[CTRL] ABCnews: Missing Intern Case Intensifies; NYP: Pals Push CA Rep For Details On Intern

2001-06-14 Thread MIKE SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-


Missing Intern Case Intensifies

Mother, Condit's Lawyer Speak Out; Grand Jury Used

W A S H I N G T O N, June 14 - Rep. Gary Condit's lawyer is denying a
report that a missing Washington intern spent the night at the
California congressman's apartment, but 24-year-old Chandra Levy's
mother says it's "a possibility" Condit knows where her daughter is.

"This has become a media frenzy - a tabloid circus," attorney Joseph
Cotchett, said on ABCNEWS' Good Morning America. "It's going beyond the
boundaries of fairness and civility."
Anonymous Sources, Cropped Photographs

Cotchett said a report by The Washington Post last week that Condit had
told police investigators that Levy spent the night at his apartment was
"absolutely" false.

"[She] absolutely did not," Cotchett said. "If she did, she had to spend
it on a couch because Congressman Condit's wife was in Washington the
entire week [before] she [went] missing."

The Post story did not specify a date when Levy allegedly stayed with
the congressman. Cotchett sent a letter to the newspaper demanding a
retraction, but the Post is standing by its story.

The lawyer has also complained to the New York Daily News about the use
of a photo showing Condit with his arm around Levy. The full picture
shows the congressman with Levy and his intern, Jennifer Baker, who is a
friend of Levy's, but many news organizations have cropped the photo to
show only Condit and Levy.

"That's just a false picture," he said. "That picture was taken in the
congressman's office with three people - not with two."

Mother: Condit Involvement 'A Possibility'

The Post also reported that one of Levy's relatives told the paper Levy
had discussed her romantic life in Washington, and that she had told the
relative "things that seem to contradict" statements issued by Condit's
office denying any sort of romantic relationship with the young Bureau
of Prisons intern. Susan Levy, Chandra's mother, said in an interview
with MSNBC today the relative's statements were true.

Levy also urged Condit to come forward with additional information,
suggesting he has not been completely forthcoming in the matter.

"I think he could come out and share what he does know," she said. "We'd
appreciate his help for having some questions answered."

Asked if she believed the congressman knows where her daughter is, Levy
replied: "It's a possibility. Nothing's ruled out."

The last contact anyone had with Chandra was an e-mail she sent to her
mother on the morning of May 1. She was last seen on April 30 at her
health club.

Police found Levy's bags packed, ready for her trip back to California,
her driver's license and cash in her apartment. Only her keys appeared
to be missing.

Police: Grand Jury Used to Obtain Subpoeanas

Levy's disappearance is still classified as a missing persons case, but
Cmdr. Jack Barrett of the Washington Metropolitan Police Department said
on MSNBC today that a grand jury had recently been used to obtain
evidence - an indication the investigation may be intensifying.

Cotchett said today Condit has not hired a criminal defense attorney and
has "no need" to do so.

"There's no need for that," he said on Good Morning America. "What we're
talking about here is the boundaries of the press coverage."

Barrett said records obtained by subpoeana have been "very helpful" to
the investigation.

Condit's chief of staff, Michael Lynch, told ABCNEWS today the
congressman "has told the police everything he knew" in an initial
interview and subsequent phone conversations. Lynch said to his
knowledge that "there have been no subpoenas issued for any of Condit's

There are 20 police detectives assigned to the case and the FBI is
investigating Levy's disappearance. Levy is one of 453 people in
Washington, D.C., who have been reported missing this year.



New York Post
June 14, 2001



Rep. Gary Condit's colleagues are pressuring him to go public with
details of his relationship with missing intern Chandra Levy - fearing
the California Democrat's silence about the mystery could wreck his

A handful of California politicos, including big-time lobbyist Vic Fazio
and members of the state's congressional delegation, have urged him to
explain himself in a TV interview or press conference, The Post has

"The feeling up here is he needs to do something to get the pressure
off," one congressional source said yesterday.

"He needs to pick a public forum to clear the air and get himself out of
the tabloid maelstrom."

Condit's office did not return calls for comment.

Levy, 24, was last heard from May 1, shortly after she completed a
six-month internship with the Bureau of Prisons in Washington.

Condit has told cops he was helping Levy ge

[CTRL] FoxNews: Ruby Ridge Prosecutor Declines to Prosecute FBI Sniper

2001-06-14 Thread MIKE SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-


Ruby Ridge Prosecutor Declines to Prosecute FBI Sniper

Thursday, June 14, 2001


SPOKANE, Wash. - The FBI sniper who shot the wife of white separatist
Randy Weaver at Ruby Ridge will not be tried in an Idaho courtroom for
involuntary manslaughter, Boundary County, Idaho, Prosecutor Brett
Benton said Thursday.

Last week, a sharply divided 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals ruled
that FBI sniper Lon Horiuchi could face trial for the death of Vicki
Weaver in the 1992 standoff.

Benton issued his decision in a brief press release from his Bonners
Ferry, Idaho, office. He gave no reason for his decision.

The involuntary manslaughter charge had been filed by Benton's
predecessor, Denise Woodbury. She lost to Benton in last year's

Special Prosecutor Stephen Yagman, a Los Angeles attorney appointed by
Woodbury to handle the case, said he did not take part in the decision
to drop the charge.

"Were there to be a different prosecutor in Boundary County, the charge,
or more severe charges such as second-degree murder, could be refiled,"
Yagman said in the news release.

Yagman also said he hoped that a state investigation against Benton,
alleging he falsified documents in an unrelated case, did not influence
the decision.

The Ruby Ridge case was seen as a test of whether federal agents are
immune from state prosecution. The federal government declined to
prosecute Horiuchi, but last week's 6-5 ruling by the appeals court
cleared the way for Idaho prosecutors to pursue charges against him.

The appeals court agreed with Boundary County attorney Ramsey Clark, who
argued in December that immunity cannot be granted until there is an
evidentiary hearing to determine whether Horiuchi acted unlawfully.

If the judge had ruled that Horiuchi did act unlawfully, then the case
could go before a jury.

Horiuchi's attorney, Adam Hoffinger of Washington, D.C., was out of the
country and not available for comment Thursday.

No one answered the telephone at Randy Weaver's Iowa home on Thursday.

The standoff near Bonners Ferry prompted a nationwide debate on the use
of force by federal agencies. It began after government agents tried to
arrest Randy Weaver for failing to appear in court on charges of selling
two illegal sawed-off shotguns.

The Weaver's cabin had been under surveillance for several months when
the violence began with the deaths of Deputy U.S. Marshal William Degan,
Weaver's 14-year-old son, Samuel, and the Weaver family dog, Striker.

During the standoff, Horiuchi shot and killed Weaver's wife and wounded
family friend Kevin Harris. Witnesses said the sharpshooter fired as
Vicki Weaver held open the cabin door, her 10-month-old baby in her

Horiuchi has said he didn't see Vicki Weaver when he fired at Harris,
who was armed and was ducking inside the cabin. He also said he fired to
protect a government helicopter overhead.

The appeals court appeared troubled with the case. Those in dissent said
the majority was using hindsight in "dissecting the mistakes" of

They called the majority's opinion a "grave disservice" to FBI agents
and argued that Horiuchi, who is still an FBI agent, should be immune
from prosecution.

The standoff ended after Harris and Weaver surrendered. Both men were
acquitted of murder, conspiracy and other federal charges. Weaver was
convicted of failing to appear for trial on the firearms charge.

The Justice Department last summer settled the last civil suit stemming
from the standoff. The government admitted no wrongdoing, but paid
Harris $380,000 to drop his $10 million civil damage suit.

In 1995, the government paid Weaver and his three surviving children
$3.1 million for the killings of Weaver's wife and son.

Fox News Network, LLC 2001. All rights reserved.

  Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT


*Michael Spitzer*<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:

[CTRL] AP: Charges Dropped in Ruby Ridge case

2001-06-14 Thread MIKE SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-


 Charges Dropped in Ruby Ridge case

 Thu Jun 14 18:11:03 2001

 Prosecutor: FBI sniper will not go to trial in shooting death


 SPOKANE, Wash., June 14 - An FBI sniper who shot
 and killed the wife of white separatist Randy
 Weaver at Ruby Ridge will not be tried in an
 Idaho courtroom, an Idaho county prosecutor
 said Thursday. Last week, a sharply divided 9th
 U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that FBI
 sniper Lon Horiuchi could face trial on an
 involuntary manslaughter charge for the death of
 Vicki Weaver in the 1992 standoff.

 BOUNDARY COUNTY, Idaho, Prosecutor Brett Benton
 issued his decision in a news release from his Bonners
 Ferry, Idaho, office. He gave no reasons.
 The involuntary manslaughter charge had been filed by
 Benton's predecessor, Denise Woodbury. She lost to
 Benton in last year's election.

 Special Prosecutor Stephen Yagman, a Los Angeles
 attorney appointed by Woodbury to handle the case, said
 he did not take part in the decision against prosecution.
 "Were there to be a different prosecutor in Boundary
 County, the charge, or more severe charges such as
 second-degree murder, could be refiled," Yagman is quoted
 as saying in the same news release.

 The Ruby Ridge case was seen as a test of whether
 federal agents are immune from state prosecution. The
 federal government declined to prosecute Horiuchi, but last
 week's 6-5 ruling by the appeals court cleared the way for
 Idaho prosecutors to pursue charges against him.

 The appeals court agreed with Boundary County
 attorney Ramsey Clark, who argued in December that
 immunity cannot be granted until there is an evidentiary
 hearing to determine whether Horiuchi acted unlawfully.
 If a judge ruled that Horiuchi acted unlawfully, then the
 case could go before a jury.

 Horiuchi's attorney, Adam Hoffinger, was out of the
 country and not available for comment Thursday.
 No one answered the telephone at Randy Weaver's
 Iowa home on Thursday.

 The standoff near Bonners Ferry prompted a
 nationwide debate on the use of force by federal agencies.
 It began after government agents tried to arrest Randy
 Weaver for failing to appear in court on charges of selling
 two illegal sawed-off shotguns.

 The Weaver's cabin had been under surveillance for
 several months when the violence began with the deaths of
 Deputy U.S. Marshal William Degan, Weaver's
 14-year-old son, Samuel, and the Weaver family dog,

 During the standoff,  Horiuchi shot and killed Weaver's wife and
 wounded family friend Kevin Harris. Witnesses said the
 sharpshooter fired as Vicki Weaver held open the cabin
 door, her 10-month-old baby in her arms.
 Horiuchi has said he didn't see Vicki Weaver when he
 fired at Harris, who was armed and was ducking inside the
 cabin. He also said he fired to protect a government
 helicopter overhead.

 The appeals court appeared troubled with the case.
 Those in dissent said the majority was using hindsight in
 "dissecting the mistakes" of Horiuchi.

 They called the majority's opinion a "grave disservice"
 to FBI agents and argued that Horiuchi, who is still an FBI
 agent, should be immune from prosecution.

 The standoff ended after Harris and Weaver
 surrendered. Both men were acquitted of murder,
 conspiracy and other federal charges. Weaver was
 convicted of failing to appear for trial on the firearms

 The Justice Department last summer settled the last civil
 suit stemming from the standoff. The government admitted
 no wrongdoing, but paid Harris $380,000 to drop his $10
 million civil damage suit.

 In 1995, the government paid Weaver and his three
 surviving children $3.1 million for the killings of Weaver's
 wife and son.

For more:

Prosecutor declines to prosecute FBI sniper in Ruby Ridge case

The Horiuchi case is too important
Thu Jun 14 13:26:35 2001

McGuckin jail stay extended by two weeks

A cop responds
Thu Jun 14 13:39:49 2001

Third Suspect Identified in Oklahoma Bombing

Unresolved Deaths In Oklahoma
Thu Jun 14 12:00:05 2001

Unresolved Deaths In Oklahoma (2)


[CTRL] AlterNet: Government Knew in '74 That Marajuana Sharnk Tumors

2001-06-14 Thread MIKE SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

Pot Shrinks Tumors; Government Knew in '74

Raymond Cushing, AlterNet
May 31, 2000

The term medical marijuana took on dramatic new meaning in February, 2000
when researchers in Madrid announced they had destroyed incurable brain
tumors in rats by injecting them with THC, the active ingredient in

The Madrid study marks only the second time that THC has been administered
to tumor-bearing animals; the first was a Virginia investigation 26 years
ago. In both studies, the THC shrank or destroyed tumors in a majority of
the test subjects.

Most Americans don't know anything about the Madrid discovery. Virtually no
major U.S. newspapers carried the story, which ran only once on the AP and
UPI news wires, on Feb. 29, 2000.

The ominous part is that this isn't the first time scientists have
discovered that THC shrinks tumors. In 1974 researchers at the Medical
College of Virginia, who had been funded by the National Institute of
Health to find evidence that marijuana damages the immune system, found
instead that THC slowed the growth of three kinds of cancer in mice -- lung
and breast cancer, and a virus-induced leukemia.

The DEA quickly shut down the Virginia study and all further cannabis/tumor
research, according to Jack Herer, who reports on the events in his book,
"The Emperor Wears No Clothes." In 1976 President Gerald Ford put an end to
all public cannabis research and granted exclusive research rights to major
pharmaceutical companies, who set out -- unsuccessfully -- to develop
synthetic forms of THC that would deliver all the medical benefits without
the "high."

The Madrid researchers reported in the March issue of "Nature Medicine
that they injected the brains of 45 rat with cancer cells, producing tumors
whose presence they confirmed through magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). On
the 12th day they injected 15 of the rats with THC and 15 with Win-55,212-2
a synthetic compound similar to THC. "All the rats left untreated uniformly
died 12-18 days after glioma (brain cancer) cell inoculation ...
Cannabinoid (THC)-treated rats survived significantly longer than control
rats. THC administration was ineffective in three rats, which died by days
16-18. Nine of the THC-treated rats surpassed the time of death of
untreated rats, and survived up to 19-35 days. Moreover, the tumor was
completely eradicated in three of the treated rats." The rats treated with
Win-55,212-2 showed similar results.

The Spanish researchers, led by Dr. Manuel Guzman of Complutense
University, also irrigated healthy rats' brains with large doses of THC for
seven days, to test for harmful biochemical or neurological effects. They
found none.

"Careful MRI analysis of all those tumor-free rats showed no sign of damage
related to necrosis, edema, infection or trauma ... We also examined other
potential side effects of cannabinoid administration. In both tumor-free
tumor-bearing rats, cannabinoid administration induced no substantial
change in behavioral parameters such as motor coordination or physical
activity. Food and water intake as well as body weight gain were unaffected
during and after cannabinoid delivery. Likewise, the general hematological
profiles of cannabinoid-treated rats were normal. Thus, neither biochemical
parameters nor markers of tissue damage changed substantially during the
7-day delivery period or for at least 2 months after cannabinoid treatment

Guzman's investigation is the only time since the 1974 Virginia study that
THC has been administered to live tumor-bearing animals. (The Spanish
researchers cite a 1998 study in which cannabinoids inhibited breast cancer
cell proliferation, but that was a "petri dish" experiment that didn't
involve live subjects.)

In an email interview for this story, the Madrid researcher said he had
heard of the Virginia study, but had never been able to locate literature
on it. Hence, the Nature Medicine article characterizes the new study as
the first on tumor-laden animals and doesn't cite the 1974 Virginia

"I am aware of the existence of that research. In fact I have attempted
many times to obtain the journal article on the original investigation by
these people, but it has proven impossible." Guzman said.

In 1983 the Reagan/Bush Administration tried to persuade American
universities and researchers to destroy all 1966-76 cannabis research work,
including compendiums in libraries, reports Jack Herer, who states, "We
know that large amounts of information have since disappeared."

Guzman provided the title of the work -- "Antineoplastic activity of
cannabinoids," an article in a 1975 Journal of the National Cancer
Institute -- and this writer obtained a copy at the University of
California medical school library in Davis and faxed it to Madrid.

The summary of the Virginia study begins, "Lewis lung adenocarcinoma growth
was retarded by the oral administration

Re: [CTRL] Fwd: [free-libertarians] Fw: In defense of Timothy McVeigh -- DISTRIBUTE WIDELY

2001-06-14 Thread Aleisha Saba

-Caveat Lector-

Interesting item but something here rang a bell; the during the cold war
the reason nurseries were put in Federal Buildings, was because if
Soviets decided to blow them up they would get a lot of bad publicty -
Now McVeigh did not know about the day care center or the nursery;
however, the BATF and FBI did.   One story revealed not all the children
were there that day, that usually would be in attendance.

So, the thing that struck me - in the 1970 period, these 7 - 11 Stores
and other all night convenient stores, had all these pin ball machines,
which were very popular.   Of course, our local vending machines were
controlled by the mob - that is the story, and from what I have learned
over the years, it was true.

So what does the mob, or did the mob, tell these convenient stores to
do?   Put these machines to the front of the store, using the kids as a
shield to ward off robbers.when I  hard this, I was outraged.   If
it was so dangerous for their clerks - they should have closed the doors
at a decent hour but they were using the kids, as shields.

Well what kind of a devious mind thought that one up?

Remembered too ASCAP coming to town about that time making sure that
music played by this one band, was not in violation with their rules or
laws, or copyright infringements, etc.they left some literature
about music and psychological
warfare against the public.

It told the story about super markets - using slow dreaming music for
they wanted their customers to take their time - ever go shopping to
Moon River?   And then to clear the join, I imagine they would play
Dixie ...so it was then I realized what a powerful weapon music was,
especially when I heard that horrible son, We Shall Overcome which I
think if one of the lousiest sons ever written and it should be We Shall
Overthrow.psychologal Warfare.

How about the Rap Music and Kill Old Whitey?

And who controls the Juke Boxes?   The same guys who controlled them
when JFK was gunned down in Dallas, and the old song Streets of Laredo
started to play..

So much for psychological warfare and mind control and other weapons of

When Johnny Comes Marching Home Again - Huzzah, Huzzah but how about
those that returned and had no legs, or arms, or did not return at
all...so much for the music makers and Mafia.


CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Fwd: Yahoo! Groups : marxist Messages :Message 893 of 4473

2001-06-14 Thread Tenorlove

-Caveat Lector-

I read the message. Wow, only 4 requests for online donations! What an
altruistic bunch! 

Do You Yahoo!?
Spot the hottest trends in music, movies, and more.

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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 http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html";>Archives of

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[CTRL] Colin Powell's Africa tour: A picture of arrogance and hypocrisy

2001-06-14 Thread Tenorlove

-Caveat Lector-

> US Secretary of State Colin Powell's Africa tour: A picture of
> arrogance
> and hypocrisy
> by Ann Talbot
> 11 June 2001
> The tour of four African countries by Secretary of State Colin Powell
> took
> on the character of a colonial governor general's progress, as he
> went
> from
> country to country issuing orders and dispensing praise to those
> local
> rulers who had pleased their masters. All that was missing to
> complete
> the
> picture was a white pith helmet and an ostrich feather.
> Each of Powell's speeches during his May tour stressed the same
> issues:
> democracy, accountability and transparency. These words have become a
> mantra
> for the international financial institutions, Western governments and
> aid
> agencies. For Powell to try and lecture on democracy is the height of
> hypocrisy. He represents a government that came to power by stealing
> an
> election, winning 600,000 fewer popular votes than its main rival.
> Thousands
> of black Americans were debarred from voting in the recent
> presidential
> poll. Gangs of Republican political thugs physically prevented
> officials
> from carrying out manual recounts in Florida.
> To these undemocratic procedure was added a network of family
> corruption
> and
> patronage of the type that Western governments have criticised in
> African
> regimes. Powell nonetheless felt able to tell Presidents Moi of Kenya
> and
> Mugabe of Zimbabwe that they should retire from office, and to
> instruct
> President Museveni of Uganda to introduce a more democratic
> constitution.
> Powell's air of moral authority is a fraud. His real position in
> Africa
> was
> that of the victorious imperial general, whose main claim to fame is
> bombing
> Iraqi cities and strafing retreating soldiers in what returning US
> pilots
> referred to as a "turkey shoot". Still very much the soldier, Powell
> kept
> calling the aides who accompanied him on his African tour his
> "troops".
> None of this would have been evident from the response of the African
> leaders who met him. All were uniformly obsequious. Press reports
> described
> his effect on them as "magnetic". Asked about the response of African
> heads
> of state to him, Powell replied, "there's a bit of pride that I'm an
> African-American. I'm pleased there is that subtext."
> Powell is the first black US Secretary of State to be appointed, and
> he
> exploited this fact for all it was worth during his trip. He
> confessed
> to
> reporters that he felt "an emotional twinge" at visiting Africa,
> reminding
> them that his parents were Jamaican immigrants and that his ancestors
> were
> slaves from West Africa.
> The African press reported conversations in which ordinary Africans
> expressed their belief that "brother" Powell would take a special
> interest
> in Africa, sympathising with the poor and dispossessed.
> Eager to further this image, Powell linked hands with young Aids
> sufferers
> in Soweto to sing "Lean on Me." He visited the sprawling slum of
> Kibera
> in
> Nairobi, where thousands of workers live in corrugated iron and mud
> shacks,
> without even the most basic sanitation or power. The Aids projects of
> Kibera
> are a regular stop on the itinerary of visiting dignitaries; only
> last
> year
> Madeleine Allbright made exactly the same trip. The purpose of the
> visit
> in
> each case is the same. It is intended to demonstrate the supposed
> concern of
> Western governments for Aids victims, while they continue to insist
> that
> Africans can combat this deadly disease through "self-help" and only
> the
> most minimal contributions from the West.
> Powell's trip was true to type. The Bush administration has
> contributed
> just
> $200 million to the new UN Aids fund. This is despite the fact that
> even
> Kofi Annan sets the figure needed at an annual $10 billion. Powell
> described
> the paltry sum, as "a significant amount of money", telling
> reporters,
> "It's
> $200 million more than there was the day before."
> Not only has the Bush administration given a derisory amount to
> Africa
> in
> Aids relief, it is threatening to undermine Aids prevention
> programmes
> by
> its appointment of a leading Vatican advisor John M. Klink to head
> the
> State
> Department bureau that deals with population and refugee issues.
> Klink
> opposes the use of condoms, which until now have been recommended to
> prevent
> the spread of the HIV virus. Klink and Andrew Natsios, the new head
> of
> the
> US Agency for International Development, will call on Christian and
> Muslim
> clerics to lead a campaign for sexual abstinence.
> As Powell toured the Aids projects, he heard the accounts of Aids
> victims
> and their relatives. Patricia Asero's story was only on


2001-06-14 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-

Click Here: http://www.endure.freeservers.com/about.html";>Illuminati

As always, Caveat Lector & Caveat Credo



Marion Knox is a farmer, Gospel singer, and counselor from Lebanon, Oregon.
For several years, he has been helping set people free from the affects of
ritual abuse and mind control. Although some may think of his methodology as
unorthodox, it appears to be effective in eliminating highly-structured
dissociation in many of the people he's worked with. While tediously
assisting and supporting these survivors, Marion has uncovered startling
information concerning the inner-workings of the Illuminati, the Rothschilds,
and a possible end-times scenario. His conclusions are not only based upon
what his clients are uniformly conveying, but also through Biblical and
historical research. Mr. Knox would like to emphasize that some of his
opinions are speculation or conjecture and need to be objectively verified
and validated by independent sources.

Ron Patton: How did you get into counseling survivors of SRA (Satanic Ritual
Abuse) and mind control?

Marion Knox: To begin with, my first experience with anything dealing with
the occult was through a friend of mine who thought his house was haunted. So
I volunteered. While trying to figure out what was going on, a woman living
in the house felt she was possessed. We went through a deliverance session
with her and she eventually became a Christian. After that, I worked with
people who had common sexual abuse. It wasn't until several years later, in
1993, I started counseling on a regular basis those who were ritually abused.
So as far as the Satanic stuff goes, I first worked with three women who had
multiple personalities. put in several hundred hours with each of these
victims and as a result, began to understand the belief system and motives of
the perpetrators.

RP: So what did you basically learn about the perpetrators belief system and

MK: Since I already had a pretty good understanding of the Bible, it gave me
part of the picture. But what I learned from other sources and what the
survivors were telling me help put it together more clearly. Basically,
Satan's system is built on the mirror image principle to copy the kingdom of
God. The perpetrator's goal is to gain power. They believe that the devil has
the most power, and the most powerful component in the rituals is the blood
sacrifices in blasphemy of Christ's atonement. Another very important
component is the act of sodomy which is the opposite of the "new birth" we
have in Christ. The ritual abuse system is normally built around a three year
old child, because this usually is the optimal time to create dissociation or
MPD. This system is actually a mirror image or reflection of what appears to
be a shattering of the core personality. To illustrate it better, let's say
you stand between two mirrors and look down the corridor. You can then see
yourself in multiple representations to infinity.

RP: Can you elaborate further on how the ritual abuse system is formed and
how it works?

MK: Well, as I began to work with more survivors, I gathered more details and
was able to kind of form a victim's profile. So as I mentioned before, they
take a child at approximately three years of age and make the child fast for
several days, force the child to witness human sacrifices, and to participate
in a cannibalistic communion service. In some instances, they physically
abuse the child and then place he or she in a cage or coffin to further the
trauma. The child is sometimes drowned in a baptismal ceremony and brought
back to life. In the process of all this blasphemy, the child's mind is
reversed or shattered into multiplicity. The act of sodomy is also performed
to open up the victim's "third eye" which is suppose to enhance psychic
ability. During this vial act, a demonic system called, "Legion" is
installed. In the King James Bible, Legion is refered to as an, "unclean
spirit". This is systematically done to have complete control over the child,
like creating a programmed robot.

RP: How is your therapeutic approach different then others in the area of

MK: Well, the key to being healed is the blood atonement of the Lord Jesus
Christ. I know alot of survivors and therapists have a hard time with this
because they might have a distorted view of Christianity, but what we are
dealing with is in the spiritual realm; it's a spiritual battle between
Satan, who wants to steal, kill and destroy as many lives as he possibly can,
and, The Lord Jesus Christ, who wants to save and bring healing to the
afflicted. I may not have all the details figured out, but I have seen many
survivors come to freedom. You see, the integration route can produce
containment, whereas I get to the core of the problem and knock-out the whole

[CTRL] Fwd: [MC] Marion Knox interview

2001-06-14 Thread Kris Millegan

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If anyone would like to read an interview I had with Marion Knox last
September, check out my website at www.endure.freeservers.com

Click onto "Illuminati" and you will find the interview entitled, " The
Master Plan of the Illuminated Rothschilds"

At the bottom of the article is Marion's phone number and address. He is open
to talking with anyone. I know he has several written testimonies of clients
he has helped. I just talked to him this morning and he mentioned that a
secular therapist and her patient flew out tto Marion's place in Oregon from
Atlanta, GA. The therapist thanked Marion for his help and the person no
longer displays the mind control symptoms which she had for years.

Hope this will provide further information for those who are curious as to
the credibility of Mr. Knox. I do not believe or agree with everything he
does or say, but like I have mentioned before, I have personally spoken to
several people who have been helped by him. Granted, there may be some cases
where survivors did not get better and have concluded that Marion must be a
"bad" guy. But I have know Marion Knox for about 4 years and can honestly say
(from my perspective) that he is genuinely concerned with helping others.

Ron Patton

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[CTRL] [1] Motives for Mind Control

2001-06-14 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-

Click Here: http://www.datafilter.com/mc/mindControlMotives.html";>
Motives for Mind Control

Part I: Motives for Mind Control

Allen Barker, June 13, 2001

This essay is the first in a series of three on mind control.  It discusses
some of the motives for mind control and why it continues.  Part II of the
series, "Resisting the Mind Control State," describes some methods to protest
and resist mind control abuses and atrocities.  Part III, "Mental Firewalls,"
discusses some of the techniques victims have developed to survive the
ongoing torture operations.

For the purposes of this essay, mind control refers to any method used
nonconsensually on a victim to covertly and deniably attempt to control or
modify that person's behavior.  This occurs in settings where a person has a
reasonable expectation not to be violated, such as in his or her home or in
his or her private mentation.  It is this sort of violation that
differentiates a mind control crime from an ordinary social interaction, just
as the lack of consent turns sex into rape.

Consider "street theater" as an example.  Street theater refers to a form of
harassment where a group of torturers act out little skits, either literally
on the street or on the internet, in the media, etc., intended to harass and
disturb an individual or to otherwise modify the victim's behavior.  So if a
group of people act out "street theater" to a random person to disturb him or
her then, while this might be a crime, I would not necessarily call it mind
control.  It is when surveillance is combined with the "skits" to both track
a person over time for harassment and to obtain personal information about a
person to be used in the harassment that I would say a mind control operation
is being carried out.

Of course there are many sorts of mind control operations, but they all tend
to have this sort of feedback setup: violate a person with extreme
surveillance and use that surveillance information to target the
influencing.  It is a classic sort of feedback setup that might be described
in terms of the mathematical and engineering fields of control theory, at
least in the abstract sense.  The surveillance devices can range from phone
taps, audio and video bugs in a home or car, internet monitoring, and basic
tracking devices, all the way up to advanced satellite surveillance methods,
super-sensitive electromagnetic sensor systems with computer analysis, and
devices implanted in people's bodies without their consent.  The "effector"
or the control variables can range from harassing phone calls, street
theater, rumor spreading, power-line dimming, and internet messages all the
way up to harassment with microwave devices, acoustic weapons, messages in
the media such as TV and newspapers, projecting "voices" to a person that
only he or she can hear, and direct brain stimulation and manipulation.

