[CTRL] (Fwd) LP RELEASE: The Middle East conflict

2002-04-05 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-

--- Forwarded message follows ---
Date sent:  Thu, 4 Apr 2002 13:53:19 -0500 (EST)
Subject:LP RELEASE: The Middle East conflict
From:   Libertarian Party Announcements <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Send reply to:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]


2600 Virginia Avenue, NW, Suite 100
Washington DC 20037
World Wide Web: http://www.LP.org
For release: April 4, 2002
For additional information:
George Getz, Press Secretary
Phone: (202) 333-0008 Ext. 222

Don't play peacemaker: Keep the U.S.
out of the Israeli/Palestinian conflict

WASHINGTON, DC -- As violence explodes between Israelis and
Palestinians, Libertarians have some surprising advice for President
George W. Bush: Don't get more involved in the Middle East peace

"Further U.S. meddling in this troubled region may well backfire and
lead to the deaths of American soldiers, diplomats, and even tourists,
while doing nothing to achieve a lasting peace," said Libertarian
Party Executive Director Steve Dasbach.

"Bush should resist the impulse, however well-intended, to get more
involved in a conflict that poses no immediate, direct threat to the
United States."

Since a wave of suicide bombings over the past week killed more than
40 Israeli civilians, and the Israeli military moved forcefully into
Palestinian-controlled territory, the region has teetered on the brink
of all-out war.

In reaction to the growing crisis, many political leaders and
diplomats have encouraged Bush to get "more involved in the peace
process" by trying to negotiate a cease fire, restrain Israeli troops,
and even send U.N. peacekeeping forces -- many of whom are Americans
-- to the region.

But more U.S. meddling in the Middle East runs contrary to the U.S.
national interest, said Dasbach.

"Libertarians have just two words for politicians who favor a deeper
U.S. role: Remember Lebanon. In an attempt to quell a similar outbreak
of violence in 1983, President Ronald Reagan sent a U.S. Marine
peacekeeping force into Lebanon.

"The result? A suicide bomber murdered 241 Marines in their barracks,
prompting the U.S. to flee the region. What politicians call
peacekeepers, suicide bombers call sitting ducks. No American
president should put military personnel in harm's way in the Middle
East again."

And it's not just American servicemen and women who will be in danger,
said Dasbach.

"The Holy Land is full of U.S. tourists, scholars, and students who
have been, up to now, relatively safe from terrorist attacks. But that
could change overnight if the U.S. tries to expand its role.

"Virulent anti-American groups like Hamas and Islamic Jihad already
see the U.S. not as an honest broker of peace, but as a hated ally of
Israeli. An expanded U.S. role may be all it takes to provoke these
terrorists into targeting American travelers."

If that happened, the nightly news would be even more grim, said

"As disturbing as it is to watch news broadcasts of Jewish and
Palestinian civilians losing their lives, things can get worse:
Imagine gunmen attacking a tour bus full of American families, or a
suicide bomber targeting a restaurant full of American tourists to
lash out against an unwanted U.S. military presence," he said.

"The best way to prevent such nightmarish scenarios is to demand that
the U.S. government get less involved in this seemingly intractable,
centuries-old conflict."

The first step to achieve that goal, said Dasbach, is for the U.S.
government to stop selling weapons to Israel and the Arab states; pull
the plug on foreign aid programs that provide approximately $3 billion
a year to Israel and more than $2 billion to Egypt and other Arab
nations; and above all, refrain from placing U.S. troops in the

"The latest outbreak of bloody violence in the Middle East is a human
tragedy," he said. "Let's not compound the tragedy by needlessly
sacrificing American lives as well."

Version: 2.6.2


- The Libertarian Party
http://www.lp.org/ 2600 Virginia Ave. NW, Suite 100
voice: 202-333-0008 Washington DC 20037
   fax: 202-333-0072
- For subscription changes, please use the WWW form at:

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[CTRL] FDA clears implantable microchip for sale

2002-04-05 Thread Steve Wingate

-Caveat Lector-

Why, Hello, Mr. Chips
By Julia Scheeres

1:35 p.m. April 4, 2002 PST


The Federal Drug Administration has ruled that an implantable microchip used
for ID purposes is not a regulated device, paving the way for the chip's
immediate sale in the United States, the manufacturer announced today.

For the past several weeks, Applied Digital Solutions has worked to get its
VeriChip -- a biochip containing personal data that is similar to devices used
to identify lost pets -- classified as a non-regulated device. On Thursday, the
company's wish was granted.

"They inquired about the use of the product for non-medical, identification
purposes," said FDA spokeswoman Sharon Snider. "If it's a non-medical use, the
FDA doesn't regulate it."

Because the VeriChip won't be subject to the agency's rigorous safety tests,
ADS will be able to launch the product over the next three months, said ADS
president Scott Silverman, first in the company's headquarters of Palm Beach
County, Florida, and then nationwide.

In the United States, the VeriChip has been marketed as a medical aid which
would allow hospital workers to access patients' health records with a simple
wave of the wand, or reader. While the FDA has not approved storing medical
information on the chip, the device's ID could be cross-referenced with a
computer database holding the patient's records.

In South America, the device has been bundled with a GPS-unit and sold to
potential kidnapping victims. (The company is developing a separate implantable
GPS product for kidnapping targets that should be completed in a year,
Silverman said.) The company hasn't decided yet if it will sell or freely
distribute the scanner needed to read the chip's 125-kHz signal to hospitals.
The scanner is expected to cost between $1,000 and $3,000.

ADS has been inundated with inquiries from teenagers and other technophiles who
are impatient to get the device.

"We'll start the rollout with people who want it for medical concerns and
Generation Y people who want to get chipped because they think it's cool,"
Silverman said.

ADS plans to charge $200 for the chip (insertion would be free at certified
clinics) and an annual $40 service fee for maintaining the users' database. The
chip, which is slightly larger than a grain of rice, is inserted under local
anesthesia during a quick outpatient procedure.

The VeriChip has fanned the fear among certain Christians who believe it may be
the dreaded "Mark of the Beast" described in Biblical lore.

Privacy advocates are also concerned about the chip's involuntary implantation
or the possibility of using the technology to track government
dissidents in the future.

Among the first people to receive the VeriChip will be a Palm Beach County
family called the Jacobs. The Jacobs family -- Leslie, Jeffrey, and
their son Derek -– are interested in the chip for a variety of health, security
and technolust reasons.

Jeffrey Jacobs, the father, suffers from multiple degenerative diseases and
needs 10 medications a day to control pain and other problems. He believes the
chip could save his life during an emergency if he were unable to communicate
with health workers. His 12-year-old son fantasizes about the merging of man
and machine. And Jacobs' wife, Leslie, believes the chip could become a tamper-
proof way to identify people in an increasingly insecure world.

"We are so thrilled to be part of this," Leslie Jacobs said, scoffing at
privacy and religious concerns. "When they find out what this is really about,
and that it can save people's lives, they'll change their minds."

"In little more than a year we have gone from enjoying peace
and the most prosperous economy in our history, to a nation
plunged into war, recession and fear. This is a nation being
transformed before our very eyes."


Steve Wingate, Webmaster

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:
 http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html";>Archives of

 http:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/";>ctrl

[CTRL] Armageddon

2002-04-05 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-

>From http://www.sierratimes.com/cgi-bin/warroom/topic.cgi?forum=6&topic=30

The situation in Israel is rapidly reaching critical mass. The Israelis are preparing 
use neutron bombs if necessary. Unlike regular nukes, neutron bombs destroy only
living things and the radiation reaches safe levels in a matter of hours. The U.S.
military assumes that 8000 rads of fast neutron radiation (from a neutron bomb) will
immediately and permanently incapacitate a soldier.




Gordon Thomas (EXCLUSIVE)

by Gordon Thomas

  Two Israeli fighter-bomber squadrons equipped with battlefield tactical nuclear
weapons have been placed on "cock-pit standby."

  They are based at an airfield in Galilee – minutes only flying time from Syria.

  The Golan Heights which borders Syria has also been sown with neutron-type
bombs. Designed at Israel’s nuclear facility in the Negev desert, the bombs are
designed to “kill soldiers and leave the infrastructure intact,” was how one Israeli
Defence Forces source described the weapons.

  This escalation of military preparations follows an urgent report from Mossad
chief Efraim Halevy to prime minister, Ariel Sharon, of “credible intelligence” that 
Syria and Iraq – who have held lengthy private talks at the Beirut “summit” this
weekend – may be preparing to intervene in the dangerously-out-of-control situation
in the West Bank and Gaza.

  At the summit both counties were the strongest voices to pledge all-out support
for the PLO. Syria, with its massive army of 300,000 ground troops and state of the
art aircraft supplied by both Russia and China, has always presented a credible
threat to Israel.

  The hard-liners who run Syria make no secret it is only a matter of time before
the day of reckoning will come between Israel and Syria.

  Of equal concern to Israel is Mossad’s intelligence that Saddam has some 100
kamikaze pilots within a few minutes flying time from Israeli cities – and Dimona.

The kamikazes are under the command of Saddam’s son, Qusay.

Mossad believe their aircraft are fitted with bio-chemical weapons.

In the meantime, Mossad has also established Yasser Arafat's "Academy of Atrocity"
-- from where the fifteen-year old suicide bomber graduated -- is financed by Iraq.
 The money is laundered through the Central Bank in Damascus to Athens. From
there it is electronically transferred to an account held by the Islamic Red Crescent –
the equivalent of the Red Cross – in Gaza City. It is then hand carried to the cells of
the Al-Aqsa Martyrs – the deadliest and most secret of extreme Islamic organisations
in the Middle East.

 It operates as a series of “martyrdom cells.” Each cell consists of a leader and 
or three young men and women – suicide bombers.

 After months of intensive religious study – similar to that used by cults in the 
to indoctrinate their members – each student is given the title shaded al hay – the
living martyr.

 Each student is aged from 18 to 32 years. Until recently they were all male. But
since the escalation of the suicide bombings, women are admitted. And children as
young as eight years are being prepared for death.

 More certain, all are deeply religious. The mother of the Academy’s first woman
graduate, Wafa Ali Idris, who killed and wounded over 100 in Jerusalem has said:
“My daughter always was well-informed about the political situation.”

 Part of the money that Iraq provides is to ensure that her family, like those of
every successful suicide bomber, is financially secure for all their life. All the 
debts are paid off – including those of extended family members. Each immediate
family member is given a “pension” for the rest of their lives.

 This varies, but is generally said to be twice the income they received before the
suicide bomber struck.

 After each successful mission, money is used to distribute copies of the martyr’s
tapes to the media and to a number of Islamic organisations throughout the world. A
substantial sum is spent on the post-mission party. Hundred of guests congregate at
the home of the bomber to offer their congratulations – much as at a wedding.

 "The hosts serve juices and food that the bomber specified in his will. Often the
mother will ululate in joy over the honour Allah has bestowed on her family," said
Professor Ariel Meran, a world-ranking authority on the mentality of suicide bombers.
He is among those who believe that outsiders find it hard to understand martyrdom.

  Sheik Ahmed Yassim, the spiritual leader of Hamas whom I interviewed after his
release from an Israeli prison in 1997 (a decision designed to ease tension in the
region) told me: “Love of martyrdom is something you have in your heart. You know,
just know, this is what Allah wants from yo

[CTRL] IDF in the Balata refugee camp

2002-04-05 Thread Jei

-Caveat Lector-

-Original Message-
From: International Justice Watch Discussion List
On Behalf Of Dr Peter Hall
Sent: Wednesday, April 03, 2002 9:41 PM
Subject: IDF in the Balata refugee camp

What happened in Balata refugee camp when the IDF went in on Monday?

In the days after the interview, news began to trickle about what took place
in the camp. Prior to the incursion the Israeli military reigned terror on
the inhabitants employing helicopters and tanks. Then, Aviv, you imposed a
curfew on the camp, blew up the electric transmission lines, cutting off
electricity to 20,000 civilian inhabitants; bulldozers ruined the water
supply pipe lines. Your soldiers, Aviv, then moved from house to house by
smashing holes in the interior walls; they destroyed furniture and other
property, and riddled bullets in water tanks on roof tops. The soldiers
spread terror on the inhabitants, most of whom were women, elderly, and

Peter Hall



By Professor Neve Gordon

To:  Colonel Aviv Kohavi - Brigade Commander of the Israeli Paratroopers
Date:  1 April 2002

I presume you remember me. In any event, I remember you. We first met in the
paratrooper brigade. I was a platoon sergeant in the corporals company; you
were a young platoon officer. Even then friends of mine who were serving
with you in the same post in Lebanon related that you were a sensible,
serious, and above all decent officer.

The better part of our acquaintance occurred, though, at Hebrew University.
We were studying towards our B.A. in Philosophy -- you in preparation for a
career in the military, I as a human rights activist. During that period we
had more than one political discussion. I couldn't help but admire you. I
found you to be a thinking person, imaginative, and judicious -- quite
different from the typical army officer that one meets at the university,
one who registers merely to snatch a degree and to run off. Looking back, I
believe that you really enjoyed your studies, a number of which, it should
be noted, dealt with ethical theory.

Years have passed since we last met. You became the paratroopers' brigade
commander, I a lecturer in the department of politics and government at Ben
Gurion University. On Thursday, March 1, 2002 I once again saw you, not face
to face, but on television. You were on the news program: the commander of
the troops that entered Balata refugee camp, near Nablus. You solemnly
explained that at that very moment your soldiers were transmitting a
forceful message to the Palestinian terrorists: the Israeli army will hunt
them down in every nook and cranny.

In the days after the interview, news began to trickle about what took place
in the camp. Prior to the incursion the Israeli military reigned terror on
the inhabitants employing helicopters and tanks. Then, Aviv, you imposed a
curfew on the camp, blew up the electric transmission lines, cutting off
electricity to 20,000 civilian inhabitants; bulldozers ruined the water
supply pipe lines. Your soldiers, Aviv, then moved from house to house by
smashing holes in the interior walls; they destroyed furniture and other
property, and riddled bullets in water tanks on roof tops. The soldiers
spread terror on the inhabitants, most of whom were women, elderly, and

But that wasn't all. I learned that your soldiers also used inhabitants as
human shields. Also, in the first few hours of the incursion the
Palestinians had 120 wounded, and that you, Aviv, refused to allow
ambulances to enter and leave the camp.

There were, of course, several battles in the camp during the incursion. Two
Palestinians and one of your soldiers were killed. You also reported that
you confiscated weapons and that your operation prevented future terrorist
acts from happening. But you totally ignored the connection between Israeli
military violence perpetrated in the Occupied Territories and Palestinian
violence in Israel, as if the incursions into the camps and the reign of
terror that you and your soldiers imposed do not drive Israel/Palestine into
a blood bath from which none can escape.
How, Aviv, do you think that your incursion affected the children whom you
locked up for hours with other members of their families, while you searched
their house and blasted holes through their walls? Did your incursion
contribute a smithereen to peace, or did it instead spread seeds of hatred,
despondence, and death in the crowded, poverty stricken, hopeless refugee

I have not stopped thinking about you since that television interview,
trying to understand what was going on in your mind. What caused you to lead
your soldiers -- soldiers of the paratrooper brigade -- to a war against a
civilian population?

Aviv, I am presently teaching a course entitled "The Politics of Human
Rights." One of the topics I discuss dur

[CTRL] Israeli forces cut off all water supplies to Ramallah

2002-04-05 Thread Jei

-Caveat Lector-

-Original Message-
From: Adil Haj [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, April 04, 2002 4:31 AM
Subject: [AL-AWDA-News] Israeli forces cut off all water supplies to

April 3, 2002, GMT 1500

URGENT: Israeli forces cut off all water supplies to Ramallah

The following two messages were posted today at The Electronic Intifada's
Live From Palestine section at http://www.electronicintifada.net/diaries/

The occupation forces have turned off the water supplies to the WHOLE of
Ramallah seriously endangering 120,000 people. This action is a grave breach
of the Fourth Geneva Conventions.

Please write and call the U.S. government immediately to demand specifically
that the water be turned back on and that Israel be forced to end its

*U.S. Secretary of State
Colin Powell Direct line: (202) 647-1512
Public Affairs Bureau: (202) 647-6575

The Live from Palestine site is being updated all the time with information
that you won't get in the mainstream media. Please use this information in
all your contacts with government officials and the media.


Wednesday, April 3, 2002
Israeli military turns off water to all Ramallah

Posted by The Editor

Al-Bireh/Ramallah, Occupied Palestine -- We have been without water since
this morning. I just confirmed that the Israeli Military has taken over the
main pumping station located in Betounia, next to the Preventive Security
Building that was heavily shelled 2 nights ago. They have tuned off the
pumps to ALL of Ramallah. Our water department does not know if any damage
was done to the pump.

We are calling on all to immediately bring this up in your media, talk
THEIR WATER. Ask your media to inquire with Israeli and U.S. officials.

The whole of Ramallah and Al-Bireh are now utilizing their 24hr reserve
tanks on the roofs of their homes. This is all being done as other
Palestinian cities are facing the same Israeli rampage that Ramallah is

The situation is critical and needs immediate action.

Sam Bahour

Wednesday, April 3, 2002
Ramallah is without water

Posted by The Editor

Ramallah -- I hope you get this message soon. The situation in Ramallah is
as follows: many parts of the town continue to be without water. Even with
the problems of water solved, it will not reach most homes because 6 out of
9 electrical feeding stations are down.

No electricity means no water, no sewage pumping (serious for public health)
and no ovens can work to bake bread, among other problems.

Five of the main feeding stations that provide electricity to Ramallah and
24 western villages are located in the Ramallah industrial zone. The
electricity company is not allowed by the Israeli army to reach the area to
fix the problems. The company was given the ok this morning to fix two other
stations in the Al-Bireh area, where the governorate and President Arafat
located, but as they go out this morning, they are being harrassed and
believe they are in danger.

What we need is immediate intervention to get the feeding stations fixed in
the industrial zone and in other areas.

Without electricity, there will be no water and no bread and a major public
health disaster. I hope you can work on this issue.

The information in this email comes from the electricity company. about
120,000 people in Ramallah and surrounding villages are without electricity
at this moment.

Rita Giacaman
Institute of Community and Public Health, Birzeit

Also please report the story to the networks:

ABC News - 212-456-4040
CBS News - 212-975-3691
NBC News - 212-664-4971
CNN - 404-827-1511
Fox News - 212-301-3300
MSNBC - 201-583-5222
PBS - 703-998-2150
NPR - 202-414-2200
NY Times - 212-556-1234
USA Today - 703-276-3400
WS Journal - 212-416-2000
Wash. Post - 202-334-6000
Time - 212-522-1212
U.S. News - 202-955-2000
AP 212-621-1600
MSNBC - 201-583-5000
CNBC - 201-585-2622

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:

[CTRL] SNET: TAXES and TAXATION............ (fwd)

2002-04-05 Thread William Bacon

-Caveat Lector-

visit my web site at  http://www.voicenet.com/~wbacon
My ICQ# is 79071904
for a precise list of the powers of the Federal Government linkto:

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Thu, 4 Apr 2002 19:49:43 EST

->  SNETNEWS  Mailing List

Ladies and Gentlemen, this is but one more missive to show you, the average
Amerikan, how you government has victimized you in the interest of
non-Amerikans and the money cabal of this planet.  In short, you are but a
slave that is constantly told "You are free"  & "Just keep paying your taxes
to the master" .

From:[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Beaver Cole)

Constitutional Limitations on Taxing Power

In order to understand why paying income tax and filing tax forms are
voluntary actions for individuals, it is essential to understand the
limitations on federal taxation embodied in the United States Constitution.
The statesmen who wrote the Constitution were fully aware of the dangers to
liberty in allowing a central government to impose taxes directly upon
individuals or upon property.

The framers of the Constitution included not one, but two limitations in the
Constitution that forbid the federal government to impose any direct taxes
upon individuals or upon property. All direct taxes are required to be
"apportioned," which means that they must be laid upon the state governments
in proportion to each states population.  Another words, if one person owes
$10, all persons owe $10 not $10,000 or $100,000.

The limitations forbidding direct taxation of individuals are found first in
Article 1, Section 2, Clause 3, which states: "Representatives and direct
Taxes shall be apportioned among the several States which may be included
within this Union, according to their respective Numbers..." and again in
Article 1, Section 9, Clause 4, which states: "No Capitation, or other direct
Tax shall be laid, unless in Proportion to the Census or Enumeration here in
before directed to be taken." These basic sections of the Constitution have
never been repealed or amended. The Constitution still forbids direct
taxation of individuals and property.

In the past, America prospered and became the greatest and richest country in
the world when individuals paid no income tax and governments revenues were
raised by constitutionally authorized taxes on certain goods and services and
on corporations. But now, money is taken from the productive sector of
society by the income tax to support the non-productive sector, foreign aid,
give-aways and a bloated, needless bureaucracy. The income tax paid by
citizens sharply reduces their earnings, thus they buy less, causing business
to decline, leading to unemployment and depression which lowers the standard
of living for all Americans. The income tax has created havoc in America's
economy, in addition to the loss of liberty and the harassment of our people
by the IRS's oppressive collection tactics.  The collection of the income tax
enforced by fear and intimidation, it is as un-American as the origin of the
income tax itself.

A graduated income tax is the second plank of Karl Marx Communist Manifesto.

Deceiving citizens into voluntarily subjecting themselves to a tax they do
not owe is FRAUD. And when individuals who do voluntarily subject themselves
to the income (excise) tax by filing returns, have assessments of tax laid on
them directly by the IRS, it is a blatant violation of the constitutional
limitation forbidding the direct taxation of individuals. If the IRS then
confiscates the individuals wages or property by levy and seizure to settle
the unconstitutionally laid tax claims, the action is pure theft under color
of law.

The U.S. Constitution is the supreme law of the land. It was written to
create a government of limited powers for the primary purpose of securing
citizens rights to life, liberty and property. The Declaration of
Independence states that it is the duty of citizens to oppose and resist
abuses of their rights.These violations of citizens rights can be stopped if
enough people become informed of these facts.

The Constitution is a precious document of our heritage of freedom. Its
guarantees of liberty are only as effective as the will of the people to
enforce them.

Your labor is your property. Knowledge will give you the power to protect and
enjoy all the fruits of your labors.
Make no mistake what the founding fathers would do today if they were serving
in Congress. Impeachment proceedings would begin this very day and continue
night and day. Those not impeached would be hanged for treason.
Wake Up America Today, the Congress and the President, and the
entire judicial system is a disgrace to our country.

-> To unsubscribe send email to [EMAIL PROTECTED]


[CTRL] SkeptiNews: Chupacabras!

