2003-02-09 Thread Steve Wingate
-Caveat Lector-

--- Forwarded message follows ---
From:   Wes Thomas [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date sent:  Fri, 7 Feb 2003 16:18:01 -0800

Article preview posted with permission from author, Marshall Smith:


That Cold Saturday Morning

The partly-university and partly-military HAARP facility has very lax
security, as shown by the pictures and the text on their own website.
It is only just a very large shortwave radio transmitter in Gakona,
Alaska used for university research, isn't it?  That's what they say.

For several years, beginning about 1998, HAARP is normally turned on,
starting several hours before midnight and doing atmospheric auroral
zone research for several hours each night when the sky is very dark,
during that part of the month when the bright moon is below the horizon.
That is the University Research mode.  The shortwave transmitter
pulses may have both long and short pulses with about equal-length
spaces in between, and the pulse lengths may vary, depending on the
academic research experiment, from 3 to 30 seconds.

During the Navy Deep-Sea Communication operational mode, the shortwave
radio pulses are all, with military precision, exactly 6.25 seconds long
with either exactly 15 or 30 second spaces between pulses.  Those long
and short binary spaces between the pulses are actually the coded
message.  In this mode, the power is usually at maximum.  Unlike the
research mode, which mostly runs at night, the US Navy communication
mode can be at any time of the day or night.  The transmissions may run
continuously for about 10 to 30 hours, or from one to several days.

These communication pulses interact with the earth's magnetic field near
the northern auroral zone.  These very slow interactions, taking hours
to send a short message, can be sensed by special magnetometer receivers
in US nuclear submarines miles deep below the ocean surface.  This HAARP
communication mode can operate far deeper into the ocean than any other
nation can penetrate, so only US submarines are capable of long-term
full-stealth mode, out of reach far below all other nation's submarines.
All the while, still staying in communication with US command

The Air Force Missile Defense Shield mode is usually heard as 4 or 5
second pulses about 20 seconds apart.  The pulses also are modulated
with circular polarization, changing in tone slightly faster or slower
than the 1 Hz base frequency.  This results in hearing sounds, which I
call repeated zooo-eep sounds going upward or zaah-oownd sounds
going downward. This causes very fast relativistic electrons or ions to
be sprayed into outer space from the ionosphere, either upward to the
magnetosphere. or downward from the magnetosphere to the ionosphere.

These particles, moving at nearly the speed of light, stay only in the
vacuum of space and are stopped whenever they hit the atmosphere.  The
fast moving particles can penetrate and damage the electronics of an
incoming nuclear missile warhead and cause the warhead missile to spin
out of control and burn up as it re-enters the earth's atmosphere.  Thus
the missile shield mode can quickly destroy incoming missiles almost
anywhere in the world even before they re-enter the atmosphere.

The staffers at HAARP are several full time professional radio
electronics operators and a number of part-time professors and graduate
research students.  They all have access to the facility which is the
key to the back door of the small cafeteria/control room building.  The
HAARP facility does not even have a fence around it.

CAUTION: What follows contains speculative material.

One of the HAARP graduate students, Mustava Grufti, gets up in the
middle of the night, and goes to work by himself at 4:00 AM on a very
cold Saturday Alaska winter morning.  They usually don't work on the
weekends.  He turns on the cold diesel generators which produce the
electrical power for the large radio system and starts up the
transmitters.  He plugs into the transmitter control computer the old
research program he had worked on for testing the Air Force missile
shield mode.

This fires a narrow cloud of relativistic particles into space from
Alaska, over the Pacific Ocean along the western coast of the US, to the
opposite magnetic mirror site just above the southern aurora zone near
New Zealand.  He leaves the transmitter running for 3 hours.  Then,
Mustava turns everything off and goes back home to sleep, in the dark of
the long Alaska arctic-winter night.  It was a very cold Saturday

The University of Alaska, Fairbanks, where Mustava is a research
associate assigned to the HAARP project, knows that he is in the US on a
temporary F1 student visa from Pakistan.  They do not know that he also

[CTRL] Sing along

2003-02-09 Thread Steve Wingate
-Caveat Lector-

--- Forwarded message follows ---
Date sent:  Fri, 7 Feb 2003 21:13:06 + (GMT)
From:   M. Ajlouni [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject:Sing along

Sung to the tune of If You're Happy And You Know It,
Clap Your Hands

If you cannot find Osama, bomb Iraq.

If the markets are a drama, bomb Iraq.

If the terrorists are frisky,
Pakistan is looking shifty,
North Korea is too risky,
Bomb Iraq.

If we have no allies with us, bomb Iraq.
If we think someone has dissed us, bomb Iraq.

So to hell with the inspections,
Let's look tough for the elections,
Close your mind and take directions,
Bomb Iraq.

It's pre-emptive non-aggression, bomb Iraq.

Let's prevent this mass destruction, bomb Iraq.

They've got weapons we can't see,
And that's good enough for me
Cos it's all the proof I need
Bomb Iraq.

If you never were elected, bomb Iraq.

If your mood is quite dejected, bomb Iraq.

If you think Saddam's gone mad,
With the weapons that he had,
(And he tried to kill your dad),
Bomb Iraq.

If your corporate fraud is growin', bomb Iraq.
If your ties to it are showin', bomb Iraq.

If your politics are sleazy,
And hiding that ain't easy,
And your manhood's getting queasy,
Bomb Iraq.

Fall in line and follow orders, bomb Iraq.

For our might knows not our borders, bomb Iraq.

Disagree? We'll call it treason,
Let's make war not love this season,
Even if we have no reason,
Bomb Iraq.

--- End of forwarded message ---
Steve Wingate

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That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] Donald Rumsfeld

2003-02-09 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-

Rumsfeld family tie is first victim of war
By Tony Paterson
(Filed: 09/02/2003)
The American defence chief Donald Rumsfeld
has been disowned by his anti-war relatives in north Germany, reports
Tony Paterson

The Rumsfelds of Weyhe-Sudweyhe, an
unremarkable red-brick suburb of Bremen, were once proud of their long-
lost cousin, America's secretary of state for defence - but no longer.

Like many Germans, they are appalled by Donald Rumsfeld's hawkish
attitude to military action against Saddam Hussein. About 18,000 anti-war
demonstrators marched through Munich yesterday to protest at his
presence at an international security conference - chanting slogans such
as No room for Rumsfeld!

We think it is dreadful that Donald Rumsfeld is out there pushing for a war
against Iraq, Karin Cecere (nee Rumsfeld), 59, said from her two-up, two-
down home last week. We are embarrassed to be related to him, she told
The Telegraph.

Margarete Rumsfeld, her 85-year-old mother, was equally dismissive: We
don't have much to do with him anymore. Nowadays he's just the American
defence secretary to us, but for God's sake, he'd better not start a war,
she added.

They used to feel differently. Twenty-five years ago, the German Rumsfelds
were thrilled to welcome Mr Rumsfeld - then the United States ambassador
to Nato stationed in Brussels - into their extended family.

Like many Americans keen to trace their European antecedents, Mr
Rumsfeld had made contact with the Weyhe-Sudweyhe Rumsfelds, a
branch of the family with whom his near relations had lost touch since his
great-great-grandfather, Heinrich, emigrated to America during the 19th

Mr Rumsfeld paid three visits to Dietrich Rumsfeld, a bricklayer, and his
wife Margarete in their small artisan's cottage. On the last occasion, they
greeted him with chicken soup and roast pork for lunch It was a really
pleasant family gathering, almost like a wedding, said Mrs Cecere last
week. Mr Rumsfeld seemed a genuinely nice man. It is such a shame about
his war ambitions.

She had grown up, she said, during the Second World War and her
instincts were to search for a solution to the deadlock with Saddam that
did not involve military action. I was born in the war and saw its
aftermath, and my mother went through it, she said. There must be a
peaceful way of solving the Iraq problem.

This change of heart over their Rumsfeld cousin reflects the mood in
Germany. More than 60 per cent of Germans oppose a war and the US
defence secretary has become a hate figure for the country's peace

His desire to topple Saddam by force is at odds with the Social Democrat-
led government of Chancellor Gerhard Schröder, which is directly opposed
to war in Iraq.

Even before his arrival in Germany yesterday, Mr Rumsfeld had faced fierce
criticism from senior German government officials for describing France
and Germany as old Europe.

Last week he caused further outrage when he told the House Armed
Services Committee in Washington that Germany, like Libya and Cuba, had
indicated that it did not want to help in any way the international efforts
to tackle Iraq.

The German government attempted to play down the criticism. Mr
Rumsfeld is like he is. I can say no more, said Joschka Fischer, the foreign
minister. Other senior politicians were more explicit. Rumsfeld has flipped
out - his behaviour is impossible, said Klaus Kinkel, a Free Democrat and
former foreign minister.

Some Germans have misgivings, however, that their country's hard line
against war with Iraq may backfire - especially if, as widely predicted,
France drops its own objections at the last minute and joins in military

Angela Merkel, the leader of the Christian Democrats, yesterday became
the first opposition figure to call for Germany to become involved. If it is
impossible to solve the situation peacefully then Germany has to take part
in a military operation, she said, accusing Mr Schröder's government of
spreading ill-will and confusion in Nato.

In Munich Mr Rumsfeld sought to dispel the furore over his own comments
by claiming that he had intended the phrase old Europe as a term of
affection, like that of old friends.

He admitted that he was sometimes inclined to be blunt - but blamed it on
his German roots. My family originates from northern Germany. People
there are well known for their direct and clear manner of speaking.

His explanation did not impress most Germans - least of all his cousins in
Weyhe-Sudweyhe. Mrs Cecere said: We're all in favour of plain-speaking
but our relation goes just too far.

7 February 2003: France has not shifted its stance, says Chirac

26 January 2003: Simpson on Sunday: Rumsfeld ruins the old French three-
card trick

26 January 2003: Anti-war stand 'won't save Schröder again'

24 January 2003: French give Rumsfeld Cambronne treatment

11 January 2003: Schröder steers middle course

[CTRL] Bush Ready to Drill Another REAL Big Dry Hole

2003-02-09 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-


The Iraq Bush will build

The Americans are preparing a three-stage plan for ruling the country
after toppling Saddam's regime. Jason Burke, Gaby Hinsliff and Ed Vulliamy
in New York explain the risks and the costs

Jason Burke, Gaby Hinsliff and Ed Vulliamy in New York
Sunday February 9, 2003
The Observer

In the early evening the citizens of the southern Iraqi city of Basra like to
walk along the banks of the Shatt al-Arab waterway. Tall palms sway in the
breeze that comes off the muddy brown water. Children run between the
statues of war heroes. This is one of the fabled cities of the Middle East.

But only a few hundred yards from the waterside, the real face of Basra
the Beautiful, as the fading postcards on display in the lobby of the city's
only hotel call it, is revealed. In the back streets, mangy dogs forage in
piles of rotting rubbish, effluent courses down gutters hacked in the
muddy streets, and families of 20 are crammed into three-room houses. In
these homes, away from prying ears, two questions are being asked: What
happens in the war? And what happens afterwards?

Most people know the answer to the first. Even Saddam Hussein admits the
technological superiority of the forces ranged against him will make
meaningful resistance hard. There is little incentive to fight for even the
officers of the elite Republican Guard, let alone the conscripts who will
face the Joint Direct Attack Munitions and the Apaches with weapons as
old as Iraq's tourist literature. But the answer to the second? Even those
charged with orchestrating Iraq's post-Saddam future have little idea.

Every Thursday morning for many weeks the inner circle of President
George Bush's administration - Condoleezza Rice, his National Security
Adviser; Colin Powell, the Secretary of State; Donald Rumsfeld, the
Defence Secretary; senior figures from the CIA - have gathered in the
White House's Oval Office for a progress meeting on the 'war on terror'.
There was one question an increasingly frustrated Bush asked every week:
once the allies had got rid of Saddam, 'what do we do with Iraq?'

He has been getting conflicting answers. Infighting within the
administration continues. However, a scheme, finally, has been thrashed

The plan is in three stages: first, US-led military rule; second, a transitional
phase with an American military governor ruling alongside a civilian leader
appointed by (or at least acceptable to) the international community; and,
finally, handover to a regime sympathetic to and nurtured by Washington.

Initially, the model for post-war Iraq was that of Japan's reconstruction
under General Douglas MacArthur. But State Department experts felt this
would be too brazenly colonial and cause resentment throughout the Arab
world. However, although the MacArthur-style scheme has been
discarded, a key resource for the planners is the archives of the
denazification of Germany.

As it was with post-war Germany, it will be unfeasible to purge Iraq of all
members of the Baath Party, Saddam's political vehicle. 'Millions of people
are complicit. If they were all rounded up, the administration of the
country would collapse. These are people who will be needed in any post-
war situation,' Daniel Neep, of the Royal United Services Institute in
London, said.

The US military governor of Iraq is likely to be Tommy Franks, the general
due to head the attack on Iraq. This is not entirely the promotion it
seems: Rumsfeld is known to dislike Franks for his strategic conservatism.

The first phase, US-led military rule, would last between six and 18 months
after the war. It would be policed by armies from the 'coalition of the
willing', including a big British contingent.

The second phase is seen as being a kind of international civilian
administration, backed by a diminished military presence. Here, the
inspiration being worked on is the protectorate in Kosovo.

But if the Americans are hoping for a broad, UN-led international coalition
to take on the task of running Iraq, the United Nations is dreading the
role. Officials at UN headquarters speak about having to 'clean up the mess
' at the end of a war which may not have been sanctioned by the Security

'In American logic, the UN seems to have an advisory role when it comes to
making war, the easy part; but becomes essential when it comes to making
peace, i.e. the difficult part,' said one official.

There is bitter argument over who should be the prospective civilian
governor, or 'High Representative', to rule alongside an American during
the second phase. The Americans want an American. The veteran peace-
broker George Mitchell, with his experience in Ireland and the Middle
East, is a front-runner. But the Bush administration sees Mitchell, a
Democrat, as too much of a dove. It favours Norman Schwarzkopf, who led
coalition forces in the first Gulf war and is now, as a civilian, a 

[CTRL] http://www.natcath.org/NCR_Online/archives/011003/011003o.htm

2003-02-09 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-


In Iraq to witness against war


Since Dec. 8, I have been traveling in Iraq with a delegation of Catholic
clergy, sisters and laypeople. We came in the season of Advent, when
Christians of all denominations prepare for the coming of Jesus, the Prince
of Peace. We are in Iraq to give witness to our conviction and the
conviction of millions of religious people of all faiths around the world that
war against Iraq would constitute a moral, social and political disaster. We
are here to meet face to face with the people who will suffer most in any
war waged against the current Iraqi regime -- the poor, the mothers and
children, the sick and the hungry, and all those who have already borne
the brunt of 12 years of deadly economic sanctions.

President Bush, Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld and others in the
administration say Iraq possesses weapons of mass destruction and must be
disarmed before it uses them against the United States. Yet the arguments
for Iraq posing an immediate threat are unsubstantiated; the CIA has
argued that Iraq is unlikely to use such weapons unless pushed into a
corner. The White House seems intent on pushing Iraq into that corner.

