CS: Legal-gun trafficker sentenced

2001-02-22 Thread Mike Burns

From:   "Mike Burns", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Mr Steer said Haase was arrested more than a month later in October 1999
when he arrived at Liverpool Lime Street Station from London. Grimes was
detained at his home in Liverpool a day later. A search of a Big Brother
office in Liverpool's Stanley Market uncovered more weaponry including a
double-barrelled sawn-off shotgun, a Colt full-loading pistol and

A colt full loading pistol?  What the hell do they mean by that!  Almost as
funny as the "SKS accurate to 2000m"!!!


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CS: Target-Shooting venues in New Jersey?

2001-02-21 Thread Mike BEGGS


I can recommend "Rays Sport Shop Inc"
559 Highway 22,
North Plainfield,
New Jersey.
Tel (908)561.4400
Great stock of all kinds. I guess they would know where to shoot in NJ.

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CS: Target-Gallery Rifle power limits

2001-02-21 Thread Mike Burns

From:   "Mike Burns", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

CS: Target-Any old brass?

2001-02-15 Thread Mike Burns

From:   "Mike Burns", [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Classified ads, wrong section:

Impoverished shooter, student, seeks once fired 7.62mm/.308" and
.303" boxer primed brass to keep costs down.  I'll pay your postage
or we'll arrange a drop off at Bisley.

Anyway, with the cost of decent factory 7.62 ammo being 30p plus
(43p if you want the new 155gn RG), Target Rifle is getting a
touch expensive, and .303" ammo is either expensive or scarce (who'd
pay L27.50 per 100 for HXP anyway?  It's pants, and other sources,
e.g. that fantasic Yugo Mk8Z have pretty much run out, as has the
RG MkVII).  So, if anyone has any unwanted boxer primed brass in
the above calibres I'll happily take it off your hands.  Please
contact me off list if you have any lying around. 

Also, who does the best Target Rifle (144-155gn) 7.62mm bullets
in the L10-20 per hundred (delivered) price range?



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CS: Crime-Time to take guns out of community

2001-02-15 Thread Mike Burns

From:   "Mike Burns", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

a.. On Thursday a man was jailed for seven years at the Old
Bailey for stabbing to death a rival in a crowded mobile
phone shop in Harlesden.
Rupert "Birdeye" James, 35, was acquitted of murdering
Dean Samuels but convicted of manslaughter. He claimed
Samuels had bullied and "dissed" him.

IIRC, they told us that they'd "taken all these guns off the streets" after
the 1997 ban.  So, how come it's time again to "take guns out of the
community"?   The only difference this time is that the guns _are_ actually
on the streets and in the community and not in someone's locker.


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CS: Pol-Proliferation of Small Arms

2001-02-14 Thread Mike Burns

From:   "Mike Burns", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Mullin, a junior international development minister, said: "We
all have a collective responsibility to combat small arms

1: We have a teacher shortage
2: We have a nurse and doctor crisis
3: We have pensioners freezing to death in winter
4: We have students being taxed out of higher education
5: We have middle earners being taxed out of existence
We have all these crises and the govt wants to spend umpteen million on
THIS?  It'll be almost as effective as the Firearms Acts 1968-1997 and
probably cost more.  Money well spent, that's what I say... g

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CS: Pol-Fishing next

2001-02-13 Thread Mike Burns

From:   "Mike Burns", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

If they _really_ care about animal welfare and animal rights they'll go
after Halal butchers, since that is a thouroughly unnecessary and generally
nasty procedure that causes phenominal suffering to many animals daily in
the name of "freedom of religious expression".  If it's a mainly political
thing, they won't, since they don't want to be chastised by the PC brigade
and lose Government support g

"A seemingly one-man crusade against political correctness g"

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CS: Field-Fishing next

2001-02-12 Thread Mike

From:   Mike Grimsdell, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Looks like fishing is the next target for the ban-it
brigade. What a surprise.

Radio 4 just before 7 this morning had a feature on
cruelty to fish from hooks and the problems of line etc
tangling with birds and oyther wildlife.

