Re: [CTRL] Why most Americans are unable to perceive and protest America's slide into fascism

2003-06-18 Thread Zuukie
-Caveat Lector-

While looking over your links, I was struck by your use of Kevin
MacDonald who in no way is a neutral source when it comes to the Jewish
community.  There are many historical reasons why Jews find themselves
in the liberal camp without examining carefully as individuals their
involvements, and I find myself in disagreement with that philosophy for
many reasons.  When I first heard attacks on Kevin MacDonald, I wondered
what was going on, but after looking at his involvements and his
writings, I have no doubt that he falls into the antisemitic camp. Any
search on the net will provide much information on his work.  He would
fit very well into Veith's book, Modern Fascism, on fascism in the
academic community.  Particularly revealing was an article he wrote
which parallels the views of Savitri Devi, a hardcore antisemite.  A
biography of her is titled Hitler's Priestess.

-Original Message-
From: Conspiracy Theory Research List [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of Brian Salter
Sent: Tuesday, June 17, 2003 8:18 AM
Subject: Re: [CTRL] Why most Americans are unable to perceive and
protest America's slide into fascism

-Caveat Lector-

i perceive a typically polarized argument going on here, so i'm going
to interject some comments...   just because i'm so damn sick and tired
of both sides of the left-right culture war!!!

On Tuesday, June 17, 2003, at 12:07 PM, Zuukie wrote:

 -Caveat Lector-

 I sent Mark's post to a number of people.  Here is a response from one

 of them:

 Fascism is based on the ideal of National SOCIALISM. The only real
 difference between a Nazi and a Communist is that a Nazi believes that

 socialism can be achieved in a single nation while a communist
 believes that a global socialist state is need to fully implement
 socialist tyranny.

IMO, the idea that National Socialism was genuine socialism (as the left
sees it, anyway), and the idea that National Socialism was the
capitalist world's defence against socialism are BOTH bullshit hoaxes,
perpetrated by the ideologues of left and right on eachother.  these
arguments are a disease of those who need to think in dualistic terms.
however, i have recently been tilting somewhat to the opinion that the
absolute categorization of the nazis as right wing is a distortion of
history by the left (especially trotskyists, who have abused the very
word fascism into oblivion by using it as a facile verbal weapon
against any ideology they don't like, whether or not it accurately
fits).  this is certainly the case if one equates fascism with late
capitalism, which has always been a cheapshot marxist canard.  the nazi
party platform was very heavily collectivist and strongly espoused a
planned as opposed to a market economy, and there was a notable
anti-capitalist element in both the nazi platform and many right-wing
nationalist movements of the time (a competitive, free-market system,
whatever it's real flaws may be, was seen as the enemy because it gave
an undesired equality to outsiders and thus weakened the volk).  a
more perceptive and fair way to look at the nazi regime was as a
rendition of what james burnham called the managerial society, which
was neither capitalism nor socialism, and in fact is antithetical to
both in important ways.  it is this managerial state which is the real
agenda of the wall st. so-called capitalists who supported hitler (and
some of whom, such as the rockefellers, had earlier supported the rise
of the bolsheviks, who created what burnham also considered to be a
managerial society).

anyway, here's a quote from a dissenting point of view:

The evidence that Nazism was part of the socialist tradition continues
to accumulate, even if it makes no headlines. In 1978 Otto Wagener's
Hitler: Memoirs of a Confidant appeared in its original German. Wagener
was a lifelong Nazi who had died in 1971. His recollections of Hitler's
conversations had been composed from notes in a British prisoner-of-war
camp, and they represent Hitler as an extreme socialist utopian,
anti-Jewish because ``the Jew is not a socialist.'' Nor are
Communists--``basically they are not socialistic, since they create mere
herds, as in the Soviet Union, without individual life.'' The real task,
Hitler told Wagener, was to realize the socialist dream that mankind
over the centuries had forgotten, to liberate labor, and to displace the
role of capital. That sounds like a program for the Left, and many
parties called socialist have believed in less.

Hitler's allegiance, even before such sources were known, was
acknowledged by socialists outside Germany. Julian Huxley, for example,
the pro-Soviet British biologist who later became director-general of
UNESCO, accepted Hitler's claim to be a socialist in the early 1930s,
though without enthusiasm (indeed, with marked embarrassment).

Hitler's program demanded central economic planning, which was at the
heart of the 

Re: [CTRL] Why most Americans are unable to perceive and protest America's slide into fascism

2003-06-18 Thread Brian Salter
-Caveat Lector-

i'll check out these references.  i'm not strongly endorsing macdonald;
however having read some criticsm and counter-criticism, i'm not
convinced he's anti-semitic.  in fact, his academic work is devoted to
ethnic particularism in general, and he has studied other diasporic
cultures as well, which somewhat rules out him having a personal agenda
or vendetta.  however i do think he overgeneralizes, and one thing that
i think is sorely missing is an awareness of how the attitudes of jews
have been manipulated by elites to play a certain role.  this is the
crucial element.   i believe that both christians and jews have been
massively manipulated to serve agendas that are not in their interests.
also i think that many elitists who are assumed to be jews or
christians are in fact nothing of the sort.  at the same time, it is
not fair to prohibit open analysis and consideration of jewish cultural
identity and its effect on politics and society, given the
extraordinarily disproportionate representation that jews have in
certain areas.  i think that this goes beyond the simple question of
zionism or anti-zionism.  one cannot ascribe *everything* to individual
experience or purely external factors; people are often influenced by
their cultural identity and this needs to be acknowledged, in an
objective way, without hate.  so, even if macdonald falls into the
anti-semitic camp, that doesn't mean that some of the issues and
research he brings up are out of the question.  that said, i think
peter meyers offers a more balanced discussion.
also this recent article by sherman skolnick (who is jewish) points the
way to a more nuanced view:

i'd also like you to back up your accusation against mark that he is a
jew hater.  can you point out some proof of that?  i am somewhat
familiar with mark's writing and opinions, and i have never seen any
evidence of that whatsoever.

