[CTRL] Col. Tom Bearden on Clearnance Sale at Redstone Arsenal

2001-05-23 Thread Amelia

-Caveat Lector-

Al Martin of AlMartinRaw website has been writing articles
supposedly exposing the sale of classified technology and even
weaponry from Redstone Arsenal at Huntsville, Alabama, very
near where I live.  I was further alarmed to read that Al
Martin also claims to have exclusive knowledge of the leaking
of biochemical weaponry aging at the Arsenal.  I forwarded the
articles to local TV stations and one newspaper but the TV
stations did not even reply and the paper sent me a form
letter thanking me for my interest in the paper and giving me
subscription rates!

So, when Mr. Martin continued with his supposed inside
knowledge on all these meetings and events and even boasted
that the FBI has increased the number of agents, etc. and
implied he was somehow responsible, I began to try to think of
a way to investigate a bit further on this myself.  Short of
scaling the wall at midnight, of course.

I could only think of one person whom I regarded as being both
on the inside enough to know what was going on and on the
outside enough to be honest about it and that was Col. Tom
Bearden.  As most of you know, he is the definitive theorist
on magnetic/scalar energy and has a world reputation in many
such areas.  The Dept. of Energy has more articles by him on
the subject of renewable/free energy than any other physicist.
He has the reputation of being very independent and honest,
very much his own person.

So, Sunday afternoon I had occasion to speak with him and
discuss the matter at length.  He assured me that it is mostly
routine Army/Navy Surplus fare and much of it available to the
public.  The combination of two operations resulted in the
shifting of a great deal of equipment around and the
elimination of that which was obsolete.  {Amelia pretended to
know what two Operations had combined but really does not
remember}  I have purchased things with my sons at the base
surplus and they DO have a huge selection of some rather odd
items including electronic gadgetry and components.

Col. Tom assured me that nothing of the nature described by
Martin is happening.  He said perhaps the relocation of some
equipment might appear to somebody to have been sold but a
check would just turn up a new location on base.  Even the
obsolete electronics which were sold were certainly nothing
classified nor secretive.  All weaponry is present and
accounted for at all times.  He further questioned the
motivation of AL Martin and I was very surprised that he knew
all about the articles as apparently do the officials of the

Col. Tom further stated that there never has been the presence
biologicals at Redstone and pointed out that ALL things begin
to leak in minute quantities as they age but everything at the
Arsenal is contained within containers within containers.  He
pointed out the 5,000 families there replete with children of
their own who are in charge of this storage and the
foolishness of assuming they would allow such conditions to
exit.  What would be their motive for exposing their families
to such contamination?  It would be the government's
responsibility to finance the maintenance of any such items
and not to anyone's advantage to allow it to deteriorate.  It
was the second weekend of the swimming pools being open and
there certainly was evidence of children everywhere.  I do not
think the military personnel would tolerate such hazards
around their own families.  There are many people who have
been there for a very long time and no part of the Arsenal is
unknown to them.  It is NOT the wilderness it once was and
with the growth of the city, has become completely encircled
by development.

I find Col. Tom Bearden to be much more believable in this
regard than AlMartinRaw. He admonished me repeatedly to think
why Martin might be doing this and I have thought about that a
great deal.  The most obvious reason is money as he is selling
books, etc. and apparently seeks publicity with his outrageous
and unsubstantiated claims. Could he have still more
motivation as yet to be revealed? I am satisfied with this
explanation that I received.  And I find Bearden extremely
interesting.  I was not aware of his theory on weather
modification and will post something about it later.
Amazon.com has a list of 8 books by Bearden, mostly out of
print but they will locate one for you.  He is still working
with others in the field on the magnetic generator.  I do not
understand why, with the energy shortage facing this country,
more is not being done in this area.  But then that is yet
another conspiracy.


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[CTRL] Lt. Col. Thomas E. Bearden bio with links

2001-05-23 Thread Amelia

-Caveat Lector-

There is mention on this site of Bearden attending a
conference organized by Ira Einhorn who was convicted of
murdering his girlfriend but claimed to have been 'framed' or
set-up' in order to be discredited for his work in this area.
Yet another conspiracy.


begin 666 Lt. Col. Thomas E. Bearden.url
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M+T)E87)D96XN:'1M; T*#0I;26YT97)N9713:]R=-U=%T-E523#UH='1P

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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2001-05-23 Thread Amelia

-Caveat Lector-


begin 666 THE VIRTUAL TIMES Tom Bearden.url
M6T1%1D%53%1=#0I05-%55),/6AT=' Z+R]W=WN:'-V+F-O;2]WFET97)S
C+FAT;0T*36]D:69I960]13 X-T9$13(U-T4S0S P,30Q#0H`

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fw: O'Reilly: 'I'm on a Jihad Against Elite Media'

2001-05-23 Thread Amelia

-Caveat Lector-


: Monday, May 21, 2001 11:58 AM
Subject: O'Reilly
Sent: Monday, May 21, 2001 1:04 AM
Subject: Fw: YEAH Baby - O'Reilly Rocks!!!


Sunday May 20, 2001; 1:18 pm EDT

O'Reilly: 'I'm on a Jihad Against Elite Media'

In an electrifying address that served notice on old guard
network news
white-hot Fox News Channel star Bill O'Reilly warned Saturday
night that

he's on
a jihad against the mainstream media and the politicians they

I am going to hold these S.O.B.'s accountable for what they
do, the
Fox phenom
told Talkers Magazine's New Media Seminar, which awarded him
Freedom of Speech award.

They want power in this country? They come through us.
Because we speak

the people. We're the only ones who do.

In a ten minute impromptu speech that was punctuated by the
cheers, O'Reilly said the success of the Fox News Channel is
evidence of

nationwide desire to overthrow the old media guard, and noted
that his
last week with CBS anchorman Dan Rather was pretty much the
their decline.

Among Rather's most damaging admissions: his belief that Bill
is an honest
man and his professed ignorance about the details Juanita

I'm in the vanguard on television of our search and destroy
about the
elite media, the Fox News host told the Talkers crowd. And
I'm proud

of the
fact that we have taken these people down -- not on a personal
level --
but on a
level that's going to open up communications and information
to all

O'Reilly singled out New York Sen. Hillary Clinton as the kind
politician the new
media would soon make extinct.

No longer are they going to be able to do the Hillary dance.
Hillary is

the last,
alright? Hillary did the dance -- 'I'm not going to talk to
anybody. I'm

going to
cheat, I'm going to steal. I'm going to get want I want.' She

That's the end, O'Reilly warned of Hillary's style of
campaign. From
now on
they're going to have to come through us.

The one-time ABC News journalist's disdain for his mainstream
was palpable.

I don't want to have lunch with them. I don't want to go to
the parties

with them.
I don't want to hang out with Barbara Walters, O'Reilly told
the crowd.

And the
reason is because those people are not looking out for us --
and for the

people we

The Fox newsman slammed the staggering exclusionary bias of
news divisions, predicting, No longer are you going to have
five white
guys who
live in Westchester having a stranglehold on what Americans
see on the

By the end of O'Reilly's address, the Talkers crowd was on
its feet,
wildly and mobbing him for autographs. His low-key delivery
belied the
go-for-the-jugular sentiments he conveyed, which were nothing
less than
alternative media call to arms.

Here's the full transcript of Fox newsman Bill O'Reilly's
address at
Magazine's New Media Seminar, May 19, 2001:

All right. I know it's been a long evening and I'm going to
keep my
remarks short,
pithy -- as is my want.

I wouldn't be here if not for talk radio. Obviously The
Factor is the first
television version of a free form talk radio. There's no
question about
it. I can take
some credit for developing the program but I obviously stole
the concept

from you
guys. I appreciate that very much.

The second thing is; I could not have become the success that
become if not
for the support of talk radio. As Blanquita (Cullum)
mentioned, when
my book came out, I couldn't get on the Today Show -- I
still haven't
been on the
Today Show -- or any of the network venues at all. And
that's what I
want to talk
to you about tonight.

The dramatic change that we're seeing, not only in television
but also
in radio and in
the print media, is, I think, a phenomenon that hasn't been
explored. And it's
going to influence everybody in this room if you make your
living in

The old guard is dead. They're done. They're finished. It's
not going to

come back.
And, if any of you saw my interview with Dan Rather this week

that was pretty much the signature of their decline.

And I respect Mr. Rather. And I gave him half of my program to
how he
sees his role as the managing editor and anchorman of CBS
News. You can
your own determination as to how well he handled himself, I'm
not going
comment on it.

But I will tell you that there's a fundamental change going
on. Peter
Jennings gave
an address on Tuesday at the Fred Friendly award he got at
And he said to all of the network pinheads (laughter), um --
the reason
that they're
in decline is that they're all the same and that they're all

correct and that
the corporate structure they have to work under has strangled

Re: [CTRL] Rejected posting to CTRL@LISTSERV.AOL.COM

2001-05-23 Thread Nurev Ind.

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 5/22/01 6:54:06 AM Central Daylight Time,

   I am sure it was just a software glitch.  You know the one~~it has  a
   tendency to do this when the post leans too far to the right. Other things
   can activate it also.

Cute but I really don't think that's true...and by the way I too walk the
fine line by mumming myself when I'd like to discuss the holocaust...s'pose
you'd call me a revisionist or something...just seems like most people buy
the Jewish party line and the facts just don't support that.


Poor Bill.
Those nasty Jews just won't let you tell the truth about the Holocaust.
It's a tough job, but someone's got to do it.


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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Chamish: Expelling The Settlers (fwd)

2001-05-23 Thread Nurev Ind.

-Caveat Lector-


 -Caveat Lector-

 - Original Message -
 From: Barry Chamish [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Monday, May 21, 2001 4:56 PM
 Subject: Expelling The Settlers

  By Barry Chamish
One of the secret clauses of Oslo negotiated by the likes
 of Uri
  Savir, Yossi Beilin and Shimon Peres was a promise to the PLO
 to hand over
  all of Judea, Samaria and Gaza to them. That meant expelling
 the Jewish
  residents, the so-called settlers from their homes. The means
 agreed to was
  to spread total demoralization by murdering the political and
  leaders of the Jewish community there. This required
 cooperation between
  the PLO and a select group of Shabak officers. This cooperation
 has not ended.

Yes about Oslo. The rest sounds like bullshit to me.

I don't buy it.


 The demoralization by murder of admired leaders, the
 most recent
  Binyamin Kahane, has not had the desired effect and may even
  strengthened the resolve of many in the settler community. So
 in the past
  two months a far more insidious campaign has been initiated,
 and it
  involves murdering people who had recently suffered tragic
 The murder of Assaf Herskovitz, in the exact ambush spot
  Binyamin Kahane's vehicle was riddled with 62 bullets last
 December, is a
  case in point. Assaf's father was shot dead barely two months
 earlier while
  driving his car near Efrat. His son died the same way. One
 brother remained
  to say Kaddish over his father and sibling. The enormous
 disaster which
  befell the Herskovitz family has been a huge blow to the morale
 of their
  community, Ofra.
 As it was planned to be.
 It is no different than the heartbreaking case of the 14
 year old
  son of Sheri Mandel, an American immigrant living in Tekoa. He
 took a short
  hike from his home with a friend, they were set upon by Arabs
 who tied them
  up and bludgeoned them to death, cracking open their skulls
 with rocks.
  After delighting in the screams of the boys as each rock opened
 more of
  their brains, the murderers took further pleasure in the
 sadistic coup de
  grace of ripping the bodies apart with knives.
 Tonight I received news not yet reported in the Israeli
 media. Sheri
  Mandel's home was sniped at, with a bullet entering the bedroom
 of her nine
  year old daughter. Had she been in the room, she would have
 joined the list
  of double murders.
 Sheri took the hint and abandoned her home in Tekoa
 tonight. She
  will likely not be the last. Her family was targeted for
  tragedy and others will follow.
 Others, such as the Mizrahi family. Idit, aged 21, was
 shot dead
  last week while driving past the settlement of Michmash. Her
 brother died
  in combat previously. Only one son survives. At Idit's funeral
  unexpected eulogist offered to make peace with Arafat on his
 terms. The
  demoralization continues. The methods are heartless and
 ghastly. Those
  behind them will stop at no atrocity in their war against a
 Jewish presence
  in the land of their forefathers.
 Take the example of 14 year old Amihai Yifrah. He and
 three buddies
  were playing in the youth recreation center of Netzer Hazani in
 the Gaza
  Strip, when a PLO mortar shell fell on them. Three weeks later
 Amihai was
  released from hospital and returned home. A mortar shell landed
 on that
  home the next day.
This was no accident. Call an actuarial statistician and
 ask him to
  calculate the likelihood that these dual tragedies are random
 flukes. Then
  reach a horrible realization that the Arab killers had to have
 had exact
  intelligence about the locations of their victims and they were
 in no
  position to gather it. Only Israeli intelligence fed to them
 could have
  assured the desired, bloody effect.
We are observing raw evil in Judea and Samaria, so raw
 that even
  sniping a 10 month old Hebron baby in her mother's arms is
 considered a
  legitimate operation. This highly trained murderer was likely a
 graduate of
  CIA sniper training received in Virginia based on the
 recommendations of
  the CIA's then-Middle East go-between, George Tenet.
This team of snipers has been coordinating its activities
 with their
  counterparts in the Israeli General Services (Shin Bet or
 Shabak). They
  have been under order from Shimon Peres since the summer of
 1993. Their
  existence was a concept conceived by Peres's deputy, Yossi
 And Arafat is playing his role despite the deliberate
 media leaks
  that he has lost control of his forces and senses. He has
 survived all
  these years by obeying. He was ordered to start the next Middle
 East War by
  his foreign handlers and he is doing their dirty work to their
  Those who insist on knowing who the masters 

Re: [CTRL] Lt. Col. Thomas E. Bearden bio with links

2001-05-23 Thread Aleisha Saba

-Caveat Lector-

Think Ira Einhorn has not been convicted yet - he took off, and is sitll
I believe in France fighting extradiction.

He had gone to Ireland to hole up and the Irish did not know he he was -
Einhorn latcted onto people of importance.

Colonel Beardon according to this one book, had a friend who won the
Nobel Peace Award and this is the type of people Ira would latch onto.

There is a very one sided story on web about Ira which I will forward
again and of course, Ira Einhorn - Einhorn means One Horn hence the
nickname the Unicorn.

No net big enough yet to get that one on Noah's Ark.

Ira latched onto the Shah of Iran toostrange here, right - a
Zonist and an Arab?   But then look what happened to the Shah.


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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Col. Tom Bearden on Clearnance Sale at Redstone Arsenal

2001-05-23 Thread Aleisha Saba

-Caveat Lector-

Well Amelia I had brother in law at Redstone - and he too was a true
patriot who worked with von Braun.

As they said, our German Scientists were smarter than Russia's German

People do not mention these Communist/Nazi Scientists who went to Russia
do they?

This is the two factors for which I looked many years..before we got
to the moon, all this propaganda put out JFK will be murdered, RFK will
be murdered, RUSSIA WILL BEAT US TO THE MOON  and this was work of one
woman backed up by Hollywood and News Media who at one time called her a
divine prophetess and that is when I nailed her and when I wrote to
Ted Kennedy he wrote Dixon's boss, King Features Syndicate, to keep his
name and name of his family out of her columns, where she marked them
for murder

Best propagandists are one's who use name of God - but as the bible
write and I pointed out to Mrs. Dixon there is a conspiracy in the
midsts of our prophets.for prophecy equates to propagandano
wonder Nixon played Home on the Range, over and overbut nobody was
listened.   (for never is heard a discouraging word).

As J Edgar Hoover said when one is about to take on an enemy find out
everything you can

Look as Israel - last night a group of Palestinians objecting because
they were about to have the Star of Solomon stamped on them and said
hey, this is Nazi Germany?

Right on - only they are operating out of Russia, not USA and not

As is said all roads lead to Israel for not the Gentry, but the
KGB/Mossad Nazis, have landed.

The Colonel has solutions I think to many things wrong in this country
and also believe you are quiete correct in thinking maybe has key to
answering all energy problems -

Remember the movie Batteries Not Included - little space ships traveling
the universe with battery operated spacecraftour space ships use
these batteries.and some assisted in taking their craft to Mars and
the Moon and are still out their - MIR used big solar powered
batteries.I want a big battery to operate my house..

Or do we take that one big step back for mankind and get Windmills or
now they want us to rely on Red China for electricity?   Who dropped
that bomb.


Knew that stuff about Redstone had to be a crock; am glad you had
opportunity to speak to the Colonel..

Had it not been for von Braun think - Russian and Chinese satellites
would be scouting the skies - Russia landing on the moon first?  And in
these days those bastards in Israel butchering Palestinians starting
WWIII - well if they want divine intervention to save their hides when
those Arabs get good and mad - hope we all whistle Dixie and let what
will be will be..

So they have the matches and the Arabs have the oil..I say those
Arabs have all those oil fields wired to go if anyone tries to steal
them.so who will light the match for the Israelies?

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That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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Re: [CTRL] An Example Of How Bioreseach Could Kill Us All

2001-05-23 Thread Aleisha Saba

-Caveat Lector-

Didn't the USA just buy $45,000,000.00 worth of vaccine from England for
use of course, to be given primairly to the young and babies by law?

And has Prince Philip died and come back as a virus as he so desired -
one so deadly it would solve over population problem?   Such integrity
should not go by unrewarded?

So would ike to know if anyone remembers what vaccine was purchased from

And then consider the sanitary brilliant conditions under which the
Chinese profit by the new abortion pill which they now manufacture to
murder American babies before they are born?

Know how to solve part of our population problem and is there really an
American problem but sending back 17 million illegal entries who have
brought disease into this ountry would be a good start - in particular,
the 18 thousand per year handpicked from Africa who must have AIDS (as
if the other emmigrants to this country are not suspect) as only
qualification to come to America?

Next they will bring on the Lepers if they have not already for already
did you know there is a leper community in USA and this disease is
allegedly on rise, though not too many yet.

Take the Statute of Liberty back to France and sit it on the EU shore.

And the words of Emma Lazarus who wrote give us the refuse as though
we were a city dump?


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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Eric Reeves Against Africa

2001-05-23 Thread ESPAC

-Caveat Lector-

The European-Sudanese Public Affairs Council
1 Northumberland Avenue

Tel:020 7872 5434
Fax:020 7753 2848


Date of Publication: May 2001


When Smith College's Dr Eric Reeves demands an end to the Sudanese oil
project, his poorly-informed campaign attempting to interfere with
economic investment in Sudan brings him into direct conflict with the
other countries within the Horn of Africa region. Reeves has, for
example, in the past challenged the following comment made by one of the
petroleum companies involved in Sudan that [i]ncreasingly, Sudan is
becoming a relative source of regional stability. (1) With an unbounded
arrogance unsupported by reality, not only does Dr Reeves apparently
believe that he knows what is in the best interests of the Sudanese
people, but that he also knows more about Sudan, and its involvement
regionally, than the governments and peoples of the Horn of Africa.

