[CTRL] Raelian clone doctors to go offshore

2001-06-30 Thread Schmidt

-Caveat Lector-

Get daily conspiracy news from



Human Cloning Attempt Continues, Despite Scrutiny
By Matthew Herper

A group attempting to clone a human being was warned by U.S. regulators not to perform 
certain experiments within this country. One of the group's leaders says the cloning 
efforts continue both inside and outside the U.S., but they are being careful not to 
break any laws.

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration told the group, which is conducting cloning 
experiments on behalf of the Raelian religious sect, not to clone a human being in the 
United States. Some reports have stated that the cloning group, called Clonaid, was 
halted in its effort to create a genetic duplicate of a child that died of heart 
disease. But one of Clonaid's leaders says their work continues.

Brigitte Boisselier, Clonaid's director, says her operation is continuing. The Raelian 
group operates two laboratories, one inside the U.S. and one outside the U.S., 
Boisselier says. She adds she was visited by the FDA in April, and was warned about 
human cloning experiments at that time. Boisselier emphasizes that the group does not 
and will not break the law.

The cloning effort was an offshoot of the Raelian religious movement, which believes 
aliens created life on Earth.

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That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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Re: [CTRL] Breast Cancer

2001-06-30 Thread Steve

-Caveat Lector-

This is a stupid hoax, an urban legand. It is surprising that anyone falls for


On 29 Jun 01, at 23:14, Bill Richer wrote:

 -Caveat Lector-

 I thought this was interesting and wanted to share
 Original Message
 Subject: FWD:Fw: Fw: FW: FW: Fw: Information -- Breast Cancer
 Date: Mon, 28 May 2001 19:16:40 -0500

 Some information for us womensomething to think about!!!

 A friend of mine who has rec'd chemotherapy and is now receiving Radiation at
 Princess Margaret hospital for breast cancer phoned me today to tell me what
 they have now found about causes of breast cancer.  And then tonight, got the
 same information from another friend in Montreal. The person with the cancer
 has been told by the hospital to only use deodorant rather than an
 The reasons are outlined in the letter below.

 Anyway, I thought it was worth sharing:

 Elizabeth Morin
 Dept. of Medicinal Chemistry
 Merck Frosst Canada  Co.

 Tel. (514) 428-3222

 I'm forwarding this to everyone I know because it makes so much sense. Please
 forward it to everyone you care about and even those you don't.

 Ladies - some awareness!
 Gentleman - pass on to the ladies in your life!

 Please read this... very important... Some time ago, I attended a Breast
 Cancer Awareness seminar put on by Terry Birk with support from Dan Sullivan.
  During the Q  A period I asked why the most common area for Breast Cancer
 was near the armpit.
 My question could not be answered at that time.
 This email was just sent to me, and I find it interesting that my question
 has now been answered.  I challenge you all to re-think your every day use of
 a product that could ultimately lead to a terminal illness.
 As of today, I will change my use.
 A friend forwarded this to me.
 I showed it to a friend going through chemotherapy and she said she learned
 this fact in a support group recently.
 I wish I had known it 14 years ago. I just got information from a health
 seminar that I would like to share.
 The leading cause of breast cancer is the use of anti-perspirant.
 A concentration of toxins leads to cell mutations:  a.k.a. CANCER.


 Most of the products out there are an antiperspirant/deodorant combination,
 so go home and check.  Deodorant is fine but antiperspirant is not.

 Here's why:

 The human body has a few areas that it uses to purge toxins behind the knees,
 behind the ears, groin area, and armpits.  The toxins are purged in the form
 of perspiration.  Anti-perspirant, as the name clearly indicates, prevents
 you from perspiring, thereby inhibiting the body from purging toxins from
 below the armpits.
 These toxins do not just magically disappear.  Instead, the body deposits
 them in the lymph nodes below the arms since it cannot sweat them out.
 Nearly all breast cancer tumors occur in the upper outside quadrant of the
 breast area.
 This is precisely where the lymph nodes are located.
 Additionally, Men are less likely (but not completely exempt) to develop
 breast cancer prompted by anti-perspirant usage because most of the
 anti-perspirant product is caught in their hair and is not directly applied
 to the skin.  Women who apply anti-perspirant right after shaving increase
 the risk further because shaving causes almost imperceptible nicks in the
 skin, which give the chemicals entrance into the body from the armpit area.

 PLEASE pass this along to anyone you care about.

 Breast cancer is becoming frighteningly common.

 This awareness may save lives.  If you are skeptical about these findings, I
 urge you to do some research for yourself. You will arrive at the same
 conclusions, I assure you.

 A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
 CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
 screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
 sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
 directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
 major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
 That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
 always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
 credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

 Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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[CTRL] [Fwd: unconstitutional strip searches]

2001-06-30 Thread BB

The phrase bad cops near the end of this article is a key factor
in this ongoing, popular law enforcement sport.

From houstonpress.com
Originally published by Houston Press June 28, 2001
©2001 New Times, Inc. All rights reserved.


Naked Shame
Years ago, courts ruled that routine strip searches in jails were
unconstitutional. But for Fort Bend
County women, if you got booked, they took a look.
By Wendy Grossman

Lupe Cantu lay in the back of her brother's Ford Mustang wanting to
throw up. It was Good Friday, so instead of a beef taco,
the 41-year-old Catholic woman ordered El Patio's spicy shrimp
flameados. After a few bites, she had started vomiting in the
restaurant. Cantu asked her brother to stop the car, but he told her to
hang on, they were almost home. But a few minutes later
he pulled over -- a Fort Bend County sheriff's deputy asked her brother
for his driver's license, while Cantu puked on the side
of the Southwest Freeway. Sweating in the closed car, Cantu stretched
out in the backseat while the officer conducted
field-sobriety tests on her brother. Cantu is an office manager for a
cardiologist; she had never been stopped by police before,
and she thought they would soon be on their way.

The officer opened the driver's-side door, told Cantu to get out,
handcuffed her and arrested her for public intoxication. She
had drunk only one margarita and says the officer didn't do any sobriety
tests on her before putting her in the patrol car with
her brother's girlfriend.

Cantu started sobbing. They were a mile from her house in Rosenberg's
Greenwood subdivision. She told the officer if he took
the next exit he could take her home. It was almost midnight, Friday the
13th, when they arrived at the Fort Bend County Jail.
Cantu was ordered to remove her thin silver watch, three rings and six
earrings before she and her brother's girlfriend were
taken into a small freezing-cold room where two female officers ordered
the women to strip.

What? Cantu asked. I'm not taking off my clothes.

Take them off, the officer said. Now.

Cantu's friend removed her shoes, jeans and shirt, stopping at her bra
and panties. The guard told her to remove them too.

Afraid that they'd start beating her if she didn't, Cantu pulled off her
black boots and slowly took off her jeans, yellow
turtleneck sweater and underclothes. The guard ordered the women to
raise their arms and then lift their breasts. What in the
hell could I hide under a size B-cup bra? Cantu asks. Next the women
were told to turn around, bend over and spread their
butt cheeks while the guard shone a flashlight on their asses. The
larger officer, Cantu insists, was leering at her like she was
enjoying seeing her naked. The other guard, Cantu says, seemed to feel
sorry for them: She offered to bring the women

Cantu was fingerprinted, photographed and placed in a holding cell until
almost 7 a.m., when her daughter came and paid the
$200 bail to free her. A guard again watched Cantu undress and dress as
she changed back into her street clothes.

Her brother's strip search, Cantu says, was worse. The guards peeled
back the foreskin on his penis to make sure he was
wasn't hiding anything there. I never, ever, knew that they did that,
Cantu says. I thought you go to jail, you make a phone
call, they put you in a cell. It's degrading.

Months later, Cantu's brother still avoids leaving the house. He goes to
work, he comes home, and he sits in his bedroom. He
worries what people he works with and people in the community would
think of him if they knew what happened. He thinks
the cops might have pulled him over because of his Mustang, so he wants
to buy a less sporty car.

Cantu couldn't sleep after the strip search. Her doctor had to prescribe
sleeping pills. By Tuesday, everyone in Rosenberg
knew what had happened to her. She felt embarrassed and humiliated and
didn't talk to her brother's girlfriend for weeks.
Cantu is planning to file a federal civil rights suit for the violation
of her constitutional rights against unreasonable searches; she
has three daughters aged 17 to 22 and says she can't let this happen to

It just shocks me that something as plainly written as the Fourth
Amendment can be so wildly ignored by law enforcement,
says her attorney John McDowell.

The county's lawyer, John Zavitsanos, admits that until April, guards
strip-searched all women booked into the jail. Federal
courts have said that officers must have a reasonable suspicion to
search people arrested for misdemeanors.

Fort Bend County justifies its actions based on nothing more than the
jail's floor plan. Arrestees are separated by sex, and the
holding cells are situated so men and women cannot see or hear each
other. Since the duty officer, seated in front of the men's
cell, can't see into the women's cell, guards automatically searched
every woman arrested regardless of her charge. They say

Re: [CTRL] Breast Cancer

2001-06-30 Thread BB

-Caveat Lector-

Oh, you're just SO incredibly clever, you little Dickens, you!!

You just KNOW SOOO MUCH - it's so NOBLE of you to point
out the foibles of your fellow, if lower, human beings.

Damn,  I thought we got rid of you.  No such luck.

Steve wrote:

 -Caveat Lector-

 This is a stupid hoax, an urban legand. It is surprising that anyone falls for


 On 29 Jun 01, at 23:14, Bill Richer wrote:

  -Caveat Lector-
  I thought this was interesting and wanted to share
  Original Message
  Subject: FWD:Fw: Fw: FW: FW: Fw: Information -- Breast Cancer
  Date: Mon, 28 May 2001 19:16:40 -0500
  Some information for us womensomething to think about!!!
  A friend of mine who has rec'd chemotherapy and is now receiving Radiation at
  Princess Margaret hospital for breast cancer phoned me today to tell me what
  they have now found about causes of breast cancer.  And then tonight, got the
  same information from another friend in Montreal. The person with the cancer
  has been told by the hospital to only use deodorant rather than an
  The reasons are outlined in the letter below.
  Anyway, I thought it was worth sharing:
  Elizabeth Morin
  Dept. of Medicinal Chemistry
  Merck Frosst Canada  Co.
  Tel. (514) 428-3222
  I'm forwarding this to everyone I know because it makes so much sense. Please
  forward it to everyone you care about and even those you don't.
  Ladies - some awareness!
  Gentleman - pass on to the ladies in your life!
  Please read this... very important... Some time ago, I attended a Breast
  Cancer Awareness seminar put on by Terry Birk with support from Dan Sullivan.
   During the Q  A period I asked why the most common area for Breast Cancer
  was near the armpit.
  My question could not be answered at that time.
  This email was just sent to me, and I find it interesting that my question
  has now been answered.  I challenge you all to re-think your every day use of
  a product that could ultimately lead to a terminal illness.
  As of today, I will change my use.
  A friend forwarded this to me.
  I showed it to a friend going through chemotherapy and she said she learned
  this fact in a support group recently.
  I wish I had known it 14 years ago. I just got information from a health
  seminar that I would like to share.
  The leading cause of breast cancer is the use of anti-perspirant.
  A concentration of toxins leads to cell mutations:  a.k.a. CANCER.
  Most of the products out there are an antiperspirant/deodorant combination,
  so go home and check.  Deodorant is fine but antiperspirant is not.
  Here's why:
  The human body has a few areas that it uses to purge toxins behind the knees,
  behind the ears, groin area, and armpits.  The toxins are purged in the form
  of perspiration.  Anti-perspirant, as the name clearly indicates, prevents
  you from perspiring, thereby inhibiting the body from purging toxins from
  below the armpits.
  These toxins do not just magically disappear.  Instead, the body deposits
  them in the lymph nodes below the arms since it cannot sweat them out.
  Nearly all breast cancer tumors occur in the upper outside quadrant of the
  breast area.
  This is precisely where the lymph nodes are located.
  Additionally, Men are less likely (but not completely exempt) to develop
  breast cancer prompted by anti-perspirant usage because most of the
  anti-perspirant product is caught in their hair and is not directly applied
  to the skin.  Women who apply anti-perspirant right after shaving increase
  the risk further because shaving causes almost imperceptible nicks in the
  skin, which give the chemicals entrance into the body from the armpit area.
  PLEASE pass this along to anyone you care about.
  Breast cancer is becoming frighteningly common.
  This awareness may save lives.  If you are skeptical about these findings, I
  urge you to do some research for yourself. You will arrive at the same
  conclusions, I assure you.
  A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
  CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
  screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
  sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
  directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
  major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
  That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
  always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
  credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.
  Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
  Archives Available at:

[CTRL] Konformist: Attack of the Mutant Bollworms

2001-06-30 Thread Steve

-Caveat Lector-

--- Forwarded message follows ---
Date sent:  Thu, 28 Jun 2001 20:57:00 -0700
From:   Russ Kick [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject:Konformist: Attack of the Mutant Bollworms
Send reply to:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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2001-06-30 Thread Steve

-Caveat Lector-

--- Forwarded message follows ---
Date sent:  Thu, 28 Jun 2001 11:07:12 +
From:   Robert Sterling [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Send reply to:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Please send as far and wide as possible.


Robert Sterling
Editor, The Konformist

Sam Johnston

John Stossel has been trashing organic agriculture and
environmental scaremongers  for some time. Now he's after the kids,
but it's starting to backfire. Tune in this Friday on ABC, check you
local listings. Contact info for Stossel and ABC at bottom. Be polite
to be heard. For more info see:


Stossel's deceptions reveal to all his Achilles' Heel. Opportunity



The Story Behind John Stossel's Latest Attack on Environmentalism

John Stossel is back in action. Stossel is a commentator on
ABC's 20/20, where he devotes much of his time to railing against
government regulations. According to FreeMarket.net, Stossel is one
of the libertarian movement's most valuable proponents. His staunch
libertarian perspective influences much of his commentary, sometimes
to the detriment of its accuracy.

Last summer, Stossel attacked the organic food industry using
fabricated and distorted scientific studies. His fans sprang to his
defense, and the Competitive Enterprise Institute, a right-wing think
tank, even sponsored a website in his honor, SaveJohnStossel.com.

Stossel is now gearing up for another attack on greens, this time in
the form of a screed against environmental education. The program is
reportedly scheduled to air on Friday, June 29, 2001. According to
educators and parents whose children were interviewed for the show,
Stossel has once again allowed his beliefs to interfere with his
journalistic duties.

Stossel's Sudden Arrival

An environmental educator, who was present for Stossel's interviews
with children and was also interviewed himself, is concerned about
Stossel's tactics.

John Quigley is the executive director of Earth Day Los Angeles. In
April, he hosted a field day for 2,000 kids to teach them about clean
energy solutions. The day's events were filmed by Debbie Colloton,
one of Stossel's producers.

We had an educational experience where everything was solar-powered
at the event, Quigley said. There were local presentation areas
that were solar-powered. Kids learned about clean transportation and
about things they can do in their homes.

Colloton also visited an elementary school to interview kids. She
subsequently arranged for 10 children, grades two through five, to be
taped in a studio setting as they talked about the environment.

Colloton never mentioned Stossel's involvement with the project. We
still didn't think anything, Quigley said. We just didn't know. We
thought Debbie Colloton was going to do the interviews for her ABC

Quigley was wrong, however, because about five minutes before taping,
John Stossel showed up. Debbie Colloton announces that Stossel will
be interviewing the kids, Quigley said. It didn't raise a red flag
because all I knew was that he was a commentator for ABC. It did seem
odd that his name was never mentioned at all and all of a sudden he
shows up.

Stossel interviewed the kids for about 30 minutes on environmental
topics before showing his agenda, Quigley said.

He started asking leading questions and it was very clear what he
wanted to get, Quigley said. He would say, 'Wow, it's really scary,
isn't it?' And the kids weren't scared at all and so they just looked
at him. He asked that question repeatedly.

According to Quigley, Stossel was having a hard time getting what he
wanted. These were bright kids, and they were responding well. He
was clearly trying to elicit certain responses on tape. When he
didn't get the verbal response he wanted, he had the crew shoot from
behind and had the students raise their hands while he asked, 'Is the
air getting dirtier or cleaner?' It was clear that he wasn't
interested in honest dialogue but was trying to elicit certain
responses for a script he had already written.

Although Quigley was bothered, he thought Stossel was just asking
tough questions. He agreed to tape a discussion with Stossel and
fellow educators the following Monday.

About 30 minutes into the interview with educators, Stossel changed
the tone from a round-table discussion to an attack. He proceeded to
attack the elementary school teachers, telling them, 'You're scaring
these kids,'  Quigley said. At one point he raised his voice and
was yelling it, 'You're scaring these kids,' but this time, like it
was a dramatic performance for TV, he said over his shoulder, 'That
was over 


2001-06-30 Thread BB

-Caveat Lector-

Yup --  the liberals and socialists just HATE the fact that for once,
a network reporter has unmasked publicly, from the mouths of babes,
the left-wing propaganda that has been indoctrinated into our
children at the hands of the left-wing educational bureaucracy.

They are so angry, not because the children have been propagandized,
but because the fact has been uncovered and made public.

So typical.  It's ok for generations of 'educators' to take everything
good and noble from textbooks, no mention of religion allowed,
God forbid that prayer even be THOUGHT of, George Washington
reduced to a single paragraph, where Marilyn Monroe is given several
pages, ZERO TOLERANCE for a kiss on the cheek, or a boy should
stick out his finger at another in an age old game, or draw a picture
of a weapon, or that a girl in school should have IN HER CAR IN THE
by school 'authorities', all this is OK, acceptable, desirable.

BUT, when a left-wing ox is gored by the uncovering and publicizing
of a beloved practice of orienting our children toward one of THEIR
political viewpoints, just LISTEN to the howls of outrage!!!

A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Breast Cancer

2001-06-30 Thread Steve

-Caveat Lector-

Yes, I should have not said that since it was posted by someone on this list.
But that is no excuse for you to make your own imperious comment, Billy

Your 'attitude' is the reason SNETNEWS is now free from you. ;-)


On 30 Jun 01, at 1:08, BB wrote:

 Oh, you're just SO incredibly clever, you little Dickens, you!!

 You just KNOW SOOO MUCH - it's so NOBLE of you to point
 out the foibles of your fellow, if lower, human beings.

 Damn,  I thought we got rid of you.  No such luck.


A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:
 A HREF=http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html;Archives of


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[CTRL] EU Ratifies Internet Surveillance

2001-06-30 Thread radman

-Caveat Lector-


EU Ratifies Long Data Retention
By Steve Kettmann

11:20 a.m. June 28, 2001 PDT
BERLIN -- Privacy advocates are decrying a move this week by the
Council of the European Union to give European police broader access
to information about the e-mails and Internet-use patterns of the
continent's citizens.

   It's one more direction toward a police state, said Ilka Schroeder,
a Green Party member of the European Parliament who drafted an
opinion for the Industry Committee opposing the expansion of

   They restrict peoples' rights to demonstrate against fortress
Europe, as we saw in Gotenborg when street police shot at people, she
said. Now they are also trying to limit any kind of e-protest. By this
surveillance they also of course go against political opponents.

   The agreement reached Wednesday in Luxembourg by the
Telecommunications Council -- representing all 15 EU nations --
could, among other things, mandate that Internet service providers
store logs for up to seven years, which police agencies could obtain
without too much trouble.

   Under current EU law, ISPs are directed to store network data only so
long as necessary for billing. The new directive concerning the
processing of personal data and protection of privacy would free
member nations to pass their own laws to direct network and ISPs to
save the data.

   All that information will be available without a court order, said
Caspar Bowden, director of the Foundation for Information Policy
Research in Great Britain.

   Police may be able to get that data simply by authorizing
themselves, he said. Once the authorities have this data, they
potentially have a map of both your private and business
relationships and associations. There is really no restriction on how
this data may be used or how long it may be kept.

   Schroeder agreed.

   Their aim is to be able to survey any communication, especially any
electronic communication, and then to pick up on anyone who to them
is a suspect, she said. That basically makes everyone a suspect.

   This is the final aim. What they are trying to do is limit the data
protection laws that are there in the EU and the member states. To
force Internet service providers to be collaborators with the police,
it opens one door for a general surveillance of communication.

   But no clear policy will emerge until the European Parliament takes
up the matter in September. Opposition is high in Parliament to
expanding the reach of police access to such information.

   It is quite clear that as things stand at the moment, Parliament has
not given anything like an agreement to the document which was agreed
by council yesterday, said a senior European Parliament staffer who
spoke on condition of anonymity.

   There are two issues with which Parliament has a particular problem,
and one of those is the proposal regarding data retention. Parliament
will vote a certain number of amendments and negotiate with the
Belgian presidency to try to reach some sort of agreement.

   Earlier this month, the European Union's advisory body on data
protection and privacy issues -- the Article 29 Data Protection
Working Party -- came out strongly against expanding police access to
such data in a letter to the president of the Council of the European

   It is not acceptable that the scope of initial data processing is
widened in order to increase the amount of data available for law
enforcement objectives, read the letter, signed by the chairman of
the group, Stefano Rodota.

   Any such changes in these essential provisions that are directly
related to fundamental human rights would turn the exception into a
new rule. Systematic and preventive storage of EU citizens'
communications and related traffic data would undermine the
fundamental rights to privacy, data protection, freedom of
expression, liberty and presumption of innocence. Could the
Information Society still claim to be a democratic society under such

   The move this week was inspired in part by lobbying from Great
Britain, which contends that police agencies need wide access to
private data if they are to combat such pressing problems as child
pornography, money laundering and racist hate-mongering.

   The Green Party's Schroeder said she's not at all sure how the
European Parliament debate on the topic will go.

   I hope we can manage in plenary to make a strong stand to fight for
data protection, and to make a strong stand against this council
proposal for more surveillance, she said. I'm not sure whether
there will be a majority to defend this general infringement and
undermining of the EU data protection rules.

   She said it's fitting that the vote is expected to be held in
September at the same time as the vote on the final report of the
European Parliament's temporary committee on the U.S. surveillance
system known as Echelon.

   I see a direct link to 

Re: [CTRL] Reptoids and illegal drugs

2001-06-30 Thread c.

-Caveat Lector-

well yes.. caber but i was getting carried away thinking of carry on up
the khyber and just wrote it that way.
and we *are* all built like paul bunyan's big brother over here :)

- Original Message -
Sent: Saturday, June 30, 2001 5:41 AM
Subject: Re: [CTRL] Reptoids and illegal drugs

 -Caveat Lector-

 -Caveat Lector-
 In a message dated 6/29/01 3:20:40 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  i am much too modern to take offence and whip out my khyber and get
 all scottish on yo ass. 
 While the scots were (are) barbarians, the English did tame them. see the
 Union Jack.

 What the heck's a khyber? If you mean a caber (as in a caber-toss), you'd
have to be a Paul Bunyan type to whip someome with one (they're large

 Get your own FREE allofyourgodsaredead.com Email account at...

 http://allofyourgodsaredead.com - Someone had to tell you.

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 major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and
 That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
 always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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Re: [CTRL] Reptoids and illegal drugs

2001-06-30 Thread c.

-Caveat Lector-

you dson't know your history then.
i may be wrong but i think it was our james 6th that went and took england
and became james 1st of england.
so... we tamed them.

- Original Message -
From: Bill Howard [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, June 30, 2001 12:00 AM
Subject: Re: [CTRL] Reptoids and illegal drugs

 -Caveat Lector-

 In a message dated 6/29/01 3:20:40 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

  i am much too modern to take offence and whip out my khyber and get

 all scottish on yo ass. 

 While the scots were (are) barbarians, the English did tame them. see the
 Union Jack.

 A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
 CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing
 screeds are unwelcomed. Substancenot soap-boxingplease!  These are
 sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'with its many half-truths, mis-
 directions and outright fraudsis used politically by different groups with
 major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and
 That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
 always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
 credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

 Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] god gw

2001-06-30 Thread BB

-Caveat Lector-

If your poor brain wasn't so cooked by the drugs you love so much,
your short term memory would remind you that bush is no god of mine.

If you leftwingers would use what little brain power you have left,
you would
realize and gloat in the fact that your enemy bush is not one iota
different from
the would-be pres algore--  you had the deck stacked both ways, you've
you just seem incapable of realizing it.

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] [Fwd: Steve, disruptor, Lies]

2001-06-30 Thread BB

You've taken so many drugs, that your psychosis is becoming
painfully more obvious by the minute.

I did not set my clock ahead, although one wonders what purpose
your twisted mind might think that would serve.

If you would check the list and time posts, dear clunko,
you will see that my post shows 1:06 and 1:08, and your
accusatory babblings were posted at 1:09.

You depart from the point at issue  --  left-wingers propaganda
publicly identified.  Now, you wander off into the weeds of my
time posting  you poor person.

Steve wrote:

 If you are so concerned about truth and accuracy they why do you set your
 clock ahead so your posts appear to be sent earlier than they really are?

 Do Conservatives lie if it suits their purpose? It appears that they do. This
 speaks volumes about your God Bush.



[CTRL] Random executions: Hotmail gets tough on spam

2001-06-30 Thread c.

-Caveat Lector-

Random executions: Hotmail gets tough on spam
By John Lettice
Posted: 28/06/2001 at 14:56 GMT

On-the-ball email providers take spam very seriously; none more so than
Hotmail, apparently, which will eagerly can your account even if you only
do - er - nothing? And even if nobody actually complains about you? This at
least was the experience of Register reader Gareth Kitchener, who is not
currently the proud owner of a hotmail.com address.

He met this not necessarily entirely unhappy fate via a curious chain of
events. First of all there's the interesting MSN Explorer routine that has
the side-effect of inducing you to spam your friends with an MSN Explorer
commercial without knowing it. It asks you if you want to let your contacts
know about your new email address, and if you say yes it tells them how
great MSN Explorer is as well.

This however is not how Gareth got discontinued. The next component is a
grouchy-sounding mailing list administrator who got sufficiently angry about
the MSN ads to block postings from Hotmail accounts. His list responds to
would-be Hotmail posters saying it no longer relays mail from Hotmail
accounts, and explaining why. For good measure it ccs the reply to

You with us so far? So Gareth tried to post and got the bouncer, as did
[EMAIL PROTECTED] Note that the bouncer message is not complaining about
spam from the would-be poster, but about the spamlike behaviour of
Microsoft's own software. Whatever, mere use of the S-word in messages to
that account seems to trigger a nuclear strike on whatever Hotmail address
is handiest.

In defence of the poor loves we should maybe point out at this juncture
that, considering the amount of spam we all get from Hotmail accounts, they
must be far too busy killing them off to digest the finer nuances of abuse

But over to Gareth now. He mailed support asking why his account had been
cancelled, and got the following:

Hello MSN Hotmail Member, Thank you for writing to MSN Hotmail. The account
that you reported has already been closed in accordance with the Hotmail
Terms of Service (TOS). We do not tolerate our members being the victims of
unsolicited e-mail (aka 'Spam'). We are equally intolerant of Hotmail
members sending junk e-mail. It is a strict violation of the TOS for our
members to send objectionable material of any kind or nature using our

Says Gareth: As the only possible reason for this could have been
misinterpretation of the 'bounce' message, I replied, pointing out that it
was clearly a misunderstanding. I attached a copy of the original complaint
and asked them to read it properly and when they realised the mistake,
reinstate my account.

The response was strangely familiar:

Thank you for writing to MSN Hotmail. I apologize, but as it has been
mentioned to you earlier that the account that you reported has already been
closed in accordance with the Hotmail Terms of Service (TOS). We do not
tolerate our members being the victims of unsolicited e-mail (aka 'Spam').
We are equally intolerant of Hotmail members sending junk e-mail. It is a
strict violation of the TOS for our members to send objectionable material
of any kind or nature using our service. Also, please note that the account
once deleted cannot be reinstated.

Clearly there's a human being in there twiddling with the boilerplate, but
still not reading the incoming properly before replying. A ballistic
response from Gareth elicited the following:

Thank you for writing to MSN Hotmail. We understand your concern, but
please note that for security and privacy reasons, we cannot give you
further information regarding the status of this account. I appreciate your
understanding. MSN Hotmail has comprehensive online help available to you.
For more information on Hotmail features, functions, and issues, click the
'Help' button on the horizontal navigation bar.

More boilerplate, but we seem to have switched from 'you naughty spammer' to
'what's done is done, cannot be undone, and the judge's decision is final.'

