2017-02-03 Thread John Scoles

ERROR OCINlsEnvironmentVariableGet(OCI_NLS_CHARSET_ID) Check NLS
You need to set some environment variables


From: Rakesh Ramachandran 
Sent: February 3, 2017 1:11 AM
To: Deven T. Corzine
Cc:; Trupti Anil Charwad

Hi Deven,

Thank you for the previous reply. Driver issue has been resolved. But I am 
getting a new error, as below,


DBI connect('database=X:Hostname=10.94.XX.XX:Port=XXX','XX',...) 
failed: ERROR OCINlsEnvironmentVariableGet(OCI_NLS_CHARSET_ID) Check NLS 
settings etc. at E:\ line 22.

ERROR OCINlsEnvironmentVariableGet(OCI_NLS_CHARSET_ID) Check NLS settings etc. 
at E:\ line 22.

I have enclosed my script here. Also, I have enclosed the screenshot of the 
error. Please check them out.

Please assist me in this regard.


Rakesh R

From: Deven T. Corzine []
Sent: Friday, February 3, 2017 7:12 AM
To: Rakesh Ramachandran 

The error message is telling you the problem.  You need to install the 
DBD::Oracle module:

DBD::Oracle - Oracle database driver for the DBI module 
Oracle database driver for the DBI module ... NAME; VERSION; SYNOPSIS; 

This is the database driver which allows DBI to talk to Oracle.  If you look at 
the list of available drivers in the error message, Oracle wasn't among them.

Note that you will need to have the Oracle client libraries installed before 
you try to build this module.


On Thu, Feb 2, 2017 at 12:42 AM, Rakesh Ramachandran>> wrote:

Hi Perl team,

I have been learning Perl scripting for a while. When I am trying to connect to 
oracle DB, I am getting the following error.

I am using Padre IDE forscripting. I am using Perl 5, version 14, subversion 2 
(v5.14.2) built for MSWin32-x86-multi-thread.

Please help me out for solving the issue.

I have also attached the screenshot of the actual Perl command line for your 


install_driver(Oracle) failed: Can't locate DBD/ in @INC (@INC 
contains: C:/Dwimperl/perl/site/lib C:/Dwimperl/perl/vendor/lib 
C:/Dwimperl/perl/lib .) at (eval 4) line 3.

Perhaps the DBD::Oracle perl module hasn't been fully installed,

or perhaps the capitalisation of 'Oracle' isn't right.

Available drivers: ADO, DBM, ExampleP, File, Gofer, ODBC, Pg, Proxy, SQLite, 
Sponge, mysql.

at line 30

Press any key to continue . . .


Rakesh R

Disclaimer: This message and the information contained herein is proprietary 
and confidential and subject to the Tech Mahindra policy statement, you may 
review the policy at externally internally within TechMahindra.

Disclaimer:  This message and the information contained herein is proprietary 
and confidential and subject to the Tech Mahindra policy statement, you may 
review the policy at externally internally within TechMahindra.

RE: Best way to retire old code for unsupported database versions

2013-09-27 Thread John Scoles
Yep one of the more unplesnt parts of being a DBDer,  Looking back I had to 
drop a few #ifdefs when I was the more active with DBD::Oracle.


I just made up a chart on the POD


I my case I sort of just followed what the Oracle policy was.  Support two 
versions back only.  


However nobody has been updating the table:)


Really have to find a week or two to get back an lay with DBD::Oracle







> Date: Fri, 27 Sep 2013 09:28:51 +0100
> From:
> To:
> Subject: Re: Best way to retire old code for unsupported database versions
> On 27/09/13 03:52, Greg Sabino Mullane wrote:
> > Hash: RIPEMD160
> >
> >
> >> what to do about having something around that you can refer people who
> >> want to run 4.x (???!!!). Is a simple information tidbit "if you
> >> want to use xxx, you use version x.y.z version of DBD::mysql" ?
> >> What have others done about this issue?
> >
> > Yes, it is basically as simple as that. Some thoughts:
> >
> > * Make your abandonment of old versions in large chunks, don't simply
> > phase out older versions over time. In other words, consolidate the
> > pain into as few releases as possible. Ideally, one every 10 years. :)
> >
> > * Have a version or two with lots of warnings in the docs before
> > making the change.
> >
> > * Make the change at a major version bump. Then you can tell people
> > they need version x, rather than x.y.z
> >
> > * This is also a good time to break other things - such as requiring
> > a newer version of DBI. Consolidate that pain!
> >
> > * Provide instructions in the docs about how to reach the old versions.
> > Have the frozen version available somewhere other than CPAN too.
> >
> > * Expect people who have been living off of those #ifdefs for years to
> > suddenly crawl out of the woodwork after you flip the switch and complain.
> > Anticipate their complaints in your docs so you can simply point them there.
> >
> > (MySQL 4.x? I know places still running 3.x!)
> Everything Greg said ++, plus:
> * when you make the break try and ensure your RT queue is clear of at least 
> bugs or you'll get people saying they can't upgrade to get a bug fix because 
> you withdrew support for their mysql version.
> * try and catch someone trying to build against old client libs and output a 
> meaningful message rather than just have the compile fail - preferably do 
> this in your Makefile.PL or Build script and with the correct exit status 
> you'll get a NA on a smoker instead of a Fail.
> * as well as DBI, think about what Perl version you require - especially wrt 
> unicode support although I see the latest DBI is 5.8.1 already.
> Martin

RE: [PATCH] Spelling fixes.

2013-06-11 Thread John Scoles
I had a change to go though it and it all looks ok.
By the way 'dying' is correct the word you are thinking of  is 'dyeing' 
English is such a silly language;)
> Date: Tue, 11 Jun 2013 08:03:54 +0200
> From:
> To:
> Subject: Re: [PATCH] Spelling fixes.
> On Mon, 10 Jun 2013 17:57:25 +0300, Ville Skyttä 
> wrote:
> > - * We still localize, so we're safe from the callback dieing,
> > + * We still localize, so we're safe from the callback dying,
> Changes like that make me weary to apply blindly.
> I, not having an English native tongue, would read that change as a
> change from "The callback is going to die" to "the callback is going
> to be painted". I know that would have to be "dyeing" but still not
> an improvement. "dieing" is pretty common as "die" is a perl keyword.
> Maybe "die-ing" would be the best approach.
> Thanks for the work, I'll go through all of them later if noone beats
> me to it
> -- 
> H.Merijn Brand   Perl Monger
> using perl5.00307 .. 5.19   porting perl5 on HP-UX, AIX, and openSUSE

RE: problem with bound columns and fetchall_arrayref with a slice

2013-06-03 Thread John Scoles
Hmm you always come up with the head scratchers,
You are most likely on the right track.  Somewhere way in the back of my mind I 
recall that the fetchall_arrayref  was optimized for speed, and so the binding 
was left out but I am going back almost 10 years by memory.
Do the other DBD do the same thing??
> Date: Mon, 3 Jun 2013 10:43:20 +0100
> From:
> To:
> Subject: problem with bound columns and fetchall_arrayref with a slice
> Hi,
> I've just hit a problem with bind_col and fetchall_arrayref when a slice is 
> used and I'm wondering how I might fix it. I'm using DBD::Oracle and setting 
> a bind type and some attributes but as soon as a slice is used in 
> fetchall_arrayref, DBI rebinds the columns and I lose the column type and 
> attribute. Here is an example:
> # $sth is just a select with 4 column
> # the first column is an integer and we want to keep it that way
> # as the result will be JSONified and we don't want JSON to think it
> # is a string and put quotes around it
> $sth->bind_col (1, undef, {TYPE => SQL_INTEGER, DiscardString => 1});
> my $list = $sth->fetchall_arrayref({});
> print Dumper ($list);
> Without the slice it produces:
> $VAR1 = [
>  11,
>  'Abandoned',
>  '1358247475.860400',
>  '1358247475.860400'
> and with the slice it produces:
> $VAR1 = [
>  'modified_date_time' => '1358247475.860400',
>  'market_status_id' => '11',
>  'name' => 'Abandoned',
>  'created_date_time' => '1358247475.860400'
> Notice the slice caused the market_status_id to look like a string. This 
> happens because DBI binds the columns when you use a slice and it is 
> overriding what was set for column 1 in the bind this code does.
> So this is how bind_col ends up being called:
> BIND COL 1 (TYPE => SQL_INTEGER, DiscardString => 1)
> BIND COL 1 (no type (i.e. type = 0) and no attrs)
> BIND COL 2 (no type and no attrs)
> BIND COL 3 (no type and no attrs)
> BIND COL 4 (no type and no attrs)
> The code in DBD::Oracle is possibly flawed in that every time bind_col is 
> called it does:
>   imp_sth->fbh[field-1].req_type = type;
>   imp_sth->fbh[field-1].bind_flags = 0; /* default to none */
> regardless of whether bind_col has been called before and set a type or 
> attributes. As type is a parameter to dbd_st_bind_col anyone not wishing to 
> set a type has to say 0.
> I could fix my usage case by simply saying if bind_col has been called for a 
> column which already has a type set and the incoming type is 0 don't touch it 
> and if no attributes are passed don't clear any existing ones. It would work 
> for me but I'd like to hear any comments.
> Martin

RE: Building DBD::Oracle with one version but deploying with another

2013-04-20 Thread John Scoles
Should Allways work for 1 DB version forward and one back.  
So a 10 instantshould should work a 9,10 and 11 at least that is the theory.
Oracle is a little unclear on what a Version is. 
What I usually do is complie with the instant client and depoly it with the 
compiled code.  This is how activestae gets awaywith it
as they install the IC along with the dll so they need only compile it once/\.
One can freely ditribute the IC with no gruff from Oracle.


> Date: Fri, 19 Apr 2013 08:35:39 +0100
> From:
> To:
> Subject: Re: Building DBD::Oracle with one version but deploying with another
> On 18/04/13 18:41, Jan Dubois wrote:
> > Sorry, I can't remember the details. I think you must use clients for
> > the same version of Oracle on the server, e.g. if you compiled
> > DBD::Oracle with an Oracle 10 instant client, then it doesn't seem to
> > work with an Oracle 11 client. But my memories of that are foggy; I
> > don't know if this is just a limitation on Windows, or if it applies
> > everywhere.
> >
> > I also never tried to run DBD::Oracle compiled against the instant
> > client with a server that has the regular client installed. I kind of
> > expect it to work, if they are the same versions, but haven't verified
> > it.
> >
> > Cheers,
> > -Jan
> DBD::Oracle attempts to find the version of your client using sqlplus etc. 
> Once it knows the version it sets macros which affect what support is built 
> into DBD::Oracle.
> e.g.,
> Installing on a linux, Ver#2.6
> Using Oracle in /home/martin/instantclient_11_2/
> Oracle version (11.2)
> Looks like an Instant Client installation, okay
> Your LD_LIBRARY_PATH env var is set to '/home/martin/instantclient_11_2/'
> DEFINE= -Wall -Wno-comment -DUTF8_SUPPORT -DORA_OCI_VERSION=\"\" 
> -DORA_OCI_102 -DORA_OCI_112
> Notice the ORA_OCI_102 and ORA_OCI_112 macros are defined in this case since 
> this was Oracle 11.2. If you search the source for those macros you'll see 
> loads of places where code is only included if they are defined and hence it 
> affects what you can do with DBD::Oracle.
> So if you built against a 10.2 client and then attempted to run against a 
> 11.2 client there are a) things you would not be able to do and b) possibly 
> DBD::Oracle would make a different set of OCI calls (you'd need to read the 
> code to see what).
> If you did it the other way around it is quite likely some things won't work.
> The instant client files required to run DBD::Oracle (as opposed to build it) 
> are quite small. What cannot you distribute those with the DBD::Oracle you 
> build.
> Martin
> > On Thu, Apr 18, 2013 at 10:16 AM, John Wiersba  wrote:
> >> Yes, I'm doing that. Each server can have a different environment than the
> >> server the original DBD:Oracle was built on. Or the question still applies
> >> if I want to use a different version of Oracle installed on the original
> >> build server, especially if I remove the version of Oracle that was used to
> >> build the original DBD::Oracle.
> >>
> >> 
> >> From: Jan Dubois 
> >> To: John Wiersba 
> >> Cc: Lyle ; "" 
> >> Sent: Thursday, April 18, 2013 1:09 PM
> >>
> >> Subject: Re: Building DBD::Oracle with one version but deploying with
> >> another
> >>
> >> I think you also need to add the ORACLE_HOME directory to
> >> LD_LIBRARY_PATH (on the deployment machine) to make it work.
> >>
> >> Cheers,
> >> -Jan
> >>
> >> On Thu, Apr 18, 2013 at 9:04 AM, John Wiersba  wrote:
> >>> Thanks, Lyle. I'm trying to build DBD::Oracle on Linux/AIX/Solaris for
> >>> distribution to another server (assume the OS and perl versions on both
> >>> servers) which will have a different ORACLE_HOME, possibly a different
> >>> version of the Oracle client and likely in a different location. The 
> >>> target
> >>> server may not have a C compiler.
> >>>
> >>> That's the same situation that ActiveState must have encountered, building
> >>> DBD::Oracle with whatever version of Oracle they had downloaded and
> >>> installed in some random location, but deploying it on the user's server
> >>> which likely has a different version of Oracle installed in a different
> >>> location.
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
>  From: Lyle 
>  To:
>  Sent: Thursday, April 18, 2013 11:43 AM
>  Subject: Re: Building DBD::Oracle with one version but deploying with
>  another
>  On 18/04/2013 16:22, John Wiersba wrote:
> > [A previous version of this question was asked on dbi-users -- I haven't
> > gotten any response there. Not sure which list to post to.]
> >
> > Hi, I'd like to find out how to build/install DBD::Oracle with one
> > version of Oracle client but then deploy it with a potentially different
> > client version, say on a server

RE: Potential for new database driver

2013-03-04 Thread John Scoles

A pure perl version of the DBI already exists so I I take it you want to write 
a DBD::Blueprints?  There are a number of pure perl DBD however I am not sure 
what Blueprints is??? Can you give us a link to it so I can at least see what 
you are writing a driver for??

> From:
> Subject: Potential for new database driver
> Date: Mon, 4 Mar 2013 14:52:19 -0600
> To:
> Hi All,
> My name is Elliott Davis and I am relatively new to this list. I am 
> interested in writing a driver for Blueprints. I imagine this working similar 
> to the ODBC or the JDBC driver for DBI currently. I have read the DBI::DBD 
> documentation (only once, not twice as instructed) and have found it very 
> verbose. It seems that writing a C driver will be the optimal solution for 
> speed but a pure perl driver will make the module more maintainable. If I 
> were to work on the driver I think my goal would be a pure perl driver. The 
> DBI::DBD documentation suggest an initial email to the dev list before 
> pursuing code on any driver, so here I am. If anyone is currently working on 
> this or is interested in working on this could you please let me know. 
> Best Regards,
> Elliott Davis

RE: Handling idle database connections

2013-02-02 Thread John Scoles

you might wan to try visit_handles
and visit_child_handles
Send a code ref down the pipe and close the ones that have been idle for a 
Just a though.

> From:
> To:
> Subject: FW: Handling idle database connections
> Date: Sat, 2 Feb 2013 13:09:03 +
> DBI-dev , can you please take a look and opine?
> Thanks a lot !!
> Manikantan
> _
> From: Manikantan, Madhunapanthula_Naaga
> Sent: Saturday, January 26, 2013 1:31 AM
> To: ''
> Subject: Handling idle database connections
> Hello dbi-users,
> I have a ton of PERL scripts that open a database connection, do some 
> database related work for 5 to 10 mts and go on with other work for 2 to 3 
> days. This means, the database connection will be idle after 5 mts but still 
> exists for 2-3 days. This can potentially choke my server once all the 
> available threads are consumed. I think the right approach is for the 
> developer to disconnect once he is done with database work. Since I have no 
> control over the scripts, I want to explore the below.
> I was wondering if there is any option to DBI that will say " if the 
> connection is idle for say 'X' mts disconnect automatically and set state 
> accordingly. On subsequent call to $dbh it can check the state and 
> re-establish connection as necessary".
> This will alleviate lot of my issues and any help/suggestion in this regard 
> is greatly appreciated !!!
> Thanks a lot !!!
> Manikantan.

RE: bind_param () - did something change?

2013-01-28 Thread John Scoles

 > Date: Mon, 28 Jan 2013 19:33:46 +
> From:
> To:
> Subject: Re: bind_param () - did something change?
> On 28/01/2013 19:03, John Scoles wrote:
> > I do not think so. That section of DBD::Oracle code does need some rework 
> > as it was written for Oracle 8. It should be updated to use the Oracle 10+ 
> > functionality for both select and updates.  Alas one never seems to have 
> > any time work, (well finish actully) the work on this one.  CheersJohn
> In addition (and I know you'll not like it) but people are still using 
> Oracle 8 and 9. Steffen only recently submitted a load of patches for 
> tests in the trunk which fail on Oracle 8. That table 
> (
> in DBD::Oracle looks wrong as I know Steffen is using older Oracle's 
> than the table suggests you can use. I'm not in a great rush to remove 
> support for any Oracle versions whilst people are still using them. No 
> doesn't bug me.  The big problem is not really if 8~7 work it is more to do 
> with theclient they are using.  OCI8 really hasn't changed much since Oracle 
> 8.If they can get it to compile and connect then good on them.  > I  know the 
> arguments but no one having the tuits to remove support for 
> older Oracles is a good thing to me unless a good case for improvement 
> and tuits can be made. I'd rather continue to support all we can in the 
> code using conditional code as it does now.
>  The main point it the present fetch is somthing like this 1) parse 
> statement2) idetify lobs3) get lob thingy (can't remeber off the top of my 
> head,, lob locator perhaps??) on execute4) run an extra select to actully get 
> the lob5) munge it back into the select call Just a buch of extra steps and 
> round trips that are not needed.  If memory serves me correctly.  
> As for Merijn's problem we discussed this on irc. I'm not sure my 
> answers satisfied Merijn but I believe the situation right now is that 
> if you have a table with multiple lobs and you are updating one of them 
> you need to specify ora_field. The driver does not know the columns on 
> an insert, it only scans the SQL for placeholders and does not parse the  Yep 
> that is true it is a two step process generate the lob_locatior and insert 
> intothe orginal table and create the lob for the locator. The newer way to do 
> it is just insert it directly with the persitant data interface. I think 
> there is a flag someplace I think 'ora_pers_lob' for the select anway Cheers
> SQL as such. In addition, the parameters may not align with a column - 
> they could be args to a function in an insert/update/delete. As Merijn 
> discovered, many/most DBDs don't even return the column names in an 
> insert/update/delete statement (I know DBD::ODBC doesn't and Merijn 
> found DBD::Pg and DBD::Oracle doesn't either - none of which surprised 
> me as in DBD::ODBC's case the call to SQLDescribeParam does not return 
> column names).
> Martin
> >   > Date: Mon, 28 Jan 2013 14:31:44 +0100
> >> From:
> >> To:
> >> Subject: bind_param () - did something change?
> >>
> >> I have a table with 5 BLOB's. BLOB's are easy in DBD::CSV and
> >> DBD::Unify, but they need "some help" in Oracle.
> >>
> >> I had a script that did load a table from a CSV file by first inserting
> >> all the records without the blob's and then update each blob in turn
> >> ((DBD::Oracle would not allow me to have 5 BLOB's in one insert or
> >> update).
> >>
> >> Given that c_ll + m_nr are a primary key, I had to change
> >>
> >> foreach my $blob (qw( w_tl w_xml0 w_xml1 w_xml2 w_xml3 attr )) {
> >>  print STDERR "Setting $blob in ll_verz_rel ...\n";
> >>  my $sth = $dbh->prepare ("update ll_verz_rel set $blob = ? where c_ll 
> >> = ? and m_nr = ?");
> >>  for (@llvr) {
> >>$_->{$blob} or next;
> >>$sth->bind_param (1, $_->{$blob}, { ora_type => ORA_BLOB   });
> >>$sth->bind_param (2, $_->{c_ll},  { ora_type => ORA_NUMBER });
> >>$sth->bind_param (3, $_->{m_nr},  { ora_type => ORA_NUMBER });
> >>$sth->execute ();
> >>}
> >>  }
> >>
> >> to
> >>
> >> foreach my $blob (qw( w_tl w_xml0 w_xml1 w_xml2 w_xml3 attr )) {
> >>  print STDERR "Setting $blob\tin ll_verz_rel ... &q

RE: bind_param () - did something change?

2013-01-28 Thread John Scoles

I do not think so. That section of DBD::Oracle code does need some rework as it 
was written for Oracle 8. It should be updated to use the Oracle 10+ 
functionality for both select and updates.  Alas one never seems to have any 
time work, (well finish actully) the work on this one.  CheersJohn > Date: Mon, 
28 Jan 2013 14:31:44 +0100
> From:
> To:
> Subject: bind_param () - did something change?
> I have a table with 5 BLOB's. BLOB's are easy in DBD::CSV and
> DBD::Unify, but they need "some help" in Oracle.
> I had a script that did load a table from a CSV file by first inserting
> all the records without the blob's and then update each blob in turn
> ((DBD::Oracle would not allow me to have 5 BLOB's in one insert or
> update).
> Given that c_ll + m_nr are a primary key, I had to change
> foreach my $blob (qw( w_tl w_xml0 w_xml1 w_xml2 w_xml3 attr )) {
> print STDERR "Setting $blob in ll_verz_rel ...\n";
> my $sth = $dbh->prepare ("update ll_verz_rel set $blob = ? where c_ll = ? 
> and m_nr = ?");
> for (@llvr) {
>   $_->{$blob} or next;
>   $sth->bind_param (1, $_->{$blob}, { ora_type => ORA_BLOB   });
>   $sth->bind_param (2, $_->{c_ll},  { ora_type => ORA_NUMBER });
>   $sth->bind_param (3, $_->{m_nr},  { ora_type => ORA_NUMBER });
>   $sth->execute ();
>   }
> }
> to
> foreach my $blob (qw( w_tl w_xml0 w_xml1 w_xml2 w_xml3 attr )) {
> print STDERR "Setting $blob\tin ll_verz_rel ... ";
> my $sth = prepar ("update ll_verz_rel set $blob = ? where c_ll = ? and 
> m_nr = ?");
>$sth->bind_param (1, undef, { ora_type => ORA_BLOB, ora_field => $blob 
> });
> for (@llvr) {
>   $_->{$blob} or next;
>   $sth->execute ($_->{$blob}, $_->{c_ll}, $_->{m_nr});
>   }
> }
> to get it to insert the records. It FAILED to work without the
> ora_field addition
> Now in this case I don't really mind the change. It makes my code
> easier, but if I bind to one parameter only, the bind should/could know
> what to bind to, it shouldn't need the ora_field entry in the hashref.
> In above case, there is one ONE blob in the statement at any time, so
> there is no conflict at all, ever.
> -- 
> H.Merijn Brand   Perl Monger
> using perl5.00307 .. 5.17   porting perl5 on HP-UX, AIX, and openSUSE

RE: Problem with procedures returning a SYS_REFCURSOR which is not open/executed - possible fixes

2013-01-17 Thread John Scoles

 > Date: Thu, 17 Jan 2013 19:47:06 +
> From:
> To:
> CC:;
> Subject: Re: Problem with procedures returning a SYS_REFCURSOR which is not 
> open/executed - possible fixes
> On 17/01/2013 18:32, John Scoles wrote:
> >
> >
> > > Date: Thu, 17 Jan 2013 13:48:15 +
> > > From:
> > > To:
> > > CC:
> > > Subject: Re: Problem with procedures returning a SYS_REFCURSOR which 
> > is not open/executed - possible fixes
> > >
> > > On 17/01/13 12:26, Charles Jardine wrote:
> > > > On 15/01/13 23:21, Martin J. Evans wrote:
> > > >
> > > >> I see loads of code setting indp so I created an indp2 in the phs and
> > > >> passed it to OCIBindByName above and it is always 0 (Oracle 
> > assigned an
> > > >> intact value to the host variable) whether a null cursor is 
> > returned or
> > > >> not. It also did not seem to trigger ORA-01001 (invalid cursor) 
> > errors.
> > > >> Also the test suite works with the indp set in the OCIBindByName. 
> > What a
> > > >> PITA. I really wish when people write code like this they comment why
> > > >> better.
> > > >>
> > > >> So it would seem resurrecting the phs->indp in the OCIBindByName does
> > > >> not currently give me -1. Starting to wish I never started this. My
> > > >> current change is better (in that it at least works whereas the 
> > previous
> > > >> code did not at all) but you seem to suggest it is incomplete and 
> > that
> > > >> concerns me. However, I've not been able to see what you suggested
> > > >> should happen. I've already proved this speeds our application up 
> > a lot
> > > >> compared with having to put a daft select 1 from dual in to just make
> > > >> DBD::Oracle work so it would be a shame to fall at the last 
> > hurdle. Any
> > > >> other ideas Charles?
> > > >>
> > > >> Bear in mind I cannot be getting a value from a previous execute 
> > as my
> > > >> test code only does one execute so perhaps when you bind a 
> > > >> you get a valid stmt handle back even if it is not executed. It seems
> > > >> this must be the case since I can call 
> > > >> on it after only one execute and it returns 
> > > >
> > > > Martin,
> > > >
> > > > I have reproduced your results. If you supply an indp, Oracle does not
> > > > ignore it. It explicitly sets it to 0, indicating a non-null value.
> > > > It seems that OCI does not represent a null PL/SQL cursor reference
> > > > as a normal null value. As you originally thought, it represents it
> > > > with a statement handle which is not open. You were right - I was 
> > wrong.
> > >
> > > My post was simply based on observation and not what the docs said. 
> > However, I'm comforted to know that you get the same results.
> > >
> > > > I can't find any documentation of this special treatment of null 
> > values
> > > > of type SQLT_RSET, but, in trawling through the OCI manual, and 
> > Oracle's
> > > > knowledge base, I have found several examples of binds of type 
> > > > none of which use indicator variables.
> > >
> >  Just my 2p on some verbage. I think 'null' would be the 'wrong' word 
> > to use here when refering to a this type of 'SQLT_RSET' .
> >
> > This type is a referance so it would either be in one of two states 
> > 'initialized' or 'unitiliazied'  points to something or doesn't, and 
> > even when it doesn't point to somthing is still takes up memory!! You 
> > have to love 'C' ;)
> >
> To be honest the cursor is uninitialised, executed or  finished and in 
> this case it it is uninitialised and useless i.e., you cannot fetch from 
> from it. undef is the the only reasonable value to return to Perl. As 
> for any structure allocated in C land it is still deallocated as it is 
> in the descriptor, all my change does is:
> a) return undef if the cursor is unusable
> b) stop DBD::Oracle attempting to describe an unusable cursor and erroring

RE: Problem with procedures returning a SYS_REFCURSOR which is not open/executed - possible fixes

2013-01-17 Thread John Scoles

 > Date: Thu, 17 Jan 2013 13:48:15 +
> From:
> To:
> CC:
> Subject: Re: Problem with procedures returning a SYS_REFCURSOR which is not 
> open/executed - possible fixes
> On 17/01/13 12:26, Charles Jardine wrote:
> > On 15/01/13 23:21, Martin J. Evans wrote:
> >
> >> I see loads of code setting indp so I created an indp2 in the phs and
> >> passed it to OCIBindByName above and it is always 0 (Oracle assigned an
> >> intact value to the host variable) whether a null cursor is returned or
> >> not. It also did not seem to trigger ORA-01001 (invalid cursor) errors.
> >> Also the test suite works with the indp set in the OCIBindByName. What a
> >> PITA. I really wish when people write code like this they comment why
> >> better.
> >>
> >> So it would seem resurrecting the phs->indp in the OCIBindByName does
> >> not currently give me -1. Starting to wish I never started this. My
> >> current change is better (in that it at least works whereas the previous
> >> code did not at all) but you seem to suggest it is incomplete and that
> >> concerns me. However, I've not been able to see what you suggested
> >> should happen. I've already proved this speeds our application up a lot
> >> compared with having to put a daft select 1 from dual in to just make
> >> DBD::Oracle work so it would be a shame to fall at the last hurdle. Any
> >> other ideas Charles?
> >>
> >> Bear in mind I cannot be getting a value from a previous execute as my
> >> test code only does one execute so perhaps when you bind a SYS_REFCURSOR
> >> you get a valid stmt handle back even if it is not executed. It seems
> >> this must be the case since I can call OCIAtrrGet(OCI_ATTR_STMT_STATE)
> >> on it after only one execute and it returns OCI_STMT_STATE_INITIALIZED.
> >
> > Martin,
> >
> > I have reproduced your results. If you supply an indp, Oracle does not
> > ignore it. It explicitly sets it to 0, indicating a non-null value.
> > It seems that OCI does not represent a null PL/SQL cursor reference
> > as a normal null value. As you originally thought, it represents it
> > with a statement handle which is not open. You were right - I was wrong.
> My post was simply based on observation and not what the docs said. However, 
> I'm comforted to know that you get the same results.
> > I can't find any documentation of this special treatment of null values
> > of type SQLT_RSET, but, in trawling through the OCI manual, and Oracle's
> > knowledge base, I have found several examples of binds of type SQLT_RSET,
> > none of which use indicator variables.
>   Just my 2p on some verbage. I think 'null' would be the 'wrong' word to use 
> here when refering to a  this type of 'SQLT_RSET' .This type is a 
> referance so it would either be in one of two states 'initialized' or 
> 'unitiliazied'  points to something or doesn't, and even when it doesn't 
> point to somthing is still takes up memory!! You have to love 'C' ;) From my 
> deailing with OCI what I would expect to get is an 'itilaized' referance  no 
> matter what state the object the ref is pointing to? I wish I had some time 
> to play with this one as it is a goodie. Maybe tonight:) Did you check this 
> in Martin or is it on a branch someplace?? Cheers
> I think I'll undo the change which passes an indicator. I wish I knew what 
> that comment meant by causes an error but so long as I don't need the 
> indicator it is irrelevant.
> > I think is is important that PL/SQL null cursor references should
> > reach Perl as undefined values. In the light of the above, I think
> > that what you have already done is probably the best which can be done.
> > It will treat cursor references which have explicitly closed as if
> > they were null, but I think this is acceptable.
> Excellent. In addition someone else who reported a similar RT a while ago 
> tested my patch and it fixed their problem too.
> > I hope I haven't wasted too much if your time.
> Not at all. I am always grateful for your input. It was a avenue worth 
> exploring.
> Thanks again.
> I'll apply this patch later today. It will return undef for a non executed 
> output cursor.
> Martin
> -- 
> Martin J. Evans
> Easysoft Limited

RE: Problem with procedures returning a SYS_REFCURSOR which is not open/executed - possible fixes

2013-01-11 Thread John Scoles

Hmm you sure pick the head scratchers.
My first thoughts where why whould you make such a procedure?? But then I 
relaisze it could have some use when prototying/develpopeing ect.
Looking at 
'DBD::Oracle attempts to describe statements which are initialized but not 
We might be able to do something here.  I remember working on a patch some time 
ago (ie 2008) to get the describe after the execute then do all the binding at 
the end of an execute etc as the newer versions of Oracle return this data for 
you.  Not sure it that is the right time for this on as if I remember correctly 
there was alot of reprogrmming involved.
Will have to look into that one.
Anyway I agree that pp_exec_rset is the place to make your change  as the is 
safe area to do it.  Perhaps we can delay the pre_exec part untill after the 
inital query is executed by that time you will know if you have a ref that you 
will need to bind and return??
Been a while since I looked at this part of the code so bear with me if I sound 
a little rusty.


