[CTRL] Now US opposes UN anti-torture protocol--REPORT

2002-07-25 Thread Jei

-Caveat Lector-

-Original Message-
From: International Justice Watch Discussion List
On Behalf Of Kathy Kadane
Sent: Wednesday, July 24, 2002 10:35 PM
Subject: Now US opposes UN anti-torture protocol--REPORT

U.S. trying to block U.N. vote on anti-torture plan


By DAFNA LINZER, Associated Press

UNITED NATIONS (July 24, 2002 2:26 p.m. EDT) - Concerned about the
possibility of independent visits to U.S. civilian and military prisons, the
United States sought Wednesday to block a vote on a U.N. plan meant to
enforce a convention on torture.

The United States wants negotiations on the plan reopened, a move human
rights groups say could kill the proposal, which they believe is essential
to ending torture around the world.

Debate on the anti-torture plan was underway Wednesday in the U.N. Economic
and Social Council, known as ECOSOC, and a vote was expected in the

However, the United States had submitted a proposal to block the vote and it
wasn't clear whether the council would agree to the U.S. request for
open-ended talks on the current text and the process connected with it.
Among the U.S. concerns is language that could allow for international and
independent visits to U.S. prisons and to terror suspects being held by the
U.S. military at Guantanamo Bay Naval Base in Cuba.

A U.S. official, speaking on condition of anonymity, said allowing outside
observers into state prisons would infringe on states' rights.
Another problem, the official said, is the issue of access to suspected
al-Qaida and Taliban fighters captured in Afghanistan and being held in the
war on terrorism.

The anti-torture proposal enjoys wide support among Western European and
Latin American countries. But conservative Muslim states that shun outside
intervention are likely to back the U.S. request in order to stave off a

Human rights advocates argue that the optional protocol is essential to
enforce an international convention on torture passed 13 years ago and since
ratified by about 130 countries, including the United States. Countries are
supposed to enforce the convention on their own, but rights groups argue
that that isn't working everywhere.

A vote against the optional protocol would be a disastrous setback in the
fight against torture, said Martin MacPherson, head of Amnesty
International's legal program. People were tortured or ill-treated by
authorities in 111 countries last year, according to an Amnesty report.
Activists fear that if the United States succeeds in reopening the
negotiations it will mean a kiss of death, for the protocol, said Rory
Mungoven of the New York-based Human Rights Watch.

This protocol would create a more pro-active mechanism that includes visits
to prisons and other preventive measures which would help enforce the
convention, Mungoven said.

The protocol, which has been under negotiation for a decade, would be an
optional, supplementary document. According to the text, the objective of
the protocol is to establish a system of regular visits undertaken by
independent and national bodies to places where people are deprived of their
liberty, in order to prevent torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading
treatment and punishment.

If the protocol is approved, it moves to the General Assembly where it would
need to be approved by a majority of the 190 member states. Then, it will
require 20 ratifications before it can go into force.

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That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] Cheney the Chain Gang

2002-07-25 Thread Euphorian

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World Socialist Web Site www.wsws.org

WSWS : News  Analysis : North America

Profiteering and the war on terrorism: Cheney’s former firm cashes in on US 

By Joseph Kay
25 July 2002

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An important component of the growing political crisis within the United States is the 
relationship between
Vice President Dick Cheney and Halliburton Corp., the Fortune 500 oil services and 
construction company
Cheney headed between 1995 and 2000. In addition to accusations of accounting fraud, 
recent reports have
detailed the lucrative relationship between Halliburton and the American military. 
Cheney’s old firm has been
a major beneficiary of the expansion of US military operations around the world in the 
aftermath of
September 11.

Over the past several months, the Halliburton subsidiary Kellogg, Brown  Root (KBR) 
has been involved in a
$16 million project to construct cells at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba for alleged Taliban and 
Al Qaeda fighters
captured in Afghanistan. In Uzbekistan, KBR has a contract to run camps at the 
Khanabad air base, which
has been used extensively in the Central Asian war. Within Afghanistan, the company 
has been hired to
provide services at the Force Provider military camp.

These are only the most significant of Halliburton’s recent operations, and they are 
only the first of what will
likely be many contracts landed by the company in connection with the militarist 
policies of the American
government. According to a Pentagon press release, Halliburton has secured a 10-year 
contract designated
as “cost-plus-award-fee, indefinite-delivery/indefinite- quantity service.” This means 
the company has an
unlimited contract that guarantees reimbursements on stated costs in addition to a 
percentage award—a
sure source of profit and hundreds of million of dollars in potential revenue.

The history of Halliburton reflects the deepening of ties between the American 
business—especially the oil industry—and the military. It is a prime example of what 
President Eisenhower
once termed the “military-industrial complex,” and it is Cheney who, perhaps more than 
any other individual,
personifies this relationship.

As a construction company, Halliburton has traditionally worked primarily for the oil 
industry, erecting oil
wells, pipelines and the like for major oil companies such as Chevron, Texaco and 

For several decades, however, it has also aided in various military projects. It 
helped build bases in Vietnam
and built a naval air station in Texas. The company was one of the main contractors in 
the construction of the
Diego Garcia air base in the Indian Ocean, which has been crucial for American 
military operations in
Afghanistan and elsewhere. For the most part, up until the 1990s, these government 
contracts were of
secondary importance and did not form a major part of the company’s revenue.

It was in the early to mid-1990s that the company’s military contracts grew rapidly in 
number and size.
According to articles written in May of this year by Pratap Chatterjee of CorpWatch, a 
group that monitors
business practices, Halliburton was hired in 1992 by the government to present a 
report on the advisability
and feasibility of privatizing certain army functions, such as constructing camps and 
providing food for
soldiers The report—for which the company was paid nearly $9 million—was commissioned 
by the Defense
Department, then headed by Cheney, who was serving in the administration of the elder 
George Bush.

Of course, Halliburton recommended that such privatization go ahead, and became a 
chief beneficiary of the
process. The privatization was one of the largest carried out by the military, and 
became a windfall for the
construction company.

Two-and-a half years after leaving his job at the Pentagon, following Bush’s loss to 
Clinton in the 1992
election, Cheney became chief executive officer of Halliburton, the very company that 
had benefited so
handsomely from Cheney’s government actions. Cheney had no prior history in business 
administration or the
construction industry. His sole qualification was his close relationship with the 
military establishment.
According to the current CEO of the company, David Lesar, Cheney “never pitched a 
particular contract or
closed a piece of business. He opened the door.”

In addition to Cheney, Halliburton hired Cheney’s chief of staff from his Pentagon 
years, David Gribben, who
became the company’s chief liaison with the Defense Department. Gribben left with 
Cheney in 2000 to
become director of congressional relations for the Bush-Cheney transition team. 
Gribben was replaced at
Halliburton by Joe Lopez, a retired four-star general, former commander-in-chief of US 
forces in southern
Europe, and close associate of Cheney. Richard Armitage, the current assistant 
secretary of state, is a
former Halliburton consultant.

[CTRL] Hanks' Latest Glorification of Losers

2002-07-25 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-

World Socialist Web Site www.wsws.org

WSWS : Arts Review : Film Reviews

Filthy lives have filthy consequences

Road to Perdition, directed by Sam Mendes

By Joanne Laurier
25 July 2002

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Road to Perdition, directed by Sam Mendes, screenplay by David Self, based on the 
graphic novel by Max
Allan Collins and Richard Piers Rayner

Director Sam Mendes’ Road to Perdition is the officially-approved US film of the 
moment, overwhelmingly
endorsed by the media and starring “America’s favorite actor,” Tom Hanks. An unstated 
assumption is that
the movie’s pedigree makes it an obligatory cultural or quasi- cultural experience for 
certain social layers. It is
a gangster film with darkened images meant to impart an art-house quality. Set in the 
early Depression era, it
is also insinuated that a social insight or two can be found lurking in the shadows.

Road to Perdition, even more than Mendes’ previous much-acclaimed film, American 
Beauty, is fool’s gold.
The filmmaker has once again wrapped up crude banalities in shiny tin foil. But at 
least the latter film made
some pretense at critiquing American materialism and careerism.

Adapted from the comic-book novel (the third major film adaptation of a graphic novel 
this year!) by Max
Allan Collins and Richard Piers Rayner, the film centers on father-son relationships 
in the upper echelons of
an Irish mob in Rock Island, Illinois in 1931. Michael Sullivan (Tom Hanks) is the 
right-hand man and surrogate
son of gang chief John Rooney (Paul Newman). Sullivan’s older son, Michael Jr., 
witnesses his father and
Rooney’s son Connor (Daniel Craig) machine gun dissident gang members.