2002-04-05 Thread Ric Carter

-Caveat Lector-

SkeptiNews! - - - - - - - - - - - - - - All The News That's Fit To Question

# Fringes of: Science, Faith, Paranormal, Conspiracy, Sex, Dope, Art, etc.
# Confused? See the disclaimers & excuses at http://skeptilog.pitas.com/
# No starving chupacabras were harmed during production of this bulletin.
_ _ _ _ _

  Abduction: http://www.rense.com/splashscreens/4.html
_ _ _ _ _

* Large Saucer Flies Over Downtown Ottawa - nobody abducted so who gives a
  damn? http://www.virtuallystrange.net/ufo/updates/2002/apr/m04-043.shtml
* Chupacabras Infest Argentina - devouring plants, animals, humans, aliens,
  anything that moves!!! http://www.ufocity.com/breaking.cfm?NewsID=1081

* Submerged Object - Pascagoula, Mississippi USO (Unidentified Submerged
  Object) - Glub. Glub. http://ufos.about.com/library/weekly/aa050701a.htm
* UFOs In The Soviet Waters - "hydrosphere aspect" sightings - ETs swimming
  like sulphurbottoms: http://www.xproject.net/archives/ufo/sovietufo.html

* UFO SIGHTING IN SEA OF CORTEZ -  Sightings are a sign of grace. Zowie!!!
  ABDUCT: http://www.virtuallystrange.net/ufo/updates/2002/apr/m04-038.shtml

Do submerged Canadian chupacabras threaten your well-being? Have UFOs eaten
your pet sulphurbottoms lately? Do UFOlogists make you sweat/tingle/vomit??
_ _ _ _ _

* "Wizards really did wear tall pointed hats - but not the crumpled cloth
  kind donned by such fictional characters as Harry Potter, Gandalf and
  Merlin. The wizards of early Europe wore hats of gold intricately embel-
  lished with astrological symbols that helped them to predict the movement
  of the sun and stars." http://2012.antville.org/topics/Archaeology/29448/

* Surfing the Kundalini: Out-Of-Body Experiences, the Space Program, and
  some Magical Protocols: http://www.ufocity.com/features.cfm?NewsID=1641
* MY PET NEUTRON STAR. Nice neutron star. Sit. Roll over. Play dead. Stay.

* UFO wordwar: http://xproject-paranormal.com/archives/ufo/warofwords.html
* UFOs infest UK - don't blame me! http://www.rense.com/general21/ufoov.htm
* Stoned Survival: http://www.newscientist.com/news/news.jsp?id=ns2095

Do your favorite wizards/ETs/deities/demons/dwarfs/dogs/robots always dress
stylishly? Are you naked/stoned/belligerent/tame/sweaty in your OOBEs? Why?
_ _ _ _ _

* Archaeological Mysteries: http://jsonline.com/news/state/mar02/31285.asp
* 9/11 Conspiracy Theory Devours France - but they'll believe anything:

* The Popobawa - A Zanzibari Incubus -- A fearsome cyclops dwarf with bat
  wings sometimes terrorizes sleeping men in Africa. I want some too!!

* Taming scary forests: http://www.ananova.com/news/story/sm_557183.html
* They Need A V-Chip: Palestinians reportedly hit with porn on TV. Awful:

* Fla.’s black water mystery solved: http://www.msnbc.com/news/732500.asp
* The biggest octopus ever found has been caught in waters off New Zealand.

What's your favorite conspiracy/mystery/incubus/succubus/pornstar/forest??
Are you terrorized by aroused octopus dreams? Has your vChip been implanted?
_ _ _ _ _

  "A mind is a terrible thing to taste." --anon.

# Rev. R.Carter, ULC * http://www.sonic.net/~ric * FAX: 561-423-6102
# These bulletins are now posted online: http://skeptinews.pitas.com
# To get this in realtime, subscribe: http://sonic.net/~ric/vsub.htm

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fwd: PEPIS #37 - AFP: Bilderberg to meet 30th May, Chantilly, Virginia

2002-04-05 Thread William Shannon

--- Begin Message ---

This is being sent on behalf of [EMAIL PROTECTED]
as part of the mailing list that you joined.
URL: http://www.bilderberg.org

1. AFP: Bilderberg to meet 30th May, Chantilly, Virginia
2. BBC block staff access to  www.bilderberg.org
Possible Reason?  BBC Boss Dyke spends £250,000 on junket (article)
3. Intelligence Agencies form Global Alliance in Moscow

Power Elite Public Information Service  -  http://www.bilderberg.org/bilder.htm#pepis  
-  to join/leave list.
Please put in a link to http://www.bilderberg.org - now funded 'til 2003.
This is an occasional (max. 1 per month) email list as part of the campaign for an 
open press conference at and public awareness of Bilderberg and similar elite meetings.
See  http://www.bilderberg.org/bilder.htm#pepis  for more info.
Archives:  http://www.bilderberg.org/pepis00.htm  http://www.mail-archive.com/  &  

1. AFP: Bilderberg to meet 30th May, Chantilly, Virginia

Exclusive to American Free Press
By James P. Tucker Jr.

Bilderberg will seal off the Westfields Marriott, just seven miles south of 
Washington’s Dulles International Airport in Chantilly, Va., for its annual meeting of 
the super-rich and super-famous on the weekend of May 30-June 2.

While it is the closest Bilderberg has ever come to Washington for annual secret 
meetings to plot the world’s future, Westfields is ideal for the security-paranoid 
international elite. Westfields stands in lonely grandeur with much space separating 
the resort from tall brick buildings in a luxury “office park.”

Perhaps coincidentally, neighboring office buildings are home to numerous spy 

The last time Bilderberg met in Virginia was 1962, when the secret gang of 
international financiers and political leaders took over all of Colonial Williamsburg 
in Williamsburg, Va. Bilderberg tends to meet on the same continent as the Group of 
Eight economic summits, which follow shortly afterwards, featuring heads of state from 
the world’s industrialized nations. The G-8 will meet in Alberta, Canada June 26-28.

Bilderberg’s junior varsity, the Trilateral Commission, will meet April 5-7 in 
Washington at the Ritz-Carlton Hotel. Bilderberg and the TC have an interlocking 
leadership and a common global agenda. David Rockefeller and Henry Kissinger are 
powers in both groups.

Trilaterals have about 320 participants while the more exclusive Bilderberg has about 
120. The TC includes Japan, while Bilderberg draws only from Europe and North America. 
Both high-powered groups plan the future, together, of the entire world.


High on their common agenda this year is how to exploit “the war on terrorism” to 
increase their control of the “world without borders” while generating immense 
profits. The Trilaterals will meet behind closed doors at the Ritz Carlton but not 
seal off the entire downtown hotel. Bilderberg will have armed guards blocking the 
entrance to Westfields and none but participants will be permitted inside. There will 
be no other guests.

Sources inside both groups say they will try to exploit the new “war on terrorism” to 
advance an old agenda: Establishing NATO formally as the United Nations’ standing 
army, imposing a direct UN tax on the world, global gun control and selling the Free 
Trade Area of the Americas as a “necessary step to ward off future attacks.”

It is all part of a grand design to establish a world government under the UN. As 
NAFTA expands through out the Western Hemisphere as the FTAA it is to evolve into the 
“American Union” and “dollarization” is to be come the common currency, as the euro is 
in Europe. Bilderberg luminaries have directly acknowledged this to an American Free 
Press reporter.

Other Bilderberg sources said the site near Washington was chosen for several reasons.

Dulles is considered one of the most secure airports in the wake of 9-11 and it is a 
short ride in flag-draped limos to Westfields. While instant communication with the 
White House has always been easy, wherever in the world Bilderberg hides, it is a 
30-mile drive for any high official of the administration who may be summoned on short 
notice. High officials of the administration will be attending the full three-day 
session anyway.

But more are prepared to come like a dog to the whistle if called.


You are cordially invited...

The Bilderbergers are throwing a party, and we're all invited (not).
Well, at least we know where their secret bash will be he

[CTRL] Homosexual Culture Undercuts Priesthood

2002-04-05 Thread Archibald Bard

Homosexual Culture Undercuts Priesthood 

Phil Brennan, NewsMax.com Friday, April 5, 2002 
Editor's note: See part one of this series, Anti-Catholic 'Experts' Fuel 
Church's Scandals. Father Andrew Greeley called it the "Lavender Mafia," a 
homosexual underground within the Catholic Church in America that has managed to 
dominate many of the seminaries and must bear the largest share of the blame for 
the sex scandals afflicting the church. 
Like the gay underground in the British Foreign 
Office of the past where for scores of years the road to advancement was open 
only to homosexuals, the Lavender Mafia has been the gatekeeper determining who 
will be admitted to seminaries and ultimately to the Roman Catholic priesthood. 
In Goodbye! Good Men: How Catholic Seminaries Turned Away Two Generations of 
Vocations From the Priesthood," author Michael S. Rose quotes a former Mundelein 
seminarian, Joseph Kellenyi, as saying: "The issue was never one of my 
suitability for ordination Rather it was that the gay clique had been given veto 
power over who got ordained." 
'Gay Profession' In his book, "The Changing Face of 
the Priesthood," the rector of St. Mary's Seminary in Cleveland, Father Donald 
B. Cozzens, warned that the priesthood was becoming a "gay profession." And in 
the seminaries it wasn't merely a preponderance of gay students, but also "a 
disproportionate number of homosexually oriented persons," including faculty, he 
wrote. That kind of atmosphere, Rose notes, "deters the heterosexual man from 
continuing to study and prepare for the priesthood." Rose wonders how can "any 
healthy heterosexual seminarian expect to be properly formed and prepared for 
the priesthood when constantly subject to that which is so clearly contrary to 
Church teaching and discipline?" 'Threatening Atmosphere' 
He asks: "How many heterosexual seminarians, 
whether orthodox or not, have decided to leave the seminary and abandon their 
vocations because of the 'gay subculture' they were forced to endure, because 
they had been propositioned, harassed or even molested? We're not talking here 
about the presence of a few homosexually-oriented men who conduct themselves 
with perfect chastity. Rather there exists an intense and often threatening 
atmosphere." Indeed, so horrific is the situation that "certain seminaries have 
earned nicknames such as Notre Flame (for Notre Dame Seminary in New Orleans) 
and Theological Closet (for Theological College at Catholic University of 
America in Washington, D.C.); St. Mary's Seminary in Baltimore has earned the 
nickname 'The Pink Palace.'" 
Visiting the Gay Bars At some of the seminaries, 
faculty and students would don their gay apparel and head for gay bars. In March 
2000 the liberal Greeley, often called the church's resident pornographer for 
his racy novels, testified that seminary professors "Tell their students that 
they're gay and take some of them to gay bars, and gay students sleep with each 
other." Greeley is not alone in exposing the homosexual behavior rampant in many 
of the nation's seminaries: 
According to Father Andrew Walker, the situation at 
the Baltimore seminary was so bad that the vice rector delivered a lecture "in 
front of at least 150 people when he stated, "Yes, we accept openly gay 
seminarians; that's our policy." According to Father John Trigilio, while 
visiting the Baltimore seminary he observed: "There was no discretion at all. 
The few times I was there, some of the seminarians would literally dress like 
gays from [Greenwich] Village. They would even go so far as to wear pink silk; 
it was like going to see La Cage Aux Folles." "In my day at St. Mary's," 
recalled Father John Despard (a pseudonym) "down the hall there would be two 
guys in the shower and everybody knew it." Rose cites numerous instances of gay 
domination at many of the nation's seminaries. One priest described the 
situation at Chicago's Mundelein seminary in the 1970s. Many of the younger 
students would be placed into situations where they compromised their sexual 
integrity," said Father Wayne H. Wurst during a radio broadcast. "This would be 
used against them by older students for favors. And those older students 
actually had faculty members who would request from time to time a friend who 
would come and visit them because they were lonely. And these students would 
supply fresh meat. "So there were madams, pimps and prostates all in a major 
seminary system that from outside, if you to walk through, would look very 
holy." Heterosexuals Driven Out Heterosexual students at a number of seminaries 
were persecuted by the gay subculture. Reporting homosexual behavior by 
classmates could get them expelled, as could resisting homosexual advances. Rose 
cites scores of cases of heterosexuals driven out of seminaries because they 
refused to accept the gay culture. In Cozzen's book, "The Changing Face of the 
Priesthood," he wrote that there has been "a heter

[CTRL] Fwd: DISGUSTING: Department of (In)Justice To Let Andersen Off the Hook

2002-04-05 Thread Samantha L.


--- Begin Message ---
Title: Andersen will consider something short of guilty plea. - Apr.  4, 2002






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Andersen will consider public admission

Firm willing to admit Enron shredding responsibility, but not plead guilty to avoid trial.

April  4, 2002:  3:48 PM EST

NEW YORK (CNN/Money) - 

Embattled accounting firm Arthur Andersen LLP is willing to consider a public admission of responsibility for its shredding of Enron Corp. documents but will not plead guilty in a courtroom, an Andersen attorney told CNN/Money Thursday.

"We would consider something short of a guilty plea in court that would demonstrate an acceptance of responsibility," Stanley Brand, an Andersen attorney in Washington, said.  He made his comments after published reports claimed the Justice Department would be willing to settle its obstruction of justice case against Andersen in exchange for a public admission that the firm shredded documents illegally.

Andersen also would promise to conduct itself properly in the future, Brand said. Such an agreement would allow the Justice Department to revive charges against the firm if it breaks its pledge.

The Wall Street Journal reported Thursday that the DOJ would be willing to consider a settlement in exchange for a public admission of wrongdoing by Andersen. That would be a change in direction by Justice in the case. Up until now, Justice had insisted a guilty plea or conviction was justified by Andersen's destruction of documents related to now bankrupt energy trader Enron Corp. Executives of the Chicago-based accounting firm insisted any wrongdoing was limited to some members of its Houston office and the firm as a whole did nothing wrong.

Department of Justice spokesman Brian Sierra declined comment on the report, saying only that the DOJ has long wanted Andersen to accept its responsibility.

On March 14, federal prosecutors indicted Andersen for allegedly obstructing justice when it shredded Enron documents. In its one-count indictment, the DOJ claimed that Andersen destroyed "tons" of Enron documents several days after it found out about a federal investigation of the energy company. Andersen, which has admitted the shredding took place, has tried to put the blame on staff in its Houston office and claimed that senior management did not authorize the destruction.

Related stories



Andersen hires banker to advise

Volcker: Andersen can't wait

DOJ indicts Andersen


A trial is set to begin May 6, but some Andersen executives and former Federal Reserve Chairman Paul Volcker, who is chairman of an independent oversight committee at the firm, have said Andersen may not be able to last until the trial due to the continued loss of clients.

The newspaper said there are no settlement talks now taking place, but quoted two unnamed Justice Department officials as saying that prosecutors are open to such discussions. While they wouldn't comment on whether Andersen could avoid a guilty plea to settle the case, one of the officials told the paper that in the past they hadn't always insisted on guilty pleas to settle cases of corporate misconduct.



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[CTRL] Homosexual Agenda & Catholic Seminary System

2002-04-05 Thread Archibald Bard

Anti-Catholic 'Experts' Fuel Church's Scandals 
Phil Brennan, NewsMax.com Thursday, April 4, 2002 
Veteran investigative reporter Michael S. Rose has 
written a frightening account of the corruption of the Roman Catholic seminary 
system in the United States. In "Goodbye! Good Men: How Catholic Seminaries 
Turned Away Two Generations of Vocations from the Priesthood" (Acquinas 
Publishing), Rose exposes the abuses that have driven honorable men faithful to 
the tenets of Roman Catholicism out of the seminaries and given preferential 
treatment to homosexuals and others wedded to unorthodox doctrines. In his book, 
written before the latest abuse scandals erupted, Rose insists that the alleged 
shortage of priests is "artificial and contrived," the result of policies 
adopted by scores of dioceses for many years - policies that turned the seminary 
system on its head - and have now driven a stake through the heart of the 
Catholic Church in America. 
In her foreword to the book, Alice Von Hilderbrand, 
Ph.D., writes: "This book holds the key to the phenomenon which, to many, is 
also an enigma: Why are so many seminaries empty? Michael S. Rose has the 
courage - a courage many Church leaders lack - of giving us the fearful but 
uncontestable answer: because vice has penetrated into many of them, and those 
who do not condone vice are excluded. True vocations are 'disqualified.'" 

Anyone, Catholic or non-Catholic, who wants to 
understand the causes of the current scandals in the church couldn't find a 
better explanation than that contained within the pages of "Goodbye! Good Men." 

In this first of a three-part series, NewsMax.com 
looks at some of the roadblocks placed in front of "good men" seeking to enter 
the Roman Catholic priesthood. 
Roadblocks to the Priesthood 
To anyone's eyes, Rich Birch would have appeared to be the perfect 
candidate for the priesthood. With a reputation as a conservative teacher of 
religion at one of his diocese's parochial schools in Covington, Ky., he 
encountered reluctance on the part of the diocese's vocations director even to 
allow him to begin the application process - a reluctance Birch believes was the 
result of his reputation as an orthodox teacher of the Catholic faith. 
Birch was sent to the Behavioral Science Center in Cincinnati for a 
psychological evaluation, a precondition required before his application could 
be considered. 
At the center he was evaluated in a brief meeting by one Dr. Joseph Wicker. 
Two months later he was informed that Wicker has written that although Birch "is 
an intelligent person who scored high on the mental ability tests, he is 
deficient in emotional and personality areas that would not make him a suitable 
candidate for ordained ministry." 
Wicker went on to say Birch was "a man of deep anger, somewhat socially 
maladjusted and is sexually immature." Birch, he added, "cannot deal with his 
inner feelings. I suspect he is only using the ordained ministry to keep from 
dealing with his inner feelings." The conclusion: "He is not sincere in seeking 
the ordained ministry and I cannot recommend him." 
He ended by saying if Birch would undergo about a year of "therapy" he 
might "consider him at some future time." 
Despite having glowing recommendations from those who knew him well, 
including his own pastor, he was turned down by the admissions committee because 
of Wicker's negative report. 
Wicker stymied Birch's vocation. His negative profile followed Birch when 
he went to another seminary and applied for admission. Once again Wicker's 
evaluation was used as the basis of a turndown. 
Something Wicker This Way Comes 
So who is Dr. Wicker, this man with the power to turn a deeply devout, 
intelligent candidate for the priesthood? 
According to the Wanderer, a nationally distributed lay Catholic newspaper, 
Wicker was rejecting more candidates for the priesthood than he was approving. 

But that's just the beginning. An article by reporter Gregory Flannery, an 
ex-seminarian himself, revealed: "Men who wish to become Catholic priests in the 
Archdiocese of Cincinnati are first assessed by the Worshipful Master of Mt. 
Washington Masonic Lodge 642." 
In the May 8, 1991 issue of Mt. Washington Press, a weekly newspaper, 
Flannery reported that Wicker was a fallen-away Catholic and noted that 
participation in Masonic sects is condemned by the Catholic Church. Wicker also 
admitted to being a member of another sect condemned by the church, the 
Rosicrucians. When area Catholics complained about the idea of a Masonic master 
passing on candidates for the priesthood, Archbishop Daniel E. Pilarczyk 
defended him. 
In 1988 Birch submitted to a second evaluation by Dr. Frank Miller of 
Catholic Social Services in Cincinnati. Miller tested Birch over a five-week 
period. This time, Birch passed muster. He is now teaching at a private Catholic 
academy in Cincinnati, where Rose reports he is hig

[CTRL] SkeptiNews: Mongolian Rockcircles

2002-04-05 Thread Ric Carter

-Caveat Lector-

SkeptiNews! - - - - - - - - - - - - - - All The News That's Fit To Question

# Fringes of: Science, Faith, Paranormal, Conspiracy, Sex, Dope, Art, etc.
# Confused? See the disclaimers & excuses at http://skeptilog.pitas.com/
# No Caucasian terrorists were harmed during production of this bulletin.
_ _ _ _ _

* A Chinese researcher has discovered, close to the Mongolian border, 2500-
  year-old stone circles in the same patterns as modern cropcircles. Proof
  of Reptilioid mindcontrol: http://www.unknowncountry.com/news/?id=1379

* ANOTHER UFO COVERUP? Japanese Astronomers Claim To Spot Undisclosed US Or
  China Spy Satellite: http://rense.com/general21/japaneseastronomers.htm
* ASTEROID TO HIT EARTH IN 2880 http://ananova.com/news/story/sm_557184.html

* PARANOIA PARADISE. What makes a good conspiracy theory? What is it about
  some stories that, however unlikely, convince people that they are true?
  Trust me: http://news.bbc.co.uk/hi/english/uk/newsid_1909000/1909378.stm

Would you rather be involved in a coverup of UFOs, spies, cropcircles, ETs,
conspiracies, Armageddon, sexual abuse? Do you like them all? No preference?
_ _ _ _ _

* Predicting Terrorism: http://www.cosmiverse.com/beaten03220201.html
* Where the Rain Came From: http://cbc.ca/stories/2002/04/03/rain020403
* MindControl Delusions: http://netlab.lmcc.fju.edu.tw/3rd/paper/pap116.htm
* Reptilioid Spit Cures Alzheimers http://newshub.com/cgibin/rd.cgi?11243652

* The Milgram Experiment - A lesson in depravity, peer pressure, and the
  power of authority. How exciting! http://www.new-life.net/milgram.htm
* Antigravity coming soon: http://www.newshub.com/cgibin/rd.cgi?11230976
* Get Implanted: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/InTheShadows/message/41553

Would you rather control minds, weather, politics, gravity, dementia, time,
space, matter, energy, me? Do Reptilioid implants make you spit phosphorus?
_ _ _ _ _

* LIFE ON MARS! Tentative evidence of chlorophyll, which Earth plants use
  to get energy from sunlight, is found in the Red Planet's soil. Get hot!
* Geek Gurlz Guide http://www.eecis.udel.edu/~masterma/GuideToGeekGirls.html

* Are you ready for total sensory immersion? You will soon live in the
  holodeck: http://www.smh.com.au/articles/2002/04/03/1017206218856.html
* Navigate by brainwaves, if you have any: http://www.ibva.com/IBVA%20docs/
* Wiring y'r brain nicely: http://www.ee.ucla.edu/research/judylab/research

Are you more excited by chlorophyll, geek girls, holodecks, brainwaves, me?
If Martian virii infect your brain, will your personality improve? Why not?
_ _ _ _ _

* Cloning humans http://www.gulf-news.com/Articles/news.asp?ArticleID=46275
* Commercial DNA!!! http://www.newscientist.com/news/news.jsp?id=ns2092
* Rice has more genes than humans www.ananova.com/news/story/sm_560026.html
* Ah, Factory Meat: http://www.newscientist.com/news/news.jsp?id=ns2066

  drivez me nuttz! http://www.ananova.com/yournews/story/sm_560090.html
* BioTech Blue Jeans: http://cbc.ca/stories/2002/04/04/bacteria_jeans
$ Covert bugging equipment: http://www.cornerspyshop.com/index02.htm

Would you rather fuck around with clones, rice, meat, jeans, bugs, aliens,
robots, me? Would you wear genetically-modified clothes, or just go naked??
_ _ _ _ _

  "A cast of your skull, sir, until the original is available, would
   be an ornament to any anthropological museum." --Sherlock Holmes

# Rev. R.Carter, ULC * http://www.sonic.net/~ric * FAX: 561-423-6102
# These bulletins are now posted online: http://skeptinews.pitas.com
# To get this in realtime, subscribe: http://sonic.net/~ric/vsub.htm

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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 http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html";>Archives of

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[CTRL] Serial Killer With Multiple Personalities

2002-04-05 Thread Martin F. Abernathy

-Caveat Lector-


The International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis

1984, Vol.  XXXII, No. 2, 102-117



Morro Bay, California

Abstract: The problems involved in diagnosing the multiple
personality syndrome in a rape-murder suspect are illustrated by
the case of Kenneth Bianchi and the Hillside Stranglings.
Hypnotic investigations of his amnesia revealed "Steve," who
admitted guilt for the rape-murders.  "Billy' later emerged,
claiming responsibility for thefts and forgeries.  Attempts to
evaluate Kenneth Bianchi with methods used in therapy yielded an
original opinion that he was a multiple personality and legally
insane.   Later events showed the diagnosis to be in error.  A
new diagnosis was made of atypical dissociative disorder due to
the effects of the examining methods themselves.  Warning is
given that it may be impossible to determine the correct
diagnosis of a dissociating defendant in a death penalty case.