> Date: Fri, 11 Jan 2013 16:04:13 +
> From:
> To:
> Subject: Problem with procedures returning a SYS_REFCURSOR which is not 
> open/executed - possible fixes
> I am using DBD::Oracle and calling a procedure which returns a reference 
> cursor. However, sometimes the reference cursor is not opened and only the 
> procedure knows this. The problem is if I call the procedure from DBD::Oracle 
> and the cursor is not opened I get an Oracle error saying the cursor is not 
> executed:
> test procedure:
> procedure p_n2(pcur OUT SYS_REFCURSOR) AS
> begin
> pcur := NULL;
> end;
> example perl:
> my $s = $h->prepare(q/begin mypkg.p_n2(?); end;/);
> $s->bind_param_inout(1, \my $cursor, 100, {ora_type => ORA_RSET});
> $s->execute; # errors
> The error occurs because DBD::Oracle attempts to call dbd_describe on the 
> returned cursor (before perl land even sees it) and that code does things 
> like call OCIAttrGet for PARAM_COUNT etc which Oracle disallows if the 
> statement is not executed.
> An easy solution is to just open an empty cursor if the procedure cannot open 
> a real one by doing something like:
> open pcur for select 1 from dual;
> but I don't like that as DBD::Oracle will make dozens of calls and do quite a 
> bit of work in dbd_describe which is wasting time and the purpose of the 
> change to my procedure is to speed this application up not slow it down.
> Just to be clear in case anyone thinks I've just invented a scenario and 
> there is nothing actually wrong with DBD::Oracle - it is most definitely a 
> bug for DBD::Oracle to attempt to describe a non-executed stmt.
> Possible solutions are complicated by these facts (some of which I only 
> discovered after a few attempts of patching this):
> o DBD::Oracle magics a DBI sth into existence but it does this before the 
> Oracle's execute is called in dbd_execute.
> o DBD::Oracle attempts to describe statements which are initialized but not 
> executed.
> o DBD::Oracle will always call dbd_describe on any statement if it is not 
> marked active when you attempt to access any attribute of the sth.
> So my first hack was to change dbd_describe to ask for the statement state 
> and if it was initialized but not executed it just returns having done 
> nothing else. This works because the sth is left in an Active state and 
> dbd_describe has been called so the internal flag dbd_describe_done is set. 
> However the down sides are a) you need to check to see if NUM_OF_FIELDS 
> returns something before using it b) the sth is not really Active c) 
> dbd_describe is a critical function and is used for all stmt handles, not 
> just ones magicked into existence for returned cursors.
> My second attempt was to hijack the code in pp_exec_rset which is called just 
> before execute to magic the stmt handle into existence and after execute to 
> set the sth up and call dbd_describe. My thinking was that it was much safer 
> changing code here. The first sub attempt to simply to check the stmt state 
> and if initialized and not executed, don't call dbd_describe and don't set 
> the sth Active. The idea was to check Active outside in perl land. It does 
> not work because any time you attempt to access an attribute of a non-Active 
> sth where dbd_describe has not been called, you guessed it, DBD::Oracle calls 
> dbd_describe - so I am back where I started. My second sub attempt was to 
> outright lie and set dbd_describe_done and leave Active off so from perl land 
> I just need to test Active flag. This works and is a safer change since it 
> ONLY applies to sth handles magicked into existence for returned cursors. 
> Also, if you attempt to do anything else with the sth it errors as it should:
> DBD::Oracle::st fetch failed: ERROR no statement executing (perhaps you need 
> to call execute first) at l

RE: Oracle ping

2012-11-09 Thread John Scoles

Well I made that ping patch for DBIx::Connector a few months ago on one of my 
production boxes with no impact but then again I am not doing anything fancy 
(no rac raid etc).

If it is critical to DBDx::Connector to ensure a query can be run then no, if 
you are going for 100% work alike betweeen all DBDs then no again and  I am 
sure H.Merijn would like that.

An option would be nice as well


> Subject: Re: Oracle ping
> From:
> Date: Mon, 5 Nov 2012 10:26:52 -0800
> CC:;
> To:
> On Nov 5, 2012, at 7:59 AM, Martin J. Evans  wrote:
> > Just to reiterate what I eventually said. I don't want ping changed in 
> > DBD::Oracle.
> >
> > All I was saying is you should only read anything useful into ping 
> > returning false and not true unless your only purpose is like Oracle's 
> > OCIPing which checks your connection is still there (although not usable 
> > for some things). I believe the connection caching only does anything when 
> > ping returns false.
> Hrm. Well I wonder if I *should* just use DBI->ping in DBIx::Connector for 
> Oracle rather than `select 1 from dual`. Or perhaps make it an option to 
> switch to the select statement. Thoughts?
> David

RE: Oracle ping

2012-11-05 Thread John Scoles

> From:
> To:
> Subject: Re: Oracle ping
> Date: Mon, 5 Nov 2012 02:47:06 +
> Hash: RIPEMD160
>> Also by the time an application does execute some SQL, the the
>> connection/node/server/network could have dropped and so the application
>> 'will have to check & recover from write failures at that point anyway."
> This is a bit of a red herring. You could say that about any database action,
> anytime ever. I personally think a simple select is better than relying
> on a low-level library call, as it does a more complete end-to-end check
> that is almost certainly closer to what the caller is going to use the
> connection for.

Yes I am comming over to that way of thinking. Might just need some 
clarification in the DBD::Oracle doc then.
i.e. May be able to ping but you cannot run querries or alike

>> Mysql has 'mysql_ping' the same sort of thing as OCIPing except it can 
>> reconnect.
> Does it automatically reconnect? That certainly seems like the wrong thing
> to do, especially in light of the docs for connect_cached.

got that from the MySql doc it can be set up to reconnect if ping fails>

not didn't check the DBD driver to see if it does this though.

Perhaps just some clarification on the DBI spec would be better to get all the 
DBD that impliment it in line and doing the same thing??

> - --
> Greg Sabino Mullane
> End Point Corporation
> PGP Key: 0x14964AC8 201211042146
> /fkAoM6hBowTxDCAvKOD6G7yQBgItiO1
> =85sU

RE: dbi 1.622 with Turkish locale fails to connect to Oracle

2012-11-02 Thread John Scoles

You will have to give us the DBD::Oracle version as well.

ORA-12514 is TNS:listener does not currently know of service requested in 
connect descriptor

so I sort of suspect that you lintener and or service is not set up correctly  
to handle the language or the DB is in one languae and the clinet is trying to 
connect with another

These sort of problems can be fixed with the 'ora_charset, ora_ncharset' flags 
at connection time

Do a connect with the attribute dbd_verbose=>15

and that should dump what the client and DBs language code is.


> Date: Wed, 31 Oct 2012 16:31:36 +0400
> Subject: dbi 1.622 with Turkish locale fails to connect to Oracle
> From:
> To:
> Hi guys
> I've installed dbi 1.622 on my test system. My simplest script connects to
> oracle and does simple select.
> It works with UK, US, RU and LT locales, but for some reason failes with
> Turkish (LANG=tr_TR.iso88599)
> It failes with message: ORA-12514 (DBD ERROR: OCIServerAttach)
> I also saw a warning in DBI build log
> *** Your LANG environment variable is set to 'en_GB.UTF-8'
> *** This may cause problems for some perl installations.
> *** If you get test failures, please try again with LANG unset.
> *** If that then works, please email with details
> *** including the output of 'perl -V'
> *** You are using a perl configured with threading enabled.
> *** You should be aware that using multiple threads is
> *** not recommended for production environments.
> Is this critical ?
> Thanks
> Sergey  

RE: Oracle ping

2012-11-02 Thread John Scoles

Boy I think I really started something here.

I just heard back from OIC connection over at Oracle and here is his two cents 
on the issue

"From an OCI point of view the OCIPing/OCIServerVersion calls are as
good as it gets for basic aliveness of the connection. I'd never have
thought they would guarantee the DB was writable. I believe they just
check the OCI and Network stacks. Since the connection doesn't know
anything about DB privileges or what action might be attempted on the
connection, I don't think the calls could do more. Also by the time
an application does execute some SQL, the the
connection/node/server/network could have dropped and so the application
'will have to check & recover from write failures at that point anyway."

So OCIPing and OCIServerVersion do the same thing and yes they 'Do not check 
that a query can be executed'

As for history of Ping in DBD::Oracle 

All version up till 1.21 use a query with a do
1.22 till 1.24 use just OCIServerversion
1.25 and later use either OICPing or OCIServerversion depending on the Oracle 

I think in the case of DBIx::Connector you want to really 100% know that a 
connection can execute a Query? 
 The DBI doc sort of implies that but I checked a few other DBD and I see that 
DBD::Pg  uses an 'select' and Mysql has 'mysql_ping' the same sort of thing as 
OCIPing except it can reconnect.  

So For three DBDs you may see three separate behavours for DBH->ping

1) working but a zombie
2) error
3) reconnection, error or a zombie

So perhaps we need

1) A clarification on what DBH->ping does or is suppose to do (Tim Jump in)
2) A if DBH->Ping really means I can run a query a change to DBD::Oracle 
3) Perhaps a new method like dbd->can_query??

David if you have a repeatable test or set of conditions or recipe of how you 
get into this state where DBD::Oracle pings but cannot run queries my buddies 
over at Oracle would love to get it.


> Date: Fri, 2 Nov 2012 09:59:30 +
> From:
> To:
> CC:
> Subject: Re: Oracle ping
> On 31/10/12 16:06, David E. Wheeler wrote:
> > Fellow DBIers,
> >
> > When I wrote DBIx::Connector, I borrowed this code from DBIx::Class to 
> > “work around an issue”:
> >
> > sub ping {
> > my ($self, $dbh) = @_;
> > eval {
> > local $dbh->{RaiseError} = 1;
> > $dbh->do('select 1 from dual');
> > };
> > return $@ ? 0 : 1;
> > }
> >
> > The reason for this workaround is described in [this 
> > comment]( from 
> > Peter Rabbitison:
> So, it appears someone discovered that DBD::Oracle's ping method can return 
> true when you are still connected to the database (socket-wise) and yet you 
> cannot issue a query. I didn't know that.
> >> DBD::Oracle has some shutdown state in which it will return 1 on ping as 
> >> long as the socket is still open. This however did not guarantee the 
> >> server is any longer in a state to execute
> >> queries. So what happened was:
> >>
> >> 1) the weird state is reached
> >> 2) a txn_do takes place and fails on the first sql command
> >> 3) the code calls ping() and gets a connected reply
> >> 4) the txn_do is not retried
> >> 5) ...
> >> 6) users lose profit
> >
> > So a few questions about this:
> >
> > 1. Was this issue reported somewhere?
> Not to my knowledge.
> > 2. If so, was it fixed or otherwise worked around?
> IIRC, DBD::Oracle has 2 ways to do ping in case OCIPing is not available.
> If OCIPing is not available it does a OCIServerVersion else OCIPing.
> > 3. And if it was fixed, in what version of DBD::Oracle?
> As far as I can see it still does what I said under 2.
> > Thanks,
> >
> > David
> >
> I've always assumed from the DBI docs that DBI's ping was not just supposed 
> to say you were still connected, but you were in a state where you could 
> issue queries, do inserts etc. It appears from what you've found that is not 
> the case. It should be rt'ed but if anyone wants to look into what OCIPing 
> really does and what DBD::Oracle should really do I'd appreciate it (as I am 
> short on tuits right now).
> Martin
> --
> Martin J. Evans
> Easysoft Limited

RE: Patch proposal for leak in DBD::Oracle when calling 'execute_array' with UTF-8 NLS...

2012-10-13 Thread John Scoles

Hi guys had some time today to play again
Seems we have one of three choices

as pathced
at the send of the 'i' loop or
at the begining
I have tried them all and they all get rid of the leak.
I also noticed that we are useing 
which is sort of ugly  Newz is better
My choice is to use the 
at the beginning and let perl worry about it.
I will do another pathc I think to get rid of the malloc code as I see it in 
other places as well
Any more thoughts before I stick it in trunk???


> Date: Tue, 9 Oct 2012 21:21:13 +0200
> From:
> To:
> CC:
> Subject: Re: Patch proposal for leak in DBD::Oracle when calling 
> 'execute_array' with UTF-8 NLS...
> Hello Martin,
> Sorry for the late reply.
> Basically what my script tries to do is to copy lots of records from one 
> database to another. To do this, I've come to the idea of using "execute 
> array" to speed up the process. I generally use NLS_LANG set to UTF-8 
> for Oracle, because it's the default encoding on my Linux distribution, 
> so it was not a choice I've made for that specific application.
> It's when reviewing the code (after a little help from valgrind 
> memory-checker), that I got the idea to turn UTF-8 off. Specifically the 
> lines around ~ 3825 : ...
> /* update the utf8_flgs for this value */
> if (SvUTF8(sv)) {
> utf8_flgs[i] |= ARRAY_BIND_UTF8;
> if (SvTRUE(tuples_status)){
> av_push(tuples_utf8_av,newSViv(j));
> }
> ... made me think it was probably worth a try.
> As so far I understand, the 'tuples_utf8_av' is not given back to perl 
> interpreter, I assumed that it was safe to decrement it's reference 
> count to allow it to be garbage-collected. But as I said in my previous 
> mail, I've no experience in Perl internals and that may be a false 
> assumption.
> Thanks very much for your feedback.
> Best regards,
> Pierre-Alain Blanc
> On 09/10/12 09:53, Martin J. Evans wrote:
> > On 08/10/12 13:46, Pierre-Alain Blanc wrote:
> >>
> >>
> >> Hello,
> >>
> >> I've had a problem when using 'execute_array' to insert (lots of)
> >> records with DBD::Oracle (version 1.50): the script consumed too much
> >> memory and finally crashed (killed by kernel). I tried to trigger the
> >> garbage-collection with some code rewrite but it didn't help. But if
> >> I told Oracle *not* to use an UTF-8 charset (changing NLS_LANG from
> >> (for example) "german_germany.utf8" to "german_germany.we8dec"), the
> >> problem disappeared.
> >>
> >> After some investigations, I think the leak is in
> >> 'ora_st_execute_array' method of dbdimp.c. Please find the patch as
> >> attachment. As I'm completly new to writing C for Perl, it may be
> >> something I did not understand or did not correctly fixed. Sorry if
> >> it would be the case.
> >>
> >> Thanks & best regards, Pierre-Alain Blanc
> >>
> >>
> >
> > Thanks for looking into this. The patch:
> >
> > Index: dbdimp.c
> > ===
> > --- dbdimp.c (revision 15435)
> > +++ dbdimp.c (working copy)
> > @@ -3839,6 +3839,7 @@
> > }
> > Safefree(phs);
> > Safefree(utf8_flgs);
> > + SvREFCNT_dec(tuples_utf8_av);
> > /* Store array of bind typles, for use in OCIBindDynamic() 
> > callback. */
> > imp_sth->bind_tuples = tuples_av;
> > imp_sth->rowwise = (columns_av == NULL);
> >
> > looks good but it does not explain how changing chrset made the 
> > problem go away. Perhaps you could give me a better idea of what you 
> > were doing then I can replicate and test it.
> >
> > Martin

RE: Patch proposal for leak in DBD::Oracle when calling 'execute_array' with UTF-8 NLS...

2012-10-09 Thread John Scoles

Well playing with it a bit tonight
I tried  this patch instead
++ AV *tuples_av =sv_2mortal(newAV());
 -- tuples_utf8_av=newAV();
and it worked exactly the same.
I have noticed a little thing though that may be another leak.
Seems If I change the value of 'ora_array_chunk_size'  It becomes stable but 
then seems to leak again later on.
I will have to investigate a little more.  Might just have to juggle things 
about a little to clear out memory when dealing with big 

> Date: Tue, 9 Oct 2012 16:57:05 +0200
> Subject: Re: Patch proposal for leak in DBD::Oracle when calling 
> 'execute_array' with UTF-8 NLS...
> From:
> To:
> CC:;;
> On 9 October 2012 14:29, John Scoles  wrote:
> >
> > I am sort of with Martin on this one as we would like to know why?
> >
> > At first glace decrementing the reference count like this would not seem to 
> > be a little overkill as tuples_utf8_av is created with newAV() which should 
> > take care of that for us.
> Should take care of what?
> newAV() doesnt create a mortal.
> Yves
> -- 
> perl -Mre=debug -e "/just|another|perl|hacker/"

RE: Patch proposal for leak in DBD::Oracle when calling 'execute_array' with UTF-8 NLS...

2012-10-09 Thread John Scoles

Opps you are right

Should read perlguts again.

Looking again putting the tuples_utf8_av in the iteration may work but perhapse 
one should use 'sv_2mortal' at some point in the into to take care of the 
garbage collection for us.

Like I said I only had a quick look at it.

My preferace is to let XS take case for any decrementing for us, is my point I 
was trying to get across.


> Date: Tue, 9 Oct 2012 16:57:05 +0200
> Subject: Re: Patch proposal for leak in DBD::Oracle when calling 
> 'execute_array' with UTF-8 NLS...
> From:
> To:
> CC:;;
> On 9 October 2012 14:29, John Scoles  wrote:
> >
> > I am sort of with Martin on this one as we would like to know why?
> >
> > At first glace decrementing the reference count like this would not seem to 
> > be a little overkill as tuples_utf8_av is created with newAV() which should 
> > take care of that for us.
> Should take care of what?
> newAV() doesnt create a mortal.
> Yves
> --
> perl -Mre=debug -e "/just|another|perl|hacker/"   

RE: Patch proposal for leak in DBD::Oracle when calling 'execute_array' with UTF-8 NLS...

2012-10-09 Thread John Scoles

I am sort of with Martin on this one as we would like to know why?

At first glace decrementing the reference count like this would not seem to be 
a little overkill as tuples_utf8_av is created with newAV() which should take 
care of that for us.

However looking a little deeper maybe we need to move where we


down into the iteration of exe_count or at least clean it out at that level at 
each iteration. 

Seems the tuples_utf8_av is used just for the exe_count set of tuples not the 
full set of tuples.

Just a few quick thoughts on it.

Any testing I can do will have to wait till tonight when I can get to a UTF8 DB.


> Date: Tue, 9 Oct 2012 08:53:15 +0100
> From:
> To:
> CC:
> Subject: Re: Patch proposal for leak in DBD::Oracle when calling 
> 'execute_array' with UTF-8 NLS...
> On 08/10/12 13:46, Pierre-Alain Blanc wrote:
> >
> >
> > Hello,
> >
> > I've had a problem when using 'execute_array' to insert (lots of)
> > records with DBD::Oracle (version 1.50): the script consumed too much
> > memory and finally crashed (killed by kernel). I tried to trigger the
> > garbage-collection with some code rewrite but it didn't help. But if
> > I told Oracle *not* to use an UTF-8 charset (changing NLS_LANG from
> > (for example) "german_germany.utf8" to "german_germany.we8dec"), the
> > problem disappeared.
> >
> > After some investigations, I think the leak is in
> > 'ora_st_execute_array' method of dbdimp.c. Please find the patch as
> > attachment. As I'm completly new to writing C for Perl, it may be
> > something I did not understand or did not correctly fixed. Sorry if
> > it would be the case.
> >
> > Thanks & best regards, Pierre-Alain Blanc
> >
> >
> Thanks for looking into this. The patch:
> Index: dbdimp.c
> ===
> --- dbdimp.c (revision 15435)
> +++ dbdimp.c (working copy)
> @@ -3839,6 +3839,7 @@
> }
> Safefree(phs);
> Safefree(utf8_flgs);
> + SvREFCNT_dec(tuples_utf8_av);
> /* Store array of bind typles, for use in OCIBindDynamic() callback. */
> imp_sth->bind_tuples = tuples_av;
> imp_sth->rowwise = (columns_av == NULL);
> looks good but it does not explain how changing chrset made the problem go 
> away. Perhaps you could give me a better idea of what you were doing then I 
> can replicate and test it.
> Martin
> --
> Martin J. Evans
> Easysoft Limited

RE: Problem with Oracle collections/objects

2011-12-13 Thread John Scoles

Well partial answer for you Martin.  
Seems Cast Array and Collect are new extended SQL commands which allow you to 
directly select embedded types with SQL.
So in this case we are mixing our metaphores.
DBD::Oracle will do the casting for you and your code is trying to do the 
casting as well so in the end it gets muddleded. The CAST and crew doing its 
work on the back end my DBD::ORacle code playing about in the front.
This I could see as a problem as some one who wants 'CAST' to work will find it 
doesn't which is bad. Though with embeded objects you have no need to use them.
Will have to put in some code someplace to detect these new sql commands and 
ignor the built in DBD::Oracle object.
No time for it today though.  
One way to check this theory is give it a try with an early version of 
DBD::Oracle that does not have the object stuff built in.  I think 19 will do 
So iIf you can run your test below on a 1.19 install against 10g box and see 
what you get?
>From what I see we are just running out of itter resouses in the OCI client so 
>it has slows down untill some are freed up, I have seen this before with 
>embedded objects when they go very deep with many types. One has to remeber 
>that the Varray, object and type are not really what one thinks they are.  
>When you get into the actulle implimetation on the DB level you will see they 
>are just flat releational tables.  So a Varray in a table like this  table(id 
>number ,my_Varray number(6) )  would actully be  two tables one with ID and a 
>ref object field that points to another table that contains the ref and next 
>to it you varray values.  Not the most efficient way to store your data and 
>why it has largely been ignored by most DBA since it came out way back in 
>oracle 8
I will play a little more when I get some time and see if I can rewrite the 
code to not use the CAST and array 


> From:
> To:;
> CC:
> Subject: RE: Problem with Oracle collections/objects
> Date: Tue, 13 Dec 2011 06:42:12 -0500
> Well I am able to recreate it which is a good thing. Like you said about 52 
> iterations then it begins to gobble up memory in both oracle and perl so me 
> think i is running out of resources.
> I will give it a closer look 
> Cheers
> John 
> > From:
> > To:;
> > CC:
> > Subject: RE: Problem with Oracle collections/objects
> > Date: Sun, 11 Dec 2011 12:00:12 -0500
> > 
> > 
> > Well I wrote the code in DBD::Oracle for embedded objectes/types so I am 
> > the one to blame for that. From the SQL and connection string below looks 
> > like you are using the Oralce sql extensions to get the data back and not 
> > the native DBD::Oracle/OCI object selections so we might be looking at 
> > something else in DBD::Oracle. Will have to load this puppy up and have a 
> > look at the verbose trace 
> > 
> > Will have to wait till monday though swamped with SlJs here today
> > 
> > Cheers
> > John Scoles
> > 
> > > Date: Fri, 9 Dec 2011 14:01:43 +
> > > From:
> > > To:
> > > CC:
> > > Subject: Problem with Oracle collections/objects
> > > 
> > > Hi,
> > > 
> > > If anyone is around who wrote or has worked on the object/collections 
> > > support in DBD::Oracle I'd greatly appreciate it if you could take a 
> > > quick look at this problem as the code in DBD::Oracle for this has 
> > > defeated me so far.
> > > 
> > > The problem is I have a query which uses types and collect and although 
> > > it works fine initially once it has been run a number of times in the 
> > > same connection it eventually goes from a 3s fetch time to a number of 
> > > minutes. I have reduced it to the example below.
> > > 
> > > I can run this code all day long in sqlplus without a problem so I don't 
> > > think it is an Oracle issue.
> > > 
> > > Changing the 3 numbers affects how many iterations it takes before it 
> > > goes wrong and how long the fetch eventually takes to retrieve the data. 
> > > Initially it seemed the calculation to find out which iteration it goes 
> > > wrong on was
> > > 
> > > 2655 / objects fetched (the 3 numbers multipled together) gave the 
> > > iteration
> > > 
> > > and that looked pretty close initially. Clutching at straws 2^31 / 
> > > 2655 is suspic

RE: Problem with Oracle collections/objects

2011-12-13 Thread John Scoles

Well I am able to recreate it which is a good thing. Like you said about 52 
iterations then it begins to gobble up memory in both oracle and perl so me 
think i is running out of resources.
I will give it a closer look 

> From:
> To:;
> CC:
> Subject: RE: Problem with Oracle collections/objects
> Date: Sun, 11 Dec 2011 12:00:12 -0500
> Well I wrote the code in DBD::Oracle for embedded objectes/types so I am the 
> one to blame for that. From the SQL and connection string below looks like 
> you are using the Oralce sql extensions to get the data back and not the 
> native DBD::Oracle/OCI object selections so we might be looking at something 
> else in DBD::Oracle. Will have to load this puppy up and have a look at the 
> verbose trace 
> Will have to wait till monday though swamped with SlJs here today
> Cheers
> John Scoles
> > Date: Fri, 9 Dec 2011 14:01:43 +
> > From:
> > To:
> > CC:
> > Subject: Problem with Oracle collections/objects
> > 
> > Hi,
> > 
> > If anyone is around who wrote or has worked on the object/collections 
> > support in DBD::Oracle I'd greatly appreciate it if you could take a quick 
> > look at this problem as the code in DBD::Oracle for this has defeated me so 
> > far.
> > 
> > The problem is I have a query which uses types and collect and although it 
> > works fine initially once it has been run a number of times in the same 
> > connection it eventually goes from a 3s fetch time to a number of minutes. 
> > I have reduced it to the example below.
> > 
> > I can run this code all day long in sqlplus without a problem so I don't 
> > think it is an Oracle issue.
> > 
> > Changing the 3 numbers affects how many iterations it takes before it goes 
> > wrong and how long the fetch eventually takes to retrieve the data. 
> > Initially it seemed the calculation to find out which iteration it goes 
> > wrong on was
> > 
> > 2655 / objects fetched (the 3 numbers multipled together) gave the 
> > iteration
> > 
> > and that looked pretty close initially. Clutching at straws 2^31 / 2655 
> > is suspiciously 80.
> > 
> > Here are some results with the 3 number variations:
> > 
> > inner middle outer iteration_fail fetch_time_change
> > 10 100 500 53 8s->345s
> > 5 10 500 76 4s->200s
> > 20 100 500 37 12->632s
> > 5 120 500 64 5s->247s
> > 5 100 300 75 3s->121s
> > 
> > It seems the inner number determines how bad the fetch time increases and 
> > the sum how many iterations it takes to reach the point where it goes wrong.
> > 
> > I'd greatly appreciate any ideas.
> > 
> > The code to reproduce is:
> > 
> > #!/usr/bin/perl
> > use warnings;
> > use strict;
> > 
> > use DBI;
> > 
> > my $dbh = DBI->connect(';sid=xxx;',
> > 'xxx', 'xxx',
> > # just so we can ctrl/c does not affect results
> > {ora_connect_with_default_signals => ['INT']});
> > eval {
> > $dbh->do(q/drop type TABLE_A/);
> > };
> > eval {
> > $dbh->do(q/drop type TABLE_B/);
> > };
> > eval {
> > $dbh->do(q/drop type RECORD_B/);
> > };
> > eval {
> > $dbh->do(q/drop type RECORD_A/);
> > };
> > 
> > INT)/);
> > INT, TBL TABLE_B)/);
> > 
> > 
> > my $count = 0;
> > 
> > while () {
> > my $stime = time;
> > my $j = do_it ($dbh);
> > my $etime = time;
> > 
> > $count++;
> > 
> > print $count ." - ".($etime - $stime)." secs\n";
> > }
> > 
> > sub do_it {
> > my $dbh = shift;
> > 
> > my $sql = <<"EOT";
> > (
> > FROM
> > (
> > (
> > ) ARRAY
> > FROM
> > )
> > ) ARRAY
> > FROM
> > EOT
> > 
> > my $s = $dbh->prepare($sql);
> > $s->execute;
> > my $r = $s->fetchall_arrayref;
> > 
> > return $r;
> > }
> > 
> > Thanks
> > 
> > Martin
> > -- 
> > Martin J. Evans
> > Easysoft Limited
> >

RE: Problem with Oracle collections/objects

2011-12-11 Thread John Scoles

Well I wrote the code in DBD::Oracle for embedded objectes/types so I am the 
one to blame for that. From the SQL and connection string below looks like you 
are using the Oralce sql extensions to get the data back and not the native 
DBD::Oracle/OCI  object selections so we might be looking at something else in 
DBD::Oracle.  Will have to load this puppy up and have a look at the verbose 
Will have to wait till monday though swamped with SlJs here today
John Scoles

> Date: Fri, 9 Dec 2011 14:01:43 +
> From:
> To:
> CC:
> Subject: Problem with Oracle collections/objects
> Hi,
> If anyone is around who wrote or has worked on the object/collections support 
> in DBD::Oracle I'd greatly appreciate it if you could take a quick look at 
> this problem as the code in DBD::Oracle for this has defeated me so far.
> The problem is I have a query which uses types and collect and although it 
> works fine initially once it has been run a number of times in the same 
> connection it eventually goes from a 3s fetch time to a number of minutes. I 
> have reduced it to the example below.
> I can run this code all day long in sqlplus without a problem so I don't 
> think it is an Oracle issue.
> Changing the 3 numbers affects how many iterations it takes before it goes 
> wrong and how long the fetch eventually takes to retrieve the data. Initially 
> it seemed the calculation to find out which iteration it goes wrong on was
> 2655 / objects fetched (the 3 numbers multipled together) gave the 
> iteration
> and that looked pretty close initially. Clutching at straws 2^31 / 2655 
> is suspiciously 80.
> Here are some results with the 3 number variations:
> inner middle outer iteration_fail fetch_time_change
> 10 100 500 53 8s->345s
> 5 10 500 76 4s->200s
> 20 100 500 37 12->632s
> 5 120 500 64 5s->247s
> 5 100 300 75 3s->121s
> It seems the inner number determines how bad the fetch time increases and the 
> sum how many iterations it takes to reach the point where it goes wrong.
> I'd greatly appreciate any ideas.
> The code to reproduce is:
> #!/usr/bin/perl
> use warnings;
> use strict;
> use DBI;
> my $dbh = DBI->connect(';sid=xxx;',
> 'xxx', 'xxx',
> # just so we can ctrl/c does not affect results
> {ora_connect_with_default_signals => ['INT']});
> eval {
> $dbh->do(q/drop type TABLE_A/);
> };
> eval {
> $dbh->do(q/drop type TABLE_B/);
> };
> eval {
> $dbh->do(q/drop type RECORD_B/);
> };
> eval {
> $dbh->do(q/drop type RECORD_A/);
> };
> INT)/);
> my $count = 0;
> while () {
> my $stime = time;
> my $j = do_it ($dbh);
> my $etime = time;
> $count++;
> print $count ." - ".($etime - $stime)." secs\n";
> }
> sub do_it {
> my $dbh = shift;
> my $sql = <<"EOT";
> (
> (
> (
> )
> my $s = $dbh->prepare($sql);
> $s->execute;
> my $r = $s->fetchall_arrayref;
> return $r;
> }
> Thanks
> Martin
> -- 
> Martin J. Evans
> Easysoft Limited

DBD::Oracle Release Candidate 2

2011-02-18 Thread John Scoles
Here is the next latest and greatest DBD::Oracle for your programming 

You can find the Zip file here

rel='attachment wp-att-20829'>DBD-Oracle-1.28_RC_2.tar

This time round we have cleaned a few compiler warnings and fixed up a 
few of the tests. Thanks to  H. Merijn Brand and  Charles Jardine for those.

