[CTRL] Iraq Inspections

2002-04-29 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-

>From http://www.guardian.co.uk/Iraq/Story/0,2763,707382,00.html

>>Next stop Israel?<<

Iraq ready to let weapons inspectors back in

Ewen MacAskill in Baghdad
Tuesday April 30, 2002
The Guardian

Iraq is preparing to back down on its refusal to allow UN weapons inspectors to
return to the country in the hope that this will avert a US attack.

The US and Britain have led calls for Iraq to permit the UN weapons inspectors to
establish whether Saddam Hussein is hiding biological and chemical weapons and
developing a nuclear capability.

Iraqi willingness to cave in, after more than two years blocking the entry of the
inspectors, comes amid reports that the US is planning an invasion of Iraq early next

The Iraqi foreign minister, Naji Sabri al-Hadithi, is to begin three days of talks in 
York tomorrow with the UN secretary-general, Kofi Annan, to discuss the weapons
inspectors and sanctions.

According to a participant in discussions at the Iraqi foreign ministry in recent days,
the Iraqi government will compromise, though it may try to string out the negotiations.

"I think it is now very likely that the inspectors will return," the participant said.

Both President Saddam and his deputy prime minister, Tariq Aziz, are said to be
extremely worried about the threats from the White House. The Iraqi government is
said to believe that any attack will be by missiles but does not know whether the
targets will be confined to military, presidential and ministry sites or will include
civilian infrastructure, such as power plants.

The UN weapons inspectors, who first went into Iraq after the 1991 Gulf war, spent
seven years checking whether Saddam had a hidden arsenal. They left before the
US and Britain bombed Baghdad in 1998.

Both the US and Britain insist that Saddam has built up his arsenal in the absence of
the inspectors. Iraq denies it.

Mr al-Hadithi will tell Mr Annan that the weapons inspectors can return but will try to
set conditions. The main one is that the inspections be time-limited rather than, as
previously, indefinite. Another condition is that they are not allowed into Saddam's
presidential palaces.

The Iraqis may be willing to back down on the second condition. The participant in
the foreign ministry talks said that the inspectors had been allowed in before: "It is
nonsense to think that Saddam would sleep above a pile of biological and chemical

In the talks with Mr Annan, the Iraqi government will press him to be even-handed,
claiming it is a breach of international law for President George Bush to declare he
wants to overthrow the head of another sovereign state.

Mr al-Hadithi will also challenge Mr Annan on the legitimacy of US and British planes
attacking Iraqi positions and the continuation of sanctions, which are under the
auspices of the UN but are only vigorously pursed by the US and Britain.

Also on the agenda for New York is a new set of sanctions, in which almost all goods
other than military would be allowed through. Iraq opposes this, claiming the UN
would still retain control over Iraqi spending.

Guardian Unlimited © Guardian Newspapers Limited 2002


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believe in anything simply because it is spoken and rumored by many. Do
not believe in anything simply because it is written in Holy Scriptures. Do not
believe in anything merely on the authority of Teachers, elders or wise men.
Believe only after careful observation and analysis, when you find that it
agrees with reason and is conducive to the good and benefit of one and all.
Then accept it and live up to it."
The Buddha on Belief, from the Kalama Sutta
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"Always do sober what you said you'd do drunk. That will
teach you to keep your mouth shut."
--- Ernest Hemingway

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
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[CTRL] How Wal-Mart is Remaking our World

2002-04-29 Thread Steve Wingate

-Caveat Lector-

--- Forwarded message follows ---
Date sent:  Tue, 30 Apr 2002 01:58:52 +
From:   robalini <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject:Konformist: How Wal-Mart is Remaking our World
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How Wal-Mart is Remaking our World
Jim Hightower, Hightower Lowdown
April 26, 2002
Bullying people from your town to China

Corporations rule. No other institution comes close to matching the
power that the 500 biggest corporations have amassed over us. The
clout of all 535 members of Congress is nothing compared to the
individual and collective power of these predatory behemoths that now
roam the globe, working their will over all competing interests.

The aloof and pampered executives who run today's autocratic and
secretive corporate states have effectively become our sovereigns.
>From who gets health care to who pays taxes, from what's on the news
to what's in our food, they have usurped the people's democratic
authority and now make these broad social decisions in private, based
solely on the interests of their corporations. Their attitude was
forged back in 1882, when the villainous old robber baron William
Henry Vanderbilt spat out: "The public be damned! I'm working for my

The media and politicians won't discuss this, for obvious reasons,
but we must if we're actually to be a self-governing people. That's
why the Lowdown is launching this occasional series of corporate
profiles. And why not start with the biggest and one of the worst

The beast from Bentonville

Wal-Mart is now the world's biggest corporation, having passed
ExxonMobil for the top slot. It hauls off a stunning $220 billion a
year from We the People (more in revenues than the entire GDP of
Israel and Ireland combined).

Wal-Mart cultivates an aw-shucks, we're-just-folks-from-Arkansas
image of neighborly small-town shopkeepers trying to sell stuff
cheaply to you and yours. Behind its soft homespun ads, however, is
what one union leader calls "this devouring beast" of a corporation
that ruthlessly stomps on workers, neighborhoods, competitors, and

Despite its claim that it slashes profits to the bone in order to
deliver "Always Low Prices," Wal-Mart banks about $7 billion a year
in profits, ranking it among the most profitable entities on the

Of the 10 richest people in the world, five are Waltons—the ruling
family of the Wal-Mart empire. S. Robson Walton is ranked by
London's "Rich List 2001" as the wealthiest human on the planet,
having sacked up more than $65 billion (£45.3 billion) in personal
wealth and topping Bill Gates as No. 1.

Wal-Mart and the Waltons got to the top the old-fashioned way—by
roughing people up. The corporate ethos emanating from the
Bentonville headquarters dictates two guiding principles for all
managers: extract the very last penny possible from human toil, and
squeeze the last dime from every supplier.

With more than one million employees (three times more than General
Motors), this far-flung retailer is the country's largest private
employer, and it intends to remake the image of the American
workplace in its image—which is not pretty.

Yes, there is the happy-faced "greeter" who welcomes shoppers into
every store, and employees (or "associates," as the company
grandiosely calls them) gather just before opening each morning for a
pep rally, where they are all required to join in the Wal-Mart
cheer: "Gimme a `W!'" shouts the cheerleader; "W!" the dutiful
employees respond. "Gimme an A!'" And so on.

Behind this manufactured cheerfulness, however, is the fact that the
average employee makes only $15,000 a year for full-time work. Most
are denied even this poverty income, for they're held to part-time
work. While the company brags that 70% of its workers are full-time,
at Wal-Mart "full time" is 28 hours a week, meaning they gross less
than $11,000 a year.

Health-care benefits? Only if you've been there two years; then the
plan hits you with such huge premiums that few can afford it—only 38%
of Wal-Marters are covered.

Thinking union? Get outta here! "Wal-Mart is opposed to
unionization," reads a company guidebook for supervisors. "You, as a
manager, are expected to support the company's position. . . . This
may mean walking a tightrope between legitimate campaigning and
improper conduct."

Wal-Mart is in fact rabidly anti-union, deploying teams of union-
busters from Bentonville to any spot where there's a whisper of
organizing activity. "While unions might be appropriate for other
companies, they have no place at Wal-Mart," a spokeswoman told a
Texas Observer reporter who was covering an NLRB hearing on the
company's manhandling of 11 meat-cutters who worked at a Wal-Mart
Supercenter in Jacksonville, Texas.

These derring-do employees were sick of working harder and longe


2002-04-29 Thread Steve Wingate

-Caveat Lector-

--- Forwarded message follows ---
Date sent:  Sat, 27 Apr 2002 21:33:35 -0700 (PDT)
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 Yahoo! Groups Sponsor -~-->
Buy Stock for $4
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FREE Money 2002.

(Like I've been saying all along. The US runs the UN)

>From Democracy Now:



The US dismissed the head the international agency
charged with ridding the world of chemical weapons
earlier this week. The popular Brazilian diplomat Jose
Bustani had just been re-elected to a 5 year term. He
had tried to get Iraq to join the organization.
Critics say hardliners in Washington feared Iraq's
membership would undercut their plans to attack Iraq
on the grounds that the country is keeping out
international weapons inspectors.

Days before, the Bush administration ousted the head
of the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change,
Robert Watson. Oil giant Exxon Mobil, who is a major
contributor to the Bush campaign, had sent a memo to
the White House requesting his removal.

U.N. Human Rights Commission chief Mary Robinson has
agreed to step down under U.S. pressure.


Ian Williams, author of The U.N. for Beginners.

Real Audio -

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"In little more than a year we have gone from enjoying peace
and the most prosperous economy in our history, to a nation
plunged into war, recession and fear. This is a nation being
transformed before our very eyes."


Steve Wingate, Webmaster

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Is War a Ritual Human Sacrifice?

2002-04-29 Thread William Shannon

Is War a Ritual Human Sacrifice? 

by Acharya S 

The purpose in exploring the connection between war and religion is to carefully examine deep wounds within the human familial body, particularly that arising from the last World War, a wound still very raw and representing far more than just a brief aberration in human history and in the mass human psyche. Indeed, WWII is a study of the entire human history condensed into decades. It contains all paradigms, ideologies and psychoses that possess the human mind. It represents a culmination of energies that have been fomenting and festering for millennia. And it is not over. 

When one studies WWII, it becomes clear that no one group is entirely exculpable and no one is wholly to blame. It also turns out that this hideous affair, in which tens of millions were tortured and slaughtered, could have easily been predicted—and thus possibly prevented—had not history been suppressed, changed and censored for the benefit of a relative few. If there is one thing we can blame in the entire psychotic episode, it is censorship, now appearing in a milder form as "political correctness," which ordinarily would prevent us from discussing these painful and gruesome subjects. Yet the tendency toward fascistic censorship is just one of the ugly aspects of the human psyche required for such an orgy of insanity and violence to continue. The idea of a certain individual, group, nation or race being "chosen" or "superior" is another important factor. 

This megalomania is usually accompanied by a belief that a god or THE god of the entire cosmos is favoring this "chosen" or "superior" race, group or individual above all others, an arrogant conceit that should be evident as being false. This mental illness, also called religion, is profound in the human species, and is at the root of practically all wars, those of the 20th century included, despite claims by religionists that Nazism and Communism were "godless" and "atheistic," a charge also laid against early Christians for their disbelief in the typical form of the supernatural. In addition to the following facts: that Communism is admitted by Jewish authorities to be a Jewish creation (Jewish Encyclopedia; The American Hebrew, 1920); that Hitler claimed all along to be a devout Catholic and gave many favors to the Catholic Church; and that Stalin had been groomed for the Russian Orthodox priesthood, is the fact that these dictators, as well as other dictators of the past, believed themselves to be chosen, superior, or destined to rule by supernatural forces that they attempted to propitiate. Be it "God" or the "Devil," it is still religion. 

World War II did not happen in a vacuum. It was preceded by millennia of the same behavior on a smaller scale involving the same type of players. In particular, the history of the Germans and the Jews is oddly intertwined, beginning over 1,000 years ago in Germany. However, the conflict between these groups goes back to the time of the foundation of Judaism, i.e., the creation of the oppressive Law (7-6th centuries BCE) that Jewish or "Zionist" leaders imposed upon their often hapless followers. Even prior to that, the area in which Judaism arose was subjected to a number of invasions and continuous battling between and among Semites and Japhethites ("Aryans" or Caucasians). However, they also intermingled, such that "the Hebrews/Israelites" were not of one race, as confirmed by "Ezekiel," who said of them, "your father is an Amorite, your mother a Hittite," i.e., Semites and Japhethites, as well as being "sons of Ham" (Canaanite/ African/ Cushite). 

In reality, the creation of Christianity was an attempt to unify these various warring factions, while on the one hand raising up the Jews and their God as "the chosen" ("salvation is from the Jews" Jn. 4:22) and on the other striving to end the exploitative Law and bloody sacrifices of the priesthood, which included human sacrifice and cannibalism. Of course, Christianity also incorporated human sacrifice in its exhortations to martyrdom. Furthermore, in order to end human sacrifice, the Christians had to sacrifice millions of humans! Indeed, human sacrifice was prevalent in many societies prior to the Common Era, including in the form of warfare, crusades, pogroms, inquisitions, ad nauseam, often purported by their orchestrators to serve the purpose of "obeying," "worshipping" or "propitiating" "God" in some way or another. 

The Cult of Human Sacrifice

In fact, a tremendous portion of the Old Testament is a chronicle of genocide, human and animal sacrifice, and regicide—the sacrifice of the sacred king. Because of propaganda that the biblical peoples were "the chosen" and, therefore, everything they represented was "godly," the naïve masses are not aware of the bloodiness of the Old Testament, or of the gospel story serving as a record of a human sacrifice ritual based on the ubiquitous sol

[CTRL] Frontlie - fuster, offender lists, priests, mahony, 36% believe Gore won

2002-04-29 Thread Smart News

-Caveat Lector-

this may be heavy for survivors

Debunking Frontline's - Did Daddy Do It? ""Frank Fuster was living the
American dream." Or so claims Frontline in the first sentence of promotional
material for the April 25, 2002 program, "Did Daddy Do It?" Fuster had "a new
house in the suburbs, a successful landscaping business, and a new wife."
Then, according to the highly-acclaimed PBS program, Fuster "found himself"
charged with sexually abusing children in their home day care. His subsequent
conviction, considered ironclad by many, was the target of this hour-long
program. But Frank Fuster was not living the American dream. He was on
probation for a 1982 child molestation conviction for a lewd and lascivious
assault on an nine-year-old girl. Fuster also served four years in New York
for manslaughter, after shooting a man in after a traffic accident and then
threatening an off-duty policeman with his loaded rifle. His "new wife" was
also his third wife, a girl barely sixteen years old whose status as an
immigrant was unsure. His business was not profitable. And he gained custody
of his son after threatening his ex-wife's life if she contested the matter."

Providence Journal - 04/26/2002 Frontline embraces child molester - Ross E.
Cheit " Trial documents show that at the time of his arrest, Fuster was
already on parole for child molestation, having been found guilty of
squeezing the breasts and genital area of a 9-year-old girl two years before.
He'd also served four years in a New York prison for manslaughter -- a charge
that Frontline lets him dismiss unchallenged as an "accident." Court records,
however, show that Fuster shot an unarmed man to death after a traffic
dispute in the Bronx, in full view of an off-duty police officer."

>From Lynne Moss-Sharman Sex Offender Registers and other information

from Lynne Moss-Sharman "Catholic priest sex scandal isn't limited to United
States - Dozens of similar cases are reported worldwide - Knight
Ridder/tribune - 4/28/02 "London - The Vatican summit of American cardinals
helped focus worldwide attention on the scandal of sexual abuse by Roman
Catholic priests in the United States, but dozens of similar cases in other
countries show the problem is not limited to Americangland's 4 million
minority Catholic community has been rocked by scandal as well: 21 Catholic
priests and bishops received criminal abuse convictions from 1995 to 1999.


Mouth Wide Shut  - Cardinal Roger Mahony's harboring of pedo-priests didn't
just start with the current Roman Catholic sex scandal. As his protection of
a predator cleric in Stockton reveals, he's been at it for a long time by Ron
RussellLawyers for two boys molested by O'Grady, James and Joh Howard,
argued that Mahony and other diocesan officials knew that O'Grady was a child
molester and that they covered it up for years, during which time the
Irish-born priest abused at least 20 children."


Poll: 36% believe Gore won election
But only 23% think things would be better with Al as president

April 26, 2002 - Acording to a recent poll by Scott Rasmussen Public Opinion
Research, 36 percent of Americans believe that Al Gore really won the last
presidential election, but only 23 percent believe the country would be
better off today with Gore in the White House.  A slight majority, 52
percent, disagree with the statement that the former Vice President won the
last presidential election, while 12 percent aren't sure. A larger majority,
56 percent, believes that the country is better off today with Bush as
president, while another 12 percent say it would be pretty much the same with
either man in office.

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:
 http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html";>Archives of


[CTRL] Please Don’t Inspect Iraq!!

2002-04-29 Thread William Shannon

Please Don’t Inspect Iraq!!

Memo To: Rep. Henry Hyde, House International Relations
From: Jude Wanniski
Re: Iraq’s Threat to its Neighbors

I tuned in Saturday to watch you interviewed on CNN’s Novak, Hunt & Shields, Henry, and decided I had to e-mail you the column by Gordon Prather that I had just read on WorldNetDaily.com. You indicated on air that you believed we may have to intervene militarily in Iraq if our intelligence discovers that it is getting close to acquiring weapons of mass destruction, and that you thought they may be in that position now. Dr. Prather, who is a nuclear physicist who served as deputy assistant secretary of the army for science and technology in the Reagan administration, believes the Pentagon’s civilian intellectuals know that Iraq does not have nuclear weapons or chem/bio weapons. He believes they are no threat to their neighbors, which is why we see the Pentagon trying to prevent the United Nations from sending chem/bio inspectors into Iraq along with the nuclear inspectors that have been there all along. They want to demolish the Baghdad regime and will invent any excuse it can to do so. Why? They want to eliminate any theoretical possibility that Iraq could threaten Israel as Israel refuses to permit a Palestinian state. The story they spread about Iraq’s weapons is what they hope to use as the pretext for another engagement. You really should make a serious effort to sift through the material coming to you, Henry, if only to assure yourself that you are not being manipulated. 

Supercritical Thoughts Gordon Prather 
WMD in Iraq? Don't ask

By Gordon Prather

You remember Bill Clinton, don’t you? The guy who bombed tents in Afghanistan, aspirin factories in Sudan and just about every structure in Iraq left standing after the Gulf War? To take your attention away from minor embarrassments – such as the House of Representatives impeaching him? Yeah, that’s the guy.

Clinton claimed he did most of that bombing because he suspected Saddam was about to produce ‘weapons of mass destruction’. Of course, you were led to believe Saddam was about to produce nukes, not another crock of wheat smut. 

You see, Saddam was known to have already developed and stockpiled chemical and biological weapons – and never used them. Nothing to suspect, there. But Saddam hadn’t been able to develop nukes. Aha! Bombs Away!

