[CTRL] Armey's (Real) Rlan for the Palestinians

2002-05-09 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-

From Working For Change

The Palestinian Lone Star state

Alexander Cockburn - Creators Syndicate

05.08.02 - I'd guess it was the most explicit call for ethnic cleansing by a prominent
American since Sherman's designation of the only good Indian being a dead one, or
California's second governor, John McDougal's, declaration in his first message to
the California legislature in 1851 to the effect that A war of extermination will
continue to be waged between the races till the Indian race becomes extinct. Mind
you, Dick Armey wasn't calling for every Palestinian in the territories to be murdered,
merely evicted to ... anywhere, so long as it's somewhere else.

Here's what happened. On May 1, on MSNBC's Hardball, House Republican
Majority Leader Dick Armey, puissant legislator from Fort Worth, Texas, called for
the ethnic cleansing of Palestinians from the occupied territories.

Armey said flatly that the Palestinian territories occupied by Israel -- in East
Jerusalem, and the West Bank and Gaza Strip -- are Israel. Palestinians living in the
West Bank should be removed.

Armey: I'm content to have Israel grab the entire West Bank.

Matthews: Well, where do you put the Palestinian state -- in Norway? Once the
Israelis take back the West Bank permanently and annex it, there's no place else for
the Palestinians to have a state.

Armey: No, no, that's not -- that's not at all true. There are many Arab nations that
have many hundreds of thousands of acres of land and -- and soil and property and
opportunity to create a Palestinian state.

Matthews: So you would transport -- you would transport the Palestinians from
Palestine to somewhere else and call it their state?

Armey: I would be perfectly content to have a homeland, just as -- most of ...

Matthews: But not in Palestine? ... 

Armey: That's right ... I happen to believe that the Palestinians should leave.

Matthews: Have you ever told George Bush, the president from your home state of
Texas, that you think the Palestinians should get up and go and leave Palestine, and
that's the solution?

Armey: I'm probably telling him that right now.

Of course, there was some predictable whining from outfits such as the Arab-
American Anti-Discrimination Committee that Armey's endorsement of ethnic
cleansing is reprehensible. It certainly is. But as a matter of realism, let us
acknowledge Armey's farsighted, two-pronged strategy. One prong is the current
Republican effort to get some sort of purchase on the Jewish vote, in compensation
for the Republicans' slowly dawning realization that, despite all their efforts, the
Democrats have got most of the Hispanic vote locked up for years to come.

The other prong is most likely a farsighted Texan strategy to grab a slice of the
billions in U.S. aid that go each year to Israel. Figure it out: If Palestinians are 
out of their homeland, where are they going to end up?

The Armey plan is, I can now reveal, to have the new Palestinian statelet located in a
magnificent new terminal at Dallas Fort Worth airport, which will bring billions in
federal funding. Having endorsed the eviction of Palestinians, Armey will then shift
position and announce that with the Palestinians kicked out, Israel is now secure
within its borders and the $3 billion or so in acknowledged direct U.S. aid can now be
diverted to Texas to compensate the state of Texas for its role in hosting the
Palestinians' new homeland.

In the aftermath of Armey's robust performance with Matthews, the U.S. Congress
gave Sharon the green light to do what it wants to the Palestinians, with resolutions
of unqualified support for Israel put forward by Senator Joe Lieberman and by
Armey's fellow Texan, Majority Whip Tom DeLay, the former rodent exterminator.

And who voted against full-throated endorsement of the war criminal Sharon?
Precisely two members of the Senate declined to endorse every action of a nation
that most recently had rampaged its way through Jenin refugee camp: Robert Byrd of
West Virginia (as meister of the pork barrel, he was maybe irked at the DeLay/Armey
drive for Palestinian subsidies) and Ernest Hollings of South Carolina. In the House,
there were only 21 No votes, including outgoing California Rep. Gary Condit, who
probably now feels free to express his true feelings about the Levy family, and also
my favorites, Ron Paul of Texas and Dana Rohrabacher of California.

There were 29 reps who opted for the cowardly, sit-on-your-hands present vote,
including such Nation magazine lib-rad stars as Bernie Sanders of Vermont, Marcy
Kaptur of Ohio and Dennis Kucinich, also of Ohio, and a man whose prayer against
Bush's wars made the radical circuits a month or so ago. I guess there's no place in
Dennis' prayers for Palestinians.

© 2002 Creators Syndicate

URL: http://www.workingforchange.com/


Forwarded as information only; no automatic endorsement

[CTRL] Fwd: [CIA-DRUGS] Re: Ruppert, FAIR, and investigative journalism

2002-05-09 Thread RoadsEnd


Mike Ruppert writes:


Al Giordano replies:

I like Steve Rendall, he has been in the trenches with me and he never shot
the wrong way.

I like Mike Ruppert, he has been in the trenches with me and he never shot
the wrong way.

I am so fucking sick and tired of people taking unfair shots at FAIR (I
defended FAIR, y'all recall, when those corruptos at Alternet tried to

I am so fucking sick and tired of people taking unfair shots at Ruppert (and
since he right now is emotionalizing the people, pro and con, I will gladly
defend him again, and it seems that I may be required by conscience to do so
sometime soon in the loudest voice I can muster.)

This is my bottom line: The official story on 9/11 is bullshit. The public
has no idea. Even Sy Hersh, who has spent more time than anybody except
perhaps Ruppert investigating what happened has come to the same conclusion.
Ruppert is passionately shaking the trees, and where is everybody else, ye
radicals? What is this hostility to the spirit of investigation? How did
conspiracy theorist replace communist in the New McCarthyism?

The investigations are perculating. Don't get on the wrong side of history.
The official story is so full of shit that it is going to fall.

In sum, the burden of proof is with those in power. And to place it upon
each other is fucking pathetic bullshit. Excuse my French, but it is four
a.m. somewhere in a country called América, I am in a very bad mood, and as
I've told Ruppert time and time again, he can sometimes over-react to
criticisms, but now I wish to tell my friends Of The Left (most of whom are
probably to the center of me): When you attack Ruppert, you appear in the
photo as completely ridiculous. To me, anyway.

Just stop it! All of you! And get back to the work of investigation. If one
of us turns out to be corrupt, attack away. Nobody's alleged in the
slightest that Ruppert is corrupt or dishonest. Obviously, he is not. But if
one of us ocassionally overstates a case, well, okay, critique is good, but
a softer touch is required, and better done directly, face to face, without
all this public psychodrama. At least it should be tried first. I'm willing
to play referee if any parties wish to really speak, but I won't hold my
breath waiting for that.

The situation, today, is not easy. Most of us will soon be in the same
foxhole, under the same enemy fire. Obviously, I believe in criticism. But I
believe, most of all, in smart criticism. And the critiques against Ruppert
have so far fallen short of that bar. And you people who are criticizing
him: where is your critique of the official story of the massacre of
September 11th? Unless and until you do that, the rest is fluff.

from somewhere in a country called América,

Al Giordano
The Narco News Bulletin

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2002-05-09 Thread Samantha L.

-Caveat Lector-

From:  Michael C. Ruppert [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date:  Wed May 8, 2002  6:16 pm
Subject:  Your Four Points of Intellectual Dimness



May 8, 2002

Dear Mr. Rendall:

I have monitored sporadically your immature rantings regarding my writings.
Inasmuch as I gather that you have now distilled your critiques of my work to
their four most salient points and that your hysteria has diminished
somewhat, I will now respond to each of those four points so that you can get
some much needed rest. Frankly, I am somewhat disappointed that these
critiques are the best that you can muster for either yourself or your
colleague Norman Solomon. However, in advance of a much needed and
anticipated KPFA radio appearance scheduled for May 15th featuring Mr.
Solomon and Delmart “Mike” Vreeland, wherein Mr. Solomon will be held
accountable in his own right for some horrendous accusations and assumptions,
I think it best now to put your feeble attacks off to one side so that when
the broadcast airs, Pacifica listeners can at last have unfettered access to
the direct-source information that you and Mr. Solomon have been so
assiduously attempting to prevent.

I turn now to a quote from one of your most recent email attacks. I will also
address your position that these items are “central” to my case – a blatant
distortion and falsehood. The misspellings therein are yours and have been
left in place:

“As for evidence of Ruppert's fraudulent argument I have listed at least 4
items that are absolutely central to Ruppert's case that Ruppert has
utterly misrepresented.

“The Le Figaro piece, the Toronto Star piece, his baseless claim that
military intelligence officers are working inside at CNN (video on Ruppert's
cite), and his claim that the nonsenseical Vreeland scribbles are a detailed
warning and an accurate warning about the September 11 attacks. As for the
scribbles, Mark: Does the date September 11, 2002 appear anywhere on this
accurate warning? the dates 96-97 appear (if those numbers indicate dates)
and the dates 2007 and 2009 appear. And that's just the one major problem
with the dopcument that you Mark, apparently accept as

an accurate warning.

I have asked Ruppert's friends here to get him to defende these points. I get
no response. Nither you

nor any of your co-Ruppertites have offered a single defense of his on these
substantive issues.”

Point 1 – Le Figaro:

You state that I have misrepresented the Le Figaro piece. I assume here that
you are parroting the argument made by Bill Weinberg – a freelance writer.
Please note that Weinberg corrected his accusations and agreed that I had not
misrepresented the Le Figaro piece. This issue at that point was whether or
not Le Figaro had “confirmed” a statement by a hospital administrator that
bin Laden had been there.

The first thing I received regarding the Le Figaro was a translated version
of the story from a researcher which contained the following quote, “A member
of the administration of the American Hospital of Dubai confirms that the
public enemy number one stayed in the hospital from July 4th to July 14th.”

I then looked at the original French version which stated, “Un homme,
partenaire professionnel de la direction administrative de l'hôpital
américain de Dubaï, affirme que l'ennemi public numéro un a séjourné dans cet
établissement hospitalier du 4 au 14 juillet.

The verb in question here is affirmer.

A French speaking reader rose to the challenge by writing, “With respect to
the correct translation of the French word affirmer, je suggère que vous
vous trompez. Your mistake is to rely on a French-English dictionary, the
effect of which is to take a word out-of-context and give it the nearest
English equivalent. You would have been better advised to consult a French
dictionary. For example, here's the primary definition for ‘affirmer’ as
provided by Dictionnaire Universel Francophone (Hachette/Edicef, 1997):
Soutenir qu'une chose est vraie. [State that a thing is true.]

“When the definition is translated into English, it sounds a lot like
‘confirm,’ doesn't it?”

Weinberg wrote back to a fellow journalist on March 12, “There is no way I am
publishing a letter which is far longer than most of the blurbs I run in my
newsletter. Yeah, to an extent the affirm-confirm debate is a semantical one.”

Webster’s Dictionary defines “misrepresent” as: “to represent incorrectly:
to give a false, imperfect or misleading representation of.”

Therefore you have utterly failed on this assertion. And I can guarantee you
that, had you published this assertion on anything other than an e-mail list
you might well feel the same legal response that will be coming soon for

The rest of your points are as feeble as this one. Nonetheless, for the
benefit of those who are slow to see, I will go through the exercise of
addressing them.


[CTRL] Al Giordano: Ruppert, FAIR, and investigative journalism

2002-05-09 Thread Samantha L.

-Caveat Lector-

Mike Ruppert writes:


Al Giordano replies:

I like Steve Rendall, he has been in the trenches with me and he never shot
the wrong way.

I like Mike Ruppert, he has been in the trenches with me and he never shot
the wrong way.

I am so fucking sick and tired of people taking unfair shots at FAIR (I
defended FAIR, y'all recall, when those corruptos at Alternet tried to

I am so fucking sick and tired of people taking unfair shots at Ruppert (and
since he right now is emotionalizing the people, pro and con, I will gladly
defend him again, and it seems that I may be required by conscience to do so
sometime soon in the loudest voice I can muster.)

This is my bottom line: The official story on 9/11 is bullshit. The public
has no idea. Even Sy Hersh, who has spent more time than anybody except
perhaps Ruppert investigating what happened has come to the same conclusion.
Ruppert is passionately shaking the trees, and where is everybody else, ye
radicals? What is this hostility to the spirit of investigation? How did
conspiracy theorist replace communist in the New McCarthyism?

The investigations are perculating. Don't get on the wrong side of history.
The official story is so full of shit that it is going to fall.

In sum, the burden of proof is with those in power. And to place it upon
each other is fucking pathetic bullshit. Excuse my French, but it is four
a.m. somewhere in a country called América, I am in a very bad mood, and as
I've told Ruppert time and time again, he can sometimes over-react to
criticisms, but now I wish to tell my friends Of The Left (most of whom are
probably to the center of me): When you attack Ruppert, you appear in the
photo as completely ridiculous. To me, anyway.

Just stop it! All of you! And get back to the work of investigation. If one
of us turns out to be corrupt, attack away. Nobody's alleged in the
slightest that Ruppert is corrupt or dishonest. Obviously, he is not. But if
one of us ocassionally overstates a case, well, okay, critique is good, but
a softer touch is required, and better done directly, face to face, without
all this public psychodrama. At least it should be tried first. I'm willing
to play referee if any parties wish to really speak, but I won't hold my
breath waiting for that.

