Re: Herramientas de desarrollo para Xwindow

1998-10-06 Thread TooManySecrets
Marcelo E. Magallon el día Mon, Oct 05, 1998 at 09:53:25AM -0600 expuso lo 
 On Mon, Oct 05, 1998 at 05:02:38PM +0200, dcharro wrote:
  Tambien existen las librerias Xforms pero si eres integrista-GNU tendras
  problemas filosoficos. Hay limitaciones con las licencias.
 Esta fltk si uno tiene problemas con los programadores desordenados... y es

¿fltk? ¿Flipando con Tk? ¿Queseto de fltk, podrías explicarlo, por favor?

 También está gtk (con glade), wx, V, ...

Esto del glande... ops, perdon, quiero decir glade, ¿es uno de los entornos
de programación RAD que se están creando para GTK?
¿Dónde puedo conseguir información sobre su estado actual?

Gracias por todo.

Have a nice day ;-)

Re: wmaker

1998-10-06 Thread TooManySecrets
Marcelo E. Magallon el día Mon, Oct 05, 1998 at 03:06:45PM -0600 expuso lo 
 A mi me funciona:
 * botón derecho en la ventana raíz (ok, ok, en el escritorio)
   - WorkSpace
  - Appearance
 - Themes
- tema...
 Si no, puedes darle:
 $ setstyle ~/GNUstep/Library/WindowMaker/Themes/Tema

¡Pero si con el botón derecho, no me aparece lo de Appearance!!!
¿Qué tengo que instalar para que me aparezca?
Sólo me sale esto:
Arrange Icons
Hide Others
Save Workspace
Show All

Gracias por todo.

Have a nice day ;-)

Re: Linux Actual

1998-10-06 Thread Jose Rodriguez

Petete wrote:
Ya me joroba bastante que la revista sea bimensual
la tira de revistas que hay mensuales y hasta semanales
para otros sistemas que mejor no nombrar, pero que la hagan
trimestral es que

Yo prefiero que sea bimensual porque me compro otras (P.Actual, por
ejemplo) y el presupuesto no me llega.

Lo que si me molesta es el retraso (Toda via no ha llegado el Numero
4 a mi "kiosko habitual" en Tenerife).

En cualquier caso, me gustaria que abordaran temas de mas nivel fuertes
como (algunos ya han salido el algun numero de P.Actual o Linux Actual):

 Como desarrollar aplicaciones bajo linux
 Como desarrollar drivers bajo Linux
 Como programar sockets (para hacer programas clientes
FTP, Mail, WWW, o lo que sea que se te ocurra)
 El uso de semaforos, threads, locks(muy interesante
para multiusuarios y multitarea)
 Bases de datos:Programarlas, usar las que
ya vienen, SQL
 El CVS (casi imprescindible para grandes proyectos)
 Implementar un XServer para una tarjeta de video
nueva (salio en P.Actual)

Otra cosa muy interesante seria pusieran codigo fuente de ejemplo en
el CD para examinarlos.

En definitiva, que me pasa como a ti. Los contenidos me gustan mucho,
pero el mono es el mono. :-).

Bueno, que tengo ganas de desahogarme un poco con


Jose Rodriguez [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Instituto Nacional de Meteorologia SPAIN

XDM de otra maquina

1998-10-06 Thread Alberto F. Hamilton Castro
Hola a todos,

  tengo una máquina corriendo Debian 2.0 con xdm y me gustaría que
antes de hacer login me indicara la lista de otros servidores xdm que hay
disponibles en mi red (además de mi propia máquina) para poderme
conectar a ellos. ¿Cómo podría hacer esto (si se puede) ?


  Alberto F. Hamilton Castro|Tlf:   + 34 922318286
  Grupo de Computadoras y Control (CyC) |Fax:   + 34 922318288
  Dep. Fisica Fund. y Exp.  |   
Univ. La Laguna |email: 
c. Delgado Barreto s/n  | [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Gseq. ¿Lo 'Debianizo' o que hago?

1998-10-06 Thread Juan Carlos Muro
Hola a todos.
Resulta que estoy desarrollando Gseq. Se trata del G Sequencer, un
secuenciador para Linux. Es un proyecto a largo plazo (o corto segun se
mire ;-) que estamos realizando por ahora entre David y yo.
La cosa es que David y yo estamos de acuerdo de poner el codigo fuente a
disposicion total para todos. O sea, lo mas gratuito y de dominio
publico que pueda ser.  Pero claro, nos gustaria que ninguna compañia
maliciosa se hiciese con ello, como paso con la marca registrada Linux
(segun se comento en la lista hace poco). Tambien estamos de acuerdo
David y yo en sujetarnos a Debian (asi como Red Hat apoya ciertos
proyectos que le dan distincion) ya que es la distribucion que mas nos
gusta y segun se sabe, la de menor afan de lucro.
La pregunta es: ¿que tengo que hacer? ¿Alguien me da ideas? ¿Que me
proponeis vosotros?
Para mas informacion acerca del proyecto Gseq, podeis mirar en la web
(temporalmente) del proyecto en

Espero agradecidamente vuestras sugerencias.
Un saludo:
Juan Carlos

Re: Gseq. ¿Lo 'Debianizo' o que hago?

1998-10-06 Thread Santiago Vila
On Tue, 6 Oct 1998, Juan Carlos Muro wrote:

 La cosa es que David y yo estamos de acuerdo de poner el codigo fuente a
 disposicion total para todos. O sea, lo mas gratuito y de dominio
 publico que pueda ser.

Mejor que sea libre, y que cada cual cobre por su distribución lo que
quiera. Si obligas a que sea gratuito irá al non-free de Debian
(¿no quieres eso, verdad?).

 Pero claro, nos gustaria que ninguna compañia
 maliciosa se hiciese con ello, como paso con la marca registrada Linux
 (segun se comento en la lista hace poco).

La licencia GPL está pensada justamente para eso. Cualquier compañía podrá
usar tu programa y hacer mejoras si quiere, pero si distribuye esas
mejoras tendrá que hacerlo con código fuente incluído.

 Tambien estamos de acuerdo
 David y yo en sujetarnos a Debian (asi como Red Hat apoya ciertos
 proyectos que le dan distincion) ya que es la distribucion que mas nos
 gusta y segun se sabe, la de menor afan de lucro.
 La pregunta es: ¿que tengo que hacer? ¿Alguien me da ideas? ¿Que me
 proponeis vosotros?

Que pidas ser desarrollador Debian y mantengas tu propio paquete.
Existen instrucciones sobre cómo hacerlo en las páginas web de Debian.

 92d964840d364d35b220a97f71837506 (a truly random sig)

Re: Para que metí la pata!

1998-10-06 Thread Jose Rodriguez

Vzquez, Gustavo wrote:
El otro da, vichando un poco con la password de root ( ahora
me doy cuenta
eso de usarla con discrecion) borreo en el directorio /bin un directorio
(les miento si me acurdo si era un simbolic link o un directorio
de verdad)
llamado ~XF8611 (o algo por el estilo). La cosa es que desde que borre
el servidor de XF86 no me arranca mas, diciendo que hay error en el
XF86_ (y pongo  porque son en todos). Alguien sabe una solucin?
Please, send me a reply.
Prueba con

dpkg --audit

que creo que te dice que paquetes de los que has instalado estan mal.Los
reinstalas y ya esta.

Saludos y gracias.



Jose Rodriguez [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Instituto Nacional de Meteorologia SPAIN

Re: instalacion xemacs

1998-10-06 Thread David R. Leal Valmana
Fernando wrote:

 He instalado la distribucion de Debian 2.0 de la revista Linux Actual
 Tengo problemas con el xemacs20 a la hora de configurarse no lo completa

 install/tm: Handling install of emacsen flavor emacs20
 install/tm: byte-compiling for emacs20
 emacs-install: /usr/lib/emacsen-common/packages/install/tm emacs20
 xemacs20 failed at /usr/lib/emacsen-common/emacs-install line 26.
 dpkg: error processing emacs20 (--install):
 subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 29

 con lo que algunos programas que dependen de el  tambien se quedan sin

 ¿Le ha pasado a alguien esto mismo?

A mi!!!y no se por qu'e ocurrre.

David R. Leal Valmana| Office: 10.1.02
Tel: (34)-916.24.93.14   | Fax: (34)-916.24.98.49
E-mail : [EMAIL PROTECTED]   |
Universidad Carlos III de Madrid | Dpto. de Estadistica y Econometria

Re: Gseq. ¿Lo 'Debianizo' o que hago?

1998-10-06 Thread Marcelo E. Magallon
On Tue, Oct 06, 1998 at 02:26:48PM +0200, Santiago Vila wrote:

 On Tue, 6 Oct 1998, Juan Carlos Muro wrote:
  La cosa es que David y yo estamos de acuerdo de poner el codigo fuente a
  disposicion total para todos. O sea, lo mas gratuito y de dominio
  publico que pueda ser.
 Mejor que sea libre, y que cada cual cobre por su distribución lo que
 quiera. Si obligas a que sea gratuito irá al non-free de Debian
 (¿no quieres eso, verdad?).

Creo que la intencion de Juan Carlos es ponerlo como dominio publico (si
entendi bien). El problema con eso es que cualquiera puede tomar el programa
y hacer con el lo que quiera. Quizas es mejor que lo piensen un poco, y
consideren una de las licencias libres que existen. En /usr/doc/copyright
puedes encontrar el texto completo de las licencias GPL, BSD y Artistic;
todas son licencias libres, pero enfatizan cosas distintas. O puedes leer la
licencia de XFree86, que tambien es libre.

 Tambien estamos de acuerdo David y yo en sujetarnos a Debian (asi como Red
 Hat apoya ciertos proyectos que le dan distincion) ya que es la
 distribucion que mas nos gusta y segun se sabe, la de menor afan de lucro.

Siempre y cuando no discriminen otros sistemas operativos, todo esta bien.
(Es decir, que no pongan algo como pueden hacer con este programa lo que
quieran siempre y cuando no lo lleven a sistemas operativos de Microsoft)


Re: nuevas preguntas wmaker Era:wmaker

1998-10-06 Thread Gustavo
 Date:  Mon, 5 Oct 1998 09:42:29 -0600
 From:  Marcelo E. Magallon [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject:   Re: nuevas preguntas wmaker Era:wmaker

 Uso mutt, y no tengo planes de cambiar pronto... además creo que Dale
 Thompson se molestaría un poco si le quito el paquete ;-) (el paquete se
 llama postilion)

Dubi, dubi, dubi 0:-) (mirando hacia otro lado disimuladamente),
cuanto más fácil me lo dan, más torpe. Gracias.

