1999-02-04 Thread nessie

 -Caveat Lector-

The issue is who owns your body, you or the government.

When somebody else, not yourself,  decides what goes into your body and
what does not go into your body, that is precisely and exactly the same
thing as rape.

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Re: [CTRL] Anyone Know Latin?

1999-02-04 Thread nessie

 -Caveat Lector-

A guy I know from   says:

>I'd say, "Respondeant ipsi equites". Others might tweak the word order.
Thanks for asking!!

>Hey, any suggestions on how to find out about the activities of a
Military Advisory Group in Bangkok in 1958, running CIA-directed missions
into Laos and Burma? May not have actually existed. May have asked you
about this before, in which case, ignore.

>Hope your listmate likes his answer. Why in heaven did he need it?

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Re: [CTRL] [prj] DOPE SUPPORTERS 03 "My Body".A

1999-02-05 Thread nessie

 -Caveat Lector-

>People do not do stupid/illegal things because they have guns or

There is no such thing as "stupid/illegal." "Stupid" and "illegal" are
different words. They have different meanings. To conjoin them is
disingenuous. Disingenuous rhetoric is characteristic of the War On
(Some) Drugs.

>People do  stupid/illegal thing when they are in a stupor.

Drugs are not the only things that stupefy people. Lies stupefy.
Belief stupefies. We have been lied to about drugs by what we nievely
believe to be "our own" government. It is not "our" government. It is
GOG, the Gangster Occupation Government, puppet of the drug cartels.
It is a  master of disinformation. It's lies have stupefied us beyond
anything the drugs themselves were ever capable of. The drugs
themselves stupefy only those who abuse them. The lies stupefy us all.

>Guns have been at every one's finger tips for the last 200 years.
When I was a kid there was no rules against carrying a knife in school
(except switch blades) Kids could get guns from home, but they weren't
going to school with guns.

I remember that era, too. We didn't carry guns because there was
nothing to be gained by carrying guns. This is no longer true.

>Guns and knives were ready available for the last 200 years ago but
it has not been until the last 45 years after the dope revolution that
kids have been murdering kids and metal detectors are in schools.

Drugs has been around and in use since Neanderthal times. Never were
they fought over until they were prohibited by law. What ever harm
they do to those who use them pales beside what the fighting has done
to the rest of us.

In 1986 I was ripped off for my tools, the ones with which I was
feeding my family at the time. There is no doubt whatsoever that they
were stolen by a cocaine addict. There is no doubt whatsoever that he
sold them to buy cocaine. There is also no doubt that  elements of the
United States Government aid, abet, profit from and in some cases
participate directly in the cocaine trade. Ergo, some of the money
that cocaine addict paid for his drug went to the United States
Government. This is precisely and exactly the same thing as taxation
without representation.

Taxation without representation is the single most un-American act
possible. To be rid of taxation without representation is the very
reason our ancestors ran the redcoats out and founded this nation in
the first place. Taxation without representation is plain and simple
robbery, nothing more and nothing less.

I was robbed. I want my money back. I was robbed by what I was told
was my own government. They used a sick man's illness to force him to
do their dirty work for them. The way I figure, they robbed him, too.
Drugs are for sick people. This man was sick, nothing more. They robbed
 a sick man of his dignity and of his health. Eventually, so I've heard,
robbed him of his life itself.

Drug addiction is a sickness. It should be a matter between the
patient and his doctor. There is one reason and one reason only that
it is not. That reason is profit. There is no other reason that any of
the rest of us should be in any way effected or even, for that matter,
know about it. It's none of our business.

Billions are made because of prohibition. It has corrupted our society
at every level, from the cop on the corner to the very highest office
in the land. For the first time in all recorded history it has
provided the addict with economic motivation to spread his disease. It
has spread like wildfire.  The very thing we were told that
prohibition was enacted to prevent, it has fueled. We  were lied to.
Then we were robbed. We are still being lied to and we are still being

Kids carry guns to school, not because of the drugs themselves, not
because they are in a "stupor," but because a small but significant
number of them are involved in an extremely lucrative business, a
business so lucrative that people of all ages, all races, both
genders,  and all stations in life are willing, and in many cases
eager, to kill for a chunk of it. This business never existed until
prohibition. The very first day that prohibition no longer exists it
too will cease to exist; it will cease to plague humanity.

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1999-02-07 Thread nessie

 -Caveat Lector-

>No it isn't. It isn't anything at all like rape.

Are you speaking from personal experience here, or just passing along

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be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
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Re: [CTRL] [prj] DOPE SUPPORTERS dope vs boozed

1999-02-07 Thread nessie

 -Caveat Lector-

>These liberal newsletters pose as an exchange of intellectual ideas
when they are nothing but atheist, homosexuals, libertarians,
wiccians, pagans, humanist who attempt to brain wash readers
with their ONLY side propaganda.

Unlike the Christians, heterosexuals, statists and conservatives who
always bend over backward to present a balanced view, including the other
side's view,  and who always make space available for dissenters to speak
their minds, and who never, ever try to brainwash anybody, right?  Like
you, right?

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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
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Re: [CTRL] War on Poverty Yields Few Victories

1999-07-13 Thread nessie

 -Caveat Lector-

>wiithout government criminal gangs come to power

(1.) That's statist propaganda, and quite simply untrue. Many people, many
cultures, get along without government just fine.

Read  by Harold
Barclay, ISBN 0-900707-75-5

(2.) The government IS a criminal gang.  When any of them are in power
that is statism. When none are in power that is anarchy.

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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
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Re: [CTRL] War on Poverty Yields Few Victories

1999-07-13 Thread nessie

 -Caveat Lector-

>But if you are going to argue that human beings in their natural state
are wise, benign, peaceful and nonviolentand that they have a natural
propensity to respect the property and civil liberties of others, I would

Humans are ALWAYS in a natural state. NOTHING exists outside of nature.

Human cultures, human individuals vary widely. ALL are natural states.
Some are preferable to others.

>I'm sure that others on the list may have attended public schools of a
similar nature.

School culture replicates the values and behaviors of the host culture on
a microcosmic scale.  As a former  member of a parent-teacher cooperative
alternative school, I can assure you the behavior you describe is not
universal. If anthropology teaches us anything it is that assuming that
the traits of one's own culture are universal is stupid.

>What is my point?  Human beings need guidance, direction, and rules to
help them grow.

None of these things need come from the state.

>Have you ever read Lord of the Flies?

It's fiction.

Have you ever read  by Urula LeGuinn? It's also fiction.
 by Gaston Leval, which describes a
society much like LeGuinn's, is  not.  It's an eye witness account of what
happens when people cast off the state and run their own lives according
to anarchist principles.

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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
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Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Should homosexuals who areHIV-negative

1999-07-14 Thread nessie

 -Caveat Lector-

I notice you avoided my question. So tell us, are you sorry you burned all
those babies alive or aren't you? A simple yes or no will suffice, though
of course citations are always welcome as long as they pertain to the

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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
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Re: [CTRL] A REAL conspiracy-For-profit health insurance.

1999-07-14 Thread nessie

 -Caveat Lector-

>The US also has a socialist medical system. It has just failed in
different ways than the Cuban system.

Explain please how the Cuban health care system has failed. It looks to me
like the best system on earth, so far, an overwhelming success.

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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Skeptic News - Wednesday #1

1999-07-14 Thread nessie

 -Caveat Lector-

># ARE GAY MEN BETTER ENDOWED? MAYBE. Here is a study that says homosexual
  men have larger genitalia than heterosexual men - and it may be linked
  to prenatal hormone levels. "Penis envy" takes a strange new twist - see

This would explain a lot of the popularity of homophobia, now wouldn't it?

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Re: [CTRL] Should homosexuals who areHIV-negative

1999-07-14 Thread nessie

 -Caveat Lector-

>uh... is this directed at me?

No. I was talking to Herr Piper, but I'll be glad to hear ANY Christian
give an honest answer. I just don't much expect it to happen any time soon.

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Re: [CTRL] Should homosexuals who areHIV-negative

1999-07-14 Thread nessie

 -Caveat Lector-

>Your the one that is stereotyping,

Like the man said, if it walks like a duck, and it quacks like a duck, I
say it IS a duck.

You talk like a Nazi. It doesn't mean you ARE a Nazi. But that doesn't
make any difference.

>and seem to already have all the answers.

About Nazis? Damn skippy, I do. The only good Nazi is a dead Nazi.

There's more to it of course, but that's all anyone REALLY needs to know.

>Are you even sure with the CIA and the FBI as well as the rest of the
alphabet soup that there are even
any Christians on this list?

(1.) Don't change the subject.

(2.) You talking gibberish. The existance of alphabet soup and who's on
this list are totally unrelated, to each other and to the topic. It's a
sophmoric debate tactic, lamer even than changing the subject. If that's
the best you can do, give up; you're out classed here.

>We could all be *(&%$&*# 's.

And you're typing gibberish, too. It's ugly, but it's not as uglyas that
Nazi crap you write.

>Also are you saying that you came from a lineage that did not burn

Hell, I'm descended from head hunters. But you know what? We only took
heads from each other, NEVER from women and children.

OK, your turn.

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Re: [CTRL] Ballard, Lusitania, committing US to WWI

1999-07-15 Thread nessie

 -Caveat Lector-

Don't hope for any of the insideous skulduggery going on behind the scenes
today to even begin to be owned up to till well into the twenty second
century, particularly by the Brits. They're a closed mouth bunch, the guys
who own Britian.  If I'd  done the things they've done I'd shut my trap
too. They are liars par exelance. Lies, a Churchill admitted, are their
bodyguards. They've even gone so far as to falsify a dictionary  entry to
hide who the Luddites REALLY were and why they had more troops fighting
Luddites in Nottingham than they had fighting Napoleon in Spain, and that
was during Napoleon's era. They've till haven't admitted their troops held
Irish babies aloft on bayonets and used them for target practice, and that
was Cromwell's era and there were tens of thousand of witnesses. They
were, in fact, under Cromwell's direct command. As for the Lusitania, if
you imagine they would let it be revealed that they had their own people
slaughtered  in their own front yard, just to bring American troops over
to save their ass from a war they were losing so few years ago that
witnesses still are alive, you are hopelessly nieve. Ain't gonna happen.
Period. End of story. Blood from a turnip? maybe. But the truth out of
Britian? When hell freezes over. Maybe.

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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
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be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
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[CTRL] Fwd(2): LRNA Statement on Micro Radio

1999-07-15 Thread nessie

 -Caveat Lector-

League of Revolutionaries condemns attack on Micro-radio!

Press Release:
For Immediate Release:
The League of Revolutionaries for a New America
 Contact: Sandi Reid

League of Revolutionaries condemns attack on Micro-radio!

The League of Revolutionaries for a New America condemns the government's
attack on Micro-power Radio.
Micro-Power radio has become one of the last opportunities for communities
to access electronic media and provide community access to the airwaves.

The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has agreed to look at changing
it's regulations to provide for a Low Power FM category (LPFM) and since
that time the FCC has increased it's efforts to shut down Micro-Power
stations across the country.
In some cases armed SWAT Teams have been used and even stations that have
been serving their communities for years, if not decades have been
Including Black Liberation Radio in Illinois and MicroKIND Radio in San
Marcos Texas.

Since the so-called Tele-Communications Reform bill passed, media
(especially radio outlets) has been concentrated into fewer and fewer large
corporate hands.
The National Association of Broadcasters (NAB) has pushed the FCC to shut
down as many Micro-Power radio stations as possible. The corporate media in
the US and for that matter worldwide want no challenges to their domination
of the flow of information. These media conglomerates exist to forward the
agenda of the Capitalist ruling class and do so by excluding news, voices
and stories that go against their interests.

The battle for media access takes on added importance as a result of the
struggles at the Pacifica Network. Pacifica, long a beacon for free speech
is currently fighting for it's own life. This could close access to a very
important venue for freedom of communication, making the need for "Free
Radio" even more important!

LRNA asks all people of conscience to step forward and demand that the
federal government and the NAB cease their attacks on Micro-Radio Stations
and follow through on regulatory changes that will provide for democratic
access to the airwaves.

Speakers on this as well as on other topics are available.
Contact Sandi Reid (Speakers for a New America) 1-800-691-6888
Or contact: Mike Thornton
  LRNA National Committee
  Radio Committee
  Producer: People's Tribune Radio

   The A-Infos News Service

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frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

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Re: [CTRL] [Fwd: [RuMills] Imperial Presidency Imperiled--Klinton Empire Strikes

1999-07-16 Thread nessie

 -Caveat Lector-

>The Promis  software, which is one  of the scandals that erupted as a
result of the October Surprise,  allows the United States to eavesdrop on
all the Nations who   use this software in their government intelligence
agencies. The software was stolen from William Hamilton by the United
States government.  The software was then modified to include a "backdoor"
through which the United States could snoop on any country, business or
organization who used the software.

It occured to me that y'all might be interested in what became of the
family of the guy who (claims he) wrote the back door. So I went back and
dug up an interview with his wife that I did a few years ago. It
originally appeared on the WELL.

But first, a little review of the case.

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and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
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Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Meet Bobbie R. (pt. 2)

1999-07-16 Thread nessie

 -Caveat Lector-

Bobbie: Ingram, Rabie, Risch? That's a good place to start. Those guy's .
. . Ingram is serving a sentence for child molestation. He ratted out
Rabie and Risch. They're all cops. All part of, uh . . . Patterson's close
to them too . . . and deeper. They, uh, they were part of a kind of off
the wall church group in Olympia that had . . . They had been, uh, doing
sneaky, nasty things to their children for about fifteen years at the
time. Uh, when I, uh, when I first met Michael he and I were talking about
certain things and folks that we knew in common. Michael was investigating
this stolen stuff from the Navy shipyard in Bremerton and uh, and around
in that circle there were some folks that were common to, common people
that we knew, and Steve was one of them. Um, and then, and also, you know,
it was all kind of you know connected with these men who were, um, also
part of, like, a pedophile group. And Steve was on the fringes of that and
I never, really I never really accused Steven of, of being one of them,
you know, um, because, uh, it's not something I could document. I do know
that when he was made aware of those things that those people are into,
that he didn't back away from them, and he still sees them. Now.

: Well, did you know what they were up to before they were

Bobbie: Did I? Well I talked to a man named Jungenson who was helping me
put together stuff for my custody case. And John was friends with Pat
Sutherland, who's the prosecutor in Thurston County. And he went to Pat
Sutherland and said, there are people in your sheriff's department who
seem to be part of a group that are kinda doing icky things. And
Sutherland said that's ridiculous, and called Ingram in and said do you
think there are people in . . . Well, Ingram snapped, and he admitted it
and confessed, right then and there. So Gary Edwards and Gary Tabor
started an investigation into it. Oddly enough, Brad Owen was the
legislator that provided them the budget to continue the investigation.
Part of the case fell apart. There were, there were, stuff that was kinda
unforeseen. Um, I mean, that was all about the same time that Steve showed
up at the house, at our house in Oregon, and tried to take Katie. It was
all very . . . hard to believe, really. That these things . . . If I were
to look at it, not having been there, I'd say that this is ridiculous,
that these things could be interrelated, but they were, you know. The
group of people that Steve hung out with down in San Jose, most of them
either moved to Shelton . . . I mean this is a town of 7,000 people! This
is a logging town! I mean, what in the world would these . . . I mean
there was six or seven of them ended up there and a couple of them in
eastern Washington. What are the odds, you know? What would be the draw to
Shelton of all places! It's a little sleepy town.

: Your kids are there, right?

Bobbie: Nah. They're in Olympia right now. Steven has since moved to
Olympia. Actually he's in Lacey, which is just a little bit in the other
direction towards Ft. Lewis.(nervous laugh) They, uh, the kids, uh . . .
Steve's part of the social worker community now. He went from logger to
alcohol drug counselor in the space of about seven months; I'm not sure
why. But he basically told the kids since they've been up there that he
knew everybody, you know. "Oh, the pediatrician? He's my friend. Oh the
people at CPS? There my friends." The kids are really quite frightened to
tell anybody anything. Now it's like their worst nightmares have come true.

: Yours too. eh?

Bobbie: Well, yea.

: Well maybe not your worst.

Bobbie: Pretty close.

: So you don't want to be taken back there.

Bobbie: No not in chains I don't! I don't want to go up there in chains. I
don't think I'll make it.

: Why not?

Bobbie: Well the stuff we provided to Sutherland, Ingram's serving a
sentence because of it. And the amount of attention that was on Mason
County after the Matamoros thing . . . there were cars there from Shelton
. . . not a good thing . . . not a good thing.

: So these guys have a personal . . .

Bobbie: . . . ax to grind, yea.

: . . . that has nothing to do with Michael's case.

Bobbie: No it doesn't. But they're a willing pool of people. One of the
witnesses against Michael at his trial, we had quite a bit of information
on because he was part of that crowd, you know, he was a friend of
Steve's. There were two of them, the main corroborating witness against
Steven, I mean against Michael, was a guy who threatened my kids in the
early eighties. My only knowledge of him came from threats that he made
about my children and I notified law enforcement in several places.

: And you thought your kids would be safe in California?

Bobbie: Well, yea. Basically. I try to do things real quiet, you know, I
mean I don't do a lot to attract a lot of attention. I haven't . . . On
one level, anyone who wanted to know where I was, knew where I was. You
know, we were . . . I, uh . . 

[CTRL] Meet Bobbie R. (pt.1)

1999-07-16 Thread nessie

 -Caveat Lector-

This is what happened to the family of the guy who (claims he) wrote the
back door to PROMIS.



Originally posted onto the WELL March 21, 1993

Opinions vary as to who and what Michael Riconosciuto is. He's been called
an intelligence operative, a computer wiz, a drug dealer and a
pathological liar. He was one of the last people to ever speak with Danny
Casolaro. He claims to have warned him.

Though it in no way proves his guilt, the one thing Michael Riconosciuto
definitely is, is a jailbird. For a while, so was his partner Roberta, the
mother of his daughter. "Bobbie," as she is called, was briefly in jail,
and later in court in Napa, California, a bucolic little town in the heart
of the wine country. Napa is a hop, skip and a jump from my home at the
time, Crockett. I rode over to meet her. I took my tape recorder.

Bobbie Riconosciuto's main feature in life, at this point in time, is her
relationship with a reputed crank cook. So naturally, before we met, I had
sort of expected her to bear the sallow pallor and bright but sunken eyes
of a speed freak.


Bobbie Riconosciuto is the quintessential girl next door. With a twist.
For one thing, her name isn't Riconosciuto, it's Peterson. Steve Peterson,
her ex, had her thrown in jail. It seems he may have been put up to it, by
forces beyond his control. Or maybe they weren't. Security was tight
beyond proportion at her first court appearance. Later she made bail.
Later still, we had coffee at Denny's. We talked for an hour before the
tape went on. She didn't need to be convinced to talk to a tape recorder,
per se, but we both wanted to be clear before we started, what were and
were not suitable topics to share with posterity. Bobbie, for example, was
loath to further discuss genetic specific bio- weapons. I was, and still
am, opposed to being invited to any secluded motel rooms, or entrapped in
to anything that could possibly be misconstrued as being feloniously

Bobbie tells a tale or two, for sure, but who wouldn't, in her place. By
and large I believe her story. That's no reason you should. What follows
here is what Dave Emory likes to call "food for thought and grounds for
further research." Get on with it. Get back to me. Stay out of secluded
motel rooms. Good luck.