But here comes the cavalry. The mail list administrator had in the meantime
received a message from Hotmail thanking him for the information, and
confirming that Gareth's account had been cancelled. He mailed them back
pointing out that he'd been complaining about them, not Gareth, and asking
them to put his account back. He copied this to Gareth, Gareth passed it on
to Hotmail repeating his request for reinstatement and... a person! A real

At last, says Gareth, a semi-sensible response came out of Hotmail
Support (presumably from a *trained* chimp). My request has been passed to
'the appropriate team' to deal with and they will let me know when they have
a 'recommendation'. It seems that reinstating an account requires
significantly more thought than simply closing one! I awaited the jury's
verdict with bated breath!

As of yesterday, he was still waiting. He says: Given that it is possible
to have 

[CTRL] Fwd: Muslim Cleric Calls for Death of Author Who Wrote on Islam

2001-06-30 Thread Aleisha Saba

Now this is the way to sell a book; like when we were kids if it was
banned in Boston -you knew it was a best seller.

But then people went to war over a Document entitled the Declaration of
Independence and a war was fought over an ear once.

So how to sell a book - send yourself a lot of death threats, all the
police, the FBI,  and terrorize yourself with death threats..throw
in a little bit of sex - or earthy matters and people will be panting
and fighting to get the book.


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June 30, 2001
Muslim Cleric Calls for Death of Author Who Wrote on Islam


 The New York Times Khalid Duran, a Muslim author who has been called an
Expanded Coverage
In Depth: Religion radical Muslim cleric in Jordan has issued a
religious opinion that advocates the death of a Muslim scholar in the
United States in punishment for a book he wrote about Islam.

The cleric, Sheik Abdel Moneim Abu Zant, declared the author, Khalid
Duran, an apostate and called on Muslims in the United States to unify
against him, a Jordanian newspaper aligned with the cleric reported.
The paper also reported that Mr. Abu Zant urged two prominent Sunni
Islamic religious institutions to issue judgments of apostasy against
Mr. Duran, the equivalent of a death sentence.

The book, Children of Abraham, an introduction to Islam, was
commissioned by the American Jewish Committee as part of a project to
promote better understanding between Jews and Muslims. It was reported
to be offensive for distorting Islam by focusing too much on issues
like female circumcision, the relationship between men and woman,
whether Ramadan observances decreased productivity and whether head
scarves contributed to marital infidelity.

The edict was reported on June 6 in the weekly Arabic newspaper Al-
Shahed, or The Observer, which is aligned with the Islamic Action Front,
the party of the Muslim Brotherhood, to which Mr. Abu Zant belongs. It
is the main political opposition party in Jordan.

The newspaper reported that the book's publication was evidence of an
evil intention to besmear the image of Islam in the United States. The
intended result of the edict was that Mr. Duran's blood will be shed,
the newspaper said.

Michael J. Wildes, Mr. Duran's lawyer, said that Mr. Duran, 61, had been
moved from his suburban Washington home and was being provided 24-hour
private security.

The American Jewish Committee condemned the threat but said it had no
plans to withdraw the book, which is for sale on the Internet and will
be in bookstores soon.

In a free society no one should tolerate the threat to kill an author,
said David A. Harris, executive director of the Jewish group, which is
also publishing a book about Judaism for Muslims.

All Americans, not least Muslims, should immediately speak out against
this outrage and assault on democratic society.

Mr. Duran, who was born in Germany and moved to the United States in the
1980's, said yesterday that he had received death threats over the years
because of writings that criticize extremist Islamic groups. But he had
never been the target of a religious edict.

He said the edict surprised him because unlike much of his academic and
journalistic work, Children of Abraham was meant to have no particular
point of view. Its aim was to present a variety of opinions.

One thing is clear: He has not read the book, Mr. Duran said of Mr.
Abu Zant. I hear every day from other Muslims who have read the book
that they like the book.

David Schenker, a research fellow at the Washington Institute for Near
East Policy, said the edict by Mr. Abu Zant did not carry the same
religious authority as the one against Salman Rushdie, which was issued
in 1989 by the Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini. Mr. Schenker described Mr.
Abu Zant as more of a populist religious figure than an accomplished
Islamic religious scholar.

Even before its publication, the book and its author were criticized by
some Muslims in the United States, including the Council on
American-Islamic Relations, or CAIR, an advocacy group in Washington
that often sides with Muslim hard-liners on Middle East issues.

The groups questioned Mr. Duran's credentials and suggested that the
book sensationalized some issues, like the treatment of women in Islamic

Officials at the American Jewish Committee said that attacks by CAIR
most likely laid the foundation for Mr. Abu Zant's edict, particularly
since the article in Al-Shahed mentioned the American group.

But Ibrahim Hooper, a spokesman for CAIR, said the Jewish organization
was making too much of the Al- Shahed article. Mr. Hooper described the
article as an editorial in a party newspaper that nobody ever heard
of. He said that Mr. Abu Zant was making a recommendation to the Sunni
religious authorities, not issuing a death sentence of his own.

Even if he said what the American Jewish Committee says he said, it is

Re: [CTRL] Random executions: Hotmail gets tough on spam

2001-06-30 Thread Aleisha Saba

-Caveat Lector-

Hey June, and all you Hotmail and ex Hotmail recipients..

Wonder how many death threats this guy got for cancelling people's
hotmail accounts?

Recently I complained to Hot Mail I was going to sue them for
commercializng my web tv account, for I pay for this service each month.

Anyone with a name like Hotmail deserves what he gets.


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Re: [CTRL] [Fwd: Steve, disruptor, Lies]

2001-06-30 Thread Aleisha Saba

-Caveat Lector-

How does one set a clock ahead - looks like Steve knows something I do
not know?

A web tv, you can not tamper with clocks or addresses, etc.   Somebody
else puts all thaat stuff in automatically.

Tampering with clocks?   Tampering with archives - someone knows where
all the bodies are buried?

All I know is the only place I can put in a time or any typing in an
address, is under the subject matter ..

What would be the purpose of setting a clock ahead and can this be done
on computers other than your own?

My clock says it is 8:00 now as I send this.

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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2001-06-30 Thread Aleisha Saba

-Caveat Lector-

Maybe people will take another look at Rosie O'Donnell and Paul
Poundstone who have attached themselves to PBS and Sesame Street fantasy
world of little kids.Poundstone is in some kind of finanacial
arrangement with O'Donnell.

It used to be I subscribed to Disney Channel and paid for same;
suddenly, I thought how wonderful - Disney was a free channel.

Little did I know it was a free channel because, obviously, it was to be
used for propaganda purposes.

Even the broadway show where Rosie O'Donnell played the Cat in the Hat
was designed to get her next to the kids; in Christmas commercials this
wife of Rob Reiner was used and dressed like little elves they were
going through a toy department commercializing Christmas or was this
just more commercializing to get next to the kids.

Little kids even at the age of 3 are good judges of character, and so
are dogs.

Paula Poundstone charged with performing lewd sex acts with her adopted
children or foster kidsshe once wrote she liked taking care of
really little kids, before they could talk.   Well evidently some of
those kids grew up and did a little talking and Paula Poundstone is now
out of $200,000 bail?

So as this one councilman said as of late - you can put a pig in a
dress, but it is still a pig.


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Re: [CTRL] Breast Cancer

2001-06-30 Thread Aleisha Saba

-Caveat Lector-

Stupid hoax Steve - really.   Bill Richer was nice enough to send this
out with good intentions?

You are a nasty little bastard.

Further for your informtion poisons often re absorbed through the
skin.years ago men did ot wear deodorants and then suddenly there
was a report that men were getting breast cancer?

Arrid was one of the most dangerous deodorants ever made...

Strange, Arrid went the way of Ivory soap - nobody really much uses it
anymore and they have gone quietly into remission

Perhaps  you would prefer a soy deodorant?


But then Steve, no deodorant that would eradicate the stench of

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] Mind after death

2001-06-30 Thread Tenorlove

-Caveat Lector-

Friday June 29 10:07 AM ET
Scientist Says Mind Continues After Brain Dies
By Sarah Tippit

LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - A British scientist studying heart attack
patients says he is finding evidence that suggests that consciousness
continue after the brain has stopped functioning and a patient is
clinically dead.

The research, presented to scientists last week at the California
Institute of Technology (Caltech), resurrects the debate over whether
is life after death and whether there is such a thing as the human

``The studies are very significant in that we have a group of people
with no brain function ... who have well-structured, lucid thought
processes with reasoning and memory formation at a time when their
brains are
shown not to function,'' Sam Parnia, one of two doctors from
Southampton General Hospital in England who have been studying
near-death experiences (NDEs), told Reuters in an interview.

``We need to do much larger-scale studies, but the possibility is
certainly there'' to suggest that consciousness, or the soul, keeps
and reasoning even if a person's heart has stopped, he is not breathing

and his brain activity is nil, Parnia said.

He said he and colleagues conducted an initial yearlong study, the
results of which appeared in the February issue of the journal
Resuscitation. The study was so promising the doctors formed a
foundation to fund
further research and continue collecting data.

During the initial study, Parnia said, 63 heart attack patients who
were deemed clinically dead but were later revived were interviewed
a week of their experiences.

Of those, 56 said they had no recollection of the time they were
unconscious and seven reported having memories. Of those, four were
NDEs in that they reported lucid memories of thinking, reasoning,
about and communicating with others after doctors determined their
brains were not functioning.


Among other things, the patients reported remembering feelings of
peace, joy and harmony. For some, time sped up, senses heightened and
lost awareness of their bodies.

The patients also reported seeing a bright light, entering another
realm and communicating with dead relatives. One, who called himself a
lapsed Catholic and Pagan, reported a close encounter with a mystical

Near-death experiences have been reported for centuries but in Parnia's

study none of the patients were found to have received low oxygen
levels, which some skeptics believe may contribute to the phenomenon.

When the brain is deprived of oxygen people become totally confused,
thrash around and usually have no memories at all, Parnia said. ``Here
you have a severe insult to the brain but perfect memory.''

Skeptics have also suggested that patients' memories occurred in the
moments they were leaving or returning to consciousness. But Parnia
when a brain is traumatized by a seizure or car wreck a patient
generally does not remember moments just before or after losing

Rather, there is usually a memory lapse of hours or days. ''Talk to
them. They'll tell you something like: 'I just remember seeing the car
the next thing I knew I was in the hospital,''' he said.

``With cardiac arrest, the insult to the brain is so severe it stops
the brain completely. Therefore, I would expect profound memory loss
before and after the incident,'' he added.

Since the initial experiment, Parnia and his colleagues have found more

than 3,500 people with lucid memories that apparently occurred at times

they were thought to be clinically dead. Many of the patients, he said,

were reluctant to share their experiences fearing they would be thought



One patient was 2-1/2 years old when he had a seizure and his heart
stopped. His parents contacted Parnia after the boy ''drew a picture of

himself as if out of his body looking down at himself. It was drawn
there was a balloon stuck to him. When they asked what the balloon was
he said, 'When you die you see a bright light and you are connected to
a cord.' He wasn't even 3 when had the experience,'' Parnia said.

``What his parents noticed was that after he had been discharged from
hospital, six months after the incident, he kept drawing the same

The brain function these patients were found to have while unconscious
is commonly believed to be incapable of sustaining lucid thought
processes or allowing lasting memories to form, Parnia said -- pointing
the fact that nobody fully grasps how the brain generates thoughts.

The brain itself is made up of cells, like all the body's organs, and
is not really capable of producing the subjective phenomenon of thought

that people have, he said.

He speculated that human consciousness may work independently of the
brain, using the gray matter as a mechanism to manifest the thoughts,
just as a television set translates waves in the air into picture 

[CTRL] Fwd: Election99.Indiavotes.Com: Features: Deodorants, anti-perspirants may cause serious health problems

2001-06-30 Thread Aleisha Saba

An example of a free press - newspapers I was told way back in 1964
would never touch some of the stuff I had sent to this friend of mine
who was an Editor and the reason - ADVERTISERS.

Try to get the truth out in an American Press or news media controlled
by advertisers and the men with the Grey Flannel Mouths.

Here is example of a Free Press Steveand if you knew anything at
all, you will see a big change in deodorants over the years.

Check out this article for it is based on factsonce in the early 60
period they took one ingredient out of the common aspirin which was
killing people who had kidney disease and of course the prolonged use
over a period of time - well now they try to sell aspirin as being
capable of warding off heart attacks, etc.but faila to mention that
prolonged use of the common aspirin can lead to cardiac weakness,
degeneration of the heart muscle, blood dyscrasias (altered condition of
the blood leading to cancer), etc etc etc.

So do not tell me there was a time some of these deodorants were so
deadly in particular to women, that when the men started using same and
got cancer - well some were quietly faded out and not so popular.

Do some research Steve..


News, Columns - Opinion Poll Archives - Elections '99

Deodorants, anti-perspirants may cause serious health problems
Free Press Journal
March 8, 2001

Ahmedabad: The next time you lift your hand for your fragrant deodorants
or anti-perspirants to get rid of that embarrassing odour in the
summers, think twice - for some of these may cause serious health
problems, including cancer, a latest study has pointed out, reports UNI.

According to the study, published in the latest issue of Insight, an
in-house magazine of the Consumer Education and Research Society (CERS),
Ahmedabad, some of these fads may cause diseases of the skin, eyes,
lever, the alzeimer's disease or even cancer. Besides, these
chemical-based products discolour clothes and weaken the textile's
fibre, especially of cotton and linen. It recommends that the easiest
way to get rid of excessive sweating and bad odour on a hot day is to
take frequent baths and wipe your armpits with wet cloth or tissue as
many times as possible.

If at all needed, use deodorants or anti-perspirants only once or twice
a day but never at all at night or in winters. How important a role do
these products actually play in your life? An adult normally has about
two million sweat glands which keep the body cool by producing sweat due
to metabolism or working muscles. The temperature-sensitive eccrine
glands help regulate body temperature by adjusting the amount of sweat,
keep the skin moist leading to perspiration problem. The apocrine sweat
glands, controlled by the body's hormone system, are activated by
emotional stress. Body odour is caused by bacteria breaking down
apocrine sweat on the skin which causes odour and due to its ammonia and
other organic contents, turns clothing yellow.

Similarly, the non-water component of eccrine sweat, sodium chloride,
causes the body odour, says the study. The anti-perspirants are expected
to reduce perspiration and body wetness, deodorants are supposed to
remove body odour. Perfumes, on the other hand, are a totally different
product which merely help mask the body odour, not remove it. While
deodorants are based on chemicals meant to kill odour-producing
bacteria, anti-perspirants are based on astringent salts which retard
the flow of eccrine sweat. However, a regular use may induce several
health problems. In the case of anti-perspirants, says the study,
compounds of aluminium, zinc and zirconium, which are the astringent
salts supposed to reduce perspiration, cause side-effects like skin
irritation, inflammation and rashes and are harsh on clothes.

In particular, compounds of zinc, zirconium and zirconyl may prove to be
toxic to lungs and other organs and carcinogenic if inhaled, besides
causing underarm granulomas. In the case of deodorants, the
anti-bacterial agent triclosan may cause liver damage. Products claiming
to be two-in-one, that is antiperspirant-cum-deodorant, have ingredients
which are used as propellants in aerosol sprays but can cause cardiac
arrhythmia if inhaled in high concentration.

The study pointed out that the history of anti-perspirants and
deodorants is, in large part, a progression of chemicals that have been
introduced and then banned. A review of the active ingredients that have
been marketed and then withdrawn shows that chemicals that are both safe
and effective are hard to come by.

The most common health problem is skin irritation caused by the
astringent salts and, in more serious cases, it can develop into contact
dermatitis. Citing a young college-going girl's example, it said the
skin turns red and develop an itchy or painful rash. [SABA NOTE:  This
oh so gentle Ivory Soap will do this - and they wanted this soap for
babies - okay if you have skin of land turtle I suppose]

Prolonged use 

Re: [CTRL] Reptoids and illegal drugs

2001-06-30 Thread Bill Howard

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 6/29/01 9:59:32 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 What the heck's a khyber? If you mean a caber (as in a caber-toss), you'd
have to be a Paul Bunyan type to whip someome with one (they're large logs!).

It could be a reference to the Khyber Pass. Hollywood made a movie about it.

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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Re: [CTRL] Reptoids and illegal drugs

2001-06-30 Thread Bill Howard

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 6/30/01 1:35:57 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 and became james 1st of england. 

Yes, thats correct. Of England, i.e., english. Just as the present day Queen,
a Windsor, is from a family that was German.

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Re: [CTRL] Reptoids and illegal drugs

2001-06-30 Thread c.

-Caveat Lector-

- Original Message -
From: Bill Howard [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, June 30, 2001 1:44 PM
Subject: Re: [CTRL] Reptoids and illegal drugs

 -Caveat Lector-

 In a message dated 6/29/01 9:59:32 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  What the heck's a khyber? If you mean a caber (as in a caber-toss),
 have to be a Paul Bunyan type to whip someome with one (they're large

 It could be a reference to the Khyber Pass. Hollywood made a movie about

nearly right-  carry on up the khyber was a movie with a scottish
connection and it was made in britain, not hollywood.. but maybe there is
another. but not like that one :)

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 CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing
 screeds are unwelcomed. Substancenot soap-boxingplease!  These are
 sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'with its many half-truths, mis-
 directions and outright fraudsis used politically by different groups with
 major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and
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 always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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Re: [CTRL] Fwd: Muslim Cleric Calls for Death of Author Who Wrote on Islam

2001-06-30 Thread YnrChyldzWyld

-Caveat Lector-

On Sat, 30 Jun 2001, Aleisha Saba wrote:
But then people went to war over a Document entitled the Declaration of

This statement once again proves what an idiot you are.

I suggest you go to your local college and buy and READ their textbook
for American Colonial History 101...

I'll even give you a clue, Aleisha, as an early Independence Day gift:

The American Revolutionary War started in April 1775; the Declaration
of Independence wasn't drafted until the late spring of 1776 and ratified
in July of 1776.


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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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Re: [CTRL] Reptoids and illegal drugs

2001-06-30 Thread c.

-Caveat Lector-

- Original Message -
From: Bill Howard [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, June 30, 2001 1:53 PM
Subject: Re: [CTRL] Reptoids and illegal drugs

 -Caveat Lector-

 In a message dated 6/30/01 1:35:57 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

  and became james 1st of england. 

 Yes, thats correct. Of England, i.e., english.

LOL he was scotlands monarch and became the monarch of scotland and
england but granted,  it didn't last... and yeah- england is the big
country in the united kingdom. but already scotland is finding with it';s
own enhanced administration that life is better without the burden of
england dictating social law. as i paste below- it was the english that
wanted scotland to be part of them, rather than us pushing for it.

 Just as the present day Queen,
 a Windsor, is from a family that was German.

she's not, is she? LOL

btw- you ought to read some of david ickes (faintly plageristic) nonsense
about the hapsburgs et al. you are a fan of his, arentcha?

but back to the union act...
this from www.scotlandspast.com showing how, yes, scotland gets fucked by
the english at every available turn, but mostly because the powers in
scotland so willingly bend over.

There had already been several schemes for the uniting of Scotland and
England during the 17th century, these occurred in 1606, 1667, 1670 and 1689
but on every occasion they failed. From the English point of view there was
little to be gained in a union and the Scots did not wish to become the
minor partner who would probably be swallowed up by the much larger England.

In fact it was the English who had a change of heart first. They were at war
with France, yet again, and Louis XIV recognised the Catholic James VIII,
'the Young Pretender', as the rightful heir to both the English and Scottish
thrones. The English would not have this. By the Act of Settlement it was
decided that if Queen Anne should die childless, her only son had died in
1701, then the crown would pass to Sophia of Hanover, a cousin of Charles I.
The Scots refused to agree to this and passed a series of acts that were
hostile to England. The most important of these was the Act of Security in
which the Scottish Parliament would have the power to nominate a successor
to Anne within 20 days of her death and that the successor did not
necessarily have to be from the House of Hanover. This raised the
possibility of a separate Scottish monarchy, and also it raised the spectre
of the Auld Alliance again, this worried England greatly. Scottish soldiers
were important in the army and the English were embroiled in the War of
Spanish Succession. Anne did not immediately sign the Act of Security and
the Scottish Parliament withheld the supply of Scottish soldiers until she
backed down.

By 1704 Scotland was moving towards more independence rather than union
while Anne and her English government were trying to bring the two countries
closer together. The English moved first by putting pressure on Scotland
with the Alien Act of 1705. In this Act the Scots were given until Christmas
Day to accept the Hanoverian succession or they were to appoint
commissioners to negotiate a union. If neither action was taken Scots would
be treated as aliens in England, threatening property held by Scots there,
and trade with England and her colonies would be destroyed. Money suddenly
became available to Scottish MP's to support union. In a poorly attended
Scottish Parliament it was decided to appoint the commissioners to negotiate
a union. The discussions began in April 1706 and were largely completed by
July. Although there were huge protests when the terms of the union were
published it was passed by a large majority by the Scottish Parliament on
16th January 1707. By the terms of the Act Scotland and England were to
become one country. Anne became Queen of Great Britain and the throne passed
to the House of Hanover on her death. There was also economic union with
free trade on both sides of the border. Scotland was given only 45 seats in
the House of Commons and 16 seats in the House of Lords. What can only be
described as a bribe of £398,085-10s English pounds was paid by England as
compensation for Scotland now taking on part of England's national debt. It
was also intended to repay those who had lost money investing in the Darien
scheme, which failed partly due to English interference. Scotland was to
keep its legal system and Kirk.

On 28th April 1707 the last Scottish Parliament (until 1999) was dissolved
by the last Scottish monarch.

Already in 1708 the agreements of the union were beginning to be broken by
the English. The Scottish Privy Council was abolished which left Scotland
with little in the way of national administration. Following this other Acts
were introduced which fed Scottish fears that their country was becoming a
poor northern cousin of powerful England. The same treason laws were
introduced in both countries, this was an 

Re: [CTRL] Breast Cancer

2001-06-30 Thread YnrChyldzWyld

-Caveat Lector-

On Sat, 30 Jun 2001, Aleisha Saba wrote:
Stupid hoax Steve - really.   Bill Richer was nice enough to send this
out with good intentions?

Yes, and the exact same hoax was spammed to this list weeks ago, and it
was pointed out at that time not only that it is a hoax, but it was also
pointed out what specifically in the hoax was bullshit pseudo-science.

So one has to wonder about the agenda of those who insist on spamming
hoaxes to the list even after the subject has been shown to be a hoax...

You are a nasty little bastard.

He doesn't hold a candle to you in that regard...

Further for your informtion poisons often re absorbed through the

True.  But that is not what the hoax post says.

Strange, Arrid went the way of Ivory soap - nobody really much uses it
anymore and they have gone quietly into remission

Strange that stores carry it.  If it didn't sell, it wouldn't remain on
their shelves.


Alternative Kite Radio (basic)
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Re: [CTRL] Fwd: Muslim Cleric Calls for Death of Author Who Wrote on Islam

2001-06-30 Thread c.

-Caveat Lector-

- Original Message -
From: Aleisha Saba [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, June 30, 2001 12:47 PM
Subject: [CTRL] Fwd: Muslim Cleric Calls for Death of Author Who Wrote on

in a little bit of sex - or earthy matters and people will be panting
and fighting to get the book.


sex OR earthy matters?
i didn't know you had an interest in the geosciences aleisha
me too, gets me hot to read about a tasty bit of stratigraphy now and

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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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Re: [CTRL] Fwd: Muslim Cleric Calls for Death of Author Who Wrote on Islam

2001-06-30 Thread Aleisha Saba

-Caveat Lector-

Well c. June is our expert here on sodomy, lesbianism, homosexuality and
things like that.

You two would make an ideal couple;  that is, however, if you like
females who are taller sitting down than standing up?


So as the sailor's used to say, put a flag over her head and do it for
Old Gay Pride?

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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[CTRL] Israel to turn Martyrs Graveyard into Zoo (fwd)

2001-06-30 Thread Yardbird

-Caveat Lector-

Israel to Turn Martyrs Graveyard into Zoo

By Hatem Anwar, Middle East NewsOnline Reporter
(posted by IAP with prior permission)

Safad: Friday, June 29, 2001 (Middle East News Online Reporter)- Arab
residents of Israel protested Israel's violation of the sacredness of
the Martyrs Graveyard located in the town of Safad, which was occupied
by Israel during the 1948 war.

Al Aqsa Association, a group dedicated to preserve holy Muslim sites in
Israel, called on the Safad municipality to end its hostile attempts to
destroy the graveyard.

Hundreds of Muslims are buried in the graveyard, many of them were killed
by Israel in past years.

The Safad municipality has already fenced the graveyard as a preliminary
step before turing it into a zoo.

In a letter to the Jewish head of the city, the secretary of the
association Abd Al Majid Ighbariaya asked for an urgent meeting that would
discuss the future of the graveyard, a few days after the Arab guards of
the graveyard were forced to leave.

Many Muslim graveyards and historic mosques were destroyed by the Israelis
in the past years, some being converted to parks and shopping malls.

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Re: [CTRL] Fwd: Muslim Cleric Calls for Death of Author Who Wrote on Islam

2001-06-30 Thread c.

-Caveat Lector-

- Original Message -
From: Aleisha Saba [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, June 30, 2001 2:51 PM
Subject: Re: [CTRL] Fwd: Muslim Cleric Calls for Death of Author Who Wrote
on Islam

 -Caveat Lector-

 Well c. June is our expert here on sodomy, lesbianism, homosexuality and
 things like that.

on the contrary, saba baby, if i do a word search on my ctrl archive on
sodomy then guess who's posts show up more than anybody elses, by a large
margin? do i need to tell *you*? hehe

 You two would make an ideal couple;  that is, however, if you like
 females who are taller sitting down than standing up?

another obsession of yours is that you keep using weight as an ad hominem
attack. it happens a lot. that and calling women pig. i guess you are one
of these tall leggy types ( i am myself), but you know something? i really
do prefer short, overweight women. putting her down cause she is (you allege
anyway) short and overwieght makes her more attractive to me. why are your
personal attacks so damn lame? is that all you got in your (ahem) arsenal?
nyah nyah you are a fat pig nyah nyah you are a gay homosexual nyah nyah

when i read your posts i hear cartman's voice. anyone else got a cool
fantasy voice for saba?


 So as the sailor's used to say, put a flag over her head and do it for
 Old Gay Pride?

hung around a few harbour bars have we aleisha? *wink*

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[CTRL] Two Leading Gun Control Groups Merge in U.S. (fwd)

2001-06-30 Thread Yardbird

-Caveat Lector-

Thursday June 28 1:19 PM ET

Two Leading Gun Control Groups Merge in U.S.

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - One of America's leading gun control groups said
on Thursday it would merge with the Million Mom March, a grass-roots movement
of mothers who organized a massive rally last year against gun violence.

The Brady Campaign and the Brady Center to Prevent Gun Violence, and the
Million Mom March said the two organizations would officially merge on
Oct. 1, making the mothers' group a part of the Brady group.

Under the agreement, the Million Mom March will be known as the ``Million
Mom March, United with the Brady Campaign and the Brady Center.''

``This alliance sends a clear message that the gun control movement is
uniting and targeted,'' said Sarah Brady, head of the Brady Campaign,
which changed its name from Handgun Control Inc. earlier this month to
honor Sarah and her husband Jim.

Jim Brady was critically wounded by a .22 caliber bullet that hit him in
the forehead during an assassination attempt on former President Ronald
Reagan on March 30, 1981, when Brady was his press secretary.

Sarah Brady said by forming the alliance with the Million Mom March, both
groups were sending a strong message to Congress that people across
America wanted stricter gun laws.

``It's not until these members (in Congress) hear from their own
constituents that they really act. And now, they are not going to
be able to say no to this formidable group,'' she said, referring
to the mothers.

Donna Dees-Thomases founded the Million Mom March and helped to organize
a massive rally in Washington on Mother's Day last year to protest gun
violence in America, which claims nearly 30,000 lives every year.

``If we moms can push 9 pound (4 kg) babies through our bodies, some of
them with heads as big as bowling balls, surely we can push legislation
through the halls of Congress,'' said Dees-Thomases at a news conference
with the Brady group.

Since last year's rally, which attracted about 750,000 people on the
Mall, the Million Mom March has extended to 230 chapters across the

However, it lacked a central organizational base and its head office closed
earlier this year. The merger will provide the mothers' group with help on
the national level and give it more lobbying clout on Capitol Hill.

