[CTRL] (Fwd) Bush Administration seeks to gut power of courts to rest

2002-01-29 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-

--- Forwarded message follows ---

[Note from Matthew Gaylor: Republican Rep. Tom Brinkman, Jr
represents part of Cincinnati.]

Date: Mon, 28 Jan 2002 12:12:50 -0500
Topic:  Bush Administration seeks to gut power of courts to restore
rights to Americans Importance: high From: Kara Joseph

This article is being forwarded to you simply for your information
from the office of Rep. Tom Brinkman, Jr.

I do not know any additional details other than what I have read in
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information as I would not be able to answer your questions.  Mr.
Harry Schneider, the sender of this original e-mail, has told me that
you may contact him at the attached e-mail address if you so desire.

Kara Joseph
Administrative Assistant
Office of Rep. Tom Brinkman, Jr.
Phone: (614) 644-6886
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-Original Message-
From: Harry [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, January 24, 2002 6:09 PM
Subject: Bush Administration seeks to gut power of courts to restore
rights to Americans Importance: High

The case is United States v. Bean, 01-704.


The Bush administration has announced, in effect, that it intends to
argue the following position before the United States Supreme Court:

When American citizens have been convicted of violating the law in a
foreign country, they should automatically lose the right to own
firearms in the United States.  American citizens should also be
denied the right to ask American Courts to restore their rights even
if the so called foreign crimes are legal activities in the United
States and the American citizens are of excellent character and merit
the restoration of their rights.

The AP article that follows describes the case, but this commentary
will demonstrate the importance of this case to all Americans.

Mr. Bean was convicted in a Mexican court of an act that is not a
crime in the United States.  That Mexican conviction caused Bean to
suffer the lifelong loss of his rights and livelihood in the United
States.  This happened because the Gun Control Act of 1968, 18 USC Sec
178.32(1) is interpreted to recognize all convictions by all
courts domestic and foreign, including Nazi, Communist and Islamic
courts.  The United States government uses those foreign convictions
to deny Americans the exercise of constitutionally protected rights in
America, ex post facto.

Our government's interpretation of 18 USC Sec 178.32(1) denies 2nd
Amendment rights to every American convicted of any felony, at any
time, at any place where the sentence imposed could possibly be over
one year. This includes foreign crimes which are not crimes in the
United States - such as the Mexican case now before the Supreme Court
or, Americans found guilty of giving away Bibles in certain Islamic or
Communist countries - even decades ago.

Naturally, a law that sweeping, had a safety valve - a relief from
disability provision (18 USC Sec 925) that allowed Americans to
petition the Secretary of the Treasury to have their Constitutional
rights restored.

Every year since 1992, Congress has completely shut off that Safety
Valve.  Telling ATF that they may not even consider the restoration of
rights to any American regardless of merit.

Please don't tell Saddam Hussein that he can use American law to
legally get back at General Norman Schwarzkopf.  Stormin Norman
clearly violated Iraqi law and the retired general likes shotgun
shooting sports.  All that Saddam has to do is to formerly notify the
United States Government that Iraq has convicted Schwarzkopf in
absentia of a felony in Iraq. The next time the general shoots
sporting clays he will be guilty of felony possession of firearms
under 18 USC Sec 178.32(a).

The fact that Congress shut off the safety valve prompted some Federal
courts to begin hearing appeals.  Now the Bush Administration wants to
stop the courts from delivering justice to those Americans who deserve
to have their rights restored.  The administrations argument is that
no American should have a day in court because the courts might
restore rights to a bad person.  This advocacy of denial of due
process is a serious ethical and political mistake that cuts the heart
out of core values of American jurisprudence.

While the press only talks about felonies, 18 USC Sec 178.32(1) ALSO
denies 2nd Amendment rights to every American who was ever convicted
of state misdemeanors where the sentence could have exceeded two years
even if there was no jail sentence at all (USC 18 Sec 921(20).  In the
1990's, Congress took away the rights of hundreds of thousands of
additional Americans ex post facto, by expanding the disqualifying
state misdemeanors to include conviction for certain misdemeanors
where the maximum penalty was less than one year 18 USC Sec 178.32(9).
 Many of those people 

[CTRL] (Fwd) [CTRL] Ollie's Insecurity

2002-01-29 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-

 He claimed that threats against his life had
 been made by terrorist Abu Nidal,

--- Forwarded message follows ---

-Caveat Lector-


}}}Begin excerpt
Origins:   For most of us who watched the televised Iran-Contra
hearings in 1987 -- held by Congress to determine whether the Reagan
administration had secretly and illegally sold arms to Iran in order
to secure the release of American hostages, then used
 the profits from those sales to fund the contra rebels in Nicaragua -

- the enduring image we came away with was a memory of an
and resolute Lt. Col. Oliver North delivering testimony in a Marine
uniform.  North, who was a central figure in the plan to secretly
arms to Iran despite a U.S. trade and arms embargo, and who as a
National Security Council aide directed efforts to raise private and
foreign funds for the contras despite a Congressional prohibition on
U.S. government agencies' providing military aid to the Nicaraguan
rebels, testified before Congress under a grant of limited immunity
July 1987, becoming the darling of the American conservative
with his earnest, self-justifying testimony during the televised
hearings (or, to the other side, becoming a villain who lied to
Congress to support an illegal war). Although North had been granted
limited immunity for his testimony, he was later convicted of
charges related to Iran-Contra activities (a conviction that was
eventually overturned on the grounds that witnesses had been
influenced by his immunized testimony).  One of the charges against
North was that he had received a $16,000 home security system paid
out of the proceeds of the Iran-Contra affair and had forged
to cover his receipt of an illegal gratuity.  North admitted that he
knew the security system was a gift  but maintained he never
inquired about who had paid for it or how it was financed, and he was
insistent that he needed the security system because the government
had failed to provide adequate protection against international
terrorists for him and his family. The terrorist North mentioned in
his testimony was not Osama bin Laden, however.  To the extent that
bin Laden was known to the western world in 1987, it was not as a
terrorist but as one of the U.S.-backed freedom fighters
participating in the war against the Soviet occupation of
 Osama bin Laden's hatred of the U.S. and conversion to terrorist
status is not believed to have come about until the Gulf War of
1990-91, when he was outspokenly critical of Saudi Arabian dependence
upon the U.S. military and denounced U.S. support of a corrupt,
materialist, and irreligious Saudi monarchy.  (The Saudi Arabian
government stripped bin Laden of his citizenship in 1994 for his
funding of militant fundamentalist Islamic groups.) No, Oliver North
did not testify about or speak the name Osama bin Laden during the
Iran-Contra hearings.  He claimed that threats against his life had
been made by terrorist Abu Nidal, telling a congressional committee:
want you to know that I'd be more than willing . . . to meet Abu
on equal terms anywhere in the world. There's an even deal for him.
OK? But I am not willing to have my wife and my four children meet
Nidal or his organization on his terms.

End excerpt{{{



Abu Nidal
Arabic: 'abû nidal
Real name: Sabri l-Banna

An Introduction to Koranic and Classical Arabic
Privacy Information
(Jaffa 1937- )

Palestinian politician and guerilla leader.
 Abu Nidal, which real name is Sabri l-Banna, has for the last 25
years been one of the figures in the Middle East which most often
changed sides. He has been cooperating with the leaders of Iraq,
Syria, Saudi Arabia
 and Libya. He has always been a controversial figure, and since his
 forces have proven valuable (if dangerous) for many leaders his
 career has been dominated by both expulsions and invitations. Abu
 Nidal has been responsible for terrorist attacks outside the Middle
 East, too. In recent years Abu Nidal have been far less active, much
 because he has not had the willing employers he had before.
1937: Born in Jaffa.
1948: Banna's family flees to a refugee camp on the Gaza Strip, later
they move to Nablus on the West Bank. 1955: Banna joins the Ba'th
party of Jordan. 1957: When the Ba'th party gets suppressed, Banna
moves to Saudi Arabia and becomes secret member of Al Fatah. 1969:
Banna is selected Al Fatah's representative in Sudan. 1970: Banna is
sent to Baghdad as Al Fatah's representative, where he is strongly
influenced by Iraqi political views. 1974: Banna is expelled from Al
Fatah, after criticising Al Fatah's establishment of a national
authority for a liberated Palestine. Banna responds with building his
own group, called Fatah Revolutionary Council, which re ceives funds
from Iraq. Banna uses Baghdad as his base. 

[CTRL] [ctrl] Interventionism = Terrorism Increases?

2002-01-29 Thread lloyd

-Caveat Lector-


From the New Paradigms Project [Not Necessarily Endorsed]
Note:  We store 100's of related New Paradigms Posts at:

From: Euphorian [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [ctrl] Interventionism = Terrorism Increases?
Date: Sunday, January 13, 2002 4:29 PM

1 - http://members.aol.com/apollo711/war/cataclysmic_terror.html
2 - http://www.cato.org/pubs/fpbriefs/fpb-050es.html

Note the dates on these articles

Is Cataclysmic Terrorism Ahead?

By Patrick J. Buchanan

January 12, 1999

   On the day after Pearl Harbor, ex-President Herbert Hoover sat
down and wrote to friends You and I know that this continuous
putting pins in rattlesnakes finally got this country bitten.
Japan's sneak attack was one of the great acts of state terror, but
its motive was desperation. The United States had cut off Japan's oil
and sent Tokyo an ultimatum: Withdraw from Indochina and China, or we
bring you to your knees. Japan decided to seize the oil of the East
Indies and eliminate the one force that could stop her: the U.S.

Yet, after we crushed Japan, China fell to Mao and Indochina to Ho
Chi Minh and the Khmer Rouge. Had we never intervened in East Asia,
Japanese, not Americans, would likely have done the fighting and
dying in Korea and Vietnam to contain Asian communism.

What calls to mind the phrase putting pins in rattlesnakes is an
unsettling paper by the Cato Institute's Ivan Eland: Does U.S.
Intervention Overseas Breed Terrorism? The Historical Record.
Eland's argument: Americans are the principal targets of terrorists
because of our constant meddling in foreign wars. If we do not
abandon our compulsive interventionism, we will one day be subjected
to an act of cataclysmic terror, with a weapon of mass destruction,
perhaps nuclear.

Already, we have come close. The World Trade Center bomb was designed
to bring down one of those 110-story towers and kill perhaps 50,000
Americans. Had the terrorists used poison gas, they might have killed
more than the 3,000 who died at Pearl Harbor. And Osama Bin Laden,
the rich, U.S.-hating Saudi terrorist reportedly has long been in the
market for a nuclear weapon.

Eland's empirical evidence linking U.S. military interventions to
retaliatory acts of terrorism is impressive. Consider:

U.S. Marines were sent into Lebanon to bolster a Christian regime in
1983. Result: Islamic terrorists bombed our embassy and Marine
barracks, killing hundreds, and Ronald Reagan withdrew the Marines.

Before 1981, Libya's Col. Qaddafi had not targeted Americans. But
Reagan sent U.S. ships and planes across his line of death in the
Gulf of Sidra, shot down his jets and sank his patrol boats. Result:
Qaddafi blew up La Belle nightclub in Berlin, wounding dozens of GIs.
Reagan answered with air strikes. Qaddafi retaliated with eight acts
of terrorism, by Eland's count, the most horrific being the downing
of Pan Am 103.

In 1992, George Bush intervened in Somalia. Bin Laden trained the
terrorists who lured U.S. Rangers into a trap, killed 18 and dragged
the body of one through Mogadishu. Bill Clinton pulled out. Bin Laden
calls Somalia his greatest victory and is believed to have planned
the 1998 bombings of our embassies in Kenya and Tanzania. What
motivates him? Hatred of America because of our huge military
presence on Islam's sacred soil of Saudi Arabia.

Robert Kennedy was murdered by a West Bank Palestinian. George Bush
was targeted for assassination by Iraqis. Filipino terrorists used to
attack Americans until we withdrew from Subic Bay and Clark Air Force
Base. Now, they don't.

The seizure of the U.S. embassy in Tehran and other acts of state
terror by the mullahs stem from U.S. military support of the shah
until 1979. Today, there is a near-identical U.S. presence in Egypt
and Saudi Arabia. Both regimes are despised by many of their own
people, and Americans have been targets of terrorist attacks in both.

America is the only nation on Earth to claim a right to intervene
militarily in every region of the world. But this foreign policy is
not America's tradition; it is an aberration. During our first 150
years, we renounced interventionism and threatened war on any foreign
power that dared to intervene in our hemisphere. Can we, of all
people, not understand why foreigners bitterly resent our intrusions?

With the Cold War over, why invite terrorist attacks on our citizens
and country, ultimately with biological, chemical or nuclear weapons?
No nation threatens us. But with the proliferation of weapons of mass
destruction, America will inevitably be targeted. And the cataclysmic
terror weapon is more likely to come by Ryder truck or container ship
than by ICBM. And no SDI will stop it.

Madeleine Albright describes terrorism as the biggest threat to our
country . . . as we enter the 21st century. But battling 

Re: [CTRL] Sex Abuse: Tool Of Nwo

2002-01-29 Thread Joshua Tinnin

-Caveat Lector-

- Original Message -
 Probably written by a three piece suit at the Travistock Institute.
 Psy-Ops for dumbing down impressionable teenagers in their rebellious stage
and to instill acceptance of moral relativism and their future love of global
 Too bad Frank is Dead All Over. (And he was a little ugly on the side.)

You obviously know nothing about FZ, though that's fine with me. I actually know
his family personally.

As for ugly, Hey, this is for all you beautiful people - maybe you're cute,
maybe you're beautiful ... there's a whole lot more of us ugly motherfuckers
than you! - FZ

Psy-op? LOL! Oh, the cry of the paranoid! Put down your Bible and look around -
Jesus thinks you're a jerk. You're just another victim of organized religion.

Jesus Thinks You're a Jerk - Frank Zappa

Yes, friends ... Pass the plate around, friends ... Join us, friends ...

There's an ugly little wasel 'bout three-foot nine
Face puffed up from cryin' 'n lyin'
'Cause her sweet little hubby's
Suckin' prong part time
(In the name of The Lord)

Get a clue, little shrew
Oh yeah, oh yeah
Jesus thinks you're a jerk
Well, did he really choose Tammy to do His Work? Uh-huh!

(Yes, friends ... )

Robertson says that he's The One
Oh he sure is, if Armageddon
Is your idea of family fun,
An' he's got some planned for you!
(Now, tell me that ain't true)

Give me that old time religion!

Now, what if Jimbo's slightly gay,
Will Pat let Jimbo get away?
Everything we've heard him say
Indicates that Jim must pay,
(And it just might hurt a bit) Just a bit!
But keep that money rollin' in,
'Cause Pat and naughty Jimbo
Can't get enough of it (let's dance!)

Perhaps it's their idea
Of an Affirmative Action Plan
To give White Trash a 'special break';
Well, they took those Jeezo-bucks and ran
To the bank! To the bank! To the bank! To the bank!
And every night we can hear them thank
Their Buddy, up above
For sending down his love
(While you all smell the glove)

Henry Cisneros, ladies and gentlemen!

Jim and Pat should take a pole
(Right up each saintly glory-hole),
With tar and feathers too --
Just like they'd love to do to you

('Cause they think you are bad --
Yes, they do!
And they are very mad)

'Cause some folks don't want prayer in school!

(We'd need an ark to survive the drool
Of Micro-publicans, raised on hate,
And 'Jimbo-Jimbo' when they graduate)

Conviced they are 'The Chosen Ones' --
And all their parents carry guns,
(Hey, look! Godzilla!)
And hold them cards in the N.R.A.
(Our here fan, Elvin, hey!)
(With their fingers on the triggers
When they kneel and pray)
(I mean that . . . )

With a Ku-Klux muu-muu
In the back of the truck,
If you ain't Born Again,
They wanna mess you up, screamin':
No abortion, no-siree!
Life's too precious, can't you see!
(What's that hangin' from the neighbor's tree?
Why, it looks like 'colored folks' to me --
Would THEY do THAT ...
They'd been doin' it for years!

And now, ladies and gentlemen, the dynamic Eric Buxton

Imagine if you will,
A multi-millionaire TV Evangelist,
Saved from Korean Combat duty by his father, a U.S. Senator

Studied law --
But is not qualified to practice it

Father of a love child
Who, in adulthood, hosts the remnants
Of papa's religious propaganda program

Claims not to be a Faith Healer,
But has, in the past,
Dealt sternly with everything from hemorrhoids to hurricanes

Involved with funding for an 'undeclared war' in Central America
Claiming Ronald Reagan and Oliver North as close friends

Involved in suspicous 'tax-avoidance schemes',
(Under investigation for 16 months by the I.R.S.)

Claims to be a MAN OF GOD;
Currenty seeking the United States Presidency,
Hoping we will all follow him into --
The Twilight Zone

But, hey! What if Pat gets in the White House,
(No fuckin' way, Ike,
You know what I mean)
The rights of 'certain people' disappear

Now, wouldn't that sort of qualify
As an American Tragedy?
(Especially if he covers it up, sayin'
Jesus told it to me!)
(I mean vapor tight, we're like this, okay?
I mean that)
I hope we never see that day,
In The Land of The Free --
Or someday will we?
Will we?

And if you don't know by now,
The truth of what I'm tellin' you,
Then, surely I have failed somehow --
Surely I have failed somehow
Surely I have failed somehow

And Jesus will think I'm a jerk, just like you --
If you let those TV Preachers
Make a monkey out of you!

I said:
Jesus will think you're a jerk
And it would be true!

There's an old rugged cross
In the land of the Stainless Maiden --
It's just burnin' on the lawn
But this person looks like Tom Reagan!

Jim and Tammy!
Oh, baby!
You gotta go!
You really got to go!
Jim and Tammy got to go

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[CTRL] Ashcroft embarassed by Spirit of Justice

2002-01-29 Thread Joshua Tinnin

-Caveat Lector-

from -

No Nudes Good News at Justice

Daily News Washington Bureau


There's been a coverup at the Justice Department.

In the department's ceremonial Great Hall, a partially nude statue of the female
Spirit of Justice is now concealed behind an $8,650 blue velvet curtain
suspended on a gangly metal frame 20 feet high.

Attorney General John Ashcroft's personal advance aide ordered the curtain after
the conservative ex-senator voiced displeasure at appearing in news photos with
the statue - and its two breasts, one bare, one covered - over his head.

News of the curtain had many Washington insiders shaking their heads, along with
some Justice employees who scurried to the Great Hall to see for themselves.

I can not believe it, one employee said with a laugh after he peeked behind
the curtain yesterday.

It's art, so it shouldn't affect anybody, department employee Janett Winslow,
53, said when told of the curtain. I wouldn't say it's silly, but everybody's
entitled to an opinion.

Department spokeswoman Barbara Comstock denied a report on ABC's Web site that a
fed up Ashcroft ordered the statue covered after the bare breast appeared over
his head at a November anti-terrorism press conference.

The attorney general has better things to worry about [than] what the esthetics
are of his event backdrops, she said.

In the Dark

Comstock said Ashcroft was unaware that advance aide Lani Miller ordered the
drapes as a cost-saving measure after the department spent $2,100 renting the
curtain for a recent event renaming the main Justice building for former
Attorney General Robert F. Kennedy.

Senior Republicans here said Ashcroft didn't help the image of conservatives.

A senior Bush administration aide rolled his eyes and said, I'm not saying a
word. But I'm smiling.

A second well-placed Bush official wondered, Couldn't they just move the

But one of Washington's Republican mandarins, a former senior White House aide,
had the toughest reaction.

He just demonstrated the gene pool didn't have a lifeguard, he moaned. This
is stupid.

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Ashcroft embarassed by Spirit of Justice

2002-01-29 Thread Saba

-Caveat Lector-

Now I have seen that statue and I think Ashcroft is making a mountaini
out of a mole hill.

We know he is not obsessed with big boobs for he is not an Illuminati

Had he just moved the camera and her person from the surrounding
scenario all this could have been avoided.

Hey - maybe she was the first female Mason in the world?


A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Ashcroft embarassed by Spirit of Justice

2002-01-29 Thread Joshua Tinnin

-Caveat Lector-

- Original Message -
 Now I have seen that statue and I think Ashcroft is making a mountaini
 out of a mole hill.

 We know he is not obsessed with big boobs for he is not an Illuminati

 Had he just moved the camera and her person from the surrounding
 scenario all this could have been avoided.

 Hey - maybe she was the first female Mason in the world?

OK, Saba, I have a question for you, and it is to be taken seriously - I am not
trying to bait you here.

What is the distinctive difference between a woman's breast and male genitals as
far as a mountain out of a molehill? You did protest the sculpture in a
library for its depiction of male genitalia, though you do not object to a
female breast.

So, if I may ask, what is the qualitative difference, specifically? And, no, I
am not interested in Larry Flynt - I want to know what is the actual moral
difference between a female breast and male genitalia.

- jt

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Ashcroft embarassed by Spirit of Justice

2002-01-29 Thread Saba

-Caveat Lector-

Let us say the Librarian had a castration complex as did the creator of
the Hung Out to Dry exhibit.

Maybe Ashcroft did not like being associated with a big boob from
outerspace; or perhaps, the Librarian Bull Moose - well get the picture.

There is a difference between Arts and Sciences and castration

So much for art forms.


Now whaat if Ashcroft had had the exhibit from the Library forget

A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] FBI's too early arrival in Oklahoma City

2002-01-29 Thread Jei

-Caveat Lector-


Was FBI early arrival in Oklahoma City?
Hotel receipt shows top terror man showed up 9 hours before blast

By Jon Dougherty
© 2002 WorldNetDaily.com

The FBI's top counterterrorism agent checked into an Oklahoma City
hotel nearly nine hours before a truck bomb nearly leveled the Alfred
P. Murrah Building, according to a receipt obtained by WorldNetDaily,
despite claims that he was in Texas the morning of the attack.