: You could tell me who you are and why you're in court?

Bobbie: OK, well, I'm in court because there's a custody problem with my
kids that I didn't know was there. It wasn't there and then it was.
Several years ago in 1986 when I got a divorce and my ex-husband who was
in therapy at the time . . . he has a passive-aggressive behavior disorder
and it made it so he was a threat to the children's well being, physically
and emotionally . . . and to mine. And his agreement was to stay in
therapy and then he just said, "No!" So for a time, I withheld visitation
and during that time, Michael and I . . . I was pregnant with Elizabeth,
and at one point when I went to talk to my ex- husband about some of these
things, he, he uh, broke my tailbone and punched me in the stomach. And
thereafter the rest of my pregnancy was a little bit difficult. I was in
labor for five months. And during the course of that time, we moved to
Texas and Steve got a temporary custody order during that period of time,
without me being there. And then it was rescinded and we had joint custody
again. Things pretty much stayed that way until 1989 and Michael was
embroiled then with the Inslaw case, or starting to be, and there was a
lot of attention focused on ways to contain the things that were starting
to come out and things that Hamilton was learning. And then the custody
issue resurfaced briefly again and we proved again that I had custody and
Steve didn't want to play so he backed off and went on with his own life
and we thought that things were basically settled. Then when Michael was
arrested, there was this shadow all of a sudden. There was a warrant that
was out for my arrest for custodial interference. In the State of
Washington that means that I didn't . . . we had joint custody and I
refused to let him have the kids or I was in contempt of court and, you
know, I had interfered with the custody of the children. That's a felony
in Washington. The closest to it in California is child abduction which
was really scary to me. When did I abduct the children? But after I was
arrested, the kids, they tried to fight going to Washington with Steve and
they weren't aware of certain things, you know that the State of
California and Child Protection didn't make them aware that they could
fight it if they asked for a hearing. They didn't know that so they didn't
ask. They were the only ones that could have asked. But they didn't know
that, until they were already in Washington State.

: They were in the car when you were arrested?

Bobbie: The girls were all in the car and Chris was at Vintage High
School. I was in the process . . . Chris had some difficu

[CTRL] PROMIS/Inslaw (pt. 1)

1999-07-16 Thread nessie

 -Caveat Lector-

For those who have forgotten:

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Sat, 23 Nov 1996 03:30:36 +
Subject: ciadrugs] Inslaw Article

The INSLAW Octopus

Software piracy, conspiracy, cover-up, stonewalling, covert action: Just
another decade at the Department of Justice

By Richard L. Fricker

The House Judiciary Committee lists these crimes as among the possible
violations perpetrated by "high-level Justice officials and private

>> Conspiracy to commit an offense
>> Fraud
>> Wire fraud
>> Obstruction of proceedings before departments, agencies and committees
>> Tampering with a witness
>> Retaliation against a witness
>> Perjury
>> Interference with commerce by threats or violence
>> Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations (RICO) violations
>> Transportation of stolen goods, securities, moneys
>> Receiving stolen goods

Bill Hamilton, Inslaw & PROMIS

Bill Hamilton and his wife, Nancy Hamilton, start Inslaw to nurture PROMIS
(Prosecutors Management Information Systems).

Why #1:
The DOJ, aware that its case management system is in dire need of
automation, funds Inslaw and PROMIS. After creating a public-domain
version, Inslaw makes significant enhancements to PROMIS and, aware that
the US market for legal automation is worth $3 billion, goes private in the
early '80s.

Why #2:
Designed as case-management software for federal prosecutors, PROMIS has
the ability to combine disparate databases, and to track people by their
involvement with the legal system. Hamilton and others now claim that the
DOJ has modified PROMIS to monitor intelligence operations, agents and
targets, instead of legal cases.

By late November, 1992 the nation had turned its attention from the
election-weary capital to Little Rock, Ark., where a new generation of
leaders conferred about the future. But in a small Washington D.C. office,
Bill Hamilton, president and founder of Inslaw Inc., and Dean Merrill, a
former Inslaw vice president, were still very much concerned about the

The two men studied six photographs laid out before them. "Have you ever
seen any of these men?" Merrill was asked. Immediately he singled out the
second photo. In a separate line up, Hamilton's secretary singled out the
same photo.

Both said the man had visited Inslaw in February 1983 for a presentation of
PROMIS, Inslaw's bread-and-butter legal software. Hamilton, who knew the
purpose of the line-up, identified the visitor as Dr. Ben Orr. At the time
of his visit, Orr claimed to be a public prosecutor from Israel.

Orr was impressed with the power of PROMIS (Prosecutors Management
Information Systems), which had recently been updated by Inslaw to run on
powerful 32-bit VAX computers from Digital Equipment Corp. "He fell in love
with the VAX version," Hamilton recalled.

Dr. Orr never came back, and he never bought anything. No one knew why at
the time. But for Hamilton, who has fought the Department of Justice (DOJ)
for almost 10 years in an effort to salvage his business, once his co-
workers recognized the man in the second photo, it all made perfect sense.

For the second photo was not of the mysterious Dr. Orr, it was of Rafael
Etian, chief of the Israeli defense force's anti-terrorism intelligence
unit. The Department of Justice sent him over for a look at the property
they were about to "misappropriate," and Etian liked what he saw.
Department of Justice documents record that one Dr. Ben Orr left the DOJ on
May 6, 1983, with a computer tape containing PROMIS tucked under his arm.

What for the past decade has been known as the Inslaw affair began to
unravel in the final, shredder-happy days of the Bush administration.
According to Federal court documents, PROMIS was stolen from Inslaw by the
Department of Justice directly after Etian's 1983 visit to Inslaw (a later
congressional investigation preferred to use the word "misappropriated").
And according to sworn affidavits, PROMIS was then given or sold at a
profit to Israel and as many as 80 other countries by Dr. Earl W. Brian, a
man with close personal and business ties to then-President Ronald Reagan
and then-Presidential counsel Edwin Meese.

A House Judiciary Committee report released last September found evidence
raising "serious concerns" that high officials at the Department of Justice
executed a pre-meditated plan to destroy Inslaw and co-opt the rights to
its PROMIS software. The committee's call for an independent counsel have
fallen on deaf ears. One journalist, Danny Casolaro, died as he attempted
to tell the story (see sidebar), and boxes of documents relating to the
case have been destroyed, stolen, or conveniently "lost" by the Department
of Justice.

But so far, not a single person has been held accountable.

WIRED has spent two years searching for the answers to the questions Inslaw
poses: Why would Justice steal PROMIS? Did it then cover up the theft? Did
it let associates of go

[CTRL] PROMIS/Inslaw (pt. 2)

1999-07-16 Thread nessie

 -Caveat Lector-

And, of course, the software was transferred to Rafael Etian's anti-
terrorism unit in Israel. The DOJ claims it was the LEAA version, but
former Israeli spy Ben Menashe and others claim it was the 32-bit version.
According to Ben Menashe, other government departments within Israel also
saw PROMIS, and this time the pitchman was Dr. Earl Brian. In a 1991
affidavit related to the bankruptcy proceedings, Ben Menashe claimed: "I
attended a meeting at my Department's headquarters in Tel Aviv in 1987
during which Dr. Earl W. Brian of the United States made a presentation
intended to facilitate the use of the PROMIS computer software."

"Dr. Brian stated during his presentation that all U.S. Intelligence
Agencies, including the Defense Intelligence Agency, the Central
Intelligence Agency, and the National Security Agency and the U.S.
Department of Justice were then using the PROMIS computer software," Ben
Menashe continued. While the credibility of his statements has been
questioned, the Israeli government has admitted that Ben Menashe had access
to extremely sensitive information during his tenure at the Mossad.

Asked why Israeli intelligence would have been so interested in Inslaw and
PROMIS, Ben Menashe said, "PROMIS was a very big thing for us guys, a very,
very big thing ... it was probably the most important issue of the '80s
because it just changed the whole intelligence outlook. The whole form of
intelligence collection changed. This whole thing changed it." PROMIS, Ben
Menashe said, was perfect for tracking Palestinians and other political

(Ben Menashe's superior during this period was Rafael Etian, or Dr. Ben
Orr, as he was known during his 1983 visit to Inslaw.)

Apparently, Israel was not the only country interested in using PROMIS for
internal security purposes. Lt. Col. Oliver North also may have been using
the program. According to several intelligence community sources, PROMIS
was in use at a 6,100-square-foot command center built on the sixth floor
of the Justice Department. According to both a contractor who helped design
the center and information disclosed during the Iran-Contra hearings,
Oliver North had a similar, but smaller, White House operations room that
was connected by computer link to the DOJ's command center.

Using the computers in his command center, North tracked dissidents and
potential troublemakers within the United States as part of a domestic
emergency preparedness program, commissioned under Reagan's Federal
Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), according to sources and published
reports. Using PROMIS, sources point out, North could have drawn up lists
of anyone ever arrested for a political protest, for example, or anyone who
had ever refused to pay their taxes. Compared to PROMIS, Richard Nixon's
enemies list or Sen. Joe McCarthy's blacklist look downright crude. This
operation was so sensitive that when Rep. Jack Brooks asked North about it
during the Iran-Contra hearings, the hearing was immediately suspended
pending an executive (secret) conference. When the hearings were
reconvened, the issue of North's FEMA dealings was dropped.

A Thorough Cleaning at the White House?

If the case against the Department of Justice is so solid, why hasn't
anything been done? The answer is timing. The next move belongs to retired
Federal Judge Bua, since he was given oversight by Attorney General Barr in
lieu of an independent counsel. And everyone, including Judge Bua, whose
non-binding report was pending at WIRED's early December deadline, seems to
be waiting for the new administration. Both the Clinton/Gore transition
team and House majority leader Richard Gephardt had no comment on the
Inslaw case pending Clinton's inauguration.

But a source close to Bua's investigation said the retired judge may
present the DOJ with a bombshell. While not required to suggest a
settlement, the source believes Bua will reportedly recommend that Inslaw
be given between $25 million and $50 million for its mistreatment by the
DOJ. (In last-minute negotiations, Inslaw attorney Elliot Richardson held
brief meetings with DOJ officials in mid-December. Richardson pressed for a
settlement ranging from $25 million to $500 million, but the DOJ balked,
according to newspaper reports.)

But the question remains: Can the DOJ paper over the willful destruction of
a company, the plundering of its software, the illegal resale of that
software to further foreign policy objectives, and the overt obstruction of
justice with $25 million?

Bua's final recommendation, expected sometime before Clinton's
inauguration, is that the Inslaw Affair "requires further investigation,"
the source said. That conclusion mirrors the House Judiciary Committee's
report. Privately, many Democrats, including Gephardt, have expressed a
strong desire to get to the bottom of the Inslaw case. Rep. Brooks will be
pushing for yet another investigation of the scandal, this time independent
of the Justice Departm

[CTRL] Fwd: Leonard Peltier's Health Condition Deteriorating

1999-07-16 Thread nessie

 -Caveat Lector-

  A - I N F O S  N E W S  S E R V I C E

Prison Officials Deny Current x-rays and Refuse Outside Opinion

Political Prisoner Leonard Peltier, who is suffering from a severe medical
condition which causes his jaw to be frozen open 13 millimeters, requested
current x-rays from prison authorities on May 25, 1999.  The x-rays would
help Maxillofacial expert, Dr. Eugene Keller of the Mayo Clinic, to
determine what can be done to treat Peltier.
Because prison authorities are not allowing Peltier to be transferred to
Rochester Medical Facility for federal prisoners, a facility where Dr.
Keller could examine and if warranted, treat Peltier, Pelitieris defense
team decided to attempt bringing Keller to Peltier instead.  Keller is
willing to examine Peltier at Leavenworth Penitentiary where Peltier is
currently imprisoned, however, he must have current x-rays before making

Prison authorities have not x-rayed Peltieris jaw since 1996.  Despite
prison authorities are not allowing Peltier to receive current x-rays.  As
of now, the LPDC has received two different responses from two different
departments of the Bureau of Prisons regarding the request.  The first
response is from Phillip S. Wise, Assistant Director of the Health Services
Division of the Bureau of Prisons (BOP) in Washington D.C.  In this May 28,
1999 response letter to Senator Wellstone, Mr. Wise states that Dr. Keller
is not authorized to receive x-rays of Peltier because he is not contracted
with the Federal Bureau of Prisons.  He goes on to say that, ithere is no
clinical indication for a second opinion by Dr. Keller.i

To the contrary, Warden Booker says in his June 8, 1999 direct response to
Peltier, iPlease be advised that you are free to provide Dr. Keller with
copies of records which are contained in your Bureau of Prisonis Medical
file.i  However, he completely neglects to address Peltieris request which
was for current x-rays.  Amnesty International, France Libertesi,
for Human Rights, several members of the European Parliament, and many more
human rights groups and concerned individuals have written to Warden Booker
in support of Peltieris request for current x-rays of his jaw.

Up until March of this year, prison authorities were willing to transfer
Peltier to the Springfield Medical Facility for a third surgery.  Because
Peltier had already undergone two unsuccessful surgeries that worsened his
condition in 1996 at this same facility, he refused to go.  Prison
authorities are now confident that Peltieris condition cannot be treated at
all.  Interestingly, prison authorities made this conclusion without the
of current x-rays.

Alarmingly, Phillip S. Wise of the Federal Bureau of Prisons also stated in
his response letter that Peltier is suffering from, idiabetes, a cardiac
condition, and hyperlipedemia.i  The prison has not yet begun blending
Peltieris food, and because he cannot bite or chew his food, he must eat
mostly soft, starchy foods making it difficult for him to control his diet.
This may be a contribution to what prison authorities now say
he is suffering from.  Leonard has had a stroke before and the above
 are life threatening making his condition even more urgent.

Please include the above mentioned serious health conditions when writing
and speaking to governmental officials about Leonard Peltieris plight.
Additionally, please continue to write and ask others to write Warden
and the BOP in support of Leonardis request for x-rays.  Attorney Eric
is taking steps to ensure that Leonard receives the treatment he needs, but
urges you to help.  He also wants us to note that when speaking about
Leonardis medical, it is important we use only accurate information

In Solidarity,

Ms. Kathleen Hawk
Director, Bureau of Prisons
320 First St. NW
Washington, DC 20534
Fax: (202) 514-6878
Phone: (202)307-3198

Warden Booker
Leavenworth Federal Prison
Box 1000
Leavenworth, KS 66048

Dear Warden Booker,
I am a concerned citizen and supporter of inmate, Leonard Peltier,
#89637-132.  I am aware that Mr. Peltier is suffering from a jaw condition
which causes him great discomfort and difficulty in eating.  I have been
made aware that Mr. Peltier has made a request for current radiographs and
C-T scans which will allow Dr. Keller of the Mayo Clinic to determine
whether his condition warrants treatment which Dr. Keller would be willing
to give Mr. Peltier upon determining he is the right doctor to do so.  I
understand that these x-rays can be obtained in close vicinity to USPL
will cost the prison and tax payers such as myself, very little.
I hope that these x-rays will be taken in an expeditious manner so that Mr.
Peltieris suffering can be allev

Re: [CTRL] THE LEGITIMACY OF SLAVERY in Nigeria - by Joseph Sobran

1999-07-17 Thread nessie

 -Caveat Lector-

>Deepdude, You are quite shallow

Now, now. Let's be civil. After all, the poor guy is just doing his job.
Just because he is working against us doesn't mean he's not a fellow
worker. He's just working for the wrong side, that's all. We should strive
to convince him of the error of his allegiences. He has time on his hands
and a modem. We could use a guy like that on our side. He's being used and
should know it. Wise him up.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] THE LEGITIMACY OF SLAVERY in Nigeria - by Joseph Sobran

1999-07-17 Thread nessie

 -Caveat Lector-

>The ownership of human beings also takes many forms.  Slavery is just the
one that can be most clearly observed.

For the real bird's eye lowdown on the history of slavery in Africa, check
out Dahomey. In some ways the Dahomians were ahead of their time. They
had, for example, a fully co-ed military a century before Americans even
began the experiment. They were among the best armed on earth, Africa'
Prussians as it were, but co-ed. They made up for low number not only by
arming women, but by staying in the forefront  of technological
innovation. If anybody on earth came up with a better killing machine the
Dahomians immediately bought the best made, most reliable brand on the
market and issued it pronto. For a while their tactical use of automatic
weapons led the world's in development, a good twenty years ahead of
Europe. Like history's other most successful  co-ed military, the Sarmatae
and the Massagetae, they kicked butt wholesale where ever they fought.
While the Sarmatae and the Massagetae are best remembered for their
resistance to imperialism and the Dahomians for furthering it, both
nevertheless exemplify the righteous principal "Fight one of us, fight us
all." There's a lesson to be learned here.

But if you want to know about slavery in the New World, read  by Jim Goad. Goad sure did his homework. In a nutshell, he
demonstrates conclusively that MOST Americans are descended from slaves
and that for Black folks to blame "whites" for their history is even more
out of line than Jews monopolizing the Holocaust, and for the same reason.
It flies in the face of the numbers. It's also stupid because it further
divides us natural allies. And anybody who thinks that all white people
have it easy because some white people have it easy is just not paying
enough attention. White working people and working people Of Color Have
more in common than not. Virtually everything in our lives that matter to
us is exactly the same for both of us.  All this current talk about race
(and, I would add, about gender) is a diversion. The real divide in
American society, in world society, is class. Racism and sexism are both
FORMS of classism.

It's not working class whites who live in homonymous, often gated,
communities. It's the RICH, both liberal and conservative. Us working
stiffs live together, work together and actually get along fine, because
even the dumbest among us realize we need each other. Besides, it's not
like we had any choice in the matter, is it? Those gates cost big money.

"Middle" class IS working class. The color of your collar and the color of
your skin pale equally next to the color of your money. We all bleed  red
and we all face a pink slip. If you HAVE to work, you're a slave.

Goad, by way of  tracing the etymology of the term "redneck" back to the
early sixteenth century English planter derogatory term for their white
slave "redlegs" on  Barbados, and by way of an analysis of serfdom much
like that in the brilliant "Rent is still theft" post yesterday, shows how
the European concept of slavery has gradually evolved, has roots thousands
of years deep, and has afflicted and continues to afflict white people
wholesale. The prime reason for switching gradually over to the use of
Africans as chattel was technical and not ideologic. The runaways were
easier to spot in a crowd. The ideology of genetic superiority came later,
mostly as a justification, less as a motivation.

Calling your ancestors "indentured servants" and promulgating the myth
that most came here willingly and were "free" after seven years is both
intellectually dishonest and ultimately self defeating. Chattel slavery
and bond slavery are two sides of the same coin.

On this last point Goad and I disagree. The way I see it, chattel slavery
and bond slavery are one side of the coin. Wage slavery is the other.
Break it down to smaller change and we have rent slavery, debt slavery,
consumerism and military conscription both statutory and economic.

There are only three classes: masters, slaves and outlaws. The small print
doesn't matter. And since technically outlaws are merely runaway slaves,
there are really only two classes, masters and slaves. It will be this way
as long as we practice classism. It is easy to see classism  as a purely
economic function because economics is its most obvious manifestation. But
class is not about economics. Economics is about class. Class is about
dominance and submission. Dominance accrues wealth because submission
gives it up.  Capiesc'?