Other mind control methods use techniques such as hypnosis and drugs to
influence people, but the methods all have the common thread of the denied
and deniable attack against the mind of an individual.  The purpose of this
essay is not to specifically describe the methods of mind control.  More
specifics will be given in the later essays of this series, and one can
consult books and articles by various authors for the documented history of
mind control technology and operations in the U.S.  See, for example, the
articles at the Mind Control: Technology, Techniques, and Politics web site
at http://www.datafilter.com/mc.

Even if you do not believe that all of this is currently happening -- though
it is -- you should still be concerned.  Based on public, open sources it is
clear to almost anyone that the technology will be available in the near
future.  But there are victims now.  You do not even have to think the U.S.
government is doing this, but it is.  "Our boys" will be targeted with these
sorts of weapons in future wars.

For the purposes of this essay, I assume that the reader has a general grasp
of the type of mind control manipulations being discussed and I consider
possible motivations a harasser, monitor, or controller (or group thereof)
might have to commit such vicious crimes.  Because this essay is intended to
get people thinking, the possible motives will not necessarily be linked to
any particular technological method, but the reader with some common sense
will see what methods might be used in each case and will no doubt be able to
think of combinations and motivations not directly mentioned here.

To spoil the rest of the essay, the reasons boil down to money and power.

Technological Equivalent of the Atomic Bomb

Many items appear on the list of motivations for mind control abuses, but the
one primary reason why the technology was developed is because it is a weapon
.  This is the first motivation and why billions of dollars have been
covertly spent on the technology.  Of course, once

Re: [CTRL] Contracting out [was Algeria Exploding]

2001-06-14 Thread Aleisha Saba

-Caveat Lector-

foxter, when I was young I was Kennedy girl, and I met JFK in the
Govenors Office.

I decided I wanted to work for a Union, but then I had worked for a
newspaper and the DAV and I would do as I pleased so I made one call,
and got a job with the American Federation of State, County, and
Municipal Employees - the untion ws controlled by Sanitation
Workersmade good money and I was their Office Secretary and
Bookkeeper working for a Labor Leader who had once been body guard to
John L. Lewis in Miners Union and once ran against Jock Yablotski, who
was murdered with his wife and daughter - people wondered by the dog did
not bark at midnight and the FBI had had a 24 our watch on his
house.so the dog, well one of the killers wore a golden earring
which was unusual then, and they had somehow made friends, with the dog.

Now this was 1963 I worked there - and during this time frame all hell
broke loose for Arnold Zander, the International President was taken on
by a Jerry Wurf - my boss said he was a communist and he had fought him
off in New York.Wurf beat Zander and the battle still went on, but
my husband made me quit because I was on TV and men were fighting over
me being present in their meeting during this big battle - Wurf's men
said my presense there was throwing votes, to my boss an Zander  and
some of the men were drunk and had knivesbut it made TV, so I had to
quit.  My husband was watching.

So no more Labor Unions - but I was very young then and thought all
police were perfect, all Labor Unions were for the people, and all
Democrats, were better than any Republican and I loved JFK and met him,
and RFK a week or so, before he died.

Jerry Wurf was at once admitted to the Council on Foreign Relations -
and this Leonard Woodcock; meanwhile during this time frame and a few
years down road, we saw Walter Reuther murdered - I have his funeral
program, and they quote from Daniel in the bible, and any good labor man
knows the story there.

People tried to say Walter Reuther was a communist; he was NOT..

So I sat there the day Wurf had taken over, and saw this Union in
trouble - one of Mr. Zander's men ws later murdered, his wife and he
(Joe Gilphalen) their house burned down - he has a son still lving who
hates these people.

But this, with the murder of JFK - this was the beginning of the take
over.I always wondered why some of these people did not really care
that JFK died.

So that was the beginning of the end for the Democrat Party and then a
CFR Govenor, Richard Celeste whom Clinton appointed to Ambassador of
India, got the AFSCME union in the state..biggest set up but an
alleged majority put them in.however, they abolished Civil Service
and the stupid assholes did not know that it ws the Constitution of the
State of Ohio that established the Civil Servicie...

The most stupid ignorant people in the world ran that union on local
levels and stole money, etc., which is a favorite pasttime.

So I will never be a demcrat again, vote mostly for Republicans - but I
sat there not realizing what I was witnessing.

The tactics these people used - my old boss said were communist tactics
and when JFK was murdered he told me to look up the Wobblies, and
something about Ambassador College - in 1968 I would then realize what
he meant, but he had died...when a Union man died, he would always
have a bible for them.

In that Union I worked for, half of them couldn't even read - .

So there is no union for the workers - Marc Rich tried to destroy steel
workersMarc Rich and bastards like him, reason oil so high.Arabs
would sell us cheap oil for this is what Sadaam Hussein said he would

Marc Rich bought oil for $6 a barrel and sold for over $30.00 a barrel
from Iran when prices were setcorrupt evil man but see how ADL got
him out of that.

Anyway,  This all began and JFK was not to have been elected that
year...the wrong people got in an the Civil Rights campaign headed
up communists was all in place..and it ws the UAW who agitated that
out of necessityand by accident when I worked for Adlai Stevenson
people, I got into a closed meeting for they thought I was Roy Reuther's
wife...they were horrible, the people and it was a black civil
rights group - and when they found out I was not Mrs. Reuther I was
kicked out.

So where are the good labor men who died for the causeJimmy Hoffa
never sold out though Clinton went after his son and Walter Reuther did
not sell out, and I believe his plane was shot down - this one sinister
man said yes, I can see someone with maybe an elephant gun shooting down
that plane.

CIA got into the MInes in West Virginia in 70 period.Jock Yablotsky?
Three Journeymen came with a message and murdered his family.wonder
why the FBI did not see them?

He was killed on December 31, January 1 midnight...a comet was due
for many great leaders have gone out with a comet.

So much for traitors a

[CTRL] The State’s Dark Underside (Fwd)

2001-06-14 Thread kl

-Caveat Lector-

Eye on the Empire
by Alan Bock
June 13, 2001
The State’s Dark Underside

Various loyal acolytes including CNN, most of the newspapers and the
major networks worked diligently to make the killing of Timothy
McVeigh into something of a solemn religious event that bolstered the
power and dignity of the State and the Empire it fitfully tries to run. But
I’m not sure it worked as it might have been intended to work –
especially since so many loyal acolytes of  the state religion are
ambivalent at best about the death penalty – and  it might have
backfired, in any number of ways.

The  wall-to-wall coverage of every conceivable detail of the death of the
most prodigious  mass murderer and certified Enemy of the State in
recent times became ludicrous  to most Americans long before
McVeigh was strapped to a gurney and prepared  for lethal injections.
But most of the courtier press, although populated by  people who have
serious doubts about the legitimacy of the death penalty as  a general
policy – after all, no civilized European country uses it anymore  –
relished this death, savored this death, rubbed Americans’ noses in this
death, and talked about it in terms of justice and closure rather than


I suspect that Timothy McVeigh was so easily turned into a symbol of
the possibility  that the death penalty might sometimes be just because
he struck at the State  during a time when the State was feeling a bit
shaky about its support in the  general populace. He had to be
demonized and he had be killed – in part  because the government
might not like further investigations into still-open  questions like who
knew about Timothy and his plans and when did they know it.

The  mainstream and courtier media couldn’t understand all the fuss
over Ruby Ridge  and Waco, of course. After all, it was just the
government keeping a firm disciplinary  hand on unpleasant people who
had unpleasant ideas and prejudices that would   be laughed down in
polite company. If some of the government agents got a bit  trigger-
happy or overbearing and some people died in the process, well that’s
  just part of keeping order in a country that still contains some
unfortunately  backward and retrograde people and beliefs.

Keeping  the hoi-polloi under control was viewed in most establishment
circles as commendable  – remember that Janet Reno was viewed as
an outsider in Washington until  she performed the marvelous trick of
taking responsibility without accountability  for the holocaust and
slaughter at Waco. That was a trick official Washington  could
appreciate and embrace, and it took Janet to its bosom from that
moment  on. The potentially troublesome outsider became the
courageous woman of integrity  capable of tough decisions.

But  establishment circles were dimly aware that not all Americans
shared this enlightened  view of the proper way to handle unacceptable
religious cultists. Not only did  a few fringey types form or join self-
styled militia groups, but millions of  otherwise ordinary Americans out
in flyover country had serious questions about  the way the government
handled the siege it had started and provoked at Waco.  People were
actually questioning the legitimacy of the American State and the
empire over which it presided.


In  such circumstances the bombing of the empire’s Murrah building in
the provincial  outpost of Oklahoma City (and from my eight years spent
in the Imperial City  I can tell you most people there view Oklahoma as
a provincial outpost) was  both tragedy and blessing. The bomber didn’t
just strike against fellow citizens more or less at random, but at a
symbol of imperial rule. And it turned out  that he had similar feelings
about Waco and some tenuous affiliation with the  troublesome militia
movement. The fact that the militias he had visited considered  him too
kooky and far-out to embrace only delayed for a few moments the full-
court press against the right wing and anybody who had ever spoken
out in criticism  of the U.S. government as a precursor to and possibly
an inciter of mass murder.

President  Clinton played the whole tragedy beautifully, of course, using
it to reinforce  loyalty to the central state and suspicion of anybody who
didn’t embrace it  in all its power and glory. That was one of the many
political tasks at which  he excelled. Since the Oklahoma City bombing
the militia movement has virtually disappeared from the American
landscape. Timothy McVeigh (and whoever else may  or may not have
been involved in his nefarious plans and deeds) in one step  made
doubts about overweening federal power at least somewhat disreputable.

So  the death of Timothy McVeigh became fairly inevitable and was
conflated into  an occasion of reinforcing state worship. The state had
sustained an attack  on its very self, on a concrete manifestation of its
power and control, had  found the perpetrator and determined to make

[CTRL] Fwd: [free-libertarians] Fw: In defense of Timothy McVeigh -- DISTRIBUTE WIDELY

2001-06-14 Thread Kris Millegan

- Original Message -
Sent: Monday, June 11, 2001 8:01 PM
Subject: In defense of Timothy McVeigh -- DISTRIBUTE WIDELY

In Defense Of Timothy McVeigh

By Terry Mitchell

Let me say first that I never met Timothy McVeigh. The closest I ever got to
him was about ten feet, and then it was by accident. This was three months
before he blew up the Murrah building in Oklahoma City, and he was Jack
Nobody. McVeigh didn't stay in my line of sight very long, but I got a good
look at him, before he disappeared through a space in the curtains behind
the podium.

I remember one thing very clearly about him; the intense, fanatical look in
his eyes. He had the look of intense determination on his face, a look that
was so focused a person would get out of his way. He looked totally focused
on his job, which that night was protecting a guest speaker from the militia

Three months later, after the bomb went off and he was apprehended, I
decided to read the book he was reported so enthusiastic about, The Turner
Diaries. It took two tries for me to get through it. I locked up the first
time at a place called, "The Day Of The Rope." It was so disturbing, the
widespread lynchings of race-mixers, that I had to put it down. Then a year
later I tried again, and made it through the entire book. What I discovered
was far more revealing about McVeigh's intentions than anything I've ever
heard through the mainstream media.

The Turner Diaries is an incredible little book. What it contains is the
blueprint to exterminate any race or classification of people, globally. The
fictional bombing of the FBI building, so touted by the media as McVeigh's
sole motivational inspiration, was only one tiny part of the book. It is the
rest of the book that is most important-the graphic description of how to
make the ethnic cleansings of Bosnia and Kosovo, look like nothing but
rehearsals for the real thing.

So, exactly then, why did McVeigh do it? First off, McVeigh was inspired to
bomb the Murrah building not so much for the Davidians or Randy Weaver, as
by the first skirmish of the revolutionary war, at the bridge at Lexington
and Concord. The British troops were coming to confiscate the ammunition
owned by private citizens. The Turner Diaries opens with federal police
confiscating the guns of all Americans. It is the Second Amendment that was
his primary focus. McVeigh saw, accurately, the 1994 Assault Rifle ban as
the prelude to gun seizure raids across the United States.

But there was a second reason for the bombing. If McVeigh bought in to the
entire plot of the book, he wanted to start something. He wanted to start
something really big. McVeigh wanted to trigger the all out war between not
only the citizens and the federal government, but all out war between
Caucasians and every other race. This is the main thrust of The Turner
Diaries, ethnic cleansing. McVeigh was not alone in this, as there have been
numerous attempts by individuals over the last few years to start ethnic
cleansing in the USA. Richard Baumhammer's shooting up of the Jewish
community center in Los Angeles ("I was trying to start a race war."), and
the rampaging black man who shot all the white employees in two Philadelphia
fast food restaurants ("I just want to kill as many white people as I
can."), come to mind.

And this brings us to the major point in the book and a major component of
ethnic cleansing in the real world. The ethnic cleansing so heavily featured
in the book could not take place without the removal of guns from the
populace by the federal government. The characters repeatedly give thanks to
"the Cohen bill," which rescinded the Second Amendment, stripped the inner
cities of guns, and left the blacks and other races defenseless against "The
Order's" troops, all armed with modern weapons. The characters in the book
succeed in making Earth an all white planet.

The formulas for racial extermination contained in The Turner Diaries could
be used by any race to wipe out all the others.

As to the children in the daycare center in the Murrah building, why were
they there in the first place? Well, being fifty years old, I remember why
the daycare centers were put in federal buildings. They were put there
during the Cold War when there was widespread fear, some of it justified,
that the Soviet Union had deep cover agents in the US, and that they had
orders to attack federal installations should open warfare between the two
countries begin. The daycare centers were installed so that if Soviet agents
bombed the buildings there would be a reef of bad publicity about it. Of
course, the press releases from the federal government about the daycare
centers stated that they were there to "make it easier on working mothers,"
but he real reason was much different. The US government is literally using
children as human shields, while being quick to condemn any other group or
country doing the very same thing.

The current

Re: [CTRL] Bush Uses Police/Secret Service To Suppress Political Ideas

2001-06-14 Thread lassey

-Caveat Lector-

BIG DEAL. Nothing new here from the last 10 years.
How about the Senator from N.Y. ?NO ONE IS ALLOWED TO MAKE

On Wed, 13 Jun 2001 22:11:36 EDT William Shannon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Jun 12, 2001
> What security issue did they mean?
> President George W. Bush was in Tampa on June 4 for a public
> appearance at
> the New York Yankees' Legends Field. Some friends and I were excited
> about
> the opportunity to see ``Dubya.'' We had tickets to be directly in
> front of
> his podium and we had our letter-size signs ready to show when he
> came on
> stage.
> When I arrived at the stadium, the rest of the group had not
> arrived. So I
> walked across the pedestrian bridge to meet them. It was very hot
> and there
> was little shade, so I stood under a small palm tree and waited for
> my
> friends. I waited quietly on the opposite side of the stadium
> grounds near
> the entrance of the pedestrian bridge. While I waited, a Tampa
> police officer
> said I couldn't stand there holding my sign. I explained I was
> merely waiting
> for some friends. He said I was on private property, and it was
> illegal for
> me to wait there with those signs. At first I just stood there and
> ignored
> him. Again he confronted me. He said that I could not stand there
> and that I
> could not bring those posters into the stadium. I told him it was a
> public
> rally and he could not regulate my speech or my message. Irritated
> and angry,
> the officer left.
> Meanwhile, a young mother and child arrived and joined me under the
> shade. I
> gave her a ticket to see the president. As I moved among the groups,
> I
> distributed extra entry tickets.
> Finally, my friends arrived and we went onto the pedestrian bridge.
> As we
> moved swiftly through the pedestrian overpass, some guy in a blue
> suit
> started to run behind us, yelling, ``You can't take those posters in
> there!''
> Yet when we walked through the metal detectors, our bags were
> searched, our
> signs were in plain view and we were allowed in without incident.
> When we entered the stadium, we could see around us that this was an
> orchestrated political event that was manipulated and controlled by
> the
> president and his staff. We could see Secret Service agents, Bush
> operatives
> and police handing out pro-Bush signs. In some instances they were
> replacing
> dissenting signs with pro-Bush signs.
> The president cannot use the police or Secret Service to suppress
> political
> ideas.
> Once we arrived at our spot in front of the podium, we saw other
> people
> holding up signs, so my friend, Suni, began showing her sign that
> read
> ``Investigate Florida Votergate.'' Then I took out my ``June is Gay
> Pride
> Month'' sign and began holding it high above my head for everyone to
> see.
> It was then that Bush operatives, Secret Service and police began
> demanding
> that we put away the signs. In particular, they wanted me to lose my
> gay-pride sign. The Secret Service, police and other Bush operatives
> tried to
> forcibly rip the sign out of my hands. They hollered, ``Lose the
> `gay' sign
> and you can stay.'' Some people hollered, ``This is not a gay
> rally!'' ``You
> don't belong here!'' yelled a group wearing Idlewild Baptist Church
> shirts.
> Some man even took a lunge at me. The police, Secret Service and the
> people
> around were demanding I take down my ``gay'' sign. They were also
> demanding
> that my friends put down their ``Boo'' and ``Investigate Florida
> Electiongate!'' signs.
> They were hired to hand out pro-Bush flyers.
> When I was asked to exchange my sign, I said, ``No!'' They demanded
> I drop
> the ``gay'' sign. I was asked if I would prefer to be arrested
> rather than to
> get rid of the sign. They kept trying to tear it away from me. I
> then fell to
> the ground. They said again, ``If you give up the sign, you can
> stay!'' I
> said, ``If you intend to take my sign, then you will have to carry
> me out.''
> I asked, ``Why?'' They said the signs are a security issue! We told
> them our
> signs went through the official check-in point.
> I had a letter-size piece of paper that had on it ``June is Gay
> Pride Month''
> in bold letters. What type of security issue does the word ``gay''
> have? What
> harm did I pose to the president?
> I was holding up a sign that expressed my views. While we were in
> view of the
> podium, Bush's operatives called one another on their walkie-talkies
> to bring
> more pro-Bush signs to the podium area. These same operatives
> allowed the
> crowd around us to become unruly, offensive and violent.
> Simultaneously,
> several other officers and operatives were trying to rip the sign
> from my
> hands. His operatives used the occasion to demonstrate how they
> handle
> dissent. They arrested us, we were dragged out and

[CTRL] Fwd: [narconews] A Letter from Peter Gorman, Peru Correspondent

2001-06-14 Thread Kris Millegan

June 14, 2001
Please Distribute Widely and Add a Personal Appeal of Your Own





June 14, 2001

An Open Letter To Narco News Readers from Peter Gorman:

I've known and respected Al Giordano and his work for several years. I was
working at HIGH TIMES magazine and he was up at the Boston Phoenix and I'd
get copies of some of the stories he'd written. I think we finally met at
either a NORML or Drug Policy Foundation conference in Washington, DC, about
ten years ago, and since the beat we covered, the War on Drugs, was the
same, we stayed in touch periodically.

Then, some years ago, I moved my family from New York to Iquitos, Peru, for
a break from the grind. While there I heard that Al had also taken a break,
heading down to Chiapas to cover the indigenous-rights fight there.

Soon after I moved, I opened a bar, The Cold Beer Blues Bar, right across
the street from the oldest port on the Amazon. Now I'd been traveling in the
Amazon annually for more than a 15 years by that time, and Iquitos was a
second home to me. More than that, my wife was from Iquitos, so heading
there was a natural.

Opening the bar was my way of opting out of the Drug War for a while, to
charge my batteries. Of course, with Iquitos the number one transit point
for Peru's coca base en route to Colombia's finishing labs, I couldn't quite
escape it. And being across the street from a port where tons of coca base
was being moved monthly, the US soldiers and DEA stationed there made a
point of coming into my place to keep an eye on who was doing what.

One day a new DEA agent came in. His name was Sean. A great big guy with
Marlboro Man looks. He came in with my friend Tim, another DEA guy and asked
for a beer. In an accent purely Boston, Sean asked Tim if I was the guy. I
interrupted and asked "What guy?"

"The guy who knows Al."

"I know a lot of Als."

"Al Giordano! Who else?"

I laughed and said sure and Sean launched into a story about how Al had
helped put his boss, a regional DEA chief who trafficked cocaine, behind
bars. Sean also said Al had called him 'The dirtiest DEA agent in the US' on
his radio show — a claim Sean said was off base. But instead of being angry
at Al, Sean had the utmost respect for him. He said Al was the only
journalist in Massachusetts who had the guts to not only go after dirty DEA
agents, but had the guts to go after the mob. And from what I understand
he'd gotten a few of them.

A compliment from your political enemy on the quality of your political work
is a rare thing, and my respect for Al's work, already there, increased

Hell, if the DEA agent you tried to put in jail says you've got balls, you
got ‘em.

And Al does. He quit his radio and newspaper gigs, shipped himself off to
Mexico with very little money and learned Spanish to understand the conflict

About five years ago, during a trip to the States, I ran into Al at the HT
office. He had a manifesto he wanted published. I explained I was no longer
a guy who could publish what he wanted at the mag — two years away had made
them leery of me, and my old position had been filled, so I really couldn't
help. I'm sure Al went away pissed-off.

And then about a year ago, somebody sent me a story about Chiapas with a
link that led me to the Narco News website, Al's then-new project. The story
came from the Mexican newspaper Por Esto!, and dealt with Roberto Hernandez,
owner of the Mexican bank Banamex, and allegations of cocaine dealing on his
property. I wondered why I didn't know the story. I looked through more of
the site: there were a number of things there I'd missed, some of them
because I'd been away, but some of them simply because the US press didn't
bother to cover them. Instantly the site seemed like a brilliant idea — one
I was jealous I hadn't conceived. I wondered if he'd have the backing and
guts to keep printing translations like the Por Esto! story. Well, it turns
out he did.

I still don't know how he keeps the site afloat, since he won't take
advertising, and he's probably living on tortillas and frijoles, but that
hasn't stopped Al from making the Narco News Bulletin perhaps the single
most vital Latin American Drug-War-news resource on the planet.

And when I've had the opportunity I've contributed stories to Narco News
that most places in the US, outside of HIGH TIMES, wouldn't touch — not
because they're not true, but because corporate journalism doesn't allow
poking too deeply into corporate interests. It simply doesn't pay for them
to stir the muck from the hand that's feeding them. But Al doesn't care.
More folks read Narco News than many commercial periodicals. Al's Narco News
Bulletin has become indispensable.

And so of course, it has to go. The man

Re: [CTRL] Contracting out [was Algeria Exploding]

2001-06-14 Thread Bill Howard

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 6/14/01 6:24:14 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

<< What a mess.  What a loss.  Bye Bye USA. >>

And this could lead to enforced birth control just like they have in China.
Can't have millions of unemployed milling around, you know. Why they could be
formenting a revolt!

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:
 http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html";>Archives of

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[CTRL] Contracting out [was Algeria Exploding]

2001-06-14 Thread Foxter

The f. government is studying 
how to contract out most government employee functions.  Those pesky 
American workers, don't you know.  Your post made me realize it's just a short time until 
contracting out to retired ex-employees, and then the general public, can lead 
to international contracting out.  What a mess.  What a loss.  
Bye Bye USA.

  - Original Message - 
  Aleisha Saba 
  Sent: Thursday, June 14, 2001 1:45 
  Subject: Re: [CTRL] Algeria Exploding - 
  Many Hundreds of Thousand Take to the Streets
  This is what Jesse Jackson had planned for USA if Bush 
  won...threatsto take to the streets?This is what happened in 
  Cincinnati, Ohio which looked like a war zone -but the home of Proctor 
  Gamble, do you think they will get away withmuch of this 
  stuff?Usual suspects?  Note looting - one American in Kuwait when 
  the Iraqi'sinvaded their country, said "When are you Americans coming over 
  here{she was obvious American] - why "they even stole my TV and 
  VCR".Been a lot cheaper to send over a lot of TVs and VCRs than to go 
  to warand murder these people for the blacks in Cincinnati looted the 
  storesbut managed to murder one white man who had done them no 
  harm.Like South Africa?   Mugabee and his butchers - 
  murdering white farmersand nothing was done here so now suddenly these 
  animals want food fornobody left to grow food for them.the land is 
  theirs, and theybutchered their own - and all this stuff is orchestrated 
  and by whom?Big Red Star and in September, October, and November it 
  burns brighterand brighter and brighter.So - they still want to 
  take our guns away?How lovely - imagine every white man and woman in 
  Cincinnati by now hasan arsenal and await the attack should some of the 
  people decide tocross the lines, into the "more affluent" 
  areas?One year of Clinton's income would no doubt feed a lot of people 
  - ofthe 9 million children whom they say goes to bed hungry every night 
  overhere?Note our TV sets never show the very, very poor looking 
  on hungry, as apig like Kissinger sits at table dropping the crumbs to fhe 
  floor forthe kids..today though they seem to live by the words of 
  theMurderer's Bible "first let the kids be killed", and the crumbs 
  thentruly go to the dogs.In the last week in Ohio 4,000 more jobs 
  lost to Mexico - do not buyproducts for you see in order for these 
  bastards to accomplish theirgoals, we have to buy these productsBuy 
  American and one would thinkthese cororupt Union Leaders would be out full 
  force - it took the womento Take on Marc Rich - a corrupt bastard whom I 
  would like to see Arabsfind for one day - for the women of the Steel 
  Workers took him on whenhe tried to destroy their Union.Buy 
  American is the only way.unless you like to buy shoes andclothing that 
  must be fumigated for disease before it enters thiscountry.  
  (Leprosy, AIDS, wonder how that stuff spreads so much for theycannot blame 
  this all on homosexual lovers, can 

[CTRL] Fwd: Yahoo! Groups : marxist Messages :Message 893 of 4473

2001-06-14 Thread Aleisha Saba

Hey Amelia - Steve and Mike Pugliese are lurkers?

Maybe this explains your letters as it may explain many I have gotten as
of late.

How stupid they are.


This is a "Marxist" List - they got to be kidding?  ADL sounds more like
it.   Pull it up for there are there are shadows lurking on CTRL
watching for the loonies?

Hey Steve - UFO Nutz not welcomed?



2001-06-14 Thread tnohava

-Caveat Lector-


COMMUNIQUE  #2283   http://www.truthbeknown.com

"Do regulated thoughts run freely though your head ?"





By Michael A. O'Camb

In the first minutes and hours following the blasts
that devastated the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building
in downtown Oklahoma City, the morning of April 19,
1995, a number of selfless individuals risked life and
limb to rescue many of the victims. Among them were
Oklahoma City police officers, Terrance Yeakey, Gordon
Martin and Ken Griffin, a number of Oklahoma City
firefighters, Dr. H. Don Chumley, G.S.A. employee Mike
Loudenslager and others.

In the aftermath of the "bombing" the name Mike
Loudenslager holds particular significance in the
hearts of many families in and around Oklahoma City.
And this is so, because of the forewarning he gave to
a number of those who had children in the Murrah
Building's day-care center. In the weeks preceding the
bombing, G.S.A. employee, Michael Loudenslager, 48,
became increasingly aware that large amounts of
ordnance and explosives were in the building and
strongly urged (along with the operator of the
day-care center) a number of parents to take their
children out of the Murrah Building.

This situation arose after other employees became
concerned with an increased amount of ordnance
(missiles) being brought into the building by the
B.A.T.F. and D.E.A. As a result of this concern, a
grievance was filed with G.S.A. by the building's
security director. The result was, the man who'd
complained lost his job there. Then, after the
operator of the day-care center (the security
director's wife) notified the fire marshals after some
remodeling had been done (as her license required her
to do), the fire marshals were denied access to do
their inspection by federal agents and told to leave!
And the day-care operator lost her contract.

As a result of this (fearing the worst with all the
talk around town of a possible bombing), Mike
Loudenslager and the day-care center operator then
told many of the parents to get their children out.
And, because of their warnings, far fewer children
were in the day-care center on that horrible Wednesday
morning than there otherwise would have been. A number
of families, in and around Oklahoma City, have these
two people to thank for their children's lives today.

Shortly after the bombing, Michael Loudenslager was
actively helping in the rescue and recovery effort. A
large number of those at the bomb-site either saw or
talked with him. During the course of the early rescue
efforts, however, Mike Loudenslager was seen and heard
in a very "heated" confrontation with someone (there).
Much of his anger stemmed from the fact he felt the
B.A.T.F. was in large part responsible not only for
the bombing, but for the death and inury to those
inside, including all the children.

To the absolute astonishment of a large number of
police officers and rescue workers, it was later
reported that G.S.A. employee Mike Loudenslager's body
had been found inside the Murrah Building the
following Sunday, still at his desk, a victim of the
9:02 A.M. bombing! This, mind you, after he'd already
been seen alive and well by numerous rescue workers at
the bomb-site AFTER the bombing! He is also officially
listed as one of the 168 bombing fatalities.

The question now becomes: Was he murdered and placed
at his desk by federal agents? Or was he just simply
murdered by them and SAID to have been found at his
desk? Access to the inside of the building, from
shortly after the bombing onward was extremely limited
to nearly all but federal employees by the F.B.I.

His death is UNQUESTIONABLY the most important
sidelight of the Oklahoma City bombing. Mike
Loudenslager's murder, most assuredly was one of the
major factors leading to the demise of both Dr. H. Don
Chumley and later Terry Yeakey.