The Embassy Suites Hotel receipt of Danny Coulson, then-director of
the FBI's Terrorist Task Force and founding commander of the bureau's
Hostage Rescue Team was dated April 19, 1995, with a check-in time
of 00:20 – military time for 12:20 a.m. (Editor's note: His last
name is spelled Coulsen on the receipt, but it indicates he is with
the FBI, located at 50 Penn Place, Suite 1600; OKC, OK.)

The truck bomb exploded at 9:03 a.m., devastating half the building
and killing 168 men, women and children.

According to the receipt, Coulson checked out of his hotel – room
406 – April 27 at 11:16 a.m.

The existence of the receipt and subsequent questions it raises
surrounding the FBI's official denial of prior knowledge of the OKC
bombing was first reported by J.D. Cash of the McCurtain (Oklahoma)
Daily Gazette – a small-town paper that has been out in front of
scores of OKC-related stories.

Since the bombing, officials at the Department of Justice have
repeatedly assured victims that the FBI had no prior knowledge of any
plot to bomb the Murrah federal building, the paper said Wednesday.
However, evidence of Coulson's clandestine trip fits squarely with a
substantial body of details found in hundreds of pages of other
official documents obtained [via Freedom of Information Act requests]
by the paper – evidence revealing weeks of planning by an elite
corps of drug and counterterrorism experts who were closely
monitoring members of various far-right groups they considered
religious extremists and threats to the safety and security of the

WorldNetDaily reported June 1 that Ricardo Rick J. W. Ojeda, a
former FBI special agent involved in the original Oklahoma City
bombing investigation, was given details of a relationship between
convicted bomber Timothy McVeigh and members of a white supremacist
group that may have helped McVeigh carry out the attack.

McVeigh was put to death 10 days later. His accomplice, Terry
Nichols, is facing state charges in Oklahoma for his role in the
bombing after having been convicted in 1997 on federal charges.

In his 1999 book, No Heroes: Inside the FBI's Secret Counter-Terror
Force, authored with Time magazine's Elaine Shannon, Coulson said he
was in Dallas the morning of the Murrah attack. He said he and his
wife were house-hunting and staying with friends:

We were finishing up breakfast with some old friends in Fort Worth
when we heard the first news bulletin, something about a big
explosion up in Oklahoma. ... My pager went off, displaying a number
I knew by heart. It's the SIOC, I said. The Strategic Information
and Operations Center at the Hoover Building in Washington. John
O'Neil, the headquarters official in charge of domestic terrorism
investigations, answered. His voice was flat. I guess you heard a
bomb went off in Oklahoma City. 9:02 a.m. Yes, it's all over the
news. A lot of people have been killed and injured. We don't know
what we have. Ricks needs help. Can you catch the next
flight? We're right in the middle of thunderstorms, I
said. Nobody in Texas is getting on a plane. I'll drive. ...
But according to the Gazette's investigation – aided by the discovery
of the hotel receipt – Coulson was apparently already in OKC, tied
to an FBI investigation that ... was part of a highly sensitive
operation that few outside the criminal division of the FBI knew
existed until long after it was disbanded.

That operation, allegedly begun by then-Attorney General Janet Reno
in August 1994, was dubbed VAAPCON, assigned the number MC-111 (Major
Case 111) and was aimed at investigating the so-called religious
right in America and possible ties to violent acts, the paper said.

Cash said he was unclear what VAAPCON meant, but he believes it has
something to do with a Reno initiative to investigate violence
against abortion providers.

The paper also noted that Coulson referred to MC-111 as his initial
reason for going to Oklahoma City, using the case number in a May 16,
1995, report filed he filed with the bureau.

Others have also tied McVeigh and Nichols to white supremacist
groups. WND reported June 27 that Indiana State University
criminologist Mark Hamm, in a book published last fall, named former
Aryan Republican Army member Mark Thomas, originally of Pennsylvania,
and other members of his group as alleged coconspirators.

Based on court records and other evidence, WND also reported similar
connections May 30.

Others, however, have said they believe McVeigh and 

Re: [CTRL] Ashcroft embarassed by Spirit of Justice

2002-01-29 Thread Joshua Tinnin

-Caveat Lector-

No, the point is that it's a difference of degrees, and even you, Colleen,
purport to speak for morality for all of us, and it still seems you do not
understand the sculpture at the library.

So, to me: Ashcroft - being offended at the naked breast is equivalent of:
Colleen - being offended at male genitalia. Neither one offends me, though only
one offends you, and I still don't know exactly why it does.

They are, after all, only body parts. It's only your holy book which says it's
right or wrong, or the way you interpret it.

But you never did answer the question, you only made assumptions, and we are now
to believe that it is Ashcroft's problems which caused this faux pas, and yet
you claim moral high ground in your condemnation of other human body parts?

Michelangelo's David had more showing ...

- jt

- Original Message -
 Let us say the Librarian had a castration complex as did the creator of
 the Hung Out to Dry exhibit.

 Maybe Ashcroft did not like being associated with a big boob from
 outerspace; or perhaps, the Librarian Bull Moose - well get the picture.

 There is a difference between Arts and Sciences and castration

 So much for art forms.


 Now whaat if Ashcroft had had the exhibit from the Library forget

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Re: [CTRL] Ashcroft embarassed by Spirit of Justice

2002-01-29 Thread Saba

-Caveat Lector-

Joshua T - go read your Talmud  there ought to be enough butchery and
savagry to appease your appetite for hanged out to dry art forms.


As for the picture of Ashcroft - the person who took the picture made
the statue the center of attraction for obvious reasons.
The statue anyway seems rather more suitable for an art museum.
Justice might be blind, but the public is beginning to see the light.

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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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2002-01-29 Thread Jei

-Caveat Lector-

 Military Coup/Martial Law? - Bring it onBob


 Shocking news comes out of Navy War planning
 meeting that Military scenarios have been developed once the
 Stock Market crashes

 The New World Order is coming! Are you ready?
 Once you understand what this New World Order really is, and
 how it is being gradually implemented, you will be able to see it
 progressing in your daily news!!

 Learn how to protect yourself, your loved ones!

 Stand by for insights so startling you will never look at
 the news the same way again.


 On 16 June 1998, the Navy and Marine Corps were conducting
 their annual strategy meeting entitled Current Strategy
 Forum. This year's meeting was held at the
 U.S. Naval War College in Newport, Rhode Island. One of the
 attendees was shocked by one sentence uttered by the Under
 Secretary of the Navy, simply and
 only because he knows the New World Order Plan. This one
 sentence passed right over everyone else's head, as it will
 in every instance where a person does not
 know what the Plan is, or when they realize how close we
 seem to be in to its final stages.

 After speaking for about 30 minutes from his prepared notes,
 the U.S. Under Secretary of the Navy, the Honorable Jerry
 MacArthur, then began to answer questions. After answering
 several questions, Mr. MacArthur made this statement, apparently
 off the cuff.

 Senior Military Pentagon officials have been working
 closely with senior officials at Wall Street to perfect
 several scenarios that could quickly be put into action when
 Wall Street crashes.

 This attendee gasped and looked around the room, to see what
 the reaction was on the part of the other attendees. Each of
 them sat in their chair, showing no
 emotion and no visible reaction. But this man was jumping
 out of his skin at this revelation, for the following reasons.

  Since Wall Street is located in New York City, the law
 stipulates that the responsibility for maintaining law and
 order in the event of a crisis as huge as the
  Stock Market crashing would fall to New York State
 officials, headed by Governor Pataki. The Federal Government
 cannot intervene until and unless the
  New York Governor asks it to intervene. So, the first
 important question of the hour, is, why in the world is the
 Federal Government participating in the
  developing of scenarios to be instituted in the event
 of a Stock Market crash?

  This statement strongly implied that the Stock Market
 crash is a planned event, just as we have been saying for
 years. Some people might say that our Stock
  Market must inevitably crash, since the problems in
 Japan and Southeast Asia will ultimately swamp Wall Street.
 After all, these economies in Asia that are in
  trouble constitute almost 40% of the world's Gross
 National Product. While we believe in this scenario, we must
 recognize that the economies and stock
  markets of the United States and Europe are very
 healthy and just might ride out this Asian crisis, if no one
 deliberately pushes a button to destroy consumer

  These remarks strongly imply that the military plans to
 seize control and/or institute Martial Law soon after the
 Stock Market begins to crash. Anyone familiar
  with their American history will recall that such
 military action was not needed in the crash of either 1929
 or 1933. Even though the people in Wall Street were
  experiencing considerable panics, and even though some
 investors were committing suicide, the population at large
 was not responding with personal
  lawlessness. Public order was not jeopardized.
 Historians note that the Family Unit provided cohesion
 necessary to keep the law in the cities, towns, and
  hamlets in America. Obviously, our military and
 civilian leaders do not believe Americans will react in the
 same way today.

  Since the Under Secretary of the Navy was willing to
 bring this subject up at this time and at this place, this
 attendee wondered if the moment of financial crisis
  might not be soon at hand.

 We have wondered about this scenario, also, in several of
 our previous articles. Remember that this planned financial
 crisis will not be occurring by itself. Rather, this
 financial crisis will be occurring simultaneously, or
 concurrently, with other crises, the cumulative effect upon
 the minds of the people will be so great they will be
 panicked into allowing their beloved Constitutional Form of
 Government to be suspending and their freedoms taken away!
 Obviously, this crisis would have to be
 severe in the extreme for this to occur. But, this is just
 the scenario we have in store for us that will usher in the
 New World Order

1.Annihilating war in the Middle East between Israel and
 her Arab neighbors. Western 

Re: [CTRL] The Attempted Coup Against FDR (2 of 2)

2002-01-29 Thread Dale Stonehouse

-Caveat Lector-

 -Original Message-
 From: Molli Wolf [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]

 Note to Dale - If you reject information sources

I don't think I said I reject anything. I do require things to make sense
and when they don't I want further information.

 Re his book on the Fed, I do not think you can have read
 it very well, thoroughly or attentively

What I should have said is after reading a dozen or so books rehashing the
same information it gets a little boring. My point is unless human nature
changes the only change possible is replacing one bad system with another.
If for some reason every human had an equal amount of material possessions
at some point, war and starvation would quickly create haves and have-nots.

 if you still think
 that elastic currencies are 'necessary'

I do not advocate any system of currency. Ownership addiction and attachment
to the material world require one for most people at this time. Value is
only in the mind and at the point of death nothing material has value; only
knowledge can be retained after death.

 I hope you are willing to admit when you are wrong - if not,
 it will be a waste of effort.

I guess I don't communicate very well, Molli. I have no interest in being
right any more than I have in making anyone else wrong. My interest is in
information, none of which is in a material form which I can own or
destroy. Pure information has no polarity: it is not good or evil, right
or wrong. It just sits there doing nothing until the human mind places some
sort of artificial value on it.

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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Re: [CTRL] Report: Bush Has A Heart Arrhythmia

2002-01-29 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 1/28/02 8:45:35 PM Eastern Standard Time,

 That's the very definition of bradycardia, said Dr. Harold Karpman, a
 specialist at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles and a clinical
 professor at UCLA. Indeed, any heart rate slower than 60 beats per minutes
 is, by definition, bradycardia. 

And it is considered a plus.  One of the most famous bicycle racers, I
believe his name was Colpi, had a heart that beat at about half the norm.
Such people are searched out in Europe to develop as athletes.  Too bad our
prez spent the first forty years drinking away his youth.  He might have been
an Olympian.  Prudy

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Israeli Combat Veterans Renounce 'Humiliating' Palestinians

2002-01-29 Thread flw

-Caveat Lector-

Israeli Reservists Refuse Territories Duty
Combat Veterans Renounce 'Humiliating' Palestinians

By Lee Hockstader
Washington Post Foreign Service
Tuesday, January 29, 2002; Page A16

JERUSALEM, Jan. 28 -- More than 60 Israeli army reservists, half of them
officers and all of them combat veterans, have publicly refused to continue
serving in the West Bank and Gaza Strip on the grounds that Israel's
occupation forces there are abusing and humiliating Palestinians.

We will no longer fight beyond the Green Line for the purpose of
occupying, deporting, destroying, blockading, killing, starving and
humiliating an entire people, declared a petition signed by the reservists
and published in Israel's best-selling daily newspaper, Yedioth Ahronoth.
The Green Line refers to the border between Israel and the West Bank.

Over the years, eligible Israelis have sometimes declined to serve in the
army or refused to serve in certain places for reasons of conscience or
politics. What makes the current case unusual is that so many combat
reservists, soldiers and officers have come forward publicly at one time.

The organizers of the petition -- a pair of reserve lieutenants in their
twenties who have served in the Israeli-occupied territories -- say their
goal is to collect 500 signatures in the coming weeks and launch a broad
social campaign.

We all have limits, reserve Lt. David Zonshein, 28, a software engineer
and one of the men who drafted the petition, told Yedioth. You can be the
best officer, always be first . . . and suddenly you are asked to do things
that should not be asked of you -- to shoot people, to stop ambulances, to
destroy houses in which you don't know if there are people living.

Zonshein said his petition drive has triggered furious reactions. We knew
we'd get a lot of reactions, and some of them are not just critical,
they're violent, he said. These are hard people with very extreme

Zonshein, who drafted the petition with reserve Lt. Yaniv Itzkovich, 26, a
university teaching assistant, declined to grant interviews to foreign
correspondents. But along with several other signatories of the petition,
the two men told Yedioth about incidents in which they said Israeli troops
opened fire on Palestinian children and other civilians who posed no
apparent danger to their lives.

In a statement, the Israeli army's general staff said: To serve in the
Israeli Defense Forces is obligatory under the law and there is no place
for reserve soldiers to choose what jobs they want and what jobs they don't
want. The writers of the petition don't represent the soldiers and officers
of the reserve who understand their mission and are working days and nights
toward the security of the state of Israel and peace for its citizens.

Most Israeli men are required to serve as army reservists until they are 45
years old, typically spending at least a few weeks each year away from
their families and civilian jobs.

The spokesman for Prime Minister Ariel Sharon, Raanan Gissin, said
allegations of abuse by the army should be investigated, but he dismissed
the petition and refusals to serve in the army as a marginal phenomenon.
The petition undermines the basic tenet of Israeli democracy, he said.
You can't have a government in which people can decide they'll . . . bomb
this target but not that target. You abide by the rule of the majority, and
the majority has decided this is the government and this is its policy.

Since the current Palestinian armed uprising erupted in September 2000,
more than 500 Israelis have refused to serve in the Israeli-occupied
territories, including pacifists and veterans, recruits and reservists,
according to There is a Limit, an Israeli group that monitors and
encourages such objectors. Of that number, about 40, including 12 reserve
officers, have been sentenced to relatively brief prison terms, the group
said. Others have been ignored or given army jobs in Israel.

Ram Rahat, a former Israeli combat soldier who refused to serve during
Israel's invasion of Lebanon in 1982, said the current dissent mirrors
patterns from previous conflicts.

This says that people who have gone through [army reserve duty] a couple
of times, going through the territories and seeing the reality of what's
going on there, are starting to get fed up with it, said Rahat, 45, an
accountant. It's exactly what happened in the first intifada as well. As
more and more people did reserve duty and came back for their second and
third tours, there were more and more cases of refusal.

More than 1,000 people have been killed in the past 16 months of violence,
about three-quarters of them Palestinians. American, European and Israeli
human rights groups have criticized the Israeli army for using excessive
force against unarmed Palestinian demonstrators, for opening fire on
civilians who posed no apparent threat and for failing to investigate such

© 2002 The Washington Post Company
Combat Veterans 

Re: [CTRL] Report: Bush Has A Heart Arrhythmia

2002-01-29 Thread Edward Britton

-Caveat Lector-


 That's the very definition of bradycardia, said Dr. Harold Karpman, a
  specialist at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles and a clinical
  professor at UCLA. Indeed, any heart rate slower than 60 beats per minutes
  is, by definition, bradycardia. 

And it is considered a plus.  One of the most famous bicycle racers, I
believe his name was Colpi, had a heart that beat at about half the norm.
Such people are searched out in Europe to develop as athletes.  Too bad our
prez spent the first forty years drinking away his youth.  He might have been
an Olympian.  Prudy

It's impolite to drool, Prudy.  Just say you want him and be done with it :-)

Edward   +

If you have fifty problems and one of them is government, you have only
one problem.

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[CTRL] fwd: Blair under pressure over links to Enron

2002-01-29 Thread Samantha L.

-Caveat Lector-

Subj:Independent Update: Blair under pressure over links to Enron
Date:   1/29/02 1:58:57 AM Central Standard Time
From:   [EMAIL PROTECTED] (IndyNews)

Blair under pressure over government links to Enron
Tony Blair was under pressure to reveal his involvement in decisions by the
Government that helped the American energy

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] fwd: Flight 587: Video May Hold the Key

2002-01-29 Thread Samantha L.

-Caveat Lector-

Subj:[the_octopus] Flight 587: Video May Hold the Key
Date:   1/29/02 12:36:14 AM Central Standard Time
From:   [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Mike Hawkins)



Sunday, Jan. 27, 2002
Flight 587: Video May Hold the Key
Frustrated investigators looking into the crash of American Airlines
Flight 587 have an important new piece of evidence. Government sources
tell Time that analysts at the National Transportation Safety Board last
week got their first look at a remarkable videotape of the deadly
accident. Recorded by a surveillance camera at a New York City area
tollbooth, the tape captures nearly the entire catastrophe that sent the
Airbus A300 crashing into a residential neighborhood in Queens less than
3 min. after takeoff from John F. Kennedy International Airport on Nov.
12. According to an NTSB source, the plane can be seen flying along
normally and intact, and suddenly things start to go very wrong. The
video records the plane as it begins its descent. The crash is obscured,
but the tape continues to run and smoke can be seen rising from the
scene. Experts at the NTSB are optimistic that the tape will help answer
critical questions about the precise sequence of events as the plane
began to break apart, and exactly how and when the tail section separated
from the body of the plane. This is the second video record the board has
obtained of the crash, but the first one was virtually useless because
the plane could be seen only as a tiny speck.

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] Fwd: Democrats.com Daily News for January 28, 2002

2002-01-29 Thread Samantha L.



___DEMOCRATS.COMThe Aggressive Progressives__

Democrats.com is the largest independent community of Democrats.
We publish the only Democratic daily news service - and it's free!
Our members make it possible through generous contributions.
Please help by clicking below!

___.COMPOSITION__In This Issue___

Democrats.com Will Host Online Chat with Paul Begala on Wednesday 9-10 pm EST

Bush's 'Twins Joke' Is Beyond Disgusting - It's A Total Lie

Pretzelgate is a Medical Scandal: Bush Has Been Lying About His Heart Arrhythmia

Unbelievable! Supreme Injustice Anthony Kennedy Launches 'Dialogue on Freedom'

Explosive Report: Did the CIA Bring the 9-11 Terrorists to the US through a 'Jeddah 

If Bu$h Didn't Promise the Afghan Pipeline to Unocal, Then to Whom? Was It - ENRON?

Blaming Clinton for 9-11 Is Backfiring Big-Time

John Walker Lindh's Lawyer Will Put Bu$h On Trial

Former FERC Chairman Curtis Hebert Has Proof that Bu$h is LYING About Enrongate!

Back in 1994, Bush Lied About his Involvement with Enron

At Enron's Request, Republicans Corrupted the Bankruptcy Bill Too!

13 Senators Blocked the SEC's Conflict of Interest Rule for Accountants

The Bush 100: The Center for Public Integrity Releases Report on Professional and 
Economic Interests of Bush Staffers

The 'Bush Syndrome' Joins Call for Enrongate Special Prosecutor

Cliff Baxter's Medical Examiner Has Questionable Past

Enrongate 'Suicide' Is One More Scandalous Parallel to Funeralgate, the Scandal the 
Media Refuses to Investigate

Kenny Boy, I Hardly Knew Ye

The Bush Royal Family and the Saudi Royal Family Could Hardly Be Closer

Then, Emile Zola Wrote His 'J'Accuse'; Now, Tina Staik Asks, 'Is it a coincidence...?'


Support our Campaign for a Special Prosecutor for Enrongate!
Democrats.com has launched a major campaign for a Special Prosecutor for Enrongate. We 
need your support! Sign our petition (5112 signatures and counting!) and contribute to 
our banner advertising campaign. Your support makes our efforts possible!



__Democrats.com Will Host Online Chat with Paul Begala on Wednesday 9-10 pm EST

Democrats.com is proud to announce our FIRST online chat! Our guest will be Paul 
Begala, co-author (with James Carville) of the brand new book, Buck Up, Suck Up... 
and Come Back When You Foul Up. Begala was one of our most exciting speakers at our 
December 12 Rising from the Ashes forum in New York City, and we are delighted to 
have him as our guest. To participate, you must join our online community through the 
link below, and then follow the chat link to General Chat Channels and then 
Democrats.com Chat. To submit a question, e-mail it in advance to 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] with the subject Begala Question - we will sort them and 
present as many as we can to Begala during the hour. Be sure to include your full name 
and community login. This should be fun, but please be patient if we encounter those 
inevitable technical difficulties on our maiden voyage.

