Increase your penis size 3 inches in 22 days

2002-12-15 Thread hminshew
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  can make it happen with Maxaman, GUARANTEED].Do YOU Want To Be Better Than 'Average'?According to medical records, the average penis length is 6 inches.
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  be even smaller than this, please don't read any further.But IF you want to be a lot better than average - UP TO 3 FULL
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expansion in width of your penis. You will also experience and enjoy
longer lasting erections.Week 


2002-12-15 Thread Matthew X
Published on Thursday, December 12, 2002 by the Los Angeles Times
He's Humble in a Way That Only Godzilla Could Be
by Arianna Huffington

Remember how the Bush administration ambled unassumingly into office? I 
hope I'm viewed as a humble person, the president said just before moving 
into the White House. And on his first day on the job, he counseled his 
senior staff members to be an example of humility and decency and fairness.

Well, those days are long gone. Forget tiptoeing. Team Bush now stomps down 
the halls of power like Godzilla trampling the streets of Tokyo. When 
describing the administration at midterm, the words that come to mind are 
arrogant, cocky, galling and drunk with power. The prevailing motto seems 
to be: Our way or the highway. If you don't like it, you can move to Canada.

The latest example was the stunning appointment of cover-up cover boy Henry 
Kissinger to head the 9/11 commission. Was Bush deliberately trying to 
select the one person in the world least likely to get to the bottom of the 
foul-ups that preceded Sept. 11? Was Saudi Prince Bandar too busy reining 
in his wife's charitable impulses to take the job?

The only thing more ludicrous than naming Kissinger to head this inquiry 
would be picking somebody who thinks pollution is a right to head the 
Interior Department, or selecting a guy who made his name fighting the 
authority of the Securities and Exchange Commission as its chairman. Oh, 
wait a minute -- that's right, Bush already did both of those things too.

In the last few months alone, the White House has shown its disdain for 
public opinion -- and indeed the public interest -- in an exceptionally 
wide variety of areas. Here are just a few of the more blood-boiling cases.

* On the environment: Not satisfied with just gutting the Clean Air Act, 
the White House chose to announce its polluter-friendly decision in the 
most dismissive, least accountable way possible, delivered not by the 
president or Environmental Protection Agency head Christie Whitman but by a 
low-level administrator, on a Friday afternoon leading into a holiday week 
and with no cameras allowed.

* On stealing from the poor to give to the rich: In an act of reverse Robin 
Hood effrontery, the president helped defray some of the cost of his 
nonstop campaigning with an accounting trick that allowed him to dip into 
the coffers of the Office of Family Assistance by piggy-backing campaign 
appearances onto trips ostensibly made to talk about welfare reform. That's 
right, money meant to assist poor families was used to help elect 
politicians who believe that, even with all the problems facing this 
country, cutting taxes for the rich should be job one.

These, of course, are the same Scrooges who did nothing to stop the 
unemployment benefits of 800,000 workers from expiring during the holiday 
season. Ho, ho, ho, poor people!

* On sucking up to special interests: I guess that the back-channel passage 
of that tailor-made -- and White House- approved -- homeland security bill 
amendment protecting Eli Lilly, maker of the questionable vaccine 
preservative thimerosal, from billions in potential lawsuits just wasn't 
enough of an insult to democracy. To pour salt in that fresh wound the 
administration has asked a federal claims court to block public access to 
documents unearthed in more than 1,000 thimerosal- related lawsuits. Take 
that, suffering parents of autistic children!

* On political patronage: As the White House was moving to scale back pay 
increases for career federal employees it was also secretly doling out 
big-buck bonuses to political appointees -- a practice banned during the 
Clinton presidency because of abuses during the last Bush administration. 
Who was it again who was going to restore integrity to the White House?

(Actually, he didn't say integrity, he said respectability, and he has 
done that, from an insane extremist neo-conservative point of view...)

* On fighting the war on terrorism: A majority of Americans have a negative 
view of Saudi Arabia. As well they should, given the desert kingdom's 
two-faced attitude, the money that ended up in the pockets of 9/11 
hijackers, its telethons for suicide bombers, its refusal to let U.S. 
planes targeting the Taliban take off from Saudi soil and the 
not-insignificant fact that most of the 9/11 hijackers were Saudi. In spite 
of all this, the White House continues to treat the spoiled princes of the 
House of Saud as bosom brothers. In your eye, American people! (hey, gimme 
a break. I'm being paid to demonize them, to justify our next stop in the 
Emperor Bu$h (New) World (Order) Tour...)

Arianna Huffington writes a syndicated column, and still thinks that 911 
was the result of terrorism, despite the fact that a coup has obviously 
taken place in America, and fascism is growing faster than the economy. 
E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] and ask her for the PROOF to back up the 
official conspiracy theory being 

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2002-12-15 Thread GreatDeals
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2002-12-15 Thread Matthew X
Vladimir Peniakoff was granted a commission in the Libyan Arab Force -a 
company which he transformed into a commando-unit, with the idea of 
operating behind the enemy lines. But it was as a lone operator that 
Vladimir became known.- being taken to and from behind enemy lines by that 
famous unit, the Long Range Desert Group. Towards the end of the desert 
campaign Vladimir was asked to form a raiding unit of his own -the outcome 
being the No 1 Long Range Demolition Squadron. During their travels with 
the L.R.D.G., the New Zealanders found his real name Peniakoff too much of 
a tongue-twister, so he was dubbed POPSKI by those brave and resourceful 
soldiers. When Vladimir hesitated in choosing a name for his new unit, 
General Sir John Hackett, who was then in charge of Special Operations in 
the Middle East, dubbed his unit into Popski's Private Army. The 
formation of the unit, however, didn't take effect until just before the 
battle of El Alamein, and P.P.A. was therefore too late to take part in the 
battles for Egypt and Libya, but it made contributions to the fighting in 
Tunisia and Algeria. After the desert and North Africa campaign, P.P.A. 
operated extensively in Italy and Austria up to the last day of the war.
Yunnie's account is an honest, extremely personal, expose of the thrills 
and occasional pitfalls of life with Popski and his men. He captures the 
tumultuous nature of fighting in a nomadic unit that drifted between 
British and American command, but whose contribution to the Allied war 
effort in North Africa and Italy remains immeasurable. This is, above all, 
a book in praise of adventure and freedom, and the true story of 'a small 
group of men who enjoyed World War II'. FROM
Welcome to Popski's page.
Astrolabes, Jeeps and stout hearts

Popski was Major Vladimir Peniakoff, DSO.

He was born in Huy, Belgium to Russian emigre parents on March 30, 1897, 
was educated in Britain, and worked and lived in Egypt between the wars.
Becoming bored with the drinking and adulteries of the colonial elite, he 
took up the hobby of exploring the desert, and learned to deal with desert 
Arabs and to navigate in the Sahara in an old Ford sedan somewhat crudely 
but descriptively named the Pisspot.

When World War II broke out, he joined the British 8th Army, and was 
assigned to the Libyan Arab Force, a body of Arab refugees from the Italian 
colonial regime, in British service. This force was never effectively used, 
and Peniakoff was sent instead as a spymaster and saboteur into Libya, 
where he led the Libyan Arabs, who hated the Italians, in spying, sabotage, 
and the rescue of Allied prisoners and aircrew.

He got the nickname Popski because the ANZAC radiomen at 8th Army 
Headquarters couldn't remember how to spell Peniakoff. So they dubbed him 
Popski, after a hairy little Bolshevik character in a popular British comic 
strip of the period.
After the war, Peniakoff wrote his memoirs under the title Private Army, 
which has been reprinted in paperback in recent years as Popski's Private 
Army and offered by the Military Book Club. (The US edition omits the 
introductory chapters about Peniakoff's pre-war desert experience.)

The book is a forthright telling of a special kind of men in war. First, 
Peniakoff is an excellent writer, with a fine grasp of language. Second, 
his writing is completely and sometimes brutally honest in his 
recollections: even his most embarrassing failures are included. Third, the 
experiences of Popski and the men who followed him were as varied and 
interesting as that of any other warrior or adventurer in history.

Till Bellski and his men.

Alamein to Zem Zem

2002-12-15 Thread Matthew X
little known gem of a war memoir by a great poet, November 1, 2002
Reviewer: Frank Henson from Rowayton, CT
This book used to be extremely hard to find, so it's nice to see this 
edition and know that it's been reprinted since i read it in '82.
Keith Castellain Douglass,
Here's what makes this book so interesting: Douglas was a student of 
literature, British, so his perspective on being a tanker in WWII reflects 
an insightful sensibility. He fought in numerous campaigns in Africa 
(Alamein and on) before dying in Normandy shortly after being called back 
to active duty. Douglas is considered one of the finest war poets of WWII, 
but it's his descriptions of tank battles and the hot, concussive nature of 
it that is most memorable to me.
This is the kind of war memoir that is often overlooked but rare in it's 
depth and scope. --This text refers to the Paperback edition

I mention this because it describes the ongoing use of commonwealth 
soldiers as cannon fodder by the British Empire and ties in with 
the,'Popski,' story.The great story of 'retreat to win,' and,'the end of 
the beginning.' The first defeat for the Wermacht..

The Tim May- Declan McCATOhead Gross Fraud.

2002-12-15 Thread Matthew X
Tim May on the worrisome trend toward signing away rights
CATO shill,Declan retails one of Mongo's rants.Mongo mad,Mongo shoot 
sheriff Bart.
It was funny once.
Shortly after posting that bubble of wisdom from the hot tub,Date: Mon, 9 
Dec 2002 20:24:13 -0800
Tim thought better of it...
Date: Tue, 10 Dec 2002 10:36:34 -0800
...And this really does raise some interesting issues which need 
exploration, here as well as on t.v. For example, to a kind of pure 
libertarian, signing away rights is permissible. Employees at corporations 
do it every day, and always have. Many libertarians would even support 
selling oneself into slavery (perhaps to pay for some operation or to 
provide for one's children.) And indentured servitude is easy to support. 
Signing away rights is also common in certain residential communities, 
where the local rules (CCRs) may restrict all sort of activities. 
However, when it is government one signs rights away to, and when there are 
issues of what happens to those who DON'T have the Mr. Policeman is Your 
Friend! sticker on their cars, the issues are no longer about voluntarism. 
Vernor Vinge could probably write some good stories around these themes. 
--Tim May
Aryan Rant could..
I said...To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: Can Mongo sign his name?
Date: Fri, 13 Dec 2002 02:12:59 +1100 (sorry it took so long but I ignore 
Mongo's posts these days unless they get a few callbacks.It's a tame and 
tired issue as this essay spells out...
To demonize state authoritarianism while ignoring identical albeit 
contract-consecrated subservient arrangements in the large-scale 
corporations which control the world economy is fetishism at its worst.
From an essay entitled,'The libertarian as conservative.' from...
The Libertarian As Conservative.
By Bob Black. An unusual approach, viewing families, work, schools, and 
churches as being as coercive as government. Starts boring, then gets good.
You libertarian party hacks,Tim May and Declan McCullagh should get a Germany.