The situation, today, is not easy. Most of us will soon be in the same
foxhole, under the same enemy fire. Obviously, I believe in criticism. But I
believe, most of all, in smart criticism. And the critiques against Ruppert
have so far fallen short of that bar. And you people who are criticizing
him: where is your critique of the official story of the massacre of
September 11th? Unless and until you do that, the rest is fluff.

from somewhere in a country called América,

Al Giordano
The Narco News Bulletin

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[CTRL] Chasing Chandra

2002-05-09 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-

From http://www.rumormillnews.net/cgi-bin/config.pl?read=19530

Rumor Mill News Reading Room Forum


Posted By: Patriotlad [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Monday, 6 May 2002, 7:16 a.m.



Two of Condit's political pals ordered her execution


One ran for PRESIDENT

Those are the teasers, the sub-headlines on the current, double issue of the Globe
weekly newsmagazine: as published by David Pecker's American Media, the Globe
and the National Enquirer have consistently been a thorn in the paw of the New
World Order, at least as regards the mysterious disappearance of one Chandra Levy
of Modesto, California. She has now been missing for over one year.

In the April 9th, 2002 edition of the National Enquirer, a very detailed and well-
researched article laid out the most probable scenario for Chandra Levy's last hours.
Six different reporters, led by Don Gentile, assembled the story for the Enquirer.
Based on interviews with various investigators and with 'sources,' otherwise
unattributed, the Enquirer reported that Levy had searched Map Quest for the
location of the Klingle mansion in Rock Creek Park. Built in 1823, the stone
farmhouse is now used for offices and storage and sits in an isolated section of
Rock Creek Park. The mansion is two miles from Levy's apartment and one mile
from Gary Condit's condominium.

Furthermore, in the April story, the Enquirer reported that investigators were
convinced that Levy had not committed suicide and strongly convinced she had not
been the victim of a random street crime:

The killer or an associate entered Chandra's apartment to remove items linking her
to the person who took her life. So said the Enquirer's report. Additionally, her 
records showed that she called Gary Condit five times in the two days before she
disappeared. There is no way he could not have known that her feelings for him had
reached maximum intensity (whatever those feelings were).

The current issue of the Globe, now on the stands, indicates that attorney Jim
Robinson -- who represented Anne Marie Smith, one of Condit's other paramours --
has developed the story of the plot to kill Chandra Levy from sources at the FBI, U.S.
Department of Justice and confidential police informants.

He is planning on telling it all in a book to be published in November: but the Globe 
calling it more damaging than Watergate and asserts that a Saudi with royal
connections is part of the cabal!

Dear friends, this is not getting any 'play' in the media outlets of the purveyors of
Stupid News -- like Ted Turner's CNN or among the doyennes of 'eye-candy' on
MSNBC -- which is very, very odd. Can anyone remember last summer? What was
there to talk about for one hundred days and nights? Chandra Levy.

Now, because of the phony war in Afghanistan (not too phony for those who have
been killed or wounded, mind you), and the political brinksmanship of Ariel Sharon
and Yassir Arafat, the most interesting mystery woman of the last year has been
made into a non-person. Suddenly her disappearance isn't news.

The Globe's accusations are incredibly explosive. They include allegations that
Condit deliberately seduced Chandra Levy and induced her to come east, not
because he wanted her just for himself, but because he wanted her service his
political cronies and Arab businessmen. The Globe asserts that Condit and other
high-profile political leaders are bi-sexual and that they use young women like
Chandra Levy as props in their sexual encounters and fantasies. The Globe calls it
-- a sex club.

To avoid any entanglements over their proprietary story, I will not quote extended
parts of the article on Chandra Levy in the current double issue of the Globe: it is
available at most newsstands and in grocery stores at the price of $2.99, and
contains the usual collection of other 'salacious' and incredible material. The April 
issue of the Enquirer is no longer for sale (but could, possibly, be purchased from
American Media via their web-site or by phone order). Taken together, the two
articles rip the facade off of Washington, D.C., as being a safe place for any young
woman in search of a career.

Not only are there the usual concerns over street crime, there is now the very real
possibility that certain men, among the highest in the government, are co-
conspirators in bi-sexual and homosexual 'gentlemen's agreements,' wherein young
women are lured or enticed into being stage props or sexual toys. When they
become inconvenient, they are ruined, disappeared or murdered outright.

This scandal could and should cause the implosion of the New World Order, as the
decrepit foundations of its power are eroded by 'truth and light.' Perhaps there was
more than one message in the way those two towers at the World Trade Center
collapsed, so precipitously, last September 11th. Some 

Re: [CTRL] Iron Hillary

2002-05-09 Thread Don S. Brown

I think the point to keep in mind is the climate of rank amateurism that prevailed
during Bill Jeff's time as President.  The problem he ran into was having more
questions thrown at him then he did answers. The less able a person is to deflect
criticism and press on with the program, the less professional the job is.  How many
people have flings on the side that are never discovered?  Monica?  This is the
DUMBEST thing or person he could've done.  We'll leave her at being too damned
young to know how to play the game.  And there are those who don't get the
message, despite the fact that she and Monica have had almost congruent lives.

Hello Euphorian,
I would not say that this is the point to keep in mind. The point to keep in mind is the abuse of the system that the neoconservatives wrecked on us all. I would also say that the point is that right wing propaganda was turned up full force on Clinton and used specious, malicious rummers and innuendo to build a case against him.
I was responding to a post that you provided from CNSNews which is a regular source for Bill O'Reilly and has no credibility as an unbiased news source.
I do not know how you make the leap in logic that because someone is getting more questions than they can (or will) answer is proof of anything except maybe they are busy.
When you talk about the climate of rank amateurism surrounding his time in office, that is as opposed to the criminal cartel of Reagan and GHW Bush? Or perhaps this farce of an administration?
Clinton is one of the best and smoothest politicians to ever hold office. I am an independent, but my observation of him is that he was dealt plenty of lemons and made plenty of lemonade out of the GOP and their efforts to slam him day in and day out.

And no the Dumbest thing a President could do would be trade arms for hostages and dope for guns and get busted for it. And about 32 people in his administration.
As to be too young to know how to play the game, I guess it was pure young, dumb and full of cum boy luck that won him two presidential elections?

Remember, the FBI worked for Freeh who worked for Reno who worked for Bill Jeff
who got Reno to appoint Kenny Babyface Starr as the special prosecutor.  The
reason BJ didn't get the axe from the government was because he really didn't do
anything illegal, wrong to some maybe but not illegal.  He just was having more fun
than they would allow themselves to admit possible

I believe that you may want to see how the selection process for Ken Starr occurred. As to the FBI working for him, I doubt very seriously he would have preferred for all those assets to be putting him under a microscope for 10 years. 
Now, I hold Clinton responsible for many things that have nothing to do with sex. Covering up TWA comes to mind and Waco and OKC as well. His numerous executive orders that took away property rights and civil liberties should be another issue. Instead the media and the right wing backed investigations gave up Big Billy's Willy for year after year. They never got the point that outside of their cabal, nobody cared. 

Don't forget that BJ paid off Paula.  And to amplify your point: she got dumped after
all was said and done.  And why did she feel offended in the first place?  Because
she never got anything out of it in the beginning, to begin with?  But she'd eventually
get a nose job (something else to blow) and that makes everything better.  New
nose, no job, no reputation, no friends, doing more in public for millions of adoring
fans what she wouldn't do for for one in private.  And wasn't she the one that claimed
they had besmirched her?

Poor Paula.  Poor pathetic prude prominently proboscissed political pawn picked
Penthouse Pet.  The smart thing for BJ to have done was taken her aside (with a
mutually agreed upon chaperon) and settled.  He could have finessed an apology for
any missed understanding that might have arisen.  Even had her report it.  Explained
to her what role she was playing and told her to keep an eye out for certain trends
and road signs just to justify his (then) position that she was indeed just a piece.  A
piece of the game.

Well, the Paula Jones issue was fabricated pure and simple. She was a tool and her claims were totally false and have been proven so. Gold digging bimbo's was a plague courtesy of guys like Richard Mellon Scaife paying anybody to come forward with anything just to keep the venom flowing. She was never a piece of anything in the game accept as a pawn that never moved on her own. 
Do you know any of the facts of the Paula Jones case? 

Then, he could have taken the missionary position (the "high ground") and quoted or
paraphrased the words of the martyr, something to the effect that whoever was
without sin should cast the first ballot for impeachment.  But R-kansas is not the
District of Corruption.  And they, the right-wing conspirators, made Poor Paula into a
modern day Magdalena whose honour could only be saved by the man 

Re: [CTRL] Yasir on the sidelines

2002-05-09 Thread Kristine S.

-Caveat Lector-

Arafat is nothing but a pawn, of the NWO.  He never
had, nor will he ever have, control over the suicide
bombers.  Who benefits most from their attacks (which
have been adequately proven as mere bombings in some
instances, not suicide bombings)?

--- Euphorian [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 -Caveat Lector-



 09 May 2002 07:58 GMT+1
 Home   News   World   Middle East

 Israel's black propaganda bid falters as documents
 reveal an impotent leader not a
 terrorist mastermind

 Israel's Book of Terror purporting to show
 Arafat's role in suicide attacks is 'riddled
 with omissions and falsehoods'

 By Robert Fisk in Ramallah

 09 May 2002 Internal links Israel promises revenge
 for suicide attacks  UK agents to
 help Arafat stop suicide bombers  Robert Fisk:
 Israel's black propaganda bid falters
 as documents reveal an impotent leader not a
 terrorist mastermind  Leading article:
 Israel will react to this atrocity, but peace will
 only come through politics
 Israel's so-called Book of Terror – designed to
 prove that Yasser Arafat is a master
 of terror involved in suicide attacks on Israel – is
 riddled with errors, omissions and
 deliberate misinformation.

 The dossier, which was presented to President George
 Bush by the Israeli Prime
 Minister, Ariel Sharon, characterises Mr Arafat as
 an evil, scheming warlord funded
 by Iran and Saudi Arabia.

 But in some cases, translations of Palestinian
 documents allegedly seized by Israeli
 troops in the West Bank have been doctored to
 prove Arafat's responsibility for
 anti-Israeli attacks. At least one translation of
 a Palestinian document posted on the
 Israeli army's website is a palpable falsehood.

 In reality the documents portray Mr Arafat's
 military impotence. The papers the Israeli
 intelligence service have so far produced – assuming
 that most of them are genuine
 – paint a vivid, pathetic picture of his loss of
 power within the Palestinian community
 over the past 12 months, the suborning of his
 lieutenants and the gradual recruitment
 of his men by Hamas and Islamic Jihad opponents.

 The original Arabic documents reveal just how the
 Israelis, in an exercise in black
 propaganda, have manipulated their true meaning. On
 20 March, this year, Hamdi,
 one of Yasser Arafat's senior intelligence officers
 in the West Bank town of
 Tulkarem, wrote a report about a suspected Israeli
 collaborator called Jihad Ilayan.

 Further to our letter numbered TK/334/2002 dated
 16/3/02 about the [Israeli]
 helicopter strike on the chicken farm at Anabta and
 after arresting the young man
 mentioned above, interrogating him and then
 releasing him, we wish to inform you
 that he is now with a relative named Riyadh Ilayan
 from the Jalazoan [refugee] camp
 and he [Riyadh] works in General Intelligence,
 Hamdi's report said. The implications
 are obvious. Riyadh Ilayan works for Mr Arafat's own
 intelligence organisation but his
 relative Jihad is suspected of collaboration with

 Just 17 days earlier, another intelligence report
 from Tulkarem, this time written on
 unheaded notepaper and unsigned, informs Mr Arafat's
 men that the al-Aqsa
 Brigades in the city are planning an operation
 inside Israel. The brigade's modus
 operandi, says the document, includes offering
 suspected Israeli collaborators
 forgiveness if they kill Jewish settlers or Israeli
 soldiers or intelligence officers. The
 forthcoming operation had been planned, the report
 states, by Ghanem Ghanem of
 Force 17, Hani Abu Laimoon, a previous operative of
 ours, and an unnamed man
 who is referred to as a drug dealer. The same
 group, the document notes, had
 previously arranged the attack on a banqueting hall
 in the northern Israeli city of
 Hadera. It does not mention the results of that
 attack: six Israeli civilians dead and
 another 35 wounded.

 These reports – and many others – show just how far
 Yasser Arafat had lost control
 of the militant organisations flourishing among the
 Palestinians on the West Bank.
 But Israel's reaction was to go public with accounts
 of their contents that were
 deliberately misleading and, in at least one case,
 untrue. They claimed that the report
 on Ilayan detailed his role in a failed suicide
 attack – when in fact it recorded his
 suspected collaboration with Israel – while
 presenting the second document as proof
 that Mr Arafat's own intelligence men were involved
 in the al-Aqsa suicide squads. All
 references to the drug dealer and the inducement to
 collaborators to seek
 forgiveness were excised.

 The Arabic texts suggest that Israel is fighting
 against men who have long ago
 passed outside Mr Arafat's control, who are better
 funded than his Palestinian
 Authority and whose anti-Israeli attacks can only
 occasionally be foiled by Mr Arafat's
 still-loyal intelligence officers.