__Bush's 'Twins Joke' Is Beyond Disgusting - It's A Total Lie

During his trip to West Virginia last week - while a fallen soldier was being buried - 
Bush joked with Bob Kiss, Speaker of the House, about feeding Kiss' 5-week-old twins. 
Bush said, I've been to war. I've raised twins. If I had a choice, I'd rather go to 
war. While Americans - and Afghans - continue to die in a real war with real 
violence, horror, and death, Bush thinks death is just a joke. Hey George, why don't 
you come to Ground Zero, the Pentagon, and Arlington Cemetary and repeat this 
disgusting joke? Worse yet, Bush's joke includes an appalling lie - Bush NEVER went to 
war! He DODGED Vietnam by pulling family strings to get into the Texas Air National 
Guard, so someone else without family connections fought - and possibly died - in his 
place. Bush spent his TANG years drunk, and simply went AWOL with 2 years left in his 
service obligation. WHEN will the media demand the truth about Bush's AWOL? It's time 
for the media to ask serious questions about Bush's outrageous jokes!

__Pretzelgate is a Medical Scandal: Bush Has Been Lying About His Heart Arrhythmia

As West Wing fans know, President Bartlet was censured by Congress for failing to 
disclose his medical condition. Well guess what - Bush has been lying about his own 
medical condition, a heart arrhythmia called bradycardia, which is a resting heart 
rate below 60 beats per minute. KPCC reporter David Robb suspected bradycardia caused 
Bush to faint after gagging on the pretzel, and after repeated calls to White House 
physician Dr. Richard Tubb, Robb 

[CTRL] fwd: Global Crossing: Another Model For Bush Administration Business Practices

2002-01-29 Thread Samantha L.


Title: BuzzFlash.com - A BuzzFlash Reader Commentary


BuzzFlash Reader 


Crossing: Another Model For Bush Administration Business Practices
pieces of the puzzle look strangely familiar: The Bush Dynasty, Andersen 
Consulting, a chairman who profited while the company declined in value, 
and lots of political contributions and connections.
* *
29, 2002
January 28, 7:24 pm Eastern Time
Andersen fees from Global Crossing get critical eye
By Deepa Babington
YORK, Jan 28 (Reuters) - Andersen, the auditor for collapsed energy trading 
giant Enron Corp., is now facing questions over its audit of another client 
now languishing in bankruptcy.
  communications company Global Crossing (NYSE:GX - news) on Monday said 
  it filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection in a move that experts 
  said further compounded the woes of its embattled auditor Andersen
Crossing paid George Bush in stock
Bloomberg News
Special to CNET News.com
March 19, 1999, 5:40 AM PT
  Crossing, a provider of long distance phone services through an undersea 
  fiber-optic network, paid former U.S. President George Bush in stock 
  options now worth about $14.4 million for giving a speech to the company's 
  customers, according to reports
22, 2001
Global Crossing Sinks, Gary Winnick Stays Dry
sold shares regularly as the business he ran deteriorated.
  as Global Crossing has been for investors lately, Winnick, who serves 
  as company chairman, hasn't made out too badly. That's because he has 
  long been a prodigious seller of Global Crossing stock. In September, 
  2000, a spokesperson confirmed that Winnick had sold some $600 million 
  of Global Crossing stock since the company's initial public offering. 
  Winnick received the majority of his shares as result of his $15 million 
  founding investment in the company. And this past May, Pacific Capital 
  Group, an investment firm controlled by Winnick, generated an additional 
  $123 million in proceeds through a complicated financial arrangement 
  known as a collar
Global Crossing may be an upstart in the wireless business, but its top 
three executives are old hands when its comes to campaign contributions.
by Michael Scherer March 5, 2001
  to its generous contributions, Global Crossing is well positioned to 
  take advantage of the shift. In addition to Cook, two other top executives 
  handed out large donations: founder and chairman Gary Winnick (No. 84, 
  $363,750) and former CEO Leo Hindery Jr. (No. 29, $591,902), who now 
  heads Global Crossing's Internet division. At the Republican National 
  Convention in August, the company spent $250,000 sponsoring fundraisers, 
  including a Carnevale Italiano that saluted Italian-American 
11, 2002
The Wall Street Journal
Corporate Crime Wave?
By George Gilder
  of these alleged crime lords are familiar. Gary Winnick was party to 
  a previous potlatch at Drexel Burnham, where he played a key role in 
  financing the communications infrastructure through MCI, Telecommunications 
  Inc., Turner broadcasting, and McCaw Cellular. Then he and his associates 
  were alleged to have ravaged savings and loans by inducing some of them 
  to buy those companies' high-yield securities before a government ban 
  briefly destroyed their value. Finally Mr. Winnick boldly launched the 
  world-wide fiber-optic networks of Global Crossing, with, it is implied, 
  the intention of bilking investors and crashing bandwidth prices in 
  what Fortune calls perhaps the greatest executive ripoff in the 
  history of enterprise but what is better described as the most 
  efficient global buildout in telecom

[CTRL] fwd: CARLYLE GROUP makes out big

2002-01-29 Thread Samantha L.

-Caveat Lector-




Crusader System Gets Boost From Pentagon

United Defense Industries Inc., controlled by Carlyle Group Inc.,
would get $4.1 billion from the Pentagon over the next five years for its
Crusader artillery system, according to internal budget documents.

United Defense got 16% of its sales last year from the Crusader and
went public largely in anticipation of the program, analysts said. The
Pentagon's budget calls for $475 million in fiscal 2003 for research, with
procurement increasing to $1billion by 2007.

The Army argued that the mobile howitzer is vital to its transformation to a
lighter, more agile force. The Crusader was criticized as too heavy, so
United Defense cut its weight by 25% to 41 tons. Shares of Arlington,
Va.-based United Defense rose 10 cents to $20.85 on the NYSE.

If you want other stories on this topic, search the Archives at
latimes.com/archives. For information about reprinting this article, go to

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sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] Enron May Spark Revolt of Professionals

2002-01-29 Thread Jei

-Caveat Lector-

Enron May Spark Revolt of Professionals

By James K. Galbraith

James K. Galbraith, a professor at the University of Texas at Austin, is
the author, most recently, of Inequality and Industrial Change: A Global

January 25, 2002

NOWADAYS there are three classes in America: working people at the bottom,
professionals above them, a tiny elite at the top. Democrats represent the
professionals, Republicans represent the CEOs. No one, much, speaks for
working people, who must rely on the sympathy of leading Democrats for
most of the little they get.

Our politics accordingly mirrors corporate life, with an opposition out of
Dilbert, grumpy but ineffective. Thus, after the 2000 election,
Democrats abandoned the black voters of Florida, who were disenfranchised
by the tens of thousands. In the tax-bill looting that followed in
Congress, there was just enough grease for the upper middle to buy its
silence. Meanwhile, raids on job safety, on the public schools, on unions,
and the attempt to demolish Social Security fell on the lower orders. In
each case, the aim was elite enrichment, amid the indifference of the
professional class.

Enron could change that. In details complex, the scandal is essentially
simple. A handful of rich people, closely tied to the Texas Republican
Party led by Gov. George W. Bush and Sen. Phil Gramm, decided to become
richer still. Their grand strategy included deregulation of energy,
deregulation of derivatives (an arcane financial device), corrupt
accounting practices, overseas tax scams, U.S. diplomatic pressure
(delivered in 2001 by Dick Cheney himself, on India, where Enron had sold
a white elephant power plant). And then, as the game unwound, they sold
their own stock while freezing employee pension accounts. In the end, the
gang made off with more than a billion dollars, that we know of.

Enron's real business was politics. Energy deregulation helped create the
web of commodities in which Enron traded. Derivatives deregulation
(courtesy of Gramm and Rep. Richard Armey) shielded that market from
review. Consulting contracts to the auditors bought complicity; payments
from auditors to politicians fended off the Securities and Exchange
Commission. Enron paid for favors promptly: $100,000 to the Democrats in
1997 to push the Indians around, $25,000 to Texas Gov. Rick Perry one day
after Enron's Mexico chief got to run the Public Utilities Commission in
Texas. Wendy Gramm, who chaired Enron's audit committee, got nearly $2
million. We still don't know exactly what Enron contributed, in
intellectual terms, to Cheney's energy policy, or to Treasury Secretary
Paul O'Neill's defense of overseas tax shelters. But it paid well for it:
over time, the big boss George Bush got more than $600,000 in Enron cash.
That we know of.

Enron reveals, for the first time, just how rot at the top can cut against
professional interests. Those were not only small fry, but modest
millionaires in some cases, who lost their 401(k)s. A professional's
pension can't be replaced. And there is nothing a hardworking middle
manager fears more than to end up on Social Security like ordinary folk.
Administration officials proudly refused to intervene on Enron's behalf
once bankruptcy loomed. But here's the catch: They weren't asked to. By
then, their friends had already cashed out. Saving the professionals, or
the company, was not on the agenda.

White House economist Lawrence Lindsey (who'd gotten $50,000 as an Enron
adviser in 2000) reviewed the great bankruptcy's risks to the economy at
large. He concluded they were small; he may not be wrong. Most of the
direct damage landed on a few thousand people in Houston.

But we shouldn't be entirely sure. Corporate America runs on the
collaboration of professionals with the elites. In big and small ways,
managers, accountants, lawyers and engineers make the system work. In each
firm, they have to trust that the big boys are not stealing from them.
Through their pension funds, they control vast sums that they must also
entrust back to corporate America - through the stock market. Before 1988,
the professionals of Japan also felt that by working and saving, borrowing
and investing, everyone would get rich. The crash of that year taught
otherwise. The Japanese middle classes felt betrayed, because they were
betrayed. Their money, what was left of it, went back under the mattress,
where it remains. Japan has not recovered in 14 years.

Suppose that American professionals come to feel the same way? The
economist Thorstein Veblen, back in the days of Teapot Dome, wrote that
the revolution here would not be led by workers. Rather, revolution could
only come to America in the hands of technicians, the General Staff of
the industrial system, a normally contented class, harmless and docile,
in ordinary times. The technicians however, held the real power. And they
might, someday, realize that the absentee landlords, the 

[CTRL] Senate Report on Money Laundering

2002-01-29 Thread Jei

-Caveat Lector-


Senate Report on Money Laundering
WASHINGTON (AP) - For drug dealers, dictators or terrorists looking to
launder illicit money, U.S. brokerage firms and investment banks may be
convenient and anonymous places to go, Senate investigators say.

A report being released Tuesday found that securities firms have tens of
thousands of offshore clients channeling billions of potentially illicit
dollars into their U.S. accounts.

The banking industry already has come under scrutiny for its use by money
launderers. But the securities industry also ``has clear money laundering
risks that need to be addressed,'' Sen. Carl Levin, D-Mich., chairman of the
Senate Governmental Affairs investigative subcommittee, said.

Subcommittee investigators found that all the 22 U.S. securities firms
examined had numerous offshore customers and many of the firms said they
couldn't provide an accurate count of those clients because their data
systems didn't identify offshore entities. The clients include offshore
corporations, trusts, banks and insurance companies.

The securities firms, which were not named, had more than 45,000 offshore
clients total, with an estimated $140 billion in assets in their accounts -
of which some $137 billion came from offshore corporations and trusts,
according to the report.

The high-risk accounts represent about 2 percent of the U.S. firms' total
accounts, it says.

The investigators didn't find any evidence of illegal activity in the 22
firms that they surveyed.

Levin, who has investigated money laundering in the nation's banking
industry, was testifying at a Senate Banking Committee hearing Tuesday on
new anti-money-laundering rules for banks and securities firms that came in
response to the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks. Also appearing were high-ranking
officials from the Justice and Treasury departments, the Federal Reserve and
the Securities and Exchange Commission, which oversees the brokerage

Businesses in offshore jurisdictions - such as the Caribbean and tiny
islands in the South Pacific - benefit from financial secrecy laws, which
can encourage laundering of dirty money.

The fight against money laundering gained new urgency after the attacks in
New York City, Washington and southwestern Pennsylvania and revelations that
the al-Qaida network of Osama bin Laden, the prime suspect in the attacks,
uses money from Islamic charities and front companies.

A new anti-terrorism law enacted in October includes rules to combat money
laundering in U.S. banks and securities firms, notably requirements that
they verify their customers' identities and report suspicious transactions
to law enforcement agencies. The rules for banks took effect on Christmas
Day. Final rules for securities firms must be issued by June. Securities
businesses include brokerage firms, investment banks, investment advisers,
bond dealers and mutual funds.

Wall Street had lobbied against some of the rules for securities firms, such
as one prohibiting them from maintaining accounts with foreign shell banks
that exist mainly on paper and lack concrete operations.

``The industry has no patience for money laundering and we have been working
and want to continue to work with the government to eliminate any money
laundering,'' Stuart Kaswell, general counsel of the Securities Industry
Association, Wall Street's major trade group, said Monday.

``We don't want this money in our business. ... We want to make these rules
work,'' Kaswell said. He declined comment on the Senate panel's report,
saying the group hadn't yet seen it.

Law enforcement agencies have been concerned about the securities industry's
potential vulnerability to money laundering, which involves the movement of
profits from drug or arms trafficking, political corruption, prostitution
and other illicit activities through a series of accounts or businesses to
disguise them as proceeds of legitimate business.

An October report by the General Accounting Office, Congress' investigative
arm, showed that many U.S. securities firms do not have voluntary controls
against money laundering by customers.

After the Sept. 11 attacks, the SEC asked all securities firms to check
their records for accounts held or transactions by any of the suspects in
the case identified by the FBI, or by any of the people and groups with
suspected links to terrorism - including bin Laden - named in President
Bush's orders to freeze their assets.

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and 

[CTRL] We Are Engulfed In Pesticides

2002-01-29 Thread Jei

-Caveat Lector-


THIS WEEK'S NEWS  23-Jan-2002
We're Englulfed in Pesticides

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) began an ongoing
study in 1999 in an effort to calculate the public's exposures to
environmental contaminants, including mercury, tobacco smoke, and
certain pesticides. By taking blood and urine samples, scientists can
monitor the population's contact with chemicals present in the air,
water, dust, food, and soil over time.

So far, the results of the initial CDC National Report on Human
Exposure to Environmental Chemicals confirm what many people already
suspected, says Susan Kegley, staff scientist at Pesticide Action
Network North America (PANNA). The general population has contaminant
levels exceeding those set by the Environmental Protection Agency
(EPA) as safe.

If you want to limit your exposure to pesticides, you need to become
familiar with the ways you come into contact with them. Residues on
food and home-and-garden insecticides are well-known ways for people
to be exposed to pesticides, says Jay Feldman, executive director of
Beyond Pesticides. But laundry and bathroom products, such as
sanitizers and mildew removers, also contain pesticides. The chemicals
commonly used to keep backyard swimming pools clean and clear are
laced with pesticides. Institutions and businesses use these products

At least 21 neurotoxins are used in schools.

People often forget to consider the pesticides not under their direct
control. Spraying of nearby agricultural fields or monthly applications
by the neighbor's lawn service cause drift that can be a significant
source of pesticide exposure, says Kegley.

Diet has a huge effect on the amount of pesticides people ingest.
Researchers at the University of Washington analyzed the urine of 100
children. Ninety-nine of the kids had detectable levels of pesticides
in their systems, says Kegley. The only participant with no evidence
of exposure ate organic food.

Pesticides have become omnipresent in our rain and air, says Steve
Tvedten, president of Get Set, a company specializing in nontoxic pest
control. Chemicals used in Africa find their way to Florida in a
short amount of time. And our generation has been exposed to more than
500 toxins that our grandparents weren't. Even if pesticides were safe,
they're not always effective. If they were, we wouldn't continue to
need them. And already, more than one-half of the pests are resistant to

The same herbicides and pesticides many people spray on their own
gardens have been linked to the onset of Parkinson's Disease, a
disorder that turns movement into a battle between the brain and the
nerves. The first connection was made in the early 1980s, when young
people illegally taking an impure form of Demerol (MPTP) exhibited
symptoms of an advanced form of Parkinson's. The chemical structure of
MPTP resembles the herbicide paraquat. During the past two decades,
researchers have continued to explore the associations between
pesticides and Parkinson's.

I was surprised at how accurately rats developed the signs of
Parkinson's, says Dr. J. Timothy Greenamyre, a researcher at Emory
University. The rats in the study were given the pesticide rotenone.
Because it is often labeled as a natural pesticide, many home gardeners
feel safe using it. Rotenone is also used to kill nuisance fish in lakes
and reservoirs and fleas and ticks on pets. A recent Stanford study showed
that Parkinson's patients were twice as likely to have been exposed to
in-home insecticides than people without the disease. People exposed to
herbicides also were more likely to develop it. A study at the Henry Ford
Health System in Detroit confirmed that people exposed to insecticide were
3.5 times more likely to be diagnosed with Parkinson's disease than people
with no history of pesticide exposure. Contact with herbicides gave
people a four times greater chance of developing Parkinson's, says Dr.
Jay M. Gorell, head of the Movement Disorders Clinic in the Neurology
Department. The study also searched for a relationship between
Parkinson's disease and farming and found it. Farmers were 2.8 times as
likely to have PD as the general population.

More than 1 million Americans have Parkinson's, and every nine minutes
another person is diagnosed with the disease. It's second only to
Alzheimer's disease as the most common neurodegenerative disorder in
the United States. It was first described by the English physician James
Parkinson in 1817 and kills the nerve cells in the brain that release
dopamine, a chemical necessary for controlling movements. Normal
everyday tasks, such as buttoning a shirt, rising from a chair, or
writing a letter, eventually become impossible.

…People may or may not be aware of their lifetime history of contact with
pesticides, says Gorell. Experts are searching for ways to quantify past
exposures. Heredity is another important factor to gauge when studying

Re: [CTRL] Ashcroft embarassed by Spirit of Justice

2002-01-29 Thread RevCOAL

-Caveat Lector-

From: Joshua Tinnin [EMAIL PROTECTED]
No, the point is that it's a difference of degrees, and even you, Colleen,
purport to speak for morality for all of us, and it still seems you do not
understand the sculpture at the library.

I wonder what YOUR understanding of the sculpture at the Denver library is,

I definitely don't have a problem with seeing any gender's genitalia,
whether in a piece that purports to be 'art' or in the flesh; but what I
found objectionable with the work shown at the Denver library is that it
displayed severed male genitalia in the name of fighting domestic violence;
if the work had instead showed severed female vulvas strung on a
clothesline and named Hung Out To Dry, there would have been a great hue
and cry regarding it encouraging violence against women; I wonder why
people don't see it as encouraging violence against men (both straight and
gay men) and why a work of art that shows the results of a violent act upon
a person is being shown in the name of stopping violence

So, to me: Ashcroft - being offended at the naked breast is equivalent of:
Colleen - being offended at male genitalia. Neither one offends me, though
one offends you, and I still don't know exactly why it does.

Perhaps it's the difference between one being shown severed, by itself,
while the other is shown as part of the human body in total...

Historically, Freedom has always been shown as a female with one breast
exposed, going back over 200 years...

I wonder why everyone is fixating on Ashcroft's supposed prudishness in
ordering the sculpture covered, but not complaining at the over $8000 cost
for the curtain.  THAT is what bothers me even more than Ashcroft's
laughable 'morality'; he could have just had a tarp tossed over the thing
for a couple of bucks, instead of wasting more than $8000 of the taxpayers'
money to hide the sculpture (which I presume was also paid for by our tax

Michelangelo's David had more showing ...

And Colleen would prefer that a fig leaf be put over what she finds is

Reminds me of a flighty art history teacher I had in college, one who would
get quite flustered over any depiction of nudes, whether painting or

One day as she was lecturing us on Renaissance sculpture, with slides,
she'd quickly click by any of the nudes; but a student interrupted her just
after the instructor had quickly bypassed Michelangelo's David and made her
go back to the slide; the student then told us how he'd spent the previous
summer on an art scholarship in Italy and had seen the sculpture in person,
and how they'd been shown at the museum that whomever Michelangelo had used
as a model for the sculpture had a hernia, which is obvious when pointed
out (on our right when viewing the statue, the statue's lower left side).
This not only forced this flighty instructor who was strangely prudish to
have to display the slide of the naked David for far much longer than she
would have desired, it also made us specifically look at 'that nasty area';
the instructor got beet red and extremely flustered, and never fully
recovered for the rest of the class


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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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2002-01-29 Thread Saba

-Caveat Lector-

I wonder about this story - now you know John the Baptist always came
ahead with the bad news and then someone came with head for he was so

But there is no man by name of Jerry McArthur who was Under Secretary of
Navy - and I am wondering why this is used.

Here is the blurp on the guy and the way he tosses the name Mac Arthur
about, one would think he hints at a relationship to Douglas MacArthur.

Just wonder if the guy is related to Douglas MacArthur someway - Douglas
MacArthur did have one brother named Arthur MacArthur and I had met this
man once - was not impressed with him but General MacArthur was a hero.

So why did they drop this guy's real last name in this article - note in
this article the reference to term cutting edge - a term popularized
somewhat these days along with pushing the envelope those popular
terms of which everyone soon sickens.

So here is a story of this man and his real name - middle name is

Am not too impressed with his background and less impressed when he
ended up in the Clinton administration for he seems more of a scholar
than a warrior or a person you would trust with the secrets.

So remember the KGB in the Navy Department when produced the Walker
spies and NEVER FORGET Jonathan Pollard who caused the great rift
resulting in the deaths of millions of Iraqi Children.
So what is the Master Plan?   Go read your bible but remember Jesus cut
it off at Isaiah 60 vs 2 saying enough of this dung.

Well maybe he said dung - used this popular term for it seemed to fit
the occasion for the bible Master Plan the Zionist God has planned for
you  is just plain elephant dung.

See the Master Plan has been right before us only we have political
propandists making the predictions - so why do you think the Kings and
Queens passed laws against soothsaying and prophesying - well in
modern terms this is psychological warfare.

As the old King said in I Kings - hey, didn't I tell you that guy would
prophesy no good to me ONLY EVIL

These stories put out such as this last one - look for the names of the
evil ones in the bible - Judges, find name Ehud and Barak; and in
Isaiah, find Woe to Ariel and Sharon (get his real name, Scheinman???)