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the


1999-07-17 Thread nessie

 -Caveat Lector-

  A - I N F O S  N E W S  S E R V I C E

By The Leveler Editorial Collective

According to the California Department of Consumer Affairs, there were
169,841 rent-a-cops in California in December 1998; more than twice the
number of State and local cops and County Sheriffs.  1/3 of those were
licensed in Los Angeles County!  State-wide, 1/6 of the rent-a-cops are
licensed to carry guns while in Los Angeles County, 1/4 are licensed to
carry guns.

In an economy where everyone wants "experience" to hire you, but no one
wants to train you, pay you a decent wage, or give you benefits like
basic health care, security guard jobs are a dead-end trap for the poor.
Most rent-a-cops are paid minimum wage.  You can get a little more if you
work in a fancy office building, but carrying a gun on the job neither
gets you good money or benefits 9it just makes you a TARGET!).  The
highest paid rent-a-cops are ex-cops who work for highly specialized
companies who provide security for movie shoots or rich people.  There
are very few of them.

Many rent-a-cop companies will hire you off the street if you don't have
a criminal record and get you a "guard card" (state license) for a fee,
but you soon find out that you have to work all hours (there are 3 shifts
in a 24-hour day) and you are disposable, like garbage.  All you have to
do to loose your job is get sick.  Rent-a-cop companies are milking you
as a "cash cow."  All they want is a body in a polyester uniform with a
plastic badge sitting in a lobby, walking in a parking garage or standing
in front of a store.  Beyond that, you are expendable.  The job is so
mind-numbing that a lot of people get a edon't give a shit" attitude
about it as soon as they figure out that the company thinks you're stupid
and doesn't care about whether or not you do a good job, but will give
you a hard time if your bus is late getting you to work or your car
breaks down (if you can afford a car).  The pay for rent-a-cops is so
low, that those with families usually work an additional job.  For most
of those who work as rent-a-cops, it is a dehumanizing experience on the
same level as janitors and parking attendants who also work for
contracted companies.

Rent-a-cops, like the military, are an example of the Rich turning
Working Class people against each other by exploiting unemployment and
the shortage of jobs.  A Millionaire Capitalist once bragged that he
could hire half the Working Class to KILL the other half.  This is
probably not true since the majority of rent-a-cops are not "Gung Ho"
about their jobs, many are in school or training to get a better job and
most wouldn't risk their life for rent-a-cop pay.  The minority who are
"Gung Ho" are macho fanatics, many with fantasies of being cops, who
can't get into the Police Academy.  These are the people who give
rent-a-cops a bad name.  They are the ones who delude themselves into
thinking that they can kiss ass to get ahead.  These are the ones who
would oppose a Union because they side with the bosses against their own
fellow workers.  Historically, this is the type of person who murdered
fellow workers on the picket line, who joined up with fascist gangs and
who joined Death Squads in places like Chiapas, Mexico and Columbia to
murder the poor.  These people give all rent-a-cops a bad name and it is
usually them who are randomly KILLED on the job.

We can expect an explosion of rent-a-cops now that the capitalists want
to put us all under 24-hour surveillance.  It is a symptom of the disease
of capitalism that the rich get richer and, since there are no decent
jobs where a person could hope for a life, they are stuck protecting the
ill-gotten gains of the rich.  Our advise for the rent-a-cops is: "Don't
be a SLAVE!"  If you have to eat shit to pay your rent, go to school on
the side so you can eventually get a job with a future.  Security guards
are just cannon fodder for the Class War of the future.  Don't be a
victim.  Don't let the System keep you down.  Don't risk your life for a
minimum wage job!

For those who don't know:

1.A security guard's "powers of arrest" are limited to making a
"Citizen's Arrest."  They must then wait for real cops to show up and
take you into custody.
2.You can't be charged with "trespassing" unless the owner of a property
or their legal representative (like someone from the owner's property
management company) tells you to leave the property and you refuse.
3.In California, there is something called "Public Access."  As long as
you are not harassing anyone or damaging anything, you can't get kicked
out of common areas people need to pass through to go to stores in a mall
or shopping center.  The law also allows you to hand out leaflets in
these areas.  It is considered "free speech."
4.Rent-a-cops can't carry weapons unless they pass a class in the w

[CTRL] Wackenhut (pt. 1)

1999-07-17 Thread nessie

 -Caveat Lector-

This originally appeared on the WELL:


As long as we refuse to protect ourselves and each other, we are at the
mercy of a legal system whose very business is crime, and a lucrative
business it is. By this point in history, all but the most naive of us
have stopped expecting cops, public or private, to all behave like Boy
Scouts. There has been simply too much hard evidence to the contrary. In
that murky gray zone where law enforcement overlaps with organized crime,
an underground empire has arisen. It is a world where the so-called "War
on Drugs" is often a war on rival drug dealers, and always a war on the
poor. It is a world where "national security," excuses war crimes and
genocide is a commodity. It is a world where justice is for sale and cops
are for rent. Cops, rent-a-cops in particular, vary widely in quality.

A family business, Wackenhut Corp. was founded in 1954 by a one time FBI
man George R. Wackenhut. His son Richard, a Citadel graduate, is president
and CEO. The immediate family hold over 50% of the stock The rest is
divided among just 1100 stockholders. Wackenhut stock is traded on the New
York Stock exchange. Buy a share, and you will receive a fascinating
brochure. The company's revenue has grown from just $300,000 in 1958 to
nearly half a billion today. It is one of the largest private security
firms in existence.

Wackenhut specializes in security contracts. Government contracts are
best, of course, and the company's remarkable growth is due on no small
part to George Wackenhut's relationship to certain government officials.
His first big break came when he secured a contract to watch over Titan
missile sites in four states. Since then, security and public safety
functions have proven a lucrative focus. Wackenhut provides security
guards for such high-risk installations as the trans-Alaska pipelines,
major airports both in the United States and abroad, dams and the nuclear
test site in Nevada. It also owns a casualty reinsurance firm, a travel
service, and an airline services company. The Department of energy
provides 25% of Wackenhut's total gross. Their operatives also serve
friends of the U. S. Govt. and Big Oil (like the fugitive Shah of Iran),
abroad as well as at home.

Wackenhut personnel guard the nation's Strategic Petroleum Reserve Sites
in Louisiana and Texas. From time to time, they can be seen around the
complexes, dodging alligators, and exchanging laser gunfire with soldiers,
local police and sheriff's deputies. This is just practice to prepare for
real trouble, such as terrorists. Wackenhut touts it's supposed
anti-terrorist expertise. James_P._Davis, who manages the site for
government contractor Boeing, declares: "I pity anybody who tries to
invade here. It would be tougher than Fort Knox." That is arguable. The
government itself concedes that the security could be beefed up. But the
analogy to Fort Knox is fitting. There is gold here, too, only it's black.
Never forget the Golden Rule: "Gold rules."

Wackenhut often recruits ex-police and military men who don't require a
fresh background check. Cutting this corner (at $30,000 to $40,000 apiece)
has allowed the employment of a number of unsavory characters, including
infamous navy spy John Walker.  When Wackenhut operatives were caught
recently in the public spotlight by court allegations of illegal
surveillance, Associated Press reports that they were staunchly defended
by their employer in the case, the president of Alyeska Pipeline Service
Co., James B. Hermiller. Alyeska is a consortium of seven oil companies
including Exxon Corp., owners of the Exxon Valdez. They are also long time
Wackenhut clients. During the spill, industry security mounted an armed
"bear patrol" to "keep grizzlies from rolling in the contaminated sand."
They kept potential witness from the spill scene. Alyeska lies about clean
up. State studies have confirmed that contaminants -- including
carcinogens such as benzene and toxic materials such as heavy metals --
are ending up in the waters and sediments of Port Valdez. Happy dining,
crab lovers. Alyeska also lies about the carcinogen content of the
atmospheric pollution they inflict on their neighbors. Breath deep, Valdez.

Few of it's victims are any longer surprised that Big Oil lies. Internal
documents to that effect (and worse) were leaked by Aleyska employees to
long time industry gad-fly, professional tanker broker Charles Hamel The
whistle blowing employees were afraid to let their names be used. Charley
Hamel was not. At least one regulatory action, a $20,000 fine proposed by
the EPA in August, 1992 against Alyeska for illegal waste-water dumping,
is attributable to information provided by Hamel.

One former employee, Robert Scott, has filed a complaint with the U.S.
Labor Department charging that Alyeska illegally fired him for leaking
information that detailed problems with vapor-emission.

"This is not a knock down and kill you p

[CTRL] Wackenhut (pt. 2)

1999-07-17 Thread nessie

 -Caveat Lector-

Lack of proper training has been a Wackenhut trademark for years. The
reduction in cost provided by cutting this corner enables Wackenhut to
deliver their admittedly reduced services at substantial savings to
organizations who value a penny saved over the lives of their employees
and customers, and to individuals who put a price on the life of their
families. The spate of terrorist attacks against Americans and their
allies, during the Gulf War included some pesky snipers in Saudi Arabia.
Was the House of Saud safe? According to the Jonathan Littman, the Saudi
ruling family negotiated (at least) with Wackenhut over a contract for
security at Crown Prince Fahd's palace itself. Whether Wackenhut delivered
is not for commoners to know. These negotiations took place by way of the
tiny (but sovereign) band of Cabazon Indians in Southern California. The
Cabazons have also allegedly fronted for Wackenhut's role in the secret
(and illegal) Contra supply scam. Both Wackenhut and the Cabazons prefer
the term "joint venture."

In 1978 the Cabazons hired a certain John Philip Nichols to manage their
finances. This self proclaimed "Doctor of Theology" was reputed to be a
"premier" obtainer of grants. Once he had obtained the Cabazons' trust,
Nichols began proposing an array of projects involving tank cartridges,
laser-sighted assault rifles, portable rocket systems, night vision
goggles and, most ominously, biological weapons. Many of these proposals
grew out of the tribe's partnership with Wackenhut. The Cabazons'
sovereign status, and it's accompanying freedom from costly regulation,
enables great ease in the bidding process.

"I was present at one meeting where Wackenhut people were present. We were
told it was part of the security system on the reservation," said Cabazon
Joe Benitez. "Later on, I found out they were working to develop
munitions. It seemed amazing to me."

It is unclear which, if any, of the deals went through. It is a matter of
court record, though, that in 1985, Nichols pleaded no contest to the
charge of solicitation to murder. He served 18 months. His son, John Paul,
took over as acting administrator of the Cabazons while his father did
time. After his release, Nichols was barred by his felony record from
running any of the reservation's gambling operations. His brother, Mark,
inherited the position of Cabazon administrator. What, if any, role
Wackenhut plays in Cabazon life today is unclear. Wackenhut denies any.
"It turned out that we never got any contracts and, after two years, the
venture was canceled," claims director of public relations, Patrick Cannan

Cannan also denied any connection with the so-called "Inslaw case."
Wackenhut's name has come up consistently in relation to claims made by
Michael Riconoscuito that while a research director for a joint venture
between Wackenhut and the Cabazon Indians, he modified a stolen copy of
Inslaw's PROMIS software for sale by Earl Brian to the Canadian
government. Brian is a crony of Reagan's Attorney General, Edwin Meese.
Meese is best known as gutter of the Fourth Amendment, and Wedtech scandal
principal. Another former US Attorney, General Elliot Richardson, is the
attorney for Inslaw. He has been quoted as saying that Inslaw "is far
worse than Watergate." In fact, the Inslaw case does make Watergate look
like a small town parking ticket fix. The press has barely scraped the
surface of this most sordid of scandals, and not without reason. Among the
few honest journalists to poke a nose in this nest of hornets and live to
tell the tale is Jonathan Littman. According to Littman, Riconoscuito was
a "consultant" for Wackenhut. According to Patrick Cannan, Riconoscuito.
was a "hanger on." Everyone is entitled to their own opinion.

The Inslaw case stems from the alleged theft of software by the Justice
Dept. from the Inslaw Corp. It has grown from a title and bankruptcy case
into one that includes allegations of sales of the software to foreign
governments (such as Canada, Iraq, South Korea, Libya and Israel) by such
Iran-Contra figures as Robert McFarlane and Richard Secord. The case
attracted more public attention following the apparent suicide death of
journalist Joseph D. "Danny" Casolaro on mid-August in a Martinsburg W.
Va. motel room. Casolaro had told friends that he had made connections
between Inslaw, Iran-Contra and the so-called "October Surprise."
(allegations that representatives of the Reagan-Bush campaign team, headed
by Casey, had convinced the Iranian government to delay release of
American hostages until after the 1980 U.S. elections) Casolaro also
allegedly told his brother that, if he was reported to have had an
accident, not to be believe it. Elliot Richardson has demanded a federal
investigation of Casolaro's death.

Cannan also denied that William Casey was legal counsel to Wackenhut
before joining the government and that former CIA officials Frank Carlucci
and Admiral Bobby Ray Inman wer

[CTRL] Private Prisons: Profits of Crime

1999-07-17 Thread nessie

 -Caveat Lector-

>From MediaFilter WWW page

   Private Prisons: Profits of Crime

 By Phil Smith
  from the Fall 1993 issue of Covert Action Quarterly

  Private prisons are a symptom, a response by private capital
  to the "opportunities" created by society's
temper tantrum approach
 to the problem of criminality.

At Leavenworth, Kansas, within a perimeter of razor wire, armed
prison guards in uniform supervise hundreds of medium- and
maximum-security federal prisoners. Welcome to one of America's
growth industries- private sector, for-profit prisons. Here in
the shadow of the federally-run Fort Leavenworth Disciplinary
Barracks and the Leavenworth Federal Penitentiary, the
Corrections Corporation of America (CCA) runs a short-term
detention facility for medium- and maximum-security prisoners.
Under contract to the U.S. Marshal's Service and the Immigration
and Naturalization Service (INS), the CCA Leavenworth facility
is not an anomaly but part of a trend. In the last decade, from
juvenile detention centers to county jails and work farms to
state prison units to INS holding camps for undocumented aliens,
private interests have entered the incarceration business in a
big way. Where there are people detained, there are profits to
be made.

Imprisonment is an ugly business under any regime, but the
prospect of a privatized prison system raises difficult and
disturbing questions beyond those associated with a solely
state-operated prison system. It has been, after all, a common
assumption that the criminalization and punishment of certain
behaviors-the deprivation of physical liberty and even of life
itself-are not amenable to private sector usurpation. Some of
the arguments that inform this assumption are ethi cal, some
legal, and others practical, but all are being chal lenged by a
growing group of special interests.

Prisons for Profit

Surprisingly, private prisons are nothing new
in U.S. history. In the mid-1800s, penny-pinching state
legislatures awarded contracts to private entrepreneurs to
operate and manage Louisiana's first state prison, New York's
Auburn and Sing Sing penitentiaries, and others. These
institutions became models for entire sections of the nation
where privatized prisons were the norm later in the century.
These prisons were supposed to turn a profit for the state, or
at least pay for themselves. Typically, privatization was
limited: The state leased or contracted convict labor to private
companies. In some cases, such as Texas, however, the
corrections function was turned over wholesale to private
interests which prom ised to control delinquents at no cost to
the state. As the system spread, labor and businesses complained
that using unpaid convict labor constituted "unfair"
competition. Of equal concern to reformers-but of less weight to
politicians-was the issue of prisoner abuse under the private
corrections regime. Anecdotal evidence from across the country
painted a grim picture: While state officials remained
indifferent or were bought off by private interests, prisoners
suffered malnourishment, frequent whippings, overwork and
overcrowding. A series of investigations of state prisons
confirmed the tales of horror and produced public outrage. l As
with anti-trust legislation and the progressive reforms which
followed, public pressure impelled government regulation of
private sector abuse. By the turn of the century, concerted
opposition from labor, business, and reformers forced the state
to take direct responsibility for prisons, thus bringing the
first era of private prisons to an end.

Three Trends Converge

But as the twentieth century stumbles to
an end, the hard lessons of a hundred years ago have been
drowned out by the clamor of free market ideologues. Again,
privatization is encroaching ever further on what had been state
responsibilities, and prison systems are the target of private
interests. The shift to privatization coalesced in the mid-1980s
when three trends converged: The ideological imperatives of the
free market; the huge increase in the number of prisoners; and
the concomitant increase in imprisonment costs. In the giddy
atmosphere of the Reagan years, the argument for the superiority
of free enterprise resonated profoundly. Only the fire
departments seemed safe, as everything from municipal garbage
services to Third World state enterprises went on sale.
Proponents of privatized prisons put forward a simple case: The
private sector can do it cheaper and more efficiently. This
assortment of entrepreneurs, free market ideologues,
cash-strapped public officials, and academics promised design
and management innovations without re- ducing costs or
sacrificing "quality of service." In any case, they noted
correctly, public sector corrections systems are in a state of
chronic failure by any 

Re: [CTRL] JFK, Jr. Did He Offend Clinton Lately?

1999-07-17 Thread nessie

 -Caveat Lector-

"Once is hapstance. Twice is coincidence. Three times is enemy action."

venerable maxim

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Port Chicago

1999-07-17 Thread nessie

 -Caveat Lector-

   - The Port Chicago Disaster -

  In 1944, the Port Chicago disaster killed hundreds of Americans in a
single blast. Was it an accident, or was it America's first atomic weapons

   Extracted from Nexus Magazine, Volume 3, #4 (June-July '96).PO Box 30,
Mapleton Qld 4560 Australia. [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Telephone: +61 (0)7 5442 9280; Fax: +61 (0)7 5442 9381
   From our web page at:

   Originally found in articles written by Robert L. Allen & Peter Vogel
as published in THE BLACK SCHOLAR, Journal of Black Studies &
Research,Volume 13, Numbers 2 and 3 - Spring 1982

   On the night of 17th July 1944, two transport vessels loading
ammunition at the Port Chicago (California) naval base on the Sacramento
River were suddenly engulfed in a gigantic explosion. The incredible blast
wrecked the naval base and heavily damaged the small town of Port Chicago,
located 1.5 miles away. Some 320 American naval personnel were killed
instantly. The two ships and the large loading pier were totally
annihilated. Several hundred people were injured, and millions of dollars
in property damage was caused by the huge blast. Windows were shattered in
towns 20 miles away, and the glare of the explosion could be seen in San
Francisco, some 35 miles away. It was the worst home-front disaster of
World War II. Officially, the world's first atomic test explosion occurred
on 16th July 1945 at Alamogordo, New Mexico; but the Port Chicago blast
may well have been the world's first atomic detonation, whether accidental
or not.


The E. A. Bryan, the ship which exploded at Port Chicago, was a 7,212-ton
EC-2 Liberty ship commanded by Captain John L. M. Hendricks of San Pedro,
California, and operated by Oliver J. Olson & Co., San Francisco. It
was built and launched at the Kaiser Steel shipyard in Richmond,
California, in March 1944. She made a maiden voyage to the South Pacific
and then was ordered into the US Navy's Alameda Shipyards where the
five-ton (10,000-pound maximum load) booms and gear on the no. 1 and no. 5
holds were removed and replaced with 10-ton booms and gear. It then docked
at Port Chicago on 13th July 1944. At 8.00 am on 14th July, naval
personnel began loading ammunition.