Million Mom March chapters will continue to exist and the Brady Campaign
board will now have three members from the mothers' group.




Second Amendment Protection Act

Keep and Bear Arms

To keep you up-to-date on the Brady Campaign and Brady Center's
activities, I encourage you to read this week's edition of the Brady
E-Action Response Network, or B.E.A.R., as Jim is so affectionately
called.  The B.E.A.R. is a dynamic and powerful tool, which enables
all of our wonderful members and supporters to learn more about our
current gun safety activities and remain active in our struggle to
create a safer America.  To read our B.E.A.R., please go to

UN Conference: New York City July 9th thru the 15th

The OUM of Ohio is going to fly the national colors upside down in the
distress position and would like all fellow patriots and citizens that
are against this atrocity towards our nation to do the same on the
week of the UN Conference in New York City July 9th thru the 15th
following the 4th of July next month.I hope this will bring together
all who is against this monstrosity and shows the support of all who
is against it by the display of the national colors in distress.

   Thank you
   Jeff Weldy
   504th OUM Rebels

Sounds like a dangerous situation  Thu Jun 28 11:57:16 2001


The Powers of the Convention to Form a
Mixed Government Examined and Sustained

American Patriot Friends Network -  a network of net worker's

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[CTRL] History Testifies to the Infallibility of the Qur'an now online (fwd)

2001-06-30 Thread Yardbird

-Caveat Lector-

We have made our book History Testifies to the Infallibility of the Qur'an:
Early History of the Children of Israel downloadable for free from the
Online Books section on http://www.quranic-studies.com/maintoc.htm. The
book is available in high quality color and B/W PDF editions.

I would be grateful if you could announce this to the members of your
mailing list. With kind regards, was-salam.

Louay Fatoohi and Shetha Al-Dargezelli (Authors)

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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[CTRL] U.S. Advisors Helping Albanian Rebels

2001-06-30 Thread William Shannon


Among the Albanian rebels that were evacuated from Aracinovo under the 
protection of the US soldiers from the KFOR contingent there were 17 
Americans, states the German newspaper “Hamburger Abendblat” in its article 
titled “US Advisors Were Helping the Albanian Rebels”. 

“The US peacekeepers from Kosovo had a tricky task in neighboring Macedonia. 
Firstly they were supposed to transfer 400 Albanian guerilla fighters 
together with their arms and ammunition from Aracinovo. For two weeks the NLA 
113 Brigade was barricaded over there and was defending itself from fierce 

The second port of their task was even trickier. Among the rebels that were 
withdrawing there were 17 “instructors” - former US officers that provided 
military training for the rebels. Not only that: the Macedonian security 
forces claim that 70% of the equipment that the guerilla fighters took with 
them are of US production among which most sophisticated third generation 
night vision devices. “We cannot confirm that”, murmured in a monotonous 
voice Spokesman Lt. Col. Paul Philip. Such diplomatic statements the US 
journalists take as confirmation. If this is true than the possible NATO 
operation for disarmament would be a complete farce” - states Hamburger 

The article reads that “Brussels definitely counts on a German contingent of 
600 soldiers” to be engaged in Macedonia. “However, the Federal Defense 
Ministry points out that until now there is no official request from NATO”. 
The newspaper still claims that since two weeks ago a ship is on its way 
towards Thessalonica bearing German combat tanks Leopard 2 and other armored 
combat vehicles. “According to the official version they should replace those 
which are currently used by the Bundeswehr in Kosovo. However, it is not 
clear when would these tanks return”, notes Hamburger Abendblat.

source: Hamburger Abendblat:
Web posted at: 6/28/2001 11:36:00 AM (GMT-8)

[CTRL] The Ninth Circle of Hell

2001-06-30 Thread Yardbird

-Caveat Lector-

[I wonder what rung Dante would have placed self-appointed, self-righteous
cultural censors on?]

Italian Muslims Demand Destruction Of Offensive Painting


WASHINGTON, June 29 (IslamOnline  News Agencies) - A 15th-century fresco
on a cathedral wall in Italy that depicts the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) being
thrown into hell is firing up outraged protesters in Italy and the U.K.,
The Times in Britain reported Friday.

The Bologna Cathedral painting by Giovanni da Modena is based on medieval
ideas of Heaven and Hell perpetuated by the Italian medieval poet Dante
Alighieri, whose famous novel The Inferno describes a detailed visit to
Hell, in which he had placed the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) in the ninth
circle of Hell, The Times said.

The Union of Italian Muslims, a recently-formed group, sent a letter to
the Pope and the Archbishop of Bologna complaining about the fresco,
saying that Islam's holy prophet was portrayed being thrown into hell,
completely naked, with a snake wrapped around his body and a demon next to
him about to torture him.

They demanded the fresco be removed or destroyed, and they rallied Friday
outside the main mosque in Rome to protest the painting, The Times

The article quoted a spokesman for the Archbishop saying yesterday that it
was absurd to suddenly discover after 600 years that our most famous
treasure is offensive to the Islamic religion.

In the U.K., British Muslim leaders expressed concurrence with Italian
Muslims' outrage, The Times said in another article, quoting Dr. Yaqub
Zaki, deputy director of the U.K. Muslim Institute:

It is clearly offensive. The Islamic community in Europe is so much more
articulate and aware than ever before, and this incident could cause a lot
of trouble.

Firstly, its depiction of the Prophet is objectionable since it is
conducive to idolatry. Secondly, Dante's original description of the
Prophet as a heretical Christian, upon which the fresco is based, is
particularly offensive.

But the leader of the Islamic Cultural Center in Bologna, Nabil Baioni,
said the image was insignificant enough to be ignored, The Times reported.

I have lived here for 40 years and have never noticed the image before
now, Baioni said. It's rather difficult to see anyway.

According to The Times, British Islamic scholar Gai Eaton also minimized
the impact of the 600-year-old image, saying, The mural is particularly
offensive, but that does not mean that we as Muslims can demand its
destruction, or the destruction of Dante's Divine Comedy either.

Muslims must be allowed to blow off steam, but beyond that we must put up
with these things. It is not as if this is a contemporary work. It
represents medieval Christian prejudice against Muslims at the height of
the Islamic threat to Western Europe.

There are about half a million Muslims registered legally in Italy, The
Times said, but there may be up to another half million living illegally.

Last month, IslamOnline reported on TIME magazine's publication of a
fictional picture of the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) and its subsequent apology
to Muslims.

TIME ASIA editor published a statement claiming it was an unintentional
affront to Islamic sensibilities and that TIME regrets the publication
of this image and apologizes for any inconvenience.

According to Islam, illustrations or images of prophets, and especially of
Prophet Muhammad (SAW), are strictly prohibited in Islam and considered

The U.K. Muslim Institute's Zaki was quoted in The Times article as saying
that under Islamic law the painter had committed a capital offense. But
what will they do? he asked. Sentence the artist posthumously?

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] Syrian Human Rights Committee UPDATE

2001-06-30 Thread Yardbird

-Caveat Lector-

Syrian Human Rights Committee (SHRC) UPDATE - July 2001


In more than 250 pages: Report on the Human Rights Situation in Syria -
over a 20-year period A comprehensive report that deals with the human
rights situation in Syria over a twenty-year period as of 1979 More
details on http://www.shrc.org/books/hr.20year/index.htm


28 Jun 2001: SHRC calls on President Bashar Assad to give the human
situation the highest priority.  More details on

25 Jun 2001: SHRC Sends an Open Letter to French President Jacques Chirac.
More details on


A call to release Hilal Abdel Razaq Ali (Campaign Update):  SHRC pleaseed
to announce the release of Mr. Hilal Ali More details on


On an article published on the Middle East Intelligence Bulletin, Gary C.
Gambill writes about the Continuing Detentions and Disappearances in Syria
noticing that Syria's security establishment continues to employ
extra-judicial measures of eliminating real or perceived threats to the
state.  More details on

Spread the word! Please forward this message to others.

Post your opinions on events taking place in Syria: SHRC Forums on

Keep up to date with the Syrian news with: SHRC news service on


From Archive:
Palmyra (Tadmur) Prison Massacre (27-June-1980)

In the 27th of June 1980, elements of the brigades 40 and 138 from the
Syrian defence army (Saraya Al-Difa') killed over 700 political prisoner
in Palmyra prison located in the Syrian desert. And until now, no
investigations were made against this massacre's committees.. In February
1981, the Jordanian authorities declared that they'd arrested a group of
the Syrian intelligence agencies that were planning to assassinate Mr.
Modar Badran- the Jordanian Prime Minister at that time- and it was a
surprise when they confessed participating in Palmyra Massacre in the date
of 27/6/1980. They declared on the Jordanian TV the details of that
massacre, and the testimonies admit killing over 700 political
prisoners-which were unarmed-by fire, the prisoners were in their small
cells, although they begged the army men not to kill them, but they didn't
leave until they were certain that everybody was dead. Most of the killed
prisoners were students in their universities and highly educated m! en.
Who can bear the responsibility of this crime that the history had rarely

Confessions of some ‘Defence Brigades’ elements who carried out the
Massacre of Tadmur (Palmyra) Prison on 27th June 1980 Statements of two
elements in the massacre of Tadmur.  More details on

Tadmur a Witness  a Witnessed Mohammed Saleem narrates his horrific
experience in Syrian prisons which summarises the suffering and ordeal
lived by thousands of Syrian and other Arab detainees (from Lebanese,
Palestinian, Jordanian  Iraqi nationalities) More details on

The Declaration for the World Day of Solidarity with the Prisoners of
Conscience in Syria In the dawn hours of the 27th of June, 1980, ten
helicopters landed near Tadmur prison and killed all prisoners of
conscience without exception. More details on

Tadmur : a Witness  a Witnessed (Arabic): Mohammed Saleem Hammad narrates
his horrific experience in Syrian prisons which summarises the suffering
and ordeal lived by thousands of Syrian and other Arab detainees (from
Lebanese, Palestinian, Jordanian  Iraqi nationalities).  More details on

Syrian Human Rights Committee (SHRC)
Address: BCM Box: 2789, London WC1N 3XX, UK
Fax: +44 (0)870 137 7678

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Re: [CTRL] Reptoids and illegal drugs

2001-06-30 Thread Bill Howard

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 6/30/01 6:38:10 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 it was the english that wanted scotland to be part of them, rather than us
pushing for it.

Ah, yes. To the victor go the spoils.

btw- you ought to read some of david ickes (faintly plageristic) nonsense

about the hapsburgs et al. you are a fan of his, arentcha?

I thought ickes was a UFO con man until Wes7676 cleared up that point for me.
Never read any of stuff.  Until someone shows me a reptoid, living or dead,
preferably dead. I'll remain a sceptic on that subject.
Once cooresponded with a man who I think got most of the reptoid thing going.
He brain was hopelessly addled by way too much self experiementation with
illigel pharmaseuticals. The idea that there are reptoids living below ground
in caves and cooking up pots of cosic Gater-aide from human body parts is
just a little hard to believe without seeing some hard evidence.

A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Martin- Return Of The Animal Farm

2001-06-30 Thread William Shannon

The Bush Cabal's Liability Control Group is Back

By: Al Martin

The New Bush Administration continues to resurrect the Old Bush Cabal.
According to recent press reports, the infamous, sinister and dreaded Elliot
Abrams has been appointed to the National Security Council as senior director
for democracy, human rights and operations. Not to be forgotten is the fact
that Elliott Abrams is a liar par excellence - and a known shredder of

Elliott Abrams actually originated the phrase "Shadow Government" designating
the machinations of the Bush Cabal during the Iran Contra years.

During the Reagan-Bush Administration, former Assistant Secretary of State
Elliott Abrams was in charge of a propaganda office in the State Department
known as the Inter-American Affairs Office, ostensibly set up to provide a
liaison between the Nicaraguan contras, the CIA and the National Security

Within the purview of the Inter-American Affairs office, Abrams was
responsible for dispensing duly authorized Congressional humanitarian aid to
the Nicaraguan contras. At the time, Congress made three separate
appropriations totaling $300 million in 1985 and 1986 for so-called
"humanitarian aid."

During the Hughes Commission probe of 1988, Congressman Hughes discovered
that the State Department could only account for $27 million of the $300
million expended.

As Hughes reported in his final summary report, which was then forwarded to
the general counsel of the Tower Commission, the remaining $273 million
seemed to have disappeared into a variety of "CIA-connected offshore

All the major participants had code names during Iran-Contra. Elliot Abram's
official code name was "The Snake." His equally sinister underling, Deputy
Assistant Secretary of State Michael Kozak was code-named "The Weasel."

Bill Casey, then director of the CIA, often thought up these codenames
himself. Casey admitted publicly before he died that the code names he used
were based on his perception of people's characters.

Around 1985, Clair George, then deputy Director of the CIA, was in charge of
all CIA sanctioned narcotics operations. Clair George, by the way, was one of
the passengers in that Twin Beech Baron aircraft that Miami Customs
inadvertently forced to land at Tamiami Airport in November 1983. A sizable
quantity of cocaine was found in the plane, and Clair George was actually the
so-called "high ranking unnamed CIA official" that the FBI didn't want to
name in the famous 12B-151 FBI internal Memorandum.

The last time I had seen Clair George, in 1985, he told me that Bill Casey's
opinion of Elliott Abrams was that he thought that Abrams "had all the
intestinal fortitude of a bowl of jello."

Casey also said that if Elliott Abrams was just given a few volts of
electro-shock he'd "sing like a friggin bird."

It should also be mentioned that Elliot Abrams' other claim to fame was the
December 10, 1985 meeting with Manuel Noriega. He met Noriega along with
Michael Kozak and Bill Walters in the conference room of the Hotel
Intercontinental in Panama City to discuss Noriega's grievances that he
wasn't being paid enough per kilogram of cocaine that was passing through his
country. This was pursuant to Oliver North's "guns for drugs" operation. That
meeting was Elliott Abrams' one claim to fame - and even that meeting didn't
go well.

Elliott Abrams didn't want to give Noriega any extra money, because by this
time, (December 1985), Bill Casey and George Bush were growing nervous about
the administration's closeness to somebody they were seeing as increasingly
unreliable.So Abrams was sent down to placate Noriega.

By the way, Noriega was still upset about al lot of the little things that
had happened to him. There was the $5 million of his money that Oliver North
swiped that was supposed to be given to Don Aronow to build those gunboats
for the Panamanian Navy.

No one seems to know where the five million actually went. It was five
million in cash.

When North left Noriega in Panama City, he stopped in San Jose Costa, Rica to
see Joe Fernandez, the Costa Rican CIA Station Chief.

It's interesting to note that later that day there was a $2 million cash
deposit to the North-controlled account of Intercontinental Industries S.A.
of San Jose, Costa Rica. The deposit was made into their account at the Banco
de Popular. This was discovered by interviewing the general manager of the
Dominican branch of the Banco de Popular, during a related investigation.

Bill Walters, who was also "negotiating" with Noriega, is of course Bush's
newly appointed "drug czar."

The logical conclusion is that George Bush Jr. is trying to put together the
old RAG-1 (Restricted Access Group 1). He is reassembling the group of which
Elliott Abrams and Dickie Armitage were former members. There was also Frank
Carlucci, then National Security advisor and then Assistant Secretary of
State Bernard 

[CTRL] Paul Cellucci's NAFTA-Plus

2001-06-30 Thread William Shannon

U.S. Aims to dismantle borders
New U.S. ambassador wants to harmonize immigration, energy and more: 'Is 
there a NAFTA-plus?'

Robert Fife and Alan Toulin
National Post

OTTAWA - Canada, the United States and Mexico should forge closer links as 
part of a ''NAFTA-plus'' relationship based on harmonization of border 
controls, law enforcement, energy, environmental and immigration policies, 
Paul Cellucci, the new U.S. ambassador to Canada, said yesterday.

Mr. Cellucci, the former governor of Massachusetts and a close friend of 
George W. Bush, the U.S. President, suggested the borders between Canada, the 
United States and Mexico be dismantled with the aim of achieving a more fully 
integrated economy.

''If we look at [the North American Free Trade Agreement], I think we can 
conclude that NAFTA has been a good thing for Canada, the United States and 
Mexico and I think the question is: Is there a NAFTA-plus, and I think there 
is,'' he said in an interview.

While Mr. Cellucci said there is no interest in a comprehensive European 
Union style economic and political union, the flow of commerce and people 
should be eased.

The U.S. is promoting special entry points for overseas travellers to North 
America that would be jointly run by Canada and the U.S., while opening up 
most border crossings to relatively free passage for American and Canadian 

''We have to talk about being more consistent [in policies]. We don't want 
Canadian citizens or U.S. citizens to be spending three or four hours trying 
to cross the border.

"No one wants to go down that road. If we don't want to go down that road we 
need to use technology and some more consistent policies to make it more 

Mr. Cellucci's discussion of a ''NAFTA-plus'' continental economic coalition 
follows a call from David Zussman, an independent policy advisor to Jean 
Chrétien, the Prime Minister, for a public debate on economic and social 
union between Canada, the United States and Mexico.

Mr. Zussman, president of the Public Policy Forum, is planning a November 
trip to Europe, bringing 15 to 20 senior federal and provincial civil 
servants to investigate how the nations in the European Union have coped with 
the end of borders for the European market, and the implications for 
policing, immigration and social policies.

Mr. Zussman said the think-tank will issue a report that will link the 
European experience to the context of North America.

Maurizio Bevilacqua, a Liberal MP and chairman of the influential House of 
Commons finance committee, welcomed a debate, saying North American 
integration is occurring more quickly than people generally realize.

''I think the debate certainly should take place on North American 
integration and it should be a no-holds-barred debate where nothing is 
taboo,'' Mr. Bevilacqua said.

''With NAFTA, the economies of Canada, the U.S. and Mexico are becoming 
increasingly integrated ... we have to take the logical next steps in 
maximizing the benefits of such an agreement.''

Mr. Bevilacqua added: ''Canadians are more open to change than people may 

Lorne Nystrom, the New Democratic Party finance critic, said the Liberals are 
''testing the waters'' to get the public prepared for potentially closer ties 
to Mexico and the United States.

Along with Mr. Zussman's speech calling for debate about Canada's future in 
North America, the Liberals are moving toward a continental policy, Mr. 
Nystrom said.

''I'm beginning to suspect that there is an orchestrated move to soften us up 
toward political and economic integration with the U.S.,'' he said.

Bob Mills, Canadian Alliance foreign affairs critic, also believes the 
Liberal government is attempting to spark public debate on North American 

''We should be talking about everything, but politically it's scary to do 
that because, of course, people start labelling you. But the Liberals are 
very good at floating these things,'' Mr. Mills said.

However, a spokesman for the Prime Minister said the ideas put forth by Mr. 
Zussman are part of the nature of policy developers and a political and 
economic union is not on the current Liberal government's agenda.

Mr. Cellucci said Canada and the United States can use technology such as 
computerized transponders to permit low-risk Canadian travellers, 
particularly business people and truckers, to pass through the so-called 
border perimeters without seeing a customs officer.

Dismantling the borders would require increased co-operation with law 
enforcement in both countries and similar policies on travel visas, 
immigration and refugees, he said.

''We have to use technology to make it easier for Canadians and U.S. citizens 
to cross the border and allow the flow of goods to cross the border,'' the 
ambassador said. ''That is the goal of both governments, but it seems to me 

Re: [CTRL] god gw

2001-06-30 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 6/30/01 1:55:25 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

If you leftwingers would use what little brain power you have left,
you would
realize and gloat in the fact that your enemy bush is not one iota
different from
the would-be pres algore--  you had the deck stacked both ways, you've
you just seem incapable of realizing it.

 Pray tell, your vitriperation is seething, why?

And why do you  change the subject into some wierd dialectic?

Can you discuss a topic civily?

Do you have any suggestings other than quibbling?

What is your view on the Bushes?


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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Omar Torrijos Was CIA Asset

2001-06-30 Thread William Shannon


Late Panamanian Dictator Said US Spy 

Wednesday June 27, 2001  10:40 am

PANAMA CITY, Panama (AP) - The late Panamanian dictator who signed the 
accords that led to the U.S. handover of the Panama Canal in 1999 worked as 
an informant for U.S. military intelligence, Panamanian media reported. 

Omar Torrijos, who seized power in a 1968 coup and ruled Panama until he was 
killed in a plane crash in 1981, signed the Panama Canal treaties with 
President Carter, which cleared the way for the handover of the canal to 
Panama on Dec. 31, 1999. 

According to reports Monday in daily newspapers La Prensa and El Panama 
America, Torrijos was recruited to work for U.S. military intelligence in 
October, 1955, when he was a captain in the national guard, in charge of the 
international airport in Panama City. 

The papers cited a document reportedly sent to Carter's then-national 
security adviser, Zbigniew Brzezinski, on Oct. 14, 1977, that said Torrijos 
had agreed to spy to ``compensate for his low salary.'' 

He was paid $25 a month for his work, and continued to work as an informant 
after he was demoted from his captain's position in 1959 for lack of 
productivity and irregularity in his reports, the newspapers said. 
Eventually, his salary as an informant was increased to $300, the reports 

His job was to report on the activity of the national guard and later, as he 
gained greater prominence, on political issues, labor and student movements 
and the influence of China and the Soviet Union, the newspapers said. 

According to the report, Torrijos was less communicative with his U.S. 
contacts after he ousted the civilian government of President Arnulfo Arias 
in a military coup. Torrijos' former colleagues and family members dismissed 
the reports. 

``They seem to be speculation with the aim of doing political damage,'' said 
former Gen. Ruben Dario Paredes, who took over the national guard after 
Torrijos' death. 

Torrijos' nephew, Hugo Torrijos, said the reports were an attempt to 
``obscure the great success of Torrijos and what he signified for the 
(country's) complete sovereignty and other great social achievements in 

There was no immediate reaction from officials in Washington. 

Manuel Noriega, who took control of the army after Torrijos' death and ruled 
the country through rigged elections, was believed to have collaborated with 
the CIA in the 1970s. 

Noriega fell in disgrace after being linked to drug traffickers. The United 
States invaded Panama on Dec. 20, 1989, and removed Noriega from power. He is 
now serving a 40-year sentence in Florida for drug-related crimes. 

[CTRL] CIA Gave Montesinos $10 Million Surveillance Equipment

2001-06-30 Thread William Shannon

CIA Gave at Least $10 Million 
To Peru’s Ex-Spymaster Montesinos

By Angel Paez

The Central Intelligence Agency gave ex-Peruvian spymaster Vladimiro 
Montesinos at least $10 million in cash over the last decade, as well as 
high-tech surveillance equipment that he used against his political 
opponents, the Center for Public Integrity has learned.

Montesinos, who now faces trial on murder, arms and drug trafficking charges, 
among others, had founded and personally controlled a counter-drug unit 
within Peru’s National Intelligence Service, known by its Spanish acronym 

It was to that Narcotics Intelligence Division, known as DIN, that the CIA 
directed at least $10 million in cash payments from 1990 until September 
2000, U.S. officials told the Center’s International Consortium of 
Investigative Journalists. Most of the money was to have financed 
intelligence activities in the drug war, though officials acknowledged a 
small part was for antiterrorist activities. 

The CIA knew the money was going directly to Montesinos and had receipts for 
the payments, the sources said. “It was an agency-to-agency relationship,” 
said one U.S. official, speaking on condition of anonymity in Lima, the 
capital, “with Vladimiro Montesinos as the intermediary. . . . Montesinos had 
the money under his control.” 

The new information on Montesinos is part of an extensive soon-to-be-released 
report by the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists on U.S. 
aid to Latin America. The material on Montesinos is based on multiple 
interviews with U.S. and Peruvian officials.
A CIA spokesman in Washington refused to confirm or deny that the agency had 
helped fund DIN, and that part of those funds went into Montesino’s pockets.

However, an intelligence official who asked not to be further identified 
confirmed that Montesinos had pocketed some, but not most, of the funds. He 
said that the CIA had been fully aware that Montesino was involved in corrupt 
deals and that the CIA had briefed the National Security Council, State 
Department and Pentagon about the alleged corruption. He said the agencies 
directed the CIA to continue to work with Montesinos because he was Peru’s 
designated chief of counternarcotics and the only game in town.

Montesinos disappeared in October as the regime of Peruvian President Alberto 
Fujimori collapsed under wide-ranging corruption allegations and was seized 
in Venezuela on Saturday night, June 23. Montesinos was returned to Peru on 
June 25 to face an array of government charges. 

U.S. shrugged off reports
Over the years, the United States accumulated plenty of evidence of 
corruption, human rights abuses and other anti-democratic actions by 
Montesinos, but it shrugged off the reports because Montesinos – the 
unofficial head of the National Intelligence Service – was a CIA asset deemed 
key to Washington’s drug war in the Andes. 

 But the final blow appeared to be Montesinos double-dealing in Colombia. In 
what is surely among the most embarrassing turns in post-Cold War U.S. 
foreign policy, Montesinos used his CIA-backed position of influence to get 
rich and to betray his benefactors. He arranged an arms deal that sent at 
least 10,000 AK-47 assault rifles from Jordan to Colombia’s leftist FARC 
guerrillas, collectively public enemy number one in the U.S. war on drugs in 
Latin America and the main target of Washington’s $1.3 billion 
counternarcotics aid package to Colombia.

Montesinos had long been fingered as corrupted by drug money, although many 
of the earlier claims that surfaced came from arrested drug dealers. But by 
1997, the State Department began to document Montesinos’ questionable 
activities in its annual human rights reports. The Senate Appropriations 
Committee noted in 1999 that it had “repeatedly expressed concern about U.S. 
support for the Peruvian National Intelligence Service” and requested that it 
“be consulted prior to any decision to provide assistance to the SIN." 

Diversion of funds no surprise
The CIA suspected that Montesinos was involved in some illegal activities and 
was not surprised when informed of the diversion of funds, U.S. sources said. 
It continued doing business with him “because he solved problems, including 
problems he created himself,” one U.S. source told ICIJ. 

The U.S. Embassy has provided Peru’s anti-corruption prosecutor with detailed 
information about the CIA’s payments to Montesinos in response to the 
Peruvian government’s wide-ranging investigations into Montesinos’ 
malfeasance. The prosecutor, Ana Cecilia Magallanes, has told U.S. officials 
that she has documents showing the diversion of SIN money, including the CIA 
payments, toward illegal activities. Sources would not elaborate on what 
those activities included, but the prosecutor said it did not appear that 
those monies were diverted into Montesinos’ personal accounts. 

However, Peruvian prosecutors 

Re: [CTRL] Omar Torrijos Was CIA Asset

2001-06-30 Thread John Cone

-Caveat Lector-

--- William Shannon [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Late Panamanian Dictator Said US Spy

 Omar Torrijos, was recruited to work for U.S.
 military intelligence.  Manuel Noriega, who took
 control of the army after Torrijos' death and ruled
 the country through rigged elections, was believed
 to have collaborated with the CIA in the 1970s.
Nakano comments:
Add to this list of CIA assets the names of
Saddam Hussein and Osama bin Ladin.

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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] Environmental Defense Report- Global Warming Scenarios

2001-06-30 Thread William Shannon

Environmental Defense Report 
Presents Global Warming Scenario

[Original headline: You Call This Hot?
Fires and floods and smog, oh my! ]

Apocalypse junkies take heart, you may not have long to wait. Temperatures 
are rising, disaster is in sight. Imagine the Santa Monica Pier smashed to 
driftwood by rising seas, the surf drowning the Venice boardwalk, the old 
Getty in Malibu slipping its hillside perch and crashing down into the tide 
pool that was once the PCH. Imagine day after day of unbearable San Fernando 
Valley heat, but imagine it at the beach, as the Valley comes to feel more 
and more like Zabriskie Point, with mini-malls. Imagine the new Getty and the 
Hollywood sign ringed by wildfires; imagine hard because you won’t be able to 
see them through the resurgent smog. Light a candle for Los Angeles — light 
it fast and turn off the lights. 

All of those scenarios, fresh from a clichéd disaster flick as they may seem, 
are well within the realm of possibility, according to a new report on the 
potential effects of global warming on Los Angeles. The report, titled Hot 
Prospects, was prepared by the New York–based Environmental Defense (until 
last year known as the Environmental Defense Fund), as part of an effort “to 
make the global-warming issue less global and more local,” according to 
Michael Oppenheimer, Environmental Defense’s chief scientist and a lead 
author of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s most recent report 
on global warming. 

The Environmental Defense report takes care to emphasize that it offers 
“scenarios of the future, not predictions,” that it should be read to 
represent the range of varyingly probable effects of global warming on the 
region, not as a forecast. 

