Re: [CTRL] Good Hunters ...

2001-04-23 Thread YnrChyldzWyld

  Not only do I remember the claims that there were other bombs in the 
  building being made even as people were still evacuating, I remember 
  seeing one woman on the live coverage of the event say that she'd been in 
  the nursery daycare center and SAW another bomb just outside the daycare 
  center as they evacuated after the first explosion...
  The other thing I remember is that the next night, one of the 
  broadcast network's newsmagazine shows did a special live broadcast...and 
  one of the things they highlighted were families looking for 
  next-of-kin. One of the families was missing a woman who worked in 
  the building...they'd checked all the hospitals and the morgue, and the 
  woman was nowhere to be found. Strangely, she was ID'd on a tape 
  made of one of the live broadcasts made immediately after the 
  explosion. She and another woman were helping a male coworker who, 
  while ambulatory, was bleeding profusely from his face and scalp. 
  The missing woman had some blood on herself, but didn't look injured, so 
  it may have been the coworker's...
  So she was definitely alive and relatively well after the explosion, 
  and had obviously gotten out of the building. But now, 36 hours 
  later, she was nowhere to be found. It wasn't clear whether the 
  coworkers in the video had been located, either...
  And then some witnesses started talking about strange vehicles which 
  arrived on the scene soon after the explosion, and how some people were 
  boarded on these vehicles (apparently both buses and Army-type trucks were 
  used), and were driven off to some unknown destination...
  Unfortunately the network that broadcast that live show 36 hours 
  after the explosion never followed up on the story of the missing 
  relatives, particularly the woman who was shown alive and well on the 
  video made after the explosion...was she perhaps one of the ones who was 
  made to board these mysterious vehicles and driven to some unknown 
  I've always wondered, too, about how 'convenient' it was that 
  periodically civilian rescuers/searchers were ordered out of the remains 
  of the building, and only certain gov't spooks allowed seemed that 
  immediately afterwards, the bodies of missing relatives started to be 
  found in the building...
  I've always been suspicious, based on that TV show that showed a 
  missing worker of the building alive and well and evacuated from the 
  building but who still hadn't been found a day and a half later, that 
  perhaps certain people who had seen a little too much were boarded on 
  those buses and trucks and driven to some destination where they were 
  dispensed with, and their bodies later planted back into the Murrah 


_Bravenet IncrediMail - Email has finally 
evolved - Click 

[CTRL] Public Relations 101...

2001-04-23 Thread radman

-Caveat Lector-

Online Journal -

04-23-01: Goebbels and today's mass mind control: Part One
How PR opinion-shapers turn the people against their own interests

By Carla Binion

April 23, 2001 -- Today's right-wing public relations spin has much in
common with the propaganda methods of Hitler's PR man, Joseph Goebbels.

Goebbels admired Edward Bernays, a self-proclaimed founder of the public
relations industry.  Bernays, a Vienna-born nephew of Sigmund Freud,
opened a New York office in 1919.  According to John Stauber and Sheldon
Rampton, (Toxic Sludge is Good for You, Common Courage Press, 1995)
Bernays pioneered the PR industry's use of psychology and other social
sciences to design its public persuasion campaigns.

Bernays wrote in Propaganda, (New York: 1928, pp. 47-48) If we
understand the mechanism and motives of the group mind, it is now possible
to control and regiment the masses according to our will without their
knowing it.  Bernays referred to this scientific opinion-control as the
engineering of consent.

In his autobiography, Bernays discusses a dinner at his home in 1933
where, Karl von Weigand, foreign correspondent of the Hearst newspapers,
an old hand at interpreting Europe and just returned from Germany, was
telling us about Goebbels and his propaganda plans to consolidate Nazi
power.  Goebbels had shown Weigand his propaganda library, the best
Weigand had ever seen.  Goebbels, said Weigand, was using my book
'Crystallizing Public Opinion' as a basis for his destructive campaign
against the Jews of Germany.  This shocked me….Obviously the attack on the
Jews of Germany was no emotional outburst of the Nazis, but a deliberate,
planned campaign.

Today, corporations spend millions on public relations campaigns to
crystallize public opinion, often in an effort to convince the public
that harmful things are actually good for us.  Sometimes the companies
start by bending the minds of our elected representatives.

This is the first part of a series.  In part one, we'll focus on the ways
in which corporations and their public relations mind-shapers worked to
destroy the Clinton health care plan.  Today forty-four million Americans,
about one in five people, have no health coverage, and many people cannot
afford needed pharmaceutical drugs. Most Americans probably wonder why,
despite repeatedly broken campaign promises, Congress never does anything
to improve the health care system.

As far back as November 8, 1999, a Newsweek article reported that half or
more of eligible heart attack patients are at greater risk because they
can't get needed beta blockers.  The article stated that two-thirds of
people surveyed say they are worried that health care is no longer
affordable.  Conditions haven't improved since then.

In 1993, the Clinton administration tried to do something about the high
price of prescription drugs, hinting at possible government-imposed price
controls.  The pharmaceutical industry then turned to the Beckel Cowan PR
firm to oppose the administration's designs on lowering the cost of
prescription drugs -- although, of course, the Clinton plan would have
benefited the public.

Stauber and Rampton write that Beckel Cowan created an astroturf [or,
fake grassroots] organization called 'Rx Partners' and began deploying
state and local organizers to, in the words of a company brochure,
'generate and secure high-quality personal letters from influential
constituents to 35 targeted members of Congress.'

At the same time, Beckel Cowan managed a mail and phone campaign which
produced personal letters, telegrams and patch-through calls to the
targeted members' local and Washington, DC, offices.  The PR firm built a
network of supporters in 35 congressional districts and states.

Pharmaceutical companies weren't the only corporations to oppose an
improved health care system.  The insurance industry went to work to fight
against the Clinton health care plan, recruiting PR-man Robert Hoopes.
According to Stauber and Rampton, the 300,000 member Independent Insurance
Agents of America (IIAA) hired Hoopes as their grassroots
coordinator/political education specialist.

Campaign  Elections magazine reported the IIAA activated nearly 140,000
insurance agents during the health care debate, becoming what Hoopes
describes as a new breed of Washington lobbyists, wrote Stauber and
Rampton.  Hoopes said the lobbyists have behind them an army of
independent insurance agents from each state, and members of Congress
understand what a lobbyist can do with the touch of a button to mobilize
those people for or against them.

In Campaign  Elections magazine (Killing Health Care Reform,
October/November 1994) Thomas Scarlett writes of the insurance companies
PR moves, Through a combination of skillfully targeted media and
grassroots lobbying, these groups were able to change more minds than the
president could, despite the White House 'bully pulpit.' …Never before
have private 

Re: [CTRL] Okay to give little kids to big rich lesbians and homosexuals?

2001-04-23 Thread Nessie

-Caveat Lector-

this is exactly what he would say on this issue.

On what do you base this conclusion? 

=CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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Re: [CTRL] Okay to give little kids to big rich lesbians and homosexuals?

2001-04-23 Thread The Extremist

On Sun, 22 Apr 2001, Bill Howard wrote:
 What would Jesus say?

He would say, Don't give little children to lesbians and

Funny, since there is not one statement regarding homosexuality in
whole of the New Testament attributed to having been said by Jesus

Wrong, June. The Word of the LORD is crystal clear on

Corinthians I 6:9 Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not
inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither
fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor
abusers of themselves with mankind,
Corinthians I 6:10 Nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor
revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God. 

Galatians 5:19 Now the works of the flesh are manifest, which are these;
Adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lasciviousness, 
Galatians 5:20 Idolatry, witchcraft, hatred, variance, emulations, wrath,
strife, seditions, heresies, 
Galatians 5:21 Envyings, murders, drunkenness, revellings, and such like:
of the which I tell you before, as I have also told you in time past,
that they which do such things shall not inherit the kingdom of

Matthew 15:19 For out of the heart proceed evil thoughts, murders,
adulteries, fornications, thefts, false witness, blasphemies:

Mark 7:21 For from within, out of the heart of men, proceed evil
thoughts, adulteries, fornications, murders, 
Mark 7:22 Thefts, covetousness, wickedness, deceit,
lasciviousness, an evil eye, blasphemy, pride, foolishness: 
Mark 7:23 All these evil things come from within, and defile the

Acts 15:20 But that we write unto them, that they abstain from pollutions
of idols, and from fornication, and from things strangled, and
from blood.

Romans 1:26 For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for
even their women did change the natural use into that which is against
Romans 1:27 And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the
woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that
which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompense of their
error which was meet. 
Romans 1:28 And even as they did not like to retain God in their
knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things
which are not convenient; 
Romans 1:29 Being filled with all unrighteousness, fornication,
wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder,
debate, deceit, malignity; whisperers,
Romans 1:30 Backbiters, haters of God, despiteful, proud, boasters,
inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents, 
Romans 1:31 Without understanding, covenantbreakers, without natural
affection, implacable, unmerciful: 
Romans 1:32 Who knowing the judgment of God, that they which commit
such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but have pleasure
in them that do them. 

Revelation 22
11: Let the evildoer still do evil, and the filthy still be
filthy, and the
righteous still do right, and the holy still be holy.
12: Behold, I am coming soon, bringing my recompense, to repay
every one
for what he has done.
13: I am the Alpha and the Omega, the first and the last, the beginning
the end.
14: Blessed are those who wash their robes, that they may have the right
the tree of life and that they may enter the city by the gates.
15: Outside are the dogs and sorcerers and fornicators and
murderers and
idolaters, and every one who loves and practices falsehood.
DO NOT BE DECEIVED; God is not mocked, for whatever a man sows,
that he
will also reap.
-The Extremist
Bad men cannot make good citizens. It is impossible that a nation
infidels or idolaters should be a nation of free men. It is when a
people forget God that tyrants forge their chains.
- Patrick Henry

Re: [CTRL] Public Relations 101...

2001-04-23 Thread Aleisha Saba

-Caveat Lector-

This is the best piece of propaganda I have read in a long time even
though the work of a rank amatuer.

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Echelon: The secret is out.

2001-04-23 Thread Dale Stonehouse

Bill Shannon wrote:

I think its lunacy to fall into the "I'm not doing
anything wrong, therefore I'm not worried what THEY see" trap, and I don't
think that's acceptable.Even though I don't grow pot in my
basement, nor keep nubile young blondes chained as sexual prisoners there, I
know that I don't want "them" having 24/7 access to it...if you don't mind
having all of your personal spaces and communications being public that's
fine...I myself DO mind thank you!No one, including
myself, wants to be watched 24/7- by HUMAN BEINGS. I have stated all along
that if the new world order watchers are not human then that is a different
story altogether. Do the math and you will see that such a plot requires the
perpetrators to be able to operate outside the constraints of time ashuman
beings observe it. And that is certainly

In the big picture, I personally am not accountable to
any human being, nor any religious icon who has taken human form at one point in
history or another. However, whether I like it or not, every action I take and
every word I have spoken, as well as every thought I have formed, is recorded by
a much higher authority than humans or piddly earth religious figures or

Re: [CTRL] Okay to give little kids to big rich lesbians and homosexuals?

2001-04-23 Thread YnrChyldzWyld

On Mon, 23 Apr 2001, The Extremist wrote:
Funny, since there is not one statement regarding homosexuality in the
whole of the New Testament attributed to having been said by Jesus

Wrong, June.  The Word of the LORD is crystal clear on homosexuals:

The passages you quote are the letters of PAUL (except for Revelations,
which was written by John). I am not wrong.  Those are PAUL's (and
John's) words, not Jesus'.  There is not one statement directly
attributable to Jesus in the whole of the Gospels regarding

So don't presume to put words into Jesus' mouth, because of all the
things He condemned, homosexuality is conspicuous by its absence.

Corinthians I 6:9 Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the
kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor
adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind,
Corinthians I 6:10 Nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers,
nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God.

Why is it that only homosexuality is picked out of the above list.  Why
aren't fornicators, idolaters, adulterers, or 'abusers of themselves with
mankind' (whatever THAT means) singled out for phobic bashing like gays

Galatians 5:19 Now the works of the flesh are manifest, which are these;
Adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lasciviousness,
Galatians 5:20 Idolatry, witchcraft, hatred, variance, emulations, wrath,
strife, seditions, heresies,
Galatians 5:21 Envyings, murders, drunkenness, revellings, and such like:
of the which I tell you before, as I have also told you in time past, that
they which do such things shall not inherit the kingdom of God.

Again, why aren't those who adulterers, fornicators, 'unclean' (again,
whatever THAT means), lascivious, idolaters, practice witchcraft, and all
the others subject to the same sort of organized bashing which is
reserved for gays.

I particularly note that those who are filled with hatred are mentioned
in the above list.  And yet you 'good Christians' seem to feel that it's
okay to hate gays.

And the bottom line is, while you all have the right to practice your
superstition, you do NOT have the right to impose your superstition on
the rest of us.

June ;-)

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Re: [CTRL] Okay to give little kids to big rich lesbians and homosexuals? (fwd)

2001-04-23 Thread Yardbird

-Caveat Lector-

 oh my god i apologize from the depths of my anals you are right oh
 god...there does that make you feel better...again YOU ARE WRONG IN THE EYES
 OF THE AMERICAN HERITAGE DICTIONARY...take you Oxford and shove it up your
 tight ass...oh but then that would be sodomy committed by a

Well...that was certainly a reasoned rebuttal. Honestly though I like
being wrong in the eyes of the American Heritage Dictionary as I feel
all heretical (purely in the etymological sense mind you :)) Also if I did
shove the Oxford English Dictionary up my allegedly tight ass it would
actually constitute an acute form of bibliophilia and not sodomy.

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Okay to give little kids to big rich lesbians and homosexuals?

2001-04-23 Thread Aleisha Saba

-Caveat Lector-

Vile affections - lewd and lasciviciouness - this is how I feel about
Rosie O'Donnell who now flaunts her lesbianism while adopting the little
kids - like Michael Jackson, that sicko, took in the little boys?

There are many raised eyebrows now re Rosie O'Donnell - and with all her
money oh this one kid kept her from getting sleep.tough.   She has
the money to hire someone who cares about children.

These were alleged abused children this it took into her home;  long
ago I was concerned for this little two year old with teeth knocked out,
and bloodied nose and her one duhhh son as he called him a little
firstgrader who she maintains is such a dullard - she exposes these
children to public ridicule.

Mentally there is something wrong with her; it is as though she has been
given a truth serum, but I remember that scene from Saturday Night Live
where she had part of a nativity scene, the baby Jesus - and holding it
above her head to smash on floor?   That is funny?   Look at track
record of that NBC much, murders, contacts with Russian Mafia through
murder, OJ, Belushi, and the fat guy and the one who had a nutty wife
who killed hi at peak of career?   These are nice people?   Say this
anybody ever check their luggge or planes for drugs?

Rosie O'Donnell is sick - mentally and physically I believe - but this
pushing, pushing, pushing of these people on innocent children I find to
be criminal because it is conspiracy..little kids for toys for these
perverts is exactly what the scenario seems to be.

Would you let your kid spend a night in Michael Jackson's bed - well
this one father got what was it $20 million for leasing out his kid for
a night or two.

Slave shps with little kids being shiped around the world?

Now when the police arrived at Rosie's house imagine - them beating on
her door an she says Oh I Am A Foster Mother - Mama Pig Rosie.

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] How much is enough?

2001-04-23 Thread Yardbird

-Caveat Lector-  : for an immigration time-out
New York
Immigration: How much is enough?
Issue 70: April 23, 2001

Recognition of limits is a sign of maturity.

Dave Foreman
Founder of Earth First


During last year's presidential campaign, ProjectUSA director Craig
Nelsen asked candidate George W. Bush, a supporter of current levels of
legal mass immigration, at what point he thought immigration levels
should finally be reduced:  when U.S. population had reached a billion?
Two billion? Three?  The future president was stymied (he didn't even
know what chain immigration is)  -- and has still not answered this
important question.

To see a video of his humorous non-response, click on the picture
of George Bush on the home page of

The question where do we stop? remains a valid one, however.What
makes it so useful?
1.  It acknowledges that public policies should be considered in view of
their consequences
2.  It reminds us that current mass immigration levels will double U.S.
population within the lifetime's of today's children and
3.  Pro-mass immigrationists like President Bush haven't been able to
answer it -- revealing the weakness of their position.


In another shocking example of irresponsible and short-sighted public
policy pronouncements on immigration, Delaware Democratic Senator Joe
Biden said Tuesday in an Associated Press report that he supported
opening the borders from 'Costa Rica to Canada,' an idea that (Mexican
President Vincente) Fox has voiced often since his election July 2.
'There is no reason we can't move in that direction,' Biden said.