ADV: Thomas Kinkade Christmas Village Gift

2002-12-15 Thread Edoameth
Title: Untitled Document



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Seventh International Day Against Police Brutality March 15, 2003

2002-12-15 Thread Matthew X
March 15, 2003, marks the seventh year of this international day of protest 
and solidarity against police brutality. It first began in 1997 as an 
initiative of the Black Flag collective in Switzerland along with the help 
of 'le Collective Opposé à la Brutalité Policière' (COBP-Montreal). Since 
its first year, the International Day Against Police Brutality (IDAPB) has 
been a success. This date was chosen because on March 15th, two children, 
aged 11 and 12, were beaten by the Swiss police.

This day is also an opportunity to create and strengthen an indispensable 
international solidarity against the ever-increasing collaboration amongst 
global police forces. The IDAPB is one step in ending the isolation of 
groups and individuals who, engaged in this struggle, are subjected to 
daily repression.

The police, the right arm of the State, abuse their power on a daily basis 
and exercise violence with total impunity. Within the police brotherhood, 
the complicity of silence eradicates the possibility of one police 
officer's innocence. Everywhere they continuously violate the very laws 
that they are supposed to uphold. The police check I.D. without reason, 
ticket, harass, steal, spy, beat, deport, arrest, imprison, torture and 
kill. Their primary targets are the undesirables of society: the poor, 
the homeless, Indigenous peoples, people of colour, immigrants and persons 
with irregular status (illegal immigrants and people working 
under-the-table), sex workers, activists and student activists, the 
marginalised, organised workers, queer, gender-based and feminist activists 
and people who question and don't accept the legitimacy of the authorities.

In response to the breadth and depth of anti-capitalist globalization 
demonstrations opposing the fortress of capitalism, the widening gap 
between the rich and the poor, the deepening of poverty, the generalised 
misery and deterioration of living conditions, governments invest in their 
police forces, in order to maintain, at whatever cost, law and order for 
'social peace'.

The reactionary security craze following the September 11 events in the 
U.S. gave free reign to world governments to create new fascist 
anti-terrorist and racist anti-immigration laws. Systematic surveillance of 
all means of communication, tougher border controls (if not their closure) 
and total discretionary powers to all police forces directly affect all 
undesirables (the 'dangerous' class).

Facing a global police state, we have the responsibility to act and support 
all victims of State force. We urgently invite you to participate in the 
International Day Against Police Brutality (IDAPB). Until now, this event 
has taken place in several forms: street theatre, murals, publications, 
demonstrations, conferences, postering, workshops, exhibitions, radio and 
television shows and other cultural events. Some groups have organised more 
than one activity while others have formed coalitions. All collectives or 
individuals decide on what type of action, depending on the political 
climate of their country, the energy and willingness of people to organise 
an event, the resources available, etc. The key thing is the imagination 
and the creativity of the people involved.


Some suggestions and needs:

* If you can't organise for March 15th, try to organise as close to the 
date as possible. * If you can't or don't want to participate, please 
spread and forward this message. * We need more languages, so any 
translation of the message is very much appreciated. Could you please send 
the translations to the below email addresses, so that we can publish them 
on our websites. * If you organise anything, can you please let us know, in 
order to strengthen solidarity and to be able to build a publication about 
this worldwide event. * For questions, commentaries, or to find out more 
about COBP-Montréal and COPB-Vancouver please contact us and visit our 

COBP-Montréal and COPB-Van

Contacts: Snail mail: COBP c/o The Alternative Bookshop 2035 St-Laurent, 
2nd floor Montreal, Quebec H2X 2T3


Websites: COBP-Montréal: 

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2002-12-15 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]


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Re: Extradition, Snatching, and the Danger of Traveling to Other Countries

2002-12-15 Thread Sarad AV

--- Mike Rosing [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

And who supports whom to prevent extermination.

Firstly,they cannot be exterminated.There is no proof
of identity as we may have in our countries and no
body will ask for it either,since most don't have one.
The Taliban would have cut their beard and hair and
mixed up with civilian population,while troops can go
searching for orthodox civilians with a taliban
look,making it hard to hunt them down.Once/if the
international troops leave afghan,there are over
hundred factions,who will keep fighting among
themselves for 'land' and the taliban will be back.

Regards Sarath.

 On Fri, 13 Dec 2002, Sarad AV wrote:
  The Taliban is still very much alive,when troops
  into kabul there were no traces of the
  took what ever they wanted and were 'refugees'
  sneaking out when the bombing started.They placed
  they needed ,every body else needed to see.Video
  of chemical weapon testing,which CNN
  free advertisement for the taliban  regime.Now all
  eyes are on iraq,war games being conducted so that
  world does not question man or machine
  regimes do stay for a while,how sucessful they are
  depends on how well they come back after their


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2002-12-15 Thread Mary White

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Is Ronald Coase a NUT CASE?

2002-12-15 Thread Matthew X
O.J's Defense: A Reductio Ad Absurdum
of the Economics of Ronald Coase and Richard Posner

A reductio ad absurdum takes the principles of a doctrine, applies them 
exactly as their creators did only to an entirely different subject and 
with horrendous results, and thus shows what absurd conclusions are 
logically compatible with the original thesis. The entire article applies 
the tenets of the Chicago law and economics tradition, as adumbrated by two 
of its most distinguished practitioners, Coase and Posner. It shows that on 
the basis of this canon a case can be made out for freeing O.J. Simpson- 
even if he did indeed kill his wife. The article is an attempt to show that 
the libertarian reliance on personal and private property rights is a much 
more robust thesis than the Chicago precept of wealth maximization.
Keywords: property rights, theft, Posner, central planning, murder, 
slavery, rule of law, Coase
Even though the O.J. Simpson case has been decided, it is still much in the 
news. (1) Pundits, commentators, journalists, and editorialists, are still 
weighing it with discussion and analysis. There is no reason for the 
economics profession alone to remain silent on this highly charged issue 
when so many others have entered the fray.
Even after the trial, opinions about the case fall into two main 
categories: (1) 0.J. Simpson did stab his former wife, Nicole Brown 
Simpson, and her companion Ronald Goldman and should he punished for his 
act, and (2) he is innocent and should therefore be freed. (2) Fortunately, 
with the tools of modern economic analysis, especially Coasian and 
Posnerian insights, we can have our cake and eat it too: we can defend the 
position that even if O.J. Simpson is guilty of the acts with which he is 
charged, he should still be set free. (3)
The Coasian System
According to the analytic framework developed by Coase (1960), there are 
two states of the world. The First state, for the most part an imaginary 
one, is characterized by zero transactions costs. This means that one can 
easily and cheaply find people with whom a bargain can be struck and that 
no one erects artificial barriers to commercial transactions (there are no 
holdouts, no opportunistic behavior, and so on). States Coase (1960, p.15): 
In order to carry out a market transaction it is necessary to discover who 
it is that one

Tim May,Trent Lott and Gutless wonder,Declan McCullagh.

2002-12-15 Thread Matthew X
To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: Re: Ebonics? From: Tim May [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Date: Wed, 11 Dec 2002 17:33:20 -0800

Hey flunkyboy,while your publishing Mongo,don't miss this...

On Wednesday, December 11, 2002, at 03:40  PM, Anonymous wrote:

So what's this bullshit with Ebonics anyway? Tim doesn't like
 ebonics? Seems
 pretty strange that anyone here has a problem with a group of people
 their own language that others can't understand. Or some other groups
 trying to
 study or understand it.

Zup wi' dat? Homey don't have no problem with niggaz jivin,' so long as
niggaz don't come to Homey when dey be starvin' and Homey be makin'
money wit da science and math and saving and investing and working hard

Da niggaz wonze be speakin' jive to da hoes, Homey don't care.

Homey sez it be ebonicslution in action.

--Tim May
The State is the great fiction by which everyone seeks to live at the
expense of everyone else. --Frederic Bastiat

Tim must get 'Hustler' home delivered.What do you get there in DC,boyo?

Sacco and Vanzetti (Communist spies),

2002-12-15 Thread Matthew X
Says so right here...

Scroll down a long way...Notes
It is fair to say that the O.J. Simpson murder trial was subjected to the 
most intensive scrutiny of any criminal case, or, indeed, any other 
lawsuit, in the history of American jurisprudence. Public interest in O.J. 
Simpson vastly outstripped other such high-profile cases as Sacco and 
Vanzetti (Communist spies), Leopold and Loeb (murder of a small boy), 
Pollard (Israeli spy), and Ethel and Julius Rosenberg (Communist spies).
I would have thought jamesd would have cleared that up by now. 

The cypherpunk lost boys.

2002-12-15 Thread Matthew X
In no particular order...
Tim May...Actually, it was legally murder (and hence illegal) to kill one's 
own slave in the pre-Civil War U.S. south. (I owe this point to an 
anonymous referee.) But as a de facto matter, such laws were in effect null 
and void.Tim 'RaHoWa' May,what can I say.
Hettinger...coarse economism and hypertension have destroyed a decent 
McCullagh...disgusting brownoser,sickening puke.
jamesd...clinically insane ex-trotskist and chronic liar.
nomen nescio...the Nechayev of the list,the worse things get,the happier he is.'s disturbing to have to out a snitch but he wont deny it and the 
evidence is right there in the archive.
Choate...ditto,although in his defence,he was not dobbing in a true 
punk,rather a loopy curt saxon with a gun fetish.(Tim May.)
Diffie?...I never saw a post from him,but he was co-dicoverer of PKI before 
crossing to the dark side.
Blaze...deep,deep cover like that will see you in a shallow grave.
anyone I miss?

