Re: Debian 11 installation attempt / walkthrough

2022-12-23 Thread Stefan Niestegge

Am 23.12.22 um 20:48 schrieb Stefan Niestegge:

Am 23.12.22 um 10:41 schrieb Stefan Niestegge:

If i only use the kernel and remove the initrd= parameter,
Linux can't find the root device and panics. If i leave the initrd
argument as-is and reboot, i run into the D-I again and not into
my new installed system.

So, i need a solution to mount one of my TOS accessible drives, after
setup is finished, in order to copy over the kernel and initrd that was
installed in /boot .

I'm sure this is a solveable issue.


I was able to workaround it this way: one partition on the HDD was
formated ext2 and mountpoint set to /mint during the D-I setup.

After setup finished, i entered the shell and copied /target/boot/*.* to
/target/mint/ . After reboot, i started MiNT and then copied initrd and 
to the C: drive. While this works it forces the user to have MiNT 
installed too.

Trying to mount the TOS partition or to create a new FAT16 partition
during setup failed.

Another 2 small issues: arrow keys on the Atari Keyboard work until
the keyboard layout is chosen. After that 2-4-6-8 on the numpad
work as arrows.

The login timeout is too short. Checking if the password is correct
takes too long.


Re: Debian 11 installation attempt / walkthrough

2022-12-23 Thread Stefan Niestegge

Am 23.12.22 um 10:41 schrieb Stefan Niestegge:

Step 3

Finalizing the installation: D-I asks for what additionals software to 

For now i kept it at the defaults, only basic systemtools and ssh server.
No desktop environment, i'll install a windowmanager, x11 and a slim
desktop later.
Any DE here will be much too fat for the poor little Atari.

The download and installation takes about 8-10h now.

After all is set up and done, i get once more notified that no
bootmanager has been installed and that i have to pass "root=/dev/sda2"
to the kernel when i manually boot linux.

So i modified the bootargs file on the TOS drive and change
root=/dev/ram into root=/dev/sda2

If i only use the kernel and remove the initrd= parameter,
Linux can't find the root device and panics. If i leave the initrd
argument as-is and reboot, i run into the D-I again and not into
my new installed system.

So, i need a solution to mount one of my TOS accessible drives, after
setup is finished, in order to copy over the kernel and initrd that was
installed in /boot .

I'm sure this is a solveable issue.


Re: Debian 11 installation attempt / walkthrough

2022-12-23 Thread Stefan Niestegge

Am 21.12.22 um 14:54 schrieb Stefan Niestegge:

Step 2

D-I tries to detect the Ethernet hardware.
My EtherNAT with an SMC91x network chip had been detected without user 
input, but needs to get a MAC address been set manually. Sadly it seems

to have a hardware issue, as i couldn't get  it running in FreeMiNT as
usual, too.

Carsten to the rescue, he brought a working solution, a NetUSBee.

After you connect Ethernet to _working hardware_ and DHCP works fine,
you create the machine name, root password and a user, and then proceed
to partitioning of the harddrive.

To get the NetUSBee working it was nessecary to chose the "ne - NE2000 
ISA pnp Ethernet" driver from a list of network drivers that was presented

by D-I.

Partman detects the partitions created by HDDriver and i chosed /dev/sda2
as my / device and ext4 as the file system. /dev/sda4 is my swap partition.

I wanted to mount the TOS C: (/devsda1) under /tos to be able to copy
installed kernel and initrd from /boot onto my TOS system later on, but 
for some reason partman failed to do so. I changed /dev/sda1 back to "do 
not use"

and finished the partitioning. Now the base system is installed from the
netinst CDROM and then i had to choose the mirror server. I went with the
default for germany and apt started fetching files.

Next up: Step 3 - choose and install software


Re: Debian 11 installation attempt / walkthrough

2022-12-21 Thread Stefan Niestegge

Hi Carsten

Am 21.12.22 um 15:21 schrieb Carsten Strotmann:

Hi Stefan,

On 21 Dec 2022, at 14:54, Stefan Niestegge wrote:

So i used the Shift+Control F2 to open second console.

on the busybox shell i use 3 commands:

ip link set dev eth0 down

ip link set dev eth0 address aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:ff

ip link set dev eth0 up

now the EtherNat has a valid MAC address (i randomized it from the example) but 
still D-I fails to DHCP. I need to fiddle around and find the problem here. Any 
hints welcome, i will make sure its not a hardware

issue in the meantime.

you could try to work around the DHCP issue by setting a fixed IP address for 
the installation run:

This is what the D-I suggest after DHCP failure, too

ip address add dev eth0


ip route add default via

ip: RTNETLINK answers: Network is unreachable

where "" is the IP address of the Falcon machine and 
"" is the default gateway address (router).

2) what does "dhclient -v eth0" report?

I'm in a netinst busybox, dhclient is not installed

3) you could look at the DHCP traffic from the machine on a different console 

tcpdump -i eth0 port 67 and port 68

tcpdump is not installed, too

(not sure if tcpdump is available, else, because DHCP requests are broadcast messages in 
IPv4, running "tcpdump" on any other Linux or BSD machine in the same network 
segment should also show the requests and responses).

i find this line several times during DHCP attempt:
15:51:48.942029 IP > BOOTP/DHCP, 
Request from de:97:6c:82:0d:3f (oui Unknown), length 300

de:97:6c:82:0d:3f is in fact the MAC that i set my EtherNat to.

There are tons of messages, not sure what to look for. Here a the first 
few lines:

beetle@beetles-x1:~$ sudo tcpdump
tcpdump: verbose output suppressed, use -v or -vv for full protocol decode
listening on wlp4s0, link-type EN10MB (Ethernet), capture size 262144 bytes
15:51:48.942029 IP > BOOTP/DHCP, 
Request from de:97:6c:82:0d:3f (oui Unknown), length 300
15:51:48.947267 IP > BOOTP/DHCP, 
Request from de:97:6c:82:0d:3f (oui Unknown), length 300
15:51:48.947287 IP beetles-x1.58070 > raspberrypi.domain: 37774+ PTR? (46)
15:51:48.951890 IP > BOOTP/DHCP, 
Request from de:97:6c:82:0d:3f (oui Unknown), length 300
15:51:48.953492 IP > beetles-x1.42188: Flags [P.], 
seq 1825740149:1825740188, ack 2263715372, win 19229, options 
[nop,nop,TS val 892030802 ecr 2377167262], length 39
15:51:48.953557 IP beetles-x1.42188 > Flags [.], 
ack 39, win 501, options [nop,nop,TS val 2377285289 ecr 892030802], length 0
15:51:48.956284 IP beetles-x1.42188 > Flags [P.], 
seq 1:29, ack 39, win 501, options [nop,nop,TS val 2377285292 ecr 
892030802], length 28
15:51:48.970077 IP beetles-x1.53927 > raspberrypi.domain: 32763+ PTR? (45)
15:51:48.970233 IP > beetles-x1.42188: Flags [P.], 
seq 39:119, ack 29, win 19257, options [nop,nop,TS val 892030819 ecr 
2377285292], length 80
15:51:49.012269 IP beetles-x1.34285 > raspberrypi.domain: 57229+ PTR? (44)
15:51:49.014926 IP > beetles-x1.42188: Flags [P.], 
seq 193:339, ack 112, win 19340, options [nop,nop,TS val 892030862 ecr 
2377285333], length 146
15:51:49.029149 IP > beetles-x1.42188: Flags [.], 
ack 163, win 19391, options [nop,nop,TS val 892030878 ecr 2377285352], 
length 0
15:51:49.034809 IP > beetles-x1.42188: Flags [P.], 
seq 339:459, ack 163, win 19391, options [nop,nop,TS val 892030882 ecr 
2377285352], length 120
15:51:49.082325 IP beetles-x1.42188 > Flags [.], 
ack 459, win 501, options [nop,nop,TS val 2377285418 ecr 892030882], 
length 0
15:51:50.038226 IP > BOOTP/DHCP, 
Request from de:97:6c:82:0d:3f (oui Unknown), length 300
15:51:50.742889 IP beetles-x1.41832 > Flags [P.], 
seq 1189147328:1189147360, ack 2611554090, win 980, options [nop,nop,TS 
val 2377287078 ecr 892030534], length 32
15:51:50.757617 IP > beetles-x1.41832: Flags [.], 
ack 32, win 28894, options [nop,nop,TS val 892032607 ecr 2377287078], 
length 0
15:51:50.764907 IP > beetles-x1.41832: Flags [P.], 
seq 1:33, ack 32, win 28894, options [nop,nop,TS val 892032614 ecr 
2377287078], length 32
15:51:50.765003 IP beetles-x1.41832 > Flags [.], 
ack 33, win 980, options [nop,nop,TS val 2377287100 ecr 892032614], length 0
15:51:50.800658 IP beetles-x1.36748 > Flags [P.], 
seq 365179412:365179444, ack 208264886, win 501, options

Debian 11 installation attempt / walkthrough

2022-12-21 Thread Stefan Niestegge


in this thread i'll write down my experiences and will ask questions to 
the small things that can stop one from finishing the Debian setup process.

Machine: Atari Falcon, 14 MB ST RAM, 512MB TT RAM (Amiga users:
read 14MB Chip, 512MB fast RAM), MC68060 RC CPU, Floppy, HDD, DVD-writer
EtherNat NIC, Supervidel (GFX upgrade, supports DVI and VGA output of 
the native Atari screen modes)

i started by burning the Netinst ISO on my PC, put it into the Atari and 
boot into TOS, mounting the DVD and copying kernel, initrd, bootargs and 
bootstrap executable into one folder "Debian" on the TOS C: drive.
The file bootargs has been modifed: removed -s parameter (kernel into ST 
RAM, it runs slower with that) and corrected the kernel filename to use 
8+3 like TOS does.

The HDD has 4 primary partitions: 1GB TOS, 2 20GB LNX, and a 2GB swap,
created with HDDriver.

Step 1

i restarted the Falcon with Control held pressed and then executed 
bootstra.tos. After pressing Return the linux kernel takes over the 
Atari and soon the bootmessages scroll over the screen. A few moments 
later the D-I Debian Installer starts.

First i am prompted to choose language, location, keyboard layout.
Then the hardware detection detects installation medium CDROM. Different 
to my attempt a few years ago, this works flawless now.

D-I then loads some components from the CDROM. This takes a few minutes.
Up to this point, everything went as expected.

Step 2

After D-I detects the network hardware it fails to configure it using 
DHCP. I did remember that the EtherNat interface card i use only has a 
soft MAC adress that needs to be set after every powercycle.

So i used the Shift+Control F2 to open second console.
on the busybox shell i use 3 commands:

ip link set dev eth0 down
ip link set dev eth0 address aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:ff
ip link set dev eth0 up

now the EtherNat has a valid MAC address (i randomized it from the 
example) but still D-I fails to DHCP. I need to fiddle around and find 
the problem here. Any hints welcome, i will make sure its not a hardware

issue in the meantime.


Re: latest netinstall iso image

2020-08-15 Thread Stefan Niestegge

Hello Adrian,

Am 15.08.20 um 21:51 schrieb John Paul Adrian Glaubitz:

Hi Stefan!

On 8/15/20 4:53 PM, Stefan Niestegge wrote:

i want to give Debian a new try on my Falcon, is
the correct place to obtain the latest version?

Yes, that's the official place where I upload new images.

okay, great.

And, in fact, I'll go ahead now and create new images.

Oh, even better! I'll wait for those to materialize and give it a go. 
There is also an TT030 waiting for some TT RAM and then maybe


latest netinstall iso image

2020-08-15 Thread Stefan Niestegge


i want to give Debian a new try on my Falcon, is

the correct place to obtain the latest version?


Re: Atari Falcon network

2019-11-13 Thread Stefan Niestegge

Since i doubt you upgrade your Falcon to ct60 just for running Debian,
hell yes, get the 14 MB if you can grab it...

Atari software can, and will, take use of it.

have fun,

Am 13.11.19 um 01:15 schrieb Johny Five:

In general is 14MB Ram usefull for something when I have ct60e?

Am about to buy that Ram Expansion...

Dne st 13. 11. 2019 0:21 uživatel Eero Tamminen <>> napsal:


On 11/13/19 12:26 AM, Michael Schmitz wrote:
 > On 13/11/19 9:24 AM, Johny Five wrote:
 >> Is it possible to run linux on stock Falcon?
 > No.

Linux v5.3 and minimal user-space (e.g. busybox shell as init)
can be run on Falcon with just 8MB of ST-RAM.  I've tested
that in Hatari emulator Falcon emulation mode:

 >> Does the 14MB RAM update help?
 > Only for very old versions of Debian (pre-systemd).

I think that booting latest Debian to command line prompt, needs
nowadays something like 64MB of TT-RAM, mainly for initfs
(uncompressed it's quite large, and I think the compressed data
is also in RAM until uncompression finishes), but there are also
quite a few processes, tmpfs file systems, and full kernel takes
more memory too.

         - Eero

PS. For testing Debian boot up needs, Aranym is better than Hatari.
Although Aranym emulates 040 instead of 030, it's close enough
to Falcon for most thing, much faster as it doesn't try to do
cycle-accurate emulation, and it doesn't have problems with

 >> When Falcon is equipped with CT60e + 512MB is there use of that
 >> additional RAM?
 > Yes - if loading the kernel to that section of RAM. You probably
 > want to do that.
 > Some of the ST-RAM is still used when loading the kernel to the
512 MB
 > FastRAM section (for drivers that require ST-RAM either as DMA
buffer or
 > video RAM). The rest is unused - recent patches to change the m68k
 > memory model ought to make it easier to use the ST-RAM as system
 > but there's still some bits missing.
 > Cheers,
 >      Michael Schmitz
 >> Dne út 5. 11. 2019 15:06 uživatel Stefan Niestegge>
 >> < <>>> napsal:
 >>     Hello,
 >>     i can confirm that both, EtherNec (aka NetUSBee) and
EtherNat work
 >>     for
 >>     Debian. NetBSD only supports EtherNec. SVEthLanA only works in
 >>     TOS/MiNT.
 >>     kind regards,
 >>     Stefan
 >>     Am 05.11.19 um 01:16 schrieb Michael Schmitz:
 >>     > Johny,
 >>     >
 >>     > both should be supported. NetUSBee through the 'ne' driver.
 >>     EtherNAT
 >>     > through the smc91x driver.
 >>     >
 >>     > Cheers,
 >>     >
 >>     >      Michael
 >>     >
 >>     >
 >>     > On 5/11/19 11:32 AM, Johny Five wrote:
 >>     >> Hi,
 >>     >>
 >>     >> what is recommended solution for network on Falcon?
 >>     >>
 >>     >> I have Falcon + CT 63 in desktop.
 >>     >>
 >>     >> Is Netusbee by Lotharek supported?
 >>     >>
 >>     >> EtherNAT is better probably but am afraid its very hard
to get
 >> one.
 >>     >>
 >>     >> Thanks for info
 >>     >

Re: Atari Falcon network

2019-11-05 Thread Stefan Niestegge


i can confirm that both, EtherNec (aka NetUSBee) and EtherNat work for 
Debian. NetBSD only supports EtherNec. SVEthLanA only works in TOS/MiNT.

kind regards,

Am 05.11.19 um 01:16 schrieb Michael Schmitz:


both should be supported. NetUSBee through the 'ne' driver. EtherNAT 
through the smc91x driver.



On 5/11/19 11:32 AM, Johny Five wrote:


what is recommended solution for network on Falcon?

I have Falcon + CT 63 in desktop.

Is Netusbee by Lotharek supported?

EtherNAT is better probably but am afraid its very hard to get one.

Thanks for info

Re: Kernel does not boot on TT030

2019-04-06 Thread Stefan Niestegge

Am 06.04.19 um 16:32 schrieb Eero Tamminen:


On 8/30/18 8:31 AM, Stefan Niestegge wrote:

Ah, ok. We will try that.

Did you ever get kernel booting on TT?

Nope, sadly we didn't get it running at all on TT030 or Mega with PAK030
no matter what bootargs we tried.

I've now looked a bit into this with Hatari TT emulation.

"initcall_debug" doesn't give any output, but I've enabled the dummy
IRQ handler [1] and get constant warnings from it.  There's quite
a lot of them in few seconds:
$ grep unexpected tt-boot.log | sort | uniq -c
    1200 unexpected interrupt from 104
     212 unexpected interrupt from 112

Any idea what those interrupts are for?