(By the way, Mexico routinely deports Guatemalans who are illegally in

Let the Senator know that there is a very good reason we can't open the
borders: the American people don't WANT open borders; and the wishes of
the American people should matter more in the formulation of U.S. border
policy than corrupt foreign governments and corporate profiteers with
vested interests.


Senator Joe Biden
221 Russell Senate Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20510

Phone: 202-224-5042
Fax: 202-224-0139


We have to address the population issue. The United Nations, with the
U.S. supporting it, took the position in Cairo in 1994 that every
country was responsible for stabilizing its own population. It can be
done. But in this country, it's phony to say I'm for the environment
but not for limiting immigration. It's just a fact that we can't take
all the people who want to come here. And you don't have to be a racist
to realize that. However, the subject has been driven out of public
discussion because everybody is afraid of being called racist if they
say they want any limits on immigration.

Former Democratic Senator Gaylord Nelson
Founder of Earth Day


You have put together one of the better websites dealing with the issue
of illegal immigration and immigration I have come across. But as you
have indicated, your billboard in NY lasted...13 days?  Before
politicians labeled it racist?  I suspect we are up against an elite and
entrenched system of money counters who for whatever reason believe that
continued unchecked illegal immigration will line their pockets and
will deploy whatever labels (racist) and subsequent authority (take that
billboard down) against those who would forward the best interests of
our nation at the expense of their investment portfolios.  What ever
happened to the once respected concept of zero population growth?  It
got in the way of profit, and is our enlightened standards of
the new for it's racist implications.  I could not
be more in agreement with everything you presentbut what in God's
name can we do when the lemmings have their SUV's and their Sitcoms?

Name withheld

+== E-ZINE STAFF ==+

Editor: Brenda Walker
Head writer: Craig Nelsen
Contributing writer: Allison Solin


If you no longer wish to receive this publication, just email us the bad
news and we will comply. Or, conversely, if you wish to include
appropriate friends in the happy throng, send us their email addresses
and they will be added.

Tax-exempt donations to ProjectUSA can be made online at or by sending a check to:
ProjectUSA, 38-11 Ditmars Blvd #544, Astoria, NY 11105-1803

Good reading:

Out of one, many
by Linda Bowles

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by 

Re: [CTRL] How much is enough?

2001-04-23 Thread Aleisha Saba

-Caveat Lector-

Well maybe this problem will solve itself in some instances for why do
you think 18,000 black africans will be permitted to emmigrate from
Africa to USA - only qualificatoin you must have AIDS?   Now mix those
18,000 in with other black Africians some of whom, ie, one out of three
black male in American have AIDS - now add this up and ask why the
longivity of blacks in Africa and USA is somewhat lowered?

Why the need to ship AIDS infected Africans to USA at rate of 18,000 a
year along with others who have it an maybe do not even know it.

Well add this to the melting pot - this is bad blood they are
importing, right.   Then consider the bad blood infested with AIDS/HIV
Clinton sold around primaily to Canada?  Tell me, what is the
difference?  None.   Only a lot of innocents received that poisoned
blood from CFR/Rhodes Scholar (who got it by appointment and not by his
alleged charm and lip biting and intelligence - Fulbright got him
in).but this man is guilty of face it, premeditated murder?   So he
has a few sexual disease according to sources who have his medical
records - wait until some of the people with whom he has associated
suddenly discover they have problems - none curable?

And this sodomy being taught to little elementary children?

Oh such a lovely master plan for murder keyed to the bible - this bible
is in he wrong hands, for those who use it now are evil - black

So who will be the chosen ones this time and I ask you, chosen for what?

Protect your children; keep them out of public swimming pools - this is
the first thing closed down when epidemic hits.

Now they say smallpox is on rise and ordered $480 million in vaccines
from England - what the hell, Admiral Crowe got an interest over there?

Wonderful - for there are those, professionals who should know
something, who say the old small pox vaccine is the cause of AIDS?

Do you want your kids mixing with kids who inherited AIDS from their
parents?   See how fast this disease will spread?

And Hill and Bill want to legalize prostitution and promote Gay

Most peoplel do not care what people do in their own bedrooms - yet now
we see this garbage on TV now - and the homosexuals and lesbians are
pushing themselves maybe a little too far ???

Keep your powder dry, watch out for your children for there are lewd and
lascivicous people wandering the streets, in parks and recreation
centers and now in our schools who await them with open arms.

Come into my parlour they say


CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fwd: Did Neo Nazis play a role in the Oklahoma bombing?

2001-04-23 Thread Aleisha Saba

Nice item here but the only neo nazi propoaanda I ever saw, was in the
basement of a restaurant and the property of guess who - The Jewish
Mafia - this one guy used to entertain Meyer Lansky, and I think they
caused the near murder of Larry Flynt and my old MI6 friend want me to
spy on them for the National Enquirer had put up a reward of $50,000 to
anyone who could find out what happened to Hoffa.

Now I said Okay, I will spy for you and then suddenly I found MY GOD -
Meyer Lansky, a Mafia Hit Man named Ralph Deleo living on this guys farm
and this guy was a doctor who had been in same prison cell with Jimmy
Hoffa who had saved him, Jewish Mafia, from the Italian Mob.

Then this other doctor MY GOD he was an assistant county Coroner down a
bit from me who had bought the piece they called it, that murdered a
third doctor = a Dr. Walter Bond - who was black, whom they only wanted
to castrate that Halloween Night.

And such was my brief period of spying on what turned out to be the
Jewish Mafia and MY GOD - they had all this neo nazi literature.

I bungled onto that for I never stumbled onto anything - I bungled onto
it and good thing I had friends.

So that night on Halloween when this Unholy three, an Assistant County
Coroner, a Mafia Hit Man dressed like County Sheriff, and the third
doctor who ame as himself - they said they only waned to castrate this
doctor when BOOM, the Mafia Hit Man, the Made Man they alled him, why
he just suddenly blew him when I figured out who had
done what what would you do?

For half of $50,000 I am going to play games with this Jewis Mafia - but
you know what, bet if that Mafia Made Hit Man (for they make their
members in secret see Psalms)..had he not blown away Dr. Bond,  they
would have left some neo nazi literaure around making it appear as
though those darn neo nazis did it, and to tell the truth to me that was
the most stupid thing I ever saw.

And then I remembered the black bordered ad in Dallas that day WANTED
FOR TREASON...boy those neo nazis got blamed for that one too but it
turned out a guy named Weissman distributed that while Jack Ruby no
doubt had it printed for them at the newspaper he visited that terrible
day - Shadrach, Meschenk and Abenego.

Always thisi neo nazi literature with little red arrows leading to a
killer or a group of right wingers but guess who really owns that stuff?

I will tell you - the MAFIA MADE HIT MEN and I say you have this first
hand information for I had to go to a black newspaper (Coumbus Call and
Post) and man a great black leader AMOS LYNCH, who printed that story I
I nearly got his reporter Timothy killed (guess they threatened me too)

Such is the life of a quiet, once sweet and simple soft spoken housewife
- a mother - a reseacher with the MADE MANS MAFIA BIBLE CALENDAR CODE

Gideon and his ask me about McVeigh?


The other 57 parts here

[PART 58] The following article is from the JEWISH WEEK -- March 8, 1996. In
light of the fact that Neo-Nazi Organizations like 'The Order' have
attempted to infiltrate the American Patriot Movement and spread
disinformation in regards to who and what is really behind the one- world
conspiracy and the main suspects' connections to the same, and in light of
the 'Nazi' influence behind the anti-gun movement as well as behind the FEMA
and BATF policies (all 17 ATF agents and several CIA agents just happened
to fail to show up for work the day of the explosion), then a possible Nazi
connection to this horrific act of Terrorism should not be ruled out: FBI
investigating claims that there is an inter- national conspiracy behind the
April 1995 bombing of the federal building in Oklahoma City. The Times of
London has reported that British and German neo-Nazis are believed to have
played a role in the bombing to avenge the execu- tion of Richard Snell, an
American neo-Nazi who was put to death on the day of the bombing for
murdering a Jewish businessman and an African-American state trooper.
Timothy McVeigh, 27, one of the two defendants in the Oklahoma City case,
has alleged that there was a European link to the attack. Mc- Veigh's lawyer
has traveled here to investigate whether British neo- Nazis provided
components for the bomb, which killed 168 people, 19 of them children, and
wounded at least 400 others. Three Britons have been sobpoenaed to provide
information on the alleged European link. * * * * * * * CONCLUSION: When we
consider that the Nazis have control of a large percentage of the Fortune
500 conglomerates (I refer to Nazis, not neo-Nazi's because we are
dealing with the original Nazi Party here, and the various institutions and
organizations they have established), then we can expect them to seek the
implementation of 

[CTRL] FC: Bush nominates antiporn activist to Justice Department post (fwd)

2001-04-23 Thread Yardbird

-Caveat Lector-

From TLJ:
   4/20. President Bush announced his intent to nominate Robert Flores to
   be Administrator of the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency
   Prevention (OJJDP). Flores is currently the VP and Senior Counsel for
   the National Law Center for Children and Families. He also served on
   the COPA Commission. He is one of the leading proponents of
   prosecuting obscenity on the Internet, and requiring schools and
   libraries receiving e-rate subsidies to use filtering technology.
   However, the OJJDP is not a prosecutorial office; it collects and
   disseminates information, and provides grants and other assistant to
   state and local authorities. It also has no authority regarding the


   Office of the Press Secretary

   For Immediate Release April 20, 2001

   President George W. Bush today announced his intention to nominate two
   individuals to serve in his administration.

   The President intends to nominate Dan R. Brouillette to be Assistant
   Secretary of Energy for Congressional and Intergovernmental
   Affairs.  He is presently a Partner with the Alpine Group, Inc., and
   was formerly Senior Vice President of R. Duffy Wall  Associates from
   1997 to 2000.  He served as Legislative Director to Congressman Billy
   Tauzin from 1989 to 1997 and is a veteran of the U.S.
   Army.  Originally from Paincourtville, Louisiana, he is a graduate of
   the University of Maryland.

   The President intends to nominate J. Robert Flores to be Administrator
   of the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention.  Flores
   is currently the Vice President and Senior Counsel for the National
   Law Center for Children and Families and is also Legal Counsel to
   Johns Hopkins University School of Advanced International Studies.  He
   served in the U.S. Department of Justice from 1989 to 1997 in the
   Child Exploitation and Obscenity Section of the Criminal Division and
   was awarded the Assistant Attorney General Award, the Outstanding
   Achievement Award and Meritorious Achievement Award.  He is a graduate
   of Boston University and Boston University Law School.


POLITECH -- Declan McCullagh's politics and technology mailing list
You may redistribute this message freely if it remains intact.
To subscribe, visit
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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fwd: [CIA-DRUGS] WP: Colombian Massacre Large, Brutal

2001-04-23 Thread Kris Millegan

Subj:WP: Colombian Massacre Large, Brutal
Date:   4/21/01 9:37:38 AM Mountain Daylight Time
From:   [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Colombian Labor Monitor)

[NOTE: Stop U.S. aid to Colombia now! Over $1 billion of the money
for Plan Colombia that is funded by the U.S. goes to the
Colombian military. The Colombian military has been implicated
time and time again in paramilitary massacres such as the one in
Naya.  The U.S. and U.S. taxpayers are accessories to what
happened in Naya.  Contact your elected representatives and demand
that U.S. get out of Colombia now!  -DG]

Paramilitary troops rounded up Naya residents,
house by house, and assembled them along the
dirt path running into town. Chate said the
paramilitary commanders gave his neighbors two
chances to answer: Do you know any guerrillas?
A machete blow followed the third negative


Saturday, 21 April 2001

Colombian Massacre Large, Brutal
Chain Saws Used By Paramilitaries
   In Village Killing

By Scott Wilson

TIMBA, Colombia -- They brought out the victims using a helicopter with a
cargo net dangling beneath. Soldiers wearing rubber gloves and masks
unloaded body bags and laid them in the broad shade of an acacia tree.
Forensic investigators began to work.

By the end of Thursday, the bodies of 12 farmers had been pulled from a
war zone near the village of Naya, a daylong walk to the west of Timba in
this embattled region 220 miles southwest of Bogota. Ten had been killed
by machete; two had been shot. At least one was decapitated, the head
still missing.

The grim business of preparing the bodies for burial, watched from across
a soccer field by the mostly black residents of Timba and clusters of
refugees from Naya, followed one of Colombia's largest civilian massacres
in years. Beginning the Wednesday before Easter, a squad from Colombia's
right-wing paramilitary force entered Naya and its surrounding hamlets.
For three days, as the government army tried to reach the jungle town amid
fierce fighting, Colombian officials say, paramilitary troops used
machetes, guns and chain saws to kill at least 40 civilians.

In interviews with some of the 160 Naya families sheltered in the town
school, survivors said the number of dead might be twice that amount.
Colombian officials, who are continuing recovery efforts, agreed. The only
recent killing of comparable size came four months ago in the village of
Chengue, where paramilitary fighters killed 26 farmers with stones and a

Apart from its size, the Naya massacre has frightened survivors and top
Colombian officials for the way in which the paramilitary group, the
United Self-Defense Forces of Colombia (AUC), carried out the killings.
The use of chain saws and machetes in Naya, as well as rocks and hammers
in other places, suggests a gruesome turn in Colombia's long-running war:
As rightist paramilitary forces and the leftist guerrillas whom they
battle gain strength, the method of killing has become its own message.

Maybe they don't want to waste a single bullet on us, said Rafael Caso,
whose 25-year-old son, Wilson, was identified in the open-air morgue,
which filled the town with the smell of decomposed bodies. No one knows
why they are killing us this way. To clean everyone out is their idea. But
why us?

In a strategic sense, the savagery advances the AUC's goal of emptying out
civilian populations used by guerrilla armies for supplies and support.
Paramilitary forces, whom the government blames for the majority of
civilian massacres, now have a stranglehold on many areas where they have
carried out brutal killings, which they refer to as cleaning.

One result is an internally displaced population of more than 2 million
people, concentrated mostly in urban centers where the AUC already enjoys
a large measure of control.

Explaining the rationale behind the AUC massacres, Luz Eugenia Vasquez of
the Interior Ministry's human rights office said,  'All men are equal,
but communists are not men and so not equal to me.' This attitude negates
the theory of human rights that most of the rest of the world subscribes

Vasquez, who spent Thursday helping identify the first wave of bodies
brought here, said the recent savagery echoes a period five decades ago
known as The Violence when partisan politics turned into open war.
Pregnant women were killed, their breasts cut off, to drive people out of
certain regions. Now the rising paramilitary movement has resurrected
those tactics.

After visiting Naya soon after the killings, Colombia's ombudsman, Eduardo
Cifuentes, warned that we have returned to the most barbaric era, and
reminded the country 


2001-04-23 Thread Kris Millegan

 First Chicago/Gary-Wheaton merged about 1990 (I remember because I sold
my FNB stock to avoid any reminder of the names Gary (judge {morgan
banker -judge} and Wheaton (opium trade follows the crucifix and is
converted to satanic gold, gold, gold, gold)

The volume of the gold market is much greater than in 1979 ; for a short
squeeze to work volume would have to gradually decrease.  I've been
hearing comments for about 3 years that there is a large short position
in gold due to artificially low interest rates. Actually the low rates
( which are directly and linearly ,1:1,related to stock prices, and
EMployment and have been since the invention of the automobile which
made Oil the new gold ) would have bank rupted the US banks were it
not for the salve of money laundering proceeds .(25 billion yearly
in US alone ,my low ball estimate which doesnt include ancillary
activity which is a factor of at least 3,  so a NET 100 billion per
100 billion per year compounded since 1993 equals the EXCESS dow figure,
which gives the real dow or NYSE average, which , when inverted gives
the REAL PRICE OF OIL, $40+ per barrel.
Since Henry Ford made oil price the swamping figure for the world
economy, the Dow has been precisely ,inversely proportional to all of
these a)interest rates b) true oil prices c) gold prices outside the US.
This is camouflaged by the practice of graphing DOW in NOMINAL dollars
and not adjusting for population increase. Otherwise everybody would see
it at a glance.