 El Window Maker hace eso cuando encuentra algún error que no puede manejar
 para evitar que pierdas el trabajo. En lugar de simplemente salir, arranca
 otro manejador de ventanas. ¿Exactamente con qué te da problemas? Fíjate en
 ~/.xsession-errors, allí debe decir algo...

No tengo aquí el fichero (lo miraré)  pero no me ocurre
habitualmente, me ha pasado, por ejemplo, cuando le he indicado
que auto-arranque una aplicación al iniciar el wm y no la encuentra,
o tratando de poner como icono un xpm (que también da problemas en
algunos programas de dibujo).


Gustavo Cano Rodríguez
Santa Cruz de Tenerife

Compilar el Kernel

1998-10-06 Thread Jose Juan Sanchez Dasi
 ¡Hola!, primero he advertiros  que soy un usuario convertido en administrador
de Linux y que no he instalado el sistema con el que trabajo.
   He de cambiar una macro definida en un fichero '.h' de
/usr/include y me han comentado que he de recompilar el kernel.

En el How-To del kernel pone como recompilar,ejecutanto' make config'
en el directorio /usr/src/linux pero resulta que en mi sistema el
directorio /usr/src esta vacio.
¿deberian estar ahi las fuentes?,¿donde estan?...

¿He de recompilar?¿Existe otra forma de recompilar?

Gracias anticipadas por tod.
   Jose Juan Sanchez Dasi

Re: Dudas sobre cola de Sendmail

1998-10-06 Thread Humberto . Morell

 Pero me encuentro con un problema.
 Donde se encuentran los ficheros mensajes que aun el MTA no ha 
Gracias de todas formas, por si es de interes estan en 

Humberto Morell (Sysadm infocex)

Amistosidad en Debian

1998-10-06 Thread Antonio Castro
Bueno ante todo agradecer los comentarios recibidos sobre la
actualización a hamm.

Quiero expresar desde aqui que Debian con detalles como el de la 
actualización de versión desde versiones anteriores a la 2.0 parece
evolucionar desde una distribución poco amigable a una distribución casi
nada amigable. Perdón por mi negatividad pero mi devoción por Debian se
debe en primer lugar al hecho de que es una distribución que es libre.
Esto tiene una cantidad de implicaciones muy grandes y no voy a intentar
resumirlas aqui. Tambien porque es una distribución muy seria. Todo esto me
lleva a recomendarla siempre que puedo pero cuando no puedo estar encima
para ayudar con los primeros pasos la gente se cansa de intentar la instalación
con Debian, prueban con un CD RedHat de tal o cual revista y consiguen 
instalar sin mayores dificultades.  Por último me devuelven el CD de Debian 
que les presté y me dan las gracias. Ya me ha pasado esto en tres ocasiones. 
Lo cierto es que da la sensación de que la amistosidad continua siendo un 
tema de muy baja prioridad dentro de Debian. No se trata de poner en marcha
proyectos ambiciosos con una apariencia preciosa (bueno la verdad es que
el usuario se siente mas tranquilo cuando salen cosas bonitas) sino de de 
coger un CD de Debian, meterse en la cabeza de un principiante y tratar de 
anticiparse a todas las dudas desde el primer momento Ahora que tengo que 
hacer?.  Donde estará esto o lo otro?. 

Lamento no ser más concreto es solo una sensación de que Debian está
perdiendo terreno por detalles que quizas no sean costosos de solucionar.

En caso de contestar a la lista mandame copia personal.

/\ /\  Los mas importantes desarrolladores de Bases de datos 
  \\W//están portando sus productos a Linux. Porque crees tu
 _|0 0|_   que será ?Yo creo que Linux es el futuro.
|  . . . . U U . . . . Antonio Castro Snurmacher |  

Re: some WindowMaker questions ...

1998-10-06 Thread Marcelo E. Magallon
On Mon, Oct 05, 1998 at 10:11:12PM +0100, Nuno Carvalho wrote:

Put this:


on your ~/.xsession file.

Like this:

exec wmaker


Re: some WindowMaker questions ...

1998-10-06 Thread stephen . p . ryan
On  5 Oct, Nuno Carvalho wrote:
 On Mon, 5 Oct 1998, Marcelo E. Magallon wrote:
 Make an ~/.xsession file and put exec wmaker on it. Then chmod +x it.
   I just commented the line with xterm on Xsession global (/etc/X11/) and
 it worked ! :)
 The file is /etc/X11/WindowMaker/menu.hook, but you don't want to change
 that. If you want to modify an entry, copy it from /usr/lib/menu to
 /etc/menu, edit it, and run update-menus.
  I'll do it ! :)
  Thanks for the help !
  Best regards,
Nuno Carvalho
 BTW: I want to start some aplication when wmaker starts. How can I do it ?
 I already tried autostart file but it didn't worked ! ;( Is there any
 sintax for it ?
 $ cat  ~/GNUstep/Library/WindowMaker/autostart

My ~/GNUstep/Library/WindowMaker/autostart is a shell script; i.e.,
starts with

#! /bin/sh

and permissions are set to 744 (i.e. owner read/write/execute, everyone
else read-only.

Stephen Ryan   Debian GNU/Linux
Mathematics graduate student, Dartmouth College

Re: moving / sda4 -- sdb1

1998-10-06 Thread shaul
Perhaps the /usr/doc/HOWTO/mini/Hard-Disk-Upgrade.gz could help ?

 I need to move debian from drive 1 to drive 2 ( just deep sixed NT ;0)
 ), what are the steps necessary.
 Thus far i have done a copy using mc ( skipping proc of course ),
 modified lilo, fstab.
 boots ok gets to checking the new sdb1 then it proceeds to run from
 the old partition sda4, i guess i missed some essentials steps
 So thats on hold for now :(, will continue RTFM's etc, any help
 The upside is i have worked out how to give doom its virtual graphics
 capable console so now for some stress relief :).

Re: cable modem

1998-10-06 Thread servis
*- Russ Cook wrote about cable modem
| My local cable company is now offering high-speed cable modem service.
| The following excerpt is from their web page QA section.  I am running
| Slink with IPV4 (I believe).
| from Cable web page
| Can I use any TCP/IP stack with @Home? 
| At this time, @Home supports the following: Windows 95, NT workstations,
| and MacOS 7.5.3 with open Transport v. 1.1 or greater TCP/IP stacks. 
| from Cable web page
| Does anyone think I would have an insurmountable problem using this
| service?

No experience in this area but there is a mini-HOWTO at

Also check out
for a some good tips.

I got all this from a quick search on Excite with the keywords 'linux
cable modem'.

I'm jealous,

Never criticize anybody until you have walked a mile in their shoes,  
 because by that time you will be a mile away and have their shoes. 
   - unknown  

Mechanical Engineering  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Purdue University

Re: PPP dial out fails at LCP ConfReq

1998-10-06 Thread Sudhakar Chandrasekharan
John Hasler wrote -
 Martin Bialasinski writes:
  What I mean is that you shouldn't send the \d.
 He isn't sending \d.  To chat '\d' means pause one second.  Some ISP's get
 confused if chat exits and lets pppd start sending packets before they
 finish authenticating.  The pause gives them time to get their act

Thanks for all the help folks.  I have figured out what the problem is. 
It was not my chatscripts.  It was not /etc/ppp/peers/netcom  It was
something really stupid on my part.  My modem was an internal one
connected to com3 (/dev/ttyS3).  The IRQ was being set wrong.   I
unplugged the card,  changed the jumpers on the card to diable PnP and
set its IRQ to an unused one (10), rebooted, ran setserial and that
solved the problem.  Just thout this info had to be archived in some
mailing list for people who might come across a similar problem in the

 I can't believe you didn't invite me.  After I painted those cool
 stripes all over your car.
   -- Homer J. Simpson
Sudhakar C13n   Indentured Slave

Re: [EDI software]

1998-10-06 Thread Syed Huq

Did you mean EDA ?? What is EDI ??


Hi all:

Does anyone know of any EDI software which
runs under Debian or Linux.



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Re: Modem won't dial

1998-10-06 Thread David Densmore
I found a way to fix the problem.  The dial string in
/etc/chatscripts/provider had brackets around the phone number like this:


which worked ok with my old modem.  I removed the brackets like this:


and now it works.

Can anyone tell me how to control the modems volume?  It is MUCH louder
than my old one.  Also, where are the modem init strings stored for pon?
Where can I get a list of all the modem AT commands?

Thank you,
David Densmore [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Previously I wrote:

when I use the pon command the modem picks up the line and I hear dial
tone, but it will not dial the number.  It will just sit there and let me
hear dial tone until the telco times out.

Can't load library

1998-10-06 Thread Ken Archer
Trying to get Netscape 4.5b2 up and running on Debian 2.0, I get
the error message that:

Netscape: cannot load library

I have the same Netscape running fine on a Suse 5.2 partition with
installed in the same default directory (/usr/X11R6/lib).  I have used
Slackware, Red Hat, Suse and now Debian.  I had no idea there was so much
difference between the setup on Debian and the other dist.  I would appreciate
a well placed nudge in the right direction.


  Ken Archer - San Antonio, Texas   As soon as I get all my 
  email - [EMAIL PROTECTED]penquins in a row I'll 
 get right on it...
   (O- //\  (o-  (o-  (o-  (o-
   //\ V_/_ //\  //\  //\  //\
   V_/_ V_/_ V_/_ V_/_ V_/_

Netscape can't load file

1998-10-06 Thread Ken Archer
Trying to get Netscape 4.5b2 up and running, but I get the following error

Netscape: cannot load library

I have the same release of Netscape running in a Suse 5.2 partiion with installed in the same default directory (/usr/X11R6/lib).  I am new
to Debian and could sure use a well placed nudge in the right direction. 
Thanks in advance for your help.


  Ken Archer - San Antonio, Texas   As soon as I get all my 
  email - [EMAIL PROTECTED]penquins in a row I'll 
 get right on it...
   (O- //\  (o-  (o-  (o-  (o-
   //\ V_/_ //\  //\  //\  //\
   V_/_ V_/_ V_/_ V_/_ V_/_

Memory usage

1998-10-06 Thread Pat O'Brien
If I have 192Mb of ram, how do I indicate to the kernel that I
have it.


How do I set up my linux computer as a proxy?

1998-10-06 Thread Collin Rose
How do I set up my linux computer as a proxy to serve internet to other
systems on my network?


Looking for GNUPLOT for Debian2.0

1998-10-06 Thread rathon

I am using Debian2.0 and looking for GNUPLOT. Can you help ?