FYI: When I enable profiler at start and invoke debugger after
a while, it gives me following kernel backtrace:
Finalizing costs for 12 non-returned functions:
- 0x46fba: console_unlock (return = 0x47932)
- 0x4781c: vprintk_emit (return = 0x47966)
- 0x4794a: vprintk_default (return = 0x4835c)
- 0x482e4: vprintk_func (return = 0x48016)
- 0x48004: printk (return = 0x585c)
- 0x5834: handle_badint (return = 0x29a0)
- 0x29a8: resume (return = 0x24b2d4)
- 0x24afd0: __schedule (return = 0x24b364)
- 0x24b31a: schedule (return = 0x24b3dc)
- 0x24b3d2: schedule_preempt_disabled (return = 0x24a07a)
- 0x24a008: rest_init (return = 0x318f64)
- 0x318f88: start_kernel (return = 0x318344)

Attached is dot callgraph [2] of the function call counts from
first instruction until above point.

Good tool to view it is XDot (from "xdot" package).  Red lines
in the graph show which functions get called most often.

(I thought call counts are for this case more interesting than
instruction or cycle counts.)

 - Eero

Thanks for looking into it again!


[1] $ grep IRQ .config

[2] Command line to get graph from the Hatari profiler readable
requires removing edges to generic low level functions:
$ -s -t -p -g -a \
   --only-subroutines --no-intermediate --compact \
   --ignore-from __start,copy_process.isra.11.part.12 \

Am 30.08.2018 um 00:34 schrieb Michael Schmitz:

Quick clarification - stram_pool is only required if the kernel gets
loaded to TT-RAM (no -s option).



On Wed, Aug 29, 2018 at 8:30 PM Michael Schmitz 

Hi Stefan,

Am 29.08.2018 um 01:00 schrieb Finn Thain:

On Tue, 28 Aug 2018, Stefan Niestegge wrote:

the kernel does not start up and run the D-I from the initrd. A 

terminal was connected to one TT, but all it received was "ABCDEJK".

If you have CONFIG_EARLYPRINTK=y then you can enable the early 
Try passing the kernel parameter 'earlyprintk'. That should cause 

messages to be sent to the same device(s) to which "ABCDEJK" was sent.

I have the following options set to direct console messages to the
serial port:

debug=ser console=tty

'debug=ser' uses the MFP Modem1 port on TT, the SCC Modem2 port on
Falcon. Use debug=ser2 if you want to force use of the SCC port on TT.
Messages appearing there mean the boot process has made it out of early
startup code which I'd expect for a TT.

No idea about any interactions with earlyprintk, sorry.

Option 'stram_pool=128k' might also be required to reserve ST-RAM for
use by drivers that can only address 24 bit (not sure if that's a
problem with the TT video driver).

Once you have console messages on the serial port, the option
'initcall_debug' may be useful to pinpoint where the boot hangs. My
guess would be during probing for optional stuff such as ROM port or
CT60 expansion network card hardware in atari_platform_init(), unless
your kernel contains commit 3f90f9ef2dda316d64e420d5d51ba369587ccc55
(m68k/mm: Adjust VM area to be unmapped by gap size for __iounmap())
that fixed ioremap/iounmap use on 030. Should be in from 4.17-rc6 on.

Re: Current kernel for Atari Falcon install?

2019-03-08 Thread Stefan Niestegge

Hello all,

Am 05.03.19 um 22:08 schrieb David Henderson:

A Debian 10 ISO is available here:

Booting involves copying an appropriate initrd and kernel onto your HD 
and running BOOTSTRAP.PRG, either taking its arguments from BOOTARGS file.

I've not investigated how to load the initrd into alt RAM, though, as 
I've not resorted to that in Hatari yet.


I installed Debian from that netinstall. Only thing to do to get it 
install was getting IDE port running by modprobe falconide or 
patafalcon. Don't

And removing -s from the bootargs puts the kernel into TT ram which
speeded up things a lot.

I recorded the full uncut boot process:

So, a trimmed down version would probably be somewhat faster.
My Falcon runs at 90 MHz and has 14MB/512MB ST/TT RAM.

Stefan "Beetle" Niestegge

Re: keyboard issues

2018-09-05 Thread Stefan Niestegge

Am 05.09.2018 um 08:40 schrieb Geert Uytterhoeven:

Hi Stefan,

On Wed, Sep 5, 2018 at 8:11 AM Stefan Niestegge  wrote:

Am 05.09.2018 um 03:01 schrieb Michael Schmitz:

There's no right Alt keycode in the map. Does the default keymap work on
the text console? I.e., do you get correct behaviour for Alt and
CapsLock there?

Yes, i can switch VT from one to other, but not back from X11,
for example. CapsLock also working as desired.

Can you switch back from X11 using e.g. CTRL + ALT + F1
(CTRL is the key)?

No, since i have no working Alt key on X11 its like pressing CTRL+F1.

Re: keyboard issues

2018-09-05 Thread Stefan Niestegge

Am 04.09.2018 um 23:28 schrieb Geert Uytterhoeven:

Hi Stefan,

On Tue, Sep 4, 2018 at 11:21 PM Stefan Niestegge  wrote:

Using dpk-reconfigure keyboard-configuration i can choose Atari TT
keyboard with my DE layout, which does pretty well.

In older X11 (XFree86) documentation, there is "ataritt" layout for X11.
The Debian sid we now work on does not know that layout and defaults to
PC105 even when my xorg.conf clearly defines ataritt.

The tool xev shows that cursor keys produce same keycodes as found
with numpad keys. I have not completely understood how that works,
or there is a more serious issue here.

It assumes a PC keyboard, and (nonexistent?) NumLock is turned off,
so 2/4/6/8 produce cursor events?

Geert, this would explain it perfectly. I'll try to map numlock on
Ctrl+Undo or so.




Re: keyboard issues

2018-09-05 Thread Stefan Niestegge

Am 05.09.2018 um 03:01 schrieb Michael Schmitz:


good to hear you got the TT to boot - what did you change in the boot 
options BTW?

No no, this is happening on my Falcon.

On 05/09/18 09:20, Stefan Niestegge wrote:


on my Falcon i have the problem that under heavy load (like apt 
update) moving the mouse often causes a key "hang" and repeat. Pressing

the space bar stops the repeating of the hanging key.

Keyboard interrupts can be locked out for long enough for the driver to 
miss data. Apparently that does include crucial break codes.

Do you see any 'keyboard overrun' messages in the console logs?

no, i just see whereever the cursor is, one character, repeating until i
hit space bar. can be on X11 or on the console.

On an Atari, the mouse is connected to the keyboard, and produces 
keyboard-like events. Moving a mousewheel is same as cursor up/down,

for example. I guess that the buffer overflows when CPU is occupied.

If someone has an idea how to prevent that, i'd be thankful.
But then, its not a showstopping issue. A 100& used CPU will probably
just fail to fetch the IKBD buffer in time.

The keyboard driver already tries to resynchronize the packet stream if 
it missed packets. Maybe we also need to synthesize a break code if the 
last key event sent to the input layer was a make code. Look at the 
state machine in arch/m68k/atari/atakeyb.c - line 163 says to skip this 
byte which is certainly necessary, but maybe additionally you want to 
check whether the previous keyboard state was KEYBOARD, and the 
break_flag was clear, and send out an input event for the previous 
scancode as key up event in that case . Need to keep track of the 
previous scancode though, and it won't protect you from key repeats when 
multiple keys were recorded as down at the time the overrun happens.

You're assuming i understand code, which is not the case.

The more serious problem i have is probably just a configuring issue.

Using dpk-reconfigure keyboard-configuration i can choose Atari TT
keyboard with my DE layout, which does pretty well.

In older X11 (XFree86) documentation, there is "ataritt" layout for X11.
The Debian sid we now work on does not know that layout and defaults to
PC105 even when my xorg.conf clearly defines ataritt.

The old layout probably used the old Atari scancodes and would be 
useless now. The Atari keyboard driver uses a hardcoded key map as found 
in drivers/input/keyboard/atakbd.c (US layout) translating the Atari 
scancodes to Linux keycodes which I worked out from some docs found on 
the web, and logging raw scancodes on my Falcon. There are quite a few 
scancodes that I wasn't sure about (see FIXME comments in same), patches 
are welcome.

So the fix lies in finishing atakbd.c? Xorg will still default to PC105,
won't it?

The tool xev shows that cursor keys produce same keycodes as found
with numpad keys. I have not completely understood how that works,
or there is a more serious issue here.

That may be a result of the PC105 key map - key codes for cursor keys 
and keypad keys are distinct in the Atari key map.

Geerts idea of numlock off explains it well.

With modifying my xmodmap i was able to get cursor keys, | and ~
working, but not the Alternate key. Without Alt, entering @ and many
other important sysmbos is not possible. I also need it to move
windows that have their title bars out of the screen.

I would also like to have an AltGr instead of the capslock.

There's no right Alt keycode in the map. Does the default keymap work on 
the text console? I.e., do you get correct behaviour for Alt and 
CapsLock there?

Yes, i can switch VT from one to other, but not back from X11,
for example. CapsLock also working as desired.

Maybe the TT needs a different default keymap. Edit the mapping in 
drivers/input/keyboard/atakbd.c until you have something that works on 
your TT keyboard (on the text console, mind you!) and submit that to 
linux-m68k please.

I am very confident that TT and Falcon do not differ here.

To see the raw scancodes, add  a dprintk statement before line 198 in 
drivers/input/keyboard/atakbd.c (make sure you can log in remotely to 
change the console loglevel to enable/disable printing these messages!).

I can login via ssh, but i cannot compile the same kernel as provided
during install yet. Carsten will come over today, maybe we get it
running on the crosscompiler.




Maybe someone here has some insight, or a good read for me.

Greetings, and thanks for reading,

keyboard issues

2018-09-04 Thread Stefan Niestegge


on my Falcon i have the problem that under heavy load (like apt update) 
moving the mouse often causes a key "hang" and repeat. Pressing

the space bar stops the repeating of the hanging key.

On an Atari, the mouse is connected to the keyboard, and produces 
keyboard-like events. Moving a mousewheel is same as cursor up/down,

for example. I guess that the buffer overflows when CPU is occupied.

If someone has an idea how to prevent that, i'd be thankful.
But then, its not a showstopping issue. A 100& used CPU will probably
just fail to fetch the IKBD buffer in time.

The more serious problem i have is probably just a configuring issue.

Using dpk-reconfigure keyboard-configuration i can choose Atari TT
keyboard with my DE layout, which does pretty well.

In older X11 (XFree86) documentation, there is "ataritt" layout for X11.
The Debian sid we now work on does not know that layout and defaults to
PC105 even when my xorg.conf clearly defines ataritt.

The tool xev shows that cursor keys produce same keycodes as found
with numpad keys. I have not completely understood how that works,
or there is a more serious issue here.

With modifying my xmodmap i was able to get cursor keys, | and ~
working, but not the Alternate key. Without Alt, entering @ and many
other important sysmbos is not possible. I also need it to move
windows that have their title bars out of the screen.

I would also like to have an AltGr instead of the capslock.

Maybe someone here has some insight, or a good read for me.

Greetings, and thanks for reading,

Re: Reminder: m68k meeting 7th Sep to 9th Sep @ Linuxhotel / Germany

2018-09-01 Thread Stefan Niestegge

Am 01.09.2018 um 15:19 schrieb Carsten Strotmann:

On 01.09.18 15:04, Stefan Niestegge wrote:

I could also bring the Mac LCIII (36MB, SD-on-SCSI), Ethernet. Bring or
leave at home?

Bring. I would like to work on that.


Greetings, Stefan

Re: Reminder: m68k meeting 7th Sep to 9th Sep @ Linuxhotel / Germany

2018-09-01 Thread Stefan Niestegge

There is no sense in bringing a (Coldfire based) Firebee, is there?

I will bring 3 Atari Machines:

Falcon 060,  90MHz, 14/512 MB RAM, IDE storage, USB, EtherNat
TT030,   32MHz, 10/128 MB RAM, SCSI and IDE storage, USB
MST4 (PAK030)50MHz, 4/64 MB RAM, SCSI and IDE Storage, USB, ISA upgrade 
with NE2000 Ethernet and ATi Mach32 gfx card

As written in other thread, we're failing to boot the kernel on the 030
machines. Lets check out why...

I could also bring the Mac LCIII (36MB, SD-on-SCSI), Ethernet. Bring or 
leave at home?


Re: Kernel does not boot on TT030

2018-08-29 Thread Stefan Niestegge

Ah, ok. We will try that.

Thanks a lot,

Am 30.08.2018 um 00:34 schrieb Michael Schmitz:

Quick clarification - stram_pool is only required if the kernel gets
loaded to TT-RAM (no -s option).



On Wed, Aug 29, 2018 at 8:30 PM Michael Schmitz  wrote:

Hi Stefan,

Am 29.08.2018 um 01:00 schrieb Finn Thain:

On Tue, 28 Aug 2018, Stefan Niestegge wrote:

the kernel does not start up and run the D-I from the initrd. A serial
terminal was connected to one TT, but all it received was "ABCDEJK".

If you have CONFIG_EARLYPRINTK=y then you can enable the early console.
Try passing the kernel parameter 'earlyprintk'. That should cause kernel
messages to be sent to the same device(s) to which "ABCDEJK" was sent.

I have the following options set to direct console messages to the
serial port:

debug=ser console=tty

'debug=ser' uses the MFP Modem1 port on TT, the SCC Modem2 port on
Falcon. Use debug=ser2 if you want to force use of the SCC port on TT.
Messages appearing there mean the boot process has made it out of early
startup code which I'd expect for a TT.

No idea about any interactions with earlyprintk, sorry.

Option 'stram_pool=128k' might also be required to reserve ST-RAM for
use by drivers that can only address 24 bit (not sure if that's a
problem with the TT video driver).

Once you have console messages on the serial port, the option
'initcall_debug' may be useful to pinpoint where the boot hangs. My
guess would be during probing for optional stuff such as ROM port or
CT60 expansion network card hardware in atari_platform_init(), unless
your kernel contains commit 3f90f9ef2dda316d64e420d5d51ba369587ccc55
(m68k/mm: Adjust VM area to be unmapped by gap size for __iounmap())
that fixed ioremap/iounmap use on 030. Should be in from 4.17-rc6 on.



Re: Kernel does not boot on TT030

2018-08-28 Thread Stefan Niestegge

Am 28.08.2018 um 15:00 schrieb Finn Thain:

On Tue, 28 Aug 2018, Stefan Niestegge wrote:

the kernel does not start up and run the D-I from the initrd. A serial
terminal was connected to one TT, but all it received was "ABCDEJK".

If you have CONFIG_EARLYPRINTK=y then you can enable the early console.
Try passing the kernel parameter 'earlyprintk'. That should cause kernel
messages to be sent to the same device(s) to which "ABCDEJK" was sent.

good hint, we'll do that and report.

Re: Reminder: m68k meeting 7th Sep to 9th Sep @ Linuxhotel / Germany

2018-08-28 Thread Stefan Niestegge

Aww, what a pity. I hoped to meet you, Geert.
Maybe you can join on IRC during the meetup?

Perhaps on Saturday.


There is no sense in bringing a (Coldfire based) Firebee, is there?

Do you want to write support for it in the cosiness of your home, or at the
meeting? ;-)

Your question contains all information i needed :-D

Re: Reminder: m68k meeting 7th Sep to 9th Sep @ Linuxhotel / Germany

2018-08-28 Thread Stefan Niestegge

Am 27.08.2018 um 15:16 schrieb Geert Uytterhoeven:

Hi Carsten,

On Mon, Aug 20, 2018 at 12:52 PM Carsten Strotmann  wrote:

a quick reminder for our meeting in September at Linuxhotel. The meeting
will take place from September 7th, 14:00 H (Friday) to September 9th,
16:00 H (Sunday).

Thanks for organizing!

I'm looking forward to meet you all in September ;)

Unfortunately I can't make it to the meeting.

Aww, what a pity. I hoped to meet you, Geert.
Maybe you can join on IRC during the meetup?

I am preparing my Falcon for the meeting, and i hope i can also bring
a TT030.

There is no sense in bringing a (Coldfire based) Firebee, is there?

Stefan "Beetle" Niestegge

Kernel does not boot on TT030

2018-08-28 Thread Stefan Niestegge


after i showed some screenshots of my new Debian 10 netinstalled system 
on the Falcon, some people got interested and tried it, too.

Two guys on atari-home tried the netinstall on the TT030.
They have plenty of TT-RAM but still, the kernel does not start up
and run the D-I from the initrd. A serial terminal was connected to
one TT, but all it received was "ABCDEJK".

It has been tried with and without the -S (kernel to ST RAM) bootarg.