The diagnosis of the multiple personality syndrome is difficult
enough in the case of clinical patients, with their extensive
use of denial, repression, and dissociation.  The difficulty is
greatly compounded when the individual under consideration is
charged with first degree murder and is facing the death
penalty.  Because of the rarity of the occurrence of the
multiple personality syndrome in the general population,
guidelines for diagnosis are based on samples of limited size
(Allison, 1978; Coons, 1980).   When faced with the question,
the forensic psychiatrist has to view these guidelines in the
context of the legal situation, with its many differences from
the clinical setting (Allison, 1981).  All these difficulties
existed in the case of 27-year-old Kenneth Bianchi and the
Hillside Strangler case (Schwarz, 1981).


In the fall and winter of 1977-78, the nude bodies of' 10 women
were found on various hillsides of Los Angeles County.  All bad
been raped and then strangled.  Extensive police investigation
failed to identify the killer or killers.

On January 11, 1979, 22-year-old Karen Mandic and 27-year-old
Dianne Wilder were raped and then strangled in a vacant house in
Bellingham, Washington.  Their clothed bodies were found in the
Mandic car several hours after their friends notified police,
since they had not reported to work on time.  Immediate police
investigation revealed physical evidence

Manuscript submitted August 11, 1982; final revision received
November  29,  1982.

'Reprint requests should be addressed to Ralph B. Allison, M.D.,
3240 Main Street, Morro Bay, CA 93442. which led to the arrest, the
following day, of Bianchi as the sole suspect.   The Los Angeles
Strangler Task Force was notified, and their detectives interviewed
who had lived in the Los Angeles area when the 10 killings occurred in
1977-78.  After their interrogation of him, the detectives did
not consider him a likely suspect.

When first questioned by his defense attorney, Dean Brett,
Bianchi claimed to have been driving his car some distance from
the crime scene when the victims were killed.  When confronted
with facts which made his alibi impossible to believe, he then
claimed be had fabricated the story to fill in the gap in his
memory for the time span in question.  Brett called in the first
forensic psychiatrist, Donald T. Lunde, M.D., from the Stanford
School of Law.  Lunde reported that Bianchi gave a history of
repeated spells of amnesia since childhood and recommended
calling in someone experienced in the use of forensic hypnosis.
John G. Watkins, Ph.D., Professor of Psychology at the
University of Montana, was called in by Brett.  During Watkins's
hypnotic interview, what appeared to be an alter-personality,
"Steve," appeared, claiming responsibility for the 2 local
killings and involvement in 9 of the 10 Los Angeles deaths.

On March 30, 1979, the defense entered a plea of not guilty by
reason of insanity, based on the possibility that Bianchi
suffered from the multiple personality syndrome at the time of
the offenses.  Along with Charles W. Moffett, M.D., a Bellingham
psychiatrist, the present author was appointed by the Court to
examine the defendant, with specific instructions to determine
whether or not he suffered from the multiple personality
syndrome.  Subsequently, the prosecution appointed Martin I
Orne, M.D., Ph.D., Professor of Psychiatry at the University of
Pennsylvania and Saul J. Faerstein, M.D., of the University of'
Southern California Institute of Psychiatry and the Law, Los


Since I had identified my first multiple personality syndrome
patient in 1972 (Allison, 1974), I had seen 48 other individuals
who appeared to have the multiple personality syndrome, 40
females and 8 males.  My forensic experience included court

[CTRL] No right to drive for illegals

2002-04-05 Thread Bill Howard

-Caveat Lector-

FWD, FYI from the Daily Breeze, April 5, 2002

(Editorial) Should California issue driver's licenses to 2 million illegal
immigrants? Governor Gray Davis (D) apparently thinks so.

"I believe we can fashion a bill," he said last week, "that gives people who
have been here for a while and who are contributing to our economy the right
to drive to work, and does not compromise public security."

Davis has in mind a measure that would allow illegal immigrants to obtain a
driver's license if they ahve settled in California, have been issued  a
federal tax-payer identification number, and are seeking U.S. citizenship.

Davis has placed himself at odds with two-thirds of California's registered
voters, according to a Zogby poll. Not only do most white, black and
Asian-American voters oppose driver's licenses for illegal immigrants, but so
do a majority of Hispanic voters.

It is hard for us to see how imdividuals who have broken America's
immigration laws should be entitled to the state's official blessing in the fo
rm of a driver's license. Bestowing driving privileges upon those who have
illeglly migrated to California would only encorage more illegal immigration.

For a driver's license is not just a permit authorizing a person to lawfully
operate a motor vehicle. It is also an identification document enabling a
person to secure employment, transact financial business, and board an
airplane, among other things.

The governor assures that only qualified illegal immigrants would be given
the "right" to drive. But it takes next to nothing to obtain a federal
taxpayer ID number, which is why so many undocumented immigrants have them.
Anyone can claim to be seeking U.S. Citizenship.

Davis also seems to think public security would not be compromised if illegal
immigrants were limited to driving to work. But even those who favor
licensing undocumented immigrants wonder why the governor makes such a

Indeed, the issue is ot whether illegal immigrants ought to have a right to
drive to work, to school or wherever, but whether those who are in this
country illegally should be allowed to drive at all.

And on that issue, Californians of all ethnic origins agree. The privilege of
driving should be reserved for those who are legal residents.

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] more investments in China

2002-04-05 Thread Tony Dickinson

-Caveat Lector-

Given the recent Boeing with Deng's plane delivery scandal:

I assume that the purchasers will decorate the Carlyle trees with their
own gifts, but I wonder may already be factory-installed inside them ?...


> - Carlyle Group, the private equity fund run by
> former high-ranking U.S. government officials, says it plans more investments
> in Greater China after adding the artificial Christmas tree business of Boto
> International to its rapidly expanding Asian portfolio.

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Reckless Breeding: The Rockefellers

2002-04-05 Thread Martin F. Abernathy

-Caveat Lector-

They just keep multiplying


FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE  --  February 17, 2000
PRESS CONTACT: 202-224-6101


WASHINGTON, D.C. —U.S. Senator Jay Rockefeller (D-WV) and his wife Sharon Percy 
Rockefeller today announced that in the late evening of Wednesday, February 16, Laura 
Chandler Rockefeller was born to John and Emily Rockefeller.

Laura, who weighed 8 lbs, 11 oz, is the Senator's first grandchild. John, who is 30 
years old and the Senator's eldest son, is currently a PhD student in English 
Literature at Johns Hopkins University. His wife Emily is 27 years old and works as a 
teacher in Baltimore. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Tagliabue. The couple 
married in June of 1996 and currently lives in Baltimore, Maryland.

Rockefeller said, "Sharon and I are absolutely thrilled to welcome Laura into the 
world. She is a beautiful, healthy girl and her mother and father are both doing 
great. The excitement of her birth is certainly increased by the fact that she's our 
first grandchild. Today truly is the start of a new day for our family, and we 
couldn't be any happier. "We would like to thank all of our friends who have passed 
along their best wishes and prayers, and look forward to introducing Laura to West 
Virginia in the near future."

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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 http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html";>Archives of

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[CTRL] Induced Behavior Or Mental Illness?

2002-04-05 Thread Martin F. Abernathy

-Caveat Lector-


Defense psychiatrist: Taylor delusional

By Robert Baird
Wednesday, November 7, 2001

A University of Pittsburgh psychiatry professor testified Tuesday that
Ronald Taylor was legally insane during a shooting spree in Wilkinsburg
in March 2000 in which he killed three men and wounded two others.

Dr. Horacio Fabrega, a psychiatrist from Mt. Lebanon who examined Taylor
for the defense, said Taylor, who is black, was "acting out of a
delusional system" in which he believed whites were racists, conspiring
to demean and undermine blacks.

Fabrega said Taylor, whom he diagnosed as suffering from chronic
paranoid schizophrenia, knew from "a societal point of view" that what
he was doing was wrong, but his pent-up rage went beyond a level he
could control.

Taylor, 41, who has worn a blank expression throughout the trial, seemed
to brighten slightly yesterday morning when he saw his mother, Shirley,
in the courtroom for the first time.

Taylor mouthed the words, "Hi, Mom." His mother wasn't present for the
afternoon session in the courtroom of Allegheny County Common Pleas
Judge Lawrence O'Toole.

On cross-examination by Chief Trial Deputy Edward Borkowski, Fabrega
acknowledged that "most paranoid schizophrenics don't commit criminal

Fabrega said Taylor has "functional amnesia" about the events of March
1, 2000, but Borkowski contended that Taylor has "a selective memory."

The prosecutor said psychiatrists at Mayview State Hospital in South
Fayette Township wrote in his medical records on April 7, 2000, that
Taylor knew what happened the day of the shootings, and later indicated
he "conveniently remembers what he wants to remember."

Defense attorney John Elash, who is seeking a verdict of not guilty by
reason of insanity, rested his case after calling Fabrega, his only
witness. Taylor won't testify in his own behalf in the guilt phase.

When the trial resumes today, Borkowski may call Dr. Michael Welner, a
New York City psychiatrist hired by prosecutors to examine Taylor, in
rebuttal of Fabrega's testimony.

In Pennsylvania, a legal insanity defense must show that a mental
disease prevented a defendant from understanding the quality and nature
of the acts, or that they were wrong.

Fabrega said Taylor understood that what he was doing was wrong and that
he could be shot by pursuing police.

But Taylor was in the "midst of a psychotic storm" that rendered him
unable to recognize his actions as wrong, Fabrega said.

Fabrega said Taylor became frustrated when he couldn't find John DeWitt,
64, a maintenance man with whom he argued at his Wilkinsburg apartment
and accused of being a racist.

The psychiatrist said Taylor was "living in a world he constructed that
was unreasonable," and had views of religion, witchcraft and racism that
therapists had been unable or unwilling to untangle.

Fabrega testified Taylor launched into "a script" he had in his head for
years, setting fire to his apartment and shooting and killing John
Kroll, 55, of Cabot, Butler County, a carpenter who was fixing his door.

Fabrega said Taylor "was becoming a bandit, an outlaw. He believed
(whites) had it coming. They deserved a payback. (He) had to get even."

During eight hours of interviews with Taylor at Mayview, Fabrega said
the defendant said, "I just lost it," and committed the shootings at his
apartment, and at the Burger King and McDonald's restaurants in

Borkowski has said anger, rage, social maladjustment, emotional
instability and uncontrollable impulse cannot serve as the basis of an
insanity defense.

Taylor is charged with killing Joseph Healy, 71, of Wilkinsburg, a
retired Roman Catholic priest; Emil Sanielevici, 20, of Greenfield, a
third-year physics student at the University of Pittsburgh, and Kroll.

He also is charged with aggravated assault for the wounding of Richard
Clinger, 58, of North Huntingdon Township, Westmoreland County, and
Steven Bostard, 26, of Swissvale, assistant manager at the Wilkinsburg

Fabrega contended Taylor's "psychotic storm" was set off when the
apartment management sent two white men, DeWitt and Kroll, to fix his
door, when he expected a white man and a black man.

Fabrega, who conceded Taylor was selective in picking his victims, said
he was offended by Borkowski's claim that some white people weren't shot
because Taylor "couldn't sneak up" on them as he had the others.

But, as Borkowski went through the details of each shooting, Fabrega
admitted that all the victims were defenseless.

Taylor was treated at a clinic for 15 years and was hospitalized twice
at St. Francis Medical Center in 1990 and 1998 for a total of 14 days.
Borkowski said a 1995 note in his medical records reported Taylor
"exaggerates his symptoms" to get Social Security disability payments.

Robert Baird can be reached at (412) 391-8650.



[CTRL] Rockefeller Family Values

2002-04-05 Thread Martin F. Abernathy

-Caveat Lector-

Rockefeller bad apple sued for divorce : Adultery, cruel perversion and
hardcore pornography blamed for filthy-rich divorce.

- - - - - - - - - - - -
By Hank Hyena

Dec. 8, 1999

My, my. How the mighty have fallen.

A decadent descendant of an American dynasty is getting his dirty silk
laundry aired out in a Vanity Fair interview with his estranged wife.

John D. Rockefeller founded Standard Oil and became the richest man in
America. His grandson Nelson was governor of New York from 1959-73 and
vice president from 1974-77. Numerous other Rockefellers have excelled
as senators, governors, businessmen, academics and philanthropists.

There's a rotten apple in the family tree though, an embarrassing black
sheep. Great-grandson George O'Neill is obsessed with female flesh, not
finances or public welfare, claims his wife, Amy, 32, who is suing him
for divorce. She accuses the 49-year-old O'Neill (who will inherit about
$180 million when his mother dies) of incessant carnal crimes.

Gonadal George had an abundance of affairs in their 10-year marriage,
charges the bitter spouse. She discovered him groping the baby-sitters
and receiving fellatio from the wife of a local funeral director. He
also tried to push her into sexual threesomes, she says, and that he's
obsessed with hardcore pornography.

This is only the horny tip of a licentious lifestyle that Amy will
gladly expose in the courtroom if George balks at the monetary demands
that she's making in their current divorce settlement.

If true, these revelations would usher O'Neill into the recent hall of
hypocrite conservatives. George is a right-wing activist and a strong
espouser of "family values" morality; he even campaigned for Pat
Buchanan in 1992.

George and Amy lived dysfunctionally in a dilapidated mansion on a
heavily guarded family estate in central Florida with their five
children. Ensconced in this Gothic nightmare, poor Amy claims she was
forced to haul a notebook around her neck that recorded what she was
doing, plus she had to beg her horrible husband for housekeeping money.

If this meanness actually occurred, Amy's demands on the rich man-boy
will probably be granted: $775,000 for a new house, alimony of $7,500
per month, plus children's education costs, wedding costs for the two
daughters and a new family van every five years.

Amy also divulges humiliating Rockefeller family secrets in the article.
Most amusing is her contention that the old money magnates are quite
depressed about their displacement at the top of the "rich lists."
Computer zillionaires have plummeted the oil barons into comparative
salon.com | Dec. 8, 1999


M. F. Abernathy -- [[EMAIL PROTECTED]]

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fw: US Troops Prepare for Palestine

2002-04-05 Thread Archibald Bard

-Caveat Lector-

- Original Message -
From: "Mid-East Realities" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "MER >" <"Mid-East Realities" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, April 05, 2002 3:24 AM
Subject: US Troops Prepare for Palestine

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  News, Information, & Analysis That Governments, Interest Groups,
 and the Corporate Media Don't Want You To Know!
Now choose these easily from MER Homepage at http://www.MiddleEast.Org
 MER FORUM - Make your own comments - and read those of others
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 MER SUBSCRIBE - Unique, exclusive, expert commentary and analysis - free
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MID-EAST REALITIES - MER - www.MiddleEast.Org - Washington, DC - 4/05/2002:
You can feel it in the political wind here.  Indeed, the very political
forces which have helped subjugate and repress the Palestinians for so many
decades now, are actually leading the charge -- the Israeli/Jewish lobby,
the New York Times, the Council on Foreign Relations, Israeli-centric (and
many would say "dually loyal") top Pentagon officials.   Many of the groups
and personalities that make up the extended Israeli/Jewish lobby now are
pushing to use the post 9/11 world and the American/Israeli-inspired "regime
change" wars ahead to finally position a large number of American troops in
the Palestinian territories, force a rump quasi-"Palestinian State" on the
fractured Palestinians (and take credit for it!), and provide a U.S.
"security guarantee" for Israel in advance of the Arab states arming with
new modern weapons systems including weapons of mass destruction (just in
case U.S./Israeli efforts to destroy these regimes and their weapons aren't
fully successful).   That's what Tom Friedman at the New York Times in his
journalistic garp, and the Israeli/Jewish community's main public agents at
the Council on Foreign Relations, Henry Siegman and Judith Kipper, are up to
these days -- and because they have all gotten the word to speed things up
they are going at it much more in public view for the first time.  Stay
tuned to MER for much more about all this in the days and weeks immediately
ahead now.

  By Rowan Scarborough

 [The Washington Times - 5 April 2002]:
   The Bush administration says there are no active
plans to
  put American peacekeepers between Palestinians and
  Israelis, but at least one internal military study
says 20,000
  well-armed troops would be needed.
   The Army's School of
  Advanced Military Studies
  (SAMS), an elite training ground
  and think tank at Fort
  Leavenworth, Kan., produced the
  study last year. The 68-page
  paper tells how the major
  operation would be run the first
  year, with peacekeepers stationed
  in Gaza, Hebron, Jerusalem and
   One major goal would be to
  "neutralize leadership of Palestine dissenting
factions [and]
  prevent inter-Palestinian violence."
   The military is known to update secret
contingency plans
  in the event international peacekeepers are part of a
  comprehensive Middle East peace plan. The SAMS study,
  copy of which was obtained by The Washington Times,
  provides a glimpse of what those plans might entail.
   Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld repeatedly
  said the administration has no plans to put American
  between the warring factions. But since the escalation
  violence, more voices in the debate are beginning to
  that some type of American-led peace enforcement team
   Sen. Arlen Specter, Pennsylvania Republican,
  U.S. special envoy Gen. Anthony Zinni as saying there
is a
  plan, if needed, to put a limited number of American
  peacekeepers in the Israeli-occupied territories.

[CTRL] Born or Made? The Gay [Homosexual] Debate

2002-04-05 Thread Archibald Bard

Born or Made?  The Gay DebateApril 4, 2002 

It's become the mantra of the gay lobby: Sexual 
orientation is in our genes—our biology is destiny. According to gay activist 
Denny Lee, "When people understand that being gay or lesbian is an integral 
characteristic, they are more open-minded about equality for gay Americans." 

Problem is, there's no evidence that homosexuality 
is an "integral characteristic." It's something to keep in mind on the eve of 
the latest "gay holiday." 
Radical gays are fond of quoting studies that 
purport to prove that gays are born, not made. For example, ten years ago, Simon 
LeVay of the Salk Institute announced that he had found a significant difference 
in the brain structure of homosexual and heterosexual men, but subsequent 
research by others failed to duplicate LeVay's findings. 
The same goes for the research of Dean Hamer, who 
claimed to have found a "gay gene." Hamer—who is gay—was subsequently 
investigated by the Office of Research Integrity of the U.S. Public Health 
Then there's a 1993 study on twins and sexual 
orientation by Boston University psychiatrist Richard Pillard. Pillard claimed 
he'd found evidence that homosexuality is a family trait. But Dr. Paul Ewald, an 
Amherst College biologist, told the Boston University Daily Free Press that 
Pillard's research made no such genetic connection. 
Dr. Ruth Hubbard of the Council for Responsible 
Genetics says the gay hype over genetics "is due to the fact that there is money 
to be made through biotechnology." And she adds: "There's no such thing as a gay 
gene. It is a waste of time and money" to look for one. 
So why are researchers looking for one? 

If gays can prove that homosexuality is genetic, 
there would be, they believe, no excuse for making moral distinctions between 
homosexual and heterosexual behavior. But wait a minute: Suppose there was a 
genetic connection. Would that justify gay "marriage"? It's been established in 
one study a genetic connection in criminal behavior. Does that excuse crime? Of 
course not. Or how about a gene for heterosexual behavior? Does that mean rape 
would be condoned? No! Nor does it mean homosexual behavior is inevitable and 
acceptable. We are more than the sum of our genes. 
On April 10, gay groups will celebrate the "Day of 
Silence Project." They're encouraging students around the country to take a 
nine-hour vow of silence to protest what they consider inappropriate 
discrimination against homosexuals. We can expect the press to trot out all the 
same, tired claims about gay genes, and, therefore, we should just accept as 
perfectly normal this behavior and give them full rights to adopt children and 
to marry. 
On that particular day of silence, why don't we do 
what many other Christians are doing and use it to speak out. Tell them about 
couples like John and Anne Paulk, now on the staff of Focus on the Family. John 
and Anne both came out of the homosexual lifestyle, married, and raised a 
Christian family. 
We can also tell people about the phony research 
about so-called gay genes—and about the truth about how God heals homosexuals 
through groups like Exodus and Regeneration. 
If you call us here at BreakPoint (1-800-995-8777), 
we'll send you materials that will help you make those arguments. 
True hope for homosexuals lies, not in a gay gene, 
but in the Gospel.

[CTRL] Fw: What Is A Trillion..................

2002-04-05 Thread Archibald Bard

- Original Message - 
Sent: Friday, April 05, 2002 7:41 AM
Subject: SNET: What Is A Trillion..
->  SNETNEWS  Mailing List




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[CTRL] Fwd: Recent Satanism Stories in the UK Press

2002-04-05 Thread RoadsEnd

--- Begin Message ---

Teenage girl torturers shock nation
Schoolmate left for dead because she was 'too pretty'
The Europe pages - Observer special

Paul Webster in Paris
Sunday March 24, 2002
The Observer 

An abandoned old people's home where a 14-year-old high school girl was
tortured by two of her schoolmates in a crime that has shocked France looks
like a setting for a horror film.