Those effects include more very hot summer days, more heat waves and a 
resulting increase in smog; more winter rain, higher seas and increased 
danger to the coastline; the decline of the existing marine ecosystem as 
ocean temperatures rise; greater uncertainty about the water supply; and the 
possibility of more frequent wildfires. Much of this can be avoided, the 
report stresses, by increasing conservation and decreasing reliance on fossil 

Despite George W. Bush’s recent claims that the Kyoto Accord is “not based 
upon science” (which Oppenheimer terms “a complete distortion”), there is 
little doubt in the scientific community that global warming is occurring — 
1998 was likely the warmest year to hit the Northern Hemisphere in the last 
millennium — and that it can be attributed to human activity. Early this 
month the National Academy of Sciences (NAS) released a report requested by 
the Bush administration that predicted that “average global surface 
temperatures will rise between 2.5 and 10.4 degrees Fahrenheit . . . by the 
end of this century” and affirmed that the phenomenon is largely due to the 
accumulation of greenhouse gases generated by the burning of fossil fuels, 
unhappy news for Bush’s oil-rich cronies. “Two or three degrees may not 
sound like much,” Oppenheimer says, “but it probably would make the Earth 
hotter than at any time in the history of civilization” with unpredictable 
results. If the NAS estimates were correct at the high end, with a rise of 
over 10 degrees, says Oppenheimer, “it would make the Earth warmer than at 
any time since dinosaurs were dominant . . . You’re talking about changes 
that most scientists believe would be disastrous.” 

Of all the scenarios laid out in Hot Prospects, Oppenheimer says, the most 
certain is that there will be an increase in the number of very hot days and 
heat waves and a corresponding increase in air pollution, since high 
temperatures cause the ozone production responsible for smog. “Despite the 
projections of decreased air pollution and decreased emissions in the future 
as the Los Angeles area continues to increase its stringency on emissions,” 
Oppenheimer says, “the gains that would result could be wiped out.” As soon 
as 2020, there could be twice as many 90-degree days a year. Most at risk are 
the poor, who suffer disproportionately from respiratory diseases like 
asthma, and the elderly, who are most vulnerable to extreme heat. By 
midcentury, the report projects, L.A.’s heat-related mortality could increase 
62 percent to 88 percent above current levels. It will provide little comfort 
to learn, though, that “excess mortality due to heat may be offset somewhat 
by a decrease in illness and mortality due to fewer extreme cold events in 
the winter.” 

The winters may not be pretty either. Global warming pushes the climate to 
“more of the extremes,” Oppenheimer says. “There is a general property in 
projections of global warming that when it’s dry it’s drier and when it’s 
wet it’s wetter.” So if the summers will be hard on the inland poor, the 
rainy season will tilt the balance against L.A.’s wealthy, as high seas pound 
the coast and the rains 

[CTRL] Group says it will move human cloning work offshore

2001-06-30 Thread radman

-Caveat Lector-

Group says it will move human cloning work offshore

June 29, 2001
By Miriam Falco
CNN Medical Producer

(CNN) -- A group trying to clone a human being said Friday it will move
part of its cloning operations outside the United States after it was told
by the federal government to stop its work.

The chief scientist for the group -- called the Raelians -- said Food and
Drug Administration representatives visited her lab in the spring and told
her stop cloning experiments.

The FDA would not comment.

Dr. Brigitte Boisselier, chief scientist for Clonaid -- the research
company founded by the Raelians -- said the company's lab is in the United
States, but she would not reveal where. The Raelians are a religious group
that say extraterrestrials used genetic engineering to create life on earth.

Boisselier said the FDA told her I should stop, and that they have
jurisdiction over her lab.

Boisselier said she was confident she would win if she were to challenge
the FDA's order, but said she was not interested in battling the agency.
Her interests lie in proving that it is safe to clone a human, she said.

Boisselier said in March that Clonaid could have a cloned embryo ready to
be carried by a surrogate mother by April. In June, she told CNN she would
not confirm a pregnancy until a healthy baby is born.

Boisselier, a chemistry professor at Hamilton College in Clinton, New York,
said her goal is to create a healthy, belated twin of a 10-month-old boy
who died. Fifty members of this movement, including her 24-year-old
daughter, have volunteered to carry the clone, she said.

U.S. News and World Report will report in next week's issue that a federal
grand jury in Syracuse, New York, has subpoenaed Boisselier's phone records
and other documents. Boisselier told CNN she has not been served with any

Another researcher, former University of Kentucky professor Panayiotis
Zavos, said he plans to clone a human within the year.

A federal moratorium bans the use of federal funds for research on cloning
humans, and many scientists abroad are abiding by a self-imposed moratorium
on cloning humans. Several countries forbid cloning by law.

But among U.S. states, only California, Michigan, Louisiana and Rhode
Island expressly ban any type of cloning research.

But if there are few legal hurdles, the scientific and ethical problems
involved are daunting: Scientists who have cloned other mammals are urging
more work be done before attempts at cloning humans are undertaken.

It is not responsible at this state to even consider the cloning of
humans, said Rudolf Jaenisch, a biologist at MIT's Whitehead Institute for
Biomedical Research, who has cloned mice.

Dolly's difficult legacy

In 1997, Dolly the sheep became the first mammal to be cloned from an
adult. At the time, the possibility of cloning a human seemed to have moved
from science fiction into the realm of possibility.

Since then, scientists have cloned cows, goats, pigs and mice -- but their
success rate is as low as one live birth in 100 attempts.

In order to clone a human, scientists would remove the nucleus of an egg
and extract its genetic material, leaving just its shell. Then the nucleus
of a cell taken from the body of the person to be cloned would be inserted
into the egg.

With the only genetic material from the person to be cloned inside the egg,
the cell would then jolted with electricity to activate cell division. The
embryo would then be implanted into a surrogate, who -- if the experiment
were to succeed -- would carry the fetus to term.

Putting theory into practice is not easy: Cloning the sheep Dolly required
277 attempts. And cloning cattle has proven equally difficult.

At least half, probably about three-quarters of pregnancies that are
generated will be lost, predicted Dr. Jonathan Hill, assistant professor
of animal reproduction at Cornell University.

Mark Westhusin, associate professor of veterinary science at Texas AM,
said between 85 percent and 95 percent of cloned embryos die during the
first trimester, he said.

And when large mammals like cattle are cloned, Hill said, the animals are
often sick.

Their livers, their lungs, their heart, the blood vessels, their placental
vessels, and the placenta are often abnormal at birth, he said. And cloned
animals are often huge. Hill said water retention is a result of poor
placental development, resulting in larger-than-normal calves.

Boisselier said that any pregnancy would be monitored and, should it go
awry, we will anticipate to do an abortion.

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[CTRL] Elliott Abrams: It's Back!

2001-06-30 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-

Click Here: A HREF=http://www.thenation.com/doc.mhtml?i=20010702s=corn;
Elliott Abrams: It's Back!/A
Here tis the whole article. And, please, may the phrentic displays of
affection be taken off list.

COMMENT | July 2, 2001

Elliott Abrams: It's Back!

by David Corn
How would you feel if your wife and children were brutally raped before
being hacked to death by soldiers during a military massacre of 800
civilians, and then two governments tried to cover up the killings? It's a
question that won't be asked of Elliott Abrams at a Senate confirmation
hearing--because George W. Bush, according to press reports, may appoint
Abrams to a National Security Council staff position that (conveniently!)
does not require Senate approval. Moreover, this query is one of a host of
rude, but warranted, questions that could be lobbed at Abrams, the Iran/contra
 player who was an assistant secretary of state during the Reagan years and a
shaper of that Administration's controversial--and deadly--policies on Latin
America and human rights. His designated spot in the new regime: NSC's senior
director for democracy, human rights and international operations. (At press
time, the White House and Abrams were neither confirming nor denying his
return to government.)
Bush the Second has tapped a number of Reagan/Bush alums who were involved in
Iran/contra business for plum jobs: Colin Powell, Richard Armitage, Otto
Reich and John Negroponte. But Abrams's appointment--should it come to
pass--would mark the most generous of rehabilitations. Not only did Abrams
plead guilty to two misdemeanor counts of lying to Congress about the Reagan
Administration's contra program, he was also one of the fiercest ideological
pugilists of the 1980s, a bad-boy diplomat wildly out of sync with Bush's
gonna-change-the-tone rhetoric. Abrams, a Democrat turned Republican who
married into the cranky Podhoretz neocon clan, billed himself as a
gladiator for the Reagan Doctrine in Central America--which entailed
assisting thuggish regimes and militaries in order to thwart leftist
movements and dismissing the human rights violations of Washington's cold war

One Abrams specialty was massacre denial. During a Nightline appearance in
1985, he was asked about reports that the US-funded Salvadoran military had
slaughtered civilians at two sites the previous summer. Abrams maintained
that no such events had occurred. And had the US Embassy and the State
Department conducted an investigation? My memory, he said, is that we did,
but I don't want to swear to it, because I'd have to go back and look at the
cables. But there had been no State Department inquiry; Abrams, in his
lawyerly fashion, was being disingenuous. Three years earlier, when two
American journalists reported that an elite, US-trained military unit had
massacred hundreds of villagers in El Mozote, Abrams told Congress that the
story was commie propaganda, as he fought for more US aid to El Salvador's
military. The massacre, as has since been confirmed, was real. And in 1993
after a UN truth commission, which examined 22,000 atrocities that occurred
during the twelve-year civil war in El Salvador, attributed 85 percent of the
abuses to the Reagan-assisted right-wing military and its death-squad allies,
Abrams declared, The Administration's record on El Salvador is one of
fabulous achievement. Tell that to the survivors of El Mozote.

But it wasn't his lies about mass murder that got Abrams into trouble. After
a contra resupply plane was shot down in 1986, Abrams, one of the
coordinators of Reagan's pro-contra policy (along with the NSC's Oliver North
and the CIA's Alan Fiers), appeared several times before Congressional
committees and withheld information on the Administration's connection to the
secret and private contra-support network. He also hid from Congress the fact
that he had flown to London (using the name Mr. Kenilworth) to solicit a
$10 million contribution for the contras from the Sultan of Brunei. At a
subsequent closed-door hearing, Democratic Senator Thomas Eagleton blasted
Abrams for having misled legislators, noting that Abrams's misrepresentations
could lead to slammer time. Abrams disagreed, saying, You've heard my
testimony. Eagleton cut in: I've heard it, and I want to puke. On another
occasion, Republican Senator Dave Durenberger complained, I wouldn't trust
Elliott any further than I could throw Ollie North. Even after Abrams copped
a plea with Independent Counsel Lawrence Walsh, he refused to concede that
he'd done anything untoward. Abrams's Foggy Bottom services were not retained
by the First Bush, but he did include Abrams in his lame-duck pardons of
several Iran/contra wrongdoers.

Abrams was as nasty a policy warrior as Washington had seen in decades. He
called foes vipers. He said that lawmakers who blocked contra aid would
have blood on their hands--while he 

[CTRL] Israelis and Palestinians - Secret Police Incest

2001-06-30 Thread flw

-Caveat Lector-

It seems that the Israeli and Palestinian Secret Service
have a close relationship.

Saturday, June 30, 2001
In Israeli Colonel's Death, Lives of Intrigue Emerge
West Bank: The killer, a Palestinian handyman, also dies and is revealed
as a spy--but for whom?

By MARY CURTIUS, Times Staff Writer

 BETHLEHEM, West Bank--For years, Hassan abu Sheireh charmed the elderly Jewish 
residents of the posh
Jerusalem retirement home where he was a handyman.
 He joked with them in Hebrew, told stories about the Bethlehem refugee camp where 
he lived and griped
about corruption in the Palestinian Authority. Many invited Abu Sheireh into their 
apartments to share meals,
or gave him small gifts to take to his children.
 The 32-year-old handyman and the residents of Nofeh Gilo remained close even 
after fighting erupted in
September and gunmen in Bethlehem and other nearby West Bank villages began shooting 
at the Jewish
neighborhood of Gilo, where the retirement home is situated.
 Abu Sheireh told his friends that he was as disgusted as they by the violence 
convulsing their two
communities. Even when Israel banned most Palestinians from entering the Jewish state, 
he kept coming to work.
 But Abu Sheireh didn't show up as usual the morning of June 17. Instead, 
according to the Israeli army,
the handyman gunned down Lt. Col. Yehuda Edri, the highest-ranking Israeli officer to 
die in nine months of
fighting with the Palestinians, before being killed as he tried to escape.
 Residents of Nofeh Gilo were stunned to see their beloved handyman's face flashed 
on their television
screens that night, identified in news reports as Edri's killer. But along with the 
shock of what Abu Sheireh
had done came a second shock: the revelation that for years, he had been an Israeli 
 Edri, Israeli media reported, was the top Israeli military intelligence officer 
in the West Bank, veteran
of a secret unit, once called 504, that recruits and runs agents for Israel in the 
Arab world. Abu Sheireh had
been reporting to him for months, perhaps years.
 He was a very gentle person, recalled an 85-year-old Nofeh Gilo resident, who 
said she wanted her name
withheld because she's so upset and frightened by the turn of events. I just can't 
believe it.
 Told that her interviewer would visit Abu Sheireh's family, she asked that they 
be given a message. If
you would just tell his wife that there are people here with tremendous sympathy for 
her. Tell them that we
grieve for them and that we loved him.
 At least they loved the man they thought Abu Sheireh was. Now they ask themselves 
whether they ever
really knew him. Was Abu Sheireh a hero who risked his life for years to supply Israel 
with information that
may have thwarted terrorist attacks? Was he a betrayer of their trust, a man who 
feigned friendship with them
as he worked as a double agent and plotted to kill a respected intelligence officer? 
Or was he a victim forced
to take on a suicide mission because Palestinians discovered that he had betrayed them?
 Mostly, residents and their families wonder at how little they understood this 
man many counted as a
close friend.
 I'm not sure what I believe anymore, said Sheila Raviv, who spent hours 
chatting with Abu Sheireh in
the last two years during visits to her parents-in-law at Nofeh Gilo. The last time 
she saw him was the night
before he killed Edri, a night in which he greeted her husband, Zvi, with the usual 
round of hugs and back
 Everyone is very sad and very shocked, Raviv said. When suddenly you realize 
that everything you
believed was wrong, you wonder about it.
 A few miles south of Gilo, Palestinians, too, are wondering what to think of Abu 
Sheireh. The Palestinian
Authority has declared him a shahid, or martyr to the Palestinian cause. There is no 
higher honor in
Palestinian society. After Israel returned Abu Sheireh's body to his family Wednesday, 
he was buried in a
martyrs cemetery.
 But in Al Azza refugee camp where Abu Sheireh was born, some mock the effort to 
portray him as a hero of
the Palestinian nationalist cause. There, people note bitterly that if what the 
Israeli army and Palestinian
security officials say is true, their neighbor informed on them for years before his 
 The camp is boiling like a pot of food on the flame, said one elderly camp 
resident, who spoke on
condition that his name not be used because he feared retaliation from Abu Sheireh's 
family. Everyone is
wondering what damage this man caused, and who he has left behind him to continue his 
 Palestinians estimate that there are tens of thousands of collaborators living 
among them, some providing
Israel with a steady stream of information about the whereabouts, habits and 
vulnerabilities of key militants.
During the current uprising, the Jewish state has used that information to kill field 
operatives in what the

Re: [CTRL] god gw

2001-06-30 Thread BB

-Caveat Lector-

You would have had to read my post of 2:57 a.m. and the message to me
to which it was a reply, wherein the person in question referred to
my God Bush.

Yes, I can be civil, but you might consider, instead of attacking me,
to avail yourself of the online information, and see what the thread
is all about before getting yourself all in an uproar.

Had you read the other postings, the answer to your question would have
been self evident.

Regarding my view on the first family, you might RE-READ my message
which you yourself just re-posted below, wherein I discuss that very

In a message dated Sat, 30 Jun 2001 14:03:10 EDT,
Kris Millegan [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 -Caveat Lector-

 In a message dated 6/30/01 1:55:25 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 If you leftwingers would use what little brain power you have left,
 you would
 realize and gloat in the fact that your enemy bush is not one iota
 different from
 the would-be pres algore--  you had the deck stacked both ways, you've
 you just seem incapable of realizing it.

  Pray tell, your vitriperation is seething, why?

 And why do you  change the subject into some wierd dialectic?

 Can you discuss a topic civily?

 Do you have any suggestings other than quibbling?

 What is your view on the Bushes?


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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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Re: [CTRL] Fwd: [CIA-DRUGS] Forbidden Politics

2001-06-30 Thread BB

-Caveat Lector-

A, yes   Just what we NEED on this list - another
anti-Mormon hate group.  Perfect.

He's new on the list, hasn't had time to read much of your
posts,  but has time to bash an entire church.

Now, THIS will help our country with all the problems we have.

Kris Millegan wrote:


 Subject: [CIA-DRUGS] Forbidden Politics
 Date: Mon, 25 Jun 2001 04:28:59 -

 Hey everyone, I'm new to the list and haven't had time to read much
 of your posts yet (i've been busy on my web site).

 Anyway, the following might be of interest since it deals with
 Mormons and the Mormons are grossly over-represented in the CIA. Are
 Mormon/SBC missionaries used as drug couriers? Who knows? All I know
 is that Reagan used them in the 1980s to subvert the leftist in

 Have fun!


 The Southern Baptist Convention organized in 1845 because it wanted
 to support the established practice of slavery in the United States.
 Using the Bible as their cornerstone, they preached vicious sermons
 glorifying the need for the continued enslavement of humans across
 the United States and the globe.

 After the United States Civil War, the SBC grew in strength and
 numbers and continued to spread their gospel of hate to the masses.
 Many of its members helped establish the Ku Klux Klan and
 participated in lynch parties where African Americans were
 disemboweled, hanged, and then burned at the stake for their holy

 Today the SBC is the largest Baptist group in the United States. They
 have missionaries across the globe spreading their leaders'
 doctrines. But who are these people? What are their true beliefs? Why
 do they continue to dominate United States politics? And why is their
 leadership filled with Freemasons?

 Explore these issues and more with the new update of the Forbidden
 Politics site. We're at:

 We've updated our Mormon page with various articles about the current
 state of Mormonism in the world. Here you will find information on
 the elusive Mormon missionaries. You'll find solid links between
 these Mormon ultra-faithful and the CIA, Nicaragua in the 1980s,
 blood atonement, arson, Freemasons, and child molesters, child
 molesters, child molesters.

 We've also made a page critiquing the art of Mormons in the hopes of
 creating an understanding of the enigma that is the Mormon mind. Are
 they true believers or just another mind-controlled establishment
 version of Plato's ultimate warrior race? You decide.

 -Forbidden Politics Staff

 NOTE: Forbidden Politics does not endorse ANY religion. We apologize
 if our tone or facts discredit your current belief system. But isn't
 that what evolution is about?

 Please let us stay on topic and be civil.
 To unsubscribe please go to http://groups.yahoo.com/group/cia-drugs
 -Home Page- www.cia-drugs.org

 Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to http://docs.yahoo.com/info/terms/

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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Re: [CTRL] Reptoids and illegal drugs

2001-06-30 Thread Mark McHugh

-Caveat Lector-

Schmidt wrote:

 -Caveat Lector-

 -Caveat Lector-
 In a message dated 6/29/01 3:20:40 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  i am much too modern to take offence and whip out my khyber and get
 all scottish on yo ass. 
 While the scots were (are) barbarians, the English did tame them. see the
 Union Jack.

 What the heck's a khyber?

A large knife with a slightly curved blade originating on the Indian
subcontinent.  Their version of the bowie knife or machete.

Mark McHugh

A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] The Ceasefire Sham

2001-06-30 Thread Yardbird

-Caveat Lector-

The Ceasefire Sham

by Susan J. Abulhawa

After nine months of a seemingly endless funeral march for more than 500
of their sons, daughters, fathers, sisters, brothers and mothers,
Palestinians are now being told to “stop the violenceâ€* in the latest
US-mediated agreement.  A taxi driver delayed at the Qalandia
checkpoints sums up Palestinian frustrations: “We’re supposed to
stop shooting our pathetic guns so their bulldozers and tanks can
continue to rip through us without a scratch.â€*

The agreement, brokered by CIA Director William Tenet, effectively calls
on Palestinians lay down their arms--including stones-- while Israel
continues the occupation of their land.  Palestinians, besieged by
grief, anger andhumiliation  are rightfully angry that their leader,
Yasser Arafat, agreed to such a one-sided US-Israeli maneuver to quell
the uprising.Â

Although Israel has refused even to halt expansion of illegal
Jewish-only settlements on expropriated Palestinian land, Palestinians
are told not to exercise their internationally recognized right to
resist occupation by “any means available,â€* including armed

Israel's commitment to the cease-fire is conditioned on Arafat’s
behavior.  The PA must participate in joint security measures, collect
all mortars and arms from the Palestinians; prevent arms smuggling and
halt incitement to attack illegal settlements that are built on their
land. Above all, they must “arrest Palestinian activists whose names
are dictated by Israel.â€*

On the other hand, Palestinians have little say in what measures Israel
must take.  Sharon’s government is not obligated to freeze settlement
construction, a minimal gesture of good faith.  Israeli soldiers and
settlers who have killed innocent Palestinian civilians are not to be
arrested.  Israel is not required to collect the Uzis from the settlers
who regularly go on rampages into Palestinian villages nor are they
required to stop anti-Palestinian propaganda (in Israel or the US).

While I was in the occupied territories last week, I saw two Israeli
soldiers beat a peace activist and break her arm.  She had no weapons
and was not resisting arrest.  I watched an IDF jeep ram a Palestinian
car, meters away from me.  The soldier pulled its driver out of the car
and beat him.  A news clip of two soldiers beating a Palestinian young
boy who appeared to be no more than 10 years old is an example of the
daily suffering of the Palestinian people.  Human rights groups have
documented hundreds of cases
depicting such excessive Israeli brutality in the face of unarmed

At a demonstration in Al Khader village, where Israel is expanding an
illegal settlement on land taken from the villagers, I saw soldiers
shoot at civilians armed only with stones that never reached their
target.  At checkpoints, I watched Palestinians in one car after
another surrender their color coded Israeli ID-cards for soldiers to
inspect while they were forced to wait under the sun just to pass from
one Palestinian town to another.

In the last nine months, Israel has used sharpshooters, assassinations,
Apache helicopter gunships, tank missiles, and F-16 fighter jets against
a principally unarmed civilian population sinking further and further
into the quick sand of poverty.Â

Add to this the demolition of hundreds of houses, which has left
thousands of Palestinians homeless.  The uprooted olive trees, the kids
who languish in Israeli detention centers without charge or trial, the
thousands who cannot work, go to school or step outside of their homes
are muffled by the official Israeli rhetoric of “self-defenseâ€* as
though they are not really a ruthless ccupying power that has been
condemned repeatedly by the international community.

Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch the UN Commission on Human
Rights and more have demanded that the international community
intervene, at the very least, to provide an unarmed ‘observer’ force
in the occupied territories.Â

Yet Israel categorically rejects international presence and accordingly,
on March 28th, the US vetoed a UN Security Council Resolution that would
have backed the creation of an international observer force to help
protect civilians.  Just days before that, on April 18th, the US was
the only country to vote against a Resolution “expressing grave
concern at continuing Israeli settlements.â€*Â

(Still wondering why the US was voted off the UN Human Rights

And now we arrive at yet another US-brokered document that undermines
the basic rights of a people struggling for self-determination and
freedom.  The Tenet cease-fire agreement worked not only to twist
Arafat into submission, but also to deflect attention from the Mitchell
report that called for a freeze in settlement construction on
Palestinian land, something Sharon rejected outright.

I think Palestinians should take the Tenet cease-fire, put it with the
Mitchell report, 

Re: [CTRL] god gw

2001-06-30 Thread Steve

-Caveat Lector-

Maybe it is you who needs to realize the difference to a personal message
and a post sent to CTRL. My message to you was the former, BB.

Regarding your claim that there is no difference between Bush and Gore, it
is quite apparent that they have very divergent opinions regarding the
environment, energy policy, and taxes. It is amazing that you could believe
that there is no difference since you and other conservatives constantly
railed against Gore for his stands on these issuse, but rarely if ever
criticized Bush.


On 30 Jun 01, at 2:55, BB wrote:

 If your poor brain wasn't so cooked by the drugs you love so much,
 your short term memory would remind you that bush is no god of mine.

 If you leftwingers would use what little brain power you have left,
 you would
 realize and gloat in the fact that your enemy bush is not one iota
 different from
 the would-be pres algore--  you had the deck stacked both ways, you've
 you just seem incapable of realizing it.


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Re: [CTRL] Steve, disruptor, Lies

2001-06-30 Thread Steve

-Caveat Lector-

(I sent this message to CTRL followed by full headers, which apparendly
caused a problem with posting. You can check the headers in the original
messages if you care to. --SW  :)

BB, I sent the message regarding your clock error privately, but since you
replied to CTRL calling me a liar, I am posting this reply there as well to
point out that it is actually you who is lying. Here are the pertenent headers

Date: Sat, 30 Jun 2001 01:08:58 -0700

Date: Sat, 30 Jun 2001 00:45:51 -0700

If you examine the headers of my reply to post attacking me, it is obvious
that your original message posted at 1:08 am PT, while my reply was sent
at 12:45 am PT. Either my clock is wrong, or your clock is wrong.
Otherwise there is no way that I posted my reply to you before you posted
your original message because I could not have read your message first,
unless you have access to a Time Machine. I know my clock is correct
because I checked it with WWV, so the conlusion is obvious.



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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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Re: [CTRL] Environmental Defense Report- Global Warming Scenarios

2001-06-30 Thread John Cone

-Caveat Lector-

--- William Shannon [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Environmental Defense Report
 Presents Global Warming Scenario

Temperatures are rising, disaster is in sight...
...very hot summer days, more heat waves
Nakano comments:
Bill, I know you didn't write this. But since you
posted this report, may we assume you agree with it?
There is a lot of misinformation mixed with some
facts in this report.
First, here's some major misinformation:
there is little doubt in the scientific community
  that global warming is occurring.

This is bigtime Bullfeces!

There is a great deal of doubt in the scientific
community about global warming. There is no
scientific community consensus on this subject at all.
In fact, a great many scientists dispute that global
warming is occuring. The public never hears from the
dissenting group because the alleged news and
information media refuses to report about them or to
give any public  exposure to their views.

Now here is a truthful quote from the report:
...and it can be attributed to human activity...
and much of this can be avoided

Yes the strange anomalous weather we have been
experiencing can be attributed to human activity and
it can be avoided.  But the human activity that
needs to be avoided is not people buring logs in their
fireplaces nor driving SUV's nor cooking barbeques in
their backyards nor mowing their grass with

The human activity that needs to be avoided is
the secret hightech climate modification and
weather engineering programs which are being
conducted by several governments including the U.S.
These secret programs (HAARP is one) are intentionally
 modifying the ionosphere for military purposes.

Think about that for a moment.  Let it sink in.
They are changing the upper atmosphere for
military purposes.
They are manipulating and steering the jetstreams.
Weathermen call these, upper level steering currents
because they so greatly affect moisture and
temperature patterns in the lower atmosphere and
at the earth's surface.where we live.

This is for real folks.
Whether you have heard about it...or not.
It's what's happening.

Yes the weather is strange.
And Yes it's because of human activity.
But it isn't the human activities which are
blamed for it in the popular mass media.

Once againyou are being lied to.

 Regards to All

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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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Re: [CTRL] Environmental Defense Report- Global Warming Scenarios

2001-06-30 Thread John Cone

-Caveat Lector-

--- William Shannon [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Environmental Defense Report Presents
 Global Warming Scenario

 Apocalypse junkies take heart, you may not have long
 to wait. Temperatures are rising, disaster is in

Scalar Electromagnetics and Weather Control-

The anomalous weather worldwide is not accidental

Scalar Electromagnetics and Weather Control
By Tom Bearden -

The anomalous weather worldwide is not accidental. In
superpotential theory, which was initiated by a paper
by E.T.Whittaker in 1904, it is possible to produce EM
force fields and force field energy at a distance.
Whittaker 1904 showed that all EM fields and waves can
be decomposed into two scalar potential functions. It
follows that, by assembling two such scalar potential
functions in beams, one can produce a scalar
potential interferometer where the potential beams
intersect at a distance. In that interference zone,
ordinary transverse EM fields and energy appear.