China passed us up as the worlds biggest economy last year - we just
havent admitted it yet.  China can completely  dominate our commodities
markets at will, though they dont seem bent on that .  The action will
obviously be at CBOT which is where Jack Darrel Farmer , assisted by FBI
introduced the cocaine options contract and the commodity itself in
1983, both re-transported daily from Arkansas by Dan Lasater INC. and
parked in SLs owned by politcal figureheads naive to banking and
judicially cloaked by Rose Law Firm.  You will not find a word about
Jack Darrel Farmer anywhere but here, except one 10 most wanted post
and the CROWLEY CIA asset list, because the dirty , criminal boy scouts
of FBI constantly keep the lid on - and the lower ranks dont like it but
they are too selfish-for-their-pension to take any action .

 The above is fact. I'm witholding the lesser and unnecessary
documentary proof to prevent the murder of innocent third parties. I
was there.  When I wasn't, well placed associates of many years previous
standing gave me running accounts.  Some went to federal prison for that
. At least one was slowly strangled in his cell.  One was shot sitting
on the toilet. I exist. That's the proof that none ever talked.
My interest in this - 25 years worth- is related to the espionage of
JOHN ANTHONY WALKER and its cover up; otherwise I couldn't care less.

A  short squeeze in gold would presently require alot of leverage but
one way would be a series of surprise interest rate cuts and a mid east
oil crisis- like the sudden appearance of the Chinese army where they
dont belong.(ala Hal Lindsay's late great planet earth, which would be
useful only as toilet paper were it not accepted as gospel by the
present and all previous joint chiefs of staff)

  Dont bet on gold; it's tainted and Satan's own, and God may be smarter
than Dan Quayle.
 Kenneth B Thomas

[CTRL] (Fwd) FEAR: OR: Oregon Police Pull Out the Stops to Save Asse

2001-04-23 Thread kl

-Caveat Lector-

--- Forwarded message follows ---
Date sent:  Sun, 22 Apr 2001 19:48:27 -0700
From:   Brenda Grantland [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject:FEAR: OR:  Oregon Police Pull Out the Stops to Save Asset 
Send reply to:  Brenda Grantland [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Organization:   Forfeiture Endangers American Rights

 Oregon Police Pull Out the Stops to Save Asset Forfeiture
  Gravy Train

Oregon law enforcement officials and drug war diehards are in a
desperate last-ditch effort to keep asset forfeiture funds
flowing into police drug squad coffers.  Oregon voters last
November approved a referendum greatly restricting asset
forfeiture and requiring that any seized funds be directed to
drug treatment instead of law enforcement.

Law enforcement officials first tried to overturn the will of the
voters in the courts.  The Lincoln County drug task force filed
suit arguing that the successful initiative was
unconstitutionally broad and that it violated federal asset
forfeiture laws, but Marion County Circuit Court Judge Pamela
Abernathy upheld the ballot measure's legality in a ruling last

She found that Measure 3 met the proper standards and will
continue to be the law, Geoff Sugerman, spokesman for Oregonians
for Property Protection, told DRCNet.

While attorneys for the measure's opponents vow to fight on, law
enforcement is now turning to the legislature for succor.  As the
Week Online goes to press, Oregon lawmakers are debating a bill
that would create a parallel system of criminal asset forfeiture.
Crafted by the Oregon District Attorneys Association, the Oregon
Association of Chiefs of Police, and the Oregon Sheriff's
Association, House Bill 3642 would allow asset forfeiture to
continue, but would raise the standard of proof to the beyond a
reasonable doubt standard for criminal cases.  As important for
law enforcement, it would allow police agencies to keep some of
the seized booty to finance future drug operations.

Meanwhile, a bill that would adjust Oregon asset forfeiture
statutes to bring them into compliance with the constitutional
changes mandated by Measure 3 is tied up in the state Senate.
The implementation bill passed the House 46-1 last month.

We have been working in good faith to reach a consensus language
that would bring the statutes into compliance, said Oregonians
for Property Protection member Floyd Prozanski.  We thought we
had agreement on that, but we found out just a few days ago that
some people involved in the process wanted to link the civil
forfeiture bill that would correct the shortcomings of the
statute to the passage of a criminal forfeiture bill, Prozanski
told DRCNet.

They're holding it hostage on the Senate side, added the three-
term former state legislator.

Sugerman told DRCNet that while the passage of the implementation
legislation is not necessary for Measure 3's constitutional
changes to take effect, it does provide a backstop in the event
that an appeals court overturns the Lincoln County case.  If we
codify these provisions into law, then even were we to lose on
appeal, they would still control civil asset forfeiture.

Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman John Minnis (R-Woods
Village), a Portland police detective and opponent of Measure 3,
echoed Prozanski's point.  If we don't have criminal forfeiture,
I'm not inclined to have civil forfeiture, he told the Register-
Guard last week.

That's exactly what is going on, Sugerman told DRCNet.
Although we oppose criminal forfeiture as unnecessary, we have
continued to negotiate on it with the understanding that it might
pass.  If it does pass, we want to make sure that it carries the
same protections as Measure 3.  The bill has gone from three
pages to 33, and there are many issues we think it important to
consider, especially the proceeds issue.

David Fidanque, executive director of the American Civil
Liberties Union of Oregon, told DRCNet his organization has no
philosophical objection to criminal asset forfeiture.  We've
taken the position that forfeiture should rightly be part of the
criminal process, said Fidanque.  We've always objected to
civil forfeiture on the grounds it gave government officials too
much power and didn't protect the interests of defendants and
innocent third parties.

But Oregon police are hoist by their own petard, Fidanque said.
Two years ago, there was a legislative proposal to reform civil
forfeiture.  Law officials said 'no way we're not interested.'
They were not even interested in a slightly higher standard of
proof, said Fidanque.  Now, after Measure 3 was approved, the
link between forfeiture proceeds and those who seized them has
been severed.  And with this criminal asset forfeiture bill,
police will have an even higher burden of proof to overcome than

[CTRL] (Fwd) FEAR: Cicero IL car forfeiture

2001-04-23 Thread kl

-Caveat Lector-

--- Forwarded message follows ---
Date sent:  Sun, 22 Apr 2001 19:52:39 -0700
From:   Brenda Grantland [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject:FEAR: Cicero IL car forfeiture
Send reply to:  Brenda Grantland [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Organization:   Forfeiture Endangers American Rights

Chicago Tribune:  Cicero's attack on gangs tests limits of seizure law

Two months after Cicero sparked a debate with its pledge
to run gangs out of town, officials have quietly started
making good on their promise by seizing the cars of
suspected gang members.

Since Cicero began enforcing the policy June 14, the town
has impounded 27 cars belonging to individuals police
have identified as gang members, police said.

The move is rousing a chorus of criticism, aimed at both
its use of seizure powers -- a controversial crime-fighting
weapon that the U.S. House voted to curb last week -- as
well as at what opponents say is a policy that gives police
too much discretion in identifying suspects.

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--- End of forwarded message ---

Best wishes

The free man owns himself.  He can damage himself
with either eating or drinking; he can ruin himself
with gambling. If he does he is certainly a damn
fool, and he might possibly be a damned soul; but
if he may not, he is not a free man any more than
a dog. - G. K. Chesterton, Broadcast talk 6-11-35

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] FC: Ayn Rand in Somalia: No government, but business is booming (fwd)

2001-04-23 Thread Yardbird

-Caveat Lector-

 Ayn Rand Comes to Somalia
 In the absence of government bureaucracy and foreign aid, business is
 starting to boom
 by Peter Maass

   Mogadishu has the closest thing to an Ayn Rand-style economy that the
   world has ever seen--no bureaucracy or regulation at all. The city has
   had no government since 1991, when the much despised President
   Mohammed Siad Barre was overthrown; his regime was replaced not by
   another one but by civil war. The northern regions of Somaliland and
   Puntland have stabilized under autonomous governments, but southern
   Somalia, with Mogadishu at its core, has remained a Mad Max zone
   carved up by warlords for whom fighting seems as necessary as oxygen.
   The prospect of stability is a curious miracle, not simply because the
   kind of business development that is happening tends to require the
   presence of a government, but because the very absence of a government
   may have helped to nurture an African oddity--a lean and efficient
   business sector that does not feed at a public trough controlled by
   corrupt officials.


   Of course, the lack of a government poses problems, especially with
   respect to the warlords. Sheikh and his fellow businessmen have kept
   them at bay by paying them protection money and by forming their own
   militias. Those manning the machine guns outside Telecom Somalia are
   employees of the company, and when the firm's linemen go out to lay
   new cables (they used to string overhead lines, but those got shot up
   by stray gunfire), they, too, are protected by company gunmen.
   All of this is costly, so the business leaders have taken steps to
   bring about a new government--one that will keep its hands out of
   their pockets and focus on providing security and public services.


POLITECH -- Declan McCullagh's politics and technology mailing list
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To subscribe, visit
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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] [FAIR-L] FCC Moves to Intensify Media Consolidation (fwd)

2001-04-23 Thread Yardbird

-Caveat Lector-

Fairness  Accuracy in Reporting
   Media analysis, critiques and news reports

FCC Moves to Intensify Media Consolidation

April 20, 2001

The FCC (Federal Communications Commission) is moving to weaken or eliminate
two of the few remaining broadcasting rules that protect some degree of
media diversity.

On April 19, the FCC voted 3-1 in favor of eliminating the dual network
rule, which had prevented one television network from buying another.  This
rule change will immediately benefit Viacom, which will be allowed to own
CBS and part of the UPN network.

The other rule, expected to be lifted or amended in a matter of weeks, is
the cross ownership rule, which prohibits a company that owns a local
newspaper from owning a television station in the same market. Waivers have
been granted in the past (Rupert Murdoch's News Corp. owns New York
television station WNYW and the New York Post, for example), but watering
down or eliminating the rule altogether has long been a goal of industry

This continues an intensely pro-business trend at the FCC, the government
agency responsible for managing the broadcast spectrum and regulating the
telecommunications industry. Under the impetus of the deregulatory
Telecommunications Act of 1996, the FCC has overseen a period of intense
corporate mergers. Since the Telecom Act, the number of television station
owners in the U.S. has dropped by half (Los Angeles Times, 4/19/01), while
more than half of the 11,000 commercial radio stations have been sold
(Silicon Alley Reporter, 3/01).

The move to deregulate the media industry continued three years later, as
the FCC in August 1999 changed its rules to allow networks to own two
television stations in a given market. And last month, FCC chair Michael
Powell approved a number of radio mergers that had been marked for public
comment by previous Chairman William Kennard (Broadcasting  Cable,
3/19/01).  The mergers given the green light by Powell would  create local
monopolies, where one company would control 50 percent of a given market's
ad revenue, or two companies would control about 70 percent of total ad

Powell has indicated (New York Times, 4/16/01) that the cross ownership rule
will fall as well: I don't know why there's something inherent about a
newspaper and something inherent about a broadcaster that means they can't
be combined. Given that U.S. newspapers are overwhelmingly local
monopolies, of course, mergers between the newspaper industry and the
increasingly concentrated broadcast media would mean a dramatic reduction in
media diversity at the local level.

Guarding and protecting the public interest is supposed to be central to the
FCC's mission, but Powell has expressed some confusion about the very
concept. When asked in February what he thought the term public interest
meant (press conference, 2/6/01), he responsed: I have no idea. The public
interest at its core is the same thing as my oath of office: a commitment to
making sure the American consumer is benefited I try to make the best
judgment I can in ways I think will benefit consumers. Beyond that I don't
know. I'm still trying to figure it out.

Powell is not always so confused about whose interests he represents:
Appearing before the House subcommittee on telecommunications (Washington
Post, 3/30/01), Powell referred to broadcast corporations as our clients.
Powell has also mocked the concept of unequal access to technology, often
referred to as the digital divide: I think there is a Mercedes divide, he
said (New York Times, 2/7/01). I'd like to have one; I can't afford one.

The FCC's actions under Powell are discouraging for those who advocate for
media diversity. Powell has been very clear about his intentions to turn
over more and more of the publicly owned broadcast spectrum to already huge
media corporations. These moves reaffirm those corporate-friendly
principles, said Jim Naureckas of FAIR. The FCC's total lack of interest
in protecting Americans as citizens or consumers is shocking and

ACTION: Please contact Michael Powell and let him know that media diversity
should be a top priority for the FCC, and that media concentration is not in
the public interest. Urge the FCC to preserve-- and refrain from weakening--
the rule prohibiting cross ownership of newspapers and television stations
in the same market.

Michael Powell, FCC Chair
Federal Communications Commission
445 12th St. S.W.
Washington, DC 20554

Phone: 1-888-225-5322
Fax: 1-202-418-0232

As always, please remember that your comments will be more effective if you
maintain a polite tone. Please cc [EMAIL PROTECTED] with your correspondence.


Feel free to respond to FAIR ( [EMAIL PROTECTED] ). We can't reply to
everything, but we will look at each message. We especially 

[CTRL] We's seem to be getting a bit testy . . .

2001-04-23 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-

Howdy one and all,

Do ya'll think we could tone it down a bit.

Let us drop the religiosity BS. I dunna care what people believe, that is a
matter between a person and their maker.

This just an email list.

Be civil and get along,  we live in hard enough times.

And Saba no attachments or asking us about viruses, please take it up with
you ISP, next time.

Please let us think before posting.


There is enough to do, and if persons continue bickering, they may be subject
to unreasonable ejection.


CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] FC: Europe will require U.S. firms to collect taxes on digital goods (fwd)

2001-04-23 Thread Yardbird

-Caveat Lector-

[What a splendid way to help out U.S. Internet firms that are already
having financial troubles. --Declan]


04/20 18:24
EU Close to Taxing Digital Products Downloaded From Internet
By James G. Neuger

Malmoe, Sweden, April 20 (Bloomberg) -- European Union governments are
close to imposing a tax on music and software downloaded on the
Internet from outside Europe by EU citizens, EU Financial Services
Commissioner Frits Bolkestein said.

The proposal, which could spark a clash with the U.S., would set a
value-added tax on all ``digital'' products sold to EU
customers. Currently EU businesses levy that tax, while their non-
European rivals are exempt.

The 15 governments are working on a compromise to share the tax
revenues, so that ``we are nearing an agreement,'' Bolkestein said at
a meeting of EU finance ministers. ``It may take another couple of

EU to turn US e-tailers into Euro tax gatherers
Apr. 21, 2001 12:35 ET

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Re: [CTRL] We's seem to be getting a bit testy . . .

2001-04-23 Thread Aleisha Saba

-Caveat Lector-

My dear Kris:

I did research on virus problems;  it was lazy of me to ask.

As usual I will comply with your request.


CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] [Spy News] Oklahoma City's lost information (fwd)

2001-04-23 Thread Yardbird

-Caveat Lector-

Oklahoma City's lost information

Early accounts differ from today's 'official' explanation of bombing

By Jon Dougherty
C 2001

An analysis of raw news footage and reports in the immediate aftermath of
the bombing of the Alfred P. Murrah building in Oklahoma City, Okla., shows
local television reporters stating repeatedly that two additional,
sophisticated, undetonated explosive devices were found by investigators on
the scene.

The television reports raise questions about the official government version
of events that an extremist and his friend acted alone, using a Ryder
rental truck and a 1,200-pound ammonium nitrate and fuel oil, or ANFO, bomb
to destroy the face of the building.

For example, initial news broadcasts by KWTV-9, KFOR TV-5 and Channel 4 News
all feature reports confirmed by state, local and federal officials that a
total of three bombs had been placed inside the Murrah building.

TV news footage showed Oklahoma County Sheriff's Department bomb squad
vehicles being brought to the scene within a half-hour of the explosion,
amid reports that more bombs have been found by rescuers.

Also, reporters at the scene confirmed that the two other bombs were larger
than the first one, and that the bomb that had exploded blew up inside --
not outside -- the building.

Reports said the other two bombs were found on the east and west sides of
the building; the explosion occurred at the front, or north side, of the

In one clip, the medical director for St. Anthony's Hospital told reporters
that local OKC police had informed him that rescue efforts had been called
off temporarily because of the other bombs found in the building. .

And, TV-9 reported that the U.S. Justice Department has confirmed that
other bombs were found in the structure.

In subsequent reports, within the first few hours of the explosion, news
crews were reporting that federal and local authorities had confirmed that
the two other explosives had been defused and moved off site.

The 'lone' suspects

Timothy McVeigh, now 32, was convicted in 1997 for his role in the April 19,
1995, bombing, and is scheduled to be executed by the government May 16 at a
federal prison facility in Terre Haute, Ind.

The Justice Department said Friday that bombing survivors and victims'
families would be able to view the execution via closed-circuit television.
He will be the first federal prisoner executed in 36 years. In 1997, he was
convicted in the bombing deaths of 168 people, including 19 children.