Connor’s long-time jealousy toward Sullivan now finds an “excusable” outlet: he kills 
Sullivan’s wife and
younger son, whom he mistakes for the young Michael. Michael Sr., knowing that Rooney 
will protect Connor,
turns to the Capone gang, run by Frank Nitti (Stanley Tucci), in Chicago. Although 
Sullivan is viewed as an
asset and commands much respect from his underworld cronies, Nitti is protecting 
Connor and hires a killer to
dispatch the unrelenting elder Sullivan. The Michaels, father and son, head for a 
relative’s home in a town
called Perdition, hotly pursued by Maguire (Jude Law), a psychotic assassin who kills 
his victims and then
photographs them. The Sullivan’s six-week journey and struggle for survival form the 
film’s core.

The biggest problem with Road to Perdition is that it is false from beginning to end. 
In the first place, the film
depicts some imaginary breed of gracious and principled gangsters. In an early 
sequence, Sullivan comes
home to his beautifully understated house, with an adoring wife and two perfectly 
normal children waiting for
him. It is the picture of an ordinary middle class family. One forgets, or is intended 
to forget, that prior to
walking across the threshold Michael Sullivan has been out murdering people for his 
equally charming and
respectable gangland boss, John Rooney.

A description in the movie’s screenplay highlights this point. Michael Jr. is 
“watching in silence, cautious yet
fascinated by the mysteries of a father’s ritual. ... Sullivan removes his cufflinks 
and places them in a box of
his personal things ... removes his tie and gracefully lays it on the bed ... takes 
off his jacket, revealing a
holstered COLT 45, removes the holstered gun and places it on the bed.” In fact, this 
loving father and
husband is nicknamed “The Angel of Death.”

The portrayal of mob czar Nitti as a respectable and fair-minded businessman is 
equally ridiculous and
reprehensible. Nitti, known as The Enforcer, ran the crime syndicate while Capone was 
in prison in late 1920s
and early 1930s (he eventually committed suicide in 1943). This is the sort of company 
Nitti kept:

“In 1933, Frank Nitti’s leading labor terrorist, Three Fingers Jack White, recruited 
Fur Sammons to help fight
the Touhy gang in the labor wars of 1933.

“It was an excellent choice, Sammons was a certified psychopath and a killer and he 
took enormous pride in
both these facts. He specialized in labor terror although, like White, Sammons’ record 
was long and varied.

“In 1900 Sammons and four others kidnapped an eleven-year-old schoolgirl off the 
street, raped her and
than beat her so savagely she almost died. The girl weighed 85 pounds. They broke her 
nose, punched out
one of her eyes, and stabbed her in the vaginal area with a pencil” [John William 
Tuohy, Just Plain Crazy].

Whether Nitti was also a psychopath (like Capone and Sammons), or merely employed 
them, Mendes’
characterization is a travesty. In the film’s production notes, the director justifies 
his irresponsible
glamorization: “I wanted to put a lie to some of the perceived notions about 
gangsters. You will see no
double-breasted pinstripe suits, no spats, only one machine gun, and that has a very 
specific and unusual

[CTRL] True Colours

2002-07-25 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-

From http://www.guardian.co.uk/israel/comment/0,10551,762756,00.html

Of babies and butchers

Sharon's bomb explodes in his face

Thursday July 25, 2002
The Guardian

This is a tale of babies and butchers. One baby is, or was, Dina Matar, aged two 
months, killed by Israel's air
strike in Gaza. Her tiny corpse, paraded obscenely through the streets on Tuesday, is 
offered up as a symbol
of Palestinian suffering. It provides a harrowing image, reproduced around the world. 
It will not be quickly
forgotten or forgiven. It does Israel's cause incalculable damage. Far less visible is 
the corpse of the baby
without a name. He was born prematurely to Yehudit Weinberg after she was critically 
injured in a Palestinian
attack on a civilian bus in the West Bank on July 16. The baby lived a mere nine 
hours. But he, too, should
not be forgotten. His murder was just as awful, just as reprehensible. It besmirches 
the name of Palestine.

In this story of infanticidal tit-for-tat, the butchers are not hard to identify. The 
West Bank attack was
claimed by, among others, Hamas. The head of Hamas's military wing was Salah Shehada, 
target of Monday's
Israeli strike. Israel links him, with reason, to a string of atrocities including 
last year's Tel Aviv disco bombing
(21 dead) and last March's Netanya hotel massacre (29 dead). Shehada was a dedicated 
enemy of peace, an
apparently remorseless killer whose methods undermined and betrayed the very quest for 
which he fought.
He was a butcher of innocents. Even so, Shehada should not have been assassinated. One 
day he might
have been made to answer for his crimes - and, perhaps, to repent his role in the 
death of Yehudit
Weinberg's baby.

The man principally to blame for the carnage that attended Shehada's killing is Ariel 
Sharon. Israel's prime
minister long ago declared his determination to hunt down the perpetrators of 
terrorist attacks. He hailed
Monday's hit as a great success despite the civilian toll of 14 dead and 160 
wounded. It was Mr Sharon,
with defence minister Binyamin Ben-Eliezer, who personally authorised the strike and, 
specifically, the means
employed- an F-16 armed with a one-ton bomb. And it was Mr Sharon who initially 
opposed issuing an
apology or even an expression of regret as the scale of civilian casualties became 

Mr Sharon's office subsequently tried to shift the blame, claiming army intelligence 
had said there were no
civilians in the area. Yesterday, amid a fierce outcry in Israel as well as 
internationally, Mr Sharon's officials
were reportedly arguing that doveish Shimon Peres and other cabinet members approved 
assassination and knew how, although not when, it would be done. Such wriggling is 
contemptible. The prime
minister's personal, primary culpability is plain. Even by his low standards, Mr 
Sharon went too far in Gaza on
Monday, just as he did with his repellent demolition of lives and homes in Jenin camp 
last April, just as he did
in Beirut back in 1982. In ordering an air strike on a block of flats in a crowded 
residential area, Israel's
unworthy leader acted recklessly and with an irresponsible, callous disregard for the 
consequences. This,
too, was a premeditated butchery of innocents. This was why Dina Matar died.

Mr Sharon's lethal lack of judgment is well-known. But another, sinister explanation 
of his behaviour is
possible. Saudi, European and Palestinian sources credibly suggest Hamas and similar 
groups were close to a
landmark statement ending the suicide bombings in return for withdrawal and a halt to 
assassinations. Israeli
officials dismiss this contention as, after Gaza, they must. Others however will not. 
Deliberate sabotage of
the peace process may soon be added to the Sharon charge-sheet. Perhaps he, unlike 
Shehada, will one day
get time to repent.

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Always do sober what you said you'd do drunk. That will teach you to keep your mouth 
--- Ernest Hemingway

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major and minor effects spread 

[CTRL] Sand Doin'z

2002-07-25 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-

From http://www.guardian.co.uk/israel/comment/0,10551,762659,00.html

Inside story

Lines in the sand

Israeli architect Eyal Weizman won a competition to represent his country at an 
international conference. But
the invitation was abruptly cancelled when it was discovered that his work criticised 
Israel's illegal settlements
in the West Bank. He talks to Esther Addley about the politically loaded nature of 
planning in the region

Esther Addley
Thursday July 25, 2002
The Guardian

Eyal Weizman smooths out his map across his enormous desk and turns expectantly for a 
response. He
knows it's impressive, just as he knows it's bewildering. The product of 11 months' 
labour in collaboration with
the human rights organisation B'tselem, the Israeli architect has produced his own 
representation of the West Bank, with every settlement and every settler road, each 
expropriated field and
each Palestinian village to which it once belonged, all marked in different shades of 
blue, brown and green.
The midnight blue smudges, the settlement areas, he calls the stains. The occupied 
Palestinian area
resembles nothing so much as a sickly pockmarked kidney.

It is extraordinarily detailed, almost unfathomably so, and that is partly Weizman's 
point. If you thought the
Israeli/Palestinian conflict was fiendishly complicated, he is saying, you are wrong: 
it is much more complex
than that. And intentionally so. Complexity was always a propaganda technique of 
Israel. Whenever you
speak to an Israeli politician and you say, 'Well, why don't you retreat', they say, 
'Oh, it's far too complex'.
So the territorial aspect of the conflict has become very much the domain of experts, 
and that was what
Israel wanted. If you are not an expert, everything you argue they can tell you, 'Oh, 
it's unfeasible.'
Whereas we want people to understand, we want to make it as clear as possible.

Unashamedly of the Israeli left, the 31-year-old, who also lectures at the Bartlett 
School of Architecture in
London, says he set out to critique the policy of illegal settlements not primarily 
with moral or legalistic
arguments, but having reached his conclusions from architectural examination. If you 
are an architect and
you understand that the main manifestation of this conflict is through the landscape 
and the built
environment, it is almost your responsibility to act vis a vis that. It would be 
bizarre now for me to engage
just within a normal architectural practice in Israel, building houses and so on.