Now, U.N. Resolution 687 -- which establishes the terms and conditions for the formal cease-fire in the Gulf War -- never defines ‘weapons of mass destruction’. The authors simply declare that they were “conscious of the threat that all weapons of mass destruction pose to peace and security in the area and of the need to work towards the establishment in the Middle East of a zone free of such weapons”. 

Resolution 687 required Iraq to accept the destruction, removal, or rendering harmless -- under the supervision of a special UN commission called UNSCOM -- of all chemical, biological weapons and ballistic missiles [with a range greater than 150 kilometers] as well as any subsystems or components or any research, development, support or manufacturing facilities. It also required Iraq to accept “urgent on-site inspection and the destruction, removal or rendering harmless” -- under the supervision of the International Atomic Energy Agency -- of all “nuclear-weapons-usable material or any subsystems or components or any research, development, support or manufacturing facilities”.

So, nukes, chem-weapons, bio-weapons and ballistic missiles have become in the lexicon ‘weapons of mass destruction’. 

The primary purpose of UN Resolution 687 is to force Iraq to comply with certain existing UN agreements. 

First, there is the UN Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons -- to which Iraq is a signatory. The NPT verification mechanism is provided by the IAEA. 

Then, there’s the UN Convention on the Prohibition of the Development, Production and Stockpiling of Bacteriological (Biological) and Toxin Weapons and on Their Destruction -- to which Iraq is a signatory. The BTWC of 1972 didn’t provide for an effective mechanism for verifying compliance. Resolution 687 effectively provides such a verification mechanism for Iraq. 

Finally, there’s the UN Convention on the Prohibition of the Development, Production, Stockpiling and Use of Chemical Weapons and on Their Destruction – to which Iraq is not a signatory. An effective mechanism for verifying CWT compliance has been established – the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons. Resolution 687 effectively provides the OPCW verification mechanism for Iraq. 

OPCW has already inventoried all 8.6 million chemical weapons “declared” by CWT signatories. One fifth of these chem-weapons -- together with 6,000 tonnes of chemical agents -- have actually been destroyed. All former chem-weapon production facilities have been shut down and

[CTRL] . . . At least, that's how we've been instructed to think. . . .

2002-04-29 Thread RoadsEnd

-Caveat Lector-

an excerpt from:
Conspiracies, Cover-ups and Crimes = Political Manipulation and Mond control
in America
Jonathan Vankin
Pargon House©1992
319 pages
an oldie but a goodie.


--The meaning of terrorism comes down to the meaning of "us" and "them."
"They" are the poor, blacks, foreigners, and so on. "We" are American
mainstream, white folks with a little money in our pockets. The reason the
"we" seem so eager to accept that terrorism is a threat only from the extreme
left is that the extreme left threatens "us." Since communism was concocted,
Americans have been indoctrinated with the notion that the Left wants to take
away all the things we treasure so deeply. The right wing, conversely and
more comfortingly, is primarily concerned with them-minorities, the poor,
foreigners-and directs its violence away from us. Right-wing terrorism isn't
very terrifying because it doesn't terrorize us.

At least, that's how we've been instructed to think.

Despite the American delusion of terrorism as a left-wing phenomena carried
out by radical Marxists lauding the people's struggle as they bomb department
stores and gun down tourists, the right-wing, "Black International" is
actually far more entrenched. The movement was founded by Skorzeny and other
Nazis, include ing, "Butcher of Lyons" Klaus Barble, and, perhaps most
important, the enigmatic old guard Nazi financier Francols Genoud.

That conspiracy could not have formed, it's fair to say, without sustenance
from the CIA. The CIA helped Nazis, Barbie among them, escape prosecution for
war crimes. It used them as intelligence "assets," set them up with new lives
and some of them with new identities. The right-wing terror network is still
in evidence today.

Palestinian terrorist organizations are part of it. Their spark was lit by
Skorzeny and his SS compadres backed by the CIA. Agency connections reveal
themselves right up to the present. The CIA schmoozed with Ali Hassan
Salameh, leader of Black September, mastermind of the 1972 Munich massacre at
the Olympics. The agency was so keen to make Salameh an "asset" that it gave
him an all-expense paid vacation in sunny Honolulu. Salameh's day at the
beach came to an end when the long arm of Israeli vengeance got to him in
1979. But the Israelis waited to hit Salameh until they'd received clearance
from the CIA.

Still more recently, as commandos backed by Iran and Libya were holding
American hostages and staging suicide attacks against U.S. servicemen, a
network of arms dealers based in the White House was arming Iran at the
behest of CIA chief (and longtime intelligence agent) William Casey. That
operation was the heart of the Iran-Contra scandal.--



There exists in our nation today a powerful and dangerous secret cult—the
cult of intelligence.
VICTOR MARCHETTI and JOHN D. MARKS, The CIA and the Cult of Intelligence

The United States Central Intelligence Agency was created on September 18,
1947, when Harry S. Truman signed the National Security Act. Most of the
debate over the act centered on its restructuring of the military. The Army
and Navy were joined, the Air Force was created, and all three branches were
placed under the secretary of defense, a new position. All but lost on the
public, and Congress as well, was an equally unsettling concentration of
power. The act brought the nation's numerous intelligence services under a
single department. It seemed almost an afterthought.

Following the chaos of Pearl Harbor, the government was desperate to assemble
some sort of clearing house for intelligence. Eisenhower himself bemoaned the
"glaring deficiencies" of the manifold intelligence bureaus. Virtually every
agency of the U.S. government has an intelligence wing. The Central
Intelligence Agency was chartered to collect information from those diverse
outfits, and pull it into a neat little package for the president. Hence the
name, "Central" Intelligence Agency. The CIA was to be the central station
through which all intelligence was routed.

The CIA was never meant to do its own spying. And it certainly wasn't meant
to conduct clandestine operations. The original purpose of the CIA was to
summarize and analyze the information turned up by other intelligence
operations. It was a report-writingdepartment.

Truman's intention appeared innocuous-to create a smoother running
intelligence collation machine. But when he'd created the CIA's immediate
predecessor, the Central Intelligence Group a year earlier, Truman celebrated
by throwing a party at which guests were presented with cloaks, daggers, and
black hats. Strange, for a bunch of supposed pencil pushers. Truman was a
devoted Mason, and therefore accustomed to clandestine rituals and bizarre
symbolism. Maybe he was just being funny.

Truman's possible true purpose notwithstanding, almost every thing the CIA
does today violates the terms of its creation.

The CIA's one loophole is a fuzzy phrase 

[CTRL] Fwd: [GATA] New book examines the war against gold

2002-04-29 Thread RoadsEnd

--- Begin Message ---

7:53p ET Monday, April 29, 2002

Dear Friend of GATA and Gold:

Our great friend and gold's great friend
Ferdinand Lips has just written a book
about the international struggle we're
all engaged in. The book's title is
"Gold Wars: The Battle Against Sound
Money as Seen from a Swiss Perspective."

Here's what Harry Schultz of the
International Harry Schultz Letter says
about it:

"'Gold Wars' is extraordinary. It will be
a classic. It is past, present, and future
-- not only for and about gold but about
society and what hope there is for liberty.
At last you will understand what the gold
standard really was, and why politicians
make war on gold. You will want 50 copies
for your best friends, press, and
politicians. 'Gold Wars,' the best book
ever written about gold."

There's a publicity page about the book
at the Internet site of Larry Parks' great
organization, the Foundation for the
Advancement of Monetary Education, here:


Please check it out. The page has links to
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CHRIS POWELL, Secretary/Treasurer
Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee Inc.

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[CTRL] Ain't the Internet neat . . Vreeland direct

2002-04-29 Thread RoadsEnd

-Caveat Lector-



Auhor   Comment
Registered User
(4/14/02 6:17:09 pm)
Reply   Lt Vreeland

I notice the term 'lian charter' on your note. What does that mean?

(4/14/02 7:16:51 pm)
Community Supporter
Re: Lt Vreeland

Sorry, it states " Lian Chemical " Malasia.

Registered User
(4/14/02 9:06:14 pm)
Reply   Re: Lt Vreeland

Lt Vreeland,
We are doing some research on the Russian Oil companies Sibir and Evikhon.
Can you tell us if there are any connections to US Oil companies that you are
aware of.

(4/15/02 4:26:20 am)
Community Supporter
Re: Lt Vreeland

Can't say specifically what companies, but will say most assuradle that it is
a very large part of the picture. I have been doing some oil research myself
lately, mostly in the bush and cheny oil arena

Registered User
(4/15/02 5:21:21 pm)
Reply   The Oil Wars Part 2

Lt Vreeland,
Here is some real information on the "War on Terrorism" currently being
conducted by the USA for Big Oil. We can understand your reluctance to
endanger the cutouts and "clean" agents, but surely you have no desire to
protect the criminals of the New World Order who are attempting to rearrange
the global economy by standing atop the bodybags of the innocent. As you can
see much of the info is already out on the internet. We need names of the
guilty parties.

Chechnya: More Blood for Oil

by Karen Talbot
Media analysts and U.S. officials have been nervously trying to assess the
"bewildering" policies of Russia’s Acting President Vladimir Putin,
especially his actions in Chechnya. As the Russian elections approach in
which Putin is favored to win the presidency, he increasingly is being dubbed
as a nationalist even though he claims to be defending the territorial
integrity and economic base of Russia in the face of escalating incursions on
the part of the U.S. and other western countries. That there are grounds for
these concerns on the part of the Russians is confirmed by numerous
statements and articles in the western press such as the following one by
William Pfaff: "The United States also is intervening in the Caspian region
to establish an American-dominated oil pipeline route across Azerbaijan and
Georgia, cutting out Russia, which is linked to a larger effort to displace
Russian influence in the Caucasus and Central Asia."1

Chechnya, the Caucasus, and Caspian Basin Oil

Nine years ago, the peoples of the 15 republics of the Soviet Union voted on
the question: Should the Soviet Union dissolve itself, so Russia, Ukraine,
Georgia, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, and the other republics would
become independent countries? Boris Yeltsin, supported by the Bush
administration, championed such a breakup of the U.S.S.R. in an intense
year-long campaign across the country.

On March 17, 1991, 75 percent of the Soviet people voted overwhelmingly to
retain the U.S.S.R.; nevertheless, within nine months, the Soviet Union was
dissolved as Yeltsin took power.2

Now, those "independent" former republics of the U.S.S.R. are economically
and militarily dependent on the U.S., major countries of Western Europe, and
pro-western Arab states. Among these are Azerbaijan, Georgia, and Kazakhstan.
A tiny group of élites have become super-rich proxies for western
corporations while the vast majority of the people are indescribably poor.

These three republics are in the region of the Caspian Sea. Because the
Caspian Sea is landlocked, the oil and gas have had to be transported mainly
by pipeline. There is a major route through Chechnya and other parts of
Russia to Novorossiysk on the Black Sea. In fact, the largest network of
pipelines in the world had been built during the Soviet era, when the Soviet
Union was the number one producer of oil and natural gas in the world.3 Its
gas and oil fields, refineries and pipelines extended from western Siberia,
as well as from the Caspian Sea Basin, to the Black Sea, the Ukraine and the
Baltic and East European countries.4.

The U.S. wants the Caspian Sea under total U.S. domination. A consortium of
11 western oil companies now controls more than 50 percent of all oil
investments in the Caspian Basin—these include Atlantic Richfield, Chevron,
Exxon-Mobil, Pennzoil, Phillips Petroleum, Texaco, and British
Petroleum-Amoco.5 Therefore, Washington is pursuing other routes, some or all
of which ultimately may come to fruition. The intent is to bypass Russia, as
with a proposed pipeline through Turkey to the Medi

[CTRL] Adam Weishaupt In His Own Words

2002-04-29 Thread William Shannon

Quotes By Adam Weishaupt, Founder of the Illuminati
"The tenor of my life has been the opposite of everything that is vile, and no man can lay any such thing to my charge. I have reason to rejoice that these writings have appeared. They are a vindication of the order and of my conduct. I can and must declare to God, and I do it now in the most solemn manner, that in my whole life I never saw or heard of the so much condemned secret writings, and in particular, respecting these abominable means; such as poisoning, abortion etc. Was it ever known to me in any case that any of my friends or aquaintences ever even thought of them. I was indeed always a schemer and projector, but never could engage much indetail. My general plan is good, though in the detail there may be faults. I had myself to form. In another situation, and in an active station in life, I should have been keenly occupied, and the founding of an order would have never come into my head. But I would have executed much greater things, had not government always opposed my exertions, and placed others in situations which would have suited my talents. It was the full conviction of this, and of what could be done, if every man were placed in the office for which he was fitted by nature and a proper education, which first suggested to me the plan of Illumination. I did not bring Deism into Bavaria more than into Rome. I found it here, in great vigour, more abounding than in any of the neighboring Protestant States. I am proud to be known to the world as the founder of the Illuminati."  -- Adam Weishaupt 

"I declare and I challenge all mankind to contradict my declaration, that no man can give any account of the order of Freemasonry, of it's origin, of it's history, of it's object, nor any explanation of it's mysteries and symbols, which does not leave the mind in total uncertainty on all these points. Every man is entitled therefore, to give any explanation of the symbols and a system of the doctrine that he can render palatable. Hence have sprung up that variety of systems, which for twenty years 
has divided the order. The simple tale of the English, and the fifty degrees of the French, and the Knights of Baron Hunde, are equally authentic, and have equally had the support of intelligent and zealous brethren. These systems are in fact but one. They have all sprung from the Blue Lodge of three degree;  Take these for their standard and found on these all the improvements by which each system is afterwards suited to the particular object which it keeps in view. There is no man, nor system in the world, which can show, by undoubted sucession, that it should stand as the head of the order. Our ignorance in this particular frets me. Do but consider our short history of 120 years - Who will show me the Mother Lodge? Those of London we have discovered to be self-erected in 1716. Ask for their archives. They tell you they were burnt. They have nothing but the wretched sophistications of the Englishman Anderson, and the Frenchman Desaguilliers. Where is the Lodge of York, which pretends to the priority, with their King Boudin, and the archives that he brought from the East?  These too are all burnt. What is the chapter of old Aberdeen and it's holy clericate? Did we not find it unknown, and the Mason Lodges there the most ignorant of all the ignorant, gaping for instruction from our deputies? Did we not find the same thing at London? And have not their missionaries been among us, prying into our mysteries, and eager to learn from us what is true Masonry? It is in vain therefore to appeal to judges; they are nowhere to be found; all claim for themselves the sceptre of the Order; all indeed are on an equal footing. They obtained followers, not from their authenticity, but from their conductiveness, to the end which they proposed, and from the importance of that end. It is by this scale that we must measure the mad and wicked explanations of the Rosycrucions, the exorcists and Cabalists. These are rejected by all good Masons, because incompatible with social happiness. Only such systems as promote this are retained. But alas, they are all sadly deficient, because they leave us under the domination of political and religious prejudices; and they are as inefficient as the sleepy dose of an ordinary sermon." - Adam Weishaupt 

"But I have contrived an explanation which has every advantage; is inviting to christians of every communion; gradually frees them from all religious prejudices; cultivates the social virtues; and animates them by a great, a feasable, a speedy prospect of universal happiness, in a state of liberty and moral equality, freed from the obstacles which subordination, rank, and riches, continually throw in our way. My explanation is accurate and complete, my means are effectual, and irresistable. Our secret association works in a way that nothing can withstand, and man shall soon be free 

[CTRL] Could the Poles Flip?

2002-04-29 Thread William Shannon

Earth's Magnetic Anomalies - 
Could the Poles Flip?

by Linda Moulton Howe

April 27, 2002  Cambridge, Massachusetts - Deep beneath our feet as we walk around ­ in fact, 4,000 miles down ­ is the center of the earth where an iron core is so hot it is liquid and boils around like cooking porridge. That moving, melted iron also produces the magnetic fields that surround the earth and upon which much of earth's surface life, satellites and space technology depend upon for orientation, and for protection. If magnetic fields did not trap highly energetic particles racing from the sun, all kinds of damage could be done to living organisms and space technologies. For nearly a million years, magnetic field lines have been coming out of the south pole and entering the north pole of the earth. That is called the magnetic dipole.

Now a science team from Paris, France led by Gauthier Hulot at the Institute of Earth Sciences in Paris - working with other scientists such as Harvard University's magnetic field expert, Dr. Jeremy Bloxham - have compared satellite measurements of the earth's magnetic field strengths 25 years ago and today. Their discovery was published in the April 2002 science journal Nature and it boils down to this: there are strange and not very well understood variations now in the earth's magnetic field. In fact, down in South Africa there is a large region that already has a magnetic field pointing in the opposite direction from the rest of the earth's field and is getting stronger all the time, according to new satellite data.

Further, the north and south pole magnetic fields have weakened in strength by about 10% of what they were. If the South African region continues to get stronger and the poles keep weakening, scientists think that within the next millennia, the pole magnetic fields could disappear altogether, or flip so the magnetic field lines would leave the north pole and enter the south pole. Meanwhile, could magnetic field anomalies and changes in strengths and geographical locations persist during a transition period to an unknown outcome?

Based on ancient rock studies, geophysicists can say that such a situation happens three or four times every million years. There can even be a period when there are many magnetic poles all over the planet, not just at the poles. But no one knows for certain what the implications are for earth life and technology because it hasn't happened since 780,000 years ago.

Recently, I talked with Dr. Bloxham's graduate assistant, Mathieu Dumberry from Canada, who specializes in the dynamics of the earth's iron core. I asked him if the last time a pole reversal occurred was nearly a million years ago, wouldn't that mean current surface life, including humans and geophysicists, have no idea what actually happens if the poles reverse? 

Interviews  Mathieu Dumberry, Graduate Assistant to Prof. Jeremy Bloxham, Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts: "That's correct. The consequences for human life, in terms of what the actual exact sort of strength decrease in the overall magnetic field is and in terms of what the consequences are for the solar particles that are trapped in the magnetic field of the earth is, we don't really have a good idea on that.

The magnetosphere plays such a strange and mysterious, but important role between the ionosphere, outer space and here on the earth. There are aurora borealis and all kinds of magnetic field effects. If the North and South poles suddenly changed and the magnetic fields were coming out of the North Pole and entering the South Pole, wouldn't you think there might be some dramatic effects on earth life?