McVeigh has said he bombed the Murrah building in retaliation for the FBI's
raid on a Branch Davidian religious facility April 19, 1993, in Waco, Texas,
which led to a fire that killed 80 men, women and children.

McVeigh said he did it to give the federal government dirty for dirty.

Meanwhile, Terry Nichols, also convicted in 1997 as an accomplice in the OKC
attack, is currently serving a life sentence in federal prison. But he also
faces Oklahoma state charges of capital murder pressed by prosecutors who
have pledged to seek the death penalty.

Early news reports indicated government sources were saying that bombs were
brought into the Murrah building, and that because they were able to find
undetonated devices, authorities would be able to find out who is
responsible for the bombing.

In one clip, Oklahoma Gov. Frank Keating also confirmed the presence of
other explosives.

The reports I have are that one device was deactivated . [and] apparently,
there was another device. Whatever did the damage to the Murrah building was
a tremendous . a very sophisticated explosive device. . Keating was heard

One TV news report then said that then-President Bill Clinton has called
Gov. Keating . and said three FBI anti-terrorist teams were being sent from
Washington, D.C., to OKC, ostensibly to investigate the incident. The report
further stated that the White House and Justice Department . have said [the
bombing] was the work of a sophisticated group . and would have to have been
carried out by an explosives expert.

McVeigh and Nichols were not explosives experts, critics of the government's
official version of events point out.

Later in the day and into the next day, details of the official explanations
and information that had been witnessed or confirmed early on by news
organizations, reporters and authorities handling the rescue efforts began
to change.

Within 24 hours, federal officials from the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and
Firearms were saying that the explosion had not occurred within the building
itself but instead the damage had been caused by a car parked in front of
the building, loaded with the ANFO bomb. Soon afterward, the car became a
Ryder rental truck and the explosives grew in size, to about 4,500 pounds.

Also, officials began to discount the second- and third bomb story, instead
focusing only on the outside, north-face explosion as 

Re: [CTRL] We's seem to be getting a bit testy . . .

2001-04-23 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 4/23/01 8:45:53 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

My dear Kris:

I did research on virus problems;  it was lazy of me to ask.

As usual I will comply with your request.



CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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[CTRL] Truth, Lies, Death, and the US Drug War

2001-04-23 Thread kl
-Caveat Lector-
Truth, Lies, Death, and the US Drug War by William L. Anderson mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Even for the drug war, the recent shoot down of an American missionary airplane over the Amazon jungles of Peru is a low point. As family and friends mourn the killing of Veronica Bowers and her seven-month old child, Charity, the US government continues to cover up its role in this atrocity. In the end, we will once again witness the moral bankruptcy of U.S. policies and will be fed a torrent of lies and more lies. In the first days after this atrocity, there are some things we know, despite attempts by the US and Peruvian governments to spin falsehoods. A small airplane flying two Baptist missionary families from the Peru-Brazil border to the Peruvian city of Iquitos began to be tracked by a U.S. government aircraft, which suspected it to be running drugs. The U.S. plane fed information about the small aircraft to the Peruvian Air Force, which hit the plane with gunfire. Even though one of the bullets shattered the pilot’s leg, he managed to land the plane in a river, where it floated on pontoons. However, even there, the military plane fired on the aircraft, with a bullet killing Mrs. Bowers and her child. Nearby villagers rescued the survivors. This was bad enough, but what then followed from the US and Peruvian governments was nothing less than an obscenity. First, both governments denied that anything had happened at all and might have succeeded in the cover up except that missionaries in the United States who knew the families began to talk after their companions called to report the news. After it became clear what had happened, the US Government then denied the missionaries’ plane was tracked by US agents, and the Peruvians, following in the footsteps of their US partners, insisted the plane had never filed a flight plan. It did not take long to expose those statements as falsehoods. First, the airport authorities in Iquitos reported that the missionaries, indeed, had filed a flight plan. Furthermore, contrary to what the U.S. and Peruvian authorities were insisting, the airplane’s pilot was in touch with the airport just before being shot down. In other words, the missionaries had followed the rules of flight to the letter; it was the U.S. Government and its Peruvian puppets that were acting lawlessly. To make matters even worse, even after the stricken missionaries had landed, the US government continued to treat them as drug criminals. For example, American authorities detained Jim Bowers for two hours, refusing to permit him to identify his dead wife and child. In fact, it was the Peruvian Air Force that finally flew the survivors to Iquitos after they had realized what had happened. Just how this whole affair occurred unearths yet another dirty secret of the US government. In its zeal to stop the flow of narcotics into this country, the US government has insisted that Latin Americans "do more" to stop drug trafficking. That a US government plane was flying in the area at all, fingering victims to be killed by military jets, is only the tip of the iceberg.  As in the early years of the Vietnam conflict, the US government has flooded Latin American counties with "advisors" who work with the armed forces of those nations to raid drug laboratories, destroy crops, and generally wreak havoc on anyone who might get in their way. While Americans usually do not perform the killing, the carnage goes on at the insistence of the US Drug Enforcement Agency and the US Armed Forces. One can only imagine the hatred the common people of these nations have for Americans as they suffer from these various military rampages that are airmailed to them directly from Washington, DC. One of the ironies of this whole ordeal is that the association that sponsored these missionaries, the Association of Baptists for World Evangelism, consists of fundamentalist Independent Baptists who have generally supported the US government in its anti-drug actions overseas. These are very conservative, law-abiding people. (That does not keep the political classes in this country from demonizing them, calling them part of the "religious right" and insisting that they pose a great threat to the rest of us.)  No doubt, American authorities will continue to spin this tale to make it sound as though this operation was simply a terrible mistake, trying to lay the blame on Peru and even the missionaries. There will be no apologies. Instead, the government will follow its natural course of action: lie, lie, and lie again. April 23, 2001 William L. Anderson, Ph.D., is assistant professor of economics at North Greenville College in Tigerville, South Carolina. He is an adjunct scholar of the Ludwig von Mises Institute>. © 2001 

-- Best wishes
Woolybooger for the day: We can't be so fixated on our desire to preserve the rights of ordinary Americans ... 

Re: [CTRL] We's seem to be getting a bit testy . . .

2001-04-23 Thread c.

-Caveat Lector-

it would be ok if you did ask, aleisha, no harm in that- but sending the
virus to the list 3 times was utterly stupid. have you researched just how
stupid it was to send it?

did i miss your apology to the list?

- Original Message -
From: Aleisha Saba [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, April 23, 2001 4:45 PM
Subject: Re: [CTRL] We's seem to be getting a bit testy . . .

 -Caveat Lector-

 My dear Kris:

 I did research on virus problems;  it was lazy of me to ask.

 As usual I will comply with your request.


 CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing
 screeds are unwelcomed. Substancenot soap-boxingplease!  These are
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 major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and
 That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
 always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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[CTRL] Sub commander to learn fate

2001-04-23 Thread c.

-Caveat Lector-

Monday, 23 April, 2001, 14:08 GMT 15:08 UK
Sub commander to learn fate

Commander Waddle has accepted full responsibility

Scott Waddle, the commander of the US submarine which sank the Japanese
trawler, Ehime Maru, in February, will go before a disciplinary hearing on
In an earlier investigation, Commander Waddle accepted responsibility for
the collision between the two boats which resulted in the deaths of nine
Japanese students and sailors.

Monday's disciplinary hearing, known as an Admiral's Mast, will decide his
punishment, although because it is not a court martial, Commander Scott does
not face the prospect of imprisonment.
His lawyer has said that he will retire with his rank intact, on a full
pension, with an honourable discharge.
Asked to quit
According to one Navy official Commander Waddle will be formally asked to
quit the Navy.
The non-judicial hearing will start at 0800 (1800 GMT) at Pearl Harbour.
Admiral Thomas Fargo, commander of the US Pacific Fleet, told Commander
Waddle of the hearing last Friday after accepting the recommendations of
three admirals who conducted a formal court of inquiry into the collision.
The admirals urged Admiral Fargo to choose an administrative punishment
rather than pursue a court martial, saying Commander Waddle had not
displayed any malice or criminal intent in the actions that led up to the
Behind schedule
An earlier investigation at which Commander Waddle testified heard that the
submarine would not have been at sea at all were it not for a group of
civilian visitors that a retired admiral wanted to take on a tour.
It was claimed that there were failures in the sonar tracking of the
Japanese ship and that because Commander Waddle had spent so much time with
the 16 visitors at lunch the submarine fell behind schedule.
Commander Waddle, who had risen swiftly in the US navy, has said that he has
received offers of work from the private sector, but before that he plans to
travel to Japan to meet the relatives of those who died.

foot tapping mentalism for all ages

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2001-04-23 Thread Mrs. Jela Jovanovic

-Caveat Lector-

- Original Message -
Sent: Sunday, April 22, 2001 9:35 PM

  the 2nd Member of TKEP/L and the 2nd Member of 19 Juin 1999 Plate-forme
  Sibel Sürüce  was 24 years old, her weight was 29 kg. She is dead after
  126 days of Death Fast.



CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] Toilet - Suicide Resistant

2001-04-23 Thread c.

-Caveat Lector-

18 Lav/Toilet - Suicide Resistant Comby
Fixture is arranged to be installed on finished wall and serviced from an
accessible pipe chase. Optional Wall Sleeve or Metal Template is recommended
for all installations to provide required wall openings. This unit is
intended to reduce any possible risk of the fixture being used as a suicide

foot tapping mentalism for all ages

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] fantasy death row

2001-04-23 Thread c.

-Caveat Lector-

Pick 3 felons and pick them well, because once you've got them, they're
yours until they are pardoned, commuted or, bless their heart, called on
home to King Jesus.

foot tapping mentalism for all ages

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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Re: [CTRL] Testie

2001-04-23 Thread Bill Howard

-Caveat Lector-

Kris— Your are correct, things did get a bit testie. Will try to be more 
civil in the future.


=CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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Re: [CTRL] Bin Laden joins Arafat

2001-04-23 Thread flw

-Caveat Lector-

 Saudi master of terror ready to strike Israel?

The good ole US of A supports Israeli State Terrorism.

If Ben Laden supports Palestinian Terrorism, it will only
be tit for tat.

A plague on both their houses...

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Good Hunters ...

2001-04-23 Thread Taercel

-Caveat Lector-

This is an interesting article.  Seems to me I recall some reports by demolition
experts YEARS ago on this subject making the same claims.  And these folks took down
buildings for a living.  Of course, the govenrment would NEVER stage an event or
seduce a patriot into creating a diversion.  Even duck hunters don't use blinds
nor calls nor decoys to get their prey.  The good duck hunters can attract mallards
and teals just like pigeons in the park.  And they can also make them sit with a
simple command.  AER 

From WND

This is a WorldNetDaily printer-friendly version of the article which follows.

To view this item online, visit

Monday, April 23, 2001
Oklahoma City's
lost information
Early accounts differ from today's
'official' explanation of bombing
By Jon Dougherty
© 2001

An analysis of raw news footage and reports in the immediate aftermath of the
bombing of the Alfred P. Murrah building in Oklahoma City, Okla., shows local
television reporters stating repeatedly that two additional, sophisticated,
undetonated explosive devices were found by investigators on the scene.

The television reports raise questions about the official government version of
events that an  extremist and his friend acted alone, using a Ryder rental truck
and a 1,200-pound ammonium nitrate and fuel oil, or ANFO, bomb to destroy the face
of the building.

For example, initial news broadcasts by KWTV-9, KFOR TV-5 and Channel 4 News all
feature reports confirmed by state, local and federal officials that a total of
three bombs had been placed inside the Murrah building.

TV news footage showed Oklahoma County Sheriff's Department bomb squad vehicles
being brought to the scene within a half-hour of the explosion, amid reports that
more bombs have been found by rescuers.

Also, reporters at the scene confirmed that the two other bombs were larger than the
first one, and that the bomb that had exploded blew up inside -- not outside -- the

Reports said the other two bombs were found on the east and west sides of the
building; the explosion occurred at the front, or north side, of the building.

In one clip, the medical director for St. Anthony's Hospital told reporters that
local OKC police had informed him that rescue efforts had been called off
temporarily because of the other bombs found in the building. …

And, TV-9 reported that the U.S. Justice Department has confirmed that other bombs
were found in the structure.

In subsequent reports, within the first few hours of the explosion, news crews were
reporting that federal and local authorities had confirmed that the two other
explosives had been defused and moved off site.

The 'lone' suspects

Timothy McVeigh, now 32, was convicted in 1997 for his role in the April 19, 1995,
bombing, and is scheduled to be executed by the government May 16 at a federal
prison facility in Terre Haute, Ind.

The Justice Department said Friday that bombing survivors and victims' families
would be able to view the execution via closed-circuit television. He will be the
first federal prisoner executed in 36 years. In 1997, he was convicted in the
bombing deaths of 168 people, including 19 children.

McVeigh has said he bombed the Murrah building in retaliation for the FBI's raid on
a Branch Davidian religious facility April 19, 1993, in Waco, Texas, which led to a
fire that killed 80 men, women and children.

McVeigh said he did it to give the federal government dirty for dirty.

Meanwhile, Terry Nichols, also convicted in 1997 as an accomplice in the OKC attack,
is currently serving a life sentence in federal prison. But he also faces Oklahoma
state charges of capital murder pressed by prosecutors who have pledged to seek the
death penalty.

Early news reports indicated government sources were saying that bombs were brought
into the Murrah building, and that because they were able to find undetonated
devices, authorities would be able to find out who is responsible for the bombing.

In one clip, Oklahoma Gov. Frank Keating also confirmed the presence of other

The reports I have are that one device was deactivated … [and] apparently, there
was another device. Whatever did the damage to the Murrah building was a tremendous
… a very sophisticated explosive device. … Keating was heard saying.

One TV news report then said that then-President Bill Clinton has called Gov.
Keating … and said three FBI anti-terrorist teams were being sent from Washington,
D.C., to OKC, ostensibly to investigate the incident. The report further stated that
the White House and Justice Department … have said [the bombing] was the work of a
sophisticated group … and would have to have been carried out by an explosives

McVeigh and Nichols were not explosives experts, critics of the government's
official version of events point out.

Later in the day and into the next 

[CTRL] Sovereignty or Free Trade.

2001-04-23 Thread Nurev Ind.

-Caveat Lector-

April 23, 2001

News Analysis: Biggest Obstacle to Selling Trade Pact Is Sovereignty


QUEBEC, April 22 Midway through President Bush's first summit meeting,
Secretary of State Colin L. Powell said he was unfazed by the raucous
demonstrations that greeted the 34 leaders trying to turn the Western
Hemisphere into a single market.

An old infantryman always remembers what tear gas and pot smell like when
you walk in the barracks, he joked with reporters, recalling his days as
a young Army officer.

But for Mr. Bush's new administration, the odors may be the only familiar
element of a brew of street protests, domestic politics and foreign policy
that merged this weekend at the Summit of the Americas.

The meeting represented the third try in seven years to create a giant
free-trade alliance from the Arctic Circle to Tierra del Fuego.

As Mr. Bush found, a lot happened at the intersection of trade and
politics in the eight years when the Republicans were out of the White
House. When Mr. Bush's father left office the term globalization had
barely entered the lexicon. Nafta the North American Free Trade Agreement
was still under negotiation. The Seattle protests of 1999 were six years

So starting this weekend, the new president found himself playing what his
predecessor once called the three-dimensional chess of trade. He knows
he must respond to the swelling emotions on the street that captivate the
television cameras, at the same time addressing the fears of developing
nations that the Free Trade Area of the Americas is a neutral-sounding
term for an imperialist world in which the United States sets the rules
and gets the benefits.

And more immediately, Mr. Bush must deal with a Congress that is so
divided on trade that it is unclear whether the president will get the
authority he would need to negotiate the pact he came here to promote.

Nor is it obvious how much political capital Mr. Bush will expend on trade
in a year when tax cuts and education are higher on his agenda.

Mr. Bush brushed that aside today when, appearing with several Latin
American leaders and the prime minister of Canada, Jean Chrtien, he made
his bottom-line case for the trade pact.

In a comment unlikely to strengthen his friendships among America's
European and Asian allies, he said he was focusing on a regional accord so
that we can combine in a common market so we can compete in the long term
against the Far East and Europe.

And he revived one of President Clinton's favorite arguments, that
democracy and American-style capitalism are now intertwined. In fact, the
communique issued today states that any country in the hemisphere that
suffers an unconstitutional alteration or interruption of the democratic
order will be banned from negotiations over a free trade area.