That reluctance, however, is where the trouble began. Earlier this year, along with 
his partner in his Tel Aviv
practice, Rafi Segal, Weizman won a national competition to curate the Israeli stand 
at the World Congress of
Architecture, a biannual event taking place in Berlin this week. Their exhibition, The 
Politics of Israeli
Architecture, undertook the first detailed examination of the spatial form of Israeli 
settlements in the West
Bank, examining how their physical layout is informed by the politics behind them. The 
catalogue to the
exhibition is illustrated with scores of unsettling, but quite beautiful, photographs 
of settlements taken by the
architects themselves while overflying the whole region. It also contains detailed 
blueprints for the layout of
settlements, documents explicitly called masterplans by their creators and 
supposedly in the public domain,
but which the pair had to threaten going to the Israeli courts in order to be able to 

No one at the Congress will see them, however. Earlier this month, Weizman and Segal's 
stand at the WCA
was abruptly cancelled by the Israeli Association of United Architects. Uri Zerubavel, 
the association's head,
told the Israeli newspaper Ha'aretz last week, The association thinks that the ideas 
in the catalogue are not
architecture. Heaven help us if this is what Israel has to show. As though only 
settlements... were built
here... My natural instincts tell me to destroy the catalogues, but I won't do that. I 
won't burn books.

The association has insisted, however, that Weizman and Segal stop distributing the 
catalogues immediately.
(They have refused and it will be published by Babel in Tel Aviv next month.)

The architects insist that the IAUA knew the content of the exhibition, but concede 
that the material it
contains is potentially controversial. We realised that we could understand the 
processes of human rights
violations not only in quantified space that has been taken, in statistical terms, but 
that it is the very form
and layout of settlements on the urban level, and their positioning within the terrain 
on a territorial level, that
is in breach of basic human rights.

But how can a small town full of civilians infringe people's human rights? If you 
look at the layout of
settlements, they are always built on hilltops. People know that, but they may not 
realise that they also are
built in rings, over the summit, in a way 

Re: [CTRL] Now US opposes UN anti-torture protocol--REPORT

2002-07-25 Thread c.

-Caveat Lector-

what a fucking joke. every day nearly we see more of Amerika's decline into
a world dictatorship.

the ideals established with the creation of the states are either being made
a mockery of- or else this is all part of the plan.

and i keeping thinking of the fact that amerikan seem to be the only people
that are so convinced and so heavily opinionated abut their country being
the best place to live in, i just don't see brits and germans and french
people being so taken in by their countries own hype. there seems to be a
realism and healthy cynicism regarding their country and their politicians.
highlighting this is the reaction to george michael's video recently.  just
watching this woman- so earnest- telling Michae;l that when he criticises
george bush then he is in fact criticising the country and the people too,
that he is attacking america.
how fucking sad laughable, etc...
the nationalist fever in amerika is obscene.
you got attacked (allegedly) by a group of terrorists.
big fucking deal.
 the way it is being dealt with shows the immaturity of amerika as a state.
welcome to the real world where forign policy dictates the reactions to that

- Original Message -
Sent: Thursday, July 25, 2002 9:47 AM
Subject: [CTRL] Now US opposes UN anti-torture protocol--REPORT

 -Caveat Lector-

 -Original Message-
 From: International Justice Watch Discussion List
 On Behalf Of Kathy Kadane
 Sent: Wednesday, July 24, 2002 10:35 PM
 Subject: Now US opposes UN anti-torture protocol--REPORT

 U.S. trying to block U.N. vote on anti-torture plan


 By DAFNA LINZER, Associated Press

 UNITED NATIONS (July 24, 2002 2:26 p.m. EDT) - Concerned about the
 possibility of independent visits to U.S. civilian and military prisons,
 United States sought Wednesday to block a vote on a U.N. plan meant to
 enforce a convention on torture.

 The United States wants negotiations on the plan reopened, a move human
 rights groups say could kill the proposal, which they believe is essential
 to ending torture around the world.

A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:
 A HREF=http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html;Archives of


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[CTRL] Village Life

2002-07-25 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-


Sunday, July 21, 2002

Beloved Community
REPUBLIC OF DREAMS: Greenwich Village: The American Bohemia, 1910-1960, By Ross 
Wetzsteon, Simon 
Schuster: 620 pp., $35


 Greenwich Village! Those two words conjure up a rush of images. Narrow, winding 
streets defiantly at
odds with the grid pattern imposed on the rest of Manhattan in the early 19th century. 
Tiny theaters
presenting plays no commercial producer would touch. Precariously financed magazines 
publishing articles so
incendiary in language, so blunt that the contributors frequently found themselves in 
court. Smoky coffee
shops crowded with people dressing and behaving in ways that would never have been 
tolerated in the
hometowns they had fled.
 For more than a century, the Village gave refuge to the nation's misfits, 
enfolding them in a community
that embraced individual eccentricity. This community may now seem fragmented, 
dispersed to New York
City's outer boroughs as rents skyrocket and the investment bankers move in, but 
fragmentation, dispersal
and gentrification are nothing new. Greenwich Village isn't what it used to be, 
critic and editor Ross
Wetzsteon reminds us, was uttered as early as 1916.
 Wetzsteon's sweeping yet intimate history of America's most famous bohemian 
neighborhood is,
regrettably, both the first and last book he wrote. (He edited two collections of 
plays.) The intelligence, wit
and shrewd analytical abilities that distinguish Republic of Dreams will be familiar 
qualities to those who read
Wetzsteon's theater reviews and essays in the Village Voice during the three decades 
before his death in
 The structural flaws of the narrative's second half may be attributed in part to 
the fact that he didn't live
to finish or revise the manuscript; his daughter Rachel's afterword states that he 
planned a final chapter
bringing the story up to the present. However, it's unlikely that chapter would have 
resolved these technical
problems, which spring from the author's generous spirit and ambitious desire to 
encompass the entire Village
experience. Like the rebels he profiles with such sympathy and acuity, Wetzsteon's 
successes and failures
are inextricably intertwined.
 To begin with the good news, he has written the best account to date of the 
explosion of artistic and
political energy between 1912 and 1917 that has been called everything from the 
joyous season to the
lyric years. Wetzsteon achieves a delicate equilibrium of abiding affection and 
clear-eyed criticism as he
examines such outsized personalities as Mabel Dodge, John Reed, Max Eastman, Emma 
Goldman, Margaret
Sanger, Jig Cook and Eugene O'Neill, with long-overdue attention paid to lesser- known 
women like Crystal
Eastman and Mary Heaton Vorse.
 Through such seminal, though short-lived, institutions as The Masses magazine and 
the Provincetown
Players, he argues, this generation gave shape to the amorphous notion of what it 
meant to be a bohemian
in America and located its geographic center: Young men and women dissatisfied with a 
small-town or middle-
class life but only vaguely attuned to the insurgent sensibility began to hear tales 
of an almost mythical place
called Greenwich Village ... where people pursued love and beauty and justice without 
having to respond to
parental invocations of responsibility.
 Many writers, particularly academics, have condescended to the prewar Villagers' 
exuberant but
intellectually sloppy intermingling of socialism, feminism, Freudianism, modernism and 
any other -ism they
could find. Popular histories such as Allen Churchill's The Improper Bohemians, 
while more sympathetic,
have tended to jovially trivialize the rebellion as a simple expression of youthful 
high spirits, which is hardly a
full assessment of the risks of lengthy jail terms knowingly taken by Sanger when she 
disseminated birth-
control information or by The Masses editors when they opposed in print the United 
States' entry into World
War I.
 Wetzsteon avoids both of these traps. He's well aware that his subjects 
alternated between the frivolous
and the fearless, and he's particularly shrewd on the role played by their 
well-publicized antics (climbing to
the top of Washington Square Arch to declare the Village a free and independent 
republic is typical) in
establishing a common phenomenon of the twentieth century--success measured not by 
praise but by
 But he values their espousal of personal liberation as a political principle, 
spotlighting it as an enduring trait
of American dissidence in all its varieties: Wasn't heightened consciousness the path 
both to individual
happiness and social justice? Change yourself and change the world--the agenda of the 
Lyrical Left in the
prewar Village may have been naive but it was hardly modest.
 That all-encompassing ethos 

[CTRL] NYTimes.com Article: Arrest Made in Wildfire in Sequoia Forest

2002-07-25 Thread Tenor Love

-Caveat Lector-

This article from NYTimes.com
has been sent to you by [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Arrest Made in Wildfire in Sequoia Forest

July 25, 2002

JOHNSONDALE, Calif., July 24 - A woman was arrested today
after law enforcement officials concluded that she was the
person who announced in a convenience store on Sunday that
she had just set a wildfire that threatens some of the
world's oldest trees.

It's taken them three days to find her, said Jim Paxon, a
spokesman for the Forest Service's incident command team
that is in charge of battling the fire.

The blaze, called the McNalley fire, grew to more than 85
square miles today and was within striking distance of at
least two groves of giant sequoias near Johnsondale, a
hamlet on the western flank of the fire. It was also
expanding to the north, east and south and was just 5
percent contained.

The people in the store were kind of shell shocked, Mr.
Paxon said in an interview, recalling the reaction to the
woman's confession. A lady walked in, said she'd had a
fight with her boyfriend and that she'd started a fire -
and walked out.

The woman, Teri D. VanBrunt, was being held in Bakersfield,
and it was expected that she would be transferred to Fresno
on Thursday.