Dilapidated shutters hang from a peeling wall and the front door gives on to
stairs leading to a cellar where the victim was disfigured and left for dead
because she was considered too pretty.

After learning that the knife used to torture the adolescent resembled the
one used in the film Scream, newspapers have competed to find exotic
pseudonyms to add a Hollywood touch to a story tainted by scare videos and
devil worship. 

The fate of 'Kelly', the cover name used by Le Figaro, and her torturers
'Priscilla', 14, and 'Morgane', 13, has been absorbed into a national debate
on youth crime which, in the past few days, has included the murder by an
adolescent gang of a father who protested against the mugging of his son and
an attack on a shopping mall watchman who was set on fire by another gang.

While 177,000 children committed offences last year, an increase of 30 per
cent over 10 years, the torture session at the village of Saint-Vit in
eastern France is unique for several reasons. The two alleged torturers, in
custody in Mulhouse for alleged attempted murder, are from stable,
middle-class families and study at a private Catholic school.

Neither had a reputation for violence, but a public prosecutor has pointed
out that the older girl had just seen Scream and the younger one had taken
part in Satanic practices with skinheads in the local cemetery.

'They have both been subjected to damaging cultural influences,' the
official, Jean-François Peretti, said.

But why the alleged leader of the group, 'Priscilla', was ready to burn
'Kelly' to death as she lay bleeding on the cellar floor, perhaps only
psychiatrists will be able to answer. The most favoured theory is that she
was jealous of 'Kelly' because she was the prettiest girl in the class.

The three girls from 'modest and honourable families', in Peretti's words,
were close friends. On a Saturday night outing, they forced their way into
the deserted rest home and went to the attic where they drank beer and then
slapped each other repeatedly as part of a ritual until 'Kelly' complained
that 'Priscilla' was hitting her too hard.

'It was then that the older girl [on the alleged attempted murder charge]
pulled out a carving knife from her bag and struck her victim several times
in the body and face,' Peretti said. 'The victim was then dragged down
stairs to the cellar where her wrists and throat were cut with pieces of

The two alleged torturers went in search of petrol to set the house alight,
but the local garage was closed. The younger girl asked her boyfriend to go
to help save her friend. He ran away after seeing 'Kelly' lying in a pool of
blood, but left the door open so that she could crawl out into the street.

In hospital, the girl, who may have lost the full use of her hands, told her
father: 'They tied me up, scalped me and wanted to set me alight.'

'My daughter is a very sweet girl and said she wanted to remain friends with
her schoolmates, but could not explain why their usual games had taken such
a horrifying turn,' the victim's father said. 'It seems to be a mixture of
all sorts of things. Television, films, drink, Satan-worship and madness.'

This and other cases of youth violence could influence next month's
presidential election and damage the hopes of Socialist Prime Minister
Lionel Jospin, now favourite to win.

'The state cannot be held responsible for this crime,' said Interior
Minister Daniel Vaillant defensively. 'We are totally bewildered by this
violent behaviour, which contains an element of insanity.'

Police have suspect in cat head hate crime
By: DANA BRUNDAGEMarch 21, 2002

CHARLESTOWN - Police say they have a suspect in last month's hate crime
involving the decapitated head of an animal.

Sgt. Patrick McMahon of the Charlestown Police Department said Monday that
they believe a man in his 20's, along with another man around the same age,
are responsible for leaving the head of a cat in an army boot on the front
of the Shannock Baptist Church on March 1.

A woman delivering a package to the church found the boot that morning and
contacted police.

Along with the boot was a letter written in a satanic language.
McMahon said that a witness told police that the suspect had been seen with
the cat at a previous time.

No one has claimed ownership thus far of the cat, McMahon said.
McMahon said that police only have the name of one suspect, who they have
made contact with.

The suspect, who was a resident of the Shannock village

[CTRL] Fwd: Recent Satanism Stories in the UK Press

2002-04-05 Thread RoadsEnd

--- Begin Message ---

Teenage girl torturers shock nation
Schoolmate left for dead because she was 'too pretty'
The Europe pages - Observer special

Paul Webster in Paris
Sunday March 24, 2002
The Observer 

An abandoned old people's home where a 14-year-old high school girl was
tortured by two of her schoolmates in a crime that has shocked France looks
like a setting for a horror film.

Dilapidated shutters hang from a peeling wall and the front door gives on to
stairs leading to a cellar where the victim was disfigured and left for dead
because she was considered too pretty.

After learning that the knife used to torture the adolescent resembled the
one used in the film Scream, newspapers have competed to find exotic
pseudonyms to add a Hollywood touch to a story tainted by scare videos and
devil worship. 

The fate of 'Kelly', the cover name used by Le Figaro, and her torturers
'Priscilla', 14, and 'Morgane', 13, has been absorbed into a national debate
on youth crime which, in the past few days, has included the murder by an
adolescent gang of a father who protested against the mugging of his son and
an attack on a shopping mall watchman who was set on fire by another gang.

While 177,000 children committed offences last year, an increase of 30 per
cent over 10 years, the torture session at the village of Saint-Vit in
eastern France is unique for several reasons. The two alleged torturers, in
custody in Mulhouse for alleged attempted murder, are from stable,
middle-class families and study at a private Catholic school.

Neither had a reputation for violence, but a public prosecutor has pointed
out that the older girl had just seen Scream and the younger one had taken
part in Satanic practices with skinheads in the local cemetery.

'They have both been subjected to damaging cultural influences,' the
official, Jean-François Peretti, said.

But why the alleged leader of the group, 'Priscilla', was ready to burn
'Kelly' to death as she lay bleeding on the cellar floor, perhaps only
psychiatrists will be able to answer. The most favoured theory is that she
was jealous of 'Kelly' because she was the prettiest girl in the class.

The three girls from 'modest and honourable families', in Peretti's words,
were close friends. On a Saturday night outing, they forced their way into
the deserted rest home and went to the attic where they drank beer and then
slapped each other repeatedly as part of a ritual until 'Kelly' complained
that 'Priscilla' was hitting her too hard.

'It was then that the older girl [on the alleged attempted murder charge]
pulled out a carving knife from her bag and struck her victim several times
in the body and face,' Peretti said. 'The victim was then dragged down
stairs to the cellar where her wrists and throat were cut with pieces of

The two alleged torturers went in search of petrol to set the house alight,
but the local garage was closed. The younger girl asked her boyfriend to go
to help save her friend. He ran away after seeing 'Kelly' lying in a pool of
blood, but left the door open so that she could crawl out into the street.

In hospital, the girl, who may have lost the full use of her hands, told her
father: 'They tied me up, scalped me and wanted to set me alight.'

'My daughter is a very sweet girl and said she wanted to remain friends with
her schoolmates, but could not explain why their usual games had taken such
a horrifying turn,' the victim's father said. 'It seems to be a mixture of
all sorts of things. Television, films, drink, Satan-worship and madness.'

This and other cases of youth violence could influence next month's
presidential election and damage the hopes of Socialist Prime Minister
Lionel Jospin, now favourite to win.

'The state cannot be held responsible for this crime,' said Interior
Minister Daniel Vaillant defensively. 'We are totally bewildered by this
violent behaviour, which contains an element of insanity.'

Police have suspect in cat head hate crime
By: DANA BRUNDAGEMarch 21, 2002

CHARLESTOWN - Police say they have a suspect in last month's hate crime
involving the decapitated head of an animal.

Sgt. Patrick McMahon of the Charlestown Police Department said Monday that
they believe a man in his 20's, along with another man around the same age,
are responsible for leaving the head of a cat in an army boot on the front
of the Shannock Baptist Church on March 1.

A woman delivering a package to the church found the boot that morning and
contacted police.

Along with the boot was a letter written in a satanic language.
McMahon said that a witness told police that the suspect had been seen with
the cat at a previous time.

No one has claimed ownership thus far of the cat, McMahon said.
McMahon said that police only have the name of one suspect, who they have
made contact with.

The suspect, who was a resident of the Shannock village

[CTRL] Turkey Talks

2002-04-05 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-

>From http://www.gulf-news.com/Articles/print.asp?ArticleID=46577

Turkey blasts Israel for 'genocide'
London | Reuters | 05/04/2002

Turkey's prime minister accused military ally Israel yesterday of "genocide" against
Palestinians and demonstrators marched in Muslim and other countries as Israel
vowed to pursue its drive to root out suicide bombers.

With shooting reported around the traditional birthplace of Jesus in Bethlehem, Pope
John Paul called for a world day of prayer on Sunday for peace in the Middle East "to
change the hearts of even the most obstinate men".

There was growing criticism of the United States for not doing enough to halt the
violence. But most of the protests were directed at Israel, and some of them worried

"The whole of the Palestinian state is being destroyed step by step," Turkish Prime
Minister Bulent Ecevit told party members in parliament. "A genocide against the
Palestinian people is being carried out before the eyes of the world."

But Ecevit blamed both Israel and Palestinian radicals for the violence and urged
both sides to resume peace talks, offering Turkey as a possible venue for Israeli
Prime Minister Ariel Sharon to meet Palestinian President Yasser Arafat.

Muslim Turkey and Israel cooperate in a range of security areas and, only last
month, Turkey signed a deal for an Israeli state defence firm to upgrade ageing
Turkish M-60 tanks.

But public protests against Israeli military action in the West Bank have grown in
Turkey, and thousands of Turks took to the streets yesterday for the third day

About 2,500 people led by unions and civic groups gathered amid a heavy police
presence in central Ankara, shouting "Damn Israel" and "Murderer Israel", witnesses

In Lebanon, tens of thousands of protesters took to the streets to denounce Israel's
raids on Palestinian towns and its siege of Arafat at his headquarters in Ramallah.

Some 20,000 demonstrators marched through the main streets in the southern port
city of Sidon, many carrying pictures of Arafat. "Sharon you pig," chanted the
protesters, who also burned Israel's flag.

Thousands more Lebanese and Palestinians from nearby refugee camps filled the
streets of the northern city of Tripoli. In central Beirut a group of leftist students
began the sixth day of a sit-in in solidarity with Palestinians.

In Jakarta, some 2,000 Indonesians hit the streets calling for an end to Israeli 
action, in the third consecutive day of protests in the world's most populous Muslim

Thousands of protesters gathered outside the office of the United Nations in central
Jakarta shouting slogans in support of the Palestinians.

Outside the Muslim world, around 100 people demonstrated peacefully against Israel
in the Swiss capital Berne. Police stopped about 25 who tried to approach the Israeli

But Saudi Arabia, home to Islam's holiest shrines, reminded its people of a ban on
public demonstrations after an impromptu protest by 150 angry citizens in support of
the Palestinians, the Saudi Press Agency said.

The Moroccan government granted schoolchildren early spring holidays in a bid to
prevent possible violent pro-Palestinian street protests, a government official said.

In the Vatican, the Pope said he hoped prayers on Sunday would reach out "to those
who have the responsibility and power to take the necessary steps...to lead the
opposing parties towards an agreement that is just and dignified for all".

The 81-year-old Pontiff urged Christians across the world to send a "message of
stable and lasting peace".

But Arab League Secretary-General Amr Moussa said yesterday contacts with
Israel's government had proved "useless" in restraining Israeli actions.

"We are all convinced that Sharon is bound to do what he wants to do, because he
believes he's above the law and he is protected by other powers," Moussa told CNN
in an interview.

Even former U.S. Secretary of State Madeleine Albright suggested Washington was
not doing enough and, appearing on NBC's Today show, urged her successor Colin
Powell to travel immediately to the region.

"The bottom line is that the United States is the only power that will be listened to 
both sides, and I think it's just so important for us not to be engaged just from the
sidelines but really in there pushing a political track along with a military one,"
Albright said.

Finnish President Tarja Halonen said in Helsinki: "What the United States should say
clearly is that it is of the same opinion as all the rest of us - that this must stop, 
that there will be damaging consequences for everyone if it does not stop."

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[CTRL] UAE Talks

2002-04-05 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-

>From http://www.gulf-news.com/Articles/print.asp?ArticleID=46581

UAE seeks international pressure
New York | WAM | 05/04/2002

The UAE called on the UN Security Council and international major players to press
Israel to halt its genocide war against the Palestinian people and withdraw
immediately from Palestinian territories.

"While renewing its absolute support for the struggle of the Palestinian people and
their legitimate leadership in these exceptional circumstances, the UAE demands the
Security Council, the U.S. and EU to shoulder their full political, legal and moral
responsibilities towards the Palestinian cause and the dangerous escalating
developments through condemnation, by all possible terms, of the war crimes and
terrorism practiced by Israel against the Palestinian people so as the Israeli
government cannot misunderstand the clear international message in the form of
Security Council resolution 1402 ordering it to withdraw from Palestinian territories 
reoccupied," said the the UAE permanent ambassador to UN in an address on
Wednesday night at an emergency session of the council.

Abdul Aziz Naser Al Shamsi said the UAE demanded immediate unconditional
withdrawal of Israeli troops from these territories, lifting of siege on Palestinian
President Yasser Arafat and release of Palestinian detainees.

The UAE, he said, called for deploying international observers, human rights activists
and relief workers to ensure protection of the Palestinian people, delivery of food and
medical aid and to identify Israeli war criminals.

"Israel should pay compensations for the grave damage its aggressive practices
have inflicted on infrastructure and properties of individuals and firms in the
Palestinian territories," the ambassador stressed.

He said that efforts and role of the UN, U.S., EU and Russia should be bolstered on
the bases of transparency and impartiality in order to help the Palestinian and Israeli
sides implement recommendations of the Mitchel report and Tenet plan before
resumption of peace negotiations.

"The UAE calls for adopting and backing the landmark Arab peace plan, endorsed
recently by the Beirut summit, as strategic groundwork for comprehensive settlement
to the Palestinian cause and the Arab- Israeli conflict as per Security Council
resolutions 181, 242, 338, 1397 and 1402 and the peace for land principle," he said.

"Israel's reoccupation of Palestinian towns, destruction of Palestinian National
Authority's infrastructure, killing and arresting of Palestinians and surrounding 
in his headquarters are grave moral, political and legal violations since the creation 
the UN," he said.

"The Security Council, which used its previous resolutions to condemn all forms of
terrorism and occupation, should now distinguish, without any procrastination,
between terrorism, war crimes perpetrated daily by the state of Israel against the
Palestinians and the legitimate struggle of the Palestinian people to end the
occupation and establish their independent state with Jerusalem as its capital."

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"Do not believe in anything simply because you have heard it. Do not believe
simply because it has been handed down for many generations. Do not
believe in anything simply because it is spoken and rumored by many. Do
not believe in anything simply because it is written in Holy Scriptures. Do not
believe in anything merely on the authority of Teachers, elders or wise men.
Believe only after careful observation and analysis, when you find that it
agrees with reason and is conducive to the good and benefit of one and all.
Then accept it and live up to it."
The Buddha on Belief, from the Kalama Sutta
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +

"Always do sober what you said you'd do drunk. That will
teach you to keep your mouth shut."
--- Ernest Hemingway

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

[CTRL] Ten and Ten Years After

2002-04-05 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-

>From http://counterpunch.com/cockburnnews1.html

April 3, 2002

American Journal

Sharon's Wars:
How The News Gets Through

By Alexander Cockburn

Here we are, twenty years on , and many of the reports of what's been happening as
the Israeli army smashes its way through Ramallah and Bethlehem and the other
Palestinian towns remind me of what came out of Lebanon in 1982 as Sharon and
his invading army raced north: Israeli troops beating, looting, destroying; Palestinian
families huddling in refugee camps, waiting for the killers to come.

But there is a difference. A huge one. Twenty years ago, at least for people living
here in the United States, it was harder, though far from impossible, to get first- 
accounts of what was going on. You had to run out to find foreign newspapers, or
have them laboriously faxed from London, or Paris. Reporting in the mainstream
corporate press here was horrifying tilted into putting the best face on Israeli deeds.
Mostly, it still is. But the attempted news blackout by the Sharon government and the
Israeli military simply isn't working.

Here's Aviv Lavie, writing in Ha'aretz: "A journey through the TV and radio channels
and the pages of the newspapers exposes a huge and embarrassing gap between
what is reported to us and what is seen, heard, and read in the world On Arab TV
stations (though not only them) one could see Israeli soldiers taking over hospitals,
breaking equipment, damaging medicines, and locking doctors away from their
patients. Foreign television networks all over the world have shown the images of
five Palestinians from the National Security forces, shot in the heads from close
range; one was apparently the manager of the Palestinian Authority orchestra. Some
of the networks have claimed they were shot in cold blood after they were disarmed.
The entire world has seen wounded people in the streets, heard reports of how the
IDF prevents ambulances from reaching the wounded for treatment. The entire world
has heard testimony by Palestinian families who have been imprisoned in their
homes for 72 hours, in some places without electricity or water, and the food is
running out."

As always, there are the courageous witnesses. These days we have the enormously
brave young people in the International Solidarity Movement sending back daily e-
mails and phone calls to the United States that flash their way round the internet and
even translate into important interviews in the mainstream press, or on tv news

Meet a few of them. Here's Jordan Flaherty, filing this account from a few days ago:
"Last night the Israeli Military tried to kill me. I'm staying in the Al Azzeh refugee
camp, in Bethlehem, along with about twenty other international civilians. We're here
to act as human shields, because we've heard an Israeli invasion is imminentOn the
hill above the camp is a Israeli military sniper's post. The main street that runs down
the village is in plain sight of the snipers' post. To get where we were staying in the
village, most of us had to cross this street. It was a quick, low, dash across the
street. As I ran, the sniper fired. I heard at least six shots fired in the short 
distance I
ran, exposed. The shots began as I came into view, and stopped shortly after I made
it to the other side. They were clearly aimed at me. And, by the sound of them, they
were close. All night long, there was the sound of gun shots, as the military shot into
our village. We stayed clear of the windows. Some of the windows were blocked with
sandbags. The gun and bullets were, no doubt, paid for by my tax dollars. Which is,
of course, why we are here."

Or Tzaporah Ryter, filing this account yesterday: " I am an American student from the
University of Minnesota. I currently am in Ramallah. We are under a terrible siege
and people are being massacred by both the Israeli army and armed militia groups of
Israeli settlers. ..On Thursday afternoon, the Israeli army began sealing off each
entrance to RamallahThose traveling in began desperately searching for alternative
ways and traveling in groups, but the Israelis were firing upon them and everyone
was running and screaming. Women carrying their children were trying desperately
to flee from Ramallah, carrying infants and toddlers, and their young children were
running along in the rain through the fields, slipping and falling on the rocks, 
trying to
reach safety. Israeli jeeps were speeding across the terrain pulling up from every
direction and shooting at the women and children, and also at me, as we ran in
opposite directions. They were chasing down people, hunting them like that in the

Or the extremely articulate and self-possessed Adam Shapiro, whose testimony
ended up in the New York Daily News and on CNN, where he told Kyra Phillips: "This
is not about politics between Jew and Arab, between Muslim and Jew. This is a case
of human dignity, human freedom and justice that the Palestinian

[CTRL] Fw: Urgent: Eyewitness report from Ramallah (The way it came!)

2002-04-05 Thread Mrs. Jela Jovanovic

-Caveat Lector-

- Original Message -
To: AMANA Media and other E-mail Members <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, April 05, 2002 5:47 AM
Subject: Urgent: Eyewitness report from Ramallah (The way it came!)

> Tuesday, April 2, 2002
> Urgent: Eyewitness report from Ramallah
> Ramallah, Occupied Palestine -- My name is Tzaporah Ryter. I am an
> American student from the University of Minnesota. I currently am in
> Ramallah. We are under a terrible siege and people are being
> massacred by both the Israeli army and armed militia groups of
> Israeli settlers. They are shooting outside at anything that moves.
> I am urgently pleading for as much outside help as possible to help
> save lives here.
> I arrived in Ramallah last Thursday. I had come back for a visit to
> the Palestinian city where I had been previously living and
> studying. On Thursday afternoon, the Israeli army began sealing off
> each entrance to Ramallah and there were rumors that they planned to
> invade.
> ...
> Women carrying their children were trying desperately to flee from
> Ramallah, carrying infants and toddlers, and their young children
> were running along in the rain through the fields, slipping and
> falling on the rocks, trying to reach safety. Israeli jeeps were
> speeding across the terrain pulling up from every direction and
> shooting at the women and children, and also at me, as we ran in
> opposite directions. They were chasing down people, hunting them
> like that in the fields.
> ...
> When night fell, Israeli tanks began to invade and also we saw
> Israeli troops coming on foot from the valley, and surrounding our
> house. I could hear them calling to each other in Hebrew. They were
> against our door and all around. They were firing everywhere a
> barrage of bullets and there was tank fire. We had to lay on the
> floor and keep silent. We stayed there, on the floor, for nearly
> four days in the darkness.
> We knew that our circumstances were better than others because old
> people or infants or people with medical emergency needs had no
> help. It was very cold, with most families packed all in one room.
> Some people are without life sustaining medicines like insulin, and
> they are altering their doses dangerously if they have any medicine
> left to take. People are becoming dangerously sick from lack of food
> and water and heat. The fear and terror only makes things worse, but
> it cannot be avoided.
> In the daytime, we heard them shooting people in the streets, and
> could hear them screaming and screaming. No ambulance was allowed
> through. Then their screams stopped and there was just silence.
> ...
> They keep taking doctors and medics, just now another call. Again,
> this time the wife of a doctor telling us her husband has been taken
> from the ambulance.
> Large groups of people have been found in rooms, shot dead, there are
> blood marks where they have lined people up on their knees and shot
> them, with their ID cards laying on top of them. They are taking
> people from their homes, blindfolding them, removing their clothes,
> taking them away or lining them up and shooting them against the
> wall.
> People are making phone calls and saying that these soldiers and
> militia have come in and are shooting people and then the line cuts
> off.
> The numbers of these killings I fear are much greater than the
> numbers confirmed in the press, because the human rights offices and
> the media centers have been stormed, and everything is shut down. No
> one can move without almost certain chance of being shot by the
> Israeli snipers, who are everywhere.
> The Israelis are demanding that all journalists leave Ramallah and
> today another foreign journalist was shot. They do not want any more
> Internationals here and are deporting people. It seems quite clear
> that they do not want eyewitnesses which is only heightening my own
> fears.
> The hospitals have also been surrounded and invaded and Israeli
> troops are taking the injured people and interrogating them. Today a
> woman, a patient, tried to walk out from hospital. The Israelis shot
> her in the neck and killed her.
> The Palestinian Ministry of Health is saying that they fear the
> spread of diseases because of the number of unburied corpses.
> The numbers are only growing in reports of the mass killings here and
> Israeli troops continue to round up people. People are calling
> frantically, missing a relative and we do not know where they have
> been taken, including children.
> The numbers we have now exceed 600, and we are estimating between 700
> and 800. All human rights groups and legal advocates are being
> denied any information of where the detained are being held. From
> what we know confirmed is that 10% of those taken so far have been
> children under age 18.
> ...
> When I went outside, there were cars all shot up and hit by multiple
> bullets and shells in the midd

[CTRL] More Mind Control-Related Crimes?