I think the most dramatic effects might occur during the reversal ­ that is when the strength of the dipole field is going to be the weakest. Because if the dipole is oriented one way or another in terms ­ I'm thinking in terms of the solar particles that are trapped in the magnetic field ­ therefore, don't reach the surface of the earth. These sort of high energy particles could be damaging to life on the earth. If these particles are trapped by the fields, they don't reach the surface.

However, if the strength of the dipole field decreases, then the ability of the magnetic field to stop these highly energetic particles is weakened. And so this might have an affect on life.

But, as I said earlier, 780,000 years ago when it happened, of course, we did not have human society as we have now today, but the creatures that lived then in terms of humans and other animals have survived.

Some have. But there have been periods of unexplained extinctions in the history of the earth. If I understand what you are saying, strong solar particles could be able to reach the surface of the earth uninterrupted by strong magnetic fields as they are deflected today. Such energetic particles reaching the surface of the earth unimpeded cou

[CTRL] Sharon's plan is to drive Palestinians across the Jordan

2002-04-29 Thread William Shannon

Sharon's plan is to drive Palestinians across the Jordan
(Filed: 28/04/2002) 

THE leading Israeli historian Martin van Creveld predicts that a US attack on Iraq or a terrorist strike at home could trigger a massive mobilisation to clear the occupied territories of their two million Arabs

Two years ago, less than eight per cent of those who took part in a Gallup poll among Jewish Israelis said they were in favour of what is euphemistically called "transfer" - that is, the expulsion of perhaps two million Palestinians across the River Jordan. This month that figure reached 44 per cent.

Earlier this year, when a journalist asked Ariel Sharon whether he favoured such a move, the Israeli prime minister said he did not think in such terms. A glance at his memoirs, however, shows that he has not always been so fastidious. 

In September 1970 King Hussein of Jordan fell on the Palestinians in his kingdom, killing perhaps 5,000 to 10,000. The then Gen Sharon, serving as Commanding Officer, Southern Front, argued that Israel's policy of helping the king was a mistake; instead it should have tried to topple the Hashemite regime. 

He has often said since that Jordan, which, according to him, has a Palestinian majority even now, is the Palestinian state. The inference - that the Palestinians should go there - is clear.

During its 1948 War of Independence, Israel drove 650,000 Palestinians from their homes into neighbouring countries. If it were to try something similar today, the outcome could well be a regional war. More and more people in Jerusalem believe that such is Mr Sharon's objective.

It might explain why Mr Sharon, famous for his ability to plan ahead, appears not to have a plan. In fact, he has always harboured a very clear plan - nothing less than to rid Israel of the Palestinians.

Few people, least of all me, want the following events to happen. But such a scenario could easily come about. Mr Sharon would have to wait for a suitable opportunity - such as an American offensive against Iraq, which some Israelis think is going to take place in early summer. 

Mr Sharon himself told Colin Powell, the secretary of state, that America should not allow the situation in Israel to delay the operation. 

An uprising in Jordan, followed by the collapse of King Abdullah's regime, would also present such an opportunity - as would a spectacular act of terrorism inside Israel that killed hundreds.

Should such circumstances arise, then Israel would mobilise with lightning speed - even now, much of its male population is on standby.

First, the country's three ultra-modern submarines would take up firing positions out at sea. Borders would be closed, a news blackout imposed, and all foreign journalists rounded up and confined to a hotel as guests of the Government.

A force of 12 divisions, 11 of them armoured, plus various territorial units suitable for occupation duties, would be deployed: five against Egypt, three against Syria, and one opposite Lebanon. This would leave three to face east as well as enough forces to put a tank inside every Arab-Israeli village just in case their populations get any funny ideas. 

The expulsion of the Palestinians would require only a few brigades. They would not drag people out of their houses but use heavy artillery to drive them out; the damage caused to Jenin would look like a pinprick in comparison.

Any outside intervention would be held off by the Israeli air force. In 1982, the last time it engaged in large-scale operations, it destroyed 19 Syrian anti-aircraft batteries and shot down 100 Syrian aircraft against the loss of one. 

Its advantage is much greater now than it was then and would present an awesome threat to any Syrian armoured attack on the Golan Heights.

As for the Egyptians, they are separated from Israel by 150 miles or so of open desert. Judging by what happened in 1967, should they try to cross it they would be destroyed.

The Jordanian and Lebanese armed forces are too small to count and Iraq is in no position to intervene, given that it has not recovered its pre-1991 strength and is being held down by the Americans. Saddam Hussein may launch some of the 30 to 40 missiles he probably has. 

The damage they can do, however, is limited. Should Saddam be mad enough to resort to weapons of mass destruction, then Israel's response would be so "awesome and terrible" (as Yitzhak Shamir, the former prime minister, once said) as to defy the imagination.

Some believe that the international community will not permit such an ethnic cleansing. I would not count on it. If Mr Sharon decides to go ahead, the only country that can stop him is the United States. 

The US, however, regards itself as being at war with parts of the Muslim world that have supported Osama bin Laden. America will not necessarily object to that world being taught a lesson - particularly if it could be as swift and 

[CTRL] Atta's Meeting W/ Iraqi Agent In Prague FALSE

2002-04-29 Thread William Shannon

Newsweek: Czech Officials Say Story That Sept. 11 Hijacker Atta Met with Iraqi Agent in Prague May Be Wrong; 'Nothing has Matched Up,' Says U.S. Official 

NEW YORK, April 28 /PRNewswire/ -- Czechoslovakian government officials have quietly acknowledged that they may have been mistaken about a supposed meeting at the Iraqi Embassy last April in Prague between suspected Sept. 11 hijacker Mohammed Atta and an Iraqi agent, Newsweek reports in the current issue. U.S. intelligence officials now believe that Atta, the hijackers'ringleader, wasn't even in Prague at the time the Czechs claimed.  "We looked at this real hard because, obviously, if it were true, it would be huge," one senior U.S. law-enforcement official tells Newsweek. "But nothing has matched up."

(Photo:  http://www.newscom.com/cgi-bin/prnh/20020428/NYSA010 )

Still, Pentagon analysts are still aggressively hunting for evidence that might tie Atta or any of the other hijackers to Saddam Hussein's agents,reports Investigative Correspondent Michael Isikoff in the May 6 issue ofNewsweek (on newsstands Monday, April 29).

The story of the meeting came from the Czech Intelligence Agency, the BIS,when agents looked at surveillance photographs taken from the Radio Free Europe building in Prague. RFE started round-the-clock video surveillance in1998, after it began broadcasting anti-Saddam programs into Iraq. The security measure was taken because Tom Dine, RFE director, says U.S. officials warned him that "the Iraqis were plotting to blow us up."

The cameras caught a heavy set Middle Eastern man hanging around the RFE building taking pictures and he was sometimes accompanied by a thinner, tallerman. The Czechs identified the heavier man as Ahmed Khalil Ibrahim Samiral-Ani, an Iraqi diplomat widely believed to be a spy. The thinner man wasnever identified. In late April 2001, al-Ani was again caught casing thebuilding and was expelled from the country. After Sept. 11, a Czechintelligence source inside Prague's Middle Eastern community saw Atta'spicture in the media and reported that he had seen the same person meeting al-Ani at the Iraqi Embassy five months earlier, Isikoff reports.

On closer scrutiny, the evidence became less convincing. Although Atta had indeed flown from Prague to the U.S. in June 2000, the Czechs had placed thealleged meeting in April 2001. The FBI could find no visa or airline records showing he had left or re-entered the United States that month. "Neither wenor the Czechs nor anybody else has any information he was coming or going [toPrague] at that time," says one U.S. official.  

[CTRL] Martin: Idle Afghan Women and Other Terrorist Threats

2002-04-29 Thread William Shannon

Idle Afghan Women and Other Terrorist Threats
by Al Martin

According to a Reuters news story called "US Planes Rain Money on South Afghan Areas," American aircraft are dropping money over Afghanistan - again.

  C-130 transport aircraft are once more dropping 10,000-afghani bills over south Afghanistan and Pakistan. The Reuters story quotes "Malik Zahir Khan," a resident of Spin Boldak (the name of the town sounds like it's right out of Star Wars) who said another person had found a complete bundle of 800,000 afghani.

  "I found eight bills of 10,000 afghani each," says Khan. The afghani is quoted at around 40,000 to the dollar. (FindLaw.com)

  It should be noted that this Reuters story also confirmed information from a previous Al Martin Raw column, which reported that in February, 2002, US aircraft dropped envelopes with a picture of President Bush, containing two $100 bills over the same area. (See Al Martin Raw column, Clueless in Afghanistan)

  Now the Afghans are taking their blocks of afghanis to Pakistan to buy microwave ovens. The Pakistanis have been complaining because the Afghans are creating a tremendous run on microwave ovens. Pakistani merchants say that they can't get them from Japan fast enough because the Afghans keep buying all of their microwave ovens.

  And what do they have to microwave? The US Army has put together special MRE's (Meals Ready To Eat) that have lamb and rice in them. The Afghan peasantry see these boxes, and they have no idea what it is. All they know is that you put it in, push the button, and it comes out hot.

  So the Afghan women are going to have a lot of time on their hands because they're not spending eight hours cooking the lamb and rice anymore.

  Uh-oh, we see a new terrorist threat coming - idle Afghan women. This could very well be the next problem in the war on terrorism.

  Idle Afghan women - a potential new source of terrorism. You read it here first.

.   .   .   .

  In other news, the Tampa International Airport is testing a new body-scanning device. When you see the pictures, you'll know that it leaves absolutely nothing to the imagination.

    It has been discovered by the FBI that security employees operating these machines (they say they're voluntary, but as the ACLU points out they wouldn't be spending millions of dollars on them if they were to stay "voluntary") have been selling some of the pictures of particularly attractive women to certain pornographic websites for cash payments -- in an envelope, shall we say.

  Because of this device, a new black market is developing. Apparently there is a segment of the pornographic market that is interested in this material and is willing to pay for it.

  You can also expect a black market for the coming National ID Cards. That is really an unknown at this time, but airport security photo porno is happening now.

  One employee turned whistleblower against all the others. She said that some of her male colleagues had been selling these photos of particularly attractive women to a website for $20 a piece. You can imagine the employees saying, "Excuse me, Ma'am, could you turn around a couple times?"

  In another story in Newsweek, called "A Street Fight," Evan Thomas says that the CIA calls US-made helicopters "flying coffins."

  "So the agency bought a better chopper from the Russians…" writes Thomas, confirming previous Al Martin Raw columns on US helicopter crashes due to spare parts that don't work because they have been "outsourced" to shadowy offshore corporations controlled by the Chinese government. (See "Fraud the American Way of Life")

  Another news story published in the Christian Science Monitor in March claims that Fruit Loops have become so popular among Afghan prisoners that they don't want to leave Guantanamo anymore.

  Afghans, who are used to a very low-calorie low-sugar diet have evidently become hooked on Fruit Loops -- that well advertised, brightly-colored, sugar-saturated All-American cereal.

  In fact, Fruit Loops are now being used to torture prisoners being held at Guantanamo. According to insider reports, Army Intelligence interrogators love Fruit Loops, and they're now using FLP (Fruit Loop Torture) on the hapless Afghan prisoners.

  In the room that's used for interrogation, there's a metal chair bolted to the floor. They sit the rag heads down in it. There's also a nut and bolt arrangement in the front of the seat. That's where their waist chain belts are bolted in so they can't get up. What they do, then, is put a big bowl of Fruit Loops just out of reach of the rag head, and they say to the rag head, "Hey, you want that big bowl of Fruit Loops? Then you'd better start answering all of our questions." Apparently this new interrogation tactic has been quite successful.

  A brigadier general has been quoted as saying that they're starting to ge

[CTRL] American navy 'helped Venezuelan coup'

2002-04-29 Thread William Shannon

American navy 'helped Venezuelan coup' 

Duncan Campbell in Los Angeles
Monday April 29, 2002
The Guardian 

The United States had been considering a coup to overthrow the elected Venezuelan president, Hugo Chavez, since last June, a former US intelligence officer claimed yesterday. 

It is also alleged that the US navy aided the abortive coup which took place in Venezuela on April 11 with intelligence from its vessels in the Caribbean. Evidence is also emerging of US financial backing for key participants in the coup. 

Both sides in Venezuela have blamed the other for the violence surrounding the coup. 

Wayne Madsen, a former intelligence officer with the US navy, told the Guardian yesterday that American military attaches had been in touch with members of the Venezuelan military to examine the possibility of a coup. 

"I first heard of Lieutenant Colonel James Rogers [the assistant military attache now based at the US embassy in Caracas] going down there last June to set the ground," Mr Madsen, an intelligence analyst, said yesterday. "Some of our counter-narcotics agents were also involved." 

He said that the navy was in the area for operations unconnected to the coup, but that he understood they had assisted with signals intelligence as the coup was played out. 

Mr Madsen also said that the navy helped with communications jamming support to the Venezuelan military, focusing on communications to and from the diplomatic missions in Caracas belonging to Cuba, Libya, Iran and Iraq - the four countries which had expressed support for Mr Chavez. 

Navy vessels on a training exercise in the area were supposedly put on stand-by in case evacuation of US citizens in Venezuela was required. 

In Caracas, a congressman has accused the US ambassador to Venezuela, Charles Shapiro, and two US embassy military attaches of involvement in the coup. 

Roger Rondon claimed that the military officers, whom he named as (James) Rogers and (Ronald) MacCammon, had been at the Fuerte Tiuna military headquarters with the coup leaders during the night of April 11-12. 

And referring to Mr Shapiro, Mr Rondon said: "We saw him leaving Miraflores palace, all smiles and embraces, with the dictator Pedro Carmona Estanga [who was installed by the military for a day] ... [His] satisfaction was obvious. Shapiro's participation in the coup d'état in Venezuela is evident." 

The US embassy dismissed the allegations as "ridiculous". Mr Shapiro admitted meeting Mr Carmona the day after the coup, but said he urged him to restore the national assembly, which had been dissolved. 

Mr Carmona told the Guardian that no such advice was given, although he agreed that a meeting took place. 

A US embassy spokesman said there were no US military personnel from the embassy at Fuerte Tiuna during the crucial periods from April 11 to 13, al though two members of the embassy's defence attache's office, one of them Lt Col Rogers, drove around the base on the afternoon of April 11 to check reports that it was closed. 

Mr Rondon has also claimed that two foreign gunmen, one American and the other Salvadorean, were detained by security police during the anti-Chavez protest on April 11 in which around 19 people were killed, many by unidentified snipers firing from rooftops. 

"They haven't appeared anywhere. We presume these two gentlemen were given some kind of safe-conduct and could have left the country," he said. 

The members of the military who coordinated the coup have claimed that they did so because they feared that Mr Chavez was intending to attack the civilian protesters who opposed him. 

Mr Chavez's opponents claim pro-Chavez gunmen shot protesters while his supporters say the shots were fired by agents provocateurs . 

In the past year, the United States has channeled hundreds of thousands of dollars in grants to US and Venezuelan groups opposed to Mr Chavez, including the labour group whose protests sparked off the coup. The funds were provided by the National Endowment for Democracy, a nonprofit agency created and financed by the US Congress. 

The state department's human rights bureau is now examining whether one or more recipients of the money may have actively plotted against Mr Chavez


2002-04-29 Thread William Shannon

April 29, 2002

Socialism is dead everywhere – except Israel

If war is the health of the State, as Randolph Bourne put it, then the Israeli state must be bursting with a monstrous vitality – and so it is. The beleaguered and shrinking private sector groans under the burden of a parasitic state that grows fat on an endless stream of American "aid," both economic and military. As the Israeli economy goes into another of its periodic tailspins, and Prime Minister Ariel Sharon's "right-wing" government calls for higher taxes and "belt-tightening," one can almost hear the cry to bail out our good and faithful ally even before it is uttered. Anticipating this, why not examine just what sort of economy we are subsidizing – and ask what we're getting out of it. 


Israel was conceived in the minds of its original founders and supporters as an explicitly socialist state. The very idea of private property was anathema to the founders of the state of Israel, who were socialists almost to a man. However, the early success of the Zionist project demonstrated, not the superiority of socialism over capitalism, but quite the opposite. As Alvin Rabushka points out, prior to independence, virtually all investment in the country was private, involving the purchase of land by private individuals and the dispensing of private funds raised by the Zionist organizations abroad. But it wasn't just ideology that prompted the still-birth of the Israeli private sector. After independence, private capital investments in Israel contracted to no more than 15 percent of the total between 1948 and 1990. The reason: German reparations. Rabushka writes:

"In what must rank as one of the great ironies in economic history, German reparations financed the transformation of Israel from a private-investment, private-enterprise, free-market economy to a socialist system that fulfilled the vision of Jewish leftists…. The German government gave $850 million, a huge sum at the time, to the government of Israel as collective compensation for the millions of Jews who died at the hands of the Nazi regime and had their property stolen."

Instead of being used to build the infrastructure so sorely needed by the infant economy, however, Prime Minister David Ben-Gurion handed the dough over to the Jewish Labor Organization, the Histadrut, which established a network of state-owned enterprises. No private company or individual was allowed title or access to their own piece of personal "compensation." Instead, in accordance with their socialist ideology, the funds were administered by "the workers" – that is, by their alleged representatives in the Histadrut and the various political parties, who appointed the boards of directors and allocated the cash.


Rabushka minces no words in characterizing the Israeli economy as socialist through and through:

"It is important to point out that the Central Bureau of Statistics describes business activity in Israel under the rubric of the business sector, not the private sector. The business sector in Israel is not really private in the meaningful sense of the word."

Created by German reparations, Israeli socialism quickly strangled any emerging free markets, and, over the long stretch of the Israeli Labor Party's unbroken rule, "a system of almost total identity between political and economic power" – as Israeli economist Yair Aharoni describes it – was created that persists to this day. The defeat of the Laborites by the Likud did not change matters: "This high level of political involvement was a major characteristic also of the governments created by the Likud parties," Aharoni writes, who, if anything, deepened Israel's commitment to the centrally-planned economy:

"Despite a wider recognition that market forces may be a better means for resource allocation decisions, government bureaucracy and politicians found it extremely hard to give up even a little bit of their cherished power. Despite much preaching, government intervention deepened; and the diverse methods of the intervention continued, irrespective of the party of power. Government intervention shifted from rationing, ad hoc decisions and administrative controls to the control of virtually all sources of capital and their administrative allocation at varying rates of subsidy."