Please enjoy.

John Scoles

Re: DBD::Oracle Release Candidate 1

2011-02-18 Thread John Scoles

 On 18/02/2011 4:12 AM, Charles Jardine wrote:
Ok that cleans that one up..

Hopefully I will have some time today to get to that one


On 17/02/11 12:34, H.Merijn Brand wrote:

On Wed, 16 Feb 2011 12:32:12 +0100, "H.Merijn Brand"

You need to work on longdouble support I guess

I wrote the tests in question. I included object properties of type
DATE and NUMERIC to provide tests against regression of some changes
I had made to get_attr_val to fix type mismatches.

I realise that I made a mistake by using literal Perl floating point
numbers in the insert statements. Doing it this way means that, on
the route into Oracle, the number is converted first into Perl's binary
floating point format and then into Oracle's base-100 format.
(I was only interested in testing the route out of Oracle.)

I think the best fix is simply to use strings in the insert statements.
Change 12345.6789 to '12345.6789' and 777.666 to '777.666'. This
way, the conversions both ways will be done by Oracle. Conversion of
a decimal string representation to a base-100 representation of adequate
precision will be exact. Nothing will be hidden under the carpet.

I should have written it like this originally. I am sorry.

Here's a patch to make the test PASS on all systems, but I'm not sure
if I'm using a carpet to shuv the problems under ...

--- t/58object.t.org2011-02-17 13:33:48.0 +0100
+++ t/58object.t2011-02-17 13:33:25.0 +0100
@@ -82,9 +82,9 @@ $dbh->do(qq{ INSERT INTO $table VALUES (
  or die $dbh->errstr;
  $dbh->do(qq{ INSERT INTO $table VALUES (2, $sub_type(NULL, 'obj2',
  TO_DATE('2004-11-30 14:27:18', '-MM-DD 

-12345.6789)) }
+12345.9375)) }
  ) or die $dbh->errstr;
-$dbh->do(qq{ INSERT INTO $table VALUES (3, $sub_type(5, 'obj3', 
NULL, 777.666)) }
+$dbh->do(qq{ INSERT INTO $table VALUES (3, $sub_type(5, 'obj3', 
NULL, 777.875)) }

  ) or die $dbh->errstr;

  $dbh->do(qq{ CREATE OR REPLACE TYPE $inner_type AS OBJECT (
@@ -159,14 +159,14 @@ ok (scalar @row2, 'new: Fetch second row
  cmp_ok(ref $row2[1], 'eq', 'DBD::Oracle::Object', 'new: Row 2 
column 2 is an DBD::Oracle::Object');
  cmp_ok(uc $row2[1]->type_name, "eq", uc "$schema.$sub_type", "new: 
Row 2 column 2 object type");

  is_deeply([$row2[1]->attributes], ['NUM', undef, 'NAME', 'obj2',
-'DATETIME', '2004-11-30T14:27:18', 'AMOUNT', 
'12345.6789'], "new: Row 1 column 2 object attributes");
+'DATETIME', '2004-11-30T14:27:18', 'AMOUNT', 
'12345.9375'], "new: Row 1 column 2 object attributes");

  @row3 = $sth->fetchrow();
  ok (scalar @row3, 'new: Fetch third row');
  cmp_ok(ref $row3[1], 'eq', 'DBD::Oracle::Object', 'new: Row 3 
column 2 is an DBD::Oracle::Object');
  cmp_ok(uc $row3[1]->type_name, "eq", uc "$schema.$sub_type", "new: 
Row 3 column 2 object type");

  is_deeply([$row3[1]->attributes], ['NUM', 5, 'NAME', 'obj3',
-'DATETIME', undef, 'AMOUNT', '777.666'], "new: Row 1 
column 2 object attributes");
+'DATETIME', undef, 'AMOUNT', '777.875'], "new: Row 1 
column 2 object attributes");

  ok (!$sth->fetchrow(), 'new: No more rows expected');

@@ -178,7 +178,7 @@ my $expected_hash = {
  NUM =>  5,
  NAME=>  'obj3',
  DATETIME=>  undef,
-AMOUNT  =>  777.666,
+AMOUNT  =>  777.875,
  is_deeply($obj->attr_hash, $expected_hash, 

  is_deeply($obj->attr, $expected_hash, 'DBD::Oracle::Object->attr');

Re: DBD::Oracle Release Candidate 1

2011-02-17 Thread John Scoles

 On 17/02/2011 7:34 AM, H.Merijn Brand wrote:

On Wed, 16 Feb 2011 12:32:12 +0100, "H.Merijn Brand"

You need to work on longdouble support I guess

Here's a patch to make the test PASS on all systems, but I'm not sure
if I'm using a carpet to shuv the problems under ...

Yep I think that is exactly what you are doing.
I will have to look exactly at this to see what is going in but your 
test and the code below will help

Will get back to you soon

I hope


--- t/58object.t.org2011-02-17 13:33:48.0 +0100
+++ t/58object.t2011-02-17 13:33:25.0 +0100
@@ -82,9 +82,9 @@ $dbh->do(qq{ INSERT INTO $table VALUES (
  or die $dbh->errstr;
  $dbh->do(qq{ INSERT INTO $table VALUES (2, $sub_type(NULL, 'obj2',
  TO_DATE('2004-11-30 14:27:18', '-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),
-12345.6789)) }
+12345.9375)) }
  ) or die $dbh->errstr;
-$dbh->do(qq{ INSERT INTO $table VALUES (3, $sub_type(5, 'obj3', NULL, 
777.666)) }
+$dbh->do(qq{ INSERT INTO $table VALUES (3, $sub_type(5, 'obj3', NULL, 
777.875)) }
  ) or die $dbh->errstr;

  $dbh->do(qq{ CREATE OR REPLACE TYPE $inner_type AS OBJECT (
@@ -159,14 +159,14 @@ ok (scalar @row2, 'new: Fetch second row
  cmp_ok(ref $row2[1], 'eq', 'DBD::Oracle::Object', 'new: Row 2 column 2 is an 
  cmp_ok(uc $row2[1]->type_name, "eq", uc "$schema.$sub_type", "new: Row 2 column 2 
object type");
  is_deeply([$row2[1]->attributes], ['NUM', undef, 'NAME', 'obj2',
-'DATETIME', '2004-11-30T14:27:18', 'AMOUNT', '12345.6789'], "new: Row 1 
column 2 object attributes");
+'DATETIME', '2004-11-30T14:27:18', 'AMOUNT', '12345.9375'], "new: Row 1 
column 2 object attributes");

  @row3 = $sth->fetchrow();
  ok (scalar @row3, 'new: Fetch third row');
  cmp_ok(ref $row3[1], 'eq', 'DBD::Oracle::Object', 'new: Row 3 column 2 is an 
  cmp_ok(uc $row3[1]->type_name, "eq", uc "$schema.$sub_type", "new: Row 3 column 2 
object type");
  is_deeply([$row3[1]->attributes], ['NUM', 5, 'NAME', 'obj3',
-'DATETIME', undef, 'AMOUNT', '777.666'], "new: Row 1 column 2 object 
+'DATETIME', undef, 'AMOUNT', '777.875'], "new: Row 1 column 2 object 

  ok (!$sth->fetchrow(), 'new: No more rows expected');

@@ -178,7 +178,7 @@ my $expected_hash = {
  NUM =>  5,
  NAME=>  'obj3',
  DATETIME=>  undef,
-AMOUNT  =>  777.666,
+AMOUNT  =>  777.875,
  is_deeply($obj->attr_hash, $expected_hash, 'DBD::Oracle::Object->attr_hash');
  is_deeply($obj->attr, $expected_hash, 'DBD::Oracle::Object->attr');

Re: DBD::Oracle Release Candidate 1

2011-02-16 Thread John Scoles
On Wed, Feb 16, 2011 at 5:45 AM, Martin J. Evans
> On 11/02/11 18:43, John Scoles wrote:
>> Here is the latest and greatest DBD::Oracle for your programming pleasure.
>> You can find the Zip file here
>> > href="";>
>> This is a long overdue maintenance release that fixes a large number of
>> bug and issues which are detailed below in the Changes.
>> Don't worry there are some new goodies in this release namely I have added
>> in 4 new
>> server side tracing/debugging attributes
>> ora_driver_name
>> For 11g and later you can now set the name of the driver layer using OCI.
>> PERL, PERL5, ApachePerl so on. Names starting with "ORA" are reserved. You
>> can enter up to 8 characters. If none is enter then this will default to
>> DBDO where  is the current version number. This value can be
>> retrieved on the server side using V$SESSION_CONNECT_INFO or
>> ora_client_info
>> When passed in on the connection attributes it can specify any info you
>> want
>> onto the session up t0 64 bytes. This value can be
>> retrieved on the server side using V$SESSION view.
>> ora_client_identifier
>> When passed in on the connection attributes it specifies the user
>> identifier
>> in the session handle. Most useful for web app as it can pass in the
>> session
>> user name which might be different than the connection user name. Can be
>> up
>> to 64 bytes long do not to include the password for security reasons and
>> the
>> first character of the identifier should not be ':'. This value can be
>> retrieved on the server side using V$SESSION view.
>> ora_action
>> You can set this value to anything you want up to 32byes.This value can be
>> retrieved on the server side using V$SESSION view.
>> We have also added in the connection attribute
>> ora_connect_with_default_signals
>> Whit this attribute you can localize the $SIG{} so this should solve the
>> problems with $SIG{} events that sometimes occur when using DBD::Oracle
>> Finally I would like to thank Martin Evans for volunteering to be another
>> co-maintainer of DBD::Oracle
>> Cheers
>> John Scoles
>> Changes
>> Added connection attribute 'ora_connect_with_default_signals' that will
>> localize Perl's $SIG{INT} handler from Brian Phillips and T. Bunce
>> Fix in execute_array to stop possible endless loop when using a fetch sub
>> by Martin J. Evans
>> Adapted Martin J. Evans' ODBC 70execute_array.t into t/26exe_array.t by
>> John Scoles
>> Fix for execute_array to bring it up to spec. by Martin J. Evans and John
>> Scoles
>> Marked ProC,,, ora_context,
>> ora_use_proc_connection and ora_parse_lang as deprecated to be removed in
>> 1.29
>> Added in 4 new server side debug/trace attributes, ora_driver_name,
>> ora_client_info, ora_session_user and ora_action on the connection handle
>> from John Scoles
>> Cleaned up the pod a little by John Scoles
>> Fix for function name length, Some function names are over 31char long
>> which may cause problems for some OS/Compilers (VMS IA64 box.) from Jakob
>> Snoer
>> Fix for OCIPing in case where a 10 client tries to ping a <10 DB from
>> Tim Oertel
>> Fix for DBD-Oracle stored proc with array bug where second call array size
>> is unchanged from Tim Oertel
>> Fix for Ticket #=63332: Spelling error in POD from jonasbn
>> Fix for Ticket #=62152: t/28array_bind.t and t/31lob.t may
>> call plan() twice and others do not fail on not connect from John Scoles
>> Fix for Ticket #=61511 ORA-00942 when inserting into a table
>> with a LOB column over a synonym on HP-UX from Kris Lemaire
>> Fix for Ticket #=42842 Test 31lob fails with 64-bit Instant
>> Client by John Scoles
>> Fix for support for objects on big endian platforms from Charles Jardine,
>> John R Pierce
>> Fix for Ticket #=61225 Windows install (Stawberry Perl) fails
>> on long path names from David Tulloh
>> Fix for Ticket #=rt64524 Memory Leak when Oracle connection
>> fails by Martin J. Evans
>> Added all the missing ora_drcp values to dbh private_attribute_info by
>> Martin J. Evans
>> Removed a load of attributes from sth pr

Re: Question about passing a stored procedure file to DBD-Oracle

2011-02-14 Thread John Scoles

On 11/02/2011 12:33 PM, wrote:
Never tried that myself but I do not see any reason why it should
not work.  As long as the $record is correctly formatted.

To start try this on the prepare

That might do the trick.

Without seeing the original SQL it will be hard to give you a 100%
John Scoles

I'm sorry in advance
if this is not the
correct forum/mechanism to ask this question - I have been
googling this
for a while, as well as re-reading all of the CPAN man page for
  I need to pass a physical file(
or the
contents of that file), that contains code to create an Oracle
stored procedure
into DBD-Oracle.  So like SQL PLus, where I'd say  >
I have been trying to do the same in every way imaginable with $DBH->prepare
/ do.   As of right now, this is not working:
  # load
file contents
  while ($record
  = )
prepare the stored procedure
  = $DBH->prepare(
execute the
stored procedure
  "it made it:
  } else
the hash, since we will not be loading this one
  print $LOG
$HoH{$filename}{'full_filename'} \n";
} else
update the hash, since we will not be loading this one
$HoH{$filename}{'full_filename'} \n";
} #
preparing sql
  When executed, I get:  DBD::Oracle::db
  failed: ORA-24373: invalid length specified for statement (DBD
  ERROR: OCIStmtPrepare) at
  line 261.
  This file that I'm trying to
is small, and I've even set up my Oracle session as:
an Oracle session
  = DBI->connect(
 or die
to  connect to $sid: $DBI::errstr";
 = 1;        #
Shows the errors if CREATE PROCEDURE fails
= 5242880;
= 0;
  Do you have any suggestions for
  THANK YOU for any advice /
that you can provide!



T.j. Randall
  Systems Analyst | IT
Application Services
| Desk: 508.949.4493 | Cell: 774.633.9123 | “Problems
are the price of
progress."-- Charles F. Kettering 







DBD::Oracle Release Candidate 1

2011-02-11 Thread John Scoles

Here is the latest and greatest DBD::Oracle for your programming pleasure.

You can find the Zip file here


This is a long overdue maintenance release  that fixes a large number of 
bug and issues which are detailed below in the Changes.

Don't worry there are some new goodies in this release namely I have 
added in 4 new

server side tracing/debugging attributes

For 11g and later you can now set the name of the driver layer using OCI.
PERL, PERL5, ApachePerl so on. Names starting with "ORA" are reserved. You
can enter up to 8 characters.  If none is enter then this will default to
DBDO where  is the current version number. This value can be
retrieved on the server side using V$SESSION_CONNECT_INFO or

When passed in on the connection attributes it can specify any info you want
onto the session up t0 64 bytes. This value can be
retrieved on the server side using V$SESSION view.

When passed in on the connection attributes it specifies the user 

in the session handle. Most useful for web app as it can pass in the session
user name which might be different than the connection user name. Can be up
to 64 bytes long do not to include the password for security reasons and the
first character of the identifier should not be ':'. This value can be
retrieved on the server side using V$SESSION view.

You can set this value to anything you want up to 32byes.This value can be
retrieved on the server side using V$SESSION view.

We have also added in the connection attribute


Whit this attribute you can localize the $SIG{} so this should solve the
problems with  $SIG{} events that sometimes occur when using DBD::Oracle

Finally I would like to thank Martin Evans for volunteering to be 
another co-maintainer of DBD::Oracle

John Scoles

  Added connection attribute 'ora_connect_with_default_signals' that 
will localize Perl's $SIG{INT} handler from Brian Phillips and T. Bunce
  Fix in execute_array to stop possible endless loop when using a fetch 
sub by Martin J. Evans
  Adapted Martin J. Evans' ODBC 70execute_array.t into t/26exe_array.t 
by John Scoles
  Fix for execute_array to bring it up to spec. by Martin J. Evans and 
John Scoles
  Marked ProC,,, ora_context, 
ora_use_proc_connection and ora_parse_lang as deprecated  to be removed 
in 1.29
  Added in 4 new server side debug/trace attributes, ora_driver_name, 
ora_client_info, ora_session_user and ora_action on the connection 
handle from John Scoles

  Cleaned up the pod a little by John Scoles
  Fix for function name length, Some function names are over 31char 
long which may cause problems for some OS/Compilers (VMS IA64 box.) from 
Jakob Snoer
  Fix for OCIPing in case where a 10 client tries to ping a <10 DB 
from Tim Oertel
  Fix for DBD-Oracle stored proc with array bug where second call array 
size is unchanged from Tim Oertel

  Fix for Ticket #=63332: Spelling error in POD from jonasbn
  Fix for Ticket #=62152: t/28array_bind.t and t/31lob.t 
may call plan() twice and others do not fail on not connect from John Scoles
  Fix for Ticket #=61511 ORA-00942 when inserting into a 
table with a LOB column over a synonym on HP-UX from Kris Lemaire
  Fix for Ticket #=42842 Test 31lob fails with 64-bit 
Instant Client by John Scoles
  Fix for support for objects on big endian platforms from Charles 
Jardine, John R Pierce
  Fix for Ticket #=61225 Windows install (Stawberry Perl) 
fails on long path names from David Tulloh
  Fix for Ticket #=rt64524 Memory Leak when Oracle 
connection fails by Martin J. Evans
  Added all the missing ora_drcp values to dbh private_attribute_info 
by Martin J. Evans
  Removed a load of attributes from sth private_attribute_info which 
are not handle attributes but attributes to bind_param/prepare by Martin 
J. Evans
  Fix for Ticket #=64244 - don't bail out, skip tests 
when we cannot connect by Martin J. Evans and John Scoles

  Added DBI to PREREQ_PM in Makefile.PL by Martin J. Evans
  Added build_requires in Makefile.PL by Martin J. Evans
  Added workaround for ExtUtils::MakeMaker problems by Martin J. Evans
  Added LICENSE to Makefile.PL by Martin J. Evans

Cheers John Scoles

Re: more on execute_array not complying with the specification

2011-02-02 Thread John Scoles

 On 02/02/2011 10:52 AM, Martin J. Evans wrote:

The argument seems to have got confused here between what DBI does, what it 
says it does and DBD::Oracle (which does neither). I don't want (and don't 
think) any change (other than in pod) in DBI is necessary. The thread started 
with my observations of differences between DBI and DBD::Oracle with the 

a) even though RaiseError was set, no error was raised although a warning was.
b) execute_array returned undef (correct)
c) errstr is set but err is not (0)
d) the HandleError routine was not called - due to (a)?
e) the count of rows affected is -1 for all rows which worked - I believe this 
is permissible

I later noticed:

f) DBD::Oracle was never returning the total rows affected in list context
g) DBI was documenting 2 fields in ArrayTupleStatus for an error put 3 in

On 02/02/11 12:15, Tim Bunce wrote:

On Tue, Feb 01, 2011 at 09:02:26PM +, Martin J. Evans wrote:

On 01/02/2011 20:50, Tim Bunce wrote:

On Tue, Feb 01, 2011 at 10:58:14AM -0500, John Scoles wrote:

My only concern is when it does error (no matter what the setting of
AutoCommit) you always get unef;

Umm, yes. Returning undef (or an empty list) if there was any kind of
error causes useful information (the total row count) to be discarded.

I don't see why when called in list context. Just because
execute_array partially succeeded (or failured) only means undef
needs to be returned for the first scalar and does not affect the
rows affected.

True for the total row count. I was thinking of the RaiseError case,
I think. Also, by that definition, this wouldn't work:

Yes, sorry, me being an idiot - of course, when RaiseError is set whether 
scalar/list context nothing it returned as $tuples/$rows.

 unless (($tuples, $rows) = $sth->execute_array(...)) {
 ...handle error...
That's not a big deal though.  (Returning undef for the tuple count
isn't a big problem because you can determine that from the length of


I only added list context to DBI ages ago because I noticed the affected rows 
was available for the batch but not individually and at the time I wanted it. 
Some time since then this has stopped working and I probably ignored it since I 
have a broken Oracle DB which fails the 26exe_array test anyway and I don't use 
execute_array in this project now.

DBD::Oracle no longer (in 1.27 at least) works to the spec as it is now because 
even against a working Oracle 10 database (working in that it commits working 
tuples) rows_affected is always undef even when RaiseError is NOT set. See the 
script I posted which output:
In point of fact it has never worked according to spec since 1.18 when 
its own exe_array was introduced.

DB Version:
AutoCommit = 1 RaiseError = 0 # raise error NOT set
# warning output by PrintWarn:
DBD::Oracle::st execute_array warning: ORA-24381: error(s) in array DML (DBD 
SUCCESS_WITH_INFO: OCIStmtExecute) [for Statement "insert into mytest values 
(?,?)"] at 
/home/martin/svn/dbd-odbc/trunk/rt_data/execute_array/ line 62.
execute_array did not raise error: '' # which you'd expect
execute_array = undef # which is to the spec as it is now

total affected rows = undef # OOPS - not set even though some rows were affected

Error from execute_array - errstr=ORA-24381: error(s) in array DML (DBD 
SUCCESS_WITH_INFO: OCIStmtExecute), err=0, state=''
$tuple_status = [
   -1, # because Oracle cannot give you these per tuple
 'ORA-1: unique constraint (SYSTEM.SYS_C005676) 

Error captured in handler: undef # as you'd expect as RaiseError not set
# warning captured in SIGWARN handler:
Warning captured in SIGWARN handler: 'DBD::Oracle::st execute_array warning: ORA-24381: 
error(s) in array DML (DBD SUCCESS_WITH_INFO: OCIStmtExecute) [for Statement "insert 
into mytest values (?,?)"] at 
/home/martin/svn/dbd-odbc/trunk/rt_data/execute_array/ line 62.
# good rows successfully committed:
$select * from mytest = [
 'onetwothree '
 'fiftythree  '
 'one '

Re: more on execute_array not complying with the specification

2011-02-02 Thread John Scoles

 On 02/02/2011 7:15 AM, Tim Bunce wrote:

On Tue, Feb 01, 2011 at 09:02:26PM +, Martin J. Evans wrote:

On 01/02/2011 20:50, Tim Bunce wrote:

On Tue, Feb 01, 2011 at 10:58:14AM -0500, John Scoles wrote:

My only concern is when it does error (no matter what the setting of
AutoCommit) you always get unef;

Umm, yes. Returning undef (or an empty list) if there was any kind of
error causes useful information (the total row count) to be discarded.

I don't see why when called in list context. Just because
execute_array partially succeeded (or failured) only means undef
needs to be returned for the first scalar and does not affect the
rows affected.

True for the total row count. I was thinking of the RaiseError case,
I think. Also, by that definition, this wouldn't work:

 unless (($tuples, $rows) = $sth->execute_array(...)) {
 ...handle error...

That's not a big deal though.  (Returning undef for the tuple count
isn't a big problem because you can determine that from the length of

This brings us back to the question of whether a failure of a single
tuple should cause execute_array() itself to return an error.

ODBC doesn't do that. It treats that situation as SUCCESS_WITH_INFO
and that does seem very reasonable.

The funny thing is being an big user of ODBC, I don't (and others in
this thread expressed the same belief).

I'm (wobbling) on the fence on that one. I can see it both ways,
though I'm more sympathetic to your viewpoint :)

I did a few tests and OCI (Oracle) can do it both ways,  It will always 
return 'SUCCESS_WITH_INFO' if there
is an error in your exe  it is all in the manner in which mode you call 
the exe  and how you handle the result.

You can stop at the first error or batch the errors.

Perhaps we should go down that road

no errors raised but the $tuples will be smaller than length 
(@tuple_status) so we know there was an error or the list context can be 
increased to three


all of the above we can get from present code.

BatchErrors=>0 (DEFAULT)

stops on first error with error

Commits are handled as they are now  either commits after the exe  
"autocommit" or you have to do it yourself after.  Would not matter what 
the error condition is it should commit any good ones.

For me, if I use execute_array (with AutoCommit on or not) my
principle issue is I want to know if anything failed so I do:

$dbh->{RaiseError} = 1;
my $ret = eval {
do_something_on_error() if ($@ || !$ret); # amended for DBD::Oracle behavior

Ok. How would you get the total row count when using RaiseError?

Why put the onus on people who cannot accept some tuples to fail to
check the ArrayTupleStatus instead of put it on those who can accept
some to fail to examine ArrayTupleStatus? My feeling is that it is
very serious to ignore a partial failure and so the default should
be to ensure you know about it with RaiseError. For those people who
can accept a tuple to fail, they can look at ArrayTupleStatus and
still commit the changes.

I agree.

but I can live with that.

Perhaps we could default to the SUCCESS_WITH_INFO model and add an
attribute for people to use if they want tutple errors to cause
execute_array() itself to return an error.

We can debate the name later, but for now let's call it:

 ArrayPromoteTupleError =>   1

which defaults to 1, I hope.

Probably ;-)

Incidentally, I just blogged about this a few hours ago as I think
it is a serious problem to ignore potential failures. Add that to
the fact that some versions of Oracle database (broken) return
success with info but don't then commit the ok tuples.
I have been looking into that for some time and it seems it it is very 
version/patch/OS specific to 11g.  Might even be a bug on the instant 
client. I have yet to play with an 11g combination that exhibits the 
bug.  And oracle says there is no bug.


Yes, that's clearly a serious bug.


Re: more on execute_array not complying with the specification

2011-02-01 Thread John Scoles

 On 01/02/2011 11:04 AM, Martin J. Evans wrote:

On 01/02/11 15:50, John Scoles wrote:

  On 01/02/2011 10:44 AM, Tim Bunce wrote:

On Sun, Jan 30, 2011 at 05:46:49PM +, Martin J. Evans wrote:

   push @$tuple_status, [ $sth->err, $sth->errstr, $sth->state ];

 so I guess the pod should say:

 "If the execution of a tuple causes an error, then the corresponding 
status array element will be set to
 a reference to an array containing the err, errstr and state set by the 
failed execution. If that is the
 case let me know and I'll amend the pod. Otherwise, I'll need to know what 
was intended.

Yes, the state should be included and mentioned in the docs. Thanks.

# NOTE: I'd like to do the following test but it requires Multiple
# Active Statements and although I can find ODBC drivers which do this
# it is not easy (if at all possible) to know if an ODBC driver can
# handle MAS or not.

Perhaps try to run it and if it gets an error, and the error indicates
lack of MAS, then skip the test.


p.s. Sorry for the delay.

Ok I will have to add that into DBD::Oracle,  What exactly should go into the 
"State"  I am sort of unclear on what should be there?