For whatever reason, the Oklahoma City Police Dept.
has always down-played Officer Terry Yeakey's presence
at the Murrah Building the morning of April 19, 1995,
even though a large number of Oklahoma City police
officers, firefighters, emergency personnel and
survivors KNOW he played a much larger role in the
early rescue-effort than he's given credit for.

In an effort to cover up Mike Loudenslager's murder
and to intimidate others who were there early-on that
morning, someone has taken out a number of internal
witnesses. Dr. Don Chumley AND Terry Yeakey, both,
besides being at the Murrah Building that morning,
shared one other commonality. Each at the time of his
"death" was attempting to deliver EVIDENCE concerning
the fact Mike Loudenslager was alive and well AFTER
the bombing, and 

[CTRL] GREAT EXPECTATIONS - [bluebeam & disclosure]

2001-06-14 Thread Andrew Hennessey

-Caveat Lector-

GREAT EXPECTATIONS - BAD IDEA   -   andrew hennessey

The thrust of project blue beam stuff seems to be that global government
agencies are going to go to massive trouble manufacturing clouds and laser
technology to give the masses a projection laser show that will convince
every person in the world, no matter what language no matter what creed or
sex, that the messiah has come back.
We know they have the technology to do do it - but why should they -

1. It may backfire on them - it may produce highly complex and sweeping
social changes and anarchy that they cannot control - and it may lead in
some cases to revolution and overthrow of the very NWO that they are trying
to bring about by stealth.
2. They don't need to give us anything - they don't think we are are all
special enough to get a laser show - they are far too busy poisoning us and
sterilising us to cater for our entertainment needs [spiritual or otherwise]

I know or hear that people from canada putting out blue beam information
I know that the governments can stage such a plan, eg. they have the

But considering what a cold bunch of stealth murderers they can be - with a
big population cull underway - its more than likely that if they keep us all
DEVOID of STIMULUS they can control and kill us all more easily than if they
created waves of mass hysteria.

I also believe that we are sadly mistaken if we think for a moment we are
going to get to meet ET
The last thing global corporations want is for Joe Public to form alliances
and strike up deals that could alter the balance of planetary trade and
profit eg. Joe Public might discover that peanuts contain a sacred and vital
ingredient to the perpetuation of some species - and strike up a binding
trade deal.
Vital Market Intelligence discovered by Joe Public could put the fat
corporations out of business

I think that recent projects for free energy - eg. blacklight [my friend was
making 300% free energy from the harmonic catalysis of water 15-20 years ago
in scotland] and the UFO disclosure project ,will amount to zilch -
nothing - the truth is - that no new world changing evidence or world saving
science has come to light - so some pilots officially reported a UFO, and
The CIA have files - exactly whats new there ??
thats the problem that the NWO face - it has to be their sworn objective to
keep Joe Public from changing the death rate and profit margins on this

andrew hennessey
Transformation Studies Group

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Thousands of Eunuchs to Meet

2001-06-14 Thread Steve Wingate

-Caveat Lector-

Thousands of Eunuchs to Meet

Updated: Thu, Jun 14 8:11 AM EDT

LUCKNOW, India (Reuters) - Thousands of eunuchs from across India are
converging on a remote northern town for a national convention expected to
seek ways of promoting their role in politics, organizers said Wednesday.

Eunuchs, called "hijras" in India, are mostly men castrated at puberty and
are referred to as "she." The expression is broadly used for those
classified as neither male nor female.

The convention, being held between June 20-29, will chart out an agenda
for eunuchs including a more active role in politics.

Organizers said it would be attended by several high-profile eunuchs. They
include Shabnam Mausi, a lawmaker in an Indian state, and two others who
are mayors.

There is no official estimate of India's "hijra" population, but they are said to
number around 500,000. They live mainly by collecting cash gifts from
people on auspicious occasions, often by dancing to songs from Hindi

Groups of eunuchs dressed in colorful saris with heavy make-up and
jewelry often turn up uninvited at wedding parties and leave only after
receiving generous cash donations.

The meeting will be held at Rath, 300 km (185 miles) south of Lucknow, the
capital of India's Uttar Pradesh province.

Organizers said they chose the town as it was once ruled by a mythological
king whose son was a eunuch.


CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Queen's New Car Sports Novel 'Factory Extras'

2001-06-14 Thread Steve Wingate

-Caveat Lector-

Queen's New Car Sports Novel 'Factory Extras'

Updated: Thu, Jun 14 8:11 AM EDT

LONDON (Reuters) - Prestige carmaker Jaguar on Wednesday refused to
comment on reports that a swastika and a cache of pornographic
magazines were found in Queen Elizabeth's new car.

The magazines were deposited in a cavity while the swastika was painted
behind a seat panel. Both were discovered by workers when the car was
being made bomb-proof in Coventry, according to newspaper reports.

The "factory extras" would not normally have been discovered except the
Queen's car had several panels removed to allow for bomb-proofing, The
Guardian said.

A worker at the Coventry plant, where the car was made, has agreed to
resign over the incident, the paper said.

A Jaguar spokesman told Reuters that for security reasons the company
did not comment on cars made for VIPs.

But a Jaguar employee told The Guardian: "It is one of those old traditions
where people used to write things behind the seat panel of cars and they
were never discovered unless there was an accident. But on this occasion
it was not very funny."

The man said the tradition was common practice when he was an

"The chaps go to an awful lot of trouble to do the car, they're there all day --
what else have they got to do?"

A Buckingham Palace spokeswoman said it was for Jaguar not the palace
to comment.

Sending royalty secret messages does not always result in a sacking.
British bad boy of fashion Alexander McQueen claimed he scrawled
"McQueen Woz Ere" in the lining of a jacket for royal heir Prince Charles
when he worked as a tailor.

Since then the prince has presented McQueen with a top fashion award
and the pair were photographed together at a fashion event this week.


CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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2001-06-14 Thread lassey

-Caveat Lector-

Oh Amelia, This is choice!!! Thanks!

On Wed, 13 Jun 2001 20:52:48 -0500 Amelia <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> -Caveat Lector-
> Sent: Wednesday, June 13, 2001 2:03 AM
> There once was a young person named Little Red Riding Hood who
> lived on
> the edge of a large forest full of endangered owls and rare
> plants that
> would probably provide a cure for cancer if only someone took
> the time
> to study them. Red Riding Hood lived with a nurture-giver whom
> she
> sometimes referred to as "Mother," although she didn't mean to
> imply by
> this term that she would have thought less of the person if a
> close
> biological
> link did not, in fact, exist. Nor did she intend to denigrate
> the equal
> value
> of nontraditional households, and she was sorry if this was
> the
> impression conveyed.
> One day her mother asked her to take a basket of organically
> grown fruit
> and mineral water to her grandmother's house.
> "But Mother, won't this be stealing work from the unionized
> people who
> have struggled for years to earn the right to carry all
> packages between
> various people in the woods?" Red Riding Hood's mother assured
> her that
> she had called the union boss and gotten a special
> compassionate mission
> exemption form.
> "But, Mother, aren't you oppressing me by ordering me to do
> this?"
> Red Riding Hood's mother pointed out that it was impossible
> for women to
> oppress each other, since all women were equally oppressed
> until all
> women were free.
> "But, Mother, then shouldn't you have my brother carry the
> basket, since
> he's an oppressor, and should learn what it's like to be
> oppressed?"
> And Red Riding Hood's mother explained that her brother was
> attending a
> special rally for animal rights, and besides, this wasn't
> stereotypical
> women's work, but an empowering deed that would help engender
> a feeling
> of community.
> "But won't I be oppressing Grandma, by implying that she's
> sick and
> hence unable to independently further her own selfhood?"
> But Red Riding Hood's mother explained that her grandmother
> wasn't
> actually sick or incapacitated or mentally handicapped in any
> way,
> although that was not to imply that any of these conditions
> were inferior to
> what some people called "health."
> Thus Red Riding Hood felt that she could get behind the idea
> of
> delivering the basket to her grandmother, and so she set off.
> Many people believed that the forest was a foreboding and
> dangerous
> place, but Red Riding Hood knew that this was an irrational
> fear based
> on cultural paradigms instilled by a patriarchal society that
> regarded the
> natural world as an exploitable resource, and hence believed
> that
> natural predators were, in fact, intolerable competitors.
> Other people avoided the woods for fear of thieves and
> deviants, but Red
> Riding Hood felt that, in a truly classless society, all
> marginalized
> peoples would be able to "come out" of the woods and be
> accepted as
> valid lifestyle role models.
> On her way to Grandma's house, Red Riding Hood passed a
> woodchopper, and
> wandered off the path in order to examine some flowers. She
> was startled
> to find herself standing before a wolf, who asked her what was
> in her
> basket.
> Red Riding Hood's teacher had warned her never to talk to
> strangers,
> but she was confident in taking control of her own budding
> sexuality,
> and chose to dialog with the wolf.
> She replied, "I am taking my grandmother some healthful snacks
> in a
> gesture of solidarity."
> The wolf said, "You know, my dear, it isn't safe for a little
> girl to
> walk through these woods alone."
> Red Riding Hood said, "I find your sexist remark offensive in
> the
> extreme, but I will ignore it because of your traditional
> status as an
> outcast from society, the stress of which has caused you to
> develop an
> alternative and yet entirely valid worldview. Now, if you'll
> excuse me,
> I would prefer to be on my way."
> Red Riding Hood returned to the main path, and proceeded
> toward her
> grandmother's house. But because his status outside society
> had freed
> him from slavish adherence to linear, Western-style thought,
> the Wolf
> knew of a quicker route to Grandma's house.
> He burst into the house and ate Grandma, a course of action
> affirmative
> of his nature as a predator.
> Then, unhampered by rigid, traditionalist gender-role notions,
> he put on
> Grandma's nightclothes, crawled under the bedclothes, and
> awaited
> developments.
> Red Riding Hood entered the cottage and said, "Grandma, I have
> brought
> you some cruelty-free snacks to salute you in your role of
> wise and
> nurturing matriarch." The wolf said softly, "Come closer,
> child, so that
> I might see you."
> Red Riding Hood said, "Goodness! Grandma, what big eyes you
> have!"
> "You forget that I am optically challenged."
> "And Grandm

Re: [CTRL] more on memory - in reply to the "bugs bunny" study

2001-06-14 Thread Smart News

-Caveat Lector-

Dear List,

Please find info below.

Sincerely,  Neil Brick

This article found at :
may help clarify how memory is stored.

"Research into the nature of traumatic memories (3) indicates that trauma
interferes with declarative memory, i.e. conscious recall of experience, but
does not inhibit implicit, or non-declarative memory, the memory system that
controls conditioned emotional responses, skills and habits, and sensorimotor
sensations related to experience."

"THE BODY KEEPS THE SCORE: Memory and the evolving psychobiology of post
traumatic stress - by Bessel van der Kolk.

"Janet thought, cause memories of particular events to be dissociated from
consciousness, and to be stored, instead, as visceral sensations (anxiety and
panic), or as visual images (nightmares and flashbacks)."

"Pierre Janet (1) suggested that the most fundamental of mental activities is
the storage and categorization of incoming sensations into memory, and the
retrieval of those memories under appropriate circumstances. He, like
contemporary memory researchers, understood that what is now called semantic,
or declarative, memory is an active and constructive process and that
remembering depends on existing mental schemata (3,80): once an event or a
particular bit of information is integrated into existing mental schemes, it
will no longer be accessible as a separate, immutable entity, but be
distorted both by prior experience, and by the emotional state at the time of
recall(3). PTSD, by definition, is accompanied by memory disturbances,
consisting of both hypermnesias and amnesias (9,10). Research into the nature
of traumatic memories (3) indicates that trauma interferes with declarative
memory, i.e. conscious recall of experience, but does not inhibit implicit,
or non-declarative memory, the memory system that controls conditioned
emotional responses, skills and habits, and sensorimotor sensations related
to experience."

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] mistaken false memory positions

2001-06-14 Thread Smart News

-Caveat Lector-

Dear List,

Info is below.

Sincerely,  Neil Brick

The following is from "Memory, Trauma Treatment and the Law" by Brown,
Scheflin and Hammond, C 1998, W. W. Norton Pub. Chapter 12, "The False Logic
of the False Memory Controversy and the Irrational Element in Scientific
Research on Memory" p. 383-384

"...In particular, the following positions asserted by extreme false memory
proponents are mistaken:

1. All or most therapists working with childhood sexual abuse believe in the
tape-recorder theory of memory.
2. Repressed memory does not exist, or, as Ofsche has stated, "repressed
memory is the scientific quackery of the twentieth century." (Ofsche, cited
in Loftus and Ketchum, 1994, p. 206)
3. There is only one "normal" model for memory, whether traumatic or
4. Memories of events are stored the way books are stored on library shelves
- as an entire unit.

Many trauma advocate and almost all memory researchers...adhere to a
multidimensional view of memory systems, and they correctly point out that
false memory advocates who apply research findings on normal autobiographical
memory to the domain of trauma have incorrectly assumed a unitary model of

There is a growing corpus of scientific and clinical data in support of the
view that traumatic experiences are encoded and stored both as behavioral
memory and verbal memory, and that in certain instances the implicit,
behavioral memory for the trauma make take primacy over the verbal memory in
the form of behavioral reenactment and intrusive reexperiencing. normal
behavioral  memory in children and behavioral memory for trauma in children
and adults have been the subjects  of numerous scientific investigations.

Some false memory advocates consistently ignore these data. To ignore the
entire corpus of scientific data on implicit, behavioral memory because it
might lend credence to clinicians' description of unconcious behavioral
reenactments of trauma, which in turn might even justify memory recovery
techniques,  is poor scienceDismissing the validity of recovered memories
of abuse on the grounds that the memory is accompanied by somatic distress
(or a body memory) is neither logical nor scientific...Implicit memories,
which are not currently available to consciousness, nevertheless exert
influence on thoughts and behaviors (Graf & Masson 1993)..."

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] colloidal minerals

2001-06-14 Thread Michael Pugliese

-Caveat Lector-

- Original Message -
From: "Reese" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, June 14, 2001 4:23 PM
Subject: Re: The decline of commercial agriculture

...Similar, colloidal minerals.  Several likely suspects, a Dr. Joel
Wallach seems to be the leader of the informal, cutthroat pack.  He
has several domain names registered, all with similar content and all
selling a mineral supplement of unknown worth - he cites Senate
Document #264 liberally as prima facie evidence of a problem that has
only gotten worse, in his view.

 >The Spotlight always has ads for colloidal silver generators for $99.95.
 >I looked into this a few months ago,
 >  this is what it did to one woman.

I've heard about it.

 >Michael Pugliese

At 04:51 AM 6/14/01, Michael Perelman wrote:
 >Albrecht only wrote in professional journals, such as Soil Science.  He
 >was never involved in popularizing his work or getting involved with
 >cranks.  The people at the US Department of Ag. held him in very high

I do not doubt that he was credentialed and had (has?) the respect of
groups of people in various places, Dr. Wallach is also credentialed
and has the respect of groups of people in various places.  But did he
say that the crops currently being grown are not as nutritious as they
were before?  Another possibility is that Dr. Albrecht's work, name and
reputation are being hijacked by the quacks in the colloidal mineral

There may be a problem with depletion of minerals from soil, but has
it really gotten worse, or are modern farming techniques cognizant of
this and do they take steps to combat and minimize or reverse it?
Even if the "problem" has gotten worse, is help really provided by
colloidal mineral supplements?  Every medical doctor I've ever spoken
with has told me that, given the 'patient' has a proper diet, vitamin
and mineral supplements are a waste of money, outside of a few
specific exceptions (prenatal care for expectant mothers being one

Google lists over 400 hits for "senate document 264" - the vast and
overwhelming majority are advertisement pages for companies who wish
to sell colloidal mineral supplements, or pages written by those who
have bought into the hoax (and who often refer to another webpage
where colloidal mineral supplements can be purchased).  This webpage


(for example) links Senate Document #264 to the 1992 Earth Summit
Report (both are mentioned on Dr. Wallach's webpages), the Earth
Summit Report is also widely cited as a "proof."  Whatever G.H.W.
Bush's other qualities (or lack thereof), he refused to sign any and
all treaties emerging from that summit, which I find to be somewhat
indicative of the relative worth of those documents.

This one links the 1992 earth summit report to Dr. Albrecht,


Here is the rest of the story, on Senate Document #264:

Written by Rex Beach, allegedly based on research by Dr. Charles
Northern, it was actually an opinion piece printed in Cosmopolitan
in 1936 (film at 11).

Here is the National Council Against Health Fraud newsletter, which
debunks a certain Dr. Wallach and his claims of mineral deficiency,
it also debunks Senate Document #264 quite authoritatively:

http://www.ncahf.org/nl/1998/1-2.html - it's a long page, here is the
relevent excerpt:

The most recent contribution to the body of counter information is
offered by Donald Davis, PhD, of the University of Texas at Austin.
Davis located "Senate Document 264" cited by Wallach as evidence
that 99% of Americans are deficient in minerals.  It turns out that
the "document" is nothing more than the reprinting of a highly
speculative article about a passing fad written by a Florida farmer
in the June, 1936, issue of Cosmopolitan magazine as requested by
Florida's Senator Fletcher.  Fletcher died 16 days after requesting
that the government printing office reprint the article.

Davis presented his findings in the November, 1997, Townsend
Letter.  Davis contacted NCAHF in January and reported than Wallach
was continuing to promote this erroneous document as fact on at
least 40 radio stations throughout the nation. NCAHF has received
inquiries from abroad about Wallach's audiotape, asking for
information on its veracity. Wallach's lies appear to have become a
modern, urban legend.

So it all comes back to Dr. Albrecht.  Did he distance himself from
that earlier quackery?  Are there any empirical data, grounded in
tests duplicated and confirmed by laboratory analyses of soil 


2001-06-14 Thread Steve Wingate

-Caveat Lector-

Amelia paranoidly accuses Steve of impersonating a woman who wrote
her a sympathetic reply. Maybe A-Mel-I-A(m) secretly wants to be a man.
Maybe she is. LOL!

--- Forwarded message follows ---
Date sent:  Thu, 14 Jun 2001 01:43:15 -0500
From:   Amelia <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Steve Wingate <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

And stop writing me as this Carol, too
No one else is on line on the list right now and now you are
getting silly as her.  Every time I have a disagreement with
you I get a message from this 'Steve twin' and it does not
fool me for one minute.  I have reared two sons who are
probably older than you and definitely brighter so I know
every trick in the book you little twerps can come up with.


- Original Message -
From: "carole chambers zah" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Amelia" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, June 14, 2001 1:16 AM

>Thank You for the "411"-In all honesty--I must say I
do not know what to do about all of this--it (seems to
me right now:quite overwhelming).I wish that I knew
answers & knew what to do about all of this.-My sister
in Az. has a nuclear plant in her back yard,too.-Some
years ago-She called them & asked about what they were
going to do about Nwaste-needless to say they never
give her an answer. About 2 yrs. ago-all of her hair
fell out (of her head)-She now has to wear a wig-In
Jan. I looked at her head-there wasn't a trace of new
growth. The Drs. say they don't know why this has
happened to Her - and I don't know what to tell her-
I don't know if The Plant has anything to do with it-
She is a Widow(like me)& I didn't know why it happened
to her- but I didn't even mention the possiblity of
Plant-she's upset enough as it is.I truely wish you
best in dealing with your situtation. Would it help if
I called my Senators? Sincerely, Carole


--- End of forwarded message ---


CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
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sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] another site on Loftus - in reference to article "bugs bunny" study

2001-06-14 Thread Smart News

-Caveat Lector-

For articles critiquing research by Elizabeth Loftus, see:


Copies of "Lost in a shopping mall - A breach of professional ethics" and
"Logical fallacies and ethical breaches" are now available.  Send an E-mail
request to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and ask for an attachment--or provide a mailing
address and copies will be mailed to you.  These articles provide scholarly
critiques of Dr. Elizabeth Loftus' "lost in the mall" study. The first
article examines the study from a methodological and ethical standpoint. The
second article examines Loftus' published response to this article and brings
up further questions regarding the mall study.  The articles were published
in Volume 9, Number 1 of "Ethics & Behavior," a peer-reviewed journal.
Published by Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc. 10 Industrial Avenue, Mahwah,
NJ 07430; Phone: (201) 236-9500.

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] reply to : False Memories "Easily Created," Researchers Discover

2001-06-14 Thread Smart News

-Caveat Lector-

Dear List,

Traumatic and non-traumatic memory are different and the data in this study
does not prove that traumatic memory can be changed.  To possibly change
traumatic memory, a variety of factors have to be in place :

Information paraphrased from "Memory, Trauma Treatment, and the Law" by
Brown, Scheflin and Hammond, W.W. Norton and Co. New York and London, C 1998
(http://www.wwnorton.com) Page 370-381

The base rates for memory commission errors are quite low, at least in
professional trauma treatment.

The base rates in adult misinformation studies run between zero and 5 percent
for adults and between 3 - 5 percent for children.  Out of about seven to 10%
of the general population that may be highly hypnotizable, four to 6 percent
of high hypnotizable subjects may "produce hypnotic psuedomemories for
peripheral details (of a memory) in response to suggestions" in a waking
state or hypnotized with controlled situational influence. The 4-6 percent
may rise in terms of report rates to 80% under some conditions of social
influence. Extreme social influence can be compared to brainwashing or social
influence to the following criteria, several of which must happen for the
possibility of an untrue memory to occur: patient is highly suggestible (in
terms of memory),  with low to moderate suggestibility a therapeutic
situation must contain a number of the following: patient is quite uncertain
about the past event, suggestions of peripheral details (not central plot
actions of a memory), source credibility (an authority figure), patient bias
(previous information), authority figure bias (has set belief about what
happened), systematic misleading (rather than free recall), emotional
manipulation (blame or rejection for not producing the desired result or
praise for the desired result), behavioral response (individual journal or
oral narrative to group of trauma or action against perpetrators), milieu
control (total information control in and out of therapeutic or other
context) and  psychophysiological manipulation (breaking down the subject's
defenses,  assaults self esteem or person's core or causes subject to

However, some child abuse interrogations might come close to some of the
above conditions. Those that have retracted claims due to influence from
their accused families, if they have internalized the systematic information
of the FMSF, and were coached by FMSF members may also meet many of the above
criteria of social influence.

IMO, it sounds like most people would almost have to be in a cult or in a
cult like situation or under considerable duress to produce an untrue memory.

Information on Loftus is below.

Sincerely,  Neil Brick

For articles critiquing research by Elizabeth Loftus, see:


Copies of "Lost in a shopping mall - A breach of professional ethics" and
"Logical fallacies and ethical breaches" are now available.  Send an E-mail
request to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and ask for an attachment--or provide a mailing
address and copies will be mailed to you.  These articles provide scholarly
critiques of Dr. Elizabeth Loftus' "lost in the mall" study. The first
article examines the study from a methodological and ethical standpoint. The
second article examines Loftus' published response to this article and brings
up further questions regarding the mall study.  The articles were published
in Volume 9, Number 1 of "Ethics & Behavior," a peer-reviewed journal.
Published by Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc. 10 Industrial Avenue, Mahwah,
NJ 07430; Phone: (201) 236-9500.

from http://www.feminista.com/v1n9/false-memory.html (has a lot of info on

"For example, Elizabeth Loftus accused Kenneth Pope, a respected memory and
trauma researcher, in the APA journal Clinical Psychology of being "wildly
reckless" in an area of ethics. Her claim was later investigated by the
journal and found to be false. The Fall 1997 issue of the journal published a
correction and apology for the "false statement disparaging Dr. Pope's
ethics". (POPE LETTER ETC) It is disheartening to observe the FMSF, which in
its newsletters and publications continually emphasizes the importance of
scientific discourse, actively promoting such accusations."

"In further evidence of questionable activity by FMSF board members, Notes
from the Controversy (Treating Abuse Today, Nov./ December 1995, Jan./ Feb.
1996), discusses ethics complaints filed with the American Psychological
Association against Elizabeth Loftus regarding her article "Remembering
Dangerously", which was published in a 1995 issue of Skeptical Inquirer, a
publication of the Committee for the Investigation of Claims of the
Paranormal (CSICOP)."

False Memory Syndrome Foundation (FMSF) Advisory Board member Elizabeth
Loftus published a false accusation, based on incomplete information, that a
colleague was "wildly reckless" in an important area of ethics. Her claim was
later carefully investigated, reviewed, an

[CTRL] Russia Expels US Citizen For Collecting Defense Info

2001-06-14 Thread William Shannon

12:13 2001-06-13


A high-profile row has broken out in the Siberian city of Omsk. 
Elizabeth Sweet, a US national, has been expelled from Russia. According to 
the Federal Security Service’s regional unit, she collected information of 
defence-related companies. 
Elizabeth Sweet, professor of international economy, has been teaching 
economics and the English language at the faculty of the International 
business of the Omsk State University. FSB officials pointed to the fact that 
Prof. Sweet gave her students assignments to assess the social and economic 
situation in the region, including the condition of state-controlled 
companies, according to the Do-Info news agency. 
In the meantime, three fourths of companies in the region are so far 
considered defence-related. The first signal came from the director of the 
Irtysh amalgamation. He was concerned that the information collected by the 
student would have a negative impact on the plant’s image and also could be 
used by the “foreign side for collecting data of a real state of affairs at 
the companies included in the country’s military-industrial complex.” 
Although Russia’s Federal Security Service do no have enough grounds to 
accuse Prof. Sweet of espionage, her work has been wrapped up, and she 
herself expelled.   

Re: [CTRL] the cia and the nazis

2001-06-14 Thread Smart News

-Caveat Lector-

Dear List,

Please find this article below. It may be very heavy for ra/mc survivors to

Sincerely,  Neil Brick

excerpt from : http://www.spiritone.com/~gdy52150/ratlines.htm

Ratlines:The CIA &The Nazis - Just as the immigration of Nazis and war
criminals into the US involved the use of several projects of which Paperclip
is the most widely known such is the case of MK-Ultra. There were 149 sub
projects under MK-Ultra. The use of drugs for truth serum and for mind
control were conducted under a bewildering list of Project or Operations.
Below is a short synopsis of some of those projects.

"MKDELTA: This was apparently the first project established by the CIA in
October, 1952, for the use of biochemicals in clandestine operations. It may
never have been implemented operationally.

MKULTRA: This was a successor project to MKDELTA established in April, 1953,
and terminating some time in the late 1960's probably after 1966. This
program considered various means of controlling human behavior. Drugs were
only one aspect of this activity.

MKNAOMI: This project began in the 1950's and was terminated at least with
respect biological projects, in 1969. This may have been a successor to
MKDELTA. Its purpose was to stockpile severely incapacitating and lethal
materials, and to develop gadgetry for the dissemination of these materials.

MKSEARCH: This was apparently a successor project to

MKULTRA, which began in 1965 and was terminated in 1973. The objective of the
project was to develop a capability to manipulate human behavior in a
predictable manner through the use of drugs.

MKCHICKWIT: This was apparently a part of the MKSEARCH program. Its objective
was to identify new drug developments in Europe and Asia and to obtain
information and samples.

MKOFTEN: This was also apparently a part of the MKSEARCH project. Its
objective was to test the behavioral and toxicological effects of certain
drugs on animals and humans."107

STARGATE: Investigated the use of ESP, paranormal, remote viewing military
uses of telekinesis type research that was done from an uncertain start date
up until 1984.116

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Forced Abortion

2001-06-14 Thread YnrChyldzWyld

  The title of this post is misleading.  This woman was not forced 
  to undergo an abortion, she voluntarily availed herself of the 
  What she WAS forced into was REMAINING at the facility and the 
  continuation of the procedure, when she clearly indicated that she was 
  experiencing great pain and desired to be transported to the ER of the 
  local hospital.
  Big difference.
  Check out the nonstop beachparty at Alternative Kite Summer radio 


_IncrediMail - Email has finally 
evolved - Click 

Re: [CTRL] Body Piercing Teen Killed by Magnet...

2001-06-14 Thread Bill Howard

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 6/14/01 2:12:22 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

<< >No. However one should be aware of the implications when

>hanging a 50 lb. anvil from one's privates.

Only if one were then to casually stroll across a junkyard where a super

electromagnet was being used...   ;-) >>

This would improve the gene pool.

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] One Good Thing About High Oil Prices...

2001-06-14 Thread William Shannon

Think tank: Rising oil prices pose threat to Israel's strategic edge 

Special to World Tribune.com

Thursday, June 7, 2001

TEL AVIV — The continued rise in the price of oil could undermine Israel's 
strategic edge over its enemies in the Middle East, leading strategists said.

The Israeli strategists said the increase over the last year of oil has 
filled the coffers of key Arab states as well as Iran. They said that should 
oil prices remain at their current level for the next two or three years, 
then Israel could face an array of advanced Russian and Western weaponry from 
such countries as Iran, Egypt and Syria.

"This is worrisome," said Shai Feldman, director of Tel Aviv University's 
Jaffee Center for Strategic Studies. "It could affect the military balance, 
particularly in Iran."

Iran is said to be in the advanced stages of negotiations for Russian 
systems, including the S-300V, regarded as one of the best anti-aircraft 
systems in the world with the capability of missile defense. Egypt and Syria 
are also interested in such a system, with a range of up to 300 kilometers, 
and have discussed such a deal with Russian President Vladimir Putin. Feldman 
and his colleagues were speaking on Monday during the release of the center's 
latest publication, "The Middle East Military Balance 2000-2001. The 
strategists said Israel currently enjoys clear military superiority against 
any Arab state or Iran and could defeat virtually any Arab coalition.