2002-04-05 Thread Martin F. Abernathy

-Caveat Lector-


In the crazy world of Kelsey Patterson, hell is a very special place. It
is at once his consuming fear and his  overpowering obsession. He
believes, for instance, in "hell law," one feature of which involves a
special book into which people can sign "hell pledges" against him for
the purpose of inflicting pain, misery and even death.  Patterson deals
with this as best he can. Go to hell, he says when talking to judges,
lawyers and prison personnel - anybody who might be in on the conspiracy
against him. Go to hell, he writes in the furiously scribbled letters he
mails daily to court officials, family members, politicians and anybody
else who figures into his delusions.

He usually says it slowly, not as a dismissive insult but a phrase with
precise meaning. By employing it, he may ward off the effect of the hell
pledges, somewhat like repelling vampires with garlic.

Alas, Patterson has no such protection against the electrical implants
that he says were placed in his body many years ago and  which, he
claims, sometimes control his actions. "Inert response motor immerse
response motor implant devices" he calls them, and they are the reason
he now sits on death row.

It was no personal grievance that led him to murder two people one sunny
afternoon, he has told relatives and attorneys. It was not his decision
at all. Rather, the powers that be here in his hometown wanted to get
rid of him because someone had filed a special hell pledge against him
in court. So, by remote control, "they" made him commit the murders.

"They have some type of implant devices that they used on me in the
military, which I receive," Patterson testified at his competency trial.
"Like the device that they put in the inner ear in which they can send
subliminal messages and make a person act beyond their controllability
to know you have taken an action."

This is what Patterson believes. Or used to. He won't talk to lawyers,
journalists or doctors anymore, so nobody is up on the latest wrinkles
in his delusional system. He does not cooperate because he considers
himself to be perfectly sane. As far as he's concerned, the effort to
portray him as mentally ill is one more insidious facet of the greater
conspiracy to destroy him and his family.

How Patterson, 45, got into the mess that may cost him his life is no
mystery. Left half-treated and unsupervised by the state for years
despite a history of psychotically inspired, near-fatal assaults, he
simply fulfilled a longstanding prediction about him when he shot to
death Louis Oates and Kay Harris, a respected businessman and his
secretary, for no obvious reason in 1992.

But how he was considered sane enough to finally merit prosecution and
conviction is puzzling. Patterson was not tried for two previous
attempted murders because of his mental illness, severe paranoid
schizophrenia. Both incidents involved the shooting of people he barely
knew for no explicable reason.

When the charge became murder, however, psychiatrists testified that he
now met the legal threshold of sanity, that he had somehow changed, that
he was only pretending to be ill, even though his delusional beliefs
were the same as they had always been and the killings closely resembled
the earlier assaults.

This change of opinion leads attorneys for and relatives of Patterson,
as well as mental health care advocates, to wonder whether the system is
simply trying to bury one of itsembarrassments.

"It was the darkest moment of my professional life," said Sam Hicks, his
trial attorney, of the day Patterson was sentenced to die. "This is a
case that never should have happened. He should have been
institutionalized a long time ago. The system failed him. But they
don'tindict the system."

An old and sad story

It has become an old and sad story. The virtual abandonment of long-term
psychiatricinstitutionalization and the lack of aggressive community
treatment has helped create apopulation of untreated or undertreated
mentally ill.

Usually poor and often unemployable, they get by as best they can. The
lucky have familysupport. Others live in quiet desperation in halfway
houses or cheap apartments - or on the street. A study released last
year by the National Alliance for the Mentally Ill found that fewer than
half of the nation's 2 million schizophrenics receive appropriate care.

Sometimes, in an unmedicated state, the ill end up confronted by police
in encounters thatconclude fatally. Sometimes their psychoses translate
into horrible crimes, at which point the criminal justice system is
charged with resolving their fate.

In Texas, the chance of a satisfactory outcome then is not great.

An inability to convict a defendant because of insanity seldom results
in his long-term placement in a secure, humane facility, or even in
closely supervised outpatient treatment. Almost inevitably, he returns
to the community at some point, where the burden

[CTRL] The Pros ARe the Cons

2002-04-05 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-

>From http://www.antiwar.com/justin/pf/p-j040502.html

Behind the Headlines
by Justin Raimondo

April 5, 2002

Amen Corner denounces Bush for 'going wobbly'

First it was the Pope coming out against Israel's "humiliation" of the Palestinians,
then, a day later, the President of the United States calling on Ariel Sharon to pull
back his tanks. But don't think that Israel's Amen Corner didn't see it coming. You
gotta give these guys credit: they know when someone is about to turn pro-


Norman Podhoretz, writing in the Jerusalem Post the day before Bush's statement,
prefaced his condemnation of a President gone "wobbly" – as the War Party is now
glumly putting it – with paragraph upon paragraph of unctuous praise. Yet he got out
the knives before getting halfway through his screed by noting unhappily that Bush
had once or twice used that suspect phrase "the cycle of violence" – and that this
rhetorical gaffe was really the necessary prelude to his sending Vice President Dick
Cheney on "a quixotic, unnecessary, and humiliating quest" seeking support for an
effort to topple Iraq's Saddam Hussein.

Oh, George W. had been "incandescent" in the days and weeks following 9/11, and
Poddy was particularly thrilled by the "axis of evil" speech; but, lately there have 
worrying signs that the President has "suddenly lost his ability to see the obvious" –
obvious to Norman Podhoretz, and his fellow neoconservatives, that is.


The war that the Stormin' Norman of the literary world wants America to fight is not, 
turns out, the war Bush thinks he is fighting. Why is he listening to Crown Prince
Abdullah, Egypt, and even Israel's strategic partner, Turkey – whose government the
other day accused Israel of committing "genocide" against the Palestinians? Bush
has been "blinded," avers Norman, "by the Saudi mirage," and therefore:

"He could not see that the goal of the Arab world has always been, and still is, to
destroy the state of Israel.

"He could not see that Crown Prince Abdullah's 'peace initiative' did not represent a
renunciation of that goal, but was only a cynical public-relations ploy to counter the
bad press the Saudis had been getting in the United States since September 11."


Bush, says Podhoretz, is having the "wool pulled over his eyes by his Secretary of
State, Colin Powell" – why, the President even called Sharon's brutal offensive, in
which untold numbers of civilians have been killed and wounded, "unhelpful." So,
after that long, ingratiating build-up – all about how the President had never fallen 
all the arguments of "moral equivalence" – Podhoretz commences the insults,
implying that Bush is a dunce easily deceived by his advisors. Oh, how quickly they

The knives are out in the open, now, for a simple and easily foreseeable reason. The
argument that Podhoretz and his cohorts are making and have always made is that
Israel's fight is our fight. In a statement published the day before the President's
announcement, Bill Kristol of the Weekly Standard and a group of prominent
neoconservatives issued an "Open Letter to the President" that stated their view of
the war plainly:

"You have declared war on international terrorism, Mr. President. Israel is fighting 
same war."

Except that now the President is clearly saying, no it isn't:

"Consistent with the Mitchell plan, Israeli settlement activity in occupied territories
must stop. And the occupation must end through withdrawal to secure and recognize
boundaries consistent with United Nations Resolutions 242 and 338. Ultimately, this
approach should be the basis of agreements between Israel and Syria and Israel and


The President, in short, is endorsing the Saudi peace plan, co-authored, it seems, by
Crown Prince Abdullah and Tom Friedman, the New York Times columnist who
acted as a conduit for what may yet prove to be a breakthrough in the Middle East
peace process. As the President stated:

"The recent Arab League support of Crown Prince Abdullah's initiative for peace is
promising, is hopeful, because it acknowledges Israel's right to exist. And it raises
the hope of sustained, constructive Arab involvement in the search for peace. This
builds on a tradition of visionary leadership, begun by President Sadat and King
Hussein, and carried forward by President Mubarak and King Abdullah."

The Saudi peace proposal, which recognizes Israel's legitimacy and promises
"normal" relations in return for Israeli withdrawal from the occupied territories and
Palestinian statehood, has delivered the War Party a stunning blow, and sent them
reeling, muttering and cursing their erstwhile allies for faintness of heart. It's 
that old
"Saudi mirage" again. Poor Podhoretz must've gone through the roof! Say what, is
peace breaking out all over? Can nothing be done about this?


But there wa

[CTRL] Murdering Arafat

2002-04-05 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-

>From http://www.ahram.org.eg/weekly/2002/580/7inv2.htm

Al-Ahram Weekly Online
4 -10 April 2002
Issue No.580
Published in Cairo by AL-AHRAM established in 1875
Current issue | Previous issue | Site map

Murdering Arafat

What folly has beset this people? Uri Avnery remembers the Romans

If Ariel Sharon succeeds in murdering Yasser Arafat, as he wants to, the Palestinian
leader will remain in the collective memory of his people, and the whole Arab world,
like the Moses of Jewish memory.

Moses rebelled against Egyptian oppression, led his people forth from "the house of
bondage," led them for 40 years in the desert, made a new people out of them and
brought them to the threshold of the Promised Land. He did not enter the land itself --
God only showed it to him from afar. That will be told about Arafat, too, if he
becomes a martyr now.

Moses is, of course, a mythological figure. No serious scholar in the world believed
that the exodus from Egypt really happened. Experts explain that it could not have
taken place at all. But that is not really important: the mythological Moses shaped the
consciousness of the Jewish people more than any flesh-and- blood leader of a
nomad tribe in the desert could have done.

The Haggada, the book read on Passover's eve by almost every Jewish family
throughout the world, commands us to feel as if we ourselves had set forth from
Egypt. The basic Jewish ethos is built on this premise. The text of the Ten
Commandments in Deuteronomium V explains why on the holy Sabbath the servants
and slaves must be allowed to rest, too: "Remember that thou wast a slave in the
land of Egypt."

In the new myth that is being born before our eyes, Sharon is the Pharaoh and we
are the ancient Egyptians. In the story about the Exodus, the Bible lets God say: "I
have hardened (Pharaoh's) heart and the heart of his servants." After every calamity
that befell him, Pharaoh broke his promise to free the Israelites. Why? What was
God's purpose? He wanted the Israelites to become hardened by the hardship,
before they started on their long march. This is what is happening to the Palestinians

So what will happen if an Israeli bullet kills Arafat now? After Moses, no second
Moses appeared, but Jehosuah, the merciless warrior who committed genocide.
(This, by the way, is also a myth. All serious scholars believe that this holy genocide
never actually happened.) After Arafat, the heir will not be Abu this or Abu that. It 
be Brother Kalashnikov -- like the song we used to sing in our youth, during the fight
against the British occupation: "Give the floor to Comrade Parabellum, Give the floor
to Comrade Tommy-gun." The parabellum was a pistol, the tommy-gun a sub-
machine- gun.

There will be no Palestinian Quisling -- and if a candidate were found, he would be
killed the next day, like Sharon's Lebanese Quisling, Beshir Jemayyel. Dozens of
local guerrilla leaders will take over, and they will start a campaign of revenge that
may go on for many years, not only in the country, but throughout the world. The life
of every Israeli will become hell, all the world will become a Jerusalem- style Ben-
Yehuda Street. No Israeli embassy, no airplane, no tourist will be safe.

Arafat dead will be far more dangerous than Arafat living. The living Arafat is able
and willing to make peace. The dead Arafat cannot. He will eternalise the conflict.

In our days, historians wonder what folly took possession of the Jewish people 1,930
years ago, causing them to start a hopeless rebellion against the Roman empire and
bringing utter destruction upon the Jewish commonwealth in Palestine. A hundred
years from now, historians will ask themselves what folly took possession of this
people, causing them to elect Sharon, who has done nothing in life apart from
shedding blood and setting up settlements. What folly took possession of this people,
causing them to prefer settlements and some territories to peace and conciliation?
And how do such a people remain indifferent, when the whole Arab world offers them
-- perhaps for the last time! - - real peace and normal relations, and the public 
to the silly ranting of politicians and commentators, who ridicule the offer and cheer
Sharon on, at the start of a bloody campaign worse than any one before?

History remembers the few, who warned the people of the disaster that was bound to
follow if they listened to the Zealots. History will remember us, the few who are
warning the people now of the disaster that will befall us all, if we follow Sharon and
his gang. Let us hope that our voices will be heard in time, so that we can start on a
new road.

If Arafat is murdered, it will be the moment of no return.

The writer is head of the Israeli peace group, Gush Shalom.

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Re: [CTRL] Fw: What Is A Trillion..................

2002-04-05 Thread thew
Title: Re: [CTRL] Fw: What Is A Trillion..

Too fucking bad that all we had done over 8 years to create enough surplus to lessen this debt was squandered in the first 12 weeks of the neo-Bush administration, isn’t it?

on 4/5/02 3:02 PM, Archibald Bard at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

- Original Message - 
Sent: Friday, April 05, 2002 7:41 AM
Subject: SNET: What Is A Trillion..

->  SNETNEWS  Mailing List


    $ 7,937,463,000,000.00 


-- -- -- -- -- - -- - -- -- - -  - - -- --- -- - - -  - -- - - - --  -- - -- -
"Truth is more of a stranger than fiction." -- Mark Twain 

NEURONAUTIC INSTITUTE on-line: http://home.earthlink.net/~thew 

[CTRL] What National ID Card?!?

2002-04-05 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-

>From LA Times


Agents Tracking Fake Social Security Cards

Probe: Terrorist attacks prompt scrutiny of those who bought numbers from
Southland ring.


April 4 2002

Federal investigators hunting for potential terrorists have been poring over hundreds
of fraudulent Social Security numbers generated by a Southern California ring that
catered mostly to Middle Eastern immigrants.

Three people have pleaded guilty in the scheme, broken up before the Sept. 11
attacks, including a Jordanian national who worked in security at Los Angeles
International Airport and a U.S. government employee who tapped a secure federal
computer to procure the government-issued cards, court records and interviews

Over a 14-month period beginning in early 1999, about 1,000 Social Security
numbers were sold to illegal immigrants and foreign nationals, authorities say.
Although it was one of the most extensive Social Security scams involving Middle
Eastern immigrants uncovered in recent years, the case drew little public notice.
However, within federal law enforcement circles, interest intensified immediately after
the September attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon.

"The reaction was, 'Let's find out who these people are--what ... they are doing and
where they are,'" said one law enforcement official.

The FBI and other agencies declined to comment on the ongoing investigation. But
law enforcement sources who requested anonymity said the wide-ranging inquiry has
been expanded from an organized-crime unit to include agents chasing leads in the
federal government's anti-terrorism investigation.

"We are well into tracking all these guys down," one official said.

The sources declined to say how many cardholders have been arrested or deported.
But at least two of the names used on the cards match those of individuals indicted
in Los Angeles weeks after the September attacks on charges of Social Security and
immigration fraud, records show.

No links to the Sept. 11 skyjackers or to suspected terrorist groups have been found
so far, officials said. But they note that a number of individuals still must be 
and some have scattered to other states and beyond.

"There are a lot of numbers to track down and [some] people have left the country,"
said one official.

Among the intriguing leads in the case files are several names on the fraudulent
cards that, while common in the Middle East, are similar to aliases used by some of
the Sept. 11 skyjackers. Confidential investigative records obtained by The Times
after the East Coast attacks, for example, indicate that the skyjackers' suspected
ringleader, Mohamed Atta, used numerous variations of his name, including
Mohamed Mohamed El Amir Awad.

Amir Awad was the name on one card sent to a mail drop used by the ring, records

The L.A.-based fraud investigation--and the broader war on terrorism--underscore
gaping holes in government efforts to stop bogus Social Security cards from being
issued and legitimate numbers from being misused. Most of the skyjackers had
multiple identities, and although it is not clear where or how they did it, six of the
skyjackers are suspected of fraudulently obtaining Social Security numbers,
according to recent congressional testimony.

"It has become quickly apparent just how instrumental the use of a fraudulent [card]
has been for these individuals," James G. Huse, inspector general of the Social
Security Administration, recently told a congressional panel. "[They] rely on aliases
and assumed identities in order to integrate themselves anonymously into our

Social Security fraud also was cited repeatedly as a reason for holding many of the
hundreds of detainees rounded up in the weeks after the Sept. 11 attacks.

Theft and misuse of Social Security numbers are soaring so rapidly that it is
impossible to fully gauge the scope of the problem, authorities say. One barometer, a
Social Security Administration fraud hotline, has seen a fivefold jump in reports of
misuse from 1998 to 2001, when it reached 65,000 calls.

One recent report to Congress warned that systems designed to stop fraud are
incapable of spotting misuse that may be connected to terrorist activity.

Scheme Offered Cards With 'Clean' Numbers

The Los Angeles investigation was one of more than 50 nationwide in the last five
years involving workers inside the Social Security agency.

The conspiracy took in nearly $800,000, prosecutors estimated, by offering one of
the most valued types of fake cards--those with "clean" numbers generated by the
government's own computers. Unless such numbers are identified and flagged by
authorities, there is little chance they will be detected by credit agencies, border
agents or anyone else. They are often used to secure jobs by immigrants who are

[CTRL] E Walker (Pt 1)

2002-04-05 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-

>From http://www.memri.org/ia/IA7801.html

Inquiry & Analysis No. 78
November 21, 2001

Our American Friend'Edward S. Walker Jr.'s Visit to the Middle East (Part I)
By Yotam Feldner*

During a recent visit to the Middle East, Edward S. Walker Jr., president of the
Washington-based Middle East Institute and former U.S. Ambassador to Israel,
Egypt, and the UAE, gave a number of interviews to Arab newspapers.

Walker has been attempting to build bridges between the U.S. and the Arab world.
While trying to persuade Washington to demonstrate more empathy for the needs
and desires of Arab countries, he is at the same time trying to cajole media and
intellectual circles in the Arab world into using more rational rhetoric in order to
influence U.S. public opinion through conventional channels.

Walker's stock in the Arab world has risen in recent months following an article he
wrote which appeared in The Washington Post[1] criticizing "Israel's policy of
assassinating suspected Palestinian terrorists." In an earlier article – which 
to the Arab media was rejected by the Post and ended up being distributed privately
– Walker slammed American media claims that Egypt was not necessarily an
important strategic ally for the U.S.

It is often thought in the Arab media that problems that surface periodically between
Washington and the Arab countries are not caused by conflicts of interest, but by
Israel's supporters in the U.S. After writing the two articles mentioned above, Walker
has increasingly been viewed by the Arab media as a partner in the struggle to
redress this perceived injustice.

After the articles appeared, Muhammad Abd Al-Mun'im¸ editor-in-chief of the
Egyptian weekly Roz Al-Youssuf, wrote, "A senior American official is standing up in
the heart of Washington, with rare courage and a high level of morality and values,
and together with us he wages the cruel battle against the Israeli lobby and Israel's
claims and deceits. He opposes the policy of double standards, and reminds his
countrymen of the moral and political values upon which the U.S. has been based
since its founding."

Roz Al-Youssuf reiterated these words in the introduction to its interview with Walker,
and added, "Edward Walker continues to wage our battle with us. He defends Egypt
and tells all who call to stop American aid to Egypt and all who try to fish in muddy
waters [i.e. conspire] that 'Egyptian aid to Washington is greater than the American
aid to Egypt'… These are his words and these are his positions, to which he adheres.
He is proving to all that he belongs to a rare species of human being that does not
settle for following the herd…"[2]

Ostensibly, no better stage could have been set for Walker's recent tour of the
Middle East. Indeed, Walker managed to meet some of the expectations of his
interviewers and interlocutors in the Arab media: He criticized Israel and guaranteed
that a clash between Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon and U.S. President George
W. Bush was inevitable. He confirmed that Pentagon conservatives were working to
undermine American relations with Arab states to pave the way for an attack on Iraq;
he said that Hizbullah had nothing to do with terrorism; and stated that there were
logical reasons why Arafat was not preventing terrorism.

But Walker's interlocutors were bitterly disappointed with him regarding the peace
process. Walker had nothing new to tell them; he even refrained from linking the
peace process's failure to Islamist terrorism. It was also evident that at least some 
the Arab journalists did not welcome Walker's advice regarding their handling of
American public opinion.

On the Difference Between Terrorism and 'Legitimate Resistance'
Arab politics and the Arab media are preoccupied with the question of defining
terrorism and distinguishing it from "legitimate resistance to occupation." In this
regard, Walker managed to reach a partial understanding with his Arab interlocutors,
primarily regarding Hizbullah. In an interview with the Egyptian paper Al-Mussawar,
Walker was asked whether he thought the U.S. should distinguish between terrorism
and the "resistance" of organizations such as Hamas, Islamic Jihad, and Hizbullah.

"I will begin with Hizbullah, as an example," Walker replied. "Hizbullah is, in fact,
three different organizations: a Lebanese political movement; a Shi'ite party from the
south that enjoys legitimacy and is represented in parliament – and we encourage
this - and a resistance movement legitimately fighting the Israeli occupation in
southern Lebanon. All of Hizbullah's attacks against Israeli forces are legitimate acts
of resistance, not terrorism; nevertheless, Hizbullah has a history of terrorism, as it
participated in terrorist activities such as blowing up civilians in Buenos Aires [the
1992 car-bombing of the Israeli Embassy and the 1994 bombing of the AMIA Jewish
Center] and other operations."

"But President Bush announced th

[CTRL] E Walker (Pt 2)

2002-04-05 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-

>From http://www.memri.org/ia/IA7901.html

Inquiry & Analysis No. 79
November 22, 2001

Our American Friend'Edward S. Walker Jr.'s Visit to the Middle East (Part II)
By Yotam Feldner*

During Edward S. Walker Jr.'s recent visit to the Middle East, he addressed U.S.
policy regarding relations with Egypt, Israel, the peace process, and Arafat's
approach to terrorism.

U.S.-Egypt Relations
Walker, who has strongly defended the importance of American-Egyptian relations,
addressed the American press's criticism of the Egyptian press and of the policy of
the Egyptian regime. He attempted to explain to Egyptian journalists how the political
reality in the U.S. gives rise to criticism of Egypt, and to advise them how they could
act to avoid such criticism.