Dr Reeves' claims about events within Sudan have already been devastated
His allegations that the Sudanese government has displaced all the
population around the oil fields, orchestrating a ferocious scorched-
earth policy in the area of the oil fields and pipelines (2),
including, for example, claims in July 1999, that [h]uge swaths of land
around the oil fields and pipelines are presently cleared of all human
life and sustenance (3)  were comprehensively disproved by satellite
images taken of the areas in question and scientifically analyses by
Geoffrey John Oxlee, one of Britain's leading experts in the field, and
a  former head of the United Kingdom Joint Air Reconnaissance
Intelligence Centre Mr Oxlee stated: there is no evidence of
appreciable human migration from any of the seven sites examined. (4)
To the contrary, he further stated that analysis revealed that once the
sites were developed, then people did come into the area, and in fact it
looked as if people developed around the oil sites rather than going
away from it. (5)

Dr Reeves' claims about Sudan within its region are similarly easily
disproved. Possibly as a result of prejudice or simple naivety, Dr
Reeves chooses to ignore the simple fact that Sudan by any measure has
become a source of regional stability economically and politically. All
Dr Reeves need have done was follow some of the international news
agency reports on Sudan in recent months. Given that Dr Reeves claims to
have approached Sudan with the eyes of a professional researcher,
claiming [l]ong hours and days of assiduous reading, archival
retrieval, and real-time communications with Sudan experts in and out of
government (6) his inability to find relevant material is puzzling. He
has either not been professional enough to find searingly relevant Sudan
articles published by first-class international news agencies such as
Reuters and Agence France Presse, or he has seen them and has not had
the intellectual courage to address material contradicting his thesis.
Dr Reeves' credibility as a commentator has already been extensively
questioned in The Return of the 'Ugly American': Eric Reeves and
Sudan. (7) His partisan myopia with regard to Sudan, and its position
regionally, is once more clear for all to see.

Dr Reeves seems to have missed the Agence France Presse report in
February 2000 headlined Sudan Heading for Improved Ties with
Neighbours. (8) Sudan has, over the past three years, emerged as an
economic and political leader of its region. This has culminated in its
hosting of the Eighth Heads of State summit of the regional
Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD) body in November 2000.
Sudanese President Omer al-Bashir was elected Chairman of the Assembly
of Heads of State and Government of IGAD at the November meeting. IGAD
comprises seven eastern and central African countries, Kenya, Ethiopia,
Eritrea, Djibouti, Sudan, Uganda and Somalia. In addition, on 12
February 2001 President al-Bashir was also elected  Chairman of the
Community of Sahel-Saharan States (COMESSA or CEN-SAD). COMESSA is  a
body which brings together sixteen north African states. Its members are
Sudan, Egypt, Nigeria, Morocco, Chad, Eritrea, Tunisia, Libya, Somalia,
Mali, Niger, Senegal, Central African Republic, Burkina Faso, Mali and
Chad. The Secretary General of the Organisation of African Unity, Salim
Ahmed Salim, also attended the COMESSA summit. (9)

Sudan additionally plays a central role in another regional African
grouping, the Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa. It has
additionally been at the forefront of establishing a free-trade area
under the Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA). COMESA
transport and communication ministers met, for example, in Khartoum in
October 2000 to address crucial issues such as the implementation of
regional air, road and railway transport. (10)

Sudan's relations with Egypt are at their best since the 1980s. (11)
The two countries 

Re: [CTRL] Bogus Claims of Unconstitutionality

2001-05-23 Thread MIKE SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

- Original Message -
From: Steve Wingate [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, May 22, 2001 11:21 AM
Subject: Re: [CTRL] Bogus Claims of Unconstitutionality

 On 22 May 01, at 10:55, Aleisha Saba wrote:

  So Peace Be Unto You Steve - glad you did not fall into
oblivion in the
  Grand Canyon and did you find your face in your own defacate

 No, that was yours.



Thanks...I needed that!  LOL!

   Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT


  *Michael Spitzer*

  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To

A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] California growing faster than Bangladesh (fwd)

2001-05-23 Thread Yardbird

-Caveat Lector-

For an immigration time-out: http://www.projectusa.org/

California growing faster than Bangladesh
Issue 75: May 23, 2001

Growth for the sake of growth is the ideology of the cancer cell.
Ed Abbey


Last December, in a Los Angeles Times story, reporter Robin Wright asked
Bangladeshi President Sheika Hasina:

At independence, Bangladeshi women averaged six to seven children.
Today, that rate has been halved by a strong family planning program.
Yet, Bangladesh still has 120 million people and by the year 2050 will
have at least twice that number, according to the U.S. State
Department.  How will Bangladesh feed, educate, employ and house those
kinds of numbers?

We'll send them to America! President Hasina replied, laughing.
(Full horrifying quote: http://projectusa.org/Ezine_memo.html)

In light of recent Census Bureau projections showing immigration
doubling US population within the lifetimes of today's children, the
American people might ask President Bush a similar question about one of
our fastest-growing states:

With the population of California already at 34 million and expected to
reach 60 million by 2050, overwhelmingly because of mass immigration,
how will we provide energy for all those people?

Our president would likely respond with his stock immigration campaign
answer, Family values don't stop at the Rio Grande, -- a response only
slightly less flippant than President Hasina's.  Or he might borrow a
page from the Hasina Plan, and offer to send excess Californians to

More reading:

California's population growth rate increases -- now almost 50 percent
higher than that of Bangladesh
http://www.cap-s.org/pressreleases.html#NEWS RELEASE 5 16

People 'longage,' power shortage
Rick Oberlink in the San Diego Union
Now (California's) No. 1 concern, energy is shaping views on immigration
and politics.
The Christian Science Monitor, May 21, 2001


Unless Congress acts soon, California's relentless immigration-driven
growth will mean more power plants and grids; more subdivisions, strip
malls, traffic and pollution; and tighter water supplies -- with no
relief in sight for the already over-developed state.

Since the world adds another U.S. in population (net) every four years
-- 99% percent of which growth occurs in developing countries like
Bangladesh -- there is an almost limitless supply of those who will come
seeking higher levels of consumption.

(And they will continue to come until one of two things happens: either
1) Congress finally adopts a responsible immigration policy, or 2)
quality of life in California and the rest of the nation deteriorates to
the point that America is no longer a desirable place to live.)

This kind of growth, and the development it will spawn, is a serious
environmental issue, to be sure. So what is our country's premier
environmental organization doing to address this clear and looming
population disaster?  The well-funded, 600,000-member Sierra Club is
standing on the sidelines impotently advocating for the PC fantasy of
global population solutions.

So weak and environmentally useless is the Sierra Club on growth, that
even the pro-development National Association of Home Builders recently
endorsed the Sierra Club's position on development.

Meanwhile, public debate on the California power crisis has become a red
herring, pitting conservation against development.  While conservation
should be a part of any environmental agenda, it is clearly only a part
of the solution -- growth and its causes must be addressed.

You can call the Sierra Club and encourage them to think globally, but
ACT LOCALLY on the serious issue of population growth and immigration.

Phone: 415 977 5500

And a short polite letter to your local newspaper noticing immigration
is not being discussed in the debate on California's energy shortage
would be an important and helpful action to take. www.newsdirectory.com


Human history becomes more and more a race between education and
H. G. Wells (1866 - 1946)


I think most of the pro-mass immigrationalists have forgotten that
immigration is a privilege and not a right. I can't imagine where we
would be today without quality organizations like ProjectUSA, FAIR, and
NumbersUSA making such a positive impact on this issue by enlightening
us on the flagrant abuses and fraud in the system as well as
communicating the vital importance of a stable and sustainable

Paul Francis
Cary, North Carolina


Unsubscribe: http://projectusa.org/Ezine_unsubscribe.html
Ezine staff: http://projectusa.org/Ezine_staff.html
Tax-exempt gifts: http://projectusa.org/contribute.html


[CTRL] FW: Secrets of McCain's gun-show bill (fwd)

2001-05-23 Thread Yardbird

-Caveat Lector-

-Original Message-
From: Alan Korwin [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, May 22, 2001 2:11 PM
To: Alan Korwin
Subject: Gun Show Bill Secrets Found

(Please see our NEW ADDRESS at end of report)


Re:  S. 890, The McCain-Lieberman Bill:
Gun Show Loophole Closing and Gun Law Enforcement Act of 2001.

Mass media publicity on the newly proposed gun-show bill is grossly

The bill has almost nothing to do with what you've probably heard so
far.  The so-called gun-show loophole headlines are a minor detail and
basically obscure what the bill really does.

I've just finished studying the eight pages of legalese.
Here is it what it calls for:

1.  Unprecedented federal control over gun shows nationwide -- perfectly
legal gun shows become strictly outlawed without prior federal approval,
licensing and registration of each show;

2.  Centralized federal licensing and registration of every gun-show
promoter in the nation;

3.  Centralized federal registration of every vendor -- including
non-gun vendors --  at any gun show in the country.  In order for me to
sell my BOOKS at a gun show I'll have to pre-register and prove who I
am, or face arrest; a private individual looking to sell a single gun
would be treated as a vendor under this law and must be registered even
if the gun isn't sold;

4. Centralized federal registration of EVERY PERSON who attends a gun
show in America, whether or not they make purchases of anything at all
-- you won't be allowed in without registering;

5.  Centralized collection of any other information on gun-show
attendees, as determined solely by the Secretary of the Treasury;

6.  Imprisonment for attending a gun show and failing to give up any
information required by regulations of the Secretary of the Treasury;

7.  Imprisonment of any gun-show promoter who fails to register a single

8.  Imprisonment of gun-show promoters who cannot prove they notified
every person attending a gun show of the new rules, and obtained from
attendees any information the Secretary of the Treasury mandates by

9.  Centralized collection of any other information the Secretary of
the Treasury decides, by regulation, is necessary on vendors, attendees,
and the gun show itself;

10.  Submission by gun-show promoters of vendor registration logs a) 30
days before any gun show, and b) additional submission of updated vendor
registration logs 72 hours before any gun show, and c) additional
submission of vendor registration logs within five days of the close of
any gun show, under penalty of arrest and imprisonment for

11.  Identification of vendors only by use of federally approved photo
ID that may include use of a social security number, electronically
encoded data, or biometric identifiers such as fingerprint, voice
print, retina scan, iris scan, or similar (as defined under 18 USC

12.  Creation of a new license (in addition to a gun-show-promoter
license), similar to FFLs, for individuals who want access to the NICS
national background check system for facilitating gun-show sales for
private citizens;

13.  Regulations to be issued by the Secretary of the Treasury on the
procedures, data collections, methods and implementation of the entire
process to federally control gun shows, in addition to the requirements
made by the proposed statute;  such regulations will not be known,
drafted or even suggested, until after the McCain-Lieberman law is

14.  The proposed bill also puts pressure on state governments to make
at least 95% of their law enforcement records for the past 30 years
openly available to the federal government; and

-- makes unlimited funds available for the states to comply with these
federal goals;

-- requires annual federal review of states' compliance;

-- increases penalties (up to ten years imprisonment) for record-keeping

-- grants states permission to make even more restrictive requirements
without being out of compliance with these new federal laws (and by
implication, puts states that resist these rules in federal trouble);

-- provides hundreds of millions of taxpayer dollars for more law
enforcement under numerous programs including project Exile and others;

-- hires 200 more Federal BATF Agents;

-- provides $10 million to the National Institute for Justice to give
out for research on technologies that limit the use of a gun to the
owner; and

-- provides for annual reports (in great detail) by the Attorney General
to Congress on whether the Brady law is working;

15.  Enlargement of the federal bureaucracy and appropriation from
taxpayers of such funds as are necessary to license, register and
monitor an estimated ten million non-criminals who attend the thousands
of gun shows held annually in America; and

16.  Oh yes, I almost forgot about the so-called 

[CTRL] First Amendment Applies to Everyone (fwd)

2001-05-23 Thread Yardbird

Free Congress Foundation's
Notable News Now
Excerpts from FCF Programming and Other FCF Projects
May 23, 2001

The Free Congress Commentary
Yes, the First Amendment Applies to Everyone
By Thomas L. Jipping

In Woodbury, Minnesota, the principal of Woodbury High School ordered
student Elliot Chambers to remove a shirt with the message Straight Pride
on it.  As the Supreme Court said in a 1971 case involving a jacket bearing
the message F**K the Draft, this case may seem at first blush too
inconsequential to find its way into our books, but the issue it presents is
of no small constitutional significance.  Ditto.

Woodbury High School is progressive, tolerant, diverse, and oh so inclusive.
In fact, rather than simply being tolerant and inclusive, Woodbury High
School makes a point of demonstrating its tolerance, practically shouting it
to the world.  We all know the most visible, efficient way of proving
tolerance these days is to be pro-homosexual and, sure enough, Woodbury High
School has designated classrooms called safe zones where homosexuals can
gather.  School staff volunteer to be in these rooms, which are complete
with posters bearing those pink triangles, to hand out propaganda, er,
literature from homosexual advocacy groups.

Now I know what you are thinking.  Using school facilities, school staff,
and such in this way would not be at all tolerant or inclusive if it applied
only to homosexuals.  In other words, being tolerant and inclusive would
require that those with another sexual preference - such as, say,
heterosexuals - also be allowed to express themselves.  Otherwise, the
school would simply be pro-homosexual.

Along comes Elliot Chambers.  Elliot came to school in a shirt that said
Straight Pride.  The principal banned Elliot from wearing it because a few
homosexual students were offended by it.  Now if the school were truly
tolerant and inclusive, the principal would have told those homosexual
students that they were entitled to their views and opinions but since the
school was truly tolerant and inclusive, Elliot was entitled to his as well.
But apparently the school is not truly tolerant and inclusive.

And besides that, there's this thing called the First Amendment which
applies to public schools.  Back in 1971, in a case involving someone with
F**k the Draft on their jacket instead of Straight Pride on their shirt,
the Supreme Court opened its opinion with this line:  This case may seem at
first blush too inconsequential to find its way into our books, but the
issue it presents is of no small constitutional significance.  The same was
true when Elliot and his parents took their case to court.

Just two years earlier, in the 1969 case titled Tinker v. Des Moines
Independent School District, senior and junior high school students wanted
to wear black armbands to school protesting the Vietnam War.  The school
said they would be disruptive, spark violence, or otherwise interfere with
school activities.  The Supreme Court said:  It can hardly be argued
that...students...shed their constitutional rights to freedom of speech or
expression at the schoolhouse gate.  I think that would apply to Elliot.

When Elliot and his parents went to court, U.S. District Court Judge Donovan
Frank ruled in his favor and issued an injunction against the school.  It
appears this judge - a Clinton appointee, no less - understands that the
First Amendment applies to everyone.  Yet the fact that school officials
apparently believe that tolerance and inclusion are a one-way street,
protecting the preferred and punishing the disfavored, should send chills up
the spine of every freedom-loving American.

When confronted with this obvious double-standard, Elliot's principal said
she thought the shirt would incite violence.  Guns don't kill people, people
kill people.  Cars don't run red lights, people run red lights.  Shirts
don't incite violence, people incite violence.  The Supreme Court in Tinker
said: There is here no evidence whatever of petitioners' interference,
actual or nascent, with the schools' work or of collision with the rights of
other students to be secure and to be let alone Any word spoken, in
class, in the lunchroom, or on the campus, that deviates from the views of
another person may start an argument or cause a disturbance. But our
Constitution says we must take this risk.

This is how our freedom is being turned into a weapon against us.  Remember
those speech codes in universities that ban certain speech or certain views
by labeling them harassment?  The same thing is going on here.  Whatever
happened to I may disagree with what you say, but I will defend to the
death your right to say it?  It has become If I disagree with what you
say, you may not say it.  That's not free speech, that's not fairness,
that's not tolerance, that's not inclusion.  Watch out folks, if this can
happen in schools, it can happen anywhere.

Thomas L. Jipping is Vice-President for Legal Policy at the Free 

[CTRL] Fw: McCain-Lieberman Gun Show Bill Timebomb

2001-05-23 Thread kl

-Caveat Lector-

-Original Message-
From: Kent Van Cleave [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, May 22, 2001 9:59 PM
To: Hoosier Libertarian
Subject: [Hoosier Libertarian] Fw: McCain-Lieberman Gun Show Bill

This looks like SERIOUSLY bad legislation, folks!


-Original Message-
From: L. Neil Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: 000 L. Neil Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Tuesday, May 22, 2001 4:01 PM
Subject: McCain-Lieberman Gun Show Bill Timebomb

Alan Korwin wrote:

(Please see our NEW ADDRESS at end of report)

Lieberman Bill:
Gun Show Loophole Closing and Gun Law Enforcement Act of 2001.

Mass media publicity on the newly proposed gun-show bill is grossly

The bill has almost nothing to do with what you've probably heard so far.
The so-called gun-show loophole headlines are a minor detail and
basically obscure what the bill really does.

I've just finished studying the eight pages of legalese.
Here is it what it calls for:

1.  Unprecedented federal control over gun shows nationwide -- perfectly
legal gun shows become strictly outlawed without prior federal approval,
licensing and registration of each show; 2.  Centralized federal licensing
and registration of every gun-show promoter in the nation; 3.  Centralized
federal registration of every vendor -- including non-gun vendors -- at any
gun show in the country.  In order for me to sell my BOOKS at a gun
I'll have to pre-register and prove who I am, or face arrest; a private
individual looking to sell a single gun would be treated as a vendor under
this law and must be registered even if the gun isn't sold; 4.  Centralized
federal registration of EVERY PERSON who attends a gun show in
whether or not they make purchases of anything at all -- you won't be
allowed in without registering; 5.  Centralized collection of any other
information on gun-show attendees, as determined solely by the
of the Treasury; 6.  Imprisonment for attending a gun show and failing to
give up any information required by regulations of the Secretary of the
Treasury; 7.  Imprisonment of any gun-show promoter who fails to
register a
single vendor; 8.  Imprisonment of gun-show promoters who cannot
prove they
notified every person attending a gun show of the new rules, and
from attendees any information the Secretary of the Treasury mandates
regulation; 9.  Centralized collection of any other information the
Secretary of the Treasury decides, by regulation, is necessary on
attendees, and the gun show itself; 10.  Submission by gun-show
of vendor registration logs a) 30 days before any gun show, and b)
additional submission of updated vendor registration logs 72 hours before
any gun show, and c) additional submission of vendor registration logs
within five days of the close of any gun show, under penalty of arrest and
imprisonment for non-compliance; 11.  Identification of vendors only by
of federally approved photo ID that may include use of a social security
number, electronically encoded data, or biometric identifiers such as
fingerprint, voice print, retina scan, iris scan, or similar (as defined
under 18 USC 1028(d)(2)); 12.  Creation of a new license (in addition to a
gun-show-promoter license), similar to FFLs, for individuals who want
access to the NICS national background check system for facilitating
gun-show sales for private citizens; 13.  Regulations to be issued by the
Secretary of the Treasury on the procedures, data collections, methods
implementation of the entire process to federally control gun shows, in
addition to the requirements made by the proposed statute; such
will not be known, drafted or even suggested, until after the
McCain-Lieberman law is enacted; 14.  The proposed bill also puts
on state governments to make at least 95% of their law enforcement
for the past 30 years openly available to the federal government; and --
makes unlimited funds available for the states to comply with these
goals; -- requires annual federal review of states' compliance; --
increases penalties (up to ten years imprisonment) for record-keeping
violations; -- grants states permission to make even more restrictive
requirements without being out of compliance with these new federal
(and by implication, puts states that resist these rules in federal
trouble); -- provides hundreds of millions of taxpayer dollars for more law
enforcement under numerous programs including project Exile and
others; --
hires 200 more Federal BATF Agents; -- provides $10 million to the
Institute for Justice to give out for research on technologies that limit
the use of a gun to the owner; and -- provides for annual reports (in
great detail) by the Attorney General to Congress on whether the Brady
is working; 15.  