On Wednesday, June 18, 2003, at 01:29 PM, Zuukie wrote:

-Caveat Lector-

While looking over your links, I was struck by your use of Kevin
MacDonald who in no way is a neutral source when it comes to the Jewish
community.  There are many historical reasons why Jews find themselves
in the liberal camp without examining carefully as individuals their
involvements, and I find myself in disagreement with that philosophy
many reasons.  When I first heard attacks on Kevin MacDonald, I
what was going on, but after looking at his involvements and his
writings, I have no doubt that he falls into the antisemitic camp. Any
search on the net will provide much information on his work.  He would
fit very well into Veith's book, Modern Fascism, on fascism in the
academic community.  Particularly revealing was an article he wrote
which parallels the views of Savitri Devi, a hardcore antisemite.  A
biography of her is titled Hitler's Priestess.
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.
Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Why most Americans are unable to perceive and protest America's slide into fascism

2003-06-18 Thread Brian Salter
-Caveat Lector-

On Wednesday, June 18, 2003, at 11:12 AM, Zuukie wrote:
A great deal of the wealth created by the American capitalist economy
has been accomplished by taking control of third world nations (see the
references below), robbing their natural resources, installing
dictatorial (death-squad) governments, and then using their populations
as slave labor at wages of pennies per hour to grow and manufacture
products for American corporations.  This practice is still going on.
there are many libertarians, conservatives, and other advocates of
free-enterprise capitalism who absolutely deplore these types of
atrocities by the US government, and who deplore the form the
government has taken over the past century.  regardless of the pluses
or minuses of their viewpoints, it is totally unfair to their views and
a cheapshot to lump all non-socialist views together with the
atrocities of the current ruling elites and simply label it all
capitalism.  that's a gutter level cheap shot, and the left just
keeps on doing it.  in fact, although i have some fundamental
differences with the libertarians, i feel that their arguments that the
atrocities of the US govt have been enabled by the institutionalization
of the welfare-warfare state more than anything else are sometimes
more prinicpled and more analytically grounded than the left has to
M:Wrong.  Scandinavian and other countries that practice Social
Democracy...have much better distribution of wealth than the U.S.
Z:  Are you suggesting we should stop all foreign aid, all military aid
to other countries, support of the UN, all humanitarian aide to other
countries, etc. and keep the profits here for the betterment our
Coveting again?
i think that redistribution of wealth  land should be on the table...
 at the same time, it should be recognized that attempts to apply
aspects of social democracy in the US have had the opposite effect of
what was promised.  for example, the progressive income tax, which
was supposed to redistribute wealth, has actually served to demolish
the middle and upper-middle classes, thus preventing any challenges to
the top elites.  these top elites are also inveterate opponents of
genuine free enterprise; they LOVE planned economies.  (but these days,
instead of being planned by governments, they are planned by multilater
corporations.)this was spelled out in a carnegie foundation study
from the 30s, which is not well known today...
also i'd like to point out that there used to be some populist forms of
socialism in the US, believe it or not, but these were extinguished by
the postwar trotskyist / countercultural left.  i think some
open-minded reexamination is due:
M:Sooner or later tyrants and their advocates will divulge their true
motives!  Here Zuukie and (as I'm told) her friends are advocating
maintenance of economic-class, racial, and gender social barriers,
can mean nothing less than control of the government, society, and
economy by wealthy white businessmen. This is exactly the agenda of the
Fascists and the businessmen who supported them, for the simple purpose
of maximizing their profits.
Z: Wow.  All that?  Leaping logic 
leaping logic indeed.  mark is using polemical, either-or arguments,
demonizing rather than debating.  but zuukie, you're very polemical as

The gay rights movement isn't about civil rights for homosexuals.
Homosexuals enjoy all the same civil rights as other Americans.
Absolutely false.  Homosexual people are generally not allowed to have
official marriages, and so are denied the various economic and social
rights that such marriages confer, and they are also discriminated
against in employment, housing, etc.
homosexual marriages ought to be allowed; let's be humane.   but
homosexual parenting should not.   but the idea that the ruling class
in the US are homophobic per se is nonsense; the rockefeller-funded
kinsey studies deliberately exaggerated the prevalence of homosexuality
in america, along with other aspects of non-traditional sexuality.
it is very clear that the changing of america's sexual mores was
sanctioned from the top, from certain circles anyway.  not in the sense
of supporting liberation, but to create demographic changes, to
weaken the family structure and thus make the citizenry more
susceptible to having their values changed by propaganda, and also to
lower the birth rate in accordance with elite concerns about population
(the rockefellers were at the same time setting up groups like the
Population Council to carry on the eugenics cause...  the rockefellers
have been heavily involved in funding certain types of feminist
programs, and supporting feminist programs through the UN, because this
offers a convenient PR shield to hide the eugenics agenda behind some
family planning efforts.)  just because the reaction to social change
is often imbued with 

Re: [CTRL] Why most Americans are unable to perceive and protest America's slide into fascism

2003-06-18 Thread flw
-Caveat Lector-

 One of the first things the Nazis did was to murder every
 socialist they could find.  When leftists talk about socialism
 today they mean DEMOCRATIC SOCIALISM, with workers (including
 managers) having democratic control (one-person-one-vote, not
 one-dollar-one-vote as in the U.S. today) over the businesses
 they work in and over the economy and government as a whole.

It is not possible to achieve socialism without establishing an authoritarian
state since the pervasive state involvement in all areas of a citizen's life
ncessary to implement socialism requires a degree of control only attainable
through an authoritarian state.

The one essential difference between Communism and Nazism was that the Nazis
learned from the mistakes Lenin made in the 1920's. Rather then replace the
nation's former, pre Revolutionary elite with a new (untrained) party elite, the
Nazis simply co-opted the old elite by making membership in the Nazi party
mandatory in order to keep one's position of power.

