798
URL: http://www.afa.net

Please forward this Alert to a friend and encourage them to subscribe. To Subscribe 
go to
http://alerts.afa.net or send e-mail to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] NOTE: No further 
information is
required of you; simply send the email to the above address and you will automatically 

January 22, 2001


{ Online Format: http://www.afa.net/activism/aa012201.asp }

American Family Association is pleased to report that President Bush has
already established a high moral tone for his staff by calling for three
goals. Please read the Conservative News report printed below about the
high ethical standards that President Bush has called for from his White
House staff.

Bush Sets Clear, High Standards for White House Staff
By Susan Jones
CNS Morning Editor
January 22, 2001

(CNSNews.com) - President George W. Bush set three goals for his White
House staff Monday morning, telling the group that "high standards come
with high office" and that "wisdom and honesty" are required of those who
work in the White House.

"I expect every member of this administration to stay well within the
boundaries that define legal and ethical conduct," the president said,
moments after Vice President Dick Cheney swore in the White House staff,
with everyone repeating the oath of office together.

Bush told his staff to avoid even the appearance of problems. "This means
checking, and if need be, double-checking, that the rules have been
obeyed. This means never compromising those rules," Bush said.

Bush stressed civility as the second goal for his White House staff. "As
we go about our work, there is no excuse for arrogance and never a reason
for disrespect toward others."

Bush told the crowd gathered in the East Room that in many of their
dealings, "You will be the face and voice of the White House staff. You
will be my representative. I expect each of you, as an official of this
administration, to be an example of humility and decency and fairness."

Bush said the third goal for his staff is "to remember that we are here
for a reason...to make progress, not just to mark time."

"Every morning I want you to remember these goals. Every evening, I want
you to review the progress we have made. I want it said at the end of our
service that promises made were promises kept."

Bush called it "the honor of a lifetime" to be able to serve the American
people as members of the White House team. "We have all taken an oath, and
from this moment on, it is our jobs (sic) to honor it."

Bush began his remarks by thanking relatives of his White House staff for
their sacrifice in accepting the long hours that their loved ones will put
in "on behalf of the American people."

He ended his remarks by noting that that time moves fast in the White
House: "So let us begin the work that we were hired to do and leave this a
better place than we found it."

Before the president spoke, Vice President Cheney - himself a veteran
White House staffer - said it's very important for the White House staff
"never to lose sight of the public trust we have been given."

end CNS News story

The new Bush Administration has also quickly confronted the abortion
issue. As pro-life demonstrators in the Capitol are marking the 28th
anniversary of Roe v. Wade, Bush has blocked a rule signed by Bill Clinton
in 1993 that provided federal funds for groups promoting abortions

Here is a statement of support from President Bush that was read to the

"Good afternoon, friends and fellow citizens. Two days ago, Americans
gathered on the Washington Mall to celebrate our Nation's ideals. Today,
you are gathered to remind our country that one of those ideals is the
infinite value of every life.

I deeply appreciate your message and your work. You see the weak and the
defenseless, and you try to help them. You see the hardship of many young
mothers and their unborn children, and you care for them both. In so many
ways, you make our society more compassionate and welcoming.

We share a great goal: to work toward a day when every child is welcomed
in life and protected in law. We know this will not come easily, or all at
once. But the goal leads us onward: to build a culture of life, affirming
that every person, at every stage and season of life, is created equal in
God's image.

The promises of our Declaration of Independence are not just for the
strong, the independent, or the 

[CTRL] CNN: Ray says 'pressure was applied' on deal with Clinton

2001-01-22 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-


Ray says 'pressure was applied' on deal with Clinton

January 21, 2001
Web posted at: 6:27 p.m. EST (2327 GMT)

  WASHINGTON (CNN) -- Independent Counsel Robert Ray said
Sunday that "pressure was applied" to accomplish the deal that
spared former President Clinton a criminal indictment in return
for his admission that he gave "evasive and misleading" testimony
about his sexual affair with former White House intern Monica

  Speaking on "Fox News Sunday," Ray defended the deal as a
just conclusion to a scandal and investigation that nearly cost
Clinton the presidency.

  Ray noted that a grand jury had been impaneled in July 2000
to consider indicting Clinton after he left office.

  "I mean, obviously, pressure was applied and it was
important to apply it," Ray said. "My job is to accomplish
results, and those results were accomplished as a result of a
process that I put in place that I believe, ultimately,
vindicated the principle that no person, including the president,
is above the law."

  Clinton's admission -- in the form of a written statement
-- focused on his sworn testimony in an Arkansas civil suit filed
by Paula Jones charging him with sexual harassment when he was
governor there. In that deposition, he denied having had sex with
Lewinsky and said he could not remember even being alone in the
same room with her.

  "Certain of my responses to questions about Ms. Lewinsky
were false," Clinton said in a statement Friday, when the deal
was announced.

  The deal signaled an end to the long-running investigation
of Clinton that had started with a probe of the controversial
Whitewater land deal.

  Asked if Clinton was an honorable man, Ray demurred.

  "That's not for me to decide," he said. "I don't make moral
judgments. That's for others. My job as a prosecutor is to make
decisions with regard to the appropriateness of bringing criminal
charges and to seek appropriate resolution."

  Pressed on whether Clinton had escaped justice, Ray
rejected that suggestion.

  "Justice does not always require that a prosecutor bring a
charge," he said.

  Former Independent Counsel Ken Starr, who preceded Ray on
the job, called the agreement "a very reasonable and sensible

  Speaking on CNN's Late Edition, Starr said the deal forced
Clinton to "acknowledge his responsibility and a shortcoming as a
witness in the system."

  The former president was in Chappaqua, N.Y., with his
family. He emerged from his home briefly to visit a local deli,
saying he planned to spend the week catching up on sleep and
getting organized.

  Also appearing on Late Edition, former White House Chief of
Staff Leon Panetta said the last two days of the Clinton
presidency reflected the dichotomy of his legacy.

  "President Clinton is a paradox in terms of two
presidencies -- one that was very successful and yet one that
obviously had this shadow," Panetta said. "In these last two
days, we saw that paradox play out. He talked about all of his
achievements one day, said goodbye to the nation. And then the
next day, he cut a deal with the special prosecutor."

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

 *Michael Spitzer*  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] OT: Ancient Bone Sales Thrive in Capitalist Era

2001-01-22 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-


Ancient Bone Sales Thrive in Capitalist Era

SAN FRANCISCO--It took just 21 seconds, one bang of a wooden
mallet at the venerable Butterfields auction house Sunday and
"Reina," a 74-million-year-old diminutive leptoceratops had
reached its highest bid:  $75,000.

Although such transactions occur quietly, controversy
surrounding them does not: The growing sales of "natural history
objects"--from trilobites to meteorites to entire dinosaur
skeletons--is stirring up museums, universities and auction

Reina, the most controversial item offered, was not sold
Sunday because the $75,000 offered did not top the owner's
minimum bid of $120,000.

But a Siberian woolly mammoth tusk sold for nearly $32,000
and a small fossil turtle went for $18,400 to the chagrin of UC
Berkeley paleontologist Kevin Padian, who argues that riches like
Reina--one of only two known slender horned faced
dinosaurs--belong in museums and not on the living room floors of
rich collectors.

It hurts Padian just as much to see the smaller fossils go,
as dozens of them did Sunday.

"They'll be lost to science, to the public and to education,"
said Padian. "And they're not renewable. When they're gone,
they're gone."

The sale of fossils is big business, bringing in about $40
million annually. Those auctioned Sunday brought in $160,000.

The charge that science is being robbed irritates David
Herskowitz, director of natural history for California-based
Butterfields, a leading purveyor of such goods and the world's
fourth largest auction house.

"I have a lot of things that are extremely rare, like that
woolly mammoth horn," he said in an auction preview room that
included a nest of 17 raptor eggs, a 1,267.5-carat opal and two
mating insects trapped in amber. "But I do not sell anything
that's crucial to science."

 That point is debatable to scientists. Padian contends that
scholars and not profiteers should decide what is crucial. But
Herskowitz said he does keep science in mind.

 Take Reina. Only 60% of her bones are real; the rest of her
skeleton has been filled in. Herskowitz said the other
leptoceratops that has been found is 70% complete and will be
sold only to a museum. The two dinosaurs were unearthed from
private land in northern Montana by a company called Canada

 Shadowy Trade in Bones

 What also worries scientists is a shadowy and sometimes
illicit trade in bones: those who steal fossils from the ground
and sell them on the black market. Thieves can ruin fossils,
sites and years of scientific work as they did in eastern Utah
last spring, destroying a massive and nearly complete

 A multi-agency federal task force called Operation Rockfish
has recovered more than $7 million worth of stolen fossils--and
discovered that most fossil thieves are suspected felons. One
thief was arrested trying to swap a triceratops skull for $60,000
in cocaine.

 Forgeries also are a problem, and seem to be on the rise
because of the growing private market for fossils.

 A notorious forgery was discovered last year after it had
been touted on National Geographic's cover as the "missing link"
between dinosaurs and birds. The specimen turned out to be the
clever work of Chinese farmers who patched the tail of a dinosaur
onto the body of a fossil bird to increase value.

 Such forgeries, said Padian, are among the damaging legacies
of the commercial fossil trade. The average Chinese villager
"earns only a meager salary by Western standards," Padian wrote
in a recent editorial. "The lure of money from fossil dealers is
difficult to resist."

 A worse crime--and this is the rare item on which Padian and
Herskowitz agree--is committed by those commercial fossil hunters
who excavate things without carefully recording their location,
the exact "death position" of the bones and other fossils
associated with the bones. That information may have no direct
market value, but it is priceless to paleontologists.

 "Professional collectors aren't interested in that
information," said Padian, a dinosaur expert noted for his work
on determining the origin of birds and flight. Many commercial
hunters refuse to disclose exactly where bones were found for
fear of competition at their site.

 Although savvier fossil hunters are learning that scientific
information enhances fossil value, Herskowitz acknowledges that
there could be improvements.

 "In every industry there are bad guys," said Herskowitz, who
should know: The high-energy New Yorker used to be in the gem
business, trading diamonds and other jewels in the former Soviet

 In 1992, a speck in a piece of amber caught his eye. Rather
than rendering the stone worthless, the speck turned out to be a

[CTRL] today's_newsbytes (http://www.discerningtoday.org/today's_newsbytes.htm)

2001-01-22 Thread Arthur Hickman


[CTRL] Biologists uncover Darwin's 'missing evidence' for divergence of species

2001-01-22 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-


Biologists uncover Darwin's 'missing evidence' for divergence of

Biologists at the University of California, San Diego have
demonstrated, in a study of the songs and genetics of a series of
interbreeding populations of warblers in central Asia, how one
species can diverge into two.

Their description of the intermediate forms of two reproductively
isolated populations of songbirds that no longer interbreed is
the "missing evidence"  that Darwin had hoped to use to support
his theory of natural selection, but was never able to find.

"One of the largest mysteries remaining in evolutionary biology
is exactly how one species can gradually diverge into two," says
Darren E. Irwin, a biologist at UCSD who headed the study,
detailed in the January 18 issue of the journal Nature.

"This process, known as speciation, is very difficult to study
because it can take a great deal of time to occur."Biologists
have generally learned about the divergence of species by
comparing many different species at various stages of speciation.