More than 1,500 firefighters, aided by 11 helicopters, 7
air tankers and about 20 bulldozers, continued to battle
the flames, which swept across parched forested hillsides
this afternoon within sight of Johnsondale, which lies at
4,720 feet in the southern, mountainous reaches of the
Sequoia National Forest.

The two sequoia groves most threatened, known as Packsaddle
and Cunningham, both filled with towering trees hundreds of
years old, were safe for the time being this afternoon, but
fire officials emphasized that everything depended on the
vagaries of the wind, and the good fortune of the

This fire is still expanding in all four directions, Mr.
Paxon said at the command center in Kernville, 27 miles
south of here. You really have to see what Mother Nature

Still, Mr. Paxon, who gained a certain fame with television
audiences during the Rodeo-Chediski fire last month in
Arizona for his careful, somewhat folksy explanations of
the science of fighting fires, said he was encouraged that
the McNalley fire's rate of expansion seemed to have

The fire began on Sunday afternoon in a camping area by the
Kern River and quickly plowed through the nearby Road's End
Lodge and three houses.

Within 45 minutes it was in Johnsondale, five miles away,
said Danny Randall, a Bureau of Land Management employee
who was assigned to the McNalley command team from his post
at Tent Rocks National Monument in New Mexico.

At least three of the most devastating fires so far this
year - the Hayman blaze in Colorado, the Rodeo-Chediski
fire in Arizona and this one - were apparently started by
humans and not by lightning or other natural causes.

The person charged with starting the Colorado fire worked
in fire prevention for the Forest Service. Officials said
the Rodeo fire was set by an out-of-work firefighter who
wanted to insure that he got a jobs, and the Chediski fire,
with later merged with the Rodeo one, was sparked by a lost
hiker trying to get the attention of a helicopter pilot.

Here in California, an escorted drive through the fire area
showed now-customary scenes of abandoned towns, trailers
and houses, and ash-filled moonscape hillsides that had
once been filled with verdant, if dry, brush and swaying

Rounding a curve in the road from Kernville, a wall of fire
was clearly visible on a ridge. It moved swiftly up the
hillside in the 95-degree afternoon, scorching the brush,
pines and firs it touched. A little farther, thick columns
of smoke poured from vegetation on a steep mountainside and
spiraled into the sky.

The danger of more fire continued.

There's a monsoonal
influence that's bringing the possibility of thunderstorms,
which could bring dry lightning, said Karen Guillemin, a
fire prevention specialist with the California Department
of Forestry.

The fire, fueled by wind blowing through the Kern River
Canyon, could still move around, catching firefighters
unaware, Ms. Guillemin said.

The wind always blows up the canyon during the day, and at
night in the other direction, she said. With a thunder
cell over it, it could be very dangerous.

Here in Johnsondale, a handful of employees of a lakeside
resort were permitted to return today, three days after
their evacuation, to make sure the place was safe and
sound. It was.

I pretty much grabbed what I could and high-tailed it
out, said Michael Stefan, 21, a security guard who has
lived in a trailer for one and a half years. The fire
missed my trailer by about 60 feet.


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[CTRL] Huge US Army Simulation 'Exercise' To Begin In 26 States

2002-07-25 Thread Tony Dickinson

-Caveat Lector-

Would the experiment thus involve members of 'the enemy culture' then ?
Maybe the 'Taliban Prisoners' being held in Cuba' or others currently
being held in the USA are schedulled to be involved.
I would be interested to know who the subjects of the personalities with
such measurable reactions are to be, and what criteria will be used to
evaluate the (simulated ?) effects being exercised.


 The Pentagon is also aware that it is essential to balance military might
 with diplomatic and economic action. It is essential, for example, to know an
 enemy's culture, their personality, and how they might react, said the

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Re: [CTRL] Huge US Army Simulation 'Exercise' To Begin In 26 States

2002-07-25 Thread c.

-Caveat Lector-

- Original Message -
From: Tony Dickinson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, July 25, 2002 4:18 PM
Subject: [CTRL] Huge US Army Simulation 'Exercise' To Begin In 26 States

 -Caveat Lector-

 Would the experiment thus involve members of 'the enemy culture' then ?


 Maybe the 'Taliban Prisoners' being held in Cuba' or others currently
 being held in the USA are schedulled to be involved.

no point

 I would be interested to know who the subjects of the personalities with
 such measurable reactions are to be

the amerikan public?

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[CTRL] Fwd: [corp-focus] Push Back

2002-07-25 Thread RoadsEnd

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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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-Caveat Lector-

Push Back
By Russell Mokhiber and Robert Weissman

Let the corporate criminals take over Wall Street.

And investors flee the market.

Hello criminals.

Goodbye market.

Pollute nature.

And nature confronts the polluters.

Push the people to the edge of their misery, and the people push back.

In Escravos, Nigeria, 600 women seized control of the ChevronTexaco oil

The unarmed women villagers threatened to remove their clothes -- a
traditional shaming gesture aimed at humiliating ChevronTexaco.

Despite its great oil wealth, the Niger Delta is among the poorest --
and most polluted -- places in West Africa.

Chevron has neglected us, says Felicia Itsero, 67, one of the
protesting women. They have neglected us for a long time. For example,
any time spills occur, they don't do proper clean-up or pay
compensation. Our roofs are destroyed by their chemical. No good
drinking water in our rivers. Our fishes are killed on daily basis by
their chemicals, even the fishes we catch in our rivers, they smell of
crude oil. (see www.moles.org)

In West Virginia, the coal industry, which for generations has
controlled West Virginia, is trying to jam through a special session of
the state legislature a new law that would allow coal trucks to carry
120,000 pounds of coal -- up from the previous limit of 80,000. There
goes traffic safety. There go the roads.

Last week, the Charleston Gazette, the state's leading newspaper,
referring to the protests in Nigeria, wrote this:

This drain the wealth pattern (in Nigeria), the essence of colonialism,
smacks of the way out-of-state coal corporations treat West Virginians.
We wonder if a naked protest (in West Virginia) would accomplish

Last week, Julia Butterfly Hill, was arrested and deported from Ecuador.
(see www.amazonwatch.org)

Hill was protesting an Occidental oil pipeline being built through a
nature reserve. The pipeline faces massive opposition from indigenous
communities that would be affected.

She was roughed up. She was taken in the morning to the airport escorted
by 10 police officers and then forced to board a plane to Panama.

Hill gained worldwide recognition in the late 1990s after spending two
years camped atop a redwood tree in northern California to save it from
being cut down. In Ecuador, she met with the Mindo community, which
staged a three-month tree sit to block construction of the pipeline.

And as we write, Diane Wilson, a fourth generation shrimper and mother
of five, is outside of a Union Carbide chemical facility in her
hometown, Sea Drift, Texas. (see www.bhopal.net)

Dow Chemical purchased Union Carbide in 1999.

The Dow facility is one her area's biggest polluters.

Wilson is in the midst of a hunger strike to protest Union Carbide's
treatment of residents of Bhopal, India.

That's the city in northern India that was gassed when a Union Carbide
facility blew up in 1984, killing thousands.

Wilson visited Bhopal after the accident and has never forgotten.

She is outraged that Dow is pushing to water down the criminal charge
against Warren Andersen, the former Union Carbide CEO, to criminal
negligence, a non-extraditable offense.

She is outraged that the 150,000 victims received only $500 from Union
Carbide, when in the United States, there have been million dollar
settlements paid out by Dow to people injured here.

Following the demands of victims in India, Diane Wilson wants Andersen
extradited to India.

Warren Andersen is a fugitive from the Indian courts.

She wants the company to face pending criminal charges for culpable

For 15 years now, Wilson has been fighting the chemical companies that

[CTRL] Fwd: [CIA-DRUGS] W. Nile Spreads to All Boroughs

2002-07-25 Thread RoadsEnd

-Caveat Lector-

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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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-Caveat Lector-

West Nile is not just in New York.  Reports in the nightly news this past
week of people in Kansas City coming down with it.

Thanks for the heads up about the apples/Ledum Palustre.


- Original Message -
Sent: Thursday, July 25, 2002 11:06 AM
Subject: [CIA-DRUGS] W. Nile Spreads to All Boroughs

 I read an article in which someone intimated that the W. Nile Virus was
 part of the 'terrr campaign being waged against us and that they
 thought it had been released fom the Plum Island Facility.

 For those of you in New York, there are two things that can be taken to
 help protect against mosquitos.  Apples change the chemical serotonin in
 your system so that mosquits are not attracted to you.  Bananas have the
 opposite effect.  I read this in an eighth grade science book when I was
 younger.  It works.

 The homeopathic, Ledum Palustre will also repel mosquitos if taken
 daily.  Ledumcan be found at a good health food sore or ordered
 online from Arrowroot.  12X or 30x potency once a day should be fine.
 Do not take within less than four hours on either side of caffeine,
 herbs or medicines or the Ledum will be so neutralized you'll be wasting
 your money.
 Better to use 30x potency if you are on these things.  Ledum will also
 stop mosquito bites from itching if you've already been bit.  We had a
 very severe outbreak where I live a few years ago and a woman in our
 community chior and about forty bites on her legs.  I told her to get
 some Ledum and take it.  She was amazed that not only did it stop the
 itching, but the mosquitos stopped biting her too.



