Re: [darktable-user] Adding a browser

2021-10-09 Thread Ricardo Kozmate.Net

Em 07/10/2021 22:52, Terry Pinfold escreveu:
Number one for me is DT's abilty to edit. Any ability to search for and 
find my images through lighttable is a bonus. But this should never be 
at the cost of making DT a bloated program. I wonder if it would be 
possible to improve the *sort by* funtionality of DT to include 
keywords. I am not a developer so I don't understand what is easy and 
practical to impliment.


Doing some (amateur) programming myself, I know that sorting tends to be 
costly. But filtering not as much, and SQLite is... lite and fast. So 
using tags and such as mentioned, to filter, not sort, is probably best.

As to performance.

I have "only" some 10-20k photos, I am an amateur and I don't go out 
shooting much. So it is not a problem that I often end up with "all" 
photos selected, but maybe DT could default to some small(ish) 
collection instead?

Also, maybe DT could only try whatever sorting option is active when 
having less than some number of photos, or be explicitly asked to. E.g. 
auto sorting only when having less than 1000 photos.

Also, thumbnail generation could be "lazy", only do it at some maximum 
rate, unless asked to do more

Maybe some of these already exist (as a preference, maybe)


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Re: [darktable-user] Split screen to compare two images

2021-04-18 Thread Ricardo Kozmate.Net

Em 18/04/2021 15:40, Hieke van Hoogdalem escreveu:

Hi there,

I was searching the internet and found this old discussion: 

Is there a simpler way to do this?


In lighttable select the two images.

Change view to "culling" (menu at bottom center) and change to "dynamic 
zoom", next to it.

Zoom with CTRL+mouse_wheel
Pan with click+drag


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Re: [darktable-user] Still no GUI module order possible?

2021-02-24 Thread Ricardo Kozmate.Net

Em 17/02/2021 14:44, Michael Staats escreveu:

On 17/02/2021 13:14, Martin Straeten wrote:

"Really, I cannot understand why we cannot have a tab on which any USER
can list his/her preferred modules and can order them as per his/her
preferred workflow"

thats quite easy - because none of those who want this feature become
active, fork the code and simply implement the stuff ...

This is certainly a valid remark, the developers have their priorities,
and that's absolutely fine. It's open source, if you want something,
implement it -- my words (sometimes ;-).

On the other hand, creating a fork, in a proper manner, with the option
to somehow merge later, and then implementing something rather small, is
a lot of effort, for a small effect.

For example, I'm pretty sure that, in theory, my programming skills are
good enough to implement such a thing. But I would need to understand
the "architecture" of the source code, know how to implement effectively
and efficiently, following all the best practices the developers are
following because of their experience, etc. etc.


That is why "fork and do it your self" is a plain rude reply.

So it's valid to kindly ask the developers if they might spend a day or
three, when others might need weeks for the fork.

But if they say "No", that's a valid answer and has to be accepted.

Agreed, and agreed. Some one asked for it. I supported (and stuill 
support) the request, but obviously understand if it not a priority.

DT is quite good, I, and I bet we, thank the developers effort with it.

I do not that thank rude replies, including for those know-it-all that 
even know what I know, what I read, what I did.

One last note on the GUI reflecting the order of the modules.

Do the devs code "in order"? Do they code in assembly? Why not? Why 
don't they try to really understand how the code really work, and write 
it in the exact order it is executed by the computer? It is not the same 
if you JMP before you ADD, or ADD before you JMP...

Thanks. Let's try to believe others are trying to help. Be it users 
asking (silly) questions , devs coding, translators translating, 
youtubers... ahamm youtubing...? :-)

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Re: [darktable-user] Still no GUI module order possible?

2021-02-16 Thread Ricardo Kozmate.Net

Em 16/02/2021 01:20, Guillermo Rozas escreveu:
On Mon, Feb 15, 2021, 21:52 Ricardo Kozmate.Net <>> wrote:

Comparing to masks' order in GIMP is silly, that was not the point, I
Compare it to GIMP allowing to order the tools in the toolbox, as it

No. Gimp's toolbox is not comparable because each tool there is 
independent of the others, and they're applied in the same order they're 

> In darktable they are not: the order of application is
> defined independently of the order in which they're
> activated [...]

GIMPS' toolbox and DT's interface are comparable, because they are the 
way users find the tools.

Possibly one 'problem' is that DT's interface is used also to display 
modules' processing order.

Comparing it to Gimp's layers is not silly, they work the same way: 
there is an intrinsic order in which things are applied, and that order 
is represented by the order of the GUI.

But layers is one tool, of which the user chooses the order of, while 
DT's GUI is the whole app. Note that I am OK with a fixed pixelpipe 
pipepline, the devs studied it and found it produces better results this 
way?... great, as far as I am concerned


That said, what do I see as the problem and a possible improvement?