How soon before the emotional brainwashing of the pepul
produces private members bills like those on hunting? No
more than 10 years after hunting goes is my guess.


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CS: Pol-Positive reply from Bracknell MP

2001-02-11 Thread Mike Burns

From:   "Mike Burns", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I used that fantastic www.faxyourmp.com site to fax
Bracknell MP Andrew MacKay, who according to Steve is a
shooter and a well-known Pro.  Here is the reply, signed by
him with a _real_ pen!!!  Not some silly standard reply
thang, and it came in less than a week!

Dear Mr Burns,

Thank you for your letter e-mail of the 5th February the
contents of which I very much endorse.  Like you I am
concerned that the Government and senior Police Officers
are determined to ban virtually all guns and ensure that
there is no target sport left in this country.

I deeply oppose such measures and will use the opportunity
of your e-mail to make fresh representations ot the Home
Secretary accordingly.

I will keep you informed of developments.

With Best wishes,
Yours sincerely,
Andrew Mackay.

Well, at least someone's on our side.  Any shooters in the
Bracknell Forest area who would like to contact Mr MacKay
should e-mail [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I will now vote for this chap.


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CS: Pol-LACS abuse

2001-02-10 Thread Mike Burns

From:   "Mike Burns", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Well, hello group.

I'm now just a teensy bit annoyed having just done my shopping
in Oxford's pleasant Westgate centre when, as I walked out of
the door, I found two of the Loonies Against Country Squires
(lacs) at a table getting people's signatures for a petition.  I
engaged them in hearty banter, trying not to be rude, and I now
have even less time for them than before this encounter.  Standing
behind the table were two middle aged housewife busybody types who
knew all the anti-hunt banter off by heart like the Latin grammar
they learned many moons ago at "Madame Tweezle's Posh School for
Ladies".  But, every time that yours truly stated one of the pro
arguments all I got was "You're believing all the propaganda".
The irony of this statement was not lost on my cynical ears.
Although I was trying my hardest to refrain from engaging in
heated conversation, the pleasant ladies on the other side of the
table were busy quoting Mori polls (without the figures to back it
up) and I had just been subjected to a tricky Heat Transfer
tutorial, so my mind was rather addled and failed to quote them
anything useful off the top of my head.  I even started getting
abuse from passers by, a simple "You should be ashamed of yourself"
from a vegetarian type student, clutching her bag of Sainsbury's
Economy Organic Lentils and a dear old lady who likened the
suffering of the fox to her own plight as a pensioner!

Anyway, quotes from the Loony Lacs people (IIRC):

"We won't even turn up [to hurl abuse??] on the 18th 'cos the
Government is going to ban it anyway" (begs the "why are you
bothering to do this then" statement)
"You'll go to prison" (err, but a) I haven't broken the law and
b) even if hunting is outlawed I won't go to prison cos I don't
"How would you like to be torn limb from limb without any
"...pregnant female fox, trotting along, yearling cub at her
"When all the steel workers were losing their jobs where were
you?"..."I'm a bit young for that one"..."But what about your
parents? They were probably going 'screw them, they're all
scum'"..."Yes, that's more of a problem than foxhunting,
maybe you should deal with that" at which point the little
old lady butted in and stopped me.. gr. I wish I
could have gone down that line.
(after pointing out that Halal butchery is cruel, and that
maybe they should be worrying about this more than foxhunting)...
"But we're not campaigning about ritual slaughter, we're
campaigning against fox hunting"..."well maybe you should"...
"err... Why don't you?"..."because I'm not going to stick my
neck out to get it kicked in by the PC brigade"...(the fairly
obvious double entendre of this statement was completely lost
on them)

I think you get the idea.  If I come across them again, I
shan't be so polite.  I was civil to the end, but they were
actually rude and cast aspersions on my family, which I
didn't like.  It's none of their business.  It's a perfect
example of what propaganda can do when you get a few
busybodies together with nothing better to do...

And who the hell are they to impose their morality on another
section of the community?  OK, so in some circumstances
hunting may be cruel, OK, it may not be 100% necessary, but
it's part of a groups morality and another group is inflicting
theirs on it.

Just my 0.02...