 Typical is the case of Mahmoud Freih, a 17-year-old

Re: [CTRL] Does BC Have a Fascist Government?

2002-05-09 Thread iggy

-Caveat Lector-

here in Alberta we call B.C. the  Peoples Republic of British Columbia.

Party of Citizens wrote:

 -Caveat Lector-

 -- Forwarded message --
 Date: Tue, 7 May 2002 15:02:46 -0700 (PDT)
 From: Franklin Wayne Poley [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: [INGRAM] Re: What IS the Campbell Mentality?

 Thank you for your interest, Mr. Hume. I hope you and your journalist
 colleagues will help us to arrive at the truth of this matter.
 ...the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by
 extension, the truth becomes the greatest enemy of the state - Hitler's
 Propaganda Minister Goebbels.

 I also thank Mr. Ingram who in effect gave us an introduction via the
 Ingram List. Howver, I want to clarify something in his posting. I am
 not saying the Campbell Government is Nazi. The Nazis were of course
 the National Socialist Party of Germany which brought Hitler to power
 (using a democratic system to do so). I am saying it seems likely that we
 have a FASCISTIC MENTALITY in these people, as much as I would like
 to be proven wrong. The fascist mentality is historically traced to
 Imperial Rome and their fasces symbol. The fascist mentality was strong
 in the Nazis of Germany but it was not limited to them. My research led
 me to believe that it is not excusively a state of mind for the political
 right. I don't think the original Roman fascists were left wing or
 right wing. If we say, Nazi then people conjure up images of Nazi
 atrocities and immediately dismiss the rest of the discussion because they
 see no such atrocities in the present context. I will give only limited
 information on the fascist mentality below because I do not want to bore
 you will a lot of dry academic analysis.

 On Mon, 6 May 2002, Stephen Hume wrote:

  Hi, Dr. FWP:
  Can you refer me to your papers? I'd like to have a look at them

 Dimensionality in the Measurement of Authoritarian and Political
 Attitudes. Canadian Journal of Behavioural Science, 1974, 6, 81-94.

 This study was done while I was a junior faculty member at the University
 of Alberta. The subjects were students from my classes.

 Evaluation of a Workshop for Armed Services Personnel: Attitude Change
 and the Role of Authoritarianism, Journal of Alcohol and Drug Education,
 1975, 20, 1-9.

 This subjects in this study were Canadian military personnel.

 The matrix algebra and statistical methods used are summarized in my 1976
 text, Individual Differences (with Al Buss), 1976, Gardner Press (it is
 in VPL).

 Major theoretical works in this field from the 70's were by Adorno,
 Frenkel-Brunswick, Sanford and Levinson and by Rokeach. A widely used
 psyhological test for related empirical studies was the California F
 Scale (F for Fascism). I included it in my research. The F scale is often
 used in psychological testing. It draws attention to the fact that this
 is a matter of degree, not an all-or-none phenomenon.

 That is very much a consideration in assessing the mentality of the
 Campbell Government. What is important to the citizens of BC is whether
 we are seeing a fascistic CHARACTER DISORDER. And the focus of
 investigative journalists should be its expressions. What is their nature
 and are they of sufficient magnitude to cause grief for the citizenry?
 BTW, my professional designation is neither psychologist nor
 philosopher. It is philosopher-psychologist, a hybrid which shows
 through in interests like this. My parchment says literally: Franklin
 Wayne Poley is a Doctor of Philosophy in Psychology. The medical
 psyhologist or psychiatrist is interested in personality disorders. I am
 not talking about a personality disorder but rather a character disorder.

  Re your
  question on his interpretation of the right to life clause in the
  Constitution.  I'd be happy to ask it but I have difficulty getting any
  cabinet ministers to return my calls these days.

 I think you should ask it right now via the Ingram List and you should ask
 it directly of Premier Campbell, expecting a clear and honest reply. Both
 Doug Porter and myself have received online replies from Premier Campbell
 and I think you should as well. I don't believe these are always canned
 replies. When I persisted in requesting a clear answer on whether Premier
 Campbell recognized First Nations as being nations as much as Nigeria of
 China or San Marino, he replied uneqivocally, NO. I disagree with him but
 I appreciate the direct and clear answer. You should receive one as well.
 Nobody will doubt that this is a vitally important issue, directly
 effecting hundreds of thousands and having grave implications for all of
 BC and Canada. It is, after all a constitutional matter. And it is a

Re: [CTRL] Iron Hillary

2002-05-09 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-

On 9 May 2002 at 16:21, Don S. Brown wrote:

 The point to keep in mind is the abuse of the system that the
 neoconservatives wrecked on us all.  I would also say that the
 point is that right wing propaganda was turned up full force on
 Clinton and used specious, malicious rummers and innuendo to build
 a case against him.

An argument for keeping Republicans in the White House?  Liberals are more
understanding of Presidents' foibles?  And the neoCons like the leverage?

Like I wrote, BJ was never intended to become President and when he did he PO'd a
lot of people.  There's little phantasy politics or anything of an unreal nature about
what happened.  Being too busy to do one's real job answering questions about, for
example, a twenty year old heavy seduction episode in the form of one Juanita, takes
a person's mind of the real issues and degrades one's ability to perform as well as he
or she could have.  To busy having to deal with the BS and not enough time to attend
to business.  The unfortunate thing is a lot of the BJ's detractors were on THAT Right
and they have, historically, a habit of really hallucinating about what's important and
what's not.  Just ask about 9 million victims of the Inquisitions.  Different times, 
cast of characters.  And these were the ones he had to operate the government with.

The DUMB thing is getting caught.  Ronnie and company were doing illegal things,
wrong as well as illegal.  Look how many of the cronies got indicted then let go.
Ronnie was supposed to be the last President with credibility in his administration?
Perhaps credible systemic rot.  I have to laugh at Ollie's new program on Fox, War
Stories.  In the military, they make the point that there isn't much of a difference
between a war story and a fairy tale.  Relative realities.

As I wrote, BJ's luck was having a lazy Bush and the turn-in-the-barrel Dole.

 Do you know any of the facts of the Paula Jones case?

No, they didn't invite me to R-kansas to be in the room.  I don't go in for too much
they said about each other arguments.  Especially when they happened so long
ago that nobody should care and I think it was a wrinkle in the law that even allowed
Paula to put herself in a position to become manipulated even more and even worse.
I used to almost cringe watching Susan Carpenter McMillan do her surrogate
assassin role on the talk shows.

Yeah, it was late when I wrote the whole thing and I got on a roll.

The real point is -- for me anyway -- that BJ should have gotten up and said, So
what?  What business is my personal life of yours?  But then they worked him into a
trap.  They brought up this EXACT issue with Cardinal Law going in to be deposed
(only legally, not really) and stated that he had to be careful not to say things in 
Grand Jury then contradict himself later on.  Unfortunately, Law can't say So what?
But he's in another similar position where all these complaints stem from LONG ago.
Delayed memories?

But this is all aside from the role that Hillary plays in private.  And, that's the 
point: who cares.  BJ's gone to Harlem; Chelsea's gone to the other side of the pond;
and Hillary is passing the collection plate.


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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
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sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Only in NYC: Who's running the numbers?

2002-05-09 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-

From NewsDay


Scout Leader Pleads Guilty to Sodomy

By Associated Press

May 8, 2002, 3:44 AM EDT

NEW YORK -- The leader of a Boy Scout troop has pleaded guilty to repeatedly
sodomizing one of his young charges.

Jerrold Schwartz, scout master of Manhattan's Troop 666, pleaded guilty Tuesday to
four counts of third-degree sodomy. Schwartz admitted he sexually abused the boy in
his home and office for several months during the fall of 1996.

Schwartz, 42, entered the plea after State Supreme Court Justice Charles Solomon
said he would give him at most eight years in prison, and possibly less. Solomon said
he will schedule an August sentencing date later.

Solomon rejected earlier pleas from Schwartz' lawyers who said putting him in prison
would serve no social purpose. Schwartz was allowed to remain free on $25,000 bail.

The victim, now 20, has filed a $150 million lawsuit against Schwartz and others.

Copyright © 2002, The Associated Press


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Do not believe in anything simply because you have heard it. Do not believe
simply because it has been handed down for many generations. Do not
believe in anything simply because it is spoken and rumored by many. Do
not believe in anything simply because it is written in Holy Scriptures. Do not
believe in anything merely on the authority of Teachers, elders or wise men.
Believe only after careful observation and analysis, when you find that it
agrees with reason and is conducive to the good and benefit of one and all.
Then accept it and live up to it.
The Buddha on Belief, from the Kalama Sutta
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +

Always do sober what you said you'd do drunk. That will
teach you to keep your mouth shut.
--- Ernest Hemingway

A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] the plan for rapid global disarmament and civilian weapons confiscation, plus state department document 7277, freedom from war, the blueprint for disarming america

2002-05-09 Thread iggy


Title: the plan for rapid global disarmament and civilian weapons confiscation, plus state department document 7277, freedom from war, the blueprint for disarming america

Our 1996 'Global Governance' issue [see extracts on our home page] 

'The Bilderberger Report'

'The Coming Russian/Chinese New World Order'

'Gun Control and the Disarming of America/The Coming New World Army'

'The Secret Bilderberg Goals For The War in Kosovo'

'The Jeff Rense Interviews on The New World Order Takeover'

'The Derry Brownfield Interviews on TWA800, Davos and the Bilderbergers'

'The Babylonian Woe: A History Of Money And The Money Power'

The invaluable 'Henley's  20th Century Recipes, Formulas, And Processes' 

Our exclusive  reprint of the classic 'Home And Farm Manual [1884]' 

'Deceiving America: Communist Influence In The Media' [video] 

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Order Your Own Long-Lasting CANADIAN EMERGENCY DEHYDRATED FOOD KIT! Click here for details.

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Click here for astonishing, limited-time savings on two of our bestselling classic audio cassette sets, 'GUN CONTROL AND THE NEW WORLD ORDER', plus 'THE PLANNED RUSSIAN-CHINESE MARXIST NEW WORLD ORDER and THE COMING SUBJUGATION OF AMERICA'. Click here for details.   

Click here for astonishing, limited-time savings on two of our bestselling classic Report reprints - our famous May, 1996, 'GLOBAL GOVERNMENT' issue, plus our outstanding and exclusive 'BILDERBERG REPORT'. Click here for details.


Select and order from this huge listing of the finest in rare, scarce and classic Christian music cassettes, records, and compact disks from the 1980's. Click here for details.

Subscribe to the 'NEW WORLD ORDER INTELLIGENCE UPDATE', the acclaimed monthly geopolitical and analytical Intelligence Newsletter. Click here for details.

Order your own copy of the amazing double-length, two-audio cassette set

In this amazing cassette set,  the Editor of the 'NEW WORLD ORDER INTELLIGENCE UPDATE' details the carefully-contrived plan to disarm U.S. citizens as part of a U.N. program of global disarmament. The relevant U.S. Public Law, with its accompanying State Department interpretive application is outlined,, the plan to transfer control of  the U.S. and other national armed forces irrevocably to the United Nations is detailed, the agreement that a Russian will always command the resulting New World Army is proven, and the current steps being taken to rapidly implement this program are revealed.
You'll learn:

the provisions of U.S. public law #87-297, which first committed the U.S. government to this course of action over 35 years ago!
the implementation agenda, as spelled out in the infamous but hard-to-obtain BLUEPRINT FOR THE PEACE RACE.
how key U.S. gun-control legislation was directly copied from Nazi laws banning civilian weapons during the Third Reich!
why a Russian appointee must always command the U.N.'s armed forces, including the 
coming New World Army!
how and where U.S. and Russian troops have been quietly training together in putting up roadblocks, conducting house-to-house searches, and in weapons confiscation.
how this fits in with the elite's plans to implement the framework for global governance by the year 2000.
where and how the drive for universal, global gun registration followed by gun-confiscation is already beginning, and how it will quickly culminate in a UN-enforceable international treaty  banning civilian weapons.
how the major main-line media have co-operated with this agenda.
references to first-class material, of an educational nature only and often available through your local library, on effective weapons caching. 
...and much more, besides!

AS A BONUS:This set now includes a complete audio-taped edition of the scarce but invaluable U.S. government document FREEDOM FROM WAR, which details official U.S. plans to merge the U.S. and Russian armies, progressively disarm the nations while leaving a fully-armed U.N. World Army intact, and to completely disarm all U.S. citizens!

An essential resource for every patriotic upholder of the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights, and for every Canadian, British, and Australian gun owner, too! Share 

[CTRL] Bulletin V3 No 07

2002-05-09 Thread iggy


Title: Bulletin V3 No 07
This is the html version of the file http://www.cila.org/Bulletins%20-%202000%20-%20pdf/Bulletin%20V3%20No%2007.pdf. G o o g l e automatically generates html versions of documents as we crawl the web.To link to or bookmark this page, use the following url: http://www.google.com/search?q=cache:2CYd0bHZ5AIC:www.cila.org/Bulletins%2520-%25202000%2520-%2520pdf/Bulletin%2520V3%2520No%252007.pdf+gun+confiscation.hl=enGoogle is not affiliated with the authors of this page nor responsible for its content.