   The E. A. Bryan had been moored at Port Chicago for four days, taking
on ammunition and explosives night and day. Some 98 men of Division Three
were hard at work loading the Bryan, and by 10.00 pm on 17th July the ship
was loaded with some 4,600 tons of munitions including 1,780 tons of high

   The second ship, the Quinalt Victory, was brand new; it was preparing
for its maiden voyage. The Quinalt Victory had moored at Port Chicago at
about 6.00 pm on the evening of 17th July. Some 102 men of the Sixth
Division, many of whom had only recently arrived at Port Chicago, were
busy rigging the ship in preparation for loading of ammunition which was
due to begin by midnight.

   In addition to the enlisted men present, there were nine Navy officers,
67 members of the crews of the two ships along with an Armed Guard detail
of 29 men, five crew members of a Coast Guard fire barge, a Marine sentry
and a number of civilian employees. The pier was congested with men,
equipment, a locomotive, 16 railroad boxcars, and about 430 tons of bombs
and projectiles waiting to be loaded.

   Most of the enlisted men, upon first arriving at Port Chicago, were
quite fearful of the explosives they were expected to handle. But, over
time, many of the men simply accommodated themselves to the work situation
by discounting the risk of an explosion. Most men readily accepted the
officers' assurances that the bombs could not explode because they had no


Just before 10.20 pm, a massive explosion occurred at the pier. To some
observers it appeared that two explosions, only a few seconds apart,
occurred: a first and smaller blast was felt; this was followed quickly by
a cataclysmic explosion as the E. A. Bryan went off like one gigantic
bomb, sending a column of fire and smoke more than 12,000 feet into the
night sky.

   Everyone on the pier and aboard the two ships was killed instantly-some
320 men, 200 of whom were black enlisted men. Very few intact bodies were
recovered. Another 390 military and civilian personnel were injured,
including 226 black enlisted men. This single, stunning disaster accounted
for almost one-fifth of all black naval casualties during the whole of
World War II. Property damage, military and civilian, was estimated at
more than US$12 million.

   The E. A. Bryan was literally blown to bits. Very little of its
wreckage was ever found. The Quinalt Victory was lifted clear out of the
water by the blast, turned around and br

Re: [CTRL] Fw: Profiling FBI's Unabom Charade

1999-07-18 Thread nessie

 -Caveat Lector-

For more on the FBI and the Unabom case read my following post(s) "A
Cautionary Tale."

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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[CTRL] A Cautionary Tale (pt.1)

1999-07-18 Thread nessie

 -Caveat Lector-

What follows this brief introduction is a word for word transcript of an
actual conversation between a couple of real life working class people.
Like most real life conversations by working class people it is punctuated
with periodic profanities. If this bothers you, stop reading now. Better
still, get over it, read on and learn a little something about how the
government treats the people who do its dirty work. Not surprisingly, it's
a cautionary tale.

Two guys got drunk with a tape recorder one day. One guy was a war hero
with a secret that came back to haunt him years later when he thought he'd
stumbled on the Unabomber and, like a good citizen is supposed to do, he
called the FBI.

The other guy was me. Think of me as a sort of unlicensed private
detective. I was part of a team working on a case. It wasn't him. He was a
sidetrack. What we were really trying to do was find the Unabomber before
the Feds did. Our motives varied. The interview would have sparked a tasty
bidding war. I personally wanted to kick his butt, up down and sideways
and then turn him in to the cops. As much as I agree with his cogent
critique of leftism and with some aspects of his critique of industrial
society, I can't abide anybody murdering workers, especially at random,
especially science workers. The first time I ever heard of the Unabomber
was in the text of a bulletin issued to my partner at the time, a science
worker, and her work mates. It warned against opening any packages that
came in the mail until they had been cleared by security. The way I
figure, politics aside, any guy who would blow up Dr. Sue needs his butt
kicked bad. I aimed to do it, for moral reasons of course, and not just
because  any mammal will try to protect its mate. And then of course there
was that incipient bidding war.

We fanned out and started beating the bushes. We turned up some very
interesting folks, but alas, not the Unabomber. He proved to be a wild
goose. Any fool can hunt deer. They're not hard to find and they never
shoot back. The wild goose, on the other hand, is never a bore. Best of
all, you needn't actually bag one to feel the thrill of the hunt. Even
spoor, even questionable spoor, is enough to get the blood up. The not
uncommon sidetrack often also holds much promise. Not a few times the
better stories are found far from the primary trail. What follows is a
conversation I had while I was sidetracked. I'm showing it to you word for
word because I credit you with having enough intelligence to not need my
interpretation and because I like to let my subjects speak for themselves.
I've taken the liberty, though, of redacting a couple names in the
interest of protecting my sources. One of these days I'm going to edit it
down a bit and publish it along with some other interviews with other
victims of government's limitless perfidy.

I met this guy by way of my late bro Clance, with whom he was inclined on
occasion to abuse the world's most popular poison.  I've never seen him as
drunk as I've heard he get sometimes, but I do believe the accounts.
Though he has never been known as a teetotaler, his current excesses are a
recent development. Or at least so it's said. I dunno. I wasn't there. I'm
passing on hearsay here. He was definitely sober when I first met him, and
soberly cautious at first. He doesn't want his real name used. These days,
who can blame him? One name's as good as another; let's call him "Fred."
He wanted to know who else I knew and what were my motivations for wanting
to add his story to my already well stocked collection. I'm almost always
willing to explain myself. My motives need no hiding. The meeting had been
set up by Clance's ex-in-law, who Fred trusts. Let's call him "Brian."
Fred works for Brian part time.  Brian and I used to be housemates and
workmates. For a while we played in a band together. Fred lives down the
hall from my ex. So I came into Fred's life fairly well vouched for. This
maybe why he was willing to talk to me frankly about this private matter.
It's not that he doesn't want the story to get out. If it would somehow
help makes things so this kind of stuff wouldn't happen any more, he's all
 for it. But in the meantime he's an anonymous source and I intend to
protect him.

Fred came with a mix of vouchers and disclaimers from the odd dozen or so
people we know in common. I had asked around of course whether or not he
was on the up and up. My friends seem on the whole to be more inclined to
believe Fred when he's talking about the past than when he's talking about
the future. This is a common side effect of alcohol. He contradicts
himself no more often than anybody else on the sauce. He doesn't drink on
the job. Ever. I've been told that you can trust him with your wife, your
kids and your money. You probably don't want him driving your car, at
least not when he's loaded. His story is consistent from telling to
telling. It's apparently not one he tells to most people, and defi

[CTRL] A Cautionary Tale (pt. 2)

1999-07-18 Thread nessie

 -Caveat Lector-

Fred: OK, I work maybe half a day, and I suddenly start realizing that
something's still wrong with my arm. I couldn't do the work; I mean . . .
and this is a company that refuses to give light duty. You either do the
job or you don't. And I go in and I try to do the work and I suddenly
start realizing I have no strength in my right arm. And there are certain
repetitive motions that I have to do, like wrenching. Like if you handle
the wrench on the chuck of a lathe or something like that. And I suddenly
start realizing that every now and then I'd made this certain move it'd be
like a nerve thing, you know, like when you get that crick in your neck,
and you get that little hot thing (imitates the sound of a kid's friction
motor driven toy car) right up into your head and you go, (imitates the
sound of bare thighs settling into a vinyl covered bucket seat that's been
out in the parking lot all afternoon) and you twist your head just right .
. . I don't know what it's called but it's a nerve thing.

So I told the boss, I said, "Boss, I'm having some problems here. I think
I'd best go see the doctor."

He goes, "All right. You're excused. Go see the doctor. Gimme a call as
soon as you talk to him."

So I make a phone call, call the doctor. The doctor says come in right

: This was in the new place that you were moving them into?

Fred: Yeah. We had already moved them; the move was complete..

: How many guys worked there?

Fred: Now?

: Then.

Fred: Four. There were four people who were actually machinists. There
were a total of eight people working, two engineers . . .

: . . . and so forth?

Fred: Yeah.

: Four machinists, two engineers, a boss and a secretary.

Fred: His wife.

: His wife and the kid? No? His father?

Fred: His father would come in and out. He didn't really do work. In fact
he was a dangerous guy to work with. He would make all kinds of mistakes.
I couple times I've seen him do kinds of stuff that almost got people
killed. It was at the point of . . . he needs to retire.

Anyway, the doc says, uh, he's doing these little tests and he's pinching
me and he's prodding me and he's doing these things and he goes, "Wow,
this is what I worried about."

And I go, "What!?! What!?! What!?!"

'Cuz, you know, and he says, "Well it looks like you might have some kind
of nerve damage."

He goes, "I want you to take another month off, and in that time I want
you to do some physical therapy."

And he finds me a place to do physical therapy and I do everything I'm

: Did you apply for disability or anything?

Fred: Yeah, workman's Comp.

: You applied?

Fred: I was granted it. Instantaneously. The doctor signed papers, no
problem. That wasn't much money to get by on. I mean I went from six
hundred dollars a week take home, or more, every week, to two hundred and
. . . what was it? Two hundred and sixty a week. I had to suddenly, like,
start watching money. I mean, I'm a single guy. I'm one of those guys that
like to go to clubs. I like to, you know, go to concerts, things like
that. I'm not one of those people that, like, you know . . . I believe in
living. The war taught me that.

So anyway, uh, while I'm off, the second attack from the Unabomber
occurred, the one in Sacramento.

: This is after you went back and found you couldn't do it?

Fred: During that time . . . this thing . . . anyway . . . I really can't
figure out the actual dates. I can't give you the exact dates.

: Don't sweat the dates; just give me the order.

Fred: This guy attacks again. And this time he mails the FBI this
manifesto, and an excerpt of this was printed in the paper. I get really
scared by it. It sounds like what this guy was talking to me about.

Anyway, a month passes. I'm feeling better. Physical therapy is helping. A
few other little sores that popped up disappeared. I'm feeling OK; I go
see the doctor, the doctor gives me a release says I can go back to work
Monday. I show up on Monday. The boss . . . everyone . . . starts acting
weird towards me.

I'm going, "What's going on?"

He goes, "Man, I don't know. You'll see when the boss gets here."

'Cuz he wasn't there. I go over to my tool box and the tool box has been
rifled. I don't know anything about it. But I don't figure out why.

: But you noticed, right? Say anything to the other guys?

Fred: No. I didn't say anything at that point in time because I wasn't
really sure how I left it. I mean I left over there, I was in pain. I was,
like, not thinking right.

: Right.

Fred: The boss comes out and he hands me a check and he says, "You've been
off too much. Basically, we're gonna have to let you go.'

I says, "I don't think you can do that.'

And he goes, "I'm not only doing it, it's done. Here's your check. I want
you to leave the building NOW."

He demands it. He grabs me by the arm and I say, "Wait a damn minute!"

He goes, "You are leaving NOW or I'm calling the police."

I don't need no trouble so I leave the building.

: And you left

[CTRL] Fwd: (en) An Anarchist FAQ Update

1999-07-19 Thread nessie

 -Caveat Lector-

  A - I N F O S  N E W S  S E R V I C E

Hello everyone
An Anarchist FAQ at
has just been updated. An anarchist FAQ is an indepth
introduction to anarchist ideas, ideals, history and theory.
It explains why anarchism is against the state, capitalism
and hierarchy. Plus it has over 600 links to anarchist and
anarchist related webpages. The best one stop place to
discover anarchy on the web!

So whats new in the FAQ?

Section J.4
New section on What trends in society aid
anarchist activity? This section includes
discussion of the importance of social struggle and
the myth that its counter-production. In addition,
it discusses anarchist use of the Internet, popular
discontent with the state and big business as well
as economic crisis.

Appendix - Anarchism and "anarcho"-capitalism
Revision and expansion on our reply and critique to
Bryan Caplan's "Anarchist Theory FAQ." Explains why
"anarcho"-capitalism is not anarchist and not part
of the anarchist tradition.

An Anarchist FAQ Bibilography
Incomplete bibliography for the books we reference in
the FAQ. It will be added to as time permits.

Section A.1.1
 Slight revision to the section on What does "anarchy" mean?
to stress that anarchy means far more than just "no government."

Section A.3.1
Section A.3.2
Expansion to the discussion on the differences between
social and individualist anarchists, as well as between
different kinds of social anarchist.

Section A.5.5
Expansion of the section on Anarchists in the Italian Factory
Occupations. Includes more details of the Anarchist
struggle against fascism and refutes claims that Italian Fascism
was somehow related to anarcho-syndicalism.

Section A.2.18
Expansion and revision of the infamous "propaganda by the deed"
period of anarchist history.

Section F.8
Slight changes to the section on the role of the
state in creating capitalism in the first place.

Section A
Minor changes in section A.

Section B
Minor changes in section B.

The A-Infos News Service


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and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] House Passes Religious Rights Bill

1999-07-19 Thread nessie

 -Caveat Lector-

> why the US flag shouldn't be burnt in holy rituals?

I think you might be on to something here. Remember the old Star Trek
episode where Spock crashed the giant computer that was holding them
captive by talking it into contradicting itself?  If somebody started a
church that burnt flags instead of drinking wine or killing goats for it's
main ritual it would set nationalism and religion against each other. Do
the math! They'd cancel each other out! The equation would balance! That's
not just serious algebra, that's serious magic. Let's do it! Our wizards
are better than their wizards, anyway. On the firt anniversary of Three
Mile Island we had a big march here in SF. We had banners and giant
puppets and costumes and float. At the end we held aloft the flags of all
the countries that use nuclear power, each on it's own pole, and close
enough to touch, and burned them all at once. It was glorious!

So what shall we call our church? Should we incorporate? Be a non-profit?
Accept donations? Televise our store front revival meetings? Hole up in a
compound somewhere armed to the teeth?

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fwd: Cultural Warfare: An Old Story with Current Relevance

1999-07-19 Thread nessie

 -Caveat Lector-

  A - I N F O S  N E W S  S E R V I C E

Folks: This review of a recent book on the cultural cold war waged by the
CIA is relevant to the current struggle over fundamental issues such as
indigenous autonomy. The book apparently tells a story that few people
have known outside the intelligence community and those that follow it.
There were a few articles published on the Congress for Cultural Freedom
in The Nation magazine back in the fifties, I believe, and so the story is
not unknown. But it has been mostly forgotten. Today in Mexico and in the
US there is a very hot war between neoliberalism and the rest of us,
especially those with living alternatives, such as the Zapatista
communities. Part of the war is assasination, harassement, torture and
displacement. But part of the war is propaganda and ideology. For thirty
years we have been treated to a coordinated campaign to sell free market
ideology. It was a campaign shaped in the wake of the Cultural Revolution
of the 1960s that undercut the legitimacy of capitalism and of existing
political institutions. It has been financed by the state and by Right and
Liberal foundations,a nd perhaps by the CIA as in the earlier period. The
main point, it seems to me, is not who funds such efforts but that we
understand their nature, their goals and the need to expose and undermine
them. A little historical perspective is usually an excellent ally in such
a task. I, for one, plan on getting this book and reading it carefully to
flesh out what I have learned about this in the past.

Originally From: Charles Brown <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To


A grainy black-and-white photograph from the Fifties graces
the cover of Frances Stonor Saunders's new history of the CIA's
cultural cold warriors. Four men sit hunched round a table strewn
with the remains of a meal; there are wine glasses smeared with
fingerprints and the dregs of a bottle, while an afternoon sun slants
through large windows. One man throws a menacing glance over
his shoulder at the photographer.
That look, and this clutch of figures, speak volumes about the
mission of that tight network of intellectuals and espionage agents
who worked alongside the CIA to promote the ideal of a new age
of enlightenment - the pax Americana. Fearful of the Soviet Union's
cultural influence, the agency operated a sophisticated cultural front
to win over leftist artists and their audiences. This was the cold
warriors' "battle for men's minds", stockpiled with a vast arsenal of
journals, books, conferences, seminars, exhibitions, concerts and
Among the agency's most powerful operators was Michael
Josselson, a former agent in the intelligence section of the
Psychological Warfare Division. He went on to head the influential
Congress for Cultural Freedom. Stonor Saunders vividly captures
both Josselson's character, and the dynamic appeal of the pax
Americana to a young Jewish intellectual with a passionate interest
in literature and the right political bent. His network relied on his
friends, many former members of the wartime Office of Strategic
Services, and on his wife, Diana Dodge. After their wedding in
Paris in 1953, he confessed that he was not really in the import-
export business. Together, the couple formed an effective
Diana describes an idyllic life in postwar Paris where "you felt
you were in touch with everything going on everywhere - things
were blossoming, it was vital". She also succumbed to the romantic
fantasy of the intelligence world, and was given her own code
name. An agent would hand over memos and cables from
Washington to Michael during their Martini hour at the Josselsons's
apartment. "We'd read the incoming cables, then I'd flush them
down the toilet."
But there was more to the American cultural frontline than
romance and ideological conviction. The agency's biggest weapon
was its bank account. From its inception in 1952, the Congress that
Josselson headed received millions of dollars to act as America's
unofficial Ministry of Culture. "We couldn't spend it all," recalled
former CIA agent Gilbert Greenway. "There were no limits, and
nobody had to account for it. It was amazing."
Radio Free Europe alone received a budget of $10m at its
founding in Berlin in 1950. Elsewhere, a former case officer
described piling his car high with bundles of dollar bills for
distribution into "quiet channels". By the Sixties a joke was
circulating that, if any American philanthropic or cultural
organisation carried the words "free" or "private", it must be a CIA
While thousands reaped the benefits of their position, others
were victimised by the agency's relentless pursuit of Communist
"fellow travellers" in the arts. During sp

Re: [CTRL] "Bow-Wake"?

1999-07-20 Thread nessie

 -Caveat Lector-

>All conventional warfare is obsolete now considering the ultra-secret and
NWO SDI developements of the last ten years, which we have NOT been privy

Let me go way out on a limb here and use my awesome psychic powers to
venture a wild guess. You DON'T live in Yugoslavia. Right?

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] THE LEGITIMACY OF SLAVERY in Nigeria - by Joseph Sobran

1999-07-21 Thread nessie

 -Caveat Lector-

>Ah, virtual slavery.  We are all ANYTHING at SOME level or another.

No. We are not. This is sophmore logic.

We are not virtual slaves; we are slaves. Period.

>If you can tell someone else what to do, you're an actual slavemaster.

Not necessarily. You could be merely a higher ranking slave.

>If other people can make you do things you don't wish, you're an actual

Correct. My point exactly.

>But this isn't the same as real live actual chattel slavery, where you're
bought/sold directly; where immediate work and obedience are required of
you without payment, under pain of a direct threat of force.

Chattel slaves do get paid. They get paid in food and shelter. The wage
slave get's paid in money which (s)he must then exchange for food and
shelter. The chattel slave has one master. The wage slave has many
masters. Both are slaves.

It's better for a slave to be a wage slave than a chattel slave for the
same reason that it is better for a chattel slave to be a house slave than
to be a field slave. But a slave is a slave. What makes a slave a slave is
not how hard (s)he works, or how well (s)he gets paid or how many options
(s)he has. What makes a slave a slave is force. Period. Whether it is
applied or merely threatened is immaterial. Force is force.

>The "wage slave" has many more options that the chattel slave, is not
subject to the same direct physical coercion.