This superiority, Feldman said, has prevented a regional war despite the 
eight-month-old conflict with the Palestinians.

"The Palestinian violence is a top level strategic challenge to Israel but it 
does not reduce Israel's overall strength," Feldman said. "The strategic 
balance remains tipped in Israel's favor and the capability for deterrence 
acts as a buffer against decline in the region." 

[CTRL] SNET: Ignorance or Contempt ? Walter Williams (fwd)

2001-06-14 Thread William Bacon

-Caveat Lector-

visit my web site at  http://www.voicenet.com/~wbacon
My ICQ# is 79071904
for a precise list of the powers of the Federal Government linkto:

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Thu, 14 Jun 2001 08:20:10 -0400
Subject: SNET: Ignorance or Contempt ?  Walter Williams

->  SNETNEWS  Mailing List

Ignorance or Contempt ?


Congressmen, presidents and Supreme Court justices take an oath of
office swearing to uphold and defend the U.S. Constitution.

As if the Constitution itself isn't clear about what they must do, in
Federalist Paper No. 45, James Madison, the acknowledged father of the
Constitution, described the document thusly: "The powers delegated by
the proposed Constitution to the federal government are few and defined.
Those which are to remain in the State governments are numerous and
indefinite. The former will be exercised principally on external
objects, as war, peace, negotiation and foreign commerce. ... The powers
reserved to the several States will extend to all the objects which in
the ordinary course of affairs, concern the lives and liberties, and
properties of the people, and the internal order, improvement and
prosperity of the State."

Both Madison's statement and the Constitution leave no doubt about the
"few and defined" powers delegated to the federal government and the
"numerous and indefinite" powers retained by the people and the states.
I'd like to ask our 535 congressmen, our president and our nine Supreme
Court justices which word or phrase in Madison's statement they find
beyond comprehension, and which phrase in Article I, Section 8 of the
Constitution, which outlines what Congress is permitted to do, they find
beyond comprehension.

While congressmen, presidents and Supreme Court justices don't have much
understanding, they aren't stupid -- which isn't to say they're not
ignorant about the Constitution and other matters. Let's explore the
most charitable explanation for their day-to-day violations of both the
letter and the spirit of our Constitution, namely that they're ignorant.
But, I seriously doubt the suitability of ignorance as an explanation.

Why? If ignorance were the explanation, I'd be optimistic. I'd simply
send the president, congressmen and Supreme Court justices James
Madison's Federalist Paper No. 45, explaining the Constitution. After
that, they'd mend their ways and eliminate most federal programs, state
mandates and other gross constitutional violations.

You say, "Williams, if you think they'd do that, you've got to be
crazy!" You're right -- I would be crazy. The only other explanation for
what presidents, congressmen and justices do is that they have contempt
for the Constitution.

But that's only a tiny part of the sad story. Imagine if James Madison
or Thomas Jefferson were campaigning for the presidency in 2000. What
would you think about their chances? They'd clearly lose if they
expressed the constitutional values and respect they had when the
document was written. They'd clearly be denounced by most Americans and
possibly risk assassination.

Therefore, before we rush to lay the complete blame for constitutional
contempt at the feet of politicians and judges, we might want to look at
ourselves -- we, the American people. That is, politicians are doing
what we elect them to office to do, and if our Constitution stands in
the way, it's the Constitution that must yield. The Constitution stands
in the way of government programs such as business bailouts, food
stamps, Social Security, Medicare, Title I education programs and
thousands of other federal acts.

You might ask, "Why should we pay any attention to a 200-year-old
document?" I'd say to escape Thomas Jefferson's prediction that "the
natural progress of things is for government to gain ground and for
liberty to yield." After all, if we ignore the constitutional
protections found in Article I, Section 8, why not ignore other
constitutional protections and make them just as meaningless?

If we continue our current path, future generations will curse us for
squandering unprecedented liberty.

©2001 Creators Syndicate, Inc.

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[CTRL] Weinberg's "Manifest Destiny" Revisited

2001-06-14 Thread William Shannon

The Peculiar U.S. Theory of Self-Defense
Joseph R.


Albert K. Weinberg’s Manifest Destiny: A Study of Nationalist Expansionism in 
American History (Chicago: Quadrangle Books, 1963 [1935]) still repays close 
and careful reading.  Already in 1935, this work brought together most of the 
themes which would inform the later works of Charles A. Beard as well as the 
postwar works of William Appleman Williams and the so-called Wisconsin 
School. It was not Weinberg’s purpose to focus on concrete interests in US 
expansion, although they were there, to be sure, but to zero in on a series 
of rationalizations and low theories whereby American leaders justified their 
all-too-swift absorption of other people’s land and, then, their seizure of 
Hawaii, the Philippines, and other insular assets in the name of their 
mission to promote American overseas trade.

Weinberg has one chapter per US rationalization; a list of his chapter titles 
will give some notion of the scope of his work: 1. Natural Right, 2. 
Geographical Predestination, 3. The Destined Use of the Soil, 4. Extension of 
the Area of Freedom [the late Soviet Union used this one, too], 5. The True 
Title, 6. The Mission of Regeneration, 7. Natural Growth, 8. Political 
Gravitation, 9. Inevitable Destiny, 10. The White Man’s Burden, 11. Paramount 
Interest, 12. Political Affinity, 13. Self-defense, 14. International Police 
Power, and 15. World Leadership. At various times, US politicians have 
claimed such things as a “natural right” to the Mississippi River, a right 
to Cuba by way of geographical imperatives, a mission to convert the heathen 
to Protestantism and make them give up alcohol and tobacco, or a “right” to 
world leadership in tandem with Britain on the basis of a Teutonic gift for 
good government.


Some of these themes are not heard so much today.  No. 10 – the White Man’s 
Burden – is back, in a curiously inverted, guilt-ridden PC form; hence the 
great joy two years ago at NATO’S being able to bomb Christian European white 
folks in Serbia. I would say that nos. 4 (extension of freedom), 6 
(regeneration), 13 (self-defense), 14 (police), and 15 (world leadership) are 
alive and well, subject to certain doctrinal readjustments for the new 
century. The late Clinton administration, aka Brother Love’s Left-Protestant 
Traveling Salvation Show, deployed several.  The Bushians, careful to keep up 
some small pretense of being interested in the American people, like to 
stress 13, but their best definition of defense comes down to world-meddling, 
provoking China, and funding their unworkable and destabilizing missile 
defense boondoggle.  But then the Bushites are the plodding Elmer Fudds of 
the piece, always many steps behind the clever Bugs Bunnies of the Left.

Defense being currently “in” – and never entirely out – it is worth our 
while to summarize Weinberg’s treatment of the theme. Over the long haul, he 
writes, it might seem that the usual US conception of defense amounts to 
saying that some other power’s assets are forfeit because US leaders covet 
them and feel threatened because some other power has assets to start with.  
Thus US defense doctrine might be put down to mere hypocrisy.  Weinberg 
believes that to be incorrect.  US leaders have genuinely felt threatened, 
perhaps as a result of a “long-enduring phobia” dating from the late 18th 
and early 19th centuries, when Spain (and then France) held land to the west 
of us and Britain still controlled forts on our northern and northwestern 
frontiers (p. 384). 


With their federation less exposed to real danger than most nations, US 
leaders nevertheless cultivated “a feeling of preordained right to ideal 
security” (p. 385).  In the run-up to the War of 1812, the party around Henry 
Clay urged conquest of Canada to end Indian outrages allegedly encouraged by 
Britain.  I won’t let the British entirely off the hook, but the fundamental 
problem was the encroachment of American settlers on Indian lands in 
violation, generally, of existing “treaties.”  If the Indian problem was 
chiefly of British origin, then the only complete remedy, logically, would 
have been occupation of the British Isles themselves, but that had to wait 
until the Cold War.

Meanwhile, we had acquired Louisiana (1803) and issued the Monroe Doctrine 
(1823), which announced US opposition to European powers’ export of “their 
system” to the New World. With Texan independence (1836), we required that 
state’s accession to the union, lest Texas be led by British intrigue to 
abolish slavery, thereby permanently blocking westward expansion by 
slaveholders.  That accomplished, we had to thrash Mexico in 1847 to secure 
Texas, only incidentally relieving Mexico of half its territory. Then of 
course we had to thrash each other (1861-1865) to see which Americans would 
get the greatest use of the 

Re: [CTRL] After McVeigh Execution

2001-06-14 Thread Nurev Ind.

-Caveat Lector-

Adam Kowalczyk wrote:
> -Caveat Lector-
> Original Message Follows
> From: "Nurev Ind."
> Reply-To: Conspiracy Theory Research List
> Subject: Re: [CTRL] Fwd:After McVeigh Execution
> Date: Wed, 13 Jun 2001 18:14:19 -0400
> -Caveat Lector-
> Adam Kowalczyk wrote:
> > Monday, June 11, 2001
> > After McVeigh Execution:
> > Feel Any Better Now?
> > Professor of sociology and criminology at Mount Holyoke College, Moran is
> > currently working on a book about the death penalty. He has testified at
> > dozens of death penalty sentencing hearings. Moran said today: "McVeigh was
> > unapologetic because, like many murderers, he viewed his killing as evening
> > the score. The death penalty is generally not a deterrent,
> **
> This is the stupidest argument for abolishing the death penalty. It is
> simply NOT TRUE. Any one of us has had a situation where we would have loved
> to
> do some asshole in, but didn't. THERE IS NO WAY OF MEASURING HOW MANY KILLINGS
> ==
> leaving no way to support such either...no way of measuring...so why set a bad
> example...
> your words indicate your anger and, as such, i am not surprised you vehemently
> support killing...only the bad guy of course...

Not anger at all. You don't get it. The death penalty is the only SURE
way to prevent a killer from killing again. Secondly the point above was
that it DOES deter killing but you can't count how much. Thirdly, the claim
that the death penalty is not a deterrent is a lie. There are general stats
that show it is a deterrent but by their nature one can not make a decisive
argument either way.

There is no moral reason for not killing a murderer. There is a compelling
moral reason however, for doing so. To prevent him from killing an innocent
person or persons again.

It is nonsense that anti death penalty proponents consider themselves on
the moral high ground. If you doubt this statement, then just look at who
makes up the majority of anti death penalty boosters. Liberals. This should
be ample evidence that morals have nothing to do with the issue, but feelings

As with all things liberal, it's about how the Liberal feels about him/her
self that the issue is really about. In this case the Liberal feels genuine
empathic pain when he thinks about the killing of the murderer/(victim). It
is release from this pain that the liberal wants to achieve. AND, the always
convenient feel good, of goodness by association with others who operate from
the same motivations overlaid with syrupy bullshit. This has nothing
to do with morals, or justice, or the safety of the rest of society.

There is no doubt that the death penalty is a phony issue for these people,
because you never hear them offer to support the killers for the rest of
their unnatural lives. Just like the anti abortionists who talk big, but are
not interested in adopting the babies that are unwanted and unaborted.

Finally, there are people who are just sociopathic monsters. Why should
support their life? If they get loose, they will kill again. Unfortunately,
the odds are that it won't be a Liberal or someone else who stood in the
way of guaranteeing that the killer would not kill innocent people again.


CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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2001-06-14 Thread Nurev Ind.

-Caveat Lector-

 Original Message 
Date: Thu, 14 Jun 2001 12:44:11 -0500 (CDT)
From: Pacifica Campaign-LA <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Organization: ?
To: undisclosed-recipients:;


>From Juan Gonzalez

Yesterday evening, two more members of the corporate
clique which has hijacked control of the Pacifica
Board resigned. They are David Acosta,chairman of the
Pacifica Board of Directors, and Karolyn Van Putten, a
board member from San Francisco.

Along with previous resignations by board member Frank
Millspaugh and board treasurer Micheal Palmer, that
brings the number of defections from the
corporate clique to four since January 31, when I
resigned from Democracy Now! and we launched our

As we expected, the combination of a massive listener
boycott and constant, non-violent direct action
protests, together with the ever-increasing  legal
and political pressures against the board, are having
an enormous effect.
There are now only seven members left of the illegally
constituted majority still opposing the five
pro-democracy dissidents on the board.

In addition, Pacifica has reportedly postponed its
July 1 board meeting where the remaining members of
the clique had hoped to elect new board members.

All of this means we are closer to a victorious
solution to the current crisis than we have ever been
-- but there are critical days ahead and we should
take nothing for granted.

During the past few days, lawyers from the anti-union
firm of Epstein, Becker & Green, who represent the
corporate clique on the board, have reached out to
plaintiffs in the three California legal suits,
according to several sources familiar with the
discussions. Epstein, Becker wants to begin settlement
talks as early as next week. While we in the Pacifica
Campaign support the goals of those legal suits, we
are not directly involved with them nor in the
negotiations with Epstein, Becker. I believe, however,
that we should welcome any good faith attempts by the
two sides to negotiate a swift solution to this
terrible crisis that has engulfed the entire network
for more than two years.

We urge Pacifica board members Ken Ford, Andrea Cisco,
John Murdock and those remaining on that so-called
"majority" to do the honorable thing. They
should accept the reality that those Pacifica
listeners who have been able to hear both sides of the
story have overwhelmingly rejected their policies.
We urge them to arrange an orderly resignation of
their group and thus pave the way for a transition
board that can begin rebuilding the network under
new democratic rules.

If these negotiations move forward as scheduled, we in
the Pacifica Campaign should be prepared to call a
temporary "ceasefire" in our direct action protests,
so as to allow a calm and reasoned atmosphere to
prevail. But Epstein, Becker must demonstrate that the
board is serious about finding a quick solution. If it
becomes apparent after a few days that this is just
another ploy to buy time, to hoodwink the judge, or a
maneuver to bring in fresh replacements for the
current clique, we can -- and we will --immediately
end the ceasefire and redouble our protests against
individual board members. And they should be clear: we
will do just that.

At the same time, we urge the plaintiffs in the three
legal suits to remember that an entire movement is
placing its trust in them. While it is understandable
that the talks must necessarily be conducted in
private, the plaintiffs should resist whenever
possible gag rules or private agreements, and they
should seek feedback from supporters around the
country before deciding key issues. They should also
stay united and rebuff any attempts by Epstein, Becker
to divide them from each other, or pick them off one
by one.
All the suits, after all, are joined in one case.

In addition, our movement should reject any moves to
seek retribution against Pacifica staff or management
who vehemently fought against us during these
difficult years. Everyone, especially our adversaries,
deserves the due process and fair treatment under a
new administration that Pacifica management so
consistently refused to its own employees and to
anyone who opposed it.

Finally, the negotiators should insist on an immediate
halt to the senseless waste of listener funds that
continues to occur on orders of executive director
Bessie Wash. At WBAI, for instance, a security company
during the past few days has been feverishly
installing a state of the art security system to
control, monitor, and track movement inside and
outside the station. The new security pass lock
system, the surveillance cameras, and motion detectors
will reportedly cost some $50,000 (visit
http://www.pacificacampaign.org to see a copy of the
bill for the work that was recently supplied to the
Pacifica Campaign). For a station that recently lost
more than $400,000 in a 

[CTRL] THE CONSTITUTION IS A DEAD LETTER - Government by Judiciary (fwd)

2001-06-14 Thread William Bacon

-Caveat Lector-

visit my web site at  http://www.voicenet.com/~wbacon
My ICQ# is 79071904
for a precise list of the powers of the Federal Government linkto:

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Thu, 14 Jun 2001 08:16:42 -0400
Subject: THE CONSTITUTION IS A DEAD LETTER - Government by Judiciary



American law schools should terminate their constitutional law courses,
as the subject no longer exists. Judicial law has replaced
constitutional law. Formerly, judges scrutinized legislation to ensure
its conformity with the Constitution. Today, judges are legislators
themselves, and there is no branch of government to hold judicial
legislation accountable to the Constitution.

Constitutional law died in 1977 when Harvard legal scholar Raoul Berger
was excommunicated from American liberalism for publishing a legal
masterpiece, "Government by Judiciary." Berger, a man of the left, has
nothing in common with today's politicized faculty that crafts its
arguments to serve a political and social agenda instead of the truth.

Although Berger might have favored the outcomes had they been achieved
constitutionally through legislation, he realized that the Supreme
Court's school desegregation and abortion rulings usurped legislative
authority. Berger objected to the Supreme Court misrepresenting the
personal policy choices of justices as constitutional interpretation.

This, Berger believed, would permit any political faction that gained
control of the Court to lead the country in directions contrary to the
will of the people, violating the intent of the Constitution.

Berger spoke truth grounded in impeccable scholarship. His message was
badly received by politicized liberals determined to use the judiciary
to remake the country according to their lights. Berger, perhaps the
finest legal scholar of his age, was savaged by a professoriate that
believes its ends justify the means.

>From the standpoint of corrupt liberal elites, Berger's other great
failing is his confidence in the American people. Berger believed that
free people achieve reforms through debate and persuasion, not through
judicial coercion. Once the ends justify the means, any impatient
faction that gains five votes on the Supreme Court can inflict Nazi- and
communist-style horrors.

An immigrant from Russia, Berger was aware that moral fervor to perfect
society drove the communist exterminations of so-called "oppressor
classes." Today, we hear our own intellectuals spit out "white hegemonic
power structure" with the same fury that Bolsheviks spoke of the
bourgeoisie and Nazis spoke of Jews.

In the class and race exterminations of the 20th century, victim groups
were first stripped of equal standing in law. With this lesson to guide
them, why have American liberals abandoned their once staunch defense of
equality in law?

The post-WWII civil-rights movement, which set out to achieve the
promise of equal opportunity, has instead used courts and regulatory
agencies to create a regime of legal inequality in order to advance more
rapidly the economic and social positions of nonwhites. Legal
preferments exist for nonwhites in university admissions, employment,
promotion, government contracts and discrimination lawsuits.

These unconstitutional preferments were supposed to be temporary
expedients to jumpstart racial integration. However, despite a few state
referendums and federal district court rulings, racial preferments have
established durability for more than three decades.

The original U.S. Constitution that Berger well understood is now dead.
Its essential feature -- equality in law -- has been replaced by
differential group rights based on skin color, gender, disability and,
sooner or later, sexual orientation. Differential group rights, of
course, defined the feudal-aristocratic regimes that liberalism

For American liberals, the socialist principle of equal outcomes has
displaced the liberal principle of equal opportunity. Advocates of equal
outcomes regard defenders of the original Constitution, such as Raoul
Berger, as defenders of inequality. Berger's arguments are dismissed,
along with the Founding Fathers and the Constitution itself, for
defending the "immoral white male hegemonic order," a social construct
designed to oppress women and blacks.

Most Americans are unaware of the revolution that has occurred in their
constitutional order. Equality in law and equality of opportunity exist
only as vestiges of the old order that is being overturned with assaults
on merit-based university admissions and, in the recent words of a
corporate CEO, on "the sea of white faces" that fill the management

How does Ford Motor Co.'s dismissal of white managers to make room for
black ones differ from the dismissa

[CTRL] Karl Rove's Conflict Of Interest

2001-06-14 Thread William Shannon

Bush aide Rove held Intel stock with merger pending Thursday, June 14, 2001


WASHINGTON -- President Bush's top strategist, who owned more than $100,000
of Intel stock, met in March with the company's chief executive and two
lobbyists as they pushed for federal approval of a corporate merger. The
administration approved the deal less than two months later.

White House officials said senior adviser Karl Rove referred the computer
chipmaker's executives to others in the administration and played no part in
the approval. Rove says he does not recall raising the issue with the
president, officials said.

"He offered no advice or counsel with regard to this decision," White House
spokesman Dan Bartlett said. Rove, however, continued to be copied in on
correspondence from Intel and its trade group until the decision was made in
early May, documents obtained by The Associated Press show.

Rove sold all of his stocks last Thursday, unloading a diverse portfolio of
holdings in defense, high-tech, energy and banking companies valued at
between $1 million and $2.5 million.

Some legal experts said Rove should have removed himself from the discussion
with Intel to avoid the appearance of a conflict of interest under federal
ethics laws.

"I think Karl Rove has a lot of explaining to do about how this appears,"
said Mike Gerhardt, a William & Mary law professor specializing in
constitutional law issues relating to misconduct in the executive branch of

"If this were the Clinton administration and it was somebody who worked for
Hillary or Bill, then Karl Rove himself would be denouncing it in the loudest
terms possible," Gerhardt said.

Intel chief lobbyist Jim Jarrett said he, another lobbyist and CEO Craig
Barrett met separately March 12 with Rove and Vice President Dick Cheney at
the White House. The meetings, requested by Intel, also covered Bush's
energy, tax cut and education plans and were "quite useful" in the effort to
win federal approval of the merger between one of Intel's U.S. suppliers and
a Dutch company, Jarrett said.

The deal required government approval because it involved foreign ownership
of a U.S. computer company whose sensitive technology is relied upon by the

"I don't know that you can say that any one meeting tips the balance, but
certainly when the CEO comes to call and makes this one of his priorities, it
demonstrates to him that we think it's important," Jarrett said.

Company executives were unaware Rove owned between $100,000 and $250,000 in
Intel stock at the time.

"We don't concern ourselves with that quite often. The world is filled with
hundreds of thousands of Intel shareholders," company spokesman Chuck Mulloy

Federal ethics laws and rules prohibit an executive official with an economic
interest in a decision from participating through recommendations, advice or

The only way Rove could avoid violating the laws was "if he were truly mute
and he offered no comment then or later" on the Intel matter, said Stephen
Gillers, a New York University law professor.

Creating a blind trust or divesting months earlier should have been a
"no-brainer," said Sheldon Cohen, who set up the first presidential blind
trust in 1963 for Lyndon Johnson.

"The whole purpose of ethics rules is to avoid the appearance of a conflict
of interest, and having even a hint of an appearance problem destroys
people's confidence in government," Cohen said.

White House spokeswoman Anne Womack said Rove originally decided in December
to sell his stocks in individual companies but then was advised in January by
Bush transition counsel Fred Fielding that he should hold off.

Fielding suggested the White House counsel's office should obtain a
government certificate of divestiture that would allow Rove to defer paying
capital gains taxes on the stock sales.

White House officials said the request for the certificate was delayed
because the counsel's office was inundated with the work of a new
administration -- such as arranging security clearances for nominees and
developing ethics standards for employees.

During that time, Rove's stock fell about 20 percent and then recovered much
of the loss before the sale.

An AP computer analysis of stock prices indicates the stocks that Rove valued
on his ethics form in December at between $1.2 million and $2.8 million had
dropped in value to between $896,000 and $2.2 million by mid-March. At the
time he sold, they were between $1 million and $2.5 million.

"During the time that White House counsel was reviewing Karl's file, Karl did
receive multiple ethics briefings explaining the importance of avoiding any
conflicts of interest," Bartlett said.

"Based on those meetings, Karl avoided any discussions that specifically or
materially affected his financial holdings."

Rove's session with Intel wasn't the only one with an industry in which he

[CTRL] Memos Highlight Oil Cost Strategy

2001-06-14 Thread Steve Wingate

-Caveat Lector-

Thursday June 14 5:38 PM ET

Memos Highlight Oil Cost Strategy

By H. JOSEF HEBERT, Associated Press Writer

WASHINGTON (AP) - Even as the Bush administration cites a lack of
refineries as a cause of energy shortages, oil industry documents show that
five years ago companies were looking for ways to cut refinery output to
raise profits.

The internal memos involving several major oil companies were released
Thursday by Sen. Ron Wyden (news - bio - voting record), D-Ore., whose
office obtained them from a whistleblower. He said the materials did not
necessarily reflect any illegal activities but said some of them ``sure look
very anticompetitive.''

In response, Red Cavaney, the president of an industry trade group, said:
``This finger pointing six years into the past serves no useful purpose.''

Wyden was turning the material over to the Governmental Affairs
Committee, which plans hearings on oil industry practices and energy

Tight gasoline supplies have been cited repeatedly by the industry and the
White House as a primary reason for soaring gasoline prices this year.

While pump prices have eased recently, the cost of gasoline jumped an
average of 31 cents a gallon nationwide during the seven weeks ending in
mid-May, according to government figures presented at a House hearing

Because it takes about four years to build a large refinery, planning for a
new plant would have had to begin by the mid-1990s, energy experts say.
There has not been a new refinery build in the United States in 25 years; in
the meantime, dozens of small ones have closed.

The documents obtained by Wyden's office suggest that in the mid-1990s
oil companies had no interest in building refineries because of low profit
margins. In fact, companies were discussing the need to curtail refinery
output in order to make more money, the documents suggest.

``If the U.S. petroleum industry doesn't reduce its refining capacity, it will
never see any substantial increase in refinery margins (profits),'' said an
internal Chevron document in November 1995, citing views presented by
participants at an American Petroleum Institute conference.

A year later, an official at Texaco, in a memo marked ``highly confidential,''
called concerns about too much refinery capacity ``the most critical factor''
facing the refinery industry. Excess capacity is producing ``very poor
refining financial results,'' the memo said.

Wyden said the documents ``raise significant questions about whether
America's oil companies tried to pull off a financial triple play - boosting
profits by reducing refinery capacity, tagging consumers with higher pump
prices and then arguing for environmental rollbacks.''

The institute produced statistics showing refinery capacity has increased
since 1996 as refineries became more efficient and some expanded. The
figures also showed capacity increasing slower than demand.

Cavaney, the institute's president, said the industry's reluctance to invest in
new refinery capacity when profit margins are low and supplies are
adequate - as was the case in the mid-1990s - was ``a normal response in
a commodity market.''

Wyden singled out a 1996 memo from Mobil Corp., which has since
merged with Exxon, that suggests that Mobil was ready for a ``full court
press'' to make sure an independent California refinery, which had closed
in 1995, would not reopen.

At the time Mobil was concerned that if the refinery, owned by the Powerine
Oil Co., resumed production it might force down the price of a special,
cleaner burning gasoline by as much as 3 cents.

``Needless to say, we would all like to see Powerine stay down,'' the memo
said. ``Full court press is warranted in this case.'' The refinery remained

Attempts to reach ExxonMobil, Texaco or Chevron were unsuccessful.

The need for more refinery capacity has been the focus of President Bush
(news - web sites)'s energy plan. Vice President Dick Cheney (news - web
sites) has blamed gasoline prices increases on tight supplies caused to a
large part, he contends, by the fact that the last new U.S. refinery was built
in 1976.

In fact, 24 refineries - many of them small independents - have shut down
since 1995, according to the Energy Department. That has accounted for
the loss of 831,000 barrels a day of refining capacity. Individual refinery
expansions at the same time have added 1 to 2 percent of capacity

At a House hearing on gasoline supplies Thursday, the National Petroleum
and Refiners Association said financial and regulatory constraints make it
difficult to build new U.S. refineries. While refinery profits have improved
recently, the group said the rate of return on investments in refining has
averaged 5 percent over the past decade.


CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds ar

[CTRL] GULAG BRITANNIA sleaze and disease please

2001-06-14 Thread Andrew Hennessey

-Caveat Lector-

GULAG BRITANNIA  sleaze and disease please   Andrew Hennessey

from METRO thurs june14 2001 p2.
PORN HIDDEN IN QUEENS JAGUAR - pornographic magazines and a swastika were
found behind a seat panel of the Queens new jaguar Car. They were uncovered
by experts making the vehicle bombproof at the car-makers coventry factory.
A worker there is said to have resigned over the incident. Jaguar said it
had apologised to the queen for any embarrassment.
metro p2 - ILLITERACY - more peole obtain degrees in the uk than in any
other developed country - but there is a big gulf between the best and worst
educated adults, a report showed yesterday. Britain was above only the USA
at the bottom of the illiteracy table. Earlier this year, Tony Blair
launched labours proposals for tackling adult illiteracy, including plans to
keep welfare from people who will not train.
THE HIDDEN EPIDEMIC OF SEX DISEASE  metro p9 by tanis taylor

one in five teenagers has an undiagnosed sexually transmitted disease it was
claimed yesterday. the figure was uncovered by doctors who sent home test
kits for various infections to a random sample of girls aged between 15 and
ten percent were found to have trichomoniasis, an infection which causes
inflammation, itching and discharge.
8% had CHLAMYDIA and 2% tested positive for gonorrhoea.
Chlamydia is dangerous because it may be relatively symptomless but can
damage fertility if left untreated.
the results published in the journal of sexually transmitted diseases will
worry health experts who have seen soaring rates of infection in the UK
Diagnoses of genital chlamydia have risen from 32,371 in 1995 to 56,855 last

TONY BLAIR got elected to office using the campaign song 'things can only
get better' and then things for tony obviously did when he almost doubled
his salary -
Having spoken to the grass roots labour movement - many non-voters and
dissatisfied are the 'Working class' who see in 'New' labour something very
Right Wing and suspicious. These being the people with the worst heart
disease rates and no heart surgeon to look after them.
Another report which came out before the 'election' stated that Old People
got brutal treatment in Hospital - a fact that the 'opposition' never seized
by the throat - for some inadequately explained reason.
One in 3 nurses want to leave the UK health service they are so run into
attrition and overworked - and tony blair was asked why funding was only
invested in keeping reception areas looking attractive was accused of trying
to play for votes.
In scotland - new NWO legislation makes the first inroads into introducing
the United Nations healthy person programme as outlined in THE CHRISTIAN
ALERT NETWORK research - this where individuals who offend are given a
lifelong supervision order - tagging order etc though this seems at the
moment to apply to only serious criminals, the legislation in the past has
made it possible that anyone with what was deemed a personality disorder [no
definition of such a disorder is publicly available] could be legally insane
and treatable - allegedly aimed at minority hard core crime - the wording of
the legislation erodes the rights of the majority.