"I don't like Sushi, let's ban it. I'll call the campaign the
CTBJRF, or the Campaign to Ban Japanese Raw Fish.  I'll write
to Tony, you lobby your MP's and break the windows on a few
Japanese restaurants"
Feel better now?


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CS: Misc-Cartridge development

2001-02-10 Thread Mike Burns

From:   "Mike Burns", [EMAIL PROTECTED]


I am doing an engineering written project on the development
of the small arms cartridge (from paper, foil, coiled brass,
drawn brass (rimmed, rimless, RF, CF), to caseless) and I was
wondering if anyone knew of any, particularly engineering-type
texts on the subject, e.g. from the metallurgical and
manufacture point of view?  I have access to the complete
Bodlian library collection (so many books pre-1920 and every
book published post 1920) so obtaining them is not a problem.
Relevant patent applications (both US and UK) would also be useful.

Many thanks in advance,


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CS: Crime-arrested for brandishing brush

2001-02-04 Thread Mike

From:   Mike Taylor, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

It's illegal, using an imitation firearm to threaten people.  If they'd
been attacking him, fair enough, but what he did was against the law and
the fact that he got a relatively small fine indicates sympathy on the
part of the judge.  Would you threaten to shoot kids who were trying
to steal a car?


Yes, it is illegal. But is it good law when enforced like this?

What was wrong with a caution?
Regardless the police response would have been identical, and that's
what seems to be upsetting people.  As it was what he got was not much
more than a caution, a relatively small fine.


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2001-02-02 Thread Mike Burns

From:   "Mike Burns", [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Have a read:


Thank you for your interest in the Gun Control Network.

This Website will outline our aims, which are simple, and
the ways you can help, which are many.

The job of this network is not to convince people that guns
are dangerous, sensible people know that already. The vast
majority want to see action taken on age limits, airguns
and "look-alike" weapons.

Our job is to convince the law-makers that they must listen
to the majority, and not be swayed by the narrow sectional
interests of the shooters.


Lookalike wpns?  Goddammit, like they're any more dangerous
than anything else

That's like saying that land rovers are more dangerous than
normal cars since they're used by the military!!!


What a condescending way to write a blurb, my editor would
have kicked me if I'd written something like that when I worked
in PR - "sensible people know that already".


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CS: Crime-More stupidity in England

2001-02-01 Thread Mike

From:   Mike Taylor, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

In fairness to the police I don't think you can criticise their response
in this incident.  He did threaten to shoot the kids.


But was a prosecution really necessary? Was it in the public interest to
take a bloke who is sick of the yobs, about which the police can not (or
will not) do anything, and give him a criminal record?
Yes, if he was stupid enough to go around threatening to shoot people.
Two wrongs don't make a right.


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CS: Pol-Kate Hoey

2001-01-31 Thread Mike

From:   Mike Taylor, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I got a stereotype letter from Kate Hoey thanking me for my interest in the 
forthcoming Commonwealth Games. Actually, when I wrote, most of my comments 
were about her attitude to guns and hunting. I never mentioned the Games.

Did anyone else do any better?

Barry Woodward

Exactly the same result from my letter but at least she signed the

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CS: Pol- New Labour Banned Pistols

2001-01-23 Thread Mike BEGGS


As a .22LR pistol shooter for many years I can say with confidence that
no-one suggested I should hand my gun in until after Tony Blair was Prime
Minister. Richard Loweth seems to be politically blinded or just forgetful.
The 'old' Conservatives wanted to get rid of large bore pistols to try to
keep some power in Scotland. It was Blair and 'new' Labour who turned it
into a ban on all pistols. Maybe 'new' Conservatives can be persuaded to go
at least back to their former policy. A .22LR is better than nothing and
includes Olympic and Commonwealth disciplines I believe, therefore avoiding
the nonsensical position that people will be invited to Bisley to do
something which is illegal for U.K. residents.
Look, in case anyone missed it, what happened was that the tories
decided well prior to the Cullen report that they would require
handguns to be locked up at clubs.  Forsyth threatened to resign
if they weren't banned altogether, so the Govt. caved in and decided
to ban everything except .22s kept at clubs in a totally unrealistic
fashion that was tantamount to a ban.