 July 25, 2002--  Health officials have detected the West Nile virus
 in mosquitoes in Manhattan and Queens, meaning the virus has been found
 in all five boroughs this year.
 The virus showed up in mosquitoes from the College Point section of
 Queens, the southern end of Central Park and Manhattan's Hamilton
 Heights neighborhood, officials said yesterday.

 Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that
 matter. - Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

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2002-07-25 Thread RoadsEnd

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That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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-Caveat Lector-


Death penalty case - CIA Patsy puts up a fight

US DOJ Prosecutors forced to drop charges against their coworker
after FBI refused to present any evidence against him.


2nd biggest pro se case: 

Pro Se Congressman/sherrif Trafficant expelled from Congress and
sent to prison and his lawyer disbarred after passing legislation
for Taxpayer Bill of Rights to force Peurto Rican IRS to back off
USA with its unratified voluntary income tax on US INC bankruptcy
and foreclosure for international bank of Federal Reserve INC.
Judge refused to allow Trafficant to present evidence and
witnesses in his defense during the criminal trial.

(Home of US Secretary of Treasury, IRS, ATF Paul O'Neil, ex CEO


I am just a patsy!
--Lee Harvey Oswald, US Marine Corps, November 24, 1963, one day
after the US president was murdered in front of a police station,
one day before his own murder inside the same police station,
shot by a Mafia strip club owner, who died of cancer in that same
police station after being granted a new trial

You're a damn liar! I'm going to walk over there and kick you in
the crotch!
--Representative James Trafficant, in US Congressional Hearing on
expulsion, speaking to prosecuting attorney, C-SPAN TV, July 2002

What did this administration know, and when did it know it about
the events of September 11? she wondered aloud. Who else knew,
and why did they not warn the innocent people of New York who
were needlessly murdered? What do they have to hide? 
--US Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney, March 25, 2002, California
radio interview (she got $7,000 from Hamas on 911 - the same day
Hamas was at White House - see news articles below)

Cynthia McKinney is another independent voice in the Congress. I
hope that [the 9-11 accusation] is not true. I would imagine
that's not true. I don't even want to get - to suggest that this
House had advanced 

[CTRL] Fwd: [smashthestate] My story

2002-07-25 Thread RoadsEnd

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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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-Caveat Lector-


I stumbled onto this group while looking at Nigel Parry's website, and I joined
because I have experienced the results of the Patriot Act and Mr. Ashcroft's
attempt to take away our civil rights.  My name is Jimmy Hanna, and I am a
24-year old Egyptian-American living in Munich.  I worked at the German
affiliate of an American high-tech company, Cadence Design Systems, with
headquarters in San Jose, CA.  On April 28 I went to the Occupied 
Territories to
undertake humanitarian acts, and when I returned to work I was promptly fired.
The company gave me a letter of termination that I have reproduced at the 
end of
this message.

Outraged, I filed suit in a German court, and I also filed a complaint with the
U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC).  In the German court, 
I was
able to achieve some measure of justice.  Under an agreement between my lawyer
and the company, the firing was thrown out and I received a small settlement.
When I filed my complaint with the EEOC, even before the investigation began,
the head of the San Jose office told me that Based on the information you have
provided it appears that the company was within their rights to terminate you.
Note that this statement was made even before the investigation began,
effectively dooming any chances of a fair outcome.

I feel that I was targeted because of my Egyptian heritage and for helping
Palestinians.  The company headquarters knew about my trip and undertook a full
background check on me.  My manager told me that the company thought I had
affiliated myself with terrorists!  My case went all the way up to the CEO of
the company, who said that he approved of the firing.  This story was published
in the San Jose Mercury News, but after that no American newspaper would 
pick it
up, even the parts of my case that occurred after the story broke.  I want
people to know about it because I think it is wrong what this company did 
to me,
and I want to make sure that it doesn't happen again to anyone else.  For a
company to fire an employee for humanitarian actions smacks of hypocrisy, 
not to
mention racism.  I am fighting to make my voice heard to put an end to the
targeting of Middle-Eastern people that is occurring due to the war on 


-- This is the letter of termination:
Termination of your work contract by 31st of July 2002
Dear Mr. James Hanna,

Due to unacceptable conduct and political actions in a geographical area where
Cadence does business (Israel) we hereby terminate your work contract with
Cadence Design Systems within the contractual notice period of two months for
the end of the month. The resulting risk to Cadence does not support further
employment and therefore your are exempt revocable from your work with 

Cadence Design Systems GmbH

-- This is the article that was published about me
Posted on Tue, May. 28, 2002
Cadence engineer fired for activism
By Elise Ackerman and Lisa Fernandez
Mercury News

James Hanna never imagined his Middle East vacation would cost him his job.

Disturbed by televised images of Israeli military forces invading Palestinian
cities and towns, the 24-year-old computer engineer hired as a contract 
took a 10-day leave from his job at the Munich office of Cadence Design Systems
in late April to do humanitarian work with the International Solidarity
Movement, a group of pro-Palestinian 

[CTRL] Fwd: [CIA-DRUGS] The Coming October War in Iraq

2002-07-25 Thread RoadsEnd

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 7/24/02 9:42:04 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

The Bush administration has provided the American public with little more
than rhetorically laced speculation,

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Title: t r u t h o u t - William Rivers Pitt | The Coming October War in Iraq
-Caveat Lector-






 Print This Story E-mail This 
The Coming October War in Iraq By William Rivers 
Pitt t r u t h o u t | Perspective 
Wednesday, 24 July, 2002 
Room 295 of the Suffolk Law School building in downtown Boston 
was filled to capacity on July 23rd with peace activists, aging 
Cambridge hippies and assorted freaks. One of the organizers for the 
gathering, United For Justice With Peace Coalition, handed out green 
pieces of paper that read, "We will not support war, no matter what 
reason or rhetoric is offered by politicians or the media. War in our 
time and in this context is indiscriminate, a war against innocents and 
against children." Judging from the crowd, and from the buzz in the 
room, that pretty much summed things up. 
The contrast presented when Scott Ritter, former UN weapons 
inspector in Iraq, entered the room, could not have been more disparate. 
There at the lectern stood this tall lantern-jawed man, every inch the 
twelve-year Marine Corps veteran he was, who looked and spoke just 
exactly like a bulldogging high school football coach. A whistle on a 
string around his neck would have perfected the image. 
need to say right out front," he said minutes into his speech, "I'm a 
card-carrying Republican in the conservative-moderate range who voted 
for George W. Bush for President. I'm not here with a political agenda. 
I'm not here to slam Republicans. I am one." 
Yet this was a lie - Scott Ritter had come to Boston with a 
political agenda, one that impacts every single American citizen. Ritter 
was in the room that night to denounce, with roaring voice and burning 
eyes, the coming American war in Iraq. According to Ritter, this coming 
war is about nothing more or less than domestic American politics, based 
upon speculation and rhetoric entirely divorced from fact. According to 
Ritter, that war is just over the horizon. 
"The Third Marine Expeditionary Force in California is 
preparing to have 20,000 Marines deployed in the (Iraq) region for 
ground combat operations by mid-October," he said. "The Air Force used 
the vast majority of its precision-guided munitions blowing up caves in 
Afghanistan. Congress just passed emergency appropriations money and 
told Boeing company to accelerate their production of the GPS satellite 
kits, that go on bombs that allow them to hit targets while the planes 
fly away, by September 30, 2002. Why? Because the Air Force has been 
told to have three air expeditionary wings ready for combat operations 
in Iraq by mid-October." 
"As a guy who was part of the first Gulf War," said Ritter, who 
indeed served under Schwarzkopf in that conflict, "when you deploy that 
much military power forward - disrupting their training cycles, 
disrupting their operational cycles, disrupting everything, spending a 
lot of money - it is very difficult to pull them back without 


2002-07-25 Thread Mike Clark

-Caveat Lector-

It was in the early 1490's  that FERDINAND and ISABELLA started their own

version of ETHNIC CLEANSING.   First it was vestiges of the MOORS still living

in the city of GRENADA who had to leave Spain and return home to

MOOR - I - TANIA  ( MAURITANIA ) on the northwest coast of Africa.

A few years later HENRY the EIGHTH found himself wanting a divorce


This DIVORCE created a RIFT between HENRY and the VATICAN.  It was

during this confrontation with the POPE of ROME that HENRY allowed into

England numbers of JEWS wanting to leave SPAIN.   Some of these


One of the primary elements of MYSTERY CABALA was the practice of THAUMATURGY.