[CTRL] Fox: Stumbles Galore in Walk-Up to U.N. Racism Conference

2001-05-23 Thread MIKE SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

Magombe also accused the U.S. of condemning the currently
documented slave
trade in Sudan and western Africa as a ploy to divert attention
from its own
dark history.

'The truth is the U.S. has contributed to these regimes.  Sudan
at one time
was a very great ally to the United States in the cold war and
the U.S.
propped up the regimes in Sudan,' Magombe said.



Stumbles Galore in Walk-Up to U.N. Racism Conference

Tuesday, May 22, 2001

 Email this Article

GENEVA - Racism. Slave reparations. Intolerance. These would be
words in any assembly, but they're even more so in the fractured
forum that
is the United Nations.

So months before it even starts, a scheduled U.N. global
conference on
Racism, Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia and Related
Intolerance set for
late this summer in South Africa has devolved into a morass of
finger-pointing, name-calling and hurt feelings.

Africans want the trans-Atlantic slave trade that ended nearly
two centuries
ago declared a crime against humanity. They also want to be
reparations, an issue the U.S. and Europe have said would lead
them to
boycott the meeting.

Arab countries want Zionism equated with racism, a position
Israel and its
allies are not keen on, and India wants to talk about
everywhere, but not about its own caste system.

Human-rights groups who had high hopes for the conference are
getting demoralized.

Unfortunately, there are too many signs that this conference is
hijacked by states with a narrow particular agenda, said Michael
executive director of UN Watch, a monitoring group based in
Geneva. Some of
the issues that mention compensation for past crimes or turning
it into a
focus for the Middle East will be disastrous for this

The two-week meeting, set for Aug. 31-Sept. 7 in Durban, South
Africa, is
supposed to produce a comprehensive action plan to help the U.N.
racism, but the four regional meetings held in preparation turned
forums for Third World attacks on the developed world.

Meeting in Dakar, Senegal in January, the African regional group
that the United States and European former colonial powers pay
for the 14 million black Africans forced into slavery during the
18th and
19th centuries. They want it declared a crime against humanity.

But legal experts say such a declaration would amount to an
admission of
guilt and lead to a flurry of legal demands. So the Bush
administration has
said it may not attend the meeting if slavery is the dominant
issue on the
agenda. The U.N. Commissioner for Human Rights, Mary Robinson of
has said Europe wants the reparations issue tabled altogether.

Dr. Vincent Magombe, director of Africa Inform International,
said Western
nations that want to discuss racial tolerance and human rights
discussing their slave histories are hypocrites.

They have done horrible things to us, and it is quite ironic
that these
very countries, these very people, are the ones that come around
trying to tell everyone about civilization and human rights,
Magombe said.
On the issue of the U.S. boycotting the conference, Magombe
suggested the
conference might be better off without the U.S.

Magombe also accused the U.S. of condemning the currently
documented slave
trade in Sudan and western Africa as a ploy to divert attention
from its own
dark history.

The truth is the U.S. has contributed to these regimes.  Sudan
at one time
was a very great ally to the United States in the cold war and
the U.S.
propped up the regimes in Sudan, Magombe said.

The U.S. is also upset by the anti-Israel sentiment that sprung
out of the
Asian regional conference, which includes the Far East and
Mideast but not
Israel. The Asian group, which met in Tehran in February, wants
the U.N. to
reclassify Zionism as racism, a position the U.N. abandoned in
1991. They
also want previously colonial countries to compensate territories
they once
ruled, and declare that the globalization of the world economy is
essentially a racist plot.

The Asian group refused to allow Australia and New Zealand to
join its
conference, nudging them into the European group with the rest of
the former
colonial powers. And India has attempted to have its caste-based
system of
social and economic discrimination removed from the conference's
topics altogether.

Jose Diaz, a spokesman for the U.N. Human Rights Office, insists
that the
conference will have to include a recognition of the effect of
the wounds,
the legacy of slavery. And he points to a precedent in the money
paid to
Holocaust survivors as impetus for the talk of slave reparations.

But Diaz also said there were more pressing and urgent current
discrimination issues that the global community needed to deal
with, and
that the American slave trade should not take attention away from


[CTRL] Fox: Little Rock To Seize Man's Property for Clinton Library

2001-05-23 Thread MIKE SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-


Little Rock To Seize Man's Property for Clinton Library

Tuesday, May 22, 2001

LITTLE ROCK, Ark. - The city defended its plan Monday to seize
land from a
private property owner for President Clinton's presidential

Eugene Pfeifer III has asked the Arkansas Court of Appeals to
overturn a
lower court ruling allowing the city to take his 2.9 acres, based
on a state
law that allows the city to take land from property owners for
public parks.

Pfeifer argues that the 27.7-acre Clinton library site does not
fit the
definition of a public park, so the city has no right to his

On Monday, the city of Little Rock filed a motion with the court
that the definition does apply.

For several years, the city has talked about a chain of parks
along the
Arkansas River, city attorney Tom Carpenter wrote.

The city has offered $400,000 for Pfeifer's property.

   Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT


  *Michael Spitzer*

  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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Re: [CTRL] Fw: McCain-Lieberman Gun Show Bill Timebomb

2001-05-23 Thread Aleisha Saba

-Caveat Lector-

What else could you expect from Holy Joe Lieberman and Red Neck
Manchurican Candidate McCain?   So they say

Wouldn't America be wonderful with Holy Joe as President and McCain as
Secretary of State?

Its the guns, the guns, the gunsthey are scared crapless lest
someone - well better forget that one.


A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] LonTel: 5 Pounds for a slave girl with a nervous smile

2001-05-23 Thread MIKE SPITZER

5 Pounds for a slave girl with a nervous smilehttp://www.telegraph.co.uk:80/et?ac=003864436460684rtmo=lvHzwAntatmo=rrrqpg=/et/01/4/29/wlamb29.htmlAt 
an Abidjan market in West Africa young girls and women are sold fora few 
thousand francs.Christina Lamb witnesses the 'marche de jeune filles' 
April 29, 2001FOR a moment, I thought that I had stepped into one of 
thoseguilt-inspiring etchings in museums all over Africa, of 
19th-centuryEuropean slave traders buying up women and children. Only 
this time,I was the main character.Ranged in front of me, seated on 
wooden benches under the baking IvoryCoast sun, were row upon row of young 
African women for sale, eyes litup at the sight of a white woman, all 
pleading to be the one I wouldchoose. This was Abidjan's marche de jeune 
filles (market of younggirls) and for 5,000 Central African francs - about 
£5 - I could takeone home as my very own servant.Aged between 14 and 
30, the girls were dressed in their Sunday best,tight-waisted, 
large-bottomed suits in bold printed cotton, hairtweaked and plaited into 
elaborate arrangements, their eyes beseechingas they each stood up to be 
examined. Some giggled nervously. Otherssimply looked 
desperate.Overseeing their sale were four men, slick characters with 
goldmedallions flashing under open-necked shirts, tight jeans, black 
andwhite brogues, fake gold watches, and leather-covered 
mobiletelephones on their belts. The market is in the shadow of a highway 
inthe northerfwest suburb of Adjame, next to the affluent 
residentialdistrict of Cocody, home to the only hotel in Africa with an 
ice-rink(no longer working), and the area to which the men hope to sell 
thegirls. Each man has about 15 girls on his books and claims to sell 
atleast five a week. "You're lucky, madam," said one of the men with 
asimpering smile. "You're a white woman so they all long to go with 
youbecause they think you'll treat them better."That a white master 
or mistress would be preferable seemed a sickeningirony. Over the years 
reporting from Africa, I have visited the slaveforts on the Ghana coast and 
seen the desperate scratchings on thewalls of the cells where thousands of 
men, women and children werejammed before being shipped to the Americas; the 
steamy jungle port ofCalabar, one of the principal trading posts; and the 
large tree atZanzibar where the slave market was held which inspired 
DavidLivingstone to fight against slavery. You get used to feeling 
shame.But, until going to this market last week, I think I had 
neverappreciated just how humiliating it is for people to be on sale, 
andmy stomach turned as the girls all tried to catch my eye or touch 
myhand. In theory, the women are not slaves. "We're agencies," 
insistedone of the traders. "You pay us to have them but, once you've 
takenthem home, it's up to you if you pay them."How much would a 
decent wage be, I asked? "Obviously, you would wantan experienced 
one," he replied. "She could do all your washing,cleaning, cooking and look 
after your baby. If you paid her £20 amonth, she would be extremely 
happy."He claimed that he would not take a cut of the wages but 
anti-slaverycampaigners, who would like to see the market closed down, 
insist thatthis is not true. "The traders make the girls believe they are 
theirproperty and, even if you buy one, they are only on loan and must 
paythe traders to cover their costs," explained Desire Kuikui, from 
theCatholic Children's Fund. "There is little difference 
fromslave-trading of old." In fact, the Ivorian authorities are 
sosensitive about the market amid the current international focus 
onchild-slavery in West Africa, after the docking in Benin of a 
boatsuspected to have a cargo of child slaves, that when my 
colleagueJustin Sutcliffe started photographing the girls, we were 
arrested.Surrounded by shouting and drunken police, we were manhandled 
into apolice car and held for five hours in the nearby 27th precinct 
policestation, accused of being spies. Sutcliffe's film was confiscated 
anddestroyed, apart from one that he had managed to hide, and we 
wereinterrogated by a series of officers who kept demanding: "What is 
thetenure of your mission?" Describing what had happened as "a 
seriousincident", they harangued our poor, terrified interpreter for 
lettingus go into "sensitive areas".It was an uncomfortable, if not 
particularly threatening, experienceand, as we sweated it out in the 
oven-like police station with noteven a warm Coca-Cola to quench our parched 
lips, it was hard to getthe picture of all those women on the benches out of 
my head. Beforeour arrest, one of the traders had insisted that "the girls 
are freeto leave here any time".That may be true but, according to 
Apolle, a girl with whom I had asnatched conversation, they have nowhere to 
go. Claiming to be 17,but looking more like 14, she said she had 
travelled several days toget to Abidjan from the east of the country. "I was 
told by a man 

Re: [CTRL] Fw: McCain-Lieberman Gun Show Bill Timebomb

2001-05-23 Thread Bill Howard

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 5/23/01 6:04:20 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Its the guns, the guns, the gunsthey are scared crapless lest
someone - well better forget that one. 

possible, possible.

Bill H

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Murphy: Believing is Seeing?

2001-05-23 Thread MIKE SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-


Believing is Seeing

by Bob Murphy

You think you have an open mind.  No you don't.  Nobody

We necessarily interpret our sensory input to be consistent
with our model of how everything changes with time.  The one
thing everyone does-and so instinctively and automatically
that it goes largely unremarked-is try to become a better
predictor of the future.  And I don't mean, in a hokey,
Magic Eight Ball sort of way.  (Will Bob ever dupe a girl
into marrying him?  My sources say no.)  What I mean is,
people don't like being surprised by things, especially the
more responsibility they shoulder over time.  (Young punks
like me roll our eyes at our parents for being
conservative, but you're damn right you have to be
cautious as hell if other people depend on you going to work
every day.)

Physics is a collection of models of reality which enumerate
precise laws that describe and hopefully predict observable,
natural phenomena.  The actual physicists might be in it
purely for aesthetic reasons, but there is a definite
practical payoff:  It's how we learn to better manipulate
the rest of nature.

But physics is just the most blatant field of the more
general search for understanding.  The adolescent trying to
figure out how to make someone like him or her is really,
when you come down to it, just trying to figure out how to
manipulate people.

It would be easy to castigate politicians as people plotting
to manipulate you to serve their ends.  But so was your
favorite teacher ever.  So was Mother Theresa.  So was Jesus
of Nazareth.

(The difference with these latter people is that they didn't
resort to intimidation or deception.  And that's precisely
why they were so influential.  But the politician is either
too weak to attempt such nobleness, or too stupid to realize
that that sort of legacy is a far greater shrine to one's
accomplishments than any monument or bust in the side of a

Now everybody is self-centered.  You have to take care of
yourself, in the literal sense.  People think that some
benevolent virgin tenderly attending to some old dude in a
rest home who shits his pants everyday and has to have his
pork chops cut up into little tiny pieces and mixed in with
his applesauce (you know what I'm talking about), people
think that this scene blows up the bitter cynicism of kooks
like me and Ayn Rand.

No it doesn't.  Which of the two people is not
self-centered?  The old guy sure is.  He can't do much, but
whatever he does do, is to take care of himself.

And the nurse is self-centered, too.  She thinks, What can
I do to comfort this man? And of course, she never fails to
get enough food and rest to ensure her survival.

Now if you're smart like me, you'll start devoting more and
more time to convincing people to see things your way.  You
have to stop shuddering at the flagrant egoism of that bold

You can be very polite about the matter, and in fact you
have to be if you want to get anywhere through mere
persuasion.  But make no mistake:  You are trying to
persuade others to think like you.  Maybe not your views
about politics or religion, but whenever you throw a party,
or approach a pretzel vendor with a dollar bill in your
hand, you are employing a model of social interactions, and
you are about to make a pitch to get people to do their part
to make the future unfold the way you want it to.

And, as in the examples of throwing a party or obtaining a
pretzel from its owner, the easiest way to convince the
others involved to go along is to demonstrate to their
satisfaction that they too would enjoy this possible course
of events.

I used to get really angry arguing with people who were
really smart about some stuff, but so damned stupid about
other stuff.  Like how can anybody like Al Gore??

But then I realized that, back in the day, I had never heard
about libertarianism.  I used to dream about being a fighter
pilot on a Navy carrier, when my uncle would give me glossy
photographs of F-14s and those sweet surveillance jets with
the big fat radar dishes on top.  And I certainly had no
desire for world conquest or foreign plunder.  I just wanted
to squeeze off a few Sidewinder missiles and blow up some

(Now, can you imagine how eager the military personnel are
to use all their cool shit and to implement all of their
battle plans?  Show of hands:  How many of you, during every
fire drill, thought, This is just a drill.  It would be so
exciting if there were a real fire.  Then I could see if I
could scale down the building from the fifth floor, because
I've thought about how I'd do it.?  No?)

Anyway, my point is that if half your relatives are cool
about most normal stuff but not about politics, it's not
that they're stupid, it's that they're ignorant.  They have
honestly never thought about the nature of government the
way you have.

You know how fortune tellers stay in business?  It's because
the people 

Re: [CTRL] Col. Tom Bearden on Clearnance Sale at Redstone Arsen al

2001-05-23 Thread Dale Stonehouse

-Caveat Lector-

Col. Tom
 Bearden.  As most of you know, he is the definitive theorist
 on magnetic/scalar energy and has a world reputation in many
 such areas.

 So, Sunday afternoon I had occasion to speak with him and
 discuss the matter at length.

Boy, Amelia, what I wouldn't give to sit down with the brilliant Col.
Bearden as you did. His work is our best hope of breaking the oil monopoly

 pointed out the 5,000 families there replete with children of
 their own who are in charge of this storage and the
 foolishness of assuming they would allow such conditions to
 exist.  What would be their motive for exposing their families
 to such contamination?

This is precisely my problem with too many conspiracy researchers. According
to them, people are so evil they completely disregard the well-being of
their own flesh and blood, their children and grandchildren. I've never met
anyone like that and I question that such a human being exists.

 I find Col. Tom Bearden to be much more believable in this
 regard than AlMartinRaw.

Of course he is more believable because he acknowledges there are two sides
to every story. Anyone who gives only one side (the negative) is probably
being paid by an opposite side.

 I do not
 understand why, with the energy shortage facing this country,
 more is not being done in this area.  But then that is yet
 another conspiracy.

It seems until every penny of profit is extracted from the American people
nothing will be done. As Kristofferson wrote, freedom is just another word
for nothing left to lose.

A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fwd: The Nature of Political Conspiracy

2001-05-23 Thread Kris Millegan

 The Nature of Political Conspiracy
 Chuck Morse - 05.23.01

 Lord Acton said power corrupts and absolute power corrupts
 absolutely which succinctly describes the nature of political
 conspiracy. The potential conspirator, intoxicated by the rarefied
 atmosphere of power and privilege, corrupts his soul for political
 advancement. Along the way, he becomes convinced that he possesses
 superior wisdom and assumes a sense of entitlement, even obligation,
 to exercise this wisdom by working toward controlling the lives of
 others. He believes he possesses a mandate to change human nature and
 views the force of government as the means to effect that change. He
 does not believe that his fellow citizen is capable of self rule.

 Conspiracy occurs when a collusion takes place between these
 like-minded birds of a feather. The conspirators, illicitly and
 secretively, use power in a mission which often takes on religious
 fervor. That mission is the accumulation of more power for it's own
 sake. The work of the conspirator is to market this transfer of power
 as a benevolent program meant to benefit the populace. To further this
 transformation of power, they present themselves as saviors during a
 crisis that they themselves may have played a hand in creating.
 Millions of innocents have died as a result of the wars, famine,
 holocausts, and poverty that have resulted from such marketing and

 Oftentimes, a conspirator simply gets caught up in the atmosphere of
 the elite culture and, either deliberately or by evasion, remains
 unaware of the significance of his own actions. The right hand does
 not know what the left hand is doing. This is more likely to occur in
 a morally ambivalent person, a faceless bureaucrat, or an apparatchik,
 who dutifully carries out a pre determined agenda and, in exchange for
 his loyalty and labor, receives a modicum of advancement and prestige
 in return.

 Motivated by a messiah complex, the conspirator is attracted to
 like-minded souls. He generally doesn't view his activity as a
 sinister plot, but as social action conducted in the interest of the
 unenlightened masses. He seeks to plan the most intimate details of
 the lives of his fellow citizens in the name of science. He views
 government as a tool of coercion to achieve these ends. His ultimate
 dream, the cornerstone of his secular faith, is a one world government
 where people like him will use their total world power to change
 mankind. His faith is the same as that of every aspiring world
 conqueror, from Alexander the Great to Genghis Khan to Adolf Hitler.

