[CTRL] Husks of corn rain from sky

2001-08-05 Thread Peat

I paticularily found itamusing that 
one theoryhas Husker fans behind this...

Husks of corn rain from sky 

 By Suzanne Perez Tobias And Sara Shepherd The Wichita Eagle 
residents in some east Wichita neighborhoods Friday afternoon, the weather was 
particularly strange: 
Partly cloudy, with a chance of corn husks. 
People in homes near 13th and Woodlawn reported seeing what looked like 
extraordinarily large, dried corn husks spiraling down from the sky about 6 p.m. 

Paul Corn (yes, that's his real name) was playing host to a family 
reunion in his back yard in the 1000 block of Vincent Lane on Friday afternoon. 
He said the family 
stopped swimming when they noticed something strange spiraling down from the 
They waited for it to land to see what it was, but the frond came to rest 
just over the fence in a neighbor's yard. 
Then there were more. And more. Each one, about 30 inches long and 3 inches 
"They just kept coming down," he said. "There had to be, I don't know, a 
thousand of these things." 
The family was curious enough to jump out of the pool and into the car, 
driving a short distance around the neighborhood to find more, which they did. 
There is no telling how many of the leaves fell, but several were seen lying 
along Armour Street, between Central Avenue and 13th Street. 
Officials with Weather Data Inc., a local forecasting service, said they had 
received no reports of the corn-husk shower. But meteorologist Jeff House seemed 
"Corn husks falling from the sky. Hmmm," he said. "That is odd." 
Could they have been stirred up by a tornado in some Iowa cornfield? Blown 
hundreds of miles through thick summer air, only to billow down on back yards 
and driveways in east Wichita? 
"That's a good thought," House said. "But no chance. Not today." 
Our region -- in fact, the whole country -- was tornado-free on Friday. It 
wasn't even particularly windy, House said. Just really hot. 
So maybe August turned that Iowa corn into popcorn, and the remnant husks 
exploded into the atmosphere? 
"Doubtful," House said. "Whatever it was, it was probably caused by man." 
Some residents speculated that the leaves fell from a plane. Air traffic 
authorities could not be reached for comment Friday night. 
One more theory: University of Nebraska fans were behind it. Gearing up for 
another Cornhusker football season, they decided to blanket their southern 
rivals in a giant -- and ingenious, we might add -- Cornhusker Practical Joke. 
Bill Harper is a member of the Wichita-based Kansas Cornhusker Club. "We may 
live in the heart of Kansas," says the group's Web site. "But our hearts belong 
to the HUSKERS!!" 
Harper denied having anything to do with Friday's incident. 
"Oh, not that I know of. I don't think any of us are behind it," Harper said. 
He noted, however, that the group's annual picnic is scheduled for 5 p.m. today, 
at the Sedgwick County Extension building at 21st Street and Ridge Road. 
Mike Nieman, a witness to the mysterious corn episode, was visiting Wichita 
from Los Angeles. He said it seemed fitting for such a strange thing to happen 
in Kansas. 
"It's just a magical place," he joked. "It's the land of Oz." 
---Regards,Peter E 
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[CTRL] McCain, Lieberman call for action on global warming

2001-08-05 Thread Steve

-Caveat Lector-

McCain, Lieberman call for action on global warming

Senate committee approves global-warming research legislation

By H. JOSEF HEBERT, Associated Press

WASHINGTON (August 3, 2001 8:32 p.m. EDT) - Republican Sen. John
McCain teamed with Democrat Joseph Lieberman on Friday to criticize
President Bush's approach to dealing with global warming and called for
mandatory limits on greenhouse gases.

The two senators said regulations for carbon dioxide and other emissions
that are believed to be changing Earth's climate are needed because
voluntary measures - favored by Bush - will not work.

In the clearest signal yet that the Senate is determined to pursue a separate
climate agenda from the White House, the two senators will introduce
legislation imposing a nationwide cap and trade system on greenhouse

Otherwise, they argued, American businesses will suffer as the rest of the
industrial countries begin trading emission credits under the Kyoto climate
agreement recently rejected by the Bush administration.

The current situation demands leadership from the United States, McCain
said. He said purely voluntary approaches will not be enough to meet the
goal of preventing dangerous effects on the climate system.

In an interview, Lieberman acknowledged that the proposal will likely unleash
a big fight in the Congress but said he and McCain are committed to this
and plan to press it aggressively.

The White House did not immediately comment on the McCain-Lieberman

In abandoning the Kyoto climate treaty earlier this year, Bush expressed his
opposition to mandatory restrictions or regulation of carbon dioxide or other
greenhouse gases, saying such controls would be too costly and harm the

While the administration has provided no specific program to deal with
climate change, Bush has said his approach would rely on voluntary actions
by industry and development of new technologies to capture carbon releases
and reduce energy use.

Lieberman responded, Voluntary programs, unfortunately, do not work.

The two senators warned that U.S. businesses stand a chance of being left
out of an international trading program of greenhouse gases under the Kyoto
protocol unless a domestic trading scheme is put in place.

While details are still being worked out, the legislation would establish a cap
on the amount of greenhouse gases that could be emitted nationwide. Caps
also would be imposed for specific economic sectors such as power plants
and transportation.

Companies that exceed the limits could purchase credits from other entities
whose emissions are lower.

The Lieberman-McCain announcement was among several actions taken
recently that demonstrate the Democratic-controlled Senate is intent on
pressing its own climate agenda.

On Thursday, legislation advanced that would pump nearly $5 billion into
research technologies to combat global warming. It was cleared by the
Governmental Affairs Committee, chaired by Lieberman.

A day earlier, the Senate Foreign Relations Committee unanimously
approved a resolution urging Bush to reconsider his rejection of the Kyoto

At the same time, Sen. Jim Jeffords, the independent from Vermont whose
defection from the Republican Party put Democrats in control of the Senate,
said he was intent on getting a bill passed to regulate carbon dioxide along
with three other pollutants.

Steve Wingate, Webmaster

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Konformist: Viruses as global population control?

2001-08-05 Thread Steve

-Caveat Lector-

--- Forwarded message follows ---
Date sent:  Thu, 02 Aug 2001 20:57:11 +
From:   Robert Sterling [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject:Konformist: Viruses as global population control?
Send reply to:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Robert Sterling
Editor, The Konformist

Worldnet Daily 7/29/2001
Viruses as global population control?
Geoff Metcalf interviews bio-terrorism expert Dr. Len Horowitz

Editor's note: In recent years, allegations have surfaced in the
press suggesting that the U.S. government has had a hand in
suppressing information about such matters as disease-tainted blood,
pathogenic contamination of vaccines and Gulf War Syndrome. One
example: A growing number of medical researchers reportedly are
worried that a monkey virus which contaminated polio vaccines given
to tens of millions of Americans in the 1950s and '60s may now be
causing rare human cancers.

Are such allegations true? And, if true, why would anyone want to
cover up such important information?

Today, WorldNetDaily staff writer and talk-show host Geoff Metcalf
talks with acclaimed author, health-rights activist and bio-terrorism
expert Dr. Len Horowitz and asks him hard questions about these and
other related matters.

Metcalf's daily streaming radio show can be heard on TalkNetDaily
weekdays from 7 p.m. to 10 p.m. Eastern time.

By Geoff Metcalf
© 2001 WorldNetDaily.com

Question: Len, for four decades, government officials have insisted
that there is no evidence the simian virus called SV40 is harmful to
humans. However, I remember a decade ago you telling me about the
dangers of vaccines tainted with simian virus. Now, apparently, in
recent years, dozens of scientific studies have found the virus in a
steadily increasing number of rare brain, bone and lung-related
tumors – the same malignant cancer SV40 causes in lab animals.

Answer: You know what they are telling you is actually a suppressed
version of the truth. The Bible says a half-truth is a whole lie.
That's what this is. Essentially what they are saying is that they
have discovered that polio vaccines up to about 1965, or there about,
had been infected with a monkey cancer virus known as SV40 – and that
all the other polio vaccines are safe.

Q: Not true?

A: That is hogwash. In fact up through the 1990s, all the polio
vaccines – the Sabin oral polio vaccines, the little sugar cubes that
we all took – essentially contained as many as 100 of these simian
monkey cancer contaminates per dose. In fact, the Food and Drug
administration that we think is protecting our children's health and
safety, and our own, has actually had to turn a blind eye to this
because their hands were tied.

Q: How so?

A: By proprietary laws and non-disclosure agreements forced upon them
by the pharmaceutical industry.

Q: There was an amazingly revolting sidebar to the long story I
referenced earlier. Apparently they wanted to follow up with the oral
vaccine so they did a study and they didn't tell the participants
what they were doing, and they selected low-income blacks. I was
shocked. Hell-o? This is Tuskegee all over again.

A: You might be referring to the Kaiser Permanente easy measles
vaccine given to about 1,200 black children – it blew out all their
immune systems, left several of them dead and, ultimately, the rest
of them suffering for the rest of their lives.

Q: No, it was Cleveland General Hospital – early '60s.

A: Well, we had actually about a year or two ago the same type of
thing happen to black children in California at Kaiser Permanente –
which is the nation's leading vaccine laboratory – for human
experimentation. They did the same thing to black children. And what
the CDC director said in defense after the horrible truth got out
was, Sorry. Sometimes these things just fall through the cracks.

Q: Bullfeathers! They specifically chose low-income black families
with doses ranging up to 100 times the dose recommended for adults.
They did it because these people aren't going to scream about it. You
get into this more in your new book, Death in the Air – when is it
coming out?

A: It's coming out officially August 1st. However, WorldNetDaily
already has it.

Q: I'm anxious to read the book and see the documentation. Meanwhile,
in your previous work about AIDS, Ebola and all 

[CTRL] Bush will fund tax cuts with borrowed money

2001-08-05 Thread Steve

-Caveat Lector-


Bush will fund tax cuts with borrowed money



ECONOMIC slowdown in the United States has forced the Bush
Administration to borrow billions of dollars to provide its much-vaunted tax

After saying for months that a huge projected budget surplus was “the
people’s money” and would be returned in tax cuts and rebates, President
Bush has found that the Treasury cannot fund them.

Instead of paying off about $57 billion (£40 billion) of the national debt, as it
had intended, the Government will borrow $51 billion this quarter. About $38
billion of this will fund tax rebate cheques that have already been sent out. As
part of a $1.35trillion, ten-year tax cut package, couples are receiving up to
$600 and individuals $300.

The cuts were intended to help to stimulate the economy. Analysts said that
the move to borrow was possibly the biggest U-turn on record in the
Treasury’s quarterly budget funding projection and would be the largest
single quarter of borrowing by the Government since the beginning of 1996.
Treasury officials emphasised that the problem was more one of cash-flow
than a sign of long-term trouble. The rebate was a one-off and its effect was
being felt because of an accounting move in which corporations were given
longer to pay taxes.

“The change in borrowing reflects a number of factors, most significantly the
shift in the September 15 corporate tax due date to October 1 and the need
to finance in this quarter tax rebates,” the Treasury said in a statement.

A debate has begun, however, on the long-term problems that will follow from
lower tax receipts from individuals and corporations during a slump.

The current projection is of a surplus in this fiscal year of $160 billion, down
from the earlier prediction of $281 billion. This would still be the second
largest surplus on record, but the fall indicates the extent to which projections
can be unreliable.

The White House said that the tax cuts were realistic because officials
projected a massive budget surplus over the entirety of the next decade.

Copyright 2001 Times Newspapers Ltd. This service is provided on Times
Newspapers' standard terms and conditions. To inquire about a licence to
reproduce material from The Times, visit the Syndication website.

Steve Wingate, Webmaster

A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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 A HREF=http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html;Archives of


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Re: [CTRL] Konformist: Viruses as global population control?

2001-08-05 Thread Cliff Hume

-Caveat Lector-

You may find some answers to your many questions by looking into the UN and
the Rockefeller Population Control Program. Keep in mind that it was
Rockefeller and Carnegie who were largely responsible for the founding of
the United Nations and also the failed League of Nations.

Ther is a relatively small group of elitists who would like to have this
world to themselves. Check out some of the speeches relating to UN strategy
meetings around the globe, and the web of organizations they have been using
to diminish and even destroy our freedoms.

Yours truly,

Cliff Hume

At 11:49 PM 8/4/01 -0700, you wrote:
-Caveat Lector-

--- Forwarded message follows ---
Date sent:  Thu, 02 Aug 2001 20:57:11 +
From:   Robert Sterling [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject:Konformist: Viruses as global population control?
Send reply to:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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 Yahoo! Groups Sponsor -~--
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Please send as far and wide as possible.


Robert Sterling
Editor, The Konformist

Worldnet Daily 7/29/2001
Viruses as global population control?
Geoff Metcalf interviews bio-terrorism expert Dr. Len Horowitz

Editor's note: In recent years, allegations have surfaced in the
press suggesting that the U.S. government has had a hand in
suppressing information about such matters as disease-tainted blood,
pathogenic contamination of vaccines and Gulf War Syndrome. One
example: A growing number of medical researchers reportedly are
worried that a monkey virus which contaminated polio vaccines given
to tens of millions of Americans in the 1950s and '60s may now be
causing rare human cancers.

Are such allegations true? And, if true, why would anyone want to
cover up such important information?

Today, WorldNetDaily staff writer and talk-show host Geoff Metcalf
talks with acclaimed author, health-rights activist and bio-terrorism
expert Dr. Len Horowitz and asks him hard questions about these and
other related matters.

Metcalf's daily streaming radio show can be heard on TalkNetDaily
weekdays from 7 p.m. to 10 p.m. Eastern time.

By Geoff Metcalf
© 2001 WorldNetDaily.com

Question: Len, for four decades, government officials have insisted
that there is no evidence the simian virus called SV40 is harmful to
humans. However, I remember a decade ago you telling me about the
dangers of vaccines tainted with simian virus. Now, apparently, in
recent years, dozens of scientific studies have found the virus in a
steadily increasing number of rare brain, bone and lung-related
tumors – the same malignant cancer SV40 causes in lab animals.

Answer: You know what they are telling you is actually a suppressed
version of the truth. The Bible says a half-truth is a whole lie.
That's what this is. Essentially what they are saying is that they
have discovered that polio vaccines up to about 1965, or there about,
had been infected with a monkey cancer virus known as SV40 – and that
all the other polio vaccines are safe.

Q: Not true?

A: That is hogwash. In fact up through the 1990s, all the polio
vaccines – the Sabin oral polio vaccines, the little sugar cubes that
we all took – essentially contained as many as 100 of these simian
monkey cancer contaminates per dose. In fact, the Food and Drug
administration that we think is protecting our children's health and
safety, and our own, has actually had to turn a blind eye to this
because their hands were tied.

Q: How so?

A: By proprietary laws and non-disclosure agreements forced upon them
by the pharmaceutical industry.

Q: There was an amazingly revolting sidebar to the long story I
referenced earlier. Apparently they wanted to follow up with the oral
vaccine so they did a study and they didn't tell the participants
what they were doing, and they selected low-income blacks. I was
shocked. Hell-o? This is Tuskegee all over again.

A: You might be referring to the Kaiser Permanente easy measles
vaccine given to about 1,200 black children – it blew out all their
immune systems, left several of them dead and, ultimately, the rest
of them suffering for the rest of their lives.

Q: No, it was Cleveland General Hospital – early '60s.