The state if you have not got one is S1000 - see state in DBI docs. I've not 
checked but I think if you don't set it when you call set_err (or the macro for 
XS) it defaults to S1000 if it is an error.

Funny in SQL for Ada there is a function to covert  ot the SQLSTATE 
codes to ORA.  Nothing like in in OCI  though:(.  Unfortunately there is 
no corresponding Oracle code for S1000  '01000' is success with warning 

I will add that in

Re: more on execute_array not complying with the specification

2011-02-01 Thread John Scoles

 On 01/02/2011 10:48 AM, Tim Bunce wrote:

On Mon, Jan 31, 2011 at 08:39:40PM +, Martin J. Evans wrote:

I imagine most DBDs [if not all] that implement execute_array

[Just a reminder that drivers can opt to implement just
execute_for_fetch() and use the DBI's default execute_array() method,
which then calls execute_for_fetch().]

themselves) the rows affected will be -1 per execute (as the driver
does not know affected rows) and so I'd expect $rows to be -1 and
not 18. DBI gets away with this as it does an execute for each row

The thing is OCI will know the end result of rows effected I just does 
not know the #rows for each statement.

So on an update with say 4 tuples and 6 rows updates the tupels  would 
look like this

wile the list context one would get
rows =6

My only concern is when it does error (no matter what the setting of 
AutoCommit) you always get unef;

but I can live with that.


and hence knows the rows affected as the return from each execute.
The statement saying sum of affected rows should not sum a load of
-1s affected to be -N.

Yes. The spec ought to say that if any tuple gets a -1 then -1 gets
returned as the 'sum', even if other tuples return other values.


Re: more on execute_array not complying with the specification

2011-02-01 Thread John Scoles

 On 01/02/2011 10:44 AM, Tim Bunce wrote:

On Sun, Jan 30, 2011 at 05:46:49PM +, Martin J. Evans wrote:

  push @$tuple_status, [ $sth->err, $sth->errstr, $sth->state ];

so I guess the pod should say:

"If the execution of a tuple causes an error, then the corresponding status 
array element will be set to
a reference to an array containing the err, errstr and state set by the 
failed execution. If that is the
case let me know and I'll amend the pod. Otherwise, I'll need to know what 
was intended.

Yes, the state should be included and mentioned in the docs. Thanks.

# NOTE: I'd like to do the following test but it requires Multiple
# Active Statements and although I can find ODBC drivers which do this
# it is not easy (if at all possible) to know if an ODBC driver can
# handle MAS or not.

Perhaps try to run it and if it gets an error, and the error indicates
lack of MAS, then skip the test.


p.s. Sorry for the delay.
Ok I will have to add that into DBD::Oracle,  What exactly should go 
into the "State"  I am sort of unclear on what should be there?

Re: more on execute_array not complying with the specification

2011-01-30 Thread John Scoles
One other thing I was picking up on is the case if you have

autocommit on and RaiseError off

I this case it if there was a an error while running in list mode it
will allways return undef.  Where looking at the spec one might expect
to see undef and XX which would be the # ot records effected?

Am I reading that wrong??

ie with 20 items in your tuples

($tuples, $rows) = $sth->execute_array(

and there is are two errors one might expect

$tuples=undef and $rows=18?

I think right now you are just getting

$tuples=undef   and nothing is being sent back for $rows


On Sun, Jan 30, 2011 at 12:46 PM, Martin J. Evans
> Hi,
> I'm still working on and off with execute_array problems hoping to get DBI 
> and the spec to match and also investigating if the current implementation 
> covers all possibilities. I've now written a simple test to see if it 
> complies with the specification (and will include it in DBD::ODBC) and I 
> don't think it does. The main point is:
> the pod says:
> "The ArrayTupleStatus attribute can be used to specify a reference to an 
> array which will receive the execute status of each executed parameter tuple. 
> Note the ArrayTupleStatus attribute was mandatory until DBI 1.38.
> For tuples which are successfully executed, the element at the same ordinal 
> position in the status array is the resulting rowcount. If the execution of a 
> tuple causes an error, then the corresponding status array element will be 
> set to a reference to an array containing the error code and error string set 
> by the failed execution."
> but the test shows the ArrayTupleStatus contains 3 elements on an error and 
> not "an array containing the error code and error string set by the failed 
> execution".
> e.g.,:
> # $VAR1 = [
> #   1,
> #   1,
> #   1,
> #   [
> # 1,
> # '[unixODBC][Easysoft][SQL Server Driver 10.0][SQL 
> Server]Violation
>  of PRIMARY KEY constraint \'PK__PERL_DBD__3BD0198E526429B0\'. Cannot insert 
> dup
> licate key in object \'dbo.PERL_DBD_execute_array\'. (SQL-23000) [state was 
> 2300
> 0 now 01000]
> # [unixODBC][Easysoft][SQL Server Driver 10.0][SQL Server]The statement has 
> been
>  terminated. (SQL-01000)',
> # '01000'
> #   ],
> #   1
> # ];
> It is down to the following line of code:
> push @$tuple_status, [ $sth->err, $sth->errstr, $sth->state ];
> so I guess the pod should say:
> "If the execution of a tuple causes an error, then the corresponding status 
> array element will be set to a reference to an array containing the err, 
> errstr and state set by the failed execution. If that is the case let me know 
> and I'll amend the pod. Otherwise, I'll need to know what was intended.
> Attached is my current test code but I'm still working on it. In particular, 
> I've not found an ODBC driver which aborts on the first insert failure yet.
> Martin
The best compliment you could give Pythian for our service is a referral.

Re: Clarification sought on execute_array

2011-01-21 Thread John Scoles
This behaviour  is also inconsistent with versions of  Oracle 11.  Some
patch sets show it other do not.I will have an answer for if later today

Did you try it with the full 11 client.


On Fri, Jan 21, 2011 at 6:02 AM, Martin J. Evans

> On 20/01/11 09:55, Tim Bunce wrote:
> > I wonder if we could run an older DBD::Oracle against an Oracle 9 (say)
> > database to recreate the (presumably) original behaviour.
> I kept my Oracle database and tried various combinations of
> DBD::Oracle (back to 1.19) and instant clients - non work as documented.
> I then tried instant client to an oracle database
> (with DBD::Oracle 1.19) and it works:
> DB Version:
> ** do_it **
> AutoCommit = 1
> execute_array = undef
> total affected rows = undef
> Error from execute_array - errstr=ORA-24381: error(s) in array DML (DBD
> SUCCESS_WITH_INFO: OCIStmtExecute), err=0, state=''
> $tuple_status = [
>  -1,
>  [
> 1,
>'ORA-1: unique constraint (SYSTEM.SYS_C005544)
>   ],
>  -1,
>  -1
> Error captured in handler: undef
> Warning captured in SIGWARN handler: undef
> $select * from mytest = [
>  [
>'onetwothree '
>  ],
>  [
>  ],
>  [
>'fiftythree  '
>  ],
>  [
>'one '
>  ]
> Notice, the successful rows are committed and the unsuccessful row is not.
> After trying various other combinations it seems any version of instant
> client or DBD::Oracle works so long as Oracle database is less than 11. I
> cannot say as yet if it is a bug in Oracle or some change DBD::Oracle didn't
> follow.
> So it would appear DBD::Oracle/Oracle has always issued a warning and not
> an error when a tuple fails. I think this is really dangerous if someone is
> relying on RaiseError so I've changed the DBD::Oracle we use internally to
> raise an error.
> Martin
> --
> Martin J. Evans
> Easysoft Limited

The best compliment you could give Pythian for our service is a referral.

Re: Clarification sought on execute_array

2011-01-20 Thread John Scoles

 On 20/01/2011 12:20 PM, Martin J. Evans wrote:

On 20/01/11 12:31, John Scoles wrote:

  On 19/01/2011 5:25 PM, Martin J. Evans wrote:
Great stuff Martin I am sure we can clear this up.

One thing I did notice was you never set the  'ora_array_chunk_size' which is 
defaulting to 1000

I wonder if running this with this value set to say 2 or 3 will see a change in 

No doubt there is some thing awry in there That we will have to get to the 
bottom of.


Just to jog memories.

John, you document a bug in 11g and execute_array in your blog:

"If you tell DBD::Oracle to autocommit, it seems that in 11g this commit will not 
take place when an error occurs during the processing of one of the tuples that you 
passed into execute_array"

"The workaround is to set AutoCommit =>  0 and then use $dbh-->commit() after the 
statement." which does not work for me by the way.

and a link to the forum you sought advice on is here

There is no answer.


If memory served me correctly the root of the above bug has something to 
do with the comparing of two integers. One was coming back something 
like 6. while it was looking for 7 when working with 11g on 64bit 
hardware and 32bit perl.

I will check tomorrow to see if I can recreate it again. Who knows it 
might illustrate a change in expected behaviour between the differing 
ORacle platforms and clients?

I remember I have a fix for it someplace at home which was on my list to 
look at tomorrow


On 19/01/2011 11:47, Tim Bunce wrote:

I'm sorry to arrive here late. Seems I've been missing all the fun!

Thought you were in Paris so I didn't expect you to see this. It has not been a 
lot of fun ;-)

Some observations:

- I think it's reasonable for execute_array() and execute_for_fetch()
  to return an error (ie err() true and so trigger RaiseError etc.)
  if execution of any of the tuples encountered an error.

The way I see it is that if some of the rows in the batch end up in the table 
and some don't I'd expect a warning. However, if 1 or more rows fail and no 
rows end up in the table I don't see any success so I'd expect an error. In my 
example code, 1 row fails but no rows end up successful so it is the latter.

It may be a change/bug in the Oracle libraries as I thought when you execute a 
batch all the rows are executed no matter if some fail and all successful ones 
end up in the table.

- That'll need a spec clarification and a clear warning in Changes.

- We should avoid breaking existing batch apps that use DBD::Oracle.

Agreed, but we've not got any working examples of anyone using execute_array other 
than the one which started this off (and mine) which was DBIx::Class and that was 
broken by DBD::Oracle/Oracle's current behaviour. The big problem with the 
DBIx::Class code was checking $sth->err which was 0 in this case because 0 
indicates a warning. However, DBD::Oracle contradicted itself since execute_array 
returned undef (error) but then set a warning on err.

- I'm hopeful that the above change wouldn't. (John?)

So am I. If we could get the examples John has seen via his DBD::Oracle 
maintainership or via Pythian customers I would be happy to create test cases. 
We are running blind at the moment as we've not got those solid examples of 
supposedly working code.

- We should review other database APIs that provide batch execution
  in order to spec a reasonable common subset behaviour for the DBI.

Obviously ODBC and JDBC do batched statements. I might provide a JDBC example 
but for now I've done an ODBC example (slightly more familiar to me) - see 

- Clearly we should bring DBD::Oracle, the DBI default behaviour, and the
  DBI spec into agreement with each other.

Exactly. This is really my main point. As it stands (and given it is not a bug 
in Oracle) I see a nightmare for anyone trying to use execute_array in a 
database neutral way as with DBI, all successful rows are inserted and we know 
which ones failed and with DBD::Oracle no rows are inserted (including the ones 
where there is no error) and you cannot commit the good ones and it is 
difficult to know (if not impossible) what really happened. This is not a dig 
at anyone in particular as I added the array context execute_array to 
DBI/DBD::Oracle but this is also why I suspect something has changed in 

- We *really* need a way to share tests across drivers.
  Perhaps something like a separate DBI::TestSuite distro that the DBI
  and drivers could have as a prerequisite. That would contain tests in
  modules.  The DBI and DBDs would have a test file that uses the
  DBI::TestSuite module and calls a fu

Re: $SIG{INT} tampering during DBI->connect on Oracle

2011-01-20 Thread John Scoles

 On 20/01/2011 9:16 AM, Brian Phillips wrote:

On Dec 1 2010, 9:59 am, (John Scoles) wrote:

It will be in 1.28  as 1.27 is reserved for now.

Look for it in the next few weeks

Any idea when 1.28 will be released?

I want to have it out by the end of the Month.

Remind me which fix was this for.

Is there an RT for it?


Re: Clarification sought on execute_array

2011-01-20 Thread John Scoles

 On 19/01/2011 5:25 PM, Martin J. Evans wrote:
Great stuff Martin I am sure we can clear this up.

One thing I did notice was you never set the  'ora_array_chunk_size' 
which is defaulting to 1000

I wonder if running this with this value set to say 2 or 3 will see a 
change in behaviour.

No doubt there is some thing awry in there That we will have to get to 
the bottom of.


On 19/01/2011 11:47, Tim Bunce wrote:

I'm sorry to arrive here late. Seems I've been missing all the fun!

Thought you were in Paris so I didn't expect you to see this. It has 
not been a lot of fun ;-)

Some observations:

- I think it's reasonable for execute_array() and execute_for_fetch()
 to return an error (ie err() true and so trigger RaiseError etc.)
 if execution of any of the tuples encountered an error.

The way I see it is that if some of the rows in the batch end up in 
the table and some don't I'd expect a warning. However, if 1 or more 
rows fail and no rows end up in the table I don't see any success so 
I'd expect an error. In my example code, 1 row fails but no rows end 
up successful so it is the latter.

It may be a change/bug in the Oracle libraries as I thought when you 
execute a batch all the rows are executed no matter if some fail and 
all successful ones end up in the table.

- That'll need a spec clarification and a clear warning in Changes.

- We should avoid breaking existing batch apps that use DBD::Oracle.

Agreed, but we've not got any working examples of anyone using 
execute_array other than the one which started this off (and mine) 
which was DBIx::Class and that was broken by DBD::Oracle/Oracle's 
current behaviour. The big problem with the DBIx::Class code was 
checking $sth->err which was 0 in this case because 0 indicates a 
warning. However, DBD::Oracle contradicted itself since execute_array 
returned undef (error) but then set a warning on err.

- I'm hopeful that the above change wouldn't. (John?)

So am I. If we could get the examples John has seen via his 
DBD::Oracle maintainership or via Pythian customers I would be happy 
to create test cases. We are running blind at the moment as we've not 
got those solid examples of supposedly working code.

- We should review other database APIs that provide batch execution
 in order to spec a reasonable common subset behaviour for the DBI.

Obviously ODBC and JDBC do batched statements. I might provide a JDBC 
example but for now I've done an ODBC example (slightly more familiar 
to me) - see below.

- Clearly we should bring DBD::Oracle, the DBI default behaviour, and 

 DBI spec into agreement with each other.

Exactly. This is really my main point. As it stands (and given it is 
not a bug in Oracle) I see a nightmare for anyone trying to use 
execute_array in a database neutral way as with DBI, all successful 
rows are inserted and we know which ones failed and with DBD::Oracle 
no rows are inserted (including the ones where there is no error) and 
you cannot commit the good ones and it is difficult to know (if not 
impossible) what really happened. This is not a dig at anyone in 
particular as I added the array context execute_array to 
DBI/DBD::Oracle but this is also why I suspect something has changed 
in DBD::Oracle/Oracle.

- We *really* need a way to share tests across drivers.
 Perhaps something like a separate DBI::TestSuite distro that the 
 and drivers could have as a prerequisite. That would contain 
tests in

 modules.  The DBI and DBDs would have a test file that uses the
 DBI::TestSuite module and calls a function that runs the tests.
 This issue could provide the first test.


I agree and I seem to remember a project to do something like this - 
was it perhaps a google summer of code suggestion? But it is pretty 
difficult and I think that puts a lot of people off. I briefly looked 
at Test::Database so I could get more realistic test results for 
DBD::ODBC but I ran in to a load of problems as Test::Database needs 
some DBD methods writing and expects to be able to create a database 
and in ODBC (via dozens of ODBC drivers) there is not single way to do 
this. The gain was just not worth the pain for me. I'd be happy to 
help someone do this but only in a minor way as right now I cannot 
find the time to satisfy even half of my OS commitments (as an 
example, I REALLY want to be able to set handle attributes on methods 
in DBI [post from a week back] but I just cannot find time to do it - 
something else is always cropping up).

Attached is a very rough and ready bit of C code (with little error 
checking) that does batch inserts. You run it with something like:

./a.out 'DSN=mydsn;UID=username;PWD=password'

and it does batch inserts into a table called xtest that is defined as:

  create table xtest(ky integer primary key, txt varchar(20))

It has 4 tests:

1. insert a batch successfully reading the parameter status array 
(ArrayTupleStatus) to s

Re: Clarification sought on execute_array

2011-01-19 Thread John Scoles

 On 19/01/2011 6:47 AM, Tim Bunce wrote:
As usual very sage advice Tim.

I'm sorry to arrive here late. Seems I've been missing all the fun!

Some observations:

- I think it's reasonable for execute_array() and execute_for_fetch()
 to return an error (ie err() true and so trigger RaiseError etc.)
 if execution of any of the tuples encountered an error.
It looking more and more that this should of been the case in 
DBD::Oracle still have some reading to do on it though.

- That'll need a spec clarification and a clear warning in Changes.

- We should avoid breaking existing batch apps that use DBD::Oracle.

- I'm hopeful that the above change wouldn't. (John?)

- We should review other database APIs that provide batch execution
 in order to spec a reasonable common subset behaviour for the DBI.

I have yet to find one but I haven't look very hard

- Clearly we should bring DBD::Oracle, the DBI default behaviour, and the
 DBI spec into agreement with each other.

The question being is it the default behaviour  from 1999 Oracle 8  or 
today's 11g ? ;)

- We *really* need a way to share tests across drivers.
 Perhaps something like a separate DBI::TestSuite distro that the DBI
 and drivers could have as a prerequisite. That would contain tests in
 modules.  The DBI and DBDs would have a test file that uses the
 DBI::TestSuite module and calls a function that runs the tests.
 This issue could provide the first test.


Re: Clarification sought on execute_array

2011-01-18 Thread John Scoles

 On 18/01/2011 9:47 AM, Martin J. Evans wrote:

On 18/01/11 14:11, John Scoles wrote:

  On 18/01/2011 8:35 AM, Martin J. Evans wrote:


I slightly reformatted you reply as you added comments on the end of lines I 
wrote which made it look like I said them.

On 18/01/11 12:40, John Scoles wrote:

On 17/01/2011 3:34 PM, Martin J. Evans wrote:

There appear to be differences between DBDs which do not handle
execute_array (so DBI does it for them) and DBDs which do handle
execute_array (e.g., DBD::Oracle). The main ones discussed on
#dbix-class which I investigated are whether the driver sets the
err and errstr or even raises an error. Some of the guys writing
DBIx::Class think execute_array should raise and error and fail on
the first error but I explained since execute_array may send the
entire batch to the server and it is server dependent when it stops
this is beyond definition by DBI. Never the less the following
script seems to show some large differences between DBI's
execute_array and DBD::Oracle's:

The first question is do any other DBIs utilize a native


Not that I know of but if DBD::Oracle does not match what happens with a DBI 
execute_array then that is a problem for anyone writing DBD neutral code and it 
should be clearly documented so you can write DBD neutral code.

Well lets go back to DBI and see what it says

When called in scalar context the execute_array() method returns the
number of tuples executed, or |undef| if an error occurred.
execute(), a successful execute_array() always returns true
regardless of the number of tuples executed, even if it's zero.

I think you have misread this bit. It means (like execute) it is not an error 
to do nothing or something like;

update mytable set mycol = 1 where mycol = 2

where no mycol = 2 i.e., it will return success even though no change occurred.

I don't think it means execute_array always returns success no matter what 
happens just because it is a batch.

there were any errors the ArrayTupleStatus array can be used to
discover which tuples failed and with what errors.

In DBD::Oracle you will never get 'undef' returned as the execute
will always be successful even though all of your tuples may fail.

and yet, you do get an undef back in my example so you we already have a 

Error from execute_array - ORA-24381: error(s) in array DML (DBD 

which is output because execute_array returned undef!

  my (@tuple_status, $inserted);
  $inserted = 99;
  eval {
  $inserted = $sth->execute_array(
  { ArrayTupleStatus =>   \@tuple_status } );
  if ($@) {
  print "Exception: $@\n";
  print "inserted = ", DBI::neat($inserted), "\n";
  print "Error from execute_array - " . $sth->errstr . ",", $sth->err ."\n"
  if (!$inserted);

outputs (for Oracle):

The following is due to PrintWarn =>   1
DBD::Oracle::st execute_array warning: ORA-24381: error(s) in array DML (DBD 
SUCCESS_WITH_INFO: OCIStmtExecute) [for Statement "insert into mytest values 
(?,?)"] at rt_data/execute_array/ line 44.

The following is undef from execute_array:
inserted = undef
The following is because execute_array returned undef:
Error from execute_array - ORA-24381: error(s) in array DML (DBD 

Note the errstr value is set but not err (0) - that cannot be right surely.

So It agrees with the first para and works in scalar.

Funnily enough, it does agree with the first paragraph since an error occurred and it 
returned undef (unlike you reasoning) BUT it only set the error state to a warning and 
did not set "err".

I have no issue it is a batch and executed in the server as one operation but 
DBD::Oracle does know something failed as it stands.

To get the extra info that comes out in a non-DBD specific
array_execute we would have to build in an extra iteration over  the
results to give a count of the Failed/Pass.  As some of my customers
use this with batch loads of 5meg plus of inserts the iteration may
take some time and sort of defeat the purpose of a quick way to do
bulk inserts.

but John, DBD::Oracle already knows an error occurred.

I think (you will have to ask Tim to verify) that the Idea behind
array_execute is a 'Batch' processor. ie send a Batch, to the server
then figure out what to with what is returned.

so with

a) even though RaiseError was set, no error was raised although a
warning was.

JS replied:
We know there was a problem so we have to fail the batch or at lease report
on it is what the warning is telling us

I'm in danger of repeating myself - an error did occur, DBD::Oracle knows this 
but it was not raised as an error.

b) execute_array returned undef (correct)

JS rep

Re: Clarification sought on execute_array

2011-01-18 Thread John Scoles

 On 18/01/2011 9:47 AM, Martin J. Evans wrote:

Just as a Side note seems execute_array was added well after the first 
DBI spec was written.

DBI 1.24,4th June 2002 seems to be the correct date rather a late 


On 18/01/11 14:11, John Scoles wrote:

  On 18/01/2011 8:35 AM, Martin J. Evans wrote:


I slightly reformatted you reply as you added comments on the end of lines I 
wrote which made it look like I said them.

On 18/01/11 12:40, John Scoles wrote:

On 17/01/2011 3:34 PM, Martin J. Evans wrote:

There appear to be differences between DBDs which do not handle
execute_array (so DBI does it for them) and DBDs which do handle
execute_array (e.g., DBD::Oracle). The main ones discussed on
#dbix-class which I investigated are whether the driver sets the
err and errstr or even raises an error. Some of the guys writing
DBIx::Class think execute_array should raise and error and fail on
the first error but I explained since execute_array may send the
entire batch to the server and it is server dependent when it stops
this is beyond definition by DBI. Never the less the following
script seems to show some large differences between DBI's
execute_array and DBD::Oracle's:

The first question is do any other DBIs utilize a native


Not that I know of but if DBD::Oracle does not match what happens with a DBI 
execute_array then that is a problem for anyone writing DBD neutral code and it 
should be clearly documented so you can write DBD neutral code.

Well lets go back to DBI and see what it says

When called in scalar context the execute_array() method returns the
number of tuples executed, or |undef| if an error occurred.
execute(), a successful execute_array() always returns true
regardless of the number of tuples executed, even if it's zero.

I think you have misread this bit. It means (like execute) it is not an error 
to do nothing or something like;

update mytable set mycol = 1 where mycol = 2

where no mycol = 2 i.e., it will return success even though no change occurred.

I don't think it means execute_array always returns success no matter what 
happens just because it is a batch.

there were any errors the ArrayTupleStatus array can be used to
discover which tuples failed and with what errors.

In DBD::Oracle you will never get 'undef' returned as the execute
will always be successful even though all of your tuples may fail.

and yet, you do get an undef back in my example so you we already have a 

Error from execute_array - ORA-24381: error(s) in array DML (DBD 

which is output because execute_array returned undef!

  my (@tuple_status, $inserted);
  $inserted = 99;
  eval {
  $inserted = $sth->execute_array(
  { ArrayTupleStatus =>   \@tuple_status } );
  if ($@) {
  print "Exception: $@\n";
  print "inserted = ", DBI::neat($inserted), "\n";
  print "Error from execute_array - " . $sth->errstr . ",", $sth->err ."\n"
  if (!$inserted);

outputs (for Oracle):

The following is due to PrintWarn =>   1
DBD::Oracle::st execute_array warning: ORA-24381: error(s) in array DML (DBD 
SUCCESS_WITH_INFO: OCIStmtExecute) [for Statement "insert into mytest values 
(?,?)"] at rt_data/execute_array/ line 44.

The following is undef from execute_array:
inserted = undef
The following is because execute_array returned undef:
Error from execute_array - ORA-24381: error(s) in array DML (DBD 

Note the errstr value is set but not err (0) - that cannot be right surely.

So It agrees with the first para and works in scalar.

Funnily enough, it does agree with the first paragraph since an error occurred and it 
returned undef (unlike you reasoning) BUT it only set the error state to a warning and 
did not set "err".

I have no issue it is a batch and executed in the server as one operation but 
DBD::Oracle does know something failed as it stands.

To get the extra info that comes out in a non-DBD specific
array_execute we would have to build in an extra iteration over  the
results to give a count of the Failed/Pass.  As some of my customers
use this with batch loads of 5meg plus of inserts the iteration may
take some time and sort of defeat the purpose of a quick way to do
bulk inserts.

but John, DBD::Oracle already knows an error occurred.

I think (you will have to ask Tim to verify) that the Idea behind
array_execute is a 'Batch' processor. ie send a Batch, to the server
then figure out what to with what is returned.

so with

a) even though RaiseError was set, no error was raised although a
warning was.

JS replied:
We know there was a problem so we have to fail the batch or at lease report
on it is what the w

Re: Clarification sought on execute_array

2011-01-18 Thread John Scoles

 On 18/01/2011 9:47 AM, Martin J. Evans wrote:

On 18/01/11 14:11, John Scoles wrote:

  On 18/01/2011 8:35 AM, Martin J. Evans wrote:


I slightly reformatted you reply as you added comments on the end of lines I 
wrote which made it look like I said them.

On 18/01/11 12:40, John Scoles wrote:

On 17/01/2011 3:34 PM, Martin J. Evans wrote:

There appear to be differences between DBDs which do not handle
execute_array (so DBI does it for them) and DBDs which do handle
execute_array (e.g., DBD::Oracle). The main ones discussed on
#dbix-class which I investigated are whether the driver sets the
err and errstr or even raises an error. Some of the guys writing
DBIx::Class think execute_array should raise and error and fail on
the first error but I explained since execute_array may send the
entire batch to the server and it is server dependent when it stops
this is beyond definition by DBI. Never the less the following
script seems to show some large differences between DBI's
execute_array and DBD::Oracle's:

The first question is do any other DBIs utilize a native


Not that I know of but if DBD::Oracle does not match what happens with a DBI 
execute_array then that is a problem for anyone writing DBD neutral code and it 
should be clearly documented so you can write DBD neutral code.

Well lets go back to DBI and see what it says

When called in scalar context the execute_array() method returns the
number of tuples executed, or |undef| if an error occurred.
execute(), a successful execute_array() always returns true
regardless of the number of tuples executed, even if it's zero.

I think you have misread this bit. It means (like execute) it is not an error 
to do nothing or something like;

update mytable set mycol = 1 where mycol = 2

where no mycol = 2 i.e., it will return success even though no change occurred.

I don't think it means execute_array always returns success no matter what 
happens just because it is a batch.

there were any errors the ArrayTupleStatus array can be used to
discover which tuples failed and with what errors.

In DBD::Oracle you will never get 'undef' returned as the execute
will always be successful even though all of your tuples may fail.

and yet, you do get an undef back in my example so you we already have a 

Error from execute_array - ORA-24381: error(s) in array DML (DBD 

which is output because execute_array returned undef!

  my (@tuple_status, $inserted);
  $inserted = 99;
  eval {
  $inserted = $sth->execute_array(
  { ArrayTupleStatus =>   \@tuple_status } );
  if ($@) {
  print "Exception: $@\n";
  print "inserted = ", DBI::neat($inserted), "\n";
  print "Error from execute_array - " . $sth->errstr . ",", $sth->err ."\n"
  if (!$inserted);

outputs (for Oracle):

The following is due to PrintWarn =>   1
DBD::Oracle::st execute_array warning: ORA-24381: error(s) in array DML (DBD 
SUCCESS_WITH_INFO: OCIStmtExecute) [for Statement "insert into mytest values 
(?,?)"] at rt_data/execute_array/ line 44.

The following is undef from execute_array:
inserted = undef
The following is because execute_array returned undef:
Error from execute_array - ORA-24381: error(s) in array DML (DBD 

Note the errstr value is set but not err (0) - that cannot be right surely.

So It agrees with the first para and works in scalar.

Funnily enough, it does agree with the first paragraph since an error occurred and it 
returned undef (unlike you reasoning) BUT it only set the error state to a warning and 
did not set "err".

I have no issue it is a batch and executed in the server as one operation but 
DBD::Oracle does know something failed as it stands.

To get the extra info that comes out in a non-DBD specific
array_execute we would have to build in an extra iteration over  the
results to give a count of the Failed/Pass.  As some of my customers
use this with batch loads of 5meg plus of inserts the iteration may
take some time and sort of defeat the purpose of a quick way to do
bulk inserts.

but John, DBD::Oracle already knows an error occurred.

I think (you will have to ask Tim to verify) that the Idea behind
array_execute is a 'Batch' processor. ie send a Batch, to the server
then figure out what to with what is returned.

so with

a) even though RaiseError was set, no error was raised although a
warning was.