GIMP's interface has the tools, which users can order more or less at 
will, in the toolbox (you can also add menus, I do not recall if you can 
change the standard menus).

Tools are applied by whatever order the user wants.

There is one "undo" tool which displays that order and allows to get back.

(I am not saying it is good or bad, it is merely descriptive of the 
overall picture.)

DT's tools are (almost) fixed in the interface, and applied in the order 
shown in the interface.

There is a history tab on the left displaying the users' activation order.

(still merely descriptive, I hope)

OK, what is the problem, as I see it?

DT's interface has one more thing to display, compared to GIMP: the 
module application order.

DT's option to solve that is to have the tools in that fixed order on 
the interface. Well... almost...

The fixed order may make it hard to find the tools because whatever is 
the logical technical order to apply them may not be the order users 
think of them. That is why the devs had to select the order «with great 
care». But as someone pointed already in a fun way, you have to put your 
a sock before a shoe, but you may choose which shoe before which sock :) 
I also note that image editing is a technical but also an artistic task, 
giving 'the artist' as much freedom to follow their flow intuition as 
possible is a good thing.

Probably acknowledging that, and to make tools easier to find, there are 
tool groups ("tone group", "color group", etc). Note that when using 
those groups we already loose track of module application order. We get 
the order within that group, but we don't know about tools in other 
groups. I think the only way to see the full modules' order is by 
choosing the "show only active modules" tab.

So a implementation suggestions:

- Allow to sort the tools within the tool groups, or at least the 
favorites group.


- Keep the "show only active modules" tab in module application order


- Add a tab on the left, similar to the history tab, showing module 
application order.

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Re: [darktable-user] Still no GUI module order possible?

2021-02-16 Thread Ricardo Kozmate.Net

Em 16/02/2021 01:20, Guillermo Rozas escreveu:

> This list can be a good first step to explore an idea

Agreed, I thank you, and some others, for explainig and discussing the 
ideia, but I also I note the first 3 out of 4 replies:

«If you want to use darktable "intuitively" you need to learn about 
darktables pipeline...»
(i.e., the users' intuition is wrong, DT's way is the only right way. 
Also the person replying "knows" the user has not learnt about the pipeline)

«Then use another tool.»
«No, but people who understand what they do.»
(i.e. people asking for something are clueless)

«why don't you make a feature request accompanied with your explanation 
so it is understood?»

(i.e. shut up, don't discuss it here)

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Re: [darktable-user] Still no GUI module order possible?

2021-02-15 Thread Ricardo Kozmate.Net

DT is a really fine app.

It would be even better, in my opinion, if it allowed users to use it in 
a way that feels comfortable to each user. Allowing to sort the modules 
*on the GUI* feels like a reasonable request. I would like to.

Comparing to masks' order in GIMP is silly, that was not the point, I 

Compare it to GIMP allowing to order the tools in the toolbox, as it does.

Want to do it? Great!

Do not want to do it? Fine, too.

Devs may, and *should*, do whatever they think best. But pushing away 
suggestions with arrogant remarks will, in the long run, result in a 
poorer DT. For everybody.

Users might have good and original ideas too, you know? If devs kill the 
will to help, they'll lose. We all lose.

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Re: [darktable-user] Darktable 3.2, a short review

2020-08-24 Thread Ricardo Kozmate.Net

Hi, all.

Em 24/08/2020 17:47, Pascal Obry escreveu:

Le lundi 24 août 2020 à 11:54 -0400, Jason Polak a écrit :

I wonder though if some of that is not the psychology of used first
vs. second, though.

I think that's exactly that indeed. People don't want to change their
mind and learn new things.

"Don't want to" is bit tough on people.

I think we, people, tend to believe that the first thing we've learned 
and that is enough to solve all our (known) needs and wishes, is *the 
right thing*.

So something that does not solve my problem my way is, obviously, wrong.

Spending time, a year you say?, learning *the wrong thing* is a most 
obviously wrong option. So people don't.

So, instead of saying people are lazy or stupid, we should tell them 
that DT solves different problems. I don't know, I never used LR, but 
from what I read, the main advantages are price and better artistic control.

The price advantage is obvious, and most people coming from LR is 
probably coming for that reason, so no need to highlight it much, and 
anyway the site's main page already does so.

The site - main page and features page - also highlight a lot of 
goodies. Fine.

Probably it should also state upfront that we will be able to make basic 
editing right after installation but then to really get it going on it 
will take time, but then we will be able to do (this) and (that) better 
than (-LR-) just about anywhere else.

Yes, any good application takes time to master, anyone should know that, 
but it does not hurt if people gets reminded upfront, does it?

