From:   Mike Taylor, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

><<I consider it insane that our elected government deny the people the
>possibility of executing criminals on the thin ground
>that the police have in the past accused innocent
>people and got them hanged.>>
>AGREED! At least have a referendum on it..........
I have no moral objection to capital punishment but can you really
dismiss a fatal miscarriage of justice so lightly?

In the case of Stefan Kisko he was convicted of raping and murdering a
child. He did 16 years inside as a child molester. Had the law allowed,
he would have been hanged.

The evidence that cleared him was available at the time of his
conviction. He was sterile, as samples taken from him at the time
proved. The rapist was not. The prosecution must have known.

He was a misfit but he was harmless. He confessed under interrogation.
So the forensic evidence was conveniently ignored. Under pressure to get
a result, people do many things they would otherwise not do.

It is unlikely to happen to you, IG. But if it ever did, I hope you
would go to the gallows with the same level of enthusiasm that you have
for hanging other innocent people.

In a referendum before his arrest, Stefan Kisko might have voted for
capital punishment for child murderers. After all, he wasn't one so what
would it matter?
We're getting way OT here but I have to say I've never been
much of a fan of the death sentence because most people who
receive it are penniless and you have to ensure they have a
thorough appeals process to remove any doubt as to their
innocence.  It's usually cheaper to lock them up for life.
Personally I think being locked in a cell for most of the
rest of your life is far greater punishment than being
sentenced to die, the problem is that life sentences often
relate to the life of an unhealthy cat.


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