THAUMATURGY is the SECRET MAGICAL ART of communication with that

INTER-DIMENSIONAL RACE  that  DAVID ICKE  talks about over and over.   The


ALBERT PIKE in his 1876 book   MORALS and DOGMA  reaffirms over and

over that the SCOTTISH RITE of FREEMASONRY evolved out of MYSTERY CABALA.

It was DR. JOHN DEE who in 1571 set up his own MANUAL of THAUMATURGY

called   THE NECRONOMICON .   DR.DEE also was the FOUNDER of the

BRITISH SECRET INTELLIGENCE SERVICE and according to history books

became the VERY FIRST 007.

DR.JOHN DEE decided to take MYSTERY CABALA one step further.   It was HE

who came up with the IDEA of BRITISH ISRAELISM.   For those who might not

know ,  BRITISH ISRAELISM says that the QUEEN of ENGLAND and her subjects

evolved from the TEN LOST TRIBES of ISRAEL and therefore have a SECRET COVENENT

with GOD HIMSELF for PROSPERITY and SAFETY.Just as long as THEY


This SUBTLE FORM of MIND MANIPULATION is still practiced in AMERICA today

by HUNDREDS if not THOUSANDS of PREACHERS.   Some of the more

outstanding ones who PREACH what is known as the CHRISTIAN IDENTITY




and the BRITISH ISRAEL DOCTRINE the American public are LULLED into

a state of MENTAL SERVITUDE to the BRITISH CROWN.   Both being


ONE more POINT.DR.DEE'S book   THE NECRONOMICON  was eventually

sold into the LIBRARY of ADAM WEISHAUPT ,  Professor of Canon Law


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[CTRL] Halliburton Halitosis

2002-07-25 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-

From http://www.observer.co.uk/international/story/0,6903,759127,00.html

Cheney firm won $3.8bn contracts from government

The Bush files - Observer special

Ed Vulliamy in New York and Nick Paton Walsh in Moscow
Sunday July 21, 2002
The Observer

The oil services company once headed by United States Vice-President Dick Cheney 
reaped massive rewards
in government contracts and bank loans after he took its helm, including one deal with 
a Russian firm under
investigation for mafia connections.

This was disclosed as President George Bush renewed his efforts to stabilise stock 
markets and distance
himself from the wave of accounting scandals afflicting corporate America. Yesterday, 
Bush urged Congress
to punish corporate abuses.

From 1995 to 2000 Cheney was chief executive and chairman of Halliburton, the 
Dallas-based company that
provides products and services to the oil and energy industries, employing 100,000 
people worldwide.

Its share value has fallen by two-thirds because of lawsuits over asbestos poisoning 
and an investigation of
accounting changes introduced under Cheney.

Most of Halliburton's government contracts were won by its construction subsidiary, 
Kellogg, Brown and Root
- a company with British origins that was sold to the US parent in the 1970s.

Documents uncovered by a Washington researcher, Knut Royce - formerly with the Centre 
for Public
Integrity - and by The Observer show that government banks loaned or insured loans 
worth $1.5 billion
during the five years that Cheney was chief executive, compared with only $100 million 
during the previous
five years.

The company under Cheney benefited from $3.8bn in government contracts or insured 
loans. Although Bill
Clinton was in the White House, Capitol Hill - where the Appropriations Committee 
handles government
contracts - was controlled by Cheney's Republican Party, to which Halliburton doubled 
its contributions to
$1,212,000 after his arrival.

The most eye-catching contract was for the refurbishment of a Siberian oilfield, 
Samotlor, for the Tyumen oil
company of Russia. The company was loaned $489m in credits by the US Export-Import 
Bank after lobbying
by Halliburton; it was in return to receive $292m for the refurbishments.

The White House and State Department tried to veto the Russian deal. But after intense 
lobbying by
Halliburton the objections were overruled on Capitol Hill. One of Halliburton's top 
lobbyists was David Gribben,
who had been Cheney's chief of staff at the Pentagon.

The State Department's concerns were based on the fact that Tyumen was controlled by a 
conglomerate, the Alfa Group, that had been investigated in Russia for mafia 

Alfa strongly denies that it has ever had any criminal connection, describing the 
allegations as 'nonsense'.

Cheney was highly valued by Halliburton because of connections made in the Arab 
oil-producing states while
Defence Secretary during the war against Iraq under George Bush Snr.

Halliburton denies that Cheney used his position or contacts to win government 
business. A spokeswoman
said: 'Any innuendo that Halliburton or Dick Cheney has acted improperly is false.'

The company's fortunes have flourished during the 'war on terrorism'. It has landed 
contracts to build the
cells for al-Qaeda detainees at Guantanamo Bay.

A Securities and Exchange Commission investigation is under way into accounting 
changes introduced by
Halliburton in 1998, when it inflated its revenue figures by including uncollected 

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--- Ernest Hemingway

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That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

[CTRL] Fwd: The Daily Enron 7/25/02

2002-07-25 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-

--- Start of forwarded message ---
  Halliburton's Secrets Pose Risks for Cheney
  Undeterred Bush Pushes Social Security Privatization

  Unlike Harken Energy, Halliburton appears to be a fresh crime scene.
  Fingerprints and DNA litter the place, a fact that must be keeping White
  House spin doctors spinning in their beds at night. The question in this
  case is not whether Dick Cheney sold his stock on insider information, but
  rather how he got the stock in the first place.  » More

  The Daily Enron is a project of American Family Voices:

  You are currently subscribed to thedailyenron as: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Always do sober what you said you'd do drunk. That will teach you to keep your mouth 
--- Ernest Hemingway

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] The Serial Terrorist George Bush Freed

2002-07-25 Thread smilicoyoti

-Caveat Lector-

--- In [EMAIL PROTECTED], smileyundaunted [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
copied from

The Serial Terrorist George Bush Freed

Via NY Transfer News * All the News That Doesn't Fit


When Bush and the other riff raff that passes for American political
leadership, sanctimoniously talk about the evils of terrorism and
their self declared world war against terror, think about places
like Miami and groups like Alpha 66, CANF and names like Orlando
Bosch and Carriles Posado ... and George Sr, Jeb and George Dub'ya'
Bush.   --mart.


Clinton pardoned an accused tax cheat,
but Poppy Bush set a serial terrorist free

By Eileen Smith

March 1, 2001--In 1990, through the direct influence of President
George Herbert Walker Bush, Orlando Bosch-fugitive from justice,
undocumented alien, serial terrorist and airline bomber-was released
from prison in Miami, at the urging of Bush's son Jeb on behalf of
Miami Republicans.

Jeb (the family Florida fixer) traded the unusual release from
federal custody for the votes of Floridians and delivered Florida to
his father's electoral tally in the 1992 presidential election.
Orlando Bosch was not released because he was rehabilitated and
repentant. He was not released because he had served out a sentence.
He was set free by the Bushes for Republican gain with seeming
disregard for public safety here and abroad and for the Rule of

Thirty countries had refused Bosch asylum because of his criminality.
An acting attorney general in Miami and the INS had refused to allow
him to remain in the U.S. In January 1989 the acting attorney general
wrote: For 30 years Bosch has been resolute and unwavering in his
advocacy of terrorist violence. . . . He has repeatedly expressed and
demonstrated a willingness to cause indiscriminate injury and
death.' Attorney General Dick Thornburgh described Bosch as an
unreformed terrorist.

And yet the Bushes set him free.

Even more troubling than the release of a dangerous man in exchange
for votes is the manner of adjudication. President Bush did not
pardon Bosch. He apparently simply stepped in and exerted the
influence of his office to release Bosch against the recommendations
of the district director of the INS and the Department of Justice.

This was no penny ante lawbreaker. Not just a tax cheat or draft
dodger. Bosch planned, participated in, or managed the following

Bosch's reported crimes . . .

With Poder Cubano (Cuban Power) 1968-69:

 -Bomb sent in a suitcase to Havana, Cuba.
 -Bombs placed in various commercial establishments in the United
 -Bomb against Mexican consul in Miami, United States.
 -Bomb placed at the residence of the British consul in Miami.
 -Bomb placed at a restaurant owned by Cuban emigrants in the United
 -Bomb placed (but did not explode) at the Chilean consulate in the
 -Bomb placed at a pharmaceutical company in the United States.
 -Bomb placed at the Mexican consulate in the United States.
 -Bomb placed at the Spanish office of tourism in the United States.
 -Bomb against the British vessel Greenwood in the United States.
 -Bomb placed on board the Japanese ship Aroka Maru in the U.S.
 -Bomb placed at the tourist offices of Spain in the United States.
 -Bomb placed at the Mexican offices of tourism in the U.S.
 -Bomb explodes in the garage of the Mexican consul in the U.S.
 -Bomb placed at the Cuban consulate in Canada.
 -Bomb placed at the tourism office of Canada in the U.S.
 -Bomb explodes at the Japanese Office of Tourism in the United
 -Bomb explodes near the Cuban mission in the United Nations
 damaging the Yugoslavian mission.
 -Bomb placed on board the Japanese vessel Michagesan Maru in
 -Bomb at the Office of Tourism of Mexico in the United States.
 -Bomb is discovered at an office of the French government in the US.
 -Unexploded bomb is discovered at the Mexican consulate in the U.S.
 -Bomb is placed but left unused at the house of a Cuban dignitary in
   the United States.
 -Bomb placed in the French Office of Tourism in the U.S.
 -Bomb placed at the Shell Petroleum Company building in England.
 -Bomb at a Japanese travel agency in the United States.
 -Bomb placed at Mexican tourism offices in the United States.
 -Bomb against British consulate in the United States.
 -Bomb placed at a branch of a British bank in the U.S.
 -Bomb placed at the headquarters of the Communist Party in North
 -Bomb placed on board the Bahamian ship Caribbean Venture while at
   U.S. port.
 -Bomb against Mexican representatives in the U.S.
 -Bomb at the residence of the Mexican consul in Miami.
 -Bomb placed on British vessel docket at Mexican port.
 -Bomb explodes on board Spanish ship Satrustegui in Puerto Rico.