Any moron could see that the tories were doomed in Scotland no matter
what they did, and it was easy for Labour to trump them by saying
they would ban everything.  The tories are largely to blame because
if they had said they would do nothing I suspect Labour would have
introduced legislation to require them to be locked up at clubs,
based on John Prescott's comments at the time.

However there is plenty of blame to go around, having Anne Pearston
at the 1996 Labour Party conference was beyond the pale, it was
clearly an emotive attempt to manipulate the electorate, because
Tony Blair is a power freak obsessed with his self-image and there
are no depths to which he will not sink to make himself appear
"popular".  The tories may be intellectually bankrupt but they
didn't go as far as Blair did in victimising innocent people.

The tories and Labour are equally to blame, however, Labour
are in power and if the tories get wind of how unpopular the
handgun ban is with a sizable segment of people who might be
convinced to vote for them, they might change their minds.  In the
end they are all politicians and with most of them principles
come in second place to keeping their jobs.


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CS: Pol-March In March Worries

2001-01-23 Thread Mike BEGGS


The March is not "in support of hunting". It is far more.
The march is for Liberty and Livelihood of country people, an opressed
The objects of the march are to:
- defend the right of rural people to live their lives responsibly in the
way they choose
- protect rural people from prejudice, particularly against all country
sports including shooting
- address the real problems of the countryside that are destroying
communities, their culture and their childrens future.

Surely you agree with Alex, that you should be there.

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CS: Pol-The march in March Placards

2001-01-22 Thread Mike Burns

From:   "Mike Burns", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I think you can have a placard without a stick, provided it
is not mounted on anything hard, so a piece of cardboard
should be okay.  I'm not sure exactly at what point they
consider it to be a potential weapon.


Is this a general rule for all protests in London or is it just for us 'cos
we're especially dangerous, gun-owning types?  Or are they expecting us to
have placards gaffer taped to the (fixed) bayonets of our (loaded)

According to the CA website banners have to be folded when marching through
Hyde Park for some reason, which kinda negates the option of mounting them
on a nasty sharp pointed stick...

This has been the case for quite some time, I am told.  I am also
wondering whether this T-shirt idea is such a great one, middle
of March isn't going to be that warm, unless we wear them over the
top of something.


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CS: Field-shooting squirrels

2001-01-20 Thread Mike Burns

From:   "Mike Burns", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

The 12ft-lb limit exists because it was felt that anything lower would
be insufficient to humanely kill agricultural pests -- meaning rabbits
and woodies.  Squirrels are more effectively controlled by trapping, and
few people eat them.  (And those who don't are missing a treat.)

So, how does one prepare and cook Squig then?  I have a few nice juicy ones
that run within an easy shot of my bedroom window!

"Roll up, roll up, squirrel souffl 2/6"
Actually I think there out to be a prize for the fattest squirrel.

I saw one waddling across the garden the other day, I couldn't believe
how fat it was.

However I think the TV programme I saw on the Bubonic Plague kind
of put me off ever eating one.


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CS: Pol-How your MP voted on the hunting ban

2001-01-20 Thread Mike Burns

From:   "Mike Burns", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

H.  Looks like most of the country and market town MP's are anti-ban.
Now that's not surprising, really.  Unfortunately there appear to be far
more urban constituancies than rural.

Ho hum.  The morality of the town being shoved into the faces of the
countryside as usual..

Much to my astonishment my MP voted against the ban, perhaps
my nagging is paying off!


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CS: Pol-March 18 March

2001-01-16 Thread Mike Burns

From:   "Mike Burns", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Howsabout hardcore target shooters going in shooting jackets
with "Scapegoat" or another suitable phrase on a piece of paper
pinned on their backs where competitor numbers usually get pinned
at Olympic style competitions?  I assume that noone will be turning
up in combat jackets cos that would be bad.... Nuff said?


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CS: Target-proofing

2001-01-10 Thread Mike

From:   Mike Taylor, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

In recent discussions the proofing of chamber inserts has been discussed
at some length. Proofing is a routine procedure which we all accept but
one of our contributors implied that the benefits were questionable.
This raises a few questions.