Now one can engineer clusters of ST curvatures, by
proper assembly of LWs. This is a very powerful
general relativity, because the strong EM force is
being used as the agent of ST curvature. This
particular EM GR does not appear in the textbooks, but
has been utilized by the Russian KGB in
clandestine weapon development since the 1950s.

Here's how the weather engineering is usually

First, take two scalar potential beam transmitters,
separated on the necessary baseline to form a beam
interferometer. Let them interfere at a distance. Now
in that distant interference zone (IZ), there is an
ambient vacuum potential (spacetime potential, or
spacetime stress). If the electrical circuit
grounds of the interferometer transmitters are biased
ABOVE the ambient potential in the IZ, then scattering
EM energy (heating) emerges in the IZ. This is the
exothermic mode of operation. If the electrical
circuit grounds of the interferometer are biased
negatively below the ambient potential in the IZ, then
convergent EM energy (cooling) emerges in the IZ. This
is the endothermic mode of operation.

So by merely biasing the electrical grounds of a
scalar potential interferometer, one can produce
heating or cooling in the distant IZ. If one just
radiates, one produces distant steady heating or
steady cooling. If one sharply pulses the
interferometer, one produces a distant hot explosion
or a distant cold explosion.

One can also, of course, form various forms of energy
at a distance, including particularly hemispheric
shells of energy and spherical shells of energy.
Hundreds of these have been observed worldwide, from
testing by the KGB weapons in Russia.

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Re: [CTRL] god gw

2001-06-30 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 6/30/01 1:09:12 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Had you read the other postings, the answer to your question would have

been self evident.

 I think most of us realize that the left and right are both created beings
of the forces most of us rail against.

Can we talk more about what we have in common instead of divisive chaterrings
and get down to substance?

gotta run, lunch is calling.


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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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[CTRL] NM: Legal Expert: Roger Clinton Not Far From Indictment

2001-06-30 Thread MIKE SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-


Saturday June 30, 2001; 12:18 p.m. EDT

Legal Expert: Roger Clinton Not Far From Indictment

After eight years of Clinton-era perjury, obstruction of justice and
unprecedented levels of White House sleaze, prosecutors may finally be on
the verge of indicting a member of the former first family, according to a
prominent Washington, D.C.  law professor.

It's the consistency of these (witness) accounts that raises the real
possibility that he could be indicted, said George Washington University
law professor Jonathan Turley on Friday, describing the evidence against
Roger Clinton on Fox News Channel's The Edge with Paula Zahn.

The standard for probable cause is not overwhelming.  And when you have a
number of people who are willing to testify that they were told to give
this money for Roger Clinton to secure pardons, I'm saying that as a legal
matter he is not far from that probable cause standard.

Turley cited bank records showing that Clinton shook down a reputed member
of the Gambino crime family for $50,000 and another witness who says Roger
was present in a hotel room when he turned over $30,000 on the promise that
Roger could obtain two diplomatic passports.

Other evidence against the former first brother includes $235,000 in
canceled checks made out to Roger's business account by Guy and Alberta
Lincecum of Roanoke, Texas, who say they paid the money because they were
promised Guy's imprisoned brother Garland would be pardoned.

In addition, bank records obtained by House investigators, which are also
in the hands of the U.S.  Attorney in New York, reveal an unexplained
$250,000 in traveler's checks deposited into Clinton's personal bank
account around the same time the Texas family says they wiped out their
life savings to pay Roger for the pardon.

Last year prosecutors declined to indict Bill and Hillary Clinton despite
overwhelming evidence of perjury by Mr.  Clinton in the Monica Lewinsky
investigation and by Mrs.  Clinton in Travelgate.  Privately legal insiders
admit the decision not to prosecute was based on a reluctance to indict a
sitting president and his wife.

But with the Clintons out of the White House, the former first brother is
not expected to be treated with such prosecutorial deference.  And as the
evidence mounts, prosecutors in New York may have no choice but to indict
the Clinton brother, despite a widespread reluctance within the Bush
Justice Department to revisit Clinton-era corruption.

  Kadosh, Kadosh,, YHVH, TZEVAOT


*Michael Spitzer*[EMAIL PROTECTED]

The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

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[CTRL] White House irritated over surgeon general's report on sex

2001-06-30 Thread Steve

-Caveat Lector-

White House irritated over surgeon general's report on sex

Surgeon General urges Americans to respect a 'diversity of sexual values'

Surgeon general's Call to Action report

By LAURA MECKLER, Associated Press

WASHINGTON (June 29, 2001 2:52 p.m. EDT) - The White House
signaled President Bush's frustration with Surgeon General David Satcher
after the Clinton appointee issued a frank and controversial report on sex
education the day before.

The president thinks abstinence education is important, Bush spokesman
Ari Fleischer said Friday in response to Satcher's report, which called on
communities to provide lifelong sex education, encouraging abstinence as
well as birth control. Satcher also said Americans should develop greater
understanding toward gays and lesbians.

The report was the latest in a long history of reports from surgeons general
that have rankled the White House. Past surgeons general have issued
reports on venereal disease, smoking and AIDS, often to the consternation
of the president.

Satcher was appointed by President Clinton and began his four-year term
in 1998 after surviving a confirmation battle in the Senate led by then-Sen.
John Ashcroft, R-Mo., now Bush's attorney general. His term expires in

Later, Fleischer said, The president believes and the report does have
some indication on this, that the best way to prevent pregnancy, the only
surefire way, is through abstinence, and that's the best way to avert
disease as well.

Bush did not read Satcher's full report himself but was briefed on it,
Fleischer added.

Bush advisers said conservative groups, the core of his political base, are
demanding Satcher's resignation. One senior official, speaking on
condition of anonymity, said Bush strongly objected to portions of Satcher's
report and had little confidence in him.

Fleischer refused to say whether Bush stood behind Satcher, though he
routinely offers endorsements of other personnel. In this case, he said,
the surgeon general was not appointed by this administration.

Officials later said Fleischer was expressing Bush's disappointment in
Satcher, though they are not likely to seek his resignation.

Administration officials expect that Bush will appoint his own surgeon
general when Satcher's term ends next year. For his part, Satcher - who
has been a target of conservatives since his nomination - has never
expected Bush to ask him to stay for a second term.


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[CTRL] Classic

2001-06-30 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

-Caveat Lector-

THE LIBERTARIAN, By Vin Suprynowicz
Most Americans should be ashamed to celebrate the Fourth

Editor's note: The following essay, which was originally published on
July 3, 1997, is excerpted from Vin's book, Send in the Waco Killers.

#   #   #

What an inconvenient holiday the Fourth of July has become.

  So long as we stick to grilling hot dogs and hamburgers, hauling the kids
to the lake or the mountains, and winding up the day watching the fireworks
as the Boston Pops plays the 1812 -- written by a subject of the czar to
celebrate the defeat of our vital ally the French -- we can usually manage
to convince ourselves we still cling to the same values that made July 4,
1776, a date that continues to ring in history.

  Great Britain taxed the colonists at far lower rates than Americans
tolerate today -- and never dreamed of granting government agents the power
to search our private bank records to locate unreported income, nor to
haul away our children to some mandatory, government-run propaganda camp,
doping up the most spirited youths on Luvox or Ritalin. Nor did the king's
ministers ever attempt to stack our juries by disqualifying any juror who
refused to swear in advance to leave their conscience outside and enforce
the law as the judge explained it to them.

  The king's ministers insisted the colonists were represented by Members
of Parliament who had never set foot on these shores. Today, of course, our
interests are represented by one of two millionaire lawyers -- both
members of the incumbent Republicrat Party -- between whom we were
privileged to choose last election day, men who for the most part have
lived in mansions and sent their kids to private schools in the wealthy
suburbs of the imperial capital for decades.

  Yet the colonists did rebel. It's hard to imagine, today, the faith and
courage of a few hundred frozen musketmen, setting off across the darkened
Delaware, gambling their lives and farms on the chance they could engage
and defeat the greatest land army in the history of the known world, armed
with only two palpable assets: one irreplaceable man to lead them, and some
flimsy newspaper reprints of a parchment declaring: We hold these Truths
to be self-evident, that all Men are created equal, that they are endowed
by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are
Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness -- That to secure these Rights,
Governments are instituted among men, deriving their just Powers from the
Consent of the Governed, that whenever any Form of Government becomes
destructive to these Ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or
abolish it. ...

  Do we believe that, still?

  Recently, President Clinton's then-Drug Czar, Lee Brown, told me the role
of government is to protect people from dangers, such as drugs. I corrected
him, saying, No, the role of government is to protect our liberties.

  We'll just have to disagree on that, the president's appointee said.

  The War for American Independence began over unregistered untaxed guns,
when British forces attempted to seize arsenals of rifles, powder, and ball
from the hands of ill-organized Patriot militias in Lexington and Concord.
American civilians shot and killed scores of those government agents as
they marched back to Boston. Are those Minutemen still our heroes? Or do we
now consider them dangerous terrorists and depraved government-haters?

  In Phoenix last week, an air-conditioner repairman and former military
policeman named Chuck Knight was convicted by jurors  -- some tearful --
who said they had no choice under the judge's instructions, on a single
federal conspiracy count of associating with others who owned automatic
rifles on which they had failed to pay the $200 transfer tax. This was
after a trial in which defense attorney Ivan Abrams says he was forbidden
to bring up the Second Amendment as a defense.

  In The Federalist No. 29, James Madison sought to assuage the fears of
anti-federalists who worried the proposed new government might someday take
away our freedoms:

  If circumstances should at any time oblige the government to form an
army of any magnitude, he wrote, that army can never be formidable to the
liberties of the people while there is a large body of citizens, little if
at all inferior to them in discipline and the use of arms, who stand ready
to defend their rights and those of their fellow citizens.

  Any such encroachments by government would provoke plans of resistance,
Mr. Madison continued in The Federalist No. 46, and an appeal to a trial
of force, made possible by the advantage of being armed, which the
Americans possess over the people of almost every other nation.

  Were Arizona's Viper Militia readying plans of resistance, as recommended
by Mr. Madison? Would the Constitution ever have been ratified at all had
Mr. Madison and his fellow 

Re: [CTRL] NM: Legal Expert: Roger Clinton Not Far From Indictment

2001-06-30 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 06/30/2001 5:54:13 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

 After eight years of Clinton-era perjury, obstruction of justice and
 unprecedented levels of White House sleaze, prosecutors may finally be on
 the verge of indicting a member of the former first family, according to a
 prominent Washington, D.C.  law professor.

 It's the consistency of these (witness) accounts that raises the real
 possibility that he could be indicted, said George Washington University
 law professor Jonathan Turley on Friday, describing the evidence aga 

Does anyone know what the crime is supposed to be?  Prudy

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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2001-06-30 Thread MIKE SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-


International protests mount against genetically engineered crops

By Martin A. Lee
San Francisco Bay Guardian

The next time you're invited to dine at the White House, beware.  You'll be
eating genetically altered edibles.

Despite persistent concerns about the safety of such foods, our `what, me
worry?' president will entertain guests by serving pan-
seared genetically-modified super-salmon (which grows three times faster
than normal salmon), Texas-style pudding made with gene-
tampered Star Link corn (even though it has not been approved for human
consumption), and other dubious delicacies.

These are traditional Texas recipes, but with a special twist, explained
White House chef Daniel Arreido, who also indicated that the Bush family
likes to drink milk containing rBGH, a genetically engineered bovine growth

According to several environmental and science groups, rBGH may be linked
to human breast, colon, and prostate cancer.  This artificial bovine growth
stimulant is banned in Europe, Japan, New Zealand, and Canada, but not in
the United States, where it is widely employed by dairy companies to pump
up milk production and profits.

When Bill Clinton was president, it was hardly a secret that his
administration favored agricultural biotechnology as potential cash cow for
U.S.  corporations.  But the clout that the genetically engineered (GE)
food lobby wields in George W.  Bush's cabinet tops anything that came

Several current cabinet members have ties to Monsanto, the dominant firm in
the burgeoning biotechnology industry.  Monsanto contributed money to the
Senate election campaigns of Attorney General John Ashcroft and Health and
Human Services Secretary Tommy Thompson, while Defense Secretary Donald
Rumsfeld and Agriculture Secretary Ann Veneman were officers or directors
of companies that are now owned by Monsanto, which controls 80 percent of
the global market for transgenic seeds.

Bush's choice for deputy administrator of the Environmental Protection
Agency, Linda Fisher, was a chief lobbyist and political fundraising
coordinator for Monsanto.  And the revolving door keeps spinning between
Monsanto and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), which functions more
as an arm of the biotech industry than a regulatory agency.  Oversight of
the biotech business has been so lax that a federal judge recently ruled
that GE food is legally unregulated.

Manipulating genes - the blueprints of a living organism - is inherently a
high-risk endeavor that could have unintended and unforeseen negative
effects.  Given the serious ecological and human health dangers that could
arise from genetically engineered life forms, it makes sense for regulators
to err on the side of caution.  Indeed, that's the ostensible mandate of
the FDA - to apply the precautionary principle when approving new food
products and pharmaceuticals.  When it comes to bioengineered foods,
however, the FDA has done just the opposite.

Just a decade ago, there was virtually no genetically modified food
available for consumers.  Now it's a challenge to find something to eat
that doesn't contain GE ingredients.  Roughly 70% of the food sold in U.S
supermarkets has been genetically altered, thanks in no small part to the
FDA, which acknowledges that it has been operating under an explicit
government policy to foster the biotechnology industry since 1992.  That
year, the FDA declared GE foods to be substantially equivalent to normal
foods and, therefore, exempt from special pre-
market testing - a determination that many of the FDA's own scientists
strongly disagreed with.

While labeling GE foods is mandatory in the European Union and several
Asian countries, the FDA adamantly opposes such a practice.  Without
labels, people in the United States can't tell if they are eating
gene-finagled foodstuffs, which have been foisted on consumers without
their knowledge or consent.  Current FDA guidelines deny Americans the
right to know what is in our food, while protecting the economic interests
of biotech corporations, says Food First, an Oakland-based organization,
which has called for an immediate moratorium on the commercial use of GE
seeds and foods.

A vast, reckless experiment is underway with unknown but possibly
devastating consequences, and we are the guinea pigs.  No one is certain
about the long-term health implications of eating foods fortified with
insecticide implants and other alien genes - and that's why many people are
worried.  Tinkering with nature could irretrievably alter existing species,
wreak havoc on diverse wildlife, and set off vexing ecological problems
such as herbicide-
resistant super-weeds, which have already begun to sprout on farmland
planted with transgenic crops from Monsanto.

Monsanto's biotech crops are genetically tailored to tolerate the Monsanto
herbicide Roundup - a move calculated to enable the company to sell more of
its widely used, super-toxic Roundup.  The 


2001-06-30 Thread MIKE SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-




June 30, 2001 -- WASHINGTON - Cops are investigating the possibility that
someone murdered missing D.C.  intern Chandra Levy in her apartment
building - then put her body in a trash bin that was unloaded into a
landfill, it was revealed last night.

D.C.  police plan to use specially trained cadaver dogs to search the
landfill where Dumpsters from Levy's downtown apartment building are
emptied, sources told The Post.

Cops also are taking a second look at tenants in her building for possible
criminal records.

WRC-TV in Washington reported last night that the new twist in the
investigation has been prompted by information that Levy, who was last seen
canceling a membership at her health club on April 30, never left her
apartment the next day.

A high-ranking police official cautioned that the new line of investigation
is based only on a theory. He said other possibilities include Levy
committing suicide, deliberately disappearing and living under a new name,
or losing her memory after being injured.

We are going back, checking on a number of theories.  One of them we have
is that whatever happened to her happened in her building, but not inside
her apartment, one official said.

Cops said the possibility of foul play in the intern's building could
explain why Levy disappeared with her keys but left behind her credit cards
and clothes.  It would also explain why there were no signs of a struggle
in her apartment.

Until now, the disappearance of the attractive 24-year old Bureau of
Prisons intern has put Rep.  Gary Condit (D-Calif.) under a spotlight.

Police say Condit is not a suspect, but Levy's family believes he was
romantically involved with her and broke up with her two days before she

Condit's lawyers and federal prosecutors were close to a deal last night to
clear the way for the FBI to interview his wife, Carolyn.

The request to interview Carolyn Condit has been tangled over the legal
right of a spouse to refuse to incriminate her husband.

But Condit's lawyer, Abbe Lowell, eager to clear the congressman of
suspicion, told investigators Mrs.  Condit will cooperate and is
negotiating ground rules for the interview.

Law-enforcement sources say they are hopeful the interview will take place
as soon as next week.

  Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT


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Re: [CTRL] Classic

2001-06-30 Thread John Cone

-Caveat Lector-

--- Prudence L. Kuhn [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

We hold these Truths to be self-evident, that all Men
are created equal, that they are endowed
by their Creator with certain unalienable rights,
that among these are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of
Happiness -- That to secure these Rights,
Governments are instituted among men, deriving their
just Powers from the Consent of the Governed, that
whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive to
these Ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or
abolish it. ...

 Do we believe that, still?

Thankyou for posting this Prudy.
It's obvious that most Americans no longer believe
in, or are even familiar with, these principles.
The public schools (government indoctrination centers)
and the mass media have done a thorough job of
erasing these beliefs from the public mind.
There is a story about old Ben Franklin emerging
from the Constitutional Convention after the signing.
A woman called out to him: What form of government
have you given us?
He answered: A Republicif you can keep it.
We haven't.
It's gone.

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Re: [CTRL] Fwd: Muslim Cleric Calls for Death of Author Who Wrote on Islam

2001-06-30 Thread YnrChyldzWyld

-Caveat Lector-

On Sat, 30 Jun 2001, c. wrote:
 You two would make an ideal couple;  that is, however, if you like
 females who are taller sitting down than standing up?

another obsession of yours is that you keep using weight as an ad hominem
attack. it happens a lot. that and calling women pig. i guess you are one
of these tall leggy types

I doubt it.  People who fixate on certain aspects in other people are
really having problems coming to terms with those same aspects in

I got the 'short' aspect of her strange analogy, but fail to see where it
relates to weight.

when i read your posts i hear cartman's voice. anyone else got a cool
fantasy voice for saba?

Dana Carvey's Church Lady...


Or Lily Tomlin's switchboard operator who speaks in a real nasal
voice and snorts like a pig...

 So as the sailor's used to say, put a flag over her head and do it for
 Old Gay Pride?

hung around a few harbour bars have we aleisha? *wink*

It would seem so.  She seems to have much more knowledge in these
matters than I do.

Me, I'm just a plain old heterosexual female who's never had any
complaints from any of the men I've been with  ;-)


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[CTRL] NYT: Plea Mailed to Roger Clinton Was Flagged by President

2001-06-30 Thread MIKE SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-


June 30, 2001

Plea Mailed to Roger Clinton Was Flagged by President


In the last weeks of the Clinton presidency, when Roger Clinton was
visiting the White House for a few days, a piece of mail arrived addressed
to him from the family of a convicted drug dealer looking for clemency.

The president made a note on the envelope to Meredith Cabe, a White House
lawyer who was handling hundreds of last-minute pardons.

Meredith, looks like a case for commutation pls check out - BC, the note
reads, said a lawyer who has seen the document.

It is not clear what role Roger Clinton played in moving the application of
the convicted drug dealer, Steven Michael Griggs, to the head of the line,
and Mr. Griggs did not receive a presidential pardon.  But the document
provides the first evidence that President Bill Clinton lent his support to
any of his half brother's efforts to secure pardons for felons convicted of
drug dealing, bank fraud and tax evasion.

Bart Williams, Roger Clinton's lawyer, said his client had received nothing
of value from Mr. Griggs, whom he did not know well.  His plea for a
pardon, Mr. Williams said, was brought to Roger Clinton's attention by a
longtime friend from Arkansas who had a relationship with the Griggs

Roger Clinton has insisted in interviews that he took no money for pardons
and that he only interceded in the case of a handful of dear friends.

Gary Krupkin, a Dallas lawyer who has represented Mr. Griggs, said he
believed his client was introduced not long ago to Roger Clinton through
Daley McDaniel, a house mover in Hot Springs, Ark., who was a friend of
Bill and Roger Clinton's mother, Virginia Clinton Kelley.

Mr. Griggs is the son of Chief Carl Grey Owl Griggs of the Northern
Cherokee Nation of Missouri and Arkansas.  Steven Griggs is serving a
20-year sentence at a federal prison in Fort Worth and could not be reached
for comment yesterday.

Mr. Griggs pleaded guilty in 1992 to possessing the chemicals required to
make the illegal drug methamphetamine.  Lawyers involved in his case say
one reason he drew such a long sentence was that he fled after his
conviction and was captured a year later.

Mr. Griggs, who once owned several furniture stores, has spent the last
seven years in prison studying law, according to his lawyers.  Last July,
the Justice Department received a petition for clemency that his lawyers
say he prepared himself.

The Justice Department expects pardon candidates to have served their time
before applying.
And with a backlog of applications, it can take months for the department
to consider a submission.

Roger Clinton was seen as a way to speed up the process, Mr. Krupkin said.
You can submit anything to the Justice Department, and they're a
bureaucracy, and you'll get bogged down in it.

Roger Clinton was the president's brother, and he's got the ear of the
president, no question.

Mr. McDaniel, who introduced Roger Clinton to the Griggses, had come to
know Chief Griggs when he sought to become a member of the tribe some years
ago.  He was officially adopted in October 2000.

The tribe is not recognized as a sovereign nation but has been seeking that
status so it can open a casino, Mr. Krupkin said.  The chief and I have
spoken about doing a casino for a long time, said Mr. Krupkin, who also
said the tribe's leadership believed Mr. McDaniel's connections could be
helpful on that front, too.

Mr. Krupkin said Roger Clinton had spoken to Chief Griggs about his son's
predicament by telephone.  I don't think Roger ever came and shook the
hand of the chief, said Mr. Krupkin.

He said the family was shattered when the White House around Christmas
released a list of pardons without Mr. Griggs's name on it.

On Jan.  1, relatives sent by overnight mail a letter addressed to Roger
Clinton in care of the usher's office of the White House, Mr. Krupkin said.
It contained a letter written by another of Mr. Griggs's lawyers to the
Bureau of Prisons in 1999 attesting to Mr. Griggs's desire to turn his life

The return address on the envelope that carried the last-minute plea was
that of the Northern Cherokee Nation's offices in Clinton, Mo.

Asked why Roger Clinton would have helped someone he barely knew, Mr.
Williams said there was little evidence to show that his client helped the
Griggs family in any meaningful way, even if he delivered the letter to his
brother's staff.

The fact he's received something from someone and passes it on does not
mean he's made a recommendation or helped them in any way, Mr. Williams

The appearance of the former president's handwriting on a document
recommending a pardon for Mr. Griggs makes it more likely that Bill Clinton
may yet have to answer questions about the episode.

A Congressional committee and the United States attorney for the Southern
District of New York are examining whether Roger Clinton accepted money for
his assistance in securing pardons.


Re: [CTRL] Marine Officers Knew of False Osprey Data -Pentagon

2001-06-30 Thread MIKE SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

- Original Message -
From: Steve Wingate [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, June 30, 2001 1:18 AM
Subject: IUFO: Marine Officers Knew of False Osprey Data -Pentagon

 Friday June 29 8:45 PM ET

 Marine Officers Knew of False Osprey Data -Pentagon

 By JoAnne Allen

 WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A Pentagon (news - web sites) investigation
 into the falsification of maintenance records for the troubled Marine
 (news - web sites) MV-22 aircraft has found that some officers knew about
 the problem but did nothing about it, a Pentagon spokesman said on

 ``A small number (of officers) at the unit level knew of the
falsification and
 took no action to correct it,'' said the spokesman, Lt. David Gai.

A small number..., MY ASS!

According to 60 Minutes last Sunday, EVERYBODY from maintenance UP were
TOATALLY aware of the cover-up (even civilian friends and family were
EXTREMELY versed in the ongoing fears and concerns of their Osprey-assigned
sons, daughters, wives, husbands, friends, sibblings, etc., etc.).  There
was, according to Mike Wallace and those he interviewed, ABSOLUTELY no
secret regarding the conspiracy to falsify records..., NONE (accept to the
press/media and Congress).

MOST military personnel (even those only remotely associated with the
program) actually *participated* in the conspiracy to conceal these
problems, via DIRECT ORDERS from superiors.

told EN MASSE to keep
quiet about anything they may have casually heard or been told by friends,
colleages, associates, etc.

Needless to say, those civilians that lost friends and family in the
ONE-IN-TEN flight accidents are ANGRY (and litigative...is that a word?).

  Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT


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Re: [CTRL] Classic

2001-06-30 Thread YnrChyldzWyld

-Caveat Lector-

  Great Britain taxed the colonists at far lower rates than Americans
tolerate today --

True, but it was a combination of WHAT was taxed, and HOW the taxes were
collected that the colonists...especially those in Massachusetts colony,
found 'intolerable' (an additional 'Intolerable Act' was the fact that
King George disbanded the colonial parliaments and established his own
appointees from England in the offices of colonial governors, which had
previously been held by colonists)...

  Yet the colonists did rebel. It's hard to imagine, today, the faith and
courage of a few hundred frozen musketmen, setting off across the darkened
Delaware, gambling their lives and farms on the chance they could engage
and defeat the greatest land army in the history of the known world, armed
with only two palpable assets: one irreplaceable man to lead them, and some
flimsy newspaper reprints of a parchment declaring: We hold these Truths
to be self-evident,

Well, as I pointed out in another post, the Declaration of Independence
wasn't written until more than a year after hostilities had broken out at
Lexington and Concord.  And it was a hard sell...many colonists who
strongly objected to King George's policies towards the American colonies
and even understood and supported the fighting balked at making the final
break from England...most colonists still considered themselves loyal
subjects of England, even as they were firing upon the military forces of

Today we refer to 'the English' when referring to whom we fought against
in the Revolutionary War...but not one colonist thought that way at the
time, because the term 'the English' meant the colonists too...

The American Revolution was in fact our first civil war...

  The War for American Independence began over unregistered untaxed guns,

To be precise, that was the spark that set off the powderkeg that had
been simmering for a decade over many issues...

when British forces attempted to seize arsenals of rifles, powder, and ball
from the hands of ill-organized Patriot militias in Lexington and Concord.

Where does the author get off calling the colonial militias
'ill-organized'; if the Lexington and Concord militias had been
ill-organized, the 'lobsterbacks' (which was the derogatory term that
American colonists used to describe the British troops) would have found
the local militia in bed rather than finding them standing in formation
on the town green...

It could be argued that the American colonial militias were BETTER
organized and BETTER trained than the British troops; granted, the
British army was considered one of the best armies of its day, but it
wazs trained in the strict rules of European warfare.

The colonial militias, OTOH, were responsible for maintaining law, order,
and the safety of their families on the frontier, especially from
occasional attack by local Indians.  They therefore trained regularly,
and were extremely well organized.

American civilians shot and killed scores of those government agents as
they marched back to Boston. Are those Minutemen still our heroes? Or do we
now consider them dangerous terrorists and depraved government-haters?

There was no question at the time...the 'lobsterbacks' considered the
rebel colonists as 'terrorists', and were quite put out that they did not
'fight correctly', meaning that the colonists waged what we have come to
label 'guerrilla warfare', tactics they had learned from their Native
American adversaries...

The 'lobsterbacks' considered such fighting 'barbaric'...it just 'was not
done'...and unfortunately afterwards the rebel colonial military leaders
decided that rather than be thought 'barbaric', they would fight 'by the
rules', which explains why 'we' didn't do so well after the initial
'victories' at Lexington/Concord, Bunker Hill, and Fort Ticonderoga...

If we'd maintained such guerrilla tactics, the war would probably have
ended in our favor much sooner...


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[CTRL] CSICOP: The Polygraph: Does It Detect Lies or Rely on Lies?

2001-06-30 Thread MIKE SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-


Contact: Kevin Christopher
Phone: (716) 636-1425 ext. 224
Fax: (716) 636-1733

The Polygraph: Does It Detect Lies or Rely on Lies?

Amherst, N.Y. (June 28, 2001)-When the FBI announced that it had uncovered
Robert Philip Hanssen's 15 years of alleged espionage activities, the
immediate question was how an organization like the FBI, equipped with the
best investigative tools, could overlook so serious a security breach for
so long. An article by the Center for National Security and Arms Control's
senior scientist, published in the new July/August 2001 issue of Skeptical
Inquirer, suggests that such blunders might be explained by American law
enforcement's love affair with the arcane contraption known as the
polygraph a.k.a lie detector).

