[CTRL] OT: Compare Your Tax Savings

2000-10-01 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

To see how you would do under Bush's and Gore's tax plans, go to:


 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

  *Mike Spitzer* <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends
   Shalom, A Salaam Aleikum, and to all, A Good Day.

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fwd: Weekly - Oil

2000-10-01 Thread Kris Millegan

Stratfor.com's Weekly Analysis - 02 October

It's not news, it's intelligence.

What else is on Stratfor.com?

If you missed it last week, be sure to read our three-part series
on the future of the war in Colombia, The Price of War, as the
United States prepares to release the first in $1.3 billion in aid.

Would you like to catch up on the latest intelligence we've
published? Just click on the Intelligence Index.

Coming this week: Our forecast for next quarter of 2000.


Oil and the Coming Global Economic Slowdown


Oil prices have exploded. From a low point in 1999, prices have
nearly quadrupled. In the back of most minds lurks a fear: Will
this rise in prices trigger a depression? Will it be 1973 all over
again? The answer lies in looking at the structural and cyclical
parts of the world's economies. They - not oil - were at the heart
of the 1970s economic downturn and will determine events in this
decade, as well.


Since petroleum is the key industrial mineral, without which
nothing works, there has been an economic consequence to the recent
rise in prices. The most immediately perceptible consequences,
however, have been political.  Oil prices, which caused civil
disobedience in Europe, are now a centerpiece in the American
presidential campaign. Prices raise concerns about Asia's ability
to recover from the 1997 crash.

Embedded in the concern over oil is a deep, dark fear: Will the
rise in prices so disrupt the global economy that it will tumble
out of control and into a general depression? Certainly, higher oil
prices cause pain. But the real fear is whether these oil prices
will be the nail in the coffin in the expanding global economy. In
the back of everyone's mind is this question: Are we about to
experience 1973 all over again?

Promote global intelligence. Forward this newsletter to your
colleagues and friends!

The 1973 Arab oil embargo created a massive price rise and economic
dislocation, from Tokyo to Paris to Chicago. The explosion in oil
prices ushered in a decade of "stagflation" in which inflation
soared while economies stagnated. By the end of the decade, the
United States experienced double-digit unemployment, double-digit
inflation and double-digit interest rates. For Europe, the
situation was worse.  Even Japan, in the early stage of its
economic explosion, experienced derailment.

What few people remember is that the 1973 oil shock did not usher
in the stagflation period. It may have accelerated it and
intensified it, but the slowdown was in the works for quite a
while.  President Nixon had imposed price and wage controls before
the 1973 crisis. The United States was in enough economic trouble
for the president to impose unprecedented controls on the economy.

What drove the global economy toward stagflation was a set of deep
structural and cyclical problems. The first of these was
essentially demographic. The global population explosion following
World War II took place as people entered a period of family
formation -- a time when consumption is highest and savings is
lowest. This wave of people created tremendous pressure on
commodity and money markets.

Then came an inevitable cyclical event. The massive post-war
expansion that began in the early 1950s was about a generation old.
By the late 1960s, it was, not surprisingly, out of gas. The time
had come for a cyclical downturn. Coupled with the demographic,
structural reality, a cyclical shift turned into a massive
economic, social and political dislocation.

Deep cyclical and structural patterns magnified the effect of the
oil price rise in 1973. Without these other factors, the prices
would not have had the effect they had. Alternatively, the rise in
oil prices would not have been possible. It could not have occurred
after the 1967 Middle East War.  But it could take place in 1973,
because of a general rise in commodity prices; the rise in oil
prices was at most an exaggeration of something that was happening

Today, the real issue is not oil - not any more than it was in
1973. The real issues are the structural and cyclical forces that
underpin the economy.  By themselves, oil prices are not
definitive. They are merely part of the general operating pattern
of global economies. The structural pattern remains in place, with
positive and negative consequences.