Turning such lofty principles into a real agreement will be a complex
task. The biggest problem comes down to one word: sovereignty.

The protesters on the street had any number of complaints. Some came to
argue that free trade puts the interests of industry ahead of the
environment, or that it does nothing to assure that workers get higher
wages and the right to unionize, or that it concentrates wealth in the
hands of the rich.

They said Nafta, which Mr. Bush repeatedly cited as the model for the
hemisphere, was actually a disaster for the people who work for low wages
in the factories on the Mexican-United States border and for the

But among the serious critics of free trade accords, the fundamental
problem is that they have no control over the forces that set
environmental or labor rules.

And they believe that they have been excluded from setting those rules, a
feeling reinforced by a recent report by the Leadership Council for
Inter-American Summitry, a group of academics and economists. It concluded
that the gap between summit promises and accomplishments is so wide as to
have created a public crisis of confidence.

Mr. Bush said today that he hoped to address that concern by publishing
the text of the lengthy document that will eventually form the basis of
the Free Trade Area of the Americas. The idea is to answer charges that
such accords are written in secret.

But Mr. Bush made clear that he would not be deterred, and his tone all
weekend conveyed the sense that he was willing to entertain ideas about
protecting workers or the environment, as long as they did not slow the
pace of commerce.

There are some people in my country that want to shut down free trade,
he said. And they're welcome to express their opinions. But, he added,
it's not going to change my opinion about the benefits of free trade.

Sovereignty, though, is not only a worry on the street. It is a concern
among Latin America's elected leaders as well, and several made clear that
they planned to proceed with enormous care.

Brazil's president, Fernando Henrique Cardoso, showed no more enthusiasm
for a quick free trade area than 

[CTRL] Police Dogs With Metal Teeth

2001-04-23 Thread William Shannon

Metal teeth give US police dog a new bite

By David Wastell in Washington

AMERICAN police dogs are being equipped with a new weapon in the fight 
against crime: titanium false teeth designed to improve their bite - and 
their grip - on anyone trying to escape the law.

Apak, an 80lb alsatian attached to a sheriff's department in rural Florida, 
is one of hundreds of dogs whose snarl has been enhanced by modern dental 
techniques. Apak was never cuddly, but now when he bares his teeth he 
presents an unnerving sight: two glinting, metal canines in its upper jaw, 
tough enough to keep a grip on almost anything that moves.

"Before he had these fitted, he was hesitant to bite," said Tim Ellis, a 
sheriff's department deputy who has worked with dogs in Polk County, 40 miles 
south of Orlando, Florida, for the past five years. "Both these teeth were 
damaged and it was interfering with his work. We had to do something to 
maintain his biting proficiency and getting the titanium teeth fitted seemed 
the best solution."

The fitting of metallic teeth to extend the working life of dogs such as Apak 
is catching on across America, as the police and military look for ways to 
save money. It costs less for a dentist to fit Apak's teeth - $600 (£400) per 
tooth - than it would to obtain and train a replacement animal, which could 
cost more than $10,000 (£6,800). An estimated 600 dogs a year are equipped 
with the new teeth, most of them working dogs of one kind or another.

Alsatians often break or damage their canine teeth, the four longest and most 
noticeable teeth in their mouths, during training or when they gnaw on their 
cages, which can make it painful for them to bite.

 Jim Watson, the secretary of the North American Police Work Dogs 
Association, and an expert in training dogs, said: "The four big canines are 
what you see first when a dog opens its mouth or bares its teeth. So having 
metallic canines will draw a person's attention and scare them more. If the 
dog is barking and someone sees the sunlight sparkling on his metal teeth, it 
may encourage the person to back down."

For the same reason, civil rights groups are alarmed at the trend to fit 
metal teeth, which they say is aimed as much at intimidating people as it is 
the welfare of the dogs. Emily Whitfield, a spokesman for the American Civil 
Liberties Union, said: "Innocent bystanders and witnesses to crimes have been 
attacked by police dogs by mistake. It's bad enough being chased by a dog 
with just an ordinary set of teeth. Metal fangs just up the ante and seem to 
us to be overkill."

Mr Ellis said it was rare for Apak actually to use its teeth during an arrest 
because the sight of the dog was usually enough to persuade a suspect to come 
quietly. "Most people want to surrender to a dog, not be bitten by it, and of 
the 30 catches we made last year, only two were bitten."

[CTRL] Skull Bones A Charity?

2001-04-23 Thread William Shannon

This is a Charity? The Seamy Underbelly of Skull and Bones
Tim Francis-Wright

22 April 2001

It is widely known that George W. Bush, along with his father, George H. W. 
Bush, are members of the Skull and Bones society since their junior years at 
Yale. What is not widely known is that Skull and Bones claims to be a public 
charity and not just a social club. Like every American public charity, its 
tax returns are open for public inspection: these returns cast doubts on 
whether Skull and Bones is abiding by the rules that generally govern 
nonprofit institutions and specifically govern nonprofit organizations.
Skull and Bones is one of several senior societies at Yale University. Many 
of its members have gone on to illustrious careers in politics and business, 
although some graduates became known for their essentially dissenting views 
(like William Sloane Coffin). The group dates back to the middle of the 19th 
century. When Phi Beta Kappa got rid of its oaths and overt symbolism, some 
Yalies reacted the only way they knew how: they formed a society of their 
Ron Rosenbaum's recent article in the New York Observer described the 
sophomoric and eerie rituals associated with the initiation of new members. 
Examples include a graphic reenactment of the rape of Abner Louima by New 
York City policemen, with initiates playing Mr. Louima. Rosenbaum also took a 
quick look through a recent tax return filed by RTA, Inc., the nonprofit 
organization behind Skull and Bones:

There [is an] assertion in the 1997 RTA Incorporated filing (Part VI, line 
80b) that the organization was not "related through common membership, 
governing bodies, trustees, officers etc. to any other exempt or non-exempt 

Contradicting that assertion is information on the filing of the Deer Island 
Club Corporation. Deer Island is the private island of the Skull and Bones 
Society, located in the St. Lawrence River. It is the place where Bones 
members bring their families for summer get-togethers. It is wholly owned 
and run by Skull and Bones members, apparently contradicting Bones' claim 
of "no relationship" to another exempt organization, and appearing to 
contradict the strictly educational and charitable mission for which RTA 
gets its exemption for Skull and Bones. 

Both George W. Bush and his father, George H. W. Bush, are members of Skull 
and Bones. While I always thought it odd that windowless buildings stood in 
the midst of the Yale campus, there is little inherently wrong with a 
university having, essentially, a set of upper-class fraternities. At the 
least, it keeps some people off the streets on Thursday nights, when most of 
the societies meet. I put little credence in conspiracy theorists who see the 
combination of blue blood and occult symbolism to be the root of all evil.
My objection to Skull and Bones is that it is claiming that it is a public 
charity under the Internal Revenue Code. While its initiation rites are 
unseemly, calling its activities to be educational activities worthy of a 
charitable organization is even more so. I obtained the tax returns for RTA, 
Inc. for fiscal year 1998 and fiscal year 1999 from the web site, which has hundreds of thousands of tax returns available 
for download.
Rosenbaum's article makes an excellent point that the answer to line 80b on 
the RTA, Inc. return may be fraudulent. However, only nonprofit organizations 
must make public their tax returns, so a privately held for- profit entity 
like Deer Island Club Corporation need not reveal anything about its 
operations or tax returns to the public. I cannot verify his claim that Deer 
Island is owned solely by Skull and Bones members.
Here is a table of the finances of the organization according Parts I and II 
of these two returns:RTA, Inc.: Year Ending 30 June 1998(Category)    Total  
  ProgramServices    Management/General    Fundraising    
Contributions    164,524         
Interest    24,218         
Dividends    126,990         
Capital Gains    422,475         
Total Income      738,212         
Compensation of Officers    37,856    15,142    18,928    3,786    
Other Salaries and Wages    17,179    17,179              
Accounting    5,500         5,500         
Telephone    182         182         
Postage    5,300         2,650    2,650    
Occupancy    58,602    58,602              
Conferences, Conventions,and Meetings    49,714    49,714              
Depreciation    17,673    17,673              
Office    1,950         1,950         
Worker's Compensation Insurance    2,278    2,278              
Investment Management Fees    17,001         17,001         
Consulting    6,000              6,000    
Total Expenses    219,235    160,588    46,211    12,436    
RTA, Inc.: Year Ending 30 June 1999(Category)    Total    ProgramServices    
Management/General    Fundraising    
Contributions    116,256     

[CTRL] Fwd: New York Passport Agency Dedicates New Passport Processing System

2001-04-23 Thread William Shannon

Office of the Spokesman
For Immediate Release
April 20,2001


New York Passport Agency Dedicates New Passport Processing System

The New York Passport Agency officially dedicated its new passport
issuance system on April 19, 2001 at its office located in the Federal
Building at 376 Hudson Street in lower Manhattan.  The new issuance
system, called TDIS-Photodigitization, introduces new technology
that makes the new passport one of the most secure travel documents
produced to date.  One of the most notable deterrents to passport fraud
is the digitized portrait, in which the passport holder's photograph is
printed as a digital image into the passport.

Ambassador Mary Ryan, Assistant Secretary of State for Consular
Affairs, made remarks at the ribbon-cutting ceremony to dedicate the
new system, joined by Georgia Rogers, Deputy Assistant Secretary for
Passport Services, and Michael Hoffman, Acting Regional Director of the
New York Passport Agency.  Ambassador Ryan noted that the
photodigitization process allows us to produce a much more secure
travel document.  She added that all of our passport agencies will be
using the new process by the end of this year. The New York Passport
Agency has long been known for innovations that have enhanced and
improved customer service, Ambassador Ryan remarked. Your continuing
commitment to providing efficient and courteous service to the American
traveling public is to be applauded.

The New York Passport Agency provides passport service to residents of
New York City's five boroughs and Nassau and Suffolk Counties.  Last
year, the Agency issued over 275,000 passports for U.S. citizen

The Agency provides service by appointment only from 7:30 a.m. to 3:00
p.m., Monday through Friday, excluding federal holidays.  An
appointment can be made through its 24-hour automated appointment
system at (212) 206-3500.  Those traveling in more than 14 days can
submit passport applications at one of the over 90 passport application
acceptance facilities throughout the Agency's region.

Additional information on applying for a passport, including locations
of acceptance facilities, passport requirements, passport application
forms and other travel-related information, can be accessed through the
Bureau of Consular Affairs' website:

for all press statements

To change your subscription, go to

[CTRL] Trilats Prep Bilderbergs

2001-04-23 Thread William Shannon


Trilats Prep Bilderberg

The Bilderberg agenda for Sweden was partially revealed when its brother 
group, the Trilateral Com mis sion, met in London. Af ter all, they share the 
same twisted goals.

Exclusive to the spotlight

By James P. Tucker Jr.

LONDON—The Trilateral Commis sion, meeting here March 9-12, devoted al most 
its entire closed-door sessions to world government.

Since the Trilaterals have a common agenda and interlocking leadership with 
its brother group, it is certain that Bilder berg, too, will concentrate on 
the world go vernment when it meets May 24-28 near Gothenberg, Sweden.

Interlocking leadership includes David Rockefeller, Henry Kissinger and Peter 
Sutherland, head of Goldman Sachs Inter na tional in London. All are leaders 
of both Bilderberg and the Trilaterals. Sutherland is European chairman of 
the Trilaterals.

"Globalization and governance" was the subject of a March 10 luncheon address 
by Gordon Smith, former Canadian deputy min ister of foreign affairs and now 
director of the Center for Global Studies at the University of Victoria in 
British Columbia.

This was followed by an afternoon panel discussion of "globalization and 
governance II" led by Jusuf Wanandi, of the Cen ter for Strategic and 
International Stu dies in Jakarta, Indonesia.

The world government theme continued the following day. "Globalization III" 
stressed "improving the trading regime," led by Mike Moore, director-general 
of the World Trade Organization. 

Also participating were Frits Bolkestein of the European Commission and Toru 
Kusukawa, former Japanese delegate to the Asian-Pacific Economic Com mission. 
APEC is to evolve into an "Asian-Pacific Union" after the Western Hemi sphere 
becomes the "American Union" simi lar to the existing European Union.

This was followed by a luncheon session on "the international role of the 
United States," led by retired Gen. Brent Scowcroft, former assistant to 
President Ronald Reagan for national security affairs and now president of 
the Forum for Inter na tional Policy in Washington.

An afternoon session on "globalization IV" addressed the "democracy deficit 
in the global economy." It was led by Joseph Nye Jr., dean of the Kennedy 
School of Go vernment at Harvard University.

The closing session on March 12 was de voted to "international security 
challenges," with Richard Holbrooke, U.S. am bassador to the United Nations 
and assistant secretary of state under former Presi dent Bill Clinton, 
himself a Bilder berg member.

A common theme for all of the three days of closed meetings was "a world 
without borders" and the "demise of the nation-state." Dealing with 
"provincial nationalism" was viewed as a major challenge.

[CTRL] Trilats Prep Bilderberg

2001-04-23 Thread William Shannon


Trilats Prep Bilderberg

The Bilderberg agenda for Sweden was partially revealed when its brother 
group, the Trilateral Com mis sion, met in London. Af ter all, they share the 
same twisted goals.

Exclusive to the spotlight

By James P. Tucker Jr.

LONDON—The Trilateral Commis sion, meeting here March 9-12, devoted al most 
its entire closed-door sessions to world government.

Since the Trilaterals have a common agenda and interlocking leadership with 
its brother group, it is certain that Bilder berg, too, will concentrate on 
the world go vernment when it meets May 24-28 near Gothenberg, Sweden.

Interlocking leadership includes David Rockefeller, Henry Kissinger and Peter 
Sutherland, head of Goldman Sachs Inter na tional in London. All are leaders 
of both Bilderberg and the Trilaterals. Sutherland is European chairman of 
the Trilaterals.

"Globalization and governance" was the subject of a March 10 luncheon address 
by Gordon Smith, former Canadian deputy min ister of foreign affairs and now 
director of the Center for Global Studies at the University of Victoria in 
British Columbia.

This was followed by an afternoon panel discussion of "globalization and 
governance II" led by Jusuf Wanandi, of the Cen ter for Strategic and 
International Stu dies in Jakarta, Indonesia.

The world government theme continued the following day. "Globalization III" 
stressed "improving the trading regime," led by Mike Moore, director-general 
of the World Trade Organization. 

Also participating were Frits Bolkestein of the European Commission and Toru 
Kusukawa, former Japanese delegate to the Asian-Pacific Economic Com mission. 
APEC is to evolve into an "Asian-Pacific Union" after the Western Hemi sphere 
becomes the "American Union" simi lar to the existing European Union.

This was followed by a luncheon session on "the international role of the 
United States," led by retired Gen. Brent Scowcroft, former assistant to 
President Ronald Reagan for national security affairs and now president of 
the Forum for Inter na tional Policy in Washington.

An afternoon session on "globalization IV" addressed the "democracy deficit 
in the global economy." It was led by Joseph Nye Jr., dean of the Kennedy 
School of Go vernment at Harvard University.

The closing session on March 12 was de voted to "international security 
challenges," with Richard Holbrooke, U.S. am bassador to the United Nations 
and assistant secretary of state under former Presi dent Bill Clinton, 
himself a Bilder berg member.

A common theme for all of the three days of closed meetings was "a world 
without borders" and the "demise of the nation-state." Dealing with 
"provincial nationalism" was viewed as a major challenge.

[CTRL] Ill Captain Blames Anthrax Vaccine

2001-04-23 Thread William Shannon


Ill captain blames anthrax

 Friday, April 20, 2001


Where did his health go?

 That's the question plaguing Capt. Jason M. Nietupski of Longmeadow. Since
last year when he received an experimental anthrax vaccine, he has
experienced medical problems so serious, they have compelled state Rep. Mary
S. Rogeness, R-Longmeadow, to try to prohibit the vaccine's use in

 Nietupski, an Army veteran now in the Air National Guard, received the
vaccine in February 2000 before going on a joint exercise with Korean
military forces. If he had somehow encountered a device laced with anthrax, a
lethal bacteria believed to be used in biological weapons, the vaccine could
have saved his life.

 Instead, the vaccine itself is making him miserable, he said. Before
receiving his third scheduled booster in March 2000, Nietupski's mouth
erupted with sores. He has since been diagnosed with chronic fatigue
syndrome, liver damage, and blood clots deep in his leg.

 "He was a top-notch military man," said Rogeness. "Pretty immediately after
receiving the injection his health was compromised and has not improved."