Get free e-mail and a permanent address at

Re: Looking for GNUPLOT for Debian2.0

1998-10-06 Thread Gary L. Hennigan
rathon [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
| I am using Debian2.0 and looking for GNUPLOT. Can you help ?

It's in the main/binary-i386/math section of hamm, package name is



Above 64Mb

1998-10-06 Thread Frederic Breitwieser
I never even thought to check -- glad I saw your (and someone else's)
post!  How does one know, however, whether or not the top of memory is

I was wondering if anyone knew offhand how much memory Linux CAN see, with
the appropriate setting in lilo.conf etc.

THe new box I'm making has 1024MB in DIMMs.  While the system board can
handle it, it never occured to me that Linux can or cannot.

Thanks in advance.  Direct reply welcome :)

Frederic Breitwieser
Bridgeport, CT 06606

Homebrew Automotive Website:

1993 Supercharged Lincoln Continental
1989 HMMWV
2000 Buick-Powered Mid-Engined Sports Car


Re[2]: Modem won't dial

1998-10-06 Thread zuwi
David Densmore at 9:00:07 wrote:
 Can anyone tell me how to control the modems volume?
 It is MUCH louder
 than my old one.  Also, where are the modem init strings
 stored for pon?
 Where can I get a list of all the modem AT commands?

I personally use ATZL0, L0 is used to shut down the volume.


Re: Debian secretary wont work with pon.

1998-10-06 Thread Michael Beattie
On Mon, 5 Oct 1998, Phillip Neumann wrote:

 Jens Ritter wrote:
  Phillip Neumann [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  Please check the mail archive.
  As far as I read, you have to restart xringd, so it gets the
  back to the modem.
  KeyID: 2048/E451C639 1998/01/28
  Print: 5F 3D 43 1E 24 1E CC 48  1E 05 93 3A A7 10 73 37
  Here is a patch for one of the nastiest 2.1 (and earlier)
  problems: the uptime counter wraps back to zero after 497 days. The
  heartbreak of seeing that carefully-nurtured uptime go to zero is not
  something that should be inflicted on anybody.
  --  August 27, 1998
 Any way i have not problems with xring as i said last message
 Phillip Neumann (my) wrote:
 thanks for the help, now xringd is working all right. But i have
 problems using it with pon.
 The problem is making xringd start pon 

You may need to make a script that pulls down xringd, and executes 'pon',
possibly with a new ISP entry.. (new /etc/ppp/peers/* file -
'pon incomingcall' or something.. ) that uses the -detach option, then
when that task finishes, the script brings xringd back up again... just a
guess :)

/etc/init.d/xringd stop
pon incomingcall
/etc/init.d/xringd start

connect /usr/sbin/chat -v -f /etc/chatscripts/provider
-detach noauth noipdefault defaultroute /dev/modem 38400

   Michael Beattie ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

   PGP Key available, reply with pgpkey as subject.
OFFLINE 1.50  Virus check complete.  All viruses functioning normally
Debian GNU/Linux  Ooohh You are missing out!

RE: Above 64Mb

1998-10-06 Thread Shaleh
The 2.1 series can see above 64mb w/o lilo's help.  I believe the range now
goes to 2gb or so.

TALK: socket error

1998-10-06 Thread stick

Howdy all!

Does anyone know what this error is telling me?

[Couldn't bind to control socket : Cannot assign requested address (99). Press a
ny key...]

I'm running netstd version 3.07-2 on the system that's having the problems.
Most of the other systems I manage are on netstd_3.07-1...if that helps.


Chuck Stickelman, Owner E-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Practical Network DesignVoice:  +1-419-529-3841
9 Chambers Road FAX:+1-419-529-3625
Mansfield, OH 44906-1301 USA

Re: nn local news spool

1998-10-06 Thread mwb
   Set NNTPSERVER=localhost in your environment. It took me
   months to figure this out. I do NOT find this documented
  I have my default server set up to localhost, so this wasn't
  necessary for me.  However, I was emailed a message that told
  me how to fix the problem.  Since it wasn't CC'd to the list
  I'll repeat it for the benefit of others:
  There is a bug in the nn source.  One work-around is to
  ln -s /var/lib/new/active /usr/lib/news/active
  as root.  This puts a link in place to the active file
  from where nn thinks it should be.
 Yup! I used emacs hexl mode to edit nn and fix this.
 But for me either fix works. Either fix the path or set the
 NNTPSEVER variable.

I've tried the NNTPSERVER variable thing, but this is what I get:

$ export NNTPSERVER=localhost
$ nn
could not fetch active file
$ su
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/tmp# ln -s /var/lib/news/active /usr/lib/news/active
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/tmp# exit
$ nn
Release 6.5.0 (NOV),  Kim F. Storm, 1991

Notice: no news has arrived for the last 24 hours

I'm glad it works now, but it I find it curious that setting
NNTPSERVER does not work for me.


Where is Bo?

1998-10-06 Thread Nathan O. Siemers

I need bo (debian 1.3) binaries of grep and ar to try and revive an
old system before I can upgrade to hamm.  Grep and ar have been lost

I've seen the address of the bo site somewhere, but I just spent an
hour looking through the web site with no success.

Thank you.


Nathan O. Siemers - Transcriptional Profiling, Bioinformatics -
Division of Applied Genomics - Bristol-Myers Squibb Pharmaceutical
Research Institute - Hopewell Building 3B - P.O. Box 5400, Princeton,
NJ 08543-5400 - 609 818-6568 - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Network Card probs

1998-10-06 Thread Christopher J. Stevenson

Now X works well... now I need help on My 
network card.
It says on the cover that it's compatible 
w/ Linux...
I'm just wondering how 

I have a 
EtherFast 10/100 LAN Card
(PCI interface, Plug-and-Pray)

However, there's not Linux drivers on the 
floppies (2 of them...)

What should I do?
My computer, a Gateway-2000 GP6-300, pretty 
much refused to work with
older Network Cards...


Chris Stevenson

Re: Where is Bo?

1998-10-06 Thread David B. Teague
On Mon, 5 Oct 1998, Nathan O. Siemers wrote:

 I need bo (debian 1.3) binaries of grep and ar to try and revive an
 old system before I can upgrade to hamm.  Grep and ar have been lost


Here is a list of archive sites that was posted a couple of months ago.
Maybe George Bonser has some more.

Linux: Because I want to *get there* today. (thanks to Shaleh)
David B Teague | Ask me how user interface copyrights  software
[EMAIL PROTECTED] | patents make programing a dangerous business. 

 From: IN%[EMAIL PROTECTED]  6-AUG-1998 08:03:27.33
 Subj: RE: bo archive
 *- George Bonser wrote about bo archive
 | There is an archive of bo at in /debian/bo
 | I will post a listing of other mirrors on the ftp site as I am made aware
 | of them.

 There was a discussion on this on debian-devel recently, check the
 list archives to see if I missed any.
 These sites were given as having an archive of bo.
 Never criticize anybody until you have walked a mile in their shoes,  
  because by that time you will be a mile away and have their shoes. 
  - unknown  
 Mechanical Engineering  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Purdue University

Re: cable modem

1998-10-06 Thread Packy Anderson
Russ Cook writes:
 from Cable web page
 Can I use any TCP/IP stack with @Home? 
 At this time, @Home supports the following: Windows 95, NT workstations,
 and MacOS 7.5.3 with open Transport v. 1.1 or greater TCP/IP stacks. 
 from Cable web page
 Does anyone think I would have an insurmountable problem using this

@Home may use a different scheme than the Cable Modem serivce I've got,
which is RoadRunner (Time/Warner).

RoadRunner uses a modified DHCPd that incorporates a login to their
network.  Some clever people have hooked up packet scanners and reverse
engineered the protocol.

I'm not yet using Debian on RR yet (I'm still using my Mac), but I hope to
be doing so in a few days.  If folks are interested, I'll post a note when
I'm done.

You might want to check out Phil Karn's page on Configuring Debian LINUX
for San Diego Road Runner:


Packy AndersonDardan Web Assoc. 518/266-1226
CEO/Webmaster PO Box 94
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  Troy, NY 12181-0094
   Localized advertising solutions for a World-Wide Web.

IP Masq

1998-10-06 Thread Collin Rose
Is there a way to setup IP Masqing with out recompiling the kernel? A module
maybe (where)?

Netscape and

1998-10-06 Thread Michael Dahlberg
Could anyone help me out with this problem?

I installed Netscape Navigator 4.06 (base install, not Communicator) on
Debian 2.0 (kernel 2.0.34) in /usr/local/netscape according to Netscape's
installation instructions.  I try to run the executable but I get the
message: /usr/local/netscape/netscape : can not load  The
library is on my system (in /usr/X11R6/lib) and the path is
referenced in /etc/  I tried running /sbin/ldconfig -v |less
and there were no errors, however, points to

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Mike Dahlberg

Re: Netscape and

1998-10-06 Thread aqy6633
 I installed Netscape Navigator 4.06 (base install, not Communicator) on
 Debian 2.0 (kernel 2.0.34) in /usr/local/netscape according to Netscape's
 installation instructions.  I try to run the executable but I get the
 message: /usr/local/netscape/netscape : can not load  The
 library is on my system (in /usr/X11R6/lib) and the path is
 referenced in /etc/  I tried running /sbin/ldconfig -v |less
 and there were no errors, however, points to

Gee, this should really be somewhere in the FAQ.

Netscape binary is libc5-based. Therefore you would need to install libc5
package along with libc5-based X libaries (xlib6 package, in addition to
xlib6g). You may need also to install xpm4.7 package.

Better yet, use dselect to install netscape4 package (installer of the 
archive you downloaded from netscape ftp site).

Alex Y.
 _( )_
( (o___   +---+
 |  _ 7   |Alexander Yukhimets|
  \()|  |
  / \ \   +---+

Re: Netscape and

1998-10-06 Thread dokdokLUG
to have netscape 4 running u need to have the libraries as mentioned in 
or ...let me just mention it, the ff. libs along with their corresponding 
depndecies :
motifnls in section X11
ldso in section base
ilbc5 in section oldlibs
libc6 in section base
libg++27 in section oldlibs
xlib6 in section oldlibs
xpm4.7 in section oldlibs
mime-support in section net
imagemagick in section graphics

:) chad


On 10/5/98, at 11:36 PM, Michael Dahlberg wrote:

Could anyone help me out with this problem?