In the case of the former, the same demographic factors that
created stagflation in the 1970s are now creating powerful patterns
of capital formation, particularly in the United States. Much focus
has been on the very narrow measure of savings rates, which are

Re: [CTRL] A Funny Thing Happened on the way to the...'state'

2000-10-01 Thread pmeares

-Caveat Lector-

nessie wrote:
> [EMAIL PROTECTED],Internet writes:
> >How I see it is that the US has
> >been set-up as a caricature of capitalism and the USSR was set up as a
> >caricature of communism/socialism set in place for control of the natural
> >resources of the world.
> As I see it they are both capitalism. One is private monopoly capitalism.
> The other is state monopoly capitalism. But a boss is a boss is a boss. In
> neither case do ordinary people like you and I have real power over
> everyday life. In both cases the few control the many, and exploit us to
> their own advantage.
> >The human population included.
> We're livestock. Nations are just glorified livestock paddocks. Borders
> are fences that our owners use to keep us separated into managable sized
> herds. Our rulers themselves care not a fig for nationalism, except as a
> tool to manipulate us. Capital has no borders.

Capitalism, state-monopoly or otherwise, indeed seems to boil down
to "control of the natural resources (of the world)" by the few, at the
expense of the many. We have all become a mere number in a world
of fictions -- just another commodity on the sacred 'market' -- where an
elite few control more then the other 90 or so percent of the population
combined. All 'governments' and 'corporations', so-called, are the
created and manipulated legal fictions of an elite's avarice. They were
created for one purpose: CONTROL; and they "have been only such
agreements as they (the 'elite') have found it necessary to enter into,
in order to maintain their organizations, and act together in plundering
and enslaving others, and in securing to each his agreed share of the
spoils". As my beloved, and over-quoted Spooner put it in his 19th
Century pamphlets on "Natural Law", and "No Treason":
[additions mine]

"All political [corporate] power, so called, rests practically
upon this matter of money [debt/credit]. Any number of scoundrels,
having money enough to start with, can establish themselves as a
"government" [or "corporation"]; because, with money, they can hire
soldiers [police/courts, or wage slaves for corporations], and with
soldiers extort more money; and also compel general obedience to their
will. It is with government [and corporations], as Caesar said it was in
war, that money and soldiers mutually supported each other"

"But all this they can do only by establishing what they call a
government, and making what they call laws."

"All the great governments [corporations, secret societies, etc]
of the world -- those now existing, as well as those that have passed
away -- have been of this character. They have been mere bands of
impostors, who have associated for purposes of plunder, conquest, and
the enslavement [wage slavery for corporations] of their fellow men. And
their laws [USC for 'gubbnmint' and UCC for 'corpus-rations'], as they
have called them, have been only such agreements as they have found it
necessary to enter into, in order to maintain their organizations, and
act together in plundering and enslaving others, and in securing to each
his agreed share of the spoils.

"All these laws [USC/UCC/treaties/CONstitutions/"sacred oaths"
of secret societies, etc.] have had no more real obligation than have
the agreements which brigands, bandits, and pirates find it necessary to
enter into with each other, for the more successful accomplishment of
their crimes, and the more peaceable division of their spoils.

"Thus substantially all the legislation [USC/UCC/treaties/
CONstitutions/corporate charters] of the world has had its origin in
the desires of one class of persons to plunder and enslave others."

"In process of time, the robber, or slaveholding, class [the 'elite',
'establishment', etc.] -- who had seized all the lands, and held all the
means of creating wealth [commerce] -- began to discover that the
easiest mode of managing their slaves, and making them profitable, was
not for each slaveholder to hold his specified number of slaves, as he
had done before, and as he would hold so many cattle, but to give them
so much liberty as would throw upon themselves (the slaves) the
responsibility of their own subsistence, and yet compel them to sell
their labor to the land-holding class -- their former owners -- for just
what the latter might choose to give them.

"Of course, these liberated slaves, as some have erroneously called
them, having no lands, or other property, and no means of obtaining an
independent subsistence, had no alternative -- to save themselves from
starvation -- but to sell their labor to the landholders [corporations],
in exchange only for the coarsest necessaries of life; not always for so
much even as that ['minimum wage' for some, much more for others,
usually depending on who one knows, or what 'degrees' one holds
from either a college or masonic lodge, or both, or whatnot].