But in their study of the greenish warbler, a songbird that
breeds in forests throughout much of temperate Asia, Irwin and
his colleagues—Trevor D. Price, a biology professor at UCSD,
and Staffan Bensch, a former postdoctoral student at UCSD now at
Sweden’s LundUniversity—discovered a rare situation known to
biologists as a "ring species."

"Ring species are unique because they present all levels of
variation, from small differences between neighboring populations
to species-level differences, in a single group of organisms,"
says Irwin, a former student of Price who is in the process of
beginning his postdoctoral work with Bensch at Lund University.

In the case of the greenish warbler, Phylloscopus trochiloides,
the scientists discovered a continuous ring of populations with
gradually changing behavioral and genetic characteristics
encircling the Tibetan Plateau, which is treeless and
uninhabitable. This ring is broken by a species boundary at only
one place, in central Siberia, where two forms of the songbird
coexist without interbreeding.

"This creates a paradox in which the two co-existing forms can be
considered as two species and as a single species at the same
time," says Irwin. "Such ring species are extremely rare, but
they are valuable because they can show all of the intermediate
steps that occurred during the divergence of one species into

"In their paper, the scientists show how they discovered a
gradual variation in the song patterns, morphology and genetic
markers of 15 populations of the greenish warbler. At each end of
the ring of interbreeding populations, which extend around each
side of the Tibetan plateau and through the Himalayas, the
scientists found that the two distinct, non-interbreeding forms
of the bird do not recognize each other’s songs, which are
critical in the selection of their mates. They determined this
from experiments in which they played recordings of male greenish
warbler songs and judged the response of other birds in the

"In the greenish warbler, as in most songbirds, males sing to
attract mates and to defend territories," says Irwin. "The
greenish warblers living in the Himalayas sing songs that are
simple, short and repetitive. As you go north along the western
side of Tibet, moving through central Asia, the songs gradually
become longer and more complex. On the eastern side of the ring,
moving northwards through China, songs also become longer and
more complex, but the structure is different than on the western
side. Where the birds meet in Siberia, their songs are so
different that they do not recognize each other as mates or
competitors. They act like separate species, and the genetic
evidence supports that conclusion.

"Apparently, as the birds moved north along two pathways into the
forests of Siberia, their songs became longer and more complex,
perhaps because females in the north rely more strongly on song
when choosing a mate. But the forms of complexity differed
between west and east Siberia, because there are more ways to be
complex than simple.

"The greenish warbler is the first case in which we can see all
the steps that occurred in the behavioral divergence of two
species from their common ancestor. These results demonstrate how
small evolutionary changes can lead to the differences that cause
reproductive isolation between species, just as Darwin

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

 *Michael Spitzer*  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

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CTRL is a discussion  

[CTRL] MH: 2,000 Floridians voted illegally Nov. 7

2001-01-22 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-


Miami Herald
Monday, January 22, 2001

2,000 Floridians voted illegally Nov. 7


Ninety-year-old Cora Thigpen voted twice in the presidential
election -- and would have liked to have voted more.

``If I had voted a half dozen times, I would have voted every
time for Al Gore,'' the North Florida resident said.

Joseph Bonner, 21, voted just once -- and he's sorry he did. With
a felony drug conviction, the Gulf Coast resident man was
prohibited by state law from casting a ballot.

``I wish to apologize for voting,'' he wrote after he got caught.

``Please understand that my error was made in good faith.''

Their votes were among more than 2,000 illegal ballots cast Nov.
7 by Floridians who signed affirmations swearing they were
eligible to vote -- but were not, a review of election records in
25 Florida counties shows.

The ballots, which all counted in the election, came from
unregistered voters, ineligible felons -- and a handful of senior
citizens who voted absentee first, then voted again at their
local precinct after swearing they hadn't voted yet.

The voters cast ballots even though their names were not on
precinct voter registration lists. All they had to do was sign
the affirmations swearing they were eligible to vote. Poll
workers never checked, ignoring county rules intended to combat
fraud. Elections officials say the workers were overwhelmed by
high voter turnout.


Another problem: Many of the voters apparently didn't realize
that state law required them to register in the counties where
they live. Many of the people who signed affirmations were new
residents who hadn't yet registered in their home county.

The 2,000 illegal affirmation votes add to an already troubling
number of bad ballots cast in the Nov. 7 presidential election,
which was decided by only 537 votes.

In previous stories, The Herald has reported that at least 1,200
felons who had lost their voting rights somehow slipped through
and cast ballots. Those counted in the razor-thin election, too.

``Numbers like that are very troubling,'' said Kurt Browning, the
election supervisor in Pasco County. ``What this does is chip
away at the credibility of our whole elections system.''

Browning, who identified 64 illegal affirmation votes in his
county, is part of a governor's task force investigating ways to
correct problems. While better voting machines could eliminate
hanging ballot chads, he wonders what can be done to better train
poll workers and inform voters of registration rules.

One possibility is the use of so-called ``challenge'' ballots
issued by poll workers to voters whose registration is in
question. Those ballots would be checked before they were tallied
rather than afterward, as they were on Nov. 7.


The 2,000 newly discovered illegal votes turned up in a review of
affirmations filed in 25 Florida counties where records were
available. Because ballots are secret -- and many of the voters
failed to identify party affiliation on their affirmations --
it's impossible to know precisely how the votes affected the
outcome of the election.

Statewide, the bad ballots were cast by:

 About 1,700 people who were not registered to vote in counties
where they cast ballots. This includes people who were removed
from the voting roll because they had not voted in several years,
had moved out of the county or simply were not registered voters.

 Nathaniel Wiseman, 30, said he voted in Orange County although
he is not a registered voter. Wiseman, a window tinter, said he
moved into the county a year and a half ago from neighboring
Seminole County, but never bothered registering.

``I told them I was not registered,'' said Wiseman, a Democrat
who said he voted for Al Gore. ``They looked around at each other
and asked the precinct deputy for advice and they let me vote.''

 More than 100 additional felons who had been stripped of their
civil right to vote.

 Six voters who cast absentee ballots, then voted at their local
precincts.  One of them was Cora Thigpen of Madison County, which
borders the Georgia state line.

``I do remember something about the absentee ballot, and I do
remember going to the polls,'' Thigpen said in a telephone

Elections Supervisor Linda Howell said the signature on Thigpen's
absentee ballot matched Thigpen's signature on the voter register
at Precinct 3.

Howell said the poll worker ignored the notation on the register
showing Thigpen already had voted absentee.

``I was so shocked when I saw it,'' Howell said. ``Why the clerk
allowed it, I cannot tell you. I guess we are always going to
have mistakes because we are human.''

 About a dozen people who voted in one county but live in
another.  In the tiny town of Ocoee, nestled in Orange County,
Keith Evans voted for president -- although he told poll workers
he lives 90 

Re: [CTRL] Fwd: Re: [CTRL] In a First Act, Bush Blocks Clinton Orders

2001-01-22 Thread Nessie

-Caveat Lector-

Yet those wanting to detract from him act as though  this just happened
the way Clinton's sexcapades did.

Apples and oranges. Bush endangered lives, maybe yours, maybe mine, and
definitely his own.  Clinton had sex.  Nobody got hurt from Clinton
having sex with Monica till the prudes butted in and started squawking
about it. Then it distracted the attention of a tax paid public official
and made it more difficult for him to do the job that we the public had
paid him to do. So we got less work than we paid him for. Ergo, the
people who impeached Clinton over his affair with Monica were ripping us
off for our hard earned cash when they did it. They did the harm, not
him and Monica having sex. Sex is not immoral. Stealing from taxpayers
is immoral. If you’re so concerned with the morals of elected officials,
why aren’t you squawking about that?

Rape is not serious?  

(1.) Rape is not sex. Rape is assault.

(2.) He is ALLEGED to have raped somebody. G.W. Bush is alleged to be a
shape shifting reptoid from outer space. Allegations are allegations,
and nothing more.  Talk is cheap. Prove he raped somebody or shut up
about it.  These unsubstantiated allegations are getting very boring.

Selling nuclear secrets to China is not serious?  

Again, that too is only alleged. What’s the matter, do you think the
Chinese aren’t smart enough to come up with MIRV on their own? This is
the culture came up with gun powder, the compass and paper. Their
government ain’t much to look at, but their scientists are top notch. 

 Just because somebody alleges something, that doesn’t mean it’s true.
You’re may be too young to remember, but in the 50’s the ultra-right was
alleging that the President was a Communist agent.  Ultra-rightists
allege a lot of crap about people they don’t like. Allegations are
nothing but talk. Show proof or shut up about it. 

When you don’t show proof, and you don’t shut up either, you look like a
fool. Is that want you really want to do? Do you WANT to look like a
fool?  If so, here’s the space to do it. Go right ahead. Knock yourself

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sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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[CTRL] Fw: Int'l. Criminal Court Petition

2001-01-22 Thread Arthur Hickman

-Caveat Lector-

-Original Message-
From: The Liberty Committee [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Liberty Activist [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Monday, January 22, 2001 8:25 PM
Subject: Int'l. Criminal Court Petition

January 22, 2001

Dear friend of liberty,

The gavel hits.  Its piercing crack commands the room.  History is made.

The International Criminal Court (ICC) is now in session -- and our
country will never be the same.

"In July of 1998, 120 nations met in Rome and voted to endorse an
international criminal court.  According to its own terms, when the
treaty is ratified by 60 nations, it will be capable of exerting
universal jurisdiction over every human being on the planet.  This type
of criminal court has been on the wish list of the United Nations since
1947."  -- Dr. James Hirsen, 1/5/01

"Once created, the international court will give the U.N. the mechanism
it needs to enforce its global 'laws' against American citizens.  All
Americans concerned with our sovereignty as a nation should be very
alarmed by this latest development."  -- Congressman Ron Paul, 1/8/01

"In short, the treaty gives the ICC the right to try and imprison U.S.
citizens, including our military and other government officers, even
[if] we have refused to sign it, let alone ratify it."  -- former
Secretary of Defense Caspar Weinberger, 7/3/00

"On the International Criminal Court treaty, 'the [Defense] Department's
position has been clear,' a Pentagon official said.  'We were against
signing it and still are.'" -- Washington Post, 1/1/01

"Casey [Lee A. Casey, a former Justice Department official who
specializes in international law] said he opposes the creation of the
permanent International Criminal Court under the auspices of the United
Nations because he believes its powers are too extensive, and could
subject American citizens to trial without allowing them the rights and
protections they are guaranteed by the Constitution."  -- Washington
Post, 1/1/01

"National sovereignty, which means that Americans are answerable to no
one but their own government and their own laws, should never be
compromised.  The creation of a permanent, international war-crimes
tribunal certainly would compromise the national sovereignty of every
country on Earth."  -- Charley Reese, 1/11/01

The Liberty Committee is indeed very alarmed by the International
Criminal Court.  According to recent press reports, President Bush is
alarmed also.  Today, The Liberty Committee is launching a nationwide
petition drive asking President Bush to rescind the signature of the
United States to the International Criminal Court treaty that former
President Clinton authorized on December 31, 2000.

To complete the on-line petition, go to
http://www.thelibertycommittee.org.  Please ask family and friends to do
the same.  There is a printable version of the petition that we ask you
to print, copy and distribute to people who don't use the Internet.  All
completed and received petitions, on-line and printed, will be presented
to the White House.