A slave has exactly two options, obey or be punished. Neither are defined
by the slave. Both are defined by the master. If you are a wage slave you
have no say over how you do your job except for as  much say your boss
says you have, which is exactly equal you having no say at all. You do
have options, though. You have exactly two options, no more and no less:
do exactly what he says or get fired. If you do anything other than
exactly what he says, he will fire you. You will be forced to leave the
premises. If you resist, armed goons in uniform will physically eject you.
If you resist they will beat you. If you resist with sufficient vigor,
they will kill you.

Now you are out in the street. You have exactly two options. Find a new
boss or go hungry. Whether or not you find a new boss is not up to you,
it's up to the bosses. If you are lucky enough to find a new job then you
are right back to where you started. You have two options, obey or be

If you do not, or cannot, find a new boss then you can't pay your rent (or
your mortgage, which amounts to the same thing). Your landlord (or the
bank, which amounts to the same thing) will evict you. You will be out in
the street as well as hungry. If you refuse to go, armed goons in uniform
will physically eject you. If you resist, they will beat you. If you
resist with sufficient vigor, they will kill you.

These are the options of a slave, obey or die. A wage slave, should (s)he
exercise the option of refusing to obey, does (unlike the chattel slave)
have the official option to choose between starving and being beaten.

Big whoop.

If you are a chattel slave and you screw up or mouth off, either the
master or a higher ranking slave will beat you. He might do it on the
spot. He might put it off until Sunday so the whole crew can watch. Either
way you get a beating. No option there. Of course you can run away. Then
you have the option to starve. But if you run away you are no longer a
slave; now you are an outlaw. Outside of that, you take the beating. Now
or later, a beating is a beating.

If you are a wage slave and you screw up or mouth off, you never get a
beating on the spot. In order to access your option to starve you don't
even have to run away. You can either go quietly or be thrown away. The
beating or starvation comes later.

What makes a slave a slave is force, threatened or applied. Force is
always threatened. Whether it is applied now or later is irrelevant. Force
is force.

The difference between a chattel slave and a wage slave is one of rank,
not one of status. A slave is a slave. A high ranking slave i a slave and
a low ranking slave is a slave. A slave is a slave. Capiesc'?

>Don't mistake the virtual for the real.  Beware analogies.

I'm not speaking in analogies. I'm being 100% literal. Don't mistake the
literal for the analogy.

>Some other virtual situations


>If you pant, you're a virtual dog.

No, you are not. Panting is not what makes a dog a dog. Having dogs for
parents is what make a dog a dog.

>If you loan someone a quarter, you're a virtual banker.

No, you are not. If you loan someone a quarter and charge interest, you
are a banker. Usury is what  makes a banker a banker. Anyone can loan.
Only usurers charge interest.

>drive too fast, you're a virtual escapee,

Speed is not what makes an escapee an escapee. Pursuit is what makes an
escapee an escapee.

>or a virtual race driver,

Speed is not what makes a race driver a race driver. Competition is what
makes a race driver a race driver.

>or a virtual jet pilot.

Speed is not wh

Re: [CTRL] Tales of the Underclass

1999-11-13 Thread nessie

 -Caveat Lector-

>Capitalism: private ownership, supply and demand orientated economy,

>Communism: state ownership, state economic planning, centralised political
control, single party state.

Capitalism: A few people hold the power, make the decisions and live in
Everybody else works to support them.

Communism: A few people hold the power, make the decisions and live in
Everybody else works to support them.

>But if you can't see the differences between the US and the USSR then I'm

Of course I can see the differences. They are glaring and obvious. They
are also
superficial. The basic structure of both systems is the same. Both are
hierarchies, and as such iniquitous. This fundamental similarity is just as
glaring, and ought to be just as obvious, as are the differences. If you
refuse to
cease permitting the differences to blind you to the similarity, then I
help you. Sorry, I tried.

>Thus far we have according to you: Capitalism=Communism=State Monopoly
Capitalism=Corporatism=Fascism =Crypto-Fascism. The only common thread
seems to
be the existence of state power.

Yup.  You  got it. Very good. You're not as dumb as I thought you were.
there's hope for you after all. The state is the enemy, and the people who
it, be they the communist party or the corporations. Either way, they
aren't us.

>You really need to go to college to sort yourself out.

I work for a living all of my life. That's all I need to know this is an
iniquitous system. College teaches the ideology of the ruling class.
Ideology is
what idiots have instead of ideas. I'd rather think for myself.

If you doubt I can, read <>

>Prove that statistic.

That's a WHO stat. I'm fairly skeptical of the WHO, and their ilk, for a
variety of reasons.
But, they'll collecting the stats and you're not, so I'm gonna go with them
with this proviso: the real number is probably higher.

>Prove that "Capitalism did that to them."

Nobody ever goes hungry for lack of food. This a bountiful planet. There's
plenty of food. They go hungry for lack of money to pay for it.

>No. I think you're intellectually bankrupt.

How so?

>And free speech,

You can say pretty much anything you want. Try to actually DO something
the status quo, and just see what happens.

>plenty of food,

If you have the money to pay for it.

> the right to travel

If you have the money to pay for it.

>watch they wanted,

If you have the money to pay for it.

> not to vote,

If voting could change anything, it would be against the law.

>they don't have to join any political parties if they don't want to,

Big deal. It doesn't put food on your table or shoes on your kids' feet.

>multi-party elections,

America is a one party state, the capitalist party. The Reps and the Dems
even wings. Their lines are virtually identical, i.e. they're on the side
of the
bosses, the landlords, and the bankers behind them, and against tenents
and workers.

>to own a house, car, various other goods.

If  you suffer from the delusion that you own your house stop paying your
mortgage and see who the cops side with  when the bank comes to evict you.

>>We graduate functional illiterates,

>You didn't once.

Irrelevant. It proves nothing about anybody except myself. Besides, that
1966. It's much worse now.

>And isn't that limited to the state education system?

Yes indeed. See, we do agree on something.

>It's a free country. If you want to sleep under the stars it's not

As Voltaire so succinctly put it, "The law, in its magnificent equality
prohibits both the rich and the poor from sleeping under bridges and
begging for
bread in the streets."

Ever done it? No? Then you don't know what you're talking about, do you?

>Yes, people used to wax lyrical about how brilliant the Soviet health care
system was. But some people associate the application of such measures to
the US
a little too much with state interference and state planning.

I doubt if any of them are among the forty million Americans who have no
coverage at all. Any society that allows sick people to die from lack of
money to
buy medicine is a sick society. Anybody who condones it is evil.

>Now that's profound nessie.

Yer damn tootin it is. How typical of me. Watch closely; you may learn a
thing or two.

>>I dare you to produce a single sentence from Chomsky's work in which he
he "prefers" state monopoly capitalism. Be sure to include the ISBN and
the page

>"State monopoly capitalism"? No, you won't find him saying that.

Then don't put words in his mouth. It's dishonest. It's rude.


Re: [CTRL] Fwd: FC: NSA patents voice recognition technology

1999-11-15 Thread nessie

 -Caveat Lector-

>I'm astounded that this wasn't classified by NSA !!

Kinda makes ya wonder what they have that IS classified,   don't it?

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] D. I. R. T., B. O., van Eck and Tempest

1999-11-15 Thread nessie

 -Caveat Lector-

shoulder, so to speak, as you use your computer. It could be you are using
a bootleg copy of Photoshop to manipulate that new JPG your cyber-friend
from  sent you. Maybe you're encripting instructions
for your connection about when and where to drop off the shipment. Perhaps
you're cheating on your significant other who owns a Smith and Wesson.
Then again maybe your computer privacy problems are more mundane. Maybe
you just need to enter some proprietary data that in your competitor's
hands could be used to drive your company out of the marketplace and with
it your loving family out of that nice new home you haven't paid for yet.

Meet Frank Jones <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>. For all you know for sure, Frank
Jones may already have met you and you didn't even notice. This retired
New York City detective has written a widely used, but little-known
software program called D.I.R.T. D.I.R.T stands for Data Interception by
Remote Transmission. Like a telephone wiretap for computers, it gives its
users the ability to intercept and monitor data from any Windows PC in the
world. It also allows them to take almost complete remote control of your
computer and all it's functions any time it's online. They can, for
example, turn on that little camera you think is off and watch you doing
whatever it is you do when you think you can't be seen. Most people feel
secure when they encrypt their data, but it's only an illusion if a
keystroke monitor is in action. D.I.R.T. can defeat Pretty Good Privacy in
a matter of minutes simply by stealing the user's key as it is typed in.
Then there's the microphone.

D.I.R.T. is a tiny Trojan horse. It only occupies 20k. A Trojan horse
usually comes disguised as an ordinary OS command or other program which
it replaces and is able to mimic. Then it goes looking for a unused corner
of your hard drive where it deposits a "secret" file with sinister
instructions such as go contact its sender and report everything it has
seen. It can then replace itself with the original command or program and
delete itself, leaving you none the wiser. There are a number of different
ways a Trojan Horse can be snuck onto a target system, but most enter via
an email attachment or as part of a downloaded binary.

If you are a Linux user you are not necessarily faced with the Trojan
horse problem since you can see everything that goes on in your open
source code OS. With Linux, and sufficient vigilance, you can defend
yourself against Trojan horses and a variety of other threats as well. But
even with Linux you cannot guarantee that your every keystroke is not
instantly viewed by covert, prying eyes.

You probably aren't under surveillance. Most people aren't. But it is
impossible to  know for sure. As Frank Jones himself
says, "Surveillance technology has
progressed to the point that is possible to identify individuals walking
city streets from satellites in orbit. Telephone, fax and e-mail
communications can routinely be monitored. Personal information files are
kept on citizens from cradle to grave. There is nowhere to run . . .
nowhere to hide . . ."

But not all hackers and crackers work for Big Brother. D.I.R.T has already
inspired a dangerous imitation, Back
Orifice. Back Orifice is
a highly effective backdoor designed by a group of crackers called the
Cult of the Dead Cow. Just because the interest of the powers that be
hasn't been invoked by some slip of your tongue or your email use of an
Eschelon keyword doesn't mean
that some techno-geek somewhere isn't looking "over your shoulder" at this
very moment, or even into your bedroom.

If Back Orifice, D.I.R.T., Eschelon and even PROMIS
 are old news to you and
you've disconnected from the internet and only run Linux, are you safe
from surveillance? Not if that high tech peeping tom across the street
trades his binoculars for a working knowledge of TEMPEST and Van Eck.

People often confuse these two, but they are quite different TEMPEST is a
set of standards used to gauge and reduce electromagnetic emanations from
electronic equipment. The point of knowing TEMPEST is to prevent a Van Eck
device from being effective. A Van Eck device is a passive, standoff
computer surveillance tool that can also be used to covertly monitor any
television set, even one in use with a VCR. It does not allow the user to
access the target computer but rather to allows him to monitor via radio
wave what is displayed on the target computer's CRT screen.

The Tempest project has been a joint research and development effort of
the U. S. National Security Agency (NSA) and the Department of Defense
(DoD). Even the program's name had been classified for most of that
period. Depending on whose version of the story you believe TEMPEST either
stands for Transient ElectroMagnetic Pulse Emanation Stan

Re: [CTRL] The Ark of the Covenant

1999-11-21 Thread nessie

 -Caveat Lector-

> It is in a wooden box in a HUGE government warehouse somewhere in the

No it's not. It's in my garage. It's holding up the back end of the Chevy
while I rebuild the differential.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] The Ark of the Covenant

1999-11-22 Thread nessie

 -Caveat Lector-

>It mattersits a way to communicate with the gods or God.

If you need a box to talk to them, they aren't gods.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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1999-11-23 Thread nessie

 -Caveat Lector-

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
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Re: [CTRL] Y2K Movie Tonight

1999-11-23 Thread nessie

 -Caveat Lector-

> Do you think there's a message there?

How realistic the bug driven part of the plot were, time will tell. Real
world experience will tell us all soon. The part of the plot driven by
politics and psychology wasn't particularly believable. It was also so
poorly written as to discredit the intelligence of the script writers.
Perhaps this was a ruse. Perhaps the real message is that the bug driven
parts of the plot  aren't believable, either, and only an incompetent fool
would even write about it, so we should just quit worrying.

I also noticed that the plot revolved around a natural disaster and not
the results of persons unknown acting in concert. Out here in the real
world, the ruling class has had forty years to fix this thing. What have
they done instead? They have built and provisioned huge underground
fortresses where they could lay low for five or ten years if they had to.


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Re: [CTRL] Y2K Movie Tonight

1999-11-23 Thread nessie

 -Caveat Lector-

>Could they actually bring it about? I think so.

I think not. However they could certainly raise some local hell where they

For details, see: <>

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Re: [CTRL] Phony Oswald in Mexico

1999-11-26 Thread nessie

Attached is a  CIA document regarding Lee Harvey Oswald in Mexico,
declassified three decades after the fact.  It's called "The Lopez
Report." It would make a great movie.

Her name was Silvia. She worked the visa desk. She looked for all the
world like  Ronnie Spector, lead singer of the quintessential Sixties
gringo girl group, the  Ronettes. Everybody knew she was a spy. Nobody
knew for whom. Everybody knew what she liked in bed, though. She liked
gringos, blonde gringos.

Silvia looked up from her desk one day. A handsome blonde gringo was
eyeing her assets.

"Is there anything I can,  uh, do for you today senor, . . . senor . . .

He smiled knowingly and  extended his hand.

"Oswald," he said, "Lee Oswald."



 A.   Issues Addressed 1
 B.   Differences Between the Warren Commission
  Investigation of Lee Harvey Oswald's
  Activities in Mexico City and the House
  Select Committee on Assassination's
  Investigation.   3
 C.   Conclusions  5
 D.   Structure and Relevancy  10
II.  Central Intelligence Agency Surveillance
 Operations in Mexico City in September and October
 A.   Photographic Surveillance Operations Aimed
  at the Cuban Diplomatic Compound 12
  1.   Introduction12
  2.   Physical Positioning of Surveillance
   Bases and Targets   12
  3.   Objectives of Operation and Scope of
   Coverage Provided   13
  4.   Disposition of Production from the
   Operation   30
 B.   Photographic Surveillance Operations Aimed
  at the Soviet Diplomatic Compound31
  1.   Introduction31
  2.   Physical Positioning of Surveillance
   Bases and Targets   31
  3.   Objectives of Operation and Scope of
   Coverage Provided   33
  4.   Procedure and Timing Involved in
   Processing Production from the
   Operation   45
  5.   Responsibility for the Operation47
  6.   Coordination of Surveillance
   Operations  52
   a.   [missing]  53
   b.   Analysis and Reporting of
Information Obtained   54
  3.   [redacted]  56
  4.   [13 chars] from Operation   58
   a.   Types  59
   b.   Handling Procedures59
(1)  Resuma59
(2)   [redacted]   60
(3)   [redacted]   61
 (a)  [redacted]   61
 (b)  [redacted]   62
 (c)  [redacted]   64
 (d)  [redacted]   66
 (e)  Expedited Procedure  67
 (f)  [redacted]   70
 (g)  Format   71
   c.   Voice Comparisons  72
III. Information About Lee Harvey Oswald's stay in
 Mexico that was Known by the CIA Mexico City
 Station Prior to the Assassination of John Kennedy
 and the Sources of that Information
 A.   Information that was Available   72
  1.   Information Available to the Mexico
   City Station from [  ]
   surveillance at the Soviet Consulate
   and Millitary Attache's Office  73
   a.   September 27, 1963, Friday 73
   b.   September 28, 1963, Saturday   76
   c.   October 1, 1963, Tuesday   78
   d.   October 3, 1963, Thursday  79
  2.   Information Available to the Mexico
   City CIA Station from CIA Headquarters  80
  3.   Information Available to the Mexico
   City Station from [  ]
   Surveillance Aimed at the Cuban
   Diplomatic Compound 81
  4.   Information Available to the Mexico
   City Station from Photographic
   Surveillance of the Soviet and Cuban
   Diplomatic Compounds81
  5.   Possibility that Additional

Re: [CTRL] Why I am not a homophobe

1999-11-26 Thread nessie

 -Caveat Lector-

>So, if you're going to tear down the walls of 5,000 years of law and
Judeo-Christian tradition with regard to homosexuality, perhaps you should
consider the next domino to fall. Will it be incest? Will it be pederasty?

Or (shudder) the wearing of clothes made from the mixing of cotton and
wool threads, also forbidden by Leviticus.

I wonder, does Mr. Farah "round the corners" of his beard, also forbidden
by Leviticus. Perhaps in the depths of his depravity he even practices
Capitalism in open defiance of Acts 2:44.

>If the Bible is not the authority -- the ultimate moral guide on such
matters -- what is?

That's what they say about the Rig Veda, the Pali Sutras, the Koran and
Mao's Little Red Book. Letting other people, particularly dead people,
think for you is the way of children. Grow up. Put aside childish things.
Think for yourself.

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Re: [CTRL] Govt-Riot Plan EXPOSED?

1999-11-27 Thread nessie

 -Caveat Lector-

>If it's fake, then there's nothing to worry about. If it's real, then
we're in really big trouble."

I'm not so sure either of these statements is true.

In the likely event that the film is  "fake" (i.e, not of government
origin), it's still a jim dandy instructional video for those who do wish
to start trouble. I personally have incited a number of riots, including
one in  October of 1967 in that very neighborhood.


Trust me, it isn't very difficult.  If people want to riot it only takes a
spark to ignite their desire. If people don't want to riot nothing short
of a frontal attack by police will set them off. That ALWAYS works.

On July 4, 1970 I saw an unprovoked police assault turn a  peaceful
assembly of thirty thousand or so people at the Washington Monument in DC
into a furious near medieval melee in a matter of minutes. The gassed us
for no reason. We were peacefully assembling as is our legal right. But we
are not ruled by laws but by men. They attacked without provocation. We
all fought back, even the picnickers who had nothing to do with the demo
and had simply come to enjoy the holiday.  There's nothing like seeing
your baby writhing in agony from a lung full of tear gas to radicalize you
in a hurry.  It took the cops about an hour and a half to push us as far
as Georgetown where they wisely let us disperse. When night fell we
returned en masse. They couldn't gas us because downwind from where we hit
them was a live TV broadcast of numerous stars performing for a live
audience.  If they had gassed us the wind would have blown it over the
stage and the whole world would have know that there was massive rioting
going on in the nation's capital. We kicked their butts for a good long
time. They fought well, quite unlike the indisciplined cowards of the
NYPD.  Then the show was over. The TV cameras went off and they gassed us.
We withdrew in good order, fighting as we went.

I'm too old for that kind of stuff now . . .


 . . . but the world's full of young folks who aren't. There WILL be
rioting on New Year's Eve. There's ALWAYS rioting on New Year's Eve. It's
one of the ways working folks blow off steam, like running amok when the
home team wins. It's not a big deal. It'll burn itself out fairly quickly.
It always does.

And if the film is of government origin? Not to worry. Martial law wont
work. We outnumber, outgun and surround them. They'd be hard put to even
hold on to downtown. The countryside? Forget it. Ain't gonna happen.
Politics is numbers. Do the math.

Besides, why on earth would they NEED martial law? When unprovoked we're a
compliant people who flock like sheep. Cows are more rebellious than we
are. Martial law would be a superfluous and expensive redundancy. It's
also dangerous and likely to backfire. Why risk stampeding us? Nah,
doesn't make sense.