Remote Controlled Mini Matchbox Cars 27512

2002-12-15 Thread Sarah
Title: Toy

  The #1 Christmas Toy of the season! 
  The new 2-inch mini remote control cars are out of stock everywhere!
Parents are searching frantically but having no luck. There are millions of
kids expecting these for the Holiday season, lets hope somebody gets them
in or Santa may be in trouble! Associated Press, Dec 2002
  Sold Out in all stores accross the country. Retail price is $59.99. We have
limited stock and Free shipping for only $29.95!
  Your Last Chance to Get It Here ONLY!

FREE!! FREE!! Guaranteed Free Online Wealth Creator

2002-12-15 Thread
Title: Net Wealth Creator - Working with you to grow your online income



  Our first program will be 100% free 
and we guarantee that each and every 
member will make money from this program!
   How much and how soon depends entirely on the time 
and effort you are prepared to spend on it - unlike other programs where 
you need a downline of thousands to make any real money. 

  Yes that's right - Profitable 
for all our members, not just the select few who happen to get in 
early. If we can't all make money then we're just not interested. 
So no complex matrices where those at the bottom don't have a hope 
of making money - just plain and simple (but always innovative) online 
businesses that will generate real wealth for YOU! 

 As a special membership bonus we will be giving all of our members 
  a Netwealthcreator Debit Card for their payments. This card will 
  be available worldwide and will cover all of the programs that we 
  offer. So no messing with cheques or online payment methods, you'll 
  be able to earn your money and just withdraw it when you need it 
  from the nearest cash machine. 




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2002-12-15 Thread car-tech
Title: ¼¼°èÀûÀÌ°í ȯ»óÀûÀÎ ¿¬·áÀý°¨ÀÇ Àå

O º» ¸ÞÀÏÀº Á¤º¸Åë½Å¸Á ÀÌ¿ëÃËÁø ¹× Á¤º¸º¸È£ µî¿¡ °üÇÑ ¹ý·ü Á¦ 50Á¶¿¡ ÀÇ°ÅÇÑ [±¤°í] ¸ÞÀÏÀÔ´Ï´ÙO e-mailÁÖ¼Ò´Â ÀÎÅͳݻ󿡼­ ÃëµæÇÏ¿´À¸¸ç, ÁÖ¼Ò¿Ü ¾î¶°ÇÑ °³ÀÎ Á¤º¸µµ °¡Áö°í ÀÖÁö ¾Ê½À´Ï´Ù

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Magic Capsule¡á¹ß¸íƯÇã;Á¦0223661È£ µî·Ï (1999,7,10.) ¡á¹ß¸íƯÇã;Á¦0273168È£ µî·Ï 
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--º¸³»´Â »ç¶÷ : car-tech ´ëÇ¥ Àü¿ì»ï¼­¿ï ¼­Ãʱ¸ ¼­Ãʵ¿ 1471-5 (¿¹¼úÀÇÀü´ç ¾Õ)02-582-0686¡­7 

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Finally A Business That YOU Run, That Doesn't Run You! 0968MQvw8-6-10

2002-12-15 Thread tFrankFeen0ller6570132s15
Best of all...

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compliance with U.S. Federal requirements for 
commercial email, you may request removal by 
clicking mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]?subject=REMOVE
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and putREMOVE in the subject line!)



2002-12-15 Thread jmail4444jp

•K‚¸–{•¶‚É‚ ‚È‚½‚̃[ƒ‹ƒAƒhƒŒƒX‚Ì‚Ý‚ð‚¨‘‚«‰º‚³‚¢




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M o n e y Will Buy Your Life Back! 2255-4

2002-12-15 Thread Peanul_BewnnertBus03833d23
We will get you JUMPSTARTED now!

  W A T C H   O U T !  

CHRISTMAS is CLOSE and YOU need money FAST!
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 Our Christmas SPECIAL lets you CASH 
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 We train people to be Financially Successful and we are 
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Face an income of $10,000 per month within a few short WEEKS!

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Sounds like a bunch of Bull doesn’t it?
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Sorry, our program is avail. in USA and Canada ONLY !

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(do NOT click REPLY!)

(This is a one-time offer. Still, to be in full 
compliance with U.S. Federal requirements for 
commercial email, you may request removal by 
clicking mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]?subject=REMOVE
(or:   send an email to
and putREMOVE in the subject line!)


Re: Photographer Arrested For Taking Pictures Of Vice President'S Hotel

2002-12-15 Thread Anonymous
On 15 Dec 2002, David Wagner wrote:

 Declan McCullagh  wrote:
 Also (not a cypherpunk-friendly organization,
 but it does try to limit law enforcement surveillance) [...]

 Is the cypherpunks movement truly so radicalized that it is
 not willing to count even EPIC among its friends?

Only in Declan's head.

EPIC is a very pro-privacy for individuals, pro- government accountability 
and freedom of information, and has been a strong supporter of strong 
cryptography. EPIC is undeniably an ally.

Number One Xmas Gift - Electric Scooter

2002-12-15 Thread GreatDeals
Title: Kids Absolutely LOVE the Amazing New E-Scooter!



Fully Re-Chargeable Electric Scooter 
Has a Powerful 100 Watt Motor!
Goes up 
  to 10 mph!
  up to 8 miles on one charge!
Plug included 
  110v adapter into any standard wall outlet to recharge!
  charged in only 3 to 4 hours!
  aluminum & steel frame construction!
  up very compact - easily stores in any car trunk, closet, below your 
  desk, in a backpack, etc.
100% Satisfaction 
while supplies last...
Here to Learn More!


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[eff-austin] Consumer electronics companies and Hollywood may beagreeing on a smart card copy protection system (fwd)

2002-12-15 Thread Jim Choate

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Sun, 15 Dec 2002 02:07:03 +
From: Tom Morin Jr [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: eff-austin [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [eff-austin] Consumer electronics companies and Hollywood may be
agreeing on a smart card copy protection system

There is an article on the EE Times web site on how Consumer electronics
companies and Hollywood studios are about to agree on a smart card copy
protection system that was originally developed by Thomson Multimedia.

Tom Morin

Re: Libel lunacy -all laws apply fnord everywhere

2002-12-15 Thread Jim Choate

On Wed, 11 Dec 2002, Steve Schear wrote:

  From the article:
 The court dismissed suggestions the Internet was different from other
 broadcasters, who could decide how far their signal was to be transmitted.

 This is totally bogus thinking. The Internet is not broadcast medium.

Yes, it is. Every site that emits a packet broadcasts it onto the network.
One can even make a comparison between 'frequency  modulation' with 'IP 

 Information from Web sites must be requested, the equivalent of ordering a
 book or newspaper,

Or tuning your browser to the 'frequecy' of the web server.


We don't see things as they are,  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
we see them as we are.
Anais Nin

Please help: MFN is no longer listed as a Hate Group! (fwd)

2002-12-15 Thread Alif The Terrible

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Sun, 15 Dec 2002 14:50:17 -0600 (CST)
From: Alif The Terrible [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Please help: MFN is no longer listed as a Hate Group!

It is with sadness and deep concern that I must report the falling from grace
of Missouri FreeNet from the Southern Poverty Law Center's list of Hate
Groups (

In an attempt to recify this matter, and to restore MFN to it's rightful
place among the Hate Groups of America (tm), I have taken the liberty of
initiating an email writing campaign asking for this listing to be restored. 

Please help!  Fill out the form at 
and demand that Missouri FreeNet be restored to the SPLC/ list
of known hate groups.  Our reputation depends on your help in this most
critical of moments...

J.A. Terranson

If Governments really want us to behave like civilized human beings, they
should give serious consideration towards setting a better example:
Ruling by force, rather than consensus; the unrestrained application of
unjust laws (which the victim-populations were never allowed input on in
the first place); the State policy of justice only for the rich and 
elected; the intentional abuse and occassionally destruction of entire
populations merely to distract an already apathetic and numb electorate...
This type of demogoguery must surely wipe out the fascist United States
as surely as it wiped out the fascist Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.

The views expressed here are mine, and NOT those of my employers,
associates, or others.  Besides, if it *were* the opinion of all of
those people, I doubt there would be a problem to bitch about in the
first place...

Fw: One Friendship for you :-)

2002-12-15 Thread bad__bull
attachment: loveshore.scr

PR at War.

2002-12-15 Thread Matthew X
Information warfare.gentlemen,you can't fight in here!...this is the war 
United States: Media principles Killed by friendly
fire in US infowar

Increasingly, the US administration's infowar policy - along with the steps 
soldiers are taking to implement it - blurs or even erases the boundaries 
between factual information and news, on the one hand, and public 
relations, propaganda and psychological warfare, on the other. US military 
affairs analyst William Arkin warns that while this policy ostensibly 
targets foreign enemies, its most likely victim will be the US electorate.
It was California's own Hiram Johnson who said, in a speech on the Senate 
floor in 1917, that the first casualty, when war comes, is truth. What 
would he make of the Bush administration?

In a policy shift that reaches across all the armed services, Secretary of 
Defense Donald H. Rumsfeld and his senior aides are revising missions and 
creating new agencies to make information warfare a central element of 
any U.S. war.

Some hope it will eventually rank with bombs and artillery shells as an 
instrument of destruction. What is disturbing about Rumsfeld's vision of 
information warfare is that it has a way of folding together two kinds of 
wartime activity involving communications that have traditionally been 
separated by a firewall of principle.

The first is purely military. It includes attacks on the radar, 
communications and other information systems an enemy depends on to guide 
its war-making capabilities. This category also includes traditional 
psychological warfare, such as dropping leaflets or broadcasting propaganda 
to enemy troops.

The second is not directly military. It is the dissemination of public 
information that the American people need in order to understand what is 
happening in a war, and to decide what they think about it.

This information is supposed to be true. Increasingly, the administration's 
new policy -- along with the steps senior commanders are taking to 
implement it -- blurs or even erases the boundaries between factual 
information and news, on the one hand, and public relations, propaganda and 
psychological warfare, on the other.

And, while the policy ostensibly targets foreign enemies, its most likely 
victim will be the American electorate.

One of Rumsfeld's first steps into this minefield occurred last year with 
the creation of the Pentagon's Office of Strategic Influence. Part of its 
stated mission was to generate disinformation and propaganda that would 
help the United States counter Islamic extremists and pursue the war on 

The office's nominal target was the foreign media, especially in the Middle 
East and Asia. As critics soon pointed out, however, there was no way - in 
an age of instant global communications - that Washington could 
propagandize abroad without that same propaganda spreading to the home front.

Faced with a public outcry, Rumsfeld declared it had all been a big 
misunderstanding. The Pentagon would never lie to Americans. The Office of 
Strategic Influence was shut down.