 A political conspiracy should be viewed in the same context as a
 criminal conspiracy. The criminal plots with one or more
 co-conspirators to abscond with the wealth of the intended victim.
 Plans are drawn up to either commit an outright robbery by use of
 force, or to commit a more subtle fraudulent scheme through a series
 of lies. Laws, set up to protect the life and property of the intended
 victim, are broken. The political conspiracy is more subtle and
 complex and is often borne out of a ruling culture of scientific
 control and noblesse oblige.

 Conspiracy theories involving collective classes of people, such as
 race, ethnicity, or religion, are false, dangerous to freedom, and
 should be rejected. It is impossible for an entire population of
 people to engage in a conspiracy. An ethnic group can only be the
 victim of a conspiracy, hatched by an elite seeking to manipulate them
 to either turn over the reigns of power or to go to war. Ethnic groups
 are often used as scapegoats by conspirators who seek to either divert
 attention from themselves, shift the blame for their own actions, or
 mobilize the significant collective power of hate and prejudice to be
 used for their advantage. The Jewish conspiracy theories of the Nazi
 elite are a classic example of this principle in action.

 Political conspiracy is any plan to deprive the citizenry of their
 natural sovereign rights. The signature of conspiracy is when these
 plans are hatched in secret. Secrecy occurs when the conspirators
 realize that the citizenry would reject the plan if they were
 cognizant of it. This is the hallmark of arrogance.

 Our founding fathers understood that a corrupted cabal of men would
 work it's way into government and would conspire to take over the
 levers of power. This is why they devised a Constitution which divides
 power into three branches of government and recognizes the citizen as
 endowed by the creator with the right to life, liberty, and property.
 This is why the constitution charges the citizen with the right to
 free speech, free press, the right to assemble, and the right to keep
 and bear arms. Our founders understood the darker side of human
 nature. They knew that every generation would have to grapple with a
 conspiracy of men who seek to transfer these powers into their own
 hands. Our obligation to the maintenance of 

[CTRL] Declassification of documents on Task Force 157

2001-05-23 Thread Linda Minor

National Security Archive Update, May 23, 2001

*The Pentagon's Spies: Documents Detail Histories of Once Secret Spy Units*


Today, the National Security Archive released a collection of declassified
documents concerning the creation, evolution and (in some cases) the abolition
of human intelligence (HUMINT) programs run by the Department of Defense and
the military services. The documents - edited by Jeffrey T. Richelson - also
detail the product of their activities, and the controversies that have
occurred over the last several decades.

Throughout the Cold War and beyond, the United States has conducted a variety
of military HUMINT operations carried out by the military services and the
Department of Defense. Each of the three major military services established
and disestablished organizations to recruit spies and debrief individuals of
interest in order to gather information about foreign weapons systems,
doctrine, and other matters of interest to military officials. The documents
released today include:

* Documents on the history of the Navy's clandestine intelligence unit, the
Naval Field Operations Support Group (NFOSG), also known as Task Force 157.

* Documents on the establishment and activities of the Army Intelligence
Support Activity (ISA), a covert group established in the wake of the Iranian
hostage crisis to provide HUMINT support for a possible second rescue attempt,
later criticized as uncoordinated and uncontrolled.

* HUMINT reports from the Army's more traditional Intelligence and Security
Command (INSCOM) on issues such as guerrilla use of stinger missiles against
Soviet forces in Afghanistan, and the 1995 detention of two U.S. military
attaches charged with spying on Chinese military facilities in Guangzhou.

* Documents on the creation of the Defense HUMINT Service (DHS) from 1993-95,
a plan that consolidated the human intelligence programs of the military
services into one organization.

The documents are available at the following URL:


THE NATIONAL SECURITY ARCHIVE is an independent non-governmental research
institute and library located at The George Washington University in
Washington, D.C. The Archive collects and publishes declassified documents
acquired through the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA). A tax-exempt public
charity, the Archive receives no U.S. government funding; its budget is
supported by publication royalties and donations from foundations and
The National Security Archive does not and will never share the names or
e-mail addresses of its subscribers with any other organization. Once a year,
we will write you and ask for your financial support. We may also ask you for
your ideas for Freedom of Information requests, documentation projects, or
other issues that the Archive should take on. We would welcome your input, and
any information you care to share with us about your special interests. But we
do not sell or rent any information about subscribers to any other party.
You may leave the list at any time by sending a SIGNOFF NSARCHIVE
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[CTRL] Myth of the Martyred Mapmaker (fwd)

2001-05-23 Thread Yardbird

Myth of the Martyred Mapmaker
Fired Contractor Turned Into Hero
By Michael Grunwald
Washington Post Staff Writer
Monday, May 21, 2001; Page A01

Two months ago, Ian Thomas was an anonymous government cartographer, posting wildlife 
maps on the U.S. Geological Survey's Web site. Today, he is a martyr of the 
environmental movement, celebrated as a victim of the Bush administration's supposed 
hostility to nature.

Thomas was fired March 12 for posting a map of caribou migrations in the Arctic 
National Wildlife Refuge, the pristine swath of tundra where the new administration 
hopes to promote oil exploration. Within days, green groups were trashing Interior 
Secretary Gale A. Norton for playing politics, and Thomas's tale of suppressed science 
was making international news. Last week, he even made the funny pages, as Garry 
Trudeau recounted his plight in six Doonesbury strips.

It turned out that the Alaska caribou calve exactly where Secretary Norton wants to 
drill! Trudeau's fictional Washington Post reporter declared. So the offending map 
was yanked off the Net, and the unwitting mapmaker was sacked.

It's quite a story. But it's not quite a true story.

It certainly isn't the whole story.

For starters: Thomas was a contract worker, not a federal employee, and he had been in 
trouble with his USGS bosses before, once for posting sensitive Department of Defense 
data on their Web site. The decision to cancel his contract was made not by Norton or 
any other Bush appointee, but by the top biologist at his research center, a 
self-described liberal Democrat who opposes drilling in the Arctic refuge. Another 
career bureaucrat -- the chief USGS biologist, who is also a Democrat and a 
conservationist -- made the call to pull the caribou map off the Web.

The real reason Thomas lost his job, according to internal USGS e-mails from March and 
interviews last week, is that he posted an inaccurate map related to a hypersensitive 
issue that was far outside his Maryland office's turf and even farther outside the 
scope of his contract. His bosses had already decided not to renew his $39.71-an-hour 
deal before the incident, and his immediate superior -- yet another self-described 
liberal Democrat -- had recently refused to continue as his manager, calling him a 
bit out of control. USGS is part of Interior, but there is no evidence that Norton or 
her aides played any role in his termination.

In fact, USGS officials say the oil industry would have loved the Thomas map, which 
actually understated the caribou calving grounds by relying on obsolete data.

There were absolutely no political overtones to this whatsoever, said Jay Hestbeck, 
the biologist who terminated Thomas's contract. That's just something people want to 
believe. It's pure fantasy, but it's a perfect story for people who want to see the 
world that way.

Even Thomas now says that his dismissal was less about political interference than 
bureaucratic panic, and that it would have gone unnoticed if environmentalists hadn't 
been so eager for ammunition to use against the Arctic drilling plan. But with 
mobilized green groups vociferously linking the administration to Big Oil, King Coal 
and arsenic in the water supply, the symbolism of this case quickly overtook the facts.

Thomas still believes that Bush and Norton have created a climate of fear at federal 
agencies that handle energy issues, but he says he is no longer pushing 
Doonesbury-style conspiracy theories about his own plight. It's gone so far beyond 
anything I ever dreamed of happening, said Thomas, who accepted a job offer from the 
World Wildlife Fund the day after he was fired. It's crazy!

Still, his saga keeps spreading: from the Los Angeles Times to French television to a 
three-page spread in the Guardian of London to Jim Romenesko's media gossip Web site 
to the Reuters wire. Thomas even rated a brief mention in the Chinese version of Elle 
magazine -- along with an '80s pop band that understands the vagaries of sudden 

I have no idea what it says except it goes: Ian Thomas, blah, blah, blah, Duran 
Duran, Thomas explained in an e-mail. Very cool!

'A Bit Out of Control'

Ian Thomas is 33. He lives in a group house in Mount Pleasant with five vegans and two 
dogs and a votenader.org sticker on the door. He shows up for an interview wearing an 
unraveling red sweater and faded green denim jeans. It would appear from the scruffy 
patches around his face that he has not yet learned how to shave.

He is an international chess master. He reads science fiction. He is a passionate 

He seems like a very nice man, but not exactly an Organization Man.

Thomas, a London native, came to the United States a decade ago after completing a 
civil engineering degree, and worked on hydrologic models for the National Audubon 
Society. He later took a job at the Smithsonian's environmental research 

Re: [CTRL] SFLR on Michael Aquino - Part II

2001-05-23 Thread Linda Minor

-Caveat Lector-


The excerpts from the book written by Phillips and O'Brien help to explain
to any with open minds how some of the victims of mind-control programming
could be convinced of shape-shifters.  Whether David Icke (whom some find to
be so objectionable) has intentionally misconstrued these accounts or is
engaged in disinformation attempts is unknown.  He does post an assortment
of all kinds of reports involving mind-control, and the reader must follow
the premise of this list--
Caveat Lector

-Original Message-
From: radman [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Tuesday, May 22, 2001 9:45 PM
Subject: [CTRL] SFLR on Michael Aquino - Part II

-Caveat Lector-

The newsletter of San Francisco Liberation Radio
Monday, May 21, 2001

San Francisco Liberation Radio, 93.7 FM
Broadcasting 4 p.m. - 11 p.m. nightly, 12 midnight on Saturdays, In
Western San Francisco

In this Issue:

1. The Keys to Hell and Death - Part II
2. O'Brien, Phillips, to Speak Saturday


1. The Keys to Hell and Death - Part II

U.S. Army reserve Lieutenant Colonel Michael Aquino, a Defense
Department expert on psychological warfare, was named as a suspect in a
child molestation case in San Francisco in 1987. However, formal charges
against Aquino were never filed in the case, known as the Presidio
child molestation case, in which more than 50 children were reported to
have been molested who attended a day care center on a U.S. Army base.
Aquino is founder of the Temple of Set, a satanic church based in San
Francisco, and he figures prominently in the book, TRANCE-Formation of
America, by Mark Phillips and Cathy O'Brien. Yesterday we brought you
part one of this report. Today we continue with part two.


The U.S. government's fascination for covert use of the occult has its
historical precedent in Nazi Germany.

Both Hitler and Heinrich Himmler, Nazi SS chief, were heavily immersed
in the occult, Hitler having come into contact with Jorg Lanz von
Liebenfels and his Order of the New Templars as early as 1909.

Hitler became an avid reader of Lanz's magazine, Ostara, a publication
which combined the erotic with the occult, while also producing racist
rantings which were remarkably similar to Hitler's later utterances,
according to Dusty Sklar in her book, Gods and Beasts: The Nazis and
the Occult. (Thomas Y. Crowell Company, New York, 1977).

Another occultist who was influential in Nazi circles was the professor,
Karl Hauschofer, who is said to have virtually dictated chapter 16 of
Hitler's autobiography, Mein Kampf.

For Hauschofer, a love affair with the Orient began in 1908 when he was
sent to Tokyo as an advisor to the Japanese Army.

He studied Sanskrit and translated several Hindu and Buddist texts,
eventually ending up in the esoteric stream of Satanism, through which
he sought to raise Germany to the pinnacle of world power. (Sklar, p.

(Haushofer wound up being paid tribute by San Francisco Satanist Anton
LeVey, in whose book, The Satanic Bible, published in 1969, can be found
a dedication: To Karl Haushofer, a teacher without a classroom.).

As for Lanz, he ended up joining the Germanen Orden (in 1912), which in
turn eventually merged with the Thule Society, whose membership, by
1918, reached 1,500 in Bavaria alone.

This powerful occult circle included adepts, judges, lawyers,
professors, leading industrialists, surgeons, scientists, and even
former members of the royal entourage of the Wittelsbach kings. The
Bavarian minister of justice, Franz Gurtner; the police president of
Munich, Ernst Pohner; and the assistant police chief, Wilhelm Frick,
were active. (Sklar, p. 42).

Couching their rhetoric in rabid anti-Semitism, Thule members prophesied
the coming of a German messiah who would do away with hated democracy,
the handmaiden of the weak, says Sklar.

There was also a great deal of rhetoric about the divine self and the
powers which would accrue to those who followed the true path.

The latter especially is not dissimilar from the sort of mystic
psychobabble which can be found on Temple of Set web sites today.

Temple of Set seeks above all to honor and enshrine consciousness…
says the church's official Web site. The Left-Hand Path is a process
for creating an individual, powerful essence that exists above and
beyond animal life.

Other celebrated personages drawn to the German occult scene included
the American industrialist Andrew Melon.

According to Sklar, Melon's interest in the occult resulted in a huge
collection of books on the subject, stretching back to antiquity, which
he donated to Yale. (Sklar, p. 138).

Yale, it should be noted, is the home of the notorious Skull and Bones
Society, out of which sprang George H.W. Bush and other American
political figures. (SFLR DJ Scott Thompson has provided research on ties

[CTRL] (Fwd) Ashcroft Reverses Reno

2001-05-23 Thread kl
-Caveat Lector-
Well, I've had some reservations about Ashcroft, but if he sticks to his guns (no pun intended) on this, I'll consider that he has redeemed himself.

--- Forwarded message follows ---

Attorney General John Ashcroft says the Justice Department is moving to
reaffirm a long-held opinion that all law-abiding citizens have the
individual right to keep and bear firearms. It is a move that is likely to
enrage liberals who enjoyed eight years of anti-gun support from the
Clinton Administration. In a letter to the National Rifle Association,
Ashcroft says that during his confirmation hearings, he was reminded that
some hold a different view on the right to bear arms -- a view, he says,
that would "read the Second Amendment out of the Constitution." Ashcroft
says he respectfully disagrees with that view, because when he was sworn in
as Attorney General, he took an oath to uphold and defend the Constitution.
And Ashcroft says that applies to all parts of the Constitution.

The Washington Times, which has obtained a copy of the letter, says
Ashcroft argues the text and the original intent of the Second Amendment
clearly protects the rights of individuals to keep and bear arms.

Mark Levin, former chief of staff to Attorney General Ed Meese, is praising
the Ashcroft statement. He tells The Times "the right to bear arms is no
less a right than the right to free speech." Levin says the problem with
liberals is that "they wish to pick and choose between individual liberties
and scuttle those with which they disagree."

Anti-Gun Bias
Meanwhile, a leading opinion pollster attributes the media's anti-gun bias
to their lack of real knowledge on the issue. Kellyanne Conway is president
of the Polling Company. She told a seminar on media coverage at the
National Rifle Association Convention, that the bias stems from the fact
that most reporters and anchors do not know much about guns.

Conway said, "The reason the media are so set against gun issues is because
they literally don't know anyone who owns a gun."

Conway told the group that many national correspondents and anchors are out
of touch with ordinary people because they "live in gated communities and
they have all the disposable income and plastic surgeons and diamond
jewelry," thus giving them the freedom to talk about things the rest of
America really does not focus on.

Conway urged NRA members not to believe what the media says about them or
the organization and its activities. She said, "The fact is, the NRA is
increasing membership to 4.3 million members, while at the same time,
there's a collateral drop off in readership of these major national
newspapers, and more importantly, the viewership of these nightly network
news programs."

NRA - Campaign Finance Reform
At the annual Convention held this past week in Kansas City, the NRA
announced it intends to fight the McCain-Feingold Campaign Finance Reform
Bill. Executive vice president Wayne LaPierre told an enthusiastic crowd
that the campaign finance bill violates the Constitution and criminalizes
free speech in America.

"As long as there is a National Rifle Association," LaPierre said, "the
First Amendment will stand in defense of the Second, and the Second will
stand in defense of the First."

LaPierre also pledged if the bill passed, the NRA "would drop anchor in
international waters just off the coast and broadcast the truth from its
own television towers."

In a surprise move, Congressman Bob Barr of Georgia, a staunch NRA
supporter, took the podium and announced he accepted the NRA's challenge on
McCain-Feingold. He called the bill "the most serious and double- barreled
challenge to our Bill of Rights that any of us have witnessed in our

--- End of forwarded message ---

Best wishes

It is the besetting vice of democracies to substitute public opinion for
law. This is the usual form in which the masses of men exhibit their
tyranny.   -James Fenimore Cooper, _The American Democrat_ (1838)

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[CTRL] FC: Don't fall for the HIV needles email hoax -- a cautionary tale (fwd)

2001-05-23 Thread Yardbird

-Caveat Lector-


To: 'Declan McCullagh' [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Cautionary tale on using e-mail
Date: Thu, 17 May 2001 11:57:39 -0400


Here's an item that might be interesting to your Politech subscribers.

Today's (5/17/01) Washington Post has what can best be described as a
cautionary tale on indiscriminately using e-mail to pass around seemingly
innocuous items to friends and colleagues.  It concerns the aide to a top
official in Fairfax County, Va. who spread what she thought was a credible
story about HIV-infected needles attached to the bottom of gas station pumps
- a story that turned out to be a hoax.  By sending the message to 100
friends and colleagues, the aide set the story loose all over the world, and
she -- and her boss -- are continuing to pay the price to this day.

The best quote from the story comes from the aide: I can tell you, after
this experience, if the sky is falling, no one will hear it from me.

The story headlined Apocryphal E-Mail Bedevils Va. Sender can be found on
washingtonpost.com at:


- Max

Max Cacas - Senior Online Producer[radio/webcasting]
Technology  Programs
The Freedom Forum / Arlington, Va.  USA
Inanimate objects are out to screw you. - Fred W. Friendly

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[CTRL] NR: Jeffords Bombshell: Party Switch Imminent

2001-05-23 Thread MIKE SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

National Review Online

Jeffords Bombshell

Party switch imminent, according to Evans and Novak Political

By NR Staff May 22, 2001 6:00 p.m.

Vermont Republican James Jeffords will switch parties, according
to an
exclusive report in the Evans-Novak Political Report. The switch
give control of the Senate to the Democrats, and is a devastating
development for the Bush White House.

This is the Evans-Novak e-mail that is screaming around
Washington at
the moment:

GOP Sen. James Jeffords (Vt.) was overheard on Tuesday telling a
Democratic colleague that he will switch parties.

According to sources, Jeffords said that once the tax cut bill
he will travel to the White House and tell President Bush he will
the Democratic party. Jeffords' aides said Bush's decision not to
invite him to a ceremony honoring a Vermont teacher is prompting
him to
switch parties.

If Jeffords follows through with his intention, the political
changes dramatically. Democrats would become the majority party
in the
Senate, altering the make-up of committees and derailing Bush's
nominations and his goal of restraining federal spending. Also,
Republican energy plans would be very difficult to pass through

   Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT


  *Michael Spitzer*

  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To

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Re: [CTRL] NR: Jeffords Bombshell: Party Switch Imminent

2001-05-23 Thread Aleisha Saba

-Caveat Lector-

Now a lot of Republicans in a primary I presume put this man on the
ticket to represent them...in the General Election he ran as a
Repubican and his party put his name on the Republican Ballot.