These men are masters at disguise - Ehud murdered the wrong man dressed
as a woman once..cross dresser, now hanging around Houston Texas no
doubt making hay with phone companies?

So much for James MacArthur - hey they left off his last namethe
following tells you who and what this man is..and it isn't that

Hard to believe this guy could be in the Douglas MacArthur family or
related to Arthur MacArthur who was his brother...but then look at the
Walker spies and another look

Love that Jerry so folksie - but the name John Walker seems familiar
doesn't it and yes, they suddenly added the name Lindhthen
those Walker Navy spies, the whole family operaation out of a KKK
(Knights of Ku Klux Klan) formed especially for them by the KGB?

Well guess who the hell ever heard of Hultin - and maybe this is why the
named dropped - strange.


The Hon. Jerry MacArthur Hultin,
Navy Under Secretary
to Head Stevens' Prestigious
Wesley J. Howe School of Technology Management

Accompanying Photos

News Service: May 2, 2000
Contact:  Cass Bruton-Ward
(201) 216-5602

HOBOKEN, N.J. —Stevens Institute of
Technology's President, Dr. Harold J.
Raveché, has announced the selection of
a new dean for the Institute's Wesley J.
Howe School of Technology

The Hon. Jerry MacArthur Hultin

The Hon. Jerry MacArthur Hultin, Under Secretary of the Navy, has
accepted the position as dean.  Hultin and Raveché addressed members
of the Stevens community during the formal announcement of the
appointment May 2 at Stevens.

In his role as Under Secretary, Jerry Hultin has been immersed in
exploring the best business practices around the world, including the
innovative uses of technology to achieve organizational goals, said
President Raveché.

He has successfully brought these practices to the Navy and Marine
Corps team, resulting in its enterprise-wide business reform program,
which has infused outstanding private sector practices into the
management of our country's defense.

Now, the Under Secretary will bring his insights, knowledge and diverse
experience to bear again — this time for students, the brightest hope
for our nation — by leading one of the most cutting-edge, fast-growing
and dynamic educational resources for management in the country, the
Wesley J. Howe School of Technology Management.  His expertise will be
put to excellent use at Stevens to keep America thriving through the
education and training of college students and experienced executives.

Hultin will begin initial work with Stevens in mid-August as he prepares
for the transition.  In the 2000-2001 academic year, he will replace
the school's retiring dean, Dr. James Tietjen, who plans to continue a
close relationship with 

[CTRL] Baxter Ain't Over 'Til It's Over

2002-01-29 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-




January 29, 2002 -- Despite a medical examiner's finding that former
Enron executive John Clifford Baxter's death Friday was a suicide, a
veteran Texas homicide detective is actively gathering evidence in
the case.

Detective Billy Baugh has been retracing Baxter's movements on the
days preceding his death, checking Baxter's car inside and out for
blood splatters, fingerprints and other evidence, and running
ballistics tests on the gun used to fire the fatal shot, a police
spokeswoman said.

Baugh, the top homicide investigator for the Sugar Land Police
Department, also has federal Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms agents
checking into the ownership of the .38-caliber revolver - in
particular, who purchased it, and when.

Guns are not registered in the state of Texas.

Baxter, 43, was found at 2:23 a.m. Friday slumped behind the wheel of his parked black 
four-door Mercedes a short distance from his home in Sugar Land, 20 miles from 
downtown Houston.

He had been shot once in the head - and was holding the revolver in his hand.

He had been at home in bed just hours before his body was found, a close family friend 
told The Post.

His wife couldn't believe he could get out of bed without her knowing it, said the 

The local medical examiner ruled Baxter's death was caused by a penetrating 
self-inflicted gunshot wound to the head.

In keeping the probe alive, Sugar Land Police Chief Earnest Taylor stressed we are 
not in any way saying that we disagree with the medical examiner's findings. We are 
simply saying we want . . . to be absolutely sure tha
t nothing is overlooked in the investigation.

Because the investigation is ongoing, police yesterday postponed plans to release a 
suicide note found near Baxter's body.

In the note, Baxter, who quit as Enron vice chairman in May, said he was distraught 
about the energy- trading giant's collapse and the prospect of having to testify 
against former colleagues and friends, according to CNBC

Meanwhile, President Bush blamed Enron's debacle on the company's failure to provide 
full disclosure of finances and blasted lawmakers who want to politicize this 


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--- Ernest Hemingway

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That being said, CTRLgives 

[CTRL] Paris Reporters Say Bush Threatened War Last Summer

2002-01-29 Thread lloyd

-Caveat Lector-


From the New Paradigms Project [Not Necessarily Endorsed]
Note:  We store 100's of related New Paradigms Posts at:

From: M.A. Johnson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Recipient list suppressed
Subject: Paris Reporters Say Bush Threatened War Last Summer
Date: Sunday, January 13, 2002 10:28 PM

   Good intentions will always be pleaded for every assumption
   of authority. It is hardly too strong to say that the
   Constitution was made to guard the people against the dangers
   of good intentions. There are men in all ages who  mean to
   govern well, but they mean to govern. They promise to be good
   masters, but they mean to be masters. -- Noah Webster

~~for educational purposes only~~
[Title 17 U.S.C. section 107]

Paris Reporters Say Bush Threatened War Last Summer
by James Ridgeway

Far from the American media machine, two French authors have
released a report outlining U.S. attempts to finesse the issue of
Osama bin Laden long before Al Qaeda struck on September 11.
Based on extensive firsthand reporting, Jean-Charles Brisard and
Guillaume Dasquié write in their book, Bin Laden: The Forbidden
Truth, that the Bush administration went so far as to consider
waging war against Afghanistan's ruling Taliban last summer.
Brisard and Dasquié argue the U.S. cared more about getting
access to the region's oil than about getting the head of Osama
bin Laden.

Now thousands of U.S. citizens are dead and Al Qaeda is on the
run. Dasquié tells the Voice he doubts the group will last more
than a few weeks. The journalist describes bin Laden's military
leaders as mostly former members of the Egyptian special forces
who joined with the Saudi exile in 1992 and 1993 during fighting
in Sudan. Al Qaeda commanders and troops are the military
product of a religious deviance, he says, warning that ending the
network won't solve anything because the Saudi charities and
other organizations tied to the clerics will go on pumping out the
money. The problem is their fundamentalism.

Brisard, who has run Vivendi International's economic intelligence
service, prepared the West's first report on Al Qaeda back in
1997, at the request of the French government. Along with
Dasquié, he now argues the FBI's efforts to get to the bottom of
bin Laden's terror outfit—which bombed two American embassies
in Africa in 1998—were blocked by the Saudi royal family and the
big oil companies, which were hungry for the region's crude

The FBI press office had no comment on the book, and the State
Department has steadily denied having any negotiations with the
Taliban, which had no diplomatic standing in the U.S. But the two
authors think highly of the FBI agents who were working on
counterterrorism, saying they often had excellent informants.

That's not to say progress was great. When an FBI agent would
turn up to do an interview, the Saudis would step in with their
own bizarre behavior. We uncovered incredible things, Dasquié
tells the Voice. Investigators would arrive to find that key
witnesses they were about to interrogate had been beheaded the
day before. In the end, he says, the West always considered
Saudi Arabia as a partner that we absolutely and systematically
had to protect.

The book also reveals a portrait of U.S. policy toward the Taliban
that differs sharply from the one usually held up for the American
public but coincides with that of the Taliban's unofficial emissary
in the U.S., Laili Helms, the niece of the former CIA head (see
The Accidental Operative, Voice, June 19, 2001). Helms
described one incident after another in which, she claimed, the
Taliban agreed to give up bin Laden to the U.S., only to be
rebuffed by the State Department. On one occasion, she said, the
Taliban agreed to give the U.S. coordinates for his campsite,
leaving enough time so the Yanks could whack Al Qaeda's leader
with a missile before he moved. The proposal, she claims, was
nixed. The State Department denied receiving any such offer.

Helms also related an incident when Prince Turki, then the head
of Saudi intelligence, flew to Kabul to negotiate bin Laden's
arrest. Turki, according to Helms's account of the story, wanted
bin Laden murdered on Afghan soil. If he were killed there, then
the Saudi royal family needn't face the embarrassment of airing
their dirty linen in an open trial. The Taliban refused, and Turki
returned home empty-handed.

Brisard and Dasquié characterize the U.S. as playing a clumsy
footsie with the Taliban, with diplomacy unfolding in a series of
bizarre fits and starts. By the late 1990s, the writers claim,
diplomacy was run on different levels. One channel went from the
UN Security Council to Kabul. Meanwhile, the State Department
conducted its own  bilateral negotiations. From the start, the U.S.
favored a sort of covert support for the Taliban, in hopes that
sooner or later the one-eyed 

Re: [CTRL] Report: Bush Has A Heart Arrhythmia

2002-01-29 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 1/29/02 10:13:52 AM Eastern Standard Time,

 It's impolite to drool, Prudy.  Just say you want him and be done with it :-)

 Edward   +

Oh yuk.  Colpi sounds better, and I think he's been dead for years.  Prudy

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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Re: [CTRL] Baxter Ain't Over 'Til It's Over

2002-01-29 Thread Bill Howard

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 1/29/02 11:39:24 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 He had been shot once in the head - and was holding the revolver in his

If Mr. Baxter had shot himself in the head with a .38 revolver, the recoil
would have taken the gun out of his hand. As the gun was found in his hand, I
can only assume that someone else shot him and then put the gun in his hand a
la Vince Foster.

I've heard the truth, now what I want are the answers. Special Agent Scully

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Jeb Bush's Daughter Arrested

2002-01-29 Thread Samantha L.

-Caveat Lector-

(Check out her photo at the site - she looks like she's in sad shape.  I
wonder if her father would recommend prison time or treatment?  Hmmm.   -


Jeb Bush's daughter arrested on false prescription charge

January 29, 2002 Posted: 1:38 PM EST (1838 GMT)

TALLAHASSEE, Florida (CNN) -- The daughter of Florida Gov. Jeb Bush was
arrested early Tuesday after she allegedly tried to fill a false prescription
at a pharmacy, Tallahassee, Florida, police said.
see full story at site

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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Re: [CTRL] Ashcroft embarassed by Spirit of Justice

2002-01-29 Thread inri

-Caveat Lector-

 I definitely don't have a problem with seeing any gender's genitalia,
 whether in a piece that purports to be 'art' or in the flesh; but what I
 found objectionable with the work shown at the Denver library is that it
 displayed severed male genitalia in the name of fighting domestic
 if the work had instead showed severed female vulvas strung on a
 clothesline and named Hung Out To Dry, there would have been a great hue
 and cry regarding it encouraging violence against women; I wonder why
 people don't see it as encouraging violence against men (both straight and
 gay men) and why a work of art that shows the results of a violent act
 a person is being shown in the name of stopping violence

shock value?

i mean, if you want to convince somebody that something is wrong, is it not
best to use an example? my take is that the denver exhibit was designed to
horrify people - the motive being to horrify some so much that they might
think twice before they act. to show them the err of the ways and all

and to attract attention. let's face it, nobody gives a fuck anymore if it's
not going to offend people. they could have done up a respectful exhibit
that everyone from nivek ogre to pat robertson could have gotten something
out of - problem is nobody would've paid it any attention.

now, if there are people out there that would take pleasure at looking at
such thing.there's not much anybody can do to stop them...



sure, we'll have fascism, but it will come disguised as americanism - huey
there ought to be limits to freedom - george w. bush
if this were a dictatorship, it'd be a heck of a lot easier, just so long
as i'm the dictator. - george w. bush
freedom is about the willingness of every single human being to cede to
lawful authority a great deal of discretion about what you do and how you do
it.  - rudolph giulliani

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Report: Bush Has A Heart Arrhythmia

2002-01-29 Thread inri

-Caveat Lector-

  It's impolite to drool, Prudy.  Just say you want him and be done with it

  Edward   +

 Oh yuk.  Colpi sounds better, and I think he's been dead for years.  Prudy

you both have horrible taste in men..

inri [who has frequent dreams involving fox mulder]


sure, we'll have fascism, but it will come disguised as americanism - huey
there ought to be limits to freedom - george w. bush
if this were a dictatorship, it'd be a heck of a lot easier, just so long
as i'm the dictator. - george w. bush
freedom is about the willingness of every single human being to cede to
lawful authority a great deal of discretion about what you do and how you do
it.  - rudolph giulliani

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Militants kidnap US journalist

2002-01-29 Thread Saba

-Caveat Lector-

What is a Wall Street Journal doing messing around with Islamic

First of all from the name, I would say he is jewish.He is a good
looking guy, form the photo and he seems so neat and clean, curtains
behind him, and a covering on a nice chair.

What kind of a hoax is this anyway.   Sending this guy into this
territory is like sending in Ariel Sharon on a holiday..

Does not ring true?   Holding today's newspaper or whatever so they know
he is really captive?   Old Hollywood trick and I wonder - is the fix

Well say now they would kidnap Al Sharpton or Jesse Jackson or Brocaw or
Rather or need I go on.Hey, we could have kidnap parties and wakes
and all celebrate?

Geraldo Rivera is it?   He had hot scoops with scenario giving
impression he was on spot when he was 20 miles away?

And this guy from the Wall Street Journal is taken captive?

You got to be kidding.

These taliban treated a lot better in Cuba than they were in

But get a load of the eyes - wonder what happens when the drugs wear


A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Report: Bush Has A Heart Arrhythmia

2002-01-29 Thread Edward Britton

-Caveat Lector-


   It's impolite to drool, Prudy.  Just say you want him and be done with it
   Edward   +
  Oh yuk.  Colpi sounds better, and I think he's been dead for years.  Prudy

you both have horrible taste in men..

Gee, that's good to hear--considering that I am both male and straight.   ROFL!

inri [who has frequent dreams involving fox mulder]

You know he was a porn star before X-Files?

Edward   +

Globalism: touchy feely economic totalitarianism.

A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Report: Bush Has A Heart Arrhythmia

2002-01-29 Thread Edward Britton

-Caveat Lector-


  It's impolite to drool, Prudy.  Just say you want him and be done with
 it :-)

  Edward   +

Oh yuk.  Colpi sounds better, and I think he's been dead for years.  Prudy

Denial ain't just a river in Egypt, Prudy :-)

Edward   +

For those who believe, no evidence is necessary. For those who don't, no
amount of evidence will be sufficient.

A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fwd: Fw: Hidden NAFTA provision: Corporations can sue governments over environmental and health laws that affect profits: Moyer's Trading Democracy

2002-01-29 Thread RoadsEnd


- Original Message - 
From: Dick Eastman 

Sent: Monday, January 28, 2002 11:59 PM
Subject: Hidden NAFTA provision: Corporations can sue governments 
over environmental and health laws that affect profits: Moyer's Trading 
BlankOn Tuesday February 5th at 10:00 PM a Bill Moyers PBS 
documentary,"Trading Democracy," will expose hidden powers granted to 
transnationalcorporations in the NAFTA treaty. Learn how, to the 
globalists, we areall Taliban 
now.==="Trading Democracy" is a one-hour 
documentary that covers, in understandableterms, the legal and technical 
aspects of NAFTA's investor rules. Theserules allow corporations to sue 
countries directly to overturn legitimatepublic interest laws and 
regulations when they believe their actual orpotential corporate profits 
have been undermined. Incredibly, these suitsare decided in secret by 
unelected bureaucrats who have been given the powerto determine whether 
laws ranging from zoning ordinances to environmentalprotections 
constitute an interference with corporate profits.Already Chapter 11 has 
led to corporate assaults against health, safety andenvironmental 
laws, with one company demanding compensation close to $1billion. Beyond 
that, even "Buy America" laws intended to protect ourcountry's steel 
industry are now under attack by multi-national 
corporateprofiteers.Amazingly, the Bush Administration is now in 
negotiations to expand thisdangerous NAFTA investor provision to 31 more 
countries in the hemisphere,through the so-called Free Trade Area of the 
Americas (FTAA). The firststep in paving the way to this expansion of 
the reach of Chapter 11 will bea soon-to-be held senate vote on the 
Baucus/Grassley Fast Track 
CAN YOU DO? Below are three simple and straight forward, and importantthings 
you can do to ensure your voice is heard:1) FEBRUARY 6th: ALL-CALL DAY 
TO YOUR SENATORS! Urge your Senators to opposethese outrageous 
"investor-to-state" provisions in trade and investmentagreements, and DEMAND 
that they vote against the Baucus/Grassley Fast Trackbill. Its weak language 
(contained in the foreign investment section of thebill) would lead to 
further corporate assaults on the environment, and onhealth and safety 
regulations. Tell your senator that Chapter 11 investorrules undermine 
our democratic rights to choose our own laws to protect theenvironment, as 
well as our health and safety, and that a meaningful andsubstantial revision 
of this terrible NAFTA provision is necessary. (For alist of some 
necessary revisions to Chapter 11, check out the letter fromCongressman 
Doggett (D-TX) on our web-page:http://www.citizen.org/documents/Fast_Track_-Doggett,Eshoo_Chp._11,_Pres._Bush_1.pdf).YOUR 
AT202-224-3121, OR 202-225-3121.2) Tell everyone you know about the 
program and urge them to watch thisincredible expose. (You can send 
electronic postcards by visitingwww.thirteen.org/moyers/trading_democracy/index.php). 
Tape the show andarrange for a screening of it to friends/family/colleagues 
later on.3) Send a letter to the editor about Chapter 11. You can find 
some sampleletters on our web-site:http://www.citizen.org/trade/nafta/CH__11/articles.cfm?ID=6692. 
We will alsopost a sample op-ed and letters to your elected officials on 
this site afterthe program has aired so keep checking the 
more information about Chapter 11? Visit these links: Public Citizenreleased 
a comprehensive report on Chapter 11 called: "NAFTA Chapter 
11Investor-to-State Cases: Bankrupting Democracy":http://www.citizen.org/publications/release.cfm?ID=7076There 
is also a shorter article from Multinational Monitor "NAFTA's 
Investor"Rights" A Corporate Dream, A Citizen Nightmare" that is well worth 
organizations have also released information on Chapter 11,including Center 
for International Environmental Law (www.ciel.org), Friendsof the Earth (www.foe.org) and the Sierra Club (www.sierraclub.org).=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=BILL 
THREATEN THEIR PROFITSDocumentary Exposing How NAFTA's Chapter 
11Has Become Private Justice For Foreign CompaniesPremieres February 
5, at 10:00 p.m. (ET) on PBS (check local listings)Newest Collaboration 
Between Bill Moyers And Sherry JonesInvestigating Our Democracy At 
RiskThree years after a Mississippi jury found a Canadian-based 
conglomerateguilty of fraud in attempting to put a 


2002-01-29 Thread Mike Clark

-Caveat Lector-


and  ISIS UNVEILED  we learn of what the THEOSOPHISTS


and RUDOLF STEINER also delve deeply into this bizarre

subject.   Probably the best description of the ARYAN




The possible return of PLANET X is most definitely connected

to the ARYAN RACIAL hypothesis.  That the NEPHILIM were


( mentioned in the Book of Enoch )and earthly females.

The WATCHERS are mentioned twice in the BOOK of DANIEL. ( KING


SIX ARYAN ROOT RACES are as follows:

Nephilim -  Offspring of the Watchers and earthly females

Hyperboreans - 2nd Aryan Root Race - the 23 1/2 wobble

 of the earths axis is a result of some kind

 of FORCES trying to kill the 1st  2nd root races.

Lemurians - 3rd Aryan root race and the MYTHICAL GIANTS mentioned

in the Bible.   As many as 25 GIANT RACES are listed

in the KING JAMES VERSION.  ( some examples are:



Atlanteans - 4th Aryan root race ( Sir Francis Bacon presumed

 the Atlanteans to be reincarnated in North America

 in his 1610 book  NEW ATLANTIS .

Nazi Germany - the 5th Aryan root race - We all know how they

 got theirs. Right.

New World Order - the 6th Aryan root race - Similar to Nazi

 Germany in ideology.  Created the HIV DISEASE

 to RID planet earth of THIRD WORLD POPULATIONS.

 GENETIC ENGINEERING on a Frankensteinian scale.

   Recently GENE SPLICED a SPIDER and a GOAT in the

 attempt to make BULLET PROOF SKI-MASKS for their


Look for the SIXTH ARYAN ROOT RACE to be destroyed in some manner

similar to the destruction of NAZI GERMANY.  It wont be pretty.

However it's coming soon to your local theatre or neighborhood.

-Original Message-
From: Samantha L. [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, January 29, 2002 2:51 PM
Subject: [CTRL] Jeb Bush's Daughter Arrested

-Caveat Lector-

(Check out her photo at the site - she looks like she's in sad shape.  I
wonder if her father would recommend prison time or treatment?  Hmmm.   -


Jeb Bush's daughter arrested on false prescription charge

January 29, 2002 Posted: 1:38 PM EST (1838 GMT)

TALLAHASSEE, Florida (CNN) -- The daughter of Florida Gov. Jeb Bush was
arrested early Tuesday after she allegedly tried to fill a false prescription
at a pharmacy, Tallahassee, Florida, police said.
see full story at site

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance-not soap-boxing-please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'-with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds-is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by 

Re: [CTRL] Failed Antisemite, 2/2

2002-01-29 Thread Party of Citizens

-Caveat Lector-

Correction-that's how could ANY follower of Christ not be

Biliously yours,

On Sun, 27 Jan 2002, Party of Citizens wrote:

 -- Forwarded message --
 Date: Sun, 27 Jan 2002 14:49:24 -0800 (PST)
 From: Party of Citizens [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: [LIFE-GAZETTE] Buchanan, Antisemite?