Is the kernel of the netinstall CD supposed to run on a TT030?

with kind regards,
Stefan "Beetle" Niestegge

Re: m68k meetup 2018 - third attempt

2018-03-12 Thread Stefan Niestegge

Am 12.03.2018 um 11:00 schrieb Carsten Strotmann:

Hello Adrian,

John Paul Adrian Glaubitz  writes:

Umh, I completely missed there was a doodle and apparently many others
did as well. You should have better send a separate mail instead of
posting the link to a reply-mail.

Yes, possibly so. I will note that for future meetups.

The dates were also in the original mail, the doodle was just an
'add-on'. >

Are there really just three participants?

I expected a bit more, too.

in the doodle, yes. But I expence once the webpage is up and some more
information is send around, that we get more attendees.

Thats what i think, too. And for the official advertising a fixed date 
is better than a doodle. That was only for us to check which options 
makes more sense.

Since September is still quite far, almost everyone should be able to 
adapt to that weekend.


Re: m68k meetup 2018 - third attempt

2018-03-01 Thread Stefan Niestegge

Hi all,

Am 01.03.2018 um 15:59 schrieb Carsten Strotmann:


I've cancelled the slot with Linuxhotel in May and requested weekend
dates for a community meeting in September 2018.

Makes totally sense.

Possible are the weekends


I need to confirm or cancel one of the dates by end of next week.

Which one would you prefer?

I prefer first option. To make things easier, i created a doodle:

That link can easily be shared to other lists or forums.


Re: m68k meetup 2018 - second attempt

2018-02-25 Thread Stefan Niestegge

Am 23.02.2018 um 13:13 schrieb Stefan Niestegge:

Am 23.02.2018 um 12:10 schrieb Christian T. Steigies:

On Fri, Feb 23, 2018 at 11:51:24AM +0100, Carsten Strotmann wrote:

On 23.02.18 11:50, John Paul Adrian Glaubitz wrote:

On 02/23/2018 11:34 AM, Carsten Strotmann wrote:

On 16.02.18 16:12, John Paul Adrian Glaubitz wrote:

Well, I think you should wait for confirmation from other folk.

It doesn't really make sense to have a meetup if only three people
show up :).

So far the feedback has not been overwhelming. Maybe May is not the 

time of the year.

In the last message I saw, Stefan wrote that the organizers were not even
sure about the dates yet.

Thats because my holiday request hasn't been approved yet.
My boss is on sick leave, i sent him a message home.

I got a thumb up, so if we want to we can book and advertise.


Re: m68k meetup 2018 - second attempt

2018-02-23 Thread Stefan Niestegge

Am 23.02.2018 um 12:10 schrieb Christian T. Steigies:

On Fri, Feb 23, 2018 at 11:51:24AM +0100, Carsten Strotmann wrote:

On 23.02.18 11:50, John Paul Adrian Glaubitz wrote:

On 02/23/2018 11:34 AM, Carsten Strotmann wrote:

On 16.02.18 16:12, John Paul Adrian Glaubitz wrote:

Well, I think you should wait for confirmation from other folk.

It doesn't really make sense to have a meetup if only three people
show up :).

So far the feedback has not been overwhelming. Maybe May is not the best
time of the year.

In the last message I saw, Stefan wrote that the organizers were not even
sure about the dates yet.

Thats because my holiday request hasn't been approved yet.
My boss is on sick leave, i sent him a message home.

Re: m68k meetup 2018 - second attempt

2018-02-16 Thread Stefan Niestegge

Am 16.02.2018 um 16:12 schrieb John Paul Adrian Glaubitz:

On 02/16/2018 04:01 PM, Stefan Niestegge wrote:

I already requested free days (i'd have to work nightshift that
weekend). As soon they are confirmed, i will offer to help organize
the event, and Carsten will book the location.

Well, I think you should wait for confirmation from other folk.

of course.

It doesn't really make sense to have a meetup if only three people
show up :).

Doesn't mkae sense to collect attenders before the organizers have
time verified, too :)


Re: m68k meetup 2018 - second attempt

2018-02-16 Thread Stefan Niestegge

Am 15.02.2018 um 15:46 schrieb Carsten Strotmann:

Am 15.02.2018 um 09:57 schrieb Carsten Strotmann :

Price would be 55 Euro per person for 3 days (2 nights) Friday 25.5. to
Sunday 27.5.
This includes:
* accomodation in double room
* breakfast Saturday and Sunday morning
* free Wifi, Beer, Softdrinks, Coffee/Tea "flatrate"
* large meeting room with projector, Whiteboard, Ethernet-LAN


I already requested free days (i'd have to work nightshift that
weekend). As soon they are confirmed, i will offer to help organize
the event, and Carsten will book the location.

I'd be there from about friday, high noon :)

Maybe better to wait until my holidays are confirmed.


EtherNAT USB support

2018-02-12 Thread Stefan Niestegge


What module would i need to modprobe to get the USB support

I saw that Michael Schmitz commited upstream (if i understand
that website correctly!)

Can it also be that i need to install some package to recognize
hotplug events on USB port?

Thanks in advance,

Re: Keyboard layout trouble (Trying the netinstall)

2018-02-12 Thread Stefan Niestegge

The keymap in use is from October 2007, so predates 3.19 by a decade or
so. Probably even earlier - I don't think I had the Falcon unpacked and
set up at that stage yet.

The keymap from 2015 should still work for all I can see. In actual
fact, there is a change from 2015 (adding KEY_102ND) in the input driver
meaning you fixed the default map in the kernel and might not have used
a console map at all...

What should i do to find out which keymap version i use, and if
outdated, what is to do to get the new version?

The system has been apt-get updated and upgraded.

little progress update

i installed console-data, since loadkeys de or loadkeys us
got me the error "file de(or us) not found"

still, the "Alternate" modifier is not working as desired.

if i load US keys, i can at least enter some more |~ [] symbols, because
i only need shift key then.

Re: Xorg 8bit interleaved support missing (was: Trying the netinstall again )

2018-02-11 Thread Stefan Niestegge

Am 10.02.2018 um 20:54 schrieb Geert Uytterhoeven:

On Sat, Feb 10, 2018 at 7:41 PM, Geert Uytterhoeven
<> wrote:

On Sat, Feb 10, 2018 at 1:51 AM, Stefan Niestegge <> wrote:

-xserver crashes

I'd need help with that. I'll append the dmesg.txt and xorg.log files.
Let me know if you want more logfiles or remote access.

(II) FBDEV(0): Creating default Display subsection in Screen section
   "Default Screen Section" for depth/fbbpp 8/8
(==) FBDEV(0): Depth 8, (==) framebuffer bpp 8
(==) FBDEV(0): Default visual is PseudoColor
(==) FBDEV(0): Using gamma correction (1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
(II) FBDEV(0): hardware: Atari Builtin (video memory: 604kB)
(II) FBDEV(0): checking modes against framebuffer device...
(II) FBDEV(0): checking modes against monitor...
(--) FBDEV(0): Virtual size is 640x480 (pitch 640)
(**) FBDEV(0):  Built-in mode "current": 25.2 MHz, 31.5 kHz, 59.9 Hz
(II) FBDEV(0): Modeline "current"x0.0   25.18  640 658 758 800  480 491 494 525 
-hsync -vsync -csync (31.5 kHz b)
(==) FBDEV(0): DPI set to (96, 96)
(EE) FBDEV(0): interleaved planes are not yet supported by the fbdev driver

8 bpp short work on Atari.


How old is Debian's Xorg?

Version 1:7.7+19 top recent.

All of "[PATCH 00/18] Xfbdev Atari and Amiga support"
were integrated shortly after posting them.

Or is this due to the wrong backend? FBDEV versus Xfbdev?

I don't understand that. Xfbdev is Xfree86 and FBDEV is Xorg?
Xfree86 is no longer updated and iirc we had Xorg running back
on the m68k meetup in 2105. I just used FVWM and not LXDE like today.

I think it should be fixed for Xorg. Could you please take another
look at that?


Re: Trying the netinstall again on Atari Falcon

2018-02-11 Thread Stefan Niestegge

Am 11.02.2018 um 00:48 schrieb Michael Schmitz:

Hello Adrian,

The console keyboard map is for american layout: @ is on shift-2, ~ is
on shift-~, | is on shift-#, [ is on ü, ] is on + (curly brackets on
shift with same keys) with my german layout keyboard. No idea why I used
the american layout, I'm sure I had taken down the german raw keycodes
at some stage when rewriting the keyboard driver.

When did that rewrite happen? When we were testing 3.19 back in 2015,
the keyboard seemed to work well on the Falcon. There was only one key
mapping missing which we actually fixed during the meeting :-).

The keymap in use is from October 2007, so predates 3.19 by a decade or
so. Probably even earlier - I don't think I had the Falcon unpacked and
set up at that stage yet.

The keymap from 2015 should still work for all I can see. In actual
fact, there is a change from 2015 (adding KEY_102ND) in the input driver
meaning you fixed the default map in the kernel and might not have used
a console map at all...



What should i do to find out which keymap version i use, and if
outdated, what is to do to get the new version?

The system has been apt-get updated and upgraded.


Re: Trying the netinstall again on Atari Falcon

2018-02-11 Thread Stefan Niestegge

Am 11.02.2018 um 00:31 schrieb Michael Schmitz:

Hello Adrian,

While looking at the kernel output at boot i saw that my Network card
is indeed supported (i thought it wasn't until 2 days ago!). It only
needed the MAC address to be set manually, then the eth0 came up.
This is more a firmwar bug of the "EtherNAT" network card that has no
MAC adress default.

Yes, MAC addresses are normally set in the firmware. You might be able
to reprogram your network card's firmware chip to fix the issue.

The EtherNAT doesn't have a MAC address PROM, or any other way to store
the MAC address in the firmware. The guys designing the card never
bothered to get a MAC range assigned for their hardware. You're suppose
to hijack the address of some dead network card you happen to have
around, and set it each time the card is powered up.



That one is a hardware bug, not related to debian and can be worked
around with simple configuration.


Re: Trying the netinstall again on Atari Falcon

2018-02-10 Thread Stefan Niestegge

Am 10.02.2018 um 03:01 schrieb Michael Schmitz:

xserver needs support for the Atari pixel format (interleaved planes).
Shouldn't be too hard to do, but Xorg code probably isn't for the faint
of heart (I've certainly had enough to last me a lifetime).

video=atafb:keep (and choose 320x200 16 bit on Falcon)

boot debian



Re: Trying the netinstall again on Atari Falcon

2018-02-10 Thread Stefan Niestegge

Hello Michael,

Am 10.02.2018 um 03:01 schrieb Michael Schmitz:

Hello Stefan,

what's wrong with the old falcon IDE driver? pata_falcon should not be
necessary, and may even be detrimental to performance (it doesn't use
interrupts, rather it polls for completion of ATA commands).

Probably nothing wrong with it, but with the kernel from the netinstall
iso no IDE was detected at all. A module was needed to be loaded and
pata_falcon was tried at first, and was successful. After the installer
installed to /dev/sda3 it made no sense to modprobe falconide that would
create /dev/hda nodes.

The EtherNAT will remember the MAC address across reboots, but some hack
to set a fixed address after module load might be in order. My EtherNAT
is toast so I can't test that myself.

Perhaps i can take a look at your EtherNAT if you attend to m68k meetup.
i revived a broken EtherNAT by simply reprogramming the FPGA.

The console keyboard map is for american layout: @ is on shift-2, ~ is
on shift-~, | is on shift-#, [ is on ü, ] is on + (curly brackets on
shift with same keys) with my german layout keyboard. No idea why I used
the american layout, I'm sure I had taken down the german raw keycodes
at some stage when rewriting the keyboard driver.

i choosed german keyboard at D-I setup and shift-2 is ", shift-~ is °
shift-# is ' ...

If these keys don't work for you, try without loading a key map.

will try to figure that out.

xserver needs support for the Atari pixel format (interleaved planes).
Shouldn't be too hard to do, but Xorg code probably isn't for the faint
of heart (I've certainly had enough to last me a lifetime).

so, remove Xorg and install old XFree86?

hmm. my supervidel supports 8-bit chunky as well as 16 bit (compatible
to the Falcon 320x200 "truecolor". we could also give Xorg what it
needs to be happy.


Trying the netinstall again on Atari Falcon

2018-02-09 Thread Stefan Niestegge

Hello list,

since someone on #atari-home IRC asked me how Debian would work these 
days, i gave the new Netinstaller Adrian released another try.

While looking at the kernel output at boot i saw that my Network card
is indeed supported (i thought it wasn't until 2 days ago!). It only
needed the MAC address to be set manually, then the eth0 came up.
This is more a firmwar bug of the "EtherNAT" network card that has no
MAC adress default.

So Adrian added the pata_falcon module to the initramfs and installation
can begin. The D-I works really well! When the network failed, i went to
a second console brought up the network manually and let D-I retry DHCP.

Then after choosing the right (thx Adrian) ftp mirror and subfolder
installation was quite easy.

Adrian showed me how to  set the mac address at boot time, so now the
network is up automatically.

I installed the ssh so one can even log in remotely. Installing stuff
with apt works flawless.

The intalled Debian has atm two problems

-keyboard (de layout) work ok for usual letters and numbers, also those
that need the shift modifier, but many important characters like ~ @ | 
and [ ] cannot be typed on the Atari

-xserver crashes

I'd need help with that. I'll append the dmesg.txt and xorg.log files.
Let me know if you want more logfiles or remote access.

Stefan "beetle" Niestegge
[0.00] Linux version 4.14.0-1-m68k ( 
(gcc version 7.2.0 (Debian 7.2.0-14)) #1 Debian 4.14.2-1 (2017-11-30)
[0.00] Atari hardware found: VIDEL STDMA-SCSI ST_MFP YM2149 PCM CODEC 
[0.00] Ignoring memory chunk at 0x0:0xe0 before the first chunk
[0.00] Fix your bootloader or use a memfile to make use of this area!
[0.00] On node 0 totalpages: 130688
[0.00] free_area_init_node: node 0, pgdat 003ae650, node_mem_map 
[0.00]   DMA zone: 1277 pages used for memmap
[0.00]   DMA zone: 0 pages reserved
[0.00]   DMA zone: 130688 pages, LIFO batch:31
[0.00] initrd: 1f835d5e - 1fe8
[0.00] random: fast init done
[0.00] pcpu-alloc: s0 r0 d32768 u32768 alloc=1*32768
[0.00] pcpu-alloc: [0] 0 
[0.00] Built 1 zonelists, mobility grouping on.  Total pages: 129411
[0.00] Kernel command line: root=/dev/sda3 video=atafb:vga256 
console=tty load_ramdisk=0 fb=false BOOT_IMAGE=vmlinux
[0.00] PID hash table entries: 2048 (order: 1, 8192 bytes)
[0.00] Dentry cache hash table entries: 65536 (order: 6, 262144 bytes)
[0.00] Inode-cache hash table entries: 32768 (order: 5, 131072 bytes)
[0.00] Sorting __ex_table...
[0.00] Memory: 506084K/522752K available (2640K kernel code, 386K 
rwdata, 936K rodata, 144K init, 209K bss, 16668K reserved, 0K cma-reserved)
[0.00] Virtual kernel memory layout:
   vector  : 0x003ae148 - 0x003ae548   (   1 KiB)
   kmap: 0xd000 - 0xf000   ( 512 MiB)
   vmalloc : 0x2000 - 0xd000   (2816 MiB)
   lowmem  : 0x - 0x1fe8   ( 510 MiB)
 .init : 0x003e3000 - 0x00407000   ( 144 KiB)
 .text : 0x1000 - 0x0029513a   (2641 KiB)
 .data : 0x00297c38 - 0x003e2644   (1323 KiB)
 .bss  : 0x003ae050 - 0x003e2644   ( 210 KiB)
[0.00] NR_IRQS: 200
[0.00] Console: colour dummy device 80x25
[0.01] console [tty0] enabled
[0.01] Calibrating delay loop... 177.56 BogoMIPS (lpj=887808)
[0.08] pid_max: default: 32768 minimum: 301
[0.08] Mount-cache hash table entries: 1024 (order: 0, 4096 bytes)
[0.08] Mountpoint-cache hash table entries: 1024 (order: 0, 4096 bytes)
[0.10] devtmpfs: initialized
[0.12] clocksource: jiffies: mask: 0x max_cycles: 0x, 
max_idle_ns: 1911260446275 ns
[0.12] futex hash table entries: 256 (order: -1, 3072 bytes)
[0.12] NET: Registered protocol family 16
[0.17] SCSI subsystem initialized
[0.18] VFS: Disk quotas dquot_6.6.0
[0.18] VFS: Dquot-cache hash table entries: 1024 (order 0, 4096 bytes)
[0.27] NET: Registered protocol family 2
[0.28] TCP established hash table entries: 4096 (order: 2, 16384 bytes)
[0.28] TCP bind hash table entries: 4096 (order: 2, 16384 bytes)
[0.28] TCP: Hash tables configured (established 4096 bind 4096)
[0.28] UDP hash table entries: 256 (order: 0, 4096 bytes)
[0.28] UDP-Lite hash table entries: 256 (order: 0, 4096 bytes)
[0.28] NET: Registered protocol family 1
[0.29] Unpacking initramfs...
[6.64] Freeing initrd memory: 6440K
[6.65] workingset: timestamp_bits=11 max_order=17 bucket_order=6
[6.65] zbud: loaded
[6.69] Block layer SCSI generic (bsg) driver version 0.4 loaded 

Re: m68k meetup 2018 - second attempt

2018-02-09 Thread Stefan Niestegge

Am 10.02.2018 um 00:49 schrieb John Paul Adrian Glaubitz:


Since the last thread seems to have died down, let's try a second round.
Who would be interested in a Debian m68k meeting in 2018?