How is the proof load for any cartridge type calculated?

How big is the overload over a normal load? (what is a normal load?)

After the proof load has been fired, what is the procedure for examining
the firearm?

Does the result tell us anything useful?

Can it be used to accurately predict how any particular firearm will
respond to repeated firing of a lower charge?

It is something of a mystery to me, I hope someone can shed some light
on this.

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CS: Pol-Channel 4 hunting poll

2000-12-21 Thread Mike

From:   Mike Eveleigh, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

An e-mail poll on the subject of hunting.



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CS: Misc-deafening silence

2000-11-28 Thread Mike

From:   Mike Taylor, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

It may or may not be a good example, but that is neither here nor there.
It's met with a deafening silence by the people who advocate NO controls,
even if you personally are not one of them.
Not one response has been made to this by those advocates!

Steady on IG. You have your own silences from time to time.

You said that George Harrison could have used (ie had the right to use)
a legally held shotgun for self defence and no jury would convict.
Possibly true, but you failed to answer my question on whether he would
continue to be a certificate holder after the acquittal.

I suspect the answer is *no*. Which means you can use this method of
defence only once. Having shown a propensity to use a legally held
weapon for defence on one occasion seems to be sufficient grounds for
access to legally held weapons to be denied. 

That's not much of a right. Use it once and lose it for good.

What would be the response of your own licensing department?

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CS: Target-Commonwealth Games Volunteers

2000-11-27 Thread Mike BEGGS


I would be 'up for it', but having read your email 'they' will obviously
prevent us entering the site.
The only way to achieve the effect you seek would be to volunteer to help
and then not do so by boycott or sit down strike.
Any volunteers?

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CS: Pol-Stop or I'll chant!

2000-11-25 Thread Mike

From:   Mike Taylor, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Our right to self defence has not descended anywhere. I repeat...ad
nauseumyou all have a right to self defence!!!

It just so happens that firearms are not available for self defence. If a
firearm had been used in this case, then, provided it was legally held for
say, clay shooting, then no jury in a million years would convict someone
using it. Don't delude yourself.
The law only restricts self defence as being a good reason for possession.

That juries will almost always acquit in these circumstances may be
true. Which raises the question of why the prosecution is brought in the
first place. How do the prosecuting authorities decide?

Prior to the trial the licensing department will have revoked the
certificate for any legally held gun.

After the acquittal, which implies that no crime has been committed,
will they reissue the certificate without any fuss?

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CS: Misc-Recommended movies

2000-11-25 Thread Mike Burns

From:   "Mike Burns", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

The film is also known as "Deep in the Heart" (1983) - go to www.imdb.com
and search for "handgun" and it'll pull it up for you.

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CS: Pol-Certificate fees change

2000-11-23 Thread Mike

From:   Mike Eveleigh, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Some police forces have sent letters warning their certificate holders that
certificate fees will be changing in 2001, January 1st to be precise.

I've put a list of the "proposed" changes on our website at - 
on the "What's New" page. 

Note that I've said "changes" - most of the prices have dropped, but shotgun
fees have risen to the same level as FACs - now there's a surprise!
I understand the matter will be put to parliament in the next couple of

I can't understand that because the shotgun licensing system
hasn't changed, so how can such a fee increase be justified?

Anyway FAC fees have dropped so that is one good thing.

The HO confirms that a fees order will be laid before
Parliament "very soon".


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CS: Pol-Chris Mullin again

2000-11-18 Thread Mike Burns

From:   "Mike Burns", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

... "These are incredibly
dangerous weapons."...

This reminds me of a thing in America where some TV journalist was
complaining about the "Powerful 9mm round" being avaliable to people
(obviously haven't ever seen a 7.62 NATO or a .303" then...).  The people
making these kinds of statements clearly don't have a clue about what
they're talking about, calling 12ftlb air rifles dangerous.  This is, as
usual, uneducated crap coming from the people who make the rules in this
Will someone with lots of money please put all these people on a course to
teach them about these things


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CS: Misc-Police Corruption

2000-11-11 Thread Mike

From:   Mike Taylor, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I consider it insane that our elected government deny the people the
possibility of executing criminals on the thin ground
that the police have in the past accused innocent
people and got them hanged.