Alan P. Zelicoff is the Senior Scientist in the Center for National
Security and Arms Control at Sandia National Laboratories in New Mexico. He
offers a scathing indictment in his article for Skeptical Inquirer, titled
Polygraphs and the National Labs: Dangerous Ruse Undermines National
Security. Zelicoff compares the polygraph to the ancient Roman practice of
divining the future from animal entrails: Perhaps polygraphers would do
better with Wonder Woman's lasso than they have been doing with their box.

The secret of the polygraph-the polygrapher's own shameless deception-is
that their machine is no more capable of telling the truth than were the
priests of ancient Rome standing knee-deep in chicken parts.

According to Zelicoff, the four parameters measured by the polygraph-blood
pressure, pulse, perspiration, and breathing rate-are all affected by a
broad range of emotions, and offer no reliable measurement of deception.

Zelicoff says that there are dozens of studies in the past two decades
showing that the lie detector cannot distinguish between truth telling and
lying. As examples of the polygrapher's dangerous inaccuracy, he points to
the cases of spies like Aldrich Ames and the Walker brothers, who passed
their polygraph tests repeatedly every five years. He also cites examples
of those wrongly accused based on shoddy polygraph evidence, such as FBI
agent Mark Mullah whose career was ruined by suspicion, despite the fact
that all evidence against him was dismissed and his badge was restored.

It is time to relegate the polygraph... to the ash heap of bad ideas and
misplaced beliefs, Zelicoff says. The scientist urges that we should not
make the spy's task easier with self-defeating measures like the


Skeptical Inquirer is the official publication of the Committee for the
Scientific Investigation of Claims of the Paranormal (CSICOP), a non-profit
organization dedicated to science literacy and the examination of
paranormal and junk science claims. Published six times a year, the
magazine features informed articles and commentary from a critical,
scientific perspective.

For more information about the magazine or CSICOP, contact Kevin
Christopher at [EMAIL PROTECTED] or (716) 636-1425 ext. 224.

  Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT


*Michael Spitzer*[EMAIL PROTECTED]

The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

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Re: [CTRL] Reptoids and illegal drugs

2001-06-30 Thread Schmidt

-Caveat Lector-

  and became james 1st of england. 

 Yes, thats correct. Of England, i.e., english.

LOL he was scotlands monarch and became the monarch of scotland and
england but granted,  it didn't last... and yeah- england is the big

It didn't? Last I heard the UK was still the UK and the Queen was still Queen of 
England, Scotland, Wales and a few other places besides.

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[CTRL] Milosevic to name names

2001-06-30 Thread Schmidt

-Caveat Lector-

Get daily updates with news like this from



SLOBODAN MILOSEVIC is planning to embarrass Britain and other Western governments by 
revealing at his war crimes trial at The Hague the secret deals which he claims 
propped up his regime during a decade of bloodshed in the Balkans.

Lawyers for the deposed Serbian president will name three former Foreign Secretaries, 
Lord Hurd, Lord Carrington and Lord Owen, in a strategy designed to implicate British 
and American diplomatic figures in the bloody break-up of Yugoslavia.

They will claim that he was given a green light for many of his most controversial 
actions, including the use of force, by Western governments. Branimir Gugl, one of 
Milosevic's lawyers, told The Telegraph yesterday: Mr Milosevic feels that Nato are 
the real criminals and that will be part of his defence.

Milosevic will argue that the British peers, along with Foreign Office diplomats, were 
involved in negotiating peace deals that were designed to maintain him in power 
despite his record.

Lord Hurd's later role as a director of National Westminster Bank in striking a 
lucrative deal with Milosevic to refinance the Serbian economy is likely to be 
highlighted during the trial. Milosevic is expected in court on Tuesday.

The former president, nicknamed the Butcher of Belgrade for his pitiless treatment of 
ethnic minorities, is said to feel betrayed by Western negotiators.

A Senior Foreign Office official said: We will not be surprised if Lord Hurd's 
dealings with Milosevic are raised during the trial but in fact our hands are clean, 
we have nothing to hide. The French government may well be nervous about its own 
friendly relationship with Milosevic right up to 1999 being brought up.

Lord Hurd, who aroused controversy by opposing American plans to lift the arms embargo 
on Bosnia's Muslims, later became the deputy chairman of NatWest Markets and brokered 
a deal to privatise Serbia's telecoms service. At a secret business breakfast with 
Milosevic, he was accompanied by Dame Pauline Neville-Jones, formerly Britain's most 
senior woman diplomat, who had also joined the bank.

The French are believed to have maintained communications with the Serbs during the 
Nato bombing campaign which was beset by leaks of targets. Serbs claimed that Gen 
Bernard Janvier, a French former UN commander, secretly promised to veto air strikes 
in 1995 provided that they released 300 UN hostages. A month later, the Bosnian Serb 
army attacked Srebrenica, killing 7,000 Muslims in Europe's biggest war crime in 50 

Milosevic's lawyers plan to call former peace envoys to give evidence. These include 
Lord Carrington, the chief negotiator for the European Union in 1991-92, Lord Owen, 
who co-brokered the 1993 Vance-Owen peace deal, and Richard Holbrooke, the American 
who brokered the Dayton accord on Bosnia.

They, in turn, are likely to explain that whatever their misgivings about Milosevic, 
his position as strong man in the region meant that they could not ignore him.

Officials in The Hague, where Milosevic has been held since Thursday, say they expect 
to broaden his charges to include genocide. Milosevic was under close supervision last 
night; his parents committed suicide and there are fears that he might try to do the 

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Re: [CTRL] Rabbi Chats With Messiah

2001-06-30 Thread Nurev Ind.

-Caveat Lector-

Bill Howard wrote:

 -Caveat Lector-

 In a message dated 6/29/01 1:49:05 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

  ISRAELS ultra-Orthodox Sephardi community was engulfed in a wave of
 religious optimism after Rabbi Ovadia Yosef, spiritual leader of the Shas
 party, said that he had conversed with the Messiah in a dream.

 Rabbi Ben-Zion Mutzafi, one of his followers, said that Rabbi Yosef had
 told him that in his dream at the Western Wall plaza and in all of
 Jerusalem there were only Jews . . . There were no non-Jewish foreigners
 there. They had already been expelled (before the coming of the Messiah).

  Its former political leader, Arieh
 Deri, is serving six years in jail for fraud.
 Every Jew who is waiting for the Messiah sees in
 the dream . . . significant tidings in anticipation of salvation.

 Rabbi Mutzafi said: Until now we have not heard of anyone who saw the
 Messiah in a dream. These things are evidence that salvation is nigh. 

 Sounds like wishful dreaming to me, along with a liberal dose of jews uber

I believe your analysis is correct.


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[CTRL] Dilusional am I?: Weapons of Mass Destruction Emerging]

2001-06-30 Thread Nurev Ind.

-Caveat Lector-

 Original Message 
Subject: Weapons of Mass Destruction Emerging
Date: Fri, 29 Jun 2001 15:31:00 -0500 (CDT)
Organization: ?
To: undisclosed-recipients:;

   ___      __
  /  |/  /  /___/  / /_ //M I D - E A S T   R E A L I T I E S
 / /|_/ /  /_/_   / /\\ Making Sense of the Middle East
/_/  /_/  /___/  /_/  \\)http://www.MiddleEast.Org

  News, Information,  Analysis That Governments, Interest Groups,
 and the Corporate Media Don't Want You To Know!
  *  *  *  *  *  *  *
 To receive MER regularly email to [EMAIL PROTECTED]


MID-EAST REALITIES ) - www.MiddleEast.Org - Washington - 6/29:
In a sense there is an arms race under way at this time of a different kind
-- a race for whether weapons of mass destruction will be used in a serious and
ongoing way should a new war break out first in the Subcontinent over Kashmir or
in the Middle East over Palestine.
In the past there was the famous nuclear alert ordered by Henry Kissinger
at the time of the 1973 War -- the Russians said at the time to be shipping
nuclear weapons to Egypt and the Israelis threatening to preempt with their
own.  The Americans began a massive airlift of military supplies to Israel,
warned Moscow that what was happening could result in devastation to the Soviet
Union, and forced the Arab states to back down when they had the upper hand.
The Israelis of course attacked the Osirak nuclear reactor outside of
Baghdad in 1981 within months of that plant going on line when it would have
been too late.
And there have been secret joint Indian-Israeli attempts to destroy
Pakistan's nuclear weapons program, past attempts that failed and now it is
probably too late.
One of the main goals the U.S. and Israel have at the moment is to prevent
the Iranians from achieving weapons of mass destruction -- as well as the
Iraqis, Libyans, and Algerians who have a secret nuclear weapons program rarely
discussed.  Other countries in the region, including Egypt and Syria, have major
programs to rush development of ballistic missiles capable of delivering
chemical and biological weapons, as well as nuclear.
Especially with Sharon at Israel's helm, the region is in a rush to arm and
prepare.  Indeed, it was precisely movement toward a situation of possible use
of weapons of mass destruction in the future against Israel that propelled the
other top General, Ehud Barak, to take such seemingly desperate steps to get
Yasser Arafat to sign some kind of final peace and head of the bleak future
that is now coming into better focus.
The Americans, having contributed all these years to actually nurturing
these conflicts -- picking up where the British left off in both cases of
course -- are working feverishly to prevent further development of weapons of
mass destruction (except for Israel of course whose substantial nuclear arsenal
and chemical/biological weapons programs are only partially known).  Even so, at
the same time the Americans are the region's largest arms merchant for
conventional and high-technology weapons.
So...get out your old copies of Pulitzer Prize-winner author Seymour Hersh's
THE SAMPSON COMPLEX -- forseeing the day when the Israelis feeling besieged from
all sides might threaten and even pre-empt with major attacks throughout the
region.  This is indeed the direction everything is headed now; as much as those
in power are claiming otherwise.


 WASHINGTON  29 June: U.S. defense and security experts project
the use of
  ballistic missiles with nonconventional warheads in the next
Middle East war.

  U.S. officials said this scenario has been drafted by experts
in several defense
  agencies. They said such countries as Iraq, Iran and Syria
might launch
  chemical and biological weapons attacks in any confrontation
with Israel.

  The assessment has been presented to President George Bush.
The White
  House was told that the Middle East was sliding into a state
of war in which all
  measures could be employed.

  One reason  among many  that we cannot walk away from the
  East conflict is that another war there could involve weapons
of mass
  destruction, Sen. Joseph Biden, chairman of the Senate
Foreign Relations
  Committee, told a conference at the Carnegie Endowment for
  Peace on June 19.

  Officials said the scenarios of a future Middle East war have
been discussed
  with both Egypt and Israel. They said both countries agree on
likelihood that

Re: [CTRL] Fwd: Muslim Cleric Calls for Death of Author Who Wrote on Islam

2001-06-30 Thread lassey

-Caveat Lector-


You better buy an American history book that was written at least
50 years ago-if you want any thing near the  truth. Anything written
than that is a waste of paper.

On Sat, 30 Jun 2001 09:35:13 -0400 YnrChyldzWyld [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 -Caveat Lector-

 On Sat, 30 Jun 2001, Aleisha Saba wrote:
 But then people went to war over a Document entitled the
 Declaration of

 This statement once again proves what an idiot you are.

 I suggest you go to your local college and buy and READ their
 for American Colonial History 101...

 I'll even give you a clue, Aleisha, as an early Independence Day

 The American Revolutionary War started in April 1775; the
 of Independence wasn't drafted until the late spring of 1776 and
 in July of 1776.


 Alternative Kite Radio (basic)
 Alternative Kite Summer Beachparty Radio (it's always summer
 Alternative Kite Holiday Radio (everyday's a holiday)

 Check out Alternative Kite Radio at

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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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2001-06-30 Thread lassey

-Caveat Lector-


On Sat, 30 Jun 2001 01:35:37 -0700 BB [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 -Caveat Lector-

 Yup --  the liberals and socialists just HATE the fact that for
 a network reporter has unmasked publicly, from the mouths of babes,
 the left-wing propaganda that has been indoctrinated into our
 children at the hands of the left-wing educational bureaucracy.

 They are so angry, not because the children have been propagandized,
 but because the fact has been uncovered and made public.

 So typical.  It's ok for generations of 'educators' to take
 good and noble from textbooks, no mention of religion allowed,
 God forbid that prayer even be THOUGHT of, George Washington
 reduced to a single paragraph, where Marilyn Monroe is given several
 pages, ZERO TOLERANCE for a kiss on the cheek, or a boy should
 stick out his finger at another in an age old game, or draw a
 of a weapon, or that a girl in school should have IN HER CAR IN THE
 by school 'authorities', all this is OK, acceptable, desirable.

 BUT, when a left-wing ox is gored by the uncovering and publicizing
 of a beloved practice of orienting our children toward one of
 political viewpoints, just LISTEN to the howls of outrage!!!

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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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2001-06-30 Thread lassey

-Caveat Lector-

Stossel just doesn't learn: trying to expose the truth WILL BE PUNISHED.
Tell lies will get accolades from all the media liars.He needs to learn

On Sat, 30 Jun 2001 00:18:14 -0700 Steve [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 -Caveat Lector-

 --- Forwarded message follows ---
 Date sent:  Thu, 28 Jun 2001 11:07:12 +
 From:   Robert Sterling [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Send reply to:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 [ Double-click this line for list subscription options ]

 Please send as far and wide as possible.


 Robert Sterling
 Editor, The Konformist

 Sam Johnston

 John Stossel has been trashing organic agriculture and
 environmental scaremongers  for some time. Now he's after the kids,
 but it's starting to backfire. Tune in this Friday on ABC, check you
 local listings. Contact info for Stossel and ABC at bottom. Be polite
 to be heard. For more info see:


 Stossel's deceptions reveal to all his Achilles' Heel. Opportunity



 The Story Behind John Stossel's Latest Attack on Environmentalism

 John Stossel is back in action. Stossel is a commentator on
 ABC's 20/20, where he devotes much of his time to railing against
 government regulations. According to FreeMarket.net, Stossel is one
 of the libertarian movement's most valuable proponents. His staunch
 libertarian perspective influences much of his commentary, sometimes
 to the detriment of its accuracy.

 Last summer, Stossel attacked the organic food industry using
 fabricated and distorted scientific studies. His fans sprang to his
 defense, and the Competitive Enterprise Institute, a right-wing think
 tank, even sponsored a website in his honor, SaveJohnStossel.com.

 Stossel is now gearing up for another attack on greens, this time in
 the form of a screed against environmental education. The program is
 reportedly scheduled to air on Friday, June 29, 2001. According to
 educators and parents whose children were interviewed for the show,
 Stossel has once again allowed his beliefs to interfere with his
 journalistic duties.

 Stossel's Sudden Arrival

 An environmental educator, who was present for Stossel's interviews
 with children and was also interviewed himself, is concerned about
 Stossel's tactics.

 John Quigley is the executive director of Earth Day Los Angeles. In
 April, he hosted a field day for 2,000 kids to teach them about clean
 energy solutions. The day's events were filmed by Debbie Colloton,
 one of Stossel's producers.

 We had an educational experience where everything was solar-powered
 at the event, Quigley said. There were local presentation areas
 that were solar-powered. Kids learned about clean transportation and
 about things they can do in their homes.

 Colloton also visited an elementary school to interview kids. She
 subsequently arranged for 10 children, grades two through five, to be
 taped in a studio setting as they talked about the environment.

 Colloton never mentioned Stossel's involvement with the project. We
 still didn't think anything, Quigley said. We just didn't know. We
 thought Debbie Colloton was going to do the interviews for her ABC

 Quigley was wrong, however, because about five minutes before taping,
 John Stossel showed up. Debbie Colloton announces that Stossel will
 be interviewing the kids, Quigley said. It didn't raise a red flag
 because all I knew was that he was a commentator for ABC. It did seem
 odd that his name was never mentioned at all and all of a sudden he
 shows up.

 Stossel interviewed the kids for about 30 minutes on environmental
 topics before showing his agenda, Quigley said.

 He started asking leading questions and it was very clear what he
 wanted to get, Quigley said. He would say, 'Wow, it's really scary,
 isn't it?' And the kids weren't scared at all and so they just looked
 at him. He asked that question repeatedly.

 According to Quigley, Stossel was having a hard time getting what he
 wanted. These were bright kids, and they were responding well. He
 was clearly trying to elicit certain responses on tape. When he
 didn't get the verbal response he wanted, he had the crew shoot from
 behind and had the students raise their hands while he asked, 'Is the
 air getting dirtier or cleaner?' It was clear that he wasn't
 interested in honest dialogue but was trying to elicit certain
 responses for a script he had already written.

 Although Quigley was bothered, he thought Stossel was just asking
 tough questions. He agreed to tape a discussion with Stossel and
 fellow educators the following Monday.

 About 30 minutes into the interview 

Re: [CTRL] Breast Cancer

2001-06-30 Thread MIKE SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

There's no doubt that a lot of nasty stuff is secreted in ALL fluids
leaving the body, e.g., sweat, lachrymal, urine, saliva, blood,
semen/vaginal, feces, open lesions, etc., etc.

What's more, aluminum chlorhydrate has always been a suspected carcinogen.
Models use the PURE stuff (a controlled substance needing a prescription),
and have been since the 50'sso who knows?  *MOST* of these most
THEIR RESPECTIVE CULTURES?? It could be HEAVY coincidence, or maybe the
Preparation H they use on the bags under their eyesor maybe the REAL
H (i.e., Heroin), or maybe the adhesives they use to hold their clothes
on???  [Btw, did you know that something like 7-9 percent of the most
beautiful models in the world suffer from Kleinfelter's Syndrome, i.e.,
really genetically male?  They almost always marry the wealthiest/most
prominent men, and the couple is infertile...their testes are able to be
felt subcutaneously (a few centimeters) on the inside upper thigh.  At a
loss, the family physician referred the couple to geneticists at the top
university med-schools, when the condition was first realized in the late
70's.  The geneticists were honest back then, and told the couple that
she was really a genetic male!  Needless to say, THANKS TO THE MEDICAL
ETHICISTS OF THE LATE 70's (thru today), they don't tell the couples that
they are both MEN any more, thus alleviating the many divorces and suicides
that DID result from the early honesty of the top genetic researchers!]

I know as fact that fat and lymph nodes DO IN FACT isolate and store (in a
fairly inactive complex) serious toxins.  There was one that ONLY ever
showed up in a specific brand of hair dye in the 50's, and that when these
detox centers came the rage in the late 70's and early 80's, several women
died of the poison that had been safely isolated in their fat and lymph
nodes FOR THIRTY YEARS when they did the routine fasting that most of these
detox programs required of their patrons.  In other words, for the first
time in their lives, these woman began to actually breaking down fat
soluble deposits, and that these (and others) toxins hit their blood stream
in lethal concentrations...  The one I refer to (the one from the hair
dye...sorry, I don't remember the name, but it is one of the oldest
carcinogens legally banned) was only ever introduced into the environment
(or anywhere a person could have EVER been exposed to it) via this one
product over just 20-30 months in the 50's!

I think the most important thing is to NOT TRUST THESE URBAN LEGEND SITES,
as I know as fact that MANY things that have been posted to these sites ARE
IN FACT NOT HOAXES, e.g., gerbiling, organ theft, etc., etc.

I read in this forum over the years MANY of the real-deal as to how and
why certain things show up on these Urban Legends sites, when in fact at
least a SIGNIFICANT NUMBER of so-called Urban Legends are REAL!

I recommend the usual, namely, do a tad of research, and most important

At LEAST one of these sites (the one I know of is defunct for several years
now) was funded by the Fed gov't. and popular lobbies/corporate interests.

DAMN!  I mean, *D*U*H* ! !



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[CTRL] Final word on khyber

2001-06-30 Thread Schmidt

-Caveat Lector-

Khyber is a Hebrew word meaning a fort

From http://www.afghan-network.net/khyber.html

Nonetheless, I don't see why a Scot would be wielding an Afghan knife. If Khyber is a 
form of dagger or sword, is it a modern brand-name? I used to be familiar with much of 
the world's cutlery but don't recall ever coming across this one.

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That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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[CTRL] AT: The devil with the blue dress

2001-06-30 Thread MIKE SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

[I thought it was hilarious when B.C. was talking about torturing insects,
and he actually thought it was normal, that everybody did it!  As far as I
know, a very significant percentage of children that torture animals, grow
up to be sociopaths, LIP-BITING rapists, murderers, etc.  --MS]


The devil with the blue dress

Former Whitewater Prosecutor Hickman Ewing talks about the Clintons,
Whitewater, Monica, Ken Starr and more.

By John Branston
Arkansas Times
June 29, 2001

Hickman Ewing does a pretty dead-on impression of Bill Clinton. But then
he's had more practice than most people.

One of the highlights of Ewing's six-year tenure with the Office of the
Independent Counsel was playing Clinton in mock trials on three occasions.

With his Southern drawl, rambling speaking style, and Memphis roots, the
former federal prosecutor was an easy choice among Prosecutor Kenneth
Starr's staff.

When the lawyers in the mock trials asked their polite questions about
Monica Lewinsky, Ewing as Clinton hemmed and hawed and filibustered so well
that the prosecutors eventually sharpened their questions enough to elicit
the famous sordid details of the Lewinsky affair that led to Clinton's
impeachment. That was Ewing's singular footnote to history but only one of
several important contributions he made to the Whitewater investigation.

He interviewed Bill and Hillary Clinton several times at the White House
and ran the Arkansas phase of Whitewater that convicted Webster Hubbell,
Jim and Susan McDougal, and former Gov. Jim Guy Tucker among others.

Recently, Ewing talked at length about the Clintons, Lewinsky, the
McDougals, Starr, and Linda Tripp in three hours of interviews with The
Memphis Flyer.

The interviews were conducted at Ewing's home in Germantown, Tenn. In his
study there are pictures of his father, a legendary high school football
coach, as well as Starr and various politicians including Richard Nixon,
Lyndon Johnson, Howard Baker, and, yes, Bill Clinton. The Clinton picture,
he is quick to point out, was a gag gift, while the Nixon and Johnson shots
are there because the former presidents are standing alongside a member of
Ewing's wife's family. The bookcase is full of religious books. Ewing is a
lay minister, and opponents occasionally accused him of religious zealotry
during the Whitewater investigation, just as they did during the trial of
former Congressman Harold Ford in Memphis.

There is one full shelf of books about Whitewater and the Clintons. They
include three of Ewing's personal favorites - First in His Class by David
Maraniss, Blood Sport by James Stewart, and The Truth at Any Cost by
Susan Schmidt and Michael Weisskopf - and several others he considers
biased from either the left or the right. Ewing is mentioned in most of
them, often at length. He has also been profiled in a front-page story in
The Wall Street Journal, dubbed the slowpoke prosecutor administering
water torture by columnist William Safire of The New York Times, picked
(incorrectly) as Starr's successor by Newsweek, and called Clinton's Other
Pursuer in a long article in The New Yorker by Jeffrey Toobin. His picture
graced the front page of the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette when he was one of
five speakers to eulogize Jim McDougal.

The stocky, white-haired Ewing was also seen on network television several
times, walking grimly along at Starr's side or uttering a clipped no

This was a case of the rest of the country coming to know a man that
Memphians had known quite well since Ewing was a star athlete at Whitehaven
High School in the 1960s. After graduating from Vanderbilt and serving in
the Navy, Ewing came back to Memphis and made his mark as the prosecutor
who prosecuted several prominent Tennessee politicians and had just
finished playing himself as prosecutor in a television mock trial of James
Earl Ray when he was hired by the Office of the Independent Counsel in

Curiously, although he was something of a star in the Republican-controlled
Justice Department in the 1980s, he had been to the White House only twice
before 1995 and never met a president until he met Clinton.

Ewing's silence for much of the last seven years was somewhat unusual for
him. He was always good for a quote or two outside the courthouse during
his Memphis trials, and he tells a story in a rambling, colloquial style
that left no doubt that he would be the one to play Bill Clinton in the
OIC's moot court.

He has another notable attribute, as his adversaries can attest. I
remember stuff, he drawls. In fact that could be his epitaph. He has a
remarkable memory for sports, local trivia, Memphis history, and especially
legal matters. This served him well as a prosecutor. He has no plans,
however, to write his own Whitewater book.

At 59, he is taking it easy, unsure when or how he will resume his law
practice. Meanwhile, he is reliving his childhood. He plans to compete 

[CTRL] FB: 3rd Condit interview possible

2001-06-30 Thread MIKE SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

The Fresno Bee

3rd Condit interview possible

Police deny reports that the congressman broke off ties to Chandra Levy.

By Michael Doyle
Bee Washington Bureau
(Published June 29, 2001)

WASHINGTON -- Rep. Gary Condit shed more light on missing intern Chandra
Levy in his recent interview with police detectives, but additional answers
could yet be needed, sources familiar with the interview say.

Executive Assistant Police Chief Terry Gainer told the Bee on Thursday
night that detectives might seek another interview with Condit, while
noting the congressman was cooperative when he met with police Saturday.

Gainer said investigators still are re-interviewing other Washington

Condit's camp is open to follow-up questions.

It wouldn't be beyond reason, one informed source said of the possible
third interview.

Multiple sources described the hourlong session conducted by three
detectives Saturday afternoon as civil.

Condit's Washington lawyer, Abbe Lowell, sat in on the interview and set up
the meeting place, which was not disclosed.

They asked all the questions that police would be expected to ask in a
missing-persons case, one source familiar with the interview said Thursday
night, and the congressman answered them.

Precisely who said what during the second police interview with Condit
remains unclear, and various sources have characterized it in different

However, Gainer flatly termed as balderdash a Fox television news report
claiming Condit had told police he'd broken off a close friendship with
Levy -- supposedly driving Levy into an emotional tailspin -- two days
before her disappearance.

The conversation did not take place, Gainer said. We ought to put to
rest these outrageous rumors and innuendo.

Condit described Levy as a good friend in a written statement, but
through his staff has denied any romantic involvement.

It was not possible Thursday night to determine what kind of detailed
questions detectives asked about this friendship, and how Condit responded.

Police first interviewed Condit in his Washington, D.C., condominium last
month, after Levy's disappearance.

She was last seen April 30 and, according to Condit lawyer Joe Cotchett,
she had apparently tried to call Condit four or five times in the days
before she disappeared.

Cotchett speculated the former Bureau of Prisons intern was calling to say
goodbye before she left for California for good.

I don't really think it would be worth it for me to stay in D.C. now,
since I have no job or school to keep me busy here, Levy wrote in an April
28 e-mail sent to her landlord. I think I need to be in California for a
while to figure out what my next move is.

Among people still waiting to be interviewed is Carolyn Condit, the
congressman's wife, who was visiting in Washington between April 28 and May
3. She lives most of the year in Ceres.

Gainer did not confirm directly that it would be FBI agents rather than
Washington detectives talking to Carolyn Condit, but he noted, I haven't
sent any Washington detectives to California.

The FBI maintains field offices in Sacramento, Modesto and Fresno, and the
bureau's special agents have been helping with the case from the beginning.

While detectives and FBI agents continue to interview, the reward fund for
information leading to Levy's safe return grows. It reached $45,000
Thursday with the addition of $5,000 by the publishers of the Journal of
Women's Health and Gender-based Medicine.

The New York-based medical journal offered the money along with the
observation that its readers might be precisely those most likely to
encounter a vulnerable young woman.

If she has been hurt or harmed, a health-care professional might have seen
Chandra, magazine publisher Mary Ann Liebert said.

However, women are often fearful or unable to reveal abuse, and
health-care practitioners could be misled either by the victim or someone
who may be accompanying her.

  Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT


*Michael Spitzer*[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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[CTRL] CNN: Beware GPS in Rental Cars !!

2001-06-30 Thread MIKE SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

[These days, any one that fails to take this possibility into consideration
(e.g., gangsters, criminals, secret agents, politicians, industrialists,
corporate VIPs, etc.), then they deserve to be hurt by their idiocy.
 Duh! --MS]

Beware GPS in Rental Cars !

By Richard Stenger

(CNN) -- An ordinary trip turned into an Orwellian ordeal for one
Connecticut driver, forced to pay multiple fines after a car rental company
tracked his every move via satellite.

James Turner of New Haven took Acme car rental company to court, calling
the technology too intrusive. Acme countered that Turner knew the risks.
Regardless, the litigation has such an unexpected high-tech spin that the
state attorney general joined the legal fray.