So now, if this guy wants to vote Republican or vote Democrat that is
his choice - for many public officials do not agree on all issues.

What this guy is doing verges on blackmail and why?   He could vote as
he pleases on any issue; but to change his party - he no longer holds
the qualifications for the office he holds as a member of the Republican
party and they should recall him immediately, impoeach, or whatever they
do to in such matters.

What is the big deal - he is getting publicty, but who the hell ever
heard of him?

So he says I am no longer a Republican?   Fine, take away his office for
he was not elected on the Demorat Ticket...

Something wrong here...to change your vote is one thing, but to
change your party is another.

Much to do over nothing

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[CTRL] NM: I.C. Considers Return of Smoking-Gun Dress, Semen Stains and All

2001-05-23 Thread MIKE SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

With Carl Limbacher and NewsMax.com Staff

For the story behind the story...

Tuesday May 22, 2001; 10:15 a.m. EDT

Monica's Smoking Gun

Dress Request Could Spell More Trouble for Bill

Monica Lewinsky wants the office of independent counsel to return
semen stained blue dress she turned over as impeachment evidence
in 1998
-- a move that could spell more scandal trouble for Bill Clinton.

It's her lawyer's position that she's entitled to have back all
possessions, Lewinsky spokeswoman Judi Nadler told Bloomberg
service late Monday.

Lewinsky isn't interested in selling the frock, insisted Nadler,
estimates that the historic garment could fetch more than the
million paid for the skin tight gown Marilyn Monroe donned to
JFK on his birthday.

Clinton's one-time girlfriend once told Barbara Walters that if
she ever
got the garment back, she'd burn it.

But if Monica changes her mind and decides to cash in, she could
solve one of the great Sexgate mysteries of all time -- whether
is the father of Little Rock teenager Danny Williams.

Williams' mom, Bobbi Ann, had long claimed Clinton was Danny's
dad, and had reportedly passed two lie detector tests in 1992 to
her story up. In November 1998, Danny's aunt, Lucille Bolton,
NewsMax.com that the family wanted a DNA paternity test.

Weeks later, Star Magazine obtained a sample of Danny's DNA and
attempted to compare it with Clinton's. But Star couldn't get an
sample of the president's genetic material -- and instead relied
on the
now-discredited FBI Lab, which offered a scant profile of
Clinton's DNA
markers in documents made public during impeachment.

Danny's sample did not match the FBI's Clinton profile, Star told
Magazine, without ever reporting on the episode itself. But in
fact, no
actual independent paternity test was ever performed.

Making matters even murkier, an FBI spokesman refused to tell
NewsMax.com whether the DNA profile it released for Clinton had
camouflaged for national security or privacy reasons. (See:
'Paternity Test' Called into Question)

If Monica gets her dress back, she could clear up the Danny
mystery once and for all -- and no doubt enhance her own
security along the way.

Independent counsel Robert Ray is reportedly considering
returning the
smoking gun frock to Lewinsky, semen stains and all.

   Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT


  *Michael Spitzer*

  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To

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[CTRL] IMPORTANT NEWS of amerika - what we get in britland

2001-05-23 Thread Andrew Hennessey

This is all the american news we get these days 

Scottish daily Record wednesday may 23 2001 

Monica Lewinsky says she wants back her infamous 
stained dress that almost cost Bill Clinton the US Presidency.
Experts say the navy Gap dress could be worth more 
than £350,000 to a collector - though Lewinskys spokeswoman said the former 
Whitehouse intern, now 27, had no plans to sell it.

New York collector Robert Schagrin said 'Iwould 
love to get my hands on that dress. I could see it going for mid six figures, 
maybe even seven.'

The dress was not returned after the investigation 
into Clintons affair with Lewinsky.

A spokesman for the investigators said the fate of 
the dress would be addressed 'in due time'


well I'm glad that theres nothing serious happening 
in the states just now :)


Re: [CTRL] Big media pushes news to the far right

2001-05-23 Thread Nessie

-Caveat Lector-

Yes, it does appear that the writer is out of touch with reality.

And the proof of this is?

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[CTRL] Gary Condit - Nicknamed Blow Dry

2001-05-23 Thread Aleisha Saba

-Caveat Lector-

Because of his dangerous age, Condit it is alleged is a real swinger -
his hair is a standing joke, so they call him blow dry.he runs in
the night life circuit, but that does not make him bad.

He claimed he and the Levy family were friends; yet the Levy's state
this is noto necessarily the case - he is just their congressman.

Now he put up $10,000 reward for the locating of this young Intern -
what if it did come out of his campaign funds?   Strange  - for that is
a lot of money

Another young girl involved with a bit shot (as they like to think they
are) political official - makes one wonder if this is not a repeat of
the past.and Diana Feinstein on TV reliving her past - remember Leo
Ryan murdered and set up at Jonestown - Feinstein made news then and
they are all making news now - news that Condit, tries to avoid for he
is a married man, in his 50's and this man visited this young girl's
apartment several times?

Interesting item = but the lid has been put on.   Why?   Rivera is
crying, King is crying - the parents held one interview and requested
please, find their daughter first for they hope for the best.   Condit
sounds like another bum - like Clinton - what are they running there?
They made a prostitute out of little Monica or was she one before she
hit the high times?

Interesting case - and her photographs in a glamourous pose and dyed
black hair - with the little rose tattoo on her ankle?

Packed, ready to return to her home - bright future - or is somebody
already writing or did they write the book?

So wonderful of the Congressman to put up the $10,000 - but wait a
minute - it was from his campaign funds?   Has he taken lie detector yet
and then of course there is this Blake murder case - look how they were
condemned before the trial - when this congressman looks like a real bum
escapes attention of news media?


Lots of Attention but Little News As Search for

By David A. Fahrenthold and Arthur Santana
Washington Post Staff Writers
Friday, May 18, 2001; Page A14

Chandra A. Levy's parents are set to return to California today as the
search for their daughter, who has been missing for more than two weeks,
continues to raise strong media interest but few solid leads for police.

The investigation has included the canvassing by police of an Adams
Morgan apartment building where U.S. Rep. Gary A. Condit (D-Calif.)
lives while in Washington, Condit's neighbors said yesterday. Levy had
visited Condit's apartment several times, a police official said

Police have no suspects in the case and said there was no evidence that
she was a victim of foul play.

Levy, 24, was last seen April 30 -- a week after her job as a federal
intern ended and just before she was to return to California for her
graduate school commencement. On May 6, after trying repeatedly to reach
their daughter on the telephone, Levy's parents alerted D.C. police.

Police are saying little about the investigation, and what details have
emerged only deepen the mystery.

Assistant Police Chief Ronald Monroe said yesterday that Levy had
visited Condit's apartment more than a couple times, though the time
frame was not clear. Condit's neighbors said police knocked on their
doors Tuesday night, carrying a picture of Levy, asking whether they had
ever seen her there.

Those interviewed yesterday by The Washington Post -- about 10 people --
said they had never seen Levy in the building.
Condit, 53, who represents Modesto, Levy's home town, offered $10,000 in
surplus campaign funds in reward money after Levy's parents notified him
of the disappearance. He also asked the FBI to become involved in the

Reports hinting that Condit and Levy had some kind of relationship have
drawn media attention from across the country. Condit's office has
repeatedly said that Levy and the congressman, who is married and has
two adult children, were not romantically involved.

Condit's offices in Washington and Modesto said yesterday that the
congressman would have no comment beyond a printed statement.

This is about Chandra, it said. All of us should focus our efforts on
getting her home.
Levy's parents, Robert and Susan Levy, flew to Washington on Tuesday
night to learn more from police about her disappearance. They met
yesterday with California's senators, Dianne Feinstein (D) and Barbara
Boxer (D).

Susan Levy said she and her husband were grateful for Condit's donation
to the reward fund but declined an invitation to meet with him because
they were too busy.

Robert Levy said he first contacted Condit soon after his daughter
disappeared only because Condit is their congressman. Robert Levy said
neither he nor his wife has met Condit.

Susan Levy said she knew of no romantic relationship between her
daughter and Condit, and she called the media speculation distressing.
It's not very comforting to hear these stories, she said.

Meanwhile, an article published yesterday in the Modesto Bee undercut

[CTRL] FINAL REPORT On The Bombing of The Alfred P. Murrah Building April 19, 1995

2001-05-23 Thread MIKE SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

FINAL REPORT On The Bombing of The Alfred P. Murrah Building
April 19, 1995

Update: Due to recent events, the publication of the
500 Page Final Report has been delayed in shipping
until around the first part of June, 2001.

To place Pre-Order, Call 1-800-334-5597

FINAL REPORT Web site: Orders can also be placed here!
HOME: http://www.bombing.tv/

ORDER PAGE: http://www.bombing.tv/OrderPage.html

Any questions, email [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Copyright © 2000-2001, Oklahoma Bombing Investigation Committee.
All Rights Reserved - Website by Alliance Team

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[CTRL] New DEA Chief Complicit in Mena Drug Scandal, New Book Claims

2001-05-23 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-

Press Release
May 21, 2001
Available for interviews
Call 800.556.2012

New DEA Chief Complicit in Mena Drug Scandal, New Book Claims

Why did Asa Hutchinson, George W. Bush’s new appointee to head the DEA, agree 
to become the marketing “poster boy for a company that had just been taken 
public by a lawyer and close associate of major drug smuggler Barry Seal?

A new book “Barry  ‘the boys’ The CIA, the Mob, and America’s Secret 
History,” (in bookstores this fall but available now on the Internet at 
claims a principal in Seal’s cocaine smuggling organization, that operated 
with impunity through Mena, Arkansas while Hutchinson was US Attorney there, 
was merely paying back a favor.

Every successful drug smuggling organization needs four things, Miami 
private investigator Gary McDaniel, an expert in the netherworld where the 
criminal drug trade and the US Justice system meet, states in the new book... 
 “Production, distribution, transportation, and protection.

Did the Republican Congressman who presented the case to the Senate for the 
impeachment of Bill Clinton, Asa Hutchinson, provide the protection, 
including taking  care of an arrest for Seal while he was US Attorney for 
Western Arkansas?

According to then-Arkansas State Police Commander, Finis Duvall, whose area 
included Mena, on at least one occasion then-US Attorney Asa Hutchinson ‘took 
care’ of a Mena legal entanglement for Barry Seal that has never been 
surfaced in the press.

The book quotes Duvall as stating that the Arkansas State police didn't even 
try to develop a case against the Mena drug smuggling, because it was well 
known that it was being 'protected.' We always knew we couldn't prosecute 
Barry Seal, no matter what we got on him, because of the politics involved in 
the Western Judicial District, said the former Arkansas State Police 
Commander, referring to Hutchinson.

The big secret that was never revealed in either the Iran Contra or the 
Whitewater Scandals, is the subject of “Barry  ‘the boys’ The CIA, the Mob, 
and America’s Secret History,” in bookstores this fall but available on the 
Internet now at www.barryandtheboys.com

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Re: [CTRL] NR: Jeffords Bombshell: Party Switch Imminent

2001-05-23 Thread Linda Minor

-Caveat Lector-

Sen. Jeffords To Be Independent
By David Espo
AP Special Correspondent
Wednesday, May 23, 2001; 10:10 a.m. EDT

WASHINGTON –– Republican Sen. James Jeffords of Vermont has told Democrats
he intends to abandon his party and become an independent, officials said
Wednesday, a switch that would end GOP control of the Senate and crimp
President Bush's ability to pass his agenda.

He's going to leave, that's all I've been told, said one Democratic
senator, speaking on condition of anonymity.

A second Democratic senator, also speaking on condition of anonymity, said
party leaders had told him Jeffords would align himself with Democrats for
organizational purposes, thereby giving them control.

Jeffords, a moderate in a party of conservatives, told reporters he would
disclose his decision at mid-afternoon.

Several sources, speaking on condition of anonymity, said Jeffords might
defer the effective date of his switch until early June. That would enable
Republicans to push through Bush's income tax cut, now pending on the Senate

In an atmosphere of extraordinary suspense, Democrats also acknowledged they
were concerned about Republican attempts to counter Jeffords' presumed
defection by enlisting Sen. Zell Miller, D-Ga., to switch to the GOP.

© Copyright 2001 The Associated Press

-Original Message-
From: Aleisha Saba [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Wednesday, May 23, 2001 11:35 AM
Subject: Re: [CTRL] NR: Jeffords Bombshell: Party Switch Imminent

-Caveat Lector-

Now a lot of Republicans in a primary I presume put this man on the
ticket to represent them...in the General Election he ran as a
Repubican and his party put his name on the Republican Ballot.

So now, if this guy wants to vote Republican or vote Democrat that is
his choice - for many public officials do not agree on all issues.

What this guy is doing verges on blackmail and why?   He could vote as
he pleases on any issue; but to change his party - he no longer holds
the qualifications for the office he holds as a member of the Republican
party and they should recall him immediately, impoeach, or whatever they
do to in such matters.

What is the big deal - he is getting publicty, but who the hell ever
heard of him?

So he says I am no longer a Republican?   Fine, take away his office for
he was not elected on the Demorat Ticket...

Something wrong here...to change your vote is one thing, but to
change your party is another.

Much to do over nothing

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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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Re: [CTRL] An Example Of How Bioreseach Could Kill Us All

2001-05-23 Thread Nessie

-Caveat Lector-

 This research project was intended to produce a new type of hybrid
hepatitis C virus, which would allow researchers to speed up their
search for a vaccine and to replace the use of animals in much of this

I ask my ex, the molecular biologist, what she thought of this. Here's
what she said:

Outrageous! I can't see how such a hybrid would in any way eliminate the
need for animal testing.  They're both animal viruses, and as far as I
know, neither grows in bacteria  or other than animal  organisms.

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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[CTRL] Fw: The Tom Bearden Website

2001-05-23 Thread Amelia

-Caveat Lector-

Lots of interesting things here.  Includes satellite tracings
of those mysterious circles we have been watching.  Best I
have seen on those.  Lots of technical stuff but also articles
for layperson.

- Original Message -
Sent: Wednesday, May 23, 2001 11:20 AM
Subject: The Tom Bearden Website


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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] It's Not About Winning

2001-05-23 Thread Amelia
Title: Its Not About Winning





Its Not About 
by Michael 
Last year Braves fans would have lynched me writing a piece 
with that title. Exiled Rhodesians and despairing American 
constitutionalists might take issue with it as well. So lets 
examine what "winning" means to Americans.
The last year of the War of Northern Aggression pitted a 
Union general, Grant, who knew how to win, against General Lee, a 
man who knew how to lose. Which of them fought the better fight? 
Which of them is remembered as a man of dignity and honor? A better 
question might be, which of them thought it a sound military tactic 
to burn peoples homes and farms? 
Grant and his master, Lincoln, had no honor, but they won. 
The history books excoriate the Union general McClellan, remembered 
by Lees staff as the cleverest of all the Yankee generals, because 
he failed to take "stern" measures against Southern civilians. He 
was not prepared to fight a "total war" and so the result was, he 
failed to "win." But he died with no hint of dishonor attached to 
his name, and that counts for something. 
That same Federal government decided at the turn of the 
century, that America should take her place among the world powers. 
What better way than by killing a lot of people? After liberating 
the Philippines from the feeble clutches of the Spanish, we 
proceeded to slaughter a quarter million of the folks we 
"liberated." Their ingratitude still astounds some Americans. It was 
a taste of "victory" that should have left a bitter taste in the 
mouths of Americans, but it didnt.
Great power that we now were, we used our place on the world 
stage to turn a war that was already a general massacre, into an 
outright catastrophe for human kind. In his search for "peace in our 
time" President Wilson managed to break the stalemate in that 
murderous European war and create a situation that virtually assured 
that there would be another and worse war to follow. His "genius" 
for leadership was such that the United States, having lost one 
hundred thousand dead in a war that had exactly nothing to do 
with our national interest, would fail even at his own silly dream 
of a league of nations. To the rare American who is even mildly 
aware of history, Wilson is typically remembered as a great leader, 
proving the premise that slaves are born, not made.
Wilson pursued a personal agenda. Wilson can be said to have 
"won." His countrymen however, might take a different view but maybe 
not, since we continue to pursue "peace" through military 
Fast forward to the Second World War. Winston Churchill 
declined Hitlers peace overtures after the fall of France and 
continued to work furtively to drag the United States into yet 
another European military adventure. Churchill claimed to have spent 
his life opposing the communists but in his crazed fanaticism he 
pursued a policy that drowned the world in blood and turned over 
much of Eastern Europe to his former enemies. How many Jews, Poles 
and other civilians were killed in that insane war? How many German 
civilians, and soldiers of many different nationalities, including 
our own, were to die because of Churchills intransigence? Could he 
not have turned the horror off, then built up his war machine and 
followed a policy of containing the Germans at the channel and in 
Africa? Did he really care about Poland, the country over which 
England ostensibly went to war? The answer is obvious  Poland was 
delivered into the hands of Stalin, who continued the same barbaric 
policies as Hitler! And Churchill sat at the table with those 
sinister men at Potsdam as they sealed the fate of millions, smoking 
his cigar and posturing.
Ultimately, Churchill did what he did, simply because he felt 
like it. Remember, at that time (1940) Hitler was not practicing 
genocide and had merely won a first rate military campaign against 
the French and British, with relatively low losses on both sides. 
Even the air war had not yet escalated to the terror bomber raids on 
civilian targets  not that is, until 

[CTRL] ALL Organic Seeds Now Appear to Be CONTAMINATED

2001-05-23 Thread Amelia

-Caveat Lector-

{{I knew there was a BIG problem with this some time back when
I tried to grow a small amount of organic food surrounded by
non-organic.  One good breeze and it is all non-organic for
the pollen will be carried on the wind and bees and everything
else.  The burden was placed on the organic farmer to keep his
product 'unpolluted' instead of the one whose product was
doing the contaminating.  Even growing all organic food in an
enclosed greenhouse would not keep this out as it is
microscopic.  The food, if processed, is often processed in
the same -places as the GM foods and who can say how well thy
are kept separate.  What is truly frightening is that some
farms are testing GM seeds and may have rows of many different
varieties, all GM so that one has no way, other than plant
DNA, etc., of even knowing with which the organic crop is

I tried putting the tassels of corn in paper bags once as this
was once thought to prevent it but the end product was still
suspect. And lots of fungus from lack of adequate
ventilation,etc. Popcorn. Also tried with some roses in
reverse.  So it is now all contaminated and Organic now only
refers to the methods of pest control and herbicides not used,
not the actual product. And if the wind is blowing when the
neighboring crop is being dusted or sprayed with who knows
what, especially if aircraft is used, well, you get the
picture. Also note our old friend David Gould quoted here.