The alternatives would be Kiel at the local university or the Linuxhotel
in Essen. Since I have never been to Kiel before, I would be interested
in having the meetup there :).



Hello all,

i'd like to attend at both locations.


Re: Debian 68k meeting in 2018

2017-11-09 Thread Stefan Niestegge

Am 09.11.2017 um 12:17 schrieb Carsten Strotmann:


John Paul Adrian Glaubitz wrote:

 > Any suggestions for a venue?

I offer to organize a meeting at Linuxhotel ( in 

Prices are low (for open source community meetings, around 40 
Euro/Weekend/per Person), we have network, hotel rooms and meeting rooms 
on venue in a nice park.

And Linuxhotel would fit the meeting theme :)

Linuxhotel is especially nice in Spring/Summer.

Best regards

Carsten Strotmann
(just a random Debian m68K user)

I'd like to try that! Even two nights in a Hostel cost me more
But not only the costs are tempting, that seems to be a very
interesting location.


Re: Debian 68k meeting in 2018

2017-11-08 Thread Stefan Niestegge

Am 08.11.2017 um 14:11 schrieb John Paul Adrian Glaubitz:

But with the overwhelming response to Adrians request, I am not sure if
the rooms at the institute are large enough for all the participants...

Well, I haven't asked on yet :). I think I should do that.

I'd like to attend again, too.


Re: Installing with new Installer-Image

2017-09-21 Thread Stefan Niestegge

Am 20.09.2017 um 17:38 schrieb John Paul Adrian Glaubitz:

On 09/20/2017 04:21 PM, John Paul Adrian Glaubitz wrote:

On 09/20/2017 04:19 PM, Geert Uytterhoeven wrote:

For Falcon IDE, you can try the new driver under drivers/ata/, just

Good idea, thanks for the hint.

Ok, that works indeed \o/.

Stefan, please try this kernel [1] and let me know whether it
detects your CD-ROM drive.

IDE drives (my SSD and DVDROM) are now recognized by the kernel at boot 
stage already.

Instead of the old hda / hdb system i now get my SSD partitions 
recognzied as sda1-sda6

Debian-netinst-m68k-CD spins up, aaand... gets mounted by D-I


good work!!


Re: Installing with new Installer-Image

2017-09-18 Thread Stefan Niestegge

Am 18.09.2017 um 15:11 schrieb John Paul Adrian Glaubitz:

On 09/18/2017 03:03 PM, Stefan Niestegge wrote:

Trying to debug this issue with ping-pong tactics will otherwise
take forever.

Doing what i can!

To speed things up, i joined #debian-68k on (alias for and set up an Twitch stream on my cellphone

atm the link is

you can see the output on my screen

if you have some time, join on irc and tell me what to do!


Re: Installing with new Installer-Image

2017-09-18 Thread Stefan Niestegge

Am 18.09.2017 um 15:11 schrieb John Paul Adrian Glaubitz:

On 09/18/2017 03:03 PM, Stefan Niestegge wrote:

Trying to debug this issue with ping-pong tactics will otherwise
take forever.

Doing what i can!

Inspect the block device and ide0 stuff.


/sys/block is empty

/sys/devices/ide0/ contains
0.0 0.1 ide_portuevent

the file uevent is empty

0.0 and 0.1 contain
drivename media model subsytem unload_heads
firmware modalias serial uevent

# cd 0.0
# cat drivename
# cat media
# cat model
(my HDs name, its correct)
# cd ../0.1
# cat model
Optiarc DVD RW AD-7910S
# cat modalias
# cat uevent
# cd subsystem
(takes me to /sys/bus/ide/)
# ls
devices drivers_autoprobe   uevent
drivers drivers_probe

i really don't know what to look for

Re: Installing with new Installer-Image

2017-09-18 Thread Stefan Niestegge

Am 18.09.2017 um 14:34 schrieb John Paul Adrian Glaubitz:

On 09/18/2017 02:31 PM, Stefan Niestegge wrote:

/sys exists

Then please browse the contents and let us know what's there.

Trying to debug this issue with ping-pong tactics will otherwise
take forever.

Doing what i can!

Re: Installing with new Installer-Image

2017-09-18 Thread Stefan Niestegge

Am 18.09.2017 um 14:24 schrieb Geert Uytterhoeven:

Do we have dynamic majors for IDE now? Not AFAIK.
To be 100% sure, check out:

grep . /sys/class/block/*/dev

That gives me this output:

Oops, sysfs not mounted.
Please run "mount x /sys -t sysfs" first.
If you don't have /sys, run "mkdir /sys" first.

/sys exists

# mount x /sys -t sysfs
mount: mounting x on /sys failed: Device or resource busy

Re: Installing with new Installer-Image

2017-09-18 Thread Stefan Niestegge

Am 18.09.2017 um 14:10 schrieb Geert Uytterhoeven:

Hi Stefan,

On Mon, Sep 18, 2017 at 2:02 PM, Stefan Niestegge <> wrote:

Am 18.09.2017 um 13:56 schrieb John Paul Adrian Glaubitz:

On 09/18/2017 01:55 PM, Stefan Niestegge wrote:

Am 18.09.2017 um 13:48 schrieb John Paul Adrian Glaubitz:

On 09/18/2017 01:44 PM, Geert Uytterhoeven wrote:

Unless that has happened, it won't make much sense trying to

You can still load it manually using "modprobe falconide", right?

Yes, but the problem is that there are no device nodes created.

And doing so manually does not work.

Are you actually sure you used the correct major/minor IDs?

yes, i did it like this

Do we have dynamic majors for IDE now? Not AFAIK.
To be 100% sure, check out:

grep . /sys/class/block/*/dev

That gives me this output:

Re: Installing with new Installer-Image

2017-09-18 Thread Stefan Niestegge

Am 18.09.2017 um 14:05 schrieb John Paul Adrian Glaubitz:

On 09/18/2017 02:02 PM, Stefan Niestegge wrote:

Are you actually sure you used the correct major/minor IDs?

yes, i did it like this

Well, that's not a proof. You need to match this with

$ cat /proc/devices

as i said in my introduction, i'm a basic user ;-)

Re: Installing with new Installer-Image

2017-09-18 Thread Stefan Niestegge

Am 18.09.2017 um 13:56 schrieb John Paul Adrian Glaubitz:

On 09/18/2017 01:55 PM, Stefan Niestegge wrote:

Am 18.09.2017 um 13:48 schrieb John Paul Adrian Glaubitz:

On 09/18/2017 01:44 PM, Geert Uytterhoeven wrote:
Unless that has happened, it won't make much sense trying to 


You can still load it manually using "modprobe falconide", right?

Yes, but the problem is that there are no device nodes created.

And doing so manually does not work.

Are you actually sure you used the correct major/minor IDs?

yes, i did it like this

Re: Installing with new Installer-Image

2017-09-18 Thread Stefan Niestegge

Am 18.09.2017 um 13:48 schrieb John Paul Adrian Glaubitz:

On 09/18/2017 01:44 PM, Geert Uytterhoeven wrote:

Unless that has happened, it won't make much sense trying to work-around

You can still load it manually using "modprobe falconide", right?

Yes, but the problem is that there are no device nodes created.

And doing so manually does not work.

Re: Installing with new Installer-Image

2017-09-18 Thread Stefan Niestegge

Am 18.09.2017 um 13:44 schrieb Geert Uytterhoeven:

Hi Adrian,

On Mon, Sep 18, 2017 at 1:30 PM, John Paul Adrian Glaubitz
<> wrote:

On 09/18/2017 01:27 PM, Stefan Niestegge wrote:

Well, the problem is that the falconide driver has not been ported to
MODULE_ALIAS(), so it's unable to register itself properly as an IDE device.

Unless that has happened, it won't make much sense trying to work-around

You can still load it manually using "modprobe falconide", right?

after doing that "modprobe falconide" the HD and DVD drives are 
recognized correctly in dmesg. But thats all.

My above tests all included a modprobe command for falconide, cdrom and 
isofs modules at first step after boot.

Re: Installing with new Installer-Image

2017-09-18 Thread Stefan Niestegge

Am 17.09.2017 um 13:44 schrieb Finn Thain:

On Sun, 17 Sep 2017, Stefan Niestegge wrote:

If I have the wrong filesystem type I get the same error:

# mkdir /cdrom
# modprobe iso9660
# mount -t iso9660 /dev/sr0 /cdrom
# umount /cdrom
# mount -t foo /dev/sr0 /cdrom
mount: mounting /dev/sr0 on /cdrom failed: No such device

As I have no IDE driver, I also see this:

# mknod /dev/hdb b 3 64
# mount -t iso9660 /dev/hdb /cdrom
mount: mounting /dev/hdb on /cdrom failed: No such device or address

But that's not the error you reported, so I've no idea what went wrong.

BTW, if the block device works but is not in ISO9660 format, I get the
'Invalid argument' error from busybox 'mount'.

 i re-tried mounting cdrom with iso9660 instead of isofs now, but its 
the same output.

i am sure the IDE interface is not properly set up by the kernelmodule,
because the CD drive does not even spin up one time. At least when the 
mount command tries to mount the iso9660 fliesystem, it would need to 
access the actual data, spin up the drive, get data - and fail then.

Re: Installing with new Installer-Image

2017-09-17 Thread Stefan Niestegge

Am 17.09.2017 um 03:00 schrieb Finn Thain:

What happens if you try this:

# mkdir /cdrom

that mountpoint already exist

# modprobe iso9660

i did modprobe isofs, which thenn adds to the output of lsmod

# mount -t iso9660 /dev/hdb /cdrom

mount: mounting /dev/hdb on /cdrom failed: No such device


Re: Installing with new Installer-Image

2017-09-16 Thread Stefan Niestegge

Am 16.09.2017 um 03:39 schrieb Finn Thain:

On Fri, 15 Sep 2017, Stefan Niestegge wrote:

Anyway, you need to get past the "Load installer components from CD" step
if you want to load the Ext filesystem modules and mount an Ext

i see.

Which means you need a working CD-ROM. From looking at the Linux docs, my
guess would be something like this:

# modprobe falconide
# mknod /dev/hda b 3 0
# mknod /dev/hdb b 3 64

i did these

and probably,

# ln -s hdX /dev/cdrom

it won't hurt, so i did this, too

... for some X representing your CD-ROM, derived from kernel log messages.

--> ln -s /dev/hdb /dev/cdrom , correct (i tried both)?

Then run the "Detect and mount CD" and "Load installer components from CD"
steps. Hopefully, you'll then find that "mount /dev/sd..." works.

no, CDROM still not detected. The D-I hardware detection searches on the 
SCSI-Zip drive, but the CDROM does not even spin up.

I can upload pics of my screen output to google pics, if that is of any 
help. Just let me know what you want to see.


Re: Installing with new Installer-Image

2017-09-15 Thread Stefan Niestegge

Am 15.09.2017 um 11:03 schrieb John Paul Adrian Glaubitz:

On 09/15/2017 10:35 AM, Stefan Niestegge wrote:

I'm in for any hints :-)

Can you try adding the following line to the kernel command line?



i did so,

makes no difference. /devtmpfs is existing with or without hat kernel option

Re: Installing with new Installer-Image

2017-09-15 Thread Stefan Niestegge

Am 06.09.2017 um 23:32 schrieb John Paul Adrian Glaubitz:

As i read on other thread, D-I fails to detect my IDE-connected DVD ROM
drive due to missing PATA module.

I will work on this issue the next days and try to figure what we're missing.

I will let you know once I have an updated image which should fix the problem.

I played with the existing image once more, after i connected a ZIP100 
drive to my Falcons SCSI port.

- Kernel detects the drive (sda, AHDI partition table) and even its 
existing partitions (sda1 and sda2)

My ZIP disc was partitioned with HDDriver
BGM (TOS compatible) and LNX (formated with ext2 from FreeMiNT)

not able to mount those partitions:

i get "no such file or directory" or "no such device" error messages on 
mount command. Internet search found that most probably the target 
filesystem isn't supported. Therefore i'm still unable to provide a 
syslog or similar, no idea how to save it somewhere.

- its possible to "modprobe falconide" as well as cdrom, isofs modules
- dmesg then shows that my Harddrive and my DVD Burner were found as 
hda, hdb

- but no device nodes are created for hda, hdb

i created one for cdrom manually according to linux wiki [1] with
mknod -m 660 hdb b 3 64

and tried to
mount (-t isofs, as a second try) /dev/hdb /cdrom
which both fails with same message as hda1 and hda2

exiting the terminal, the D-I does not find the CD-ROM either.

I'm in for any hints :-)


Re: Installing with new Installer-Image

2017-09-07 Thread Stefan Niestegge

> Ataboot.prg unpacks the kernel, unpacks the initrd and complains about
> "6815744 file | out of memory for ramdisk image" and lets me return to
> TOS desktop.

This is what that looks like:

I would highly apreciate get ataboot working instead of the bootstra.tos,
because ataboot is also integrated into ct60 TOS.

One can put kernel, initrd and bootargs file into C:/ and use
bootconf.prg or ct60conf.acc to configure boot preference from "none"
to "Linux". At next boot, a little menu comes up, to select system to boot.

See that here:

it would be inviteable to have that working with the kernel and initrd
that boots the Debian/68k after its installed.

I put these videos to youtube as "not listed" so they don't come up in
searches or as new added videos.

You need to know the link to them. I don't want to make negative


Installing with new Installer-Image

2017-09-06 Thread Stefan Niestegge

i want to try helping improve the new Debian/m68k netinstall that
John Paul Adrian Glaubitz just released.

Small introduction of myself and my setup:

-Stefan Niestegge, LinuxMint user, only basic linux skills.
i can install from a live CD/DVD, use apt-get and edit
config files, but only with nano, not vi.
native language german, so if you want to give private hints,
use german if you like  

-Falcon with ct63, 128GB SSD, DVD drive, Network and
USB card (EtherNAT). The GFX card (SuperVidel) is not yet
supported by Debian but compatible to stock Falcon Videl gfx.
14MB ST RAM and 512MB TT RAM
broken RS232 port

Once had debian installed but lost that with a HD fail. Now only
using NEW drives, never old stuff again.

Here is my actual experience:

Today i downloaded the image from the new download location at

Running bootstra.tos from the /install/tools/atari/ results in
a kernel not found message, since Atari TOS only has 8.3 filenames.

So i copied the content of the /install folder to my HD. Its now
in C:/linux/

Then i modified the bootargs file to

-s -d -k ..\..\kernels\vmlinuz-.0-1 -r ..\..\cdrom\initrd.gz
root=/dev/ram video=atafb:vga16 console=tty load_ramdisk=1 fb=false

Now kernel is found and unpacked but then the Falcon reboots.

Ataboot.prg unpacks the kernel, unpacks the initrd and complains about
"6815744 file | out of memory for ramdisk image" and lets me return to
TOS desktop.

So i reboot the Falcon and hold ctrl pressed, to prevent the Falcon from
loading any programs from HD at boot time.

Still no change.

Looked at the bootargs and removed -s (load kernel to ST RAM) flag.
I had that removed on my old linux install, which speed up things a lot.

Now i can successfully use bootstra.tos to unpack and boot the kernel:
Linux kernel starts up, and after a while, the Debian-installer starts.

- ataboot.prg will complain about out of mem and not boot linux, anyway.
- holding CTRL at boot still is mandatory, too
- using compressed or uncompressed kernel image makes no difference

As i read on other thread, D-I fails to detect my IDE-connected DVD ROM
drive due to missing PATA module.