Thus the Nazis had the advantage of permitting the country to continue to
function efficiently after seizing power yet make the Party paramount in all
areas of life.
Eventually the old elite would be replaced by a new highly educated and
Party elite.
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substancenot soap-boxingplease!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright fraudsis used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Why most Americans are unable to perceive and protest America's slide into fascism

2003-06-18 Thread Brian Salter
-Caveat Lector-

On Thursday, June 19, 2003, at 08:25 AM, flw wrote:

-Caveat Lector-

One of the first things the Nazis did was to murder every
socialist they could find.  When leftists talk about socialism
today they mean DEMOCRATIC SOCIALISM, with workers (including
managers) having democratic control (one-person-one-vote, not
one-dollar-one-vote as in the U.S. today) over the businesses
they work in and over the economy and government as a whole.

what is seldom discussed is that socialist ideas about direct worker
control of factories, such as guild socialism or syndicalism, have a
direct link to the sort of corporatism seen in mussolini's fascist
regime.  this connection is particularly notable in the writings of
vilfredo pareto, a theorist who was influential in the development of
fascism.  the spanish civil war is often cited as an example of
supposedly successful application of democratic socialism, but many
better-informed leftists are very wary of this claim, given the
potential for corporatism that could have come out of that situation
(even more, since it only lasted about a year and a half, it really
doesn't amount to a successful test run of anything).  these surprising
connections are obscured and buried by the left / right labeling game
vis a vis fascism.  also obscured by the childish assumption that just
because different political groups are fighting  killing eachother,
their ideologies must be diametrically opposed.  not so.
on a deeper level, the obsession with collectivizing the workplace as
the single, driving objective of socialism, is the core marxist ruse 
psy-op... this creates maximum class antagonism between the working
class and middle class, and thus keeps the heat of the true overclass
-- the financial elite (with various cartels  monopolies at their
side).  it also obviates any possibility of reaching an equitable
social modus vivendi between workers and employers, as opposed to
utopian, absolutist egalitarianism.  marx's theories also divert the
blame solely on the dynamics of the productive sector of the economy
for economic instability and wealth accumulation, and thereby insulate
the manipulation of monetary systems and central banks from adequate
attention.  this is why wall st. bankers have such a cozy history with
marxism!   the link i posted yesterday about the populist socialism of
the 30s shows that they at least had their general priorities straight
-- their number one objective was to eliminate the fed and nationalize
the central banking system.  it's worth noting that even many
libertarians support one particular centralized, socialistic policy
that is really in our benefit -- a nationalized central bank.  (not
counting radicals like rothbard who advocate free-market monetary
a further note, marx's labor theory of value never worked as a
systematic theory of capitalism.  in fact, it was a shamble of
contradictions and illogic, as was first demonstrated by boehm-bawerk
in his famous critique.  in fact, in Kapital, vol. 3, marx actually
subtly admits that he couldn't really make this theory work in a way
that reflected real market behavior, not without some absurd fudge
factors.  that doesn't mean that there isn't a metaphorical truth to
the value theory of labor, however.  but marx's system otherwise simply
falls apart.  this must be considered as well.  i only discovered these
details recently, and it blew my mind.  just think of all that the
world has been subjected to on behalf of this theory which didn't work
from the start.  this is the dark human comedy, i guess...
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.
Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Why most Americans are unable to perceive and protest America's slide into fascism

2003-06-18 Thread Brian Salter
-Caveat Lector-

On Thursday, June 19, 2003, at 12:21 PM, Brian Salter wrote:
regime.  this connection is particularly notable in the writings of
vilfredo pareto, a theorist who was influential in the development of
oops, i didn't mean to say Pareto... i was thinking of Georges Sorel.
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.
Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Why most Americans are unable to perceive and protest America's slide into fascism

2003-06-17 Thread Brian Salter
-Caveat Lector-

i perceive a typically polarized argument going on here, so i'm going
to interject some comments...   just because i'm so damn sick and tired
of both sides of the left-right culture war!!!
On Tuesday, June 17, 2003, at 12:07 PM, Zuukie wrote:

-Caveat Lector-

I sent Mark's post to a number of people.  Here is a response from one
of them:
Fascism is based on the ideal of National SOCIALISM. The only real
difference between a Nazi and a Communist is that a Nazi believes that
socialism can be achieved in a single nation while a communist believes
that a global socialist state is need to fully implement socialist
IMO, the idea that National Socialism was genuine socialism (as the
left sees it, anyway), and the idea that National Socialism was the
capitalist world's defence against socialism are BOTH bullshit hoaxes,
perpetrated by the ideologues of left and right on eachother.  these
arguments are a disease of those who need to think in dualistic terms.
however, i have recently been tilting somewhat to the opinion that the
absolute categorization of the nazis as right wing is a distortion of
history by the left (especially trotskyists, who have abused the very
word fascism into oblivion by using it as a facile verbal weapon
against any ideology they don't like, whether or not it accurately
fits).  this is certainly the case if one equates fascism with late
capitalism, which has always been a cheapshot marxist canard.  the
nazi party platform was very heavily collectivist and strongly espoused
a planned as opposed to a market economy, and there was a notable
anti-capitalist element in both the nazi platform and many right-wing
nationalist movements of the time (a competitive, free-market system,
whatever it's real flaws may be, was seen as the enemy because it gave
an undesired equality to outsiders and thus weakened the volk).  a
more perceptive and fair way to look at the nazi regime was as a
rendition of what james burnham called the managerial society, which
was neither capitalism nor socialism, and in fact is antithetical to
both in important ways.  it is this managerial state which is the
real agenda of the wall st. so-called capitalists who supported
hitler (and some of whom, such as the rockefellers, had earlier
supported the rise of the bolsheviks, who created what burnham also
considered to be a managerial society).
anyway, here's a quote from a dissenting point of view:

The evidence that Nazism was part of the socialist tradition continues
to accumulate, even if it makes no headlines. In 1978 Otto Wagener's
Hitler: Memoirs of a Confidant appeared in its original German. Wagener
was a lifelong Nazi who had died in 1971. His recollections of Hitler's
conversations had been composed from notes in a British prisoner-of-war
camp, and they represent Hitler as an extreme socialist utopian,
anti-Jewish because ``the Jew is not a socialist.'' Nor are
Communists--``basically they are not socialistic, since they create
mere herds, as in the Soviet Union, without individual life.'' The real
task, Hitler told Wagener, was to realize the socialist dream that
mankind over the centuries had forgotten, to liberate labor, and to
displace the role of capital. That sounds like a program for the Left,
and many parties called socialist have believed in less.
Hitler's allegiance, even before such sources were known, was
acknowledged by socialists outside Germany. Julian Huxley, for example,
the pro-Soviet British biologist who later became director-general of
UNESCO, accepted Hitler's claim to be a socialist in the early 1930s,
though without enthusiasm (indeed, with marked embarrassment).
Hitler's program demanded central economic planning, which was at the
heart of the socialist cause; and genocide, in the 1930s, was well
known to be an aspect of the socialist tradition and of no other. There
was, and is, no conservative or liberal tradition of racial
extermination. The Nazis, what is more, could call on socialist
practice as well as socialist theory when they invaded the Soviet Union
in 1941 and began their exterminatory program. That is documented by
Rudolf Hoess in his memoir Kommandant in Auschwitz (1958). Detailed
reports of the Soviet camp system were circulated to Nazi camp
commandants as a model to emulate and an example to follow.
from, Never Blame the Left by George Watson, quoted at (note: i don't endorse
everything on this page...)

He also assumes that the elimination of all social barriers is a good
thing. History shows us this isn't so. The social anarchy that followed
the French and Russian revolutions were not the beginnings of a
socialist utopia, they were rightly called Reigns of Terror.
i think this is oversimplistic, but i would agree that left utopianism
is more directly responsible for unexpected nightmarish consequences
than the left admits.  this is particularly an issue when it 

Re: [CTRL] Why most Americans are unable to perceive and protest America's slide into fascism

2003-06-17 Thread Mark S Bilk
-Caveat Lector-

In-Reply-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]; from [EMAIL PROTECTED] on Tue, Jun 17, 2003 at 
12:07:30AM -0500

On Tue, Jun 17, 2003 at 12:07:30AM -0500, Zuukie wrote:
I sent Mark's post to a number of people.  Here is a response from one
of them:

Fascism is based on the ideal of National SOCIALISM. The only real
difference between a Nazi and a Communist is that a Nazi believes that
socialism can be achieved in a single nation while a communist believes
that a global socialist state is need to fully implement socialist

One of the first things the Nazis did was to murder every
socialist they could find.  When leftists talk about socialism
today they mean DEMOCRATIC SOCIALISM, with workers (including
managers) having democratic control (one-person-one-vote, not
one-dollar-one-vote as in the U.S. today) over the businesses
they work in and over the economy and government as a whole.

Regardless of their party's name or the original beliefs of some
of their members, the actual facts of Nazism and Italian and
Japanese Fascism is that they were financed by (some) wealthy
businessmen and they served the interests of wealthy businessmen.
All these forms of Fascism specifically murdered everyone who
advocated democratic control of businesses and the economy by
the people.  They even murdered union leaders who simply wanted
to organize workers so they could gain some leverage toward
better wages and conditions.

The German Fascists (Nazis) got most of their financing from
(some) wealthy American businessmen.  After WWII, (some) wealthy
American businessmen, acting through conservative politicians,
carried out assassinations and covert and overt military attacks
on dozens of different nations, to murder exactly the same sorts
of pro-human political leaders that the Nazis murdered.  See the
references below.

This person is of the mistaken assumption that profits are evil.

No, it is _excessive_ profits -- those that rob from workers
most of the value of the goods and services they produce --
that are evil.

what he ignores is that the much maligned American capitalist
economy has created more wealth

A great deal of the wealth created by the American capitalist
economy has been accomplished by taking control of third world
nations (see the references below), robbing their natural
resources, installing murderous dictatorial (death-squad)
governments, and then using their populations as slave labor at
wages of pennies per hour to grow and manufacture products for
American corporations.  This practice is still going on.

and distributed it more evenly than any
other economic system in the history of mankind. No socialist economy
anywhere, ever has created the broad distribution of wealth the US
economy has... period.

Wrong.  Scandinavian and other countries that practice Social
Democracy -- democratic control over a capitalist economy, with
limitations on profits and a large public sector to provide
housing, medical care, etc., that capitalism doesn't -- have much
better distribution of wealth than the U.S. economy.  And people
in Cuba, and under the former socialist government of Nicaragua,
have done much better than under U.S.-imposed capitalism, even
with U.S.-enforced trade embargos and military attacks that did
tremendous damage to their economies.

He also assumes that the elimination of all social barriers is a good
thing. History shows us this isn't so. The social anarchy that followed
the French and Russian revolutions were not the beginnings of a
socialist utopia, they were rightly called Reigns of Terror.

Sooner or later tyrants and their advocates will divulge their
true motives!  Here Zuukie and (as I'm told) her friends are
advocating the maintenance of economic-class, racial, and gender
social barriers, which can mean nothing less than control of the
government, society, and economy by wealthy white businessmen.
This is exactly the agenda of the Fascists and the businessmen
who supported them, for the simple purpose of maximizing their

The gay rights movement isn't about civil rights for homosexuals.
Homosexuals enjoy all the same civil rights as other Americans.

Absolutely false.  Homosexual people are generally not allowed to
have official marriages, and so are denied the various economic
and social rights that such marriages confer, and they are also
discriminated against in employment, housing, etc.

Its about government mandated endorsement of sodomy and nothing else.

That is an absurd lie.  Sodomy -- oral and anal sex -- is widely
practiced by heterosexual, as well as homosexual, people.  The laws
that homosexual people want, permitting marriage and forbidding
discrimination, do not endorse sodomy any more than current laws
endorse penile-vaginal intercourse.