If the administration’s true intent is to protect Americans from the threat
of Iraq’s weapons, the most effective means, perhaps the only sure means,
is through patient, comprehensive inspections by competent and
independent U.N. inspectors. In that way, we can be sure where such
weapons might be and neutralize them under controlled conditions. A war
to disarm Iraq will only ensure that any weapons of mass destruction that
might exist will quickly find their way out of Iraq and into the hands of the
highest bidder - - most likely the terrorists who have proven their intent
and ability to attack us.

In another time, not too long ago, a credible (though ultimately proven to
be concocted) threat in the Gulf of Tonkin raised the ire of U.S. leaders
and paved the way for a devastating war. This time, before policymakers
naively rush into a war on Iraq, the hard questions must be addressed.
What is the administration’s response to the fact that such a war will likely
result in the dispersal of the weapons we seek to eliminate? What is the
administration’s plan for bringing lasting peace to Iraq and the region? How
will the administration deal with the real prediction of a dramatic and
deadly increase in the number of those who would turn to terrorism in
response to a U.S. war on Iraq?

This war is perceived in the region and around the world as an attempt to
take control of Iraq’s huge oil reserves. Unfortunately, there is indeed
weight to this argument. Is this administration really prepared to sacrifice
our future security in order to secure a temporary boost to our oil-based
economy and our “freedom” to drive fad vehicles like SUVs?

These questions must be raised by all conscientious citizens and addressed
adequately by any administration that would lead us down the dark,
destructive path of war.

Our world today is scarred by fear: fear of war, terrorism, weapons of mass
destruction. We must deal with terrorism and the threat of terrorism, but
we in the United States cannot allow fear to rule our hearts.

We are here in Iraq as a gesture of peace in the hope of staying the hands
of those who would make war. We are here, not as an act of anti-
Americanism, but quite the contrary. We are in Iraq to witness to the fact
that the time- honored American values of honesty, generosity and a
willingness to take risks in pursuit of our convictions and ideals are still
relevant and are the basis of any real American leadership in the world. We
are in Iraq because we believe that there is a path through fear -- the
path of human relationship. We are here in Iraq offering a living witness to
the words and example of Jesus who teaches us to believe that God’s
power experienced in human communion can overcome division, and that
nonviolent resistance can overcome systems of injustice.

We are in Iraq to seek peace.

Dave Robinson is national coordinator of Pax Christi USA.

National Catholic Reporter, January 10, 2003

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Latest Orange Alert

2003-02-09 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-

What’s Behind Latest ‘Orange Alert’
New intelligence reports that point to the possibility of multiple, imminent
attacks by Al Qaeda against Jewish groups and Jewish-owned businesses in
the U.S.

By Michael Isikoff and Daniel Klaidman

Feb. 7 — The Bush administration raised the national threat alert from
“yellow” to “orange” Friday after receiving new intelligence reports that
pointed to the possibility of multiple imminent attacks by Al Qaeda against
Jewish groups and Jewish- owned businesses inside the United States,
NEWSWEEK has learned.

officials began contacting Jewish leaders and rabbis around the country
Friday to warn them to be especially vigilant and to enhance security at
Sabbath services and other events over the weekend, law- enforcement
sources said. State and local police were also being asked to provide extra
patrols for Jewish religious services and other gatherings. Officials said the
new intelligence warned about the possibility of attacks on synagogues,
Jewish community centers, Jewish hospitals, youth groups, hotels and
Law-enforcement officials stressed that they had no information that
could help them identify any specific targets and that it was difficult to
stress the credibility of much of the intelligence reporting. But officials
said they were unusually worried both because of recent electronic
intercepts—both inside the United States and overseas—that “strongly
suggests” an imminent attack as well as the sheer volume of reports
mentioning Jewish targets that came in over the last few days.
“This is a full-court press,” said one FBI official about the bureau’s
sudden outreach to Jewish groups. “There’s real anxiety about this.” A
senior law- enforcement official said the “volume of threats relating to
Jewish interests” inside the United States was a major factor in prompting
President Bush to raise the intelligence threat level to “orange,” which is
the color code for a “high risk” of terrorist attack.
Among those Jewish leaders who were contacted by the FBI Friday was
Abraham Foxman, national director of the Anti-Defamation League, one of
the country’s leading Jewish civil-rights groups, which has been holding its
annual meeting at the Breakers Hotel in Palm Beach, Fla.
Foxman said the FBI asked his help in identifying Jewish organizations
and businesses that should be notified about the new intelligence threats.
He said the FBI told him the information was “nonspecific,” adding that his
organization has already implemented the kinds of enhanced security
measures that the FBI advised.
“We’ve been through this before,” Foxman said. “Whenever the country
goes on higher alert, Jewish interests are seen as a softer target,” he said.
But Foxman said the FBI did appear to focus on one area: to identify
hotels that are owned by Jews. The issue of possible attacks on Jewish-
owned hotels was specifically raised by senior FBI officials with field-office
chiefs during a 90-minute conference call on Friday, officials said. During
the conference call, a senior official cited the recent Al Qaeda attack on
a Bali nightclub that killed nearly 200 people last October, saying that the
bureau now believes the facility was targeted because the owner was
Jewish. NEWSWEEK could not independently confirm that assertion.
Another recent Al Qaeda attack in Mombasa, Kenya, was aimed at a hotel
that was frequented by Israelis. In addition, sources said, German law-
enforcement agencies have collected information from defectors
indicating that terror suspect Abu Moussab Al-Zarqawi, a Palestinian whom
the Bush administration says is the link between Al Qaeda and Iraq, had
recently been inciting followers in Europe to attack Jewish targets.

The information about threats to Jewish-related
interests was alarming to U.S. officials because of the unusually large
number of them that came in over the past few days, the senior law-
enforcement official said. But the official stressed that there were also
concerns about other threats inside the United States, including reports
of an attack using chemical, biological or radiological weapons. “We had
much more information on chem-bio stuff,” the official said. “That really
unnerved me.”
But other officials said the new threats were not materially different
than others that have been picked up by the U.S. intelligence community
periodically ever since the September 11 terror attacks. In the past, those
threats have prompted Bush administration officials to issue public
warnings yet no terrorist attacks actually took place. Some intelligence
officials say it’s still hard to know what to make of some of the electronic
intercepts of Al Qaeda operatives that prompted the latest action. “You
can’t always tell whether this is idle boasting” or evidence of a looming
plot, one official said.

[CTRL] Iraq: Smoking Gun Found

2003-02-09 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-

Commentary: The Smoking Gun Found

The “smoking gun” has been found, not in Iraq but in Washington.

In the actions of Donald Rumsfeld (see photo) and Dick Cheney.

By Charles R. Steward III

The search for the elusive “smoking gun” continues. Do Osama Bin Laden
and Saddam Hussein have a business and working relationship? So far there
is a lot of smoke but no gun.

As the mocking grin of Osama still haunts us through intermittent videos on
the major networks, we prepare to invade Iraq because Saddam has
“weapons of mass destruction.” But how did Saddam obtain these weapons
that we are on the verge going to war to destroy?

Look no further than the White House. That's right! There are at least two
smoking guns hanging out at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. Two of our leaders
screaming the loudest for the invasion of Iraq have ties to Saddam that
have been verified. Their transactions are on paper and on video. They are
both clearly linked to Saddam. They are smoking guns.

Smoking Gun Rumsfeld

Although Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld never experienced
combat, he is anxious to send our men and women into war. Prior to his
cabinet position he had considerable success as Ronald Reagan's bagman
to Baghdad. In the early 80s Rumsfeld traveled to Baghdad to meet with
Saddam and normalize relations. This was indeed a successful mission.

Reports by the US Senate's Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban
Affairs, overseeing American exports policy, show the successive
administrations of Reagan and Bush Sr. sold materials including anthrax, VX
nerve gas, West Nile fever germs, and botulism to Iraq right up until March
1992, as well as germs similar to tuberculosis and pneumonia. Other nasty
germs were also sold. Saddam used these weapons of mass destruction on
the human waves of Iranian children-soldiers in the Iran-Iraq War of the
1980s and on the Kurds in Northern Iraq.

Supposedly, the use of chemical warfare was outlawed in the 1925 Geneva
Protocol. The entrepreneurial spirit of the U.S. and European corporations
that make these horrible weapons and the intense U.S. hatred of Iran at
the time made it easy to forget old laws. So Saddam got his weapons of
mass destruction.

Today there are estimates of approximately 100,000 Gulf War veterans
receiving disability compensation for Gulf War Syndrome. Perhaps Rumsfeld
can shed some light on these ailments.

Now he wants to send our citizens to possibly face weapons he helped
provide for the enemy. It's interesting that the administration will drag out
the charge of traitor when citizens speak out against the war, yet not for
one who was instrumental for arming our enemy.

Smoking Gun Cheney

During the Gulf War, the Secretary of Defense was Dick Cheney, our
current Vice President. Like Rumsfeld, Cheney never experienced combat,
in fact he was never in the armed forces, but like Rumsfeld is very familiar
with Iraq. During his tenure as CEO at Halliburton, the company did $23.8
million in business with Hussein after the first Gulf War. If Hussein is such a
monster, why did Halliburton and its subsidiaries sell him the equipment to
get his bombed out oilfields up and running so he could afford to build
weapons of mass destruction?

Though we are ready to invade Iraq, we are still doing business. Iraq is
America's second-largest Middle Eastern oil supplier. When one trades with
the enemy, isn't he a traitor?

When Cheney left Halliburton, he received a $34 million severance package
for a job well done. Halliburton stockholders are now suing him for some
Enron-like practices that occurred during his time at the helm.

As America's top oil-services company, Halliburton is the nation's fifth
largest military contractor and the biggest non-union employer in the
United States. It employs more than 100,000 workers worldwide and does
more than $15 billion in business a year. It is not surprising, then, that
Halliburton and its many subsidiaries are lined up with hands out for the
anticipated military contracts. Who better to take care of Iraq's oil after
the war?

While the U.N. Inspectors are combing Iraq for weapons, they should also
visit Washington and talk to Rumsfeld and Cheney, who encouraged Iraq to
build up its weapons capabilities in the first place. The smoking gun is not
in Iraq, it’s right here at home.

Charles R. Steward III is a journalist in Texas and is a U.S. Army Veteran.

Posted Friday, February 7, 2003
Forwarded for your information.  The text and intent of the article
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In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. section 107, this material
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for non-profit research and educational purposes only.

Do not believe in anything 

[CTRL] Propaganda firefight

2003-02-09 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-

There the White House has established a shadow, parallel intelligence
network staffed, not by espionage professionals but by favoured political
appointees who are providing answers far closer to what the
administration want to hear. 


Countdown to conflict

First casualties in the propaganda firefight

All's fair in the war for hearts and minds: frustrated by the failure of the
UN weapons inspectors in Iraq to find the 'smoking gun', Downing Street
resorted to plagiarising a 12-year-old US doctoral thesis

Gaby Hinsliff, Martin Bright, Peter Beaumont and Ed Vulliamy
Sunday February 9, 2003
The Observer

Late last Tuesday night, a three-page email started circulating among a
select group of friends concerned about the impact of sanctions on Iraq.

Full of academic outrage, it explained how the so-called 'secret spy
dossier' published last week by the Government as a crucial plank in the
argument for why the West should go to war was largely cribbed from an
American postgraduate's doctoral thesis - grammatical mistakes and all -
based on evidence 12 years out of date.

And, to cap it all, the finished document appeared to have been cobbled
together not by Middle East experts, but by the secretary of Alastair
Campbell, the Government's chief spin doctor, and some gofers.

It is no surprise, then, that when the email from Glen Rangwala - a 28-year-
old Cambridge politics lecturer who stumbled across the plagiarism when
he was sent a copy of the dossier by researchers in Sweden - reached two
teenage Cambridge students they decided it deserved a wider audience.

One, 19-year-old Daniel O'Huiginn, forwarded the email to journalists.

In the propaganda wars that are now as crucial as any military build-up in
the Gulf, Tony Blair last week fell victim to friendly fire.

There has been significant collateral damage - and at the worst possible
time. A crucial vote in the UN Security Council is pending. Colin Powell,
the US Secretary of State, praised the document as a 'fine paper' and has
been embarrassed by association.The anti-war campaign has been handed
a large stick with which to beat the Government.

As Downing Street mounts an investigation into how it went wrong,
questions are being asked by a public that is still sceptical of the case for
war on Iraq. Does this mean that the Government is starved of decent
intelligence? If our security services are coming up with good material, why
are we not being shown it? If our information is untrustworthy, what about
that gathered by the Americans? Who - what - can we believe?

The debacle stems from Downing Street's desire to combat charges that
the reason why UN inspectors hunting weapons of mass destruction in Iraq
had found no 'smoking gun' was because there was nothing to find.

Discussions between the Prime Minister's head of strategic
communications, Alastair Campbell, his foreign policy adviser, Sir David
Manning, senior officials in MI5 and MI6 and the new head of homeland
security, Sir David Omand, resulted in a decision to repeat a wheeze from
last autumn: publishing a dossier of 'intelligence-based evidence'.

This time it would focus on Saddam's history of deception. But with Hans
Blix, the head of the inspection programme, due to make a crucial report
to the UN in mid-February, time was short.

The publication of the previous dossier, focusing on Saddam's human rights
record and making the case that the dictator was a threat to the West,
had led to several stand-up rows between Omand and Campbell, with the
former accusing the latter of sprinkling too much 'magic dust' over the
facts to spice it up for public consumption. In the end, the more
sensationalist elements were confined to a foreword written by Foreign
Secretary Jack Straw, while the facts were left to speak for themselves.

But when it came to the most recent document, there was no time for
such niceties. Led by Campbell, a team from the Coalition Information
Centre - the group set up by Campbell and his American counterpart
during the war on the Taliban - began collecting published information
that touched on useful themes.

The key element was an article by Ibrahim al-Marashi, a postgraduate
student from Monterrey in California, which seemed to illustrate some of
the key arguments about deception, even though it was based on
evidence dating back to 1991. Two further chunks from articles in Jane's
Intelligence Review - one written by Sean Boyne, an analyst opposed to
war on Iraq - were downloaded straight from a website.

Working against the clock with fairly thin material, insiders admit that
corners were cut. Marahashi's words were changed to exaggerate their
meaning: 'monitoring' foreign embassies became 'spying', while 'opposition
groups' was transformed into 'terrorist organisations'. The cut-and-paste
job was so incompetent that, in combining al-Marashi's work with Boyne's,
it confuses two different 

[CTRL] Many hues of Islamic militants

2003-02-09 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-


Powell doesn't know who he is up against

Jason Burke warns that the US focus on al-Qaeda ignores the many hues of
Islamic militants - and underplays the danger of men such as al-Zarqawi

Jason Burke
Sunday February 9, 2003
The Observer

For three days we drove across Afghanistan. Overhead American planes
laced the wintry sky with vapour trails. Around us the 'Jihad International'
was falling apart. In Jalalabad we watched fighters from the Pakistani
Harkat ul Mujahideen group captured. In Gardez we saw Taliban soldiers
rounded up. The bombers above us were on their way to pound the
northern cities where militants from the Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan
were holding out against American and Afghan soldiers.