Who then WOULD benefit if we stampede?


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[CTRL] new parapolitics site

1999-10-05 Thread nessie

 -Caveat Lector-

Check out my new, bi-weekly column on . It's called "The
Nessie Files."


Feedback welcome.

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Re: [CTRL] Bible History: Only Myths?

1999-10-30 Thread nessie

 -Caveat Lector-

>You mean they really didn't blow down 40 foot high, 20 feet thick walls
with a musical instrument? Pshawww.

Late in WWII the Nazis developed an infrasonic cannon that could, in
theory, knock a bomber out of the sky with it's shock wave.  Unfortunately
for them, it was too big to transport, or even to aim. The principals
involved were well within the capabilities of ancient technologists.

It's more likely the story recounts a clever use of camouflage and
diversion. Sappers could have tunneled under the wall and at a given
moment torched the shoring, causing the gallery to collapse and the wall
above with it. This was a common siege technique for  millennia. Trouble
was, picks and shovels are  noisy. When the besieged forces heard you
coming they estimated your position by trianglation and struck
interception tunnels. Upon breaking through they killed the sappers and
withdrew, collapsing their tunnel behind them. It could be that the 24/7
horn blowing was to divert attention from, and cover up the sound of, a
final burst of sapping just prior to a decisive assault. Perhaps future
archeology will discover the traces of such an event. Once uncovered, they
would be obvious. They would also be easy to date.

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Re: [CTRL] Tales of the Underclass

1999-10-30 Thread nessie

 -Caveat Lector-

>It looks like you're agreeing with the NWO's agenda to cancel all private

The NWO has no intention of abolishing "all" private property. That's
nothing but propaganda. Private property is the very basis of their power.
Half the real estate on this sorry, backward planet is owned by less than
four hundred men.

If you suffer from the delusion that you own property, try falling behind
on your mortgage and see what happens. Hint: the government wont be taking
your side against the bank, that's for damn sure.

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Re: [CTRL] Fwd: Re: Tales of the Underclass

1999-10-30 Thread nessie

 -Caveat Lector-

>the average working-class tenant just can't afford the expensive
attorneys' fees

Try Mosbrucker and Foran, 870 Market St. 415-398-9880.

Mary and Cathy used to be with the San Francisco Tenent Union. They are
both righteous people and good at what they do.

As for landlords, well I wouldn't cry too hard if I heard they'd all been
herded off a cliff. Maybe we'll all luck out someday and some clever
serial killer will come along who specializes in landlords. Now there's a
movie plot for you. I'd go see a movie like that on opening day. I'd bet
that in this town there'd be a line around the block to get in.

In the meantime, check out: 

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be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
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Re: [CTRL] Sex/Machine ...

1999-10-31 Thread nessie

 -Caveat Lector-

>Is it possible that, like many species, we are hardwired for hierarchy?

If we were, then every culture would be hierarchial. This is not the case,
ergo, hierarchy is learned behavior.

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[CTRL] Hierarchy (was: Sex/Machine ...)

1999-10-31 Thread nessie

 -Caveat Lector-

>All primate species are hierarchical.

Prove it. Cite your sources.

>This includes homo sapiens.

This ia yet another a priori statement. Show your proof. Cite your sources.

>If there are cultures which are not hierarchical,

No "if" about it. Such cultures exist. !Kung, Inuit, Anarchist are a few.

>THOSE have come about do to learned behavior.

We are born knowing how to suck and to grasp. Everything else we learn.

> Hierarchical structures have survival value in nature and reproduction.

Sure, for the leaders. But not for the rest of us. For the rest of us it
is an impediment.

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Re: [CTRL] 60 Days to "Y2K" and "New Millenium's Eve"

1999-11-01 Thread nessie

 -Caveat Lector-

Of COURSE that's what a cop would think. That's SO indicitive of cop
mentality. It's also inmitigated hogwash.

I live in San Francisco. Let me tell you what REALLY happens when there's
a major natural disaster here. In 1989 we had a quake, the Loma Prieta. It
wasn't the Big One, but it did kill people, set fires and put out the
lights. I was at my girlfriend's place in North Beach, the heart of the
party zone when it struck. Lights there were out for four days.

With very, very few very isolated exceptions there was no violence and  no
looting. There were no riots. What actually happened was people pulled
together to help each other. The cops, as usual, were virtually
superfulous. Firemen, on the other hand acted with great skill and courage
and with more than ample spontaneous, voluntary assistance  from
civilians, myself included.

Over in Oakland the now famous Cypress Expressway ran through one of the
Bay Area's, and America's, most "poverty-stricken ethnic ghettos." When it
collapsed it killed many and trapped more. Right next to the worst part of
the disaster is a truly grim and dismal looking housing project. Since it
looks so much like a prison camp and sits next to an old Nabisco factory
with a prominant sign and huge fences, my friends and I who rode by fairly
often took to calling it  "Stalag Nabisco." Some of the poorest people in
the state live there. When the lights went out and the Expressway
collapsed they did not run amok. They did not loot. They immediately ran
to the rescue of the trapped motorists. Many crawled on their bellies
through pools of spilled gasoline under teetering  hundred ton slabs of
concrete to rescue people who, in normal circumstances, never gave them a
second thought as they drove past the "stalag" on their way home to the
suburbs.  That's human nature. That's how human beings are. Uncontrolled
hatred and violence is cop nature. That's how cops are.

The real danger of Y2K isn't people. It's embedded chips in nuclear
reactors. Anything else we can work around. If the grid flickers a little,
so what? That's everyday life in the Third World. If supply chain
disruptions cause shortages, so what? That's everyday life in the Third
World. But if one, just one, nuke melts down, that's all she wrote. So
stop being distracted by this stupid, racist propaganda and get on the
phone and DEMAND that your local nuke be taken offline. Your life may
depend on it. All our lives may depend on it.

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Re: [CTRL] 60 Days to "Y2K" and "New Millenium's Eve"

1999-11-01 Thread nessie

 -Caveat Lector-

>Hopefully "just" a worst-case scenario.  I guess we'll see, all too soon.

It could happen. I just don't think it's very likely. If it does come down
that way, thoough, I'm prepared.

I'm GLAD my country is "awash in hand guns." It means that old, four eyed
gimps like me can protect ourselves from big, young,  healthy, hoodlums.
In the immortal words of Sam Colt, "Be ye tall or be ye small, I have made
ye equal all."

>When we dial 911 and are told, "Take a number," it's too late to worry ...

I don't call 911. I call 1911.

Like Jeff Cooper says, "They fall to hardball."

There's a name for people who expect the police to protect them. They're
called "victims."

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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
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be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
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Re: [CTRL] 60 Days to "Y2K" and "New Millenium's Eve"

1999-11-01 Thread nessie

 -Caveat Lector-

>Yep, that's how I remember it, in the ethnically diverse Mission District.

As soon as we determined that there were no fires, gas leaks or people in
need of rescue in my immediate vicinity we hopped on the bike and headed
towards the biggest piller of smoke we could see, the famous Marina fire.
By the time we got there the firemen had more help than they needed and
sent us on our way. We went to Haight St. to check on Bound Together Books
and my friends who live in the back. The people on the block had
discovered a gas leak across the street from BT and had formed lines of
linked arms at either end of the block to prevent anybody from stumbling
ionto the gas cloud with a flame or a spark till somebody found the valve
and shut it off. We joined in, releaving a guy who really, really wanted
to run accross the park to see if his building on Fulton St. was still
standing. Eventually a couple fireman showed up, but by then a civilian
had found the valve and shut it off. I was low on gasoline and dark was
falling and, from where we stood at least, everything looked under
control. So went back to her place and resumed screwing. (No "earth moved"
jokes, please) We later went out to catch up on news. A strip joint two
blocks away, Big Al's, had a generator and a TV which they made available
to the public for free. Only then did we hear about the Bay Bridge and the

A lot of the people in the neighborhood spent the night and the next day
in Washington Square Park, huddled tightly together in the middle in case
an after shock knocked down more buildings. This was significant because
there is some racial tension in the neighborhood, mostly  between the
Italians and the Chinese. It's more of a turf thing than a race thing, and
it's fairly polite, but there it is. The other primary ethnic groups in
North Beach are Yuppies and, thanks to some legacy cheap hotels,
Bohemians. Generally, I had noticed while hanging out around there, these
four groups pretty much ignored each other on the street. But when the
earth shook and those lights went out, everybody was instantly brothers
and sisters, or at least second cousins. Neighbors who had never spoken in
their lives were hugging each other and sharing their food.

The Chinese liquer store owner downstairs was afraid of being looted to
the extent that he had the chain on his front door and was selling through
the ajar space. Given SF's history of racist pogroms against the Chinese,
I can't blame him for being cautious. It proved unnecessary. There was an
orderly line of people stocking up on booze, candles and snacks. The cops
came by and told them to quit, which they did till he rounded the corner.
Despite the spike in liquer sales, the next couple days was the only time
ever in my entire life that I have stood at Grant and Green and not seen a
single drunk. Drink is what people DO on that block. They come for miles
around to do it. Sometimes they get a little rowdy (usually  on New Years)
but when the lights were out everybody behaved very responsibly.

As long as no nuclear power plant melts and nobody starts shooting ICBMs
at glitches on their radar screen, we'll muddle through Y2K. So will the
rest of you.  In some locations it could develop into a royal pain in the
butt, maybe on the scale of the Kobe Quake, Hurricane Andrew or the Great
Canadian Ice Storm. But TEOTWAWKI? Fat chance. TWAWKI has too much

But just in case, you oughta horde food, arm yourself and help your
friends and neighbors develop contingency plans. Better safe than sorry.
Do NOT trust the government to take care of you. If they do take care of
you, so much the better. But don't bet your life on it.

Really, you oughta be armed, provisioned and organized anyway, 'cuz who
knows what might happen. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.
Be aware.  Be prepared.

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and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
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Re: [CTRL] 60 Days to "Y2K" and "New Millenium's Eve"

1999-11-01 Thread nessie

 -Caveat Lector-

>"I'm glad I can get my hands on a 12-guage to defend myself against all
the criminals who have said freely available 12-guages."

I have a twelve guage, Winchewster 870 pump. Love it. It's the people's
machine gun. Side arms are always only for last ditch emergencies. If you
expect trouble, bring the bhig gun. It's my first line of defence.

> Let my give you my scenario :

Have you ever actually BEEN in a riot? I have. Several. That ain't how it

Check out my page for details: <>

Please don't confuse Americans with those murderous jerks on TV. They're
fictional characters. We're not really like that. If you believe the TV
you can't help but think that the entire country is awash in cop killing,
psychopath rapists and the only reason they haven't actually broken into
your house and killed you and raped your TV already is because some young,
good looking cop somewhere was willing to bend the rules a little. Don't
believe it. It's propaganda, mass mind control at its worst. Reality
differs emmensely.

But consider this scenario:

A dozen or so well organized and strategically positioned snipers armed
only with .22s could black out this entire continent virtually
indefinitely simply by plinking the right ceramic insulators on the right
electric pylons.

>2) Power goes out over a neighbourhood. "Y2K!" everyone thinks.

And if it happened at midnight on 1/1/00, it would be a very long time
indeed before anybody even thought of checking something besides the
software for the source of the problem.

What worries me most in terms of Y2K violence is terrorist CBW.  There are
going to be one and a half to two million people in SF to party that
night, almost all of them along the Embarcedero. It's a terrorist's wet
dream. What if some Aryan/Identity/Phineus wacko decides to kick off
Armegeddon by "cleansing the Sodom of the West" with a dusting of anthrax,
or plague or ricin, all of which they are known to possess? Even sarin is
not out of the question though I hardly see somebody taking the trouble to
produce it when they could make chlorine gas out of stuff from the grocery.

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Re: [CTRL] Now here's an interesting patent - #3951134

1999-11-01 Thread nessie

 -Caveat Lector-

Good one.

If you liked that you should check out:

4,335,710 -- Device for Induction of Specific Brain Wave  Patterns

4,834,701 -- Apparatus for Inducing Frequency Reduction in Brain Wave

5,356,368  -- Method of and Apparatus for Inducing Desired States of

2,466,054  -- Method and Apparatus for Minimizing Pain Caused by Drilling

3,837,331 -- System and Method for Controlling Nervous System of a Living

4,227,516 -- Apparatus for Electrophysiological Stimulation

5,036,858 -- Method and Apparatus for Changing Brain Wave Frequency

5,101,831 -- System for Discriminating Sleep State

4,573,449 -- Method for Stimulating the Falling Asleep and/or Relaxing
  of a Person and  an Arangement Thereof

3,826,243 -- Brainwave Analysis and Feedback Method and Apparatus

3,753,433 -- Electroencephalophone and Feedback System

3,160,159 -- Device for Inducing Sleep

3,576,185 -- Sleep-Inducing Method and Arrangement Using Modulating Sound
and Light

3,712,292 -- Method and Apparatus for Producing Swept Frequency-Modulated
Audio Signal
  Patterns for Inducing Sleep

3,884,218 -- Method of Inducing and Maintaining Various Stages of Sleep in
the Human Being

5,729,649 -- Speech Coding, Reconstruction and Recognition Using Acoustics
and Electromagnetic

5,159,703 -- Silent Subliminal Presentation System

5,539,705 -- Ultrasonic Speech Translator and Communications System

4,039,999 -- Communication System

3,766,331 -- Hearing Aid for Producing Sensations in the Brain

4,858,612 -- Hearing Device

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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
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Re: [CTRL] Thanks, GOAT for the San Francisco Y2K Scoop

1999-11-02 Thread nessie

 -Caveat Lector-

>One cannot help but comment on the relevance of this information in light
of alegations that have been discussed on this list which postulate that
the Chinese through COSCO have been arming gangs in the SF area for just
such a scenario.

Yeah, they probably have. The AK is an excellent weapon. This doesn't mean
the gangs are commie stooges. The gang are multinational, multi billion
dollar capitalist enterprises. Yeah they buy guns from commies. They also
buy guns from Colt, Winchester, Auto-Ordinance, and a bunch of local
companies every bit as legit as COSCO, if not more so. They also buys
clothes from Gucci and Timberland, cars from BMW and Mercedes, and TV from
Sony. So what? Guns aren't their business. Neither are clothes, cars or
electronics. OK, OK, some of them fence on the side. A few of them steal.
But their real business, their core business, their raison d'etre is
drugs. If you aren't a customer, a connection or their competition, they
don't give a flying rat's ass if you live or die.

They don't buy drugs from commies. They buy drugs from fascists because
fascists control the wholesale drug market, at least the heroin and
cocaine markets. The marijuana, psychedelics and methedrine are fairly
decentralized, but smack and blow come from the same guys they've always
come from.

If you want to get rid of gangs, take the wind out of their sails. End
prohibition. It hasn't worked. It can't work. It has made everything it
touches worse. Drug use has increased exponentially. People lock their
doors and distrust strangers, practices virtually unheard of when I was a
child. It has corrupted our society at every level, from the cop on the
corner to the Oval Office. It has brainwashed ordinary people into
believing that it is somebody else's business what they do with their own
bodies. It feeds the war chest of the Fourth Reich.  It has gutted the
Bill of Rights.

End it now.

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1999-11-02 Thread nessie

 -Caveat Lector-

>IT  has been authoritatively stated that "there are in the United States
over fifty distinct secret orders, with over 70,000 lodges and 5,500,000

If they are secret, how did they get counted?

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screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
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Re: [CTRL] Tales of the Underclass

1999-11-03 Thread nessie

 -Caveat Lector-

>Whether it will be capitalist or communist seems to be an unresolved side

This is a false dichotomy. "Communism" is nothing more than state monopoly
capitalism.To learn about  REAL  communism read Acts: 2:44-46.

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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
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Re: [CTRL] Tales of the Underclass

1999-11-03 Thread nessie

 -Caveat Lector-

>And perhaps capitalism could be defined as corporate monopoly communism .

One coin, two sides.

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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
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be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
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1999-11-03 Thread nessie

 -Caveat Lector-

>They must also prepare themselves TO FINANCE THE NAZI PARTY which would
be forced to GO UNDERGROUND as Maquis [in Gebirgverteidigungsstellengehen].

Sometimes, one cannot help but think that the French are a more concise
people than the Germans.

   8^  )

For a less imaginative account of the NSDAP's "going into the mountain
defence positions" see:

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screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

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Re: [CTRL] Christians Unwelcome in Israel

1999-01-02 Thread nessie

 -Caveat Lector-

>It would seem that the rabbis agree with Christ in this case.

So what exactly is  Jesus supposed to have said about Christmas trees? And
where did he say it?

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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
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be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
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Re: [CTRL] Tales of the Underclass

1999-01-03 Thread nessie

 -Caveat Lector-

> The differences between capitalism (monopoly or otherwise) and communism
are profound.

Oh they are, huh? Then list these differences, please, so we can have
cogent discourse that rises above the puerile level of "love it or leave

>This "state monopoloy capitalism" is the sort Orwellian wordplay which
seeks to obfuscate the real differences between capitalist economies where
consumer demand, private ownership and profit
incentives guide the economy delivering the society of plenty that most of
us live in,

To confuse "capitalism" with free enterprise is itself an "Orwellian" word
play. Without the armed might of the state to enforce their monopoly the
capitalists are nothing but a pack of cards. This is a fascist economy, by
definition. "Fascism," stated Mussolini so ever concisely, "is

Most of us do not live in a "society of plenty." Half of humanity is
malnourished, That means three billion people went to bed hungry last
night and couldn't do anything about it. Capitalism did that to them. Is
that what you condone? Is this how you want the rest of us to live so that
you personally can wallow in your own creature comforts? If so, sir, you
are morally bankrupt.

You're also not paying attention. Even here in America one out of five,
perhaps even one out of four, children grow up in poverty. The typical
American family needs two, or even three, jobs to break even and is  only
a couple of pay checks from being out in the street. Real wages have gone
steadily downward for decades. In 1968, when I was twenty I lived on
Manhattan. I paid $80 a month for a one bedroom apartment. I made $100 a
week working twelve hour shifts in the back office of Walston & Co, 54
Wall St., a brokerage that no longer exists. My wife stayed home with my
infant son. We could afford to eat out a couple times a week. A good steak
cost two bucks. Gasoline was $.29. Try that today.

Society of plenty? Gimme a break. Business may be booming, but labor is
taking it up the butt.

This is a sick society. Paper sleeps in a palace and people sleep in the
street. In a place like that it's immoral to stand around and do nothing
about it. We have a moral duty to change things. To defend such a system
is morally remiss. In Christian terms, it is a "sin."

>and communist economies where state planning, state ownership, and state
direction, delivers shortages, sloth and apathy.

As opposed to what? In a capitalist society poverty delivers the
shortages, only the rich  can indulge in "sloth" and apathy is a way of

>Of course, if you think you can convince someone who has lived in a
Communist country that the material reality of their lifestyle was no
different from life in the "state monopoly capitalist" US go ahead.

Well let's see. They had free education, token rent and universal health
care.  We graduate functional illiterates, pay through the nose for the
"privilege" of living indoors and forty million of us have no health care
coverage  at all while the rest of us are the victims of a corrupt health
care system that has been bought and paid for by the pharmaceutical

Big deal.