Here is the ideal general principle of morality:  Don't harm
other people; do whatever you want, as long as it doesn't harm

In fact, that is the fundamental 

Re: [CTRL] Why most Americans are unable to perceive and protest America's slide into fascism

2003-06-17 Thread Zuukie
-Caveat Lector-

 I truly am glad that you chose to reply, for whatever reason.  You have
elaborated very clearly and with wonderful documentation what I was
trying to say in a less academic way, and for that I thank you.  Having
gone thru what might be called onion research, attempting to lift one
layer after another of opinion and facts to understand what is going on,
just out of persistent curiousity, I am no more a fan of the organized
right than I am of the organized left, particularly seeing the right as
the provision made for dissidents which Beatrice Webb said was

You are right when you say the media promoted establishment left and
right organizations promote ideas that are devisive.  Followers on the
right are sidetracked when they attempt to learn what is causing the
changes, and followers on the left tend to respond to emotional messages
promoting the cultural changes taking place.  On the right those who
look for information are easily funneled to antisemitic sources who
promise to give them the real truth that they can't get anywhere else.
They don't even realize how they have been funneled, thinking that those
who present them with any new information are to be trusted. That
seems to be happening on the left now also. Those on the left over these
past years were provided with so much emotionally laden factual
support that they felt they need look no further as they supported the
cause of their choice.  Neither media promoted side respects its
followers.  One of the leaders on the political side of the New Age
movement stated they have something for everyone.  It takes much
persistence to discover how those somethings link to New Age.  As David
Spangler, a New Age spokeman wrote, the movement was first tried with a
disciple on the Rhine, but this time things wouldn't go the same way
they thought.  Enough said on that.

The issues to be explored go far beyond surface discussion of
homosexuality, abortion, the feminist movement, Israel, the EU, etc. and
other publicized topics.  I look forward to checking out the links you
have suggested.  By the way, I was using the word fascism as it is used
by Prof. Gene Veith in his book Modern Fascism.

-Original Message-
From: Conspiracy Theory Research List [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of Brian Salter
Sent: Tuesday, June 17, 2003 8:18 AM
Subject: Re: [CTRL] Why most Americans are unable to perceive and
protest America's slide into fascism

-Caveat Lector-

i perceive a typically polarized argument going on here, so i'm going
to interject some comments...   just because i'm so damn sick and tired
of both sides of the left-right culture war!!!

On Tuesday, June 17, 2003, at 12:07 PM, Zuukie wrote:

 -Caveat Lector-

 I sent Mark's post to a number of people.  Here is a response from one

 of them:

 Fascism is based on the ideal of National SOCIALISM. The only real
 difference between a Nazi and a Communist is that a Nazi believes that

 socialism can be achieved in a single nation while a communist
 believes that a global socialist state is need to fully implement
 socialist tyranny.

IMO, the idea that National Socialism was genuine socialism (as the left
sees it, anyway), and the idea that National Socialism was the
capitalist world's defence against socialism are BOTH bullshit hoaxes,
perpetrated by the ideologues of left and right on eachother.  these
arguments are a disease of those who need to think in dualistic terms.
however, i have recently been tilting somewhat to the opinion that the
absolute categorization of the nazis as right wing is a distortion of
history by the left (especially trotskyists, who have abused the very
word fascism into oblivion by using it as a facile verbal weapon
against any ideology they don't like, whether or not it accurately
fits).  this is certainly the case if one equates fascism with late
capitalism, which has always been a cheapshot marxist canard.  the nazi
party platform was very heavily collectivist and strongly espoused a
planned as opposed to a market economy, and there was a notable
anti-capitalist element in both the nazi platform and many right-wing
nationalist movements of the time (a competitive, free-market system,
whatever it's real flaws may be, was seen as the enemy because it gave
an undesired equality to outsiders and thus weakened the volk).  a
more perceptive and fair way to look at the nazi regime was as a
rendition of what james burnham called the managerial society, which
was neither capitalism nor socialism, and in fact is antithetical to
both in important ways.  it is this managerial state which is the real
agenda of the wall st. so-called capitalists who supported hitler (and
some of whom, such as the rockefellers, had earlier supported the rise
of the bolsheviks, who created what burnham also considered to be a
managerial society).

anyway, here's a quote from a dissenting point of view:


Re: [CTRL] Why most Americans are unable to perceive and protest America's slide into fascism

2003-06-17 Thread Zuukie
-Caveat Lector-

Mark, I think your comments have been answered in a better way by others
than I could do.  However, I would like to add a few comments of my own.

Mark:Regardless of their party's name or the original beliefs of some of
their members,
Z: The I think the true believers among the communists are saying the
same thing...Real communism wasn't tried by those calling themselves
communists, etc.

Mark: the actual facts of Nazism and Italian and Japanese Fascism is
that they were financed by (some) wealthy businessmen and they served
the interests of wealthy businessmen.
Z:  The Thule Society made sure that the Nazi movement financially got
off the ground. (See the Pool book you list at the end of your post.)
Capitalists supporting the Nazis?  No doubt about that.  It still goes
on.  The Bill Gates Foundation is listed on (New Group of World
Servers, part of Lucis Trust, a very occultic, New Age political

The German Fascists (Nazis) got most of their financing from
(some) wealthy American businessmen.  After WWII, (some) wealthy
American businessmen, acting through conservative politicians, carried
out assassinations and covert and overt military attacks on dozens of
different nations, to murder exactly the same sorts of pro-human
political leaders that the Nazis murdered.  See the references below.

This person is of the mistaken assumption that profits are evil.

No, it is _excessive_ profits -- those that rob from workers most of the
value of the goods and services they produce -- that are evil.

what he ignores is that the much maligned American capitalist economy
has created more wealth

A great deal of the wealth created by the American capitalist economy
has been accomplished by taking control of third world nations (see the
references below), robbing their natural resources, installing murderous
dictatorial (death-squad) governments, and then using their populations
as slave labor at wages of pennies per hour to grow and manufacture
products for American corporations.  This practice is still going on.
As in New Age is a resurgence of Nazism.