To understand who they were, and what they were doing in Afghanistan, is
to understand why US Secretary of State Colin Powell's rhetoric last week
was rooted in a fundamental misconception of the nature of modern
Islamic terrorism. Powell linked Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, an experienced and
committed Jordanian militant, with both Osama bin Laden and Baghdad. To
grasp the truth about al-Zarqawi, and thus the truth about contemporary
Muslim militancy, a major revision of the conventional wisdom is needed.
Powell, like many strategists, seems to think he is fighting a war against a
single enemy or an identifiable group. He is not. He is fighting a war against
a political religion.

None of the men I saw as I bounced across the rutted tracks that pass as
roads in Afghanistan were members of 'al-Qaeda'. Nor indeed were many of
the fighters from Chechnya, Yemen, Egypt, Algeria and, of course, Iraq
who were scattering through the mountains and deserts in an attempt to
escape the US-led onslaught. They were certainly militants, full of hatred
of the West and the 'Crusader-Zionist' Alliance that they blamed for the
problems of their homelands and those of the Islamic world more generally.
They were all undoubtedly committed to the violent holy struggle that
they saw as their duty of jihad. That is why they were in Afghanistan. But,
though they may have admired bin Laden, they were not his operatives.

Indeed many had been in Afghanistan long before bin Laden returned to
the country, after a seven-year absence, in 1996. They had come to fight
the Soviets and, unable to return to their own countries for fear of
incarceration and execution, had stayed on after Moscow pulled its troops
out in 1989. Over the next decade many continued their activism,
organising violence against Middle Eastern regimes and, increasingly,
against the people who they felt were supporting those regimes: America
and its allies.

In the late Eighties, bin Laden, because of his wealthy background and
clever media projection, was one of the more prominent among the
various men leading the volunteers who flocked from all over the world to
fight the Soviet Union. Al-Zarqawi, who led his own little group of
Jordanians, did not fight for him or with him. There were scores of groups
of Arabs in combat. Bin Laden led one. Al-Zarqawi led one too.

Bin Laden spent from 1989 to 1996 in his native Saudi Arabia and in Sudan.
He had contact with many radicals, including some of those who had
remained in Afghanistan. But many more militants had nothing to do with
him. They had their own resources. They did not need him. From 1989 to
1998, when al-Qaeda pulled off its first big attack, there were scores of
bombings. Bombs exploded in France, under the World Trade Centre in
New York, in Saudi Arabia and throughout the Middle East.

None was the work of bin Laden, but of the diverse groups who formed a
new wave of Islamic militancy washing across the world. Al-Qaeda was part
of that wave. But al-Qaeda was not a large part of it. There were dozens of
independent operators with their own funding, their own contacts, their
own ambitions and agendas. The violence that extended the jihad against
the Soviets into cities from Yemen to the American East Coast was their
work, not bin Laden's. Al-Zarqawi was one of these men.

Even after their bombing of the American embassies in east Africa and Dar-
es-Salaam, al-Qaeda still remained nothing more than primus inter pares.
The Taliban made alliance with dozens of different organisations during
their five years in power. As the number of Afghan recruits dropped and
Pakistani government support diminished, the mullahs turned increasingly
to overseas groups for manpower.

That was why my drive across Afghanistan in the autumn of 2001 had been
so cosmopolitan. Groups from dozens of countries - with Pakistanis,
Egyptians and Uzbeks most prominent - concluded pragmatic and mutually
beneficial alliances with the hardline Islamic militia. So, of course, did al-
Qaeda. So too did al- Zarqawi and his little band of Jordanians. All lived and
worked together in Afghanistan, co-operating on some things, arguing over
others. Afghanistan, with its 

[CTRL] Danes to confront past

2003-02-09 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-

Documentary forces Danes to confront past
Andrew Osborn
Sunday February 9, 2003
The Observer

Stirring tales of wartime resistance have been common currency in
Denmark for 50 years, but an explosive new documentary has illuminated a
darker side to the period and is outraging a generation.

Only a German does not pull any punches, claiming that the Danish
authorities were responsible for the deaths of 7,000 German children
under the age of five between 1945 and 1949 and describing how Danish
doctors denied food and medical aid to a quarter of a million German
refugees seeking sanctuary in Denmark.

Produced by the Danish Broadcasting Corporation, the programme has
provoked a storm of controversy. The producer has been called a traitor
and a propagandist, surviving members of the Danish resistance movement
have called it a lie and an affront to the past, and many elderly people
claim it tells a story best forgotten.

After living under Nazi occupation from April 1940 until May 1945, Danes
were anxious not to be labelled as collaborators when the smoke finally
cleared. In fact they were so eager to show their anti-Nazi credentials, it
is argued, that they treated Germans who sought refuge there from the
advancing Soviets like animals.

Mostly women, children and the elderly, the refugees were put in
internment camps, forbidden from fraternising with Danes and refused
both medical care and sufficient food. As a result, some 13,500 refugees
died in 1945 alone - 7,000 children.

Dr Kirsten Lylloff, an amateur historian who became curious about the
number of graves of German babies and children near her home, says they
all died of 'perfectly curable' diseases.

Soeren Lindbjerg, producer of the documentary, said the children were
treated abominably. 'They died from malnutrition and ordinary diseases
such as measles and scarlet fever,' he told The Observer. 'These were
contagious diseases, but they were kept in overcrowded camps with
scarce food and they died like flies. They were in Danish care behind
barbed wire and totally dependent on Denmark. This part of our history
has been whitewashed.'

Refugees from other countries were separated and provided with more
food and basic medical care, adds Lindbjerg.

But not everyone agrees. Former resistance fighter Leif Larsen, founder of
Denmark's Documentation Centre against Historical Falsification, claims the
Germans had only themselves to blame. 'This thing that has been called a
dark chapter in Danish history wasn't dark at all. The fact of the matter is
that the Germans themselves rejected the help of Danish doctors.

'A lot of people have called me a traitor and said I am smearing our
country's reputation and should not have told this story, but nobody has
been able to reject my documents. There's a feeling that what the
Germans did to us was far worse, so we shouldn't tell the story.'

Helge Kvam, of the Danish Red Cross, said his organisation couldn't help
because of Danish hostility towards Germans. 'The atmosphere at the time
was very anti-German. Girls who had slept with German soldiers had their
heads shaven and were driven around and spat at. We would have been
considered collaborators if we had helped.'

Lindbjerg said: 'The heroic efforts of Danish resistance fighters and the
rescue of Jews are all we hear about, and they're true. At school this
chapter of history is never talked about. But every country has to face its

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Do not believe in anything simply because you have heard it. Do
not believe simply because it has been handed down for many genera-
tions.  Do not believe in anything simply because it is spoken and
rumoured by many.  Do not believe in anything simply because it is
written in Holy Scriptures.  Do not believe in anything merely on
the authority of teachers, elders or wise men.  Believe only after
careful observation and analysis, when you find that it agrees with
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[CTRL] To Understand Shrubbie, You Need to Be On His Level

2003-02-09 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-

Dazed and Outraged

Armed with a six-pack and a bottle of tequila -- essential equipment

to endure any Bush State of the Union address -- here is what the
president said and more importantly what he forgot to say.
By Regis T. Sabol

As I watched George Bush’s State of the Union address Tuesday night, I
didn’t know if I should laugh or cry. So I got drunk.

It was my wife’s fault. When I showed her a website called “The State of
the Union Address Drinking Game,” she immediately ordered me to get
some beer. You have to understand that my wife is not a big drinker, so
her response came as a surprise. And the speech was about to start in ten
minutes. But I went and got the beer.

It was a good thing I did. As soon as Bush squinted those notoriously beady
eyes into the camera with that familiar smirk on his face and declared that
“the State of the Union is sound,” I knew we were going to need a whole
lot of beer to handle this journey through Bushite Fantasy Land. “What
planet is he living on?” I asked the missus.

The unemployment rate, in the millions, hasn’t been this high since Bush
the Elder was in office. Millions of elderly Americans can’t afford the
prescription drugs they need to stay alive. Even millions more have no
health insurance coverage of any kind. In the last two years, Bush,
Cheney, and the other oil barons have wreaked havoc on policies and
regulations that protected the environment.

And the state of the union is sound?

Wall Street has gone into the tank, flushing down the toilet the pension
plans of millions of America while larcenous corporate CEO’s pocket
billions collectively. The nation’s treasury has gone from a healthy surplus
two years ago to a projected $300 BILLION deficit— and that doesn’t
include the billions the next round of Bush’s tax cuts for the rich or his
war come hell or high water with Iraq will cost us.

And the state of the union is sound?

You can understand why we ended up drinking large quantities of beer
fortified with occasional shots of excellent tequila.

Here’s how the game works: Every time Bush uttered key words or
phrases, players were required to take a drink. Special words or phrases
required more than one drink. For example, tax cut, stimulus,
terror/terrorism/”Terrah”, Iraq or Saddam Hussein, regime or regime
change, disarm/disarmament, weapons of mass destruction, prescription
drugs, Medicare, and seniors or senior citizens, scored one drink.

That list of buzzwords or phrases alone gives you some idea of how much
alcohol we were required to consume to endure the entire speech, which
ran almost an hour.

Then there were the words and phrases that required multiple drinks.
“Biological, chemical, and nuclear weapons” required two drinks, as did
any reference to faith-based initiatives. Equally damaging were the point
scorers strung together in single sentences: prescription drugs, Medicare,
seniors; terror/terrorism, Iraq or Saddam Hussein, disarm, weapons of mass
destruction. Bush repeated these buzz words so often that it was difficult
to keep up.

Yes, we drank too much. But, tell me, how else could we sit through all
the deceit and cow dung this Texas snake oil salesman was slinging at us
without going stark raving mad? At least we were able to laugh.

Still, even through an alcoholic haze, I could not cease to wonder at the
brazen, shameless hypocrisy of the man. Bush obviously practiced hard on
the speech his handlers worked up for him because he delivered it more
fluidly than in the four-word phrases that generally mark his rhetoric. I
understand he gave a dress rehearsal for a select audience of Republican
bigwigs and lobbyists a few hours before he drove up Pennsylvania Avenue
to the Capitol.

Consider the Bush domestic agenda:
First, of course, we have the $670 billion tax cut plan, including the
provision to end taxation of most stock dividends. “This tax relief is good
for everyone who pays income taxes,” Bush declared. That’s true, to a
point. But it’s far truer for the top ten percent of Americans who will reap
millions than it is for the other ninety percent who will get a few hundred
bucks—if they’re lucky.

Then there’s Medicare. Bush promised to spend $400 billion over the next
10 years to “reform and strengthen Medicare,” with the addition of
prescription drug benefits. And how does he intend to perform this
miracle? By encouraging (read “coercing” here) the elderly to drop their
Medicare plans in favor of private HMO’s. What Bush failed to mention is
that even now most HMO’s refuse to insure elderly Americans with health
problems. Cuts into profits, you know.

Another Bush suggestion for dealing with burgeoning healthcare costs:
limit malpractice awards. That’s good for doctors and insurance companies
but bad for the unlucky patients on the receiving end of medical

Naturally, Bush again 

[CTRL] Did Bill O'Reilly

2003-02-09 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-

I found this on BuzzFlash.com, the UnDrudge Report - Did Bill O'Reilly Call


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[CTRL] child porn, school abuse, csa studies

2003-02-09 Thread Smart News
-Caveat Lector-

this may be heavy for survivors

Fighting Child Pornography By Jennifer Lee 2/8/03 "...Operation Hamlet, a yearlong investigation that has spread across four continents and resulted in the arrests of 30 people, most of them fathers who sexually abused their daughters. Eighteen of the arrests were in the United States." http://www.nytimes.com/2003/02/09/technology/09PORN.html?ex=1045785201ei=1en=fffbb28626e236da

from L Moss Sharman Man admits guilt in 7 sexual abuses 2/8/03 Kane County - "A Sycamore man has admitted sexually abusing seven young boys in his care at Mooseheart Child City and School, near Batavia, and will be sentenced this spring. Jonathan Scott, 30, a former house parent at Mooseheart, faces a prison term of 6 to 30 years or more on each of two counts of predatory criminal sexual assault of a child...He also admitted guilt on 19 counts of aggravated criminal sexual abuse." http://www.chicagotribune.com/

THE LANCET Volume 361 Number 9356 2/8/03 Commentary Child sexual abuse: vicious circles of fate or paths to resilience?... "In this issue of The Lancet, David Skuse and colleagues report a longitudinal study that sheds new light on this topic. These investigators were able to follow up 224 male children, victims of sexual abuse, up to the age of 18-32 years, and to assess whether they were known by the police or by social services, on a national basis, to have themselves committed sexual aggressions. Overall, 11 ·6% of victims became perpetrators in later life."

Editorial - The neglect of child neglect "In a study to be published in Child Abuse and Neglect, Leah A Behl and colleagues from the Center for the Study of Family Violence and Sexual 
Assault, Northern Illinois University, USA, review the trend in the published research on child maltreatment during the past 22 years. They found that the percentage of articles examining child physical abuse declined over the period of study, whereas the proportion of research published on sexual abuse rose. However, the percentage of articles examining child neglect and emotional abuse remained consistently low. The investigators noted a "scientific maturation" during the two decades
studied, with theoretical papers giving way over time to quantitative reports." http://www.thelancet.com
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[CTRL] Ballyhoo Brewing Over Bloated Budget Baloney

2003-02-09 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

Ballyhoo Brewing Over Bloated Budget Baloney

President Bush presented Congress with a budget proposal that masks evils and exaggerates claims.

By James P. Tucker Jr.

President Bush submitted to Congress on Feb. 3 a proposed budget for fiscal 2004 that disguises foreign give-a-ways and boasts of “homeland security” but does nothing to prevent terrorists from crossing U.S. borders almost at will.

Instead of, as in the past, listing specific amounts of taxpayer money given to individual countries, the budget “appendix” this year talks of $2.5 billion in “economic support funds” for the Middle East, providing that funds “made available to Israel” must be dispersed immediately. It provides no dollar amount for Israel.

Another $4.4 billion for “foreign military financing” again provides no amounts for specific countries but says funds “made available for Israel” must be dispersed no later than Oct. 31 and “shall be non-repayable.”

Scattered among numerous titles (“peacekeeping,” “emergency fund for complex foreign crises,” “nonproliferation,” “international military education and training”) are billions more for Israel and other nations.

A cute provision in the new budget provides for a “Millennium Challenge Account,” which begins with an outlay of $1.3 billion and grows to $5 billion in three years. 

This will reward countries that handle their internal affairs according to U.S. dictates: “that govern justly, invest in their people and encourage economic freedom.”

But a pursuit of the money trail and interviews with congressional functionaries provides minimum assessments:

• At least the typical $5.5 billion in economic and military grants and loans—automatically forgiven—will go to Israel. Considering that, with the return of deficits, the United States must borrow the money it gives Israel instantly and pay interest, the total cost will exceed $10 billion.

• In addition, Israel is confident of collecting the $12-$14 billion it has demanded of the United States be cause its tourist industry is suffering. Israel wants the United States to destroy Iraq so it can expand to a “Greater Israel” but demands compensation because tourists shun the war zone.

Total foreign aid is $18.8 billion, an increase of $2.4 billion.

Bush called for $373 million for “border security” but most of this will go to buying radiation detectors and X-ray machines to inspect cargo containers at the ports—not to protect the southern border.