The only real substantive difference between the USA Inc. system and the
USSR Inc. system is one has better pay and the other has better benefits.
In both systems a handful of ruthless villians live in luxury and the rest
of the people work to support them. Both systems corrupt the soul by
commodifying time. Time is the very stuff of life itself. To put a price
on time is to put a price on life. It makes commodities of us all. It
makes human beings, you and I included, into things to be bought and sold
an hour at a time.

>And another thing, the use of the term "state monopoly capitalist" reeks
of the sort of backsliding wordplay one even gets from my favourite
bugbear, Noam Chomsky, who in his socialist idealism, regularly redefines
the former Communist bloc as "state capitalist",

On this point, at least, Chomsky is 100% correct. Where his reasoning
fails is when he discounts the fascist crypto-coup of 1963 as a factor in
shaping American life today. But, hey, nobody's right about everything.

>thus freeing his preferred way of life

This is a gross misrepresentation on your part. I dare you to produce a
single sentence from Chomsky's work in which he says he "prefers" state
monopoly capitalism. Be sure to include the ISBN and the page number.

>from the burden of its profound & demonstrable failure

Seventy five  years  of embargo, a crippling invasion that destroyed the
best part of the country and killed between twenty and fifty million
people, a burdensome defence budget forced upon them for forty years  by
the US, and the disaster at Chernobyl destroyed the Soviet economy. I
sincerely hope that a stunning revelation, typically fifty years late,
wont someday reveal that Chernobyl wasn't the work of a Stealth plane and
a smart bomb. If it was, it was the single most successful sortie in the
history warfar

[CTRL] live one

1999-11-08 Thread nessie

 -Caveat Lector-

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] Fwd(2): Anti-WTO Activists Denied U.S. Entry by Clinton Administration

1999-11-08 Thread nessie

 -Caveat Lector-



>>>From: Global Response <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>>>Subject: Anti-WTO Activists Denied U.S. Entry by Clinton Administration

>>>Date: Fri, 05 Nov 1999 13:02:22 -0800


>>>MIME-Version:  1.0

>>>X-Loop: 70852


>>>Dear Members of the Global Response "Quick Response Network:"


>>>Please send letters, faxes or emails to U.S. President Clinton,

>>>his administration's denial of visas to activists who want to be in

>>>for the "Protest of the Century" against the World Trade Organization.

>>>information about the Seattle protest, see,



>>>Write to:


>>>Bill Clinton, President

>>>The White House

>>>1600 Pennsylvania Ave.

>>>Washington DC 20500


>>>Fax: Int'l code + 1- 202/456-2461





>>>Thursday October 28, 6:27 pm Eastern Time

>>> Company Press Release


>>> SOURCE: Pennsylvania Consumer Action Network


>>> PCAN: Anti-WTO Activists Denied U.S. Entry by Clinton Administration


>>> Human Rights Activists, Grassroots Activists Prevented from Attending


>>>Ministerium in Seattle, Ask `What is Clinton Afraid Of?'


>>> NEW YORK, Oct. 28 /PRNewswire/ -- An international gathering of


>>>activists from around the world begins its cross-country trek today


>>>nine of its key members due to a decision by the Clinton Administration


>>>deny them  visas. The organizers of the trek, dubbed ``The Road to


>>>Peoples' Global Action Cross Country Caravan'' blame  a decision by

>>>Clinton's State Department to stifle opposition to the upcoming World


>>>Organization (WTO)  Ministerium in Seattle.


>>> The caravan includes women and men from about a dozen countries who


>>>that the WTO meeting will sow the seeds for further erosion of human


>>>environmental protections and health and safety standards. The caravan


>>>being organized under the auspices of Peoples' Global Action (PGA), an

>>>international movement which believes that the WTO is fundamentally


>>>is beyond reform and must be abolished. It is because of this stance


>>>the activists are being excluded from the United States.


>>> Those excluded include Siwakoti Gopal and six other members of the


>>>human rights organization INHURED as well as Badrul Alum and Pradip


>>>Roy, director of the Bangladesh' Krishok Federation.  Gopal received his


>>>degree in law in the U.S., teaches human rights and international law in


>>>Nepal. He also received endorsements for his visa application from

>>>U.S.-based organizations and Members of Congress. Despite this support,


>>>was still denied his visa. ``With these credentials, who would be

>>>allowed to

>>>enter the U.S. if not him?'' asked Michael Morrill, one of the U.S.

>>>organizers of the caravan.


>>> ``They just ignored all these letters and financial guarantees,''


>>>Gopal. ``They [U.S. Embassy officials] did not even look at them. They


>>>that they did not have to [give the visas]. They were also questioning


>>>organizations and our personal integrity. They were very abusive. It was


>>>terrible humiliation for all of us!''


>>> ``Two weeks ago President Clinton said he was not concerned about the

>>>massive protests planned for the WTO summit,'' continued Morrill. ``Now


>>>administration is hard at work to keep the protest out.'' Activists from


>>>India, the United Kingdom, Israel, Bolivia, Germany and Panama are


>>>in the U.S. to begin the caravan. Among them is Mr. Sanjay Mangala who


>>>representing a movement, which is heading the resistance against

>>>dam-projects in the Narmada Valley in India. Activists in London scaled


>>>world's biggest Ferris wheel three days ago,  attracting global


>>>and highlighting the money interests of transnational corporations, the

>>>World Bank and Western governments in dam building projects such as

>>>those in

>>>the Narmada Valley.


>>> Michael Charder, who is involved with Reclaim The Streets, London said,


>>>``This action has been linked to PGA. It's only too obvious the U.S.

>>>government is afraid of our global resistance, and tries to counteract


>>>by not allowing protesters visas.''


>>> SOURCE: Pennsylvania Consumer Action Network



>>>[Global Reponse]  --

>>>GLOBAL RESPONSE is an international letter-writing network of

>>>activists.  In partnership with indigenous, environmentalist and peace

>>>justice organizations around the world, GLOBAL RESPONSE develops

>>>that describe specific, urgent threat

Re: [CTRL] OT: Falun Gong Won't Fold (fwd)

1999-11-09 Thread nessie

 -Caveat Lector-

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
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Re: [CTRL] Black Triangles

1999-11-10 Thread nessie

 -Caveat Lector-

Check out US Patent 3,130,945 for an  "Ionocraft," issued  8/31/1959

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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
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Re: [CTRL] Rothschild/Israel article

1999-11-11 Thread nessie

 -Caveat Lector-

>I've heard the old Nazi company I. G. Farben was originally built with
Rothschild funds.

Can you cite a credible reference for this?

A page number from:

  by (Nuremburg prosecuter) Joseph
Borkin, The Free Press, a Division of Macmillan Publishing Co. New York,
1978 (ISBN 0-02-904630-0)

would suffice, as would one from:

 by Howard Watson
Ambruster, Beechhurst Press, New York, 1947.

I looked. I couldn't find one, but maybe I missed it. Stranger things have
happened. But not lately.

"I heard" isn't good enough without proper references to back it up. I,
myself, have heard many, many, totally  outlandish tales passed off with a
striaght face as the absolute truth, many right here on this list. This is
not to say Rothschild funds weren't involved. They may have been. They
certainly were involved in a lot of places. But IG Farben? Not that I've

It is also misleading to portray IG Farbin as an "Old Nazi company." It
would be far closer to the truth to portray  the Nazis and an old IG
Farbin subsidiary, and the Wehrmacht as their own private army. This is
not to say the Nazis didn't also have help from the Thyssens, the Flicks,
the Rockefellers and Henry Ford, to say nothing of the White Russians,
especially the bunch called the Solidarists. They did. But to imply that
IG Farbin was a creation of the Nazis is to turn history on its head.

IG Farbin was built first on (as the name implies) aniline dyes, but the
real money rolled in with Bayer's pharmacological breakthroughs, asperin
and heroin. Buying up 40% of North America's, and 100% of South America's
pharmaceutical industry didn't hurt either.

For more, read <>

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Re: [CTRL] Rothschild/Israel article

1999-11-11 Thread nessie

 -Caveat Lector-

Thanks, I'll check it out.

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screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] Dick Gephardt "trade in freedom . . . achieve 'final solution'"

2001-09-14 Thread Nessie

-Caveat Lector-";>
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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2001-09-14 Thread Nessie

-Caveat Lector-

-Original Message-
From:   Lysander Zimmerman
Sent:   Fri 9/14/2001 9:21 AM
To: Anarchist Information

  A - I N F O S  N E W S  S E R V I C E

The news will never report this!!

> From: www.indymedia.orgm and:

  FINANCIERS WARNED! Congress left in the dark about WTC
foreknowledge (english)
  by relayed from counterpunch 4:06am Fri Sep 14 '01

Congress left in the dark. Internal memo to Goldman Sachs distributed on
SEPTEMBER 10 2001 warning emminent terrorism. Wonder why all the big
CEOs they have been reporting were conveniently "out of the office" in
WTC that day? Talk about private and corrupt power, and Congresspeople
are saying this.

  By Alexander Cockburn and Jeffrey St. Clair

  * Most revealing reaction

  Benyamin Netanyahu, former Israeli prime minister, on being asked
what the attack means for relations between the US and Israel: "It's

  * Least credible analysis

  New York Times columnist William Safire, claiming there was a
mole in the White House, relaying to the kamikaze pilots the whereabouts
the President and the special coordinates of Air Force One. Safire's
mission in that particular column was to explain why the President fled
down a SAC bunker in Nebraska. * Least credible news footage

  CNN's videotape of Palestinians supposedly dancing in the streets
of a
West Bank town. CounterPuncher Marcio A.V. Carvalho at the state
university of Campinas in Brazil tells us that he and his colleagues had
compared this tape with one from 1991 showing Palestinian cheering, and
found them to be identical. [a claim--though Canadian news footage shows
mourning Arabs; U.S. media shows happy, celebrating Arabs. You put the
pieces together on who is the enemy: THE U.S CORPORATE MEDIA!]

  America's Greens Rally to Flag, Run for Cover

  Hot to present themselves as staunch flag-waggers, some of
premier environmental organizations have disgracefully ditched their

  The Sierra Club, America's oldest green group has abruptly turned
off its
campaign against the anti-environmental program of the Bush
administration. CounterPunch has secured an internal memo in which the
club's high command explains to its staff why it suspending its
"In response to the attacks on America," the memo goes, "we are shifting
our communications strategy for the immediate future. We have taken all
our ads off of the air; halted our phone banks; removed any material
the web that people could perceive as anti-Bush, and we are taking other
steps to prevent the Sierra Club from being perceived as controversial
during this crisis. For now we are going to stop aggressively pushing
agenda and will cease bashing President Bush "

  The memo then instructs club staffers on how to respond to the
"If you are asked about what this terrorism does to the Sierra Club's
please respond simply by saying that right now the public needs to focus
comforting each other and strengthening our national security to deal
the crisis at hand."

  Imagine if this craven posture spreads across the public interest
movement. We could expect First Amendment defenders to say that they
were abandoning efforts to protect the Bill of Rights. We could expect
groups defending immigrants to say that henceforth the INS should be
free rein. Fortunately First Amendment defenders and defenders of
immigrants have stronger spines and principles than the supposed
defenders of the environment at the Sierra Club. Are we now to expect
Club to endorse drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Reserve as
"for national security"?

  Even groups that we here at CounterPunch have admired are now in
pellmell cowardly retreat.

  The Berkeley-based International Rivers Network, which has been
main bulwark against the Three Gorges dam in China, now announces that
it is suspending its planned nationwide protest against Morgan Stanley,
of the dam's principle financiers. Morgan Stanley had 50 floors of
offices in
the World Trade Center. IRN has also announced that "out of respect for
victims of this disaster, with understanding of the strategic
difficulties in
conveying to a shocked media and public our messages regarding the
World Bank and IMF, with concern for the integrity of security systems
Washington DC, and for the safety of all, we will refrain from
participating in
activities surrounding the planned World Bank / IMF this month. We are
sharing our concerns with the leading organizations responsible for
and coordi

Re: [CTRL] Religious and political fanaticism

2001-09-15 Thread Nessie

-Caveat Lector-

>the spiral of human evolution keeps edging upward - and no amount of
terrorism can stop that.

Wrong. Biological terrorism could concievably wipe out the human race.";>
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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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Re: [CTRL] The Fabrication of Jewish Nationalism and Cooperation Against Terrorism (fwd)

2001-09-15 Thread Nessie

-Caveat Lector-

> The earliest Greek mention of Jews puts the homeland of Jews in India

=CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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[CTRL] Ahmad Shah Masood, R.I.P.

2001-09-16 Thread Nessie

-Caveat Lector-,1895,70711,00.html

15 September 05:56PM -- Singapore Time

Pakistan, Taleban blamed for Masood's death

KABUL -- Afghan opposition commander Ahmad Shah Masood died on Saturday
after a suicide  bombing plotted by Pakistan, the Taleban and alleged
terrorist Osama bin Laden, ousted president  Burhanuddin Rabbani said.

In the first official confirmation of the veteran commander's death, Mr
Rabbani described him as a 'national hero' who had martyred himself for
'jihad and resistance'.

A spokesman for Mr Rabbani said that commander Masood had died at 10.00
am (0530 GMT) on  Saturday morning in a hospital in northern
Afghanistan, after losing his last battle against injuries sustained in
Sunday's suicide bombing.

'Masood was martyred in a conspiracy involving Pakistan, the terrorist
group of Osama bin Laden and the Taleban,' Mr Rabbani said in a message
read to AFP by his spokesman, Engineer Beryalai.

-- AFP";>
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[CTRL] OK class, lets review

2001-09-16 Thread Nessie

-Caveat Lector-";>
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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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Re: [CTRL] From the Horse's Mouth (was Greenies Want You Dead)

2001-04-20 Thread Nessie

-Caveat Lector-

>"If you haven't given voluntary human extinction much thought before,
  idea of a world with no people in it may seem strange. But, if you
give it
  a chance, I think you might agree that the extinction of Homo sapiens
  would mean survival for millions, if not billions, of Earth-dwelling
  Phasing out the human race will solve every problem on earth, social
  environmental." --"Les U. Knight" (pseudonum),

>"Human beings, as a species, have no more value than slugs." - John
  Davis, Editor of The Earth First! Journal

Where are these two quotes from?
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Re: [CTRL] From the Horse's Mouth (was Greenies Want You Dead)

2001-04-20 Thread Nessie

-Caveat Lector-

Thanks. Big help.


"Vhemt," eh?

Then there's Vehm.
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Re: [CTRL] " nothing new under the sun."

2001-04-21 Thread Nessie

-Caveat Lector-

>This is absurd religious nonsense with little if any basis in reality.

So is the belief that "Everyone (in the end) benefits" from "free
trade." This is a belief on your part, nothing more. There are no
empirical data to back it up. Belief is irrational. Get over it. Be
scientific. Work from data.
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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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Re: [CTRL] " nothing new under the sun."

2001-04-21 Thread Nessie

-Caveat Lector-


Why not?

>Why do you suggest being religious in the face of reality?

I didn't. I suggested the exact opposite.
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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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Re: [CTRL] Okay to give little kids to big rich lesbians and homosexuals?

2001-04-23 Thread Nessie

-Caveat Lector-

>this is exactly what he would say on this issue.

On what do you base this conclusion?";>
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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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Re: [CTRL] As was in the days of Noah....

2001-04-24 Thread Nessie

-Caveat Lector-

>God administered "grace" [unmerited favor] to Noah because of obedience
to Him. 

"Unmerited" and "because of" contradict.";>
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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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Re: [CTRL] If the Exodus did not occur, there is no Judaism

2001-04-24 Thread Nessie

-Caveat Lector-

Whether or not a religion's dogma is valid, has no bearing whatsoever on
whether or not the religion exists. Exodus or no Exodus, there is

Not all Jews practice Judaism, but that's another matter.";>
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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] FW: Y2K glitches?

2001-04-25 Thread Nessie

-Caveat Lector-

-Original Message-
Sent:   Sat 4/21/2001 5:22 PM
To: xxx
Subject:Y2K glitches?

Is the tripling of crude oil prices and the quintupling of natural
gas prices (!), along with the fantastically high rate of refinery
explosions and other oil industry/infrastructure problems in the
year 2000, unrelated to faulty embedded systems and other Y2K
glitches? I dunno. I really do NOT know. Neither does anyone else,
apparently; and whoever *might* know is not talking, at least not
on the record. All we have are (putative, unverifiable) "deep
throat" characters; see Paula Gordon's interview with "an
engineer", below...


Unexplained explosions, fires and other violent mishaps in
factories, mines, power generating plants, gas pipelines, etc.:


An Engineer's Views re Ongoing Y2K Problems

By Paula Gordon 1/30/01

Summary of an Engineer's Observations Regarding the Status of
Ongoing Y2K-Related Embedded Systems and Complex Integrated
Systems Problems (Revised 2/1/2001)

(I first posted this Summary on 1/30/2001. The word "module" has
now been added in the eighth bulleted item. ~ PG)


I am attaching a summary of observations that I have drafted. The
summary is based on observations that an engineer has shared with
me. I am sharing these summarized observations for several

1) because of the relative absence of first hand accounts
concerning what is actually going on regarding Y2K-related
embedded systems and complex integrated systems problems;

2) because I have heard some similar off the record accounts from
other engineers; and

3) because I feel that right now such off the record observations
provide the best information and roadmap to further inquiry that
we have.

Perhaps, those who are in a position to do so, will come forward,
at least off the record, and help enlighten the public and those
in positions of public and private sector trust and responsibility
concerning the significant role that Y2K-related embedded systems
and complex integrated systems problems are having in a variety of
sectors, including the energy sector.

During the last week of January 2001, I received some information
from a seasoned engineer who has been working "on the frontlines".
The identity of the engineer cannot be disclosed since the
individual's job security could be jeopardized.

The individual shared information concerning the many Y2K-related
problems that he is continuing to see. (I have not met the
engineer in person and do not know his or her real name and will
refer to "him" as "he" in this summary.)

Also, rather than quote the individual directly, I am summarizing
most of the information that he shared with me.

~ Several of the companies that he has worked with have had
extremely serious data corruption problems. After much effort and
temporary successes in dealing with these problems, the data
becomes corrupted again.

~ With respect to the grid, he feels certain that the energy
crisis will become increasingly apparent this summer. In his view
there have been large numbers of failures involving energy
systems. In these instances, he says that workarounds are often
not possible. He notes that turning clocks back and going to
manual have resulted in some cascading failures and time delays.

~ He notes increasing reports of problems with dirty power and low
power and instances of involving the total failure of electrical

~ He also talks about what he feels is a direct correlation
between solar storms and hardware failures.

~ He says that those working "on the frontlines" are being
threatened with the loss of their jobs if they speak up about what
they know.

~ I had told him that it was my sense that people at the top of
private sector organizations do not seem to comprehend the extent
of their Y2K-related embedded systems and complex integrated
system problems. He said that of the persons he comes across, less
than 20% of those who work with complex systems understand the
systems and keep up with changes and that only a small percent is
able to address problems effectively. The others don't really
understand what is going wrong with their systems.

~ I asked him how large a role he thought Y2K-related embedded
systems and complex integrated systems problems were currently
playing in the evolving energy crisis

[CTRL] FW: Y2K Followup from Cory Hamasaki

2001-04-25 Thread Nessie

-Caveat Lector-

-Original Message-
Sent:   Sat 4/21/2001 5:14 PM
To: xx
Subject:Y2K Followup from Cory Hamasaki

Mainframe programmer and Y2K commentator Cory Hamasaki here
compares his published outlook on December 1999  (sections
marked "[Dec 99:]") to the present situation ("[Jan 01:]").