M:Wrong.  Scandinavian and other countries that practice Social
Democracy...have much better distribution of wealth than the U.S.
Z:  Are you suggesting we should stop all foreign aid, all military aid
to other countries, support of the UN, all humanitarian aide to other
countries, etc. and keep the profits here for the betterment our people?
Coveting again?

M:Sooner or later tyrants and their advocates will divulge their true
motives!  Here Zuukie and (as I'm told) her friends are advocating the
maintenance of economic-class, racial, and gender social barriers, which
can mean nothing less than control of the government, society, and
economy by wealthy white businessmen. This is exactly the agenda of the
Fascists and the businessmen who supported them, for the simple purpose
of maximizing their profits.
Z: Wow.  All that?  Leaping logic 

The gay rights movement isn't about civil rights for homosexuals.
Homosexuals enjoy all the same civil rights as other Americans.

Absolutely false.  Homosexual people are generally not allowed to have
official marriages, and so are denied the various economic and social
rights that such marriages confer, and they are also discriminated
against in employment, housing, etc.

M:Here is the ideal general principle of morality:  Don't harm other
people; do whatever you want, as long as it doesn't harm anyone.
Z:  Wasn't it Crowley the Satanist who said Do What Thou Wilt Shall Be
The Whole of the Law!

Z:  Regarding promoting homosexuality to children, I presume you are in
support of the Diversity Days that are a cover for bringing knowledge of
homosexual practices to school children?

M:Women have been discriminated against in employment and wages, and in
protection by the law ...
Z: For a while in your post you have been confusing what I've written
and what another wrote.  By the way, do you know the difference between
civil law and cultural custom?  Could it be that the feminist movement
drove women into the workplace where they earn less than the men would
who would be holding the same jobs, making more money for the dreaded
capitalists?  When women weren't in the workplace, they were also busy
keeping an eye on government activities such as libraries, schools,
local government.  Now that they are in the workplace, who has time to
monitor these groups?  Much volunteer work was done by women, an unpaid
service to the community which kept government money-sucking groups
under check.

Friend:Likewise, these religions are socialist, emphasizing the group
over the
individual. Man exists to serve the state (or the coven, or whatever
group you like).

M:Wicca doesn't make people serve anyone or any thing.  Zuukie and her
bigoted right-wing friends are just making this shit up.

Z:  If you bother to check it out, you will see the very powerful occult
Lucis Trust in its writings says 

Re: [CTRL] Why most Americans are unable to perceive and protest America's slide into fascism

2003-06-16 Thread Mark S Bilk
-Caveat Lector-

In-Reply-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]; from [EMAIL PROTECTED] on Sun, Jun 15, 2003 at 
11:43:49PM -0500

On Sun, Jun 15, 2003 at 11:43:49PM -0500, Zuukie wrote:
I checked out your website and based on that and your comments
you really are into coveting.

What I'm into is workers receiving as wages most of the value
of the goods and services they produce.  Instead of almost all
of it going to wealthy owners, executives, stockholders, bankers,
etc., resulting in 95% of U.S. wealth being in the hands of the
richest 5% of the population.  Morally, that wealth belongs
mostly to the workers; wanting to get it back is not coveting.

I would suggest you find out where in your area you can
review back issues of the Chronicle of Philanthropy.  You might then see
who really has the wealth and which organizations are being supported.
It sure isn't the right that's getting the bulk of the money.  All of
the causes you support are not being supported by the little guy sending
in his $10 bill.

Zuukie appears to be saying that some wealthy people support
pro-human organizations.  True, but so many other wealthy people
support the Fascists (Republicans and some of the Democrats) that
those organizations can't do much.

All of the doing good activities you describe have
intruded the government into every area of our lives.

Apparently Zuukie's life mostly consists of dumping toxic waste,
abusing women, blacks, and gays, selling injurious products, etc.

After all the
controllers have to make sure that the people got what they really
wanted, made sure the efforts were properly funded, were followed thru
in every possible way, nationally and internationally without
interference from anyone with a different point of view. You really want
me to believe the establishment politicians saw the light that was
brought to them by the people.  Remember SDS -- Supply the Demand for
the Supply?  It works for the one-worlders also.  Have you ever seen it
in operation in the small discussion groups where a concensus is to be
formed?  Talk about immoral manipulative behavior!

I don't think any actual meaning can be assigned to that
completely vague paragraph.

Just where do you draw the line at capitalism?  According to the
following study, of the top forty richest Americans almost all of the
big capitalists were around in the 1800s.  The study by Michael Klepper
and Robert Gunther grew out of research the two did for a 1996 book The
Wealthy 100: From Benjamin Franklin to Bill Gates A Ranking of the
Richest Americans, Past and Present. The authors updated their data for
the magazine article.
People with money are no more or less moral than
those with no money.  The man or woman who owns five MacDonalds is just
as likely to be immoral as the poverty level Mom.

Perhaps that's so, but since under capitalism money equals
power, immoral wealthy American businessmen, using conservative
politicians to control the government, have murdered many
millions of people in other countries in order to prevent
them from controlling their own economy, leaving it open to
these predatory businessmen to use the population as virtual
slave labor.  Such businessmen financed Hitler in order to
kill off socialism in Europe, and after WWII financed various
death-squad operations, and carried out direct military
interventions, to stop democracy, trade-unionism, and socialism;
see the references below.

Generalizations may
make you feel superior to the capitalists, but stereotypes are
dangerous to clear thinking.

So?  The problem is that 95% of the wealth in the U.S. is held
by the richest 5% of the population.  That wealth is the value of
the goods and services produced by workers, so it is finite.  The
fact that most of it is taken by the rich means that little is
left for working people.

But thanks anyway for pointing out that there is a New Age culture
and what it looks like to the true believer.