JS replied:
We know there was a problem so we have to fail the batch or at lease report
on it is what the warning is telling us

I'm in danger of repeating myself - an error did occur, DBD::Oracle knows this 
but it was not raised as an error.

b) execute_array returned undef (correct)

JS rep

Re: Clarification sought on execute_array

2011-01-18 Thread John Scoles

 On 18/01/2011 8:35 AM, Martin J. Evans wrote:


I slightly reformatted you reply as you added comments on the end of lines I 
wrote which made it look like I said them.

On 18/01/11 12:40, John Scoles wrote:

On 17/01/2011 3:34 PM, Martin J. Evans wrote:

There appear to be differences between DBDs which do not handle
execute_array (so DBI does it for them) and DBDs which do handle
execute_array (e.g., DBD::Oracle). The main ones discussed on
#dbix-class which I investigated are whether the driver sets the
err and errstr or even raises an error. Some of the guys writing
DBIx::Class think execute_array should raise and error and fail on
the first error but I explained since execute_array may send the
entire batch to the server and it is server dependent when it stops
this is beyond definition by DBI. Never the less the following
script seems to show some large differences between DBI's
execute_array and DBD::Oracle's:

The first question is do any other DBIs utilize a native


Not that I know of but if DBD::Oracle does not match what happens with a DBI 
execute_array then that is a problem for anyone writing DBD neutral code and it 
should be clearly documented so you can write DBD neutral code.

Well lets go back to DBI and see what it says

When called in scalar context the execute_array() method returns the
number of tuples executed, or |undef| if an error occurred.
execute(), a successful execute_array() always returns true
regardless of the number of tuples executed, even if it's zero.

I think you have misread this bit. It means (like execute) it is not an error 
to do nothing or something like;

update mytable set mycol = 1 where mycol = 2

where no mycol = 2 i.e., it will return success even though no change occurred.

I don't think it means execute_array always returns success no matter what 
happens just because it is a batch.

there were any errors the ArrayTupleStatus array can be used to
discover which tuples failed and with what errors.

In DBD::Oracle you will never get 'undef' returned as the execute
will always be successful even though all of your tuples may fail.

and yet, you do get an undef back in my example so you we already have a 

Error from execute_array - ORA-24381: error(s) in array DML (DBD 

which is output because execute_array returned undef!

 my (@tuple_status, $inserted);
 $inserted = 99;
 eval {
 $inserted = $sth->execute_array(
 { ArrayTupleStatus =>  \@tuple_status } );
 if ($@) {
 print "Exception: $@\n";
 print "inserted = ", DBI::neat($inserted), "\n";
 print "Error from execute_array - " . $sth->errstr . ",", $sth->err ."\n"
 if (!$inserted);

outputs (for Oracle):

The following is due to PrintWarn =>  1
   DBD::Oracle::st execute_array warning: ORA-24381: error(s) in array DML (DBD 
SUCCESS_WITH_INFO: OCIStmtExecute) [for Statement "insert into mytest values 
(?,?)"] at rt_data/execute_array/ line 44.

The following is undef from execute_array:
   inserted = undef
The following is because execute_array returned undef:
   Error from execute_array - ORA-24381: error(s) in array DML (DBD 

Note the errstr value is set but not err (0) - that cannot be right surely.

So It agrees with the first para and works in scalar.

Funnily enough, it does agree with the first paragraph since an error occurred and it 
returned undef (unlike you reasoning) BUT it only set the error state to a warning and 
did not set "err".

I have no issue it is a batch and executed in the server as one operation but 
DBD::Oracle does know something failed as it stands.

To get the extra info that comes out in a non-DBD specific
array_execute we would have to build in an extra iteration over  the
results to give a count of the Failed/Pass.  As some of my customers
use this with batch loads of 5meg plus of inserts the iteration may
take some time and sort of defeat the purpose of a quick way to do
bulk inserts.

but John, DBD::Oracle already knows an error occurred.

I think (you will have to ask Tim to verify) that the Idea behind
array_execute is a 'Batch' processor. ie send a Batch, to the server
then figure out what to with what is returned.

so with

a) even though RaiseError was set, no error was raised although a
warning was.

JS replied:
   We know there was a problem so we have to fail the batch or at lease report
on it is what the warning is telling us

I'm in danger of repeating myself - an error did occur, DBD::Oracle knows this 
but it was not raised as an error.

b) execute_array returned undef (correct)

JS replied:
  Well at least that is a good thing

You said "In DBD::Oracle you will never get 'undef&#x

Re: Clarification sought on execute_array

2011-01-18 Thread John Scoles

 On 18/01/2011 7:52 AM, H.Merijn Brand wrote:

On Tue, 18 Jan 2011 07:40:25 -0500, John Scoles

   On 17/01/2011 3:34 PM, Martin J. Evans wrote:

There appear to be differences between DBDs which do not handle
execute_array (so DBI does it for them) and DBDs which do handle
execute_array (e.g., DBD::Oracle). The main ones discussed on
#dbix-class which I investigated are whether the driver sets the err
and errstr or even raises an error. Some of the guys writing
DBIx::Class think execute_array should raise and error and fail on the
first error but I explained since execute_array may send the entire
batch to the server and it is server dependent when it stops this is
beyond definition by DBI. Never the less the following script seems to
show some large differences between DBI's execute_array and

The first question is do any other DBIs utilize a native array_execute??

DBD::Unify and DBD::CSV do not

Looking more and more that only DBD::Oracle has a native exe_array


Well lets go back to DBI and see what it says

  When called in scalar context the execute_array() method returns
   the number of tuples executed, or |undef| if an error occurred. Like
   execute(), a successful execute_array() always returns true regardless
   of the number of tuples executed, even if it's zero. If there were any
   errors the ArrayTupleStatus array can be used to discover which tuples
   failed and with what errors.

In DBD::Oracle you will never get 'undef' returned as the execute will
always be successful even though all of your tuples may fail.

So It agrees with the first para and works in scalar.

To get the extra info that comes out in a non-DBD specific array_execute
we would have to build in an extra iteration over the results to give a
count of the Failed/Pass.  As some of my customers use this with batch
loads of 5meg plus of inserts the iteration may take some time and sort
of defeat the purpose of a quick way to do bulk inserts.

I think (you will have to ask Tim to verify) that the Idea behind
array_execute is a 'Batch' processor. ie send a Batch, to the server
then figure out what to with what is returned.

so with

a) even though RaiseError was set, no error was raised although a
warning was.
We know there was a problem so we have to fail the batch or at
least report on it is what the warning is telling us

b) execute_array returned undef (correct)
Well at least that is a good thing

c) errstr is set but err is not (0)

d) the HandleError routine was not called - due to (a)?
Which is correct as is did do exactly what was expected.  ie
'execute a bath and report back'

The batch will take long enough to have a comfortable bath? :)

Dislexia stick again?

You see we do not believe in Dog!

As a side point one client who uses the exe_array  takes 2h and 45m to 
run so just enough time for a good bath :).  To put it in perspective it 
use to take 19~25 hours (DBD::Oracle 1.17)  and she now has almost twice 
the number of records than at the 29 hour mark.


e) the count of rows affected is -1 for all rows which worked - I
believe this is permissible
I will have to check on that.

In the end I do not think this should ever error

  eval {
  $inserted = $sth->execute_array(
  { ArrayTupleStatus =>  \@tuple_status } );

It is the wrong way to process a batch job. JMHO though

I guess the real sort of problem is that in the normal DBI array fetch
it is just iterating over array and doing the insert one at a time so
you get your good and error counts as you go.  As well as each iteration
is a separate execute you will get a raise_error with it which is think
is suppressed but I would have to look at the code.

I think you are right that the the chaps at DBIx have it wrong.  It
should be a batch job and they would have to handle in that way.

1) bind
2) exe
3) commit if all successful or  process if an error is returned.

Anyway lets see what Tim has to say.

We could add in the list context for DBD::Oracle and do some of this
processing with the caveat that it will take longer than the scalar context


use DBI;
use strict;
use Data::Dumper;

sub fred
 print "Error Handler called\n";
 print Dumper(\@_);
 my ($msg, $handle, $val) = @_;

 print "handle_error: $msg\nhandle: $handle\nval=$val\n";

my $dbh = DBI->connect(
 'DBI:Oracle:host=xxx;sid=devel', 'xxx', 'xxx',
 { RaiseError =>  1, PrintError =>  0, HandleError =>  \&fred

my $dbh = DBI->connect(
 'DBI:ODBC:DSN=xxx', 'xxx', 'xxx',
 { RaiseError =>  1, PrintError =>  0, HandleError =>  \&fred


sub do_it {
 my $dbh = shift;

 eval {$dbh->do(q/drop table mytest/);}

Re: Clarification sought on execute_array

2011-01-18 Thread John Scoles

 On 17/01/2011 3:34 PM, Martin J. Evans wrote:
There appear to be differences between DBDs which do not handle 
execute_array (so DBI does it for them) and DBDs which do handle 
execute_array (e.g., DBD::Oracle). The main ones discussed on 
#dbix-class which I investigated are whether the driver sets the err 
and errstr or even raises an error. Some of the guys writing 
DBIx::Class think execute_array should raise and error and fail on the 
first error but I explained since execute_array may send the entire 
batch to the server and it is server dependent when it stops this is 
beyond definition by DBI. Never the less the following script seems to 
show some large differences between DBI's execute_array and 

The first question is do any other DBIs utilize a native array_execute??


Well lets go back to DBI and see what it says

When called in scalar context the execute_array() method returns 
the number of tuples executed, or |undef| if an
error occurred. Like execute(), a successful execute_array() always 
returns true regardless of the number of tuples
executed, even if it's zero. If there were any errors the 
ArrayTupleStatus array can be used to discover which tuples

failed and with what errors.

In DBD::Oracle you will never get 'undef' returned as the execute will 
always be successful even though all of your tuples may fail.

So It agrees with the first para and works in scalar.

To get the extra info that comes out in a non-DBD specific array_execute 
we would have to build in an extra iteration over  the results to give a 
count of the Failed/Pass.  As some of my customers use this with batch 
loads of 5meg plus of inserts the iteration may take some time and sort 
of defeat the purpose of a quick way to do bulk inserts.

I think (you will have to ask Tim to verify) that the Idea behind 
array_execute is a 'Batch' processor. ie send a Batch, to the server 
then figure out what to with what is returned.

so with

a) even though RaiseError was set, no error was raised although a 
warning was.
We know there was a problem so we have to fail the batch or at lease 
report on it is what the warning is telling us

b) execute_array returned undef (correct)
Well at least that is a good thing

c) errstr is set but err is not (0)

d) the HandleError routine was not called - due to (a)?
Which is correct as is did do exactly what was expected.  ie 'execute a 
bath and report back'

e) the count of rows affected is -1 for all rows which worked - I 
believe this is permissible

I will have to check on that.

In the end I do not think this should ever error

eval {
$inserted = $sth->execute_array(
{ ArrayTupleStatus => \@tuple_status } );

It is the wrong way to process a batch job. JMHO though

I guess the real sort of problem is that in the normal DBI array fetch 
it is just iterating over array and doing the insert one at a time so 
you get your good and error counts as you go.  As well as each iteration 
is a separate execute you will get a raise_error with it which is think 
is suppressed but I would have to look at the code.

I think you are right that the the chaps at DBIx have it wrong.  It 
should be a batch job and they would have to handle in that way.

1) bind
2) exe
3) commit if all successful or  process if an error is returned.

Anyway lets see what Tim has to say.

We could add in the list context for DBD::Oracle and do some of this 
processing with the caveat that it will take longer than the scalar context


use DBI;
use strict;
use Data::Dumper;

sub fred
print "Error Handler called\n";
print Dumper(\@_);
my ($msg, $handle, $val) = @_;

print "handle_error: $msg\nhandle: $handle\nval=$val\n";

my $dbh = DBI->connect(
'DBI:Oracle:host=xxx;sid=devel', 'xxx', 'xxx',
{ RaiseError => 1, PrintError => 0, HandleError => \&fred

my $dbh = DBI->connect(
'DBI:ODBC:DSN=xxx', 'xxx', 'xxx',
{ RaiseError => 1, PrintError => 0, HandleError => \&fred


sub do_it {
my $dbh = shift;

eval {$dbh->do(q/drop table mytest/);};
$dbh->do(q/create table mytest (a int primary key, b char(20))/);

my $sth = $dbh->prepare(q/insert into mytest values (?,?)/);
$sth->bind_param(1, 1);
$sth->bind_param(2, 'onetwothree');

$sth->bind_param_array(1, [51,1,52,53]);
$sth->bind_param_array(2, ['fiftyone', 'fiftytwo', 'fiftythree', 

my (@tuple_status, $inserted);
eval {
$inserted = $sth->execute_array(
{ ArrayTupleStatus => \@tuple_status } );
if ($@) {
print "Exception: $@\n";
print "Error from execute_array - " . $sth->errstr . ",", 
$sth->err ."\n"

if (!$inserted);
for (@tuple_status) {
print Dumper($_), "\n";

which outputs for the DBD::Oracle part:

$ perl execute_array/
DBD::Oracle::st execute_

Re: DBD::Oracle - credentials

2011-01-14 Thread John Scoles

 On 14/01/2011 10:21 AM, Martin J. Evans wrote:

On 14/01/11 15:01, H.Merijn Brand wrote:

On Fri, 14 Jan 2011 14:56:46 +, "Martin J. Evans"

On 14/01/11 14:30, H.Merijn Brand wrote:

Maybe this is a feature request, but if I have


I *do* expect that DBD::Oracle uses DBI_USER and DBI_PASS *instead of*
the ORACLE_USERID. Anyone can come up with a good reason why this os
not happening at the moment?

How do other DBD's set precedence if environment variable are allowed
for login credentials?

Just a minor point (not saying it stops the discussion) but I don't
think ORACLE_USERID is something DBD::Oracle defines (other than in
test code in t/*). So is your point to do with running tests in t/* or
in general?

I ran into this in the test suite indeed. Your findings below just
confirm my expectation :)

I posted it here because I saw no generic docs about this

It is in the README.

The supplied tests will connect to the database using the value of the
ORACLE_USERID environment variable to supply the username/password.

Don't know why it cannot fall back on DBI_USER/DBI_PASS.

$ export ORACLE_USERID=wrong/wrong
$ export DBI_USER=real_user
$ export DBI_PASS=valid_password
$ export DBI_DSN='dbi:Oracle:host=betoracle.easysoft.local;sid=devel'
$ perl -le 'use DBI; my $h = DBI->connect();'

works for me. i.e., ORACLE_USERID contains invalid username/password
and DBI_USER/DBI_PASS contain valid username/password and it connects

Perhaps I misunderstood you Merijn.



Why not.

Seems like a good Idea and easy to implement I guess we are just 
carrying on an old tradition nothing says we have to use ORACLE_USERID 
which is a little out dated.

Time to update the POD and a tests I guess.

Might be best for 1.29 as 1.28 is rather full right now.


Re: DBD::Oracle - credentials

2011-01-14 Thread John Scoles

 On 14/01/2011 9:30 AM, H.Merijn Brand wrote:

Maybe this is a feature request, but if I have


I *do* expect that DBD::Oracle uses DBI_USER and DBI_PASS *instead of*
the ORACLE_USERID. Anyone can come up with a good reason why this os
not happening at the moment?

How do other DBD's set precedence if environment variable are allowed
for login credentials?

Funny the question never came up before. I guess we can have a look at 
it.  I do not know about the other drivers?

Re: DBD-Oracle stored proc with array bug

2010-12-18 Thread John Scoles
Ok I got it to work 100% with the test seems you gave a little too much SP

You will find it in trunk of DBD::Oracle

which is here

Thanks again

John Scoles

On Tue, Dec 14, 2010 at 10:39 AM, Tim Oertel  wrote:

> Hi,
> We were recently trying to pass an array to a stored procedure.
> It worked fine the first call, but subsequent calls were receiving
> the wrong array size, and with old array entries.
> After some investigation, it looks like once an array parameter
> is used with a given size array, it ignores any future array length.
> i.e.
> @array_of_something = (1, 2, 3, 4, 5);
> $sth->bind_param(1, \...@array_of_something, {
>   ora_type => ORA_NUMBER_TABLE,
>   ora_internal_type => SQLT_INT });
> $sth->execute();
> @array_of_something = (6, 7, 8);
> $sth->bind_param(1, \...@array_of_something, {
>   ora_type => ORA_NUMBER_TABLE,
>   ora_internal_type => SQLT_INT });
> $sth->execute();
> ...doesn't do what is expected.  The stored proceedure
> receives an array of (6, 7, 8, 4, 5), in the second execute().
> In the process of debugging that, we grabbed newer versions of DBD::Oracle,
> to check if a more recent version had a fix, and lacking that, creating
> a patch against svn.
> Turned out we ran into a second bug, our dev system has recent Oracle
> libraries on it, but our db is Oracle 9.2, and (after investigation) it
> looks like there is a known issue with Oracle 10.2 libs, doing a ping
> against 9.2, which causes a listener crash (I think).
> The fix for that was to revert to the server version check if the server
> is too old.
> So, I've attached a patch, plus a test case for the first problem.
> The patch is a patch against svn, 14564.  It was tested on a Linux
> box, with client libs and server, also running on
> Linux.
> If I've screwed up formatting, or need to do this differently, let me
> know, and I'll try to fix it.  If the fixes are wrong, I'm all ears
> on that too.
> --
> Tim Oertel   |"Why should I be content to simply
> VP Engineering   | live in this world, when I, as a
> Ashergroup, Inc. | human being, can CREATE it?!"
> 585-586-0020 | IM via google/XMPP:

>From the Pythian family to yours, Happy Holidays and all the best in 2011!

Re: DBD::Oracle 1.26 new_tablename / synonyms issue

2010-12-17 Thread John Scoles
I have applied this patch to trunk you can find it here

It will be part of Release 1.28 sometime before the end of the month.

John Scoles

On Tue, Nov 16, 2010 at 10:28 AM, Jan Pazdziora wrote:

> Hello,
> The DBD::Oracle 1.26 code
> declares
>char new_tablename[100];
> in the if branch in init_lob_refetch, and then assigns
> and then uses the tablename outside of that if block. So the
> tablename pointer points to a random address on the stack.
> It causes problems described at
> Note that it's kinda related to
> where it's said
>Used some of the code form the patch there was no need to
>create a char [100] outside the if statement though.
> I'd claim that it is actually necessary to declare it outside of
> that block because even if the name goes out of scope at the end
> of the block, the tablename pointer still points to it.
> Please apply
> --- oci8.c.orig 2010-11-16 16:26:42.459208675 +0100
> +++ oci8.c  2010-11-16 16:27:27.194207404 +0100
> @@ -4030,6 +4030,7 @@
>ub2 numcols = 0;
>imp_fbh_t *fbh;
>int unmatched_params;
> +   char new_tablename[100];
>I32 i,j;
>char *p;
>lob_refetch_t *lr = NULL;
> @@ -4067,7 +4068,6 @@
>if (status == OCI_SUCCESS) { /* There is a synonym, get the schema
> */
>char *syn_schema=NULL;
>char syn_name[100];
> -   char new_tablename[100];
>ub4  tn_len = 0, syn_schema_len = 0;
> to DBD::Oracle.
> Thank you,
> --
> Jan Pazdziora

>From the Pythian family to yours, Happy Holidays and all the best in 2011!

ANNOUNCE: DBD::Oracle 1.27 Release Candidate 1

2010-12-15 Thread John Scoles

Sorry no funny nick name for version 1.27 but here is the scoop on it anyway

You can find the Zip file here

This version removes 'PERL_POLLUTE' and adds in PL_ so it will be fully 
compatible with Perl 5.13.

So in a nutshell 1.27 is a single issue maintenance release.

For those interested in the whole story you can have a look at this thread

Any an all testing with differing Perls would be much appreciated

Cheers John Scoles

Re: DBD-Oracle stored proc with array bug

2010-12-14 Thread John Scoles

Ok thanks for that.

At first glance this looks like it might fix another reported bug and it 
is doing some work for me as I wanted to add in

OCIServerRelease_log for my own selfish reasons so thanks for that:)

It will be going into 1.28 as 1.27 is reserved for a PERL_POLLUTE release which 
should be out soon

John Scoles

On 14/12/2010 10:39 AM, Tim Oertel wrote:


We were recently trying to pass an array to a stored procedure.
It worked fine the first call, but subsequent calls were receiving
the wrong array size, and with old array entries.

After some investigation, it looks like once an array parameter
is used with a given size array, it ignores any future array length.


@array_of_something = (1, 2, 3, 4, 5);

$sth->bind_param(1, \...@array_of_something, {
   ora_type => ORA_NUMBER_TABLE,
   ora_internal_type => SQLT_INT });

@array_of_something = (6, 7, 8);

$sth->bind_param(1, \...@array_of_something, {
   ora_type => ORA_NUMBER_TABLE,
   ora_internal_type => SQLT_INT });

...doesn't do what is expected.  The stored proceedure
receives an array of (6, 7, 8, 4, 5), in the second execute().

In the process of debugging that, we grabbed newer versions of 

to check if a more recent version had a fix, and lacking that, creating
a patch against svn.

Turned out we ran into a second bug, our dev system has recent Oracle
libraries on it, but our db is Oracle 9.2, and (after investigation) it
looks like there is a known issue with Oracle 10.2 libs, doing a ping
against 9.2, which causes a listener crash (I think).

The fix for that was to revert to the server version check if the server
is too old.

So, I've attached a patch, plus a test case for the first problem.
The patch is a patch against svn, 14564.  It was tested on a Linux
box, with client libs and server, also running on

If I've screwed up formatting, or need to do this differently, let me
know, and I'll try to fix it.  If the fixes are wrong, I'm all ears
on that too.

Re: $SIG{INT} tampering during DBI->connect on Oracle

2010-12-01 Thread John Scoles

 On 01/12/2010 9:22 AM, Brian Phillips wrote:

On Nov 30, 8:37 am, (John Scoles) wrote:

Just wanting to make sure this doesn't get lost in the shuffle...

Depends is it a specific OS patch for DBD::Oracle or a general one DBI?

I am keeping an eye on it.

I'm not sure why this matters or perhaps I'm not understanding your
question/concern.  If this is a feature turned off by default (which
is the way the patch is coded), users can selectively enable it only
if they see the need.  Are you wondering if it should be enabled by
default for certain OS's?  Or are you wondering if this should be a
general DBI patch?  I would say "no" to both since there's been no
definitive proof as to what is triggering the (undesirable) behavior.

Ok I will put it in the way Tim suggests

It will be in 1.28  as 1.27 is reserved for now.

Look for it in the next few weeks


Re: $SIG{INT} tampering during DBI->connect on Oracle

2010-11-30 Thread John Scoles

 On 30/11/2010 10:28 AM, Tim Bunce wrote:

On Mon, Nov 15, 2010 at 10:04:56AM -0800, Brian Phillips wrote:

-   DBD::Oracle::db::_login($dbh, $dbname, $user, $auth, $attr)
-   or return undef;
+my @local_signals = @{ $attr->{ora_local_signals} || [] };
+local @s...@local_signals} if @local_signals;
+DBD::Oracle::db::_login($dbh, $dbname, $user, $auth, $attr)
+or return undef;

Two minor nit-picks...

The name ora_local_signals doesn't convey what it does.
ora_connect_with_default_signals is long but descriptive.

Performance wise, some apps connect frequently so keeping the default
path lightweight seems worthwhile:

local @SIG{ @{ $attr->{ora_local_signals}||[] } }
 if $attr->{ora_local_signals};


Thy shall be done.

Re: $SIG{INT} tampering during DBI->connect on Oracle

2010-11-30 Thread John Scoles

 On 30/11/2010 9:28 AM, Brian Phillips wrote:

On Nov 15, 12:04 pm, (Brian Phillips) wrote:

See below for a patch that does not change the default behavior but
allows the user to specify a list of signals to be localized during
the connect phase.  This could easily be default to localize the "INT"
handler but since there's some concern over breaking existing
applications, I've left the default behavior alone.

So... can I expect this patch to be pulled in at some point?

Just wanting to make sure this doesn't get lost in the shuffle...

Depends is it a specific OS patch for DBD::Oracle or a general one DBI?

I am keeping an eye on it.


Re: $SIG{INT} tampering during DBI->connect on Oracle

2010-11-15 Thread John Scoles

 On 15/11/2010 9:15 AM, Brian Phillips wrote:

On Nov 9, 9:43 am, (Brian Phillips) wrote:

In my opinion, adding an option to change the current behavior is low
risk and completely satisfactory for resolving my issue while leaving
current behavior unchanged.  If there are concerns that this may be
affecting others, perhaps it would make sense to change the default
behavior but this is not something I'm asking for.

So, can I expect anything from DBD::Oracle in this regard?  Can we
provide a DBI->connect attribute to enable the functionality I'm
requesting?  I will supply a patch if that would help.  My only other
options is to start lobbying for changes in higher-level modules like
DBIx::Class or to maintain a CPAN Distroprefs patch file for our
installation of DBD::Oracle here at $WORK, neither of which is as
clean of a solution as getting this added into DBD::Oracle.

I can add in an 'ora_' type attribute that could take care of it.  I 
have done it for other little things as well.

I do not think this will go against the spec in any way.

You can send me the patch and I will apply it.

It would be nice to have a generic solution to this problem but I do not 
see how this is possible as any solution would have to cover so many OS 
and client versions we would never get them all?

So I am in favour.

one thumbs up:)

I would appreciate a clear up/down vote from someone in authority so
that I know how to proceed.


ANNOUNCE DBD Oracle 1.27 Release Candidate 1

2010-11-04 Thread John Scoles

You can find Release Candidate 1 for DBD::Oracle 1.27 here

This release is limited to cleaning up Perl globals within the C and XS 

Short version

PERL_POLLUTE is being dropped from perl 5.13.3 so drivers that have been 
around for a while (like DBD::Oracle)  may break!!

Check out this thread

for the long version

I am announcing this on dbi-users as well to expand the group of people 
who may be using 5.13.3.

John Scoles

The best compliment you could give Pythian for our service is a referral.

Re: $SIG{INT} tampering during DBI->connect on Oracle

2010-11-03 Thread John Scoles

On 11/2/2010 2:49 PM, Brian Phillips wrote:

Hello - I recently discovered that when we do a DBI->connect to an Oracle
database, the process no longer responds to SIGINT signals.  I'm not sure if
it's something in DBD::Oracle (I can't find anything messing with $SIG{INT})
or something in the Oracle client itself but the fix is relatively simple
and I'm hoping it can be included in DBD::Oracle (unless there's a downside
I'm not seeing).

Here's some code that illustrates the problem:

Basically, the forked child process discards the SIGINT signal once it's
done a DBI->connect.

The workaround seems fairly simple (a single-line change from the above:

 local $SIG{INT}; # make sure $SIG{INT} returns to normal after we
leave this block
 $dbh = DBI->connect('dbi:Oracle:mydb', 'user', 'password');
 warn "connected in child ($$)\n";

Is this something that would be appropriate to go in the
sub? I have not checked any other signal handlers besides INT and TERM (TERM
seems to work fine) but perhaps it'd be better to localize the entire %SIG
local @SIG{ keys %SIG };


Sounds like a good Idea.  I could include it but is it 'safe'  We will 
have to here from types that know something more

about SIGINT signals than I do.

My one question is how OS transportable is this?

Just for example If I am working on windows does SIGINT have any effect?

Like to here what the other Maintainers say?



2010-10-31 Thread John Scoles
Got bored just looking for the vars that do not use PL_ so I wrote up 
this little script.

It takes all the PL_ vars I could find (minus the PL_ part) in Perl 5.13 
and the looks for them in .C .H .XS and .XSI files and reports back if 
it found any.

It does give a few false positives but it is much easier then trying to 
pick them all out yourself or by recompiling and fixing as you go.

John Scoles
Description: Perl program

Re: Perl 5.13.3+ MAY BREAK COMPILED DRIVERS - Please test DBI 1.613_71!

2010-10-25 Thread John Scoles

On 10/25/2010 1:52 PM, Martin J. Evans wrote:

On 25/10/2010 18:57, John Scoles wrote:

On 10/25/2010 1:42 PM, Martin J. Evans wrote:

On 25/10/2010 18:04, John Scoles wrote:

On 10/25/2010 10:33 AM, Tim Bunce wrote:

On Mon, Aug 30, 2010 at 07:28:31AM -0400, John Scoles wrote:

Tim Bunce wrote:

Looks like DBD::Oracle as PERL_POLLUTE as well.

Lucy!!! You have some renaming to do!!!

A project of 1.26 perhaps
As 5.13.x comes closer to being 5.14 this issue is becoming more 

John, I've asked to give commit access for the dbd-orcle
repro to Martin so he can work on this for you. I'd appreciate it 
if you

could work on a release as soon as he's done. Thanks!

Actully I have done all the work on it it is just testing I have to 
go at now.  Which should take place in a day or so

I created a new branch

for it. It would be best if he uses that branch to start with.

Looks like you have it under control so that is fine by me.

There are a few missed "na"s, "dowarn", "dirty" etc in that branch 
in dbdimp.c and oci8.c.

Perhaps others, I did not check that carefully.
Yep there might be I have yet go a chance to fully 'Test' is on perl 
5.13 on Lunix yet.  Just with windows and I an not 100% on it.

I you want to patch and check into that branch that is fine.  I want 
to keep 'trunk' as clean as possiable until I get at least 2 or three 
release candidates out there


I have no commit bit as yet so it will have to wait until then.

I have tried my changes on Perl 5.13.6 and they tested ok.