The International Criminal Court will consider itself to be formally and
officially established after only 60 of the world's 161 countries ratify
the Rome Statute of the ICC.  As of today, 27 countries have ratified
the treaty.   The ICC needs just 33 more ratifying countries, from
among the 112 which have signed but not yet ratified, to claim
jurisdiction over all 161 countries and their citizens.

"It is my fervent hope that ...a large majority of United Nations Member
States will have signed and ratified [the ICC treaty], so that the Court
will have unquestioned authority and the widest possible jurisdiction."
-- U.N. Secretary-General Kofi Annan, 7/18/98

"Only hours before the Dec. 31 [2000] deadline, Bill Clinton gave the
United Nations its most significant victory so far in its relentless
quest for global governance:  the International Criminal Court."
-- Henry Lamb, 1/3/01

Supporters of the ICC have worked for years to establish this new world
court.  It is now time for us to do our work. Please sign our petition
and ask others to do the same.

Kent Snyder
The Liberty Committee

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

[CTRL] SD: Biological Warfare Emerges As 21st-Century Threat

2001-01-22 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

From Science Daily


Source:   Stanford University (http://www.stanford.edu)

Date:   Posted 1/19/2001

Biological Warfare Emerges As 21st-Century Threat

Why is biophysicist Steven Block so concerned about smallpox?
After all, more than 20 years have passed since the World Health
Organization (WHO) announced the eradication of this highly
contagious and incurable disease.

"Simply put, smallpox represents a direct threat to the entire
world," says Block, a professor of biological sciences and
applied physics, who joined the Stanford faculty from Princeton
in 1999.

He points out that, although the disease has been eliminated in
the wild, frozen stocks of smallpox virus are still maintained by
the governments of the United States and Russia.

If rogue politicians or terrorists were to get hold of the
remaining supplies, "the consequences could be disastrous," he

But Block is haunted by more than the threat of a smallpox

He points to some two dozen conventional biological agents --
including anthrax, Ebola and typhus -- plus an unknown number of
genetically engineered organisms that terrorists could unleash on
an unsuspecting public.

"We're tempted to say that nobody in their right mind would ever
use these things," he says, "but not everybody is in their right

Block paints a disturbing picture of the international
bioterrorist threat in an article published in the Jan./Feb.
issue of American Scientist magazine.

His expertise in biological warfare stems from his work with
JASON, an organization of primarily academic scientists who
dedicate a portion of their time to solving national security
problems. Members of JASON often serve as consultants to the
Defense Department and other U.S. agencies

"In my opinion," he writes, "the terrorist threat is very real,
and it's about to get worse."

Block argues that the United States and other developed countries
should be doing more to prevent the spread of biological
weaponry. He saves his harshest criticism for his fellow
biologists, most of whom have remained silent on the issue.

"Where are the biological scientists willing to go on the record
about bioweapons?" he asks.


Biological weapons are "the poor man's atom bomb," writes Block
in American Scientist.

He argues that bioweapons offer terrorist groups and "rogue
states" (such as Iraq and North Korea) an affordable way to
counter the overwhelming military superiority of the United
States and other nuclear powers.

The agent of choice for most biological warfare programs, writes
Block, is anthrax. Anthrax bacteria produce extremely lethal
spores, and breathing in large numbers can lead to inhalation
anthrax --- a disease that usually is fatal unless treated with
large doses of a penicillin-type antibiotic immediately after

Anthrax spores are easy to produce and can remain viable for more
than 100 years if kept dry and out of direct sunlight.

Their long shelf life makes them "well suited to weaponization in
a device that can deliver a widespread aerosol," Block notes.

Anthrax also is relatively easy and safe to handle. "Anthrax is
not very communicable," he writes, "thereby reducing the risk
that it will spread beyond the intended target. Moreover, a
well-established vaccine exists that can prevent the onset of the
disease, allowing it to be used safely by the aggressor."

"Black biology"

If anthrax, smallpox and other "conventional" biological agents
aren't frightening enough, Block also raises the specter of
"black biology" --- a shadowy science in which microorganisms are
genetically engineered for the sole purpose of creating novel
weapons of terror.

"The idea that anybody can brew this stuff in their garage vastly
overstates the case," he says, "but any technology that can be
used to insert genes into DNA can be used for either good or

Block points out that genetic maps of deadly viruses, bacteria
and other microorganisms already are widely available in the
public domain. Any scientist bent on destruction could use this
information to attempt to clone extremely virulent strains of
bacteria and viruses, Block contends.

He notes that there are plenty of underpaid microbiologists in
the world who might be eager to work for unscrupulous clients to
produce incurable "designer diseases," such as
penicillin-resistant anthrax, or "stealth viruses" that infect
the host but remain silent until activated by some external

History lessons

Biological warfare is as old as civilization, observes Block, but
it was international revulsion over the widespread use of
poisonous mustard gas during World War I that finally led to a
1925 treaty banning bioweapons during future wars.

During World War II, the Japanese military killed thousands of
Chinese prisoners by subjecting them to experimental doses of
anthrax, cholera, plague and other pathogens.

After World War II, the 

[CTRL] Fw: [CTRL] MH: 2,000 Floridians voted illegally Nov. 7

2001-01-22 Thread Arthur Hickman

-Caveat Lector-

-Original Message-
Date: Monday, January 22, 2001 9:27 PM
Subject: [CTRL] MH: 2,000 Floridians voted illegally Nov. 7

-Caveat Lector-


Miami Herald
Monday, January 22, 2001

2,000 Floridians voted illegally Nov. 7


Ninety-year-old Cora Thigpen voted twice in the presidential
election -- and would have liked to have voted more.

``If I had voted a half dozen times, I would have voted every
time for Al Gore,'' the North Florida resident said.

Joseph Bonner, 21, voted just once -- and he's sorry he did. With
a felony drug conviction, the Gulf Coast resident man was
prohibited by state law from casting a ballot.

``I wish to apologize for voting,'' he wrote after he got caught.

``Please understand that my error was made in good faith.''

Their votes were among more than 2,000 illegal ballots cast Nov.
7 by Floridians who signed affirmations swearing they were
eligible to vote -- but were not, a review of election records in
25 Florida counties shows.

The ballots, which all counted in the election, came from
unregistered voters, ineligible felons -- and a handful of senior
citizens who voted absentee first, then voted again at their
local precinct after swearing they hadn't voted yet.

The voters cast ballots even though their names were not on
precinct voter registration lists. All they had to do was sign
the affirmations swearing they were eligible to vote. Poll
workers never checked, ignoring county rules intended to combat
fraud. Elections officials say the workers were overwhelmed by
high voter turnout.


Another problem: Many of the voters apparently didn't realize
that state law required them to register in the counties where
they live. Many of the people who signed affirmations were new
residents who hadn't yet registered in their home county.

The 2,000 illegal affirmation votes add to an already troubling
number of bad ballots cast in the Nov. 7 presidential election,
which was decided by only 537 votes.

In previous stories, The Herald has reported that at least 1,200
felons who had lost their voting rights somehow slipped through
and cast ballots. Those counted in the razor-thin election, too.

``Numbers like that are very troubling,'' said Kurt Browning, the
election supervisor in Pasco County. ``What this does is chip
away at the credibility of our whole elections system.''

Browning, who identified 64 illegal affirmation votes in his
county, is part of a governor's task force investigating ways to
correct problems. While better voting machines could eliminate
hanging ballot chads, he wonders what can be done to better train
poll workers and inform voters of registration rules.

One possibility is the use of so-called ``challenge'' ballots
issued by poll workers to voters whose registration is in
question. Those ballots would be checked before they were tallied
rather than afterward, as they were on Nov. 7.


The 2,000 newly discovered illegal votes turned up in a review of
affirmations filed in 25 Florida counties where records were
available. Because ballots are secret -- and many of the voters
failed to identify party affiliation on their affirmations --
it's impossible to know precisely how the votes affected the
outcome of the election.

Statewide, the bad ballots were cast by:

 About 1,700 people who were not registered to vote in counties
where they cast ballots. This includes people who were removed
from the voting roll because they had not voted in several years,
had moved out of the county or simply were not registered voters.

 Nathaniel Wiseman, 30, said he voted in Orange County although
he is not a registered voter. Wiseman, a window tinter, said he
moved into the county a year and a half ago from neighboring
Seminole County, but never bothered registering.

``I told them I was not registered,'' said Wiseman, a Democrat
who said he voted for Al Gore. ``They looked around at each other
and asked the precinct deputy for advice and they let me vote.''

 More than 100 additional felons who had been stripped of their
civil right to vote.

 Six voters who cast absentee ballots, then voted at their local
precincts.  One of them was Cora Thigpen of Madison County, which
borders the Georgia state line.

``I do remember something about the absentee ballot, and I do
remember going to the polls,'' Thigpen said in a telephone

Elections Supervisor Linda Howell said the signature on Thigpen's
absentee ballot matched Thigpen's signature on the voter register
at Precinct 3.

Howell said the poll worker ignored the notation on the register
showing Thigpen already had voted absentee.

``I was so shocked when I saw it,'' Howell said. ``Why the clerk
allowed it, I cannot tell you. I guess we are always going to
have mistakes 

[CTRL] UPI: Iraq rebuilt weapons factories

2001-01-22 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-


Monday, 22 January 2001 4:19 (ET)

Report: Iraq rebuilt weapons factories

 NEW YORK, Jan. 22 (UPI) -- Iraq has rebuilt several factories
the United States has long suspected of producing chemical and
biological weapons, The New York Times reported Monday.

 The newspaper said the factories include two that were bombed by
U.S. and British warplanes two years ago to punish Iraqi
President Saddam Hussein for refusal to cooperate with U.N.
weapons inspectors.

 Since air strikes in December of 1998, Iraq has refused to let
weapons inspectors into the country. Officials said that without
the inspections, the United States did not yet have firm evidence
the factories are now producing chemical or biological agents.

 But a senior officer who closely follows Iraqi affairs and
Hussein said, "We don't know for sure, but given his (Hussein)
past known behavior, there's probably a pretty fair chance that's
what's happening."

 The Times said the intelligence estimates were mentioned without
detail in a report on weapons threats released two weeks ago by
the outgoing secretary of defense, William Cohen. The report
warned that Iraq had rebuilt its weapons infrastructure, and may
have begun producing chemical or biological agents.

 In his inaugural address Saturday, President Bush did not
mention Iraq specifically but vowed to "confront weapons of mass
destruction, so that a new century is spared new horrors."

 In an interview before taking office, he suggested that his
administration would not tolerate an Iraq re-armed with nuclear,
chemical or biological weapons. -- Copyright 2001 by United Press
International. All rights reserved.

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

 *Michael Spitzer*  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Hillary and Hubbell, Etc.