Zuukie offers no rational criticism of New Age culture, but
implies that people who agree with it are irrational true
believers.  He also makes no attempt to defend his vile smear
in his previous post that flower children caused Fascism.


 o Most of the funding for Hitler's military buildup came from
   some very wealthy conservative Americans and their businesses.
   Many of the racial-superiority ideas came from American
   organizations also.
   _Trading With The Enemy_, Charles Higham, 1983
   _All Honorable Men_, James Stuart Martin, 1950
   _Who Financed Hitler?_, James  Suzanne Pool, 1978
   _The Secret War Against The Jews_, John Loftus  Mark Aarons, 1994

 o Since WWII, the U.S., on behalf of some very wealthy Americans,
   has attacked over 50 nations by military action or subversion,

Re: [CTRL] Why most Americans are unable to perceive and protest America's slide into fascism

2003-06-16 Thread Zuukie
-Caveat Lector-

I sent Mark's post to a number of people.  Here is a response from one
of them:

Fascism is based on the ideal of National SOCIALISM. The only real
difference between a Nazi and a Communist is that a Nazi believes that
socialism can be achieved in a single nation while a communist believes
that a global socialist state is need to fully implement socialist

This person is of the mistaken assumption that profits are evil. Of
course, what he ignores is that the much maligned American capitalist
economy has created more wealth and distributed it more evenly than any
other economic system in the history of mankind. No socialist economy
anywhere, ever has created the broad distribution of wealth the US
economy has... period.

He also assumes that the elimination of all social barriers is a good
thing. History shows us this isn't so. The social anarchy that followed
the French and Russian revolutions were not the beginnings of a
socialist utopia, they were rightly called Reigns of Terror.

The gay rights movement isn't about civil rights for homosexuals.
Homosexuals enjoy all the same civil rights as other Americans. Its
about government mandated endorsement of sodomy and nothing else. The
'gay rights' movement wants to create a 'right of access' for
homosexuals to other people's children. The have demanded that the
Congress reverse Loving v. Virginia, where the court ruled that marriage
was a common law institution that was not subject to redefinition by the
state and in the process they did away with miscegenation laws. Now they
want to say marriage is whatever the state says it is. It's not as if
these demands have improved the lot of homosexuals. In the Netherlands,
where they've gotten everything they've wanted, their median age of
death is still roughly 40 years younger than similarly situated
heterosexuals and they suffer MORE greatly from depression and other
mental illness than in the states.

Feminism isn't about civil rights for women. Women have had all the
civil rights of men since the passage of the 19th amendment in 1920.
It's about redefining society to say men and women are identical (as
opposed to equal), that men and male perogatives like fatherhood and the
traditional family are 'outmoded'. Of course, with the adoption of
feminist demands like easy divorce, government preferrence of single
mothers, abortion on demand and so on, we've seen our juvenille
deliquency rates sky-rocket, we've seen the absolute destruction of the
family unit in the black and latino communities (and it's not in such
great shape among whites either, but Asians and Jews seem to be fairly a
little better).

Wicca, and these other New Age religions, seek to reduce man to the
level of the animals instead of recognizing that each of us is a unique
creation. Likewise, these religions are socialist, emphasizing the group
over the individual. Man exists to serve the state (or the coven, or
whatever group you like). Whereas under Jewish morality, government
exists to serve the people. Instead of the worker being a cog in the
state managed greater good (as under socialism and New Age religion),
Judaism holds that each man, even the lowliest laborer, is entitled to
seek his own betterment, the economy serves the person NOT the otherway
around. Insofar as it is human nature to seek one's own interests, and
insofar as Judaism teaches one how to do so in a way that builds a
better world for everyone it is FAR more human than any religion that
man conceived.

This is the most inane, assinine load of leftist garbage I have read in
a while. The author is utterly clueless about how societies and
economies actually work. What he and his confederates seek is not
liberty but license, not freedom but the ability to tyranize those who
don't agree with him. It is socialism as we have seen it in a thousand
gulags and concentration camps around the world. We will see it again,
sadly, and millions will pay with their lives for his greed and the
greed of his confederates. But let's call this by it's right name. It's
not progressive... it's evil!
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/

Re: [CTRL] Why most Americans are unable to perceive and protest America's slide into fascism

2003-06-15 Thread Mark S Bilk
-Caveat Lector-

In-Reply-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]; from [EMAIL PROTECTED] on Sun, Jun 15, 2003 at 
04:53:54PM -0500

On Sun, Jun 15, 2003 at 04:53:54PM -0500, Zuukie wrote:

This is one of the most vicious, anti-human, right-wing propaganda
pieces I've ever seen.  Comments below...

America started to slide into Fascism long before Bush came into office.
It happened so gradually that no one noticed that it was happening. As
government power grew and individuals became less involved in government
at all levels, leaving it to the professionals, fascism came to power.

U.S. Fascism was engineered by Nixon, Reagan, GHW Bush, Clinton
(of the right wing of the Democratic party) GW Bush and the people
behind them.  Fascism is violent, deceptive, domineering government
by and for wealthy capitalists.

At one time civics was taught in the schools, and students learned how
federal, state and local government worked. Then Civics was taken out.
The flower children who had no idea how government worked joined groups
emotionally and protested without ever taking the time to search out
what was happening. Oh so righteous they were. As they grew older they
became even more righteous and came into positions of power where no one
was to challenge their thinking. They brought in every New Age
cockamamie idea with the straightest of faces, giving government more
and more power.

The only increases in government power pushed by flower children
were (and are) regulations on businesses to limit environmental
damage, set minimum wages, protect workers and consumers, prevent
discrimination against non-whites, women, homosexual people.
They also want to decrease government power by legalizing
victimless sex and drug activities.

Clever they were. They presented their ideas as if they were the
outsiders, fighting the establishment. Everybody likes an underdog and
few take the time to look into the backgrounds of the thousands of front
groups operating. (See the Encyclopedia of Associations for a general
idea of how many groups are operating here and internationally.)  God
help you if you wanted to challenge an environmental group, a peace
group, a pro-abortion group, a school board, a library board or any
other branch of government and its establishment.

Conservatives, neocons, etc., challenged these groups all the time,
because the changes they recommended decreased the profits of the
wealthy businessmen the conservatives and neocons work for.

Gradually, as in Nazi
Germany, the churches and synagogues were turned toward supporting the
secular goals of the flower children and their government, leaving
behind any effort to teach monotheistic morality, and moving forward to
the acceptance of occult spirituality.