When Turner needed a van to drive from New Haven to Virginia some months
ago for business, he turned to a merchant near his home that he had relied
on many times in the past.

But the theater box office manager overlooked a clause in the contract
stating that its vehicles were equipped with a Global Positioning Satellite
(GPS) system and that going over the speed limit would cost $150 per

When he returned home and tried to use his ATM card, he discovered that the
rental company had taken out $450 from his account. Acme Rent-A-Car had
determined that he had gone over the speed limit three times and dipped
into his account for each one.

They took the money out before I returned the car, Turner told CNN this
week. I was very, very surprised. I was not aware of what GPS could do. I
thought it was an onboard navigation system, to use when you get lost.

High-tech tracking

The van was outfitted with more than standard GPS technology. It had a much
more sophisticated monitoring system, AirIQ, which allowed Acme to check
Turner's speed and location.

Turner hired a lawyer and went to small claims court, but Acme said Turner
was well aware of the contract provisions.

I don't think it was too intrusive. The warning is printed in big bold
letters on top of the contract, saying any sustained speeds over 79 mph
would be subject to fines, said Max Brunswick, Acme's attorney.

It's not something that's in the fine print. It's explained to the
customer and the customer has to initial it, he said. Bernadette Keyes,
Turner's counsel, countered that while some Acme customercontracts did
include a specific speed limit, the one her client signed did not.

Making money or tracking cars?

Turner protested that the company had no system of due process by which he
could challenge the charges. Brunswick said that for each infraction, the
satellite system notified Acme only after Turner had gone over 80 mph for
at least two minutes.

The real purpose is not to make money from people speeding. The real
reason is to track cars, Brunswick said.

The monitoring system allows Acme to find cars that are not returned, a
persistent problem that can drive small car rental companies out of
business, he said.

Moreover, drivers knowing their speed is being checked tend to drive
slower, leading to less liability for the company and fewer accidents for
the drivers, according to Brunswick.

It's safe to say this policy saves lives, he said.

The state has stepped in to help settle the legal morass, leaving the small
claims case in limbo.

The court is waiting for the consumer protection board and attorney
general to make their ruling, which could come within weeks, Turner said.

  Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT


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Re: [CTRL] Breast Cancer

2001-06-30 Thread Tenorlove

-Caveat Lector-

 *MOST* of these most
 THEIR RESPECTIVE CULTURES?? It could be HEAVY coincidence, or maybe
 Preparation H they use on the bags under their eyes.


Seriously, maybe it could be that they get knocked off because, in the
course of their careers, they learn too much about certain people.

At any rate, I'd like to see the studies that link antiperspirants to
breast cancer, if there are any.

who should have no trouble living to a ripe old age ;-D

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[CTRL] AP: Wayne DuMond, Convicted Castrated Rapist, Charged With Murder

2001-06-30 Thread MIKE SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

Convicted Castrated Rapist Charged With Murder

Friday, June 29, 2001
Associated Press

KANSAS CITY, Mo. - Prosecutors on Friday charged Arkansas parolee Wayne
DuMond with first-degree murder in the death of a Missouri woman and said
they had not ruled out seeking the death penalty for the convicted
castrated rapist.

DuMond, 51, is charged in the Sept. 20 death of Carol Shields, 39, of
Parkville, Mo. The woman was found suffocated in a friend's Clay County
apartment about 10 miles from DuMond's home.

The woman was killed about seven weeks after DuMond moved to the Kansas
City area.

Police connected DuMond to the crime after matching his DNA to skin taken
from beneath the dead woman's fingernails. DuMond's genetic profile was in
a national database because of his 1984 rape conviction in Forrest City,

An arraignment was scheduled for 1:30 p.m. Monday at the Clay County
Courthouse at Liberty, said Jim Roberts, a spokesman for the Clay County
prosecutor's office.

We haven't ruled out seeking the death penalty, Roberts said.

DuMond's lawyer has said his client also was a suspect in a Platte County
killing, but that case was not involved in the charges filed Friday.

DuMond was convicted in the 1984 rape of Ashley Stevens, a distant cousin
of former President Clinton. While awaiting trial for the rape of the
then-17-year-old cheerleader, he was castrated by masked men who broke into
his home, he said.

DuMond won his release on parole in 1999. An earlier parole try failed in
1997 when Texas and Florida refused to accept responsibility for him.
The Arkansas parole board said DuMond could return to his hometown of
DeWitt in 1999, but last Aug. 1 he was allowed to move to Missouri after
meeting and marrying a woman from there.

Shields was killed less than two months later. Police said the woman's
clothes were missing except for a brassiere that had been cut from her
body. In the Arkansas case, Stevens' bra also had been cut from her.

DuMond has arrests dating back to the 1970s. He was spared prosecution in
the 1972 bludgeoning death of an Oklahoma man after agreeing to testify for
the state. The next year, DuMond received a five-year deferred sentence
after pleading guilty to an attack on a woman outside a Washington state
shopping mall.

DuMond admitted raping a DeWitt woman in 1976 but was not prosecuted when
the woman declined to testify.

© Associated Press. All rights reserved.

  Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT


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[CTRL] AP: EPA Head Browner Asked for Computer Files to Be Deleted

2001-06-30 Thread MIKE SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-


EPA Head Browner Asked for Computer Files to Be Deleted

By John Solomon Associated Press Writer

Published: Jun 29, 2001

WASHINGTON (AP) - The same day a judge ordered her agency to preserve
records, then-Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Carol Browner
asked a technician to delete her computer files, according to testimony in
a court case seeking contempt penalties against the government.

Browner says she did not know about the court order and simply was seeking
to remove some games, which her son had installed on her work computer,
before leaving office with other Clinton appointees on Jan. 19.

It didn't seem appropriate to leave behind a computer with kids' games,
Browner said in sworn testimony filed in court this week in a Freedom of
Information Act lawsuit.

The conservative group that sued the EPA for documents isn't buying
Browner's explanation, and on Friday asked U.S. District Judge Royce
Lamberth to hold her and other top staff whose electronic records were
destroyed in contempt of court.

The Landmark Legal Foundation offered Browner's deposition - as well as
other testimony indicating a deputy erased his computer files on Feb. 2,
two weeks after the court order - as evidence the agency violated
Lamberth's record preservation order.

It is difficult to imagine a more thorough evisceration of the FOIA, and
the court's authority in enforcing this statute, than this case,
the group said in seeking civil contempt penalties against Browner and
other officials.

The Freedom of Information Act guarantees Americans access to government
records. Landmark sued EPA last fall seeking documents detailing agency
contacts with outside groups concerning last-minute environmental
regulations the Clinton administration was imposing before leaving office.

The government acknowledged this spring that computer files from Browner
and other top staff were wiped clean despite Lamberth's order.

Government lawyers have blamed slow communications for the deletion of
records. EPA's inspector general, its internal watchdog, is investigating.

Lamberth issued a protective order on Jan. 19, as the Clinton
administration was heading out of office, that instructed EPA to preserve
all documents that might be relevant to the request.

That same day, computer technician contractor Kevin Bailey testified,
Browner came to him and asked that her computer be purged.

She needed her files deleted; she wanted her files deleted, Bailey
testified in the Landmark lawsuit. 'I would like my files deleted. I want
you to delete my files.' Something like that.

Browner acknowledged making the request, but said she wasn't sure of the
exact terms she used.

At the time, she added, she did not know about the judge's order. Browner
said she doesn't think her request affected the case because she seldom
used her computer - except for occasional word processing or travel

Browner said she asked the technicians to clean up the computer, and in my
particular instance, it meant my son's computer games. I had no idea what
else may have been on that computer since I didn't use it regularly.

Browner said she simply wanted the EPA to be courteous during the
transition to the new Bush administration and that staff, as part of the
routine, removed personal items that had apparently accumulated on their
work computers.

People generally told me they were taking their personal matters off of
their computers, which caused me to remember the games, she said in a
deposition last week.

Browner testified she could not recall ever hearing about the FOIA lawsuit.
It had dragged on for months and was reported in news accounts, and e-mails
showed many of her top aides had discussed it.

Browner said the first she heard about the case was in a call in which one
of her aides told her about the judge's Jan. 19 order to preserve records.
That call, she said, came after she had already asked that her computer
hard drive be wiped clean.

  Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT


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Re: [CTRL] Fwd: Muslim Cleric Calls for Death of Author Who Wrote on Islam

2001-06-30 Thread Aleisha Saba

-Caveat Lector-

Thanks Lassey - I do have some old books here (plus 1000 or more in
addition to those) and some date back to late 1600 period (of English

The Revolutuionary War was the War of Independence.then came the
document where it was as a judge would say in court, reduced to writing.

Old Hells Fire Club had a lot to do with this document as it broke up
because of this upcoming war - some wanted American to be loyal to the
King but John Wilkes sided with Americans in wanting freedom - these
Hogarth prints I have are over 200 years old = some of the plates
engraved in late 1600 period.

They (the prints) tell a history of England and I find too in Art - well
Hogarth prints full of masonic secrets, like the five dollar bills with
hidden dates?

So thanks Lassey - appreciate the thougtht.
Only book I have read as of late is Kris' book BARRY AND THE BOYS and
boy that is a must read if you are sincerly a conspracy advocate...This
was the War of Independence - period.  Now Benjamin Franklin and William
Hogarth  see their hand in this document for this Article I, Section 8
refers to the Arts an Sciences but people do not understand what this
really means...Hogarth was responsible for first copyright act and
you can be sure - well look at all the stuff Benjamin Franklin invented
even unto almost getting knocked on his can with a kite.and he was
Illuminati in the English Club and this is why he is often credited with
being English Spy.his son was, I think loyal to the crown.

Thanks again Lassy and this is a nice item you might enjoy - The War of
Independence, and then, it was reduced to writing?


American Revolution (1775-1783), conflict between 13 British colonies
in North America and their parent country, Great Britain.

It was made up of two related events:

 the American War of Independence (1775-1783) and the formation of the
American government as laid out by the Constitution of the United States
in 1787.

First, the war achieved independence from Great Britain by the colonies.
Second, the newly created United States of America established a
republican form of government, in which power resided with the people.

The revolution had many causes. Long-term social, economic, and
political changes in the colonies before 1750 provided the basis for an
independent nation with representative political institutions. More
immediately, the French and Indian War (1754-1763) changed the
relationship between the colonies and their mother country.

Finally, a decade of conflicts between the British government and the
colonists, beginning with the Stamp Act crisis in 1765, led to the
outbreak of war in 1775 and the Declaration of Independence in 1776.

Once independent, the new state governments implemented republican
constitutions, and a Continental Congress directed the American war

Then in 1781 the rebellious states created a loose union under the
Articles of Confederation.
At the end of the war in 1783, Britain recognized its former colonies as
an independent nation. In 1789 the people of the several states ratified
the Constitution that created a stronger central government.

The British Colonies in 1750
Print section

A. The American People
Print section
Britain's 13 North American colonies experienced an extraordinary rate
of population growth. In 1700 the population was about 250,000; seven
decades later there were about 2,500,000 inhabitants, a tenfold
increase. This phenomenal growth was a prerequisite for a successful
independence movement. In 1700 there were 20 people in Britain for every
American colonist; by 1775 this ratio had fallen to 3 to 1.

The American population also changed in composition. The proportion of
the colonists who were of English culture and ancestry steadily declined
during the 1700s as the result of the arrival, by forced or voluntary
migration, of new racial and ethnic groups. Among the 80 percent of
Americans who were of European descent, there were important cultural
divisions. Migrants from Germany, Scotland, and Ireland made up at least
30 percent of the white population.

Members of these groups often settled in their own communities,
especially in the mid-Atlantic colonies of Delaware, New York, New
Jersey, and Pennsylvania. Others migrated into the backcountry regions
of the Southern colonies (Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina, South
Carolina, and Georgia), thus adding ethnic diversity to a region already
divided along racial lines. Only the New England colonies of
Connecticut, Rhode Island, Massachusetts, and New Hampshire remained
predominantly English in composition and culture.

In 1775 about one-fifth of the people of the mainland colonies were of
African ancestry. Unlike Latin America and the West Indies, North
American slaves had a high rate of natural increase. About 250,000
Africans were brought to the mainland colonies before 1775, but the
total black population numbered 567,000 on the eve of independence. Most

Re: [CTRL] Sharon War Criminal: Stupid gullible LiberalsandPalestinianprop...

2001-06-30 Thread Nurev Ind.

-Caveat Lector-

Prudence L. Kuhn wrote:

 -Caveat Lector-

 In a message dated 06/23/2001 2:04:40 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

Do you feel the cynicism? 
   You bet I do.  I can even hear Sharon's chortle because he knew what was
   going to happen.  Prudy

  Then you are halucenating, because you weren't there. 

 I was a lot closer than you would think.  Prudy

You mean that you were in his presence when this was going on?


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Re: [CTRL] Breast Cancer

2001-06-30 Thread Aleisha Saba

-Caveat Lector-

Thanks Mike Spitzer - this was interesting information.


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Re: [CTRL] Sharon War Criminal:Delusional am I?... 1/2

2001-06-30 Thread Nurev Ind.

-Caveat Lector-

flw wrote:

 -Caveat Lector-

   A belief in elite troops; a belief in national superiority and disdain for 
   weak neighbors; grandiose war schemes; a belief in secret weapons
   where have we heard this before???

Dilusional am I?
   Palestinians' arsenal now includes Katyusha rockets

 Unfortunately it is not only J2 that is delusional. It is delusional
 for the Israeli's to think they can engulf the whole Middle East
 in a conflagration in order to finally solve the Palestinian
 problem and not suffer terrible consequences. It is just as
 delusional for any Palestinians to think they can destroy Israel.

It seems that everyone is delusional but you.

 There are extremists on both sides. It is my opinion that the
 Israeli extremists are more of a threat to peace then the
 Palestinian extremists.

Wrong. This is not about extremists any more. This is now about
the mainstream on both sides.

 The whole key to reaching a real
 settlement are the Extremist Settlements. Unless these
 Fort Apaches are removed, there will never be peace.

The Palestinians did the same things they do now before 1967 when
Israel won the West Bank from Jordan. What was the excuse then smart
guy? There were no settlements. Unless you consider Tel-Aviv a settlement.

 These settlements are the equivilant of setting up a KKK
 storefront in Harlem and the Israeli extremists know this.

I have no interest in defending the settlements. But the settlements aren't
the problem.

 They want to goad the Palestinians into committing

Where does personal choice fit in here Mr. Libertarian? Are the Palestinians
too stupid not to be goaded? Or are you blaming the female in the tight
skirt for goading the rapist? What is this  goading  crap?

 so they can invoke the final solution against
 the Palestinians.

 Final Solution  is a Nazi term for genocide. Don't try to compare the
two situations. It's dishonest.

  Isn't it odd that the Disco  Bomber was driven
 to the bomb scene by an Israeli agent - and the target was mostly
 non religious Russians (many not even Jews) who ironically had
 good relations with Palestinians? In a club which welcomed
 Palestinians? Remember the Reichstag Fire?

You're reading to much conspiracy junk. This story is nonsense.

 Israel is stupid to allow these crazy tails to wag the dog.

Do you mean the Palestinians, or the American NWO?


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Re: [CTRL] Sharon War Criminal: StupidgullibleLiberalsandPalestinianpropaga...

2001-06-30 Thread Nurev Ind.

-Caveat Lector-

Prudence L. Kuhn wrote:

 -Caveat Lector-

 In a message dated 06/29/2001 8:14:28 AM Eastern Daylight Time,

  The Palestinians NEVER had decent leaders. That's one of the reasons they
  are in the shape they're in today. That's not anybody's fault but their own.

  Now they are going to pay dearly for the immense stupidity of Yassir Arafat.

 It wouldn't matter if God himself came down to lead the Palestinians.

Not likely.

 are going to pay dearly because they are in the way of the Israeli.

No. Because they had an opportunity to better their lives through negotiation
and then the made the mistake of applying violence as a political tool. This
was stupid. You don't bring a knife to a gunfight.

 okay.  We all expect it.  The painful part is watching the cat playing with
 the mouse.  We did a better job of it on the Native Americans, but no one was
 watching.  The whole world is watching Israel, so they feel they must go
 slowly and make up a lot of hogwash to make their actions palatable.

Not palatable. Justifiable. All the Palestinians have to do is stop killing
Jews. Then the excuse is gone. Is that too much to ask of them Ms. Liberal?
Or should we just die to suit YOUR sense of justice?

 will not be happy until every Palestinian is dead and gone--maybe just dead
 or gone, but one of the two options is all that will satify.  We all know
 this.  Just don't ask us to think it's great because you do.

I don't think it's great. I think it's terrible. I've been ranting about this
very scenario for six years. Your concern for the Palestinians is touching.
Do you actually have any Palestinian friends I wonder?

And if they are forced out, are you prepared to invite a refugee family to
come live with you? That would be putting your money where your mouth is.

 No one can or
 will stop you.

Who is  you? I'm here, not in the ME.

 Why do you think we should love, approve and respect you?

Not necessary, or required. Nobody cares. It's crunch time and people like
you did nothing to improve the situation. All you did was play to Palestinian
propaganda and give them the impression that THEY have enough support to start
a mini war with Israel.

The road to hell is paved with people like you Prudy.

Israel will not blow away. I know you don't like it. But it's a fact. If the
Palestinians can't come to terms with that, then how can they make and keep
peace? They won't. Well now we see the answer to that question.


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[CTRL] Zionists Disregard Sharon's War Crimes At Their Own Risk

2001-06-30 Thread William Shannon

Hubris and nemesis: Zionists disregard Sharon's war crimes at their own risk

by Michael Gillespie

There are new developments in Middle East politics, and suddenly it may be a 
whole new ball game, as some Americans like to say.  

Even the Washington Post belatedly reported this week that "the spotlight has 
been cast anew on Sharon and the massacre [at Sabra and Shatila] by 'The 
Accused,' a lengthy documentary broadcast last week by the BBC. A number of 
prominent figures, including a former U.S. envoy to the Middle East, suggest 
in the film that [Ariel] Sharon should or could be convicted for war crimes."

On Monday June 18, the day after the documentary aired, three lawyers filed a 
complaint on behalf of 28 plaintiffs and witnesses, all survivors of the 
Sabra and Shatila massacres, before an investigating judge in Brussels, 
Belgium.  Thus the first case was formally opened against Ariel Sharon, Prime 
Minister of Israel, on counts of war crimes, crimes against humanity and 

On Friday June 22, New York-based Human Rights Watch called for a criminal 
investigation of Sharon.

Then, on Wednesday June 27, a Lebanese lawyer, May Khansa, filed a lawsuit 
against the Israeli prime minister in Lebanon charging that he committed the 
massacres in the Palestinian refugee camps in 1982.

The consequences of the legal actions against Sharon, who was reprimanded by 
Israel's Kahane Commission for his role in the massacre, and the negative 
publicity they are almost certain to generate are potentially devastating for 
extremist Zionists' expansionist goals.

If additional courts in Europe, the Middle East, and elsewhere accept  cases 
and issue indictments on charges of war crimes against Sharon, U.S. support 
for Israeli excesses will certainly begin to evaporate.  The remarkably 
successful and decades-long Zionist mass media campaign designed to 
hyper-sensitize audiences to the Holocaust and Nazi war crimes has had at 
least one unintended consequence--it has also sensitized vast audiences to 
war crimes generally and to atrocities committed against non-Jews.  U.S. 
politicians, even those perfectly willing to do business as usual with the 
most blood-thirsty of Zionist warlords as long as public awareness of his 
crimes could be kept to a minimum, will flee Sharon like rats leaving a 
sinking ship-- if and when cases against Sharon are successful and Zionist 
operatives within mainstream media are no longer able obscure and minimize 
his monstrous criminality.

U.S. support for Israel will begin deteriorate significantly even before a 
guilty finding if a sufficient number of cases are brought against Sharon and 
there is reason to believe that some of them are likely to succeed--if 
mainstream media reportage represents that eventuality realistically to U.S. 

No U.S. politician will long stand still at the prospect of being linked to a 
widely- recognized and legally-certified war criminal--not even a Jewish war 
criminal--for doing so would necessarily put even the most successful 
political career in grave danger.  If the recently-filed Belgian and Lebanese 
suits go forward and others join them, the result could very well be the most 
substantial blow ever against both the heretofore impregnable "special 
relationship" between the U.S. and Israel, which has always been 
astonishingly disadvantageous to the USA, and what Prof. Edward Said has 
called "the iron wall" in U.S. mainstream media that admits no substantive 
and effective criticism of Israel and Zionism.

This observer's examination of recent legal and political developments in 
Europe suggests that America's European allies are increasingly restless with 
what they regard as American high-handedness in any number of areas.  Though 
it has not made headlines internationally, the U.N. high court decided on 
Wednesday June 27 against the U.S. in a case brought by Germany in behalf of 
two German nationals  executed in the U.S. more than a year ago.  U.S. 
authorities did not notify German consular authorities of the arrest of the 
German nationals, and the two, later convicted of a murder committed during a 
bank robbery, were denied access to German consular assistance.  The U.S. has 
apologized, but the German government is saying, in effect, "That's not 
enough."  In the wake of the Bush administration's surprisingly inept handing 
of the Kyoto Accords, the announcement of plans to scrap the existing nuclear 
arms control agreements in favor of a missile defense shield, and in a 
long-delayed response to perhaps the most glaring, galling, destabilizing, 
and long-running of all U.S. hypocrisies, consistent U.S. blocking of all 
U.N. efforts to bring Israeli criminality under control, U.S. allies in 
Europe and elsewhere are now actively seeking safe ways to signal their 
growing displeasure and alarm.  The role America's European allies played, or 
didn't play, in U.S. 

[CTRL] Defending America 27 Jun 01 to 04 Jul 01 Part 1

2001-06-30 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Soldiers For The Truth Foundation

Celebrating Independence
Rediscovering Our Ideals


  SITREP From The President - 27 June – 4 July 2001
  Through Zman’s Gun Sight - Independence Day... Back To Our Roots
  HACK’s Target For The Week - Ship The Wannabes To Kosovo

The Big Picture:

Article 01 – The Declaration of Independence of the Thirteen Colonies
Article 02 – A Crusade To Salvage A Big Gun
Article 03 – U.S. Backs NATO Troops in Macedonia
Voice of the Troops:

Article 04 – Panels Are Missing The Crux of The Problems: Leadership
Article 05 – Aircraft Programs Need Help
Article 06 – No Room For Warriors
Article 07 –  International Views: Reason Defeats Rhetoric
Article 08 – Is The Light Finally On At The Pentagon?
Article 09 – The Sergeant’s Corner: How Officers Shouldn’t Be!
Article 10 – The Guard: We Are Home Town America

Article 11 – Korea Vets Shouldn’t Miss This Opportunity

Military Health Care:
Article 12 – Some Thoughts About Our Independence
GI Humor:

Article 13 – NTSB Accident Reviews
Medal of Honor:
Article 14 – YEIKI KOBASHIGAWA, Italy, 1944


SITUATION REPORT:  27 June – 4 July 2001

Knowing that many of you will travel over the next two weeks to enjoy summer
vacation or an Independence Day get-away, we decided to combine the 27 June
and 4 July issues. I hope you find the topics relevant and thought provoking.

As always, thanks for the responses to our recent questions and articles.
Even if I can’t answer them all, I do read them and incorporate many of your
ideas and comments in the newsletter. So keep the mails coming and let me
know if there are topics you would like us to cover with a burst of fire.

Keep forwarding the word to your political representatives. SFTT is reaching
more and more into the inner circles of decision-making. Persistence and
patience will ultimately lead to positive change.

Please note that Zimm’s old e-mail, [EMAIL PROTECTED] is out of business.
You can reach him at [EMAIL PROTECTED]

As we are celebrating the courage to fight for Freedom and Justice, please
keep in mind that SFTT cannot exist without your financial support. Since
we’re not charging membership fees, we depend on donations from our friends
and comrades all over this great nation. Please keep us in mind and help if
you can afford it. Make secure online donations at URL:

Thanks in advance and have a great 4Th of July.

Questions of the Week:

1. Give us three priority topics you would like SFTT to cover in the next
three months.

2. Do our training and more reliance on simulation still prepare our troops
for the rigors of combat?

Support - Admin / Logistics

How You Can Help: You can help with your continued financial support -
Article Submissions - Forwarding SFTT Signals to your local papers and
elected representatives. Sending Letters to the Editor and to Local News
Outlets. And always feel free to send the Truth to Soldiers For The Truth
Foundation (SFTT).

Donations: Keep us in the fight and growing! Make secure online donations
from the web site at URL: http://www.SFTT.org/donations.html. For Check or
Money Order Contributions, make your check payable and mail to:

Soldiers For The Truth Foundation
Post Office Box 63840
Colorado Springs, CO 80962-3840

SFTT is a 501 (c) 3 Non-Profit Educational Foundation. The SFTT IRS EIN is
31-1592564. All donations to Soldiers For The Truth Foundation are tax

Privacy Policy: We respect your privacy and will not compromise your
identity, your e-mail address or your duty position. Your confidentiality is
guaranteed. SFTT does not sell or give away our mailing list or any
membership information. Please contact us for assistance on Secure
Communications Methods. POC on Network Security is Top Viking E-mail

SFTT Contacts: Send Articles and Information to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Talk to the Boss: If your message is urgent and you think Zimm needs to see
it now, fire it directly to the President/Editor in Chief at: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

SFTT Contacts - www.SFTT.org/contacts.html

Volunteer Editors: www.SFTT.org/volunteer.html

Team SFTT: You are our most valuable asset. You are the frontline recruiters,
information sources and intel gatherers for Soldiers For The Truth. Keep up
the good work. Thank you for your support.

Prepare for Action -- Crew Ready! -- LOAD SABOT -- DRIVER MOVE OUT!

Ralf W. Zimmermann
President / Editor in Chief


Through Zman’s Gun Sight

This Independence Day, Let’s Turn Back To Our Roots

By Ralf W. (Zimm) Zimmermann
President, Soldiers For The Truth

SFTT Dateline USA - 4 July 2001

As we celebrate Independence Day # 225, more people than ever can purchase a
wider variety of consumer products, while at the same time political
correctness and 

[CTRL] Defending America 27 Jun 01 to 04 Jul 01 Part 2

2001-06-30 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!


 In CONGRESS, July 4, 1776
 The Declaration of Independence of the Thirteen Colonies

Ed.: A reminder of a courageous act, which triggered the most profound
changes for the freedom of mankind. We often don’t remember.

The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen United States of America,

When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to
dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to
assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which
the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the
opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel
them to the separation.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that
they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among
these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness. That to secure these
rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from
the consent of the governed. That whenever any Form of Government becomes
destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to
abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such
principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most
likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.

Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not
be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience
hath shown, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are
sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they
are accustomed.

But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same
object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their
right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new
Guards for their future security.

Such has been the patient sufferance of these Colonies; and such is now the
necessity, which constrains them to alter their former Systems of Government.
The history of the present King of Great Britain [George III] is a history of
repeated injuries and usurpations, all having in direct object the
establishment of an absolute Tyranny over these States. To prove this, let
Facts be submitted to a candid world.

He has refused his Assent to Laws, the most wholesome and necessary for the
public good.

He has forbidden his Governors to pass Laws of immediate and pressing
importance, unless suspended in their operation till his Assent should be
obtained, and when so suspended, he has utterly neglected to attend to them.

He has refused to pass other Laws for the accommodation of large districts of
people, unless those people would relinquish the right of Representation in
the Legislature, a right inestimable to them and formidable to tyrants only.

He has called together legislative bodies at places unusual, uncomfortable,
and distant from the depository of their public Records, for the sole purpose
of fatiguing them into compliance with his measures.

He has dissolved Representative Houses repeatedly, for opposing with manly
firmness his invasions on the rights of the people.

He has refused for a long time, after such dissolutions, to cause others to
be elected; whereby the Legislative powers, incapable of Annihilation, have
returned to the People at large for their exercise; the State remaining in
the meantime exposed to all the dangers of invasion from without, and
convulsions within.

He has endeavored to prevent the population of these States; for that purpose
obstructing the Laws for Naturalization of Foreigners; refusing to pass
others to encourage their migrations hither, and raising the conditions of
new Appropriations of Lands.

He has obstructed the Administration of Justice, by refusing his Assent to
Laws for establishing Judiciary powers.

He has made Judges dependent on his Will alone, for the tenure of their
offices, and the amount and payment of their salaries.