A: Well, we had actually about a year or two ago the same type of
thing happen to black children in California at Kaiser Permanente –
which is the nation's leading vaccine laboratory – for human
experimentation. They did the same thing to black 

Re: [CTRL] Fwd: Song of Songs (No. 145)

2001-08-05 Thread ashley Abraham

-Caveat Lector-

This was a very good article. I really enjoyed it. While I have enjoyed
our sparring sessions, I would like to call a truce(for now, anyways). I do
hope that you are one of those who can argue without it becoming personal.
It has been fun, Ashley

From: Aleisha Saba [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Reply-To: Conspiracy Theory Research List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [CTRL] Fwd: Song of Songs (No. 145)
Date: Sat, 4 Aug 2001 23:18:00 -0400


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A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:
 A HREF=http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html;Archives of


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[CTRL] LondonTelegraph: Earth: the real planet of the apes

2001-08-05 Thread MIKE SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-


Earth: the real planet of the apes

YOU can't keep a good film franchise down. Thirty years after the original
movie, four sequels and a television spin-off, Planet of the Apes is back.
This time, the latex masks, hairy chins and strange leather tunics have
been brought back to the big screen by Tim Burton, director of Batman. Like
the 1968 film, the story is based on Pierre Boulle's reverse evolution
novel La Planete des Singes, a satire where chimps, gorillas and

The remake comes after a busy period in the investigation of the real links
between apes and humans. Over the past year, palaeontologists have
identified three new species or sub-species of hominid - the group that

With the human family tree looking increasingly bushy, it seems that for
much of the past few million years several different species of hominids
may have been living side by side. Never mind science fiction - for much of
our evolutionary history Earth really was the planet of the apes. In the
150 years since Charles Darwin popularised the idea of evolution, fossil
hunters have identified between a dozen and 20 species of hominid, which

Recently, two candidates for the earliest known hominid have emerged, both
tantalisingly close to the last common ancestor with the chimps. Last year,
a Kenyan-French team led by Brigitte Senut and Martin Pickford unveiled
Millennium Man, a six-million-year-old chimpanzee-like creature whose
existence was pieced together from 13 fossils. Remains from at least five
males and females, including an arm, a fingertip, a jaw fragment and,

According to its discoverers, from the Kenyan Palaeontology Expedition, its
teeth were more like those of modern humans than any apes. Its strong femur
suggested that it walked upright, but its powerful upper arm bone hinted
that it might also have been at home in the trees.Senut and Pickford, who
made the finding in Kapsomin in the Tugen hills of Kenya's Baringo
district, argued that its similarities with Homo sapiens made it a
contender for the title of direct ancestor.But as Millennium Man was being
unveiled at a press conference, a rival team from America was working on

This time, the fragments of bones were found in the Middle Awash region of
Ethiopia and were dated at between 5.8 million and 5.2 million years old.
The finds, reported in Nature this month, included a piece of collarbone,
several hand and foot bones and a jawbone with teeth, also with features
more in common with hominids than any ape. The most important discovery was
a toe bone which showed that its owner walked on two feet. The remains came
from at least five creatures, a new subspecies called Ardipithecus ramidus
kaddaba. Dr Yohannes Haile-Selassie, of the University of California at
Berkeley, made the findings. He believes they could belong to the earliest

A year ago, we knew nothing about hominids older than 4.4 million years
ago. Now we have two late Miocene fossil collections from Ethiopia and
Kenya that can tell us something about the early evolution of hominids, he
says.The latter is slightly older than the new discoveries from Ethiopia.
Based on the evidence we have now, the two groups are different. More
detailed studies of both in the future will clarify the relationship
between the two sets. However, for now, they are different and represent

So which of the teams is right? The Kenya-French team claims that Orrorin
is on the human branch of the tree and that Ardipithecus is a chimpanzee
ancestor. The American team disagrees. They believe their find has been
thoroughly analysed and their findings have been carefully scrutinised by
peer review. Perhaps more importantly, they could also have an ace up their
sleeves.Prof Tim White, a palaeontologist and colleague of Dr
Haile-Selassie at Berkeley, is currently working on a partially crushed
skeleton of Ardipithecus, found in the mid-Nineties. The remains are
slightly younger, around 4.4 million years old, but include a pelvis, a
bone that could yield crucial information about how the creature walked.Dr
White has yet to publish the full details. But because he works closely
with Dr Haile-Selassie, it is likely that his unpublished work will have

Like many colleagues, Prof Chris Stringer, head of human origins at the
Natural History Museum in London, is holding back judgment.My view is that
we don't know enough about either of them yet to place them accurately in
this cloudy area where hominids were diverging from chimpanzees, he says.
They are incomplete and in the case of Ardipithecus we know there is a
much more complete material waiting to come in. It's a shame that people
are competing to claim the earliest hominid at this stage. To have the last
common ancestor would be fantastic, or to have creatures that preceded that
would be equally valuable.The latest finds highlight the confusion
surrounding the human 

[CTRL] ST: The Mystery of the 'Lost Mena Report'

2001-08-05 Thread MIKE SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-


Sierra Times
July 26, 2001


By Mark Swaney

This is a story that I have tried in vain to get reported. When all else
fails, do it yourself, and so this is my own personal account of what I
know about the Mena investigation by the House Committee on Banking and
Financial Services, also known as the House Banking Committee (HBC).

It is an important story that bears directly on current events, but to
understand it, you must know something about past history.

This story is about ordinary citizens in Arkansas who were lied to and
cheated by Jim Leach and other corrupt politicians.

This is also a missing person story, and for all we know, Steve Ganis,
former Mena investigator for the HBC, has been threatened to insure his

The crucial questions remain unanswered.

* Where is the report on the Mena investigation?

* And where is Steve Ganis?


Mena is a small town in southwest Arkansas, population 5,000.

Mena has an airstrip, and in the early 1980's this quiet country town
became the center stage for a famous pilot and smuggler, Barry Seal.

Seal based his cocaine smuggling operation in Mena. Local officials knew
that laws were being broken and they appealed to the federal government for

The rumors were that Seal was running guns to the Nicaraguan Contras, and
bringing back cocaine.

People believed then and now that Barry Seal was actually a government
operative using his public persona as a famous drug smuggler as cover.

After the revelations of the Iran-Contra scandal, the questions about
Seal's operation continued to bother people in Arkansas who wanted to know
if their state had been used by George Bush and Bill Clinton as a base for
a government protected dope running operation.

In 1990, some students and citizens and I formed an organization at the
University of Arkansas called the Arkansas Committee. The focus of the
Arkansas Committee was to combat government secrecy.

Quickly we discovered that we had a monster case of government secrecy in
our own backyard, and we began to agitate to get a full disclosure of the
Seal case.

Most of our strategy centered on getting the media to pay attention.

Since the case involved both Bill Clinton and George Bush, the media did
write some stories that were almost always centered on the topic of how the
Mena story might affect the political chances of one or the other of the
now former presidents.

In almost every case, the straight truth was ignored in favor of political
spin. The truth is that Mena is a bipartisan scandal. But that simple
idea was lost in the welter of left vs. right reporting.

By late 1994, the Arkansas Committee had been battling for five years to
get more information on Mena to the public. To that end we had traveled to
Mena, Little Rock, and Washington DC, written countless letters, held press
conferences and demonstrations, filed Freedom of Information requests and
embarked on our own investigation.

In the beginning we thought that once the media discovered the Mena story
that they would do their own investigations, but we were sorely

We learned that the American media is a very weak reed for democracy to
lean on.

More and more we relied on our own investigation to give the people
something accurate on the Mena case.

We went after Bill Clinton's Arkansas Development Finance Authority (ADFA),
because we believed that ADFA had been established by Clinton to launder
money from government covert dope smuggling. We went after them tooth and


On the same day that the Arkansas Committee retrieved the Coral Reinsurance
documents from ADFA, December 2, 1994, we met with Bill Duncan, former IRS
agent, and Micah Morrison of the Wall Street Journal.

That night Morrison treated us to a fine dinner courtesy of the WSJ, and
the irony was enormous. Here we were, college radicals, teamed up with the

Morrison had come to Little Rock to talk to Bill Duncan about Mena and he
informed us that the Arkansas Committee's long pursued goal of obtaining a
new investigation into the Mena allegations had finally been achieved.

The managers of the WSJ editorial page had been convinced by former
Arkansas congressman Bill Alexander and others that the Mena stories were
worth pursuing. They in turn had convinced the incoming chairman of the
House Banking Committee (HBC), Jim Leach, to use his good offices to
investigate Mena.

And it came to pass as reported by Micah, soon there was an announcement by
James Leach that his committee would investigate Mena, and let the chips
fall where they may.

These were the heady days of the Whitewater investigation and the Foster
suicide. In their zeal to poke a hole in Bill Clinton, the Republicans
apparently didn't care whose ox they gored, even if it was named Bush. Or
so they said at the time.

The Arkansas 

[CTRL] SNET: The straw that could break America's back (fwd)

2001-08-05 Thread William Bacon

-Caveat Lector-

visit my web site at  http://www.voicenet.com/~wbacon
My ICQ# is 79071904
for a precise list of the powers of the Federal Government linkto:

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Sun, 5 Aug 2001 00:45:05 EDT
Subject: SNET: The straw that could break America's back

-  SNETNEWS  Mailing List

The straw that could break America's back

Full text of a speech delivered in Klamath Falls, Oregon

By Officer Jack Redfield
July 28, 2001


Editor's note: Shortly after Officer Redfield delivered this speech, he was
put on administrative leave, pending an investigation.

Many residents of Klamath County reading this letter will identify my name
with law enforcement as I have been a member of the Klamath Falls Police
Department for over 39 years. The content of this letter is not necessarily
the opinion of the City of Klamath Falls or the Klamath Falls Police

It is my opinion as a private citizen of Oregon and the United States and
as a small ranch operator. I am not affected financially to the degree of
other Klamath Basin ranchers due to non-ranch related income. I am also one
of the fortunate few who irrigates from a well (for the time being), but
there is no doubt that the so-called environmentalists will be initiating
an effort to control or stop irrigation from ground water in the near

My considered opinion of the recent water crisis in the Klamath Basin,
which has been initiated by the so-called environmentalists and our federal
agencies, is that it is nothing more than an act of thinly disguised
domestic terrorism directed at the economy of the US.

I believe that the people who are orchestrating this atrocity are not
environmentalists at all (although they may be being manipulated into
believing they are doing the right thing), but that they are actually
acting in the capacity of environmental and/or economic terrorists (or at
least extremists) who are launching a severe and effective attack upon the
economy of the United States.

The same environmentalist extremists enjoyed a good deal of success in
recent years with the spotted owl, which was also nothing more than an
excuse to destroy the logging industry. There is no doubt that had the
spotted owl not been considered an endangered species, they would have
easily found another creature, be it a reptile, fish, other bird, rodent,
etc. that needed to be protected to further their cause. So be it with the
suckers. In other parts of the nation where such nonsense is starting, I am
hearing reports of endangered gnatcatchers, shrimp, turtles, other fish,

Recently the terrorists/extremists have enjoyed a tremendous success in
shutting down our local agriculture with no regards at all to the misery
and destruction of thousands of local ranchers, farmers, local business
people. They have also found a great amount of support through the liberal
federal court system within the ninth district. I don't see that changing
until the case makes it to the U.S. Supreme Court, but that takes time and
I am afraid that it will be too late for many of our local people by then.

Our only hope is that Congress will recognize where this is going within
the entire nation and take action to modify the endangered species act to
achieve a reasonable balance between the needs of endangered species and
the livelihood of American citizens.

This is NOT a local issue. I would suggest that the Klamath Basin attack is
nothing more than a test case. With the success that the environmental
extremists and some out of control federal agents (so called public
servants, HAH) have recently enjoyed, they will not stop in the Klamath

They are already up to their devious evil in other parts of Oregon and in
other states. Considering that there is a good deal of agriculture in
nearly every state in the nation, this thing will spread like wildfire and
before long I believe that our way of life as we now know it will be very

We have seen a great deal of restraint among our local agriculture
community and our local business people who are threatened, despite the
extreme emotional trauma that they are experiencing and their
understandable anger. Their professionalism and restraint during the recent
bucket brigade demonstration was remarkable. This will not last.

As the extremists and out of control federal agents continue to push and as
the agricultural people see their fields turn brown and their entire lives
destroyed, their frustration will undoubtedly escalate to the point of
boiling over. It won't take much from Andy Kerr or Wendell Wood or their
like to spark an extremely violent response. I am talking about rioting,
homicides and destruction of property like dams that hold the precious
water from the agricultural community.

When you expand the crisis 

[CTRL] trade (fwd)

2001-08-05 Thread William Bacon

-Caveat Lector-

visit my web site at  http://www.voicenet.com/~wbacon
My ICQ# is 79071904
for a precise list of the powers of the Federal Government linkto:

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Sun, 29 Jul 2001 14:09:00 -0700 (PDT)
From: Andrea Psoras [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: trade

Thank you for reviewing this where 1)I support your resistance to
'legalizing' 3mm illegal (I wager illiterate-or they wouldnt be in the
US,they would have prospered in their own nation) Mexicans who can't speak
or read their own, let alone English Language -rewarding their lack of
respect to perservere in their own country; 2)analysis regarding the
'free'trade/promotion fatal attraction: who is really benefitting from the
destruction of tariffs and duties-Constitutional taxes for our Republic.

THE FREE TRADE LIE. Their greed, Administration expedience,and your
colleagues will fight you over this treachery to our Republic and
Constitution and DEFRAUD US

Likewise, I support Senator Helms' block on Treasury nominations that may or
may not be linked with actually addressing the Administration's interest to
redefine/change export/import licenses that would violate the jobs
situation, fabric/garment industries in that state OR YOUR STATE, and more
likely abrogate the proper tarriffs and duties belonging to voters in our
nation. Further, after being among the private sector experts who reviewed
the drafts of Gramm, Leach, Bliley, I doubt holds on appointees Globalist
Paul O'Neill's Department would do harm to the government -rather- opposing

I would have supported Trade Promotion' /'Fast Track' and 'Free Trade for
the Americas' ACCEPT I began to analyze it. Taking the next step with
further due diligence, I found a book entitled North American Economic
Integration(1999) which exposed the conception of NAFTA.  During Warsaw
Pact's disintegration in the 90s, and Mexico's fear of competition from the
Developed economies partnering with the emerging economies of educated,
hungry Eastern Europe, Mexico's president proposed a trade agreement with
the US. Companies and managements with a Texas, etc/Mexican Border had
access to cheap Mexican labor. Next, hatchet those products' Constitutional
Tarriffs/ duties and pollution expenses while producing in a nation ignoring
pollution controls, and with low transport costs uniting a 'NAFTA' and Texan
management pork, these collectively have harmed the US economic and
maufacturing base-President George Bush c.1990.

The author exposes more (Pg12) US gov culpability with this:  political
scientists also have reason to be uneasy about NAFTA (as an illustration).
They tend to view free trade agreements as a problematic issue for political
candidates irrespective of their ideological positions, ie, free trade is
usually seen by workers in developed countries as a threat to their economic
security, especially during periods of stagnating wages and massive
restructuring 'downsizing' as was in the case in the early 1990s (that
recession was caused by a Democrat-lead Congress and Reagan's 1986 Tax Act,
which contributed to the thrift and bank 'crisis'. Big Business took
advantage in the recession to conduct restructuring and charge the these
expenses during a time when corporations were already reporting lower
profits). Nonetheless, firms (management?) especially those in high-tech,
export-oriented industries (where management's bonuses include options they
exercise with rising stock prices), tend to support freer trade and through
lobbyists, wield considerable influence with political candidates, hence,
politicians may well lose voter support if they support 'free trade' and
lose campaign funding if they oppose it - a classic 'no win' situation.
Nevertheless, some political scientists looking at (foreign relations) which
have fluctuated widely in recent decades use (these agreements) a tool for
'normalizing' the channels of discussion on a wide range of economic and
political issues...

In an innocuous, yet revealing way, the author exposes the heart of the
regardless of their employees, OF OUR CONSTITUTION, AND ECONOMIC BASE, while
YOU - our elected officials want the lobbyists' wielding campaign
contributions from corporate management looking to line its own pockets

The ultimate waste of taxpayer money into management hands with much 'Free
Trade' and the difference between 

Re: [CTRL] Something Rotten In The State Of Israel

2001-08-05 Thread Nurev Ind.

-Caveat Lector-

flw wrote:

 -Caveat Lector-

 It's not because Jews were Nazis. Pssst.
 Jews didn't really like the Nazis.

 The Nazis are not a people.

But people are are Nazis. German people, Dutch people, Hungarian people,
Ukrainian people, French people, Croatian people, Vatican people, and some
American people.

 Nazism tranascends race, religion
 and nationality. The modern state of Israel is tracking towards
 Nazism (of course it is not the only country doing this).

This is bullshit. Prove that it's Nazism. Nazism and not something else.

 Too many
 Israeli's have a Nazi mentality towards the Palestinians

You don't know ' too many Israelis '. I'll bet that you don't know any
Israelis. Am I wrong?

 - they
 consider the Palestinians an inferior people: racially, culturally,
 religiously, economically, etc. They have become the Pre WWII
 European Slavs according to the German Nazi mindset.

What the hell are you talking about? You could say that they have become
like Europeans in America, or Belgians in the Congo, or the English in
Australia, or the Japanese in Korea. You could say all of these things
just as easily. But you would still be full of shit. Why? Because all
the above murdered millions. And the Israelis did not. Even though they
could choose to do so anytime.

 This is the classic mindset of Nationalist Nazis who justify those whose
 land they want to steal by dehumanizing them. Too many Israeli's see arab
 land as natural expansion territory or in other words lebenstraum. Once
 you dehumanize a group, it is much easier to kill them.

That's a valid description of some groups' behavior. But what was this
behavior called BEFORE Nazism? Surely the Nazis didn't invent it. So why
would you assign it to Israelis as Nazism? Don't bother. I know the answer.

 How did the Nazis take control in Germany? By convincing the German
 people that they were their only salvation...that Germany was besieged
 on all sides by enemies out to destroy Germany (of course the Nazis
 did everything in their power to provoke social disruption and cause a
 self fulfilling prophecy). The Israeli Nazis have done a masterful job in
 silencing and cowing the majority in Israeli that is not Nazi minded by
 provoking the Palestinians and bringing about their own self fullfilling

And by this theory, the Palestinians have no responsibility at all because
the Israeli/Nazis made them do it. Listen buddy. You are not dealing with
beer swilling trailer trash here. Israelis are highly educated and VERY
politically sophisticated as a group. There are dozens, DOZENS of news papers
printed every day which cover the entire political spectrum from extreme Left
to extreme Right.