May 23, 2001

All Organic Seeds Now Appear to Be Contaminated With
Genetically Modified Crops
May 1, 2001 -- Cropchoice News

That was the gist of declarations by two organic agriculture
organizations to describe the effect of transgenic crop
production on organic farming. As is the case with
conventional soy, corn, and canola, organic crops have tested
positive for the presence of foreign genetic material because
of cross-pollination, seed stock contamination. The inability
to segregate transgenic crops from their organic and
conventional counterparts during harvest, handling, transport
and milling is also responsible for contamination.

The Organic Federation of Australia declared that
contamination from transgenic crops in the United States has
spread to such a degree that it cannot verify the purity of
imported organic ingredients.

Farm Verified Organic seconded that assertion. A press release
from the North Dakota certification agency stated: the GM
pollution of American commodities is now so pervasive, we
believe it is not possible for farmers in North America to
source seed free from it.

The widespread adoption of GM crops in the U.S. makes it
difficult to ensure that grain is not being contaminated with
genetically modified organisms (GMOs) as it is handled and
transported from the field to the end customer. Industry
insiders even question whether the foundation (parent) seed
for non-GM varieties can meet a 1% purity level, according to
the November 2000 edition of Farmindustrynews.com.

David Gould, a member of the certification committee of Farm
Verified Organic, discussed the contamination situation with
Cropchoice in February.

Our investigations thus far from the 2000 harvest lead us to
believe that virtually all of the seed corn in the United
states is contaminated with at least a trace of genetically
engineered material, and often more, Gould said. Even the
organic lots are showing traces of biotech varieties.

He pointed out the now familiar StarLink corn fiasco. Iowa
farmers planted 1 percent of their crop with StarLink. By
harvest time, 50 percent registered positive for the
genetically engineered variety.

Since his preferred option of a ban on transgenic crops
probably won't happen soon, Gould favors establishment of a
maximum tolerance level for genetically modified organisms in
organic crops. Currently, there is no universal standard. In
the case of corn, he said that if organic certifiers insisted
on 0 percent contamination, we shouldn't certify any corn.

At the same time, he worries that propagating transgenic crops
year after year will lead to the presence of more and more
foreign genes in organic and conventional varieties. This in
turn, would mean raising the tolerance levels. Whether the
organic stamp of approval would then become something of a
joke is open to debate.

But one should remember that organic standards have to do with
production, not purity, said Annie Kirschenmann, of Farm
Verified Organic. This means that testing for any kind of
residue, be it from pesticide or genetic drift, is not part of
determining whether to certify a farm as organic.

Cropchoice.com May 1, 2001


Well here we have it, the first suggestion that this is the
beginning of the end for pure food crops. It appears that
nearly all the organic seeds have some level of contamination
with genetically modified crops.

Let me repeat one of the above 

[CTRL] Conspiracy in the business world

2001-05-23 Thread Zuukie1

-Caveat Lector-

Control, control, control of commerce in a very few hands.  Put a
stranglehold on the control of money and jobs and see how quickly people fall
into line with the new line of thinking.  Just tell a businessman that he's
out of compliance and he can be forced to kiss toes, go to court, or go out
of business.  A friend wrote the following and I thought it should be shared.
 Sometimes seeing a conspiracy only means getting an insight on what is
happening.  The author was willing to share his insight but want his privacy.
 I told him I would share any feedback he received.


An official trade association ostensibly provides government advocacy in
behalf of the specific industry, to ease the burden of federal and state
regulations that impact our industry. Such organizations exist for all
industries, most likely with similar goals and activities. We have the
impression that they are there to obtain regulatory relief in the form of
legal, scientific and administrative challenges to regulatory nonsense.
They should be out there suing the agencies and lobbying Congress to
overturn bad laws that hurt our industry. But over the last ten years I have
continually noticed their lethargy at that stated cause. If anything,
they are most effective at facilitating the implementation of those rules and
laws within the industry, not fighting them. In fact, at times I was
ostracized by certain members of the orgainzation I was involved with for
doing too
much alerting and not enough facilitating.

However, even more important to this organization than the conditioning
process to accept and adopt burdensome and silly regulations has been the
promotion of the world economy and global village, or in other words, the
greening of
the industry, through the implementation of their Environmental Management
System (EMS), which is patterned after the Chemical Manufacturer's
Association EMS, Responsible Care. After criticizing the program to a couple
of their
change agents at a conference in Chicago a few years ago, and being rejected
out of
hat, I found the opportunity to spend some special time one night at the
restaurant with one of their principle litigators. After a while he started
sharing and began toying with me to lighten up on globalism.  We had been
talking about new age and environmentalism, most of which bounced right off
his countenance, when we started talking about our backgrounds. He confessed
that his spiritual hero in school was none other than Pierre Teilhard
deChardin, the father of the omega man theory of
planetary evolution. We talked about Point Omega and Jim wanted to make sure
that I didn't have a misconception of  it. After a lengthy explanation, he
indicated that he
fully believed in Teilhard's prophecy of the emergence of the global being,
divine matter of us all, but he prefaced it with a warning. If we don't get
this cosmic program, when the omega point does precipitate, it will be a
total, final destruction. But if we get on the ball now and prepare for
it properly, we may survive it as the emergent global divinity. His mission
in life was apparently to help us all prepare for that inevitable point in
our collective evolution and make sure that the earth survives the final cut.

His reason for uncharacteristically sharing this vision with me was to
pry me off of my resistant bandwagon to cooperate with his and the
greater agenda.  Since then, the organization has been coming out of
their new age closet showing more and more of their rainbow colors, but still
careful to play the advocacy game, as if they really cared about beaurocracy.
fact, quite to the contrary, that same night he explained to me that
increasing states of red tape and regulations could effectively serve the

Plan by creating a more complicated world order.  With higher states of
complication comes higher states of disorder and thus higher order is
needed to respond to it. Our stress is just growing pains to an emerging
planetary management system, a sort of super-brain to regulate all of this
red tape.  This Hegelian process drives the emergence of the higher planetary
divinity, like labor drives the baby from the womb.  As he explained it
in true Teilhardian style, the increasing states of meiosis increases the
number of cells in the zygote. In a closed system, eventually this constant
complexification must infold again and again in order to contain itself,
creating the seeds of internal organs and limbs and other diverse proto
body parts. As the system continues to grow through complexification,
eventually the womb can no longer contain the growing embryo and he
finally emerges from his closed environment, as it were, in an instant.

As he was explaining all of this, it dawned on me that more laws,
reglations, codes and standards literally drives our organized response

[CTRL] FC: Legal barriers to human cloning may be few, from Washington Post (fwd)

2001-05-23 Thread Yardbird

-Caveat Lector-


   By Rick Weiss
   Washington Post Staff Writer
   Wednesday, May 23, 2001; Page A01

   The letter from the Food and Drug Administration got right to the

   You are receiving this letter because in media reports and on your
   website you have expressed an intention to pursue the creation of a
   human being using cloning technology, it said.

   Human cloning is subject to FDA regulation, the letter warned. You
   should be aware that failure to comply with FDA regulatory
   requirements may lead to enforcement action.

   The March 23 letter went to Brigitte Boisselier, scientific director
   of an obscure religious group that has said it will clone a dead
   child, and to Kentucky scientist Panos Zavos, who recently said that
   he, too, intends to clone someone.

   But Boisselier and Zavos say the FDA is bluffing, and they're not
   alone. Many legal scholars say they find little evidence to support
   the FDA's assertion of authority over cloning. They say food and drug
   laws provide no legal basis for stopping doctors from trying to clone
   a person, and if the FDA tried to do so it would lose in court.

   Moreover, the prime alternative to FDA regulation -- a congressional
   ban on human cloning -- may be just as untenable. The six anti-cloning
   bills pending before Congress are entangled in the politics of
   abortion. Some legal scholars suspect that even if a ban were to pass
   on the Hill, it might be struck down as unconstitutional because it
   would abridge the fundamental right to procreate.

   That could mean there is little to stop anyone in this country from
   pursuing human cloning.


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That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] NYM: Patriot Games

2001-05-23 Thread MIKE SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

the national interest

Patriot Games

David Brock was the lead gun on The American Spectator's
hit squad -- that is, before he switched sides.  Now he says Ted
Bush's lawyer, was, too.  Should we care?


May 28, 2001 issue of New York Magazine

If you're a Salon.com reader, you may be wondering why Ted Olson
in jail by now.  Despite his evasive disavowals, blared a
headline in the on-line magazine, Salon investigations showed
right-wing consigliere was deeply involved in a sordid plot to
down President Clinton. According to evidence assembled by an
investigative team, for a time in the nineties, Ted Olson did
legal work
for The American Spectator -- a magazine that published articles
critical of Bill Clinton.  And that's not all.  On at least one
occasion, Olson himself wrote a story hostile both to Clinton and
to his

Naturally, it was only a matter of time before the scoop --
evidence of
Olson's deep involvement in an evil plot to produce unflattering
magazine articles -- was noticed on Capitol Hill.  The time came
April, when President Bush nominated Olson to be the U.S.
general.  Olson had seemed a natural choice for the job.  He was
generally well regarded in Washington.  Most significant, he had
many times before the Supreme Court, including on behalf of the
campaign during the Florida recount.  He was considered
scholarly and reliably conservative -- just what you'd want if
you were
George W.  Bush and in the market for a solicitor general.

Then the Salon.com bombshell dropped.

Democrats on the judiciary committee asked Olson pointed
questions about
his affiliation with The American Spectator.  Pat Leahy of
Vermont was
particularly eager to discover what Olson might know about the
Project, the Spectator's investigation into Clinton's behavior
governor of Arkansas.  Were you involved in the so-called
Project at any time? Leahy wanted to know.  When and how did
you first
become aware of the Arkansas Project?

Olson's replies were straightforward.  Pointing out that he was
not an
employee but a member of the magazine's board, Olson said he had
direct role in the Arkansas Project.  He said that he first
became aware
of the project sometime in 1998.  The one Clinton story he wrote
for the
magazine had nothing to do with it.

The story might have ended here if the judiciary committee hadn't
from David Brock.  Brock used to work at the Spectator.  He had a
different memory.

According to Brock, Ted Olson's role in the magazine's
stories was larger than he had admitted.  As Brock later told the
Washington Post, Olson attended dinners at the home of Bob
Tyrrell, The
American Spectator's editor-in-chief.  Some of those dinners,
alleged, were actually editorial planning sessions, on articles
on the
Clintons in Arkansas.

Senator Leahy was appalled.  He demanded that Olson turn over
minutes, audits, or records pertaining to anti-Clinton articles
and the
Arkansas Project.

And he suggested that investigators from the judiciary committee
information firsthand from writers and editors who worked at the
Spectator during the years Olson served on the board.  In the
Olson's journey to the solicitor general's office stalled.

There are two striking things about Ted Olson's recent
experiences in
the Senate.  One is that so far, hardly anyone on Olson's side --
for that matter, at the ACLU or on the Washington Post's
editorial page
-- has cried McCarthyism.

Olson has not been charged with a crime.  He stands accused of
being in
the company of journalists who dislike Bill Clinton.  This
shouldn't be
enough to derail a nomination.

The other thing is that Brock was able with a straight face to
any dinner at Bob Tyrrell's house as an editorial planning
session. To
anyone who has ever eaten dinner with Bob Tyrrell (and I have a
of times), this is ludicrous.  A sober Tyrrell sitting at the
sharing his editorial vision, listening as story ideas are batted
around?  Impossible to imagine.  Perhaps Brock was using
planning session as an amusing euphemism.

But he almost certainly wasn't.  Which is part of the reason the
sordid plot theory is so ridiculously improbable.  Bob Tyrrell
never at the center of a powerful conspiracy.  He was a buffoon.
Arkansas Project never came close to bringing down the president.
investigation didn't even produce a credible magazine story.
the Arkansas Project -- wasteful, misguided, and
credibility-sapping --
is one of the main reasons The American Spectator no longer
exists in
recognizable form.  It's now a business magazine.  The Arkansas
didn't destroy Clinton.  It destroyed The American Spectator.

So, was Ted Olson, as a member of the board of a small
magazine, a threat to American democracy?  Even Pat Leahy must

Re: [CTRL] NR: Jeffords Bombshell: Party Switch Imminent

2001-05-23 Thread Samantha L.

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 5/23/01 12:46:49 PM Central Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 In an atmosphere of extraordinary suspense, Democrats also acknowledged they
  were concerned about Republican attempts to counter Jeffords' presumed
  defection by enlisting Sen. Zell Miller, D-Ga., to switch to the GOP.

  I'm concerned even that he delayed his announcement until tomorrow.  I hope
he remains safe and sound.


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That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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Re: [CTRL] SFLR on Michael Aquino - Part II

2001-05-23 Thread Samantha L.

-Caveat Lector-

  My recollection from reading the book is that Cathy and Mark presented the
shapeshifting as fact, without a disclaimer that this might have been only
what Cathy perceived.  It seems to me that Icke has picked this up aspect and
run with it.  I think Mark Phillips and Icke are disinfo agents, and that
what Cathy recalled was true except in the cases where Mark influenced her


In a message dated 5/23/01 10:50:00 AM Central Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 The excerpts from the book written by Phillips and O'Brien help to explain
  to any with open minds how some of the victims of mind-control programming
  could be convinced of shape-shifters.  Whether David Icke (whom some find
  be so objectionable) has intentionally misconstrued these accounts or is
  engaged in disinformation attempts is unknown.  He does post an assortment
  of all kinds of reports involving mind-control, and the reader must follow
  the premise of this list--
  Caveat Lector

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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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Re: [CTRL] Big media pushes news to the far right

2001-05-23 Thread Bill Howard

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 5/23/01 10:07:44 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 And the proof of this is? 

Do you have proof that he is not.

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] SNET: Bills would ban using cell phones while driving (fwd)

2001-05-23 Thread William Bacon

-Caveat Lector-

Only state would be constitutional he is pointing out that the 10th
amendment prohobits federal legislation in this area...

visit my web site at  http://www.voicenet.com/~wbacon
My ICQ# is 79071904
for a precise list of the powers of the Federal Government linkto:

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Wed, 23 May 2001 11:16:42 -0700
From: Steve Wingate [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: SNET: Bills would ban using cell phones while driving

-  SNETNEWS  Mailing List

I suppose you believe that laws prohibiting the use of alcohol and drugs
while driving are also unconstitutional.


On 23 May 01, at 13:27, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Where the hell does the U.S govt get off telling us what we can do when
 we drive ?
 Withholding highway funds from states for this is not only blackmail,
 but violates
 the 10th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.


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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Big media pushes news to the far right

2001-05-23 Thread Nessie

-Caveat Lector-

Do you have proof that he is not.

He presented his case well. You have not presented your case at all.

A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
=CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
Available at:
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Re: [CTRL] Big media pushes news to the far right

2001-05-23 Thread Bill Howard

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 5/23/01 2:07:40 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Do you have proof that he is not.

He presented his case well. You have not presented your case at all. 

You still have not presented proof that he is not.

A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] From Acorns To Oaks

2001-05-23 Thread Taercel

-Caveat Lector-


Euro was Nazi idea, says Tory veteran
By George Jones, Political Editor
SIR PETER TAPSELL, a veteran Conservative candidate, inflamed the election debate on
Europe yesterday by using his personal address to compare the euro to policies
promoted by Nazi Germany.
In his election leaflet for his Louth and Horncastle constituency, Sir Peter told
voters: A single European currency was first proposed by the Nazi Reichsbank to
Hitler at the time of Dunkirk as a means of perpetuating German dominance in Europe.
Now it is EU policy.
He repeated a pledge that he gave at the last general election to never vote to
join a single European currency or a federal Europe.  He said: I am the only
candidate here with the experience and determination fiercely to resist the
subjugation of our national way of life to a European Union dominated by Franco-
German priorities and riddled with corruption.
Tory officials, while embarrassed by the anti-German tone of his address, said Sir
Peter, 71, he would not be disciplined because his views were well known - even
though they went beyond party policy.  Earlier, Lord Lamont, a leading Euro-sceptic,
said the outcome of the general election could have a crucial bearing on a
subsequent referendum on whether Britain should join the European single currency.
He said Tony Blair was desperate to keep the issue of the euro out of the general
election campaign.  But according to legislation already forced through Parliament,
state funding for the Yes and No campaigns in any referendum would be calculated by
the number of votes cast in this election.
Lord Lamont told the euro-sceptic Bruges Group: The more votes for pro-euro
parties, and the more pro-euro parties there are, the bigger the total amount of
state funding for the pro-euro campaign. So Plaid Cymru, the SN
P, the Liberal Democrats and Labour will qualify for grants for the pro-euro campaign, 
and only the Conservatives and tiny UK Independence Party will qualify for funding on 
the anti-euro side.
He said Britain was facing the most vital election for decades and the result could 
determine whether the country remained self-governing.

I would never give up the pound, declares Thatcher

Sir Peter Tapsell - Conservative Party

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The only real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking
new landscapes but in having new eyes. -Marcel Proust

The libertarian therefore considers one of his prime educational
tasks is to spread the demystification and desanctification of the
State among its hapless subjects.  His task is to demonstrate
repeatedly and in depth that not only the emperor but even the
democratic State has no clothes; that all governments subsist
by exploitive rule over the public; and that such rule is the reverse
of objective necessity.  He strives to show that the existence of
taxation and the State necessarily sets up a class division between
the exploiting rulers and the exploited ruled.  He seeks to show that
the task of the court intellectuals who have always supported the State
has ever been to weave mystification in order to induce the public to
accept State rule and that these intellectuals obtain, in return, a
share in the power and pelf extracted by the rulers from their deluded
[[For a New Liberty:  The Libertarian Manifesto, Murray N. Rothbard,
Fox  Wilkes, 1973, 1978, p. 25]]

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] A Finer Sieve

2001-05-23 Thread Taercel

-Caveat Lector-


Liechtenstein in Nazi gold scandal
From AFP
08:25 (AEST) THE World Jewish Congress is preparing to launch legal action against
Liechtenstein, accusing the tiny European state of hoarding stolen Nazi gold and
other assets during World War II, a spokesman in New York said today.

Building a case against Liechtenstein based on US intelligence documents relating to
the period, Elan Steinberg, the council's spokesman and executive director, said
lawsuits would be filed soon.
We have now begun to amass documents, he said, adding, We expect shortly to
initiate class-action suits against Liechtenstein.
In 1998, a settlement concerning Nazi assets was reached with Swiss banks, but the
deal specifically excluded Liechtenstein, he said.
It's now clear that like Switzerland, Liechtenstein banks and other institutions were 
in possession of huge amounts of Nazi gold, which is to say stolen gold, and other 
Nazi assets, Steinberg added.
Liechtenstein was like Switzerland...on a smaller scale, but not much of a smaller 
He said documents gathered to support the case included declassified documents 
gathered by the Office of Strategic Services (OSS), the precursor of today's CIA.
He said that several documents questioned the role of Martin Hilti, a Liechtenstein 
industrialist whose group is today a world leader in fastenings and demolition systems 
in the construction industry.
OSS documents charge that Martin Hilti was holding German assets, funds belonging to 
former Nazi leaders, and was a camouflage for those funds, Steinberg said.
Now that the Germany case has been settled, and of course the settlement with 
Switzerland has been achieved, we're now going to begin to disseminate the 
documentation on Liechtenstein, which is not free from legal closur
Under US law, plaintiffs can file suits seeking legal redress in cases in which the
alleged wrongs took place outside the United States.