These search terms have been highlighted:gunconfiscation

Page 1
-but speaking of Brazil-
SAO PAULO, Brazil (AP) -- 
The Supreme Court has 
overturned a nationwide ban on gun sales
earlier this year as part of a government program to curb 
rising crime rates in Latin America's largest country. Ruling 
on an appeal filed by the Liberal Social Party, the court's 11 
justices voted unanimously to overturn a June 21 decree 
that banned the issuing of gun permits through the end of 
the year. The decree in effect imposed a nationwide ban on 
firearm sales, because nobody can buy a gun without a 
permit.  Criminals don't buy their weapons in gun stores, 
Chief Justice Carlos Velloso told reporters in explaining the 
court's ruling. He said the decree had no impact in curbing 
crime in this nation where recent statistics say a killing takes 
place every 13 minutes.  The Supreme Court accepted the 
party's arguments that the decree undermined the right to 
self-defense and violated the constitution's free enterprise 
guarantees. The government issued the now-defunct 
decree as a stopgap measure until a comprehensive gun-
control bill that has been stuck in Congress for months is 
approved. The bill would restrict possession of firearms to 
the armed forces, police, private security personnel, 
collectors and gun clubs, people in rural areas, and private 
security agencies.
In a break with tradition,
 a provincial British police force 
has sent officers out on routine foot patrol armed with 
pistols, says the Sunday Times. The newspaper said 
Nottinghamshire's action - a break from Britain's tradition of 
unarmed bobbies - was being studied by at least six other 
regional forces worried by the rising number of crimes 
involving guns. Latest national police statistics show that 
armed crime is up 10 per cent in the last year. The 
The Feds newest numbers are still ridiculously low. 
newspaper said the action was taken after several shooting 
of September 30, 2000, the Feds have only issued 344,755 
incidents between rival drug gangs in Nottinghamshire in 
licenses with a mere 155,907 in process. Total number of 
central England. British police usually carry guns only to 
firearms in the registration system 1,621,225.  However, 
deal with sieges, hijacks, terrorist incidents and armed 
1,205 million of these are the old handgun registry that has 
been in place since 1934 and contains data so innaccurate 
that handgun owners are required to reregister by 2003.  
There have been 472,402 new registrations since the 
implementation of Bill C-68 (December 1/98) but only 
103,476 are registrations to individuals.  The rest?   Dealer 
to Dealer transfers. As many of our readers love the number 
crunch, that works out to $4,832 per gun registration (based 
on a very conservative $500M).Another little bout of CFC 
hooey is over the much hyped Spousal Notification Line 
The CFC claims that this line has recieved over 17,100 calls 
but many firearms dealers have reported to
 that a 
glitch in the CFC phone system caused calls made on the 
Dealer Hotline to be automatically transferred over to the 
Angry Ex Snitch Line by mistake.
Liberal leader Jean Chrétien
 criticized the Canadian 
Alliance for its opposition to the government's gun licensing 
and registration plan. We have four times or five times less 
murders in Canada by guns because we have gun control 
laws, he said. But if you are against crime, you don't make 
sure that there is a gun in every home in the nation.  
Chretien left some of the 150-odd MPs in a Liberal caucus 
meeting shaking their heads in wonderment when he 
responded that he was going to win the election by arguing 
against a gun in every house as well as on fighting the 
opposition on prostitution in Brazil.  No wonder Allan Rock 
wants to legalize marijuana!


The Official Publication of the Canadian Institute for Legislative Action / Institut Canadien pour l'Action Legislative

National Office

PO Box 44030, 
600 Grandview St. S.
Oshawa, ON. L1H 8P4
PH: (905) 571-2150 
Fax:  (905) 436-7721

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Nepean, ON. K2G 0M4
PH:  (613) 828-8805
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Legal Counsel

Fax: (905)  

Re: [CTRL] Yasir on the sidelines

2002-05-09 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-

On 9 May 2002 at 11:26, Kristine S. wrote:

 Arafat is nothing but a pawn, of the NWO.  He never
 had, nor will he ever have, control over the suicide
 bombers.  Who benefits most from their attacks (which
 have been adequately proven as mere bombings in some
 instances, not suicide bombings)?

Interesting fellow to read, Harkabi (former Israeli Mil Intel chief), in *Israel's 
Hour*, ca. 1988, is that one of Arafat's problems is having groups that are not under
his control, rogue groups that do pretty much what they want and when they want.
He writes of freelance terror at page 38:

It has no command posts or headquarters to strike at, and attempts to counter it
through increased repression and collective punishment are likely to lead only to an
escalation in scale. It is neither controlled nor directed by the PLO, although of
course the PLO leadership is delighted with such evidence of a nationalist fervor
among Palestinian youth.

It doesn't matter who controls Yasir; he can't control everything they want him to.


A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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 A HREF=http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html;Archives of


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[CTRL] The Intelligence Examiner: The National Security Agency Revealed

2002-05-09 Thread iggy


Title: The Intelligence Examiner: The National Security Agency Revealed

Return to Table of Contents

World Surveillance Headquarters:
Dark Secrets of the National Security Agency
The National Security Agency (NSA) is the most dangerous, most secretive organization on planet Earth. One reliable intelligence source identifies this supersleuth, police state agency as World Surveillance Headquarters.

; Yet, surprisingly, only a handful of people are even aware of its existence.
 The NSA employs thousands of government bureaucrats, intelligence
 officials, military personnel, and technological specialists in a global-wide
 operation. Its headquarters -- closely guarded by U.S. Army security personnel
 at Fort Meade, Maryland -- is housed in the second largest building in the United States, surpassed only by the
 Pentagon in Washington, D.C. This huge, behemoth of a facility,
 appropriately enough, has been called the Puzzle Palace.
 The mission of the NSA, broad and all-encompassing, involves
 war planning, security investigations, classified materials control, and
 management of America's far-flung spy and intelligence network. The
 CIA, the State Department, even the White House and its occupants,
 take orders from the unseen chiefs at the NSA.
 The infamous activities and international crimes of France's intelligence service, Russia's KGB secret police, Israel's spy agency, the
 Mossad, Britain's MI-6, and Canada's Secret Intelligence Service (CSIS)
 can all be laid at the feet of America's notoriously evil National Security
 The whirring of the computers and the eerie sounds emanating
 from the ultra-classified, cryptographic machines inside the NSA's Puzzle
 Palace never cease. Twenty-four hours a day, the NSA hums along, its
 giant computer network correlating, deciphering, and analyzing data
 and reports from spy satellites, from remote telephone wiretaps and
 sensors, from international banks, from the 32 directorates of the United
 Nations, and from the bowels of the Secret Societies, the Vatican curia, and the various agencies of over 170 nations around the globe.

A rare photo of the heavily guarded National Security Agency (NSA) complex at Fort Meade, Maryland

 This hulking monstrosity is the fount of global evil for the New World Order,
 which some now euphemistically call the New Civilization. It is responsible for
 genocidal massacres of hundreds of thousands of people in Rwanda, Burundi, and
 Angola in Africa, for the brutal ethnic cleansing and killing camps in Bosnia,
 and for the bloody, experimental concentration camp operation run by NSA stooge
 Jim Jones of the Peoples Temple, in Guyana, South America.
 The National Security Agency is guilty of horrific, murderous, and barbaric acts of terrorism everywhere on planet
 Earth. With their so-called black budgets, the NSA and its inferior organizations sponsor, create, fund, and manage terror units and groups of all
 ideological stripes and shades.
 But the chief and most strategic mission of the labyrinth known as
 the National Security Agency is the development, construction, and oversight of the Beast 666 Universal Human Control System.
 Through its supervision of the Defense Advanced Research Projects
 Agency (DARPA), the NSA has been able to create and install a fabulous,
 global system of computers, satellites, telecommunications devices, and
 surveillance gadgetry. The men who plot behind the massive, locked
 doors of the NSA's Puzzle Palace have also spent as much as $250
 billion dollars -- spread over the past quarter of a century -- to create fantastic, high tech systems of human control.
 As you will discover in this mind-boggling, audiotaped investigative
 expos, these systems of control are so diabolically effective that only a
 mastermind could originally have conceived them. Can there really be
 any doubt about it? Is the Chief Executive Officer of the NSA a human
 being...or is this monstrous agency headed behind the scenes by Lucifer

World Surveillance Headquarters: Dark Secrets of the National
Security Agency
60 Minute Audiotape -- For Your Gift of $10 -- Order today using our online order form.
For faster service, please call our order line, toll free,
at 1-800-234-9673.

[CTRL] Scientists' deaths are under the microscope

2002-05-09 Thread Jei

-Caveat Lector-


Scientists' deaths are under the microscope



Saturday, May 4, 2002 - Print Edition, Page A1

It's a tale only the best conspiracy theorist could dream up.

Eleven microbiologists mysteriously dead over the span of just five
months. Some of them world leaders in developing weapons-grade
biological plagues. Others the best in figuring out how to stop
millions from dying because of biological weapons. Still others,
experts in the theory of bioterrorism.

Throw in a few Russian defectors, a few nervy U.S. biotech companies,
a deranged assassin or two, a bit of Elvis, a couple of Satanists, a
subtle hint of espionage, a big whack of imagination, and the plot is
complete, if a bit reminiscent of James Bond.

The first three died in the space of just over a week in November.
Benito Que, 52, was an expert in infectious diseases and cellular
biology at the Miami Medical School. Police originally suspected that
he had been beaten on Nov. 12 in a carjacking in the medical school's
parking lot. Strangely enough, though, his body showed no signs of a
beating. Doctors then began to suspect a stroke.

Just four days after Dr. Que fell unconscious came the mysterious
disappearance of Don Wiley, 57, one of the foremost microbiologists
in the United States. Dr. Wiley, of the Howard Hughes Medical
Institute at Harvard University, was an expert on how the immune
system responds to viral attacks such as the classic doomsday plagues
of HIV, ebola and influenza.

He had just bought tickets to take his son to Graceland the following
day. Police found his rental car on a bridge outside Memphis, Tenn.
His body was later found in the Mississippi River. Forensic experts
said he may have had a dizzy spell and have fallen off the bridge.

Just five days after that, the world-class microbiologist and
high-profile Russian defector Valdimir Pasechnik, 64, fell dead. The
pathologist who did the autopsy, and who also happened to be
associated with Britain's spy agency, concluded he died of a stroke.

Dr. Pasechnik, who defected to the United Kingdom in 1989, played a
huge role in Russian biowarfare and helped to figure out how to
modify cruise missiles to deliver the agents of mass biological

The next two deaths came four days apart in December. Robert
Schwartz, 57, was stabbed and slashed with what police believe was a
sword in his farmhouse in Leesberg, Va. His daughter, who identifies
herself as a pagan high priestess, and several of her fellow pagans
have been charged.

Dr. Schwartz was an expert in DNA sequencing and pathogenic
micro-organisms, who worked at the Center for Innovative Technology
in Herndon, Va.

Four days later, Nguyen Van Set, 44, died at work in Geelong,
Australia, in a laboratory accident. He entered an airlocked storage
lab and died from exposure to nitrogen. Other scientists at the
animal diseases facility of the Commonwealth Scientific and
Industrial Research Organization had just come to fame for
discovering a virulent strain of mousepox, which could be modified to
affect smallpox.

Then in February, the Russian microbiologist Victor Korshunov, 56, an
expert in intestinal bacteria of children around the world, was
bashed over the head near his home in Moscow. Five days later the
British microbiologist Ian Langford, 40, was found dead in his home
near Norwich, England, naked from the waist down and wedged under a
chair. He was an expert in environmental risks and disease.

Two weeks later, two prominent microbiologists died in San Francisco.
Tanya Holzmayer, 46, a Russian who moved to the U.S. in 1989, focused
on the part of the human molecular structure that could be affected
best by medicine.

She was killed by fellow microbiologist Guyang (Matthew) Huang, 38,
who shot her seven times when she opened the door to a pizza
delivery. Then he shot himself.

The final two deaths came one day after the other in March. David
Wynn-Williams, 55, a respected astrobiologist with the British
Antarctic Survey, who studied the habits of microbes that might
survive in outer space, died in a freak road accident near his home
in Cambridge, England. He was hit by a car while he was jogging.

The following day, Steven Mostow, 63, known as Dr. Flu for his
expertise in treating influenza, and a noted expert in bioterrorism,
died when the airplane he was piloting crashed near Denver.

So what does any of it mean?

Statistically, what are the chances? wondered a prominent North
American microbiologist reached last night at an international
meeting of infectious-disease specialists in Chicago.