The great hope of the Zionist ultras, Bibi Netanyahu, when he was Prime Minister, accelerated the process of complete statization in a "right-ward" direction: handing out hundreds of millions in subsidies to the religious parties, the kibbutzim, and the privileged caste of bureaucrats, their offspring, sycophants, and other socialist spear-carriers. All were allowed by Netanyahu to feed ceaselessly at the public trough. A trough, one notes, that is regularly filled to the brim with over $3 billion per year in American aid (a f

[CTRL] The End of the World...Maybe

2002-04-29 Thread William Shannon

The End of the World...Maybe

by Bob Wallace

I decided many years ago I'm not excessively endowed with brainpower. I can't sing or dance, either, unless you want to count my imitation of Peter Boyle's Monster performing "Puttin' on the Ritz" in Young Frankenstein. My lack of genius is why I envy The Brain (of Pinky and the Brain fame). Although, I'm proud to admit, my head, as a child, was shaped like a lightbulb, just like The Brain's. 

Being simple-minded, I seek simple rules. After putting in my time in public schools and college, I realized I had mostly been miseducated (except for a few classes, all of which I can count on one hand, excluding my thumb), and decided I had better find some basics. What I found is that the ancient rules, the ones that have been around for thousands of years, are the ones that work the best. The Ten Commandments, for example, are ten, easy-to-remember bits of eternal wisdom. 

"Commandments" is an incorrect translation; "Utterances" or "Words" is much more accurate. I prefer "Laws," as in "Natural Laws." If you break them, bad things automatically happen. No cops are needed. The 20th century was a time of worshipping the false idols of Man and State, in violation of the First Law ("have no other gods but the one true God"). It doesn't matter to me if people believe in any sort of God or not; these Ten Laws still exist, and violation of their practical wisdom brings unhappiness, destruction and death. You can say, "As you sow, you reap," or "What goes around, comes around," or karma ("the moral law of cause and effect") or kismet, or the Tao, or whatever name you want to give it. Those laws are part of human nature. Steal, murder, commit adultery, and give false testimony ... and watch what happens to people and society. 

And if people can't do it, it's doubly forbidden for governments (which in a sense don't really exist, since they are composed of people). The big difference is that governments try to claim a monopoly on force, which makes them unimaginably destructive. I've read estimates that up to 200 million people died in the 20th century at the hands of various governments. And all because of the violation of "You shall not murder." 

Of all the wars the US was involved in in the 20th century, not one was any of our business. WWI was a European war; we should have stayed out of it. Woodrow Wilson (about whom H.L. Mencken wrote, "He thought he was Jesus Christ") got us into it to "make the world safe for democracy." It led directly to WWII. The Communist FDR manipulated the Japanese into attacking us so that Russia would not have to fight a two-front war against the Germans and Japanese. FDR also gave Eastern Europe to the USSR. WWII led to Korea and Vietnam. Panama, Kuwait, and Serbia were also none of our business. Kuwait led to 9/11 and Oklahoma City. Every one of these wars has led to unintended consequences and more war. As will our current war. And before 9/11, the US government was trying to start a war with China (I wonder if the Chinese are stupid enough to attack Taiwan? Or do they want their citizens to be "collateral damage" from having their water and waste treatment facilities war-crimed into oblivion, as we did in Serbia and Iraq?) 

Right now there are a number of people who believe the world – as we now know it – might come to an end soon because of the events in the Middle East. They are entitled to their beliefs. I know a woman who believes aliens kidnapped her and took her eggs. She's entitled to her beliefs, too. Unfortunately, a number of these people are – in the name of God – actively working to achieve Armageddon. And they are trying to do it in some truly strange ways. 

This raises the question: how can they reconcile "You shall not murder" with their attempts to bring the world to an end? They can't have it both ways. What a Catch-22! If you follow the prohibition against murder, you can't attempt to end the world. But if you don't attempt to end the world ... no Rapture, no Great Tribulation, no Jesus returning to sit on a throne. 

Quite a few fundamentalists today unswervingly support Israel, the reason being they believe the restoration of that country in 1948 fulfills the Biblical prophecies in Ezekiel, Zechariah, and Revelations, and in Matthew and Luke. Therefore, Israel must be supported at all costs, so that the End Times may soon come. 

This is why I believe we are involved in a religious war, one that King Dubya the Narrow-Headed doesn't really understand. If he did, our policy in the Middle East wouldn't be as it is. This religious war is why there is so much support for Israel among fundamentalists, and such silence on the slaughter over there. (What's that old saying? "Kill them all and let God sort them out"?) To these people, it's all part of God's plan before Jesus returns and gives a whuppin' to the Anti-Christ. 

If I was King, I would take all the Christians and 

[CTRL] Henry Kissinger: the wanted man

2002-04-29 Thread William Shannon

"Henry Kissinger: the wanted man" 
Posted on Monday, April 29, 2002 @ 07:51:40 EDT   

By Christopher Reilly
YellowTimes.org Journalist

 (YellowTimes.org) – Henry Kissinger's dark past seems to be enclosing around him as various countries in South America and Europe have sought to question him about actions taken by the Nixon and Ford administrations in which Kissinger was National Security Adviser and Secretary of State respectively. 

The latest move to question Kissinger was by Peter Tatchell, a British human rights activist. While Kissinger was speaking in Britain at the UK's Institute of Directors annual conference on April 24, Tatchell attempted to have him arrested for committing war crimes under the Geneva Conventions Act.

Judge Nicholas Evans at the Bow Street magistrates' court rejected Tatchell's request because Tatchell did not present enough evidence implicating Kissinger to war crimes. However, according to Tatchell, the judge left the door open for future attempts to arrest the former U.S. official if suitable evidence is presented. 

According to Tatchell's recent contribution to London's The Guardian, if he is able to "produce stronger evidence of Kissinger's culpability in the killing, maiming, torture and forced relocation of civilian populations in Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia in the late 60s and early 70s," then there is a possibility an arrest warrant for Kissinger may be issued in the future. 

Tatchell believes that Kissinger is responsible for tens of thousands of deaths in Indochina. Tatchell mentions how the Nixon Administration dropped "nearly 4.5 million tons of high explosives on Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia"; an amount double that dropped during the entire Second World War. 

Tatchell explains that much of the evidence against Kissinger and his role in Indochina is highlighted in the book, "The Trial of Henry Kissinger," by Christopher Hitchens. According to Hitchens, Kissinger approved bombing runs that resulted in widespread civilian casualties. 

Kissinger was also responsible for the "premeditated, wholesale destruction of the environment using chemical defoliants such as Agent Orange," as Tatchell wrote in The Guardian. "These are war crimes under the 1957 Geneva Conventions Act." 

Tatchell also mentions the comments made by United States General Telford Taylor, the former chief prosecuting officer at the Nuremberg trials, who stated that the Kissinger-Nixon air strikes against hamlets allegedly hiding Vietnamese guerrillas were "flagrant violations of the Geneva convention on civilian protection." 

Tatchell also points to freelance investigator Fred Branfman, who "secretly taped U.S. pilots on bombing missions over Cambodia in the early 70s. At no point did any pilots check before or during the raids that they were not bombing civilians. His exposé that no precautions were taken to protect civilians was later written up in the New York Times by Sydney Schanberg; offering compelling evidence of the indiscriminate nature of U.S. aerial attacks." 

Kissinger, who was aware of all these actions, has defended them by saying, "No one can say that he served in an administration that did not make mistakes." 

Kissinger seems to have forgotten that most administrations are not responsible for tens of thousands of dead innocents. According to Tatchell, 350,000 civilians in Laos and 600,000 in Cambodia were killed during the U.S. bombardments. This does not even count the number of civilians maimed or wounded due to the bombings and the threat of unexploded cluster bombs (yes, this administration used them in conflict too). 

Kissinger also failed to mention the Nixon Administration's use of chemical defoliants and pesticides, including Agent Orange, that have, according to Tatchell, "caused birth defects and rendered significant areas of Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia too toxic for people to live in or farm - creating an environmental disaster that will continue to affect many generations to come." 

However, Indochina is not the only area that Kissinger may have been involved in the killings of thousands of innocents. 

Earlier in the month of April, Judge Baltasar Garzon, of Spain, wanted to question Kissinger's involvement in supporting Chilean dictator General Augusto Pinochet; a man responsible for human rights abuses resulting in many deaths. Garzon's request was rejected. 

And in 2001, Juan Guzman, a Chilean judge, submitted 30 questions to Kissinger about his relationship with General Pinochet, to which Judge Guzman received no response. 

Pinochet came into power after the CIA, with the knowledge of Kissinger, conspired to overthrow democratically elected leader Salvador Allende. A few months before Allende became president, Kissinger made the famous statement on democracy, "I don’t see why we need to stand by and watch a country go communist because of the irresponsibility of its own people." His remarks

[CTRL] Interview of Steve R. Pieczenik (1 of 2)

2002-04-29 Thread William Shannon

Interview of Steve R. Pieczenik 
Alex Jones Show 
April 24, 2002 
(Partial Transcript)

Dr. Pieczenik served as Deputy Assistant Secretary of State under Henry Kissinger, Cyrus Vance, and James Baker. He is a Member of the Council on Foreign Relations 

Go to His Website 

AJ: Our guest tonight is Dr. Steve Pieczenik and he’s one of the world’s most experienced international crisis managers. He has over twenty years experience in resolving international crises, working for four U.S. administrations. Dr. Pieczenik served as Deputy Secretary of State under Henry Kissinger and Cyrus Vance and James Baker. Working with Secretary of State George Schultz, Dr. Pieczenik has used his psycho-political expertise for the Secretary’s mediation of conflict in the Middle East between Israel, Jordan, Syria, again it goes on and on. He’s got best selling books. He’s basically an infowarrior, a crisis manager. In fact he, according to this and some of the news articles that we pulled up on him, coined the phrase, if these articles are accurate, this isn’t even in his bio here, but it says it there in some of the news articles, the “crisis mediation” and it’s just endless. It says in one of the bios here that he is also a member of the CFR. Steve Pieczenik, I really appreciate you joining us on the show. Of course, he is also a doctor and PhD as well. Good to have you on the show this evening, Sir. 

SP: Can I call you Alex? 

AJ: You certainly can. 

SP: You can call me Steve, Dr. Pieczenik or Steve, that’s fine with me. 

AJ: Well, Sir, I mean you’ve got a long bio here. (Crosstalk) just want to mention to the listeners out there. 

SP: Sure, anyway what would you like to start with Alex? 

AJ: Tell us a little bit more about yourself. Any key areas of your life, so folks know who you are. 

SP: Sure, I’ll be happy to. I started as a, I was a medical doctor training at Cornell University Medical College here. I worked my way up through scholarships and then got into the military. I was, during the Vietnam War, I was a very young O6, as many of you know, that is a colonel at the age of 32. I then went on to my training in psychiatry, at the same time at Harvard, and at the same time, I got a PhD from MIT in International Relations. 

AJ: Now that was the first MIT PhD, in this particular form of psychology. 

SP: Correct, Alex. And the reason for that was that I understood very clearly, a long time ago, thirty years ago that the very essence of relationships between countries and understanding what our national security is about has to lie in the psychological political arena. It’s not, necessarily that I am interested in what mother did or your father did, but I am much more interested in what kind of image perception propaganda has been created against us and what propaganda information we have to create against someone else. For example, one of the presidents whom I served. Unfortunately, he is ill now. But one of the most brilliant presidents I served and most people don’t recognize his brilliance. I think history will (garbled) and that is President Reagan, who was, as you know, an actor. But he had a photographic memory. And he understood the importance of psychology because he had been an actor and he understood that perception becomes reality. Well, this is a gentleman who using the study that I had worked on thirty years ago and had been intimately involved with him, using psychology and the concept of the perception, we were effectively able.. It’s a team effort. I’m not saying myself only. But Reagan was effectively able and the Reagan administration to bring down an entire Soviet empire without firing a gun by simply manipulating the psychology of perception. That we were forcing them into bankruptcy, which we were through the SBI (?) program and at the same time, manipulating their mind using the Chief of Staff. If you want me to go through the detail and showing him what our military capabilities were. And once he saw that both on land and on sea, he basically gave up. And that was Akhromeyev, who was then Chief of Staff of the Soviet military who was an Admiral, and who eventually committed suicide. But from that point on, we broke the entire, we won a war without having to fire a bullet. And that is the kind of thing that I talk about – psychological or psycho-political dimension. 

AJ: We are talking to Dr. Steve Pieczenik and he has worked at the highest levels of the psychological operations for four administrations. You are talking about controlling paradigms – paradigm management. 

SP: Well, that’s interesting. I’ve never used that word paradigm but you clearly – you must be a professor, Alex. But the notion is. No, what it is it’s a more sophisticated concept. For example, what I do is, I don’t just manage a conflict. I may sometimes be sent in on behalf of, for example, Secretary of State Schultz and Reagan. I was sent down to give Noriega a message of

[CTRL] Interview of Steve R. Pieczenik (2 of 2)

2002-04-29 Thread William Shannon

AJ: We are excited to have a great guest, an intelligent guest, like Dr. Steve Pieczenik on the show. He has worked in four administrations. He has worked for the deputy secretary of state, hostage negotiator, the list goes on and on. He is a critically acclaimed author of psycho-political novels and co-creator of the best-selling Tom Clancy’s Op-Center and Tom Clancy’s Netforce series. He is a Harvard psychiatrist with an MD from Cornel University and PhD in International Relations from MIT. The doctor served for four presidential administrations. Again, now let’s start getting into this whole bin Laden situation and I’ve got a bunch of emails and I got a partial transcript of it and I called the station to confirm that you were on but they didn’t have a transcript. And 

SP: You know, what I said was Alex, this is following issue. 

AJ: We are talking about bin Laden for those that just joined us. 

SP: Right, but we are talking about bin Laden. The issue is what the relationship is between the bin Laden family and the Bush family. It’s much more complicated than has been revealed, than has been revealed by anyone. And that is that it goes back for several decades. 

AJ: Back into the mid-70s. 

SP: It goes back, exactly. They have now, Bush, Sr, who I have served as well, and Bush, Jr. have literally gone to the bin Laden family and the Carlyle Group. This is the private equity group here in Washington, which the bin Laden family have been in. And they claimed they only had 2 million dollars, but my sense is that it was far more extensive, that they owned all kinds of companies, including one of the largest conglomerates in our military contracting. And bin Laden was, remember, our ally, supposedly our ally in 1979, ’80, when he worked with us to drive the Soviet Union out of Afghanistan. He was just a young kid. 

AJ: Brzezinski talks about that in “The Grand Chessboard”. 

SP: Right, and that he then turned against us and we created a political Frankenstein. And that’s not the first time we’ve done that Alex and this is what I want to tell your audience. 

AJ: You are saying it is blowback. 

SP: It’s blowback, exactly. And what I was saying about a blowback was that if we tend to have a pattern here in the United States and it has to do, I think primarily with the fact that we don’t have good intelligence or good CIA capability to handle all of our so-called in between or gray-zone friends/enemies. And what happens is we just dump them. It was the same thing with Noriega. We had to go in and send in 22,000 troops. It was the same thing with Saddam Hussein, we fought with him for five years against Iran. We killed over a million people. We supplied him with the actual biological and chemical weapons. It was the CIA that did that. Suddenly we find ourselves at war with him. That was a blowback. Then we go to war and we don’t finish the war. Now we are going back to war again. And I am trying to say, wait a minute guys, if you messed up the first time, what makes you think you are going to do it again the second time. And so we have a blowback with Osama. But what made it more difficult was, I found out through my sources that he had had kidney disease. And as a physician, I knew that he had to have two dialysis machines and he was dying. And you could see those in those films, those made-up photos that they were sending us out of nowhere. I mean, suddenly, we would see a video of bin Laden today and then out of nowhere, they said oh it was sent to us anonymously, meaning that someone in the government, our government, was trying to keep up the morale on our side and say oh we still have to chase this guy when, in fact, he’s been dead for months. 

AJ: You are talking about the obvious fat guy, sitting there that looked nothing like bin Laden. 

SP: You’ve got it. I mean the whole thing was a, I mean it was such a hoax. I mean I said you would have to be, you know, blind and stupid to not realize that this is really being manipulating in trying to manipulate us. 

AJ: The type of psyops that we’d see coming out of Dr. Steve Pieczenik. 

SP: It’s not the kind of thing that I would do to the American public. But the more important part was that ... 


AJ: We are talking about Osama bin Laden, the CIA asset during the ‘80s, right into the early ‘90s and now the mainstream reports here out of Europe and the U.S. confirming that he was involved in the situation in the Bosnian and the Serb war. And then what Dr. Pieczenik is calling the classic term “blowback” – the bad boy getting out of control and this report of him in the American hospital. It’s been in the Washington Times, you name it, getting nursed back to health, meeting with the CIA Section Chief for ten days. Dr. Pieczenik, a former undersecretary of State and member of the CFR, you name it, can say, oh yeah that’s true but he’s got an explanation for it. Please elaborate doctor. 

SP: Well

[CTRL] Will France Say Goodbye To Globalism?

2002-04-29 Thread William Shannon

Will France Say Goodbye To Globalism?

Populist Jean-Marie Le Pen’s strong showing in the recent French election is sending a strong message to America’s and Europe’s leaders that the world is beginning to reject the self-serving policies pursued by the international plutocratic elite.

Exclusive to American Free Press
By Jack Ross

Without question, the recent victory of Jean-Marie Le Pen represents a new birth of freedom in Europe. Even if he is smashed by Jacques Chirac in the May 5 runoff it is only the calm before the storm.

The media is attempting to write off Le Pen’s victory as a fluke due to disunity on the French left. 

However, nothing could be further from the truth. 

Trotskyist candidate Arlette Laguiller was expected to take at least 11 percent of the vote in an upsurge similar to Le Pen’s, but came away with only 6 percent. 

Leftist Jean Pierre Chevenement was expected to get roughly 13 percent and ended up with only 5 percent.

Green candidate Noel Mamere was polling at 8 percent and finished with only 5 percent. 

These numbers point to what the media has readily conceded: Le Pen captured the anti-establishment vote. But it doesn’t stop there.

Polls also expected Prime Minister Lionel Jospin to at least tie with Chirac, but Le Pen came in 2 points above what the polls projected.

All this reflects the main reason Le Pen’s numbers soared as they did: His base now includes the younger sections of France’s working class.