He was much more accurate than me; I thought there would be a
lot more problems, and sooner.  --Alan

cory hamasaki's DC Weather Report

January 31, 2001 - Y2K plus 396 days. - WRP142


-- Maybe Y2K is just a little late! --


[Dec 99:] I'm more certain than before that we'll experience
serious Enterprise systems problems.

[Jan 01:] This is happening and the word is only now escaping the
corporate zone of silence. Xerox's billing system failed and they
are close to bankruptcy. Lucent Technologies is in accounting
system hell. Lots of other companies are in lock-down mode, lots
of CEO's are screaming in terror.

[Dec 99:] The Enterprise systems problem was grossly misunderstood
by Ko-skin-em and the other clueless commentators. Kosky will end
the year, hiding in his bunker, watching CNN for plane crashes and
microwave oven explosions. He'll miss the unwinding and failures
of large systems.

[Jan 01:] Yep, as predicted in 1999, Kosky missed the real action.
The grinding of the large systems problems.


[Dec 99:] The big systems will have persisting and intractable
problems. This has already started. Some firms will fail. The
danger is that failing firms force the misery down to those who
are least capable, least able to endure the suffering. Last hired,
first fired. The CEO will lay off the people who do the work and
will hire temps, subcontractors at 2/3rds salary.

[Jan 01:] Oldsmobile, TWA, Montgomery Ward, Whirlpool, Xerox, all
the dot-coms, Bradlees, Chrysler, the list of companies in
big-time layoff mode is very long. This call is right on.

[Dec 99:] When large companies fail, their failure can wreck the
economies in cities and states. If enough fail, the national or
global economy will collapse. This has happened before. The Great
Depression of the 1930's was such an event.


[Dec 99:] I do not expect a complete meltdown of the economy.
There will be isolated failures. Some firms and some jobs will be
lost forever. Commerce will be degraded but will function.

[Jan 01:] The poster child of Y2K is Xerox. There are lots of
other corporations on the ropes. Exactly why they are tanking is
unclear.  Interestingly the pollies are saying that, "Why yes, we
expected this, this is called the business cycle." Ho-kay, then
why did only the doomers cash out of the stock market?


[Dec 99:] I don't expect more power failures, phone outages, or
network failures than we have now. (This is not my area of
expertise. Experts in these areas have issued warnings and some do
expect problems.)

[Jan 01:] I didn't get this one quite right. While I didn't expect
power failures, California is doing its best to prove me wrong.
Does it count if the power company disconnects you because you
can't afford to pay the bill? This is happening right now in


[More commentary from January 2001]

The dot coms have tanked, solid industrial companies like Xerox,
Polaroid, ATT, Lucent Technologies, Kodak, Chrysler, TWA are in
big trouble. Swanson TV dinners, part of Vlasic is defrosting.
Vlasic itself is in the pickle barrel. The flash in the pan tech
startups are burning out, hopefully William Shatner won't be
annoying us much longer with those ads.

The big brained CEO's got it wrong, Bill Schrader of PSI-Net lost
six hundred million dollars. Bernie Ebbers of MCI-Worldcom lost
even more; I make it about a billion bucks. Other clueless losers
include Jaap vad der Meer of Alpnet, Inc, Mark Langdale of CapRock
Communications, Harry Blue of ProxyMed, Inc., Mark Wattles of
Hollywood Entertainment Corp, Al West of Viatel Inc, and Bob
Helmick of The CEO of works as a day laborer
on a ranch.

I hope the WRP readers prepared for this event in the best way
they could. I'm guessing that most of you did cash out of the
market before the NASDAQ began its meltdown.

Look around the next time you're in a Safeway. Based strictly on
the numbers and demographics, several people around you lost a
hundred thousand dollars in the last year, some have lost much,
much more.  One person in the crowd is down a million dollars.
Some of them don't realize it yet. Some are in serious denial.
You'll hear them say things like, "You don't lose until you sell."
and "The market will come back, it shot back up after 1987."

Well, no. They're down real money and most of it won't come back.
We cashed out and that's the difference.

The collapse of ATT is especially interesting. Remember the
pre-Y2K fear that the Telco's would have dial-tone problems. I

Re: [CTRL] More Snooping on Militias?

2001-04-25 Thread Nessie

-Caveat Lector-

>"The wealthiest 358 individuals in the world, all of them billionaires,
collectively own as much wealth as 45% of humanity."
-- The United Nations Development Program Report '96 --

>The world's 477 billionaires have as much wealth as 52 percent of
-- According to the Economic Policy Institute, in 1997 --

Round 'em up. Herd 'em off a cliff.";>
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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] FW: FBI raids IMC

2001-04-26 Thread Nessie

-Caveat Lector-,1283,43339,00.html

 Journalists Protest Gag Order
 By Declan McCullagh ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
 5:00 p.m. April 25, 2001 PDT

 WASHINGTON -- The Electronic Frontier Foundation will represent a
 Seattle journalist collective that is the target of a police probe
 court-imposed gag order.

 On Saturday evening, FBI agents visited the downtown offices of the
 Independent Media Center and handed the group a court order --
 apparently related to the Quebec City trade summit -- that also
 instructed the media organization not to publish the contents of

 That unusual event grabbed the attention of the civil liberties
 organization, which is stepping into the fray and hopes to persuade
 federal judge to lift the gag order. Other groups also may be part
 the legal team.

 "It is possible that the gag order may come off very soon," says
 Tien, an EFF staff attorney. "I would be on the lookout."


 "There are a few limited situations in which there are legal gag
 orders," says Doug Honig, public education director for the ACLU's
 Washington state chapter. He gave three examples: Testimony before
 grand jury, a trial where the judge tells the attorneys not to give
 interviews, and an out-of-court settlement.

 "In this situation we don't understand why there was a gag order in
 the first place," Honig said. "It certainly shouldn't be the case
 a government official would tell an organization that they can't
 about a situation Based on what we've heard so far, we don't
 why there was a gag order."


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[CTRL] FW:amtrak pulls DEA computer)

2001-04-26 Thread Nessie

-Caveat Lector-

> Wednesday, April 25, 2001
> Amtrak Pulls DEA Computer
> By Jeff Jones
> Journal Staff Writer
> Amtrak has pulled the plug on a controversial computer that gave
> Albuquerque office of the Drug Enforcement Administration direct
access to
> the train's ticketing system.
> However, Amtrak police said this week they will continue to
> information they glean from the ticketing system to other police
> across the United States to help catch train-riding drug couriers.
> Amtrak police also will continue to receive a portion of the
> that drug agents seize off trains around the nation.
> "We cooperate with law enforcement agencies, including the DEA,
> will continue to do so in the future," Amtrak Police Chief Ernest R.
> Frazier Sr. said in a letter to the Journal, dated Monday.
> "I have reviewed the issue of computer access because of concerns
> raised and have ensured that my personnel will maintain direct control
> computers on our property and access to Amtrak information," Frazier
> in the letter.
> The computer ticketing information could provide drug agents with
> details such as passengers' last names, where they were traveling
> when they bought their tickets and whether they used cash or credit to
> for them. Agents used ticketing information to narrow down who they
> to speak with — and therefore whose luggage could eventually be
sniffed by
> a drug-detecting dog — when the trains rolled into Albuquerque.
> Critics have said that using the passenger information could lead
> singling out people based on ethnicity or financial status. The DEA
> Amtrak have said they do not engage in racial profiling.
> Barry Steinhardt, associate director of the national ACLU, said
> that even if the DEA does not have direct access to Amtrak's computer
> files, "there's a pretty strong argument" that the information-sharing

> arrangement violates the U.S. Constitution's prohibition on
> searches and seizures.
> "Amtrak police ... shouldn't be trawling through customer
> without good cause," Steinhardt said.
> Peter Simonson, executive director of the ACLU of New Mexico, said
> a "significant improvement" that the computer in the DEA office is no
> longer online. But he said the ACLU still is pondering legal action.
> "... It's still disturbing that any police agency is using
> records to conduct investigations," Steinhardt said.
> Steinhardt said the arrangement may violate the Federal Privacy
> which he said prohibits one federal agency from sharing personal
> information with another.
> Amtrak spokeswoman Lynn Bowersox said this week that "the Federal
> Privacy Act does not apply to Amtrak, and we have not violated the
law. If
> the ACLU pursues an action, we will respond in due course."
> The computer-system arrangement between Amtrak and the DEA came to

> light last month after a DEA agent outlined the practice while being
> questioned by a defense attorney. The questioning took place during a
> pretrial interview in a pending drug case stemming from an Amtrak
> Agent Kevin Small said during the pretrial interview that the
> Albuquerque DEA office has had access to Amtrak's ticketing computer
> for several years.
> Small said in the taped interview that agents looked for the
> "consistent factors" in drug-seizure cases. He said those factors were

> usually one-way cash tickets bought within three days of the departure
> "We're the only law enforcement agency outside of Amtrak, this
> that has that computer," Small said in the interview. He added that
> are passed out "all over the country."
> Small's supervisor, Steven Derr, has defended the practice, saying
> does not involve racial profiling, adding "the whole idea of why we do
> this way is so we're not randomly stopping people."
> Amtrak Police Chief Frazier said that although Amtrak police do
> in the proceeds of forfeited property, the proceeds "must be used for
> enforcement purposes only. ..." The letter added that "this is not a
> program, but one in which many state and local police departments
> throughout the country have participated for years."
> The Journal last week asked both Amtrak and the DEA about how much

> money Amtrak receives in drug forfeiture money each year. The DEA has
> responded, and Bowersox said Tuesday she did not yet have the answer.
> Amtrak is not considered to be a federal agency, Bowersox said,
but she
> said it is receiving $521 million in federal money this year.
> Bowersox said that the Federal Privacy Act doesn't apply to the
> service. Steinhardt said the ACLU is still researching the issue.
> "Amtrak ... is federally funded. It is, in most respects,
> indistinguishable from a federal agency," Steinhardt said.
> Bowersox sai

[CTRL] Pentagon Planned to Kill Americans & Blame Cubans - Baltimore Sun

2001-04-26 Thread Nessie

-Caveat Lector-

Baltimore Sun

U.S. terror plan was Cuba invasion pretext

By Scott Shane and Tom Bowman
Sun Staff

April 24, 2001

WASHINGTON - U.S. military leaders proposed in 1962 a secret plan to
terrorist acts against Americans and blame Cuba to create a pretext for
invasion and the ouster of Communist leader Fidel Castro, according to a

new book about the National Security Agency.

"We could develop a Communist Cuban terror campaign in the Miami area,
other Florida cities and even in Washington," said one document
prepared by the Joint Chiefs of Staff. "We could blow up a U.S. ship in
Guantanamo Bay and blame Cuba," the document says. "Casualty lists in
newspapers would cause a helpful wave of indignation."

The plan is laid out in documents signed by the five Joint Chiefs but
carried out, according to writer James Bamford in "Body of Secrets." The
history of the Fort Meade-based eavesdropping agency is being released
by Doubleday.

NSA regularly picks up the conversations of suspected terrorist
Osama bin Laden, says Bamford, and has monitored Chinese and French
companies trying to sell missiles to Iran. He provides new details about
Israeli attack on a Navy eavesdropping ship in 1967, suggesting that the

sinking was deliberate. And he reveals the loss of an "entire
warehouse" full of secret cryptographic gear to the North Vietnamese in
1975, at the end of the Vietnam War.

Bamford, a former investigative reporter for ABC News who wrote "The
Palace" about the NSA in 1982, said his new book is based mostly on
documents obtained through the Freedom of Information Act or found in
government archives. "NSA never handed me any documents," he said. "It
was a
question of digging."

He said he was most surprised by the anti-Cuba terror plan, code-named
Operation Northwoods. It "may be the most corrupt plan ever created by
U.S. government," he writes.

The Northwoods plan also proposed that if the 1962 launch of John Glenn
into orbit were to fail, resulting in the astronaut's death, the U.S.
government would publicize fabricated evidence that Cuba had used
interference to sabotage the flight, the book says.

A previously secret document obtained by Bamford offers further
for mayhem to be blamed on Cuba.

"We could sink a boatload of Cubans en route to Florida (real or
simulated). ... We could foster attempts on lives of Cubans in the
States, even to the extent of wounding in instances to be widely
publicized," the document says. Another idea was to shoot down a CIA
designed to replicate a passenger flight and announce that Cuban forces
it down.

Citing a White House document, Bamford writes that the idea of creating
pretext for the invasion of Cuba might have started with President
Dwight D.
Eisenhower in the last weeks of his administration, when the plan for an

invasion by Cuban exiles trained in the United States was hatched.
out in April 1961, soon after Kennedy became president, the Bay of
Pigs invasion proved a fiasco. Castro's forces quickly killed or rounded
the invaders.

Army Gen. Lyman L. Lemnitzer, chairman of the Joint Chiefs, presented
Operation Northwoods plan to Kennedy early in 1962, but the president
rejected it that March because he wanted no overt U.S. military action
against Cuba. Lemnitzer then sought unsuccessfully to destroy all
of the plan, according to Bamford.

Lemnitzer and those who served with him in 1962 as chiefs of the
military branches are dead. But two former top Kennedy administration
officials said yesterday that they were unaware of Operation Northwoods
and questioned whether such a plan was ever drafted.

"I've never heard of Operation Northwoods. Never heard of it and don't
believe it," said Theodore Sorenson, Kennedy's White House special
counsel. "Obviously, it would be totally illegal as well as totally

Robert S. McNamara, Kennedy's defense secretary, said: "I never heard of

it. I can't believe the chiefs were talking about or engaged in what I
would call CIA-type operations." Bamford writes that besides the Joint
Chiefs, then-Assistant Secretary of Defense Paul H. Nitze also favored
"provoking a
phony war with Cuba."

"There may be a piece of paper" on Northwoods, said McNamara. "I just
cannot conceive of [Nitze] approving anything like that or doing it
without talking to me."

The book contains many other revelations in its detailed account of NSA,

the biggest U.S. intelligence agency and Maryland's largest employer,
with more than 25,000 personnel at Fort Meade, site of its global
eavesdropping efforts.
Among them: In recent years, NSA has regularly listened to bin Laden's
unencrypted telephone calls. Agency officials have sometimes played
tapes of bin Laden talking to his mother to impress members of Congress

Re: [CTRL] Fwd: Democracy Trampled in QuebecCity

2001-04-27 Thread Nessie

-Caveat Lector-

>excesses of extremists,

"Extremism in the pursuit of liberty is no vice." 

  - - Barry Goldwater

If what the protesters did to that fence in Quebec was wrong then so was
what those terrorists in Boston did to that tea in the harbor, and so
was what Jesus did to the money changers in the temple.

If nobody stands up to the NWO, we'll all end up working in sweat shops
in the middle of a toxic waste dump. You cowards out there  can whine
all day about the NWO on the internet from the safety of your home, and
ruling elites don’t give a rat’s ass.

"Sooner or later, you've got to put your young men down in the mud."

 - - Karl von Clausewitz";>
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Re: [CTRL] Conservative Books

2001-04-30 Thread Nessie

-Caveat Lector-

>Does anyone know of a secondary market for conservative titles?

Rare Book Searches - Ruling Class/Conspiracy Experts: * Conspiracy Shopping Cart: * Misc Shopping On-Line **";>
=CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] National Security Archive Update, April 30, 2001

2001-04-30 Thread Nessie

-Caveat Lector-

National Security Archive Update, April 30, 2001

*U.S. Sought Pretext for Cuba Invasion in 1962*

In his new exposé of the National Security Agency entitled Body of
author James Bamford highlights a Joint Chiefs of Staff document from
describing U.S. plans to covertly engineer various pretexts that would
a U.S. invasion of Cuba.  These proposals - part of a secret anti-Castro
program known as Operation Mongoose - included staging the
assassinations of
Cubans living in the United States, simulating an attack on the U.S.
base at Guantanamo, Cuba, and concocting a “Remember the Maine” incident
blowing up a U.S. ship in Cuban waters and then blaming the incident on
sabotage.  Bamford himself writes that Operation Northwoods, the code
name for
this proposed series of sabotages, “may be the most corrupt plan ever
by the U.S. government.”

The document can be viewed at the following URL:

THE NATIONAL SECURITY ARCHIVE is an independent non-governmental
institute and library located at The George Washington University in
Washington, D.C. The Archive collects and publishes declassified
acquired through the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA). A tax-exempt
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Re: [CTRL] New Flashlight Sees Thru Doors

2001-05-01 Thread Nessie

-Caveat Lector-

Old news. See:";>
=CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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Re: [CTRL] How to deal with unwanted emails was Re: Whites a minority

2001-05-02 Thread Nessie

-Caveat Lector-

>Your email program should have a Block Address feature, either as a
single click on the main screen like Yahoo, or you can set up filters
in your preferences so that if you don't like to read someone's posts,
you don't even have to get them. Yahoo mail allows up to 100 addresses
to be blocked. The mail never reachers your inbox, and the sender is
none the wiser.

That doesn't work for me because the sender of all these things is
"CTRL" and not the individual poster.";>
=CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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Re: [CTRL] White Race to be wiped out by immigration? (fwd)

2001-05-02 Thread Nessie

-Caveat Lector-

>What's wrong with having an England?

Ask their victims.";>
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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] FW: NEWS RELEASE: NYC protest against forced psychiatry, 5/21/2001

2001-05-03 Thread Nessie

-Caveat Lector-

From: "David Oaks - Support Coalition International" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
NEWS RELEASE -- May 2, 2001



Below is a news release from Rita DiCarlo, who is helping
to organize a protest in New York City, on May 21, 2001.

To be notified of speakers and for further information,
e-mail to Rita at: [EMAIL PROTECTED]


From: Rita DiCarlo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


MAY 21, 2001 AT NOON



Dr. Gary Null unites with victims, activists,
psychiatrists, lawyers, psychologists, former OMH
employees and other concerned persons to come to the
defense of Pilgrim Psychiatric electroshock victim &
prisoner Paul Henry Thomas, and to seek legislative
changes on the heels Of State Supreme Court Judge
Hall's unbelievable decision to continue inducing
convulsions in this Political prisoner's brain
against his will. Forced electric shock is alive and
kicking in 2001.

Be there! Wear black! We are in mourning for the
Mengele-like forced treatment of trusting and
unsuspecting citizens who seek help for their
emotional difficulties and are subjected to inhumane
procedures due to payments per treatment sought by
the institutions at the expense of the lives of
those subjected to this atrocity.

For more information e-mail [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Visit,,,,,, for info on current abuses by
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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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[CTRL] When do demonstrators become terrorists?

2001-05-03 Thread Nessie

-Caveat Lector-";>
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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Re: [CTRL] Simple RF Weapon Can Fry PC Circuits

2001-05-03 Thread Nessie

-Caveat Lector-

Old news. See:";>
=CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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Re: [CTRL] Screw Yahoo

2001-05-04 Thread Nessie

-Caveat Lector-

>The only good thing about it is that I've gotten  most of my spring
cleaning done this week, with my email volume being way down.

Lucky you. I barely have time to pee.";>
=CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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