"These liberated slaves [wage slav

[CTRL] AP: New Fed Gov't web site: http://firstgov.gov

2000-10-01 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

WASHINGTON (AP) - Want to track your Social Security benefits? Need
to apply for a federal student loan? Having trouble surfing the
Internet to find the nearest veterans hospital? Want to reserve a
campsite at a national park? Beginning Friday, Americans can do all
these things by logging on to a single U.S. government Web site:


President Clinton will explain how the site works in an Internet
address Friday afternoon The one-stop Internet site consolidates
20,000 government Web sites - some 27 million web pages - into
one. The new site allows Internet users to search for government
information by topic, rather than by agency. It also is designed
to reduce the time Americans now spend traveling to government
offices and waiting in line.

The site was developed, at no cost to taxpayers, by a team led by
Internet entrepreneur Eric Brewer. He's chief scientist at
Inktomi Corp., a software developer and marketer in Foster City,
Calif. The government will pay $165,000 a month to maintain the
site, which can search a half a billion documents in less than
one-quarter of a second and handle millions of searches a day.
The White House Web site ranked near the bottom among federal
Internet destinations, Brown University researchers said.

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

  *Mike Spitzer* <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends
   Shalom, A Salaam Aleikum, and to all, A Good Day.

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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 http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html">Archives of

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[CTRL] Lockerbie witness 'lied' to CIA to secure life in US

2000-10-01 Thread nessie

-Caveat Lector-


Lockerbie witness 'lied' to CIA to secure life in US

Special report: Lockerbie   http://www.guardianunlimited.co.uk/Lockerbie/

Gerard Seenan at Camp Zeist

Thursday September 28, 2000

The Libyan defector who has become the key prosecution witness in the
Lockerbie trial is a desperate liar who exaggerated his status as a
spy and fabricated key information when a disillusioned CIA
threatened to abandon him, a court heard yesterday.

Under cross-examination from defence counsel, the credibility of
Abdul Majid Giaka yesterday appeared to crumble. The Scottish court
in the Netherlands heard Mr Giaka had consistently lied to US
intelligence officers in order to achieve his dream of beginning a
new life in the west.

Defence counsel Richard Keen QC sought to portray Mr Giaka as little
more than a garage mechanic who had over-played his position within
the Libyan intelligence organisation, the JSO, and had lied about his
contacts within Libya for money and to further his own ends.

According to CIA intelligence documents produced in court, Mr Giaka
had claimed to know senior Libyan officials. But when questioned
about these men by Mr Keen, Mr Giaka admitted he had never met many
of them and had only a passing knowledge of others.

In a bizarre exchange, the court also heard Mr Giaka had told
American intelligence officers he was a relative of King Idris of
Libya and that Colonel Gadafy, the Libyan foreign minister and the
president of Malta were all masons. Mr Giaka refused to reveal how he
knew Colonel Gadafy was a mason for "security considerations".

Earlier, the court heard that in 1988 Mr Giaka's CIA handlers decided
he was not up to scratch as a double agent and threatened to drop
him. Defence counsel William Taylor QC said CIA cables from the time
made it clear Mr Giaka knew his salary was on the verge of being

Shortly before it was due to be terminated, Mr Giaka told the CIA one
of the Libyan accused had once shown him orange-coloured explosive in
his desk at Malta's Luqa airport. Mr Taylor said this was a "complete
fabrication", framed so that it could not be verified by the CIA.

The information, however, was enough to temporarily appease the CIA
and it was not until the summer of 1991 that the American
intelligence organisation put renewed pressure on Mr Giaka. In a
series of clandestine meetings at safe houses in Malta, the CIA told
Mr Giaka it was no longer prepared to pay him $1,000 a month and
urged him to meet with officials from the US justice department for a
complete debriefing. The CIA, however, refused to guarantee a future
for him in the US.

At this time, Mr Giaka was said to be desperate. He feared for his
life, his wife was pregnant and he had "burned all his bridges".
Referring to CIA cables, Mr Taylor said: "In the clearest possible
manner the CIA have told you what is going to happen to you unless
officers from the department of justice think you are going to come
up with something which makes you of use as a witness. It is clear as
a pikestaff," said Mr Taylor.

On July 13 1991 Mr Giaka was taken to an American warship off the
coast of Malta. That day, he gave his most crucial evidence against
Abdel Baset al-Megrahi and Al Amin Khalifa Fhimah, the men accused of
the bombing.