2001-01-22 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-


Hillary and Hubbell

I Beg Your Pardon

When it came to handing a pardon to Webster Hubbell, it wasn't
Bill Clinton who got the final word.  It was Hillary who pulled
the pen out her hubby's hand.  Under no circumstances would Sen.
Clinton have allowed her husband to pardon Hubbell.  "She blames
him for almost all of her legal problems," says a former White
House staffer, who said Clinton's decision not to pardon his
once-close friend was the talk of a Saturday brunch held by
outgoing White House staff in Georgetown.  "The president had
Hubbell down for a pardon, but when John Podesta told her Hubbell
was on the list, she went into the Oval Office and had a talk
with the president." Hubbell's testimony relating to his
activities in the Rose Law Firm were central to the Independent
Counsel's ability to focus much of his attention on Hillary
Rodham Clinton during his investigation of Whitewater.  "She has
never hid her animosity toward him," says the former White House

Let's Make a Deal

It was also Hillary Clinton who forced her husband to agree to
the deal offered by special prosecutor Robert Ray.  Ray was
insistent that Clinton sign it before leaving office, but the
now-former president was inclined to not take the deal.  "He
wanted to take his chances.  He didn't think Ray would prosecute,
and even if he did, he didn't believe he'd be convicted." says a
former White House communications aide.  "But David Kendall isn't
just Bill Clinton's lawyer, he's Hillary's lawyer and the two
have become extremely close.  When the president decided to just
let the deal die, Hillary went to Kendall and told him to keep
the negotiations alive."

Hillary Clinton is said to have thought that killing any chance
her husband might be prosecuted was critical to her own political
future.  "She didn't want it hanging over her head two years from
now when she might be thinking of forming a presidential
exploratory committee.  She didn't want her husband to be what
John Zaccaro was to Geraldine Ferraro."

Plane Bolsheviks

On the Clintons' post-inaugural flight up to New York on the
aircraft previously known to them as Air Force One, stewards
could barely control the frenzied passengers on board who were
grabbing everything and anything on the plane that had the
presidential seal on it.  Napkins, snack containers, pens, and
anything that moved ended up snatched and stored for souvenirs.
"At one point [new DNC boss] Terry McAuliffe joked, 'Relax, we're
going to have it back in four years, no problem.  We'll all be
riding it again,'" says a DNC source.

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

 *Michael Spitzer*  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] WT: Was a pardon a quid pro quo?

2001-01-22 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

January 22, 2001

Was a pardon a quid pro quo?

By Joseph Curl

 The former wife of Marc Rich, the fugitive commodities
trader and tax evader pardoned by President Clinton in his final
hours in office, donated more than $1 million to Democratic
causes since 1992, including Bill Clinton's and Al Gore's
presidential campaigns.

Mr. Rich fled to Switzerland in 1983 after the U.S. government
indicted him on 65 counts of tax fraud, racketeering and tax
evasion charges that carry a maximum 325 years in jail.

 The billionaire trader, one of the world's richest men, was
accused of evading more than $48 million in taxes and faced
prosecution for violating U.S. sanctions by trading oil with Iran
during the time Iran held American hostages.

 Denise Rich, who now lives in New York, contributed nearly
$1.3 million to Mr. Clinton and Mr. Gore's campaigns, the
Democratic National Committee and various Democratic causes,
including contributions to Hillary Rodham Clinton's New York
Senate campaign. She also has donated to more than a dozen
congressional campaigns.

 Mrs. Rich, who identifies herself on federal contribution
records as a "songwriter," "actress" or "philanthropist," also
gave money to pro-choice and family-planning organizations with
Democratic ties and a group called "Friends of Albert Gore, Jr.
 She contributed as well to the campaigns of former Sen.
Charles S. Robb of Virginia and Sen. Barbara A. Mikulski of
 It was not clear if she was married to Mr. Rich when she
made the contributions, but a January 1992 Fortune magazine
article about her husband identified Mrs. Rich as his wife.

 Mr. Rich's attorney, former Clinton White House counsel Jack
Quinn, had been lobbying for a pardon for Mr. Rich. Asked
yesterday about the pardon of Mr. Rich, Mr. Clinton said he had
spent a lot of time considering the case.

 "I spent a lot of personal time . . . because it's an
unusual case, but Quinn made a strong case, and I was convinced
he was right on the merits," said Mr. Clinton, speaking to
reporters in suburban Chappaqua, N.Y., where he now lives.

 "That's all I can say. Others might disagree, but I think
Quinn made a very compelling case in the end."

 Mr. Rich and his former business partner, Pincus Green, have
not returned to the United States since their companies pleaded
guilty in 1984 to evading millions of dollars in taxes by
concealing profits on oil trading. They remain in Switzerland, a
haven for laundered money that does not recognize tax evasion as
sufficient grounds for extradition.

 The case against the two men and Mr. Rich's Swiss metals and
commodities trading firm, Marc Rich  Co., was at the time the
largest tax-evasion case in U.S. history.

 According to the U.S. Department of Justice, Mr. Rich, now
66, conspired in April 1980 with the Iranian government to
purchase more than 6 million barrels of oil, in violation of the
trade embargo imposed by the United States.

 Mr. Clinton granted pardons to 140 persons Saturday,
including a key figure in the Whitewater scandal, Susan McDougal;
former CIA Director John Deutch; ex-Housing and Urban Development
head Henry Cisneros; and one-time fugitive heiress Patty Hearst
Shaw. Mr. Clinton also pardoned Mr. Green.

 The pardon does not erase a criminal record, although it
does restore rights lost as a result of a criminal conviction,
such as the right to vote or the right to carry weapons. In cases
where a pardon is issued to someone who has not been convicted of
a crime, the pardon ends all pending legal matters.

 Pardons often are granted to those who have adopted
high-profile philanthropic campaigns, something Mr. Rich's
associates say he has done.

 Mr. Clinton said he tried to use pardons to restore rights
to those who had paid for their misdeeds.

 "You're not saying these people didn't commit the offense.
You're saying they paid, they paid in full, and they've been out
long enough after their sentence to show they're good citizens,
so they ought to have a chance to get full citizenship," Mr.
Clinton said.

 "As long as we live in a world where you can never vote
again or have full citizenship unless you get a pardon, then the
word 'pardon' is somehow almost a misnomer."

 It is not clear how Mr. Rich "paid in full." He told the
Israeli newspaper Ma'ariv last year that he has attempted to
settle his tax fraud case with the United States on numerous
occasions, even offering to pay more than $100 million in fines,
but balked at prosecutors' insistence that he serve jail time.

 Despite his fugitive status, Mr. Rich has remained a force
in world-commodity trading. The Fortune magazine article said Mr.
Rich had, since 1988, sold the U.S. Mint more than $25 million in
copper, nickel and other metals to make coins.

 "Now Congress wants to know how Rich . . . made a cozy
customer out of the same government that 

[CTRL] CP: RCMP investigates tainted Arkansas prison blood in Canada

2001-01-22 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

RCMP investigates tainted Arkansas prison blood in Canada

The Canadian Press

OTTAWA -- The RCMP has opened an investigation into the importing
of contaminated prison blood from Arkansas during the 1980s, The
Canadian Press has learned.

There is speculation the investigation may be heating up due to
the imminent departure of President Bill Clinton, former governor
of Arkansas, from the White House.

RCMP Staff Sgt. Bill McAlpine said Wednesday two officers based
in Montreal will be assigned exclusively to pursue the Arkansas
prison blood issue.

"We just thought that we, out of Toronto, just couldn't handle
the issue properly, and that therefore additional resources would
be required," he McAlpine said.

Continental Pharma, the now-defunct company that imported the
prison blood, had its headquarters in Montreal, McAlpine noted.

"A lot of the issues arise out of the Montreal area."

The blood task force was set up about three years ago to
investigate possible criminal acts that contributed to
contamination of the Canadian blood supply with HIV and hepatitis

McAlpine said the task force, involving about 12 officers in
Toronto and a couple in Ottawa, is highly active. But he could
not say when its work will be complete or whether charges will be

"When we make a final submission and report, obviously people
higher than me will make decisions on where we're going from
there, but this thing's not going away."

He declined to give more details.

There's speculation that the investigation may be getting new
co-operation from U.S. authorities looking at a new

Clinton was governor of Arkansas when the state permitted a
now-defunct company, Health Management Associates, to collect and
sell prison blood, some of which wound up in Canada.

U.S. reports say that Leonard Dunn, president of Health
Management Associates, was a close friend of Clinton's. Witnesses
have said the prison blood was collected under appalling

It became an important source of HIV contamination in Canada.

Mike McCarthy of the Canadian Hemophilia Society welcomed the new

"The fact that the blood task force has set up shop in Montreal,
which was the epicentre of the trade of prison blood in the
1980s, shows there's something the RCMP feels has gone very, very

"We urged them to get to the bottom of this, as many of the
hemophiliacs that were exposed to this are dead or dying."

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

 *Michael Spitzer*  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

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Re: [CTRL] Israeli Gets Community Service in Palestinian Death

2001-01-22 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 01/22/2001 2:00:50 PM Eastern Standard Time,

 Is it possible that some nations put their children out there in the
 front lines, throwing stones, etc., and then when there are tragic
 consequences, then the nation they're opposing gets the rotten
 PR? Isn't that part of psychological warfare? 

Yes, I'm sure we knocked off a few of the little rotters in Vietnam where
they occasionally came wired with explosives.  Prudy

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That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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Re: [CTRL] A Question.....

2001-01-22 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 01/22/2001 4:25:45 PM Eastern Standard Time,

 Can Bush just cut off funds to international family planning
 agencies? Doesn't this kind of thing need approvalneed to go
 through committees? Require congressional approval? Is he some
 kind of emperor or Czar who can just say "This is how it's gonna
 be."  ? 

I don't know what it takes, but Reagan and Bush both did it.  They simply
stop all funds to family planning agencies in countries where abortions are
permitted.  It seems strange to stop allowing birth control to be taught in
order to reduce abortions, but it is much admired by the Catholic Church.
Wasn't it Romania where the law forbade both birth control and abortion which
resulted in the horrific orphanage conditions with babies dying one after the
other, and toddlers who spent their lives in barred beds.   Still no one
cares much about the abuse and death of infants as long as there is no
abortion.  Just one of those things.  Prudy

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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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Re: [CTRL] A Question.....

2001-01-22 Thread Bob Stokes

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 1/22/01 8:07:56 PM Mountain Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  Can Bush just cut off funds to international family planning
  agencies? Doesn't this kind of thing need approvalneed to go
  through committees? Require congressional approval? Is he some
  kind of emperor or Czar who can just say "This is how it's gonna
  be."  ? 

 I don't know what it takes, but Reagan and Bush both did it.  They simply
 stop all funds to family planning agencies in countries where abortions are
 permitted.  It seems strange to stop allowing birth control to be taught in
 order to reduce abortions, but it is much admired by the Catholic Church.
 Wasn't it Romania where the law forbade both birth control and abortion which
 resulted in the horrific orphanage conditions with babies dying one after the
 other, and toddlers who spent their lives in barred beds.   Still no one
 cares much about the abuse and death of infants as long as there is no
 abortion.  Just one of those things.  Prudy 

It's about time we started thinking about things in the States and let other
countries worry about their own problems.  I'm sure if you would like to make
a personal donation to these other countries to continue abortions or birth
control products or education ... they would appreciate your efforts.  We
need to stay out of other countries affairs and handle our own problems.  We
have enough problems to keep the government busy forever, not that government
ever solved anything.

Bob Stokes

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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Re: [CTRL] In a First Act, Bush Blocks Clinton Orders

2001-01-22 Thread tnohava

-Caveat Lector-

 They had nicknames
I can't recall, and I'm sure not going to put their real  names on the net.

Jeepers...Holy MoleyGee By Gosh By Golly...you seem so well connected to
the political Inner Circles.