[CTRL] Lockheed, Boeing, Raytheon, and Echelon

2002-07-25 Thread smilicoyoti

-Caveat Lector-

--- In [EMAIL PROTECTED], ulrich stuart [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
There is an incestuous relationship that exists between the
intelligence community and US
corporations that develop the technology that fuels their spy
systems. Many of the companies that
receive the most important commercial intercepts are Lockheed,
Boeing, Loral, TRW, and Raytheon
who are actively involved in the development of Echelon. The
collusion between the intelligence
agencies and their contractors is frightening...it is a gross misuse
of taxpayer resources and the
intelligence agencies. As the recent Chinese security scandal
indicates, companies such as Loral
seem to have no qualms about sharing sensitive information which
have dual uses-one military and
one economic technology intelligence, with sworn enemies of the
United States.



Date:  Thu Jul 25, 2002  2:48 pm
Subject:  Re: [psy-op] Lockheed, Boeing, Raytheon, and Echelon

One of the emails you sent today mentions a tie between Rudi Dekker's
flight school and a proposed aviation maintenance facility named
Britannia to be placed in Lynchburg Virginia.

Do you know if there is an old coldwar ATT switching station in
Lynchburg? It could be an old coldwar radar site. But it would be
vintage coldwar ATT equipment.

That old equipment was decommissioned and sold to Iraq and Iran and
Libya for use at their airports. China's interior uses it.

That old equipment is the equipment that the mysterious PROMIS
software Cassolaro was tracking down was adapted to use in weapon
systems in Israel, Iraq and Libya as well as China interior.  This
was the equipment that Gerald Bull used to create the super gun for
satellite launch. It is also the equipment that Hughes and Loral were
trying to adapt to the US rocket program.

Atta could read architectural drawings and there are reports that he
was in Germany in regard to some architectural drawings of Saddam
Airport. If that is true then I am not sure how they got to Germany.

It is my understanding that the architect who designed Saddam Airport
had his offices in the Alfred Murray Building.

Rumors in the Iraqi opposition community say that Tim McVeigh had
been sent into OKC with a shipment of guns. He was to park the rented
truck full of guns at a predetermined spot, at a predetermined time
and leave the keys under the visor. He was to meet with some Iraqi
opposition people and pick up a mailing tube full of drawings (taken
from an earlier raid on the architects offices in the Alfred Murrah
Building). He was to continue to a post office and mail the tube to
his PO Box in Kingman Arizona (I think I remembered that correctly).
He was then to make 3 cell phone calls to advise the buyer of the
guns that the tube had been picked up and sent.  Those 2 cell phone
calls were what triggered the explosions in the Alfred Murrah

According to Iraqi Opposition McVeigh did not trust his contact and
did not send the docs to his PO Box but instead hid them.

There were only 2 other copies of the documents in existence-the
originals in Baghdad and a copy in a vault in a bank possibly in NY.
The UNSCOM people were looking for the prints and were unable to get
them. The prints seem to have disappeared from the vault prior to 911

This brings us to Mohammed Atta and an Iraqi diplomat named Al Ani
who was expelled from Czechoslovakia.  I don't remember the dates off
hand BUT Atta was reported to be gay. Whether Atta was gay or not
is immaterial but the CIA does use gay bars as drops in the Arab
community. Since homosexuality is a capital offense in many Arab
nations the drop is arranged at the gay bar in order to be able to
blackmail the contact later to make sure there is compliance at all

But Iraq is a secular state. Though Hussein did allow religious
executions on the basis of Homosexuality during the height of the
sanctions, he has moved Iraq away from the religious extremists and
back to secularization. Al Ani was believed to have taken pictures of
US/CIA contacts in the Arab community with Atta in Czechoslovakia and
was informing his office of who was contacting the US CIA when he was
tailed by Czech police and expelled from the country for 'behavior
unbecoming a diplomat.' Whether Ani was gay or not did not matter to
Iraq because they are a secular state. That he was brave enough to
enter a gay bar and take pictures that could out US and Arab agents
probably gained him a medal.

If you ever wonder why both the US and Czechoslovakia are tap dancing
on this thing with Atta meeting with Iraqis in Prague, this is the
might be the reason.

So if the story I got from Iraqi Opposition sources is true, could
Atta have been seeking a blueprints of Iraqi Airports to try to
figure out how information gleaned from Huawei, the Chinese Company
that had just installed fiber-optic cable in the Iraqi power plant,
could be merged with 

[CTRL] Eyeballing the NRO

2002-07-25 Thread smilicoyoti

-Caveat Lector-

--- In [EMAIL PROTECTED], ulrich stuart [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

copied from http://cryptome.org/nro-eyeball.htm

30 April 2002. Thanks to RC.
Source: Mapquest.com
RC provides:
The basic scoop with Buckley, located east of Denver in Aurora,
Colo., is that it is the largest consolidated intelligence base in
the western hemisphere for joint use of the National Reconnaissance
Office and National Security Agency. It has 13 radomes, six at the
main site, and dual clusters of four and three radomes to the east of
the main field. The six radomes in the main field are apparently
interspersed between those that support downloading of two
generations of infrared satellite watching for missile launches --
the older Defense Support Program and the new Star-Wars-related Space-
Based Infrared System-High (SBIRS-High) -- and a group of
unacknowledged radomes that download information from the Jumpseat
and Mercury classes of signals intelligence satellite. One of the
cluster of radomes to the east is probably a download station
called Ranger, used in the Navy's follow-on to the White Cloud
intelligence program -- at least according to researcher Duncan
Campbell, who visited Buckley in July. ...
Incidentally, Bill S. and I figured there were probably at least
10,000 people doing intelligence-related work around Buckley, because
the ADF portion of the base employs at least 4000, and new Lockheed-
Martin, Raytheon, and TRW facilities to the west of the base appear
to employ well over 5000. But the Denver Post said this morning that
as many as 65,000 people have jobs that are Buckley-related (!!! -
does this number include retail businesses serving Buckley?), a
number that amounts to one-fourth of the citizens of Aurora.
Which leads us neatly on to Buckley. Der Spiegel cited the role of a
major satellite ground station in Buckley, Colorado as being why the
German foreign service was revising its videoconferencing plans. The
magazine quoted a source as saying that by going through Buckley they
might as well hold their video conferences in Langley.
The Denver Business Journal comes up with some useful information on
the upgraded Buckley Air Force Base in Aurora, Colorado Springs. It
gathers information from a fleet of satellites that intercept
communications and monitor radar signals, its ostensible role being
one of military monitoring (unimportant stuff like missile launches,
that kind of crap). But, says the Journal, intelligence experts are
relatively certain that the covered dishes monitor several key
communications spy satellites operated by the National Reconnaissance
Office or NRO.
Colorado is a hub for the nation's intelligence-gathering mission.
It supports thousands of federal and private-sector jobs and likely
brings billions of dollars quietly into the state each year. Well if
you were the German foreign ministry considering whacking your
discussions around the globe via satellite, you might be a tad
concerned about that, mightn't you?
The 2nd Space Warning Squadron (SWS) is located at Buckley Air Force
Base, Colo.
In terms of space-based missile warning, the 2nd Space Warning
Squadron represents the convergence of both past and future. With
more than 30 years of excellence in the Defense Support Program , the
squadron launched the nation's newest line of defense, the Space-
Based Infrared System on Dec. 17, 2001.
The Squadron's current mission is to maintain satellite control
authority for the DSP satellite constellation and report ballistic
missile/space launches, nuclear detonations and infrared data of
intelligence value to unified commands, JCS and National Command
Authorities. Moreover, the squadron is the 21st Space Wing's largest
ground station for DSP operations.
THE 2nd SWS... * Processes satellite information
* Performs satellite command and control functions
* Monitors and maintains data processing equipment

The unit is comprised of approximately 260 people and is composed of
Air Force personnel and military members from Australia, Canada,
Great Britain and the Air Force Reserve.
Working hand in hand with the military, approximately 300 civilians
support the 2nd SWS mission.
As a space-based infrared surveillance system, DSP uses satellites
operating in geosynchronous equatorial orbit more than 22,000 miles
above the earth. The system was designed to detect intercontinental
ballistic missiles, space launches and nuclear detonations in near-
real time.
This system is the nation's newest space-based missile warning
system. SBIRS Increment 1 consolidates the existing ground stations
into one Mission Control Station, while using the current DSP
constellation. The future SBIRS increments will feature both low and
highly elliptical orbit satellites, as well as GEO satellites, to
create a synergy that significantly enhances 

[CTRL] Aug 15, 2001

2002-07-25 Thread smilicoyoti

-Caveat Lector-

--- In [EMAIL PROTECTED], smileyundaunted [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

But this year the U.S. Supreme Court found the INS policy of detaining
inmates indefinitely to unconstitutional. An immigration judge ordered
Suarez's release Thursday.