But the impulse to control public information and bend it to the service of 
government objectives did not go away.

This fall, Rumsfeld created a new position of deputy undersecretary for 
special plans, a euphemism for deception operations. The special plans 
policy czar will sit atop a huge new infrastructure being created in the 
name of information warfare.

On October 1, in a little-noticed but major reorganisation, U.S. Strategic 
Command took over all responsibilities for global information attacks. The 
Omaha-based successor to the Strategic Air Command has solely focused up to 
now on nuclear weapons.

Similarly, the country's most venerable and historic bombing command, the 
8th Air Force, which carried the air war to Germany in World War II, has 
been directed to transfer its bomber and fighter aircraft to other commands 
so that it can focus exclusively on worldwide information attacks.

The Navy, meanwhile, has consolidated its efforts in a newly formed Naval 
Network Warfare Command. And the Joint Strategic Capabilities Plan, or 
JSCP, prepared by the Joint Chiefs of Staff, now declares information to be 
just as important in war as diplomatic, military or economic factors.

The strategic capabilities plan is the central war-fighting directive for 
the U.S. military. It establishes what are called Informational Flexible 
Deterrent Options for global wars, such as the war on terrorism, and 
separate plans written for individual theaters of war, such as Iraq.

To a large extent, these documents and the organisational shifts behind 
them are focused on such missions as jamming or deceiving enemy radar 
systems and disrupting command and control networks.

Such activities only carry forward efforts that have been part of U.S. 
military tactics for decades or longer. But a summary of the strategic 
capabilities plan and a raft of other Pentagon and armed 


2002-12-15 Thread KopitekKopyalamaSistemleri
Title: Kopitek



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Sadece Toner kullanimi 
(Developersiz sistem) 
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Esneklik Renkli kaðýtlara ve asetat kagitlara 
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  cikmak icin TIKLAYIN 


Are computer skills on your wish list this year

2002-12-15 Thread YouClick2Save
Title: Dear Santa...



  Are computer skills on your wish list this 
  you have a son or daughter who’s hoping to learn more. Or perhaps your Mom 
  really wants to use that new PC, but doesn’t know where to 
  is, everyone could use more computer skills. So this holiday, Video 
  Professor is giving away FREE* computer lessons on any subject you choose. 
  These great CD-ROMs are so easy, anyone can use them, and most people are 
  up and running in one hour or less. 
  You have 
  nothing to lose!







  * All you pay is just 
  $6.95 to cover shipping and handling. Limit one per household. This offer 
  is for PC and compatible computers only. Some restrictions 

You joined YouClick2Save by filling out the join form on our website or through a promotional offer with one of our network partners. To remove yourself from future mailings from YouClick2Save, simply click on the unsubscribe link below. All removal requests from the following unsubscribe page will be honored. Please allow 24 hours for your request to be processed.

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2002-12-15 Thread KopitekKopyalamaSistemleri
Title: Kopitek



Dakikada 12 A4 sayfa fotokopi 
Sadece Toner kullanimi 
(Developersiz sistem) 
Cok Yonluluk %70-%141 
kucultme ve buyultme 
özelliði (%1 hanelik dilimlerle) 
Esneklik Renkli kaðýtlara ve asetat kagitlara 
baski imkani 
Enerji Tasarrufu Canon'un SURF teknolojisi sayesinde sifir 
isinma suresi ile enerji tasarrufu saglar.
bilgi ve siparis icin:

  Tel :(0216) 
3059885Pbx Fax:(0216) 
Url :http:// E-mail : [EMAIL PROTECTED]



  cikmak icin TIKLAYIN 


Top Clinton-crats rewarded themselves with dubious cash bonuses

2002-12-15 Thread Declan McCullagh
Despite prohibition, Clinton appointees got bonuses
By Tanya N. Ballard

Despite a presidential directive designed to keep mid- and high-level 
political appointees from getting cash bonuses, some appointees in the 
Clinton administration did receive such bonuses in the last year of the 

In a September 2001 report, Personnel Practices: Monetary Awards Provided 
to Political Appointees (01-1081R), the General Accounting Office found 
that at least 50 political appointees at the GS-13 to GS-15 pay levels and 
in the Senior Executive Service received cash awards for performance, or 
for a special act or service between September 1999 and May 2000.

A recent move by the Bush administration to reinstate cash bonuses for 
political appointees has been criticized by some congressional leaders. 
Senate Democratic Leader Tom Daschle, D-S.D., and House Minority 
Leader-elect Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., last week called on the White House to 
rescind its policy.

Full story:

Re: Please help: MFN is no longer listed as a Hate Group! (fwd)

2002-12-15 Thread Declan McCullagh
Huh? I don't get it. I can believe that the SPLC is silly/reactionary
enough to list something that innocuous, but any such listing does
not appear in's history or google's cache.


On Sun, Dec 15, 2002 at 02:52:33PM -0600, Alif The Terrible wrote:
 -- Forwarded message --
 Date: Sun, 15 Dec 2002 14:50:17 -0600 (CST)
 From: Alif The Terrible [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Please help: MFN is no longer listed as a Hate Group!
 It is with sadness and deep concern that I must report the falling from grace
 of Missouri FreeNet from the Southern Poverty Law Center's list of Hate
 Groups (
 In an attempt to recify this matter, and to restore MFN to it's rightful
 place among the Hate Groups of America (tm), I have taken the liberty of
 initiating an email writing campaign asking for this listing to be restored. 
 Please help!  Fill out the form at 
 and demand that Missouri FreeNet be restored to the SPLC/ list
 of known hate groups.  Our reputation depends on your help in this most
 critical of moments...
 J.A. Terranson
 If Governments really want us to behave like civilized human beings, they
 should give serious consideration towards setting a better example:
 Ruling by force, rather than consensus; the unrestrained application of
 unjust laws (which the victim-populations were never allowed input on in
 the first place); the State policy of justice only for the rich and 
 elected; the intentional abuse and occassionally destruction of entire
 populations merely to distract an already apathetic and numb electorate...
 This type of demogoguery must surely wipe out the fascist United States
 as surely as it wiped out the fascist Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.
 The views expressed here are mine, and NOT those of my employers,
 associates, or others.  Besides, if it *were* the opinion of all of
 those people, I doubt there would be a problem to bitch about in the
 first place...

Awesome Christmas Gift for All Ages

2002-12-15 Thread utz_vw

The World's Smallest Radio-Controlled Car...
Is this years hottest Christmas gift!  Ygty

The hot new toy for Christmas is here: The Mini Radio
Controlled Racers! These new mini-R/C cars look like a
normal Matchbox or Hot Wheels cars. That is where the
similarities end! These tiny wonders are a full, six
direction radio controlled (r/c) car! You get to maneuver
your Matchbox sized car with a mini remote control unit
instead of your hand!  Car and Truck lovers of any age
can get in on the fun and adventure of mini remote control
car racing.

Click Here for more info:

ONLY $29.95   FREE SHIPPING to U.S and Canada !!

You'll pay $59.99+ at the store, that's if you can find them!

This is a VERY LIMITED TIME offer. We will sell out. 
These are simply way to HOT for you to pass up!

Click Here To Order Now:

To be removed from our mailing list, please click here:


Re: Libel lunacy -all laws apply fnord everywhere

2002-12-15 Thread Dave Howe
Jim Choate wrote:
 On Wed, 11 Dec 2002, Steve Schear wrote:
  From the article:
 The court dismissed suggestions the Internet was different from
 other broadcasters, who could decide how far their signal was to be
 This is totally bogus thinking. The Internet is not broadcast medium.
 Yes, it is. Every site that emits a packet broadcasts it onto the
 network. One can even make a comparison between 'frequency 
 modulation' with 'IP  service'.
no, it isn't.
  By that argument, you could say that a hard disk is a broadcast medium -
because the data is there and you can just tune to any track and sector
and pull back the information - or a library is a broadcast medium because
you can retrieve books by going there and locating them by section and ISBN
  Webcast is marginally a broadcast medium - because ISPs can aggregate
multiple requests into a single datastream - but the internet is largely
search-and-retrieve; it would be surprising to find a webserver sending data
to your isp anyhow just in case you request it

thug-proof serving

2002-12-15 Thread Vayu Anonymous Remailer
Thugs are seriously going after written word (in case someone still thinks that 1st 
Amendment has any weight.)

While I don't particularly care about travel to Cuba (there are many ways to do it 
perfectly safe from authugrities), the concern is that there is a very small semantic 
step from here to bringing down crypto sites (incidentally, is down 

After all talk about censor-proof publishing, today it would be enough to bring down 
only 4-5 servers to remove recent (read popular-gui-friendly) PGP releases from the 
wide public access.

I'd like to make an experiment, to post bunch of crypto files to Gnutella and see how 
well it scales and spreads. If there is some interval T between connecting to gnutella 
network and shared files being available via search to 90% of connected machines, then 
it takes only 4 volunteers that are willing to stay connected for T+6 hrs per day to 
make archives available.

Thoughts ?

From: Tom Warner [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Subject: I Have Been Accused of Using the Internet to Advocate 

 Travel to Cuba

Date: Sat, 7 Dec 2002 18:52:30 -0800 (PST)

Tom Warner here!   I may have the dubious honor of being the first

person who has been attacked by the Bush administration for using the

internet to oppose the policies of the government. - I have been known

to do that from time to time, and the internet has been a huge

liberating factor in freeing the public from the confines of the

commercial media - news print - TV - radio - etc.Now for the first

time demonstrations of heretofore unprecedented size can happen within

weeks of a reactionary development.

What I have been accused of is using the internet and the web site of

the Seattle/Cuba Friendship Committee to organize and promote a trip

to Cuba without a license. I regularly do publicize trips to Cuba, both

licensed and unlicensed. I have had to engage attorneys on my behalf

to represent me in this matter.  

I am concerned that this assault on the freedom of speech and

expression - especially through the internet - be stanched before it

chills peoples free expression and their ability to respond to

objectionable behavior by the government or other powers in authority.

I am attaching jpeg images of the letter that they sent to me and the

evidence that they are using from our web site.   Failure on my part

to respond in a timely manner to these accusations can result in a

penalty of thousands of dollars.

As a first step in fighting against this undemocratic act by the

Treasury Department, I would like to call a press conference and I

would like to have you and the staff of your magazine present. The

press will be more attentive if there are concerned citizens such as

yourself present. Could you attend such a press conference? Could you

write up an article about this assault on civil liberties and the

internet and computer usage?