When I have more time I'll have to tell you of the experiences of my work at
Area-51 and S-4. One of my most memorable experiences was when I found
former President Jimmy Carter roaming around sub-level 7 at S4 and he was
Shapeshifting no less. I have photos of Jimmy's remarkable demonstration and
would be happy to share them but Larry Flynt now owns the copyrights.

 -Original Message-
 From: Conspiracy Theory Research List [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On
 Behalf Of Prudence L. Kuhn
 Sent: Monday, January 22, 2001 8:23 AM
 Subject: Re: [CTRL] In a First Act, Bush Blocks Clinton Orders

 -Caveat Lector-

 In a message dated 01/21/2001 6:04:49 PM Eastern Standard Time,

  Then what you're saying is you have knowledge of the hidden
 history of the
  Whitehouse well enough to know which former Presidents indulged
 in the act
  of Oral Sex in the Oval Office. I'm also quite confident after
 reading some
  of your posts on this list that you would never make a statement as such
  unless you could name the parties involved. Could you give us a quick run
  down on these people? 
 Well, for example, one of the funniest stories about the Johnson
 administration was that Lady Bird entered the office one day and caught
 Johnson and some secretary or other on the couch.  She, of
 course, flipped a
 fit, and after she left, Johnson castigated the Secret Service
 for allowing
 her to enter.  Apparently the Secret Service told him that "she
 was not their
 problem."  So, Johnson had a buzzer installed, and whenever the first lady
 left the quarters (for any reason), the buzzer was sounded to ensure  that
 the first lady couldn't catch her husband in flagrante delicto
 (did I spell
 that right?) again.  Johnson was famous for his sexual exploits.  He never
 fired a favorite of the media, so they didn't tell us about them at the
 time--at least not in a blow-by-blow manner (no pun intended).

 Somewhere among my souvenirs, I have the names of the two women
 who were on
 the White House staff during the Kennedy years, whose principal
 function was
 to be on hand to remedy any unbidden sexual urges that might threaten the
 concentration of whomever needed to think clear thoughts.  They
 had nicknames
 I can't recall, and I'm sure not going to put their real  names
 on the net.
 These women committed no crime, and I think they deserve privacy.
  "I" have
 pardoned them.  If you wish exact information, I'm sure you can find it


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[CTRL] Tactics of the False Memory Advocates/Court Decision

2001-01-22 Thread lloyd

-Caveat Lector-


From the New Paradigms Project [Not Necessarily Endorsed]
Note:  We store 100's of related "New Paradigms Posts" at:

From: "Alex Constantine" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Tactics of the "False Memory" Advocates/Court Decision
Date: Wednesday, September 13, 2000 4:09 PM

Tactics of "False Memory" Advocates/Court Decision

   Court of Appeals Division I
   State of Washington

Opinion Information Sheet

Docket Number:   41241-8-I
Title of Case:   David L. Calof, Respondent
 Charles "chuck" Noah, Et. al., Appellants
File Date:   09/11/2000


Appeal from Superior Court of King County
Docket No:  95-2-15224-4
Judgment or order under review
Date filed: 07/31/1997
Judge signing:  Hon. Ricardo Martinez

Authored by Marlin J Appelwick
Concurring: Susan R. Agid
C. Kenneth Grosse

Counsel for Appellant(s)
William J. Crittenden
Attorney At Law
1000 2nd Ave Ste 2450
Seattle, WA  98104

Aaron H. Caplan
Aclu of Washington
705 2nd Ave Ste 300
Seattle, WA  98104

Elena L. Garella
Law Offices of Arnold J. Barer
1000 2nd Ave Ste 2450
Seattle, WA  98104-1046

Charles ". Noah  (Appearing Pro Se)
2336 N. 135th
Seattle, WA  98133

Counsel for Defendant(s)
Steve P. Moen
Shafer Moen  Bryan PS
410 Hoge Bldg.
705 Second Avenue
Seattle, WA  98104-1711

Gary A. Western
Wilson Smith Cochran Dickerson
1700 Financial Center
1215 4th Ave.
Seattle, WA  98161-1007

June Noah  (Appearing Pro Se)
2336 N. 135th
Seattle, WA  98133

James Joyce  (Appearing Pro Se)
2424 E. Denny Way
Seattle, WA  98122

Counsel for Respondent(s)
Kristin M. Houser
Schroeter Goldmark  Bender PS
500 Central Bldg.
810 Third Ave.
Seattle, WA  98104

Rebecca J. Roe
Attorney At Law
Ste 500
810 3rd Ave
Seattle, WA  98104

Douglass A. North
Maltman Reed North Ahrens  Malnati
1415 Norton Bldg.
801 2nd Ave
Seattle, WA  98104

A. S. Anderson
Attorney At Law
2025 1st Ave  Ste 250
Seattle, WA  98121-2147

Sandra E. Widlan
810 3rd Ave  8th Fl
Seattle, WA  98104-1657

Amicus Curiae on behalf of American Civil Libetties Union
James E. Lobsenz
Carney Badley Smith  Spellman
701 5th Ave, Ste 2200
Seattle, WA  98104


No. 41241-8-I
Respondent,  )
 ) Consolidated with
 v.  ) )
Appellant.   )
DAVID L. CALOF, d/b/a FAMILY ) No. 43048-3-I
   Respondent,   )
 v.  )
NOAH and JUNE NOAH, individually )
and as a marital community; PHIL )
individually and as a marital community; )
individually and as a marital community; )

[CTRL] Sen. Charles Schumer, human scum

2001-01-22 Thread Nessie

-Caveat Lector-


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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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[CTRL] Fwd: U.S. Senate Historical Minutes: Teapot Dome Scandal

2001-01-22 Thread Aleisha Saba

So Nessie you seem really informed on this stuff - remembered Teapot
Dome and Harding - by the way it is alleged Harding go caught in a
closet with a lady (using term loosely) and then he was murdered by his
wife, poisoned - so always a Borgia or something around.

Now I have a friend who is a poor millionaire with smaller oil
company..I was researching artesian wells (and found my well on he
State House Grounds, oh so secret) and called him and he said "oh we are
always hitting that water when we drill a well" and I reminded him at
the time, this artesian water was selling at a price higher than oil in
some instances.so these natural resouces belong to the people and
why should be be gouged..maybe time to nationalize the
utilities...every citizen should receive minimum heat and
electricity and water to live and pay for anything over allowed
usage...supposed to be non profit I would think for under my house
within the radius of our State Capitol - believe there is oil.and
natural gas galore.wish I would have been geologistalso Meyer
Lansky was scouting these fields in Ohio and in Kentucky in late 70
period - big scams going on then and now.

So also at the time during the shortages and thing this was during Nixon
period - he said he had so much gas, etc., but no pipe line.he made
good income, over 1 million a year at the time, enough to
survivie.had lots of enemies.

But Ohio is where Harding livedthe Harding as some call it "nut
house" is still going, and it is said in old days when one drove by that
place, they put their foot on gas pedal for they say a lot of innocent
people were sent there..victims of something maybe as simple as
unwanted wife?

So evil is as evil does.this teapot dome thingtoday the taking
of our national parks, and this UN stuff is this a step to NWO
domination of our natural resources, and then Clinton was to be given a
job in investment firm8 million a year - and that guy, isn't even a
good lawyer.

Theft of a nation; organized crime moving in and taking over - and oh my
goodness I hope they did not clone Henry Kissinger.

So under subject matter fund this and if puled up can get other topice;
reproduced for your convenience..this scum in on the deal - Harding
in a way was a victim - sometimes it is the people with whom you
surround yourself tht gt rich and cause all the problems - but Clinton
seems to have his hands in everything from polluted blood to banks to
the whole bag of worms.

Series of "Historical Minutes"
April 15, 1922

Senate Investigates the "Teapot Dome" Scandal

Ransacked offices, illegal wiretaps, disinformation campaigns, partisan
conflict over the conduct of a Senate investigation. Sound familiar?

On April 15, 1922, Wyoming Democratic Senator John Kendrick introduced a
resolution that set in motion one of the most significant investigations
in Senate history. On the previous day, the Wall Street Journal had
reported an unprecedented secret arrangement in which the Secretary of
the Interior, without competitive bidding, had leased the U.S. naval
petroleum reserve at Wyoming's Teapot Dome to a private oil company.
Wisconsin Republican Senator Robert La Follette arranged for the Senate
Committee on Public Lands to investigate the matter. His suspicions
deepened after someone ransacked his Russell Building office.

The committee's leadership allowed the panel's most junior minority
member, Montana Democrat Thomas Walsh, to lead what most expected to be
a tedious and probably futile inquiry seeking answers to many questions,
including "How did Interior Secretary Albert Fall get so rich so

Eventually, the investigation uncovered Secretary Fall's shady dealings
and Senator Walsh became a national hero; Fall would end up as the first
former cabinet officer to go to prison. This and a subsequent Senate
inquiry triggered several court cases testing the extent of the Senate's
investigative powers. One of those cases resulted in the landmark 1927
Supreme Court decision McGrain v. Daugherty that, for the first time,
explicitly established Congress' right to compel testimony.

Further Reading:
Byrd, Robert C., The Senate, 1789-1989,

Volume I (Washington, D.C.: GPO, 1988).
Diner, Hasia, "Teapot Dome, 1924" in Arthur M. Schlesinger, Jr. and
Roger Bruns, eds., Congress Investigates: A Documented History,
1792-1974 (New York: Chelsea House Publishers, 1975).
Fall, Albert, The Memoirs of Albert B. Fall, edited by David Stratton
(El Paso: Texas Western, 1966).
Stratton, David H., "Two Western Senators and Teapot Dome: Thomas J.
Walsh and Albert B. Fall," Pacific Northwest Quarterly 65 (April 1974),
pp. 57-65.
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[CTRL] Some Things Never Change?

2001-01-22 Thread Aleisha Saba

-Caveat Lector-

So here is item I ran across, and I imagine it just makes good campaign
talk for most of that money these people get - how much did Pat Buchanan
rip us off for was it $12,000,000 dollars, and I say twelve million

Ought to put all these candidates on public service TV...tonight showed
re run of Janet Reno on Saturday Night Live - very humorous, two bulls
in china shop.

So here is item I rather liked.wonder how much Hill and Bill have
virtually stolen in campaign funds?

Go get them John McCain - Pat Buchanan got his monies worth - 12 million
dollars they act as though it is lunch money - but it is what some call
"street money"

So there they go again...this story says Henry Ford was a nazi in so
many words; talk now is he was a communist...so is there any
difference for it is the natural resources this bunch is after, the
water we drink, and even the food we eat, and control of the
energyso is California the Great Experiment in bringing people
to their knees?

Now we have weather as a weapon, food as a weapon, and energy as a
weapon?   And we give these candidates $12 million dollars to send us
all to the poor house in a Cadillac?


Series of "Historical Minutes"
January 12, 1922
Senator "Condemned" for Excessive Campaign Expenditures

The 1918 election to fill one of Michigan's U.S. Senate seats proved to
be one of the most bitter and costly contests of that era. Its spending
excesses prompted widespread calls for campaign finance reform.

To bolster his party's slim Senate majority, President Woodrow Wilson
convinced Democratic automaker Henry Ford to run in the 1918 Democratic
primary. Trying to improve his chances, the super-rich Ford also entered
the Republican primary.