The fact that at least a third of the votes lost by Laguiller, Chevenement and Mamere probably went to Jospin is only further proof of Le Pen’s appeal to the left and the working class.

Le Pen appears to have learned a lot from this campaign. On the heels of his victory with the working class, Le Pen is now emphasizing a broad-based program, appealing to all the people of France regardless of age, race, or class.

A strong campaign aimed at the Chirac corruption scandals and at the EU will surely bring him a respectable score at least in the runoff, as surely these is sues still matter. Chirac appears gun-shy: Breaking with tradition in French elections, he refused to debate Le Pen. 

The arrogance of the ruling class politicians and EU promoters is bound to backfire, especially since there is not a shred of similar outrage at the second place finish of the Communist Party (PDS) in high-profile state elections in Germany last week.

As Le Pen himself put it in response to the most classic canard used against him: “I have nothing to do with fascism—it is fascists who violently protest a democratic election.”

Still, this is not keeping the establishment from acting its worst. 

EU ministers and other politicians across Europe speak of the situation as if the French people are children who have misbehaved. 

Chirac speaks of preserving “national cohesion” in a statement reminiscent of John Ashcroft’s admonishment of those who defend the Constitution for “aiding and abetting terrorists.” 

And, in the United States, NBC talk show host Chris Matthews tells us we need to be thankful for our two-party system. 

In 1986, the court-killed populist publication, The Spotlight, interviewed Le Pen while visiting the United States for what was described as “informal consultations with American political leaders.”

At the time, Le Pen also spoke at the National Press Club in Washington, which was covered by all of the major media outlets.

Le Pen’s message then—just as it today—was blacked out by the Establishment press which focused heavily on the French leader’s critics, ignoring the populist’s statements. 

[CTRL] Queers Want Your Children

2002-04-29 Thread InfoWarz

-Caveat Lector-

Start facing the facts people,
Queers want your kids
.and your dog, and your cat, and your pet Iguana,
and anything else that moves or breathes.
The world has know this for years, but through a conspiracy of very effective and 
aggressive propaganda, this sick behavior has been accepted by an increasingly dumbed 
down and decadent society, who no longer knows the difference between liberty and 

Report: Pedophilia more common among 'gays'
Research purports to reveal 'dark side' of homosexual culture

Posted: April 29, 2002 1:00 a.m. Eastern
By Jon Dougherty © 2002 WorldNetDaily.com

Child molestation and pedophilia occur far more commonly among homosexuals than among 
heterosexuals on a per capita basis, according to a new study.

"Overwhelming evidence supports the belief that homosexuality is a sexual deviancy 
often accompanied by disorders that have dire consequences for our culture," wrote 
Steve Baldwin in, "Child Molestation and the Homosexual Movement," soon to be 
published by the Regent University Law Review – after Stanford Law Review backed out.

Baldwin is the executive director of the Council for National Policy in Washington, 

"It is difficult to convey the dark side of the homosexual culture without appearing 
harsh," wrote Baldwin. "However, it is time to acknowledge that homosexual behavior 
threatens the foundation of Western civilization – the nuclear family."

Though the homosexual community and much of the media scoff at such accusations, 
Baldwin – who chaired the California Assembly's Education committee, where he fought 
against support for the homosexual agenda in the state's public schools – says in his 
report that homosexual activists' "efforts to target children both for their own 
sexual pleasure and to enlarge the homosexual movement" constitute an "unmistakable" 
attack on "the family unit."

Baldwin's research is substantiated in a recently completed body of work written by 
Dr. Judith Reisman, president of the Institute for Media Education, former member of 
the Meese pornography commission and author of numerous authoritative books debunking 
sexual myths, including "Kinsey, Crimes & Consequences."

In her thesis – also written for the Regent University Law Review – Reisman cited 
psychologist Eugene Abel, whose research found that homosexuals "sexually molest young 
boys with an incidence that is occurring from five times greater than the molestation 
of girls. …"

Abel also found that non-incarcerated "child molesters admitted from 23.4 to 281.7 
acts per offender … whose targets were males."

"The rate of homosexual versus heterosexual child sexual abuse is staggering," Reisman 
wrote. She said "Abel’s data of 150.2 boys abused per male homosexual offender finds 
no equal (yet) in heterosexual violations of 19.8 girls."

Jay Heavener, spokesman for PFLAG – Parents, Families and Friends of Lesbians and 
Gays, counters that federal crime data refute claims that homosexuals molest children 
at higher rates than heterosexuals.

"According to data from the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), this claim is 
false," he told WND by e-mail. "The gay and lesbian community calls into question any 
dubious research which flies in the face of our own experience."

And Gary Schoener, a clinical psychologist who has been diagnosing and treating clergy 
abuse for 28 years, told Salon.com, "There are far more heterosexual cases than 

In terms of sheer numbers, that may be true. But in terms of numbers of children 
abused per offender, homosexuals abuse with far greater frequency; and boys, research 
shows, are the much-preferred target.

Baldwin says evidence he examined disproves the assertion that child molestation is 
more prevalent among heterosexuals. Both he and Reisman found that media coverage of 
adult homosexual abuse of minors is also slanted.

"The National Lesbian and Gay Journalists Association (NLGJA) recently boasted that 
although homosexuals are less than two percent of the population, three-fourths of the 
people who decide the content of the front page of the New York Times are homosexual," 
Reisman wrote.

That one fact is especially noteworthy, experts point out, given the recent child sex 
scandals taking place within the American Catholic church.

A survey by WorldNetDaily of recent news reports found that rarely did the media 
describe priestly sexual abuse as "homosexual" or "gay" activity – even though the 
worst incidents involved male-to-male contact, and a spate of investigative reports 
has revealed that the Vatican is concerned about an upsurge of homosexuals in seminary 
schools throughout the world.

Gay press promotes sex with children

Baldwin says his research not only "confirms that homosexuals molest children at a 
rate vastly higher than heterosexuals," but it found that "the mainstream homosexual 
culture" even "commonly promotes sex with children."

[CTRL] Buried Hearts

2002-04-29 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-

Professor Afflitto

I would like to thank you for your article, entitled, "Bury My Heart at Wounded ...
Jenin", read at Media Monitors. [ http://www.mediamonitors.net/index.html ]

It was disturbing on one level, though: I was thinking about writing something along
the same lines.  Now, you've done it and so much better  of a job.  I have been
hesitant in writing my thoughts as I am not an expert in legal or Indian affairs and
would hate to come off like Barney Fife with bullets.  All pretense on my part aside,
what you've written is very important from the American historical perspective. Some
weeks ago, I all of a sudden got the insight that the real value of the on-going Middle
Eastern TRAgedy in Unlimited Morbid Acts (TRAUMA) is the vicariosity that the
Eastern Elites (EEs) enjoy at the expense of those whose blood is shed and whose
lives' veins and arteries are eventually collapsed.

The events in the American West were chronicled, reported, and serialised by those
who made their livings off of pulp fiction and dime novels.  It mattered not much how
truthful the contents were so long as the EEs' imaginations could be ever titillated
and stimulated with an insatiable appetite for the unrealities of the West.  How many
of the nation's leaders ever ventured west of the Mississippi except on railroad cars,
reading yellowing printed pages, listening to the imaginings of companion travelers,
hearing the yarns of those who had wits whetted and whistles wetted by those eager
to float into the clouds of unspun cotton, having their puffy dreams fluffed by the
otherwise thirsty dullards?

Again, we find ourselves amidst a real Wild West Show, courtesy of that wizened
and windswept oasis of holiness, the Holey Land, having been thrust back twenty-
five centuries for the lifelike theme park recreation of tribal wars for the benefit of
those whose only blood, sweat and tears would emanate from the boom-box.  The
daily dispatches from the region increase the intensity of the fixation on "good versus
evil", "civilisation over barbarism", "right and might against wrong and unstrong".  
EEs, like so many vampyres risen after a lonnggg night's sleep, know from where the
scent of sanguineous succor streams.  Their peace now disturbed, they will never
know it again until sated.  Reason be damned!!!  It's a hunger!!!  A thirst!!!

This all came to me when I was reading an article about the failure of the Federal
government to properly abide by their promises, treaties, and laws with regard to the
Original American Indian trusts.  [One of these articles is at:
http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A25625-2002Apr21.html ]

While reading about this, in between reading about the Middle East's version of
events, it suddenly occurred to me that the same thing was going on, with the only
difference being the side of the World and the wrong century.  It's as if the whole
collective consciousness of the Congress, the Supreme Court, and the Presidency
has forgotten which country they serve and the history thereof.  Perhaps this is a
blessing disguised in that the various American tribes can now gain some sort of
status improvement and inclusion; but perhaps not.  Perhaps this is just to reiterate,
reaffirm, reinforce notions that all is well with the status quo.

When we speak of truth, justice, and the American way, something we (through our
leaders) try to project on the nations around the globe, we do indeed speak with
forked tongue, not forked like a snake, but forked like a four-tined cheap metal fork,
each tine bent in a different direction.  But this is no revelation, just mass amnesia
among the EEs.

What becomes even more distressing is when we have the 21st Century version of
the war dance in the nation's capital, featuring such prominent professional
proponents of pro-war propagandisement as BiBi Netanyahu.  BiBi has now taken
the leaders by storm.  In their efforts to weather same, the sunshine of their reason
and memory is shown to be overcast by cloudiness when BiBi instructs them on the
meaning of September the 11th last, that the United States and Israel have been
joined, bonded, fused by the fires of terrorists' .  "Excuse me?!?"  The myopic tunnel-
visionists accept this despite the chronicles of NON-Original American Indian history.
How many terrorist attacks have been focussed on the United States in the form of
assassinations, riots, extrajudicial groups such as the Klu Klux Klan, the protesters
against the KKK, or Olympian abortion clinic bombers?  How many of Mother
Nature's whims been endured, the fires, earthquakes, hurricanes, blizzards, and
droughts?  How many of our natural resources, our rivers, lakes, streams, wetlands,
pasture lands, farmlands, towns, cities, how many of these have contended with
pollution, some reversible, much not?

And we have BiBi lecturing our leaders on adversity?  Terrorism?  The dangers of
not keeping our words, promises, and legal obligations?  An

[CTRL] Buried Hearts at Jenin

2002-04-29 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-

>From http://www.mediamonitors.net/index.html

Bury My Heart at Wounded... Jenin

by Frank M. Afflitto

For the past two decades, I have contended that the Palestinian fight is the same as
the fight of Native Americans in the United States, and that the oppression of the
Palestinians, even more noticeable when one looks at the reservation-bantustans
that were offered to them in the ‘peace’, or was it "piece"?, negotiations, was the
same as the oppression of the European descendants towards Native Americans. In
teaching a course on ‘Terrorism’ this semester, I have ended up the semester taking
a step back in our own history here in the country where I was born and reside along
with nearly 200 undergraduate students, and we have just completed a reading of
Dee Brown’s reprinted 1970 classic, "Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee: An Indian
History of the American West" (Thirteenth Anniversary Edition, Henry Holt and
Company, 2001).

Striking throughout the five required chapters, from the arrival of the Spaniards to 
(re) concentration of Navahos, Apaches, Comanches and Kiowas on government-
administered reservations (concentration camps without walls?) ringed by soldiers, to
the killing off of the natural resources, such as the bison, necessary to be able to
maintain viable Native communities outside of the militarized sphere of the
reservation- concentration system, were the similarities between U.S. actions 140
years ago or less and the advent and establishment of Zionism on Palestinian soil
and lives. In quoting from author Brown’s informative work, I am easily capable of
demonstrating to the reader what I am talking about. To begin with, it will be
necessary to view the last of the maps ‘offered’ to Palestine by the Zionist
government of Israel in the ‘piece’ negotiations, from Camp David in July, 2000, in
order to begin the discussion with a common point of reference:

Click here or on the Map to see the larger (pdf) version of the Map

In viewing the map ‘offered’ by former Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak to the
Palestinian nation, it is quite easy to dismiss the propagandish lie that President
Arafat had turned down an offer of 95% of complete Palestinian sovereignty over
their remaining lands. One can see that, on the eastern slopes leading to the Jordan
Valley, Israel offered to keep those lands a ‘closed military zone’, with complete
Israeli military control (read "occupation") over them. While the Israeli government
would most assuredly state that they were keeping such land only temporarily as a
security ‘buffer zone’, the fact that those eastern lands contain the bulk of the West
Bank’s aquifer systems, necessary for both cultivation and industrial waters on illegal
Jewish colonies, as well as for swimming pools and drinking water in their illegal
colonialist residences, the security metaphor becomes ever more doubtful and

What one sees when viewing the Barak piece-plan map is a continuous string of
discontinuous and discontiguous islands of land under proposed Palestinian ‘control’,
surrounded by Jewish-only roads, Jewish-only settlements, and Jewish-only closed
military zones. These Jewish-only zones are akin to the European descendants’
establishment of "whites- only" zones outside of the American Indian reservations,
which were enforced by the shoot-to-kill orders given to U.S. troops and European-
descendant vigilante death squads living outside the reservations, should they
happen to see an Indian off of the allotted reservation lands. Many instances of this
policy are detailed in Brown’s book, whereby Native Americans were ordered to
come into and live on a particular reservation, as all those who remained outside the
reservation’s boundaries would "face extinction by being hunted down and killed by…
Bluecoat soldiers (p. 243)."

Moving away from the maps of the proposed Palestinian "sovereign" Bantustan-
reservation system, one is able to find numerous other similarities between the U.S.
system of Indian oppression and the on-the- ground realities for the Palestinians
since the Oslo ‘Piece’ Accords, especially in the recent era of the Al Aqsa Intifada.
For example, in examining historical forms of U.S. anti-Indian violence, the study of
war crimes and state-sanctioned terrorism being a specialty of mine, Brown writes
that "[t]housands of Bluecoats armed with repeating rifles and artillery were in search
of a few hundred Indians who wanted only to save their buffalo and live out their lives
in freedom (p. 269)."

This situation is synonymous with the Israeli occupation of the Palestinian West Bank
and Gaza. Just like the U.S. European-descendants, the Israeli military oppresses
the Palestinians through the employment of more and better weapons and the
deployment of comparably many more soldiers against a relatively few mujahadeen
and their fellow citizens who want simply to maintain their attachme

[CTRL] Coup de (dis)Grace

2002-04-29 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-

>From http://www.guardian.co.uk/international/story/0,3604,706802,00.html

American navy 'helped Venezuelan coup'

Duncan Campbell in Los Angeles
Monday April 29, 2002
The Guardian

The United States had been considering a coup to overthrow the elected Venezuelan
president, Hugo Chavez, since last June, a former US intelligence officer claimed

It is also alleged that the US navy aided the abortive coup which took place in
Venezuela on April 11 with intelligence from its vessels in the Caribbean. Evidence is
also emerging of US financial backing for key participants in the coup.

Both sides in Venezuela have blamed the other for the violence surrounding the

Wayne Madsen, a former intelligence officer with the US navy, told the Guardian
yesterday that American military attaches had been in touch with members of the
Venezuelan military to examine the possibility of a coup.

"I first heard of Lieutenant Colonel James Rogers [the assistant military attache now
based at the US embassy in Caracas] going down there last June to set the ground,"
Mr Madsen, an intelligence analyst, said yesterday. "Some of our counter-narcotics
agents were also involved."

He said that the navy was in the area for operations unconnected to the coup, but
that he understood they had assisted with signals intelligence as the coup was
played out.

Mr Madsen also said that the navy helped with communications jamming support to
the Venezuelan military, focusing on communications to and from the diplomatic
missions in Caracas belonging to Cuba, Libya, Iran and Iraq - the four countries
which had expressed support for Mr Chavez.

Navy vessels on a training exercise in the area were supposedly put on stand-by in
case evacuation of US citizens in Venezuela was required.

In Caracas, a congressman has accused the US ambassador to Venezuela, Charles
Shapiro, and two US embassy military attaches of involvement in the coup.

Roger Rondon claimed that the military officers, whom he named as (James) Rogers
and (Ronald) MacCammon, had been at the Fuerte Tiuna military headquarters with
the coup leaders during the night of April 11-12.

And referring to Mr Shapiro, Mr Rondon said: "We saw him leaving Miraflores
palace, all smiles and embraces, with the dictator Pedro Carmona Estanga [who was
installed by the military for a day] ... [His] satisfaction was obvious. Shapiro's
participation in the coup d'état in Venezuela is evident."

The US embassy dismissed the allegations as "ridiculous". Mr Shapiro admitted
meeting Mr Carmona the day after the coup, but said he urged him to restore the
national assembly, which had been dissolved.

Mr Carmona told the Guardian that no such advice was given, although he agreed
that a meeting took place.

A US embassy spokesman said there were no US military personnel from the
embassy at Fuerte Tiuna during the crucial periods from April 11 to 13, al though two
members of the embassy's defence attache's office, one of them Lt Col Rogers,
drove around the base on the afternoon of April 11 to check reports that it was

Mr Rondon has also claimed that two foreign gunmen, one American and the other
Salvadorean, were detained by security police during the anti-Chavez protest on April
11 in which around 19 people were killed, many by unidentified snipers firing from

"They haven't appeared anywhere. We presume these two gentlemen were given
some kind of safe-conduct and could have left the country," he said.

The members of the military who coordinated the coup have claimed that they did so
because they feared that Mr Chavez was intending to attack the civilian protesters
who opposed him.

Mr Chavez's opponents claim pro-Chavez gunmen shot protesters while his
supporters say the shots were fired by agents provocateurs .

In the past year, the United States has channeled hundreds of thousands of dollars
in grants to US and Venezuelan groups opposed to Mr Chavez, including the labour
group whose protests sparked off the coup. The funds were provided by the National
Endowment for Democracy, a nonprofit agency created and financed by the US

The state department's human rights bureau is now examining whether one or more
recipients of the money may have actively plotted against Mr Chavez.

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simply because it has been handed down for many generations. Do not
believe in anything simply because it is s

[CTRL] Succors All Around

2002-04-29 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-

I read your piece on Sharon being the succor(er) at

This is interesting considering the extent to which our leaders try to convince us that
Ariel is such a good ally.  Everything he is doing is undercutting the efforts of the
same leaders to establish their objectives and impose their wills on the otherwise
less indulgent, less enlightened, and lesser regimes of the World.