These people made a fair attempt at reconciliation with the Palestinians
and the Palestinians were too stupid to realize their opportunity to get
ahead. After this the Israeli public understood that there is no point to
dicking around with the Palestinians any more. No Fuhrer brainwashed them.
On the contrary, all the propaganda organs were for the continuation of the
Oslo sham. They voted in Sharon because they want an end to the bullshit
and violence of the local Arabs. This was a free, informed democratic choice
which the Israelis will live with and the Palestinians will not.

Your Nazi analogy is not applicable. All you do is show your ignorance when
you try to intellectualize your bigotry. You might impress the likes of
Shannon, Yardbird, Prudy, and Looneybird Saba, but that's not much.

 As long as Israelis allow the tail to wag the dog by permitting the Settler
 Colonialists to dictate policy, the only future for Israel is increasing
 militarization and nazification. A national bunker and self destructive

The Israelis will win. The Israelis will do what it takes.

 It is clear that the current Israeli policy is to commit continuing atrocities
 against the Palestinians and to provoke them into an escalating  terror
 bombing (terrorist bombing is bombing by people rather then multi milliion
 dollar helicopters, M-60 tanks, and F16's) campaign against Israel so Sharon
 can justify an invasion of the Palestinian land and commit mass murder
 terror against the Palestinian civilian population thereby reducing them
 to submissive peonage.

Then it would be a DAMN good idea for the Palestinians not to fall for it eh?
All they have to do to stop the inevitable is to stop killing Jews. Simple.

 Part of Sharon's campaign has already succeeded.
 Any Palestinian political force for moderation has been effectively destroyed
 by Sharon's blatant terrorist (aka targeted assassination) attacks against
 mainly Palestinian civilians and politicians.

You don't know what the hell your talking about. You don't even know the names
of these people, much less their political beliefs as  moderates. You are
SO full of shit.

Israelis are Nazis, and Hamas are Moderates. Who can take you seriously. You
are a joke. You've been taking Poly Sci 

Re: [CTRL] Sharon in Festive Mood

2001-08-05 Thread Nurev Ind.

-Caveat Lector-

Yardbird wrote:

 -Caveat Lector-

 Sharon says he is in festive mood following killing of two children, six
 other civilians in Nablus

Is this demonizing crap or what? Is Yardbird a liar for presenting it this
way or not?

Do you think that Sharon is happy about killing 2 children? Is killing 2
children what puts him in a festive mood? What did killing 2 children do
for him? Did their deaths stop the suicide bombers?

Or do you think that taking out one of his enemies headquarters is what
put the General in a festive mood?

Read the sentence again.

 Sharon says he is in festive mood following killing of two children, six
other civilians in Nablus 

Do you think this particular wording is accidental?

Is Yardbird an intentional liar? I think so.


 Occupied Jerusalem: 2 August, 2001 (IAP News) - Israeli Prime Minister
 Ariel Sharon said he was in a festive mood following the successful
 Israeli air raid on a residential building in the densely populated Arab
 town of Nablus on Tuesday.

 Two children from the same family, aged 5 and 7 respectively, were killed
 in the raid, along with two journalists, two political activists and two

 Sharon, a certified war criminal, told the Israeli Hebrew paper on
 Thursday that he never felt so happier in recent years, describing the
 apache raid on the Nablus building as the greatest success of the Israeli
 army in recent years.

 Sharon, apparently feeling gleeful, said the raid would be a source of
 pride for Jews around the world.

 I'm sure every Jew around the world will be proud of our armed forces.

 Asked how he felt about children and innocent civilians getting killed in
 Israeli airforce raids on Palestinian towns, Sharon said this is
 inevitable collateral damage.

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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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Re: [CTRL] BBC staff are told not to call Israeli killings'assassination'(fwd)

2001-08-05 Thread Nurev Ind.

-Caveat Lector-

Yardbird wrote:

 -Caveat Lector-

 BBC staff are told not to call Israeli killings 'assassination'

 By Robert Fisk, Middle East Correspondent

BBC is party line NWO. NWO media are anti Sharon/Likud because they
are more independent than the Labor party who are NWO hacks.

The BBC is not necessarily anti Israel, as much as they are anti Israel
led by Likud. So they ALWAYS slant the news this way in the hopes that
world opinion will force Likud out and Labor back in.

I completely disregard Fisk's claim that they bend the news to be pro
Israel by disallowing the use of the word assassination.

Watch the reports to see if it's true.


 04 August 2001


 In a major surrender to Israeli diplomatic pressure, BBC officials in
 London have banned their staff in Britain and the Middle East from
 referring to Israel's policy of murdering its guerrilla opponents as
 assassination. BBC reporters have been told that in future they are to
 use Israel's own euphemism for the murders, calling them targeted

 BBC journalists were astonished that the assignments editor, Malcolm
 Downing, should have sent out the memorandum to staff, stating that the
 word assassinations should only be used for high-profile political
 assassinations. There were, Mr Downing said, lots of other words for

 Up to 60 Palestinian activists  and numerous civilians, including two
 children killed last week  have been gunned down by Israeli death squads
 or missile-firing Israeli helicopter pilots. The White House has gently
 chided Israel about these attacks, but already this week the BBC has been
 using the phrase targeted attacks for the policy of murder. The
 Palestinian killing of Israelis, however, is regularly referred to
 accurately  as murder or assassination.

 Mr Downing's memorandum suggests that the murder of a leading Israeli  the
 late prime minister Yitzhak Rabin, killed by an Israeli extremist  is
 worthy of the word assassination while the killing of Palestinians is

 The memo apparently says that assassination can only be used sparingly
 and with attribution. The ban resulted from a discussion between Mr
 Downing and Vin Ray, deputy head of newsgathering at BBC World TV. Israeli
 diplomats have been lunching with BBC officials and complaining that the
 corporation's coverage was anti-Israeli and pro-Palestinian.

 The Israeli murder campaign is, in fact, far from targeted. In the first
 such killings, two middle-aged Palestinian women were killed. After the
 initial reporting of the incident, the BBC dropped all reference to the
 female victims.

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Christian group enters Palestinian village to shieldpeople fromIsraelis (fwd)

2001-08-05 Thread Nurev Ind.

-Caveat Lector-

Yardbird wrote:

 -Caveat Lector-


 Christian group enters Palestinian village to shield people from Israelis

Now THESE people are worthy of respect. Not like you clowns. They are
putting their beliefs on the line for humanitarian reasons. This is much
different than than exploiting the situation from the comfort of you home
so you can justify your personal bigotry.

Hey Saba. Why don't YOU get your fat old ass down to Beit Jalla? I have some
cousins there who would just LOVE to see you.


 The Associated Press


 BEIT JALLA, West Bank (AP) Ronald Forthofer from Colorado cowered with a
 family of Palestinians in the back bedroom of their home as Israeli
 machine-gun fire and tank shelling shattered the night.
 Wearing a white T-shirt and cowboy jeans, blinking in the bright sunlight
 the next morning, he said that's why he's here.

 Forthofer, 57, is one of 70 volunteers who believe their bodies will serve
 as human shields to protect the Palestinians in this small hilltop town
 battered by 10 months of gunfights and Israeli tank shelling. He left
 Longmont, Colo., and came to live in a Palestinian house this week in one
 of the hottest points of fighting.

 We believe that we who are protected in America should experience and
 live in the same way that Palestinians are living in the suffering,
 Forthofer said as he looked across the valley at an Israeli army outpost
 guarding Gilo, an Israeli neighborhood on disputed land.

 Nighttime gun battles have frequently lighted up the valley between Beit
 Jalla and Gilo. Palestinian gunmen take up positions in and between Beit
 Jalla houses and open fire on the Jewish apartment buildings across the
 valley, drawing return fire from the Israeli military.

 Palestinians consider Gilo an illegal settlement built on West Bank land.
 Israel says it is part of Jerusalem and claims the whole city as its own,
 including the Arab section.

 Forthofer is one of 20 Americans from the Episcopal Church who came on a
 peace mission and began living in Palestinian homes this week. Among the
 other volunteers are Europeans, Japanese and Israeli peace activists.

 They've already gotten a taste of what life is like here. Fighting between
 Gilo and Beit Jalla raged Tuesday night after an Israeli helicopter
 missile strike killed eight Palestinians in the West Bank city of Nablus.

 Brenda Holliday, 60, from Orange County, California, rested in a home hit
 by several bullets overnight. She said no part of the house was safe, and
 the children wake up frightened.

 If children live under this kind of oppression ... a vicious cycle will
 be repeated, she said. The child who was oppressed will become the adult
 doing the oppressing.

 At a news conference Wednesday, the volunteers called on the international
 community to intervene to cease active support of Israeli aggression
 against the Palestinian people.

 Israeli defense ministry spokesman Shlomo Dror called the group's presence
 in Beit Jalla a provocation.

 The only question I can ask these people is why they are putting
 themselves as a human shield in Beit Jalla, not in Gilo? he said. We
 know they are there because they have a point of view against Israel.

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That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Sharon in Festive Mood

2001-08-05 Thread c.

-Caveat Lector-

- Original Message -
From: Nurev Ind. [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, August 05, 2001 2:38 PM
Subject: Re: [CTRL] Sharon in Festive Mood

 -Caveat Lector-

 Yardbird wrote:
  -Caveat Lector-
  Sharon says he is in festive mood following killing of two children,
  other civilians in Nablus

 Is this demonizing crap or what? Is Yardbird a liar for presenting it this
 way or not?

 Do you think that Sharon is happy about killing 2 children?

israel give the impression by their actions (it would be a miracle if
sending missiles into a suburban area DIDN'T kill civilians) that while they
may not be 'festive' about the killings- they certainly don't seem to give a
fuck if they die or not.  where is the showing of any regret about the
deaths of the children?

ashley will not answer my question- he is selective in his accountability-
so i ask you - do you think israel should adhere to the numerous UN

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Konformist: Viruses as global population control?

2001-08-05 Thread Aleisha Saba

-Caveat Lector-

Worse yet - I have some information of which most people are not aware -
but willow used in certain herbal remedies can cause thinning of the
hair?   Now the men will love to hear that and where does willow track -
why to the commn aspirin as once was.

Do not have time to research this; however, I attended an affair where
this will be used in a product - a new deodorant - yet willow is used
today and is synthetisized - and since when do all these movie stars
start losing their hair - what poison causes this?

Willow bark has long been used for many different things - but only
harmless side effects I could find on this web, are as follows - so
why would willow be put in a deodorant when it is alleged to aid in
perspiration and yet a deodorant to stop same?

in 1964 I found this Arrid to be the most deadly of all beauty
products on the market but since herbs are popular and the old witch
doctors are at work again - hold onto your hair, guys.and read the

Loss of iron - hey this witches brew is something else and I am
beginning to think just a One A Day Vitamin is enough, but today since
big bucks in this herbal stuff the pharmaceutical companies are going

So anyone out there with a mind of a witch doctor and who wants to keep
his hair this merits some checking out.I have noticed a lot of young
kids losing their hair now before they hit 30 - look and get this, this
Ronnie Howard who played little Opie on Mayberry USA (a nice place to
visit but would not want to live there ) - he produced the movie,  and
oh so young he is now bald - but the name of the movie, was WILLOW!

Weeping Willows - this is what they should name this new deodorant - for
there are a lot of weeping Willies out there minus a lot of beautiful
hair - this willow bark thins hair, and causes certain amount of loss -
now taken daily, what do you think?

Have no inclination to research this out yet, but here it is and name
your poison - for the Witch Doctors are here to stay and Modern Science
has taken that one big step backward for mankindbut ladies this one
is for you, so word to wise.


White Willow Side Effects and Warnings
Shop for: Vitamins - Herbs - Homeopathy - Health Conditions

 Upset stomach, nausea, or ringing in the ears may result. Lower the
dosage or stop using white willow; call your doctor if symptoms persist.

Children under the age of 16 should not use white willow if they have a
cold, influenza, or other viral illness. Using salicylates may cause
Reye's syndrome, a potentially fatal condition.
Individuals with ulcers or other stomach problems should use white
willow with caution, because it can worsen stomach ills.

Do not mix white willow with other salicylates, such as aspirin or
wintergreen oil, because of the potential for additive side effects.

May interfere with absorption of iron and other minerals when taken

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Something Rotten In The State Of Israel

2001-08-05 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 08/05/2001 8:39:53 AM Eastern Daylight Time,

 How do you know this? Do you know any old Nazis? What are their addresses?
 Inquiring minds want to know. 

You don't know ' too many Israelis '. I'll bet that you don't know any
Israelis. Am I wrong?

I have known a few Nazis, and I've met at least one Israeli.  I've never
known a Palestinian, although I may have passed one or two in train stations
in Europe.   You would be amazed how many Teutonic types suddenly arrived in
the United States after WWII, who had been unable to leave Germany and return
home because of the declaration of war.  Uh huh.

I worked in a training outfit where there were many Israeli military,
although I did not talk to any of them for an extended period of time.
However, while I was living in Turkey, I escorted a visiting friend to see
the giant heads at Adiyaman.  It was a bit off season, but they wanted to go.
 We asked a young Turkish man who worked with my husband to go along with us
to translate for us.  We paid his expenses.  When we got to our hotel, one of
the few open in the area at that time, we had a good dinner and then when we
went to go to our rooms.  A handsome, blond young man was at the desk,
desperately trying for a room, but the place was full.   It was very late and
there just was nothing in the area.   I told him that we had a room with two
beds in it, and if he would like to share with our Turkish interpreter, he
could pay for half the room and have a place to sleep.  He was quite happy
with the arrangement, and our Turkish friend did not mind either.   I met him
again in the morning at breakfast.  He said he had slept well and was most
surprised at what a nice person the Turkish guy was in spite of being a
Moslem.  He commented in a surprised manner that the young man not only spoke
perfect English but made a lot of jokes.  Those of us who were well
acquainted with Omer would have expected the jokes, but I realized that this
Israeli who was a physicist and extremely well educated in other matters as
well had learned to dehumanize the Arabs of the world.

You are asking what Nazis and what Israeli we have known?  Not as many as we
might like to claim since we are not co-located, but here was a good Israeli
citizen who truly had never known a Palestinian.  I remember too that he had
not read The Dancing Wu Li Masters, and I gave him a deposit slip which
contained my name and address, so that if he could not find the book in
Israel in either Hebrew or English, I would send him the copy I had.  I did
not hear from him, which I assume meant that he had obtained a copy.  I could
not imagine  a physicist who had not had an opportunity to read that book.  I
hope he enjoyed it, and I hope that before he dies, he will actually get to
know a Palestinian.  God must not mind apartheid.  Prudy

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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] Part of the Plague?

2001-08-05 Thread Aleisha Saba

Revenge of a sort - look at the horrific punishment to be inflicted by a

This verse note how the kids dress today - rings and things, body
adorned with so much metal they probably set off every alarm at an
airport should they have to pass through a metal detector?

Willow - another poison for the public?   Prolonged use over period of
time - anyway, watch out for the witches brew for there is always a
Borgia in the White House or the Vatican - or maybe in your loca
supermarket herbal remedies department?

Part of a massive conspiracy?   Well - shades of Isaiah it is one of the
promises for excessive vanity and sodomy is even noted in this chapter.