If you know of others in the progressive community or who have strong

feelings for an unfettered internet, have them contact me, please.

In solidarity,

Thomas W. Warner (Secretary Seattle/Cuba Friendship Committee)

8923 2nd Ave. N.E.

Seattle, WA, 98115

(206) 523-1720


This is the answer that my attorneys have prepared for me to avoid a

many thousand dollar fine for non-response.


9 December 2002

U.S. Department of the Treasury

Office of Foreign Assets Control

Attn: Martin O. Odenyo

1500 Pennsylvania Ave. N.W. (Annex)

Washington, D.C. 20220

Re: FAC No. CU-201336

Dear Mr. Odenyo:

This letter is in response to your Requirement to Furnish

Information letter to Mr. Thomas W. Warner, dated 16 October 2002. I

represent Mr. Warner in this matter and am supplying this response to

you on his behalf.

In your letter, you refer to a posting on a

website(, in which Mr. Warner allegedly forwarded

information about a conference held in Havana, Cuba, on 17-24 February

2002. Mr. Warner did not personally attend the conference; he did not

travel to Cuba; nor did he organize the conference.

I have reviewed the federal regulations that were referenced in your

letter, 31 C.F.R. 515.201(b), and do not see that forwarding

information to an Internet site about a conference in Cuba in any way

is prohibited. Passing along information hardly qualifies as the type

of prohibited financial transaction covered by the Treasury

Department's regulations.

Mr. Warner possesses certain First Amendment rights, as well as rights

under the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (which

the U.S. has signed and ratified), to freedom of speech. These rights

include the right to advocate that other Americans exercise their

rights, under the U.S. Constitution (Amendments 1 and 5) and the ICCPR,

to travel freely abroad, to seek information through such 

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2002-12-15 Thread systembot9000

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Stop Dreaming And Start Making Money

2002-12-15 Thread avery
 72 Hours To Success 

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Call our 24 hour pre-recorded number to get the 
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** Invest 2 minutes in yourself now! **




You are receiving this message as someone who is interested in
online or offline business opportunities. If this email has reached you
in error, please accept our apologies and send a blank email to:
[EMAIL PROTECTED] and your name will be removed from our
data base. Please allow at least 24-48 hours to be removed. Thank you!


Urgent: PayPal Christmas program! (UCE) -QETG

2002-12-15 Thread David
*** This is not Spam - removal instructions at the end of the message ***

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Why pay more than you have to

2002-12-15 Thread hscaputo

Re: thug-proof serving

2002-12-15 Thread Steve Schear
At 11:54 PM 12/15/2002 +, Vayu Anonymous Remailer wrote:

I'd like to make an experiment, to post bunch of crypto files to Gnutella 
and see how well it scales and spreads. If there is some interval T 
between connecting to gnutella network and shared files being available 
via search to 90% of connected machines, then it takes only 4 volunteers 
that are willing to stay connected for T+6 hrs per day to make archives 

Thoughts ?

Suggest you also post them to Kazaa.  There are many more people using it 
and any interference is more likely to be noted.


A democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government. It can only 
exist until the voters discover that they can vote themselves money from 
the Public Treasury. From that moment on, the majority always votes for the 
candidate promising the most benefits from the Public Treasury with the 
result that a democracy always collapses over loose fiscal policy always 
followed by dictatorship. --Alexander Fraser Tyler


2002-12-15 Thread Hilithil
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2002-12-15 Thread Steve
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  Get it Now while you still Can!

Re: Please help: MFN is no longer listed as a Hate Group! (fwd)

2002-12-15 Thread Vayu Anonymous Remailer

On  Sun, 15 Dec 2002 17:25:40 -0500, Declan McCullagh [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Huh? I don't get it. I can believe that the SPLC is silly/reactionary

 enough to list something that innocuous, but any such listing does

 not appear in's history or google's cache.



Oh, Declan, it's not all that hard to get on SPLC's list.  They've done a hit piece in 
_Klanwatch_ on Objectivists!  While I might agree that many objectivists are 
irritating (Check your premises!  My premises are just fine, thank you!), going 
after them was almost as silly as going after Missouri FreeNet.

They've gone after FIJA, and even tried--using a front group--to discredit the ISIL 
World Conference back in 1996, calling these libertarians ultra-right-wing extremists, 
racists and violent militia sympathizers.  (Is that violent militia sympathizers or 
violent militia sympathizers, I wonder?)

On the other hand, maybe it's a good idea to get as many relatively innocuous 
organizations on the SPLC's list as possible, if only to discredit it.  Make a few up 
just to keep SPLC busy.  Be sure to put words like liberty and free in the name.

 On Sun, Dec 15, 2002 at 02:52:33PM -0600, Alif The Terrible wrote:

  -- Forwarded message --

  Date: Sun, 15 Dec 2002 14:50:17 -0600 (CST)

  From: Alif The Terrible [EMAIL PROTECTED]



  Subject: Please help: MFN is no longer listed as a Hate Group!



  It is with sadness and deep concern that I must report the falling from grace

  of Missouri FreeNet from the Southern Poverty Law Center's list of Hate

  Groups (


  In an attempt to recify this matter, and to restore MFN to it's rightful

  place among the Hate Groups of America (tm), I have taken the liberty of

  initiating an email writing campaign asking for this listing to be restored. 


  Please help!  Fill out the form at 

  and demand that Missouri FreeNet be restored to the SPLC/ list

  of known hate groups.  Our reputation depends on your help in this most

  critical of moments...




  J.A. Terranson



  If Governments really want us to behave like civilized human beings, they

  should give serious consideration towards setting a better example:

  Ruling by force, rather than consensus; the unrestrained application of

  unjust laws (which the victim-populations were never allowed input on in

  the first place); the State policy of justice only for the rich and 

  elected; the intentional abuse and occassionally destruction of entire

  populations merely to distract an already apathetic and numb electorate...

  This type of demogoguery must surely wipe out the fascist United States

  as surely as it wiped out the fascist Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.


  The views expressed here are mine, and NOT those of my employers,

  associates, or others.  Besides, if it *were* the opinion of all of

  those people, I doubt there would be a problem to bitch about in the

  first place...



Re: Please help: MFN is no longer listed as a Hate Group! (fwd)

2002-12-15 Thread Alif The Terrible

I suppose a little background would help :-)

Check out: , page 40.  
When this report was brought to my attention in late Q4 2000, it prompted a
bunch of web searches to see what companion listings might have been
generated: SPLC was one such listing.

Today I was telling someone the [bizarre] story of how MFN got listed, and
when I went to the SPLC site for more giggles, we were gone :-(

Considering the fraud that is SPLC, I was genuinely disappointed at being
removed from their list of hate groups, and I genuninely want to be
reinstated.  I am seriously pursuing the reinstatement email campaign.


J.A. Terranson

Te audire no possum. Musa sapientum fixa est in aure.

On Sun, 15 Dec 2002, Declan McCullagh wrote:

 Date: Sun, 15 Dec 2002 17:25:40 -0500
 From: Declan McCullagh [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: Alif The Terrible [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Re: Please help: MFN is no longer listed as a Hate Group! (fwd)
 Huh? I don't get it. I can believe that the SPLC is silly/reactionary
 enough to list something that innocuous, but any such listing does
 not appear in's history or google's cache.
 On Sun, Dec 15, 2002 at 02:52:33PM -0600, Alif The Terrible wrote:
  -- Forwarded message --
  Date: Sun, 15 Dec 2002 14:50:17 -0600 (CST)
  From: Alif The Terrible [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Subject: Please help: MFN is no longer listed as a Hate Group!
  It is with sadness and deep concern that I must report the falling from grace
  of Missouri FreeNet from the Southern Poverty Law Center's list of Hate
  Groups (
  In an attempt to recify this matter, and to restore MFN to it's rightful
  place among the Hate Groups of America (tm), I have taken the liberty of
  initiating an email writing campaign asking for this listing to be restored. 
  Please help!  Fill out the form at 
  and demand that Missouri FreeNet be restored to the SPLC/ list
  of known hate groups.  Our reputation depends on your help in this most
  critical of moments...
  J.A. Terranson
  If Governments really want us to behave like civilized human beings, they
  should give serious consideration towards setting a better example:
  Ruling by force, rather than consensus; the unrestrained application of
  unjust laws (which the victim-populations were never allowed input on in
  the first place); the State policy of justice only for the rich and 
  elected; the intentional abuse and occassionally destruction of entire
  populations merely to distract an already apathetic and numb electorate...
  This type of demogoguery must surely wipe out the fascist United States
  as surely as it wiped out the fascist Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.
  The views expressed here are mine, and NOT those of my employers,
  associates, or others.  Besides, if it *were* the opinion of all of
  those people, I doubt there would be a problem to bitch about in the
  first place...

CBS 60 Minutes: Iraq is about oli

2002-12-15 Thread Steve Schear
What we've been saying for months.


(±¤°í) °©ÀÛ½º·± ´Ü¼ÓÄ«¸Þ¶óÀÇ ÃâÇö¿¡ ´çȲÇϼ̴ø ÀûÀÌ ÀÖÀ¸¼¼¿ä?

2002-12-15 Thread roadstar
Title: °øÁ¤°Å·¡À§¿øȸ °í½Ã Á¦2000-1È£¿¡ µû¸¥ »ç¾÷ÀÚ µî·Ï¹øÈ£ ¾È³»: 134-12-46879

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29-13 2Ãþ GPSONE¢Ï °í°´»ó´ã: (¹«·áÀüÈ­)080-439-5004, (ÀϹÝÀüÈ­):02-401-6984~5 º» ¸ÞÀÏÀº Á¤º¸Åë½ÅºÎ ±Ç°í»çÇ׿¡ 
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¶Ç´Â ¹«·áÀüÈ­ : 080-439-5004(09:00~24:00)·Î ÀüÈ­Áֽøé Ä£ÀýÈ÷ 
ó¸®ÇÏ¿© µå¸®°Ú½À´Ï´Ù. ¾Æ¹«·± ºÎ´ã¾øÀÌ ÀüÈ­Áֽÿɰí, ¹ø°Å·Ó°Ô 
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this type of information or e-mail, Please click the 'Refuse' 

Cash In On This

2002-12-15 Thread curator
 72 Hours To Success 

If you are a motivated and qualified communicator 
 I will personally demonstrate to you a system 
that will make you $1,000 per week or more! This is 
NOT mlm.
Call our 24 hour pre-recorded number to get the 
details.  Don't waste another minute! Call Now!