See my video:

kind regards,

Re: Driver for Atari IDE CDROM on Aranym

2017-09-05 Thread Stefan Niestegge

Am 02.09.2017 um 11:06 schrieb John Paul Adrian Glaubitz:
> Hi!
> I am currently testing the new debian-installer images on various m68k
> targets, currently on Aranym.

Hi Adrian,

I tried your CD on my Falcon. I use ExtenDOS as my CD-Driver.
Under plain TOS, i only get 8.3 filenames, so the bootstrap executable
doesn't find the kernel.

I copied the content of the "install" folder to my HD and adapted the
bootargs to the 8.3 filenames. Kernel and initrd are found now, but  a
few moments after the "press a key to boot Linux" message, the Falcon


Re: Debian installer image for Debian/m68k

2017-09-05 Thread Stefan Niestegge

Am 31.08.2017 um 14:32 schrieb John Paul Adrian Glaubitz:
> Hi!
> I just created the first debian installer image for m68k since aeons,

Wow, very nice work!

> Again, this has not been tested at all. If this turns your Amiga/Atari/Mac
> into a toaster, you have been warned!

Understood. I am going to get this running on my Falcon, which has a DVD
ROM drive as slave device on the IDE port.


Re: Seeking Mac testers, was Re: Linux Mac68k v4.1.39 test kernel build is available

2017-04-06 Thread Stefan Niestegge
Here are the dmesg logs of both kernels.

Am 05.04.2017 um 03:47 schrieb Finn Thain:
> On Tue, 4 Apr 2017, Stefan Niestegge wrote:
>> Well, with one of the last kernels we tried, we got the network up, but 
>> could only login to the Mac through serial console. Our "distro" is 
>> debian, iirc its the tarball Th. Glaser supplied some time ago.
> Please also try the "4.1.39-mac_scsi-egret" kernel build at 
> That way we can find out if this is a regression in my patch queue. It 
> would be very helpful to get the dmesg from output from any kernel which 
> has a device driver that does detect the network card. Thanks!
[0.00] Linux version 4.1.39-mac_scsi-egret-etc+ (fthain@nippy) (gcc version 4.4.6 (btc) ) #2 Fri Mar 17 10:35:58 AEDT 2017
[0.00] Saving 402 bytes of bootinfo
[0.00] Detected Macintosh model: 27
[0.00]  Penguin bootinfo data:
[0.00]  Video: addr 0x60b0 row 0x280 depth 8 dimensions 640 x 480
[0.00]  Videological 0xf030 phys. 0x60b0, SCC at 0x50f04000
[0.00]  Boottime: 0xe6e8270a GMTBias: 0x0
[0.00]  Machine ID: 27 CPUid: 0x1 memory size: 0x24
[0.00] VIA1 at 50f0 is a 6522 or clone
[0.00] VIA2 at 50f26000 is an RBV
[0.00] Apple Macintosh LC III
[0.00] On node 0 totalpages: 9216
[0.00] free_area_init_node: node 0, pgdat 0038ca74, node_mem_map 003d
[0.00]   DMA zone: 81 pages used for memmap
[0.00]   DMA zone: 0 pages reserved
[0.00]   DMA zone: 9216 pages, LIFO batch:1
[0.00] pcpu-alloc: s0 r0 d32768 u32768 alloc=1*32768
[0.00] pcpu-alloc: [0] 0 
[0.00] Built 1 zonelists in Zone order, mobility grouping on.  Total pages: 9135
[0.00] Kernel command line: root=/dev/sdb3 
[0.00] PID hash table entries: 256 (order: -2, 1024 bytes)
[0.00] Dentry cache hash table entries: 8192 (order: 3, 32768 bytes)
[0.00] Inode-cache hash table entries: 4096 (order: 2, 16384 bytes)
[0.00] Sorting __ex_table...
[0.00] Memory: 32548K/36864K available (2872K kernel code, 239K rwdata, 644K rodata, 116K init, 139K bss, 4316K reserved, 0K cma-reserved)
[0.00] Virtual kernel memory layout:
vector  : 0x0038c564 - 0x0038c964   (   1 KiB)
kmap: 0xd000 - 0xf000   ( 512 MiB)
vmalloc : 0x0280 - 0xd000   (3288 MiB)
lowmem  : 0x - 0x0240   (  36 MiB)
  .init : 0x003b - 0x003cd000   ( 116 KiB)
  .text : 0x1000 - 0x002cf134   (2873 KiB)
  .data : 0x002d2578 - 0x003af32c   ( 884 KiB)
  .bss  : 0x0038c480 - 0x003af32c   ( 140 KiB)
[0.00] SLUB: HWalign=16, Order=0-3, MinObjects=0, CPUs=1, Nodes=8
[0.00] NR_IRQS:72
[0.00] Killing onboard sonic... Done.
[0.00] WARNING: Persistent clock returned invalid value!
 Check your CMOS/BIOS settings.
[0.00] Console: colour dummy device 80x25
[0.05] console [tty0] enabled
[0.06] Calibrating delay loop... 5.81 BogoMIPS (lpj=29056)
[0.20] pid_max: default: 32768 minimum: 301
[0.21] Mount-cache hash table entries: 1024 (order: 0, 4096 bytes)
[0.21] Mountpoint-cache hash table entries: 1024 (order: 0, 4096 bytes)
[0.37] devtmpfs: initialized
[0.52] clocksource jiffies: mask: 0x max_cycles: 0x, max_idle_ns: 1911260446275 ns
[0.53] futex hash table entries: 256 (order: -1, 3072 bytes)
[0.61] NET: Registered protocol family 16
[1.17] NuBus: Scanning NuBus slots.
[1.21] Slot E:
[1.21]   Board resource:
[1.21] type: [cat 0x1 type 0x0 sw 0x0 hw 0x0]
[1.21] name: Macintosh LC Ethernet Adapter
[1.22] board id: 0x2e
[1.22] vendor info:
[1.22] ID: Copyright (C) 1990 Apple Computer, Inc.
[1.23] revision: ROM revision 1.0
[1.23] part: 341-0842
[1.23]   Function 0x81:
[1.23] type: [cat 0x4 type 0x1 sw 0x1 hw 0x10f]
[1.24] name: ENET
[1.24] driver at: 0xfeff80dc
[1.24] flags: 0x00
[1.25] hwdevid: 0x01
[1.29] SCSI subsystem initialized
[2.13] NET: Registered protocol family 2
[2.22] TCP established hash table entries: 1024 (order: 0, 4096 bytes)
[2.23] TCP bind hash table entries: 1024 (order: 0, 4096 bytes)
[2.23] TCP: Hash tables configured (established 1024 bind 1024)
[2.24] UDP hash table entries: 256 (order: 0, 4096 bytes)
[2.24] UDP-Lite hash table entries: 256 (order: 0, 4096 bytes)
[2.26] NET: Registered protocol family 1
[2.29] RPC: Registered named UNIX socket transport module.
[2.29] RPC: Registered udp transport module.
[2.29] RPC: Registered tcp transport module.

Re: Seeking Mac testers, was Re: Linux Mac68k v4.1.39 test kernel build is available

2017-04-06 Thread Stefan Niestegge
Here are the dmesg logs of both kernels.

Am 05.04.2017 um 03:47 schrieb Finn Thain:
> On Tue, 4 Apr 2017, Stefan Niestegge wrote:
>> Well, with one of the last kernels we tried, we got the network up, but 
>> could only login to the Mac through serial console. Our "distro" is 
>> debian, iirc its the tarball Th. Glaser supplied some time ago.
> Please also try the "4.1.39-mac_scsi-egret" kernel build at 
> That way we can find out if this is a regression in my patch queue. It 
> would be very helpful to get the dmesg from output from any kernel which 
> has a device driver that does detect the network card. Thanks!
[0.00] Linux version 4.1.39-mac_scsi-egret-etc+ (fthain@nippy) (gcc version 4.4.6 (btc) ) #2 Fri Mar 17 10:35:58 AEDT 2017
[0.00] Saving 402 bytes of bootinfo
[0.00] Detected Macintosh model: 27
[0.00]  Penguin bootinfo data:
[0.00]  Video: addr 0x60b0 row 0x280 depth 8 dimensions 640 x 480
[0.00]  Videological 0xf030 phys. 0x60b0, SCC at 0x50f04000
[0.00]  Boottime: 0xe6e8270a GMTBias: 0x0
[0.00]  Machine ID: 27 CPUid: 0x1 memory size: 0x24
[0.00] VIA1 at 50f0 is a 6522 or clone
[0.00] VIA2 at 50f26000 is an RBV
[0.00] Apple Macintosh LC III
[0.00] On node 0 totalpages: 9216
[0.00] free_area_init_node: node 0, pgdat 0038ca74, node_mem_map 003d
[0.00]   DMA zone: 81 pages used for memmap
[0.00]   DMA zone: 0 pages reserved
[0.00]   DMA zone: 9216 pages, LIFO batch:1
[0.00] pcpu-alloc: s0 r0 d32768 u32768 alloc=1*32768
[0.00] pcpu-alloc: [0] 0 
[0.00] Built 1 zonelists in Zone order, mobility grouping on.  Total pages: 9135
[0.00] Kernel command line: root=/dev/sdb3 
[0.00] PID hash table entries: 256 (order: -2, 1024 bytes)
[0.00] Dentry cache hash table entries: 8192 (order: 3, 32768 bytes)
[0.00] Inode-cache hash table entries: 4096 (order: 2, 16384 bytes)
[0.00] Sorting __ex_table...
[0.00] Memory: 32548K/36864K available (2872K kernel code, 239K rwdata, 644K rodata, 116K init, 139K bss, 4316K reserved, 0K cma-reserved)
[0.00] Virtual kernel memory layout:
vector  : 0x0038c564 - 0x0038c964   (   1 KiB)
kmap: 0xd000 - 0xf000   ( 512 MiB)
vmalloc : 0x0280 - 0xd000   (3288 MiB)
lowmem  : 0x - 0x0240   (  36 MiB)
  .init : 0x003b - 0x003cd000   ( 116 KiB)
  .text : 0x1000 - 0x002cf134   (2873 KiB)
  .data : 0x002d2578 - 0x003af32c   ( 884 KiB)
  .bss  : 0x0038c480 - 0x003af32c   ( 140 KiB)
[0.00] SLUB: HWalign=16, Order=0-3, MinObjects=0, CPUs=1, Nodes=8
[0.00] NR_IRQS:72
[0.00] Killing onboard sonic... Done.
[0.00] WARNING: Persistent clock returned invalid value!
 Check your CMOS/BIOS settings.
[0.00] Console: colour dummy device 80x25
[0.05] console [tty0] enabled
[0.06] Calibrating delay loop... 5.81 BogoMIPS (lpj=29056)
[0.20] pid_max: default: 32768 minimum: 301
[0.21] Mount-cache hash table entries: 1024 (order: 0, 4096 bytes)
[0.21] Mountpoint-cache hash table entries: 1024 (order: 0, 4096 bytes)
[0.37] devtmpfs: initialized
[0.52] clocksource jiffies: mask: 0x max_cycles: 0x, max_idle_ns: 1911260446275 ns
[0.53] futex hash table entries: 256 (order: -1, 3072 bytes)
[0.61] NET: Registered protocol family 16
[1.17] NuBus: Scanning NuBus slots.
[1.21] Slot E:
[1.21]   Board resource:
[1.21] type: [cat 0x1 type 0x0 sw 0x0 hw 0x0]
[1.21] name: Macintosh LC Ethernet Adapter
[1.22] board id: 0x2e
[1.22] vendor info:
[1.22] ID: Copyright (C) 1990 Apple Computer, Inc.
[1.23] revision: ROM revision 1.0
[1.23] part: 341-0842
[1.23]   Function 0x81:
[1.23] type: [cat 0x4 type 0x1 sw 0x1 hw 0x10f]
[1.24] name: ENET
[1.24] driver at: 0xfeff80dc
[1.24] flags: 0x00
[1.25] hwdevid: 0x01
[1.29] SCSI subsystem initialized
[2.13] NET: Registered protocol family 2
[2.22] TCP established hash table entries: 1024 (order: 0, 4096 bytes)
[2.23] TCP bind hash table entries: 1024 (order: 0, 4096 bytes)
[2.23] TCP: Hash tables configured (established 1024 bind 1024)
[2.24] UDP hash table entries: 256 (order: 0, 4096 bytes)
[2.24] UDP-Lite hash table entries: 256 (order: 0, 4096 bytes)
[2.26] NET: Registered protocol family 1
[2.29] RPC: Registered named UNIX socket transport module.
[2.29] RPC: Registered udp transport module.
[2.29] RPC: Registered tcp transport module.

Re: Seeking Mac testers, was Re: Linux Mac68k v4.1.39 test kernel build is available

2017-04-04 Thread Stefan Niestegge

Am 04.04.2017 um 05:47 schrieb Finn Thain:
> On Mon, 3 Apr 2017, Stefan Niestegge wrote:

>> we tested this kernel today on a Performa 450 (aka LC3) ADB works nice, 
> Thanks for testing!

You're welcome!

> That really depends on your distro's network scripts and their configs.

Well, with one of the last kernels we tried, we got the network up, but
could only login to the Mac through serial console. Our "distro" is
debian, iirc its the tarball Th. Glaser supplied some time ago.
> But "ifconfig -a" should reveal all network interfaces, whether configured 
> by your boot scripts or not. If your network interface card doesn't show 
> up please send the dmesg output.

Nope, only loopback.

I send you the dmesg as attachment.

Best regards,
[0.00] Linux version 4.1.39-mac_scsi-egret-etc+ (fthain@nippy) (gcc version 4.4.6 (btc) ) #2 Fri Mar 17 10:35:58 AEDT 2017
[0.00] Saving 402 bytes of bootinfo
[0.00] Detected Macintosh model: 27
[0.00]  Penguin bootinfo data:
[0.00]  Video: addr 0x60b0 row 0x280 depth 8 dimensions 640 x 480
[0.00]  Videological 0xf030 phys. 0x60b0, SCC at 0x50f04000
[0.00]  Boottime: 0xe6e8270a GMTBias: 0x0
[0.00]  Machine ID: 27 CPUid: 0x1 memory size: 0x24
[0.00] VIA1 at 50f0 is a 6522 or clone
[0.00] VIA2 at 50f26000 is an RBV
[0.00] Apple Macintosh LC III
[0.00] On node 0 totalpages: 9216
[0.00] free_area_init_node: node 0, pgdat 0038ca74, node_mem_map 003d
[0.00]   DMA zone: 81 pages used for memmap
[0.00]   DMA zone: 0 pages reserved
[0.00]   DMA zone: 9216 pages, LIFO batch:1
[0.00] pcpu-alloc: s0 r0 d32768 u32768 alloc=1*32768
[0.00] pcpu-alloc: [0] 0 
[0.00] Built 1 zonelists in Zone order, mobility grouping on.  Total pages: 9135
[0.00] Kernel command line: root=/dev/sdb3 
[0.00] PID hash table entries: 256 (order: -2, 1024 bytes)
[0.00] Dentry cache hash table entries: 8192 (order: 3, 32768 bytes)
[0.00] Inode-cache hash table entries: 4096 (order: 2, 16384 bytes)
[0.00] Sorting __ex_table...
[0.00] Memory: 32548K/36864K available (2872K kernel code, 239K rwdata, 644K rodata, 116K init, 139K bss, 4316K reserved, 0K cma-reserved)
[0.00] Virtual kernel memory layout:
vector  : 0x0038c564 - 0x0038c964   (   1 KiB)
kmap: 0xd000 - 0xf000   ( 512 MiB)
vmalloc : 0x0280 - 0xd000   (3288 MiB)
lowmem  : 0x - 0x0240   (  36 MiB)
  .init : 0x003b - 0x003cd000   ( 116 KiB)
  .text : 0x1000 - 0x002cf134   (2873 KiB)
  .data : 0x002d2578 - 0x003af32c   ( 884 KiB)
  .bss  : 0x0038c480 - 0x003af32c   ( 140 KiB)
[0.00] SLUB: HWalign=16, Order=0-3, MinObjects=0, CPUs=1, Nodes=8
[0.00] NR_IRQS:72
[0.00] Killing onboard sonic... Done.
[0.00] WARNING: Persistent clock returned invalid value!
 Check your CMOS/BIOS settings.
[0.00] Console: colour dummy device 80x25
[0.05] console [tty0] enabled
[0.06] Calibrating delay loop... 5.81 BogoMIPS (lpj=29056)
[0.20] pid_max: default: 32768 minimum: 301
[0.21] Mount-cache hash table entries: 1024 (order: 0, 4096 bytes)
[0.21] Mountpoint-cache hash table entries: 1024 (order: 0, 4096 bytes)
[0.37] devtmpfs: initialized
[0.52] clocksource jiffies: mask: 0x max_cycles: 0x, max_idle_ns: 1911260446275 ns
[0.53] futex hash table entries: 256 (order: -1, 3072 bytes)
[0.61] NET: Registered protocol family 16
[1.17] NuBus: Scanning NuBus slots.
[1.21] Slot E:
[1.21]   Board resource:
[1.21] type: [cat 0x1 type 0x0 sw 0x0 hw 0x0]
[1.21] name: Macintosh LC Ethernet Adapter
[1.22] board id: 0x2e
[1.22] vendor info:
[1.22] ID: Copyright (C) 1990 Apple Computer, Inc.
[1.23] revision: ROM revision 1.0
[1.23] part: 341-0842
[1.23]   Function 0x81:
[1.23] type: [cat 0x4 type 0x1 sw 0x1 hw 0x10f]
[1.24] name: ENET
[1.24] driver at: 0xfeff80dc
[1.24] flags: 0x00
[1.25] hwdevid: 0x01
[1.29] SCSI subsystem initialized
[2.13] NET: Registered protocol family 2
[2.22] TCP established hash table entries: 1024 (order: 0, 4096 bytes)
[2.23] TCP bind hash table entries: 1024 (order: 0, 4096 bytes)
[2.23] TCP: Hash tables configured (established 1024 bind 1024)
[2.24] UDP hash table entries: 256 (order: 0, 4096 bytes)
[2.24] UDP-Lite hash table entries: 256 (order: 0, 4096 bytes)
[2.26] NET: Registered protocol family 1
[2.29] RPC: Registered named UNIX socket transport module.
[2.29] RPC: Registered udp tra