Nietupski said he has seen 30 doctors since receiving the vaccine a little
more than a year ago, and most of them, including the Army's own doctors,
concur that his symptoms are somehow linked to the vaccine.

 What bothers him most, though, is that the Department of Defense refuses to
take the problem, or him, seriously.

 In March, when he went to the Northampton Veterans Affairs Medical Center
with swelling in his leg, a physician commented that he was concentrating too
much on his medical problems and needed to relax.

 Later he was found to have blood clots in his leg, called deep venous
thromboses, that could have life-threatening implications. Nietupski said he
still takes blood-thinners to prevent clot formation.

 Critics of the Army's anthrax program, who believe there may be thousands of
recruits affected like Nietupski, point out that the vaccine has not yet
received federal Food and Drug Administration approval, but Army personnel
are not permitted to refuse it.

 Rogeness' bill, which she filed after hearing about Nietupski's case, would
prohibit the use of any non-FDA-approved vaccine on members of the military
in Massachusetts.

"We're trying to override federal regulations, and help out people serving
the state," Rogeness said.

In February the Pentagon rejected the call by a panel from the U.S. House of
Representatives calling for a halt in inoculations, saying that the threat is
real and the vaccine is safe.

 Sue Baily, the assistant secretary of defense for health affairs, said at
that time that 400,000 troops had been inoculated. Of those, 620 reported
adverse reactions, 26 were hospitalized and only six of those were known to
be related to the vaccine.

 The goal is to vaccinate all 2.4 million members of the active and reserve
military, Bailey said.

Members of the Air National Guard's 104th Tactical Fighter wing based in
Westfield received shots in May before heading to Kuwait to fly missions over
southern Iraq.

 Cases like Nietupski's have sparked an outcry in the military and civilian
worlds. At an Institute of Medicine panel meeting Wednesday in Washington,
D.C., Air Force Capt. John E. Buck, a physician about to be court-martialed
because of his refusal to take the vaccine, charged that the compulsory
vaccination program amounts to an experiment without the subjects' consent.

 "The DoD (Department of Defense) has chosen to use our profession as a tool
to achieve its military objectives," he said, "and in doing so, has severely
compromised the practice of medicine."

 Meanwhile, Nietupski said the Veterans Administration is ignoring his
requests for disability payments, and his plea that it put an end to the
vaccine program.

 "What has happened to me should remain a testament to bad military policy
and poor medical research," he said.

[CTRL] Skull Bones A Charity??

2001-04-23 Thread William Shannon

This is a Charity? The Seamy Underbelly of Skull and Bones
Tim Francis-Wright

22 April 2001

It is widely known that George W. Bush, along with his father, George H. W. 
Bush, are members of the Skull and Bones society since their junior years at 
Yale. What is not widely known is that Skull and Bones claims to be a public 
charity and not just a social club. Like every American public charity, its 
tax returns are open for public inspection: these returns cast doubts on 
whether Skull and Bones is abiding by the rules that generally govern 
nonprofit institutions and specifically govern nonprofit organizations.
Skull and Bones is one of several senior societies at Yale University. Many 
of its members have gone on to illustrious careers in politics and business, 
although some graduates became known for their essentially dissenting views 
(like William Sloane Coffin). The group dates back to the middle of the 19th 
century. When Phi Beta Kappa got rid of its oaths and overt symbolism, some 
Yalies reacted the only way they knew how: they formed a society of their 
Ron Rosenbaum's recent article in the New York Observer described the 
sophomoric and eerie rituals associated with the initiation of new members. 
Examples include a graphic reenactment of the rape of Abner Louima by New 
York City policemen, with initiates playing Mr. Louima. Rosenbaum also took a 
quick look through a recent tax return filed by RTA, Inc., the nonprofit 
organization behind Skull and Bones:

There [is an] assertion in the 1997 RTA Incorporated filing (Part VI, line 
80b) that the organization was not "related through common membership, 
governing bodies, trustees, officers etc. to any other exempt or non-exempt 

Contradicting that assertion is information on the filing of the Deer Island 
Club Corporation. Deer Island is the private island of the Skull and Bones 
Society, located in the St. Lawrence River. It is the place where Bones 
members bring their families for summer get-togethers. It is wholly owned 
and run by Skull and Bones members, apparently contradicting Bones' claim 
of "no relationship" to another exempt organization, and appearing to 
contradict the strictly educational and charitable mission for which RTA 
gets its exemption for Skull and Bones. 

Both George W. Bush and his father, George H. W. Bush, are members of Skull 
and Bones. While I always thought it odd that windowless buildings stood in 
the midst of the Yale campus, there is little inherently wrong with a 
university having, essentially, a set of upper-class fraternities. At the 
least, it keeps some people off the streets on Thursday nights, when most of 
the societies meet. I put little credence in conspiracy theorists who see the 
combination of blue blood and occult symbolism to be the root of all evil.
My objection to Skull and Bones is that it is claiming that it is a public 
charity under the Internal Revenue Code. While its initiation rites are 
unseemly, calling its activities to be educational activities worthy of a 
charitable organization is even more so. I obtained the tax returns for RTA, 
Inc. for fiscal year 1998 and fiscal year 1999 from the web site, which has hundreds of thousands of tax returns available 
for download.
Rosenbaum's article makes an excellent point that the answer to line 80b on 
the RTA, Inc. return may be fraudulent. However, only nonprofit organizations 
must make public their tax returns, so a privately held for- profit entity 
like Deer Island Club Corporation need not reveal anything about its 
operations or tax returns to the public. I cannot verify his claim that Deer 
Island is owned solely by Skull and Bones members.
Here is a table of the finances of the organization according Parts I and II 
of these two returns:RTA, Inc.: Year Ending 30 June 1998(Category)  Total   
ProgramServices Management/General  Fundraising 
Contributions   164,524     
Dividends   126,990     
Capital Gains   422,475     
Total Income  738,212       
Compensation of Officers37,856  15,142  18,928  3,786   
Other Salaries and Wages17,179  17,179          
Accounting  5,500       5,500       
Telephone   182     182     
Postage 5,300       2,650   2,650   
Occupancy   58,602  58,602          
Conferences, Conventions,and Meetings   49,714  49,714          
Depreciation17,673  17,673          
Office  1,950       1,950       
Worker's Compensation Insurance 2,278   2,278           
Investment Management Fees  17,001      17,001      
Consulting  6,000           6,000   
Total Expenses  219,235 160,588 46,211  12,436  
RTA, Inc.: Year Ending 30 June 1999(Category)   Total   ProgramServices 
Management/General  Fundraising 
Contributions   116,256     
Dividends   151,890     
Capital Gains   440,875     
Total Income  759,061       
Compensation of Officers

Re: [CTRL] Conspiracy theories On the grassy knoll

2001-04-23 Thread Steve Wingate

-Caveat Lector-

I asked a bystander in Dallas where the grassy knoll was. He got really mad
and said, Dallas is a beautiful city. Why do you come here to focus on
something that happened decades ago?!!

I think it has something to do with trying to learn the truth.

BTW, I did not think Dallas was that pretty, and the air was so polluted that I
could not wait to leave. Most people I met were very unfriendly as well.

BTW, the third 'tramp' looks very much like E. Howard Hunt, well-known CIA
operative and Nixon croney. And where was Nixon on that fateful day. He
could not remember!


On 22 Apr 01, at 23:20, Linda Minor wrote:

 The grassy knoll has even been linked to a grisly -- perhaps the most
 grisly -- Houston murder. In 1965, the dismembered bodies of Fred and Edwina
 Rogers were found in a refrigerator and freezer at their home at 1815
 Driscoll in Houston. Their son, Charles, who was sought as a material
 witness, was never found, and the case remains uncleared.

 In the 1992 book The Man on the Grassy Knoll, John R. Craig and Philip A.
 Rogers linked Charles Rogers to the grassy knoll on Nov. 22, 1963. They also
 identified him as an Oswald imposter who traveled to Mexico City the month
 before the assassination and who took a used car for a test spin in Dallas
 two weeks before the president's death. The authors claim sharpshooter
 Rogers and Charles Harrelson, later convicted in the slaying of federal
 judge John Wood (and the father of actor Woody Harrelson), fired
 simultaneously at Kennedy from behind a picket fence. Fleeing to a boxcar,
 they were arrested along with another man and detained for two hours. Among
 conspiracy theorists, they are the famous three tramps whose release --
 with no written record remaining of their arrest -- provides even more
 fodder for speculation about a conspiracy in Kennedy's death.

 In 1992, however, Dallas researcher Mary La Fontaine searched the Dallas
 Police Department records and found the arrest records of three men who were
 indeed tramps. They were identified as Harold Doyle, Gus Abrams, and John
 Forrester Gedney. But authors Craig and Rogers raise doubts as to whether
 these three men were the only ones taken in after the president's killing.

 Whatever the case, the place the grassy knoll holds in the minds of anyone
 who remembers or investigates the Kennedy assassination is not about to dim
 soon. Visit Dallas, and you will find conspiracy buffs of all sorts hanging
 out there, expounding their theories, selling their leaflets and newspapers,
 pointing out the landmarks. You can even stand behind the picket fence and
 get a view of what a killer -- maybe the killer -- saw on Nov. 22, 1963.

 The grassy knoll is a place for thought.

Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall inherit the Earth.


CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Conspiracy theories On the grassy knoll

2001-04-23 Thread YnrChyldzWyld

  From: Steve Wingate
  I asked a bystander in Dallas where the grassy knoll was. He got 
  really madand said, "Dallas is a beautiful city. Why do you come 
  here to focus onsomething that happened decades 
  ago?!!"I think it has something to do with trying to learn 
  the truth.BTW, I did not think Dallas was that pretty, and 
  the air was so polluted that Icould not wait to leave. Most people 
  I met were very unfriendly as well.
  I was only in Dallas once, on a business trip. Stumbled across 
  the Grassy Knoll by accident, on the way back to my hotel...
  I didn't see much of the city, what I DID see, it looked pretty much 
  like most other cities, no better, no worse.
  I found the natives pretty friendly, though...but I didn't have time to 
  mingle all that much...
  If they don't want outsiders coming there to visit the site of the 
  assassination, then they shouldn't have put up the JFK memorial in the 
  middle of Dealy Plaza, replete with map pointing out the ex-Schoolbook 
  Depository, the Grassy Knoll, etc. That's the only way I actually 
  knew I was smack in the middle of the sitenone of the area maps 
  provided by the hotel mentioned Dealy Plaza et al...I and my companion 
  were just strolling back from Texas Alley, and thought that the memorial 
  was just a memorial put up by the city to commemorate the event...if we 
  hadn't have read the text and seen the map in the memorial, we would have 
  gone on back to the hotel figuring it was just some memorial. We 
  would have never known we were at ground zero...
  BTW, the third 'tramp' looks very much like E. Howard Hunt, 
  well-known CIAoperative and Nixon croney. And where was Nixon on 
  that fateful day. Hecould not remember!
  Actually, he could and did. He was in Dallas, along with Joan 
  Crawford, for the Pepsi-Cola convention that was being held there at the 
  same time. Nixon was working for the law firm that represented 
  Pepsi-Cola, and perhaps was on its BoD...
  As supposedly so were LBJ and George Bush, Sr
  Joan Crawford afterwards always alluded to good friends that she knew 
  more about the Kennedy assassination than was general knowledge...but 
  apparently would say no more than that...


_Bravenet IncrediMail - Email has finally 
evolved - Click 

Re: [CTRL] Skull Bones A Charity??

2001-04-23 Thread Aleisha Saba

-Caveat Lector-

Perhaps this is just a question of semantics?

For instance Ms. Rosenbaum does not know the meaning of the word Charity
which is best described, as brotherly love.

Philadelphia is the City of Brotherly Love.
We are getting into old Enlglish meaning here; for instance the old
print I have of the Hells Fire Club, entitled Charity in the Cellar.

The Boys have had a meeting and have fallen into masonic state of
brotherly love but it took a hogshead of wine, to so do.
We have a statute of Charity, or the many Breasted Diana (and that is
straight out of Acts 19)..taking for form of a pyramid, Lord
Sandwich has almost a halo of light about his sweet kind face;  Thomas
DeGrey is passed out on a bench in this cellar with wine dripping in his
mouth.   Dashwood, my favorite looks also like a Holy Man.

But they bowed not to leave that basement until they had drunk up all
the wine and there were at 8 hogs heads or kegs - this one man I knew a
lawyer, who later had a submachine gun and tried to rob a casino in
Vegas came into my office once to see this print and said Wow, what an

Brotherly Love, thy name is Charity and Charity means also simply

Now Ms. Rosenbaum would do well to check into this ADL or Morris Dees?
Southern Poverty Stricken Law Center now worth over $100 million mostly
stolen from poor farmers whom they first put on hate hit lists - members
of militiar, etc.
Dees was on TV again the other night but I want to hear what he has to
say about his former wife charging him with homoseual conduct and
molesting their daughter...

And this Marc Rich an ADL - that ADL who put militias and christians and
poor moslems on FBI Hit Hate List - those people took $200,000 from Rich
for him to get a pardon?   Nothing done here and I mean what the hell
would the IRS say about this one?   Bribe money - is that taxable.   Do
they tax Clinton, and tax ADL and tax Rich or just throw them all in the
slammer like they would us poor white folk or men in militia had they
tryed to pull this off.

Now what about the little Church in Indianpolis who paid their employees
with church donations and tell me - are charitable donations tax
exempted and wouldn't these employees have been better off to take
donations than wages as members of the Church as a priest or nun does?

Why Skull and Bones; today they admit anybody and Phi Beta Kappa I met
this guy would could not spell and a real moron, but he went to
Morehouse and made Phi Beta Kappa.   Like Lincoln, did he go back to the
law or back to splitting rails where he belonged?

Now then we have the Fraternal Order of your Friendly Police - a strict
benevolent association - more brotherly love..yet, the intimidate
candidates running for public office and I knew this one Judge who told
them once to go to hell - and the other said day before election he knew
police often lied on the stand, but prove it?

Fraternal Order of Police - Brotherly Love.

Like the Masons now that is real brotherly love - for when you find a
mason, you find gambling, drinking, chasing wild women (like Martin
Luther King Jr. chasing naked lady down hall in motel - black mason)
Not that was sisterly love.indiscreet, yet.

Who the hell in a modest income bracket would want to join a fraternity
with the super rich;  most super rich I have known seem to like to share
the wealth and I have worked for several millionaires plus - they share
their private lodges with their friends and employees, their islands,
yachtsmaybe a little cheap sometimes paying out salaries, but if
Uncle Sam didn't take a third of your earings..

So what the hellSkull and Bones like looking for great pirates like
a Jon LaFite, who has grandson in New Orleans Mafia, a Lt.   Maybe gone
up ranks a bit now.
Think this secret society would let you snoop in their lodges

This Rosenbaum would do well to investigate such a society as the ADL
where much thievery of others people's money goes on.

Brotherly Love?   Charity in the Cellar?  Fronts often fo something
else, rings and things..but Skull and Bones was a Christian
Association and I suppose now they will be put on ADL's Hate Hit List -
can't have wealthy Christians around rocking the boat.

Get the picture?   The Rockefellers have lot two of their own, Nelson
and John and since that time that big fat assed Kissinger has moved into
their shoes.Lawrence Rockefeller and the Prince of the Netherlands
are so old now they probably wear training pants with Kissinger.

For this, is Zionismlook around and see the fascists in disguise who
kill the semitesthe real semites in the Holy is that,
for brotherly love?

All jews and arabs in Holy Land as I understand it believe they are
brothers; for all Kings are brothers in the long run.

Doesn't anybody really care what is going on .. Hitler aka Heidler
aka Schicklegrubber aka Hister is alive and well..he was a fascist
in disguise - no, he as an Ashkenazi 

[CTRL] Secret U.S. Debate over Intelligence Sharing in Peru and Colombia

2001-04-23 Thread Linda Minor

National Security Archive Update, April 23, 2001

*Shoot Down in Peru: The Secret U.S. Debate over Intelligence Sharing in Peru
and Colombia*

On Friday, April 20, 2001, a Peruvian Air Force jet, acting on intelligence
supplied by a U.S. intelligence plane, shot down a civilian aircraft that was
mistakenly suspected of being part of a drug trafficking operation.  An
American missionary and her infant daughter were killed in a hail of gunfire,
and the Bush administration immediately suspended all U.S. drug interdiction
flights over Peru.