Rep. Tom Tancredo (R-Colo.) and others have suggested strong border protection could be gained at no cost by deploying the military—soldiers have to be paid anyway—instead of patrolling 16 far-flung sites scattered throughout the Earth. Bush resists border protection for fear of offending Hispanic voters.

The $2.23 trillion budget projects deficits of $307 billion in 2004—assuming that numerous user fees are approved by Congress and optimistic revenue assumptions prove correct. The cost of invading Iraq—estimated at least to be $100 billion—is not factored in.

Proposed tax cuts of nearly $1.5 trillion over 10 years have been assailed by left-wing Democrats as deficit-generators. But Rep. Ron Paul (R-Tex.) has said the budget could be balanced and taxes cut by simply not increasing spending for 10 years. There would be no cuts, just no increases.

But the urge to hike spending is a political itch. Bush feels he is exercising great restraint by holding the overall budget increase to 4 percent—the average income gain for citizens, he says.

But the increases are tilted toward defense, homeland security and international affairs. Spending by the rest of the government would increase by 1 percent.

Another $53.1 billion is wasted on the Department of Education, an increase of 5.6 percent. 

Under the 10th Amendment, the federal government has no role in state and local school systems. Since the department was created by former President Jimmy Carter, the quality of education has declined—by all measurements—around the country with each year, while home schooling rockets. 

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[CTRL] New Anti-Terror Bill: Critics Cry Foul

2003-02-09 Thread goldi316
-Caveat Lector-

I suspect there is going to be a witch-hunt conducted in this
oh-so-secretive department to find the one who leaked this document!  I
hope they are never found...

New Anti-Terror Bill: Critics Cry Foul
CBS News

Saturday 08 February 2003

WASHINGTON | The Justice Department is preparing to attempt to expand
the 2001 Patriot Act to increase surveillance within the United States
while restricting access to information and limiting judicial review, a
nonprofit government watchdog group asserted Friday.

The Center for Public Integrity said it obtained a copy of the draft
legislation from a government source. The document, labeled
confidential, was posted on the organization's Internet site along
with an analysis.

Justice Department officials said no final decisions have made on any
such legislation, and it could change substantially before it is
completed. Spokeswoman Barbara Comstock acknowledged the department is
continually considering anti-terrorism measures and would be derelict
if we were not doing so.

The department's deliberations are always undertaken with the strongest
commitment to our Constitution and civil liberties, she added.

CBS News legal consultant Andrew Cohen said, These proposed measures
are a long way from being law and its likely there will be a detailed
and specific debate in Congress this time around about whether they are
necessary and advisable and even constitutional. Remember, when the USA
Patriot Act was passed just weeks after the Sept. 11 attacks and some
legislators hadn't even read it, much less really understood it. But I
think the blank-check period for this type of legislation is over.

The Administration ultimately may decide that it doesn't want to push
these measures at this time. But if the Justice Department does make a
push it will have to convince lawmakers that the new powers are
necessary and that will mean conceding that the vast new powers in the
USA Patriot Act weren't enough. That might be a tough sell to a Congress
that gave the Administration almost everything it wanted the last time

The original Patriot Act gave the government broad new anti-terrorism
powers to use wiretaps, electronic and computer eavesdropping, searches
and the authority to obtain a wide range of other information in it's
investigations. It also broke down the traditional wall between FBI
investigators and intelligence agents.

According to the Center for Public Integrity, the draft expansion of the
Patriot Act would be called the Domestic Security Enhancement Act of

Among other things, it would prohibit disclosure of information
regarding people detained as terrorist suspects and prevent the
Environmental Protection Agency from distributing worst-case scenario
information to the public about a nearby private company's use of

In addition, the measure would create a DNA database of suspected
terrorists; force suspects to prove why they should be released on
bail, rather than have the prosecution prove why they should be held;
and allow the deportation of U.S. citizens who become members of or help
terrorist groups.

It really is a broadening and a deepening of the government's powers,
said Charles Lewis, executive director of the Center for Public

Congressional aides said they had not been consulted by the Justice
Department on the development of such a bill and department officials
say it has not been transmitted to Capitol Hill. However, several aids
have said they considered it likely that the Bush administration would
propose some changes this year.

Rep. John Conyers of Michigan, top Democrat on the House Judiciary
Committee, said the legislation turns the Bill of Rights completely on
its head.

This draft bill constitutes yet another egregious blow to our citizens'
civil liberties, Conyers said. Among other things, the Bush
administration now wants to imprison suspects before they are tried and
create DNA databases of lawful residents who have committed no crime.

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Re: [CTRL] You have nothing to lose

2003-02-09 Thread Zuukie
-Caveat Lector-

What a noble experiment.  I suggest Jews not keep it to themselves and
let Saudi Arabia or Jordon or maybe even Iran try it first.  I'm sure
opening up their borders to equal citizenship and full protection to
Christians and Jews, maybe even Hindus would be very good for their
mental health and their economy.

Just a hint.  Don't use South Africa as a good example.  I just talked
with someone who was raised there and just went home to visit his
family.  Paradise it aint.

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[CTRL] Kurds know nothing of terrorist poison factory cited by Powell

2003-02-09 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

Kurds know nothing of “terrorist poison factory” cited by Powell   
By Kate Randall

Secretary of State Colin Powell devoted a considerable part of his speech to the United Nations on Wednesday arguing that the Iraqi regime has direct ties to the Al Qaeda terrorists, and that these connections pose an imminent threat to world peace and the safety of the American public.

One of Powell’s key arguments was the alleged existence of a poison and explosives training center camp located in northeastern Iraq, where he claimed the Ansar al-Islam terrorist network operating under Abu Musaab al-Zarqawi, a close associate of Osama bin Laden, “is teaching its operatives how to produce ricin and other poisons.” As Powell spoke, a large monitor displayed a photograph with the caption: “Terrorist Poison and Explosives Factory, Khurmal.”

An article appearing in the New York Times the day after the secretary of state’s speech, headlined “Kurds Puzzled by Report of Terror Camp,” completely undercuts Powell’s allegation. The Times quotes a senior Kurdish official identified as a member of the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan, familiar with intelligence on Ansar al-Islam, who commented, “I don’t know anything about this compound.”

The Times continues, “Kurds also questioned whether Mr. Powell was mistaken, or had mislabeled the photograph. Khurmal, the village named on the photo, is controlled not by Ansar al-Islam but by Komala Islami Kurdistan, a more moderate Islamic group.”

What is particularly curious is the fact that another Kurdish group, the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan—which is allied with an American intelligence team in northern Iraq—maintains relations with Komala Islami Kurdistan. Furthermore, according to the Times, the Patriotic Union has been paying $200,000 to $300,000 a month in aid to Komala.

There are two possible explanations for this astonishing report. First, if Secretary Powell is to be taken at his word that the camp in Khurmal is manufacturing poisons, then the US and the de facto Kurdish government in northern Iraq are directly implicated in the production of these poisonous agents.

The second—and more likely—explanation is that the entire story of the terrorist camp is a lie. In either event, it demonstrates that no credibility can be given to the entire shoddy ediface of allegations and lies that constitutes Powell’s brief for war against Iraq.

At a Senate Foreign Relations Committee hearing on Thursday, senators were given little information when they pressed Secretary Powell for answers about the alleged poison-producing camp. Senator Joseph Biden, Jr. (D-Del.) asked, “Why have we not taken it out? Why have we let it sit there if it’s such a dangerous plant producing these toxins?”

Powell said he was not at liberty to discuss the matter in open session. It is obvious, however, that if the Bush administration considered the Khurmal plant a terrorist threat, it would have had ample opportunity to strike it, with US intelligence agents operating among the Kurdish population nearby and US and British war planes patrolling much of northern Iraq in the adjacent “no-fly” zone. In light of the charge that the plant is producing lethal poisons, Powell and other Bush administration officials have given no credible explanation for their behavior.

A State Department press officer contacted by the WSWS claimed to have no knowledge of the New York Times article or the evident contradiction between the information in Colin Powell’s presentation on the Khurmal camp and statements by Kurdish officials in northern Iraq.

Not surprisingly, the next-day refutation of one of Powell’s principal claims has received virtually no coverage in the US media, which has unanimously signed on in support of Bush’s war drive.

Written by Kate Randall of wsws.org--Posted 2/9/2003

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[CTRL] 1st Casualty Of Iraq War Will Be The Dollar

2003-02-09 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

This article appears in the February 7, 2003 issue of Executive Intelligence Review. 

First Casualty of an Iraq War
Will Be the U.S. Dollar
by Edward Spannaus 

While President George W. Bush thinks he's going to war in the Middle East, he's being warned that the U.S. economy may not come back. U.S. forces may return, but the dollar won't. This is the admonition that has been directed at the United States from a number of sources recently.

The threat to the dollar results, of course, from a long-term process, reflecting what Lyndon LaRouche has identified as the 35-year transformation of the United States from a producer society to a consumer society. The dollar's decline has accelerated in recent months, and it is now in its worst fall against European currencies since 1987. The point that is being made to the President, is that if he marches off to war in defiance of the rest of the world, he will face a sharply-increased capital flight out of U.S. markets, and should not expect much help in bailing out the dollar when it crashes.

While a unilateral U.S. attack on Iraq could detonate a precipitous fall of the dollar, the attack would not be the cause of the problem. While market commentators have their excuse-of-the-day as to why the markets continue to collapse, David Coxe, the chairman and chief strategist for the Bank of Montreal's Harris Investment Management in Chicago, says correctly that one can't blame all of the financial markets' current problems on nervousness over an Iraq war. "Iraq is the excuse everyone is using," Coxe said. "But I would assign it no more than a 10% weighting of what is really wrong with our economy and our stock market."

Living Off the Rest of the World

The U.S. current-account deficit—what the United States owes the rest of the world because of trade and financial imbalances—is the largest in world history. It is officially estimated at least $500 billion for 2002, and is anticipated to rise to $600 billion in 2003. (EIR regards these official estimates as grossly understated.) Presently, financing this deficit requires a capital inflow of at least $1.9 billion every trading day.

Prior to the scuttling of the Bretton Woods monetary system in 1971-72, no country was permitted to run up such a huge imbalance; a much smaller imbalance would trigger what was then called a "balance of payments" crisis, and the offending country would have to settle up. But since the dollar is no longer linked to gold, nor pegged to a fixed exchange rate, the United States has been free to run up a massive deficit and flood the world with dollars.

The physical reality underlying this, is that the post-industrial United States economy produces far less—in real terms—than it used to. About 80% of the current-account deficit consists of the trade deficit, the excess of imports over exports. What we used to manufacture, we now import. We have been living off the rest of the world, much of which produces the things that we consume, under slave-labor conditions. And American consumers have been paying for this flood of imports, with the greatest consumer debt bubble ever created. Now, the day of reckoning is rapidly approaching.

A fitting metaphor for this mess—as well as a demonstration of the absurdity of President Bush's so-called "stimulus" program—was what happened when he was scheduled to give a speech at a warehouse in St. Louis on Jan. 22, touting the supposed job-creating benefits of his tax cuts. The President's remarks were to be delivered against a backdrop of a huge stack of cartons, as befitting a warehouse. But before the television cameras could be turned on, someone had to put tape on all the boxes, to cover over the "Made in China" markings.

Now, let's look at recent developments. The dollar is down, by some estimates, about 20% when measured against a basket of currencies over the past year. (It is far more, if properly measured against hard commodities, and about 30% against gold.) For foreign investors, this depreciation magnifies their losses in the U.S. stock market; for example, while the Dow is down about 18% over the past year in dollar terms, that represents a loss of 27% in Japanese yen, and 35% in euros.

Now, consider again the $1.9 billion needed every day to finance the U.S. economy's profligacy. Where is it going to come from? Europeans have become net sellers of U.S. securities over the past year. Taking note of this phenomenon, the Wall Street Journal ran a major story on Jan. 20 entitled, "Sliding Dollar's Fate May Be Decided in Asia." The Journal noted that Japanese, Chinese, and other Asians have now become the largest overseas investors in U.S. securities, in terms of net new money pumped into U.S. stocks and bonds. Last year, Asians accounted for 40% of the foreign-investment flows into the United States, somewhat counterbalancing Europe's pullback.

The question 

[CTRL] Uri Avnery: The Smell Of War

2003-02-09 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

The Smell of War 
by Uri Avnery

This is not a war about terrorism.

This is not a war about weapons of mass destruction.

This is not a war about democracy in Iraq.

This is a war about something else.

As for terrorism: Saddam Hussein is a cruel dictator, but the idea that he might be connected with Osama bin Laden is ridiculous. Saddam heads the Iraqi section of al-Baath, a very secular party. Bin Laden is an Islamic Fundamentalist, and al-Kaida aims at the destruction of all secular regimes in our region. The official who invented this particular lie is either an ignoramus or a cynic who believes that one can fool all the people at least some of the time.

As for weapons of mass destruction: the USA supported Saddam when he used deadly poison gas against the Iranians (and their Kurdish allies in Iraq). At the time, America was interested in stopping the Iranians. Today there are chemical and biological weapons in most of the countries of this region, including Egypt, Syria and Israel, and one of them has nuclear arms.

As for democracy: Americans don’t give a damn. Some of their best friends in the Islamic world are dictators, some more, some less cruel then Saddam. As the old American adage goes: "He is a son-of-a-bitch, but he is our son-of-a-bitch."

If so, what is the war about?

In one word: oil.

There is a strong smell of oil in the air. Without smelling it, one cannot understand what is going on. But once one grasps what it is all about, the actions of Bush  Co., while cynical and hypocritical, are utterly logical.

These, then, are the American war aims:

To take over the immense oil reserves of Iraq, among the world’s biggest.

To ensure American control of the nearby huge Caspian Sea oil reserves 

To reinforce indirect American control of the oil in all the Gulf states, such as Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and Iran.

Control of most of the worlds oil reserves will free the Americans, at long last, from the whims of the oil market. Their hand, and theirs alone, will be on the tab. They, and they alone, will fix the prices of oil all over the world. If they will want prices to rise, they will rise. If they will want them to go down, they will go down. With one single movement of the hand, they will be able to deal a crushing blow to the economies of Germany, France and Japan. No country in the world will be able to stand up to them in any matter. No wonder that Germany and France oppose the war. It is directed against them. 

It follows that the Americans do not intend to enter Iraq, establish democracy and leave. The very idea is ridiculous.

The US enters Iraq in order to stay there, for years and decades. Its physical presence in the Arab and Muslim world will create a new geo-political reality.

Of course, this is not the first time that a great empire uses its military power to promote its economic dominance. History is full of examples. Indeed, one could say that all of history is an example. But there has never been a super-power like the US, with no rival left, using its immense military might in order to ensure its domination of the world economy for generations to come. 

>From this point of view, the coming war on Iraq – a "small" war, militarily – will have historic significance. 

For sure, Bush will try to set up some native Iraqi government, in order to disguise and lend some legitimacy to the American occupation. There are any number of volunteers, ready to serve as Quislings. Then again, Bush may prefer some new Saddam Hussein, a dictator appointed by them.