Mr Giaka told American justice officials that in December 1988 he had
watched Mr al-Megrahi and Mr Fhimah take a brown hard-shelled
suitcase, flown in from Tripoli, unchecked through customs at Luqa

Mr Taylor said Mr Giaka had never before mentioned this to his CIA
handlers. "This incident of the brown [suitcase] is an invention that
comes up rather late in the day," he said.

The prosecution alleges that the bomb which eventually blew up Pan Am
flight 103 on December 21, 1988 was planted inside such a suitcase
and was put onto a plane at Luqa airport before it was transferred to
the Pan Am flight at Frankfurt.

The trial continues.

[As does the coverup]

Guardian Unlimited C Guardian Newspapers Limited 2000

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:

Re: [CTRL] [Fwd: FDA conflicts of interest (USA Today)]

2000-10-01 Thread M.A. Johnson

-Caveat Lector-

  -Caveat Lector-
FDA advisers tied to industry

  Ever hear of the Public Choice Model?
  This unconstitutional, oppressive illusion should
  be abolished.

  I don't think we can go to a system where there is
  NO regulation, because it is just asking for trouble
  from those who would be unscrupulous regardless.
We have people who are 'unscrupulous regardless' NOW
coupled to this farce which serves to prohibit an individual
from choosing for himself ...

 In matters of health I think it is advisable to have truly
 independant experts evaluate the effectiveness and
 safety of all products, but that the people should
 STILL have the last word as to whether they want
 to try it or not.  In other words I think that if you want
 to take a drug that the FDA says is ineffective or possibly
 dangerous then I don't think they have the right to keep it
 from you or you from taking it.
This PRIVATE oversight will necessarily occur ... consider
UL or Consumer Reports.

  At the same time there does need to be some measure
  of control over claims, manufacturing protocals,
  standardization, truth in labelling, etc.
Such would fall under 'fraud'.


Property is prior to law; the sole function of the law
is to safeguard the right to property wherever it exists,
wherever it is formed, in whatever manner the worker
produces it, whether individually or in association,
provided that he respects the rights of others.
-- Frederic Bastiat

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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 http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html">Archives of

 http:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/">ctrl

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[CTRL] The New American - Embellishing the UN Threat - October 9, 2000.