FUEL COSTS in the UK are expected to Rise yet  again to the levels which
sparked massive protests last year,
in the meantime - oil companies did not pass on a 25% fall in price to the
Oil companies claim not to be profitable and want a return to profitability
!!!??? [thought that was a joke as I read that !!]
The UK railways RAILTRACK - was told by the rail regulator Tom Winsor that
'.. the company had pursued a policy of neglecting assets and, in many
cases, had left passengers in the lurch. 'the company should put away the
begging bowl and stop spending valuable management time hawking themselves
unwanted around whitehall and knuckle down to getting train services back to
a sustainable level of reliability and quality of service.'
Railtrack confiscated most scottish rolling stock during a recent crisis
leaving commuters in northern britain unsupplied - the legacy of serious
tragedy hangs over the rusty broken down infrastructure where crashes and
fatalities occur because of poor maintenance. yet the high salaries of the
management are legendary.

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what yo

[CTRL] Bush Surrounded by Criticism

2001-06-14 Thread Steve Wingate

-Caveat Lector-

Thursday June 14 5:48 PM ET

Bush Surrounded by Criticism

By SANDRA SOBIERAJ, Associated Press Writer

WASHINGTON (AP) - President Bush (news - web sites) holds to his view
that he's starting to win over skeptical European allies, but those allies are
criticizing him and his agenda with striking candor.

On global warming: ``The problem is we think that he has chosen the wrong
policies,'' said Swedish Prime Minister Goeran Persson.

On missile defense: ``An incredible invitation to proliferation,'' chided
French President Jacques Chirac.

On Bush administration moves to restrict steel imports: ``Bad news ... it
smells potentially, possibly, of protectionism,'' sniffed European Union
(news - web sites) trade commissioner Pascal Lamy of France.

And when it came to Bush voicing support for an expanded European
Union, another top EU official essentially told the American to mind his own

``The United States is not a member of the European Union and the United
States is not applying to join the EU, so U.S. views on EU expansion are
rather different - the views of a partner and friend rather than somebody on
the inside track,'' said external affairs commissioner Chris Patten.

On his maiden European tour and first real diplomatic test, Bush has taken
some rough handling by U.S. allies.

Foreign policy experts here explain the lapse in diplomatic niceties as part
European politics and part Bush's own doing.

Richard Burt, President Reagan's ambassador to Germany, said Bush is
encountering a long-emerging European attitude that, without the Soviets to
fear, the continent is not so dependent on America.

``Europe is beginning to form its own political personality. To some extent,
in the absence of the Soviet threat, there are some Europeans who want to
define Europe in opposition to the United States,'' Burt said.

European public opinion is very skeptical of his missile defense plans,
angry that he rejected the Kyoto treaty on global warming, and against the
death penalty he so actively enforced as Texas governor, said Philip
Gordon, former National Security Council director for European affairs
under President Clinton (news - web sites).

``So, for European leaders, it is good domestic politics to beat up on Bush
while he's over there,'' Gordon said. ``But I don't think we're on the verge of
some huge split with Europe.''

In some ways, too, Bush set himself up, said Helmut Sonnenfeldt, who
handled European and NATO (news - web sites) issues for President
Nixon's National Security Council.

In last year's presidential campaign, Bush said he would quit U.S.
participation in international peacekeeping operations in the Balkans (a
position he has since reversed); seemed to espouse a go-it-alone
unilateralism; and made clear that his first priority in foreign relations would
be the Western hemisphere.

``Bush's advance notices made the Europeans more cautious and uneasy
than they ever were with President Clinton,'' said Sonnenfeldt.

The president's conservatism, personal style, and go-it-alone unilateralism
have not helped.

>From afar, Bush looked imperial and aloof to overseas counterparts,
Sonnenfeldt said, and hardly willing ``to hang endlessly on the phone with

Clinton, another Southern governor who entered the White House with no
foreign policy experience, was better able to woo Europeans because ``he
had an ear for what they wanted to hear,'' Burt said.

By contrast, Bush has said the right things about listening and consulting,
and yet has been so firm about his own policies and priorities that
Europeans might wonder whether consultation could be meaningful.

On his five-day, five-nation European debut, Bush hoped to leave a better
impression than the one that preceded his arrival. He nicknamed British
Prime Minister Tony Blair (news - web sites) ``Landslide'' and proclaimed
his NATO counterparts ``all friends.''

``I hope the notion of a unilateral approach died in some people's minds
here today,'' Bush said.

On the downside, he mispronounced the surname of Spanish Prime
Minister Jose Maria Aznar and addressed NATO Secretary-General Lord
Robertson as ``Lord Robinson.''

Still, several NATO leaders whispered to reporters outside Wednesday's
summit that they were surprised to find Bush forceful and confident in his

``The personal chemistry has been very good, very frank,'' remarked British
Cabinet official Peter Hain, minister for Europe.

At both the NATO gathering in Belgium and Thursday's EU meetings in
Sweden, the harshest criticism unspooled outside Bush's presence but
hardly behind his back.

Persson and Patten spoke to small gaggles of reporters after Bush had left
the room at the conclusion of a formal news conference.

Off-stage criticism that Bush does not hear first-hand echoes from
overseas news reports under headlines such as that in London's
conservative The Daily Telegraph: ``Chirac blunts Bush's charm offensive.''

The British, who traditionally 

Re: [CTRL] Brainwashing and the CIA

2001-06-14 Thread Smart News

-Caveat Lector-

Dear List,

Please find info about this article below.

Sincerely,  Neil Brick

This may be heavy for survivors of mc to read.

excerpt from :

Brainwashing and the CIA - WASHINGTON 25, D. C. - Office of the Director
 25 APR 1956 Memorandum For: The Honorable J. Edgar Hoover Director, FBI  -
Subject: Brainwashing(signed) Allen W. Dulles Director - A Report on
Communist Brainwashing "...He tends to identify by expressing thanks to his
captors for helping him see the light.  Brainwashing can be achieved without
using illegal means. Anyone willing  to  use  known  principles  of  control
and reactions to  control  and   capable  of  demonstrating  the patience
needed  in  raising  a  child can probably  achieve successful
brainwashingThe  first  letter  and  attachment  are   from Declassified
Documents  1984  microfilms  under MKULTRA (84) 002258, published by
Research  Publication  Woodbridge,  CT 06525The  second  letter  and
attachment  are  from the Warren Commission  documents."

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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 http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html";>Archives of

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[CTRL] Fw: [Boortz] Nealz Nuze from boortz.com (http://www.boortz.com/nealznuz.htm)

2001-06-14 Thread Amelia

Link to Neal Boortz's daily news 
- Original Message - 
From: Nealz Nuze 

Sent: Thursday, June 14, 2001 7:45 AM
Subject: [Boortz] Nealz Nuze from boortz.com (http://www.boortz.com/nealznuz.htm)

[CTRL] House Leader wants a second investigation of FBI's Carnivore

2001-06-14 Thread Peat


  Leader wants a second investigation of FBI's Carnivore 
  By Jennifer Jones 
  INFOWORLDJune 14, 2001 8:34 am PT
  House Leader wants a second investigation of FBI's Carnivore 
  By Jennifer Jones June 14, 2001 8:34 am PT
   A POWERFUL HOUSE lawmaker on Thursday asked the FBI to 
  re-examine the extent to which its e-mail sniffing tool, Carnivore, 
  infringes on privacy.
  House Majority Leader Dick Armey in a letter asked Attorney General 
  John Ashcroft to take a look at Carnivore in light of a recent Supreme 
  Court case involving privacy and police technology.



Get Links. Feel Better.

[CTRL] EPA adds 10 sites to Superfund list

2001-06-14 Thread Amelia

-Caveat Lector-

EPA adds 10 sites to Superfund list

Six are in New England; 10 more sites could be added


WASHINGTON, June 14 - One is a creek contaminated with PCBs in
Darby Township, Pa., flowing into the John Heinz National
Wildlife Refuge where federal officials caution people against
eating the fish. Another is a 150-acre former hazardous waste
storage site in Texas City, Texas, leaking chromium and lead
into 600-mile Galveston Bay - seventh-largest estuary in the
nation and major commercial and recreation fishery.

 Only 15 percent of the nation's Superfund sites have been
cleaned and removed from the list since it was created two
decades ago.

 THEN THERE is the abandoned copper mine in Strafford,
Vt., closed in 1958, but still pumping metals and sulfides
into the Copperas Brook and West Branch of the Ompompanoosuc
   They are among 10 new sites - six in New England -
being added Thursday to the Environmental Protection Agency's
Superfund list of most hazardous toxic waste sites in the
   The EPA, spending as much as $1.5 billion a year for
Superfund cleanups, also proposes adding another 10 sites to
the list. The public has 60 days to comment on those.

   With these latest actions, announced in the Federal
Register, the EPA's Superfund program has 1,236 sites and 67
proposed for agency action. The combined 1,303 includes 166
federal facilities.

 The other new sites include four acres with recycled
oil company drums at Cooper Drum Company in South Gate,
Calif., and an intersection where groundwater is contaminated
with perchloroethylene (PCE) in Las Cruces, New Mexico.
   There are two New York sites, an inactive junkyard in
Newburgh and 60 homes with PCE-contaminated wells along
Shenandoah Road in East Fishkill.
   In Sheridan, Ore., soil laced with hazardous chemicals
from pressure-treated wood and preservatives has been found up
to a half-mile away from a lumber plant.

There also are two plants in Massachusetts, where groundwater
at a 46-acre plant in Concord once run by Nuclear Metals,
Inc., contains uranium and thorium and a former 50-acre
landfill known as the Sutton Brook Disposal Area in Tewksbury
has buried drums and contaminated groundwater.
   Only about 15 percent of the nation's Superfund sites
have been cleaned and removed from the list since it was
created two decades ago.

   The Superfund program's aim is to try to force
polluters to pay to clean up toxic sites they either created
or made worse, but critics say Superfund often relies on
litigation to recover cleanup costs. And that, say industry
representatives, often means ensnaring innocent business
   Last month, the House passed a bill to protect small
businesses from big polluters trying to make them share
Superfund costs. EPA Administrator Christie Whitman said the
Bush administration supports the bill, since multiplying
lawsuits have diverted resources from cleanup.
   "The less litigation we have, the more likely we finish
the job of cleaning up Superfund sites," Whitman said.

   The EPA puts sites on the list based on its studies of
the risks to human health and the environment from
uncontrolled hazardous substances in ground and surface water,
soil and air. States also have a say in deciding priorities.
   In December, the Superfund program turned 20 years old.
Congress passed the legislation in 1980 in the wake of the
Love Canal toxic waste crisis. The Niagara Falls, N.Y.,
neighborhood had been built on and around a former chemical
dump, and by the 1960s and '70s contaminated groundwater was
leaching into back yards and school grounds.
   Love Canal has since become a Superfund success, with
the cleanup making habitable the outer rim of the contaminated
area and more than 200 homes there have been built or
   The EPA is proposing 10 new Superfund sites in
Casmalia, Calif.; LaSalle, Ill.; Louisville, Miss.; Central
Islip, N.Y.; Hazle Township and West Hazleton, Pa.; Richland
Township, Pa.; Deer Park, Texas; San Antonio, Texas; Eureka,
Utah; and Vershire, Vt.

 MSNBC environment coverage

   © 2001 Associated Press. All rights reserved. This
material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply

[CTRL] Does the Confiscation of your Firearms Lie Ahead?

2001-06-14 Thread tnohava

Does the Confiscation of your Firearms Lie Ahead?
-- Congressman sponsors bill to drive a "stake" through Brady's registration
Gun Owners of America E-Mail/FAX Alert
8001 Forbes Place, Suite 102, Springfield, VA 22151
Phone: 703-321-8585 / FAX: 703-321-8408
(Wednesday, June 13, 2001) -- Greece. Ireland. Jamaica. Bermuda. England.
New York City. What do all of these countries or jurisdictions have in

The answer: each government used gun registration lists to later confiscate
firearms. And yes, this even happened in our own country as documented by
the New York City media several years ago. (For example, see "Weapons ban
defied: S.I. man, arsenal seized," Daily News, September 5, 1992.)

Federal Gun Registration
Well, fast forward to 2001. There is a growing concern among the gun-owning
community that names are permanently being registered in a federal database
as a result of the 1993 Brady law. In most cases, a person who buys a
firearm from a gun dealer must have his name phoned in to the FBI for a
background check. The FBI compares that name to a list of known criminals,
and then lets the dealer know if the sale can proceed.

But no one can be certain of what the FBI does with that gun owner's name.
Officially, the FBI is supposed to delete the names of lawful buyers after
180 days. FBI officials say that's what they are doing.

But they also said they gave Timothy McVeigh's defense all the files they
had... and that they never fired any pyrotechnics into the Branch Davidian
home in Waco... and that they knew Michael Salvati of Massachusetts was
guilty of murdering a man in 1965 -- when in reality the FBI suppressed
evidence that would have cleared Salvati, thus sparing him the 30 years he
later spent in jail. The FBI has since been forced to "come clean" on these
and other issues.

See the problem? How can gun owners be sure they are getting the truth?

Which, of course, takes us back to gun owner registration. Once a name is
punched into an FBI computer, can anyone be positively sure that name will
ever be deleted? Can anyone be sure that no back up will exist -- anywhere?

Brady Abuse Cut-off
One of the highest agenda items at Gun Owners of America is to roll back the
unconstitutional Brady law. Taking a major stride toward that goal, Rep.
Joel Hefley (R-CO) has introduced a bill, H.R. 1460, that will keep the FBI
from taxing and registering gun owners.

H.R. 1460 is identical to the language introduced by Sen. Bob Smith of New
Hampshire three years ago -- legislation that would have, if fully enacted,
cut the heart out of the Brady law. The Hefley language calls for the
"immediate destruction" of ANY and ALL information that might help identify
lawful gun buyers. But the best part about this bill is that it does more
than just put restrictions on the FBI -- restrictions that might otherwise
be ignored.

H.R. 1460 contains teeth. Private individuals will be specifically
authorized to sue the FBI for any violations of privacy under the Brady
Law -- such as maintaining registration information. Moreover, the bill
specifically offers to compensate gun owners for legal fees when they sue
the FBI.

ACTION: Please urge your Representative to cosponsor the Hefley bill, H.R.
1460. Ultimately, of course, true defenders of freedom realize that the
entire Brady Law, including the unconstitutional Instant Check, must be
repealed. The Hefley bill would be -- in the words of Sarah Brady -- a "good
first step."

Please use the pre-written text below to help direct your comments to
Capitol Hill.

You can call your Representatives at 1-877-762-8762 (toll free) or at
202-225-3121. To identify your Representatives, as well as to send a message
via e-mail, see the Legislative Action Center at
http://www.gunowners.org/activism.htm on the GOA website.

- Pre-written message -
Dear Representative:

I urge you to cosponsor H.R. 1460, the "Second Amendment Rights Protection
Act of 2001." This bill is extremely important, since it will stop the FBI
attempts to register and tax gun owners.

H.R. 1460 contains real "teeth." It gives aggrieved private citizens the
ability to sue the FBI, and to collect monetary damages -- including
attorney's fees -- if a court determines the FBI is registering gun owners.
Relying on the police to police themselves is never the best way to go. This
bill would help protect the privacy of American citizens.

Again, please cosponsor H.R. 1460. Gun Owners of America will keep me
informed on the progress of this bill.


 GOA Alert-- June 13, 2001.url

[CTRL] The Conqueror and Other Bombs

2001-06-14 Thread Amelia

-Caveat Lector-

The Conqueror and Other Bombs

How a wacky movie starring John Wayne as Genghis Khan sheds
light on the recent nuclear bomb tests in India and Pakistan.

by Bob Harris

9 June 1998
One of the funniest, strangest, and saddest movies of all time
is RKO's 1956 epic The Conqueror, starring John Wayne,
certified American Hero, as...Genghis Khan.

Given the Cold War politics of the 1950s, everybody couldn't
exactly fly to Mongolia to film the thing. Instead, they
decided to substitute...Utah.

Sure. Utah, Mongolia. Pretty much interchangeable.

Enamored with Utah's Snow Canyon area, director Dick Powell
shot most of the film in the same exact chunk of the Utah
desert. So, if you watch closely, there are several spots
where Wayne and co-star Pedro Armendariz ride some great
distance and wearily dismount...almost exactly where they

And, since absolutely everything has to be wrong in a picture
like this, the script aims for a weird neo-primitive
Shakespearean vibe, giving John Wayne lines like: "I feel this
Tartar wo-man is for me, and my blood says: take her!" and
"She is wo-man-MUCH wo-man!" and "Know this, wo-man! I take
you for wife!" and so on.

Man, it's fantastic. Trust me. You've got to rent this thing
sometime. It's a freakin' laugh riot.

It was also such a colossal financial disaster that RKO never
recovered. So what does this have to do with anything in the

Stay with me here. The Conqueror was also a disaster in
another, much more horrifying way. The town of St. George,
where the cast and crew spent much of their time, and Snow
Canyon, where most of The Conqueror was filmed, were about 100
miles downwind of the Nevada Test Site.

That's where the U.S. government tested various atomic
weapons. The government didn't bother to warn anybody about
the fallout. So the cast and crew of The Conqueror spent three
solid months immersed in contaminated air, food, and water.
You can guess the result.

Reviewing The Conqueror's credits, from the top:

John Wayne? Died of cancer.
Susan Hayward? Died of cancer.
Agnes Moorehead? Died of cancer.
Pedro Armendariz? Committed suicide while dying of cancer.
Dick Powell? Died of cancer.

And so on.

By 1980, when People magazine did a headcount, at least 91
members of the cast and crew had contracted cancer. People
never found out how many of the Indian extras were afflicted.
It's a brutal irony that John Wayne, the living embodiment of
American superpatriot militarism, may well have died as a
casualty of the U.S. government's willingness to endanger its
own people.

It gets much worse. The Conqueror is just a footnote to the
full story. The town of St. George, none of whose citizens
were big Hollywood stars, suffered a similar fate. Uninformed
of the danger, and exposed in their homes for years instead of
months, the residents of St. George eventually contracted
cancer in staggering numbers.

The Conqueror's crew numbered in the dozens. St. George's
population was in the thousands. You probably wouldn't
recognize any of their names. They weren't the sort of
bigshots you'd read about in People magazine. They were
ordinary folks, just like you and me. And they were

Fast forward 40 years...

St. George is now a popular tourist gateway to Bryce Canyon
and Zion National Parks. A steady stream of tourists passes
through the town, on their way to gorgeous scenery and
carefree skiing. Utah's Web page now refers to St. George as
"Utah's Hot Spot."

Nobody seems to catch the irony.

Not only is The Conqueror forgotten; the only people who seem
to remember the atomic cancer cluster are the descendants of
the victims. The full death toll of American civilians from
U.S. atomic weapons testing may never be known.

Okay, India and Pakistan have now tested some big big bangs,
and everyone's worried about how their future nuclear stuff
might visit all sorts of horror on their enemies.

Which is scary, yeah. But how about we pay a little attention
to what they've already done to some of their own people?

India tested their nuclear weapons literally walking distance
from several small villages where some of their own
unsuspecting citizens live and work. And already hundreds of
Indians are showing some of the classic symptoms of radiation

The Indian governnment says it's all perfectly safe, of
course. Officials say the sick folks are just looking for a
handout. Which doesn't explain why livestock is keeling over
as well.

Even if Pakistan and India avoid a hot war, innocent
casualties of their conflict have already begun to mount. You
wouldn't recognize the names of the villages, nor would you
know the names of the people who live there. But they're
ordinary folks.


If you or I knowingly, recklessly, and needlessly kill a
single innocent person, we then stand guilty of manslaughter
and deserving of contempt. Does it not follow, then, that if a
government knowingly, recklessly, and needlessly kills an
innocent person-or i

Re: [CTRL] Body Piercing Teen Killed by Magnet...

2001-06-14 Thread YnrChyldzWyld

  From: flw
  >>is there some conspiracy involved here - other than to induce 
  people to>>fear getting pierced?>>No. However one 
  should be aware of the implications when>hanging a 50 lb. anvil 
  from one's privates.
  Only if one were then to casually stroll across a junkyard where a 
  super electromagnet was being used...   ;-)
  Check out the nonstop beachparty at Alternative Kite Summer radio 


_IncrediMail - Email has finally 
evolved - Click 

Re: [CTRL] Algeria Exploding - Many Hundreds of Thousand Take to the Streets

2001-06-14 Thread Amelia

-Caveat Lector-

Under the Clinton/Gore 'prosperity' thirty-two textile
factories closed in my area, putting people out of work and
causing a $5Billion with a "B" nuclear power plant to have to
be mothballed from the loss of these customers yet till this
day, we pay for it in our electric bill.

Local workers  worked very hard to get the contract for the
Olympic uniforms for Champion and then they were made in
Mexico and the workers here rewarded by being out of a job!
Massive unemployment with no alternative for these people
except abject poverty for while some skill was required, there
are no other factories which use those skills left.
Steelworkers at Birmingham sued over the fact that NAFTA was
never ratified but who cares for the Constitution is no longer
used in this country.

Lots of poverty and misery for the little people for they have
NO voice.  Some are much more equal than others.
The stock market has been manipulated to conceal the real
state of the economy for all one has to do is buy those stocks
in the DowJones average to make it go up and down and people
will then buy and enforce the manipulation and it becomes
true.  Now it too falls.  Why, with such a thriving economy?
Could all not be as reported for the lay-offs march on.


- Original Message -
From: "Aleisha Saba" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, June 14, 2001 12:45 PM
Subject: Re: [CTRL] Algeria Exploding - Many Hundreds of
Thousand Take to the Streets

This is what Jesse Jackson had planned for USA if Bush
to take to the streets?

Like South Africa?   Mugabee and his butchers - murdering
white farmers
and nothing was done here so now suddenly these animals want
food for
nobody left to grow food for them.the land is theirs, and
butchered their own - and all this stuff is orchestrated and
by whom?

In the last week in Ohio 4,000 more jobs lost to Mexico - do
not buy
products for you see in order for these bastards to accomplish
goals, we have to buy these productsBuy American and one
would think
these cororupt Union Leaders would be out full force - it took
the women
to Take on Marc Rich - a corrupt bastard whom I would like to
see Arabs
find for one day - for the women of the Steel Workers took him
on when
he tried to destroy their Union.

Buy American is the only way.unless you like to buy shoes
clothing that must be fumigated for disease before it enters
country.  (Leprosy, AIDS, wonder how that stuff spreads so
much for they
cannot blame this all on homosexual lovers, can they?)


CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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 http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html";>Archives of

 http:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/";>ctrl

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[CTRL] Forced Abortion

2001-06-14 Thread Yardbird

-Caveat Lector-

conservativeinfo - Subscribe to the Conservative Information email list at 

Woman Can Sue Abortion Facility Anonymously Re Forced Abortion
Source:   Associated Press, Florida Today; June 13, 2001

Melbourne, FL -- - A federal appeals court panel has overturned a lower
court decision and ruled that a woman can proceed anonymously in her
lawsuit against an abortion facility.

The three-member panel of the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals in Atlanta
ruled that the woman can continue the lawsuit against the Aware Woman
Center abortion facility under the name Jane Roe II.

"A number of decisions have pointed to abortion as the paradigmatic
example of the type of highly sensitive and personal matter that warrants
a grant of anonymity," the panel said in the Friday ruling.

In the lawsuit, the woman accused workers at the Melbourne abortion
facility of preventing her from leaving. That's in violation of the
federal Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances law, which provides civil
remedies for people whose access to reproductive services is denied, the
lawsuit alleges.

The woman points out that when she went to the abortion facility in March
1997 for an abortion she experienced pain in her stomach. She demanded
that abortion practition William Egherman stop the abortion and call an
ambulance for her.

In the lawsuit, she demonstrates that four assistants held her down while
the abortion went on without her consent.

The woman was eventually taken by ambulance to an emergency room. She
suffered a perforated uterus and a colon laceration, and after the rmains
of her unborn child was removed from her uterus, she underwent surgery to
repair internal organs damaged by the abortion.

The district judge in Orlando ruled that the woman couldn't continue in
the case anonymously and granted a motion to dismiss the case because the
woman had failed to show that abortion facility workers prevented her from
getting reproductive health services. The judge, however, allowed her to
file an amended complaint, which she never did.

The appellate panel's ruling allows the woman to file an amended complaint

"I was pleased to see it," said Chris Sapp, one of two attorneys for the
woman. "We waited a long time, but it was worth the wait."

Sapp, of Fort Myers, Florida, said Tuesday an earlier decision by a
federal judge in Orlando requiring his client's name was, he believes, the
first time a woman had been barred from proceeding anonymously in an
abortion case in this country. "It's very gratifying to find that the 11th
Circuit is willing to protect the rights of women vis--vis abortion," he

Sapp said the opposing side may seek a rehearing by the 11th Circuit and
later appeal that ruling to the U.S. Supreme Court. If the anonymity
ruling does not stand, he said, his client will drop her case against
Aware Woman Center for Choice Inc. rather than reveal her identity.

Attorneys for the abortion facility had argued that past abortion cases in
which the plaintiff was allowed to remain anonymous, such as Roe v. Wade,
challenged government activity or laws. The case against Aware Woman
Clinic didn't meet that standard.

The abortion facility in question has since closed.

Pregnancy Centers Online

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:
 http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html";>Archives of

 http:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/";>ctrl

To subscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:

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2001-06-14 Thread Amelia

-Caveat Lector-

I have noticed that of late the media and various pundits and
politicos express some concern over what lowly, WE, 'spirator
theorists, will say concerning an event such as this and the
execution of MeVeigh.  I have never noticed them doing this
before.  Why do they care what we say?  Maybe the Internet has
made us relevant, I don't know.

The Waco disaster was launched out of this building. one of
the reasons it was targeted.  The records for Gulf War
Syndrome were archived in this building, including just who
made those strange vaccines and what may have potentially been
in them.  Afterwards, Clinton was able to get the $4 Billion
total Anti-Terrorists Act passed in TWO days.  It also served
to put the brakes on any militia activity, real or alleged,
even though McVeigh was a product of the U.S. Military with
far less militia connection than regular military.  No militia
was ever directly tied to the explosion so this was pretty
much a fabrication.  So cui bono, indeed!

Here is yet another theory on what caused the actual explosion
which resulted in columns at the rear being more damaged than
those nearer the truck and other inconsistencies with the
'fertilizer bomb' explanation.  Looks to me like the
explanation of a single truck bomb is a form of fertilizer in
and of itself.

BRIGHT SKIES - PART 5 [Nexus Magazine Dec97-Jan98 edition]
Copyright =A9 1997/98 By Harry Mason B.Sc., M.Sc., M.A.I.M.M.,
F.G.S. (Geologist-Geophysicist)


On 19th. April 1995, at a few minutes after 9.00 am, Oklahoma
City was
blasted by the "terrorist bombing" of the Alfred P. Murrah
Building. One hundred and sixty eight men, women and children
were killed,

and hundreds more were maimed or injured in this callous
attack. The
building was nearly totally destroyed by the explosion, whilst
damage was inflicted on adjacent buildings, petering out at
about a
one-mile radius from ground zero.

This event was soon blamed upon a "right-wing militia group"
composed of
ex-Gulf War veterans utilising an ANFO bomb composed of from
two to five
tonnes of ammonium nitrate and Diesel fuel-oil set up in a
hire truck
parked in front of the target building. A robotic Timothy
McVeigh was
recently convicted of the OKC "bombing", and his alleged
accomplice Terry
Nichols awaits his trial (which is about to commence as this
article goes
to press).

On the day of the event, I, like many others, watched the CNN
TV feed of
the Oklahoma scene. Intriguingly, there were early reports of
being seen coming down vertically into the building, but these
never resurfaced. A survivor with blood over his face was
interviewed about

one hour into the rescue effort. He described how his life had
been saved
by his previous domicile in California.

When the Murrah Building began to shake violently he
recognised an
earthquake, just like those he had experienced in California,
so he dived
under his fifth-floor desk. Some five-to-ten seconds of
shaking later, a
huge explosion demolished the building around him, but the
desk saved his

Then came reports that more bombs had been found, and a
utility truck with
a small armoured bomb box in its tray was shown, whilst the
radio net delivered a conversation alleging large drums of
fulminate explosive had been found attached to building
support pillars
next to the lift shaft.

I became agitated, since I had never heard of earthquake-type
hitting a building before a bomb went off, and I knew mercury
fulminate to
be an extremely unstable explosive and very unlikely to have
survived a
major explosion. Also, the size of explosive drum reported
then and later
photographed would have been far too large to fit in the
armoured bomb box
that reportedly drove away with these dangerous prizes.

Explosives experts in Australia, the UK and USA (e.g., the
General Partin
report) began to question the nature of the damage at OKC.