(I am just an amateur user very very far from mastering it)

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Re: [darktable-user] Camera calibration profiles

2020-07-25 Thread Ricardo Kozmate.Net

Em 25/07/2020 02:32, Terry Pinfold escreveu:
With respect, the whole idea of using raw file editors like LR and DT is 
to bring out the best in the images and not be limited by the camera 
manufacturer's preconceived ideas imposed into the JPG image created by 
the camera. I encourage you to embrace the differences and freedom of DT 
and not expect DT to be just a free version of LR

Now that (I only quote a bit, no need to quote in full) is a great text 
about DT vs LR, with appreiation for both, with their own 
characteristics. Thank you. It should be in some "why use DT" page on 
DT's site, maybe?...


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Re: [darktable-user] Lighttable - filmroll question

2020-04-15 Thread Ricardo Kozmate.Net

Em 15/04/20 18:55, Guillermo Rozas escreveu:

Maybe it would not be to hard to optionally include the parent(s) folder
name(s). Say, suppose a folder structure is:

That exists already.

Oh. Thanks!

I am only an amateur, plus my folders that become film rolls already 
have unique names (date+short_description), so I either never noticed or 
forgot about that.

Now it got me thinking that it may solve one of my organizational 
problems (how to have separate folders, not for DT's eyes, but next to 
the raw's)


Ricardo André

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Re: [darktable-user] Lighttable - filmroll question

2020-04-15 Thread Ricardo Kozmate.Net

Em 14/04/20 20:08, Nikolay Karasev escreveu:
I was not going to rename the actual filesystem folder, I like to keep 
the name as it is. I wanted to have filmroll to have custom name, like 
label or something. I hope some future versions of DT will have that ability

That is *maybe* not to hard to have, well... kind of, not the labels, 
bit still distinct names.

Maybe it would not be to hard to optionally include the parent(s) folder 
name(s). Say, suppose a folder structure is:

|   |-raw
|   |-whateverA
|   |-raw
|   |-whateverA
|   |-whateverB

Importing the "raw" folders as rolls could result is names as

"20200401_raw", "20200402_raw", "20200403_raw"

if using 1 parent, instead of "raw", "raw", "raw".

Ricardo André

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Re: [darktable-user] How to backup everything so I can revert to DT 2.6.3 if necessary

2019-11-11 Thread Ricardo Kozmate.Net

Em 11/11/19 12:24, Patrick Shanahan escreveu:

I run master one openSUSE TW

You run what?...
Master version of Darktable on OpenSuse Tumbleweed...?

(as a openSuse user for over a decade, and DT for a couple of years, 
thank you)

Ricardo André
(just an amateur photographer, from Portugal)

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Re: [darktable-user] A Slideshow maker

2019-09-21 Thread Ricardo Kozmate.Net
I may be wrong, I am only looking into the file created by Impress 
but... no it doesn't...?

Impress does not create a video - in the sense that it is a sequence of 
frames displayd at fixed time intervals, e.g. 25 frames / second - it 
stores text, images, sounds, which gets arranged in a certain way (a 
slide), and is played on timings set per slide (and even within each 
slide) or on user command.

As far as I can see, Impress does not compress or resample, it stores 
the original data, using lossless compression. (It is a 'zipped' XML 
file - PowerPoint is likely in the same format but I do not have it at home)

Anyway, this is not about DT, as it seems.

Em 18/09/19 20:49, David Vincent-Jones escreveu:
When Impress is used it creates a video which further 
compresses/compromises the image data. I was looking for a simple 
slideshow that has capabilities to add audio without using video 
re-sampling and compression.


On 9/18/19 11:36 AM, Ricardo Kozmate.Net wrote:

Em 17/09/19 21:46, David Vincent-Jones escreveu:
Does anybody know of a simple slideshow program with a sound-over 
option that does not need to go through a video conversion process?

Doesn't a "regular" slideshow editor does what you need?

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Re: [darktable-user] A Slideshow maker

2019-09-18 Thread Ricardo Kozmate.Net

Em 17/09/19 21:46, David Vincent-Jones escreveu:
Does anybody know of a simple slideshow program with a sound-over option 
that does not need to go through a video conversion process?

Doesn't a "regular" slideshow editor does what you need?

LibreOffice Impress allow to add sound to slides (and play automatically 
or, I presume, also on command), I haven't used MS PowerPoint for long 
but I bet it does too.

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Re: [darktable-user] Collect Images, geotagging: anyone have example query syntax that will select images based on range of GPS location?

2019-06-04 Thread Ricardo Kozmate.Net

Em 04/06/19 23:13, Shawn escreveu:
This Feature:  Collect Images where geotagging LAT is between a and b 
AND geotagging LON is between c and d

and/or within R radius of point (lat,lon).

If needed I may help with the math.