I need people who want to make serious money.  Make 
the call and get the facts.   

** Invest 2 minutes in yourself now! **




You are receiving this message as someone who is interested in
online or offline business opportunities. If this email has reached you
in error, please accept our apologies and send a blank email to:
[EMAIL PROTECTED] and your name will be removed from our
data base. Please allow at least 24-48 hours to be taken out. Thank you!


You know it's bad when the Irish are supporting US political prisoners.

2002-12-15 Thread Matthew X
Rob Thaxton and his cellmate Brian McCarvill have written to us explaining 
that they are trying to challenge the prison system in America. The 
prisoncrats there view anarchists as a streetgang and under their ?security 
threat group? rules, they routinely reject mail,?zines and other 
publications that exhibit circled As (anarchy signs). Rob and Brian are 
asking people to send in postcards that display a large anarchy symbol on 
the front with the words ?this is not a gang symbol?.Please include a 
return address and a full name so that the prison officers have no excuse 
to turn the mail away. In Rob?s words: ?we want to make the prison censors 
hate their job, since they lack the cognitive skills to think about what 
they are doing.? Any help would be appreciated. Stamps to America are not 
expensive but are avaliable from Anarchist Support if anyone has problems. 
Rob Thaxton#12112716 and Brian McCarvill#11037967 are both held at: OSP, 
2605 State Street, Salem, OR 97310. USA For more info. contact Anarchist 
Support at: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Turkish Anarchist?s Jail 
Defiance Mehmet Bal is a conscientious objector who is being kept in Adana 
Military Prison. He has faced torture since 25 of October-starting from the 
first moment that he was put in jail. Despite the repression, Mehmet is 
clear in this reason for resistance; ?Exactly at this point, I as an 
individual wish to make clear that, under no conditions will I ever submit 
to rules or values put forth by any system, ideology or religion, and shall 
live in accordance with my own conscience and will. I refuse to take place 
in any kind of system. that bears inhuman tendencies, whatever the 
consequences may be.? For now, it is very important to write to the prison 
authorities in Adana, to prevent further torture. You can write protest 
letters demanding an end of the practice of chaining Mehmet Bal?s arms and 
legs; to protest the arrest of Mehmet Bal: Adana 6. Kolordu Askeri Cezaevi, 
Adana, Turkey or fax: +90-322-322 8136 For more info Email ABC-Ankara at: 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] *** Joint Terrorism Task Force Told Where to Go!US 
Eco-defender Craig ?critter? Marshall who is currently on a 5 and a 1/2 
year sentence for a 1999 arson of three trucks, has been under further 
pressure from the cop-quango known as the ?Joint Terrorism Task Force? 
(JTTF) to name names. He was offered release from prison if he would grass 
people up, and threatened with more charges when he refuse, but he still 
didn?t cooperate with the authorities. Way to go Critter! Write to him at: 
Craig Marshall #13797662, 777 Stanton Blvd. Ontario, OR 97914, USA. 
** From the pages of 
Resistance#18, regular monthly bulletin of the Anarchist Federation 
(Ireland). To receive the e-mail version of Resistance, send a blank e-mail 
to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] To distribute, contact us 

Re: Extradition, Snatching, and the Danger of Traveling to Other Countries

2002-12-15 Thread Mike Rosing
On Sun, 15 Dec 2002, Sarad AV wrote:

 Firstly,they cannot be exterminated.There is no proof
 of identity as we may have in our countries and no
 body will ask for it either,since most don't have one.
 The Taliban would have cut their beard and hair and
 mixed up with civilian population,while troops can go
 searching for orthodox civilians with a taliban
 look,making it hard to hunt them down.Once/if the
 international troops leave afghan,there are over
 hundred factions,who will keep fighting among
 themselves for 'land' and the taliban will be back.

I think that's 100% correct.  The US's only chance is to
build real roads, real schools and real hospitals that
actually help the majority of people.  Then the talib's
(as they called themselves in the 1800's) will have far
less clout to deal with.  As it is now, they can point
to all the 3 year olds we kill and create more soldiers
with suicidal ability.  The US government is a pack
of morons.  Until the majority of people actually figures
that out, they'll pretty much have free reign to continue
their amazing stupidity.

Patience, persistence, truth,
Dr. mike

Aralk 2002 Seminer Takvimi

2002-12-15 Thread Boazici Egitim
Title: Ýnsan Kaynaklarý Yönetimi,  Ýletiþim ve Kiþisel Geliþim Eðitimleri

Boðaziçi Eðitim

Erguvan Caddesi No:52 Ata2 - Çengelköy  
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Aralýk 2002 Eðitim Takvimi

Sertifika Programlarý:

 Bütçe Planlama ve Denetim Uzmanlýðý   26 – 27 – 28 – 29 Aralýk (30 Saat)

 Stratejik Satýnalma Yönetimi Uzmanlýðý  27 – 28 – 29 – 30 Aralýk (30 Saat)

Seminer Programlarý:

Enflasyon Muhasebesi,  19 –20 Aralýk

Profesyonel Satýþ ve Müþteri
Ýliþkilerini Geliþtirme Teknikleri,
19 – 20 Aralýk

Eleman Seçme ve Ýþe Alma
Teknikleri,  21 Aralýk

Üst Düzey Yönetici Asistanlýðý
ve Yönetim Teknikleri, 21 – 22

Ýnsan Kaynaklarý Yönetiminde
Ýþ Kanunu Uygulamalarý,  21 – 22

Tüketici Kanunu Kapsamýnda
Sorunlar ve Çözüm Yöntemleri, 21 –
22 Aralýk

Dýþ Ticarette Uygulamalý
Akreditif Ýþlemleri, 21 – 22 Aralýk

Lojistik Yönetimi, 21 – 22 Aralýk

Ekonomide Krizler, Nedenler,
Korunma Yöntemleri, Sonuçlar ve Önceden Tahmin Yöntemleri, 21 – 22 Aralýk 

E – Ticaret Hukuku
Karþýlaþýlan Sorunlar – Çözüm Yollarý,  25 – 26 Aralýk

Bayi Yönetimi,   28 Aralýk

Ý. K. Yönetiminde Performans
Deðerlendirme Teknikleri, 28 Aralýk

Her Yöneticinin Bilmesi
Gereken Finansal Konular, 28 – 29

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Merkez Bankasý Bilanço Analizi Çerçevesinde Durum Deðerlendirmesi ile Faiz, Kur
Tahmin Yöntemleri, 28- 29 Aralýk

Malzeme Yönetimi ve Üretim
Planlama, 29 – 30


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 Program sonunda tüm katýlýmcýlara katýlým sertifikasý

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~ The Christmas poem for your child ~*

2002-12-15 Thread Adam Moore
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2002-12-15 Thread ÇǺιÌÀÎ
Title: ½Å°³³ä ÇǺÎŬ·»Â¡ Ÿ¿ù!

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Aralk 2002 Seminer Takvimi

2002-12-15 Thread Boazici Egitim
Title: Ýnsan Kaynaklarý Yönetimi,  Ýletiþim ve Kiþisel Geliþim Eðitimleri

Boðaziçi Eðitim

Erguvan Caddesi No:52 Ata2 - Çengelköy  
ISTANBUL Tel:  0 216  486 06 42 – 486 28 65    Fax :  0 216 486 07 19   - 

Aralýk 2002 Eðitim Takvimi

Sertifika Programlarý:

 Bütçe Planlama ve Denetim Uzmanlýðý   26 – 27 – 28 – 29 Aralýk (30 Saat)

 Stratejik Satýnalma Yönetimi Uzmanlýðý  27 – 28 – 29 – 30 Aralýk (30 Saat)

Seminer Programlarý:

Enflasyon Muhasebesi,  19 –20 Aralýk

Profesyonel Satýþ ve Müþteri
Ýliþkilerini Geliþtirme Teknikleri,
19 – 20 Aralýk

Eleman Seçme ve Ýþe Alma
Teknikleri,  21 Aralýk

Üst Düzey Yönetici Asistanlýðý
ve Yönetim Teknikleri, 21 – 22

Ýnsan Kaynaklarý Yönetiminde
Ýþ Kanunu Uygulamalarý,  21 – 22

Tüketici Kanunu Kapsamýnda
Sorunlar ve Çözüm Yöntemleri, 21 –
22 Aralýk

Dýþ Ticarette Uygulamalý
Akreditif Ýþlemleri, 21 – 22 Aralýk

Lojistik Yönetimi, 21 – 22 Aralýk

Ekonomide Krizler, Nedenler,
Korunma Yöntemleri, Sonuçlar ve Önceden Tahmin Yöntemleri, 21 – 22 Aralýk 

E – Ticaret Hukuku
Karþýlaþýlan Sorunlar – Çözüm Yollarý,  25 – 26 Aralýk

Bayi Yönetimi,   28 Aralýk

Ý. K. Yönetiminde Performans
Deðerlendirme Teknikleri, 28 Aralýk

Her Yöneticinin Bilmesi
Gereken Finansal Konular, 28 – 29

Türkiye'de Para Piyasalarý ve
Merkez Bankasý Bilanço Analizi Çerçevesinde Durum Deðerlendirmesi ile Faiz, Kur
Tahmin Yöntemleri, 28- 29 Aralýk

Malzeme Yönetimi ve Üretim
Planlama, 29 – 30


Prof. Dr. Toker DERELÝ,
Prof. Dr. Rüstem HACIRÜSTEMOÐLU, Doç. Dr. Ahmet SELAMOÐLU, Doç. Dr. Tekin
AKGEYÝK, Doç. Dr. Þakir ESNAF, Doç. Dr. Aziz KONUKMAN, Dr. Þevket SAYILGAN, Av.

 Tüm eðitimlerimiz Ýstanbul Hilton otelinde

 1 günlük seminerler 260.000.000, 2 Günlük seminerler
380.000.000, 30 saat süreli sertifika programlarýmýz 820.000.000 TL +KDV 

 Kesin kayýt için kayýt formu doldurulmasý ve banka
dekontu ile birlikte tarafýmýza gönderilmesi gerekmektedir. 

 Öðle yemeði çay-kahve, eðitim malzemeleri, eðitim
kitap veya dökümanlarý ücrete dahildir. 

 Program sonunda tüm katýlýmcýlara katýlým sertifikasý

 Boðaziçi Eðitim gerektiðinde eðitim mekanýný veya
eðitmeni deðiþtirme, programý iptal etme veya erteleme hakkýný saklý
tutmaktadýr. Program iptal edildiðinde banka hesaplarýmýza yatýrýlan ücret
aynen iade edilir. 