2000-10-01 Thread Michael Pugliese

-Caveat Lector-

The New American - Embellishing the UN Threat - October 9,
The UN threat needs no exaggeration, yet some well-intentioned activists
have done just that.
Embellishing the UN Threat
by William Norman Grigg
The recent furor over the so-called "Charter for Global Democracy" offers a
perfect illustration of how "gilding" the UN threat can undermine the
credibility of the movement to restore U.S. sovereignty.
"To gild refined gold, to paint the lily, to throw perfume on the violet .
or to add another hue unto the rainbow," observed Salisbury in Shakespeare's
King John, "is wasteful and ridiculous excess." It is similarly pointless
and counterproductive to exaggerate, to the point of caricature, genuine
dangers, such as that posed by the United Nations to the national
sovereignty of the United States. The UN menace is real, tangible, and
growing, and sufficiently ominous without the spurious ornamentation of
contrived or exaggerated threats. The recent furor over the so-called
"Charter for Global Democracy" offers a perfect illustration of how
"gilding" the UN threat can undermine the credibility of the movement to
restore U.S. sovereignty and sow defeatism among those who are properly
alarmed over the UN's activities.
Charter 99 (the actual name of the "Charter for Global Democracy") is the
work of a private organization based in London. The document, which was
inspired by the 1995 Commission on Global Governance report entitled Our
Global Neighborhood, describes itself as an "open letter" to the heads of
state participating in the UN's Millennium Summit. However, it was neither
funded nor officially approved by the UN.
Charter 99 is organized around 12 proposed measures for strengthening the UN
and expanding the world body's jurisdiction, including a global taxing
authority, a standing UN army, a fully functional International Criminal
Court, and so on. These are UN proposals of long-standing, and THE NEW
AMERICAN has reported extensively upon these and other dangerous initiatives
that are underway at the world body - with the support of the U.S.
In substance, Charter 99 is no different from scores of similar broadsides
that clutter the tables at the non-governmental organization (NGO) forums at
UN conferences and summits. Forests have been denuded to create the
documents that have been generated by pro-UN NGOs, all of which
energetically support the escalating empowerment of the body as an actual
world government. Most of these documents are little more than activist
ephemera, written with great passion, distributed by their authors with
great sincerity, and forgotten with great alacrity. Charter 99 is no
exception - or, in any case, would have been, had it not been thrust into
the spotlight by a well-intentioned but misguided campaign by a group of UN
Is It the End?
The June edition of Insider's Report, the newsletter of the Virginia-based
American Policy Center (APC), described Charter 99 as "The 'Final Solution'
For American Independence." According to the newsletter, at the Millennium
Summit "Global Governance under the control of the United Nations will be
established. World leaders will vote to give the UN oversight of
international conflicts. They will give the UN the power to be judge and
jury over violators of international law." The vehicle for this dramatic
development, according to the newsletter, is "The UN's Charter for Global
Democracy [which] has been created to essentially replace the UN's
fifty-year-old Charter." "The Millennium Assembly [sic] is the final act in
a UN drive for power that began a decade ago," continues the APC report.
Referring to the 1995 Commission on Global Governance report Our Global
Neighborhood, the APC asserts: "That report detailed UN plans that will now
be placed into action through the Charter for Global Democracy which will be
voted on and approved by world leaders at the Millennium Assembly [sic]."
Under the grim scenario sketched out by the APC, the Millennium Summit sets
the stage for the abolition of U.S. independence by executive decree. "In
1776, with the stroke of a pen," concludes the newsletter, "the Declaration
of Independence marked the beginning of the greatest experiment in national
government ever conceived. Today, however, unless Congress stands united -
determined to block not only the UN Charter, but also every effort to
implement it - it will take only the stroke of Bill Clinton's lame-duck pen
to change our nation, and history forever."
An APC fax alert disseminated on September 5th urged Americans to
participate in a "phone-in" timed to coincide with a press conference
scheduled for the morning of Thursday, September 7th. "If you do nothing at
noon Thursday, the mechanism will be in place for: a standing UN army; UN
global taxation; a UN International Criminal Court; UN gun control," warned
the fax alert. The purpose of the press 

Re: [CTRL] Konformist: Homosexual-Recruitment Drive Nearing Goal (fwd)

2000-10-01 Thread Nate Fischer

-Caveat Lector-

Well folks, if you are not aware of the fact that the below article is fake,
I don't know who you are.  This article was retrieved from www.onion.com
and if you look at the bottom at the masthead, or click here,
http://www.onion.com/info/masthead.html  which prints the following


The Onion® is a satirical newspaper published by Onion, Inc.
The Onion® uses invented names in all its stories, except in cases when
public figures are being satirized. Any other use of real names is
accidental and coincidental.
The content of this web-site--graphics, text and other elements--is ©
Copyright 2000 by Onion, Inc., and may not be reprinted or retransmitted in
whole or in part without the expressed written consent of the publisher.
The Onion® is not intended for readers under 18 years of age.

It is SATIRICAL, please do not promote this type of literature on this list.
I can't believe that someone would take this as serious.



-Original Message-
From: Conspiracy Theory Research List [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On
Behalf Of Yardbird
Sent: Sunday, October 01, 2000 7:56 PM
Subject: [CTRL] Konformist: Homosexual-Recruitment Drive Nearing Goal

-Caveat Lector-

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Sat, 30 Sep 2000 15:33:59 EDT
To: undisclosed-recipients:  ;
Subject: Konformist: Homosexual-Recruitment Drive Nearing Goal

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It's Easy. It's Fun. Best of All, it's Free!

Please send as far and wide as possible.


Robert Sterling
Editor, The Konformist

Homosexual-Recruitment Drive Nearing Goal

SAN FRANCISCO -- Spokespersons for the National Gay & Lesbian Recruitment
Task Force announced Monday that more than 288,000 straights have been
converted to homosexuality since Jan. 1, putting the group well on pace to
reach its goal of 350,000 conversions by the end of the year.

"Thanks to the tireless efforts of our missionaries nationwide, in the first
seven months of this year, nearly 300,000 heterosexuals were ensnared in the
Pink Triangle," said NGLRTF co-director Patricia Emmonds. "Clearly, the
activist homosexual lobby is winning."