I just had to check there was no code which I would not compile (e.g., 
in Oracle 8 compiler directives).

You can just send me a diff and I can get them in today




I have have a new release ready within a few days

What is the drop dead date for this.

John Scoles
Michael, will you be able to make a fixed release of DBD::Sybase 

The work required is pretty trivial. It's mostly just adding a "PL_"
prefix to instances of the sv_undef, sv_yes, and sv_no variables.

For both of you I suggest testing with an actual recent build of 

(rather than fiddle around with the special 1.613_71 DBI build).



Short version:

Please download build test *and install* DBI 1.613_71, then 
download build
and test any compiled drivers you use to check they work with 
DBI 1.613_71.

Let us know about any failures *and* successes.

Also grep the source code of the driver to see if it defines
PERL_POLUTE. If it does, let us know.

Long version:

Perl 5.13.3+ removes support for PERL_POLUTE. PERL_POLUTE 
enables use of
old-style variables names, without the PL_ prefix (e.g. sv_undef 

of PL_sv_undef).

The DBI has, for many years, enabled PERL_POLUTE mode in 
DBIXS.h, so
it's likely that compiled drivers are use some old-style 
variables names.

These drivers won't work with Perl 5.13.3+.

To aid testing for this, the DBI 1.613_71 doesn't enabled 

So please test compiled drivers against DBI 1.613_71.



Re: Perl 5.13.3+ MAY BREAK COMPILED DRIVERS - Please test DBI 1.613_71!

2010-10-25 Thread John Scoles

On 10/25/2010 1:42 PM, Martin J. Evans wrote:

On 25/10/2010 18:04, John Scoles wrote:

On 10/25/2010 10:33 AM, Tim Bunce wrote:

On Mon, Aug 30, 2010 at 07:28:31AM -0400, John Scoles wrote:

Tim Bunce wrote:

Looks like DBD::Oracle as PERL_POLLUTE as well.

Lucy!!! You have some renaming to do!!!

A project of 1.26 perhaps
As 5.13.x comes closer to being 5.14 this issue is becoming more 

John, I've asked to give commit access for the dbd-orcle
repro to Martin so he can work on this for you. I'd appreciate it if 

could work on a release as soon as he's done. Thanks!

Actully I have done all the work on it it is just testing I have to 
go at now.  Which should take place in a day or so

I created a new branch

for it. It would be best if he uses that branch to start with.

Looks like you have it under control so that is fine by me.

There are a few missed "na"s, "dowarn", "dirty" etc in that branch in 
dbdimp.c and oci8.c.

Perhaps others, I did not check that carefully.
Yep there might be I have yet go a chance to fully 'Test' is on perl 
5.13 on Lunix yet.  Just with windows and I an not 100% on it.

I you want to patch and check into that branch that is fine.  I want to 
keep 'trunk' as clean as possiable until I get at least 2 or three 
release candidates out there



I have have a new release ready within a few days

What is the drop dead date for this.

John Scoles
Michael, will you be able to make a fixed release of DBD::Sybase 

The work required is pretty trivial. It's mostly just adding a "PL_"
prefix to instances of the sv_undef, sv_yes, and sv_no variables.

For both of you I suggest testing with an actual recent build of 5.13.x
(rather than fiddle around with the special 1.613_71 DBI build).



Short version:

Please download build test *and install* DBI 1.613_71, then 
download build
and test any compiled drivers you use to check they work with DBI 

Let us know about any failures *and* successes.

Also grep the source code of the driver to see if it defines
PERL_POLUTE. If it does, let us know.

Long version:

Perl 5.13.3+ removes support for PERL_POLUTE. PERL_POLUTE enables 
use of
old-style variables names, without the PL_ prefix (e.g. sv_undef 

of PL_sv_undef).

The DBI has, for many years, enabled PERL_POLUTE mode in DBIXS.h, so
it's likely that compiled drivers are use some old-style variables 

These drivers won't work with Perl 5.13.3+.

To aid testing for this, the DBI 1.613_71 doesn't enabled 

So please test compiled drivers against DBI 1.613_71.



Re: Perl 5.13.3+ MAY BREAK COMPILED DRIVERS - Please test DBI 1.613_71!

2010-10-25 Thread John Scoles

On 10/25/2010 10:33 AM, Tim Bunce wrote:

On Mon, Aug 30, 2010 at 07:28:31AM -0400, John Scoles wrote:

Tim Bunce wrote:

Looks like DBD::Oracle as PERL_POLLUTE as well.

Lucy!!! You have some renaming to do!!!

A project of 1.26 perhaps

As 5.13.x comes closer to being 5.14 this issue is becoming more urgent.

John, I've asked to give commit access for the dbd-orcle
repro to Martin so he can work on this for you. I'd appreciate it if you
could work on a release as soon as he's done. Thanks!

Actully I have done all the work on it it is just testing I have to go 
at now.  Which should take place in a day or so

I created a new branch

for it. It would be best if he uses that branch to start with.

I have have a new release ready within a few days

What is the drop dead date for this.

John Scoles

Michael, will you be able to make a fixed release of DBD::Sybase soonish?

The work required is pretty trivial. It's mostly just adding a "PL_"
prefix to instances of the sv_undef, sv_yes, and sv_no variables.

For both of you I suggest testing with an actual recent build of 5.13.x
(rather than fiddle around with the special 1.613_71 DBI build).



Short version:

Please download build test *and install* DBI 1.613_71, then download build
and test any compiled drivers you use to check they work with DBI 1.613_71.

Let us know about any failures *and* successes.

Also grep the source code of the driver to see if it defines
PERL_POLUTE. If it does, let us know.

Long version:

Perl 5.13.3+ removes support for PERL_POLUTE. PERL_POLUTE enables use of
old-style variables names, without the PL_ prefix (e.g. sv_undef instead
of PL_sv_undef).

The DBI has, for many years, enabled PERL_POLUTE mode in DBIXS.h, so
it's likely that compiled drivers are use some old-style variables names.
These drivers won't work with Perl 5.13.3+.

To aid testing for this, the DBI 1.613_71 doesn't enabled PERL_POLUTE mode.

So please test compiled drivers against DBI 1.613_71.



Re: ANNOUNCE: DBD::Oracle 1.25 Release Candidate 4

2010-09-15 Thread John Scoles
Not getting this on windows and 32 bit linux


 having a look at it at

in oci8.c on line 2046


dnum is set up as a double.

later on 2174 I where I return the value

(void) OCINumberToReal(fbh->imp_sth->errhp, (CONST OCINumber *) attr_value,
(uword) sizeof(dnum), (dvoid *) &dnum);

perhaps the (uword) is causing the problem??

can you give it few tests for me and see what you come up with??

On Wed, Sep 15, 2010 at 2:35 PM, H.Merijn Brand  wrote:

> On Wed, 15 Sep 2010 10:35:03 -0400, John Scoles 
> wrote:
> > Ok here I am again for the fourth time :(
> >
> > You can find it here
> >
> >
> Please use the correct extension: .tar.gz
> > This one has some more warning fixes and a little add to the Pod. Small
> > but annoying.
> >
> > I wonder if I will break a record this time??
> >
> > I think it was 5??
> Longdouble causes tests to fail?
> Using DBI 1.613 (for perl 5.012000 on i686-linux-64int-ld)
>  ^^^
> Configuring DBD::Oracle for perl 5.012000 on linux (i686-linux-64int-ld)
> Installing on a linux, Ver#2.6
> Using Oracle in /pro/oracle/v11.2
> Oracle version (11.2)
> System: perl5.012000 linux nb09 #1 smp 2010-03-16
> 21:25:39 +0100 i686 i686 i386 gnulinux
> Compiler:   cc -O2 -DDEBUGGING -fno-strict-aliasing -pipe -fstack-protector
> -I/pro/local/include -D_LARGEFILE_SOURCE -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64
> Linker: /usr/bin/ld
> Sysliblist:
> Oracle makefiles would have used these definitions but we override them:
>  CC:   /usr/bin/gcc
>  LDFLAGS:  -g $(MTYPE)
> sh: shell: command not found
>   [-g ]
> Linking with  -L../../ -locci -lclntsh -lpthread [from $(CCLIB)]
> /pro/bin/perl -p -e "s/~DRIVER~/Oracle/g"
> /pro/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.12.0/i686-linux-64int-ld/auto/DBI/Driver.xst >
> Oracle.xsi
> /pro/bin/perl /pro/lib/perl5/5.12.0/ExtUtils/xsubpp  -typemap
> /pro/lib/perl5/5.12.0/ExtUtils/typemap -typemap typemap  Oracle.xs >
> Oracle.xsc && mv Oracle.xsc Oracle.c
> cc -c  -I/usr/include/oracle/11.2/client
>  -I/pro/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.12.0/i686-linux-64int-ld/auto/DBI -DDEBUGGING
> -fno-strict-aliasing -pipe -fstack-protector -I/pro/local/include
> -DXS_VERSION=\"1.25\" -fPIC
> "-I/pro/lib/perl5/5.12.0/i686-linux-64int-ld/CORE"  -Wall -Wno-comment
> Oracle.c
> cc -c  -I/usr/include/oracle/11.2/client
>  -I/pro/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.12.0/i686-linux-64int-ld/auto/DBI -DDEBUGGING
> -fno-strict-aliasing -pipe -fstack-protector -I/pro/local/include
> -DXS_VERSION=\"1.25\" -fPIC
> "-I/pro/lib/perl5/5.12.0/i686-linux-64int-ld/CORE"  -Wall -Wno-comment
> dbdimp.c
> dbdimp.c: In function ‘dbd_rebind_ph_char’:
> dbdimp.c:2513:20: warning: cast from pointer to integer of different size
> dbdimp.c: In function ‘dbd_rebind_ph_xml’:
> dbdimp.c:2711:17: warning: cast to pointer from integer of different size
> dbdimp.c: In function ‘ora_bind_ph’:
> dbdimp.c:3004:6: warning: format ‘%ld’ expects type ‘long int’, but
> argument 2 has type ‘IV’
> dbdimp.c:3013:5: warning: format ‘%ld’ expects type ‘long int’, but
> argument 2 has type ‘IV’
> dbdimp.c:3047:4: warning: format ‘%ld’ expects type ‘long int’, but
> argument 3 has type ‘IV’
> cc -c  -I/usr/include/oracle/11.2/client
>  -I/pro/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.12.0/i686-linux-64int-ld/auto/DBI -DDEBUGGING
> -fno-strict-aliasing -pipe -fstack-protector -I/pro/local/include
> -DXS_VERSION=\"1.25\" -fPIC
> "-I/pro/lib/perl5/5.12.0/i686-linux-64int-ld/CORE"  -Wall -Wno-comment
> oci8.c
> oci8.c: In function ‘ora_blob_read_mb_piece’:
> oci8.c:1645:4: warning: format ‘%ld’ expects type ‘long int’, but argument
> 6 has type ‘UV’
> oci8.c: In function ‘ora_st_fetch’:
> oci8.c:3802:9: warning: format ‘%ld’ expects type ‘long int’, but argument
> 4 has type ‘IV’
> oci8.c:3810:9: warning: format ‘%ld’ expects type ‘long i

ANNOUNCE: DBD::Oracle 1.25 Release Candidate 4

2010-09-15 Thread John Scoles

Ok here I am again for the fourth time :(

You can find it here

This one has some more warning fixes and a little add to the Pod. Small 
but annoying.

I wonder if I will break a record this time??

I think it was 5??

Please Enjoy

John Scoles

ANNOUNCE: DBD::Oracle 1.25 Release Candidate 3

2010-09-09 Thread John Scoles
Well the third time is a charm!!  We hope for the 'two bit' version of 
DBD::Oracle 1.25

You can find release candidate 3 here

I got rid of the warning error in the .xs file for 
OCILobLocatorIsInit_log_stat seems it was a typo on my part. As well got 
rid of some harmless compiler warnings

John Scoles

The best compliment you could give Pythian for our service is a referral.

Re: Perl 5.13.3+ MAY BREAK COMPILED DRIVERS - Please test DBI 1.613_71!

2010-08-30 Thread John Scoles

Tim Bunce wrote:

Looks like DBD::Oracle as PERL_POLLUTE as well.

Lucy!!! You have some renaming to do!!!

A project of 1.26 perhaps


Short version:

Please download build test *and install* DBI 1.613_71, then download build
and test any compiled drivers you use to check they work with DBI 1.613_71.

Let us know about any failures *and* successes.

Also grep the source code of the driver to see if it defines
PERL_POLUTE. If it does, let us know.

Long version:

Perl 5.13.3+ removes support for PERL_POLUTE. PERL_POLUTE enables use of
old-style variables names, without the PL_ prefix (e.g. sv_undef instead
of PL_sv_undef).

The DBI has, for many years, enabled PERL_POLUTE mode in DBIXS.h, so
it's likely that compiled drivers are use some old-style variables names.
These drivers won't work with Perl 5.13.3+.

To aid testing for this, the DBI 1.613_71 doesn't enabled PERL_POLUTE mode.

So please test compiled drivers against DBI 1.613_71.



Re: ANNOUNCE: DBD::Oracle 1.25 Release Candidate

2010-08-27 Thread John Scoles

Martin J. Evans wrote:
Rather than blasting out a whole new RC for this can you make this quick 
fix to


#define OCILobLocatorIsInit_log_stat(envhp,errhp,loc,is_initp,stat)\
--stat =OCILobLocatorIsInit (envhp,errhp,loc,is_init );\
++stat =OCILobLocatorIsInit (envhp,errhp,loc,is_initp );\

Hopefully that will get it

John Scoles

John Scoles wrote:

Well story two of the  'two bit' version of DBD::Oracle 1.25

You can find release candidate 2 here

This one has some minor changes from Martin Evans, though I could not
find any issues with the Makfile.PL myself.
and hopefully I got rid of the warning error in the .xs file for

And of course the usual bunch of POD changes.

John Scoles

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Sorry for taking so long to try this RC.

The gzipped tar file you reference appears to be doubly gzipped BTW.

OCILobLocatorIsInit problem still seems to exist for me:

cc -c  -I/home/oracle/instantclient_11_1//sdk/include
-I/usr/local/lib/perl/5.10.0/auto/DBI -D_REENTRANT -D_GNU_SOURCE
-DDEBIAN -fno-strict-aliasing -pipe -I/usr/local/include
-DXS_VERSION=\"1.25\" -fPIC "-I/usr/lib/perl/5.10/CORE"  -Wall
Oracle.xs: In function ‘XS_DBD__Oracle__db_ora_lob_is_init’:
Oracle.xs:486: warning: passing argument 4 of ‘OCILobLocatorIsInit’
makes pointer from integer without a cast
/home/oracle/instantclient_11_1//sdk/include/ociap.h:7297: note:
expected ‘boolean *’ but argument is of type ‘boolean’

Other than the usual 26exe_array test this seems to work ok here.

Hope you enjoyed YAPC::EU 2010.


Re: Please Test: AutoInactiveDestroy

2010-07-27 Thread John Scoles

David E. Wheeler wrote:

Ah what do you want that for It will just mess up your email ;)

t/zvp_16destroy.t .. 1/20 -> DBI->install_driver(Test) for 
MSWin32 perl=5.0100

01 pid=2200 ruid=0 euid=0
  install_driver: DBD::Test version undef loaded from dummy
   New DBI::dr (for DBD::Test::dr, parent=, id=77)
 _setup_handle(DBI::dr=HASH(0x18df61c) DBD::Test::dr  77)
   <- install_driver= DBI::dr=HASH(0x18df61c)
   > connect in DBD::Test::dr ('DBI::dr=HASH(0x1a459b4)') []
   New DBI::db (for DBD::Test::db, parent=DBI::dr=HASH(0x1a459b4), id=)
 _setup_handle(DBI::db=HASH(0x19428b4) DBD::Test::db 
DBI::dr=HASH(0x1a459b4) )

   > STORE in DBD::Test::db ('DBI::db=HASH(0x1938f7c)' 'Active' 1) []
   < STORE= 1 at ./t/16destroy.t line 44
   > STORE in DBD::Test::db ('DBI::db=HASH(0x1938f7c)' 'AutoCommit' 1) []
   < STORE= 1 at ./t/16destroy.t line 45
   < connect= 'DBI::db=HASH(0x19428b4)' at ./t/16destroy.t line 93
   > FETCH in DBD::Test::db ('DBI::db=HASH(0x1938f7c)' 'Active') []
   < FETCH= 1 at C:/Perl/lib/Test/ line 292
   > DESTROY in DBD::Test::db ('DBI::db=HASH(0x1938f7c)') []
   > FETCH in DBD::Test::db ('DBI::db=HASH(0x1938f7c)' 'Active') []
   < FETCH= 1 at ./t/16destroy.t line 82
   < DESTROY= 1 at ./t/16destroy.t line 95
   > connect in DBD::Test::dr ('DBI::dr=HASH(0x1a459b4)' 
'dbi:ExampleP:dummy' '' '' 'HASH

(0x19428b4)') []
   New DBI::db (for DBD::Test::db, parent=DBI::dr=HASH(0x1a459b4), id=)
 _setup_handle(DBI::db=HASH(0x1fbaab4) DBD::Test::db 
DBI::dr=HASH(0x1a459b4) )

   > STORE in DBD::Test::db ('DBI::db=HASH(0x1b009a4)' 'Active' 1) []
   < STORE= 1 at ./t/16destroy.t line 44
   > STORE in DBD::Test::db ('DBI::db=HASH(0x1b009a4)' 'AutoCommit' 1) []
   < STORE= 1 at ./t/16destroy.t line 45
   > STORE in DBD::Test::db ('DBI::db=HASH(0x1b009a4)' 
'InactiveDestroy' 1) []

   < STORE= 1 at ./t/16destroy.t line 46
   < connect= 'DBI::db=HASH(0x1fbaab4)' at ./t/16destroy.t line 102
   > FETCH in DBD::Test::db ('DBI::db=HASH(0x1b009a4)' 
'InactiveDestroy') []

   < FETCH= 1 at C:/Perl/lib/Test/ line 292
   > FETCH in DBD::Test::db ('DBI::db=HASH(0x1b009a4)' 'Active') []
   < FETCH= 1 at C:/Perl/lib/Test/ line 292
   > DESTROY in DBD::Test::db ('DBI::db=HASH(0x1b009a4)') []
   > FETCH in DBD::Test::db ('DBI::db=HASH(0x1b009a4)' 'Active') []
   < FETCH= 0 at ./t/16destroy.t line 82
   < DESTROY= 1 at ./t/16destroy.t line 102
   > connect in DBD::Test::dr ('DBI::dr=HASH(0x1a459b4)' 
'dbi:ExampleP:dummy' '' '' 'HASH

(0x1fbaab4)') []
   New DBI::db (for DBD::Test::db, parent=DBI::dr=HASH(0x1a459b4), id=)
 _setup_handle(DBI::db=HASH(0x1fe004c) DBD::Test::db 
DBI::dr=HASH(0x1a459b4) )

   > STORE in DBD::Test::db ('DBI::db=HASH(0x1fbaaf4)' 'Active' 1) []
   < STORE= 1 at ./t/16destroy.t line 44
   > STORE in DBD::Test::db ('DBI::db=HASH(0x1fbaaf4)' 'AutoCommit' 1) []
   < STORE= 1 at ./t/16destroy.t line 45
   > STORE in DBD::Test::db ('DBI::db=HASH(0x1fbaaf4)' 
'AutoInactiveDestroy' 1) []

   < STORE= 1 at ./t/16destroy.t line 46
   < connect= 'DBI::db=HASH(0x1fe004c)' at ./t/16destroy.t line 111
   > FETCH in DBD::Test::db ('DBI::db=HASH(0x1fbaaf4)' 
'AutoInactiveDestroy') []

   < FETCH= 1 at C:/Perl/lib/Test/ line 292
   > FETCH in DBD::Test::db ('DBI::db=HASH(0x1fbaaf4)' 'Active') []
   < FETCH= 1 at C:/Perl/lib/Test/ line 292
   > DESTROY in DBD::Test::db ('DBI::db=HASH(0x1fbaaf4)') []
   > FETCH in DBD::Test::db ('DBI::db=HASH(0x1fbaaf4)' 'Active') []
   < FETCH= 1 at ./t/16destroy.t line 82
   < DESTROY= 1 at ./t/16destroy.t line 111
   > connect in DBD::Test::dr ('DBI::dr=HASH(0x1a459b4)' 
'dbi:ExampleP:dummy' '' '' 'HASH

(0x1fe004c)') []
   New DBI::db (for DBD::Test::db, parent=DBI::dr=HASH(0x1a459b4), id=)
 _setup_handle(DBI::db=HASH(0x1a45934) DBD::Test::db 
DBI::dr=HASH(0x1a459b4) )

   > STORE in DBD::Test::db ('DBI::db=HASH(0x1fe033c)' 'Active' 1) []
   < STORE= 1 at ./t/16destroy.t line 44
   > STORE in DBD::Test::db ('DBI::db=HASH(0x1fe033c)' 'AutoCommit' 1) []
   < STORE= 1 at ./t/16destroy.t line 45
   > STORE in DBD::Test::db ('DBI::db=HASH(0x1fe033c)' 
'AutoInactiveDestroy' 1) []

   < STORE= 1 at ./t/16destroy.t line 46
   < connect= 'DBI::db=HASH(0x

Re: Please Test: AutoInactiveDestroy

2010-07-27 Thread John Scoles

David E. Wheeler wrote:

now we are getting

t/zvp_16destroy.t(Wstat: 0 Tests: 18 Failed: 0)
 Parse errors: Bad plan.  You planned 20 tests but ran 18.
t/zvxgp_16destroy.t  (Wstat: 0 Tests: 18 Failed: 0)
 Parse errors: Bad plan.  You planned 20 tests but ran 18.
Files=171, Tests=6280, 223 wallclock secs ( 3.73 usr +  0.70 sys =  4.44 

Result: FAIL
Failed 2/171 test programs. 0/6280 subtests failed.
NMAKE :  U1077:

On Jul 27, 2010, at 9:42 AM, Martin J. Evans wrote:


Test has no driver CLONE() function so is unsafe threaded
FAILED tests 19-20
   Failed 2/20 tests, 90.00% okay
Failed Test   Stat Wstat Total Fail  List of Failed
t\zvp_16destroy.t   202  19-20
Failed 1/1 test scripts. 2/20 subtests failed.
Files=1, Tests=20,  1 wallclock secs ( 0.00 cusr +  0.00 csys =  0.00 CPU)
Failed 1/1 test programs. 2/20 subtests failed.


As a wild guess, I've just added a CLONE() function in r14289. Would you mind 
trying again?


I'm around on #dbi (as mje) tomorrow if that helps. Might be around this
evening also but I'm not I've got a Windows machine available tonight.

As am I. I'm "theory".



Re: Please Test: AutoInactiveDestroy

2010-07-27 Thread John Scoles
nactiveDestroy' 1) []

   < STORE= 1 at ./t/16destroy.t line 44
   < connect= 'DBI::db=HASH(0x1a457c4)' at ./t/16destroy.t line 118
   > FETCH in DBD::Test::db ('DBI::db=HASH(0x1fe0234)' 
'AutoInactiveDestroy') []

   < FETCH= 1 at C:/Perl/lib/Test/ line 292
   > FETCH in DBD::Test::db ('DBI::db=HASH(0x1fe0234)' 'Active') []
   < FETCH= 1 at C:/Perl/lib/Test/ line 292
CLONE DBI for new thread
Test has no driver CLONE() function so is unsafe threaded
   > DESTROY in DBD::Test::db ('DBI::db=HASH(0x202027c)') []
   > FETCH in DBD::Test::db ('DBI::db=HASH(0x202027c)' 'Active') []
   < FETCH= 0 at ./t/16destroy.t line 77
   -- DBI::END ($@: , $!: )
   > DESTROY in DBD::Test::db ('DBI::db=HASH(0x202027c)') []
   > FETCH in DBD::Test::db ('DBI::db=HASH(0x202027c)' 'Active') []
   < FETCH= 0 at ./t/16destroy.t line 77
t/zvp_16destroy.t .. Failed 2/20 subtests

On Jul 27, 2010, at 5:01 AM, John Scoles wrote:


Which test is it exactly??



Ok here you go

Windblows XP home SP3

Visual C++ 2003

here is the output from the nmake test



t/01basics.t ... ok
t/02dbidrv.t ... ok
t/03handle.t ... ok
t/04mods.t . ok
t/05concathash.t ... ok
t/06attrs.t  ok
t/07kids.t . ok
t/08keeperr.t .. ok
t/09trace.t  ok
t/10examp.t  ok
t/11fetch.t  ok
t/12quote.t  ok
t/13taint.t  ok
t/14utf8.t . ok
t/15array.t  ok
t/16destroy.t .. 1/20 Test has no driver CLONE() function so is 
unsafe threade

Tim, is that something we should add to that test driver?


t/zvp_16destroy.t .. 1/20 Test has no driver CLONE() function so is 
unsafe threaded
t/zvp_16destroy.t .. Failed 2/20 subtests

Hrm, can you run that one verbose, please?




Re: Please Test: AutoInactiveDestroy

2010-07-27 Thread John Scoles

David E. Wheeler wrote:

Fellow DBIers,

With a bit of help from me, Tim added a new feature to the DBI yesterday: 
AutoInactiveDestroy. I wrote the test for it. The test, however, forks. We need 
to make sure that it doesn't die an ugly death on systems without fork (and on 
Win32, where it's emulated). If you have such a system, would you minding 
checking out the repository and building and testing DBI?


Which test is it exactly??

  svn co




Ok here you go

Windblows XP home SP3

Visual C++ 2003

here is the output from the nmake test

t/01basics.t ... ok
t/02dbidrv.t ... ok
t/03handle.t ... ok
t/04mods.t . ok
t/05concathash.t ... ok
t/06attrs.t  ok
t/07kids.t . ok
t/08keeperr.t .. ok
t/09trace.t  ok
t/10examp.t  ok
t/11fetch.t  ok
t/12quote.t  ok
t/13taint.t  ok
t/14utf8.t . ok
t/15array.t  ok
t/16destroy.t .. 1/20 Test has no driver CLONE() function so 
is unsafe threade

t/16destroy.t .. ok
t/19fhtrace.t .. ok
t/20meta.t . ok
t/30subclass.t . ok
t/35thrclone.t . ok
t/40profile.t .. ok
t/41prof_dump.t  ok
t/42prof_data.t  ok
t/43prof_env.t . ok
t/49dbd_file.t . ok
t/50dbm_simple.t ... ok
t/51dbm_file.t . ok
t/52dbm_complex.t .. skipped: Not running with SQL::Statement
t/60preparse.t . ok
t/65transact.t . ok
t/70callbacks.t  ok
t/72childhandles.t . ok
t/80proxy.t  skipped: modules required for proxy are 
probably not installe

d (e.g., RPC/
t/85gofer.t  ok
t/86gofer_fail.t ... ok
t/87gofer_cache.t .. ok
t/90sql_type_cast.t  ok
t/pod-cm.t . skipped: Pod::Spell::CommonMistakes 
required for testing POD

t/pod-coverage.t ... skipped: Currently FAILS FOR MANY MODULES!
t/pod.t  ok
t/zvg_01basics.t ... ok
t/zvg_02dbidrv.t ... ok
t/zvg_03handle.t ... ok
t/zvg_04mods.t . ok
t/zvg_05concathash.t ... ok
t/zvg_06attrs.t  ok
t/zvg_07kids.t . ok
t/zvg_08keeperr.t .. ok
t/zvg_09trace.t  ok
t/zvg_10examp.t  ok
t/zvg_11fetch.t  ok
t/zvg_12quote.t  ok
t/zvg_13taint.t  skipped: Taint attribute tests not 
functional with DBI_AUTOPR

t/zvg_14utf8.t . ok
t/zvg_15array.t  ok
t/zvg_16destroy.t .. 1/20 Test has no driver CLONE() function so 
is unsafe threaded

t/zvg_16destroy.t .. ok
t/zvg_19fhtrace.t .. ok
t/zvg_20meta.t . ok
t/zvg_30subclass.t . ok
t/zvg_35thrclone.t . ok
t/zvg_40profile.t .. ok
t/zvg_41prof_dump.t  ok
t/zvg_42prof_data.t  ok
t/zvg_43prof_env.t . ok
t/zvg_49dbd_file.t . ok
t/zvg_50dbm_simple.t ... ok
t/zvg_51dbm_file.t . ok
t/zvg_52dbm_complex.t .. skipped: Not running with SQL::Statement
t/zvg_60preparse.t . ok
t/zvg_65transact.t . skipped: Transactions not supported by 

t/zvg_70callbacks.t  ok
t/zvg_72childhandles.t . ok
t/zvg_80proxy.t  skipped: modules required for proxy are 
probably not installe

d (e.g., RPC/
t/zvg_85gofer.t  ok
t/zvg_86gofer_fail.t ... skipped: Gofer DBI_AUTOPROXY
t/zvg_87gofer_cache.t .. skipped: Gofer DBI_AUTOPROXY
t/zvg_90sql_type_cast.t  ok
t/zvn_49dbd_file.t . ok
t/zvn_50dbm_simple.t ... ok
t/zvn_51dbm_file.t . ok
t/zvn_52dbm_complex.t .. skipped: Not running with SQL::Statement
t/zvn_85gofer.t  ok
t/zvp_01basics.t ... ok
t/zvp_02dbidrv.t ... ok
t/zvp_03handle.t ... ok
t/zvp_04mods.t . ok
t/zvp_05concathash.t ... ok
t/zvp_06attrs.t  ok
t/zvp_07kids.t . skipped: $h->{Kids} attribute not supported 
for DBI::PurePerl

t/zvp_08keeperr.t .. ok
t/zvp_09trace.t  ok
t/zvp_10examp.t  ok
t/zvp_11fetch.t  ok
t/zvp_12quote.t  ok
t/zvp_13taint.t  skipped: Taint attributes not supported 
with DBI::PurePerl

t/zvp_14utf8.t . ok
t/zvp_15array.t  ok
t/zvp_16destroy.t .. 1/20 Test has no driver CLONE() function so 
is unsafe threaded

t/zvp_16destroy.t .. Failed 2/20 subtests
t/zvp_19fhtrace.t .. ok
t/zvp_20meta.t . ok
t/zvp_30subclass.t . ok
t/zvp_35thrclone.t . ok
t/zvp_40profile.t .. skipped: profiling not supported for 
t/zvp_41prof_dump.t  skipped: profiling not supported 

Re: ANNOUNCE: DBD::Oracle 1.25 Release Candidate

2010-07-23 Thread John Scoles
Make sure you double check the MANIFEST if that is important for you 
system. I have yet to make sure it is 100% complete yet.