 Why do they send him compliments like this? Given that these semites are
 antichrist by their own admission, how could ANY follower of Christ not be

 -- Forwarded message --
 Date: Sat, 26 Jan 2002 15:29:02 -0600
 From: David H. Sandlin [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Cc: bigguy [EMAIL PROTECTED],
 Subject: Re: Textbook case of.

 My response. Hopefully it will be posted. We'll see.

 Letters to the editor  reader's forum.

 Pat Buchanan, His Fans, and Anti-Semitism, Jan 25, 2002

 No doubt what Hitler did directly to the Jews was wrong. He could have forcibly
 shipped the Jews elsewhere right? But, if Buchanan speaks true facts, then what is 
 problem? Or are the facts the problem? Lies are taught in school everyday. How
 about the financing of the Nazi regime by the Rothchilds  other similar interest?
 True or false? Tell us about Stephen Wise  his response to Germany. He knew what
 he doing would lead to further problems, but he did what he did anyway. (You do
 know about this man, right?) After what he did, things went from bad to worse for the
 Jews. Tell me where the Jews could have gone  didn't? They chose to stay in
 Germany didn't they? It's time the facts be told. No one with half a brain will deny
 what happened to the Jews in WWII, but let's hear the rest of the story  don't 
 the truth on what really happed to the Jews in Germany either. There is a lot to be
 told. How about all of the non-Jews that died  why don't we hear about them? It is
 ALWAYS only the Jews, isn't it? In fact, there is a whole industry to drill this 
 our heads, right? How about the Ukrainian  Chinese holocaust? No movies are
 made about them are there? It's only the Jews. H. If Buchanan speaks the
 truth, then so be it. Whites have a right to live in their own countries w/o having
 multi-culturalim forced on them, JUST LIKE ANY OTHER COUNTRY. Don't like
 it? Tuff. The German culture was being detroyed just like white culture in this
 country is being destroyed. See a pattern? Do the research. I have. So has Buchanan.
 Have you? How about the white slavery going on in Israel? Have any comments on
 this? The list goes on  on. Shall I continue?

 On 25 Jan 2002 at 14:11, J. R. Colson wrote:

  This essay by Jamie Glazovseems important to post at various websites, because it
  concerns such a great example of right-wing Jews NOT being in our camp, but 
  fighting for only their own race--not religion.
  Glazov wrote two items about PatBuchanan: a negativeessay about Buchanan's new
  book,and a response to people who wrote in callingthe issuecorrectly.
  See the conservative, butJewish-by-race, Jamie Glazov blast ANYTHING written by
  Whites that even APPEARS TO BE RACIAL! Not justpolitical, folks--specifically
  racial!If it appears that many gentile, Christianright-wingers might read, and 
  with, Pat Buchanan's theory about Whites being doomed in the West, right-wing Jews
  MUST BLAST IT, AND GLAZOV DID. Horowitz also does this. All theJews at
  FrontPageMag do this. The neoconservative movement is almost all Jewish. they
  dominate theNational Review, the Weekly Standard, the Wall Street Journal,etc. 
  core rightist? Nope. Soft-core Yiddish.
  People, get a clue--Jews are Jews, left-wing or right-wing.They are incredibly
  ethnocentric and racist, there have profoundinborn paranoia,and look after their 
own race
  AT THE EXPENSE OF WHITES, and like no other race!
  You mainstream conservatives had better realize what is happening. Wimpy, 
  Jews have all but taken over (yes, taken over) the conservative movement. The big
  problem is, they are NOT hard-core conservatives, they are wimps who are 
  pro-multiculturalism, and have a specificagenda ALL THEIR OWN: to make America
  free from any possible anti-Semitism. That is their historic goal.That goalis 
with them
  Jews are racially and genetically geared to preserve their own, like no other 
  being kicked out of every country on Earth for many centuries; and this 
  for good reason, I might add. Study the matter.
  I am sending this letterto manyothers as a shining example of: LEFT OR RIGHT, JEWS

[CTRL] Bile and Bullshit

2002-01-29 Thread Party of Citizens

-Caveat Lector-

On Mon, 28 Jan 2002, Nurev Ind wrote:

 Party of Citizens wrote:

  On Mon, 28 Jan 2002, Prudence L. Kuhn wrote:
   In a message dated 1/27/02 5:02:07 PM Eastern Standard Time,
   [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
This is bullshit. Actually, it's the Jews and Muslims who are closer
It's the Christian religion which is Pagan. The deification of a human is
forbidden in Islam and Judaism. This is why both religions prohibit the
of humans and animals in their places of worship and in their religious
Further more, Islam and Judaism are truly monotheistic and Christianity is
  Balderdash. Jesus Christ said
  Hear O' Israel, the Lord, our God is one
  I came only to find the lost sheep of Israel
  So there are usurpers in this Israelite IDENTITY issue. What else is
  new? Usurpers show up all through history. An Edomite-like Cult of
  Herod now is in charge with Judeo-Christians grovelling at its
  feet. Or, as Saba says, she lives in a society like Sodom and Gomorrah.
  But fear not...we have our favourite old kike, Joshua II who is going to
  blow the walls down.

 Only a slight whoosh is necessary you silly boy. No one takes your stuff
 very seriously. If you really are so desperate to be a chosen one, then just

Like the famous dancing midget? Can I immediately thereafter go to Tel
Aviv and start terrorizing Arabs as soon as I step off the plane?
Sounds like fun, fun, fun!!!

 It's much easier than inventing all this stupid crap, then try to re-spin all of
 history to make it fit.

 Grow up dummy. I'll put in a good word for you with the Elders of Zion. Then
 god will like you better too.

Gosh, that sure sounds tempting. Converting to the religion of King Herod
does have its pluses, not the least of which is that over one billion
Judeo-Christians will lick my boots every day.

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Baxter Ain't Over 'Til It's Over

2002-01-29 Thread Jim Rarey

Another news report said the gun was on the car seat beside him.


- Original Message - 
From: Bill Howard 
Sent: Tuesday, January 29, 2002 3:47 PM
Subject: Re: [CTRL] Baxter Ain't Over 'Til It's Over
-Caveat Lector-In a message dated 1/29/02 11:39:24 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
writes: He had been shot once in the head - and was holding the 
revolver in hishand. If Mr. Baxter had shot himself in the 
head with a .38 revolver, the recoilwould have taken the gun out of his 
hand. As the gun was found in his hand, Ican only assume that someone else 
shot him and then put the gun in his hand ala Vince 
Foster.Bill"I've heard the truth, now what I want are the answers." 
Special Agent ScullyA HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/ADECLARATION  
DISCLAIMER==CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange 
list. Proselytizing propagandicscreeds are unwelcomed. Substance-not 
soap-boxing-please! These aresordid matters and 'conspiracy 
theory'-with its many half-truths, mis-directions and outright frauds-is 
used politically by different groups withmajor and minor effects spread 
throughout the spectrum of time and thought.That being said, CTRLgives no 
endorsement to the validity of posts, andalways suggests to readers; be wary 
of what you read. CTRL gives nocredence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need 
not apply.Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat 
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[CTRL] Antisemitic vs. Prosemitic means ?

2002-01-29 Thread Party of Citizens

-Caveat Lector-

If chosen ones can coin the neologism, antisemitic can I not coin
prosemitic? I want to be as approved of by the chosenites as
possible. Tell me what a good prosemite would be like?

On Tue, 29 Jan 2002, Party of Citizens wrote:

 Correction-that's how could ANY follower of Christ not be

 Biliously yours,

 On Sun, 27 Jan 2002, Party of Citizens wrote:

  -- Forwarded message --
  Date: Sun, 27 Jan 2002 14:49:24 -0800 (PST)
  From: Party of Citizens [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Subject: [LIFE-GAZETTE] Buchanan, Antisemite?
  Why do they send him compliments like this? Given that these semites are
  antichrist by their own admission, how could ANY follower of Christ not be
  -- Forwarded message --
  Date: Sat, 26 Jan 2002 15:29:02 -0600
  From: David H. Sandlin [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  To: J. R. Colson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Cc: bigguy [EMAIL PROTECTED],
  Subject: Re: Textbook case of.
  My response. Hopefully it will be posted. We'll see.
  Letters to the editor  reader's forum.
  Pat Buchanan, His Fans, and Anti-Semitism, Jan 25, 2002
  No doubt what Hitler did directly to the Jews was wrong. He could have forcibly
  shipped the Jews elsewhere right? But, if Buchanan speaks true facts, then what is 
  problem? Or are the facts the problem? Lies are taught in school everyday. How
  about the financing of the Nazi regime by the Rothchilds  other similar interest?
  True or false? Tell us about Stephen Wise  his response to Germany. He knew what
  he doing would lead to further problems, but he did what he did anyway. (You do
  know about this man, right?) After what he did, things went from bad to worse for 
  Jews. Tell me where the Jews could have gone  didn't? They chose to stay in
  Germany didn't they? It's time the facts be told. No one with half a brain will 
  what happened to the Jews in WWII, but let's hear the rest of the story  don't 
  the truth on what really happed to the Jews in Germany either. There is a lot to be
  told. How about all of the non-Jews that died  why don't we hear about them? It is
  ALWAYS only the Jews, isn't it? In fact, there is a whole industry to drill this 
  our heads, right? How about the Ukrainian  Chinese holocaust? No movies are
  made about them are there? It's only the Jews. H. If Buchanan speaks the
  truth, then so be it. Whites have a right to live in their own countries w/o having
  multi-culturalim forced on them, JUST LIKE ANY OTHER COUNTRY. Don't like
  it? Tuff. The German culture was being detroyed just like white culture in this
  country is being destroyed. See a pattern? Do the research. I have. So has 
  Have you? How about the white slavery going on in Israel? Have any comments on
  this? The list goes on  on. Shall I continue?
  On 25 Jan 2002 at 14:11, J. R. Colson wrote:
   This essay by Jamie Glazovseems important to post at various websites, because it
   concerns such a great example of right-wing Jews NOT being in our camp, but 
   fighting for only their own race--not religion.
   Glazov wrote two items about PatBuchanan: a negativeessay about Buchanan's new
   book,and a response to people who wrote in callingthe issuecorrectly.
   See the conservative, butJewish-by-race, Jamie Glazov blast ANYTHING written by
   Whites that even APPEARS TO BE RACIAL! Not justpolitical, folks--specifically
   racial!If it appears that many gentile, Christianright-wingers might read, and 
   with, Pat Buchanan's theory about Whites being doomed in the West, right-wing 
   MUST BLAST IT, AND GLAZOV DID. Horowitz also does this. All theJews at
   FrontPageMag do this. The neoconservative movement is almost all Jewish. they
   dominate theNational Review, the Weekly Standard, the Wall Street Journal,etc. 
   core rightist? Nope. Soft-core Yiddish.
   People, get a clue--Jews are Jews, left-wing or right-wing.They are incredibly
   ethnocentric and racist, there have profoundinborn paranoia,and look after their 
own race
   AT THE EXPENSE OF WHITES, and like no other race!
   You mainstream conservatives had better realize what is happening. Wimpy, 
   Jews have all but taken over (yes, taken over) the conservative movement. The 
   problem is, they are NOT hard-core conservatives, they are wimps who are 
   pro-multiculturalism, and have a specificagenda ALL THEIR OWN: to make America
   free from any possible anti-Semitism. That is their historic goal.That goalis 
with them
   Jews are racially and 


2002-01-29 Thread Andrew Hennessey

-Caveat Lector-

Tont Blair was under intense pressure to come clean about his close links to
Enron, amid growing allegations that the multinational had directly
influenced the governments energy policy.
Mr Blair was said to have helped protect the interests of Enron.
A highly damaging memorandum from the US embassy in London revealed that
Blair was instrumental in ensuring the governments ban on building gas fired
stations was diluted - which benefitted the US company.
The 1999 memo states Prime Minister Blair has recently intervened to water
down the moratorium proposals in case the government was taken to court on
ant-competion grounds. At least one US company with gas interests was
considering this course of action.
Amid opulent high society soirees and backhanders the politicians of new
labour were treated to the full gamut of multinational hospitality. The
government then waived its own moratorium on gas fired power stations on
july 10 1999.
'coincidently' stephen byers had met Enron execs just a few days earlier on
the 25 of may.
And who was it that refused to refer Enron to the monopolies commission -
why none other than professional sleazemonger, Bilderburger and homosexual
peter mandelson, Tonys best chum.
Mr mandelson [mandy to his friends]  advised us that 'regulatory concerns
could be met by the assurances of Enron'
Mandelson who has been in and out of the whitehall cabinet more times than a
gay in a park toilet, a known liar and conspiring internationalist amazingly
gets the run of Blairs brief and does exactly what he fancies every time.
Meanwhile ralph hodge, the former non-executive chairman of enron europe who
quit 18 months ago was quite candid about why his compnay had sought to
entertain the new labour hierarchy .. I do not think we would have been
successful at getting a table full without donations and I suspect if we had
just invited then to dinner, then attendance would be zero. It is clear that
in the current climate, sponsorship and donations are the most efficient
ways of getting access ..

The links to the doomed accountacy firm of Andersen are very revealing ..
Andersen advised government on the imosition of a windfall tax
laundered robert maxwells empire, formewr employee of andersen patricia
hewitt is now trade and industry secretary whilst chris wales and chris
osborne, senior management of andersen have been on secondment to the
Treasury since 1997.
More worrying is that Andersen is directly involved with the Railtrack
fiasco in the UK, where decades of abusive underfunding in railways have
recently seen what amounts to manslaughter after various deaths and
disasters from the broken down service.

andrew hennessey
ref. the scotsman tues 29/1/02 pages 1  7

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2002-01-29 Thread Mike Clark

-Caveat Lector-

Supposedly this is the STONE of CORONATION of all legitimate ENGLISH KING'S

and QUEENS.  This STONE which weighs about 200 pounds was used by

JACOB to rest his head the NIGHT of his DREAM showing him a LADDER

GENESIS: 28 VERSES 10 - 22 where he saw the ANGELS moving up

and downward from HEAVEN to earth.


The STONE was taken from the SCOTTISH MONARCHY sometime around

1250 AD.  And then recently ( 1996 ) moved back into SCOTLAND on

LOAN from the QUEEN of ENGLAND.   According to tradition all

legitimate MONARCHISTS must be sitting on this stone when coronated

to be the legitimate heir to the THRONE.

I KNOW.  YOU'RE all saying WHO GIVES A DAMN.Well in time you

will find out that the TOP of the ILLUMINATI PYRAMID is a CABAL of


and WARBURGS are just STOOGES who are on the PAYROLL.

This paints an INTERESTING PICTURE if say MICHAEL LAFOSSE is actually

a STEWART.  I'm NOT SAYING he is.  I have only read BITS  PIECES of

his book.   I was most INTERESTED in the part about BONNIE PRINCE CHARLIE.

How about it TENORLOVE.  What's YOUR TAKE on this STONE thing.  Is it

in SCOTLAND now.  Or is it still in BUCKINGHAM PALACE.

A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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2002-01-29 Thread Mermaid

-Caveat Lector-

It was returned to the Scots Mike.
Love the mermaid x
- Original Message -
From: Mike Clark [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, January 29, 2002 11:58 PM

 -Caveat Lector-

 Supposedly this is the STONE of CORONATION of all legitimate

 and QUEENS.  This STONE which weighs about 200 pounds was used by

 JACOB to rest his head the NIGHT of his DREAM showing him a LADDER

 GENESIS: 28 VERSES 10 - 22 where he saw the ANGELS moving up

 and downward from HEAVEN to earth.


 The STONE was taken from the SCOTTISH MONARCHY sometime around

 1250 AD.  And then recently ( 1996 ) moved back into SCOTLAND on

 LOAN from the QUEEN of ENGLAND.   According to tradition all

 legitimate MONARCHISTS must be sitting on this stone when

 to be the legitimate heir to the THRONE.

 I KNOW.  YOU'RE all saying WHO GIVES A DAMN.Well in time you

 will find out that the TOP of the ILLUMINATI PYRAMID is a CABAL of


 and WARBURGS are just STOOGES who are on the PAYROLL.


 a STEWART.  I'm NOT SAYING he is.  I have only read BITS  PIECES

 his book.   I was most INTERESTED in the part about BONNIE PRINCE

 How about it TENORLOVE.  What's YOUR TAKE on this STONE thing.  Is

 in SCOTLAND now.  Or is it still in BUCKINGHAM PALACE.

 A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
 CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing
 screeds are unwelcomed. Substance-not soap-boxing-please!  These are
 sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'-with its many half-truths, mis-
 directions and outright frauds-is used politically by different groups
 major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and
 That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
 always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
 credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

 Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
 Archives Available at:
  A HREF=http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html;Archives of

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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2002-01-29 Thread Mike Clark

-Caveat Lector-

And what if just like in 1604 when ELIZABETH the FIRST

left the THRONE.  And it was handed over to a STUART.

And when this ELIZABETH leaves the THRONE it somehow

manages to get back in the hands of a STUART.

I've heard that LADY DI was part STUART.  Then WILLIAM

will have some STUART BLOOD in his veins.  But

if the STONE is in SCOTLAND that presents a problem.

Are the SCOTS going to give it back.

What's your take on this TENORLOVE.

My apologies to all.  You see it's not a ROTHSCHILD thing.

And it's not an ENRON thing.   It's a EUROPEAN BLACK

NOBILITY thing.  You'll see.   EVENTUALLY.

-Original Message-
From: Mike Clark
Sent: Tuesday, January 29, 2002 5:58 PM

-Caveat Lector-

Supposedly this is the STONE of CORONATION of all legitimate ENGLISH KING'S

and QUEENS.  This STONE which weighs about 200 pounds was used by

JACOB to rest his head the NIGHT of his DREAM showing him a LADDER

GENESIS: 28 VERSES 10 - 22 where he saw the ANGELS moving up

and downward from HEAVEN to earth.


The STONE was taken from the SCOTTISH MONARCHY sometime around

1250 AD.  And then recently ( 1996 ) moved back into SCOTLAND on

LOAN from the QUEEN of ENGLAND.   According to tradition all

legitimate MONARCHISTS must be sitting on this stone when coronated

to be the legitimate heir to the THRONE.

I KNOW.  YOU'RE all saying WHO GIVES A DAMN.Well in time you

will find out that the TOP of the ILLUMINATI PYRAMID is a CABAL of


and WARBURGS are just STOOGES who are on the PAYROLL.

This paints an INTERESTING PICTURE if say MICHAEL LAFOSSE is actually

a STEWART.  I'm NOT SAYING he is.  I have only read BITS  PIECES of

his book.   I was most INTERESTED in the part about BONNIE PRINCE CHARLIE.

How about it TENORLOVE.  What's YOUR TAKE on this STONE thing.  Is it

in SCOTLAND now.  Or is it still in BUCKINGHAM PALACE.

A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance-not soap-boxing-please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'-with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds-is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Martin-Coming Soon:Flying Fascism on Your Doorstep.

2002-01-29 Thread William Shannon

Coming Soon:
Flying Fascism on Your Doorstep.
by Al Martin

New high-tech surveillance equipment revealed at the Redstone Arsenal's Weekly Arms Bazaar promises a dismal future for freedom-loving people of the world.

      The Friendly Colonel has filed the latest report from the most recent arms show at the Redstone Arsenal, which has been shut down and is essentially used for storage. Housed in this facility are several thousands of the new modified urban control Humvees, equipped with 14.5 mm cannons as well as many aerials and satellite dishes. Some are camouflage in color, but most of them are dark matte gray. They looked like they were painted with a sealer coat of paint (primer paint), before the final coat is painted on depending on the theater of operation in which they will be used.

      Of greater significance was the introduction of the new DCHD (Domestic Control Hover Drones), which were displayed and offered for sale. They're about a meter in diameter and probably weigh about twenty kilograms each. It looks like a life ring (life preserver) with a motor in the middle of it.

      The Chinese and Russian arms dealers were interested in them, and evidently the British Government has been one of this device's primary buyers. Evidently we're not selling them to a lot of foreign countries at this time, but still building inventories for ourselves. Each of these DCHDs costs $178,000 a copy.

      He met with an Iranian colonel who is some sort of an engineer, who was trying to explain to him what these things can do. The Friendly Colonel admitted that he didn't even know such technology even existed.

      Here are some specs. They can hover to a maximum ceiling of 500 feet, although they're really meant to hover about 50 feet off the ground. They not only hover, but they can go forward and back. Their maximum speed is 50 miles an hour, and they can stay aloft for up to three hours at a time. There are counter-rotating rotors in the middle of the device with what appears to be an engine on top. All of the internal components appear to be made of some sort of super-advanced composite, like boron-graphite composite material that is very, very light, but is also very strong. The propellers are also made of this same material, and they weigh practically nothing.

      There are two counter-rotating propellers, two propellers that rotate counter-synchronously, the way the Russians used to build turbo-prop airplanes like the TU-95s. The reason they do it that way is because it gives a much higher speed, lift and stability.

      They're controlled electronically - either through satellites or through what they call Fixed or Mobile Relay Command Centers, built right into the Humvee. They showed how the two worked together.

      The Friendly Colonel reports that inside this Humvee, which can control a certain quad of these things, it looked like the inside of a spaceship. The components and views screens, which appear to be holographic, and the technology are simply amazing -- "It's like nothing you ever saw."

      The surveillance drones come in different color schemes -- a very dark black matte for night use or a two-tone matte white and sky blue top -- so it's hard to see them during the day.

      They started one of these hover drones up, and he said it virtually makes no sound at all. Even if you're ten feet away, you couldn't hear the thing. That's how quiet they are.

      They are fitted with what is purported to be one of the most-advanced micro-cameras ever invented by the US Government. Through satellites, their transmission capability is virtually limitless. Satellites can access its transmissions and give it directions, signals, codes, and tell it what to do.