Although he lost that race to industrialist Truman Newberry, Ford
captured the Democratic nomination and set out to crush Newberry in the
general election. In Newberry, Ford had a tough competitor with
similarly unlimited financial resources. Making effective use of
campaign advertising, Newberry charged Ford with pacifism,
anti-Semitism, and extreme efforts to help his son, Edsel, avoid
military service.

Newberry narrowly defeated Ford, but charges that he had intimidated
voters and violated campaign-spending laws limiting the amount of
personal funds candidates could spend on their races clouded his claim
to the seat. Pending an investigation, the Senate provisionally seated
him in May 1919. As the Senate inquiry got underway, a federal grand
jury indicted Newberry on counts of campaign law violations.
Despite the senator's assertions that he knew nothing of illegal
contributions and disbursements, a massive array of evidence, gathered
with the help of agents financed by Henry Ford, indicated otherwise.
Found guilty on those charges in March 1920, Newberry launched an appeal
that resulted in his May 1921 Supreme Court acquittal.

A majority of the Senate Committee on Privileges and Elections found
that the large amounts spent on Newberry's behalf were not his own funds
but were contributed by relatives and friends without his solicitation
or knowledge and recommended that he retain his seat.

On January 12, 1922, a narrowly divided Senate affirmed that Newberry
had been duly elected, but "severely condemned" his excessive campaign
expenditures as "harmful to the honor and dignity of the Senate." Facing
continuing controversy, Newberry resigned from the Senate later that
year. The Newberry case led Congress in 1925 to enact a new Federal
Corrupt Practices Act, but this statute proved ineffective in containing
congressional campaign financial irregularities in the decades ahead.
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1914-1945Clearing the AirCloture RuleFree speech in wartimePresident
Lobbies Indifferent SenateWoodrow Wilson Addresses SenateSenate
Eliminates 42 CommitteesA Senator Becomes PresidentSenator "Condemned"
for Excessive Campaign Expenditures"Teapot Dome" ScandalFirst Woman
SenatorMajority Elects Minority ChairmanThe American Senate
PublishedSenator Censured in Lobbyist CaseSenate Considers Banning Dial
PhonesCapitol BesiegedHuey Long FilibustersHistorical Records to
National ArchivesDeath of a Majority LeaderPriority Recognition of Floor
Leaders"Mr. Smith" Comes to Washington"The Senate Elects a
ChaplainCombat tour for senatorsA Woman Presides over the
SenateDemocratic Majority Leader ResignsA Senate Journal, 1943-1945

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That being said, CTRLgives 

Re: [CTRL] Hillary and Hubbell, Etc.

2001-01-22 Thread Aleisha Saba

-Caveat Lector-

After reading how Air Force One was looted by Clintonites - I remembered
I have put away a sovenier from the Independence - Harry Truman's plane
- and matches with white background and red letters, stating "Swiped
from Harry Truman"..his signature reproduced.

These items, however were given to me when I was in high school by my
sister who road on the plane and yacht - and knew the Trumans and
Victor's son, Louis and his wife - he ended up a General and sure
climbed the ranks fast.

I say this though, what they did here was stealing, just plain stealing
- the soveniers I have were given by President Truman to my sister,
along with a beautiful portrait which he signed for my mother  - and I
have a handwritten note from him which I treasure.

But stealing - today I no longer have parties in my house, for neighbors
would often leave with valuable objects, for instance a solid silver
cigrette lighter (that was the old days) and little ivory buddas
etc..but to steal on Air Force One - what hicks..what is that
old saying, never steal anything small - at least Clinton took that

what a bunch of crooks..my sister once sat with James Hagerty on the
Taft yacht with a bunch of TVstars - he was crocked and had this silver
cigrette lighter with Presidential Seal from president Eisenhower which
he cherished.he lost it, she said boy she was tempted to keep it,
but she saw it was returned to him.

Used to be people were honest.and believe me if that bunch does
return - they will never steal anything small againbut then, some of
the stuff stolen on that plane will be worth quite a bit on the
marketmaybe that makes it grand theft.

Know of a man once who went to jail for stealing a pound of
bologne.elderly man, with a problem - used to be the super market
would overlook him but a new manager filed a charge over a pound of

So how much mail should you get for stealing from the people?

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Re: [CTRL] SD: Biological Warfare Emerges As 21st-Century Threat

2001-01-22 Thread Aleisha Saba

-Caveat Lector-

Fear Tactics?   Here we go again,  the guy who wrote this item is a
Stanford Man - little Chelsea goes to Stanford, Ehud Brug aka Brug went
to Stanford and this place is alleged "mind control"
think tank, etc., the whole works.

What are they teaching - terror tactics - are the Palestinians to shiver
and quake because Sadaam has all these germs?   Think you will find the
Israelies were into this business before Sadaam Hussein.

Maybe if the USA didn't butcher people in the Balkans and Iraq - maybe
we would not have these threats - but the terrorists over here, well by
their fruits you shall know them.

Even Timothy McVeigh, was made in USA - but did he think he was on a
secret mission?   Like little Oswald who had a mother who said he was
CIA - make that KGB and I would believe it for the man named Oswald who
returned to USA was programmed idiot minus a scar that once was behind
his left ear?

So stupid is as stupid does..how many times has Sadaam turned the
other cheek?   And the Balkans - the Serbian Black Hand, I say - are
avengers of blood with a lineage going back to the murder of the Arch
Duke Ferdinand which triggered WWI...

Evil is as evil does - but now maybe with Albright and Reno gone -
perhaps the demons will find someplace else to feed.

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[CTRL] Hilliary and her Eye Contact

2001-01-22 Thread Aleisha Saba

-Caveat Lector-

Mrs. Clinton has plastic surgery that has resulted in her having
problems with closing her eyes - she stares - a hypnotic stare, I
imagine when she conjures up Eleanot Roosevelt,  she uses her husband's
dark mirror, into which he saw but darkly.

These idiots are trained by a trainer who teach them to stare through
peopleLBJ had this training and so did Hubert Humphrey, but I say
this - Humphrey when I met him his lips were smiling, but his eyes were
not - he had eyes of a reptile, and they were cloudy and strangeand
on his plane, was of all people Eddie Fisher, half in the bag from
Wonder how much they paid that guy to tag along?

So let them play all the eye games they want - Mafiaso are trained to
use eyes to intimidate.

Once a TV repairman came into my house, and my dog jumped up beside me
on couch, to protect methis dog stood 6 foot when stnding.this
man said bet you feel safe with that dog don't youand he said

He stared at my dog, who suddenly started to white, and ran around this
man, and out the back door..so I had a cowardly dog - but when I
called K 9 Choir this man was angry, and said if he tried that with one
of his dogs, less than a 2nd the guy would be dead but he shared no

Never look into peoples eyes unless you know and like
them...sometimes one does not like what they see and read -


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January 22, 2001
Michael Reagan:: Recommends new book on Clinton's Bitter Legacy

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With Carl Limbacher and NewsMax.com Staff
For the story behind the story...
Monday, Jan. 22, 2001 12:18 p.m. EST
Ex-First Lady Hillary Keeps No-Eye-Contact Rule
She may no longer be first lady. But even as a senator, Hillary Clinton
is apparently determined to keep her royal distance from us commoners.
A leading conservative columnist has now corroborated earlier reports of
Mrs. Clinton's reluctance to make eye contact with her associates - and
reveals that the behavior is ongoing.
In October NewsMax.com cited a report from WABC Talk Radio's Steve
Malzberg, who said a friend at another New York radio station claimed
that when Hillary dropped by for an interview, strict orders were
"No one is to make eye contact with the first lady," the source said
station employees were told.
In his book "Unlimited Access," former White House FBI agent Gary
Aldrich reported that a similar edict had been issued to White House
When one admiring aide who didn't get the word rushed up to meet her
Hillaryness, he was immediately rebuffed with an ice-cold stare that let
him know he was way out of line.
A friend, says Aldrich, explained the new rule to the crestfallen
"When 'Queen Hillary' walks down the hall, you're not supposed to look
at her. You're actually supposed to go into an office if there is one
nearby. She doesn't want staff 'seeing' her."
Now, renowned conservative columnist Robert Novak reports that Queen
Hillary's Senate colleagues are getting the same treatment.
"At the first session of the Senate Environment and Public Works
Committee attended by Sen. Hillary Clinton, a senior Republican senator
Wednesday tested the report that it is impossible to make eye contact
with her."
"He said the report turned out to be true," Novak wrote in his Sunday
Read more on this subject in related Hot Topics:
Sen. Hillary Clinton
Related Products:
Get Chris Ruddy`s and Carl Limbacher`s Special Report on Hillary

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Inside Cover Stories
 Dubya Consoles Jesse on 'Love Child' Woes
 Clinton Pardon of Tax Fugitive Stinks of Payoff
 Ex-First Lady Hillary Keeps No-Eye-Contact Rule
 Albright Set to Pull $1 Million in Book Deal
 Bush Clean-up Team Scrubs Clinton Stains From Oval Office
 Techies Like Ashcroft
 What's Jesse's Price?
 Susan McDougal Touted for Senate Run
 FBI Spied On Canada's Trudeau for Three Decades
 Gipper Bounces Back – Again
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Re: [CTRL] Fw: Int'l. Criminal Court Petition

2001-01-22 Thread Aleisha Saba

-Caveat Lector-

There is not one elected person in the UN..

Any American stupid enough to go overseas and visits any country who
would enforce this stupid thing, deserves what he or she would get.

In China was it, an American kid was whipped for breaking a law - but at
least he was under the jurisdiction of that country without imunity such
as is given to Embassies, etc..

This UN is the most stupid thing of which I have ever heardthey
started out taking away Beggars night on Halloween, pennies for UNICIf
or whatever that outfit is.

And the oh save the children - look at how they saved the children with
AIDS in South Africa..

UN should be tried by our judician system and strange, you would think
by now South Africa would haul them into a criminal court and find out
if there are any more Dr. Deaths out there administering their own
particular brand of justice - for the name of their game, is genocide.

Send that whole UN down to South Africa for judgment and to the Balkans
- as for America, Noah's Ark is sinking - hopefully Bush will put halt
to immigration problems and send the 7 million illegals entries from
Mexico back from whence they came.

Or - do we want more AIDS coming into this country as is now planned
18 thousand per year, and only Africans with AIDS will be admitted?

Charity, begins at hometake a good look at our cities and see the
slumstake lots of pictures,  the face of America as Flint, Michigan,
where all jobs are gone, or Youngstown with steel mills closed.the
real face of America and then go visit the Clintons?
Pigs at trough?


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[CTRL] Warnings Preceded Colombia Massacre

2001-01-22 Thread Amelia

-Caveat Lector-

Warnings Preceded Colombia Massacre

Updated 8:43 PM ET January 20, 2001
By JARED KOTLER, Associated Press Writer
BOGOTA, Colombia (AP) - Three months ago, residents in
northern Colombia sent President Andres Pastrana a desperate
plea for protection: rumors were circling that rightist
militiamen planned to attack their village.

"We know the barbarity they are capable of," wrote the
people of Chengue, well aware of the violent reputation of
the paramilitary United Self-Defense Forces of Colombia, the

The warning went unheeded. An AUC death squad stormed
Chengue on Wednesday, torching dozens of homes and hacking
to death 26 people after accusing them of collaborating with
leftist guerrillas.