Jens Rehsack wrote:

2010/7/23 John Scoles :

Well story two of the  'two bit' version of DBD::Oracle 1.25

You can find release candidate 2 here

Great, it hasn't the issue from 1.24a (double packaged) and I can use it
to update the pkgsrc package when uploaded to CPAN.


This one has some minor changes from Martin Evans, though I could not find
any issues with the Makfile.PL myself.
and hopefully I got rid of the warning error in the .xs file for

And of course the usual bunch of POD changes.

John Scoles

Best regards and nice weekend,

ANNOUNCE: DBD::Oracle 1.25 Release Candidate

2010-07-23 Thread John Scoles

Well story two of the  'two bit' version of DBD::Oracle 1.25

You can find release candidate 2 here

This one has some minor changes from Martin Evans, though I could not 
find any issues with the Makfile.PL myself.
and hopefully I got rid of the warning error in the .xs file for 

And of course the usual bunch of POD changes.

John Scoles

New! Learn why & how to love your data with Pythian's new webinar  series.
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Re: ANNOUNCE: DBD::Oracle 1.25 Release Candidate 1

2010-07-17 Thread John Scoles
have him read this

takes about 5 mins to set up with I think only 2 psql command and an equal
number to shut down

cheers :)

On Fri, Jul 16, 2010 at 4:33 PM, Scott T. Hildreth <> wrote:

> On Fri, 2010-07-16 at 13:04 -0400, John Scoles wrote:
> > John Scoles wrote:
> >
> > Nobody wants to play with my new toy?
> >
> I will, waiting for our dba to setup the DRCP for me.
> > :(
> >
> > > Well it is finally here the 'two bit' version of DBD::Oracle 1.25
> > >
> > > You can find the release candidate here
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > Any and all testing will be most welcome!
> > >
> > > The big add in this time is support for DRCP (Database Resident
> Connection
> > > Pool) if you happen to be using 11g or later
> > >
> > > As well 'get_info' has been greatly expanded
> > >
> > > Plus the the usual hodgepodge of bug fixes detailed below
> > >
> > >   Added support for the OCIPing by John Scoles
> > >   Spell checked the pod (the first time in a while me thinks) updated
> the
> > > todo By John Scoles
> > >   Added support for DCRP (Database Resident Connection Pooling) by John
> > > Scoles with Luben Karavelov
> > >   Fix for odd error with Ping from Tom Payerle
> > >   Removed the NEW_OCI_INIT compile directive and the deprecated
> > > OCIInitialize calls
> > >   Fix for Ticket #=57256 :  Double free problem in
> dbdimp.c by
> > > John Scoles
> > >   Fix for invalid format in trace of OCILobLocatorIsInit_log_stat
> reported
> > > by Martin Evans Fixed by John Scoles
> > >   Fix for very odd UNKNOWN OCI STATUS 1041 (OCILobFreeTemporary) on
> > > disconnect reported by John Parker and Bob Mcgowan fixed by John Scoles
> > >   Fix for Ticket #=55445: get_info(28) SQL_IDENTIFIER_CASE
> seems
> > > to return the wrong value from Martin J Evans and a bunch of re jigging
> from
> > > John Scoles
> > >   Patch for PL/SQL: numeric or value error: character string buffer too
> > > small from Scott T. Hildreth
> > >   Fix for Ticket #=51594 type_info and type_info_all miss
> vital
> > > information from John Scoles
> > >   Added ora_lob_is_init function by John Scoles
> > >   Fix for Ticket #=55031 Ubuntu Server  Building with
> Oracle XE
> > > under 32-bit from Brian Candler
> > >   Fix for Ticket #=56810 bug with multiple nested cursor
> from
> > > John Scoles
> > >   Fix for bug found only on Big-Endian hardware reported by Timothy
> Everett
> > > and others from Charles Jardine
> > >   Fix for memory leak when using prepared_cached and lobs reported by
> Mark
> > > Bobak and Martin Evans found and fixed by John Scoles and a test from
> Martin
> > > Evans
> > >   Added more entries to the Readmes from John Scoles
> > >
> > >
> > > Cheers
> > > John Scoles
> > >
> > > --
> > > New! Learn why & how to love your data with Pythian's new webinar
>  series.
> > > Topics, details & register:
> > >
> > >

New! Learn why & how to love your data with Pythian's new webinar  series.
Topics, details & register:

Re: ANNOUNCE: DBD::Oracle 1.25 Release Candidate 1

2010-07-16 Thread John Scoles

John Scoles wrote:

Nobody wants to play with my new toy?


Well it is finally here the 'two bit' version of DBD::Oracle 1.25

You can find the release candidate here

Any and all testing will be most welcome!

The big add in this time is support for DRCP (Database Resident Connection
Pool) if you happen to be using 11g or later

As well 'get_info' has been greatly expanded

Plus the the usual hodgepodge of bug fixes detailed below

  Added support for the OCIPing by John Scoles
  Spell checked the pod (the first time in a while me thinks) updated the
todo By John Scoles
  Added support for DCRP (Database Resident Connection Pooling) by John
Scoles with Luben Karavelov
  Fix for odd error with Ping from Tom Payerle
  Removed the NEW_OCI_INIT compile directive and the deprecated
OCIInitialize calls
  Fix for Ticket #=57256 :  Double free problem in dbdimp.c by
John Scoles
  Fix for invalid format in trace of OCILobLocatorIsInit_log_stat reported
by Martin Evans Fixed by John Scoles
  Fix for very odd UNKNOWN OCI STATUS 1041 (OCILobFreeTemporary) on
disconnect reported by John Parker and Bob Mcgowan fixed by John Scoles
  Fix for Ticket #=55445: get_info(28) SQL_IDENTIFIER_CASE seems
to return the wrong value from Martin J Evans and a bunch of re jigging from
John Scoles
  Patch for PL/SQL: numeric or value error: character string buffer too
small from Scott T. Hildreth
  Fix for Ticket #=51594 type_info and type_info_all miss vital
information from John Scoles
  Added ora_lob_is_init function by John Scoles
  Fix for Ticket #=55031 Ubuntu Server  Building with Oracle XE
under 32-bit from Brian Candler
  Fix for Ticket #=56810 bug with multiple nested cursor from
John Scoles
  Fix for bug found only on Big-Endian hardware reported by Timothy Everett
and others from Charles Jardine
  Fix for memory leak when using prepared_cached and lobs reported by Mark
Bobak and Martin Evans found and fixed by John Scoles and a test from Martin
  Added more entries to the Readmes from John Scoles

John Scoles

New! Learn why & how to love your data with Pythian's new webinar  series.
Topics, details & register:

ANNOUNCE: DBD::Oracle 1.25 Release Candidate 1

2010-07-14 Thread John Scoles
Well it is finally here the 'two bit' version of DBD::Oracle 1.25

You can find the release candidate here

Any and all testing will be most welcome!

The big add in this time is support for DRCP (Database Resident Connection
Pool) if you happen to be using 11g or later

As well 'get_info' has been greatly expanded

Plus the the usual hodgepodge of bug fixes detailed below

  Added support for the OCIPing by John Scoles
  Spell checked the pod (the first time in a while me thinks) updated the
todo By John Scoles
  Added support for DCRP (Database Resident Connection Pooling) by John
Scoles with Luben Karavelov
  Fix for odd error with Ping from Tom Payerle
  Removed the NEW_OCI_INIT compile directive and the deprecated
OCIInitialize calls
  Fix for Ticket #=57256 :  Double free problem in dbdimp.c by
John Scoles
  Fix for invalid format in trace of OCILobLocatorIsInit_log_stat reported
by Martin Evans Fixed by John Scoles
  Fix for very odd UNKNOWN OCI STATUS 1041 (OCILobFreeTemporary) on
disconnect reported by John Parker and Bob Mcgowan fixed by John Scoles
  Fix for Ticket #=55445: get_info(28) SQL_IDENTIFIER_CASE seems
to return the wrong value from Martin J Evans and a bunch of re jigging from
John Scoles
  Patch for PL/SQL: numeric or value error: character string buffer too
small from Scott T. Hildreth
  Fix for Ticket #=51594 type_info and type_info_all miss vital
information from John Scoles
  Added ora_lob_is_init function by John Scoles
  Fix for Ticket #=55031 Ubuntu Server  Building with Oracle XE
under 32-bit from Brian Candler
  Fix for Ticket #=56810 bug with multiple nested cursor from
John Scoles
  Fix for bug found only on Big-Endian hardware reported by Timothy Everett
and others from Charles Jardine
  Fix for memory leak when using prepared_cached and lobs reported by Mark
Bobak and Martin Evans found and fixed by John Scoles and a test from Martin
  Added more entries to the Readmes from John Scoles

John Scoles

New! Learn why & how to love your data with Pythian's new webinar  series.
Topics, details & register:

Re: DBD::Oracle DRCP_1.25

2010-07-08 Thread John Scoles
Hi Luben

I have incorporated your patch into the DRCP branch and I have also merged
that branch back into trunk for any testing that you will be doing I would
try it with the Trunk which you can find here

I went with the ORA_DRCP_* for the attribute names rather than POOL.

as well I made ORA_DRCP_CLASS an optional value.  Some users my not want to
use it.

Thanks again

John Scoles

On Wed, Jul 7, 2010 at 4:34 PM, luben karavelov  wrote:

> As I have promissed, here comes the documentation patch. I am not native
> speeker, so may be it will need an edit.
> Also, I have added processing of environment valiables ORA_POOL_CLASS,
> Best regards
> luben

New! Learn why & how to love your data with Pythian's new webinar  series.
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Re: DBD::Oracle DRCP_1.25

2010-07-06 Thread John Scoles

luben wrote:

Gee didn't know anyone else was even interested in DRCP.  good to see 
there is some interest

Just to let you know that branch is in the very Beta stages so expect a 
few things to be missing


I have noticed and installed DRCP_1.25 branch from DBD::Oracle 
repository. It seems to work fine but it's missing some essential 
functionality in order to make it usefull. So I have made local 
modifications (some of them are not essential) and all seems to work 
fine here.

What I have done:
1. essential
- added ora_pool_class connection attribute that sets 
OCI_ATTR_CONNECTION_CLASS on the obtained connection. It is essential 
because without setting this attribute the pooled sessions are not 
shared between processes. From oracle documentation:

> If no connection class is specified, the OCISessionPool’s name is 
implicitly used
> as the connection class by all the requests using that 
OCISessionPool, resulting in
> sharing only within a session pool, becoming equivalent to a plain 

> session pooling application.

Ok would like to see the code for that/

- Added ora_pool_min, ora_pool_max, ora_pool_incr connections 
attributes that are used to set corresponding values for 
- Set default values for the above parameters to follow default values 
of DBMS_CONNECTION_POOL package (principle of least surprise)

I have those stubbed in for now as I was deliberately using small min 
and max for testing and will check them in soon I most likely.  Part of 
the plan was to use the default values.

I have some questions:
1. Do you have suggestions for different names of attributes? I was 
considering ora_drcp_class etc. but I am not sure what will be the best.
ora_drcp_conn_class would be better so as not to get it confused with 
any other thing that might be a 'class' of some sort
2. If my work is interesting for the further development of 
DBD::Oracle, whom I should send a patch?

Just post it here on this thread or on DBI-users just make sure it is 
patched from the DRCP branch.
Finally, if this work is accepted I will add proper documentation for 
the new attributes.

That would save me some trouble.

Now I have a little favour to ask of you.  Seems I am getting a problem 
with 31lob.t  test 8 the sql  "BEGIN ? := DBMS_LOB.GETLENGTH( ? ); 
END;";   does not return the correct length when used with DRCP

If you have half a moment and can take a look at that one that would be 

John Scoles

Best regards
luben karavelov

Re: Minor issue with ping

2010-06-18 Thread John Scoles
opps didn't see the patch it was hidden until I looked for it
(stupid google mail)

That should work as it is only on the perl side.

Thanks Martin

On Fri, Jun 18, 2010 at 8:53 AM, Martin Evans wrote:

> John Scoles wrote:
> > The way Ping works is different is depending on the version of
> DBD::Oracle
> > you are using.  Which version of DBD::Oracle are you using??
> >
> > cheers
> > John Scoles
> The patch looked to be against the subversion trunk John.
> Martin
> > On Thu, Jun 17, 2010 at 2:34 PM, Thomas M. Payerle 
> wrote:
> >
> >> Hi,
> >>
> >> My colleagues and I encountered a problem in some code which seems
> >> to be due to some impolite behavior on the part of the ping routine
> >> in DBD::Oracle.
> >>
> >> Basically, we had an eval block with a locally declared (my)
> CGI::Session
> >> object using Oracle DB for storing session info.  When we raise an
> >> exception,
> >> the CGI::Session is destroyed, which somewhere results in DBD::Oracle
> ping
> >> being called.  ping() does not localize $@ for its eval block, thereby
> >> clobbering the exception text in $...@.
> >>
> >> I believe adding a "local $@" in the ping routine resolves this issue
> >> without any ill effect on the routine, as shown in attached patch.
> >> Not really a bug, but I believe this is better behavior.
> >>
> >> Tom Payerle
> >> University of Maryland  (301) 405-6135
> >> College Park, MD 20742-4111
> >>
> >> PS: I just wanted to offer my gratitude to the DBD::Oracle developers
> for
> >> their fine work on this module.
> >
> > --
> > Catch Alex & Sheeri at ODTUG/Kaleidoscope - June 27 - July 1.
> > Hear Sheeri speak or email to meet with Pythian.
> >

Catch Alex & Sheeri at ODTUG/Kaleidoscope - June 27 - July 1. 
Hear Sheeri speak or email to meet with Pythian.

Re: Minor issue with ping

2010-06-18 Thread John Scoles
The way Ping works is different is depending on the version of DBD::Oracle
you are using.  Which version of DBD::Oracle are you using??

John Scoles

On Thu, Jun 17, 2010 at 2:34 PM, Thomas M. Payerle  wrote:

> Hi,
> My colleagues and I encountered a problem in some code which seems
> to be due to some impolite behavior on the part of the ping routine
> in DBD::Oracle.
> Basically, we had an eval block with a locally declared (my) CGI::Session
> object using Oracle DB for storing session info.  When we raise an
> exception,
> the CGI::Session is destroyed, which somewhere results in DBD::Oracle ping
> being called.  ping() does not localize $@ for its eval block, thereby
> clobbering the exception text in $...@.
> I believe adding a "local $@" in the ping routine resolves this issue
> without any ill effect on the routine, as shown in attached patch.
> Not really a bug, but I believe this is better behavior.
> Tom Payerle
> University of Maryland  (301) 405-6135
> College Park, MD 20742-4111
> PS: I just wanted to offer my gratitude to the DBD::Oracle developers for
> their fine work on this module.

Catch Alex & Sheeri at ODTUG/Kaleidoscope - June 27 - July 1. 
Hear Sheeri speak or email to meet with Pythian.

Re: Spelling

2010-06-08 Thread John Scoles
On Tue, Jun 8, 2010 at 7:31 AM, Tim Bunce  wrote:

> On Mon, Jun 07, 2010 at 09:52:52PM +0200, H.Merijn Brand wrote:
> > On Mon, 07 Jun 2010 13:51:26 -0400, John Scoles 
> > wrote:
> >
> > Summary:
> >
> >  ☑  unicode => Unicode
> >  ☐  DBDs<= DBD's
> >  ☐  DSNs<= DSN's
> >  ☑  unlikey => unlikely
> >  ☑  abreviated  => abbreviated
> >  ☐  NULLs   <= NULL's
> Yes to all (assuming the arrow direction indicates the intended change).
> Thanks!
> > Things I also noted:
> >
> > # 'thru' => (Thur thrum Thu thou)
> >  isn't it "through" in English?
> My Mac OS X dictionary says:
>preposition, adverb, & adjective
>informal spelling of through
> I like it.
Cogreve, Boucicault Shaw, Wilde, Becket, Freil, Behan, Swift, Sterne,
Stoker, Moore, Joyce and O'Faolain are all rolling over in their graves
after hearing that Tim. Shame!!
 [In case anyone's using OS X and doesn't know about this: try tapping

the d key while holding down the control and command keys.
> Keep the control and command keys help down afterwards.
> Then, as you move the cursor about you'll see a little dictionary window
> appear over any words you hover over. Very handy. Works in almost all OS
> X applications including Terminal and Safari.]
> > # 'piggback' => (piggyback piggybacks piggyback's piggybacked)
> >  piggyback?
> piggyback.
> > # 'scaleable' => (scale able scale-able scalable saleable salable
> callable)
> I prefer scaleable over scalable, but not by much.
> > I fixed "a subtile difference" to "a subtle difference". Unless sub-tile
> > has some weird meaning, that looked s weird.
> subtle is right.
> > I have no idea how to change "ommiting" in:
> >   'You can put every SQL-statement you like in simply ommiting
> >"sql => ...", but the more important thing is to restrict the
> >connection so that only allowed queries are possible.'
> I don't know what that's saying either.
> > WTF does 'Pern' mean in:
> >
> >   But you'll note that there is only one call to
> >   DBD::_::db::selectrow_arrayref but another 99 to
> >   DBD::mysql::db::selectrow_arrayref. Currently the first
> >   call Pern't record the true location. That may change.
> s/Pern't/doesn't/ - I think.
> > lib/DBD/Multiplex has different/wrong line endings :(
> Currently DBD::Multiplex isn't part of the distribution.
> Feel free to hack.
> > I have committed fixes to all the obvious errors.
> Thanks!
> Tim.
> p.s. Parts of the DBI docs that are unchanged since version 1.14 were
> copy-edited by O'Reilly for the DBI book.

Catch Alex & Sheeri at ODTUG/Kaleidoscope - June 27 - July 1. 
Hear Sheeri speak or email to meet with Pythian.

Re: Spelling

2010-06-08 Thread John Scoles

H.Merijn Brand wrote:

On Mon, 07 Jun 2010 13:51:26 -0400, John Scoles 


H.Merijn Brand wrote:

For my own projects (which includes two DBD's), I have been working on
spell-check issues. I'm not born in an English-speaking country, nor
was I raised in one, so I make errors. Probably quite a few.

spell-checkers help a lot, but most work on en_US, not en_EN, and I try
to at least be consistent inside a project.

When I was done with my own projects, I threw my newly built utility at
the perl source tree itself, and found a few mistakes as well. Then I
implemented Text::Aspell into it and fixed all that it found that was
obviously wrong. It supports reading local aspell lists of words that
are considered to be correct for the given project.

DBI documentation is written in en_EN instead of en_US, so the
spell-checker will see "behaviour" as wrong and suggests "behavior".

So it spells it correctly good thing.


No keep the correct Canadian spelling :) 'iour'

Huh? "it"? So you want to move everything to en_US?
I'm really trying to be serious here (and learn).
Consistency is VERY high in my goals, so IMHO we
should stick to en_EN for DBI.


That was my trigger to implement project specific language support.

Before I try to get deeper into DBI docs and its spelling, would it be
considered good-work?

As an example to start (this part DOES contain real errors, like
abreviate (one b) and unlikey (instead of unlikely)):


 ☑  unicode => Unicode
 ☐  DBDs<= DBD's


 ☐  DSNs<= DSN's


 ☑  unlikey => unlikely
 ☑  abreviated  => abbreviated
 ☐  NULLs   <= NULL's


are the correct ones.  the 's are for possessive nouns such as 

" Merijn's bicycle has a flat tire" 


@@ -2303,7 +2303,7 @@ use by the DBI. Extensions and related modules use the 
 namespace (see L<>).
 Package names beginning with C are reserved for use
 by DBI database drivers.  All environment variables used by the DBI
-or by individual DBDs begin with "C" or "C".
+or by individual DBD's begin with "C" or "C".
the first one is correct. As you are referring to many DBDs not  
something that belongs to a DBD

Seems like your spell checker cannot tell or (does not know) the correct 
use of "s" in its plural, possessive, and plural possessive.

My spell checker is a perl script using Text::Aspell and doesn't know
any context at all.

Most likely just taking a guess based on wheather of not the first 
letter is capitalized. 

Welcome to the wonderful world of English.

have a go at this

We could play this game for a long time as we here in Canada have some 
of our own funny ways to spell things??

Thanks for the insightful remarks.

Things I also noted:

# 'deferrability' => (desirability durability divisibility)

The correct spelling is

DEFERRABILITY though strictly speaking it is not an English word that should be used in a sentence. 
It is one of those messy ones where you have taken a verb 'defer' added 'able' to it (doubled the 'r' to keep the 'e' short) to get

deferrable and then added 'ity' to turn it into an adjective.

 I'm blank on this: one or two 'r's?
 My "Collins Cobuild" English Language Dictionary doesn't know the word,
 but spells alle deferr... with two 'r's

# 'implementors' => (implementers implements implementer's implement's 
impalement's implementer)

# 'thru' => (Thur thrum Thu thou)
 isn't it "through" in English?

yes it is even in US English  it is through

# 'piggback' => (piggyback piggybacks piggyback's piggybacked)



is slang and is correct with piggyback

# 'scaleable' => (scale able scale-able scalable saleable salable callable)

again scale is a noun so it cannot have 'able' on the end (as that 
should only be user on a verb) to try and turn it into a verb. One 
should say 'scales'  or 'scale' as in

does the web service scale
it scales correctly
is the web service able to scale up

I fixed "a subtile difference" to "a subtle difference". Unless sub-tile
has some weird meaning, that looked s weird.


subtile is a word but it means a 'tile' under s

Re: Spelling

2010-06-07 Thread John Scoles

H.Merijn Brand wrote:

For my own projects (which includes two DBD's), I have been working on
spell-check issues. I'm not born in an English-speaking country, nor
was I raised in one, so I make errors. Probably quite a few.

spell-checkers help a lot, but most work on en_US, not en_EN, and I try
to at least be consistent inside a project.

When I was done with my own projects, I threw my newly built utility at
the perl source tree itself, and found a few mistakes as well. Then I
implemented Text::Aspell into it and fixed all that it found that was
obviously wrong. It supports reading local aspell lists of words that
are considered to be correct for the given project.

DBI documentation is written in en_EN instead of en_US, so the
spell-checker will see "behaviour" as wrong and suggests "behavior".


So it spells it correctly good thing.

That was my trigger to implement project specific language support.

Before I try to get deeper into DBI docs and its spelling, would it be
considered good-work?

As an example to start (this part DOES contain real errors, like
abreviate (one b) and unlikey (instead of unlikely)):
diff --git a/ b/
index ad14fed..0cf59e9 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -1101,7 +1101,7 @@ sub data_diff {

 sub data_string_diff {
 # Compares 'logical' characters, not bytes, so a latin1 string and an
-# an equivalent unicode string will compare as equal even though their
+# an equivalent Unicode string will compare as equal even though their
 # byte encodings are different.
 my ($a, $b) = @_;
 unless (defined $a and defined $b) { # one undef
@@ -2267,7 +2267,7 @@ Perl supports binary data in Perl strings, and the DBI 
will pass binary
 data to and from the driver without change. It is up to the driver
 implementors to decide how they wish to handle such binary data.

-Perl supports two kinds of strings: unicode (utf8 internally) and non-unicode
+Perl supports two kinds of strings: Unicode (utf8 internally) and non-Unicode
 (defaults to iso-8859-1 if forced to assume an encoding).  Drivers should
 accept both kinds of strings and, if required, convert them to the character
 set of the database being used. Similarly, when fetching from the database
@@ -2303,7 +2303,7 @@ use by the DBI. Extensions and related modules use the 
 namespace (see L).
 Package names beginning with C are reserved for use
 by DBI database drivers.  All environment variables used by the DBI
-or by individual DBDs begin with "C" or "C".
+or by individual DBD's begin with "C" or "C".

the first one is correct. As you are referring to many DBDs not  
something that belongs to a DBD

Seems like your spell checker cannot tell or (does not know) the correct 
use of "s" in its plural, possessive, and plural possessive.

Most likely just taking a guess based on wheather of not the first 
letter is capitalized. 

Welcome to the wonderful world of English.

have a go at this

I guess if you really want to use the possessive you could try

All environment variables used by the DBI begin with 
"C" while the DBDs' environment variables begin with "C".

but that would be twisting it a bit.

 The letter case used for attribute names is significant and plays an
 important part in the portability of DBI scripts.  The case of the
@@ -2416,7 +2416,7 @@ Binding an C (NULL) to the placeholder will I 
select rows
 which have a NULL C!  At least for database engines that
 conform to the SQL standard.  Refer to the SQL manual for your database
 engine or any SQL book for the reasons for this.  To explicitly select
-NULLs you have to say "C".
+NULL's you have to say "C".

again "NULL's" is incorrect as were are using NULL in its plural form, 
and not in the singular possessive.

 A common issue is to have a code fragment handle a value that could be
 either C or C (non-NULL or NULL) at runtime.
@@ -2651,7 +2651,7 @@ It is recommended that drivers support the ODBC style, 
shown in the
 last example above. It is also recommended that that they support the
 three common names 'C', 'C', and 'C' (plus 'C'
 as an alias for C). This simplifies automatic construction
-of basic DSNs: C<"dbi:$driver:database=$db;host=$host;port=$port">.
+of basic DSN's: C<"dbi:$driver:database=$db;host=$host;port=$port">.

again DSN is used in the plural not the possessive

 Drivers should aim to 'do something reasonable' when given a DSN
 in this form, but if any part is meaningless for that driver (such
 as 'port' for Informix) it should generate an error if that part
@@ -4933,7 +4933,7 @@ B: The radix for numeric precision.
 The value is 10 or 2 for numeric data types and NULL (C) if not

-B: Indicates if a column can accept NULLs.
+B: Indicates if a column can accept NULL's.
 The following values are defined:


Re: DBD::Oracle 11gr2 & ORA-38909

2010-06-04 Thread John Scoles
Had a quick look at it today give it a try agian but this time make sure you
have autocommit off


on the connection method


On Fri, May 21, 2010 at 11:20 AM, John Scoles  wrote:

> Ok I guess it is back to square 1 on this.
> Unfortunetly no time to look at it today
> Will write up a small test script and see if my patch actually does
> anything
> You may hear from me in a few days
> Cheers
> John
> Scott T. Hildreth wrote:
>> On Fri, 2010-05-21 at 09:23 +0100, Martin Evans wrote:
>>> John Scoles wrote:
>>>> Ok I have patched up a solution I think will work across the board and
>>>> you
>>>> can find it here
>>>> here are the details
>>>> ora_oci_batch
>>>> For 11g users you may encounter an error while using the execute_array
>>>> in
>>>> that it does not
>>>> return a full list of tuples.  This seems to be a result in that a
>>>> statement
>>>> can only
>>>> have 'LOG ERRORS' or 'SAVE EXCEPTIONS'set, By setting this flag to a
>>>> value
>>>> should stop this
>>>> problem error.
>>>> For convenience I have added support for a 'ORA_DBD_OCI_BATCH'
>>>> environment variable that you can use at the OS level to set this
>>>> value. It can also be set as an attribute on both the Connect and
>>>> Prepare.
>>>> Unfortunately I can't test it (do not have an 11g box yet)  so It will
>>>> stay
>>>> in the above branch until it is tested hopefully by you Scott
>>>> Cheers
>>>> John Scoles
>>>> --
>>>> See Pythian's Alex Gorbachev, co-author of "Expert Oracle Practices" at
>>>> NoCOUG Spring Conference May 20th.
>>>> Details, interview & book chapter in the May NoCOUG Journal:
>>> I'm not sure why I seem to have ignored your mail but I just noticed it
>>> again - sorry for the delay.
>>> I checked out the branch you mentioned and
>>> export ORA_DBD_OCI_BATCH=1
>>> but 26exe_array still seems to fail for me:
>> Sorry John, I meant to test earlier but its been a busy week.
>> Fails for me as well.
>>  DB<7> x  $dbh->{'ora_oci_batch'}
>> 0  1
>>  DB<8> n
>> main::(../  my $sth = $dbh->prepare("Insert into
>> TestArray Values(?, ?, ?) LOG ERRORS INTO ERR_TESTARRAY");
>>  DB<8> n
>> main::(../  $sth->bind_param_array(1, [ qw(One Uno Il
>> oNe) ]);
>>  DB<8> n
>> main::(../  $sth->bind_param_array(2, [ 2, 22, 0, 222
>> ]);
>>  DB<8> n
>> main::(../  $sth->bind_param_array(3, [ qw(20070101
>> 20080101 20090101 20060101) ]);
>>  DB<8> n
>> main::(../  $sth->execute_array({});
>>  DB<8> n
>> DBD::Oracle::st execute_array failed: ORA-38909: DML Error logging is not
>> supported with BATCH ERROR mode (DBD ERROR: OCIStmtExecute) [for Statement
>> "Insert into TestArray Values(?, ?, ?) LOG ERRORS INTO ERR_TESTARRAY"] at
>> ../ line 21.
>>  at ../ line 21
>>> mar...@bragi:~/svn/dbd-oracle/branches/oci_batch$ prove -vb
>>> t/26exe_array.t
>>> t/26exe_array.t ..
>>> 1..17
>>> ok 1 - use DBI;
>>> ok 2 - The object isa DBI::db
>>> ok 3 - ... execute_array should return true
>>> ok 4 - ... we should have 10 tuple_status
>>> ok 5 - ... execute_array should return false
>>> ok 6 - ... we should have 10 tuple_status
>>> ok 7 - ... we should get text
>>> ok 8 - ... we should get -1
>>> ok 9 - ... we should get a warning
>>> ok 10 - ... execute_for_fetch should return true
>>> not ok 11 - ... we should have 19 tuple_status
>>> #   Failed test '... we should have 19 tuple_status'
>>> #   at t/26exe_array.t line 128.
>>> #  got: 10
>>> # expected: 19
>>> ok 12 - ... execute_array should return flase
>>> ok 13 - ... we should have 10 tuple_status
>>> not ok 14 - ... we should have 48 rows
>>> #   Failed test '... we should have 48 rows'
>>> #   at t/26exe_array.t line 154.
>>> #  got: 30
>>> # expected: 48
>>> ok 15 - ... execute_array should return true
>>> ok 16 - ... \#5 should be a warning
>>> ok 17 - ... we should have 10 tuple_status
>>> # Looks like you failed 2 tests of 17.
>>> Dubious, test returned 2 (wstat 512, 0x200)
>>> Failed 2/17 subtests
>>> Test Summary Report
>>> ---
>>> t/26exe_array.t (Wstat: 512 Tests: 17 Failed: 2)
>>>  Failed tests:  11, 14
>>>  Non-zero exit status: 2
>>> Files=1, Tests=17,  0 wallclock secs ( 0.02 usr  0.01 sys +  0.05 cusr
>>> 0.01 csys =  0.09 CPU)
>>> Result: FAIL
>>> This was using oracle 11.1 server and 11.1 instant client.
>>> If I've not set the right thing let me know.
>>> Martin

Catch Alex & Sheeri at ODTUG/Kaleidoscope - June 27 - July 1. 
Hear Sheeri speak or email to meet with Pythian.