      They can be pre-programmed for certain flight paths, but the computer has the ability to think, so that if it acquires a target, it can deviate from a flight path. It also has sensors so it can get out of the way and not run into a tree or the side of a building. It also has infrared cameras and high-resolution night cameras with multiple neutral density filters.

      They also have see-through capability -- with a thermal imaging sensor camera, which can actually see inside of buildings and see through walls. The device is meant to be used as a domestic control drone. It not only has cameras, but the most sensitive audio receivers that have ever been made. It can pick up a human conversation from five hundred feet away -- one human conversation. Not only can they photograph and relay still shots and real time video and transmit video, but they also have a "non-lethal" weapons capability, some sort of stun gun based on energy discharge technology. They're powered by what's known as a fusion power cell, which looks like a square pack of film. The power is produced through some sort of chemical reaction.

      These drones can stop and detain people. Since they have a 

[CTRL] Illuminati Terrorists the Cults of Death

2002-01-29 Thread William Shannon

Illuminati Terrorists  the Cults of Death

Book Review:
The Templars and the Assassins: The Militia of Heaven
by James Wasserman
(2001; Inner Traditions)

What do you get when you cross a religious fanatic with a bloodthirsty killer?

Either a Templar or an Assassin -- depending on your "Christian" or "Muslim" persuasion.

"The Templars and the Assassins" by James Wasserman is not only a history of the Cults of Death, but a rationale for these Religious Mafia Enforcers, created by the Secret Societies of the Illuminati.

Both the Templars and the Assassins were the embodiment of the Left-Handed Path, manipulating the spiritual aspirations of their followers and perverting them to ignoble ends. In contradistinction to the pursuit of spiritual truth, these cults of death slaughtered countless innocents who wouldn't bend the knee to their twisted ideologies and "religious" beliefs.

In this book, Wasserman's command of history is impressive He shows a macroscopic vision of the flow of events leading to the Crusades and the fanaticism, which ended in massive bloodshed, as so-called Christian and Muslim warriors killed each other on behalf of their puppet masters.

The Templars, after all, were considered "the Pope's private army," while the Assassins had a similar agenda in destabilizing political power in the Middle East.

After a rather mundane recitation of facts about the Assassins, Wasserman rationalizes their murders with a dubious and groundless conclusion. "While the Assassins have been identified as the world's first organized band of terrorists," he writes, "their methods were far different from those of today's indiscriminating bomb-wielding kamikazes." (p.148)

Wasserman evidently doesn't understand the realpolitik of terrorism and seems to assume that today's terrorists randomly throw bombs for no reason. On the contrary, things are blown up and people are killed, so that society can be moved by the Illuminati to a more restrictive State, in accordance with classic Hegelian methodology - Thesis (Action), then Antithesis (Reaction), and then Synthesis (More Control).

(That was indeed the only "reason" for destroying the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001 - to inflict trauma and use the subsequent anomie, in order to program the population and prepare it for more restrictions on freedom and civil liberties.)

"The warrior tradition of Islam frequently justifies killing, as do the sacred scriptures of many world religions - from the Old and New Testaments to the Hindu Bhagavad Gita," he continues disingenuously, as if the "religious" justification of political murder is supposed to absolve the Illuminati killers of their crimes.

"The Islamic concept of jihad, or holy war, applies equally against Muslim usurpers of the Law of God as it does against the non-Muslim infidel. The Assassins served the greater glory of God through their practice," writes Wasserman - without a trace of irony.

"The glory of God"? Wasserman must have meant the Nephilim gods of the Illuminati, for whom blood sacrifices are the only meaningful propitiation.

In another rationale for Illuminati Terrorists, Wasserman writes "it was Hassan-I-Sabah who turned assassination into an art form [huh?] - maximizing the political benefit of minimum loss of life and offering a more human method of resolving political differences than the carnage and suffering of the traditional battlefield." (p.109)

"More human"? Wasserman's idea that using Illuminati killers to get rid of your enemies is somehow more noble or honorable than combat is again an astonishing assumption.

Wasserman also fawns shamelessly, when he writes about the pseudo-spiritual Knights Templar and their Wacky Christian Crusades, which accomplished nothing, but the wholesale spilling of blood in the so-called “Holy Land.” The Crusades were simply a power grab by the Roman Church under the guise of a contrived “religious” war.

As a political tool of the Roman Church (the aptly named "Church Militant"), the Templars revealed their pretensions of piety and religiosity to be completely void, when they murdered the Cathars in southern France in 1244. Their true nature as mercenaries in the service of the Illuminati (the grossly iniquitous Roman Catholic Popes) became perfectly clear, when they exterminated their fellow Christians.

Finally, double-crossed by the wily Philip the Fair, the ill-fated Templars and their leader Jacques de Molay, the 23rd and last Grand Master, have forever branded the Templars as a gang of dead losers -- brought down by the hubris of their own unchecked temporal powers.

"The Templars were thoroughly identified with the Crusades," Wasserman writes. "Their defeat and the obvious question of God's support for the Christian cause pressed more and more on the pious heart as defeat was added to defeat."

This degenerate and murderous behavior, then, is the legacy of the Templars 

[CTRL] Fwd: HoffmanWire: News Summary

2002-01-29 Thread William Shannon


Dedicated to Freedom of the Press, Investigative Reporting and Revisionist History

Michael A. Hoffman II, Editor
A HREF= http://www.hoffman-info.com/news.html 

Jan. 29, 2002


1. The Proposed Ban on Germany's Rightist Party, the NDP

2. The Daily Life of Palestinian Women Under Israeli Occupation

3. The Pearl Kidnapping and the Policy Change for the Guantánamo Bay
Concentration Camp

4. Model Letter to the Editor

5. Hoffman's Current Writing and Research Schedule


Government Agents and the Proposed Ban on Germany's Rightist Party, the

Germany's center-left coalition, headed by Gerhard Schröder, decided
last year that it wanted the most high profile of the militiant right
wing political parties, the National Democratic Party of Germany (NPD),
made illegal. Some say that the NPD's ideology can be fairly described
as a precursor to neo-Nazism.

However, as with almost all neo-Nazi movements in the West, at least two
leading NPD officials, whose excesses have been cited as grounds for a
ban, have been exposed as agents of the secret police--in this case the
Bundesverfassungsschutz (BVD), Germany's domestic secret police agency.
The German government is thus seeking to destroy a party for actions
which, in some cases, had been said or done by its own agents.

It is not just Schröder's Social Democrats or their allies in the Green
party who are backing a ban on the NPD, but also the Christian and Free
Democrats who make up the center-right opposition.
The German constitutional court has postponed a hearing, scheduled for
February 5. Proceeding with a ban risks adding substance to the right's
claim that parliamentary democracy in Germany is an elaborate and
hypocritical sham.

Prudent activists need to be cautious when cooperating with or endorsing
parties such as the NPD. The British Secret Police helped establish the
neo-Nazi Combat 18 group in Britain. Aryan Nations in Idaho was riddled
with police agents in leadership and policy-making positions; and agents
of the government sting operation known as the Oklahoma City Bombing
continue to hold leadership positions within the neo-Nazi movement in
the U.S. and to enjoy travel privileges into Germany at a time when
revisionists and other sincere opponents of the Zionist Occupation
Government in Berlin are subject to immediate arrest upon entry.

Until authentic counter-intelligence plays some active and meaningful
role in our ranks, it is wise to limit contact with such groups.


EDITOR's NOTE: There has been a failure to put a human face on
Palestinian suffering. Most protests in print of conditions imposed by
the Israelis amount to dull ideological hectoring by partisans preaching
to the choir. What follows is a human interest story which offers
genuine insight into both the conditions which produce suicide bombers
and the unspeakable daily life of the average Palestinian. Needless to
say, this article was not published in the tightly censored mainstream
American media, but rather in England's Manchester Guardian newspaper.

We Just Want to Live Normally: The Daily Life of Palestinian Women
Under Israeli Occupation

The Guardian, January 29, 2002

On a clear morning last autumn, in a village in Arab east Jerusalem, a
woman was screaming. It was a high, desperate note and it jangled
through the stiff air that had yet to be warmed by the bustle of the
day. She was begging for her home, hopelessly.

We watched as the clumsy yellow Caterpillar drilled straight through the
wall of her trim two-storey house. It splintered like a cracker, to the
inexorable crunch of bulldozer tread on rubble. The demolition - one of
an estimated 8,000 across the occupied territories since 1967, which
have left some 40,000 Palestinians homeless - was a desperate affair. A
crowd of Palestinians had gathered on a nearby rooftop to witness the
inevitable, as another home fell to the complex system of zoning,
permits and demolitions, by which Israel maintains its artificial
domination over the city of Jerusalem and beyond. Mainly women, they
paced, wept, cursed, turned to one another, turned away. Here was a
domestic tragedy.

The woman's father raved at anyone who would listen. He had sunk his
savings into his daughter's house. It was built on his land,
expropriated by the Israelis. He had no money left, and no patience. He
would martyr himself, he threatened wildly, strap a bomb around his
waist and blow up the lot of them. The women listened kindly. It was a
father's threat to make - a man's threat.

The news that the 20-year-old Palestinian who detonated a suicide bomb
in Jerusalem on Sunday was a woman - the first woman to carry out such
an attack in Israel - has been greeted with incredulity. Extreme acts of
violence have not generally been part of the lexicon of 


2002-01-29 Thread Smart News

-Caveat Lector-


Former Enron executives disclosed yesterday that a top Bush campaign adviser,
Edward Gillespie, served as the company's key conduit to the White House and
House leaders. Gillespie's firm received $525,000 over nine months last year
from Enron for lobbying that included the energy task force and economic
stimulus legislation with tax provisions that would have helped Enron.


GAO Vows to Sue For Cheney Files - Hill Probes Enron Influence on Task Force
By Dana Milbank and Dan Morgan Washington Post Staff Writers Saturday,
January 26, 2002; Page A01

New information about former Bush communication aide Gillespie's ties to the
Cheney task force indicated another level of ties between Enron and the
administration. Former Enron officials said their key link to the White House
and Republicans on Capitol Hill was Gillespie, a former aide to House
Majority Leader Richard K. Armey (R-Tex.). Gillespie had worked in the
lobbying firm of former Republican National Committee chairman Haley Barbour
before setting up his own lobbying partnership in January 2000 with Jack
Quinn, former White House counsel to President Bill Clinton.

Gillespie was our hired gun, recalled one former Enron employee. Whenever
we had to get in to see a Republican, the first call was to Gillespie. After
the Bush victory, Gillespie served briefly as acting director of public
affairs at the Commerce Department. He then turned to representing Enron
before the administration and Congress on energy policy and repeal of the
corporate alternative minimum tax.. Gillespie was in touch with staffers on
the energy task force in 2001. He also met with officials at the Energy
Department, and helped set up meetings on energy policy for Enron
representatives with key lawmakers.


Crusader System Gets Boost From Pentagon

United Defense Industries Inc., controlled by Carlyle Group Inc., would get
$4.1 billion from the Pentagon over the next five years for its Crusader
artillery system, according to internal budget documents.

Miami Herald - January 28, 2002

URUZGAN, Afghanistan -- Residents of this central Afghanistan village,
apparently raided by U.S. special forces, insisted Sunday that 21 men who
died and 27 more who were captured were anti-Taliban fighters loyal to
interim Prime Minister Hamid Karzai. Four days after the raid, villagers led
reporters through the remains of a former schoolhouse they said had been used
to store weapons and equipment collected from the Taliban. Witnesses said
U.S. military aircraft destroyed the building last week, killing the
anti-Taliban fighters who were guarding
the weapons.


January 28, 2002 Bush Won't Identify Business Execs  By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS
Filed at 2:47 p.m. ET WASHINGTON (AP) -- President Bush flatly refused Monday
to identify the business executives who met with him, Vice President Dick
Cheney and his aides to discuss energy policy, saying to do so would encroach
on his ability to do his jobCheney also defended the conduct of Army
Secretary Thomas White, a former vice chairman of Enron's energy services
division, which reportedly was one of the units used to conceal the company's
huge losses. Enron overstated its total profits by more than $580 million
since 1997.

Information at risk  By GREG KLINE
Published Online January 20, 2002

Among other things, library association officials say the USA PATRIOT Act,
the anti-terrorism bill passed last year, requires libraries to surrender
patron records with no notification of the people affected. There was a
recognition in this country that what you read should be protected, said
Emily Sheketoff, director of the library association's Washington office.
Forty-eight states passed privacy laws protecting those records, including



Gov. Bush's daughter arrested - John Kennedy | Sentinel Staff Writer
Posted January 29, 2002, 5:37 PM EST - TALLAHASSEE -- Gov. Jeb Bush's
daughter was arrested early Tuesday on a charge of prescription fraud, police
said. Noelle Bush, 24, is accused of trying to call in a phony prescription
for Xanax, an anti-anxiety medicine, at a 24-hour Walgreen's drug store in

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum 


2002-01-29 Thread James Hayman

-Caveat Lector-

   I heard Queen Elizabeth moved all the royal treasures to Scotland after
England started cooperating with the European Union. Also if my information
is correct, it is the Catholic Church that is behind the power of the
Rothschild-Warburg clic. It started in the Middle Ages when a Pope realized
the church was missing out on profits because of the Sabbath Laws which the
church could not be seen breaking so he got some Jewish families to stooge
for the church on Sunday and that is how these particular families became so
powerful and untouchable.

   All the best,

-Original Message-
From: Conspiracy Theory Research List [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On
Behalf Of Mermaid
Sent: Tuesday, January 29, 2002 6:28 PM

-Caveat Lector-

It was returned to the Scots Mike.
Love the mermaid x
- Original Message -
From: Mike Clark [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, January 29, 2002 11:58 PM

 -Caveat Lector-

 Supposedly this is the STONE of CORONATION of all legitimate

 and QUEENS.  This STONE which weighs about 200 pounds was used by

 JACOB to rest his head the NIGHT of his DREAM showing him a LADDER

 GENESIS: 28 VERSES 10 - 22 where he saw the ANGELS moving up

 and downward from HEAVEN to earth.


 The STONE was taken from the SCOTTISH MONARCHY sometime around

 1250 AD.  And then recently ( 1996 ) moved back into SCOTLAND on

 LOAN from the QUEEN of ENGLAND.   According to tradition all

 legitimate MONARCHISTS must be sitting on this stone when

 to be the legitimate heir to the THRONE.

 I KNOW.  YOU'RE all saying WHO GIVES A DAMN.Well in time you

 will find out that the TOP of the ILLUMINATI PYRAMID is a CABAL of


 and WARBURGS are just STOOGES who are on the PAYROLL.


 a STEWART.  I'm NOT SAYING he is.  I have only read BITS  PIECES

 his book.   I was most INTERESTED in the part about BONNIE PRINCE

 How about it TENORLOVE.  What's YOUR TAKE on this STONE thing.  Is

 in SCOTLAND now.  Or is it still in BUCKINGHAM PALACE.

 A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
 CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing
 screeds are unwelcomed. Substance-not soap-boxing-please!  These are
 sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'-with its many half-truths, mis-
 directions and outright frauds-is used politically by different groups
 major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and
 That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
 always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
 credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

 Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
 Archives Available at:
  A HREF=http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html;Archives of

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A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:
 A HREF=http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html;Archives of


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[CTRL] Enron Scientology

2002-01-29 Thread William Shannon

Enron Scandal May Be Worldwide Fiasco

An insider trading incident involving Germany’s major banks and insurance companies suggests that the Enron bankruptcy is just a part of a larger “global worldwide scandal.”
Exclusive to American Free Press

By Renate Vogel
The collapse of Enron, the single largest bankruptcy in world history, is likely to become the largest financial and political scandal in American history, but it may only be the most visible aspect of a larger systemic problem—a kind of alien “virus” that has infected the global nexus of financial and political power.

Enron, which was filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) as an investment bank, became a virtual “energy company.” It was Enron that was at the center of the energy deregulation scheme that exacerbated the electricity crisis in California, costing consumers, and the Golden State, billions of dollars.

The company has close ties with the Bush administration.

Enron and its chairman, Kenneth Lay, have been generous contributors to political campaigns of both Democrats and Republicans, giving a reported $2 million. Enron officials sought and obtained the support of former President Bill Clinton and Vice President Al Gore for the Kyoto treaty because it would generate immense profits for the company’s trendy energy-saving products. On taking office, Bush rejected the Kyoto treaty.

The integrity of the government investigation into the company’s activities may be compromised because the officials leading the investigation, including the FBI, are themselves connected to the Chicago-based accounting firm Arthur Andersen.

Andersen, one of the world’s biggest accounting firms, with 85,000 employees in 84 countries, reportedly approved falsified Enron financial statements concealing almost $20 billion of debt from stock and bond holders, regulatory agencies and Enron employees.

The current chairman of the SEC, Harvey Pitt, and the head of the congressional investigative arm, the General Accounting Office (GAO), David Walker, came to government positions after working for Arthur Andersen.

The Observer, a British newspaper, reported on Jan. 20 that “more than $5 billion” disappeared from Enron’s balance sheet into a “black hole”—much of it apparently into off-shore “shell companies” in the Cayman Islands, set up by Andrew Fastow, Enron’s former chief financial officer.

Investigators are examining a series of undeclared transactions between Enron and two Cayman Islands firms—LJM1 and LJM2.

Fastow disappeared before Christmas and the financial press reported that he had probably escaped to Israel via Canada. He eventually resurfaced in New York in the company of highly paid lawyers.

Enron was reportedly Arthur Andersen’s second biggest account—earning the company some $52 million last year.

Andersen now has a $1 million contract to review FBI operations, thanks to Attorney General John Ash croft, to conduct a “management assessment study” on the very government agency that is investigating its involvement in the Enron collapse.

Sen. Patrick Leahy (D-Vt.) said that this could give Arthur Andersen access to sensitive information about the FBI’s investigation of Enron.

“Arthur Andersen now has access to some very sensitive things in the FBI, at the same time I’m going to be calling on the FBI to help my committee investigate why Arthur Andersen destroyed material,” Leahy said.

For months, Andersen destroyed important electronic and paper documents related to Enron. 

SEC Chairman Pitt, who took office last August, after the Enron implosion had already begun, was, according to a Jan. 9 report by the Center for Public Integrity, representing Arthur Andersen as a partner in the law firm of Fried, Frank, Harris, Shriver and Jacobson.

U.S. Comptroller General David Walker, who heads the GAO, was until Nov. 9, 1998, a partner, board member and global managing director at Andersen. 

Walker is reported to have been on the board of Andersen for almost two years while Enron was “cooking the books and Andersen was signing off on it.”

Catherine Austin Fitts, former assistant secretary of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) and a past managing director of the Wall Street investment bank Dillon Read said Enron’s trading patterns, Internet money movements and other activities were consistent with a large-scale money laundering operation.

“I will bet every last dollar I have that Enron was the largest laundromat of stolen and tax evading dollars in American history and that the Department of Justice’s primary goal is a cover-up—to make sure that the money trail disappears forever,” Fitts told Michael C. Ruppert of the newsletter From The Wilderness.

There were “huge orders” of “put structures” on Alli anz and Münchner Rückversicherung, two of Germany’s largest insurance companies and well-known “global players” in the weeks before Sept. 11. “Put 

[CTRL] American War Crimes In Korea

2002-01-29 Thread William Shannon

U.S. commanders ordered killings of Korean refugees: BBC documentary    
U.S. military commanders repeatedly ordered the indiscriminate killing of Korean refugees in Nogeun-ri and other parts of the nation during the early days of the 1950-53 Korean War, a team of BBC documentary producers said yesterday. 

Senior U.S. army commanders sanctioned killings of Korean refugees, including women and children, by using phrases such as "shoot all refugees," "all refugees are fair game," and "refugees will be dispersed by all available fire, including artillery," according to a press release by the British broadcaster. 

BBC will broadcast a documentary film, titled "Kill 'em All," on Feb. 1. 

"Such deliberate targeting of noncombatants violates the laws of war," Tom Roberts, director of the film, said in the press release. 

The vast majority of these incriminating orders and communications, underpinned by newly unearthed military documents, are omitted from the Pentagon's investigative report, he said. 

In January last year, the U.S. government admitted U.S. soldiers killed or injured an unconfirmed number of refugees near Nogeun-ri, a hamlet about 200 kilometers south of Seoul, in July in 1950. But it denied U.S. commanders ordered troops to shoot civilians. 

Korean survivors claim 121 civilians were killed and 21 were injured in the strafing from aircraft and the shootings in the railroad tunnels near the village. 

The BBC documentary details previously unreported incidents of deliberate large-scale killings of Korean refugees by U.S. troops and features new American witnesses and participants in the refugee massacre. 

In the documentary, American ex-soldiers who were at Nogeun-ri said the shootings were ordered, and a new witness recalls officers shouting to the infantrymen, "Kill 'em all," according to the filmmakers. 

The film also traces alleged killings by U.S. soldiers beyond Nogeun-ri. 

South Korean survivors, interviewed by the filmmakers, described the 25th U.S. Infantry Division's massacre of 82 villagers cowering in a small shrine. Among the victims, 25 were children under the age of 10. The division's commander had ordered that civilians near the warfront be treated as enemies. 

In the film, survivors also tell of another slaughter of as many as 400 civilians when U.S. warships, without provocation, furiously shelled a concentration of refugees on an exposed southern beach. 

"By picking up where American news reporting left off, we have been able to shed a broader light on a dark underside, a hidden chapter, of a major 20th century war," director Roberts said. 

The Nogeun-ri incident was first unveiled by a Pulitzer Prize-winning report by the Associated Press. 

After wrapping up a 14-month investigation in 2001, the U.S. government issued a statement of regret but ruled out any compensation for the victims because commanders did not order the shootings. 