The gist of their theses is that low-velocity explosives like
ANFO cannot
have demolished so many support pillars in the strange pattern
seen at OKC

since the blast pressure falls off according to the inverse
cube distance
law - yet some near-bomb pillars were still standing, whilst
some further
away from the bomb were demolished by the blast. Their reports
invoke a need for very-high-velocity explosives and individual
attached to certain pillars inside the building - requiring
hours of work
to fit out.

Personal friends with experience in mining explosives and
Belfast IRA ANFO
terrorist-bomb damage have confirmed these points to me and
have noted that
the crater that allegedly developed at OKC does not fit with
the truck bomb
explanation or the truck's alleged parking lot position.

Another possible weapon candidate soon surfaced: the
"A-Neutronic" bomb. In
this scenario, a mad criminal scientist (the infamous Michael
currently serving time in a US prison), de

[CTRL] Gary Condit's Brother

2001-06-14 Thread Aleisha Saba

Might want to pull up this story for other items may be of interest -
for instance, car theft and detective's gun used in robbery, etc.

Now this is Gary Condit's brother?   What are they running their in
Modesto California other than, well people asked to turn in guns and who
takes them the police without paying for them and Gary Condit's brother
was one of them.

This outfit looks about as corrupt as they come. Yet California works to
disarm the public for you know police these days do not realize they are
not civilians in some instances - they believe they are Officers in the
Military from Lt. to Captain to a full Chicken Colonel?

Police are Civil Service are they not; and why are people afraid to
speak out about this guy's brother, the congressman - with a missing
intern causing him some embarrassing problems - the guy is known as
"blow dry" and hangs around discos?


You may pull up information on other items from subject matter
below.think those guns that were turned in to police were destroyed?

Think again.

     MPD Guns
Some police didn't pay for guns
By Michael G. Mooney
Bee staff writer

(Published: Wednesday, March 31, 1999)
Modesto police say a "handful" of officers were allowed to take guns
from the department's arsenal without paying for them or completing
state-required paperwork.

The officers were allowed to take guns, Lt. Dave Young said Tuesday, by
promising to pay for them later. But the department never received any
of those payments.

Young said he also was unable to locate copies of the state- required
forms recording the sale of those guns and transfer of ownership. He was
working Tuesday to determine how many guns were taken without being paid

Young is heading an expanded investigation into the department's
mishandling of its 1996-97 gun sale. The sale allowed officers to buy
old department guns, in part to recoup costs associated with the
department's switch to new 9mm Sig-Sauer semiautomatics.

The expanded investigation was ordered after it was discovered that some
of the guns sold had been used by criminals and should have been

Some guns also were resold to the public, and at least one has since
ended up in the hands of a criminal.

Young said he will forward his findings to City Manager Ed Tewes, who is
expected to present the information to the City Council next week. Tewes
already has characterized the sale as an embarrassment.

The Stanislaus County district attorney's office is pursuing its own
investigation into the gun sale.

Young also revealed Tuesday that one of the guns sold to a Modesto
officer and subsequently reported stolen has been recovered by the
Sacramento Police Department.

The 9mm Beretta was reported stolen about a year ago by a man who
received the gun as a gift from Modesto police officer Aaron Gallagher,
according to a city memo. Young said he had not seen the report on the
recovery of the gun and, as a result, was not sure if it was used in the
commission of a crime.

Young also is not sure what happened to the paperwork involving gun
purchases made by Sgt. Burl Condit, the brother of Gary Condit, a
congressman from Ceres.

"We're still working on that," Young said.
Department records indicate Burl Condit purchased only one gun. State
records, however, show he bought as many as nine handguns in the sale.
He since has returned five of the guns, city records show, and offered
to pay for the other four because they no longer are in his possession.

Condit previously said he remembered buying only one gun.

In addition, police records reviewed by The Bee show that there were
more than 100 handguns in the department's arsenal prior to the sale
that apparently were not sold or destroyed, yet no longer are listed in
the department's inventory.

Young, however, said those guns are not necessarily missing. He said the
department's inventory and destruction records are not reliable. No one
in the department, Young said, had compared guns listed for destruction
with those actually destroyed.

Additionally, Young said, no one in the department checked the serial
numbers of the guns offered for sale to determine if they should have
been destroyed, or if they should have been returned to their lawful
owners if the weapons were lost or stolen.   

SABA NOTE:  Think Condit's brother the congressman told the little
intern he would let her get into the CIA or FBI?   Such a little man
with such influence?  Buying plane tickets for the little girl with he
Rose Tattoo?

The whole family looks like sleaze of the worst possible kind...

Recent Stories

City reaching closure on gun sale

Gun sale time line

Leonardo leaves Modesto police force

Gun at core of MPD probe

Lawyer hints charges hid MPD scandal

Detective's gun linked to burglary

Gun sale case comes to end: Clerk off hook
More Stories...


Gun Sales Database

Letter Exonerating Officer
Deputy Chief's Statement
Grand Jury Report
Tewes Report - January

[CTRL] Fwd: Grand jury used in intern’s case

2001-06-14 Thread Aleisha Saba

Nice item here - noticed Gary Condit's brother was a policeman and a
story re this department where he worked, follows.

Nice people - seem to have a lot of "weight" in their districts and in

And this is the bunch that wants to disarm America?


Grand jury used in intern's case
Chandra Levy is shown in a home video provided by her parents Robert and
Susan Levy.
Susan Levy, mother of missing intern Chandra Levy, said if she had the
chance, she would ask Rep. Gary Condit, "Where is my daughter?" in a
MSNBC interview with her and husband Robert.
MSNBC STAFF AND WIRE REPORTS    June 14 —   In the first
indication that a criminal probe may be under way, police in Washington,
D.C., have used a grand jury to obtain warrants and subpoenas for
evidence in the case of missing intern Chandra Levy, a police detective
said Thursday. In another revelation during a lengthy live interview on
MSNBC, Levy's mother bolstered a claim by a Levy relative that Chandra
Levy had confessed a romantic relationship with Rep. Gary Condit,
      'A lot of people are afraid of coming out to say anything
because they're afraid of things happening to them.'
father of Chandra Levy         THE RELATIVE told The Washington
Post last week that she spent Thanksgiving and Passover with Chandra
Levy, at which time the intern for the federal Bureau of Prisons
mentioned an affair with Condit.
       During an interview Thursday with MSNBC Cable, Susan Levy
confirmed that the relative had told the truth in the Post interview.
       She also said she would like to ask Condit where her
daughter is, and hinted that the California lawmaker hasn't been fully
forthcoming about Chandra Levy's disappearance in late April.
       "I think he could come out and share what he does know.
We would appreciate his help," she told MSNBC.
       Asked if Condit might be somehow involved in the
disappearance, she answered: "It's a possibility. Nothing's ruled out."
       However, she would not elaborate on why they suspected
the congressman had not been forthcoming.
       Though Susan Levy and her husband, Richard, said they
have been in frequent contact with police, they also hinted that they
may not be privy to all the evidence gathered by Washington police.

       Cmdr. Jack Barrett of Washington's Metropolitan Police
Department told MSNBC Cable that the department had used a grand jury to
obtain bank records, telephone records and data from Chandra Levy's
e-mail account in the course of their probe. But he would not
acknowledge whether police had searched Condit's apartment or spoken
with him about the matter.
       "We don't comment on an ongoing investigation," Barrett
       Neither Robert nor Susan Levy had been before a grand
jury, they said during the interview, in which they frequently appeared
reluctant to address specific questions and declined to answer others.
Barrett would not comment on whether Condit had testified before a grand
       District police often use a federal grand jury to obtain
evidence for an ongoing investigation; subpoenas are required to get
confidential records. The use of a grand jury does not mean the Levy
case has become a criminal investigation, but it does indicate increased
focus by police on the case beyond a routine missing persons
       Still, Barrett insisted the police had no reason yet to
change the focus of their probe.
       "Until a time that there is specific information
regarding any wrongdoing or possible abduction or ill harm brought to
your daughter, we are bound to keep this as a missing person case,"
Barrett told Susan Levy. "Everyone is being treated equally and fairly."
       The records obtained by subpoena "have been very
helpful," Barrett said, in creating a timeline of events for "each and
every hour of those last eight or nine days" before Levy was last seen
April 30. Chandra Levy in her 1995 high school yearbook photo.
        Levy was a graduate student at the University of
Southern California and had just completed an internship with the
Federal Bureau of Prisons when she vanished.
       The Levys also suggested that pressure is being placed on
potential witnesses to keep quiet, though they would not elaborate on
which witnesses or what sort of pressure.
       "A lot of people are afraid of coming out to say anything
because they're afraid of things happening to them," Robert Levy said.
"I think a lot of people know something and they're not saying
       Barrett tried to reassure them: "I have never ever
received any pressure, nor do I know anyone who has received any
pressure, to stop an investigation because there was political pressure
brought to bear."
       As for Condit, his lawyer Monday insisted the Post's
story was false. In the same article June 7, the paper reported that
anonymous "law

[CTRL] Shanghai Surprise?

2001-06-14 Thread Yardbird

-Caveat Lector-

The report below comes from Itar-Tass (Russian News Agency). Please also
visit the following BBC link for another report:

Some comments are at the end of this story.

Shanghai Surprise?

Source:  Itar-Tass (Russian News Agency)

Shanghai Five national coordinators discussed the preparation for the
upcoming summit at their meeting in Beijing on Monday.

The two-day meeting was attended by a representative of Uzbekistan which
intends to join the regional organisation.

The meeting participants also discussed the details of preparing a session
of heads of state of Russia, Kazakhstan, China, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and
Uzbekistan to be held in Shanghai on June 14-15. At their upcoming meeting,
the summiteers will announce about creating the Shanghai Cooperation

The Shanghai Five summit is expected to become an event of major
international importance.

According to analysts, participants in the summit are expected to announce
the transformation of the Shanghai Five into a Shanghai organisation of
cooperation, a full-fledged regional forum of partnership.
Uzbekistan is expected to become a co-founder of the new regional
organisation. "Uzbekistan is one of the key countries of the region, and its
participation in the forum will have major importance," Russian Ambassador
to China Igor Rogachev said on Sunday.

The process of Tashkent's integration into the Shanghai Five was initiated
by Uzbek President Islam Karimov's participation in the Shanghai Five summit
in Dushanbe last year. Russian experts believe that Uzbekistan's
participation in the forum will give it integrity.

The new organisation seeks stabilisation of the situation in Central Asia,
the development of member-countries' cooperation in fight against
international terrorism and extremism.

A convention on fight against terrorism, separatism and extremism, which is
expected to be signed during the forthcoming summit, acquires particular
importance within such context.

Participants in the forum have repeatedly stressed that the Shanghai Five is
not aimed against third countries, and on the contrary contributes to the
strengthening of regional security.

The forum is open to all interested countries. Mongolia has shown interest
in the Shanghai forum. The USA is considering participation in the forum as
an observer.

Experts believe that the Russian, Chinese, Kyrgyz, Tajik, Kazakh and Uzbek
leaders will focus on economic cooperation within the context of discussions
on preparation for the first prime ministerial meeting of the six states,
scheduled in Kazakhstan for September.

Work on developing cooperation in humanitarian field is underway. The six
counties are also expected to soon agree about regular meetings of their
education ministers.


CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Bunnies if not Bugs in the sky ? .. food for thought.....

2001-06-14 Thread Tony Dickinson

-Caveat Lector-

The research described in the article below (False memories are
easily created) seems to imply that an entirely new false memory can be
created rather easily. However, the researchers might not have created
new memories, but only confused people about the nature of memories they
already had. Note, for example, that although Disney parks do not feature
Bugs Bunny, Six Flags parks, which are similar to Disney parks, do feature
Bugs Bunny:


People who have been to both parks might be confused by the "fake print
ad" showing Bugs Bunny at Disneyland and then claimed to have seen Bugs
Bunny at Disneyland when they really saw Bugs Bunny at Six Flags.  I would
be interested to know if there was a correlation between developing the
false memory and having been to a Six Flags amusement park.

Might some 'alien abductees' be similarly confused between their virtual
and actual visual experiences. Although the results (and implications) of
the study below are well worth digesting, I feel that whether the
reactivation of the human brain's neuronal tract(s) following a particular
object/event representation is actually a memory (in the sense of being an
experience of an event having occurred in the past) or simply a repetition
of the initial experience to be remembered (vis-a-vis neural
networks) still remains open for future empirical experiment and analysis
to determine.



> False Memories Easily Created ?
> [Contact: Jacquie Pickrell, Elizabeth Loftus, Joel Schwarz]
> 13-Jun-2001
> http://unisci.com/stories/20012/0613011.htm
> About one-third of the people who were exposed to a fake print ad
> describing a visit to Disneyland and how they met and shook hands with
> Bugs Bunny said later they remembered or knew the event happened to
> them.
> The scenario described in the ad never occurred because Bugs Bunny is
> a Warner Bros. cartoon character and wouldn't be featured in any Walt
> Disney Co. property, according to University of Washington memory
> researchers Jacquie Pickrell and Elizabeth Loftus.
> Pickrell will make two presentations on the topic at the annual
> meeting of the American Psychological Society (APS) on Sunday (June
> 17) in Toronto and at a satellite session of the Society for Applied
> Research in Memory and Cognition in Kingston, Ontario, on Wednesday.
> "The frightening thing about this study is that it suggests how easily
> a false memory can be created," said Pickrell, UW psychology doctoral
> student.
> "It's not only people who go to a therapist who might implant a false
> memory or those who witness an accident and whose memory can be
> distorted who can have a false memory. Memory is very vulnerable and
> malleable. People are not always aware of the choices they make. This
> study shows the power of subtle association changes on memory."
> The research is a follow-up to an unpublished study by Loftus, a UW
> psychology professor who is being honored by the APS this week with
> its William James Fellow Award for psychological research; Kathryn
> Braun, a visiting scholar at the Harvard Business School; and Rhiannon
> Ellis, a former UW undergraduate who is now a doctoral student at the
> University of Pittsburgh.
> In the original study, 16 percent of the people exposed to a
> Disneyland ad featuring Bugs Bunny later thought they had really seen
> and met the cartoon rabbit.
> In the new research, Pickrell and Loftus divided 120 subjects into
> four groups. The subjects were told they were going to evaluate
> advertising copy, fill out several questionnaires and answer questions
> about a trip to Disneyland.
> * The first group read a generic Disneyland ad that mentioned no
> cartoon characters.
> * The second group read the same copy and was exposed to a 4-foot-tall
> cardboard figure of Bugs Bunny that was casually placed in the
> interview room. No mention was made of Bugs Bunny.
> * The third, or Bugs group, read the fake Disneyland ad featuring Bugs
> Bunny.
> * The fourth, or double exposure group, read the fake ad and also saw
> the cardboard rabbit.
> This time, 30 percent of the people in the Bugs group later said they
> remembered or knew they had met Bugs Bunny when they visited
> Disneyland and 40 percent of the people in the double exposure group
> reported the same thing.
> "'Remember' means the people actually recall meeting and shaking hands
> with Bugs," explained Pickrell. "'Knowing' is they have no real
> memory, but are sure that it happened, just as they have no memory of
> having their umbilical cord being cut when they were born but know it
> happened.
> "Creating a false memory is a process. Someone saying, 'I know it
> could have happened,' is taking the first step of actually creating a
> memory. If you clearly believe you walked up t

[CTRL] (Fwd) FEAR: US IA: Seize First, Convict Later

2001-06-14 Thread kl

-Caveat Lector-

--- Forwarded message follows ---
Date sent:  Thu, 14 Jun 2001 14:15:40 -0400
From:   A H Clements <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject:FEAR: US IA: Seize First, Convict Later
Send reply to:  A H Clements <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Organization:   Forfeiture Endangers American Rights  http://www.fear.org/

FEAR also offers an unmoderated discussion list and digests for all lists
List update: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]?subject=FEAR-list-
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[Forwarded from the MAP DrugNews Service www.mapinc.org ]

Pubdate: Sun, 10 Jun 2001
Source: Quad-City Times (IA)
Section: Front Page above the fold, Pg A1
Website: http://www.qctimes.com/
Copyright: 2001 Quad-City Times
Fax: (319) 383-2370
Author: Marc Chase
Note: Quad-City Times reporter Tom Saul contributed to this article
Bookmark: http://www.mapinc.org/af.htm (Asset Forfeiture)


Months or years before some suspected Scott County drug dealers get their
day in criminal court, their seized property and cash already belong to law
enforcement agencies.

One in four Scott County residents who had property and money seized by
local police never faced any criminal charges, a Quad-City Times
investigation of court records shows.

That one in four includes those who are outright innocent, those for whom
police cannot prove criminal charges and those who don't have enough money
to fight the system.

During a four-year period, Scott County police agencies seized and kept
$135,099.60 in cash and thousands of dollars worth of property in 103 cases
that never found their way into criminal court.

Scott County prosecutors defend the numbers, arguing that the system allows
them to take away the profit motive of drug dealing and other criminal
enterprises even in cases that would be difficult or impossible to

Quad-City police say civil forfeiture laws allow them to take profits away
from small-time dealers while offering those dealers leniency in criminal
court in exchange for cooperation in bigger drug cases.

But critics of such laws say the system punishes people by taking their
money and property whether or not they have been charged with a crime.
Oregon voters decided last year that prosecutors must win criminal
convictions before property and cash can be forfeited to police.

Advocates of reform also argue that allowing law enforcement agencies to
keep seized money and property encourages arrests based on money, not
public safety.

The Cases

A five-month Times investigation of 412 forfeiture cases handled in Scott
County between Jan. 1, 1996, and November 2000, showed that about 25
percent, or 103 cases, involved no criminal charges.

Money seized and kept in those cases made up nearly 18 percent of the
$763,221.74 that was seized in Scott County and then distributed to area
police departments, the Iowa Department of Justice and the Scott County
Attorney's office during that time period.

Police also returned $91,444.21 in 62 cases for which forfeiture claims
could not be proven.

In some cases, like that of former Davenport man Ronald Kuhl, those who did
face criminal action were not charged until months or years after their
cash and property were surrendered to police.

Under Iowa law, police can seize money and property suspected of being used
in, or resulting from, criminal acts. Those assets, often used as evidence,
then can be kept for crime-fighting purposes if law enforcement agencies
win forfeiture judgments in civil court. A criminal conviction is not
required before money and property can be forfeited.

On May 27, 1998, Quad-City Metropolitan Enforcement Group, or MEG, agents
seized 28 grams of methamphetamine, plastic packaging, two safes and
$11,498 from Kuhl's Davenport apartment while serving a search warrant.

In August of that year, Scott County District Judge David Sivright ordered
the money forfeited. But Kuhl was not criminally charged until Feb. 14,
2001 — 21/2 years after the cash and property were turned over to police —
when a federal grand jury in Davenport indicted him on meth delivery

Critics of civil forfeiture laws say cases like Kuhl's — and of others who
never face criminal charges — show a flaw in the system.

"You can be acquitted, never charged or never have your day in court, and
that doesn't change things under the forfeiture statute," said Randall
Wilson, legal director of the Iowa Civil Liberties Union. "Property is
considered forfeited until you go into a court with an attorney and prove

Invisible Wall

Scott County Attorney Bill Davis said he would like to see criminal
convictions every time property or money is seized.

"But they are separate issues," he said. "To seek and win a criminal
conviction, we have to be able to prove our case beyond a reasonable doubt.


[CTRL] (Fwd) ALERT: #212 DEA Won't Save Us From OxyContin

2001-06-14 Thread kl

-Caveat Lector-

--- Forwarded message follows ---
From:   [EMAIL PROTECTED] (DrugSense)
Subject:ALERT: #212 DEA Won't Save Us From OxyContin
Date sent:  Thu, 14 Jun 2001 10:38:15 -0700
Send reply to:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Organization:   DrugSense http://www.drugsense.org/unsub.htm

DEA Won't Save Us From OxyContin


DrugSense FOCUS Alert #212 Thursday Jun 14, 2001

Anti-drug hype usually focuses on illegal drugs, but for the past
several months, the legal painkiller OxyContin has been the subject of
drug scare stories. Like most drug hysteria, this crisis has been fueled
the media and the drug warriors.

See http://www.mapinc.org/drugnews/v01/n794/a04.html for an excellent
analysis from the Cleveland Free Times.

USA Today this week took a sensible editorial position on a possible
crackdown on OxyContin by the US Drug Enforcement Agency (see

Editorialists at the paper note that enhanced enforcement proposals by
DEA will cause unnecessary suffering for those who really need the
drug. A
DEA official was allowed to respond (also below) with typical DEA
tactics -
obfuscation and misinformation.

Please write a letter to USA Today to cheer the paper's stand for
people in chronic pain, and/or to highlight the DEA's deadly mix of
incompetence and hypocrisy.

If you don't do it, who will? Thank you!


Please post a copy your letter or report your action to the sent letter
list ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) if you are subscribed, or by E-mailing a copy
directly to [EMAIL PROTECTED] Your letter will then be forwarded to the
list so others can learn from your efforts and be motivated to follow suit.

This is VERY IMPORTANT as it is the only way we have of gauging our
impact and effectiveness.

Contact Info

Source: USA Today (US)


US: OPED: DEA Overreaches In Effort To Stop Abuse Of Painkiller
URL: http://www.mapinc.org/drugnews/v01.n1054.a01.html
Newshawk: Jane Marcus
Pubdate: Wed, 13 Jun 2001
Source: USA Today (US)
Copyright: 2001 USA TODAY, a division of Gannett Co. Inc
Website: http://www.usatoday.com/news/nfront.htm
Details: http://www.mapinc.org/media/466
Bookmark: http://www.mapinc.org/find?186 (Oxycontin)


The headlines are enough to scare any user of prescription
painkillers:  ''OxyContin addicts, crime wave linked.'' The numbers
scarier still: 120 dead from abusing the powerful drug along with
thousands treated for overdoses, mostly in a string of Eastern states
from Kentucky to Maine.

Now the Drug Enforcement Agency ( DEA ) is stepping in to curb what law
enforcement describes as ''epidemic abuse'' of ''poor man's heroin,'' with
its first-ever plan to attack abuse of a specific brand of prescription.

But the public isn't likely to applaud the DEA's heavy-handed solution, if
it goes into effect. It would set up needless bureaucratic hurdles that
could limit access to other painkillers. Worse, it threatens to undermine
the decade-long fight to reform pain treatment.

OxyContin was approved by the Food and Drug Administration in December 1995
to treat moderate to serious pain in a host of medical conditions. While
the active ingredient, oxycodone, has been around for a half-century,
OxyContin's innovation, and the reason it was prescribed by doctors 6
million times last year, is its timed release of ingredients that allows
the drug to work for 12 hours, twice the normal range.

Like other painkillers, OxyContin also is popular with drug abusers who
crush the pills and snort or inject the powder. That's why the DEA wisely
requires pharmacies to maintain detailed records on OxyContin prescriptions
and other drugs with the most potential for abuse. Similarly, it forbids
the refill of such prescriptions and imposes limits on supplies provided to

Even so, the DEA claims that OxyContin abuse has become such a powerful
threat that it requires new interdiction efforts.

For instance, the DEA has asked Purdue Pharma, the drug's manufacturer, to
restrict those writing OxyContin prescriptions to pain specialists and
other doctors who regularly deal with chronic pain. But there are fewer
than 4,000 certified pain specialists in the USA. If the restrictions move
forward, millions won't have access to the specialists who can prescribe a
medicine they need.

The DEA also has told Congress that it is considering limits on
supplies of the painkiller, even though it's used by more Americans
than Viagra. Unless the Bush administration steps in and stops t

Re: [CTRL] Apples in Eden

2001-06-14 Thread c.


  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Thursday, June 14, 2001 6:45 
  Subject: Re: [CTRL] Apples in Eden
  -Caveat Lector- 
  Original Message Follows From: YnrChyldzWyld 
  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Reply-To: Conspiracy Theory Research List 
  [CTRL] Apples in Eden Date: Wed, 13 Jun 2001 08:58:21 -0400 
  -Caveat Lector- On Tue, 12 Jun 2001, Adam Kowalczyk wrote: 
  >capricorn markes what has been traditionally the feminine time of 
  >the year - the winter's stillness being the fertility required for the 
  >life giving initiative borne by summer - the light... 
  according to 99 percent of systems that are based on observations of 
  the world around one's self...namely those that are based on the cyclic nature 
  of things...as the universe is based...
  according to metaphysics...many monotheistic mystics...the rise and fall of 
  the heartbeat...the expansion and contraction of the universe as described in 
  macrophysics which has analogies in microphysics [as above so below is 
  supported by chaos theory in the form of 'symmetry across scale']...according 
  to all systems that base their 'revelations' on observation, hypothesizing, 
  and testing...
  >duh? i think you mean "doh!" dontcha? 
  > cause if the 
  belief system is, as you say, based on the patterns of nature then don't you 
  think that supports >June's reasoning and not yours?
  >i may be wrong but isn't that what wicca is? 
  like, completely? rooted in nature i mean.
  >99%? i can't find even one. i think you are 
  just a couple of star signs out.

Re: [CTRL] New Evidence Shows False Memories Can Be Created

2001-06-14 Thread Aleisha Saba

-Caveat Lector-

Remember reading years ago from a book of classics, about children and
planting good memories.

This great poet author wrote he would tell the children so many
beautiful stories to remember, they would fail to realize how poverty
stricken or hungry they were..remember the story of the Little Match
Girl for in her mind she envisioned the good things of life, but was
still found frozen to death by passers by the next day who probably just
stepped over the body, we we do here in America when we see street
people lying in streets early in the morningremember Clinton came to
Columbus, an Secret Service and police were out ridding streeets of the
foresaken ones.

There is a movie worth seeing re war and Nazis; this jewish man keeps
his child happy with jokes and makes it all a game...

Why are we painting ugliness into the minds of our children - acts of
sodomy and perversion performed on TV and do not think kids do not have
access to this stuff on computers and TV.slaughter, hands being
chopped off seems to be latest trend for we are traumataizing a nation
of children over here with sheer ugliness - look at Littleton - those
children will NEVER be the same - the ones exposed to these horrors -
now where did little Klebold and Harris find such ugly pictures?

Well in their case the son of an FBI agent had painted the image in
their brains - their little drug soaked brains - with the Trench Coat
Mafia and all, long before they decided to kill their little classmates.

You can take a shack and surround it with beauty - flowers and trees -
and children will see beauty;  today they are surrounded by garbage and
their former President committed sodomy and parents found they could not
shield their protected children from this man's corruption.

Planting false memories?   Sure if you take the time to surround your
child with beauty in this ugly world, you child has a chance.

Protect your children - and to think today you must protect even little
Cub Scouts from the Sodomists who fly their Ugly Gay Pride Flag, who try
to get their hands on our innocent children?

My grandson is a beautiful child;  when I look at him and thing of the
ugly people who want to expose him to ugly things - I can see why
Christian American is armed and ready to protect them from these forces
of evil.

How does one protect their children from evil?

Surround them with the beautiful things in life and keep your powder

Why do you think Rosie O'Donnell invaded the Sesame Street Characters -
why to put her picture into the scenario like a Michael Jackson, in his
fantasy world of depraved sexual activity.

What lovely childhood memories - lesbians and queers and perverted
twisted people within the child's fantasy world?

When I was 3 I knew Santa Claus was my Uncle.couldn't fool me, and
neither do these terrorists in sheep skins waiting to pounce the
children in disguise.


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Re: [CTRL] Who's tracking you?

2001-06-14 Thread Adam Kowalczyk
-Caveat Lector-

 Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at http://explorer.msn.com

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Re: [CTRL] After McVeigh Execution

2001-06-14 Thread Adam Kowalczyk
-Caveat Lector-

Original Message Follows From: "Nurev Ind." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Reply-To: Conspiracy Theory Research List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: Re: [CTRL] Fwd:After McVeigh Execution Date: Wed, 13 Jun 2001 18:14:19 -0400 -Caveat Lector- Adam Kowalczyk wrote: > Monday, June 11, 2001 > After McVeigh Execution: > Feel Any Better Now? > RICHARD MORAN, [EMAIL PROTECTED] > Professor of sociology and criminology at Mount Holyoke College, Moran is > currently working on a book about the death penalty. He has testified at > dozens of death penalty sentencing hearings. Moran said today: "McVeigh was > unapologetic because, like many murderers, he viewed his killing as evening > the score. The death penalty is generally not a deterrent, ** This is the stupidest argument for abolishing the death penalty. It is simply NOT TRUE. Any one of us has had a situation where we would have loved to do some asshole in, but didn't. THERE IS NO WAY OF MEASURING HOW MANY KILLINGS WERE PREVENTED BY THE FEAR OF BEING CAUGHT, JAILED, AND PUT TO DEATH!!! 
leaving no way to support such either...no way of measuring...so why set a bad example...
your words indicate your anger and, as such, i am not surprised you vehemently support killing...only the bad guy of course...
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Re: [CTRL] New Evidence Shows False Memories Can Be Created

2001-06-14 Thread Adam Kowalczyk
-Caveat Lector-

Original Message Follows From: Nessie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Reply-To: Conspiracy Theory Research List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: Re: [CTRL] New Evidence Shows False Memories Can Be Created Date: Wed, 13 Jun 2001 11:16:56 -0700 -Caveat Lector- > plant a seed in a person's mind at the time of trauma and it will flourish So what happens if you plant a false memory at the time of a trauma? ===
the same thing of course...i was cautioning against the temptation some might have to use such theory to discount all people's claims that don't jive with one's own belief system...
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That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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Re: [CTRL] Algeria Exploding - Many Hundreds of Thousand Take to the Streets

2001-06-14 Thread Aleisha Saba

This is what Jesse Jackson had planned for USA if Bush won...threats
to take to the streets?