I installed Netscape Navigator 4.06 (base install, not Communicator) on
Debian 2.0 (kernel 2.0.34) in /usr/local/netscape according to Netscape's
installation instructions.  I try to run the executable but I get the
message: /usr/local/netscape/netscape : can not load  The
library is on my system (in /usr/X11R6/lib) and the path is
referenced in /etc/  I tried running /sbin/ldconfig -v |less
and there were no errors, however, points to

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Mike Dahlberg

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Re: xdm not working

1998-10-06 Thread Mike Orr
On Mon, Oct 05, 1998 at 02:14:09PM +0100, G. Kapetanios wrote:
 Following an earlier email concerning failure to look up a host adress 
 which also prevented xdm from running I have included my ISP nameserver 
 address in /etc/resolv.conf. Now xdm starts, I log in and the system waits 
 before starting the window manager for some time I still havent waited
 long enough for the window manager to start as I close down the xserver. 
 The question I have is how do you set up xdm for a system not conneted to
 the net and with loopback as the only network inteface.  I still have my
 kernel comiled with etherner support should IU recompile without ethernet
 support ?

You shouldn't have to recompile the kernel.  

1) Do a route -n and see if any routes are going through your
Ethernet interface (especially the default route).  route del these
and comment out their lines in /etc/init.d/network.  The only route
that should exist when you're not actively on a network should be the
loopback.  This will ensure that applications get an immediate network
unreachable error rather than a delay, if they try to access outside
resources like a nameserver.  (Ah, if only Win95 had a routing table...)

2) If you use ppp or diald, they should automatically be deleting their
routes when they disconnect.  (Except that diald keeps its metric-1
slip routes.)  Pppd seems reliable in this regard but sometimes diald
seems to leave bogus routes in, and I have to stop and restart it.

3) Look at /etc/nsswitch.conf.  There should be a line hosts: files dns.
Make sure the dns is after files, not before, or that will also cause a
delay.  I also have a networks: files line in there.

4) /etc/resolv.conf should have your ISP's nameserver, as you said.

I don't use xdm much, so I don't know if there's anything in the xdm
configuration that would need to be changed.  Presumably it would be
something in /etc/X11/xdm if so.

 Any help will be greatly appreciated
 George Kapetanios
 Churchill College
 Cambridge, CB3 0DSE-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 U.K.  WWW:
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: Can't load library

1998-10-06 Thread Christopher Barry
That's because Suse is using libc5 and Debian is using the newer glibc.
Install Netscape using the Debian installer and grab the older libraries
from section oldlibs, or download the glibc version of Netscape from
their ftp.


Ken Archer wrote:
 Trying to get Netscape 4.5b2 up and running on Debian 2.0, I get
 the error message that:
 Netscape: cannot load library
 I have the same Netscape running fine on a Suse 5.2 partition with
 installed in the same default directory (/usr/X11R6/lib).  I have used
 Slackware, Red Hat, Suse and now Debian.  I had no idea there was so much
 difference between the setup on Debian and the other dist.  I would appreciate
 a well placed nudge in the right direction.
   Ken Archer - San Antonio, Texas   As soon as I get all my
   email - [EMAIL PROTECTED]penquins in a row I'll
  get right on it...
(O- //\  (o-  (o-  (o-  (o-
//\ V_/_ //\  //\  //\  //\
V_/_ V_/_ V_/_ V_/_ V_/_
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Re: What causes single user boot?

1998-10-06 Thread Raymond A. Ingles
On Fri, 2 Oct 1998, Christopher D. Judd wrote:
  Make sure the sixth field in your /etc/fstab is set to 0(zero) or
  empty for removable media. From 'man 5 fstab'
  Sure enough, that fixed it.  Odd that this problem only showed up
 when I upgraded to Hamm, though.  Thanks for the tip.

 Same here. I have an external removeable-media drive that, in the fstab,
is nominally ext2. If I boot with an msdos-formatted cartridge, however, I
get the 'Ctrl-D' prompt. This didn't happen until I upgraded to Hamm. Now
that I know the fix I'll be sure to update my fstab.


 Ray Ingles   (248)377-7735   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Free Stereogram!
Try to make the two Os in the next row look like three:
n   n   n   n   n   n   n   n   n   n   n   n   n   n   n   n   n
e   e   e   e   e   e   e   e   e   e   e   e   e   e   e   e   e
a   a   a   a   a   a   a   a   a   a   a   a   a   a   a   a   a
r   r   r   r   r   r   r   r   r   r   r   r   r   r   r   r   r

Re: Scanners - recommandations?

1998-10-06 Thread Raymond A. Ingles
On 2 Oct 1998, Manoj Srivastava wrote:

 John == John Plate [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  John I'm planning to buy a scanner. What type will work well with Linux?
   You should look into the SANE project. Specifically, the
  backends (which are scanner specific) are detailed in
   I am happy with my inexensive UMAX Astra 1200S (threw away the
  junky scsi card that came with it since I have a buslogic958).

 I second the SANE recommendation. There *are* other scanning programs
(e.g., XVScan, which is commercial and to my knowledge only supports HP
scanners but is supposed to be quite good) but SANE is (a) free, (b)
network-transparent, and (c) works on multiple platforms, eventually
including Windows.

 Two words of caution. First, parallel-port scanners are *not* 
well-supported under Linux. Only a few are supported, and then only in an
experimental fashion. So, you'd best go SCSI.  Second, some cheap SCSI
scanners can lock up the SCSI bus during a scan. This can cause problems
if you have SCSI disks attached to the same SCSI controller. This isn't
necessarily a big problem (I work around it just fine at home) but it's
something to take into account.


 Ray Ingles (248) 377-7735[EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Suffering is good for the soul, but it is usually best to wait until
  the body has no choice in the matter.  -  Stephen Donaldson

Re: lilo and hdc

1998-10-06 Thread LUK ShunTim
M.C. Vernon wrote:
 Dear all,
 A friend of mine has a (SUSE) install on hdc, but wants lilo (or
 similar) to go on hda (which is a dos/w95 partition)?
 is there a howto/etc for this sort of thing?
 Elen sila lumenn' omentielvo
 Steward of the Cambridge Tolkien Society
 Selwyn College Computer Support
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Yes, lilo comes with a very detailed user guide. Just check 
And for a start, I would recommend bootmenu. You can get it from 
Sunsite Linux under ../system/boot/dualboot/bootmenu. It is quite easy
to install and it will tell you how to configure lilo.

Hope this helps,

DontZap zaps...(X problem)

1998-10-06 Thread Akop Pogosian
I wonder if there is a way to prevent X server from being killed by the
CTRL-ALT-backspace keystroke. I know that putting DontZap in
XF86Config would do that on redhat. The Debian docs say the same thing.
However, this DontZap method does not work here, I am using Debian
2.0. Any one got ideas ?

Re: kde problem and wmanager question

1998-10-06 Thread Noah L. Meyerhans

On Mon, 5 Oct 1998, Jan Krupa wrote:

 What happens ? After some time when I use kde (it works after
 loading) I just
 cannot start any program. I mean when choose something
 from the the kde or debian menu.

It sounds like kfm is dying.  I don't know why it would be, but if you
re-run it in an xterm, then I think things will go back to normal.  I
think I had this problem a while back, probably on beta 3, or so.  I
haven't seen it recently, though.

 I would like type startx and have possibility interactively to
 choose before X Window is loaded which window manager I would like
 to start. It is possible? How ?

The Xsession script can actually take a parameter that lets you choose an
X session.  Kdm, the KDE replacement for xdm, has a combo box that lets
you specify what the parameter is.  For example, on my kdm screen, I can
choose a kde session, a Window Maker session, an AfterStep session, an
FVWM2 session, and a failsafe (no windowmanager) session.  I modified the
global Xsession file, /etc/X11/Xsession to execute the proper commands
based on the parameter received.  I added the menu selections to the
kdm combo box by adding this line to /etc/kde/kdmrc (or was it both...I don't understand the point of, so I
deleted it and symlinked it back to kdmrc):


It works like a charm.  Just be sure that the user doesn't override the
global Xsession with their own .xsession file (unless it can handle the
same parameters), or the combo box selection will be meaningless.

If you don't want to use kdm, but would rather use startx (as you say you
would), then it could still be done, but you might have to write a little
code, as I don't know of the existance of the proper utility.  Basically,
instead of a window manager being run, you'd run a simple application that
lets you select a window manager (by clicking on a button, or something).
Once you select a window manager, the chooser type thing can destroy its
window and do a waitpid() on the window manager process.  When the window
manager exits, the chooser can exit, which terminates the xsession, and
you're back at the console prompt.  I'm not sure how this will work when
you switch window managers while keeping the xsession alive, though.  It
might kill the xsession.


  PGP public key available at
  or by 'finger -l [EMAIL PROTECTED]'

Version: 2.6.2


Re: HELP! how does Debian allocate scsi drives?

1998-10-06 Thread Raymond A. Ingles
On Sun, 4 Oct 1998, Chris Evans wrote:

 I can't get into the machine to check documentation and I can't see 
 enough detail in Running Linux to know if this is the case and, if 
 so, how to fix it.  However, that does read as if linux scans through 
 the scsi devices allocating /dev/sda /dev/sdb etc sequentially rather 
 than hard mapping to a scsi id.  If so, maybe removing the cdrom 
 has thrown the mapping and I should be able to get in as root and 
 hack the mapping (is it in /etc/fstab?) and correct the problem.  
 (Seems odd as it allocates cdroms and rw drives separately but ...)

 This does seem to be the case. I have a SCSI removeable drive, CD-ROM,
and scanner, and depending on which ones are turned on at boot (which
determines whether they're detected or not) my scanner can be at anything
from sga to sgc. I'd suggest hopping in as root and fixing your


 Ray Ingles   (248)377-7735   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Free Stereogram!
Try to make the two Os in the next row look like three:
n   n   n   n   n   n   n   n   n   n   n   n   n   n   n   n   n
e   e   e   e   e   e   e   e   e   e   e   e   e   e   e   e   e
a   a   a   a   a   a   a   a   a   a   a   a   a   a   a   a   a
r   r   r   r   r   r   r   r   r   r   r   r   r   r   r   r   r

Re: cable modem

1998-10-06 Thread Chris Hoover

  You should have no problem using the @home modem with linux.  I'm using it 
now, and it really flies.  The only thing I have left to do is to set up dhcp, 
for the time being, I'm using the static ip they gave me.


Russ Cook wrote:

 My local cable company is now offering high-speed cable modem service.
 The following excerpt is from their web page QA section.  I am running
 Slink with IPV4 (I believe).

 from Cable web page
 Can I use any TCP/IP stack with @Home?
 At this time, @Home supports the following: Windows 95, NT workstations,
 and MacOS 7.5.3 with open Transport v. 1.1 or greater TCP/IP stacks.
 from Cable web page

 Does anyone think I would have an insurmountable problem using this

 Russell Cook, Engineering Branch
 WSR-88D Operational Support Facility
 (405)366-6520 x4237

 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Problem using vi in telnet session

1998-10-06 Thread David Karlin
I'm running a hamm system and mostly login through a telnet window on
my win95 machine (I have only one monitor as of yet).