Last week, South Korea's ruling Millennium Democratic Party (MDP) and survivors urged the U.S. government to reinvestigate the incident, following new evidence that U.S. troops might have been ordered to kill. 

George Early, a U.S. veteran of the Korean War, said in a letter his commanding officer threatened to execute him for refusing to shoot at the refugees near Nogeun-ri. The BBC documentary includes Early's testimony. 

The U.S. government said it would erect a monument and establish a $750,000 scholarship fund dedicated to all Korean civilians killed during the war. The survivors' group has rejected the offers, saying that they want a monument specifically for the Nogeun-ri victims. 


By Hwang Jang-jin Staff reporter 


[CTRL] Fwd: Meet Larry Mitchell

2002-01-29 Thread RoadsEnd


from Radio France Internationale (Nov. 1, 2001)

Radio France Internationale -- a state-owned station -- has confirmed today
(Nov. 1st) the news about the meeting between Osama bin Laden and a CIA
agent in the emirate of Dubai. It has also given more details: his name is
LARRY MITCHELL and he is the local station chief under the guise of a
'consular agent'. The meeting took place on July, 12, 2001.

The news also quotes Zbigniew Brzezinski, the former aide to President Jimmy
Carter on the CIA help to the Afghans. It didn't begin in 1980 as a
consequence of the Soviet intervention on December, 24, 1979, as the
official story tells. To the contrary, the Soviet invasion was a consequence
of a secret directive by Carter dated July 3, 1979, who ordered the
clandestine help to the Afghan rebels.

---End Message---


2002-01-29 Thread Andrew Hennessey

-Caveat Lector-

there are several 'stones of destiny' in scotland
the original was allegedly brought by the eloping princess scota
to the halls of tara - I somehow don't think the traditional
sandstone block would have fitted in her handbaggage
however they say that the real stone is small and black with runes - and was
given to the first of the dalriadan line - king erc
and then became the coronation stone of the line of jacob -
the jacobites -
however the line of esau the windsors current HM queen lizard
has never sat upon the real stone to make her truly noble
therefore the best they could do was to squeeze some of dianas dalriadan
heritage back into the dynasty.
the stone that was recently returned was a fake anyway -
after it was stolen 1920's the real one [sandstone block] never
returned but was held by a faction of the scottish knights templar.
the other story is that the tuatha de dannan brought the black stone of
destiny along with the cup, spear and sword from the wars of atlan to
ireland and tara - where the survivors swore to
live underground and give the freedom to rule to King Erc of the Dalriadans.
the windsors however are of a different bloodline [esau] and not favoured by
God or as favoured shall we say ? thats why there has been genocide in
scotland over the last few hundred years -
the revenge of esau.

andrew hennessey

- Original Message -
Sent: Wednesday, January 30, 2002 12:28 AM

 -Caveat Lector-

 It was returned to the Scots Mike.
 Love the mermaid x
 - Original Message -
 From: Mike Clark [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Tuesday, January 29, 2002 11:58 PM

  -Caveat Lector-
  Supposedly this is the STONE of CORONATION of all legitimate
  and QUEENS.  This STONE which weighs about 200 pounds was used
  JACOB to rest his head the NIGHT of his DREAM showing him a
  GENESIS: 28 VERSES 10 - 22 where he saw the ANGELS moving up
  and downward from HEAVEN to earth.
  The STONE was taken from the SCOTTISH MONARCHY sometime around
  1250 AD.  And then recently ( 1996 ) moved back into SCOTLAND on
  LOAN from the QUEEN of ENGLAND.   According to tradition all
  legitimate MONARCHISTS must be sitting on this stone when
  to be the legitimate heir to the THRONE.
  I KNOW.  YOU'RE all saying WHO GIVES A DAMN.Well in time you
  will find out that the TOP of the ILLUMINATI PYRAMID is a CABAL
  and WARBURGS are just STOOGES who are on the PAYROLL.
  a STEWART.  I'm NOT SAYING he is.  I have only read BITS 
  his book.   I was most INTERESTED in the part about BONNIE
  How about it TENORLOVE.  What's YOUR TAKE on this STONE thing.
  in SCOTLAND now.  Or is it still in BUCKINGHAM PALACE.
  A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
  CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing
  screeds are unwelcomed. Substance-not soap-boxing-please!  These are
  sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'-with its many half-truths, mis-
  directions and outright frauds-is used politically by different groups
  major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and
  That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
  always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
  credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.
  Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
  Archives Available at:
   A HREF=http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html;Archives of
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 screeds are unwelcomed. Substance-not soap-boxing-please!  These are
 sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'-with its many half-truths, mis-
 directions and 

[CTRL] Jewish nazi art museum

2002-01-29 Thread Peat

Description: MS-Word document

[CTRL] The 100 Mile-Per-Gallon Carburetor

2002-01-29 Thread Peat
Title: Message

JANUARY 24, 2002
The 100 Mile-Per-Gallon Carburetor
How Ultra Wide Band May (or May Not) Change the World
By Robert X. Cringely
A few weeks ago, I wrote about my desire for Wendy, my personal 
supercomputer (since completed and works fine, thanks), and mentioned that one 
of the projects I planned for her was an experiment in Ultra Wide 
(UWB) communications. This single reference brought from the web 
world many reader responses, most of them from engineers alarmed at the whole 
idea of UWB. They are convinced that UWB will be bad for us all, making useless 
the GPS satellite system, and maybe even your mobile phone. I am not at all 
convinced of that, but I am sure that UWB will shortly create a thorny business 
problem. What it reminds me of most is the proverbial 100 mile-per-gallon 
The 100 mile-per-gallon carburetor is supposed to be a gizmo 
that does exactly as its name suggests, only of course, we can't buy one. That's 
because the oil companies and the car companies and who knows what other 
companies are supposed to have bought-up the patents on the 100 mile-per-gallon 
carb specifically to make sure it never hits the market. Entire industries would 
be destroyed, we're told, if this beast ever hit store shelves. Certainly, 
Exxon-Mobil would have to sell a few corporate jets to get profits back in line 
once gasoline consumption dropped in half.
There is actually some precedent to this particular conspiracy 
theory. America had a well-developed light rail system at the end of the Second 
World War that was systematically bought up and destroyed primarily by General 
Motors, which promptly replaced rail cars with buses. If GM would buy one 
industry just to destroy it, why not buy another?
But what is it that makes UWB so scary?
Ultra Wide Band will either be the beginning of a new age of 
communication or the end of an old one, and probably both. UWB is true digital 
radio communication, a series of very short electrical pulses (billionths of 
a second) that exist not on any particular 
frequency, but on ALL frequencies simultaneously. It is just a blast of 
electrical noise. The key to turning that noise into communication lies in the 
timing of the pulses that beat out a code. But in order to hear the information 
in that code, a UWB receiver has to know the exact pulse sequence used by the 
transmitter. In other words, with UWB you have to know exactly WHEN to listen in 
order to hear. This makes UWB very secure, which is why the military likes it so 
much (UWB technology was originally developed for the military and various U.S. 
and Soviet spy agencies as early as 1960). UWB is pretty much immune to 
eavesdropping, is equally immune to interference or jamming, and because its 
broad frequency range includes the ultra-low frequencies used to communicate 
with submerged submarines, UWB can be used easily in buildings and even 
underground. And because of the random nature of UWB timing schemes, there 
appears to be virtually no limit to the number of UWB signals that can share the 
same airwaves.
In many ways, UWB is the successor to spread spectrum radio, a 
World War II technology for splitting a broadcast among many radio frequencies 
to avoid jamming. Spread spectrum, which was patented in 1942 by actress Hedy 
Lamar and composer George Antheil (I am not making this up), operates today in 
every mobile phone. But where spread spectrum used just a few dozen frequencies 
and used them one at a time, UWB uses every frequency there is, and uses them 
all at the same time, which means the data-carrying capacity of UWB is 
UWB requires ultra-low power, often one ten thousandth as much 
as a cellphone, and because of that low power it is undetectable by conventional 
radios, looking to them just like very quiet noise. This is one reason why the 
FCC is considering allowing UWB as an unlicensed service; it is hard to regulate 
a signal that can't be detected and doesn't interfere. Besides, UWB has 
important friends -- companies like Intel, IBM, Motorola and Texas Instruments 
-- that are committed to making UWB chipsets or have invested in UWB 
A UWB phone uses so little power it can remain on for weeks 
without recharging. And UWB will ultimately be cheaper to make than conventional 
radios since it is built entirely of commercial grade computer chips and 
requires no tuning. There is an irony here that UWB was impossibly expensive to 
build until computer chips came along, and now, it is going to be impossibly 
cheap. The U.S. Navy, for example, plans to put a UWB location marker on almost 
everything it ships overseas, just to keep track of all the stuff and keep it 
from being stolen.
UWB products will probably begin to hit the market in the next 
18 to 24 months. In addition to radios, these products will include radar and 
electronic positioning devices. For soldiers entering a 

[CTRL] Flying Fascism on Your Doorstep

2002-01-29 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

   Flying Fascism on Your Doorstep
Is your Freedoms and LIberties feeling secure now!!!

by Al Martin

Coming Soon:
Flying Fascism on Your Doorstep.

New high-tech surveillance equipment revealed at the Redstone Arsenal's
Weekly Arms Bazaar promises a dismal future for freedom-loving people of
the world.

  The Friendly Colonel has filed the latest report from the most
recent arms show at the Redstone Arsenal, which has been shut down and is
essentially used for storage. Housed in this facility are several
thousands of the new modified urban
control Humvees, equipped with 14.5 mm cannons as well as many aerials
and satellite dishes. Some are camouflage in color, but most of them are
dark matte gray. They looked like they were painted with a sealer coat of
paint (primer paint),
before the final coat is painted on depending on the theater of operation
in which they will be used.

  Of greater significance was the introduction of the new DCHD
(Domestic Control Hover Drones), which were displayed and offered for
sale. They're about a meter in diameter and probably weigh about twenty
kilograms each. It looks like a life ring (life preserver) with a motor
in the middle of it.

  The Chinese and Russian arms dealers were interested in them, and
evidently the British Government has been one of this device's primary
buyers. Evidently we're not selling them to a lot of foreign countries at
this time, but still building
inventories for ourselves. Each of these DCHDs costs $178,000 a copy.

  He met with an Iranian colonel who is some sort of an engineer, who
was trying to explain to him what these things can do. The Friendly
Colonel admitted that he didn't even know such technology even existed.

  Here are some specs. They can hover to a maximum ceiling of 500
feet, although they're really meant to hover about 50 feet off the
ground. They not only hover, but they can go forward and back. Their
maximum speed is 50 miles an hour,
and they can stay aloft for up to three hours at a time. There are
counter-rotating rotors in the middle of the device with what appears to
be an engine on top. All of the internal components appear to be made of
some sort of super-advanced
composite, like boron-graphite composite material that is very, very
light, but is also
very strong. The propellers are also made of this same material, and they
weigh practically nothing.

  There are two counter-rotating propellers, two propellers that
counter-synchronously, the way the Russians used to build turbo-prop
airplanes like the TU-95s. The reason they do it that way is because it
gives a much higher speed, lift and stability.

  They're controlled electronically - either through satellites or
through what they
call Fixed or Mobile Relay Command Centers, built right into the Humvee.
They showed how the two worked together.

  The Friendly Colonel reports that inside this Humvee, which can
control a certain quad of these things, it looked like the inside of a
spaceship. The components and views screens, which appear to be
holographic, and the technology are simply amazing -- It's like nothing
you ever saw.

  The surveillance drones come in different color schemes -- a very
dark black matte for night use or a two-tone matte white and sky blue top
-- so it's hard to see them during the day.

  They started one of these hover drones up, and he said it virtually
makes no sound at all. Even if you're ten feet away, you couldn't hear
the thing. That's how quiet they are.

  They are fitted with what is purported to be one of the
most-advanced micro-cameras ever invented by the US Government. Through
satellites, their transmission capability is virtually limitless.
Satellites can access its transmissions and
give it directions, signals, codes, and tell it what to do.

  They can be pre-programmed for certain flight paths, but the
computer has the
ability to think, so that if it acquires a target, it can deviate from a
flight path. It also has sensors so it can get out of the way and not run
into a tree or the side of
a building. It also has infrared cameras and high-resolution night
cameras with multiple neutral density filters.

  They also have see-through capability -- with a thermal imaging
sensor camera, which can actually see inside of buildings and see through
walls. The device is meant to be used as a domestic control drone. It not
only has cameras, but
the most sensitive audio receivers that have ever been made. It can pick
up a human
conversation from five hundred feet away -- one human conversation. Not
only can they photograph and relay still shots and real time video and
transmit video,
but they also have a non-lethal weapons capability, some sort of stun
gun based on energy discharge technology. They're powered by what's known
as a fusion power cell, which looks like a square 

[CTRL] Japanese savings switching to gold

2002-01-29 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Japanese savings switching to gold

  By Taizo Hirose, Takahiko Hyuga and Miki Anzai
  Bloomberg News Service

  TOKYO - Japanese consumers are buying more gold as they decide to
  their money out of banks before April, when the government caps its
  deposit guarantee.

  Japan plans to limit its guarantee to $75,208 per depositor when
  fail. The specter of that cap and the yen's 7.7 percent fall against
  dollar since Dec. 1 are prompting wealthy Japanese to flock to gold,
  said Taizo Kimura, sales manager in a futures unit of Mitsubishi
  Japan's largest trading company.

  The flight from savings accounts comes as consumers and economists
  about Japan's flagging banks, which are laden with bad loans and may
  need more government help to survive the nation's third recession in

  This would be another warning that lenders need to act promptly to
  expedite bad-loan disposals, as smaller lenders have already seen
  deposits falling, said Shinichi Ichikawa, a strategist at Credit
  First Boston Securities (Japan) Ltd.

  If banks don't show improvement, the loss of deposits could
  and undermine Japan's already shaky financial system by limiting
  liquidity and stifling new lending, Ichikawa said.

  Moody's cut

  Moody's Investors Service yesterday lowered its outlook to
  negative on
  credit ratings for Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corp., Mizuho Holdings
  units and other Japanese lenders.

  The U.S. rating agency, citing concern that the new cap on deposit
  insurance will create another destabilizing factor in the currently
  fragile financial conditions of Japanese banks, said that it fears
  string of bankruptcies among small lenders won't end by March.

  Eitai Credit Association this month was forced into bankruptcy.
  100 of the nation's 658 credit unions and associations, mainly
  individuals and small businesses, failed between October 1998 and
  end of last year.

  With fears rising over possible bank failures, especially among
  lenders, many Japanese are uneasy about the new limits on deposit
  insurance. The government will cap time deposits in the first year
  the new limits and all accounts thereafter.

  We come across customers with rolls of notes in a band with the
  emblems, said Osamu Ikeda, a spokesman at Tanaka Kikinzoku Kogyo
  Japan's largest gold retailer.

  The more people have social and economic anxiety, the more people

  Sales this month at Tanaka's 130 stores will rise fivefold from
  year-earlier levels, Ikeda said.

  The generic gold futures contract traded on the Tokyo Commodities
  Exchange has risen 10 percent since the beginning of December,
  hitting a
  39-month high earlier this month. Ikeda said that spot prices are up
  percent from the five-year low hit in September 1999.

  Activity 15 times higher

  In November and December, gold sales at commodities brokerage Ace
  Co. increased 15 times over the year-earlier total, said company
  spokesman Katsushige Yamazaki.

  The company will advertise in newspapers in coming weeks to promote
  and point out the coming limits on deposit insurance, Yamazaki said.
  Given record-low interest rates, falling stocks and banks' bad-loan
  problems, people see gold as a stable investment, he said.

  At Mitsubishi Materials Corp., Japan's biggest nonferrous metals
  gold sales in December quadrupled from a year earlier, said Tomoyuki
  Okuchi, a trader for the company, confirming a Nihon Keizai
  report earlier today.

  Sales are accelerating further this month, he said.

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That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

[CTRL] AF News 30 Jan 02

2002-01-29 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

0147.  Some specialties released from Stop-Loss

WASHINGTON (AFPN) -- The following is a message from Gen. John P. Jumper,
Air Force chief of staff, regarding Stop-Loss:

Since Sept. 11, the lives of people have been affected in many ways.  Our
nation is at war.  Our homeland was attacked.  Secretary Roche and I thank
each of you for your dedicated service as we continue to fight the war on

Due to the combined effects of operations Noble Eagle and Enduring Freedom,
the Air Force implemented Stop-Loss and people who were planning to separate
or retire had to significantly alter their plans.  While the future remains
uncertain, operational requirements now allow us to release 24 officer and
40 enlisted specialties from Stop-Loss.

Clearly, we still need experienced people, and we want all, active duty,
Reserve, Air National Guard and civilians, to consider remaining in the Air
Force to help our nation wage the war against terrorism.  The Air Force will
maintain retention as a high priority and we have seen considerable gains
recently in the area of compensation.  Anyone who earlier made a decision to
leave is encouraged to discuss with their commander/supervisor the
possibility of now staying in the Air Force.

In arriving at the decision to release these specialties from Stop-Loss, we
thoroughly reviewed specific mission requirements and inputs from the major
commands, the air reserve component and headquarters staffs.  Information
regarding those specialties to be released will be forthcoming in subsequent
implementation messages from the deputy chief of staff for personnel and the
Air Force Personnel Center.

Because this is a very dynamic situation, we will continue to review the
Stop-Loss program every 60 days, and if world events change significantly,
we will re-evaluate Stop-Loss decisions immediately.  Those personnel not
released from Stop-Loss at this time will remain under previously
established provisions and may continue to apply for separation or
retirement through the waiver process.  We will make every effort to ensure
people choosing to leave the service have the maximum flexibility in making
the transition to civilian life.

We understand the many sacrifices Air Force men and women, as well as their
families make and will continue to face in the future.  These sacrifices are
a necessary price to ensure we meet the national security requirements of
our great nation.  We fully appreciate your unwavering support and dedicated
service.  Thank you.

0146.  Air Force eases Stop-Loss restrictions

by Master Sgt. Rick Burnham
Air Force Print News

WASHINGTON -- Air Force personnel officials have developed a plan that will
mean the end of Stop-Loss restrictions on a number of career fields as early
as March. The Stop-Loss exit plan includes 24 officer and 40 enlisted
career fields, and is based on the strategies of operations Enduring Freedom
and Noble Eagle, personnel officials said.

It is the result of a planned 90-day review, officials at the Pentagon
said. An initial 30-day review, conducted in early November, resulted in the
continuation of Stop-Loss restrictions on all Air Force specialties.
Stop-Loss measures were instituted by the Air Force on Oct. 2 to ensure
personnel levels were adequate to prosecute the war. Subsequent reviews will
take place at 60-day intervals.

The officer career fields released from Stop-Loss restrictions include:
13S, 21A, 21M, 21S, 35B, 36P, 38M, 42B, 42E, 43A, 43D, 43M, 44D, 44H, 44J,
44Z, 46G, 47B, 47D, 48E, 65A, 65F, 65W and 84H.

Enlisted career fields released from Stop-Loss restrictions include:  1C6XX,
1S0XX, 1T0X1, 2A000, 2A0X1, 2A1X1, 2A1X2, 2A1X3, 2A300, 2A3X1, 2A3X2, 2A3X3,
2A4X1, 2A4X2, 2A5X3, 2A6X3, 2A7X4, 2M0XX, 2P0XX, 2R0XX, 2R1XX, 2T3X5, 2T3X7,
2W0XX, 2W1XX, 2W2XX, 3A0XX, 3C0X2, 3C3X1, 3H0XX, 3N0XX, 3N1XX, 3N2XX, 3U0XX,
4J0XX, 6FXXX, 8FXXX, 8MXXX, 9DXXX and 9E000.

A number of different factors went into the process of deciding which career
fields could be released, officials said.

We had to consider the balance between the active duty and the air reserve
component, as well as the need to remain flexible to changing events
worldwide, said Lt. Col. Jan Middleton, chief of promotion, evaluation and
separation policy at the Pentagon. In addition, homeland defense is still
being shaped and defined. So, there were a lot of factors to consider in the
decision-making process.

The plan will give the Air Force an effective and reasonable approach to
easing Stop-Loss restrictions, Middleton said.

We feel this plan gives the Air Force an easily executable strategy, she
said. The actual 'termination' of Stop-Loss is still to be determined -- we
still need to retain those personnel directly needed to support the war. But
this will begin the glide slope toward that end.

More career fields will likely be released in the future based on input from

Re: [CTRL] Antisemitic vs. Prosemitic means ?

2002-01-29 Thread inri

-Caveat Lector-

  Correction-that's how could ANY follower of Christ not be

christ was semitic.

how do you reconcile this?



sure, we'll have fascism, but it will come disguised as americanism - huey
there ought to be limits to freedom - george w. bush
if this were a dictatorship, it'd be a heck of a lot easier, just so long
as i'm the dictator. - george w. bush
freedom is about the willingness of every single human being to cede to
lawful authority a great deal of discretion about what you do and how you do
it.  - rudolph giulliani

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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[CTRL] Fwd: [CIA-Drugs_TheDarkSide] David Chapman + MKUltra

2002-01-29 Thread RoadsEnd



Thursday, December 8 at 10 PM EST, the 20th anniversary of the date
Beatle John Lennon was gunned down on a New York City street, 20/20
will air a segment which focuses in part on Lennon's killer, Mark David

NewsHawk has previously published several articles which made note of
the fact that Chapman was without ANY doubt a CIA-trained MK-ULTRA style
mind-controlled, Manchurian Candidate assassin.

We made note of the fact that in the course of being interviewed by
Playboy magazine in 1980, Lennon made comments on certain subjects
(many of which were not included in the published interview) which
undoubtedly caught the attention of the CIA, as well as that of its
former director, then vice-president-elect GEORGE BUSH.