This is what happened in Cincinnati, Ohio which looked like a war zone -
but the home of Proctor Gamble, do you think they will get away with
much of this stuff?

Usual suspects?  Note looting - one American in Kuwait when the Iraqi's
invaded their country, said "When are you Americans coming over here
{she was obvious American] - why "they even stole my TV and VCR".

Been a lot cheaper to send over a lot of TVs and VCRs than to go to war
and murder these people for the blacks in Cincinnati looted the stores
but managed to murder one white man who had done them no harm.

Like South Africa?   Mugabee and his butchers - murdering white farmers
and nothing was done here so now suddenly these animals want food for
nobody left to grow food for them.the land is theirs, and they
butchered their own - and all this stuff is orchestrated and by whom?

Big Red Star and in September, October, and November it burns brighter
and brighter and brighter.

So - they still want to take our guns away?

How lovely - imagine every white man and woman in Cincinnati by now has
an arsenal and await the attack should some of the people decide to
cross the lines, into the "more affluent" areas?

One year of Clinton's income would no doubt feed a lot of people - of
the 9 million children whom they say goes to bed hungry every night over

Note our TV sets never show the very, very poor looking on hungry, as a
pig like Kissinger sits at table dropping the crumbs to fhe floor for
the kids..today though they seem to live by the words of the
Murderer's Bible "first let the kids be killed", and the crumbs then
truly go to the dogs.

In the last week in Ohio 4,000 more jobs lost to Mexico - do not buy
products for you see in order for these bastards to accomplish their
goals, we have to buy these productsBuy American and one would think
these cororupt Union Leaders would be out full force - it took the women
to Take on Marc Rich - a corrupt bastard whom I would like to see Arabs
find for one day - for the women of the Steel Workers took him on when
he tried to destroy their Union.

Buy American is the only way.unless you like to buy shoes and
clothing that must be fumigated for disease before it enters this
country.  (Leprosy, AIDS, wonder how that stuff spreads so much for they
cannot blame this all on homosexual lovers, can they?)


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 / /|_/ /  /_/_   / /\\ Making Sense of the Middle East
/_/  /_/  /___/  /_/  \\©http://www.MiddleEast.Org 
  News, Information, & Analysis That Governments, Interest Groups, 
 and the Corporate Media Don't Want You To Know! 
  *  *  *  *  *  *  *
 To receive MER regularly email to [EMAIL PROTECTED]



MID-EAST REALITIES © - www.MiddleEast.Org - Washington - 6/14:
The Berbers in Algeria, the brutal civil war in Sudan, the Palestinians in the once 
Holy Land, the Kurds in Iraq and Turkey, the ongoing Kashmir crisis  -- all conflicts 
exploding throughout the greater Middle East region today in 2001, all conflicts the 
legacy of Western colonial policies of yesteryear and American imperial policies of 
today.Add to this extremely volatile situation the reality that secret police and 
disguised military regimes rule throughout the region in most cases armed and trained 
by the Americans -- including continuing Hashemite rule on the East Bank of the Jordan 
and Saudi Royal rule in Arabia -- and no wonder the Director of the CIA himself, plus 
of course all the other top officials of the American government, are spending more 
and more time plugging the holes in the badly leaking dike of "client regimes" and 
remote control from Washington (often with much Israeli input and manipulation).  
Today, major clashes erupting in Algeria where about a decade ago the Army took over, 
with much American and French help, rather than allow the leading Muslims parties to 
come to power by election:


  ALGIERS, June 14 (AFP) - Police and protesters clashed violently in the Algerian 
capital Thursday during a massive ethnic Berber-led protest against the  government of 
President Abdelaziz Bouteflika. 

  An AFP correspondent saw police firing live bullets on protesters in the port area, 
where some had begun looting warehouses. It was unknown whether the shooting, which 
came from a police vehicle, claimed any casualties. 

  Other clashes occurred at the May 1 Square, where police had formed a cordon to 
prevent the hundreds of thousands of mai

Re: [CTRL] Apples in Eden

2001-06-14 Thread Adam Kowalczyk
-Caveat Lector-

Original Message Follows From: YnrChyldzWyld <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Reply-To: Conspiracy Theory Research List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: Re: [CTRL] Apples in Eden Date: Wed, 13 Jun 2001 08:58:21 -0400 -Caveat Lector- On Tue, 12 Jun 2001, Adam Kowalczyk wrote: >capricorn markes what has been traditionally the feminine time of >the year - the winter's stillness being the fertility required for the >life giving initiative borne by summer - the light... according to 99 percent of systems that are based on observations of the world around one's self...namely those that are based on the cyclic nature of things...as the universe is based...
according to metaphysics...many monotheistic mystics...the rise and fall of the heartbeat...the expansion and contraction of the universe as described in macrophysics which has analogies in microphysics [as above so below is supported by chaos theory in the form of 'symmetry across scale']...according to all systems that base their 'revelations' on observation, hypothesizing, and testing...
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That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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Re: [CTRL] Ariel Sharon - War Criminal

2001-06-14 Thread Aleisha Saba

-Caveat Lector-

Remember Rabin?   He sang the Song of Peace, and then was gunned down in
the open sight of others - like a biblical prophecy one finds in Job -
sudden death, high noon or midnight, in the open sight of others..

Note Barak went to Stanford, and Sharon to special military staff school
in England both trained in killing.people cannot differentiate
between a jew and a zionist?

Well a zionist is what Jesus Christ warned us about - beware of those
who say they are jews, and are not

During Clinton's terms in office,  it seems Israel was divided - for
Rabin was example of something Israelis had not seen before - Jews
killing Jews?   And since that day Israel has been divided..

Like Rabin - a man of all seasons - a man of war and a man of peace, but
he drew a clear line between the two and did not speak with two faces.

Rabin won a Nobel Peace Award and when he died - cui bono?   Blood trail
leads maybe to Clinton's door for after all, he was the leader of his
own band of assassins.



Yitzhak Rabin was born in Jerusalem in 1922; he studied at the Kadoorie
Agricultural College where he graduated with distinction.

His military career began in 1940 when he joined the "Palmach", the
elite unit of the Haganah. During the War of Independence (1948-1949),
he commanded the Harel Brigade, deployed on the Jerusalem front. For the
next 20 years, he served with the IDF as O.C. Northern Command
(1956-1959); as Chief of Operations and Deputy Chief of Staff
(1959-1964) and as Chief of Staff (1964-1968), commanding the IDF during
the Six-Day War.

On January 1, 1968, he retired from military service and shortly
afterwards was appointed ambassador to the United States. During his
years as ambassador in Washington, he promoted and consolidated the ties
between the two countries.

In the spring of 1973, Rabin returned to Israel and became active in the
Labour Party. He was elected Member of the Knesset in December 1973 and
when Golda Meir formed her government in April 1974, was appointed
Minister of Labour.

On June 2, 1974, the Knesset expressed confidence in a new government
headed by Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin.

During Rabin's premiership, the government placed special emphasis on
strengthening the economy, solving social problems and reinforcing the

With American mediation, disengagement agreements were signed with Egypt
and Syria (1974), followed by an interim agreement with Egypt in 1975.
Later in 1975, the first Memorandum of Understanding was signed between
the governments of Israel and the United States.

In June 1976, Rabin's government issued the order for "Operation
Entebbe", liberating the hijacked Air France passengers.

Following the May 1977 elections, and until the formation of the
National Unity Government in September 1984, Rabin served as a Knesset
Member of the Labour Party in opposition and was a member of the Foreign
Affairs and Defense Committee.

In the National Unity Governments (1984-1990), Rabin served as Minister
of Defense. In January 1985, he presented the proposal for the
withdrawal of IDF forces from Lebanon and the establishment of a
security zone to guarantee peace to the settlements along Israel's
northern border.

Yitzhak Rabin was elected chairman of the Israel Labour Party in its
first nationwide primaries conducted in February 1992 and led the party
to victory in the June 1992 Knesset elections.

In July 1992, Rabin formed Israel's 25th government and became its 11th
Prime Minister and Minister of Defense, and acting Minister of Religious
Affairs and Labour and Social Affairs.

Rabin's biographical book, "Service Notebook", was published in 1979 and
was translated into English and French.

His book on Lebanon, written after Operation "Peace for Galilee", was
published in 1983.
>From Les Prix Nobel 1994.

Yitzhak Rabin was assassinated in November 4, 1995.

 1993  1995  The Nobel Peace Prize 1994

Saba Note:   Now Clinton wanted this Nobel Peace Aware more than
anything in the world but how could he get such an award, with a Rabin,
a man of peace singing a Song of Peace, already holding this honor?

What really happened to Israel that today it is known as being worse
than the Nazis and the world overlooks their teachers?

Press Release
 Yasser Arafat
 Shimon Peres
 Yitzhak Rabin
Last modified November 23, 2000
© Copyright The Nobel Foundation
The Official Web Site of The Nobel Foundation

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and

[CTRL] Porn sites buying lapsed domain names

2001-06-14 Thread Peter Luke

sites buying lapsed domain names--Virtual New York NEW YORK, June 
13 (UPI) -- Hundreds of corporations, organizations, churches and even the Ohio 
State Senate have found themselves red faced after they discovered that their 
lapsed Internet domain names have turned into pornography Web sites.
Usomeone said you snooze you lose. 

Get Links. Feel Better

[CTRL] Ariel Sharon - War Criminal

2001-06-14 Thread Yardbird

-Caveat Lector-

Center for Policy Analysis on Palestine / 2425-35 Virginia Avenue, NW /
Washington, DC 20037 / Tel: 202.338.1290 / Fax: 202.333.7742 /

Prime Minister Ariel Sharon, A War Criminal

Linda Malone

Overview: In 1996, the Human Rights Law Institute embarked on a project to
address the growing problem of impunity of individuals guilty of crimes that
should be prosecuted under international law. The project culminated in the
publication of "Guiding Principles for Combating Impunity for International
Crimes." The principles require criminal prosecution for grave breaches,
torture, and genocide (among other crimes), and they direct all states to
prosecute crimes against humanity. The principles also require the removal
of individuals responsible for such crimes from public office and the
military, after according the individual due process in evaluating
responsibility. Nonetheless, Ariel Sharon was elected Israel's prime
minister despite being convicted of war crimes in 1982.

Impunity: In September 1982, the Israeli cabinet resolved to establish a
commission led by then-Supreme Court Chief Justice Yitzhak Kahan to examine
the facts of the massacre committed by the Lebanese Forces in the Sabra and
Shatila refugee camps, areas in Beirut then under the control of Israeli
authorities. As many as 2,000 Palestinian civilians were killed in the
camps. This year, one of the individuals judged complicit by the Kahan
Commission, then-Minister of Defense Ariel Sharon, was elected to the
highest political post in Israel after having provoked a violent
confrontation by his visit to the Haram al-Sharif. In 1982, he was found to
have created the situation which he knew, or should have known, made the
massacres a probability. The need has now arisen to bring serious attention
to the moral and legal responsibility of Sharon for gross human rights
violations and the impunity, and even worse the power, which he has

The Kahan Commission's report states that when word of Lebanon's
President-elect Bashir Jemayel's assassination reached Israel on the night
of 14 September 1982, then-Prime Minister Menachem Begin, Sharon, and
then-Chief of Staff Rafael Eitan decided that the Israel Defense Forces
(IDF) would enter West Beirut without seeking a Cabinet resolution to that
effect. Although Sharon and Eitan purportedly discussed including
Phalangists in the operation, the Commission determined it was not mentioned
to Begin. Eitan testified that earlier that same evening, he and Sharon
agreed that Phalangists would enter the Sabra and Shatila camps.

On 15 September 1982, the entry into West Beirut began. Sharon met
at the forward command post with Eitan who reported his agreement with the
Phalangists for their entry into the camps. Sharon approved the agreement
and phoned Begin from the roof of the command post. Yet, according to the
report, Sharon only informed Begin that there was no resistance in Beirut
and that the operations were going well. On 16 September, the Defense
Minister's office issued a document summarizing in two crucial controversial
sentences Sharon's instructions in this meeting regarding the entry into
West Beirut: "Only one element, and that is the IDF, shall command the
forces in the area. For the operation in the camps, the Phalangists should
be sent in." That day, the massacre began. At 10:00 a.m., Sharon met in his
office with Eitan and others. Eitan announced, "the whole city is in our
hands, . . . the camps are surrounded, the Phalangists are to go at
11:00-12:00." Eitan said that Israeli forces surrounded the Sabra and
Shatila camps, and that it was agreed the Phalangists would go in at their
discretion, after a coordinating session with the Israeli officials. At
approximately 6:00 p.m. on 16 September, the Phalangists entered the camps,
initially entering the Shatila camp from the west and southwest, as

Findings: The Commission determined two levels of responsibility-direct and
indirect. According to the Commission, those directly responsible were only
those who "actually perpetrated" the massacre itself. The Commission's
report concluded that Israel was indirectly responsible for the massacres:
"[T]he decision on the entry of the Phalangists into the refugee camps was
taken without consideration of the danger-which the makers and executors of
the decision were obligated to foresee as probable-that the Phalangists
would commit massacres and pogroms against the inhabitants of the camps, and
without an examination of the means for preventing this danger." Israel was
also held responsible for not stopping the massacre once reports came out
that it had begun.

Based on the Commission's conclusions at least seven of nine
individuals, including Sharon, should have known of the likelihood of a
massacre before the Phalangists' entry, knew or should have known a massacre
was going on, and yet failed to take appropria

[CTRL] IAP-Net: Israel angry over upcoming BBC documentary of Ariel Sharon - (fwd)

2001-06-14 Thread Yardbird

-Caveat Lector-


Yesterday we informed you that on Sunday June 17th, BBC's Panorama will
air a program looking at Ariel Sharon's past. Viewers will be able to see
it on the net also. As per the recent Ha'aretz report below, it seems now
that a lot of pressure will be placed on the BBC to either cancel the
program or at least dilute the historical facts surrounding the infamous


Please take a moment and write the Panorama show and express your support
and that you look forward to seeing the show and hope that the BBC
maintains its journalistic integrity by not bowing under Israeli pressure,
and reveals the whole truth of who Ariel Sharon is.

The e-mail for Panorama is: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Here is a sample of what you can say:

Dear Panorama

The evidence against Ariel Sharon, not only for what happened in Lebanon
in 1982, but also at Qibya, and elsewhere is overwhelming. An examination
of his a record is a perfectly legitimate journalistic exercise. If the
Israeli government wish to have an improved image it should only come
about by an improvement in its appalling human rights record, and in the
case of Mr Sharon, he has a long way to go to atone for his past misdeeds.

We look forward to the programme and congratulate the BBC on commissioning
it in the first place.


Please cc us on your correspondence.

See the following link for details on the program:

Israeli officials incensed over BBC program on Sharon

Source: Ha'aretz Service

Political leaders and foreign ministry officials were seething Thursday over
reports that the BBC's prestigious "Panorama" documentary program planned to
run an investigative piece on Sunday titled "The Accused," in which the
central question raised is whether Prime Minister Ariel Sharon should be
tried for war crimes in connection with the Sabra and Shatilla massacre
during the Lebanon War in 1982.

Justice Minister Meir Sheetrit said the scheduled program was further proof
of the BBC's consistently "anti-Israel" and "pro-Palestinian" bias.

Gideon Meir, the Foreign Ministry's deputy director of communications,
accused the BBC of committing a media "crime." The BBC's problem, said Meir,
was that Sharon's policy of restraint in the face of ongoing Palestinian
violence did not fall into the network's predetermined "narrative."

After a national commission of inquiry into the Sabra and Shatila massacre,
Sharon was forced to stand down as defense minister.

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sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Body Piercing Teen Killed by Magnet...

2001-06-14 Thread flw

-Caveat Lector-

>is there some conspiracy involved here - other than to induce people to
>fear getting pierced?

  No. However one should be aware of the implications when
  hanging a 50 lb. anvil from one's privates.

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] 'Digital Angel' set to fly tomorrow

2001-06-14 Thread Peter Luke

'Digital Angel' set to fly tomorrow
Implant technology to be beta tested on 
Beginning tomorrow, Applied Digital Solutions will 
begin beta testing onhumans an implant technology capable of allowing users 
to emit a homing beacon, have vital bodily functions monitored and confirm 
identity when making e-commerce transactions.
Often wondered why parents didnt have chips 
implanted into their kids so they could track them down if they were abducted or 
something...maybe that is where this is headed. But I suppose this will turn 
ugly when it is used as a violation of privacy just as the implant for kids idea 
would probably be abused.
Last nite at a local VBS here in town they were 
doing DNA collection on all the kids that attended. A local car dealership was 
involved. All the kids that wished to participate had their saliva suaved and 
stored so that apparently they can be easier to find should something ever 
Get Links. Feel Better.

[CTRL] Fwd: J20 Counter-Inaugural Tapes

2001-06-14 Thread Kris Millegan

We are offering a VHS combined tape of two great independent films of the Jan. 20th 
counter-inaugural demonstrations. See what the mainstream media did not want you to 
see!  See how the media blocked out the largest counter-inaugural demonstrations since 
the Vietnam War era where Bush protestors far outnumbered Bush supporters!   See the 
video tapes that were played at Al Gore's staff Birthday party.  We encourage you to 
have "house parties" and show these excellent independent films:

*  "Raining on the Parade:  Inauguration 2001," new edited version which mentions the 
May 19th Voter Rights March.  Produced by Deep Dish TV in New York City, it is a 
superb counter-inaugural independent film with a lot of time and money spent in 
professionally editing. This 30 minute independent film has original footage from all 
of the various groups at the counter-inaugurals (including Voter March at Dupont 
Circle), along with political commentary from Congressional representatives and the 
National Press Club on the "stolen election" and the loss of our voter rights.

*  "Not My President - Voices from the Counter-Coup J20 2001" by the Independent Media 
Center (New York City) is another excellent 30 minute documentary film with high 
action coverage of all the groups at J20, including Voter March (Dupont Circle and 
confrontation at March to 14th and K),  the Shadow Inauguration with Rev. Al Sharpton, 
the International Action Center, Students for an Undemocratic Society, N.O.W., the 
anarchist Black Bloc and the new Black Panthers.

"I Loved both films ...  The Americorporate media's cover-up of all this is a total 
disgrace.  That was real news captured on tape on J20 - and none of it was shown on 
TV.  Young kids getting beat down with billy clubs by immoral cops. How those cops got 
away with those abuses is beyond me as an American patriot ... Quieting the people's 
vote first, then quieting their protests later. (One of the best uses of a 20 dollar 
bill around)."
Eric Rainbolt, Austin, Texas

To buy your own copy of this VHS tape with these two combined independent films by 
first class mail, you may mail a check for only $18 (including shipping and handling) 
to Voter March LLC, P.O. Box 731, Grand Central Station, New York, NY10163-0731, or 
click on the PayPal button at http://www.votermarch.org/tapes.htm

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[CTRL] Fwd: Is advertising creating false memories

2001-06-14 Thread Kris Millegan

False Memories Easily Created, Researchers Discover

About one-third of the people who were exposed to a fake print ad describing
visit to Disneyland and how they met and shook hands with Bugs Bunny said
they remembered or knew the event happened to them.

The scenario described in the ad never occurred because Bugs Bunny is a
Bros. cartoon character and wouldn't be featured in any Walt Disney Co.
property, according to University of Washington memory researchers Jacquie
Pickrell and Elizabeth Loftus.

Pickrell will make two presentations on the topic at the annual meeting of
American Psychological Society (APS) on Sunday (June 17) in Toronto and at a
satellite session of the Society for Applied Research in Memory and
in Kingston, Ontario, on Wednesday.

"The frightening thing about this study is that it suggests how easily a
memory can be created," said Pickrell, UW psychology doctoral student.

"It's not only people who go to a therapist who might implant a false memory
those who witness an accident and whose memory can be distorted who can have
false memory. Memory is very vulnerable and malleable. People are not always
aware of the choices they make. This study shows the power of subtle
association changes on memory."

The research is a follow-up to an unpublished study by Loftus, a UW
professor who is being honored by the APS this week with its William James
Fellow Award for psychological research; Kathryn Braun, a visiting scholar
the Harvard Business School; and Rhiannon Ellis, a former UW undergraduate
is now a doctoral student at the University of Pittsburgh.

In the original study, 16 percent of the people exposed to a Disneyland ad
featuring Bugs Bunny later thought they had really seen and met the cartoon

In the new research, Pickrell and Loftus divided 120 subjects into four
The subjects were told they were going to evaluate advertising copy, fill
several questionnaires and answer questions about a trip to Disneyland.

* The first group read a generic Disneyland ad that mentioned no cartoon

* The second group read the same copy and was exposed to a 4-foot-tall
cardboard figure of Bugs Bunny that was casually placed in the interview
No mention was made of Bugs Bunny.

* The third, or Bugs group, read the fake Disneyland ad featuring Bugs

* The fourth, or double exposure group, read the fake ad and also saw the
cardboard rabbit.

This time, 30 percent of the people in the Bugs group later said they
remembered or knew they had met Bugs Bunny when they visited Disneyland and
percent of the people in the double exposure group reported the same thing.

"'Remember' means the people actually recall meeting and shaking hands with
Bugs," explained Pickrell. "'Knowing' is they have no real memory, but are
that it happened, just as they have no memory of having their umbilical cord
being cut when they were born but know it happened.

"Creating a false memory is a process. Someone saying, 'I know it could have
happened,' is taking the first step of actually creating a memory. If you
clearly believe you walked up to Bugs Bunny, you have a memory."

In addition, Pickrell said there is the issue of the consequence of false
memories, or the ripple effects. People in the experiment who were exposed
the false advertising were more likely to relate Bugs Bunny to other things
Disneyland not suggested in the ad, such as seeing Bugs and Mickey Mouse
together or seeing Bugs in the Main Street Electrical Parade.

"We are interested in how people create their autobiographical references,
memory. Through this process they might be altering their own memories,"
Pickrell said. "Nostalgic advertising works in a similar manner.

"Hallmark, McDonald's and Disney have very effective nostalgic advertising
can change people's buying habits. You may not have had a great experience
last time you visited Disneyland or McDonald's, but the ads may
be creating the impression that they had a wonderful time and leaving
with that memory. If ads can get people to believe they had an experience
never had, that is pretty powerful.

"The bottom line of our study is that the phony ad is making the difference.
Just casually reading a Bugs Bunny cartoon or some other incidental exposure
doesn't mean you believe you met Bugs.

"The ad does."

[Contact: Jacquie Pickrell, Elizabeth Loftus, Joel Schwarz]

[CTRL] Fwd: [narconews] Argentina's Menem Found on Citigroup $ Launder Trail

2001-06-14 Thread Kris Millegan

June 13, 2001

A Narco News Flash

The Mexican Congress, investigating the Citigroup-Banamex merger, has 
received information from Argentina legislators that former Argentina 
President Carlos Menem - now under house arrest for alleged 
trafficking in arms - utilized Citigroup subsidiaries to launder 
illicit funds:


Related to last month's stories on Montesinos and Citigroup Inc.:


And James Petras' account of the Salinas family and Citibank:


Which raises the question:

Is there any despot that hasn't banked there?

from somewhere in a country called América,

Al Giordano
The Narco News Bulletin

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[CTRL] The Bush Administration's Sudan Policy: Encouraging War and Hindering Peace?

2001-06-14 Thread ESPAC

-Caveat Lector-

The European-Sudanese Public Affairs Council
1 Northumberland Avenue

Tel:020 7872 5434
Fax:020 7753 2848


Date of Publication: June 2001


"The people in Sudan want to resolve the conflict. The biggest obstacle
is US government policy. The US is committed to overthrowing the
government in Khartoum. Any sort of peace effort is aborted, basically
by policies of the United States...Instead of working for peace in
Sudan, the US government has basically promoted a continuation of the

Former U.S. President Jimmy Carter, December 1999  (1)

"For the last eight years, the U.S. has had a policy which I strongly
disagree with in Sudan, supporting the revolutionary movement and not
working for an overall peace settlement."

Former U.S. President Jimmy Carter, April 2001  (2)

The 13 June 2001 resolution of the United States House of
Representatives to provide Sudanese rebels with ten million dollars
worth of assistance has confirmed the concerns of much of the
international community at the negative influence American government
policy continues to exercise on the long-running Sudanese conflict. (3)
It had been hoped by many that the incoming Bush Administration would
adopt a more progressive and better-informed approach to Sudan than that
shown by the Clinton Administration. The Sudanese government had also
welcomed the possibility of constructive American involvement in

While there were some early hopes and encouraging statements by the
American Secretary of State, Colin Powell, and despite the clear policy
failures of its predecessor, a policy characterised by the disastrous
and farcical 1998 cruise missile attack on the al-Shifa medicines
factory, it is clear that the new United States government has continued
to pursue a very questionable course.

War-weariness within Sudan, which has been at war off and on since 1955,
has become increasingly obvious. In January 2001, the Roman Catholic
Comboni missionaries condemned the civil war as "immoral and a tragic
farce". They stated that "The number of victims is escalating,
especially among women and children. Spiritual, human and cultural
values are getting lost. Corruption, tribalism and fratricidal hatred
are fostered. Degradation, underdevelopment and anarchy increase". The
Comboni missionaries also pointed stated that "The word 'liberation' is
abused" and that the civil war was "not any longer a struggle for
freedom of the Sudanese people and for the defence of human rights". (5)

Throughout 2001, the Sudanese government repeatedly called for a
peaceful resolution of the conflict. Khartoum has also, since 1997,
offered an internationally-supervised referendum whereby the people of
southern Sudan would be able - for the first time since independence -
to chose their destiny, either within a united Sudan or as a separate
state. This offer was incorporated into Sudan's new 1998 constitution
and has been repeated on several occasions (6), most recently during the
June 2001 peace talks in Nairobi. (7) It is an offer that has also been
acknowledged, but not taken up, by the SPLA.  In mid-May, Khartoum once
again declared its readiness to enter into "an immediate and
comprehensive ceasefire" and to restart negotiations for the achievement
of a comprehensive peace: it called upon the SPLA to do the same. (8)
On 24 May 2001, at least in part as a response to United States
concerns, the Sudanese government stated that it would unilaterally
cease air strikes against military targets in southern Sudan. (9)  The
Sudanese government said that the decision was taken "in pursuance of
the state's set policy for achieving peace and stability, bolstering the
reconciliation process and the continued call by the state for a
comprehensive ceasefire." The Khartoum authorities also stated:

"The government calls upon the other parties for an immediate response
for boosting the peace process in the country and appeals to the
international community to back up the call for a comprehensive
ceasefire."  (10)

It was immediately following this declaration and call for peace that
the Bush Administration's initial provision of three million dollars
worth of assistance to the Sudanese rebels was made public, soon to be
augmented by the ten million dollars in assistance announced in June. It
was said that the assistance would be used to purchase vehicles and
communications and office equipment for the rebels. (11) It was also
stated that a contract for providing such services had been awarded to
DynCorp, a private company accused of mercenary involvement in other
conflicts. (12)

This assistance is going to an organisation guilty of appalling human
rights abuses, The New York Times, a vigorous critic of the Sudanese
government, has stated that the SPLA: "[H]ave behaved like an occupying
army, killing, raping and pillagi

[CTRL] U.S. Reports Steepest Annual Violent Crime Drop

2001-06-14 Thread Peter Luke

Reports Steepest Annual Violent Crime Drop
http://www.cnn.com/2001/LAW/06/13/crime.report/index.htmlIncidents of violent crime plummeted nearly 15 percent in 2000, the 
steepest one-year drop since the federal government began keeping track in 
Well I suppose this is good news, but it seems to 
me that crime is still becoming more and more violent when it does happen, as in 
the mass killings in schools, OKC and etc...
Interested on some thoughts on this. Is this some 
kind of political spin. Also, if anyone has data on the definition of violent 
crime. Maybe it's obvious, but it just seems to me a little ambiguous. Also, why 
did the government start keeping track of this anyway?
Get Links. Feel Better.

[CTRL] AP: Chemical Weapons Probed in Former USSR

2001-06-14 Thread MIKE SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-


Wednesday June 13 12:48 PM ET

Chemical Weapons Probed in Former USSR

Associated Press Writer

MOSCOW (AP) - Russia and other former Soviet republics have about 500
dumps containing old and undeclared chemical weapons, a scientist and
ecological activist asserted Wednesday. The government dismissed the claims
as ``delirium.''

Lev Fedorov, president of the Union For Chemical Safety, called on the
Russian government to announce the alleged sites' existence and begin
destroying the weapons, which he says contain mustard gas and other
chemicals produced between 1915 and 1946.

``Our country is not answering its international obligations,'' Fedorov
at a news conference. ``Our country is not answering its obligations to its
own citizens.''

Signatories to the Chemical Weapons Convention, ratified by Russia in 1997,
agreed to destroy all chemical weapons stores.

Fedorov said he found information on the dumps in military archives. Some
have already been partially excavated, he said, including one in the Moscow
district of Kuzminki. He estimated that up to 22,000 tons of the weapons
could have been ``forgotten'' by the military.