Walker agreed with his interlocutors that the American media highlight negative
responses in the Arab world and downplay coverage of Arab expressions of support
for the U.S. He stated that this is so for two reasons: One is that the American public
is out for blood, and the other is that the media is used by both doves and hawks in
their struggle to reach President Bush's ears. "Part of the American media's policy
stems from the fact that the American people are enraged in the wake of the
catastrophe of September 11, and most of the media work for their public. Above all
else, they serve the public. Positions of this kind [i.e. like Mubarak's] are a calming
media message that could be broadcast, but they are unpopular… The people want
to see someone [on the Arab side] bleed, like the 5,000 Americans who were killed
and the 30 or 40,000 family members who feel loss and pain, and the children who
lost their parents. The people want revenge and do not want to see what is
happening in Palestine, where people are being killed in the streets. What the media
does is make people feel rage and pressure, and begin to scream for revenge. This
is a natural human reaction. Although this reaction need not take over our policy, it
controls our media and our press…"

"Following the disaster, we heard a number of sheikhs and imams saying that
Osama bin Laden did the right thing. Yet we did not hear the statements by Sheikh
Al-Azhar, the mufti of Jerusalem, or the Muslim clerics from Saudi Arabia. We did not
hear positive statements…"[1]

Walker also stated that the hawks in Washington are sabotaging U.S. relations with
the Arab world in order to push President Bush into attacking Iraq: "Their goal is
contemptible. They want to foment a crisis in the relations between the two countries
at this point in time, because this would eliminate the policy of the American
secretary of state for the establishment of a coalition, and would give them the right
to go to the American president and tell him that this policy will not succeed and we
must attack Iraq."

Walker was asked, "In recent days, some circles in Washington have attacked
Egypt. Why are they resorting to this right now? Is this one way of applying pressure?
Are these American circles already failing to distinguish between countries friendly to
the U.S. and countries that are unfriendly?"

Walker's reply revealed the machinations of the hawks in Washington: "The real
reason is that we are in the middle of a game, in which several elements in the U.S.
and in the American government are raising questions about the policy led by
Powell… The American president is not willing to use military force to attack Iraq,
Syria, or any other country, but if the secretary of state can't resolve this 
situation, the
coalition will fail; the American people will continue to be angry, and there will 
still be
a reasonable likelihood that the president will turn more and more to military force.
The best way to demonstrate the failure of Powell's policy is to invent stories in 
to prove that our allies in the Middle East, Egypt, and Saudi Arabia are not
cooperating with us."[2]

U.S.-Israel Relations
Walker's position on U.S.-Israel relations pleased his audiences. "Sharon started a
confrontation with the American president, and he has been doing this for some time
now. It began with his accusing President Bush of appeasing the Palestinians in
order to earn support for the coalition." He added, "The animosity we are witnessing
today between Sharon and the president is inevitable, because the policies of both
parties are going in different directions. Sharon is trying to promote a policy of
avoiding negotiations, [claiming] that [the Palestinians] do not want peace based on
what the world considers to be reasonable and acceptable, while President Bush
wants to create conditions that will make peace possible… I think that they are on a
collision course… the policies of both sides are going in opposite directions… We
are not looking for confrontation with Israel, but if such confrontation comes, it

Arafat and the Struggle to Prevent Terrorist Attacks
Walker deviated from the American government line on

[CTRL] The Bush Administration’s “Drugs = Terrorism” Fraud

2002-04-05 Thread William Shannon

The Bush Administration’s “Drugs = Terrorism” Fraud
by James Bovard, April 2002

The White House Office of National Drug Control Policy spent more than $3 million for two TV ads during Sunday’s Super Bowl. One ad asked viewers: “Where do terrorists get their money?” The answer: “If you buy drugs, some of it might come from you.” Drug users are portrayed as terrorist financiers — practically the moral equivalent of the hijackers who destroyed the World Trade Center towers. 

President Bush hit the same theme when he recently signed the Drug-Free Communities Act: “If you quit drugs, you join the fight against terror in America.” 

Unfortunately, U.S. drug laws have done far more to empower terrorists than Bush & Co. would like to admit. Drug laws are far more effective at putting profit into narcotics than law enforcement is at taking the profit out. 

Afghanistan produces about 70 percent of the world’s opium. Revenue from opium production helped finance both the Taliban government and the al-Qaeda terrorist network. Narcotics have also provided huge windfalls to the leftist guerillas in Colombia. The White House claims that more than a dozen terrorist groups are funded by illicit drugs. 

Government prohibitions make drug trafficking far more risky and far more profitable than it would otherwise be. The only reason that opium is more profitable for terrorists than beer is that the United States and other governments prohibit opium while tolerating beer. 

Because narcotics are illicit, they tend to attract violent, ruthless people and organizations to carry out their production and marketing. Groups that specialize in violence — such as terrorists — take to drug trafficking like a duck to water. 

Drug Enforcement Agency chief Asa Hutchinson told Congress in October, “The DEA will continue to aggressively identify and build cases against drug-trafficking organizations contributing to global terrorism. In doing so, we will limit the ability of drug traffickers to use their destructive goods as a commodity to fund malicious assaults on humanity and the rule of law.” 

But how will the DEA change the laws of agricultural economics that encourage farmers to grow crops disapproved by the U.S. government? Afghan farmers can easily earn ten times more from growing opium than from growing wheat or other crops. The effort to persuade Third World farmers to abandon illicit crops will be about as successful as trying to persuade stockbrokers and law-firm partners to abandon their high-paid jobs, move to Mexico, and scratch out a livelihood assembling toilet brushes for sale at Wal-Mart. 

If the Bush administration is really serious about defunding terrorist groups, it should summon the courage to look at drug laws themselves. The falling price of cocaine and heroin in recent decades is proof of the failure of drug warriors to close the borders. Federal officials have admitted that the government fails to interdict up to 90 percent of the drugs being smuggled into the United States. This failure rate is absolutely intolerable when illicit drugs finance terrorism. 

The futility of government drug bans was made stark by one White House anti-drug ad that purported to show the different costs that go into a drug smuggler’s operation. One item that flashed briefly on the screen was thousands of dollars for bribes. The ad did not mention who was being bribed — whether it was the U.S. Coast Guard, or the Customs Service, or perhaps foreign government officials. It is ironic for the drug czar’s office to complain that drug users help finance bribes to government officials — but to say nothing about the G-men who take bribes. 

American policymakers make a careful distinction between the financing of terrorist activity by selling illicit drugs and the U.S. government’s financing of terrorist-like activity to suppress drug cultivation. While Bush went ballistic over “terrorists” mailing anthrax to government offices, the United States is conducting a chemical warfare campaign in Colombia, fumigating much of the countryside with deadly herbicides to suppress coca production. Unfortunately, the U.S. campaign has devastated the crops of many law-abiding farmers and left children gasping and ill. 

The U.S. government spent more than three times as much on the drug war as it did in fighting terrorism before 9/11. While drugs can leave a person in the gutter, they do not destroy 110-story buildings. While drugs can blur people’s vision, they do not turn airliners into suicidal missiles. While drugs can perforate a person’s sense of responsibility, they do not leave large holes in the side of the Pentagon. 

How many more Americans must die in order to perpetuate the fiction that the U.S. government can completely control every farmer in the world? This is the phantasm at the heart of the U.S. war on drugs and on U.S. efforts to intervene anywhere in the world to suppress any product that 

[CTRL] Chronology of a pogrom: How Sharon, US prepared assault on Palestinians

2002-04-05 Thread William Shannon

Chronology of a pogrom: How Sharon, US prepared assault on Palestinians

By the Editorial Board
4 April 2002
Israeli troops continue to fan out across the West Bank, invading one Palestinian city after another—Ramallah, Jenin, Bethlehem, Tulkarm, Qalqilyah, Salfeet—killing and wounding hundreds, arresting and beating thousands. Contrary to the claims of the Israeli and US governments and the American media, this assault is not a sudden reaction to the latest series of suicide bombings, but rather the implementation by the Sharon government of a long-planned strategy.

The tragic death toll in the suicide attacks—tragic in the loss of life both of innocent Israeli citizens, and of the most self-sacrificing sections of Palestinian youth—is the occasion for the Sharon government to carry out measures which have been in preparation for several years, if not the entire period since the signing of the initial Israeli-PLO accord in 1993.

Just as George W. Bush seized on the September 11 terrorist attacks as the pretext for projecting American military power in oil-rich Central Asia and preparing a new war against Iraq, Sharon is using the bombings in Haifa and Netanya as the signal to reimpose Israeli rule on the West Bank and dismantle the infrastructure of the Palestinian Authority.

As Israeli military commander Shaul Mofaz was overheard telling Sharon at a press briefing Tuesday, “We’ve got the opportunity right now,” to deal blows to the Palestinian Authority and its president, Yasser Arafat. “I know,” Sharon replied. “Be careful.”

The actions taken by the Israeli forces directly contradict the avowed purpose of their attack. At one and the same time Sharon denounces Arafat for failing to suppress terrorism, while smashing the instruments of power which would be required for that task. Arafat, trapped in his headquarters without electricity, water or direct contact with the outside world, is supposed to prevent desperate Palestinian teenagers from using the only method of resistance to oppression which has been left them.

The claims of Sharon and Bush are absurd on their face. In the conflict which has erupted since September 2000, more than 1,100 Palestinians have been killed, compared to about 400 Israelis. Yet the US posture is to present the side which has lost three times as many men, women and children as the aggressor, while the side which has done the bulk of the killing—and possesses a virtual monopoly of weapons such as tanks, jet fighters, missiles, all supplied by America—is portrayed as acting in “self-defense.”

US Secretary of State Colin Powell admitted that the Israeli actions would lead to more, not less terrorism. “No matter how many tanks go through how many villages, at the end of this process you will still have suicide bombers,” he said. “Ultimately, the Israeli Defense Forces will ... have to leave the occupied territories ... and we’ll be right back to the need for a political process.”

The actions of the Israeli government can be understood only in light of the politics of the extreme-right elements represented by Sharon and his political rival, former prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu, which are based on unyielding opposition to the establishment of a Palestinian state. The American media, in line with its role as mouthpiece for US government policy, omits any explanation of history or political background in its depiction of the events now taking place on the West Bank.

The longstanding aim of the Israeli right wing has been to render the establishment of a Palestinian state politically impossible, through the systematic destruction of the social and political infrastructure of the Palestinian national movement. Their method is the “making of new facts” through the use of military force to change the political environment.

Sharon and Netanyahu opposed the 1993 Oslo Accord, and it was a political supporter of their intransigent line, a fascist-minded student, who carried out the 1995 assassination of Yitzak Rabin, the prime minister who signed the agreement with Arafat and the PLO.

Netanyahu was the political beneficiary of that assassination, coming to power the following year. His government, with Sharon as housing and development minister, heavily promoted Jewish settlement on the West Bank. It is an indictment of the Oslo process itself—and the bankruptcy of Arafat’s own policy—that more Jewish settlers came to the West Bank in the eight years after 1993 than in the 26 years of Israeli control that preceded the agreement.

The wave of suicide bombings is an inevitable result of the failure of the Palestinian Authority. This regime has been unable either to effectively resist the expansion of the settlements and the seizure of Palestinian land, or to develop the economic and social life of the territories, which are held in a stranglehold by Israel.

The Sharon government has deliberately provoked these acts of d

[CTRL] The Madness of Ariel Sharon

2002-04-05 Thread William Shannon

The Madness of Ariel Sharon
Ian Williams, AlterNet
April 4, 2002

There are two Ariel Sharons. There is the tough defender of the American and Israeli way against terrorism, as seen on the American media and touted by the White House. And then there is the Sharon the rest of the world sees.

This other Sharon shares with Saddam Hussein an obsession with military solutions and a disregard for other nations and their borders, and responsibility for the bloodshed that ensues when he combines the two.

White House views Sharon's bloody incursion into the Palestinian territories as a response to terrorism. To much of the rest of the world, this invasion is just the latest episode in a recidivist pathological pattern.

A History of Pathology

But to recognize a pattern you have to remember the past, and for most Americans, including presumably the White House, Sharon's past evaporated when he became Prime Minister.

The present incursion into Ramallah and the siege of Yassir Arafat is almost an action replay of unfinished business from the invasion of Lebanon in 1982. Sharon, under guise of a punitive raid, took the Israeli army into Beirut, where it shelled and bombed a city full of civilians in an uncanny precursor to the siege of Sarajevo.

At Srebrenica, however, the forces paid for by Milosevic and commanded by Ratko Mladic, hewed to their own perverse ideas of Serb chivalry. They let the women and children go and "only" killed some 7,000 boys and men. Sharon showed no such mercy in the refugee camps of Sabra and Shatila. He sent in the Phalangist militia who then killed men, women, and children indiscriminately. The death toll, while still unknown, was at least 800. This was not wholesale slaughter like the World Trade Center. It was gruesomely retail, with each person killed separately.

For his actions, an Israeli commission of inquiry found him unfit for public office. An international court would have found him guilty of war crimes. Indeed, the Belgian courts are presently investigating him with precisely that end in mind.

The White House, however, sees him as a key ally in the fight against terrorism.

Sharon's Irrationality

Sharon tells the world that Arafat must do more to stop terrorism, and then restricts his movements and bombs the very police that is supposed to stop the suicide bombing. And whenever there is a ceasefire that looks as though it may last the seven days that Sharon demands before negotiations, he sends in an assassination squad to murder a prominent Palestinian leader and provoke a retaliatory strike.

Finally, he is now repeating every mistake he made in Lebanon: move the Israeli Defense Forces into the territories; lock up Arafat in a couple of rooms with no electricity while outside you kill Palestinians en masse; destroy the very police he claims to be motivating to act against terrorism.

Does this sound like the policy of a rational person?

But if this be madness, there is indeed a method to it. Sharon does not want a peaceful solution. Certainly not one that would be acceptable to the Palestinians or the international community at large. He quite simply wants rid the land of Palestinians. He cannot forgive Arafat (who indeed has faults aplenty, not least of which is stupidity and gullibility in negotiations) for representing an viable alternative to his dream: an Arab-free Israel stretching up to Jordan.

Sharon does not know how to get rid of the Palestinians, but experience has taught him that terror may help him drive many out.

Earlier this month the Jewish paper Ha'retz carried Sharon's tirade against the Palestinian Authority: "The PA is behind the terror, it's all terror. Arafat is behind the terror. Our pressure is aimed at ending the terror. Don't expect Arafat to act against the terror. We have to cause them heavy casualties and then they'll know they can't keep using terror and win political achievements."

In the eyes of the Israeli premier, Arafat and the Palestinians are rolled into one composite demon -- which is presumably how he justifies punishing all Palestinians for the actions of one terrorist.

Sharing in Sharon's Madness

But if Sharon has his twisted logic, what is the White House's defense? Stupidity and ignorance for allowing a set of prejudices masquerade as policy. Their unqualified support of Sharon has in a few short weeks derailed their global war against terrorism.

Here is a measure of the intellectual isolation of the administration. Vice President Dick Cheney was actually surprised that Arab nations refused to support for an attack on Iraq while Sharon ran loose through the West Bank with American financial, military and diplomatic support.

Sharon has managed to make bring Iraq, Kuwait and Saudi Arabia together, just as Bush was girding up for the big push on Baghdad. And his actions reveal his real intent. While giving lip service to Crown Prince Abdullah's peace plan, Sharon refused

Re: [CTRL] Chronology of a pogrom: How Sharon, US prepared assault on Palestinians

2002-04-05 Thread thew
Title: Re: [CTRL] Chronology of a pogrom: How Sharon, US prepared assault on Palestinians

Blowing up children in school buses and teenagers in discos in not resistance to oppression.

Sharon’s approach must fail – no question about it.

But barbarity from one side does not give carte blanc to barbarity from the other.

on 4/5/02 5:05 PM, William Shannon at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Throughout the entire period from the beginning of the Palestinian intifada in September 2000 to the present, three factors have interacted continuously: provocations by the Israeli military and fascistic elements, Palestinian resistance to oppression, and the influence of the United States.

-- -- -- -- -- - -- - -- -- - -  - - -- --- -- - - -  - -- - - - --  -- - -- -

Never wear your best trousers when you go out to fight for freedom and truth.
   Henrik Ibsen

NEURONAUTIC INSTITUTE on-line: http://home.earthlink.net/~thew 

Re: [CTRL] Chronology of a pogrom: How Sharon, US prepared assault on Palesti...

2002-04-05 Thread William Shannon
In a message dated 4/5/02 4:16:03 PM Central Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

But barbarity from one side does not give carte blanc to barbarity from the other.

Tell that to the Butcher Sharon eh?
And BTW, that blown-up disco? That was probably a false-flag operation...Israel did it to their own people...now is that "civilized"? Hardly!


Re: [CTRL] Chronology of a pogrom: How Sharon, US prepared assault on Palesti...

2002-04-05 Thread thew
Title: Re: [CTRL] Chronology of a pogrom: How Sharon, US prepared assault on Palesti...

I say it to Sharon as well
All the time
As you well know

Can you show me any real evidence that the disco was done by Israelis?

And the school buses? And pizzeria's? And shopping malls?  And hotel restaurants?
Did the Israelis shoot their own athletes in ‘72?

I repeat for the umpteenth time – Sharon is a murderous animal. Those who kill children and tourists and other civilians are no better.

on 4/5/02 5:19 PM, William Shannon at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

In a message dated 4/5/02 4:16:03 PM Central Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: 

But barbarity from one side does not give carte blanc to barbarity from the other.

Tell that to the Butcher Sharon eh? 
And BTW, that blown-up disco? That was probably a false-flag operation...Israel did it to their own people...now is that "civilized"? Hardly! 



Wandering in a vast forest at night, I have only a faint light to guide me. A stranger appears and says to me: ' My friend, you should blow out your candle in order to find your way more clearly.' This stranger is a theologian.


 Diderot  c. 1762 


NEURONAUTIC INSTITUTE on-line: http://home.earthlink.net/~thew

[CTRL] Fwd: Shrub withdraws demand that Israel withdraw

2002-04-05 Thread William Shannon

--- Begin Message ---

x ** TOP_VIEW ** x
The Bigger Picture

Shrub withdraws demand that Israel withdraw

Apparently, doing the right thing is something that Shrub simply CANNOT
hold to -- which isn't surprising for the traitorous piece of
vermin-infested pig excrement who either was one of the prime 9.11
masterminds or was/is EXTREMELY closely allied with them.
= = = = = = = =

US Eases Demand for Israel Pullout

The Associated Press

W A S H I N G T O N, April 5 -- The White House eased back Friday from
President Bush's demand that Israel begin to pull its forces out of
Palestinian-held areas of the West Bank.

As Israeli tanks, attack helicopters and troops advanced against
Palestinian militia, spokesman Ari Fleischer said Israel needed time to
digest what Bush expected of it.

"Major events don't necessarily happen overnight," Fleischer told
reporters traveling with Bush in Texas. Still, he said, "the president
expects results, and he expects them as soon as possible."

Secretary of State Colin Powell also did not call for an instant
pullback in a news conference at the State Department.

He said Israel should begin a withdrawal "as soon as possible or without delay."

Meanwhile, a meeting with Arafat during Powell's trip to the region
beginning Sunday night was in doubt.

Fleischer said Powell had no plans for such a meeting.

Powell confirmed that at the State Department but did not rule out a
meeting with the Palestinian leader "in due course."

Powell's short-term goal is a cease-fire to stop the bloodletting. His
long-term goal is to start Israel and the Palestinians on a peacemaking track.

Both goals are elusive. Powell is on the spot, as are the two principal
players in the region: Prime Minister Ariel Sharon of Israel and Arafat,
leader of the Palestinian Authority.

Even if he is being granted some time, Sharon is under pressure from
Bush to withdraw Israeli troops from Palestinian-held cities "without delay."

But on Friday, Israeli tanks moved into more Palestinian territory and
attack helicopters battled hundreds of Palestinian gunmen in Nablus, the
largest city on the West Bank, and in refugee camps.

Bush's demand was unconditional. But Israeli Defense Minister Binyamin
ben-Eliezer said Thursday that unless the Palestinians cooperate with
the United States to reach a cease-fire "Israel will continue its
efforts to stop terror."

Equally on the spot, Arafat is under Bush pressure to confront terror
and deal with it. And it could be his last chance to be treated by the
administration as the leader of the Palestinians.

Powell consistently has argued the United States and Israel must deal
with Arafat as the Palestinians' choice. Even the exile threatened by
Sharon would not change that, Powell said this week.

His appears to be a lone voice at the top level of the U.S. government.

Vice President Dick Cheney and Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld both
have urged Bush to suspend relations with Arafat. And Bush, rapidly
losing patience, accused Arafat of betraying his people's hopes for
nationhood by failing to oppose terrorists.

A cease-fire, the short-term goal, has eluded the intensive efforts of
Anthony Zinni, the U.S. mediator who has met repeatedly with both sides
in three separate missions to the region.

Powell intends to take over that chore while he is in the Middle East,
with Zinni at his side, working for a breakthrough. It would then be
Zinni's job to put the pieces together.

On Friday, Zinni called on Arafat, who is penned into his office in
Ramallah by Israeli tanks, and told him "to take decisive action to end
the violence," Philip Reeker, the deputy State Department spokesman, said.

The long-term goal, prodding Israel and the Palestinians toward
peacemaking, is probably even more difficult.

Sharon is dead-set against peacemaking while Israel is under attack. The
Bush administration has shifted gears, though.

Powell agreed with the prime minister on his trip to the region last
June that there must be a period of calm before peacemaking could begin.

But with the European allies and Arab leaders demanding the Bush
administration jump in, Bush has charged Powell with working on a
35-year-old U.N. blueprint: Israel should relinquish the land the Arabs
lost in the 1967 war in exchange for peace and security.

And Powell, on Friday, said even while pursuing a cease-fire, dealing
with "the political dimension is key" to resolving the Mideast crisis.

On Friday, the U.N. Security Council backed Powell's mission with a
resolution that demands Israel withdraw its troops "without delay." Last
Saturday, the Council also called for a pullout and for Israel and the
Palestinians to "move immediately to a meaningful cease-fire."

--- End Message ---

Re: [CTRL] Chronology of a pogrom: How Sharon, US prepared assault on Palesti...

2002-04-05 Thread William Shannon
In a message dated 4/5/02 5:01:08 PM Central Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

I say it to Sharon as well
All the time
As you well know

No I don't "well know". As you yourself said you react/adapt to your surroundings...you essentially defend the butchery of Israel in this forum and you condemn it,for example, to your father...you DID say that didn't you?


Been there, done that...check the archives, it's there.


Well you got something right!

Happy Birthday to me!! 35 and going strong...checks,money orders or cash may be sent to me at...LOL...yeah sure, you cheap lot would probably send me a bill!