AGREED! At least have a referendum on it..

I have no moral objection to capital punishment but can you really
dismiss a fatal miscarriage of justice so lightly?

In the case of Stefan Kisko he was convicted of raping and murdering a
child. He did 16 years inside as a child molester. Had the law allowed,
he would have been hanged.

The evidence that cleared him was available at the time of his
conviction. He was sterile, as samples taken from him at the time
proved. The rapist was not. The prosecution must have known.

He was a misfit but he was harmless. He confessed under interrogation.
So the forensic evidence was conveniently ignored. Under pressure to get
a result, people do many things they would otherwise not do.

It is unlikely to happen to you, IG. But if it ever did, I hope you
would go to the gallows with the same level of enthusiasm that you have
for hanging other innocent people.

In a referendum before his arrest, Stefan Kisko might have voted for
capital punishment for child murderers. After all, he wasn't one so what
would it matter?
We're getting way OT here but I have to say I've never been
much of a fan of the death sentence because most people who
receive it are penniless and you have to ensure they have a
thorough appeals process to remove any doubt as to their
innocence.  It's usually cheaper to lock them up for life.
Personally I think being locked in a cell for most of the
rest of your life is far greater punishment than being
sentenced to die, the problem is that life sentences often
relate to the life of an unhealthy cat.


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CS: Legal-statutory right of entry

2000-11-10 Thread Mike

From:   Mike Taylor, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

If they have grounds for suspicion that there is any propellant, black
powder, fireworks, loaded ammunition, primers and probably other
explosives, they have right of entry without a warrant. The property
owner/occupier can refuse entry but that is an offence in itself. They
can enter property, take samples, seize documents and pretty well do as
they like. I also seem to recall that they can ask questions of a man's
wife (about her husband) which she is compelled to answer. Normally a
wife cannot be compelled to testify against her husband.
This doesn't sound right to me, my house was searched by the
police looking for explosives and they had a warrant.

Primers, fireworks, ammunition and smokeless powder don't require an
explosives license unless you have sizable quantities.


If they had a warrant they did not need the powers granted under the
Control of Explosives Regulations / HSE provisions. That does not mean
they don't exist.

The need for a licence is irrelevant. The exemptions have limits on
quantities etc so offences can still occur.

The regulations came into force by Statutory Instrument in 1991 and were
the subject of a protracted fight even after they came in. Perhaps they
were voted down after their introduction. If so, I don't recall it.

Read Cadmus (Colin Greenwood) Guns Review February 1992 to get a flavour
of what was included. Colin Greenwood described the powers as
'draconian' and he was correct. There were other Cadmus articles which
went into much greater detail but I can't locate them.

Anyone else with a long memory?

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CS: Pol-Countryside March

2000-10-21 Thread Mike

From:   Mike Eveleigh, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

March 18th 2001- Sunday

Countryside March


According to our information

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CS: Field-Clarrisa and the countryman

2000-10-20 Thread Mike

From:   Mike Eveleigh, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Clarrisa and the countryman is on BBC2 tonight at 8pm, it starts in
 Scotland with lambing. Viewers who think the programme is good should call
 BBC on 0208 743 8000. The word is that Anti fieldsport protesters have all
 ready been calling the BBC to protest against the programme, so we must
 reflect the other side. As you know both BASC and the Countryside Alliance
 have had input to the programme. Calling will make a real difference to
 the programs BBC commission in the future, so please register your
 observations with the Beeb. This is the first time in many years field
 sports have had a fair hearing on prime time TV. Please pass this
 information on and get as many people to call. If you're really dedicated
 then please write and express your views that more programs should be made
 regarding countryside issues by country people.
 Jane Root
 BBC2 controller
 BBC Television
 Television Center
 Wood Lane
 W12 7RJ
 The BBC programme observations.telephone number is 08700 100 222

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CS: Pol-Government response to Home Affairs Committee Report