The government's failure to provide protection raised new
doubts about its willingness and ability to curb
paramilitary violence.

The massacre in Sucre State was the deadliest in a wave of
rightist attacks this month that have drawn condemnation
from U.N. human rights monitors and prompted new calls for
Pastrana to crack down on paramilitary violence.

Guerrillas have demanded tougher action against the AUC as a
condition for continuing peace talks. Stronger curbs on
paramilitary violence and army-paramilitary collusion also
is a condition for continuation of U.S. military aid and
training under a $1.3 billion anti-narcotics aid package.

As many as 170 unarmed people were killed in 26 massacres in
January alone, U.N. human rights monitors said Thursday,
calling the pace an "alarming degradation" in Colombia's
36-year conflict.

The United Nations on Saturday pleaded with the warring
sides to end the fighting.

The killings at Chengue may have been avoidable.

The area around the village was one of many U.N. monitors
had been warning the government about, representatives of
the U.N. High Commissioner for Human Rights said.

In an Oct. 6 letter to Pastrana written on the town
stationery of Ovejas, the municipality that encompasses
Chengue, dozens of villagers wrote that they were living in
"constant anxiety" because of rumors of an AUC attack.

The human rights group Amnesty International brought the
letter to the attention of The Associated Press.

Some of those who signed it are believed to have been killed
in the massacre.

Colombia's defense ministry confirmed Friday that it
received the letter from the presidency and forwarded it to
military authorities in Sincelejo, the nearest city and the
capital of Sucre.

In a Dec. 1 written response, the Sincelejo-based 1st Marine
Brigade pledged to try preventing attacks but said it did
not have enough troops to permanently protect all areas in
the zone that were under threat from guerrillas and
paramilitary groups.

"Information about possible attacks on towns by different
violent groups are received on a daily basis," said the
reply, obtained by The AP from the defense ministry.

The Brigade claimed that on several occasions its troops
successfully neutralized attacks on Ovejas.

Pastrana and defense officials condemned Wednesday's
massacre and vowed to redouble efforts to rein in the AUC.
However, no investigation of possible negligence has been

Meanwhile, Pastrana traveled to Paris on Saturday to begin a
week-long European tour to seek world support for his
country's anti-narcotics initiative.

The U.S.-backed Plan Colombia has a military component
targeting leftist rebels who protect illegal drug crops.

France's Foreign Ministry said it would express support of
peace talks to end Colombia's internal conflict.

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[CTRL] Fw: Re: [CTRL] Forbes: God, Stephen Wolfram, and Everything Else

2001-01-22 Thread Amelia

-Caveat Lector-

 Forbes.com - Magazine Article.url

- Original Message -
Sent: Monday, January 22, 2001 6:43 PM
Subject: Re: [CTRL] Forbes: God, Stephen Wolfram, and
Everything Else

 -Caveat Lector-

 Hi Amelia,

 Do you have a URL or source for this?



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[CTRL] Clinton and his polluted blood sales

2001-01-22 Thread Aleisha Saba

-Caveat Lector-

Note:  South Africa, and other parts of Africa infested with AIDS sells
blood to other countries..Clinton sold blood to Canada with HIV,
AIDS, Venerial Diseases, etc., which resulted in death of many people
including children and innocents with hemophilia.

Cui Bono?  This item I found interesting and I do not believe Clinton
will get away with this one..how many people have died beause of his
greed and/or stupidity?

Remember the two kids on the railroad track - tried to say they


Revised 1/8/01

Freeper Summary: ". Briefly stated, Bill Clinton, while governor,
knowingly authorized, protected, and was in some manner paid off by, an
appalling scheme by "Friends of Bill" to harvest and sell contaminated
blood and plasma from Cummins prison farm near Grady, Arkansas. The
scheme continued throughout his governorship in defiance of sound
medical practice, numerous warnings and flagrant violations of FDA
regulations. Tainted blood from Cummins infected literally millions of
people with HIV (the AIDS virus) and potentially lethal Hepatitis C
(20%-25% fatality rate) all over the world -- Canada, Japan, England,
Ireland, Denmark, Switzerland, Italy, France, Germany, Spain, Portugal,
Africa and not least, the United States. Clinton and his partners netted
millions from it annually. Vincent W. Foster is thought to have been the
Clintons' "bagman," and there is evidence that the tainted blood
disaster played a direct role in his still mysterious death. Free
Republic broke this story world-wide, in August, and maintains a
complete archive of the now-mountainous, and damning, evidence at:
Budge's Tainted Blood Scandal links ."
New York Post 9/25/98 Maggie Gallagher "Can I tell you a little story? I
warn you, I don't know how it ends yet. Maybe I never will. Once upon a
time - in fact a day or two after Vince Foster died - a man called the
White House Counsel's Office. "This was not a line that kooks typically
rang us up on," my source told me. Lunatics call the main office number.
This guy called one of Vince's assistants directly. The man said he had
some information that might be important. Something had upset Vince
Foster greatly just days before he died. Some thing about "tainted
blood" that both Vince Foster and President Clinton knew about, this man
said. "I'm only telling you this now because Vince Foster was very
distressed about this only days before his death," the mysterious caller
(whose name I am withholding) said. "I'm not saying this caused his
suicide. I'm only saying it might have contributed to his distress and I
thought someone should know." The White House Counsel's office didn't
pay much attention. "Probably a kook', they agreed around the office.
Probably. Except that when his computer name was typed into the computer
log of phone calls for Vince, something strange happened. The computer
flashed "password required" or some such phrase indicating a special
code was needed to open that file. "Aw, probably just a computer glitch,
"Bernie Nussbam, then chief White House Counsel, said at the time. And
so the matter, as far as I know, was dropped. A strange little memory
fragment, meaningless in itself, no? Until last week, when a story
published in The Ottawa Citizen suddenly jogged it front and center.
"HIV BLOOD CAME FROM ARKANSAS JAIL," the head line screamed. Then, The
Ottawa Citizen reports, "A U.S. firm with links to President Clinton
collected HIV-tainted blood from Arkansas prison inmates in the 1980's
and shipped it to Canada, newly uncovered documents reveal... It is like
several hundred, perhaps thousands, were infected by the tainted
The Ottawa Citizen 10/4/98 Mark Kennedy ".The controversy over how a
U.S. firm collected tainted blood from Arkansas prison inmates and
shipped it to Canada has spread to Vince Foster -- U.S. President Bill
Clinton's personal confidant who committed suicide in 1993..Now, five
years after his mysterious death, two developments have prompted
questions about Mr. Foster's knowledge of the U.S. company's
prison-blood collection scheme: - There are signs that Mr. Foster tried
to protect the company called Health Management Associates (HMA) more
than a decade ago in a lawsuit. - And a major U.S. daily newspaper
recently reported that Mr. Foster may have been worried about the
tainted-blood scandal, which was just emerging as a contentious issue in
Canada, when he killed himself in July 1993..Indeed, on Sept. 16 --
eight weeks after Foster's death -- the federal government announced the
public inquiry, to be headed by Justice Horace Krever. During the course
of his work, Justice Krever unearthed the Arkansas prison- blood
collection scheme and wrote about it in his final report last year.
However, no mention was made of Mr. Clinton until last month's story in

[CTRL] Colombian Rebels Reject Call for End to Kidnaps

2001-01-22 Thread Amelia

-Caveat Lector-

{{So they admit they will continue to use kidnapping. AKE}}

Monday January 22 7:49 PM ET
Colombian Rebels Reject Call for End to Kidnaps

Reuters Photo

By Jason Webb

BOGOTA, Colombia (Reuters) - Colombia's main rebel force
said on Monday it would keep holding civilians for ransom
and using homemade bombs despite a government plea for
gestures to boost public support for peace talks before a
key deadline.

Manuel ``Sureshot'' Marulanda, who has spent more than half
his 69 years leading the Revolutionary Armed Forces of
Colombia (FARC), rejected concessions to make the war more
humane. The conflict has claimed 35,000 civilian lives in
the past 10 years.

Government peace envoy Camilo Gomez met Marulanda in the
FARC's steamy lowland enclave, which itself is a key
negotiating point. President Andres Pastrana must decide by
Jan. 31 whether to allow the FARC to continue unmolested in
the demilitarized zone in southern Colombia the size of
Switzerland, which he granted them two years ago to get
peace talks going.

Gomez called on Marulanda to return to the formal
negotiating table and asked him to make concessions to boost
flagging public support for the peace process, which is
putting pressure on Pastrana to get tough with the rebels.

``We Colombians want to see action soon which reduces the
conflict and means that civilians are not affected by it,''
Gomez said in a letter to Marulanda made public on Monday.

The FARC and a smaller leftist group, the National
Liberation Army (ELN), are holding thousands of civilians
hostage for ransom, as well as hundreds of military

Many of the hostages were caught by ``miracle fishing'' --
setting up roadblocks at which civilians are stopped and
anyone who looks wealthy is taken prisoner.

Gomez also asked the rebel chief to order an end to attacks
on villages and towns with inaccurate but powerful homemade
mortars fashioned from gas canisters. Hundreds of civilians
have been killed in the past few years and whole villages
smashed to rubble under barrages of gas canister bombs.

But the weather-beaten Marulanda, a former poor farmer who
is usually media-shy, told reporters that he could not

Farc Doesn'T ``Kidnap,'' Only Collects Taxes

He said his forces did not kidnap people but merely enforced
payment of revolutionary taxes.

``The people they say we kidnapped, we didn't kidnap them.
We passed a law and we're going to call on all of those we
think have the money, from ($1 million), to make a
contribution,'' Marulanda said.

The FARC also needed gas cylinder bombs to defend itself
against the more conventionally equipped army, he said.

``What's the difference between a cylinder that's got 12 or
25 kilos (25 or 50 pounds) of gunpowder and a 500-kilo
(1,100-pound) bomb they fire from an OV-10 or a Mirage or a
C-37?'' he said, referring to three types of military

The FARC has refused to continue formal peace negotiations
since last November, when it accused the government of not
doing enough to fight right-wing paramilitary death squads
responsible for the majority of massacres of peasants
suspected of collaborating with rebels.

Pastrana, now in France trying to attract European aid and
investment to his battered country, has bet his presidency
on a negotiated peace. But he has also secured almost $1
billion in mainly U.S. military aid as part of his ``Plan
Colombia,'' designed to destroy the world's biggest cocaine

Asks Rebels to Cut Attacks to Boost Peace (Copyright © 2001
Yahoo! Inc., and Reuters Limited. All rights reserved.
Republication or redistribution of Reuters content is
expressly prohibited without the prior written consent of
Reuters shall not be liable for any errors or delays in the
content, or for any actions taken in reliance thereon.

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[CTRL] Peruvian investigator to file charges against Fujimori

2001-01-22 Thread Amelia

-Caveat Lector-

Peruvian investigator to file charges against Fujimori

The Associated Press

LIMA, Peru (January 22, 2001 9:53 p.m. EST
http://www.nandotimes.com) - An investigator appointed by
Alberto Fujimori said Monday that he plans to file charges
against the former president for abusing the use of state
funds in publicity campaigns.

Former president Fujimori has been exiled in Japan since
soon after a corruption scandal brought down his government
in November. After interviewing Fujimori's former publicity
adviser, Jose Ugaz told RPP radio Monday that he would bring
charges against the former president.