[CTRL] (Rerun) Pacha's Disco An Inside Job

2002-04-05 Thread William Shannon

Israelis Kick Own Goal Outside Tel Aviv Disco
Descendents of Stern Gang Massacre Israeli Children in Media Spectacular
Copyright Joe Vialls, 2 June 2001   

Grim-faced Jewish intelligence experts are claiming that the bombing outside Pacha's Disco which killed 18 and wounded 100 was the work of Israeli fanatics rather than Islamic Jihad or a new (media invented) organization described as "Palestinian Hizbollah".  There is considerable credibility in these claims, because if and when Hamas, Islamic Jihad  or Hizbollah sends in a suicide bomber, the responsible organization invariably names him and publishes a photograph within 12 hours of the bombing itself. Not this time. For days the western media has been frantically naming one Islamic organization after another for the attack, but there is not one iota of proof at this time to support any of  the allegations.
Pacha's Disco is part of the old converted Dolphinarium on Tel Aviv's upmarket seafront hotel strip, an area vigilantly patrolled by the police, IDF, and private security firms. It is an area frequented by young trendy Israelis of Russian descent, and a Palestinian bomber bulked out by several kilos of high explosive and 20 - 30 kilos of bullet and nail shrapnel, would be spotted and arrested in seconds flat. No-one reported any such  unusual individual, no-one sounded an alarm, and no-one made an emergency telephone call before the explosion.  One second patrons were milling around outside Pacha's, and the next they were dead.
What the bombing achieved internationaly was outrage from the "International community", and calls for Israel to break off its unilateral ceasefire declared last week for purely cosmetic reasons, after it attacked unarmed Palestinian women and children with American taxpayer-funded  F-16 bombers. Whoever ordered the carnage at Pacha's  has now generated the appropriate media environment necessary for Israel to bomb the hell out of the Gaza Strip all over again. If anyone objects, a mealy-mouthed Israeli Government spokesman will swiftly point to the "Palestinian" atrocity at Pasha's as "justification". Expect a bloodbath in the Occupied Territories, and expect it sooner rather than later.
As for the dead  teenagers and others outside the disco, no particular worries. Pacha's is  a favourite with immigrants from the former Soviet Union, a social grouping not included on Israeli VIP lists and therefore nothing to be concerned about from the viewpoint of Zionist fanatics. Sacrifices have to be made for the "greater good", and all the other ideological baggage. The Stern Gang in particular is already on the documented record as killing its own citizens on a number of different occasions, when geopolitically necessary.   
Indicative of things to come was a statement by former Likhud Prime Minister and ultra-hawk Benjamin Netanyahu, who said: "The government must change its policy of ceasefire because clearly it is unilateral and not matched by Arafat. Israel can and should use all means at its disposal. One only has to think what the British government would do if every day citizens were gunned down in cars or bombed in malls, schools and discos. The public would rightly demand action." 
Netanyahu clearly is not concerned about how differently the British Government might react if its "every day citizens" had first been shelled and bombed by a fanatical religious cult determined to take over Great Britain. Netanyahu also coyly omits the harsh realty that since "Intafada II" started last October, Jewish forces have slaughtered 483 Palestinians, most of them unarmed women and children.  
Historically the Stern Gang (Fighters for the Freedom of Israel), was "officially" disbanded in 1948, but exists to this day in covert form. In  post-war British-mandated Palestine the words Stern Gang equalled "terrorism" - assassinations, bombings, the full works. Even after independence, mainstream Jews continued to regard these Jewish terrorists as an extremist and ultimately insignificant aberration in the Zionist movement - until that is it was revealed that the Likud foreign minister of the 1970s, Yitzhak Shamir, had been the gang's operations commander.
By appointing Shamir Foreign Minister, Prime Minister Menachem Begin had selected the organiser of two famous assassinations: the killing of Lord Moyne, the British Minister representative in the Middle East, in 1944, and that of Count Folke Bernadotte, the UN's special Mediator on Palestine, in 1948. Shamir later went on to become prime minister.
The word used today in Hebrew to describe a terrorist is 'mekhabbel'. It is used liberally to describe anyone who fights the state with political violence. It is in fact, exactly the same word that Yitzhak Shamir and his colleagues used to describe themselves - with pride - in their armed guerrilla strug

[CTRL] (Rerun) Stern Gang up to its Old Tricks Again

2002-04-05 Thread William Shannon

Jews Blow Up Other Jews in Jerusalem Bloodbath
Stern Gang up to its Old Tricks Again 

Joe Vialls, 3 March 2002

Disgusted intelligence sources in Palestine claim that the latest bombing atrocity that  killed 10 and wounded 57 was an “inside job”, i.e. Jews killing Jews for media advantage. In all probability the  March 2, 2002 attack was carried out by the revitalized Stern Gang, responsible for bombing Pacha’s Disco in Tel Aviv during June 2001, and the Jerusalem Ben Yehudah Mall in early December 2001. 
The intelligence sources point to damage at the crime scene in the Beit Israel district of Jerusalem as proof of their claims that the weapon used was a car bomb rather than a suicide bomber. Photographs shown on this web site prove the claims correct. These photos were taken before the mainstream western media received their “sanitized” versions, in which there is no car and very little shrapnel visible.
From the outline of the car we can tell that there was an internal explosion, with the blast shock waves radiating outwards, before being deflected upwards to atmosphere by a nearby wall.  Before the truth was re-written by the Jerusalem Mayor, local reports carried a reasonably accurate account: “Burial society volunteers picked up body parts amid debris slick with motor oil and blood. A truck ferried off the charred husk of a car…” and: “Fierce flames from the  destroyed car rose into the night sky on the street where the blast ripped through the Beit Israel district of the city just as worshippers were emerging from synagogues…” 
But then Jerusalem police chief Mr Mickey Levy took over and said a suicide bomber with a shrapnel bomb strapped to him had walked up to a group of people and blown himself up. The  bomber "got to the center of the neighborhood, approached a group of people (and detonated) a large explosive on his body," he said. Three cheers for Mickey, whose imagination knows no bounds, and is an essential component of Ariel Sharon’s ongoing terror campaign against the Palestinian refugee camps.
The car itself blows away the cover story of course, which is why it was removed so swiftly. This bombing took place during the evening of the Sabbath in one of the most radical and Orthodox Jewish districts in the city, with literally hundreds of armed policemen and troops patrolling the streets. Anyone believing that an Arab could simply drive into the middle of Beit Israel on Saturday night, park right next to the Synagogue and then walk away whistling to himself, is living in cloud cuckoo land. Any such Arab would have been shot in seconds.
Finding an Arab villain for the job was equally difficult. Initially the London Independent newspaper claimed Mohammed  Daragmeh was the bomber, while at the same time the BBC in London was claiming the bomber as Mohammed al-Chouhani. Well, it was probably Mohammed something-or-other wasn’t it? And no matter who he was, the culprit was “known” to be working for the al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigade, an alleged offshoot of Yasir Arafat’s very own al-Fatah.
Though the al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigade might be able to produce a name for the western media [and a body as well if necessary], this would be no more impressive than Abu Nidal  pulling the same trick twenty or thirty years ago. By now most readers will be aware that Abu Nidal was a servant of the Mossad for a minimum of 17 years. The same goes for the al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigade today.
If Islamic Jihad, Hamas, or Hizbollah publicly admit to an operation on their respective websites, you can take the information to the bank. For all of the others, interpret the real masterminds behind the operation as Mossad or Shin Bet.
Why the operation was launched is not difficult to analyze. Last week Ariel Sharon went on one of his more grandiose killing sprees in the Palestinian refugee camps, when Britain and America nervously asked him to slow things down a bit. After all, there were a minimum of 20 Palestinian dead, and probably many more in the back streets hidden from the cameras. For a startled western public the number of Palestinian dead was awesome, bordering on sickening.
Wimps like these were a real drag for Ariel, who has on many occasions indicated publicly that he would like to kill every Palestinian in Palestine – some say with his own bare hands if at all possible. Well, after the car bomb in Beit Israel which killed so many “innocent” Jews,  Ariel Sharon should be able to continue with his Palestinian genocide plans in relative peace for a least the next few weeks. He may be a genocidal maniac, but Sharon is far from stupid.  

[CTRL] legal cases, study, sex ring, capital cases, blair/iraq, israel

2002-04-05 Thread Smart News

-Caveat Lector-

these may be very heavy for survivors

Delayed Discovery Exception Applies in Child Sexual Abuse Cases Law Reporter
- April 03, 2002 Originally Published:20020401. Delayed discovery exception
applies in child sexual abuse cases.  Jasmin v. Ross, 33 P.3d 725 (Or. Ct.
App. 2001). The Oregon Court of Appeals held that an individual who, as an
adult, first discovered the connection between her psychological problems and
past sexual abuse, timely filed her claim under the state's delayed discovery
exception to the statute of limitations. The exception provides, in part,
that an individual injured by sexual abuse is allowed to sue up to three
years from the date of discovery of the causal connection between the injury
and the abusePlaintiff's Counsel  David L. Slader, Portland, Or

This may be very heavy for survivors. Teen Strangled Sorcery Ritual - 4/4/02
- Phnom Penh (Reuters) - A 14-year old virgin girl was strangled in a good
luck sorcery ritual in Cambodia, police said Wednesday. Police said two men
-- a 22-year old sorcerer and his student -- were charged with the murder in
court Wednesday. Another four were charged with conspiring to commit murder.

Sexually Abused Boys Have Persistent Somatic, Psychological Problems London
(Reuters Health) Mar 25 -- Boys who were victims of sexual abuse at a school
in the UK did not seem to experience an excess of health problems, but those
they did have were likely to continue for longer than a year after the abuse
was stopped and the perpetrator jailed...Arch Dis Child 2002; 86:164-167.

This may be very heavy for survivors.
Teenage girl torturers shock nation - Schoolmate left for dead because she
was 'too pretty' The Europe pages - Observer special Paul Webster in Paris
3/24/02 The Observer "An abandoned old people's home where a 14-year-old high
school girl was tortured by two of her schoolmates in a crime that has
shocked France...Neither had a reputation for violence, but a public
prosecutor has pointed out that the older girl had just seen Scream and the
younger one had taken part in Satanic practices with skinheads in the local

This may be very heavy for survivors.
Police have suspect in cat head hate crime by Dana Brundage 3/21/02 -
Charlestown -  Police say they have a suspect in last month's hate crime
involving the decapitated head of an animal. Sgt. Patrick McMahon of the
Charlestown Police Department said Monday that they believe a man in his
20's, along with another man around the same age, are responsible for leaving
the head of a cat in an army boot on the front of the Shannock Baptist Church
on March 1. A woman delivering a package to the church found the boot that
morning and contacted police. Along with the boot was a letter written in a
satanic language.


Warren church struck by vandals by Karyn-Lynn Fisette - Warren - St. Mark's
Episcopal Church was the most recent of three churches in the state to be
desecrated by vandals with a satanic agenda.

Police alerted to massive prostitution ring - Cassandra Szklarski - Canadian
Press "...The unusual tip led police to a Toronto-based criminal group that
operated out of several escort services and victimized scores of women - many
of them underage, said the city's police chiefBut the operation itself
involved dozens of supposedly legal agencies fronting for pimps, comprising
about "90 per cent" of escort advertisements in the city's yellow pages, said
police. The agencies' owners spent an estimated $800,000 a year on ads
spanning 20 pages in the phone book. The arrests of 12 people represented a
significant blow to the city's underground sex trade, said police."


Amnesty International USA - Action Center

Improve Defense for Capital Cases-- Help Pass the Innocence Protection Act

For every eight executions carried out during the last 29 years, one person
was sentenced to death and later freed because of evidence of innocence. A
common reason for these gross errors in capital punishment cases is
incompetent representation. As a result of federal legislation passed in
1996, funds were sharply cut for the Legal Services Corporation (which
provides legal services for indigent defendants) and funds were eliminated
for centers that provide attorneys for death row inmates.


Blair opts for delay on Iraq - U-turn on Saddam: No 10 postpones 'damning
dossier' to avert a Labour backbench backlash, reports Kamel Ahmed

Observer Worldview - Terrorism crisis - Observer special
Sunday March 31, 2002 - The Observer


[CTRL] Fisk: A speech laced with obsessions and little else

2002-04-05 Thread William Shannon

Robert Fisk: A speech laced with obsessions and little else

05 April 2002

Ariel Sharon could not have done better. The heaping of blame upon an occupied people, the obsessive use of the word terror – by my rough count there were 50 references in just 10 minutes – and the brief, frightened remarks about "occupation" and (one mention only) to Jewish settlements and the need for Israeli "compassion" at the end were proof enough that President Bush had totally failed to understand the tragedy he is supposedly trying to solve.

The mugger became the victim and the victim became the mugger. What, I wonder, is the exact distance between the Rose Garden and Bethlehem? So the US Secretary of State, Colin Powell, is travelling to "the region'' next week. Next week? Why not now?

But of course, the White House, which according to the Israeli press has repeatedly been asking Mr Sharon how long he intends to reoccupy the Palestinian cities of the West Bank, is to give the Israeli Prime Minister more time to finish his invasion, destroy the Palestinian infrastructure and dismantle the Palestinian Authority.

The speech was laced with all the "war on terror'' obsessions: Iraq as a sponsor of terror for donating money to a family of Palestinian "martyrs'', and Syria for not making up its mind if it is "for or against terror''.

The European Union, fearful of rising oil prices and their effect on the eurozone economy, had earlier dispatched a mission to Israel; with typical contempt, Mr Sharon told its members they could not visit Yasser Arafat in Ramallah. The delegation, which had earlier announced that the Americans had failed in their mission as peacemaker in the Middle East, simply packed up and left Tel Aviv within hours.

But will Mr Powell do any better? The dollar has fallen against world currencies because of the Middle East crisis – as good a reason as any for Mr Bush to act – and the possible restrictions on Middle East oil production, though more damaging to Europe, must have helped to prompt the President's decision to dispatch Mr Powell.

The Palestinian suicide bombings, however, were the core of Mr Bush's address. He talked of the 18-year-old Palestinian girl who blew herself up and killed a 17-year-old Israeli girl, the Jewish state's "dream'' of peace with its neighbours. "Terror must be stopped ... no nation can negotiate with terrorists ... leaderships not terror ... you're either with the civilised world or you're with the terrorists ... all in the Middle East ... must move in word and deed against terrorists ... I call on the Palestinian Authority to do everything in their power to stop terrorist activities.'' Arafat had agreed to control "terrorism'' – "he failed'.' The reoccupation of the West Bank was a "temporary measure'', Mr Bush announced, trusting the word of the Israeli occupiers. "Suicide bombing missions could well blow up the only hope of a Palestinian state.''

On it went, 11 September-speak applied to the Middle East. Israel's enemies must be eliminated – Al Aqsa, Hamas, Islamic Jihad and Hizbollah, which yesterday beat up a UN observer on the Lebanese border in the most dangerous incident of its kind since the Israeli withdrawal in 2000. The whole Bush speech revolved around Israel's wellbeing, with scarcely three minutes devoted to the Palestinians and their 35 years under occupation. Israel should, Mr Bush decided, show a "respect'' for and "concern'' for the Palestinian people.

There was some ritual mention of UN Security Council resolutions 242 and 338, which calls for Israeli withdrawal from territories occupied in the 1967 war but which Mr Sharon has already said he cannot accept, and an appeal to halt settlement building. But Jewish settlements are still being built, at an ever-faster rate, on Palestinian land.

Only a heart of stone could not respond to the suffering of those Israeli families whose loved ones have been so wickedly cut down by the Palestinian suicide bombers. But where was Mr Bush's compassion for the vastly greater number of Palestinians who have been killed by the Israelis over the past 19 months, or his condemnation of Israel's death squads, house demolition and land theft? They simply didn't exist in the Bush speech.

The money for "martyrs" does not, of course, only go to the kin of suicide bombers – it goes to families of all those killed by Israelis, most of whom have been struck down by American-made weapons. Certainly, America has never offered to make reparations for the innocents killed by the air-to-ground missiles and shells it has sold to Israel.

Far more instructive than the Bush speech was the measured, fair way in which Terje Larson, the UN's special Middle East envoy, and Nigel Roberts, the local director of the World Bank, tried to describe the tragedy. In a short press conference they appealed to both sides to end violence and respect international law and cited Isr

[CTRL] Ostrovsky On The Mossad-Australian Connection

2002-04-05 Thread William Shannon

Ex-Mossad Agent Speaks Out

Tells of the Mossad-Australia Connection

Victor Ostrovsky, a former Israeli Mossad agent and now best-selling author, became internationally famous in 1990 when he published his first book By Way of Deception, which documented the outrages committed by the Israeli secret service.

The Mossad, considered by intelligence experts to be the most ruthless spy agency in the world, doesn't take kindly to defectors, and Ostrovsky's life has been in danger ever since he went public with his first blockbuster book.

Last year Ostrovsky brought out his second explosive expose The Other Side of Deception, creating a furore in the Zionist state when excerpts were published in the largest Israeli newspaper Yediot Ahronot.

Over the years there have been claims and counter-claims of Mossad involvement in Australia. The Israeli secret service prefers to operate well away from the spotlight of publicity. In this exclusive interview New Dawn asked the courageous whistle blower, Victor Ostrovsky about his books, the current situation in the Middle East, the powerful U.S. Israeli lobby, and Mossad links in Australia.

New Dawn: As the author of two best selling books on the Mossad, can you provide a brief outline of what led to your efforts to expose the machinations of the Israeli secret service?

Ostrovsky: I believe in my second book The Other Side of Deception I explained what brought this action. I joined with a group of people to bring an end to the actions of the Mossad. I wanted to stop the Mossad's uses and abuses of the Israeli and outside Jewish communities. The sad thing is many people who are suffering from the Mossad's abuse of power, also support it.

New Dawn: What was the reaction of the Israeli government and the Israeli lobby worldwide to the revelations in your first book By Way of Deception?

Ostrovsky: Interesting. The Mossad desperately wanted to buy time. In response to questions in the [Israeli] Knesset, the Mossad admitted they wanted to buy time to stop the publication of By Way of Deception so they could kidnap me. Thus, even if the book were published, there would be no author available to back up, verify and promote its contents. The Mossad in kidnapping Mordechai Vanunu and putting him away in jail, stopped him from elaborating his story. The Israeli government attempted to legally stop the book from being published. However, they found it practically impossible to fulfil, what was essentially, Mossad's request. Jewish communities around the world reacted to the book as told to by the Israeli government. Actually, the organised Jewish communities have no opinion of their own - they are driven communities - told what to think. They respond accordingly. It's sad.

New Dawn: From our experience here in Australia, whenever an individual or organisation speaks out against Mossad activities or Israeli actions, they are immediately branded an 'anti-Semite', 'lunatic', or 'right-wing extremist'...

Ostrovsky: Well, this is a modus operandi. This is how the Mossad activates all its forces or groupies to stop any activities against them. This is what the ADL [Anti-Defamation League] does regularly. Of course, they are well connected with the media and a lot of media rely on their financial support.

Also a misconception is formed through the use of these terms - if somebody is against the policies of the Israeli government, it means they're anti-Israel, not an anti-Semite. An anti-Semite is an ugly person who hates a group of people because of their origin. Anti-Israel can be equated with being anti-Chinese, anti-South Africa, etc. There is a big difference here. People have the right to disagree with the policies of countries.

New Dawn: In April this year you were interviewed on ABC Radio about your latest book The Other Side of Deception. You commented that "a lot of the segments of the Australian secret service report first to Mossad."

Ostrovsky: Here we are dealing with operandi. Look at Vanunu's case. Australian intelligence agencies immediately told the Mossad about Vanunu [when Vanunu was in Australia just before his kidnapping]. Why? They admit it. It's not a secret. Australian intelligence agencies have people directly linked to the Mossad - they work with them. Usually it's people on the mid-level who will be liaising with the Mossad, and will pass everything on. The Mossad will make an intelligence request, and the Australian intelligence services will give. They view it from the perspective that Israel is a Western country, so why not help?

New Dawn: In the same interview you said that the Mossad goes into Jewish communities around the world and uses them as a resource. Is this happening in Australia?

Ostrovsky: Of course it does. It happens everywhere. But they don't like to admit it. To give an example, when an Israeli 'celebrity' comes to visit and speak at a Jewish community funct

Re: [CTRL] Chronology of a pogrom: How Sharon, US prepared assault on Palesti...

2002-04-05 Thread thew
Title: Re: [CTRL] Chronology of a pogrom: How Sharon, US prepared assault on Palesti...

on 4/5/02 6:54 PM, William Shannon at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

No I don't "well know". As you yourself said you react/adapt to your surroundings...you essentially defend the butchery of Israel in this forum and you condemn it,for example, to your father...you DID say that didn't you? 

I never said I defend the butchery of anybody – I condemn the butchery of all – regardless of religious or ethnic membership. Condemning terrorists is not the same as support for Israeli policies.
I said I tend to look for a fair and even reporting, and that there are no good guys in the situation. This tends to cause arguments with people on either side of this (polarized) discussion – in the case of this list because it tends to slant one way, and with my father because he slants to the other.

As to my repeated condemnation of Sharon — It’s in the archives – check it out – it’s there.


Been there, done that...check the archives, it's there. 

-- -- -- -- -- -- - -- - -- -- - -  - - -- --- -- - - -  - -- - - - --  -- - -- -
We must not confuse dissent with disloyalty. We must remember always that accusation is not proof and that conviction depends upon evidence and due process of law. 

      Edward R. Murrow

NEURONAUTIC INSTITUTE on-line: http://home.earthlink.net/~thew 

[CTRL] Catholic clergy not alone in abuse cases

2002-04-05 Thread Bill Howard

-Caveat Lector-

Catholic clergy not alone in abuse cases
by Richard N. Ostling (AP) April 5, 2002

The flood of sex abuse allegations against priests this year has focused
attention on the Roman Catholic Church, but Protestant denominations have
also faced sex scandals involving clergy.

In fact, while data are sketchy, at least one expert believes the incidence
of clergy molesting young children may be about as frequent- or infrequent-
in Protestantism as it is in Catholicism.

Others have found Protestant scandals have a tendency to surface in cases
where male ministers are counseling women or tenn-age girls, while the
allegations against priests have frequently involved underage males.

Penn State historian Philip Jenkins argued in his 1996 book, Pedophiles and
Priests, that both secular and Catholic media exaggerate the extent of
Catholic cases involving minors, while downplaying Protestant abuse.

For instance, the Rev. Robert Eckert of Grand Rapids, Mich. a minister in the
African Methodist Episcopal Church, was sent to prison in 2000 for sexual
involvement with a 15 year old girl who worked as his baby sitter - but the
case recieved little  attention.

Jenkins, an Episcopalian, thinks a 1992 survey from the Chicago Archdiocese
is more representative of the true picture in Catholicism.