Re: Seeking Mac testers, was Re: Linux Mac68k v4.1.39 test kernel build is available

2017-04-03 Thread Stefan Niestegge

Am 20.03.2017 um 01:52 schrieb Finn Thain:
> On Fri, 17 Mar 2017, I wrote:
>> I've just uploaded a new kernel build to the Linux Mac68k sourceforge 
>> project:
>> This build has some patches for the mac_scsi and egret drivers that were 
>> backported from mainline v4.11-rc1. For machines that need those drivers 
>> (LC III etc.) this build should work better than previous releases. 
>> Please let me know if you encounter any regressions.
>> AFAIK, no Macs should need v2.x unless they need the SMC9194 Nubus 
>> network card driver. For some reason that driver only appeared in the 
>> v2.2 branch in the mac68k CVS and never in mainline Linux. It isn't 
>> likely to get a modern rewrite any time soon so I recommend replacing 
>> those cards and running v4.x on any 68k Mac.
> I've uploaded a second test kernel build. This one includes my patch queue
> Apart from these 28 patches this build is exactly the same as the build on 
> sourceforge described above. It can be downloaded here,

Hi there,

we tested this kernel today on a Performa 450 (aka LC3)
ADB works nice, dmesg shows that the kernel detected our
network card (Nubus Slot E, Mac LC Ethernet Adapter, Board_ID 0x2e)
Its an "Asante" card, but ifconfig shows only loopback device.

The modules had been unpacked beforehand.
Is this expected behaviour?

Best regards,
Stefan & Carsten

Re: Debian on mac68k

2016-10-26 Thread Stefan Niestegge

Am 25.10.2016 um 06:34 schrieb Finn Thain:
> Hi Stan and Stefan,
Hi Finn!
> The second patch series needs more testing before I can send it upstream. 
> It can be found on github if you want to read it or clone it: 
> The new Egret support comes from a modified Cuda driver, and should get 
> ADB working on your LC III without needing the old via-maciisi code. At 
> present I don't have an Egret-based Mac at hand to test the latest changes 
> on so don't expect too much from this series. It could be completely 
> broken.
> I uploaded a new build anyway, with both the mac_scsi and egret patches:
> SHA1 digests:
> 22146db55d372416534821227ba8a0662208da75  vmlinux-4.1.35-mac_scsi-egret+
> 69430122ebb17ccc5b732fd4531a97787a387976  
> linux-m68k-image-4.1.35-mac_scsi-egret+.tar.gz

Wow, great! I will test and report asap, thanks for your efforts!

Re: Kernel for Atari Falcon

2016-06-27 Thread Stefan Niestegge
i will try that!

Am 27.06.2016 um 15:43 schrieb John Paul Adrian Glaubitz:
> On 06/27/2016 03:39 PM, Geert Uytterhoeven wrote:
>> You can download a cross compiler from e.g.
> On a sidenote: If you're running Debian testing or a recent version of Ubuntu,
> you should be able to install the necessary cross-compiler directly from the
> official repositories:
> $ apt install gcc-m68k-linux-gnu g++-m68k-linux-gnu cpp-m68k-linux-gnu
> To be able to run "make menuconfig", you need to have the ncurses development
> package installed, but I usually just install all build dependencies for
> the kernel on Debian, thus:
> $ apt build-dep linux
> Adrian

Kernel for Atari Falcon

2016-06-27 Thread Stefan Niestegge
Hi there,

not long ago, thanks to your help, i installed debian to an Mac LCIII.
Now i would like to set up my Falcon to run debian-m68k again.

Last year, on the Debian m68k meetup, we made debian working on my
Falcon pretty well. Sadly, some months later, the harddrive died.

Now i want to try it again. The base system disk image T. Glaser
provided last time is no longer to find.
If i remember correctly i got a 3.16 kernel for atari from Geert
Uytterhoeven back then.

I unpacked a chroot tarball from Paul Adrian Glaubitz to the third
primary partition of my harddrive. I did this from within FreeMiNT,
which uses ext2 by itself.

Now i'd need a kernel that is made for atari, since the generic m68k
kernel seem to be to large (ataboot.prg shows message "unable to
allocate memory for kernel").

Please point me to a place i can download it - or even better,
explain how to crosscompile it.

Thanks in advance,
Stefan "Beetle" Niestegge

Re: Fwd: Re: Debian on mac68k

2016-05-30 Thread Stefan Niestegge

Am 30.05.2016 um 12:50 schrieb John Paul Adrian Glaubitz:
> On 05/30/2016 12:36 PM, Stefan Niestegge wrote:
>> No, i wasn't. Thats beyond my abilities. I just wanted to install Debian
>> to my friend's old Mac.
> Well, you are installing on 20+-year-old hardware. I don't think it's fair
> to assume that everything works out-of-the-box and is straight-forward
> to set up. We are all know this port needs work.

Yes, you are right.
>> But how much sense makes a system that you can only use remotely?
>> I guess for you people that run buildds it has all you need. I'd prefer
>> a system i can use locally, on its own.
> Well, yes, ADB support is currently broken as you have heard. So, either
> you look into fixing it yourself or you install a much older version
> of Debian. I don't think you can anyone else to jump in right now and
> fix the driver for you.
I can't fix such stuff myself, nor do i expect that someone interrupts
his work to fix the ADB now.

>> Perhaps there is an older kernel that can use your chroot, but still has
>> (unstable?) ADB keyboard support?
> I don't know when ADB support broke. I have an m68k Mac myself, but I
> normally run Linux on Amigas or virtual Ataris. On my Centris 650, ADB
> support is working fine with the 3.16 stock kernel in any case.

Now this is probably the thing to try out. Do you boot it with Penguin,
too? What is your kernel commandline? I tried the generic m68k kernel
from your debian space but it didn't boot, it hangs after un-gzipping
but before screen turns black. System 7 Desktop freezes.

Re: Fwd: Re: Debian on mac68k

2016-05-30 Thread Stefan Niestegge

Am 30.05.2016 um 12:31 schrieb John Paul Adrian Glaubitz:
> On 05/30/2016 12:28 PM, Stefan Niestegge wrote:
>> Seems like for Geert it was something he just needed to be remembered
>> of. No idea how to CONFIG HANDLE on a system i cannot access.
> You are aware that anything starting with CONFIG_ is a kernel configuration
> option that you have to set when building the kernel? You have to rebuild
> the kernel to enable that.
> Adrian

No, i wasn't. Thats beyond my abilities. I just wanted to install Debian
to my friend's old Mac.

But how much sense makes a system that you can only use remotely?
I guess for you people that run buildds it has all you need. I'd prefer
a system i can use locally, on its own.

Perhaps there is an older kernel that can use your chroot, but still has
(unstable?) ADB keyboard support?

Re: Fwd: Re: Debian on mac68k

2016-05-30 Thread Stefan Niestegge
Sorry, i messed up this mail - don't reply here, please

Am 30.05.2016 um 12:28 schrieb Stefan Niestegge:
> Am 30.05.2016 um 11:45 schrieb John Paul Adrian Glaubitz:
>> On 05/30/2016 11:42 AM, Stefan Niestegge wrote:
>>> Later in booting, i got  messages
>>> [ TIME ] Timed out waiting for device dev-ttyS0.device.
>>> [DEPEND] Dependency failed for Serial Getty on ttyS0.
>>> i can try with console=/dev/ttyS0,9600,8n1 instead, but i guess there is
>>> something else missing. Any idea?
>> Sounds like Geert's problem he posted earlier today:
>> ===
>> Failure 2:
>> A start job is running for dev-ttySC4.device
>> Timed out waiting for device dev-ttySC4.device
>> Bye bye serial console
>> Seems this needs CONFIG_FHANDLE.
>> ===
>> Adrian
> Seems like for Geert it was something he just needed to be remembered
> of. No idea how to CONFIG HANDLE on a system i cannot access.
> Its not that autologin doesn't work, i don't get any login prompt at
> all. I just see the kernel boot messages on my terminal, and then a
> login prompt at the mac's screen.
> I have looked at the linked pages but did not find what i need to do.
> Stefan

Re: Debian on mac68k

2016-05-30 Thread Stefan Niestegge

Am 30.05.2016 um 11:45 schrieb John Paul Adrian Glaubitz:
> On 05/30/2016 11:42 AM, Stefan Niestegge wrote:
>> Later in booting, i got  messages
>> [ TIME ] Timed out waiting for device dev-ttyS0.device.
>> [DEPEND] Dependency failed for Serial Getty on ttyS0.
>> i can try with console=/dev/ttyS0,9600,8n1 instead, but i guess there is
>> something else missing. Any idea?
> Sounds like Geert's problem he posted earlier today:
> Failure 2:
> A start job is running for dev-ttySC4.device
> Timed out waiting for device dev-ttySC4.device
> Bye bye serial console
> Seems this needs CONFIG_FHANDLE.
> Adrian
Seems like for Geert it was something he just needed to be remembered
of. No idea how to CONFIG HANDLE on a system i cannot access.

Its not that autologin doesn't work, i don't get any login prompt at
all. I just see the kernel boot messages on my terminal, and then a
login prompt at the mac's screen.

I have looked at the linked pages but did not find what i need to do.


Re: Debian on mac68k

2016-05-30 Thread Stefan Niestegge

Am 30.05.2016 um 11:45 schrieb John Paul Adrian Glaubitz:
> On 05/30/2016 11:42 AM, Stefan Niestegge wrote:
>> Later in booting, i got  messages
>> [ TIME ] Timed out waiting for device dev-ttyS0.device.
>> [DEPEND] Dependency failed for Serial Getty on ttyS0.
>> i can try with console=/dev/ttyS0,9600,8n1 instead, but i guess there is
>> something else missing. Any idea?
> Sounds like Geert's problem he posted earlier today:
> ===
> Failure 2:
> A start job is running for dev-ttySC4.device
> Timed out waiting for device dev-ttySC4.device
> Bye bye serial console
> Seems this needs CONFIG_FHANDLE.
> ===
> Adrian
Seems like for Geert it was something he just needed to be remembered
of. No idea how to CONFIG HANDLE on a system i cannot access.

Its not that autologin doesn't work, i don't get any login prompt at
all. I just see the kernel boot messages on my terminal, and then a
login prompt at the mac's screen.

I have looked at the linked pages but did not find what i need to do.


Fwd: Re: Debian on mac68k

2016-05-30 Thread Stefan Niestegge

Am 30.05.2016 um 11:45 schrieb John Paul Adrian Glaubitz:
> On 05/30/2016 11:42 AM, Stefan Niestegge wrote:
>> Later in booting, i got  messages
>> [ TIME ] Timed out waiting for device dev-ttyS0.device.
>> [DEPEND] Dependency failed for Serial Getty on ttyS0.
>> i can try with console=/dev/ttyS0,9600,8n1 instead, but i guess there is
>> something else missing. Any idea?
> Sounds like Geert's problem he posted earlier today:
> ===
> Failure 2:
> A start job is running for dev-ttySC4.device
> Timed out waiting for device dev-ttySC4.device
> Bye bye serial console
> Seems this needs CONFIG_FHANDLE.
> ===
> Adrian
Seems like for Geert it was something he just needed to be remembered
of. No idea how to CONFIG HANDLE on a system i cannot access.

Its not that autologin doesn't work, i don't get any login prompt at
all. I just see the kernel boot messages on my terminal, and then a
login prompt at the mac's screen.

I have looked at the linked pages but did not find what i need to do.


Re: Debian on mac68k

2016-05-30 Thread Stefan Niestegge

Am 30.05.2016 um 11:30 schrieb John Paul Adrian Glaubitz:
> On 05/30/2016 11:21 AM, Stefan Niestegge wrote:

> You need to add something like:
>   console=ttyS0,115200,8n1
> However, please do *not* blindly the command line above but adjust it
> to the hardware you are using

i added console=ttyS0,9600 to the kernel, 8n1 seems to be default, i got
the boot messages on the connected PC in (which uses
9600,8,n,1 by default as well).

so, i got boot messages but no login prompt.

Later in booting, i got  messages
[ TIME ] Timed out waiting for device dev-ttyS0.device.
[DEPEND] Dependency failed for Serial Getty on ttyS0.

i can try with console=/dev/ttyS0,9600,8n1 instead, but i guess there is
something else missing. Any idea?


Re: Debian on mac68k

2016-05-30 Thread Stefan Niestegge

Am 30.05.2016 um 11:14 schrieb John Paul Adrian Glaubitz:
> On 05/30/2016 11:05 AM, Stefan Niestegge wrote:

>> I can't login via serial, nor telnetd or sshd because none is configured.
> For serial, you need to pass the necessary parameters to the
> kernel command line in your boot loader, see:

Ah, thanks, will look and learn

> Which bootloader are you using?

Penguin 19


Re: Debian on mac68k

2016-05-30 Thread Stefan Niestegge


I was able to boot the 4.1.20-mac-scsi+ kernel

Now the hen/egg problem comes up. The Mac boots up, and i can only look
at the screen and wait for it to enter screensaving mode.

> On 05/30/2016 03:05 AM, Finn Thain wrote:
>> Without ADB, you will need a network login service (e.g. sshd) and/or 
>> serial console. The getty on /dev/ttyS0 or /dev/ttyS1 used to be 
>> configured in /etc/inittab, but I never tried that with systemd.

I can't login via serial, nor telnetd or sshd because none is configured.

> Am 30.05.2016 um 08:26 schrieb John Paul Adrian Glaubitz:
> Just pass "console=ttyS0,19200,8n1" on the console and you're set.
> There is no special requirement to get the serial console work with
> systemd, it's just configured as read-only by default, e.g. you
> just get the boot messages. But just passing the above parameters
> will spawn a login shell on ttyS0.
How can i do that without keyboard? I have a PC with Linux and RS232 as
well as a cable to connect to modem jack of the Mac.
The Mac is also connected to Ethernet as well as my PC.

Re: Debian on mac68k

2016-05-29 Thread Stefan Niestegge

Am 24.03.2016 um 01:48 schrieb Finn Thain:
> On Wed, 24 Feb 2016, I wrote:
>> ... The new build is here,
>>   SHA1 9ee49c4d9361785b872f9448acd3e25a4f52ab92
>> The patches are the 84 that I've sent to the scsi maintainers. They 
>> affect only the mac_scsi module. (Mac kernel binaries don't have any use 
>> for atari_scsi, sun3_scsi etc so these modules aren't present.)
> I've built a new kernel binary with the latest mac_scsi patches included. 
> That is, the 23 patches that I recently sent to the scsi maintainers, in 
> addition to the previous 84.
> This version of mac_scsi implements working PDMA which should benefit 
> 68020- and 68030-based Macs (except for the IIfx). For example, sequential 
> disk read throughput on my LC III is about fifteen times faster (when 
> measured with dd).
> The mac_scsi driver needs more work in order to support DMA on the IIfx 
> and PDMA on 68040-based PowerBooks. (All of the other 68040-based Macs use 
> the mac_esp driver and not mac_scsi.)
> The download is here,
> SHA1 2a5418a5423f234ea549ea9dc26624cb5dbdae69  
> As before, this kernel configuration has the essential Mac drivers 
> built-in so that it can be used without an initrd, e.g. for installation.


i also want to run debian on an old mac. I have read the whole
thread now, but the links to the kernels compiled by Finn are not valid
any longer.