But war is war. War usually starts with a well-prepared plan, but even the "best" plan, backed by the mightiest military power, can go awry. The Arab masses may rise against their American-supported, corrupt, lackadaisical governments. The Turks may perpetrate a massacre in the north of Iraq in order to break the Kurds once and for all, and no one can know how this will end. The holy places of the Shiites in the south of Iraq, next to Iran, may cause trouble.

How will this affect Israel? Or, to use the old phrase: "Is it good for the Jews?"

The relations between Bush and Sharon are almost symbiotic. In Sharon’s view, the massive presence of the US in our region strengthens Israel and will enable him to implement his hidden agenda.

But, as one says in Hebrew, "the fat tail of the sheep has a thorn in it". The permanent occupation of Iraq turns the US into a kind of "Arab" power, with a vital interest in the stability and tranquility of the region. It will want to prevent by all means chaos in the Arab countries – before, during and after the war.

Sharon and his generals are, on the contrary, interested in as much chaos as possible, in order to use it to "transfer" millions of Palestinians to the other side of the Jordan. There is a definite conflict of interest between Bush as Sharon.

Sharon, an extremist but prudent person, knows that he must not 

Re: [CTRL] Uri Avnery: The Smell Of War

2003-02-09 Thread Nakano Nakamura
-Caveat Lector-

--- William Shannon [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 what is the war about?
 In one word: oil.

Nakano comments:

  Yes...oil.  But there is one more thing.
  This war is about making the world safe for Israel.

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Re: [CTRL] 1st Casualty Of Iraq War Will Be The Dollar

2003-02-09 Thread Nakano Nakamura
-Caveat Lector-

--- William Shannon [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 ...the post-industrial United States economy
  produces far less (in real term) than it used to.
  About 80% of the current-account deficit consists
  of the trade deficit, the excess of imports over
  exports. What we used to manufacture,we now import.
  We have been living off the rest of the world, much
  of which produces the things that we consume, under
  slave-labor conditions. And American consumers have
  been paying for this flood of imports, with the
  greatest consumer debt bubble ever created.
 Now, the day of reckoning is rapidly approaching.

 Nakano comments:
 Welcome to the blessings of Free Trade
 This is what those who preached the doctrine
 of Free Trade have planned all along and now
 have brought upon us.
 The day of reconing is rapidly approaching.

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Re: [CTRL] Uri Avnery: The Smell Of War

2003-02-09 Thread iNFoWaRZ
-Caveat Lector-

I would say it's about global command and control.
Control of oil, yes.
And control of all resources, including human cattle.
And establishing their long dreamed of World Capitol in Jerusalem.
After America/UN receives it's fatal wound, it will be resurrected in Jerusalem.
If I lived in NY City, I would be moving out as fast as I could.
I don't want to be an alarmist but,

At 03:28 PM 2/9/03 , you wrote:
-Caveat Lector-

--- William Shannon [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  what is the war about?
  In one word: oil.

Nakano comments:

   Yes...oil.  But there is one more thing.
   This war is about making the world safe for Israel.

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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] Judaism Versus Zionism Not The Same Thing

2003-02-09 Thread Joe Smith
-Caveat Lector-
And since when is Biblical Judaism the same as Zionism anyways??? Seems to me that the minute you criticize Zionism as in fact being Anti-jewish and anti biblical that you get hammered with the title of "Anti-Semite" and "Jew Hater".. this is utterly ridiculous...
If you would do your homework and research it is more than obvious that the two are not the same and actually have different origins as well as different philosophical and intellectual motives... but of course the majority do not have a clue about this.
Nurev Ind [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
-Caveat Lector- At 07:10 PM 2/4/03 -0800, you wrote:
-Caveat Lector- Looks like many Jews outside Israel are not too happy with Israeli ZionismWrong.Don't make the mistake of taking anti-Zionist propaganda seriously. They would like toshow that Israel is SO terrible that ii is even driving away Jews. This is bullshit.SOME Jews are not too happy, but they are not many. As a matter of fact, there has been a re-affirming of support for Israel among American Jews which hasnot been seen since the Six Day War.Do you Yahoo!?
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[CTRL] [U-S-A] [LOGES-DE-CORBEAUX] Oedipus Moron (fwd)

2003-02-09 Thread Party of Citizens
-Caveat Lector-

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Sun, 9 Feb 2003 13:27:17 -0800 (PST)
From: Party of Citizens [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [U-S-A] [LOGES-DE-CORBEAUX] Oedipus Moron (fwd)

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Sun, 9 Feb 2003 13:17:32 -0800 (PST)
From: Party of Citizens [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [LOGES-DE-CORBEAUX] Oedipus Moron

Your two female guests the other night were spot on about Bush, Junior,
playing out a Neo-Greek Tragedy. Interestingly the two male guests didn't
even touch on that one. This is classic OEDIPUS COMPLEX. Junior is trying
to win sexual favours with Mamma by doing what Bush, Senior could not do,
ie totally crush Iraq.

The French, OTOH are more sexually mature and see that the


for peace and stability in the Middle East/Gulf, is thorough weapons
inspection through the UN plus destruction of any weapons found. If it
takes 3x or 5x more plus peacekeepers (even civilian) then there is no
shortage of volunteers. After all, 80% of the global community or more
is opposed to Junior's mocking and undermining of the UN PEACE PROCESS
as he looks for any pretext to satisfy his sublimated lust for Mamma Bush.
The moron is a psycho pervert, sums it up in plain language but your
female guests were to polite to come right out with it.


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U-S-A = Usurers, Sodomites, Abortionists.
The U-S-A Cult is the ruling power over America-the-Good and now seeks to a establish 
One World Government of Evil-Doers via the Afghanistan-Iraq domino effect.

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] Russia And China In Relation To Iraq Invasion

2003-02-09 Thread Joe Smith
-Caveat Lector-
China stands to lose big time if the invasion goes through
China has been a major oil importer since 1993; the third-biggest oil consumer in the world, behind the US and Japan. In the 1990s, its oil consumption rose 6 percent while its domestic production decreased 2 percent. In 2001, Chinese imports were one-third (65 million tons) of the total (200 million tons) consumed.Reserves in northern China are practically extinct. New oil fields in Xinjiang are very hard to exploit. Two-thirds of China's oil imports are from the Middle East: the main suppliers are Iran, Saudi Arabia, Oman and Yemen. In 2010, they could be responsible for 80 percent of China's needs. No wonder Beijing is so worried.Iraq contributes only 0.6 percent of Chinese oil imports - but its strategic importance is increasingly vital. China wants an immediate end to the UN embargo and sanctions. In 1997, China National Petroleum Corporation (CNPC), along with China North Industries Corporation (Norinco), signed an agreement with Iraq for a 22-year-long exploitation of half the Al-Ahdab field. The Chinese were supposed to invest $1.3 billion. In 1998, CNPC kept negotiating for an agreement regarding the Halfayah field. But in the end - because of the sanctions - the Chinese were only able to conduct feasibility studies.China has been playing an extremely active role behind closed doors in the current negotiations on the text of the new Security Council resolution on Iraq and arms inspections. The dispute only apparently is between a US-led and a French-led text. UN sources confirm the Chinese align with the French position - even though President George W Bush has said that he had a "deal" after he met Chinese President Jiang Zemin in Texas at the weekend. China is positively against an American attack on Iraq: it fears subsequent sky-high oil prices or even the interruption of supplies.China is also setting up its own strategic oil reserve. Reserves for the moment would only last for a few days. US reserves are good for three months. Until 2010, the Chinese want to be in the same position. The heart of the matter for China is to be less dependent on Middle East oil. Middle East oil travels through the Malacca Straits - controlled de facto by the US. Chinese oil companies have been increasingly active in Kazakhstan. But now, with the American presence in Afghanistan, it's for the Chinese to make the next move: how to combat encirclement by America from the Eastern and Western fronts.China, Russia and the Iraqi oil game
China stands to gain big-time by invading/reincorporating Taiwan:
Taiwan as trade deficit on Chinese economy:Taiwan's economy is closely connected to that of the Chinese mainland. With a trade surplus of nearly 20 billion US dollars with the mainland in recent years, experts from Taiwan say the mainland has served as a strong source of momentum to the island's economy.Recent figures show that the Taiwan region's exports to the mainland reached nearly 24 billion US dollars in the first 9 months of this year, accounting for 25 percent of the island's total exports. This represents a 36-percent rise over the same period in 2001. Its trade surplus with the mainland has directly boosted its economy.Cross-strait Ties, Still Up and Down in 2002The specific argument between the two revolves around the steel import protection measures China instituted earlier this year, following the US's decision to protect its ailing domestic steel industry in the face of massive global over-supply.Taiwan was one of several producers singled out by Beijing for "dumping" - selling cold-rolled steel at or below cost to establish market share, at the expense of local competition.Taiwan and China set for WTO talksLast month, the Taiwanese government announced that China had surpassed the United States for the first time as Taiwan's largest foreign market, accounting for 30 percent of all exports. According to Taiwan's Central Bank, Taiwanese businesses have invested $66.8 billion in China.New charter flights give lift to Taiwan-mainland relations
Taiwan seperation as issue of Chinese national pride:Until recently, direct links were always tied to Taiwan's unresolved political status. The debate often took the form of a diplomatic food fight, with each side hurling daily invective. Premier Zhu Rongji once warned that the Chinese would "use all their blood" to take back the island.However, the charged atmosphere suddenly came down a notch three months ago, when China dropped its demand that the flights be called "domestic," a nonstarter for the pro-independence Taiwanese government.New charter flights give lift to Taiwan-mainland relationsBut although China was prepared to enter bilateral talks with the other three states, Taipei had to threaten a formal complaint before China would respond - and then only in writing, and in Chinese rather than the official WTO languages of English and French.The letter was addressed to the "WTO economics 

[CTRL] Hoax?

2003-02-09 Thread RobGee
-Caveat Lector-

I received this today and think it a joke or hoax. Can anyone in Northern
Ohio confirm or debunk. It seems to be way out there, or is it?

This email is just to inform everyone about a new important group that the
government has formed. It is a way private citizens can serve their country
in these troubled times.

The organization is the Homeland Security Volunteer Program. People who have
graduated from the 6 week training course get a
beautiful little pin...the eagle's image with the stars and strips flowing
below it...and the HSVP in gold..and there is room for the little gemstones
they add on when you follow your training and report people who are
unpatriotic and a threat to our security.

One member, locally, is very active. If she hears of someone who is not a
Bush supporter, against the government as it is now, or had a negative
opinion about the War on Iraqespecially anyone who is one of those
peace-supporters.. they have a phone number that they call, and they give
the license plate, name, address..whatever they know or can get ahold of to
inform the authorities. She saw cars with peace bumper stickers on them in
Sandusky and took their plate numbers to turn in.

There are quite a few volunteers in this area ...all her friends that she
has been recruiting.. (they get a little blue stone for every 10 they
recruit)..if they finish the program.

They may be coming up with uniforms for the recruits.

She was asked if she had any business cards to give out to perspective
recruits - she said they don't give out cards...she takes the phone number
and gives it to her commander and he calls the new person..asks them
questions such as:

Are you a Republican or Democrat?

Did you vote for Pres. Bush?

How do you feel about the anti-government peace movement?

Do you go to church on Sunday, where?(they want addresses,etc.., and who is
your pastor and what are his/her sermons like?

Do you now know anyone who has anti-American views...like anti-war/peace

Do you feel angry about terrorism and terrorists..especially BinLauden and
Saddam Hussan?

Would you be willing to turn in someone who you were related
toespecially if it threatened goverment security?

In this area, I've been told, there are two training places. They each train
about 50 people every six weeks.

My section of the country will soon be very secure against terrorism. I
don't know if your area has this program going as of yet or if Northern Ohio
is just where the program is being started.

A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Brief History Of The United States

2003-02-09 Thread Joe Smith
-Caveat Lector-
http://www.bowlingforcolumbine.com/media/clips/windowsmedia.php?Clip=cartoon1021MDDo you Yahoo!?
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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Hoax?

2003-02-09 Thread Jim Rarey
-Caveat Lector-

Yes. A hoax.


- Original Message -
From: RobGee 
Sent: Sunday, February 09, 2003 6:44 PM
Subject: [CTRL] Hoax?
-Caveat Lector-I received this today and think it a joke
or hoax. Can anyone in NorthernOhio confirm or debunk. It seems to be way
out there, or is it?RobThis email is just to inform everyone
about a new important group that thegovernment has formed. It is a way
private citizens can serve their countryin these troubled times.The
organization is the Homeland Security Volunteer Program. People who
havegraduated from the 6 week training course get abeautiful little
pin...the eagle's image with the stars and strips flowingbelow it...and the
HSVP in gold..and there is room for the little gemstonesthey add on when you
follow your training and report people who areunpatriotic and a threat to
our security.One member, locally, is very active. If she hears of
someone who is not aBush supporter, against the government as it is now, or
had a negativeopinion about the War on Iraqespecially anyone who is one
of thosepeace-supporters.. they have a phone number that they call, and they
givethe license plate, name, address..whatever they know or can get ahold of
toinform the authorities. She saw cars with peace bumper stickers on them
inSandusky and took their plate numbers to turn in.There are quite a
few volunteers in this area ...all her friends that shehas been recruiting..
(they get a little blue stone for every 10 theyrecruit)..if they finish the
program.They may be coming up with uniforms for the recruits.She
was asked if she had any business cards to give out to perspectiverecruits -
she said they don't give out cards...she takes the phone numberand gives it
to her commander and he calls the new person..asks themquestions such
as:Are you a Republican or Democrat?Did you vote for Pres.
Bush?How do you feel about the anti-government peace movement?Do
you go to church on Sunday, where?(they want addresses,etc.., and who isyour
pastor and what are his/her sermons like?Do you now know anyone who has
anti-American views...like anti-war/peacepeople?Do you feel angry
about terrorism and terrorists..especially BinLauden andSaddam
Hussan?Would you be willing to turn in someone who you were
relatedtoespecially if it threatened goverment security?In this
area, I've been told, there are two training places. They each trainabout 50
people every six weeks.My section of the country will soon be very
secure against terrorism. Idon't know if your area has this program going as
of yet or if Northern Ohiois just where the program is being
started.A HREF="'http://www.ctrl.org/">www.ctrl.orghttp://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/ADECLARATION
 DISCLAIMER==CTRL is a discussion  informational
exchange list. Proselytizing propagandicscreeds are unwelcomed.
Substance-not soap-boxing-please! These aresordid matters and
'conspiracy theory'-with its many half-truths, mis-directions and outright
frauds-is used politically by different groups withmajor and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.That being said,
CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, andalways suggests to
readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives nocredence to Holocaust denial
and nazi's need not apply.Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat
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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Marilyn Manson Interview Re Columbine American Violence

2003-02-09 Thread Joe Smith
-Caveat Lector-
Marilyn Manson On Columbine And American Violence:http://www.bowlingforcolumbine.com/media/clips/windowsmedia.php?Clip=manson1021LGDo you Yahoo!?
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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Crowe got it wrong: gladiators were the film stars of Rome

2003-02-09 Thread flw
-Caveat Lector-

Crowe got it wrong: gladiators were the film stars of Rome

Analysis of bones found at Ephesus reveals that the fighters were rich,
pampered professionals with groupies in tow

Hannah Cleaver in Berlin
Sunday February 9, 2003
The Observer

Far from the Hollywood image of a grubby desperado fighting for his life in
a lawless arena of horror, the real-life Roman gladiator was a highly
trained and pampered professional - rich, famous and pursued by groupies.
New research has poked massive holes in the long-accepted image of
gladiators as poor wretches sent to gruesome deaths in front of crowds
baying for blood.