When I run vi in the telnet window, I get some strange behavior.  Just
about no matter which key I press, the screen blanks, and then vi
begins to save a copy of the file. (BTW, deselect also acts strangely.)

When I plug my monitor into the Linux box and login at the console, vi works

I asked someone about this and he said it might have something to do
with the terminal type of my telnet client.  The win95 telnet client
I'm using emulates a VT100-ansi.

Has anyone experienced this kind of situation?  Can anyone point me to
the appropriate docs, or offer a solution?  I looked in Running Linux,
but couldn't find any info there.



1998-10-06 Thread Ian Stuart
Ian Stuart wrote:
  The Finnish programmer Linux Torvalds, whose software could
  threaten Bill Gates's Microsoft empire
 The program is one of these programs that does 5-minute bites at a
 number of topics, with Linus as one of the topics.
The program actually did a 10-minute piece on Linus  his OS.  Even
Alan Cox was interviewed.  Overall, it was quite positive, though it
didn't mention much in the way of the commercial support available from
the likes of SuSe, Caldera or Redhat.

My only downer comment would be to Linus: White socks and sandles?
Ugh! Please!

Ian Stuart
Computing Services
The University of Edinburgh

Re: Safe rm available?

1998-10-06 Thread Hamish Moffatt
On Mon, Oct 05, 1998 at 02:27:59PM -0500, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I am using a program called safedelete that you alias to rm.  It is not

This sounds like a really bad idea (aliasing it to rm). Once you get used
to having it, you become more careless with the rm command; suddenly
you're using another box where rm is for real and you've lost real work.

Undelete is nice but not standard. I do admit to having used it to
recover some work not long ago :-) (The NetApp file servers the university
I study at uses keeps snapshots of directories by hour, day etc.)

Latest Debian packages at PGP#EFA6B9D5
CCs of replies from mailing lists are welcome.


1998-10-06 Thread P J Barbera
Hey, do you want a Dressman or a Killer ??



Ian Stuart wrote:
 Ian Stuart wrote:
 My only downer comment would be to Linus: White socks and sandles?
 Ugh! Please!
 Ian Stuart
 Computing Services
 The University of Edinburgh
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: What causes single user boot?

1998-10-06 Thread Michael Beattie
On Mon, 5 Oct 1998,  Raymond A. Ingles wrote:

  Ray Ingles   (248)377-7735   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Free Stereogram!
 Try to make the two Os in the next row look like three:
 n   n   n   n   n   n   n   n   n   n   n   n   n   n   n   n   n
 e   e   e   e   e   e   e   e   e   e   e   e   e   e   e   e   e
 a   a   a   a   a   a   a   a   a   a   a   a   a   a   a   a   a
 r   r   r   r   r   r   r   r   r   r   r   r   r   r   r   r   r

Now that, folks, has class.. Cool Ray :)

   Michael Beattie ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

   PGP Key available, reply with pgpkey as subject.
   A feature is a bug with seniority.
Debian GNU/Linux  Ooohh You are missing out!

Can't drag and drop in Netscape

1998-10-06 Thread LUK ShunTim

When I wanted to bookmark a page by dragging the location icon into
the bookmark file, it just wouldn't work. I'm using hamm, kernel 2.0.34,
KDE and Netscape 4.5bPR1. Have I missed to install anything?


Setting terminal type for telnet sessions only

1998-10-06 Thread David Karlin
Thanks to a suggestion by Michael Stone, I tried TERM=vt100 from the
command line, and vi now seems to work properly in a telnet window.
Very nice.  Thank you Michael.

How can I set my login script to set TERM=vt100 *only* for telnet
sessions, and not for console (or other) logins?  As I understand it,
the console emulates a vt220, and I don't want to lose the extra
funtionality when I login at the console.



 -Original Message-
 From: Michael Stone [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Tuesday, October 06, 1998 1:13 AM
 To: David Karlin
 Subject: »Ø¸´: Problem using vi in telnet session

 I am not sure about the following method,
 modify the profile  set of your user account, set TERm=vt100
 try it

 -Original Message-
 From: David Karlin [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: Debian User
 Date: Tuesday, October 06, 1998 3:51 PM
 Subject: Problem using vi in telnet session

 I'm running a hamm system and mostly login through a telnet window on
 my win95 machine (I have only one monitor as of yet).
 When I run vi in the telnet window, I get some strange behavior.  Just
 about no matter which key I press, the screen blanks, and then vi
 begins to save a copy of the file. (BTW, deselect also acts strangely.)
 When I plug my monitor into the Linux box and login at the console, vi
 I asked someone about this and he said it might have something to do
 with the terminal type of my telnet client.  The win95 telnet client
 I'm using emulates a VT100-ansi.
 Has anyone experienced this kind of situation?  Can anyone point me to
 the appropriate docs, or offer a solution?  I looked in Running Linux,
 but couldn't find any info there.
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Re: 2 ether, problems routing

1998-10-06 Thread Pere Camps

 Then use ipfwadm to forward any packets from your LAN to the Net.
 A good help is the HOWTO docs on Network and Firewalls.

I'm trying to make a simple setup with ipfwadm: just to move all
the packets from one eth to the other, but I've yet to succeed.

I'll keep trying though. Too many RTFM's to do!

Salutacions, Pere     __oUltima Ratio Regum
  2:343/108.91   -  _`\;_mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
PGP key available ---  (_)/ (_)

Re: Memory usage

1998-10-06 Thread Dirk Bonne
Pat O'Brien wrote:
 If I have 192Mb of ram, how do I indicate to the kernel that I
 have it.



in lilo.conf and run lilo again. The kernel must be said explicitly how
much memory you have if you go above 64M.


Re: 2 ether, problems routing

1998-10-06 Thread Pere Camps

 It is not the computer that needs an IP address, every single network
 interface on the computer will need a unique IP address (except if you have
 point-to-point interfaces, but that doesn't apply in your situation)

First question: can I make an eth behave as a point-to-point if
there are only two eth cards in the network?

 Example: Assume Adresses are still free (the start IP must
 be divisible by 16)
 ifconfig eth1 netmask broadcast
 route add -net dev eth1
 arp -s '00:A0:24:52:32:41' netmask pub
 # Note that this is the hardware address of your first network card,
 # providing eth0

Not working. I can access eth0 (.17) from the w95 machine but
I can not access any other part of the eth0 network.

If I have understood correctly subnetting with the netmask of 240
divides the network into 16 subnets... as my primary net has a netmask of then the machine addresses are 0.0.0.* which is incompatible
with puting a netmask of .240 on the eth1.

Maybe arp -s fixs it, but as I have these things very fresh, I
don't know.

I guess my best bet is to make the eht1 behave as p-t-p link. I've
seen an option for that in ifconfig, but I couldn't get it working. 

Thanks for your help.

Salutacions, Pere     __oUltima Ratio Regum
  2:343/108.91   -  _`\;_mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
PGP key available ---  (_)/ (_)

Kai's mail setup seriously hosed

1998-10-06 Thread Kai Grossjohann
I have seriously hosed my mail setup in the past few days and might
have deleted mail you sent between October 1st and a few minutes ago.
Please accept my apologies for this mishap; I am truly sorry about
this.  Could you resend your message, please?

If you haven't sent me a message since October 1st, please ignore this

Thank you very much.
OOP: object oriented programming;  OOPS: object oriented mistakes

Re: TALK: socket error

1998-10-06 Thread Robert Ramiega
On Mon, Oct 05, 1998 at 10:33:24PM -0400, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Howdy all!
 Does anyone know what this error is telling me?
 [Couldn't bind to control socket : Cannot assign requested address (99). 
 Press a
 ny key...]
 I'm running netstd version 3.07-2 on the system that's having the problems.
 Most of the other systems I manage are on netstd_3.07-1...if that helps.
 Check if You have talk daemon (i guess no; i don't know when this talkd got
out of netstd) and i case it's missing install talkd deb (today while
upgrading from Polish mirror i also spotted telnet and telnetd debs)

 Robert Ramiega   | [EMAIL PROTECTED]IRC: _Jedi_ | Don't underestimate 
 IT Manager @ PDi || the power of Source


1998-10-06 Thread G. Kapetanios

Hi all, 

I was having problems with the network so I deided to use the rescue disk
to configure my machine with no network. By mistake (big mistake !!!)
I chose to initialise the root partition rather than mount a previously
initialised partition. The hard disk did not work a lot but my root
partition seems lost. I did not search for bad blocks on the partition. 
I have not installed anything apart from the stuff on the rescue disk. Is
there a way to save the stuff on my root partition. Nothing is critical
all the important stuff is in the other partitions which I can see but 
I will have to reconfigure the system. Please help 

George Kapetanios
Churchill College
Cambridge, CB3 0DSE-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
U.K.  WWW:


1998-10-06 Thread Peter Iannarelli

To my knowledge there is no way to recover the root.
You could however try to re-activate that partition and
see what happens. I doubt it will work because mkfs
resets the inode tables.

When you re-activate/create that partition again everything
on it is reset. So, you have to re-install the system
partition again.


-Original Message-
From: G. Kapetanios [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Tuesday, October 06, 1998 6:07 AM

Hi all,

I was having problems with the network so I deided to use the rescue disk
to configure my machine with no network. By mistake (big mistake !!!)
I chose to initialise the root partition rather than mount a previously
initialised partition. The hard disk did not work a lot but my root
partition seems lost. I did not search for bad blocks on the partition.
I have not installed anything apart from the stuff on the rescue disk. Is
there a way to save the stuff on my root partition. Nothing is critical
all the important stuff is in the other partitions which I can see but
I will have to reconfigure the system. Please help


George Kapetanios
Churchill College
Cambridge, CB3 0DSE-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
U.K.  WWW:

Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Scanners - SCSI card for ARTEC AT12

1998-10-06 Thread H C Pumphrey

Hi debian users and SANE people:

This is tangential to, but not unconnected with the recent request on
debian-user for advice about what scanner to get. When I bought my Debian
system recently I got an ARTEC AT12 scanner because (a) it was on the SANE
supporeted list (b) it is alledgedly a very good scanner and (c) my
supplier could get one easily.  I have no other SCSI devices. The scanner
comes with its own SCSI card and this is the reason I havn't got it
working yet. 

I have found out what sort of card it is: a DTC 3181x / 3151x, whatever
that means. I can't find out from the various Linux FMs tht I have RTFMed
whether this card is supported and, if so, what I do to get it recognised
(Presumably I need some boot-prompt arguments). 