Emmonds credited much of the recruiting success to the gay lobby's
infiltration of America's public schools, where programs promoting the
homosexual lifestyle are regularly presented to children as young as 5.

"It's crucial that we reach these kids while they're still young," Emmonds
said. "That's when they're most vulnerable to our message of sexual
promiscuity and deviance."

"When I grow up, I want to be gay," said Christopher Linn, 8, a
at Philadelphia's Lakeside Elementary School, one of thousands of public
schools nationwide that actively promote the homosexual agenda. "I don't
to have a family or go to church."

"Straight people don't have any fun," said Teddy Nance, 11, after watching
Breeders Are Boring!, an anti-heterosexual filmstrip, in his fifth-grade
class at Crestwood Elementary School in Roanoke, VA. "Gay people get to do
whatever they want."

In addition to school programs that target youths, the NGLRTF launched a
million advertising campaign this year in an effort to convert adults to
homosexuality. The campaign, which features TV and radio spots, as well as
print advertising in major national magazines, has helped convince thousands
of people to leave their spouses and families for a life of
self-gratification and irresponsibility.

"The gay lifestyle is for me," said James Miller, an Oklahoma City father of
four who recently moved to Provincetown, MA, to pursue a career in
management. "When I was a family man, I constantly had to worry about things
like taking the kids to Little League practice, paying for their braces, and
remembering my wife's birthday. But now that I'm gay, I'm finally free to
focus all my energy on having non-stop, mind-blowing anal sex."

Though Emmonds said gays have been tremendously successful in tearing at the
fabric of society and subverting basic decency, she stressed that their work
is far from over.

"For all the progress we've made, America is still overwhelmingly
heterosexual," said Emmonds, who is calling for an additional $2.6 billion
federal aid to further the gay agenda. "If we are to insidiously penetrate
American society, as we constantly do each other's orifices, we need more
money and resources. Without such help, this country will remain the domain
of decent, moral, God-fearing Christians. And that would be a sin."

Copyright (c) 2000 Onion, Inc., All rights reserved.

If you are interested in a free subscription to The Konformist Newswi

[CTRL] Fiji Coup Plotters breach amnesty

2000-10-01 Thread Johannes Schmidt III

-Caveat Lector-


Coup plotters breached immunity: Fiji court

Source: AFP|Published: Monday October 2, 11:58 AM

In a landmark decision that could decide the fate of coup plotter George Speight, who 
is facing treason charges, Fiji's High Court today found his group had breached 
conditions for immunity.

Justice Peter Surnam was giving judgment in an appeal by the state in a case of 
attempted murder against Speight supporter Isoa Karawa.

Karawa had been released by the magistrates court on the grounds that he was covered 
by an immunity granted to Speight and his group in return for ending a siege of 

Karawa had faced charges over the shooting of a television cameraman shortly after the 
May 19 coup.

Overturning the magistrates court decision, Surnam said conditions of the decree 
granting immunity had clearly been breached because all arms stolen by the coup 
plotters had not been returned to the military as required.

“If there has been a failure by Speight and his group to return all arms ... then in 
my judgment that would indicate a fundamental breach of the provisions of the Immunity 
Decree,” he said.

The army had offered Speight and his followers immunity on condition they turned over 
all their arms and released all government hostages, including now-deposed prime 
minister Mahendra Chaudhry.

It later said the group had forfeited the immunity because it failed to meet all 
conditions of the agreement, since weapons were still at large.

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] RadTimes # 54

2000-10-01 Thread radman

-Caveat Lector-

RadTimes # 54 - September, 2000

An informally produced compendium of vital irregularities.

"We're living in rad times!"
LUVeR Alternative News is offering a daily audio show using selected
stories from RadTimes & other non-mainstream sources. Check it out!