In speaking with Playboy, Lennon referred a number of times to his
knowledge of the fact that certain drugs -- such as LSD as well as more
toxic hard drugs like heroin and cocaine -- had been spread throughout
society as a whole and in particular the counterculture, for the express
purpose of trying to bring about social chaos and a general breakdown in

He ALSO indicated his awareness that the Beatles themselves had
literally been subjected to mind experimentation with respect to
certain drugs they were induced to use; and further conveyed that he
knew the Beatles and the entire Beatlemania phenomenon were to
SOME extent at least just another aspect of some VERY wide-scale,
globalist social engineering and experimentation.

The Beatles were part of the mass experimentation that contemporary
society was being subjected to by the CIA, Britain's MI6 and the
associated Tavistock Institute.

More than most of the other boys in the band, John Lennon had become
increasingly aware of the extent of corruption, co-opting and
infiltration of the counterculture -- most CERTAINLY including the
rock music scene -- by these same covert government intelligence

In short; John  Lennon blew the lid off a lot of heavy stuff, even if
somewhat obliquely, and even though the final published version was
heavily edited.

Believe me, CIA personnel know how to read between the lines. You can
bet George Bush knew how to as well.

It was quite clear Lennon had become aware of the extent to which the
Beatles, their music and the entire Beatlemania phenomenon was to at
LEAST some degree a manipulated, contrived global social event, along
with the simultaneous deliberate introduction of virtually unlimited
quantities of certain mind-altering drugs into society.

And, here's are a few very CLEAR indications that there is DEFINITELY a
CIA/Bush connection to the John Lennon assassination.

A little over three months after Lennon was murdered, newly-inaugurated
President Ronald Reagan was shot and nearly killed by John Hinckley, in
New York City, again.

Hinckley's father, a Denver resident, is a CLOSE personal friend of
George Bush, Sr. and some other members of the Bush Empire inner
including son and convicted criminal Neil Bush and as-yet
un-convicted sons Jeb and Dubb-o.

For several weeks before attempting to assassinate Reagan, Hinckley
prowled the streets of New York.

HINCKLEY followed as exactly as he possibly could EVERY SINGLE MOVE that
Mark David CHAPMAN had made, in the days before CHAPMAN murdered John

Even MORE bizarre: at the time of their respective arrests following
both shooting incidents, John Hinckley AND Mark David Chapman were
each carrying on their person a paperback copy of the J.D. Salinger
CATCHER IN THE RYE. (AS did the MK-Ultra mind-controlled assassin
Jerry played by Mel Gibson in the surprisingly revealing movie

J.D. Salinger, certainly a gifted author, had SUBSTANTIAL and enduring
ties to the U.S. intelligence community; in particular, the CIA. Was the
book originally intended to be a mind-control programming tool? It's
to say, but not inconceivable.

SO: Hinckley traced Chapman's footsteps, as it were, in an incredibly
AND incredibly REVEALING, scripted tableau; which culminated, as it did
with Chapman, in mind-controlled Manchurian Candidate assassin Hinckley
shooting his prey on the New York City streets.

Which indeed, brings up yet a FURTHER point.

Hinckley FIRST CAME to New York WELL BEFORE his attempt to assassinate
Reagan, in order to prepare himself for his assigned role by imitating
Chapman's moves and actions of a few months before.

SO: HOW did Hinckley KNOW, several weeks BEFORE-hand, that Reagan was
going to be at the place in New York City were Hinckley would shoot him,
AND the DAY and TIME Reagan would be there??

SOMEBODY on the INSIDE, who knew Reagan's schedule some time in
advance, positioned Hinckley in New York well before the date of the
attempted assassination of Reagan.

Somebody like George BUSH, Sr., maybe? Trying to get a jump on taking
as President? Or, or maybe 

[CTRL] It Might Not Take 50 Years

2002-01-29 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

It Might Not Take 50 Years
By Chuck Baldwin
January 29, 2001

Pat Buchanan's new book predicts the death of the United States (as we know
it) within 50 years. His reasoning is sound and his conclusion is justified.
However, it might not take 50 years.

A few years back, I predicted that, if America continued on its present
course, within 35 years pedophilia (adults having sex with children) would
be as socially acceptable and as politically protected as homosexuality is
today. The election of a Republican president has put nothing on the radar
screen to cause me to change my mind. I, therefore, stand by my prediction.

For all practical purposes, the gay rights agenda continues unimpeded under
the Bush administration. Bush's appointment of homosexual activist Michael
Guest as U.S. Ambassador to Romania is merely one of several pro-homosexual
overtures this president has made. No nation can survive for very long once
it codifies into law (and the public conscience) the practice of aberrant
sexual behavior.

Couple the social acceptance of sodomy with the social acceptance of
abortion and one gets a very bleak picture for the future. Rhetoric aside,
there is virtually no resistance to the legal murder of unborn children from
the White House or the church house.

Buchanan's arguments that mass immigration and a dying Christian culture
portend America's demise must also be given serious consideration. One look
at any television network's prime time programming is proof positive that
America is already in a post-Christian era. In addition to television, take
into consideration the hedonistic, pagan themes of Hollywood movies, modern
art, and contemporary music and the conclusion is undeniable: America's
Christian culture is gone. What is frustrating is that hedonists have
successfully expunged our Christian culture in the face (and with the
consent) of more than 400,000 evangelical churches.

The immigration problem is also undeniable. In the name of diversity,
America is selling its birthright. As a result, the Muslim and Wiccan
religions are the fastest growing religions in the United States. Even the
definition of Christian has changed. It no longer means follower of
Christ. Today it means one who is tolerant (meaning tolerant of sin, of
course). The result is a general population with no identity, no history,
no heritage, and no future!

Add to Buchanan's prognostications the warnings of Harry Wu and the future
looks even bleaker. The former political prisoner of the Chinese Communists
has tried to warn us for years that what our government is doing is
suicidal, to no avail. U.S. cash continues to flow unabated into the Red
Chinese Army. The result of this cash flow is that sophisticated nuclear
weapons are currently aimed at U.S. cities, and Wu predicts that those
weapons will be used in a first-strike attack on our country within 25 or 30

However, it seems that few on Capitol Hill and no one in the White House is
paying any attention. This government continues to supplant the U.S.
Constitution in the most flagitious ways - with impunity. We call the
attacks of September 11 an act of war, but we refuse to declare war. We take
prisoners from this war, but we refuse to call them Prisoners of War. We
call them unlawful combatants.

President Bush calls himself a conservative, but he is in the process of
growing the size and scope of the federal government even faster than
Franklin Roosevelt did. Currently, he is helping to increase Lyndon Johnson'
s socialistic welfare programs, establishing an American version of Germany'
s SS, and is teaming up (again) with Ted Kennedy to push through a modified
version of Hillary Health Care.

Bush's big government proclivities, coupled with the support and approbation
of fawning Christian leaders and compliant conservatives, means America's
demise is now on fast track. Democrats may be responsible for putting the
train on the tracks, but Republicans are responsible for greasing them.

If Buchanan is off on his predictions, it is only with his timetable. It
might not take 50 years.

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without profit or payment to those who have expressed a prior interest
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[CTRL] AF News 29 Jan 02

2002-01-29 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

0133.  Airmen negotiate historic air traffic control agreement

by Capt. David L. Englin
16th Air Expeditionary Wing Public Affairs

AVIANO AIR BASE, Italy (AFPN) -- The 16th Air Expeditionary Wing unit
commander from Tuzla Air Base, Bosnia-Herzegovnia, and Republika Srpska
representatives recently signed a historic agreement that will move
Bosnia-Herzegovina a step closer to normal, civilian-run air traffic control

The letter of agreement standardizes procedures for controlling aircraft as
they cross between Tuzla airspace and Banja Luka airspace.  Tuzla and Banja
Luka, which is in the Republika Srpska, are located in two separate regions
of Bosnia-Herzegovina, where ethnic populations have been traditionally in
conflict with each other.

The signing of this letter of agreement will ensure the safety of all
flights between Tuzla and Banja Luka, said Capt. Michael Horowitz, 401st
Expeditionary Air Base Group airfield operations flight commander.

This agreement promotes normal air traffic control operations and will
shape future air traffic procedures, said Maj. David Dietrich, 16th AEW
director of operations. Pilots and controllers need established procedures
to avoid problems in flight. If we control a piece of airspace and don't
have an established way to interact with the people who control the
neighboring airspace, then we have a problem. This agreement prevents that.

Along with moving Bosnia-Herzegovina toward a normal, civilian-run air
traffic control system, this agreement represents peaceful cooperation
between a part of the country populated primarily by Bosnian Muslims and
Croats and a part of the country populated primarily by Bosnian Serbs.

The country of Bosnia and Herzegovina is composed of three political units:
the Bosnian Muslim and Croat-led Federation of Bosnia-Herzegovina, the
Bosnian Serb-led Republika Srpska, and the self-governing province Brcko.
Tuzla is in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, and Banja Luka is in
Republika Srpska.

This particular agreement gave the Air Force an opportunity to work with
Bosnian Serb officials from Republika Srpska, Dietrich said.  It is rare for
American airmen to work so closely with Bosnian Serbs, he said.

Tuzla negotiators worked for weeks finalizing and coordinating the agreement
with negotiators from Banja Luka, said Dietrich, who facilitated the

The Tuzla negotiators were Chief Master Sgt. Robert Nonnenmacher and Master
Sgt. Douglas Kreitter, both from the 401st EABG, and Horowitz.  (Staff Sgt.
Shanda DeAnda, from the 401st EABG Public Affairs, contributed to this

0138.  AFPC limits records review operations

RANDOLPH AIR FORCE BASE, Texas (AFPN) -- The in-person records review
function of the board support branch at the Air Force Personnel Center here
will offer limited services Feb. 15 to April 30 because of a comprehensive
renovation of the records-storage area.

Only people meeting one of the following boards will have access to their

-- The senior master sergeant evaluation board Jan. 23 to Feb. 8;

-- The captain, major and lieutenant colonel promotion boards in February;

-- The captain promotion board in June.

Other people will not be able to review their records until May 1.

The partial closure is necessary for the safety of our employees and to
maintain the best support we can for our customers, said Capt. Christopher
Parrish, chief of the board support branch. We apologize for any
inconvenience caused by the renovations.

People with questions about the availability of their records can call
enlisted records at (210) 565-2353, DSN 665-2353; or officer records at
(210) 565-2371, DSN 665-2371.  (Courtesy of AFPC News Service)

0136.  Officials urge reservists to track points

by Lt. Col. Tom Deall
Air Reserve Personnel Center Public Affairs

DENVER (AFPN) -- It is important for all reservists to understand the full
value of points in their careers, particularly for retirement, said Carole
Packham, chief of the retirements eligibility division at the Air Reserve
Personnel Center here.

To retire, a reservist must have 20 satisfactory years with the last eight
years of qualifying service in the Air Force Reserve Command's Unit Program,
the Selected Reserve's Individual Mobilization Augmentee Program or the
Individual Ready Reserve.

Satisfactory service is defined as 50 points per year to include 15
membership points, Packham said.  These points are centered around a
person's (retention/retirement) year, which begins on one day of one year
and ends on the preceding day of the next year.  If your
(retention/retirement) year starts July 1, 2002, it ends June 30, 2003.

The 15 membership points are earned for membership in the Air Force Reserve,
whether active or not; however, they only count toward a satisfactory year
when they are included with the 35 participation points.  

[CTRL] 28 January 2002 Federalist Edition #02-05

2002-01-29 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

The Conservative e-Journal of Record
* Veritas Vos Liberabit *

28 January 2002
Federalist Edition #02-05
Monday Brief

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The Todd Beamer Foundation mission includes meeting the long-term
needs of children who lost a parent in the attack on our nation
September 11th, 2001, assisting future victims of terrorism, and
continuing Todd's passion for mentoring and equipping youth to make
the same heroic choices he did throughout his life. Please join us in
supporting this foundation bearing the name of a real American

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It is only when the People become ignorant and corrupt, when they
degenerate into a populace, that they are incapable of exercising
their sovereignty.  Let us, by all wise and constitutional measures,
promote intelligence among the People, as the best means of preserving
our liberties. --James Monroe


A wholesome regard for the memory of the great men of long ago is the
best assurance to a people of a continuation of great men to come, who
shall be able to instruct, to lead, and to inspire. A people who
worship at the shrine of true greatness will themselves be truly
great. --Calvin Coolidge


A wise son makes a glad father, but a foolish son is a sorrow to his
mother. (Proverbs: 10-1)  ++  He who ignores discipline comes to
poverty and shame, but whoever heeds correction is honored. (Proverbs
13:18)  ++  Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put
darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet
and sweet for bitter!  Woe to those who are heroes at drinking wine,
and valiant men in mixing strong drink, who acquit the guilty for a
bribe, and deprive the innocent of his right! (Isaiah 5: 20-23)  ++
Is there injustice on God's part?  By no means!  For he says to
Moses, 'I will have mercy on whom I have mercy, and I will have
compassion on whom I have compassion.'  So it depends not upon man's
will or exertion, but upon God's mercy. (Romans 8:14-16)  ++  God
has committed to us the message of reconciliation. We are therefore
Christ's ambassadors, as though God were making his appeal through us.
We implore you on Christ's behalf: Be reconciled to God. (2
Corinthians 5:19-20)


Law, natural or revealed, made for men or for nations, flows from the
same Divine source: it is the law of God Human law must rest its
authority ultimately upon the authority of that law which is
Divine Far from being rivals or enemies, religion and law are twin
sisters, friends, and mutual assistants. Indeed, these two sciences
run into each other. --James Wilson


Let me suggest that beneath the popular support for marriage there
has slowly developed, almost unnoticed, a subversion of it, which can
be summarized this way: whereas marriage was once thought to be about
a social union, it is now about personal preferences. Formerly, law
and opinion enforced the desirability of marriage without asking what
went on in that union; today, law and opinion enforce the desirability
of personal happiness without worrying much about maintaining a formal
relationship. Marriage was once a sacrament, then it became a
contract, and now it is an arrangement. Once religion provided the
sacrament, then the law enforced the contract, and now personal
preferences define the arrangement. --James Q. Wilson


De-Christianizing America has been high on the progressive agenda,
and, thanks to the government (especially the federal courts), it has
been a great success. Nor can we overlook the contribution of the
entertainment industry, which now determines what passes for
'culture.' The main practical vehicle of de-Christianization has been
the Sexual Revolution. A few radicals have called for the abolition of
the family, but most liberals have been more discreet, avoiding
hostile rhetoric while quietly but constantly pursuing policies that
result in lower birthrates and fatherless children. --Joseph Sobran

[CTRL] Former CIA Director, Bush, veered like a hijacked

2002-01-29 Thread Steve Wingate

-Caveat Lector-

(At least most Marin County residents, like myself, had the sense not to vote
for, and even strongly oppose, G.W. Bush.) We pay for it now because Enron
owns our utility, PGE which is bankrupt and has convinced our governor like
many others through advisors to lock the State of California into long term
electric contracts for power we no longer need due to artificial shortages not
opposed by the Federal Regulators approved by Bush's friend Kenneth Lay
chairman of Enron. If I am wrong, Kenneth Lay, sue me. And if I am right, will
anything useful be done because of it. No. Bush is a hero and the Amerikan
idiots will continue to help borrow their children's assets to keep things
running smoothly and without pain. Can we say massive importation of heroin
from Afghanistan to support the new CIA backed government? Why no
mention of drug supression by the new government head?

He is CIA, that is why. Like Bush. It's all a big family...


--- Forwarded message follows ---
Date sent:  Tue, 29 Jan 2002 14:50:52 -0500 (EST)
Subject:SNET: Former CIA Director, Bush, veered like a hijacked 
Send reply to:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Former CIA Director, Bush, veered like a hijacked jetliner into ramblings
about liberal critics alleging prisoner mistreatment
Posted on Sunday, January 27 @ 13:11:07 EST

 By Larry Chin
YellowTimes.ORG Guest Columnist
(YellowTimes.ORG) - In a rare television appearance yesterday, former
(or some say still current) president George Herbert Walker Bush lashed
out personally at John Walker Lindh, the American who took up arms with
the Taliban. Shaking with rage, the elder Bush spit venomously about how
he has absolutely no sympathy for the Taliboy teenager, and how sick
he was of liberal Marin County hot tubbers.
The former CIA Director veered like a hijacked jetliner into ramblings
about liberal critics alleging prisoner mistreatment (we can assume he
was referring to liberals like the Red Cross and European government
leaders who have a problem with Guantanamo), and the need to get tough
and get behind the military (as if the mass goose stepping isn't quite
getting enough for his tastes).

Pure vindictiveness may explain some of the Carlyle Group senior
adviser's lust to see the young Taliboy's neck in a noose. More likely,
Poppy Bush is angry that his son, President W., is being confronted by a
nemesis from his own dark Iran-Contra past: James Brosnahan.
James Brosnahan, former federal prosecutor and former member of the
Lawrence Walsh Independent Counsel team, is John Walker Lindh's
Recall that the elder Bush hated no one on earth more than Walsh. In his
book Shadow, Bob Woodward describes how, during the height of the Walsh
inquiry, Bush received a Lawrence Walsh doll as a gag Christmas gift
from a member of his staff. Bush slammed the doll repeatedly against his
desk, shouting, Take that, Walsh!
Recall that Bush and his minions did everything possible to obstruct
Walsh's investigation. Walsh's team had discovered notes written by
Caspar Weinberger which disproved Bush's claim that he had been out of
the loop. These notes proved that Weinberger had knowledge of $25
million in Saudi Arabian contributions to the Nicaraguan contras.
Recall that it was Brosnahan who spoke out against White House attacks
against Walsh as blatant obstruction of justice. In a piece written by
Robert Parry (from Mother Jones January 1993):
It was all so transparent that I was disappointed more people didn't
pick up on the fact that all they were really trying to do was obstruct
the trial of Weinberger. It was going to be a hell of a trial,
Brosnahan said. VThe full story would have been told, as it pertained
to the [obstruction] counts of the indictment. They [senior Reagan-Bush
officials] couldn't have a trial. The cross- examination of Caspar
Weinberger was going to be an event.
According to Brosnahan, the trial would have shown that Weinberger knew
as early as summer 1985 that President Ronald Reagan had personally
authorized missile shipments to Iran in violation of the Arms Control
Export Act, and that this potentially impeachable act was concealed by
constructing a false record. The August [1985] meeting [of Reagan's
National Security Council] discussed having Israel send the missiles to
Iran and replenishing them out of U.S. stocks, says Brosnahan.
Weinberger is responsible for all missiles. The Secretary of Defense is
the guy.
Another guy who stood to lose his exalted standing in Washington if the
trial took place was General Colin Powell, who was Weinberger's
principal aide in 1985. In an affidavit, Powell said he saw virtually
all the papers that went in and out of [Weinberger's] office and thus
would have had direct access to the evidence of missile replenishment.
Early in the investigation, Powell gave conflicting accounts of his

Re: [CTRL] Former CIA Director, Bush, veered like a hijacked

2002-01-29 Thread Steve Wingate

-Caveat Lector-

On 29 Jan 02, at 22:35,  Larry Chin  wrote:

 Shaking with rage, the elder Bush spit venomously about how
 he has absolutely no sympathy for the Taliboy teenager, and how sick
 he was of liberal Marin County hot tubbers.

We have a lot of solar-heated hot tubs. That really makes Bush and Co. mad.
And California approved medical marijuana. On and on.

Have to go snowboarding, powder is really great now...


In little more than a year we have gone from enjoying peace and the most prosperous 
economy in our
history, to a nation plunged into war, recession and fear. This is a nation being 
transformed before
our very eyes.


Steve Wingate, Webmaster

A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Police : Baxter Death Not Necessarily Suicide

2002-01-29 Thread Steve Wingate

-Caveat Lector-

--- Forwarded message follows ---
Date sent:  Wed, 30 Jan 2002 07:04:20 +
From:   Bodhi Man [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject:[CIA-DRUGS] Police : Baxter Death Not Necessarily Suicide

Police : Baxter Death Not Necessarily Suicide

By Cathryn Conroy, CompuServe News Editor

  A day after former Enron executive John Clifford Baxter was found dead 
in his parked Mercedes with a gunshot wound to the
head, the medical examiner ruled it a suicide. Not so fast. A top homicide 
investigator with the Sugar Land (Texas) Police
Department isn't positive it was a suicide and is still actively gathering 
evidence in the case. And that is why the suicide note found
next to Baxter's body has not yet been released. The New York Post reports 
that detective Billy Baugh is retracing Baxter's
movements in the days prior to his death. In addition, he is checking the 
car for blood splatters and fingerprints and running ballistic
tests on the gun that was found in Baxter's hand. Because guns are not 
registered in Texas, Baugh has enlisted the help of federal
agents from the Department of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms to find out 
who purchased the .38-caliber revolver and when.

  Adding to the mystery: A family friend told the New York Post that 
Baxter's wife says he was home in bed just hours before his
body was found at 2:23 a.m. on Friday, January 25. His wife couldn't 
believe he could get out of bed without her knowing it, said
the friend. The Sugar Land Police Department says it isn't disagreeing 
with the findings of the medical examiner, but wants to be
sure nothing is overlooked in the investigation. Meanwhile, CBNC reported 
that the suicide note says Baxter was distraught about
Enron's collapse and the prospect of having to testify against former 
colleagues and friends.

  (In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, this material is 
distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest
in receiving the included information for research and educational 

--- End of forwarded message ---

In little more than a year we have gone from enjoying peace and the most prosperous 
economy in our
history, to a nation plunged into war, recession and fear. This is a nation being 
transformed before
our very eyes.


Steve Wingate, Webmaster

A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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