Janet Shoemaker, director of public and scientific affairs of the
American Society for Microbiology in Washington, D.C., pointed out
yesterday that there are about 20,000 academic researchers in
microbiology in the U.S. Still, not all of these are of 

[CTRL] medical testing, CT law, St. Cloud

2002-05-09 Thread Smart News

-Caveat Lector-

this may be heavy for survivors

from Lynn Moss-Sharman - Inmates Want Payment for Experiments - Philadelphia
(AP) - One after another, former city prison inmates came forward, pointing
out scars they said were the marks of years of medical experiments in which
they served as guinea pigsA lawsuit filed in October 2000 on behalf of
298 former inmates claims the testing exposed the inmates to infectious
diseases, radiation, dioxin and psychotropic drugs -- all without their
informed consent. It names as defendants the city of Philadelphia; Dr. Albert
Kligman, a University of Pennsylvania dermatologist... and Johnson  Johnson
and the Dow Chemical Co., whose products were allegedly among those tested on
inmates. The medical testing at Holmesburg began in 1951 and didn't end until

Title: an Act Concerning Penalties for Sexual Assault of a Minor, Civil and
Criminal Statutes of Limitations in Sexual Assault Cases, Reporting and
Investigation of Child Abuse and Neglect, Disclosure of Communications Made
to a Member of the Clergy, Disclosure of Records of Teacher Misconduct and
Establishment of Sexual Offender Risk Assessment Boards.  Statement of
Purpose: To extend the time limit for charging a person with the sexual
abuse, sexual exploitation or sexual assault of a minor until thirty years
after the date the victim attains the age of majority.

Details still eerie 28 years after St. Cloud girls were slain - Curt Brown -
Star Tribune - 5/9/02 Eckroth has denied any wrongdoing. He could not be
reached Wednesday for comment. In the 1990s, at the insistence of the girls'
parents, he took and passed a polygraph test, the sheriff said.

A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Secret Societies, Bohemian Club, Bohemian Grove Herbert Hoover and San Francisco Secret Society Meetings - Shadow Government

2002-05-09 Thread iggy


Title: Secret Societies, Bohemian Club, Bohemian Grove  Herbert Hoover and San Francisco Secret Society Meetings - Shadow Government

Bohemian Grove
 Global Elite

Movers, shakers from politics,
business go Bohemian:
Annual Sonoma fete draws
Bushes , Kissinger , Powell , Gingrich
By Suzanne Bohan
Bee Correspondent
(Published Aug. 2, 1999)
MONTE RIO -- The Bohemian Club's Annual
Summer Encampment came to a close here Sunday, ending a two-week retreat
for the rich and powerful that President Herbert Hoover once called "the
greatest men's party on Earth." The club's famed annual gathering has been
held for more than 100 years at the 2,700-acre Bohemian Grove in Monte
Rio, about 70 miles north of San Francisco in Sonoma County. This year's
event drew in notables such as former President George Bush, Texas Gov.
George W. Bush, Henry Kissinger, retired Gen. Colin Powell, former House
Speaker Newt Gingrich and Dow Chemical Chairman Frank Popoff, as well as
actor Danny Glover.
The men gather to celebrate what they
call "the spirit of Bohemia," said Peter Phillips, a Sonoma State University
sociology professor who wrote his doctoral dissertation on the Bohemian
"This is a place men can go and hang out
with people who are similar to them," he said.
The annual gathering near the Russian
River, which was first held in 1879, starts with the "Cremation of Care"
ritual, in which the club's mascot is burned in effigy, symbolizing a freedom
from care. Members also perform several plays, and gourmet food and expensive
wine are plentiful.
While the club was formed in 1872 by a
group of San Francisco journalists, the male-only club now bars journalists
from membership to protect the group's privacy. Membership is coveted,
and people routinely wait 10 or 15 years before gaining admittance. There
are currently about 2,700 members.
The club has drawn criticism for years
because of its emphasis on privacy. What particularly concerns Phillips
and others are the "Lakeside Talks" held during the summer retreat. This
year, Powell was expected to deliver a talk titled "America's Promise Leading
Armies and Leading Kids," and Popoff, of Dow Chemical, was to give a speech
called "Environmental Journey."
"These are often public policy speeches,"
said Mary Moore, with Bohemian Grove Action Network, a protest group. "And
the American public is not privy to it."
No one from the club returned several
calls from The Bee.
Bohemian Grove Action Network has periodically
held demonstrations at the grove, although none were held this year.
The point of the protests, Moore said,
has been "to let the American public know that what they've learned in
civics isn't the full story on how decision-making . . . is made in this
country." The Bohemian Club, she said, "is one of the most elite organizations
on the planet."
When the group sponsors public policy
talks that are held without public scrutiny, "the average American feels
left out of the process," she said.
Phillips echoes Moore's objections to
the off-the-record nature of the Lakeside Talks.
"These are extremely powerful people and
private discussions on policy issues that affect us certainly go against
democratic principles," he said. "There's no reason that those speeches
they're giving couldn't be transcribed and made public. They have a responsibility
to be open about it."

More great info at Tony's Bilderberg Site
- bilderberg.org

Subject: [CTRL] Bohemian Club
Caveat Lector

Bohemian Club
The August 2, 1982 edition of Newsweek
magazine reported: "... the world's most prestigious summer camp - the
Bohemian Grove - is now in session 75 miles north of San Francisco. The
fiercely guarded, 2,700-acre retreat is the country extension of San Francisco's
all-male ultra-exclusive Bohemian Club to which every Republican President
since Herbert Hoover has belonged.
With its high-powered clientele, coveted
privacy and cabalistic rituals, the Bohemian Grove has prompted considerable
suspicion. ... The most important events, however are the "lakeside talks"
(past orators: Alexander Hague and Casper Weinberger). This year's speaker
was Henry Kissinger on The Challenge of the '80s."
Maclean's magazine, March 23, 1981 reported:
"Each summer, for three weekends - this year's will be the 103rd - nearly
2,000 Bohemians, with guests in tow, speed in by car and corporate jet
to their guarded Grove, close by the hamlet of Monte Rio (population 1,200)
on the Russian River. The Grove's Shakespearean motto, "Weaving spiders
come not here," is an injunction to forget wheeling and dealing which is
widely ignored. While 'ruling-class cohesiveness' rarely lets slip details
of accommodations arrived at there, some - such as the 1967 agreement by
Ronald Reagan, over a drink with Richard Nixon, to stay out of the coming
presidential race -
have helped mold America's destiny.
Oddly enough, reporters are barred from


2002-05-09 Thread William Shannon

Title: **Globe-Intel**

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Editor-in-Chief  Number

  Carol Adler   May 9, 2002


  Gordon Thomas


  Mark DankofDavid
McGowanJoseph Ehrlich

  John Kusumi Takashi
Thomas Tanemori



by Gordon Thomas

less than fifty words, George John Tenet destroyed the long career of his
predecessor, John Deutch.  He announced
to a stunned U.S. intelligence community that he had suspended for an indefinite
period the security clearance of the man who had groomed him for
office.  A CIA internal enquiry had found
Deutsch guilty of improperly storing national secrets in a desktop
computer at his home.

highly classified information was thirty-one documents relating to Iraq and the
1996 terrorist bombing in Saudi Arabia which killed 19 American troops.

had known what Deutch had done soon after coming into office a year ago. Deutch
had freely admitted he was guilty. He had told friends he expected a reprimand.
Instead, in those fifty words, Tenet had ensured that Deutch would never find
work again in Washington  or with any U.S. company
that would normally prize having a former intelligence chief on his payroll.

action is still viewed by many intelligence professionals around the world as a
definite attempt to shake off his image as the gentleman spy. It had dogged him
in his years as deputy-director of the CIA. Then he had worked hard to remain
out of public gaze. Where others in Washington boasted
of their role in the grinding pace of national destiny, Tenets strength
was in concealment.  He took pride in his
obscurity. If he knew something, he did not let on that he did. And nearly
everyone assumed he knew even more.

was the quintessential number two at the CIA, a man inured in its friendless
discipline. For years he had survived the corrosive rumors, the tales of
disgrace and ruined careers that had sent morale plunging at Langley. But
nothing had touched him personally.

the agency he had a reputation as a methodical and careful manager. In
everything he did there was a steady conformity with expectations.

his ruthless treatment of Deutch, the new director had remained an unknown
figure  often no more than a glimpse as his chauffeured Lincoln Continental
takes him from his Georgetown home to Langley.

mornings a week at 6:30 AM when only the tip of the Washington Monument is
touched by the morning light, the limousine passes beneath a bold
green-and-white overhead sign on the Virginia freeway
that proclaims that the Central Intelligence Agency is the next turn to the

CIA is the most conspicuous of the worlds secret intelligence services,
spreading itself over 219 acres of pleasant and partially wooded countryside
along the banks of the Potomac
 River. Its location, nine miles to the
northwest of the White House, has long made it a landmark for pilots landing at
Washingtons National Airport.

the Lincoln Continental, George John Tenet is outwardly deceptive.

sleek, highly-polished limousine looks like any other government car. But the
driver is a CIA officer who has passed the most demanding evasive driving course
in the world. By his knees, within instant reach, is a compartment containing a
loaded assault rifle.

cars amour has added some 2,000 pounds to the Lincolns
original weight. An armoured rear partition and windshield have been integrated
into the body shell. The doors are similarly armoured, as is the roof.

titanium-ceramic amour has been tested to withstand a 155 mm shell airbursting
overhead or a ten pound mine detonating under the chassis. All the windows have
been tested against .50 caliber armour piercing ammunition.

into the passenger compartment is an oxygen mask and a fire-suppression system,
a global position indicator accurate to within one metre and a jam-resistant
satellite communications terminal that can instantly reach the CIA
headquarters, the Pentagon or the Oval Office of the White House.

in the event of the limousines tires being shot out, the Lincoln would
still be able to maintain a speed of 60 mph on the steel rims of its wheels.

one other 

[CTRL] Who Controls The Federal Reserve System?

2002-05-09 Thread William Shannon

Who Controls The 
Federal Reserve System?
By Victor Thorn

Now that we know the Federal Reserve is a privately owned, for-profit corporation, a natural question would be: who OWNS this company? Peter Kershaw provides the answer in "Economic Solutions" where he lists the ten primary shareholders in the Federal Reserve banking system. 

1) The Rothschild Family - London 2) The Rothschild Family - Berlin 3) The Lazard Brothers - Paris 4) Israel Seiff - Italy 5) Kuhn-Loeb Company - Germany 6) The Warburgs - Amsterdam 7) The Warburgs - Hamburg 8) Lehman Brothers - New York 9) Goldman  Sachs - New York 10) The Rockefeller Family - New York 

Now I don't know about you, but something is terribly wrong with this situation. Namely, don't we live in AMERICA? If so, why are seven of the top ten stockholders located in FOREIGN countries? That's 70%! To further convey how screwed-up this system is, Jim Marrs provides the following data in his phenomenal book, "Rule By Secrecy." He says that the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, which undeniably controls the other eleven Federal Reserve branches, is essentially controlled by two financial institutions: 

1) Chase-Manhattan (controlled by the Rockefellers) - 6,389,445 shares - 32.3% 
2) Citbank - 4,051,851 shares - 20.5% 

Thus, these two entities control nearly 53% of the New York Federal Reserve Bank. Doesn't that boggle your mind? Now, considering how many trillions of dollars are involved here, and how the bankers are WAY above our "selected" officials in Washington, D.C., do you think the above-listed banks and families have an inordinate amount of say-so in how our country is being run? The answer is blindingly apparent. 

Where does the money come from? 

We all know that the Federal Reserve CORPORATION prints money - then loans it, at interest, to our government. But wait until you see what a total scam this process is. But before we get to the meat of this issue, let's remember one thing about the very essence of banking - primarily that money should have some type of standard upon which its value is based. In the case of America, we operate on what is called a "gold standard" (i.e. our money is backed by gold). 

So, with that in mind, let's look at how money is actually created, and at what cost. If the Federal Reserve wants to print 1,000 one-hundred ($100) bills, their total cost for ink, paper, plates, labor, etc. would be approximately $23.00 (according to Davvy Kidd in "Why A Bankrupt America"). Now, if you do the math, the total cost of 10,000 bills would be $230.00 ($.023 x 10,000). But, and here's the catch - 10,000 $100 bills equals $1,000,000! So, the Federal Reserve can "create" a million dollars, then LEND it to the U.S. Government (with interest) for a total cost of $230.00! That's not a bad deal, huh! 

The banking industry calls this process "seignorage." I call it outright THEFT. Why? Well, regardless of the immense profit margin ($1,000,000 for $230), plus the huge interest payments, our government then needs to STEAL the American people's money to payoff their debts via a Mob-like agency called the IRS. So the bankers steal from the government, then the government turns around and steals from the people. I'm no genius, but who do you think is getting screwed in this process? US - the people at the bottom rung of the ladder. 

What's worse is that - now catch your breath - there's NO MORE gold left in Fort Knox! It's all gone. In other words, the GOLD STANDARD that our financial system was based upon is now an illusion. We can't convert our money into gold --- only other currency. The entire underlying basis for our money is now a lie - a sham. The Federal Reserve has become so arrogant that they've become a literal MONEY MAKING MACHINE, creating currency out of thin air! So that's where the Fed gets their money - they literally make it, then lend it to us so they can make even MORE money off of it. 

Money As A Religion 

The above-detailed process has become so ridiculous that William Grieder, former assistant managing editor of the Washington Post, wrote a book in 1987 entitled, "Secrets of the Temple: How the Federal Reserve Runs the Country" that details how the Controllers have conditioned us to accept this absurd situation. 

"To modern minds," he writes, "it seemed bizarre to think of the Federal Reserve as a religious institution. Yet the conspiracy theorists, in their own demented way, were on to something real and significant. The Fed did also function in the realm of religion. Its mysterious powers of money creation, inherited from priestly forebears, shielded a complex bundle of social and psychological meanings. With its own form of secret incantation, the Federal Reserve presided over awesome social ritual, transactions so powerful and frightening they seemed to lie beyond common understanding." 