Ariel, has, after all, become one with "them", one with his adversaries.  Rather than
being able to suggest to anyone any longer that his is the way of democracy or the
legacy of any "holocaust" (other than the one he is perpetrating), he is left with 
just another Middle Eastern thug.  By comparison to all those he or his predessors
could point to as being the intolerant bullies intent on driving his people into 
Ariel has taken their tack and is now not only an equal to his adversaries but has
proven himself to be superior to them ... unsurpassed in bullying and thuggery.  And
he proves his mettle over and over again with the use of donated weapons, donated
by those middling meddling champions of democracy,  justice and freedom, the
United States and other well-intended belligifactors.

And, not only is he a succor for Saddam Hussein, but an interesting twist of fate here
is how well all of this will play out for Slobodan Milosevic, currently on trial in the
Hague for taking actions to prevent the spread of terrorism in his own country.  To
twist a little bit tighter, there is a report at WorldNetDaily


that describes the composition of the UN team expected to go to Jenin that includes
the (apparently) sightedly challenged forensic investigator who flubbed her
professional role, leading to the destruction of Yugolavia.  As Ariel lumbers into the
last act of the drama of his life, like some prehistoric reptile licking at other 
homes with an insatiably indiscriminate tongue and fiery breath, his graceless feet
stumbling, crushing all that they trip over, his tail sweeping aside the remnants of 
Ariel, with his incapacity for reason, sets about to return the region to a time more
conducive to his nature.  Anything that Slobo has done looks measured and
supremely rational by comparison.

And so, by virtue of the power invested in the leaders of the free world, Sharon
becomes everyone's favourite fall guy.  The more he falls flat on his probiscus, the
taller and stronger others will appear.  But: who is to say that they did not intend 
this to happen?  Who is to say that it is not some Knights of the Realm of Freedom
and Justice who continue to need some pretext to make themselves, in their own
turn, glisten in the sun.  And, who cares if these knights are shedding their shredded
aluminum foil skins or if their cardboard swords have long since become flaccid?

Red River Rover of the North
Grand Forks, North Dakota, US of A

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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 http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html";>Archives of

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[CTRL] Sharon the Succorer

2002-04-29 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-

>From http://www.guardian.co.uk/elsewhere/journalist/story/0,7792,707155,00.html

World dispatch

Sharon gives succour to Saddam

Israel's obstruction of the UN team set to investigate the attack on Jenin has given
support to the Iraqi dictator, who has used the same tactics with weapons inspectors
for years, writes Brian Whitaker

Brian Whitaker
Monday April 29, 2002
The Guardian

The Iraqi leader, Saddam Hussein, celebrated his 65th birthday in great style at the
weekend, but he also has another reason to be cheerful. His strategy for defying the
United Nations now has unexpected support from the Israeli prime minister, Ariel

In 1998, following a series of confrontations with the Iraqi authorities, UN weapons
inspectors were forced to leave Baghdad. The United States, supported by Britain,
responded with a series of military strikes intended, as the Pentagon put it, "to
demonstrate to Saddam Hussein the consequences of violating international

The inspections were ordered by the UN security council back in 1991 and therefore
have the force of law: Iraq is obliged to accept them or face the consequences.

But, for the last four years, Iraq has been haggling over the inspectors' return. It
wants, in effect, to vet the members of the inspection team, to have an agreed list of
alleged weapons sites that will be inspected and to have a time limit for the
inspections to be completed.

The US, not unreasonably, suspects this is a ruse to ensure that any inspections will
find nothing untoward. Iraq, the US believes, wants inspectors who have as little
knowledge as possible of the weapons they are looking for, wants a list of inspection
sites so that it can clean them up well in advance, and wants a time limit so that it
can prevaricate and eventually call a halt if the inspectors ever get close to finding
something incriminating.

All this is remarkably similar to the developing confrontation between the UN and
Israel over the investigation of suspected war crimes at Jenin. The allegations are:

· That the Israeli forces, aware that they were attacking a densely populated refugee
camp, failed to take reasonable steps to protect civilians;
· That after the battle was over they wilfully prevented humanitarian access to the
injured or dying, and that medical workers were attacked;
· That they bulldozed houses without checking that there was no one inside;
· That they used detainees as human shields;
· That they shot some Palestinians who had either surrendered or were in the
process of doing so.

These extremely serious allegations result from investigations by several respected
bodies such as the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) and Amnesty
International, as well as the reports of numerous foreign journalists.

Israel's argument that the action was justified because Jenin had become "the
capital" of suicide bombers does not cut much ice in international law. "When we are
confronted with the extent of destruction in an area of civilian concentration, it is
difficult to accept that international humanitarian law has been fully respected," Rene
Kosirnik, the head of the ICRC delegation in the region, said.

"What the law says is that you cannot attack or destroy civilians or civilian 
property. If
you are in a military operation you have to take utmost care. If you suspect that your
operation will cause disproportionate damage to civilians or civilian property then you
have to stop the operation."

As in the case of Iraq and the weapons inspections, there are good reasons for
having a thorough investigation of events in Jenin to determine whether Israel has
met its international obligations and - to borrow the Pentagon's phrase - "to
demonstrate the consequences" if it turns out to have violated them.

The UN security council's efforts got off to a half-hearted start with Resolution 1403,
approved on April 19, which talked about sending "a fact-finding team" but without
giving them any powers to subpoena witnesses or requisition evidence. This means
that the mission's effectiveness - or otherwise - will be heavily dependent on
cooperation from the Israeli authorities.

As soon as the resolution was approved, Israel launched into Iraq's choose-your-
own-inspectors game by issuing a list of people who would be "unacceptable" as
members of the team. These included Mary Robinson, the UN human rights
commissioner, and Terje Roed-Larsen, the UN coordinator for the Middle East peace

In the event, the UN secretary-general chose Martti Ahtisaari, a former president of
Finland who is also a veteran trouble-shooter from the Balkans conflict, to lead the
team. He was joined by Cornelio Sommaruga, the Swiss former president of the
ICRC, and Sadako Ogata of Japan, a former UN high commissioner for refugees.

Concerned that the investigation would concentrate on human rights abuses and
possible war crimes (as it should), Israel has been seeking to pack th

[CTRL] Jenin to Receive Racak "researcher"

2002-04-29 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-

>From WND

This is a WorldNetDaily printer-friendly version of the article which follows.
To view this item online, visit http://www.worldnetdaily.com/news/

Monday, April 29, 2002

Jenin inquiry a witch hunt?
'Expert' forensic adviser to U.N. commission held back info to 'prove' Kosovo

Posted: April 29, 2002
1:00 a.m. Eastern

By Aleksandar Pavic

© 2002 WorldNetDaily.com

The forensic expert picked to advise the United Nations Jenin inquiry commission,
charged with determining whether Israelis conducted a "massacre" there, was
previously appointed by the European Union and NATO to investigate claims that a
"massacre" took place in the Kosovo village of Racak in January 1999 – at which
time she allegedly withheld vital information and thus helped usher in the NATO
bombing of Yugoslavia and subsequent troop deployment in its southern Kosovo

Finnish pathologist Dr. Helena Ranta was named as an adviser to the three- man
panel appointed by Secretary General Kofi Annan last week.

The commission was named in response to Palestinian claims of civilian slaughter
and mass graves in the wake of Israel's successful search-and- destroy mission
targeting terrorists and their infrastructure in several West Bank towns.

Israel decided yesterday not to grant the U.N. team access, sparking a meeting by
the Security Council which decided to give Israel an additional day to reconsider.

'Crime against humanity'

Ranta, when she was head of the EU Forensic Expert Team, was engaged to
investigate reports that Yugoslav armed forces slaughtered Albanian civilians in the
Kosovo village of Racak on Jan. 15, 1999.

Following the forensic investigation by her team, at a March 17, 1999, news
conference, Ranta referred to the Racak deaths as a "crime against humanity,"
charging that the "victims" were "unarmed civilians," according to BBC reports.

Despite contradictory results gathered by two other forensic teams – as well as
doubts concerning the events in Racak raised by European media, including the
Paris Le Monde and the London Times – one week later, NATO began its 78-day
bombing campaign against Yugoslavia.

In the midst of the campaign, on May 22, 1999, the "International Criminal Tribunal
for Yugoslavia," or ICTY, issued indictments for "Crimes against Humanity and
Violations of the Laws or Customs of War" against Yugoslav President Slobodan
Milosevic and four of his associates for their part in the alleged Racak massacre.

Although Ranta made the charges that directly led to the NATO intervention, her
team's full report was suppressed by the U.N. and the EU for a full two years, until
February 2001. When it was finally published in Forensic Science International, the
report revealed that there was no evidence of a massacre, even though the OSCE
observer mission in Kosovo, led by U.S. diplomat William Walker, was quick to come
to such a conclusion.

However, by that time, Yugoslavia had been bombed, leaving its infrastructure
heavily damaged and part of its territory occupied, while its former president 
stands trial at The Hague for charges that include the Racak "massacre."

As an April 18, 1999, Washington Post article stated: "Racak transformed the West's
Balkan policy as singular events seldom do."

This echoes the words of Daniel Bethlehem, a Cambridge University international
legal expert and Israel's external adviser on the U.N. Jenin inquiry. As reported by
Ha'aretz, in a memorandum sent to the Israeli government, Bethlehem writes: "If the
committee's findings uphold the allegations against Israel – even on poor reasoning
– this will fundamentally alter the dynamics of the Israeli-Palestinian leadership and
may make it impossible for Israel to resist calls for an international force, the
immediate establishment of a Palestinian state and the prosecution of individuals
said to have committed the alleged acts."

Thus, the lessons of Racak and the role of Dr. Helena Ranta concerning it may be
highly indicative of the direction in which the U.N. Jenin inquiry is headed.

Withheld information

As the Hague indictment against Milosevic and his associates claims: "On or about
15 January 1999, in the early morning hours the village of Racak ... was attacked by
forces of the FRY (Yugoslavia) and Serbia. After shelling by ... [Yugoslavian forces]
the Serb police entered the village later in the morning and began conducting house-
to-house searches. Villagers who attempted to flee from the Serb police were shot
throughout [Racak]. A group of approximately 25 men attempted to hide in a building,
but were discovered by the Serb police. They were beaten and then were removed to
a nearby hill, where the policemen shot and killed them."

In her March 17, 1999, press conference and statement, Ranta herself claimed that
"... there were no indications that the people ... [autopsied were] ... other than

[CTRL] Friedman Walk-out

2002-04-29 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-

>From http://www.gulf-news.com/Articles/print.asp?ArticleID=49379

Friedman walkout raises eyebrows
Dubai | By Mildred Fernandes | 29/04/2002

Thomas Friedman walking out of the open forum during the first session as Ben
Bradlee, Eric Rouleau and Martin Wollacott look on. ©Gulf News

The dramatic walkout by Thomas Friedman, the award-winning Foreign Affairs
columnist for the New York Times, cast a temporary pall over the opening session of
the second Arab Media Summit at the Emirates Towers hotel yesterday.

Friedman, whose appearance at the summit was a last-minute surprise, was the first
guest speaker of the day, following speeches by Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al
Maktoum and Amr Moussa, Secretary General of the Arab League.

Although Friedman began his presentation by assuring the assembled audience that
he would welcome a dialogue on specific questions, that assurance was short-lived.
In the question-and-answer session that followed presentations by Friedman,
Washington Post editor Ben Bradlee, Eric Rouleau of Le Monde and Martin
Woollacott of The Guardian about the Western media and its views of the Arab
world, three audience members questioned Friedman about the bias in his work and
about Israeli injustices toward Palestinians.

The fourth question, from a Saudi Arabian national, prompted an outburst from
Friedman. "Let's get one thing real clear," he said, in response to the Saudi 
statement about Friedman accepting a Saudi government-sponsored trip to the

Mohammed Boo Dai
"I came here now at my own expense, at the expense of the New York Times. That
applies to my trip to Saudi Arabia also. You can say whatever you want, but I will not
sit here and listen to that garbage."

A visibly angered Friedman then flung his translation headset into the air, stormed
past the other delegates and out of the hall.

Friedman, whose impressive career includes an eight-year stint with the New York
Times reporting from war zones in and around Israel, the Palestinian territories,
Egypt and Lebanon, was also recently responsible for breaking the news of Saudi
Crown Prince Abdullah's peace plan to the world after being invited to the kingdom
by the prince.

"I'm paid to have an opinion, paid to be subjective and not objective," he told
audience members before the walkout. "I'm paid to be biased, as it were. That's the
object of being a columnist."

It was that openness that surprised Mohammed Boo Dai, the Saudi Arabian lecturer
whose question triggered the Pulitzer Prize-winner's walkout. Boo Dai said
Friedman's reaction could have been caused by a translation mistake.

"I am not happy with what happened, because I respect Friedman," Boo Dai said
after the end of the summit's first session. "I wanted to ask him why, when he had
the chance to come to Saudi Arabia and meet many people, he would walk out in the
same way if somebody said something he did not like."

Boo Dai was disappointed by the columnist's behaviour despite Friedman's eventual
return to the hall.

"He came back, yes, but he cut my speech, he did not let me finish, which is not
good. He must wait till I am finished and then speak. I am not saying he took the
plane from America to here, but that he made round in Saudi Arabia by special
plane, not from America - this was to make it easy for him to meet people from all
over, because Saudi Arabia is a big country.

"But I think he did not understand me, and maybe something was wrong in the
translation." Boo Dai, who holds a doctorate in Arabic literature, said he reads Arabic
translations of Friedman's columns.

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simply because it has been handed down for many generations. Do not
believe in anything simply because it is spoken and rumored by many. Do
not believe in anything simply because it is written in Holy Scriptures. Do not
believe in anything merely on the authority of Teachers, elders or wise men.
Believe only after careful observation and analysis, when you find that it
agrees with reason and is conducive to the good and benefit of one and all.
Then accept it and live up to it."
The Buddha on Belief, from the Kalama Sutta
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +

"Always do sober what you said you'd do drunk. That will
teach you to keep your mouth shut."
--- Ernest Hemingway

CTRL is a discussion & informational ex


2002-04-29 Thread Outlawlady

-Caveat Lector-

(Part 1)


AMERICA'S SECRET WAR is a list of the hottest quotes
by the Insiders, along with some dating back to the
birth of our country. If you want to know EXACTLY what
is coming and how it will affect YOU go to the address
listed below. The quotes are listed by categories. Part I
covers "Abortion" through "Cancer." By the time you finish
this list, there will be no secrets left. YOU WILL KNOW

PART I can be read at:
The Joshua Report

Michael & The Outlawlady
The Joshua Report
If One Forgets The Past, He Will
Not Be Prepared For The Future

Joshua's Shadow
For News you won't find in the mainstream:

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] www.unintimidatedpress.com/

2002-04-29 Thread RoadsEnd

-Caveat Lector-

Historic columns, articles, commentaries, etc...:

*   The explosive commentary that exposes a severe flaw in the American
system of government: The People's Legislature
*   The insane pampered, bowl-of-cherries, Cinderella baby Marijuana War: The
Deranged War

Featured columns, articles, commentaries, etc...:

*   (NEW) An explosive Unintimidated Press editorial: Time for the
pro-marijuana community to declare the United States Government to be an
illegal government editorial
*   (An Unintimidated Press explosive) Why the marijuana laws are emotionally
deranged and, therefore, illegal: Marijuana laws
*   (NEW) An Unintimidated Press editorial: Why Chelsea Clinton makes us sick
*   In what has to be the most profound social revelation of all time, the
U.S. government is revealed to have a 200-year history of not having a clue
what its most basic and fundamental responsibility was: No Clue
*   Cat Winchester explains why the United States government will never solve
society's most difficult, most serious problems : Cat Winchester

Unintimidated Press firsts:

*   First media outlet to expose the government's 200-year history of not
having a clue what its most basic and fundamental responsibility was: read
*   First media outlet to show that, contrary to popular belief, marijuana
had actually prevented people from going on to hard drugs: read article
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Re: [CTRL] Militant Homo's Underminded Preisthood [a must read]

2002-04-29 Thread Kristine S.

-Caveat Lector-

To usher in a one world government and one world
religion :o)

I give up, why?  I'm intrigued.
--- Nakano Nakamura <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> -Caveat Lector-
> --- Archibald Bard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > The burgeoning sex scandal engulfing the Roman
> > Catholic Church has mystified many Americans who
> are
> > at a loss to understand how this outrage could
> have
> > occurred and been kept under wraps for so long.
> Nakano comments:
> They have no idea for how long.
> The "outrage" has been kept "under wraps" for
> many centuries.
> This information is being made known to the public
> at this particular time for a reason.
> Why now?
> __
> Do You Yahoo!?
> Yahoo! Health - your guide to health and wellness
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> CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list.
> Proselytizing propagandic
> screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not
> soap-boxing—please!  These are
> sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many
> half-truths, mis-
> directions and outright frauds—is used politically
> by different groups with
> major and minor effects spread throughout the
> spectrum of time and thought.
> That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the
> validity of posts, and
> always suggests to readers; be wary of what you
> read. CTRL gives no
> credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not
> apply.
> Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Militant Homo's Underminded Preisthood [a must read]

2002-04-29 Thread Nakano Nakamura

-Caveat Lector-

--- Archibald Bard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> The burgeoning sex scandal engulfing the Roman
> Catholic Church has mystified many Americans who are
> at a loss to understand how this outrage could have
> occurred and been kept under wraps for so long.
Nakano comments:
They have no idea for how long.
The "outrage" has been kept "under wraps" for
many centuries.
This information is being made known to the public
at this particular time for a reason.
Why now?

Do You Yahoo!?
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CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Militant Homo's Underminded Preisthood [a must read]

2002-04-29 Thread Archibald Bard

[Heterosexual seminarians were "propositioned, harassed or even molested," 
Rose revealed. At one seminary, heterosexual students were forced to submit to 
homosexual behavior by faculty members who used upper classmen to recruit "Fresh 
Meat" to satisfy their perverted desires.] 
New Book Reveals Truth of Church Sex Scandal 
The burgeoning sex scandal engulfing the Roman 
Catholic Church has mystified many Americans who are at a loss to understand how 
this outrage could have occurred and been kept under wraps for so long. 