Morality -- rules to prevent people from harming each other --
do NOT uniquely come from monotheism.  The morality of, e.g.,
various Wiccan religions is much more directed at preventing
harm to people and to the planet than Judeo-Christian morality.

The claim that anything outside of Judeo-Christian religion is
evil occult spirituality is a standard Christian Fundamentalist
Big Lie, one which they've been using for many centuries as a
pretext for discriminating against, imprisoning, torturing, and
murdering anyone who practices a religion different from theirs.

In fact, Christian monotheists have murdered tens of millions of
people for believing in a different religion (the witch burnings)
and for trying to practice the same kind of non-competitive
pro-human economic sharing (e.g., democratic socialism in Vietnam
and Nicaragua) that Jesus would have approved of.

So, the average person gave up
learning what was happening, realizing the establishment enemy was too
big.  They were whipped into shape gradually.  Forty years have gone by.
Now when someone wants to challenge the state, it's almost impossible
without the support of some sort of well-funded front group, paid for by
who knows.

This is total crap.  Most people are sheep and don't challenge
the establishment because of what they are force-fed by the
mainstream news media, which are all owned by the ultra-wealthy,
and have been pushing right-wing lies, for the benefit of the
wealthy, for decades.  The original post about the effects of
most schooling (public and private) details additional mind-
destroying effects.

Fascism was brought into the country by the hands of the
smug, uneducated flower children.

No, Fascism was brought into the country by the conservative
and neocon political servants of wealthy businessmen and bigoted
religious fundamentalists, who are the vicious and unceasing
_enemies_ of the flower children.  The previous generation of
these right-wing businessmen -- including two of GW Bush's
grandfathers -- provided 70% of the funding for Hitler's
military buildup.

Zuukie, or whomever he is quoting, is using a standard right-wing
propaganda technique -- attributing to their opposition what they

Re: [CTRL] Why most Americans are unable to perceive and protest America's slide into fascism

2003-06-15 Thread Zuukie
-Caveat Lector-

Funny, I don't remember calling out the name Rumpelstilskin, but I guess
I did that.  By the way I wasn't quoting anyone.  I checked out your
website and based on that and your comments you really are into
coveting.  I would suggest you find out where in your area you can
review back issues of the Chronicle of Philanthropy.  You might then see
who really has the wealth and which organizations are being supported.
It sure isn't the right that's getting the bulk of the money.  All of
the causes you support are not being supported by the little guy sending
in his $10 bill.  All of the doing good activities you describe have
intruded the government into every area of our lives.  After all the
controllers have to make sure that the people got what they really
wanted, made sure the efforts were properly funded, were followed thru
in every possible way, nationally and internationally without
interference from anyone with a different point of view. You really want
me to believe the establishment politicians saw the light that was
brought to them by the people.  Remember SDS -- Supply the Demand for
the Supply?  It works for the one-worlders also.  Have you ever seen it
in operation in the small discussion groups where a concensus is to be
formed?  Talk about immoral manipulative behavior!

Just where do you draw the line at capitalism?  According to the
following study, of the top forty richest Americans almost all of the
big capitalists were around in the 1800s.  The study by Michael Klepper
and Robert Gunther grew out of research the two did for a 1996 book The
Wealthy 100: From Benjamin Franklin to Bill Gates A Ranking of the
Richest Americans, Past and Present. The authors updated their data for
the magazine article. People with money are no more or less moral than
those with no money.  The man or woman who owns five MacDonalds is just
as likely to be immoral as the poverty level Mom.  Generalizations may
make you feel superior to the capitalists, but stereotypes are
dangerous to clear thinking.

But thanks anyway for pointing out that there is a New Age culture and
what it looks like to the true believer.

-Original Message-
From: Conspiracy Theory Research List [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of Mark S Bilk
Sent: Sunday, June 15, 2003 10:06 PM
Subject: Re: [CTRL] Why most Americans are unable to perceive and
protest America's slide into fascism

-Caveat Lector-

In-Reply-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]; from
[EMAIL PROTECTED] on Sun, Jun 15, 2003 at 04:53:54PM -0500

On Sun, Jun 15, 2003 at 04:53:54PM -0500, Zuukie wrote:

This is one of the most vicious, anti-human, right-wing propaganda
pieces I've ever seen.  Comments below...

America started to slide into Fascism long before Bush came into
office. It happened so gradually that no one noticed that it was
happening. As government power grew and individuals became less
involved in government at all levels, leaving it to the professionals,
fascism came to power.

U.S. Fascism was engineered by Nixon, Reagan, GHW Bush, Clinton (of the
right wing of the Democratic party) GW Bush and the people behind them.
Fascism is violent, deceptive, domineering government by and for wealthy

At one time civics was taught in the schools, and students learned how
federal, state and local government worked. Then Civics was taken out.
The flower children who had no idea how government worked joined groups

emotionally and protested without ever taking the time to search out
what was happening. Oh so righteous they were. As they grew older they
became even more righteous and came into positions of power where no
one was to challenge their thinking. They brought in every New Age
cockamamie idea with the straightest of faces, giving government more
and more power.

The only increases in government power pushed by flower children were
(and are) regulations on businesses to limit environmental damage, set
minimum wages, protect workers and consumers, prevent discrimination
against non-whites, women, homosexual people. They also want to decrease
government power by legalizing victimless sex and drug activities.

Clever they were. They presented their ideas as if they were the
outsiders, fighting the establishment. Everybody likes an underdog and
few take the time to look into the backgrounds of the thousands of
front groups operating. (See the Encyclopedia of Associations for a
general idea of how many groups are operating here and
internationally.)  God help you if you wanted to challenge an
environmental group, a peace group, a pro-abortion group, a school
board, a library board or any other branch of government and its

Conservatives, neocons, etc., challenged these groups all the time,
because the changes they recommended decreased the profits of the
wealthy businessmen the conservatives and neocons work for.

Gradually, as in Nazi
Germany, the churches and