He has erected a multitude of New Offices, and sent hither swarms of Officers
to harass our people, and eat out their substance.

He has kept among us, in times of peace, Standing Armies, without the consent
of our legislatures.

He has affected to render the Military independent of and superior to the
Civil power.

He has combined with others to subject us to a jurisdiction foreign to our
constitution and unacknowledged by our laws; giving his Assent to their Acts
of pretended Legislation:

For protecting them by a mock Trial from punishment for any Murders which
they should commit on the Inhabitants of these States:

For cutting off our Trade with all parts of the world:

For imposing Taxes on us without our Consent:

For depriving us in many cases of the benefits of Trial by Jury:

For transporting us beyond Seas to be tried for 

[CTRL] Defending America 27 Jun 01 to 04 Jul 01 Part 3

2001-06-30 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!


U.S. Backs NATO Troops in Macedonia

Ed.: campaign promises of bringing the troops home are replaced with plans
for excursions into Macedonia and pushing NATO right onto Russia’s doorstep.
So far: No foreign policy shift since the last administration. Source: AP, 21
June 2001.


WASHINGTON (AP) - The Bush administration backs NATO on sending peacekeeping
troops to Macedonia to help disarm ethnic Albanian militants and is weighing
ways to participate, Secretary of State Colin Powell said Thursday.

After a meeting with Lord Robertson, the military alliance's
secretary-general, Powell said that while weighing options ``we have not got
to the point of actual U.S. participation in such an effort.''

Other NATO allies have made preliminary commitments. Powell said ``there are
many ways in which we can make a contribution.'' But, ``it has not gone any
further than that in terms of our deliberations.''

In Skopje, meanwhile, Macedonia's ethnic Albanians and Slavs restarted
stalled talks that could clear the way for NATO troops to help disarm rebels
in the Balkan country and prevent a full-scale war. Javier Solana, a former
NATO secretary-general, made an unscheduled stop in Skopje on his way to the
Mideast a day after President Boris Trajkovski declared negotiations on his
peace plan at an impasse.

Powell said he and Robertson ``are hopeful a political process will start to
pick up some speed and momentum and move forward.''

Asked if the United States would contribute troops to a peacekeeping
operation in the event of a truce, Powell signaled a probable positive
response. ``We were part of the consensus that said it was appropriate for
NATO military authorities to come up with a conceptual plan for putting
troops in if a political arrangement came into being that would allow weapons
to be turned in and picked up.''

With nearly 10,000 U.S. troops in the Balkans and a newly made promise to the
allies to stay the course, President Bush's policy is evolving into one of
maintaining a united allied front in the countries created by the breakup of

``We're involved militarily. We are involved politically. We're involved
diplomatically,'' Powell told the Senate Foreign Relations Committee

And White House spokesman Ari Fleischer said Bush supports NATO's decision to
help Macedonia bring about disarmament and expressed the support last week
during meetings with allied leaders in Belgium.

``We hope that the political parties in Skopje can reach an agreement
quickly,'' Fleischer said.

There already are 700 U.S. troops in Macedonia, ``and they at some point
could become part of that process,'' Powell said Wednesday. Most are there to
provide logistical support for 5,400 U.S. peacekeeping troops in neighboring
Kosovo, the mostly ethnic Albanian province of Serbia.

The United States also has 3,800 peacekeepers in Bosnia-Herzegovina.

The Bush administration's stand on sending U.S. troops to the Balkans and
keeping those sent there by former President Clinton has been uneven.

During the presidential campaign, adviser Condoleezza Rice said the U.S.
peacekeeping role should be reconsidered. Powell has insisted the U.S. troops
would stay the course with the NATO allies, but the Defense Secretary Donald
H. Rumsfeld recently said peacekeeping operations in the Balkans and the
Middle East were straining U.S. resources.


Panels Are Missing The Crux of The Problems: Leadership

Ed.: From the many letters I received from junior officers and experienced
NCOs it seems apparent that one issue remains untouched: Leadership

A Deeply Concerned Air Force Officer

I am an Air Force officer and I was dismayed by reading a Washington Post
article reporting on the results of one of the expert panels that Secretary
Rumsfeld commissioned.

It looks like they decided that the requirement for a 20-year career before
retirement and the up or out promotion system are the problems.

There was no mention in the article of the leadership problems across the
services, or the fact that company grade officers who hunger for
responsibility and the opportunity to exercise real leadership and make a
difference, aren't given that chance, for all the reasons that I see reported
here every week.

The vast majority of the officers I started with 7 years ago are all out now,
working at jobs for companies that do give them responsibility, with a
much-reduced level of BS. It’s not even completely a question of money, even
though they did end up making more working on the outside.

The change to retirement looks suspicious to me, a lot like the new 15-year
bonus, which turns out to be a lot less money than traditional retirement
when you run the numbers. As for up or out, the promotion rate now is so high
(90% to major in the Air Force) that anyone who is breathing and has a

[CTRL] Defending America 27 Jun 01 to 04 Jul 01 Part 4

2001-06-30 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!


 International Views:
 Reason Defeats Rhetoric - Switzerland’s soldiers are finally
 allowed to protect themselves in a war-zone

Ed.: A contribution from a Swiss brother in arms on the recent decision to
finally allow Swiss troops to carry arms during out of country deployments.
The article shows that many political issues and reluctant decision-making
are not only limited to our own country. A salute to all Swiss troops for
their contributions to world peace and their courage to speak out on
important topics.

By 1st Lieutenant Baches, Swiss Army Infantry

On Sunday, June 11, the Swiss decided by a very narrow margin that our
troopers serving abroad will finally be allowed to carry their personal

What may seem ridiculous, going into a war zone unarmed, actually caused an
extremely emotional and heated debate over the issue. The Swiss Army has been
involved for decades in international peacekeeping missions in places such as
Korea, Namibia and the Balkans, but apart from a small security detail were
not allowed to carry a weapon.

What is outrageous about this is the fact that the Swiss government and the
general staff wanted our troopers in the Kosovo mission to carry a weapon to
protect themselves, but the decision was put on hold by a referendum, which
was possible because it required federal law to be adjusted accordingly.

Colonels micromanaging squads and companies is already ridiculous (although,
unfortunately, becoming more and more commonplace), with this issue, we face
a situation where a whole people decides over tactical questions concerning
the extent of armament of a company-sized element.

It was actually pretty entertaining to watch self-proclaimed experts who
never fired a gun, discuss tactical issues on national TV. Many officers,
myself included, seriously considered quitting the army if the law would have
been torpedoed. A big part of the army’s new mission statement and training
focuses specifically on such missions rather than on the sole WW II/Cold War
purpose of defending our national territory against soviet tank divisions and
hordes of massed infantry, and all this preferably within our own borders.

A second issue of the referendum proposed changes that would tighten
Switzerland's links to NATO’s Partnership for Peace (PfP) by permitting Swiss
troops to train abroad or foreign forces to conduct joint military exercises
in Switzerland. This is already the case anyway and the purpose of the law is
to cut through some of the red tape. Our Leopard II tankers have been
training in Sweden due to our lack of bases in country where tankers can
train as a battalion or even as a company, furthermore, our F-18 pilots have
been flying in neighboring France as well as in Sardinia, Norway and the
United States for years, whereas we had French tankers conduct live-fire
exercises in the alps and German tankers battling it out at our tank
simulators in Thun (ELSALEO).

Picture this extreme: opposing the bill was an unholy alliance of
nationalists led by billionaire and Congressman Christoph Blocher and
elements of the pacifist far-left! Whereas not much weight was given to the
pacifist argumentation in this particular case, the fact that the far right
was so decidedly against our government’s and the armed forces‘ policy
raised quite a few eyebrows.

The nationalist opposition’s million-dollar campaign itself was led on a very
dumbed-down and emotional level and was also criticized by Swiss president
Moritz Leuenberger as poisoning our political climate, which it really did,
as images of military cemeteries and a picture of WO Bill Cleveland being
dragged through the streets of Mogadishu were used in Blocher’s campaign
against letting our soldiers carry weapons. I still don’t see the connection,
since we are conducting the missions anyway and it’s just a question of
whether our grunts are allowed to effectively defend themselves or not.
Ultimately, this kind of emotional argumentation was completely off target.

Mr Blocher, who is still so strongly promoting the idea of a self-sufficient
army of resistance was - by the way - a colonel in the reserves, commanding
a rescue regiment. I personally confronted Congressman Blocher about this
issue with the argumentation that today’s and tomorrow‘s conflicts were very
likely low-intensity conflicts and terrorism probably within our own borders
and we had better prepare our army for that mission. His answer, next to a
long string of rhetoric, was something like Lieutenant, I just hope you
never get your war. I was amazed and a bit worried about the quality of our
selection system for field-grade officers.

Besides the obvious safety issues of our soldiers being armed, the Swiss were
also a bit embarrassed by the fact that our troops had to be protected by the
Austrian battalion they are integrated into. As much 

[CTRL] Defending America 27 Jun 01 to 04 Jul 01 Part 5

2001-06-30 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!


The Guard: We are Home Town America

Ed.: Thoughts on the citizen soldier now and then by trustee and seasoned
Guardsman Keith McWilliams.

By Keith E. McWilliams, BG, AUS, Ret.

The National Guard has received quite a bit of attention lately in this
newsletter. There is one aspect, which has not been focused upon. It came to
my attention, when I finished reading the very fine book A Democracy At War
by William L. O’Neill. O’Neill’s book covers the War as waged on the
battlefield, but also gives the reader a fine insight into the War on the
home front. The issues with the Guard have primarily been about the inability
of the Guard to meet the standards of the Regular Army. Little is ever said
about the duties of Home Town America, which makes this Nation great. The
Guardsman comes from Home Town America.

Admittedly the Guard soldier cannot be the professional that the Regular
may be. Similarly the Regular is not the center of any Home Town America.

There is a tendency on the part of all people to judge the Soldier by the
standards of the professional and not by the standards of the Militiaman. The
history of this Nation personifies the Citizen Soldier from the French and
Indian War to the present day. To know and understand the National Guard and
the mission of the Guard is to know Home Town America. With the exception of
the full time cadre, the Guardsman is a civilian first and a Soldier second.
His family, home, job and community are an essential part of his daily life.
The Guardsman is not meant to be a Professional soldier. He is to be able to
perform the mission when called upon by the Federal or State authority.

Examine the mission of the National Guard:

To provide a reserve component of the Army of the United States, capable of
expansion to war strength, able to furnish units for any where in the world
and equipped:

a. To defend critical areas of the United States against land, sea-borne and
air-borne invasion.

b. To assist in the governing, mobilization and concentration of the
remainder of the reserve forces.

c. To participate by units in all types of operations, including the
offensive, either in the United States or overseas.

In addition the Guard has the Mission of the several States:

To provide sufficient organizations in each state so trained and equipped as
to enable them to function efficiently at existing strength in protection of
life and property and preservation of the peace, order and public safety,
under competent orders of state authorities.

Home Town America provides the Citizen Soldier to perform these missions. The
importance of the hometown in wartime can be found through out the history of
this nation. Don’t throw out the essential part of the Citizen Soldier in a
quest to professionalize the U.S. Army.

The One Army concept can work, if the Regulars and the Reserves will strive
to cooperate and positively approach the problems. Our strength as a
democracy requires the presence of the Citizen Soldier.


 Celebrate 50 Years of Freedom
 Korea Vets Shouldn’t Miss This Opportunity

Ed.: As many WWII vets have visited the beaches of Normandy and other
locations of their wartime travels and life’s trials, here is a wonderful
opportunity for those who fought in Korea, to close wounds, revisit the past
and rekindle friendships. Many thanks to Bill Beebe for alerting us to this

By Bill Beebe - Orlando, FL

Dear Zimm,

My wife and I have just returned from a trip to Seoul, South Korea, which was
sponsored by the Korean Veterans Association of South Korean and Republic of
Korea, MPVA. They wined and dined us for four fabulous days.

We were greatly honored by the people of South Korea: The school kids were
taught to say hello in English and to wave to us. We wore identifying badges
and large nametags. Our bus was well marked and as it drove the streets of
Seoul the school children and adults waved to us in greeting.

Our group of 36 ex-soldiers (many accompanied by their wives) from all over
the US, were given metals at a reception and banquet hosted by Admiral Kim
(retired) and Mr. Chong-ho Vice Chairman of the KVA. Maj. Gen. Homer Long
(retired) was the spokesman and leader of our group. Together, we
participated in wreath-laying ceremonies to the US Monument at Imjingak near
Camp Bonifas (Panmunjom), and the South Korean National Cemetery.

Our group was really impressed with the Korean Wall, which was located in a
west wing of the War Museum (much like the Viet Nam wall in Washington, D.C.
Except, the diseased were listed by the state they were from and dedicated to
foreign serviceman who had lost their lives to save South Korea from

One of our group, Marine LTC Rus Hudson (retired), had nine of his Marine war
buddies names on this wall.

Even with the eleven-day jetlag I suffered after arriving back home 

[CTRL] Defending America 27 Jun 01 to 04 Jul 01 Part 6

2001-06-30 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!


GI HUMOR – NTSB Accident Reviews

Rated NPC – Not Politically Correct

The National Transportation Safety Board recently divulged they had covertly
funded a project with the US auto makers for the past five years, whereby the
auto makers were installing black boxes in four-wheel drive pickup trucks in
an effort to determine, in fatal accidents, the circumstances in the last 15
seconds before the crash.

They were surprised to find in 44 of the 50 states the last words of drivers
in 61.2 percent of fatal crashes were, Oh, Shit.

Only the states of Oklahoma, Arkansas, Alabama, Texas, South Carolina, and
Louisiana were different, where over 89.3 percent of the final words were:
Hold my beer and watch this!



Technical Sergeant Yeiki Kobashigawa - Italy, 1944

Ed.: A proud American of Japanese origin, who was finally recognized for his
heroic acts, 50 years after WWII.


Yeiki Kobashigawa
United States Army

Technical Sergeant YEIKI KOBASHIGAWA

For conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity at the risk of his life above and
beyond the call of duty:

Technical Sergeant Yeiki Kobashigawa distinguished himself by extraordinary
heroism in action on 2 June 1944, in the vicinity of Lanuvio, Italy.

During an attack, Technical Sergeant Kobashigawa’s platoon encountered strong
enemy resistance from a series of machine guns providing supporting fire.
Observing a machine gun nest 50 yards from his position, Technical Sergeant
Kobashigawa crawled forward with one of his men, threw a grenade and then
charged the enemy with his submachine gun while a fellow soldier provided
covering fire. He killed one enemy soldier and captured two prisoners.

Meanwhile, Technical Sergeant Kobashigawa and his comrade were fired upon by
another machine gun 50 yards ahead. Directing a squad to advance to his first
position, Technical Sergeant Kobashigawa again moved forward with a fellow
soldier to subdue the second machine gun nest. After throwing grenades into
the position, Technical Sergeant Kobashigawa provided close supporting fire
while a fellow soldier charged, capturing four prisoners.

On the alert for other machine gun nests, Technical Sergeant Kobashigawa
discovered four more, and skillfully led a squad in neutralizing two of them.
Technical Sergeant Kobashigawa’s extraordinary heroism and devotion to duty
are in keeping with the highest traditions of military service and reflect
great credit on him, his unit, and the United States Army.



The Medal of Honor is the highest award for valor in action against an enemy
force which can be bestowed upon an individual serving in the Armed Services
of the United States. Generally presented to its recipient by the President
of the United States of America in the name of Congress, it is often called
the Congressional Medal of Honor.

If you know of any MOH recipient who is hospitalized or has passed recently,
please write James H. Also, if you would like more info on MOH recipients and
their stories, please email James H at [EMAIL PROTECTED]


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2. Submit your piece to one of our subject matter experts who can assist you
in pre-editing prior to final publication decision, unless you feel strongly
that your issue is so hot that Zimm needs to see it personally and
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titles and perks.

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Re: [CTRL] Zionists Disregard Sharon's War Crimes At Their Own Risk

2001-06-30 Thread Aleisha Saba

-Caveat Lector-

Wouldn't it be wonder if this entire matter would be answered in a court
of law?

Lost boundaries - to use the bible - isn't it the goal of Nationalism to
restore lost boundaries, return to secular education, etc., etc., at
least this was athe goal of the Mau Mau's and Jomo Kenyatta who operated
it seems from a masonic hallplayed the role of a Moses (wonder when
Gay Pride will come up with their Gay Moses to lead them through the
promised land, etc etc etc).

Since all this stuff is supposed to be God's Plan depending whose God it
will be - and the greatest Judge of all, is to be God -  and since they
say these wars are religious wars (what a crock) why not decide using
the bible and lost boundaries who gets what.

Never liked religion much - appreciated the knowledge in the bible -
Sigmund Freud stole a lot of knowledge from the bible without due credit
- but why not let these religious leaders get together and kick the
politicians the hell out, and let them make peace.

Prince Faisal and I repeat this told us that day in August of 1967 (when
his father the King opened his big royal mouth and got into trouble)
that the domestic jew and domestic moslem and all semites and christians
in holy land could live in peace but the European Zionist would not let

Keeping in mind that God gave Ishmael all that oil when he was kicked
out and sent into the desert..for God promised to make him a great
nation too?

Of course - when they say Chosen People I always say, Chosen For What -


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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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2001-06-30 Thread MIKE SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

- Original Message -
From: Bill Nalty [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, June 29, 2001 5:00 AM


New York Post



Wouldn't leave ailing wife.WASHINGTON - A flight attendant who had a
yearlong affair with Rep. Gary Condit has told cops he refused to divorce
his chronically ill wife because he didn't want to pull a Newt Gingrich,
The Post has learned.

Gingrich, the former House speaker, served his now-ex-wife, Marianne, with
divorce papers while she was hospitalized.

Condit's wife, Carolyn, is said to be ailing, but the exact nature of her
illness is not known.

San Francisco FBI agents probing the disappearance of intern Chandra Levy
have questioned United Airlines flight attendant Anne Marie Smith, 39, who
claims she had a fling with Condit, sources said.

According to law-enforcement officials and others familiar with her story,
Smith provided investigators with potentially embarrassing details about
the 53-year-old California Democrat.

Smith reportedly claimed she was in love with Condit. She added that he
never showed signs of violent tendencies, the sources said.

Steven Reich, Condit's lawyer, refused to comment on Smith's reported

But Condit's defense team went on the offensive in the case of the missing
intern, releasing a detailed timeline of Condit's activities for the week
Chandra Levy went missing - presumably to give himself an alibi.

For example, on April 30, the last day Levy was seen, Condit was picked up
by staff, had lunch at the White House and worked in Congress for four
hours before heading home for dinner with his wife.

The next day, he met with Vice President Cheney, constituents and a
reporter, went to the doctor's, voted and had a late dinner with his wife.

Smith told investigators she met Condit on a Washington-to-San Francisco
flight as he was handing out his business card to her and fellow flight
attendants, sources said.

Because of their erratic schedules, she managed only to see him about four
or five times a month, often spending the night at his Washington condo.

In late winter, Smith has said she started becoming suspicious that Condit
was two-timing her with another woman and admitted she once poked around
the congressman's condo in Washington to look for evidence but never found

  Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT


*Michael Spitzer*[EMAIL PROTECTED]

The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] NYDN: Pol Has a Time Line Alibi: Busy on Hill, with wife when intern disappeared

2001-06-30 Thread MIKE SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-


New York Daily News

Pol Has a Time Line Alibi: Busy on Hill, with wife when intern


Rep. Gary Condit has compiled a detailed account of his movements in the
days surrounding the May 1 disappearance of Chandra Levy - showing he was
either working or with his wife when the intern vanished.

A source close to Condit gave ABC News a comprehensive time line of the
congressman's many activities, covering the six-day period from April 28 to
May 3.

Condit - who is under growing pressure because of his refusal to publicly
address questions about his close friendship with Levy -
details how his days were packed from morning to night with committee
meetings, White House visits, constituent servicing and House votes.

His evenings were more relaxed: He says he spent them having dinner at home
with his wife, Carolyn, who was on a rare visit to Washington from

But, adding to the general confusion surrounding the case, Condit's office
promptly disavowed the time line once it was published on ABC's Web site.

It's not accurate. It's not complete. It's just bits and pieces, his
chief of staff, Mike Lynch, told the Daily News.

Lynch promised that a fuller version of the California congressman's
movements would be released soon.

Meanwhile, The News has learned that the FBI has asked Condit lawyer Abbe
Lowell to set up an interview with Carolyn Condit.

Investigators want to corroborate the congressman's movements and to learn
whether his wife had any contact with the 24-year-old Levy, who called
Condit several times before dropping out of sight May 1.

ABC's Condit schedule includes such minute details as his visit to a lounge
named Tryst and a shopping trip with his wife to a store called Off the

It also notes prominently that Condit does not have a car - and says he
picked up his wife at the airport with a staff member.

Levy was last seen alive on the evening of April 30 at her gym. She
vanished sometime after sending a 10:45 a.m. e-mail to her parents the next
morning, as she prepared to return home to California.

The 53-year-old Condit's relationship with Levy has led to intense water
cooler speculation and made him a comic target on late night TV.

On the day she disappeared, according to the Condit schedule given to ABC,
the congressman met with Vice President Cheney at 12:30 p.m., spent the
afternoon in meetings at his congressional office and went to a 5 p.m.
doctor's appointment.

He cast a 6:30 p.m. vote on the House floor, spent an hour with an
unidentified reporter at a hip lounge called Tryst near his condo and later
went home to have dinner with his wife, according to the time line.

The next morning, May 2, Condit went to meetings of his committees -
Agriculture and Select Intelligence - and then cast an 11:30 a.m. vote on
the House floor.

The schedule says he went to a noon meeting with Democratic congressional
leaders, put in some time at the Intelligence Committee and cast more votes
before going home at 5:30 p.m. for dinner with his wife.

The time line does not mention Condit's visit to the White House that day.
He made the papers as one of a handful of Democrats joining President Bush
and top Republicans in the cabinet room for a news conference to put a
bipartisan gloss on the announcement of a budget deal.


http://abcnews.go.com/sections/politics/DailyNews/conditsked010628.html The
Condit Timeline

Condit's Calendar

Congressman Gives Timeline of Activities Around Disappearance

W A S H I N G T O N, June 28 - Following is a timeline of what sources
close to Gary Condit say his movements were in the week leading up to
Chandra Levy's disappearance. Levy was last seen on Monday, April 30, when
she canceled her membership at a Washington health club.

Saturday, April 28 Carolyn Condit, the congressman's wife, arrives from
California at 7:30 p.m. ET. Rep. Condit, with a staffer because he has no
car, picks her up at the airport. They go to a Xando coffee shop.

Sunday, April 29 Rep. Condit has brunch with his wife, and they go shopping
in his Adams Morgan neighborhood. At noon, the Condits go to his office.
They leave the office and take the subway to an Italian grocery in the
Dupont Circle neighborhood, where they buy food, go home and cook dinner.

Monday, April 30 Staff pick him up for work. At 11:30 a.m. ET, he goes to
the White House with other members of Congress for lunch and the
announcement of a budget agreement. At 1:30 p.m. ET, Condit and the other
members of Congress head back to their Capitol Hill offices. At 5:30 p.m.
ET, Condit leaves work, heads home and eats dinner with his wife.

Tuesday, May 1 Condit rides with staff to the office in the morning. At
12:30 p.m. ET, he meets with Vice President Dick Cheney. He returns at 3:30
p.m. for meetings and phone 

Re: [CTRL] god gw

2001-06-30 Thread BB

-Caveat Lector-

Well, you're right there on several points, and thanks for the first
friendly response in a long time.

There are elements, as you know, who take every opportunity to
engender divisive chatterings, and many times some poor hapless
soul, simply posting an idea, gets lambasted by some nasty wicked
verbage by someone who's having a very bad day.

I've often thought, that if we were all in a foxhole together, we would
be comrades, fellow Americans, and be watching out for each other's

Enjoy lunch, the weekend, and the Holiday  --  Our Country's Birthday!


Kris Millegan wrote:

 -Caveat Lector-

 In a message dated 6/30/01 1:09:12 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Had you read the other postings, the answer to your question would have
 been self evident.
  I think most of us realize that the left and right are both created beings
 of the forces most of us rail against.

 Can we talk more about what we have in common instead of divisive chaterrings
 and get down to substance?

 gotta run, lunch is calling.


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 CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
 screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
 sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
 directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
 major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
 That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
 always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
 credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

 Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] LAT: 5 More Cases Added to Probe of Roger Clinton

2001-06-30 Thread MIKE SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

Friday, June 29, 2001

5 More Cases Added to Probe of Roger Clinton

Staff Writer
Los Angeles Times

WASHINGTON--Roger Clinton, already under investigation for allegedly taking
money to lobby for several presidential pardons, now is being asked to
explain whether he helped five additional men try to secure executive
clemencies from his half-brother, former President Clinton.

According to documents obtained Thursday by The Times, the House Government
Reform Committee wants to know whether Roger Clinton was paid for using his
White House connection to help the men, who include a Kentucky horse
breeder sent to prison for fraud and a Texas marina operator convicted on
tax charges.

Our documents show that Roger Clinton sought to help some of these people
with pardons or that others asked Roger Clinton to help them with an
executive grant of clemency, said a committee investigator, who asked not
to be identified because of the widening investigation.

The committee is expected to wrap up its probe of President Clinton's
eleventh-hour pardons later this summer and turn the findings over to U.S.
Atty. Mary Jo White in New York. She has impaneled a federal grand jury
that is investigating whether any crimes were committed in connection with
the 177 pardons and commutations Clinton granted on his last day in office.

But just as the House committee was seeking information Thursday on the new
names of clemency applicants that it believes are connected to Roger
Clinton, it received a scathing letter from Roger Clinton's lawyer. It
accuses the Republican-led panel of playing politics with the Clinton
pardon inquiry.

The breadth and scope of the committee's investigation, and in particular
of its most recent questions, suggest that something more than an inquiry
by the committee into presidential clemency decisions is afoot, Los
Angeles lawyer Bart H. Williams told the panel in a fiery three-page

Williams warned that his client will not cooperate with the committee's
investigation and added: Like anyone else who values his own privacy and
who respects the privacy of those close to him, Mr. Clinton will not submit
willingly to a general warrant for information.

Roger Clinton has been the target of repeated allegations that he sought or
received cash payments and other favors from a number of individuals in
return for promising to get or request pardons and other help for them.

Federal and congressional investigators want to determine whether he was
involved in illegal shakedown schemes, using his relationship to the
president to defraud others.

Apparently, no one previously linked to Roger Clinton has received a
pardon, prison commutation or other presidential favor. The president did
grant a pardon to his brother, who served time in prison for a 1985 cocaine
conviction in Arkansas.

Nor did any of the five newly named individuals receive presidential
clemency. But committee investigators said they have found evidence that
shows Roger Clinton had a role in requesting consideration of executive
clemency for them.

Committee officials said the five new individuals include:

* J.T. Lundy, a Lexington, Ky., racehorse breeder who was sentenced in
October 2000 to 41½ years in prison for conspiracy, bribery and fraud for
deals with horses in return for getting lucrative funds from a Houston

* Blume Lowe, who was convicted in 1999 of tax fraud after he and his
family hid more than $18 million in income from their large marina
operation north of Sherman, Texas.

* John Ballis, a Houston real estate investor convicted in 1992 for
receiving $6.7 million in illegal loans after providing $500,000 in
kickbacks to the president of a failed Houston savings and loan. He is
serving a 12½-year prison sentence.

Investigators identified the last two by name only: Steve Griggs and Mark
St. Pe.

Roger Clinton has insisted that he asked the president to grant pardons
only for six of his dear friends and said in February that none of those
requests was granted.

But Garland Lincecum, who is serving a seven-year prison term for fraud,
has said that he and his family paid $235,000 for a pardon--which he did
not receive--to an Arkansas firm connected to Roger Clinton. And Richard
Cayce said he paid the firm $35,000 and was guaranteed two special
diplomatic passports to help his business ventures abroad. He didn't get
the passports.

In another case, committee investigators say they have linked a $50,000
payment to Roger Clinton from Anna Gambino to a pardon application from her
father, Rosario Gambino, a convicted heroin trafficker with alleged mob

The committee, in a letter sent to Roger Clinton this week, listed the five
new names, along with Gambino's, and castigated him for not cooperating
with the panel. Investigators said they have been repeatedly turned away in
seeking help from Roger Clinton.

The committee wants only to obtain the truth so that it can conclude its

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