The National Security Archive has obtained through the Freedom of Information
act declassified U.S. government documents pertaining to the policy debate
that arose after the governments of Peru and Colombia announced their
intention to use weapons against civilian aircraft suspected of carrying
illegal narcotics.  The current policy on the sharing of aerial tracking
intelligence with Peru and Colombia was formulated in 1994, but not without a
significant amount of debate within the Clinton administration, some of whom
warned that, “mistakes are likely to occur under any policy that contemplates
the use of weapons against civil aircraft in flight,” and that, “A shootdown
leading to the death of innocent persons would likely be a serious diplomatic
embarrassment for the United States.”

The debate resulted at first in the suspension of “real-time” aerial tracking
assistance with the two governments, but the suspension was soon lifted after
vigorous opposition from the State Department and especially from the
embassies in Lima and Bogotá.  The declassified documents featured in this
Electronic Briefing Book provide a revealing glimpse of the priorities that
Clinton administration officials weighed during this episode, and expose deep
interdepartmental divisions about the appropriateness of the U.S. response.

The administration ultimately decided that the best course of action was to
alter the existing U.S. law to allow U.S. aerial tracking data to be used in
operations against suspicious aircraft “if the President has determined that
such actions are necessary because of the threat posed by drugtrafficking
[sic] to the national security of that country and that the country has
appropriate procedures in place to protect innocent aircraft.”  This policy
did not seek a solution to the international legal problems raised by the
forcedown policy, but rather sought “to reduce the [United States
government’s] exposure to criticism that such assistance violates
international law.”

THE NATIONAL SECURITY ARCHIVE is an independent non-governmental research
institute and library located at The George Washington University in
Washington, D.C. The Archive collects and publishes declassified documents
acquired through the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA). A tax-exempt public
charity, the Archive receives no U.S. government funding; its budget is
supported by publication royalties and donations from foundations and
The National Security Archive does not and will never share the names or
e-mail addresses of its subscribers with any other organization. Once a year,
we will write you and ask for your financial support. We may also ask you for
your ideas for Freedom of Information requests, documentation projects, or
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[CTRL] (Fwd) - Oregon 3rd Cong. Dist. : Rep. Blumenauer SUPPORTS WAR ON YOU!

2001-04-23 Thread tribalzidane

-Caveat Lector-

Forwarded E-Mail Message
Mon, 23 Apr 2001 00:21:18 -0700
Oregon 3rd Cong. Dist. : Rep. Blumenauer SUPPORTS WAR ON YOU!
American Antiprohibition League [EMAIL PROTECTED] posted:

  Furiously flushing fascists since 1992
 Portland, Oregon

  Monday, April 23, 2001

 Rep. Blumenauer: SUPPORTS WAR ON YOU!
 along with gov't abuse and waste

(as of: 4/20/2001, Oregon)
   Supports Drug War?
US Rep. David Wu   YES
US Rep. Earl BlumenauerYES
US Sen. Gordon Smith   ?
US Sen. Ron Wyden  ?

Now among the drug war fascists, such as David Wu, add US Representative
Earl Blumenauer of the 3rd Congressional District of Oregon.  Like Wu, a
friendly fascist who is proud of his determination to protect you from
yourself.  Even if it means killing you or stealing your rights, your
freedom and your property.  He's happy to keep drugs on playgrounds so your
kids can easily get them.  And of course he continues throwing billions of
your tax dollars at a thus far unanalyzed, unjustified prohibition.

That's the bottom line on Earl Blumenauer folks.  Yet another crafty
politician but certainly no leader, no friend of the poor or minorities.  He
obviously does not want our votes in Nov. 2002.

But we all knew that right?  Well you may have thought you knew, but if you
recall it was the League's Drug Peace Delegation, who 30 days ago was the
first to ask Rep.  Blumenauer the central question: DRUG WAR, OR DRUG PEACE?
So it was really never official.  Until now.  Thanks to JT, Cloi, Crystal,
Cory, Reta and little Codie, brave heroes for Drug Peace!

So where were you?  Perhaps you may not have been notified?  Portland's
press and media could not be bothered with reporting something so
insignificant as law makers encouraging government's war on their own
people.  For weeks notices have been going out almost daily, to among
others, The Oregonian, The Portland Tribune, Willamette Week, The Rocket,
The Mercury, The Portland Observer, The Skanner, The Alliance, even the
Oregon Peace Worker, radio and TV of course.  Please make inquires and find
out why the Drug Peace Vigils are being ignored.  (Contact info.  follows.)

In the next 2 weeks the delegation shall conclude this first phase of the
Drug Peace Vigil.  On Friday we return to Senator Gordon Smith, followed by
Sen.  Ron Wyden the week after.  The question to both remains: DRUG WAR, OR

Recently it has been suggested by one influential Oregon activist that she
does not believe these vigils are effective.  Perhaps she is right and as
I have stated repeatedly it all depends on YOU.  Understand that for
everyone who participates in these actions the Congressman and Senators know
it means there are hundreds, perhaps thousands of their constituents who
agree with us.  Can you imagine the impact of 100 peaceful people descending
upon Sen.  Gordon Smith, silently yet clearly demanding Drug Peace?  In the
end even that may not change his mind, but it will certainly give him and
his cohorts pause for thought come Nov. 2002.  Remember WE can not create a
movement without moving.  It is much easier to dismiss 5 or 6 anti-drug war
zealots such as myself.  But if we can put 100 or more citizens on their
doorstep, then these guys will know we are influencing thousands of voters.
Please keep that in mind.  Please do something to help end the drug war as
often as you can until we achieve a real and lasting Drug Peace!  Accept
no substitutes, everything else are symptomatic by-products.

   US Senator Gordon Smith (R)
Friday, April 27, 11:30am, gather at:
121 SW SALMON ST SUITE 1250, downtown Portland
(OR,97204) in the World Trade Center Bldg. #1
Ph1[503/326-3386] Ph2[202/224-3753]
term ends 01/01/2003, DCfax#:202-2283997

Staff (refused to meet with delegation last month)

Cary C Evans, Title: Field Representative

Kerry Tymchuk, Title: State Director

 Portland press and media
Newsdesk 503/221-8100, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Portland Tribune:
503/282-4094, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Willamette Week:
Editor Mark Zusman
503/243-2122,Fax503/243-1115, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Portland Rocket:
503/228-4702,Fax503/235-7625, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Portland Mercury:

Portland Observer:
503/288-0033,Fax503/288-0015, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

The Skanner:
Fax503/284-8200, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

The Alliance:
503/239-4991, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Oregon Peace Worker:
503/585-2767,Fax503/585-2767, [EMAIL PROTECTED]


[CTRL] CHINA: The Deal for the US hostages.

2001-04-23 Thread Nurev Ind.

-Caveat Lector-

Countries don't really care about apologies and such.
These are used as a framework for serious deal making in
the public sphere. You can bet that what's below is not
all of it.

China really wants the next Olympic Games. The US threatened
to scuttle that possibility. I would bet a nickel that China
was promised no interference by this administration.


Monday April 23 6:05 PM ET
Bush Turns Down Aegis Sale to Taiwan for Now

By Randall Mikkelsen

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Bush turned down for
now a decision on whether to sell Taiwan the
sophisticated Aegis naval defense system to Taiwan,
deciding on Monday to sell less advanced weapons, a
congressional source said.

The president would sell Kidd class naval destroyers
rather than Arleigh Burke class destroyers that could
be fitted with the Aegis system staunchly opposed by
China, a congressional aide said.

The aide said he learned of Bush's decision from the
administration. The president had decided to ``defer a
decision on the Aegis, not deny it,'' he said.

China has also opposed any Kidd sale, but is known to
be most concerned about the Aegis system, which it
fears could eventually put Taiwan under a U.S. missile
defense shield.

The decision effectively keeps the Aegis system as a
bargaining chip in U.S.-China relations, which have
been strained by a dispute over the collision of a
U.S. spy
plane and Chinese fighter jet. The United States will
also sell Taiwan 12 P-3 ``Orion'' anti-submarine
aircraft and help it to buy eight diesel submarines,
the source

The White House declined immediate comment on the
source's disclosure.

White House spokesman Ari Fleischer had said earlier a
Taiwanese delegation would be notified on Tuesday
during a visit to the Pentagon.

Strains in the U.S.-China relationship, heightened by
a dispute over the recent collision of a U.S. spy
plane and a Chinese jet fighter, have given Taiwan's
arms shopping list increased significance this year.

China views Taiwan as a breakaway province, and has
said any advanced weapons sales to Taiwan would have a
``devastating impact'' on U.S.-China relations.

Taiwan had asked for four $1 billion Arleigh Burke
Class destroyers equipped with Aegis defense systems
designed to detect and attack dozens of missiles,
and ships at once.

Administration security officials had recommended that
Washington instead sell the older and
less-sophisticated Kidd Class destroyers to Taipei
instead of the
Arleigh Burkes, though China has also opposed sales of
the Kidd destroyers.

Also on Taiwan's shopping list were the
diesel-electric submarines of German or Dutch design
with U.S. technology, an advanced Patriot antimissile
defense known
as PAC-3, and the P-3 maritime search and
anti-submarine aircraft.

Experts say Bush may warn China that it must stop
stationing missiles along its coastline targeted
across the South China Sea at Taiwan.

China objects to the sale of these weapons under a
U.S. law that requires presidents to provide for
Taiwan's legitimate defensive needs even though
recognizes Beijing as the sole legitimate government
of China.

Chinese officials will not be told of Bush's decision
before it is announced to Taiwan, U.S. National
Security Council spokeswoman Mary Ellen Countryman

Due to China's opposition, decisions on U.S. arms
sales to Taiwan are almost always politically
sensitive. But Bush's decision is even more touchy
following the April
1 collision of a U.S. Navy EP-3 reconnaissance plane
and a Chinese fighter off China.

The fighter crashed, killing the pilot. The crippled
four-engine U.S. plane landed at a Chinese base and
China held the 24-member crew for 11 days. Beijing has
refused to return the aircraft, a move that has
hardened the views of some members of the U.S.
Congress on accelerating the modernization of Taiwan's

The United States said talks in Beijing over the
damaged $80 million EP-3 were productive but that
further discussions would be conducted on whether,
when and
how the plane might be returned.

Chinese Embassy spokesman Zhang Yuanyuan said last
week U.S.-China relations would be damaged if
Washington decided to sell any advanced weapons to
Taiwan. This did not just apply to the Arleigh Burkes,
but to other less sophisticated weaponry.

The disputes, coinciding with stepped-up U.S.
criticism of China's human rights record, have
contributed to a rocky start for Bush in his relations
with the Communist


CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and 

[CTRL] [Fwd: U'wa Campaign]

2001-04-23 Thread Nurev Ind.

-Caveat Lector-

 Original Message 
Subject: U'wa Campaign
Date: Mon, 23 Apr 2001 14:50:37 -0500 (CDT)
From: Colombian Labor Monitor [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Organization: ?
To: undisclosed-recipients:;

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Mon, 23 Apr 2001 14:37:43 -0400
From: Mario Murillo [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Colombian Labor Monitor [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: U'wa Campaign

U'wa Tribal Leader Roberto Perez Kicks-off U.S.Tour to Expose the Crude
Logic behind the U.S. Drug War in Colombia
Sunday, April 22nd
7pm MIT bldg 10 room 250 Trade, Plan Colombia and the
resistance of the U'wa. Professor Noam Chomsky and Roberto Perez, President
of the U'WA
Sponsored by the MIT Social Justice Collaborative, Sangam Environmental
Initiatives, AID-Boston, Boston Earth Action Network, Tonantzin, Pugwash,
the Boston Area Leonard Peltier Support Group, the Council for Native
American Solidarity and the Kelly-Douglas Fund
Monday April 23rd
3:00 - 4:30pm NYU School of Law -
Roberto Perez of the U'wa and John Denali of the Dineh
Globalization, fossil fuel extraction, and its effects of indigenous
peoples. Contact Larry [EMAIL PROTECTED]  212-443-5231

9:00pm evening talk on WBAI Circle of Red Nations 99.5fm

Alternatives to Globalization
sponsored by Voices in Action, Colombia Vive,
7-9pm Church of the Holy Redeemer, 72 Maverick St. East Boston
maverick t-stop on the blue line. walk to end of square - left at soverign
bank. church is several blocks down.
Ignacio Gomez - a former Colombian Journalist reporting on the effects of
the War on Drugs on the environment and the people of Colombia.
Streets are Watching - a community organization creating a youth led
movement to increase police accountability and a movement against prison
industrial complex.
Food will be served.

Tuesday, April 24
6:30 - 8:30am vigil at Sikorsky helicopter plant -stratford CT, maker of
BlackHawk helicopters. Colombia Action Coalition 203-777-3849
Roberto Perez - Effects of the War on Drugs on the Indigenous Peoples of
7- 9pm Providence Friends Meeting House 99 Morris St. on the corner of Only
and Morris St. for directions contact Erbin at 781-830-0303 ext.231
sponsored by Progresso Latino, Project Hope, Colombian Cultural
Society,Rainforest Relief and RI Jobs With Justice.

Wednesday April 25
9:00am - 11pm U'wa indigenous leader joins human rights activists - demand
Textron technologies maker of Bell Huey helicopters divest from Colombia's
Oil war.
Providence Convention Center, corner of Sabin and Exchange Terrace - Sisters of Mercy Consolidated Management
Program, War Resisters League and Rainforest Relief contact BEAN

April 25th 7:15pm
Globalization, Plan Colombia, and struggle for indigenous autonomy in
Colombia. Robeto Perez, President of the U'wa.
Columbia University, NYC International Affairs Building, take the 1 or the 9
to 116th st. Building located at 118th and amsterdam.
Co-sponsored by the Center for Energy, Marine Transportation,And public
policy, the Center for the Study of Human Rights and the Rainforest
Foundation. For directions contact 212-854-0602.


11:00am Demonstrate at Bernstein/Alliance Capital Headquarters! 767 5th ave.
Manhattan NY
U'wa Indigenous leader calls for divestment from Colombia's oil War!
1:00pm meet at the National Indian Museum - Battery Park - Indigenous
Solidarity March on Wall Street - we will walk to Lehman Brothers - financer
of Peabody coal's project who is driving the Dineh indigenous people off
their homeland in Arizona and rally at NY Stock Exchange - Wall Street.
Contact:Wetlands and Rainforest Relief, NYC - 212-966-4831

7- 11pm Sounds of Resistance Concert to Benefit the U'wa - Demarest Hall,
Rutgers University, on College Ave. NewBrunswick, NJ contact: Katherine Moon
[EMAIL PROTECTED] 973-419-2103

Friday, April 27
9:30am - 12noon - High Mowing High School. Contact Phil at

2 - 7pm Boston - Northeast Environmental Justice Conference -
Alternatives for Community and the Environment contact: Lisa 617-442-3343

7:30pm Come see beautiful Latina/Latino art and hear the words of Roberto
Perez, fundraiser sponsored by Cultural Survival contact Ken Ramsey
617-441-5400 [EMAIL PROTECTED] Equator Gallery...located at 218 Newbury St,
Boston - 617-266-4110.

Saturday, April 28 11am - 6pm Earthfest 2001 at the Hatch Shell - take the
green line to Arlington T-stop.

For general information and details on locations, to get involved or to
become a co-sponsor please contact
Boston Earth Action Network 617-623-2453
[EMAIL PROTECTED] or cell 617-438-BEAN
For more information check out,

* CLM-NEWS is brought to you by 

[CTRL] As was in the days of Noah....

2001-04-23 Thread The Extremist

Dear Newswatch Magazine Listeners/Readers:

Jesus made a statement concerning His second coming in Matthew 24 that
the masses in Christianity apparently have missed. He said that
as in the days of Noah, so it would be in the last days
signaling His return. Because of Satan's deception called evolution, the
world looks upon the past as being primitive only.

However, this was NOT the case. Satan and his fallen angels do not want
you or me to discover the truth concerning THEIR PAST CONDUCT! He had
direct access to God's technology. He and 1/3rd of the angels that
rebelled had knowledge far beyond the first parents - Adam and Eve.

A book that was not a part of the Bible but gives further insight into
what happened before the flood is called The Book of Enoch. This book
even names some of the fallen angels that descended in a
PLANNED physical, intervention into human affairs which God the Father
and Jesus the Son had forbidden. Part of this rebellion is very briefly
mentioned in Genesis 6:1-4.

In Genesis 6 we see the sons of God [which are angels in
EVERY reference in the Old Testament] crossing the sexual barrier and
producing giants as offspring. God has forbidden the crossing
geneticly of different KINDS. Angels were NOT to cross breed with human
females. You can read the traditions handed down from ancient times in
Greek Mythology. There is more truth to it than many think.