Gladiators were in fact provided with the best food and healthcare during
their years of training and were given the best medical treatments: they
were the football stars of their day, with sponsorship deals and a share of
the prize money.

'Much of that film stuff is simply wrong,' said Professor Klaus Grosschmidt
of Vienna University. 'The images in Gladiator were faulty, Russell Crowe's
kit was all wrong and they were not set up against unbeatable odds. That
would not have been a good show for the crowd.

'There were referees in the arenas, and the weapons and protection the
fighters had were carefully chosen to ensure a fair fight.'

Grosschmidt has been working with experimental archaeologists from Munich
University on remains of gladiators found in Turkey. The dig was at the
site of the ancient city of Ephesus.

He is using his medical expertise to extract clues about the daily lives of
the gladiators from skeletons nearly 2,000 years old.

'This is the first time nutrition, training and fight injuries can be
directly investigated from their bones,' he said.

'The medical attention they received was second to none. The most famous
doctor of the times, Galenus, treated gladiators at Ephesus.'

Grosschmidt described how the gladiators were the equivalent of today's
football stars, although they had no rights and could be bought and sold at

Many gladiators were sentenced by courts to fight, but just as many
volunteered for the chance of fame and fortune. They spent at least three
years in a training camp, where they ate the best food with a view to
developing a layer of fat over their muscles the better to sustain cut

'These camps were closed - they could not leave of their own free will,'
Grosschmidt said. 'But they received female visitors - groupies - often
women of good families who would sneak into the camps for assignations. One
gravestone even boasted that the dead gladiator was 'the favourite of women
in the night'.

'They were famous not only from the fights themselves, but also because
they would advertise ahead of the fights in order to encourage people to
bet on them.'

Judicious selection of weapons and pairing of fighters were combined with
the use of referees to make sure the fights were fair. The gladiators'
training included a certain amount of choreographed moves.

'Boxing is really the only comparable sport of today,' Grosschmidt said.
'There were many fights and it was well organised, with a number of short
fights one after another, although the crucial difference is that the
gladiators were fighting for their lives, making the essence of the
fighting very different.'

The audience did have a say in the fate of the loser, who could survive to
fight another day if he had put up a good show.

Going to gladiator fights was considered a more intellectual pastime than
going to the theatre - the fights promoted principles of honour, bravery
and fearlessness in face of death, while plays were merely entertainment.

This principle also applied to the wild animals often used in the
spectacles. 'There was even one lion that was buried with a gravestone
because it had killed many gladiators and was therefore honoured,'
Grosschmidt said.

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] How to avoid pardons

2003-02-09 Thread Zuukie
-Caveat Lector-

in Illinois
there has been some controversy over former Governor Ryans pardon of all
of the people on death row, even mention of a Nobel prize.  However in our growing competition with the
EU, we may become a third world country. 
In third world there is no need for pardons.  The Clintons (Hillary as the second Clinton
president) have done us a favor in easing the transition from leader to leader
of third world countries.  The following
list has been making the rounds again showing the Clintons
have helped to lead the way to our future:



a few people Clinton didn't have to Pardon.

1.  James McDougal

convicted Whitewater partner died of an apparent heart attack, while in
solitary confinement.  He was a key
witness in Ken Starr's investigation.

2.  Mary Mahoney

former White House intern was murdered July 1997 at a Starbucks Coffee Shop in Georgetown.  The murder happened just after she was to go
public with her story of sexual harassment in the White House.

3.  Vince Foster

white House councilor, and colleague of Hillary
Clinton at Little Rock's
Rose Law firm.  Died of a gunshot wound
to the head; ruled a suicide.

4.  Ron Brown

Secretary of Commerce and former DNC Chairman.  Reported to have died by
impact in a plane crash.  A
pathologist close to the investigation reported that there was a hole in the
top of Brown's skull resembling a gunshot wound.  At the time of his death Brown was being
investigated, and spoke publicly of his willingness to cut a deal with

5.  C. Victor
Raiser II  Montgomery

players in the Clinton
fund raising organization.  Died in a private plane crash in July 1992.

6.  Paul Tulley

National Committee Political Director found dead in a hotel room in Little
  Rock, September 1992.  Described by Clinton as a Dear friend and trusted advisor.

7.  Ed Willey

fund raiser, found dead November 1993 deep in the
woods in VA of a gunshot wound to the head. 
Ruled a suicide.  Ed Willey died on the same day his wife
Kathleen Willey claimed Bill Clinton groped her in the oval office in the White
House.  Ed Willey was involved in several
fund raising events.

8.  Jerry Parks

Head of Clinton's gubernatorial security team in Little Rock.  Gunned down in his car at a
deserted intersection outside Little Rock.  Park's son said his father was building a
dossier on Clinton.  He allegedly threatened to reveal this
information.  After he died, the files
were mysteriously removed from his house.

9.  James Bunch

Died from a gunshot suicide.  It was reported that he had a Black
Book of people which contained names of influential people who visited
prostitutes in Texas
and Arkansas.

10.  James Wilson

Was found dead in May 1993 from an apparent hanging
suicide.  He was reported to have ties to Whitewater.

11.  Kathy Ferguson

of Arkansas Trooper Danny Ferguson, was found dead in
May 1994, in her living room with a gunshot to her head.  It was ruled a suicide even though there were
several packed suitcases, as if she were going somewhere. Danny Ferguson was a
co-defendant along with Bill Clinton in the Paula Jones lawsuit.  Kathy Ferguson was a possible corroborating
witness for Paula Jones.

12.  Bill Shelton

Arkansas State Trooper and fiancee
of Kathy Ferguson.  Critical of the suicide ruling of his fiancee, he was found dead in June, 1994 of a gunshot
wound.  Also ruled a
suicide at the grave site of his fiancee.

13.  Gandy Baugh

Attorney for Clinton's friend Dan Lassater,
died by jumping out a window of a tall building January, 1994.  His client was a convicted drug distributor.

14.  Florence

and sub-contractor for the CIA, was related to the Barry
drug smuggling case.  He died of three
gunshot wounds.

15.  Suzanne Coleman

Reportedly had an affair with Clinton when he was Arkansas Attorney General.
Died of a gunshot wound to the back of the head; ruled a suicide.  Was pregnant at the time of
her death.

16.  Paula Grober

Clinton's speech interpreter for the deaf from 1978 until
her death December 9, 1992.  She died in a one car accident.

17.  Danny Casolaro

Investigative reporter.  Investigating Mena Airport and Arkansas Development Finance Authority.  He slit his wrists, apparently, in the middle
of his investigation.

 Paul Wilcher

investigating corruption at Mena
with Casolaro and the 1980 October
Surprise was found dead on a toilet June 22, 1993
in his Washington
apartment.  Had
delivered a report to Janet Reno three weeks before his death.

 Jon Parnell Walker

Whitewater investigator for Resolution Trust
Corporation.  Jumped to his death from
his Arlington, Virginia apartment balcony August15, 1993.  He was investigating the Morgan Guarantee

[CTRL] [Fwd: Orwell that Ends Well]

2003-02-09 Thread goldi316
-Caveat Lector-

I know I'm preaching to the choir here, but for what it's worth...
I will be putting this into a simple printable format to share with friends
who get their news exclusively from these sources. I can only hope
they read it, but one of the things I've noted about this "media-enriched"
society is an incredibly short attention span. I've actually gotten
whines and groans from folks over TWO PAGE articles! "It's s
long!", they whine. And my favorite: "I haven't got time to
read that much." Yet they can spend mindless hours in front of the
brainwashing machine. The problem is, the printed word forces them
to think and to focus. That has long been discouraged in this society,


By Clyde Lewis
Not only does intelligence need help in this country
so does it's media outlets. The internet has become the people's press
and was able to beat the mainstream press by leaps and bounds in reporting
that the government had fair warning about the attacks on New York and
Washington. Those who pointed it out were labeled fifth columnists, subversives,
and traitors. Get ready for something that author George Orwell called
I can't watch the television news anymore. I can't
watch the propaganda. I am living a nightmare that has the overtones of
Leni Riefenstahl's film "Triumph of the Will."
I rented the movie once. It got me a few looks form
the clerk at the video store. If you ever want to see a frightening film
you may want to take a peek at this one. While neo Nazis may see it as
a fun little film showing Nazi power. Historians use it to demonstrate
how the Nazi state drew in the masses through propaganda and also how Adolf
Hitler had a unique and terrifying ability to entice crowds to his beliefs
by the very power of his words.
Fascism always starts with words, then actions and
Then it gives birth to a world of constant conflict,
distress, and perpetual war.
Fast Forward into the past we live in the ethereal
world of George Orwell's 1984. Big Brother is pulling the strings. He is
watching you. He is telling you what to say and he is creating scenarios
both imagined and real to get you to act.
Big Brother's New World Order has perfected the uses
of high technology to monitor the lives of its populace. The populace has
unswerving loyalty to the Ingsoc party because they have been brainwashed
through propaganda called Newspeak.
The actual deconstruction of the English language
that hopefully will eradicate seditious and anti-social thinking before
it even has the chance to enter a person's mind. If we change the words
and their meaning there will be no revolution. If we use words to describe
the enemy as a lower life form or a degenerate beast the hate will swell
against that enemy and the love will then swell for the party.
The party knows best and anyone who has an independent
thought will meet up with, Ingsoc's stormtroopers, the Thought Police.
They are there to intervene; incarcerating the free-thinkers in the Ministry
of Love, where they will be "re-educated" which is newspeak for "Tortured."
How Clich is it to find a guy like me writing
some essay about the deterioration of our freedoms and using Orwell's 1984
as a reference guide for our future?
Well I guess I have been thinking a lot about Orwell
lately. Only because it seems that every time I turn on the TV I watch
our leaders speak and I hear them use words that cause you to fall into
Double think. I see the two minutes of hate every time I see the picture
of some alleged terrorist. I hear new words being uttered by new reporters
that mean nothing, yet trigger response. This whole dog and pony show is
absolutely entertaining if not as frightening as the idea of Mister Rogers
convincing children to murder their parents because he loves them more
than the child's parents do.
The reason I have fired up this discussion is because
of what I am seeing in the News media. A crisis is looming over the media
and now it is beginning to be a forum that is ripe for the tossing of word
salad and double meaning. Words used in media settings have taken on new
meanings and words are being invented that are getting reactions that I
find most intriguing.
The other night I was watching CNN's Moneyline with
Lou Dobbs and he seemed to be in a trance. I felt like I was watching a
scene from the Movie "Network" where Howard Beale played by Peter Finch
flippantly remarks to his audience that he wants to kill himself on national
"I'm going to kill myself...I'm going to blow
my brains out right on the air, right in the middle of the seven o'clock
news-it would boost ratings, A fifty share easy."- Howard Beale Network
Dobbs comments weren't as grave and flippant but
they gave me chills because what I got from his words was that he was a
journalist that was frustrated with political correctness;
"The war on terror" is not adequately descriptive,
and far too 

[CTRL] Shuttle WAS Carrying Radioactive Materials - TX Sheriff

2003-02-09 Thread goldi316
-Caveat Lector-

SIGH  Well, I suppose I really shouldn't be surprised.  Anyone in the
shuttle disaster area needs to take note of this one.  If you know
anyone in these areas, let 'em know asap!


Shuttle WAS Carrying Radioactive Materials - TX Sheriff

NASA's Terror, Part Two

By Michael Colby
Food and Water.org


Sadly, my hunch is turning out to be correct. It appears the Columbia
shuttle did, indeed, have radioactive materials on board.

In an interview with National Public Radio last night, the Sheriff of
Nacogdoches, Texas, Thomas Kerss, declared the following: There was
radioactive material on board. Kerss also declared that all the debris
found by the retrieval operations would be tested for radioactivity.

So there you have it. And you can imagine the anger that NASA and U.S.
military officials are feeling toward Sheriff Kerss for spilling the
nuclear beans to the public.

But it's the Texans that should be the angriest. They are the ones who
apparently become unwitting guinea pigs to NASA's madness. They, quite
literally, got dumped on.

The fine folks at the Global Network Against Weapons and Nuclear Power
Space have issued an official Freedom of Information Request to NASA
seeking the  full disclosure of the type, the amount, and the purpose
radioactive material on board Columbia.

If the history of NASA is any indication, it won't be easy getting
answers. Karl Grossman, the author of the NASA expose, The Wrong Stuff,
been trying to get information from the space agency for years and has
frustrated every step of the way.

They lie as much as they breathe, Grossman declared on Pacifica
War  Peace Report last night.

NASA has a sorry history of cover-ups, deceit, and information
making it akin to a wild goose chase just to get the most basic
about its missions. NASA's trump card when dodging information predators
to claim national security. And given the agencies close knit
relationship with the U.S. military, it's a claim it often gets away

But now that the Columbia shuttle has exploded above our heads and its
super-secret-contents have rained down upon us, the public must be
about the dangers we're facing. The nation's health and security is at
risk, and it's NASA that has created this clear and present danger.

If there is anything left of our democracy, now is the time for it to be

tested. NASA and the U.S. military must not be allowed to hide behind
convenient sheaths of secrecy. The public must be informed about the
dangers that lie ahead, and NASA must be reined in to meet the goals of

In recent years the world community has made it clear that they find
arrogance too much to bear. The U.S. has cancelled international peace
environmental accords; its used its military might wherever and whenever
likes; and it's turned its back on billions of poor, starving, and
ill-housed global citizens.

And now the U.S. wants the world's sympathy for the explosion of a
multi-billion-dollar space toy and its seven astronauts. Sorry, Mr.
but the U.S. is only looking more arrogant by the minute.

Unfortunately, much of the world is all too familiar with explosions --
they usually mean U.S. military warplanes are on the horizon. Within a
matter of weeks it looks like hundreds and thousands of additional
explosions will occur in Iraq, Afghanistan, and maybe even North Korea.

How is it that we deserve the world's sympathy?

Enough already.

The Bush administration should be magnifying the pain they're feeling
from the loss of the seven astronauts by tens of thousands to get some
perspective on how the world feels about our military-induced
There isn't enough time for all the memorials these innocent people

Scary, isn't it, how much terror the U.S. government (our government!)
could wage in one single month? First, it's toxic and radioactive
raining down on our innocent heads. And, next, it's bombs heading for
heads of innocent Iraqis.

Yes, we need to stop terrorism. And we should start with the terrorism
being done in our name.

Editor's Note: First - Jeff has nothing to do with this editor's note.
These are my personal feelings.