The King James Bible
at the Electronic Text Center, University of Virginia
Isaiah, chapter 3
1: For, behold, the Lord, the LORD of hosts, doth take away from
Jerusalem and from Judah the stay and the staff, the whole stay of
bread, and the whole stay of water,
2: The mighty man, and the man of war, the judge, and the prophet, and
the prudent, and the ancient,
3: The captain of fifty, and the honourable man, and the counseller,
and the cunning artificer, and the eloquent orator.
4: And I will give children to be their princes, and babes shall rule
over them.
5: And the people shall be oppressed, every one by another, and every
one by his neighbour: the child shall behave himself proudly against the
ancient, and the base against the honourable.
6: When a man shall take hold of his brother of the house of his
father, saying, Thou hast clothing, be thou our ruler, and let this ruin
be under thy hand:
7: In that day shall he swear, saying, I will not be an healer; for in
my house is neither bread nor clothing: make me not a ruler of the
8: For Jerusalem is ruined, and Judah is fallen: because their tongue
and their doings are against the LORD, to provoke the eyes of his glory.
9: The shew of their countenance doth witness against them; and they
declare their sin as Sodom, they hide it not. Woe unto their soul! for
they have rewarded evil unto themselves.
10: Say ye to the righteous, that it shall be well with him: for they
shall eat the fruit of their doings.
11: Woe unto the wicked! it shall be ill with him: for the reward of
his hands shall be given him.
12: As for my people, children are their oppressors, and women rule
over them. O my people, they which lead thee cause thee to err, and
destroy the way of thy paths.
13: The LORD standeth up to plead, and standeth to judge the people.
14: The LORD will enter into judgment with the ancients of his people,
and the princes thereof: for ye have eaten up the vineyard; the spoil of
the poor is in your houses.
15: What mean ye that ye beat my people to pieces, and grind the faces
of the poor? saith the LORD GOD of hosts.
16: Moreover the LORD saith, Because the daughters of Zion are
haughty, and walk with stretched forth necks and wanton eyes, walking
and mincing as they go, and making a tinkling with their feet:
17: Therefore the LORD will smite with a scab the crown of the head of
the daughters of Zion, and the LORD will discover their secret parts.
18: In that day the Lord will take away the bravery of their tinkling
ornaments about their feet, and their cauls, and their round tires like
the moon,

19: The chains, and the bracelets, and the mufflers,

20: The bonnets, and the ornaments of the legs, and the headbands, and
the tablets, and the earrings,

21: The rings, and nose jewels,

22: The changeable suits of apparel, and the mantles, and the wimples,
and the crisping pins,

23: The glasses, and the fine linen, and the hoods, and the vails.
24: And it shall come to pass, that instead of sweet smell there shall
be stink; and instead of a girdle a rent; and instead of well set hair
baldness; and instead of a stomacher a girding of sackcloth; and burning
instead of beauty.

25: Thy men shall fall by the sword, and thy mighty in the war.
26: And her gates shall lament and mourn; and she being desolate shall
sit upon the ground.

SABA NOTE:   Beware  for my bible calendar code never fails.


Re: [CTRL] Sharon in Festive Mood

2001-08-05 Thread thew

-Caveat Lector-

its horrible - accidental killing of children

more horrible is strapping a bomb to yourself and blowing up children in a
schoolbus on purpose. or blowing up a shopping center in the middle of city,
where all targets are civilian. or a disco

Pluralitas non est ponenda sine neccesitate
William of Occam

NEURONAUTIC INSTITUTE on-line: http://home.earthlink.net/~thew

 Reply-To: Conspiracy Theory Research List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: Sun, 5 Aug 2001 13:52:00 +0100
 Subject: Re: [CTRL] Sharon in Festive Mood

 israel give the impression by their actions (it would be a miracle if
 sending missiles into a suburban area DIDN'T kill civilians) that while they
 may not be 'festive' about the killings- they certainly don't seem to give a
 fuck if they die or not.  where is the showing of any regret about the
 deaths of the children?

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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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[CTRL] Fwd: Egypt In The Era of Thieves

2001-08-05 Thread Aleisha Saba

Egypt in Era of Thieves - they got to be kidding. What we called
archeology discoveries others might call grave robbing but oh the
hidden treasures we found and the things that were stashed away and
where you find gold, you find uranium in same straing - like Desert Fox
(take us the little foxes, please take them) Rommel he headed for the
pyramids with his panzer tanks and it took the USA to root him out.
What this world needs today are 5 George  Pattons but why try to start
another war with Egypt?You see someone does everything possible to
break up USA friendships with Arab countries?In Genesis God knew
where all the gold and stuff was and carefully recorded it - like big
geography book.

Remember Sirhan Bishara Sirhan in his diary wrote Long Live
Nasser..as he plotted to murder Robert Fitzgerald Kennedy (so
written but his name was Robert Francis Kennedy).wonder what is
really under that pile of rocks they call, Pyramids?

Lots of gold was stashed by Jesuits and other archeologists of the day
. buried treasures?  During what was alleged to be the millennium,
the Israelis claimed they really owned the pyramids?

Pyramid on back of dollar bill more equated to King Tuts in Vegas, than
Valley of Kings.

So forward Titanic - somehow I cannot get this High Priestess of the
Temple of Ay who was aboard ship - not in cargo so not listed in most
important books but this High Priestess was in the care of the Captain
and it was said he was acting very strange that night..Code Word
abord Titanic, OLD MAN...Psalm 69 and OLD Man mean something to
those, in the know.

So now someone trying to stir up more trouble - and Egypt again?   When
the USS Liberty was bombed and napalmed by the Israelis it was said they
would blame the bombing on the Egyptians, but they got caught as they
could not sink this great ship though they tried for over 45 minutes?

As Laborer in Vineyard said - you tend to you business and let me tend
to my business..why is MER attempting to stir up more trouble.

Welcome Back NetanyahuMan of Peace?


   ___      __
  /  |/  /  /___/  / /_ //M I D - E A S T   R E A L I T I E S
 / /|_/ /  /_/_   / /\\ Making Sense of the Middle East
/_/  /_/  /___/  /_/  \\©http://www.MiddleEast.Org 
 News, Information,  Analysis That Governments, Interest Groups, 
 and the Corporate Media Don't Want You To Know! 
 - - - - - - - - - - -
 To receive MER regularly and free just email to [EMAIL PROTECTED]



   I am asking the United States and the European
   countries which give aid to Egypt to form a 
   committee to evaluate the fortune amassed by 
   Mubarak and his family.  The Mubarak era will 
   be known in the history of Egypt as the era of thieves.

MID-EAST REALITIES © - www.MiddleEast.Org - Washington - 8/05:
The Egypt of Hosni Mubarak and associates has terribly betrayed itself.   It is a 
regime of sadistic torture and omnipresent corruption.  It is a country of gross 
repression and escalating fear.  And to a certain extent all this is at least in part 
the legacy of the Camp David agreement Egypt was tricked and bribed into signing two 
decades ago, and for which Anwar Sadat was assassinated by his own soldiers on 
military parade.  Among the reasons the Egypt of Hosni Mubarak has fronted all these 
bloody years for the Americans, and even today continues to have diplomatic relations 
with Israel, is because today's Egypt -- unlike the Egypt of Nasser or Sadat, it's two 
other major Presidents since the Revolution in the early 50s that toppled the monarchy 
-- is easily blackmailed into obedience.   Here are some of the reasons why...just the 
proverbial tip of the iceberg however.

By Andrew Borowiecz
[GENEVA - THE WASHINGTON TIMES - 4 August] -- The most senior official to defect from 
Egypt in recent years has begun a campaign to discredit the regime of President Hosni 
Mubarak, charging it is riddled with corruption and using torture to silence 

While awaiting political asylum in Switzerland, Mohammed Ghanam, former police colonel 
and chairman of the Directorate of Legal Research in the Egyptian Interior Ministry, 
intends to carry his crusade to Belgian courts against the dictator and his regime of 

In speaking out, Mr. Ghanam joins critics, including leading human rights groups, who 
have long attacked Mr. Mubarak -- the United States' leading ally in the Arab world.

Mr. Ghanam said in an interview that the U.S. Embassy in Cairo 

Re: [CTRL] Something Rotten In The State Of Israel

2001-08-05 Thread thew

-Caveat Lector-

this is factually inaccurate

it was the muftis who refused to share the homeland
-- -- --  -- --
Planet spins - so do I
   neo-sufi wisdom

NEURONAUTIC INSTITUTE on-line: http://home.earthlink.net/~thew

 From: Prudence L. Kuhn [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reply-To: Conspiracy Theory Research List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: Sat, 4 Aug 2001 08:02:04 EDT
 Subject: Re: [CTRL] Something Rotten In The State Of Israel

 places.  First of all the bad consciences of the allied leaders at the end of
 WWII and then in the decisions of some highly placed Israeli leaders who
 decided that they were not going to share the homeland they had finally
 gotten their hands on.  Di

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Re: [CTRL] Sharon in Festive Mood

2001-08-05 Thread Aleisha Saba

-Caveat Lector-

Hey Yardbird - he would kill the messenger for giving report ...for
who has believed this report?   Well most people who read it would
consider it typical Sharon garbage.

Mass murderers are like that - but Yardbird, you are being blamed for
writing the story?

Now if I had written the story I would have added the pictures of the
murdered children .but what is the difference between Sharon and
Bill Clinton at Waco - as Clinton said,  The Davidians murdered

They would not fall under crack of the whip; they refused to be run off
their land like American Indian.they fought back and lo and behold
most of the feds killed were guys who had worked for Clinton and knew
many of his secrets?

Will have to send you Joshua's Rules of Engagement as outlined by ADL
where their flunkees are told to discredit anybody anywhere who dares to
oppose their own peculiar line of thoughtfor that is Zionism - the
Chosen Ones.but as is also recorded Wel will not have that garbage
rule over us.   and I mean US.

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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Re: [CTRL] Christian group enters Palestinian village to shieldpeople fromIsraelis (fwd)

2001-08-05 Thread Aleisha Saba

-Caveat Lector-

Hey Joshua - how you doing asshole..

Order of the Lily

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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] Joshua says Israelies sophisticaed, educated and not trailer trash?

2001-08-05 Thread Aleisha Saba

Well Joshua, you little twerp nobody - take that ADL shit and shove it.

Now even though you closed the Case on the USS Liberty I am sending this
beautiful web site for your consideration.

Under the subject line is a beautiful Military Site with lots of
information submitted by TRUE BLUE AMERICANS



For the attack on the USS Liberty was worse than the sneak attack at
Pearl Harbor for these Isralies - well did these men die in vain under
friendly fire,So as Mordecai so wished upon Hamon let it come
upon Mordecai?

As I said Joshua this time the peacemakers will come with great big Uzis
and maybe provide an equalizer for the Palestinians who are being
slaughtered by the Zionists.

What is happening - people beginning to realize as Prince Faisal (head
of Intelligence) sent out in report that 1 in 5 in the world are
Moslems.are their votes beginning to count as do the Hispanic vote

Is the Great Coalition of Gay Pride, NAACP,  and Gypsies been overdone -
turned loose against White America in particular Christian White

So like Hibernians, see you in the Spring Joshua or maybe early Fall?

Order of the Lily

Assault on the Liberty
  A summary
The following is based upon the dust cover summary from Assault on the
Liberty by James M. Ennes, Jr.
   In June 1967, jet aircraft and motor torpedo boats of Israel brutally
assaulted an American naval vessel, the USS Liberty, in international
waters off the Sinai Peninsula in the Mediterranean Sea.  The attack was
preceded by more than six hours of intense low-level surveillance by
Israeli photo-reconnaissance aircraft, which buzzed the intelligence
ship thirteen times, sometimes flying as low as 200 feet directly
overhead. The reconnaissance pilots were heard by intercept operators in
Germany and in Lebanon reporting to their headquarters that they could
see an American flag and men sunbathing on deck.
   The carefully orchestrated assault that followed was initiated by
high-performance jet aircraft, was followed up by slower and more
maneuverable jets carrying napalm, and was finally turned over to lethal
torpedo boats which fired five torpedoes.  Four missed.  The one torpedo
that hit the ship blasted a forty-foot hole in the ship's side.
   The attack lasted more than two hours -- killing 34 Americans and
wounding 171 others -- and inflicted 821 rocket and machine-gun holes.
And when the Liberty stubbornly remained afloat despite her damage,
Israeli forces machine-gunned her life rafts and sent troop-carrying
helicopters in to finish the job.  During the attack, radio intercept
operators in Lebanon heard one Israeli pilot identifying the ship as
American.  He was told to ignore the flag and continue his attack.
   Before the ship arrived in the area, U.S. Sixth Fleet Commander
Admiral William Martin promised to provide air support within ten
minutes if an emergency arose.  Yet when the ship did come under attack,
the White House blocked any air rescue for more than 90 minutes.
Officers on the bridge of the aircraft carrier Saratoga heard Liberty's
radio operators calling for help while bombs burst in the background,
but were forbidden to help.  When Navy jet aircraft were finally
authorized to come to the ship's aid, the Israeli government suddenly
ended the attack and withdrew.  Only then did the identity of the
assailants become known.
   Details of the attack were hushed up in both countries.  Israel
claimed that her forces mistook the Liberty for an Egyptian ship, and
our government publicly accepted that excuse despite evidence to the
contrary.  Meanwhile, in top secret diplomatic mail, US Secretary of
State Dean Rusk accused the Israelis of demonstrating blatant disregard
for human life and said that the attack was no accident.  Then our
government downplayed the intensity of the surveillance and the severity
of the attack, and imposed a news blackout to keep the official story
under control.  The official version is that the Liberty was
reconnoitered only three times and then only from great distance.  The
American people were told that the air attack lasted only five minutes
and that it was followed by a single torpedo and an immediate apology
and offer of assistance.
   The story has continued to fester for nearly thirty years.  During
that time numerous senior members of the Lyndon Johnson administration,
in office at the time, have come forward to say that the attack was no
accident.  These include former Secretary of State Dean Rusk; former
Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Admiral Tom Moorer; former NSA chief
General Marshall Carter and his deputy, Dr. Lou Tordella; former White
House Press Secretary George Christian; former US Ambassador to Lebanon
Dwight Porter who 

Re: [CTRL] Sharon in Festive Mood

2001-08-05 Thread c.

-Caveat Lector-

yeah- it is all horrible- but i suggest that missiles + suburban area =
civilian casulties. the deaths cannot be considered accidental. they are all
you cannot win a war with suicide bombers. it is akin to a cry for help from
a powerless individual- hoping to draw attention to the problem by extreme
means- self harm or harming others in a spectacular, extreme way.
 the reality is a powerless, oppressed, ghettoised population making futile
gestures of opposition against an *intensely* funded modern army.

none of israel's apologists wish to comment on whether israel should obey
the UN resolutions.
i would also like to know this-  if israel have such peaceful intentions to
the situation- then why do they not allow independent observers observe the

- Original Message -
Sent: Sunday, August 05, 2001 3:06 PM
Subject: Re: [CTRL] Sharon in Festive Mood

 -Caveat Lector-

 its horrible - accidental killing of children

 more horrible is strapping a bomb to yourself and blowing up children in a
 schoolbus on purpose. or blowing up a shopping center in the middle of
 where all targets are civilian. or a disco
 Pluralitas non est ponenda sine neccesitate
 William of

 NEURONAUTIC INSTITUTE on-line: http://home.earthlink.net/~thew

  Reply-To: Conspiracy Theory Research List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Date: Sun, 5 Aug 2001 13:52:00 +0100
  Subject: Re: [CTRL] Sharon in Festive Mood
  israel give the impression by their actions (it would be a miracle if
  sending missiles into a suburban area DIDN'T kill civilians) that while
  may not be 'festive' about the killings- they certainly don't seem to
give a
  fuck if they die or not.  where is the showing of any regret about the
  deaths of the children?

 A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
 CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing
 screeds are unwelcomed. Substancenot soap-boxingplease!  These are
 sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'with its many half-truths, mis-
 directions and outright fraudsis used politically by different groups with
 major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and
 That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
 always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
 credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

 Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Joyce Chiang Timeline

2001-08-05 Thread RevCOAL

-Caveat Lector-

FACTS: Joyce was last seen on Saturday, January 9 around 8:30pm. She went
to work that day at INS headquarters around 2pm, then went with 2 female
friends to see a movie. The two friends decided to go to dinner, but
dropped Joyce off near Connecticut and R Streets in Dupont Circle because
she had a telephone call to make. She lives about 2 blocks from the dropoff
point with her brother Roger,


Chiang, 28, is a lawyer for the Immigration and Naturalization Service. She
was last seen Jan. 9, after a friend dropped her off at 19th Street and
Connecticut Avenue NW, about three blocks from the apartment she shared
with a younger brother, Roger, in the 1700 block of Church Street NW, near
Dupont Circle.


But, first, the Immigration and Naturalization Service lawyer needed a hot
cup of tea. The temperature had dropped to 24 degrees since she left the
apartment she shared with her younger brother that morning. Chiang craved
something warm to sip.

So she asked a girlfriend, with whom she had just had dinner, to drop her
off at Connecticut Avenue and R Street NW, across the street from
Starbucks. Chiang's petite frame was covered by her hooded, thigh-length,
green suede coat. Around her neck was a red paisley scarf; a black scarf
was layered over the hood of her coat.

At 8:20 p.m., she exited her friend's car and started across the
intersection surrounded by bustling restaurants, two coffee shops, a church
and a movie theater. She planned to buy her tea and walk the five blocks to
her home.

Well now, we go from it being a 2-block walk to it being a 3-block walk
to it being a 5-block walk...so which was it?

We also go from a version that she went to work and then to the movies
with friends, but declined to go to dinner with them because she wanted
to make a phone call to someone...to a version where she DID have dinner
with them, and then got dropped off to make the supposed phone call...

So where did the friends head off to at that point?  If they indeed had
had dinner, then it seems conceivable that the friends planned to go
partying at some clubs.  If Joyce Chiang only planned to call a friend to
wish him well in the play he was starring in, why would she have had to
call it a night?  Even if she and her friends hadn't had dinner, one
would have thought that Chiang would have said something like Why don't
you go ahead, I have to make a phone call to a friend, but I'll meet you
later at...?