The Hardware-Howto lists the following DTC cards as supported:
DTC 329x (EISA) (Adaptec 154x compatible) 

and the following as unsupported:

Non Adaptec compatible DTC boards (327x, 328x)  

The (not recently updated) SCSI-Howto agrees and says the 327x and  328x
will NEVER be supported on account of DTC's disclosure policies. 
No-one mentions the 3181x / 3151x so I can't tell from this what to do
about my card. If anyone can tell me what to do or point me at the right
documentation, I'd be grateful.

It would also be useful if anyone can confirm that this card is never
going to work in Linux -- then I would know that I will have to find
another card. Suggestions for that would be welcome, too - remember I only
want the SCSI card for the scanner. Is the August 1996 SCSI-Howto still
useful in this respect, or is it hopelessly out of date? 

Clearly, if I get the scanner  working, I'll post what I did here. 

The bottom line for anyone buying a scanner is that even if you pick one
from the SANE-supported list you may find that it is supplied with a SCSI
card that is not usable (or not immediately usable) in Linux. You may
therefore have to get a different SCSI card before the scanner will work.

many TIA to anyone who can supply further enlightenment!


Hugh C. Pumphrey, Dept. of -| Tel. 0131-650-6026,Fax:0131-650-5780
Meteorology, Univ. of Edinburgh | Replace 0131 with +44-131 if outside U.K

Re: Can't drag and drop in Netscape

1998-10-06 Thread Blazej Sawionek
LUK ShunTim wrote:
 KDE and Netscape 4.5bPR1.
Sorry I don't uderstand what you are trying to do, but 4.5bPR2 is
already available - maybe that can help you?


Installation problem

1998-10-06 Thread Rodrigo Moya
Hi all!!

I just got Debian 2.0 and tried to install in my two computers. One is a 386
with 20 MB of RAM - the installation was successful. The other one is a
Pentium MMX 200 with 64 MB of RAM - here the installation script
(install/boot.bat) stopped when detecting hard disks. This is the output

hda: Quantum...
hdb: ATAPI cd-rom- it stops here
( following should be  ide0 ..)

and that's it, it stops there, going no further. I had the same problem with
Debian 1.3, RedHat 4.2/5 and suse 5.1. The disks are IDE and the cdrom works
well, since it is the one I used to install Debian on the 386. Is it a
problem with my hardware, or is there a way of finding a solution, because
it is ok on the 386, but sometimes you get desperated because it is too slow
for some things, and I would like to use Linux in a more powerful box.

Thanks very much in advance

Re: Scanners - SCSI card for ARTEC AT12

1998-10-06 Thread Helge Hafting
In [EMAIL PROTECTED], on 10/06/98 
   at 12:24 PM, H C Pumphrey [EMAIL PROTECTED] said:

No-one mentions the 3181x / 3151x so I can't tell from this what to do
about my card. If anyone can tell me what to do or point me at the right
documentation, I'd be grateful.

If it is neither on the supported nor unsupported list, chances are it is
unsupported.  Unless it is hardware compatible with something supported.
Your manual says nothing about compatibility?

You could of course try compiling a kernel supporting every scsi
controller linux can use and see if yours is detetected by any of the

Suggestions for that would be welcome, too - remember I only want the
SCSI card for the scanner. Is the August 1996 SCSI-Howto still useful in
this respect, or is it hopelessly out of date? 
I ought to be useful.  There may be support for some newer cards, but you
want something cheap if the scanner is your only use.
Think carefully though, scsi is a good interface for disks.  Buying a good
scsi adapter now let you go for scsi the next time you need  more disk
space, whenever that may be.

Helge Hafting

debian image mirror at removed

1998-10-06 Thread Andreas Jellinghaus
we ran out of disk space, don´t expect new hardware and need the disk space
for the day to day stuff. sorry.

maybe someone else can provide a rsync access to debian cd images in europe ?


Re: Network Card probs

1998-10-06 Thread Jeff Miller
Go to their web page and look for instructions on your specific card

 Christopher J. Stevenson [EMAIL PROTECTED] 10/5/98 11:06:25 PM 
Now X works well... now I need help on My network card.
It says on the cover that it's compatible w/ Linux...
I'm just wondering how compatible.

I have a 
EtherFast 10/100 LAN Card
(PCI interface, Plug-and-Pray)

However, there's not Linux drivers on the floppies (2 of them...)

What should I do?
My computer, a Gateway-2000 GP6-300, pretty much refused to work with
older Network Cards...


Chris Stevenson

cable modem

1998-10-06 Thread Kenneth Scharf
You have comcast right?  I am also on comcast, but they just took over
jones intercable and have yet to 'upgrade their system' sometime next
year before they will offer us the service.  Anyway I looked on
the comcast web site and found out some details on the service.  There
was a line that said something like 'If you already have a network
card, you don't need to get one from us'  Sounds like, 'It's ok to
hook the cable modem into your existing lan'.  I think they will be
suppling a static ip address, so all you have to do is configure your
gateway and ns addresses in routing info.  They didn't mention linux
but from what I read it sounded very linux friendly.  I can't wait
till they get here with the service.  (Some cable modems are really
modified lan cards for which NO linux drivers are available, since
comcast uses ANY lan card ie: the modem looks like a hub, linux is in
like flint!)

My local cable company is now offering high-speed cable modem service.
The following excerpt is from their web page QA section.  I am running
Slink with IPV4 (I believe).

from Cable web page
Can I use any TCP/IP stack with @Home? 
At this time, @Home supports the following: Windows 95, NT workstations,
and MacOS 7.5.3 with open Transport v. 1.1 or greater TCP/IP stacks. 
from Cable web page

Does anyone think I would have an insurmountable problem using this

Russell Cook, Engineering Branch
WSR-88D Operational Support Facility
(405)366-6520 x4237

Get your free address at

Re: Problem using vi in telnet session

1998-10-06 Thread Jeff Miller
I recently took a class on Unix and we used Win95 machines to Telnet into our 
server and vi acted weird.  The instructor acknowledged this and said that 
there was nothing we could do.  I would suggest using a Windoze X Client 
software in place of Telnet.  We use Exceed and it works well.  There may be 
something available that is free but I don't know.  


 David Karlin [EMAIL PROTECTED] 10/6/98 3:49:08 AM 
I'm running a hamm system and mostly login through a telnet window on
my win95 machine (I have only one monitor as of yet).

When I run vi in the telnet window, I get some strange behavior.  Just
about no matter which key I press, the screen blanks, and then vi
begins to save a copy of the file. (BTW, deselect also acts strangely.)

When I plug my monitor into the Linux box and login at the console, vi works

I asked someone about this and he said it might have something to do
with the terminal type of my telnet client.  The win95 telnet client
I'm using emulates a VT100-ansi.

Has anyone experienced this kind of situation?  Can anyone point me to
the appropriate docs, or offer a solution?  I looked in Running Linux,
but couldn't find any info there.


Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: Where is Bo?

1998-10-06 Thread servis
*- Nathan O. Siemers wrote about Where is Bo?
| I need bo (debian 1.3) binaries of grep and ar to try and revive an
| old system before I can upgrade to hamm.  Grep and ar have been lost
| :(
| I've seen the address of the bo site somewhere, but I just spent an
| hour looking through the web site with no success.
| Thank you.
| nathan

Huh?  Go to and scroll down to the bottom of the
page and you will see a heading of Old versions of Debian there you
will find a link to

Never criticize anybody until you have walked a mile in their shoes,  
 because by that time you will be a mile away and have their shoes. 
   - unknown  

Mechanical Engineering  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Purdue University

Re: Safe rm available?

1998-10-06 Thread servis
*- Hamish Moffatt wrote about Re: Safe rm available?
| On Mon, Oct 05, 1998 at 02:27:59PM -0500, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
|  I am using a program called safedelete that you alias to rm.  It is not
| This sounds like a really bad idea (aliasing it to rm). Once you get used
| to having it, you become more careless with the rm command; suddenly
| you're using another box where rm is for real and you've lost real work.
| Undelete is nice but not standard. I do admit to having used it to
| recover some work not long ago :-) (The NetApp file servers the university
| I study at uses keeps snapshots of directories by hour, day etc.)

I actually don't even remember I have it aliased, i.e. I panic
everytime I rm a file that might have been important.  So I have to
remember that I have safedelete running and use it if needed.  I
certaintly don't use it as a catch all.

But that is just me, your mental capacity may vary,

Never criticize anybody until you have walked a mile in their shoes,  
 because by that time you will be a mile away and have their shoes. 
   - unknown  

Mechanical Engineering  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Purdue University

Re: Problem using vi in telnet session

1998-10-06 Thread Stephen J. Carpenter
On Tue, Oct 06, 1998 at 01:46:50AM -0700, David Karlin wrote:
 I'm running a hamm system and mostly login through a telnet window on
 my win95 machine (I have only one monitor as of yet).
 When I run vi in the telnet window, I get some strange behavior.  Just
 about no matter which key I press, the screen blanks, and then vi
 begins to save a copy of the file. (BTW, deselect also acts strangely.)
 When I plug my monitor into the Linux box and login at the console, vi works
 I asked someone about this and he said it might have something to do
 with the terminal type of my telnet client.  The win95 telnet client
 I'm using emulates a VT100-ansi.
 Has anyone experienced this kind of situation?  Can anyone point me to
 the appropriate docs, or offer a solution?  I looked in Running Linux,
 but couldn't find any info there.

What telnet client are you using?

is it the Windows 95 Telnet (aka Cheesy Telnet)?

The standard telnet which comes with Windows 4.0 is REALLY CHEESY, and
completely FUBAR. If you are using it I feel sorry for you, and
recomend you try a better telnet.

I recommend CRT (Combined Rlogin and Telnet) from Vandyke (
It is by far the best I have seen. It comes with a 30 day free trial
( its been SO LONG since I ever even thought
about the concept of Shareware :) )

If it works under CRT then it is your telnet program ;)

What is TERM set to? have you tried: (under bash) export TERM=vt100
(or under others: TERM=vt100; export TERM)


/* -- Stephen Carpenter [EMAIL PROTECTED] --- [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
E-mail Bumper Stickers:
A FREE America or a Drug-Free America: You can't have both!
honk if you Love Linux

Re: Ax25-utils crash , Help me !

1998-10-06 Thread Karl F. Larsen

Hi Tony, just a good guess based on the fact that ALL of Linux
crashes. It sounds very much like a Hardware failure. As a rule software
will not crash Linux. Now the z8530 hardware is capable of bringing down
Linux if it fails. So suggest you look at the driver software first and
then the actual x8530 hardware last. Check hardware by removing/replacing
for a check.