My machine is a Performa 450 (which is almost identical to an LC III,
isn't it?) with 36MB and SD2SCSI device which emulates 3 SCSI Discs.
/dev/sdb3 is the ext2 partition for / and /dev/sdb4 is swap.

I have booted a 2.2 kernel with Emile and was able to set up partition,
make filesystems and unpack a chroot tarball from A. Glaubitz.

But i need a kernel. Can someone give a link to a kernel - preferably
with support for the Performa's keyboard? (i have probably not
understood the problem with "Egret" completely)

Stefan Niestegge

Description: application/pgp-keys

Re: dmasound-atari

2015-01-31 Thread Stefan Niestegge

Am 29.01.2015 um 17:09 schrieb Geert Uytterhoeven:

Hi Beetle.

On Thu, Jan 29, 2015 at 12:13 PM, Stefan Niestegge wrote:

During the meetup my Falcon was configured to start a
kernelmodule dmasound-atari at boot.

What is needed to configure sound with that one?

OSS or even ALSA?

The dmasound drivers still use the OSS framework.

The only howto i found for Debian Sid was here:

According to it i installed:
oss4-base oss4-source oss4-gtk

The module-assistant however, lets me know it can't get the
kernel header/kernel sources for my 3.19.-dirty kernel.

Do i need to use a release kernel for that purpose?


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Re: dmasound-atari

2015-01-31 Thread Stefan Niestegge

Am 31.01.2015 um 11:53 schrieb Geert Uytterhoeven:

Hi Beetle,

On Sat, Jan 31, 2015 at 11:47 AM, Stefan Niestegge wrote:

Am 29.01.2015 um 17:09 schrieb Geert Uytterhoeven:

On Thu, Jan 29, 2015 at 12:13 PM, Stefan Niestegge

During the meetup my Falcon was configured to start a
kernelmodule dmasound-atari at boot.

What is needed to configure sound with that one?

OSS or even ALSA?

The dmasound drivers still use the OSS framework.

The only howto i found for Debian Sid was here:

According to it i installed:
oss4-base oss4-source oss4-gtk

The module-assistant however, lets me know it can't get the
kernel header/kernel sources for my 3.19.-dirty kernel.

Do i need to use a release kernel for that purpose?

IIUIC, oss4-source contains the sources for the sound kernel drivers.
You already have a driver (dmasound-atari) installed, so you can skip that part.

Yes, my dmesg shows me the kernel module dmasound-atari gets loaded.
OSS gets started at boot, too, but fails to recognize the kernel module.
Therfore OSS doesn't get loaded and ossinfo tells me OSS Version 4.0 or
later required instead of found sound devices.

Thats why i was looking for an OSS4 howto.

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2015-01-29 Thread Stefan Niestegge

Hi there,

as you already know, i want to set up a complete system
Debian 68k with X11 desktop.

During the meetup my Falcon was configured to start a
kernelmodule dmasound-atari at boot.

What is needed to configure sound with that one?

OSS or even ALSA?

The howtos i found on the net are either too old
(alsaconf is not used on recent setups) or need
packages that are not available (linux-sound-base)

Does someone know how to configure Debian/m68k sid
with dmasound as target device?


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Re: installing lxde fails: dep: gpicview

2015-01-26 Thread Stefan Niestegge

Am 25.01.2015 um 14:53 schrieb Thorsten Glaser:

John Paul Adrian Glaubitz dixit:

Umh, Thorsten. Why did you schedule another binNMU when I already
did that? You saw that there was already a +b1 scheduled, no need
to schedule another one.

Oops. No, I didn’t see this. Maybe we did it mostly at the same time.

I generally look at
to figure out which text and binNMU version to use, which is why
I added the +b2 (for M-A compatibility).

Well, it’s done now. The buildds aren’t going to rebuild it twice
now anyway.

gpicview did install without any hickups now, thanks.


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installing lxde fails: dep: gpicview

2015-01-25 Thread Stefan Niestegge


here is what i get:

root@falcon060:~ # apt-get install lxde
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree
Reading state information... Done
Starting pkgProblemResolver with broken count: 1
Starting 2 pkgProblemResolver with broken count: 1
Investigating (0) lxde [ m68k ]  none - 6  ( metapackages )
Broken lxde:m68k Depends on gpicview [ m68k ]  none - 0.2.4-2  ( 
graphics )

  Considering gpicview:m68k 1 as a solution to lxde:m68k 
  Reinst Failed early because of libjpeg62:m68k
Some packages could not be installed. This may mean that you have
requested an impossible situation or if you are using the unstable
distribution that some required packages have not yet been created
or been moved out of Incoming.
The following information may help to resolve the situation:

The following packages have unmet dependencies:
 lxde : Depends: gpicview but it is not going to be installed
E: Unable to correct problems, you have held broken packages.
100|root@falcon060:~ #

libjpeg62-turbo is installed as a dependecy of lxde-core
and it should provide libjpeg62.



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Re: meeting planning

2015-01-15 Thread Stefan Niestegge

Am 13.01.2015 um 22:47 schrieb Thorsten Glaser:

Stefan Niestegge dixit:

I'll bring an extra TFT screen for your Falcon, VGA/DVI input.

We’ve got lots of those at work…

Its tested to work great with the Falcon.

… well, just not that of course ☺


I'll leave my extra screen at home, then. The Falcon isn't picky for VGA,
unless you want to run some below 55Hz refresh rates (thats a trick to get
a higher res GEM desktop, lower refresh, pump up res, keep memory bandwith).

That special screen goes as low as 48Hz, while others moan at everything 
below 55Hz.

cu you tomorrrow,

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Re: meeting planning

2015-01-13 Thread Stefan Niestegge

Am 12.01.2015 um 13:38 schrieb Christian T. Steigies:

We???ve got lots of TFTs, but no ???simple VGA monitor???s. They all have
VGA and usually DVI, rarely HDMI, ports. I???ve got no idea if they
VGA input will be sufficient. kullervo and the falcon both work on my old
Samsung TFT as well as on my somewhat newer Samsung monitor/TV.


I'll bring an extra TFT screen for your Falcon, VGA/DVI input.
Its tested to work great with the Falcon.

Remember to bring the VGA Adaptor.

I can also bring some stuff to setup a new system.


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Re: Follow-up on the m68k meeting

2015-01-10 Thread Stefan Niestegge

Am 07.01.2015 um 23:25 schrieb Thorsten Glaser:

ALeX Kazik dixit:

if the meeting is still on the list, I'd like to visit.

Sure. 17.01.-18.01. it is. Friday evening “warm-up” optional,
for those who want to arrive early.


Hi there,

after i just checked my work calendar i'd like to attend.
I would like to bring my Falcon 060 with me.
Some diversity in old hardware won't hurt, does it?

Is there some space left? What about sleeping, is partysleeping
with airmat possible? I couldn't find the mail with that info.

Stefan Beetle Niestegge

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Re: Follow-up on the m68k meeting

2015-01-10 Thread Stefan Niestegge

Thanks for the info! Will contact max hotel then.
I think to come friday. I drive an electric car that has
no fast charging feature, so i need some hours to get
there. I'll stay until late saturday night.

Looking forward!

Am 10.01.2015 um 13:39 schrieb Thorsten Glaser:

Stefan Niestegge dixit:

after i just checked my work calendar i'd like to attend.


I would like to bring my Falcon 060 with me.
Some diversity in old hardware won't hurt, does it?

Sure! Most definitely welcome!

Is there some space left? What about sleeping, is partysleeping
with airmat possible? I couldn't find the mail with that info.

– as this is an office building, sleeping is officially not
   permitted; since we have subrented parts of the building
   recently, we can’t get away with it undetectedly either

– nobody else has offered a couch yet; I fear I can’t at
   the current point in time either

– I get mismatching infos on BaseCamp (closed due to heating
   issues, vs. fully booked) but apparently, it is EAVAIL

– Natureshadow used to frequent the Max Hostel, which is
   right in the city core, only a number of bus stops away
   from tarent:

– We could just hack through the night… and tarent *does*
   still have one larger bathroom with a shower/tub combo,
   for those wanting to freshen themselves up.


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problem with installing git

2014-04-27 Thread Stefan Niestegge

Hi people,

i want to compile a recent kernel and to get the kernelsources i need git.

My system is the base system (pre-made from Thorsten Glaser) on my Atari 
Falcon, connected to internet and then updated with

apt-get update
apt-get upgrade
apt-get dist-upgrade

After that, i installed openssh-server to be able to ssh to the Atari.

when installing openssh.server, i noticed the Starting 
pkgProblemResolver with broken count:0 message for the first time. Is 
this a problem?

now i try to install git:

root@falcon060:~ # apt-get install git
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree
Reading state information... Done
Starting pkgProblemResolver with broken count: 1
Starting 2 pkgProblemResolver with broken count: 1
Investigating (0) git [ m68k ]  none - 1:  ( vcs )
Broken git:m68k Depends on libcurl3-gnutls [ m68k ]  none - 
7.36.0-1+b1  ( libs ) (= 7.16.2)

  Considering libcurl3-gnutls:m68k 0 as a solution to git:m68k 
  Re-Instated libsasl2-modules-db:m68k
  Re-Instated libsasl2-2:m68k
  Re-Instated libldap-2.4-2:m68k
  Re-Instated librtmp1:m68k
  Re-Instated libcurl3-gnutls:m68k
Broken git:m68k Depends on libexpat1 [ m68k ]  none - 2.1.0-4  ( libs 
) (= 2.0.1)

  Considering libexpat1:m68k 0 as a solution to git:m68k 
  Re-Instated libexpat1:m68k
Broken git:m68k Depends on liberror-perl [ m68k ]  none - 0.17-1.1  ( 
perl )

  Considering liberror-perl:m68k 1 as a solution to git:m68k 
  Re-Instated liberror-perl:m68k
Broken git:m68k Depends on git-man [ m68k ]  none - 1:2.0.0~rc0-2  ( 
doc ) ( 1:

  Considering git-man:m68k 0 as a solution to git:m68k 
  Re-Instated git-man:m68k
Broken git:m68k Depends on git-man [ m68k ]  none - 1:2.0.0~rc0-2  ( 
doc ) ( 1:

Some packages could not be installed. This may mean that you have
requested an impossible situation or if you are using the unstable
distribution that some required packages have not yet been created
or been moved out of Incoming.
The following information may help to resolve the situation:

The following packages have unmet dependencies:
 git : Depends: git-man ( 1: but 1:2.0.0~rc0-2 is to be 

E: Unable to correct problems, you have held broken packages.
100|root@falcon060:~ #

It would be nice if someone could show up a solution. After all,
i am just a user that wants to check out the new kernel running
in fastram.


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Re: problem with installing git

2014-04-27 Thread Stefan Niestegge

Am 27.04.2014 20:18, schrieb Thorsten Glaser:

Stefan Niestegge dixit:

The following packages have unmet dependencies:
git : Depends: git-man ( 1: but 1:2.0.0~rc0-2 is to be installed

Yes, git must be rebuilt. You can manually install an older version
of git-man (which does not Depends on git) from snapshot.d.o:

Then, “apt-get install git” should succeed.

git currently build-waits on subversion, which build-depends on KDE,
which waits for the libav rebuild to succeed. This will take quite a


Hi Thorsten,

Thank you for that hint!


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Re: [PATCH 1/2] m68k/atari - stram: alloc ST-RAM pool even if kernel not in ST-RAM

2014-03-20 Thread Stefan Niestegge

I just wanted to tell you all, how much i apreciate you efforts to
get this going, even though it is for a quite small userbase!

If it makes sense to have a user testing something, please provide me
a binary / kernel!

thanks a lot, keep up the good work,

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Re: Improving Performance

2014-03-11 Thread Stefan Niestegge

Am 11.03.2014 07:14, schrieb Michael Schmitz:


Yes, the Falcon IDE is not too fast. But loading the OS needs 10 minutes.
That can't honestly be the fault of a slow IDE bus.

Just saying your comparison wasn't entirely fair.

Ah, okay :) It was Amiga against Atari - never entirely fair, haha.

There is an PCI bus upgrade to the Falcon, which enables tu use ATi
Radeon 7500-9250 cards and there also exists (i have this) a Supervidel.
Supervidel is an extension card to the Falcon 060 upgrade. Its
register compatible to the original Videl graphics chip of Falcon 030.

Both, ATi Radeon and SuperVidel have video RAM outside the ST RAM.
Thus a kernel option like VRAM = adress would probably get it going...

I'm aware of other video options - some will need to write the necessary
code to make use of these.

Adding an option to the atafb video driver make use of the SuperVidel
hardware would be the easiest option. The SuperVidel base address is
fixed, and it can use any chunk of FastRAM for frame buffer, presumably?

The SuperVidel has 128MB Video RAM (DDR2 SDRAM):

0xA000 16MB - this is a shadow of ST RAM in DDR2 SDRAM
Write access to ST RAM will be sniffed and done to the shadow RAM 

0xA100 112MB - this is the general purpose Video/graphics RAM
Can be read/write accessed as Byte/Word/Long

Here you can find the SV memory map:

In that case, it might be sufficient to change the fixed Videl base
address to a variable one in the atafb driver, and perhaps use kmalloc
instead of stram_alloc to allocate the frame buffer. If someone with
access to this hardware is interested in giving this a try, I'd be happy
to elaborate.

Yeah, i'd be happy to try.

(You'd need to compile your own kernels, and having a serial cable
between the SCC modem port and some other computer for capturing kernel
boot logs would be a clear bonus.)

I can surely need a helping hand in this, (compile kernel) but i found
someone who showed me how to set up a crosscompiler and kernelconfig.

Will figure out.

Thanks so far,

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Re: Improving Performance

2014-03-08 Thread Stefan Niestegge

Hi Michael,

Yes, the Falcon IDE is not too fast. But loading the OS needs 10 minutes.
That can't honestly be the fault of a slow IDE bus.

I wouldn't mind losing all ST RAM. The option to NOT load kernel into
ST RAM is there, but it simply hangs. I guess this is because of the
Atari tries to allocate video memory in ST RAM, which in this case is 
not accessible, correct?

People that need to use ST RAM because the have too little TT RAM, could 
still use the -s kernel option and enable ST RAM for kernel.

Perhaps an option to specify the video RAM adress space is easier to 
implement to the existing memory model?

There is an PCI bus upgrade to the Falcon, which enables tu use ATi 
Radeon 7500-9250 cards and there also exists (i have this) a Supervidel.
Supervidel is an extension card to the Falcon 060 upgrade. Its register 
compatible to the original Videl graphics chip of Falcon 030.

Both, ATi Radeon and SuperVidel have video RAM outside the ST RAM.
Thus a kernel option like VRAM = adress would probably get it going...


Am 08.03.2014 00:19, schrieb Michael Schmitz:


your point regarding ST-RAM performance is well taken - in fact, it has
been raised before. Repeatedly.

What keeps us from placing the kernel in TT--RAM is the simple fact that
under the current memory model used by m68k, we will lose all of ST-RAM
for use by either the kernel or user space. Traditionally, the memory
chunk that the kernel is located in will be the first chunk listed in
the bootinfo, and also the first one to be initialized for use by the
kernel. The currently employed memory model does require memory chunks
to be in ascending order. ST-RAM as second chunk violates that
assumption. There may be a way to make use of defined portions of ST-RAM
as IO memory, but that has not been tested so far. I need to look into
how much effort this would take.

Switching to a different memory model will need someone to dig into the
arcana of memory management - this ought to be possible to test on
ARAnyM. Both Atari and Amifga stand to benefit from this, by the way.
The port has recently procured RAM expansions for Amiga that don't work
with the current memory model either, and need a different memory model
for much the same reason. What we lack is someone with enough Linux and
m68k memory management skills, apparently.

Bear in mind that disk I/O on the Falcon is bound to be slower than on
the Amigas (IDE on the slow bus vs. SCSI, I would presume). If you're
feeling bold, give the Falcon SCSI driver a try, but please apply all of
the recent patches posted to linux-m68k first.