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In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. section 107, this material
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expressed a prior interest in receiving this type of information
for non-profit research and educational purposes only.
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
Integrity has no need of rules. -Albert Camus (1913-1960)
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
The only real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking
new landscapes but in having new eyes. -Marcel Proust

The libertarian therefore considers one of his prime educational
tasks is to spread the demystification and desanctification of the
State among its hapless subjects.  His task is to demonstrate
repeatedly and in depth that not only the emperor but even the
democratic State has no clothes; that all governments subsist
by exploitive rule over the public; and that such rule is the reverse
of objective necessity.  He strives to show that the existence of
taxation and the State necessarily sets up a class division between
the exploiting rulers and the exploited ruled.  He seeks to show that
the task of the court intellectuals who have always supported the State
has ever been to weave mystification in order to induce the public to
accept State rule and that these intellectuals obtain, in return, a
share in the power and pelf extracted by the rulers from their deluded
[[For a New Liberty:  The Libertarian Manifesto, Murray N. Rothbard,
Fox  Wilkes, 1973, 1978, p. 25]]

A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Big media pushes news to the far right

2001-05-23 Thread radman

-Caveat Lector-

Appeals to ignorance and the burden of proof


The basis of a an appeal to ignorance (also called argumentum ad ignoratium
or argument from ignorance, see Walton) is that whatever has not been
disproved must be correct.

The problem with this type of argument can be seen in these two examples:

No one has ever proved that the Loch Ness Monster exists, so it must not
No one has ever proved that the Loch Ness Monster does not exist, so it
must exist.

These arguments are contradictory, only one can be true and it is not
possible to tell which one it is.

Such an argument proves nothing, its main effect is to shift the burden of

(Stated properly, an appeal to ignorance is not a fallacy. This statement
is perfectly good but of course does not prove that nessie does not
exist:  Numerous searches of the loch have been made and no monster has
ever been found.  And the evidence for the monster has been shown to be
fake or caused by natural phenomena.  We can reasonably assume that there
is no Loch Ness Monster.)

More example of appeals to ignorance:

No one has ever proved that silicon breast implants (or electromagnetic
fields or whatever) are safe.
No one has ever proved that silicon breast implants are unsafe.

Senator Joseph McCarthy (from Walton pages 3-4):  I do not have much
information on this except the general statement of the agency that there
is nothing in the files to disprove his Communist connections.  Of course
a lack of proof that someone is not a Communist is not proof that they are
a communist.
I do not know that this gun is unloaded, so I will assume that it is
loaded.  This is an example of the precautionary principle. In the face of
a lack of knowledge it is better to be safe than sorry.

A special case is what I call an appeal to personal ignorance.  In this
case the author does not know of proof for (or against) an argument, and so
assumes that no such proof exists.  Dixy Lee Ray (with Lou Guzzo) was
particularly good at making this type of argument.  In Environmental
Overkill  (page 35) she wrote: How does CFC rise when its molecules are
four to eight times heavier than air? All experience with freon and related
CFCs shows that they are non-volatile and so heavy that you can pour CFCs
from a container and if some of them spill, they will collect at the lowest
point on the ground where soil bacterial will decompose them. Of course,
some molecules will be caught in upward air eddies or otherwise carried
upwards, but this is a
very small fraction of the total.  She does not appear to have made any
effort to answer the question in the first sentence.  She did not consult
with any atmospheric scientists, or check any reference work, scientific
paper or government report.  Instead she simply assumed that no known
mechanism existed.  (This claim has been debunked several times, see
Parson, Rowland)
Also on page 35 she wrote We do not know how these heavier-than-air
molecules cross the equatorial counter currents to accumulate at the South
Pole and do the most ozone destruction there.  If by we she meant
co-author Guzzo and herself then she is probable right.  But if by we she
meant the scientific community then she is very wrong (Parson ) (and CFCs
simply do not accumulate at the South Pole).

Burden of Proof

In general, it is up to the person making an argument to try to prove
it.  Of course, there are special cases where the burden of proof is
assigned.  In criminal court cases (in the United States) it is up to the
prosecution to prove guilt beyond a reasonable doubt.  With chemicals and
other manufactured products it was at one time up to the public to show
that the products were unsafe.  Over time, the burden of proof has been
shifting to the manufacturers to prove safety.  For example,
pharmaceuticals must be proven to be safe and effective before they are
permitted.  Most environmentalists would like to see the burden of proof
shifted to the manufacturers for all types of products (the precautionary

Things to remember
In general, it is up to the person making a claim to try to prove it.  Do
not be tricked into trying to disprove someone else's claim.

Extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof.

Absolute certainty is not required to set public policy (in fact, there is
no such thing as absolute scientific certainty).  We do not have to prove
that ozone depletion or global warming are real, or that the Bermuda
Triangle is not real, to set public policy.


At 05:26 PM 5/23/01 -0400, you wrote:
-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 5/23/01 2:07:40 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Do you have proof that he is not.

He presented his case well. You have not presented your case at all. 

You still have not presented proof that he is not.

A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic

Re: [CTRL] Big media pushes news to the far right

2001-05-23 Thread William Shannon
In a message dated 5/23/01 12:07:44 PM Central Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Yes, it does appear that the writer is out of touch with reality.

And the proof of this is?

The "proof" in their eyes is that Rush says that the media is "liberal" and
that's that.
Any paradigm shifting or REAL examination of the evidence is over their heads
and simply ain't gonna' happen.


Re: [CTRL] NR: Jeffords Bombshell: Party Switch Imminent

2001-05-23 Thread William Shannon
In a message dated 5/23/01 12:46:49 PM Central Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

So he says I am no longer a Republican? Fine, take away his office for
he was not elected on the Demorat Ticket...

Then please do same to Ben Nighthorse Campbell who pulled the same act a few
years back.


[CTRL] Egypt Planning Major Military Exercise

2001-05-23 Thread William Shannon

Egypt to conduct major offensive exercise

    Egypt's military is preparing for a major exercise meant to test its 
ground-based offensive capabilities.

    The exercise will be led by the Egyptian Third Army. The army operates in 
the Suez area near the Sinai peninsula.

    Western defense attaches have seen the biannual Egyptian exercise as a 
scenario based on a conflict with Israel to the east.

   Egyptian officials said the forthcoming exercise would include fixed-wing 
aircraft and helicopter support for the mock invasion. The offensive would be 
led by tanks and mechanized units.

   Western defense sources in Cairo said Egypt aims to address criticism that 
the ground forces comprise the weakest element of the military. Unlike naval 
and air force personnel, infantry soldiers are regarded as the least trained 
and educated in the military.

   This week, the Egyptian Third Army held preparations for the combat 
exercise. The preparations — attended by Arab and some Western defense 
attaches — included the deployment of mechanized infantry, armored units, air 
support and air defense systems. The preparations also included 
administrative and support units.

   The Third Army maneuvers focused on advancing armored and mechanized units 
forward toward enemy lines. The ground forces were backed by combat jets and 
attack helicopters.

    The official Middle East News Agency deemed the maneuvers as a success. 
The agency said troops moved rapidly through desert terrain, benefitted by an 
efficient command structure.

   Gen. Magada Hatata, commander of the Third Army, urged his commanders to 
show initiative. Hatata said Egypt must increase cooperation and coordination 
between air and ground forces to bolster military strength.

   Meanwhile Russia plans to sell military jets or major aircraft subsystems 
to Egypt and its Arab neighbors.

   Industry sources said Russia is negotiating with Cairo and several North 
African Arab clients for the sale of transport jets and helicopters. They 
said the proposed sale was discussed last month during a visit by Egyptian 
President Hosni Mubarak to Moscow.

   Egypt, the sources said, is largely interested in Russian support aircraft 
for its air force. The Egyptian air force is based on U.S.-supplied combat 
jets such as the F-16.

   The sources said they expect to complete formal negotiations with Egypt 
over the next year for the sale of aircraft. They did not elaborate. Russia 
has also targeted Egypt's neighbors, including Algeria and Libya, for 
aircraft sales.

   Algeria has already ordered 22 Su-24 fighter-bombers.

Egypt could also serve as a market for a Russian upgrade of Cairo's Soviet 
air fleet, the sources said. Egypt still has in operation up to 10 Su-24s and 
40 MiG-23s.

   In Cairo, the Egyptian military has launched plans for a major exercise to 
train troops and armored and mechanized units to work in unision.

   Officials said the planned exercise by the Third Army is meant to bolster 
Egypt's offensive capability and increase the speed of movements by large 
numbers of troops.  

[CTRL] MLK Murder Was Government Plot

2001-05-23 Thread William Shannon

MLK Murder Was a Government Plot"
Former CIA participant says he was part of it, Raoul identified as FBI Agent
by Pat Shannan

New evidence has surfaced in the 1968 Martin Luther King Jr. murder case, 
supplied by an insider who claims to have been part of a "hit team" that had 
come out of the "Missouri Mafia" headquartered in the town of Caruthersville, 
a small town in the boot heel section of that state.

In a yet-to-be-published book, former Missouri County Deputy Jim Green 
reveals his assigned role in the conspiracy, the name of the actual 
triggerman, and the long-suspected involvement of J. Edgar Hoover and the 
FBI. Green also believes that he possesses the actual murder weapon, which he 
personally secreted away only hours after the murder.

Jim Green is telling the truth," says Lyndon Barsten, an astute researcher of 
the case over the past decade. "I have no doubt whatsoever. The pieces he has 
supplied fit perfectly and could not have come from someone who was not 
there." Indeed they do fit, and it is all backed up by FBI documentation 
derived by Barsten through numerous FOIA requests.

On April 4, 1968, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was gunned down on the second 
floor balcony of the Lorraine Motel in Memphis, Tenn., by a single shot from 
a high-powered rifle. Several witnesses said the shot came from the bushes on 
a slope from across the street. The FBI concluded that it came from the rear 
bathroom window of a cheap hotel, also across the street and higher up the 

Two weeks later the name of James Earl Ray, a fugitive escapee from the 
Missouri State Penitentiary, was announced to the world as the man who killed 
King, had escaped to Canada and was currently in hiding somewhere across the 

After Ray was identified as the killer, and long before he was captured, the 
FBI spent little or no time pursuing any other leads. Two months later the 
fugitive was caught changing planes at Heathrow Airport in London after 
having left Canada and spending ten days with persons unknown in Portugal. He 
was attempting to board a plane to Brussels.

On March 10, 1969, James Earl Ray, with his attorney Percy Foreman, pled 
guilty to the murder before the court of Judge Preston Battle. He was 
sentenced to 99 years in prison. He recanted almost immediately and filed a 
motion for a trial only three days later. 

But before the month was out, Judge Battle was found dead in his chambers, 
slumped over his desk. Beneath his head were the papers of the handwritten 
motion from James Earl Ray. The case was closed, and Ray began his sentence 
in the Tennessee State Penitentiary.

The "Official" Story
The scenario released by Memphis police and the FBI and later used by the 
House Select Committee on Assassinations (HSCA) was that in late March of 
1968, James Earl Ray had purchased a Remington 30.06 rifle from the 
Aeromarine Supply Store in Birmingham and had traveled with it to Memphis in 
a white Mustang. Here he checked into Bessie Brewer’s boarding house in the 
400 block of South Main Street on the afternoon of April 4th. Directly behind 
it was the Lorraine Motel on Mulberry Street.

At 6:00 p.m. Martin L. King stepped out of room 306 and was joined by a group 
of followers with whom he had been in a meeting all afternoon. He was gunned 
down only a minute later by a single shot from the rear bathroom window 
across the street.

Not one witness saw the actual firing of the shot or claimed it had come from 
the window. Most believed it had come from the bushes on the slope, fifty 
feet closer.

Still according to the official story, Ray allegedly ran out of the bathroom 
and down the hall to his room. Here he stuffed the rifle back into its box 
and included it with a bundle containing his clothes, binoculars, ammunition, 
a beer can with his fingerprints; and perhaps the most incriminating of all, 
a portable radio with his inmate number from the Missouri State Penitentiary 
engraved in the back side.

He ran down the stairs and out onto the street where he then dumped the 
bundle in the doorway of Canipe’s Amusement Company next door to the rooming 
house. He then zoomed away in the soon-to-be-infamous white Mustang. He 
stayed a few days in Atlanta before moving on to Canada.

James Earl’s Version

In 1987, after being imprisoned for 19 years, Ray told his side of the story 
in Tennessee Waltz, a book that went out of print and was later published 
under the title of Who Killed Martin Luther King? (The biggest loss here was 
original publisher Tupper Saussy’s brilliant epilogue, "The Politics of 
Witchcraft," which exposed certain secrets that the establishment publishers 
preferred not to discuss. Under the new title the epilogue was eliminated.) 
However, he appeared be avoiding "the whole truth and nothing but the truth" 
in certain areas, apparently out of fear of self-incrimination – not 
necessarily for the murder but for some lesser 

[CTRL] German Military Vehicles Fail Foot Mouth Tests In Texas

2001-05-23 Thread William Shannon

German Vehicles Fail Foot-and-Mouth Tests at Texas Port

by Joshua Lipsky 

An Agriculture Department official in Beaumont, Texas, rejected 35 of 66 
German military vehicles from moving out of the Port of Beaumont because they 
did not pass inspection for possible foot-and-mouth disease contamination, 
according to The Beaumont Enterprise.

The USDA official also rejected five of 13 shipping containers because 
exterior dirt hadn't been cleaned before arrival at the port. 

“There is really no way to determine if (soil on the trucks and containers) 
is contaminated with foot-and-mouth disease,” Doug Frank, the USDA official 
told the Enterprise. “Importation of soils into the United States in general 
is prohibited.

“This [preventing the introduction of foot-and-mouth into the U.S.] is our 
priority right now,” Frank added. “We're doing everything we possibly can to 
keep this disease out of the United States.”

The German equipment was bound for joint exercises at Fort Bliss with Dutch 
and English military units. 

(To read more about the joint military exercises and precautions the USDA is 
taking, read USDA Taking Extra Foot-and-Mouth Precautions for Military 
Exercises in May 15Daily News).

Lt. Cmdr. Joachim Stocksieker, the German naval officer in charge, said the 
inspections came as surprise to him.

“We didn't expect this,” he told the Enterprise. “We don't understand why we 
have this problem here.” 

Frank said the inspections are part of the USDA's extraordinary precautions 
to keep foot-and-mouth disease out of the U.S.

“Germany is considered suspect for foot-and-mouth disease, even though it had 
no actual cases,” Frank said. “Precautions are extraordinary because it's an 
extraordinary disease. 

“We cannot fathom what the impact on our economy would be. We're used to 
going to Kroger's or whatever and getting exactly what we want for the price 
we want. With foot-and-mouth, that would not be the case,” he said. “Trust 
me, you don't want to see it. This [inspections] minimizes the risk. The USDA 
and the state of Texas are doing everything we can to keep it out.”

Re: [CTRL] Big media pushes news to the far right

2001-05-23 Thread Jeff Russo

-Caveat Lector-

A wild coincidence that this article mentions nessie?

 Appeals to ignorance and the burden of proof


 The basis of a an appeal to ignorance (also called argumentum ad ignoratium
 or argument from ignorance, see Walton) is that whatever has not been
 disproved must be correct.

 The problem with this type of argument can be seen in these two examples:

 No one has ever proved that the Loch Ness Monster exists, so it must not
 No one has ever proved that the Loch Ness Monster does not exist, so it
 must exist.

 These arguments are contradictory, only one can be true and it is not
 possible to tell which one it is.

 Such an argument proves nothing, its main effect is to shift the burden of

 (Stated properly, an appeal to ignorance is not a fallacy. This statement
 is perfectly good but of course does not prove that nessie does not
 exist:  Numerous searches of the loch have been made and no monster has
 ever been found.  And the evidence for the monster has been shown to be
 fake or caused by natural phenomena.  We can reasonably assume that there
 is no Loch Ness Monster.)

Jeff Russo
Men are jerks. Women are psychotic.
-- Kurt Vonnegut (in Timequake)

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] NYDN: Feds give Congress go-ahead to make her testify

2001-05-23 Thread MIKE SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

Denise Immunity OKd

Feds give Congress go-ahead to make her testify

By TIMOTHY J.  BURGER in Washington and GREG B.  SMITH in New
New York Daily News Staff Writers

The Justice Department has given Congress the green light to
Denise Rich immunity and have her testify publicly about the
campaign to
win a presidential pardon for ex-husband Marc Rich, officials

We've gotten approval from Justice, Rep.
Dan Burton (R-Ind.), chairman of the Government Reform and
Committee, told the Daily News.  As I understand it ...  they
said they
have no objection to us immunizing her.

Rich appeared before Congress earlier this year, but invoked her
Amendment right against self-incrimination and declined to

Without a grant of immunity, Congress could not force the
songwriter to tell how her ex-husband won an eleventh-hour pardon
President Bill Clinton, despite being a fugitive in a federal tax

Investigators want to know whether Marc Rich illegally funneled
donations to favorite Clinton causes through straw donors in
return for
supporting his pardon request.

Denise Rich contributed generously to the Democratic Party and
Clinton presidential library.

Denise Rich's lawyer, Martin Pollner, declined to comment on

A Justice Department spokesman could not be reached.

The decision to allow Rich to get congressional immunity could
that her testimony may not be incriminating.

Federal prosecutors would risk forfeiting her testimony by
signing off
on congressional immunity.

During the Iran-Contra scandal, the conviction of Oliver North
overturned because prosecutors used North's statements before
against him after he had been granted congressional immunity.

Burton also said he's still looking at Roger Clinton and his
and hopes to be making a decision in the next week or two on
he'll be called to testify on whether the former First Brother
money to lobby then-President Clinton for pardons.

But Burton said he wouldn't call Clinton, Rich or any other
for public testimony unless interviews or other investigation
they have new information.

Burton would have to get Democratic support on his panel to win
needed two-thirds vote to grant immunity to Rich.

Ranking committee Democrat Henry Waxman of California has
backed Burton's requests to give immunity to potential witnesses.

Committee staffers are poring over reams of bank, credit card and
records to see whether there are worthwhile avenues of

You have to check whether there are financial interests and
Burton said.