On Mon, 5 Oct 1998, Tony Schonfeld wrote:

 hello , 
 i repeat my problem for the debian-user mail-list :
 I use Debian 2.0 with Libc6 and libc5 , kernel 2.0.35 , z8530drv 2.4c
 and ax25-utils 2.1.42a .
 In the kernel i've compile in modules :
 All work fine here but since i use ax25-utils my server has crash 
 for the third time.
 To my screen i can read : 
 ax0 memory squeeze dropping packet
 ax1 memory squeeze dropping packet
 couldn't get a free page
 In syslog before the crash:
 5 12:58:16 f5git node[7642]: getpeername: Transport endpoint is not
 my memory decrease with time and i think make a big crash in 
 my machine after 9 or 12 hours.
 the same server without ax25 in the kernel (only scc driver)
 work very fine with Tnos.
 you can found my ax25 config files in the message attachment.
 Please Help me to solve this problem if possible !
 Many thanks per advance 
 Tony Schonfeld - F5GIT - GRENOBLE - Voice/Data/Fax: +33 (0)476932598
 WWW: -

Best wishes 

   - Karl F. Larsen, 3310 East Street, Las Cruces,NM (505) 524-3303  -

about update command

1998-10-06 Thread Sakai Atsushi
I have a question about update command.
The document The Linux Kernel v0.8-2 page 115

# update -d 

is written but I cannot found the command w/ -d option.

I want to see the buffer parameter like

bdflush version 1.4
0:60 Max fraction of LRU list to examine for dirty blocks
Do you know the command to see buffer daemon parameter?


Re: DontZap zaps...(X problem)

1998-10-06 Thread Colin Telmer
On Tue, 6 Oct 1998, Akop Pogosian wrote:

 I wonder if there is a way to prevent X server from being killed by the
 CTRL-ALT-backspace keystroke. I know that putting DontZap in
 XF86Config would do that on redhat. The Debian docs say the same thing.
 However, this DontZap method does not work here, I am using Debian
 2.0. Any one got ideas ?

Works for me:

Section ServerFlags

Colin Telmer, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

Graphics card Matrox Productiva AGP

1998-10-06 Thread Joachim Trinkwitz

my new PC has a Matrox Productiva AGP graphics card, and I'm 
installing Debian on it. There doesn't seem to be a xserver in hamm or 
slink by now -- or is anybody running X-win on such a beast?

I know that SuSe has developped a special server for the Productiva,
but how to install this one in a Debian system?

I would even be satisfied with an existing server with fewer
capabilities, it's only important that I can work in X-win with Xemacs 
and some tcl-apps. I've tried with the VGA16-server, but it only
showed a black monitor.

Any help appreciated,

Re: cable modem

1998-10-06 Thread Steve Rothanburg
It really depends on what setup they are using for the service. Here in 
Baltimore, we
have the Motorola modems that uses the cable for the back channel, but I have 
that in some markets they are using a version that requires a separate phone 
line for
the back channel.

If they have the same setup where you live as I've got here, it should be 
great. I
just plugged the modem into my network hub and bought an extra IP for my wife's

Steve Rothanburg

help with fonts in X ?

1998-10-06 Thread Adam Lazur
I'm failing to see how I can use a particular font in certain X
applications. I installed rasterman's nexus font (available from or somewhere similar) as a fixed width font and use
it in my rxvts (rxvt -fn nexus) and it works fine. However, I'd like
to use it in The Gimp, maybe Netscape, and elsewhere possibly
later, but it *never* shows up in the list of fonts even in Netscape
under fixed width fonts. Is there an entry in my XF86Config that I
have to edit to get this font to be listed with the rest of the
default fonts for these applications? It's already in my fontpath as
rxvt finds it with no problems... I think I'm missing a
fundamental X font concept somewhere


   Adam Lazur - Computer Engineering Undergrad - Lehigh University
  icq# 3354423 -

   People disagree with me.  I just ignore them.
-Linus Torvalds, regarding the use of C++ for the Linux kernel.

Re: cable modem

1998-10-06 Thread pussy
 My local cable company is now offering high-speed cable modem service.
 The following excerpt is from their web page QA section.  I am running
 Slink with IPV4 (I believe).
 from Cable web page
 Can I use any TCP/IP stack with @Home? 
 At this time, @Home supports the following: Windows 95, NT workstations,
 and MacOS 7.5.3 with open Transport v. 1.1 or greater TCP/IP stacks. 
 from Cable web page
 Does anyone think I would have an insurmountable problem using this

Does anyone know if you can do this in the UK yet?
Skunk Pussy

Re: Fwd: Re: [lug] recompiling kernel and not loosing sound support

1998-10-06 Thread D'jinnie
I had something of the same problem - turned out that my SB-compatible
card is on IRQ 5 instead of default 7, I change the setting in
/usr/src/linux/drivers/sound/ and all worked well. It could be
something similar, maybe IRQ or DMA conflict...
good luck

Just call me a sugar vampire

D'jinnie/Jinn, encountered on IRC and select MU**. ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
finger [EMAIL PROTECTED] for PGP public key

slib installation failed

1998-10-06 Thread Paolo M. Pumilia
Hi all,
I cannot install slib on my debian machine. The reason 
seems obscure to me. Here is the log from dpkg:

 Preparing to replace slib 2c0-3 (using slib_2c0-3.deb) ...
 Unpacking replacement slib ...
 Setting up slib (2c0-3) ...
 guile: Could not find slib/require.scm in  (/usr/share/guile/site 
 /usr/share/guile/1.2 /usr/share/guile .)
 dpkg: error processing slib (--install):
  subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 2
 Errors were encountered while processing:

Maybe somebody can give me help to interpret the above message.
File require.scm is really missing; the whole directory slib is missing really.
Where should i get such file?
Guile libs have been installed, as one can see:
 ii  guile1.21.2-3  Guile, the GNU extension language
 ii  libguile2   1.2-3  Scheme and interpreter libraries for guile
 ii  libguile3   1998.08.24-1   `' shared libraries for 

What is missing in my system?

tank you for your suggestions

Paolo Pumilia

File require.scm is really missing; the whole directory slib is missing really.
Where should i get such file?

 cstc -

KDE and qt

1998-10-06 Thread mbanck

I am trying to install KDE 1.0 (BTW, I haven't found it in Hamm, is that true?).
The problem is the qt-library. I got two choices to install it but both don't 

1. compiling the sources.
I am using linux-g++-shared as config and get this output:
cd src/moc; make
make[1]: Entering directory `/usr/local/qt/src/moc'
make[1]: Nothing to be done for `all'.
make[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/local/qt/src/moc'
cp src/moc/moc bin/moc
cd src; make
make[1]: Entering directory `/usr/local/qt/src'
g++ -c -I/usr/local/qt/include -I/usr/X11R6/include -O2 -fno-strength-reduce 
-O2 -fno-strength-reduce -fPIC -o kernel/qimage.o kernel/qimage.cpp
kernel/qimage.cpp:596: X11/Xlib.h: No such file or directory
kernel/qimage.cpp:597: X11/Xutil.h: No such file or directory
kernel/qimage.cpp:598: X11/Xos.h: No such file or directory
make[1]: *** [kernel/qimage.o] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/local/qt/src'
make: *** [src] Error 2

as a newbie level 2 I guess /usr/X11R6/include/X11/ lacks these X*.h files from 
above. I have just installed the base X-System. What Packages do I need to 
compile qt correctly?

2. using the qt-rh5.1-binaries.
seconds I tried to use the binaries for redhat 5.1 with alien. Unfortunately, 
alien makes a 'qt'-Package instead of a 'qt1g'-Package required by KDE.
Is there a way to rename packages I have overseen by screening the mans? Or is 
there a simple work-around for this problem?

My System is Bo, upgraded to Hamm, a 2.0.35 Kernel and a K6-200MMX.

Thank you for any help,

Michael Banck

Re: [EDI software]

1998-10-06 Thread Greg Vence
EDI = Electronic Data Interchange.  It is a layer in Electronic
Commerce.  However, I haven't seen it on Linux, but haven't really
looked either.

Syed Huq wrote:
 Did you mean EDA ?? What is EDI ??

What do you want to spend today?
Debian GNU/Linux  (Free for an UNLIMITED time)
Greg VenceKH2EA/4

Re: Problem using vi in telnet session

1998-10-06 Thread Pann McCuaig
On Tue, Oct 06, 1998 at 01:46:50AM -0700, David Karlin wrote:

 I'm running a hamm system and mostly login through a telnet window on
 my win95 machine (I have only one monitor as of yet).
 When I run vi in the telnet window, I get some strange behavior.  Just
 about no matter which key I press, the screen blanks, and then vi
 begins to save a copy of the file. (BTW, deselect also acts strangely.)

The Win95 telnet client sucks rocks. A freely available solution is
HyperTerminal Private Edition from (I hope I spelled
that right).

 What's All the Buzz About Linux?

Re: need pop3 mail client that leaves mail on server

1998-10-06 Thread Richard E. Hawkins Esq.
 Richard E. Hawkins Esq. writes:
  I have managed to get my low-speed ppp connection (about 6k max) running.
 Congratulatons!  What did it take?

just about everything blocked :)

There is physical hardware flow control, for bit 7 both hi  lo, and I 
don't know what others are screwy.  Plus I'm coming in through telnet.  
so the combination of default-asyncmaap and escape 93,91,11,13,ff blcok 
nearly everything. 

  The connection itself is stable, but text sessions are not; they seem to

 You may want tp mess around with the asyncmap and escape options.

There's not much left to block :)  I suppose I could enter the other 29 
high control characters, and start easing back . . .

And most (all? :) of the credit goes to Jens Jorgensen, who figured 
most of it out.



Re: ISDN: HOW TO start?

1998-10-06 Thread Paul Slootman
In article [EMAIL PROTECTED] you write:

I have a new Debian 2.0 distribution running well. I have recompiled the
kernel with PCMCIA and ISDN support, bought an AVM Fritz! PCMCIA card,

I don't think that the AVM Fritz! PCMCIA card is supported.
Have you managed to get the kernel (i.e. the hisax driver) to see it?

Can anybody post a detailed list of the actions he/she took to get an
ISDN connection done starting from scratch?

As noted elsewhere, install isdnutils, and use the 'isdnconfig' script
that is offered during the install. After configuring the syncPPP
interface, you need to edit the example files the script generates (it
also says which files those are).

Of course, if you can't get the kernel to recognize the card, it's
pointless to install isdnutils...