Ugaz said publicist Daniel Borobio told him that Fujimori
had ordered that publicity contracts for state entities and
activities go to government-friendly media. Without giving
more details, Ugaz also said evidence shows the "clear
involvement" of Fujimori's top adviser Vladimiro Montesinos
in corrupt acts involving "many millions of dollars."

Fujimori appointed Ugaz to investigate Montesinos for
masterminding a web of corruption spanning arms deals, drug
trafficking and influence peddling.

Allegations of Montesinos' criminal workings grew after a
video aired in September that showed him apparently bribing
a congressman. The ensuing scandal eventually toppled
Fujimori and forced Montesinos into hiding.

Since Saturday, authorities have detained Montesinos'
daughter, sister, brother, sister-in-law and former
secretary, as well as four retired army generals with close
ties to the fugitive former spy chief. They are being held
on a variety of charges, ranging from corruption to
suspicion of money laundering.

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[CTRL] House of Lord OKs Embryo Cloning

2001-01-22 Thread Amelia

-Caveat Lector-

 {{Reminds me of the movie 'The Matrix." AKE}}
House of Lord OKs Embryo Cloning

Updated 7:15 PM ET January 22, 2001
Carrying Placards of Cloned Sheep, Anti-Cloning... (AP)
By EMMA ROSS, AP Medical Writer
LONDON (AP) - The House of Lords approved a proposed change
to government regulations Monday that makes Britain the
first country to effectively legalize the creation of cloned
human embryos.

The measure is aimed at allowing research on so-called stem
cells - the unprogrammed master cells found in early stage
embryos that can turn into nearly every cell type in the
body. Like all other embryos used in research, the clones
created under the new regulations would have to be destroyed
after 14 days, and the creation of babies by cloning would
remain outlawed.

The change passed late Monday after an amendment that would
have delayed it was defeated. The new regulations take
effect Jan. 31.

Before the measure won approval, an impassioned debate on
the topic ran on into the night.

Many lords said they were concerned that ethical worries
were being sidelined in the rush to be at the forefront of
medical research. They proposed an amendment that would have
withheld approval of the government's proposal until after
the ethical, moral and scientific issues surrounding the
research had been studied by a specially created committee.

The amendment was defeated by 212 votes to 92, with the
lords saying the ethical issues should be debated by a
special committee later. That cleared the way for the
cloning measure's approval.

Fertility expert Lord Winston, who chairs the House of
Lords' science and technology committee, spoke out strongly
in favor of embryo research.

"There is no doubt that on your vote, my Lords, depends
whether some people in the near future get the treatment
which might save them from disease or, even worse, death,"
he told the lords.

The change relaxes the rules that limit medical research on
human embryos under the 1990 Human Fertilization and
Embryology Act, which permitted research on donated embryos
only for strictly limited purposes, including studies on
infertility and the detection of birth defects.

Regulators will now be allowed to expand the types of
research permitted under the Act so that scientists can use
embryos to investigate the potential of stem cells, which
experts say could revolutionize medicine, offering the
possibility of transplants that would prevent or cure scores
of illnesses from Parkinson's disease to diabetes.

The Human Fertilization and Embryology Authority, which
polices embryo research, has promised to consider cloning
applications for some types of research, such as stem cell
experiments. Those would inevitably involve cloning of
embryos, because the goal is to treat patients with
perfectly matching tissue transplants.

Peers heard during the debate that it could take up to a
year before the first research permits were granted and that
a breakthrough in the field could take a further 10 years.

An embryo is essentially a ball of stem cells that evolves
into a fetus when the stem cells start specializing to
create a nervous system, spine and other features - at about
14 days. Scientists hope that by extracting the stem cells
from the embryo when it is three or four days old, their
growth can be directed in a lab to become any desired cell
or tissue type for transplant.

The hope is that one day it will be possible to grow neurons
to replace nerve cells in a brain killed by Parkinson's
disease, skin to repair burns and pancreatic cells to
produce insulin for diabetics.

Scientists would create a clone of a sick patient by
removing the nucleus of a donor egg and replacing it with
that of a cell from the patient. The egg would be induced to
divide and start growing into an embryo. The cloned cells
would be genetically identical to the patient's and
therefore theoretically overcome problems of transplant
rejection, which happens because the immune system fights
foreign tissue.

"The human embryo has a special status and we owe a measure
of respect to the embryo," said health minister Lord Hunt of
Kings Heath, who supports the change.

"We also owe a measure of respect to the millions of people
living with these devastating illnesses and the millions who
have yet to show signs of them. This is the balance we must

©2001 AP All rights reserved

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2001-01-22 Thread Amelia

-Caveat Lector-

{{Humor but evenly poked at all sides, so very deserving.
Rather long. AKE}}
 Forwarded by the brilliant, astute Them:

 "Indeed, there is nothing wrong with the Republican
leadership in the
 that a brisk mutiny couldn't cure...The Senate is a circus
that never
 town, and the Clintons are the guests that never go home.
It's time we
 their coats out on the front lawn and see if they take the


 By: Norman Liebmann

 Clinton is giving America his goodbye kiss of death by
spackling the
 government with socialist apparachiks, minority judges
programmed to
 exonerate the lawbreakers of their own tribe and
incompetents of every
 stripe and approach. With his bride having safely finessed
the Jews in
 York, Bill Clinton has invited Yasser Arafat for one final
 and drool across the Clinton-defiled premises of the White
House. He has

 coaxed this chronically stubbled, palsied mess to join him
 a last fatal dose of presumably kosher strychnine to God's
 Arafat succeeds in killing every last Jew in Israel,
history will credit

 Bill Clinton with an assist. This is among his lasting
endowments, the
 legacy rendered in the final ugly moments of this
Kafka-esque Presidency
 last shudder in Clinton's politics of personal destruction
before he
 on to pursue, full time, the politics of personal

 Meanwhile, to no one's surprise, the U.S. Senate remains
comatose. The
 Senate is a place where there is nothing happening every
moment, and
 have chosen this critical moment in history (Jews might
call it aref
 Armageddon) not to break with that tradition. The Senate
ordains that
 tinkering is progress, and that nothing shall pass through
its bowels in

 pristine state. These solons live only to attach riders to
blunt the
 original intent of any bill. They are like a bunch of
nomads wandering
 the desert dying of thirst who find half a canteen of
water and want to
 urinate in it to make it more.) Only CSPAN2 is still
riveted by watching

 these clucks waddling around their Senate Chamber like a
colony of


 The Senate did manage, however, to rouse itself from its
 legislative torpor to bid a fawning welcome of feigned
gallantry to the
 formidable flanks of Hillary Clinton. Women are an anomaly
if only for
 the one minority that outnumbers the majority - except in
the Senate.
 with the addition of Hillary, the Senate now has a record
number of
 its roster. Apparently, American voters feel if they
cannot have
 with courage they can at least have a few more with

 Hillary appeared wearing one of her innumerable prosthetic
 designed to conceal a body that has Volkswagen boobs and
Humvee hips.
 was given a hug by Senator Strom Thurmond who is 98 years
 the age when Senators begin to notice girls. The ancient
 still sexually active, and his doctor estimates, ten years
after he's
 on they will still be trying to beat his prostate to death
with a stick.

 Styrofoam cordiality and bubble wrap gallantry
notwithstanding, Hillary
 as welcome in the Senate as a crack in a glass eyeball.
The more
 tabloids might caption the photo-op event, "Nurse Ratchet
Comes to
 Hill." Hillary will be a radical indisposition to the male
members. They

 prefer the sallowy and sedative personality of Patty
Murray, a cross
 Jane Eyre and Minnie Mouse

 Hillary, the Nefertite of the Ozarks, arrived in the
Senate chamber with

 Bubba holding her hand, shlepping her along in a reprise
of the first
 kindergarten. Hillary is acknowledged as the smartest and
 in the world, although the two would seem to contradict
each other.
 done her wrong, but by any standard of taste, not wrong
enough. The
 will pay for that. In Hillary they hit the mother lode of
 Her presence will tax even that cowardly body's capacity
to just "suck

 Hillary will be accorded the honor of throwing the first
lamp of the
 Senatorial session. Trent Lott has volunteered to be her
target and will

 walk back and forth across the chamber dressed in a bear
suit. The
 Clerk will record a thrown lamp that finds its mark as a
"no" vote.

 [Note: Hillary thinks of herself as Wellesley-manicured
Mother Gin
 the jilted lady who took revenge on all men by opening a
cat house in
 Shanghai. (Some revenge!) Hillary plans her own vengeance
 establishing a
 Senate Subcommittee on Wronged Women's Affairs. It will
seek reparations

 paid to women for being women. Whether Hillary herself
will be eligible
 moot. Nobody ever asked her whether she wanted to be a
woman, nor did

[CTRL] Fw: [CTRL] Fw: Medgar Evers' Murderer, Byron De La Beckwith, 80

2001-01-22 Thread Amelia

-Caveat Lector-

If may have come years late, but at least the old bastard
did not die peacefully in his own bed thinking he got away
with it!  Ditto those on the church bombings.  They may have
only been able to get a conspiracy conviction (churches) and
years late because of people being afraid to testify, etc.
but at least they did not get away with it.  I only wish it
had been years earlier but like the mafia, it took courage
for people to get theses convictions even now and thank God
they did not just let it go.  And maybe it is better now
somewhat removed from the fear and prejudice of the times as
it makes the true nature of their crimes glare more clearly
with the horror of what they did.  IMHO Amelia

- Original Message -
From: "Ynr Chyldz Wyld" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, January 22, 2001 10:27 AM
Subject: [CTRL] Fw: Medgar Evers' Murderer, Byron De La
Beckwith, 80

 -Caveat Lector-

  JANUARY 22, 01:33 EST
  Assassin of Medgar Evers Dies
  JACKSON, Miss. (AP) - Byron De La Beckwith, convicted
assassin of
  civil rights leader Medgar Evers in 1963, died Sunday
night after he
  was transferred from his jail cell to a hospital. He was

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] FYI--The Real Story of Rosa Parks

2001-01-22 Thread Kindred Spirit

-Caveat Lector-

There is no reason for you to be so rude to me and ask
if I am stupid.  See that "FYI" in the subject line?
That means "Forwarded for Your Information" and is a
disclaimer.  It means I do not endorse the post. But I
forwarded a story I saw posted elsewhere as part of
National Black History Month and it sounded like a
conspiracy of sorts.  While I may not be the brightest
bulb in the lamp, I am not the rudest either.  That
distinction goes to you.  Asking people if they are
stupid because they forward a "FYI" post is just a tad
much.  What about the rule to always "be civil"?
Guess that does not apply to you.  You are very nasty
about lots of other people's posts but you do not
always have "proof" and your own beliefs usually come
shining through, yet you feel free to pounce if
somebody else posts even a FYI you do not like.

--- Nessie [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 -Caveat Lector-

 FBI - Freedom of Information Act - Highlander


 So this is what the FBI says, and you believe it!?!
 This is the FBI
 we're talking about. Wake up! The FBI is a known
 terrorist organization.
 No member of the FBI can ever be trusted to tell the
 truth or to do the
 right thing. A member of the FBI is a person who, as
 a conscious act of
 personal will, refused to resign in disgust from an
 organization that
 murders innocent women and children in cold blood.
 And you BELIEVE
 them!?! What ARE you, stupid?

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A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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