My choice of articles today is flagrantly egocentric because I'm
We are less than 10 miles from the deer named below.  Over 600 pieces of

the shuttle fell one county over.  One fell right into our reservoir.
fell just across the beautiful lake I've look out on each glorious
morning.  One piece fell just the other side of us - and the numbers

NASA's trying to claim that those deer have lumpy throat disease or some

insanely ludicrous name.  So explain, NASA, why everyone I know has
headaches, swollen glands and seriously deep coughs.  Explain why we all

dragged around the 

[CTRL] Liars vs. Liars

2003-02-09 Thread M.A. Johnson
-Caveat Lector-

~~for educational purposes only~~
[Title 17 U.S.C. section 107]

Liars vs. Liars
by David Dieteman

In thinking about the possible war with Iraq, one
must not lose sight of the fact that it is not ordinary
men and women who begin wars, but a very limited
class of men and women: politicians.

Unfortunately for the human race, and more
specifically, for those unfortunate men, women and
children living in Iraq, politicians are not known to
have an affinity for truth-telling, and are very fond
of calling one another liars.

The White House web site has a helpful link to the
provocatively titled document: Iraq: Apparatus of

American national security adviser Condoleeza
Rice has authored a piece provocatively titled:
Why We Know Iraq is Lying.

In this piece, Dr. Rice writes that:

Iraq's declaration even resorted to unabashed
plagiarism, with lengthy passages of United
Nations reports copied word-for-word (or
edited to remove any criticism of Iraq) and
presented as original text.

Clearly, any regime which participates in such
unabashed plagiarism, by copying texts
word-for-word, and presenting it as original text,
is populated by liars.

And yet Colin Powell's United Nations speech was
based upon 12-year-old information which the
British government plagiarized from a private
research paper.

As CNN reports, Glen Rangwala, a lecturer in
politics at Cambridge, told a British television
station that ten of the 19 pages were taken from an
article by Ibrahim al-Marashi, a researcher in
California. As Rangwala told CNN,

The information he was using is 12 years old
and he acknowledges this in his article. The
British government, when it transplants that
information into its own dossier, does not
make that acknowledgement. So it is presented
as current information about Iraq, when really
the information it is using is 12 years old.

The British government's response: We have
learnt an important lesson.

One would have thought that British government
officials had learned about plagiarism, as well as
outright acts of deception, a long time ago.

Not to be flustered, the spokesman for the British
Prime Minister sought to save the case for war by
adding a bit of propaganda: this issue does not take
away to any degree from the accuracy of the
information in the report nor does it negate to any
extent the core argument put forward that Iraq is
involved in deliberate acts of deception.

Preposterous. First, if the information reported by
Colin Powell is 12 years old, it is not accurate.
Second, notice that the spokesman claims the act of
deception does not negate the core argument for
war. This is a very different thing from claiming
that the document affirmatively supports the
American position.

And yet that is precisely the claim which Colin
Powell made to the United Nations. As CNN also
reports, it is the plagiarized and outdated British
document which was highlighted by U.S. Secretary
of State Colin Powell at the U.N. as a 'fine
paper...which describes in exquisite detail Iraqi
deception activities.'

Please never mind that the document is based on
information from the time of the 1991 Persian Gulf

Assuming for the sake of argument that Saddam
Hussein and other Iraqi politicians are liars, shall
we follow lying British and American politicians to
war with such liars?

Remember, Condoleeza Rice herself condemns as
unabashed plagiarism the lifting of text
word-for-word and presenting it as original text.
This is precisely what the British government has
acknowledged doing. And this is precisely the basis
of Powell's speech to the U.N.

In this regard, consider the Bush administration's
stance of war at all costs in relation to the
cheerleading, sycophantic, lap dog American media
(sorry to be repetitive; there is a point to be made).
As Nobel prize-winning economist Friedrich Hayek
notes in The Road to Serfdom (see Chapter 11
The End of Truth),

If the feeling of oppression in totalitarian
countries is in general much less acute than
most people in liberal countries imagine, this
is because the totalitarian governments
succeed to a high degree in making people
think as they want them to. (p. 168)

George Bush and Jonah Goldberg repeatedly tell us
that Americans are free people, do they not?
Nothing to worry about here!

The deception practiced by politicians comes with
a terrible price, Hayek argues:

The moral consequences of totalitarian
propaganda which we must now consider are,
however, of an even more profound kind. They
are destructive of all morals because they
undermine one of the foundations of all
morals: the sense of and the respect for truth.
(p. 170; emphasis added)

As Hayek continues, totalitarians must
propagandize not only about values (e.g., placing
the government above individuals), but about facts
as well. The government's values must be
connected to genuine values held 

[CTRL] More on the Homework Stealers

2003-02-09 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-

World Socialist Web Site www.wsws.org


WSWS : News  Analysis : Middle East : Iraq

Britain: Blair government caught out in plagiarism and lies over latest Iraq

By Chris Marsden
10 February 2003

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The February 6 edition of Channel Four news led with an exposure of
extensive plagiarism by the Blair Labour government in its latest
intelligence dossier on Iraq released on February 3.

The document was singled out for praise by US Secretary of State Colin
Powell during his February 5 address to the United Nations Security
Council, where he presented Washington’s own intelligence claiming Iraqi
possession of weapons of mass destruction and alleged efforts to thwart
UN inspectors.

Powell cited the British dossier, Iraq—its infrastructure of concealment,
deception and intimidation as additional proof of Iraqi non-compliance,
stating, “I would call my colleagues’ attention to the fine paper that the
United Kingdom distributed ... which describes in exquisite detail Iraqi
deception activities.”

The 19-page document is presented as a product of up-to-the-minute
British intelligence gathering. It says it is compiled from intelligence
material “and other sources” and is an “up-to- date intelligence-led
dossier”. But it is nothing of the sort. The bulk was plagiarised from just
three articles, one of which was written by an American graduate student,
all of which are months and even years old.

So sloppy is the plagiarism that typographic mistakes in the original articles
are repeated, indicating that they were scanned in or cut and paste from
the Internet.

One of the articles copied was published in the Middle East Review of
International Affairs last year and is the work of Ibrahim al-Marashi, a
postgraduate student from Monterey in California who is now a research
associate at the Center for Nonproliferation Studies. Large sections, as
much as six paragraphs long, appear verbatim.

Changes that are made are in order to dress Iraqi actions up in more
sinister mode. Thus “monitoring” foreign embassies becomes “spying” on
them and “aiding opposition groups in hostile regimes” becomes
“supporting terrorist organisations in hostile regimes”.

To make matters worse, the plagiarised article is based on intelligence
gathered as long ago as the aftermath of the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait in
1991 and is meant as a description of the build up to the last Gulf War.

The author told the press, “The primary documents I used for this article
are a collection of two sets of documents, one taken from Kurdish rebels
in the north of Iraq—around 4 million documents—as well as 300,000
documents left by Iraqi security services in Kuwait. After that, I have been
following events in the Iraqi security services for the last 10 years.”

Yet in the government dossier, this information is presented as a
contemporary description gathered by British intelligence. The document
claims that UN weapons inspectors are outnumbered by 200 to one by Iraqi
agents trying to deceive them, and that it provides “up to date details” of
Iraq’s security organisations.

Glen Rangwala, a lecturer in politics at Cambridge University, first spotted
the plagiarism. He told Channel Four news, “The British Government’s
dossier is 19 pages long and most of pages 6 to 16 are copied directly from
[al-Marashi’s] document word for word, even the grammatical errors and
typographical mistakes.”

“Apart from passing this off as the work of its intelligence services,” Dr
Rangwala said, “it indicates that the UK really does not have any
independent sources of information on Iraq’s internal policies. It just
draws upon publicly available data.”

Six more pages—sixteen of the 19 total—rely heavily on articles by Sean
Boyne and Ken Gause that appeared in Jane’s Intelligence Review in 1997
and last November. None of these sources is acknowledged. No attribution
is made. The authors of the dossier were instead initially named as four
Whitehall officials, P Hamill, J Pratt, A Blackshaw and M Khan, but their
names were removed from the government’s web site on February 3.

Defence and foreign policy analysts were scathing in their criticism of the
government’s black propaganda. Dan Plesch of the Royal United Services
Institute said on Channel Four news, “This appears to be obsolete
academic analysis dressed up as the best MI6 and our other international
partners can produce on Saddam.”

He added, “The word ‘scandalous’ is, I think, greatly overused in our
political life but it certainly applies to this.”

The government has dismissed criticisms from the media and the opposition
parties, with a spokesman declaring that the report was accurate and that
there had never been a claim of “exclusivity of authorship.” But given the
government’s self-appointed role as purveyors of war- propaganda in the
guise of various “intelligence 

[CTRL] Democracy a myth

2003-02-09 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-



Democracy in the new Iraq is a myth

What will the voting system be - first general past the post?

Peter Preston
Monday February 10, 2003
The Guardian

There is, alas, something ludicrous here. The prime minister who brought
you Lords reform prepares to bring true democracy to Baghdad; the
president of the hanging chads sees Iraq as the Switzerland of the Middle
East, exporting freedom's ways to its neighbours. And yet nobody laughs
out loud.

On the contrary, planning and daft promises proceed apace. After the war
(say, in about six weeks) General Tommy Franks will move in as supreme
administrator of Iraq - your friendly foreign military dictator. Then, a year
or so later, there will be some Kosovo-style tandem, a UN-civilian governor
standing beside a Yank in braid. And two/three/four years on? Milk and
honey time. Going home time for our boys. Full elected government time.
Provided, naturally, that those so elected are pro-American.

It's a scenario almost designed to invite scepticism, of course. Just look
around the Arab world and sniff. We can send them Lord Irvine as UN high
representative perhaps - but will that be enough? Yet the deepest doubts
are coming not from the liberals who support this war, nor even from the
liberals who don't. Rather, America's thinking right has the wind up.

Take Stanley Kurtz of the Hoover Institution (writing in New York's latest
City Journal). The White House model, he says, is Japan after the second
world war, with Franks as a MacArthur retread. But democracy - without
roots, succour or tradition - doesn't grow overnight. There was, however
imperfectly, a democratic legacy in Japan left over to build on. There was
vibrant political debate and - by the 1920s - full male adult suffrage. And,
crucially, there was a sophisticated and modern bureaucratic class on
hand to accept and implement the democratic reforms.

Let's hear it for these samurai turned bureaucrats. Modern bureaucracies
are generally democratising forces, writes Kurtz. They embody
intrinsically modern, democratic ideas - that a government office is distinct
from the individual who holds it, that rules apply to all with equal force.
They blow apart traditional social relations ...often powerful barriers to
democratic reform ...by centralising authority and power in a national

MacArthur couldn't have succeeded without these samurai for change,
just as Britain couldn't have left behind a democratic India without the
transformation in Hindu thinking wrought by Ram Mohan Roy and the
cultural transformation of Macauley's educational reforms. There was,
again, an indigenous class ready to use the gifts of freedom. There were
foundations to build on.

But where are those foundations in Iraq after 35 years of Saddam? Kurtz
and other similarly glum American academics promptly spiral away into a
distant future, three or more decades on, when new US schools and
universities in Baghdad have produced the new young Iraqi elite they seek.
Fine ...but you can see George W clouding over within 30 seconds.

He doesn't want to be told how long and hard the road may be. He wants
instant triumphs to hail. He can't stand the thought of all-engulfing
complexity. But, whether you are for or against the coming war, there is a
different duty: a duty to stay around, a duty of seriousness.

This isn't a Bosnia or a Kosovo - small territories with small populations. This
is a big country, 23 million strong, divided by race, religion and bloody
history and about to overdose on cruise missiles. This is a country of
separatism, feuds, poverty and infinite corruption.

It has technologists and engineers and the seeming apparatus of a modern
state, to be sure. But nuclear science isn't political science. Those who
remain within its borders, for all their technical proficiency, have had
scant immersion in the western values we seek to export; and those, in
their millions, who have fled Saddam to live in the west won't return en
masse to pick up the burdens of reconstruction.

Who, politically, are these exiled outsiders? Mostly disparate forces
gathered together under the umbrella of the Iraq National Congress. But
the State Department and CIA don't want them back. They - half-
remembered shades of Europe in 1945 - want the current infrastructure of
administration to remain in place, because that's the only infrastructure
there is. They want a democratic transformation supervised by the very
same people who ran Saddam's last election. They cannot be serious.

We could, quite rationally, be sitting round now charting a far more
detailed approach. What acceptably Islamic electoral system for this
liberated Iraq? First general past the post, like Pakistan? First son of
former dictator past the post, as in Syria? The two-round system they use
in Iran and Egypt (and France)? The block vote system of Kuwait, with as
many votes in multi-member 

[CTRL] Reuters .rm

2003-02-09 Thread Euphorian
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Do not believe in anything simply because you have heard it. Do
not believe simply because it has been handed down for many genera-
tions.  Do not believe in anything simply because it is spoken and
rumoured by many.  Do not believe in anything simply because it is
written in Holy Scriptures.  Do not believe in anything merely on
the authority of teachers, elders or wise men.  Believe only after
careful observation and analysis, when you find that it agrees with
reason and is conducive to the good and benefit of one and all.
Then accept it and live up to it. The Buddha on Belief,
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[CTRL] France / Russia to protect interests

2003-02-09 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-

Mon 10 Feb 2003

George Bush rejected a Franco-German plan to treble the size of the
United Nations team working in Iraq
Bush fury as split widens over iraq
Photo with the old Beechnut/Redman lip curl


GEORGE Bush last night said he had lost patience with the entire weapons
inspection process as he

rejected a Franco-German plan to treble the size of the United Nations
team working in Iraq and the international community split over military
action against Baghdad.

The president of the United States said he was no longer interested in
playing hide and seek with Saddam Hussein and that the only way out of
war was for the Iraqi leader to give up his weapons of mass destruction.

Mr Bush’s calls came as Hans Blix, the chief UN inspector, left Iraq saying
Saddam has had a change of heart and should be given a chance to make
good his fresh promises.

Jacques Chirac, the president of France, yesterday laid down what he
billed as a compromise deal agreed with Germany whereby a beefed-up
team of UN inspectors would be backed by troops. Russia - one of the five
countries, including France, with the power to veto a UN resolution -
indicated it would back such a plan if the alternative was US-led military

However, Colin Powell, the US Secretary of State, flatly rejected the
proposal yesterday, saying it misunderstands that the aim is not to find a
smoking gun but to prove Saddam is intent on cheating the UN.

I don’t think the next step should be let’s send in more inspectors to be
stiffed, he said. More inspectors doesn’t answer the question and what
France has to do and what Germany has to do is read Resolution 1441

Washington and London made clear yesterday that UN Resolution 1441 has
been violated as Saddam has been proven to have lied in the full and
final weapons declaration he made in December.

Mr Blix said Iraq has provided some of the missing names on the list - and
provided papers relating to high-profile issues, including anthrax, VX and
ballistic missiles.

He added that this suggested new co-operation, and seemed to back the
Franco-German plan. I would much rather see inspections than some
other solution, he said.

Mr Powell, however, said the fresh information proved Saddam had lied or
withheld information in the first place - in direct contradiction to
Resolution 1441. We don’t know what those documents are but if they are
real, serious documents, they should have been turned over months ago,
Mr Powell said.

Tripling the number of inspectors doesn’t deal with the issue. This idea of
more inspectors, or no-fly zones, or whatever else may be in this proposal
that is being developed is a diversion, not a solution.

Mr Bush said in a separate meeting with Republicans yesterday that
Saddam had built his regime on stringing along weapons inspectors - and
that sending in more would play into their hands. It is important for the
country to realise that Saddam Hussein has fooled the world for 12 years,
he said. He wants the world to think that hide and seek is a game we
should play, but it’s over.