If they indeed HAD had dinner together, then it would seem more likely
that Chiang would have made plans to meet her friends at the club
later...if indeed the phonecall to the acting friend in San Francisco WAS
the real reason she wished to be dropped off...

Which seems questionable.  I might buy the story that a Chinese-American
woman might want to be dropped off at Starbucks to buy a cup of tea and
walk two blocks back to her apartment with it in 24-degree weather...but
I find it highly suspicious that she would do so if the walk were indeed
FIVE blocks.  The tea would be cold by then.

And we are to believe that a Chinese-American woman, living with her
Chinese-American brother, did NOT have tea in her own apartment?

She perhaps DID order tea at Starbucks, but it is more likely that she
also DRANK it there...while waiting to meet someone?  Or perhaps the
person was already there, and Chiang drank her tea as she talked to this
other person...

Roger Chiang, who said he does not believe he is being treated as a
suspect, said his polygraph test was inconclusive.

An interesting contrast to Gary Condit, who is obviously at least hiding
something, if not outright directly involved in Chandra Levy's
disappearance, and who supposedly 'passed' the test administered by their
handpicked polygraph 'expert'...

Jan. 9 had been a productive and ordinary Saturday for Chiang. She stopped
by the office to finish some work before heading to Pentagon City to run
errands at the mall.

At 4 p.m., she met a friend, Patty First, a lawyer at the Department of
Justice, and a co-worker for coffee at Xando, also at Connecticut Avenue
and R Street. There, the three women caught up with each other's lives over
coffee and peanut butter cookies.

Okay, in a previous news article in this post, it was stated that Chiang
went into work at about 2pm...if that is the correct time, it would seem
that she did little actual work there, if she could than do errands at a
mall and then meet friends at 4pm

Could it be that Chiang just needed to pick something up at the office?
Something which she perhaps later that evening passed along to someone
else?  Or had taken from her?

She was tired because she had had a long week and had been sick over
Christmas, First said. But she was still Joyce: funny and a little zany.
It was so cold that day. She had her hood up and the drawstrings really
tight around her face.

If she was feeling the cold that badly, it again makes the premise that
she bought tea at Starbucks to 

[CTRL] Amnesty International advocates prosecuting Israeli war criminal (fwd)

2001-08-05 Thread Yardbird

-Caveat Lector-


Amnesty International advocates prosecuting Israeli war criminal

Occupied Jerusalem: 5 August, 2001 (IAP News) - The London-based human
rights organization, Amnesty International, has expressed support for the
ongoing efforts in Denmark to prosecute Carmi Gillon, an Israeli war
criminal who had personally practiced and continues to advocate physical
and psychological torture on Palestinian political prisoners.

The Danish newspaper, Poltikan, reported on Sunday that Amnesty
international was supporting the idea of bringing Gillon to trial in
Denmark or wherever possible for his role in torturing Palestinian

The paper said the final decision to press charges against Gillon would
have to be made at a conference to be held in Senegal in September.

Last month, scores of Palestinian victims of torture made graphic
testimonies on how they were tortured by professional torturers at
Gillon's direct instructions when he was head of Israel's notorious
General Security Service, known as Shabak or Shin Bet.

Israel is the only country in the world where torture is sanctioned by the

Since 1967, when Israel occupied the West Bank and Gaza Strip, hundreds of
Palestinians died of torture in Israeli jails.

The intensive use of torture in Israeli jails is aimed at achieving two
purposes, extracting confessions from inmates and punishing them for their
political views, e.g. opposing Israeli military occupation of their

Proudly Serving Palestine and AlQuds
Islamic Association for Palestine (IAP)
10661 South Roberts Rd, Suite 202 Palos Hills, IL 60465
Tel: 708 974 3380 / Fax: 708 974 3389 /Pager: 1 800 916 8286
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[CTRL] Poly Tics

2001-08-05 Thread Jeanne S

"Politics is the business of getting power and privilege without possessing 

- P. 
J. O'Rourke

[CTRL] FC: Corrupt Michigan cops abuse police database to stalk, harass (fwd)

2001-08-05 Thread Yardbird

-Caveat Lector-

[According to the third Detroit Free Press story, a cop who stalked a woman
using his access to police databases was suspended for a day without pay.
That'll teach 'em! --Declan]

Subject: Michigan cops abusing database
Date: Sat, 04 Aug 2001 02:08:36

www.governing.com/news had a link to a freep article that may be of
interest to politechnicals.  The first two links are the story, and the
third is an account of a truly creepy cop stalking someone he met while on

Newspaper: Police Abuse Database
Police throughout Michigan, entrusted with the personal and confidential
information in a state law enforcement database, have used it to stalk
women, threaten motorists and settle scores. Over the past five years, more
than 90 Michigan police officers, dispatchers, federal agents and security
guards have abused the Law Enforcement Information Network, according to a
Detroit Free Press examination of LEIN records and police reports.
More: Detroit Free Press

Ed Walker

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[CTRL] Anti-Immigration Sentiment Rising

2001-08-05 Thread Yardbird

-Caveat Lector-


Anti-Immigration Sentiment Rising

DEBORAH KONG, AP Minority Issues Writer

A group in North Carolina plans to protest the ``overwhelming number of illegal 
Hispanic workers invading the area.'' A California coalition urges people to lobby 
against giving legal status to undocumented immigrants.

And on New York's Long Island, the topic at a conference this weekend is the ``illegal 
immigration disaster.

''Sparked by changing demographics, examples of anti-immigration sentiment seem to be 
cropping up with increasing frequency around the country.

Observers say much of the hard feeling is directed at Hispanics, whose numbers grew 58 
percent to more than 35 million in the last decade, according to census figures.

Anti-immigration advocates feel newcomers lower wages, increase unemployment, 
pollution, traffic and crime, and strain hospitals, parks and energy resources.

They're also upset that President Bush (news - web sites) is weighing a proposal to 
grant legal residency to some undocumented Mexicans in the United States.

``It's because it's getting more in your face,'' said Gordon Lee Baum, head of the 
Council of Conservative Citizens, which says it has 25,000 members.

``All of the sudden they see it happening in their community.

 They wake up one morning like the people at the Alamo, and say 'Where did the 
Mexicans come from?'''Lisa Navarrete, a spokeswoman for the National Council of La 
Raza, a Hispanic advocacy group, said community organizations report violence against 
Hispanics is growing, although La Raza does not formally track such crimes.

``By appealing to people's darker natures, you're going to provoke those people who 
are more inclined to violence,'' Navarrete said.

Tension has already boiled over in some places.

In the middle-class community of Farmingville, on Long Island, a county official 
vetoed a proposal last spring to build a hiring center for day laborers.

 The workers, many of them undocumented Mexicans, congregate in Farmingville seeking 
work in landscaping, painting and construction.

Last September, two Mexican day laborers were beaten, allegedly by two men posing as 

 One of the men, Christopher Slavin, is now on trial in Suffolk County Criminal Court.

``The backlash came the minute they walked across the border,'' said Ray Wysolmierski, 
a spokesman for Sachem Quality of Life Organization, the Farmingville citizens group 
that is sponsoring this weekend's conference on illegal immigration.

In June, a Minnesota man was sentenced to more than seven years in prison for 
first-degree assault after hitting a Salvadoran immigrant in the head with a piece of 

 Prosecutors said the man decided to attack after hearing the immigrant speak Spanish.

And in Arizona, hundreds of ranchers are patrolling their lands along the border, 
detaining immigrants and turning them over to the Border Patrol, said Roger Barnett, 
who carries a pistol while cruising his 22,000-acre Douglas ranch.

``They don't need to be on my place, and they don't need to be in this country,'' 
Barnett said.

 ``Our government is doing nothing about it.

''While such dramatic examples of anti-immigrant sentiment are sporadic, observers say 
the feeling has manifested itself in other ways.  The Newton, N. C. , rally later this 
month will protest an ``alien invasion,'' as well as the North American Free Trade 
Agreement and trade with China.

 The event is being sponsored by the local chapter of the Council of Conservative 
Citizens. In February 2000, David Duke told Siler City, N. C. , residents their town 
will be overrun by a wave of immigration from Mexico.

Messages like that are painful to immigrants, said Ilana Dubester, director of Siler 
City's Hispanic Liaison.

 ``They are trying to adjust, working really hard, they have their families, they go 
to church, and yet somehow are not made to feel welcome,'' she said. Some groups are 
using billboard campaigns to criticize immigration.

A few miles from the state line between California and Arizona, a billboard sponsored 
by the California Coalition for Immigration Reform reads ``Welcome to California, the 
illegal immigration state.  Don't let this happen to your state. ''A second, near 
Porterville, Calif. says, ``Deport all illegal aliens.  The job you save may be your 

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[CTRL] Hobgoblins! Save Us!

2001-08-05 Thread kl
-Caveat Lector-

Hobgoblins! Save Us!
by James Waddell

"The whole aim of practical politics is to keep
the populace alarmed, and hence clamorous to be
led to safety, by menacing it with an endless
series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary."
~ H.L. Mencken, 1923

In J.R.R Tolkien's novel The Hobbit, the wizard Gandalf warns
Bilbo that the Grey Mountains are "simply stiff with goblins,
hobgoblins, and orcs of the worst description".

In Mencken's time, hobgoblins also ran wild. But they were
of a different sort. The demon Alcohol had people clamoring
for Prohibition, enough that a Constitutional amendment was
actually passed to ban it. The horrible fiends Capitalism
and Business scared people enough that they embraced The
New Deal, a government intrusion into the economy which would
have been unimaginable a few decades earlier.

Mencken would have no trouble recognizing today's hobgoblins.
Global warming. Pesticides. Industrial chemicals.
Biotechnology (for that matter, just about anything that
makes our lives easier, or our food cheaper and more abundant).
Cell-phones (remember they were supposed to cause brain cancer?
And now they are the only cause of auto accidents that anyone
seems concerned about. Verizon must have fallen behind in their
campaign contributions). Second-hand smoke. Suburban sprawl.
HMOs. Guns. Drugs. Income inequality (yes, a shameless,
self-promoting link to one of my earlier articles). Microsoft.
Saddam Hussien. China. Trade Deficits. Even bad airline service
(remember the "Airline Passenger's Bill of Rights"?)!

They come in all shapes and sizes, but they all have something
in common. They are used by politicians (and their allies in
the media) to frighten people into thinking that something
must be done (by the government, of course). The result is
that politicians solidify and expand their power, and we lose
our liberties. And, almost without exception, the government's
action makes the problem worse, and thus enables them to call
for further action. And so we have gun-control laws that make
our streets less safe, chemical bans that make us less healthy,
and a foreign policy that endangers, rather than protects,
our citizens.

Global warming is one scare whose persistence has mystified
me. The basic claim of the global warmers is so easy to debunk,
that I can't understand why I still have to hear about it. By
now, global warming should have gone the way of its cousin,
global cooling (which was all the rage 25 years ago, as
scientists told us we were headed into another ice age).

Here are the basics on global warming. The Earth has warmed
over the last century, but most of that warming occurred
before 1940, when many fewer cars roamed the earth. From
1940 to 1975, a cooling period took place. Since then, the
temperature has been relatively stable. So, the impact of
human activity on the earth's temperature would seem minimal.
Yes, ground-based measurements do show warming in recent
decades, but these measurements suffer from what is known
as the urban heat island effect. In simple terms, this means
that most temperatures are measured in urban areas, often at
airports. As urban areas have grown, more acreage has been
paved over. Anyone who has ever walked across a parking lot
in July in bare feet knows what happens to asphalt in the
sun. It gets real hot. So, the fact that urban, ground-based
temperature measurements show warming is really rather

Satellite measurements, which are not affected by asphalt,
are more interesting. They actually show a (small) cooling
over the past 20 years. There you have it. Theory debunked.
All of this information has been available for at least
three or four years now (look it up yourself), yet we still
have to listen to European politicians whining about George
Bush's rather tepid opposition to Kyoto. His concerns about
how much the Kyoto treaty will cost are valid, but they miss
the real target. Global warming is a hobgoblin, and a rather
easy one to slay at that.

I don't have a magic solution on how stop the hobgoblins. Nor
do I think one exists. As long as men seek power, they will
use fear as a means to obtain that power. So, new hobgoblins
will appear all the time, and many old ones will get
resurrected. But when they do, give my approach a try. As
soon as I hear about a new scare, I immediately assume that
it's phony. The scarier it sounds, the more I am sure that
there is absolutely nothing to it. I then read about it as
the weeks pass by, and see if any real facts appear that
might change my mind. It almost never happens. Hobgoblins,
after all, are just imaginary.


Best Wishes

History would be an excellent thing if only it were true.
- Leo Tolstoy, Russian author (1828-1910).

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[CTRL] Israeli helicopters assassinate Palestinian student in Tulkarm (fwd)

2001-08-05 Thread Yardbird

-Caveat Lector-


Israeli helicopters assassinate Palestinian student in Tulkarm

Occupied Jerusalem: 5 August, 2001 (IAP News) - An Israeli apache
helicopter gunship fired six missiles at the car of a Palestinian student
activist in Tuklarm Sunday afternoon, killing him instantly.

Palestinian sources identified the latest victim of Israeli
state-sponsored terror as 23-year-old Amer Mansour al-Khederi.

The sources said a-Khederi, a junior at the Open University of Alqods, was
active in the student movement and affiliated with the Islamic student

The Israeli army admitted that it assassinated al Khedeiri, charging that
he was involved in the resistance against the Israeli military occupation.

Israel has been using the assassination policy against Palestinian
intifada activists struggling to end 33 years of brutal Israeli

Israel labels as terrorist any and every Palestinian opposed to the
Israeli occupation, which means that the Jewish political-military
establishment views effectively the entire Palestinian people as
terrorists who ought to be annihilated.

Hence, since the beginning of the Palestinian intifada more than 9 months
ago, Israeli troops, airforce, and para-military Jewish terrorists
assassinated and murdered nearly 600 Palestinians, a third of them
children and minors, for resisting the occupation.

Israel is an apartheid state. However, unlike the disgraced former
apartheid regime in South Africa, Israeli apartheid policies and practices
enjoy full American backing due to Jewish control of the Congress of the
United States.

Proudly Serving Palestine and AlQuds
Islamic Association for Palestine (IAP)
10661 South Roberts Rd, Suite 202 Palos Hills, IL 60465
Tel: 708 974 3380 / Fax: 708 974 3389 /Pager: 1 800 916 8286
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[CTRL] Hamas says will fight Jewish terror with honorable resistance (fwd)

2001-08-05 Thread Yardbird

-Caveat Lector-


Hamas says will fight Jewish terror with honorable resistance

Occupied Jerusalem: 5 August, 2001 (IAP News) - Hamas on Sunday reiterated
its resolve to fight Jewish terror with honorable resistance.

A spokesman for Hamas in Nablus said in a press interview that we have no
choice but to defend and protect our people…the world couldn't withstand
the evils of German Nazism, likewise, we can't withstand the evils of
Jewish Nazism, which is more diabolical and more Satanic than German

The spokesman, who asked for anonymity for obvious reasons, added ours is
a struggle of the oppressed and the tormented…our enemy has superior
weapons and the United States at its disposal, but we have the truth on
our side, and we shall prevail eventually.

He went on describing the recent spate of murder and terror by the Israeli
state as a reflection of political and ideological bankruptcy.

They (Israel) have reached a dead-end at the ideological and political
levels, and now they are reverting to classical Zionism, namely the
wholesale killing of men, women and children. And they use American media,
which they control, to disseminate their lies about the atrocities they
carry out against our people….but, at the end, they will be defeated.

Meanwhile, Hamas spiritual leader Sheikh Ahmed Yasin said Hamas was
determined to continue the resistance against Israel's domination and

The problem with the Jews is that they think that their blood is superior
to our blood…this malignant racism is the root of all evils in this
region, Yasin said.

Palestinian blood is not cheaper than that of Israelis, the Israeli
people must understand this, he further stated.

Proudly Serving Palestine and AlQuds
Islamic Association for Palestine (IAP)
10661 South Roberts Rd, Suite 202 Palos Hills, IL 60465
Tel: 708 974 3380 / Fax: 708 974 3389 /Pager: 1 800 916 8286
http://www.iap.org E-mails:[EMAIL PROTECTED] or [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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[CTRL] Israeli targeted attacks

2001-08-05 Thread c.

-Caveat Lector-

well- it is looking bad now that the bbc avoid assassination and now say
targeted attack. depressing really... but they do mention that sharon has
reiterated the no outside observers policy. tosser. the sooner he is
assassinated the better.


Israel has killed more than 60 Palestinian activists in targeted attacks
since the start of the intifada, or uprising, more than 10 months ago. 

Well, Kyle, I just don't trust anything that bleeds for four days and
doesn't die.