 Kayýt formu ve ayrýntýlý bilgi için (0 216) 486 06 42
ve 486 28 65 nolu telefonlardan bize ulaþabilirsiniz. 

 Eðitim Bedeli, Boðaziçi Eðitim Ýþ Bankasý Beylerbeyi
Þb; 215148, Akbank Barbaros Bulvarý Þb; Dhn/0017659/01-4 veya Yapý Kredi
Bankasý Akaretler (314-5 Þb.) Þubesi 1001246-8 No’lu Hesaplarýna yatýrýlabilir.

EPIC-Politech linked to a right wing racist gun nut and crypto fascist.

2002-12-15 Thread Matthew X
 Is the cypherpunks movement truly so radicalized that it is  not 
willing to count even EPIC among its friends?
Perhaps I was being unfair to EPIC and typing too quickly. I count EPIC 
executive director Marc Rotenberg as a friend, a principled person, and 
someone for whom I have a great deal of respect. Some folks may remember 
that Marc and I drove to a cypherpunks meeting south of Palo Alto last year. 

Radicalized it is and so far right it's becoming amusing.Some thoughts on 
Loompanics readers may apply to the crypto fascist cypherpunks...It's also 
possible, like Bob Black points out in his essay The Best Book Catalog in 
the World, that those looking for The Cookbook are like those who buy books 
from Loompanics. He writes that Loompanics customers are:
... probably not the well-armed, high-tech, drug-taking, survivalist, 
martial-arts, black-marketeering, tax-dodging, life-extensionist, 
freethinking, paper-tripping Discordian master criminals that a composite 
of catalog cullings would suggest. I think they are mostly spiritually 
restless materialists: macho contemplatives locked into day jobs. They 
dream of escape -- of vonu (invulnerability to coercion by withdrawal 
from society); of the High Frontier (space colonization); of life extension 
to tide them over till a better day. They long for the big score. They take 
hope from books which parade their contempt for normal life as they portray 
fantastic possibilities always presented according to a patented formula of 
tough-minded realism. The typical Loompanics reader is, I conjecture, a 
surrealist trapped in the body of an engineer.

How to fight with,reject and expel the crypto-fascists.

2002-12-15 Thread Matthew X
The Cato Institute.
A libertarian quasi-academic think-tank which acts as a mouthpiece for the 
globalism, corporatism, and neoliberalism of its corporate and conservative 
Freedom Through Technology.
Cypherpunks, high-tech libertarians, and various others mistakenly think 
technology will eliminate the need for government (if not outright 
eliminate government.)

David Friedman.
An anarcho-capitalist libertarian whose ideas undermine most libertarian's 
philosophy. His writings and criticisms of them.
Is Medieval Iceland an example of anarcho-capitalism working in practice?
An excellent left-libertarian refutation of this position. Part of An 
Anarchist FAQ Webpage. Some rebuttals are available at David Friedman's 
home page.
Is anarcho-capitalism a type of anarchism?
Description (and criticism) of the differences between left libertarianism 
and anarcho-capitalism (right libertarianism.)
Ayn Rand and the perversion of libertarianism.
The Myth of Natural Law.
Iain MacSaorsa trashes Rothbard and other users of natural law.
Ecology or anarcho capitalism.
Chile, capitalism and liberty for the rich.
Iain MacSaorsa debunks libertarian claims of great benefits to Chile.
Capitalism, Right Libertarianism and the problem of externalities?
The Myths of Libertarian economics.
Is anarcho capitalism against the state?
Libertarianism: Bogus Anarchy.
by Peter Sabatini.
Capitalism, Right Libertarianism and the problem of externalities?
Gary Elkin's brief explanation of the problems capitalism causes for ecology.
How a Libertarian Capitalist Became a Libertarian Socialist.
Observation of real-world corporate behavior helped.
An anarchist explains why anarcho-capitalism is not truly anarchist, and is 
generally undesirable to most people.
Austrian Economics.
A fringe academic view which is greatly preferred by many libertarians on 
ideological grounds.
Libertarian Economic Experiments.
Chile and New Zealand are often cited by libertarians as sites of 
successful libertarian economic reform. They tend to cite a few benefits, 
but there are many downsides
The Pinnochio Theory
Richard Barbrook's very harsh review of Kevin Kelly's Out of Control: the 
New Biology of Machines.
Cyberlibertarian Myths And The Prospects For Community
Langdon Winner punctures some of the electronic community promises, and 
describes some forthcoming effects on our physical communities.
Old Rules for the New Economy
J. Bradford DeLong's criticisms of the economic naivete of Kevin Kelly's 
New Rules for the New Economy.
A Critique of Barlow's A Declaration of the Independence of Cyberspace
Reilly Jones' Extropy article lambasting the otherworldlyness of the rather 
ludicrous declaration.
Twilight of the crypto-geeks.
Ellen Ullman's Salon sees a pattern of lone-wolf digital libertarians 
beginning to abandon their faith in technology uber alles and espouse 
suspiciously socialist-sounding ideas.
Of greed, technolibertarianism and geek omnipotence.
An interview with Paulina Borsook about her book Cyberselfish, where she 
skewers high-tech libertarianism.
There are right wing and statist arguments against the crypto-fascists but 
they're not necessary and some are just plain wrong,eg.
Assassination Politics
Convicted tax evader Jim Bell proposes a system of anonymous ecash awards 
for the murder of aggressors, such as IRS agents. See also Crypto-Convict 
Won't Recant. What he misses is that his system, if tolerated, would merely 
force government to operate secretly rather than openly.
Actually that's not 'wrong' and should be seen as good thing,right?

Return of Slavery.

2002-12-15 Thread Matthew X
Government Plans To Slash Benefits To Bone

from the newswire:
Workers are being increasingly worked to death under workplace changes 
initiated by the federal Liberal Party. The average number of hours served 
by citizens has been increasing for a number of years, concurrent with a 
party war against workers' rights. The right to sue for employer-induced 
accident or death is gradually being trimmed to non-existence, while 
stress-induced disease and suicide are escalating.

Secret plans by many members of the Liberal Party include the abolition of 
a minimum wage, creating a completely deregulated framework for effective 
slavery. This is synchronous with the abolition of the welfare system, 
which the government quietly agreed to some years ago in the GATS treaty 
(General Agreement for Trades and Services), a U.S.-created initiative to 
increase the profits of politicians and their friends by murdering benefits 
recipients. In GATS' home-country, the minimum wage is $5 per hour, which 
will soon be deregulated. [Full story]

I just bought my daughter a car for christmas!

2002-12-15 Thread GreatDeals












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Re: Photographer Arrested For Taking Pictures Of Vice President'S Hotel

2002-12-15 Thread Declan McCullagh
On Mon, Dec 09, 2002 at 11:14:18AM -0800, Tim May wrote:
 You really need to get up to speed on this issue if you think either 
 the nations of Europe or Canada are more tolerant of crypto than the 
 U.S. is. The archives have much material, findable with Google in most 

Tim is right. Also (not a cypherpunk-friendly organization,
but it does try to limit law enforcement surveillance) publishes
semi-regular reports about the state of crypto laws around the world.


Re: Suspending the Constitution

2002-12-15 Thread Steve Schear

 From my review Great cinema, poor history, of the movie Glory:
If not for the foolish chivalry of Confederate President Jefferson Davis, 
in not following up their rout of the Union Army at the war's first big 
battle of Bull Run (called First Manassas in The South) just outside 
Washington, the war might have ended right then, 500,000 lives saved 
(including Lincoln's) and the possibility of peaceful emancipation made 
likely. Most importantly, we would still be a republic in fact and not 
simply in name.

Re: Extradition, Snatching, and the Danger of Traveling to Other Countries

2002-12-15 Thread Eugen Leitl
On Fri, 13 Dec 2002, Anonymous wrote:

 Spot on. But what, if anything, do you think can be done to 
 reverse this slide to Red White and Blue Stalinism with good PR? 
 I trust you are not one of those who will prattle something like 
 exercise your right to vote, or write your 
 congressperson/MP, etc. In practical terms, in a surveillance 

You sound like an agent provocateur. So either you're young, or a fed.

 society, what can the regular person do to strike a blow in 
 opposition to the direct attack on the Constitution and civil 
 liberties and civil rights?

Why, do PR and write code, of course. As a minority doesn't directly
register on the voting radar. Did you expect someobody to start saying
'capping apparatchiks'? I don't think you did.

 Do we need a program to oppose the progrom?

Deliberately misspelling pogrom, eh. Very clever.

Re: [IP] Dan Gillmor: Accessing a whole new world via multimedia phones (fwd)

2002-12-15 Thread Mike Rosing
On Sat, 14 Dec 2002, Steve Furlong wrote:

 The point was, the content providers aren't providing the
 entertainment. The daughters are talking (and talking!) to their
 friends with no help from the big companies other than providing the
 connectivity. I believe that was Olyzko's point in the first place,
 that people are more interested in being connected with other people
 (regular people, not entertainers) than in simply receiving
 entertainment or other content from canned sites.

right, that's the basic point.

 I'm not sure I agree with Odlyzko's point about connectivity vs content.
 But your prior statement, Bullshit, if there isn't content why do they
 want connectivity? What is it they are connecting to?, misses the
 distinction between the two.

He backed it up with economic facts.  There's $70 billion overall in the
entertainment industry - movies, records, TV and radio.  There's $250
billion in the telecom industry.  So telecom can afford more lobiests than
entertainment, but they have far more regulatory barriers to deal with

Telecom doesn't really care about the platform, but if we can get them to
care (i.e. if we can show telco/cable guys they make more money without
paladium) then we'd have a very powerful counter acting force to

Patience, persistence, truth,
Dr. mike

Re: Photographer Arrested For Taking Pictures Of Vice President'S HotelQ

2002-12-15 Thread Vayu Anonymous Remailer
Is the cypherpunks movement truly so radicalized that it is

not willing to count even EPIC among its friends?

The Cypherpunks Movement never was and presently is not aligned with, and does not 
endorse any organization or individuals that cooperate with the current power 
structure, either directly or through recognition of its institutions.

Secretary General of the Executive Committee of the Cypherpunks Movement

(Check our new Off agent Gordon sweepstakes. No purchase necessary.)