Among 2,252 priests serving more than four decades, 39 priests (1.7 per cent)
apparently abused minors. Only one abuser could be termed a pedophile under
the strict, clinical definition of the word - meaning the victim was

"I am prepared to be convinced that Catholics have a bigger problem" than
Protestants, Jenkins said, but nobody has good data, partly because
Protestant groups are too numerous.

Minneapolis psychologist Gary Schoener agreed. "There are no real scientific
data" on Protestants, he said. Since 1974, his walk-in Counseling Center has
been consulted on more than 2,000 cases of clergy sexual misconduct of all
types, two-thirds of them with Protestants.

He finds that sex with adult women or teen age girls is the most frequent
Protestant problem.

In a typical Protestant cases, a jury awarded $10 million in February to
reatives of the late Deborah Yardley of Columbus, Ohio.

The suit charged that the Rev. Steven Collifower, a United Methodist, had an
affair with Yardley when she sought his help with alcohol and emotional
problems. He left the ministry shortly after she made the allegation. She
later died of liver disease.

World magazine says Protestantism faces a "severe problem" of clergy
involvement with people the ministers are counseling.

Schoener said that clergy having sex with prepubescent victims is "very rare"
in all denominations.

A study of the Presbyterian Church (USA), covering eight states over six
years, found 17 cases against clergy.

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Monsanto winning GM food war

2002-04-05 Thread Samantha L.

-Caveat Lector-


GM-free nations fall to Monsanto
By Geoffrey Lean and Sue Branford
31 March 2002


Monsanto's victories are a blow for environmentalists who had thought their
success in turning consumers against GM foods in Europe and Japan would have
global repercussions.

... The blow is all the more bitter because their strategy had seemed to be
working. Over the past two years, Brazil has increased its share of world
soya trade from 24 to 36 per cent, while the US share fell from 57 to 46 per

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Mayor urges Vegas to embrace Mob culture

2002-04-05 Thread Samantha L.

-Caveat Lector-


Mayor urges Vegas to embrace Mob culture
By Andrew Gumbel in Los Angeles
05 April 2002


A Mob museum is the latest brainchild of Las Vegas's Mayor, Oscar Goodman,
formerly a defence lawyer for some of the city's most notorious gangsters. He
thinks it will be a great success – an offer, as one local put it, that
visitors to the city won't be able to refuse. "I think it would draw people
like a magnet," Mr Goodman told reporters.

...He said he would gladly contribute items from his personal collection,
including a tape of a Mafia induction ceremony.

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Mayor urges Vegas to embrace Mob culture

2002-04-05 Thread William Shannon
In a message dated 4/5/02 7:22:32 PM Central Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

...He said he would gladly contribute items from his personal collection,
including a tape of a Mafia induction ceremony.


Gawd I love Vegas and there's nothing wrong with celebrating the REAL HISTORY of the place.

Lemme' guess...the Italians will now be marching in opposition???

Betcha' 3-1 they will!

(Who lost a crapload on the f-ing Cubs today but plan on recovering that and a little more for my efforts on the mighty WHITE SOX tonite!)

[CTRL] 'Russian army rites kill, wound 150,000'

2002-04-05 Thread William Shannon

'Russian army rites kill, wound 150,000'

MOSCOW: A leading Russian politician called Thursday for a drastic reduction in the draft, claiming that brutal initiation rites have killed, maimed or injured 150,000 recruits to military service since the end of World War II. Boris Nemtsev, leader of the Union of Rightist Forces, called for the sacking of the chief of the armed forces general staff General Vladislav Putilin who he said had justified the rites, known in Russian as "dedovshchina", as "useful" for discipline in the armed forces.

The "hazing", or initiation rites, inflicted on virtually all new army conscripts, often involving astonishing brutality, are known to traumatise many recruits, and a spokeswoman for the Soldiers' Mothers organisation said in February that around 500 soldiers commit suicide every year. Official army figures show that 1,800 Russian troops per year die outside combat, but the spokeswoman said she believed the true figure is between 2,500 and 4,000.

Nemtsev said that since 1945, 150,000 young recruits had "fallen victim" to the practice, though he did not indicate his source for the figure or give a breakdown indicating how many deaths were directly imputable to "dedovshchina" as opposed to serious injuries.

He said he had been moved to speak out after meeting a 15-year-old girl who said her brother, called up to a missile unit in the Siberian city of Irkutsk, had hanged himself, unable to bear the sadistic practices of his more experienced comrades. Putilin should be dismissed for defending the practices, he said, presenting his party's plans to organise meetings in Moscow starting on Saturday, and subsequently in around 50 other Russian regions, calling for a radical overhaul of the Russian army.

Among the most notable measures his party is calling for is a reduction of obligatory military service to six months, to be followed by voluntary conscription for servicemen would be paid "a salary 20 percent higher than the average wage." Recruits who completed five years in the army would be entitled to free higher education, a driving licence and a permit to work as an armed guard, he said. Nemtsev admitted that there was little chance that President Vladimir Putin, who has also called for military reforms, would share his views.

[CTRL] Bob Barr Grows A Brain (Condition May Be Temporary Warn Docs)

2002-04-05 Thread William Shannon

Panel faults restrictions imposed since Sept. 11
Joe Geshwiler - Staff
Thursday, April 4, 2002

A panel that spanned a range of opinions from U.S. Rep. Bob Barr (R-Ga.) to ACLU President Nadine Strossen --- with authorities on law enforcement and the media in between --- Wednesday condemned legal restrictions adopted by the Bush administration and Congress after Sept. 11.

In a forum at the Richard B. Russell Building sponsored by the Atlanta chapter of the Federal Bar Association, panelists were unanimous in saying steps taken in the name of protecting Americans from terrorists were in fact treading on cherished liberties.

Panelists directed the brunt of their criticism at the USA Patriot Act enthusiastically endorsed by President Bush and passed overwhelmingly by Congress last October. The measure greatly expands the federal law-enforcement powers, including the authority to conduct secret searches, make secret arrests and secretly scan electronic communications without a court order.

Barr said Congress acted in haste without thinking through the consequences of the measure. Many of the act's provisions are overbroad, he said, including giving quasi-federal personnel --- referring to airport security officers --- the authority to deny a person the right to interstate travel simply because "they don't like the color of his eyes."

Barr took no comfort in the fact the measure expires in four years and must be reauthorized by Congress. "Power taken by the government is rarely returned," he warned. He urged a continuing congressional review of the effects of the act to minimize the long-range impact on civil liberties.

Strossen of the American Civil Liberties Union said a broad coalition across the political spectrum is raising a crescendo of criticism against the act, and experts on law enforcement and national security --- like former FBI and CIA head William Webster --- are chiming in.

She said the Bush Justice Department's mass interrogation tactics are bound to fail as long as suspects are targeted on the basis of ethnicity. Al-Qaida, she said, is bound to respond to a miguided U.S. emphasis on screening new arrivals from the Mideast by dispatching its agents of Asian and African origin.

She complimented U.S. Magistrate Judge G. Mallon Faircloth of the Middle Georgia District for disallowing a ban "due to the national emergency" against a peaceful demonstration by protesters at what was known as the School of the Americas at Fort Benning. Faircloth's ruling was eloquent, she said, in pointing out that war neither automatically adds to the government's powers nor subtracts from the people's rights.

Another speaker, Robert Friedman, head of Georgia State University's Department of Criminal Justice, said it is just as important for the U.S. to police its freedoms as police terrorism. As an adviser to Israeli police authorities, he said that besieged country provides a good example for America, especially the recent ruling by its Supreme Court prohibiting the use of "moderate physcial pressure" against terror suspects even in emergency situations.,

Conrad Fink, journalism professor at the University of Georgia, lamented not only that the U.S. government is operating without the slightest regard for the public's right to know the way it is fighting the war on terror, here or abroad, but additionally that the public is all too complacent about being in the dark.

"The watchdogs of the press lack the muscle to lift the curtain of secrecy dropped by the Bush administration," he said. "Journalists can't say in good faith they're reporting accurately or fairly" because they've been kept at bay due to new and restrictive military regulations.

[CTRL] Bodies Of The Dead Rot In Bethlehem

2002-04-05 Thread William Shannon

Bodies Of The Dead Rot In Bethlehem
By Robert Fisk

JERUSALEM - Rotting bodies in Bethlehem, Israeli soldiers surrounding Palestinian civilians and militiamen in the place of Christ's birth, unburied corpses in Ramallah - Israel's latest war is turning into a human and political tragedy on a vast scale as the last physical symbols of the Oslo peace agreement are destroyed.

For two days, the suicide bombers have been silent. But the coming weeks will decide the future of the Holy Land for years to come.

If the Church of the Nativity is now a battleground, what is sacred any longer? The details are as indistinct as the smoke that still rises close to Manger Square, but Christian officials speak of at least 100 Palestinian civilians seeking the sanctuary of the church that marks the spot where Jesus is believed to have been born in a stable.

With them, it seems, are at least 10 Palestinian militiamen from the Tanzim movement. The Israeli army has surrounded the church with tanks. According to the Israelis, the Tanzim men have opened fire on the occupying soldiers. The Palestinians denied it.

But no one can deny the carnage elsewhere. Take the phone call I received from Sami Abda yesterday afternoon. On Tuesday, he told me, Israeli soldiers arrived at his house in the centre of Bethlehem and, despite being warned by a neighbour that his home was filled with women and children, opened fire on the building. The Israelis claimed that "terrorists'' were in the house.

Sami Abda was crying as he spoke to me and these are his exact words: "They fired 18 bullets through our front door. They hit my mother, Sumaya, and my brother Jacoub. My mother was 64, my brother was 37. They both fell to the floor. I called everyone I could to take them to the hospital. But there was no one to help us. They were dying. When an ambulance came, an Israeli officer refused permission for it to enter our street. So for 30 hours, we have lived with their bodies. We put the children into the bathroom so they could not see the corpses. Help us, please.''

But that insistent question - What is sacred? - could be asked again by anyone who read The Jerusalem Post this week: a whole page of tiny photographs of the dozens of Israeli civilians torn to pieces by Palestinian suicide bombers in just one month. One teenage Israeli girl was the same age as the Palestinian girl who destroyed her life. It was a page of horror and misery.

And, yes, war compounds human tragedy. Even as Sami Abda was trying to shield his own children from their grandmother's and uncle's blood, a young female doctor was shot dead inside her home in Jenin as 30 Israeli tanks smashed into the northern West Bank city to be met by fusillades of gunfire from Palestinians.

They invaded Salfat, too, and hundreds of tanks last night invaded the ancient city of Nablus, with its Palestinian Authority officers and kasbah of narrow streets.

In Ramallah, the hospital authorities - tired of waiting for Israeli permission to bury the dead - interred the corpses of 25 Palestinians that had been decaying in the mortuary for four days.

Palestinians are demanding an inquiry - there will be none, of course - into the killing of five policemen gunned down by Israeli soldiers in a tiny Ramallah room. A gun battle, said the Israelis. But the bullets that killed them all appeared to have been fired at close-range and at least two of the men were in their mid-50s.

More than 1,000 prisoners have now been taken away by the Israelis and, except for a dozen or so, no one knows where they have been taken or if they are alive. A group of several dozen were transported to a Jewish settlement before being taken away yet again.

So is the State of Israel crushing any hope of a state of Palestine? A tiny flower of hope came in the cold and rain at the Kalandia checkpoint outside Ramallah yesterday, when Israeli Jews and Israeli Arabs and a few of the Western protesters, whose courage has gone sadly unrecognised, arrived to demand peace and an end to Israeli occupation.

There is life after war. But will there be a Palestine? Will the world, through this Israeli reoccupation, see Palestine as it saw Bosnia or Kosovo or East Timor?

Hanan Ashrawi, one of the few credible Palestinian figures, is also one of the few sane voices in the war. Exhausted, bags below her eyes, keeping herself awake with scalding coffee, she spoke to me with an air of resignation in Jerusalem.

"The Oslo agreement is being deconstructed, deliberately," she said. "Sharon is being obsessively consistent. He always said he wanted the destruction of the Oslo agreement. This reoccupation was planned many months ago.

"But Sharon lacks the ability to assess the ramifications of his actions. His attempts to destroy Arafat have backfired. He has made Arafat more legitimate among Palestinians.

"Everyone - the left, the right, the centre, the radicals, the Islamists - have now rallied b

[CTRL] Fwd: [CIA-DRUGS] An Open Apology to Dennis Bernstein PLUS a comment on a forged copy of my message involving Peter Dale Scott

2002-04-05 Thread RoadsEnd

--- Begin Message ---
Title: An Open Apology to Dennis Bernstein PLUS a comment on a forged copy of my message involving Peter Dale Scott

Dear Dennis:

I had been intending to send this message out as long as 48 hours ago but, as a result of a very professional hacking of our web site and computer system – which is documented – I was unable to do so. In addition, I did not have your email address until just now.

For your reference I have attached the original message which I sent out on April 2. You will see what I believe is an accurate representation of events as they occurred. In addition I ask that all who have received a tampered version of that message, including very unfavorable and unfounded accusations about Israel and linking same to Professor Peter Dale Scott, to compare those messages with what I sent out. That message is clearly a COINTELPRO-style disinformation attempt.

First, let me say clearly that I never believed for a moment that you personally had any intent to keep me off of the air. I was concerned by the tone in your voice when I called that sounded very pressured. I have great respect for both your courage and your willingness to stand in the trenches against very nasty opposition and I have never thought otherwise. However, the conversation with your producer left me with a different impression, especially since we all know that my investigations have been a hot topic of late. There is no doubt, however, in my mind that the near-simultaneous cancellation of my show with Sue Supriano was a form of censorship because that is how it was explained to me.

These simultaneous events obviously appeared connected. And in the context of the internal memo from Mr. Solomon the conclusion I reached was shared by many others. I was contacted shortly after my posting by both Catherine Austin Fitts and Peter Dale Scott. There are few people anywhere in the world I hold in higher esteem than these two. Both advised me that you were under intense pressure for your brave coverage of events in the Middle East and that whatever happened with my appearance had nothing to do with you or your feelings. As I said above I didn’t blame you to begin with. I was hesitant to call you back because your statement that I was “going to get you in trouble” made me reluctant. I didn’t want to make anything worse for you. That’s the LAST thing I want to do!

So please accept my sincere apologies if anything was misconstrued so as to make you or anyone think that I was criticizing or attacking you personally. It just ain’t so! If anything, add my voice to those who to support you in your coverage of controversial stories at a difficult time. I want to support you, not attack you.


Mike Ruppert



Original message sent April 2

Within the last twenty-four hours I have been scrubbed from two pre-set programs on Pacifica Radio’s KPFA in Berkeley. This is as a result of innuendo-laden and factually unsupported criticisms by Norman Solomon of FAIR and others lurking behind him like John Foster “Chip” Berlet. I have not only been denied free-speech access to public airwaves but I have been deprived of a most basic right in any democracy, the right to confront and challenge accusers who do not have the courage to engage in an open and unbiased debate.

Yesterday, as I tried to confirm a pre-scheduled appearance for April 3 with Dennis Bernstein on Flashpoints, a nervous Bernstein, upon taking my call said, “You’re going to get me in trouble. I have to transfer you to my producer.” After a ten minute hold I spoke to a curt Yun-Jongh Suh who told me – incorrectly – that because my assistant had failed to return a confirming call she had cancelled the show and Gee, Palestine was too important. My assistant confirmed to me that she had confirmed the show for me and placed it on my calendar.

Then today, a second appearance with host Sue Supriano, also scheduled for April 3rd – that had definitely been confirmed by me - was abruptly cancelled after I was advised by Supriano that her producer, having just returned from vacation, and being very aware of an intense smear campaign against my publication “From The Wilderness,” directed that this show also be cancelled in order to avoid controversy or possibly risk the host losing her show.

What is the source for these undemocratic and heavy-handed acts? 

First there was an utterly meritless attack by David Corn of “The Nation” who used nothing but innuendo to disparage my post 9-11 research. He criticized a single and accurate citation of a press story in my 9-11 timeline and said that my reporting was biased because I did not list several negative stories about the subject – a former U.S. Naval officer, Delmart Vreeland. What Corn dishonestly failed to mention was that I had hired a full-time correspondent in Toronto to cover the story, traveled there twice myself to obtain court records and

[CTRL] Not In Our Name

2002-04-05 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-



Apr 5 2002

John Pilger

AS THE crisis in Israeli-occupied Palestine deepens, Tony Blair will meet George W
Bush today to plan an attack on another country, Iraq.

Their decision may condemn to death more than 10,000 civilians. That is the
"medium case scenario" drawn up by the Pentagon. If the Americans implement their
current strategy of "total war" and target Iraq's electricity and water, the
consequences will be even more horrific.

There is no mandate in any United Nations resolution for this invasion. It will be as
lawless as Nazi Germany's invasion of Poland, which triggered the Second World
War. Indeed, it may well trigger a Third World War, drawing in nations of the region
and beyond.

As Blair arrives at Bush's Texas ranch the question begs: Why does he condemn
Iraq, but is silent on Israel's current bloody and illegal rampage through Palestine?
Why has he not demanded that the Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon comply with
UN Security Council resolutions, to which Britain is a signatory, and withdraw from
the Occupied Territories? Why has Blair said nothing as Sharon has sent tanks and
gunships and snipers against civilians - a government targeting innocent people, like
the deaf old lady shot by an Israeli sniper as she tried to get to hospital? Why has
Blair not called at least for military sanctions against Israel, which has 200 nuclear
weapons targeted at Arab capitals?

Blair's culpable silence is imposed by the most dangerous American administration
for a generation. The Bush administration is determined to attack Iraq and take over
a country that is the world's second largest source of oil. The aim is to get rid of
America's and Britain's old friend, Saddam Hussein, whom they no longer control,
and to install another compliant thug in Baghdad.

THAT is why Bush now tells Israel to withdraw from the Palestinian cities it recently
occupied while continuing to replenish the Israeli war machine. The Americans want
a rampant Israel guarding their flank as they attack Iraq and expand their control
across the Middle East, whose oil is now more critical than ever to US military and
economic dominance.

For almost two months, Downing Street, through the discredited system of
unattributable briefings that are secret to the public, have spun two deceptions. The
first is that the Prime Minister will play a vital role at today's meeting with Bush 
on his
Texas ranch in "counselling caution." The second is that Blair has a "dossier of
detailed evidence" that "proves" that Saddam Hussein has "a nuclear capability" and
is "investigating a way to launch unsophisticated nuclear bombs" and is also building
chemical and biological weapons.

The fiction of Blair as a steadying hand on his Texas buddy is to be read in Blair's
unrelenting bellicose statements, and his attempts, against the wishes of his senior
military advisers, to send thousands of British troops into the quagmire of
Afghanistan, where his "cautionary influence" on Bush saw as many as 5,000
civilians bombed to death while the Taliban and al-Qaeda leaders got away.

While remaining silent on Israel, Blair is alone in Europe in his promotion of an 
on Iraq, a nation of 22 million people with whom the British have no quarrel.
Mysteriously, the "dossier of proof" of the dangers posed by the Iraqi regime has now
been "shelved." This is because no such proof exists and because, suddenly, more
than 130 Labour Members of Parliament are in revolt, including Cabinet and former
Cabinet members. It must be dawning on many of them that so much of this
government's "spin" during the "war on terrorism" has been a farrago of lies and half-
truths provided by an American intelligence apparatus seeking to cover its failure to
provide warning of the attacks of September 11.

Lie Number One is the justification for an attack on Iraq - the threat of its "weapons
of mass destruction." Few countries have had 93 per cent of their major weapons
capability destroyed. This was reported by Rolf Ekeus, the chairman of the United
Nations body authorised to inspect and destroy Iraq's arsenal following the Gulf War
in 1991. UN inspectors certified that 817 out of the 819 Iraqi long-range missiles
were destroyed. In 1999, a special panel of the Security Council recorded that Iraq's
main biological weapons facilities (supplied originally by the US and Britain) "have
been destroyed and rendered harmless."

As for Saddam Hussein's "nuclear threat," the International Atomic Energy Agency
reported that Iraq's nuclear weapons programme had been eliminated "efficiently and
effectively". The IAEA inspectors still travel to Iraq and in January reported full 
compliance. Blair and Bush never mention this when they demand that "the weapons
inspectors are allowed back". Nor do they remind us that the UN inspectors were
never expelled by the Iraqis, 

[CTRL] Regrets Over Peace Prize

2002-04-05 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-


Friday, 5 April, 2002, 11:58 GMT 12:58 UK
Nobel's regrets on Peres award

Fellow Nobel laureates: Rabin, Arafat and Peres

Members of the Norwegian committee that awards the annual Nobel Peace Prize
have launched an unprecedented verbal assault on Israeli Foreign Minister and
Nobel peace laureate Shimon Peres.

Mr Peres accepted the peace prize jointly with the Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat
and Israel's late prime minister, Yitzhak Rabin, in 1994.

Yes, I wish it was possible that we could recall the prize

Nobel committee member Hanna Kvanmo
In an interview with a Norwegian newspaper, committee members said they
regretted that Mr Peres' prize could not be recalled because, as a member of the
Israeli cabinet, he had not acted to prevent Israel's re- occupation of Palestinian

One member said Mr Peres had not lived up to the ideals he expressed when he
accepted the prize.

"What is happening today in Palestine is grotesque and unbelievable," said Hanna

"Peres is responsible, as part of the government. He has expressed his agreement
with what [Israeli Prime Minister Ariel] Sharon is doing," she said.

If Arafat were killed by Israel, Peres could "share in the blame"
"If he had not agreed with Sharon, then he would have withdrawn from the

Oslo Bishop Gunnar Stalsett, a committee member for the past eight years,
describes as "absurd" what he sees as the involvement of a Nobel laureate in human
rights abuses.

Other committee members argue that the Israeli government's actions in general and
Mr Peres' involvement in particular are threatening to bring the prize into disrepute.

Ms Kvanmo said however that "at the time, it was a correct decision" to honour

"He was the one of the three that really deserved the prize, because he took the
initiative to the talks that led to the Oslo accords," she said.

Committee chairman Geir Lundestad voiced the concern of several members that if
Mr Arafat were to be killed as a result of Israeli actions, one Nobel laureate might in
effect be said to have killed the other.


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believe in anything simply because it is spoken and rumored by many. Do
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Believe only after careful observation and analysis, when you find that it
agrees with reason and is conducive to the good and benefit of one and all.
Then accept it and live up to it."
The Buddha on Belief, from the Kalama Sutta
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"Always do sober what you said you'd do drunk. That will
teach you to keep your mouth shut."
--- Ernest Hemingway

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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