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[CTRL] Fwd: Your Tax Dollars at Work

2001-08-05 Thread Kris Millegan


HERMANN BECKER-FREYSING and SIEGFRIED RUFF; These two, along with Blome,
were among the 23 defendants in the Nuremberg War Trials Medical Case.
Becker-Freysing was convicted and sentenced to 20 years in prison for
conducting experiments on Dachau inmates, such as starving them, then
force-feeding them seawater that had been chemically altered to make it
drinkable. Ruff was acquitted (in a close decision) on charges that he had
killed as many as 80 Dachau inmates in a low-pressure chamber designed to
simulate altitudes in excess of 60,000 feet. Before their trial,
Becker-Freysing and Ruff were paid by the Army Air Force to write reports
about their grotesque experiments.

[CTRL] Fwd: [narconews] Rolling Stone: Narco News is Hot

2001-08-05 Thread Kris Millegan

 Yahoo! Groups Sponsor -~--
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August 5, 2001

Dear Colleagues,

We hear that the Rolling Stone Summer Hot Issue is now on newstands in North
America with a feature on yours truly and Narco News.

Of course, the magazine takes longer to reach way down here, somewhere in a
country called América, so we have a request for anyone near a newsstand
today, Sunday, August 5th. Please scan the page (we hear it's page 92) and
email it as attachment (.jpg preferred) to [EMAIL PROTECTED] so that we
can share it with our readers.

Stay tuned as later this week a major US daily breaks news regarding the
Drug War on Trial case.

Also, we now have new stories and commentaries online in Issue #13 of the
Narco News Bulletin:

-- Canadian Correspondent Alejandro Busto: Canada Moves Toward

-- Carlos Ramirez on new moves by Swiss prosecutors vs. former Mexican
president Carlos Salinas and family for drug money laundering

-- Peru Correspondent Peter Gorman on how Ecuador is gearing up for war in
neighboring Colombia

Plus new links to key Narco News throughout the hemisphere:


Hot for freedom, liberty and justice,

from somewhere in a country called América,

Al Giordano
The Narco News Bulletin

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[CTRL] (Fwd) [infowars] Hemp Aid, Roach Roast, Rainbow Farm High Ti

2001-08-05 Thread kl
-Caveat Lector-
--- Forwarded message follows ---
From:   "Max Baer Robinson" [EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date sent:  Sun, 5 Aug 2001 13:35:46 -0500
Send reply to:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject:  [infowars] Hemp Aid, Roach Roast, Rainbow Farm  High Times - PLEASE FORWARD!

[ Double-click this line for list subscription options ]

I found this today on the High Times web site under the "Activist
Calendar" section and I would like to remind everyone that Tom Crosslin
(owner of Rainbow Farms Campground Inc.) ripped me off for a FULL seven
months of labor putting the first Hemp Aid together in 1997, thousands of
dollars (I didn't get a dime from the gate above my expenses), attempted to
steal my hemp activist connections, threatened me with violence (i.e.;
"breaking both my legs if I told anyone" - Up yours Tom), and didn't pay
for the security services provided by the Southern Michigan Militia for
Hemp Aid in 1997, and there have been various reports of him not paying
others who worked for him since as well.
Tom has to be worth way over a million dollars by now but look at the
ticket price and realize the funds raised do not go toward legalization
just in his pocket. I am appalled at High Times support of this tyrant,
rich, rip off, S.O.B. considering they know I hold the registered Service
Mark for Hemp Aid. Steve Hager actually got mad at me when I made him aware
of this. Oh, and they want full ticket price if you bring your dog, what a
rip off.




Madd Maxx-
Roach Roast 2001
Rainbow Farm

The annual Labor Day Blowout Show that only Rainbow Farm can deliver.

$65 per person includes camping and entertainment.
For More Information:
Web Site:http://www.rainbowfarmcampground.com/
Phone:  616-476-2808
Write:  59896 Pemberton rd. Vandalia,MI 49095

Attention Lake County, Indiana residents:
Please direct others in our county and state to
my new Liberate Lake County! web site by forwarding
these posts and leaving this sig file attached and/or
send everyone to: http://CheapestGas.tip.nu for
the lowest fuel prices and they’ll find the link!
Thanks in advance!

For liberty in our lifetimes,
by any means necessary,

- Max "Madd Maxx" Baer Robinson

"Those who make peaceful revolution impossible
will make violent revolution inevitable."
- John F. Kennedy (1917-1963).
Speech at White House, 13 Mar. 1962,
in Vital Speeches 1 Apr. 1962, p. 356

Keep your powder dry and aim for the face,
chances are they're wearing body armour.

Snail mail: Madd Maxx
P.O. Box 2412
Hammond, IN 46323

Phone: (219)844-5440
Web:   http://listen.to/maddmaxx

Link your organization’s site for Indiana to find:

Copyrights remain the property of their respected owners.
FAIR USE GUIDELINES APPLY: All material contained
herein is distributed under the fair use guidelines
(17 U.S.C. § 107, 1988 ed. and Supp. IV) for
educational, news and commentary purposes.

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--- End of forwarded message ---
Best Wishes

Anyway, no drug, not even alcohol, causes the fundamental ills of society. If we're looking for the source of our troubles, we shouldn't test people for drugs, we should test them for stupidity, ignorance, greed and love of power. ~~P.J. O'Rourke
www.ctrl.org DECLARATION  DISCLAIMER =CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis- directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.
Let us please be civil and 

[CTRL] An Israeli refusenik writing from jail

2001-08-05 Thread Yardbird

-Caveat Lector-

 Dozens of Yesh Gvul activists turned up at the August 2 vigil outside
 Military Prison 4 (Tzrifin), held in solidarity with jailed refuseniks
 David Haham- Herson, Alex Lyakas and Ishai Shgi.  Sympathisers
 included family members, one of Israel’s leading poets, Dalia
 Rabikovitch and recently released refusenik Idan Landau.  The
 protestors stood at the camp gates to hand out hundreds of leaflets to
 soldiers.  This activity evidently irritated the military authorities,
 and a posse of security guards tried – without success – to shove the
 protestors away.

 The parents of David Haham showed us a letter their son had written
 from jail, and we quote extracts:  “I am imprisoned over my refusal to
 take part in repression of the Palestinian people, because I feel it
 is out of the question to be a Jew, son of a people of refugees, and
 yet repress a people of refugees. I am a God-fearing Jew, and as such
 am forbidden to take part in denying the freedom of others.  Despite
 being jailed, I feel freer than most of the Israelis I’ve met because
 I don’t bear the burden of vindictiveness and the perverse
 gratification attending that feeling, of denial and callousness.”

 “I am filled with concern because I know that the howls of jubilation
 over the killings drown out the sobs of the numerous victims, Jews and
 Arabs, of the widows and orphans, of the cripples who will suffer for
 the rest of their lives for that conceit and callousness.”

 “I don’t think that my imprisonment releases me from responsibility.
 Even without serving in the army, I’d share responsibility for these
 actions. Precisely because I regard myself as sharing responsibility,
 I refuse to take part in the repression.”

 Finally, a word of thanks to our friends who have sent contributions
 to help finance the Yesh Gvul campaign: your assistance is most
 necessary and timely, and we are grateful.  Ahead of the Prison 4
 vigil we re-issued our call to Israeli soldiers warning them AGAINST
 TAKING PART IN WAR CRIMES, specifying as such a list of actions the
 IDF routinely mounts against the Palestinian population.  As the
 commercial press declines to publish such an appeal, we were obliged
 to put it in a paid advertisement - at a cost of $1,500.  That’s where
 your money went, and we hope you agree that it was to a worthy end.

 Peretz Kidron
 Ram Rahat


A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:
 A HREF=http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html;Archives of


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[CTRL] Freedom of Information

2001-08-05 Thread Jeanne S

I have been searching for info on past news 
articles and nothing is coming up in any of the search engines regarding the 
beating and robbery of aged migrant workers by teenage members of a hate group 
from Carmel Mountain Ranch. I have searched many metaengines and news 
resourcesites, etc. This is interesting as there was a lot of news 
coverage regarding this a couple of years ago. I went to the San Diego 
Union Tribune's website to search the archives and found the following 


"Because of a legal challenge to newspapers' rights to place some older 
articles in their electronic archives, The San Diego Union-Tribune has barred 
access to all of the archive's contents created prior to January 1, 2000. When 
the legal challenge is resolved or technical strategies are devised to block 
display of only the challenged articles, the pre-2000 contents of the archive 
may be restored." 


Shades of 1984?


Re: [CTRL] Freedom of Information

2001-08-05 Thread Bond

Sounds like it may be a unionized attack from the journalists?

- Original Message - 
From: Jeanne S 

I have been searching for info on past news 
articles and nothing is coming up in any of the search engines regarding the 
beating and robbery of aged migrant workers by teenage members of a hate group 
from Carmel Mountain Ranch. I have searched many metaengines and news 
resourcesites, etc. This is interesting as there was a lot of news 
coverage regarding this a couple of years ago. I went to the San Diego 
Union Tribune's website to search the archives and found the following 


"Because of a legal challenge to newspapers' rights to place some older 
articles in their electronic archives, The San Diego Union-Tribune has barred 
access to all of the archive's contents created prior to January 1, 2000. When 
the legal challenge is resolved or technical strategies are devised to block 
display of only the challenged articles, the pre-2000 contents of the archive 
may be restored." 


Shades of 1984?


Re: [CTRL] McCain, Lieberman call for action on global warming

2001-08-05 Thread Jeanne S

-Caveat Lector-

Now I realise that politicians/goverment will use causes to further their
own agenda - and I have seen manipulation in the environmental movement.
All things considered, I don't suppose anyone would consider is bad for
business to eradicate life on Earth.  I remember watching military officers
cry on tv when they cut the defense budget because it was ruining their
careers.  Lets just keep bombing villages so the career military can stay on
track with their investments.  I don't suppose that changing careers could
be a viable option.  I remember the strong reaction of cattle ranchers to
laws cutting back on their outrageous subsidations.  The loggers get angry
over environmentalist trying to save old growth forests because they make
good money - $18 and hour to cut down those thousand year old trees.  Who
cares if we only have 2% of our original forests left? - they need a
winnebago.  And if an environmentalist tries to stand in the way of their
logging they just cut the tree down anyway - and make sure it lands on him
and kills him.  As far as making species extinct by our destruction of the
Earth, who cares if they have been here for millions of years - who cares if
the all species on Earth, including humans - are interdependent on each
other - I mean we wouldn't want to make a dent on their bottom line just to
save the erradication of yet another species, would we now?   I mean it is
just too much trouble to have to change careers, so lets just continue our
destruction of the Earth.So now we have christian patiot militia right
wing extremists disguising themselves and joining activists communities and
working to sway them to further their agendas.

- Original Message -
Sent: Saturday, August 04, 2001 11:46 PM
Subject: [CTRL] McCain, Lieberman call for action on global warming

 -Caveat Lector-

 McCain, Lieberman call for action on global warming

 Senate committee approves global-warming research legislation

 By H. JOSEF HEBERT, Associated Press

 WASHINGTON (August 3, 2001 8:32 p.m. EDT) - Republican Sen. John
 McCain teamed with Democrat Joseph Lieberman on Friday to criticize
 President Bush's approach to dealing with global warming and called for
 mandatory limits on greenhouse gases.

 The two senators said regulations for carbon dioxide and other emissions
 that are believed to be changing Earth's climate are needed because
 voluntary measures - favored by Bush - will not work.

 In the clearest signal yet that the Senate is determined to pursue a
 climate agenda from the White House, the two senators will introduce
 legislation imposing a nationwide cap and trade system on greenhouse

 Otherwise, they argued, American businesses will suffer as the rest of the
 industrial countries begin trading emission credits under the Kyoto
 agreement recently rejected by the Bush administration.

 The current situation demands leadership from the United States, McCain
 said. He said purely voluntary approaches will not be enough to meet the
 goal of preventing dangerous effects on the climate system.

 In an interview, Lieberman acknowledged that the proposal will likely
 a big fight in the Congress but said he and McCain are committed to
 and plan to press it aggressively.

 The White House did not immediately comment on the McCain-Lieberman

 In abandoning the Kyoto climate treaty earlier this year, Bush expressed
 opposition to mandatory restrictions or regulation of carbon dioxide or
 greenhouse gases, saying such controls would be too costly and harm the

 While the administration has provided no specific program to deal with
 climate change, Bush has said his approach would rely on voluntary actions
 by industry and development of new technologies to capture carbon releases
 and reduce energy use.

 Lieberman responded, Voluntary programs, unfortunately, do not work.

 The two senators warned that U.S. businesses stand a chance of being left
 out of an international trading program of greenhouse gases under the
 protocol unless a domestic trading scheme is put in place.

 While details are still being worked out, the legislation would establish
a cap
 on the amount of greenhouse gases that could be emitted nationwide. Caps
 also would be imposed for specific economic sectors such as power plants
 and transportation.

 Companies that exceed the limits could purchase credits from other
 whose emissions are lower.

 The Lieberman-McCain announcement was among several actions taken
 recently that demonstrate the Democratic-controlled Senate is intent on
 pressing its own climate agenda.

 On Thursday, legislation advanced that would pump nearly $5 billion into
 research technologies to combat global warming. It was cleared by the
 Governmental Affairs Committee, chaired by Lieberman.

 A day earlier, the Senate Foreign Relations 

Re: [CTRL] Sharon in Festive Mood

2001-08-05 Thread Nurev Ind.

-Caveat Lector-

c. wrote:

 -Caveat Lector-

 yeah- it is all horrible- but i suggest that missiles + suburban area =
 civilian casulties. the deaths cannot be considered accidental. they are all

Ok. If you say so. But I reccommend that you look into the history of Arafats
PLO. You will find that everywhere he fought the Israelis with terror tactics,
Jordan, West Bank, but especially Lebanon, he ALWAYS placed his headquarters
in the most densely populated Palestinian areas.

You understand the reasoning? It's so that when the Israelis retaliated, they
could get people like you to say exactly what you did in this case. The
alternative is to let them get away with bombing civilians in Israel.

These special assasinations of Hamas and Fatah are spectacular. Ther has been
very little killing of non targeted civilians, while they are killing off their
enemies' leadership.

If they were Nazis, they wouldn't bother.

 you cannot win a war with suicide bombers. it is akin to a cry for help from
 a powerless individual- hoping to draw attention to the problem by extreme
 means- self harm or harming others in a spectacular, extreme way.

Whoa there cowboy. Before you wet you handkerchief too much. There is a world
of difference between what these heroes do, suicide terror bombings of
civilians, and say for example what the Budhist Monks did in Vietnam. Both
sacrificed themselves. Which is an individuals right, but the Monks NEVER
killed anybody else. And...The Monks succeeded. They turned the American
public around. The Palestinians won't. They'll just die in droves and take
some Israelis with them. Or they will succeed in bringing in the tanks.

  the reality is a powerless, oppressed, ghettoised population making futile
 gestures of opposition against an *intensely* funded modern army.

What would you do in their place? Would you continue this stupid policy,
or would you think about other options?

 none of israel's apologists wish to comment on whether israel should obey
 the UN resolutions.

No they shouldn't. Not under current conditions.

 i would also like to know this-  if israel have such peaceful intentions to
 the situation- then why do they not allow independent observers observe the

They will. Independent observers are there now, and have been there for years.
It's not about independent observers. It's about allowing the Europeans in.


 - Original Message -
 Sent: Sunday, August 05, 2001 3:06 PM
 Subject: Re: [CTRL] Sharon in Festive Mood

  -Caveat Lector-
  its horrible - accidental killing of children
  more horrible is strapping a bomb to yourself and blowing up children in a
  schoolbus on purpose. or blowing up a shopping center in the middle of
  where all targets are civilian. or a disco
  Pluralitas non est ponenda sine neccesitate
  William of
  NEURONAUTIC INSTITUTE on-line: http://home.earthlink.net/~thew
   Reply-To: Conspiracy Theory Research List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Date: Sun, 5 Aug 2001 13:52:00 +0100
   Subject: Re: [CTRL] Sharon in Festive Mood
   israel give the impression by their actions (it would be a miracle if
   sending missiles into a suburban area DIDN'T kill civilians) that while
   may not be 'festive' about the killings- they certainly don't seem to
 give a
   fuck if they die or not.  where is the showing of any regret about the
   deaths of the children?

Have you looked?


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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] An Israeli refusenik writing from jail

2001-08-05 Thread thew

-Caveat Lector-

granted that there are plenty of problems with israel and the treatment of

but that does not make the palestinians  good guys in any way  either
-- --- -
Well, I've wrestled with reality for 35 years, doctor, and I'm happy to
state I finally won out over it

Elwood P Dowd

NEURONAUTIC INSTITUTE on-line: http://home.earthlink.net/~thew

 From: Yardbird [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reply-To: Conspiracy Theory Research List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: Sun, 5 Aug 2001 16:47:07 -0300
 Subject: [CTRL] An Israeli refusenik writing from jail

 -Caveat Lector-

 Dozens of Yesh Gvul activists turned up at the August 2 vigil outside
 Military Prison 4 (Tzrifin), held in solidarity with jailed refuseniks
 David Haham- Herson, Alex Lyakas and Ishai Shgi.  Sympathisers
 included family members, one of Israel?s leading poets, Dalia
 Rabikovitch and recently released refusenik Idan Landau.  The
 protestors stood at the camp gates to hand out hundreds of leaflets to
 soldiers.  This activity evidently irritated the military authorities,
 and a posse of security guards tried ? without success ? to shove the
 protestors away.