Original Publication Date: 5/23/01

  Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT


*Michael Spitzer*[EMAIL PROTECTED]

The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

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[CTRL] NYDN: Torricelli Probers Seize Dem Records in Jersey

2001-05-23 Thread MIKE SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

Torricelli Probers Seize Dem Records in Jersey

Staff Writer
New York Daily News

Federal prosecutors targeting Sen.  Robert Torricelli (D-N.J.)
have seized records of the Morris County Democratic organization
in what
appears to be an expanding investigation, officials said

County party officials confirmed yesterday that hundreds of
records from Torricelli's 1996 campaign were turned over to FBI
this month.  We did what we had to and turned over originals,
Zegas, the county organization's lawyer, said yesterday.

This comes on the heels of similar cooperation from the Bergen
Democratic organization, Torricelli's home party.

New Jersey's senior senator is already being probed by the U.S.
attorney's office for his connections to commodities broker David

Chang pleaded guilty to illegally funneling money into
Torricelli's $12
million Senate campaign.  Chang also reportedly has told
he lavished gifts of cash, jewelry and expensive Italian suits on
senator.  Torricelli reported no such gifts on his disclosure

Prosecutors apparently have opened a new front in their probe,
trying to
determine whether Torricelli's campaign violated federal law by
funneling money into county organizations, which then paid some
of his

Morris County Democratic chairman Paul Bangiola said yesterday he
great faith in Torricelli's integrity.

Torricelli repeatedly has denied any illegal activities.  The FBI
referred calls yesterday to the U.S.  attorney's office in New
which had no comment.  The senator's office also had no comment.

Original Publication Date: 5/23/01

  Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT


*Michael Spitzer*[EMAIL PROTECTED]

The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

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Re: [CTRL] Big media pushes news to the far right

2001-05-23 Thread Bill Howard

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 5/23/01 3:30:28 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Always entertaining to try and prove a negative 


Bill H

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Re: [CTRL] Big media pushes news to the far right

2001-05-23 Thread Bill Howard

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 5/23/01 4:00:01 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Men are jerks. Women are psychotic.
-- Kurt Vonnegut (in Timequake) 

This is really insightful.

Bill H

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Re: [CTRL] NYDN: Torricelli Probers Seize Dem Records in Jersey

2001-05-23 Thread Tenorlove

-Caveat Lector-

 Morris County Democratic chairman Paul Bangiola said yesterday he
 great faith in Torricelli's integrity.

I'm sure Torricelli has at least as much integrity as any other New
Jersey politician.

trying hard to keep a straight face

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[CTRL] NASA Agents Serve Warrant, Officials In The Dark

2001-05-23 Thread William Shannon

NASA Agents Serve Warrant; Agency Officials Say They're in Dark 
Wednesday, May 23, 2001

LITTLE ROCK, Ark. — A NASA spokesman says the space agency's inspector 
general's office is keeping quiet about the details of a federal raid on a 
manufacturing plant in Arkansas -- even to those within the agency. 

"The inspector general's office has told us to refer all questions to the 
U.S. attorney," NASA spokesman Bob Jacobs said Wednesday. "Even if we knew 
anything, we couldn't talk, but we don't know anything." 

On May 17, about two dozen agents raided Greenville Tube Corp., a metal tube 
manufacturer in Clarksville. Witnesses reported seeing some agents wearing 
FBI identification and others with NASA identification. 

Jacobs said the agency's inspector general's office is most active in 
investigating computer fraud and misappropriations by contractors. 

"If it was a computer hacker, then not only would the inspector general's 
office be involved, but it would involve the FBI," Jacobs said. 

John Corbett, a resident agent in NASA's inspector general's office, 
confirmed Wednesday that NASA served a warrant on the Clarksville plant and 
was assisted on the raid by the FBI. 
Corbett said some products made at Greenville Tube could be used on rocket 
test stands. He said he was not authorized to discuss the case and referred 
questions to the U.S. attorney's office in Fort Smith. 

Bill Cromwell of Fort Smith, U.S. attorney for the Western District of 
Arkansas, told Clarksville radio station KXIO that during the "normal" course 
of an investigation, he would have already released a statement. 

"It could be several months before we're in a position to make any official 
comment" on last week's action, Cromwell said. 

Brian Marshall, a spokesman for the FBI in Little Rock, would only say that 
it is against department policy to discuss ongoing investigations. 

Even the office of a key congressman on a committee that oversees space 
issues was unaware of the investigation. 

"If there was a raid, then no one is talking," said Janet Poppleton with the 
office of U.S. Rep. Ralph Hall, D-Texas. Hall is the ranking Democrat on the 
Science, Space and Technology Committee, which deals directly with NASA, 
Poppleton said. 

NASA officials from Washington to Huntsville, Ala., are keeping quiet and 
referring all questions to the U.S. attorney's office at Fort Smith. 

Vicki Lyons, executive director of the Clarksville-Johnson County Chamber of 
Commerce, said FBI agents took computers and files from the business, which 
employs about 225 people. She said the company provides some products to a 
distributor that sells to NASA.

[CTRL] Email will begin again on Friday night

2001-05-23 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Dear Friends:
  I got rid of AOL 6.0 and am back on AOL 5.0.  I will begin email
again on Friday night.  Have still some things to do to catch up on things.
I talked to alot of people who tried 6.0 and found that a majority don;t like
it.  Some said it caused their computers to crash.  For me it didn't allow me
to use my addresses.  So if I were you I wouldn't try 6.0.

God Bless


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Re: [CTRL] Italian child-sex rings, repressed memory research

2001-05-23 Thread Smart News

-Caveat Lector-

Dear List,

Below please find information on these two articles.

Sincerely,  Neil Brick

excerpt from

This article may be very heavy for survivors to read.

Italian child-sex ring arrests - Rome, Italy -- Police in Italy believe they
have broken a paedophile ring suspected of abusing children as young as five.
Among those arrested ...were doctors, businessmen and a school cleaner.As
well as the six arrests, police seized 89,000 explicit pictures, 128 video
films and 5,000 files. Ninety-one children, whose ages range from five to 13,
were sexually abused, police said.

Suspected repressed childhood sexual abuse: Gender effects on diagnosis
and treatment. Sullins CD Psychology of Women Quarterly 1998 Sep Vol 22(3)
403-418 These results do not support reports that many therapists neglect
clients' current symptoms and instead focus on memories, use controversial
techniques, make suggestive statements regarding abuse, or immediately assume
that their clients have repressed memories.

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[CTRL] UPN 9 News: Al Sharpton Behind Bars!

2001-05-23 Thread Tenorlove

-Caveat Lector-

UPN 9 News (TV, New York area) just reported that Al Sharpton has been
sentenced to, and is now serving, 90 days in jail in Puerto Rico for
his protests against the Naval bombing in Vieques. His supporters call
it a political move, coming just days after he announced he would run
for president in 2004. Nothing on the Net, yet.

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Re: [CTRL] Big media pushes news to the far right

2001-05-23 Thread Nessie

-Caveat Lector-

A wild coincidence that this article mentions nessie?

That's Loch Ness. I'm Bob Ness. We're cousins.

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Re: [CTRL] Big media pushes news to the far right

2001-05-23 Thread Nessie

-Caveat Lector-

This is really insightful.

Indeed. But what about:


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[CTRL] UFO Text Files and Reports

2001-05-23 Thread Amelia
Title: UFO Text Files and Reports


UFO Text Files and Reports
This Page Online 11/29/2000 More Reports Coming Soon! 

Introduction to the Krill 
The Krill Reports, part 
The Krill Reports, part 
The Krill Reports, part 
The Krill Reports, part 
When Pilots See UFOs 
Former Intelligence Agent 
Navy Bombers Disappear 
UFO Bible Connection 
Casualties of a Cosmic 
Inspector General of Air 
Force order of 1959 
Survey of what Ufologists 
believe in 
The Underground Empire 
The Ten Most Compelling UFO 
Cases in History 
Witnesses Report Seeing 
Aliens at U.S. Bases 
Star Systems 
The Rockefeller - UFO 
Connection: An Alien Conspiracy? 
Men In Black 
Top Secret Majic Project 
The Government and the 
A Short Profile of the 
Current Theories on the 
Who are the 
Draconian Sub Space 
Alien Encyclopedia 
Abduction Proceedures 
Alien Abduction Protection 
Part 1 
Alien Abduction Protection 
Part 2 
Alien Abduction Protection 
Part 3 
Alien Abduction Protection 
Part 4 
Hypothesis of Alien Abduction 
Alien Abductions in the 
Gingerbread House 
Aliens (EBEs) - A 
Compilation of the Reports of Visitors 
Alien Descriptions and UFO 
Abductions and Demonic 
Possensions: Similarities 
An Alien Harvest 
Interview with Bob Lazar, 
Area 51, and more 
UFOs And Security 
Ronald Reagans Space 
Majestic 12 and Related 
An Analysis of the GRUDGE 
13 Report 
Government Secrecy 
Betty Hill 
Possible Biblical Accounts 
of an Alien Race 
Dead Men Tell No Tales 

Unmasking the Grand 
Dreamland in the 
Secret Societies - New 
World Order 
A Lecture by William 
Secret Treaty. The U.S. 
Government and Extraterrestrial Entities 
John Lear Part 1 
John Lear Part 2 
John Lear Part 3 
John Lear on Aliens 
A Letter from John 
Disney  UFOs 
Disney Alien Encounter 
Secret UFO Landings 
South African UFO 
Area 51 Frequently Asked 
AREA 51' Really Does 
Exist, But Still , Nobody's Talking 
Area-51 Frequencies Nellis 
Cruising the 
Extraterrestrial Highway 
E.T Could Phone Home From 
Here - AREA 51 
A Trip to Groom Lake 
Return to Groom Lake 
Government Scientist Goes 
Rachel Nevada, Encounters 
of the Tourist Kind 
Government Releases Old 
Alien Visitors Restore 
Ghost Town's Spirits 
Desert Secrets UFO Fans 
Descend Upon ET Highway 
Inside The Shadow CIA 
Mystery contact may be 
List Of UFO Bodies 
Allegedly In The Possession Of The United States Gov 
NAPA Valley Communications 
The Aids / Polio Vacine 
Conspiracy Theory 
Government Cover Stories 
"lying by the book" 
Extra-Terrestrial Exposure 
The Grand Conspirator 
Close Encounter With Dr. J 
Allen Hynek 
Underground Hangers At 
Kelly AFB 
Chicago UFO Conference - 
Mars Probes 
Oprah's Interview With The 
Moon Five 
Mars Space Probe / Search 
For UFO? 
Underground Vault System 
At WPAFB Where Alien Artifacts Were Kept? 
Wright Patterson AFB: 
Whats Going On Out There? 
HAARP - Citizens project 
or Government Project? 
Introduction To The HAARP 
Alaskan Research Station 
Hosts Open House 
Militarizing The 
Cult Mind-Control 
AIDS As Biological  
Psychological Warfare 
Are UFOs Created By 
Evidence For Military 
Kidnappings Of Alleged UFO Abductees 
I know the Secret of the 
Flying Saucers 
Life's True Beginnings 

Life on other Planets 
Mind Control Slavery and 
the New World Order 
Scalar Electromagnetics 
and Weather Control 
UFO Sightings by 
The Uni-Versal (Or 
Current Whereabouts of the 
USS Eldridge 
The Suppressed History of 
the Planet Earth Part 1 
The Suppressed History of 
the Planet Earth Part 2 
Alien Moon Base 
Apollo 11  UFO'S 
Apollo Program UFO 
Sighting From 1960's Comes to Light 
Antigravity - 
Are There Crashed UFO's 
Army Experts Puzzled 
Spanking for the Non Believers 
Aurora Files In Scotland 
Aurora Mach 8 
Aurora New US Spy Plane 
Aurora ?? 
Belgian UFO Mysteries 
Box-Shaped UFO's 
Creature On Ilikley Moor 
Do UFO'S Exist 
Farmer's Tales Of Space 
Mach 8 Aircraft 
Moon Sighting 
My Experience of UFOs 
Operation Majority 
Sighting At Air Show UK 
Sighting In Horncastle 
Space Aliens Helped Moses Part 
The Red Sea 
The Phobos II Incident Hostile 
Aliens Based On Mars 
The Search For 
Extraterrestrial Intelligence (S E T I) 
U-Boat Out of Time 
UFO Predators Strike In 
UFO Repair Manual 
UFOs A True Account 
U.S. F16 Shoots Down UFO Over 
Saudi Desert 
Warships Shot Down UFO 




[CTRL] Scalar Electromagnetics and Weather Control

2001-05-23 Thread Amelia

-Caveat Lector-

{{In among the technical stuff is a theory that would
certainly explain out current weather phenomenon.  I did not,
however, think this was possible.  Bearden think so.  After
speaking with him last Sun. I am attempting to bring myself
up-to-date on some of his ideas.  This one is definitely
interesting.  He also has the best collection at his website
of the radar anomalies we have been calling circles and which
he calls flashes.  If this is true, we have lost the weather
war and unless we correct our basic concept in this regard,
will remain decades behind in this technology.  I do not know
if this is possible but it certainly seems something is going
on with our weather.

Scalar Electromagnetics and Weather Control

By Tom Bearden - Reformatted by Kidd 11/2000

The following is one example of correspondence between Tom
Bearden and persons interested in some of the applications of
his Scalar Electromagnetics theories [note that Bearden is now
calling his system Energetics and refers to it as a subset of
Superpotential Theory, if I understand him right.]. Bearden
sent me several such correspondences as a general update on
where he's at nowadays (Spring/Summer 1998). As usual, he
cannot discuss exact methods or circuitry for devices to
accomplish these feats of magic-- only the general principles.
Can we glean enough from his writings to perhaps reach a
critical mass enabling us to perform a leap of logic or two,
and figure out how to build some of these devices?

Subj: Re: Anomalous weather worldwide
Date: 98-05-26 13:39:18 EDT
Dear (correspondent):

The anomalous weather worldwide is not accidental. In
superpotential theory, which was initiated by a paper by E.T.
Whittaker in 1904, it is possible to produce EM force fields
and force field energy at a distance. Whittaker 1904 showed
that all EM fields and waves can be decomposed into two scalar
potential functions. It follows that, by assembling two such
scalar potential functions in beams, one can produce a scalar
potential interferometer where the potential beams intersect
at a distance. In that interference zone, ordinary transverse
EM fields and energy appear.

A scalar potential is also just a harmonic assembly of
bidirectional longitudinal EM wavepairs, as shown in a paper
by E.T. Whittaker the year before, 1903. So one can produce
the necessary longitudinal waves, in arrays, to assemble a
scalar potential with any desired interior LW composition.
Thus by using longitudinal EM waves (LWs), one can produce
potentials, fields, and waves to order.

It turns out that a longitudinal EM wave, since it cannot vary
transversely a priori, cannot vary its 3-spatial energy
density. Instead, it must vary in the time domain. What
results is that one has created an oscillation of the
curvature of spacetime, when one makes a longitutinal EM wave.

Now one can engineer clusters of ST curvatures, by proper
assembly of LWs. This is a very powerful general relativity,
because the strong EM force is being used as the agent of ST
curvature. This particular EM GR does not appear in the
textbooks, but has been utilized by the Russian KGB in
clandestine weapon development since the 1950s.

Here's how the weather engineering is usually accomplished:

First, take two scalar potential beam transmitters, separated
on the necessary baseline to form a beam interferometer. Let
them interfere at a distance. Now in that distant interference
zone (IZ), there is an ambient vacuum potential (spacetime
potential, or spacetime stress). If the electrical circuit
grounds of the interferometer transmitters are biased ABOVE
the ambient potential in the IZ, then scattering EM energy
(heating) emerges in the IZ. This is the exothermic mode of
operation. If the electrical circuit grounds of the
interferometer are biased negatively below the ambient
potential in the IZ, then convergent EM energy (cooling)
emerges in the IZ. This is the endothermic mode of operation.

So by merely biasing the electrical grounds of a scalar
potential interferometer, one can produce heating or cooling
in the distant IZ. If one just radiates, one produces
distant steady heating or steady cooling. If one sharply
pulses the interferometer, one produces a distant hot
explosion or a distant cold explosion.

One can also, of course, form various forms of energy at a
distance, including particularly hemispheric shells of energy
and spherical shells of energy. Hundreds of these have been
observed worldwide, from testing by the KGB weapons in Russia.

There is one other characteristic that one needs to be aware
of. Pure longitudinal EM waves have infinite speed and
infinite velocity (see the summary papers by Rodrigues et al.
on the Los Alamos National Laboratory website). In practice
one makes a pseudo-longitudinal wave, so its energy is finite
and its speed is finite, but it may have a velocity. A

[CTRL] Col. Tom Bearden on Clearnance Sale at Redstone

2001-05-23 Thread Amelia

-Caveat Lector-

Of course I was completely gaa-gaa and would have loved to
have whipped out a tape recorded and list of my most pressing
500 questions but thought better of it as I might want to ask
him something else some day.  I am also a bit intimidated by
people of his caliber with knowledge in areas in which I am
not very familiar.

He is a true Southern gentleman, however, and has a sense of
humor.  Teased me about wanting real rockets from the supposed
sale at the Arsenal for my 4th of
July celebration and told me I would just have to tone it down
a bit, etc.  He is a very large, tall person with quite a
presence.  I hope that by being relatively brief (as compared
to what I would have liked to have done) he will remember that
if I ever feel a need to ask about the topics.  Maybe I could
ply him with Crawdad Gumbo for he is from LA. lake country.
Gumbo for quantum physics.  And I like to think that this is
Cajun brain power!

When I think of the energy crisis and the work he is doing
currently, this is a very important person and I certainly
wish him well in that work for we may all need it desperately
and soon.

- Original Message -
From: Dale Stonehouse [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, May 23, 2001 9:10 AM
Subject: Re: [CTRL] Col. Tom Bearden on Clearnance Sale at
Redstone Arsen al

-Caveat Lector-

Col. Tom
 Bearden.  As most of you know, he is the definitive theorist
 on magnetic/scalar energy and has a world reputation in many
 such areas.

 So, Sunday afternoon I had occasion to speak with him and
 discuss the matter at length.

Boy, Amelia, what I wouldn't give to sit down with the
brilliant Col.
Bearden as you did. His work is our best hope of breaking the
oil monopoly

 pointed out the 5,000 families there replete with children
 their own who are in charge of this storage and the
 foolishness of assuming they would allow such conditions to
 exist.  What would be their motive for exposing their
 to such contamination?

This is precisely my problem with too many conspiracy
researchers. According
to them, people are so evil they completely disregard the
well-being of
their own flesh and blood, their children and grandchildren.
I've never met
anyone like that and I question that such a human being

 I find Col. Tom Bearden to be much more believable in this
 regard than AlMartinRaw.

Of course he is more believable because he acknowledges there
are two sides
to every story. Anyone who gives only one side (the negative)
is probably
being paid by an opposite side.

 I do not
 understand why, with the energy shortage facing this
 more is not being done in this area.  But then that is yet
 another conspiracy.

It seems until every penny of profit is extracted from the
American people
nothing will be done. As Kristofferson wrote, freedom is just
another word
for nothing left to lose.

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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