Paul Slootman
home: [EMAIL PROTECTED] | work: [EMAIL PROTECTED] | debian: [EMAIL PROTECTED] | Murphy Software,   Enschede,   the Netherlands

Sound Blaster

1998-10-06 Thread Jeff Miller
I am running the latest Debian release.  My CD-ROM is connected to my Sound 
Blaster 16 and was detected with no problem.  I don't have sound, though, and I 
am not sure what to do about it.  Do I really have to recompile the Kernel to 
support my sound card?  Or, can I configure it as a module.  So far, I haven't 
needed to recompile the Kernel for anything and I'm not sure I want to start 
now.  Any suggestions?


Re: moving / sda4 -- sdb1

1998-10-06 Thread Paul Slootman
In article [EMAIL PROTECTED] you write:
On Sun, 4 Oct 1998, John Leget wrote:

 : greetings,
 : I need to move debian from drive 1 to drive 2 ( just deep sixed NT ;0)
 : ), what are the steps necessary.

login as root

mke2fs /dev/sdb1
mount /dev/sdb1 /mnt
cd /
find . -xdev | cpio -padm /mnt
umount /mnt
vi /etc/fstab

No, you also need to tell lilo to pass root=/dev/sdb1 as parameter
(and probably to boot the kernel on /dev/sdb1 as well, else there
will be surprises when /dev/sda4 gets recycled).

Paul Slootman
home: [EMAIL PROTECTED] | work: [EMAIL PROTECTED] | debian: [EMAIL PROTECTED] | Murphy Software,   Enschede,   the Netherlands

Re: Need help with Internet connection ISDN.

1998-10-06 Thread Paul Slootman
In article [EMAIL PROTECTED] you write:
After hours of reading howto's and scratching my head I finally got Debian
to recognise my Teles 16.3 ISDN-card. It works, and I can call myself
between two TTY's with minicom. Talking to myself is quite boring in the
long run, and I just can't figure out how to connect to my ISP. Does anyone
know about some straight forward recepies for this ?. I am VERY newbie with
Linux, and or Unix. Don't know how to do this with an ordinary modem either.
Please help.

Have you installed the 'isdnutils' package? When you install that,
it offers to run the 'isdnconfig' script which can create some basic
example config files which only need minimal tweaking to connect to
most ISPs.

Paul Slootman
home: [EMAIL PROTECTED] | work: [EMAIL PROTECTED] | debian: [EMAIL PROTECTED] | Murphy Software,   Enschede,   the Netherlands

Re: Why I have probelm starting KDE??

1998-10-06 Thread Chan Min Wai
Now I can run the Kde with startx but

Now I cannot boot Linux...

Wah ...Sad case

Geoffrey L. Brimhall wrote:

 When I installed kde, all I had to get it working correctly was log in as root
 and execute:


 Then everthing worked correctly

 On 04-Oct-98 Chan Min Wai wrote:
  I have asked so many question and doing alot of change but... my kde
  still not wrking I wonder if it is my system problem..
  Can anyone help me... When I start the KDE I get this message...

 E-Mail: Geoffrey L. Brimhall [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: 04-Oct-98
 Time: 04:47:03

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Re: HELP! how does Debian allocate scsi drives?

1998-10-06 Thread Paul Slootman
Subject: Re: HELP! how does Debian allocate scsi drives?
Newsgroups: linux.debian.user
Organization: Albert Heijn Winkelautomatisering

In article [EMAIL PROTECTED] you write:

Now when I reboot the scsi controller sees the scsi drives on both 
its channels (its an Adaptec 3940 which has two channels).  
Debian seems to reset the controller successfully on both 
channels but the boot up fsck reports that three of my drives aren't 
there as ext2 filesystems.  I'm pretty sure they're all on the same 
(second) channel and that that's the channel where the cdrom 
came out so I'd like to think the explanation is that removing the 
cdrom has thrown the mapping from scsi device ids to /dev 

This is not debian-specific, it's linux kernel specific.

scsi cdroms are in a different namespace from scsi disks, so adding or
removing scsi cdroms will not in any way change the naming of the scsi

I can't get into the machine to check documentation and I can't see 
enough detail in Running Linux to know if this is the case and, if 
so, how to fix it.  However, that does read as if linux scans through 
the scsi devices allocating /dev/sda /dev/sdb etc sequentially rather 
than hard mapping to a scsi id.  If so, maybe removing the cdrom 

True, linux allocates the first scsi disk it sees to /dev/sda, etc.

has thrown the mapping and I should be able to get in as root and 
hack the mapping (is it in /etc/fstab?) and correct the problem.  
(Seems odd as it allocates cdroms and rw drives separately but ...)

If not, what's happening?!  I can't see that there's likely to have 
been a major destruction of the file system on all three drives 
particularly given that the controller verifies them happily!

You haven't changed the ribbon cables around in replacing the
motherboard, and then maybe changed the boot order in the Adaptec
setup? It will then boot up from the first disk on the second channel
(hence find the kernel), however, linux will still scan the channels
in the same order (i.e. first channel A and then channel B). The order
is hence changed...

_ANY_ hints, help, thwacks over the head for stupidity gratefully 

I'm holding back on thwacks for the moment :-)

Paul Slootman
home: [EMAIL PROTECTED] | work: [EMAIL PROTECTED] | debian: [EMAIL PROTECTED] | Murphy Software,   Enschede,   the Netherlands

Re: KDE and qt

1998-10-06 Thread E.L. Meijer \(Eric\)
 I am trying to install KDE 1.0 (BTW, I haven't found it in Hamm, is that t=
 The problem is the qt-library. I got two choices to install it but both do=
 n't work:
 1. compiling the sources.

 2. using the qt-rh5.1-binaries.

3. Install the debian packages.

They are in the contrib and non-free sections of the debian
distribution, and therefore not included in the official CD's.  You can
download them from any of the debian sites though.


 E.L. Meijer ([EMAIL PROTECTED])  | tel. office +31 40 2472189
 Eindhoven Univ. of Technology | tel. lab.   +31 40 2475032
 Lab. for Catalysis and Inorg. Chem. (TAK) | tel. fax+31 40 2455054

Re: KDE and qt

1998-10-06 Thread Noah L. Meyerhans

On Tue, 6 Oct 1998, mbanck wrote:

 2. using the qt-rh5.1-binaries.
 seconds I tried to use the binaries for redhat 5.1 with alien. Unfortunately, 
 alien makes a 'qt'-Package instead of a 'qt1g'-Package required by KDE.
 Is there a way to rename packages I have overseen by screening the mans? Or 
 is there a simple work-around for this problem?

Why not just install qt1g and qt1g-dev?  Debian format, so no alien or
other voodoo is involved, and they work.  They're somewhere in non-free.
You can probably find them by searching the Debian packages from the web


  PGP public key available at
  or by 'finger -l [EMAIL PROTECTED]'

Version: 2.6.2


Fax Software

1998-10-06 Thread David Frye
Can anyone tell me of a good fax software package for Linux. I see that
they have an efax, hylafax, and mgetty-fax. Which of these is the
easiest and most reliable to use?

RE: HELP! how does Debian allocate scsi drives?

1998-10-06 Thread Lewis, James M.
I didn't catch the beginning of this thread.  Did anyone mention
possible changes in scsi termination???


From:   Paul Slootman[SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent:   Tuesday, October 06, 1998 11:14 AM
Cc: The recipient's address is unknown.
Subject:Re: HELP! how does Debian allocate scsi drives?

Subject: Re: HELP! how does Debian allocate scsi drives?
Newsgroups: linux.debian.user
Organization: Albert Heijn Winkelautomatisering

In article [EMAIL PROTECTED] you write:

Now when I reboot the scsi controller sees the scsi drives on both 
its channels (its an Adaptec 3940 which has two channels).  
Debian seems to reset the controller successfully on both 
channels but the boot up fsck reports that three of my drives aren't 
there as ext2 filesystems.  I'm pretty sure they're all on the same 
(second) channel and that that's the channel where the cdrom 
came out so I'd like to think the explanation is that removing the 
cdrom has thrown the mapping from scsi device ids to /dev 

This is not debian-specific, it's linux kernel specific.

scsi cdroms are in a different namespace from scsi disks, so adding or
removing scsi cdroms will not in any way change the naming of the scsi

I can't get into the machine to check documentation and I can't see 
enough detail in Running Linux to know if this is the case and, if 
so, how to fix it.  However, that does read as if linux scans through 
the scsi devices allocating /dev/sda /dev/sdb etc sequentially rather 
than hard mapping to a scsi id.  If so, maybe removing the cdrom 

True, linux allocates the first scsi disk it sees to /dev/sda, etc.

has thrown the mapping and I should be able to get in as root and 
hack the mapping (is it in /etc/fstab?) and correct the problem.  
(Seems odd as it allocates cdroms and rw drives separately but ...)

If not, what's happening?!  I can't see that there's likely to have 
been a major destruction of the file system on all three drives 
particularly given that the controller verifies them happily!

You haven't changed the ribbon cables around in replacing the
motherboard, and then maybe changed the boot order in the Adaptec
setup? It will then boot up from the first disk on the second channel
(hence find the kernel), however, linux will still scan the channels
in the same order (i.e. first channel A and then channel B). The order
is hence changed...

_ANY_ hints, help, thwacks over the head for stupidity gratefully 

I'm holding back on thwacks for the moment :-)

Paul Slootman
home: [EMAIL PROTECTED] | work: [EMAIL PROTECTED] | debian: [EMAIL PROTECTED] | Murphy Software,   Enschede,   the Netherlands

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1998-10-06 Thread Rodrigo Moya
Hi all!!

Is Gnome available to download in the Debian FTP site? I have been looking
for it, nut did not found it.


Re: Gnome

1998-10-06 Thread Paulo Henrique Baptista de Oliveira
Search in unstable section (slink directory).
I have Gnome 0.30 installed and running in my machine.
Have a nice day,Paulo Henrique

On Tue, Oct 06, 1998 at 06:01:59PM +0200, Rodrigo Moya wrote:
 Hi all!!
 Is Gnome available to download in the Debian FTP site? I have been looking
 for it, nut did not found it.
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1998-10-06 Thread Chan Min Wai
you need to download netscape 4.0x from netscape server the put it in the 
/tmp dir
(make a backup it will be delete after it reboot)

now run dselect put in your CD (Contrib) in the cd rom the choose the 
access mode
to cdrom then choose the path
(forgeten I think 2 and 3 ) to the following path:


update the pakages and noe choose netscape4 from the contrib/Web

now it will start to install the netscape


BOB'S MAIL wrote:

 PRECISELY, where can I get the 'netscape4' package.

 I have Debian 2.0 CD's.

 1.  Where on WHAT CD (Source, Contrib, Binary)?

 2.  What FTP site and URL?


 Bob Barth

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