 The parents of David Haham showed us a letter their son had written
 from jail, and we quote extracts:  ?I am imprisoned over my refusal to
 take part in repression of the Palestinian people, because I feel it
 is out of the question to be a Jew, son of a people of refugees, and
 yet repress a people of refugees. I am a God-fearing Jew, and as such
 am forbidden to take part in denying the freedom of others.  Despite
 being jailed, I feel freer than most of the Israelis I?ve met because
 I don?t bear the burden of vindictiveness and the perverse
 gratification attending that feeling, of denial and callousness.?

 ?I am filled with concern because I know that the howls of jubilation
 over the killings drown out the sobs of the numerous victims, Jews and
 Arabs, of the widows and orphans, of the cripples who will suffer for
 the rest of their lives for that conceit and callousness.?

 ?I don?t think that my imprisonment releases me from responsibility.
 Even without serving in the army, I?d share responsibility for these
 actions. Precisely because I regard myself as sharing responsibility,
 I refuse to take part in the repression.?

 Finally, a word of thanks to our friends who have sent contributions
 to help finance the Yesh Gvul campaign: your assistance is most
 necessary and timely, and we are grateful.  Ahead of the Prison 4
 vigil we re-issued our call to Israeli soldiers warning them AGAINST
 TAKING PART IN WAR CRIMES, specifying as such a list of actions the
 IDF routinely mounts against the Palestinian population.  As the
 commercial press declines to publish such an appeal, we were obliged
 to put it in a paid advertisement - at a cost of $1,500.  That?s where
 your money went, and we hope you agree that it was to a worthy end.

 Peretz Kidron
 Ram Rahat


 A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
 CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
 screeds are unwelcomed. Substance?not soap-boxing?please!  These are
 sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'?with its many half-truths, mis-
 directions and outright frauds?is used politically by different groups with
 major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
 That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
 always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
 credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

 Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
 Archives Available at:
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A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not 

[CTRL] The Emperor Has No Growth

2001-08-05 Thread Nurev Ind.

-Caveat Lector-

G8 Owes Us An Answer
 New Research Shows That Economic Growth Worldwide Has Actually Slowed
 During The Era of Globalization
 by Jonathan Steele

 The G8 summit in Genoa will be remembered for its police brutality and the
clashes, mostly peaceful
 but sometimes violent, between protesters and the Italian security forces.

 Yet, paradoxically, on one issue most demonstrators were united with the rich
nations' leaders. In
 the streets as well as the suites there was a general belief that globalization
has accelerated the
 world's economic growth.

 Some protesters argued that the growth has been grotesquely uneven, with little
trickling down to
 Africa. Some said it has increased the inequalities of income within countries,
as well as between
 poor and rich ones. Some attacked the fact that faster growth has been
environmentally unsound,
 creating excessive carbon emissions and destroying natural habitats.

 While the criticisms vary, the underlying assumption is that overall economic
growth has been
 speeding up. This was also the message proclaimed by the UN development
program, which
 published its annual human development report on the eve of Genoa.

 Thirty years of impressive progress, it trumpeted. Too few people recognize
that the impressive
 gains in the developing world in the past 30 years demonstrate the possibility
of eradicating

 It was the UNDP which first elaborated the concept of a human development index
as a progressive
 step away from assessing people's welfare purely by income measurements. The
UNDP added other
 standards such as infant mortality, literacy, and gender empowerment.

 So it is surprising that its latest report should also push the complacent line
about general growth.
 How did its authors decide that the last 30 years is the right period for
assessing progress?

 In a powerful new paper, The Emperor Has No Growth, a group of researchers in
 challenges the conventional view of history. They have drawn up a globalization
scorecard which
 compares the period from 1980 to 2000 - the era of Reaganite neo-liberal
globalization when the
 drive for capital deregulation, privatization, and the lifting of barriers to
international investment
 was at its height - with the period from 1960 to 1980 when most developing
countries had a more
 restrictive and inward-looking economy.

 The comparison is dramatic. The researchers took all the UNDP's indicators and
found that between
 1980 and 2000 there was a very clear decline in progress. The poorest
countries went from a per
 capita growth rate of 1.9% annually in the 1960-1980 period to a decline of
0.5% a year between 1980
 and 2000. The middle group of countries did worse, dropping from annual growth
of 3.6% to growth
 of just under 1% after 1980. The world's richest countries also showed a

 For life expectancy, the picture was similar. Only the richest countries showed
a higher rate of
 improvement in the past 20 years. Among middle-income and poor countries
progress in reducing
 child mortality and raising school enrollments was faster before 1980.

 Impressive though their evidence is, the paper's authors draw deliberately
modest conclusions.
 They say they cannot prove the liberalization of trade and capital flows has
caused the decline in

 Nor can they link it to particular policy prescriptions by the International
Monetary Fund and the
 World Bank, such as public spending cuts, user fees for health and education,
and increased
 foreign exchange requirements. But they do insist the burden of proof must be
squarely placed on
 those who claim success for the neo-liberal experiment.

 Their call is welcome. It chimes in with the views of other non-governmental
organizations, such as
 the British-based World Development Movement, as well as many developing

 The G8 wants the next big push for its version of globalization to come in
November when the
 World Trade Organization is due to meet in Qatar. After Genoa, Clare Short,
Britain's development
 minister, used the unworthy tactic of trying to dismiss the protesters as
middle-class European
 interferers in contrast to informed African leaders.

 She seemed unaware that on the eve of Genoa, 30 African countries, including
the regional giants
 South Africa and Nigeria, signed a declaration in Addis Ababa rejecting new
powers for the WTO.

 They also called for existing trade agreements to be implemented fully rather
than in their partial
 form, which discriminates in favor of the EU and other rich countries. Their
position has more
 support from the developmental NGOs than from the G8. So let us have a bit more
humble pie from
 the G8, and an honest review of the reasons for their poor record on growth and
social progress
 before they plunge further into error.

 • The Emperor Has No Growth, Center for Economic and Policy Research, available

 • If it's broke, fix it, available 

Re: [CTRL] Something Rotten In The State Of Israel

2001-08-05 Thread Nurev Ind.

-Caveat Lector-

thew wrote:

 -Caveat Lector-

 this is factually inaccurate

 it was the muftis who refused to share the homeland

This is half right. Actually, no Arabs, not those in Palestine or
out wanted to share. Their religion does not allow it. The Muftis
were the expounders of that religious point . Palestimian Arabs who
sold their private land to Jews were assasinated.

I wonder how Libertarian worshipers of property rights feel about that?
I also wonder how our Liberals feel about the issue of ' redlining '?
Or is it only bad when it's done to anyone but Jews?


 -- -- --  --
 Planet spins - so do I
neo-sufi wisdom

 NEURONAUTIC INSTITUTE on-line: http://home.earthlink.net/~thew

  From: Prudence L. Kuhn [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Reply-To: Conspiracy Theory Research List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Date: Sat, 4 Aug 2001 08:02:04 EDT
  Subject: Re: [CTRL] Something Rotten In The State Of Israel
  places.  First of all the bad consciences of the allied leaders at the end of
  WWII and then in the decisions of some highly placed Israeli leaders who
  decided that they were not going to share the homeland they had finally
  gotten their hands on.  Di

A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Peres Sharon- Good Cop, Bad Cop

2001-08-05 Thread William Shannon

Good Cop, Bad Cop  

by Uri Avnery
Everyone who has seen crime movies knows them: the good cop and the bad cop.
The bad cop (say Gene Hackman) starts to interrogate the suspect. He shouts, 
curses, threatens, hits him. At the right moment, the good cop (say Clint 
Eastwood) enters.

"How do you dare to behave like this?" he shouts at the bad cop, "get out!" 
He offers the frightened suspect a cigarette and coffee and says: "What a 
beast that man is! He can do terrible things to you. Only yesterday a man 
almost died during his interrogation. But I can get him off this 
interrogation. Only, just to convince the boss, you must give me some little 
piece of information. So who was your accomplice in the bank robbery?"

Ariel Sharon and Shimon Peres are playing now these characters for a 
world-wide audience in a movie that may well win the Oscar some day. 
"Excellent acting," the jury will report, "an exceptionally convincing 

The bad cop, Sharon, shouts: "Hold me! I am crazy! I’ll go berserk!" It’s 
easy for him to convince the audience, because they remember his previous 
movies ("Blood and tears in Kibia" or "Is Gaza burning?" not to mention the 
blockbuster "Darkness in Sabra and Shatilla".)

His partner is equally famous. Shimon Peres, an actor who won many prizes, 
played the bad guy in his early movies ("The Way to Suez" and "The Dimona 
Mystery" spring to mind), but for many years now he has been cast as the 
peacemaker. Who doesn’t remember "Doves in Oslo"?

The division of roles is natural. Central Casting could not do better. Sharon 
threatens the world. If let loose, he will invade the Palestinian 
territories, kill Arafat, drive masses of Palestinians across the Jordan 
river, perhaps invade Lebanon and Syria on the way. An earthquake will send 
shudders throughout the Middle East, the regimes of Egypt and Jordan may 
collapse, even Saudi Arabia and the Gulf States will totter, the oil will 
catch fire, the global economy will collapse.

But all this will not happen. Why? Because Peres, the good cop, is holding 
Sharon , preventing him from going berserk. He travels between the capitals 
of the world, imploring presidents and prime ministers: Please, help me to 
restrain that terrible person! I can’t do it if you don’t let him enlarge 
the settlements and break the existing agreements, and if you try to compel 
him to return to the negotiations. It’s bad, but it will prevent a 

The world rests assured. The leaders are afraid of Sharon, but as long as 
Peres is at his side, everything is OK. Nothing really terrible can happen.

All this is playacting, of course. Peres is quite unable to prevent Sharon 
from doing anything he wants to do. Nowadays, Peres is a political 
lightweight, while Sharon is a heavyweight master. He could get rid of Peres 
anytime, putting an end to his career forever.

So why doesn’t he go berserk? Because the American sword of Damocles is 
hanging over his head. No Israeli leader can oppose the will of the United 
States when it really concerns American interests. All Israelis know this. 
After all, they are the only people outside the US who wave American flags on 
their Independence Day. 

These days, Washington is in the hands of the oil people. They are content 
with "condemning" Sharon as long as he only assassinates Palestinian leaders 
and enlarges the settlements. He knows very well that there is a red line and 
where it is. He waits patiently for the day when he will succeed in 
convincing the Americans to allow him a free hand for the great adventure, as 
they did in 1982.

In the meantime, he uses Peres in order to tell his own extremist supporters 
that he must "restrain himself" against his will in order to preserve 
"national unity". While the good Peres crosses the oceans as a travelling 
salesman, selling Sharon’s policy of "liquidations" and all the other 
instruments of occupation and spreading the lie about the "generous offers" 
which were refuses by Arafat.
Peres has already been awarded the third of a Nobel prize. He can now look 
forward to receiving the half of an Oscar

[CTRL] Arctic Ignorance And Bliss

2001-08-05 Thread William Shannon

Arctic Ignorance and Bliss

by John Balzar

"How dare you stand up and talk about something when you've never been there. 
Shame on you." --Alaska Rep. Don Young, speaking on the floor of Congress 
Wednesday in favor of Arctic oil drilling. 

Well, I've been there. For two summers, short, soaring, bittersweet summers, 
I worked there. Alaska's Arctic National Wildlife Refuge is about the size of 
Ireland. But it is entirely unlike Ireland or anywhere else. It is a charmed 
place, because we have been selfless enough to let it live. We deemed it 
important. One corner of our vast but crowded continent remains wild, no 

I was a boatman for Alaska wilderness guide Macgill Adams. We took tourists 
in groups of half a dozen or so down the rivers of this refuge, floating in 
rafts north out of the Brooks Range mountains into the epic flatness of the 
coastal plain and onward toward the Beaufort Sea. 

Cold Julys. Funnel clouds of mosquitoes. Two grizzly bears on a hilltop in 
the throes of ursine passion. A caribou calf on wobbly legs lacking the 
courage to cross a river and being left behind by the relentless migration. A 
forlorn musk ox prancing toward a mate to discover he had found only a tent. 

I remember the sound. The sound of a bush plane growling down a sandbar and 
vanishing over a ridgeline, the gasoline noise giving way to the tremble of 
wind on the eardrums in this land where there are no trees to rustle the 
breeze and no one to hear your cries for help. The sound of wild. 

To enter this land is to intrude. It is as fragile as a snowflake. 
Prehistoric fire rings are so fresh you might be tempted to touch the tundra 
and feel for the fading heat of 1,000-year-old campfire. 

I felt the remorse of a trespasser, but I entered anyway. Maybe if I could 
help others experience it, they would add to the constituency to hang on to 
it. That's what I told myself. 

I remember the animals. A foggy day when I awoke and looked out the mesh of 
my tent into the eyes of a white wolf. Our gazes locked and the white vapors 
of our breaths touched. Then he bolted and tripped. I felt embarrassed for 
his momentary loss of pride. There will never be virtual reality to evoke the 
sensation of being surrounded by grizzlies: two in front, one to our left, 
one to our right, one behind us. What do we do when this happens? Shrink down 
into the mushy tundra and rejoice in our grand good fortune. But rejoice 
quietly, for the grizzlies are feeding. 

I remember the vista. From the 1,000-foot summit of the last foothill of this 
continent: a shocking landscape. Plains, uninterrupted from horizon to 
horizon. Hundreds of miles and 180 degrees of Nothing. 

There is nothing like Nothing when there is almost none of it left. There is 
nothing like Nothing for imagining everything. There is nothing so profoundly 
humbling as beholding the last of Nothing. 

Now the House of Representatives has voted to kill it. No, not the animals. 
The caribou will survive. The wolves and the grizzly bears will too for a 
while, although the industrialization will open the way for more hunters, 
more preemptive "predator control," a faster race to the end. But the first 
to die, what they will kill in a single summer, is the wild. 

The screech of machinery, the dust trails of trucks, the glint of midnight 
sun off acres of aluminum buildings, this will be our giant fire ring to 
signal the end. 

My friend who drives an SUV tells me she has her reasons and won't give it 
up. Her choice will bequeath her daughter, and mine, a diminished future. 

Memories will replace reality, and memories are only chump change. At least I 
have a few pennies of it. 

If this administration gets its way in the Senate, my daughter will climb 
into my lap in a couple of years and ask me what is jingling in my pocket. 
I'll draw out the pennies. I will tell her about the home of the snarling 
wolverine and the den of the foxes and the pond nests of the loons and the 
sky dance of the jaegers and the flitting song of a rare bluethroat thrush. I 
will tell her that George Bush and Dick Cheney and Don Young took that from 
her for pennies of their own. 

"It is the least hospitable area left in America," explained Don Young 
recently. He was too stupid to understand what he said. 

Re: [CTRL] Fwd: Yahoo! Groups : workersliberty Messages :Message 189 of 226

2001-08-05 Thread lassey

-Caveat Lector-

Goofy, goofy. I did NOT post it. Obviously, more holes.

On Sat, 4 Aug 2001 21:43:32 EDT William Shannon [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 In a message dated 8/4/01 8:37:05 PM Central Daylight Time,


 Actually that was by far the best thing you've ever posted!
 Dr Laura's ideology IS uglier than she is, and that's no easy

 Where did you find this?
 It's brilliant!


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Re: [CTRL] Fwd: Re:Une de nos missions!!!... MERCI DE NOUS Y AIDER!!!...

2001-08-05 Thread Tenorlove

-Caveat Lector-

Their cause seems to be fund-raising.


--- Aleisha Saba [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Towards bottom of article you have an interpretation of their
 cause.Restore the Nobility to the World - the Kings and Queens
 Knights of the Round Table.

I find television very educating. Every time somebody
turns on the set, I go into the other room
and read a book. Groucho Marx,

Do You Yahoo!?
Make international calls for as low as $.04/minute with Yahoo! Messenger

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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] RC: CNN Chief Courts GOP

2001-08-05 Thread MIKE SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-


August 6, 2001

CNN Chief Courts GOP

By John Bresnahan and Mark Preston

In an effort to improve his network's image with conservative leaders, new
CNNchief Walter Isaacson huddled with House and Senate GOP leaders last
week to seek advice on how to attract more right-leaning viewers to the
sagging network.