Mr. Grieder continues, "Above all, money was a function of faith. It 

[CTRL] Battelle, Alibek And Anthrax

2002-05-09 Thread William Shannon

Patricia Doyle Update - Battelle, 
Alibek And Anthrax

Storms In Stormville, NY... 

Many of you will remember that on Febuary 26, 2002 I did the Jeff Rense Program and announced my retirement from radio due to worsening Hepatitis C. 

I am sure that most of you who are familiar with my research and my health problems thought that I would continue my investigation, at a slower pace, of course, but, that I would be taking it easy. This was not the case as I will explain in this article. 

I was continuing to investigate the origin of the anthrax letter attacks as well as the deaths of the microbiologists. I had been attempting to document the theory that I put forth on the Feburary 26th Rense Program in which I theorized and alleged that Rumsfeld, Ken Alibek with cooperation of certain highly placed CIA agents were, indeed, behind the anthrax letter attacks. 

I had been trying to ascertain who received the very highly classified 1999 William Patrick Anthrax Risk Assessment report. According to my sources, very few people actually received and read the report. The Patrick Risk Assessment, dated 1999, assessed the risk of sending anthrax through the mail. 

William Patrick did not take into consideration the fact that the high speed sorting machines could puncture the anthrax ladden envelopes and therefore assessed the risk of anthrax dissemination as low to moderate. 

I belive that the William Patrick Risk Assessment was considered when the anthrax plot was being conceived. It was very obvious that the conspirators did not intend to contaminate preminses or to kill people. 

The anthrax letters were intended to bring attention to the need for bioterrorism preparedness, and more funding for bioterrorism projects, vaccines, as well as research. Furthermore, the letters were intended to prepare a public to be sufficiently scared and ready to accept public health laws that would virtually subvert the US Constitution. The anthrax letters were also used to open the purse strings of Congress. 

Of course, ulterior motives were to aid financially distressed bio/pharmaceutical companies who had taken some hard hits as tech stocks plummited. 

Ken Alibek's company, Hadron was one of those companies that benefited financially after the anthrax letter attacks. 

Vaccine companies also profited, such as Oravax Company, now known as Acambis and which received Govt. contracts for Smallpox vaccine as well as other bioterrorism vaccines. 

Battelle Medical Institue is also at the center of the Anthrax attacks and it is known that Ken Alibek and Hadron are associated with Battelle. Pharmaceutical Reasearch and Development hit pay dirt after the attacks. 

A few weeks after I did the Feb. 26th Rense Show and was in the process of continuing my investigations, making FOIA requests, problems began. My computer was hit with an extremely sophisticated computer virus. I had 4 experts working on the computer and after 4 weeks they finally had to give up and I lost virtually all of my research and documentation. 

Needles to say this was very upsetting. I had a plethora of very expensive antivirus software protection, but, the boot virus was unable to be overcome. One of the techs told me that the virus was an unidentified virus and he had never seen it before. He also said that it appeared to be one that the Government might have used. 

We could not even figure out how the computer became infected. Years of my life's work is all gone. This was extremely disheartening, yet, was not the only event to take place. 

I was speaking on the phone when all of a sudden the line went dead. The party to whom I was speaking called the phone company and was told that my line was out of service. I checked all three phone lines in my home and all were dead. About 15 minutes later, they came back, but have echos and clicks. 

I live in a rural area and there is a private air strip ajacant to my property. There has been much recent SUV and light truck activity to and from the air strip as well as daily helicopter activity. 

I have noted that one helicopter which flies over on a daily basis is a sleek black helicopter and has a large black rectanglular box under its midsection. It flies over at about 12 to 15 hundred feet. There have also been quite a few small aircraft in and out of the field which is not a normal occurrance. In the early stage of the events, a small plane flew over my home and circled around until I went outside to investigate. It then circled around and appeared to be in a nose dive into my home. It suddenly pulled back and did loops and other stunts. Quite amusing but very scarey. 

At one point, my phone rang and as I answered and said hello, I heard two men speaking. They sounded like they had tapped into my phone lines at two different spots along the wire. I continued to say hello, but they ignored me and continued their conversation. One man said that, "it would be easy 

[CTRL] Europe Wants To Deliver U.S. Mail!!

2002-05-09 Thread William Shannon

Europe Wants to Deliver U.S. Mail

Carter Dougherty writes in The Washington Times that The European Union is demanding that foreign companies be allowed to compete with the U.S. Postal Service. Europe also wants access to American markets for municipal water and waste services. It also will call for foreign companies to be given access to Small Business Administration loans. These demands will be formally presented to the U.S. government by the end of June. The Office of the U.S. Trade Representative will also present a list of U.S. demands to Europe later this year. 

Harry Freeman, a Washington-based analyst of trade negotiations, says the U.S. market is already open to foreign companies. "What the European Union is going after is pretty predictable," he says. "These are the clear bones of contention." 

Europe is renewing a long-standing demand that the United States allow foreign-owned ships to ferry lucrative cargo between U.S. ports, something that is prohibited by the Jones Act, which requires that these ships be built, owned and operated by Americans. A coalition of shippers, shipbuilders and maritime-state legislators has fought against efforts to change this law. 

The suggestion that foreign companies be allowed to deliver U.S. letters seems certain to face equally tough opposition. "We oppose this idea, as does the Postal Service and the other unions," says Sally Davidow, spokeswoman for the American Postal Workers Union. 

World negotiations on services are governed by General Agreement on Trade in Services, created in the early 1990s. It lays down rules for regulating services that affect such agencies as the Securities and Exchange Commission, the Federal Communications Commission and state insurance regulators. 

Opposition groups say the WTO negotiations could force cities to sell municipal utilities such as water and electricity and could put them in the hands of far-off corporations. Ruth Caplan, of the Alliance for Democracy, a group critical of the WTO, says, "From the mail we receive to the water we drink, the European requests show that our basic public services are under threat." 


[CTRL] US non-lethal weapon reports suppressed

2002-05-09 Thread William Shannon

US non-lethal weapon reports suppressed 
14:47 09 May 02 

Exclusive from New Scientist Print Edition  

Bugs that eat roads and buildings. Biocatalysts that break down fuel and plastics. Devices that stealthily corrode aluminium and other metals. These are just a few of the non-lethal weapons that the US has tried to develop, or is trying to develop.

But quite how close such weapons are to reality we may never know. The US National Academy of Sciences is refusing to release dozens of reports proposing or describing their development, even though the documents are supposed to be public records.

The academy is justifying its unprecedented reticence by citing security concerns after 11 September. But campaigners think the real reason is that the research violates both US law and international treaties on chemical and biological weapons.

The documents in question were collected in 2001 by a panel of academic and industry scientists set up by the NAS to evaluate recent non-lethal weapons research for the Pentagon's Joint Non-Lethal Weapons Program. The US took an increased interest in non-lethals after its disastrous peacekeeping mission in Somalia in 1993, when rioting civilians killed American soldiers.

The panel, whose report is due out later in 2002, collected 147 reports and proposals from researchers, many of them funded by the JNLWP. One group at Oak Ridge National Laboratory in Tennessee, for example, proposes using intense electromagnetic fields to produce effects "ranging from the disruption of short-term memory to total loss of control of voluntary bodily functions". Others propose directed energy weapons.

Off the record 

In March, as is usual with non-classified studies by the NAS, they were deposited with the academy's Public Access Records Office, and their titles were released (see table). "These documents are supposed to be public," says Ed Hammond of the Sunshine Project, a group campaigning against biological weapons. When he asked the records office to see 77 of the documents, it agreed to hand them over.

"But two days later the NAS pulled the documents," says Hammond. "Kevin Hale, the NAS security officer, told me it was because someone had expressed concern." Who did so is not clear. The pressure for the clampdown does not appear to have come from the JNLWP itself, because last week it sent Hammond eight documents he had requested, including three on the NAS list.

New Scientist could not get hold of Hale. "We are still formulating our response to the Sunshine people," is all an assistant would say. But the few reports that Hammond did obtain make interesting reading. 

In 2000, New Scientist revealed that senior officials in the JNLWP want to rewrite the chemical and biological weapons treaties to give themselves more freedom to develop non-lethal weapons. The reports make it clear that research that violates the treaties has been under way since the 1990s.

Eating tarmac 

One 1998 funding application from the Office of Naval Research proposes creating genetically engineered microorganisms that would corrode roads and runways, and produce "targeted deterioration of metal parts, coatings and lubricants of weapons, vehicles and support equipment, as well as fuels".

The plan was to isolate genes for enzymes that attack materials such as Kevlar, asphalt, cement, paints or lubricants, and put them into microbes that churn them out in large quantities. The bugs were to be engineered to self-destruct after wreaking havoc. 

It is not clear how many of these ideas have actually been realised. But the group has already patented a microorganism that would decompose polyurethane, "a common component of paint for ships and aircraft", including stealth anti-radar coatings.

Another 1998 proposal, from a biotech lab at Brooks Air Force Base near San Antonio in Texas, was to refine "anti-material biocatalysts" already under development. One of these involved a bacterial derivative that breaks down organic molecules such as fuels and plastic. 

Stink bombs 

The proposal claims that such substances are exempt from biological warfare restrictions. But that is not true, argues Mark Wheelis of University of California, Davis. 

The Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention of 1972 prohibits the "development, production, stockpiling or acquisition of biological agents or toxins" other than for peaceful purposes. What is more, last year the US itself introduced a law banning the possession of bioweapons, including microbes designed to attack materials.

The withheld documents also include proposals to use stink bombs, sedatives and opium derivatives as weapons, which Wheelis thinks would contravene the Chemical Weapons Convention of 1992. This prohibits "any chemical which ... can cause death, temporary incapacitation or permanent harm". 

Debora MacKenzie

[CTRL] Bullets 1 2 3

2002-05-09 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-

From http://www.consortiumnews.com/archive/bullet.html

The Consortium Archive

Silver Bullet Series

A Look at Dirty Tricks in American Politics

 'Silver Bullet' (Part 1): Bill Clinton's 'Treason' -- A look at behind-the-scenes 
tricks used by George Bush to question candidate Clinton's patriotism in the 1992
elections. (3-28-96)
'Silver Bullet' (Part 2): Whitewater's Long Haul -- Is Whitewater a legitimate scandal
that deserves our national attention, or just a slow-developing GOP dirty trick? (4-12-
 'Silver Bullet' (Part 3): Czech-ing on Bill -- With the electoral clock ticking down 
1992, Bush campaign headquarters sought derogatory information from Prague's
secret police in an attempt to question Clinton's patriotism. (4-27-96)


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Believe only after careful observation and analysis, when you find that it
agrees with reason and is conducive to the good and benefit of one and all.
Then accept it and live up to it.
The Buddha on Belief, from the Kalama Sutta
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[CTRL] The Senior Bush

2002-05-09 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-

From http://www.consortiumnews.com/2000/111300c.html

November 13, 2000

Who Should Concede?

Page 1, 2, 3

The Senior Bush

The Nixonian strategies carried over into the campaigns mounted by George H.W.
Bush in 1988 and 1992. The elder Bush's dark side came out most glaringly when he
was in what he called “campaign mode.”

The general election campaign against Michael Dukakis in 1988 stands as one of the
nastiest in U.S. history, with Bush playing the race card by exploiting Willie Horton, 
black inmate who raped a white woman while he was on a Massachusetts prison

Bush charted a similar course in 1992, with the goal of destroying Bill Clinton’s
reputation and winning re- election by political default. The strategy, managed by
then-White House chief of staff James Baker, involved searching Clinton's passport
files looking for dirt to use against the Democratic candidate.

Documents at the National Archives show that Bush was personally involved in this
silver bullet strategy aimed at portraying Clinton as disloyal to his country or 
even a
pawn of Soviet bloc intelligence.

In an interview with federal prosecutors, Bush acknowledged that he was nagging
his aides to press a sensitive investigation into Clinton's student travels to the 
Union and Czechoslovakia. Bush also expressed strong interest in rumors that
Clinton had sought to renounce his U.S. citizenship.

Bush then described himself as indignant that his aides failed to discover more
about Clinton's student activities. But Bush stopped short of taking responsibility for
the apparently illegal searches of Clinton's passport records.

Hypothetically speaking, President Bush advised that he would not have directed
anyone to investigate the possibility that Clinton had renounced his citizenship
because he would have relied on others to make this decision, the FBI interview
report read. He [Bush] would have said something like, 'Let's get it out' or 'Hope the
truth gets out'.

The documents depict President Bush as raging, Nixon-like, about political enemies,
demanding action and then counting on his subordinates to ignore some of his more
outrageous ideas. When the subordinates didn't and a political crisis followed, Bush
coolly distanced himself from the fallout.

But the documentary record now makes clear that Bush was the driving force behind
this search for a “silver bullet” to destroy Bill Clinton. [For more details, see Bush
Family Politics.]

When the passport caper backfired in early October 1992 with disclosure of the State
Department search, the Bush campaign suffered one of its rare setbacks. Some
inside the Bush administration, including James Baker, saw the scandal as an
element in Bush's eventual defeat at the hands of Bill Clinton.