--'Civilian Army' of Americans Helps Fight Colombia's Drug War
--Invasion of SWAT Teams Leaves Trauma and Death
--America's Call For Workers' Rights Ignored At Home
--Globalization, Suicide and a Wake Up Call
--A goulash of causes unites a potpourri of protesters
Linked stories:
*Webcasters Caught in RIAA Web
*Gene Foods Don't Make UK Cut
*Review sought of Clinton's 1998 bombing of Sudan
*Supreme Court to decide if drug checkpoints violate the Fourth Amendment
*Scientist berates Greens for ignorance
Begin stories:
'Civilian Army' of Americans Helps Fight Colombia's Drug War

Published on Wednesday, September 20, 2000 in the Fort Lauderdale

by E.A. Torriero and Pedro Ruz Gutierrez

FLORENCIA, Colombia - The hotshot pilot swoops down at 200 mph in
his Vietnam-era crop duster, gliding only 50 feet over the coca
valleys he has been hired to destroy.

Colombian soldiers carry the body of a rebel of the Revolutionary
Armed Forces of Colombia, or FARC, in Fusagasuga, about 50 miles
south of Bogota, on Tuesday, Sept. 19, 2000. Seven FARC rebels were
killed in combat Tuesday with soldiers in Colombia's ongoing civil
conflict. At least 35,000 people have been killed in the conflict
in the last 10 years. (AP Photo/Scott Dalton)

The U.S. Army veteran earns $90,000 a year tax-free as a civilian
pilot, but he understands the downside of this job very well. More
than once, he's had to dodge bullets from peasants and guerrillas
trying to protect Colombia's multibillion-dollar cocaine trade.

This is one pilot who won't mind giving up a big paycheck should
his working conditions continue to deteriorate. "If we start getting
into a civil war, I'm out of here," said the pilot, whose employer
has ordered its workers not to talk to the media. "Americans will
be targeted."

For now, though, he is part of a growing civilian army hired by
Uncle Sam to help fight Colombia's war on drugs, to be financed
largely by $1.3 billion in U.S. aid. Daredevil pilots with military
experience, retired top brass and former Green Berets are all part
of the effort as the first $300 million in aid heads to Colombia
next month.

Expertise in intelligence and law enforcement is a must. Fluency
in Spanish and knowledge of counter-terrorism, jungle warfare and
counter-surveillance is a plus. While there are limits to the number
of American military people who will be involved in training
Colombian troops, there are fewer restrictions on how many U.S.
civilians can be hired by defense contractors. Hundreds of Americans,
lured by hefty salaries for hazardous work, will play a key role
battling guerrillas and traffickers who live off the illicit drug

"Every pirate, bandit -- everyone who wants to make money on the
war -- they're in Colombia," said one congressional aide in
Washington, who said he would speak candidly only if he were not
identified. He described efforts to snare contracts as a "free-for-all."

"This is what we call outsourcing a war," he said. Much of the
effort, however, will come from companies very familiar to the U.S.
government. At least a dozen U.S. firms are lining up to bid on
Uncle Sam's foreign venture.

FARC commander Fernando Caicedo sits in a retaurant in a small town
near the FARC headquarters. He says that Plan Colombia and its
introduction of military helicopters will lead to a full civil war
in southern Colombia.


Pay is high, but so are the risks. The crash of a U.S. Army spy
plane that killed five American soldiers last summer underscored
the potential for casualties. Relatives, including those of Capt.
Jose Santiago Jr. of Orlando, dispute the official Army version of
pilot error and suggest a rebel missile could have shot down the
reconnaissance plane.

Three civilian pilots of Reston, Va.-based DynCorp. and EAST Inc.,
under contract with the State Department, have died in plane crashes
since 1997.

DynCorp did not return telephone calls asking for information on
its Colombia activities.

DynCorp. has up to 30 pilots and crews in charge of fumigating coca
fields with glyphosate, a stronger version of the household weedkiller

The company's presence has grown from only a few pi

[CTRL] Lockerbie Conviction Chances in Doubt

2000-10-01 Thread nessie

-Caveat Lector-

[The tone of these two articles is so different from the ones
published by the Guardian.]


Lockerbie Conviction Chances in Doubt

Printer-Friendly VersionBy Peter Finn
Washington Post Foreign Service
Monday, October 2, 2000; Page A12

CAMP ZEIST, Netherlands - After more than 50 days of trial, the
prosecution case against two Libyan intelligence officers in the Pan
Am Flight 103 bombing trial is drawing to a close, and there is a
growing sense among experts that hopes for a criminal conviction are
in trouble.