Not only did these fallen angels, who came down in the days
of Jared [Genesis 5:18], cross the forbidden sexual barrier, but they
began to teach the human race witchcraft, sorcery, gene splicing, genetic
engineering in order to combine two species - such as half man and half
goat, half horse and half sheep, etc.

The human race knew that a savior was to come along with the kingdom of
God. When these angels left their first estate [Jude 6] and
descended to earth, the human family believed the kingdom of God was
being established with supernatural beings in control. These
angels and their half-human and half-angel offspring began to claim to be
gods [Genesis 4:26].

They began to geneticly alter the food supply. They taught humans to
perform these alterations that was not compatible with human digestion.
Therefore, they would eventually destroy the human race through which the
one seed or Messiah was to come. It was very subtle,
diabolical! The fallen angels had a two pronged front to
destroy the Messiah BEFORE He was to be born. 1) Pollute the gene pool of
human beings, so the Messiah would not have a PURE seed line from the
human family; 2) Corrupt and destroy the human food chain, so the human
race would become defective and infertile. Through the mind of Satan and
his friends, they thought they could so corrupt the human race that the
promise made to Adam and Eve of a Messiah coming through their physical,
human seed would become impossible. The Messiah would eventually come as
the Son of God and the Son of man because the Holy Spirit proceeded OUT
FROM THE FATHER and impregnated Mary - therefore human and Divine. The
Word became flesh [John 1:1-3, 14].

God raised up Enoch to preach to these angels that had left their
first estate concerning their fate and the coming kingdom of God
[Jude 14-15 and The Book of Enoch]. Enoch and others did not have a
polluted gene pool. God sent a vision to Noah's father that
his son was to be different from others and have three sons who would
save the world [Book of Enoch]. The Bible tells us WHY Noah came on this
side of the flood with three sons and their wives. In Genesis 6:8-9 we
are told that Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord. … Noah was
a JUST man and perfect in his generations, and Noah walked with
God. 1)Noah obeyed God in ALL of His Laws. 2) God administered
grace [unmerited favor] to Noah because of obedience to Him.
3) Noah's gene pool had not been corrupted by cross-breeding with
fallen angels. He was PERFECT in his pedigree - genetic

Satan is once again on the move in allowing men to learn cloning and gene
splicing to corrupt the food chain. By producing corrupt food supplies
that are feed to humans and animals that eventually become food for
humans, they will again render mankind sickly. The inability to digest
properly the geneticly altered food will cause cancer growths in cattle,
sheep, goats and humans.

The ILLUMINATI, worshippers of Lucifer or Satan, has as a goal to make
and keep the human race weak and sickly. They can control us more easily
when we are sick. Therefore, they are bent on genetic engineering of the

David J. Smith
-end article-
-The Extremist
Blessed be the LORD, my rock, who trains my hands for war, and my fingers
for battle; my
rock and my fortress, my stronghold and my deliverer, my shield and he in
whom I take
refuge, who subdues the peoples under him.
-Psalm 144:1,2

Re: [CTRL] How much is enough?

2001-04-23 Thread Nurev Ind.

-Caveat Lector-

Aleisha Saba wrote:

 -Caveat Lector-

 Well maybe this problem will solve itself in some instances for why do
 you think 18,000 black africans will be permitted to emmigrate from
 Africa to USA - only qualificatoin you must have AIDS?   Now mix those
 18,000 in with other black Africians some of whom, ie, one out of three
 black male in American have AIDS - now add this up and ask why the
 longivity of blacks in Africa and USA is somewhat lowered?

 Why the need to ship AIDS infected Africans to USA at rate of 18,000 a
 year along with others who have it an maybe do not even know it.

 Well add this to the melting pot - this is bad blood they are
 importing, right.   Then consider the bad blood infested with AIDS/HIV
 Clinton sold around primaily to Canada?  Tell me, what is the
 difference?  None.   Only a lot of innocents received that poisoned
 blood from CFR/Rhodes Scholar (who got it by appointment and not by his
 alleged charm and lip biting and intelligence - Fulbright got him
 in).but this man is guilty of face it, premeditated murder?   So he
 has a few sexual disease according to sources who have his medical
 records - wait until some of the people with whom he has associated
 suddenly discover they have problems - none curable?

 And this sodomy being taught to little elementary children?

 Oh such a lovely master plan for murder keyed to the bible - this bible
 is in he wrong hands, for those who use it now are evil - black

 So who will be the chosen ones this time and I ask you, chosen for what?

 Protect your children; keep them out of public swimming pools - this is
 the first thing closed down when epidemic hits.

 Now they say smallpox is on rise and ordered $480 million in vaccines
 from England - what the hell, Admiral Crowe got an interest over there?

 Wonderful - for there are those, professionals who should know
 something, who say the old small pox vaccine is the cause of AIDS?

 Do you want your kids mixing with kids who inherited AIDS from their
 parents?   See how fast this disease will spread?

 And Hill and Bill want to legalize prostitution and promote Gay

 Most peoplel do not care what people do in their own bedrooms - yet now
 we see this garbage on TV now - and the homosexuals and lesbians are
 pushing themselves maybe a little too far ???

 Keep your powder dry, watch out for your children for there are lewd and
 lascivicous people wandering the streets, in parks and recreation
 centers and now in our schools who await them with open arms.

 Come into my parlour they say


You are one twisted old bitch. Psychotic, racist, nasty, and very,
very stupid.

Chew on this one twisted sister...

 Europe founded by a few hundred Africans, study finds

Genome research at the Whitehead Institute

By EMMA ROSS, Associated Press

EDINBURGH, Scotland (April 21, 2001 3:00 p.m. EDT) -
Modern Europeans, and possibly populations in other
regions of the world, are descended from just a few
hundred Africans who left their homeland as recently as
25,000 years ago, new research suggests.

The findings, reported at the start of a conference
of the Human Genome Organization, the international
collaboration researching the genetic makeup of the
human race, provide the first estimate of how many people
founded Europe.

They are also a blow to the theory that modern humans
evolved simultaneously in Africa, Europe and Asia from
multiple early humans.

I think this certainly rules that out, at least in
respect to Europe, said study leader Eric Lander,
director of the
Whitehead Institute/Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Center for Genome Research. We're not sure
whether this was just the founding of Europe or whether,
in fact, this small bottleneck represents all the people
leaving Africa.

Lander's study involved comparing about 300 chromosomes
from people in Sweden, central Europe and
Nigeria. The differences in the genetic pattern between
the European and African chromosomes revealed how
long ago Europeans left Africa and about how many there
must have been.

The pattern showed that the Europeans were descended
from fewer ancestors than the Africans - an
evolutionary bottleneck, Lander said.

It's hundreds, not thousands, Lander said.

The Nigerian chromosomes had been well shuffled around,
which indicates a wide gene pool and a long
breeding history, while the European chromosomes had
long stretches of unshuffled genetic material, indicating
a much smaller number of chromosome types entering the mix.

Eddy Rubin, a scientist who was not involved in the
study, said he thinks the findings are accurate.

The evidence is overwhelming that present-day Europeans
come from a very small group that stayed small for
a while, then expanded, said Rubin, head of the human
genome center at the Lawrence Berkeley National
Laboratory at the University of California, Berkeley.

Lander said the findings 

[CTRL] The Drug War: Where Should the Battle Lines Be Drawn?

2001-04-23 Thread Steve Wingate

-Caveat Lector-

(There is a stunning admission in this transcript from former CIA Narcotics
Officer Kenneth Bucchi regarding the CIA's role in the importing of drugs
into the US. I cannot believe this even made it on tv, probably only because
it was live. --SW)

The Drug War: Where Should the Battle Lines Be Drawn?

Aired April 23, 2001 - 20:30   ET


GRETA VAN SUSTEREN. An American woman and her infant are killed. A
tragic incident as the war on drugs hits a sour note.


see all the facts before I reach any conclusions about blame.


ANNOUNCER: Tonight, new questions about how the U.S. is fighting the


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: You really can't control drugs by stopping the flow
in. What you have to do, I think, is come up with a plan: a controlled,
regulated legalization of drugs.


ANNOUNCER: Tonight's POINT: The Drug War: Where Should the Battle
Lines Be Drawn?

Plus, the benefits of landing in here.

THE POINT. Now from Washington, Greta Van Susteren.

GRETA VAN SUSTEREN, HOST: What exactly is the war on drugs?
We've been talking about it as a nation for years, debating it, spending a lot
of money on it. But where does this war begin? Here at home or tens of
thousands of miles away?

There is new reason to bring this up again, and it's a horrifying one.

Tonight's Flashpoint -- The Drug War: Where Should the Battle Lines Be

A tragic case of mistaken identity. Peru shoots down a missionary plane
similar to this one in the mistaken belief it carried drugs. Now the White
House is questioning Peru's actions. But Peru says its military acted
properly. Whoever is to blame, an American woman and her 7-month-old
daughter are dead, and Washington is wrestling with renewed doubts
about an expensive and long-running battle with no end in sight.

The war on drugs has sparked interest far beyond Washington's corridors
of power. Hollywood has embraced the subject with two drug- related
movies in theaters right now. The latest is Blow, with Johnny Depp playing
a true-life drug dealer making easy money.



PAUL REUBENS, ACTOR: 36 hours -- I don't believe we got rid of it in 36

DEPP: It's fair to say you underestimated the market, Derek.

REUBENS: Right on. It's going to take us longer to sell it than it did to sell it.


VAN SUSTEREN: The movie Traffic takes a grittier approach, and
covers the war from Washington to Tijuana. Here's a montage.



CATHERINE ZETA-JONES, ACTRESS: ... high-impact, pressure-molded.
It's odorless, undetectable by the dogs. Undetectable by anyone.



ZETA-JONES: I want the principal witness against my husband killed.


ANNOUNCER: This winter...


MICHAEL DOUGLAS, ACTOR: We're going after their top guys.



UNIDENTIFIED ACTOR: Your government surrendered this war a long time

(END VIDEO CLIP) ANNOUNCER: ... the director of Erin Brockovich and
Out of Site...


UNIDENTIFIED ACTRESS: I have a job for you, but I don't have much time.



VAN SUSTEREN: Both films, by the way, focus on the war on drugs being
waged internationally, south of our border, which again raises the question
being argued in this country on a daily basis: Where do we draw the battle

We've assembled our POINT panel and we're ready to tackle this divisive
topic. Ray Kelly, a former U.S. customs commissioner, joins us from New
York. On the West Coast, Democratic Congresswoman Maxine Waters
joins us from Los Angeles, along with, Kenneth Bucchi, a former CIA
narcotics agent. And from Miami, Edna Buchanan, a Pulitzer Prize- winning
writer for The Miami Herald, and of course, the author of the novel You
Only Die Twice.

Welcome to all of you. Let me first start with you Ken. Dead woman, dead
child -- Americans, some say, may have seemed to wash their hands and
is blaming it on the Peruvian government, the military. What's your reaction
to what happened, Ken?

all, I think that long before you ever enter into such an agreement with
another country you have to have an absolute signed written agreement as
to what the protocol is going to be when you intercept one of these aircraft.

There should have been something not unlike a Dash one that a pilot has in
his aircraft that says, you know, here's the criteria by which we intercept,
here are the -- here are the rules of 

Re: [CTRL] Conspiracy theories On the grassy knoll

2001-04-23 Thread Mark McHugh

-Caveat Lector-

Steve Wingate wrote:

 -Caveat Lector-

 I asked a bystander in Dallas where the grassy knoll was. He got really mad
 and said, Dallas is a beautiful city. Why do you come here to focus on
 something that happened decades ago?!!

 I think it has something to do with trying to learn the truth.

 BTW, I did not think Dallas was that pretty, and the air was so polluted that I
 could not wait to leave. Most people I met were very unfriendly as well.

While living in San Antonio and San Angelo I heard the natives joke
about Dallas being Texas' Ellis Island.  Most immigrants stay near
there there.  I remember a fine example of bathroom graffiti:  Help
beautify Texas.  Put a Yankee on a bus headed north.  I also bought a
t-shirt in Big D that said Welcome to Texas.  Now go home.  Yep.  I
preferred the Tex-Mex hospitality of San Antonio.

Mark McHugh

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] The Drug War: Where Should the Battle Lines Be Drawn? (Excerpt)

2001-04-23 Thread Steve Wingate

-Caveat Lector-

(Here are the key comments from the CNN transcript.  Maxine Waters is a
Democratic Congresswomen from California who is not afraid to take on
tough issues like the CIA and their complicity in the drug trade. --SW)

VAN SUSTEREN: Welcome back. We're debating the war on drugs in the
U.S, and where the boundaries should be drawn. Joining us again are
former customs commissioner Ray Kelly, Representative Maxine Waters,
former CIA Narcotics Officer Kenneth Bucchi, and crime writer Edna

Ken, to you: exactly what did you do as a CIA narcotics officer to fight this

BUCCHI: It's hard to be exact. I'm sure Congresswoman Waters will not like
what I have to say. And I will agree with you, I want to say up front,

But, we basically had a complicit operation, a quid pro quo, if you will, with
the drug lords of Colombia and essentially, what we did is we put the lion's
share of the market in small cash of drug lords hands, and we sent up
corridors with ILS systems for those drugs to flown in and then we took half
of them.

VAN SUSTEREN: So, actually...


VAN SUSTEREN : bed with the drug dealers in South America.

BUCCHI: Yes. Now, understand where I'm coming from. I want to back up.
There're a lot of ground has been covered here, and I'm a little concerned
about what it is we think we are doing right now in South America. No one in
their right behind can believe for a moment that the Colombian government
gives a crap about Susie and Tommy doing cocaine in America. They care
whether or not they will maintain power in that country.

They maintain that power because we supply them with weapons. We
supply them with weapons on the guys we want to fight drugs. But the reality
is, we care more about who the drug dealer is, not that the drugs are
here. Meaning, that drugs beget power. You derive a certain amount of
political power from the money that's generated from those drugs and we
about who those people are.

VAN SUSTEREN: Ken, who are these contracted employees of the CIA?

BUCCHI: I don't that. I'm not the best qualified to talk about that, but I
think that's just another example of how, the more you compartmentalize
things, the more as a government, you can step back and say, we are not

WATERS: That's right.

BUCCHI: We are doing that right now with this downing of this aircraft. To
this should have been strict guidelines -- long before we have the military of
Peru coming in and intercepting this aircraft, we get the tail number, we
check it out, so that we are not reporting an aircraft that may be a civilian

And the thing is, here's the thing: these contractors I'm sure are paid based
upon their success rate and the success rate comes about by way of
numbers of
aircraft that they intercept. I'm hearing things such as 60 percent of the
drugs are being stopped coming out of Peru. Does anybody in America
today feel
like 60 percent of the drugs came off their streets?


WATERS: Ken, I want to thank you for being the clearest voice that I have
heard coming out of the CIA or any of the related agencies about what is
on in this drug war. Thank you, thank you, thank you!

BUCCHI: You are welcome.


VAN SUSTEREN: All right. Before we run out of time, let me ask a quick
question of Ken.

Ken, what do you think would be the most shocking thing you could say
about the drug war itself in South America that the American people don't
about that the CIA is doing?

BUCCHI: Well, I think the most shocking thing would not be that. I think the
most shocking thing to people would be that it would probably be
more efficient and cheaper if we just went down to Colombia and bought all
drugs ourselves.

But, you know, ultimately, the stuff is marked up 10, 20-fold by the time it
gets here, and the Colombians are becoming billionaires, but we're
$19 billion a year fighting it. And the states are matching those funds. It's
ludicrous. For every dollar you spend on treatment, you spend 23 times that
stopping from coming to the country.

But what they'd be most surprised about is that there is a complicity.
Meaning, you talk about our borders being a sieve. Why is it during the
entire Cold War we never had one nuclear bomb put on Cessna and flown
in? I mean, it'd be a heck of a lot more likely to penetrate our borders than
launching one from Russia.

I don't know why...


VAN SUSTEREN: That's going to have to be our last word, unfortunately,
Ken, and all of you. I'd love to bring you all back to talk about this topic
because, obviously, this is a war that's going to go on for some time.

WATERS: Please do, Greta. And bring Ken back for certain so that he can
help us to understand what really goes on.

VAN SUSTEREN: And I'll bring all of you back. Ray Kelly, Congresswoman
Maxine Waters, Kenneth Bucchi and Edna Buchanan, thank you all very