Officials at the Russian Munitions Agency, which is responsible for
destroying the nation's chemical weapons stores, vehemently denied
claim. When Russia signed the agreement, they said, it opened the country
inspections to verify its chemical weapons stores.

``It's obviously delirium,'' said Alexander Gorbovsky, deputy director of
the agency's department for Convention-related chemical and biological
weapons problems.

He said there were seven sites when Russia ratified the chemical weapons
document. ``There were more stores earlier,'' he said, ``but that's history
that is 60-70 years old.''

However, Gorbovsky acknowledged that there could be cases of environmental
contamination resulting from former chemical weapons storage sites.

The Russian Cabinet meets Thursday to discuss a draft program for
the 44,000 tons of chemical weapons it has officially acknowledged,
including deadly nerve agents, stored at seven storage sites. Russia is far
behind schedule in eliminating the weapons, and has appealed repeatedly for
foreign funds to speed up the effort.

The government has estimated the cost of destroying the weapons at $7
billion, though Munitions Agency head Zinovy Pak has said costs could be
in half.

Last week, Russian officials and foreign diplomats traveled 975 miles
southeast of Moscow to Shchuchye, a town in the Ural Mountains region where
the biggest chemical weapons destruction facility is planned.

The U.S. government has set aside $888 million to help Russia destroy
chemical weapons stores, but Congress has withheld funding for construction
at Shchuchye for two years to prod Russia and European nations to increase
their share of funding.

Some members of Congress are also skeptical of the security threat the
weapons pose to the United States. The real danger, they contend, is
potential leakage and environmental damage in Russia.

  Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT


*Michael Spitzer*<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] [FAIR-L] "Political Dynamite" Fails to Explode: Extreme proposals of Treas ury's O'Neill mostly unreported (fwd)

2001-06-14 Thread Tenorlove

-Caveat Lector-

Dang, I'd have a nice retirement egg -- IF I didn't have to give 40% of
my money to the government. All that money I've paid in, and according
to my latest annual statement, I will end up with a whole $385 a month
to live on with Social Security -- IF I wait until age 70 to retire. If
I retire earlier, I get less. I shoulda been a politician. 

Do You Yahoo!?
Spot the hottest trends in music, movies, and more.

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:
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Re: [CTRL] Middle East: Did You Know? (UNITY)

2001-06-14 Thread Tenorlove

-Caveat Lector-

I went to the UNITY website. The home page shows icons of a burning
Israeli flag, and a U.S. flag with a Star of David instead of the
Stars, also aflame. They also offer Arabic language web-based email.
Besides the typical Jew-hatred stuff, there is also promotional
material for the KLA and a "Hiroshima Nagasaki Memorial Page."
Basically, it's an anti-Israel, anti-American, pro-Muslim
fundamentalist site with links to Hezbollah and Hamas sites. And they
still don't give verifiable sources for their "facts."

Do You Yahoo!?
Spot the hottest trends in music, movies, and more.

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] McGuckin children visit mother in jail (fwd)

2001-06-14 Thread Yardbird

-Caveat Lector-

Re: McGuckin children visit mother in jail -  Wed Jun 13 22:46:53 2001

 SANDPOINT, ID, June 13 - JoAnn McGuckin
 saw something Tuesday that she hadn't seen since
 the end of May: her children.

 McGuckin's lawyer, Bryce Powell, told Q6 News Wednesday
 that JoAnn's six children involved in a North Idaho standoff got to
 see her Tuesday for the first time since this all began. Powell says
 the children were brought to the jail for a supervised visit.

 Powell also says he's optimistic a deal will be worked out with
 prosecutors within the next two weeks that will reunite McGuckin
 with her children on a more permanent basis.

 Because of those ongoing negotiations a criminal hearing for
 JoAnn was delayed Wednesday. The children's custody hearing
 originally scheduled for Thursday has also been postponed
 because of the negotiations.

 Powell also says a person in Florida has offered to buy the
 McGuckins a home, a car, and support them through an

 The state of Idaho wants to see the family back together, but
 also wants to retain some control over the custody and welfare of
 the children.

 The six McGuckin children, five of whom kept Bonner County
 deputies at bay during a five day standoff, are still being cared for
 by a foster family. Authorities say the children are in good health
 and are doing well.

 JoAnn McGuckin faces the charges of felony injury to a child,
 but those charges may be reduced as part of the
 negotiations. McGuckin has refused to leave jail, even though her
 bail has been dropped. She is still demanding that the charges
 against her be dropped, and her children be released to her care.


 While JoAnn McGuckin
 remained in jail, about two
 dozen people are picketed  (Picture)
 the Bonner County Jail
 Monday, demanding her
 release. The protestors
 carried signs saying "Bonner
 County Sucks" and "Free JoAnn". Many of the protestors
 claimed McGuckin is being held as a political prisoner against her

 But a statement released Monday by JoAnn McGuckin shows
 she doesn't want the support of the protestors. In the statement,
 McGuckin says she "does not belong to any political organization
 of any kind." She calls herself one of the original North Idaho
 independants, and says, "if the purpose of the rally is to raise
 money, please do not do so in my name, as I cannot honor your

 In her statement, McGuckin went on to refuse any help from
 the protestors. "I do not accept from that which I do not feel I
 can return the favor," McGuckin said. "This is one of those times."

 Q6 Reporter Virginia Kerr reports on the poor conditions
 inside the McGuckin home

Sandpoint 06-11-01 Page
There has been a great deal of interest expressed in
what's happening with the McGuckin Family here in
North Idaho. There was a rally held in Sandpoint, Idaho
Monday June 11, 2001 that we attended. We've posted
some of the pictures from the rally for those that wish to
view them.
Click Here to View Pictures

Children, Dogs Hold Off Idaho Sheriff
The McGuckin family is shown in this copy of 1990 photograph
included in the St. Joseph's Catholic Church directory in
Sandpoint, Idaho

Joann McGuckin Has Mentioned the Constitution, Right?

ID STANDOFF: McGuckin Family - The REAL Story

J.J. Johnson
JoAnn McGuckin Trapped in God's Country
Wed Jun 13 13:02:05 2001



"For God shall bring every work into judgement, with every secret
thing, whether it be good, or whether it be evil"
--(Ecclesiastes 12:14)

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you 

[CTRL] US to Develop National 'Mooning Menace' Anti-Porn Shield

2001-06-14 Thread Jei

-Caveat Lector-


United States to Develop National Mooning Defence Shield to
Counter Moslem's 'Mooning Menace' Despite Objections From Allies.

By P. W. Dicks and Walter A. Nuss
Washington Pentahouse Staff Writers
Monday, May 7, 2001; Page A01

BUDAPEST, May 29 - In his first effort to sell President Bush's mooning
defense plan to allies, Secretary of State Colin L. Powell failed today
to penetrate NATO's sharp opposition. He could not even convince them that
a threat of a mooning attack against their countries actually exists.

At a meeting of foreign ministers, Secretary Powell pressed the
administration's case for adopting the Antimooning plan and shifting
American doctrine away from the cold war theory of mutually assured
destruction, to that of destruction of everyone, excluding America.

But the French and the Germans, in particular, remained skeptical, along
with other NATO members, according to diplomats in the closed-door
meetings. The MAD treaty has long been the centerpiece of the alliance's
defense strategy, and it specifically prohibits the development of a
nationwide anti-pornographic mooning defense shield.

"Clearly not all allies are on the same page," a senior State Department
official conceded while leafing through his Penthouse magazine.

According to a member of the National Security Agency's advisory board,
however, a series of unabashed attacks at Washington State have continued
for several hundred years, and an extensive investigation has produced
"disturbingly few clues" about who is responsible,.

The agency's consultant, James Adams, says U.S. diplomats lodged a
formal protest with the Moslem governments last year after
investigators determined that the mooning-attacks, which they
code-named "Mooning Menace," appear to have originated from several
Arabic countries. Moslem officials replied that the people associated
with the attacks were only engaged in practicing their religion and
denied any prior knowledge of the attacks, according to Adams.

"Meanwhile, the assault has continued unabated," Adams writes in
this month's Pornographic Defence Daily magazine, published by the
Council on Foreign Relations. "The attackers have built 'back doors'
into their garments through which they can effectively conduct the
mooning attacks at will and produce futher damage to the fragile minds
of American children; they have also left behind pornographic images
that show mooning people."

Adams described Mooning Menace as "the most persistent and serious
attack against the United States to date." He also disclosed that
it has triggered "the largest intelligence investigation ever."

U.S. investigators, he writes, still do not know "who is behind the
attacks, what additional mooning has been done and why, and to what
extent the public and private sectors have been penetrated, and what
else has been left behind that could still damage the vulnerable
minds of our children."

Both the FBI and the U.S. Space Command, which has primary responsibility
for defending the asses in the White House, declined to comment. But one
source close to the case confirmed that the attacks are continuing and
said U.S. investigators know far more about them than Adams indicated.

A State Department official also confirmed that a diplomatic initiative
was issued to the Moslems of the world over the apparent attempts at mooning.

Mooning Menace was uncovered in March 1998, when network security
specialists at the Defense Information Systems Agency discovered images
on arabic websites that presented people mooning at the United States.

US spy-satellite images revealed people to be mooning at the United States
several times a day. Because the attackers' moonings are disguised in
arabic fashion, they are difficult for pornographic analyzers to detect.

A year and a half ago, in the government's first official comment on the
case, the FBI's top security official, Michael Vatis, told Congress
that attacks appearing to originate in Arabic countries had resulted in
the loss of "unclassified, but still sensitive faces of American nationals",
and briefed the congress about essential mooning strategies.

Dion Stempfley, a former Pentagon computer security analyst who helped
detect Mooning Menace, said Friday he was not surprised the attacks were
continuing, given the sophistication of the mooners' techniques.

Fortunately for Americans, Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld is now set
to unveil sweeping changes in the U.S. military strategy, including the formal
abandonment of the "two major dicks" that for a decade has been used
to determine the size of the military's virtual penis, Pentagon officials said

Rumsfeld is scheduled to meet with President Bush this week, probably
Wednesday, to seek final approval for the new U.S. strategy, which appears
to involve some of the biggest changes in the U.S. military in a decade.
Next week, he is to make out publicly, perhap

[CTRL] [FAIR-L] "Political Dynamite" Fails to Explode: Extreme proposals of Treas ury's O'Neill mostly unreported (fwd)

2001-06-14 Thread Yardbird

-Caveat Lector-

Fairness & Accuracy in Reporting
   Media analysis, critiques and news reports

ACTION ALERT: "Political Dynamite" Fails to Explode
Extreme proposals of Treasury's O'Neill mostly unreported

June 13, 2001

When a high-level government official calls for drastic changes in U.S. law,
it ought to be big news. But in an interview reported by the Financial
Times' Amity Shlaes (5/19/01 & 5/22/01), treasury secretary Paul O'Neill
called for sweeping changes in U.S. tax and social policy, and some three
weeks later, those statements have made hardly a ripple in the U.S. media.
Most Americans have probably not heard a word about them.

In the interview, O'Neill called the current U.S. tax system "an
abomination" that required changes to its "very structure." His preferred
changes? O'Neill "absolutely" supports the elimination of taxes on
corporations-- and the shifting of the tax burden to individuals, saying
government would work better if it "collected taxes in a more direct way
from the people."

He also called for the abolition of Social Security and Medicare, on the
grounds that "able-bodied adults should save enough on a regular basis so
that they can provide for their own retirement, and, for that matter, health
and medical needs." In fact, O'Neill believes the U.S. should reconsider the
whole purpose of taxation: "National defense is a federal responsibility,"
Shlaes paraphrases O'Neill as saying, "but all other outlays need review."

And O'Neill assured Shlaes he was not speaking only for himself: "Not only
am I committed to working on this issue, the president is also intrigued
about the possibility of fixing this mess."

The Financial Times described O'Neill's comments (approvingly) as "radical"
and "political dynamite."  Yet the story has so far failed to take hold in
the U.S. press.

Three columnists at New York's Newsday noted O'Neill's remarks: Robert Reno
(who said the Treasury Secretary "comes across as a man who has paid a lot
of taxes and clearly resents it"-- 5/27/01) Marie Cocco (5/31/01) and Paul
Vitello (5/24/01). An obviously irked Vitello took it the furthest, actually
calling O'Neill's spokesman at Treasury to confirm that these were not
"made-up quotes":

"The secretary didn't really mean to say that no matter how old, no person
who has paid into the Social Security system all his or her life would be
entitled to benefits until he or she is physically no longer able to work?
He didn't really mean to say that ExxonMobil and Time Warner should be
treated as we treat the church-- as tax exempt?

"'Yes,' said the spokesman, 'that is our position. The quotes were all

Thomas DeFrank of New York's Daily News also reported O'Neill's comments
(5/22/01), but he apparently got a different response from the Treasury
Department. "Treasury spokesman Rob Nichols said O'Neill's comments on
Social Security reflected his personal views, not the Bush
administration's," he noted.

Outside of local New York papers, the story was harder to find. Cox wire
service reporter Scott Shepard filed a story (5/20/01), which noted only
O'Neill's description of the tax system as an "abomination" and the claim
that the president was "also intrigued" about major changes, including
cutting corporate taxes. A short piece in the May 22 Investor's Business
Daily ("A Whiff of Reform in the Air") did the same, and was echoed in its
approving tone by a column in the May 23 Washington Times ("Signals for Tax

O'Neill has made several television appearances since the Financial Times
interview, but a search of the Nexis.com database turned up just two TV
references to the remarks, neither on a Big 3 network.  The Financial Times'
own Robert Thomson teased his paper's interview at the end of a May 18
appearance on CNNfn's "The N.E.W. Show" whose main subject was the
Lucent/Alcatel merger. And Fox News Sunday host Tony Snow asked O'Neill
about the idea of "getting rid of the corporate income tax" on June 3.
(O'Neill declined to answer, saying only that "we need to fundamentally look
at the way our tax code works.")

What about the country's major outlets, the place one would look for a story
of such import? So far, O'Neill's radical statements have made it into the
New York Times only in an op-ed by Democratic partisans James Carville and
Paul Begala (5/27/01). USA Today ran an Associated Press column (5/22/01)
that placed O'Neill's calls for eliminating taxes on corporations at the
end, after discussion of estate taxes and "simplification" of the tax
system, and noted only that the Treasury Secretary has plans for "reform" of
Social Security. (AP's original headline on the piece: "O'Neill: Further Tax
Relief Coming," 5/21/01.)

Washington Post columnist John O. Fox used O'Neill's "abomination" quote to
shore up his own argument about the U.S.'s "monstrously complicated" tax
code, but ignored the rest of his statements

[CTRL] PC: San Francisco Bohemian Club: Power, Prestige and Globalism

2001-06-14 Thread MIKE SPITZER

 Project Censored 
Bohemian Grove, July 14 (revised)
San Francisco Bohemian Club: Power, Prestige and Globalism
By Peter Phillips
For much of the world, July 14th is celebrated as the end of a 
flagrantly out of touch French monarchy; the date in 1789 when the 
people of Paris rose up and marched on the Bastille, a state prison that 
symbolized the absolutism and arbitrariness of the Ancient Regime.
July 14th 2001 is, ironically, also the first day of summer camp for 
the world's business and political aristocracy and their invited guests. 
Between 2,000 to 3,000 men will gather at Bohemian Grove, 70 miles north of 
San Francisco in California's Sonoma County-to sit around the campfire and 
chew the fat-off-the-record-with ex- presidents, corporate leaders and 
global financiers.
One might imagine modern-day aristocrats like Henry Kissinger, George 
W. Bush, and Donald Rumsfeld amid a circle of friends sipping cognac and 
discussing how the "unqualified" masses cannot be trusted to carry out 
policy, and how elites must set values that can be translated into 
"standards of authority."
Private men's clubs, like the San Francisco Bohemian Club, have 
historically represented institutionalized race, gender and class 
inequality. English gentlemen's clubs emerged during Great Britain's 
empire building period as an exclusive place free of troublesome women, 
under-classes, and non-whites. Men's clubs were the place where English 
elites could co-mingle in homogeneous harmony. Copied in the United States, 
elite private men's clubs served the same self- celebration purposes as 
their English counterparts. As metropolitan areas emerged, upper-crust white 
males created new clubs throughout the Americas. These private men's clubs 
continued the European traditions of elitism, race superiority and gender 
The San Francisco Bohemian Club was formed in 1872 as a gathering place 
for newspaper reporters and men of the arts and literature. By the 1880s 
local businessmen joined the Club in large numbers, quickly making business 
elites the dominant group. More than 2,500 men are members today. Most are 
from California, while several hundred originate from some 35 states and a 
dozen foreign countries. About one-fifth of the members are either directors 
of one or more of the Fortune 1000 companies, corporate CEOs, top 
governmental officials (current and former) and/or members of important 
policy councils or major foundations. The remaining members are mostly 
regional business/legal elites with a small mix of academics, military 
officers, artists, or medical doctors.
With a historically all white membership, the Bohemian Club became 
sensitive to civil rights issues in the 1960s and gradually admitted a 
few men of color. Today they remain 99% white. The Club does continue to 
maintain its exclusive gender practices. Other then allowing women to work 
in food service, the shooting range and the parking lot at the Grove-which 
was forced on them by the California Supreme Court-they have remained 
defiantly a male-only organization. Class discrimination continues as well. 
New Club applicants must be sponsored by two existing members before being 
considered for admittance.
By the early 1880s, Bohemian Club members began conducting summer 
camping trips to the Sonoma County redwoods. The summer encampments 
proved so popular that the Club began purchasing land along the Russian 
River in 1899. By the 1960s the Bohemian Club owned 2,712 acres, including a 
1,500-year-old grove of redwoods, adjacent to the small town of Monte 
The Bohemian Grove summer encampments have become one of the most 
famous private men's retreats in the world. Club members and several 
hundred world-class guests gather annually in the last weeks of July to 
recreate what has been called "the greatest men's party on earth." Spanning 
three weekends, the outdoor event includes lectures, entertainment, rituals, 
plays, theater, friendship re-affirmations, lots of hosted camp parties, 
political discussions, sideline business meetings and huge amounts of food 
and alcohol.
Bohemian Grove offers daily lectures known as "lakeside chats." The 
Under-Secretary of the Navy may give an off-the-record speech on 
military budget issues, or the President of Mexico may address global 
free trade. Whatever the topic, those present emerge with a sense of 
insider awareness of high-level policy issues and political situations 
which are often yet-to-be, or perhaps never-to-be, publicly 
One such chat in 1994, given by a University of California political 
science professor, warned of the dangers of multi-culturalism, Afro- 
centrism, and the loss of family boundaries. He declared that "elites 
based on merit and skill are important to society. Any elite that fails 
to define itself will fail to survive - We need boundaries and values set 
and clear." He went on

[CTRL] Supreme Court ruling has not snuffed medical marijuana distribution

2001-06-14 Thread Steve Wingate

-Caveat Lector-

Supreme Court ruling has not snuffed medical marijuana distribution

By DAVID KRAVETS, Associated Press

SAN FRANCISCO (June 13, 2001 03:15 p.m. EDT) - In the month since
the U.S. Supreme Court ruled the sale or possession of marijuana for
medical use illegal, the decision appears to have had little effect in the
eight states with medical marijuana laws.

"I dispense a couple pounds a month," said Jim Green, operator of the
Market Street Club, where business has thrived even after the May 14
ruling. "All of my clients have a legitimate and compelling need."

Alaska, Arizona, California, Colorado, Hawaii, Maine, Oregon and
Washington allow the infirm to receive, possess, grow or smoke marijuana
for medical purposes without fear of state prosecution.

Those states have done little to change since the Supreme Court ruled
federal law prohibits people from dispensing marijuana to the ill. Some
states have even moved to expand marijuana laws despite the ruling.

State prosecutors say it's up to federal authorities, not them, to enforce the
court's decision.

"If the feds want to prosecute these people, they can," said Norm Vroman,
the district attorney in Northern California's Mendocino County, where the
sheriff issues medical marijuana licenses to residents with a doctor's
recommendation, or to people who grow the marijuana for them.

In Maine, "state prosecutors aren't too involved with enforcing the federal
law," state attorney general spokesman Chuck Dow said.

In response to the high court's decision, however, Maine lawmakers
shelved an effort to supply marijuana to the ill.

The Bush administration, which inherited the medical marijuana fight from
President Clinton, has taken no public action to enforce the ruling and has
been silent about its next move.

"There's generally no comment about what the government will do in the
future in any context," said Mark T. Quinlivan, the Justice Department's lead
attorney in the Supreme Court case.

Leslie Baker, head of the U.S. attorney's Portland, Ore., drug-enforcement
unit, said last week that U.S. Attorney General John Ashcroft's office has
not given her guidance on how to respond to the ruling. Oregon allows
"caregivers" to grow and dispense marijuana for patients who have a
doctor's recommendation.

Baker declined to say what federal authorities may do in the state.

Meanwhile, Nevada lawmakers, abiding by a voter referendum, on June 4
adopted a medical marijuana measure that Gov. Kenny Guinn said he
would sign.

In California, the nation's first state to approve medical marijuana in 1996,
the Senate approved legislation June 6 legalizing marijuana cooperatives
for the sick.

Three days earlier, Colorado expanded its medical marijuana law,
complying with a state voter initiative that requires the state to license
medical marijuana users. That was despite the opposition of Gov. Bill
Owens and the state's attorney general, who urged federal authorities to
prosecute anybody who sells, distributes or grows medical marijuana, even
if they qualify for the state program.

At the Market Street Club in California, the marijuana goes to patients such
as Grant Magner, 49, of Novato, who says it reduces nausea and
headaches resulting from AIDS and gives him enough of an appetite to eat.

"It gives me a slight feeling of wellness. I can not smoke marijuana, and
watch my body waste away," he said.

The absence of federal action has led to speculation about the Bush
administration's strategy.

"I think they are biding their time and are being very careful for which
organizations or persons they are going to target first after this U.S.
Supreme Court decision because that is what is going to get all of the
media attention," said Tim Lynch, the Cato Institute director of criminal
justice studies.

The Justice Department may take no action in hopes that the decision will
scare medical marijuana providers out of business, said Mark Kleiman, a
drug policy expert at the University of California at Los Angeles.

The public silence also may reflect that the White House has more
important issues to handle.

"That is not what they're talking about in the Capitol and the corridors of the
White House," said presidential analyst Stephen Hess of the Brookings

Any federal crackdown may open a Pandora's box of new legal questions,
said Robert Raich, the lawyer for the Oakland Cannabis Buyers

Justice Clarence Thomas wrote that the Oakland club could not defend its
actions against federal drug laws by declaring it was dispensing marijuana
to the medically needy.

But the justices said they addressed only the issue of a so-called "medical
necessity defense" being at odds with a 1970 federal law that marijuana,
like heroin and LSD, has no medical benefits and cannot be dispensed or
prescribed by doctors.

Important constitutional questions remain, such as Congress' ability to
interfere with intrastate commerce, the right of states to experiment wit

[CTRL] LAT: Audit Over Pentagon Spare Parts

2001-06-14 Thread MIKE SPITZER

Audit Over Pentagon Spare PartsAssociated Press Writer
WASHINGTON--Despite repeated complaints that military readiness is 
being hurt by a shortage of spare parts, the Pentagon cannot document 
whether $1.1 billion Congress provided in response to such pleas actually 
went for spare parts, according to a new audit. 
The General Accounting Office, the investigative arm of Congress, said 
most of the money earmarked by Congress in 1999 was transferred into 
operation and maintenance funds of the military services. Only 8 percent of 
the money could be traced specifically to purchases of spare parts. Rep. 
Jerry Lewis, R-Calif., chairman of the House Appropriations subcommittee on 
defense, requested the audit when the Pentagon continued to complain about 
parts shortages compromising readiness even after Congress earmarked money 
specifically for that problem. 
"We hear every year that our troops cannot train at peak performance 
levels because of a lack of spare parts and we have responded with more than 
$3 billion in the past few years to resolve this," Lewis said Tuesday. 

The audit, he said, shows that "the problem has not gone away. Planes 
and helicopters are still unable to fly because of a shortage of parts, and 
we need the services to tell us why." 
Pentagon officials said in response to the audit that they will begin 
providing to Congress annually a breakdown of spare parts funding and 
purchases by the services. They did not dispute the findings. 
The audit is part of an ongoing GAO review of the spare parts problem 
at the Pentagon. Congressional investigators also are checking the 
inventories of each service, the quality of spare parts on hand and whether 
there are sufficient spare parts in the Army's war reserve. 
The GAO told Congress last month that military mechanics routinely take 
parts from one airplane or tank and use them to fix another because spare 
parts are not readily available. Such "cannibalization," the agency said, 
can leave multimillion-dollar aircraft or weapons systems idle for months or 

Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, 

*Michael Spitzer*    <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
    The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To 

Re: [CTRL] USAF "Air-Borne Laser" Hampered By Insufficient Range

2001-06-14 Thread Jei

-Caveat Lector-

On Wed, 13 Jun 2001, William Shannon wrote:

> HREF="http://www.geostrategy-direct.com/geostrategy-direct/";>http://www.geostrategy-direct.com/geostrategy-direct/

> In a related development, the air force reported the success of a test of an
> experimental cruise missile defense system. Officials said radars from land,
> air and sea locked on to unmanned air vehicles that simulated cruise missiles
> that flew over the Gulf of Mexico in an exercise held last week.
> Officials said two of the systems meant to protect the United States and
> Canada from cruise missiles could be operating by 2005. The radar units are
> meant for point defense against cruise missiles fired by terrorist groups.

Hehhehe... What about those terrorist groups
with Lunar bases, like that Usama Bin Ladin has?

We must have very Deep Penetration ability to
destroy those Usama's Lunar bases as well.

Give us more funding!!

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Middle East: Did You Know? (UNITY)

2001-06-14 Thread Jei

-Caveat Lector-

-Original Message-
Sent: Wednesday, June 13, 2001 3:01 PM
Subject: Did You Know?


Did You Know?

Did you know that non-jewish israelis cannot buy or
lease land in the zionist entity?

Did you know that Palestinian license plates in Zionist entity
are color coded to distinguish jews from non-jews?

Did you know that Israel allots 85% of the water
resources for jews and the remaining 15% is divided
among all Palestinians in the territories? For example
in Hebron, 85% of the water is given to about 400
settlers, while 15% must be divided among Hebron's
120,000 Palestinians?

Did you know the United States awards the israel $5
billion in aid each year?

Did you know that yearly US aid to israel exceeds the
aid the US grants to the whole African continent?

Did you know that the israel is the only country in the
Middle East that has nuclear weapons?

Did you know that the israel is the only country in the
Middle East that refuses to sign the nuclear
non-proliferation treaty and bars international
inspections from its sites?

Did you know that israel currently occupies
territories of two sovereign nations (Lebanon and
Syria) in defiance of United Nations Security Council

For the jews who claim the land is theirs according to
the Bible:
God said to Abraham, "Unto thy SEED, I will give thy
land." Abraham had TWO sons and TWO seeds. Ishmael --
the Arab son, and Isaac -- the Jewish son. The Bible
even identifies Ishmael (the Arab son) as Abraham's
son and seed: "And Hagar bore Abram a son: and Abram
called his son's name, whom Hagar bore, Ishmael" (Holy
Bible:Genesis 16:15). Theres more Genesis 17:23,
17:25, 17:26, 25:9, 25:12 ... So even if one wants
to go to the Bible, the land would belong to both
seeds of Abraham.

Did you know that israel has for decades routinely
sent assassins into other countries to kill its
political enemies?

Did you know that high-ranking military officers in
the israeli Defense Forces have admitted publicly that
unarmed prisoners of war were executed by the IDF?

Did you know that israel refuses to prosecute its
soldiers who have acknowledged executing prisoners of

Did you know that israel routinely confiscates bank
accounts, businesses, and land and refuses to pay
compensation to those who suffer the confiscation?

Did you know that israel blew up an American
diplomatic facility in Egypt and attacked a U.S. ship
in international waters, killing 33 and wounding 177
American sailors?

Did you know that the second most powerful lobby in
the United States, according to a recent Fortune
magazine survey of Washington insiders, is the jewish

Did you know that israel stands in defiance of 69
United Nations Security Council Resolutions?

Did you know that today's israel sits on the former
sites of more than 400 now-vanished Palestinian
villages, and that the israeli's re- named almost
every physical site in the country to cover up the

Did you know that it was not until 1988 that israelis
were barred from running "jews Only" job ads?

Did you know that four prime ministers of israel
Begin, Shamir, Rabin, and Sharon) have taken part in
either bomb attacks on civilians, massacres of
civilians, or forced expulsions of civilians from
their villages?

Did you know that the israeli Foreign Ministry pays
two American public relations firms to promote israel
to Americans?

Did you know that Sharon's coalition government
includes a party -- Molodet -- which advocates
expelling all Palestinians from the occupied

Did you know that israel's settlement-building
increased in the eight years since Oslo?

Did you know that settlement building under Barak
doubled compared to settlement building under

Did you know that israel once dedicated a postage
stamp to a man who attacked a civilian bus and killed
several people?

Did you know that recently-declassified documents
indicate that David Ben-Gurion in at least some
instances approved of the expulsion of Palestinians in

Did you know that despite a ban on torture by israel's
High Court of Justice, torture has continued by Shin
Bet interrogators on Palestinian prisoners?

Did you know that Palestinian refugees make up the
largest portion of the refugee population in the


CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no