Re: Suspending the Constitution

2002-12-15 Thread Steve Schear
At 07:45 PM 12/14/2002 -0500, Steve Furlong wrote:

On Saturday 14 December 2002 18:18, Mike Rosing wrote:
 On Sat, 14 Dec 2002, Tim May wrote:
  Lincoln's notion that the Constitution is suspendable during a war,
  or other emergency conditions, was disgraceful. Nothing in the
  Constitution says that it is suspended when a President declares it
  to be suspended.

 Power is what power does.  He got away with it, that's all that

Well, until April 14, 1865, anyway. Sic semper tyrannis.

If not for the foolish chivalry of Confederate President Jefferson Davis, 
in not following up their rout of the Union Army at the war's first big 
battle of Bull Run (called First Manassas in The South) just outside 
Washington, the war might have ended right then, 500,000 lives saved 
(including Lincoln's) and the possibility of peaceful emancipation made 
likely. Most importantly, we would still be a republic in fact and not 
simply in name.

From my review of the movie Glory:
If not for the foolish chivalry of Confederate President Jefferson Davis, 
in not following up their rout of the Union Army at the war's first big 
battle of Bull Run (called First Manassas in The South) just outside 
Washington, the war might have ended right then, 500,000 lives saved 
(including Lincoln's) and the possibility of peaceful emancipation made 
likely. Most importantly, we would still be a republic in fact and not 
simply in name.

Re: Extradition, Snatching, and the Danger of Traveling to Other Countries

2002-12-15 Thread Declan McCullagh
On Fri, Dec 13, 2002 at 05:10:23PM +0100, Anonymous wrote:
 Vote? Are you kidding? OK, here is your task. Since all but one 
 member of congress voted FOR the USA PATRIOT ACT, exactly what 

All but one member of the Senate. House was a bit better, though still
extremely pathetic, and the Democrats voting against it mostly weren't
voting against it on principle but out of squabbling with Republicans.


Re: Extradition, Snatching, and the Danger of Traveling to Other Countries

2002-12-15 Thread Steve Schear
At 01:09 PM 12/14/2002 -0500, you wrote:

On Thu, Dec 12, 2002 at 10:47:25AM -0800, Tim May wrote:
 Secret trials are on the rise. Inasmuch as the U.S. is now throwing its
 full weight behind secret evidence, secret prosecutions, secret trials,
 secret appeals courts, suspension of habeas corpus, detention of Evil
 Ones without charge at concentration camps in Cuba, suspension of the
 Fourth and Fifth and Sixth Amendments, and elevation to guilt by

I spoke recently with a former DOD lawyer now at a TLA. That lawyer
says that the current thinking is that if there is a cyberattack
from another nation, we are at a state of war and the Fourth Amendment
and other prohibitions on government interference with personal property
and liberty do not apply.*

Only if one believes that what Lincoln did during the war was 
Constitutional.  I think Tim's approach should this come to pass is the 
only viable one.

What if the attacks continue to come from groups with no obvious 
nation-state sponsorship?


Re: Photographer Arrested For Taking Pictures Of Vice President'SHotel

2002-12-15 Thread Jim Choate

On 15 Dec 2002, David Wagner wrote:

 Declan McCullagh  wrote:
 Also (not a cypherpunk-friendly organization,
 but it does try to limit law enforcement surveillance) [...]

 Is the cypherpunks movement truly so radicalized that it is
 not willing to count even EPIC among its friends?

Clearly the CACL crowd thinks as to whether they define who the
cypherpunks are, that's another entirely different question.


We don't see things as they are,  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
we see them as we are.
Anais Nin

Re: Photographer Arrested For Taking Pictures Of Vice President'S Hotel

2002-12-15 Thread David Wagner
Declan McCullagh  wrote:
Also (not a cypherpunk-friendly organization,
but it does try to limit law enforcement surveillance) [...]

Is the cypherpunks movement truly so radicalized that it is
not willing to count even EPIC among its friends?

Re: Privacy qua privacy (Was: Photographer Arrested For Taking Pictures...)

2002-12-15 Thread Adam Shostack
On Sun, Dec 15, 2002 at 12:22:30PM -0500, Declan McCullagh wrote:
| EPIC is in favor of using technologies to limit the information that
| people disclose. It is in favor of limiting law enforcement

| But EPIC sharply diverges with some cypherpunks over the question of
| what regulations should be imposed on private entities. It supports --
| may even be the most vocal supporter -- of laws telling you, in Tim's
| words, you must forget someone's previous commercial interactions with
| you past a certain date. It supports broad and intrusive regulations
| aimed at companies' data collection and use practices. It would like
| to establish a European-style (not exactly the same, perhaps, but
| close) data protection regime in the U.S., despite all the free
| speech problems we've seen with it in Europe:

I think the issue of data protection vs privacy goes deeper than free
speech.  It falls back to Americans being willing to express their
distrust than most Europeans.

American privacy law derives from the 1st and 4th amendments:
Congress shall make no law, be secure in their persons and papers...

However, there is no modern American privacy law which talks about
anonymity, the right to be left alone, or information
self-determination (ironically, a German phrase.)  Its all based on
the assumption that privacy law is about fair information sharing,
rather than American-style suspicion of information sharing.

I think that a law which re-affirmed the rights to be anonymous, to
call yourself what you will, to be left alone, to not carry or show ID
would transform the debate about privacy into terms in which the issue
could be solved.  (At least as it affects private companies.)
Companies would be able to do what they want with your data as long as
you had a meaningful and non-coercive choice about handing it over.

As you point out, this won't solve the issue of coercive government
programs which require ID, or the creeping uses of that data as
authorized by law.

But the fundamental, underlying issue is that data protection law is
un-American, and all the new that claim to protect privacy (GLB, HIPAA,
DMCA) are really data protection laws.  They contain an assumption
that some level of data sharing is fair and necessary.  Those
levels are determined by back-room deal making between interest
groups, and the public is rarely represented.  (There's a lot of
standard analysis of regulatory capture, public policy making a la
Mancur Olsen, etc that applies here.)

This causes everyone a lot more pain than is really needed.


It is seldom that liberty of any kind is lost all at once.

Re: Photographer Arrested For Taking Pictures Of Vice President'S Hotel

2002-12-15 Thread Anonymous
On 15 Dec 2002, David Wagner wrote:

 Declan McCullagh  wrote:
 Also (not a cypherpunk-friendly organization,
 but it does try to limit law enforcement surveillance) [...]

 Is the cypherpunks movement truly so radicalized that it is
 not willing to count even EPIC among its friends?

Only in Declan's head.

EPIC is a very pro-privacy for individuals, pro- government accountability 
and freedom of information, and has been a strong supporter of strong 
cryptography. EPIC is undeniably an ally.

Privacy qua privacy (Was: Photographer Arrested For Taking Pictures...)

2002-12-15 Thread Declan McCullagh
On Sun, Dec 15, 2002 at 12:18:52AM +, David Wagner wrote:
 Declan McCullagh  wrote:
 Also (not a cypherpunk-friendly organization,
 but it does try to limit law enforcement surveillance) [...]
 Is the cypherpunks movement truly so radicalized that it is
 not willing to count even EPIC among its friends?

Perhaps I was being unfair to EPIC and typing too quickly. I count
EPIC executive director Marc Rotenberg as a friend, a principled
person, and someone for whom I have a great deal of respect. Some
folks may remember that Marc and I drove to a cypherpunks meeting
south of Palo Alto last year.

EPIC is in favor of using technologies to limit the information that
people disclose. It is in favor of limiting law enforcement
surveillance. It has done yeoman's work in strengthening FOIA, fighting
against encryption regulations, and supporting free speech in the form
of being co-counsel on the CDA and COPA challenges, for starters.

Those are all congruent with the views of many cyherpunks, as I
understand them.

But EPIC sharply diverges with some cypherpunks over the question of
what regulations should be imposed on private entities. It supports --
may even be the most vocal supporter -- of laws telling you, in Tim's
words, you must forget someone's previous commercial interactions with
you past a certain date. It supports broad and intrusive regulations
aimed at companies' data collection and use practices. It would like
to establish a European-style (not exactly the same, perhaps, but
close) data protection regime in the U.S., despite all the free
speech problems we've seen with it in Europe:

To the extent cypherpunks care about those values and cherish limited
government involvement in those areas, EPIC is not, as I wrote, a
cypherpunk-friendly organization.

Also, I haven't thought this through that much, but it seems to me
that if you value privacy _qua_ privacy as an end goal, it makes sense
to start looking at not the symptoms, but the cause: Large government
that consumes perhaps nearly half of the GDP is necessarily
privacy-invasive. There are even some reasonable justifications for
it: Social Security creates an SSN to limit fraud. The IRS collects an
incredible amount of detail to limit tax cheating. If you want gun
control, you'll probably want to collect info on gun owners.

Anyone who values privacy as an end goal (Jim Harper of privacilla has
written about this too) should start questioning the trappings of the
welfare state and find alternatives. Could Social Security be
privatized? Could we move to a flat tax or sales tax, or even (gasp)
reduce taxes? EPIC is a left-of-center civil liberties group and it
does not ask those questions, to the best of my knowledge. I suspect
the majority of folks at EPIC support UK-ish gun control, which
explains why the group has never made a point of highlighting the
privacy problems of some of the state and federal anti-gun laws.

This does not mean EPIC isn't a valuable ally -- it is and will
continue to be -- but perhaps only on an issue-by-issue basis.


Re: Extradition, Snatching, and the Danger of Traveling to Other Countries

2002-12-15 Thread Sarad AV

--- Mike Rosing [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

And who supports whom to prevent extermination.

Firstly,they cannot be exterminated.There is no proof
of identity as we may have in our countries and no
body will ask for it either,since most don't have one.
The Taliban would have cut their beard and hair and
mixed up with civilian population,while troops can go
searching for orthodox civilians with a taliban
look,making it hard to hunt them down.Once/if the
international troops leave afghan,there are over
hundred factions,who will keep fighting among
themselves for 'land' and the taliban will be back.

Regards Sarath.

 On Fri, 13 Dec 2002, Sarad AV wrote:
  The Taliban is still very much alive,when troops
  into kabul there were no traces of the
  took what ever they wanted and were 'refugees'
  sneaking out when the bombing started.They placed
  they needed ,every body else needed to see.Video
  of chemical weapon testing,which CNN
  free advertisement for the taliban  regime.Now all
  eyes are on iraq,war games being conducted so that
  world does not question man or machine
  regimes do stay for a while,how sucessful they are
  depends on how well they come back after their


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