~so it is unconstitutional when it comes to protecting the bay of
gang...but otherwise~

the following is copied from

Another Cuban-American Terrorist Walks Free

Via NY Transfer News * All the News That Doesn't Fit

Tampa Bay Tribune, Aug 15, 2001


by Birusk Tugan

TAMPA -- The convicted assassin of the former Chilean Foreign Minister
Orlando Letelier and an American in a 1976 car bombing in Washington's
Embassy Row was freed Tuesday. Jose Dionisio Suarez Esquivel, 62,
nearly four years in the custody of the Immigration and Naturalization
Service after he served seven years in federal prison. He walked out
of the
INS Bradenton Detention Center on Tuesday afternoon.

A Cuban exile, Suarez was a fugitive before he was arrested in St.
Petersburg in 1990. When his prison sentence was up in 1997 he was
over to the INS, which deports convicted aliens to their country of
citizenship. But the United States has no official diplomatic ties
wit Cuba,
so the INS could not deport Suarez to Cuba. Instead it held him

But this year the U.S. Supreme Court found the INS policy of detaining
inmates indefinitely to unconstitutional. An immigration judge ordered
Suarez's release Thursday. Virgilio Paz Romero, 49, a conspirator with
Suarez, was freed in July. Both men are still under deportation
order, said
Rodney Germain, a spokesman for the INS. They could be removed if the
States restores ties with Cuba.

Meanwhile, Suarez has to report to the INS once a month. In the Tampa
of his attorney, Ralph Fernandez, Suarez said he is sorry especially
this girl. He was referring to Ronni Moffitt, the 25-year-old
American who
was also killed in a car bombing. One of his attorneys, Dario Diaz,
interrupted to say Suarez admits no guilt for the crime: He's sorry
in a
humanitarian way - the same way we're sorry for Mother Teresa and
Gandhi. Nodding, Suarez said, I never killed nobody.

However, the Cuban exile pleaded guilty to charges of killing a
official and struck a deal with a federal prosecutor resulting in a
sentence. With prison incentives for good behavior, he served seven
Suarez said he pleaded guilty to prevent his wife from being arrested.

He said his English was not good enough to express how he feels about
free but has always felt calm and peaceful. He said he wants to meet
Letelier's son to explain the truth about the labyrinth that goes
back to
1976. Sam Bussoni, a Washington attorney for the victims' families,
Suarez should explain it all to a grand jury under oath.

Suarez said he was not going to look for a job in a factory at this
but will wait for the offers his friends will come up with. A
in Fidel Castro's army, Suarez defected to the United States a year
the 1959 revolution and took part in the Bay of Pigs Invasion. He is
considered a material witness against former Chilean dictator Augusto
Pinochet, but he said he would never testify against Pinochet. He
offered to
do so against Castro. Pinochet saved Chile from terrible communism,
said. I have absolutely nothing to say about Mr. Pinochet.

It's lamentable that he'd withhold the information, said Stacie
the director of the Pinochet Project at the Washington-based
Institute for
Policy Studies, where Letelier and Moffitt once worked. She said the
institute hopes Pinochet will be held accountable for ordering the

The victims' families said they were dismayed by the release of Paz
and Suarez. It appears that the price of life is very cheap, said
Karpen, Moffitt's father. People like Suarez were released from jail
having committed premeditated murder. He said he and his wife are
not over
the murder of their daughter. Somewhere along the line you've got to
this alive, Karpen said. You have to stop dictators from committing
murders. My husband was killed in a cold-blooded assassination, and
people who did it are free, Isabel Letelier said in a telephone
from Santiago, Chile. These people are very dangerous, she
said, and I
don't know if being in jail has made them better.

Reporter Birusk Tugan can be reached at (813) 259-7920.

  NY Transfer News Collective   *   A Service of Blythe Systems
   Since 1985 - Information for the Rest of Us
  339 Lafayette St., New York, NY 10012
  http://www.blythe.org  e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
--- End forwarded message 

[CTRL] The Roots of America's Jihad

2002-07-25 Thread smilicoyoti

-Caveat Lector-

--- In [EMAIL PROTECTED], ulrich stuart [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

copied from
The Roots of America's JihadInterplay of Three Civilizationsby Kevin
Ellul Bonici
It is a harsh predicament for a nation to be at war, especially if it
is surrounded by embittered foes. And a worse predicament is when
that nation is left with just one ally to lean on for vital support!
True, the US government is a significant ally for Israel to own. But
no alliance lasts forever. When (not if!) that sole, remaining ally
retracts its support, then the warring nation's troubles would have
only just begun.
Israel's electorate needs to understand that no matter how powerful
its ally is, numerically speaking it remains just one.
And one ally minus one, of course, leaves zero allies!
The question is, for how long is America expected to support Israel
and, therefore, at what cost? In other words, to what extent is
America willing to further compromise its security and its relations
with the Arab world — and with Europe!
The historical twists have long been coming. The Christian-Muslim
schism has been an indelible fixture since the dawn of this
civilization. Concurrently, as if by some fatalistic, predetermined
force ingrained in the human psyche, the Judaic destiny, intertwined
as it is with both Christianity and Islam, has emerged as a self-
fulfilling prophecy with a self-defeating strategy.
I will not be tackling the psychological attributes of nations to
eventually become what they firmly believe they are predestined to
become (in nations as in individuals). Nor will I tackle the
inherent, politico-religious issues relating to the promised land
for a diasporic God's chosen people, or the vision of martyrdom as
a means towards universal religious conquest, or the merits of
missionary quests to convert pagans worldwide (as in
today's 'missionary' quest to convert 'anti-democratic' nations to
Western values).
Instead, I'll be more mundane — and ambiguous: not for the sake of
political correctness as much as for unleashing a loose form of
reflection on this scourge — this ancient clash of three
civilizations intertwined under one God who is deemed to have
predetermined whatever He's perceived to have predetermined.
What follows, therefore, is a snapshot reflection on past and present
events as they relate to the Christian-Muslim schism, the Israeli-
Palestinian conflict and the wider implications as sustained by the
American pro-Israel mindset, which has brought America ever closer to
its own version of Jihad against the Arab-Muslim world.
The Crescent and the Cross
'Will there be an all-out conflict between America and the Arab
World? Is this WWIII?' — asks Bill O'Reilly, the Fox News Super-
And by the looks of things he and his ilk dearly yearn for such a
conflict to materialize. They interpret any Arab move as a possible
act of aggression against the U.S. They cannot tolerate 'non-
compliant' Arab States — such as Saudi Arabia, for example, which,
according to the Super-Spinner, 'used to be a friendly country but is
now funding terrorism by donating money to the families of terrorist
suicide bombers . . .!'
What is this fixation on the Arab-Muslim world? What is the reason
behind this emerging fallacious American Jihad? Why are so many
Americans so eager to fight Israel's war? Is it just retribution for
Perhaps historical root-influences have more bearing on a people's
collective psyche than otherwise assumed. Perhaps Christian Europe
has fought Muslims for so long it has grown politically and
culturally weary (and wary) of such conflicts over time. And it's as
if America — ever so naïve as a young offshoot culture — is now
yearning for Europe's past headaches; a sort of cultural inheritance
that's 'genetically' passed onto pioneering migrants and their
descendants, to separately evolve in similar patterns as in the
mother culture and repeat its past mistakes.
The roots of this modern American Jihad lie deep in the abysses of
history. So deep, all of America's European ancestors were still in
Europe at the time — and totally oblivious of the existence of their
descendants' future homeland, North America, inhabited then solely by
indigenous Americans, themselves oblivious of future developments
that would underline the fact that the land they inhabited had not
been promised to them by any god.
Over a millennium ago, during Europe's Dark Ages — a few centuries
after the phasing out of the Roman Empire — today's European
civilization was still superstitiously pre-dawning. But if these ages
were dark for Europe, they were not as dark for the Islamic World,
which was by then emerging as a civilization in its own right.
Originating in Arabia just after the turn of the Seventh Century,
Islam glorified martyrdom as a means to attain universal domination.
During its early decades, Muslim conquests — the prototype of Holy
War (Jihad) — expanded 

[CTRL] Sept. 11, oil and conspiracies

2002-07-25 Thread Michael Pugliese

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