Am 08.03.2014 um 06:33 schrieb Stefan Niestegge:

Hi debian/68k people,

i know, while using Aranym for running debian-68k on Atari-compatible
machine, it doesn't make a noticeable (if any) performance difference
to boot the kernel with -s option (put Kernel in ST-RAM).

But if you run it on a real 680x0 machine, which in my case is a
Falcon with 100 MHz 68060 CPU, 512MB TT-RAM (read: FAST RAM, clocked
at full CPU clock on a 32 bit bus) and 14MB ST-RAM (read: SLOW RAM,
16MHz on a 16bit bus), there is a huge performance loss.

Last weekend i attended to a computer meeting, where someone ran
debian-68k on his Amiga 1200 (Blizzard 1230 CPU upgrade, 50 MHz CPU
clock, 64MB FAST RAM (but iirc on Blizzard 1230 RAM clock is half CPU
clock). This machine _easily_ outperformed mine, though having much
lower raw power.

Wouldn't it be the right way to fix the Atari-branch kernel to get
it running from TT RAM as on the Amiga? The Amigas 2 MB Chip RAM is
not used by the linux kernel, only for video-RAM.

If some developer lives halfway near me, i'd even lend him/her my
(precious) Falcon to have hardware to test.

I am on my way to write a good debian-68k install walkthrough for
Atari Falcon, because its quite tricky to get it running.

But with this poor performance, i don't know if its worth the effort.

Any suggestions are very welcome, i have my Falcon set up on my main
desk and latest debian-68k is installed. Network support works nicely.
I even compiled my favorite console IRC client on it.


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Improving Performance

2014-03-07 Thread Stefan Niestegge

Hi debian/68k people,

i know, while using Aranym for running debian-68k on Atari-compatible 
machine, it doesn't make a noticeable (if any) performance difference to 
boot the kernel with -s option (put Kernel in ST-RAM).

But if you run it on a real 680x0 machine, which in my case is a
Falcon with 100 MHz 68060 CPU, 512MB TT-RAM (read: FAST RAM, clocked at 
full CPU clock on a 32 bit bus) and 14MB ST-RAM (read: SLOW RAM, 16MHz 
on a 16bit bus), there is a huge performance loss.

Last weekend i attended to a computer meeting, where someone ran 
debian-68k on his Amiga 1200 (Blizzard 1230 CPU upgrade, 50 MHz CPU 
clock, 64MB FAST RAM (but iirc on Blizzard 1230 RAM clock is half CPU 
clock). This machine _easily_ outperformed mine, though having much 
lower raw power.

Wouldn't it be the right way to fix the Atari-branch kernel to get
it running from TT RAM as on the Amiga? The Amigas 2 MB Chip RAM is not 
used by the linux kernel, only for video-RAM.

If some developer lives halfway near me, i'd even lend him my (precious) 
Falcon to have hardware to test.

I am on my way to write a good debian-68k install walkthrough for Atari 
Falcon, because its quite tricky to get it running.

But with this poor performance, i don't know if its worth the effort.

Any suggestions are very welcome, i have my Falcon set up on my main 
desk and latest debian-68k is installed. Network support works nicely.

I even compiled my favorite console IRC client on it.


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Improving Performance

2014-03-07 Thread Stefan Niestegge

Hi debian/68k people,

i know, while using Aranym for running debian-68k on Atari-compatible 
machine, it doesn't make a noticeable (if any) performance difference to 
boot the kernel with -s option (put Kernel in ST-RAM).

But if you run it on a real 680x0 machine, which in my case is a
Falcon with 100 MHz 68060 CPU, 512MB TT-RAM (read: FAST RAM, clocked at 
full CPU clock on a 32 bit bus) and 14MB ST-RAM (read: SLOW RAM, 16MHz 
on a 16bit bus), there is a huge performance loss.

Last weekend i attended to a computer meeting, where someone ran 
debian-68k on his Amiga 1200 (Blizzard 1230 CPU upgrade, 50 MHz CPU 
clock, 64MB FAST RAM (but iirc on Blizzard 1230 RAM clock is half CPU 
clock). This machine _easily_ outperformed mine, though having much 
lower raw power.

Wouldn't it be the right way to fix the Atari-branch kernel to get
it running from TT RAM as on the Amiga? The Amigas 2 MB Chip RAM is not 
used by the linux kernel, only for video-RAM.

If some developer lives halfway near me, i'd even lend him/her my 
(precious) Falcon to have hardware to test.

I am on my way to write a good debian-68k install walkthrough for Atari 
Falcon, because its quite tricky to get it running.

But with this poor performance, i don't know if its worth the effort.

Any suggestions are very welcome, i have my Falcon set up on my main 
desk and latest debian-68k is installed. Network support works nicely.

I even compiled my favorite console IRC client on it.


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Re: Improving Performance

2014-03-07 Thread Stefan Niestegge

Sorry, this went into the thread here, was aimed to be a new one.


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Re: Debian-m68k keyboard layout

2013-12-26 Thread Stefan Niestegge


after installing packet 'console-common' and then
'dpkg-reconfigure console-common' i got a partially
success. I now have a german keyboard, but it differs a lot from the
Atari specific layout.

Still trying stuff...


Am 26.12.2013 09:37, schrieb Stefan Niestegge:
 after i managed to get the base system running, i now want to change the
 keyboard layout, so it matches my german Atari TT030 keyboard.
 i tried 'dpkg-reconfigure keyboard-configuration' which in fact guided
 me through an selection menu, but did not change the keyboard.
 Does someone have a solution?

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Partitioning Atari Falcon in order to run linux/m68k

2013-12-25 Thread Stefan Niestegge
Hello and happy christmas,

i managed to make an ext3 filesystem on my Falcons harddisk and copy the
base-m68k content over.

The former 4GB partition on /dev/hda4, which i wrote the ext2 filesystem
to, is now mounted and used as my swap partition.

Thanks to the kernel i got from Geert, i do now have network support
on my NetUSBee, too.

i was not able to e2resize the /dev/hda4 online, as this is only
supported as long the ext2 fs is unmounted.

The boot of my Falcon takes 8-9 minutes until i can log in.
Was there a solution to be able to run the kernel from TT RAM?

PS: my network does work (i can download stuff and do updates, but it
seems to lack some features. dhclient does not work as i usually see it.
I can't ping to my atari, and i need to bring eth0 up my self on the
bash. I guess i better start a new thread for that.


Am 18.12.2013 18:05, schrieb Thorsten Glaser:
 John Paul Adrian Glaubitz dixit:
 On 12/17/2013 10:03 PM, Stefan Niestegge wrote:
 then did 'zcat m68k-base.e2z | dd of=debian.img'
 Uhm, this will also work and save space (remove the .e2z file though):
 $ mv m68k-base.e2z debian.img.gz
 $ gzip -d debian.img.gz
 Note that this needs “long filenames”; if MiNT doesn’t support them, use
 $ mv m68k-base.e2z debian.gz
 $ gzip -d debian.gz
 $ mv debian debian.img
 Now i can boot Debian, too.

 Woohoo! Congratulations!
 Same from me. Thanks for persevering!
 Do note that the resulting ext2fs filesystem image from
 m68k-base.e2z is only 384 MiB in size (and a revision-0,
 no-features image, so you can even mount it in MiNT until
 after the first time Linux has mounted it, because Linux
 auto-converts it to a never ext2fs revision – I made the
 filesystem image in MirBSD/i386 for this reason…). You may
 want to run resize2fs on it now (should work onlinely), or
 even better, create a new, larger, more modern filesystem
 on a different partition (mke2fs -t ext4 /dev/hdXX) then
 copy everything over.
 Also, please install popularity-contest, so more m68k machines
 get counted :).
 *coughs* I… may… have pre-installed it (and hacked it so
 that, on the next apt-get install or dpkg-reconfigure, it
 will create a fresh host uuid)… only thing you most defi‐
 nitely should do (before doing a dist-upgrade; because the
 new versions of popcon do this crazy cpu-intensive thingy
 by default now) is:
   sudo sh -c 'echo ENCRYPT=no /etc/popularity-contest.conf'
 Installed packages in that image (from dpkg/status):
 adduser anacron apt apt-utils atari-fdisk base-files base-passwd bash
 bsdmainutils bsdutils coreutils cpio cron dash debconf
 debian-archive-keyring debian-ports-archive-keyring debianutils
 diffutils dpkg dselect e2fslibs e2fsprogs eatmydata findutils
 gcc-4.7-base gnupg gpgv grep groff-base gzip hostname ifupdown info
 initscripts insserv install-info iproute iptables iputils-ping
 isc-dhcp-client isc-dhcp-common jupp klogd kmod less libacl1
 libapt-inst1.5 libapt-pkg4.12 libattr1 libblkid1 libbsd0 libbz2-1.0
 libc-bin libc6 libcomerr2 libdb5.1 libedit2 libffi5 libgcc2 libgcrypt11
 libgdbm3 libglib2.0-0 libgnutls26 libgpg-error0 libgpm2 libgssapi-krb5-2
 libidn11 libk5crypto3 libkeyutils1 libkmod2 libkrb5-3 libkrb5support0
 liblocale-gettext-perl liblzma5 libmount1 libncurses5 libncursesw5
 libnewt0.52 libnfnetlink0 libp11-kit0 libpam-modules libpam-modules-bin
 libpam-runtime libpam0g libpcre3 libpipeline1 libpopt0 libprocps0
 libreadline6 libselinux1 libsemanage-common libsemanage1 libsepol1
 libsigc++-2.0-0c2a libslang2 libss2 libssl1.0.0 libstdc++6 libtasn1-3
 libtext-charwidth-perl libtext-iconv-perl libtext-wrapi18n-perl
 libtinfo5 libudev0 libusb-0.1-4 libustr-1.0-1 libuuid1 libxtables9 login
 logrotate lsb-base mac-fdisk man-db mawk mc mc-data mksh mount
 multiarch-support nano ncurses-base ncurses-bin net-tools netbase
 netcat-openbsd openssh-client passwd perl-base popularity-contest procps
 readline-common rsync screen sed sensible-utils sysklogd sysv-rc
 sysvinit sysvinit-utils tar traceroute tzdata udev util-linux vim-common
 vim-tiny wget whiptail xz-utils zlib1g

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Partitioning Atari Falcon in order to run linux/m68k

2013-12-17 Thread Stefan Niestegge
Am 17.12.2013 07:40, schrieb Michael Schmitz:
 Is it possible to make this partition scheme with HD Driver under TOS?

 That's about the only way I know of.

 Okay, i did this. Then i used FreeMiNT to make an ext2 FS on the LNX
 The kernel boot messages tell me it mounted /dev/hda4 successfully as
 ext2 .
 Good. Why not use FreeMINT to unpack the linux filesystem image tarball?

I tried this, with tar xvfz m68k-base.tgz
(gives kernelpanic: init not found) and laterwith tar xvfzp
m68k-base.tgz (now kernel panic: attempted to kill init)

both of the tar commands unpack the tarball, but end with message
exit due to previvous errors at /var/tmp

I don't know what, but something goes very likely wrong, thats why
i want to try Thorsten Glaser's hint to use the ext2 fs image instead.




Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Partitioning Atari Falcon in order to run linux/m68k

2013-12-17 Thread Stefan Niestegge
Am 17.12.2013 12:37, schrieb Geert Uytterhoeven:
 On Tue, Dec 17, 2013 at 12:32 PM, Stefan Niestegge wrote:
 both of the tar commands unpack the tarball, but end with message
 exit due to previvous errors at /var/tmp
 Perhaps FreeMINT doesn't support the t bit on the /var/tmp directory?

That is possible, i am just a user. On my PC, the tarball unpacks
without any error messages or warnings.

Therefore i'll attempt to write a ready made ext2 fs to my disk.


Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Partitioning Atari Falcon in order to run linux/m68k

2013-12-17 Thread Stefan Niestegge
Am 17.12.2013 12:59, schrieb Stefan Niestegge:
 Am 17.12.2013 12:37, schrieb Geert Uytterhoeven:
 On Tue, Dec 17, 2013 at 12:32 PM, Stefan Niestegge wrote:
 both of the tar commands unpack the tarball, but end with message
 exit due to previvous errors at /var/tmp

 Perhaps FreeMINT doesn't support the t bit on the /var/tmp directory?
 That is possible, i am just a user. On my PC, the tarball unpacks
 without any error messages or warnings.
 Therefore i'll attempt to write a ready made ext2 fs to my disk.

Hi, i had better results now, after i got this hint on the MiNT-List:

 You might look into HDDRIVER specs also. Although never tried myself,
it should be able to write single partition images to a predefined place
on a raw disk.

 Am 16.12.2013 um 18:49 schrieb Stefan Niestegge

Markus, thanks! This was the key was the correct one!

I transfered m68k-base.e2z to my Falcon (FreeMinNT),
then did 'zcat m68k-base.e2z | dd of=debian.img'

Then i run HDDRUTIL.PRG and choose Load image from the
'Partition' Menu. I did not check the byteswap checkbox.

Now i can boot Debian, too.


Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Partitioning Atari Falcon in order to run linux/m68k

2013-12-16 Thread Stefan Niestegge
Am 14.12.2013 01:11, schrieb Michael Schmitz:
 i am trying to install linux on my Atari Falcon.

 My first partition should be BGM/FAT, so TOS can run.
 The second one is ext2 filesystem, for the unix stuff of MiNT.
 I have a third partition, also ext2 for programs and data i use from
 The fourth i want to use for linux root (which the linux kernel mounts
 as /dev/hda4)
 Make sure the BGM/FAT partition is less or equal 128 MB in size - the
 logical sector size may not exceed the kernel page size of 4k.

Why this? Falcon has Tos 4.04 and allows than 128MB  partitions iirc.
I always use 500 MB for my first TOS partition.

 Is it possible to make this partition scheme with HD Driver under TOS?
 That's about the only way I know of.

Okay, i did this. Then i used FreeMiNT to make an ext2 FS on the LNX
The kernel boot messages tell me it mounted /dev/hda4 successfully as ext2 .

 Without byte swappping by device mapper, using ARAnyM might be the
 easiest option:
 Get the disk partitioned under TOS, then use ARAnyM on a PC to mount
 your partition and bootstrap a Debian system on to the mounted partition
 (use ByteSwap=no, Path=/dev/sdb or Path=/dev/hdb to get ARAnyM to mount
 your Falcon disk attached as disk sdb or hdb - make sure you calculate
 the correct number of logical cylinders from the disk size). It may be
 necessary to use the nfhdXXX  devices instead of the hdXXX ones
 depending on your version of ARAnyM.

I will need some time to learn about how to use aranym. I have it
installed, but just added pre made disk images.
I currently have no idea how to make sure i calculate the cylinder
numbers correctly. Isn't this something i can write down somewhere from
the Atari?


Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Partitioning Atari Falcon in order to run linux/m68k

2013-12-16 Thread Stefan Niestegge
Am 16.12.2013 12:21, schrieb Stefan Niestegge:

 Is it possible to make this partition scheme with HD Driver under TOS?

 That's about the only way I know of.
 Okay, i did this. Then i used FreeMiNT to make an ext2 FS on the LNX
 The kernel boot messages tell me it mounted /dev/hda4 successfully as ext2 .
 Without byte swappping by device mapper, using ARAnyM might be the
 easiest option:

 Get the disk partitioned under TOS, then use ARAnyM on a PC to mount
 your partition and bootstrap a Debian system on to the mounted partition

Is it possible to just unpack a tarball of a debian/68k system to that
partiton under FreeMiNT? That is what i tried with m68k-base.tgz .
Sadly it hangs with kernel panic attempted to kill init, so unpacking
m68k-base.tgz under FreeMiNT with 'tar xfzp m68k-base.tgz' at least
fixed my initial no init found kernel panic.

Since FreeMiNT uses ext2 case-sensitive and is aware of symlinks etc
just like linux, this seems the easiest way to work around the LE/BE

The mentioned tar unpack command ends on /var/tmp with exit due to
previous errors. Something may go bogus here...


Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Partitioning Atari Falcon in order to run linux/m68k

2013-12-16 Thread Stefan Niestegge
Am 16.12.2013 19:20, schrieb Geert Uytterhoeven:
 On Mon, Dec 16, 2013 at 7:03 PM, Stefan Niestegge wrote:
 There’s a ready-made ext2fs image in the same directory where I put
 the tarball.

 Thorsten, how would i unpack this image? The manpage of dd doesn't tell
 how to write a gzipped image.
 zcat gz | dd of=...

Thank you Geert!


Description: OpenPGP digital signature

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