Re: DBD::Oracle 11gr2 & ORA-38909

2010-05-21 Thread John Scoles

Ok I guess it is back to square 1 on this.

Unfortunetly no time to look at it today

Will write up a small test script and see if my patch actually does anything

You may hear from me in a few days


Scott T. Hildreth wrote:

On Fri, 2010-05-21 at 09:23 +0100, Martin Evans wrote:

John Scoles wrote:

Ok I have patched up a solution I think will work across the board and you
can find it here

here are the details


For 11g users you may encounter an error while using the execute_array in
that it does not
return a full list of tuples.  This seems to be a result in that a statement
can only
have 'LOG ERRORS' or 'SAVE EXCEPTIONS'set, By setting this flag to a value
should stop this
problem error.

For convenience I have added support for a 'ORA_DBD_OCI_BATCH'
environment variable that you can use at the OS level to set this
value. It can also be set as an attribute on both the Connect and Prepare.

Unfortunately I can't test it (do not have an 11g box yet)  so It will stay
in the above branch until it is tested hopefully by you Scott

John Scoles

See Pythian's Alex Gorbachev, co-author of "Expert Oracle Practices" at NoCOUG 
Spring Conference May 20th.
Details, interview & book chapter in the May NoCOUG Journal:


I'm not sure why I seem to have ignored your mail but I just noticed it
again - sorry for the delay.

I checked out the branch you mentioned and


but 26exe_array still seems to fail for me:

Sorry John, I meant to test earlier but its been a busy week.

Fails for me as well.

  DB<7> x  $dbh->{'ora_oci_batch'}
0  1
  DB<8> n
main::(../  my $sth = $dbh->prepare("Insert into TestArray 
  DB<8> n
main::(../  $sth->bind_param_array(1, [ qw(One Uno Il oNe) 
  DB<8> n
main::(../  $sth->bind_param_array(2, [ 2, 22, 0, 222 ]);
  DB<8> n
main::(../  $sth->bind_param_array(3, [ qw(20070101 
20080101 20090101 20060101) ]);
  DB<8> n
main::(../  $sth->execute_array({});
  DB<8> n
DBD::Oracle::st execute_array failed: ORA-38909: DML Error logging is not supported with 
BATCH ERROR mode (DBD ERROR: OCIStmtExecute) [for Statement "Insert into TestArray 
Values(?, ?, ?) LOG ERRORS INTO ERR_TESTARRAY"] at ../ line 21.
 at ../ line 21


mar...@bragi:~/svn/dbd-oracle/branches/oci_batch$ prove -vb t/26exe_array.t
t/26exe_array.t ..
ok 1 - use DBI;
ok 2 - The object isa DBI::db
ok 3 - ... execute_array should return true
ok 4 - ... we should have 10 tuple_status
ok 5 - ... execute_array should return false
ok 6 - ... we should have 10 tuple_status
ok 7 - ... we should get text
ok 8 - ... we should get -1
ok 9 - ... we should get a warning
ok 10 - ... execute_for_fetch should return true
not ok 11 - ... we should have 19 tuple_status

#   Failed test '... we should have 19 tuple_status'
#   at t/26exe_array.t line 128.
#  got: 10
# expected: 19
ok 12 - ... execute_array should return flase
ok 13 - ... we should have 10 tuple_status
not ok 14 - ... we should have 48 rows

#   Failed test '... we should have 48 rows'
#   at t/26exe_array.t line 154.
#  got: 30
# expected: 48
ok 15 - ... execute_array should return true
ok 16 - ... \#5 should be a warning
ok 17 - ... we should have 10 tuple_status
# Looks like you failed 2 tests of 17.
Dubious, test returned 2 (wstat 512, 0x200)
Failed 2/17 subtests

Test Summary Report
t/26exe_array.t (Wstat: 512 Tests: 17 Failed: 2)
  Failed tests:  11, 14
  Non-zero exit status: 2
Files=1, Tests=17,  0 wallclock secs ( 0.02 usr  0.01 sys +  0.05 cusr
0.01 csys =  0.09 CPU)
Result: FAIL

This was using oracle 11.1 server and 11.1 instant client.

If I've not set the right thing let me know.



Re: DBD::Oracle 11gr2 & ORA-38909

2010-05-07 Thread John Scoles
Ok I have patched up a solution I think will work across the board and you
can find it here

here are the details


For 11g users you may encounter an error while using the execute_array in
that it does not
return a full list of tuples.  This seems to be a result in that a statement
can only
have 'LOG ERRORS' or 'SAVE EXCEPTIONS'set, By setting this flag to a value
should stop this
problem error.

For convenience I have added support for a 'ORA_DBD_OCI_BATCH'
environment variable that you can use at the OS level to set this
value. It can also be set as an attribute on both the Connect and Prepare.

Unfortunately I can't test it (do not have an 11g box yet)  so It will stay
in the above branch until it is tested hopefully by you Scott

John Scoles

See Pythian's Alex Gorbachev, co-author of "Expert Oracle Practices" at NoCOUG 
Spring Conference May 20th.
Details, interview & book chapter in the May NoCOUG Journal:

Re: DBD::Oracle 11gr2 & ORA-38909

2010-05-07 Thread John Scoles
On Tue, Apr 6, 2010 at 4:51 AM, Martin Evans wrote:

> I haven't seen a reply to this yet but I've been on holiday so might
> have missed it:
> Scott T. Hildreth wrote:
> > On Wed, 2010-03-31 at 12:20 -0500, Scott T. Hildreth wrote:
> >> We have run into an issue with array processing in 11g.  The developer
> >> was using execute_array and his sql statement had 'LOG ERRORS' in it.
> >> This did not error out until we switched to 11g.  The issue is that only
> >> one is allowed, either 'LOG ERRORS' or 'SAVE EXCEPTIONS'.  Our DBA
> >> logged and error report with Oracle and after several posts back and
> >> forth this is what they concluded,
> >>
> >> ==
> >> After investigation and discussion, development has closed the bug as
> >> 'Not a Bug' with the following reason:
> >>
> >> "this is an expected behavior in 11g and the user needs to specify
> >> either of 'SAVE EXCEPTIONS' clause or the 'DML error logging', but NOT
> >> both together.
> >> The batch error mode, in the context of this bug, is basically referring
> >> to the SAVE EXCEPTIONS clause.
> >> It seems the code is trying to use both dml error logging and batch
> >> error handling for the same insert. In that case, this is not a bug.
> >>
> >> For INSERT, the data errors are logged in an error logging table (when
> >> the dml error logging feature is used) or returned in batch error
> >> handles (when using batch mode).
> >> Since the error messages are available to the user in either case, there
> >> is no need to both log the error in the error logging table and return
> >> the errors in batch error handles,
> >> and we require the user to specify one option or the other but not both
> >> in 11G.
> >>
> >> Both features exist in 10.x. For 11.x, users should change their
> >> application to avoid the error.
> >> ==
> >>
> >> So basically we need a way to turn off the 'SAVE EXCEPTIONS' for the
> >> batch mode.  I found in dbdimp.c that the oci_mode is being set to
> >> OCI_BATCH_ERRORS in the ora_st_execute_array function.  I was planning
> >> on setting it to OCI_BATCH_MODE and running a test to see if this will
> >> not error out.  I report back when I have run the test, but I was
> >> wondering what would be the best way to give the user the ability to
> >> override the oci_mode.
> >
> > Setting oci_mode to OCI_BATCH_MODE works.  So I want to add a prepare
> > attribute that will turn off the SAVE EXCEPTIONS.  I'm looking for some
> > direction on how to add it to dbdimp.c. I haven't thought of a name yet,
> > but something like
> >
> > my $sth = $dbh->prepare($SQL,{ora_oci_err_mode => 0});
> >
> > I assume I would have to add it to dbd_db_FETCH_attrib() and would I do
> > something like this in ora_st_execute_array(),
> Don't you mean dbd_st_FETCH_attrib as it is a statement level attribute
> not a connection one? Anyway, I don't think it is required unless you
> really want to get it back out in a Perl script.
> I don't even think you need to add it to a statements
> private_attribute_info but then when I checked it appears a
> load of prepare flags have been added. I might be wrong here but since
> there is no way to get ora_parse_lang etc (prepare attributes) I don't
> think they should be in private_attribute_info.
> Well it should be in there along with the other ones I forgot to add;)

if one looks at  the dbi spec

private_attribute_info <#___top>

Returns a reference to a hash whose keys are the names of driver-private
attributes available for the kind of handle (driver, database, statement)
that the method was called on.

The values should be undef. Meanings may be assigned to particular values in

> perl -e 'use DBI;$h =
> DBI->connect("dbi:Oracle:host=xxx;sid=yyy","xxx","yyy"); $s =
> $h->prepare("select 1 from dual", {ora_parse_lang => 2}); print
> $s->{ora_parse_lang};'
> prints nothing as you'd expect as there is no way to get ora_parse_lang.
as it should be  since you are setting these why would you want to get their

> > if (DBD_ATTRIB_TRUE(attr,"ora_oci_err_mode",16,svp))
> > DBD_ATTRIB_GET_IV(  attr, "ora_oci_err_m

Re: DBI and do

2010-04-15 Thread John Scoles

Knoerl, Thomas wrote:

Hello folks,

Is there are reason why the 'select(all|col)_*' methods support the handover of 
statement handles, but 'do' doesn't?

$dbh->do()  is what I would call a 'short hand'  or 'short cut'  method. 

It was included for the CUD (Creation Update Delete) operations of SQL 
as any of these operations do not involve the return of a 'Result Set'. 

All it is doing is wrapping the  the 'prepare' and 'execute' into the 
'do' and it does not bother to return a 'Statement' handle.  It is not a 
'Magic' function the eliminates a step or two.

In fact there is a big performance hit when using 'do' repeatedly, say 
in the insertion of may row into a db, You would be doing a prepare many 
hundreds of times over when you could just

do it once and just change the params ie

Very slow

foreach my $i (1...100){

   $dbh->do("insert into bla (id) values ($i)");


much faster

my $sth =$dbh->prepare("insert into bla (id) values (?)");

foreach my $i (1...100){



Even faster the execute_array

my @in_values=(1...1000)
my @status;
my $sth = $dbh->prepare(qq{ INSERT INTO foo (id, bar) VALUES ( ?) });
$sth->execute_array({ArrayTupleStatus=>\...@status}) or die "error inserting";

Is it possible to change the statement assignment?

my $sth = $dbh->prepare($statement, $attr) or return undef;

my $sth = (ref $stmt) ? $stmt : $dbh->prepare($stmt, $attr) or return;

The suggested solution makes it possible to work with cached statements and 
would therefore, in my opinion, improve performance.

You will have to ask Tim Bunce or maybe Alligator Descartes for that 
change but I do not see any use in having it.

A statement handle without 'SQL' ( a statement) would be meaningless, 
something like a sentence with only punctuation.

John Scoles

With best regards,
Thomas Knoerl

Siemens AG
Siemens IT Solutions and Services
Wuerzburger Str. 121
90766 Fuerth, Germany
Tel.: +49 (911) 978-3034
Fax: +49 (911) 978-2037
Mobile: +49 (1522) 2795353

Siemens Aktiengesellschaft: Chairman of the Supervisory Board: Gerhard Cromme; 
Managing Board: Peter Loescher, Chairman, President and Chief Executive 
Officer; Wolfgang Dehen, Heinrich Hiesinger, Joe Kaeser, Barbara Kux, Hermann 
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Munich, HRB 6684; WEEE-Reg.-No. DE 23691322


Re: Comments on this patch for dbms_output_get() ?

2010-04-01 Thread John Scoles

simple enough I will put it in the 1.25 release
I created this patch because of this issue (which we have run into), 

Parameter   Description
line	Returns a single line of buffered information, 
excluding a final newline character. You should 
declare the actual for this parameter as VARCHAR2 (32767) 
to avoid the risk of "ORA-06502: PL/SQL: numeric or value error:  
character string buffer too small".

status	If the call completes successfully, then the status returns as 0. 
If there are no more lines in the buffer, then the status is 1.


---  2010-03-31 15:27:16.0 -0500
+++   2010-03-31 16:09:37.0 -0500
@@ -766,8 +766,11 @@
my $sth = $dbh->prepare_cached("begin
dbms_output.get_line(:l, :s); end;")
or return;
my ($line, $status, @lines);
+   my $version = join ".", @{ ora_server_version($dbh) }[0..1];
+   my $len = $version >= 10.2 ? 32767 : 400; 

# line can be greater that 255 (e.g. 7 byte date is expanded on
-   $sth->bind_param_inout(':l', \$line,  400, { ora_type => 1 });
+   $sth->bind_param_inout(':l', \$line,  $len, { ora_type => 1 });
$sth->bind_param_inout(':s', \$status, 20, { ora_type => 1 });
if (!wantarray) {
$sth->execute or return undef;


Re: ANNOUNCE: DBD::Oracle 1.24 Release Candidate 5

2010-01-29 Thread John Scoles

Great looks like a release on Monday

John Scoles



Just one more thing has come up in like the last 15min

can you redo your the make test with the  following file

It is a trivial change but just want to make sure it does not break

It still compiles without warnings and passes all its tests.

if is a change to precision for OCIDateTimeToText to 6 instead of 0 for
varrays of timestamps

needed to conduct a large scale experiment of some sort

John Scoles

Charles Jardine wrote:

On 28/01/10 15:59, John Scoles wrote:

Well here comes the big #5

It can be found at the usual place

My environment is Linux x86-64, Perl 5.10.1 (64 bit), DBI 1.609,
Oracle (64 bit). Database charset UTF8, national
charset AL16UTF16.

RC5 compiles without warnings and passes all its tests, including
the regression tests for my object patches. I have run some sample
work at trace level 15 - there are no segfaults.

In short, I can't find anything wrong with it.



Re: ANNOUNCE: DBD::Oracle 1.24 Release Candidate 5

2010-01-29 Thread John Scoles


Just one more thing has come up in like the last 15min

can you redo your the make test with the  following file

It is a trivial change but just want to make sure it does not break anything

if is a change to precision for OCIDateTimeToText to 6 instead of 0 for 
varrays of timestamps

needed to conduct a large scale experiment of some sort

John Scoles

Charles Jardine wrote:

On 28/01/10 15:59, John Scoles wrote:

Well here comes the big #5

It can be found at the usual place

My environment is Linux x86-64, Perl 5.10.1 (64 bit), DBI 1.609,
Oracle (64 bit). Database charset UTF8, national
charset AL16UTF16.

RC5 compiles without warnings and passes all its tests, including
the regression tests for my object patches. I have run some sample
work at trace level 15 - there are no segfaults.

In short, I can't find anything wrong with it.


ANNOUNCE: DBD::Oracle 1.24 Release Candidate 5

2010-01-28 Thread John Scoles

Well here comes the big #5

It can be found at the usual place

This time round was a patch to fix a patch for some warnings that was 
causing a seg-fault on some 32 bit boxes


and thanks for all the testing

John Scoles

ANNOUNCE: DBD::Oracle 1.24 Release Candidate 4

2010-01-18 Thread John Scoles

Well here comes #4

It can be found at the usual place

This time round I added a little patch from Charles Jardine fro objects 
and some fixes for warnings

I have changed the ora_ncs_buff_mtpl default value back to 4 so it 
doesn't muck anyone up and have made it so it reports better and have 
updated the Pod to reflect this

Hopefully this will get most of them this time round


and thanks for all the testing

John S

Re: ANNOUNCE: DBD::Oracle 1.24 Release Candidate 3

2010-01-14 Thread John Scoles

At a first look it most likely is my new

ora_ncs_buff_mtpl /ORA_DBD_NCS_BUFFER  might be the source of the problem

byt default it is 1 which may be too small.

Can you set the ORA_DBD_NCS_BUFFER to 2 then 3 and  4  to see if it 
cleans up the problem

My guess is that 1 is too small and I might have to make it 2 to cover 
more bases.


John Scoles

Martin Evans wrote:

John Scoles wrote:

Thank Charles that is really good stuff

I have not investigated the

NLS_LANG=.WE8ISO8859P1, but the tests 30long.t and 31lob_extended.t
 still fail badly if NLS_LANG=.AL32UTF8.

bug yet as my local test box is just US7ASCII.

BTW can you tell me what the '



setting of your  Oralcle DB you are testing on

I will have to do that later today or tonight as I have to install a
different version or Oracle to get that to fail (I hope)

If you can set $dbh->{dbd_verbose}=15 just before the test start to fail in

30long.t and 31lob_extended.t

and send me the results I will have something more to go on.

Look for another  RC in the next day or two.


Jardine wrote:

On 14/01/10 12:19, Charles Jardine wrote:

On 12/01/10 12:07, John Scoles wrote:

Ok third time is a Charm

The Third RC of the beer edition of DBD::Oracle 1.24 can be found at

This round has a few little patches from Martin Evans on it.

Please test and enjoy

My environment is Linux x86-64, Perl 5.10.1 (64 bit), DBI 1.609,
Oracle (64 bit). Database charset UTF8, national
charset AL16UTF16

Three things:



3. Here is a patch which removes the remaining warnings detected by
  gcc in 64-bit mode.


I realise that something has wrapped the very long lines in the patch,
so I am trying again, sending the patch as an attachment.


For me tests 40long.t and 30lob_extended.t also fail when $NLS_LANG is
NLS_NCHAR_CHARACTERSET in my database are:

AL32UTF8 and

as the test output below shows.

The errors I get are:

prove -vb t/30long.t
t/30long.t ..
# ora_server_version: 11 1 0 6 0
# Database CHAR set is AL32UTF8 (Unicode), NCHAR set is UTF8
# Running long test for LONG (0) use_utf8_data=0
# create table dbd_ora__drop_me ( idx integer, lng LONG,  dt date )
# long_data[0] length 10240
# long_data[1] length 81920
# long_data[2] length 71680
#  --- insert some LONG data (ora_type 0)
ok 1 - prepare: insert into dbd_ora__drop_me values (?, ?, SYSDATE)
ok 2 - insert long data 40
ok 3 - insert long data 41
ok 4 - insert long data 42
ok 5 - insert long data undef 43
#  --- fetch LONG data back again -- truncated - LongTruncOk == 1
# LongReadLen 20, LongTruncOk 1
ok 6 - prepare: select * from dbd_ora__drop_me order by idx
ok 7 - execute: select * from dbd_ora__drop_me order by idx
ok 8 - fetch_arrayref for select * from dbd_ora__drop_me order by idx
ok 9 - four rows
ok 10 - byte_string test of truncated to LongReadLen 20
ok 11 - nice_string test of truncated to LongReadLen 20
ok 12 - LONG UTF8 setting
ok 13 - byte_string test of truncated to LongReadLen 20
ok 14 - nice_string test of truncated to LongReadLen 20
ok 15 - LONG UTF8 setting
ok 16 - byte_string test of truncated to LongReadLen 20
ok 17 - nice_string test of truncated to LongReadLen 20
ok 18 - LONG UTF8 setting
ok 19 - last row undefined
ok 20 - prepare select * from dbd_ora__drop_me order by idx
#  --- fetch LONG data back again -- truncated - LongTruncOk == 0
# LongReadLen 81910, LongTruncOk
ok 21 - execute select * from dbd_ora__drop_me order by idx
ok 22 - fetchrow_arrayref select * from dbd_ora__drop_me order by idx
ok 23 - length tmp->[1] 10240
ok 24 - truncation error not triggered (LongReadLen 81910, data 10240)
ok 25 - tmp==1406 || tmp==24345 tmp actually=24345
#  --- fetch LONG data back again -- complete - LongTruncOk == 0
# LongReadLen 82920, LongTruncOk
ok 26 - prepare: select * from dbd_ora__drop_me order by idx
ok 27 - execute select * from dbd_ora__drop_me order by idx
ok 28 - fetchrow_arrayref select * from dbd_ora__drop_me order by idx
ok 29 - Strings are identical, Len 10240
ok 30 - fetchrow_arrayref select * from dbd_ora__drop_me order by idx
ok 31 - Strings are identical, Len 10240
ok 32 - fetchrow_arrayref select * from dbd_ora__drop_me order by idx
ok 33 - Strings are identical, Len 10240
ok 34 # skip blob_read tests for LONGs - not currently supported

ok 94 # skip ora_auto_lob tests for LONGs - not supported
# Running long test for LONG RAW (24) use_utf8_data=0
ok 95 - prepare: insert into dbd_ora

Re: ANNOUNCE: DBD::Oracle 1.24 Release Candidate 3

2010-01-14 Thread John Scoles

Thank Charles that is really good stuff

I have not investigated the

NLS_LANG=.WE8ISO8859P1, but the tests 30long.t and 31lob_extended.t
 still fail badly if NLS_LANG=.AL32UTF8.

bug yet as my local test box is just US7ASCII.

BTW can you tell me what the '



setting of your  Oralcle DB you are testing on

I will have to do that later today or tonight as I have to install a 
different version or Oracle to get that to fail (I hope)

If you can set $dbh->{dbd_verbose}=15 just before the test start to fail in

30long.t and 31lob_extended.t

and send me the results I will have something more to go on.

Look for another  RC in the next day or two.


Jardine wrote:

On 14/01/10 12:19, Charles Jardine wrote:

On 12/01/10 12:07, John Scoles wrote:

Ok third time is a Charm

The Third RC of the beer edition of DBD::Oracle 1.24 can be found at

This round has a few little patches from Martin Evans on it.

Please test and enjoy

My environment is Linux x86-64, Perl 5.10.1 (64 bit), DBI 1.609,
Oracle (64 bit). Database charset UTF8, national
charset AL16UTF16

Three things:


3. Here is a patch which removes the remaining warnings detected by
  gcc in 64-bit mode.


I realise that something has wrapped the very long lines in the patch,
so I am trying again, sending the patch as an attachment.

ANNOUNCE: DBD::Oracle 1.24 Release Candidate 2

2010-01-12 Thread John Scoles

Ok third time is a Charm

The Third RC of the beer edition of DBD::Oracle 1.24 can be found at

This round has a few little patches from Martin Evans on it.

Please test and enjoy

John Scoles

ANNOUNCE: DBD::Oracle 1.24 Release Candidate 2

2010-01-08 Thread John Scoles

Well here it is the second crack at  1.24 Beer version of  DBD::ORACLE

You can find the release candidate here

this time out I have hopefully fixed most of the warnings

I have also updated the pod to explain what ora_ncs_buff_mtpl and var 

I have also added  a few other little patches from H.Merijn Brand

The big one this RC is that I think I finally got the RowsInCache  and 
RowCacheSize  working according to spec

RowCacheSize  can now be set on the statement handle (in the prepare)

and RowsInCache  has been implemented as a Read only value off the 
statement handle as well

Both the Statement and the DB handle versions of RowsInCache  also now 
decrement correctly (nothing fancy in the change just moved the 
decrement later on in the code path)

Hope this cleans any bugs up.

and thanks for the testing

ANNOUNCE: DBD::Oracle 1.24 Release Candidate 1

2009-12-24 Thread John Scoles

Well here it is the long awaited 1.24 Beer version of  DBD::ORACLE

You can find the release candidate here

Any and all testing will be most welcome!

Well a big load of stuff this time.  A number of patches and bug fixes
plus with this RC I am introducing a two really big features

1) Full support for a multiple records from a single Fetch.  This should
   really speed things up as it cuts down on round trips to the

2) I have added ora_ncs_buff_mtpl or environment var ORA_DBD_NCS_BUFFER
   so you can control the size of the byte buffer for lobs.  So rather
   than a default buffer 4* the Long_Read_Length or it is now 1.
   This should free up great hoards of memory for your LOB Fetches

anyway here is a complete list

 Added extended support for 64 bit clients in Makefile.PL from Ralph 

  Added extended nvarchar support from Jan Mach
  Added support for the TYPE attribute on bind_col and the new DBI 
bind_col attributes StrictlyTyped and DiscardString from Martin J. Evans
  Added ora_ncs_buff_mtpl and environment var ORA_DBD_NCS_BUFFER so we 
can control the size of the buffer when doing nclob reads
  Fix for bug in for  changes to row fetch buffer mostly lobs and 
object fetches
  Fix for Ticket #=49741 Oracle.h has commented out params 
in OCIXMLTypeCreateFromSrc from Kartik Thakore
  Added from Ticket #=49436 Patch to add support for a few 
Oracle data types to type_info_all from David Hull
  Added from Ticket #=49435 Patch to add support for a few 
Oracle data types to dbd_describe from David Hull
  Fix for Ticket #=49331 Bad code example in POD from John 

  Added support for looking up OCI_DTYPE_PARAM Attributes
  Added support for looking up csform values
  Fix for Ticket #=46763,46998 enhancement -Rowcache size 
is now being properly implemented with row fetch buffer from John Scoles
  Fix for Ticket #=46448 enhancement -Errors returned by 
procedures are now unicode strings from Martin Evans, John Scoles and 
Tim Bunce
  Fix for Ticket #=47503 bugfix - using more than 1 LOB in 
insert broken from APLA
  Fix for Ticket #=46613 bugfix - sig-abort on nested 
objects with ora_objects=1 from TomasP
  Fix for Ticket #=46661 DBD::Oracle hungs when 
insert/update with LOB and quoted table name from APLA
  Fix for Ticket #=46246 fetching from nested cursor 
(returned from procedure) leads to application crash (abort) from John 
  Fix for Ticket #=46016  LOBs bound with ora_field broken 
  Fix for bug in 58object.t when test run as externally identified user 
from Charles Jardine

Re: Patch to DBD::Oracle 1.23

2009-12-02 Thread John Scoles

Ok that will be the next one to get done


Jan Mach wrote:

We have published len_char_size property of statement handle. Why? That's
because of nvarchar type.

You have column nvarchar(20) and you get length 40 using PRECISION (it's
right because is BYTE length). But we need for our application CHAR length
and it's done usign len_char_size.


Jan Mach
DERS s.r.o.


Re: DBD-Oracle-1.23 Makefile.PL patch

2009-11-27 Thread John Scoles
Of you could give it a try on 64 bit power solaris it you want to tug 
all of your hair out.

H.Merijn Brand wrote:

On Fri, 27 Nov 2009 10:41:19 -0400, Ralph Doncaster


On 11/27/09, H.Merijn Brand  wrote:

On Fri, 27 Nov 2009 10:21:05 -0400, Ralph Doncaster
While you're at it, I'd like to see some more changes:
* make /usr/share/oracle not hardcoded but variable

We're running Oracle & perl on a few Unix boxes without a
/usr/share/oracle, so it seems it's not required in some cases.  Our
install is in /usr/oracle, and there's no oracle link in /usr/share.

There is a (huge) difference between a full Oracle install (server) or
an Instant Client only. I prefer the latter if the box is to be client
only, because it is much smaller.


* make Instant Client work on windows too (Windows instant client works
  fine with the current Makefile.PL if installed on
  C:\Oracle\instantclient_11_1, but it does NOT work at all when
  installed in C:\Program Files\Oracle\... due to the space (I tried
  yesterday with the newest Strawberry)

Sorry, I only do perl on Unix.

So want I, but those silly customers ...

That being said, I think Oracle on Windows is still easier than Oracle
on AIX, which is even worse.

That being said, Postgres is easier on *any* platform (and faster) than
Oracle, but again, those silly customers ...


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