But now a shocking new book provides the shocking 
In Michael Rose's blockbuster "Goodbye, Good Men, 
How Catholic Seminaries Turned Away Two Generations of Vocations from the 
Priesthood" he exposes the corruption of the Roman Catholic seminary system in 
the United States. 
Already the liberal mainstream media does not want 
you to read the book and is keeping a lid on its revelations. 
In full and alarming detail, veteran investigative 
reporter Michael S. Rose examines the root causes of the so-called pedophile 
priest scandal. 
Rose lays bare the astonishing story of the 
deliberate infiltration of the seminaries by what has been called the "Lavender 
Mafia," a clique of militant gays, along with an underground of liberal faculty 
members determined to change the basic doctrines of the Catholic Church. 

Rose commits the unforgivable politically incorrect 
sin by courageously laying the blame for the widespread molestation of teenage 
boys by priests squarely at the door of the gay Mafia who dominate many of the 
seminaries responsible for the training and formation of Catholic priests. 

For this violation of the taboo against any 
unfavorable mention of homosexual behavior that exists in the mainstream media, 
he is being punished by having his book blacklisted by his fellow journalists 
who simply do not want you to read "Goodbye, Good Men," and learn the true 
In the book, written before the latest abuse 
scandals erupted, Rose insists that the alleged shortage of priests is 
"artificial and contrived," and the direct result of policies adopted by scores 
of dioceses for many years - policies that turned the seminary system on its 
head - and have now driven a stake through the heart of the Catholic Church in 
"Good Bye, Good Men" is now available from 
Scores of honorable men faithful to the 2000 year-old doctrines of the 
Church have been driven out of the seminaries which have given preferential 
treatment to gays and others wedded to unorthodox doctrines. 
Young men who were perfect candidates for the priesthood were subjected to 
such ordeals as psychological evaluations by health professionals with 
anti-Catholic views. In one instance, a candidate was interviewed - and rejected 
- by a fallen-away Catholic who was a local Grand Master of the anti-Catholic 
Masonic Order. 
Another psychological analyst assigned to examine candidates for entrance 
into a seminary openly advocated homosexual behavior. Dr. David J. Brown, who 
screens candidates for the Diocese of Altoona-Johnstown in Pennsylvania "has 
gone out of his way to make the case that homosexuality is perfectly normal," 
Rose reports. Brown publicly "argued on spiritual grounds for legitimizing 
homosexuality as an alternative lifestyle in the public schools." He said he was 
'appalled' that the school district had excluded known homosexual speakers from 
Penn State University." 
The problem is so widespread that in 1999, the Catholic Medical 
Association asserted that "mental health professionals who do not support the 
teachings of the Catholic Church on sexuality have been chosen to evaluate 
candidates for the priesthood and reject candidates who do accept the church's 
teaching on grounds that they are 'rigid.'" and that "some mental health 
professionals do not report homosexual attractions and conflicts in candidates 
for priesthood to diocesan officials or religious superiors." 
So pervasive is the homosexual influence in many seminaries that one 
candidate for the priesthood told Rose, "The issue was never one of my 
suitability for ordination. Rather it was that the gay clique had been given 
veto power over who got ordained." 
Certain homosexually-dominated seminaries have earned nicknames such as 
Notre Flame (for Notre Dame Seminary in New Orleans) and Theological Closet (for 
Theological College at Catholic University of America in Washington, D.C.); St. 
Mary's Seminary in Baltimore has earned the nickname " The Pink Palace." 
In some seminaries, students openly prance around in "gay apparel", visit 
gay bars, and carry on illicit homosexual affairs in their rooms. 
Heterosexual seminarians were "propositioned, harassed or even molested," 
Rose revealed. At one seminary, heterosexual students were forced to submit to 
homosexual behavior by faculty members who used upper classmen to recruit "Fresh 

[CTRL] Fwd: Democrats.com Daily News for April 28, 2002

2002-04-29 Thread Samantha L.


Ruppert's work mentioned in a positive way

--- Begin Message ---

___DEMOCRATS.COMThe Aggressive Progressives__

Democrats.com is the largest independent community of Democrats.
We publish the only Democratic daily news service - and it's free!
Our members make it possible through generous contributions.
Please help by clicking below!

___.COMPOSITION__In This Issue___

Anti-Bush Protests

Bill Clinton Raises $3.5 Million for Democrats in Harlem

Pennsylvania Gains 66,000 Democrats

DNC Launches 'Every Vote Counts' Voter Registration Drive

Carville Reads Letter from Democrats.com Member Sam Park

Katherine Harris Lies Again - This Time About Getting Respect from Democrats

E-mail Reveals Bush Administration's Fascist Fantasies

WAR - We Must Elect a Democratic Congress to Impeach Bush!

Commander-in-Thief George W. Bush was AWOL

Bu$h Struggles with 'Foreign Policy Stuff' - and Puts Us All at Risk

Saudi Prince Sees More than One Turkey on His Trip to Crawford

Mike Ruppert Argues the Bush Administration Could Have Prevented 9-11

It's (Nearly) Unanimous: Folks Want a 9-11 Investigation

Bu$h Caught Lying About His CO2 Policy Reversal - We Demand His Impeachment!

Bu$h Rule Will Let Coal Miners Fill Valleys and Streams With Debris

Jeb's Education Ad Gets 'F' for Fraud

Fritz Hollings Denounces 'Fast Track'

Starting Saturday, the Government is Free!

YOUR Tax Dollars Promote Evangelical Christian Group

'The Conservative Comedy Club'

__Anti-Bush Protests

On 4/29, protest Bush in Los Angeles and Albuquerque, NM. On 4/30, protest Bush in 
Foster City, CA. On 5/1, protest Injustice Kennedy in Boston, MA.

__Bill Clinton Raises $3.5 Million for Democrats in Harlem

"It was showtime at the Apollo last night, but Bill Clinton left his saxophone home. 
Still, he brought the house down by introducing Michael Jackson, who performed three 
songs that had the crowd at the star-studded Democratic National Committee fund-raiser 
snapping their fingers. Jackson's gig ended with wild applause and a shower of blue, 
purple and gold confetti that covered the audience of 1,400 in the packed Harlem 
landmark. Among others who performed were Tony Bennett, k.d. lang, Reuben Blades and 
the Harlem Boys Choir. But the sweetest sounds might have been those from the cash 
register. Organizers said "A Night at the Apollo" raised an estimated $2.7 million for 
voter education and registration drives aimed particularly at minorities. Rep. Charles 
Rangel (D-Harlem) drew cheers when he hailed Clinton as "the last elected president of 
the U.S." and said, "It is our job to say we're not getting over Florida." So reports 
the NY Daily News.

__Pennsylvania Gains 66,000 Democrats

"A southeastern Pennsylvania voter registration drive has added more than 66,000 
Democrats in former Philadelphia Mayor Ed Rendell's back yard. Rendell, facing a 
Democratic gubernatorial primary battle with Auditor General Bob Casey Jr., has openly 
wooed Republicans and independents... Final voter registration figures will not be 
available until next week, but most of the state's largest counties provided 
unofficial estimates yesterday. They showed southeastern Democratic Party gains that 
appeared to easily outpace those of the rest of the state. In Philadelphia, 
Montgomery, Delaware and Bucks counties, nearly 17,000 voters switched their party 
registration to Democratic for this primary. At least 49,000 more voters enrolled as 
Democrats in those counties since November. Montgomery County led with a net 
Democratic switchover gain of 6,048 voters. Philadelphia had 5,000 switchover 
Democrats and registered 38,661 new Democrats." You go, Democrats!

__DNC Launches 'Every Vote Counts' Voter Registration Drive

Newsday reports, "Democrats Wednesday kicked off a national voter registration drive 
in Manhattan and urged voters not to forget the outcome of the 2000 presidential 
election. 'This country belongs to you, but you have to claim it,' Clinton told the 
cheering crowd gathered outside of New York University for the noontime rally. 'We 
would win big for our side if all of you voted.' The Democratic kickoff of 'Every Vote 
Counts' is part of a national effort to court people of color, particularly African 
Americans and Latinos, who could be key to Democrats taking control of the House and 
the Senate this fall. Across the country, Democrats also launched voter registration 
drives at immigration and naturalization ceremonies and historically black colleges... 
'It helps a lot (with Clinton) coming because it shows you that your right to vote is 

Re: [CTRL] Propheteering off of the Infitada

2002-04-29 Thread janesaved

-Caveat Lector-

Interesting that so many "muslims" are after a book
written not by Hitler but by his catholic priest
confessor. source: Secret History of the Jesuits,
Edmund Paris.
--- Euphorian <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> -Caveat Lector-
> From
> }}}>Begin
> Friday, April 26, 2002
> Hitler's Book a Hit in Arabic
> An Arabic translation of Adolf Hitler's "Mein Kampf"
> is a best-seller in the Palestinian
> territories. Now it's being sold in Britain.
> The autobiography, which includes anti-Semitic
> rantings, is normally found in
> England only in academic or political bookstores,
> but the London Telegraph found it
> for sale at newsstands on Edgware Road, an area with
> a large population of Arabs.
> In the preface, according to this month's Jewish
> Voice/Iyar, translator Luis al-Haj
> writes: "National Socialism did not die with the
> death of its herald. Rather, its seeds
> multiplied under each star."
> End<{{{
> ~~~
> Forwarded as information only; no automatic
> endorsement
> + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
> + +
> In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. section 107, this
> material
> is distributed without charge or profit to those who
> have
> expressed a prior interest in receiving this type of
> information
> for non-profit research and educational purposes
> only.
> + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
> + + +
> "Do not believe in anything simply because you have
> heard it. Do not believe
> simply because it has been handed down for many
> generations. Do not
> believe in anything simply because it is spoken and
> rumored by many. Do
> not believe in anything simply because it is written
> in Holy Scriptures. Do not
> believe in anything merely on the authority of
> Teachers, elders or wise men.
> Believe only after careful observation and analysis,
> when you find that it
> agrees with reason and is conducive to the good and
> benefit of one and all.
> Then accept it and live up to it."
> The Buddha on Belief, from the Kalama Sutta
> + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
> + +
> "Always do sober what you said you'd do drunk. That
> will
> teach you to keep your mouth shut."
> --- Ernest Hemingway
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> ==
> CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list.
> Proselytizing propagandic
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> soap-boxing—please!  These are
> sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many
> half-truths, mis-
> directions and outright frauds—is used politically
> by different groups with
> major and minor effects spread throughout the
> spectrum of time and thought.
> That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the
> validity of posts, and
> always suggests to readers; be wary of what you
> read. CTRL gives no
> credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not
> apply.
> Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Maria Monk's Awful Disclosures

2002-04-29 Thread Dale Stonehouse

This site is
rather interesting.


“Awful Disclosures”— But No Longer

Maria Monk Reconsidered

In the light of modern revelations, 19th Century tales of immorality
and crimes in Roman Catholic convents appear far less

  In 1836, a controversial book
  exploded upon the scene like an artillery shell, written by a woman who had
  supposedly fled the revered Hotel Dieu nunnery in Montreal, Canada. It bore
  the title, Awful Disclosures of Maria Monk, or, The Hidden Secrets of
  a Nun’s Life in a Convent Exposed! The book immediately touched off
  an acrimonious firestorm of wild polemics with its sensational allegations.
  And no wonder — for the author, “Maria Monk”, claimed that in the many
  years that she had been enclosed there in the cloister of the “Black Nuns,” as
  the sable-clad Sisters of Charity were called, she had
  witnessed or been subjected to a number of horrific crimes and
The nun’s story

  Priests, Monk claimed, under the
  pretext that such godly men could not sin, regularly used nuns for sex in a
  private room reserved for “holy retreats.” On the very day she took her solemn
  vows, she said that she herself had been forced to have intercourse with three
  priests, and once again with the first for good measure. More on that
  Monk said she had personally witnessed an offspring from such a union being
  immediately baptized after birth, nonchalantly suffocated, and tossed into a
  pit of lime in the basement (where there were presumably others), with acid
  later added to dissolve the tiny corpse. A ledger she found in the Superior’s
  office listed many more.
  At the mere whim of a superior,
  disobedient or recalcitrant nuns were severely disciplined with punishments
  that ranged from petty annoyances up to Inquisition-like torture. In dark
  cells in the cellar near the pit, several sisters were imprisoned for unknown
  sins apparently for life. Nuns would disappear in the night for no known
  reason never to be spoken of again; Monk firmly believed some had been
  murdered. Suicides were also not unrumored.
  All of this took place in a forbidding atmosphere of medieval despotism,
  where the only thing expected of a nun was silent, unquestioning obedience.
  Superstition ruled supreme — hair and nail clippings of an elderly nun thought
  to be holy were prized as relics, for instance. Bizarre penances, such as
  drinking the Superior’s foot-bath, were often imposed and strange rituals were
  frequent. Nuns, for example, would be placed in their coffins upon taking
  their vows to show they had died to the world, and then propped sitting up in
  church after they died to show they now lived in Heaven.
  Meanwhile in this hell on Earth, the sisters were expected to constantly
  spy on each other and inform the Mother Superior of any defects, disobedience,
  or independence in themselves or others. Yet lying to outsiders was encouraged
  insofar as it would further the faith — especially if it brought in wealthy
  new recruits.
The aftermath

  According to her own account, having become pregnant, she escaped, and told
  her story to a Protestant minister at a hospital for the poor in New York. He
  persuaded her to tell her story to the world.
  At any time, such outrageous charges would have sparked an outcry; in the
  jostling pandemonium of pre-Civil War America, they touched off an immediate
  conflagration of bombastic claims and counter-claims. For this was the era of
  the “Know Nothings,” stridently anti-immigrant and
  anti-Catholic nativists. Even before the Potato Famine brought starving hordes
  of Irish over, these men feared the influx of Roman Catholics as a sneaky
  invasion of papists determined to subvert the liberties of free, white
  Protestants and take over the country. Catholic apologists instantly saw that
  Monk was a tool being used by Protestant nativist agitators and fought back
  vigorously in kind.
  It was quickly realized that proof of Monk’s story hinged on the existance
  of certain secret entrances and passages built into the nunnery. She had
  described these in detail, showing how a priest could gain entrance to the
  cloister unobserved at any time, day or night, with secret signals so he did
  not have to mention his name or even speak a word. Like the much later
  controversy surrounding the McMartin Preschool, a Col. William Leete Stone
  found no signs of such secret passages in the Hotel Dieu during a brief
  inspection and after interviewing her, was convinced she had never even been
  there. This finding, along with the story that she was a actually a
  prostitute, had been in an asylum, and died in prison as a pickpocket, was
  loudly trumpeted throughout the press, and Catholic propagandists triumphantly
  labelled her an imposter and hoaxer to this day.
  But was she? She was not the only former nun to break silence at that time;
  shortly befor

Re: [CTRL] The Real Secret

2002-04-29 Thread Don S. Brown
Ah, nothing like a good piece of religious, psychobabble to entertain oneself with on a rainy Saturday.  Prophecy?  I think not.

The Decline and Fall of the Church of Rome
The Prophecies of St Malachy for the New Millennium

PUBLISHER: Element Books

ISBN 1 86204 202 0

Release Date: Fall 1999

Hardback edition released in 1998. Over 25,000 copies in print in 7 languages.

In 1139 St Malachy set out from Ireland on a harrowing pilgrimage to Rome. On
sighting the Eternal City he fell to the ground and began murmuring cryptic Latin
phrases, each signifying the future destiny of the Popes.

For four hundred years the manuscript was locked in the labyrinth of the Vatican. On
its rediscovery in 1595 it was rejected by the Church authorities as fraudulent but the
content of the prophecies remains remarkably and chillingly accurate: to this day 90
percent have come true.

In examining the context of St. Malachy’s life, his pilgrimages and his miracles John
Hogue presents a fascinating account of the fates of the Popes and eight hundred
years of Catholic prophecy; including those of contemporaries, St Hildegard von
Bingen, Joachim de Fiore and the 16th-century Catholic seer, Nostradamus, whose
vision of the papal succession closely resembles that of St Malachy.

In this first complete study of the prophecies in over a hundred years, Hogue brings
his expertise to new revelations regarding the authenticity of the Latin mottoes. As
the Roman Catholic Church continues to witness an eclipse in papal power this
masterly work uncovers the truth about St Malachy’s prophecies and reveals their
significance as an account of the papal progression which Vatican policy makers
have found too threatening to acknowledge.

During the last persecution of the Holy Roman Church, there shall sit Peter of Rome,
who shall feed the sheep amidst many great tribulations, and when these have
passed, the City of the Seven Hills shall be utterly destroyed, and the awful Judge will
judge the people

St. Malachy prophesied an end to the Roman Catholic Church and predicted the
fates of the Popes until Judgment Day. After John Paul II dies only two Popes remain
on the Doomsday List…will this forbidding prophetic coda of a Catholic Apocalypse
Be fulfilled?


“Once again, the grand master of prophecy and super-biographer of Nostradamus
has written a major book dealing with our future and our past. This is a scholarly
work that reads like hot fiction…it will excite all those who view the Church of Rome
dispassionately, warts and all.”

Prof. Hans Holzer, author of Window to the Past and Prophecies: Visions of the
World’s Fate.

[CTRL] (Fwd) FC: Emory U. prof who wrote guns-were-rare book says ema

2002-04-29 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-

--- Forwarded message follows ---

Here's what Emory University prof. Michael Bellesiles has to say:

And that of critics:

A good summary:

What we need, of course, are the full headers of that message.



Date: Fri, 26 Apr 2002 18:04:28 -0700 (PDT)
From: herror <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: The dog wrote my email part II
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
X-UIDL: 5f30a2a2ef91c0e6527ab26ee720e428

   The Bellesille's phony scholarship case
gets funnier. First it was records destroyed
in a flood, then hacked a website.  Now emails that
catch him in lies must have ben forged.
 tom brennan phila pa

original here:

Professor of History Michael Bellesiles

Bellesiles insinuates professor forged e-mails in his name

By Andrew Ackerman
Asst. News Editor

April 25, 2002

Professor of History Michael Bellesiles suggested this week that one
of his main critics fabricated e-mails in his name.

The accusation complicates an already confusing debate swirling over
Bellesiles' award-winning book on gun culture in early America, which
is now widely-considered fraudulent by academics who have studied
Bellesiles' book.

Bellesiles is the author Arming America: Origins of a National Gun
Culture, which claims that guns were more rare in early America than
previously thought. While the book was initially praised in its
September 2000 debut for its innovative use of historical records to
support Bellesiles' claim, the academic consensus has recently shifted
against the book.