After the election, more disclosures prompted calls for a special prosecutor. Fearing
a spreading scandal, a distraught Baker contacted Bush on Nov. 16. According to
Bush's diary, Baker was worried that it's going to end up on his door step.

Though the Washington Establishment held Baker in high regard, Baker had been
implicated in another famous electoral dirty trick, the purloining of President 
debate briefing book during the 1980 campaign.

Increasingly nervous, Baker tried to submit a letter of resignation on Nov. 20, but
Bush refused to accept it. Jim Baker came in here this morning about 10:30 deeply
disturbed and read to me a long letter of resignation all because of this stupid
passport situation, Bush wrote in his diary.

When a special prosecutor was named, the Bush administration was lucky because
Supreme Court Chief Justice William Rehnquist had ousted a moderate Republican,
Judge George MacKinnon, who had picked Lawrence Walsh to investigate the Iran-
contra scandal.

Rehnquist had replaced MacKinnon with U.S. Appeals Court Judge David Sentelle,
one of President Reagan's conservative judicial appointees and a protégé of Sen.
Jesse Helms, R-N.C. Sentelle recruited a fellow Reagan appointee, former U.S.
Attorney Joseph diGenova, to act as the independent counsel.

DiGenova's investigation confirmed many of the facts of the case, but it ultimately
cleared the Bush administration of wrongdoing. Although the evidence once more
pointed to a Republican effort to use illegal means to influence the outcome of a
presidential election, the Democrats again acquiesced to a finding of Republican

The Danger of False History

Over the past 40 years, what has emerged from these complementary tendencies –
the Nixon/Republican strategy of hardball politics and the Democrats’ desire to avoid
confrontations – is something akin to an abusive marriage in which one party harms
the other but is forever excused amid rationales about what is good for the family.

While the Democrats may view their complicity in concealing these Republican
political crimes as “good for the country,” the pattern has not contributed to an
informed electorate, the bedrock 

[CTRL] Bullet 1

2002-05-09 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-

From http://www.consortiumnews.com/archive/bullet1.html

'Silver Bullet' (Part 1): Bill Clinton's 'Treason'

By Robert Parry

September 1992 was a grim time for the Republican Party. George Bush's re-
election, which only a year earlier seemed assured by his Persian Gulf victory, was in
grave danger. Over the summer, Bill Clinton and his bus tours had built a double-digit
lead. President Bush was struggling to explain why he wanted a second term.

As the election clock ticked down, Bush's operatives saw little hope unless they could
find a silver bullet, a Clinton scandal so vile that it would take out the Comeback 
once and for all. In mid-September, that possibility arose with rumors of a nearly
treasonous act by Clinton, that as a young anti-Vietnam War activist and Rhodes
scholar, the Democratic nominee had tried to renounce his American citizenship.
Senior Republicans seemed untroubled by the fact that there was no evidence to
support this ugly smear.

This renunciation story began to take shape on July 30, 1992, when Michael
Hedges, a reporter for the right-wing Washington Times, submitted a Freedom of
Information Act request to the FBI. The FOIA sought FBI records on Clinton's anti-
war activities in the 1960s and 1970s. The FOIA fit with the vague rumors that had
circulated for months that Clinton had tried to gain citizenship from another country 
avoid the draft.

In early September 1992, Hedges approached his friend, David Tell, to request help
from the Bush administration for an expedited search of Clinton's files. Tell, a young
Republican activist, was director of Opposition Research at the Bush re-election
campaign. In that position, Tell headed the division that dug up dirt on opponents, a
dark art known in political circles as oppo. Already, Tell had investigated a number
of rumors about Clinton and even probed the work record of Clinton's mother when
she was a nurse in Louisiana.

On Sept. 16, 1992, Tell typed a memo about Hedges's FOIA request and took it to
Bush's campaign manager Fred Malek. With Malek's blessing, Tell sent the memo to
Robert Teeter, chairman of the Bush re-election campaign. Teeter, in turn, passed
on the gist of Tell's memo to the so-called core group of top White House officials
and campaign insiders who jointly were coordinating President Bush's re-election

The political potential of the renunciation rumor didn't escape James Baker, then-
White House chief of staff. Baker, a smooth-talking Texas lawyer and a Bush
confidante, knew the story would revive doubts about Clinton's fitness for office.

Baker's Dubious Legacy

Though highly regarded in Washington for his political acumen, Baker had left
footprints through some of the nastier electoral games of the era. He was a chief
suspect in the theft of President Carter's debate briefing book in 1980. Baker had run
the mean-spirited Bush campaign in 1988, when false rumors were spread about
Michael Dukakis's mental health and the Willie Horton race card was played. Baker
personified the winning-is-everything school of politics.

So, after the core group meeting on Sept. 16, 1992, Baker discussed the
Washington Times's FOIA request with his top aides, Janet Mullins and Margaret
Tutwiler. Baker then personally took the issue to White House legal counsel C.
Boyden Gray, another Bush loyalist. Gray recalled that Baker wanted to know if the
White House could speed up the FBI response to the FOIA on this alleged
renunciation or proposed renunciation of citizenship.

The excitement over this possible silver bullet was energizing others, too, in the
senior echelon of the Bush administration. Gray contacted Timothy Flanigan,
assistant attorney general for the Office of Legal Counsel at the Justice Department.
The two officials hashed over the possibilities.

Flanigan advised Gray that the FBI likely would rebuff any pressure to speed up the
FOIA request -- and that release of such personal material would violate the Privacy
Act. Gray then mused that perhaps someone could examine Clinton's passport files
on national security grounds. That would be hard, Flanigan explained, because
Clinton already had national security clearances.

On Sept. 25, 1992, little more than a month before the Nov. 3 election, Baker was
back on the phone to one of Gray's deputies, John Schmitz. Baker was pressing for
an answer on the FOIA question. At 6:08 that evening, according to Baker's notes,
Gray called Baker back. Gray passed on the bad news that expedited handling of the
FOIA wouldn't fly. Baker then gave Gray more details about the suspicion that
Clinton had written a letter while at Oxford asking how he could renounce his country
and become a British citizen.

Holy Cow, maybe I'd better take another look at it, Gray responded, according to
Baker's memo to the file. In the same memo, Baker wrote to himself that he was
asking Gray to do nothing that was not completely legal. For his part, Gray said he

[CTRL] Thought Reform Exists: Organized, Programmatic Influence

2002-05-09 Thread William Shannon

Thought Reform Exists: Organized, Programmatic Influence
("Thought Reform" throughout this article can be read as synonymous with "Brainwashing"  "Coercive Persuasion".) 

Margaret Thaler Singer, Ph.D.

Recently, cult apologists have attempted to create the impression that the concept of thought reform has been rejected by the scientific community. This is untrue.

As recently as May of this year, the new Diagnostics and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-IV) published by the American Psychiatric Association cites thought reform as a contributing factor to "Dissociative Disorder Not Otherwise Specified" (a diagnosis frequently given to former cult members). Thought reform (notes 1,2,3 below) and its synonyms brainwashing and coercive persuasion (4.5) were also noted in DSM-III (1980) and is DSM-III revised (1987), as well as in widely recognized medical texts (6.7).

Thought reform is not mysterious. It is the systematic application of psychological and social influence techniques in an organized programmatic way within a constructed and managed environments (5,7,8,9,10). The goal is to produce specific attitudinal and behavioral changes. The changes occur incrementally without its being patently visible to those undergoing the process that their attitudes and behavior are being changed a step at a time according to the plan of those directing the program. 

In society there are numerous elaborate attempts to influence attitudes and modify behavior. However, thought reform programs can be distinguished from other social influence efforts because of their totalistic scope and their sequenced phases aimed at destabilizing participants' sense of self, sense of reality, and values. Thought reform programs rely on organized peer pressure, the development of bonds between the leader or trainer and the followers, the control of communication, and the use of a variety of influence techniques. The aim of all this is to promote conformity, compliance, and the adoption of specific attitudes and behaviors desired by the group. Such a program is further characterized by the manipulation of the person's total social environment to stabilize and reinforce the modified behavior and attitude changes. (8,9,10)

Thought reform is accomplished through the use of psychological and environmental control processes that do not depend on physical coercion. Today's thought reform programs are sophisticated, subtle, and insidious, creating a psychological bond that in many ways is far more powerful than gun-at-the-head methods of influence. The effects generally lose their potency when the control processes are lifted or neutralized in some way. That is why most Korean War POWs gave up the content of their prison camp indoctrination programs when they came home and why many cultists leave their groups if they spend a substantial amount of time away from the group or have an opportunity to discuss their doubts with in intimate (11).

Contrary to popular misconceptions (some intentional on the part of naysayers), a thought reform program does not require physical confinement and does not produce robots. Nor does it permanently capture the allegiance of all those exposed to it. In fact, some persons do not respond at all to the programs, while others retain the contents for varied periods of time. In sum, thought reform should be regarded as "situationally adaptive belief change that is not subtle and is environment-dependent". (8,10)

The current effort by cult apologists to deny thought reform exists is linked to earlier protective stances toward cults in which apologists attempted to deny the cults' active and deceptive recruitment practices, deny the massive social, psychological, financial, spiritual and other controls wielded by cult leaders and thus dismiss their often destructive consequences.

These earlier efforts to shield cults from criticism rest on a seeker theory of how people get into cults, which overlooks the active and deceptive tactics that most cults use to recruit and retain members. When bad things happened to followers of Jim Jones or David Koresh, the twisted logic of some apologists implied that these "seekers" found what they wanted, thus absolving the cult leader and his conduct.

Finally, to promulgate the myth that though reform has been rejected by the scientific community, cult apologists doggedly stick to faulty understanding of the process contrary to findings in the literature, they  that physical coercion and debilitation are necessary for thought reform to occur, and that the effects of thought reform must be instant, massive, uniform, universally responded to, and enduring. 

The recent upholding of thought reform in DSM-IV is but one more piece of evidence that this orchestrated process of exploitative psychological manipulation is real and recognized within the professional psychiatric field. To say then that the concept of 

[CTRL] F.B.I. Says Pre-Sept. 11 Note Got Little Notice

2002-05-09 Thread Joshua Tinnin

-Caveat Lector-


F.B.I. Says Pre-Sept. 11 Note Got Little Notice

WASHINGTON, May 8 - Robert S. Mueller III, the director of the Federal
Bureau of Investigation, acknowledged today at a Senate hearing that his
agency had paid too little attention to a July 2001 memorandum written by an
F.B.I. agent in Phoenix who detected a disturbing pattern of Middle Eastern
men attending American flight training schools

Should we have done more in terms of the Phoenix E.C.? Mr. Mueller said of
the memorandum, referring to it as an electronic communication. Yes.

Several Democratic senators at the Judiciary Committee hearing criticized
what they said was the bureau's tepid response to the memorandum's
conclusions, suggesting that the F.B.I.may have missed a chance, two months
before the attacks, to investigate Arab men at American flight schools.

Only one paragraph of the classified memorandum has been made public. But
government officials have said the bureau agent concluded in the document
that a number of Arab men with possible ties to terrorism had attended
flight schools. He urged the bureau to conduct a nationwide review.

Today, Mr. Mueller defended the agency's handling of the memorandum. He said
that the memorandum mentioned several people by name but that none were
found to have had any ties to the 19 hijackers. One or more may still be
under investigation, and some could have ties to terrorist groups.

He made a recommendation that we initiate a program to look at flight
schools, Mr. Mueller said of the agent. That was received at headquarters.
It was not acted on by Sept. 11th. I should say in passing that even if we
had followed those suggestions at that time, it would not, given what we
know since Sept. 11, have enabled us to prevent the attacks of Sept. 11.

Mr. Mueller said the recommendation to investigate Middle Eastern men in
flight schools was regarded at the time as a monumental undertaking without
any specificity as to particular persons, the individuals who were being

But some senators seemed unwilling to accept Mr. Mueller's assurances and
the prickly exchanges between Mr. Mueller and Democratic senators indicated
how sentiment in Congress had swung sharply away from the prevailing mood
after the attacks. Back then, lawmakers seemed unwilling to criticize
agencies, like the bureau and the Central Intelligence Agency, which were
trying to thwart fresh attacks.

Under questioning, Mr. Mueller said he doubted that the memorandum was
reviewed at a senior level by agency directors. He said he did not believe
that the memorandum had been sent to the joint C.I.A.-F.B.I.
counterterrorism center. Mr. Mueller added that he did not believe that the
agents who investigated Zacarias Moussaoui, whom the government says was
intended to be the 20th hijacker, in August had been told of the Phoenix

Senator Dianne Feinstein, Democrat of California, said the memorandum was
much more consequential than many of them that I read on almost a daily
basis now, much fuller, much more descriptive. Ms. Feinstein added, It was
something that perhaps should have gone right to the director of the F.B.I.,
and perhaps he should have even sent it to the president.

John Edwards, Democrat of North Carolina, said, The American people are
entitled to know why red flags were ignored, and I think the F.B.I. has a
lot of explaining to do.

Richard J. Durbin, Democrat of Illinois, said, I believe the Phoenix memo
is going to come to be one of the most important documents in our national
debate about whether we did enough to protect America from the attack of
Sept. 11th.