Isaacson met with Speaker Dennis Hastert (R-Ill.), Senate Minority Leader
Trent Lott (R-Miss.), House GOP Conference Chairman J.C. Watts (Okla.),
Rep. Rob Portman (R-Ohio) and Sen. Chuck Hagel (R-Neb.) to talk about CNN's
image with conservatives and how it can be improved.

Isaacson confirmed that he also reached out to senior White House
officials, but he denied that he was seeking counsel on how to boost CNN's
ratings with conservative viewers.

I was trying to reach out to a lot of Republicans who feel that CNN has
not been as open covering Republicans, and I wanted to hear their
concerns, Isaacson said in an interview Friday.

I definitely did not say, 'How do we attract the conservative
viewer?'said Isaacson, who stressed that his message was, Let me hear
what you think of CNN, and I am here to introduce myself.

To Republicans, Isaacson's presence on Capitol Hill is a sign of weakness
and shows how much Fox News Channel, founded just under five years ago, has
eroded CNN's lead as the top cable option for political news.

But Isaacson, the former editorial director of Time Inc., disputed
assertions that he was on a mission to keep up with Fox.

It really doesn't have to do with any other network, Isaacson said. It
wasn't some programming strategy or our relationship with Fox or anything
like that.

Nevertheless, Isaacson's counterpart at Fox, Roger Ailes, gently mocked his
competitor's recent swing through Capitol Hill, while admitting it was a
clever business move.

I think it is a real sign of progress that after [21] years, CNN has found
out that there's more than one point of view,jibed Ailes.

Democrats, on the other hand, weren't pleased by the spectacle of Isaacson
courting Republicans.

That is a byzantine thing for the head of a news organization to come up
to meet with one political party to ask what can we do or how do we make
things better, groused a senior Democratic Senator.

That's an interesting idea of balance, a Democratic Senate chairman dryly
remarked. It is totally inappropriate.

Isaacson deflected the criticism by saying that he's planning a September
visit to Capitol Hill in which he will meet with Democrats and more

During this trip Isaacson also intends to sit down with one of CNN's most
vocal Republican critics, House Majority Whip Tom DeLay (Texas).

DeLay, who has lambasted CNN as the Clinton News Network and Communist
News Network, actually suggested a boycott of the network during a recent
bicameral GOP leadership gathering. None of the others Republican lawmakers
who were in attendance agreed to take part.

It also demonstrates to GOP strategists that their unrelenting attacks on
the media, in which television and newspaper reporters are accused of being
biased against Republicans and conservatives, are beginning to hit home
with those who decide what gets aired on the nightly news.

[Isaacson] is panicked that he's losing conservative viewers, said a top
aide to one of the GOP lawmakers who met with Isaacson.

He said, 'Give us some guidance on how to attract conservatives.' He said
he 'wanted to change the culture' at CNN. I think he perceived that they
have a problem, and they do have a problem.

DeLay has been particularly vocal in his criticism of the Atlanta-based
news organization.

DeLay is on a jihad against CNN, claimed another GOP aide, who said the
Texan believes that CNN's coverage of issues clearly favors liberal
Democrats over conservative Republicans.

In a telephone interview on Friday, DeLay himself said he won't go on CNN.
They have such a liberal bias. It's quite evident to everyone.

Watts, for his part, was muted in his critique of CNN and said that the
network has been fair to him in the past, although he also offered high
praise for Fox.

Fox is rocking. There's no question of that, said Watts, who had
breakfast with Isaacson last Thursday.

Do I think that [CNN] has a liberal bias? They probably do, said Watts,
who appeared on the network's Late Edition program two Sundays ago. But
I am still not willing to concede that venue [to Democrats].

Fox News has cut into CNN's once overwhelming lead in recent months.

For example, an average of 140,000 people were watching Fox News at any
given time between Jan. 1 and Aug. 1, 2000, according to Nielsen Media
Research. During the same time period this year, 282,000 people were tuned
into Rupert Murdoch's news network.

In contrast, 308,000 viewers watched CNN between Jan. 1 and Aug. 1, 2000.
During the first seven months of 2001, viewership climbed to 321,000. CNN
is seen in 82 million homes, while Fox 

[CTRL] NM: New Condit Mystery Girlfriend Shifts Focus to Gray Davis

2001-08-05 Thread MIKE SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

With Carl Limbacher and NewsMax.com Staff

For the story behind the story...

Sunday August 5, 2001; 11:39 a.m. EDT

New Condit Mystery Girlfriend Shifts Focus to Gray Davis

A new mystery girlfriend of Congressman Gary Condit, who now works in the
office of his close political ally California Gov. Gray Davis, has
privately told a friend that she felt threatened by Condit after ending
their relationship, Judicial Watch Chairman Larry Klayman revealed Sunday

Klayman told WABC Radio's Steve Malzberg that the California Governor's
decision to hire the ex-Condit girlfriend raises the question of whether
Davis is performing the role of Bill Richardson during the Lewinsky

In late 1997, when then-President Bill Clinton was desperately trying to
cover up his affair with White House fellatrix Monica Lewinsky, he had
then-U.N. Ambassador Bill Richardson offer her a job in New York.

Gov. Davis employs the both Condit's son and daughter in his office and,
according to at least one source close to the congressman, once employed
24-year-old missing Condit girlfriend Chandra Levy.

In 1998, the then-relatively unknown Davis launched his bid to become
governor in Condit's Modesto district, using his friend's regional clout
and popularity as a political springboard.

The Davis staffer and former Condit paramour revealed her predicament to a
Judicial Watch client last month, who in turn told Klayman two weeks ago.
I'm not going to break the name yet, Klayman told Malzberg. It's going
to come out in the next day or so.

We've been looking through the information that she provided, he said. In
private correspondence, the woman claimed she had an affair with
Congressman Gary Condit.

What's significant is that the woman felt threatened -- it's in the
letters -- and that's why we turned them over to the police and the FBI,
the Judicial Watch chief said. Police have interviewed the woman but have
declined to release details of her account.

She felt as if (Condit) was stalking her, not literally but figuatively,
Klayman said, adding that he has informed Chandra Levy's parents of the new
development and provided them copies of the Condit mystery girlfriend's

Last month longtime Condit bodyguard-chauffeur Vince Flammini claimed he
saw missing intern Chandra Levy working in Gov. Davis' office last year.

(Levy) worked in the governor's office with (Condit's) son and with all of
his friends and nobody seems to know her, Flammini told CNBC's Rivera
Live on July 17.

I don't understand that. She worked right there with everyone. And every
time they talked to somebody, I said, 'Did you meet Chandra?' 'No, no, no.'

Well, I think they were told ahead of time to say no, Flammini said.

In the days after Levy went missing, her friend Jennifer Baker, who was an
intern Condit's Washington, D.C. office, told reporters that Levy hadn't
met her boss till she introduced them there. Baker said she never saw any
evidence that Condit and her friend romantically involved.

Baker has since dropped from sight.

Repeated efforts to reach Flammini since he granted an initial flurry of
interviews last month have been unsuccessful, with one source suggesting
that the ex-Condit driver has decided not to comment further on the case.

On Friday Levy's mother Susan hinted she was disappointed that Gov. Davis
had made no attempt to contact her, but didn't give a reason why she
expected to hear from him.

She's gotten some small comfort from the support she's received from
government officials, reported Time.com.

Levy praised California's Senators, Barbara Boxer and Dianne Feinstein,
for showing concern for her and calling her family about the case.
Interestingly, she noted that California's Governor Gray Davis has yet to
call her family: 'Nope. I've never head from him,' Susan Levy says.

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT


   *Michael Spitzer* [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:

[CTRL] Mariah hires a spy

2001-08-05 Thread MIKE SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

[Palladino is a well-known private eye. He was used by advisers to former
US President Bill Clinton in 1992 to try to silence female bimbos
considering coming forward with damaging
information. Sources close to Mariah say she hiredhim after hearing of his
tough reputation.]


Miriah Hires a Spy

TORMENTED Mariah Carey has hired a private eye amid claims that she
believes her ex-husband is trying to RUIN her.

Top investigator Jack Palladino says the singer, who was last week reported
to have tried to killherself, is convinced record boss Tommy Mottola is
putting around negative stories about her.

San Francisco-based Palladino said he is checking all the bad press.

And asked about Mottola, boss of Sony Records, the private eye added: He
is conducting a smearcampaign against her.

A source said: Mariah knows all too well that Tommy Mottola is the man who
turned her into aworldwide star. Now, rightly or wrongly, she thinks he's
the one who is trying to wreck her life.

But Mottola denies the claims completely.


He said: I am deeply saddened by Mariah's illness, and I remain completely
supportive of her.

Any allegations I have tried to hinder her career are completely untrue.

Mariah married Mottola, now 52, in 1993. They divorced five years later.

Before the split it was alleged that Mottola wanted to control every aspect
of his wife's career,image and social life.

But they have also repeatedly clashed since the break-up.

Mariah, 31, has been especially fearful of her ex-husband's plan to write a
book about his life.

She believes it will contain intimate details of her time with him - and
destroy her image.

Palladino is a well-known private eye.


He was used by advisers to former US President Bill Clinton in 1992 to try
to silence female bimbosconsidering coming forward with damaging
information. Sources close to Mariah say she hiredhim after hearing of his
tough reputation. Since divorcing Mottola the sexy singer has dated
baseball star Derek Jeter and most recently modeland Latin heart-throb Luis
Miguel. But her romance with him ended last month... and put even more
pressure on Mariah's fragile emotionalstate.

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT


   *Michael Spitzer* [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Now a Word from Abe Foxman of the Anti Defamation League.

2001-08-05 Thread Aleisha Saba

Now this is how Abe Foxman earns his money? Knocking the Baptists?

Gary Condit is a Baptist?   This Baptist Preacher knocks Jews,
Christians, Fags, and Blacks.he does not knock Zionists or Arabs and
since he does not knock arabs, he cannot be antisemite?

This site under subject matter has a lot fo good stuff in it.but
this Bnai Brith, a psued masonic order of which ADL is little cat's paw
- is this how they earn their money - it was the ADL who was involved in
creating hatred and false stores about Waco which brought about little
children being incinerated?

How much does our government pay ADL to be spies against the American
people putting them on hate hit lists?

Has this preacher been murdered yet?   Or his voice silenced?

Is the ADL now the Voice of America?

This old guy Preacher Phelps said the church is full of shyster lawyers
and crooked judges and now the ADL is down on him?   He calls gay's
sodomist, but so does the bible for the ADL has no rewritten that yet
(they are also attempting to rewrite Shakespeare because of Shylock's
pound of flesh)..this preacher is not exactly your National Council
of Church Preacher but he is a hell's fire and brimstone preacher and
things - well I do not want to appear anti semite, but you would think
it was Judas who stepped behind Jesus when he said satan get behind

So this is why ADL gets millions of dollars - hey could they be
receiving a little laundered money here for - look at Marc Rich - who
gave ADL $250,00 in loose change to bribe Clinton..now that was a no
no, but nobody went out to hang Foxman on that one, did they?

I say, does the Bnai Brith have a bible calendar code suitable for
framing - and I mean, that literally and figuratively?


ADL report says homophobic 'church' espouses anti-semitism, racism

U.S. Newswire, October 4, 2000
U.S. Newswire

The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) today issued a report on the Rev. Fred
Phelps and the Westboro Baptist Church, a group whose public crusades
against homosexuality have included hate pickets across the country. The
ADL report says that Phelps also espouses anti-Semitism and racism, a
fact that is largely obscured by the church's highly charged attacks
against homosexuals.

Fred Phelps has made patently clear his mission of targeting gays with
hateful rhetoric and public demonstrations, said Abraham H. Foxman, ADL
National Director. What is less widely known about Fred Phelps is that
he and followers of the Westboro Baptist Church have also attacked Jews,
Blacks and Christians. He and his church continue to spread vile
rhetoric against many groups.

In Their Own Words: Fred Phelps  The Westboro Baptist Church examines
hateful remarks the Topeka, Kansas-based church has made over the last
decade. While putting a public face on its crusade against
homosexuality, Phelps and the Church have issued hate literature
attacking Blacks, Jews, other minorities and Christians with great

Likewise, members of the church have staged protests at many non-gay
events, in some cases targeting mainstream public officials and
government entities that Phelps believes to be encouraging

Meanwhile, Phelps has established an Internet presence rivaling that of
any extremist organization, including his GodHatesFags Web site, where
highly offensive messages and hate literature published by the Westboro
Baptist Church may be viewed or downloaded.
Founded in 1967, the church staged its first public demonstration in
1991 by targeting a park in Topeka the group claimed was frequented by
gays. Hundreds of protests across the country have followed, including
pickets at the funeral of gay murder victim Matthew Shepard in 1998.

In addition to speeches on picket lines, the Westboro Baptist Church
spreads its hateful message using faxed fliers and News Releases that
are often posted on the group's Web site, www.GodHatesFags.com. The
group operates a second Web site, God Hates America, where it contends
that the United States is doomed because it supports gays.

On the GodHatesFags Web site, attacks against homosexuality are mixed
with virulent remarks aimed at Jews, Blacks, Christians and the United
States government. The following quotations are excerpted from ADL's In
Their Own Words: Fred Phelps  The Westboro Baptist Church:

On Jews:

--Fag Jew Nazis are worse than ordinary Nazis. They've had more
experience. Jews stirred up the Romans to butcher 6 million Christians
in the catacombs in the 1st century. The First Holocaust was a Jewish
Holocaust against Christians. The latest Holocaust is by Topeka Jews
against WBC ...

-- The Jew lawyers and judges of Temple Beth
Shalom bastardize and prostitute the legal system to maliciously
prosecute and persecute innocent Westboro Baptists, just as their Jewish
ancestors manipulated the Roman legal system to torture and crucify the
Lord Jesus Christ and persecute His disciples.

-- Worldwide Jewry and worldwide Fagery appear to have the same

[CTRL] Fwd: Alltel and HUD

2001-08-05 Thread Kris Millegan


Breaking News

November 13, 1998
Alltel teams with HUD for consumer ease

Alltel has a established a frame relay connection with HUD -- the U.S.
Department of Housing and Urban Development -- to make it easier for clients
to access HUD's new loan-level billing, payment and reconciliation files.
HUD's new system is designed to provide servicers with data on their Federal
Housing Authority loans. This data includes the annual notification of
premium, the current monthly premium billing and any reconciliation. Alltel
is the leader in the mortgage loan automation industry and the largest
provider of software and processing services to residential mortgage loan
firms. Alltel Residential Lending Solutions is based in Jacksonville.

[Get Copyright Clearance] Copyright 1998 American City Business Journals
Click for permission to reprint (PRC# 1.1651.166921)

[CTRL] Path of the Rose......

2001-08-05 Thread Aleisha Saba

Interesting item; long, very long but a good one if there is anyone
interested who has never read same.

Keep in mind Hitler claimed the Rosicrucians were British Secret
Service, and Sirhan Bishara Sirhan had joined the San Jose Rosicrucians
which Mayor Yordy claimed to be communists - Pattie Hearst and Hearst
Family, were all CIA and Rosicrucian and no doubt sitll fronting for

Hearst drove competitors off the streets with hired guns - mafia
stuff.big money involved.
It was Hearst who had Ambrose Bierce on his payroll who wrote this
little quantrain prior to the murder of McKinley - more Premeditated
Murdery by Prophecy carred out by a hired gun.

The Bullet that pierced Goebel's breast;
Cannot be found in all the West.

Good reason it is speeding here;
To put McKinley, on the bier.

And with a week or so, McKinley did lay on the same bier on which lay
Abraham Lincolm (gues dead bodies are inantimate so it is lay, not
lie)..and later JFK would lay on this same bier.

Rosicruans in the FAMA once wrote do you really believe Lincoln wrote
over 1 million wordsI thought no way, on his knees on a envelope
they said he wrote the Gettysburg Address - Lincoln to me and my family
was mass murderer and should have been shotJohn Wilkes Booth, was a

Rosicrucians at Quakerowns had scorpions for the Democrat Convention in
1968 - now I warned my boss there would be lions and tigers and bears at
the convention, but forgot about the Black Panthers and scorpions.

Rosicrucians tried to rid themselves of the stigma of having had Sirhan
Sirhan attach himself to their membership; however, code word that month
was POLL...and it was said to Aim for your Target.easy trigger
words for someone like Manchurian Candidate, right?

So when you joined that bunch, you are given a list of books to pick out
a buy and the one tht got me was a book called YOUR MIND CAN
KILL.and I thought I bet manchurian candidte Sirhan Sirhan, picked
out that one.

Mark Chapman thought he was the Cathcher in the Rye who caught little
children before they fell over into the abyss.now this sound slike
Tarot Card Assassins talk to me  - the Fool?   About to take a fall over
into the abyss?

So FAMA means rumor...but one thing I learned about the path of the
Rose - they know how to make the White Rose Red, blood red


Item is good background information on this society of the Order of the
Lily and the Rose  for they are the voice of the turtle .