2000-10-03 Thread Mike

From:   Mike Eveleigh, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

The government will issue it's response to the Home
Affairs Committee report into further controls over
firearms early tomorrow morning - (i.e.: 4th
October 2000).
There is NO indication of the content of the response.
I think Charles Clark's comments give us a fair indication


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CS: Legal-BBC News North-west

2000-09-28 Thread Mike

From:   Mike Eveleigh, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

At 6:30 PM on 28th September there was an item -  "Beswick's
Beat" in which Allan Beswick interviewed George Wallace from
BASC and Ian Kennedy from Lancashire Constabulary about the
delays in renewing shotgun certificates in the North-West.

We were told that being in possession of a shotgun without
a current certificate was a "technical offence" (NOT the
BBCs words - he was quoting the Police).

At the end of the item he asked that anyone who had this
sort of problem in the North West contact him as soon as
possible at - 


0845 30 630 27

Over to you !

A technical offence that at a bare minimum will prevent you
from legally owning a gun again.


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CS: Pol-Possible Range Closure, North West.

2000-09-08 Thread Mike

From:   Mike Eveleigh, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

We have just become aware that the military authorities
are to make a decision in the next week or so about the
future of Sealand Ranges near Queensferry in North Wales.

These full-bore ranges have been in use by target
shooting clubs, cadet and police units as well as the
armed forces for as long as many people can remember,
and if they are closed, it will mean that several clubs
will be forced to close and the other units will have
to find facilities elsewhere.

This will be another nail in the coffin of shooters
in this area.


gives some details and ways to help on the "What's New" page.

Please help if you can.


I think you mean http://psa.bizhosting.com


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CS: Legal-Self-loaders

2000-08-17 Thread Mike

From:   Mike Taylor, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

And as Guy pointed out previously, if you actually believe
that, your local police have a cosy cell awaiting you if
you try it!

Open bolt or closed bolt, it's banned.

Is self loading actually defined in the act? I thought it actually
specified that a new round had to be chambered with one pull of the
trigger, not two.

What you can do (if you really must) is to make a semi-automatic
rifle without a magazine.  Of possible interest to those with
an interest in WW2, you could for example make an M1 carbine
where the chamber had to be manually loaded for each shot,
and the empty case is ejected automatically.

Would a closed bolt semi-auto rifle, with a magazine, which ejects the
fired case and then stays open until the bolt is released manually
In theory yes, but it would be so easy to convert such a gun
into a self-loader that it is not worth thinking about.  For
example if you held the release mechanism in the release
position, would it function as a self-loader?

The definition of "self-loading" is a mechanism that
"automatically reloads".


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CS: Misc-misquote

2000-08-14 Thread Mike

From:   Mike Taylor, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Having inadvertently attributed the quote "stay with the professionals"
to IG when it was made by "Mitch", I must apologise to both for the

The sentiments behind my posting remain unchanged and the large numbers
of responsible people who are similarly disillusioned by the activities
of the police should be a cause for deep concern to both Mitch and IG.

The police are trained to collect evidence, weigh it dispassionately and
take action accordingly. Why does this training desert them on so many
occasions, in particular where shooters are concerned?

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CS: Misc-Atis Shotgun

2000-08-04 Thread Mike

From:   Mike Eveleigh, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Could this be a Baikal AS 1 J (ASIJ) single barrelled Shotgun, or is that
simply a coincidence?
Mike Eveleigh 
I know what they're talking about, it looks like a Remington 870 with
a six-shot detachable magazine, if I recall correctly EAA used
to advertise them in Front Sight.

I wouldn't be surprised if the UK importer were the same people
who imported Tanfoglio, as EAA were the US importer for Tanfoglio.

I know I've seen one in the flesh but I can't remember where.

Baikal do also make a pump-action shotgun with a detachable box
magazine (or they did), there may be some connection.  I can't
place the name Atis, perhaps the police have got that wrong.

I'm wondering why exactly the police want this information, if
they have the gun and they have the guy who did the crime with it,
why do they need to know who imported it?

EAA is also the US importer for Baikal shotguns so I'd bet
EAA is the best source for information.


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