Bush administration officials have said they had no evidence that any agency
had warning of the attacks, but today's hearing indicated that Democrats
were willing to challenge those assertions.

The questions are surfacing as Congress prepares for joint hearings on the
performance of counterterrorism agencies in the months before to the
hijackings. Investigators are examining the files and have conducted
meetings with the F.B.I.

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That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] Hamas

2002-05-09 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-

From http://www.time.com/time/world/article/0,8599,188137,00.html

Tuesday, Dec. 11, 2001
Hamas Explained
TIME.com's guide to the radical Palestinian movement threatening to eclipse Yasser

What is Hamas, and how does it operate?

Hamas is the religious-political-military organization at the center of the current
showdown between Israel and Yasser Arafat's Palestinian Authority (PA). Defined as
a terrorist organization by Israel, the U.S. and the European Union because of its
suicide attacks on Israeli civilians, it has nonetheless emerged as a potent and
popular challenger to Arafat's own authority.

Hamas opposed the Oslo peace process from the outset because it involved
recognizing Israel's existence, and set about trying sabotaging that process by
sending waves of suicide bombers into Israeli cities in the mid-1990s. The
organization's ultimate goal is to create an Islamic state in all of pre-1948 
which includes all of Israel. But its short-term objective is to drive the Israelis 
out of
all territories they conquered in June 1967 — the West Bank, including East
Jerusalem, and Gaza.

The organization is best known for the exploits of its military wing, the Izzedine Al
Qassam brigades. These operate entirely on a clandestine basis, and are currently
believed to include up to 500 young volunteers for suicide missions. They are
organized into small, discreet cells with multiple leadership structures that can
quickly replace leaders eliminated by the Israelis or arrested by the PA.

But one of the keys to Hamas's popularity is its large-scale welfare arm. Hamas
provides educational, medical and other desperately needed welfare services in
impoverished West Bank and Gaza towns and refugee camps, creating a marked
contrast with the image of corruption and cronyism most Palestinians have of
Arafat's administration. The welfare arm also cares for the families of suicide
bombers and others who have died fighting the Israelis, making suicide bombing a
macabre form of life insurance in impoverished Palestinian communities. The social
services performed by Hamas also create a pretext for the massive funding the
organization receives from Muslim charities throughout the Persian Gulf and beyond.

In contrast to the large political and welfare arms of Hamas, its smaller rival Islamic
Jihad consists entirely of clandestine cells. The organization shares Hamas's
opposition to the peace process and its preference for suicide bombings as a tactic,
but its entirely underground operation leaves it shaded by the larger Hamas.

How is Hamas different from Yasser Arafat's Palestine Liberation Organization

The PLO is an umbrella organization that has been overwhelmingly secular since its
inception. Today it remains dominated by the secular nationalists of Yasser Arafat's
Fatah organization. Before Oslo, the PLO's affiliate organizations, which included
smaller leftist groups such as the PFLP and DFLP, operated from exile in the Arab
world. The PLO's various factions maintained small guerrilla wings that periodically
carried out terror attacks against Israeli targets, and also operated illegal
underground structures in the West Bank and Gaza.

Hamas emerged as a direct rival to the secular in PLO in the West Bank and Gaza in
1987. Whereas the Israeli military authorities had banned PLO organizations from
operating openly there, it consciously allowed Hamas — whose activities did not at
that time include armed actions — to flourish as an alternative to Arafat, who
remained Israel's primary enemy at the time. But Hamas's active role in the first
intifada led to Israel banning the organization in 1989 and imprisoning its founder,
Sheikh Ahmed Yassin.

The Oslo Accord switched things around. Arafat became Israel's partner in peace
and the Fatah leadership was brought home to run the Palestinian Authority; Hamas
found itself alongside Islamic Jihad and Arafat's erstwhile leftist allies in 
rejecting the
agreement. But by now Hamas was a large, well- established section of Palestinian
political society, which Arafat could not simply wish away.

Its opposition to Oslo kept Hamas from challenging Arafat in the 1994 elections for
the PA. It did, however, challenge and resoundingly defeat Fatah in many student
council elections in the West Bank and Gaza. Still, there was always dialogue
between the PA and Hamas, and periodic uneasy, silent agreements between them.
In 1996, Hamas unleashed a wave of deadly bombings that killed 60 Israelis in eight
days, prompting Arafat to clamp down heavily — some 1,000 Palestinians were
arrested and the PA even ousted Hamas from some of its mosques. Later, the
organizations appear to have negotiated a modus vivendi. While Hamas won't
abandon terrorist actions against Israel, it has periodically agreed, for example, to
refrain from sending suicide bombers into Israel for defined periods. While it refuses
to accept the PA as an 

[CTRL] The Israeli 'Art Student' Mystery (2 of 2)

2002-05-09 Thread William Shannon

Rodriguez added, "I think the investigators' take is this: What were these 'students' doing going around accessing buildings without authorization, tracking undercover cops to their homes -- if not for some sort of intel mission? It's sort of a mind-fuck scenario, if one were to believe this was a conspiracy by a foreign intel source and/or a bunch of nutty 'kids' fucking around just to see how far they could push the envelope -- which they seem to have pushed pretty damn far, given the page after page after page of intrusions and snooping alleged." 

The Israeli embassy denies the charges of a spy ring. "We are saying what we've been saying for months," spokesman Mark Reguev told Salon, referring to the Fox series in December. "No American official or intelligence agency has complained to us about this. The story is nonsense. Israel does not spy on the United States." 

Whether or not the "art students" are Israeli spies, Reguev's blanket disavowal is untrue: Israel does spy on the United States. This should come as no surprise: Allies frequently spy on each other, and Israeli intelligence is renowned as among the best and most aggressive in the world. Israel has been at war off and on since its birth as a nation in 1948 and is hungry for information it deems essential to its survival. And America's relationship to Israel and support for it is essential to the survival of the Jewish state. Add these things up, and espionage against the United States becomes understandable, if not justifiable. 

The U.S. government officially denies this, of course, but it knows that such spying goes on. In 1996, the U.S. General Accounting Office issued a report indicating that "Country A," later identified as Israel, "conducts the most aggressive espionage operation against the United States of any U.S. ally." A year earlier, the Defense Investigative Service circulated a memo warning U.S. military contractors that "Israel aggressively collects [U.S.] military and industrial technology" and "possesses the resources and technical capability to successfully achieve its collection objectives." The memo explained that "the Israelis are motivated by strong survival instincts which dictate every facet of their political and economic policies." 

In the history of Israeli espionage in and against the United States, the case of Jonathan Pollard was certainly the most heinous. Pollard, a civilian U.S. naval intelligence analyst, provided Israeli intelligence with an estimated 800,000 pages of classified U.S. intelligence information. The Israelis in turn passed the information to the Soviets, compromising American agents in the field -- several of whom were allegedly captured and killed as a result. Israel at first denied, and then admitted, Pollard's connections to the Mossad after he was arrested in 1985 and imprisoned for life. The case severely strained American-Israeli relations, and continues to rankle many American Jews, who believe that since Pollard was spying for Israel, his sentence was unduly harsh. (Other American Jews feel equally strongly that Pollard and the Israelis betrayed them.) 

Any attempt to understand the official U.S. response to the Israeli art student mystery -- and to some degree, the media response -- must take into account both the smoke screen that states blow over incidents that could jeopardize their strategic alliances, and America's unique and complex relationship with Israel. The Jewish state is a close if problematic ally with whom the United States enjoys a "special relationship" unlike that maintained with any other nation in the world. But U.S. and Israeli interests do not always coincide, and spying has always been deemed to cross a line, to represent a fundamental violation of trust. According to intelligence sources, the United States might perhaps secretly tolerate some Israeli spying on U.S. soil if the government decided that it was in our interest (although it could never be acknowledged), but certain types of spying will simply not be accepted by the United States, whether the spying is carried out by Israel or anyone else. 

If England or France spied on the United States, American officials would likely conceal it. In the case of Israel, there are far stronger reasons to hide any unseemly cracks in the special relationship. The powerful pro-Israel political constituencies in Congress; pro-Israel lobbies; the Bush administration's strong support for Israel, and its strategic and political interest in maintaining close ties with the Jewish state as a partner in the "war against terror"; the devastating consequences for U.S.-Israeli relations if it was suspected that Israeli agents might have known about the Sept. 11 attack -- all these factors explain why the U.S. government might publicly downplay the art student story and conceal any investigation that produces unpalatable results. 

The pro-Israel lobby is a vast and powerful force in 

[CTRL] The Israeli 'Art Student' Mystery (1 of 2)

2002-05-09 Thread William Shannon

The Israeli 'Art Student' Mystery
By Christopher Ketcham 

For almost two years, hundreds of young Israelis falsely claiming to be art students haunted federal offices -- in particular, the DEA. 

No one knows why -- and no one seems to want to find out. 

May 7, 2002 | In January 2001, the security branch of the U.S. Drug Enforcement Agency began to receive a number of peculiar reports from DEA field offices across the country. According to the reports, young Israelis claiming to be art students and offering artwork for sale had been attempting to penetrate DEA offices for over a year. The Israelis had also attempted to penetrate the offices of other law enforcement and Department of Defense agencies. Strangest of all, the "students" had visited the homes of numerous DEA officers and other senior federal officials. 

As a pattern slowly emerged, the DEA appeared to have been targeted in what it called an "organized intelligence gathering activity." But to what end, and for whom, no one knew. 

Reports of the mysterious Israelis with an inexplicable interest in peddling art to G-men came in from more than 40 U.S. cities and continued throughout the first six months of 2001. Agents of the DEA, ATF, Air Force, Secret Service, FBI, and U.S. Marshals Service documented some 130 separate incidents of "art student" encounters. Some of the Israelis were observed diagramming the inside of federal buildings. Some were found carrying photographs they had taken of federal agents. One was discovered with a computer printout in his luggage that referred to "DEA groups." 

In some cases, the Israelis visited locations not known to the public -- areas without street addresses, for example, or DEA offices not identified as such -- leading authorities to suspect that information had been gathered from prior surveillance or perhaps electronically, from credit cards and other sources. One Israeli was discovered holding banking receipts for substantial sums of money, close to $180,000 in withdrawals and deposits over a two-month period. A number of the Israelis resided for a period of time in Hollywood, Fla. -- the small city where Mohammed Atta and three terrorist comrades lived for a time before Sept. 11. 

In March 2001, the Office of the National Counterintelligence Executive (NCIX), a branch of the CIA, issued a heads-up to federal employees about "suspicious visitors to federal facilities." The warning noted that "employees have observed both males and females attempting to bypass facility security and enter federal buildings." Federal agents, the warning stated, had "arrested two of these individuals for trespassing and discovered that the suspects possessed counterfeit work visas and green cards." 

In the wake of the NCIX bulletin, federal officials raised several other red flags, including an Air Force alert, a Federal Protective Services alert, an Office of National Drug Control Policy security alert and a request that the Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS) investigate a specific case. Officials began dealing more aggressively with the "art students." According to one account, some 140 Israeli nationals were detained or arrested between March 2001 and Sept. 11, 2001. Many of them were deported. According to the INS, the deportations resulted from violations of student visas that forbade the Israelis from working in the United States. (In fact, Salon has established that none of the Israelis were enrolled in the art school most of them claimed to be attending; the other college they claimed to be enrolled in does not exist.) After the Sept. 11 attacks, many more young Israelis -- 60, according to one AP dispatch and other reports -- were detained and deported. 

The "art students" followed a predictable modus operandi. They generally worked in teams, typically consisting of a driver, who was the team leader, and three or four subordinates. The driver would drop the "salespeople" off at a given location and return to pick them up some hours later. The "salespeople" entered offices or approached agents in their offices or homes. Sometimes they pitched their artwork -- landscapes, abstract works, homemade pins and other items they carried about in portfolios. At other times, they simply attempted to engage agents in conversation. If asked about their studies, they generally said they were from the Bezalel Academy of Arts and Design in Jerusalem or the University of Jerusalem (which does not exist). They were described as "aggressive" in their sales pitch and "evasive" when questioned by wary agents. The females among them were invariably described as "very attractive" -- "blondes in tight shorts or jeans, real lookers," as one DEA agent put it to Salon. "They were flirty, flipping the hair, looking at you, smiling. 'Hey, how are you? Let me show you this.' Everything a woman would do if she wanted to get something out of you." Some agents noted that 

[CTRL] Sharon: U.S. Helped End Jenin Probe

2002-05-09 Thread Samantha L.

-Caveat Lector-


Sharon: U.S. Helped End Jenin Probe

By Steve Weizman
Associated Press Writer
Monday, May 6, 2002; 9:28 PM


WASHINGTON –– Likening Israel's fight in the Mideast to the U.S. campaign
against al-Qaida terrorists, Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon on Monday
credited the Bush administration with helping scuttle plans for a U.N.
inquiry into the Israeli attack on the Jenin refugee camp.

We could have been trapped in a very complicated situation, Sharon said in
an evening speech to the Anti-Defamation League, a Jewish organization.
Insisting there had been no massacre at Jenin, Sharon said President Bush,
Secretary of State Colin Powell and other U.S. officials had been influential
in helping get the fact-finding mission disbanded.

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