Germany, which has now taken its turn to chair the UN Security Council,
said it would lay down the proposal for more inspectors backed by UN
troops and greater aerial support before the Security Council on Friday -
the same day as Mr Blix presents his report. If it secures Russia’s support,
Germany only needs to woo China to form a majority within the five
permanent members - leaving Britain and the US calling for a second UN
resolution justifying war.

Condoleezza Rice, the US national security adviser, said that few other
members of the UN Security Council would be taken in by Saddam’s last-
minute concession.

People are going to be very sceptical of anything that he does at this
point because an 11th-hour conversion has been his modus operandi
before, she said.

In December, Iraq submitted a list of 400 names of scientists and others
involved in past weapons programmes in the run-up to the Gulf war in 1991.
It emerged that Iraq had airbrushed out names that had been included in a
similar declaration handed to the UN in 1993.

In London, the Foreign Office said Saddam should be given no more time.
The Foreign Secretary has noted what the chief weapons inspectors have
said and looks forward to their more detailed report on Friday, a
spokesman said.

Iraq has known exactly what it has to do for 12 years. This is set out
clearly in Resolution 1441.

A separate bid for peace came from the Vatican. Pope John Paul II said he
was sending a senior cardinal to Baghdad today to try and agree terms for

This article:


More International terror:


More War with Iraq?:


[CTRL] US equipped Iraq

2003-02-09 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-

Iraqi Kurds?  How about the Iranis?  How much can that Carlisle stock
be cashed in for?  A:E:R

 Iran:: US equipped Iraq with WMD for attack against Iran.
Wants U.S. to pay $500 billion in compensation to victims.

New York, Feb 9, IRNA -- Iran's Permanent Representative to the United
Nations Mohammad Javad Zarif said on Sunday that the US itself has
equipped Iraq with weapons of mass destruction for use against Iran.

He said that Iran had been aware of US support for Iraq to impose war on
Iran adding that the then-CIA chief visited Baghdad in 1984 and encouraged
the Iraqi regime to bomb Iranian cities.

Iran had, at the time, delivered a document to the effect to United
Nations, he said.

Zarif said that the international community does not believe the US
assertion that it wants to wage war on Iraq to disarm it from weapons of
mass destruction while it overlooks Israeli stockpiles of nuclear arms.

Asked about the victims of Iraqi chemical warfare, Zarif said that about
100,000 Iranian soldiers have fallen victim to chemical warfare adding that
they have lodged complaints with Iranian courts against the US
administration and claimed about dlrs 200 billion to dlrs 500 billion in

The dlrs 200-500 billion compensation suit is the lowest possible owing to
the large number of the victims.

Responding to a question about Iran-US relations, he said that the Iranians
do not like the US to deal with Iran from the position of power and will
never allow the US to humiliate them.

If the US decides to deal with Iran on the basis of mutual respect, the
two countries can negotiate on common grounds, Zarif said. Source: IRNA

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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[CTRL] Belgium's position

2003-02-09 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-

If you can't f it up REE-uHHL good, don't f with it at all!

Sunday, 9 February, 2003, 22:26 GMT
Belgium to block US Nato request

Michel says Belgium's position is settled

Belgium says it will block an American

request for Nato to start preparing a deployment of forces designed to
protect Turkey in the event of a US-led war with Iraq.

Members states have until Monday to state formal objections to the US

France has also indicated it will oppose the request and wield its veto,
despite pressure from the US

The rift between Washington and what US Defence Secretary Donald
Rumsfeld termed old Europe threatens to do lasting damage to NATO
solidarity, according to the BBC's Stephen Sackur in Brussels.


We are going to block it between now and Monday - it is settled,
Belgium's Foreign Minister Louis Michel said.

Rumsfeld's old Europe remarks have offended many US allies
When one has to take a slap in the face such as the insulting remarks... by
Mr Rumsfeld, who comes to teach a thing or two to 'old Europe', the
Europe of democratic values, humanist Europe, the Europe of the Age of
Enlightenment, personally I find that this hurts.

Officials in Paris have repeatedly warned that a Nato deployment at this
time would send the wrong signal - namely that war was inevitable.

But Turkey is nervous about possible Iraqi counterattacks on its southern

Nato's article IV says: Parties will consult together whenever, in the
opinion of any of them, the territorial integrity, political independence of
security of any of the parties is threatened.

Who backs war?

Where key nations stand on Iraq

The stage is set for a furious behind-the- scenes row at Nato
headquarters, our correspondent says.

On Sunday, US Secretary of State Colin Powell said he found the moves to
block his government's request inexcusable.

I hope they will think differently by the time that they have to make a
judgment tomorrow.

Full coverage

Key stories
Powell: Key points
Iraqi rebuttal
World reaction
UK's 'copied' dossier

Iraq's 'last chance'
US 'winning over'

The US v Iraq


News in Arabic


TV and Radio reports


Is there enough

evidence to go to war?

See also:

09 Feb 03 | Europe
Putin rallies Europeans
on Iraq

08 Feb 03 | Europe
Germany challenges US
on Iraq

09 Feb 03 | Europe
Iraq disarmament plan
gains support

09 Feb 03 | Business
Rich world prepares
economy for war

Internet links:

The White House

Iraqi Presidency

Belgian Government


The BBC is not responsible for the content of external internet sites

Top Europe stories

Split looms for Nato over

Montenegro poll fails

Displaced Chechens

wary of referendum

Putin rallies Europeans
on Iraq

Musical is reborn in
siege theatre

Answers sought after
Eurostar nightmare

Fresh move to delay
Moussaoui trial

Kasparov draws against

Links to more Europe
stories are at the foot of the page.

 E-mail this story to a friend
Forwarded for your information.  The text and intent of the article
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expressed a prior interest in receiving this type of information
for non-profit research and educational purposes only.

Do not believe in anything simply because you have heard it. Do
not believe simply because it has been handed down for many genera-
tions.  Do not believe in anything simply because it is spoken and
rumoured by many.  Do not believe in anything simply because it is
written in Holy Scriptures.  Do not believe in anything merely on
the authority of teachers, elders or wise men.  Believe only after
careful observation and analysis, when you find that it agrees with
reason and is conducive to the good and benefit of one and all.
Then accept it and live up to it. The Buddha on Belief,
from the Kalama Sut

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Smoking Finger Gun (Keystroke Burn)

2003-02-09 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-

Downing St admits blunder on Iraq dossier
Plagiarism row casts shadow over No 10's case against Saddam

Michael White, Ewen MacAskill and Richard Norton-Taylor
Saturday February 8, 2003
The Guardian

Downing Street yesterday apologised for its failure to acknowledge that
much of its latest dossier on Iraq was lifted from academic sources, as the
affair threatened to further undermine confidence in the government's
case for disarming Saddam Hussein.

MPs and anti-war groups were quick to protest that other features of
Whitehall's information campaign are suspect at a time when MI6 and other
intelligence agencies are privately complaining at the way No 10 has been
over-egging intelligence material on Iraq.

It emerged yesterday that the dossier issued last week - later found to
include a plagiarised section written by an American PhD student - was
compiled by mid-level officials in Alastair Campbell's Downing Street
communications department with only cursory approval from intelligence
or even Foreign Office sources.

Though it now appears to have been a journalistic cut and paste job
rather than high-grade intelligence analysis, the dossier ended up being
cited approvingly on worldwide TV by the US secretary of state, Colin
Powell, when he addressed the UN security council on Wednesday.

Downing Street yesterday toughed it out, insisting that what mattered was
that the facts contained in the document were solid and helped make
the case Tony Blair rammed home on BBC Newsnight. But the middle
section of the dossier, which describes the feared Iraqi intelligence
network, was taken, much of it verbatim, from the research of Dr Ibrahim
al-Marashi without his knowledge or permission.

In retrospect we should have acknowledged [this]. The fact that we used
some of his work does not throw into question the accuracy of the
document as a whole, as he himself acknowledged on Newsnight last night,
where he said that in his opinion the document overall was accurate, the
No 10 spokesman conceded. We all have lessons to learn, he added. The
four officials originally named on the website version of the 19-page dossier
include Alison Blackshaw, Mr Campbell's senior assistant, and Murtaza Khan,
described as a news editor on the busy Downing Street website.

Professor Michael Clark, director of the International Policy Institute at
King's College London, said presenting such intelligence material
invalidates the veracity of the rest of the document. The shadow foreign
secretary, Michael Ancram, called for a cabinet minister to oversee
government information on Iraq.

Even before the latest row some Whitehall officials were protesting that
MI6 and other intelligence material was being used selectively by Downing
Street. A well-placed source made it clear that the dossier had been the
work of Downing Street and the Coalition Information Centre, the body set
up after September 11 to put the US-British case on the war against
terrorism. The source dismissed a key section of the dossier as full of silly

Glenda Jackson, the Labour former minister, was one of several MPs to
protest that the government was misleading parliament and the public.
And of course to mislead is a parliamentary euphemism for lying, Ms
Jackson told Radio 4's Today programme.

Dr al-Marashi expressed surprise at the lack of a credit for his work, as
did other authors whose research was quickly identified. One anti-war
group, Voices in the Wilderness, identified a passage from No 10's
September dossier directly traceable to Saddam Secrets, a book by Tim
Trevan published in 1999.

The Middle East Review of International Affairs, from which Dr al-Marashi's
work was lifted, is based in Israel, which makes it a suspect source to even
moderate Arab opinion, and another reason why the origin of the
information should have been listed.

In Whitehall one official who regularly sees MI6 reports said that Britain's
knowledge about Iraq until recently had been very poor. But another
claimed there has been a recent transformation: What has happened in
the last nine months is that there is now strong intelligence coming

Disturbing reports

The government has issued three reports in the past six months, trying to
establish a case for action against Iraq. Each one has drawn progressively
more criticism.

September The 50-page dossier Iraq's Weapons of Mass Destruction: The
Assessment of the British Government relied heavily on input from the
Foreign Office and MI6.

The material was damning, but most of it turned out to be years old.
British journalists in Baghdad visited several facilities of concern
highlighted in the report and found nothing sinister. UN weapons
inspectors later visited the same sites and uncovered nothing.

December The 23-page Saddam Hussein: Crimes and Human Rights Abuses
provided a horrifying account of abuses but was widely criticised by 

[CTRL] Behind the Invasion

2003-02-09 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-

Each entry is a hot linque @ the site.  A:E:R 

Nos. 33  34: Behind the Invasion of Iraq
Table of Contents:

Why this Special Issue: India as a Pillar of US Hegemony

Behind the Invasion of Iraq (a summary)

Western Imperialism and Iraq

I. From Colony to Semi-Colony
II. Towards Nationalisation
III. The Iran-Iraq War: Serving American Interests
IV. The Torment of Iraq
V. Return of Imperialist Occupation

The Real Reasons for the Invasion of Iraq—and Beyond

I. The Current Strategic Agenda of the United States
II. Home Front in Shambles
III. Military Solution to an Economic Crisis

Rehabilitating Colonialism


I. US Declares India a Strategic Pillar
II. The Pages Ripped out by the US from the Weapons Report

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[CTRL] 'Barney' Boondazzled

2003-02-09 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-

February 8, 2003
New Iraq Report

Yes, Tony, There is a Conspiracy


Here's the prewar zeitgeist in a nutshell: In a widely reported January 16
speech, Tony Blair proclaimed that the impending invasion of Iraq has
nothing to do with oil, or any of the other conspiracy theories put

One week later, Sen. Richard Lugar, chairman of the Senate Foreign
Relations Committee, quietly passed word to Russia and France that their
countries will be frozen out of staggeringly lucrative postwar oil contracts
unless they roll over and endorse the US attack.

Yes, Tony, there is a conspiracy, in the dictionary sense of the term: an
agreement among people to perform a criminal or wrongful act. It consists,
not of a tiny cabal, but of the whole of the American power elite, from
politicians to business executives to journalists. It has everything to do
with oil. But it is not secret.

The conspirators know they can count on the uncritical support of the
mass media. Therefore knowledge of their cynical motives and thuggish
tactics can be made available in journals and other specialized fora, all but
invisible to most Americans but accessible to the few with sufficient time
and inclination to dig beneath the headlines.

Building on that knowledge, a Mumbai-based independent think tank has
now anatomized the conspiracy behind the coming war and issued a truly
comprehensive explanation of the current global crisis.

Behind the Invasion of Iraq, the startling new book- length report authored
by the Research Unit for Political Economy (RUPE), synthesizes the
seemingly disparate threads of the US war drive in what amounts to a
blistering indictment of American foreign policy. The report (available on
the Web at www.rupe-india.org) is lavishly documented and jargon-free;
the effect, especially for readers with limited understanding of global
commerce and finance, is of puzzle pieces clicking decisively into place.

The RUPE report wholly confirms the widely-held view of the coming war
as a massive oil grab, on a scale not witnessed since the days of
colonialism. Further, the current debate about arms inspections and
alleged links to al-Qaeda is revealed as pure political theater, since the
decision to invade Iraq was made months ago.

But seizure of Iraq's multi-trillion-dollar petroleum reserves is only the
immediate goal, the report shows. RUPE's rigorous analysis of publicly
available sources -- including official documents, think-tank papers, and
press reports -- reveals that the US intends to use the invasion of Iraq as a
launching pad for a drastic reshaping of the Middle East, to be followed by
an unprecedented expansion of US power worldwide. The strategic trend
of US foreign policy now points unmistakably towards global empire.

To be sure, an imperial project on so ambitious a scale entails big
downside risks for the US, including staggering costs, military hazards, and
the disruption of global stability (i.e., the dearly-bought loyalty of US
allies and client states.) But the American Establishment seems prepared to
go for broke, and its enthusiastic consensus behind a naked war of
conquest cannot be explained solely by the cowboy mentality that some
detect in the White House.

What's really at stake -- and this will come as no surprise to leftists -- is US
control of global markets. The report reveals that the US economy is now
facing a nightmare scenario: A crisis of overproduction has crippled US
GDP, resulting in monstrous trade and budget deficits, even as a
potentially disastrous deflationary spiral appears to be under way

Meanwhile, superpower rivals Europe, Russia and China are mounting a
vigorous challenge to US economic preeminence, which is further
threatened by the euro's emergence as a credible alternative to the dollar
as global reserve currency. (All this is exhaustively detailed in the RUPE
report, which draws its most telling evidence from the mainstream financial

In this context, the US sees confiscation of the world's richest oil-
producing regions as a magic bullet. While securing its own access to
petroleum supplies for the foreseeable future, it can simultaneously
defend dollar hegemony and restructure Middle East markets for the
exclusive benefit of US-based corporations.

Which brings us to the crux: Direct American control of oil would render
any potential challengers for world or regional supremacy perpetually
dependent on US forbearance. In RUPE's words, once it has seized the oil
wells of west Asia the US will determine not only which firms would bag
the deals, not only the currency in which oil trade would be denominated,
only the price of oil on the international market, but even the destination
of the oil.

RUPE's argument here is powerful but complex, and this summary is
necessarily an extreme oversimplification. But the overall thrust is quite
clear: The US invasion of Iraq