Ricardo André

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Re: [darktable-user] [darktable-dev] Error in user manual

2018-11-16 Thread Ricardo Kozmate.Net

Em 16/11/18 02:09, jys escreveu:

On Thu, Nov 15, 2018, at 14:06, Ricardo Kozmate.Net wrote:

[...] I don't know if it is possible to link to a previous
message [...]

There's a list archive:

Oh. Nice. Bookmarked. Thanks.

Ricardo André

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Re: [darktable-user] [darktable-dev] Error in user manual

2018-11-15 Thread Ricardo Kozmate.Net
On Fri., 16 Nov. 2018, 06:09 openhab.doc  wrote:

Hi, if you want I can look at it tomorrow and correct it if
necessary and
create a pull request.


Am Donnerstag, 15. November 2018, 05:44:29 CET schrieb Bruce Williams:
 > Not sure who to address here, but came across this.
 > In section, the screenshot shows a value called
"Precedence", but

You may want to look at two corrections I suggested back in July (Search 
for July 15 00:34, I don't know if it is possible to link to a previous 
message - or ask and I'll repost) and apparently went unnoticed.

Ricardo André

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Re: [darktable-user] JPEG quality idea: default to use quantization table from JPEG original when applicable.

2018-11-03 Thread Ricardo Kozmate.Net

Em 03/11/18 18:11, Stéphane Gourichon escreveu:


So, how about implementing, like GIMP does, an option like this:

[✔] Use quality settings from original image (when available)

I rarely work on JPEG source, preferring RAW except on very specific 
cases, but it makes sense and indeed I would appreciate it.

# Feedback welcome

**Knowing what people on this mailing-list think of such a feature is 


Looks like a good default option. But...

What is the current default? 95? That is what I have set, but I am not 
sure if I ever changed it.

Ricardo André

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Re: [darktable-user] Thanks for the manual. Thanks for the videos, but...

2018-10-23 Thread Ricardo Kozmate.Net

Em 23/10/18 22:29, Ricardo Kozmate.Net escreveu:


I note that I subscribed and I hope to take a look at the set of videos 
someone annouced just a few posts ago :-)

Yes, hoping more for ideas than lists of buttons to push.

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Re: [darktable-user] Thanks for the manual. Thanks for the videos, but...

2018-10-23 Thread Ricardo Kozmate.Net

Em 23/10/18 18:25, escreveu:
> [...]

Good videos need a script, a good speaker, and a clear concept.  They
need to be concise and to the point. [.

Is there a way to produce a video in a collaborative effort?  [...]

Maybe there are places where a video is just the right media to
present an idea (e.g., to show how tie one's shoes), and maybe a
textual tutorial about DT (which will, of course, contain images)
could even benefit from a video here or there.  But in general I'm
convinced that videos are not the right thing to teach software.


(I also have done some teaching (always in person, never at a distance) 
and am currently a online student of an university (doing mathematics) - 
meaning I am no expert at all, but I've seen things... :-)

I agree with most of what you say. I think videos can be great for 
global ideas and main concepts. For DT that means, less "what buttons to 
push", more of showing ideas. Maybe that means less teaching DT, more 
teaching digital editing, with 'any' tool while showing it with DT.

Ricardo André

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Re: [darktable-user] Style previews

2018-09-04 Thread Ricardo Kozmate.Net

Em 04/09/18 08:49, FK escreveu:

  I'd expect to see a popup thumbnail when hovering above a
style with a preview -- or even a preview on the full image

A "live" preview may be too expensive (computationally), it probably 
is... but...

Maybe saving a before-and-after with some selected image(s) within the 
style definition could be helpful and feasible? I presume it is much 
easier to recall a visual effect by looking at a previous instance of 
that effect, than by name alone.

Ricardo André

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[darktable-user] Error in an angle, in The Book

2018-07-14 Thread Ricardo Kozmate.Net

Hi list.

New user here, just read the Fornari, Latronico, and Manea's "Digital 
photo development with darktable". (see: I guess it is a good read for both 
novices and not-so-novice but new to darktable, like me. Thank you! And 
let me try to thank further with a small correction.

There is a mathematical error on the text at page 72. It reads: «Being 
the line [...] with slope of 45°[...] in the right portion of the figure 
[...] the slope is reduced to 22.5°»

The first line has a height of 1 for a base of 1, it's angle is 45º. But 
the second line has half the height, i.e. 0.5, which results in a angle 
that is not half of the initial one. Instead the angle is approximately 
26.6º - computed from  atan(0.5/1), or atan2(0.5,1), or similar 
depending on your calculator.

(To be pedantic, it probably shouldn't be "slope", as that is the ratio 
from height to base - but for a non mathematical text that is a very 
very minor issue :-) (See:

BTW, the heading at page 74 misses a 's' at "the *s*plit tone plugin"

thank you
I hope darktable is maintained for a long time (I am changing from 
another that stopped being updated) as it looks promising just what I 

Ricardo André
(from Portugal)

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