"This was a highly circumstantial case from the beginning," said
Vincent Cannistraro, former counterterrorism chief for the Central
Intelligence Agency, who worked on the early part of the bombing
investigation and has continued to follow the case. "The forensic
evidence has shown a link between the bomb and Libyan intelligence.
What they haven't proven is the specific hands" that planted it.

Libyan agents Abdel Basset Ali Megrahi, 48, and Lamen Khalifa Fhimah,
44, are charged with murder and conspiracy in the bombing of over
Lockerbie, Scotland, on Dec. 21, 1988. All 259 people on the plane
died - including 189 Americans - as well as 11 on the ground.

The trial is being conducted at this former U.S. military base 25
miles southeast of Amsterdam under Scottish law, which prohibits
lawyers in the case from discussing the proceedings. But in a unique
arrangement to benefit relatives of victims, prosecutors are briefing
them at the end of each session.

Prosecution lawyers from Scotland, as well as U.S. Justice Department
observers, continue to rebut doubters and insist that their strategy
is working, relatives said. "They seem very confident," said Kathleen
Flynn of Montville, N.J., whose 21-year-old son, John Patrick, was
killed on the plane. She said she, too, is confident: "The bottom
line is, if you have followed this carefully, it is coming together

The indictment alleges that the accused worked in concert with others
"to further the purposes of the Libyan intelligence service." But the
tortured compromise that the British and U.S. governments reached
with Libya to get custody of the two defendants for trial puts only
them - not the country or the intelligence agency - in the dock.

The prosecution must prove beyond a reasonable doubt that the two
agents specifically are guilty.

"No one can say how [the judges] will rule, but the prosecution looks
like it is experiencing problems" in linking the accused directly to
the crime, said John Grant, professor of law at Lewis & Clark College
in Portland, Ore., and emeritus professor at the University of

Since 1991, when Megrahi and Fhimah were indicted in the United
States for the bombing, the American government has expressed
confidence in the case against them, which was outlined in detail by
administration officials at the time.

But that optimism seemed to be tested last week when a supposed key
witness, a Libyan double agent paid by the CIA, testifying under the
pseudonym Abdul Majid Giaka, was relentlessly and, in many eyes,
successfully attacked on the stand by defense attorneys. They labeled
him a fraud and a liar who changed his story and concocted evidence
to stay on the U.S. government payroll and collect a $4 million
reward for information leading to a conviction in the bombing.

Giaka, seeming hesitant and uncertain, stumbled several times under
the barrage.

He has been in a U.S. witness protection program since 1991 when he
was whisked off the Mediterranean island of Malta, where the
prosecution alleges that a suitcase bomb that destroyed the Pan Am
747 originated.

In Malta, Giaka worked with Fhimah at Libyan Arab Airlines, which
they both allegedly used as cover for their roles in Libyan
intelligence. As an intelligence operative - the defense preferred to
paint him as a self-deluded, onetime car mechanic - Giaka said he
also came into contact with Megrahi.

"While you have been in America, have you been able to dip into gems
of American literature, such as their short story writers like James
Thurber?" asked Fhimah's attorney, Robert Keene. "Have you
encountered someone called Mitty, first name Walter?"

The fictional Mitty is a fantasist who escapes his dreary life by
imagining himself in heroic situations, and the comment from Keene
was typical of the sarcasm visited on Giaka during cross-examination.

There were two key elements in his testimony: that the two defendants
kept explosives at Malta airport and that Megrahi arrived in Malta
days before the bombing carrying a brown Samsonite-like suitcase
similar to the one investigators believe contained the bomb. Megrahi
was met by Fhimah, Giaka testified.

Despite some pre-testimony speculation that he was an eyewitness,
Giaka did not say he saw the Libyans do what they are alleged to have
done: place an unaccompanied bag on an Air Malta flight to Frankfurt,

Re: [CTRL] Konformist: Homosexual-Recruitment Drive Nearing Goal (fwd)

2000-10-01 Thread nessie

-Caveat Lector-

[EMAIL PROTECTED],Internet writes:
>I can't believe that someone would take this as serious.

What does it tell us that some do?

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:
 http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html">Archives of

 http:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/">ctrl

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