Prompted partly by outside academic concerns, the University launched
its own formal investigation in February into allegations Bellesiles
engaged in research misconduct. As of Wednesday night, the University
remains silent on its investigation, the first into the work of a
College professor, though a public statement is expected any day.

Bellesiles' accusations this week concern e-mails between him and
James Lindgren, a law professor at Northwestern University (Ill.) and
an expert on probate records. The e-mails, which Bellesiles seems to
deny writing, were allegedly sent to Lindgren in the final months of

In August 2000, Lindgren asked Bellesiles in an e-mail to explain
where he found most of the probate records cited in Arming America.
Bellesiles allegedly replied that the records he used were stored at
the National Archives at East Point in southeast Atlanta.

"The probate records are primarily on microfilm in the [East Point]
federal archives," Bellesiles allegedly wrote in a message dated Aug.
31, 2000.

But now Bellesiles denies that he wrote that e-mail -- after Lindgren
learned no microfilmed probate records are housed at East Point --
which Lindgren forwarded to the Wheel and HistoryNews-Network.org, a
historical Web site for historians.


For continuing coverage of the Bellesiles controversy, please see:

* Emory announces outside panel to review Bellesiles' research

* E-mails may include lies

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CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

[CTRL] Send in Geraldo!

2002-04-29 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-



Sharon's plan is to drive Palestinians across the Jordan
(Filed: 28/04/2002)

THE leading Israeli historian Martin van Creveld predicts that a US attack on Iraq or
a terrorist strike at home could trigger a massive mobilisation to clear the occupied
territories of their two million Arabs

Two years ago, less than eight per cent of those who took part in a Gallup poll
among Jewish Israelis said they were in favour of what is euphemistically called
"transfer" - that is, the expulsion of perhaps two million Palestinians across the 
Jordan. This month that figure reached 44 per cent.

Ariel Sharon
Earlier this year, when a journalist asked Ariel Sharon whether he favoured such a
move, the Israeli prime minister said he did not think in such terms. A glance at his
memoirs, however, shows that he has not always been so fastidious.

In September 1970 King Hussein of Jordan fell on the Palestinians in his kingdom,
killing perhaps 5,000 to 10,000. The then Gen Sharon, serving as Commanding
Officer, Southern Front, argued that Israel's policy of helping the king was a mistake;
instead it should have tried to topple the Hashemite regime.

He has often said since that Jordan, which, according to him, has a Palestinian
majority even now, is the Palestinian state. The inference - that the Palestinians
should go there - is clear.

During its 1948 War of Independence, Israel drove 650,000 Palestinians from their
homes into neighbouring countries. If it were to try something similar today, the
outcome could well be a regional war. More and more people in Jerusalem believe
that such is Mr Sharon's objective.

It might explain why Mr Sharon, famous for his ability to plan ahead, appears not to
have a plan. In fact, he has always harboured a very clear plan - nothing less than to
rid Israel of the Palestinians.

Few people, least of all me, want the following events to happen. But such a scenario
could easily come about. Mr Sharon would have to wait for a suitable opportunity -
such as an American offensive against Iraq, which some Israelis think is going to
take place in early summer.

Mr Sharon himself told Colin Powell, the secretary of state, that America should not
allow the situation in Israel to delay the operation.

An uprising in Jordan, followed by the collapse of King Abdullah's regime, would also
present such an opportunity - as would a spectacular act of terrorism inside Israel
that killed hundreds.

Should such circumstances arise, then Israel would mobilise with lightning speed -
even now, much of its male population is on standby.

First, the country's three ultra-modern submarines would take up firing positions out
at sea. Borders would be closed, a news blackout imposed, and all foreign journalists
rounded up and confined to a hotel as guests of the Government.

A force of 12 divisions, 11 of them armoured, plus various territorial units suitable 
occupation duties, would be deployed: five against Egypt, three against Syria, and
one opposite Lebanon. This would leave three to face east as well as enough forces
to put a tank inside every Arab-Israeli village just in case their populations get any
funny ideas.

The expulsion of the Palestinians would require only a few brigades. They would not
drag people out of their houses but use heavy artillery to drive them out; the damage
caused to Jenin would look like a pinprick in comparison.

Any outside intervention would be held off by the Israeli air force. In 1982, the last
time it engaged in large-scale operations, it destroyed 19 Syrian anti- aircraft
batteries and shot down 100 Syrian aircraft against the loss of one.

Its advantage is much greater now than it was then and would present an awesome
threat to any Syrian armoured attack on the Golan Heights.

As for the Egyptians, they are separated from Israel by 150 miles or so of open
desert. Judging by what happened in 1967, should they try to cross it they would be

The Jordanian and Lebanese armed forces are too small to count and Iraq is in no
position to intervene, given that it has not recovered its pre-1991 strength and is
being held down by the Americans. Saddam Hussein may launch some of the 30 to
40 missiles he probably has.

The damage they can do, however, is limited. Should Saddam be mad enough to
resort to weapons of mass destruction, then Israel's response would be so
"awesome and terrible" (as Yitzhak Shamir, the former prime minister, once said) as
to defy the imagination.

Some believe that the international community will not permit such an ethnic
cleansing. I would not count on it. If Mr Sharon decides to go ahead, the only country
that can stop him is the United States.

The US, however, regards itself as being at war with parts of the Muslim world that
have supported Osama bin Laden. America will not necessarily object t

[CTRL] Propheteering off of the Infitada

2002-04-29 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-

>From http://www.newsmax.com/showinsidecover.shtml?a=2002/4/26/200721

Friday, April 26, 2002

Hitler's Book a Hit in Arabic

An Arabic translation of Adolf Hitler's "Mein Kampf" is a best-seller in the 
territories. Now it's being sold in Britain.

The autobiography, which includes anti-Semitic rantings, is normally found in
England only in academic or political bookstores, but the London Telegraph found it
for sale at newsstands on Edgware Road, an area with a large population of Arabs.

In the preface, according to this month's Jewish Voice/Iyar, translator Luis al-Haj
writes: "National Socialism did not die with the death of its herald. Rather, its seeds
multiplied under each star."


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believe in anything merely on the authority of Teachers, elders or wise men.
Believe only after careful observation and analysis, when you find that it
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The Buddha on Belief, from the Kalama Sutta
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--- Ernest Hemingway

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Giving an election (in France) and wanting no one to come

2002-04-29 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-

>From World Socialist Web Site www.wsws.org

>>>This was the strategy I was thinking of last week when the discussion came up
about a "real" second party.  A vote for LePen as a vote against Chirac (or the other
way around) is not mature politics; it only validates the system that many or most
would want to remove or renovate.  Thus, to show the politicians the juvenility of 
ways, put them in the corner in their rocking chairs with their stuffed animals and
make them stay there until they promise to behave themselves and act their ages.
And quit being menaces to society!  A<>E<>R <<<


WSWS : News & Analysis : Europe : France

No to Chirac and Le Pen! For a working class boycott of the French election

An open letter to Lutte Ouvrière, Ligue Communiste Révolutionnaire, and Parti des

By the World Socialist Web Site Editorial Board
29 April 2002

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Download this statement as a PDF leaflet to distribute

For the leaders, members and political supporters of Lutte Ouvrière (LO), the Ligue
Communiste Révolutionnaire, and the Parti des Travailleurs (PT), the 2002 French
presidential election poses a great political responsibility. More than three million
people have given your candidates an unprecedented vote in the first round. But the
first round also saw a breakthrough by the National Front, with the fascist candidate
Le Pen finishing second and facing President Chirac in the May 5 runoff.

The millions who voted for your candidates look to you to speak clearly and forcefully
about the political crisis. The question is posed, and must be answered: where do
your organizations stand on the May 5 vote? How shall French workers and youth
carry forward a struggle to defend their social interests and defeat the fascist

The World Socialist Web Site urges every organization seeking to defend the
working class to campaign actively for a boycott of the May 5 presidential vote. No
political support to either Le Pen or Chirac! Mobilize French working people and
youth against this false and anti- democratic “choice.”

Despite the well-known historical and political differences between your three parties
and the International Committee of the Fourth International, which we do not seek to
conceal, we feel it is essential to propose this campaign and explain the political
basis for it.

Why a boycott? Because it is necessary to deny any legitimacy to this fraudulent
election; because it is necessary to establish an independent political line for the
working class; because an active and aggressive boycott would create the best
conditions for the political struggles that will arise in the aftermath of the 

A boycott, called for and campaigned for aggressively by your three parties, would
have a far different character than individual abstention. It would serve to 
educate the masses, and especially the young people who have been set into motion
by the shock of Le Pen’s success in the first round.

These new forces must learn important political lessons. They must learn to see
through the lies of the whole bourgeois political establishment—the governmental
right and governmental left, as well as the media—who claim that a vote for Chirac
represents the defense of democracy, the salvation of France’s “honor,” the creation
of an “anti-fascist front,” and so on.

The working class cannot rely on the corrupt and reactionary French bourgeoisie to
defend democratic rights or oppose fascism. Chirac’s own campaign, which adopted
wholesale the law-and-order rhetoric of Le Pen, is a clear demonstration of this fact.

Some may argue that boycotting the May 5 vote will strengthen Le Pen and his
fascist movement. We reject such claims entirely. Politics is not arithmetic, and
opposition to Le Pen does not require support for Chirac. On the contrary, it is the
official campaign for Chirac, uniting the governmental right and governmental left,
which reinforces Le Pen’s entirely false and demagogic claim that he alone gives
voice to popular opposition to the political establishment.

A widespread campaign of boycott and opposition to May 5, spearheaded by the
socialist left and mobilizing workers and youth against both Le Pen and Chirac, would
puncture Le Pen’s false pretenses and demonstrate to the broad masses that there
is a progressive social force which challenges the existing social and political order.

We must state frankly that to this point the position of the representatives of the LO
and the LCR amounts to tacit acceptance of a vote for Chirac. The LO is “not calling
on workers to abstain in the second round,” says LO presidential candidate Laguiller.
An LCR Political Bureau statement declares: “The LCR campaigns for Le Pen to
have the smallest possible vote on Sunday, May 5. We understand those voters who
vote for Chirac to oppose

[CTRL] Bondsteel

2002-04-29 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-

>From World Socialist Web Site www.wsws.org

>>>Isn't interesting that "KLA" backwards could be AL K[aeda]?"


WSWS : News & Analysis : Europe : The Balkans

Camp Bondsteel and America’s plans to control Caspian oil

By Paul Stuart
29 April 2002

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Camp Bondsteel, the biggest “from scratch” foreign US military base since the
Vietnam War is near completion in the Yugoslav province of Kosovo. It is located
close to vital oil pipelines and energy corridors presently under construction, such as
the US sponsored Trans-Balkan oil pipeline. As a result defence contractors—in
particular Halliburton Oil subsidiary Brown & Root Services—are making a fortune.

In June 1999, in the immediate aftermath of the bombing of Yugoslavia, US forces
seized 1,000 acres of farmland in southeast Kosovo at Uresevic, near the
Macedonian border, and began the construction of a camp.

Camp Bondsteel is known as the “grand dame” in a network of US bases running
both sides of the border between Kosovo and Macedonia. In less than three years it
has been transformed from an encampment of tents to a self sufficient, high tech
base-camp housing nearly 7,000 troops—three quarters of all the US troops
stationed in Kosovo.

There are 25 kilometres of roads and over 300 buildings at Camp Bondsteel,
surrounded by 14 kilometres of earth and concrete barriers, 84 kilometres of
concertina wire and 11 watch towers. It is so big that it has downtown, midtown and
uptown districts, retail outlets, 24-hour sports halls, a chapel, library and the best-
equipped hospital anywhere in Europe. At present there are 55 Black Hawk and
Apache helicopters based at Bondsteel and although it has no aircraft landing strip
the location was chosen for its capacity to expand. There are suggestions that it
could replace the US airforce base at Aviano in Italy.

According to Colonel Robert L. McClure, writing in the engineers professional
Bulletin, “Engineer planning for operations in Kosovo began months before the first
bomb was dropped. At the outset, planners wanted to use the lessons learned in
Bosnia and convinced decision makers to reach base-camp ‘end state’ as quickly as

Initially US military engineers took control of 320 kilometres of roads and 75 bridges
in the surrounding area for military use and laid out a base camp template involving
soldiers living quarters, helicopter flight paths, ammunition holding areas and so on.

McClure explains how the Engineer Brigade were instructed “to merge construction
assets and integrate them with the contractor, Brown & Root Services Corporation, to
build not one but two base camps [the other is Camp Monteith] for a total of 7,000

According to McClure, “At the height of the effort, about 1,000 expatriates [former
military personnel] hired by Brown & Root, along with more than 7,000 Albanian local
nationals, joined the 1,700 military engineers. From early July and into October
[1999], construction at both camps continued 24 hours a day, seven days a week.”

Brown & Root Services provides all the support services to Camp Bondsteel. This
includes 600,000 gallons of water per-day, enough electricity to supply a city of
25,000 and a supply centre with 14,000 product lines. It washes 1,200 bags of
laundry, supplies 18,000 meals per day and operates 95 percent of the rail and
airfield facilities. It also provides the camps firefighting service. Brown & Root are
now the largest employers in Kosovo, with more than 5,000 local Kosovan Albanians
and another 15,000 on its books.

Staff at Camp Bondsteel rarely venture outside the compound and their activities are
secretive. Whilst other KFOR patrols are small and mobile with soldiers wearing soft
caps and instructed to integrate with the local population, US military personnel leave
Bondsteel in either helicopters or as part of infrequent but large heavily armed

In unnamed interviews US troops complain that hostility to their presence is growing
as local inhabitants compare the investment in Camp Bondsteel with the continuing
decline in their own living standards.

Those visiting Camp Bondsteel describe it as a journey through 100 years in time.
The area surrounding the camp is extremely poor with an unemployment rate of 80
percent. Then Bondsteel appears on the horizon with its mass of communication
satellites, antennae and menacing attack helicopters circling above. Brown & Root
pay Kosova workers between $1 and $3 per hour. The local manager said wages
were so low because, “We can’t inflate the wages because we don’t want to over
inflate the local economy.”

The escalating US presence at Bondsteel was accompanied by increased activity by
the Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA). Since its appearance most Serbs, Roma and
Albanians opposed to the KLA have been murdered or driven out. Those remaining
dare not leave their houses to buy food at the local stores and the 

[CTRL] NYC Anaemia

2002-04-29 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-

>From World Socialist Web Site www.wsws.org


WSWS : News & Analysis : North America

Budget gap grows to $5 billion

New York City mayor wants even bigger cuts

By Peter Daniels
29 April 2002

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New York City’s budget crisis continues to worsen, with the projected deficit for the
fiscal year beginning on July 1 having grown from about $4.7 billion to $5 billion in 
first three months of the administration of the city’s new mayor, Michael Bloomberg.

Bloomberg, who proposed massive cuts in public and social services in his budget
message in February, called a news conference April 17 to say that even greater
spending cuts would be required.

The mayor presented a “contingency plan” that he said he will implement if the $1.3
billion in projected savings from federal and state aid as well as union concessions
fails to materialize. The additional measures include the elimination of eight fire
companies; closing another 15 senior centers; and slashing another $115 million
from city schools, 7.5 percent more from the city’s libraries, and 7.5 percent more
from the Department of Cultural Affairs.

Further, the Bloomberg administration would eliminate the city’s Food Assistance
Program; close five community health clinics and 10 dental clinics; and scrap 57
neighborhood programs of the city’s Department of Youth and Community
Development. It would cut 2,600 more city jobs, mostly through attrition, but the plan
also envisions unspecified additional job cuts, possibly as many as 5,000 in total.

All of this would be in addition to the cuts outlined in February. Then the mayor 
for cuts in city agencies ranging up to 26 percent, and the elimination of 6,000 jobs
through attrition and employee buyouts. The $115 million reduction in public
education, for instance, would be on top of $354 million already planned. The 7.5
percent from the libraries would be in addition to 15 percent proposed two months
ago, and so on down the line.

The new proposals came in response to projections of lower city revenues because
of continuing economic recession as well as the growing realization that help from
state and federal authorities in Albany and Washington is highly unlikely. The state
budget is itself already nearly a month overdue, and legislation to allow the city to
raise its cigarette tax and also the fines for parking violations is stalled in the 

What the cuts will mean in human terms is not difficult to imagine. The vast majority
of the working population will foot the bill in terms of further deterioration of 
inadequate public services like sanitation, libraries and parks. The most vulnerable
sections of the working class —the poor, and especially the elderly and youth—will
suffer the most, with the closing of social programs and community centers.

Perhaps the most appalling and callous of the proposed cutbacks is aimed at the
school system. As one newspaper columnist reported this week, the parents at a
typical public school in one of the better-off working class neighborhoods of Queens
are being asked to pay for items such as paper and the cost of maintenance of the
school’s photocopier. More than 40,000 students in the city’s overcrowded system
have classrooms in converted hallways or bathrooms.

Even as the budget crisis produced calls for city job cuts, the March unemployment
figures in the city showed another increase, to 7.5 percent. It was 6.9 percent in
January, and 5.6 percent a year earlier. On Wall Street, the securities industry has
shed 17,000 jobs, shrinking by 9 percent, in the past year. Business services,
including temporary agencies and advertising, have lost 36,000 jobs over the same
period. An estimated total of 110,000 jobs were eliminated in the aftermath of the
September 11 attacks, either directly in lower Manhattan, or indirectly because of the
drastic decline in tourism.

Moreover, while those who lost jobs in the area around the World Trade Center
received some assistance through the various charities established after September
11, tens of thousands of others have not been eligible for any aid. Hotel workers in
midtown, for instance, who lost their jobs because tourists stopped coming to New
York, have joined the unemployment lines. Many thousands of other workers have
had their hours cut.

“Now people are having to turn to the traditional sources people go to when they are
in dire straits,” an executive at the United Way reported. “We may very well see a
spike in the number of people going to welfare for the first time.” The agency issued
a study that found that 50,000 workers who lost their jobs as a direct result of the
September 11 catastrophe received no aid. These include 9,000 airline and airport
workers at LaGuardia and JFK Airports in Queens, where traffic has been cut by
more then 20 percent. Most of them are low-paid employees such as parking